

  • A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. See USAGE for details
  • Supports several hardware-based (CPU) and software-based feedback-driven fuzzing methods
  • It works (at least) under GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows/CygWin and Android
  • Supports persistent modes of fuzzing (long-lived process calling a fuzzed API repeatedly) with libhfuzz
  • Can fuzz standalone long-lasting processes (e.g. network servers like Apache's httpd and ISC's bind)



  • Linux - The BFD library (libbfd-dev) and libunwind (libunwind-dev/libunwind8-dev)
  • FreeBSD - gmake
  • Android - Android SDK/NDK. Also see this detailed doc on how to build and run it
  • Windows - CygWin
  • if Clang/LLVM is used - the BlocksRuntime Library (libblocksruntime-dev)


The tool has been used to find a few interesting security problems in major software packages; Examples:


This is NOT an official Google product.