Add CtsIcu4cTestCases for ICU4C API coverage - Attempt 2

Attempt 2: The test is only for primary ABI, until the Soong limitation
is resolved.
- cintltest and intltest are the executable binaries
  running the devices.
- cintltest and intltest are basically compiled against
  libicuuc and libicui18n, except if the APIs are available
  in the NDK surface in libicu, the test will link that in favour
  of NDK. So the APIs provided in the NDK will have the API coverge,
  while the test can keep using the hidden APIs in libicuuc, and
  cts_headers/ are the same as libicuuc and libicui18n headers, except
  that unicode/urename.h is modified by the to select
  the NDK API surface.

Bug: 160350521
Test: atest CtsIcu4cTestCases
Test: Inspect the symbol table manually by "objdump -TC cintltst"
Test: build/soong/build_test.bash
Test: Test: OUT_DIR=ndk_out build/soong/scripts/
Change-Id: Icf51b09c36eb3b4ef30a5032bdef7af1a76567d9
diff --git a/libicu/Android.bp b/libicu/Android.bp
index 282b68d..e6efb42 100644
--- a/libicu/Android.bp
+++ b/libicu/Android.bp
@@ -53,3 +53,25 @@
+cc_library_shared {
+    name: "libicu_cts_stub",
+    defaults: ["icu4c_defaults"],
+    host_supported: false,
+    native_bridge_supported: false,
+    installable: false,
+    stem: "libicu",
+    export_include_dirs: ["cts_headers"],
+    // The whole implementation comes from the intermediate library libicu_static because
+    // ndk_headers/ has collision with the headers in libicuuc/libicui18n.
+    whole_static_libs: ["libicu_static"],
+    shared_libs: [
+        "libicuuc_cts_stub",
+        "libicui18n_cts_stub",
+    ],
+    target: {
+        android: {
+            version_script: "",
+        },
+    },
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/anytrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/anytrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..627dee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/anytrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Date        Name        Description
+* 06/06/2002  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef _ANYTRANS_H_
+#define _ANYTRANS_H_
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+ * A transliterator named Any-T or Any-T/V, where T is the target
+ * script and V is the optional variant, that uses multiple
+ * transliterators, all going to T or T/V, all with script sources.
+ * The target must be a script.  It partitions text into runs of the
+ * same script, and then based on the script of each run,
+ * transliterates from that script to the given target or
+ * target/variant.  Adjacent COMMON or INHERITED script characters are
+ * included in each run.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class AnyTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    /**
+     * Cache mapping UScriptCode values to Transliterator*.
+     */
+    UHashtable* cache;
+    /**
+     * The target or target/variant string.
+     */
+    UnicodeString target;
+    /**
+     * The target script code.  Never USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE.
+     */
+    UScriptCode targetScript;
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~AnyTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    AnyTransliterator(const AnyTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     */
+    virtual AnyTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& index,
+                                     UBool incremental) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Private constructor
+     * @param id the ID of the form S-T or S-T/V, where T is theTarget
+     * and V is theVariant.  Must not be empty.
+     * @param theTarget the target name.  Must not be empty, and must
+     * name a script corresponding to theTargetScript.
+     * @param theVariant the variant name, or the empty string if
+     * there is no variant
+     * @param theTargetScript the script code corresponding to
+     * theTarget.
+     * @param ec error code, fails if the internal hashtable cannot be
+     * allocated
+     */
+    AnyTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                      const UnicodeString& theTarget,
+                      const UnicodeString& theVariant,
+                      UScriptCode theTargetScript,
+                      UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Returns a transliterator from the given source to our target or
+     * target/variant.  Returns NULL if the source is the same as our
+     * target script, or if the source is USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE.
+     * Caches the result and returns the same transliterator the next
+     * time.  The caller does NOT own the result and must not delete
+     * it.
+     */
+    Transliterator* getTransliterator(UScriptCode source) const;
+    /**
+     * Registers standard transliterators with the system.  Called by
+     * Transliterator during initialization.
+     */
+    static void registerIDs();
+    friend class Transliterator; // for registerIDs()
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/astro.h b/libicu/cts_headers/astro.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a246489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/astro.h
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2008, International Business Machines Corporation *
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.                                     *
+ ************************************************************************
+ *  2003-nov-07   srl       Port from Java
+ */
+#ifndef ASTRO_H
+#define ASTRO_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "gregoimp.h"  // for Math
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> is a class that can perform the calculations to
+ * determine the positions of the sun and moon, the time of sunrise and
+ * sunset, and other astronomy-related data.  The calculations it performs
+ * are in some cases quite complicated, and this utility class saves you
+ * the trouble of worrying about them.
+ * <p>
+ * The measurement of time is a very important part of astronomy.  Because
+ * astronomical bodies are constantly in motion, observations are only valid
+ * at a given moment in time.  Accordingly, each <code>CalendarAstronomer</code>
+ * object has a <code>time</code> property that determines the date
+ * and time for which its calculations are performed.  You can set and
+ * retrieve this property with {@link #setDate setDate}, {@link #getDate getDate}
+ * and related methods.
+ * <p>
+ * Almost all of the calculations performed by this class, or by any
+ * astronomer, are approximations to various degrees of accuracy.  The
+ * calculations in this class are mostly modelled after those described
+ * in the book
+ * <a href="" target="_top">
+ * Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator</a>, by Peter J.
+ * Duffett-Smith, Cambridge University Press, 1990.  This is an excellent
+ * book, and if you want a greater understanding of how these calculations
+ * are performed it a very good, readable starting point.
+ * <p>
+ * <strong>WARNING:</strong> This class is very early in its development, and
+ * it is highly likely that its API will change to some degree in the future.
+ * At the moment, it basically does just enough to support {@link IslamicCalendar}
+ * and {@link ChineseCalendar}.
+ *
+ * @author Laura Werner
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CalendarAstronomer : public UMemory {
+  // some classes
+  /**
+   * Represents the position of an object in the sky relative to the ecliptic,
+   * the plane of the earth's orbit around the Sun.
+   * This is a spherical coordinate system in which the latitude
+   * specifies the position north or south of the plane of the ecliptic.
+   * The longitude specifies the position along the ecliptic plane
+   * relative to the "First Point of Aries", which is the Sun's position in the sky
+   * at the Vernal Equinox.
+   * <p>
+   * Note that Ecliptic objects are immutable and cannot be modified
+   * once they are constructed.  This allows them to be passed and returned by
+   * value without worrying about whether other code will modify them.
+   *
+   * @see CalendarAstronomer.Equatorial
+   * @see CalendarAstronomer.Horizon
+   * @internal
+   */
+  class U_I18N_API Ecliptic : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Constructs an Ecliptic coordinate object.
+     * <p>
+     * @param lat The ecliptic latitude, measured in radians.
+     * @param lon The ecliptic longitude, measured in radians.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    Ecliptic(double lat = 0, double lon = 0) {
+      latitude = lat;
+      longitude = lon;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setter for Ecliptic Coordinate object
+     * @param lat The ecliptic latitude, measured in radians.
+     * @param lon The ecliptic longitude, measured in radians.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void set(double lat, double lon) {
+      latitude = lat;
+      longitude = lon;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a string representation of this object
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString toString() const;
+    /**
+     * The ecliptic latitude, in radians.  This specifies an object's
+     * position north or south of the plane of the ecliptic,
+     * with positive angles representing north.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    double latitude;
+    /**
+     * The ecliptic longitude, in radians.
+     * This specifies an object's position along the ecliptic plane
+     * relative to the "First Point of Aries", which is the Sun's position
+     * in the sky at the Vernal Equinox,
+     * with positive angles representing east.
+     * <p>
+     * A bit of trivia: the first point of Aries is currently in the
+     * constellation Pisces, due to the precession of the earth's axis.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    double longitude;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Represents the position of an
+   * object in the sky relative to the plane of the earth's equator.
+   * The <i>Right Ascension</i> specifies the position east or west
+   * along the equator, relative to the sun's position at the vernal
+   * equinox.  The <i>Declination</i> is the position north or south
+   * of the equatorial plane.
+   * <p>
+   * Note that Equatorial objects are immutable and cannot be modified
+   * once they are constructed.  This allows them to be passed and returned by
+   * value without worrying about whether other code will modify them.
+   *
+   * @see CalendarAstronomer.Ecliptic
+   * @see CalendarAstronomer.Horizon
+   * @internal
+   */
+  class U_I18N_API Equatorial : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Constructs an Equatorial coordinate object.
+     * <p>
+     * @param asc The right ascension, measured in radians.
+     * @param dec The declination, measured in radians.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    Equatorial(double asc = 0, double dec = 0)
+      : ascension(asc), declination(dec) { }
+    /**
+     * Setter
+     * @param asc The right ascension, measured in radians.
+     * @param dec The declination, measured in radians.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void set(double asc, double dec) {
+      ascension = asc;
+      declination = dec;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a string representation of this object, with the
+     * angles measured in degrees.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString toString() const;
+    /**
+     * Return a string representation of this object with the right ascension
+     * measured in hours, minutes, and seconds.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    //String toHmsString() {
+    //return radToHms(ascension) + "," + radToDms(declination);
+    //}
+    /**
+     * The right ascension, in radians.
+     * This is the position east or west along the equator
+     * relative to the sun's position at the vernal equinox,
+     * with positive angles representing East.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    double ascension;
+    /**
+     * The declination, in radians.
+     * This is the position north or south of the equatorial plane,
+     * with positive angles representing north.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    double declination;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Represents the position of an  object in the sky relative to
+   * the local horizon.
+   * The <i>Altitude</i> represents the object's elevation above the horizon,
+   * with objects below the horizon having a negative altitude.
+   * The <i>Azimuth</i> is the geographic direction of the object from the
+   * observer's position, with 0 representing north.  The azimuth increases
+   * clockwise from north.
+   * <p>
+   * Note that Horizon objects are immutable and cannot be modified
+   * once they are constructed.  This allows them to be passed and returned by
+   * value without worrying about whether other code will modify them.
+   *
+   * @see CalendarAstronomer.Ecliptic
+   * @see CalendarAstronomer.Equatorial
+   * @internal
+   */
+  class U_I18N_API Horizon : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Constructs a Horizon coordinate object.
+     * <p>
+     * @param alt  The altitude, measured in radians above the horizon.
+     * @param azim The azimuth, measured in radians clockwise from north.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    Horizon(double alt=0, double azim=0)
+      : altitude(alt), azimuth(azim) { }
+    /**
+     * Setter for Ecliptic Coordinate object
+     * @param alt  The altitude, measured in radians above the horizon.
+     * @param azim The azimuth, measured in radians clockwise from north.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void set(double alt, double azim) {
+      altitude = alt;
+      azimuth = azim;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a string representation of this object, with the
+     * angles measured in degrees.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString toString() const;
+    /**
+     * The object's altitude above the horizon, in radians.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    double altitude;
+    /**
+     * The object's direction, in radians clockwise from north.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    double azimuth;
+  };
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Assorted private data used for conversions
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // My own copies of these so compilers are more likely to optimize them away
+  static const double PI;
+  /**
+   * The average number of solar days from one new moon to the next.  This is the time
+   * it takes for the moon to return the same ecliptic longitude as the sun.
+   * It is longer than the sidereal month because the sun's longitude increases
+   * during the year due to the revolution of the earth around the sun.
+   * Approximately 29.53.
+   *
+   * @see #SIDEREAL_MONTH
+   * @internal
+   * @deprecated ICU 2.4. This class may be removed or modified.
+   */
+  static const double SYNODIC_MONTH;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Construct a new <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object that is initialized to
+   * the current date and time.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  CalendarAstronomer();
+  /**
+   * Construct a new <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object that is initialized to
+   * the specified date and time.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  CalendarAstronomer(UDate d);
+  /**
+   * Construct a new <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object with the given
+   * latitude and longitude.  The object's time is set to the current
+   * date and time.
+   * <p>
+   * @param longitude The desired longitude, in <em>degrees</em> east of
+   *                  the Greenwich meridian.
+   *
+   * @param latitude  The desired latitude, in <em>degrees</em>.  Positive
+   *                  values signify North, negative South.
+   *
+   * @see java.util.Date#getTime()
+   * @internal
+   */
+  CalendarAstronomer(double longitude, double latitude);
+  /**
+   * Destructor
+   * @internal
+   */
+  ~CalendarAstronomer();
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Time and date getters and setters
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Set the current date and time of this <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object.  All
+   * astronomical calculations are performed based on this time setting.
+   *
+   * @param aTime the date and time, expressed as the number of milliseconds since
+   *              1/1/1970 0:00 GMT (Gregorian).
+   *
+   * @see #setDate
+   * @see #getTime
+   * @internal
+   */
+  void setTime(UDate aTime);
+  /**
+   * Set the current date and time of this <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object.  All
+   * astronomical calculations are performed based on this time setting.
+   *
+   * @param aTime the date and time, expressed as the number of milliseconds since
+   *              1/1/1970 0:00 GMT (Gregorian).
+   *
+   * @see #getTime
+   * @internal
+   */
+  void setDate(UDate aDate) { setTime(aDate); }
+  /**
+   * Set the current date and time of this <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object.  All
+   * astronomical calculations are performed based on this time setting.
+   *
+   * @param jdn   the desired time, expressed as a "julian day number",
+   *              which is the number of elapsed days since
+   *              1/1/4713 BC (Julian), 12:00 GMT.  Note that julian day
+   *              numbers start at <em>noon</em>.  To get the jdn for
+   *              the corresponding midnight, subtract 0.5.
+   *
+   * @see #getJulianDay
+   * @see #JULIAN_EPOCH_MS
+   * @internal
+   */
+  void setJulianDay(double jdn);
+  /**
+   * Get the current time of this <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object,
+   * represented as the number of milliseconds since
+   * 1/1/1970 AD 0:00 GMT (Gregorian).
+   *
+   * @see #setTime
+   * @see #getDate
+   * @internal
+   */
+  UDate getTime();
+  /**
+   * Get the current time of this <code>CalendarAstronomer</code> object,
+   * expressed as a "julian day number", which is the number of elapsed
+   * days since 1/1/4713 BC (Julian), 12:00 GMT.
+   *
+   * @see #setJulianDay
+   * @see #JULIAN_EPOCH_MS
+   * @internal
+   */
+  double getJulianDay();
+  /**
+   * Return this object's time expressed in julian centuries:
+   * the number of centuries after 1/1/1900 AD, 12:00 GMT
+   *
+   * @see #getJulianDay
+   * @internal
+   */
+  double getJulianCentury();
+  /**
+   * Returns the current Greenwich sidereal time, measured in hours
+   * @internal
+   */
+  double getGreenwichSidereal();
+  double getSiderealOffset();
+  /**
+   * Returns the current local sidereal time, measured in hours
+   * @internal
+   */
+  double getLocalSidereal();
+  /**
+   * Converts local sidereal time to Universal Time.
+   *
+   * @param lst   The Local Sidereal Time, in hours since sidereal midnight
+   *              on this object's current date.
+   *
+   * @return      The corresponding Universal Time, in milliseconds since
+   *              1 Jan 1970, GMT.
+   */
+  //private:
+  double lstToUT(double lst);
+  /**
+   *
+   * Convert from ecliptic to equatorial coordinates.
+   *
+   * @param ecliptic     The ecliptic
+   * @param result       Fillin result
+   * @return reference to result
+   */
+  Equatorial& eclipticToEquatorial(Equatorial& result, const Ecliptic& ecliptic);
+  /**
+   * Convert from ecliptic to equatorial coordinates.
+   *
+   * @param eclipLong     The ecliptic longitude
+   * @param eclipLat      The ecliptic latitude
+   *
+   * @return              The corresponding point in equatorial coordinates.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  Equatorial& eclipticToEquatorial(Equatorial& result, double eclipLong, double eclipLat);
+  /**
+   * Convert from ecliptic longitude to equatorial coordinates.
+   *
+   * @param eclipLong     The ecliptic longitude
+   *
+   * @return              The corresponding point in equatorial coordinates.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  Equatorial& eclipticToEquatorial(Equatorial& result, double eclipLong) ;
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  Horizon& eclipticToHorizon(Horizon& result, double eclipLong) ;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // The Sun
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * The longitude of the sun at the time specified by this object.
+   * The longitude is measured in radians along the ecliptic
+   * from the "first point of Aries," the point at which the ecliptic
+   * crosses the earth's equatorial plane at the vernal equinox.
+   * <p>
+   * Currently, this method uses an approximation of the two-body Kepler's
+   * equation for the earth and the sun.  It does not take into account the
+   * perturbations caused by the other planets, the moon, etc.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  double getSunLongitude();
+  /**
+   * TODO Make this public when the entire class is package-private.
+   */
+  /*public*/ void getSunLongitude(double julianDay, double &longitude, double &meanAnomaly);
+  /**
+   * The position of the sun at this object's current date and time,
+   * in equatorial coordinates.
+   * @param result fillin for the result
+   * @internal
+   */
+  Equatorial& getSunPosition(Equatorial& result);
+  /**
+   * Constant representing the vernal equinox.
+   * For use with {@link #getSunTime getSunTime}.
+   * Note: In this case, "vernal" refers to the northern hemisphere's seasons.
+   * @internal
+   */
+//  static double VERNAL_EQUINOX();
+  /**
+   * Constant representing the summer solstice.
+   * For use with {@link #getSunTime getSunTime}.
+   * Note: In this case, "summer" refers to the northern hemisphere's seasons.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  static double SUMMER_SOLSTICE();
+  /**
+   * Constant representing the autumnal equinox.
+   * For use with {@link #getSunTime getSunTime}.
+   * Note: In this case, "autumn" refers to the northern hemisphere's seasons.
+   * @internal
+   */
+//  static double AUTUMN_EQUINOX();
+  /**
+   * Constant representing the winter solstice.
+   * For use with {@link #getSunTime getSunTime}.
+   * Note: In this case, "winter" refers to the northern hemisphere's seasons.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  static double WINTER_SOLSTICE();
+  /**
+   * Find the next time at which the sun's ecliptic longitude will have
+   * the desired value.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  UDate getSunTime(double desired, UBool next);
+  /**
+   * Returns the time (GMT) of sunrise or sunset on the local date to which
+   * this calendar is currently set.
+   *
+   * NOTE: This method only works well if this object is set to a
+   * time near local noon.  Because of variations between the local
+   * official time zone and the geographic longitude, the
+   * computation can flop over into an adjacent day if this object
+   * is set to a time near local midnight.
+   *
+   * @internal
+   */
+  UDate getSunRiseSet(UBool rise);
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // The Moon
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * The position of the moon at the time set on this
+   * object, in equatorial coordinates.
+   * @internal
+   * @return const reference to internal field of calendar astronomer. Do not use outside of the lifetime of this astronomer.
+   */
+  const Equatorial& getMoonPosition();
+  /**
+   * The "age" of the moon at the time specified in this object.
+   * This is really the angle between the
+   * current ecliptic longitudes of the sun and the moon,
+   * measured in radians.
+   *
+   * @see #getMoonPhase
+   * @internal
+   */
+  double getMoonAge();
+  /**
+   * Calculate the phase of the moon at the time set in this object.
+   * The returned phase is a <code>double</code> in the range
+   * <code>0 <= phase < 1</code>, interpreted as follows:
+   * <ul>
+   * <li>0.00: New moon
+   * <li>0.25: First quarter
+   * <li>0.50: Full moon
+   * <li>0.75: Last quarter
+   * </ul>
+   *
+   * @see #getMoonAge
+   * @internal
+   */
+  double getMoonPhase();
+  class U_I18N_API MoonAge : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    MoonAge(double l)
+      :  value(l) { }
+    void set(double l) { value = l; }
+    double value;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constant representing a new moon.
+   * For use with {@link #getMoonTime getMoonTime}
+   * @internal
+   */
+  static const MoonAge NEW_MOON();
+  /**
+   * Constant representing the moon's first quarter.
+   * For use with {@link #getMoonTime getMoonTime}
+   * @internal
+   */
+//  static const MoonAge FIRST_QUARTER();
+  /**
+   * Constant representing a full moon.
+   * For use with {@link #getMoonTime getMoonTime}
+   * @internal
+   */
+  static const MoonAge FULL_MOON();
+  /**
+   * Constant representing the moon's last quarter.
+   * For use with {@link #getMoonTime getMoonTime}
+   * @internal
+   */
+//  static const MoonAge LAST_QUARTER();
+  /**
+   * Find the next or previous time at which the Moon's ecliptic
+   * longitude will have the desired value.
+   * <p>
+   * @param desired   The desired longitude.
+   * @param next      <tt>true</tt> if the next occurrance of the phase
+   *                  is desired, <tt>false</tt> for the previous occurrance.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  UDate getMoonTime(double desired, UBool next);
+  UDate getMoonTime(const MoonAge& desired, UBool next);
+  /**
+   * Returns the time (GMT) of sunrise or sunset on the local date to which
+   * this calendar is currently set.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  UDate getMoonRiseSet(UBool rise);
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Interpolation methods for finding the time at which a given event occurs
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // private
+  class AngleFunc : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    virtual double eval(CalendarAstronomer&) = 0;
+    virtual ~AngleFunc();
+  };
+  friend class AngleFunc;
+  UDate timeOfAngle(AngleFunc& func, double desired,
+                    double periodDays, double epsilon, UBool next);
+  class CoordFunc : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    virtual void eval(Equatorial& result, CalendarAstronomer&) = 0;
+    virtual ~CoordFunc();
+  };
+  friend class CoordFunc;
+  double riseOrSet(CoordFunc& func, UBool rise,
+                   double diameter, double refraction,
+                   double epsilon);
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Other utility methods
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Return the obliquity of the ecliptic (the angle between the ecliptic
+   * and the earth's equator) at the current time.  This varies due to
+   * the precession of the earth's axis.
+   *
+   * @return  the obliquity of the ecliptic relative to the equator,
+   *          measured in radians.
+   */
+  double eclipticObliquity();
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Private data
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Current time in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 AD
+   * @see java.util.Date#getTime
+   */
+  UDate fTime;
+  /* These aren't used yet, but they'll be needed for sunset calculations
+   * and equatorial to horizon coordinate conversions
+   */
+  double fLongitude;
+  double fLatitude;
+  double fGmtOffset;
+  //
+  // The following fields are used to cache calculated results for improved
+  // performance.  These values all depend on the current time setting
+  // of this object, so the clearCache method is provided.
+  //
+  double    julianDay;
+  double    julianCentury;
+  double    sunLongitude;
+  double    meanAnomalySun;
+  double    moonLongitude;
+  double    moonEclipLong;
+  double    meanAnomalyMoon;
+  double    eclipObliquity;
+  double    siderealT0;
+  double    siderealTime;
+  void clearCache();
+  Equatorial  moonPosition;
+  UBool       moonPositionSet;
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+//  UDate local(UDate localMillis);
+struct UHashtable;
+ * Cache of month -> julian day
+ * @internal
+ */
+class CalendarCache : public UMemory {
+  static int32_t get(CalendarCache** cache, int32_t key, UErrorCode &status);
+  static void put(CalendarCache** cache, int32_t key, int32_t value, UErrorCode &status);
+  virtual ~CalendarCache();
+  CalendarCache(int32_t size, UErrorCode& status);
+  static void createCache(CalendarCache** cache, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * not implemented
+   */
+  CalendarCache();
+  UHashtable *fTable;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/bmpset.h b/libicu/cts_headers/bmpset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018aeb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/bmpset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  bmpset.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2007jan29
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __BMPSET_H__
+#define __BMPSET_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+ * Helper class for frozen UnicodeSets, implements contains() and span()
+ * optimized for BMP code points. Structured to be UTF-8-friendly.
+ *
+ * Latin-1: Look up bytes.
+ * 2-byte characters: Bits organized vertically.
+ * 3-byte characters: Use zero/one/mixed data per 64-block in U+0000..U+FFFF,
+ *                    with mixed for illegal ranges.
+ * Supplementary characters: Binary search over
+ * the supplementary part of the parent set's inversion list.
+ */
+class BMPSet : public UMemory {
+    BMPSet(const int32_t *parentList, int32_t parentListLength);
+    BMPSet(const BMPSet &otherBMPSet, const int32_t *newParentList, int32_t newParentListLength);
+    virtual ~BMPSet();
+    virtual UBool contains(UChar32 c) const;
+    /*
+     * Span the initial substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c).
+     * It must be s<limit and spanCondition==0 or 1.
+     * @return The string pointer which limits the span.
+     */
+    const UChar *span(const UChar *s, const UChar *limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /*
+     * Span the trailing substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c).
+     * It must be s<limit and spanCondition==0 or 1.
+     * @return The string pointer which starts the span.
+     */
+    const UChar *spanBack(const UChar *s, const UChar *limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /*
+     * Span the initial substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c).
+     * It must be length>0 and spanCondition==0 or 1.
+     * @return The string pointer which limits the span.
+     */
+    const uint8_t *spanUTF8(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /*
+     * Span the trailing substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c).
+     * It must be length>0 and spanCondition==0 or 1.
+     * @return The start of the span.
+     */
+    int32_t spanBackUTF8(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    void initBits();
+    void overrideIllegal();
+    /**
+     * Same as UnicodeSet::findCodePoint(UChar32 c) const except that the
+     * binary search is restricted for finding code points in a certain range.
+     *
+     * For restricting the search for finding in the range start..end,
+     * pass in
+     *   lo=findCodePoint(start) and
+     *   hi=findCodePoint(end)
+     * with 0<=lo<=hi<len.
+     * findCodePoint(c) defaults to lo=0 and hi=len-1.
+     *
+     * @param c a character in a subrange of MIN_VALUE..MAX_VALUE
+     * @param lo The lowest index to be returned.
+     * @param hi The highest index to be returned.
+     * @return the smallest integer i in the range lo..hi,
+     *         inclusive, such that c < list[i]
+     */
+    int32_t findCodePoint(UChar32 c, int32_t lo, int32_t hi) const;
+    inline UBool containsSlow(UChar32 c, int32_t lo, int32_t hi) const;
+    /*
+     * One byte 0 or 1 per Latin-1 character.
+     */
+    UBool latin1Contains[0x100];
+    /* TRUE if contains(U+FFFD). */
+    UBool containsFFFD;
+    /*
+     * One bit per code point from U+0000..U+07FF.
+     * The bits are organized vertically; consecutive code points
+     * correspond to the same bit positions in consecutive table words.
+     * With code point parts
+     *   lead=c{10..6}
+     *   trail=c{5..0}
+     * it is set.contains(c)==(table7FF[trail] bit lead)
+     *
+     * Bits for 0..7F (non-shortest forms) are set to the result of contains(FFFD)
+     * for faster validity checking at runtime.
+     */
+    uint32_t table7FF[64];
+    /*
+     * One bit per 64 BMP code points.
+     * The bits are organized vertically; consecutive 64-code point blocks
+     * correspond to the same bit position in consecutive table words.
+     * With code point parts
+     *   lead=c{15..12}
+     *   t1=c{11..6}
+     * test bits (lead+16) and lead in bmpBlockBits[t1].
+     * If the upper bit is 0, then the lower bit indicates if contains(c)
+     * for all code points in the 64-block.
+     * If the upper bit is 1, then the block is mixed and set.contains(c)
+     * must be called.
+     *
+     * Bits for 0..7FF (non-shortest forms) and D800..DFFF are set to
+     * the result of contains(FFFD) for faster validity checking at runtime.
+     */
+    uint32_t bmpBlockBits[64];
+    /*
+     * Inversion list indexes for restricted binary searches in
+     * findCodePoint(), from
+     * findCodePoint(U+0800, U+1000, U+2000, .., U+F000, U+10000).
+     * U+0800 is the first 3-byte-UTF-8 code point. Code points below U+0800 are
+     * always looked up in the bit tables.
+     * The last pair of indexes is for finding supplementary code points.
+     */
+    int32_t list4kStarts[18];
+    /*
+     * The inversion list of the parent set, for the slower contains() implementation
+     * for mixed BMP blocks and for supplementary code points.
+     * The list is terminated with list[listLength-1]=0x110000.
+     */
+    const int32_t *list;
+    int32_t listLength;
+inline UBool BMPSet::containsSlow(UChar32 c, int32_t lo, int32_t hi) const {
+    return (UBool)(findCodePoint(c, lo, hi) & 1);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/bocsu.h b/libicu/cts_headers/bocsu.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..631e29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/bocsu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  bocsu.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   Author: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Modification history:
+*   05/18/2001  weiv    Made into separate module
+#ifndef BOCSU_H
+#define BOCSU_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+class ByteSink;
+ * "BOCSU"
+ * Binary Ordered Compression Scheme for Unicode
+ *
+ * Specific application:
+ *
+ * Encode a Unicode string for the identical level of a sort key.
+ * Restrictions:
+ * - byte stream (unsigned 8-bit bytes)
+ * - lexical order of the identical-level run must be
+ *   the same as code point order for the string
+ * - avoid byte values 0, 1, 2
+ *
+ * Method: Slope Detection
+ * Remember the previous code point (initial 0).
+ * For each cp in the string, encode the difference to the previous one.
+ *
+ * With a compact encoding of differences, this yields good results for
+ * small scripts and UTF-like results otherwise.
+ *
+ * Encoding of differences:
+ * - Similar to a UTF, encoding the length of the byte sequence in the lead bytes.
+ * - Does not need to be friendly for decoding or random access
+ *   (trail byte values may overlap with lead/single byte values).
+ * - The signedness must be encoded as the most significant part.
+ *
+ * We encode differences with few bytes if their absolute values are small.
+ * For correct ordering, we must treat the entire value range -10ffff..+10ffff
+ * in ascending order, which forbids encoding the sign and the absolute value separately.
+ * Instead, we split the lead byte range in the middle and encode non-negative values
+ * going up and negative values going down.
+ *
+ * For very small absolute values, the difference is added to a middle byte value
+ * for single-byte encoded differences.
+ * For somewhat larger absolute values, the difference is divided by the number
+ * of byte values available, the modulo is used for one trail byte, and the remainder
+ * is added to a lead byte avoiding the single-byte range.
+ * For large absolute values, the difference is similarly encoded in three bytes.
+ *
+ * This encoding does not use byte values 0, 1, 2, but uses all other byte values
+ * for lead/single bytes so that the middle range of single bytes is as large
+ * as possible.
+ * Note that the lead byte ranges overlap some, but that the sequences as a whole
+ * are well ordered. I.e., even if the lead byte is the same for sequences of different
+ * lengths, the trail bytes establish correct order.
+ * It would be possible to encode slightly larger ranges for each length (>1) by
+ * subtracting the lower bound of the range. However, that would also slow down the
+ * calculation.
+ *
+ * For the actual string encoding, an optimization moves the previous code point value
+ * to the middle of its Unicode script block to minimize the differences in
+ * same-script text runs.
+ */
+/* Do not use byte values 0, 1, 2 because they are separators in sort keys. */
+#define SLOPE_MIN           3
+#define SLOPE_MAX           0xff
+#define SLOPE_MIDDLE        0x81
+#define SLOPE_MAX_BYTES     4
+ * Number of lead bytes:
+ * 1        middle byte for 0
+ * 2*80=160 single bytes for !=0
+ * 2*42=84  for double-byte values
+ * 2*3=6    for 3-byte values
+ * 2*1=2    for 4-byte values
+ *
+ * The sum must be <=SLOPE_TAIL_COUNT.
+ *
+ * Why these numbers?
+ * - There should be >=128 single-byte values to cover 128-blocks
+ *   with small scripts.
+ * - There should be >=20902 single/double-byte values to cover Unihan.
+ * - It helps CJK Extension B some if there are 3-byte values that cover
+ *   the distance between them and Unihan.
+ *   This also helps to jump among distant places in the BMP.
+ * - Four-byte values are necessary to cover the rest of Unicode.
+ *
+ * Symmetrical lead byte counts are for convenience.
+ * With an equal distribution of even and odd differences there is also
+ * no advantage to asymmetrical lead byte counts.
+ */
+#define SLOPE_SINGLE        80
+#define SLOPE_LEAD_2        42
+#define SLOPE_LEAD_3        3
+#define SLOPE_LEAD_4        1
+/* The difference value range for single-byters. */
+/* The difference value range for double-byters. */
+/* The difference value range for 3-byters. */
+/* The lead byte start values. */
+ * Integer division and modulo with negative numerators
+ * yields negative modulo results and quotients that are one more than
+ * what we need here.
+ */
+    (m)=(n)%(d); \
+    (n)/=(d); \
+    if((m)<0) { \
+        --(n); \
+        (m)+=(d); \
+    } \
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+u_writeIdenticalLevelRun(UChar32 prev, const UChar *s, int32_t length, icu::ByteSink &sink);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/brkeng.h b/libicu/cts_headers/brkeng.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e40fce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/brkeng.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ************************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and others. *
+ * All Rights Reserved.                                                             *
+ ************************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef BRKENG_H
+#define BRKENG_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+class UnicodeSet;
+class UStack;
+class UVector32;
+class DictionaryMatcher;
+ * LanguageBreakEngine
+ */
+ * <p>LanguageBreakEngines implement language-specific knowledge for
+ * finding text boundaries within a run of characters belonging to a
+ * specific set. The boundaries will be of a specific kind, e.g. word,
+ * line, etc.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>LanguageBreakEngines should normally be implemented so as to
+ * be shared between threads without locking.</p>
+ */
+class LanguageBreakEngine : public UMemory {
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+   *
+   */
+  LanguageBreakEngine();
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~LanguageBreakEngine();
+ /**
+  * <p>Indicate whether this engine handles a particular character for
+  * a particular kind of break.</p>
+  *
+  * @param c A character which begins a run that the engine might handle
+  * @return TRUE if this engine handles the particular character and break
+  * type.
+  */
+  virtual UBool handles(UChar32 c) const = 0;
+ /**
+  * <p>Find any breaks within a run in the supplied text.</p>
+  *
+  * @param text A UText representing the text. The
+  * iterator is left at the end of the run of characters which the engine
+  * is capable of handling.
+  * @param startPos The start of the run within the supplied text.
+  * @param endPos The end of the run within the supplied text.
+  * @param foundBreaks A Vector of int32_t to receive the breaks.
+  * @return The number of breaks found.
+  */
+  virtual int32_t findBreaks( UText *text,
+                              int32_t startPos,
+                              int32_t endPos,
+                              UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const = 0;
+ * LanguageBreakFactory
+ */
+ * <p>LanguageBreakFactorys find and return a LanguageBreakEngine
+ * that can determine breaks for characters in a specific set, if
+ * such an object can be found.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If a LanguageBreakFactory is to be shared between threads,
+ * appropriate synchronization must be used; there is none internal
+ * to the factory.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>A LanguageBreakEngine returned by a LanguageBreakFactory can
+ * normally be shared between threads without synchronization, unless
+ * the specific subclass of LanguageBreakFactory indicates otherwise.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>A LanguageBreakFactory is responsible for deleting any LanguageBreakEngine
+ * it returns when it itself is deleted, unless the specific subclass of
+ * LanguageBreakFactory indicates otherwise. Naturally, the factory should
+ * not be deleted until the LanguageBreakEngines it has returned are no
+ * longer needed.</p>
+ */
+class LanguageBreakFactory : public UMemory {
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+   *
+   */
+  LanguageBreakFactory();
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~LanguageBreakFactory();
+ /**
+  * <p>Find and return a LanguageBreakEngine that can find the desired
+  * kind of break for the set of characters to which the supplied
+  * character belongs. It is up to the set of available engines to
+  * determine what the sets of characters are.</p>
+  *
+  * @param c A character that begins a run for which a LanguageBreakEngine is
+  * sought.
+  * @return A LanguageBreakEngine with the desired characteristics, or 0.
+  */
+  virtual const LanguageBreakEngine *getEngineFor(UChar32 c) = 0;
+ * UnhandledEngine
+ */
+ * <p>UnhandledEngine is a special subclass of LanguageBreakEngine that
+ * handles characters that no other LanguageBreakEngine is available to
+ * handle. It is told the character and the type of break; at its
+ * discretion it may handle more than the specified character (e.g.,
+ * the entire script to which that character belongs.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>UnhandledEngines may not be shared between threads without
+ * external synchronization.</p>
+ */
+class UnhandledEngine : public LanguageBreakEngine {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The sets of characters handled.
+     * @internal
+     */
+  UnicodeSet    *fHandled;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+   *
+   */
+  UnhandledEngine(UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~UnhandledEngine();
+ /**
+  * <p>Indicate whether this engine handles a particular character for
+  * a particular kind of break.</p>
+  *
+  * @param c A character which begins a run that the engine might handle
+  * @return TRUE if this engine handles the particular character and break
+  * type.
+  */
+  virtual UBool handles(UChar32 c) const;
+ /**
+  * <p>Find any breaks within a run in the supplied text.</p>
+  *
+  * @param text A UText representing the text (TODO: UText). The
+  * iterator is left at the end of the run of characters which the engine
+  * is capable of handling.
+  * @param startPos The start of the run within the supplied text.
+  * @param endPos The end of the run within the supplied text.
+  * @param foundBreaks An allocated C array of the breaks found, if any
+  * @return The number of breaks found.
+  */
+  virtual int32_t findBreaks( UText *text,
+                              int32_t startPos,
+                              int32_t endPos,
+                              UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const;
+ /**
+  * <p>Tell the engine to handle a particular character and break type.</p>
+  *
+  * @param c A character which the engine should handle
+  */
+  virtual void handleCharacter(UChar32 c);
+ * ICULanguageBreakFactory
+ */
+ * <p>ICULanguageBreakFactory is the default LanguageBreakFactory for
+ * ICU. It creates dictionary-based LanguageBreakEngines from dictionary
+ * data in the ICU data file.</p>
+ */
+class ICULanguageBreakFactory : public LanguageBreakFactory {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The stack of break engines created by this factory
+     * @internal
+     */
+  UStack    *fEngines;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Standard constructor.</p>
+   *
+   */
+  ICULanguageBreakFactory(UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~ICULanguageBreakFactory();
+ /**
+  * <p>Find and return a LanguageBreakEngine that can find the desired
+  * kind of break for the set of characters to which the supplied
+  * character belongs. It is up to the set of available engines to
+  * determine what the sets of characters are.</p>
+  *
+  * @param c A character that begins a run for which a LanguageBreakEngine is
+  * sought.
+  * @return A LanguageBreakEngine with the desired characteristics, or 0.
+  */
+  virtual const LanguageBreakEngine *getEngineFor(UChar32 c);
+ /**
+  * <p>Create a LanguageBreakEngine for the set of characters to which
+  * the supplied character belongs, for the specified break type.</p>
+  *
+  * @param c A character that begins a run for which a LanguageBreakEngine is
+  * sought.
+  * @return A LanguageBreakEngine with the desired characteristics, or 0.
+  */
+  virtual const LanguageBreakEngine *loadEngineFor(UChar32 c);
+  /**
+   * <p>Create a DictionaryMatcher for the specified script and break type.</p>
+   * @param script An ISO 15924 script code that identifies the dictionary to be
+   * created.
+   * @return A DictionaryMatcher with the desired characteristics, or NULL.
+   */
+  virtual DictionaryMatcher *loadDictionaryMatcherFor(UScriptCode script);
+    /* BRKENG_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/brktrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/brktrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb3def9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/brktrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2008-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/11/2008  Andy Heninger  Ported from Java
+#ifndef BRKTRANS_H
+#define BRKTRANS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+class UVector32;
+ * A transliterator that pInserts the specified characters at word breaks.
+ * To restrict it to particular characters, use a filter.
+ * TODO: this is an internal class, and only temporary. 
+ * Remove it once we have \b notation in Transliterator.
+ */
+class BreakTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @param adoptedFilter    the filter for this transliterator.
+     */
+    BreakTransliterator(UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter = 0);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~BreakTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    BreakTransliterator(const BreakTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual BreakTransliterator* clone() const;
+    virtual const UnicodeString &getInsertion() const;
+    virtual void setInsertion(const UnicodeString &insertion);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text          the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                      untransliterated text
+     * @param offset        the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                      of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental   if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                      pos.contextLimit. Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                                     UBool isIncremental) const;
+ private:
+     LocalPointer<BreakIterator> cachedBI;
+     LocalPointer<UVector32>     cachedBoundaries;
+     UnicodeString               fInsertion;
+     static UnicodeString replaceableAsString(Replaceable &r);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    BreakTransliterator& operator=(const BreakTransliterator&);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/buddhcal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/buddhcal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ad0886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/buddhcal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   05/13/2003  srl          copied from gregocal.h
+ ********************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef BUDDHCAL_H
+#define BUDDHCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/gregocal.h"
+ * Concrete class which provides the Buddhist calendar.
+ * <P>
+ * <code>BuddhistCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>GregorianCalendar</code>
+ * that numbers years since the birth of the Buddha.  This is the civil calendar
+ * in some predominantly Buddhist countries such as Thailand, and it is used for
+ * religious purposes elsewhere.
+ * <p>
+ * The Buddhist calendar is identical to the Gregorian calendar in all respects
+ * except for the year and era.  Years are numbered since the birth of the
+ * Buddha in 543 BC (Gregorian), so that 1 AD (Gregorian) is equivalent to 544
+ * BE (Buddhist Era) and 1998 AD is 2541 BE.
+ * <p>
+ * The Buddhist Calendar has only one allowable era: <code>BE</code>.  If the
+ * calendar is not in lenient mode (see <code>setLenient</code>), dates before
+ * 1/1/1 BE are rejected as an illegal argument.
+ * <p>
+ * @internal
+ */
+class BuddhistCalendar : public GregorianCalendar {
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for BuddhistCalendar.  Only one Era.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum EEras {
+       BE
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a BuddhistCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of BuddhistCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    BuddhistCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual ~BuddhistCalendar();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param source    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    BuddhistCalendar(const BuddhistCalendar& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @param right    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    BuddhistCalendar& operator=(const BuddhistCalendar& right);
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @return    return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual BuddhistCalendar* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Override Calendar Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * return the calendar type, "buddhist".
+     *
+     * @return calendar type
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual const char * getType() const;
+    BuddhistCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.  This will
+     * use the UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field or the UCAL_YEAR and supra-year fields (such
+     * as UCAL_ERA) specific to the calendar system, depending on which set of
+     * fields is newer.
+     * @return the extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+    /**
+     * Subclasses may override this method to compute several fields
+     * specific to each calendar system.  
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Subclass API for defining limits of different types.
+     * @param field one of the field numbers
+     * @param limitType one of <code>MINIMUM</code>, <code>GREATEST_MINIMUM</code>,
+     * <code>LEAST_MAXIMUM</code>, or <code>MAXIMUM</code>
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+        /**
+     * Return the Julian day number of day before the first day of the
+     * given month in the given extended year.  Subclasses should override
+     * this method to implement their calendar system.
+     * @param eyear the extended year
+     * @param month the zero-based month, or 0 if useMonth is false
+     * @param useMonth if false, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given year, otherwise, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given month
+     * @param return the Julian day number of the day before the first
+     * day of the given month and year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month,
+                                            UBool useMonth) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE because the Buddhist Calendar does have a default century
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+     * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // _GREGOCAL
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/bytesinkutil.h b/libicu/cts_headers/bytesinkutil.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6808fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/bytesinkutil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// bytesinkutil.h
+// created: 2017sep14 Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
+#include "unicode/edits.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+class ByteSink;
+class CharString;
+class Edits;
+class U_COMMON_API ByteSinkUtil {
+    ByteSinkUtil() = delete;  // all static
+    /** (length) bytes were mapped to valid (s16, s16Length). */
+    static UBool appendChange(int32_t length,
+                              const char16_t *s16, int32_t s16Length,
+                              ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** The bytes at [s, limit[ were mapped to valid (s16, s16Length). */
+    static UBool appendChange(const uint8_t *s, const uint8_t *limit,
+                              const char16_t *s16, int32_t s16Length,
+                              ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** (length) bytes were mapped/changed to valid code point c. */
+    static void appendCodePoint(int32_t length, UChar32 c, ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits = nullptr);
+    /** The few bytes at [src, nextSrc[ were mapped/changed to valid code point c. */
+    static inline void appendCodePoint(const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *nextSrc, UChar32 c,
+                                       ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits = nullptr) {
+        appendCodePoint((int32_t)(nextSrc - src), c, sink, edits);
+    }
+    /** Append the two-byte character (U+0080..U+07FF). */
+    static void appendTwoBytes(UChar32 c, ByteSink &sink);
+    static UBool appendUnchanged(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length,
+                                 ByteSink &sink, uint32_t options, Edits *edits,
+                                 UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return FALSE; }
+        if (length > 0) { appendNonEmptyUnchanged(s, length, sink, options, edits); }
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    static UBool appendUnchanged(const uint8_t *s, const uint8_t *limit,
+                                 ByteSink &sink, uint32_t options, Edits *edits,
+                                 UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static void appendNonEmptyUnchanged(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length,
+                                        ByteSink &sink, uint32_t options, Edits *edits);
+class U_COMMON_API CharStringByteSink : public ByteSink {
+    CharStringByteSink(CharString* dest);
+    ~CharStringByteSink() override;
+    CharStringByteSink() = delete;
+    CharStringByteSink(const CharStringByteSink&) = delete;
+    CharStringByteSink& operator=(const CharStringByteSink&) = delete;
+    void Append(const char* bytes, int32_t n) override;
+    char* GetAppendBuffer(int32_t min_capacity,
+                          int32_t desired_capacity_hint,
+                          char* scratch,
+                          int32_t scratch_capacity,
+                          int32_t* result_capacity) override;
+    CharString& dest_;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/capi_helper.h b/libicu/cts_headers/capi_helper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b1db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/capi_helper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#ifndef __CAPI_HELPER_H__
+#define __CAPI_HELPER_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * An internal helper class to help convert between C and C++ APIs.
+ */
+template<typename CType, typename CPPType, int32_t kMagic>
+class IcuCApiHelper {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Convert from the C type to the C++ type (const version).
+     */
+    static const CPPType* validate(const CType* input, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Convert from the C type to the C++ type (non-const version).
+     */
+    static CPPType* validate(CType* input, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Convert from the C++ type to the C type (const version).
+     */
+    const CType* exportConstForC() const;
+    /**
+     * Convert from the C++ type to the C type (non-const version).
+     */
+    CType* exportForC();
+    /**
+     * Invalidates the object.
+     */
+    ~IcuCApiHelper();
+  private:
+    /**
+     * While the object is valid, fMagic equals kMagic.
+     */
+    int32_t fMagic = kMagic;
+template<typename CType, typename CPPType, int32_t kMagic>
+const CPPType*
+IcuCApiHelper<CType, CPPType, kMagic>::validate(const CType* input, UErrorCode& status) {
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    if (input == nullptr) {
+        status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    auto* impl = reinterpret_cast<const CPPType*>(input);
+    if (static_cast<const IcuCApiHelper<CType, CPPType, kMagic>*>(impl)->fMagic != kMagic) {
+        status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    return impl;
+template<typename CType, typename CPPType, int32_t kMagic>
+IcuCApiHelper<CType, CPPType, kMagic>::validate(CType* input, UErrorCode& status) {
+    auto* constInput = static_cast<const CType*>(input);
+    auto* validated = validate(constInput, status);
+    return const_cast<CPPType*>(validated);
+template<typename CType, typename CPPType, int32_t kMagic>
+const CType*
+IcuCApiHelper<CType, CPPType, kMagic>::exportConstForC() const {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const CType*>(static_cast<const CPPType*>(this));
+template<typename CType, typename CPPType, int32_t kMagic>
+IcuCApiHelper<CType, CPPType, kMagic>::exportForC() {
+    return reinterpret_cast<CType*>(static_cast<CPPType*>(this));
+template<typename CType, typename CPPType, int32_t kMagic>
+IcuCApiHelper<CType, CPPType, kMagic>::~IcuCApiHelper() {
+    // head off application errors by preventing use of of deleted objects.
+    fMagic = 0;
+#endif // __CAPI_HELPER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/casetrn.h b/libicu/cts_headers/casetrn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ec3e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/casetrn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2008, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  casetrn.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2004sep03
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Implementation class for lower-/upper-/title-casing transliterators.
+#ifndef __CASETRN_H__
+#define __CASETRN_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "ucase.h"
+ * A transliterator that performs locale-sensitive
+ * case mapping.
+ */
+class CaseMapTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @param loc the given locale.
+     * @param id  the transliterator ID.
+     * @param map the full case mapping function (see ucase.h)
+     */
+    CaseMapTransliterator(const UnicodeString &id, UCaseMapFull *map);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~CaseMapTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    CaseMapTransliterator(const CaseMapTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return a copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual CaseMapTransliterator* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    //virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text        the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                    untransliterated text
+     * @param offset      the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                    of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                    pos.contextLimit.  Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text,
+                                     UTransPosition& offsets, 
+                                     UBool isIncremental) const;
+    UCaseMapFull *fMap;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    CaseMapTransliterator& operator=(const CaseMapTransliterator&);
+/** case context iterator using a Replaceable. This must be a C function because it is a callback. */
+utrans_rep_caseContextIterator(void *context, int8_t dir);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/cecal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/cecal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c380f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/cecal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, International Business Machines Corporation and  *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef CECAL_H
+#define CECAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+ * Base class for EthiopicCalendar and CopticCalendar.
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CECalendar : public Calendar {
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Constructors...
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Constructs a CECalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale with the Julian epoch offiset
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of CECalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    CECalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Copy Constructor
+     * @internal
+     */
+    CECalendar (const CECalendar& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual ~CECalendar();
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @param right    Calendar object to be copied
+     * @internal
+     */
+    CECalendar& operator=(const CECalendar& right);
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Calendar framework
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Return JD of start of given month/extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth) const;
+    /**
+     * Calculate the limit for a specified type of limit and field
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+    /**
+     * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
+     * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
+     *
+     * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+     *           false, otherwise.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode&) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE because Coptic/Ethiopic Calendar does have a default century
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+    /**
+     * The Coptic and Ethiopic calendars differ only in their epochs.
+     * This method must be implemented by CECalendar subclasses to
+     * return the date offset from Julian
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getJDEpochOffset() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Convert an Coptic/Ethiopic year, month, and day to a Julian day.
+     *
+     * @param year the extended year
+     * @param month the month
+     * @param day the day
+     * @param jdEpochOffset the epoch offset from Julian epoch
+     * @return Julian day
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t ceToJD(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date,
+        int32_t jdEpochOffset);
+    /**
+     * Convert a Julian day to an Coptic/Ethiopic year, month and day
+     *
+     * @param julianDay the Julian day
+     * @param jdEpochOffset the epoch offset from Julian epoch
+     * @param year receives the extended year
+     * @param month receives the month
+     * @param date receives the day
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static void jdToCE(int32_t julianDay, int32_t jdEpochOffset,
+        int32_t& year, int32_t& month, int32_t& day);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/charstr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/charstr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b950e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/charstr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2001-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/19/2001  aliu        Creation.
+*   05/19/2010  markus      Rewritten from scratch
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+// Windows needs us to DLL-export the MaybeStackArray template specialization,
+// but MacOS X cannot handle it. Same as in digitlst.h.
+template class U_COMMON_API MaybeStackArray<char, 40>;
+ * ICU-internal char * string class.
+ * This class does not assume or enforce any particular character encoding.
+ * Raw bytes can be stored. The string object owns its characters.
+ * A terminating NUL is stored, but the class does not prevent embedded NUL characters.
+ *
+ * This class wants to be convenient but is also deliberately minimalist.
+ * Please do not add methods if they only add minor convenience.
+ * For example:
+ *[5]='a';  // no need for setCharAt(5, 'a')
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API CharString : public UMemory {
+    CharString() : len(0) { buffer[0]=0; }
+    CharString(StringPiece s, UErrorCode &errorCode) : len(0) {
+        buffer[0]=0;
+        append(s, errorCode);
+    }
+    CharString(const CharString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) : len(0) {
+        buffer[0]=0;
+        append(s, errorCode);
+    }
+    CharString(const char *s, int32_t sLength, UErrorCode &errorCode) : len(0) {
+        buffer[0]=0;
+        append(s, sLength, errorCode);
+    }
+    ~CharString() {}
+    /**
+     * Move constructor; might leave src in an undefined state.
+     * This string will have the same contents and state that the source string had.
+     */
+    CharString(CharString &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator; might leave src in an undefined state.
+     * This string will have the same contents and state that the source string had.
+     * The behavior is undefined if *this and src are the same object.
+     */
+    CharString &operator=(CharString &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Replaces this string's contents with the other string's contents.
+     * CharString does not support the standard copy constructor nor
+     * the assignment operator, to make copies explicit and to
+     * use a UErrorCode where memory allocations might be needed.
+     */
+    CharString &copyFrom(const CharString &other, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool isEmpty() const { return len==0; }
+    int32_t length() const { return len; }
+    char operator[](int32_t index) const { return buffer[index]; }
+    StringPiece toStringPiece() const { return StringPiece(buffer.getAlias(), len); }
+    const char *data() const { return buffer.getAlias(); }
+    char *data() { return buffer.getAlias(); }
+    /**
+     * Allocates length()+1 chars and copies the NUL-terminated data().
+     * The caller must uprv_free() the result.
+     */
+    char *cloneData(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    bool operator==(StringPiece other) const {
+        return len == other.length() && (len == 0 || uprv_memcmp(data(),, len) == 0);
+    }
+    bool operator!=(StringPiece other) const {
+        return !operator==(other);
+    }
+    /** @return last index of c, or -1 if c is not in this string */
+    int32_t lastIndexOf(char c) const;
+    bool contains(StringPiece s) const;
+    CharString &clear() { len=0; buffer[0]=0; return *this; }
+    CharString &truncate(int32_t newLength);
+    CharString &append(char c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CharString &append(StringPiece s, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        return append(, s.length(), errorCode);
+    }
+    CharString &append(const CharString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        return append(, s.length(), errorCode);
+    }
+    CharString &append(const char *s, int32_t sLength, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a writable buffer for appending and writes the buffer's capacity to
+     * resultCapacity. Guarantees resultCapacity>=minCapacity if U_SUCCESS().
+     * There will additionally be space for a terminating NUL right at resultCapacity.
+     * (This function is similar to ByteSink.GetAppendBuffer().)
+     *
+     * The returned buffer is only valid until the next write operation
+     * on this string.
+     *
+     * After writing at most resultCapacity bytes, call append() with the
+     * pointer returned from this function and the number of bytes written.
+     *
+     * @param minCapacity required minimum capacity of the returned buffer;
+     *                    must be non-negative
+     * @param desiredCapacityHint desired capacity of the returned buffer;
+     *                            must be non-negative
+     * @param resultCapacity will be set to the capacity of the returned buffer
+     * @param errorCode in/out error code
+     * @return a buffer with resultCapacity>=min_capacity
+     */
+    char *getAppendBuffer(int32_t minCapacity,
+                          int32_t desiredCapacityHint,
+                          int32_t &resultCapacity,
+                          UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CharString &appendInvariantChars(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CharString &appendInvariantChars(const UChar* uchars, int32_t ucharsLen, UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Appends a filename/path part, e.g., a directory name.
+     * First appends a U_FILE_SEP_CHAR if necessary.
+     * Does nothing if s is empty.
+     */
+    CharString &appendPathPart(StringPiece s, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Appends a U_FILE_SEP_CHAR if this string is not empty
+     * and does not already end with a U_FILE_SEP_CHAR or U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR.
+     */
+    CharString &ensureEndsWithFileSeparator(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    MaybeStackArray<char, 40> buffer;
+    int32_t len;
+    UBool ensureCapacity(int32_t capacity, int32_t desiredCapacityHint, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CharString(const CharString &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    CharString &operator=(const CharString &other); // forbid copying of this class
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/chnsecal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/chnsecal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c21b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/chnsecal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   9/18/2007  ajmacher         ported from java ChineseCalendar
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef CHNSECAL_H
+#define CHNSECAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/timezone.h"
+ * <code>ChineseCalendar</code> is a concrete subclass of {@link Calendar}
+ * that implements a traditional Chinese calendar.  The traditional Chinese
+ * calendar is a lunisolar calendar: Each month starts on a new moon, and
+ * the months are numbered according to solar events, specifically, to
+ * guarantee that month 11 always contains the winter solstice.  In order
+ * to accomplish this, leap months are inserted in certain years.  Leap
+ * months are numbered the same as the month they follow.  The decision of
+ * which month is a leap month depends on the relative movements of the sun
+ * and moon.
+ *
+ * <p>This class defines one addition field beyond those defined by
+ * <code>Calendar</code>: The <code>IS_LEAP_MONTH</code> field takes the
+ * value of 0 for normal months, or 1 for leap months.
+ *
+ * <p>All astronomical computations are performed with respect to a time
+ * zone of GMT+8:00 and a longitude of 120 degrees east.  Although some
+ * calendars implement a historically more accurate convention of using
+ * Beijing's local longitude (116 degrees 25 minutes east) and time zone
+ * (GMT+7:45:40) for dates before 1929, we do not implement this here.
+ *
+ * <p>Years are counted in two different ways in the Chinese calendar.  The
+ * first method is by sequential numbering from the 61st year of the reign
+ * of Huang Di, 2637 BCE, which is designated year 1 on the Chinese
+ * calendar.  The second method uses 60-year cycles from the same starting
+ * point, which is designated year 1 of cycle 1.  In this class, the
+ * <code>EXTENDED_YEAR</code> field contains the sequential year count.
+ * The <code>ERA</code> field contains the cycle number, and the
+ * <code>YEAR</code> field contains the year of the cycle, a value between
+ * 1 and 60.
+ *
+ * <p>There is some variation in what is considered the starting point of
+ * the calendar, with some sources starting in the first year of the reign
+ * of Huang Di, rather than the 61st.  This gives continuous year numbers
+ * 60 years greater and cycle numbers one greater than what this class
+ * implements.
+ *
+ * <p>Because <code>ChineseCalendar</code> defines an additional field and
+ * redefines the way the <code>ERA</code> field is used, it requires a new
+ * format class, <code>ChineseDateFormat</code>.  As always, use the
+ * methods <code>DateFormat.getXxxInstance(Calendar cal,...)</code> to
+ * obtain a formatter for this calendar.
+ *
+ * <p>References:<ul>
+ * 
+ * <li>Dershowitz and Reingold, <i>Calendrical Calculations</i>,
+ * Cambridge University Press, 1997</li>
+ * 
+ * <li>Helmer Aslaksen's
+ * <a href="">
+ * Chinese Calendar page</a></li>
+ *
+ * <li>The <a href="">
+ * Calendar FAQ</a></li>
+ *
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This class should only be subclassed to implement variants of the Chinese lunar calendar.</p>
+ * <p>
+ * ChineseCalendar usually should be instantiated using 
+ * {@link} passing in a <code>ULocale</code>
+ * with the tag <code>"@calendar=chinese"</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @see
+ * @see
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ChineseCalendar : public Calendar {
+ public:
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors...
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Constructs a ChineseCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+   * with the given locale.
+   *
+   * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+   * @param success  Indicates the status of ChineseCalendar object construction.
+   *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  ChineseCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode &success);
+ protected:
+   /**
+   * Constructs a ChineseCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+   * with the given locale, using the specified epoch year and time zone for
+   * astronomical calculations.
+   *
+   * @param aLocale         The given locale.
+   * @param epochYear       The epoch year to use for calculation.
+   * @param zoneAstroCalc   The TimeZone to use for astronomical calculations. If null,
+   *                        will be set appropriately for Chinese calendar (UTC + 8:00).
+   * @param success         Indicates the status of ChineseCalendar object construction;
+   *                        if successful, will not be changed to an error value.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  ChineseCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, int32_t epochYear, const TimeZone* zoneAstroCalc, UErrorCode &success);
+ public:
+  /**
+   * Copy Constructor
+   * @internal
+   */
+  ChineseCalendar(const ChineseCalendar& other);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual ~ChineseCalendar();
+  // clone
+  virtual ChineseCalendar* clone() const;
+ private:
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Internal data....
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  UBool isLeapYear;
+  int32_t fEpochYear;   // Start year of this Chinese calendar instance.
+  const TimeZone* fZoneAstroCalc;   // Zone used for the astronomical calculation
+                                    // of this Chinese calendar instance.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Calendar framework
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected:
+  virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+  virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const;
+  virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth) const;
+  virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+  virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+  virtual const UFieldResolutionTable* getFieldResolutionTable() const;
+ public:
+  virtual void add(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status);
+  virtual void add(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status);
+  virtual void roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status);
+  virtual void roll(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Internal methods & astronomical calculations
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private:
+  static const UFieldResolutionTable CHINESE_DATE_PRECEDENCE[];
+  double daysToMillis(double days) const;
+  double millisToDays(double millis) const;
+  virtual int32_t winterSolstice(int32_t gyear) const;
+  virtual int32_t newMoonNear(double days, UBool after) const;
+  virtual int32_t synodicMonthsBetween(int32_t day1, int32_t day2) const;
+  virtual int32_t majorSolarTerm(int32_t days) const;
+  virtual UBool hasNoMajorSolarTerm(int32_t newMoon) const;
+  virtual UBool isLeapMonthBetween(int32_t newMoon1, int32_t newMoon2) const;
+  virtual void computeChineseFields(int32_t days, int32_t gyear,
+                 int32_t gmonth, UBool setAllFields);
+  virtual int32_t newYear(int32_t gyear) const;
+  virtual void offsetMonth(int32_t newMoon, int32_t dom, int32_t delta);
+  const TimeZone* getChineseCalZoneAstroCalc(void) const;
+  // UObject stuff
+ public: 
+  /**
+   * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+   *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+   * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+   *
+   *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+   *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+   *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+   *
+   * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+  /**
+   * return the calendar type, "chinese".
+   *
+   * @return calendar type
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual const char * getType() const;
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
+   * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
+   *
+   * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+   * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+   *           false, otherwise.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns TRUE because the Islamic Calendar does have a default century
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+   * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+ private: // default century stuff.
+  /**
+   * Returns the beginning date of the 100-year window that dates 
+   * with 2-digit years are considered to fall within.
+   */
+  UDate         internalGetDefaultCenturyStart(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the first year of the 100-year window that dates with 
+   * 2-digit years are considered to fall within.
+   */
+  int32_t          internalGetDefaultCenturyStartYear(void) const;
+  ChineseCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/cmemory.h b/libicu/cts_headers/cmemory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7fd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/cmemory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  Contains stdlib.h/string.h memory functions
+* @author       Bertrand A. Damiba
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   6/20/98     Bertrand    Created.
+*  05/03/99     stephen     Changed from functions to macros.
+#ifndef CMEMORY_H
+#define CMEMORY_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#if U_DEBUG && defined(UPRV_MALLOC_COUNT)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define uprv_memcpy(dst, src, size) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE memcpy(dst, src, size)
+#define uprv_memmove(dst, src, size) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE memmove(dst, src, size)
+ * Convenience macro to determine the length of a fixed array at compile-time.
+ * @param array A fixed length array
+ * @return The length of the array, in elements
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UPRV_LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
+#define uprv_memset(buffer, mark, size) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE memset(buffer, mark, size)
+#define uprv_memcmp(buffer1, buffer2, size) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE memcmp(buffer1, buffer2,size)
+#define uprv_memchr(ptr, value, num) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE memchr(ptr, value, num)
+U_CAPI void * U_EXPORT2
+uprv_malloc(size_t s) U_MALLOC_ATTR U_ALLOC_SIZE_ATTR(1);
+U_CAPI void * U_EXPORT2
+uprv_realloc(void *mem, size_t size) U_ALLOC_SIZE_ATTR(2);
+uprv_free(void *mem);
+U_CAPI void * U_EXPORT2
+uprv_calloc(size_t num, size_t size) U_MALLOC_ATTR U_ALLOC_SIZE_ATTR2(1,2);
+ * Get the least significant bits of a pointer (a memory address).
+ * For example, with a mask of 3, the macro gets the 2 least significant bits,
+ * which will be 0 if the pointer is 32-bit (4-byte) aligned.
+ *
+ * uintptr_t is the most appropriate integer type to cast to.
+ */
+#define U_POINTER_MASK_LSB(ptr, mask) ((uintptr_t)(ptr) & (mask))
+ * Create & return an instance of "type" in statically allocated storage.
+ * e.g.
+ *    static std::mutex *myMutex = STATIC_NEW(std::mutex);
+ * To destroy an object created in this way, invoke the destructor explicitly, e.g.
+ *    myMutex->~mutex();
+ * DO NOT use delete.
+ * DO NOT use with class UMutex, which has specific support for static instances.
+ *
+ * STATIC_NEW is intended for use when
+ *   - We want a static (or global) object.
+ *   - We don't want it to ever be destructed, or to explicitly control destruction,
+ *     to avoid use-after-destruction problems.
+ *   - We want to avoid an ordinary heap allocated object,
+ *     to avoid the possibility of memory allocation failures, and
+ *     to avoid memory leak reports, from valgrind, for example.
+ * This is defined as a macro rather than a template function because each invocation
+ * must define distinct static storage for the object being returned.
+ */
+#define STATIC_NEW(type) [] () { \
+    alignas(type) static char storage[sizeof(type)]; \
+    return new(storage) type();} ()
+  *  Heap clean up function, called from u_cleanup()
+  *    Clears any user heap functions from u_setMemoryFunctions()
+  *    Does NOT deallocate any remaining allocated memory.
+  */
+ * A function called by <TT>uhash_remove</TT>,
+ * <TT>uhash_close</TT>, or <TT>uhash_put</TT> to delete
+ * an existing key or value.
+ * @param obj A key or value stored in a hashtable
+ * @see uprv_deleteUObject
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV UObjectDeleter(void* obj);
+ * Deleter for UObject instances.
+ * Works for all subclasses of UObject because it has a virtual destructor.
+ */
+uprv_deleteUObject(void *obj);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <utility>
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * "Smart pointer" class, deletes memory via uprv_free().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ * Adds operator[] for array item access.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class LocalMemory : public LocalPointerBase<T> {
+    using LocalPointerBase<T>::operator*;
+    using LocalPointerBase<T>::operator->;
+    /**
+     * Constructor takes ownership.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an array of T items that is adopted
+     */
+    explicit LocalMemory(T *p=NULL) : LocalPointerBase<T>(p) {}
+    /**
+     * Move constructor, leaves src with isNull().
+     * @param src source smart pointer
+     */
+    LocalMemory(LocalMemory<T> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT : LocalPointerBase<T>(src.ptr) {
+        src.ptr=NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Destructor deletes the memory it owns.
+     */
+    ~LocalMemory() {
+        uprv_free(LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator, leaves src with isNull().
+     * The behavior is undefined if *this and src are the same object.
+     * @param src source smart pointer
+     * @return *this
+     */
+    LocalMemory<T> &operator=(LocalMemory<T> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        uprv_free(LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr);
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=src.ptr;
+        src.ptr=NULL;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Swap pointers.
+     * @param other other smart pointer
+     */
+    void swap(LocalMemory<T> &other) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        T *temp=LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=other.ptr;
+        other.ptr=temp;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Non-member LocalMemory swap function.
+     * @param p1 will get p2's pointer
+     * @param p2 will get p1's pointer
+     */
+    friend inline void swap(LocalMemory<T> &p1, LocalMemory<T> &p2) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        p1.swap(p2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the array it owns,
+     * and adopts (takes ownership of) the one passed in.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an array of T items that is adopted
+     */
+    void adoptInstead(T *p) {
+        uprv_free(LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr);
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=p;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the array it owns, allocates a new one and reset its bytes to 0.
+     * Returns the new array pointer.
+     * If the allocation fails, then the current array is unchanged and
+     * this method returns NULL.
+     * @param newCapacity must be >0
+     * @return the allocated array pointer, or NULL if the allocation failed
+     */
+    inline T *allocateInsteadAndReset(int32_t newCapacity=1);
+    /**
+     * Deletes the array it owns and allocates a new one, copying length T items.
+     * Returns the new array pointer.
+     * If the allocation fails, then the current array is unchanged and
+     * this method returns NULL.
+     * @param newCapacity must be >0
+     * @param length number of T items to be copied from the old array to the new one;
+     *               must be no more than the capacity of the old array,
+     *               which the caller must track because the LocalMemory does not track it
+     * @return the allocated array pointer, or NULL if the allocation failed
+     */
+    inline T *allocateInsteadAndCopy(int32_t newCapacity=1, int32_t length=0);
+    /**
+     * Array item access (writable).
+     * No index bounds check.
+     * @param i array index
+     * @return reference to the array item
+     */
+    T &operator[](ptrdiff_t i) const { return LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr[i]; }
+template<typename T>
+inline T *LocalMemory<T>::allocateInsteadAndReset(int32_t newCapacity) {
+    if(newCapacity>0) {
+        T *p=(T *)uprv_malloc(newCapacity*sizeof(T));
+        if(p!=NULL) {
+            uprv_memset(p, 0, newCapacity*sizeof(T));
+            uprv_free(LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr);
+            LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=p;
+        }
+        return p;
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+template<typename T>
+inline T *LocalMemory<T>::allocateInsteadAndCopy(int32_t newCapacity, int32_t length) {
+    if(newCapacity>0) {
+        T *p=(T *)uprv_malloc(newCapacity*sizeof(T));
+        if(p!=NULL) {
+            if(length>0) {
+                if(length>newCapacity) {
+                    length=newCapacity;
+                }
+                uprv_memcpy(p, LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr, (size_t)length*sizeof(T));
+            }
+            uprv_free(LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr);
+            LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=p;
+        }
+        return p;
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+ * Simple array/buffer management class using uprv_malloc() and uprv_free().
+ * Provides an internal array with fixed capacity. Can alias another array
+ * or allocate one.
+ *
+ * The array address is properly aligned for type T. It might not be properly
+ * aligned for types larger than T (or larger than the largest subtype of T).
+ *
+ * Unlike LocalMemory and LocalArray, this class never adopts
+ * (takes ownership of) another array.
+ *
+ * WARNING: MaybeStackArray only works with primitive (plain-old data) types.
+ * It does NOT know how to call a destructor! If you work with classes with
+ * destructors, consider LocalArray in localpointer.h or MemoryPool.
+ */
+template<typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+class MaybeStackArray {
+    // No heap allocation. Use only on the stack.
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new[](size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t, void*) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor initializes with internal T[stackCapacity] buffer.
+     */
+    MaybeStackArray() : ptr(stackArray), capacity(stackCapacity), needToRelease(FALSE) {}
+    /**
+     * Automatically allocates the heap array if the argument is larger than the stack capacity.
+     * Intended for use when an approximate capacity is known at compile time but the true
+     * capacity is not known until runtime.
+     */
+    MaybeStackArray(int32_t newCapacity) : MaybeStackArray() {
+        if (capacity < newCapacity) { resize(newCapacity); }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Destructor deletes the array (if owned).
+     */
+    ~MaybeStackArray() { releaseArray(); }
+    /**
+     * Move constructor: transfers ownership or copies the stack array.
+     */
+    MaybeStackArray(MaybeStackArray<T, stackCapacity> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Move assignment: transfers ownership or copies the stack array.
+     */
+    MaybeStackArray<T, stackCapacity> &operator=(MaybeStackArray<T, stackCapacity> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Returns the array capacity (number of T items).
+     * @return array capacity
+     */
+    int32_t getCapacity() const { return capacity; }
+    /**
+     * Access without ownership change.
+     * @return the array pointer
+     */
+    T *getAlias() const { return ptr; }
+    /**
+     * Returns the array limit. Simple convenience method.
+     * @return getAlias()+getCapacity()
+     */
+    T *getArrayLimit() const { return getAlias()+capacity; }
+    // No "operator T *() const" because that can make
+    // expressions like mbs[index] ambiguous for some compilers.
+    /**
+     * Array item access (const).
+     * No index bounds check.
+     * @param i array index
+     * @return reference to the array item
+     */
+    const T &operator[](ptrdiff_t i) const { return ptr[i]; }
+    /**
+     * Array item access (writable).
+     * No index bounds check.
+     * @param i array index
+     * @return reference to the array item
+     */
+    T &operator[](ptrdiff_t i) { return ptr[i]; }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the array (if owned) and aliases another one, no transfer of ownership.
+     * If the arguments are illegal, then the current array is unchanged.
+     * @param otherArray must not be NULL
+     * @param otherCapacity must be >0
+     */
+    void aliasInstead(T *otherArray, int32_t otherCapacity) {
+        if(otherArray!=NULL && otherCapacity>0) {
+            releaseArray();
+            ptr=otherArray;
+            capacity=otherCapacity;
+            needToRelease=FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the array (if owned) and allocates a new one, copying length T items.
+     * Returns the new array pointer.
+     * If the allocation fails, then the current array is unchanged and
+     * this method returns NULL.
+     * @param newCapacity can be less than or greater than the current capacity;
+     *                    must be >0
+     * @param length number of T items to be copied from the old array to the new one
+     * @return the allocated array pointer, or NULL if the allocation failed
+     */
+    inline T *resize(int32_t newCapacity, int32_t length=0);
+    /**
+     * Gives up ownership of the array if owned, or else clones it,
+     * copying length T items; resets itself to the internal stack array.
+     * Returns NULL if the allocation failed.
+     * @param length number of T items to copy when cloning,
+     *        and capacity of the clone when cloning
+     * @param resultCapacity will be set to the returned array's capacity (output-only)
+     * @return the array pointer;
+     *         caller becomes responsible for deleting the array
+     */
+    inline T *orphanOrClone(int32_t length, int32_t &resultCapacity);
+    T *ptr;
+    int32_t capacity;
+    UBool needToRelease;
+    T stackArray[stackCapacity];
+    void releaseArray() {
+        if(needToRelease) {
+            uprv_free(ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    void resetToStackArray() {
+        ptr=stackArray;
+        capacity=stackCapacity;
+        needToRelease=FALSE;
+    }
+    /* No comparison operators with other MaybeStackArray's. */
+    bool operator==(const MaybeStackArray & /*other*/) {return FALSE;}
+    bool operator!=(const MaybeStackArray & /*other*/) {return TRUE;}
+    /* No ownership transfer: No copy constructor, no assignment operator. */
+    MaybeStackArray(const MaybeStackArray & /*other*/) {}
+    void operator=(const MaybeStackArray & /*other*/) {}
+template<typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+icu::MaybeStackArray<T, stackCapacity>::MaybeStackArray(
+        MaybeStackArray <T, stackCapacity>&& src) U_NOEXCEPT
+        : ptr(src.ptr), capacity(src.capacity), needToRelease(src.needToRelease) {
+    if (src.ptr == src.stackArray) {
+        ptr = stackArray;
+        uprv_memcpy(stackArray, src.stackArray, sizeof(T) * src.capacity);
+    } else {
+        src.resetToStackArray();  // take ownership away from src
+    }
+template<typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+inline MaybeStackArray <T, stackCapacity>&
+MaybeStackArray<T, stackCapacity>::operator=(MaybeStackArray <T, stackCapacity>&& src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+    releaseArray();  // in case this instance had its own memory allocated
+    capacity = src.capacity;
+    needToRelease = src.needToRelease;
+    if (src.ptr == src.stackArray) {
+        ptr = stackArray;
+        uprv_memcpy(stackArray, src.stackArray, sizeof(T) * src.capacity);
+    } else {
+        ptr = src.ptr;
+        src.resetToStackArray();  // take ownership away from src
+    }
+    return *this;
+template<typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+inline T *MaybeStackArray<T, stackCapacity>::resize(int32_t newCapacity, int32_t length) {
+    if(newCapacity>0) {
+#if U_DEBUG && defined(UPRV_MALLOC_COUNT)
+      ::fprintf(::stderr,"MaybeStacArray (resize) alloc %d * %lu\n", newCapacity,sizeof(T));
+        T *p=(T *)uprv_malloc(newCapacity*sizeof(T));
+        if(p!=NULL) {
+            if(length>0) {
+                if(length>capacity) {
+                    length=capacity;
+                }
+                if(length>newCapacity) {
+                    length=newCapacity;
+                }
+                uprv_memcpy(p, ptr, (size_t)length*sizeof(T));
+            }
+            releaseArray();
+            ptr=p;
+            capacity=newCapacity;
+            needToRelease=TRUE;
+        }
+        return p;
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+template<typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+inline T *MaybeStackArray<T, stackCapacity>::orphanOrClone(int32_t length, int32_t &resultCapacity) {
+    T *p;
+    if(needToRelease) {
+        p=ptr;
+    } else if(length<=0) {
+        return NULL;
+    } else {
+        if(length>capacity) {
+            length=capacity;
+        }
+        p=(T *)uprv_malloc(length*sizeof(T));
+#if U_DEBUG && defined(UPRV_MALLOC_COUNT)
+      ::fprintf(::stderr,"MaybeStacArray (orphan) alloc %d * %lu\n", length,sizeof(T));
+        if(p==NULL) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        uprv_memcpy(p, ptr, (size_t)length*sizeof(T));
+    }
+    resultCapacity=length;
+    resetToStackArray();
+    return p;
+ * Variant of MaybeStackArray that allocates a header struct and an array
+ * in one contiguous memory block, using uprv_malloc() and uprv_free().
+ * Provides internal memory with fixed array capacity. Can alias another memory
+ * block or allocate one.
+ * The stackCapacity is the number of T items in the internal memory,
+ * not counting the H header.
+ * Unlike LocalMemory and LocalArray, this class never adopts
+ * (takes ownership of) another memory block.
+ */
+template<typename H, typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+class MaybeStackHeaderAndArray {
+    // No heap allocation. Use only on the stack.
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new[](size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t, void*) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor initializes with internal H+T[stackCapacity] buffer.
+     */
+    MaybeStackHeaderAndArray() : ptr(&stackHeader), capacity(stackCapacity), needToRelease(FALSE) {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor deletes the memory (if owned).
+     */
+    ~MaybeStackHeaderAndArray() { releaseMemory(); }
+    /**
+     * Returns the array capacity (number of T items).
+     * @return array capacity
+     */
+    int32_t getCapacity() const { return capacity; }
+    /**
+     * Access without ownership change.
+     * @return the header pointer
+     */
+    H *getAlias() const { return ptr; }
+    /**
+     * Returns the array start.
+     * @return array start, same address as getAlias()+1
+     */
+    T *getArrayStart() const { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(getAlias()+1); }
+    /**
+     * Returns the array limit.
+     * @return array limit
+     */
+    T *getArrayLimit() const { return getArrayStart()+capacity; }
+    /**
+     * Access without ownership change. Same as getAlias().
+     * A class instance can be used directly in expressions that take a T *.
+     * @return the header pointer
+     */
+    operator H *() const { return ptr; }
+    /**
+     * Array item access (writable).
+     * No index bounds check.
+     * @param i array index
+     * @return reference to the array item
+     */
+    T &operator[](ptrdiff_t i) { return getArrayStart()[i]; }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the memory block (if owned) and aliases another one, no transfer of ownership.
+     * If the arguments are illegal, then the current memory is unchanged.
+     * @param otherArray must not be NULL
+     * @param otherCapacity must be >0
+     */
+    void aliasInstead(H *otherMemory, int32_t otherCapacity) {
+        if(otherMemory!=NULL && otherCapacity>0) {
+            releaseMemory();
+            ptr=otherMemory;
+            capacity=otherCapacity;
+            needToRelease=FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the memory block (if owned) and allocates a new one,
+     * copying the header and length T array items.
+     * Returns the new header pointer.
+     * If the allocation fails, then the current memory is unchanged and
+     * this method returns NULL.
+     * @param newCapacity can be less than or greater than the current capacity;
+     *                    must be >0
+     * @param length number of T items to be copied from the old array to the new one
+     * @return the allocated pointer, or NULL if the allocation failed
+     */
+    inline H *resize(int32_t newCapacity, int32_t length=0);
+    /**
+     * Gives up ownership of the memory if owned, or else clones it,
+     * copying the header and length T array items; resets itself to the internal memory.
+     * Returns NULL if the allocation failed.
+     * @param length number of T items to copy when cloning,
+     *        and array capacity of the clone when cloning
+     * @param resultCapacity will be set to the returned array's capacity (output-only)
+     * @return the header pointer;
+     *         caller becomes responsible for deleting the array
+     */
+    inline H *orphanOrClone(int32_t length, int32_t &resultCapacity);
+    H *ptr;
+    int32_t capacity;
+    UBool needToRelease;
+    // stackHeader must precede stackArray immediately.
+    H stackHeader;
+    T stackArray[stackCapacity];
+    void releaseMemory() {
+        if(needToRelease) {
+            uprv_free(ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    /* No comparison operators with other MaybeStackHeaderAndArray's. */
+    bool operator==(const MaybeStackHeaderAndArray & /*other*/) {return FALSE;}
+    bool operator!=(const MaybeStackHeaderAndArray & /*other*/) {return TRUE;}
+    /* No ownership transfer: No copy constructor, no assignment operator. */
+    MaybeStackHeaderAndArray(const MaybeStackHeaderAndArray & /*other*/) {}
+    void operator=(const MaybeStackHeaderAndArray & /*other*/) {}
+template<typename H, typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+inline H *MaybeStackHeaderAndArray<H, T, stackCapacity>::resize(int32_t newCapacity,
+                                                                int32_t length) {
+    if(newCapacity>=0) {
+#if U_DEBUG && defined(UPRV_MALLOC_COUNT)
+      ::fprintf(::stderr,"MaybeStackHeaderAndArray alloc %d + %d * %ul\n", sizeof(H),newCapacity,sizeof(T));
+        H *p=(H *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(H)+newCapacity*sizeof(T));
+        if(p!=NULL) {
+            if(length<0) {
+                length=0;
+            } else if(length>0) {
+                if(length>capacity) {
+                    length=capacity;
+                }
+                if(length>newCapacity) {
+                    length=newCapacity;
+                }
+            }
+            uprv_memcpy(p, ptr, sizeof(H)+(size_t)length*sizeof(T));
+            releaseMemory();
+            ptr=p;
+            capacity=newCapacity;
+            needToRelease=TRUE;
+        }
+        return p;
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+template<typename H, typename T, int32_t stackCapacity>
+inline H *MaybeStackHeaderAndArray<H, T, stackCapacity>::orphanOrClone(int32_t length,
+                                                                       int32_t &resultCapacity) {
+    H *p;
+    if(needToRelease) {
+        p=ptr;
+    } else {
+        if(length<0) {
+            length=0;
+        } else if(length>capacity) {
+            length=capacity;
+        }
+#if U_DEBUG && defined(UPRV_MALLOC_COUNT)
+      ::fprintf(::stderr,"MaybeStackHeaderAndArray (orphan) alloc %ul + %d * %lu\n", sizeof(H),length,sizeof(T));
+        p=(H *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(H)+length*sizeof(T));
+        if(p==NULL) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        uprv_memcpy(p, ptr, sizeof(H)+(size_t)length*sizeof(T));
+    }
+    resultCapacity=length;
+    ptr=&stackHeader;
+    capacity=stackCapacity;
+    needToRelease=FALSE;
+    return p;
+ * A simple memory management class that creates new heap allocated objects (of
+ * any class that has a public constructor), keeps track of them and eventually
+ * deletes them all in its own destructor.
+ *
+ * A typical use-case would be code like this:
+ *
+ *     MemoryPool<MyType> pool;
+ *
+ *     MyType* o1 = pool.create();
+ *     if (o1 != nullptr) {
+ *         foo(o1);
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     MyType* o2 = pool.create(1, 2, 3);
+ *     if (o2 != nullptr) {
+ *         bar(o2);
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     // MemoryPool will take care of deleting the MyType objects.
+ *
+ * It doesn't do anything more than that, and is intentionally kept minimalist.
+ */
+template<typename T, int32_t stackCapacity = 8>
+class MemoryPool : public UMemory {
+    MemoryPool() : count(0), pool() {}
+    ~MemoryPool() {
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+            delete pool[i];
+        }
+    }
+    MemoryPool(const MemoryPool&) = delete;
+    MemoryPool& operator=(const MemoryPool&) = delete;
+    MemoryPool(MemoryPool&& other) U_NOEXCEPT : count(other.count),
+                                                pool(std::move(other.pool)) {
+        other.count = 0;
+    }
+    MemoryPool& operator=(MemoryPool&& other) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        count = other.count;
+        pool = std::move(other.pool);
+        other.count = 0;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new object of typename T, by forwarding any and all arguments
+     * to the typename T constructor.
+     *
+     * @param args Arguments to be forwarded to the typename T constructor.
+     * @return A pointer to the newly created object, or nullptr on error.
+     */
+    template<typename... Args>
+    T* create(Args&&... args) {
+        int32_t capacity = pool.getCapacity();
+        if (count == capacity &&
+            pool.resize(capacity == stackCapacity ? 4 * capacity : 2 * capacity,
+                        capacity) == nullptr) {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        return pool[count++] = new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+    }
+    int32_t count;
+    MaybeStackArray<T*, stackCapacity> pool;
+#endif  /* __cplusplus */
+#endif  /* CMEMORY_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collation.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9256c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collation.h
+* created on: 2010oct27
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __COLLATION_H__
+#define __COLLATION_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Collation v2 basic definitions and static helper functions.
+ *
+ * Data structures except for expansion tables store 32-bit CEs which are
+ * either specials (see tags below) or are compact forms of 64-bit CEs.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Collation {
+    // Special sort key bytes for all levels.
+    static const uint8_t TERMINATOR_BYTE = 0;
+    static const uint8_t LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE = 1;
+    /** The secondary/tertiary lower limit for tailoring before any root elements. */
+    static const uint32_t BEFORE_WEIGHT16 = 0x0100;
+    /**
+     * Merge-sort-key separator.
+     * Same as the unique primary and identical-level weights of U+FFFE.
+     * Must not be used as primary compression low terminator.
+     * Otherwise usable.
+     */
+    static const uint8_t MERGE_SEPARATOR_BYTE = 2;
+    static const uint32_t MERGE_SEPARATOR_PRIMARY = 0x02000000;  // U+FFFE
+    static const uint32_t MERGE_SEPARATOR_CE32 = 0x02000505;  // U+FFFE
+    /**
+     * Primary compression low terminator, must be greater than MERGE_SEPARATOR_BYTE.
+     * Reserved value in primary second byte if the lead byte is compressible.
+     * Otherwise usable in all CE weight bytes.
+     */
+    static const uint8_t PRIMARY_COMPRESSION_LOW_BYTE = 3;
+    /**
+     * Primary compression high terminator.
+     * Reserved value in primary second byte if the lead byte is compressible.
+     * Otherwise usable in all CE weight bytes.
+     */
+    static const uint8_t PRIMARY_COMPRESSION_HIGH_BYTE = 0xff;
+    /** Default secondary/tertiary weight lead byte. */
+    static const uint8_t COMMON_BYTE = 5;
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_WEIGHT16 = 0x0500;
+    /** Middle 16 bits of a CE with a common secondary weight. */
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_SECONDARY_CE = 0x05000000;
+    /** Lower 16 bits of a CE with a common tertiary weight. */
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_TERTIARY_CE = 0x0500;
+    /** Lower 32 bits of a CE with common secondary and tertiary weights. */
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE = 0x05000500;
+    static const uint32_t SECONDARY_MASK = 0xffff0000;
+    static const uint32_t CASE_MASK = 0xc000;
+    /** Only the 2*6 bits for the pure tertiary weight. */
+    static const uint32_t ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK = 0x3f3f;
+    /** Only the secondary & tertiary bits; no case, no quaternary. */
+    /** Case bits and tertiary bits. */
+    static const uint32_t QUATERNARY_MASK = 0xc0;
+    /** Case bits and quaternary bits. */
+    static const uint8_t UNASSIGNED_IMPLICIT_BYTE = 0xfe;  // compressible
+    /**
+     * First unassigned: AlphabeticIndex overflow boundary.
+     * We want a 3-byte primary so that it fits into the root elements table.
+     *
+     * This 3-byte primary will not collide with
+     * any unassigned-implicit 4-byte primaries because
+     * the first few hundred Unicode code points all have real mappings.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t FIRST_UNASSIGNED_PRIMARY = 0xfe040200;
+    static const uint8_t TRAIL_WEIGHT_BYTE = 0xff;  // not compressible
+    static const uint32_t FIRST_TRAILING_PRIMARY = 0xff020200;  // [first trailing]
+    static const uint32_t MAX_PRIMARY = 0xffff0000;  // U+FFFF
+    static const uint32_t MAX_REGULAR_CE32 = 0xffff0505;  // U+FFFF
+    // CE32 value for U+FFFD as well as illegal UTF-8 byte sequences (which behave like U+FFFD).
+    // We use the third-highest primary weight for U+FFFD (as in UCA 6.3+).
+    static const uint32_t FFFD_PRIMARY = MAX_PRIMARY - 0x20000;
+    static const uint32_t FFFD_CE32 = MAX_REGULAR_CE32 - 0x20000;
+    /**
+     * A CE32 is special if its low byte is this or greater.
+     * Impossible case bits 11 mark special CE32s.
+     * This value itself is used to indicate a fallback to the base collator.
+     */
+    static const uint8_t SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE = 0xc0;
+    static const uint32_t FALLBACK_CE32 = SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE;
+    /**
+     * Low byte of a long-primary special CE32.
+     */
+    static const uint8_t LONG_PRIMARY_CE32_LOW_BYTE = 0xc1;  // SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE | LONG_PRIMARY_TAG
+    static const uint32_t UNASSIGNED_CE32 = 0xffffffff;  // Compute an unassigned-implicit CE.
+    static const uint32_t NO_CE32 = 1;
+    /** No CE: End of input. Only used in runtime code, not stored in data. */
+    static const uint32_t NO_CE_PRIMARY = 1;  // not a left-adjusted weight
+    static const uint32_t NO_CE_WEIGHT16 = 0x0100;  // weight of LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE
+    static const int64_t NO_CE = INT64_C(0x101000100);  // NO_CE_PRIMARY, NO_CE_WEIGHT16, NO_CE_WEIGHT16
+    /** Sort key levels. */
+    enum Level {
+        /** Unspecified level. */
+        NO_LEVEL,
+        CASE_LEVEL,
+        /** Beyond sort key bytes. */
+        ZERO_LEVEL
+    };
+    /**
+     * Sort key level flags: xx_FLAG = 1 << xx_LEVEL.
+     * In Java, use enum Level with flag() getters, or use EnumSet rather than hand-made bit sets.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t NO_LEVEL_FLAG = 1;
+    static const uint32_t PRIMARY_LEVEL_FLAG = 2;
+    static const uint32_t SECONDARY_LEVEL_FLAG = 4;
+    static const uint32_t CASE_LEVEL_FLAG = 8;
+    static const uint32_t TERTIARY_LEVEL_FLAG = 0x10;
+    static const uint32_t QUATERNARY_LEVEL_FLAG = 0x20;
+    static const uint32_t IDENTICAL_LEVEL_FLAG = 0x40;
+    static const uint32_t ZERO_LEVEL_FLAG = 0x80;
+    /**
+     * Special-CE32 tags, from bits 3..0 of a special 32-bit CE.
+     * Bits 31..8 are available for tag-specific data.
+     * Bits  5..4: Reserved. May be used in the future to indicate lccc!=0 and tccc!=0.
+     */
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * Fall back to the base collator.
+         * This is the tag value in SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE and FALLBACK_CE32.
+         * Bits 31..8: Unused, 0.
+         */
+        FALLBACK_TAG = 0,
+        /**
+         * Long-primary CE with COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE.
+         * Bits 31..8: Three-byte primary.
+         */
+        LONG_PRIMARY_TAG = 1,
+        /**
+         * Long-secondary CE with zero primary.
+         * Bits 31..16: Secondary weight.
+         * Bits 15.. 8: Tertiary weight.
+         */
+        LONG_SECONDARY_TAG = 2,
+        /**
+         * Unused.
+         * May be used in the future for single-byte secondary CEs (SHORT_SECONDARY_TAG),
+         * storing the secondary in bits 31..24, the ccc in bits 23..16,
+         * and the tertiary in bits 15..8.
+         */
+        RESERVED_TAG_3 = 3,
+        /**
+         * Latin mini expansions of two simple CEs [pp, 05, tt] [00, ss, 05].
+         * Bits 31..24: Single-byte primary weight pp of the first CE.
+         * Bits 23..16: Tertiary weight tt of the first CE.
+         * Bits 15.. 8: Secondary weight ss of the second CE.
+         */
+        /**
+         * Points to one or more simple/long-primary/long-secondary 32-bit CE32s.
+         * Bits 31..13: Index into uint32_t table.
+         * Bits 12.. 8: Length=1..31.
+         */
+        EXPANSION32_TAG = 5,
+        /**
+         * Points to one or more 64-bit CEs.
+         * Bits 31..13: Index into CE table.
+         * Bits 12.. 8: Length=1..31.
+         */
+        EXPANSION_TAG = 6,
+        /**
+         * Builder data, used only in the CollationDataBuilder, not in runtime data.
+         *
+         * If bit 8 is 0: Builder context, points to a list of context-sensitive mappings.
+         * Bits 31..13: Index to the builder's list of ConditionalCE32 for this character.
+         * Bits 12.. 9: Unused, 0.
+         *
+         * If bit 8 is 1 (IS_BUILDER_JAMO_CE32): Builder-only jamoCE32 value.
+         * The builder fetches the Jamo CE32 from the trie.
+         * Bits 31..13: Jamo code point.
+         * Bits 12.. 9: Unused, 0.
+         */
+        BUILDER_DATA_TAG = 7,
+        /**
+         * Points to prefix trie.
+         * Bits 31..13: Index into prefix/contraction data.
+         * Bits 12.. 8: Unused, 0.
+         */
+        PREFIX_TAG = 8,
+        /**
+         * Points to contraction data.
+         * Bits 31..13: Index into prefix/contraction data.
+         * Bits 12..11: Unused, 0.
+         * Bit      10: CONTRACT_TRAILING_CCC flag.
+         * Bit       9: CONTRACT_NEXT_CCC flag.
+         * Bit       8: CONTRACT_SINGLE_CP_NO_MATCH flag.
+         */
+        CONTRACTION_TAG = 9,
+        /**
+         * Decimal digit.
+         * Bits 31..13: Index into uint32_t table for non-numeric-collation CE32.
+         * Bit      12: Unused, 0.
+         * Bits 11.. 8: Digit value 0..9.
+         */
+        DIGIT_TAG = 10,
+        /**
+         * Tag for U+0000, for moving the NUL-termination handling
+         * from the regular fastpath into specials-handling code.
+         * Bits 31..8: Unused, 0.
+         */
+        U0000_TAG = 11,
+        /**
+         * Tag for a Hangul syllable.
+         * Bits 31..9: Unused, 0.
+         * Bit      8: HANGUL_NO_SPECIAL_JAMO flag.
+         */
+        HANGUL_TAG = 12,
+        /**
+         * Tag for a lead surrogate code unit.
+         * Optional optimization for UTF-16 string processing.
+         * Bits 31..10: Unused, 0.
+         *       9.. 8: =0: All associated supplementary code points are unassigned-implict.
+         *              =1: All associated supplementary code points fall back to the base data.
+         *              else: (Normally 2) Look up the data for the supplementary code point.
+         */
+        LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG = 13,
+        /**
+         * Tag for CEs with primary weights in code point order.
+         * Bits 31..13: Index into CE table, for one data "CE".
+         * Bits 12.. 8: Unused, 0.
+         *
+         * This data "CE" has the following bit fields:
+         * Bits 63..32: Three-byte primary pppppp00.
+         *      31.. 8: Start/base code point of the in-order range.
+         *           7: Flag isCompressible primary.
+         *       6.. 0: Per-code point primary-weight increment.
+         */
+        OFFSET_TAG = 14,
+        /**
+         * Implicit CE tag. Compute an unassigned-implicit CE.
+         * All bits are set (UNASSIGNED_CE32=0xffffffff).
+         */
+        IMPLICIT_TAG = 15
+    };
+    static UBool isAssignedCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return ce32 != FALLBACK_CE32 && ce32 != UNASSIGNED_CE32;
+    }
+    /**
+     * We limit the number of CEs in an expansion
+     * so that we can use a small number of length bits in the data structure,
+     * and so that an implementation can copy CEs at runtime without growing a destination buffer.
+     */
+    static const int32_t MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH = 31;
+    static const int32_t MAX_INDEX = 0x7ffff;
+    /**
+     * Set if there is no match for the single (no-suffix) character itself.
+     * This is only possible if there is a prefix.
+     * In this case, discontiguous contraction matching cannot add combining marks
+     * starting from an empty suffix.
+     * The default CE32 is used anyway if there is no suffix match.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t CONTRACT_SINGLE_CP_NO_MATCH = 0x100;
+    /** Set if the first character of every contraction suffix has lccc!=0. */
+    static const uint32_t CONTRACT_NEXT_CCC = 0x200;
+    /** Set if any contraction suffix ends with lccc!=0. */
+    static const uint32_t CONTRACT_TRAILING_CCC = 0x400;
+    /** For HANGUL_TAG: None of its Jamo CE32s isSpecialCE32(). */
+    static const uint32_t HANGUL_NO_SPECIAL_JAMO = 0x100;
+    static const uint32_t LEAD_ALL_UNASSIGNED = 0;
+    static const uint32_t LEAD_ALL_FALLBACK = 0x100;
+    static const uint32_t LEAD_MIXED = 0x200;
+    static const uint32_t LEAD_TYPE_MASK = 0x300;
+    static uint32_t makeLongPrimaryCE32(uint32_t p) { return p | LONG_PRIMARY_CE32_LOW_BYTE; }
+    /** Turns the long-primary CE32 into a primary weight pppppp00. */
+    static inline uint32_t primaryFromLongPrimaryCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return ce32 & 0xffffff00;
+    }
+    static inline int64_t ceFromLongPrimaryCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xffffff00) << 32) | COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE;
+    }
+    static uint32_t makeLongSecondaryCE32(uint32_t lower32) {
+        return lower32 | SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE | LONG_SECONDARY_TAG;
+    }
+    static inline int64_t ceFromLongSecondaryCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return ce32 & 0xffffff00;
+    }
+    /** Makes a special CE32 with tag, index and length. */
+    static uint32_t makeCE32FromTagIndexAndLength(int32_t tag, int32_t index, int32_t length) {
+        return (index << 13) | (length << 8) | SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE | tag;
+    }
+    /** Makes a special CE32 with only tag and index. */
+    static uint32_t makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(int32_t tag, int32_t index) {
+        return (index << 13) | SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE | tag;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isSpecialCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return (ce32 & 0xff) >= SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE;
+    }
+    static inline int32_t tagFromCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return (int32_t)(ce32 & 0xf);
+    }
+    static inline UBool hasCE32Tag(uint32_t ce32, int32_t tag) {
+        return isSpecialCE32(ce32) && tagFromCE32(ce32) == tag;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isLongPrimaryCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return hasCE32Tag(ce32, LONG_PRIMARY_TAG);
+    }
+    static UBool isSimpleOrLongCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return !isSpecialCE32(ce32) ||
+                tagFromCE32(ce32) == LONG_PRIMARY_TAG ||
+                tagFromCE32(ce32) == LONG_SECONDARY_TAG;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if the ce32 yields one or more CEs without further data lookups
+     */
+    static UBool isSelfContainedCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return !isSpecialCE32(ce32) ||
+                tagFromCE32(ce32) == LONG_PRIMARY_TAG ||
+                tagFromCE32(ce32) == LONG_SECONDARY_TAG ||
+                tagFromCE32(ce32) == LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isPrefixCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return hasCE32Tag(ce32, PREFIX_TAG);
+    }
+    static inline UBool isContractionCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return hasCE32Tag(ce32, CONTRACTION_TAG);
+    }
+    static inline UBool ce32HasContext(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return isSpecialCE32(ce32) &&
+                (tagFromCE32(ce32) == PREFIX_TAG ||
+                tagFromCE32(ce32) == CONTRACTION_TAG);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the first of the two Latin-expansion CEs encoded in ce32.
+     */
+    static inline int64_t latinCE0FromCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xff000000) << 32) | COMMON_SECONDARY_CE | ((ce32 & 0xff0000) >> 8);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the second of the two Latin-expansion CEs encoded in ce32.
+     */
+    static inline int64_t latinCE1FromCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return ((ce32 & 0xff00) << 16) | COMMON_TERTIARY_CE;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the data index from a special CE32.
+     */
+    static inline int32_t indexFromCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return (int32_t)(ce32 >> 13);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the data length from a ce32.
+     */
+    static inline int32_t lengthFromCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return (ce32 >> 8) & 31;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the digit value from a DIGIT_TAG ce32.
+     */
+    static inline char digitFromCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return (char)((ce32 >> 8) & 0xf);
+    }
+    /** Returns a 64-bit CE from a simple CE32 (not special). */
+    static inline int64_t ceFromSimpleCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        // normal form ppppsstt -> pppp0000ss00tt00
+        // assert (ce32 & 0xff) < SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE
+        return ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xffff0000) << 32) | ((ce32 & 0xff00) << 16) | ((ce32 & 0xff) << 8);
+    }
+    /** Returns a 64-bit CE from a simple/long-primary/long-secondary CE32. */
+    static inline int64_t ceFromCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        uint32_t tertiary = ce32 & 0xff;
+        if(tertiary < SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
+            // normal form ppppsstt -> pppp0000ss00tt00
+            return ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xffff0000) << 32) | ((ce32 & 0xff00) << 16) | (tertiary << 8);
+        } else {
+            ce32 -= tertiary;
+            if((tertiary & 0xf) == LONG_PRIMARY_TAG) {
+                // long-primary form ppppppC1 -> pppppp00050000500
+                return ((int64_t)ce32 << 32) | COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE;
+            } else {
+                // long-secondary form ssssttC2 -> 00000000sssstt00
+                // assert (tertiary & 0xf) == LONG_SECONDARY_TAG
+                return ce32;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /** Creates a CE from a primary weight. */
+    static inline int64_t makeCE(uint32_t p) {
+        return ((int64_t)p << 32) | COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a CE from a primary weight,
+     * 16-bit secondary/tertiary weights, and a 2-bit quaternary.
+     */
+    static inline int64_t makeCE(uint32_t p, uint32_t s, uint32_t t, uint32_t q) {
+        return ((int64_t)p << 32) | (s << 16) | t | (q << 6);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Increments a 2-byte primary by a code point offset.
+     */
+    static uint32_t incTwoBytePrimaryByOffset(uint32_t basePrimary, UBool isCompressible,
+                                              int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Increments a 3-byte primary by a code point offset.
+     */
+    static uint32_t incThreeBytePrimaryByOffset(uint32_t basePrimary, UBool isCompressible,
+                                                int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Decrements a 2-byte primary by one range step (1..0x7f).
+     */
+    static uint32_t decTwoBytePrimaryByOneStep(uint32_t basePrimary, UBool isCompressible, int32_t step);
+    /**
+     * Decrements a 3-byte primary by one range step (1..0x7f).
+     */
+    static uint32_t decThreeBytePrimaryByOneStep(uint32_t basePrimary, UBool isCompressible, int32_t step);
+    /**
+     * Computes a 3-byte primary for c's OFFSET_TAG data "CE".
+     */
+    static uint32_t getThreeBytePrimaryForOffsetData(UChar32 c, int64_t dataCE);
+    /**
+     * Returns the unassigned-character implicit primary weight for any valid code point c.
+     */
+    static uint32_t unassignedPrimaryFromCodePoint(UChar32 c);
+    static inline int64_t unassignedCEFromCodePoint(UChar32 c) {
+        return makeCE(unassignedPrimaryFromCodePoint(c));
+    }
+    Collation();  // No instantiation.
+#endif  // __COLLATION_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationbuilder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationbuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f20050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationbuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationbuilder.h
+* created on: 2013may06
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "collationrootelements.h"
+#include "collationruleparser.h"
+#include "uvectr32.h"
+#include "uvectr64.h"
+struct UParseError;
+struct CollationData;
+struct CollationTailoring;
+class CEFinalizer;
+class CollationDataBuilder;
+class Normalizer2;
+class Normalizer2Impl;
+class U_I18N_API CollationBuilder : public CollationRuleParser::Sink {
+    CollationBuilder(const CollationTailoring *base, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual ~CollationBuilder();
+    void disableFastLatin() { fastLatinEnabled = FALSE; }
+    CollationTailoring *parseAndBuild(const UnicodeString &ruleString,
+                                      const UVersionInfo rulesVersion,
+                                      CollationRuleParser::Importer *importer,
+                                      UParseError *outParseError,
+                                      UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const char *getErrorReason() const { return errorReason; }
+    friend class CEFinalizer;
+    /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
+    virtual void addReset(int32_t strength, const UnicodeString &str,
+                          const char *&errorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns the secondary or tertiary weight preceding the current node's weight.
+     * node=nodes[index].
+     */
+    uint32_t getWeight16Before(int32_t index, int64_t node, int32_t level);
+    int64_t getSpecialResetPosition(const UnicodeString &str,
+                                    const char *&parserErrorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
+    virtual void addRelation(int32_t strength, const UnicodeString &prefix,
+                             const UnicodeString &str, const UnicodeString &extension,
+                             const char *&errorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Picks one of the current CEs and finds or inserts a node in the graph
+     * for the CE + strength.
+     */
+    int32_t findOrInsertNodeForCEs(int32_t strength, const char *&parserErrorReason,
+                                   UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(int64_t ce, int32_t strength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** Finds or inserts the node for a root CE's primary weight. */
+    int32_t findOrInsertNodeForPrimary(uint32_t p, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** Finds or inserts the node for a secondary or tertiary weight. */
+    int32_t findOrInsertWeakNode(int32_t index, uint32_t weight16, int32_t level,
+                                 UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Makes and inserts a new tailored node into the list, after the one at index.
+     * Skips over nodes of weaker strength to maintain collation order
+     * ("postpone insertion").
+     * @return the new node's index
+     */
+    int32_t insertTailoredNodeAfter(int32_t index, int32_t strength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Inserts a new node into the list, between list-adjacent items.
+     * The node's previous and next indexes must not be set yet.
+     * @return the new node's index
+     */
+    int32_t insertNodeBetween(int32_t index, int32_t nextIndex, int64_t node,
+                              UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Finds the node which implies or contains a common=05 weight of the given strength
+     * (secondary or tertiary), if the current node is stronger.
+     * Skips weaker nodes and tailored nodes if the current node is stronger
+     * and is followed by an explicit-common-weight node.
+     * Always returns the input index if that node is no stronger than the given strength.
+     */
+    int32_t findCommonNode(int32_t index, int32_t strength) const;
+    void setCaseBits(const UnicodeString &nfdString,
+                     const char *&parserErrorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
+    virtual void suppressContractions(const UnicodeSet &set, const char *&parserErrorReason,
+                                      UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
+    virtual void optimize(const UnicodeSet &set, const char *&parserErrorReason,
+                          UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Adds the mapping and its canonical closure.
+     * Takes ce32=dataBuilder->encodeCEs(...) so that the data builder
+     * need not re-encode the CEs multiple times.
+     */
+    uint32_t addWithClosure(const UnicodeString &nfdPrefix, const UnicodeString &nfdString,
+                            const int64_t newCEs[], int32_t newCEsLength, uint32_t ce32,
+                            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t addOnlyClosure(const UnicodeString &nfdPrefix, const UnicodeString &nfdString,
+                            const int64_t newCEs[], int32_t newCEsLength, uint32_t ce32,
+                            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void addTailComposites(const UnicodeString &nfdPrefix, const UnicodeString &nfdString,
+                           UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool mergeCompositeIntoString(const UnicodeString &nfdString, int32_t indexAfterLastStarter,
+                                   UChar32 composite, const UnicodeString &decomp,
+                                   UnicodeString &newNFDString, UnicodeString &newString,
+                                   UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UBool ignorePrefix(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UBool ignoreString(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UBool isFCD(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void closeOverComposites(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t addIfDifferent(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &str,
+                            const int64_t newCEs[], int32_t newCEsLength, uint32_t ce32,
+                            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static UBool sameCEs(const int64_t ces1[], int32_t ces1Length,
+                         const int64_t ces2[], int32_t ces2Length);
+    /**
+     * Walks the tailoring graph and overwrites tailored nodes with new CEs.
+     * After this, the graph is destroyed.
+     * The nodes array can then be used only as a source of tailored CEs.
+     */
+    void makeTailoredCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Counts the tailored nodes of the given strength up to the next node
+     * which is either stronger or has an explicit weight of this strength.
+     */
+    static int32_t countTailoredNodes(const int64_t *nodesArray, int32_t i, int32_t strength);
+    /** Replaces temporary CEs with the final CEs they point to. */
+    void finalizeCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Encodes "temporary CE" data into a CE that fits into the CE32 data structure,
+     * with 2-byte primary, 1-byte secondary and 6-bit tertiary,
+     * with valid CE byte values.
+     *
+     * The index must not exceed 20 bits (0xfffff).
+     * The strength must fit into 2 bits (UCOL_PRIMARY..UCOL_QUATERNARY).
+     *
+     * Temporary CEs are distinguished from real CEs by their use of
+     * secondary weights 06..45 which are otherwise reserved for compressed sort keys.
+     *
+     * The case bits are unused and available.
+     */
+    static inline int64_t tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(int32_t index, int32_t strength) {
+        return
+            // CE byte offsets, to ensure valid CE bytes, and case bits 11
+            INT64_C(0x4040000006002000) +
+            // index bits 19..13 -> primary byte 1 = CE bits 63..56 (byte values 40..BF)
+            ((int64_t)(index & 0xfe000) << 43) +
+            // index bits 12..6 -> primary byte 2 = CE bits 55..48 (byte values 40..BF)
+            ((int64_t)(index & 0x1fc0) << 42) +
+            // index bits 5..0 -> secondary byte 1 = CE bits 31..24 (byte values 06..45)
+            ((index & 0x3f) << 24) +
+            // strength bits 1..0 -> tertiary byte 1 = CE bits 13..8 (byte values 20..23)
+            (strength << 8);
+    }
+    static inline int32_t indexFromTempCE(int64_t tempCE) {
+        tempCE -= INT64_C(0x4040000006002000);
+        return
+            ((int32_t)(tempCE >> 43) & 0xfe000) |
+            ((int32_t)(tempCE >> 42) & 0x1fc0) |
+            ((int32_t)(tempCE >> 24) & 0x3f);
+    }
+    static inline int32_t strengthFromTempCE(int64_t tempCE) {
+        return ((int32_t)tempCE >> 8) & 3;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isTempCE(int64_t ce) {
+        uint32_t sec = (uint32_t)ce >> 24;
+        return 6 <= sec && sec <= 0x45;
+    }
+    static inline int32_t indexFromTempCE32(uint32_t tempCE32) {
+        tempCE32 -= 0x40400620;
+        return
+            ((int32_t)(tempCE32 >> 11) & 0xfe000) |
+            ((int32_t)(tempCE32 >> 10) & 0x1fc0) |
+            ((int32_t)(tempCE32 >> 8) & 0x3f);
+    }
+    static inline UBool isTempCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return
+            (ce32 & 0xff) >= 2 &&  // not a long-primary/long-secondary CE32
+            6 <= ((ce32 >> 8) & 0xff) && ((ce32 >> 8) & 0xff) <= 0x45;
+    }
+    static int32_t ceStrength(int64_t ce);
+    /** At most 1M nodes, limited by the 20 bits in node bit fields. */
+    static const int32_t MAX_INDEX = 0xfffff;
+    /**
+     * Node bit 6 is set on a primary node if there are nodes
+     * with secondary values below the common secondary weight (05).
+     */
+    static const int32_t HAS_BEFORE2 = 0x40;
+    /**
+     * Node bit 5 is set on a primary or secondary node if there are nodes
+     * with tertiary values below the common tertiary weight (05).
+     */
+    static const int32_t HAS_BEFORE3 = 0x20;
+    /**
+     * Node bit 3 distinguishes a tailored node, which has no weight value,
+     * from a node with an explicit (root or default) weight.
