Migrate existing jarjar plugin users to shadow plugin

Set up a new BundleInsideHelper to extract common parts of
bundling a jar inside an AAR or JAR and use it in projects
that had custom code for this.

Additionally, migrate away from using JarJar plugin as it
uses old ASM that is not compatible to the latest AGP.

Test: ./gradlew createArchive

Change-Id: If42b25bc62911e031053e1e2d08cce96c4de10ea
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 6d13dc2..437f57f 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -14,22 +14,18 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-import org.anarres.gradle.plugin.jarjar.JarjarTask
 import static androidx.build.SupportConfig.*
 import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.*
 buildscript {
     dependencies {
-        classpath('org.anarres.jarjar:jarjar-gradle:1.0.1')
 plugins {
-    id('org.anarres.jarjar')
 android {
@@ -82,43 +78,26 @@
-// Create jarjar artifact for all variants (debug/release)
+// Create export artifact for all variants (debug/release) for JarJaring
 android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
     def variantName = variant.name
     def suffix = variantName.capitalize()
-    def jarjarTask = tasks.create("jarjar${suffix}", JarjarTask) {
-        destinationName "icing-java-${variantName}-jarjar.jar"
+    def exportJarTask = tasks.register("exportJar${suffix}", Jar) {
+        archiveBaseName.set("icing-${variantName}")
-        dependsOn protoLiteJarWithoutProtoFiles
-        from files(protoLiteJarWithoutProtoFiles.archiveFile.get().getAsFile())    
+        // The proto-lite dependency includes .proto files, which are not used by icing. When apps
+        // depend on appsearch as well as proto-lite directly, these files conflict since jarjar
+        // only renames the java classes. Remove them here since they are unused.
+        // Expand the jar and remove any .proto files.
+        from(zipTree(configurations.detachedConfiguration(
+                dependencies.create(PROTOBUF_LITE)).getSingleFile())) {
+            exclude("**/*.proto")
+        }
         from files(variant.javaCompileProvider.get().destinationDir)
         dependsOn variant.javaCompileProvider.get()
-        classRename 'com.google.protobuf.**', 'com.google.android.icing.protobuf.@1'
-    def jarjarConf = configurations.register("jarjar${suffix}")
-    artifacts.add("${jarjarConf.name}", jarjarTask.destinationPath) {
-        name "icing-java-${variantName}-jarjar"
-        type 'jar'
-        builtBy jarjarTask
-    }
+    def exportConfiguration = configurations.register("export${suffix}")
+    artifacts.add(exportConfiguration.name, exportJarTask.flatMap { it.archiveFile })
-// The proto-lite dependency includes .proto files, which are not used by icing. When apps depend on
-// appsearch as well as proto-lite directly, these files conflict since jarjar only renames the java
-// classes. Remove them here since they are unused.
-tasks.register("protoLiteJarWithoutProtoFiles", Jar){
-    // Get proto lite dependency as a jar file:
-    def jarFile = configurations.detachedConfiguration(
-      dependencies.create('com.google.protobuf:protobuf-javalite:3.10.0')).getSingleFile()
-    // Expand the jar and remove any .proto files.
-    from(zipTree(jarFile)) {
-      exclude("**/*.proto")
-    }
-    into 'icing-proto-lite-dep-stripped'