[Android] Revert libunwind patches when cc done

We're applying a set of patches to upstream libunwind to be
compatible with some Android specific internals. We want the
repo to be left in a clean state to accept future submodule
updates without requiring user manual steps. As such after
static library for selected CPU is built, reset local applied

Output .a files persist across git reset so users can have them
available across different CPU target builds.

Signed-off-by: Anestis Bechtsoudis <anestis@census-labs.com>
1 file changed
tree: beda287ef1811f66fec8c204a45b1b8d24e42c3c
  1. android/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. libhfuzz/
  5. linux/
  6. mac/
  7. posix/
  8. third_party/
  9. tools/
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitmodules
  12. arch.h
  14. cmdline.c
  15. cmdline.h
  16. common.h
  19. display.c
  20. display.h
  21. files.c
  22. files.h
  23. fuzz.c
  24. fuzz.h
  25. honggfuzz.c
  26. log.c
  27. log.h
  28. Makefile
  29. mangle.c
  30. mangle.h
  31. README.md
  32. report.c
  33. report.h
  34. sancov.c
  35. sancov.h
  36. subproc.c
  37. subproc.h
  38. util.c
  39. util.h



  • A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. See USAGE for details
  • Supports several hardware-based (CPU) and software-based feedback-driven fuzzing methods
  • It works (at least) under GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows/CygWin and Android
  • Supports persistent modes of fuzzing (long-lived process calling a fuzzed API repeatedly) with libhfuzz
  • Can fuzz standalone long-lasting processes (e.g. network servers like Apache's httpd and ISC's bind)



  • Linux - The BFD library (libbfd-dev) and libunwind (libunwind-dev/libunwind8-dev)
  • FreeBSD - gmake
  • Android - Android SDK/NDK. Also see this detailed doc on how to build and run it
  • Windows - CygWin
  • Darwin/OS X - Xcode 10.8+
  • if Clang/LLVM is used - the BlocksRuntime Library (libblocksruntime-dev)


The tool has been used to find a few interesting security problems in major software packages; Examples:


This is NOT an official Google product.