+     */
+    static const int32_t IS_TAILORED = 8;
+    static inline int64_t nodeFromWeight32(uint32_t weight32) {
+        return (int64_t)weight32 << 32;
+    }
+    static inline int64_t nodeFromWeight16(uint32_t weight16) {
+        return (int64_t)weight16 << 48;
+    }
+    static inline int64_t nodeFromPreviousIndex(int32_t previous) {
+        return (int64_t)previous << 28;
+    }
+    static inline int64_t nodeFromNextIndex(int32_t next) {
+        return next << 8;
+    }
+    static inline int64_t nodeFromStrength(int32_t strength) {
+        return strength;
+    }
+    static inline uint32_t weight32FromNode(int64_t node) {
+        return (uint32_t)(node >> 32);
+    }
+    static inline uint32_t weight16FromNode(int64_t node) {
+        return (uint32_t)(node >> 48) & 0xffff;
+    }
+    static inline int32_t previousIndexFromNode(int64_t node) {
+        return (int32_t)(node >> 28) & MAX_INDEX;
+    }
+    static inline int32_t nextIndexFromNode(int64_t node) {
+        return ((int32_t)node >> 8) & MAX_INDEX;
+    }
+    static inline int32_t strengthFromNode(int64_t node) {
+        return (int32_t)node & 3;
+    }
+    static inline UBool nodeHasBefore2(int64_t node) {
+        return (node & HAS_BEFORE2) != 0;
+    }
+    static inline UBool nodeHasBefore3(int64_t node) {
+        return (node & HAS_BEFORE3) != 0;
+    }
+    static inline UBool nodeHasAnyBefore(int64_t node) {
+        return (node & (HAS_BEFORE2 | HAS_BEFORE3)) != 0;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isTailoredNode(int64_t node) {
+        return (node & IS_TAILORED) != 0;
+    }
+    static inline int64_t changeNodePreviousIndex(int64_t node, int32_t previous) {
+        return (node & INT64_C(0xffff00000fffffff)) | nodeFromPreviousIndex(previous);
+    }
+    static inline int64_t changeNodeNextIndex(int64_t node, int32_t next) {
+        return (node & INT64_C(0xfffffffff00000ff)) | nodeFromNextIndex(next);
+    }
+    const Normalizer2 &nfd, &fcd;
+    const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
+    const CollationTailoring *base;
+    const CollationData *baseData;
+    const CollationRootElements rootElements;
+    uint32_t variableTop;
+    CollationDataBuilder *dataBuilder;
+    UBool fastLatinEnabled;
+    UnicodeSet optimizeSet;
+    const char *errorReason;
+    int64_t ces[Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
+    int32_t cesLength;
+    /**
+     * Indexes of nodes with root primary weights, sorted by primary.
+     * Compact form of a TreeMap from root primary to node index.
+     *
+     * This is a performance optimization for finding reset positions.
+     * Without this, we would have to search through the entire nodes list.
+     * It also allows storing root primary weights in list head nodes,
+     * without previous index, leaving room in root primary nodes for 32-bit primary weights.
+     */
+    UVector32 rootPrimaryIndexes;
+    /**
+     * Data structure for assigning tailored weights and CEs.
+     * Doubly-linked lists of nodes in mostly collation order.
+     * Each list starts with a root primary node and ends with a nextIndex of 0.
+     *
+     * When there are any nodes in the list, then there is always a root primary node at index 0.
+     * This allows some code not to have to check explicitly for nextIndex==0.
+     *
+     * Root primary nodes have 32-bit weights but do not have previous indexes.
+     * All other nodes have at most 16-bit weights and do have previous indexes.
+     *
+     * Nodes with explicit weights store root collator weights,
+     * or default weak weights (e.g., secondary 05) for stronger nodes.
+     * "Tailored" nodes, with the IS_TAILORED bit set,
+     * do not store explicit weights but rather
+     * create a difference of a certain strength from the preceding node.
+     *
+     * A root node is followed by either
+     * - a root/default node of the same strength, or
+     * - a root/default node of the next-weaker strength, or
+     * - a tailored node of the same strength.
+     *
+     * A node of a given strength normally implies "common" weights on weaker levels.
+     *
+     * A node with HAS_BEFORE2 must be immediately followed by
+     * a secondary node with an explicit below-common weight, then a secondary tailored node,
+     * and later an explicit common-secondary node.
+     * The below-common weight can be a root weight,
+     * or it can be BEFORE_WEIGHT16 for tailoring before an implied common weight
+     * or before the lowest root weight.
+     * (&[before 2] resets to an explicit secondary node so that
+     * the following addRelation(secondary) tailors right after that.
+     * If we did not have this node and instead were to reset on the primary node,
+     * then addRelation(secondary) would skip forward to the the COMMON_WEIGHT16 node.)
+     *
+     * If the flag is not set, then there are no explicit secondary nodes
+     * with the common or lower weights.
+     *
+     * Same for HAS_BEFORE3 for tertiary nodes and weights.
+     * A node must not have both flags set.
+     *
+     * Tailored CEs are initially represented in a CollationDataBuilder as temporary CEs
+     * which point to stable indexes in this list,
+     * and temporary CEs stored in a CollationDataBuilder only point to tailored nodes.
+     *
+     * A temporary CE in the ces[] array may point to a non-tailored reset-before-position node,
+     * until the next relation is added.
+     *
+     * At the end, the tailored weights are allocated as necessary,
+     * then the tailored nodes are replaced with final CEs,
+     * and the CollationData is rewritten by replacing temporary CEs with final ones.
+     *
+     * We cannot simply insert new nodes in the middle of the array
+     * because that would invalidate the indexes stored in existing temporary CEs.
+     * We need to use a linked graph with stable indexes to existing nodes.
+     * A doubly-linked list seems easiest to maintain.
+     *
+     * Each node is stored as an int64_t, with its fields stored as bit fields.
+     *
+     * Root primary node:
+     * - primary weight: 32 bits 63..32
+     * - reserved/unused/zero: 4 bits 31..28
+     *
+     * Weaker root nodes & tailored nodes:
+     * - a weight: 16 bits 63..48
+     *   + a root or default weight for a non-tailored node
+     *   + unused/zero for a tailored node
+     * - index to the previous node: 20 bits 47..28
+     *
+     * All types of nodes:
+     * - index to the next node: 20 bits 27..8
+     *   + nextIndex=0 in last node per root-primary list
+     * - reserved/unused/zero bits: bits 7, 4, 2
+     * - HAS_BEFORE2: bit 6
+     * - HAS_BEFORE3: bit 5
+     * - IS_TAILORED: bit 3
+     * - the difference strength (primary/secondary/tertiary/quaternary): 2 bits 1..0
+     *
+     * We could allocate structs with pointers, but we would have to store them
+     * in a pointer list so that they can be indexed from temporary CEs,
+     * and they would require more memory allocations.
+     */
+    UVector64 nodes;
+#endif  // __COLLATIONBUILDER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationcompare.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationcompare.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ad2d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationcompare.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1996-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationcompare.h
+* created on: 2012feb14 with new and old collation code
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+class CollationIterator;
+struct CollationSettings;
+class U_I18N_API CollationCompare /* not : public UObject because all methods are static */ {
+    static UCollationResult compareUpToQuaternary(CollationIterator &left, CollationIterator &right,
+                                                  const CollationSettings &settings,
+                                                  UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  // __COLLATIONCOMPARE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationdata.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab9b4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationdata.h
+* created on: 2010oct27
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __COLLATIONDATA_H__
+#define __COLLATIONDATA_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+struct UDataMemory;
+class UVector32;
+ * Collation data container.
+ * Immutable data created by a CollationDataBuilder, or loaded from a file,
+ * or deserialized from API-provided binary data.
+ *
+ * Includes data for the collation base (root/default), aliased if this is not the base.
+ */
+struct U_I18N_API CollationData : public UMemory {
+    // Note: The loader could discover the reserved ranges by setting an array
+    // parallel with the ranges, and resetting ranges that are indexed.
+    // The reordering builder code could clone the resulting template array.
+    enum {
+    };
+    enum {
+        /** C++ only, data reader check scriptStartsLength. */
+        MAX_NUM_SCRIPT_RANGES = 256
+    };
+    CollationData(const Normalizer2Impl &nfc)
+            : trie(NULL),
+              ce32s(NULL), ces(NULL), contexts(NULL), base(NULL),
+              jamoCE32s(NULL),
+              nfcImpl(nfc),
+              numericPrimary(0x12000000),
+              ce32sLength(0), cesLength(0), contextsLength(0),
+              compressibleBytes(NULL),
+              unsafeBackwardSet(NULL),
+              fastLatinTable(NULL), fastLatinTableLength(0),
+              numScripts(0), scriptsIndex(NULL), scriptStarts(NULL), scriptStartsLength(0),
+              rootElements(NULL), rootElementsLength(0) {}
+    uint32_t getCE32(UChar32 c) const {
+        return UTRIE2_GET32(trie, c);
+    }
+    uint32_t getCE32FromSupplementary(UChar32 c) const {
+        return UTRIE2_GET32_FROM_SUPP(trie, c);
+    }
+    UBool isDigit(UChar32 c) const {
+        return c < 0x660 ? c <= 0x39 && 0x30 <= c :
+                Collation::hasCE32Tag(getCE32(c), Collation::DIGIT_TAG);
+    }
+    UBool isUnsafeBackward(UChar32 c, UBool numeric) const {
+        return unsafeBackwardSet->contains(c) || (numeric && isDigit(c));
+    }
+    UBool isCompressibleLeadByte(uint32_t b) const {
+        return compressibleBytes[b];
+    }
+    inline UBool isCompressiblePrimary(uint32_t p) const {
+        return isCompressibleLeadByte(p >> 24);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the CE32 from two contexts words.
+     * Access to the defaultCE32 for contraction and prefix matching.
+     */
+    static uint32_t readCE32(const UChar *p) {
+        return ((uint32_t)p[0] << 16) | p[1];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the CE32 for an indirect special CE32 (e.g., with DIGIT_TAG).
+     * Requires that ce32 is special.
+     */
+    uint32_t getIndirectCE32(uint32_t ce32) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the CE32 for an indirect special CE32 (e.g., with DIGIT_TAG),
+     * if ce32 is special.
+     */
+    uint32_t getFinalCE32(uint32_t ce32) const;
+    /**
+     * Computes a CE from c's ce32 which has the OFFSET_TAG.
+     */
+    int64_t getCEFromOffsetCE32(UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32) const {
+        int64_t dataCE = ces[Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32)];
+        return Collation::makeCE(Collation::getThreeBytePrimaryForOffsetData(c, dataCE));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the single CE that c maps to.
+     * Sets U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR if c does not map to a single CE.
+     */
+    int64_t getSingleCE(UChar32 c, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the FCD16 value for code point c. c must be >= 0.
+     */
+    uint16_t getFCD16(UChar32 c) const {
+        return nfcImpl.getFCD16(c);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the first primary for the script's reordering group.
+     * @return the primary with only the first primary lead byte of the group
+     *         (not necessarily an actual root collator primary weight),
+     *         or 0 if the script is unknown
+     */
+    uint32_t getFirstPrimaryForGroup(int32_t script) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the last primary for the script's reordering group.
+     * @return the last primary of the group
+     *         (not an actual root collator primary weight),
+     *         or 0 if the script is unknown
+     */
+    uint32_t getLastPrimaryForGroup(int32_t script) const;
+    /**
+     * Finds the reordering group which contains the primary weight.
+     * @return the first script of the group, or -1 if the weight is beyond the last group
+     */
+    int32_t getGroupForPrimary(uint32_t p) const;
+    int32_t getEquivalentScripts(int32_t script,
+                                 int32_t dest[], int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Writes the permutation of primary-weight ranges
+     * for the given reordering of scripts and groups.
+     * The caller checks for illegal arguments and
+     * takes care of [DEFAULT] and memory allocation.
+     *
+     * Each list element will be a (limit, offset) pair as described
+     * for the CollationSettings::reorderRanges.
+     * The list will be empty if no ranges are reordered.
+     */
+    void makeReorderRanges(const int32_t *reorder, int32_t length,
+                           UVector32 &ranges, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /** @see jamoCE32s */
+    static const int32_t JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH = 19 + 21 + 27;
+    /** Main lookup trie. */
+    const UTrie2 *trie;
+    /**
+     * Array of CE32 values.
+     * At index 0 there must be CE32(U+0000)
+     * to support U+0000's special-tag for NUL-termination handling.
+     */
+    const uint32_t *ce32s;
+    /** Array of CE values for expansions and OFFSET_TAG. */
+    const int64_t *ces;
+    /** Array of prefix and contraction-suffix matching data. */
+    const UChar *contexts;
+    /** Base collation data, or NULL if this data itself is a base. */
+    const CollationData *base;
+    /**
+     * Simple array of JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH=19+21+27 CE32s, one per canonical Jamo L/V/T.
+     * They are normally simple CE32s, rarely expansions.
+     * For fast handling of HANGUL_TAG.
+     */
+    const uint32_t *jamoCE32s;
+    const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
+    /** The single-byte primary weight (xx000000) for numeric collation. */
+    uint32_t numericPrimary;
+    int32_t ce32sLength;
+    int32_t cesLength;
+    int32_t contextsLength;
+    /** 256 flags for which primary-weight lead bytes are compressible. */
+    const UBool *compressibleBytes;
+    /**
+     * Set of code points that are unsafe for starting string comparison after an identical prefix,
+     * or in backwards CE iteration.
+     */
+    const UnicodeSet *unsafeBackwardSet;
+    /**
+     * Fast Latin table for common-Latin-text string comparisons.
+     * Data structure see class CollationFastLatin.
+     */
+    const uint16_t *fastLatinTable;
+    int32_t fastLatinTableLength;
+    /**
+     * Data for scripts and reordering groups.
+     * Uses include building a reordering permutation table and
+     * providing script boundaries to AlphabeticIndex.
+     */
+    int32_t numScripts;
+    /**
+     * The length of scriptsIndex is numScripts+16.
+     * It maps from a UScriptCode or a special reorder code to an entry in scriptStarts.
+     * 16 special reorder codes (not all used) are mapped starting at numScripts.
+     * Up to MAX_NUM_SPECIAL_REORDER_CODES are codes for special groups like space/punct/digit.
+     * There are special codes at the end for reorder-reserved primary ranges.
+     *
+     * Multiple scripts may share a range and index, for example Hira & Kana.
+     */
+    const uint16_t *scriptsIndex;
+    /**
+     * Start primary weight (top 16 bits only) for a group/script/reserved range
+     * indexed by scriptsIndex.
+     * The first range (separators & terminators) and the last range (trailing weights)
+     * are not reorderable, and no scriptsIndex entry points to them.
+     */
+    const uint16_t *scriptStarts;
+    int32_t scriptStartsLength;
+    /**
+     * Collation elements in the root collator.
+     * Used by the CollationRootElements class. The data structure is described there.
+     * NULL in a tailoring.
+     */
+    const uint32_t *rootElements;
+    int32_t rootElementsLength;
+    int32_t getScriptIndex(int32_t script) const;
+    void makeReorderRanges(const int32_t *reorder, int32_t length,
+                           UBool latinMustMove,
+                           UVector32 &ranges, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    int32_t addLowScriptRange(uint8_t table[], int32_t index, int32_t lowStart) const;
+    int32_t addHighScriptRange(uint8_t table[], int32_t index, int32_t highLimit) const;
+#endif  // __COLLATIONDATA_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatabuilder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatabuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee444d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatabuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationdatabuilder.h
+* created on: 2012apr01
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uversion.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "collationdata.h"
+#include "collationsettings.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+#include "uvectr32.h"
+#include "uvectr64.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+struct ConditionalCE32;
+class CollationFastLatinBuilder;
+class CopyHelper;
+class DataBuilderCollationIterator;
+class UCharsTrieBuilder;
+ * Low-level CollationData builder.
+ * Takes (character, CE) pairs and builds them into runtime data structures.
+ * Supports characters with context prefixes and contraction suffixes.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationDataBuilder : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Collation element modifier. Interface class for a modifier
+     * that changes a tailoring builder's temporary CEs to final CEs.
+     * Called for every non-special CE32 and every expansion CE.
+     */
+    class CEModifier : public UObject {
+    public:
+        virtual ~CEModifier();
+        /** Returns a new CE to replace the non-special input CE32, or else Collation::NO_CE. */
+        virtual int64_t modifyCE32(uint32_t ce32) const = 0;
+        /** Returns a new CE to replace the input CE, or else Collation::NO_CE. */
+        virtual int64_t modifyCE(int64_t ce) const = 0;
+    };
+    CollationDataBuilder(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual ~CollationDataBuilder();
+    void initForTailoring(const CollationData *b, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UBool isCompressibleLeadByte(uint32_t b) const;
+    inline UBool isCompressiblePrimary(uint32_t p) const {
+        return isCompressibleLeadByte(p >> 24);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if this builder has mappings (e.g., add() has been called)
+     */
+    UBool hasMappings() const { return modified; }
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if c has CEs in this builder
+     */
+    UBool isAssigned(UChar32 c) const;
+    /**
+     * @return the three-byte primary if c maps to a single such CE and has no context data,
+     * otherwise returns 0.
+     */
+    uint32_t getLongPrimaryIfSingleCE(UChar32 c) const;
+    /**
+     * @return the single CE for c.
+     * Sets an error code if c does not have a single CE.
+     */
+    int64_t getSingleCE(UChar32 c, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void add(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s,
+             const int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength,
+             UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Encodes the ces as either the returned ce32 by itself,
+     * or by storing an expansion, with the returned ce32 referring to that.
+     *
+     * add(p, s, ces, cesLength) = addCE32(p, s, encodeCEs(ces, cesLength))
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t encodeCEs(const int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void addCE32(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s,
+                 uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Sets three-byte-primary CEs for a range of code points in code point order,
+     * if it is worth doing; otherwise no change is made.
+     * None of the code points in the range should have complex mappings so far
+     * (expansions/contractions/prefixes).
+     * @param start first code point
+     * @param end last code point (inclusive)
+     * @param primary primary weight for 'start'
+     * @param step per-code point primary-weight increment
+     * @param errorCode ICU in/out error code
+     * @return TRUE if an OFFSET_TAG range was used for start..end
+     */
+    UBool maybeSetPrimaryRange(UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
+                               uint32_t primary, int32_t step,
+                               UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Sets three-byte-primary CEs for a range of code points in code point order.
+     * Sets range values if that is worth doing, or else individual values.
+     * None of the code points in the range should have complex mappings so far
+     * (expansions/contractions/prefixes).
+     * @param start first code point
+     * @param end last code point (inclusive)
+     * @param primary primary weight for 'start'
+     * @param step per-code point primary-weight increment
+     * @param errorCode ICU in/out error code
+     * @return the next primary after 'end': start primary incremented by ((end-start)+1)*step
+     */
+    uint32_t setPrimaryRangeAndReturnNext(UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
+                                          uint32_t primary, int32_t step,
+                                          UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Copies all mappings from the src builder, with modifications.
+     * This builder here must not be built yet, and should be empty.
+     */
+    void copyFrom(const CollationDataBuilder &src, const CEModifier &modifier,
+                  UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void optimize(const UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void suppressContractions(const UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void enableFastLatin() { fastLatinEnabled = TRUE; }
+    virtual void build(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Looks up CEs for s and appends them to the ces array.
+     * Does not handle normalization: s should be in FCD form.
+     *
+     * Does not write completely ignorable CEs.
+     * Does not write beyond Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH.
+     *
+     * @return incremented cesLength
+     */
+    int32_t getCEs(const UnicodeString &s, int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength);
+    int32_t getCEs(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s,
+                   int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength);
+    friend class CopyHelper;
+    friend class DataBuilderCollationIterator;
+    uint32_t getCE32FromOffsetCE32(UBool fromBase, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32) const;
+    int32_t addCE(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t addCE32(uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t addConditionalCE32(const UnicodeString &context, uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    inline ConditionalCE32 *getConditionalCE32(int32_t index) const {
+        return static_cast<ConditionalCE32 *>(conditionalCE32s[index]);
+    }
+    inline ConditionalCE32 *getConditionalCE32ForCE32(uint32_t ce32) const {
+        return getConditionalCE32(Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32));
+    }
+    static uint32_t makeBuilderContextCE32(int32_t index) {
+        return Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG, index);
+    }
+    static inline UBool isBuilderContextCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
+        return Collation::hasCE32Tag(ce32, Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG);
+    }
+    static uint32_t encodeOneCEAsCE32(int64_t ce);
+    uint32_t encodeOneCE(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t encodeExpansion(const int64_t ces[], int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t encodeExpansion32(const int32_t newCE32s[], int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t copyFromBaseCE32(UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32, UBool withContext, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Copies base contractions to a list of ConditionalCE32.
+     * Sets cond->next to the index of the first new item
+     * and returns the index of the last new item.
+     */
+    int32_t copyContractionsFromBaseCE32(UnicodeString &context, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32,
+                                         ConditionalCE32 *cond, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool getJamoCE32s(uint32_t jamoCE32s[], UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void setDigitTags(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void setLeadSurrogates(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void buildMappings(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void clearContexts();
+    void buildContexts(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t buildContext(ConditionalCE32 *head, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t addContextTrie(uint32_t defaultCE32, UCharsTrieBuilder &trieBuilder,
+                           UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void buildFastLatinTable(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t getCEs(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength);
+    static UChar32 jamoCpFromIndex(int32_t i) {
+        // 0 <= i < CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH = 19 + 21 + 27
+        if(i < Hangul::JAMO_L_COUNT) { return Hangul::JAMO_L_BASE + i; }
+        i -= Hangul::JAMO_L_COUNT;
+        if(i < Hangul::JAMO_V_COUNT) { return Hangul::JAMO_V_BASE + i; }
+        i -= Hangul::JAMO_V_COUNT;
+        // i < 27
+        return Hangul::JAMO_T_BASE + 1 + i;
+    }
+    /** @see Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG */
+    static const uint32_t IS_BUILDER_JAMO_CE32 = 0x100;
+    const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
+    const CollationData *base;
+    const CollationSettings *baseSettings;
+    UTrie2 *trie;
+    UVector32 ce32s;
+    UVector64 ce64s;
+    UVector conditionalCE32s;  // vector of ConditionalCE32
+    // Characters that have context (prefixes or contraction suffixes).
+    UnicodeSet contextChars;
+    // Serialized UCharsTrie structures for finalized contexts.
+    UnicodeString contexts;
+    UnicodeSet unsafeBackwardSet;
+    UBool modified;
+    UBool fastLatinEnabled;
+    CollationFastLatinBuilder *fastLatinBuilder;
+    DataBuilderCollationIterator *collIter;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatareader.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatareader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44e6939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatareader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationdatareader.h
+* created on: 2013feb07
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+struct UDataMemory;
+struct CollationTailoring;
+ * Collation binary data reader.
+ */
+struct U_I18N_API CollationDataReader /* all static */ {
+    // The following constants are also copied into source/common/ucol_swp.cpp.
+    // Keep them in sync!
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * Number of int32_t indexes.
+         *
+         * Can be 2 if there are only options.
+         * Can be 7 or 8 if there are only options and a script reordering.
+         * The loader treats any index>=indexes[IX_INDEXES_LENGTH] as 0.
+         */
+        IX_INDEXES_LENGTH,  // 0
+        /**
+         * Bits 31..24: numericPrimary, for numeric collation
+         *      23..16: fast Latin format version (0 = no fast Latin table)
+         *      15.. 0: options bit set
+         */
+        IX_OPTIONS,
+        IX_RESERVED2,
+        IX_RESERVED3,
+        /** Array offset to Jamo CE32s in ce32s[], or <0 if none. */
+        IX_JAMO_CE32S_START,  // 4
+        // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
+        // The indexes[] are at byte offset 0, other data follows.
+        // Each data item is aligned properly.
+        // The data items should be in descending order of unit size,
+        // to minimize the need for padding.
+        // Each item's byte length is given by the difference between its offset and
+        // the next index/offset value.
+        /** Byte offset to int32_t reorderCodes[]. */
+        /**
+         * Byte offset to uint8_t reorderTable[].
+         * Empty table if <256 bytes (padding only).
+         * Otherwise 256 bytes or more (with padding).
+         */
+        /** Byte offset to the collation trie. Its length is a multiple of 8 bytes. */
+        IX_TRIE_OFFSET,
+        IX_RESERVED8_OFFSET,  // 8
+        /** Byte offset to int64_t ces[]. */
+        IX_CES_OFFSET,
+        /** Byte offset to uint32_t ce32s[]. */
+        IX_CE32S_OFFSET,
+        /** Byte offset to uint32_t rootElements[]. */
+        IX_ROOT_ELEMENTS_OFFSET,  // 12
+        /** Byte offset to UChar *contexts[]. */
+        /** Byte offset to uint16_t [] with serialized unsafeBackwardSet. */
+        /** Byte offset to uint16_t fastLatinTable[]. */
+        /** Byte offset to uint16_t scripts[]. */
+        IX_SCRIPTS_OFFSET,  // 16
+        /**
+         * Byte offset to UBool compressibleBytes[].
+         * Empty table if <256 bytes (padding only).
+         * Otherwise 256 bytes or more (with padding).
+         */
+        IX_TOTAL_SIZE
+    };
+    static void read(const CollationTailoring *base, const uint8_t *inBytes, int32_t inLength,
+                     CollationTailoring &tailoring, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static UBool U_CALLCONV
+    isAcceptable(void *context, const char *type, const char *name, const UDataInfo *pInfo);
+    CollationDataReader();  // no constructor
+ * Format of collation data (, binary data in coll/ *.res files).
+ * Format version 5.
+ *
+ * The root collation data is stored in the file.
+ * Tailorings are stored inside .res resource bundle files, with a complete file header.
+ *
+ * Collation data begins with a standard ICU data file header
+ * (DataHeader, see ucmndata.h and unicode/udata.h).
+ * The UDataInfo.dataVersion field contains the UCA and other version numbers,
+ * see the comments for CollationTailoring.version.
+ *
+ * After the header, the file contains the following parts.
+ * Constants are defined as enum values of the CollationDataReader class.
+ * See also the Collation class.
+ *
+ * int32_t indexes[indexesLength];
+ *      The indexes array has variable length.
+ *      Some tailorings only need the length and the options,
+ *      others only add reorderCodes and the reorderTable,
+ *      some need to store mappings.
+ *      Only as many indexes are stored as needed to read all of the data.
+ *
+ *      Index 0: indexesLength
+ *      Index 1: numericPrimary, CollationFastLatin::VERSION, and options: see IX_OPTIONS
+ *      Index 2..3: Unused/reserved/0.
+ *      Index 4: Index into the ce32s array where the CE32s of the conjoining Jamo
+ *               are stored in a short, contiguous part of the ce32s array.
+ *
+ *      Indexes 5..19 are byte offsets in ascending order.
+ *      Each byte offset marks the start of the next part in the data file,
+ *      and the end of the previous one.
+ *      When two consecutive byte offsets are the same (or too short),
+ *      then the corresponding part is empty.
+ *      Byte offsets are offsets from after the header,
+ *      that is, from the beginning of the indexes[].
+ *      Each part starts at an offset with proper alignment for its data.
+ *      If necessary, the previous part may include padding bytes to achieve this alignment.
+ *      The last byte offset that is stored in the indexes indicates the total size of the data
+ *      (starting with the indexes).
+ *
+ * int32_t reorderCodes[]; -- empty in root
+ *      The list of script and reordering codes.
+ *
+ *      Beginning with format version 5, this array may optionally
+ *      have trailing entries with a full list of reorder ranges
+ *      as described for CollationSettings::reorderRanges.
+ *
+ *      Script or reorder codes are first and do not exceed 16-bit values.
+ *      Range limits are stored in the upper 16 bits, and are never 0.
+ *      Split this array into reorder codes and ranges at the first entry
+ *      with non-zero upper 16 bits.
+ *
+ *      If the ranges are missing but needed for split-reordered primary lead bytes,
+ *      then they are regenerated at load time.
+ *
+ * uint8_t reorderTable[256]; -- empty in root; can be longer to include padding bytes
+ *      Primary-weight lead byte permutation table.
+ *      Normally present when the reorderCodes are, but can be built at load time.
+ *
+ *      Beginning with format version 5, a 0 entry at a non-zero index
+ *      (which is otherwise an illegal value)
+ *      means that the primary lead byte is "split"
+ *      (there are different offsets for primaries that share that lead byte)
+ *      and the reordering offset must be determined via the reorder ranges
+ *      that are either stored as part of the reorderCodes array
+ *      or regenerated at load time.
+ *
+ * UTrie2 trie; -- see utrie2_impl.h and utrie2.h
+ *      The trie holds the main collation data. Each code point is mapped to a 32-bit value.
+ *      It encodes a simple collation element (CE) in compact form, unless bits 7..6 are both set,
+ *      in which case it is a special CE32 and contains a 4-bit tag and further data.
+ *      See the Collation class for details.
+ *
+ *      The trie has a value for each lead surrogate code unit with some bits encoding
+ *      collective properties of the 1024 supplementary characters whose UTF-16 form starts with
+ *      the lead surrogate. See Collation::LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG..
+ *
+ * int64_t ces[];
+ *      64-bit CEs and expansions that cannot be stored in a more compact form.
+ *
+ * uint32_t ce32s[];
+ *      CE32s for expansions in compact form, and for characters whose trie values
+ *      contain special data.
+ *
+ * uint32_t rootElements[]; -- empty in all tailorings
+ *      Compact storage for all of the CEs that occur in the root collation.
+ *      See the CollationRootElements class.
+ *
+ * UChar *contexts[];
+ *      Serialized UCharsTrie structures with prefix (pre-context) and contraction mappings.
+ *
+ * uint16_t unsafeBackwardSet[]; -- see UnicodeSet::serialize()
+ *      Serialized form of characters that are unsafe when iterating backwards,
+ *      and at the end of an identical string prefix.
+ *      Back up to a safe character.
+ *      Lead surrogates are "unsafe" when any of their corresponding supplementary
+ *      code points are unsafe.
+ *      Does not include [:^lccc=0:][:^tccc=0:].
+ *      For each tailoring, the root unsafeBackwardSet is subtracted.
+ *      (As a result, in many tailorings no set needs to be stored.)
+ *
+ * uint16_t fastLatinTable[];
+ *      Optional optimization for Latin text.
+ *      See the CollationFastLatin class.
+ *
+ * uint16_t scripts[]; -- empty in all tailorings
+ *      Format version 5:
+ *      uint16_t numScripts;
+ *      uint16_t scriptsIndex[numScripts+16];
+ *      uint16_t scriptStarts[];
+ *      See CollationData::numScripts etc.
+ *
+ *      Format version 4:
+ *      Table of the reordering groups with their first and last lead bytes,
+ *      and their script and reordering codes.
+ *      See CollationData::scripts.
+ *
+ * UBool compressibleBytes[]; -- empty in all tailorings
+ *      Flag for getSortKey(), indicating primary weight lead bytes that are compressible.
+ *
+ * -----------------
+ * Changes for formatVersion 5 (ICU 55)
+ *
+ * Reordering moves single scripts, not groups of scripts.
+ * Reorder ranges are optionally appended to the reorderCodes,
+ * and a 0 entry in the reorderTable indicates a split lead byte.
+ * The scripts data has a new format.
+ *
+ * The rootElements may contain secondary and tertiary weights below common=05.
+ * (Used for small Hiragana letters.)
+ * Where is occurs, there is also an explicit unit with common secondary & tertiary weights.
+ * There are no other data structure changes, but builder code needs to be able to handle such data.
+ *
+ * The collation element for the merge separator code point U+FFFE
+ * does not necessarily have special, unique secondary/tertiary weights any more.
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatawriter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatawriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..197cd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatawriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationdatawriter.h
+* created on: 2013aug06
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+struct CollationData;
+struct CollationSettings;
+struct CollationTailoring;
+ * Collation-related code for tools & demos.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationDataWriter /* all static */ {
+    static int32_t writeBase(const CollationData &data, const CollationSettings &settings,
+                             const void *rootElements, int32_t rootElementsLength,
+                             int32_t indexes[], uint8_t *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                             UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static int32_t writeTailoring(const CollationTailoring &t, const CollationSettings &settings,
+                                  int32_t indexes[], uint8_t *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                                  UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CollationDataWriter();  // no constructor
+    static int32_t write(UBool isBase, const UVersionInfo dataVersion,
+                         const CollationData &data, const CollationSettings &settings,
+                         const void *rootElements, int32_t rootElementsLength,
+                         int32_t indexes[], uint8_t *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                         UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static void copyData(const int32_t indexes[], int32_t startIndex,
+                         const void *src, uint8_t *dest);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationfastlatin.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationfastlatin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bac797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationfastlatin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationfastlatin.h
+* created on: 2013aug09
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+struct CollationData;
+struct CollationSettings;
+class U_I18N_API CollationFastLatin /* all static */ {
+    /**
+     * Fast Latin format version (one byte 1..FF).
+     * Must be incremented for any runtime-incompatible changes,
+     * in particular, for changes to any of the following constants.
+     *
+     * When the major version number of the main data format changes,
+     * we can reset this fast Latin version to 1.
+     */
+    static const uint16_t VERSION = 2;
+    static const int32_t LATIN_MAX = 0x17f;
+    static const int32_t LATIN_LIMIT = LATIN_MAX + 1;
+    static const int32_t LATIN_MAX_UTF8_LEAD = 0xc5;  // UTF-8 lead byte of LATIN_MAX
+    static const int32_t PUNCT_START = 0x2000;
+    static const int32_t PUNCT_LIMIT = 0x2040;
+    // excludes U+FFFE & U+FFFF
+    static const int32_t NUM_FAST_CHARS = LATIN_LIMIT + (PUNCT_LIMIT - PUNCT_START);
+    // Note on the supported weight ranges:
+    // Analysis of UCA 6.3 and CLDR 23 non-search tailorings shows that
+    // the CEs for characters in the above ranges, excluding expansions with length >2,
+    // excluding contractions of >2 characters, and other restrictions
+    // (see the builder's getCEsFromCE32()),
+    // use at most about 150 primary weights,
+    // where about 94 primary weights are possibly-variable (space/punct/symbol/currency),
+    // at most 4 secondary before-common weights,
+    // at most 4 secondary after-common weights,
+    // at most 16 secondary high weights (in secondary CEs), and
+    // at most 4 tertiary after-common weights.
+    // The following ranges are designed to support slightly more weights than that.
+    // (en_US_POSIX is unusual: It creates about 64 variable + 116 Latin primaries.)
+    // Digits may use long primaries (preserving more short ones)
+    // or short primaries (faster) without changing this data structure.
+    // (If we supported numeric collation, then digits would have to have long primaries
+    // so that special handling does not affect the fast path.)
+    static const uint32_t SHORT_PRIMARY_MASK = 0xfc00;  // bits 15..10
+    static const uint32_t INDEX_MASK = 0x3ff;  // bits 9..0 for expansions & contractions
+    static const uint32_t SECONDARY_MASK = 0x3e0;  // bits 9..5
+    static const uint32_t CASE_MASK = 0x18;  // bits 4..3
+    static const uint32_t LONG_PRIMARY_MASK = 0xfff8;  // bits 15..3
+    static const uint32_t TERTIARY_MASK = 7;  // bits 2..0
+    static const uint32_t CASE_AND_TERTIARY_MASK = CASE_MASK | TERTIARY_MASK;
+    static const uint32_t TWO_SHORT_PRIMARIES_MASK =
+            (SHORT_PRIMARY_MASK << 16) | SHORT_PRIMARY_MASK;  // 0xfc00fc00
+    static const uint32_t TWO_LONG_PRIMARIES_MASK =
+            (LONG_PRIMARY_MASK << 16) | LONG_PRIMARY_MASK;  // 0xfff8fff8
+    static const uint32_t TWO_SECONDARIES_MASK =
+            (SECONDARY_MASK << 16) | SECONDARY_MASK;  // 0x3e003e0
+    static const uint32_t TWO_CASES_MASK =
+            (CASE_MASK << 16) | CASE_MASK;  // 0x180018
+    static const uint32_t TWO_TERTIARIES_MASK =
+            (TERTIARY_MASK << 16) | TERTIARY_MASK;  // 0x70007
+    /**
+     * Contraction with one fast Latin character.
+     * Use INDEX_MASK to find the start of the contraction list after the fixed table.
+     * The first entry contains the default mapping.
+     * Otherwise use CONTR_CHAR_MASK for the contraction character index
+     * (in ascending order).
+     * Use CONTR_LENGTH_SHIFT for the length of the entry
+     * (1=BAIL_OUT, 2=one CE, 3=two CEs).
+     *
+     * Also, U+0000 maps to a contraction entry, so that the fast path need not
+     * check for NUL termination.
+     * It usually maps to a contraction list with only the completely ignorable default value.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t CONTRACTION = 0x400;
+    /**
+     * An expansion encodes two CEs.
+     * Use INDEX_MASK to find the pair of CEs after the fixed table.
+     *
+     * The higher a mini CE value, the easier it is to process.
+     * For expansions and higher, no context needs to be considered.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t EXPANSION = 0x800;
+    /**
+     * Encodes one CE with a long/low mini primary (there are 128).
+     * All potentially-variable primaries must be in this range,
+     * to make the short-primary path as fast as possible.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t MIN_LONG = 0xc00;
+    static const uint32_t LONG_INC = 8;
+    static const uint32_t MAX_LONG = 0xff8;
+    /**
+     * Encodes one CE with a short/high primary (there are 60),
+     * plus a secondary CE if the secondary weight is high.
+     * Fast handling: At least all letter primaries should be in this range.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t MIN_SHORT = 0x1000;
+    static const uint32_t SHORT_INC = 0x400;
+    /** The highest primary weight is reserved for U+FFFF. */
+    static const uint32_t MAX_SHORT = SHORT_PRIMARY_MASK;
+    static const uint32_t MIN_SEC_BEFORE = 0;  // must add SEC_OFFSET
+    static const uint32_t SEC_INC = 0x20;
+    static const uint32_t MAX_SEC_BEFORE = MIN_SEC_BEFORE + 4 * SEC_INC;  // 5 before common
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_SEC = MAX_SEC_BEFORE + SEC_INC;
+    static const uint32_t MIN_SEC_AFTER = COMMON_SEC + SEC_INC;
+    static const uint32_t MAX_SEC_AFTER = MIN_SEC_AFTER + 5 * SEC_INC;  // 6 after common
+    static const uint32_t MIN_SEC_HIGH = MAX_SEC_AFTER + SEC_INC;  // 20 high secondaries
+    static const uint32_t MAX_SEC_HIGH = SECONDARY_MASK;
+    /**
+     * Lookup: Add this offset to secondary weights, except for completely ignorable CEs.
+     * Must be greater than any special value, e.g., MERGE_WEIGHT.
+     * The exact value is not relevant for the format version.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t SEC_OFFSET = SEC_INC;
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_SEC_PLUS_OFFSET = COMMON_SEC + SEC_OFFSET;
+    static const uint32_t TWO_SEC_OFFSETS =
+            (SEC_OFFSET << 16) | SEC_OFFSET;  // 0x200020
+    static const uint32_t TWO_COMMON_SEC_PLUS_OFFSET =
+    static const uint32_t LOWER_CASE = 8;  // case bits include this offset
+    static const uint32_t TWO_LOWER_CASES = (LOWER_CASE << 16) | LOWER_CASE;  // 0x80008
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_TER = 0;  // must add TER_OFFSET
+    static const uint32_t MAX_TER_AFTER = 7;  // 7 after common
+    /**
+     * Lookup: Add this offset to tertiary weights, except for completely ignorable CEs.
+     * Must be greater than any special value, e.g., MERGE_WEIGHT.
+     * Must be greater than case bits as well, so that with combined case+tertiary weights
+     * plus the offset the tertiary bits does not spill over into the case bits.
+     * The exact value is not relevant for the format version.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t TER_OFFSET = SEC_OFFSET;
+    static const uint32_t COMMON_TER_PLUS_OFFSET = COMMON_TER + TER_OFFSET;
+    static const uint32_t TWO_TER_OFFSETS = (TER_OFFSET << 16) | TER_OFFSET;
+    static const uint32_t TWO_COMMON_TER_PLUS_OFFSET =
+    static const uint32_t MERGE_WEIGHT = 3;
+    static const uint32_t EOS = 2;  // end of string
+    static const uint32_t BAIL_OUT = 1;
+    /**
+     * Contraction result first word bits 8..0 contain the
+     * second contraction character, as a char index 0..NUM_FAST_CHARS-1.
+     * Each contraction list is terminated with a word containing CONTR_CHAR_MASK.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t CONTR_CHAR_MASK = 0x1ff;
+    /**
+     * Contraction result first word bits 10..9 contain the result length:
+     * 1=bail out, 2=one mini CE, 3=two mini CEs
+     */
+    static const uint32_t CONTR_LENGTH_SHIFT = 9;
+    /**
+     * Comparison return value when the regular comparison must be used.
+     * The exact value is not relevant for the format version.
+     */
+    static const int32_t BAIL_OUT_RESULT = -2;
+    static inline int32_t getCharIndex(UChar c) {
+        if(c <= LATIN_MAX) {
+            return c;
+        } else if(PUNCT_START <= c && c < PUNCT_LIMIT) {
+            return c - (PUNCT_START - LATIN_LIMIT);
+        } else {
+            // Not a fast Latin character.
+            // Note: U+FFFE & U+FFFF are forbidden in tailorings
+            // and thus do not occur in any contractions.
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the options value for the compare functions
+     * and writes the precomputed primary weights.
+     * Returns -1 if the Latin fastpath is not supported for the data and settings.
+     * The capacity must be LATIN_LIMIT.
+     */
+    static int32_t getOptions(const CollationData *data, const CollationSettings &settings,
+                              uint16_t *primaries, int32_t capacity);
+    static int32_t compareUTF16(const uint16_t *table, const uint16_t *primaries, int32_t options,
+                                const UChar *left, int32_t leftLength,
+                                const UChar *right, int32_t rightLength);
+    static int32_t compareUTF8(const uint16_t *table, const uint16_t *primaries, int32_t options,
+                               const uint8_t *left, int32_t leftLength,
+                               const uint8_t *right, int32_t rightLength);
+    static uint32_t lookup(const uint16_t *table, UChar32 c);
+    static uint32_t lookupUTF8(const uint16_t *table, UChar32 c,
+                               const uint8_t *s8, int32_t &sIndex, int32_t sLength);
+    static uint32_t lookupUTF8Unsafe(const uint16_t *table, UChar32 c,
+                                     const uint8_t *s8, int32_t &sIndex);
+    static uint32_t nextPair(const uint16_t *table, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce,
+                             const UChar *s16, const uint8_t *s8, int32_t &sIndex, int32_t &sLength);
+    static inline uint32_t getPrimaries(uint32_t variableTop, uint32_t pair) {
+        uint32_t ce = pair & 0xffff;
+        if(ce >= MIN_SHORT) { return pair & TWO_SHORT_PRIMARIES_MASK; }
+        if(ce > variableTop) { return pair & TWO_LONG_PRIMARIES_MASK; }
+        if(ce >= MIN_LONG) { return 0; }  // variable
+        return pair;  // special mini CE
+    }
+    static inline uint32_t getSecondariesFromOneShortCE(uint32_t ce) {
+        ce &= SECONDARY_MASK;
+        if(ce < MIN_SEC_HIGH) {
+            return ce + SEC_OFFSET;
+        } else {
+            return ((ce + SEC_OFFSET) << 16) | COMMON_SEC_PLUS_OFFSET;
+        }
+    }
+    static uint32_t getSecondaries(uint32_t variableTop, uint32_t pair);
+    static uint32_t getCases(uint32_t variableTop, UBool strengthIsPrimary, uint32_t pair);
+    static uint32_t getTertiaries(uint32_t variableTop, UBool withCaseBits, uint32_t pair);
+    static uint32_t getQuaternaries(uint32_t variableTop, uint32_t pair);
+    CollationFastLatin();  // no constructor
+ * Format of the CollationFastLatin data table.
+ * CollationFastLatin::VERSION = 2.
+ *
+ * This table contains data for a Latin-text collation fastpath.
+ * The data is stored as an array of uint16_t which contains the following parts.
+ *
+ * uint16_t  -- version & header length
+ *   Bits 15..8: version, must match the VERSION
+ *         7..0: length of the header
+ *
+ * uint16_t varTops[header length - 1]
+ *   Version 2:
+ *   varTops[m] is the highest CollationFastLatin long-primary weight
+ *   of supported maxVariable group m
+ *   (special reorder group space, punct, symbol, currency).
+ *
+ *   Version 1:
+ *   Each of these values maps the variable top lead byte of a supported maxVariable group
+ *   to the highest CollationFastLatin long-primary weight.
+ *   The values are stored in ascending order.
+ *   Bits 15..7: max fast-Latin long-primary weight (bits 11..3 shifted left by 4 bits)
+ *         6..0: regular primary lead byte
+ *
+ * uint16_t miniCEs[0x1c0]
+ *   A mini collation element for each character U+0000..U+017F and U+2000..U+203F.
+ *   Each value encodes one or two mini CEs (two are possible if the first one
+ *   has a short mini primary and the second one is a secondary CE, i.e., primary == 0),
+ *   or points to an expansion or to a contraction table.
+ *   U+0000 always has a contraction entry,
+ *   so that NUL-termination need not be tested in the fastpath.
+ *   If the collation elements for a character or contraction cannot be encoded in this format,
+ *   then the BAIL_OUT value is stored.
+ *   For details see the comments for the class constants.
+ *
+ * uint16_t expansions[variable length];
+ *   Expansion mini CEs contain an offset relative to just after the miniCEs table.
+ *   An expansions contains exactly 2 mini CEs.
+ *
+ * uint16_t contractions[variable length];
+ *   Contraction mini CEs contain an offset relative to just after the miniCEs table.
+ *   It points to a list of tuples which map from a contraction suffix character to a result.
+ *   First uint16_t of each tuple:
+ *     Bits 10..9: Length of the result (1..3), see comments on CONTR_LENGTH_SHIFT.
+ *     Bits  8..0: Contraction character, see comments on CONTR_CHAR_MASK.
+ *   This is followed by 0, 1, or 2 uint16_t according to the length.
+ *   Each list is terminated by an entry with CONTR_CHAR_MASK.
+ *   Each list starts with such an entry which also contains the default result
+ *   for when there is no contraction match.
+ *
+ * -----------------
+ * Changes for version 2 (ICU 55)
+ *
+ * Special reorder groups do not necessarily start on whole primary lead bytes any more.
+ * Therefore, the varTops data has a new format:
+ * Version 1 stored the lead bytes of the highest root primaries for
+ * the maxVariable-supported special reorder groups.
+ * Now the top 16 bits would need to be stored,
+ * and it is simpler to store only the fast-Latin weights.
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationfastlatinbuilder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationfastlatinbuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b63b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationfastlatinbuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationfastlatinbuilder.h
+* created on: 2013aug09
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "collationfastlatin.h"
+#include "uvectr64.h"
+struct CollationData;
+class U_I18N_API CollationFastLatinBuilder : public UObject {
+    CollationFastLatinBuilder(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    ~CollationFastLatinBuilder();
+    UBool forData(const CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const uint16_t *getTable() const {
+        return reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(result.getBuffer());
+    }
+    int32_t lengthOfTable() const { return result.length(); }
+    // space, punct, symbol, currency (not digit)
+    UBool loadGroups(const CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool inSameGroup(uint32_t p, uint32_t q) const;
+    void resetCEs();
+    void getCEs(const CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool getCEsFromCE32(const CollationData &data, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32,
+                         UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool getCEsFromContractionCE32(const CollationData &data, uint32_t ce32,
+                                    UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void addContractionEntry(int32_t x, int64_t cce0, int64_t cce1, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void addUniqueCE(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t getMiniCE(int64_t ce) const;
+    UBool encodeUniqueCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool encodeCharCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool encodeContractions(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t encodeTwoCEs(int64_t first, int64_t second) const;
+    static UBool isContractionCharCE(int64_t ce) {
+        return (uint32_t)(ce >> 32) == Collation::NO_CE_PRIMARY && ce != Collation::NO_CE;
+    }
+    static const uint32_t CONTRACTION_FLAG = 0x80000000;
+    // temporary "buffer"
+    int64_t ce0, ce1;
+    int64_t charCEs[CollationFastLatin::NUM_FAST_CHARS][2];
+    UVector64 contractionCEs;
+    UVector64 uniqueCEs;
+    /** One 16-bit mini CE per unique CE. */
+    uint16_t *miniCEs;
+    // These are constant for a given root collator.
+    uint32_t lastSpecialPrimaries[NUM_SPECIAL_GROUPS];
+    uint32_t firstDigitPrimary;
+    uint32_t firstLatinPrimary;
+    uint32_t lastLatinPrimary;
+    // This determines the first normal primary weight which is mapped to
+    // a short mini primary. It must be >=firstDigitPrimary.
+    uint32_t firstShortPrimary;
+    UBool shortPrimaryOverflow;
+    UnicodeString result;
+    int32_t headerLength;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationfcd.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationfcd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec7167d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationfcd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationfcd.h
+* created on: 2012aug18
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __COLLATIONFCD_H__
+#define __COLLATIONFCD_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+ * Data and functions for the FCD check fast path.
+ *
+ * The fast path looks at a pair of 16-bit code units and checks
+ * whether there is an FCD boundary between them;
+ * there is if the first unit has a trailing ccc=0 (!hasTccc(first))
+ * or the second unit has a leading ccc=0 (!hasLccc(second)),
+ * or both.
+ * When the fast path finds a possible non-boundary,
+ * then the FCD check slow path looks at the actual sequence of FCD values.
+ *
+ * This is a pure optimization.
+ * The fast path must at least find all possible non-boundaries.
+ * If the fast path is too pessimistic, it costs performance.
+ *
+ * For a pair of BMP characters, the fast path tests are precise (1 bit per character).
+ *
+ * For a supplementary code point, the two units are its lead and trail surrogates.
+ * We set hasTccc(lead)=true if any of its 1024 associated supplementary code points
+ * has lccc!=0 or tccc!=0.
+ * We set hasLccc(trail)=true for all trail surrogates.
+ * As a result, we leave the fast path if the lead surrogate might start a
+ * supplementary code point that is not FCD-inert.
+ * (So the fast path need not detect that there is a surrogate pair,
+ * nor look ahead to the next full code point.)
+ *
+ * hasLccc(lead)=true if any of its 1024 associated supplementary code points
+ * has lccc!=0, for fast boundary checking between BMP & supplementary.
+ *
+ * hasTccc(trail)=false:
+ * It should only be tested for unpaired trail surrogates which are FCD-inert.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationFCD {
+    static inline UBool hasLccc(UChar32 c) {
+        // assert c <= 0xffff
+        // c can be negative, e.g., U_SENTINEL from UCharIterator;
+        // that is handled in the first test.
+        int32_t i;
+        return
+            // U+0300 is the first character with lccc!=0.
+            c >= 0x300 &&
+            (i = lcccIndex[c >> 5]) != 0 &&
+            (lcccBits[i] & ((uint32_t)1 << (c & 0x1f))) != 0;
+    }
+    static inline UBool hasTccc(UChar32 c) {
+        // assert c <= 0xffff
+        // c can be negative, e.g., U_SENTINEL from UCharIterator;
+        // that is handled in the first test.
+        int32_t i;
+        return
+            // U+00C0 is the first character with tccc!=0.
+            c >= 0xc0 &&
+            (i = tcccIndex[c >> 5]) != 0 &&
+            (tcccBits[i] & ((uint32_t)1 << (c & 0x1f))) != 0;
+    }
+    static inline UBool mayHaveLccc(UChar32 c) {
+        // Handles all of Unicode 0..10FFFF.
+        // c can be negative, e.g., U_SENTINEL.
+        // U+0300 is the first character with lccc!=0.
+        if(c < 0x300) { return FALSE; }
+        if(c > 0xffff) { c = U16_LEAD(c); }
+        int32_t i;
+        return
+            (i = lcccIndex[c >> 5]) != 0 &&
+            (lcccBits[i] & ((uint32_t)1 << (c & 0x1f))) != 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tibetan composite vowel signs (U+0F73, U+0F75, U+0F81)
+     * must be decomposed before reaching the core collation code,
+     * or else some sequences including them, even ones passing the FCD check,
+     * do not yield canonically equivalent results.
+     *
+     * This is a fast and imprecise test.
+     *
+     * @param c a code point
+     * @return TRUE if c is U+0F73, U+0F75 or U+0F81 or one of several other Tibetan characters
+     */
+    static inline UBool maybeTibetanCompositeVowel(UChar32 c) {
+        return (c & 0x1fff01) == 0xf01;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tibetan composite vowel signs (U+0F73, U+0F75, U+0F81)
+     * must be decomposed before reaching the core collation code,
+     * or else some sequences including them, even ones passing the FCD check,
+     * do not yield canonically equivalent results.
+     *
+     * They have distinct lccc/tccc combinations: 129/130 or 129/132.
+     *
+     * @param fcd16 the FCD value (lccc/tccc combination) of a code point
+     * @return TRUE if fcd16 is from U+0F73, U+0F75 or U+0F81
+     */
+    static inline UBool isFCD16OfTibetanCompositeVowel(uint16_t fcd16) {
+        return fcd16 == 0x8182 || fcd16 == 0x8184;
+    }
+    CollationFCD();  // No instantiation.
+    static const uint8_t lcccIndex[2048];
+    static const uint8_t tcccIndex[2048];
+    static const uint32_t lcccBits[];
+    static const uint32_t tcccBits[];
+#endif  // __COLLATIONFCD_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationiterator.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationiterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12e05b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationiterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationiterator.h
+* created on: 2010oct27
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "collationdata.h"
+class SkippedState;
+class UCharsTrie;
+class UVector32;
+/* Large enough for CEs of most short strings. */
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of the MaybeStackArray that
+//    is used as a data member of CEBuffer.
+//    When building DLLs for Windows this is required even though
+//    no direct access to the MaybeStackArray leaks out of the i18n library.
+// See digitlst.h, pluralaffix.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.
+template class U_I18N_API MaybeStackArray<int64_t, CEBUFFER_INITIAL_CAPACITY>;
+ * Collation element iterator and abstract character iterator.
+ *
+ * When a method returns a code point value, it must be in 0..10FFFF,
+ * except it can be negative as a sentinel value.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationIterator : public UObject {
+    class U_I18N_API CEBuffer {
+    private:
+        /** Large enough for CEs of most short strings. */
+    public:
+        CEBuffer() : length(0) {}
+        ~CEBuffer();
+        inline void append(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+            if(length < INITIAL_CAPACITY || ensureAppendCapacity(1, errorCode)) {
+                buffer[length++] = ce;
+            }
+        }
+        inline void appendUnsafe(int64_t ce) {
+            buffer[length++] = ce;
+        }
+        UBool ensureAppendCapacity(int32_t appCap, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        inline UBool incLength(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+            // Use INITIAL_CAPACITY for a very simple fastpath.
+            // (Rather than buffer.getCapacity().)
+            if(length < INITIAL_CAPACITY || ensureAppendCapacity(1, errorCode)) {
+                ++length;
+                return TRUE;
+            } else {
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        inline int64_t set(int32_t i, int64_t ce) {
+            return buffer[i] = ce;
+        }
+        inline int64_t get(int32_t i) const { return buffer[i]; }
+        const int64_t *getCEs() const { return buffer.getAlias(); }
+        int32_t length;
+    private:
+        CEBuffer(const CEBuffer &);
+        void operator=(const CEBuffer &);
+        MaybeStackArray<int64_t, INITIAL_CAPACITY> buffer;
+    };
+    CollationIterator(const CollationData *d, UBool numeric)
+            : trie(d->trie),
+              data(d),
+              cesIndex(0),
+              skipped(NULL),
+              numCpFwd(-1),
+              isNumeric(numeric) {}
+    virtual ~CollationIterator();
+    virtual UBool operator==(const CollationIterator &other) const;
+    inline UBool operator!=(const CollationIterator &other) const {
+        return !operator==(other);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets the iterator state and sets the position to the specified offset.
+     * Subclasses must implement, and must call the parent class method,
+     * or CollationIterator::reset().
+     */
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset) = 0;
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the next collation element.
+     */
+    inline int64_t nextCE(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        if(cesIndex < ceBuffer.length) {
+            // Return the next buffered CE.
+            return ceBuffer.get(cesIndex++);
+        }
+        // assert cesIndex == ceBuffer.length;
+        if(!ceBuffer.incLength(errorCode)) {
+            return Collation::NO_CE;
+        }
+        UChar32 c;
+        uint32_t ce32 = handleNextCE32(c, errorCode);
+        uint32_t t = ce32 & 0xff;
+        if(t < Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {  // Forced-inline of isSpecialCE32(ce32).
+            // Normal CE from the main data.
+            // Forced-inline of ceFromSimpleCE32(ce32).
+            return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++,
+                    ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xffff0000) << 32) | ((ce32 & 0xff00) << 16) | (t << 8));
+        }
+        const CollationData *d;
+        // The compiler should be able to optimize the previous and the following
+        // comparisons of t with the same constant.
+        if(t == Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
+            if(c < 0) {
+                return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++, Collation::NO_CE);
+            }
+            d = data->base;
+            ce32 = d->getCE32(c);
+            t = ce32 & 0xff;
+            if(t < Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
+                // Normal CE from the base data.
+                return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++,
+                        ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xffff0000) << 32) | ((ce32 & 0xff00) << 16) | (t << 8));
+            }
+        } else {
+            d = data;
+        }
+        if(t == Collation::LONG_PRIMARY_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
+            // Forced-inline of ceFromLongPrimaryCE32(ce32).
+            return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++,
+                    ((int64_t)(ce32 - t) << 32) | Collation::COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE);
+        }
+        return nextCEFromCE32(d, c, ce32, errorCode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fetches all CEs.
+     * @return getCEsLength()
+     */
+    int32_t fetchCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Overwrites the current CE (the last one returned by nextCE()).
+     */
+    void setCurrentCE(int64_t ce) {
+        // assert cesIndex > 0;
+        ceBuffer.set(cesIndex - 1, ce);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the previous collation element.
+     */
+    int64_t previousCE(UVector32 &offsets, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    inline int32_t getCEsLength() const {
+        return ceBuffer.length;
+    }
+    inline int64_t getCE(int32_t i) const {
+        return ceBuffer.get(i);
+    }
+    const int64_t *getCEs() const {
+        return ceBuffer.getCEs();
+    }
+    void clearCEs() {
+        cesIndex = ceBuffer.length = 0;
+    }
+    void clearCEsIfNoneRemaining() {
+        if(cesIndex == ceBuffer.length) { clearCEs(); }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the next code point (with post-increment).
+     * Public for identical-level comparison and for testing.
+     */
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the previous code point (with pre-decrement).
+     * Public for identical-level comparison and for testing.
+     */
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    CollationIterator(const CollationIterator &other);
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * Returns the next code point and its local CE32 value.
+     * Returns Collation::FALLBACK_CE32 at the end of the text (c<0)
+     * or when c's CE32 value is to be looked up in the base data (fallback).
+     *
+     * The code point is used for fallbacks, context and implicit weights.
+     * It is ignored when the returned CE32 is not special (e.g., FFFD_CE32).
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Called when handleNextCE32() returns a LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG for a lead surrogate code unit.
+     * Returns the trail surrogate in that case and advances past it,
+     * if a trail surrogate follows the lead surrogate.
+     * Otherwise returns any other code unit and does not advance.
+     */
+    virtual UChar handleGetTrailSurrogate();
+    /**
+     * Called when handleNextCE32() returns with c==0, to see whether it is a NUL terminator.
+     * (Not needed in Java.)
+     */
+    virtual UBool foundNULTerminator();
+    /**
+     * @return FALSE if surrogate code points U+D800..U+DFFF
+     *         map to their own implicit primary weights (for UTF-16),
+     *         or TRUE if they map to CE(U+FFFD) (for UTF-8)
+     */
+    virtual UBool forbidSurrogateCodePoints() const;
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the CE32 from the data trie.
+     * Normally the same as data->getCE32(), but overridden in the builder.
+     * Call this only when the faster data->getCE32() cannot be used.
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t getDataCE32(UChar32 c) const;
+    virtual uint32_t getCE32FromBuilderData(uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void appendCEsFromCE32(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32,
+                           UBool forward, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Main lookup trie of the data object.
+    const UTrie2 *trie;
+    const CollationData *data;
+    int64_t nextCEFromCE32(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32,
+                           UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t getCE32FromPrefix(const CollationData *d, uint32_t ce32,
+                               UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UChar32 nextSkippedCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void backwardNumSkipped(int32_t n, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t nextCE32FromContraction(
+            const CollationData *d, uint32_t contractionCE32,
+            const UChar *p, uint32_t ce32, UChar32 c,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t nextCE32FromDiscontiguousContraction(
+            const CollationData *d, UCharsTrie &suffixes, uint32_t ce32,
+            int32_t lookAhead, UChar32 c,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns the previous CE when data->isUnsafeBackward(c, isNumeric).
+     */
+    int64_t previousCEUnsafe(UChar32 c, UVector32 &offsets, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Turns a string of digits (bytes 0..9)
+     * into a sequence of CEs that will sort in numeric order.
+     *
+     * Starts from this ce32's digit value and consumes the following/preceding digits.
+     * The digits string must not be empty and must not have leading zeros.
+     */
+    void appendNumericCEs(uint32_t ce32, UBool forward, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Turns 1..254 digits into a sequence of CEs.
+     * Called by appendNumericCEs() for each segment of at most 254 digits.
+     */
+    void appendNumericSegmentCEs(const char *digits, int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CEBuffer ceBuffer;
+    int32_t cesIndex;
+    SkippedState *skipped;
+    // Number of code points to read forward, or -1.
+    // Used as a forward iteration limit in previousCEUnsafe().
+    int32_t numCpFwd;
+    // Numeric collation (CollationSettings::NUMERIC).
+    UBool isNumeric;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationkeys.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationkeys.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d9e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationkeys.h
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationkeys.h
+* created on: 2012sep02
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __COLLATIONKEYS_H__
+#define __COLLATIONKEYS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+class CollationIterator;
+struct CollationDataReader;
+struct CollationSettings;
+class SortKeyByteSink : public ByteSink {
+    SortKeyByteSink(char *dest, int32_t destCapacity)
+            : buffer_(dest), capacity_(destCapacity),
+              appended_(0), ignore_(0) {}
+    virtual ~SortKeyByteSink();
+    void IgnoreBytes(int32_t numIgnore) { ignore_ = numIgnore; }
+    virtual void Append(const char *bytes, int32_t n);
+    void Append(uint32_t b) {
+        if (ignore_ > 0) {
+            --ignore_;
+        } else {
+            if (appended_ < capacity_ || Resize(1, appended_)) {
+                buffer_[appended_] = (char)b;
+            }
+            ++appended_;
+        }
+    }
+    virtual char *GetAppendBuffer(int32_t min_capacity,
+                                  int32_t desired_capacity_hint,
+                                  char *scratch, int32_t scratch_capacity,
+                                  int32_t *result_capacity);
+    int32_t NumberOfBytesAppended() const { return appended_; }
+    /**
+     * @return how many bytes can be appended (including ignored ones)
+     *         without reallocation
+     */
+    int32_t GetRemainingCapacity() const {
+        // Either ignore_ or appended_ should be 0.
+        return ignore_ + capacity_ - appended_;
+    }
+    UBool Overflowed() const { return appended_ > capacity_; }
+    /** @return FALSE if memory allocation failed */
+    UBool IsOk() const { return buffer_ != NULL; }
+    virtual void AppendBeyondCapacity(const char *bytes, int32_t n, int32_t length) = 0;
+    virtual UBool Resize(int32_t appendCapacity, int32_t length) = 0;
+    void SetNotOk() {
+        buffer_ = NULL;
+        capacity_ = 0;
+    }
+    char *buffer_;
+    int32_t capacity_;
+    int32_t appended_;
+    int32_t ignore_;
+    SortKeyByteSink(const SortKeyByteSink &); // copy constructor not implemented
+    SortKeyByteSink &operator=(const SortKeyByteSink &); // assignment operator not implemented
+class U_I18N_API CollationKeys /* not : public UObject because all methods are static */ {
+    class LevelCallback : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        virtual ~LevelCallback();
+        /**
+         * @param level The next level about to be written to the ByteSink.
+         * @return TRUE if the level is to be written
+         *         (the base class implementation always returns TRUE)
+         */
+        virtual UBool needToWrite(Collation::Level level);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Writes the sort key bytes for minLevel up to the iterator data's strength.
+     * Optionally writes the case level.
+     * Stops writing levels when callback.needToWrite(level) returns FALSE.
+     * Separates levels with the LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE
+     * but does not write a TERMINATOR_BYTE.
+     */
+    static void writeSortKeyUpToQuaternary(CollationIterator &iter,
+                                           const UBool *compressibleBytes,
+                                           const CollationSettings &settings,
+                                           SortKeyByteSink &sink,
+                                           Collation::Level minLevel, LevelCallback &callback,
+                                           UBool preflight, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    friend struct CollationDataReader;
+    CollationKeys();  // no instantiation
+    // Secondary level: Compress up to 33 common weights as 05..25 or 25..45.
+    static const uint32_t SEC_COMMON_LOW = Collation::COMMON_BYTE;
+    static const uint32_t SEC_COMMON_MIDDLE = SEC_COMMON_LOW + 0x20;
+    static const uint32_t SEC_COMMON_HIGH = SEC_COMMON_LOW + 0x40;
+    static const int32_t SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x21;
+    // Case level, lowerFirst: Compress up to 7 common weights as 1..7 or 7..13.
+    static const uint32_t CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = 1;
+    static const uint32_t CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MIDDLE = 7;
+    static const uint32_t CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = 13;
+    static const int32_t CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 7;
+    // Case level, upperFirst: Compress up to 13 common weights as 3..15.
+    static const uint32_t CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = 3;
+    static const uint32_t CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = 15;
+    static const int32_t CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 13;
+    // Tertiary level only (no case): Compress up to 97 common weights as 05..65 or 65..C5.
+    static const uint32_t TER_ONLY_COMMON_LOW = Collation::COMMON_BYTE;
+    static const uint32_t TER_ONLY_COMMON_MIDDLE = TER_ONLY_COMMON_LOW + 0x60;
+    static const uint32_t TER_ONLY_COMMON_HIGH = TER_ONLY_COMMON_LOW + 0xc0;
+    static const int32_t TER_ONLY_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x61;
+    // Tertiary with case, lowerFirst: Compress up to 33 common weights as 05..25 or 25..45.
+    static const uint32_t TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = Collation::COMMON_BYTE;
+    static const uint32_t TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + 0x40;
+    static const int32_t TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x21;
+    // Tertiary with case, upperFirst: Compress up to 33 common weights as 85..A5 or A5..C5.
+    static const uint32_t TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = Collation::COMMON_BYTE + 0x80;
+    static const uint32_t TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + 0x40;
+    static const int32_t TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x21;
+    // Quaternary level: Compress up to 113 common weights as 1C..8C or 8C..FC.
+    static const uint32_t QUAT_COMMON_LOW = 0x1c;
+    static const uint32_t QUAT_COMMON_MIDDLE = QUAT_COMMON_LOW + 0x70;
+    static const uint32_t QUAT_COMMON_HIGH = QUAT_COMMON_LOW + 0xE0;
+    static const int32_t QUAT_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x71;
+    // Primary weights shifted to quaternary level must be encoded with
+    // a lead byte below the common-weight compression range.
+    static const uint32_t QUAT_SHIFTED_LIMIT_BYTE = QUAT_COMMON_LOW - 1;  // 0x1b
+#endif  // __COLLATIONKEYS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationroot.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationroot.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cd3046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationroot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationroot.h
+* created on: 2012dec17
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __COLLATIONROOT_H__
+#define __COLLATIONROOT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+struct CollationCacheEntry;
+struct CollationData;
+struct CollationSettings;
+struct CollationTailoring;
+ * Collation root provider.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationRoot {  // purely static
+    static const CollationCacheEntry *getRootCacheEntry(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const CollationTailoring *getRoot(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const CollationData *getData(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const CollationSettings *getSettings(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static void U_CALLCONV load(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  // __COLLATIONROOT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationrootelements.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationrootelements.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7836d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationrootelements.h
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationrootelements.h
+* created on: 2013mar01
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+ * Container and access methods for collation elements and weights
+ * that occur in the root collator.
+ * Needed for finding boundaries for building a tailoring.
+ *
+ * This class takes and returns 16-bit secondary and tertiary weights.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationRootElements : public UMemory {
+    CollationRootElements(const uint32_t *rootElements, int32_t rootElementsLength)
+            : elements(rootElements), length(rootElementsLength) {}
+    /**
+     * Higher than any root primary.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t PRIMARY_SENTINEL = 0xffffff00;
+    /**
+     * Flag in a root element, set if the element contains secondary & tertiary weights,
+     * rather than a primary.
+     */
+    static const uint32_t SEC_TER_DELTA_FLAG = 0x80;
+    /**
+     * Mask for getting the primary range step value from a primary-range-end element.
+     */
+    static const uint8_t PRIMARY_STEP_MASK = 0x7f;
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * Index of the first CE with a non-zero tertiary weight.
+         * Same as the start of the compact root elements table.
+         */
+        /**
+         * Index of the first CE with a non-zero secondary weight.
+         */
+        /**
+         * Index of the first CE with a non-zero primary weight.
+         */
+        /**
+         * Must match Collation::COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE.
+         */
+        /**
+         * Secondary & tertiary boundaries.
+         * Bits 31..24: [fixed last secondary common byte 45]
+         * Bits 23..16: [fixed first ignorable secondary byte 80]
+         * Bits 15.. 8: reserved, 0
+         * Bits  7.. 0: [fixed first ignorable tertiary byte 3C]
+         */
+        /**
+         * The current number of indexes.
+         * Currently the same as elements[IX_FIRST_TERTIARY_INDEX].
+         */
+        IX_COUNT
+    };
+    /**
+     * Returns the boundary between tertiary weights of primary/secondary CEs
+     * and those of tertiary CEs.
+     * This is the upper limit for tertiaries of primary/secondary CEs.
+     * This minus one is the lower limit for tertiaries of tertiary CEs.
+     */
+    uint32_t getTertiaryBoundary() const {
+        return (elements[IX_SEC_TER_BOUNDARIES] << 8) & 0xff00;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the first assigned tertiary CE.
+     */
+    uint32_t getFirstTertiaryCE() const {
+        return elements[elements[IX_FIRST_TERTIARY_INDEX]] & ~SEC_TER_DELTA_FLAG;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the last assigned tertiary CE.
+     */
+    uint32_t getLastTertiaryCE() const {
+        return elements[elements[IX_FIRST_SECONDARY_INDEX] - 1] & ~SEC_TER_DELTA_FLAG;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the last common secondary weight.
+     * This is the lower limit for secondaries of primary CEs.
+     */
+    uint32_t getLastCommonSecondary() const {
+        return (elements[IX_SEC_TER_BOUNDARIES] >> 16) & 0xff00;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the boundary between secondary weights of primary CEs
+     * and those of secondary CEs.
+     * This is the upper limit for secondaries of primary CEs.
+     * This minus one is the lower limit for secondaries of secondary CEs.
+     */
+    uint32_t getSecondaryBoundary() const {
+        return (elements[IX_SEC_TER_BOUNDARIES] >> 8) & 0xff00;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the first assigned secondary CE.
+     */
+    uint32_t getFirstSecondaryCE() const {
+        return elements[elements[IX_FIRST_SECONDARY_INDEX]] & ~SEC_TER_DELTA_FLAG;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the last assigned secondary CE.
+     */
+    uint32_t getLastSecondaryCE() const {
+        return elements[elements[IX_FIRST_PRIMARY_INDEX] - 1] & ~SEC_TER_DELTA_FLAG;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the first assigned primary weight.
+     */
+    uint32_t getFirstPrimary() const {
+        return elements[elements[IX_FIRST_PRIMARY_INDEX]];  // step=0: cannot be a range end
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the first assigned primary CE.
+     */
+    int64_t getFirstPrimaryCE() const {
+        return Collation::makeCE(getFirstPrimary());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the last root CE with a primary weight before p.
+     * Intended only for reordering group boundaries.
+     */
+    int64_t lastCEWithPrimaryBefore(uint32_t p) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the first root CE with a primary weight of at least p.
+     * Intended only for reordering group boundaries.
+     */
+    int64_t firstCEWithPrimaryAtLeast(uint32_t p) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the primary weight before p.
+     * p must be greater than the first root primary.
+     */
+    uint32_t getPrimaryBefore(uint32_t p, UBool isCompressible) const;
+    /** Returns the secondary weight before [p, s]. */
+    uint32_t getSecondaryBefore(uint32_t p, uint32_t s) const;
+    /** Returns the tertiary weight before [p, s, t]. */
+    uint32_t getTertiaryBefore(uint32_t p, uint32_t s, uint32_t t) const;
+    /**
+     * Finds the index of the input primary.
+     * p must occur as a root primary, and must not be 0.
+     */
+    int32_t findPrimary(uint32_t p) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the primary weight after p where index=findPrimary(p).
+     * p must be at least the first root primary.
+     */
+    uint32_t getPrimaryAfter(uint32_t p, int32_t index, UBool isCompressible) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the secondary weight after [p, s] where index=findPrimary(p)
+     * except use index=0 for p=0.
+     *
+     * Must return a weight for every root [p, s] as well as for every weight
+     * returned by getSecondaryBefore(). If p!=0 then s can be BEFORE_WEIGHT16.
+     *
+     * Exception: [0, 0] is handled by the CollationBuilder:
+     * Both its lower and upper boundaries are special.
+     */
+    uint32_t getSecondaryAfter(int32_t index, uint32_t s) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the tertiary weight after [p, s, t] where index=findPrimary(p)
+     * except use index=0 for p=0.
+     *
+     * Must return a weight for every root [p, s, t] as well as for every weight
+     * returned by getTertiaryBefore(). If s!=0 then t can be BEFORE_WEIGHT16.
+     *
+     * Exception: [0, 0, 0] is handled by the CollationBuilder:
+     * Both its lower and upper boundaries are special.
+     */
+    uint32_t getTertiaryAfter(int32_t index, uint32_t s, uint32_t t) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the first secondary & tertiary weights for p where index=findPrimary(p)+1.
+     */
+    uint32_t getFirstSecTerForPrimary(int32_t index) const;
+    /**
+     * Finds the largest index i where elements[i]<=p.
+     * Requires first primary<=p<0xffffff00 (PRIMARY_SENTINEL).
+     * Does not require that p is a root collator primary.
+     */
+    int32_t findP(uint32_t p) const;
+    static inline UBool isEndOfPrimaryRange(uint32_t q) {
+        return (q & SEC_TER_DELTA_FLAG) == 0 && (q & PRIMARY_STEP_MASK) != 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Data structure:
+     *
+     * The first few entries are indexes, up to elements[IX_FIRST_TERTIARY_INDEX].
+     * See the comments on the IX_ constants.
+     *
+     * All other elements are a compact form of the root collator CEs
+     * in mostly collation order.
+     *
+     * A sequence of one or more root CEs with the same primary weight is stored as
+     * one element with the primary weight, with the SEC_TER_DELTA_FLAG flag not set,
+     * followed by elements with only the secondary/tertiary weights,
+     * each with that flag set.
+     * If the lowest secondary/tertiary combination is Collation::COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE,
+     * then the element for that combination is omitted.
+     *
+     * Note: If the first actual secondary/tertiary combination is higher than
+     * Collation::COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE (which is unusual),
+     * the runtime code will assume anyway that Collation::COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE is present.
+     *
+     * A range of only-primary CEs with a consistent "step" increment
+     * from each primary to the next may be stored as a range.
+     * Only the first and last primary are stored, and the last has the step
+     * value in the low bits (PRIMARY_STEP_MASK).
+     *
+     * An range-end element may also either start a new range or be followed by
+     * elements with secondary/tertiary deltas.
+     *
+     * A primary element that is not a range end has zero step bits.
+     *
+     * There is no element for the completely ignorable CE (all weights 0).
+     *
+     * Before elements[IX_FIRST_PRIMARY_INDEX], all elements are secondary/tertiary deltas,
+     * for all of the ignorable root CEs.
+     *
+     * There are no elements for unassigned-implicit primary CEs.
+     * All primaries stored here are at most 3 bytes long.
+     */
+    const uint32_t *elements;
+    int32_t length;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationruleparser.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationruleparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e124881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationruleparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationruleparser.h
+* created on: 2013apr10
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+struct UParseError;
+struct CollationData;
+struct CollationTailoring;
+class Locale;
+class Normalizer2;
+struct CollationSettings;
+class U_I18N_API CollationRuleParser : public UMemory {
+    /** Special reset positions. */
+    enum Position {
+        LAST_REGULAR,
+    };
+    /**
+     * First character of contractions that encode special reset positions.
+     * U+FFFE cannot be tailored via rule syntax.
+     *
+     * The second contraction character is POS_BASE + Position.
+     */
+    static const UChar POS_LEAD = 0xfffe;
+    /**
+     * Base for the second character of contractions that encode special reset positions.
+     * Braille characters U+28xx are printable and normalization-inert.
+     * @see POS_LEAD
+     */
+    static const UChar POS_BASE = 0x2800;
+    class U_I18N_API Sink : public UObject {
+    public:
+        virtual ~Sink();
+        /**
+         * Adds a reset.
+         * strength=UCOL_IDENTICAL for &str.
+         * strength=UCOL_PRIMARY/UCOL_SECONDARY/UCOL_TERTIARY for &[before n]str where n=1/2/3.
+         */
+        virtual void addReset(int32_t strength, const UnicodeString &str,
+                              const char *&errorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Adds a relation with strength and prefix | str / extension.
+         */
+        virtual void addRelation(int32_t strength, const UnicodeString &prefix,
+                                 const UnicodeString &str, const UnicodeString &extension,
+                                 const char *&errorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+        virtual void suppressContractions(const UnicodeSet &set, const char *&errorReason,
+                                          UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        virtual void optimize(const UnicodeSet &set, const char *&errorReason,
+                              UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    };
+    class U_I18N_API Importer : public UObject {
+    public:
+        virtual ~Importer();
+        virtual void getRules(
+                const char *localeID, const char *collationType,
+                UnicodeString &rules,
+                const char *&errorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     * The Sink must be set before parsing.
+     * The Importer can be set, otherwise [import locale] syntax is not supported.
+     */
+    CollationRuleParser(const CollationData *base, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    ~CollationRuleParser();
+    /**
+     * Sets the pointer to a Sink object.
+     * The pointer is aliased: Pointer copy without cloning or taking ownership.
+     */
+    void setSink(Sink *sinkAlias) {
+        sink = sinkAlias;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the pointer to an Importer object.
+     * The pointer is aliased: Pointer copy without cloning or taking ownership.
+     */
+    void setImporter(Importer *importerAlias) {
+        importer = importerAlias;
+    }
+    void parse(const UnicodeString &ruleString,
+               CollationSettings &outSettings,
+               UParseError *outParseError,
+               UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const char *getErrorReason() const { return errorReason; }
+    /**
+     * Gets a script or reorder code from its string representation.
+     * @return the script/reorder code, or
+     * -1 if not recognized
+     */
+    static int32_t getReorderCode(const char *word);
+    static const int32_t STRENGTH_MASK = 0xf;
+    static const int32_t STARRED_FLAG = 0x10;
+    static const int32_t OFFSET_SHIFT = 8;
+    void parse(const UnicodeString &ruleString, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void parseRuleChain(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parseResetAndPosition(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parseRelationOperator(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void parseRelationStrings(int32_t strength, int32_t i, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void parseStarredCharacters(int32_t strength, int32_t i, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parseTailoringString(int32_t i, UnicodeString &raw, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parseString(int32_t i, UnicodeString &raw, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Sets str to a contraction of U+FFFE and (U+2800 + Position).
+     * @return rule index after the special reset position
+     */
+    int32_t parseSpecialPosition(int32_t i, UnicodeString &str, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void parseSetting(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void parseReordering(const UnicodeString &raw, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static UColAttributeValue getOnOffValue(const UnicodeString &s);
+    int32_t parseUnicodeSet(int32_t i, UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t readWords(int32_t i, UnicodeString &raw) const;
+    int32_t skipComment(int32_t i) const;
+    void setParseError(const char *reason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void setErrorContext();
+    /**
+     * ASCII [:P:] and [:S:]:
+     * [\u0021-\u002F \u003A-\u0040 \u005B-\u0060 \u007B-\u007E]
+     */
+    static UBool isSyntaxChar(UChar32 c);
+    int32_t skipWhiteSpace(int32_t i) const;
+    const Normalizer2 &nfd, &nfc;
+    const UnicodeString *rules;
+    const CollationData *const baseData;
+    CollationSettings *settings;
+    UParseError *parseError;
+    const char *errorReason;
+    Sink *sink;
+    Importer *importer;
+    int32_t ruleIndex;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationsets.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationsets.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aed41f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationsets.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationsets.h
+* created on: 2013feb09
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __COLLATIONSETS_H__
+#define __COLLATIONSETS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+struct CollationData;
+ * Finds the set of characters and strings that sort differently in the tailoring
+ * from the base data.
+ *
+ * Every mapping in the tailoring needs to be compared to the base,
+ * because some mappings are copied for optimization, and
+ * all contractions for a character are copied if any contractions for that character
+ * are added, modified or removed.
+ *
+ * It might be simpler to re-parse the rule string, but:
+ * - That would require duplicating some of the from-rules builder code.
+ * - That would make the runtime code depend on the builder.
+ * - That would only work if we have the rule string, and we allow users to
+ *   omit the rule string from data files.
+ */
+class TailoredSet : public UMemory {
+    TailoredSet(UnicodeSet *t)
+            : data(NULL), baseData(NULL),
+              tailored(t),
+              suffix(NULL),
+              errorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    void forData(const CollationData *d, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * @return U_SUCCESS(errorCode) in C++, void in Java
+     * @internal only public for access by callback
+     */
+    UBool handleCE32(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32);
+    void compare(UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32, uint32_t baseCE32);
+    void comparePrefixes(UChar32 c, const UChar *p, const UChar *q);
+    void compareContractions(UChar32 c, const UChar *p, const UChar *q);
+    void addPrefixes(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, const UChar *p);
+    void addPrefix(const CollationData *d, const UnicodeString &pfx, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32);
+    void addContractions(UChar32 c, const UChar *p);
+    void addSuffix(UChar32 c, const UnicodeString &sfx);
+    void add(UChar32 c);
+    /** Prefixes are reversed in the data structure. */
+    void setPrefix(const UnicodeString &pfx) {
+        unreversedPrefix = pfx;
+        unreversedPrefix.reverse();
+    }
+    void resetPrefix() {
+        unreversedPrefix.remove();
+    }
+    const CollationData *data;
+    const CollationData *baseData;
+    UnicodeSet *tailored;
+    UnicodeString unreversedPrefix;
+    const UnicodeString *suffix;
+    UErrorCode errorCode;
+class ContractionsAndExpansions : public UMemory {
+    class CESink : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        virtual ~CESink();
+        virtual void handleCE(int64_t ce) = 0;
+        virtual void handleExpansion(const int64_t ces[], int32_t length) = 0;
+    };
+    ContractionsAndExpansions(UnicodeSet *con, UnicodeSet *exp, CESink *s, UBool prefixes)
+            : data(NULL),
+              contractions(con), expansions(exp),
+              sink(s),
+              addPrefixes(prefixes),
+              checkTailored(0),
+              suffix(NULL),
+              errorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    void forData(const CollationData *d, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void forCodePoint(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, UErrorCode &ec);
+    // all following: @internal, only public for access by callback
+    void handleCE32(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32);
+    void handlePrefixes(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32);
+    void handleContractions(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32);
+    void addExpansions(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+    void addStrings(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, UnicodeSet *set);
+    /** Prefixes are reversed in the data structure. */
+    void setPrefix(const UnicodeString &pfx) {
+        unreversedPrefix = pfx;
+        unreversedPrefix.reverse();
+    }
+    void resetPrefix() {
+        unreversedPrefix.remove();
+    }
+    const CollationData *data;
+    UnicodeSet *contractions;
+    UnicodeSet *expansions;
+    CESink *sink;
+    UBool addPrefixes;
+    int8_t checkTailored;  // -1: collected tailored  +1: exclude tailored
+    UnicodeSet tailored;
+    UnicodeSet ranges;
+    UnicodeString unreversedPrefix;
+    const UnicodeString *suffix;
+    int64_t ces[Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
+    UErrorCode errorCode;
+#endif  // __COLLATIONSETS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationsettings.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationsettings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83e775d
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+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationsettings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationsettings.h
+* created on: 2013feb07
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "sharedobject.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
+struct CollationData;
+ * Collation settings/options/attributes.
+ * These are the values that can be changed via API.
+ */
+struct U_I18N_API CollationSettings : public SharedObject {
+    /**
+     * Options bit 0: Perform the FCD check on the input text and deliver normalized text.
+     */
+    static const int32_t CHECK_FCD = 1;
+    /**
+     * Options bit 1: Numeric collation.
+     * Also known as CODAN = COllate Digits As Numbers.
+     *
+     * Treat digit sequences as numbers with CE sequences in numeric order,
+     * rather than returning a normal CE for each digit.
+     */
+    static const int32_t NUMERIC = 2;
+    /**
+     * "Shifted" alternate handling, see ALTERNATE_MASK.
+     */
+    static const int32_t SHIFTED = 4;
+    /**
+     * Options bits 3..2: Alternate-handling mask. 0 for non-ignorable.
+     * Reserve values 8 and 0xc for shift-trimmed and blanked.
+     */
+    static const int32_t ALTERNATE_MASK = 0xc;
+    /**
+     * Options bits 6..4: The 3-bit maxVariable value bit field is shifted by this value.
+     */
+    static const int32_t MAX_VARIABLE_SHIFT = 4;
+    /** maxVariable options bit mask before shifting. */
+    static const int32_t MAX_VARIABLE_MASK = 0x70;
+    /** Options bit 7: Reserved/unused/0. */
+    /**
+     * Options bit 8: Sort uppercase first if caseLevel or caseFirst is on.
+     */
+    static const int32_t UPPER_FIRST = 0x100;
+    /**
+     * Options bit 9: Keep the case bits in the tertiary weight (they trump other tertiary values)
+     * unless case level is on (when they are *moved* into the separate case level).
+     * By default, the case bits are removed from the tertiary weight (ignored).
+     *
+     * When CASE_FIRST is off, UPPER_FIRST must be off too, corresponding to
+     * the tri-value UCOL_CASE_FIRST attribute: UCOL_OFF vs. UCOL_LOWER_FIRST vs. UCOL_UPPER_FIRST.
+     */
+    static const int32_t CASE_FIRST = 0x200;
+    /**
+     * Options bit mask for caseFirst and upperFirst, before shifting.
+     * Same value as caseFirst==upperFirst.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Options bit 10: Insert the case level between the secondary and tertiary levels.
+     */
+    static const int32_t CASE_LEVEL = 0x400;
+    /**
+     * Options bit 11: Compare secondary weights backwards. ("French secondary")
+     */
+    static const int32_t BACKWARD_SECONDARY = 0x800;
+    /**
+     * Options bits 15..12: The 4-bit strength value bit field is shifted by this value.
+     * It is the top used bit field in the options. (No need to mask after shifting.)
+     */
+    static const int32_t STRENGTH_SHIFT = 12;
+    /** Strength options bit mask before shifting. */
+    static const int32_t STRENGTH_MASK = 0xf000;
+    /** maxVariable values */
+    enum MaxVariable {
+        MAX_VAR_SPACE,
+        MAX_VAR_PUNCT,
+        MAX_VAR_SYMBOL,
+    };
+    CollationSettings()
+            : options((UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH << STRENGTH_SHIFT) |
+                      (MAX_VAR_PUNCT << MAX_VARIABLE_SHIFT)),
+              variableTop(0),
+              reorderTable(NULL),
+              minHighNoReorder(0),
+              reorderRanges(NULL), reorderRangesLength(0),
+              reorderCodes(NULL), reorderCodesLength(0), reorderCodesCapacity(0),
+              fastLatinOptions(-1) {}
+    CollationSettings(const CollationSettings &other);
+    virtual ~CollationSettings();
+    UBool operator==(const CollationSettings &other) const;
+    inline UBool operator!=(const CollationSettings &other) const {
+        return !operator==(other);
+    }
+    int32_t hashCode() const;
+    void resetReordering();
+    void aliasReordering(const CollationData &data, const int32_t *codes, int32_t length,
+                         const uint32_t *ranges, int32_t rangesLength,
+                         const uint8_t *table, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void setReordering(const CollationData &data, const int32_t *codes, int32_t codesLength,
+                       UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void copyReorderingFrom(const CollationSettings &other, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    inline UBool hasReordering() const { return reorderTable != NULL; }
+    static UBool reorderTableHasSplitBytes(const uint8_t table[256]);
+    inline uint32_t reorder(uint32_t p) const {
+        uint8_t b = reorderTable[p >> 24];
+        if(b != 0 || p <= Collation::NO_CE_PRIMARY) {
+            return ((uint32_t)b << 24) | (p & 0xffffff);
+        } else {
+            return reorderEx(p);
+        }
+    }
+    void setStrength(int32_t value, int32_t defaultOptions, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static int32_t getStrength(int32_t options) {
+        return options >> STRENGTH_SHIFT;
+    }
+    int32_t getStrength() const {
+        return getStrength(options);
+    }
+    /** Sets the options bit for an on/off attribute. */
+    void setFlag(int32_t bit, UColAttributeValue value,
+                 int32_t defaultOptions, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UColAttributeValue getFlag(int32_t bit) const {
+        return ((options & bit) != 0) ? UCOL_ON : UCOL_OFF;
+    }
+    void setCaseFirst(UColAttributeValue value, int32_t defaultOptions, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UColAttributeValue getCaseFirst() const {
+        int32_t option = options & CASE_FIRST_AND_UPPER_MASK;
+        return (option == 0) ? UCOL_OFF :
+                (option == CASE_FIRST) ? UCOL_LOWER_FIRST : UCOL_UPPER_FIRST;
+    }
+    void setAlternateHandling(UColAttributeValue value,
+                              int32_t defaultOptions, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UColAttributeValue getAlternateHandling() const {
+        return ((options & ALTERNATE_MASK) == 0) ? UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE : UCOL_SHIFTED;
+    }
+    void setMaxVariable(int32_t value, int32_t defaultOptions, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    MaxVariable getMaxVariable() const {
+        return (MaxVariable)((options & MAX_VARIABLE_MASK) >> MAX_VARIABLE_SHIFT);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Include case bits in the tertiary level if caseLevel=off and caseFirst!=off.
+     */
+    static inline UBool isTertiaryWithCaseBits(int32_t options) {
+        return (options & (CASE_LEVEL | CASE_FIRST)) == CASE_FIRST;
+    }
+    static uint32_t getTertiaryMask(int32_t options) {
+        // Remove the case bits from the tertiary weight when caseLevel is on or caseFirst is off.
+        return isTertiaryWithCaseBits(options) ?
+                Collation::CASE_AND_TERTIARY_MASK : Collation::ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK;
+    }
+    static UBool sortsTertiaryUpperCaseFirst(int32_t options) {
+        // On tertiary level, consider case bits and sort uppercase first
+        // if caseLevel is off and caseFirst==upperFirst.
+    }
+    inline UBool dontCheckFCD() const {
+        return (options & CHECK_FCD) == 0;
+    }
+    inline UBool hasBackwardSecondary() const {
+        return (options & BACKWARD_SECONDARY) != 0;
+    }
+    inline UBool isNumeric() const {
+        return (options & NUMERIC) != 0;
+    }
+    /** CHECK_FCD etc. */
+    int32_t options;
+    /** Variable-top primary weight. */
+    uint32_t variableTop;
+    /**
+     * 256-byte table for reordering permutation of primary lead bytes; NULL if no reordering.
+     * A 0 entry at a non-zero index means that the primary lead byte is "split"
+     * (there are different offsets for primaries that share that lead byte)
+     * and the reordering offset must be determined via the reorderRanges.
+     */
+    const uint8_t *reorderTable;
+    /** Limit of last reordered range. 0 if no reordering or no split bytes. */
+    uint32_t minHighNoReorder;
+    /**
+     * Primary-weight ranges for script reordering,
+     * to be used by reorder(p) for split-reordered primary lead bytes.
+     *
+     * Each entry is a (limit, offset) pair.
+     * The upper 16 bits of the entry are the upper 16 bits of the
+     * exclusive primary limit of a range.
+     * Primaries between the previous limit and this one have their lead bytes
+     * modified by the signed offset (-0xff..+0xff) stored in the lower 16 bits.
+     *
+     * CollationData::makeReorderRanges() writes a full list where the first range
+     * (at least for terminators and separators) has a 0 offset.
+     * The last range has a non-zero offset.
+     * minHighNoReorder is set to the limit of that last range.
+     *
+     * In the settings object, the initial ranges before the first split lead byte
+     * are omitted for efficiency; they are handled by reorder(p) via the reorderTable.
+     * If there are no split-reordered lead bytes, then no ranges are needed.
+     */
+    const uint32_t *reorderRanges;
+    int32_t reorderRangesLength;
+    /** Array of reorder codes; ignored if reorderCodesLength == 0. */
+    const int32_t *reorderCodes;
+    /** Number of reorder codes; 0 if no reordering. */
+    int32_t reorderCodesLength;
+    /**
+     * Capacity of reorderCodes.
+     * If 0, then the codes, the ranges, and the table are aliases.
+     * Otherwise, this object owns the memory via the reorderCodes pointer;
+     * the codes, the ranges, and the table are in the same memory block, in that order.
+     */
+    int32_t reorderCodesCapacity;
+    /** Options for CollationFastLatin. Negative if disabled. */
+    int32_t fastLatinOptions;
+    uint16_t fastLatinPrimaries[0x180];
+    void setReorderArrays(const int32_t *codes, int32_t codesLength,
+                          const uint32_t *ranges, int32_t rangesLength,
+                          const uint8_t *table, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t reorderEx(uint32_t p) const;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationtailoring.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationtailoring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a636cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationtailoring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationtailoring.h
+* created on: 2013mar12
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uversion.h"
+#include "collationsettings.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
+struct UDataMemory;
+struct UResourceBundle;
+struct UTrie2;
+struct CollationData;
+class UnicodeSet;
+ * Collation tailoring data & settings.
+ * This is a container of values for a collation tailoring
+ * built from rules or deserialized from binary data.
+ *
+ * It is logically immutable: Do not modify its values.
+ * The fields are public for convenience.
+ *
+ * It is shared, reference-counted, and auto-deleted; see SharedObject.
+ */
+struct U_I18N_API CollationTailoring : public SharedObject {
+    CollationTailoring(const CollationSettings *baseSettings);
+    virtual ~CollationTailoring();
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the constructor could not initialize properly.
+     */
+    UBool isBogus() { return settings == NULL; }
+    UBool ensureOwnedData(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static void makeBaseVersion(const UVersionInfo ucaVersion, UVersionInfo version);
+    void setVersion(const UVersionInfo baseVersion, const UVersionInfo rulesVersion);
+    int32_t getUCAVersion() const;
+    // data for sorting etc.
+    const CollationData *data;  // == base data or ownedData
+    const CollationSettings *settings;  // reference-counted
+    UnicodeString rules;
+    // The locale is bogus when built from rules or constructed from a binary blob.
+    // It can then be set by the service registration code which is thread-safe.
+    mutable Locale actualLocale;
+    // UCA version u.v.w & rules version r.s.t.q:
+    // version[0]: builder version (runtime version is mixed in at runtime)
+    // version[1]: bits 7..3=u, bits 2..0=v
+    // version[2]: bits 7..6=w, bits 5..0=r
+    // version[3]= (s<<5)+(s>>3)+t+(q<<4)+(q>>4)
+    UVersionInfo version;
+    // owned objects
+    CollationData *ownedData;
+    UObject *builder;
+    UDataMemory *memory;
+    UResourceBundle *bundle;
+    UTrie2 *trie;
+    UnicodeSet *unsafeBackwardSet;
+    mutable UHashtable *maxExpansions;
+    mutable UInitOnce maxExpansionsInitOnce;
+    /**
+     * No copy constructor: A CollationTailoring cannot be copied.
+     * It is immutable, and the data trie cannot be copied either.
+     */
+    CollationTailoring(const CollationTailoring &other);
+struct CollationCacheEntry : public SharedObject {
+    CollationCacheEntry(const Locale &loc, const CollationTailoring *t)
+            : validLocale(loc), tailoring(t) {
+        if(t != NULL) {
+            t->addRef();
+        }
+    }
+    ~CollationCacheEntry();
+    Locale validLocale;
+    const CollationTailoring *tailoring;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationweights.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationweights.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b415882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationweights.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  collationweights.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001mar08 as ucol_wgt.h
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * Allocates n collation element weights between two exclusive limits.
+ * Used only internally by the collation tailoring builder.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationWeights : public UMemory {
+    CollationWeights();
+    static inline int32_t lengthOfWeight(uint32_t weight) {
+        if((weight&0xffffff)==0) {
+            return 1;
+        } else if((weight&0xffff)==0) {
+            return 2;
+        } else if((weight&0xff)==0) {
+            return 3;
+        } else {
+            return 4;
+        }
+    }
+    void initForPrimary(UBool compressible);
+    void initForSecondary();
+    void initForTertiary();
+    /**
+     * Determine heuristically
+     * what ranges to use for a given number of weights between (excluding)
+     * two limits.
+     *
+     * @param lowerLimit A collation element weight; the ranges will be filled to cover
+     *                   weights greater than this one.
+     * @param upperLimit A collation element weight; the ranges will be filled to cover
+     *                   weights less than this one.
+     * @param n          The number of collation element weights w necessary such that
+     *                   lowerLimit<w<upperLimit in lexical order.
+     * @return TRUE if it is possible to fit n elements between the limits
+     */
+    UBool allocWeights(uint32_t lowerLimit, uint32_t upperLimit, int32_t n);
+    /**
+     * Given a set of ranges calculated by allocWeights(),
+     * iterate through the weights.
+     * The ranges are modified to keep the current iteration state.
+     *
+     * @return The next weight in the ranges, or 0xffffffff if there is none left.
+     */
+    uint32_t nextWeight();
+    /** @internal */
+    struct WeightRange {
+        uint32_t start, end;
+        int32_t length, count;
+    };
+    /** @return number of usable byte values for byte idx */
+    inline int32_t countBytes(int32_t idx) const {
+        return (int32_t)(maxBytes[idx] - minBytes[idx] + 1);
+    }
+    uint32_t incWeight(uint32_t weight, int32_t length) const;
+    uint32_t incWeightByOffset(uint32_t weight, int32_t length, int32_t offset) const;
+    void lengthenRange(WeightRange &range) const;
+    /**
+     * Takes two CE weights and calculates the
+     * possible ranges of weights between the two limits, excluding them.
+     * For weights with up to 4 bytes there are up to 2*4-1=7 ranges.
+     */
+    UBool getWeightRanges(uint32_t lowerLimit, uint32_t upperLimit);
+    UBool allocWeightsInShortRanges(int32_t n, int32_t minLength);
+    UBool allocWeightsInMinLengthRanges(int32_t n, int32_t minLength);
+    int32_t middleLength;
+    uint32_t minBytes[5];  // for byte 1, 2, 3, 4
+    uint32_t maxBytes[5];
+    WeightRange ranges[7];
+    int32_t rangeIndex;
+    int32_t rangeCount;
+#endif  // __COLLATIONWEIGHTS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collunsafe.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collunsafe.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0767254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collunsafe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// collunsafe.h
+//  Copyright (C) 2015-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+//  All Rights Reserved.
+// To be included by collationdatareader.cpp, and generated by gencolusb.
+// Machine generated, do not edit.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#define COLLUNSAFE_ICU_VERSION "56.0.1"
+static const int32_t unsafe_serializedCount = 850;
+static const uint16_t unsafe_serializedData[850] = { 
+0x8350, 0x01B8, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x004C, 0x004D, 0x00A0, 0x00A1,  // 8
+0x0300, 0x034F, 0x0350, 0x0370, 0x03A9, 0x03AA, 0x03E2, 0x03E3,  // 16
+0x042F, 0x0430, 0x0483, 0x0488, 0x0531, 0x0532, 0x0591, 0x05BE,  // 24
+0x05BF, 0x05C0, 0x05C1, 0x05C3, 0x05C4, 0x05C6, 0x05C7, 0x05C8,  // 32
+0x05D0, 0x05D1, 0x0610, 0x061B, 0x0628, 0x0629, 0x064B, 0x0660,  // 40
+0x0670, 0x0671, 0x06D6, 0x06DD, 0x06DF, 0x06E5, 0x06E7, 0x06E9,  // 48
+0x06EA, 0x06EE, 0x0710, 0x0712, 0x0730, 0x074B, 0x078C, 0x078D,  // 56
+0x07D8, 0x07D9, 0x07EB, 0x07F4, 0x0800, 0x0801, 0x0816, 0x081A,  // 64
+0x081B, 0x0824, 0x0825, 0x0828, 0x0829, 0x082E, 0x0840, 0x0841,  // 72
+0x0859, 0x085C, 0x08E3, 0x0900, 0x0905, 0x0906, 0x093C, 0x093D,  // 80
+0x094D, 0x094E, 0x0951, 0x0955, 0x0995, 0x0996, 0x09BC, 0x09BD,  // 88
+0x09BE, 0x09BF, 0x09CD, 0x09CE, 0x09D7, 0x09D8, 0x0A15, 0x0A16,  // 96
+0x0A3C, 0x0A3D, 0x0A4D, 0x0A4E, 0x0A95, 0x0A96, 0x0ABC, 0x0ABD,  // 104
+0x0ACD, 0x0ACE, 0x0B15, 0x0B16, 0x0B3C, 0x0B3D, 0x0B3E, 0x0B3F,  // 112
+0x0B4D, 0x0B4E, 0x0B56, 0x0B58, 0x0B95, 0x0B96, 0x0BBE, 0x0BBF,  // 120
+0x0BCD, 0x0BCE, 0x0BD7, 0x0BD8, 0x0C15, 0x0C16, 0x0C4D, 0x0C4E,  // 128
+0x0C55, 0x0C57, 0x0C95, 0x0C96, 0x0CBC, 0x0CBD, 0x0CC2, 0x0CC3,  // 136
+0x0CCD, 0x0CCE, 0x0CD5, 0x0CD7, 0x0D15, 0x0D16, 0x0D3E, 0x0D3F,  // 144
+0x0D4D, 0x0D4E, 0x0D57, 0x0D58, 0x0D85, 0x0D86, 0x0DCA, 0x0DCB,  // 152
+0x0DCF, 0x0DD0, 0x0DDF, 0x0DE0, 0x0E01, 0x0E2F, 0x0E32, 0x0E33,  // 160
+0x0E38, 0x0E3B, 0x0E48, 0x0E4C, 0x0E81, 0x0E83, 0x0E84, 0x0E85,  // 168
+0x0E87, 0x0E89, 0x0E8A, 0x0E8B, 0x0E8D, 0x0E8E, 0x0E94, 0x0E98,  // 176
+0x0E99, 0x0EA0, 0x0EA1, 0x0EA4, 0x0EA5, 0x0EA6, 0x0EA7, 0x0EA8,  // 184
+0x0EAA, 0x0EAC, 0x0EAD, 0x0EAF, 0x0EB2, 0x0EB3, 0x0EB8, 0x0EBA,  // 192
+0x0EC8, 0x0ECC, 0x0EDC, 0x0EE0, 0x0F18, 0x0F1A, 0x0F35, 0x0F36,  // 200
+0x0F37, 0x0F38, 0x0F39, 0x0F3A, 0x0F40, 0x0F41, 0x0F71, 0x0F76,  // 208
+0x0F7A, 0x0F7E, 0x0F80, 0x0F85, 0x0F86, 0x0F88, 0x0FC6, 0x0FC7,  // 216
+0x1000, 0x1001, 0x102E, 0x102F, 0x1037, 0x1038, 0x1039, 0x103B,  // 224
+0x108D, 0x108E, 0x10D3, 0x10D4, 0x12A0, 0x12A1, 0x135D, 0x1360,  // 232
+0x13C4, 0x13C5, 0x14C0, 0x14C1, 0x168F, 0x1690, 0x16A0, 0x16A1,  // 240
+0x1703, 0x1704, 0x1714, 0x1715, 0x1723, 0x1724, 0x1734, 0x1735,  // 248
+0x1743, 0x1744, 0x1763, 0x1764, 0x1780, 0x1781, 0x17D2, 0x17D3,  // 256
+0x17DD, 0x17DE, 0x1826, 0x1827, 0x18A9, 0x18AA, 0x1900, 0x1901,  // 264
+0x1939, 0x193C, 0x1950, 0x1951, 0x1980, 0x19AC, 0x1A00, 0x1A01,  // 272
+0x1A17, 0x1A19, 0x1A20, 0x1A21, 0x1A60, 0x1A61, 0x1A75, 0x1A7D,  // 280
+0x1A7F, 0x1A80, 0x1AB0, 0x1ABE, 0x1B05, 0x1B06, 0x1B34, 0x1B36,  // 288
+0x1B44, 0x1B45, 0x1B6B, 0x1B74, 0x1B83, 0x1B84, 0x1BAA, 0x1BAC,  // 296
+0x1BC0, 0x1BC1, 0x1BE6, 0x1BE7, 0x1BF2, 0x1BF4, 0x1C00, 0x1C01,  // 304
+0x1C37, 0x1C38, 0x1C5A, 0x1C5B, 0x1CD0, 0x1CD3, 0x1CD4, 0x1CE1,  // 312
+0x1CE2, 0x1CE9, 0x1CED, 0x1CEE, 0x1CF4, 0x1CF5, 0x1CF8, 0x1CFA,  // 320
+0x1DC0, 0x1DF6, 0x1DFC, 0x1E00, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x20AC, 0x20AD,  // 328
+0x20D0, 0x20DD, 0x20E1, 0x20E2, 0x20E5, 0x20F1, 0x263A, 0x263B,  // 336
+0x2C00, 0x2C01, 0x2CEF, 0x2CF2, 0x2D5E, 0x2D5F, 0x2D7F, 0x2D80,  // 344
+0x2DE0, 0x2E00, 0x302A, 0x3030, 0x304B, 0x304C, 0x3099, 0x309B,  // 352
+0x30AB, 0x30AC, 0x3105, 0x3106, 0x5B57, 0x5B58, 0xA288, 0xA289,  // 360
+0xA4E8, 0xA4E9, 0xA549, 0xA54A, 0xA66F, 0xA670, 0xA674, 0xA67E,  // 368
+0xA69E, 0xA6A1, 0xA6F0, 0xA6F2, 0xA800, 0xA801, 0xA806, 0xA807,  // 376
+0xA840, 0xA841, 0xA882, 0xA883, 0xA8C4, 0xA8C5, 0xA8E0, 0xA8F2,  // 384
+0xA90A, 0xA90B, 0xA92B, 0xA92E, 0xA930, 0xA931, 0xA953, 0xA954,  // 392
+0xA984, 0xA985, 0xA9B3, 0xA9B4, 0xA9C0, 0xA9C1, 0xAA00, 0xAA01,  // 400
+0xAA80, 0xAAB1, 0xAAB2, 0xAAB5, 0xAAB7, 0xAAB9, 0xAABE, 0xAAC0,  // 408
+0xAAC1, 0xAAC2, 0xAAF6, 0xAAF7, 0xABC0, 0xABC1, 0xABED, 0xABEE,  // 416
+0xAC00, 0xAC01, 0xD800, 0xD807, 0xD808, 0xD809, 0xD80C, 0xD80D,  // 424
+0xD811, 0xD812, 0xD81A, 0xD81C, 0xD82F, 0xD830, 0xD834, 0xD835,  // 432
+0xD83A, 0xD83B, 0xDC00, 0xE000, 0xFB1E, 0xFB1F, 0xFDD0, 0xFDD1,  // 440
+0xFE20, 0xFE30, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0001, 0x0001, 0x01FD,  // 448
+0x0001, 0x01FE, 0x0001, 0x0280, 0x0001, 0x0281, 0x0001, 0x02B7,  // 456
+0x0001, 0x02B8, 0x0001, 0x02E0, 0x0001, 0x02E1, 0x0001, 0x0308,  // 464
+0x0001, 0x0309, 0x0001, 0x0330, 0x0001, 0x0331, 0x0001, 0x036B,  // 472
+0x0001, 0x036C, 0x0001, 0x0376, 0x0001, 0x037B, 0x0001, 0x0380,  // 480
+0x0001, 0x0381, 0x0001, 0x03A0, 0x0001, 0x03A1, 0x0001, 0x0414,  // 488
+0x0001, 0x0415, 0x0001, 0x0450, 0x0001, 0x0451, 0x0001, 0x0480,  // 496
+0x0001, 0x0481, 0x0001, 0x0500, 0x0001, 0x0501, 0x0001, 0x0537,  // 504
+0x0001, 0x0538, 0x0001, 0x0647, 0x0001, 0x0648, 0x0001, 0x0800,  // 512
+0x0001, 0x0801, 0x0001, 0x0840, 0x0001, 0x0841, 0x0001, 0x0873,  // 520
+0x0001, 0x0874, 0x0001, 0x0896, 0x0001, 0x0897, 0x0001, 0x08F4,  // 528
+0x0001, 0x08F5, 0x0001, 0x0900, 0x0001, 0x0901, 0x0001, 0x0920,  // 536
+0x0001, 0x0921, 0x0001, 0x0980, 0x0001, 0x0981, 0x0001, 0x09A0,  // 544
+0x0001, 0x09A1, 0x0001, 0x0A00, 0x0001, 0x0A01, 0x0001, 0x0A0D,  // 552
+0x0001, 0x0A0E, 0x0001, 0x0A0F, 0x0001, 0x0A10, 0x0001, 0x0A38,  // 560
+0x0001, 0x0A3B, 0x0001, 0x0A3F, 0x0001, 0x0A40, 0x0001, 0x0A60,  // 568
+0x0001, 0x0A61, 0x0001, 0x0A95, 0x0001, 0x0A96, 0x0001, 0x0AC1,  // 576
+0x0001, 0x0AC2, 0x0001, 0x0AE5, 0x0001, 0x0AE7, 0x0001, 0x0B00,  // 584
+0x0001, 0x0B01, 0x0001, 0x0B40, 0x0001, 0x0B41, 0x0001, 0x0B60,  // 592
+0x0001, 0x0B61, 0x0001, 0x0B8F, 0x0001, 0x0B90, 0x0001, 0x0C00,  // 600
+0x0001, 0x0C01, 0x0001, 0x0CA1, 0x0001, 0x0CA2, 0x0001, 0x1005,  // 608
+0x0001, 0x1006, 0x0001, 0x1046, 0x0001, 0x1047, 0x0001, 0x107F,  // 616
+0x0001, 0x1080, 0x0001, 0x1083, 0x0001, 0x1084, 0x0001, 0x10B9,  // 624
+0x0001, 0x10BB, 0x0001, 0x10D0, 0x0001, 0x10D1, 0x0001, 0x1100,  // 632
+0x0001, 0x1104, 0x0001, 0x1127, 0x0001, 0x1128, 0x0001, 0x1133,  // 640
+0x0001, 0x1135, 0x0001, 0x1152, 0x0001, 0x1153, 0x0001, 0x1173,  // 648
+0x0001, 0x1174, 0x0001, 0x1183, 0x0001, 0x1184, 0x0001, 0x11C0,  // 656
+0x0001, 0x11C1, 0x0001, 0x11CA, 0x0001, 0x11CB, 0x0001, 0x1208,  // 664
+0x0001, 0x1209, 0x0001, 0x1235, 0x0001, 0x1237, 0x0001, 0x128F,  // 672
+0x0001, 0x1290, 0x0001, 0x12BE, 0x0001, 0x12BF, 0x0001, 0x12E9,  // 680
+0x0001, 0x12EB, 0x0001, 0x1315, 0x0001, 0x1316, 0x0001, 0x133C,  // 688
+0x0001, 0x133D, 0x0001, 0x133E, 0x0001, 0x133F, 0x0001, 0x134D,  // 696
+0x0001, 0x134E, 0x0001, 0x1357, 0x0001, 0x1358, 0x0001, 0x1366,  // 704
+0x0001, 0x136D, 0x0001, 0x1370, 0x0001, 0x1375, 0x0001, 0x1484,  // 712
+0x0001, 0x1485, 0x0001, 0x14B0, 0x0001, 0x14B1, 0x0001, 0x14BA,  // 720
+0x0001, 0x14BB, 0x0001, 0x14BD, 0x0001, 0x14BE, 0x0001, 0x14C2,  // 728
+0x0001, 0x14C4, 0x0001, 0x158E, 0x0001, 0x158F, 0x0001, 0x15AF,  // 736
+0x0001, 0x15B0, 0x0001, 0x15BF, 0x0001, 0x15C1, 0x0001, 0x160E,  // 744
+0x0001, 0x160F, 0x0001, 0x163F, 0x0001, 0x1640, 0x0001, 0x1680,  // 752
+0x0001, 0x1681, 0x0001, 0x16B6, 0x0001, 0x16B8, 0x0001, 0x1717,  // 760
+0x0001, 0x1718, 0x0001, 0x172B, 0x0001, 0x172C, 0x0001, 0x18B4,  // 768
+0x0001, 0x18B5, 0x0001, 0x1AC0, 0x0001, 0x1AC1, 0x0001, 0x2000,  // 776
+0x0001, 0x2001, 0x0001, 0x3153, 0x0001, 0x3154, 0x0001, 0x4400,  // 784
+0x0001, 0x4401, 0x0001, 0x6A4F, 0x0001, 0x6A50, 0x0001, 0x6AE6,  // 792
+0x0001, 0x6AE7, 0x0001, 0x6AF0, 0x0001, 0x6AF5, 0x0001, 0x6B1C,  // 800
+0x0001, 0x6B1D, 0x0001, 0x6B30, 0x0001, 0x6B37, 0x0001, 0x6F00,  // 808
+0x0001, 0x6F01, 0x0001, 0xBC20, 0x0001, 0xBC21, 0x0001, 0xBC9E,  // 816
+0x0001, 0xBC9F, 0x0001, 0xD165, 0x0001, 0xD16A, 0x0001, 0xD16D,  // 824
+0x0001, 0xD173, 0x0001, 0xD17B, 0x0001, 0xD183, 0x0001, 0xD185,  // 832
+0x0001, 0xD18C, 0x0001, 0xD1AA, 0x0001, 0xD1AE, 0x0001, 0xD242,  // 840
+0x0001, 0xD245, 0x0001, 0xE802, 0x0001, 0xE803, 0x0001, 0xE8D0,  // 848
+0x0001, 0xE8D7};
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/coptccal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/coptccal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9e812d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/coptccal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2013, International Business Machines Corporation and  *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef COPTCCAL_H
+#define COPTCCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "cecal.h"
+ * Implement the Coptic calendar system.
+ * @internal
+ */
+class CopticCalendar : public CECalendar {
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for CopticCalendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum EMonths {
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03c9;&#x03bf;&#x03b3;&#x03c4;/&#x062a;&#xfeee;&#xfe97;,
+         * the 1st month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        TOUT,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a0;&#x03b1;&#x03bf;&#x03c0;&#x03b9;/&#xfeea;&#xfe91;&#xfe8e;&#xfe91;,
+         * the 2nd month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        BABA,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x0391;&#x03b8;&#x03bf;&#x03c1;/&#x0631;&#xfeee;&#xfe97;&#xfe8e;&#xfeeb;,
+         * the 3rd month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        HATOR,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a7;&#x03bf;&#x03b9;&#x03b1;&#x03ba;/&#xfeda;&#xfeec;&#xfef4;&#xfedb;,
+         * the 4th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        KIAHK,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a4;&#x03c9;&#x03b2;&#x03b9;/&#x0637;&#xfeee;&#xfe92;&#xfeeb;,
+         * the 5th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        TOBA,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x039c;&#x03b5;&#x03e3;&#x03b9;&#x03c1;/&#xfeae;&#xfef4;&#xfeb8;&#xfee3;&#x0623;,
+         * the 6th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        AMSHIR,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a0;&#x03b1;&#x03c1;&#x03b5;&#x03bc;&#x03e9;&#x03b1;&#x03c4;/&#x062a;&#xfe8e;&#xfeec;&#xfee3;&#xfeae;&#xfe91;,
+         * the 7th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        BARAMHAT,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a6;&#x03b1;&#x03c1;&#x03bc;&#x03bf;&#x03b8;&#x03b9;/&#x0647;&#x062f;&#xfeee;&#xfee3;&#xfeae;&#xfe91;, 
+         * the 8th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        BARAMOUDA,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a0;&#x03b1;&#x03e3;&#x03b1;&#x03bd;/&#xfeb2;&#xfee8;&#xfeb8;&#xfe91;,
+         * the 9th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        BASHANS,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a0;&#x03b1;&#x03c9;&#x03bd;&#x03b9;/&#xfeea;&#xfee7;&#x0624;&#xfeee;&#xfe91;,
+         * the 10th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        PAONA,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x0395;&#x03c0;&#x03b7;&#x03c0;/&#xfe90;&#xfef4;&#xfe91;&#x0623;,
+         * the 11th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        EPEP,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x039c;&#x03b5;&#x03f2;&#x03c9;&#x03c1;&#x03b7;/&#x0649;&#xfeae;&#xfeb4;&#xfee3;,
+         * the 12th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        MESRA,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x03a0;&#x03b9;&#x03ba;&#x03bf;&#x03b3;&#x03eb;&#x03b9;
+         * &#x03bc;&#x03b1;&#x03b2;&#x03bf;&#x03c4;/&#xfeae;&#xfef4;&#xfed0;&#xfebc;&#xfedf;&#x0627;
+         * &#xfeae;&#xfeec;&#xfeb8;&#xfedf;&#x0627;,
+         * the 13th month of the Coptic year. 
+         */
+        NASIE
+    };
+    enum EEras {
+        BCE,    // Before the epoch
+        CE      // After the epoch
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a CopticCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of CopticCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    CopticCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Copy Constructor
+     * @internal
+     */
+    CopticCalendar (const CopticCalendar& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual ~CopticCalendar();
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @return    return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual CopticCalendar* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * return the calendar type, "coptic"
+     * @return calendar type
+     * @internal
+     */
+    const char * getType() const;
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Calendar framework
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+    /**
+     * Compute fields from the JD
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+     * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the date offset from Julian
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getJDEpochOffset() const;
+    /**
+     * Override Calendar Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);  
+#if 0
+    // We do not want to introduce this API in ICU4C.
+    // It was accidentally introduced in ICU4J as a public API.
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Calendar system Conversion methods...
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Convert an Coptic year, month, and day to a Julian day.
+     *
+     * @param year the extended year
+     * @param month the month
+     * @param day the day
+     * @return Julian day
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t copticToJD(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* COPTCCAL_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/cpdtrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/cpdtrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c7abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/cpdtrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef CPDTRANS_H
+#define CPDTRANS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+class U_COMMON_API UVector;
+class TransliteratorRegistry;
+ * A transliterator that is composed of two or more other
+ * transliterator objects linked together.  For example, if one
+ * transliterator transliterates from script A to script B, and
+ * another transliterates from script B to script C, the two may be
+ * combined to form a new transliterator from A to C.
+ *
+ * <p>Composed transliterators may not behave as expected.  For
+ * example, inverses may not combine to form the identity
+ * transliterator.  See the class documentation for {@link
+ * Transliterator} for details.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CompoundTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    Transliterator** trans;
+    int32_t count;
+    int32_t numAnonymousRBTs;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new compound transliterator given an array of
+     * transliterators.  The array of transliterators may be of any
+     * length, including zero or one, however, useful compound
+     * transliterators have at least two components.
+     * @param transliterators array of <code>Transliterator</code>
+     * objects
+     * @param transliteratorCount The number of
+     * <code>Transliterator</code> objects in transliterators.
+     * @param adoptedFilter the filter.  Any character for which
+     * <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
+     * altered by this transliterator.  If <tt>filter</tt> is
+     * <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
+     */
+    CompoundTransliterator(Transliterator* const transliterators[],
+                           int32_t transliteratorCount,
+                           UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter = 0);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new compound transliterator.
+     * @param id compound ID
+     * @param dir either UTRANS_FORWARD or UTRANS_REVERSE
+     * @param adoptedFilter a global filter for this compound transliterator
+     * or NULL
+     */
+    CompoundTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                           UTransDirection dir,
+                           UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+                           UParseError& parseError,
+                           UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new compound transliterator in the FORWARD
+     * direction with a NULL filter.
+     */
+    CompoundTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                           UParseError& parseError,
+                           UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~CompoundTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    CompoundTransliterator(const CompoundTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     */
+    virtual CompoundTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of transliterators in this chain.
+     * @return number of transliterators in this chain.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getCount(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the transliterator at the given index in this chain.
+     * @param idx index into chain, from 0 to <code>getCount() - 1</code>
+     * @return transliterator at the given index
+     */
+    virtual const Transliterator& getTransliterator(int32_t idx) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the transliterators.
+     */
+    void setTransliterators(Transliterator* const transliterators[],
+                            int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Adopts the transliterators.
+     */
+    void adoptTransliterators(Transliterator* adoptedTransliterators[],
+                              int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Override Transliterator:
+     * Create a rule string that can be passed to createFromRules()
+     * to recreate this transliterator.
+     * @param result the string to receive the rules.  Previous
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+     * character to their hex escape representations, \uxxxx or
+     * \Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are those other than
+     * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toRules(UnicodeString& result,
+                                   UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Implement Transliterator framework
+     */
+    virtual void handleGetSourceSet(UnicodeSet& result) const;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Override Transliterator framework
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& getTargetSet(UnicodeSet& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& idx,
+                                     UBool incremental) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /* @internal */
+    static const UChar PASS_STRING[];
+    friend class Transliterator;
+    friend class TransliteratorAlias; // to access private ct
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    CompoundTransliterator& operator=(const CompoundTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Private constructor for Transliterator.
+     */
+    CompoundTransliterator(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                           UVector& list,
+                           UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+                           int32_t numAnonymousRBTs,
+                           UParseError& parseError,
+                           UErrorCode& status);
+    CompoundTransliterator(UVector& list,
+                           UParseError& parseError,
+                           UErrorCode& status);
+    CompoundTransliterator(UVector& list,
+                           int32_t anonymousRBTs,
+                           UParseError& parseError,
+                           UErrorCode& status);
+    void init(const UnicodeString& id,
+              UTransDirection direction,
+              UBool fixReverseID,
+              UErrorCode& status);
+    void init(UVector& list,
+              UTransDirection direction,
+              UBool fixReverseID,
+              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the IDs of the given list of transliterators, concatenated
+     * with ';' delimiting them.  Equivalent to the perlish expression
+     * join(';', map($_.getID(), transliterators).
+     */
+    UnicodeString joinIDs(Transliterator* const transliterators[],
+                          int32_t transCount);
+    void freeTransliterators(void);
+    void computeMaximumContextLength(void);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/cpputils.h b/libicu/cts_headers/cpputils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..307e570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/cpputils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  cpputils.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+#ifndef CPPUTILS_H
+#define CPPUTILS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+/* Array copy utility functions */
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const double* src, double* dst, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst, src, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const double* src, int32_t srcStart,
+              double* dst, int32_t dstStart, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst+dstStart, src+srcStart, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const int8_t* src, int8_t* dst, int32_t count)
+    { uprv_memcpy(dst, src, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const int8_t* src, int32_t srcStart,
+              int8_t* dst, int32_t dstStart, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst+dstStart, src+srcStart, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst, src, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const int16_t* src, int32_t srcStart,
+              int16_t* dst, int32_t dstStart, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst+dstStart, src+srcStart, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const int32_t* src, int32_t* dst, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst, src, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void uprv_arrayCopy(const int32_t* src, int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t* dst, int32_t dstStart, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst+dstStart, src+srcStart, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+inline void
+uprv_arrayCopy(const UChar *src, int32_t srcStart,
+        UChar *dst, int32_t dstStart, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_memcpy(dst+dstStart, src+srcStart, (size_t)count * sizeof(*src)); }
+ * Copy an array of UnicodeString OBJECTS (not pointers).
+ * @internal
+ */
+static inline void
+uprv_arrayCopy(const icu::UnicodeString *src, icu::UnicodeString *dst, int32_t count)
+{ while(count-- > 0) *dst++ = *src++; }
+ * Copy an array of UnicodeString OBJECTS (not pointers).
+ * @internal
+ */
+static inline void
+uprv_arrayCopy(const icu::UnicodeString *src, int32_t srcStart,
+               icu::UnicodeString *dst, int32_t dstStart, int32_t count)
+{ uprv_arrayCopy(src+srcStart, dst+dstStart, count); }
+ * Checks that the string is readable and writable.
+ * Sets U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the string isBogus() or has an open getBuffer().
+ */
+inline void
+uprv_checkCanGetBuffer(const icu::UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+    if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && s.isBogus()) {
+        errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+    }
+#endif /* _CPPUTILS */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csdetect.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csdetect.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4bfa75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csdetect.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2016, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSDETECT_H
+#define __CSDETECT_H
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+class InputText;
+class CharsetRecognizer;
+class CharsetMatch;
+class CharsetDetector : public UMemory
+    InputText *textIn;
+    CharsetMatch **resultArray;
+    int32_t resultCount;
+    UBool fStripTags;   // If true, setText() will strip tags from input text.
+    UBool fFreshTextSet;
+    static void setRecognizers(UErrorCode &status);
+    UBool *fEnabledRecognizers;  // If not null, active set of charset recognizers had
+                                // been changed from the default. The array index is
+                                // corresponding to fCSRecognizers. See setDetectableCharset().
+    CharsetDetector(UErrorCode &status);
+    ~CharsetDetector();
+    void setText(const char *in, int32_t len);
+    const CharsetMatch * const *detectAll(int32_t &maxMatchesFound, UErrorCode &status);
+    const CharsetMatch *detect(UErrorCode& status);
+    void setDeclaredEncoding(const char *encoding, int32_t len) const;
+    UBool setStripTagsFlag(UBool flag);
+    UBool getStripTagsFlag() const;
+//    const char *getCharsetName(int32_t index, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    static int32_t getDetectableCount();
+    static UEnumeration * getAllDetectableCharsets(UErrorCode &status);
+    UEnumeration * getDetectableCharsets(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    void setDetectableCharset(const char *encoding, UBool enabled, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif /* __CSDETECT_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csmatch.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csmatch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe379ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csmatch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSMATCH_H
+#define __CSMATCH_H
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+class InputText;
+class CharsetRecognizer;
+ * CharsetMatch represents the results produced by one Charset Recognizer for one input text
+ *              Any confidence > 0 indicates a possible match, meaning that the input bytes
+ *              are at least legal.
+ *
+ *              The full results of a detect are represented by an array of these
+ *              CharsetMatch objects, each representing a possible matching charset.
+ *
+ *              Note that a single charset recognizer may detect multiple closely related
+ *              charsets, and set different names depending on the exact input bytes seen.
+ */
+class CharsetMatch : public UMemory
+ private:
+    InputText               *textIn;
+    int32_t                  confidence;
+    const char              *fCharsetName;
+    const char              *fLang;
+ public:
+    CharsetMatch();
+    /**
+      * fully set the state of this CharsetMatch.
+      * Called by the CharsetRecognizers to record match results.
+      * Default (NULL) parameters for names will be filled by calling the
+      *   corresponding getters on the recognizer.
+      */
+    void set(InputText               *input, 
+             const CharsetRecognizer *cr, 
+             int32_t                  conf, 
+             const char              *csName=NULL, 
+             const char              *lang=NULL);
+    /**
+      * Return the name of the charset for this Match
+      */
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage()const;
+    int32_t getConfidence()const;
+    int32_t getUChars(UChar *buf, int32_t cap, UErrorCode *status) const;
+#endif /* __CSMATCH_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csr2022.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csr2022.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde9019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csr2022.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2015, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSR2022_H
+#define __CSR2022_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "csrecog.h"
+class CharsetMatch;
+ *  class CharsetRecog_2022  part of the ICU charset detection imlementation.
+ *                           This is a superclass for the individual detectors for
+ *                           each of the detectable members of the ISO 2022 family
+ *                           of encodings.
+ * 
+ *                           The separate classes are nested within this class.
+ * 
+ * @internal
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_2022 : public CharsetRecognizer
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022() = 0;
+    /**
+     * Matching function shared among the 2022 detectors JP, CN and KR
+     * Counts up the number of legal an unrecognized escape sequences in
+     * the sample of text, and computes a score based on the total number &
+     * the proportion that fit the encoding.
+     * 
+     * 
+     * @param text the byte buffer containing text to analyse
+     * @param textLen  the size of the text in the byte.
+     * @param escapeSequences the byte escape sequences to test for.
+     * @return match quality, in the range of 0-100.
+     */
+    int32_t match_2022(const uint8_t *text,
+                       int32_t textLen,
+                       const uint8_t escapeSequences[][5],
+                       int32_t escapeSequences_length) const;
+class CharsetRecog_2022JP :public CharsetRecog_2022
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022JP();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    UBool match(InputText *textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_2022KR :public CharsetRecog_2022 {
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022KR();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    UBool match(InputText *textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_2022CN :public CharsetRecog_2022
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022CN();
+    const char* getName() const;
+    UBool match(InputText *textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+#endif /* __CSR2022_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csrecog.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csrecog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..713fd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csrecog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSRECOG_H
+#define __CSRECOG_H
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "inputext.h"
+class CharsetMatch;
+class CharsetRecognizer : public UMemory
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Get the IANA name of this charset.
+     * Note that some recognizers can recognize more than one charset, but that this API
+     * assumes just one name per recognizer.
+     * TODO: need to account for multiple names in public API that enumerates over the
+     *       known detectable charsets.
+     * @return the charset name.
+     */
+    virtual const char *getName() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Get the ISO language code for this charset.
+     * @return the language code, or <code>null</code> if the language cannot be determined.
+     */
+    virtual const char *getLanguage() const;
+    /*
+     * Try the given input text against this Charset, and fill in the results object
+     * with the quality of the match plus other information related to the match.
+     *
+     * Return TRUE if the the input bytes are a potential match, and
+     * FALSE if the input data is not compatible with, or illegal in this charset.
+     */
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const = 0;
+    virtual ~CharsetRecognizer();
+#endif /* __CSRECOG_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csrmbcs.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csrmbcs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ccf1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csrmbcs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSRMBCS_H
+#define __CSRMBCS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "csrecog.h"
+// "Character"  iterated character class.
+//    Recognizers for specific mbcs encodings make their "characters" available
+//    by providing a nextChar() function that fills in an instance of IteratedChar
+//    with the next char from the input.
+//    The returned characters are not converted to Unicode, but remain as the raw
+//    bytes (concatenated into an int) from the codepage data.
+//  For Asian charsets, use the raw input rather than the input that has been
+//   stripped of markup.  Detection only considers multi-byte chars, effectively
+//   stripping markup anyway, and double byte chars do occur in markup too.
+class IteratedChar : public UMemory
+    uint32_t charValue;             // 1-4 bytes from the raw input data
+    int32_t  index;
+    int32_t  nextIndex;
+    UBool    error;
+    UBool    done;
+    IteratedChar();
+    //void reset();
+    int32_t nextByte(InputText* det);
+class CharsetRecog_mbcs : public CharsetRecognizer {
+    /**
+     * Test the match of this charset with the input text data
+     *      which is obtained via the CharsetDetector object.
+     *
+     * @param det  The CharsetDetector, which contains the input text
+     *             to be checked for being in this charset.
+     * @return     Two values packed into one int  (Damn java, anyhow)
+     *             <br/>
+     *             bits 0-7:  the match confidence, ranging from 0-100
+     *             <br/>
+     *             bits 8-15: The match reason, an enum-like value.
+     */
+    int32_t match_mbcs(InputText* det, const uint16_t commonChars[], int32_t commonCharsLen) const;
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_mbcs();
+    /**
+     * Get the IANA name of this charset.
+     * @return the charset name.
+     */
+    const char *getName() const = 0;
+    const char *getLanguage() const = 0;
+    UBool match(InputText* input, CharsetMatch *results) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Get the next character (however many bytes it is) from the input data
+     *    Subclasses for specific charset encodings must implement this function
+     *    to get characters according to the rules of their encoding scheme.
+     *
+     *  This function is not a method of class IteratedChar only because
+     *   that would require a lot of extra derived classes, which is awkward.
+     * @param it  The IteratedChar "struct" into which the returned char is placed.
+     * @param det The charset detector, which is needed to get at the input byte data
+     *            being iterated over.
+     * @return    True if a character was returned, false at end of input.
+     */
+    virtual UBool nextChar(IteratedChar *it, InputText *textIn) const = 0;
+ *   Shift-JIS charset recognizer.
+ *
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_sjis : public CharsetRecog_mbcs {
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_sjis();
+    UBool nextChar(IteratedChar *it, InputText *det) const;
+    UBool match(InputText* input, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+ *   EUC charset recognizers.  One abstract class that provides the common function
+ *             for getting the next character according to the EUC encoding scheme,
+ *             and nested derived classes for EUC_KR, EUC_JP, EUC_CN.
+ *
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_euc : public CharsetRecog_mbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_euc();
+    const char *getName() const = 0;
+    const char *getLanguage() const = 0;
+    UBool match(InputText* input, CharsetMatch *results) const = 0;
+    /*
+     *  (non-Javadoc)
+     *  Get the next character value for EUC based encodings.
+     *  Character "value" is simply the raw bytes that make up the character
+     *     packed into an int.
+     */
+    UBool nextChar(IteratedChar *it, InputText *det) const;
+ * The charset recognize for EUC-JP.  A singleton instance of this class
+ *    is created and kept by the public CharsetDetector class
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_euc_jp : public CharsetRecog_euc
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_euc_jp();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    UBool match(InputText* input, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+ * The charset recognize for EUC-KR.  A singleton instance of this class
+ *    is created and kept by the public CharsetDetector class
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_euc_kr : public CharsetRecog_euc
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_euc_kr();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    UBool match(InputText* input, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+ *
+ *   Big5 charset recognizer.
+ *
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_big5 : public CharsetRecog_mbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_big5();
+    UBool nextChar(IteratedChar* it, InputText* det) const;
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    UBool match(InputText* input, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+ *
+ *   GB-18030 recognizer. Uses simplified Chinese statistics.
+ *
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_gb_18030 : public CharsetRecog_mbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_gb_18030();
+    UBool nextChar(IteratedChar* it, InputText* det) const;
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    UBool match(InputText* input, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+#endif /* __CSRMBCS_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csrsbcs.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csrsbcs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9768783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csrsbcs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2015, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSRSBCS_H
+#define __CSRSBCS_H
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "csrecog.h"
+class NGramParser : public UMemory
+    int32_t ngram;
+    const int32_t *ngramList;    
+    int32_t ngramCount;
+    int32_t hitCount;
+	int32_t byteIndex;
+    const uint8_t *charMap;
+	void addByte(int32_t b);
+    NGramParser(const int32_t *theNgramList, const uint8_t *theCharMap);
+    virtual ~NGramParser();
+    /*
+    * Binary search for value in table, which must have exactly 64 entries.
+    */
+    int32_t search(const int32_t *table, int32_t value);
+    void lookup(int32_t thisNgram);
+    virtual int32_t nextByte(InputText *det);
+	virtual void parseCharacters(InputText *det);
+    int32_t parse(InputText *det);
+class NGramParser_IBM420 : public NGramParser
+    NGramParser_IBM420(const int32_t *theNgramList, const uint8_t *theCharMap);
+    ~NGramParser_IBM420();
+    int32_t alef;
+    int32_t isLamAlef(int32_t b);
+    int32_t nextByte(InputText *det);
+    void parseCharacters(InputText *det);
+class CharsetRecog_sbcs : public CharsetRecognizer
+    CharsetRecog_sbcs();
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_sbcs();
+    virtual const char *getName() const = 0;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const = 0;
+    virtual int32_t match_sbcs(InputText *det, const int32_t ngrams[], const uint8_t charMap[]) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_1 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_1();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_2 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_2();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_5 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_5();
+    const char *getName() const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_6 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_6();
+    const char *getName() const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_7 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_7();
+    const char *getName() const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_8 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_8();
+    virtual const char *getName() const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_9 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_9();
+    const char *getName() const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_5_ru : public CharsetRecog_8859_5
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_5_ru();
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_6_ar : public CharsetRecog_8859_6
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_6_ar();
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_7_el : public CharsetRecog_8859_7
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_7_el();
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_8_I_he : public CharsetRecog_8859_8
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_8_I_he();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_8_he : public CharsetRecog_8859_8
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_8_he ();
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_8859_9_tr : public CharsetRecog_8859_9
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_8859_9_tr ();
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_windows_1256 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_windows_1256();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_windows_1251 : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_windows_1251();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_KOI8_R : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_KOI8_R();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_IBM424_he : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_IBM424_he();
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+class CharsetRecog_IBM424_he_rtl : public CharsetRecog_IBM424_he {
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_IBM424_he_rtl();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_IBM424_he_ltr : public CharsetRecog_IBM424_he {
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_IBM424_he_ltr();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar : public CharsetRecog_sbcs
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar();
+    const char *getLanguage() const;
+	int32_t match_sbcs(InputText *det, const int32_t ngrams[], const uint8_t charMap[]) const;
+class CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar_rtl : public CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar {
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar_rtl();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar_ltr : public CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar {
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_IBM420_ar_ltr();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    virtual UBool match(InputText *det, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+#endif /* __CSRSBCS_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csrucode.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csrucode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef3544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csrucode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSRUCODE_H
+#define __CSRUCODE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "csrecog.h"
+ * This class matches UTF-16 and UTF-32, both big- and little-endian. The
+ * BOM will be used if it is present.
+ * 
+ * @internal
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_Unicode : public CharsetRecognizer 
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_Unicode();
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see
+     */
+    const char* getName() const = 0;
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see
+     */
+    UBool match(InputText* textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const = 0;
+class CharsetRecog_UTF_16_BE : public CharsetRecog_Unicode
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_UTF_16_BE();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    UBool match(InputText* textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_UTF_16_LE : public CharsetRecog_Unicode
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_UTF_16_LE();
+    const char *getName() const;
+    UBool match(InputText* textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_UTF_32 : public CharsetRecog_Unicode
+    virtual int32_t getChar(const uint8_t *input, int32_t index) const = 0;
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_UTF_32();
+    const char* getName() const = 0;
+    UBool match(InputText* textIn, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+class CharsetRecog_UTF_32_BE : public CharsetRecog_UTF_32
+    int32_t getChar(const uint8_t *input, int32_t index) const;
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_UTF_32_BE();
+    const char *getName() const;
+class CharsetRecog_UTF_32_LE : public CharsetRecog_UTF_32
+    int32_t getChar(const uint8_t *input, int32_t index) const;
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_UTF_32_LE();
+    const char* getName() const;
+#endif /* __CSRUCODE_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/csrutf8.h b/libicu/cts_headers/csrutf8.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6089eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/csrutf8.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __CSRUTF8_H
+#define __CSRUTF8_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "csrecog.h"
+ * Charset recognizer for UTF-8
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+class CharsetRecog_UTF8: public CharsetRecognizer {
+ public:
+    virtual ~CharsetRecog_UTF8();		 
+    const char *getName() const;
+    /* (non-Javadoc)
+     * @see
+     */
+    UBool match(InputText *input, CharsetMatch *results) const;
+#endif /* __CSRUTF8_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/cstr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/cstr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33f487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/cstr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File: cstr.h
+#ifndef CSTR_H
+#define CSTR_H
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+ * ICU-internal class CStr, a small helper class to facilitate passing UnicodeStrings
+ * to functions needing (const char *) strings, such as printf().
+ *
+ * It is intended primarily for use in debugging or in tests. Uses platform 
+ * default code page conversion, which will do the best job possible,
+ * but may be lossy, depending on the platform.
+ *
+ * If no other conversion is available, use invariant conversion and substitue
+ * '?' for non-invariant characters.
+ *
+ * Example Usage:
+ *   UnicodeString s = whatever;
+ *   printf("%s", CStr(s)());
+ *
+ *   The explicit call to the CStr() constructor creates a temporary object.
+ *   Operator () on the temporary object returns a (const char *) pointer.
+ *   The lifetime of the (const char *) data is that of the temporary object,
+ *   which works well when passing it as a parameter to another function, such as printf.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API CStr : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    CStr(const UnicodeString &in);
+    ~CStr();
+    const char * operator ()() const;
+  private:
+    CharString s;
+    CStr(const CStr &other);               //  Forbid copying of this class.
+    CStr &operator =(const CStr &other);   //  Forbid assignment.
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/cstring.h b/libicu/cts_headers/cstring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed0b1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/cstring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Contains CString interface
+* @author       Helena Shih
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   6/17/98     hshih       Created.
+*  05/03/99     stephen     Changed from functions to macros.
+*  06/14/99     stephen     Added icu_strncat, icu_strncmp, icu_tolower
+#ifndef CSTRING_H
+#define CSTRING_H 1
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define uprv_strcpy(dst, src) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE  strcpy(dst, src)
+#define uprv_strlen(str) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strlen(str)
+#define uprv_strcmp(s1, s2) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strcmp(s1, s2)
+#define uprv_strcat(dst, src) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strcat(dst, src)
+#define uprv_strchr(s, c) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strchr(s, c)
+#define uprv_strstr(s, c) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strstr(s, c)
+#define uprv_strrchr(s, c) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strrchr(s, c)
+#define uprv_strncpy(dst, src, size) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strncpy(dst, src, size)
+#define uprv_strncmp(s1, s2, n) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strncmp(s1, s2, n)
+#define uprv_strncat(dst, src, n) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strncat(dst, src, n)
+ * Is c an ASCII-repertoire letter a-z or A-Z?
+ * Note: The implementation is specific to whether ICU is compiled for
+ * an ASCII-based or EBCDIC-based machine. There just does not seem to be a better name for this.
+ */
+uprv_isASCIILetter(char c);
+uprv_toupper(char c);
+uprv_asciitolower(char c);
+uprv_ebcdictolower(char c);
+#   define uprv_tolower uprv_asciitolower
+#   define uprv_tolower uprv_ebcdictolower
+#   error U_CHARSET_FAMILY is not valid
+#define uprv_strtod(source, end) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strtod(source, end)
+#define uprv_strtoul(str, end, base) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strtoul(str, end, base)
+#define uprv_strtol(str, end, base) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strtol(str, end, base)
+/* Conversion from a digit to the character with radix base from 2-19 */
+/* May need to use U_UPPER_ORDINAL*/
+#define T_CString_itosOffset(a) ((a)<=9?('0'+(a)):('A'+(a)-10))
+uprv_strdup(const char *src);
+ * uprv_malloc n+1 bytes, and copy n bytes from src into the new string.
+ * Terminate with a null at offset n.   If n is -1, works like uprv_strdup
+ * @param src
+ * @param n length of the input string, not including null.
+ * @return new string (owned by caller, use uprv_free to free).
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_strndup(const char *src, int32_t n);
+T_CString_toLowerCase(char* str);
+T_CString_toUpperCase(char* str);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+T_CString_integerToString(char *buffer, int32_t n, int32_t radix);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+T_CString_int64ToString(char *buffer, int64_t n, uint32_t radix);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+T_CString_stringToInteger(const char *integerString, int32_t radix);
+ * Case-insensitive, language-independent string comparison
+ * limited to the ASCII character repertoire.
+ */
+uprv_stricmp(const char *str1, const char *str2);
+ * Case-insensitive, language-independent string comparison
+ * limited to the ASCII character repertoire.
+ */
+uprv_strnicmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, uint32_t n);
+#endif /* ! CSTRING_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/currfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/currfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69a0319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/currfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: April 20, 2004
+* Since: ICU 3.0
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/measfmt.h"
+class NumberFormat;
+ * Temporary internal concrete subclass of MeasureFormat implementing
+ * parsing and formatting of currency amount objects.  This class is
+ * likely to be redesigned and rewritten in the near future.
+ *
+ * <p>This class currently delegates to DecimalFormat for parsing and
+ * formatting.
+ *
+ * @see MeasureFormat
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @internal
+ */
+class CurrencyFormat : public MeasureFormat {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a CurrencyFormat for the given locale.
+     */
+    CurrencyFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    CurrencyFormat(const CurrencyFormat& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~CurrencyFormat();
+    /**
+     * Override Format API.
+     */
+    virtual CurrencyFormat* clone() const;
+    using MeasureFormat::format;
+    /**
+     * Override Format API.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Override Format API.
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                             Formattable& result,
+                             ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Override Format API.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+#endif // #ifndef CURRENCYFORMAT_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/cwchar.h b/libicu/cts_headers/cwchar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd041a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/cwchar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  cwchar.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001may25
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   This file contains ICU-internal definitions of wchar_t operations.
+*   These definitions were moved here from cstring.h so that fewer
+*   ICU implementation files include wchar.h.
+#ifndef __CWCHAR_H__
+#define __CWCHAR_H__
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/* Do this after utypes.h so that we have U_HAVE_WCHAR_H . */
+#   include <wchar.h>
+/* Wide-character functions                                                  */
+/* The following are not available on all systems, defined in wchar.h or string.h. */
+#   define uprv_wcscpy wcscpy
+#   define uprv_wcscat wcscat
+#   define uprv_wcslen wcslen
+U_CAPI wchar_t* U_EXPORT2 
+uprv_wcscpy(wchar_t *dst, const wchar_t *src);
+U_CAPI wchar_t* U_EXPORT2 
+uprv_wcscat(wchar_t *dst, const wchar_t *src);
+U_CAPI size_t U_EXPORT2 
+uprv_wcslen(const wchar_t *src);
+/* The following are part of the ANSI C standard, defined in stdlib.h . */
+#define uprv_wcstombs(mbstr, wcstr, count) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE wcstombs(mbstr, wcstr, count)
+#define uprv_mbstowcs(wcstr, mbstr, count) U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE mbstowcs(wcstr, mbstr, count)
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/dangical.h b/libicu/cts_headers/dangical.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece805e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/dangical.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef DANGICAL_H
+#define DANGICAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/timezone.h"
+#include "chnsecal.h"
+ * <p><code>DangiCalendar</code> is a concrete subclass of {@link Calendar}
+ * that implements a traditional Korean lunisolar calendar.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>DangiCalendar usually should be instantiated using 
+ * {@link} passing in a <code>ULocale</code>
+ * with the tag <code>"@calendar=dangi"</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+class DangiCalendar : public ChineseCalendar {
+ public:
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors...
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Constructs a DangiCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+   * with the given locale.
+   *
+   * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+   * @param success  Indicates the status of DangiCalendar object construction.
+   *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  DangiCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode &success);
+  /**
+   * Copy Constructor
+   * @internal
+   */
+  DangiCalendar(const DangiCalendar& other);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual ~DangiCalendar();
+  /**
+   * Clone.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual DangiCalendar* clone() const;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Internal methods & astronomical calculations
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private:
+  const TimeZone* getDangiCalZoneAstroCalc(void) const;
+  // UObject stuff
+ public: 
+  /**
+   * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+   *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+   * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+   *
+   *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+   *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+   *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+   *
+   * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+  /**
+   * return the calendar type, "dangi".
+   *
+   * @return calendar type
+   * @internal
+   */
+  const char * getType() const;
+ private:
+  DangiCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/dayperiodrules.h b/libicu/cts_headers/dayperiodrules.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..610c617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/dayperiodrules.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* dayperiodrules.h
+* created on: 2016-01-20
+* created by: kazede
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+struct DayPeriodRulesDataSink;
+class DayPeriodRules : public UMemory {
+    friend struct DayPeriodRulesDataSink;
+    enum DayPeriod {
+        DAYPERIOD_UNKNOWN = -1,
+        DAYPERIOD_AM,
+    };
+    static const DayPeriodRules *getInstance(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool hasMidnight() const { return fHasMidnight; }
+    UBool hasNoon() const { return fHasNoon; }
+    DayPeriod getDayPeriodForHour(int32_t hour) const { return fDayPeriodForHour[hour]; }
+    // Returns the center of dayPeriod. Half hours are indicated with a .5 .
+    double getMidPointForDayPeriod(DayPeriod dayPeriod, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    DayPeriodRules();
+    // Translates "morning1" to DAYPERIOD_MORNING1, for example.
+    static DayPeriod getDayPeriodFromString(const char *type_str);
+    static void U_CALLCONV load(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Sets period type for all hours in [startHour, limitHour).
+    void add(int32_t startHour, int32_t limitHour, DayPeriod period);
+    // Returns TRUE if for all i, DayPeriodForHour[i] has a type other than UNKNOWN.
+    // Values of HasNoon and HasMidnight do not affect the return value.
+    UBool allHoursAreSet();
+    // Returns the hour that starts dayPeriod. Returns 0 for MIDNIGHT and 12 for NOON.
+    int32_t getStartHourForDayPeriod(DayPeriod dayPeriod, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    // Returns the hour that ends dayPeriod, i.e. that starts the next period.
+    // E.g. if fDayPeriodForHour[13] thru [16] are AFTERNOON1, then this function returns 17 if
+    // queried with AFTERNOON1.
+    // Returns 0 for MIDNIGHT and 12 for NOON.
+    int32_t getEndHourForDayPeriod(DayPeriod dayPeriod, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UBool fHasMidnight;
+    UBool fHasNoon;
+    DayPeriod fDayPeriodForHour[24];
+#endif /* DAYPERIODRULES_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/decContext.h b/libicu/cts_headers/decContext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e145777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/decContext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Decimal Context module header                                      */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2011.   All rights reserved.   */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* This software is made available under the terms of the             */
+/* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.                                */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* The description and User's Guide ("The decNumber C Library") for   */
+/* this software is called decNumber.pdf.  This document is           */
+/* available, together with arithmetic and format specifications,     */
+/* testcases, and Web links, on the General Decimal Arithmetic page.  */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* Please send comments, suggestions, and corrections to the author:  */
+/*                                                   */
+/*   Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow                                       */
+/*   IBM UK, PO Box 31, Birmingham Road, Warwick CV34 5JL, UK         */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Modified version, for use from within ICU.
+ *    Renamed public functions, to avoid an unwanted export of the 
+ *    standard names from the ICU library.
+ *
+ *    Use ICU's uprv_malloc() and uprv_free()
+ *
+ *    Revert comment syntax to plain C
+ *
+ *    Remove a few compiler warnings.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+/*                                                                    */
+/* Context variables must always have valid values:                   */
+/*                                                                    */
+/*  status   -- [any bits may be cleared, but not set, by user]       */
+/*  round    -- must be one of the enumerated rounding modes          */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* The following variables are implied for fixed size formats (i.e.,  */
+/* they are ignored) but should still be set correctly in case used   */
+/* with decNumber functions:                                          */
+/*                                                                    */
+/*  clamp    -- must be either 0 or 1                                 */
+/*  digits   -- must be in the range 1 through 999999999              */
+/*  emax     -- must be in the range 0 through 999999999              */
+/*  emin     -- must be in the range 0 through -999999999             */
+/*  extended -- must be either 0 or 1 [present only if DECSUBSET]     */
+/*  traps    -- only defined bits may be set                          */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+#if !defined(DECCONTEXT)
+  #define DECCONTEXT
+  #define DECCNAME     "decContext"                     /* Short name */
+  #define DECCFULLNAME "Decimal Context Descriptor"   /* Verbose name */
+  #define DECCAUTHOR   "Mike Cowlishaw"               /* Who to blame */
+  #if !defined(int32_t)
+/* #include <stdint.h>   */         /* C99 standard integers           */
+  #endif
+  #include <stdio.h>               /* for printf, etc.                */
+  #include <signal.h>              /* for traps                       */
+  /* Extended flags setting -- set this to 0 to use only IEEE flags   */
+  #if !defined(DECEXTFLAG)
+  #define DECEXTFLAG 1             /* 1=enable extended flags         */
+  #endif
+  /* Conditional code flag -- set this to 0 for best performance      */
+  #if !defined(DECSUBSET)
+  #define DECSUBSET  0             /* 1=enable subset arithmetic      */
+  #endif
+  /* Context for operations, with associated constants                */
+  enum rounding {
+    DEC_ROUND_CEILING,             /* round towards +infinity         */
+    DEC_ROUND_UP,                  /* round away from 0               */
+    DEC_ROUND_HALF_UP,             /* 0.5 rounds up                   */
+    DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN,           /* 0.5 rounds to nearest even      */
+    DEC_ROUND_HALF_DOWN,           /* 0.5 rounds down                 */
+    DEC_ROUND_DOWN,                /* round towards 0 (truncate)      */
+    DEC_ROUND_FLOOR,               /* round towards -infinity         */
+    DEC_ROUND_05UP,                /* round for reround               */
+    DEC_ROUND_MAX                  /* enum must be less than this     */
+    };
+  typedef struct {
+    int32_t  digits;               /* working precision               */
+    int32_t  emax;                 /* maximum positive exponent       */
+    int32_t  emin;                 /* minimum negative exponent       */
+    enum     rounding round;       /* rounding mode                   */
+    uint32_t traps;                /* trap-enabler flags              */
+    uint32_t status;               /* status flags                    */
+    uint8_t  clamp;                /* flag: apply IEEE exponent clamp */
+    #if DECSUBSET
+    uint8_t  extended;             /* flag: special-values allowed    */
+    #endif
+    } decContext;
+  /* Maxima and Minima for context settings                           */
+  #define DEC_MAX_DIGITS 999999999
+  #define DEC_MIN_DIGITS         1
+  #define DEC_MAX_EMAX   999999999
+  #define DEC_MIN_EMAX           0
+  #define DEC_MAX_EMIN           0
+  #define DEC_MIN_EMIN  -999999999
+  #define DEC_MAX_MATH      999999 /* max emax, etc., for math funcs. */
+  /* Classifications for decimal numbers, aligned with 754 (note that */
+  /* 'normal' and 'subnormal' are meaningful only with a decContext   */
+  /* or a fixed size format).                                         */
+  enum decClass {
+    };
+  /* Strings for the decClasses */
+  #define DEC_ClassString_SN  "sNaN"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_QN  "NaN"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_NI  "-Infinity"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_NN  "-Normal"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_NS  "-Subnormal"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_NZ  "-Zero"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_PZ  "+Zero"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_PS  "+Subnormal"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_PN  "+Normal"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_PI  "+Infinity"
+  #define DEC_ClassString_UN  "Invalid"
+  /* Trap-enabler and Status flags (exceptional conditions), and      */
+  /* their names.  The top byte is reserved for internal use          */
+    /* Extended flags */
+    #define DEC_Conversion_syntax    0x00000001
+    #define DEC_Division_by_zero     0x00000002
+    #define DEC_Division_impossible  0x00000004
+    #define DEC_Division_undefined   0x00000008
+    #define DEC_Insufficient_storage 0x00000010 /* [when malloc fails]  */
+    #define DEC_Inexact              0x00000020
+    #define DEC_Invalid_context      0x00000040
+    #define DEC_Invalid_operation    0x00000080
+    #if DECSUBSET
+    #define DEC_Lost_digits          0x00000100
+    #endif
+    #define DEC_Overflow             0x00000200
+    #define DEC_Clamped              0x00000400
+    #define DEC_Rounded              0x00000800
+    #define DEC_Subnormal            0x00001000
+    #define DEC_Underflow            0x00002000
+  #else
+    /* IEEE flags only */
+    #define DEC_Conversion_syntax    0x00000010
+    #define DEC_Division_by_zero     0x00000002
+    #define DEC_Division_impossible  0x00000010
+    #define DEC_Division_undefined   0x00000010
+    #define DEC_Insufficient_storage 0x00000010 /* [when malloc fails]  */
+    #define DEC_Inexact              0x00000001
+    #define DEC_Invalid_context      0x00000010
+    #define DEC_Invalid_operation    0x00000010
+    #if DECSUBSET
+    #define DEC_Lost_digits          0x00000000
+    #endif
+    #define DEC_Overflow             0x00000008
+    #define DEC_Clamped              0x00000000
+    #define DEC_Rounded              0x00000000
+    #define DEC_Subnormal            0x00000000
+    #define DEC_Underflow            0x00000004
+  #endif
+  /* IEEE 754 groupings for the flags                                 */
+  /* [DEC_Clamped, DEC_Lost_digits, DEC_Rounded, and DEC_Subnormal    */
+  /* are not in IEEE 754]                                             */
+  #define DEC_IEEE_754_Division_by_zero  (DEC_Division_by_zero)
+  #define DEC_IEEE_754_Inexact           (DEC_Inexact | DEC_Lost_digits)
+  #else
+  #define DEC_IEEE_754_Inexact           (DEC_Inexact)
+  #endif
+  #define DEC_IEEE_754_Invalid_operation (DEC_Conversion_syntax |     \
+                                          DEC_Division_impossible |   \
+                                          DEC_Division_undefined |    \
+                                          DEC_Insufficient_storage |  \
+                                          DEC_Invalid_context |       \
+                                          DEC_Invalid_operation)
+  #define DEC_IEEE_754_Overflow          (DEC_Overflow)
+  #define DEC_IEEE_754_Underflow         (DEC_Underflow)
+  /* flags which are normally errors (result is qNaN, infinite, or 0) */
+  #define DEC_Errors (DEC_IEEE_754_Division_by_zero |                 \
+                      DEC_IEEE_754_Invalid_operation |                \
+                      DEC_IEEE_754_Overflow | DEC_IEEE_754_Underflow)
+  /* flags which cause a result to become qNaN                        */
+  #define DEC_NaNs    DEC_IEEE_754_Invalid_operation
+  /* flags which are normally for information only (finite results)   */
+  #define DEC_Information (DEC_Clamped | DEC_Rounded | DEC_Inexact    \
+                          | DEC_Lost_digits)
+  #else
+  #define DEC_Information (DEC_Clamped | DEC_Rounded | DEC_Inexact)
+  #endif
+  /* IEEE 854 names (for compatibility with older decNumber versions) */
+  #define DEC_IEEE_854_Division_by_zero  DEC_IEEE_754_Division_by_zero
+  #define DEC_IEEE_854_Inexact           DEC_IEEE_754_Inexact
+  #define DEC_IEEE_854_Invalid_operation DEC_IEEE_754_Invalid_operation
+  #define DEC_IEEE_854_Overflow          DEC_IEEE_754_Overflow
+  #define DEC_IEEE_854_Underflow         DEC_IEEE_754_Underflow
+  /* Name strings for the exceptional conditions                      */
+  #define DEC_Condition_CS "Conversion syntax"
+  #define DEC_Condition_DZ "Division by zero"
+  #define DEC_Condition_DI "Division impossible"
+  #define DEC_Condition_DU "Division undefined"
+  #define DEC_Condition_IE "Inexact"
+  #define DEC_Condition_IS "Insufficient storage"
+  #define DEC_Condition_IC "Invalid context"
+  #define DEC_Condition_IO "Invalid operation"
+  #define DEC_Condition_LD "Lost digits"
+  #endif
+  #define DEC_Condition_OV "Overflow"
+  #define DEC_Condition_PA "Clamped"
+  #define DEC_Condition_RO "Rounded"
+  #define DEC_Condition_SU "Subnormal"
+  #define DEC_Condition_UN "Underflow"
+  #define DEC_Condition_ZE "No status"
+  #define DEC_Condition_MU "Multiple status"
+  #define DEC_Condition_Length 21  /* length of the longest string,   */
+                                   /* including terminator            */
+  /* Initialization descriptors, used by decContextDefault            */
+  #define DEC_INIT_BASE         0
+  #define DEC_INIT_DECIMAL32   32
+  #define DEC_INIT_DECIMAL64   64
+  #define DEC_INIT_DECIMAL128 128
+  /* Synonyms */
+  /* decContext routines                                              */
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextClearStatus(decContext *, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextDefault(decContext *, int32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL enum rounding U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextGetRounding(decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL uint32_t      U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextGetStatus(decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextRestoreStatus(decContext *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL uint32_t      U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextSaveStatus(decContext *, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextSetRounding(decContext *, enum rounding);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextSetStatus(decContext *, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextSetStatusFromString(decContext *, const char *);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextSetStatusFromStringQuiet(decContext *, const char *);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextSetStatusQuiet(decContext *, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL const char  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextStatusToString(const decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL int32_t       U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextTestEndian(uint8_t);
+  U_INTERNAL uint32_t      U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextTestSavedStatus(uint32_t, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL uint32_t      U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextTestStatus(decContext *, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL decContext  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decContextZeroStatus(decContext *);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/decNumber.h b/libicu/cts_headers/decNumber.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7182e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/decNumber.h
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Decimal Number arithmetic module header                            */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2010.   All rights reserved.   */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* This software is made available under the terms of the             */
+/* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.                                */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* The description and User's Guide ("The decNumber C Library") for   */
+/* this software is called decNumber.pdf.  This document is           */
+/* available, together with arithmetic and format specifications,     */
+/* testcases, and Web links, on the General Decimal Arithmetic page.  */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* Please send comments, suggestions, and corrections to the author:  */
+/*                                                   */
+/*   Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow                                       */
+/*   IBM UK, PO Box 31, Birmingham Road, Warwick CV34 5JL, UK         */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Modified version, for use from within ICU.
+ *    Renamed public functions, to avoid an unwanted export of the 
+ *    standard names from the ICU library.
+ *
+ *    Use ICU's uprv_malloc() and uprv_free()
+ *
+ *    Revert comment syntax to plain C
+ *
+ *    Remove a few compiler warnings.
+ */
+#if !defined(DECNUMBER)
+  #define DECNUMBER
+  #define DECNAME     "decNumber"                       /* Short name */
+  #define DECFULLNAME "Decimal Number Module"         /* Verbose name */
+  #define DECAUTHOR   "Mike Cowlishaw"                /* Who to blame */
+  #if !defined(DECCONTEXT)
+    #include "decContext.h"
+  #endif
+  /* Bit settings for decNumber.bits                                  */
+  #define DECNEG    0x80      /* Sign; 1=negative, 0=positive or zero */
+  #define DECINF    0x40      /* 1=Infinity                           */
+  #define DECNAN    0x20      /* 1=NaN                                */
+  #define DECSNAN   0x10      /* 1=sNaN                               */
+  /* The remaining bits are reserved; they must be 0                  */
+  #define DECSPECIAL (DECINF|DECNAN|DECSNAN) /* any special value     */
+  /* Define the decNumber data structure.  The size and shape of the  */
+  /* units array in the structure is determined by the following      */
+  /* constant.  This must not be changed without recompiling the      */
+  /* decNumber library modules. */
+  /* For ICU, use one digit per byte, to make it easier to emulate the
+   * old DigitList interface on top of a decNumber
+   */
+  #define DECDPUN 1           /* DECimal Digits Per UNit [must be >0  */
+                              /* and <10; 3 or powers of 2 are best]. */
+  /* DECNUMDIGITS is the default number of digits that can be held in */
+  /* the structure.  If undefined, 1 is assumed and it is assumed     */
+  /* that the structure will be immediately followed by extra space,  */
+  /* as required.  DECNUMDIGITS is always >0.                         */
+  #if !defined(DECNUMDIGITS)
+    #define DECNUMDIGITS 1
+  #endif
+  /* The size (integer data type) of each unit is determined by the   */
+  /* number of digits it will hold.                                   */
+  #if   DECDPUN<=2
+    #define decNumberUnit uint8_t
+  #elif DECDPUN<=4
+    #define decNumberUnit uint16_t
+  #else
+    #define decNumberUnit uint32_t
+  #endif
+  /* The number of units needed is ceil(DECNUMDIGITS/DECDPUN)         */
+  /* The data structure... */
+  typedef struct {
+    int32_t digits;      /* Count of digits in the coefficient; >0    */
+    int32_t exponent;    /* Unadjusted exponent, unbiased, in         */
+                         /* range: -1999999997 through 999999999      */
+    uint8_t bits;        /* Indicator bits (see above)                */
+                         /* Coefficient, from least significant unit  */
+    decNumberUnit lsu[DECNUMUNITS];
+    } decNumber;
+  /* Notes:                                                           */
+  /* 1. If digits is > DECDPUN then there will one or more            */
+  /*    decNumberUnits immediately following the first element of lsu.*/
+  /*    These contain the remaining (more significant) digits of the  */
+  /*    number, and may be in the lsu array, or may be guaranteed by  */
+  /*    some other mechanism (such as being contained in another      */
+  /*    structure, or being overlaid on dynamically allocated         */
+  /*    storage).                                                     */
+  /*                                                                  */
+  /*    Each integer of the coefficient (except potentially the last) */
+  /*    contains DECDPUN digits (e.g., a value in the range 0 through */
+  /*    99999999 if DECDPUN is 8, or 0 through 999 if DECDPUN is 3).  */
+  /*                                                                  */
+  /* 2. A decNumber converted to a string may need up to digits+14    */
+  /*    characters.  The worst cases (non-exponential and exponential */
+  /*    formats) are -0.00000{9...}# and -9.{9...}E+999999999#        */
+  /*    (where # is '\0')                                             */
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* decNumber public functions and macros                            */
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Conversions                                                      */
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFromInt32(decNumber *, int32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFromUInt32(decNumber *, uint32_t);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFromString(decNumber *, const char *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL char      * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToString(const decNumber *, char *);
+  U_INTERNAL char      * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToEngString(const decNumber *, char *);
+  U_INTERNAL uint32_t    U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToUInt32(const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL int32_t     U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToInt32(const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL uint8_t   * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberGetBCD(const decNumber *, uint8_t *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSetBCD(decNumber *, const uint8_t *, uint32_t);
+  /* Operators and elementary functions                               */
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberAbs(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberAdd(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberAnd(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompare(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompareSignal(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompareTotal(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompareTotalMag(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberDivide(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberDivideInteger(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberExp(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFMA(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberInvert(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberLn(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberLogB(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberLog10(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMax(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMaxMag(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMin(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMinMag(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMinus(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMultiply(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNormalize(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberOr(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberPlus(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberPower(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberQuantize(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberReduce(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRemainder(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRemainderNear(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRescale(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRotate(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSameQuantum(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberScaleB(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberShift(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSquareRoot(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSubtract(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToIntegralExact(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToIntegralValue(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberXor(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  /* Utilities                                                        */
+  enum decClass uprv_decNumberClass(const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberClassToString(enum decClass);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopy(decNumber *, const decNumber *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopyAbs(decNumber *, const decNumber *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopyNegate(decNumber *, const decNumber *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopySign(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNextMinus(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNextPlus(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNextToward(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberTrim(decNumber *);
+  U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberVersion(void);
+  U_INTERNAL decNumber  * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberZero(decNumber *);
+  /* Functions for testing decNumbers (normality depends on context)  */
+  U_INTERNAL int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberIsNormal(const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  U_INTERNAL int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberIsSubnormal(const decNumber *, decContext *);
+  /* Macros for testing decNumber *dn                                 */
+  #define decNumberIsCanonical(dn) (1)  /* All decNumbers are saintly */
+  #define decNumberIsFinite(dn)    (((dn)->bits&DECSPECIAL)==0)
+  #define decNumberIsInfinite(dn)  (((dn)->bits&DECINF)!=0)
+  #define decNumberIsNaN(dn)       (((dn)->bits&(DECNAN|DECSNAN))!=0)
+  #define decNumberIsNegative(dn)  (((dn)->bits&DECNEG)!=0)
+  #define decNumberIsQNaN(dn)      (((dn)->bits&(DECNAN))!=0)
+  #define decNumberIsSNaN(dn)      (((dn)->bits&(DECSNAN))!=0)
+  #define decNumberIsSpecial(dn)   (((dn)->bits&DECSPECIAL)!=0)
+  #define decNumberIsZero(dn)      (*(dn)->lsu==0 \
+                                    && (dn)->digits==1 \
+                                    && (((dn)->bits&DECSPECIAL)==0))
+  #define decNumberRadix(dn)       (10)
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/decNumberLocal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/decNumberLocal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d1b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/decNumberLocal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* decNumber package local type, tuning, and macro definitions        */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2016.   All rights reserved.   */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* This software is made available under the terms of the             */
+/* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.                                */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* The description and User's Guide ("The decNumber C Library") for   */
+/* this software is called decNumber.pdf.  This document is           */
+/* available, together with arithmetic and format specifications,     */
+/* testcases, and Web links, on the General Decimal Arithmetic page.  */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* Please send comments, suggestions, and corrections to the author:  */
+/*                                                   */
+/*   Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow                                       */
+/*   IBM UK, PO Box 31, Birmingham Road, Warwick CV34 5JL, UK         */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* This header file is included by all modules in the decNumber       */
+/* library, and contains local type definitions, tuning parameters,   */
+/* etc.  It should not need to be used by application programs.       */
+/* decNumber.h or one of decDouble (etc.) must be included first.     */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+#if !defined(DECNUMBERLOC)
+  #define DECVERSION    "decNumber 3.61" /* Package Version [16 max.] */
+  #define DECNLAUTHOR   "Mike Cowlishaw"              /* Who to blame */
+  #include <stdlib.h>         /* for abs                              */
+  #include <string.h>         /* for memset, strcpy                   */
+  #include "decContext.h"
+  /* Conditional code flag -- set this to match hardware platform     */
+  #if !defined(DECLITEND)
+  #define DECLITEND 1         /* 1=little-endian, 0=big-endian        */
+  #endif
+  /* Conditional code flag -- set this to 1 for best performance      */
+  #if !defined(DECUSE64)
+  #define DECUSE64  1         /* 1=use int64s, 0=int32 & smaller only */
+  #endif
+  /* Conditional check flags -- set these to 0 for best performance   */
+  #if !defined(DECCHECK)
+  #define DECCHECK  0         /* 1 to enable robust checking          */
+  #endif
+  #if !defined(DECALLOC)
+  #define DECALLOC  0         /* 1 to enable memory accounting        */
+  #endif
+  #if !defined(DECTRACE)
+  #define DECTRACE  0         /* 1 to trace certain internals, etc.   */
+  #endif
+  /* Tuning parameter for decNumber (arbitrary precision) module      */
+  #if !defined(DECBUFFER)
+  #define DECBUFFER 36        /* Size basis for local buffers.  This  */
+                              /* should be a common maximum precision */
+                              /* rounded up to a multiple of 4; must  */
+                              /* be zero or positive.                 */
+  #endif
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Definitions for all modules (general-purpose)                    */
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Local names for common types -- for safety, decNumber modules do */
+  /* not use int or long directly.                                    */
+  #define Flag   uint8_t
+  #define Byte   int8_t
+  #define uByte  uint8_t
+  #define Short  int16_t
+  #define uShort uint16_t
+  #define Int    int32_t
+  #define uInt   uint32_t
+  #define Unit   decNumberUnit
+  #if DECUSE64
+  #define Long   int64_t
+  #define uLong  uint64_t
+  #endif
+  /* Development-use definitions                                      */
+  typedef long int LI;        /* for printf arguments only            */
+  #define DECNOINT  0         /* 1 to check no internal use of 'int'  */
+                              /*   or stdint types                    */
+    /* if these interfere with your C includes, do not set DECNOINT   */
+    #define int     ?         /* enable to ensure that plain C 'int'  */
+    #define long    ??        /* .. or 'long' types are not used      */
+  #endif
+  /* LONGMUL32HI -- set w=(u*v)>>32, where w, u, and v are uInts      */
+  /* (that is, sets w to be the high-order word of the 64-bit result; */
+  /* the low-order word is simply u*v.)                               */
+  /* This version is derived from Knuth via Hacker's Delight;         */
+  /* it seems to optimize better than some others tried               */
+  #define LONGMUL32HI(w, u, v) {             \
+    uInt u0, u1, v0, v1, w0, w1, w2, t;      \
+    u0=u & 0xffff; u1=u>>16;                 \
+    v0=v & 0xffff; v1=v>>16;                 \
+    w0=u0*v0;                                \
+    t=u1*v0 + (w0>>16);                      \
+    w1=t & 0xffff; w2=t>>16;                 \
+    w1=u0*v1 + w1;                           \
+    (w)=u1*v1 + w2 + (w1>>16);}
+  /* ROUNDUP -- round an integer up to a multiple of n                */
+  #define ROUNDUP(i, n) ((((i)+(n)-1)/n)*n)
+  #define ROUNDUP4(i)   (((i)+3)&~3)    /* special for n=4            */
+  /* ROUNDDOWN -- round an integer down to a multiple of n            */
+  #define ROUNDDOWN(i, n) (((i)/n)*n)
+  #define ROUNDDOWN4(i)   ((i)&~3)      /* special for n=4            */
+  /* References to multi-byte sequences under different sizes; these  */
+  /* require locally declared variables, but do not violate strict    */
+  /* aliasing or alignment (as did the UINTAT simple cast to uInt).   */
+  /* Variables needed are uswork, uiwork, etc. [so do not use at same */
+  /* level in an expression, e.g., UBTOUI(x)==UBTOUI(y) may fail].    */
+  /* Return a uInt, etc., from bytes starting at a char* or uByte*    */
+  #define UBTOUS(b)  (memcpy((void *)&uswork, b, 2), uswork)
+  #define UBTOUI(b)  (memcpy((void *)&uiwork, b, 4), uiwork)
+  /* Store a uInt, etc., into bytes starting at a char* or uByte*.    */
+  /* Returns i, evaluated, for convenience; has to use uiwork because */
+  /* i may be an expression.                                          */
+  #define UBFROMUS(b, i)  (uswork=(i), memcpy(b, (void *)&uswork, 2), uswork)
+  #define UBFROMUI(b, i)  (uiwork=(i), memcpy(b, (void *)&uiwork, 4), uiwork)
+  /* X10 and X100 -- multiply integer i by 10 or 100                  */
+  /* [shifts are usually faster than multiply; could be conditional]  */
+  #define X10(i)  (((i)<<1)+((i)<<3))
+  #define X100(i) (((i)<<2)+((i)<<5)+((i)<<6))
+  /* MAXI and MINI -- general max & min (not in ANSI) for integers    */
+  #define MAXI(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(y):(x))
+  #define MINI(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(y):(x))
+  /* Useful constants                                                 */
+  #define BILLION      1000000000            /* 10**9                 */
+  /* CHARMASK: 0x30303030 for ASCII/UTF8; 0xF0F0F0F0 for EBCDIC       */
+  #define CHARMASK ((((((((uInt)'0')<<8)+'0')<<8)+'0')<<8)+'0')
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Definitions for arbitary-precision modules (only valid after     */
+  /* decNumber.h has been included)                                   */
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Limits and constants                                             */
+  #define DECNUMMAXP 999999999  /* maximum precision code can handle  */
+  #define DECNUMMAXE 999999999  /* maximum adjusted exponent ditto    */
+  #define DECNUMMINE -999999999 /* minimum adjusted exponent ditto    */
+    #error Maximum digits mismatch
+  #endif
+    #error Maximum exponent mismatch
+  #endif
+    #error Minimum exponent mismatch
+  #endif
+  /* Set DECDPUNMAX -- the maximum integer that fits in DECDPUN       */
+  /* digits, and D2UTABLE -- the initializer for the D2U table        */
+  #ifndef DECDPUN
+    // no-op
+  #elif   DECDPUN==1
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 9
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,  \
+                      18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, \
+                      33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47, \
+                      48,49}
+  #elif DECDPUN==2
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 99
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,  \
+                      11,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16,16,17,17,18, \
+                      18,19,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,23,24,24,25}
+  #elif DECDPUN==3
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 999
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,  \
+                      8,8,8,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,11,12,12,12,13,13, \
+                      13,14,14,14,15,15,15,16,16,16,17}
+  #elif DECDPUN==4
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 9999
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,  \
+                      6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,11, \
+                      11,11,11,12,12,12,12,13}
+  #elif DECDPUN==5
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 99999
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,  \
+                      5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,  \
+                      9,9,10,10,10,10}
+  #elif DECDPUN==6
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 999999
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,  \
+                      4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,  \
+                      8,8,8,8,8,9}
+  #elif DECDPUN==7
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 9999999
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,  \
+                      4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,  \
+                      7,7,7,7,7,7}
+  #elif DECDPUN==8
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 99999999
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,  \
+                      3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,  \
+                      6,6,6,6,6,7}
+  #elif DECDPUN==9
+    #define DECDPUNMAX 999999999
+    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,  \
+                      3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,  \
+                      5,5,6,6,6,6}
+  #else
+    #error DECDPUN must be in the range 1-9
+  #endif
+  /* ----- Shared data (in decNumber.c) ----- */
+  /* Public lookup table used by the D2U macro (see below)            */
+  #define DECMAXD2U 49
+  /*extern const uByte d2utable[DECMAXD2U+1];*/
+  /* ----- Macros ----- */
+  /* ISZERO -- return true if decNumber dn is a zero                  */
+  /* [performance-critical in some situations]                        */
+  #define ISZERO(dn) decNumberIsZero(dn)     /* now just a local name */
+  /* D2U -- return the number of Units needed to hold d digits        */
+  /* (runtime version, with table lookaside for small d)              */
+  #if defined(DECDPUN) && DECDPUN==8
+    #define D2U(d) ((unsigned)((d)<=DECMAXD2U?d2utable[d]:((d)+7)>>3))
+  #elif defined(DECDPUN) && DECDPUN==4
+    #define D2U(d) ((unsigned)((d)<=DECMAXD2U?d2utable[d]:((d)+3)>>2))
+  #else
+    #define D2U(d) ((d)<=DECMAXD2U?d2utable[d]:((d)+DECDPUN-1)/DECDPUN)
+  #endif
+  /* SD2U -- static D2U macro (for compile-time calculation)          */
+  #define SD2U(d) (((d)+DECDPUN-1)/DECDPUN)
+  /* MSUDIGITS -- returns digits in msu, from digits, calculated      */
+  /* using D2U                                                        */
+  #define MSUDIGITS(d) ((d)-(D2U(d)-1)*DECDPUN)
+  /* D2N -- return the number of decNumber structs that would be      */
+  /* needed to contain that number of digits (and the initial         */
+  /* decNumber struct) safely.  Note that one Unit is included in the */
+  /* initial structure.  Used for allocating space that is aligned on */
+  /* a decNumber struct boundary. */
+  #define D2N(d) \
+    ((((SD2U(d)-1)*sizeof(Unit))+sizeof(decNumber)*2-1)/sizeof(decNumber))
+  /* TODIGIT -- macro to remove the leading digit from the unsigned   */
+  /* integer u at column cut (counting from the right, LSD=0) and     */
+  /* place it as an ASCII character into the character pointed to by  */
+  /* c.  Note that cut must be <= 9, and the maximum value for u is   */
+  /* 2,000,000,000 (as is needed for negative exponents of            */
+  /* subnormals).  The unsigned integer pow is used as a temporary    */
+  /* variable. */
+  #define TODIGIT(u, cut, c, pow) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    *(c)='0';                             \
+    pow=DECPOWERS[cut]*2;                 \
+    if ((u)>pow) {                        \
+      pow*=4;                             \
+      if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=8;}  \
+      pow/=2;                             \
+      if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=4;}  \
+      pow/=2;                             \
+      }                                   \
+    if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=2;}    \
+    pow/=2;                               \
+    if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=1;}    \
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Definitions for fixed-precision modules (only valid after        */
+  /* decSingle.h, decDouble.h, or decQuad.h has been included)        */
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* bcdnum -- a structure describing a format-independent finite     */
+  /* number, whose coefficient is a string of bcd8 uBytes             */
+  typedef struct {
+    uByte   *msd;             /* -> most significant digit            */
+    uByte   *lsd;             /* -> least ditto                       */
+    uInt     sign;            /* 0=positive, DECFLOAT_Sign=negative   */
+    Int      exponent;        /* Unadjusted signed exponent (q), or   */
+                              /* DECFLOAT_NaN etc. for a special      */
+    } bcdnum;
+  /* Test if exponent or bcdnum exponent must be a special, etc.      */
+  #define EXPISSPECIAL(exp) ((exp)>=DECFLOAT_MinSp)
+  #define EXPISINF(exp) (exp==DECFLOAT_Inf)
+  #define EXPISNAN(exp) (exp==DECFLOAT_qNaN || exp==DECFLOAT_sNaN)
+  #define NUMISSPECIAL(num) (EXPISSPECIAL((num)->exponent))
+  /* Refer to a 32-bit word or byte in a decFloat (df) by big-endian  */
+  /* (array) notation (the 0 word or byte contains the sign bit),     */
+  /* automatically adjusting for endianness; similarly address a word */
+  /* in the next-wider format (decFloatWider, or dfw)                 */
+  #define DECWORDS  (DECBYTES/4)
+    #define DFBYTE(df, off)   ((df)->bytes[DECBYTES-1-(off)])
+    #define DFWORD(df, off)   ((df)->words[DECWORDS-1-(off)])
+    #define DFWWORD(dfw, off) ((dfw)->words[DECWWORDS-1-(off)])
+  #else
+    #define DFBYTE(df, off)   ((df)->bytes[off])
+    #define DFWORD(df, off)   ((df)->words[off])
+    #define DFWWORD(dfw, off) ((dfw)->words[off])
+  #endif
+  /* Tests for sign or specials, directly on DECFLOATs                */
+  #define DFISSIGNED(df)   (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x80000000)
+  #define DFISSPECIAL(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x78000000)==0x78000000)
+  #define DFISINF(df)     ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7c000000)==0x78000000)
+  #define DFISNAN(df)     ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7c000000)==0x7c000000)
+  #define DFISQNAN(df)    ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7e000000)==0x7c000000)
+  #define DFISSNAN(df)    ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7e000000)==0x7e000000)
+  /* Shared lookup tables                                             */
+  extern const uInt   DECCOMBMSD[64];   /* Combination field -> MSD   */
+  extern const uInt   DECCOMBFROM[48];  /* exp+msd -> Combination     */
+  /* Private generic (utility) routine                                */
+    extern void decShowNum(const bcdnum *, const char *);
+  #endif
+  /* Format-dependent macros and constants                            */
+  #if defined(DECPMAX)
+    /* Useful constants                                               */
+    #define DECPMAX9  (ROUNDUP(DECPMAX, 9)/9)  /* 'Pmax' in 10**9s    */
+    /* Top words for a zero                                           */
+    #define SINGLEZERO   0x22500000
+    #define DOUBLEZERO   0x22380000
+    #define QUADZERO     0x22080000
+    /* [ZEROWORD is defined to be one of these in the DFISZERO macro] */
+    /* Format-dependent common tests:                                 */
+    /*   DFISZERO   -- test for (any) zero                            */
+    /*   DFISCCZERO -- test for coefficient continuation being zero   */
+    /*   DFISCC01   -- test for coefficient contains only 0s and 1s   */
+    /*   DFISINT    -- test for finite and exponent q=0               */
+    /*   DFISUINT01 -- test for sign=0, finite, exponent q=0, and     */
+    /*                 MSD=0 or 1                                     */
+    /*   ZEROWORD is also defined here.                               */
+    /* In DFISZERO the first test checks the least-significant word   */
+    /* (most likely to be non-zero); the penultimate tests MSD and    */
+    /* DPDs in the signword, and the final test excludes specials and */
+    /* MSD>7.  DFISINT similarly has to allow for the two forms of    */
+    /* MSD codes.  DFISUINT01 only has to allow for one form of MSD   */
+    /* code.                                                          */
+    #if DECPMAX==7
+      /* [test macros not needed except for Zero]                     */
+      #define DFISZERO(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x1c0fffff)==0         \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x60000000)!=0x60000000)
+    #elif DECPMAX==16
+      #define DFISZERO(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x1c03ffff)==0         \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x60000000)!=0x60000000))
+      #define DFISINT(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x63fc0000)==0x22380000  \
+                         ||(DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7bfc0000)==0x6a380000)
+      #define DFISUINT01(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0xfbfc0000)==0x22380000)
+      #define DFISCCZERO(df) (DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x0003ffff)==0)
+      #define DFISCC01(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 0)&~0xfffc9124)==0        \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 1)&~0x49124491)==0)
+    #elif DECPMAX==34
+      #define ZEROWORD QUADZERO
+      #define DFISZERO(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 3)==0                     \
+                          &&  DFWORD(df, 2)==0                     \
+                          &&  DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x1c003fff)==0         \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x60000000)!=0x60000000))
+      #define DFISINT(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x63ffc000)==0x22080000  \
+                         ||(DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7bffc000)==0x6a080000)
+      #define DFISUINT01(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0xfbffc000)==0x22080000)
+      #define DFISCCZERO(df) (DFWORD(df, 3)==0                     \
+                          &&  DFWORD(df, 2)==0                     \
+                          &&  DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
+                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x00003fff)==0)
+      #define DFISCC01(df)   ((DFWORD(df, 0)&~0xffffc912)==0       \
+                          &&  (DFWORD(df, 1)&~0x44912449)==0       \
+                          &&  (DFWORD(df, 2)&~0x12449124)==0       \
+                          &&  (DFWORD(df, 3)&~0x49124491)==0)
+    #endif
+    /* Macros to test if a certain 10 bits of a uInt or pair of uInts */
+    /* are a canonical declet [higher or lower bits are ignored].     */
+    /* declet is at offset 0 (from the right) in a uInt:              */
+    #define CANONDPD(dpd) (((dpd)&0x300)==0 || ((dpd)&0x6e)!=0x6e)
+    /* declet is at offset k (a multiple of 2) in a uInt:             */
+    #define CANONDPDOFF(dpd, k) (((dpd)&(0x300<<(k)))==0            \
+      || ((dpd)&(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))!=(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))
+    /* declet is at offset k (a multiple of 2) in a pair of uInts:    */
+    /* [the top 2 bits will always be in the more-significant uInt]   */
+    #define CANONDPDTWO(hi, lo, k) (((hi)&(0x300>>(32-(k))))==0     \
+      || ((hi)&(0x6e>>(32-(k))))!=(0x6e>>(32-(k)))                  \
+      || ((lo)&(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))!=(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))
+    /* Macro to test whether a full-length (length DECPMAX) BCD8      */
+    /* coefficient, starting at uByte u, is all zeros                 */
+    /* Test just the LSWord first, then the remainder as a sequence   */
+    /* of tests in order to avoid same-level use of UBTOUI            */
+    #if DECPMAX==7
+      #define ISCOEFFZERO(u) (                                      \
+           UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-4)==0                                 \
+        && UBTOUS((u)+DECPMAX-6)==0                                 \
+        && *(u)==0)
+    #elif DECPMAX==16
+      #define ISCOEFFZERO(u) (                                      \
+           UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-4)==0                                 \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-8)==0                                 \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-12)==0                                \
+        && UBTOUI(u)==0)
+    #elif DECPMAX==34
+      #define ISCOEFFZERO(u) (                                      \
+           UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-4)==0                                 \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-8)==0                                 \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-12)==0                                \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-16)==0                                \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-20)==0                                \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-24)==0                                \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-28)==0                                \
+        && UBTOUI((u)+DECPMAX-32)==0                                \
+        && UBTOUS(u)==0)
+    #endif
+    /* Macros and masks for the exponent continuation field and MSD   */
+    /* Get the exponent continuation from a decFloat *df as an Int    */
+    #define GETECON(df) ((Int)((DFWORD((df), 0)&0x03ffffff)>>(32-6-DECECONL)))
+    /* Ditto, from the next-wider format                              */
+    #define GETWECON(df) ((Int)((DFWWORD((df), 0)&0x03ffffff)>>(32-6-DECWECONL)))
+    /* Get the biased exponent similarly                              */
+    #define GETEXP(df)  ((Int)(DECCOMBEXP[DFWORD((df), 0)>>26]+GETECON(df)))
+    /* Get the unbiased exponent similarly                            */
+    #define GETEXPUN(df) ((Int)GETEXP(df)-DECBIAS)
+    /* Get the MSD similarly (as uInt)                                */
+    #define GETMSD(df)   (DECCOMBMSD[DFWORD((df), 0)>>26])
+    /* Compile-time computes of the exponent continuation field masks */
+    /* full exponent continuation field:                              */
+    #define ECONMASK ((0x03ffffff>>(32-6-DECECONL))<<(32-6-DECECONL))
+    /* same, not including its first digit (the qNaN/sNaN selector):  */
+    #define ECONNANMASK ((0x01ffffff>>(32-6-DECECONL))<<(32-6-DECECONL))
+    /* Macros to decode the coefficient in a finite decFloat *df into */
+    /* a BCD string (uByte *bcdin) of length DECPMAX uBytes.          */
+    /* In-line sequence to convert least significant 10 bits of uInt  */
+    /* dpd to three BCD8 digits starting at uByte u.  Note that an    */
+    /* extra byte is written to the right of the three digits because */
+    /* four bytes are moved at a time for speed; the alternative      */
+    /* macro moves exactly three bytes (usually slower).              */
+    #define dpd2bcd8(u, dpd)  memcpy(u, &DPD2BCD8[((dpd)&0x3ff)*4], 4)
+    #define dpd2bcd83(u, dpd) memcpy(u, &DPD2BCD8[((dpd)&0x3ff)*4], 3)
+    /* Decode the declets.  After extracting each one, it is decoded  */
+    /* to BCD8 using a table lookup (also used for variable-length    */
+    /* decode).  Each DPD decode is 3 bytes BCD8 plus a one-byte      */
+    /* length which is not used, here).  Fixed-length 4-byte moves    */
+    /* are fast, however, almost everywhere, and so are used except   */
+    /* for the final three bytes (to avoid overrun).  The code below  */
+    /* is 36 instructions for Doubles and about 70 for Quads, even    */
+    /* on IA32.                                                       */
+    /* Two macros are defined for each format:                        */
+    /*   GETCOEFF extracts the coefficient of the current format      */
+    /*   GETWCOEFF extracts the coefficient of the next-wider format. */
+    /* The latter is a copy of the next-wider GETCOEFF using DFWWORD. */
+    #if DECPMAX==7
+    #define GETCOEFF(df, bcd) {                          \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                         \
+      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>10);                       \
+      dpd2bcd83(bcd+4, sourhi);}
+    #define GETWCOEFF(df, bcd) {                         \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWWORD(df, 0);                        \
+      uInt sourlo=DFWWORD(df, 1);                        \
+      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>8);                        \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, (sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30));       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourlo>>20);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourlo>>10);                      \
+      dpd2bcd83(bcd+13, sourlo);}
+    #elif DECPMAX==16
+    #define GETCOEFF(df, bcd) {                          \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                         \
+      uInt sourlo=DFWORD(df, 1);                         \
+      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>8);                        \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, (sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30));       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourlo>>20);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourlo>>10);                      \
+      dpd2bcd83(bcd+13, sourlo);}
+    #define GETWCOEFF(df, bcd) {                         \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWWORD(df, 0);                        \
+      uInt sourmh=DFWWORD(df, 1);                        \
+      uInt sourml=DFWWORD(df, 2);                        \
+      uInt sourlo=DFWWORD(df, 3);                        \
+      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>4);                        \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, ((sourhi)<<6) | (sourmh>>26));     \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourmh>>16);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourmh>>6);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+13, ((sourmh)<<4) | (sourml>>28));    \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+16, sourml>>18);                      \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+19, sourml>>8);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+22, ((sourml)<<2) | (sourlo>>30));    \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+25, sourlo>>20);                      \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+28, sourlo>>10);                      \
+      dpd2bcd83(bcd+31, sourlo);}
+    #elif DECPMAX==34
+    #define GETCOEFF(df, bcd) {                          \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                         \
+      uInt sourmh=DFWORD(df, 1);                         \
+      uInt sourml=DFWORD(df, 2);                         \
+      uInt sourlo=DFWORD(df, 3);                         \
+      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>4);                        \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, ((sourhi)<<6) | (sourmh>>26));     \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourmh>>16);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourmh>>6);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+13, ((sourmh)<<4) | (sourml>>28));    \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+16, sourml>>18);                      \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+19, sourml>>8);                       \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+22, ((sourml)<<2) | (sourlo>>30));    \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+25, sourlo>>20);                      \
+      dpd2bcd8(bcd+28, sourlo>>10);                      \
+      dpd2bcd83(bcd+31, sourlo);}
+      #define GETWCOEFF(df, bcd) {??} /* [should never be used]       */
+    #endif
+    /* Macros to decode the coefficient in a finite decFloat *df into */
+    /* a base-billion uInt array, with the least-significant          */
+    /* 0-999999999 'digit' at offset 0.                               */
+    /* Decode the declets.  After extracting each one, it is decoded  */
+    /* to binary using a table lookup.  Three tables are used; one    */
+    /* the usual DPD to binary, the other two pre-multiplied by 1000  */
+    /* and 1000000 to avoid multiplication during decode.  These      */
+    /* tables can also be used for multiplying up the MSD as the DPD  */
+    /* code for 0 through 9 is the identity.                          */
+    #define DPD2BIN0 DPD2BIN         /* for prettier code             */
+    #if DECPMAX==7
+    #define GETCOEFFBILL(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                              \
+      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN0[sourhi&0x3ff]                         \
+              +DPD2BINK[(sourhi>>10)&0x3ff]                   \
+              +DPD2BINM[DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26]];}
+    #elif DECPMAX==16
+    #define GETCOEFFBILL(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi, sourlo;                                    \
+      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
+      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN0[sourlo&0x3ff]                         \
+              +DPD2BINK[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff]                   \
+              +DPD2BINM[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                  \
+      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
+      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN0[((sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff]   \
+              +DPD2BINK[(sourhi>>8)&0x3ff]                    \
+              +DPD2BINM[DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26]];}
+    #elif DECPMAX==34
+    #define GETCOEFFBILL(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi, sourmh, sourml, sourlo;                    \
+      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 3);                                   \
+      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN0[sourlo&0x3ff]                         \
+              +DPD2BINK[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff]                   \
+              +DPD2BINM[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                  \
+      sourml=DFWORD(df, 2);                                   \
+      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN0[((sourml<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff]   \
+              +DPD2BINK[(sourml>>8)&0x3ff]                    \
+              +DPD2BINM[(sourml>>18)&0x3ff];                  \
+      sourmh=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
+      (buf)[2]=DPD2BIN0[((sourmh<<4) | (sourml>>28))&0x3ff]   \
+              +DPD2BINK[(sourmh>>6)&0x3ff]                    \
+              +DPD2BINM[(sourmh>>16)&0x3ff];                  \
+      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
+      (buf)[3]=DPD2BIN0[((sourhi<<6) | (sourmh>>26))&0x3ff]   \
+              +DPD2BINK[(sourhi>>4)&0x3ff]                    \
+              +DPD2BINM[DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26]];}
+    #endif
+    /* Macros to decode the coefficient in a finite decFloat *df into */
+    /* a base-thousand uInt array (of size DECLETS+1, to allow for    */
+    /* the MSD), with the least-significant 0-999 'digit' at offset 0.*/
+    /* Decode the declets.  After extracting each one, it is decoded  */
+    /* to binary using a table lookup.                                */
+    #if DECPMAX==7
+    #define GETCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                              \
+      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN[sourhi&0x3ff];                         \
+      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>10)&0x3ff];                   \
+      (buf)[2]=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
+    #elif DECPMAX==16
+    #define GETCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi, sourlo;                                    \
+      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
+      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN[sourlo&0x3ff];                         \
+      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff];                   \
+      (buf)[2]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                   \
+      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
+      (buf)[3]=DPD2BIN[((sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff];   \
+      (buf)[4]=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>8)&0x3ff];                    \
+      (buf)[5]=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
+    #elif DECPMAX==34
+    #define GETCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi, sourmh, sourml, sourlo;                    \
+      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 3);                                   \
+      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN[sourlo&0x3ff];                         \
+      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff];                   \
+      (buf)[2]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                   \
+      sourml=DFWORD(df, 2);                                   \
+      (buf)[3]=DPD2BIN[((sourml<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff];   \
+      (buf)[4]=DPD2BIN[(sourml>>8)&0x3ff];                    \
+      (buf)[5]=DPD2BIN[(sourml>>18)&0x3ff];                   \
+      sourmh=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
+      (buf)[6]=DPD2BIN[((sourmh<<4) | (sourml>>28))&0x3ff];   \
+      (buf)[7]=DPD2BIN[(sourmh>>6)&0x3ff];                    \
+      (buf)[8]=DPD2BIN[(sourmh>>16)&0x3ff];                   \
+      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
+      (buf)[9]=DPD2BIN[((sourhi<<6) | (sourmh>>26))&0x3ff];   \
+      (buf)[10]=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>4)&0x3ff];                   \
+      (buf)[11]=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
+    #endif
+    /* Macros to decode the coefficient in a finite decFloat *df and  */
+    /* add to a base-thousand uInt array (as for GETCOEFFTHOU).       */
+    /* After the addition then most significant 'digit' in the array  */
+    /* might have a value larger then 10 (with a maximum of 19).      */
+    #if DECPMAX==7
+    #define ADDCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                              \
+      (buf)[0]+=DPD2BIN[sourhi&0x3ff];                        \
+      if (buf[0]>999) {buf[0]-=1000; buf[1]++;}               \
+      (buf)[1]+=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>10)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[1]>999) {buf[1]-=1000; buf[2]++;}               \
+      (buf)[2]+=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
+    #elif DECPMAX==16
+    #define ADDCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi, sourlo;                                    \
+      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
+      (buf)[0]+=DPD2BIN[sourlo&0x3ff];                        \
+      if (buf[0]>999) {buf[0]-=1000; buf[1]++;}               \
+      (buf)[1]+=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[1]>999) {buf[1]-=1000; buf[2]++;}               \
+      (buf)[2]+=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[2]>999) {buf[2]-=1000; buf[3]++;}               \
+      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
+      (buf)[3]+=DPD2BIN[((sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff];  \
+      if (buf[3]>999) {buf[3]-=1000; buf[4]++;}               \
+      (buf)[4]+=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>8)&0x3ff];                   \
+      if (buf[4]>999) {buf[4]-=1000; buf[5]++;}               \
+      (buf)[5]+=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
+    #elif DECPMAX==34
+    #define ADDCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
+      uInt sourhi, sourmh, sourml, sourlo;                    \
+      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 3);                                   \
+      (buf)[0]+=DPD2BIN[sourlo&0x3ff];                        \
+      if (buf[0]>999) {buf[0]-=1000; buf[1]++;}               \
+      (buf)[1]+=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[1]>999) {buf[1]-=1000; buf[2]++;}               \
+      (buf)[2]+=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[2]>999) {buf[2]-=1000; buf[3]++;}               \
+      sourml=DFWORD(df, 2);                                   \
+      (buf)[3]+=DPD2BIN[((sourml<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff];  \
+      if (buf[3]>999) {buf[3]-=1000; buf[4]++;}               \
+      (buf)[4]+=DPD2BIN[(sourml>>8)&0x3ff];                   \
+      if (buf[4]>999) {buf[4]-=1000; buf[5]++;}               \
+      (buf)[5]+=DPD2BIN[(sourml>>18)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[5]>999) {buf[5]-=1000; buf[6]++;}               \
+      sourmh=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
+      (buf)[6]+=DPD2BIN[((sourmh<<4) | (sourml>>28))&0x3ff];  \
+      if (buf[6]>999) {buf[6]-=1000; buf[7]++;}               \
+      (buf)[7]+=DPD2BIN[(sourmh>>6)&0x3ff];                   \
+      if (buf[7]>999) {buf[7]-=1000; buf[8]++;}               \
+      (buf)[8]+=DPD2BIN[(sourmh>>16)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[8]>999) {buf[8]-=1000; buf[9]++;}               \
+      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
+      (buf)[9]+=DPD2BIN[((sourhi<<6) | (sourmh>>26))&0x3ff];  \
+      if (buf[9]>999) {buf[9]-=1000; buf[10]++;}              \
+      (buf)[10]+=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>4)&0x3ff];                  \
+      if (buf[10]>999) {buf[10]-=1000; buf[11]++;}            \
+      (buf)[11]+=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
+    #endif
+    /* Set a decFloat to the maximum positive finite number (Nmax)    */
+    #if DECPMAX==7
+    #define DFSETNMAX(df)            \
+      {DFWORD(df, 0)=0x77f3fcff;}
+    #elif DECPMAX==16
+    #define DFSETNMAX(df)            \
+      {DFWORD(df, 0)=0x77fcff3f;     \
+       DFWORD(df, 1)=0xcff3fcff;}
+    #elif DECPMAX==34
+    #define DFSETNMAX(df)            \
+      {DFWORD(df, 0)=0x77ffcff3;     \
+       DFWORD(df, 1)=0xfcff3fcf;     \
+       DFWORD(df, 2)=0xf3fcff3f;     \
+       DFWORD(df, 3)=0xcff3fcff;}
+    #endif
+  /* [end of format-dependent macros and constants]                   */
+  #endif
+  #error decNumberLocal included more than once
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/dictbe.h b/libicu/cts_headers/dictbe.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..731bfdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/dictbe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2014, International Business Machines Corporation   *
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.                                            *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef DICTBE_H
+#define DICTBE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "brkeng.h"
+#include "uvectr32.h"
+class DictionaryMatcher;
+class Normalizer2;
+ * DictionaryBreakEngine
+ */
+ * <p>DictionaryBreakEngine is a kind of LanguageBreakEngine that uses a
+ * dictionary to determine language-specific breaks.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>After it is constructed a DictionaryBreakEngine may be shared between
+ * threads without synchronization.</p>
+ */
+class DictionaryBreakEngine : public LanguageBreakEngine {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The set of characters handled by this engine
+     * @internal
+     */
+  UnicodeSet    fSet;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Constructor </p>
+   */
+  DictionaryBreakEngine();
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~DictionaryBreakEngine();
+  /**
+   * <p>Indicate whether this engine handles a particular character for
+   * a particular kind of break.</p>
+   *
+   * @param c A character which begins a run that the engine might handle
+   * @return TRUE if this engine handles the particular character and break
+   * type.
+   */
+  virtual UBool handles(UChar32 c) const;
+  /**
+   * <p>Find any breaks within a run in the supplied text.</p>
+   *
+   * @param text A UText representing the text. The iterator is left at
+   * the end of the run of characters which the engine is capable of handling 
+   * that starts from the first character in the range.
+   * @param startPos The start of the run within the supplied text.
+   * @param endPos The end of the run within the supplied text.
+   * @param foundBreaks vector of int32_t to receive the break positions
+   * @return The number of breaks found.
+   */
+  virtual int32_t findBreaks( UText *text,
+                              int32_t startPos,
+                              int32_t endPos,
+                              UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const;
+ protected:
+ /**
+  * <p>Set the character set handled by this engine.</p>
+  *
+  * @param set A UnicodeSet of the set of characters handled by the engine
+  */
+  virtual void setCharacters( const UnicodeSet &set );
+ /**
+  * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters handled by this break engine.</p>
+  *
+  * @param text A UText representing the text
+  * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters
+  * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters
+  * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0
+  * @return The number of breaks found
+  */
+  virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text,
+                                           int32_t rangeStart,
+                                           int32_t rangeEnd,
+                                           UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const = 0;
+ * ThaiBreakEngine
+ */
+ * <p>ThaiBreakEngine is a kind of DictionaryBreakEngine that uses a
+ * dictionary and heuristics to determine Thai-specific breaks.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>After it is constructed a ThaiBreakEngine may be shared between
+ * threads without synchronization.</p>
+ */
+class ThaiBreakEngine : public DictionaryBreakEngine {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The set of characters handled by this engine
+     * @internal
+     */
+  UnicodeSet                fThaiWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fEndWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fBeginWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fSuffixSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fMarkSet;
+  DictionaryMatcher  *fDictionary;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+   *
+   * @param adoptDictionary A DictionaryMatcher to adopt. Deleted when the
+   * engine is deleted.
+   */
+  ThaiBreakEngine(DictionaryMatcher *adoptDictionary, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~ThaiBreakEngine();
+ protected:
+ /**
+  * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters handled by this break engine.</p>
+  *
+  * @param text A UText representing the text
+  * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters
+  * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters
+  * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0
+  * @return The number of breaks found
+  */
+  virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text,
+                                           int32_t rangeStart,
+                                           int32_t rangeEnd,
+                                           UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const;
+ * LaoBreakEngine
+ */
+ * <p>LaoBreakEngine is a kind of DictionaryBreakEngine that uses a
+ * dictionary and heuristics to determine Lao-specific breaks.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>After it is constructed a LaoBreakEngine may be shared between
+ * threads without synchronization.</p>
+ */
+class LaoBreakEngine : public DictionaryBreakEngine {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The set of characters handled by this engine
+     * @internal
+     */
+  UnicodeSet                fLaoWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fEndWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fBeginWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fMarkSet;
+  DictionaryMatcher  *fDictionary;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+   *
+   * @param adoptDictionary A DictionaryMatcher to adopt. Deleted when the
+   * engine is deleted.
+   */
+  LaoBreakEngine(DictionaryMatcher *adoptDictionary, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~LaoBreakEngine();
+ protected:
+ /**
+  * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters handled by this break engine.</p>
+  *
+  * @param text A UText representing the text
+  * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters
+  * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters
+  * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0
+  * @return The number of breaks found
+  */
+  virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text,
+                                           int32_t rangeStart,
+                                           int32_t rangeEnd,
+                                           UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const;
+ * BurmeseBreakEngine 
+ */ 
+ * <p>BurmeseBreakEngine is a kind of DictionaryBreakEngine that uses a 
+ * DictionaryMatcher and heuristics to determine Burmese-specific breaks.</p> 
+ * 
+ * <p>After it is constructed a BurmeseBreakEngine may be shared between 
+ * threads without synchronization.</p> 
+ */ 
+class BurmeseBreakEngine : public DictionaryBreakEngine { 
+ private: 
+    /** 
+     * The set of characters handled by this engine 
+     * @internal 
+     */ 
+  UnicodeSet                fBurmeseWordSet; 
+  UnicodeSet                fEndWordSet; 
+  UnicodeSet                fBeginWordSet; 
+  UnicodeSet                fMarkSet; 
+  DictionaryMatcher  *fDictionary; 
+ public: 
+  /** 
+   * <p>Default constructor.</p> 
+   * 
+   * @param adoptDictionary A DictionaryMatcher to adopt. Deleted when the 
+   * engine is deleted. 
+   */ 
+  BurmeseBreakEngine(DictionaryMatcher *adoptDictionary, UErrorCode &status); 
+  /** 
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p> 
+   */ 
+  virtual ~BurmeseBreakEngine(); 
+ protected: 
+ /** 
+  * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters.</p> 
+  * 
+  * @param text A UText representing the text 
+  * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters 
+  * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters 
+  * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0 
+  * @return The number of breaks found 
+  */ 
+  virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text, 
+                                           int32_t rangeStart, 
+                                           int32_t rangeEnd, 
+                                           UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const; 
+ * KhmerBreakEngine 
+ */ 
+ * <p>KhmerBreakEngine is a kind of DictionaryBreakEngine that uses a 
+ * DictionaryMatcher and heuristics to determine Khmer-specific breaks.</p> 
+ * 
+ * <p>After it is constructed a KhmerBreakEngine may be shared between 
+ * threads without synchronization.</p> 
+ */ 
+class KhmerBreakEngine : public DictionaryBreakEngine { 
+ private: 
+    /** 
+     * The set of characters handled by this engine 
+     * @internal 
+     */ 
+  UnicodeSet                fKhmerWordSet; 
+  UnicodeSet                fEndWordSet; 
+  UnicodeSet                fBeginWordSet; 
+  UnicodeSet                fMarkSet; 
+  DictionaryMatcher  *fDictionary; 
+ public: 
+  /** 
+   * <p>Default constructor.</p> 
+   * 
+   * @param adoptDictionary A DictionaryMatcher to adopt. Deleted when the 
+   * engine is deleted. 
+   */ 
+  KhmerBreakEngine(DictionaryMatcher *adoptDictionary, UErrorCode &status); 
+  /** 
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p> 
+   */ 
+  virtual ~KhmerBreakEngine(); 
+ protected: 
+ /** 
+  * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters.</p> 
+  * 
+  * @param text A UText representing the text 
+  * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters 
+  * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters 
+  * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0 
+  * @return The number of breaks found 
+  */ 
+  virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text, 
+                                           int32_t rangeStart, 
+                                           int32_t rangeEnd, 
+                                           UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const; 
+ * CjkBreakEngine
+ */
+//indicates language/script that the CjkBreakEngine will handle
+enum LanguageType {
+    kKorean,
+    kChineseJapanese
+ * <p>CjkBreakEngine is a kind of DictionaryBreakEngine that uses a
+ * dictionary with costs associated with each word and
+ * Viterbi decoding to determine CJK-specific breaks.</p>
+ */
+class CjkBreakEngine : public DictionaryBreakEngine {
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * The set of characters handled by this engine
+     * @internal
+     */
+  UnicodeSet                fHangulWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fHanWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fKatakanaWordSet;
+  UnicodeSet                fHiraganaWordSet;
+  DictionaryMatcher        *fDictionary;
+  const Normalizer2        *nfkcNorm2;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+     *
+     * @param adoptDictionary A DictionaryMatcher to adopt. Deleted when the
+     * engine is deleted. The DictionaryMatcher must contain costs for each word
+     * in order for the dictionary to work properly.
+     */
+  CjkBreakEngine(DictionaryMatcher *adoptDictionary, LanguageType type, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+     */
+  virtual ~CjkBreakEngine();
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters handled by this break engine.</p>
+     *
+     * @param text A UText representing the text
+     * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters
+     * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters
+     * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0
+     * @return The number of breaks found
+     */
+  virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text,
+          int32_t rangeStart,
+          int32_t rangeEnd,
+          UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const;
+    /* DICTBE_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/dictionarydata.h b/libicu/cts_headers/dictionarydata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d303d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/dictionarydata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* dictionarydata.h
+* created on: 2012may31
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer & Maxime Serrano
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/ustringtrie.h"
+class UCharsTrie;
+class BytesTrie;
+class U_COMMON_API DictionaryData : public UMemory {
+    static const int32_t TRIE_TYPE_BYTES; // = 0;
+    static const int32_t TRIE_TYPE_UCHARS; // = 1;
+    static const int32_t TRIE_TYPE_MASK; // = 7;
+    static const int32_t TRIE_HAS_VALUES; // = 8;
+    static const int32_t TRANSFORM_NONE; // = 0;
+    static const int32_t TRANSFORM_TYPE_OFFSET; // = 0x1000000;
+    static const int32_t TRANSFORM_TYPE_MASK; // = 0x7f000000;
+    static const int32_t TRANSFORM_OFFSET_MASK; // = 0x1fffff;
+    enum {
+        // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
+        IX_TOTAL_SIZE,
+        // Trie type: TRIE_HAS_VALUES | TRIE_TYPE_BYTES etc.
+        IX_TRIE_TYPE,
+        // Transform specification: TRANSFORM_TYPE_OFFSET | 0xe00 etc.
+        IX_TRANSFORM,
+        IX_RESERVED6,
+        IX_RESERVED7,
+        IX_COUNT
+    };
+ * Wrapper class around generic dictionaries, implementing matches().
+ * getType() should return a TRIE_TYPE_??? constant from DictionaryData.
+ * 
+ * All implementations of this interface must be thread-safe if they are to be used inside of the
+ * dictionary-based break iteration code.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API DictionaryMatcher : public UMemory {
+    DictionaryMatcher() {}
+    virtual ~DictionaryMatcher();
+    // this should emulate CompactTrieDictionary::matches()
+    /*  @param text      The text in which to look for matching words. Matching begins
+     *                   at the current position of the UText.
+     *  @param maxLength The max length of match to consider. Units are the native indexing
+     *                   units of the UText.
+     *  @param limit     Capacity of output arrays, which is also the maximum number of
+     *                   matching words to be found.
+     *  @param lengths   output array, filled with the lengths of the matches, in order,
+     *                   from shortest to longest. Lengths are in native indexing units
+     *                   of the UText. May be NULL.
+     *  @param cpLengths output array, filled with the lengths of the matches, in order,
+     *                   from shortest to longest. Lengths are the number of Unicode code points.
+     *                   May be NULL.
+     *  @param values    Output array, filled with the values associated with the words found.
+     *                   May be NULL.
+     *  @param prefix    Output parameter, the code point length of the prefix match, even if that
+     *                   prefix didn't lead to a complete word. Will always be >= the cpLength
+     *                   of the longest complete word matched. May be NULL.
+     *  @return          Number of matching words found.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t matches(UText *text, int32_t maxLength, int32_t limit,
+                            int32_t *lengths, int32_t *cpLengths, int32_t *values,
+                            int32_t *prefix) const = 0;
+    /** @return DictionaryData::TRIE_TYPE_XYZ */
+    virtual int32_t getType() const = 0;
+// Implementation of the DictionaryMatcher interface for a UCharsTrie dictionary
+class U_COMMON_API UCharsDictionaryMatcher : public DictionaryMatcher {
+    // constructs a new UCharsDictionaryMatcher.
+    // The UDataMemory * will be closed on this object's destruction.
+    UCharsDictionaryMatcher(const UChar *c, UDataMemory *f) : characters(c), file(f) { }
+    virtual ~UCharsDictionaryMatcher();
+    virtual int32_t matches(UText *text, int32_t maxLength, int32_t limit,
+                            int32_t *lengths, int32_t *cpLengths, int32_t *values,
+                            int32_t *prefix) const;
+    virtual int32_t getType() const;
+    const UChar *characters;
+    UDataMemory *file;
+// Implementation of the DictionaryMatcher interface for a BytesTrie dictionary
+class U_COMMON_API BytesDictionaryMatcher : public DictionaryMatcher {
+    // constructs a new BytesTrieDictionaryMatcher
+    // the transform constant should be the constant read from the file, not a masked version!
+    // the UDataMemory * fed in here will be closed on this object's destruction
+    BytesDictionaryMatcher(const char *c, int32_t t, UDataMemory *f)
+            : characters(c), transformConstant(t), file(f) { }
+    virtual ~BytesDictionaryMatcher();
+    virtual int32_t matches(UText *text, int32_t maxLength, int32_t limit,
+                            int32_t *lengths, int32_t *cpLengths, int32_t *values,
+                            int32_t *prefix) const;
+    virtual int32_t getType() const;
+    UChar32 transform(UChar32 c) const;
+    const char *characters;
+    int32_t transformConstant;
+    UDataMemory *file;
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udict_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds, const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Format of dictionary .dict data files.
+ * Format version 1.0.
+ *
+ * A dictionary .dict data file contains a byte-serialized BytesTrie or
+ * a UChars-serialized UCharsTrie.
+ * Such files are used in dictionary-based break iteration (DBBI).
+ *
+ * For a BytesTrie, a transformation type is specified for
+ * transforming Unicode strings into byte sequences.
+ *
+ * A .dict file begins with a standard ICU data file header
+ * (DataHeader, see ucmndata.h and unicode/udata.h).
+ * The UDataInfo.dataVersion field is currently unused (set to
+ *
+ * After the header, the file contains the following parts.
+ * Constants are defined in the DictionaryData class.
+ *
+ * For the data structure of BytesTrie & UCharsTrie see
+ *
+ * and the bytestrie.h and ucharstrie.h header files.
+ *
+ * int32_t indexes[indexesLength]; -- indexesLength=indexes[IX_STRING_TRIE_OFFSET]/4;
+ *
+ *      The first four indexes are byte offsets in ascending order.
+ *      Each byte offset marks the start of the next part in the data file,
+ *      and the end of the previous one.
+ *      When two consecutive byte offsets are the same, then the corresponding part is empty.
+ *      Byte offsets are offsets from after the header,
+ *      that is, from the beginning of the indexes[].
+ *      Each part starts at an offset with proper alignment for its data.
+ *      If necessary, the previous part may include padding bytes to achieve this alignment.
+ *
+ *      trieType=indexes[IX_TRIE_TYPE] defines the trie type.
+ *      transform=indexes[IX_TRANSFORM] defines the Unicode-to-bytes transformation.
+ *          If the transformation type is TRANSFORM_TYPE_OFFSET,
+ *          then the lower 21 bits contain the offset code point.
+ *          Each code point c is mapped to byte b = (c - offset).
+ *          Code points outside the range offset..(offset+0xff) cannot be mapped
+ *          and do not occur in the dictionary.
+ *
+ * stringTrie; -- a serialized BytesTrie or UCharsTrie
+ *
+ *      The dictionary maps strings to specific values (TRIE_HAS_VALUES bit set in trieType),
+ *      or it maps all strings to 0 (TRIE_HAS_VALUES bit not set).
+ */
+#endif  /* __DICTIONARYDATA_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-bignum-dtoa.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-bignum-dtoa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc21b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-bignum-dtoa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-utils.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+enum BignumDtoaMode {
+  // Return the shortest correct representation.
+  // For example the output of 0.299999999999999988897 is (the less accurate but
+  // correct) 0.3.
+  // Same as BIGNUM_DTOA_SHORTEST but for single-precision floats.
+  // Return a fixed number of digits after the decimal point.
+  // For instance fixed(0.1, 4) becomes 0.1000
+  // If the input number is big, the output will be big.
+  // Return a fixed number of digits, no matter what the exponent is.
+// Converts the given double 'v' to ascii.
+// The result should be interpreted as buffer * 10^(point-length).
+// The buffer will be null-terminated.
+// The input v must be > 0 and different from NaN, and Infinity.
+// The output depends on the given mode:
+//  - SHORTEST: produce the least amount of digits for which the internal
+//   identity requirement is still satisfied. If the digits are printed
+//   (together with the correct exponent) then reading this number will give
+//   'v' again. The buffer will choose the representation that is closest to
+//   'v'. If there are two at the same distance, than the number is round up.
+//   In this mode the 'requested_digits' parameter is ignored.
+//  - FIXED: produces digits necessary to print a given number with
+//   'requested_digits' digits after the decimal point. The produced digits
+//   might be too short in which case the caller has to fill the gaps with '0's.
+//   Example: toFixed(0.001, 5) is allowed to return buffer="1", point=-2.
+//   Halfway cases are rounded up. The call toFixed(0.15, 2) thus returns
+//     buffer="2", point=0.
+//   Note: the length of the returned buffer has no meaning wrt the significance
+//   of its digits. That is, just because it contains '0's does not mean that
+//   any other digit would not satisfy the internal identity requirement.
+//  - PRECISION: produces 'requested_digits' where the first digit is not '0'.
+//   Even though the length of produced digits usually equals
+//   'requested_digits', the function is allowed to return fewer digits, in
+//   which case the caller has to fill the missing digits with '0's.
+//   Halfway cases are again rounded up.
+// 'BignumDtoa' expects the given buffer to be big enough to hold all digits
+// and a terminating null-character.
+void BignumDtoa(double v, BignumDtoaMode mode, int requested_digits,
+                Vector<char> buffer, int* length, int* point);
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-bignum.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-bignum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae900a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-bignum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-utils.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+class Bignum {
+ public:
+  // 3584 = 128 * 28. We can represent 2^3584 > 10^1000 accurately.
+  // This bignum can encode much bigger numbers, since it contains an
+  // exponent.
+  static const int kMaxSignificantBits = 3584;
+  Bignum() : used_bigits_(0), exponent_(0) {}
+  void AssignUInt16(const uint16_t value);
+  void AssignUInt64(uint64_t value);
+  void AssignBignum(const Bignum& other);
+  void AssignDecimalString(const Vector<const char> value);
+  void AssignHexString(const Vector<const char> value);
+  void AssignPowerUInt16(uint16_t base, const int exponent);
+  void AddUInt64(const uint64_t operand);
+  void AddBignum(const Bignum& other);
+  // Precondition: this >= other.
+  void SubtractBignum(const Bignum& other);
+  void Square();
+  void ShiftLeft(const int shift_amount);
+  void MultiplyByUInt32(const uint32_t factor);
+  void MultiplyByUInt64(const uint64_t factor);
+  void MultiplyByPowerOfTen(const int exponent);
+  void Times10() { return MultiplyByUInt32(10); }
+  // Pseudocode:
+  //  int result = this / other;
+  //  this = this % other;
+  // In the worst case this function is in O(this/other).
+  uint16_t DivideModuloIntBignum(const Bignum& other);
+  bool ToHexString(char* buffer, const int buffer_size) const;
+  // Returns
+  //  -1 if a < b,
+  //   0 if a == b, and
+  //  +1 if a > b.
+  static int Compare(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b);
+  static bool Equal(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b) {
+    return Compare(a, b) == 0;
+  }
+  static bool LessEqual(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b) {
+    return Compare(a, b) <= 0;
+  }
+  static bool Less(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b) {
+    return Compare(a, b) < 0;
+  }
+  // Returns Compare(a + b, c);
+  static int PlusCompare(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c);
+  // Returns a + b == c
+  static bool PlusEqual(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c) {
+    return PlusCompare(a, b, c) == 0;
+  }
+  // Returns a + b <= c
+  static bool PlusLessEqual(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c) {
+    return PlusCompare(a, b, c) <= 0;
+  }
+  // Returns a + b < c
+  static bool PlusLess(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c) {
+    return PlusCompare(a, b, c) < 0;
+  }
+ private:
+  typedef uint32_t Chunk;
+  typedef uint64_t DoubleChunk;
+  static const int kChunkSize = sizeof(Chunk) * 8;
+  static const int kDoubleChunkSize = sizeof(DoubleChunk) * 8;
+  // With bigit size of 28 we loose some bits, but a double still fits easily
+  // into two chunks, and more importantly we can use the Comba multiplication.
+  static const int kBigitSize = 28;
+  static const Chunk kBigitMask = (1 << kBigitSize) - 1;
+  // Every instance allocates kBigitLength chunks on the stack. Bignums cannot
+  // grow. There are no checks if the stack-allocated space is sufficient.
+  static const int kBigitCapacity = kMaxSignificantBits / kBigitSize;
+  static void EnsureCapacity(const int size) {
+    if (size > kBigitCapacity) {
+    }
+  }
+  void Align(const Bignum& other);
+  void Clamp();
+  bool IsClamped() const {
+    return used_bigits_ == 0 || RawBigit(used_bigits_ - 1) != 0;
+  }
+  void Zero() {
+    used_bigits_ = 0;
+    exponent_ = 0;
+  }
+  // Requires this to have enough capacity (no tests done).
+  // Updates used_bigits_ if necessary.
+  // shift_amount must be < kBigitSize.
+  void BigitsShiftLeft(const int shift_amount);
+  // BigitLength includes the "hidden" bigits encoded in the exponent.
+  int BigitLength() const { return used_bigits_ + exponent_; }
+  Chunk& RawBigit(const int index);
+  const Chunk& RawBigit(const int index) const;
+  Chunk BigitOrZero(const int index) const;
+  void SubtractTimes(const Bignum& other, const int factor);
+  // The Bignum's value is value(bigits_buffer_) * 2^(exponent_ * kBigitSize),
+  // where the value of the buffer consists of the lower kBigitSize bits of
+  // the first used_bigits_ Chunks in bigits_buffer_, first chunk has lowest
+  // significant bits.
+  int16_t used_bigits_;
+  int16_t exponent_;
+  Chunk bigits_buffer_[kBigitCapacity];
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-cached-powers.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-cached-powers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ade27ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-cached-powers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-diy-fp.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+namespace PowersOfTenCache {
+  // Not all powers of ten are cached. The decimal exponent of two neighboring
+  // cached numbers will differ by kDecimalExponentDistance.
+  static const int kDecimalExponentDistance = 8;
+  static const int kMinDecimalExponent = -348;
+  static const int kMaxDecimalExponent = 340;
+  // Returns a cached power-of-ten with a binary exponent in the range
+  // [min_exponent; max_exponent] (boundaries included).
+  void GetCachedPowerForBinaryExponentRange(int min_exponent,
+                                            int max_exponent,
+                                            DiyFp* power,
+                                            int* decimal_exponent);
+  // Returns a cached power of ten x ~= 10^k such that
+  //   k <= decimal_exponent < k + kCachedPowersDecimalDistance.
+  // The given decimal_exponent must satisfy
+  //   kMinDecimalExponent <= requested_exponent, and
+  //   requested_exponent < kMaxDecimalExponent + kDecimalExponentDistance.
+  void GetCachedPowerForDecimalExponent(int requested_exponent,
+                                        DiyFp* power,
+                                        int* found_exponent);
+}  // namespace PowersOfTenCache
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-diy-fp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-diy-fp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5820abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-diy-fp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-utils.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+// This "Do It Yourself Floating Point" class implements a floating-point number
+// with a uint64 significand and an int exponent. Normalized DiyFp numbers will
+// have the most significant bit of the significand set.
+// Multiplication and Subtraction do not normalize their results.
+// DiyFp store only non-negative numbers and are not designed to contain special
+// doubles (NaN and Infinity).
+class DiyFp {
+ public:
+  static const int kSignificandSize = 64;
+  DiyFp() : f_(0), e_(0) {}
+  DiyFp(const uint64_t significand, const int32_t exponent) : f_(significand), e_(exponent) {}
+  // this -= other.
+  // The exponents of both numbers must be the same and the significand of this
+  // must be greater or equal than the significand of other.
+  // The result will not be normalized.
+  void Subtract(const DiyFp& other) {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(e_ == other.e_);
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(f_ >= other.f_);
+    f_ -= other.f_;
+  }
+  // Returns a - b.
+  // The exponents of both numbers must be the same and a must be greater
+  // or equal than b. The result will not be normalized.
+  static DiyFp Minus(const DiyFp& a, const DiyFp& b) {
+    DiyFp result = a;
+    result.Subtract(b);
+    return result;
+  }
+  // this *= other.
+  void Multiply(const DiyFp& other) {
+    // Simply "emulates" a 128 bit multiplication.
+    // However: the resulting number only contains 64 bits. The least
+    // significant 64 bits are only used for rounding the most significant 64
+    // bits.
+    const uint64_t kM32 = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
+    const uint64_t a = f_ >> 32;
+    const uint64_t b = f_ & kM32;
+    const uint64_t c = other.f_ >> 32;
+    const uint64_t d = other.f_ & kM32;
+    const uint64_t ac = a * c;
+    const uint64_t bc = b * c;
+    const uint64_t ad = a * d;
+    const uint64_t bd = b * d;
+    // By adding 1U << 31 to tmp we round the final result.
+    // Halfway cases will be rounded up.
+    const uint64_t tmp = (bd >> 32) + (ad & kM32) + (bc & kM32) + (1U << 31);
+    e_ += other.e_ + 64;
+    f_ = ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32);
+  }
+  // returns a * b;
+  static DiyFp Times(const DiyFp& a, const DiyFp& b) {
+    DiyFp result = a;
+    result.Multiply(b);
+    return result;
+  }
+  void Normalize() {
+    uint64_t significand = f_;
+    int32_t exponent = e_;
+    // This method is mainly called for normalizing boundaries. In general,
+    // boundaries need to be shifted by 10 bits, and we optimize for this case.
+    const uint64_t k10MSBits = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0xFFC00000, 00000000);
+    while ((significand & k10MSBits) == 0) {
+      significand <<= 10;
+      exponent -= 10;
+    }
+    while ((significand & kUint64MSB) == 0) {
+      significand <<= 1;
+      exponent--;
+    }
+    f_ = significand;
+    e_ = exponent;
+  }
+  static DiyFp Normalize(const DiyFp& a) {
+    DiyFp result = a;
+    result.Normalize();
+    return result;
+  }
+  uint64_t f() const { return f_; }
+  int32_t e() const { return e_; }
+  void set_f(uint64_t new_value) { f_ = new_value; }
+  void set_e(int32_t new_value) { e_ = new_value; }
+ private:
+  static const uint64_t kUint64MSB = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x80000000, 00000000);
+  uint64_t f_;
+  int32_t e_;
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-double-to-string.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-double-to-string.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27bd867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-double-to-string.h
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-utils.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+class DoubleToStringConverter {
+ public:
+#if 0 // not needed for ICU
+  // When calling ToFixed with a double > 10^kMaxFixedDigitsBeforePoint
+  // or a requested_digits parameter > kMaxFixedDigitsAfterPoint then the
+  // function returns false.
+  static const int kMaxFixedDigitsBeforePoint = 60;
+  static const int kMaxFixedDigitsAfterPoint = 60;
+  // When calling ToExponential with a requested_digits
+  // parameter > kMaxExponentialDigits then the function returns false.
+  static const int kMaxExponentialDigits = 120;
+  // When calling ToPrecision with a requested_digits
+  // parameter < kMinPrecisionDigits or requested_digits > kMaxPrecisionDigits
+  // then the function returns false.
+  static const int kMinPrecisionDigits = 1;
+  static const int kMaxPrecisionDigits = 120;
+  enum Flags {
+    NO_FLAGS = 0,
+    UNIQUE_ZERO = 8
+  };
+  // Flags should be a bit-or combination of the possible Flags-enum.
+  //  - NO_FLAGS: no special flags.
+  //  - EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN: when the number is converted into exponent
+  //    form, emits a '+' for positive exponents. Example: 1.2e+2.
+  //  - EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT: when the input number is an integer and is
+  //    converted into decimal format then a trailing decimal point is appended.
+  //    Example: 2345.0 is converted to "2345.".
+  //  - EMIT_TRAILING_ZERO_AFTER_POINT: in addition to a trailing decimal point
+  //    emits a trailing '0'-character. This flag requires the
+  //    Example: 2345.0 is converted to "2345.0".
+  //  - UNIQUE_ZERO: "-0.0" is converted to "0.0".
+  //
+  // Infinity symbol and nan_symbol provide the string representation for these
+  // special values. If the string is NULL and the special value is encountered
+  // then the conversion functions return false.
+  //
+  // The exponent_character is used in exponential representations. It is
+  // usually 'e' or 'E'.
+  //
+  // When converting to the shortest representation the converter will
+  // represent input numbers in decimal format if they are in the interval
+  // [10^decimal_in_shortest_low; 10^decimal_in_shortest_high[
+  //    (lower boundary included, greater boundary excluded).
+  // Example: with decimal_in_shortest_low = -6 and
+  //               decimal_in_shortest_high = 21:
+  //   ToShortest(0.000001)  -> "0.000001"
+  //   ToShortest(0.0000001) -> "1e-7"
+  //   ToShortest(111111111111111111111.0)  -> "111111111111111110000"
+  //   ToShortest(100000000000000000000.0)  -> "100000000000000000000"
+  //   ToShortest(1111111111111111111111.0) -> "1.1111111111111111e+21"
+  //
+  // When converting to precision mode the converter may add
+  // max_leading_padding_zeroes before returning the number in exponential
+  // format.
+  // Example with max_leading_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode = 6.
+  //   ToPrecision(0.0000012345, 2) -> "0.0000012"
+  //   ToPrecision(0.00000012345, 2) -> "1.2e-7"
+  // Similarily the converter may add up to
+  // max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode in precision mode to avoid
+  // returning an exponential representation. A zero added by the
+  // EMIT_TRAILING_ZERO_AFTER_POINT flag is counted for this limit.
+  // Examples for max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode = 1:
+  //   ToPrecision(230.0, 2) -> "230"
+  //   ToPrecision(230.0, 2) -> "230."  with EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT.
+  //   ToPrecision(230.0, 2) -> "2.3e2" with EMIT_TRAILING_ZERO_AFTER_POINT.
+  //
+  // The min_exponent_width is used for exponential representations.
+  // The converter adds leading '0's to the exponent until the exponent
+  // is at least min_exponent_width digits long.
+  // The min_exponent_width is clamped to 5.
+  // As such, the exponent may never have more than 5 digits in total.
+  DoubleToStringConverter(int flags,
+                          const char* infinity_symbol,
+                          const char* nan_symbol,
+                          char exponent_character,
+                          int decimal_in_shortest_low,
+                          int decimal_in_shortest_high,
+                          int max_leading_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode,
+                          int max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode,
+                          int min_exponent_width = 0)
+      : flags_(flags),
+        infinity_symbol_(infinity_symbol),
+        nan_symbol_(nan_symbol),
+        exponent_character_(exponent_character),
+        decimal_in_shortest_low_(decimal_in_shortest_low),
+        decimal_in_shortest_high_(decimal_in_shortest_high),
+        max_leading_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode_(
+            max_leading_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode),
+        max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode_(
+            max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode),
+        min_exponent_width_(min_exponent_width) {
+    // When 'trailing zero after the point' is set, then 'trailing point'
+    // must be set too.
+        !((flags & EMIT_TRAILING_ZERO_AFTER_POINT) != 0));
+  }
+  // Returns a converter following the EcmaScript specification.
+  static const DoubleToStringConverter& EcmaScriptConverter();
+  // Computes the shortest string of digits that correctly represent the input
+  // number. Depending on decimal_in_shortest_low and decimal_in_shortest_high
+  // (see constructor) it then either returns a decimal representation, or an
+  // exponential representation.
+  // Example with decimal_in_shortest_low = -6,
+  //              decimal_in_shortest_high = 21,
+  //              EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN activated, and
+  //              EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT deactived:
+  //   ToShortest(0.000001)  -> "0.000001"
+  //   ToShortest(0.0000001) -> "1e-7"
+  //   ToShortest(111111111111111111111.0)  -> "111111111111111110000"
+  //   ToShortest(100000000000000000000.0)  -> "100000000000000000000"
+  //   ToShortest(1111111111111111111111.0) -> "1.1111111111111111e+21"
+  //
+  // Note: the conversion may round the output if the returned string
+  // is accurate enough to uniquely identify the input-number.
+  // For example the most precise representation of the double 9e59 equals
+  // "899999999999999918767229449717619953810131273674690656206848", but
+  // the converter will return the shorter (but still correct) "9e59".
+  //
+  // Returns true if the conversion succeeds. The conversion always succeeds
+  // except when the input value is special and no infinity_symbol or
+  // nan_symbol has been given to the constructor.
+  bool ToShortest(double value, StringBuilder* result_builder) const {
+    return ToShortestIeeeNumber(value, result_builder, SHORTEST);
+  }
+  // Same as ToShortest, but for single-precision floats.
+  bool ToShortestSingle(float value, StringBuilder* result_builder) const {
+    return ToShortestIeeeNumber(value, result_builder, SHORTEST_SINGLE);
+  }
+  // Computes a decimal representation with a fixed number of digits after the
+  // decimal point. The last emitted digit is rounded.
+  //
+  // Examples:
+  //   ToFixed(3.12, 1) -> "3.1"
+  //   ToFixed(3.1415, 3) -> "3.142"
+  //   ToFixed(1234.56789, 4) -> "1234.5679"
+  //   ToFixed(1.23, 5) -> "1.23000"
+  //   ToFixed(0.1, 4) -> "0.1000"
+  //   ToFixed(1e30, 2) -> "1000000000000000019884624838656.00"
+  //   ToFixed(0.1, 30) -> "0.100000000000000005551115123126"
+  //   ToFixed(0.1, 17) -> "0.10000000000000001"
+  //
+  // If requested_digits equals 0, then the tail of the result depends on
+  // Examples, for requested_digits == 0,
+  //    - false and false: then 123.45 -> 123
+  //                             0.678 -> 1
+  //    - true and false: then 123.45 -> 123.
+  //                            0.678 -> 1.
+  //    - true and true: then 123.45 -> 123.0
+  //                           0.678 -> 1.0
+  //
+  // Returns true if the conversion succeeds. The conversion always succeeds
+  // except for the following cases:
+  //   - the input value is special and no infinity_symbol or nan_symbol has
+  //     been provided to the constructor,
+  //   - 'value' > 10^kMaxFixedDigitsBeforePoint, or
+  //   - 'requested_digits' > kMaxFixedDigitsAfterPoint.
+  // The last two conditions imply that the result will never contain more than
+  // 1 + kMaxFixedDigitsBeforePoint + 1 + kMaxFixedDigitsAfterPoint characters
+  // (one additional character for the sign, and one for the decimal point).
+  bool ToFixed(double value,
+               int requested_digits,
+               StringBuilder* result_builder) const;
+  // Computes a representation in exponential format with requested_digits
+  // after the decimal point. The last emitted digit is rounded.
+  // If requested_digits equals -1, then the shortest exponential representation
+  // is computed.
+  //
+  // Examples with EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN deactivated, and
+  //               exponent_character set to 'e'.
+  //   ToExponential(3.12, 1) -> "3.1e0"
+  //   ToExponential(5.0, 3) -> "5.000e0"
+  //   ToExponential(0.001, 2) -> "1.00e-3"
+  //   ToExponential(3.1415, -1) -> "3.1415e0"
+  //   ToExponential(3.1415, 4) -> "3.1415e0"
+  //   ToExponential(3.1415, 3) -> "3.142e0"
+  //   ToExponential(123456789000000, 3) -> "1.235e14"
+  //   ToExponential(1000000000000000019884624838656.0, -1) -> "1e30"
+  //   ToExponential(1000000000000000019884624838656.0, 32) ->
+  //                     "1.00000000000000001988462483865600e30"
+  //   ToExponential(1234, 0) -> "1e3"
+  //
+  // Returns true if the conversion succeeds. The conversion always succeeds
+  // except for the following cases:
+  //   - the input value is special and no infinity_symbol or nan_symbol has
+  //     been provided to the constructor,
+  //   - 'requested_digits' > kMaxExponentialDigits.
+  // The last condition implies that the result will never contain more than
+  // kMaxExponentialDigits + 8 characters (the sign, the digit before the
+  // decimal point, the decimal point, the exponent character, the
+  // exponent's sign, and at most 3 exponent digits).
+  bool ToExponential(double value,
+                     int requested_digits,
+                     StringBuilder* result_builder) const;
+  // Computes 'precision' leading digits of the given 'value' and returns them
+  // either in exponential or decimal format, depending on
+  // max_{leading|trailing}_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode (given to the
+  // constructor).
+  // The last computed digit is rounded.
+  //
+  // Example with max_leading_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode = 6.
+  //   ToPrecision(0.0000012345, 2) -> "0.0000012"
+  //   ToPrecision(0.00000012345, 2) -> "1.2e-7"
+  // Similarily the converter may add up to
+  // max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode in precision mode to avoid
+  // returning an exponential representation. A zero added by the
+  // EMIT_TRAILING_ZERO_AFTER_POINT flag is counted for this limit.
+  // Examples for max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode = 1:
+  //   ToPrecision(230.0, 2) -> "230"
+  //   ToPrecision(230.0, 2) -> "230."  with EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT.
+  //   ToPrecision(230.0, 2) -> "2.3e2" with EMIT_TRAILING_ZERO_AFTER_POINT.
+  // Examples for max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode = 3, and no
+  //   ToPrecision(123450.0, 6) -> "123450"
+  //   ToPrecision(123450.0, 5) -> "123450"
+  //   ToPrecision(123450.0, 4) -> "123500"
+  //   ToPrecision(123450.0, 3) -> "123000"
+  //   ToPrecision(123450.0, 2) -> "1.2e5"
+  //
+  // Returns true if the conversion succeeds. The conversion always succeeds
+  // except for the following cases:
+  //   - the input value is special and no infinity_symbol or nan_symbol has
+  //     been provided to the constructor,
+  //   - precision < kMinPericisionDigits
+  //   - precision > kMaxPrecisionDigits
+  // The last condition implies that the result will never contain more than
+  // kMaxPrecisionDigits + 7 characters (the sign, the decimal point, the
+  // exponent character, the exponent's sign, and at most 3 exponent digits).
+  bool ToPrecision(double value,
+                   int precision,
+                   StringBuilder* result_builder) const;
+#endif // not needed for ICU
+  enum DtoaMode {
+    // Produce the shortest correct representation.
+    // For example the output of 0.299999999999999988897 is (the less accurate
+    // but correct) 0.3.
+    // Same as SHORTEST, but for single-precision floats.
+    // Produce a fixed number of digits after the decimal point.
+    // For instance fixed(0.1, 4) becomes 0.1000
+    // If the input number is big, the output will be big.
+    FIXED,
+    // Fixed number of digits (independent of the decimal point).
+  };
+  // The maximal number of digits that are needed to emit a double in base 10.
+  // A higher precision can be achieved by using more digits, but the shortest
+  // accurate representation of any double will never use more digits than
+  // kBase10MaximalLength.
+  // Note that DoubleToAscii null-terminates its input. So the given buffer
+  // should be at least kBase10MaximalLength + 1 characters long.
+  static const int kBase10MaximalLength = 17;
+  // Converts the given double 'v' to digit characters. 'v' must not be NaN,
+  // +Infinity, or -Infinity. In SHORTEST_SINGLE-mode this restriction also
+  // applies to 'v' after it has been casted to a single-precision float. That
+  // is, in this mode static_cast<float>(v) must not be NaN, +Infinity or
+  // -Infinity.
+  //
+  // The result should be interpreted as buffer * 10^(point-length).
+  //
+  // The digits are written to the buffer in the platform's charset, which is
+  // often UTF-8 (with ASCII-range digits) but may be another charset, such
+  // as EBCDIC.
+  //
+  // The output depends on the given mode:
+  //  - SHORTEST: produce the least amount of digits for which the internal
+  //   identity requirement is still satisfied. If the digits are printed
+  //   (together with the correct exponent) then reading this number will give
+  //   'v' again. The buffer will choose the representation that is closest to
+  //   'v'. If there are two at the same distance, than the one farther away
+  //   from 0 is chosen (halfway cases - ending with 5 - are rounded up).
+  //   In this mode the 'requested_digits' parameter is ignored.
+  //  - SHORTEST_SINGLE: same as SHORTEST but with single-precision.
+  //  - FIXED: produces digits necessary to print a given number with
+  //   'requested_digits' digits after the decimal point. The produced digits
+  //   might be too short in which case the caller has to fill the remainder
+  //   with '0's.
+  //   Example: toFixed(0.001, 5) is allowed to return buffer="1", point=-2.
+  //   Halfway cases are rounded towards +/-Infinity (away from 0). The call
+  //   toFixed(0.15, 2) thus returns buffer="2", point=0.
+  //   The returned buffer may contain digits that would be truncated from the
+  //   shortest representation of the input.
+  //  - PRECISION: produces 'requested_digits' where the first digit is not '0'.
+  //   Even though the length of produced digits usually equals
+  //   'requested_digits', the function is allowed to return fewer digits, in
+  //   which case the caller has to fill the missing digits with '0's.
+  //   Halfway cases are again rounded away from 0.
+  // DoubleToAscii expects the given buffer to be big enough to hold all
+  // digits and a terminating null-character. In SHORTEST-mode it expects a
+  // buffer of at least kBase10MaximalLength + 1. In all other modes the
+  // requested_digits parameter and the padding-zeroes limit the size of the
+  // output. Don't forget the decimal point, the exponent character and the
+  // terminating null-character when computing the maximal output size.
+  // The given length is only used in debug mode to ensure the buffer is big
+  // enough.
+  // ICU PATCH: Export this as U_I18N_API for unit tests.
+  static void U_I18N_API DoubleToAscii(double v,
+                            DtoaMode mode,
+                            int requested_digits,
+                            char* buffer,
+                            int buffer_length,
+                            bool* sign,
+                            int* length,
+                            int* point);
+#if 0 // not needed for ICU
+ private:
+  // Implementation for ToShortest and ToShortestSingle.
+  bool ToShortestIeeeNumber(double value,
+                            StringBuilder* result_builder,
+                            DtoaMode mode) const;
+  // If the value is a special value (NaN or Infinity) constructs the
+  // corresponding string using the configured infinity/nan-symbol.
+  // If either of them is NULL or the value is not special then the
+  // function returns false.
+  bool HandleSpecialValues(double value, StringBuilder* result_builder) const;
+  // Constructs an exponential representation (i.e. 1.234e56).
+  // The given exponent assumes a decimal point after the first decimal digit.
+  void CreateExponentialRepresentation(const char* decimal_digits,
+                                       int length,
+                                       int exponent,
+                                       StringBuilder* result_builder) const;
+  // Creates a decimal representation (i.e 1234.5678).
+  void CreateDecimalRepresentation(const char* decimal_digits,
+                                   int length,
+                                   int decimal_point,
+                                   int digits_after_point,
+                                   StringBuilder* result_builder) const;
+  const int flags_;
+  const char* const infinity_symbol_;
+  const char* const nan_symbol_;
+  const char exponent_character_;
+  const int decimal_in_shortest_low_;
+  const int decimal_in_shortest_high_;
+  const int max_leading_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode_;
+  const int max_trailing_padding_zeroes_in_precision_mode_;
+  const int min_exponent_width_;
+#endif // not needed for ICU
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-fast-dtoa.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-fast-dtoa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a6470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-fast-dtoa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-utils.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+enum FastDtoaMode {
+  // Computes the shortest representation of the given input. The returned
+  // result will be the most accurate number of this length. Longer
+  // representations might be more accurate.
+  // Same as FAST_DTOA_SHORTEST but for single-precision floats.
+  // Computes a representation where the precision (number of digits) is
+  // given as input. The precision is independent of the decimal point.
+// FastDtoa will produce at most kFastDtoaMaximalLength digits. This does not
+// include the terminating '\0' character.
+static const int kFastDtoaMaximalLength = 17;
+// Same for single-precision numbers.
+static const int kFastDtoaMaximalSingleLength = 9;
+// Provides a decimal representation of v.
+// The result should be interpreted as buffer * 10^(point - length).
+// Precondition:
+//   * v must be a strictly positive finite double.
+// Returns true if it succeeds, otherwise the result can not be trusted.
+// There will be *length digits inside the buffer followed by a null terminator.
+// If the function returns true and mode equals
+//   - FAST_DTOA_SHORTEST, then
+//     the parameter requested_digits is ignored.
+//     The result satisfies
+//         v == (double) (buffer * 10^(point - length)).
+//     The digits in the buffer are the shortest representation possible. E.g.
+//     if 0.099999999999 and 0.1 represent the same double then "1" is returned
+//     with point = 0.
+//     The last digit will be closest to the actual v. That is, even if several
+//     digits might correctly yield 'v' when read again, the buffer will contain
+//     the one closest to v.
+//     the buffer contains requested_digits digits.
+//     the difference v - (buffer * 10^(point-length)) is closest to zero for
+//     all possible representations of requested_digits digits.
+//     If there are two values that are equally close, then FastDtoa returns
+//     false.
+// For both modes the buffer must be large enough to hold the result.
+bool FastDtoa(double d,
+              FastDtoaMode mode,
+              int requested_digits,
+              Vector<char> buffer,
+              int* length,
+              int* decimal_point);
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-ieee.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-ieee.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4c62a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-ieee.h
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-diy-fp.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+// We assume that doubles and uint64_t have the same endianness.
+static uint64_t double_to_uint64(double d) { return BitCast<uint64_t>(d); }
+static double uint64_to_double(uint64_t d64) { return BitCast<double>(d64); }
+static uint32_t float_to_uint32(float f) { return BitCast<uint32_t>(f); }
+static float uint32_to_float(uint32_t d32) { return BitCast<float>(d32); }
+// Helper functions for doubles.
+class Double {
+ public:
+  static const uint64_t kSignMask = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x80000000, 00000000);
+  static const uint64_t kExponentMask = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x7FF00000, 00000000);
+  static const uint64_t kSignificandMask = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x000FFFFF, FFFFFFFF);
+  static const uint64_t kHiddenBit = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x00100000, 00000000);
+  static const int kPhysicalSignificandSize = 52;  // Excludes the hidden bit.
+  static const int kSignificandSize = 53;
+  static const int kExponentBias = 0x3FF + kPhysicalSignificandSize;
+  static const int kMaxExponent = 0x7FF - kExponentBias;
+  Double() : d64_(0) {}
+  explicit Double(double d) : d64_(double_to_uint64(d)) {}
+  explicit Double(uint64_t d64) : d64_(d64) {}
+  explicit Double(DiyFp diy_fp)
+    : d64_(DiyFpToUint64(diy_fp)) {}
+  // The value encoded by this Double must be greater or equal to +0.0.
+  // It must not be special (infinity, or NaN).
+  DiyFp AsDiyFp() const {
+    return DiyFp(Significand(), Exponent());
+  }
+  // The value encoded by this Double must be strictly greater than 0.
+  DiyFp AsNormalizedDiyFp() const {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(value() > 0.0);
+    uint64_t f = Significand();
+    int e = Exponent();
+    // The current double could be a denormal.
+    while ((f & kHiddenBit) == 0) {
+      f <<= 1;
+      e--;
+    }
+    // Do the final shifts in one go.
+    f <<= DiyFp::kSignificandSize - kSignificandSize;
+    e -= DiyFp::kSignificandSize - kSignificandSize;
+    return DiyFp(f, e);
+  }
+  // Returns the double's bit as uint64.
+  uint64_t AsUint64() const {
+    return d64_;
+  }
+  // Returns the next greater double. Returns +infinity on input +infinity.
+  double NextDouble() const {
+    if (d64_ == kInfinity) return Double(kInfinity).value();
+    if (Sign() < 0 && Significand() == 0) {
+      // -0.0
+      return 0.0;
+    }
+    if (Sign() < 0) {
+      return Double(d64_ - 1).value();
+    } else {
+      return Double(d64_ + 1).value();
+    }
+  }
+  double PreviousDouble() const {
+    if (d64_ == (kInfinity | kSignMask)) return -Infinity();
+    if (Sign() < 0) {
+      return Double(d64_ + 1).value();
+    } else {
+      if (Significand() == 0) return -0.0;
+      return Double(d64_ - 1).value();
+    }
+  }
+  int Exponent() const {
+    if (IsDenormal()) return kDenormalExponent;
+    uint64_t d64 = AsUint64();
+    int biased_e =
+        static_cast<int>((d64 & kExponentMask) >> kPhysicalSignificandSize);
+    return biased_e - kExponentBias;
+  }
+  uint64_t Significand() const {
+    uint64_t d64 = AsUint64();
+    uint64_t significand = d64 & kSignificandMask;
+    if (!IsDenormal()) {
+      return significand + kHiddenBit;
+    } else {
+      return significand;
+    }
+  }
+  // Returns true if the double is a denormal.
+  bool IsDenormal() const {
+    uint64_t d64 = AsUint64();
+    return (d64 & kExponentMask) == 0;
+  }
+  // We consider denormals not to be special.
+  // Hence only Infinity and NaN are special.
+  bool IsSpecial() const {
+    uint64_t d64 = AsUint64();
+    return (d64 & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask;
+  }
+  bool IsNan() const {
+    uint64_t d64 = AsUint64();
+    return ((d64 & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask) &&
+        ((d64 & kSignificandMask) != 0);
+  }
+  bool IsInfinite() const {
+    uint64_t d64 = AsUint64();
+    return ((d64 & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask) &&
+        ((d64 & kSignificandMask) == 0);
+  }
+  int Sign() const {
+    uint64_t d64 = AsUint64();
+    return (d64 & kSignMask) == 0? 1: -1;
+  }
+  // Precondition: the value encoded by this Double must be greater or equal
+  // than +0.0.
+  DiyFp UpperBoundary() const {
+    return DiyFp(Significand() * 2 + 1, Exponent() - 1);
+  }
+  // Computes the two boundaries of this.
+  // The bigger boundary (m_plus) is normalized. The lower boundary has the same
+  // exponent as m_plus.
+  // Precondition: the value encoded by this Double must be greater than 0.
+  void NormalizedBoundaries(DiyFp* out_m_minus, DiyFp* out_m_plus) const {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(value() > 0.0);
+    DiyFp v = this->AsDiyFp();
+    DiyFp m_plus = DiyFp::Normalize(DiyFp((v.f() << 1) + 1, v.e() - 1));
+    DiyFp m_minus;
+    if (LowerBoundaryIsCloser()) {
+      m_minus = DiyFp((v.f() << 2) - 1, v.e() - 2);
+    } else {
+      m_minus = DiyFp((v.f() << 1) - 1, v.e() - 1);
+    }
+    m_minus.set_f(m_minus.f() << (m_minus.e() - m_plus.e()));
+    m_minus.set_e(m_plus.e());
+    *out_m_plus = m_plus;
+    *out_m_minus = m_minus;
+  }
+  bool LowerBoundaryIsCloser() const {
+    // The boundary is closer if the significand is of the form f == 2^p-1 then
+    // the lower boundary is closer.
+    // Think of v = 1000e10 and v- = 9999e9.
+    // Then the boundary (== (v - v-)/2) is not just at a distance of 1e9 but
+    // at a distance of 1e8.
+    // The only exception is for the smallest normal: the largest denormal is
+    // at the same distance as its successor.
+    // Note: denormals have the same exponent as the smallest normals.
+    bool physical_significand_is_zero = ((AsUint64() & kSignificandMask) == 0);
+    return physical_significand_is_zero && (Exponent() != kDenormalExponent);
+  }
+  double value() const { return uint64_to_double(d64_); }
+  // Returns the significand size for a given order of magnitude.
+  // If v = f*2^e with 2^p-1 <= f <= 2^p then p+e is v's order of magnitude.
+  // This function returns the number of significant binary digits v will have
+  // once it's encoded into a double. In almost all cases this is equal to
+  // kSignificandSize. The only exceptions are denormals. They start with
+  // leading zeroes and their effective significand-size is hence smaller.
+  static int SignificandSizeForOrderOfMagnitude(int order) {
+    if (order >= (kDenormalExponent + kSignificandSize)) {
+      return kSignificandSize;
+    }
+    if (order <= kDenormalExponent) return 0;
+    return order - kDenormalExponent;
+  }
+  static double Infinity() {
+    return Double(kInfinity).value();
+  }
+  static double NaN() {
+    return Double(kNaN).value();
+  }
+ private:
+  static const int kDenormalExponent = -kExponentBias + 1;
+  static const uint64_t kInfinity = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x7FF00000, 00000000);
+  static const uint64_t kNaN = DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x7FF80000, 00000000);
+  const uint64_t d64_;
+  static uint64_t DiyFpToUint64(DiyFp diy_fp) {
+    uint64_t significand = diy_fp.f();
+    int exponent = diy_fp.e();
+    while (significand > kHiddenBit + kSignificandMask) {
+      significand >>= 1;
+      exponent++;
+    }
+    if (exponent >= kMaxExponent) {
+      return kInfinity;
+    }
+    if (exponent < kDenormalExponent) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    while (exponent > kDenormalExponent && (significand & kHiddenBit) == 0) {
+      significand <<= 1;
+      exponent--;
+    }
+    uint64_t biased_exponent;
+    if (exponent == kDenormalExponent && (significand & kHiddenBit) == 0) {
+      biased_exponent = 0;
+    } else {
+      biased_exponent = static_cast<uint64_t>(exponent + kExponentBias);
+    }
+    return (significand & kSignificandMask) |
+        (biased_exponent << kPhysicalSignificandSize);
+  }
+class Single {
+ public:
+  static const uint32_t kSignMask = 0x80000000;
+  static const uint32_t kExponentMask = 0x7F800000;
+  static const uint32_t kSignificandMask = 0x007FFFFF;
+  static const uint32_t kHiddenBit = 0x00800000;
+  static const int kPhysicalSignificandSize = 23;  // Excludes the hidden bit.
+  static const int kSignificandSize = 24;
+  Single() : d32_(0) {}
+  explicit Single(float f) : d32_(float_to_uint32(f)) {}
+  explicit Single(uint32_t d32) : d32_(d32) {}
+  // The value encoded by this Single must be greater or equal to +0.0.
+  // It must not be special (infinity, or NaN).
+  DiyFp AsDiyFp() const {
+    return DiyFp(Significand(), Exponent());
+  }
+  // Returns the single's bit as uint64.
+  uint32_t AsUint32() const {
+    return d32_;
+  }
+  int Exponent() const {
+    if (IsDenormal()) return kDenormalExponent;
+    uint32_t d32 = AsUint32();
+    int biased_e =
+        static_cast<int>((d32 & kExponentMask) >> kPhysicalSignificandSize);
+    return biased_e - kExponentBias;
+  }
+  uint32_t Significand() const {
+    uint32_t d32 = AsUint32();
+    uint32_t significand = d32 & kSignificandMask;
+    if (!IsDenormal()) {
+      return significand + kHiddenBit;
+    } else {
+      return significand;
+    }
+  }
+  // Returns true if the single is a denormal.
+  bool IsDenormal() const {
+    uint32_t d32 = AsUint32();
+    return (d32 & kExponentMask) == 0;
+  }
+  // We consider denormals not to be special.
+  // Hence only Infinity and NaN are special.
+  bool IsSpecial() const {
+    uint32_t d32 = AsUint32();
+    return (d32 & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask;
+  }
+  bool IsNan() const {
+    uint32_t d32 = AsUint32();
+    return ((d32 & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask) &&
+        ((d32 & kSignificandMask) != 0);
+  }
+  bool IsInfinite() const {
+    uint32_t d32 = AsUint32();
+    return ((d32 & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask) &&
+        ((d32 & kSignificandMask) == 0);
+  }
+  int Sign() const {
+    uint32_t d32 = AsUint32();
+    return (d32 & kSignMask) == 0? 1: -1;
+  }
+  // Computes the two boundaries of this.
+  // The bigger boundary (m_plus) is normalized. The lower boundary has the same
+  // exponent as m_plus.
+  // Precondition: the value encoded by this Single must be greater than 0.
+  void NormalizedBoundaries(DiyFp* out_m_minus, DiyFp* out_m_plus) const {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(value() > 0.0);
+    DiyFp v = this->AsDiyFp();
+    DiyFp m_plus = DiyFp::Normalize(DiyFp((v.f() << 1) + 1, v.e() - 1));
+    DiyFp m_minus;
+    if (LowerBoundaryIsCloser()) {
+      m_minus = DiyFp((v.f() << 2) - 1, v.e() - 2);
+    } else {
+      m_minus = DiyFp((v.f() << 1) - 1, v.e() - 1);
+    }
+    m_minus.set_f(m_minus.f() << (m_minus.e() - m_plus.e()));
+    m_minus.set_e(m_plus.e());
+    *out_m_plus = m_plus;
+    *out_m_minus = m_minus;
+  }
+  // Precondition: the value encoded by this Single must be greater or equal
+  // than +0.0.
+  DiyFp UpperBoundary() const {
+    return DiyFp(Significand() * 2 + 1, Exponent() - 1);
+  }
+  bool LowerBoundaryIsCloser() const {
+    // The boundary is closer if the significand is of the form f == 2^p-1 then
+    // the lower boundary is closer.
+    // Think of v = 1000e10 and v- = 9999e9.
+    // Then the boundary (== (v - v-)/2) is not just at a distance of 1e9 but
+    // at a distance of 1e8.
+    // The only exception is for the smallest normal: the largest denormal is
+    // at the same distance as its successor.
+    // Note: denormals have the same exponent as the smallest normals.
+    bool physical_significand_is_zero = ((AsUint32() & kSignificandMask) == 0);
+    return physical_significand_is_zero && (Exponent() != kDenormalExponent);
+  }
+  float value() const { return uint32_to_float(d32_); }
+  static float Infinity() {
+    return Single(kInfinity).value();
+  }
+  static float NaN() {
+    return Single(kNaN).value();
+  }
+ private:
+  static const int kExponentBias = 0x7F + kPhysicalSignificandSize;
+  static const int kDenormalExponent = -kExponentBias + 1;
+  static const int kMaxExponent = 0xFF - kExponentBias;
+  static const uint32_t kInfinity = 0x7F800000;
+  static const uint32_t kNaN = 0x7FC00000;
+  const uint32_t d32_;
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-string-to-double.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-string-to-double.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb0c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-string-to-double.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-utils.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+class StringToDoubleConverter {
+ public:
+  // Enumeration for allowing octals and ignoring junk when converting
+  // strings to numbers.
+  enum Flags {
+    NO_FLAGS = 0,
+    ALLOW_HEX = 1,
+    ALLOW_OCTALS = 2,
+    ALLOW_CASE_INSENSIBILITY = 64,  // Deprecated
+    ALLOW_HEX_FLOATS = 128,
+  };
+  static const uc16 kNoSeparator = '\0';
+  // Flags should be a bit-or combination of the possible Flags-enum.
+  //  - NO_FLAGS: no special flags.
+  //  - ALLOW_HEX: recognizes the prefix "0x". Hex numbers may only be integers.
+  //      Ex: StringToDouble("0x1234") -> 4660.0
+  //          In StringToDouble("0x1234.56") the characters ".56" are trailing
+  //          junk. The result of the call is hence dependent on
+  //          the ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK flag and/or the junk value.
+  //      With this flag "0x" is a junk-string. Even with ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK,
+  //      the string will not be parsed as "0" followed by junk.
+  //
+  //  - ALLOW_OCTALS: recognizes the prefix "0" for octals:
+  //      If a sequence of octal digits starts with '0', then the number is
+  //      read as octal integer. Octal numbers may only be integers.
+  //      Ex: StringToDouble("01234") -> 668.0
+  //          StringToDouble("012349") -> 12349.0  // Not a sequence of octal
+  //                                               // digits.
+  //          In StringToDouble("01234.56") the characters ".56" are trailing
+  //          junk. The result of the call is hence dependent on
+  //          the ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK flag and/or the junk value.
+  //          In StringToDouble("01234e56") the characters "e56" are trailing
+  //          junk, too.
+  //  - ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK: ignore trailing characters that are not part of
+  //      a double literal.
+  //  - ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES: skip over leading whitespace, including spaces,
+  //                          new-lines, and tabs.
+  //  - ALLOW_TRAILING_SPACES: ignore trailing whitespace.
+  //  - ALLOW_SPACES_AFTER_SIGN: ignore whitespace after the sign.
+  //       Ex: StringToDouble("-   123.2") -> -123.2.
+  //           StringToDouble("+   123.2") -> 123.2
+  //  - ALLOW_CASE_INSENSITIVITY: ignore case of characters for special values:
+  //      infinity and nan.
+  //  - ALLOW_HEX_FLOATS: allows hexadecimal float literals.
+  //      This *must* start with "0x" and separate the exponent with "p".
+  //      Examples: 0x1.2p3 == 9.0
+  //                0x10.1p0 == 16.0625
+  //      ALLOW_HEX and ALLOW_HEX_FLOATS are indendent.
+  //
+  // empty_string_value is returned when an empty string is given as input.
+  // If ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES or ALLOW_TRAILING_SPACES are set, then a string
+  // containing only spaces is converted to the 'empty_string_value', too.
+  //
+  // junk_string_value is returned when
+  //  a) ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK is not set, and a junk character (a character not
+  //     part of a double-literal) is found.
+  //  b) ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK is set, but the string does not start with a
+  //     double literal.
+  //
+  // infinity_symbol and nan_symbol are strings that are used to detect
+  // inputs that represent infinity and NaN. They can be null, in which case
+  // they are ignored.
+  // The conversion routine first reads any possible signs. Then it compares the
+  // following character of the input-string with the first character of
+  // the infinity, and nan-symbol. If either matches, the function assumes, that
+  // a match has been found, and expects the following input characters to match
+  // the remaining characters of the special-value symbol.
+  // This means that the following restrictions apply to special-value symbols:
+  //  - they must not start with signs ('+', or '-'),
+  //  - they must not have the same first character.
+  //  - they must not start with digits.
+  //
+  // If the separator character is not kNoSeparator, then that specific
+  // character is ignored when in between two valid digits of the significant.
+  // It is not allowed to appear in the exponent.
+  // It is not allowed to lead or trail the number.
+  // It is not allowed to appear twice next to each other.
+  //
+  // Examples:
+  //  empty_string_value = 0.0,
+  //  junk_string_value = NaN,
+  //  infinity_symbol = "infinity",
+  //  nan_symbol = "nan":
+  //    StringToDouble("0x1234") -> 4660.0.
+  //    StringToDouble("0x1234K") -> 4660.0.
+  //    StringToDouble("") -> 0.0  // empty_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble(" ") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble(" 1") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble("0x") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble("-123.45") -> -123.45.
+  //    StringToDouble("--123.45") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble("123e45") -> 123e45.
+  //    StringToDouble("123E45") -> 123e45.
+  //    StringToDouble("123e+45") -> 123e45.
+  //    StringToDouble("123E-45") -> 123e-45.
+  //    StringToDouble("123e") -> 123.0  // trailing junk ignored.
+  //    StringToDouble("123e-") -> 123.0  // trailing junk ignored.
+  //    StringToDouble("+NaN") -> NaN  // NaN string literal.
+  //    StringToDouble("-infinity") -> -inf.  // infinity literal.
+  //    StringToDouble("Infinity") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //
+  //  empty_string_value = 0.0,
+  //  junk_string_value = NaN,
+  //  infinity_symbol = NULL,
+  //  nan_symbol = NULL:
+  //    StringToDouble("0x1234") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble("01234") -> 668.0.
+  //    StringToDouble("") -> 0.0  // empty_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble(" ") -> 0.0  // empty_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble(" 1") -> 1.0
+  //    StringToDouble("0x") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble("0123e45") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble("01239E45") -> 1239e45.
+  //    StringToDouble("-infinity") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //    StringToDouble("NaN") -> NaN  // junk_string_value.
+  //
+  //  flags = NO_FLAGS,
+  //  separator = ' ':
+  //    StringToDouble("1 2 3 4") -> 1234.0
+  //    StringToDouble("1  2") -> NaN // junk_string_value
+  //    StringToDouble("1 000 000.0") -> 1000000.0
+  //    StringToDouble("1.000 000") -> 1.0
+  //    StringToDouble("1.0e1 000") -> NaN // junk_string_value
+  StringToDoubleConverter(int flags,
+                          double empty_string_value,
+                          double junk_string_value,
+                          const char* infinity_symbol,
+                          const char* nan_symbol,
+                          uc16 separator = kNoSeparator)
+      : flags_(flags),
+        empty_string_value_(empty_string_value),
+        junk_string_value_(junk_string_value),
+        infinity_symbol_(infinity_symbol),
+        nan_symbol_(nan_symbol),
+        separator_(separator) {
+  }
+  // Performs the conversion.
+  // The output parameter 'processed_characters_count' is set to the number
+  // of characters that have been processed to read the number.
+  // Spaces than are processed with ALLOW_{LEADING|TRAILING}_SPACES are included
+  // in the 'processed_characters_count'. Trailing junk is never included.
+  double StringToDouble(const char* buffer,
+                        int length,
+                        int* processed_characters_count) const;
+  // Same as StringToDouble above but for 16 bit characters.
+  double StringToDouble(const uc16* buffer,
+                        int length,
+                        int* processed_characters_count) const;
+  // Same as StringToDouble but reads a float.
+  // Note that this is not equivalent to static_cast<float>(StringToDouble(...))
+  // due to potential double-rounding.
+  float StringToFloat(const char* buffer,
+                      int length,
+                      int* processed_characters_count) const;
+  // Same as StringToFloat above but for 16 bit characters.
+  float StringToFloat(const uc16* buffer,
+                      int length,
+                      int* processed_characters_count) const;
+ private:
+  const int flags_;
+  const double empty_string_value_;
+  const double junk_string_value_;
+  const char* const infinity_symbol_;
+  const char* const nan_symbol_;
+  const uc16 separator_;
+  template <class Iterator>
+  double StringToIeee(Iterator start_pointer,
+                      int length,
+                      bool read_as_double,
+                      int* processed_characters_count) const;
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-strtod.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-strtod.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ef746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-strtod.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-utils.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+// The buffer must only contain digits in the range [0-9]. It must not
+// contain a dot or a sign. It must not start with '0', and must not be empty.
+double Strtod(Vector<const char> buffer, int exponent);
+// The buffer must only contain digits in the range [0-9]. It must not
+// contain a dot or a sign. It must not start with '0', and must not be empty.
+float Strtof(Vector<const char> buffer, int exponent);
+// For special use cases, the heart of the Strtod() function is also available
+// separately, it assumes that 'trimmed' is as produced by TrimAndCut(), i.e.
+// no leading or trailing zeros, also no lone zero, and not 'too many' digits.
+double StrtodTrimmed(Vector<const char> trimmed, int exponent);
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-utils.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0992984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion-utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+// ICU PATCH: Use U_ASSERT instead of <assert.h>
+#include "uassert.h"
+#define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(condition)         \
+    U_ASSERT(condition);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_NO_RETURN __declspec(noreturn)
+#define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_NO_RETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+void DOUBLE_CONVERSION_NO_RETURN abort_noreturn();
+inline void abort_noreturn() { abort(); }
+#define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UNREACHABLE()   (abort_noreturn())
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+// Double operations detection based on target architecture.
+// Linux uses a 80bit wide floating point stack on x86. This induces double
+// rounding, which in turn leads to wrong results.
+// An easy way to test if the floating-point operations are correct is to
+// evaluate: 89255.0/1e22. If the floating-point stack is 64 bits wide then
+// the result is equal to 89255e-22.
+// The best way to test this, is to create a division-function and to compare
+// the output of the division with the expected result. (Inlining must be
+// disabled.)
+// On Linux,x86 89255e-22 != Div_double(89255.0/1e22)
+// For example:
+// -- in div.c
+double Div_double(double x, double y) { return x / y; }
+// -- in main.c
+double Div_double(double x, double y);  // Forward declaration.
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  return Div_double(89255.0, 1e22) == 89255e-22;
+// Run as follows ./main || echo "correct"
+// If it prints "correct" then the architecture should be here, in the "correct" section.
+#if defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__) || \
+    defined(__ARMEL__) || defined(__avr32__) || defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_M_ARM64) || \
+    defined(__hppa__) || defined(__ia64__) || \
+    defined(__mips__) || \
+    defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__) || \
+    defined(_POWER) || defined(_ARCH_PPC) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || \
+    defined(__sparc__) || defined(__sparc) || defined(__s390__) || \
+    defined(__SH4__) || defined(__alpha__) || \
+    defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS32R2) || defined(__ARMEB__) ||\
+    defined(__AARCH64EL__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__AARCH64EB__) || \
+    defined(__riscv) || defined(__e2k__) || \
+    defined(__or1k__) || defined(__arc__) || \
+    defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
+#elif defined(__mc68000__) || \
+    defined(__pnacl__) || defined(__native_client__)
+#elif defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i386)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+// Windows uses a 64bit wide floating point stack.
+#endif  // _WIN32
+#error Target architecture was not detected as supported by Double-Conversion.
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
+typedef signed char int8_t;
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef short int16_t;  // NOLINT
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;  // NOLINT
+typedef int int32_t;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef __int64 int64_t;
+typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+// intptr_t and friends are defined in crtdefs.h through stdio.h.
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef uint16_t uc16;
+// The following macro works on both 32 and 64-bit platforms.
+// Usage: instead of writing 0x1234567890123456
+//      write DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(0x12345678,90123456);
+#define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_UINT64_2PART_C(a, b) (((static_cast<uint64_t>(a) << 32) + 0x##b##u))
+// The expression DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ARRAY_SIZE(a) is a compile-time constant of type
+// size_t which represents the number of elements of the given
+// array. You should only use DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ARRAY_SIZE on statically allocated
+// arrays.
+#define DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ARRAY_SIZE(a)                                   \
+  ((sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) /                         \
+  static_cast<size_t>(!(sizeof(a) % sizeof(*(a)))))
+// A macro to disallow the evil copy constructor and operator= functions
+// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class
+  TypeName(const TypeName&);                    \
+  void operator=(const TypeName&)
+// A macro to disallow all the implicit constructors, namely the
+// default constructor, copy constructor and operator= functions.
+// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class
+// that wants to prevent anyone from instantiating it. This is
+// especially useful for classes containing only static methods.
+  TypeName();                                    \
+// ICU PATCH: Wrap in ICU namespace
+namespace double_conversion {
+inline int StrLength(const char* string) {
+  size_t length = strlen(string);
+  DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(length == static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<int>(length)));
+  return static_cast<int>(length);
+// This is a simplified version of V8's Vector class.
+template <typename T>
+class Vector {
+ public:
+  Vector() : start_(NULL), length_(0) {}
+  Vector(T* data, int len) : start_(data), length_(len) {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(len == 0 || (len > 0 && data != NULL));
+  }
+  // Returns a vector using the same backing storage as this one,
+  // spanning from and including 'from', to but not including 'to'.
+  Vector<T> SubVector(int from, int to) {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(to <= length_);
+    return Vector<T>(start() + from, to - from);
+  }
+  // Returns the length of the vector.
+  int length() const { return length_; }
+  // Returns whether or not the vector is empty.
+  bool is_empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
+  // Returns the pointer to the start of the data in the vector.
+  T* start() const { return start_; }
+  // Access individual vector elements - checks bounds in debug mode.
+  T& operator[](int index) const {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(0 <= index && index < length_);
+    return start_[index];
+  }
+  T& first() { return start_[0]; }
+  T& last() { return start_[length_ - 1]; }
+  void pop_back() {
+    --length_;
+  }
+ private:
+  T* start_;
+  int length_;
+// Helper class for building result strings in a character buffer. The
+// purpose of the class is to use safe operations that checks the
+// buffer bounds on all operations in debug mode.
+class StringBuilder {
+ public:
+  StringBuilder(char* buffer, int buffer_size)
+      : buffer_(buffer, buffer_size), position_(0) { }
+  ~StringBuilder() { if (!is_finalized()) Finalize(); }
+  int size() const { return buffer_.length(); }
+  // Get the current position in the builder.
+  int position() const {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(!is_finalized());
+    return position_;
+  }
+  // Reset the position.
+  void Reset() { position_ = 0; }
+  // Add a single character to the builder. It is not allowed to add
+  // 0-characters; use the Finalize() method to terminate the string
+  // instead.
+  void AddCharacter(char c) {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(!is_finalized() && position_ < buffer_.length());
+    buffer_[position_++] = c;
+  }
+  // Add an entire string to the builder. Uses strlen() internally to
+  // compute the length of the input string.
+  void AddString(const char* s) {
+    AddSubstring(s, StrLength(s));
+  }
+  // Add the first 'n' characters of the given string 's' to the
+  // builder. The input string must have enough characters.
+  void AddSubstring(const char* s, int n) {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(!is_finalized() && position_ + n < buffer_.length());
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(n) <= strlen(s));
+    memmove(&buffer_[position_], s, n);
+    position_ += n;
+  }
+  // Add character padding to the builder. If count is non-positive,
+  // nothing is added to the builder.
+  void AddPadding(char c, int count) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+      AddCharacter(c);
+    }
+  }
+  // Finalize the string by 0-terminating it and returning the buffer.
+  char* Finalize() {
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(!is_finalized() && position_ < buffer_.length());
+    buffer_[position_] = '\0';
+    // Make sure nobody managed to add a 0-character to the
+    // buffer while building the string.
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(strlen(buffer_.start()) == static_cast<size_t>(position_));
+    position_ = -1;
+    DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ASSERT(is_finalized());
+    return buffer_.start();
+  }
+ private:
+  Vector<char> buffer_;
+  int position_;
+  bool is_finalized() const { return position_ < 0; }
+// The type-based aliasing rule allows the compiler to assume that pointers of
+// different types (for some definition of different) never alias each other.
+// Thus the following code does not work:
+// float f = foo();
+// int fbits = *(int*)(&f);
+// The compiler 'knows' that the int pointer can't refer to f since the types
+// don't match, so the compiler may cache f in a register, leaving random data
+// in fbits.  Using C++ style casts makes no difference, however a pointer to
+// char data is assumed to alias any other pointer.  This is the 'memcpy
+// exception'.
+// Bit_cast uses the memcpy exception to move the bits from a variable of one
+// type of a variable of another type.  Of course the end result is likely to
+// be implementation dependent.  Most compilers (gcc-4.2 and MSVC 2005)
+// will completely optimize BitCast away.
+// There is an additional use for BitCast.
+// Recent gccs will warn when they see casts that may result in breakage due to
+// the type-based aliasing rule.  If you have checked that there is no breakage
+// you can use BitCast to cast one pointer type to another.  This confuses gcc
+// enough that it can no longer see that you have cast one pointer type to
+// another thus avoiding the warning.
+template <class Dest, class Source>
+Dest BitCast(const Source& source) {
+  // Compile time assertion: sizeof(Dest) == sizeof(Source)
+  // A compile error here means your Dest and Source have different sizes.
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+  static_assert(sizeof(Dest) == sizeof(Source),
+                "source and destination size mismatch");
+  typedef char VerifySizesAreEqual[sizeof(Dest) == sizeof(Source) ? 1 : -1];
+  Dest dest;
+  memmove(&dest, &source, sizeof(dest));
+  return dest;
+template <class Dest, class Source>
+Dest BitCast(Source* source) {
+  return BitCast<Dest>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(source));
+}  // namespace double_conversion
+// ICU PATCH: Close ICU namespace
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion.h b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eddc387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/double-conversion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// From the double-conversion library. Original license:
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// ICU PATCH: Customize header file paths for ICU.
+#include "double-conversion-string-to-double.h"
+#include "double-conversion-double-to-string.h"
+#endif // ICU PATCH: close #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/dt_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/dt_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4058c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/dt_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File dt_impl.h
+#ifndef DT_IMPL_H__
+#define DT_IMPL_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Defines macros for interval format implementation
+ */
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#define QUOTE             ((UChar)0x0027)
+#define LOW_LINE          ((UChar)0x005F)
+#define COLON             ((UChar)0x003A)
+#define LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET  ((UChar)0x007B)
+#define RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET ((UChar)0x007D)
+#define SPACE             ((UChar)0x0020)
+#define EN_DASH           ((UChar)0x2013)
+#define SOLIDUS           ((UChar)0x002F)
+#define PERCENT           ((UChar)0x0025)
+#define DIGIT_ZERO        ((UChar)0x0030)
+#define DIGIT_ONE         ((UChar)0x0031)
+#define LOW_A             ((UChar)0x0061)
+#define LOW_B             ((UChar)0x0062)
+#define LOW_C             ((UChar)0x0063)
+#define LOW_D             ((UChar)0x0064)
+#define LOW_E             ((UChar)0x0065)
+#define LOW_F             ((UChar)0x0066)
+#define LOW_G             ((UChar)0x0067)
+#define LOW_H             ((UChar)0x0068)
+#define LOW_I             ((UChar)0x0069)
+#define LOW_J             ((UChar)0x006a)
+#define LOW_K             ((UChar)0x006B)
+#define LOW_L             ((UChar)0x006C)
+#define LOW_M             ((UChar)0x006D)
+#define LOW_N             ((UChar)0x006E)
+#define LOW_O             ((UChar)0x006F)
+#define LOW_P             ((UChar)0x0070)
+#define LOW_Q             ((UChar)0x0071)
+#define LOW_R             ((UChar)0x0072)
+#define LOW_S             ((UChar)0x0073)
+#define LOW_T             ((UChar)0x0074)
+#define LOW_U             ((UChar)0x0075)
+#define LOW_V             ((UChar)0x0076)
+#define LOW_W             ((UChar)0x0077)
+#define LOW_Y             ((UChar)0x0079)
+#define LOW_Z             ((UChar)0x007A)
+#define CAP_A             ((UChar)0x0041)
+#define CAP_C             ((UChar)0x0043)
+#define CAP_D             ((UChar)0x0044)
+#define CAP_E             ((UChar)0x0045)
+#define CAP_F             ((UChar)0x0046)
+#define CAP_G             ((UChar)0x0047)
+#define CAP_H             ((UChar)0x0048)
+#define CAP_K             ((UChar)0x004B)
+#define CAP_L             ((UChar)0x004C)
+#define CAP_M             ((UChar)0x004D)
+#define CAP_N             ((UChar)0x004E)
+#define CAP_O             ((UChar)0x004F)
+#define CAP_P             ((UChar)0x0050)
+#define CAP_Q             ((UChar)0x0051)
+#define CAP_S             ((UChar)0x0053)
+#define CAP_T             ((UChar)0x0054)
+#define CAP_U             ((UChar)0x0055)
+#define CAP_V             ((UChar)0x0056)
+#define CAP_W             ((UChar)0x0057)
+#define CAP_Y             ((UChar)0x0059)
+#define CAP_Z             ((UChar)0x005A)
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/dtitv_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/dtitv_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7addf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/dtitv_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef DTITV_IMPL_H__
+#define DTITV_IMPL_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Defines macros for interval format implementation
+ */
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#define QUOTE             ((UChar)0x0027)
+#define LOW_LINE          ((UChar)0x005F)
+#define COLON             ((UChar)0x003A)
+#define LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET  ((UChar)0x007B)
+#define RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET ((UChar)0x007D)
+#define SPACE             ((UChar)0x0020)
+#define EN_DASH           ((UChar)0x2013)
+#define SOLIDUS           ((UChar)0x002F)
+#define DIGIT_ZERO        ((UChar)0x0030)
+#define DIGIT_ONE         ((UChar)0x0031)
+#define LOW_A             ((UChar)0x0061)
+#define LOW_B             ((UChar)0x0062)
+#define LOW_C             ((UChar)0x0063)
+#define LOW_D             ((UChar)0x0064)
+#define LOW_E             ((UChar)0x0065)
+#define LOW_F             ((UChar)0x0066)
+#define LOW_G             ((UChar)0x0067)
+#define LOW_H             ((UChar)0x0068)
+#define LOW_I             ((UChar)0x0069)
+#define LOW_J             ((UChar)0x006a)
+#define LOW_K             ((UChar)0x006B)
+#define LOW_L             ((UChar)0x006C)
+#define LOW_M             ((UChar)0x006D)
+#define LOW_N             ((UChar)0x006E)
+#define LOW_O             ((UChar)0x006F)
+#define LOW_P             ((UChar)0x0070)
+#define LOW_Q             ((UChar)0x0071)
+#define LOW_R             ((UChar)0x0072)
+#define LOW_S             ((UChar)0x0073)
+#define LOW_T             ((UChar)0x0074)
+#define LOW_U             ((UChar)0x0075)
+#define LOW_V             ((UChar)0x0076)
+#define LOW_W             ((UChar)0x0077)
+#define LOW_Y             ((UChar)0x0079)
+#define LOW_Z             ((UChar)0x007A)
+#define CAP_A             ((UChar)0x0041)
+#define CAP_C             ((UChar)0x0043)
+#define CAP_D             ((UChar)0x0044)
+#define CAP_E             ((UChar)0x0045)
+#define CAP_F             ((UChar)0x0046)
+#define CAP_G             ((UChar)0x0047)
+#define CAP_H             ((UChar)0x0048)
+#define CAP_K             ((UChar)0x004B)
+#define CAP_L             ((UChar)0x004C)
+#define CAP_M             ((UChar)0x004D)
+#define CAP_O             ((UChar)0x004F)
+#define CAP_Q             ((UChar)0x0051)
+#define CAP_S             ((UChar)0x0053)
+#define CAP_T             ((UChar)0x0054)
+#define CAP_U             ((UChar)0x0055)
+#define CAP_V             ((UChar)0x0056)
+#define CAP_W             ((UChar)0x0057)
+#define CAP_Y             ((UChar)0x0059)
+#define CAP_Z             ((UChar)0x005A)
+#define MAX_E_COUNT      5
+#define MAX_M_COUNT      5
+#define MAX_POSITIVE_INT  56632
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/dtptngen_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/dtptngen_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95219f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/dtptngen_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __DTPTNGEN_IMPL_H__
+#define __DTPTNGEN_IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/udatpg.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+// TODO(claireho): Split off Builder class.
+// TODO(claireho): If splitting off Builder class: As subclass or independent?
+#define MAX_CLDR_FIELD_LEN  60
+#define MAX_DT_TOKEN        50
+#define NONE          0
+#define EXTRA_FIELD   0x10000
+#define MISSING_FIELD  0x1000
+#define SINGLE_QUOTE      ((UChar)0x0027)
+#define FORWARDSLASH      ((UChar)0x002F)
+#define BACKSLASH         ((UChar)0x005C)
+#define SPACE             ((UChar)0x0020)
+#define QUOTATION_MARK    ((UChar)0x0022)
+#define ASTERISK          ((UChar)0x002A)
+#define PLUSSITN          ((UChar)0x002B)
+#define COMMA             ((UChar)0x002C)
+#define HYPHEN            ((UChar)0x002D)
+#define DOT               ((UChar)0x002E)
+#define COLON             ((UChar)0x003A)
+#define CAP_A             ((UChar)0x0041)
+#define CAP_B             ((UChar)0x0042)
+#define CAP_C             ((UChar)0x0043)
+#define CAP_D             ((UChar)0x0044)
+#define CAP_E             ((UChar)0x0045)
+#define CAP_F             ((UChar)0x0046)
+#define CAP_G             ((UChar)0x0047)
+#define CAP_H             ((UChar)0x0048)
+#define CAP_J             ((UChar)0x004A)
+#define CAP_K             ((UChar)0x004B)
+#define CAP_L             ((UChar)0x004C)
+#define CAP_M             ((UChar)0x004D)
+#define CAP_O             ((UChar)0x004F)
+#define CAP_Q             ((UChar)0x0051)
+#define CAP_S             ((UChar)0x0053)
+#define CAP_T             ((UChar)0x0054)
+#define CAP_U             ((UChar)0x0055)
+#define CAP_V             ((UChar)0x0056)
+#define CAP_W             ((UChar)0x0057)
+#define CAP_X             ((UChar)0x0058)
+#define CAP_Y             ((UChar)0x0059)
+#define CAP_Z             ((UChar)0x005A)
+#define LOWLINE           ((UChar)0x005F)
+#define LOW_A             ((UChar)0x0061)
+#define LOW_B             ((UChar)0x0062)
+#define LOW_C             ((UChar)0x0063)
+#define LOW_D             ((UChar)0x0064)
+#define LOW_E             ((UChar)0x0065)
+#define LOW_F             ((UChar)0x0066)
+#define LOW_G             ((UChar)0x0067)
+#define LOW_H             ((UChar)0x0068)
+#define LOW_I             ((UChar)0x0069)
+#define LOW_J             ((UChar)0x006A)
+#define LOW_K             ((UChar)0x006B)
+#define LOW_L             ((UChar)0x006C)
+#define LOW_M             ((UChar)0x006D)
+#define LOW_N             ((UChar)0x006E)
+#define LOW_O             ((UChar)0x006F)
+#define LOW_P             ((UChar)0x0070)
+#define LOW_Q             ((UChar)0x0071)
+#define LOW_R             ((UChar)0x0072)
+#define LOW_S             ((UChar)0x0073)
+#define LOW_T             ((UChar)0x0074)
+#define LOW_U             ((UChar)0x0075)
+#define LOW_V             ((UChar)0x0076)
+#define LOW_W             ((UChar)0x0077)
+#define LOW_X             ((UChar)0x0078)
+#define LOW_Y             ((UChar)0x0079)
+#define LOW_Z             ((UChar)0x007A)
+#define DT_NARROW         -0x101
+#define DT_SHORTER        -0x102
+#define DT_SHORT          -0x103
+#define DT_LONG           -0x104
+#define DT_NUMERIC         0x100
+#define DT_DELTA           0x10
+typedef enum dtStrEnum {
+typedef struct dtTypeElem {
+    UChar                  patternChar;
+    UDateTimePatternField  field;
+    int16_t                type;
+    int16_t                minLen;
+    int16_t                weight;
+} dtTypeElem;
+// A compact storage mechanism for skeleton field strings.  Several dozen of these will be created
+// for a typical DateTimePatternGenerator instance.
+class SkeletonFields : public UMemory {
+    SkeletonFields();
+    void clear();
+    void copyFrom(const SkeletonFields& other);
+    void clearField(int32_t field);
+    UChar getFieldChar(int32_t field) const;
+    int32_t getFieldLength(int32_t field) const;
+    void populate(int32_t field, const UnicodeString& value);
+    void populate(int32_t field, UChar repeatChar, int32_t repeatCount);
+    UBool isFieldEmpty(int32_t field) const;
+    UnicodeString& appendTo(UnicodeString& string) const;
+    UnicodeString& appendFieldTo(int32_t field, UnicodeString& string) const;
+    UChar getFirstChar() const;
+    inline UBool operator==(const SkeletonFields& other) const;
+    inline UBool operator!=(const SkeletonFields& other) const;
+    int8_t chars[UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT];
+    int8_t lengths[UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT];
+inline UBool SkeletonFields::operator==(const SkeletonFields& other) const {
+    return (uprv_memcmp(chars, other.chars, sizeof(chars)) == 0
+        && uprv_memcmp(lengths, other.lengths, sizeof(lengths)) == 0);
+inline UBool SkeletonFields::operator!=(const SkeletonFields& other) const {
+    return (! operator==(other));
+class PtnSkeleton : public UMemory {
+    int32_t type[UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT];
+    SkeletonFields original;
+    SkeletonFields baseOriginal;
+    UBool addedDefaultDayPeriod;
+    PtnSkeleton();
+    PtnSkeleton(const PtnSkeleton& other);
+    void copyFrom(const PtnSkeleton& other);
+    void clear();
+    UBool equals(const PtnSkeleton& other) const;
+    UnicodeString getSkeleton() const;
+    UnicodeString getBaseSkeleton() const;
+    UChar getFirstChar() const;
+    // TODO: Why is this virtual, as well as the other destructors in this file? We don't want
+    // vtables when we don't use class objects polymorphically.
+    virtual ~PtnSkeleton();
+class PtnElem : public UMemory {
+    UnicodeString basePattern;
+    LocalPointer<PtnSkeleton> skeleton;
+    UnicodeString pattern;
+    UBool         skeletonWasSpecified; // if specified in availableFormats, not derived
+    LocalPointer<PtnElem> next;
+    PtnElem(const UnicodeString &basePattern, const UnicodeString &pattern);
+    virtual ~PtnElem();
+class FormatParser : public UMemory {
+    UnicodeString items[MAX_DT_TOKEN];
+    int32_t itemNumber;
+    FormatParser();
+    virtual ~FormatParser();
+    void set(const UnicodeString& patternString);
+    void getQuoteLiteral(UnicodeString& quote, int32_t *itemIndex);
+    UBool isPatternSeparator(const UnicodeString& field) const;
+    static UBool isQuoteLiteral(const UnicodeString& s);
+    static int32_t getCanonicalIndex(const UnicodeString& s) { return getCanonicalIndex(s, TRUE); }
+    static int32_t getCanonicalIndex(const UnicodeString& s, UBool strict);
+   typedef enum TokenStatus {
+       START,
+       ADD_TOKEN,
+       DONE
+   } TokenStatus;
+   TokenStatus status;
+   virtual TokenStatus setTokens(const UnicodeString& pattern, int32_t startPos, int32_t *len);
+class DistanceInfo : public UMemory {
+    int32_t missingFieldMask;
+    int32_t extraFieldMask;
+    DistanceInfo() {}
+    virtual ~DistanceInfo();
+    void clear() { missingFieldMask = extraFieldMask = 0; }
+    void setTo(const DistanceInfo& other);
+    void addMissing(int32_t field) { missingFieldMask |= (1<<field); }
+    void addExtra(int32_t field) { extraFieldMask |= (1<<field); }
+class DateTimeMatcher: public UMemory {
+    PtnSkeleton skeleton;
+    void getBasePattern(UnicodeString& basePattern);
+    UnicodeString getPattern();
+    void set(const UnicodeString& pattern, FormatParser* fp);
+    void set(const UnicodeString& pattern, FormatParser* fp, PtnSkeleton& skeleton);
+    void copyFrom(const PtnSkeleton& skeleton);
+    void copyFrom();
+    PtnSkeleton* getSkeletonPtr();
+    UBool equals(const DateTimeMatcher* other) const;
+    int32_t getDistance(const DateTimeMatcher& other, int32_t includeMask, DistanceInfo& distanceInfo) const;
+    DateTimeMatcher();
+    DateTimeMatcher(const DateTimeMatcher& other);
+    virtual ~DateTimeMatcher();
+    int32_t getFieldMask() const;
+class PatternMap : public UMemory {
+    PtnElem *boot[MAX_PATTERN_ENTRIES];
+    PatternMap();
+    virtual  ~PatternMap();
+    void  add(const UnicodeString& basePattern, const PtnSkeleton& skeleton, const UnicodeString& value, UBool skeletonWasSpecified, UErrorCode& status);
+    const UnicodeString* getPatternFromBasePattern(const UnicodeString& basePattern, UBool& skeletonWasSpecified) const;
+    const UnicodeString* getPatternFromSkeleton(const PtnSkeleton& skeleton, const PtnSkeleton** specifiedSkeletonPtr = 0) const;
+    void copyFrom(const PatternMap& other, UErrorCode& status);
+    PtnElem* getHeader(UChar baseChar) const;
+    UBool equals(const PatternMap& other) const;
+    UBool isDupAllowed;
+    PtnElem*  getDuplicateElem(const UnicodeString& basePattern, const PtnSkeleton& skeleton, PtnElem *baseElem);
+}; // end  PatternMap
+class PatternMapIterator : public UMemory {
+    PatternMapIterator(UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual ~PatternMapIterator();
+    void set(PatternMap& patternMap);
+    PtnSkeleton* getSkeleton() const;
+    UBool hasNext() const;
+    DateTimeMatcher& next();
+    int32_t bootIndex;
+    PtnElem *nodePtr;
+    LocalPointer<DateTimeMatcher> matcher;
+    PatternMap *patternMap;
+class DTSkeletonEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    DTSkeletonEnumeration(PatternMap& patternMap, dtStrEnum type, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~DTSkeletonEnumeration();
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    int32_t pos;
+    UBool isCanonicalItem(const UnicodeString& item);
+    LocalPointer<UVector> fSkeletons;
+class DTRedundantEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    DTRedundantEnumeration();
+    virtual ~DTRedundantEnumeration();
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void add(const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    int32_t pos;
+    UBool isCanonicalItem(const UnicodeString& item) const;
+    LocalPointer<UVector> fPatterns;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/erarules.h b/libicu/cts_headers/erarules.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b7862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/erarules.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#ifndef ERARULES_H_
+#define ERARULES_H_
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of LocalMemory used as a data member of EraRules.
+// When building DLLs for Windows this is required even though no direct access leaks out of the i18n library.
+// See digitlst.h, pluralaffix.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Ignore warning 4661 as LocalPointerBase does not use operator== or operator!=
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4661)
+template class U_I18N_API LocalPointerBase<int32_t>;
+template class U_I18N_API LocalMemory<int32_t>;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(pop)
+class U_I18N_API EraRules : public UMemory {
+    ~EraRules();
+    static EraRules* createInstance(const char *calType, UBool includeTentativeEra, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets number of effective eras
+     * @return  number of effective eras
+     */
+    inline int32_t getNumberOfEras() const {
+        return numEras;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets start date of an era
+     * @param eraIdx    Era index
+     * @param fields    Receives date fields. The result includes values of year, month,
+     *                  day of month in this order. When an era has no start date, the result
+     *                  will be January 1st in year whose value is minimum integer.
+     * @param status    Receives status.
+     */
+    void getStartDate(int32_t eraIdx, int32_t (&fields)[3], UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets start year of an era
+     * @param eraIdx    Era index
+     * @param status    Receives status.
+     * @return The first year of an era. When a era has no start date, minimum int32
+     *          value is returned.
+     */
+    int32_t getStartYear(int32_t eraIdx, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns era index for the specified year/month/day.
+     * @param year  Year
+     * @param month Month (1-base)
+     * @param day   Day of month
+     * @param status    Receives status
+     * @return  era index (or 0, when the specified date is before the first era)
+     */
+    int32_t getEraIndex(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the current era index. This is calculated only once for an instance of
+     * EraRules. The current era calculation is based on the default time zone at
+     * the time of instantiation.
+     *
+     * @return era index of current era (or 0, when current date is before the first era)
+     */
+    inline int32_t getCurrentEraIndex() const {
+        return currentEra;
+    }
+    EraRules(LocalMemory<int32_t>& eraStartDates, int32_t numEra);
+    void initCurrentEra();
+    LocalMemory<int32_t> startDates;
+    int32_t numEras;
+    int32_t currentEra;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* ERARULES_H_ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/esctrn.h b/libicu/cts_headers/esctrn.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/esctrn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/20/2001  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef ESCTRN_H
+#define ESCTRN_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+ * A transliterator that converts Unicode characters to an escape
+ * form.  Examples of escape forms are "U+4E01" and "&#x10FFFF;".
+ * Escape forms have a prefix and suffix, either of which may be
+ * empty, a radix, typically 16 or 10, a minimum digit count,
+ * typically 1, 4, or 8, and a boolean that specifies whether
+ * supplemental characters are handled as 32-bit code points or as two
+ * 16-bit code units.  Most escape forms handle 32-bit code points,
+ * but some, such as the Java form, intentionally break them into two
+ * surrogate pairs, for backward compatibility.
+ *
+ * <p>Some escape forms actually have two different patterns, one for
+ * BMP characters (0..FFFF) and one for supplements (>FFFF).  To
+ * handle this, a second EscapeTransliterator may be defined that
+ * specifies the pattern to be produced for supplementals.  An example
+ * of a form that requires this is the C form, which uses "\\uFFFF"
+ * for BMP characters and "\\U0010FFFF" for supplementals.
+ *
+ * <p>This class is package private.  It registers several standard
+ * variants with the system which are then accessed via their IDs.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class EscapeTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The prefix of the escape form; may be empty, but usually isn't.
+     */
+    UnicodeString prefix;
+    /**
+     * The prefix of the escape form; often empty.
+     */
+    UnicodeString suffix;
+    /**
+     * The radix to display the number in.  Typically 16 or 10.  Must
+     * be in the range 2 to 36.
+     */
+    int32_t radix;
+    /**
+     * The minimum number of digits.  Typically 1, 4, or 8.  Values
+     * less than 1 are equivalent to 1.
+     */
+    int32_t minDigits;
+    /**
+     * If true, supplementals are handled as 32-bit code points.  If
+     * false, they are handled as two 16-bit code units.
+     */
+    UBool grokSupplementals;
+    /**
+     * The form to be used for supplementals.  If this is null then
+     * the same form is used for BMP characters and supplementals.  If
+     * this is not null and if grokSupplementals is true then the
+     * prefix, suffix, radix, and minDigits of this object are used
+     * for supplementals.  This pointer is owned.
+     */
+    EscapeTransliterator* supplementalHandler;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Registers standard variants with the system.  Called by
+     * Transliterator during initialization.
+     */
+    static void registerIDs();
+    /**
+     * Constructs an escape transliterator with the given ID and
+     * parameters.  See the class member documentation for details.
+     */
+    EscapeTransliterator(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                         const UnicodeString& prefix, const UnicodeString& suffix,
+                         int32_t radix, int32_t minDigits,
+                         UBool grokSupplementals,
+                         EscapeTransliterator* adoptedSupplementalHandler);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    EscapeTransliterator(const EscapeTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~EscapeTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     */
+    virtual EscapeTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                             UBool isIncremental) const;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ethpccal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ethpccal.h
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+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ethpccal.h
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+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2013, International Business Machines Corporation and  *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef ETHPCCAL_H
+#define ETHPCCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "cecal.h"
+ * Implement the Ethiopic calendar system.
+ * @internal
+ */
+class EthiopicCalendar : public CECalendar {
+    /**
+     * Calendar type - use Amete Alem era for all the time or not
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    enum EEraType {
+    };
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for EthiopicCalendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum EMonths {
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1218;&#x1235;&#x12a8;&#x1228;&#x121d;, the 1st month of the Ethiopic year.
+         */
+        MESKEREM,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1325;&#x1245;&#x121d;&#x1275;, the 2nd month of the Ethiopic year.
+         */
+        TEKEMT,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1285;&#x12f3;&#x122d;, the 3rd month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        HEDAR,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1273;&#x1285;&#x1223;&#x1225;, the 4th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        TAHSAS,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1325;&#x122d;, the 5th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        TER,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x12e8;&#x12ab;&#x1272;&#x1275;, the 6th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        YEKATIT,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1218;&#x130b;&#x1262;&#x1275;, the 7th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        MEGABIT,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x121a;&#x12eb;&#x12dd;&#x12eb;, the 8th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        MIAZIA,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x130d;&#x1295;&#x1266;&#x1275;, the 9th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        GENBOT,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1230;&#x1294;, the 10th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        SENE,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1210;&#x121d;&#x120c;, the 11th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        HAMLE,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1290;&#x1210;&#x1234;, the 12th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        NEHASSA,
+        /** 
+         * Constant for &#x1333;&#x1309;&#x121c;&#x1295;, the 13th month of the Ethiopic year. 
+         */
+        PAGUMEN
+    };
+    enum EEras {
+        AMETE_ALEM,     // Before the epoch
+        AMETE_MIHRET    // After the epoch
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a EthiopicCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of EthiopicCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @param type     Whether this Ethiopic calendar use Amete Mihrret (default) or
+     *                 only use Amete Alem for all the time.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    EthiopicCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success, EEraType type = AMETE_MIHRET_ERA);
+    /**
+     * Copy Constructor
+     * @internal
+     */
+    EthiopicCalendar(const EthiopicCalendar& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual ~EthiopicCalendar();
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @return    return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual EthiopicCalendar* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * return the calendar type, "ethiopic"
+     * @return calendar type
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual const char * getType() const;
+    /**
+     * Set Alem or Mihret era.
+     * @param onOff Set Amete Alem era if true, otherwise set Amete Mihret era.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void setAmeteAlemEra (UBool onOff);
+    /**
+     * Return true if this calendar is set to the Amete Alem era.
+     * @return true if set to the Amete Alem era.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UBool isAmeteAlemEra() const;
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Calendar framework
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+    /**
+     * Compute fields from the JD
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Calculate the limit for a specified type of limit and field
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+     * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the date offset from Julian
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getJDEpochOffset() const;
+    /**
+     * When eraType is AMETE_ALEM_ERA, then this calendar use only AMETE_ALEM
+     * for the era. Otherwise (default), this calendar uses both AMETE_ALEM
+     * and AMETE_MIHRET.
+     *
+     *             0       Amete Alem 5500      Amete Alem 5500
+     *             1        Amete Mihret 1      Amete Alem 5501
+     */
+    EEraType eraType;
+    /**
+     * Override Calendar Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);  
+#if 0
+// We do not want to introduce this API in ICU4C.
+// It was accidentally introduced in ICU4J as a public API.
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Calendar system Conversion methods...
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Convert an Ethiopic year, month, and day to a Julian day.
+     *
+     * @param year the extended year
+     * @param month the month
+     * @param day the day
+     * @return Julian day
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t ethiopicToJD(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* ETHPCCAL_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/fmtableimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/fmtableimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2707d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/fmtableimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+ * Maximum int64_t value that can be stored in a double without chancing losing precision.
+ *   IEEE doubles have 53 bits of mantissa, 10 bits exponent, 1 bit sign.
+ *   IBM Mainframes have 56 bits of mantissa, 7 bits of base 16 exponent, 1 bit sign.
+ * Define this constant to the smallest value from those for supported platforms.
+ * @internal
+ */
+static const int64_t MAX_INT64_IN_DOUBLE = 0x001FFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/formatted_string_builder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/formatted_string_builder.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/formatted_string_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "unicode/unum.h" // for UNUM_FIELD_COUNT
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+#include "fphdlimp.h"
+class FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl;
+ * A StringBuilder optimized for formatting. It implements the following key
+ * features beyond a UnicodeString:
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Efficient prepend as well as append.
+ * <li>Keeps tracks of Fields in an efficient manner.
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * See also FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl.
+ *
+ * @author sffc (Shane Carr)
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedStringBuilder : public UMemory {
+  private:
+    static const int32_t DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 40;
+    template<typename T>
+    union ValueOrHeapArray {
+        T value[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
+        struct {
+            T *ptr;
+            int32_t capacity;
+        } heap;
+    };
+  public:
+    FormattedStringBuilder();
+    ~FormattedStringBuilder();
+    FormattedStringBuilder(const FormattedStringBuilder &other);
+    // Convention: bottom 4 bits for field, top 4 bits for field category.
+    // Field category 0 implies the number category so that the number field
+    // literals can be directly passed as a Field type.
+    // See the helper functions in "StringBuilderFieldUtils" below.
+    typedef uint8_t Field;
+    FormattedStringBuilder &operator=(const FormattedStringBuilder &other);
+    int32_t length() const;
+    int32_t codePointCount() const;
+    inline char16_t charAt(int32_t index) const {
+        U_ASSERT(index >= 0);
+        U_ASSERT(index < fLength);
+        return getCharPtr()[fZero + index];
+    }
+    inline Field fieldAt(int32_t index) const {
+        U_ASSERT(index >= 0);
+        U_ASSERT(index < fLength);
+        return getFieldPtr()[fZero + index];
+    }
+    UChar32 getFirstCodePoint() const;
+    UChar32 getLastCodePoint() const;
+    UChar32 codePointAt(int32_t index) const;
+    UChar32 codePointBefore(int32_t index) const;
+    FormattedStringBuilder &clear();
+    /** Appends a UTF-16 code unit. */
+    inline int32_t appendChar16(char16_t codeUnit, Field field, UErrorCode& status) {
+        // appendCodePoint handles both code units and code points.
+        return insertCodePoint(fLength, codeUnit, field, status);
+    }
+    /** Inserts a UTF-16 code unit. Note: insert at index 0 is very efficient. */
+    inline int32_t insertChar16(int32_t index, char16_t codeUnit, Field field, UErrorCode& status) {
+        // insertCodePoint handles both code units and code points.
+        return insertCodePoint(index, codeUnit, field, status);
+    }
+    /** Appends a Unicode code point. */
+    inline int32_t appendCodePoint(UChar32 codePoint, Field field, UErrorCode &status) {
+        return insertCodePoint(fLength, codePoint, field, status);
+    }
+    /** Inserts a Unicode code point. Note: insert at index 0 is very efficient. */
+    int32_t insertCodePoint(int32_t index, UChar32 codePoint, Field field, UErrorCode &status);
+    /** Appends a string. */
+    inline int32_t append(const UnicodeString &unistr, Field field, UErrorCode &status) {
+        return insert(fLength, unistr, field, status);
+    }
+    /** Inserts a string. Note: insert at index 0 is very efficient. */
+    int32_t insert(int32_t index, const UnicodeString &unistr, Field field, UErrorCode &status);
+    /** Inserts a substring. Note: insert at index 0 is very efficient.
+     *
+     * @param start Start index of the substring of unistr to be inserted.
+     * @param end End index of the substring of unistr to be inserted (exclusive).
+     */
+    int32_t insert(int32_t index, const UnicodeString &unistr, int32_t start, int32_t end, Field field,
+                   UErrorCode &status);
+    /** Deletes a substring and then inserts a string at that same position.
+     * Similar to JavaScript Array.prototype.splice().
+     *
+     * @param startThis Start of the span to delete.
+     * @param endThis End of the span to delete (exclusive).
+     * @param unistr The string to insert at the deletion position.
+     * @param startOther Start index of the substring of unistr to be inserted.
+     * @param endOther End index of the substring of unistr to be inserted (exclusive).
+     */
+    int32_t splice(int32_t startThis, int32_t endThis,  const UnicodeString &unistr,
+                   int32_t startOther, int32_t endOther, Field field, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Appends a formatted string. */
+    int32_t append(const FormattedStringBuilder &other, UErrorCode &status);
+    /** Inserts a formatted string. Note: insert at index 0 is very efficient. */
+    int32_t insert(int32_t index, const FormattedStringBuilder &other, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Ensures that the string buffer contains a NUL terminator. The NUL terminator does
+     * not count toward the string length. Any further changes to the string (insert or
+     * append) may invalidate the NUL terminator.
+     *
+     * You should call this method after the formatted string is completely built if you
+     * plan to return a pointer to the string from a C API.
+     */
+    void writeTerminator(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets a "safe" UnicodeString that can be used even after the FormattedStringBuilder is destructed.
+     */
+    UnicodeString toUnicodeString() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets an "unsafe" UnicodeString that is valid only as long as the FormattedStringBuilder is alive and
+     * unchanged. Slightly faster than toUnicodeString().
+     */
+    const UnicodeString toTempUnicodeString() const;
+    UnicodeString toDebugString() const;
+    const char16_t *chars() const;
+    bool contentEquals(const FormattedStringBuilder &other) const;
+    bool containsField(Field field) const;
+  private:
+    bool fUsingHeap = false;
+    ValueOrHeapArray<char16_t> fChars;
+    ValueOrHeapArray<Field> fFields;
+    int32_t fZero = DEFAULT_CAPACITY / 2;
+    int32_t fLength = 0;
+    inline char16_t *getCharPtr() {
+        return fUsingHeap ? fChars.heap.ptr : fChars.value;
+    }
+    inline const char16_t *getCharPtr() const {
+        return fUsingHeap ? fChars.heap.ptr : fChars.value;
+    }
+    inline Field *getFieldPtr() {
+        return fUsingHeap ? fFields.heap.ptr : fFields.value;
+    }
+    inline const Field *getFieldPtr() const {
+        return fUsingHeap ? fFields.heap.ptr : fFields.value;
+    }
+    inline int32_t getCapacity() const {
+        return fUsingHeap ? fChars.heap.capacity : DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
+    }
+    int32_t prepareForInsert(int32_t index, int32_t count, UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t prepareForInsertHelper(int32_t index, int32_t count, UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t remove(int32_t index, int32_t count);
+    friend class FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl;
+ * Helper functions for dealing with the Field typedef, which stores fields
+ * in a compressed format.
+ */
+class StringBuilderFieldUtils {
+    struct CategoryFieldPair {
+        int32_t category;
+        int32_t field;
+    };
+    /** Compile-time function to construct a Field from a category and a field */
+    template <int32_t category, int32_t field>
+    static constexpr FormattedStringBuilder::Field compress() {
+        static_assert(category != 0, "cannot use Undefined category in FieldUtils");
+        static_assert(category <= 0xf, "only 4 bits for category");
+        static_assert(field <= 0xf, "only 4 bits for field");
+        return static_cast<int8_t>((category << 4) | field);
+    }
+    /** Runtime inline function to unpack the category and field from the Field */
+    static inline CategoryFieldPair expand(FormattedStringBuilder::Field field) {
+        if (field == UNUM_FIELD_COUNT) {
+            return {UFIELD_CATEGORY_UNDEFINED, 0};
+        }
+        CategoryFieldPair ret = {
+            (field >> 4),
+            (field & 0xf)
+        };
+        if (ret.category == 0) {
+            ret.category = UFIELD_CATEGORY_NUMBER;
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+    static inline bool isNumericField(FormattedStringBuilder::Field field) {
+        int8_t category = field >> 4;
+        return category == 0 || category == UFIELD_CATEGORY_NUMBER;
+    }
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/formattedval_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/formattedval_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aab36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/formattedval_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#ifndef __FORMVAL_IMPL_H__
+#define __FORMVAL_IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// This file contains compliant implementations of FormattedValue which can be
+// leveraged by ICU formatters.
+// Each implementation is defined in its own cpp file in order to split
+// dependencies more modularly.
+#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
+#include "capi_helper.h"
+#include "fphdlimp.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "uvectr32.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+ * Represents the type of constraint for ConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ *
+ * Constraints are used to control the behavior of iteration in FormattedValue.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef enum UCFPosConstraintType {
+    /**
+     * Represents the lack of a constraint.
+     *
+     * This is the value of fConstraint if no "constrain" methods were called.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+    /**
+     * Represents that the field category is constrained.
+     *
+     * This is the value of fConstraint if constraintCategory was called.
+     *
+     * FormattedValue implementations should not change the field category
+     * while this constraint is active.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+    /**
+     * Represents that the field and field category are constrained.
+     *
+     * This is the value of fConstraint if constraintField was called.
+     *
+     * FormattedValue implementations should not change the field or field category
+     * while this constraint is active.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+} UCFPosConstraintType;
+ * Implementation of FormattedValue using FieldPositionHandler to accept fields.
+ */
+class FormattedValueFieldPositionIteratorImpl : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+    /** @param initialFieldCapacity Initially allocate space for this many fields. */
+    FormattedValueFieldPositionIteratorImpl(int32_t initialFieldCapacity, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~FormattedValueFieldPositionIteratorImpl();
+    // Implementation of FormattedValue (const):
+    UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    Appendable& appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Additional methods used during construction phase only (non-const):
+    FieldPositionIteratorHandler getHandler(UErrorCode& status);
+    void appendString(UnicodeString string, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Computes the spans for duplicated values.
+     * For example, if the string has fields:
+     * 
+     *     ...aa..[]..d.[bb.e.c]..a..
+     *
+     * then the spans will be the bracketed regions.
+     *
+     * Assumes that the currently known fields are sorted
+     * and all in the same category.
+     */
+    void addOverlapSpans(UFieldCategory spanCategory, int8_t firstIndex, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sorts the fields: start index first, length second.
+     */
+    void sort();
+    UnicodeString fString;
+    UVector32 fFields;
+ * Implementation of FormattedValue based on FormattedStringBuilder.
+ *
+ * The implementation currently revolves around numbers and number fields.
+ * However, it can be generalized in the future when there is a need.
+ *
+ * @author sffc (Shane Carr)
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+    FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl(FormattedStringBuilder::Field numericField);
+    virtual ~FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl();
+    // Implementation of FormattedValue (const):
+    UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    Appendable& appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Additional helper functions:
+    UBool nextFieldPosition(FieldPosition& fp, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void getAllFieldPositions(FieldPositionIteratorHandler& fpih, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    inline FormattedStringBuilder& getStringRef() {
+        return fString;
+    }
+    inline const FormattedStringBuilder& getStringRef() const {
+        return fString;
+    }
+    FormattedStringBuilder fString;
+    FormattedStringBuilder::Field fNumericField;
+    bool nextPositionImpl(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, FormattedStringBuilder::Field numericField, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    static bool isIntOrGroup(FormattedStringBuilder::Field field);
+    static bool isNumericField(FormattedStringBuilder::Field field);
+    int32_t trimBack(int32_t limit) const;
+    int32_t trimFront(int32_t start) const;
+// C API Helpers for FormattedValue
+// Magic number as ASCII == "UFV"
+struct UFormattedValueImpl;
+typedef IcuCApiHelper<UFormattedValue, UFormattedValueImpl, 0x55465600> UFormattedValueApiHelper;
+struct UFormattedValueImpl : public UMemory, public UFormattedValueApiHelper {
+    // This pointer should be set by the child class.
+    FormattedValue* fFormattedValue = nullptr;
+/** Boilerplate to check for valid status before dereferencing the fData pointer. */
+#define UPRV_FORMATTED_VALUE_METHOD_GUARD(returnExpression) \
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) { \
+        return returnExpression; \
+    } \
+    if (fData == nullptr) { \
+        status = fErrorCode; \
+        return returnExpression; \
+    } \
+/** Implementation of the methods from U_FORMATTED_VALUE_SUBCLASS_AUTO. */
+    Name::Name(Name&& src) U_NOEXCEPT \
+            : fData(src.fData), fErrorCode(src.fErrorCode) { \
+        src.fData = nullptr; \
+        src.fErrorCode = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; \
+    } \
+    Name::~Name() { \
+        delete fData; \
+        fData = nullptr; \
+    } \
+    Name& Name::operator=(Name&& src) U_NOEXCEPT { \
+        delete fData; \
+        fData = src.fData; \
+        src.fData = nullptr; \
+        fErrorCode = src.fErrorCode; \
+        src.fErrorCode = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; \
+        return *this; \
+    } \
+    UnicodeString Name::toString(UErrorCode& status) const { \
+        UPRV_FORMATTED_VALUE_METHOD_GUARD(ICU_Utility::makeBogusString()) \
+        return fData->toString(status); \
+    } \
+    UnicodeString Name::toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const { \
+        UPRV_FORMATTED_VALUE_METHOD_GUARD(ICU_Utility::makeBogusString()) \
+        return fData->toTempString(status); \
+    } \
+    Appendable& Name::appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const { \
+        return fData->appendTo(appendable, status); \
+    } \
+    UBool Name::nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const { \
+        return fData->nextPosition(cfpos, status); \
+    }
+/** Like UPRV_FORMATTED_VALUE_CAPI_AUTO_IMPL but without impl type declarations. */
+#define UPRV_FORMATTED_VALUE_CAPI_NO_IMPLTYPE_AUTO_IMPL(CType, ImplType, HelperType, Prefix) \
+    U_CAPI CType* U_EXPORT2 \
+    Prefix ## _openResult (UErrorCode* ec) { \
+        if (U_FAILURE(*ec)) { \
+            return nullptr; \
+        } \
+        ImplType* impl = new ImplType(); \
+        if (impl == nullptr) { \
+            *ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; \
+            return nullptr; \
+        } \
+        return static_cast<HelperType*>(impl)->exportForC(); \
+    } \
+    U_DRAFT const UFormattedValue* U_EXPORT2 \
+    Prefix ## _resultAsValue (const CType* uresult, UErrorCode* ec) { \
+        const ImplType* result = HelperType::validate(uresult, *ec); \
+        if (U_FAILURE(*ec)) { return nullptr; } \
+        return static_cast<const UFormattedValueApiHelper*>(result)->exportConstForC(); \
+    } \
+    U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 \
+    Prefix ## _closeResult (CType* uresult) { \
+        UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; \
+        const ImplType* impl = HelperType::validate(uresult, localStatus); \
+        delete impl; \
+    }
+ * Implementation of the standard methods for a UFormattedValue "subclass" C API.
+ * @param CPPType The public C++ type, like FormattedList
+ * @param CType The public C type, like UFormattedList
+ * @param ImplType A name to use for the implementation class
+ * @param HelperType A name to use for the "mixin" typedef for C API conversion
+ * @param Prefix The C API prefix, like ulistfmt
+ * @param MagicNumber A unique 32-bit number to use to identify this type
+ */
+#define UPRV_FORMATTED_VALUE_CAPI_AUTO_IMPL(CPPType, CType, ImplType, HelperType, Prefix, MagicNumber) \
+    class ImplType; \
+    typedef IcuCApiHelper<CType, ImplType, MagicNumber> HelperType; \
+    class ImplType : public UFormattedValueImpl, public HelperType { \
+    public: \
+        ImplType(); \
+        ~ImplType(); \
+        CPPType fImpl; \
+    }; \
+    ImplType::ImplType() { \
+        fFormattedValue = &fImpl; \
+    } \
+    ImplType::~ImplType() {} \
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // __FORMVAL_IMPL_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/fphdlimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/fphdlimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0093783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/fphdlimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef FPHDLIMP_H
+#define FPHDLIMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/fieldpos.h"
+#include "unicode/fpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
+// utility FieldPositionHandler
+// base class, null implementation
+class U_I18N_API FieldPositionHandler: public UMemory {
+ protected:
+  int32_t fShift = 0;
+ public:
+  virtual ~FieldPositionHandler();
+  virtual void addAttribute(int32_t id, int32_t start, int32_t limit) = 0;
+  virtual void shiftLast(int32_t delta) = 0;
+  virtual UBool isRecording(void) const = 0;
+  void setShift(int32_t delta);
+// utility subclass FieldPositionOnlyHandler
+class FieldPositionOnlyHandler : public FieldPositionHandler {
+  FieldPosition& pos;
+  UBool acceptFirstOnly = FALSE;
+  UBool seenFirst = FALSE;
+ public:
+  FieldPositionOnlyHandler(FieldPosition& pos);
+  virtual ~FieldPositionOnlyHandler();
+  void addAttribute(int32_t id, int32_t start, int32_t limit) U_OVERRIDE;
+  void shiftLast(int32_t delta) U_OVERRIDE;
+  UBool isRecording(void) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  /**
+   * Enable this option to lock in the FieldPosition value after seeing the
+   * first occurrence of the field. The default behavior is to take the last
+   * occurrence.
+   */
+  void setAcceptFirstOnly(UBool acceptFirstOnly);
+// utility subclass FieldPositionIteratorHandler
+class FieldPositionIteratorHandler : public FieldPositionHandler {
+  FieldPositionIterator* iter; // can be NULL
+  UVector32* vec;
+  UErrorCode status;
+  UFieldCategory fCategory;
+  // Note, we keep a reference to status, so if status is on the stack, we have
+  // to be destroyed before status goes out of scope.  Easiest thing is to
+  // allocate us on the stack in the same (or narrower) scope as status has.
+  // This attempts to encourage that by blocking heap allocation.
+  static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+  static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new[](size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+  static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t, void*) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+ public:
+  FieldPositionIteratorHandler(FieldPositionIterator* posIter, UErrorCode& status);
+  /** If using this constructor, you must call getError() when done formatting! */
+  FieldPositionIteratorHandler(UVector32* vec, UErrorCode& status);
+  ~FieldPositionIteratorHandler();
+  void addAttribute(int32_t id, int32_t start, int32_t limit) U_OVERRIDE;
+  void shiftLast(int32_t delta) U_OVERRIDE;
+  UBool isRecording(void) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  /** Copies a failed error code into _status. */
+  inline void getError(UErrorCode& _status) {
+    if (U_SUCCESS(_status) && U_FAILURE(status)) {
+      _status = status;
+    }
+  }
+  inline void setCategory(UFieldCategory category) {
+    fCategory = category;
+  }
+#endif /* FPHDLIMP_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/funcrepl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/funcrepl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe41f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/funcrepl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2002-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
+*   and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/04/2002  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef FUNCREPL_H
+#define FUNCREPL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unifunct.h"
+#include "unicode/unirepl.h"
+class Transliterator;
+ * A replacer that calls a transliterator to generate its output text.
+ * The input text to the transliterator is the output of another
+ * UnicodeReplacer object.  That is, this replacer wraps another
+ * replacer with a transliterator.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class FunctionReplacer : public UnicodeFunctor, public UnicodeReplacer {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The transliterator.  Must not be null.  OWNED.
+     */
+    Transliterator* translit;
+    /**
+     * The replacer object.  This generates text that is then
+     * processed by 'translit'.  Must not be null.  OWNED.
+     */
+    UnicodeFunctor* replacer;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a replacer that takes the output of the given
+     * replacer, passes it through the given transliterator, and emits
+     * the result as output.
+     */
+    FunctionReplacer(Transliterator* adoptedTranslit,
+                     UnicodeFunctor* adoptedReplacer);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    FunctionReplacer(const FunctionReplacer& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~FunctionReplacer();
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeFunctor
+     */
+    virtual FunctionReplacer* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API.  Cast 'this' to a UnicodeReplacer* pointer
+     * and return the pointer.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeReplacer* toReplacer() const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeReplacer API
+     */
+    virtual int32_t replace(Replaceable& text,
+                            int32_t start,
+                            int32_t limit,
+                            int32_t& cursor);
+    /**
+     * UnicodeReplacer API
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toReplacerPattern(UnicodeString& rule,
+                                             UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeReplacer
+     */
+    virtual void addReplacementSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API
+     */
+    virtual void setData(const TransliterationRuleData*);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/gregoimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/gregoimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06eb323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/gregoimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2008, International Business Machines
+ * Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ * Author: Alan Liu
+ * Created: September 2 2003
+ * Since: ICU 2.8
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef GREGOIMP_H
+#define GREGOIMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+ * A utility class providing mathematical functions used by time zone
+ * and calendar code.  Do not instantiate.  Formerly just named 'Math'.
+ * @internal
+ */
+class ClockMath {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Divide two integers, returning the floor of the quotient.
+     * Unlike the built-in division, this is mathematically
+     * well-behaved.  E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0 but
+     * <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> => -1.
+     * @param numerator the numerator
+     * @param denominator a divisor which must be != 0
+     * @return the floor of the quotient
+     */
+    static int32_t floorDivide(int32_t numerator, int32_t denominator);
+    /**
+     * Divide two integers, returning the floor of the quotient.
+     * Unlike the built-in division, this is mathematically
+     * well-behaved.  E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0 but
+     * <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> => -1.
+     * @param numerator the numerator
+     * @param denominator a divisor which must be != 0
+     * @return the floor of the quotient
+     */
+    static int64_t floorDivide(int64_t numerator, int64_t denominator);
+    /**
+     * Divide two numbers, returning the floor of the quotient.
+     * Unlike the built-in division, this is mathematically
+     * well-behaved.  E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0 but
+     * <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> => -1.
+     * @param numerator the numerator
+     * @param denominator a divisor which must be != 0
+     * @return the floor of the quotient
+     */
+    static inline double floorDivide(double numerator, double denominator);
+    /**
+     * Divide two numbers, returning the floor of the quotient and
+     * the modulus remainder.  Unlike the built-in division, this is
+     * mathematically well-behaved.  E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0 and
+     * <code>-1%4</code> => -1, but <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> =>
+     * -1 with <code>remainder</code> => 3.  NOTE: If numerator is
+     * too large, the returned quotient may overflow.
+     * @param numerator the numerator
+     * @param denominator a divisor which must be != 0
+     * @param remainder output parameter to receive the
+     * remainder. Unlike <code>numerator % denominator</code>, this
+     * will always be non-negative, in the half-open range <code>[0,
+     * |denominator|)</code>.
+     * @return the floor of the quotient
+     */
+    static int32_t floorDivide(double numerator, int32_t denominator,
+                               int32_t& remainder);
+    /**
+     * For a positive divisor, return the quotient and remainder
+     * such that dividend = quotient*divisor + remainder and
+     * 0 <= remainder < divisor.
+     *
+     * Works around edge-case bugs.  Handles pathological input
+     * (divident >> divisor) reasonably.
+     *
+     * Calling with a divisor <= 0 is disallowed.
+     */
+    static double floorDivide(double dividend, double divisor,
+                              double& remainder);
+// Useful millisecond constants
+#define kOneDay    (1.0 * U_MILLIS_PER_DAY)       //  86,400,000
+#define kOneHour   (60*60*1000)
+#define kOneMinute 60000
+#define kOneSecond 1000
+#define kOneMillisecond  1
+#define kOneWeek   (7.0 * kOneDay) // 604,800,000
+// Epoch constants
+#define kJan1_1JulianDay  1721426 // January 1, year 1 (Gregorian)
+#define kEpochStartAsJulianDay  2440588 // January 1, 1970 (Gregorian)
+#define kEpochYear              1970
+#define kEarliestViableMillis  -185331720384000000.0  // minimum representable by julian day  -1e17
+#define kLatestViableMillis     185753453990400000.0  // max representable by julian day      +1e17
+ * The minimum supported Julian day.  This value is equivalent to
+ */
+#define MIN_JULIAN (-0x7F000000)
+ * The minimum supported epoch milliseconds.  This value is equivalent
+ * to MIN_JULIAN.
+ */
+#define MIN_MILLIS ((MIN_JULIAN - kEpochStartAsJulianDay) * kOneDay)
+ * The maximum supported Julian day.  This value is equivalent to
+ */
+#define MAX_JULIAN (+0x7F000000)
+ * The maximum supported epoch milliseconds.  This value is equivalent
+ * to MAX_JULIAN.
+ */
+#define MAX_MILLIS ((MAX_JULIAN - kEpochStartAsJulianDay) * kOneDay)
+ * A utility class providing proleptic Gregorian calendar functions
+ * used by time zone and calendar code.  Do not instantiate.
+ *
+ * Note:  Unlike GregorianCalendar, all computations performed by this
+ * class occur in the pure proleptic GregorianCalendar.
+ */
+class Grego {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Return TRUE if the given year is a leap year.
+     * @param year Gregorian year, with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @return TRUE if the year is a leap year
+     */
+    static inline UBool isLeapYear(int32_t year);
+    /**
+     * Return the number of days in the given month.
+     * @param year Gregorian year, with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @param month 0-based month, with 0==Jan
+     * @return the number of days in the given month
+     */
+    static inline int8_t monthLength(int32_t year, int32_t month);
+    /**
+     * Return the length of a previous month of the Gregorian calendar.
+     * @param y the extended year
+     * @param m the 0-based month number
+     * @return the number of days in the month previous to the given month
+     */
+    static inline int8_t previousMonthLength(int y, int m);
+    /**
+     * Convert a year, month, and day-of-month, given in the proleptic
+     * Gregorian calendar, to 1970 epoch days.
+     * @param year Gregorian year, with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @param month 0-based month, with 0==Jan
+     * @param dom 1-based day of month
+     * @return the day number, with day 0 == Jan 1 1970
+     */
+    static double fieldsToDay(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t dom);
+    /**
+     * Convert a 1970-epoch day number to proleptic Gregorian year,
+     * month, day-of-month, and day-of-week.
+     * @param day 1970-epoch day (integral value)
+     * @param year output parameter to receive year
+     * @param month output parameter to receive month (0-based, 0==Jan)
+     * @param dom output parameter to receive day-of-month (1-based)
+     * @param dow output parameter to receive day-of-week (1-based, 1==Sun)
+     * @param doy output parameter to receive day-of-year (1-based)
+     */
+    static void dayToFields(double day, int32_t& year, int32_t& month,
+                            int32_t& dom, int32_t& dow, int32_t& doy);
+    /**
+     * Convert a 1970-epoch day number to proleptic Gregorian year,
+     * month, day-of-month, and day-of-week.
+     * @param day 1970-epoch day (integral value)
+     * @param year output parameter to receive year
+     * @param month output parameter to receive month (0-based, 0==Jan)
+     * @param dom output parameter to receive day-of-month (1-based)
+     * @param dow output parameter to receive day-of-week (1-based, 1==Sun)
+     */
+    static inline void dayToFields(double day, int32_t& year, int32_t& month,
+                                   int32_t& dom, int32_t& dow);
+    /**
+     * Convert a 1970-epoch milliseconds to proleptic Gregorian year,
+     * month, day-of-month, and day-of-week, day of year and millis-in-day.
+     * @param time 1970-epoch milliseconds
+     * @param year output parameter to receive year
+     * @param month output parameter to receive month (0-based, 0==Jan)
+     * @param dom output parameter to receive day-of-month (1-based)
+     * @param dow output parameter to receive day-of-week (1-based, 1==Sun)
+     * @param doy output parameter to receive day-of-year (1-based)
+     * @param mid output parameter to recieve millis-in-day
+     */
+    static void timeToFields(UDate time, int32_t& year, int32_t& month,
+                            int32_t& dom, int32_t& dow, int32_t& doy, int32_t& mid);
+    /**
+     * Return the day of week on the 1970-epoch day
+     * @param day the 1970-epoch day (integral value)
+     * @return the day of week
+     */
+    static int32_t dayOfWeek(double day);
+    /**
+     * Returns the ordinal number for the specified day of week within the month.
+     * The valid return value is 1, 2, 3, 4 or -1.
+     * @param year Gregorian year, with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @param month 0-based month, with 0==Jan
+     * @param dom 1-based day of month
+     * @return The ordinal number for the specified day of week within the month
+     */
+    static int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t dom);
+    /**
+     * Converts Julian day to time as milliseconds.
+     * @param julian the given Julian day number.
+     * @return time as milliseconds.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static inline double julianDayToMillis(int32_t julian);
+    /**
+     * Converts time as milliseconds to Julian day.
+     * @param millis the given milliseconds.
+     * @return the Julian day number.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static inline int32_t millisToJulianDay(double millis);
+    /** 
+     * Calculates the Gregorian day shift value for an extended year.
+     * @param eyear Extended year 
+     * @returns number of days to ADD to Julian in order to convert from J->G
+     */
+    static inline int32_t gregorianShift(int32_t eyear);
+ private:
+    static const int16_t DAYS_BEFORE[24];
+    static const int8_t MONTH_LENGTH[24];
+inline double ClockMath::floorDivide(double numerator, double denominator) {
+    return uprv_floor(numerator / denominator);
+inline UBool Grego::isLeapYear(int32_t year) {
+    // year&0x3 == year%4
+    return ((year&0x3) == 0) && ((year%100 != 0) || (year%400 == 0));
+inline int8_t
+Grego::monthLength(int32_t year, int32_t month) {
+    return MONTH_LENGTH[month + (isLeapYear(year) ? 12 : 0)];
+inline int8_t
+Grego::previousMonthLength(int y, int m) {
+  return (m > 0) ? monthLength(y, m-1) : 31;
+inline void Grego::dayToFields(double day, int32_t& year, int32_t& month,
+                               int32_t& dom, int32_t& dow) {
+  int32_t doy_unused;
+  dayToFields(day,year,month,dom,dow,doy_unused);
+inline double Grego::julianDayToMillis(int32_t julian)
+  return (julian - kEpochStartAsJulianDay) * kOneDay;
+inline int32_t Grego::millisToJulianDay(double millis) {
+  return (int32_t) (kEpochStartAsJulianDay + ClockMath::floorDivide(millis, (double)kOneDay));
+inline int32_t Grego::gregorianShift(int32_t eyear) {
+  int64_t y = (int64_t)eyear-1;
+  int32_t gregShift = static_cast<int32_t>(ClockMath::floorDivide(y, (int64_t)400) - ClockMath::floorDivide(y, (int64_t)100) + 2);
+  return gregShift;
+#endif // GREGOIMP_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/hash.h b/libicu/cts_headers/hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f02cb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   03/28/00    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef HASH_H
+#define HASH_H
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+ * Hashtable is a thin C++ wrapper around UHashtable, a general-purpose void*
+ * hashtable implemented in C.  Hashtable is designed to be idiomatic and
+ * easy-to-use in C++.
+ *
+ * Hashtable is an INTERNAL CLASS.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Hashtable : public UMemory {
+    UHashtable* hash;
+    UHashtable hashObj;
+    inline void init(UHashFunction *keyHash, UKeyComparator *keyComp, UValueComparator *valueComp, UErrorCode& status);
+    inline void initSize(UHashFunction *keyHash, UKeyComparator *keyComp, UValueComparator *valueComp, int32_t size, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a hashtable
+     * @param ignoreKeyCase If true, keys are case insensitive.
+     * @param status Error code
+    */
+    inline Hashtable(UBool ignoreKeyCase, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a hashtable
+     * @param ignoreKeyCase If true, keys are case insensitive.
+     * @param size initial size allocation
+     * @param status Error code
+    */
+    inline Hashtable(UBool ignoreKeyCase, int32_t size, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a hashtable
+     * @param keyComp Comparator for comparing the keys
+     * @param valueComp Comparator for comparing the values
+     * @param status Error code
+    */
+    inline Hashtable(UKeyComparator *keyComp, UValueComparator *valueComp, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a hashtable
+     * @param status Error code
+    */
+    inline Hashtable(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a hashtable, _disregarding any error_.  Use this constructor
+     * with caution.
+     */
+    inline Hashtable();
+    /**
+     * Non-virtual destructor; make this virtual if Hashtable is subclassed
+     * in the future.
+     */
+    inline ~Hashtable();
+    inline UObjectDeleter *setValueDeleter(UObjectDeleter *fn);
+    inline int32_t count() const;
+    inline void* put(const UnicodeString& key, void* value, UErrorCode& status);
+    inline int32_t puti(const UnicodeString& key, int32_t value, UErrorCode& status);
+    inline void* get(const UnicodeString& key) const;
+    inline int32_t geti(const UnicodeString& key) const;
+    inline void* remove(const UnicodeString& key);
+    inline int32_t removei(const UnicodeString& key);
+    inline void removeAll(void);
+    inline const UHashElement* find(const UnicodeString& key) const;
+    /**
+     * @param pos - must be UHASH_FIRST on first call, and untouched afterwards.
+     * @see uhash_nextElement
+     */
+    inline const UHashElement* nextElement(int32_t& pos) const;
+    inline UKeyComparator* setKeyComparator(UKeyComparator*keyComp);
+    inline UValueComparator* setValueComparator(UValueComparator* valueComp);
+    inline UBool equals(const Hashtable& that) const;
+    Hashtable(const Hashtable &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    Hashtable &operator=(const Hashtable &other); // forbid copying of this class
+ * Implementation
+ ********************************************************************/
+inline void Hashtable::init(UHashFunction *keyHash, UKeyComparator *keyComp,
+                            UValueComparator *valueComp, UErrorCode& status) {
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    uhash_init(&hashObj, keyHash, keyComp, valueComp, &status);
+    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+        hash = &hashObj;
+        uhash_setKeyDeleter(hash, uprv_deleteUObject);
+    }
+inline void Hashtable::initSize(UHashFunction *keyHash, UKeyComparator *keyComp,
+                                UValueComparator *valueComp, int32_t size, UErrorCode& status) {
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    uhash_initSize(&hashObj, keyHash, keyComp, valueComp, size, &status);
+    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+        hash = &hashObj;
+        uhash_setKeyDeleter(hash, uprv_deleteUObject);
+    }
+inline Hashtable::Hashtable(UKeyComparator *keyComp, UValueComparator *valueComp,
+                 UErrorCode& status) : hash(0) {
+    init( uhash_hashUnicodeString, keyComp, valueComp, status);
+inline Hashtable::Hashtable(UBool ignoreKeyCase, UErrorCode& status)
+ : hash(0)
+    init(ignoreKeyCase ? uhash_hashCaselessUnicodeString
+                        : uhash_hashUnicodeString,
+            ignoreKeyCase ? uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString
+                        : uhash_compareUnicodeString,
+            NULL,
+            status);
+inline Hashtable::Hashtable(UBool ignoreKeyCase, int32_t size, UErrorCode& status)
+ : hash(0)
+    initSize(ignoreKeyCase ? uhash_hashCaselessUnicodeString
+                        : uhash_hashUnicodeString,
+            ignoreKeyCase ? uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString
+                        : uhash_compareUnicodeString,
+            NULL, size,
+            status);
+inline Hashtable::Hashtable(UErrorCode& status)
+ : hash(0)
+    init(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, NULL, status);
+inline Hashtable::Hashtable()
+ : hash(0)
+    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+    init(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, NULL, status);
+inline Hashtable::~Hashtable() {
+    if (hash != NULL) {
+        uhash_close(hash);
+    }
+inline UObjectDeleter *Hashtable::setValueDeleter(UObjectDeleter *fn) {
+    return uhash_setValueDeleter(hash, fn);
+inline int32_t Hashtable::count() const {
+    return uhash_count(hash);
+inline void* Hashtable::put(const UnicodeString& key, void* value, UErrorCode& status) {
+    return uhash_put(hash, new UnicodeString(key), value, &status);
+inline int32_t Hashtable::puti(const UnicodeString& key, int32_t value, UErrorCode& status) {
+    return uhash_puti(hash, new UnicodeString(key), value, &status);
+inline void* Hashtable::get(const UnicodeString& key) const {
+    return uhash_get(hash, &key);
+inline int32_t Hashtable::geti(const UnicodeString& key) const {
+    return uhash_geti(hash, &key);
+inline void* Hashtable::remove(const UnicodeString& key) {
+    return uhash_remove(hash, &key);
+inline int32_t Hashtable::removei(const UnicodeString& key) {
+    return uhash_removei(hash, &key);
+inline const UHashElement* Hashtable::find(const UnicodeString& key) const {
+    return uhash_find(hash, &key);
+inline const UHashElement* Hashtable::nextElement(int32_t& pos) const {
+    return uhash_nextElement(hash, &pos);
+inline void Hashtable::removeAll(void) {
+    uhash_removeAll(hash);
+inline UKeyComparator* Hashtable::setKeyComparator(UKeyComparator*keyComp){
+    return uhash_setKeyComparator(hash, keyComp);
+inline UValueComparator* Hashtable::setValueComparator(UValueComparator* valueComp){
+    return uhash_setValueComparator(hash, valueComp);
+inline UBool Hashtable::equals(const Hashtable& that)const{
+   return uhash_equals(hash, that.hash);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/hebrwcal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/hebrwcal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08136de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/hebrwcal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/13/2003  srl          copied from gregocal.h
+*   11/26/2003  srl          copied from buddhcal.h
+#ifndef HEBRWCAL_H
+#define HEBRWCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/gregocal.h"
+ * <code>HebrewCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>Calendar</code>
+ * that that implements the traditional Hebrew calendar.
+ * This is the civil calendar in Israel and the liturgical calendar
+ * of the Jewish faith worldwide.
+ * <p>
+ * The Hebrew calendar is lunisolar and thus has a number of interesting
+ * properties that distinguish it from the Gregorian.  Months start
+ * on the day of (an arithmetic approximation of) each new moon.  Since the
+ * solar year (approximately 365.24 days) is not an even multiple of
+ * the lunar month (approximately 29.53 days) an extra "leap month" is
+ * inserted in 7 out of every 19 years.  To make matters even more
+ * interesting, the start of a year can be delayed by up to three days
+ * in order to prevent certain holidays from falling on the Sabbath and
+ * to prevent certain illegal year lengths.  Finally, the lengths of certain
+ * months can vary depending on the number of days in the year.
+ * <p>
+ * The leap month is known as "Adar 1" and is inserted between the
+ * months of Shevat and Adar in leap years.  Since the leap month does
+ * not come at the end of the year, calculations involving
+ * month numbers are particularly complex.  Users of this class should
+ * make sure to use the {@link #roll roll} and {@link #add add} methods
+ * rather than attempting to perform date arithmetic by manipulating
+ * the fields directly.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Note:</b> In the traditional Hebrew calendar, days start at sunset.
+ * However, in order to keep the time fields in this class
+ * synchronized with those of the other calendars and with local clock time,
+ * we treat days and months as beginning at midnight,
+ * roughly 6 hours after the corresponding sunset.
+ * <p>
+ * If you are interested in more information on the rules behind the Hebrew
+ * calendar, see one of the following references:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>"<a href="">Calendrical Calculations</a>",
+ *      by Nachum Dershowitz & Edward Reingold, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pages 85-91.
+ *
+ * <li>Hebrew Calendar Science and Myths,
+ *      <a href="">
+ *</a>
+ *
+ * <li>The Calendar FAQ,
+ *      <a href="">
+ *</a>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @author Laura Werner
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @author Steven R. Loomis
+ * <p>
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API HebrewCalendar : public Calendar {
+  /**
+   * Useful constants for HebrewCalendar.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  enum EEras {
+    /** 
+     * Constant for Tishri, the 1st month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      TISHRI,
+      /**
+     * Constant for Heshvan, the 2nd month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      HESHVAN,
+      /**
+     * Constant for Kislev, the 3rd month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      KISLEV,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Tevet, the 4th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      TEVET,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Shevat, the 5th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      SHEVAT,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Adar I, the 6th month of the Hebrew year
+     * (present in leap years only). In non-leap years, the calendar
+     * jumps from Shevat (5th month) to Adar (7th month).
+     */
+      ADAR_1,
+    /** 
+     * Constant for the Adar, the 7th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      ADAR,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Nisan, the 8th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      NISAN,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Iyar, the 9th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      IYAR,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Sivan, the 10th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      SIVAN,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Tammuz, the 11th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      TAMUZ,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Av, the 12th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      AV,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Elul, the 13th month of the Hebrew year. 
+     */
+      ELUL
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a HebrewCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of HebrewCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    HebrewCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual ~HebrewCalendar();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param source    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    HebrewCalendar(const HebrewCalendar& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @param right    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    HebrewCalendar& operator=(const HebrewCalendar& right);
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @return    return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual HebrewCalendar* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Override Calendar Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * return the calendar type, "hebrew".
+     *
+     * @return calendar type
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual const char * getType() const;
+    // Calendar API
+ public:
+    /**
+     * (Overrides Calendar) UDate Arithmetic function. Adds the specified (signed) amount
+     * of time to the given time field, based on the calendar's rules.  For more
+     * information, see the documentation for Calendar::add().
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param amount  The amount of date or time to be added to the field.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     */
+    virtual void add(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use UCalendarDateFields instead of EDateFields
+     */
+    virtual void add(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * (Overrides Calendar) Rolls up or down by the given amount in the specified field.
+     * For more information, see the documentation for Calendar::roll().
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param amount  Indicates amount to roll.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * (Overrides Calendar) Rolls up or down by the given amount in the specified field.
+     * For more information, see the documentation for Calendar::roll().
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param amount  Indicates amount to roll.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+`     */
+    virtual void roll(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    static UBool isLeapYear(int32_t year) ;
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Subclass API for defining limits of different types.
+     * Subclasses must implement this method to return limits for the
+     * following fields:
+     *
+     * <pre>UCAL_ERA
+     * UCAL_YEAR
+     * UCAL_MONTH
+     * UCAL_DATE (DAY_OF_MONTH on Java)
+     * UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR</pre>
+     *
+     * @param field one of the above field numbers
+     * @param limitType one of <code>MINIMUM</code>, <code>GREATEST_MINIMUM</code>,
+     * <code>LEAST_MAXIMUM</code>, or <code>MAXIMUM</code>
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of days in the given month of the given extended
+     * year of this calendar system.  Subclasses should override this
+     * method if they can provide a more correct or more efficient
+     * implementation than the default implementation in Calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of days in the given extended year of this
+     * calendar system.  Subclasses should override this method if they can
+     * provide a more correct or more efficient implementation than the
+     * default implementation in Calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t eyear) const;
+    /**
+     * Subclasses may override this method to compute several fields
+     * specific to each calendar system.  These are:
+     *
+     * <ul><li>ERA
+     * <li>YEAR
+     * <li>MONTH
+     * <li>DAY_OF_MONTH
+     * <li>DAY_OF_YEAR
+     * <li>EXTENDED_YEAR</ul>
+     *
+     * <p>The GregorianCalendar implementation implements
+     * a calendar with the specified Julian/Gregorian cutover date.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.  This will
+     * use the UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field or the UCAL_YEAR and supra-year fields (such
+     * as UCAL_ERA) specific to the calendar system, depending on which set of
+     * fields is newer.
+     * @return the extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+    /**
+     * Return the Julian day number of day before the first day of the
+     * given month in the given extended year.  Subclasses should override
+     * this method to implement their calendar system.
+     * @param eyear the extended year
+     * @param month the zero-based month, or 0 if useMonth is false
+     * @param useMonth if false, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given year, otherwise, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given month
+     * @param return the Julian day number of the day before the first
+     * day of the given month and year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month,
+                                                   UBool useMonth) const;
+    /**
+     * Validate a single field of this calendar.
+     * Overrides Calendar::validateField(int) to provide
+     * special handling for month validation for Hebrew calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void validateField(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status);
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
+   * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
+   *
+   * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+   * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+   *           false, otherwise.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE because the Hebrew Calendar does have a default century
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+     * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+ private: // Calendar-specific implementation
+    /**
+     * Finds the day # of the first day in the given Hebrew year.
+     * To do this, we want to calculate the time of the Tishri 1 new moon
+     * in that year.
+     * <p>
+     * The algorithm here is similar to ones described in a number of
+     * references, including:
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>"Calendrical Calculations", by Nachum Dershowitz & Edward Reingold,
+     *     Cambridge University Press, 1997, pages 85-91.
+     *
+     * <li>Hebrew Calendar Science and Myths,
+     *     <a href="">
+     *</a>
+     *
+     * <li>The Calendar FAQ,
+     *      <a href="">
+     *</a>
+     * </ul>
+     * @param year extended year
+     * @return day number (JD)
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t startOfYear(int32_t year, UErrorCode& status);
+    static int32_t absoluteDayToDayOfWeek(int32_t day) ;
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    int32_t yearType(int32_t year) const;
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    static int32_t monthsInYear(int32_t year) ;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/icuplugimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/icuplugimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cad8f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/icuplugimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  FILE NAME : icuplugimp.h
+*  Internal functions for the ICU plugin system
+*   Date         Name        Description
+*   10/29/2009   sl          New.
+#include "unicode/icuplug.h"
+/** @{ Library Manipulation  
+ */
+ * Open a library, adding a reference count if needed.
+ * @param libName library name to load
+ * @param status error code
+ * @return the library pointer, or NULL
+ * @internal internal use only
+ */
+uplug_openLibrary(const char *libName, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Close a library, if its reference count is 0
+ * @param lib the library to close
+ * @param status error code
+ * @internal internal use only
+ */
+uplug_closeLibrary(void *lib, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get a library's name, or NULL if not found.
+ * @param lib the library's name
+ * @param status error code
+ * @return the library name, or NULL if not found.
+ * @internal internal use only
+ */
+uplug_findLibrary(void *lib, UErrorCode *status);
+/** @} */
+/** {@ ICU Plugin internal interfaces
+ */
+ * Initialize the plugins 
+ * @param status error result
+ * @internal - Internal use only.
+ */
+uplug_init(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get raw plug N
+ * @internal - Internal use only
+ */ 
+uplug_getPlugInternal(int32_t n);
+ * Get the name of the plugin file. 
+ * @internal - Internal use only.
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char* U_EXPORT2
+/** @} */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/indiancal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/indiancal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e259d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/indiancal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef INDIANCAL_H
+#define INDIANCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+ * Concrete class which provides the Indian calendar.
+ * <P>
+ * <code>IndianCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>Calendar</code>
+ * that numbers years since the begining of SAKA ERA.  This is the civil calendar
+ * which is accepted by government of India as Indian National Calendar.
+ * The two calendars most widely used in India today are the Vikrama calendar
+ * followed in North India and the Shalivahana or Saka calendar which is followed
+ * in South India and Maharashtra.
+ * A variant of the Shalivahana Calendar was reformed and standardized as the
+ * Indian National calendar in 1957.
+ * <p>
+ * Some details of Indian National Calendar (to be implemented) :
+ * The Months
+ * Month          Length      Start date (Gregorian)
+ * =================================================
+ * 1 Chaitra      30/31          March 22*
+ * 2 Vaisakha     31             April 21
+ * 3 Jyaistha     31             May 22
+ * 4 Asadha       31             June 22
+ * 5 Sravana      31             July 23
+ * 6 Bhadra       31             August 23
+ * 7 Asvina       30             September 23
+ * 8 Kartika      30             October 23
+ * 9 Agrahayana   30             November 22
+ * 10 Pausa       30             December 22
+ * 11 Magha       30             January 21
+ * 12 Phalguna    30             February 20
+ * In leap years, Chaitra has 31 days and starts on March 21 instead.
+ * The leap years of Gregorian calendar and Indian National Calendar are in synchornization.
+ * So When its a leap year in Gregorian calendar then Chaitra has 31 days.
+ *
+ * The Years
+ * Years are counted in the Saka Era, which starts its year 0 in 78AD (by gregorian calendar).
+ * So for eg. 9th June 2006 by Gregorian Calendar, is same as 19th of Jyaistha in 1928 of Saka
+ * era by Indian National Calendar.
+ * <p>
+ * The Indian Calendar has only one allowable era: <code>Saka Era</code>.  If the
+ * calendar is not in lenient mode (see <code>setLenient</code>), dates before
+ * 1/1/1 Saka Era are rejected with an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API IndianCalendar : public Calendar {
+  /**
+   * Useful constants for IndianCalendar.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  enum EEras {
+    /** 
+     * Constant for Chaitra, the 1st month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      CHAITRA,
+      /**
+     * Constant for Vaisakha, the 2nd month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      VAISAKHA,
+      /**
+     * Constant for Jyaistha, the 3rd month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      JYAISTHA,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Asadha, the 4th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      ASADHA,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Sravana, the 5th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      SRAVANA,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Bhadra the 6th month of the Indian year
+     */
+      BHADRA,
+    /** 
+     * Constant for the Asvina, the 7th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      ASVINA,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Kartika, the 8th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      KARTIKA,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Agrahayana, the 9th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Constant for Pausa, the 10th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      PAUSA,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Magha, the 11th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+      MAGHA,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Phalguna, the 12th month of the Indian year. 
+     */
+    };
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors...
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Constructs an IndianCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+   * with the given locale.
+   *
+   * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+   * @param success  Indicates the status of IndianCalendar object construction.
+   *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+   * @param beCivil  Whether the calendar should be civil (default-TRUE) or religious (FALSE)
+   * @internal
+   */
+  IndianCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode &success);
+  /**
+   * Copy Constructor
+   * @internal
+   */
+  IndianCalendar(const IndianCalendar& other);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual ~IndianCalendar();
+  /**
+   * Determines whether this object uses the fixed-cycle Indian civil calendar
+   * or an approximation of the religious, astronomical calendar.
+   *
+   * @param beCivil   <code>CIVIL</code> to use the civil calendar,
+   *                  <code>ASTRONOMICAL</code> to use the astronomical calendar.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  //void setCivil(ECivil beCivil, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Returns <code>true</code> if this object is using the fixed-cycle civil
+   * calendar, or <code>false</code> if using the religious, astronomical
+   * calendar.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  //UBool isCivil();
+  // TODO: copy c'tor, etc
+  // clone
+  virtual IndianCalendar* clone() const;
+ private:
+  /**
+   * Determine whether a year is the gregorian year a leap year 
+   */
+  //static UBool isGregorianLeap(int32_t year);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Calendar framework
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the length (in days) of the given month.
+   *
+   * @param year  The year in Saka era
+   * @param year  The month(0-based) in Indian year
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the number of days in the given Indian year
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t extendedYear) const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Functions for converting from field values to milliseconds....
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Return JD of start of given month/year
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth) const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Functions for converting from milliseconds to field values
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+  /**
+   * Override Calendar to compute several fields specific to the Indian
+   * calendar system.  These are:
+   *
+   * <ul><li>ERA
+   * <li>YEAR
+   * <li>MONTH
+   * <li>DAY_OF_MONTH
+   * <li>DAY_OF_YEAR
+   * <li>EXTENDED_YEAR</ul>
+   * 
+   * The DAY_OF_WEEK and DOW_LOCAL fields are already set when this
+   * method is called. The getGregorianXxx() methods return Gregorian
+   * calendar equivalents for the given Julian day.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+  // UObject stuff
+ public: 
+  /**
+   * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+   *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+   * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+   *
+   *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+   *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+   *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+   *
+   * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+  /**
+   * return the calendar type, "indian".
+   *
+   * @return calendar type
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual const char * getType() const;
+  IndianCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
+  // Default century.
+  /**
+   * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
+   * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
+   *
+   * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+   * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+   *           false, otherwise.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns TRUE because the Indian Calendar does have a default century
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+   * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/inputext.h b/libicu/cts_headers/inputext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8edc561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/inputext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2008, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __INPUTEXT_H
+#define __INPUTEXT_H
+ * \file
+ * \internal
+ *
+ * This is an internal header for the Character Set Detection code. The
+ * name is probably too generic...
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+class InputText : public UMemory
+    // Prevent copying
+    InputText(const InputText &);
+    InputText(UErrorCode &status);
+    ~InputText();
+    void setText(const char *in, int32_t len);
+    void setDeclaredEncoding(const char *encoding, int32_t len);
+    UBool isSet() const; 
+    void MungeInput(UBool fStripTags);
+    // The text to be checked.  Markup will have been
+    //   removed if appropriate.
+    uint8_t    *fInputBytes;
+    int32_t     fInputLen;          // Length of the byte data in fInputBytes.
+    // byte frequency statistics for the input text.
+    //   Value is percent, not absolute.
+    //   Value is rounded up, so zero really means zero occurences. 
+    int16_t  *fByteStats;
+    UBool     fC1Bytes;          // True if any bytes in the range 0x80 - 0x9F are in the input;false by default
+    char     *fDeclaredEncoding;
+    const uint8_t           *fRawInput;     // Original, untouched input bytes.
+    //  If user gave us a byte array, this is it.
+    //  If user gave us a stream, it's read to a 
+    //   buffer here.
+    int32_t                  fRawLength;    // Length of data in fRawInput array.
+#endif /* __INPUTEXT_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/islamcal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/islamcal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fde5847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/islamcal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   10/14/2003  srl         ported from java IslamicCalendar
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef ISLAMCAL_H
+#define ISLAMCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+ * <code>IslamicCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>Calendar</code>
+ * that implements the Islamic civil and religious calendars.  It
+ * is used as the civil calendar in most of the Arab world and the
+ * liturgical calendar of the Islamic faith worldwide.  This calendar
+ * is also known as the "Hijri" calendar, since it starts at the time
+ * of Mohammed's emigration (or "hijra") to Medinah on Thursday, 
+ * July 15, 622 AD (Julian).
+ * <p>
+ * The Islamic calendar is strictly lunar, and thus an Islamic year of twelve
+ * lunar months does not correspond to the solar year used by most other
+ * calendar systems, including the Gregorian.  An Islamic year is, on average,
+ * about 354 days long, so each successive Islamic year starts about 11 days
+ * earlier in the corresponding Gregorian year.
+ * <p>
+ * Each month of the calendar starts when the new moon's crescent is visible
+ * at sunset.  However, in order to keep the time fields in this class
+ * synchronized with those of the other calendars and with local clock time,
+ * we treat days and months as beginning at midnight,
+ * roughly 6 hours after the corresponding sunset.
+ * <p>
+ * There are two main variants of the Islamic calendar in existence.  The first
+ * is the <em>civil</em> calendar, which uses a fixed cycle of alternating 29-
+ * and 30-day months, with a leap day added to the last month of 11 out of
+ * every 30 years.  This calendar is easily calculated and thus predictable in
+ * advance, so it is used as the civil calendar in a number of Arab countries.
+ * This is the default behavior of a newly-created <code>IslamicCalendar</code>
+ * object.
+ * <p>
+ * The Islamic <em>religious</em> calendar, however, is based on the <em>observation</em>
+ * of the crescent moon.  It is thus affected by the position at which the
+ * observations are made, seasonal variations in the time of sunset, the
+ * eccentricities of the moon's orbit, and even the weather at the observation
+ * site.  This makes it impossible to calculate in advance, and it causes the
+ * start of a month in the religious calendar to differ from the civil calendar
+ * by up to three days.
+ * <p>
+ * Using astronomical calculations for the position of the sun and moon, the
+ * moon's illumination, and other factors, it is possible to determine the start
+ * of a lunar month with a fairly high degree of certainty.  However, these
+ * calculations are extremely complicated and thus slow, so most algorithms,
+ * including the one used here, are only approximations of the true astronical
+ * calculations.  At present, the approximations used in this class are fairly
+ * simplistic; they will be improved in later versions of the code.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@link #setCivil setCivil} method determines
+ * which approach is used to determine the start of a month.  By default, the
+ * fixed-cycle civil calendar is used.  However, if <code>setCivil(false)</code>
+ * is called, an approximation of the true lunar calendar will be used.
+ *
+ * @see GregorianCalendar
+ *
+ * @author Laura Werner
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @author Steven R. Loomis
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API IslamicCalendar : public Calendar {
+ public:
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constants...
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Calendar type - civil or religious or um alqura
+   * @internal 
+   */
+  enum ECalculationType {
+    CIVIL,
+    TBLA
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants for the months
+   * @internal
+   */
+  enum EMonths {
+    /**
+     * Constant for Muharram, the 1st month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal
+     */
+    MUHARRAM = 0,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Safar, the 2nd month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal
+     */
+    SAFAR = 1,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Rabi' al-awwal (or Rabi' I), the 3rd month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    RABI_1 = 2,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Rabi' al-thani or (Rabi' II), the 4th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    RABI_2 = 3,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Jumada al-awwal or (Jumada I), the 5th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    JUMADA_1 = 4,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Jumada al-thani or (Jumada II), the 6th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    JUMADA_2 = 5,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Rajab, the 7th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    RAJAB = 6,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Sha'ban, the 8th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    SHABAN = 7,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    RAMADAN = 8,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    SHAWWAL = 9,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Dhu al-Qi'dah, the 11th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    DHU_AL_QIDAH = 10,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Dhu al-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    DHU_AL_HIJJAH = 11,
+  }; 
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors...
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Constructs an IslamicCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+   * with the given locale.
+   *
+   * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+   * @param success  Indicates the status of IslamicCalendar object construction.
+   *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+   * @param type     The Islamic calendar calculation type. The default value is CIVIL.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  IslamicCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode &success, ECalculationType type = CIVIL);
+  /**
+   * Copy Constructor
+   * @internal
+   */
+  IslamicCalendar(const IslamicCalendar& other);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual ~IslamicCalendar();
+  /**
+   * Sets Islamic calendar calculation type used by this instance.
+   *
+   * @param type    The calendar calculation type, <code>CIVIL</code> to use the civil
+   *                calendar, <code>ASTRONOMICAL</code> to use the astronomical calendar.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  void setCalculationType(ECalculationType type, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Returns <code>true</code> if this object is using the fixed-cycle civil
+   * calendar, or <code>false</code> if using the religious, astronomical
+   * calendar.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  UBool isCivil();
+  // TODO: copy c'tor, etc
+  // clone
+  virtual IslamicCalendar* clone() const;
+ private:
+  /**
+   * Determine whether a year is a leap year in the Islamic civil calendar
+   */
+  static UBool civilLeapYear(int32_t year);
+  /**
+   * Return the day # on which the given year starts.  Days are counted
+   * from the Hijri epoch, origin 0.
+   */
+  int32_t yearStart(int32_t year) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the day # on which the given month starts.  Days are counted
+   * from the Hijri epoch, origin 0.
+   *
+   * @param year  The hijri year
+   * @param year  The hijri month, 0-based
+   */
+  int32_t monthStart(int32_t year, int32_t month) const;
+  /**
+   * Find the day number on which a particular month of the true/lunar
+   * Islamic calendar starts.
+   *
+   * @param month The month in question, origin 0 from the Hijri epoch
+   *
+   * @return The day number on which the given month starts.
+   */
+  int32_t trueMonthStart(int32_t month) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the "age" of the moon at the given time; this is the difference
+   * in ecliptic latitude between the moon and the sun.  This method simply
+   * calls CalendarAstronomer.moonAge, converts to degrees, 
+   * and adjusts the resultto be in the range [-180, 180].
+   *
+   * @param time  The time at which the moon's age is desired,
+   *              in millis since 1/1/1970.
+   */
+  static double moonAge(UDate time, UErrorCode &status);
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Internal data....
+  //
+  /**
+   * <code>CIVIL</code> if this object uses the fixed-cycle Islamic civil calendar,
+   * and <code>ASTRONOMICAL</code> if it approximates the true religious calendar using
+   * astronomical calculations for the time of the new moon.
+   */
+  ECalculationType cType;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Calendar framework
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the length (in days) of the given month.
+   *
+   * @param year  The hijri year
+   * @param year  The hijri month, 0-based
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the number of days in the given Islamic year
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t extendedYear) const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Functions for converting from field values to milliseconds....
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Return JD of start of given month/year
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth) const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Functions for converting from milliseconds to field values
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+  /**
+   * Override Calendar to compute several fields specific to the Islamic
+   * calendar system.  These are:
+   *
+   * <ul><li>ERA
+   * <li>YEAR
+   * <li>MONTH
+   * <li>DAY_OF_MONTH
+   * <li>DAY_OF_YEAR
+   * <li>EXTENDED_YEAR</ul>
+   * 
+   * The DAY_OF_WEEK and DOW_LOCAL fields are already set when this
+   * method is called. The getGregorianXxx() methods return Gregorian
+   * calendar equivalents for the given Julian day.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+  // UObject stuff
+ public: 
+  /**
+   * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+   *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+   * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+   *
+   *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+   *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+   *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+   *
+   * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  /*U_I18N_API*/ static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+  /**
+   * return the calendar type, "buddhist".
+   *
+   * @return calendar type
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual const char * getType() const;
+ private:
+  IslamicCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
+  // Default century.
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
+   * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
+   *
+   * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+   * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+   *           false, otherwise.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns TRUE because the Islamic Calendar does have a default century
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+   * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+ private:
+  /**
+   * Initializes the 100-year window that dates with 2-digit years
+   * are considered to fall within so that its start date is 80 years
+   * before the current time.
+   */
+  static void U_CALLCONV initializeSystemDefaultCentury(void);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/japancal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/japancal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03e6361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/japancal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   05/13/2003  srl         copied from gregocal.h
+ ********************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef JAPANCAL_H
+#define JAPANCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/gregocal.h"
+ * Concrete class which provides the Japanese calendar.
+ * <P>
+ * <code>JapaneseCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>GregorianCalendar</code>
+ * that numbers years and eras based on the reigns of the Japanese emperors.
+ * The Japanese calendar is identical to the Gregorian calendar in all respects
+ * except for the year and era.  The ascension of each  emperor to the throne
+ * begins a new era, and the years of that era are numbered starting with the
+ * year of ascension as year 1.
+ * <p>
+ * Note that in the year of an imperial ascension, there are two possible sets
+ * of year and era values: that for the old era and for the new.  For example, a
+ * new era began on January 7, 1989 AD.  Strictly speaking, the first six days
+ * of that year were in the Showa era, e.g. "January 6, 64 Showa", while the rest
+ * of the year was in the Heisei era, e.g. "January 7, 1 Heisei".  This class
+ * handles this distinction correctly when computing dates.  However, in lenient
+ * mode either form of date is acceptable as input. 
+ * <p>
+ * In modern times, eras have started on January 8, 1868 AD, Gregorian (Meiji),
+ * July 30, 1912 (Taisho), December 25, 1926 (Showa), and January 7, 1989 (Heisei).  Constants
+ * for these eras, suitable for use in the <code>UCAL_ERA</code> field, are provided
+ * in this class.  Note that the <em>number</em> used for each era is more or
+ * less arbitrary.  Currently, the era starting in 645 AD is era #0; however this
+ * may change in the future.  Use the predefined constants rather than using actual,
+ * absolute numbers.
+ * <p>
+ * Since ICU4C 63, start date of each era is imported from CLDR. CLDR era data
+ * may contain tentative era in near future with placeholder names. By default,
+ * such era data is not enabled. ICU4C users who want to test the behavior of
+ * the future era can enable this one of following settings (in the priority
+ * order):
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Environment variable <code>ICU_ENABLE_TENTATIVE_ERA=true</code>.</li>
+ * </nl>
+ * @internal
+ */
+class JapaneseCalendar : public GregorianCalendar {
+    /**
+     * Check environment variable. 
+     * @internal
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UBool U_EXPORT2 enableTentativeEra(void);
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for JapaneseCalendar.
+     * Exported for use by test code.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static uint32_t U_EXPORT2 getCurrentEra(void); // the current era
+    /**
+     * Constructs a JapaneseCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of JapaneseCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    JapaneseCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual ~JapaneseCalendar();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param source    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    JapaneseCalendar(const JapaneseCalendar& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @param right    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    JapaneseCalendar& operator=(const JapaneseCalendar& right);
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @return    return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual JapaneseCalendar* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.  In the 
+     * Japanese calendar case, this is equal to the equivalent extended Gregorian year.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getActualMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Override Calendar Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * return the calendar type, "japanese".
+     *
+     * @return calendar type
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual const char * getType() const;
+    /**
+     * @return FALSE - no default century in Japanese
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+    /**
+     * Not used - no default century.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+    /**
+     * Not used - no default century.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+    JapaneseCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
+    /** 
+     * Calculate the era for internal computation
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t internalGetEra() const;
+    /**
+     * Compute fields from the JD
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Calculate the limit for a specified type of limit and field
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+    /***
+     * Called by computeJulianDay.  Returns the default month (0-based) for the year,
+     * taking year and era into account.  Will return the first month of the given era, if 
+     * the current year is an ascension year.
+     * @param eyear the extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getDefaultMonthInYear(int32_t eyear);
+    /***
+     * Called by computeJulianDay.  Returns the default day (1-based) for the month,
+     * taking currently-set year and era into account.  Will return the first day of the given
+     * era, if the current month is an ascension year and month.
+     * @param eyear the extended year
+     * @param mon the month in the year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getDefaultDayInMonth(int32_t eyear, int32_t month);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/localeprioritylist.h b/libicu/cts_headers/localeprioritylist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ca38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/localeprioritylist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// localeprioritylist.h
+// created: 2019jul11 Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+struct UHashtable;
+struct LocaleAndWeightArray;
+ * Parses a list of locales from an accept-language string.
+ * We are a bit more lenient than the spec:
+ * We accept extra whitespace in more places, empty range fields,
+ * and any number of qvalue fraction digits.
+ *
+ *
+ * 14.4 Accept-Language
+ *
+ *        Accept-Language = "Accept-Language" ":"
+ *                          1#( language-range [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] )
+ *        language-range  = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( "-" 1*8ALPHA ) ) | "*" )
+ *
+ *    Each language-range MAY be given an associated quality value which
+ *    represents an estimate of the user's preference for the languages
+ *    specified by that range. The quality value defaults to "q=1". For
+ *    example,
+ *
+ *        Accept-Language: da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7
+ *
+ *
+ * 3.9 Quality Values
+ *
+ *    HTTP content negotiation (section 12) uses short "floating point"
+ *    numbers to indicate the relative importance ("weight") of various
+ *    negotiable parameters.  A weight is normalized to a real number in
+ *    the range 0 through 1, where 0 is the minimum and 1 the maximum
+ *    value. If a parameter has a quality value of 0, then content with
+ *    this parameter is `not acceptable' for the client. HTTP/1.1
+ *    applications MUST NOT generate more than three digits after the
+ *    decimal point. User configuration of these values SHOULD also be
+ *    limited in this fashion.
+ *
+ *        qvalue         = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] )
+ *                       | ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API LocalePriorityList : public UMemory {
+    class Iterator : public Locale::Iterator {
+    public:
+        UBool hasNext() const override { return count < length; }
+        const Locale &next() override {
+            for(;;) {
+                const Locale *locale = list.localeAt(index++);
+                if (locale != nullptr) {
+                    ++count;
+                    return *locale;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        friend class LocalePriorityList;
+        Iterator(const LocalePriorityList &list) : list(list), length(list.getLength()) {}
+        const LocalePriorityList &list;
+        int32_t index = 0;
+        int32_t count = 0;
+        const int32_t length;
+    };
+    LocalePriorityList(StringPiece s, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    ~LocalePriorityList();
+    int32_t getLength() const { return listLength - numRemoved; }
+    int32_t getLengthIncludingRemoved() const { return listLength; }
+    Iterator iterator() const { return Iterator(*this); }
+    const Locale *localeAt(int32_t i) const;
+    Locale *orphanLocaleAt(int32_t i);
+    LocalePriorityList(const LocalePriorityList &) = delete;
+    LocalePriorityList &operator=(const LocalePriorityList &) = delete;
+    bool add(const Locale &locale, int32_t weight, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void sort(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    LocaleAndWeightArray *list = nullptr;
+    int32_t listLength = 0;
+    int32_t numRemoved = 0;
+    bool hasWeights = false;  // other than 1.0
+    UHashtable *map = nullptr;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/localsvc.h b/libicu/cts_headers/localsvc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3364019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/localsvc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2006 International Business Machines Corporation        *
+*   and others. All rights reserved.                                      *
+#ifndef LOCALSVC_H
+#define LOCALSVC_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Prototype for user-supplied service hook. This function is expected to return
+ * a type of factory object specific to the requested service.
+ * 
+ * @param what service-specific string identifying the specific user hook
+ * @param status error status
+ * @return a service-specific hook, or NULL on failure.
+ */
+U_CAPI void* uprv_svc_hook(const char *what, UErrorCode *status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/locbased.h b/libicu/cts_headers/locbased.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4573886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/locbased.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: January 16 2004
+* Since: ICU 2.8
+#ifndef LOCBASED_H
+#define LOCBASED_H
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * Macro to declare a locale LocaleBased wrapper object for the given
+ * object, which must have two members named `validLocale' and
+ * `actualLocale' of size ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY
+ */
+#define U_LOCALE_BASED(varname, objname) \
+  LocaleBased varname((objname).validLocale, (objname).actualLocale)
+ * A utility class that unifies the implementation of getLocale() by
+ * various ICU services.  This class is likely to be removed in the
+ * ICU 3.0 time frame in favor of an integrated approach with the
+ * services framework.
+ * @since ICU 2.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API LocaleBased : public UMemory {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a LocaleBased wrapper around the two pointers.  These
+     * will be aliased for the lifetime of this object.
+     */
+    inline LocaleBased(char* validAlias, char* actualAlias);
+    /**
+     * Construct a LocaleBased wrapper around the two const pointers.
+     * These will be aliased for the lifetime of this object.
+     */
+    inline LocaleBased(const char* validAlias, const char* actualAlias);
+    /**
+     * Return locale meta-data for the service object wrapped by this
+     * object.  Either the valid or the actual locale may be
+     * retrieved.
+     * @param type either ULOC_VALID_LOCALE or ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE
+     * @param status input-output error code
+     * @return the indicated locale
+     */
+    Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the locale ID for the service object wrapped by this
+     * object.  Either the valid or the actual locale may be
+     * retrieved.
+     * @param type either ULOC_VALID_LOCALE or ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE
+     * @param status input-output error code
+     * @return the indicated locale ID
+     */
+    const char* getLocaleID(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the locale meta-data for the service object wrapped by this
+     * object.  If either parameter is zero, it is ignored.
+     * @param valid the ID of the valid locale
+     * @param actual the ID of the actual locale
+     */
+    void setLocaleIDs(const char* valid, const char* actual);
+    /**
+     * Set the locale meta-data for the service object wrapped by this
+     * object.
+     * @param valid the ID of the valid locale
+     * @param actual the ID of the actual locale
+     */
+    void setLocaleIDs(const Locale& valid, const Locale& actual);
+ private:
+    char* valid;
+    char* actual;
+inline LocaleBased::LocaleBased(char* validAlias, char* actualAlias) :
+    valid(validAlias), actual(actualAlias) {
+inline LocaleBased::LocaleBased(const char* validAlias,
+                                const char* actualAlias) :
+    // ugh: cast away const
+    valid((char*)validAlias), actual((char*)actualAlias) {
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/locdistance.h b/libicu/cts_headers/locdistance.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7439f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/locdistance.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// locdistance.h
+// created: 2019may08 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __LOCDISTANCE_H__
+#define __LOCDISTANCE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestrie.h"
+#include "unicode/localematcher.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "lsr.h"
+struct LocaleDistanceData;
+ * Offline-built data for LocaleMatcher.
+ * Mostly but not only the data for mapping locales to their maximized forms.
+ */
+class LocaleDistance final : public UMemory {
+    static const LocaleDistance *getSingleton(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Finds the supported LSR with the smallest distance from the desired one.
+     * Equivalent LSR subtags must be normalized into a canonical form.
+     *
+     * <p>Returns the index of the lowest-distance supported LSR in bits 31..8
+     * (negative if none has a distance below the threshold),
+     * and its distance (0..ABOVE_THRESHOLD) in bits 7..0.
+     */
+    int32_t getBestIndexAndDistance(const LSR &desired,
+                                    const LSR **supportedLSRs, int32_t supportedLSRsLength,
+                                    int32_t threshold, ULocMatchFavorSubtag favorSubtag) const;
+    int32_t getParadigmLSRsLength() const { return paradigmLSRsLength; }
+    UBool isParadigmLSR(const LSR &lsr) const;
+    int32_t getDefaultScriptDistance() const {
+        return defaultScriptDistance;
+    }
+    int32_t getDefaultDemotionPerDesiredLocale() const {
+        return defaultDemotionPerDesiredLocale;
+    }
+    LocaleDistance(const LocaleDistanceData &data);
+    LocaleDistance(const LocaleDistance &other) = delete;
+    LocaleDistance &operator=(const LocaleDistance &other) = delete;
+    static void initLocaleDistance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static int32_t getDesSuppScriptDistance(BytesTrie &iter, uint64_t startState,
+                                            const char *desired, const char *supported);
+    static int32_t getRegionPartitionsDistance(
+        BytesTrie &iter, uint64_t startState,
+        const char *desiredPartitions, const char *supportedPartitions,
+        int32_t threshold);
+    static int32_t getFallbackRegionDistance(BytesTrie &iter, uint64_t startState);
+    static int32_t trieNext(BytesTrie &iter, const char *s, bool wantValue);
+    const char *partitionsForRegion(const LSR &lsr) const {
+        // ill-formed region -> one non-matching string
+        int32_t pIndex = regionToPartitionsIndex[lsr.regionIndex];
+        return partitionArrays[pIndex];
+    }
+    int32_t getDefaultRegionDistance() const {
+        return defaultRegionDistance;
+    }
+    // The trie maps each dlang+slang+dscript+sscript+dregion+sregion
+    // (encoded in ASCII with bit 7 set on the last character of each subtag) to a distance.
+    // There is also a trie value for each subsequence of whole subtags.
+    // One '*' is used for a (desired, supported) pair of "und", "Zzzz"/"", or "ZZ"/"".
+    BytesTrie trie;
+    /**
+     * Maps each region to zero or more single-character partitions.
+     */
+    const uint8_t *regionToPartitionsIndex;
+    const char **partitionArrays;
+    /**
+     * Used to get the paradigm region for a cluster, if there is one.
+     */
+    const LSR *paradigmLSRs;
+    int32_t paradigmLSRsLength;
+    int32_t defaultLanguageDistance;
+    int32_t defaultScriptDistance;
+    int32_t defaultRegionDistance;
+    int32_t minRegionDistance;
+    int32_t defaultDemotionPerDesiredLocale;
+#endif  // __LOCDISTANCE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/loclikelysubtags.h b/libicu/cts_headers/loclikelysubtags.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c8a08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/loclikelysubtags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// loclikelysubtags.h
+// created: 2019may08 Markus W. Scherer
+#include <utility>
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestrie.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "lsr.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+struct XLikelySubtagsData;
+ * Map of const char * keys & values.
+ * Stores pointers as is: Does not own/copy/adopt/release strings.
+ */
+class CharStringMap final : public UMemory {
+    /** Constructs an unusable non-map. */
+    CharStringMap() : map(nullptr) {}
+    CharStringMap(int32_t size, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        map = uhash_openSize(uhash_hashChars, uhash_compareChars, uhash_compareChars,
+                             size, &errorCode);
+    }
+    CharStringMap(CharStringMap &&other) U_NOEXCEPT : map( {
+ = nullptr;
+    }
+    CharStringMap(const CharStringMap &other) = delete;
+    ~CharStringMap() {
+        uhash_close(map);
+    }
+    CharStringMap &operator=(CharStringMap &&other) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        map =;
+ = nullptr;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    CharStringMap &operator=(const CharStringMap &other) = delete;
+    const char *get(const char *key) const { return static_cast<const char *>(uhash_get(map, key)); }
+    void put(const char *key, const char *value, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        uhash_put(map, const_cast<char *>(key), const_cast<char *>(value), &errorCode);
+    }
+    UHashtable *map;
+struct LocaleDistanceData {
+    LocaleDistanceData() = default;
+    LocaleDistanceData(LocaleDistanceData &&data);
+    ~LocaleDistanceData();
+    const uint8_t *distanceTrieBytes = nullptr;
+    const uint8_t *regionToPartitions = nullptr;
+    const char **partitions = nullptr;
+    const LSR *paradigms = nullptr;
+    int32_t paradigmsLength = 0;
+    const int32_t *distances = nullptr;
+    LocaleDistanceData &operator=(const LocaleDistanceData &) = delete;
+// TODO(ICU-20777): Rename to just LikelySubtags.
+class XLikelySubtags final : public UMemory {
+    ~XLikelySubtags();
+    static constexpr int32_t SKIP_SCRIPT = 1;
+    // VisibleForTesting
+    static const XLikelySubtags *getSingleton(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // VisibleForTesting
+    LSR makeMaximizedLsrFrom(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    // TODO(ICU-20777): Switch Locale/uloc_ likely-subtags API from the old code
+    // in loclikely.cpp to this new code, including activating this
+    // minimizeSubtags() function. The LocaleMatcher does not minimize.
+#if 0
+    LSR minimizeSubtags(const char *languageIn, const char *scriptIn, const char *regionIn,
+                        ULocale.Minimize fieldToFavor, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    // visible for LocaleDistance
+    const LocaleDistanceData &getDistanceData() const { return distanceData; }
+    XLikelySubtags(XLikelySubtagsData &data);
+    XLikelySubtags(const XLikelySubtags &other) = delete;
+    XLikelySubtags &operator=(const XLikelySubtags &other) = delete;
+    static void initLikelySubtags(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    LSR makeMaximizedLsr(const char *language, const char *script, const char *region,
+                         const char *variant, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Raw access to addLikelySubtags. Input must be in canonical format, eg "en", not "eng" or "EN".
+     */
+    LSR maximize(const char *language, const char *script, const char *region) const;
+    static int32_t trieNext(BytesTrie &iter, const char *s, int32_t i);
+    UResourceBundle *langInfoBundle;
+    // We could store the strings by value, except that if there were few enough strings,
+    // moving the contents could copy it to a different array,
+    // invalidating the pointers stored in the maps.
+    CharString *strings;
+    CharStringMap languageAliases;
+    CharStringMap regionAliases;
+    // The trie maps each lang+script+region (encoded in ASCII) to an index into lsrs.
+    // There is also a trie value for each intermediate lang and lang+script.
+    // '*' is used instead of "und", "Zzzz"/"" and "ZZ"/"".
+    BytesTrie trie;
+    uint64_t trieUndState;
+    uint64_t trieUndZzzzState;
+    int32_t defaultLsrIndex;
+    uint64_t trieFirstLetterStates[26];
+    const LSR *lsrs;
+#if U_DEBUG
+    int32_t lsrsLength;
+    // distance/matcher data: see comment in XLikelySubtagsData::load()
+    LocaleDistanceData distanceData;
+#endif  // __LOCLIKELYSUBTAGS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/locmap.h b/libicu/cts_headers/locmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e669873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/locmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1996-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File locmap.h      : Locale Mapping Classes
+* Created by: Helena Shih
+* Modification History:
+*  Date        Name        Description
+*  3/11/97     aliu        Added setId().
+*  4/20/99     Madhu       Added T_convertToPosix()
+* 09/18/00     george      Removed the memory leaks.
+* 08/23/01     george      Convert to C
+#ifndef LOCMAP_H
+#define LOCMAP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#define LANGUAGE_LCID(hostID) (uint16_t)(0x03FF & hostID)
+U_CAPI int32_t uprv_convertToPosix(uint32_t hostid, char* posixID, int32_t posixIDCapacity, UErrorCode* status);
+/* Don't call these functions directly. Use uloc_getLCID instead. */
+U_CAPI uint32_t uprv_convertToLCIDPlatform(const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status); // Leverage platform conversion if possible
+U_CAPI uint32_t uprv_convertToLCID(const char* langID, const char* posixID, UErrorCode* status);
+#endif /* LOCMAP_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/locutil.h b/libicu/cts_headers/locutil.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31bfffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/locutil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef LOCUTIL_H
+#define LOCUTIL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+// temporary utility functions, till I know where to find them
+// in header so tests can also access them
+class U_COMMON_API LocaleUtility {
+  static UnicodeString& canonicalLocaleString(const UnicodeString* id, UnicodeString& result);
+  static Locale& initLocaleFromName(const UnicodeString& id, Locale& result);
+  static UnicodeString& initNameFromLocale(const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result);
+  static const Hashtable* getAvailableLocaleNames(const UnicodeString& bundleID);
+  static UBool isFallbackOf(const UnicodeString& root, const UnicodeString& child);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/lsr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/lsr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db6cf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/lsr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// lsr.h
+// created: 2019may08 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __LSR_H__
+#define __LSR_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+struct LSR final : public UMemory {
+    static constexpr int32_t REGION_INDEX_LIMIT = 1001 + 26 * 26;
+    const char *language;
+    const char *script;
+    const char *region;
+    char *owned = nullptr;
+    /** Index for region, 0 if ill-formed. @see indexForRegion */
+    int32_t regionIndex = 0;
+    /** Only set for LSRs that will be used in a hash table. */
+    int32_t hashCode = 0;
+    LSR() : language("und"), script(""), region("") {}
+    /** Constructor which aliases all subtag pointers. */
+    LSR(const char *lang, const char *scr, const char *r) :
+            language(lang),  script(scr), region(r),
+            regionIndex(indexForRegion(region)) {}
+    /**
+     * Constructor which prepends the prefix to the language and script,
+     * copies those into owned memory, and aliases the region.
+     */
+    LSR(char prefix, const char *lang, const char *scr, const char *r, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    LSR(LSR &&other) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    LSR(const LSR &other) = delete;
+    inline ~LSR() {
+        // Pure inline code for almost all instances.
+        if (owned != nullptr) {
+            deleteOwned();
+        }
+    }
+    LSR &operator=(LSR &&other) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    LSR &operator=(const LSR &other) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Returns a positive index (>0) for a well-formed region code.
+     * Do not rely on a particular region->index mapping; it may change.
+     * Returns 0 for ill-formed strings.
+     */
+    static int32_t indexForRegion(const char *region);
+    UBool operator==(const LSR &other) const;
+    inline UBool operator!=(const LSR &other) const {
+        return !operator==(other);
+    }
+    LSR &setHashCode();
+    void deleteOwned();
+#endif  // __LSR_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/messageimpl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/messageimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc7a6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/messageimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  messageimpl.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2011apr04
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __MESSAGEIMPL_H__
+#define __MESSAGEIMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/messagepattern.h"
+ * Helper functions for use of MessagePattern.
+ * In Java, these are package-private methods in MessagePattern itself.
+ * In C++, they are declared here and implemented in messagepattern.cpp.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API MessageImpl {
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if getApostropheMode()==UMSGPAT_APOS_DOUBLE_REQUIRED
+     */
+    static UBool jdkAposMode(const MessagePattern &msgPattern) {
+        return msgPattern.getApostropheMode()==UMSGPAT_APOS_DOUBLE_REQUIRED;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Appends the s[start, limit[ substring to sb, but with only half of the apostrophes
+     * according to JDK pattern behavior.
+     */
+    static void appendReducedApostrophes(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+                                         UnicodeString &sb);
+    /**
+     * Appends the sub-message to the result string.
+     * Omits SKIP_SYNTAX and appends whole arguments using appendReducedApostrophes().
+     */
+    static UnicodeString &appendSubMessageWithoutSkipSyntax(const MessagePattern &msgPattern,
+                                                            int32_t msgStart,
+                                                            UnicodeString &result);
+    MessageImpl();  // no constructor: all static methods
+#endif  // __MESSAGEIMPL_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/msgfmt_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/msgfmt_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cece1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/msgfmt_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+* File MSGFMT.H
+#ifndef __MSGFMT_IMPL_H__
+#define __MSGFMT_IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/msgfmt.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+class FormatNameEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    FormatNameEnumeration(UVector *fFormatNames, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~FormatNameEnumeration();
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    int32_t pos;
+    UVector *fFormatNames;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/msvcres.h b/libicu/cts_headers/msvcres.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cace85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/msvcres.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2010 International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// Used by common.rc and other .rc files.
+//Do not edit with Microsoft Developer Studio because it will modify this
+//header the wrong way. This is here to prevent Visual Studio .NET from
+//unnessarily building the resource files when it's not needed.
+These are defined before unicode/uversion.h in order to prevent 
+STLPort's broken stddef.h from being used when rc.exe parses this file. 
+#define _STLP_WINCE 1
+#include "unicode/uversion.h"
+#define ICU_WEBSITE ""
+#define ICU_COMPANY "The ICU Project"
+#define ICU_PRODUCT "International Components for Unicode"
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/mutex.h b/libicu/cts_headers/mutex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44b1f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/mutex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+// File:     mutex.h
+// Lightweight C++ wrapper for umtx_ C mutex functions
+// Author:   Alan Liu  1/31/97
+// History:
+// 06/04/97   helena         Updated setImplementation as per feedback from 5/21 drop.
+// 04/07/1999  srl               refocused as a thin wrapper
+#ifndef MUTEX_H
+#define MUTEX_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
+  * Mutex is a helper class for convenient locking and unlocking of a UMutex.
+  *
+  * Creating a local scope Mutex will lock a UMutex, holding the lock until the Mutex
+  * goes out of scope.
+  *
+  *  If no UMutex is specified, the ICU global mutex is implied.
+  *
+  *  For example:
+  *
+  *  static UMutex myMutex;
+  *
+  *  void Function(int arg1, int arg2)
+  *  {
+  *     static Object* foo;      // Shared read-write object
+  *     Mutex mutex(&myMutex);   // or no args for the global lock
+  *     foo->Method();
+  *     // When 'mutex' goes out of scope and gets destroyed here, the lock is released
+  *  }
+  *
+  *  Note:  Do NOT use the form 'Mutex mutex();' as that merely forward-declares a function
+  *         returning a Mutex. This is a common mistake which silently slips through the
+  *         compiler!!
+  */
+class U_COMMON_API Mutex : public UMemory {
+    Mutex(UMutex *mutex = nullptr) : fMutex(mutex) {
+        umtx_lock(fMutex);
+    }
+    ~Mutex() {
+        umtx_unlock(fMutex);
+    }
+    Mutex(const Mutex &other) = delete; // forbid assigning of this class
+    Mutex &operator=(const Mutex &other) = delete; // forbid copying of this class
+    void *operator new(size_t s) = delete;  // forbid heap allocation. Locals only.
+    UMutex   *fMutex;
+#endif //_MUTEX_
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/name2uni.h b/libicu/cts_headers/name2uni.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ad85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/name2uni.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   06/07/01    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef NAME2UNI_H
+#define NAME2UNI_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+ * A transliterator that performs name to character mapping.
+ * It recognizes the Perl syntax \N{name}.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class NameUnicodeTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @param adoptedFilter    the filter for this transliterator.
+     */
+    NameUnicodeTransliterator(UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter = 0);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~NameUnicodeTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    NameUnicodeTransliterator(const NameUnicodeTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual NameUnicodeTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text          the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                      untransliterated text
+     * @param offset        the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                      of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental   if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                      pos.contextLimit. Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                                     UBool isIncremental) const;
+    /**
+     * Set of characters which occur in Unicode character names.
+     */
+    UnicodeSet legal;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    NameUnicodeTransliterator& operator=(const NameUnicodeTransliterator&);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/nfrlist.h b/libicu/cts_headers/nfrlist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb1882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/nfrlist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  nfrlist.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+* Modification history
+* Date        Name      Comments
+* 10/11/2001  Doug      Ported from ICU4J
+#ifndef NFRLIST_H
+#define NFRLIST_H
+#include "unicode/rbnf.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "nfrule.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+// unsafe class for internal use only.  assume memory allocations succeed, indexes are valid.
+// should be a template, but we can't use them
+class NFRuleList : public UMemory {
+    NFRule** fStuff;
+    uint32_t fCount;
+    uint32_t fCapacity;
+    NFRuleList(uint32_t capacity = 10) 
+        : fStuff(capacity ? (NFRule**)uprv_malloc(capacity * sizeof(NFRule*)) : NULL)
+        , fCount(0)
+        , fCapacity(capacity) {}
+    ~NFRuleList() {
+        if (fStuff) {
+            for(uint32_t i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
+                delete fStuff[i];
+            }
+            uprv_free(fStuff);
+        }
+    }
+    NFRule* operator[](uint32_t index) const { return fStuff != NULL ? fStuff[index] : NULL; }
+    NFRule* remove(uint32_t index) {
+    	if (fStuff == NULL) {
+    		return NULL;
+    	}
+        NFRule* result = fStuff[index];
+        fCount -= 1;
+        for (uint32_t i = index; i < fCount; ++i) { // assumes small arrays
+            fStuff[i] = fStuff[i+1];
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    void add(NFRule* thing) {
+        if (fCount == fCapacity) {
+            fCapacity += 10;
+            fStuff = (NFRule**)uprv_realloc(fStuff, fCapacity * sizeof(NFRule*)); // assume success
+        }
+        if (fStuff != NULL) {
+        	fStuff[fCount++] = thing;
+        } else {
+        	fCapacity = 0;
+        	fCount = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    uint32_t size() const { return fCount; }
+    NFRule* last() const { return (fCount > 0 && fStuff != NULL) ? fStuff[fCount-1] : NULL; }
+    NFRule** release() {
+        add(NULL); // ensure null termination
+        NFRule** result = fStuff;
+        fStuff = NULL;
+        fCount = 0;
+        fCapacity = 0;
+        return result;
+    }
+    void deleteAll() {
+        NFRule** tmp = NULL;
+        int32_t size = fCount;
+        if (size > 0) {
+            tmp = release();
+            for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+                delete tmp[i];
+            }
+            if (tmp) {
+                uprv_free(tmp);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    NFRuleList(const NFRuleList &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    NFRuleList &operator=(const NFRuleList &other); // forbid copying of this class
+/* U_HAVE_RBNF */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/nfrs.h b/libicu/cts_headers/nfrs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db03c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/nfrs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  nfrs.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+* Modification history
+* Date        Name      Comments
+* 10/11/2001  Doug      Ported from ICU4J
+#ifndef NFRS_H
+#define NFRS_H
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/rbnf.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+#include "nfrlist.h"
+class NFRuleSet : public UMemory {
+    NFRuleSet(RuleBasedNumberFormat *owner, UnicodeString* descriptions, int32_t index, UErrorCode& status);
+    void parseRules(UnicodeString& rules, UErrorCode& status);
+    void setNonNumericalRule(NFRule *rule);
+    void setBestFractionRule(int32_t originalIndex, NFRule *newRule, UBool rememberRule);
+    void makeIntoFractionRuleSet() { fIsFractionRuleSet = TRUE; }
+    ~NFRuleSet();
+    UBool operator==(const NFRuleSet& rhs) const;
+    UBool operator!=(const NFRuleSet& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
+    UBool isPublic() const { return fIsPublic; }
+    UBool isParseable() const { return fIsParseable; }
+    UBool isFractionRuleSet() const { return fIsFractionRuleSet; }
+    void  getName(UnicodeString& result) const { result.setTo(name); }
+    UBool isNamed(const UnicodeString& _name) const { return this->name == _name; }
+    void  format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, int32_t pos, int32_t recursionCount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void  format(double number, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, int32_t pos, int32_t recursionCount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UBool parse(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, double upperBound, uint32_t nonNumericalExecutedRuleMask, Formattable& result) const;
+    void appendRules(UnicodeString& result) const; // toString
+    void setDecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols &newSymbols, UErrorCode& status);
+    const RuleBasedNumberFormat *getOwner() const { return owner; }
+    const NFRule * findNormalRule(int64_t number) const;
+    const NFRule * findDoubleRule(double number) const;
+    const NFRule * findFractionRuleSetRule(double number) const;
+    friend class NFSubstitution;
+    UnicodeString name;
+    NFRuleList rules;
+    NFRule *nonNumericalRules[6];
+    RuleBasedNumberFormat *owner;
+    NFRuleList fractionRules;
+    UBool fIsFractionRuleSet;
+    UBool fIsPublic;
+    UBool fIsParseable;
+    NFRuleSet(const NFRuleSet &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    NFRuleSet &operator=(const NFRuleSet &other); // forbid copying of this class
+// utilities from old llong.h
+// convert mantissa portion of double to int64
+int64_t util64_fromDouble(double d);
+// raise radix to the power exponent, only non-negative exponents
+// Arithmetic is performed in unsigned space since overflow in
+// signed space is undefined behavior.
+uint64_t util64_pow(uint32_t radix, uint16_t exponent);
+// convert n to digit string in buffer, return length of string
+uint32_t util64_tou(int64_t n, UChar* buffer, uint32_t buflen, uint32_t radix = 10, UBool raw = FALSE);
+#ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
+int64_t util64_utoi(const UChar* str, uint32_t radix = 10);
+uint32_t util64_toa(int64_t n, char* buffer, uint32_t buflen, uint32_t radix = 10, UBool raw = FALSE);
+int64_t util64_atoi(const char* str, uint32_t radix);
+/* U_HAVE_RBNF */
+// NFRS_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/nfrule.h b/libicu/cts_headers/nfrule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed33eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/nfrule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef NFRULE_H
+#define NFRULE_H
+#include "unicode/rbnf.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+class FieldPosition;
+class Formattable;
+class NFRuleList;
+class NFRuleSet;
+class NFSubstitution;
+class ParsePosition;
+class PluralFormat;
+class RuleBasedNumberFormat;
+class UnicodeString;
+class NFRule : public UMemory {
+    enum ERuleType {
+        kNoBase = 0,
+        kNegativeNumberRule = -1,
+        kImproperFractionRule = -2,
+        kProperFractionRule = -3,
+        kMasterRule = -4,
+        kInfinityRule = -5,
+        kNaNRule = -6,
+        kOtherRule = -7
+    };
+    static void makeRules(UnicodeString& definition,
+                          NFRuleSet* ruleSet, 
+                          const NFRule* predecessor, 
+                          const RuleBasedNumberFormat* rbnf, 
+                          NFRuleList& ruleList,
+                          UErrorCode& status);
+    NFRule(const RuleBasedNumberFormat* rbnf, const UnicodeString &ruleText, UErrorCode &status);
+    ~NFRule();
+    UBool operator==(const NFRule& rhs) const;
+    UBool operator!=(const NFRule& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
+    ERuleType getType() const { return (ERuleType)(baseValue <= kNoBase ? (ERuleType)baseValue : kOtherRule); }
+    void setType(ERuleType ruleType) { baseValue = (int32_t)ruleType; }
+    int64_t getBaseValue() const { return baseValue; }
+    void setBaseValue(int64_t value, UErrorCode& status);
+    UChar getDecimalPoint() const { return decimalPoint; }
+    int64_t getDivisor() const;
+    void doFormat(int64_t number, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, int32_t pos, int32_t recursionCount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void doFormat(double  number, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, int32_t pos, int32_t recursionCount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UBool doParse(const UnicodeString& text, 
+                  ParsePosition& pos, 
+                  UBool isFractional, 
+                  double upperBound,
+                  uint32_t nonNumericalExecutedRuleMask,
+                  Formattable& result) const;
+    UBool shouldRollBack(int64_t number) const;
+    void _appendRuleText(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    int32_t findTextLenient(const UnicodeString& str, const UnicodeString& key, 
+                     int32_t startingAt, int32_t* resultCount) const;
+    void setDecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols &newSymbols, UErrorCode& status);
+    void parseRuleDescriptor(UnicodeString& descriptor, UErrorCode& status);
+    void extractSubstitutions(const NFRuleSet* ruleSet, const UnicodeString &ruleText, const NFRule* predecessor, UErrorCode& status);
+    NFSubstitution* extractSubstitution(const NFRuleSet* ruleSet, const NFRule* predecessor, UErrorCode& status);
+    int16_t expectedExponent() const;
+    int32_t indexOfAnyRulePrefix() const;
+    double matchToDelimiter(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t startPos, double baseValue,
+                            const UnicodeString& delimiter, ParsePosition& pp, const NFSubstitution* sub, 
+                            uint32_t nonNumericalExecutedRuleMask,
+                            double upperBound) const;
+    void stripPrefix(UnicodeString& text, const UnicodeString& prefix, ParsePosition& pp) const;
+    int32_t prefixLength(const UnicodeString& str, const UnicodeString& prefix, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UBool allIgnorable(const UnicodeString& str, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    int32_t findText(const UnicodeString& str, const UnicodeString& key, 
+                     int32_t startingAt, int32_t* resultCount) const;
+    int64_t baseValue;
+    int32_t radix;
+    int16_t exponent;
+    UChar decimalPoint;
+    UnicodeString fRuleText;
+    NFSubstitution* sub1;
+    NFSubstitution* sub2;
+    const RuleBasedNumberFormat* formatter;
+    const PluralFormat* rulePatternFormat;
+    NFRule(const NFRule &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    NFRule &operator=(const NFRule &other); // forbid copying of this class
+/* U_HAVE_RBNF */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/nfsubs.h b/libicu/cts_headers/nfsubs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..948627c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/nfsubs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  nfsubs.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+* Modification history
+* Date        Name      Comments
+* 10/11/2001  Doug      Ported from ICU4J
+#ifndef NFSUBS_H
+#define NFSUBS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "nfrule.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
+#include "nfrs.h"
+#include <float.h>
+class NFSubstitution : public UObject {
+    int32_t pos;
+    const NFRuleSet* ruleSet;
+    DecimalFormat* numberFormat;
+    NFSubstitution(int32_t pos,
+        const NFRuleSet* ruleSet,
+        const UnicodeString& description,
+        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get the Ruleset of the object.
+     * @return the Ruleset of the object.
+     */
+    const NFRuleSet* getRuleSet() const { return ruleSet; }
+    /**
+     * get the NumberFormat of this object.
+     * @return the numberformat of this object.
+     */
+    const DecimalFormat* getNumberFormat() const { return numberFormat; }
+    static NFSubstitution* makeSubstitution(int32_t pos, 
+        const NFRule* rule, 
+        const NFRule* predecessor,
+        const NFRuleSet* ruleSet, 
+        const RuleBasedNumberFormat* rbnf, 
+        const UnicodeString& description,
+        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~NFSubstitution();
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param rhs    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return       true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const NFSubstitution& rhs) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically unequal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param rhs    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return       true if the given Format objects are semantically unequal.
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const NFSubstitution& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
+    /**
+     * Sets the substitution's divisor.  Used by NFRule.setBaseValue().
+     * A no-op for all substitutions except multiplier and modulus
+     * substitutions.
+     * @param radix The radix of the divisor
+     * @param exponent The exponent of the divisor
+     */
+    virtual void setDivisor(int32_t radix, int16_t exponent, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Replaces result with the string describing the substitution.
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the string.
+     */
+    virtual void toString(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    void setDecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols &newSymbols, UErrorCode& status);
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // formatting
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Performs a mathematical operation on the number, formats it using
+     * either ruleSet or decimalFormat, and inserts the result into
+     * toInsertInto.
+     * @param number The number being formatted.
+     * @param toInsertInto The string we insert the result into
+     * @param pos The position in toInsertInto where the owning rule's
+     * rule text begins (this value is added to this substitution's
+     * position to determine exactly where to insert the new text)
+     */
+    virtual void doSubstitution(int64_t number, UnicodeString& toInsertInto, int32_t pos, int32_t recursionCount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Performs a mathematical operation on the number, formats it using
+     * either ruleSet or decimalFormat, and inserts the result into
+     * toInsertInto.
+     * @param number The number being formatted.
+     * @param toInsertInto The string we insert the result into
+     * @param pos The position in toInsertInto where the owning rule's
+     * rule text begins (this value is added to this substitution's
+     * position to determine exactly where to insert the new text)
+     */
+    virtual void doSubstitution(double number, UnicodeString& toInsertInto, int32_t pos, int32_t recursionCount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Subclasses override this function to perform some kind of
+     * mathematical operation on the number.  The result of this operation
+     * is formatted using the rule set or DecimalFormat that this
+     * substitution refers to, and the result is inserted into the result
+     * string.
+     * @param The number being formatted
+     * @return The result of performing the opreration on the number
+     */
+    virtual int64_t transformNumber(int64_t number) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Subclasses override this function to perform some kind of
+     * mathematical operation on the number.  The result of this operation
+     * is formatted using the rule set or DecimalFormat that this
+     * substitution refers to, and the result is inserted into the result
+     * string.
+     * @param The number being formatted
+     * @return The result of performing the opreration on the number
+     */
+    virtual double transformNumber(double number) const = 0;
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // parsing
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Parses a string using the rule set or DecimalFormat belonging
+     * to this substitution.  If there's a match, a mathematical
+     * operation (the inverse of the one used in formatting) is
+     * performed on the result of the parse and the value passed in
+     * and returned as the result.  The parse position is updated to
+     * point to the first unmatched character in the string.
+     * @param text The string to parse
+     * @param parsePosition On entry, ignored, but assumed to be 0.
+     * On exit, this is updated to point to the first unmatched
+     * character (or 0 if the substitution didn't match)
+     * @param baseValue A partial parse result that should be
+     * combined with the result of this parse
+     * @param upperBound When searching the rule set for a rule
+     * matching the string passed in, only rules with base values
+     * lower than this are considered
+     * @param lenientParse If true and matching against rules fails,
+     * the substitution will also try matching the text against
+     * numerals using a default-costructed NumberFormat.  If false,
+     * no extra work is done.  (This value is false whenever the
+     * formatter isn't in lenient-parse mode, but is also false
+     * under some conditions even when the formatter _is_ in
+     * lenient-parse mode.)
+     * @return If there's a match, this is the result of composing
+     * baseValue with whatever was returned from matching the
+     * characters.  This will be either a Long or a Double.  If there's
+     * no match this is new Long(0) (not null), and parsePosition
+     * is left unchanged.
+     */
+    virtual UBool doParse(const UnicodeString& text, 
+        ParsePosition& parsePosition, 
+        double baseValue,
+        double upperBound, 
+        UBool lenientParse,
+        uint32_t nonNumericalExecutedRuleMask,
+        Formattable& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Derives a new value from the two values passed in.  The two values
+     * are typically either the base values of two rules (the one containing
+     * the substitution and the one matching the substitution) or partial
+     * parse results derived in some other way.  The operation is generally
+     * the inverse of the operation performed by transformNumber().
+     * @param newRuleValue The value produced by matching this substitution
+     * @param oldRuleValue The value that was passed to the substitution
+     * by the rule that owns it
+     * @return A third value derived from the other two, representing a
+     * partial parse result
+     */
+    virtual double composeRuleValue(double newRuleValue, double oldRuleValue) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Calculates an upper bound when searching for a rule that matches
+     * this substitution.  Rules with base values greater than or equal
+     * to upperBound are not considered.
+     * @param oldUpperBound    The current upper-bound setting.  The new
+     *                         upper bound can't be any higher.
+     * @return                 the upper bound when searching for a rule that matches
+     *                         this substitution.
+     */
+    virtual double calcUpperBound(double oldUpperBound) const = 0;
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // simple accessors
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Returns the substitution's position in the rule that owns it.
+     * @return The substitution's position in the rule that owns it.
+     */
+    int32_t getPos() const { return pos; }
+    /**
+     * Returns the character used in the textual representation of
+     * substitutions of this type.  Used by toString().
+     * @return This substitution's token character.
+     */
+    virtual UChar tokenChar() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this is a modulus substitution.  (We didn't do this
+     * with instanceof partially because it causes source files to
+     * proliferate and partially because we have to port this to C++.)
+     * @return true if this object is an instance of ModulusSubstitution
+     */
+    virtual UBool isModulusSubstitution() const;
+    NFSubstitution(const NFSubstitution &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    NFSubstitution &operator=(const NFSubstitution &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    static UClassID getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+/* U_HAVE_RBNF */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/norm2_nfc_data.h b/libicu/cts_headers/norm2_nfc_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455cc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/norm2_nfc_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+// file name: norm2_nfc_data.h
+// machine-generated by: icu/source/tools/gennorm2/n2builder.cpp
+static const UVersionInfo norm2_nfc_data_formatVersion={4,0,0,0};
+static const UVersionInfo norm2_nfc_data_dataVersion={0xd,0,0,0};
+static const int32_t norm2_nfc_data_indexes[Normalizer2Impl::IX_COUNT]={
+static const uint16_t norm2_nfc_data_trieIndex[1746]={
+static const uint16_t norm2_nfc_data_trieData[7892]={
+static const UCPTrie norm2_nfc_data_trie={
+    norm2_nfc_data_trieIndex,
+    { norm2_nfc_data_trieData },
+    1746, 7892,
+    0x2fc00, 0x30,
+    0, 0,
+    0, 0,
+    0xc4, 0x226,
+    0x1,
+static const uint16_t norm2_nfc_data_extraData[7732]={
+static const uint8_t norm2_nfc_data_smallFCD[256]={
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/norm2allmodes.h b/libicu/cts_headers/norm2allmodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682ece2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/norm2allmodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* norm2allmodes.h
+* created on: 2014sep07
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __NORM2ALLMODES_H__
+#define __NORM2ALLMODES_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/edits.h"
+#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
+#include "unicode/stringoptions.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "cpputils.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
+// Intermediate class:
+// Has Normalizer2Impl and does boilerplate argument checking and setup.
+class Normalizer2WithImpl : public Normalizer2 {
+    Normalizer2WithImpl(const Normalizer2Impl &ni) : impl(ni) {}
+    virtual ~Normalizer2WithImpl();
+    // normalize
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    normalize(const UnicodeString &src,
+              UnicodeString &dest,
+              UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            dest.setToBogus();
+            return dest;
+        }
+        const UChar *sArray=src.getBuffer();
+        if(&dest==&src || sArray==NULL) {
+            errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+            dest.setToBogus();
+            return dest;
+        }
+        dest.remove();
+        ReorderingBuffer buffer(impl, dest);
+        if(buffer.init(src.length(), errorCode)) {
+            normalize(sArray, sArray+src.length(), buffer, errorCode);
+        }
+        return dest;
+    }
+    virtual void
+    normalize(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+              ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    // normalize and append
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    normalizeSecondAndAppend(UnicodeString &first,
+                             const UnicodeString &second,
+                             UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        return normalizeSecondAndAppend(first, second, TRUE, errorCode);
+    }
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    append(UnicodeString &first,
+           const UnicodeString &second,
+           UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        return normalizeSecondAndAppend(first, second, FALSE, errorCode);
+    }
+    UnicodeString &
+    normalizeSecondAndAppend(UnicodeString &first,
+                             const UnicodeString &second,
+                             UBool doNormalize,
+                             UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        uprv_checkCanGetBuffer(first, errorCode);
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            return first;
+        }
+        const UChar *secondArray=second.getBuffer();
+        if(&first==&second || secondArray==NULL) {
+            errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+            return first;
+        }
+        int32_t firstLength=first.length();
+        UnicodeString safeMiddle;
+        {
+            ReorderingBuffer buffer(impl, first);
+            if(buffer.init(firstLength+second.length(), errorCode)) {
+                normalizeAndAppend(secondArray, secondArray+second.length(), doNormalize,
+                                   safeMiddle, buffer, errorCode);
+            }
+        }  // The ReorderingBuffer destructor finalizes the first string.
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            // Restore the modified suffix of the first string.
+            first.replace(firstLength-safeMiddle.length(), 0x7fffffff, safeMiddle);
+        }
+        return first;
+    }
+    virtual void
+    normalizeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UBool doNormalize,
+                       UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
+                       ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    virtual UBool
+    getDecomposition(UChar32 c, UnicodeString &decomposition) const {
+        UChar buffer[4];
+        int32_t length;
+        const UChar *d=impl.getDecomposition(c, buffer, length);
+        if(d==NULL) {
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        if(d==buffer) {
+            decomposition.setTo(buffer, length);  // copy the string (Jamos from Hangul syllable c)
+        } else {
+            decomposition.setTo(FALSE, d, length);  // read-only alias
+        }
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    virtual UBool
+    getRawDecomposition(UChar32 c, UnicodeString &decomposition) const {
+        UChar buffer[30];
+        int32_t length;
+        const UChar *d=impl.getRawDecomposition(c, buffer, length);
+        if(d==NULL) {
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        if(d==buffer) {
+            decomposition.setTo(buffer, length);  // copy the string (algorithmic decomposition)
+        } else {
+            decomposition.setTo(FALSE, d, length);  // read-only alias
+        }
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    virtual UChar32
+    composePair(UChar32 a, UChar32 b) const {
+        return impl.composePair(a, b);
+    }
+    virtual uint8_t
+    getCombiningClass(UChar32 c) const {
+        return impl.getCC(impl.getNorm16(c));
+    }
+    // quick checks
+    virtual UBool
+    isNormalized(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        const UChar *sArray=s.getBuffer();
+        if(sArray==NULL) {
+            errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        const UChar *sLimit=sArray+s.length();
+        return sLimit==spanQuickCheckYes(sArray, sLimit, errorCode);
+    }
+    virtual UNormalizationCheckResult
+    quickCheck(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        return Normalizer2WithImpl::isNormalized(s, errorCode) ? UNORM_YES : UNORM_NO;
+    }
+    virtual int32_t
+    spanQuickCheckYes(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        const UChar *sArray=s.getBuffer();
+        if(sArray==NULL) {
+            errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return (int32_t)(spanQuickCheckYes(sArray, sArray+s.length(), errorCode)-sArray);
+    }
+    virtual const UChar *
+    spanQuickCheckYes(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    virtual UNormalizationCheckResult getQuickCheck(UChar32) const {
+        return UNORM_YES;
+    }
+    const Normalizer2Impl &impl;
+class DecomposeNormalizer2 : public Normalizer2WithImpl {
+    DecomposeNormalizer2(const Normalizer2Impl &ni) : Normalizer2WithImpl(ni) {}
+    virtual ~DecomposeNormalizer2();
+    virtual void
+    normalize(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+              ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        impl.decompose(src, limit, &buffer, errorCode);
+    }
+    using Normalizer2WithImpl::normalize;  // Avoid warning about hiding base class function.
+    virtual void
+    normalizeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UBool doNormalize,
+                       UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
+                       ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        impl.decomposeAndAppend(src, limit, doNormalize, safeMiddle, buffer, errorCode);
+    }
+    virtual const UChar *
+    spanQuickCheckYes(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        return impl.decompose(src, limit, NULL, errorCode);
+    }
+    using Normalizer2WithImpl::spanQuickCheckYes;  // Avoid warning about hiding base class function.
+    virtual UNormalizationCheckResult getQuickCheck(UChar32 c) const {
+        return impl.isDecompYes(impl.getNorm16(c)) ? UNORM_YES : UNORM_NO;
+    }
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const { return impl.hasDecompBoundaryBefore(c); }
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const { return impl.hasDecompBoundaryAfter(c); }
+    virtual UBool isInert(UChar32 c) const { return impl.isDecompInert(c); }
+class ComposeNormalizer2 : public Normalizer2WithImpl {
+    ComposeNormalizer2(const Normalizer2Impl &ni, UBool fcc) :
+        Normalizer2WithImpl(ni), onlyContiguous(fcc) {}
+    virtual ~ComposeNormalizer2();
+    virtual void
+    normalize(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+              ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        impl.compose(src, limit, onlyContiguous, TRUE, buffer, errorCode);
+    }
+    using Normalizer2WithImpl::normalize;  // Avoid warning about hiding base class function.
+    void
+    normalizeUTF8(uint32_t options, StringPiece src, ByteSink &sink,
+                  Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (edits != nullptr && (options & U_EDITS_NO_RESET) == 0) {
+            edits->reset();
+        }
+        const uint8_t *s = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(;
+        impl.composeUTF8(options, onlyContiguous, s, s + src.length(),
+                         &sink, edits, errorCode);
+        sink.Flush();
+    }
+    virtual void
+    normalizeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UBool doNormalize,
+                       UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
+                       ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        impl.composeAndAppend(src, limit, doNormalize, onlyContiguous, safeMiddle, buffer, errorCode);
+    }
+    virtual UBool
+    isNormalized(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        const UChar *sArray=s.getBuffer();
+        if(sArray==NULL) {
+            errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        UnicodeString temp;
+        ReorderingBuffer buffer(impl, temp);
+        if(!buffer.init(5, errorCode)) {  // small destCapacity for substring normalization
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        return impl.compose(sArray, sArray+s.length(), onlyContiguous, FALSE, buffer, errorCode);
+    }
+    virtual UBool
+    isNormalizedUTF8(StringPiece sp, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        const uint8_t *s = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(;
+        return impl.composeUTF8(0, onlyContiguous, s, s + sp.length(), nullptr, nullptr, errorCode);
+    }
+    virtual UNormalizationCheckResult
+    quickCheck(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+            return UNORM_MAYBE;
+        }
+        const UChar *sArray=s.getBuffer();
+        if(sArray==NULL) {
+            errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+            return UNORM_MAYBE;
+        }
+        UNormalizationCheckResult qcResult=UNORM_YES;
+        impl.composeQuickCheck(sArray, sArray+s.length(), onlyContiguous, &qcResult);
+        return qcResult;
+    }
+    virtual const UChar *
+    spanQuickCheckYes(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UErrorCode &) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return impl.composeQuickCheck(src, limit, onlyContiguous, NULL);
+    }
+    using Normalizer2WithImpl::spanQuickCheckYes;  // Avoid warning about hiding base class function.
+    virtual UNormalizationCheckResult getQuickCheck(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return impl.getCompQuickCheck(impl.getNorm16(c));
+    }
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return impl.hasCompBoundaryBefore(c);
+    }
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return impl.hasCompBoundaryAfter(c, onlyContiguous);
+    }
+    virtual UBool isInert(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return impl.isCompInert(c, onlyContiguous);
+    }
+    const UBool onlyContiguous;
+class FCDNormalizer2 : public Normalizer2WithImpl {
+    FCDNormalizer2(const Normalizer2Impl &ni) : Normalizer2WithImpl(ni) {}
+    virtual ~FCDNormalizer2();
+    virtual void
+    normalize(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+              ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        impl.makeFCD(src, limit, &buffer, errorCode);
+    }
+    using Normalizer2WithImpl::normalize;  // Avoid warning about hiding base class function.
+    virtual void
+    normalizeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UBool doNormalize,
+                       UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
+                       ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        impl.makeFCDAndAppend(src, limit, doNormalize, safeMiddle, buffer, errorCode);
+    }
+    virtual const UChar *
+    spanQuickCheckYes(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        return impl.makeFCD(src, limit, NULL, errorCode);
+    }
+    using Normalizer2WithImpl::spanQuickCheckYes;  // Avoid warning about hiding base class function.
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const { return impl.hasFCDBoundaryBefore(c); }
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const { return impl.hasFCDBoundaryAfter(c); }
+    virtual UBool isInert(UChar32 c) const { return impl.isFCDInert(c); }
+struct Norm2AllModes : public UMemory {
+    Norm2AllModes(Normalizer2Impl *i)
+            : impl(i), comp(*i, FALSE), decomp(*i), fcd(*i), fcc(*i, TRUE) {}
+    ~Norm2AllModes();
+    static Norm2AllModes *createInstance(Normalizer2Impl *impl, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static Norm2AllModes *createNFCInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static Norm2AllModes *createInstance(const char *packageName,
+                                         const char *name,
+                                         UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Norm2AllModes *getNFCInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Norm2AllModes *getNFKCInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Norm2AllModes *getNFKC_CFInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    Normalizer2Impl *impl;
+    ComposeNormalizer2 comp;
+    DecomposeNormalizer2 decomp;
+    FCDNormalizer2 fcd;
+    ComposeNormalizer2 fcc;
+#endif  // __NORM2ALLMODES_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/normalizer2impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/normalizer2impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf3015e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/normalizer2impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  normalizer2impl.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2009nov22
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __NORMALIZER2IMPL_H__
+#define __NORMALIZER2IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
+#include "unicode/ucptrie.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/unorm.h"
+#include "unicode/utf.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "mutex.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+#include "uset_imp.h"
+// When the nfc.nrm data is *not* hardcoded into the common library
+// (with this constant set to 0),
+// then it needs to be built into the data package:
+// Add nfc.nrm to icu4c/source/data/ DAT_FILES_SHORT
+struct CanonIterData;
+class ByteSink;
+class Edits;
+class InitCanonIterData;
+class LcccContext;
+class U_COMMON_API Hangul {
+    /* Korean Hangul and Jamo constants */
+    enum {
+        JAMO_L_BASE=0x1100,     /* "lead" jamo */
+        JAMO_L_END=0x1112,
+        JAMO_V_BASE=0x1161,     /* "vowel" jamo */
+        JAMO_V_END=0x1175,
+        JAMO_T_BASE=0x11a7,     /* "trail" jamo */
+        JAMO_T_END=0x11c2,
+        HANGUL_BASE=0xac00,
+        HANGUL_END=0xd7a3,
+        JAMO_L_COUNT=19,
+        JAMO_V_COUNT=21,
+        JAMO_T_COUNT=28,
+    };
+    static inline UBool isHangul(UChar32 c) {
+        return HANGUL_BASE<=c && c<HANGUL_LIMIT;
+    }
+    static inline UBool
+    isHangulLV(UChar32 c) {
+        c-=HANGUL_BASE;
+        return 0<=c && c<HANGUL_COUNT && c%JAMO_T_COUNT==0;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isJamoL(UChar32 c) {
+        return (uint32_t)(c-JAMO_L_BASE)<JAMO_L_COUNT;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isJamoV(UChar32 c) {
+        return (uint32_t)(c-JAMO_V_BASE)<JAMO_V_COUNT;
+    }
+    static inline UBool isJamoT(UChar32 c) {
+        int32_t t=c-JAMO_T_BASE;
+        return 0<t && t<JAMO_T_COUNT;  // not JAMO_T_BASE itself
+    }
+    static UBool isJamo(UChar32 c) {
+        return JAMO_L_BASE<=c && c<=JAMO_T_END &&
+            (c<=JAMO_L_END || (JAMO_V_BASE<=c && c<=JAMO_V_END) || JAMO_T_BASE<c);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decomposes c, which must be a Hangul syllable, into buffer
+     * and returns the length of the decomposition (2 or 3).
+     */
+    static inline int32_t decompose(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[3]) {
+        c-=HANGUL_BASE;
+        UChar32 c2=c%JAMO_T_COUNT;
+        c/=JAMO_T_COUNT;
+        buffer[0]=(UChar)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT);
+        buffer[1]=(UChar)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT);
+        if(c2==0) {
+            return 2;
+        } else {
+            buffer[2]=(UChar)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2);
+            return 3;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decomposes c, which must be a Hangul syllable, into buffer.
+     * This is the raw, not recursive, decomposition. Its length is always 2.
+     */
+    static inline void getRawDecomposition(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[2]) {
+        UChar32 orig=c;
+        c-=HANGUL_BASE;
+        UChar32 c2=c%JAMO_T_COUNT;
+        if(c2==0) {
+            c/=JAMO_T_COUNT;
+            buffer[0]=(UChar)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT);
+            buffer[1]=(UChar)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT);
+        } else {
+            buffer[0]=(UChar)(orig-c2);  // LV syllable
+            buffer[1]=(UChar)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2);
+        }
+    }
+    Hangul();  // no instantiation
+class Normalizer2Impl;
+class U_COMMON_API ReorderingBuffer : public UMemory {
+    /** Constructs only; init() should be called. */
+    ReorderingBuffer(const Normalizer2Impl &ni, UnicodeString &dest) :
+        impl(ni), str(dest),
+        start(NULL), reorderStart(NULL), limit(NULL),
+        remainingCapacity(0), lastCC(0) {}
+    /** Constructs, removes the string contents, and initializes for a small initial capacity. */
+    ReorderingBuffer(const Normalizer2Impl &ni, UnicodeString &dest, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    ~ReorderingBuffer() {
+        if(start!=NULL) {
+            str.releaseBuffer((int32_t)(limit-start));
+        }
+    }
+    UBool init(int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool isEmpty() const { return start==limit; }
+    int32_t length() const { return (int32_t)(limit-start); }
+    UChar *getStart() { return start; }
+    UChar *getLimit() { return limit; }
+    uint8_t getLastCC() const { return lastCC; }
+    UBool equals(const UChar *start, const UChar *limit) const;
+    UBool equals(const uint8_t *otherStart, const uint8_t *otherLimit) const;
+    UBool append(UChar32 c, uint8_t cc, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        return (c<=0xffff) ?
+            appendBMP((UChar)c, cc, errorCode) :
+            appendSupplementary(c, cc, errorCode);
+    }
+    UBool append(const UChar *s, int32_t length, UBool isNFD,
+                 uint8_t leadCC, uint8_t trailCC,
+                 UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool appendBMP(UChar c, uint8_t cc, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        if(remainingCapacity==0 && !resize(1, errorCode)) {
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        if(lastCC<=cc || cc==0) {
+            *limit++=c;
+            lastCC=cc;
+            if(cc<=1) {
+                reorderStart=limit;
+            }
+        } else {
+            insert(c, cc);
+        }
+        --remainingCapacity;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    UBool appendZeroCC(UChar32 c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool appendZeroCC(const UChar *s, const UChar *sLimit, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void remove();
+    void removeSuffix(int32_t suffixLength);
+    void setReorderingLimit(UChar *newLimit) {
+        remainingCapacity+=(int32_t)(limit-newLimit);
+        reorderStart=limit=newLimit;
+        lastCC=0;
+    }
+    void copyReorderableSuffixTo(UnicodeString &s) const {
+        s.setTo(ConstChar16Ptr(reorderStart), (int32_t)(limit-reorderStart));
+    }
+    /*
+     * TODO: Revisit whether it makes sense to track reorderStart.
+     * It is set to after the last known character with cc<=1,
+     * which stops previousCC() before it reads that character and looks up its cc.
+     * previousCC() is normally only called from insert().
+     * In other words, reorderStart speeds up the insertion of a combining mark
+     * into a multi-combining mark sequence where it does not belong at the end.
+     * This might not be worth the trouble.
+     * On the other hand, it's not a huge amount of trouble.
+     *
+     * We probably need it for UNORM_SIMPLE_APPEND.
+     */
+    UBool appendSupplementary(UChar32 c, uint8_t cc, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void insert(UChar32 c, uint8_t cc);
+    static void writeCodePoint(UChar *p, UChar32 c) {
+        if(c<=0xffff) {
+            *p=(UChar)c;
+        } else {
+            p[0]=U16_LEAD(c);
+            p[1]=U16_TRAIL(c);
+        }
+    }
+    UBool resize(int32_t appendLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const Normalizer2Impl &impl;
+    UnicodeString &str;
+    UChar *start, *reorderStart, *limit;
+    int32_t remainingCapacity;
+    uint8_t lastCC;
+    // private backward iterator
+    void setIterator() { codePointStart=limit; }
+    void skipPrevious();  // Requires start<codePointStart.
+    uint8_t previousCC();  // Returns 0 if there is no previous character.
+    UChar *codePointStart, *codePointLimit;
+ * Low-level implementation of the Unicode Normalization Algorithm.
+ * For the data structure and details see the documentation at the end of
+ * this normalizer2impl.h and in the design doc at
+ *
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Normalizer2Impl : public UObject {
+    Normalizer2Impl() : normTrie(NULL), fCanonIterData(NULL) { }
+    virtual ~Normalizer2Impl();
+    void init(const int32_t *inIndexes, const UCPTrie *inTrie,
+              const uint16_t *inExtraData, const uint8_t *inSmallFCD);
+    void addLcccChars(UnicodeSet &set) const;
+    void addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void addCanonIterPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    // low-level properties ------------------------------------------------ ***
+    UBool ensureCanonIterData(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    // The trie stores values for lead surrogate code *units*.
+    // Surrogate code *points* are inert.
+    uint16_t getNorm16(UChar32 c) const {
+        return U_IS_LEAD(c) ?
+            static_cast<uint16_t>(INERT) :
+            UCPTRIE_FAST_GET(normTrie, UCPTRIE_16, c);
+    }
+    uint16_t getRawNorm16(UChar32 c) const { return UCPTRIE_FAST_GET(normTrie, UCPTRIE_16, c); }
+    UNormalizationCheckResult getCompQuickCheck(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        if(norm16<minNoNo || MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC<=norm16) {
+            return UNORM_YES;
+        } else if(minMaybeYes<=norm16) {
+            return UNORM_MAYBE;
+        } else {
+            return UNORM_NO;
+        }
+    }
+    UBool isAlgorithmicNoNo(uint16_t norm16) const { return limitNoNo<=norm16 && norm16<minMaybeYes; }
+    UBool isCompNo(uint16_t norm16) const { return minNoNo<=norm16 && norm16<minMaybeYes; }
+    UBool isDecompYes(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16<minYesNo || minMaybeYes<=norm16; }
+    uint8_t getCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        if(norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES) {
+            return getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16);
+        }
+        if(norm16<minNoNo || limitNoNo<=norm16) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return getCCFromNoNo(norm16);
+    }
+    static uint8_t getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(uint16_t norm16) {
+        return (uint8_t)(norm16 >> OFFSET_SHIFT);
+    }
+    static uint8_t getCCFromYesOrMaybe(uint16_t norm16) {
+        return norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES ? getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16) : 0;
+    }
+    uint8_t getCCFromYesOrMaybeCP(UChar32 c) const {
+        if (c < minCompNoMaybeCP) { return 0; }
+        return getCCFromYesOrMaybe(getNorm16(c));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the FCD data for code point c.
+     * @param c A Unicode code point.
+     * @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
+     */
+    uint16_t getFCD16(UChar32 c) const {
+        if(c<minDecompNoCP) {
+            return 0;
+        } else if(c<=0xffff) {
+            if(!singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) { return 0; }
+        }
+        return getFCD16FromNormData(c);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the FCD data for the next code point (post-increment).
+     * Might skip only a lead surrogate rather than the whole surrogate pair if none of
+     * the supplementary code points associated with the lead surrogate have non-zero FCD data.
+     * @param s A valid pointer into a string. Requires s!=limit.
+     * @param limit The end of the string, or NULL.
+     * @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
+     */
+    uint16_t nextFCD16(const UChar *&s, const UChar *limit) const {
+        UChar32 c=*s++;
+        if(c<minDecompNoCP || !singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        UChar c2;
+        if(U16_IS_LEAD(c) && s!=limit && U16_IS_TRAIL(c2=*s)) {
+            c=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, c2);
+            ++s;
+        }
+        return getFCD16FromNormData(c);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the FCD data for the previous code point (pre-decrement).
+     * @param start The start of the string.
+     * @param s A valid pointer into a string. Requires start<s.
+     * @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
+     */
+    uint16_t previousFCD16(const UChar *start, const UChar *&s) const {
+        UChar32 c=*--s;
+        if(c<minDecompNoCP) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if(!U16_IS_TRAIL(c)) {
+            if(!singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) {
+                return 0;
+            }
+        } else {
+            UChar c2;
+            if(start<s && U16_IS_LEAD(c2=*(s-1))) {
+                c=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c2, c);
+                --s;
+            }
+        }
+        return getFCD16FromNormData(c);
+    }
+    /** Returns TRUE if the single-or-lead code unit c might have non-zero FCD data. */
+    UBool singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(UChar32 lead) const {
+        // 0<=lead<=0xffff
+        uint8_t bits=smallFCD[lead>>8];
+        if(bits==0) { return false; }
+        return (UBool)((bits>>((lead>>5)&7))&1);
+    }
+    /** Returns the FCD value from the regular normalization data. */
+    uint16_t getFCD16FromNormData(UChar32 c) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the decomposition for one code point.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @param buffer out-only buffer for algorithmic decompositions
+     * @param length out-only, takes the length of the decomposition, if any
+     * @return pointer to the decomposition, or NULL if none
+     */
+    const UChar *getDecomposition(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[4], int32_t &length) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the raw decomposition for one code point.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @param buffer out-only buffer for algorithmic decompositions
+     * @param length out-only, takes the length of the decomposition, if any
+     * @return pointer to the decomposition, or NULL if none
+     */
+    const UChar *getRawDecomposition(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[30], int32_t &length) const;
+    UChar32 composePair(UChar32 a, UChar32 b) const;
+    UBool isCanonSegmentStarter(UChar32 c) const;
+    UBool getCanonStartSet(UChar32 c, UnicodeSet &set) const;
+    enum {
+        // Fixed norm16 values.
+        MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC=0xfe02,
+        JAMO_VT=0xfe00,
+        MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES=0xfc00,
+        JAMO_L=2,  // offset=1 hasCompBoundaryAfter=FALSE
+        INERT=1,  // offset=0 hasCompBoundaryAfter=TRUE
+        // norm16 bit 0 is comp-boundary-after.
+        OFFSET_SHIFT=1,
+        // For algorithmic one-way mappings, norm16 bits 2..1 indicate the
+        // tccc (0, 1, >1) for quick FCC boundary-after tests.
+        DELTA_TCCC_0=0,
+        DELTA_TCCC_1=2,
+        DELTA_TCCC_GT_1=4,
+        DELTA_TCCC_MASK=6,
+        DELTA_SHIFT=3,
+        MAX_DELTA=0x40
+    };
+    enum {
+        // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
+        IX_TOTAL_SIZE,
+        // Code point thresholds for quick check codes.
+        // Norm16 value thresholds for quick check combinations and types of extra data.
+        /** Mappings & compositions in [minYesNo..minYesNoMappingsOnly[. */
+        IX_MIN_YES_NO,
+        /** Mappings are comp-normalized. */
+        IX_MIN_NO_NO,
+        IX_LIMIT_NO_NO,
+        IX_MIN_MAYBE_YES,
+        /** Mappings only in [minYesNoMappingsOnly..minNoNo[. */
+        /** Mappings are not comp-normalized but have a comp boundary before. */
+        /** Mappings do not have a comp boundary before. */
+        /** Mappings to the empty string. */
+        IX_MIN_NO_NO_EMPTY,
+        IX_MIN_LCCC_CP,
+        IX_RESERVED19,
+        IX_COUNT
+    };
+    enum {
+        // unused bit 0x20,
+    };
+    enum {
+        COMP_1_LAST_TUPLE=0x8000,
+        COMP_1_TRIPLE=1,
+        COMP_1_TRAIL_LIMIT=0x3400,
+        COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK=0x7ffe,
+        COMP_1_TRAIL_SHIFT=9,  // 10-1 for the "triple" bit
+        COMP_2_TRAIL_SHIFT=6,
+        COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK=0xffc0
+    };
+    // higher-level functionality ------------------------------------------ ***
+    // NFD without an NFD Normalizer2 instance.
+    UnicodeString &decompose(const UnicodeString &src, UnicodeString &dest,
+                             UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Decomposes [src, limit[ and writes the result to dest.
+     * limit can be NULL if src is NUL-terminated.
+     * destLengthEstimate is the initial dest buffer capacity and can be -1.
+     */
+    void decompose(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                   UnicodeString &dest, int32_t destLengthEstimate,
+                   UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const UChar *decompose(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                           ReorderingBuffer *buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void decomposeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                            UBool doDecompose,
+                            UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
+                            ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
+                            UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UBool compose(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                  UBool onlyContiguous,
+                  UBool doCompose,
+                  ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
+                  UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const UChar *composeQuickCheck(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                                   UBool onlyContiguous,
+                                   UNormalizationCheckResult *pQCResult) const;
+    void composeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                          UBool doCompose,
+                          UBool onlyContiguous,
+                          UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
+                          ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
+                          UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /** sink==nullptr: isNormalized() */
+    UBool composeUTF8(uint32_t options, UBool onlyContiguous,
+                      const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *limit,
+                      ByteSink *sink, icu::Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const UChar *makeFCD(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                         ReorderingBuffer *buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void makeFCDAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                          UBool doMakeFCD,
+                          UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
+                          ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
+                          UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UBool hasDecompBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const;
+    UBool norm16HasDecompBoundaryBefore(uint16_t norm16) const;
+    UBool hasDecompBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const;
+    UBool norm16HasDecompBoundaryAfter(uint16_t norm16) const;
+    UBool isDecompInert(UChar32 c) const { return isDecompYesAndZeroCC(getNorm16(c)); }
+    UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const {
+        return c<minCompNoMaybeCP || norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(getNorm16(c));
+    }
+    UBool hasCompBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c, UBool onlyContiguous) const {
+        return norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(getNorm16(c), onlyContiguous);
+    }
+    UBool isCompInert(UChar32 c, UBool onlyContiguous) const {
+        uint16_t norm16=getNorm16(c);
+        return isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16) &&
+            (norm16 & HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER) != 0 &&
+            (!onlyContiguous || isInert(norm16) || *getMapping(norm16) <= 0x1ff);
+    }
+    UBool hasFCDBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const { return hasDecompBoundaryBefore(c); }
+    UBool hasFCDBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const { return hasDecompBoundaryAfter(c); }
+    UBool isFCDInert(UChar32 c) const { return getFCD16(c)<=1; }
+    friend class InitCanonIterData;
+    friend class LcccContext;
+    UBool isMaybe(uint16_t norm16) const { return minMaybeYes<=norm16 && norm16<=JAMO_VT; }
+    UBool isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16>=minMaybeYes; }
+    static UBool isInert(uint16_t norm16) { return norm16==INERT; }
+    static UBool isJamoL(uint16_t norm16) { return norm16==JAMO_L; }
+    static UBool isJamoVT(uint16_t norm16) { return norm16==JAMO_VT; }
+    uint16_t hangulLVT() const { return minYesNoMappingsOnly|HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER; }
+    UBool isHangulLV(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16==minYesNo; }
+    UBool isHangulLVT(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return norm16==hangulLVT();
+    }
+    UBool isCompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16<minNoNo; }
+    // UBool isCompYes(uint16_t norm16) const {
+    //     return norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC || norm16<minNoNo;
+    // }
+    // UBool isCompYesOrMaybe(uint16_t norm16) const {
+    //     return norm16<minNoNo || minMaybeYes<=norm16;
+    // }
+    // UBool hasZeroCCFromDecompYes(uint16_t norm16) const {
+    //     return norm16<=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16==JAMO_VT;
+    // }
+    UBool isDecompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return norm16<minYesNo ||
+               norm16==JAMO_VT ||
+               (minMaybeYes<=norm16 && norm16<=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES);
+    }
+    /**
+     * A little faster and simpler than isDecompYesAndZeroCC() but does not include
+     * the MaybeYes which combine-forward and have ccc=0.
+     * (Standard Unicode 10 normalization does not have such characters.)
+     */
+    UBool isMostDecompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return norm16<minYesNo || norm16==MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16==JAMO_VT;
+    }
+    UBool isDecompNoAlgorithmic(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16>=limitNoNo; }
+    // For use with isCompYes().
+    // Perhaps the compiler can combine the two tests for MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC.
+    // static uint8_t getCCFromYes(uint16_t norm16) {
+    //     return norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC ? getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16) : 0;
+    // }
+    uint8_t getCCFromNoNo(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        const uint16_t *mapping=getMapping(norm16);
+        if(*mapping&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD) {
+            return (uint8_t)*(mapping-1);
+        } else {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // requires that the [cpStart..cpLimit[ character passes isCompYesAndZeroCC()
+    uint8_t getTrailCCFromCompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        if(norm16<=minYesNo) {
+            return 0;  // yesYes and Hangul LV have ccc=tccc=0
+        } else {
+            // For Hangul LVT we harmlessly fetch a firstUnit with tccc=0 here.
+            return (uint8_t)(*getMapping(norm16)>>8);  // tccc from yesNo
+        }
+    }
+    uint8_t getPreviousTrailCC(const UChar *start, const UChar *p) const;
+    uint8_t getPreviousTrailCC(const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *p) const;
+    // Requires algorithmic-NoNo.
+    UChar32 mapAlgorithmic(UChar32 c, uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return c+(norm16>>DELTA_SHIFT)-centerNoNoDelta;
+    }
+    UChar32 getAlgorithmicDelta(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return (norm16>>DELTA_SHIFT)-centerNoNoDelta;
+    }
+    // Requires minYesNo<norm16<limitNoNo.
+    const uint16_t *getMapping(uint16_t norm16) const { return extraData+(norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT); }
+    const uint16_t *getCompositionsListForDecompYes(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        if(norm16<JAMO_L || MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES<=norm16) {
+            return NULL;
+        } else if(norm16<minMaybeYes) {
+            return getMapping(norm16);  // for yesYes; if Jamo L: harmless empty list
+        } else {
+            return maybeYesCompositions+norm16-minMaybeYes;
+        }
+    }
+    const uint16_t *getCompositionsListForComposite(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        // A composite has both mapping & compositions list.
+        const uint16_t *list=getMapping(norm16);
+        return list+  // mapping pointer
+            1+  // +1 to skip the first unit with the mapping length
+            (*list&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK);  // + mapping length
+    }
+    const uint16_t *getCompositionsListForMaybe(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        // minMaybeYes<=norm16<MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES
+        return maybeYesCompositions+((norm16-minMaybeYes)>>OFFSET_SHIFT);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param c code point must have compositions
+     * @return compositions list pointer
+     */
+    const uint16_t *getCompositionsList(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return isDecompYes(norm16) ?
+                getCompositionsListForDecompYes(norm16) :
+                getCompositionsListForComposite(norm16);
+    }
+    const UChar *copyLowPrefixFromNulTerminated(const UChar *src,
+                                                UChar32 minNeedDataCP,
+                                                ReorderingBuffer *buffer,
+                                                UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const UChar *decomposeShort(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
+                                UBool stopAtCompBoundary, UBool onlyContiguous,
+                                ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UBool decompose(UChar32 c, uint16_t norm16,
+                    ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const uint8_t *decomposeShort(const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *limit,
+                                  UBool stopAtCompBoundary, UBool onlyContiguous,
+                                  ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    static int32_t combine(const uint16_t *list, UChar32 trail);
+    void addComposites(const uint16_t *list, UnicodeSet &set) const;
+    void recompose(ReorderingBuffer &buffer, int32_t recomposeStartIndex,
+                   UBool onlyContiguous) const;
+    UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c, uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return c<minCompNoMaybeCP || norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(norm16);
+    }
+    UBool norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(uint16_t norm16) const  {
+        return norm16 < minNoNoCompNoMaybeCC || isAlgorithmicNoNo(norm16);
+    }
+    UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit) const;
+    UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *limit) const;
+    UBool hasCompBoundaryAfter(const UChar *start, const UChar *p,
+                               UBool onlyContiguous) const;
+    UBool hasCompBoundaryAfter(const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *p,
+                               UBool onlyContiguous) const;
+    UBool norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(uint16_t norm16, UBool onlyContiguous) const {
+        return (norm16 & HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER) != 0 &&
+            (!onlyContiguous || isTrailCC01ForCompBoundaryAfter(norm16));
+    }
+    /** For FCC: Given norm16 HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER, does it have tccc<=1? */
+    UBool isTrailCC01ForCompBoundaryAfter(uint16_t norm16) const {
+        return isInert(norm16) || (isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16) ?
+            (norm16 & DELTA_TCCC_MASK) <= DELTA_TCCC_1 : *getMapping(norm16) <= 0x1ff);
+    }
+    const UChar *findPreviousCompBoundary(const UChar *start, const UChar *p, UBool onlyContiguous) const;
+    const UChar *findNextCompBoundary(const UChar *p, const UChar *limit, UBool onlyContiguous) const;
+    const UChar *findPreviousFCDBoundary(const UChar *start, const UChar *p) const;
+    const UChar *findNextFCDBoundary(const UChar *p, const UChar *limit) const;
+    void makeCanonIterDataFromNorm16(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, const uint16_t norm16,
+                                     CanonIterData &newData, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    int32_t getCanonValue(UChar32 c) const;
+    const UnicodeSet &getCanonStartSet(int32_t n) const;
+    // UVersionInfo dataVersion;
+    // BMP code point thresholds for quick check loops looking at single UTF-16 code units.
+    UChar minDecompNoCP;
+    UChar minCompNoMaybeCP;
+    UChar minLcccCP;
+    // Norm16 value thresholds for quick check combinations and types of extra data.
+    uint16_t minYesNo;
+    uint16_t minYesNoMappingsOnly;
+    uint16_t minNoNo;
+    uint16_t minNoNoCompBoundaryBefore;
+    uint16_t minNoNoCompNoMaybeCC;
+    uint16_t minNoNoEmpty;
+    uint16_t limitNoNo;
+    uint16_t centerNoNoDelta;
+    uint16_t minMaybeYes;
+    const UCPTrie *normTrie;
+    const uint16_t *maybeYesCompositions;
+    const uint16_t *extraData;  // mappings and/or compositions for yesYes, yesNo & noNo characters
+    const uint8_t *smallFCD;  // [0x100] one bit per 32 BMP code points, set if any FCD!=0
+    UInitOnce       fCanonIterDataInitOnce = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER;
+    CanonIterData  *fCanonIterData;
+// bits in canonIterData
+#define CANON_NOT_SEGMENT_STARTER 0x80000000
+#define CANON_HAS_COMPOSITIONS 0x40000000
+#define CANON_HAS_SET 0x200000
+#define CANON_VALUE_MASK 0x1fffff
+ * ICU-internal shortcut for quick access to standard Unicode normalization.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Normalizer2Factory {
+    static const Normalizer2 *getFCDInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Normalizer2 *getFCCInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Normalizer2 *getNoopInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Normalizer2 *getInstance(UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Normalizer2Impl *getNFCImpl(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Normalizer2Impl *getNFKCImpl(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static const Normalizer2Impl *getNFKC_CFImpl(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Get the Impl instance of the Normalizer2.
+    // Must be used only when it is known that norm2 is a Normalizer2WithImpl instance.
+    static const Normalizer2Impl *getImpl(const Normalizer2 *norm2);
+    Normalizer2Factory();  // No instantiation.
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+            const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the NF*_QC property for a code point, for u_getIntPropertyValue().
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC UNormalizationCheckResult
+unorm_getQuickCheck(UChar32 c, UNormalizationMode mode);
+ * Gets the 16-bit FCD value (lead & trail CCs) for a code point, for u_getIntPropertyValue().
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC uint16_t
+unorm_getFCD16(UChar32 c);
+ * Format of Normalizer2 .nrm data files.
+ * Format version 4.0.
+ *
+ * Normalizer2 .nrm data files provide data for the Unicode Normalization algorithms.
+ * ICU ships with data files for standard Unicode Normalization Forms
+ * NFC and NFD (nfc.nrm), NFKC and NFKD (nfkc.nrm) and NFKC_Casefold (nfkc_cf.nrm).
+ * Custom (application-specific) data can be built into additional .nrm files
+ * with the gennorm2 build tool.
+ * ICU ships with one such file, uts46.nrm, for the implementation of UTS #46.
+ *
+ * Normalizer2.getInstance() causes a .nrm file to be loaded, unless it has been
+ * cached already. Internally, Normalizer2Impl.load() reads the .nrm file.
+ *
+ * A .nrm file begins with a standard ICU data file header
+ * (DataHeader, see ucmndata.h and unicode/udata.h).
+ * The UDataInfo.dataVersion field usually contains the Unicode version
+ * for which the data was generated.
+ *
+ * After the header, the file contains the following parts.
+ * Constants are defined as enum values of the Normalizer2Impl class.
+ *
+ * Many details of the data structures are described in the design doc
+ * which is at
+ *
+ * int32_t indexes[indexesLength]; -- indexesLength=indexes[IX_NORM_TRIE_OFFSET]/4;
+ *
+ *      The first eight indexes are byte offsets in ascending order.
+ *      Each byte offset marks the start of the next part in the data file,
+ *      and the end of the previous one.
+ *      When two consecutive byte offsets are the same, then the corresponding part is empty.
+ *      Byte offsets are offsets from after the header,
+ *      that is, from the beginning of the indexes[].
+ *      Each part starts at an offset with proper alignment for its data.
+ *      If necessary, the previous part may include padding bytes to achieve this alignment.
+ *
+ *      minDecompNoCP=indexes[IX_MIN_DECOMP_NO_CP] is the lowest code point
+ *      with a decomposition mapping, that is, with NF*D_QC=No.
+ *      minCompNoMaybeCP=indexes[IX_MIN_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CP] is the lowest code point
+ *      with NF*C_QC=No (has a one-way mapping) or Maybe (combines backward).
+ *      minLcccCP=indexes[IX_MIN_LCCC_CP] (index 18, new in formatVersion 3)
+ *      is the lowest code point with lccc!=0.
+ *
+ *      The next eight indexes are thresholds of 16-bit trie values for ranges of
+ *      values indicating multiple normalization properties.
+ *      They are listed here in threshold order, not in the order they are stored in the indexes.
+ *          minYesNo=indexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO];
+ *          minYesNoMappingsOnly=indexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO_MAPPINGS_ONLY];
+ *          minNoNo=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO];
+ *          minNoNoCompBoundaryBefore=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_BEFORE];
+ *          minNoNoCompNoMaybeCC=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CC];
+ *          minNoNoEmpty=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_EMPTY];
+ *          limitNoNo=indexes[IX_LIMIT_NO_NO];
+ *          minMaybeYes=indexes[IX_MIN_MAYBE_YES];
+ *      See the normTrie description below and the design doc for details.
+ *
+ * UCPTrie normTrie; -- see ucptrie_impl.h and ucptrie.h, same as Java CodePointTrie
+ *
+ *      The trie holds the main normalization data. Each code point is mapped to a 16-bit value.
+ *      Rather than using independent bits in the value (which would require more than 16 bits),
+ *      information is extracted primarily via range checks.
+ *      Except, format version 3 uses bit 0 for hasCompBoundaryAfter().
+ *      For example, a 16-bit value norm16 in the range minYesNo<=norm16<minNoNo
+ *      means that the character has NF*C_QC=Yes and NF*D_QC=No properties,
+ *      which means it has a two-way (round-trip) decomposition mapping.
+ *      Values in the range 2<=norm16<limitNoNo are also directly indexes into the extraData
+ *      pointing to mappings, compositions lists, or both.
+ *      Value norm16==INERT (0 in versions 1 & 2, 1 in version 3)
+ *      means that the character is normalization-inert, that is,
+ *      it does not have a mapping, does not participate in composition, has a zero
+ *      canonical combining class, and forms a boundary where text before it and after it
+ *      can be normalized independently.
+ *      For details about how multiple properties are encoded in 16-bit values
+ *      see the design doc.
+ *      Note that the encoding cannot express all combinations of the properties involved;
+ *      it only supports those combinations that are allowed by
+ *      the Unicode Normalization algorithms. Details are in the design doc as well.
+ *      The gennorm2 tool only builds .nrm files for data that conforms to the limitations.
+ *
+ *      The trie has a value for each lead surrogate code unit representing the "worst case"
+ *      properties of the 1024 supplementary characters whose UTF-16 form starts with
+ *      the lead surrogate. If all of the 1024 supplementary characters are normalization-inert,
+ *      then their lead surrogate code unit has the trie value INERT.
+ *      When the lead surrogate unit's value exceeds the quick check minimum during processing,
+ *      the properties for the full supplementary code point need to be looked up.
+ *
+ * uint16_t maybeYesCompositions[MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES-minMaybeYes];
+ * uint16_t extraData[];
+ *
+ *      There is only one byte offset for the end of these two arrays.
+ *      The split between them is given by the constant and variable mentioned above.
+ *      In version 3, the difference must be shifted right by OFFSET_SHIFT.
+ *
+ *      The maybeYesCompositions array contains compositions lists for characters that
+ *      combine both forward (as starters in composition pairs)
+ *      and backward (as trailing characters in composition pairs).
+ *      Such characters do not occur in Unicode 5.2 but are allowed by
+ *      the Unicode Normalization algorithms.
+ *      If there are no such characters, then minMaybeYes==MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES
+ *      and the maybeYesCompositions array is empty.
+ *      If there are such characters, then minMaybeYes is subtracted from their norm16 values
+ *      to get the index into this array.
+ *
+ *      The extraData array contains compositions lists for "YesYes" characters,
+ *      followed by mappings and optional compositions lists for "YesNo" characters,
+ *      followed by only mappings for "NoNo" characters.
+ *      (Referring to pairs of NFC/NFD quick check values.)
+ *      The norm16 values of those characters are directly indexes into the extraData array.
+ *      In version 3, the norm16 values must be shifted right by OFFSET_SHIFT
+ *      for accessing extraData.
+ *
+ *      The data structures for compositions lists and mappings are described in the design doc.
+ *
+ * uint8_t smallFCD[0x100]; -- new in format version 2
+ *
+ *      This is a bit set to help speed up FCD value lookups in the absence of a full
+ *      UTrie2 or other large data structure with the full FCD value mapping.
+ *
+ *      Each smallFCD bit is set if any of the corresponding 32 BMP code points
+ *      has a non-zero FCD value (lccc!=0 or tccc!=0).
+ *      Bit 0 of smallFCD[0] is for U+0000..U+001F. Bit 7 of smallFCD[0xff] is for U+FFE0..U+FFFF.
+ *      A bit for 32 lead surrogates is set if any of the 32k corresponding
+ *      _supplementary_ code points has a non-zero FCD value.
+ *
+ *      This bit set is most useful for the large blocks of CJK characters with FCD=0.
+ *
+ * Changes from format version 1 to format version 2 ---------------------------
+ *
+ * - Addition of data for raw (not recursively decomposed) mappings.
+ *   + The MAPPING_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER bit in the extraData is now also set when
+ *     the mapping is to an empty string or when the character combines-forward.
+ *     This subsumes the one actual use of the MAPPING_PLUS_COMPOSITION_LIST bit which
+ *     is then repurposed for the MAPPING_HAS_RAW_MAPPING bit.
+ *   + For details see the design doc.
+ * - Addition of indexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO_MAPPINGS_ONLY] and separation of the yesNo extraData into
+ *   distinct ranges (combines-forward vs. not)
+ *   so that a range check can be used to find out if there is a compositions list.
+ *   This is fully equivalent with formatVersion 1's MAPPING_PLUS_COMPOSITION_LIST flag.
+ *   It is needed for the new (in ICU 49) composePair(), not for other normalization.
+ * - Addition of the smallFCD[] bit set.
+ *
+ * Changes from format version 2 to format version 3 (ICU 60) ------------------
+ *
+ * - norm16 bit 0 indicates hasCompBoundaryAfter(),
+ *   except that for contiguous composition (FCC) the tccc must be checked as well.
+ *   Data indexes and ccc values are shifted left by one (OFFSET_SHIFT).
+ *   Thresholds like minNoNo are tested before shifting.
+ *
+ * - Algorithmic mapping deltas are shifted left by two more bits (total DELTA_SHIFT),
+ *   to make room for two bits (three values) indicating whether the tccc is 0, 1, or greater.
+ *   See DELTA_TCCC_MASK etc.
+ *   This helps with fetching tccc/FCD values and FCC hasCompBoundaryAfter().
+ *   minMaybeYes is 8-aligned so that the DELTA_TCCC_MASK bits can be tested directly.
+ *
+ * - Algorithmic mappings are only used for mapping to "comp yes and ccc=0" characters,
+ *   and ASCII characters are mapped algorithmically only to other ASCII characters.
+ *   This helps with hasCompBoundaryBefore() and compose() fast paths.
+ *   It is never necessary any more to loop for algorithmic mappings.
+ *
+ * - Addition of indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_BEFORE],
+ *   indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CC], and indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_EMPTY],
+ *   and separation of the noNo extraData into distinct ranges.
+ *   With this, the noNo norm16 value indicates whether the mapping is
+ *   compose-normalized, not normalized but hasCompBoundaryBefore(),
+ *   not even that, or maps to an empty string.
+ *   hasCompBoundaryBefore() can be determined solely from the norm16 value.
+ *
+ * - The norm16 value for Hangul LVT is now different from that for Hangul LV,
+ *   so that hasCompBoundaryAfter() need not check for the syllable type.
+ *   For Hangul LV, minYesNo continues to be used (no comp-boundary-after).
+ *   For Hangul LVT, minYesNoMappingsOnly|HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER is used.
+ *   The extraData units at these indexes are set to firstUnit=2 and firstUnit=3, respectively,
+ *   to simplify some code.
+ *
+ * - The extraData firstUnit bit 5 is no longer necessary
+ *   (norm16 bit 0 used instead of firstUnit MAPPING_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER),
+ *   is reserved again, and always set to 0.
+ *
+ * - Addition of indexes[IX_MIN_LCCC_CP], the first code point where lccc!=0.
+ *   This used to be hardcoded to U+0300, but in data like NFKC_Casefold it is lower:
+ *   U+00AD Soft Hyphen maps to an empty string,
+ *   which is artificially assigned "worst case" values lccc=1 and tccc=255.
+ *
+ * - A mapping to an empty string has explicit lccc=1 and tccc=255 values.
+ *
+ * Changes from format version 3 to format version 4 (ICU 63) ------------------
+ *
+ * Switched from UTrie2 to UCPTrie/CodePointTrie.
+ *
+ * The new trie no longer stores different values for surrogate code *units* vs.
+ * surrogate code *points*.
+ * Lead surrogates still have values for optimized UTF-16 string processing.
+ * When looking up code point properties, the code now checks for lead surrogates and
+ * treats them as inert.
+ *
+ * gennorm2 now has to reject mappings for surrogate code points.
+ * UTS #46 maps unpaired surrogates to U+FFFD in code rather than via its
+ * custom normalization data file.
+ */
+#endif  /* __NORMALIZER2IMPL_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/nortrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/nortrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198ed29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/nortrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2010, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   07/03/01    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef NORTRANS_H
+#define NORTRANS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
+ * A transliterator that performs normalization.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class NormalizationTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    const Normalizer2 &fNorm2;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~NormalizationTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    NormalizationTransliterator(const NormalizationTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual NormalizationTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text          the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                      untransliterated text
+     * @param offset        the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                      of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental   if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                      pos.contextLimit. Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                             UBool isIncremental) const;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * System registration hook.  Public to Transliterator only.
+     */
+    static void registerIDs();
+ private:
+    // Transliterator::Factory methods
+    static Transliterator* _create(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                                   Token context);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.  This method is private.
+     * Public users must use the factory method createInstance().
+     */
+    NormalizationTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id, const Normalizer2 &norm2);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    NormalizationTransliterator& operator=(const NormalizationTransliterator&);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/nultrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/nultrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c92fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/nultrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2000-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   01/11/2000  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef NULTRANS_H
+#define NULTRANS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+ * A transliterator that leaves text unchanged.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+ */
+class NullTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    NullTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    virtual ~NullTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    virtual NullTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                                     UBool isIncremental) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_affixutils.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_affixutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cfde61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_affixutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+enum AffixPatternState {
+    STATE_BASE = 0,
+// enum AffixPatternType defined in internals.h
+struct AffixTag {
+    int32_t offset;
+    UChar32 codePoint;
+    AffixPatternState state;
+    AffixPatternType type;
+    AffixTag()
+            : offset(0), state(STATE_BASE) {}
+    AffixTag(int32_t offset)
+            : offset(offset) {}
+    AffixTag(int32_t offset, UChar32 codePoint, AffixPatternState state, AffixPatternType type)
+            : offset(offset), codePoint(codePoint), state(state), type(type) {}
+class TokenConsumer {
+  public:
+    virtual ~TokenConsumer();
+    virtual void consumeToken(AffixPatternType type, UChar32 cp, UErrorCode& status) = 0;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a base class for other exported types
+class U_I18N_API SymbolProvider {
+  public:
+    virtual ~SymbolProvider();
+    // TODO: Could this be more efficient if it returned by reference?
+    virtual UnicodeString getSymbol(AffixPatternType type) const = 0;
+ * Performs manipulations on affix patterns: the prefix and suffix strings associated with a decimal
+ * format pattern. For example:
+ *
+ * <table>
+ * <tr><th>Affix Pattern</th><th>Example Unescaped (Formatted) String</th></tr>
+ * <tr><td>abc</td><td>abc</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>ab-</td><td>ab−</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>ab'-'</td><td>ab-</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>ab''</td><td>ab'</td></tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * To manually iterate over tokens in a literal string, use the following pattern, which is designed
+ * to be efficient.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * long tag = 0L;
+ * while (AffixPatternUtils.hasNext(tag, patternString)) {
+ *   tag = AffixPatternUtils.nextToken(tag, patternString);
+ *   int typeOrCp = AffixPatternUtils.getTypeOrCp(tag);
+ *   switch (typeOrCp) {
+ *     case AffixPatternUtils.TYPE_MINUS_SIGN:
+ *       // Current token is a minus sign.
+ *       break;
+ *     case AffixPatternUtils.TYPE_PLUS_SIGN:
+ *       // Current token is a plus sign.
+ *       break;
+ *     case AffixPatternUtils.TYPE_PERCENT:
+ *       // Current token is a percent sign.
+ *       break;
+ *     // ... other types ...
+ *     default:
+ *       // Current token is an arbitrary code point.
+ *       // The variable typeOrCp is the code point.
+ *       break;
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class U_I18N_API AffixUtils {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Estimates the number of code points present in an unescaped version of the affix pattern string
+     * (one that would be returned by {@link #unescape}), assuming that all interpolated symbols
+     * consume one code point and that currencies consume as many code points as their symbol width.
+     * Used for computing padding width.
+     *
+     * @param patternString The original string whose width will be estimated.
+     * @return The length of the unescaped string.
+     */
+    static int32_t estimateLength(const UnicodeString& patternString, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Takes a string and escapes (quotes) characters that have special meaning in the affix pattern
+     * syntax. This function does not reverse-lookup symbols.
+     *
+     * <p>Example input: "-$x"; example output: "'-'$x"
+     *
+     * @param input The string to be escaped.
+     * @return The resulting UnicodeString.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString escape(const UnicodeString& input);
+    static Field getFieldForType(AffixPatternType type);
+    /**
+     * Executes the unescape state machine. Replaces the unquoted characters "-", "+", "%", "‰", and
+     * "¤" with the corresponding symbols provided by the {@link SymbolProvider}, and inserts the
+     * result into the FormattedStringBuilder at the requested location.
+     *
+     * <p>Example input: "'-'¤x"; example output: "-$x"
+     *
+     * @param affixPattern The original string to be unescaped.
+     * @param output The FormattedStringBuilder to mutate with the result.
+     * @param position The index into the FormattedStringBuilder to insert the string.
+     * @param provider An object to generate locale symbols.
+     */
+    static int32_t unescape(const UnicodeString& affixPattern, FormattedStringBuilder& output,
+                            int32_t position, const SymbolProvider& provider, Field field,
+                            UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+   * Sames as {@link #unescape}, but only calculates the code point count.  More efficient than {@link #unescape}
+   * if you only need the length but not the string itself.
+     *
+     * @param affixPattern The original string to be unescaped.
+     * @param provider An object to generate locale symbols.
+     * @return The same return value as if you called {@link #unescape}.
+     */
+    static int32_t unescapedCodePointCount(const UnicodeString& affixPattern,
+                                           const SymbolProvider& provider, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Checks whether the given affix pattern contains at least one token of the given type, which is
+     * one of the constants "TYPE_" in {@link AffixPatternUtils}.
+     *
+     * @param affixPattern The affix pattern to check.
+     * @param type The token type.
+     * @return true if the affix pattern contains the given token type; false otherwise.
+     */
+    static bool containsType(const UnicodeString& affixPattern, AffixPatternType type, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Checks whether the specified affix pattern has any unquoted currency symbols ("¤").
+     *
+     * @param affixPattern The string to check for currency symbols.
+     * @return true if the literal has at least one unquoted currency symbol; false otherwise.
+     */
+    static bool hasCurrencySymbols(const UnicodeString& affixPattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Replaces all occurrences of tokens with the given type with the given replacement char.
+     *
+     * @param affixPattern The source affix pattern (does not get modified).
+     * @param type The token type.
+     * @param replacementChar The char to substitute in place of chars of the given token type.
+     * @return A string containing the new affix pattern.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString replaceType(const UnicodeString& affixPattern, AffixPatternType type,
+                                     char16_t replacementChar, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the given affix pattern contains only symbols and ignorables as defined by the
+     * given ignorables set.
+     */
+    static bool containsOnlySymbolsAndIgnorables(const UnicodeString& affixPattern,
+                                                 const UnicodeSet& ignorables, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Iterates over the affix pattern, calling the TokenConsumer for each token.
+     */
+    static void iterateWithConsumer(const UnicodeString& affixPattern, TokenConsumer& consumer,
+                                    UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the next token from the affix pattern.
+     *
+     * @param tag A bitmask used for keeping track of state from token to token. The initial value
+     *     should be 0L.
+     * @param patternString The affix pattern.
+     * @return The bitmask tag to pass to the next call of this method to retrieve the following token
+     *     (never negative), or -1 if there were no more tokens in the affix pattern.
+     * @see #hasNext
+     */
+    static AffixTag nextToken(AffixTag tag, const UnicodeString& patternString, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the affix pattern string has any more tokens to be retrieved from a call to
+     * {@link #nextToken}.
+     *
+     * @param tag The bitmask tag of the previous token, as returned by {@link #nextToken}.
+     * @param string The affix pattern.
+     * @return true if there are more tokens to consume; false otherwise.
+     */
+    static bool hasNext(const AffixTag& tag, const UnicodeString& string);
+  private:
+    /**
+     * Encodes the given values into a tag struct.
+     * The order of the arguments is consistent with Java, but the order of the stored
+     * fields is not necessarily the same.
+     */
+    static inline AffixTag makeTag(int32_t offset, AffixPatternType type, AffixPatternState state,
+                                   UChar32 cp) {
+        return {offset, cp, state, type};
+    }
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_asformat.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_asformat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0a1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_asformat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMBER_ASFORMAT_H__
+#define __NUMBER_ASFORMAT_H__
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include "number_scientific.h"
+#include "number_patternstring.h"
+#include "number_modifiers.h"
+#include "number_multiplier.h"
+#include "number_roundingutils.h"
+#include "decNumber.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+ * A wrapper around LocalizedNumberFormatter implementing the Format interface, enabling improved
+ * compatibility with other APIs.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 62
+ * @see NumberFormatter
+ */
+class U_I18N_API LocalizedNumberFormatterAsFormat : public Format {
+  public:
+    LocalizedNumberFormatterAsFormat(const LocalizedNumberFormatter& formatter, const Locale& locale);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    ~LocalizedNumberFormatterAsFormat() U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Equals operator.
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const Format& other) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Creates a copy of this object.
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatterAsFormat* clone() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Formats a Number using the wrapped LocalizedNumberFormatter. The provided formattable must be a
+     * number type.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Formats a Number using the wrapped LocalizedNumberFormatter. The provided formattable must be a
+     * number type.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Not supported: sets an error index and returns.
+     */
+    void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source, Formattable& result,
+                     ParsePosition& parse_pos) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Gets the LocalizedNumberFormatter that this wrapper class uses to format numbers.
+     *
+     * For maximum efficiency, this function returns by const reference. You must copy the return value
+     * into a local variable if you want to use it beyond the lifetime of the current object:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * LocalizedNumberFormatter localFormatter = fmt->getNumberFormatter();
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * You can however use the return value directly when chaining:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * FormattedNumber result = fmt->getNumberFormatter().formatDouble(514.23, status);
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @return The unwrapped LocalizedNumberFormatter.
+     */
+    const LocalizedNumberFormatter& getNumberFormatter() const;
+    UClassID getDynamicClassID() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+  private:
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter fFormatter;
+    // Even though the locale is inside the LocalizedNumberFormatter, we have to keep it here, too, because
+    // LocalizedNumberFormatter doesn't have a getLocale() method, and ICU-TC didn't want to add one.
+    Locale fLocale;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif // __NUMBER_ASFORMAT_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_compact.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_compact.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dda5f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_compact.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMBER_COMPACT_H__
+#define __NUMBER_COMPACT_H__
+#include "standardplural.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "number_patternmodifier.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+static const int32_t COMPACT_MAX_DIGITS = 15;
+class CompactData : public MultiplierProducer {
+  public:
+    CompactData();
+    void populate(const Locale &locale, const char *nsName, CompactStyle compactStyle,
+                  CompactType compactType, UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t getMultiplier(int32_t magnitude) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    const UChar *getPattern(int32_t magnitude, StandardPlural::Form plural) const;
+    void getUniquePatterns(UVector &output, UErrorCode &status) const;
+  private:
+    const UChar *patterns[(COMPACT_MAX_DIGITS + 1) * StandardPlural::COUNT];
+    int8_t multipliers[COMPACT_MAX_DIGITS + 1];
+    int8_t largestMagnitude;
+    UBool isEmpty;
+    class CompactDataSink : public ResourceSink {
+      public:
+        explicit CompactDataSink(CompactData &data) : data(data) {}
+        void put(const char *key, ResourceValue &value, UBool /*noFallback*/, UErrorCode &status) U_OVERRIDE;
+      private:
+        CompactData &data;
+    };
+struct CompactModInfo {
+    const ImmutablePatternModifier *mod;
+    const UChar* patternString;
+class CompactHandler : public MicroPropsGenerator, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    CompactHandler(CompactStyle compactStyle, const Locale &locale, const char *nsName,
+                   CompactType compactType, const PluralRules *rules,
+                   MutablePatternModifier *buildReference, const MicroPropsGenerator *parent,
+                   UErrorCode &status);
+    ~CompactHandler() U_OVERRIDE;
+    void
+    processQuantity(DecimalQuantity &quantity, MicroProps &micros, UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    const PluralRules *rules;
+    const MicroPropsGenerator *parent;
+    // Initial capacity of 12 for 0K, 00K, 000K, ...M, ...B, and ...T
+    MaybeStackArray<CompactModInfo, 12> precomputedMods;
+    int32_t precomputedModsLength = 0;
+    CompactData data;
+    ParsedPatternInfo unsafePatternInfo;
+    UBool safe;
+    /** Used by the safe code path */
+    void precomputeAllModifiers(MutablePatternModifier &buildReference, UErrorCode &status);
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif //__NUMBER_COMPACT_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_currencysymbols.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_currencysymbols.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9996bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_currencysymbols.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+#include "number_decimfmtprops.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API CurrencySymbols : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    CurrencySymbols() = default; // default constructor: leaves class in valid but undefined state
+    /** Creates an instance in which all symbols are loaded from data. */
+    CurrencySymbols(CurrencyUnit currency, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Creates an instance in which some symbols might be pre-populated. */
+    CurrencySymbols(CurrencyUnit currency, const Locale& locale, const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
+                    UErrorCode& status);
+    const char16_t* getIsoCode() const;
+    UnicodeString getNarrowCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString getCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString getIntlCurrencySymbol(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString getPluralName(StandardPlural::Form plural, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  protected:
+    // Required fields:
+    CurrencyUnit fCurrency;
+    CharString fLocaleName;
+    // Optional fields:
+    UnicodeString fCurrencySymbol;
+    UnicodeString fIntlCurrencySymbol;
+    UnicodeString loadSymbol(UCurrNameStyle selector, UErrorCode& status) const;
+ * Resolves the effective currency from the property bag.
+ */
+resolveCurrency(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_decimalquantity.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_decimalquantity.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec6c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_decimalquantity.h
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "unicode/umachine.h"
+#include "standardplural.h"
+#include "plurrule_impl.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward-declare (maybe don't want number_utils.h included here):
+class DecNum;
+ * An class for representing a number to be processed by the decimal formatting pipeline. Includes
+ * methods for rounding, plural rules, and decimal digit extraction.
+ *
+ * <p>By design, this is NOT IMMUTABLE and NOT THREAD SAFE. It is intended to be an intermediate
+ * object holding state during a pass through the decimal formatting pipeline.
+ *
+ * <p>Represents numbers and digit display properties using Binary Coded Decimal (BCD).
+ *
+ * <p>Java has multiple implementations for testing, but C++ has only one implementation.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API DecimalQuantity : public IFixedDecimal, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /** Copy constructor. */
+    DecimalQuantity(const DecimalQuantity &other);
+    /** Move constructor. */
+    DecimalQuantity(DecimalQuantity &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    DecimalQuantity();
+    ~DecimalQuantity() override;
+    /**
+     * Sets this instance to be equal to another instance.
+     *
+     * @param other The instance to copy from.
+     */
+    DecimalQuantity &operator=(const DecimalQuantity &other);
+    /** Move assignment */
+    DecimalQuantity &operator=(DecimalQuantity&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum integer digits that this {@link DecimalQuantity} should generate.
+     * This method does not perform rounding.
+     *
+     * @param minInt The minimum number of integer digits.
+     */
+    void setMinInteger(int32_t minInt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum fraction digits that this {@link DecimalQuantity} should generate.
+     * This method does not perform rounding.
+     *
+     * @param minFrac The minimum number of fraction digits.
+     */
+    void setMinFraction(int32_t minFrac);
+    /**
+     * Truncates digits from the upper magnitude of the number in order to satisfy the
+     * specified maximum number of integer digits.
+     *
+     * @param maxInt The maximum number of integer digits.
+     */
+    void applyMaxInteger(int32_t maxInt);
+    /**
+     * Rounds the number to a specified interval, such as 0.05.
+     *
+     * <p>If rounding to a power of ten, use the more efficient {@link #roundToMagnitude} instead.
+     *
+     * @param roundingIncrement The increment to which to round.
+     * @param roundingMode The {@link RoundingMode} to use if rounding is necessary.
+     */
+    void roundToIncrement(double roundingIncrement, RoundingMode roundingMode,
+                          UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Removes all fraction digits. */
+    void truncate();
+    /**
+     * Rounds the number to the nearest multiple of 5 at the specified magnitude.
+     * For example, when magnitude == -2, this performs rounding to the nearest 0.05.
+     *
+     * @param magnitude The magnitude at which the digit should become either 0 or 5.
+     * @param roundingMode Rounding strategy.
+     */
+    void roundToNickel(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Rounds the number to a specified magnitude (power of ten).
+     *
+     * @param roundingMagnitude The power of ten to which to round. For example, a value of -2 will
+     *     round to 2 decimal places.
+     * @param roundingMode The {@link RoundingMode} to use if rounding is necessary.
+     */
+    void roundToMagnitude(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Rounds the number to an infinite number of decimal points. This has no effect except for
+     * forcing the double in {@link DecimalQuantity_AbstractBCD} to adopt its exact representation.
+     */
+    void roundToInfinity();
+    /**
+     * Multiply the internal value. Uses decNumber.
+     *
+     * @param multiplicand The value by which to multiply.
+     */
+    void multiplyBy(const DecNum& multiplicand, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Divide the internal value. Uses decNumber.
+     *
+     * @param multiplicand The value by which to multiply.
+     */
+    void divideBy(const DecNum& divisor, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Flips the sign from positive to negative and back. */
+    void negate();
+    /**
+     * Scales the number by a power of ten. For example, if the value is currently "1234.56", calling
+     * this method with delta=-3 will change the value to "1.23456".
+     *
+     * @param delta The number of magnitudes of ten to change by.
+     * @return true if integer overflow occured; false otherwise.
+     */
+    bool adjustMagnitude(int32_t delta);
+    /**
+     * @return The power of ten corresponding to the most significant nonzero digit.
+     * The number must not be zero.
+     */
+    int32_t getMagnitude() const;
+    /**
+     * @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is
+     * zero, infinity, or NaN.
+     */
+    bool isZeroish() const;
+    /** @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is less than zero. */
+    bool isNegative() const;
+    /** @return The appropriate value from the Signum enum. */
+    Signum signum() const;
+    /** @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is infinite. */
+    bool isInfinite() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @return Whether the value represented by this {@link DecimalQuantity} is not a number. */
+    bool isNaN() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @param truncateIfOverflow if false and the number does NOT fit, fails with an assertion error. */
+    int64_t toLong(bool truncateIfOverflow = false) const;
+    uint64_t toFractionLong(bool includeTrailingZeros) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns whether or not a Long can fully represent the value stored in this DecimalQuantity.
+     * @param ignoreFraction if true, silently ignore digits after the decimal place.
+     */
+    bool fitsInLong(bool ignoreFraction = false) const;
+    /** @return The value contained in this {@link DecimalQuantity} approximated as a double. */
+    double toDouble() const;
+    /** Computes a DecNum representation of this DecimalQuantity, saving it to the output parameter. */
+    void toDecNum(DecNum& output, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    DecimalQuantity &setToInt(int32_t n);
+    DecimalQuantity &setToLong(int64_t n);
+    DecimalQuantity &setToDouble(double n);
+    /** decNumber is similar to BigDecimal in Java. */
+    DecimalQuantity &setToDecNumber(StringPiece n, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Internal method if the caller already has a DecNum. */
+    DecimalQuantity &setToDecNum(const DecNum& n, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Appends a digit, optionally with one or more leading zeros, to the end of the value represented
+     * by this DecimalQuantity.
+     *
+     * <p>The primary use of this method is to construct numbers during a parsing loop. It allows
+     * parsing to take advantage of the digit list infrastructure primarily designed for formatting.
+     *
+     * @param value The digit to append.
+     * @param leadingZeros The number of zeros to append before the digit. For example, if the value
+     *     in this instance starts as 12.3, and you append a 4 with 1 leading zero, the value becomes
+     *     12.304.
+     * @param appendAsInteger If true, increase the magnitude of existing digits to make room for the
+     *     new digit. If false, append to the end like a fraction digit. If true, there must not be
+     *     any fraction digits already in the number.
+     * @internal
+     * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
+     */
+    void appendDigit(int8_t value, int32_t leadingZeros, bool appendAsInteger);
+    double getPluralOperand(PluralOperand operand) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasIntegerValue() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Gets the digit at the specified magnitude. For example, if the represented number is 12.3,
+     * getDigit(-1) returns 3, since 3 is the digit corresponding to 10^-1.
+     *
+     * @param magnitude The magnitude of the digit.
+     * @return The digit at the specified magnitude.
+     */
+    int8_t getDigit(int32_t magnitude) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the largest power of ten that needs to be displayed. The value returned by this function
+     * will be bounded between minInt and maxInt.
+     *
+     * @return The highest-magnitude digit to be displayed.
+     */
+    int32_t getUpperDisplayMagnitude() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the smallest power of ten that needs to be displayed. The value returned by this function
+     * will be bounded between -minFrac and -maxFrac.
+     *
+     * @return The lowest-magnitude digit to be displayed.
+     */
+    int32_t getLowerDisplayMagnitude() const;
+    int32_t fractionCount() const;
+    int32_t fractionCountWithoutTrailingZeros() const;
+    void clear();
+    /** This method is for internal testing only. */
+    uint64_t getPositionFingerprint() const;
+//    /**
+//     * If the given {@link FieldPosition} is a {@link UFieldPosition}, populates it with the fraction
+//     * length and fraction long value. If the argument is not a {@link UFieldPosition}, nothing
+//     * happens.
+//     *
+//     * @param fp The {@link UFieldPosition} to populate.
+//     */
+//    void populateUFieldPosition(FieldPosition fp);
+    /**
+     * Checks whether the bytes stored in this instance are all valid. For internal unit testing only.
+     *
+     * @return An error message if this instance is invalid, or null if this instance is healthy.
+     */
+    const char16_t* checkHealth() const;
+    UnicodeString toString() const;
+    /** Returns the string in standard exponential notation. */
+    UnicodeString toScientificString() const;
+    /** Returns the string without exponential notation. Slightly slower than toScientificString(). */
+    UnicodeString toPlainString() const;
+    /** Visible for testing */
+    inline bool isUsingBytes() { return usingBytes; }
+    /** Visible for testing */
+    inline bool isExplicitExactDouble() { return explicitExactDouble; }
+    bool operator==(const DecimalQuantity& other) const;
+    inline bool operator!=(const DecimalQuantity& other) const {
+        return !(*this == other);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Bogus flag for when a DecimalQuantity is stored on the stack.
+     */
+    bool bogus = false;
+  private:
+    /**
+     * The power of ten corresponding to the least significant digit in the BCD. For example, if this
+     * object represents the number "3.14", the BCD will be "0x314" and the scale will be -2.
+     *
+     * <p>Note that in {@link java.math.BigDecimal}, the scale is defined differently: the number of
+     * digits after the decimal place, which is the negative of our definition of scale.
+     */
+    int32_t scale;
+    /**
+     * The number of digits in the BCD. For example, "1007" has BCD "0x1007" and precision 4. The
+     * maximum precision is 16 since a long can hold only 16 digits.
+     *
+     * <p>This value must be re-calculated whenever the value in bcd changes by using {@link
+     * #computePrecisionAndCompact()}.
+     */
+    int32_t precision;
+    /**
+     * A bitmask of properties relating to the number represented by this object.
+     *
+     * @see #NEGATIVE_FLAG
+     * @see #INFINITY_FLAG
+     * @see #NAN_FLAG
+     */
+    int8_t flags;
+    // The following three fields relate to the double-to-ascii fast path algorithm.
+    // When a double is given to DecimalQuantityBCD, it is converted to using a fast algorithm. The
+    // fast algorithm guarantees correctness to only the first ~12 digits of the double. The process
+    // of rounding the number ensures that the converted digits are correct, falling back to a slow-
+    // path algorithm if required.  Therefore, if a DecimalQuantity is constructed from a double, it
+    // is *required* that roundToMagnitude(), roundToIncrement(), or roundToInfinity() is called. If
+    // you don't round, assertions will fail in certain other methods if you try calling them.
+    /**
+     * Whether the value in the BCD comes from the double fast path without having been rounded to
+     * ensure correctness
+     */
+    UBool isApproximate;
+    /**
+     * The original number provided by the user and which is represented in BCD. Used when we need to
+     * re-compute the BCD for an exact double representation.
+     */
+    double origDouble;
+    /**
+     * The change in magnitude relative to the original double. Used when we need to re-compute the
+     * BCD for an exact double representation.
+     */
+    int32_t origDelta;
+    // Positions to keep track of leading and trailing zeros.
+    // lReqPos is the magnitude of the first required leading zero.
+    // rReqPos is the magnitude of the last required trailing zero.
+    int32_t lReqPos = 0;
+    int32_t rReqPos = 0;
+    /**
+     * The BCD of the 16 digits of the number represented by this object. Every 4 bits of the long map
+     * to one digit. For example, the number "12345" in BCD is "0x12345".
+     *
+     * <p>Whenever bcd changes internally, {@link #compact()} must be called, except in special cases
+     * like setting the digit to zero.
+     */
+    union {
+        struct {
+            int8_t *ptr;
+            int32_t len;
+        } bcdBytes;
+        uint64_t bcdLong;
+    } fBCD;
+    bool usingBytes = false;
+    /**
+     * Whether this {@link DecimalQuantity} has been explicitly converted to an exact double. true if
+     * backed by a double that was explicitly converted via convertToAccurateDouble; false otherwise.
+     * Used for testing.
+     */
+    bool explicitExactDouble = false;
+    void roundToMagnitude(int32_t magnitude, RoundingMode roundingMode, bool nickel, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a single digit from the BCD list. No internal state is changed by calling this method.
+     *
+     * @param position The position of the digit to pop, counted in BCD units from the least
+     *     significant digit. If outside the range supported by the implementation, zero is returned.
+     * @return The digit at the specified location.
+     */
+    int8_t getDigitPos(int32_t position) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the digit in the BCD list. This method only sets the digit; it is the caller's
+     * responsibility to call {@link #compact} after setting the digit.
+     *
+     * @param position The position of the digit to pop, counted in BCD units from the least
+     *     significant digit. If outside the range supported by the implementation, an AssertionError
+     *     is thrown.
+     * @param value The digit to set at the specified location.
+     */
+    void setDigitPos(int32_t position, int8_t value);
+    /**
+     * Adds zeros to the end of the BCD list. This will result in an invalid BCD representation; it is
+     * the caller's responsibility to do further manipulation and then call {@link #compact}.
+     *
+     * @param numDigits The number of zeros to add.
+     */
+    void shiftLeft(int32_t numDigits);
+    /**
+     * Directly removes digits from the end of the BCD list.
+     * Updates the scale and precision.
+     *
+     * CAUTION: it is the caller's responsibility to call {@link #compact} after this method.
+     */
+    void shiftRight(int32_t numDigits);
+    /**
+     * Directly removes digits from the front of the BCD list.
+     * Updates precision.
+     *
+     * CAUTION: it is the caller's responsibility to call {@link #compact} after this method.
+     */
+    void popFromLeft(int32_t numDigits);
+    /**
+     * Sets the internal representation to zero. Clears any values stored in scale, precision,
+     * hasDouble, origDouble, origDelta, and BCD data.
+     */
+    void setBcdToZero();
+    /**
+     * Sets the internal BCD state to represent the value in the given int. The int is guaranteed to
+     * be either positive. The internal state is guaranteed to be empty when this method is called.
+     *
+     * @param n The value to consume.
+     */
+    void readIntToBcd(int32_t n);
+    /**
+     * Sets the internal BCD state to represent the value in the given long. The long is guaranteed to
+     * be either positive. The internal state is guaranteed to be empty when this method is called.
+     *
+     * @param n The value to consume.
+     */
+    void readLongToBcd(int64_t n);
+    void readDecNumberToBcd(const DecNum& dn);
+    void readDoubleConversionToBcd(const char* buffer, int32_t length, int32_t point);
+    void copyFieldsFrom(const DecimalQuantity& other);
+    void copyBcdFrom(const DecimalQuantity &other);
+    void moveBcdFrom(DecimalQuantity& src);
+    /**
+     * Removes trailing zeros from the BCD (adjusting the scale as required) and then computes the
+     * precision. The precision is the number of digits in the number up through the greatest nonzero
+     * digit.
+     *
+     * <p>This method must always be called when bcd changes in order for assumptions to be correct in
+     * methods like {@link #fractionCount()}.
+     */
+    void compact();
+    void _setToInt(int32_t n);
+    void _setToLong(int64_t n);
+    void _setToDoubleFast(double n);
+    void _setToDecNum(const DecNum& dn, UErrorCode& status);
+    void convertToAccurateDouble();
+    /** Ensure that a byte array of at least 40 digits is allocated. */
+    void ensureCapacity();
+    void ensureCapacity(int32_t capacity);
+    /** Switches the internal storage mechanism between the 64-bit long and the byte array. */
+    void switchStorage();
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_decimfmtprops.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_decimfmtprops.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce84d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_decimfmtprops.h
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "unicode/plurrule.h"
+#include "unicode/currpinf.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of the LocalPointer that is used as a
+// data member of CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper.
+// (When building DLLs for Windows this is required.)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Ignore warning 4661 as LocalPointerBase does not use operator== or operator!=
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4661)
+template class U_I18N_API LocalPointerBase<CurrencyPluralInfo>;
+template class U_I18N_API LocalPointer<CurrencyPluralInfo>;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(pop)
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a public member field of exported DecimalFormatProperties
+// Using this wrapper is rather unfortunate, but is needed on Windows platforms in order to allow
+// for DLL-exporting an fully specified template instantiation.
+class U_I18N_API CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper {
+    LocalPointer<CurrencyPluralInfo> fPtr;
+    CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper() = default;
+    CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper(const CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper& other) {
+        if (!other.fPtr.isNull()) {
+            fPtr.adoptInstead(new CurrencyPluralInfo(*other.fPtr));
+        }
+    }
+    CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper& operator=(const CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper& other) {
+        if (!other.fPtr.isNull()) {
+            fPtr.adoptInstead(new CurrencyPluralInfo(*other.fPtr));
+        }
+        return *this;
+    }
+/** Controls the set of rules for parsing a string from the old DecimalFormat API. */
+enum ParseMode {
+    /**
+     * Lenient mode should be used if you want to accept malformed user input. It will use heuristics
+     * to attempt to parse through typographical errors in the string.
+     */
+            PARSE_MODE_LENIENT,
+    /**
+     * Strict mode should be used if you want to require that the input is well-formed. More
+     * specifically, it differs from lenient mode in the following ways:
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Grouping widths must match the grouping settings. For example, "12,3,45" will fail if the
+     * grouping width is 3, as in the pattern "#,##0".
+     * <li>The string must contain a complete prefix and suffix. For example, if the pattern is
+     * "{#};(#)", then "{123}" or "(123)" would match, but "{123", "123}", and "123" would all fail.
+     * (The latter strings would be accepted in lenient mode.)
+     * <li>Whitespace may not appear at arbitrary places in the string. In lenient mode, whitespace
+     * is allowed to occur arbitrarily before and after prefixes and exponent separators.
+     * <li>Leading grouping separators are not allowed, as in ",123".
+     * <li>Minus and plus signs can only appear if specified in the pattern. In lenient mode, a plus
+     * or minus sign can always precede a number.
+     * <li>The set of characters that can be interpreted as a decimal or grouping separator is
+     * smaller.
+     * <li><strong>If currency parsing is enabled,</strong> currencies must only appear where
+     * specified in either the current pattern string or in a valid pattern string for the current
+     * locale. For example, if the pattern is "¤0.00", then "$1.23" would match, but "1.23$" would
+     * fail to match.
+     * </ul>
+     */
+            PARSE_MODE_STRICT,
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is needed for the unit test PatternStringTest
+struct U_I18N_API DecimalFormatProperties : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    NullableValue<UNumberCompactStyle> compactStyle;
+    NullableValue<CurrencyUnit> currency;
+    CurrencyPluralInfoWrapper currencyPluralInfo;
+    NullableValue<UCurrencyUsage> currencyUsage;
+    bool decimalPatternMatchRequired;
+    bool decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
+    bool exponentSignAlwaysShown;
+    bool formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits; // ICU4C-only
+    int32_t formatWidth;
+    int32_t groupingSize;
+    bool groupingUsed;
+    int32_t magnitudeMultiplier; // internal field like multiplierScale but separate to avoid conflict
+    int32_t maximumFractionDigits;
+    int32_t maximumIntegerDigits;
+    int32_t maximumSignificantDigits;
+    int32_t minimumExponentDigits;
+    int32_t minimumFractionDigits;
+    int32_t minimumGroupingDigits;
+    int32_t minimumIntegerDigits;
+    int32_t minimumSignificantDigits;
+    int32_t multiplier;
+    int32_t multiplierScale; // ICU4C-only
+    UnicodeString negativePrefix;
+    UnicodeString negativePrefixPattern;
+    UnicodeString negativeSuffix;
+    UnicodeString negativeSuffixPattern;
+    NullableValue<PadPosition> padPosition;
+    UnicodeString padString;
+    bool parseCaseSensitive;
+    bool parseIntegerOnly;
+    NullableValue<ParseMode> parseMode;
+    bool parseNoExponent;
+    bool parseToBigDecimal; // TODO: Not needed in ICU4C?
+    UNumberFormatAttributeValue parseAllInput; // ICU4C-only
+    //PluralRules pluralRules;
+    UnicodeString positivePrefix;
+    UnicodeString positivePrefixPattern;
+    UnicodeString positiveSuffix;
+    UnicodeString positiveSuffixPattern;
+    double roundingIncrement;
+    NullableValue<RoundingMode> roundingMode;
+    int32_t secondaryGroupingSize;
+    bool signAlwaysShown;
+    DecimalFormatProperties();
+    inline bool operator==(const DecimalFormatProperties& other) const {
+        return _equals(other, false);
+    }
+    void clear();
+    /**
+     * Checks for equality to the default DecimalFormatProperties, but ignores the prescribed set of
+     * options for fast-path formatting.
+     */
+    bool equalsDefaultExceptFastFormat() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the default DecimalFormatProperties instance.
+     */
+    static const DecimalFormatProperties& getDefault();
+  private:
+    bool _equals(const DecimalFormatProperties& other, bool ignoreForFastFormat) const;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_decnum.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_decnum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c7399d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_decnum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMBER_DECNUM_H__
+#define __NUMBER_DECNUM_H__
+#include "decNumber.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of the MaybeStackHeaderAndArray that is used as a data member of DecNum.
+// When building DLLs for Windows this is required even though no direct access to the MaybeStackHeaderAndArray leaks out of the i18n library.
+// (See digitlst.h, pluralaffix.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.)
+template class U_I18N_API MaybeStackHeaderAndArray<decNumber, char, DECNUM_INITIAL_CAPACITY>;
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+/** A very thin C++ wrapper around decNumber.h */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API DecNum : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    DecNum();  // leaves object in valid but undefined state
+    // Copy-like constructor; use the default move operators.
+    DecNum(const DecNum& other, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Sets the decNumber to the StringPiece. */
+    void setTo(StringPiece str, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Sets the decNumber to the NUL-terminated char string. */
+    void setTo(const char* str, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Uses double_conversion to set this decNumber to the given double. */
+    void setTo(double d, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Sets the decNumber to the BCD representation. */
+    void setTo(const uint8_t* bcd, int32_t length, int32_t scale, bool isNegative, UErrorCode& status);
+    void normalize();
+    void multiplyBy(const DecNum& rhs, UErrorCode& status);
+    void divideBy(const DecNum& rhs, UErrorCode& status);
+    bool isNegative() const;
+    bool isZero() const;
+    void toString(ByteSink& output, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    inline const decNumber* getRawDecNumber() const {
+        return fData.getAlias();
+    }
+  private:
+    static constexpr int32_t kDefaultDigits = DECNUM_INITIAL_CAPACITY;
+    MaybeStackHeaderAndArray<decNumber, char, kDefaultDigits> fData;
+    decContext fContext;
+    void _setTo(const char* str, int32_t maxDigits, UErrorCode& status);
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif // __NUMBER_DECNUM_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_formatimpl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_formatimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206c5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_formatimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+#include "number_patternstring.h"
+#include "number_utils.h"
+#include "number_patternmodifier.h"
+#include "number_longnames.h"
+#include "number_compact.h"
+#include "number_microprops.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+ * This is the "brain" of the number formatting pipeline. It ties all the pieces together, taking in a MacroProps and a
+ * DecimalQuantity and outputting a properly formatted number string.
+ */
+class NumberFormatterImpl : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Builds a "safe" MicroPropsGenerator, which is thread-safe and can be used repeatedly.
+     * The caller owns the returned NumberFormatterImpl.
+     */
+    NumberFormatterImpl(const MacroProps &macros, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Builds and evaluates an "unsafe" MicroPropsGenerator, which is cheaper but can be used only once.
+     */
+    static int32_t
+    formatStatic(const MacroProps &macros, DecimalQuantity &inValue, FormattedStringBuilder &outString,
+                 UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Prints only the prefix and suffix; used for DecimalFormat getters.
+     *
+     * @return The index into the output at which the prefix ends and the suffix starts; in other words,
+     *         the prefix length.
+     */
+    static int32_t getPrefixSuffixStatic(const MacroProps& macros, Signum signum,
+                                         StandardPlural::Form plural, FormattedStringBuilder& outString,
+                                         UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Evaluates the "safe" MicroPropsGenerator created by "fromMacros".
+     */
+    int32_t format(DecimalQuantity& inValue, FormattedStringBuilder& outString, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Like format(), but saves the result into an output MicroProps without additional processing.
+     */
+    void preProcess(DecimalQuantity& inValue, MicroProps& microsOut, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Like getPrefixSuffixStatic() but uses the safe compiled object.
+     */
+    int32_t getPrefixSuffix(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural, FormattedStringBuilder& outString,
+                            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    const MicroProps& getRawMicroProps() const {
+        return fMicros;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Synthesizes the output string from a MicroProps and DecimalQuantity.
+     * This method formats only the main number, not affixes.
+     */
+    static int32_t writeNumber(const MicroProps& micros, DecimalQuantity& quantity,
+                               FormattedStringBuilder& string, int32_t index, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Adds the affixes.  Intended to be called immediately after formatNumber.
+     */
+    static int32_t writeAffixes(const MicroProps& micros, FormattedStringBuilder& string, int32_t start,
+                                int32_t end, UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    // Head of the MicroPropsGenerator linked list:
+    const MicroPropsGenerator *fMicroPropsGenerator = nullptr;
+    // Tail of the list:
+    MicroProps fMicros;
+    // Other fields possibly used by the number formatting pipeline:
+    // TODO: Convert more of these LocalPointers to value objects to reduce the number of news?
+    LocalPointer<const DecimalFormatSymbols> fSymbols;
+    LocalPointer<const PluralRules> fRules;
+    LocalPointer<const ParsedPatternInfo> fPatternInfo;
+    LocalPointer<const ScientificHandler> fScientificHandler;
+    LocalPointer<MutablePatternModifier> fPatternModifier;
+    LocalPointer<const ImmutablePatternModifier> fImmutablePatternModifier;
+    LocalPointer<const LongNameHandler> fLongNameHandler;
+    LocalPointer<const CompactHandler> fCompactHandler;
+    // Value objects possibly used by the number formatting pipeline:
+    struct Warehouse {
+        CurrencySymbols fCurrencySymbols;
+    } fWarehouse;
+    NumberFormatterImpl(const MacroProps &macros, bool safe, UErrorCode &status);
+    MicroProps& preProcessUnsafe(DecimalQuantity &inValue, UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t getPrefixSuffixUnsafe(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural,
+                                  FormattedStringBuilder& outString, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * If rulesPtr is non-null, return it.  Otherwise, return a PluralRules owned by this object for the
+     * specified locale, creating it if necessary.
+     */
+    const PluralRules *
+    resolvePluralRules(const PluralRules *rulesPtr, const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Synthesizes the MacroProps into a MicroPropsGenerator. All information, including the locale, is encoded into the
+     * MicroPropsGenerator, except for the quantity itself, which is left abstract and must be provided to the returned
+     * MicroPropsGenerator instance.
+     *
+     * @see MicroPropsGenerator
+     * @param macros
+     *            The {@link MacroProps} to consume. This method does not mutate the MacroProps instance.
+     * @param safe
+     *            If true, the returned MicroPropsGenerator will be thread-safe. If false, the returned value will
+     *            <em>not</em> be thread-safe, intended for a single "one-shot" use only. Building the thread-safe
+     *            object is more expensive.
+     */
+    const MicroPropsGenerator *
+    macrosToMicroGenerator(const MacroProps &macros, bool safe, UErrorCode &status);
+    static int32_t
+    writeIntegerDigits(const MicroProps &micros, DecimalQuantity &quantity, FormattedStringBuilder &string,
+                       int32_t index, UErrorCode &status);
+    static int32_t
+    writeFractionDigits(const MicroProps &micros, DecimalQuantity &quantity, FormattedStringBuilder &string,
+                        int32_t index, UErrorCode &status);
+}  // namespace impl
+}  // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_longnames.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_longnames.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a19425a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_longnames.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uversion.h"
+#include "number_utils.h"
+#include "number_modifiers.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+class LongNameHandler : public MicroPropsGenerator, public ModifierStore, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    static UnicodeString getUnitDisplayName(
+        const Locale& loc,
+        const MeasureUnit& unit,
+        UNumberUnitWidth width,
+        UErrorCode& status);
+    static UnicodeString getUnitPattern(
+        const Locale& loc,
+        const MeasureUnit& unit,
+        UNumberUnitWidth width,
+        StandardPlural::Form pluralForm,
+        UErrorCode& status);
+    static LongNameHandler*
+    forCurrencyLongNames(const Locale &loc, const CurrencyUnit &currency, const PluralRules *rules,
+                         const MicroPropsGenerator *parent, UErrorCode &status);
+    static LongNameHandler*
+    forMeasureUnit(const Locale &loc, const MeasureUnit &unit, const MeasureUnit &perUnit,
+                   const UNumberUnitWidth &width, const PluralRules *rules,
+                   const MicroPropsGenerator *parent, UErrorCode &status);
+    void
+    processQuantity(DecimalQuantity &quantity, MicroProps &micros, UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    const Modifier* getModifier(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    SimpleModifier fModifiers[StandardPlural::Form::COUNT];
+    const PluralRules *rules;
+    const MicroPropsGenerator *parent;
+    LongNameHandler(const PluralRules *rules, const MicroPropsGenerator *parent)
+            : rules(rules), parent(parent) {}
+    static LongNameHandler*
+    forCompoundUnit(const Locale &loc, const MeasureUnit &unit, const MeasureUnit &perUnit,
+                    const UNumberUnitWidth &width, const PluralRules *rules,
+                    const MicroPropsGenerator *parent, UErrorCode &status);
+    void simpleFormatsToModifiers(const UnicodeString *simpleFormats, Field field, UErrorCode &status);
+    void multiSimpleFormatsToModifiers(const UnicodeString *leadFormats, UnicodeString trailFormat,
+                                       Field field, UErrorCode &status);
+}  // namespace impl
+}  // namespace number
+#endif //__NUMBER_LONGNAMES_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_mapper.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_mapper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de7d9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_mapper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMBER_MAPPER_H__
+#define __NUMBER_MAPPER_H__
+#include <atomic>
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "unicode/currpinf.h"
+#include "standardplural.h"
+#include "number_patternstring.h"
+#include "number_currencysymbols.h"
+#include "numparse_impl.h"
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+class PropertiesAffixPatternProvider : public AffixPatternProvider, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    bool isBogus() const {
+        return fBogus;
+    }
+    void setToBogus() {
+        fBogus = true;
+    }
+    void setTo(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties, UErrorCode& status);
+    PropertiesAffixPatternProvider() = default; // puts instance in valid but undefined state
+    PropertiesAffixPatternProvider(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties, UErrorCode& status) {
+        setTo(properties, status);
+    }
+    // AffixPatternProvider Methods:
+    char16_t charAt(int32_t flags, int32_t i) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t length(int32_t flags) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString getString(int32_t flags) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasCurrencySign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool positiveHasPlusSign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasNegativeSubpattern() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool negativeHasMinusSign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsSymbolType(AffixPatternType, UErrorCode&) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasBody() const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    UnicodeString posPrefix;
+    UnicodeString posSuffix;
+    UnicodeString negPrefix;
+    UnicodeString negSuffix;
+    bool isCurrencyPattern;
+    const UnicodeString& getStringInternal(int32_t flags) const;
+    bool fBogus{true};
+class CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider : public AffixPatternProvider, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    bool isBogus() const {
+        return fBogus;
+    }
+    void setToBogus() {
+        fBogus = true;
+    }
+    void setTo(const CurrencyPluralInfo& cpi, const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+               UErrorCode& status);
+    // AffixPatternProvider Methods:
+    char16_t charAt(int32_t flags, int32_t i) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t length(int32_t flags) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString getString(int32_t flags) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasCurrencySign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool positiveHasPlusSign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasNegativeSubpattern() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool negativeHasMinusSign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsSymbolType(AffixPatternType, UErrorCode&) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasBody() const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    PropertiesAffixPatternProvider affixesByPlural[StandardPlural::COUNT];
+    bool fBogus{true};
+ * A struct for ownership of a few objects needed for formatting.
+ */
+struct DecimalFormatWarehouse {
+    PropertiesAffixPatternProvider propertiesAPP;
+    CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider currencyPluralInfoAPP;
+    CurrencySymbols currencySymbols;
+* Internal fields for DecimalFormat.
+* TODO: Make some of these fields by value instead of by LocalPointer?
+struct DecimalFormatFields : public UMemory {
+    DecimalFormatFields() {}
+    DecimalFormatFields(const DecimalFormatProperties& propsToCopy)
+        : properties(propsToCopy) {}
+    /** The property bag corresponding to user-specified settings and settings from the pattern string. */
+    DecimalFormatProperties properties;
+    /** The symbols for the current locale. */
+    LocalPointer<const DecimalFormatSymbols> symbols;
+    /**
+    * The pre-computed formatter object. Setters cause this to be re-computed atomically. The {@link
+    * #format} method uses the formatter directly without needing to synchronize.
+    */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter formatter;
+    /** The lazy-computed parser for .parse() */
+    std::atomic<::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl*> atomicParser = {};
+    /** The lazy-computed parser for .parseCurrency() */
+    std::atomic<::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl*> atomicCurrencyParser = {};
+    /** Small object ownership warehouse for the formatter and parser */
+    DecimalFormatWarehouse warehouse;
+    /** The effective properties as exported from the formatter object. Used by some getters. */
+    DecimalFormatProperties exportedProperties;
+    // Data for fastpath
+    bool canUseFastFormat = false;
+    struct FastFormatData {
+        char16_t cpZero;
+        char16_t cpGroupingSeparator;
+        char16_t cpMinusSign;
+        int8_t minInt;
+        int8_t maxInt;
+    } fastData;
+ * Utilities for converting between a DecimalFormatProperties and a MacroProps.
+ */
+class NumberPropertyMapper {
+  public:
+    /** Convenience method to create a NumberFormatter directly from Properties. */
+    static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter create(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+                                             const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
+                                             DecimalFormatWarehouse& warehouse, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Convenience method to create a NumberFormatter directly from Properties. */
+    static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter create(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+                                             const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
+                                             DecimalFormatWarehouse& warehouse,
+                                             DecimalFormatProperties& exportedProperties,
+                                             UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new {@link MacroProps} object based on the content of a {@link DecimalFormatProperties}
+     * object. In other words, maps Properties to MacroProps. This function is used by the
+     * JDK-compatibility API to call into the ICU 60 fluent number formatting pipeline.
+     *
+     * @param properties
+     *            The property bag to be mapped.
+     * @param symbols
+     *            The symbols associated with the property bag.
+     * @param exportedProperties
+     *            A property bag in which to store validated properties. Used by some DecimalFormat
+     *            getters.
+     * @return A new MacroProps containing all of the information in the Properties.
+     */
+    static MacroProps oldToNew(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+                               const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols, DecimalFormatWarehouse& warehouse,
+                               DecimalFormatProperties* exportedProperties, UErrorCode& status);
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif //__NUMBER_MAPPER_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_microprops.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_microprops.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2393ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_microprops.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// TODO: minimize includes
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include "number_scientific.h"
+#include "number_patternstring.h"
+#include "number_modifiers.h"
+#include "number_multiplier.h"
+#include "number_roundingutils.h"
+#include "decNumber.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+struct MicroProps : public MicroPropsGenerator {
+    // NOTE: All of these fields are properly initialized in NumberFormatterImpl.
+    RoundingImpl rounder;
+    Grouper grouping;
+    Padder padding;
+    IntegerWidth integerWidth;
+    UNumberSignDisplay sign;
+    UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay decimal;
+    bool useCurrency;
+    char nsName[9];
+    // Note: This struct has no direct ownership of the following pointers.
+    const DecimalFormatSymbols* symbols;
+    const Modifier* modOuter;
+    const Modifier* modMiddle;
+    const Modifier* modInner;
+    // The following "helper" fields may optionally be used during the MicroPropsGenerator.
+    // They live here to retain memory.
+    struct {
+        ScientificModifier scientificModifier;
+        EmptyModifier emptyWeakModifier{false};
+        EmptyModifier emptyStrongModifier{true};
+        MultiplierFormatHandler multiplier;
+    } helpers;
+    MicroProps() = default;
+    MicroProps(const MicroProps& other) = default;
+    MicroProps& operator=(const MicroProps& other) = default;
+    void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity&, MicroProps& micros, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        (void) status;
+        if (this == &micros) {
+            // Unsafe path: no need to perform a copy.
+            U_ASSERT(!exhausted);
+            micros.exhausted = true;
+            U_ASSERT(exhausted);
+        } else {
+            // Safe path: copy self into the output micros.
+            micros = *this;
+        }
+    }
+  private:
+    // Internal fields:
+    bool exhausted = false;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif // __NUMBER_MICROPROPS_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_modifiers.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_modifiers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c84c6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_modifiers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/simpleformatter.h"
+#include "standardplural.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+ * The canonical implementation of {@link Modifier}, containing a prefix and suffix string.
+ * TODO: This is not currently being used by real code and could be removed.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ConstantAffixModifier : public Modifier, public UObject {
+  public:
+    ConstantAffixModifier(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &suffix, Field field,
+                          bool strong)
+            : fPrefix(prefix), fSuffix(suffix), fField(field), fStrong(strong) {}
+    int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                  UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getPrefixLength() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getCodePointCount() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isStrong() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsField(UNumberFormatFields field) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    void getParameters(Parameters& output) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool semanticallyEquivalent(const Modifier& other) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    UnicodeString fPrefix;
+    UnicodeString fSuffix;
+    Field fField;
+    bool fStrong;
+ * The second primary implementation of {@link Modifier}, this one consuming a {@link SimpleFormatter}
+ * pattern.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API SimpleModifier : public Modifier, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    SimpleModifier(const SimpleFormatter &simpleFormatter, Field field, bool strong);
+    SimpleModifier(const SimpleFormatter &simpleFormatter, Field field, bool strong,
+                   const Modifier::Parameters parameters);
+    // Default constructor for LongNameHandler.h
+    SimpleModifier();
+    int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                  UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getPrefixLength() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getCodePointCount() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isStrong() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsField(UNumberFormatFields field) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    void getParameters(Parameters& output) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool semanticallyEquivalent(const Modifier& other) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * TODO: This belongs in SimpleFormatterImpl. The only reason I haven't moved it there yet is because
+     * FormattedStringBuilder is an internal class and SimpleFormatterImpl feels like it should not depend on it.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Formats a value that is already stored inside the StringBuilder <code>result</code> between the indices
+     * <code>startIndex</code> and <code>endIndex</code> by inserting characters before the start index and after the
+     * end index.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This is well-defined only for patterns with exactly one argument.
+     *
+     * @param result
+     *            The StringBuilder containing the value argument.
+     * @param startIndex
+     *            The left index of the value within the string builder.
+     * @param endIndex
+     *            The right index of the value within the string builder.
+     * @return The number of characters (UTF-16 code points) that were added to the StringBuilder.
+     */
+    int32_t
+    formatAsPrefixSuffix(FormattedStringBuilder& result, int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex,
+                         UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * TODO: Like above, this belongs with the rest of the SimpleFormatterImpl code.
+     * I put it here so that the SimpleFormatter uses in FormattedStringBuilder are near each other.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Applies the compiled two-argument pattern to the FormattedStringBuilder.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method is optimized for the case where the prefix and suffix are often empty, such as
+     * in the range pattern like "{0}-{1}".
+     */
+    static int32_t
+    formatTwoArgPattern(const SimpleFormatter& compiled, FormattedStringBuilder& result,
+                        int32_t index, int32_t* outPrefixLength, int32_t* outSuffixLength,
+                        Field field, UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    UnicodeString fCompiledPattern;
+    Field fField;
+    bool fStrong = false;
+    int32_t fPrefixLength = 0;
+    int32_t fSuffixOffset = -1;
+    int32_t fSuffixLength = 0;
+    Modifier::Parameters fParameters;
+ * An implementation of {@link Modifier} that allows for multiple types of fields in the same modifier. Constructed
+ * based on the contents of two {@link FormattedStringBuilder} instances (one for the prefix, one for the suffix).
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ConstantMultiFieldModifier : public Modifier, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    ConstantMultiFieldModifier(
+            const FormattedStringBuilder &prefix,
+            const FormattedStringBuilder &suffix,
+            bool overwrite,
+            bool strong,
+            const Modifier::Parameters parameters)
+      : fPrefix(prefix),
+        fSuffix(suffix),
+        fOverwrite(overwrite),
+        fStrong(strong),
+        fParameters(parameters) {}
+    ConstantMultiFieldModifier(
+            const FormattedStringBuilder &prefix,
+            const FormattedStringBuilder &suffix,
+            bool overwrite,
+            bool strong)
+      : fPrefix(prefix),
+        fSuffix(suffix),
+        fOverwrite(overwrite),
+        fStrong(strong) {}
+    int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                  UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getPrefixLength() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getCodePointCount() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isStrong() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsField(UNumberFormatFields field) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    void getParameters(Parameters& output) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool semanticallyEquivalent(const Modifier& other) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  protected:
+    // NOTE: In Java, these are stored as array pointers. In C++, the FormattedStringBuilder is stored by
+    // value and is treated internally as immutable.
+    FormattedStringBuilder fPrefix;
+    FormattedStringBuilder fSuffix;
+    bool fOverwrite;
+    bool fStrong;
+    Modifier::Parameters fParameters;
+/** Identical to {@link ConstantMultiFieldModifier}, but supports currency spacing. */
+class U_I18N_API CurrencySpacingEnabledModifier : public ConstantMultiFieldModifier {
+  public:
+    /** Safe code path */
+    CurrencySpacingEnabledModifier(
+            const FormattedStringBuilder &prefix,
+            const FormattedStringBuilder &suffix,
+            bool overwrite,
+            bool strong,
+            const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                  UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** Unsafe code path */
+    static int32_t
+    applyCurrencySpacing(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t prefixStart, int32_t prefixLen,
+                         int32_t suffixStart, int32_t suffixLen, const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols,
+                         UErrorCode &status);
+  private:
+    UnicodeSet fAfterPrefixUnicodeSet;
+    UnicodeString fAfterPrefixInsert;
+    UnicodeSet fBeforeSuffixUnicodeSet;
+    UnicodeString fBeforeSuffixInsert;
+    enum EAffix {
+    };
+    enum EPosition {
+    };
+    /** Unsafe code path */
+    static int32_t applyCurrencySpacingAffix(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t index, EAffix affix,
+                                             const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols, UErrorCode &status);
+    static UnicodeSet
+    getUnicodeSet(const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols, EPosition position, EAffix affix,
+                  UErrorCode &status);
+    static UnicodeString
+    getInsertString(const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols, EAffix affix, UErrorCode &status);
+/** A Modifier that does not do anything. */
+class U_I18N_API EmptyModifier : public Modifier, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    explicit EmptyModifier(bool isStrong) : fStrong(isStrong) {}
+    int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                  UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        (void)output;
+        (void)leftIndex;
+        (void)rightIndex;
+        (void)status;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    int32_t getPrefixLength() const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    int32_t getCodePointCount() const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    bool isStrong() const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return fStrong;
+    }
+    bool containsField(UNumberFormatFields field) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        (void)field;
+        return false;
+    }
+    void getParameters(Parameters& output) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        output.obj = nullptr;
+    }
+    bool semanticallyEquivalent(const Modifier& other) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        return other.getCodePointCount() == 0;
+    }
+  private:
+    bool fStrong;
+ * This implementation of ModifierStore adopts Modifer pointers.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API AdoptingModifierStore : public ModifierStore, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    virtual ~AdoptingModifierStore();
+    static constexpr StandardPlural::Form DEFAULT_STANDARD_PLURAL = StandardPlural::OTHER;
+    AdoptingModifierStore() = default;
+    // No copying!
+    AdoptingModifierStore(const AdoptingModifierStore &other) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Sets the Modifier with the specified signum and plural form.
+     */
+    void adoptModifier(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural, const Modifier *mod) {
+        U_ASSERT(mods[getModIndex(signum, plural)] == nullptr);
+        mods[getModIndex(signum, plural)] = mod;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the Modifier with the specified signum.
+     * The modifier will apply to all plural forms.
+     */
+    void adoptModifierWithoutPlural(Signum signum, const Modifier *mod) {
+        U_ASSERT(mods[getModIndex(signum, DEFAULT_STANDARD_PLURAL)] == nullptr);
+        mods[getModIndex(signum, DEFAULT_STANDARD_PLURAL)] = mod;
+    }
+    /** Returns a reference to the modifier; no ownership change. */
+    const Modifier *getModifier(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        const Modifier* modifier = mods[getModIndex(signum, plural)];
+        if (modifier == nullptr && plural != DEFAULT_STANDARD_PLURAL) {
+            modifier = mods[getModIndex(signum, DEFAULT_STANDARD_PLURAL)];
+        }
+        return modifier;
+    }
+    /** Returns a reference to the modifier; no ownership change. */
+    const Modifier *getModifierWithoutPlural(Signum signum) const {
+        return mods[getModIndex(signum, DEFAULT_STANDARD_PLURAL)];
+    }
+  private:
+    // NOTE: mods is zero-initialized (to nullptr)
+    const Modifier *mods[3 * StandardPlural::COUNT] = {};
+    inline static int32_t getModIndex(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural) {
+        U_ASSERT(signum >= -1 && signum <= 1);
+        U_ASSERT(plural >= 0 && plural < StandardPlural::COUNT);
+        return static_cast<int32_t>(plural) * 3 + (signum + 1);
+    }
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif //__NUMBER_MODIFIERS_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_multiplier.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_multiplier.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8235dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_multiplier.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "number_decimfmtprops.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+ * Wraps a {@link Multiplier} for use in the number formatting pipeline.
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API MultiplierFormatHandler : public MicroPropsGenerator, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    MultiplierFormatHandler() = default; // WARNING: Leaves object in an unusable state; call setAndChain()
+    void setAndChain(const Scale& multiplier, const MicroPropsGenerator* parent);
+    void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity& quantity, MicroProps& micros,
+                         UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    Scale fMultiplier;
+    const MicroPropsGenerator *fParent;
+/** Gets a Scale from a DecimalFormatProperties. In Java, defined in */
+static inline Scale scaleFromProperties(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties) {
+    int32_t magnitudeMultiplier = properties.magnitudeMultiplier + properties.multiplierScale;
+    int32_t arbitraryMultiplier = properties.multiplier;
+    if (magnitudeMultiplier != 0 && arbitraryMultiplier != 1) {
+        return Scale::byDoubleAndPowerOfTen(arbitraryMultiplier, magnitudeMultiplier);
+    } else if (magnitudeMultiplier != 0) {
+        return Scale::powerOfTen(magnitudeMultiplier);
+    } else if (arbitraryMultiplier != 1) {
+        return Scale::byDouble(arbitraryMultiplier);
+    } else {
+        return Scale::none();
+    }
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_patternmodifier.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_patternmodifier.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c90e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_patternmodifier.h
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "standardplural.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "number_patternstring.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "number_modifiers.h"
+#include "number_utils.h"
+#include "number_currencysymbols.h"
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of the LocalPointer that is used as a
+// data member of AdoptingModifierStore.
+// (When building DLLs for Windows this is required.)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Ignore warning 4661 as LocalPointerBase does not use operator== or operator!=
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4661)
+template class U_I18N_API LocalPointerBase<number::impl::AdoptingModifierStore>;
+template class U_I18N_API LocalPointer<number::impl::AdoptingModifierStore>;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(pop)
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward declaration
+class MutablePatternModifier;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is needed for the unit test PatternModifierTest
+class U_I18N_API ImmutablePatternModifier : public MicroPropsGenerator, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    ~ImmutablePatternModifier() U_OVERRIDE = default;
+    void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity&, MicroProps& micros, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    void applyToMicros(MicroProps& micros, const DecimalQuantity& quantity, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    const Modifier* getModifier(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural) const;
+  private:
+    ImmutablePatternModifier(AdoptingModifierStore* pm, const PluralRules* rules,
+                             const MicroPropsGenerator* parent);
+    const LocalPointer<AdoptingModifierStore> pm;
+    const PluralRules* rules;
+    const MicroPropsGenerator* parent;
+    friend class MutablePatternModifier;
+ * This class is a {@link Modifier} that wraps a decimal format pattern. It applies the pattern's affixes in
+ * {@link Modifier#apply}.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In addition to being a Modifier, this class contains the business logic for substituting the correct locale symbols
+ * into the affixes of the decimal format pattern.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In order to use this class, create a new instance and call the following four setters: {@link #setPatternInfo},
+ * {@link #setPatternAttributes}, {@link #setSymbols}, and {@link #setNumberProperties}. After calling these four
+ * setters, the instance will be ready for use as a Modifier.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This is a MUTABLE, NON-THREAD-SAFE class designed for performance. Do NOT save references to this or attempt to use
+ * it from multiple threads! Instead, you can obtain a safe, immutable decimal format pattern modifier by calling
+ * {@link MutablePatternModifier#createImmutable}, in effect treating this instance as a builder for the immutable
+ * variant.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API MutablePatternModifier
+        : public MicroPropsGenerator,
+          public Modifier,
+          public SymbolProvider,
+          public UMemory {
+  public:
+    ~MutablePatternModifier() U_OVERRIDE = default;
+    /**
+     * @param isStrong
+     *            Whether the modifier should be considered strong. For more information, see
+     *            {@link Modifier#isStrong()}. Most of the time, decimal format pattern modifiers should be considered
+     *            as non-strong.
+     */
+    explicit MutablePatternModifier(bool isStrong);
+    /**
+     * Sets a reference to the parsed decimal format pattern, usually obtained from
+     * {@link PatternStringParser#parseToPatternInfo(String)}, but any implementation of {@link AffixPatternProvider} is
+     * accepted.
+     *
+     * @param field
+     *            Which field to use for literal characters in the pattern.
+     */
+    void setPatternInfo(const AffixPatternProvider *patternInfo, Field field);
+    /**
+     * Sets attributes that imply changes to the literal interpretation of the pattern string affixes.
+     *
+     * @param signDisplay
+     *            Whether to force a plus sign on positive numbers.
+     * @param perMille
+     *            Whether to substitute the percent sign in the pattern with a permille sign.
+     */
+    void setPatternAttributes(UNumberSignDisplay signDisplay, bool perMille);
+    /**
+     * Sets locale-specific details that affect the symbols substituted into the pattern string affixes.
+     *
+     * @param symbols
+     *            The desired instance of DecimalFormatSymbols.
+     * @param currencySymbols
+     *            The currency symbols to be used when substituting currency values into the affixes.
+     * @param unitWidth
+     *            The width used to render currencies.
+     * @param rules
+     *            Required if the triple currency sign, "¤¤¤", appears in the pattern, which can be determined from the
+     *            convenience method {@link #needsPlurals()}.
+     */
+    void setSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols* symbols, const CurrencySymbols* currencySymbols,
+                    UNumberUnitWidth unitWidth, const PluralRules* rules);
+    /**
+     * Sets attributes of the current number being processed.
+     *
+     * @param signum
+     *            -1 if negative; +1 if positive; or 0 if zero.
+     * @param plural
+     *            The plural form of the number, required only if the pattern contains the triple
+     *            currency sign, "¤¤¤" (and as indicated by {@link #needsPlurals()}).
+     */
+    void setNumberProperties(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the pattern represented by this MurkyModifier requires a plural keyword in order to localize.
+     * This is currently true only if there is a currency long name placeholder in the pattern ("¤¤¤").
+     */
+    bool needsPlurals() const;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new quantity-dependent Modifier that behaves the same as the current instance, but which is immutable
+     * and can be saved for future use. The number properties in the current instance are mutated; all other properties
+     * are left untouched.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The resulting modifier cannot be used in a QuantityChain.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     *
+     * @return An immutable that supports both positive and negative numbers.
+     */
+    ImmutablePatternModifier *createImmutable(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new quantity-dependent Modifier that behaves the same as the current instance, but which is immutable
+     * and can be saved for future use. The number properties in the current instance are mutated; all other properties
+     * are left untouched.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     *
+     * @param parent
+     *            The QuantityChain to which to chain this immutable.
+     * @return An immutable that supports both positive and negative numbers.
+     */
+    ImmutablePatternModifier *
+    createImmutableAndChain(const MicroPropsGenerator *parent, UErrorCode &status);
+    MicroPropsGenerator &addToChain(const MicroPropsGenerator *parent);
+    void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity &, MicroProps &micros, UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                  UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getPrefixLength() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getCodePointCount() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isStrong() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsField(UNumberFormatFields field) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    void getParameters(Parameters& output) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool semanticallyEquivalent(const Modifier& other) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Returns the string that substitutes a given symbol type in a pattern.
+     */
+    UnicodeString getSymbol(AffixPatternType type) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toUnicodeString() const;
+  private:
+    // Modifier details (initialized in constructor)
+    const bool fStrong;
+    // Pattern details (initialized in setPatternInfo and setPatternAttributes)
+    const AffixPatternProvider *fPatternInfo;
+    Field fField;
+    UNumberSignDisplay fSignDisplay;
+    bool fPerMilleReplacesPercent;
+    // Symbol details (initialized in setSymbols)
+    const DecimalFormatSymbols *fSymbols;
+    UNumberUnitWidth fUnitWidth;
+    const CurrencySymbols *fCurrencySymbols;
+    const PluralRules *fRules;
+    // Number details (initialized in setNumberProperties)
+    Signum fSignum;
+    StandardPlural::Form fPlural;
+    // QuantityChain details (initialized in addToChain)
+    const MicroPropsGenerator *fParent;
+    // Transient fields for rendering
+    UnicodeString currentAffix;
+    /**
+     * Uses the current properties to create a single {@link ConstantMultiFieldModifier} with currency spacing support
+     * if required.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     *
+     * @param a
+     *            A working FormattedStringBuilder object; passed from the outside to prevent the need to create many new
+     *            instances if this method is called in a loop.
+     * @param b
+     *            Another working FormattedStringBuilder object.
+     * @return The constant modifier object.
+     */
+    ConstantMultiFieldModifier *createConstantModifier(UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t insertPrefix(FormattedStringBuilder &sb, int position, UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t insertSuffix(FormattedStringBuilder &sb, int position, UErrorCode &status);
+    void prepareAffix(bool isPrefix);
+}  // namespace impl
+}  // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_patternstring.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_patternstring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1191d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_patternstring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include "number_decimfmtprops.h"
+#include "number_affixutils.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward declaration
+class PatternParser;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a public member field of exported ParsedSubpatternInfo
+struct U_I18N_API Endpoints {
+    int32_t start = 0;
+    int32_t end = 0;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a public member field of exported ParsedPatternInfo
+struct U_I18N_API ParsedSubpatternInfo {
+    uint64_t groupingSizes = 0x0000ffffffff0000L;
+    int32_t integerLeadingHashSigns = 0;
+    int32_t integerTrailingHashSigns = 0;
+    int32_t integerNumerals = 0;
+    int32_t integerAtSigns = 0;
+    int32_t integerTotal = 0; // for convenience
+    int32_t fractionNumerals = 0;
+    int32_t fractionHashSigns = 0;
+    int32_t fractionTotal = 0; // for convenience
+    bool hasDecimal = false;
+    int32_t widthExceptAffixes = 0;
+    // Note: NullableValue causes issues here with std::move.
+    bool hasPadding = false;
+    UNumberFormatPadPosition paddingLocation = UNUM_PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX;
+    DecimalQuantity rounding;
+    bool exponentHasPlusSign = false;
+    int32_t exponentZeros = 0;
+    bool hasPercentSign = false;
+    bool hasPerMilleSign = false;
+    bool hasCurrencySign = false;
+    bool hasMinusSign = false;
+    bool hasPlusSign = false;
+    Endpoints prefixEndpoints;
+    Endpoints suffixEndpoints;
+    Endpoints paddingEndpoints;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is needed for the unit test PatternStringTest
+struct U_I18N_API ParsedPatternInfo : public AffixPatternProvider, public UMemory {
+    UnicodeString pattern;
+    ParsedSubpatternInfo positive;
+    ParsedSubpatternInfo negative;
+    ParsedPatternInfo()
+            : state(this->pattern), currentSubpattern(nullptr) {}
+    ~ParsedPatternInfo() U_OVERRIDE = default;
+    // Need to declare this explicitly because of the destructor
+    ParsedPatternInfo& operator=(ParsedPatternInfo&& src) U_NOEXCEPT = default;
+    static int32_t getLengthFromEndpoints(const Endpoints& endpoints);
+    char16_t charAt(int32_t flags, int32_t index) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t length(int32_t flags) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString getString(int32_t flags) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool positiveHasPlusSign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasNegativeSubpattern() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool negativeHasMinusSign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasCurrencySign() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsSymbolType(AffixPatternType type, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasBody() const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    struct U_I18N_API ParserState {
+        const UnicodeString& pattern; // reference to the parent
+        int32_t offset = 0;
+        explicit ParserState(const UnicodeString& _pattern)
+                : pattern(_pattern) {}
+        ParserState& operator=(ParserState&& src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+            // Leave pattern reference alone; it will continue to point to the same place in memory,
+            // which gets overwritten by ParsedPatternInfo's implicit move assignment.
+            offset = src.offset;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        UChar32 peek();
+        UChar32 next();
+        // TODO: We don't currently do anything with the message string.
+        // This method is here as a shell for Java compatibility.
+        inline void toParseException(const char16_t* message) { (void) message; }
+    } state;
+    // NOTE: In Java, these are written as pure functions.
+    // In C++, they're written as methods.
+    // The behavior is the same.
+    // Mutable transient pointer:
+    ParsedSubpatternInfo* currentSubpattern;
+    // In Java, "negative == null" tells us whether or not we had a negative subpattern.
+    // In C++, we need to remember in another boolean.
+    bool fHasNegativeSubpattern = false;
+    const Endpoints& getEndpoints(int32_t flags) const;
+    /** Run the recursive descent parser. */
+    void consumePattern(const UnicodeString& patternString, UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumeSubpattern(UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumePadding(PadPosition paddingLocation, UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumeAffix(Endpoints& endpoints, UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumeLiteral(UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumeFormat(UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumeIntegerFormat(UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumeFractionFormat(UErrorCode& status);
+    void consumeExponent(UErrorCode& status);
+    friend class PatternParser;
+enum IgnoreRounding {
+class U_I18N_API PatternParser {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Runs the recursive descent parser on the given pattern string, returning a data structure with raw information
+     * about the pattern string.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * To obtain a more useful form of the data, consider using {@link #parseToProperties} instead.
+     *
+     * TODO: Change argument type to const char16_t* instead of UnicodeString?
+     *
+     * @param patternString
+     *            The LDML decimal format pattern (Excel-style pattern) to parse.
+     * @return The results of the parse.
+     */
+    static void parseToPatternInfo(const UnicodeString& patternString, ParsedPatternInfo& patternInfo,
+                                   UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Parses a pattern string into a new property bag.
+     *
+     * @param pattern
+     *            The pattern string, like "#,##0.00"
+     * @param ignoreRounding
+     *            Whether to leave out rounding information (minFrac, maxFrac, and rounding increment) when parsing the
+     *            pattern. This may be desirable if a custom rounding mode, such as CurrencyUsage, is to be used
+     *            instead.
+     * @return A property bag object.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
+     *             If there is a syntax error in the pattern string.
+     */
+    static DecimalFormatProperties parseToProperties(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                                     IgnoreRounding ignoreRounding, UErrorCode& status);
+    static DecimalFormatProperties parseToProperties(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Parses a pattern string into an existing property bag. All properties that can be encoded into a pattern string
+     * will be overwritten with either their default value or with the value coming from the pattern string. Properties
+     * that cannot be encoded into a pattern string, such as rounding mode, are not modified.
+     *
+     * @param pattern
+     *            The pattern string, like "#,##0.00"
+     * @param properties
+     *            The property bag object to overwrite.
+     * @param ignoreRounding
+     *            See {@link #parseToProperties(String pattern, int ignoreRounding)}.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
+     *             If there was a syntax error in the pattern string.
+     */
+    static void parseToExistingProperties(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                          DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+                                          IgnoreRounding ignoreRounding, UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    static void parseToExistingPropertiesImpl(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                              DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+                                              IgnoreRounding ignoreRounding, UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Finalizes the temporary data stored in the ParsedPatternInfo to the Properties. */
+    static void patternInfoToProperties(DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+                                        ParsedPatternInfo& patternInfo, IgnoreRounding _ignoreRounding,
+                                        UErrorCode& status);
+class U_I18N_API PatternStringUtils {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Determine whether a given roundingIncrement should be ignored for formatting
+     * based on the current maxFrac value (maximum fraction digits). For example a
+     * roundingIncrement of 0.01 should be ignored if maxFrac is 1, but not if maxFrac
+     * is 2 or more. Note that roundingIncrements are rounded up in significance, so
+     * a roundingIncrement of 0.006 is treated like 0.01 for this determination, i.e.
+     * it should not be ignored if maxFrac is 2 or more (but a roundingIncrement of
+     * 0.005 is treated like 0.001 for significance).
+     *
+     * This test is needed for both NumberPropertyMapper::oldToNew and 
+     * PatternStringUtils::propertiesToPatternString. In Java it cannot be
+     * exported by NumberPropertyMapper (package provate) so it is in
+     * PatternStringUtils, do the same in C.
+     *
+     * @param roundIncr
+     *            The roundingIncrement to be checked. Must be non-zero.
+     * @param maxFrac
+     *            The current maximum fraction digits value.
+     * @return true if roundIncr should be ignored for formatting.
+     */
+     static bool ignoreRoundingIncrement(double roundIncr, int32_t maxFrac);
+    /**
+     * Creates a pattern string from a property bag.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Since pattern strings support only a subset of the functionality available in a property bag, a new property bag
+     * created from the string returned by this function may not be the same as the original property bag.
+     *
+     * @param properties
+     *            The property bag to serialize.
+     * @return A pattern string approximately serializing the property bag.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString propertiesToPatternString(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
+                                                   UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Converts a pattern between standard notation and localized notation. Localized notation means that instead of
+     * using generic placeholders in the pattern, you use the corresponding locale-specific characters instead. For
+     * example, in locale <em>fr-FR</em>, the period in the pattern "0.000" means "decimal" in standard notation (as it
+     * does in every other locale), but it means "grouping" in localized notation.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * A greedy string-substitution strategy is used to substitute locale symbols. If two symbols are ambiguous or have
+     * the same prefix, the result is not well-defined.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Locale symbols are not allowed to contain the ASCII quote character.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be used in any new code.
+     *
+     * TODO(C++): This method is not yet implemented.
+     *
+     * @param input
+     *            The pattern to convert.
+     * @param symbols
+     *            The symbols corresponding to the localized pattern.
+     * @param toLocalized
+     *            true to convert from standard to localized notation; false to convert from localized to standard
+     *            notation.
+     * @return The pattern expressed in the other notation.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString convertLocalized(const UnicodeString& input, const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
+                                          bool toLocalized, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * This method contains the heart of the logic for rendering LDML affix strings. It handles
+     * sign-always-shown resolution, whether to use the positive or negative subpattern, permille
+     * substitution, and plural forms for CurrencyPluralInfo.
+     */
+    static void patternInfoToStringBuilder(const AffixPatternProvider& patternInfo, bool isPrefix,
+                                           Signum signum, UNumberSignDisplay signDisplay,
+                                           StandardPlural::Form plural, bool perMilleReplacesPercent,
+                                           UnicodeString& output);
+  private:
+    /** @return The number of chars inserted. */
+    static int escapePaddingString(UnicodeString input, UnicodeString& output, int startIndex,
+                                   UErrorCode& status);
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_roundingutils.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_roundingutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c2c47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_roundingutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+namespace roundingutils {
+enum Section {
+ * Converts a rounding mode and metadata about the quantity being rounded to a boolean determining
+ * whether the value should be rounded toward infinity or toward zero.
+ *
+ * <p>The parameters are of type int because benchmarks on an x86-64 processor against OpenJDK
+ * showed that ints were demonstrably faster than enums in switch statements.
+ *
+ * @param isEven Whether the digit immediately before the rounding magnitude is even.
+ * @param isNegative Whether the quantity is negative.
+ * @param section Whether the part of the quantity to the right of the rounding magnitude is
+ *     exactly halfway between two digits, whether it is in the lower part (closer to zero), or
+ *     whether it is in the upper part (closer to infinity). See {@link #SECTION_LOWER}, {@link
+ *     #SECTION_MIDPOINT}, and {@link #SECTION_UPPER}.
+ * @param roundingMode The integer version of the {@link RoundingMode}, which you can get via
+ *     {@link RoundingMode#ordinal}.
+ * @param status Error code, set to U_FORMAT_INEXACT_ERROR if the rounding mode is kRoundUnnecessary.
+ * @return true if the number should be rounded toward zero; false if it should be rounded toward
+ *     infinity.
+ */
+inline bool
+getRoundingDirection(bool isEven, bool isNegative, Section section, RoundingMode roundingMode,
+                     UErrorCode &status) {
+    switch (roundingMode) {
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_UP:
+            // round away from zero
+            return false;
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_DOWN:
+            // round toward zero
+            return true;
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_CEILING:
+            // round toward positive infinity
+            return isNegative;
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_FLOOR:
+            // round toward negative infinity
+            return !isNegative;
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_HALFUP:
+            switch (section) {
+                case SECTION_MIDPOINT:
+                    return false;
+                case SECTION_LOWER:
+                    return true;
+                case SECTION_UPPER:
+                    return false;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_HALFDOWN:
+            switch (section) {
+                case SECTION_MIDPOINT:
+                    return true;
+                case SECTION_LOWER:
+                    return true;
+                case SECTION_UPPER:
+                    return false;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_HALFEVEN:
+            switch (section) {
+                case SECTION_MIDPOINT:
+                    return isEven;
+                case SECTION_LOWER:
+                    return true;
+                case SECTION_UPPER:
+                    return false;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return false;
+ * Gets whether the given rounding mode's rounding boundary is at the midpoint. The rounding
+ * boundary is the point at which a number switches from being rounded down to being rounded up.
+ * For example, with rounding mode HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP, or HALF_DOWN, the rounding boundary is at
+ * the midpoint, and this function would return true. However, for UP, DOWN, CEILING, and FLOOR,
+ * the rounding boundary is at the "edge", and this function would return false.
+ *
+ * @param roundingMode The integer version of the {@link RoundingMode}.
+ * @return true if rounding mode is HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP, or HALF_DOWN; false otherwise.
+ */
+inline bool roundsAtMidpoint(int roundingMode) {
+    switch (roundingMode) {
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_UP:
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_DOWN:
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_CEILING:
+        case RoundingMode::UNUM_ROUND_FLOOR:
+            return false;
+        default:
+            return true;
+    }
+ * Computes the number of fraction digits in a double. Used for computing maxFrac for an increment.
+ * Calls into the DoubleToStringConverter library to do so.
+ *
+ * @param singleDigit An output parameter; set to a number if that is the
+ *        only digit in the double, or -1 if there is more than one digit.
+ */
+digits_t doubleFractionLength(double input, int8_t* singleDigit);
+} // namespace roundingutils
+ * Encapsulates a Precision and a RoundingMode and performs rounding on a DecimalQuantity.
+ *
+ * This class does not exist in Java: instead, the base Precision class is used.
+ */
+class RoundingImpl {
+  public:
+    RoundingImpl() = default;  // default constructor: leaves object in undefined state
+    RoundingImpl(const Precision& precision, UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode,
+                 const CurrencyUnit& currency, UErrorCode& status);
+    static RoundingImpl passThrough();
+    /** Required for ScientificFormatter */
+    bool isSignificantDigits() const;
+    /**
+     * Rounding endpoint used by Engineering and Compact notation. Chooses the most appropriate multiplier (magnitude
+     * adjustment), applies the adjustment, rounds, and returns the chosen multiplier.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In most cases, this is simple. However, when rounding the number causes it to cross a multiplier boundary, we
+     * need to re-do the rounding. For example, to display 999,999 in Engineering notation with 2 sigfigs, first you
+     * guess the multiplier to be -3. However, then you end up getting 1000E3, which is not the correct output. You then
+     * change your multiplier to be -6, and you get 1.0E6, which is correct.
+     *
+     * @param input The quantity to process.
+     * @param producer Function to call to return a multiplier based on a magnitude.
+     * @return The number of orders of magnitude the input was adjusted by this method.
+     */
+    int32_t
+    chooseMultiplierAndApply(impl::DecimalQuantity &input, const impl::MultiplierProducer &producer,
+                             UErrorCode &status);
+    void apply(impl::DecimalQuantity &value, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /** Version of {@link #apply} that obeys minInt constraints. Used for scientific notation compatibility mode. */
+    void apply(impl::DecimalQuantity &value, int32_t minInt, UErrorCode status);
+  private:
+    Precision fPrecision;
+    UNumberFormatRoundingMode fRoundingMode;
+    bool fPassThrough;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_scientific.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_scientific.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9ce1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_scientific.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward-declare
+class ScientificHandler;
+class U_I18N_API ScientificModifier : public UMemory, public Modifier {
+  public:
+    ScientificModifier();
+    void set(int32_t exponent, const ScientificHandler *handler);
+    int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder &output, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                  UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getPrefixLength() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getCodePointCount() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isStrong() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool containsField(UNumberFormatFields field) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    void getParameters(Parameters& output) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool semanticallyEquivalent(const Modifier& other) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    int32_t fExponent;
+    const ScientificHandler *fHandler;
+class ScientificHandler : public UMemory, public MicroPropsGenerator, public MultiplierProducer {
+  public:
+    ScientificHandler(const Notation *notation, const DecimalFormatSymbols *symbols,
+                      const MicroPropsGenerator *parent);
+    void
+    processQuantity(DecimalQuantity &quantity, MicroProps &micros, UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    int32_t getMultiplier(int32_t magnitude) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    const Notation::ScientificSettings& fSettings;
+    const DecimalFormatSymbols *fSymbols;
+    const MicroPropsGenerator *fParent;
+    friend class ScientificModifier;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_skeletons.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_skeletons.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59af771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_skeletons.h
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "unicode/ucharstrie.h"
+#include "string_segment.h"
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward-declaration
+struct SeenMacroProps;
+// namespace for enums and entrypoint functions
+namespace skeleton {
+// NOTE: For an example of how to add a new stem to the number skeleton parser, see: //
+//                                  //
+ * While parsing a skeleton, this enum records what type of option we expect to find next.
+ */
+enum ParseState {
+    // Section 0: We expect whitespace or a stem, but not an option:
+    // Section 1: We might accept an option, but it is not required:
+    // Section 2: An option is required:
+ * All possible stem literals have an entry in the StemEnum. The enum name is the kebab case stem
+ * string literal written in upper snake case.
+ *
+ * @see StemToObject
+ */
+enum StemEnum {
+    // Section 1: Stems that do not require an option:
+    // Section 2: Stems that DO require an option:
+ * Creates a NumberFormatter corresponding to the given skeleton string.
+ *
+ * @param skeletonString
+ *            A number skeleton string, possibly not in its shortest form.
+ * @return An UnlocalizedNumberFormatter with behavior defined by the given skeleton string.
+ */
+UnlocalizedNumberFormatter create(
+    const UnicodeString& skeletonString, UParseError* perror, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Create a skeleton string corresponding to the given NumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * @param macros
+ *            The NumberFormatter options object.
+ * @return A skeleton string in normalized form.
+ */
+UnicodeString generate(const MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Converts from a skeleton string to a MacroProps. This method contains the primary parse loop.
+ *
+ * Internal: use the create() endpoint instead of this function.
+ */
+MacroProps parseSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeletonString, int32_t& errOffset, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Given that the current segment represents a stem, parse it and save the result.
+ *
+ * @return The next state after parsing this stem, corresponding to what subset of options to expect.
+ */
+ParseState parseStem(const StringSegment& segment, const UCharsTrie& stemTrie, SeenMacroProps& seen,
+                     MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Given that the current segment represents an option, parse it and save the result.
+ *
+ * @return The next state after parsing this option, corresponding to what subset of options to
+ *         expect next.
+ */
+parseOption(ParseState stem, const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+} // namespace skeleton
+ * Namespace for utility methods that convert from StemEnum to corresponding objects or enums. This
+ * applies to only the "Section 1" stems, those that are well-defined without an option.
+ */
+namespace stem_to_object {
+Notation notation(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+MeasureUnit unit(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+Precision precision(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+UNumberGroupingStrategy groupingStrategy(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+UNumberUnitWidth unitWidth(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+UNumberSignDisplay signDisplay(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay decimalSeparatorDisplay(skeleton::StemEnum stem);
+} // namespace stem_to_object
+ * Namespace for utility methods that convert from enums to stem strings. More complex object conversions
+ * take place in the object_to_stem_string namespace.
+ */
+namespace enum_to_stem_string {
+void roundingMode(UNumberFormatRoundingMode value, UnicodeString& sb);
+void groupingStrategy(UNumberGroupingStrategy value, UnicodeString& sb);
+void unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth value, UnicodeString& sb);
+void signDisplay(UNumberSignDisplay value, UnicodeString& sb);
+void decimalSeparatorDisplay(UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay value, UnicodeString& sb);
+} // namespace enum_to_stem_string
+ * Namespace for utility methods for processing stems and options that cannot be interpreted literally.
+ */
+namespace blueprint_helpers {
+/** @return Whether we successfully found and parsed an exponent width option. */
+bool parseExponentWidthOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateExponentWidthOption(int32_t minExponentDigits, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+/** @return Whether we successfully found and parsed an exponent sign option. */
+bool parseExponentSignOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseCurrencyOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateCurrencyOption(const CurrencyUnit& currency, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseMeasureUnitOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateMeasureUnitOption(const MeasureUnit& measureUnit, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseMeasurePerUnitOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseFractionStem(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateFractionStem(int32_t minFrac, int32_t maxFrac, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseDigitsStem(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateDigitsStem(int32_t minSig, int32_t maxSig, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+/** @return Whether we successfully found and parsed a frac-sig option. */
+bool parseFracSigOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseIncrementOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+generateIncrementOption(double increment, int32_t trailingZeros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseIntegerWidthOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateIntegerWidthOption(int32_t minInt, int32_t maxInt, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseNumberingSystemOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateNumberingSystemOption(const NumberingSystem& ns, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+void parseScaleOption(const StringSegment& segment, MacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+void generateScaleOption(int32_t magnitude, const DecNum* arbitrary, UnicodeString& sb,
+                              UErrorCode& status);
+} // namespace blueprint_helpers
+ * Class for utility methods for generating a token corresponding to each macro-prop. Each method
+ * returns whether or not a token was written to the string builder.
+ *
+ * This needs to be a class, not a namespace, so it can be friended.
+ */
+class GeneratorHelpers {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Main skeleton generator function. Appends the normalized skeleton for the MacroProps to the given
+     * StringBuilder.
+     *
+     * Internal: use the create() endpoint instead of this function.
+     */
+    static void generateSkeleton(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    static bool notation(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool unit(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool perUnit(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool precision(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool roundingMode(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool grouping(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool integerWidth(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool symbols(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool unitWidth(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool sign(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool decimal(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+    static bool scale(const MacroProps& macros, UnicodeString& sb, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Struct for null-checking.
+ * In Java, we can just check the object reference. In C++, we need a different method.
+ */
+struct SeenMacroProps {
+    bool notation = false;
+    bool unit = false;
+    bool perUnit = false;
+    bool precision = false;
+    bool roundingMode = false;
+    bool grouper = false;
+    bool padder = false;
+    bool integerWidth = false;
+    bool symbols = false;
+    bool unitWidth = false;
+    bool sign = false;
+    bool decimal = false;
+    bool scale = false;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_types.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d62aa6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMBER_TYPES_H__
+#define __NUMBER_TYPES_H__
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unicode/numsys.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+#include "unicode/platform.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "standardplural.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+// For convenience and historical reasons, import the Field typedef to the namespace.
+typedef FormattedStringBuilder::Field Field;
+// Typedef several enums for brevity and for easier comparison to Java.
+typedef UNumberFormatRoundingMode RoundingMode;
+typedef UNumberFormatPadPosition PadPosition;
+typedef UNumberCompactStyle CompactStyle;
+// ICU4J Equivalent: RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG
+static constexpr int32_t kMaxIntFracSig = 999;
+// ICU4J Equivalent: RoundingUtils.DEFAULT_ROUNDING_MODE
+static constexpr RoundingMode kDefaultMode = RoundingMode::UNUM_FOUND_HALFEVEN;
+static constexpr char16_t kFallbackPaddingString[] = u" ";
+// Forward declarations:
+class Modifier;
+class MutablePatternModifier;
+class DecimalQuantity;
+class ModifierStore;
+struct MicroProps;
+enum AffixPatternType {
+    // Represents a literal character; the value is stored in the code point field.
+            TYPE_CODEPOINT = 0,
+    // Represents a minus sign symbol '-'.
+            TYPE_MINUS_SIGN = -1,
+    // Represents a plus sign symbol '+'.
+            TYPE_PLUS_SIGN = -2,
+    // Represents a percent sign symbol '%'.
+            TYPE_PERCENT = -3,
+    // Represents a permille sign symbol '‰'.
+            TYPE_PERMILLE = -4,
+    // Represents a single currency symbol '¤'.
+            TYPE_CURRENCY_SINGLE = -5,
+    // Represents a double currency symbol '¤¤'.
+            TYPE_CURRENCY_DOUBLE = -6,
+    // Represents a triple currency symbol '¤¤¤'.
+            TYPE_CURRENCY_TRIPLE = -7,
+    // Represents a quadruple currency symbol '¤¤¤¤'.
+            TYPE_CURRENCY_QUAD = -8,
+    // Represents a quintuple currency symbol '¤¤¤¤¤'.
+            TYPE_CURRENCY_QUINT = -9,
+    // Represents a sequence of six or more currency symbols.
+            TYPE_CURRENCY_OVERFLOW = -15
+enum CompactType {
+enum Signum {
+    SIGNUM_NEG = -1,
+    SIGNUM_ZERO = 0,
+    SIGNUM_POS = 1
+class U_I18N_API AffixPatternProvider {
+  public:
+    static const int32_t AFFIX_PLURAL_MASK = 0xff;
+    static const int32_t AFFIX_PREFIX = 0x100;
+    static const int32_t AFFIX_NEGATIVE_SUBPATTERN = 0x200;
+    static const int32_t AFFIX_PADDING = 0x400;
+    // Convenience compound flags
+    static const int32_t AFFIX_POS_PREFIX = AFFIX_PREFIX;
+    static const int32_t AFFIX_POS_SUFFIX = 0;
+    virtual ~AffixPatternProvider();
+    virtual char16_t charAt(int flags, int i) const = 0;
+    virtual int length(int flags) const = 0;
+    virtual UnicodeString getString(int flags) const = 0;
+    virtual bool hasCurrencySign() const = 0;
+    virtual bool positiveHasPlusSign() const = 0;
+    virtual bool hasNegativeSubpattern() const = 0;
+    virtual bool negativeHasMinusSign() const = 0;
+    virtual bool containsSymbolType(AffixPatternType, UErrorCode&) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * True if the pattern has a number placeholder like "0" or "#,##0.00"; false if the pattern does not
+     * have one. This is used in cases like compact notation, where the pattern replaces the entire
+     * number instead of rendering the number.
+     */
+    virtual bool hasBody() const = 0;
+ * A Modifier is an object that can be passed through the formatting pipeline until it is finally applied to the string
+ * builder. A Modifier usually contains a prefix and a suffix that are applied, but it could contain something else,
+ * like a {@link} pattern.
+ *
+ * A Modifier is usually immutable, except in cases such as {@link MutablePatternModifier}, which are mutable for performance
+ * reasons.
+ *
+ * Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a base class for other exported types
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Modifier {
+  public:
+    virtual ~Modifier();
+    /**
+     * Apply this Modifier to the string builder.
+     *
+     * @param output
+     *            The string builder to which to apply this modifier.
+     * @param leftIndex
+     *            The left index of the string within the builder. Equal to 0 when only one number is being formatted.
+     * @param rightIndex
+     *            The right index of the string within the string builder. Equal to length when only one number is being
+     *            formatted.
+     * @return The number of characters (UTF-16 code units) that were added to the string builder.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t apply(FormattedStringBuilder& output, int leftIndex, int rightIndex,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the length of the prefix. This information can be used in combination with {@link #apply} to extract the
+     * prefix and suffix strings.
+     *
+     * @return The number of characters (UTF-16 code units) in the prefix.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getPrefixLength() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of code points in the modifier, prefix plus suffix.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getCodePointCount() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Whether this modifier is strong. If a modifier is strong, it should always be applied immediately and not allowed
+     * to bubble up. With regard to padding, strong modifiers are considered to be on the inside of the prefix and
+     * suffix.
+     *
+     * @return Whether the modifier is strong.
+     */
+    virtual bool isStrong() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Whether the modifier contains at least one occurrence of the given field.
+     */
+    virtual bool containsField(UNumberFormatFields field) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * A fill-in for getParameters(). obj will always be set; if non-null, the other
+     * two fields are also safe to read.
+     */
+    struct U_I18N_API Parameters {
+        const ModifierStore* obj = nullptr;
+        Signum signum;
+        StandardPlural::Form plural;
+        Parameters();
+        Parameters(const ModifierStore* _obj, Signum _signum, StandardPlural::Form _plural);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Gets a set of "parameters" for this Modifier.
+     *
+     * TODO: Make this return a `const Parameters*` more like Java?
+     */
+    virtual void getParameters(Parameters& output) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns whether this Modifier is *semantically equivalent* to the other Modifier;
+     * in many cases, this is the same as equal, but parameters should be ignored.
+     */
+    virtual bool semanticallyEquivalent(const Modifier& other) const = 0;
+ * This is *not* a modifier; rather, it is an object that can return modifiers
+ * based on given parameters.
+ *
+ * Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a base class for other exported types.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ModifierStore {
+  public:
+    virtual ~ModifierStore();
+    /**
+     * Returns a Modifier with the given parameters (best-effort).
+     */
+    virtual const Modifier* getModifier(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural) const = 0;
+ * This interface is used when all number formatting settings, including the locale, are known, except for the quantity
+ * itself. The {@link #processQuantity} method performs the final step in the number processing pipeline: it uses the
+ * quantity to generate a finalized {@link MicroProps}, which can be used to render the number to output.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In other words, this interface is used for the parts of number processing that are <em>quantity-dependent</em>.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In order to allow for multiple different objects to all mutate the same MicroProps, a "chain" of MicroPropsGenerators
+ * are linked together, and each one is responsible for manipulating a certain quantity-dependent part of the
+ * MicroProps. At the tail of the linked list is a base instance of {@link MicroProps} with properties that are not
+ * quantity-dependent. Each element in the linked list calls {@link #processQuantity} on its "parent", then does its
+ * work, and then returns the result.
+ *
+ * Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a base class for other exported types
+ *
+ */
+class U_I18N_API MicroPropsGenerator {
+  public:
+    virtual ~MicroPropsGenerator();
+    /**
+     * Considers the given {@link DecimalQuantity}, optionally mutates it, and returns a {@link MicroProps}.
+     *
+     * @param quantity
+     *            The quantity for consideration and optional mutation.
+     * @param micros
+     *            The MicroProps instance to populate.
+     * @return A MicroProps instance resolved for the quantity.
+     */
+    virtual void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity& quantity, MicroProps& micros,
+                                 UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+ * An interface used by compact notation and scientific notation to choose a multiplier while rounding.
+ */
+class MultiplierProducer {
+  public:
+    virtual ~MultiplierProducer();
+    /**
+     * Maps a magnitude to a multiplier in powers of ten. For example, in compact notation in English, a magnitude of 5
+     * (e.g., 100,000) should return a multiplier of -3, since the number is displayed in thousands.
+     *
+     * @param magnitude
+     *            The power of ten of the input number.
+     * @return The shift in powers of ten.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getMultiplier(int32_t magnitude) const = 0;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API because it is a public member field of exported DecimalFormatProperties
+template<typename T>
+class U_I18N_API NullableValue {
+  public:
+    NullableValue()
+            : fNull(true) {}
+    NullableValue(const NullableValue<T>& other) = default;
+    explicit NullableValue(const T& other) {
+        fValue = other;
+        fNull = false;
+    }
+    NullableValue<T>& operator=(const NullableValue<T>& other) {
+        fNull = other.fNull;
+        if (!fNull) {
+            fValue = other.fValue;
+        }
+        return *this;
+    }
+    NullableValue<T>& operator=(const T& other) {
+        fValue = other;
+        fNull = false;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    bool operator==(const NullableValue& other) const {
+        // "fValue == other.fValue" returns UBool, not bool (causes compiler warnings)
+        return fNull ? other.fNull : (other.fNull ? false : static_cast<bool>(fValue == other.fValue));
+    }
+    void nullify() {
+        // TODO: It might be nice to call the destructor here.
+        fNull = true;
+    }
+    bool isNull() const {
+        return fNull;
+    }
+    T get(UErrorCode& status) const {
+        if (fNull) {
+            status = U_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE;
+        }
+        return fValue;
+    }
+    T getNoError() const {
+        return fValue;
+    }
+    T getOrDefault(T defaultValue) const {
+        return fNull ? defaultValue : fValue;
+    }
+  private:
+    bool fNull;
+    T fValue;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif //__NUMBER_TYPES_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_utils.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93195f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMBER_UTILS_H__
+#define __NUMBER_UTILS_H__
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include "number_scientific.h"
+#include "number_patternstring.h"
+#include "number_modifiers.h"
+#include "number_multiplier.h"
+#include "number_roundingutils.h"
+#include "decNumber.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+enum CldrPatternStyle {
+// Namespace for naked functions
+namespace utils {
+inline int32_t insertDigitFromSymbols(FormattedStringBuilder& output, int32_t index, int8_t digit,
+                                      const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols, Field field,
+                                      UErrorCode& status) {
+    if (symbols.getCodePointZero() != -1) {
+        return output.insertCodePoint(index, symbols.getCodePointZero() + digit, field, status);
+    }
+    return output.insert(index, symbols.getConstDigitSymbol(digit), field, status);
+inline bool unitIsCurrency(const MeasureUnit& unit) {
+    return uprv_strcmp("currency", unit.getType()) == 0;
+inline bool unitIsNoUnit(const MeasureUnit& unit) {
+    return uprv_strcmp("none", unit.getType()) == 0;
+inline bool unitIsPercent(const MeasureUnit& unit) {
+    return uprv_strcmp("percent", unit.getSubtype()) == 0;
+inline bool unitIsPermille(const MeasureUnit& unit) {
+    return uprv_strcmp("permille", unit.getSubtype()) == 0;
+// NOTE: In Java, this method is in
+const char16_t*
+getPatternForStyle(const Locale& locale, const char* nsName, CldrPatternStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Computes the plural form for this number based on the specified set of rules.
+ *
+ * @param rules A {@link PluralRules} object representing the set of rules.
+ * @return The {@link StandardPlural} according to the PluralRules. If the plural form is not in
+ *     the set of standard plurals, {@link StandardPlural#OTHER} is returned instead.
+ */
+inline StandardPlural::Form getStandardPlural(const PluralRules *rules,
+                                              const IFixedDecimal &fdec) {
+    if (rules == nullptr) {
+        // Fail gracefully if the user didn't provide a PluralRules
+        return StandardPlural::Form::OTHER;
+    } else {
+        UnicodeString ruleString = rules->select(fdec);
+        return StandardPlural::orOtherFromString(ruleString);
+    }
+ * Computes the plural form after copying the number and applying rounding rules.
+ */
+inline StandardPlural::Form getPluralSafe(
+        const RoundingImpl& rounder,
+        const PluralRules* rules,
+        const DecimalQuantity& dq,
+        UErrorCode& status) {
+    // TODO(ICU-20500): Avoid the copy?
+    DecimalQuantity copy(dq);
+    rounder.apply(copy, status);
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+        return StandardPlural::Form::OTHER;
+    }
+    return getStandardPlural(rules, copy);
+} // namespace utils
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif //__NUMBER_UTILS_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/number_utypes.h b/libicu/cts_headers/number_utypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dbe5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/number_utypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+#include "formattedval_impl.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+/** Helper function used in upluralrules.cpp */
+const DecimalQuantity* validateUFormattedNumberToDecimalQuantity(
+    const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Struct for data used by FormattedNumber.
+ *
+ * This struct is held internally by the C++ version FormattedNumber since the member types are not
+ * declared in the public header file.
+ *
+ * The DecimalQuantity is not currently being used by FormattedNumber, but at some point it could be used
+ * to add a toDecNumber() or similar method.
+ */
+class UFormattedNumberData : public FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl {
+    UFormattedNumberData() : FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl(0) {}
+    virtual ~UFormattedNumberData();
+    DecimalQuantity quantity;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_affixes.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_affixes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02b17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_affixes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "numparse_symbols.h"
+#include "numparse_currency.h"
+#include "number_affixutils.h"
+#include "number_currencysymbols.h"
+namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward-declaration of implementation classes for friending
+class AffixPatternMatcherBuilder;
+class AffixPatternMatcher;
+using ::icu::number::impl::AffixPatternProvider;
+using ::icu::number::impl::TokenConsumer;
+using ::icu::number::impl::CurrencySymbols;
+class CodePointMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    CodePointMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    CodePointMatcher(UChar32 cp);
+    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+  private:
+    UChar32 fCp;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+// Export a explicit template instantiations of MaybeStackArray, MemoryPool and CompactUnicodeString.
+// When building DLLs for Windows this is required even though no direct access leaks out of the i18n library.
+// (See digitlst.h, pluralaffix.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.)
+// Note: These need to be outside of the numparse::impl namespace, or Clang will generate a compile error.
+template class U_I18N_API MaybeStackArray<numparse::impl::CodePointMatcher*, 8>; 
+template class U_I18N_API MaybeStackArray<UChar, 4>;
+template class U_I18N_API MemoryPool<numparse::impl::CodePointMatcher, 8>;
+template class U_I18N_API numparse::impl::CompactUnicodeString<4>;
+namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+struct AffixTokenMatcherSetupData {
+    const CurrencySymbols& currencySymbols;
+    const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs;
+    IgnorablesMatcher& ignorables;
+    const Locale& locale;
+    parse_flags_t parseFlags;
+ * Small helper class that generates matchers for individual tokens for AffixPatternMatcher.
+ *
+ * In Java, this is called AffixTokenMatcherFactory (a "factory"). However, in C++, it is called a
+ * "warehouse", because in addition to generating the matchers, it also retains ownership of them. The
+ * warehouse must stay in scope for the whole lifespan of the AffixPatternMatcher that uses matchers from
+ * the warehouse.
+ *
+ * @author sffc
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse(const AffixTokenMatcherSetupData* setupData);
+    NumberParseMatcher& minusSign();
+    NumberParseMatcher& plusSign();
+    NumberParseMatcher& percent();
+    NumberParseMatcher& permille();
+    NumberParseMatcher& currency(UErrorCode& status);
+    IgnorablesMatcher& ignorables();
+    NumberParseMatcher* nextCodePointMatcher(UChar32 cp, UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    // NOTE: The following field may be unsafe to access after construction is done!
+    const AffixTokenMatcherSetupData* fSetupData;
+    // NOTE: These are default-constructed and should not be used until initialized.
+    MinusSignMatcher fMinusSign;
+    PlusSignMatcher fPlusSign;
+    PercentMatcher fPercent;
+    PermilleMatcher fPermille;
+    CombinedCurrencyMatcher fCurrency;
+    // Use a child class for code point matchers, since it requires non-default operators.
+    MemoryPool<CodePointMatcher> fCodePoints;
+    friend class AffixPatternMatcherBuilder;
+    friend class AffixPatternMatcher;
+class AffixPatternMatcherBuilder : public TokenConsumer, public MutableMatcherCollection {
+  public:
+    AffixPatternMatcherBuilder(const UnicodeString& pattern, AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse& warehouse,
+                               IgnorablesMatcher* ignorables);
+    void consumeToken(::icu::number::impl::AffixPatternType type, UChar32 cp, UErrorCode& status) override;
+    /** NOTE: You can build only once! */
+    AffixPatternMatcher build();
+  private:
+    ArraySeriesMatcher::MatcherArray fMatchers;
+    int32_t fMatchersLen;
+    int32_t fLastTypeOrCp;
+    const UnicodeString& fPattern;
+    AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse& fWarehouse;
+    IgnorablesMatcher* fIgnorables;
+    void addMatcher(NumberParseMatcher& matcher) override;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API AffixPatternMatcher : public ArraySeriesMatcher {
+  public:
+    AffixPatternMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    static AffixPatternMatcher fromAffixPattern(const UnicodeString& affixPattern,
+                                                AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse& warehouse,
+                                                parse_flags_t parseFlags, bool* success,
+                                                UErrorCode& status);
+    UnicodeString getPattern() const;
+    bool operator==(const AffixPatternMatcher& other) const;
+  private:
+    CompactUnicodeString<4> fPattern;
+    AffixPatternMatcher(MatcherArray& matchers, int32_t matchersLen, const UnicodeString& pattern);
+    friend class AffixPatternMatcherBuilder;
+class AffixMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    AffixMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    AffixMatcher(AffixPatternMatcher* prefix, AffixPatternMatcher* suffix, result_flags_t flags);
+    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+    int8_t compareTo(const AffixMatcher& rhs) const;
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+  private:
+    AffixPatternMatcher* fPrefix;
+    AffixPatternMatcher* fSuffix;
+    result_flags_t fFlags;
+ * A C++-only class to retain ownership of the AffixMatchers needed for parsing.
+ */
+class AffixMatcherWarehouse {
+  public:
+    AffixMatcherWarehouse() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    AffixMatcherWarehouse(AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse* tokenWarehouse);
+    void createAffixMatchers(const AffixPatternProvider& patternInfo, MutableMatcherCollection& output,
+                             const IgnorablesMatcher& ignorables, parse_flags_t parseFlags,
+                             UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    // 9 is the limit: positive, zero, and negative, each with prefix, suffix, and prefix+suffix
+    AffixMatcher fAffixMatchers[9];
+    // 6 is the limit: positive, zero, and negative, a prefix and a suffix for each
+    AffixPatternMatcher fAffixPatternMatchers[6];
+    // Reference to the warehouse for tokens used by the AffixPatternMatchers
+    AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse* fTokenWarehouse;
+    friend class AffixMatcher;
+    static bool isInteresting(const AffixPatternProvider& patternInfo, const IgnorablesMatcher& ignorables,
+                              parse_flags_t parseFlags, UErrorCode& status);
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif //__NUMPARSE_AFFIXES_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_compositions.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_compositions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f085912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_compositions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of the MaybeStackArray that is used as a data member of ArraySeriesMatcher.
+// When building DLLs for Windows this is required even though no direct access to the MaybeStackArray leaks out of the i18n library.
+// (See digitlst.h, pluralaffix.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.)
+template class U_I18N_API MaybeStackArray<const numparse::impl::NumberParseMatcher*, 3>;
+namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+ * Base class for AnyMatcher and SeriesMatcher.
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API CompositionMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher {
+  protected:
+    // No construction except by subclasses!
+    CompositionMatcher() = default;
+    // To be overridden by subclasses (used for iteration):
+    virtual const NumberParseMatcher* const* begin() const = 0;
+    // To be overridden by subclasses (used for iteration):
+    virtual const NumberParseMatcher* const* end() const = 0;
+// NOTE: AnyMatcher is no longer being used. The previous definition is shown below.
+// The implementation can be found in SVN source control, deleted around March 30, 2018.
+// * Composes a number of matchers, and succeeds if any of the matchers succeed. Always greedily chooses
+// * the first matcher in the list to succeed.
+// *
+// * NOTE: In C++, this is a base class, unlike ICU4J, which uses a factory-style interface.
+// *
+// * @author sffc
+// * @see SeriesMatcher
+// */
+//class AnyMatcher : public CompositionMatcher {
+//  public:
+//    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+//    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+//    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+//  protected:
+//    // No construction except by subclasses!
+//    AnyMatcher() = default;
+ * Composes a number of matchers, running one after another. Matches the input string only if all of the
+ * matchers in the series succeed. Performs greedy matches within the context of the series.
+ *
+ * @author sffc
+ * @see AnyMatcher
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API SeriesMatcher : public CompositionMatcher {
+  public:
+    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    virtual int32_t length() const = 0;
+  protected:
+    // No construction except by subclasses!
+    SeriesMatcher() = default;
+ * An implementation of SeriesMatcher that references an array of matchers.
+ *
+ * The object adopts the array, but NOT the matchers contained inside the array.
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API ArraySeriesMatcher : public SeriesMatcher {
+  public:
+    ArraySeriesMatcher();  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    typedef MaybeStackArray<const NumberParseMatcher*, 3> MatcherArray;
+    /** The array is std::move'd */
+    ArraySeriesMatcher(MatcherArray& matchers, int32_t matchersLen);
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+    int32_t length() const override;
+  protected:
+    const NumberParseMatcher* const* begin() const override;
+    const NumberParseMatcher* const* end() const override;
+  private:
+    MatcherArray fMatchers;
+    int32_t fMatchersLen;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_currency.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_currency.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a949433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_currency.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "numparse_compositions.h"
+#include "charstr.h"
+#include "number_currencysymbols.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+using ::icu::number::impl::CurrencySymbols;
+ * Matches a currency, either a custom currency or one from the data bundle. The class is called
+ * "combined" to emphasize that the currency string may come from one of multiple sources.
+ *
+ * Will match currency spacing either before or after the number depending on whether we are currently in
+ * the prefix or suffix.
+ *
+ * The implementation of this class is slightly different between J and C. See #13584 for a follow-up.
+ *
+ * @author sffc
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API CombinedCurrencyMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    CombinedCurrencyMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    CombinedCurrencyMatcher(const CurrencySymbols& currencySymbols, const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs,
+                            parse_flags_t parseFlags, UErrorCode& status);
+    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+  private:
+    UChar fCurrencyCode[4];
+    UnicodeString fCurrency1;
+    UnicodeString fCurrency2;
+    bool fUseFullCurrencyData;
+    UnicodeString fLocalLongNames[StandardPlural::COUNT];
+    UnicodeString afterPrefixInsert;
+    UnicodeString beforeSuffixInsert;
+    // We could use Locale instead of CharString here, but
+    // Locale has a non-trivial default constructor.
+    CharString fLocaleName;
+    // TODO: See comments in constructor in numparse_currency.cpp
+    // UnicodeSet fLeadCodePoints;
+    /** Matches the currency string without concern for currency spacing. */
+    bool matchCurrency(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_decimal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_decimal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec6c764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_decimal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+using ::icu::number::impl::Grouper;
+class DecimalMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    DecimalMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    DecimalMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols, const Grouper& grouper,
+                   parse_flags_t parseFlags);
+    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    bool
+    match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, int8_t exponentSign, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+  private:
+    /** If true, only accept strings whose grouping sizes match the locale */
+    bool requireGroupingMatch;
+    /** If true, do not accept grouping separators at all */
+    bool groupingDisabled;
+    // Fraction grouping parsing is disabled for now but could be enabled later.
+    // See
+    // bool fractionGrouping;
+    /** If true, do not accept numbers in the fraction */
+    bool integerOnly;
+    int16_t grouping1;
+    int16_t grouping2;
+    UnicodeString groupingSeparator;
+    UnicodeString decimalSeparator;
+    // Assumption: these sets all consist of single code points. If this assumption needs to be broken,
+    // fix getLeadCodePoints() as well as matching logic. Be careful of the performance impact.
+    const UnicodeSet* groupingUniSet;
+    const UnicodeSet* decimalUniSet;
+    const UnicodeSet* separatorSet;
+    const UnicodeSet* leadSet;
+    // Make this class the owner of a few objects that could be allocated.
+    // The first three LocalPointers are used for assigning ownership only.
+    LocalPointer<const UnicodeSet> fLocalDecimalUniSet;
+    LocalPointer<const UnicodeSet> fLocalSeparatorSet;
+    LocalArray<const UnicodeString> fLocalDigitStrings;
+    bool validateGroup(int32_t sepType, int32_t count, bool isPrimary) const;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif //__NUMPARSE_DECIMAL_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380d9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMPARSE_IMPL_H__
+#define __NUMPARSE_IMPL_H__
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "numparse_decimal.h"
+#include "numparse_symbols.h"
+#include "numparse_scientific.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "numparse_currency.h"
+#include "numparse_affixes.h"
+#include "number_decimfmtprops.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "numparse_validators.h"
+#include "number_multiplier.h"
+#include "string_segment.h"
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of the MaybeStackArray that is used as a data member of NumberParserImpl.
+// When building DLLs for Windows this is required even though no direct access to the MaybeStackArray leaks out of the i18n library.
+// (See numparse_compositions.h, numparse_affixes.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.)
+template class U_I18N_API MaybeStackArray<const numparse::impl::NumberParseMatcher*, 10>;
+namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API NumberParserImpl : public MutableMatcherCollection, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    virtual ~NumberParserImpl();
+    static NumberParserImpl* createSimpleParser(const Locale& locale, const UnicodeString& patternString,
+                                                parse_flags_t parseFlags, UErrorCode& status);
+    static NumberParserImpl* createParserFromProperties(
+            const number::impl::DecimalFormatProperties& properties, const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
+            bool parseCurrency, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Does NOT take ownership of the matcher. The matcher MUST remain valid for the lifespan of the
+     * NumberParserImpl.
+     * @param matcher The matcher to reference.
+     */
+    void addMatcher(NumberParseMatcher& matcher) override;
+    void freeze();
+    parse_flags_t getParseFlags() const;
+    void parse(const UnicodeString& input, bool greedy, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void parse(const UnicodeString& input, int32_t start, bool greedy, ParsedNumber& result,
+               UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString toString() const;
+  private:
+    parse_flags_t fParseFlags;
+    int32_t fNumMatchers = 0;
+    // NOTE: The stack capacity for fMatchers and fLeads should be the same
+    MaybeStackArray<const NumberParseMatcher*, 10> fMatchers;
+    bool fFrozen = false;
+    // WARNING: All of these matchers start in an undefined state (default-constructed).
+    // You must use an assignment operator on them before using.
+    struct {
+        IgnorablesMatcher ignorables;
+        InfinityMatcher infinity;
+        MinusSignMatcher minusSign;
+        NanMatcher nan;
+        PaddingMatcher padding;
+        PercentMatcher percent;
+        PermilleMatcher permille;
+        PlusSignMatcher plusSign;
+        DecimalMatcher decimal;
+        ScientificMatcher scientific;
+        CombinedCurrencyMatcher currency;
+        AffixMatcherWarehouse affixMatcherWarehouse;
+        AffixTokenMatcherWarehouse affixTokenMatcherWarehouse;
+    } fLocalMatchers;
+    struct {
+        RequireAffixValidator affix;
+        RequireCurrencyValidator currency;
+        RequireDecimalSeparatorValidator decimalSeparator;
+        RequireNumberValidator number;
+        MultiplierParseHandler multiplier;
+    } fLocalValidators;
+    explicit NumberParserImpl(parse_flags_t parseFlags);
+    void parseGreedy(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void parseLongestRecursive(
+        StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, int32_t recursionLevels, UErrorCode& status) const;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif //__NUMPARSE_IMPL_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_scientific.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_scientific.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5617c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_scientific.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "numparse_decimal.h"
+#include "numparse_symbols.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+using icu::number::impl::Grouper;
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+class ScientificMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    ScientificMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    ScientificMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs, const Grouper& grouper);
+    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+  private:
+    UnicodeString fExponentSeparatorString;
+    DecimalMatcher fExponentMatcher;
+    IgnorablesMatcher fIgnorablesMatcher;
+    UnicodeString fCustomMinusSign;
+    UnicodeString fCustomPlusSign;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_symbols.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_symbols.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beb133f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_symbols.h
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "static_unicode_sets.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+ * A base class for many matchers that performs a simple match against a UnicodeString and/or UnicodeSet.
+ *
+ * @author sffc
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API SymbolMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    SymbolMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    const UnicodeSet* getSet() const;
+    bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const override;
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+    virtual bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const = 0;
+    virtual void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const = 0;
+  protected:
+    UnicodeString fString;
+    const UnicodeSet* fUniSet; // a reference from numparse_unisets.h; never owned
+    SymbolMatcher(const UnicodeString& symbolString, unisets::Key key);
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API IgnorablesMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    IgnorablesMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    IgnorablesMatcher(parse_flags_t parseFlags);
+    bool isFlexible() const override;
+    UnicodeString toString() const override;
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+class InfinityMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    InfinityMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    InfinityMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs);
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API MinusSignMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    MinusSignMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    MinusSignMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs, bool allowTrailing);
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+  private:
+    bool fAllowTrailing;
+class NanMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    NanMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    NanMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs);
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+class PaddingMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    PaddingMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    PaddingMatcher(const UnicodeString& padString);
+    bool isFlexible() const override;
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API PercentMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    PercentMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    PercentMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs);
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API PermilleMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    PermilleMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    PermilleMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs);
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API PlusSignMatcher : public SymbolMatcher {
+  public:
+    PlusSignMatcher() = default;  // WARNING: Leaves the object in an unusable state
+    PlusSignMatcher(const DecimalFormatSymbols& dfs, bool allowTrailing);
+  protected:
+    bool isDisabled(const ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+    void accept(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result) const override;
+  private:
+    bool fAllowTrailing;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif //__NUMPARSE_SYMBOLS_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_types.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4007c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMPARSE_TYPES_H__
+#define __NUMPARSE_TYPES_H__
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include "string_segment.h"
+namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward-declarations
+class ParsedNumber;
+typedef int32_t result_flags_t;
+typedef int32_t parse_flags_t;
+/** Flags for the type result_flags_t */
+enum ResultFlags {
+    FLAG_NEGATIVE = 0x0001,
+    FLAG_PERCENT = 0x0002,
+    FLAG_PERMILLE = 0x0004,
+    FLAG_HAS_EXPONENT = 0x0008,
+    // FLAG_HAS_DEFAULT_CURRENCY = 0x0010, // no longer used
+    FLAG_NAN = 0x0040,
+    FLAG_INFINITY = 0x0080,
+    FLAG_FAIL = 0x0100,
+/** Flags for the type parse_flags_t */
+enum ParseFlags {
+    // PARSE_FLAG_FRACTION_GROUPING_ENABLED = 0x0040, // see #10794
+    // PARSE_FLAG_OPTIMIZE = 0x0800, // no longer used
+    // PARSE_FLAG_FORCE_BIG_DECIMAL = 0x1000, // not used in ICU4C
+// TODO: Is this class worthwhile?
+template<int32_t stackCapacity>
+class CompactUnicodeString {
+  public:
+    CompactUnicodeString() {
+        static_assert(stackCapacity > 0, "cannot have zero space on stack");
+        fBuffer[0] = 0;
+    }
+    CompactUnicodeString(const UnicodeString& text)
+            : fBuffer(text.length() + 1) {
+        uprv_memcpy(fBuffer.getAlias(), text.getBuffer(), sizeof(UChar) * text.length());
+        fBuffer[text.length()] = 0;
+    }
+    inline UnicodeString toAliasedUnicodeString() const {
+        return UnicodeString(TRUE, fBuffer.getAlias(), -1);
+    }
+    bool operator==(const CompactUnicodeString& other) const {
+        // Use the alias-only constructor and then call UnicodeString operator==
+        return toAliasedUnicodeString() == other.toAliasedUnicodeString();
+    }
+  private:
+    MaybeStackArray<UChar, stackCapacity> fBuffer;
+ * Struct-like class to hold the results of a parsing routine.
+ *
+ * @author sffc
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API ParsedNumber {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * The numerical value that was parsed.
+     */
+    ::icu::number::impl::DecimalQuantity quantity;
+    /**
+     * The index of the last char consumed during parsing. If parsing started at index 0, this is equal
+     * to the number of chars consumed. This is NOT necessarily the same as the StringSegment offset;
+     * "weak" chars, like whitespace, change the offset, but the charsConsumed is not touched until a
+     * "strong" char is encountered.
+     */
+    int32_t charEnd;
+    /**
+     * Boolean flags (see constants above).
+     */
+    result_flags_t flags;
+    /**
+     * The pattern string corresponding to the prefix that got consumed.
+     */
+    UnicodeString prefix;
+    /**
+     * The pattern string corresponding to the suffix that got consumed.
+     */
+    UnicodeString suffix;
+    /**
+     * The currency that got consumed.
+     */
+    UChar currencyCode[4];
+    ParsedNumber();
+    ParsedNumber(const ParsedNumber& other) = default;
+    ParsedNumber& operator=(const ParsedNumber& other) = default;
+    void clear();
+    /**
+     * Call this method to register that a "strong" char was consumed. This should be done after calling
+     * {@link StringSegment#setOffset} or {@link StringSegment#adjustOffset} except when the char is
+     * "weak", like whitespace.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>What is a strong versus weak char?</strong> The behavior of number parsing is to "stop"
+     * after reading the number, even if there is other content following the number. For example, after
+     * parsing the string "123 " (123 followed by a space), the cursor should be set to 3, not 4, even
+     * though there are matchers that accept whitespace. In this example, the digits are strong, whereas
+     * the whitespace is weak. Grouping separators are weak, whereas decimal separators are strong. Most
+     * other chars are strong.
+     *
+     * @param segment
+     *            The current StringSegment, usually immediately following a call to setOffset.
+     */
+    void setCharsConsumed(const StringSegment& segment);
+    /** Apply certain number-related flags to the DecimalQuantity. */
+    void postProcess();
+    /**
+     * Returns whether this the parse was successful. To be successful, at least one char must have been
+     * consumed, and the failure flag must not be set.
+     */
+    bool success() const;
+    bool seenNumber() const;
+    double getDouble(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void populateFormattable(Formattable& output, parse_flags_t parseFlags) const;
+    bool isBetterThan(const ParsedNumber& other);
+ * The core interface implemented by all matchers used for number parsing.
+ *
+ * Given a string, there should NOT be more than one way to consume the string with the same matcher
+ * applied multiple times. If there is, the non-greedy parsing algorithm will be unhappy and may enter an
+ * exponential-time loop. For example, consider the "A Matcher" that accepts "any number of As". Given
+ * the string "AAAA", there are 2^N = 8 ways to apply the A Matcher to this string: you could have the A
+ * Matcher apply 4 times to each character; you could have it apply just once to all the characters; you
+ * could have it apply to the first 2 characters and the second 2 characters; and so on. A better version
+ * of the "A Matcher" would be for it to accept exactly one A, and allow the algorithm to run it
+ * repeatedly to consume a string of multiple As. The A Matcher can implement the Flexible interface
+ * below to signal that it can be applied multiple times in a row.
+ *
+ * @author sffc
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API NumberParseMatcher {
+  public:
+    virtual ~NumberParseMatcher();
+    /**
+     * Matchers can override this method to return true to indicate that they are optional and can be run
+     * repeatedly. Used by SeriesMatcher, primarily in the context of IgnorablesMatcher.
+     */
+    virtual bool isFlexible() const {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Runs this matcher starting at the beginning of the given StringSegment. If this matcher finds
+     * something interesting in the StringSegment, it should update the offset of the StringSegment
+     * corresponding to how many chars were matched.
+     *
+     * This method is thread-safe.
+     *
+     * @param segment
+     *            The StringSegment to match against. Matches always start at the beginning of the
+     *            segment. The segment is guaranteed to contain at least one char.
+     * @param result
+     *            The data structure to store results if the match succeeds.
+     * @return Whether this matcher thinks there may be more interesting chars beyond the end of the
+     *         string segment.
+     */
+    virtual bool match(StringSegment& segment, ParsedNumber& result, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Performs a fast "smoke check" for whether or not this matcher could possibly match against the
+     * given string segment. The test should be as fast as possible but also as restrictive as possible.
+     * For example, matchers can maintain a UnicodeSet of all code points that count possibly start a
+     * match. Matchers should use the {@link StringSegment#startsWith} method in order to correctly
+     * handle case folding.
+     *
+     * @param segment
+     *            The segment to check against.
+     * @return true if the matcher might be able to match against this segment; false if it definitely
+     *         will not be able to match.
+     */
+    virtual bool smokeTest(const StringSegment& segment) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Method called at the end of a parse, after all matchers have failed to consume any more chars.
+     * Allows a matcher to make final modifications to the result given the knowledge that no more
+     * matches are possible.
+     *
+     * @param result
+     *            The data structure to store results.
+     */
+    virtual void postProcess(ParsedNumber&) const {
+        // Default implementation: no-op
+    }
+    // String for debugging
+    virtual UnicodeString toString() const = 0;
+  protected:
+    // No construction except by subclasses!
+    NumberParseMatcher() = default;
+ * Interface for use in arguments.
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API MutableMatcherCollection {
+  public:
+    virtual ~MutableMatcherCollection() = default;
+    virtual void addMatcher(NumberParseMatcher& matcher) = 0;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif //__NUMPARSE_TYPES_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_utils.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..162954b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifndef __NUMPARSE_UTILS_H__
+#define __NUMPARSE_UTILS_H__
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+namespace utils {
+inline static void putLeadCodePoints(const UnicodeSet* input, UnicodeSet* output) {
+    for (int32_t i = 0; i < input->getRangeCount(); i++) {
+        output->add(input->getRangeStart(i), input->getRangeEnd(i));
+    }
+    // TODO: ANDY: How to iterate over the strings in ICU4C UnicodeSet?
+inline static void putLeadCodePoint(const UnicodeString& input, UnicodeSet* output) {
+    if (!input.isEmpty()) {
+        output->add(input.char32At(0));
+    }
+inline static void copyCurrencyCode(UChar* dest, const UChar* src) {
+    uprv_memcpy(dest, src, sizeof(UChar) * 3);
+    dest[3] = 0;
+} // namespace utils
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif //__NUMPARSE_UTILS_H__
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_validators.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_validators.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d43b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numparse_validators.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "numparse_types.h"
+#include "static_unicode_sets.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+class ValidationMatcher : public NumberParseMatcher {
+  public:
+    bool match(StringSegment&, ParsedNumber&, UErrorCode&) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        // No-op
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool smokeTest(const StringSegment&) const U_OVERRIDE {
+        // No-op
+        return false;
+    }
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const U_OVERRIDE = 0;
+class RequireAffixValidator : public ValidationMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toString() const U_OVERRIDE;
+class RequireCurrencyValidator : public ValidationMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toString() const U_OVERRIDE;
+class RequireDecimalSeparatorValidator : public ValidationMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    RequireDecimalSeparatorValidator() = default;  // leaves instance in valid but undefined state
+    RequireDecimalSeparatorValidator(bool patternHasDecimalSeparator);
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toString() const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    bool fPatternHasDecimalSeparator;
+class RequireNumberValidator : public ValidationMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toString() const U_OVERRIDE;
+ * Wraps a {@link Multiplier} for use in the number parsing pipeline.
+ */
+class MultiplierParseHandler : public ValidationMatcher, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    MultiplierParseHandler() = default;  // leaves instance in valid but undefined state
+    MultiplierParseHandler(::icu::number::Scale multiplier);
+    void postProcess(ParsedNumber& result) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString toString() const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    ::icu::number::Scale fMultiplier;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace numparse
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numrange_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numrange_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88e300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numrange_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "unicode/numberrangeformatter.h"
+#include "unicode/simpleformatter.h"
+#include "number_types.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include "number_formatimpl.h"
+#include "formatted_string_builder.h"
+#include "formattedval_impl.h"
+U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+ * Class similar to UFormattedNumberData.
+ *
+ * Has incomplete magic number logic that will need to be finished
+ * if this is to be exposed as C API in the future.
+ *
+ * Possible magic number: 0x46445200
+ * Reads in ASCII as "FDR" (FormatteDnumberRange with room at the end)
+ */
+class UFormattedNumberRangeData : public FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl {
+    UFormattedNumberRangeData() : FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl(0) {}
+    virtual ~UFormattedNumberRangeData();
+    DecimalQuantity quantity1;
+    DecimalQuantity quantity2;
+    UNumberRangeIdentityResult identityResult = UNUM_IDENTITY_RESULT_COUNT;
+class StandardPluralRanges : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    void initialize(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    StandardPlural::Form resolve(StandardPlural::Form first, StandardPlural::Form second) const;
+    /** Used for data loading. */
+    void addPluralRange(
+        StandardPlural::Form first,
+        StandardPlural::Form second,
+        StandardPlural::Form result);
+    /** Used for data loading. */
+    void setCapacity(int32_t length);
+  private:
+    struct StandardPluralRangeTriple {
+        StandardPlural::Form first;
+        StandardPlural::Form second;
+        StandardPlural::Form result;
+    };
+    // TODO: An array is simple here, but it results in linear lookup time.
+    // Certain locales have 20-30 entries in this list.
+    // Consider changing to a smarter data structure.
+    typedef MaybeStackArray<StandardPluralRangeTriple, 3> PluralRangeTriples;
+    PluralRangeTriples fTriples;
+    int32_t fTriplesLen = 0;
+class NumberRangeFormatterImpl : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    NumberRangeFormatterImpl(const RangeMacroProps& macros, UErrorCode& status);
+    void format(UFormattedNumberRangeData& data, bool equalBeforeRounding, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  private:
+    NumberFormatterImpl formatterImpl1;
+    NumberFormatterImpl formatterImpl2;
+    bool fSameFormatters;
+    UNumberRangeCollapse fCollapse;
+    UNumberRangeIdentityFallback fIdentityFallback;
+    SimpleFormatter fRangeFormatter;
+    SimpleModifier fApproximatelyModifier;
+    StandardPluralRanges fPluralRanges;
+    void formatSingleValue(UFormattedNumberRangeData& data,
+                           MicroProps& micros1, MicroProps& micros2,
+                           UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void formatApproximately(UFormattedNumberRangeData& data,
+                             MicroProps& micros1, MicroProps& micros2,
+                             UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void formatRange(UFormattedNumberRangeData& data,
+                     MicroProps& micros1, MicroProps& micros2,
+                     UErrorCode& status) const;
+    const Modifier& resolveModifierPlurals(const Modifier& first, const Modifier& second) const;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/numsys_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/numsys_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e76e634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/numsys_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef __NUMSYS_IMPL_H__
+#define __NUMSYS_IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/numsys.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+class NumsysNameEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    NumsysNameEnumeration(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~NumsysNameEnumeration();
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const override;
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status) override;
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status) override;
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const override;
+    int32_t pos;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/olsontz.h b/libicu/cts_headers/olsontz.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b7dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/olsontz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2013, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: July 21 2003
+* Since: ICU 2.8
+#ifndef OLSONTZ_H
+#define OLSONTZ_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/basictz.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
+struct UResourceBundle;
+class SimpleTimeZone;
+ * A time zone based on the Olson tz database.  Olson time zones change
+ * behavior over time.  The raw offset, rules, presence or absence of
+ * daylight savings time, and even the daylight savings amount can all
+ * vary.
+ *
+ * This class uses a resource bundle named "zoneinfo".  Zoneinfo is a
+ * table containing different kinds of resources.  In several places,
+ * zones are referred to using integers.  A zone's integer is a number
+ * from 0..n-1, where n is the number of zones, with the zones sorted
+ * in lexicographic order.
+ *
+ * 1. Zones.  These have keys corresponding to the Olson IDs, e.g.,
+ * "Asia/Shanghai".  Each resource describes the behavior of the given
+ * zone.  Zones come in two different formats.
+ *
+ *   a. Zone (table).  A zone is a table resource contains several
+ *   type of resources below:
+ *  
+ *   - typeOffsets:intvector (Required)
+ *  
+ *   Sets of UTC raw/dst offset pairs in seconds.  Entries at
+ *   2n represents raw offset and 2n+1 represents dst offset
+ *   paired with the raw offset at 2n.  The very first pair represents
+ *   the initial zone offset (before the first transition) always.
+ *
+ *   - trans:intvector (Optional) 
+ *  
+ *   List of transition times represented by 32bit seconds from the
+ *   epoch (1970-01-01T00:00Z) in ascending order.
+ *  
+ *   - transPre32/transPost32:intvector (Optional)
+ *  
+ *   List of transition times before/after 32bit minimum seconds.
+ *   Each time is represented by a pair of 32bit integer.
+ * 
+ *   - typeMap:bin (Optional)
+ *  
+ *   Array of bytes representing the mapping between each transition
+ *   time (transPre32/trans/transPost32) and its corresponding offset
+ *   data (typeOffsets).
+ *  
+ *   - finalRule:string (Optional)
+ *  
+ *   If a recurrent transition rule is applicable to a zone forever
+ *   after the final transition time, finalRule represents the rule
+ *   in Rules data.
+ *  
+ *   - finalRaw:int (Optional)
+ *   
+ *   When finalRule is available, finalRaw is required and specifies
+ *   the raw (base) offset of the rule.
+ *   
+ *   - finalYear:int (Optional)
+ *   
+ *   When finalRule is available, finalYear is required and specifies
+ *   the start year of the rule.
+ *   
+ *   - links:intvector (Optional)
+ *   
+ *   When this zone data is shared with other zones, links specifies
+ *   all zones including the zone itself.  Each zone is referenced by
+ *   integer index.
+ * 
+ *  b. Link (int, length 1).  A link zone is an int resource.  The
+ *  integer is the zone number of the target zone.  The key of this
+ *  resource is an alternate name for the target zone.  This data
+ *  is corresponding to Link data in the tz database.
+ *
+ *
+ * 2. Rules.  These have keys corresponding to the Olson rule IDs,
+ * with an underscore prepended, e.g., "_EU".  Each resource describes
+ * the behavior of the given rule using an intvector, containing the
+ * onset list, the cessation list, and the DST savings.  The onset and
+ * cessation lists consist of the month, dowim, dow, time, and time
+ * mode.  The end result is that the 11 integers describing the rule
+ * can be passed directly into the SimpleTimeZone 13-argument
+ * constructor (the other two arguments will be the raw offset, taken
+ * from the complex zone element 5, and the ID string, which is not
+ * used), with the times and the DST savings multiplied by 1000 to
+ * scale from seconds to milliseconds.
+ *
+ * 3. Regions.  An array specifies mapping between zones and regions.
+ * Each item is either a 2-letter ISO country code or "001"
+ * (UN M.49 - World).  This data is generated from ""
+ * in the tz database.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API OlsonTimeZone: public BasicTimeZone {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct from a resource bundle.
+     * @param top the top-level zoneinfo resource bundle.  This is used
+     * to lookup the rule that `res' may refer to, if there is one.
+     * @param res the resource bundle of the zone to be constructed
+     * @param tzid the time zone ID
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     */
+    OlsonTimeZone(const UResourceBundle* top,
+                  const UResourceBundle* res,
+                  const UnicodeString& tzid,
+                  UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     */
+    OlsonTimeZone(const OlsonTimeZone& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~OlsonTimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     */
+    OlsonTimeZone& operator=(const OlsonTimeZone& other);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the two TimeZone objects are equal.
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZone& other) const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.
+     */
+    virtual OlsonTimeZone* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.  Do not call this; prefer getOffset(UDate,...).
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month,
+                              int32_t day, uint8_t dayOfWeek,
+                              int32_t millis, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.  Do not call this; prefer getOffset(UDate,...).
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month,
+                              int32_t day, uint8_t dayOfWeek,
+                              int32_t millis, int32_t monthLength,
+                              UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.
+     */
+    virtual void getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
+                   int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * BasicTimeZone API.
+     */
+    virtual void getOffsetFromLocal(UDate date, int32_t nonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t duplicatedTimeOpt,
+        int32_t& rawoff, int32_t& dstoff, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.  This method has no effect since objects of this
+     * class are quasi-immutable (the base class allows the ID to be
+     * changed).
+     */
+    virtual void setRawOffset(int32_t offsetMillis);
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.  For a historical zone, the raw offset can change
+     * over time, so this API is not useful.  In order to approximate
+     * expected behavior, this method returns the raw offset for the
+     * current moment in time.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRawOffset() const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.  For a historical zone, whether DST is used or
+     * not varies over time.  In order to approximate expected
+     * behavior, this method returns TRUE if DST is observed at any
+     * point in the current year.
+     */
+    virtual UBool useDaylightTime() const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getDSTSavings() const;
+    /**
+     * TimeZone API.  Also comare historic transitions.
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const;
+    /**
+     * BasicTimeZone API.
+     * Gets the first time zone transition after the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the first transition after the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * BasicTimeZone API.
+     * Gets the most recent time zone transition before the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the most recent transition before the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * BasicTimeZone API.
+     * Returns the number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s which represents time transitions,
+     * for this time zone, that is, all <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s for this time zone except
+     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The return value range is 0 or any positive value.
+     * @param status    Receives error status code.
+     * @return The number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s representing time transitions.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and the set of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * which represent time transitions for this time zone.  On successful return,
+     * the argument initial points to non-NULL <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and
+     * the array trsrules is filled with 0 or multiple <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * instances up to the size specified by trscount.  The results are referencing the
+     * rule instance held by this time zone instance.  Therefore, after this time zone
+     * is destructed, they are no longer available.
+     * @param initial       Receives the initial timezone rule
+     * @param trsrules      Receives the timezone transition rules
+     * @param trscount      On input, specify the size of the array 'transitions' receiving
+     *                      the timezone transition rules.  On output, actual number of
+     *                      rules filled in the array will be set.
+     * @param status        Receives error status code.
+     */
+    virtual void getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
+        const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[], int32_t& trscount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Internal API returning the canonical ID of this zone.
+     * This ID won't be affected by setID().
+     */
+    const UChar *getCanonicalID() const;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.  Creates a time zone with an empty ID and
+     * a fixed GMT offset of zero.
+     */
+    OlsonTimeZone();
+    void constructEmpty();
+    void getHistoricalOffset(UDate date, UBool local,
+        int32_t NonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t DuplicatedTimeOpt,
+        int32_t& rawoff, int32_t& dstoff) const;
+    int16_t transitionCount() const;
+    int64_t transitionTimeInSeconds(int16_t transIdx) const;
+    double transitionTime(int16_t transIdx) const;
+    /*
+     * Following 3 methods return an offset at the given transition time index.
+     * When the index is negative, return the initial offset.
+     */
+    int32_t zoneOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const;
+    int32_t rawOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const;
+    int32_t dstOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const;
+    /*
+     * Following methods return the initial offset.
+     */
+    int32_t initialRawOffset() const;
+    int32_t initialDstOffset() const;
+    /**
+     * Number of transitions in each time range
+     */
+    int16_t transitionCountPre32;
+    int16_t transitionCount32;
+    int16_t transitionCountPost32;
+    /**
+     * Time of each transition in seconds from 1970 epoch before 32bit second range (<= 1900).
+     * Each transition in this range is represented by a pair of int32_t.
+     * Length is transitionCount int32_t's.  NULL if no transitions in this range.
+     */
+    const int32_t *transitionTimesPre32; // alias into res; do not delete
+    /**
+     * Time of each transition in seconds from 1970 epoch in 32bit second range.
+     * Length is transitionCount int32_t's.  NULL if no transitions in this range.
+     */
+    const int32_t *transitionTimes32; // alias into res; do not delete
+    /**
+     * Time of each transition in seconds from 1970 epoch after 32bit second range (>= 2038).
+     * Each transition in this range is represented by a pair of int32_t.
+     * Length is transitionCount int32_t's.  NULL if no transitions in this range.
+     */
+    const int32_t *transitionTimesPost32; // alias into res; do not delete
+    /**
+     * Number of types, 1..255
+     */
+    int16_t typeCount;
+    /**
+     * Offset from GMT in seconds for each type.
+     * Length is typeCount int32_t's.  At least one type (a pair of int32_t)
+     * is required.
+     */
+    const int32_t *typeOffsets; // alias into res; do not delete
+    /**
+     * Type description data, consisting of transitionCount uint8_t
+     * type indices (from 0..typeCount-1).
+     * Length is transitionCount int16_t's.  NULL if no transitions.
+     */
+    const uint8_t *typeMapData; // alias into res; do not delete
+    /**
+     * A SimpleTimeZone that governs the behavior for date >= finalMillis.
+     */
+    SimpleTimeZone *finalZone; // owned, may be NULL
+    /**
+     * For date >= finalMillis, the finalZone will be used.
+     */
+    double finalStartMillis;
+    /**
+     * For year >= finalYear, the finalZone will be used.
+     */
+    int32_t finalStartYear;
+    /*
+     * Canonical (CLDR) ID of this zone
+     */
+    const UChar *canonicalID;
+    /* BasicTimeZone support */
+    void clearTransitionRules(void);
+    void deleteTransitionRules(void);
+    void checkTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
+  public:    // Internal, for access from plain C code
+    void initTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    InitialTimeZoneRule *initialRule;
+    TimeZoneTransition  *firstTZTransition;
+    int16_t             firstTZTransitionIdx;
+    TimeZoneTransition  *firstFinalTZTransition;
+    TimeArrayTimeZoneRule   **historicRules;
+    int16_t             historicRuleCount;
+    SimpleTimeZone      *finalZoneWithStartYear; // hack
+    UInitOnce           transitionRulesInitOnce = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER;
+inline int16_t
+OlsonTimeZone::transitionCount() const {
+    return transitionCountPre32 + transitionCount32 + transitionCountPost32;
+inline double
+OlsonTimeZone::transitionTime(int16_t transIdx) const {
+    return (double)transitionTimeInSeconds(transIdx) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+inline int32_t
+OlsonTimeZone::zoneOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {
+    int16_t typeIdx = (transIdx >= 0 ? typeMapData[transIdx] : 0) << 1;
+    return typeOffsets[typeIdx] + typeOffsets[typeIdx + 1];
+inline int32_t
+OlsonTimeZone::rawOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {
+    int16_t typeIdx = (transIdx >= 0 ? typeMapData[transIdx] : 0) << 1;
+    return typeOffsets[typeIdx];
+inline int32_t
+OlsonTimeZone::dstOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {
+    int16_t typeIdx = (transIdx >= 0 ? typeMapData[transIdx] : 0) << 1;
+    return typeOffsets[typeIdx + 1];
+inline int32_t
+OlsonTimeZone::initialRawOffset() const {
+    return typeOffsets[0];
+inline int32_t
+OlsonTimeZone::initialDstOffset() const {
+    return typeOffsets[1];
+inline const UChar*
+OlsonTimeZone::getCanonicalID() const {
+    return canonicalID;
+#endif // OLSONTZ_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/patternprops.h b/libicu/cts_headers/patternprops.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b57cdeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/patternprops.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  patternprops.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2011mar13
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __PATTERNPROPS_H__
+#define __PATTERNPROPS_H__
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Implements the immutable Unicode properties Pattern_Syntax and Pattern_White_Space.
+ * Hardcodes these properties, does not load data, does not depend on other ICU classes.
+ * <p>
+ * Note: Both properties include ASCII as well as non-ASCII, non-Latin-1 code points,
+ * and both properties only include BMP code points (no supplementary ones).
+ * Pattern_Syntax includes some unassigned code points.
+ * <p>
+ * [:Pattern_White_Space:] =
+ *   [\u0009-\u000D\ \u0085\u200E\u200F\u2028\u2029]
+ * <p>
+ * [:Pattern_Syntax:] =
+ *   [!-/\:-@\[-\^`\{-~\u00A1-\u00A7\u00A9\u00AB\u00AC\u00AE
+ *    \u00B0\u00B1\u00B6\u00BB\u00BF\u00D7\u00F7
+ *    \u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u203E\u2041-\u2053\u2055-\u205E
+ *    \u2190-\u245F\u2500-\u2775\u2794-\u2BFF\u2E00-\u2E7F
+ *    \u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3020\u3030\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE45\uFE46]
+ * @author mscherer
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API PatternProps {
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if c is a Pattern_Syntax code point.
+     */
+    static UBool isSyntax(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if c is a Pattern_Syntax or Pattern_White_Space code point.
+     */
+    static UBool isSyntaxOrWhiteSpace(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if c is a Pattern_White_Space character.
+     */
+    static UBool isWhiteSpace(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Skips over Pattern_White_Space starting at s.
+     * @return The smallest pointer at or after s with a non-white space character.
+     */
+    static const UChar *skipWhiteSpace(const UChar *s, int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Skips over Pattern_White_Space starting at index start in s.
+     * @return The smallest index at or after start with a non-white space character.
+     */
+    static int32_t skipWhiteSpace(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start);
+    /**
+     * @return s except with leading and trailing Pattern_White_Space removed and length adjusted.
+     */
+    static const UChar *trimWhiteSpace(const UChar *s, int32_t &length);
+    /**
+     * Tests whether the string contains a "pattern identifier", that is,
+     * whether it contains only non-Pattern_White_Space, non-Pattern_Syntax characters.
+     * @return TRUE if there are no Pattern_White_Space or Pattern_Syntax characters in s.
+     */
+    static UBool isIdentifier(const UChar *s, int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Skips over a "pattern identifier" starting at index s.
+     * @return The smallest pointer at or after s with
+     *         a Pattern_White_Space or Pattern_Syntax character.
+     */
+    static const UChar *skipIdentifier(const UChar *s, int32_t length);
+    PatternProps();  // no constructor: all static methods
+#endif  // __PATTERNPROPS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/persncal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/persncal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce6d739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/persncal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   9/23/2003 mehran        posted to icu-design
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef PERSNCAL_H
+#define PERSNCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+ * <code>PersianCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>Calendar</code>
+ * that implements the Persian calendar.  It is used as the official
+ * calendar in Iran.  This calendar is also known as the "Hijri Shamsi"
+ * calendar, since it starts at the time of Mohammed's emigration (or
+ * "hijra") to Medinah on Thursday, July 15, 622 AD (Julian) and is a
+ * solar calendar system (or "shamsi").
+ * <p>
+ * The Persian calendar is strictly solar, and thus a Persian year has twelve
+ * solar months. A Persian year is about 365 days long, except in leap years
+ * which is 366 days long.
+ * <p>
+ * The six first months of Persian Calendar are 31 days long. The next five
+ * months are 30 days long. The last month is 29 days long in normal years,
+ * and 30 days long in leap years.
+ *
+ * @see GregorianCalendar
+ *
+ * @author Mehran Mehr
+ * @internal
+ */
+class PersianCalendar : public Calendar {
+ public:
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constants...
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Constants for the months
+   * @internal
+   */
+  enum EMonths {
+    /**
+     * Constant for Farvardin, the 1st month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal
+     */
+    FARVARDIN = 0,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Ordibehesht, the 2nd month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal
+     */
+    /**
+     * Constant for Khordad, the 3rd month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    KHORDAD = 2,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Tir, the 4th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    TIR = 3,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Mordad, the 5th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    MORDAD = 4,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Shahrivar, the 6th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    SHAHRIVAR = 5,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Mehr, the 7th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    MEHR = 6,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Aban, the 8th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    ABAN = 7,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Azar, the 9th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    AZAR = 8,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Dei, the 10th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    DEI = 9,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Bahman, the 11th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    BAHMAN = 10,
+    /**
+     * Constant for Esfand, the 12th month of the Persian year. 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    ESFAND = 11,
+  }; 
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors...
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Constructs a PersianCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+   * with the given locale.
+   *
+   * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+   * @param success  Indicates the status of PersianCalendar object construction.
+   *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  PersianCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode &success);
+  /**
+   * Copy Constructor
+   * @internal
+   */
+  PersianCalendar(const PersianCalendar& other);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual ~PersianCalendar();
+  // TODO: copy c'tor, etc
+  // clone
+  virtual PersianCalendar* clone() const;
+ private:
+  /**
+   * Determine whether a year is a leap year in the Persian calendar
+   */
+  static UBool isLeapYear(int32_t year);
+  /**
+   * Return the day # on which the given year starts.  Days are counted
+   * from the Hijri epoch, origin 0.
+   */
+  int32_t yearStart(int32_t year);
+  /**
+   * Return the day # on which the given month starts.  Days are counted
+   * from the Hijri epoch, origin 0.
+   *
+   * @param year  The hijri shamsi year
+   * @param year  The hijri shamsi month, 0-based
+   */
+  int32_t monthStart(int32_t year, int32_t month) const;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Calendar framework
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the length (in days) of the given month.
+   *
+   * @param year  The hijri shamsi year
+   * @param year  The hijri shamsi month, 0-based
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the number of days in the given Persian year
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t extendedYear) const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Functions for converting from field values to milliseconds....
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Return JD of start of given month/year
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth) const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Functions for converting from milliseconds to field values
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+  /**
+   * Override Calendar to compute several fields specific to the Persian
+   * calendar system.  These are:
+   *
+   * <ul><li>ERA
+   * <li>YEAR
+   * <li>MONTH
+   * <li>DAY_OF_MONTH
+   * <li>DAY_OF_YEAR
+   * <li>EXTENDED_YEAR</ul>
+   * 
+   * The DAY_OF_WEEK and DOW_LOCAL fields are already set when this
+   * method is called. The getGregorianXxx() methods return Gregorian
+   * calendar equivalents for the given Julian day.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+  // UObject stuff
+ public: 
+  /**
+   * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+   *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+   * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+   *
+   *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+   *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+   *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+   *
+   * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+  /**
+   * return the calendar type, "persian".
+   *
+   * @return calendar type
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual const char * getType() const;
+ private:
+  PersianCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
+   * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
+   *
+   * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+   * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+   *           false, otherwise.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns TRUE because the Persian Calendar does have a default century
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+   * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+   * @internal
+   */
+  virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/pluralmap.h b/libicu/cts_headers/pluralmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db64409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/pluralmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File pluralmap.h - PluralMap class that maps plural categories to values.
+#ifndef __PLURAL_MAP_H__
+#define __PLURAL_MAP_H__
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+class UnicodeString;
+class U_COMMON_API PluralMapBase : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * The names of all the plural categories. NONE is not an actual plural
+     * category, but rather represents the absense of a plural category.
+     */
+    enum Category {
+        NONE = -1,
+        OTHER,
+        ZERO,
+        ONE,
+        TWO,
+        FEW,
+        MANY,
+    };
+    /**
+     * Converts a category name such as "zero", "one", "two", "few", "many"
+     * or "other" to a category enum. Returns NONE for an unrecognized
+     * category name.
+     */
+    static Category toCategory(const char *categoryName);
+    /**
+     * Converts a category name such as "zero", "one", "two", "few", "many"
+     * or "other" to a category enum.  Returns NONE for urecongized
+     * category name.
+     */
+    static Category toCategory(const UnicodeString &categoryName);
+    /**
+     * Converts a category to a name.
+     * Passing NONE or CATEGORY_COUNT for category returns NULL.
+     */
+    static const char *getCategoryName(Category category);
+ * A Map of plural categories to values. It maintains ownership of the
+ * values.
+ *
+ * Type T is the value type. T must provide the followng:
+ * 1) Default constructor
+ * 2) Copy constructor
+ * 3) Assignment operator
+ * 4) Must extend UMemory
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class PluralMap : public PluralMapBase {
+    /**
+     * Other category is maps to a copy of the default value.
+     */
+    PluralMap() : fOtherVariant() {
+        initializeNew();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Other category is mapped to otherVariant.
+     */
+    PluralMap(const T &otherVariant) : fOtherVariant(otherVariant) {
+        initializeNew();
+    }
+    PluralMap(const PluralMap<T> &other) : fOtherVariant(other.fOtherVariant) {
+        fVariants[0] = &fOtherVariant;
+        for (int32_t i = 1; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants); ++i) {
+            fVariants[i] = other.fVariants[i] ?
+                    new T(*other.fVariants[i]) : NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    PluralMap<T> &operator=(const PluralMap<T> &other) {
+        if (this == &other) {
+            return *this;
+        }
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants); ++i) {
+            if (fVariants[i] != NULL && other.fVariants[i] != NULL) {
+                *fVariants[i] = *other.fVariants[i];
+            } else if (fVariants[i] != NULL) {
+                delete fVariants[i];
+                fVariants[i] = NULL;
+            } else if (other.fVariants[i] != NULL) {
+                fVariants[i] = new T(*other.fVariants[i]);
+            } else {
+                // do nothing
+            }
+        }
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ~PluralMap() {
+        for (int32_t i = 1; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants); ++i) {
+            delete fVariants[i];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes all mappings and makes 'other' point to the default value.
+     */
+    void clear() {
+        *fVariants[0] = T();
+        for (int32_t i = 1; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants); ++i) {
+            delete fVariants[i];
+            fVariants[i] = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Iterates through the mappings in this instance, set index to NONE
+     * prior to using. Call next repeatedly to get the values until it
+     * returns NULL. Each time next returns, caller may pass index
+     * to getCategoryName() to get the name of the plural category.
+     * When this function returns NULL, index is CATEGORY_COUNT
+     */
+    const T *next(Category &index) const {
+        int32_t idx = index;
+        ++idx;
+        for (; idx < UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants); ++idx) {
+            if (fVariants[idx] != NULL) {
+                index = static_cast<Category>(idx);
+                return fVariants[idx];
+            }
+        }
+        index = static_cast<Category>(idx);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * non const version of next.
+     */
+    T *nextMutable(Category &index) {
+        const T *result = next(index);
+        return const_cast<T *>(result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the 'other' variant.
+     * Same as calling get(OTHER).
+     */
+    const T &getOther() const {
+        return get(OTHER);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the value associated with a category.
+     * If no value found, or v is NONE or CATEGORY_COUNT, falls
+     * back to returning the value for the 'other' category.
+     */
+    const T &get(Category v) const {
+        int32_t index = v;
+        if (index < 0 || index >= UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants) || fVariants[index] == NULL) {
+            return *fVariants[0];
+        }
+        return *fVariants[index];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convenience routine to get the value by category name. Otherwise
+     * works just like get(Category).
+     */
+    const T &get(const char *category) const {
+        return get(toCategory(category));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convenience routine to get the value by category name as a
+     * UnicodeString. Otherwise works just like get(category).
+     */
+    const T &get(const UnicodeString &category) const {
+        return get(toCategory(category));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to the value associated with a category
+     * that caller can safely modify. If the value was defaulting to the 'other'
+     * variant because no explicit value was stored, this method creates a
+     * new value using the default constructor at the returned pointer.
+     *
+     * @param category the category with the value to change.
+     * @param status error returned here if index is NONE or CATEGORY_COUNT
+     *  or memory could not be allocated, or any other error happens.
+     */
+    T *getMutable(
+            Category category,
+            UErrorCode &status) {
+        return getMutable(category, NULL, status);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convenience routine to get a mutable pointer to a value by category name.
+     * Otherwise works just like getMutable(Category, UErrorCode &).
+     * reports an error if the category name is invalid.
+     */
+    T *getMutable(
+            const char *category,
+            UErrorCode &status) {
+        return getMutable(toCategory(category), NULL, status);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Just like getMutable(Category, UErrorCode &) but copies defaultValue to
+     * returned pointer if it was defaulting to the 'other' variant
+     * because no explicit value was stored.
+     */
+    T *getMutableWithDefault(
+            Category category,
+            const T &defaultValue,
+            UErrorCode &status) {
+        return getMutable(category, &defaultValue, status);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if this object equals rhs.
+     */
+    UBool equals(
+            const PluralMap<T> &rhs,
+            UBool (*eqFunc)(const T &, const T &)) const {
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants); ++i) {
+            if (fVariants[i] == rhs.fVariants[i]) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (fVariants[i] == NULL || rhs.fVariants[i] == NULL) {
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+            if (!eqFunc(*fVariants[i], *rhs.fVariants[i])) {
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    T fOtherVariant;
+    T* fVariants[6];
+    T *getMutable(
+            Category category,
+            const T *defaultValue,
+            UErrorCode &status) {
+        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        int32_t index = category;
+        if (index < 0 || index >= UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants)) {
+            status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        if (fVariants[index] == NULL) {
+            fVariants[index] = defaultValue == NULL ?
+                    new T() : new T(*defaultValue);
+        }
+        if (!fVariants[index]) {
+            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
+        }
+        return fVariants[index];
+    }
+    void initializeNew() {
+        fVariants[0] = &fOtherVariant;
+        for (int32_t i = 1; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(fVariants); ++i) {
+            fVariants[i] = NULL;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/plurrule_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/plurrule_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a919ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/plurrule_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+// Internal definitions for the PluralRules implementation.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+class PluralRulesTest;
+class AndConstraint;
+class RuleChain;
+class DigitInterval;
+class PluralRules;
+class VisibleDigits;
+namespace pluralimpl {
+// TODO: Remove this and replace with u"" literals. Was for EBCDIC compatibility.
+static const UChar DOT = ((UChar) 0x002E);
+static const UChar SINGLE_QUOTE = ((UChar) 0x0027);
+static const UChar SLASH = ((UChar) 0x002F);
+static const UChar BACKSLASH = ((UChar) 0x005C);
+static const UChar SPACE = ((UChar) 0x0020);
+static const UChar EXCLAMATION = ((UChar) 0x0021);
+static const UChar QUOTATION_MARK = ((UChar) 0x0022);
+static const UChar NUMBER_SIGN = ((UChar) 0x0023);
+static const UChar PERCENT_SIGN = ((UChar) 0x0025);
+static const UChar ASTERISK = ((UChar) 0x002A);
+static const UChar COMMA = ((UChar) 0x002C);
+static const UChar HYPHEN = ((UChar) 0x002D);
+static const UChar U_ZERO = ((UChar) 0x0030);
+static const UChar U_ONE = ((UChar) 0x0031);
+static const UChar U_TWO = ((UChar) 0x0032);
+static const UChar U_THREE = ((UChar) 0x0033);
+static const UChar U_FOUR = ((UChar) 0x0034);
+static const UChar U_FIVE = ((UChar) 0x0035);
+static const UChar U_SIX = ((UChar) 0x0036);
+static const UChar U_SEVEN = ((UChar) 0x0037);
+static const UChar U_EIGHT = ((UChar) 0x0038);
+static const UChar U_NINE = ((UChar) 0x0039);
+static const UChar COLON = ((UChar) 0x003A);
+static const UChar SEMI_COLON = ((UChar) 0x003B);
+static const UChar EQUALS = ((UChar) 0x003D);
+static const UChar AT = ((UChar) 0x0040);
+static const UChar CAP_A = ((UChar) 0x0041);
+static const UChar CAP_B = ((UChar) 0x0042);
+static const UChar CAP_R = ((UChar) 0x0052);
+static const UChar CAP_Z = ((UChar) 0x005A);
+static const UChar LOWLINE = ((UChar) 0x005F);
+static const UChar LEFTBRACE = ((UChar) 0x007B);
+static const UChar RIGHTBRACE = ((UChar) 0x007D);
+static const UChar TILDE = ((UChar) 0x007E);
+static const UChar ELLIPSIS = ((UChar) 0x2026);
+static const UChar LOW_A = ((UChar) 0x0061);
+static const UChar LOW_B = ((UChar) 0x0062);
+static const UChar LOW_C = ((UChar) 0x0063);
+static const UChar LOW_D = ((UChar) 0x0064);
+static const UChar LOW_E = ((UChar) 0x0065);
+static const UChar LOW_F = ((UChar) 0x0066);
+static const UChar LOW_G = ((UChar) 0x0067);
+static const UChar LOW_H = ((UChar) 0x0068);
+static const UChar LOW_I = ((UChar) 0x0069);
+static const UChar LOW_J = ((UChar) 0x006a);
+static const UChar LOW_K = ((UChar) 0x006B);
+static const UChar LOW_L = ((UChar) 0x006C);
+static const UChar LOW_M = ((UChar) 0x006D);
+static const UChar LOW_N = ((UChar) 0x006E);
+static const UChar LOW_O = ((UChar) 0x006F);
+static const UChar LOW_P = ((UChar) 0x0070);
+static const UChar LOW_Q = ((UChar) 0x0071);
+static const UChar LOW_R = ((UChar) 0x0072);
+static const UChar LOW_S = ((UChar) 0x0073);
+static const UChar LOW_T = ((UChar) 0x0074);
+static const UChar LOW_U = ((UChar) 0x0075);
+static const UChar LOW_V = ((UChar) 0x0076);
+static const UChar LOW_W = ((UChar) 0x0077);
+static const UChar LOW_Y = ((UChar) 0x0079);
+static const UChar LOW_Z = ((UChar) 0x007A);
+static const int32_t PLURAL_RANGE_HIGH = 0x7fffffff;
+enum tokenType {
+  none,
+  tNumber,
+  tComma,
+  tSemiColon,
+  tSpace,
+  tColon,
+  tAt,           // '@'
+  tDot,
+  tDot2,
+  tEllipsis,
+  tKeyword,
+  tAnd,
+  tOr,
+  tMod,          // 'mod' or '%'
+  tNot,          //  'not' only.
+  tIn,           //  'in'  only.
+  tEqual,        //  '='   only.
+  tNotEqual,     //  '!='
+  tTilde,
+  tWithin,
+  tIs,
+  tVariableN,
+  tVariableI,
+  tVariableF,
+  tVariableV,
+  tVariableT,
+  tDecimal,
+  tInteger,
+  tEOF
+class PluralRuleParser: public UMemory {
+    PluralRuleParser();
+    virtual ~PluralRuleParser();
+    void parse(const UnicodeString &rules, PluralRules *dest, UErrorCode &status);
+    void getNextToken(UErrorCode &status);
+    void checkSyntax(UErrorCode &status);
+    static int32_t getNumberValue(const UnicodeString &token);
+    static tokenType getKeyType(const UnicodeString& token, tokenType type);
+    static tokenType charType(UChar ch);
+    static UBool isValidKeyword(const UnicodeString& token);
+    const UnicodeString  *ruleSrc;  // The rules string.
+    int32_t        ruleIndex;       // String index in the input rules, the current parse position.
+    UnicodeString  token;           // Token most recently scanned.
+    tokenType      type;
+    tokenType      prevType;
+                                    // The items currently being parsed & built.
+                                    // Note: currentChain may not be the last RuleChain in the
+                                    //       list because the "other" chain is forced to the end.
+    AndConstraint *curAndConstraint;
+    RuleChain     *currentChain;
+    int32_t        rangeLowIdx;     // Indices in the UVector of ranges of the
+    int32_t        rangeHiIdx;      //    low and hi values currently being parsed.
+    enum EParseState {
+       kKeyword,
+       kExpr,
+       kValue,
+       kRangeList,
+       kSamples
+    };
+enum PluralOperand {
+    /**
+    * The double value of the entire number.
+    */
+    /**
+     * The integer value, with the fraction digits truncated off.
+     */
+    /**
+     * All visible fraction digits as an integer, including trailing zeros.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Visible fraction digits as an integer, not including trailing zeros.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Number of visible fraction digits.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Number of visible fraction digits, not including trailing zeros.
+     */
+    /**
+     *
+     * <p>Returns the integer value, but will fail if the number has fraction digits.
+     * That is, using "j" instead of "i" is like implicitly adding "v is 0".
+     *
+     * <p>For example, "j is 3" is equivalent to "i is 3 and v is 0": it matches
+     * "3" but not "3.1" or "3.0".
+     */
+ * Converts from the tokenType enum to PluralOperand. Asserts that the given
+ * tokenType can be mapped to a PluralOperand.
+ */
+PluralOperand tokenTypeToPluralOperand(tokenType tt);
+ * An interface to FixedDecimal, allowing for other implementations.
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API IFixedDecimal {
+  public:
+    virtual ~IFixedDecimal();
+    /**
+     * Returns the value corresponding to the specified operand (n, i, f, t, v, or w).
+     * If the operand is 'n', returns a double; otherwise, returns an integer.
+     */
+    virtual double getPluralOperand(PluralOperand operand) const = 0;
+    virtual bool isNaN() const = 0;
+    virtual bool isInfinite() const = 0;
+    /** Whether the number has no nonzero fraction digits. */
+    virtual bool hasIntegerValue() const = 0;
+ * class FixedDecimal serves to communicate the properties
+ * of a formatted number from a decimal formatter to PluralRules::select()
+ *
+ * see DecimalFormat::getFixedDecimal()
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FixedDecimal: public IFixedDecimal, public UObject {
+  public:
+    /**
+      * @param n   the number, e.g. 12.345
+      * @param v   The number of visible fraction digits, e.g. 3
+      * @param f   The fraction digits, e.g. 345
+      */
+    FixedDecimal(double  n, int32_t v, int64_t f);
+    FixedDecimal(double n, int32_t);
+    explicit FixedDecimal(double n);
+    FixedDecimal();
+    ~FixedDecimal() U_OVERRIDE;
+    FixedDecimal(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &ec);
+    FixedDecimal(const FixedDecimal &other);
+    double getPluralOperand(PluralOperand operand) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isNaN() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isInfinite() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool hasIntegerValue() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    bool isNanOrInfinity() const;  // used in decimfmtimpl.cpp
+    int32_t getVisibleFractionDigitCount() const;
+    void init(double n, int32_t v, int64_t f);
+    void init(double n);
+    UBool quickInit(double n);  // Try a fast-path only initialization,
+                                //    return TRUE if successful.
+    void adjustForMinFractionDigits(int32_t min);
+    static int64_t getFractionalDigits(double n, int32_t v);
+    static int32_t decimals(double n);
+    double      source;
+    int32_t     visibleDecimalDigitCount;
+    int64_t     decimalDigits;
+    int64_t     decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros;
+    int64_t     intValue;
+    UBool       _hasIntegerValue;
+    UBool       isNegative;
+    UBool       _isNaN;
+    UBool       _isInfinite;
+class AndConstraint : public UMemory  {
+    typedef enum RuleOp {
+        NONE,
+        MOD
+    } RuleOp;
+    RuleOp op = AndConstraint::NONE;
+    int32_t opNum = -1;             // for mod expressions, the right operand of the mod.
+    int32_t value = -1;             // valid for 'is' rules only.
+    UVector32 *rangeList = nullptr; // for 'in', 'within' rules. Null otherwise.
+    UBool negated = FALSE;          // TRUE for negated rules.
+    UBool integerOnly = FALSE;      // TRUE for 'within' rules.
+    tokenType digitsType = none;    // n | i | v | f constraint.
+    AndConstraint *next = nullptr;
+    // Internal error status, used for errors that occur during the copy constructor.
+    UErrorCode fInternalStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;    
+    AndConstraint() = default;
+    AndConstraint(const AndConstraint& other);
+    virtual ~AndConstraint();
+    AndConstraint* add(UErrorCode& status);
+    // UBool isFulfilled(double number);
+    UBool isFulfilled(const IFixedDecimal &number);
+class OrConstraint : public UMemory  {
+    AndConstraint *childNode = nullptr;
+    OrConstraint *next = nullptr;
+    // Internal error status, used for errors that occur during the copy constructor.
+    UErrorCode fInternalStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+    OrConstraint() = default;
+    OrConstraint(const OrConstraint& other);
+    virtual ~OrConstraint();
+    AndConstraint* add(UErrorCode& status);
+    // UBool isFulfilled(double number);
+    UBool isFulfilled(const IFixedDecimal &number);
+class RuleChain : public UMemory  {
+    UnicodeString   fKeyword;
+    RuleChain      *fNext = nullptr;
+    OrConstraint   *ruleHeader = nullptr;
+    UnicodeString   fDecimalSamples;  // Samples strings from rule source
+    UnicodeString   fIntegerSamples;  //   without @decimal or @integer, otherwise unprocessed.
+    UBool           fDecimalSamplesUnbounded = FALSE;
+    UBool           fIntegerSamplesUnbounded = FALSE;
+    // Internal error status, used for errors that occur during the copy constructor.
+    UErrorCode      fInternalStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+    RuleChain() = default;
+    RuleChain(const RuleChain& other);
+    virtual ~RuleChain();
+    UnicodeString select(const IFixedDecimal &number) const;
+    void          dumpRules(UnicodeString& result);
+    UErrorCode    getKeywords(int32_t maxArraySize, UnicodeString *keywords, int32_t& arraySize) const;
+    UBool         isKeyword(const UnicodeString& keyword) const;
+class PluralKeywordEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    PluralKeywordEnumeration(RuleChain *header, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~PluralKeywordEnumeration();
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    int32_t         pos;
+    UVector         fKeywordNames;
+class U_I18N_API PluralAvailableLocalesEnumeration: public StringEnumeration {
+  public:
+    PluralAvailableLocalesEnumeration(UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual ~PluralAvailableLocalesEnumeration();
+    virtual const char* next(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+  private:
+    UErrorCode      fOpenStatus;
+    UResourceBundle *fLocales = nullptr;
+    UResourceBundle *fRes = nullptr;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // _PLURRULE_IMPL
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/propname.h b/libicu/cts_headers/propname.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8ced5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/propname.h
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2011, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: October 30 2002
+* Since: ICU 2.4
+* 2010nov19 Markus Scherer  Rewrite for formatVersion 2.
+#ifndef PROPNAME_H
+#define PROPNAME_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestrie.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+#include "uprops.h"
+ * This header defines the in-memory layout of the property names data
+ * structure representing the UCD data files PropertyAliases.txt and
+ * PropertyValueAliases.txt.  It is used by:
+ *   propname.cpp - reads data
+ *   genpname     - creates data
+ */
+/* low-level char * property name comparison -------------------------------- */
+ * \var uprv_comparePropertyNames
+ * Unicode property names and property value names are compared "loosely".
+ *
+ * UCD.html 4.0.1 says:
+ *   For all property names, property value names, and for property values for
+ *   Enumerated, Binary, or Catalog properties, use the following
+ *   loose matching rule:
+ *
+ *   LM3. Ignore case, whitespace, underscore ('_'), and hyphens.
+ *
+ * This function does just that, for (char *) name strings.
+ * It is almost identical to ucnv_compareNames() but also ignores
+ * C0 White_Space characters (U+0009..U+000d, and U+0085 on EBCDIC).
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_compareASCIIPropertyNames(const char *name1, const char *name2);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_compareEBCDICPropertyNames(const char *name1, const char *name2);
+#   define uprv_comparePropertyNames uprv_compareASCIIPropertyNames
+#   define uprv_comparePropertyNames uprv_compareEBCDICPropertyNames
+#   error U_CHARSET_FAMILY is not valid
+/* UDataMemory structure and signatures ------------------------------------- */
+#define PNAME_DATA_NAME "pnames"
+#define PNAME_DATA_TYPE "icu"
+/* Fields in UDataInfo: */
+/* PNAME_SIG[] is encoded as numeric literals for compatibility with the HP compiler */
+#define PNAME_SIG_0 ((uint8_t)0x70) /* p */
+#define PNAME_SIG_1 ((uint8_t)0x6E) /* n */
+#define PNAME_SIG_2 ((uint8_t)0x61) /* a */
+#define PNAME_SIG_3 ((uint8_t)0x6D) /* m */
+class PropNameData {
+    enum {
+        // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
+        IX_TOTAL_SIZE,
+        // Other values.
+        IX_RESERVED7,
+        IX_COUNT
+    };
+    static const char *getPropertyName(int32_t property, int32_t nameChoice);
+    static const char *getPropertyValueName(int32_t property, int32_t value, int32_t nameChoice);
+    static int32_t getPropertyEnum(const char *alias);
+    static int32_t getPropertyValueEnum(int32_t property, const char *alias);
+    static int32_t findProperty(int32_t property);
+    static int32_t findPropertyValueNameGroup(int32_t valueMapIndex, int32_t value);
+    static const char *getName(const char *nameGroup, int32_t nameIndex);
+    static UBool containsName(BytesTrie &trie, const char *name);
+    static int32_t getPropertyOrValueEnum(int32_t bytesTrieOffset, const char *alias);
+    static const int32_t indexes[];
+    static const int32_t valueMaps[];
+    static const uint8_t bytesTries[];
+    static const char nameGroups[];
+ * formatVersion 2
+ *
+ * formatVersion 2 is new in ICU 4.8.
+ * In ICU 4.8, the data file is used only in ICU4J.
+ * ICU4C 4.8 has the same data structures hardcoded in source/common/propname_data.h.
+ *
+ * For documentation of formatVersion 1 see ICU4C 4.6 (2010-dec-01)
+ * or earlier versions of this header file (source/common/propname.h).
+ *
+ * The begins with the standard ICU DataHeader/UDataInfo.
+ * After that:
+ *
+ * int32_t indexes[8];
+ *
+ *      (See the PropNameData::IX_... constants.)
+ *
+ *      The first 6 indexes are byte offsets from the beginning of the data
+ *      (beginning of indexes[]) to following structures.
+ *      The length of each structure is the difference between its offset
+ *      and the next one.
+ *      All offsets are filled in: Where there is no data between two offsets,
+ *      those two offsets are the same.
+ *      The last offset (indexes[PropNameData::IX_TOTAL_SIZE]) indicates the
+ *      total number of bytes in the file. (Not counting the standard headers.)
+ *
+ *      The sixth index (indexes[PropNameData::IX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]) has the
+ *      maximum length of any Unicode property (or property value) alias.
+ *      (Without normalization, that is, including underscores etc.)
+ *
+ * int32_t valueMaps[];
+ *
+ *      The valueMaps[] begins with a map from UProperty enums to properties,
+ *      followed by the per-property value maps from property values to names,
+ *      for those properties that have named values.
+ *      (Binary & enumerated, plus General_Category_Mask.)
+ *
+ *      valueMaps[0] contains the number of UProperty enum ranges.
+ *      For each range:
+ *        int32_t start, limit -- first and last+1 UProperty enum of a dense range
+ *        Followed by (limit-start) pairs of
+ *          int32_t nameGroupOffset;
+ *            Offset into nameGroups[] for the property's names/aliases.
+ *          int32_t valueMapIndex;
+ *            Offset of the property's value map in the valueMaps[] array.
+ *            If the valueMapIndex is 0, then the property does not have named values.
+ *
+ *      For each property's value map:
+ *      int32_t bytesTrieOffset; -- Offset into bytesTries[] for name->value mapping.
+ *      int32_t numRanges;
+ *        If numRanges is in the range 1..15, then that many ranges of values follow.
+ *        Per range:
+ *          int32_t start, limit -- first and last+1 UProperty enum of a range
+ *          Followed by (limit-start) entries of
+ *            int32_t nameGroupOffset;
+ *              Offset into nameGroups[] for the property value's names/aliases.
+ *              If the nameGroupOffset is 0, then this is not a named value for this property.
+ *              (That is, the ranges need not be dense.)
+ *        If numRanges is >=0x10, then (numRanges-0x10) sorted values
+ *        and then (numRanges-0x10) corresponding nameGroupOffsets follow.
+ *        Values are sorted as signed integers.
+ *        In this case, the set of values is dense; no nameGroupOffset will be 0.
+ *
+ *      For both properties and property values, ranges are sorted by their start/limit values.
+ *
+ * uint8_t bytesTries[];
+ *
+ *      This is a sequence of BytesTrie structures, byte-serialized tries for
+ *      mapping from names/aliases to values.
+ *      The first one maps from property names/aliases to UProperty enum constants.
+ *      The following ones are indexed by property value map bytesTrieOffsets
+ *      for mapping each property's names/aliases to their property values.
+ *
+ * char nameGroups[];
+ *
+ *      This is a sequence of property name groups.
+ *      Each group is a list of names/aliases (invariant-character strings) for
+ *      one property or property value, in the order of UCharNameChoice.
+ *      The first byte of each group is the number of names in the group.
+ *      It is followed by that many NUL-terminated strings.
+ *      The first string is for the short name; if there is no short name,
+ *      then the first string is empty.
+ *      The second string is the long name. Further strings are additional aliases.
+ *
+ *      The first name group is for a property rather than a property value,
+ *      so that a nameGroupOffset of 0 can be used to indicate "no value"
+ *      in a property's sparse value ranges.
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/propname_data.h b/libicu/cts_headers/propname_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f63e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/propname_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1919 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+// file name: propname_data.h
+// machine-generated by: icu/tools/unicode/c/genprops/pnamesbuilder.cpp
+const int32_t PropNameData::indexes[8]={0x20,0x15b8,0x5048,0xa69a,0xa69a,0xa69a,0x2f,0};
+const int32_t PropNameData::valueMaps[1382]={
+const uint8_t PropNameData::bytesTries[14992]={
+const char PropNameData::nameGroups[22098]={
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/propsvec.h b/libicu/cts_headers/propsvec.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3908061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/propsvec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2010, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  propsvec.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002feb22
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Store bits (Unicode character properties) in bit set vectors.
+#ifndef __UPROPSVEC_H__
+#define __UPROPSVEC_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "utrie.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+ * Unicode Properties Vectors associated with code point ranges.
+ *
+ * Rows of uint32_t integers in a contiguous array store
+ * the range limits and the properties vectors.
+ *
+ * Logically, each row has a certain number of uint32_t values,
+ * which is set via the upvec_open() "columns" parameter.
+ *
+ * Internally, two additional columns are stored.
+ * In each internal row,
+ * row[0] contains the start code point and
+ * row[1] contains the limit code point,
+ * which is the start of the next range.
+ *
+ * Initially, there is only one "normal" row for
+ * range [0..0x110000[ with values 0.
+ * There are additional rows for special purposes, see UPVEC_FIRST_SPECIAL_CP.
+ *
+ * It would be possible to store only one range boundary per row,
+ * but self-contained rows allow to later sort them by contents.
+ */
+struct UPropsVectors;
+typedef struct UPropsVectors UPropsVectors;
+ * Special pseudo code points for storing the initialValue and the errorValue,
+ * which are used to initialize a UTrie2 or similar.
+ */
+#define UPVEC_FIRST_SPECIAL_CP 0x110000
+#define UPVEC_INITIAL_VALUE_CP 0x110000
+#define UPVEC_ERROR_VALUE_CP 0x110001
+#define UPVEC_MAX_CP 0x110001
+ * Special pseudo code point used in upvec_compact() signalling the end of
+ * delivering special values and the beginning of delivering real ones.
+ * Stable value, unlike UPVEC_MAX_CP which might grow over time.
+ */
+#define UPVEC_START_REAL_VALUES_CP 0x200000
+ * Open a UPropsVectors object.
+ * @param columns Number of value integers (uint32_t) per row.
+ */
+U_CAPI UPropsVectors * U_EXPORT2
+upvec_open(int32_t columns, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+upvec_close(UPropsVectors *pv);
+ * In rows for code points [start..end], select the column,
+ * reset the mask bits and set the value bits (ANDed with the mask).
+ *
+ * Will set U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION if called after upvec_compact().
+ */
+upvec_setValue(UPropsVectors *pv,
+               UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
+               int32_t column,
+               uint32_t value, uint32_t mask,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Logically const but must not be used on the same pv concurrently!
+ * Always returns 0 if called after upvec_compact().
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+upvec_getValue(const UPropsVectors *pv, UChar32 c, int32_t column);
+ * pRangeStart and pRangeEnd can be NULL.
+ * @return NULL if rowIndex out of range and for illegal arguments,
+ *         or if called after upvec_compact()
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t * U_EXPORT2
+upvec_getRow(const UPropsVectors *pv, int32_t rowIndex,
+             UChar32 *pRangeStart, UChar32 *pRangeEnd);
+ * Compact the vectors:
+ * - modify the memory
+ * - keep only unique vectors
+ * - store them contiguously from the beginning of the memory
+ * - for each (non-unique) row, call the handler function
+ *
+ * The handler's rowIndex is the index of the row in the compacted
+ * memory block.
+ * (Therefore, it starts at 0 increases in increments of the columns value.)
+ *
+ * In a first phase, only special values are delivered (each exactly once),
+ * with start==end both equalling a special pseudo code point.
+ * Then the handler is called once more with start==end==UPVEC_START_REAL_VALUES_CP
+ * where rowIndex is the length of the compacted array,
+ * and the row is arbitrary (but not NULL).
+ * Then, in the second phase, the handler is called for each row of real values.
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UPVecCompactHandler(void *context,
+                    UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
+                    int32_t rowIndex, uint32_t *row, int32_t columns,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+upvec_compact(UPropsVectors *pv, UPVecCompactHandler *handler, void *context, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the vectors array after calling upvec_compact().
+ * The caller must not modify nor release the returned array.
+ * Returns NULL if called before upvec_compact().
+ */
+U_CAPI const uint32_t * U_EXPORT2
+upvec_getArray(const UPropsVectors *pv, int32_t *pRows, int32_t *pColumns);
+ * Get a clone of the vectors array after calling upvec_compact().
+ * The caller owns the returned array and must uprv_free() it.
+ * Returns NULL if called before upvec_compact().
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t * U_EXPORT2
+upvec_cloneArray(const UPropsVectors *pv,
+                 int32_t *pRows, int32_t *pColumns, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Call upvec_compact(), create a 16-bit UTrie2 with indexes into the compacted
+ * vectors array, and freeze the trie.
+ */
+upvec_compactToUTrie2WithRowIndexes(UPropsVectors *pv, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+struct UPVecToUTrie2Context {
+    UTrie2 *trie;
+    int32_t initialValue;
+    int32_t errorValue;
+    int32_t maxValue;
+typedef struct UPVecToUTrie2Context UPVecToUTrie2Context;
+/* context=UPVecToUTrie2Context, creates the trie and stores the rowIndex values */
+upvec_compactToUTrie2Handler(void *context,
+                             UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
+                             int32_t rowIndex, uint32_t *row, int32_t columns,
+                             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/punycode.h b/libicu/cts_headers/punycode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d8a243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/punycode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  punycode.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002jan31
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+/* This ICU code derived from: */
+punycode.c 0.4.0 (2001-Nov-17-Sat)
+Adam M. Costello
+#ifndef __PUNYCODE_H__
+#define __PUNYCODE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * u_strToPunycode() converts Unicode to Punycode.
+ *
+ * The input string must not contain single, unpaired surrogates.
+ * The output will be represented as an array of ASCII code points.
+ *
+ * The output string is NUL-terminated according to normal ICU
+ * string output rules.
+ *
+ * @param src Input Unicode string.
+ *            This function handles a limited amount of code points
+ *            (the limit is >=64).
+ *            U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR is set if the limit is exceeded.
+ * @param srcLength Number of UChars in src, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param dest Output Punycode array.
+ * @param destCapacity Size of dest.
+ * @param caseFlags Vector of boolean values, one per input UChar,
+ *                  indicating that the corresponding character is to be
+ *                  marked for the decoder optionally
+ *                  uppercasing (TRUE) or lowercasing (FALSE)
+ *                  the character.
+ *                  ASCII characters are output directly in the case as marked.
+ *                  Flags corresponding to trail surrogates are ignored.
+ *                  If caseFlags==NULL then input characters are not
+ *                  case-mapped.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU in/out error code parameter.
+ *                   U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND if src contains
+ *                   unmatched single surrogates.
+ *                   U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if src contains
+ *                   too many code points.
+ * @return Number of ASCII characters in puny.
+ *
+ * @see u_strFromPunycode
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+u_strToPunycode(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                const UBool *caseFlags,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * u_strFromPunycode() converts Punycode to Unicode.
+ * The Unicode string will be at most as long (in UChars)
+ * than the Punycode string (in chars).
+ *
+ * @param src Input Punycode string.
+ * @param srcLength Length of puny, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Output Unicode string buffer.
+ * @param destCapacity Size of dest in number of UChars,
+ *                     and of caseFlags in numbers of UBools.
+ * @param caseFlags Output array for case flags as
+ *                  defined by the Punycode string.
+ *                  The caller should uppercase (TRUE) or lowercase (FASLE)
+ *                  the corresponding character in dest.
+ *                  For supplementary characters, only the lead surrogate
+ *                  is marked, and FALSE is stored for the trail surrogate.
+ *                  This is redundant and not necessary for ASCII characters
+ *                  because they are already in the case indicated.
+ *                  Can be NULL if the case flags are not needed.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU in/out error code parameter.
+ *                   U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND if a non-ASCII character
+ *                   precedes the last delimiter ('-'),
+ *                   or if an invalid character (not a-zA-Z0-9) is found
+ *                   after the last delimiter.
+ *                   U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND if the delta sequence is ill-formed.
+ * @return Number of UChars written to dest.
+ *
+ * @see u_strToPunycode
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+u_strFromPunycode(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                  UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                  UBool *caseFlags,
+                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_IDNA */
+ * Hey, Emacs, please set the following:
+ *
+ * Local Variables:
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/putilimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/putilimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c90cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/putilimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  FILE NAME : putilimp.h
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   10/17/04    grhoten     Move internal functions from putil.h to this file.
+#ifndef PUTILIMP_H
+#define PUTILIMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+ * Nearly all CPUs and compilers implement a right-shift of a signed integer
+ * as an Arithmetic Shift Right which copies the sign bit (the Most Significant Bit (MSB))
+ * into the vacated bits (sign extension).
+ * For example, (int32_t)0xfff5fff3>>4 becomes 0xffff5fff and -1>>1=-1.
+ *
+ * This can be useful for storing a signed value in the upper bits
+ * and another bit field in the lower bits.
+ * The signed value can be retrieved by simple right-shifting.
+ *
+ * This is consistent with the Java language.
+ *
+ * However, the C standard allows compilers to implement a right-shift of a signed integer
+ * as a Logical Shift Right which copies a 0 into the vacated bits.
+ * For example, (int32_t)0xfff5fff3>>4 becomes 0x0fff5fff and -1>>1=0x7fffffff.
+ *
+ * Code that depends on the natural behavior should be guarded with this macro,
+ * with an alternate path for unusual platforms.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /*
+     * Nearly all CPUs & compilers implement a right-shift of a signed integer
+     * as an Arithmetic Shift Right (with sign extension).
+     */
+/** Define this to 1 if your platform supports IEEE 754 floating point,
+   to 0 if it does not. */
+#ifndef IEEE_754
+#   define IEEE_754 1
+ * uintptr_t is an optional part of the standard definitions in stdint.h.
+ * The documentation for stdint.h says
+ * "On XSI-conformant systems, the intptr_t and uintptr_t types are required;
+ * otherwise, they are optional."
+ * We assume that when uintptr_t is defined, UINTPTR_MAX is defined as well.
+ *
+ * Do not use ptrdiff_t since it is signed. size_t is unsigned.
+ */
+/* TODO: This check fails on some z environments. Filed a ticket #9357 for this. */
+#if !defined(__intptr_t_defined) && !defined(UINTPTR_MAX) && (U_PLATFORM != U_PF_OS390)
+typedef size_t uintptr_t;
+/** @{ Information about POSIX support                                       */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_NL_LANGINFO_CODESET -1
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+   /* not defined */
+#if defined(U_TZSET) || defined(U_HAVE_TZSET)
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    // UWP doesn't support tzset or environment variables for tz
+#   define U_TZSET _tzset
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+   /* not defined */
+#   define U_TZSET tzset
+#if defined(U_TIMEZONE) || defined(U_HAVE_TIMEZONE)
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_TIMEZONE timezone
+#elif defined(__UCLIBC__)
+    // uClibc does not have __timezone or _timezone.
+#elif defined(_NEWLIB_VERSION)
+#   define U_TIMEZONE _timezone
+#elif defined(__GLIBC__)
+    // glibc
+#   define U_TIMEZONE __timezone
+    // not defined
+#   define U_TIMEZONE _timezone
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_BSD && !defined(__NetBSD__)
+   /* not defined */
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+   /* not defined */
+   /* not defined */
+#   define U_TIMEZONE timezone
+#if defined(U_TZNAME) || defined(U_HAVE_TZNAME)
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /* not usable on all windows platforms */
+#   define U_TZNAME _tzname
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+   /* not defined */
+#   define U_TZNAME tzname
+#ifdef U_HAVE_MMAP
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_HAVE_MMAP 0
+#   define U_HAVE_MMAP 1
+#ifdef U_HAVE_POPEN
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_HAVE_POPEN 0
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+#   define U_HAVE_POPEN 0
+#   define U_HAVE_POPEN 1
+ * \def U_HAVE_DIRENT_H
+ * Defines whether dirent.h is available.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_HAVE_DIRENT_H 0
+#   define U_HAVE_DIRENT_H 1
+/** @} */
+/** @{ Programs used by ICU code                                             */
+ * \def U_MAKE_IS_NMAKE
+ * Defines whether the "make" program is Windows nmake.
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_MAKE_IS_NMAKE 1
+#   define U_MAKE_IS_NMAKE 0
+/** @} */
+/* Platform utilities                                                       */
+ * Platform utilities isolates the platform dependencies of the
+ * library.  For each platform which this code is ported to, these
+ * functions may have to be re-implemented.
+ */
+ * Floating point utility to determine if a double is Not a Number (NaN).
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UBool   U_EXPORT2 uprv_isNaN(double d);
+ * Floating point utility to determine if a double has an infinite value.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UBool   U_EXPORT2 uprv_isInfinite(double d);
+ * Floating point utility to determine if a double has a positive infinite value.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UBool   U_EXPORT2 uprv_isPositiveInfinity(double d);
+ * Floating point utility to determine if a double has a negative infinite value.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UBool   U_EXPORT2 uprv_isNegativeInfinity(double d);
+ * Floating point utility that returns a Not a Number (NaN) value.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_getNaN(void);
+ * Floating point utility that returns an infinite value.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_getInfinity(void);
+ * Floating point utility to truncate a double.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_trunc(double d);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the floor of a double.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_floor(double d);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the ceiling of a double.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_ceil(double d);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the absolute value of a double.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_fabs(double d);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the fractional and integer parts of a double.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_modf(double d, double* pinteger);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the remainder of a double divided by another double.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_fmod(double d, double y);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate d to the power of exponent (d^exponent).
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_pow(double d, double exponent);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate 10 to the power of exponent (10^exponent).
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_pow10(int32_t exponent);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the maximum value of two doubles.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_fmax(double d, double y);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the minimum value of two doubles.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_fmin(double d, double y);
+ * Private utility to calculate the maximum value of two integers.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_max(int32_t d, int32_t y);
+ * Private utility to calculate the minimum value of two integers.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_min(int32_t d, int32_t y);
+#   define uprv_isNegative(number) (*((signed char *)&(number))<0)
+#   define uprv_isNegative(number) (*((signed char *)&(number)+sizeof(number)-1)<0)
+ * Return the largest positive number that can be represented by an integer
+ * type of arbitrary bit length.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_maxMantissa(void);
+ * Floating point utility to calculate the logarithm of a double.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_log(double d);
+ * Does common notion of rounding e.g. uprv_floor(x + 0.5);
+ * @param x the double number
+ * @return the rounded double
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL double  U_EXPORT2 uprv_round(double x);
+ * Adds the signed integers a and b, storing the result in res.
+ * Checks for signed integer overflow.
+ * Similar to the GCC/Clang extension __builtin_add_overflow
+ *
+ * @param a The first operand.
+ * @param b The second operand.
+ * @param res a + b
+ * @return true if overflow occurred; false if no overflow occurred.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UBool U_EXPORT2 uprv_add32_overflow(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t* res);
+ * Multiplies the signed integers a and b, storing the result in res.
+ * Checks for signed integer overflow.
+ * Similar to the GCC/Clang extension __builtin_mul_overflow
+ *
+ * @param a The first multiplicand.
+ * @param b The second multiplicand.
+ * @param res a * b
+ * @return true if overflow occurred; false if no overflow occurred.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UBool U_EXPORT2 uprv_mul32_overflow(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t* res);
+#if 0
+ * Returns the number of digits after the decimal point in a double number x.
+ *
+ * @param x the double number
+ * @return the number of digits after the decimal point in a double number x.
+ * @internal
+ */
+/*U_INTERNAL int32_t  U_EXPORT2 uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(double x);*/
+ * Please use ucnv_getDefaultName() instead.
+ * Return the default codepage for this platform and locale.
+ * This function can call setlocale() on Unix platforms. Please read the
+ * platform documentation on setlocale() before calling this function.
+ * @return the default codepage for this platform 
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char*  U_EXPORT2 uprv_getDefaultCodepage(void);
+ * Please use uloc_getDefault() instead.
+ * Return the default locale ID string by querying the system, or
+ *     zero if one cannot be found. 
+ * This function can call setlocale() on Unix platforms. Please read the
+ * platform documentation on setlocale() before calling this function.
+ * @return the default locale ID string
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char*  U_EXPORT2 uprv_getDefaultLocaleID(void);
+ * Time zone utilities
+ *
+ * Wrappers for C runtime library functions relating to timezones.
+ * The t_tzset() function (similar to tzset) uses the current setting
+ * of the environment variable TZ to assign values to three global
+ * variables: daylight, timezone, and tzname. These variables have the
+ * following meanings, and are declared in &lt;time.h&gt;.
+ *
+ *   daylight   Nonzero if daylight-saving-time zone (DST) is specified
+ *              in TZ; otherwise, 0. Default value is 1.
+ *   timezone   Difference in seconds between coordinated universal
+ *              time and local time. E.g., -28,800 for PST (GMT-8hrs)
+ *   tzname(0)  Three-letter time-zone name derived from TZ environment
+ *              variable. E.g., "PST".
+ *   tzname(1)  Three-letter DST zone name derived from TZ environment
+ *              variable.  E.g., "PDT". If DST zone is omitted from TZ,
+ *              tzname(1) is an empty string.
+ *
+ * Notes: For example, to set the TZ environment variable to correspond
+ * to the current time zone in Germany, you can use one of the
+ * following statements:
+ *
+ *   set TZ=GST1GDT
+ *   set TZ=GST+1GDT
+ *
+ * If the TZ value is not set, t_tzset() attempts to use the time zone
+ * information specified by the operating system. Under Windows NT
+ * and Windows 95, this information is specified in the Control Panel's
+ * Date/Time application.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL void     U_EXPORT2 uprv_tzset(void);
+ * Difference in seconds between coordinated universal
+ * time and local time. E.g., -28,800 for PST (GMT-8hrs)
+ * @return the difference in seconds between coordinated universal time and local time.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL int32_t  U_EXPORT2 uprv_timezone(void);
+ *   tzname(0)  Three-letter time-zone name derived from TZ environment
+ *              variable. E.g., "PST".
+ *   tzname(1)  Three-letter DST zone name derived from TZ environment
+ *              variable.  E.g., "PDT". If DST zone is omitted from TZ,
+ *              tzname(1) is an empty string.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char* U_EXPORT2 uprv_tzname(int n);
+ * Reset the global tzname cache.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL void uprv_tzname_clear_cache();
+ * Get UTC (GMT) time measured in milliseconds since 0:00 on 1/1/1970.
+ * This function is affected by 'faketime' and should be the bottleneck for all user-visible ICU time functions.
+ * @return the UTC time measured in milliseconds
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UDate U_EXPORT2 uprv_getUTCtime(void);
+ * Get UTC (GMT) time measured in milliseconds since 0:00 on 1/1/1970.
+ * This function is not affected by 'faketime', so it should only be used by low level test functions- not by anything that
+ * exposes time to the end user.
+ * @return the UTC time measured in milliseconds
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UDate U_EXPORT2 uprv_getRawUTCtime(void);
+ * Determine whether a pathname is absolute or not, as defined by the platform.
+ * @param path Pathname to test
+ * @return TRUE if the path is absolute
+ * @internal (ICU 3.0)
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UBool U_EXPORT2 uprv_pathIsAbsolute(const char *path);
+ * Use U_MAX_PTR instead of this function.
+ * @param void pointer to test
+ * @return the largest possible pointer greater than the base
+ * @internal (ICU 3.8)
+ */
+U_INTERNAL void * U_EXPORT2 uprv_maximumPtr(void *base);
+ * Maximum value of a (void*) - use to indicate the limit of an 'infinite' buffer.
+ * In fact, buffer sizes must not exceed 2GB so that the difference between
+ * the buffer limit and the buffer start can be expressed in an int32_t.
+ *
+ * The definition of U_MAX_PTR must fulfill the following conditions:
+ * - return the largest possible pointer greater than base
+ * - return a valid pointer according to the machine architecture (AS/400, 64-bit, etc.)
+ * - avoid wrapping around at high addresses
+ * - make sure that the returned pointer is not farther from base than 0x7fffffff bytes
+ *
+ * @param base The beginning of a buffer to find the maximum offset from
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifndef U_MAX_PTR
+#  if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 && !defined(_LP64)
+    /* We have 31-bit pointers. */
+#    define U_MAX_PTR(base) ((void *)0x7fffffff)
+#  elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+#    define U_MAX_PTR(base) uprv_maximumPtr((void *)base)
+#  elif 0
+    /*
+     * For platforms where pointers are scalar values (which is normal, but unlike i5/OS)
+     * but that do not define uintptr_t.
+     *
+     * However, this does not work on modern compilers:
+     * The C++ standard does not define pointer overflow, and allows compilers to
+     * assume that p+u>p for any pointer p and any integer u>0.
+     * Thus, modern compilers optimize away the ">" comparison.
+     * (See ICU tickets #7187 and #8096.)
+     */
+#    define U_MAX_PTR(base) \
+    ((void *)(((char *)(base)+0x7fffffffu) > (char *)(base) \
+        ? ((char *)(base)+0x7fffffffu) \
+        : (char *)-1))
+#  else
+    /* Default version. C++ standard compliant for scalar pointers. */
+#    define U_MAX_PTR(base) \
+    ((void *)(((uintptr_t)(base)+0x7fffffffu) > (uintptr_t)(base) \
+        ? ((uintptr_t)(base)+0x7fffffffu) \
+        : (uintptr_t)-1))
+#  endif
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ * Pin a buffer capacity such that doing pointer arithmetic
+ * on the destination pointer and capacity cannot overflow.
+ *
+ * The pinned capacity must fulfill the following conditions (for positive capacities):
+ *   - dest + capacity is a valid pointer according to the machine arcitecture (AS/400, 64-bit, etc.)
+ *   - (dest + capacity) >= dest
+ *   - The size (in bytes) of T[capacity] does not exceed 0x7fffffff
+ *
+ * @param dest the destination buffer pointer.
+ * @param capacity the requested buffer capacity, in units of type T.
+ * @return the pinned capacity.
+ * @internal
+ */
+template <typename T>
+inline int32_t pinCapacity(T *dest, int32_t capacity) {
+    if (capacity <= 0) { return capacity; }
+    uintptr_t destInt = (uintptr_t)dest;
+    uintptr_t maxInt;
+#  if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 && !defined(_LP64)
+    // We have 31-bit pointers.
+    maxInt = 0x7fffffff;
+#  elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+    maxInt = (uintptr_t)uprv_maximumPtr((void *)dest);
+#  else
+    maxInt = destInt + 0x7fffffffu;
+    if (maxInt < destInt) {
+        // Less than 2GB to the end of the address space.
+        // Pin to that to prevent address overflow.
+        maxInt = (uintptr_t)-1;
+    }
+#  endif
+    uintptr_t maxBytes = maxInt - destInt;  // max. 2GB
+    int32_t maxCapacity = (int32_t)(maxBytes / sizeof(T));
+    return capacity <= maxCapacity ? capacity : maxCapacity;
+#endif   // __cplusplus
+/*  Dynamic Library Functions */
+typedef void (UVoidFunction)(void);
+ * Load a library
+ * @internal (ICU 4.4)
+ */
+U_INTERNAL void * U_EXPORT2 uprv_dl_open(const char *libName, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Close a library
+ * @internal (ICU 4.4)
+ */
+U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2 uprv_dl_close( void *lib, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Extract a symbol from a library (function)
+ * @internal (ICU 4.8)
+ */
+U_INTERNAL UVoidFunction* U_EXPORT2 uprv_dlsym_func( void *lib, const char *symbolName, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Extract a symbol from a library (function)
+ * Not implemented, no clients.
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* U_INTERNAL void * U_EXPORT2 uprv_dlsym_data( void *lib, const char *symbolName, UErrorCode *status); */
+ * Define malloc and related functions
+ * @internal
+ */
+#if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+# define uprv_default_malloc(x) _C_TS_malloc(x)
+# define uprv_default_realloc(x,y) _C_TS_realloc(x,y)
+# define uprv_default_free(x) _C_TS_free(x)
+/* also _C_TS_calloc(x) */
+/* C defaults */
+# define uprv_default_malloc(x) malloc(x)
+# define uprv_default_realloc(x,y) realloc(x,y)
+# define uprv_default_free(x) free(x)
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/quant.h b/libicu/cts_headers/quant.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5aa8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/quant.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   07/26/01    aliu        Creation.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef QUANT_H
+#define QUANT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unifunct.h"
+#include "unicode/unimatch.h"
+class Quantifier : public UnicodeFunctor, public UnicodeMatcher {
+ public:
+    enum { MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF };
+    Quantifier(UnicodeFunctor *adoptedMatcher,
+               uint32_t minCount, uint32_t maxCount);
+    Quantifier(const Quantifier& o);
+    virtual ~Quantifier();
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API.  Cast 'this' to a UnicodeMatcher* pointer
+     * and return the pointer.
+     * @return the UnicodeMatcher pointer.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeMatcher* toMatcher() const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeFunctor
+     * @return a copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual Quantifier* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     * @param text the text to be matched
+     * @param offset on input, the index into text at which to begin
+     * matching.  On output, the limit of the matched text.  The
+     * number of matched characters is the output value of offset
+     * minus the input value.  Offset should always point to the
+     * HIGH SURROGATE (leading code unit) of a pair of surrogates,
+     * both on entry and upon return.
+     * @param limit the limit index of text to be matched.  Greater
+     * than offset for a forward direction match, less than offset for
+     * a backward direction match.  The last character to be
+     * considered for matching will be text.charAt(limit-1) in the
+     * forward direction or text.charAt(limit+1) in the backward
+     * direction.
+     * @param incremental  if TRUE, then assume further characters may
+     * be inserted at limit and check for partial matching.  Otherwise
+     * assume the text as given is complete.
+     * @return a match degree value indicating a full match, a partial
+     * match, or a mismatch.  If incremental is FALSE then
+     * U_PARTIAL_MATCH should never be returned.
+     */
+    virtual UMatchDegree matches(const Replaceable& text,
+                                 int32_t& offset,
+                                 int32_t limit,
+                                 UBool incremental);
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     * @param result            Output param to receive the pattern.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if True then escape the unprintable characters.
+     * @return                  A reference to 'result'.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                     UBool escapeUnprintable = FALSE) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     * @param v    the given index value.
+     * @return     true if this rule matches the given index value.
+     */
+    virtual UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     */
+    virtual void addMatchSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API
+     */
+    virtual void setData(const TransliterationRuleData*);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ private:
+    UnicodeFunctor* matcher; // owned
+    uint32_t minCount;
+    uint32_t maxCount;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/quantityformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/quantityformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daaef4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/quantityformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* quantityformatter.h
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "standardplural.h"
+class SimpleFormatter;
+class UnicodeString;
+class PluralRules;
+class NumberFormat;
+class Formattable;
+class FieldPosition;
+class FormattedStringBuilder;
+ * A plural aware formatter that is good for expressing a single quantity and
+ * a unit.
+ * <p>
+ * First use the add() methods to add a pattern for each plural variant.
+ * There must be a pattern for the "other" variant.
+ * Then use the format() method.
+ * <p>
+ * Concurrent calls only to const methods on a QuantityFormatter object are 
+ * safe, but concurrent const and non-const method calls on a QuantityFormatter
+ * object are not safe and require synchronization.
+ * 
+ */
+class U_I18N_API QuantityFormatter : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     */
+    QuantityFormatter();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    QuantityFormatter(const QuantityFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     */
+    QuantityFormatter &operator=(const QuantityFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    ~QuantityFormatter();
+    /**
+     * Removes all variants from this object including the "other" variant.
+     */
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * Adds a plural variant if there is none yet for the plural form.
+     *
+     * @param variant "zero", "one", "two", "few", "many", "other"
+     * @param rawPattern the pattern for the variant e.g "{0} meters"
+     * @param status any error returned here.
+     * @return TRUE on success; FALSE if status was set to a non zero error.
+     */
+    UBool addIfAbsent(const char *variant, const UnicodeString &rawPattern, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * returns TRUE if this object has at least the "other" variant.
+     */
+    UBool isValid() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the pattern formatter that would be used for a particular variant.
+     * If isValid() returns TRUE, this method is guaranteed to return a
+     * non-NULL value.
+     */
+    const SimpleFormatter *getByVariant(const char *variant) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a number with this object appending the result to appendTo.
+     * At least the "other" variant must be added to this object for this
+     * method to work.
+     * 
+     * @param number the single number.
+     * @param fmt formats the number
+     * @param rules computes the plural variant to use.
+     * @param appendTo result appended here.
+     * @param status any error returned here.
+     * @return appendTo
+     */
+    UnicodeString &format(
+            const Formattable &number,
+            const NumberFormat &fmt,
+            const PluralRules &rules,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo,
+            FieldPosition &pos,
+            UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Selects the standard plural form for the number/formatter/rules.
+     * TODO(13591): Remove this method.
+     */
+    static StandardPlural::Form selectPlural(
+            const Formattable &number,
+            const NumberFormat &fmt,
+            const PluralRules &rules,
+            UnicodeString &formattedNumber,
+            FieldPosition &pos,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Formats a quantity and selects its plural form. The output is appended
+     * to a FormattedStringBuilder in order to retain field information.
+     *
+     * @param quantity The number to format.
+     * @param fmt The formatter to use to format the number.
+     * @param rules The rules to use to select the plural form of the
+     *              formatted number.
+     * @param output Where to append the result of the format operation.
+     * @param pluralForm Output variable populated with the plural form of the
+     *                   formatted number.
+     * @param status Set if an error occurs.
+     */
+    static void formatAndSelect(
+            double quantity,
+            const NumberFormat& fmt,
+            const PluralRules& rules,
+            FormattedStringBuilder& output,
+            StandardPlural::Form& pluralForm,
+            UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Formats the pattern with the value and adjusts the FieldPosition.
+     * TODO: Remove?
+     */
+    static UnicodeString &format(
+            const SimpleFormatter &pattern,
+            const UnicodeString &value,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo,
+            FieldPosition &pos,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    SimpleFormatter *formatters[StandardPlural::COUNT];
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbbi_cache.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbi_cache.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7991d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbi_cache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// file: rbbi_cache.h
+#ifndef RBBI_CACHE_H
+#define RBBI_CACHE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "uvectr32.h"
+/* DictionaryCache  stores the boundaries obtained from a run of dictionary characters.
+ *                 Dictionary boundaries are moved first to this cache, then from here
+ *                 to the main BreakCache, where they may inter-leave with non-dictionary
+ *                 boundaries. The public BreakIterator API always fetches directly
+ *                 from the main BreakCache, not from here.
+ *
+ *                 In common situations, the number of boundaries in a single dictionary run
+ *                 should be quite small, it will be terminated by punctuation, spaces,
+ *                 or any other non-dictionary characters. The main BreakCache may end
+ *                 up with boundaries from multiple dictionary based runs.
+ *
+ *                 The boundaries are stored in a simple ArrayList (vector), with the
+ *                 assumption that they will be accessed sequentially.
+ */                 
+class RuleBasedBreakIterator::DictionaryCache: public UMemory {
+  public:
+     DictionaryCache(RuleBasedBreakIterator *bi, UErrorCode &status);
+     ~DictionaryCache();
+     void reset();
+     UBool following(int32_t fromPos, int32_t *pos, int32_t *statusIndex);
+     UBool preceding(int32_t fromPos, int32_t *pos, int32_t *statusIndex);
+    /**
+     * Populate the cache with the dictionary based boundaries within a region of text.
+     * @param startPos  The start position of a range of text
+     * @param endPos    The end position of a range of text
+     * @param firstRuleStatus The rule status index that applies to the break at startPos
+     * @param otherRuleStatus The rule status index that applies to boundaries other than startPos
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void populateDictionary(int32_t startPos, int32_t endPos,
+                         int32_t firstRuleStatus, int32_t otherRuleStatus);
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator *fBI;
+    UVector32           fBreaks;                // A vector containing the boundaries.
+    int32_t             fPositionInCache;       // Index in fBreaks of last boundary returned by following()
+                                                //    or preceding(). Optimizes sequential access.
+    int32_t             fStart;                 // Text position of first boundary in cache.
+    int32_t             fLimit;                 // Last boundary in cache. Which is the limit of the
+                                                //    text segment being handled by the dictionary.
+    int32_t             fFirstRuleStatusIndex;  // Rule status info for first boundary.
+    int32_t             fOtherRuleStatusIndex;  // Rule status info for 2nd through last boundaries.
+ * class BreakCache
+ *
+ * Cache of break boundary positions and rule status values.
+ * Break iterator API functions, next(), previous(), etc., will use cached results
+ * when possible, and otherwise cache new results as they are obtained.
+ *
+ * Uniformly caches both dictionary and rule based (non-dictionary) boundaries.
+ *
+ * The cache is implemented as a single circular buffer.
+ */
+ * size of the circular cache buffer.
+ */
+class RuleBasedBreakIterator::BreakCache: public UMemory {
+  public:
+                BreakCache(RuleBasedBreakIterator *bi, UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual     ~BreakCache();
+    void        reset(int32_t pos = 0, int32_t ruleStatus = 0);
+    void        next() {    if (fBufIdx == fEndBufIdx) {
+                                nextOL();
+                            } else {
+                                fBufIdx = modChunkSize(fBufIdx + 1);
+                                fTextIdx = fBI->fPosition = fBoundaries[fBufIdx];
+                                fBI->fRuleStatusIndex = fStatuses[fBufIdx];
+                            }
+                }
+    void        nextOL();
+    void        previous(UErrorCode &status);
+    // Move the iteration state to the position following the startPosition.
+    // Input position must be pinned to the input length.
+    void        following(int32_t startPosition, UErrorCode &status);
+    void        preceding(int32_t startPosition, UErrorCode &status);
+    /*
+     * Update the state of the public BreakIterator (fBI) to reflect the
+     * current state of the break iterator cache (this).
+     */
+    int32_t     current();
+    /**
+     * Add boundaries to the cache near the specified position.
+     * The given position need not be a boundary itself.
+     * The input position must be within the range of the text, and
+     * on a code point boundary.
+     * If the requested position is a break boundary, leave the iteration
+     * position on it.
+     * If the requested position is not a boundary, leave the iteration
+     * position on the preceding boundary and include both the
+     * preceding and following boundaries in the cache.
+     * Additional boundaries, either preceding or following, may be added
+     * to the cache as a side effect.
+     *
+     * Return FALSE if the operation failed.
+     */
+    UBool populateNear(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     *  Add boundary(s) to the cache following the current last boundary.
+     *  Return FALSE if at the end of the text, and no more boundaries can be added.
+     *  Leave iteration position at the first newly added boundary, or unchanged if no boundary was added.
+     */
+    UBool populateFollowing();
+    /**
+     *  Add one or more boundaries to the cache preceding the first currently cached boundary.
+     *  Leave the iteration position on the first added boundary.
+     *  Return false if no boundaries could be added (if at the start of the text.)
+     */
+    UBool populatePreceding(UErrorCode &status);
+    enum UpdatePositionValues {
+        RetainCachePosition = 0,
+        UpdateCachePosition = 1
+    };
+    /*
+     * Add the boundary following the current position.
+     * The current position can be left as it was, or changed to the newly added boundary,
+     * as specified by the update parameter.
+     */
+    void addFollowing(int32_t position, int32_t ruleStatusIdx, UpdatePositionValues update);
+    /*
+     * Add the boundary preceding the current position.
+     * The current position can be left as it was, or changed to the newly added boundary,
+     * as specified by the update parameter.
+     */
+    bool addPreceding(int32_t position, int32_t ruleStatusIdx, UpdatePositionValues update);
+    /**
+     *  Set the cache position to the specified position, or, if the position
+     *  falls between to cached boundaries, to the preceding boundary.
+     *  Fails if the requested position is outside of the range of boundaries currently held by the cache.
+     *  The startPosition must be on a code point boundary.
+     *
+     *  Return TRUE if successful, FALSE if the specified position is after
+     *  the last cached boundary or before the first.
+     */
+    UBool                   seek(int32_t startPosition);
+    void dumpCache();
+  private:
+    static inline int32_t   modChunkSize(int index) { return index & (CACHE_SIZE - 1); }
+    static constexpr int32_t CACHE_SIZE = 128;
+    static_assert((CACHE_SIZE & (CACHE_SIZE-1)) == 0, "CACHE_SIZE must be power of two.");
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator *fBI;
+    int32_t                 fStartBufIdx;
+    int32_t                 fEndBufIdx;    // inclusive
+    int32_t                 fTextIdx;
+    int32_t                 fBufIdx;
+    int32_t                 fBoundaries[CACHE_SIZE];
+    uint16_t                fStatuses[CACHE_SIZE];
+    UVector32               fSideBuffer;
+#endif // RBBI_CACHE_H
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7de6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbidata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2014 International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  rbbidata.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   RBBI data formats  Includes
+*                          Structs that describes the format of the Binary RBBI data,
+*                          as it is stored in ICU's data file.
+*      RBBIDataWrapper  -  Instances of this class sit between the
+*                          raw data structs and the RulesBasedBreakIterator objects
+*                          that are created by applications.  The wrapper class
+*                          provides reference counting for the underlying data,
+*                          and direct pointers to data that would not otherwise
+*                          be accessible without ugly pointer arithmetic.  The
+*                          wrapper does not attempt to provide any higher level
+*                          abstractions for the data itself.
+*                          There will be only one instance of RBBIDataWrapper for any
+*                          set of RBBI run time data being shared by instances
+*                          (clones) of RulesBasedBreakIterator.
+#ifndef __RBBIDATA_H__
+#define __RBBIDATA_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+ * Swap RBBI data. See udataswp.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+          const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uversion.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+// The current RBBI data format version.
+static const uint8_t RBBI_DATA_FORMAT_VERSION[] = {5, 0, 0, 0};
+ *   The following structs map exactly onto the raw data from ICU common data file. 
+ */
+struct RBBIDataHeader {
+    uint32_t         fMagic;           /*  == 0xbla0                                               */
+    UVersionInfo     fFormatVersion;   /* Data Format.  Same as the value in struct UDataInfo      */
+                                       /*   if there is one associated with this data.             */
+                                       /*     (version originates in rbbi, is copied to UDataInfo) */
+    uint32_t         fLength;          /*  Total length in bytes of this RBBI Data,                */
+                                       /*      including all sections, not just the header.        */
+    uint32_t         fCatCount;        /*  Number of character categories.                         */
+    /*                                                                        */
+    /*  Offsets and sizes of each of the subsections within the RBBI data.    */
+    /*  All offsets are bytes from the start of the RBBIDataHeader.           */
+    /*  All sizes are in bytes.                                               */
+    /*                                                                        */
+    uint32_t         fFTable;         /*  forward state transition table. */
+    uint32_t         fFTableLen;
+    uint32_t         fRTable;         /*  Offset to the reverse state transition table. */
+    uint32_t         fRTableLen;
+    uint32_t         fTrie;           /*  Offset to Trie data for character categories */
+    uint32_t         fTrieLen;
+    uint32_t         fRuleSource;     /*  Offset to the source for for the break */
+    uint32_t         fRuleSourceLen;  /*    rules.  Stored UChar *. */
+    uint32_t         fStatusTable;    /* Offset to the table of rule status values */
+    uint32_t         fStatusTableLen;
+    uint32_t         fReserved[6];    /*  Reserved for expansion */
+struct  RBBIStateTableRow {
+    int16_t          fAccepting;    /*  Non-zero if this row is for an accepting state.   */
+                                    /*  Value 0: not an accepting state.                  */
+                                    /*       -1: Unconditional Accepting state.           */
+                                    /*    positive:  Look-ahead match has completed.      */
+                                    /*           Actual boundary position happened earlier */
+                                    /*           Value here == fLookAhead in earlier      */
+                                    /*              state, at actual boundary pos.        */
+    int16_t          fLookAhead;    /*  Non-zero if this row is for a state that          */
+                                    /*    corresponds to a '/' in the rule source.        */
+                                    /*    Value is the same as the fAccepting             */
+                                    /*      value for the rule (which will appear         */
+                                    /*      in a different state.                         */
+    int16_t          fTagIdx;       /*  Non-zero if this row covers a {tagged} position   */
+                                    /*     from a rule.  Value is the index in the        */
+                                    /*     StatusTable of the set of matching             */
+                                    /*     tags (rule status values)                      */
+    int16_t          fReserved;
+    uint16_t         fNextState[1]; /*  Next State, indexed by char category.             */
+                                    /*    Variable-length array declared with length 1    */
+                                    /*    to disable bounds checkers.                     */
+                                    /*    Array Size is actually fData->fHeader->fCatCount*/
+                                    /*    CAUTION:  see RBBITableBuilder::getTableSize()  */
+                                    /*              before changing anything here.        */
+struct RBBIStateTable {
+    uint32_t         fNumStates;    /*  Number of states.                                 */
+    uint32_t         fRowLen;       /*  Length of a state table row, in bytes.            */
+    uint32_t         fFlags;        /*  Option Flags for this state table                 */
+    uint32_t         fReserved;     /*  reserved                                          */
+    char             fTableData[1]; /*  First RBBIStateTableRow begins here.              */
+                                    /*    Variable-length array declared with length 1    */
+                                    /*    to disable bounds checkers.                     */
+                                    /*    (making it char[] simplifies ugly address       */
+                                    /*     arithmetic for indexing variable length rows.) */
+typedef enum {
+} RBBIStateTableFlags;
+/*                                        */
+/*   The reference counting wrapper class */
+/*                                        */
+class RBBIDataWrapper : public UMemory {
+    enum EDontAdopt {
+        kDontAdopt
+    };
+    RBBIDataWrapper(const RBBIDataHeader *data, UErrorCode &status);
+    RBBIDataWrapper(const RBBIDataHeader *data, enum EDontAdopt dontAdopt, UErrorCode &status);
+    RBBIDataWrapper(UDataMemory* udm, UErrorCode &status);
+    ~RBBIDataWrapper();
+    static UBool          isDataVersionAcceptable(const UVersionInfo version);
+    void                  init0();
+    void                  init(const RBBIDataHeader *data, UErrorCode &status);
+    RBBIDataWrapper      *addReference();
+    void                  removeReference();
+    UBool                 operator ==(const RBBIDataWrapper &other) const;
+    int32_t               hashCode();
+    const UnicodeString  &getRuleSourceString() const;
+    void                  printData();
+    void                  printTable(const char *heading, const RBBIStateTable *table);
+    /*                                     */
+    /*   Pointers to items within the data */
+    /*                                     */
+    const RBBIDataHeader     *fHeader;
+    const RBBIStateTable     *fForwardTable;
+    const RBBIStateTable     *fReverseTable;
+    const UChar              *fRuleSource;
+    const int32_t            *fRuleStatusTable; 
+    /* number of int32_t values in the rule status table.   Used to sanity check indexing */
+    int32_t             fStatusMaxIdx;
+    UTrie2             *fTrie;
+    u_atomic_int32_t    fRefCount;
+    UDataMemory        *fUDataMem;
+    UnicodeString       fRuleString;
+    UBool               fDontFreeData;
+    RBBIDataWrapper(const RBBIDataWrapper &other); /*  forbid copying of this class */
+    RBBIDataWrapper &operator=(const RBBIDataWrapper &other); /*  forbid copying of this class */
+#endif /* C++ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbbinode.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbinode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f352596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbinode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************/
+#ifndef RBBINODE_H
+#define RBBINODE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+//  class RBBINode
+//                    Represents a node in the parse tree generated when reading
+//                    a rule file.
+class    UnicodeSet;
+class    UVector;
+class RBBINode : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        enum NodeType {
+            setRef,
+            uset,
+            varRef,
+            leafChar,
+            lookAhead,
+            tag,
+            endMark,
+            opStart,
+            opCat,
+            opOr,
+            opStar,
+            opPlus,
+            opQuestion,
+            opBreak,
+            opReverse,
+            opLParen
+        };
+        enum OpPrecedence {      
+            precZero,
+            precStart,
+            precLParen,
+            precOpOr,
+            precOpCat
+        };
+        NodeType      fType;
+        RBBINode      *fParent;
+        RBBINode      *fLeftChild;
+        RBBINode      *fRightChild;
+        UnicodeSet    *fInputSet;           // For uset nodes only.
+        OpPrecedence  fPrecedence;          // For binary ops only.
+        UnicodeString fText;                // Text corresponding to this node.
+                                            //   May be lazily evaluated when (if) needed
+                                            //   for some node types.
+        int           fFirstPos;            // Position in the rule source string of the
+                                            //   first text associated with the node.
+                                            //   If there's a left child, this will be the same
+                                            //   as that child's left pos.
+        int           fLastPos;             //  Last position in the rule source string
+                                            //    of any text associated with this node.
+                                            //    If there's a right child, this will be the same
+                                            //    as that child's last postion.
+        UBool         fNullable;            // See Aho.
+        int32_t       fVal;                 // For leafChar nodes, the value.
+                                            //   Values are the character category,
+                                            //   corresponds to columns in the final
+                                            //   state transition table.
+        UBool         fLookAheadEnd;        // For endMark nodes, set TRUE if
+                                            //   marking the end of a look-ahead rule.
+        UBool         fRuleRoot;            // True if this node is the root of a rule.
+        UBool         fChainIn;             // True if chaining into this rule is allowed
+                                            //     (no '^' present).
+        UVector       *fFirstPosSet;
+        UVector       *fLastPosSet;         // TODO: rename fFirstPos & fLastPos to avoid confusion.
+        UVector       *fFollowPos;
+        RBBINode(NodeType t);
+        RBBINode(const RBBINode &other);
+        ~RBBINode();
+        RBBINode    *cloneTree();
+        RBBINode    *flattenVariables();
+        void         flattenSets();
+        void         findNodes(UVector *dest, RBBINode::NodeType kind, UErrorCode &status);
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+        static void printNodeHeader();
+        static void printNode(const RBBINode *n);
+        static void printTree(const RBBINode *n, UBool withHeading);
+    private:
+        RBBINode &operator = (const RBBINode &other); // No defs.
+        UBool operator == (const RBBINode &other);    // Private, so these functions won't accidently be used.
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+    public:
+        int           fSerialNum;           //  Debugging aids.
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+U_CFUNC void 
+RBBI_DEBUG_printUnicodeString(const UnicodeString &s, int minWidth=0);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbbirb.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbirb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..037c1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbirb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+//  rbbirb.h
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+//  All Rights Reserved.
+//  This file contains declarations for several classes from the
+//    Rule Based Break Iterator rule builder.
+#ifndef RBBIRB_H
+#define RBBIRB_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "unicode/symtable.h"// For UnicodeSet parsing, is the interface that
+                             //    looks up references to $variables within a set.
+class               RBBIRuleScanner;
+struct              RBBIRuleTableEl;
+class               RBBISetBuilder;
+class               RBBINode;
+class               RBBITableBuilder;
+//   RBBISymbolTable.    Implements SymbolTable interface that is used by the
+//                       UnicodeSet parser to resolve references to $variables.
+class RBBISymbolTableEntry : public UMemory { // The symbol table hash table contains one
+public:                                       //   of these structs for each entry.
+    RBBISymbolTableEntry();
+    UnicodeString          key;
+    RBBINode               *val;
+    ~RBBISymbolTableEntry();
+    RBBISymbolTableEntry(const RBBISymbolTableEntry &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RBBISymbolTableEntry &operator=(const RBBISymbolTableEntry &other); // forbid copying of this class
+class RBBISymbolTable : public UMemory, public SymbolTable {
+    const UnicodeString      &fRules;
+    UHashtable               *fHashTable;
+    RBBIRuleScanner          *fRuleScanner;
+    // These next two fields are part of the mechanism for passing references to
+    //   already-constructed UnicodeSets back to the UnicodeSet constructor
+    //   when the pattern includes $variable references.
+    const UnicodeString      ffffString;      // = "/uffff"
+    UnicodeSet              *fCachedSetLookup;
+    //  API inherited from class SymbolTable
+    virtual const UnicodeString*  lookup(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+    virtual const UnicodeFunctor* lookupMatcher(UChar32 ch) const;
+    virtual UnicodeString parseReference(const UnicodeString& text,
+                                         ParsePosition& pos, int32_t limit) const;
+    //  Additional Functions
+    RBBISymbolTable(RBBIRuleScanner *, const UnicodeString &fRules, UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual ~RBBISymbolTable();
+    virtual RBBINode *lookupNode(const UnicodeString &key) const;
+    virtual void      addEntry  (const UnicodeString &key, RBBINode *val, UErrorCode &err);
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+    virtual void      rbbiSymtablePrint() const;
+    // A do-nothing inline function for non-debug builds.  Member funcs can't be empty
+    //  or the call sites won't compile.
+    int32_t fFakeField;
+    #define rbbiSymtablePrint() fFakeField=0; 
+    RBBISymbolTable(const RBBISymbolTable &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RBBISymbolTable &operator=(const RBBISymbolTable &other); // forbid copying of this class
+//  class RBBIRuleBuilder       The top-level class handling RBBI rule compiling.
+class RBBIRuleBuilder : public UMemory {
+    //  Create a rule based break iterator from a set of rules.
+    //  This function is the main entry point into the rule builder.  The
+    //   public ICU API for creating RBBIs uses this function to do the actual work.
+    //
+    static BreakIterator * createRuleBasedBreakIterator( const UnicodeString    &rules,
+                                    UParseError      *parseError,
+                                    UErrorCode       &status);
+    // The "public" functions and data members that appear below are accessed
+    //  (and shared) by the various parts that make up the rule builder.  They
+    //  are NOT intended to be accessed by anything outside of the
+    //  rule builder implementation.
+    RBBIRuleBuilder(const UnicodeString  &rules,
+                    UParseError          *parseErr,
+                    UErrorCode           &status
+    );
+    virtual    ~RBBIRuleBuilder();
+    /**
+     *  Build the state tables and char class Trie from the source rules.
+     */
+    RBBIDataHeader  *build(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Fold together redundant character classes (table columns) and
+     * redundant states (table rows). Done after initial table generation,
+     * before serializing the result.
+     */
+    void optimizeTables();
+    char                          *fDebugEnv;        // controls debug trace output
+    UErrorCode                    *fStatus;          // Error reporting.  Keeping status
+    UParseError                   *fParseError;      //   here avoids passing it everywhere.
+    const UnicodeString           &fRules;           // The rule string that we are compiling
+    UnicodeString                 fStrippedRules;    // The rule string, with comments stripped.
+    RBBIRuleScanner               *fScanner;         // The scanner.
+    RBBINode                      *fForwardTree;     // The parse trees, generated by the scanner,
+    RBBINode                      *fReverseTree;     //   then manipulated by subsequent steps.
+    RBBINode                      *fSafeFwdTree;
+    RBBINode                      *fSafeRevTree;
+    RBBINode                      **fDefaultTree;    // For rules not qualified with a !
+                                                     //   the tree to which they belong to.
+    UBool                         fChainRules;       // True for chained Unicode TR style rules.
+                                                     // False for traditional regexp rules.
+    UBool                         fLBCMNoChain;      // True:  suppress chaining of rules on
+                                                     //   chars with LineBreak property == CM.
+    UBool                         fLookAheadHardBreak;  // True:  Look ahead matches cause an
+                                                     // immediate break, no continuing for the
+                                                     // longest match.
+    RBBISetBuilder                *fSetBuilder;      // Set and Character Category builder.
+    UVector                       *fUSetNodes;       // Vector of all uset nodes.
+    RBBITableBuilder              *fForwardTable;    // State transition table, build time form.
+    UVector                       *fRuleStatusVals;  // The values that can be returned
+                                                     //   from getRuleStatus().
+    RBBIDataHeader                *flattenData();    // Create the flattened (runtime format)
+                                                     // data tables..
+    RBBIRuleBuilder(const RBBIRuleBuilder &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RBBIRuleBuilder &operator=(const RBBIRuleBuilder &other); // forbid copying of this class
+//   RBBISetTableEl   is an entry in the hash table of UnicodeSets that have
+//                    been encountered.  The val Node will be of nodetype uset
+//                    and contain pointers to the actual UnicodeSets.
+//                    The Key is the source string for initializing the set.
+//                    The hash table is used to avoid creating duplicate
+//                    unnamed (not $var references) UnicodeSets.
+//                    Memory Management:
+//                       The Hash Table owns these RBBISetTableEl structs and
+//                            the key strings.  It does NOT own the val nodes.
+struct RBBISetTableEl {
+    UnicodeString *key;
+    RBBINode      *val;
+ *   A pair of ints, used to bundle pairs of states or pairs of character classes.
+ */
+typedef std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> IntPair;
+//   RBBIDebugPrintf    Printf equivalent, for debugging output.
+//                      Conditional compilation of the implementation lets us
+//                      get rid of the stdio dependency in environments where it
+//                      is unavailable.
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define RBBIDebugPrintf printf
+#define RBBIDebugPuts puts
+#undef RBBIDebugPrintf 
+#define RBBIDebugPuts(arg)
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbbirpt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbirpt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586953c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbirpt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Generated Header File.  Do not edit by hand.
+//    This file contains the state table for the ICU Rule Based Break Iterator
+//    rule parser.
+//    It is generated by the Perl script "" from
+//    the rule parser state definitions file "rbbirpt.txt".
+//   Copyright (C) 2002-2016 International Business Machines Corporation 
+//   and others. All rights reserved.  
+#ifndef RBBIRPT_H
+#define RBBIRPT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// Character classes for RBBI rule scanning.
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_digit_char = 128;
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_name_char = 129;
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_name_start_char = 130;
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_rule_char = 131;
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_white_space = 132;
+enum RBBI_RuleParseAction {
+    doCheckVarDef,
+    doDotAny,
+    doEndAssign,
+    doEndOfRule,
+    doEndVariableName,
+    doExit,
+    doExprCatOperator,
+    doExprFinished,
+    doExprOrOperator,
+    doExprRParen,
+    doExprStart,
+    doLParen,
+    doNOP,
+    doNoChain,
+    doOptionEnd,
+    doOptionStart,
+    doReverseDir,
+    doRuleChar,
+    doRuleError,
+    doRuleErrorAssignExpr,
+    doScanUnicodeSet,
+    doSlash,
+    doStartAssign,
+    doStartTagValue,
+    doStartVariableName,
+    doTagDigit,
+    doTagExpectedError,
+    doTagValue,
+    doUnaryOpPlus,
+    doUnaryOpQuestion,
+    doUnaryOpStar,
+    doVariableNameExpectedErr,
+    rbbiLastAction};
+//  RBBIRuleTableEl    represents the structure of a row in the transition table
+//                     for the rule parser state machine.
+struct RBBIRuleTableEl {
+    RBBI_RuleParseAction          fAction;
+    uint8_t                       fCharClass;       // 0-127:    an individual ASCII character
+                                                    // 128-255:  character class index
+    uint8_t                       fNextState;       // 0-250:    normal next-stat numbers
+                                                    // 255:      pop next-state from stack.
+    uint8_t                       fPushState;
+    UBool                         fNextChar;
+static const struct RBBIRuleTableEl gRuleParseStateTable[] = {
+    {doNOP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE}
+    , {doExprStart, 254, 29, 9, FALSE}     //  1      start
+    , {doNOP, 132, 1,0,  TRUE}     //  2 
+    , {doNoChain, 94 /* ^ */, 12, 9, TRUE}     //  3 
+    , {doExprStart, 36 /* $ */, 88, 98, FALSE}     //  4 
+    , {doNOP, 33 /* ! */, 19,0,  TRUE}     //  5 
+    , {doNOP, 59 /* ; */, 1,0,  TRUE}     //  6 
+    , {doNOP, 252, 0,0,  FALSE}     //  7 
+    , {doExprStart, 255, 29, 9, FALSE}     //  8 
+    , {doEndOfRule, 59 /* ; */, 1,0,  TRUE}     //  9      break-rule-end
+    , {doNOP, 132, 9,0,  TRUE}     //  10 
+    , {doRuleError, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  11 
+    , {doExprStart, 254, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  12      start-after-caret
+    , {doNOP, 132, 12,0,  TRUE}     //  13 
+    , {doRuleError, 94 /* ^ */, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  14 
+    , {doExprStart, 36 /* $ */, 88, 37, FALSE}     //  15 
+    , {doRuleError, 59 /* ; */, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  16 
+    , {doRuleError, 252, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  17 
+    , {doExprStart, 255, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  18 
+    , {doNOP, 33 /* ! */, 21,0,  TRUE}     //  19      rev-option
+    , {doReverseDir, 255, 28, 9, FALSE}     //  20 
+    , {doOptionStart, 130, 23,0,  TRUE}     //  21      option-scan1
+    , {doRuleError, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  22 
+    , {doNOP, 129, 23,0,  TRUE}     //  23      option-scan2
+    , {doOptionEnd, 255, 25,0,  FALSE}     //  24 
+    , {doNOP, 59 /* ; */, 1,0,  TRUE}     //  25      option-scan3
+    , {doNOP, 132, 25,0,  TRUE}     //  26 
+    , {doRuleError, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  27 
+    , {doExprStart, 255, 29, 9, FALSE}     //  28      reverse-rule
+    , {doRuleChar, 254, 38,0,  TRUE}     //  29      term
+    , {doNOP, 132, 29,0,  TRUE}     //  30 
+    , {doRuleChar, 131, 38,0,  TRUE}     //  31 
+    , {doNOP, 91 /* [ */, 94, 38, FALSE}     //  32 
+    , {doLParen, 40 /* ( */, 29, 38, TRUE}     //  33 
+    , {doNOP, 36 /* $ */, 88, 37, FALSE}     //  34 
+    , {doDotAny, 46 /* . */, 38,0,  TRUE}     //  35 
+    , {doRuleError, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  36 
+    , {doCheckVarDef, 255, 38,0,  FALSE}     //  37      term-var-ref
+    , {doNOP, 132, 38,0,  TRUE}     //  38      expr-mod
+    , {doUnaryOpStar, 42 /* * */, 43,0,  TRUE}     //  39 
+    , {doUnaryOpPlus, 43 /* + */, 43,0,  TRUE}     //  40 
+    , {doUnaryOpQuestion, 63 /* ? */, 43,0,  TRUE}     //  41 
+    , {doNOP, 255, 43,0,  FALSE}     //  42 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 254, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  43      expr-cont
+    , {doNOP, 132, 43,0,  TRUE}     //  44 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 131, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  45 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 91 /* [ */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  46 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 40 /* ( */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  47 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 36 /* $ */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  48 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 46 /* . */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  49 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 47 /* / */, 55,0,  FALSE}     //  50 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 123 /* { */, 67,0,  TRUE}     //  51 
+    , {doExprOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 29,0,  TRUE}     //  52 
+    , {doExprRParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  53 
+    , {doExprFinished, 255, 255,0,  FALSE}     //  54 
+    , {doSlash, 47 /* / */, 57,0,  TRUE}     //  55      look-ahead
+    , {doNOP, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  56 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 254, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  57      expr-cont-no-slash
+    , {doNOP, 132, 43,0,  TRUE}     //  58 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 131, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  59 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 91 /* [ */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  60 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 40 /* ( */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  61 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 36 /* $ */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  62 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 46 /* . */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  63 
+    , {doExprOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 29,0,  TRUE}     //  64 
+    , {doExprRParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  65 
+    , {doExprFinished, 255, 255,0,  FALSE}     //  66 
+    , {doNOP, 132, 67,0,  TRUE}     //  67      tag-open
+    , {doStartTagValue, 128, 70,0,  FALSE}     //  68 
+    , {doTagExpectedError, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  69 
+    , {doNOP, 132, 74,0,  TRUE}     //  70      tag-value
+    , {doNOP, 125 /* } */, 74,0,  FALSE}     //  71 
+    , {doTagDigit, 128, 70,0,  TRUE}     //  72 
+    , {doTagExpectedError, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  73 
+    , {doNOP, 132, 74,0,  TRUE}     //  74      tag-close
+    , {doTagValue, 125 /* } */, 77,0,  TRUE}     //  75 
+    , {doTagExpectedError, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  76 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 254, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  77      expr-cont-no-tag
+    , {doNOP, 132, 77,0,  TRUE}     //  78 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 131, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  79 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 91 /* [ */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  80 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 40 /* ( */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  81 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 36 /* $ */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  82 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 46 /* . */, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  83 
+    , {doExprCatOperator, 47 /* / */, 55,0,  FALSE}     //  84 
+    , {doExprOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 29,0,  TRUE}     //  85 
+    , {doExprRParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  86 
+    , {doExprFinished, 255, 255,0,  FALSE}     //  87 
+    , {doStartVariableName, 36 /* $ */, 90,0,  TRUE}     //  88      scan-var-name
+    , {doNOP, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  89 
+    , {doNOP, 130, 92,0,  TRUE}     //  90      scan-var-start
+    , {doVariableNameExpectedErr, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  91 
+    , {doNOP, 129, 92,0,  TRUE}     //  92      scan-var-body
+    , {doEndVariableName, 255, 255,0,  FALSE}     //  93 
+    , {doScanUnicodeSet, 91 /* [ */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  94      scan-unicode-set
+    , {doScanUnicodeSet, 112 /* p */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  95 
+    , {doScanUnicodeSet, 80 /* P */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  96 
+    , {doNOP, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  97 
+    , {doNOP, 132, 98,0,  TRUE}     //  98      assign-or-rule
+    , {doStartAssign, 61 /* = */, 29, 101, TRUE}     //  99 
+    , {doNOP, 255, 37, 9, FALSE}     //  100 
+    , {doEndAssign, 59 /* ; */, 1,0,  TRUE}     //  101      assign-end
+    , {doRuleErrorAssignExpr, 255, 103,0,  FALSE}     //  102 
+    , {doExit, 255, 103,0,  TRUE}     //  103      errorDeath
+ };
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+static const char * const RBBIRuleStateNames[] = {    0,
+     "start",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "break-rule-end",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "start-after-caret",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "rev-option",
+    0,
+     "option-scan1",
+    0,
+     "option-scan2",
+    0,
+     "option-scan3",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "reverse-rule",
+     "term",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "term-var-ref",
+     "expr-mod",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "expr-cont",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "look-ahead",
+    0,
+     "expr-cont-no-slash",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "tag-open",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "tag-value",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "tag-close",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "expr-cont-no-tag",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "scan-var-name",
+    0,
+     "scan-var-start",
+    0,
+     "scan-var-body",
+    0,
+     "scan-unicode-set",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "assign-or-rule",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "assign-end",
+    0,
+     "errorDeath",
+    0};
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbbiscan.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbiscan.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c51b4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbiscan.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+//  rbbiscan.h
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+//  All Rights Reserved.
+//  This file contains declarations for class RBBIRuleScanner
+#ifndef RBBISCAN_H
+#define RBBISCAN_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "unicode/symtable.h"// For UnicodeSet parsing, is the interface that
+                          //    looks up references to $variables within a set.
+#include "rbbinode.h"
+#include "rbbirpt.h"
+class   RBBIRuleBuilder;
+class   RBBISymbolTable;
+//  class RBBIRuleScanner does the lowest level, character-at-a-time
+//                        scanning of break iterator rules.  
+//                        The output of the scanner is parse trees for
+//                        the rule expressions and a list of all Unicode Sets
+//                        encountered.
+class RBBIRuleScanner : public UMemory {
+    enum {
+        kStackSize = 100            // The size of the state stack for
+    };                              //   rules parsing.  Corresponds roughly
+                                    //   to the depth of parentheses nesting
+                                    //   that is allowed in the rules.
+    struct RBBIRuleChar {
+        UChar32             fChar;
+        UBool               fEscaped;
+        RBBIRuleChar() : fChar(0), fEscaped(FALSE) {}
+    };
+    RBBIRuleScanner(RBBIRuleBuilder  *rb);
+    virtual    ~RBBIRuleScanner();
+    void        nextChar(RBBIRuleChar &c);          // Get the next char from the input stream.
+                                                    // Return false if at end.
+    UBool       push(const RBBIRuleChar &c);        // Push (unget) one character.
+                                                    //   Only a single character may be pushed.
+    void        parse();                            // Parse the rules, generating two parse
+                                                    //   trees, one each for the forward and
+                                                    //   reverse rules,
+                                                    //   and a list of UnicodeSets encountered.
+    /**
+     * Return a rules string without unnecessary
+     * characters.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString stripRules(const UnicodeString &rules);
+    UBool       doParseActions(int32_t a);
+    void        error(UErrorCode e);                   // error reporting convenience function.
+    void        fixOpStack(RBBINode::OpPrecedence p);
+                                                       //   a character.
+    void        findSetFor(const UnicodeString &s, RBBINode *node, UnicodeSet *setToAdopt = NULL);
+    UChar32     nextCharLL();
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+    void        printNodeStack(const char *title);
+    RBBINode    *pushNewNode(RBBINode::NodeType  t);
+    void        scanSet();
+    RBBIRuleBuilder               *fRB;              // The rule builder that we are part of.
+    int32_t                       fScanIndex;        // Index of current character being processed
+                                                     //   in the rule input string.
+    int32_t                       fNextIndex;        // Index of the next character, which
+                                                     //   is the first character not yet scanned.
+    UBool                         fQuoteMode;        // Scan is in a 'quoted region'
+    int32_t                       fLineNum;          // Line number in input file.
+    int32_t                       fCharNum;          // Char position within the line.
+    UChar32                       fLastChar;         // Previous char, needed to count CR-LF
+                                                     //   as a single line, not two.
+    RBBIRuleChar                  fC;                // Current char for parse state machine
+                                                     //   processing.
+    UnicodeString                 fVarName;          // $variableName, valid when we've just
+                                                     //   scanned one.
+    RBBIRuleTableEl               **fStateTable;     // State Transition Table for RBBI Rule
+                                                     //   parsing.  index by p[state][char-class]
+    uint16_t                      fStack[kStackSize];  // State stack, holds state pushes
+    int32_t                       fStackPtr;           //  and pops as specified in the state
+                                                       //  transition rules.
+    RBBINode                      *fNodeStack[kStackSize]; // Node stack, holds nodes created
+                                                           //  during the parse of a rule
+    int32_t                        fNodeStackPtr;
+    UBool                          fReverseRule;     // True if the rule currently being scanned
+                                                     //  is a reverse direction rule (if it
+                                                     //  starts with a '!')
+    UBool                          fLookAheadRule;   // True if the rule includes a '/'
+                                                     //   somewhere within it.
+    UBool                          fNoChainInRule;   // True if the current rule starts with a '^'.
+    RBBISymbolTable               *fSymbolTable;     // symbol table, holds definitions of
+                                                     //   $variable symbols.
+    UHashtable                    *fSetTable;        // UnicocodeSet hash table, holds indexes to
+                                                     //   the sets created while parsing rules.
+                                                     //   The key is the string used for creating
+                                                     //   the set.
+    UnicodeSet                     fRuleSets[10];    // Unicode Sets that are needed during
+                                                     //  the scanning of RBBI rules.  The
+                                                     //  indicies for these are assigned by the
+                                                     //  perl script that builds the state tables.
+                                                     //  See rbbirpt.h.
+    int32_t                        fRuleNum;         // Counts each rule as it is scanned.
+    int32_t                        fOptionStart;     // Input index of start of a !!option
+                                                     //   keyword, while being scanned.
+    UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_rule_char;
+    UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_white_space;
+    UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_name_char;
+    UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_name_start_char;
+    RBBIRuleScanner(const RBBIRuleScanner &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RBBIRuleScanner &operator=(const RBBIRuleScanner &other); // forbid copying of this class
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbbisetb.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbisetb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed6a76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbisetb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+//  rbbisetb.h
+*   Copyright (c) 2001-2005, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef RBBISETB_H
+#define RBBISETB_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "rbbirb.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+//  RBBISetBuilder   Derives the character categories used by the runtime RBBI engine
+//                   from the Unicode Sets appearing in the source  RBBI rules, and
+//                   creates the TRIE table used to map from Unicode to the
+//                   character categories.
+//  RangeDescriptor
+//     Each of the non-overlapping character ranges gets one of these descriptors.
+//     All of them are strung together in a linked list, which is kept in order
+//     (by character)
+class RangeDescriptor : public UMemory {
+    UChar32            fStartChar;      // Start of range, unicode 32 bit value.
+    UChar32            fEndChar;        // End of range, unicode 32 bit value.
+    int32_t            fNum;            // runtime-mapped input value for this range.
+    UVector           *fIncludesSets;   // vector of the the original
+                                        //   Unicode sets that include this range.
+                                        //    (Contains ptrs to uset nodes)
+    RangeDescriptor   *fNext;           // Next RangeDescriptor in the linked list.
+    RangeDescriptor(UErrorCode &status);
+    RangeDescriptor(const RangeDescriptor &other, UErrorCode &status);
+    ~RangeDescriptor();
+    void split(UChar32 where, UErrorCode &status);   // Spit this range in two at "where", with
+                                        //   where appearing in the second (higher) part.
+    void setDictionaryFlag();           // Check whether this range appears as part of
+                                        //   the Unicode set named "dictionary"
+    RangeDescriptor(const RangeDescriptor &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RangeDescriptor &operator=(const RangeDescriptor &other); // forbid copying of this class
+//  RBBISetBuilder   Handles processing of Unicode Sets from RBBI rules.
+//      Starting with the rules parse tree from the scanner,
+//                   -  Enumerate the set of UnicodeSets that are referenced
+//                      by the RBBI rules.
+//                   -  compute a derived set of non-overlapping UnicodeSets
+//                      that will correspond to columns in the state table for
+//                      the RBBI execution engine.
+//                   -  construct the trie table that maps input characters
+//                      to set numbers in the non-overlapping set of sets.
+class RBBISetBuilder : public UMemory {
+    RBBISetBuilder(RBBIRuleBuilder *rb);
+    ~RBBISetBuilder();
+    void     buildRanges();
+    void     buildTrie();
+    void     addValToSets(UVector *sets,      uint32_t val);
+    void     addValToSet (RBBINode *usetNode, uint32_t val);
+    int32_t  getNumCharCategories() const;   // CharCategories are the same as input symbol set to the
+                                             //    runtime state machine, which are the same as
+                                             //    columns in the DFA state table
+    int32_t  getTrieSize() /*const*/;        // Size in bytes of the serialized Trie.
+    void     serializeTrie(uint8_t *where);  // write out the serialized Trie.
+    UChar32  getFirstChar(int32_t  val) const;
+    UBool    sawBOF() const;                 // Indicate whether any references to the {bof} pseudo
+                                             //   character were encountered.
+    /**
+     * Merge two character categories that have been identified as having equivalent behavior.
+     * The ranges belonging to the second category (table column) will be added to the first.
+     * @param categories the pair of categories to be merged.
+     */
+    void     mergeCategories(IntPair categories);
+    static constexpr int32_t DICT_BIT = 0x4000;
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+    void     printSets();
+    void     printRanges();
+    void     printRangeGroups();
+    #define printSets()
+    #define printRanges()
+    #define printRangeGroups()
+    void           numberSets();
+    RBBIRuleBuilder       *fRB;             // The RBBI Rule Compiler that owns us.
+    UErrorCode            *fStatus;
+    RangeDescriptor       *fRangeList;      // Head of the linked list of RangeDescriptors
+    UTrie2                *fTrie;           // The mapping TRIE that is the end result of processing
+    uint32_t               fTrieSize;       //  the Unicode Sets.
+    // Groups correspond to character categories -
+    //       groups of ranges that are in the same original UnicodeSets.
+    //       fGroupCount is the index of the last used group.
+    //       fGroupCount+1 is also the number of columns in the RBBI state table being compiled.
+    //       State table column 0 is not used.  Column 1 is for end-of-input.
+    //       column 2 is for group 0.  Funny counting.
+    int32_t               fGroupCount;
+    UBool                 fSawBOF;
+    RBBISetBuilder(const RBBISetBuilder &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RBBISetBuilder &operator=(const RBBISetBuilder &other); // forbid copying of this class
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbbitblb.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbitblb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc6077b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbbitblb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+//  rbbitblb.h
+*   Copyright (c) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef RBBITBLB_H
+#define RBBITBLB_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
+#include "rbbirb.h"
+#include "rbbinode.h"
+class RBBIRuleScanner;
+class RBBIRuleBuilder;
+class UVector32;
+//  class RBBITableBuilder is part of the RBBI rule compiler.
+//                         It builds the state transition table used by the RBBI runtime
+//                         from the expression syntax tree generated by the rule scanner.
+//                         This class is part of the RBBI implementation only.
+//                         There is no user-visible public API here.
+class RBBITableBuilder : public UMemory {
+    RBBITableBuilder(RBBIRuleBuilder *rb, RBBINode **rootNode, UErrorCode &status);
+    ~RBBITableBuilder();
+    void     buildForwardTable();
+    /** Return the runtime size in bytes of the built state table.  */
+    int32_t  getTableSize() const;
+    /** Fill in the runtime state table. Sufficient memory must exist at the specified location.
+     */
+    void     exportTable(void *where);
+    /**
+     *  Find duplicate (redundant) character classes. Begin looking with categories.first.
+     *  Duplicate, if found are returned in the categories parameter.
+     *  This is an iterator-like function, used to identify character classes
+     *  (state table columns) that can be eliminated.
+     *  @param categories in/out parameter, specifies where to start looking for duplicates,
+     *                and returns the first pair of duplicates found, if any.
+     *  @return true if duplicate char classes were found, false otherwise.
+     */
+    bool     findDuplCharClassFrom(IntPair *categories);
+    /** Remove a column from the state table. Used when two character categories
+     *  have been found equivalent, and merged together, to eliminate the uneeded table column.
+     */
+    void     removeColumn(int32_t column);
+    /**
+     * Check for, and remove dupicate states (table rows).
+     * @return the number of states removed.
+     */
+    int32_t  removeDuplicateStates();
+    /** Build the safe reverse table from the already-constructed forward table. */
+    void     buildSafeReverseTable(UErrorCode &status);
+    /** Return the runtime size in bytes of the built safe reverse state table. */
+    int32_t  getSafeTableSize() const;
+    /** Fill in the runtime safe state table. Sufficient memory must exist at the specified location.
+     */
+    void     exportSafeTable(void *where);
+    void     calcNullable(RBBINode *n);
+    void     calcFirstPos(RBBINode *n);
+    void     calcLastPos(RBBINode  *n);
+    void     calcFollowPos(RBBINode *n);
+    void     calcChainedFollowPos(RBBINode *n);
+    void     bofFixup();
+    void     buildStateTable();
+    void     flagAcceptingStates();
+    void     flagLookAheadStates();
+    void     flagTaggedStates();
+    void     mergeRuleStatusVals();
+    /**
+     * Merge redundant state table columns, eliminating character classes with identical behavior.
+     * Done after the state tables are generated, just before converting to their run-time format.
+     */
+    int32_t  mergeColumns();
+    void     addRuleRootNodes(UVector *dest, RBBINode *node);
+    /**
+     *  Find duplicate (redundant) states, beginning at the specified pair,
+     *  within this state table. This is an iterator-like function, used to
+     *  identify states (state table rows) that can be eliminated.
+     *  @param states in/out parameter, specifies where to start looking for duplicates,
+     *                and returns the first pair of duplicates found, if any.
+     *  @return true if duplicate states were found, false otherwise.
+     */
+    bool findDuplicateState(IntPair *states);
+    /** Remove a duplicate state.
+     * @param duplStates The duplicate states. The first is kept, the second is removed.
+     *                   All references to the second in the state table are retargeted
+     *                   to the first.
+     */
+    void removeState(IntPair duplStates);
+    /** Find the next duplicate state in the safe reverse table. An iterator function.
+     *  @param states in/out parameter, specifies where to start looking for duplicates,
+     *                and returns the first pair of duplicates found, if any.
+     *  @return true if a duplicate pair of states was found.
+     */
+    bool findDuplicateSafeState(IntPair *states);
+    /** Remove a duplicate state from the safe table.
+     * @param duplStates The duplicate states. The first is kept, the second is removed.
+     *                   All references to the second in the state table are retargeted
+     *                   to the first.
+     */
+    void removeSafeState(IntPair duplStates);
+    // Set functions for UVector.
+    //   TODO:  make a USet subclass of UVector
+    void     setAdd(UVector *dest, UVector *source);
+    UBool    setEquals(UVector *a, UVector *b);
+    void     sortedAdd(UVector **dest, int32_t val);
+#ifdef RBBI_DEBUG
+    void     printSet(UVector *s);
+    void     printPosSets(RBBINode *n /* = NULL*/);
+    void     printStates();
+    void     printRuleStatusTable();
+    void     printReverseTable();
+    #define  printSet(s)
+    #define  printPosSets(n)
+    #define  printStates()
+    #define  printRuleStatusTable()
+    #define  printReverseTable()
+    RBBIRuleBuilder  *fRB;
+    RBBINode         *&fTree;              // The root node of the parse tree to build a
+                                           //   table for.
+    UErrorCode       *fStatus;
+    /** State Descriptors, UVector<RBBIStateDescriptor> */
+    UVector          *fDStates;            //  D states (Aho's terminology)
+                                           //  Index is state number
+                                           //  Contents are RBBIStateDescriptor pointers.
+    /** Synthesized safe table, UVector of UnicodeString, one string per table row.   */
+    UVector          *fSafeTable;
+    RBBITableBuilder(const RBBITableBuilder &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RBBITableBuilder &operator=(const RBBITableBuilder &other); // forbid copying of this class
+//  RBBIStateDescriptor - The DFA is constructed as a set of these descriptors,
+//                        one for each state.
+class RBBIStateDescriptor : public UMemory {
+    UBool            fMarked;
+    int32_t          fAccepting;
+    int32_t          fLookAhead;
+    UVector          *fTagVals;
+    int32_t          fTagsIdx;
+    UVector          *fPositions;          // Set of parse tree positions associated
+                                           //   with this state.  Unordered (it's a set).
+                                           //   UVector contents are RBBINode *
+    UVector32        *fDtran;              // Transitions out of this state.
+                                           //   indexed by input character
+                                           //   contents is int index of dest state
+                                           //   in RBBITableBuilder.fDStates
+    RBBIStateDescriptor(int maxInputSymbol,  UErrorCode *fStatus);
+    ~RBBIStateDescriptor();
+    RBBIStateDescriptor(const RBBIStateDescriptor &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    RBBIStateDescriptor &operator=(const RBBIStateDescriptor &other); // forbid copying of this class
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97ef01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef RBT_H
+#define RBT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+class TransliterationRuleData;
+ * <code>RuleBasedTransliterator</code> is a transliterator
+ * built from a set of rules as defined for
+ * Transliterator::createFromRules().
+ * See the C++ class Transliterator documentation for the rule syntax.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+ */
+class RuleBasedTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    /**
+     * The data object is immutable, so we can freely share it with
+     * other instances of RBT, as long as we do NOT own this object.
+     *  TODO:  data is no longer immutable.  See bugs #1866, 2155
+     */
+    TransliterationRuleData* fData;
+    /**
+     * If true, we own the data object and must delete it.
+     */
+    UBool isDataOwned;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new transliterator from the given rules.
+     * @param rules rules, separated by ';'
+     * @param direction either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if rules are malformed.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                            const UnicodeString& rules,
+                            UTransDirection direction,
+                            UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+                            UParseError& parseError,
+                            UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new transliterator from the given rules.
+     * @param rules rules, separated by ';'
+     * @param direction either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if rules are malformed.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    /*RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                            const UnicodeString& rules,
+                            UTransDirection direction,
+                            UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+                            UErrorCode& status);*/
+    /**
+     * Covenience constructor with no filter.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    /*RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                            const UnicodeString& rules,
+                            UTransDirection direction,
+                            UErrorCode& status);*/
+    /**
+     * Covenience constructor with no filter and FORWARD direction.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    /*RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                            const UnicodeString& rules,
+                            UErrorCode& status);*/
+    /**
+     * Covenience constructor with FORWARD direction.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    /*RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                            const UnicodeString& rules,
+                            UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+                            UErrorCode& status);*/
+     friend class TransliteratorRegistry; // to access TransliterationRuleData convenience ctor
+    /**
+     * Covenience constructor.
+     * @param id            the id for the transliterator.
+     * @param theData       the rule data for the transliterator.
+     * @param adoptedFilter the filter for the transliterator
+     */
+    RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                            const TransliterationRuleData* theData,
+                            UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter = 0);
+    friend class Transliterator; // to access following ct
+    /**
+     * Internal constructor.
+     * @param id            the id for the transliterator.
+     * @param theData       the rule data for the transliterator.
+     * @param isDataAdopted determine who will own the 'data' object. True, the caller should not delete 'data'.
+     */
+    RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
+                            TransliterationRuleData* data,
+                            UBool isDataAdopted);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    RuleBasedTransliterator(const RuleBasedTransliterator&);
+    virtual ~RuleBasedTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Implement Transliterator API.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    virtual RuleBasedTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offsets,
+                                     UBool isIncremental) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a representation of this transliterator as source rules.
+     * These rules will produce an equivalent transliterator if used
+     * to construct a new transliterator.
+     * @param result the string to receive the rules.  Previous
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+     * character to their hex escape representations, \uxxxx or
+     * \Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are those other than
+     * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toRules(UnicodeString& result,
+                                   UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement Transliterator framework
+     */
+    virtual void handleGetSourceSet(UnicodeSet& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Override Transliterator framework
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& getTargetSet(UnicodeSet& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal Use transliterator factory methods instead since this class will be removed in that release.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID <b>polymorphically</b>.  This method
+     * is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     * 
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    void _construct(const UnicodeString& rules,
+                    UTransDirection direction,
+                    UParseError& parseError,
+                    UErrorCode& status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_data.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a961d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2007, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef RBT_DATA_H
+#define RBT_DATA_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uclean.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "rbt_set.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+class UnicodeFunctor;
+class UnicodeMatcher;
+class UnicodeReplacer;
+ * The rule data for a RuleBasedTransliterators.  RBT objects hold
+ * a const pointer to a TRD object that they do not own.  TRD objects
+ * are essentially the parsed rules in compact, usable form.  The
+ * TRD objects themselves are held for the life of the process in
+ * a static cache owned by Transliterator.
+ *
+ * This class' API is a little asymmetric.  There is a method to
+ * define a variable, but no way to define a set.  This is because the
+ * sets are defined by the parser in a UVector, and the vector is
+ * copied into a fixed-size array here.  Once this is done, no new
+ * sets may be defined.  In practice, there is no need to do so, since
+ * generating the data and using it are discrete phases.  When there
+ * is a need to access the set data during the parse phase, another
+ * data structure handles this.  See the parsing code for more
+ * details.
+ */
+class TransliterationRuleData : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Rule table.  May be empty.
+     */
+    TransliterationRuleSet ruleSet;
+    /**
+     * Map variable name (String) to variable (UnicodeString).  A variable name
+     * corresponds to zero or more characters, stored in a UnicodeString in
+     * this hash.  One or more of these chars may also correspond to a
+     * UnicodeMatcher, in which case the character in the UnicodeString in this hash is
+     * a stand-in: it is an index for a secondary lookup in
+     * data.variables.  The stand-in also represents the UnicodeMatcher in
+     * the stored rules.
+     */
+    Hashtable variableNames;
+    /**
+     * Map category variable (UChar) to set (UnicodeFunctor).
+     * Variables that correspond to a set of characters are mapped
+     * from variable name to a stand-in character in data.variableNames.
+     * The stand-in then serves as a key in this hash to lookup the
+     * actual UnicodeFunctor object.  In addition, the stand-in is
+     * stored in the rule text to represent the set of characters.
+     * variables[i] represents character (variablesBase + i).
+     */
+    UnicodeFunctor** variables;
+    /**
+     * Flag that indicates whether the variables are owned (if a single
+     * call to Transliterator::createFromRules() produces a CompoundTransliterator
+     * with more than one RuleBasedTransliterator as children, they all share
+     * the same variables list, so only the first one is considered to own
+     * the variables)
+     */
+    UBool variablesAreOwned;
+    /**
+     * The character that represents variables[0].  Characters
+     * variablesBase through variablesBase +
+     * variablesLength - 1 represent UnicodeFunctor objects.
+     */
+    UChar variablesBase;
+    /**
+     * The length of variables.
+     */
+    int32_t variablesLength;
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     * @param status Output param set to success/failure code on exit.
+     */
+    TransliterationRuleData(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy Constructor
+     */
+    TransliterationRuleData(const TransliterationRuleData&);
+    /**
+     * destructor
+     */
+    ~TransliterationRuleData();
+    /**
+     * Given a stand-in character, return the UnicodeFunctor that it
+     * represents, or NULL if it doesn't represent anything.
+     * @param standIn    the given stand-in character.
+     * @return           the UnicodeFunctor that 'standIn' represents
+     */
+    UnicodeFunctor* lookup(UChar32 standIn) const;
+    /**
+     * Given a stand-in character, return the UnicodeMatcher that it
+     * represents, or NULL if it doesn't represent anything or if it
+     * represents something that is not a matcher.
+     * @param standIn    the given stand-in character.
+     * @return           return the UnicodeMatcher that 'standIn' represents
+     */
+    UnicodeMatcher* lookupMatcher(UChar32 standIn) const;
+    /**
+     * Given a stand-in character, return the UnicodeReplacer that it
+     * represents, or NULL if it doesn't represent anything or if it
+     * represents something that is not a replacer.
+     * @param standIn    the given stand-in character.
+     * @return           return the UnicodeReplacer that 'standIn' represents
+     */
+    UnicodeReplacer* lookupReplacer(UChar32 standIn) const;
+    TransliterationRuleData &operator=(const TransliterationRuleData &other); // forbid copying of this class
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_pars.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_pars.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ce972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_pars.h
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef RBT_PARS_H
+#define RBT_PARS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/unorm.h"
+#include "rbt.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+class TransliterationRuleData;
+class UnicodeFunctor;
+class ParseData;
+class RuleHalf;
+class ParsePosition;
+class StringMatcher;
+class TransliteratorParser : public UMemory {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * A Vector of TransliterationRuleData objects, one for each discrete group
+     * of rules in the rule set
+     */
+    UVector dataVector;
+    /**
+     * PUBLIC data member.
+     * A Vector of UnicodeStrings containing all of the ID blocks in the rule set
+     */
+    UVector idBlockVector;
+    /**
+     * PUBLIC data member containing the parsed compound filter, if any.
+     */
+    UnicodeSet* compoundFilter;
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The current data object for which we are parsing rules
+     */
+    TransliterationRuleData* curData;
+    UTransDirection direction;
+    /**
+     * Parse error information.
+     */
+    UParseError parseError;
+    /**
+     * Temporary symbol table used during parsing.
+     */
+    ParseData* parseData;
+    /**
+     * Temporary vector of matcher variables.  When parsing is complete, this
+     * is copied into the array data.variables.  As with data.variables,
+     * element 0 corresponds to character data.variablesBase.
+     */
+    UVector variablesVector;
+    /**
+     * Temporary table of variable names.  When parsing is complete, this is
+     * copied into data.variableNames.
+     */
+    Hashtable variableNames;    
+    /**
+     * String of standins for segments.  Used during the parsing of a single
+     * rule.  segmentStandins.charAt(0) is the standin for "$1" and corresponds
+     * to StringMatcher object segmentObjects.elementAt(0), etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString segmentStandins;
+    /**
+     * Vector of StringMatcher objects for segments.  Used during the
+     * parsing of a single rule.  
+     * segmentStandins.charAt(0) is the standin for "$1" and corresponds
+     * to StringMatcher object segmentObjects.elementAt(0), etc.
+     */
+    UVector segmentObjects;
+    /**
+     * The next available stand-in for variables.  This starts at some point in
+     * the private use area (discovered dynamically) and increments up toward
+     * <code>variableLimit</code>.  At any point during parsing, available
+     * variables are <code>variableNext..variableLimit-1</code>.
+     */
+    UChar variableNext;
+    /**
+     * The last available stand-in for variables.  This is discovered
+     * dynamically.  At any point during parsing, available variables are
+     * <code>variableNext..variableLimit-1</code>.
+     */
+    UChar variableLimit;
+    /**
+     * When we encounter an undefined variable, we do not immediately signal
+     * an error, in case we are defining this variable, e.g., "$a = [a-z];".
+     * Instead, we save the name of the undefined variable, and substitute
+     * in the placeholder char variableLimit - 1, and decrement
+     * variableLimit.
+     */
+    UnicodeString undefinedVariableName;
+    /**
+     * The stand-in character for the 'dot' set, represented by '.' in
+     * patterns.  This is allocated the first time it is needed, and
+     * reused thereafter.
+     */
+    UChar dotStandIn;
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     */
+    TransliteratorParser(UErrorCode &statusReturn);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    ~TransliteratorParser();
+    /**
+     * Parse the given string as a sequence of rules, separated by newline
+     * characters ('\n'), and cause this object to implement those rules.  Any
+     * previous rules are discarded.  Typically this method is called exactly
+     * once after construction.
+     *
+     * Parse the given rules, in the given direction.  After this call
+     * returns, query the public data members for results.  The caller
+     * owns the 'data' and 'compoundFilter' data members after this
+     * call returns.
+     * @param rules      rules, separated by ';'
+     * @param direction  either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     * @param pe         Struct to recieve information on position 
+     *                   of error if an error is encountered
+     * @param ec         Output param set to success/failure code.
+     */
+    void parse(const UnicodeString& rules,
+               UTransDirection direction,
+               UParseError& pe,
+               UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Return the compound filter parsed by parse().  Caller owns result.
+     * @return the compound filter parsed by parse().
+     */ 
+    UnicodeSet* orphanCompoundFilter();
+    /**
+     * Return a representation of this transliterator as source rules.
+     * @param rules      Output param to receive the rules.
+     * @param direction  either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     */
+    void parseRules(const UnicodeString& rules,
+                    UTransDirection direction,
+                    UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * MAIN PARSER.  Parse the next rule in the given rule string, starting
+     * at pos.  Return the index after the last character parsed.  Do not
+     * parse characters at or after limit.
+     *
+     * Important:  The character at pos must be a non-whitespace character
+     * that is not the comment character.
+     *
+     * This method handles quoting, escaping, and whitespace removal.  It
+     * parses the end-of-rule character.  It recognizes context and cursor
+     * indicators.  Once it does a lexical breakdown of the rule at pos, it
+     * creates a rule object and adds it to our rule list.
+     * @param rules      Output param to receive the rules.
+     * @param pos        the starting position.
+     * @param limit      pointer past the last character of the rule.
+     * @return           the index after the last character parsed.
+     */
+    int32_t parseRule(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Set the variable range to [start, end] (inclusive).
+     * @param start    the start value of the range.
+     * @param end      the end value of the range.
+     */
+    void setVariableRange(int32_t start, int32_t end, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Assert that the given character is NOT within the variable range.
+     * If it is, return FALSE.  This is neccesary to ensure that the
+     * variable range does not overlap characters used in a rule.
+     * @param ch     the given character.
+     * @return       True, if the given character is NOT within the variable range.
+     */
+    UBool checkVariableRange(UChar32 ch) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the maximum backup to 'backup', in response to a pragma
+     * statement.
+     * @param backup    the new value to be set.
+     */
+    void pragmaMaximumBackup(int32_t backup);
+    /**
+     * Begin normalizing all rules using the given mode, in response
+     * to a pragma statement.
+     * @param mode    the given mode.
+     */
+    void pragmaNormalizeRules(UNormalizationMode mode);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given rule looks like a pragma.
+     * @param pos offset to the first non-whitespace character
+     * of the rule.
+     * @param limit pointer past the last character of the rule.
+     * @return true if the given rule looks like a pragma.
+     */
+    static UBool resemblesPragma(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit);
+    /**
+     * Parse a pragma.  This method assumes resemblesPragma() has
+     * already returned true.
+     * @param pos offset to the first non-whitespace character
+     * of the rule.
+     * @param limit pointer past the last character of the rule.
+     * @return the position index after the final ';' of the pragma,
+     * or -1 on failure.
+     */
+    int32_t parsePragma(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Called by main parser upon syntax error.  Search the rule string
+     * for the probable end of the rule.  Of course, if the error is that
+     * the end of rule marker is missing, then the rule end will not be found.
+     * In any case the rule start will be correctly reported.
+     * @param parseErrorCode error code.
+     * @param msg error description.
+     * @param start position of first character of current rule.
+     * @return start position of first character of current rule.
+     */
+    int32_t syntaxError(UErrorCode parseErrorCode, const UnicodeString&, int32_t start,
+                        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Parse a UnicodeSet out, store it, and return the stand-in character
+     * used to represent it.
+     *
+     * @param rule    the rule for UnicodeSet.
+     * @param pos     the position in pattern at which to start parsing.
+     * @return        the stand-in character used to represent it.
+     */
+    UChar parseSet(const UnicodeString& rule,
+                   ParsePosition& pos,
+                   UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Generate and return a stand-in for a new UnicodeFunctor.  Store
+     * the matcher (adopt it).
+     * @param adopted the UnicodeFunctor to be adopted.
+     * @return        a stand-in for a new UnicodeFunctor.
+     */
+    UChar generateStandInFor(UnicodeFunctor* adopted, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the standin for segment seg (1-based).
+     * @param seg    the given segment.
+     * @return       the standIn character for the given segment.
+     */
+    UChar getSegmentStandin(int32_t seg, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Set the object for segment seg (1-based).
+     * @param seg      the given segment.
+     * @param adopted  the StringMatcher to be adopted.
+     */
+    void setSegmentObject(int32_t seg, StringMatcher* adopted, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the stand-in for the dot set.  It is allocated the first
+     * time and reused thereafter.
+     * @return    the stand-in for the dot set.
+     */
+    UChar getDotStandIn(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Append the value of the given variable name to the given
+     * UnicodeString.
+     * @param name    the variable name to be appended.
+     * @param buf     the given UnicodeString to append to.
+     */
+    void appendVariableDef(const UnicodeString& name,
+                           UnicodeString& buf,
+                           UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Glue method to get around access restrictions in C++.
+     */
+    /*static Transliterator* createBasicInstance(const UnicodeString& id,
+                                               const UnicodeString* canonID);*/
+    friend class RuleHalf;
+    // Disallowed methods; no impl.
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     */
+    TransliteratorParser(const TransliteratorParser&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     */
+    TransliteratorParser& operator=(const TransliteratorParser&);
+#endif /* #ifdef __cplusplus */
+ * Strip/convert the following from the transliterator rules:
+ * comments
+ * newlines
+ * white space at the beginning and end of a line
+ * unescape \u notation
+ *
+ * The target must be equal in size as the source.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t
+utrans_stripRules(const UChar *source, int32_t sourceLen, UChar *target, UErrorCode *status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_rule.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_rule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5501981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_rule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) {1999-2001}, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef RBT_RULE_H
+#define RBT_RULE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/utrans.h"
+#include "unicode/unimatch.h"
+class Replaceable;
+class TransliterationRuleData;
+class StringMatcher;
+class UnicodeFunctor;
+ * A transliteration rule used by
+ * <code>RuleBasedTransliterator</code>.
+ * <code>TransliterationRule</code> is an immutable object.
+ *
+ * <p>A rule consists of an input pattern and an output string.  When
+ * the input pattern is matched, the output string is emitted.  The
+ * input pattern consists of zero or more characters which are matched
+ * exactly (the key) and optional context.  Context must match if it
+ * is specified.  Context may be specified before the key, after the
+ * key, or both.  The key, preceding context, and following context
+ * may contain variables.  Variables represent a set of Unicode
+ * characters, such as the letters <i>a</i> through <i>z</i>.
+ * Variables are detected by looking up each character in a supplied
+ * variable list to see if it has been so defined.
+ *
+ * <p>A rule may contain segments in its input string and segment
+ * references in its output string.  A segment is a substring of the
+ * input pattern, indicated by an offset and limit.  The segment may
+ * be in the preceding or following context.  It may not span a
+ * context boundary.  A segment reference is a special character in
+ * the output string that causes a segment of the input string (not
+ * the input pattern) to be copied to the output string.  The range of
+ * special characters that represent segment references is defined by
+ * RuleBasedTransliterator.Data.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class TransliterationRule : public UMemory {
+    // TODO Eliminate the pattern and keyLength data members.  They
+    // are used only by masks() and getIndexValue() which are called
+    // only during build time, not during run-time.  Perhaps these
+    // methods and pattern/keyLength can be isolated into a separate
+    // object.
+    /**
+     * The match that must occur before the key, or null if there is no
+     * preceding context.
+     */
+    StringMatcher *anteContext;
+    /**
+     * The matcher object for the key.  If null, then the key is empty.
+     */
+    StringMatcher *key;
+    /**
+     * The match that must occur after the key, or null if there is no
+     * following context.
+     */
+    StringMatcher *postContext;
+    /**
+     * The object that performs the replacement if the key,
+     * anteContext, and postContext are matched.  Never null.
+     */
+    UnicodeFunctor* output;
+    /**
+     * The string that must be matched, consisting of the anteContext, key,
+     * and postContext, concatenated together, in that order.  Some components
+     * may be empty (zero length).
+     * @see anteContextLength
+     * @see keyLength
+     */
+    UnicodeString pattern;
+    /**
+     * An array of matcher objects corresponding to the input pattern
+     * segments.  If there are no segments this is null.  N.B. This is
+     * a UnicodeMatcher for generality, but in practice it is always a
+     * StringMatcher.  In the future we may generalize this, but for
+     * now we sometimes cast down to StringMatcher.
+     *
+     * The array is owned, but the pointers within it are not.
+     */
+    UnicodeFunctor** segments;
+    /**
+     * The number of elements in segments[] or zero if segments is NULL.
+     */
+    int32_t segmentsCount;
+    /**
+     * The length of the string that must match before the key.  If
+     * zero, then there is no matching requirement before the key.
+     * Substring [0,anteContextLength) of pattern is the anteContext.
+     */
+    int32_t anteContextLength;
+    /**
+     * The length of the key.  Substring [anteContextLength,
+     * anteContextLength + keyLength) is the key.
+     */
+    int32_t keyLength;
+    /**
+     * Miscellaneous attributes.
+     */
+    int8_t flags;
+    /**
+     * Flag attributes.
+     */
+    enum {
+        ANCHOR_START = 1,
+        ANCHOR_END   = 2
+    };
+    /**
+     * An alias pointer to the data for this rule.  The data provides
+     * lookup services for matchers and segments.
+     */
+    const TransliterationRuleData* data;
+    /**
+     * Construct a new rule with the given input, output text, and other
+     * attributes.  A cursor position may be specified for the output text.
+     * @param input          input string, including key and optional ante and
+     *                       post context.
+     * @param anteContextPos offset into input to end of ante context, or -1 if
+     *                       none.  Must be <= input.length() if not -1.
+     * @param postContextPos offset into input to start of post context, or -1
+     *                       if none.  Must be <= input.length() if not -1, and must be >=
+     *                       anteContextPos.
+     * @param outputStr      output string.
+     * @param cursorPosition offset into output at which cursor is located, or -1 if
+     *                       none.  If less than zero, then the cursor is placed after the
+     *                       <code>output</code>; that is, -1 is equivalent to
+     *                       <code>output.length()</code>.  If greater than
+     *                       <code>output.length()</code> then an exception is thrown.
+     * @param cursorOffset   an offset to be added to cursorPos to position the
+     *                       cursor either in the ante context, if < 0, or in the post context, if >
+     *                       0.  For example, the rule "abc{def} > | @@@ xyz;" changes "def" to
+     *                       "xyz" and moves the cursor to before "a".  It would have a cursorOffset
+     *                       of -3.
+     * @param segs           array of UnicodeMatcher corresponding to input pattern
+     *                       segments, or null if there are none.  The array itself is adopted,
+     *                       but the pointers within it are not.
+     * @param segsCount      number of elements in segs[].
+     * @param anchorStart    TRUE if the the rule is anchored on the left to
+     *                       the context start.
+     * @param anchorEnd      TRUE if the rule is anchored on the right to the
+     *                       context limit.
+     * @param data           the rule data.
+     * @param status         Output parameter filled in with success or failure status.
+     */
+    TransliterationRule(const UnicodeString& input,
+                        int32_t anteContextPos, int32_t postContextPos,
+                        const UnicodeString& outputStr,
+                        int32_t cursorPosition, int32_t cursorOffset,
+                        UnicodeFunctor** segs,
+                        int32_t segsCount,
+                        UBool anchorStart, UBool anchorEnd,
+                        const TransliterationRuleData* data,
+                        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param other    the object to be copied.
+     */
+    TransliterationRule(TransliterationRule& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~TransliterationRule();
+    /**
+     * Change the data object that this rule belongs to.  Used
+     * internally by the TransliterationRuleData copy constructor.
+     * @param data    the new data value to be set.
+     */
+    void setData(const TransliterationRuleData* data);
+    /**
+     * Return the preceding context length.  This method is needed to
+     * support the <code>Transliterator</code> method
+     * <code>getMaximumContextLength()</code>.  Internally, this is
+     * implemented as the anteContextLength, optionally plus one if
+     * there is a start anchor.  The one character anchor gap is
+     * needed to make repeated incremental transliteration with
+     * anchors work.
+     * @return    the preceding context length.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getContextLength(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Internal method.  Returns 8-bit index value for this rule.
+     * This is the low byte of the first character of the key,
+     * unless the first character of the key is a set.  If it's a
+     * set, or otherwise can match multiple keys, the index value is -1.
+     * @return    8-bit index value for this rule.
+     */
+    int16_t getIndexValue() const;
+    /**
+     * Internal method.  Returns true if this rule matches the given
+     * index value.  The index value is an 8-bit integer, 0..255,
+     * representing the low byte of the first character of the key.
+     * It matches this rule if it matches the first character of the
+     * key, or if the first character of the key is a set, and the set
+     * contains any character with a low byte equal to the index
+     * value.  If the rule contains only ante context, as in foo)>bar,
+     * then it will match any key.
+     * @param v    the given index value.
+     * @return     true if this rule matches the given index value.
+     */
+    UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if this rule masks another rule.  If r1 masks r2 then
+     * r1 matches any input string that r2 matches.  If r1 masks r2 and r2 masks
+     * r1 then r1 == r2.  Examples: "a>x" masks "ab>y".  "a>x" masks "a[b]>y".
+     * "[c]a>x" masks "[dc]a>y".
+     * @param r2  the given rule to be compared with.
+     * @return    true if this rule masks 'r2'
+     */
+    virtual UBool masks(const TransliterationRule& r2) const;
+    /**
+     * Attempt a match and replacement at the given position.  Return
+     * the degree of match between this rule and the given text.  The
+     * degree of match may be mismatch, a partial match, or a full
+     * match.  A mismatch means at least one character of the text
+     * does not match the context or key.  A partial match means some
+     * context and key characters match, but the text is not long
+     * enough to match all of them.  A full match means all context
+     * and key characters match.
+     * 
+     * If a full match is obtained, perform a replacement, update pos,
+     * and return U_MATCH.  Otherwise both text and pos are unchanged.
+     * 
+     * @param text the text
+     * @param pos the position indices
+     * @param incremental if TRUE, test for partial matches that may
+     * be completed by additional text inserted at pos.limit.
+     * @return one of <code>U_MISMATCH</code>,
+     * <code>U_PARTIAL_MATCH</code>, or <code>U_MATCH</code>.  If
+     * incremental is FALSE then U_PARTIAL_MATCH will not be returned.
+     */
+    UMatchDegree matchAndReplace(Replaceable& text,
+                                 UTransPosition& pos,
+                                 UBool incremental) const;
+    /**
+     * Create a rule string that represents this rule object.  Append
+     * it to the given string.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toRule(UnicodeString& pat,
+                                  UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    /**
+     * Union the set of all characters that may be modified by this rule
+     * into the given set.
+     */
+    void addSourceSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Union the set of all characters that may be emitted by this rule
+     * into the given set.
+     */
+    void addTargetSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+ private:
+    friend class StringMatcher;
+    TransliterationRule &operator=(const TransliterationRule &other); // forbid copying of this class
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_set.h b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_set.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b4678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/rbt_set.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2007, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef RBT_SET_H
+#define RBT_SET_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/utrans.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+class Replaceable;
+class TransliterationRule;
+class TransliterationRuleData;
+class UnicodeFilter;
+class UnicodeString;
+class UnicodeSet;
+ * A set of rules for a <code>RuleBasedTransliterator</code>.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class TransliterationRuleSet : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Vector of rules, in the order added.  This is used while the
+     * rule set is getting built.  After that, freeze() reorders and
+     * indexes the rules into rules[].  Any given rule is stored once
+     * in ruleVector, and one or more times in rules[].  ruleVector
+     * owns and deletes the rules.
+     */
+    UVector* ruleVector;
+    /**
+     * Sorted and indexed table of rules.  This is created by freeze()
+     * from the rules in ruleVector.  It contains alias pointers to
+     * the rules in ruleVector.  It is zero before freeze() is called
+     * and non-zero thereafter.
+     */
+    TransliterationRule** rules;
+    /**
+     * Index table.  For text having a first character c, compute x = c&0xFF.
+     * Now use rules[index[x]..index[x+1]-1].  This index table is created by
+     * freeze().  Before freeze() is called it contains garbage.
+     */
+    int32_t index[257];
+    /**
+     * Length of the longest preceding context
+     */
+    int32_t maxContextLength;
+    /**
+     * Construct a new empty rule set.
+     * @param status    Output parameter filled in with success or failure status.
+     */
+    TransliterationRuleSet(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    TransliterationRuleSet(const TransliterationRuleSet&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~TransliterationRuleSet();
+    /**
+     * Change the data object that this rule belongs to.  Used
+     * internally by the TransliterationRuleData copy constructor.
+     * @param data    the new data value to be set.
+     */
+    void setData(const TransliterationRuleData* data);
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum context length.
+     * @return the length of the longest preceding context.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getMaximumContextLength(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Add a rule to this set.  Rules are added in order, and order is
+     * significant.  The last call to this method must be followed by
+     * a call to <code>freeze()</code> before the rule set is used.
+     * This method must <em>not</em> be called after freeze() has been
+     * called.
+     *
+     * @param adoptedRule the rule to add
+     */
+    virtual void addRule(TransliterationRule* adoptedRule,
+                         UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Check this for masked rules and index it to optimize performance.
+     * The sequence of operations is: (1) add rules to a set using
+     * <code>addRule()</code>; (2) freeze the set using
+     * <code>freeze()</code>; (3) use the rule set.  If
+     * <code>addRule()</code> is called after calling this method, it
+     * invalidates this object, and this method must be called again.
+     * That is, <code>freeze()</code> may be called multiple times,
+     * although for optimal performance it shouldn't be.
+     * @param parseError A pointer to UParseError to receive information about errors
+     *                   occurred.
+     * @param status     Output parameter filled in with success or failure status.
+     */
+    virtual void freeze(UParseError& parseError, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Transliterate the given text with the given UTransPosition
+     * indices.  Return TRUE if the transliteration should continue
+     * or FALSE if it should halt (because of a U_PARTIAL_MATCH match).
+     * Note that FALSE is only ever returned if isIncremental is TRUE.
+     * @param text the text to be transliterated
+     * @param index the position indices, which will be updated
+     * @param isIncremental if TRUE, assume new text may be inserted
+     * at index.limit, and return FALSE if thre is a partial match.
+     * @return TRUE unless a U_PARTIAL_MATCH has been obtained,
+     * indicating that transliteration should stop until more text
+     * arrives.
+     */
+    UBool transliterate(Replaceable& text,
+                        UTransPosition& index,
+                        UBool isIncremental);
+    /**
+     * Create rule strings that represents this rule set.
+     * @param result string to receive the rule strings.  Current
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable  True, will escape the unprintable characters
+     * @return    A reference to 'result'.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toRules(UnicodeString& result,
+                                   UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the set of all characters that may be modified
+     * (getTarget=false) or emitted (getTarget=true) by this set.
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& getSourceTargetSet(UnicodeSet& result,
+                   UBool getTarget) const;
+    TransliterationRuleSet &operator=(const TransliterationRuleSet &other); // forbid copying of this class
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/regexcmp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/regexcmp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2aeea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/regexcmp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+//  regexcmp.h
+//  Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+//  All Rights Reserved.
+//  This file contains declarations for the class RegexCompile
+//  This class is internal to the regular expression implementation.
+//  For the public Regular Expression API, see the file "unicode/regex.h"
+#ifndef RBBISCAN_H
+#define RBBISCAN_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "uvectr32.h"
+//  class RegexCompile    Contains the regular expression compiler.
+struct  RegexTableEl;
+class   RegexPattern;
+class U_I18N_API RegexCompile : public UMemory {
+    enum {
+        kStackSize = 100            // The size of the state stack for
+    };                              //   pattern parsing.  Corresponds roughly
+                                    //   to the depth of parentheses nesting
+                                    //   that is allowed in the rules.
+    struct RegexPatternChar {
+        UChar32             fChar;
+        UBool               fQuoted;
+    };
+    RegexCompile(RegexPattern *rp, UErrorCode &e);
+    void       compile(const UnicodeString &pat, UParseError &pp, UErrorCode &e);
+    void       compile(UText *pat, UParseError &pp, UErrorCode &e);
+    virtual    ~RegexCompile();
+    void        nextChar(RegexPatternChar &c);      // Get the next char from the input stream.
+    static void cleanup();                       // Memory cleanup
+    // Categories of parentheses in pattern.
+    //   The category is saved in the compile-time parentheses stack frame, and
+    //   determines the code to be generated when the matching close ) is encountered.
+    enum EParenClass {
+        plain        = -1,               // No special handling
+        capturing    = -2,
+        atomic       = -3,
+        lookAhead    = -4,
+        negLookAhead = -5,
+        flags        = -6,
+        lookBehind   = -7,
+        lookBehindN  = -8
+    };
+    UBool       doParseActions(int32_t a);
+    void        error(UErrorCode e);                   // error reporting convenience function.
+    UChar32     nextCharLL();
+    UChar32     peekCharLL();
+    UnicodeSet  *scanProp();
+    UnicodeSet  *scanPosixProp();
+    void        handleCloseParen();
+    int32_t     blockTopLoc(UBool reserve);          // Locate a position in the compiled pattern
+                                                     //  at the top of the just completed block
+                                                     //  or operation, and optionally ensure that
+                                                     //  there is space to add an opcode there.
+    void        compileSet(UnicodeSet *theSet);      // Generate the compiled pattern for
+                                                     //   a reference to a UnicodeSet.
+    void        compileInterval(int32_t InitOp,      // Generate the code for a {min,max} quantifier.
+                               int32_t LoopOp);
+    UBool       compileInlineInterval();             // Generate inline code for a {min,max} quantifier
+    void        literalChar(UChar32 c);              // Compile a literal char
+    void        fixLiterals(UBool split=FALSE);      // Generate code for pending literal characters.
+    void        insertOp(int32_t where);             // Open up a slot for a new op in the
+                                                     //   generated code at the specified location.
+    void        appendOp(int32_t op);                // Append a new op to the compiled pattern.
+    void        appendOp(int32_t type, int32_t val); // Build & append a new op to the compiled pattern.
+    int32_t     buildOp(int32_t type, int32_t val);  // Construct a new pcode instruction.
+    int32_t     allocateData(int32_t size);          // Allocate space in the matcher data area.
+                                                     //   Return index of the newly allocated data.
+    int32_t     allocateStackData(int32_t size);     // Allocate space in the match back-track stack frame.
+                                                     //   Return offset index in the frame.
+    int32_t     minMatchLength(int32_t start,
+                               int32_t end);
+    int32_t     maxMatchLength(int32_t start,
+                               int32_t end);
+    void        matchStartType();
+    void        stripNOPs();
+    void        setEval(int32_t op);
+    void        setPushOp(int32_t op);
+    UChar32     scanNamedChar();
+    UnicodeSet *createSetForProperty(const UnicodeString &propName, UBool negated);
+public:   // Public for testing only.
+    static void U_EXPORT2 findCaseInsensitiveStarters(UChar32 c, UnicodeSet *starterChars);
+    UErrorCode                    *fStatus;
+    RegexPattern                  *fRXPat;
+    UParseError                   *fParseErr;
+    //
+    //  Data associated with low level character scanning
+    //
+    int64_t                       fScanIndex;        // Index of current character being processed
+                                                     //   in the rule input string.
+    UBool                         fQuoteMode;        // Scan is in a \Q...\E quoted region
+    UBool                         fInBackslashQuote; // Scan is between a '\' and the following char.
+    UBool                         fEOLComments;      // When scan is just after '(?',  inhibit #... to
+                                                     //   end of line comments, in favor of (?#...) comments.
+    int64_t                       fLineNum;          // Line number in input file.
+    int64_t                       fCharNum;          // Char position within the line.
+    UChar32                       fLastChar;         // Previous char, needed to count CR-LF
+                                                     //   as a single line, not two.
+    UChar32                       fPeekChar;         // Saved char, if we've scanned ahead.
+    RegexPatternChar              fC;                // Current char for parse state machine
+                                                     //   processing.
+    //
+    //   Data for the state machine that parses the regular expression.
+    //
+    RegexTableEl                  **fStateTable;     // State Transition Table for regex Rule
+                                                     //   parsing.  index by p[state][char-class]
+    uint16_t                      fStack[kStackSize];  // State stack, holds state pushes
+    int32_t                       fStackPtr;           //  and pops as specified in the state
+                                                       //  transition rules.
+    //
+    //  Data associated with the generation of the pcode for the match engine
+    //
+    int32_t                       fModeFlags;        // Match Flags.  (Case Insensitive, etc.)
+                                                     //   Always has high bit (31) set so that flag values
+                                                     //   on the paren stack are distinguished from relocatable
+                                                     //   pcode addresses.
+    int32_t                       fNewModeFlags;     // New flags, while compiling (?i, holds state
+                                                     //   until last flag is scanned.
+    UBool                         fSetModeFlag;      // true for (?ismx, false for (?-ismx
+    UnicodeString                 fLiteralChars;     // Literal chars or strings from the pattern are accumulated here.
+                                                     //   Once completed, meaning that some non-literal pattern
+                                                     //   construct is encountered, the appropriate opcodes
+                                                     //   to match the literal will be generated, and this
+                                                     //   string will be cleared.
+    int64_t                       fPatternLength;    // Length of the input pattern string.
+    UVector32                     fParenStack;       // parentheses stack.  Each frame consists of
+                                                     //   the positions of compiled pattern operations
+                                                     //   needing fixup, followed by negative value.  The
+                                                     //   first entry in each frame is the position of the
+                                                     //   spot reserved for use when a quantifier
+                                                     //   needs to add a SAVE at the start of a (block)
+                                                     //   The negative value (-1, -2,...) indicates
+                                                     //   the kind of paren that opened the frame.  Some
+                                                     //   need special handling on close.
+    int32_t                       fMatchOpenParen;   // The position in the compiled pattern
+                                                     //   of the slot reserved for a state save
+                                                     //   at the start of the most recently processed
+                                                     //   parenthesized block. Updated when processing
+                                                     //   a close to the location for the corresponding open.
+    int32_t                       fMatchCloseParen;  // The position in the pattern of the first
+                                                     //   location after the most recently processed
+                                                     //   parenthesized block.
+    int32_t                       fIntervalLow;      // {lower, upper} interval quantifier values.
+    int32_t                       fIntervalUpper;    // Placed here temporarily, when pattern is
+                                                     //   initially scanned.  Each new interval
+                                                     //   encountered overwrites these values.
+                                                     //   -1 for the upper interval value means none
+                                                     //   was specified (unlimited occurences.)
+    int64_t                       fNameStartPos;     // Starting position of a \N{NAME} name in a
+                                                     //   pattern, valid while remainder of name is
+                                                     //   scanned.
+    UStack                        fSetStack;         // Stack of UnicodeSets, used while evaluating
+                                                     //   (at compile time) set expressions within
+                                                     //   the pattern.
+    UStack                        fSetOpStack;       // Stack of pending set operators (&&, --, union)
+    UChar32                       fLastSetLiteral;   // The last single code point added to a set.
+                                                     //   needed when "-y" is scanned, and we need
+                                                     //   to turn "x-y" into a range.
+    UnicodeString                *fCaptureName;      // Named Capture, the group name is built up
+                                                     //   in this string while being scanned.
+// Constant values to be pushed onto fSetOpStack while scanning & evalueating [set expressions]
+//   The high 16 bits are the operator precedence, and the low 16 are a code for the operation itself.
+enum SetOperations {
+    setStart         = 0 << 16 | 1,
+    setEnd           = 1 << 16 | 2,
+    setNegation      = 2 << 16 | 3,
+    setCaseClose     = 2 << 16 | 9,
+    setDifference2   = 3 << 16 | 4,    // '--' set difference operator
+    setIntersection2 = 3 << 16 | 5,    // '&&' set intersection operator
+    setUnion         = 4 << 16 | 6,    // implicit union of adjacent items
+    setDifference1   = 4 << 16 | 7,    // '-', single dash difference op, for compatibility with old UnicodeSet.
+    setIntersection1 = 4 << 16 | 8     // '&', single amp intersection op, for compatibility with old UnicodeSet.
+    };
+#endif   // RBBISCAN_H
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index 0000000..8b12096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/regexcst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Generated Header File.  Do not edit by hand.
+//    This file contains the state table for the ICU Regular Expression Pattern Parser
+//    It is generated by the Perl script "" from
+//    the rule parser state definitions file "regexcst.txt".
+//   Copyright (C) 2002-2016 International Business Machines Corporation 
+//   and others. All rights reserved.  
+#ifndef RBBIRPT_H
+#define RBBIRPT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// Character classes for regex pattern scanning.
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_ascii_letter = 128;
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_digit_char = 129;
+    static const uint8_t kRuleSet_rule_char = 130;
+enum Regex_PatternParseAction {
+    doSetBackslash_V,
+    doSetBackslash_h,
+    doBeginNamedBackRef,
+    doSetMatchMode,
+    doEnterQuoteMode,
+    doOpenCaptureParen,
+    doContinueNamedCapture,
+    doSetBackslash_d,
+    doBeginMatchMode,
+    doBackslashX,
+    doSetPosixProp,
+    doIntervalError,
+    doSetLiteralEscaped,
+    doSetBackslash_s,
+    doNOP,
+    doBackslashv,
+    doOpenLookBehind,
+    doPatStart,
+    doPossessiveInterval,
+    doOpenAtomicParen,
+    doOpenLookAheadNeg,
+    doBackslashd,
+    doBackslashZ,
+    doIntervalUpperDigit,
+    doBadNamedCapture,
+    doSetDifference2,
+    doSetAddAmp,
+    doSetNamedChar,
+    doNamedChar,
+    doSetBackslash_H,
+    doBackslashb,
+    doBackslashz,
+    doSetBeginDifference1,
+    doOpenLookAhead,
+    doMatchModeParen,
+    doBackslashV,
+    doIntevalLowerDigit,
+    doCaret,
+    doSetEnd,
+    doSetNegate,
+    doBackslashS,
+    doOrOperator,
+    doBackslashB,
+    doBackslashw,
+    doBackslashR,
+    doRuleError,
+    doDotAny,
+    doMatchMode,
+    doSetBackslash_W,
+    doNGPlus,
+    doSetBackslash_D,
+    doPossessiveOpt,
+    doSetNamedRange,
+    doConditionalExpr,
+    doBackslashs,
+    doPossessiveStar,
+    doPlus,
+    doBadOpenParenType,
+    doCloseParen,
+    doNGInterval,
+    doSetProp,
+    doBackRef,
+    doSetBeginUnion,
+    doEscapeError,
+    doOpt,
+    doSetBeginIntersection1,
+    doPossessivePlus,
+    doBackslashD,
+    doOpenLookBehindNeg,
+    doSetBegin,
+    doSetIntersection2,
+    doCompleteNamedBackRef,
+    doSetRange,
+    doDollar,
+    doBackslashH,
+    doExit,
+    doNGOpt,
+    doOpenNonCaptureParen,
+    doBackslashA,
+    doSetBackslash_v,
+    doBackslashh,
+    doBadModeFlag,
+    doSetNoCloseError,
+    doIntervalSame,
+    doSetAddDash,
+    doBackslashW,
+    doPerlInline,
+    doSetOpError,
+    doSetLiteral,
+    doPatFinish,
+    doBeginNamedCapture,
+    doEscapedLiteralChar,
+    doLiteralChar,
+    doSuppressComments,
+    doMismatchedParenErr,
+    doNGStar,
+    doSetFinish,
+    doInterval,
+    doBackslashG,
+    doStar,
+    doSetBackslash_w,
+    doSetBackslash_S,
+    doProperty,
+    doContinueNamedBackRef,
+    doIntervalInit,
+    rbbiLastAction};
+//  RegexTableEl       represents the structure of a row in the transition table
+//                     for the pattern parser state machine.
+struct RegexTableEl {
+    Regex_PatternParseAction      fAction;
+    uint8_t                       fCharClass;       // 0-127:    an individual ASCII character
+                                                    // 128-255:  character class index
+    uint8_t                       fNextState;       // 0-250:    normal next-state numbers
+                                                    // 255:      pop next-state from stack.
+    uint8_t                       fPushState;
+    UBool                         fNextChar;
+static const struct RegexTableEl gRuleParseStateTable[] = {
+    {doNOP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE}
+    , {doPatStart, 255, 2,0,  FALSE}     //  1      start
+    , {doLiteralChar, 254, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  2      term
+    , {doLiteralChar, 130, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  3 
+    , {doSetBegin, 91 /* [ */, 123, 205, TRUE}     //  4 
+    , {doNOP, 40 /* ( */, 27,0,  TRUE}     //  5 
+    , {doDotAny, 46 /* . */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  6 
+    , {doCaret, 94 /* ^ */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  7 
+    , {doDollar, 36 /* $ */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  8 
+    , {doNOP, 92 /* \ */, 89,0,  TRUE}     //  9 
+    , {doOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  10 
+    , {doCloseParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  11 
+    , {doPatFinish, 253, 2,0,  FALSE}     //  12 
+    , {doRuleError, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  13 
+    , {doNOP, 42 /* * */, 68,0,  TRUE}     //  14      expr-quant
+    , {doNOP, 43 /* + */, 71,0,  TRUE}     //  15 
+    , {doNOP, 63 /* ? */, 74,0,  TRUE}     //  16 
+    , {doIntervalInit, 123 /* { */, 77,0,  TRUE}     //  17 
+    , {doNOP, 40 /* ( */, 23,0,  TRUE}     //  18 
+    , {doNOP, 255, 20,0,  FALSE}     //  19 
+    , {doOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  20      expr-cont
+    , {doCloseParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  21 
+    , {doNOP, 255, 2,0,  FALSE}     //  22 
+    , {doSuppressComments, 63 /* ? */, 25,0,  TRUE}     //  23      open-paren-quant
+    , {doNOP, 255, 27,0,  FALSE}     //  24 
+    , {doNOP, 35 /* # */, 50, 14, TRUE}     //  25      open-paren-quant2
+    , {doNOP, 255, 29,0,  FALSE}     //  26 
+    , {doSuppressComments, 63 /* ? */, 29,0,  TRUE}     //  27      open-paren
+    , {doOpenCaptureParen, 255, 2, 14, FALSE}     //  28 
+    , {doOpenNonCaptureParen, 58 /* : */, 2, 14, TRUE}     //  29      open-paren-extended
+    , {doOpenAtomicParen, 62 /* > */, 2, 14, TRUE}     //  30 
+    , {doOpenLookAhead, 61 /* = */, 2, 20, TRUE}     //  31 
+    , {doOpenLookAheadNeg, 33 /* ! */, 2, 20, TRUE}     //  32 
+    , {doNOP, 60 /* < */, 46,0,  TRUE}     //  33 
+    , {doNOP, 35 /* # */, 50, 2, TRUE}     //  34 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 105 /* i */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  35 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 100 /* d */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  36 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 109 /* m */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  37 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 115 /* s */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  38 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 117 /* u */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  39 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 119 /* w */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  40 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 120 /* x */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  41 
+    , {doBeginMatchMode, 45 /* - */, 53,0,  FALSE}     //  42 
+    , {doConditionalExpr, 40 /* ( */, 206,0,  TRUE}     //  43 
+    , {doPerlInline, 123 /* { */, 206,0,  TRUE}     //  44 
+    , {doBadOpenParenType, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  45 
+    , {doOpenLookBehind, 61 /* = */, 2, 20, TRUE}     //  46      open-paren-lookbehind
+    , {doOpenLookBehindNeg, 33 /* ! */, 2, 20, TRUE}     //  47 
+    , {doBeginNamedCapture, 128, 64,0,  FALSE}     //  48 
+    , {doBadOpenParenType, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  49 
+    , {doNOP, 41 /* ) */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  50      paren-comment
+    , {doMismatchedParenErr, 253, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  51 
+    , {doNOP, 255, 50,0,  TRUE}     //  52 
+    , {doMatchMode, 105 /* i */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  53      paren-flag
+    , {doMatchMode, 100 /* d */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  54 
+    , {doMatchMode, 109 /* m */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  55 
+    , {doMatchMode, 115 /* s */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  56 
+    , {doMatchMode, 117 /* u */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  57 
+    , {doMatchMode, 119 /* w */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  58 
+    , {doMatchMode, 120 /* x */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  59 
+    , {doMatchMode, 45 /* - */, 53,0,  TRUE}     //  60 
+    , {doSetMatchMode, 41 /* ) */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  61 
+    , {doMatchModeParen, 58 /* : */, 2, 14, TRUE}     //  62 
+    , {doBadModeFlag, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  63 
+    , {doContinueNamedCapture, 128, 64,0,  TRUE}     //  64      named-capture
+    , {doContinueNamedCapture, 129, 64,0,  TRUE}     //  65 
+    , {doOpenCaptureParen, 62 /* > */, 2, 14, TRUE}     //  66 
+    , {doBadNamedCapture, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  67 
+    , {doNGStar, 63 /* ? */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  68      quant-star
+    , {doPossessiveStar, 43 /* + */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  69 
+    , {doStar, 255, 20,0,  FALSE}     //  70 
+    , {doNGPlus, 63 /* ? */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  71      quant-plus
+    , {doPossessivePlus, 43 /* + */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  72 
+    , {doPlus, 255, 20,0,  FALSE}     //  73 
+    , {doNGOpt, 63 /* ? */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  74      quant-opt
+    , {doPossessiveOpt, 43 /* + */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  75 
+    , {doOpt, 255, 20,0,  FALSE}     //  76 
+    , {doNOP, 129, 79,0,  FALSE}     //  77      interval-open
+    , {doIntervalError, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  78 
+    , {doIntevalLowerDigit, 129, 79,0,  TRUE}     //  79      interval-lower
+    , {doNOP, 44 /* , */, 83,0,  TRUE}     //  80 
+    , {doIntervalSame, 125 /* } */, 86,0,  TRUE}     //  81 
+    , {doIntervalError, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  82 
+    , {doIntervalUpperDigit, 129, 83,0,  TRUE}     //  83      interval-upper
+    , {doNOP, 125 /* } */, 86,0,  TRUE}     //  84 
+    , {doIntervalError, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  85 
+    , {doNGInterval, 63 /* ? */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  86      interval-type
+    , {doPossessiveInterval, 43 /* + */, 20,0,  TRUE}     //  87 
+    , {doInterval, 255, 20,0,  FALSE}     //  88 
+    , {doBackslashA, 65 /* A */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  89      backslash
+    , {doBackslashB, 66 /* B */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  90 
+    , {doBackslashb, 98 /* b */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  91 
+    , {doBackslashd, 100 /* d */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  92 
+    , {doBackslashD, 68 /* D */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  93 
+    , {doBackslashG, 71 /* G */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  94 
+    , {doBackslashh, 104 /* h */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  95 
+    , {doBackslashH, 72 /* H */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  96 
+    , {doNOP, 107 /* k */, 115,0,  TRUE}     //  97 
+    , {doNamedChar, 78 /* N */, 14,0,  FALSE}     //  98 
+    , {doProperty, 112 /* p */, 14,0,  FALSE}     //  99 
+    , {doProperty, 80 /* P */, 14,0,  FALSE}     //  100 
+    , {doBackslashR, 82 /* R */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  101 
+    , {doEnterQuoteMode, 81 /* Q */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  102 
+    , {doBackslashS, 83 /* S */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  103 
+    , {doBackslashs, 115 /* s */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  104 
+    , {doBackslashv, 118 /* v */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  105 
+    , {doBackslashV, 86 /* V */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  106 
+    , {doBackslashW, 87 /* W */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  107 
+    , {doBackslashw, 119 /* w */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  108 
+    , {doBackslashX, 88 /* X */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  109 
+    , {doBackslashZ, 90 /* Z */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  110 
+    , {doBackslashz, 122 /* z */, 2,0,  TRUE}     //  111 
+    , {doBackRef, 129, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  112 
+    , {doEscapeError, 253, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  113 
+    , {doEscapedLiteralChar, 255, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  114 
+    , {doBeginNamedBackRef, 60 /* < */, 117,0,  TRUE}     //  115      named-backref
+    , {doBadNamedCapture, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  116 
+    , {doContinueNamedBackRef, 128, 119,0,  TRUE}     //  117      named-backref-2
+    , {doBadNamedCapture, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  118 
+    , {doContinueNamedBackRef, 128, 119,0,  TRUE}     //  119      named-backref-3
+    , {doContinueNamedBackRef, 129, 119,0,  TRUE}     //  120 
+    , {doCompleteNamedBackRef, 62 /* > */, 14,0,  TRUE}     //  121 
+    , {doBadNamedCapture, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  122 
+    , {doSetNegate, 94 /* ^ */, 126,0,  TRUE}     //  123      set-open
+    , {doSetPosixProp, 58 /* : */, 128,0,  FALSE}     //  124 
+    , {doNOP, 255, 126,0,  FALSE}     //  125 
+    , {doSetLiteral, 93 /* ] */, 141,0,  TRUE}     //  126      set-open2
+    , {doNOP, 255, 131,0,  FALSE}     //  127 
+    , {doSetEnd, 93 /* ] */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  128      set-posix
+    , {doNOP, 58 /* : */, 131,0,  FALSE}     //  129 
+    , {doRuleError, 255, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  130 
+    , {doSetEnd, 93 /* ] */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  131      set-start
+    , {doSetBeginUnion, 91 /* [ */, 123, 148, TRUE}     //  132 
+    , {doNOP, 92 /* \ */, 191,0,  TRUE}     //  133 
+    , {doNOP, 45 /* - */, 137,0,  TRUE}     //  134 
+    , {doNOP, 38 /* & */, 139,0,  TRUE}     //  135 
+    , {doSetLiteral, 255, 141,0,  TRUE}     //  136 
+    , {doRuleError, 45 /* - */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  137      set-start-dash
+    , {doSetAddDash, 255, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  138 
+    , {doRuleError, 38 /* & */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  139      set-start-amp
+    , {doSetAddAmp, 255, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  140 
+    , {doSetEnd, 93 /* ] */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  141      set-after-lit
+    , {doSetBeginUnion, 91 /* [ */, 123, 148, TRUE}     //  142 
+    , {doNOP, 45 /* - */, 178,0,  TRUE}     //  143 
+    , {doNOP, 38 /* & */, 169,0,  TRUE}     //  144 
+    , {doNOP, 92 /* \ */, 191,0,  TRUE}     //  145 
+    , {doSetNoCloseError, 253, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  146 
+    , {doSetLiteral, 255, 141,0,  TRUE}     //  147 
+    , {doSetEnd, 93 /* ] */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  148      set-after-set
+    , {doSetBeginUnion, 91 /* [ */, 123, 148, TRUE}     //  149 
+    , {doNOP, 45 /* - */, 171,0,  TRUE}     //  150 
+    , {doNOP, 38 /* & */, 166,0,  TRUE}     //  151 
+    , {doNOP, 92 /* \ */, 191,0,  TRUE}     //  152 
+    , {doSetNoCloseError, 253, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  153 
+    , {doSetLiteral, 255, 141,0,  TRUE}     //  154 
+    , {doSetEnd, 93 /* ] */, 255,0,  TRUE}     //  155      set-after-range
+    , {doSetBeginUnion, 91 /* [ */, 123, 148, TRUE}     //  156 
+    , {doNOP, 45 /* - */, 174,0,  TRUE}     //  157 
+    , {doNOP, 38 /* & */, 176,0,  TRUE}     //  158 
+    , {doNOP, 92 /* \ */, 191,0,  TRUE}     //  159 
+    , {doSetNoCloseError, 253, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  160 
+    , {doSetLiteral, 255, 141,0,  TRUE}     //  161 
+    , {doSetBeginUnion, 91 /* [ */, 123, 148, TRUE}     //  162      set-after-op
+    , {doSetOpError, 93 /* ] */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  163 
+    , {doNOP, 92 /* \ */, 191,0,  TRUE}     //  164 
+    , {doSetLiteral, 255, 141,0,  TRUE}     //  165 
+    , {doSetBeginIntersection1, 91 /* [ */, 123, 148, TRUE}     //  166      set-set-amp
+    , {doSetIntersection2, 38 /* & */, 162,0,  TRUE}     //  167 
+    , {doSetAddAmp, 255, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  168 
+    , {doSetIntersection2, 38 /* & */, 162,0,  TRUE}     //  169      set-lit-amp
+    , {doSetAddAmp, 255, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  170 
+    , {doSetBeginDifference1, 91 /* [ */, 123, 148, TRUE}     //  171      set-set-dash
+    , {doSetDifference2, 45 /* - */, 162,0,  TRUE}     //  172 
+    , {doSetAddDash, 255, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  173 
+    , {doSetDifference2, 45 /* - */, 162,0,  TRUE}     //  174      set-range-dash
+    , {doSetAddDash, 255, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  175 
+    , {doSetIntersection2, 38 /* & */, 162,0,  TRUE}     //  176      set-range-amp
+    , {doSetAddAmp, 255, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  177 
+    , {doSetDifference2, 45 /* - */, 162,0,  TRUE}     //  178      set-lit-dash
+    , {doSetAddDash, 91 /* [ */, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  179 
+    , {doSetAddDash, 93 /* ] */, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  180 
+    , {doNOP, 92 /* \ */, 183,0,  TRUE}     //  181 
+    , {doSetRange, 255, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  182 
+    , {doSetOpError, 115 /* s */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  183      set-lit-dash-escape
+    , {doSetOpError, 83 /* S */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  184 
+    , {doSetOpError, 119 /* w */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  185 
+    , {doSetOpError, 87 /* W */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  186 
+    , {doSetOpError, 100 /* d */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  187 
+    , {doSetOpError, 68 /* D */, 206,0,  FALSE}     //  188 
+    , {doSetNamedRange, 78 /* N */, 155,0,  FALSE}     //  189 
+    , {doSetRange, 255, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  190 
+    , {doSetProp, 112 /* p */, 148,0,  FALSE}     //  191      set-escape
+    , {doSetProp, 80 /* P */, 148,0,  FALSE}     //  192 
+    , {doSetNamedChar, 78 /* N */, 141,0,  FALSE}     //  193 
+    , {doSetBackslash_s, 115 /* s */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  194 
+    , {doSetBackslash_S, 83 /* S */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  195 
+    , {doSetBackslash_w, 119 /* w */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  196 
+    , {doSetBackslash_W, 87 /* W */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  197 
+    , {doSetBackslash_d, 100 /* d */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  198 
+    , {doSetBackslash_D, 68 /* D */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  199 
+    , {doSetBackslash_h, 104 /* h */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  200 
+    , {doSetBackslash_H, 72 /* H */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  201 
+    , {doSetBackslash_v, 118 /* v */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  202 
+    , {doSetBackslash_V, 86 /* V */, 155,0,  TRUE}     //  203 
+    , {doSetLiteralEscaped, 255, 141,0,  TRUE}     //  204 
+    , {doSetFinish, 255, 14,0,  FALSE}     //  205      set-finish
+    , {doExit, 255, 206,0,  TRUE}     //  206      errorDeath
+ };
+static const char * const RegexStateNames[] = {    0,
+     "start",
+     "term",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "expr-quant",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "expr-cont",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "open-paren-quant",
+    0,
+     "open-paren-quant2",
+    0,
+     "open-paren",
+    0,
+     "open-paren-extended",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "open-paren-lookbehind",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "paren-comment",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "paren-flag",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "named-capture",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "quant-star",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "quant-plus",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "quant-opt",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "interval-open",
+    0,
+     "interval-lower",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "interval-upper",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "interval-type",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "backslash",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "named-backref",
+    0,
+     "named-backref-2",
+    0,
+     "named-backref-3",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-open",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-open2",
+    0,
+     "set-posix",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-start",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-start-dash",
+    0,
+     "set-start-amp",
+    0,
+     "set-after-lit",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-after-set",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-after-range",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-after-op",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-set-amp",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-lit-amp",
+    0,
+     "set-set-dash",
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-range-dash",
+    0,
+     "set-range-amp",
+    0,
+     "set-lit-dash",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-lit-dash-escape",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-escape",
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+     "set-finish",
+     "errorDeath",
+    0};
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/regeximp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/regeximp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..590d216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/regeximp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+//   Copyright (C) 2002-2015 International Business Machines Corporation
+//   and others. All rights reserved.
+//   file:  regeximp.h
+//           ICU Regular Expressions,
+//               Definitions of constant values used in the compiled form of
+//               a regular expression pattern.
+#ifndef _REGEXIMP_H
+#define _REGEXIMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "ucase.h"
+// For debugging, define REGEX_DEBUG
+// To define with configure,
+//   CPPFLAGS="-DREGEX_DEBUG" ./runConfigureICU --enable-debug --disable-release Linux 
+//  debugging options.  Enable one or more of the three #defines immediately following
+//  End of #defines inteded to be directly set.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define REGEX_SCAN_DEBUG_PRINTF(a) printf a
+//  Opcode types     In the compiled form of the regexp, these are the type, or opcodes,
+//                   of the entries.
+enum {
+     URX_RESERVED_OP   = 0,    // For multi-operand ops, most non-first words.
+     URX_RESERVED_OP_N = 255,  // For multi-operand ops, negative operand values.
+     URX_BACKTRACK     = 1,    // Force a backtrack, as if a match test had failed.
+     URX_END           = 2,
+     URX_ONECHAR       = 3,    // Value field is the 21 bit unicode char to match
+     URX_STRING        = 4,    // Value field is index of string start
+     URX_STRING_LEN    = 5,    // Value field is string length (code units)
+     URX_STATE_SAVE    = 6,    // Value field is pattern position to push
+     URX_NOP           = 7,
+     URX_START_CAPTURE = 8,    // Value field is capture group number.
+     URX_END_CAPTURE   = 9,    // Value field is capture group number
+     URX_STATIC_SETREF = 10,   // Value field is index of set in array of sets.
+     URX_SETREF        = 11,   // Value field is index of set in array of sets.
+     URX_DOTANY        = 12,
+     URX_JMP           = 13,   // Value field is destination position in
+                                                    //   the pattern.
+     URX_FAIL          = 14,   // Stop match operation,  No match.
+     URX_JMP_SAV       = 15,   // Operand:  JMP destination location
+     URX_BACKSLASH_B   = 16,   // Value field:  0:  \b    1:  \B
+     URX_BACKSLASH_G   = 17,
+     URX_JMP_SAV_X     = 18,   // Conditional JMP_SAV,
+                               //    Used in (x)+, breaks loop on zero length match.
+                               //    Operand:  Jmp destination.
+     URX_BACKSLASH_X   = 19,
+     URX_BACKSLASH_Z   = 20,   // \z   Unconditional end of line.
+     URX_DOTANY_ALL    = 21,   // ., in the . matches any mode.
+     URX_BACKSLASH_D   = 22,   // Value field:  0:  \d    1:  \D
+     URX_CARET         = 23,   // Value field:  1:  multi-line mode.
+     URX_DOLLAR        = 24,  // Also for \Z
+     URX_CTR_INIT      = 25,   // Counter Inits for {Interval} loops.
+     URX_CTR_INIT_NG   = 26,   //   2 kinds, normal and non-greedy.
+                               //   These are 4 word opcodes.  See description.
+                               //    First Operand:  Data loc of counter variable
+                               //    2nd   Operand:  Pat loc of the URX_CTR_LOOPx
+                               //                    at the end of the loop.
+                               //    3rd   Operand:  Minimum count.
+                               //    4th   Operand:  Max count, -1 for unbounded.
+     URX_DOTANY_UNIX   = 27,   // '.' operator in UNIX_LINES mode, only \n marks end of line.
+     URX_CTR_LOOP      = 28,   // Loop Ops for {interval} loops.
+     URX_CTR_LOOP_NG   = 29,   //   Also in three flavors.
+                               //   Operand is loc of corresponding CTR_INIT.
+     URX_CARET_M_UNIX  = 30,   // '^' operator, test for start of line in multi-line
+                               //      plus UNIX_LINES mode.
+     URX_RELOC_OPRND   = 31,   // Operand value in multi-operand ops that refers
+                               //   back into compiled pattern code, and thus must
+                               //   be relocated when inserting/deleting ops in code.
+     URX_STO_SP        = 32,   // Store the stack ptr.  Operand is location within
+                               //   matcher data (not stack data) to store it.
+     URX_LD_SP         = 33,   // Load the stack pointer.  Operand is location
+                               //   to load from.
+     URX_BACKREF       = 34,   // Back Reference.  Parameter is the index of the
+                               //   capture group variables in the state stack frame.
+     URX_STO_INP_LOC   = 35,   // Store the input location.  Operand is location
+                               //   within the matcher stack frame.
+     URX_JMPX          = 36,  // Conditional JMP.
+                               //   First Operand:  JMP target location.
+                               //   Second Operand:  Data location containing an
+                               //     input position.  If current input position ==
+                               //     saved input position, FAIL rather than taking
+                               //     the JMP
+     URX_LA_START      = 37,   // Starting a LookAround expression.
+                               //   Save InputPos, SP and active region in static data.
+                               //   Operand:  Static data offset for the save
+     URX_LA_END        = 38,   // Ending a Lookaround expression.
+                               //   Restore InputPos and Stack to saved values.
+                               //   Operand:  Static data offset for saved data.
+     URX_ONECHAR_I     = 39,   // Test for case-insensitive match of a literal character.
+                               //   Operand:  the literal char.
+     URX_STRING_I      = 40,   // Case insensitive string compare.
+                               //   First Operand:  Index of start of string in string literals
+                               //   Second Operand (next word in compiled code):
+                               //     the length of the string.
+     URX_BACKREF_I     = 41,   // Case insensitive back reference.
+                               //   Parameter is the index of the
+                               //   capture group variables in the state stack frame.
+     URX_DOLLAR_M      = 42,   // $ in multi-line mode.
+     URX_CARET_M       = 43,   // ^ in multi-line mode.
+     URX_LB_START      = 44,   // LookBehind Start.
+                               //   Paramater is data location
+     URX_LB_CONT       = 45,   // LookBehind Continue.
+                               //   Param 0:  the data location
+                               //   Param 1:  The minimum length of the look-behind match
+                               //   Param 2:  The max length of the look-behind match
+     URX_LB_END        = 46,   // LookBehind End.
+                               //   Parameter is the data location.
+                               //     Check that match ended at the right spot,
+                               //     Restore original input string len.
+     URX_LBN_CONT      = 47,   // Negative LookBehind Continue
+                               //   Param 0:  the data location
+                               //   Param 1:  The minimum length of the look-behind match
+                               //   Param 2:  The max     length of the look-behind match
+                               //   Param 3:  The pattern loc following the look-behind block.
+     URX_LBN_END       = 48,   // Negative LookBehind end
+                               //   Parameter is the data location.
+                               //   Check that the match ended at the right spot.
+     URX_STAT_SETREF_N = 49,   // Reference to a prebuilt set (e.g. \w), negated
+                               //   Operand is index of set in array of sets.
+     URX_LOOP_SR_I     = 50,   // Init a [set]* loop.
+                               //   Operand is the sets index in array of user sets.
+     URX_LOOP_C        = 51,   // Continue a [set]* or OneChar* loop.
+                               //   Operand is a matcher static data location.
+                               //   Must always immediately follow  LOOP_x_I instruction.
+     URX_LOOP_DOT_I    = 52,   // .*, initialization of the optimized loop.
+                               //   Operand value:
+                               //      bit 0:
+                               //         0:  Normal (. doesn't match new-line) mode.
+                               //         1:  . matches new-line mode.
+                               //      bit 1:  controls what new-lines are recognized by this operation.
+                               //         0:  All Unicode New-lines
+                               //         1:  UNIX_LINES, \u000a only.
+     URX_BACKSLASH_BU  = 53,   // \b or \B in UREGEX_UWORD mode, using Unicode style
+                               //   word boundaries.
+     URX_DOLLAR_D      = 54,   // $ end of input test, in UNIX_LINES mode.
+     URX_DOLLAR_MD     = 55,   // $ end of input test, in MULTI_LINE and UNIX_LINES mode.
+     URX_BACKSLASH_H   = 56,   // Value field:  0:  \h    1:  \H
+     URX_BACKSLASH_R   = 57,   // Any line break sequence.
+     URX_BACKSLASH_V   = 58    // Value field:  0:  \v    1:  \V
+// Keep this list of opcode names in sync with the above enum
+//   Used for debug printing only.
+#define URX_OPCODE_NAMES       \
+        "               ",     \
+        "BACKTRACK",           \
+        "END",                 \
+        "ONECHAR",             \
+        "STRING",              \
+        "STRING_LEN",          \
+        "STATE_SAVE",          \
+        "NOP",                 \
+        "START_CAPTURE",       \
+        "END_CAPTURE",         \
+        "URX_STATIC_SETREF",   \
+        "SETREF",              \
+        "DOTANY",              \
+        "JMP",                 \
+        "FAIL",                \
+        "JMP_SAV",             \
+        "BACKSLASH_B",         \
+        "BACKSLASH_G",         \
+        "JMP_SAV_X",           \
+        "BACKSLASH_X",         \
+        "BACKSLASH_Z",         \
+        "DOTANY_ALL",          \
+        "BACKSLASH_D",         \
+        "CARET",               \
+        "DOLLAR",              \
+        "CTR_INIT",            \
+        "CTR_INIT_NG",         \
+        "DOTANY_UNIX",         \
+        "CTR_LOOP",            \
+        "CTR_LOOP_NG",         \
+        "URX_CARET_M_UNIX",    \
+        "RELOC_OPRND",         \
+        "STO_SP",              \
+        "LD_SP",               \
+        "BACKREF",             \
+        "STO_INP_LOC",         \
+        "JMPX",                \
+        "LA_START",            \
+        "LA_END",              \
+        "ONECHAR_I",           \
+        "STRING_I",            \
+        "BACKREF_I",           \
+        "DOLLAR_M",            \
+        "CARET_M",             \
+        "LB_START",            \
+        "LB_CONT",             \
+        "LB_END",              \
+        "LBN_CONT",            \
+        "LBN_END",             \
+        "STAT_SETREF_N",       \
+        "LOOP_SR_I",           \
+        "LOOP_C",              \
+        "LOOP_DOT_I",          \
+        "BACKSLASH_BU",        \
+        "DOLLAR_D",            \
+        "DOLLAR_MD",           \
+        "URX_BACKSLASH_H",     \
+        "URX_BACKSLASH_R",     \
+        "URX_BACKSLASH_V" 
+//  Convenience macros for assembling and disassembling a compiled operation.
+#define URX_TYPE(x)          ((uint32_t)(x) >> 24)
+#define URX_VAL(x)           ((x) & 0xffffff)
+//  Access to Unicode Sets composite character properties
+//     The sets are accessed by the match engine for things like \w (word boundary)
+enum {
+     URX_ISWORD_SET  = 1,
+     URX_ISALNUM_SET = 2,
+     URX_ISALPHA_SET = 3,
+     URX_ISSPACE_SET = 4,
+     URX_GC_NORMAL,          // Sets for finding grapheme cluster boundaries.
+     URX_GC_L,
+     URX_GC_LV,
+     URX_GC_LVT,
+     URX_GC_V,
+     URX_GC_T,
+     URX_NEG_SET     = 0x800000          // Flag bit to reverse sense of set
+                                         //   membership test.
+//  Match Engine State Stack Frame Layout.
+struct REStackFrame {
+    // Header
+    int64_t            fInputIdx;        // Position of next character in the input string
+    int64_t            fPatIdx;          // Position of next Op in the compiled pattern
+                                         // (int64_t for UVector64, values fit in an int32_t)
+    // Remainder
+    int64_t            fExtra[1];        // Extra state, for capture group start/ends
+                                         //   atomic parentheses, repeat counts, etc.
+                                         //   Locations assigned at pattern compile time.
+                                         //   Variable-length array.
+// number of UVector elements in the header
+//  Start-Of-Match type.  Used by find() to quickly scan to positions where a
+//                        match might start before firing up the full match engine.
+enum StartOfMatch {
+    START_NO_INFO,             // No hint available.
+    START_CHAR,                // Match starts with a literal code point.
+    START_SET,                 // Match starts with something matching a set.
+    START_START,               // Match starts at start of buffer only (^ or \A)
+    START_LINE,                // Match starts with ^ in multi-line mode.
+    START_STRING               // Match starts with a literal string.
+                               (v)==START_CHAR?    "START_CHAR"    : \
+                               (v)==START_SET?     "START_SET"     : \
+                               (v)==START_START?   "START_START"   : \
+                               (v)==START_LINE?    "START_LINE"    : \
+                               (v)==START_STRING?  "START_STRING"  : \
+                                                   "ILLEGAL")
+//  8 bit set, to fast-path latin-1 set membership tests.
+struct Regex8BitSet : public UMemory {
+    inline Regex8BitSet();
+    inline void operator = (const Regex8BitSet &s);
+    inline void init(const UnicodeSet *src);
+    inline UBool contains(UChar32 c);
+    inline void  add(UChar32 c);
+    int8_t d[32];
+inline Regex8BitSet::Regex8BitSet() {
+    uprv_memset(d, 0, sizeof(d));
+inline UBool Regex8BitSet::contains(UChar32 c) {
+    // No bounds checking!  This is deliberate.
+    return ((d[c>>3] & 1 <<(c&7)) != 0);
+inline void  Regex8BitSet::add(UChar32 c) {
+    d[c>>3] |= 1 << (c&7);
+inline void Regex8BitSet::init(const UnicodeSet *s) {
+    if (s != NULL) {
+        for (int32_t i=0; i<=255; i++) {
+            if (s->contains(i)) {
+                this->add(i);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+inline void Regex8BitSet::operator = (const Regex8BitSet &s) {
+   uprv_memcpy(d, s.d, sizeof(d));
+//  Case folded UText Iterator helper class.
+//  Wraps a UText, provides a case-folded enumeration over its contents.
+//  Used in implementing case insensitive matching constructs.
+//  Implementation in rematch.cpp
+class CaseFoldingUTextIterator: public UMemory {
+      public:
+        CaseFoldingUTextIterator(UText &text);
+        ~CaseFoldingUTextIterator();
+        UChar32 next();           // Next case folded character
+        UBool   inExpansion();    // True if last char returned from next() and the
+                                  //  next to be returned both originated from a string
+                                  //  folding of the same code point from the orignal UText.
+      private:
+        UText             &fUText;
+        const  UChar      *fFoldChars;
+        int32_t            fFoldLength;
+        int32_t            fFoldIndex;
+// Case folded UChar * string iterator.
+//  Wraps a UChar  *, provides a case-folded enumeration over its contents.
+//  Used in implementing case insensitive matching constructs.
+//  Implementation in rematch.cpp
+class CaseFoldingUCharIterator: public UMemory {
+      public:
+        CaseFoldingUCharIterator(const UChar *chars, int64_t start, int64_t limit);
+        ~CaseFoldingUCharIterator();
+        UChar32 next();           // Next case folded character
+        UBool   inExpansion();    // True if last char returned from next() and the
+                                  //  next to be returned both originated from a string
+                                  //  folding of the same code point from the orignal UText.
+        int64_t  getIndex();      // Return the current input buffer index.
+      private:
+        const  UChar      *fChars;
+        int64_t            fIndex;
+        int64_t            fLimit;
+        const  UChar      *fFoldChars;
+        int32_t            fFoldLength;
+        int32_t            fFoldIndex;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/regexst.h b/libicu/cts_headers/regexst.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f54233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/regexst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+//  regexst.h
+//  Copyright (C) 2003-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+//  All Rights Reserved.
+//  This file contains declarations for the class RegexStaticSets
+//  This class is internal to the regular expression implementation.
+//  For the public Regular Expression API, see the file "unicode/regex.h"
+//  RegexStaticSets groups together the common UnicodeSets that are needed
+//   for compiling or executing RegularExpressions.  This grouping simplifies
+//   the thread safe lazy creation and sharing of these sets across
+//   all instances of regular expressions.
+#ifndef REGEXST_H
+#define REGEXST_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "regeximp.h"
+class  UnicodeSet;
+class RegexStaticSets : public UMemory {
+    static RegexStaticSets *gStaticSets;  // Ptr to all lazily initialized constant
+                                          //   shared sets.
+    RegexStaticSets(UErrorCode *status);         
+    ~RegexStaticSets();
+    static void    initGlobals(UErrorCode *status);
+    static UBool   cleanup();
+    UnicodeSet    *fPropSets[URX_LAST_SET];     // The sets for common regex items, e.g. \s
+    Regex8BitSet   fPropSets8[URX_LAST_SET];    // Fast bitmap sets for latin-1 range for above.
+    UnicodeSet    fRuleSets[10];               // Sets used while parsing regexp patterns.
+    UnicodeSet    fUnescapeCharSet;            // Set of chars handled by unescape when
+                                               //   encountered with a \ in a pattern.
+    UnicodeSet    *fRuleDigitsAlias;
+    UText         *fEmptyText;                 // An empty string, to be used when a matcher
+                                               //   is created with no input.
+#endif   // REGEXST_H
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+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/regextxt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************/
+//  file:  regextxt.h
+//  This file contains utility code for supporting UText in the regular expression engine.
+//  This class is internal to the regular expression implementation.
+//  For the public Regular Expression API, see the file "unicode/regex.h"
+#ifndef _REGEXTXT_H
+#define _REGEXTXT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#define UTEXT_USES_U16(ut) (NULL==((ut)->pFuncs->mapNativeIndexToUTF16))
+#if 0
+#  define UTEXT_FULL_TEXT_IN_CHUNK(ut,len) (FALSE)
+#  define UTEXT_FULL_TEXT_IN_CHUNK(ut,len) ((0==((ut)->chunkNativeStart))&&((len)==((ut)->chunkNativeLimit))&&((len)==((ut)->nativeIndexingLimit)))
+struct URegexUTextUnescapeCharContext {
+    UText *text;
+    int32_t lastOffset;
+#define U_REGEX_UTEXT_UNESCAPE_CONTEXT(text) { (text), -1 }
+uregex_utext_unescape_charAt(int32_t offset, void * /* struct URegexUTextUnescapeCharContext* */ context);
+uregex_ucstr_unescape_charAt(int32_t offset, void * /* UChar* */ context);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/region_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/region_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e5a645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/region_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013, International Business Machines Corporation and         *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef __REGION_IMPL_H__
+#define __REGION_IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+class RegionNameEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    RegionNameEnumeration(UVector *fNameList, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~RegionNameEnumeration();
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    int32_t pos;
+    UVector *fRegionNames;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/reldtfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/reldtfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff48d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/reldtfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef RELDTFMT_H
+#define RELDTFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Format and parse relative dates and times.
+ */
+#include "unicode/datefmt.h"
+#include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
+// forward declarations
+class DateFormatSymbols;
+class SimpleFormatter;
+// internal structure used for caching strings
+struct URelativeString;
+ * This class is normally accessed using the kRelative or k...Relative values of EStyle as
+ * parameters to DateFormat::createDateInstance.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *     DateFormat *fullrelative = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFullRelative, loc);
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 3.8
+ */
+class RelativeDateFormat : public DateFormat {
+    RelativeDateFormat( UDateFormatStyle timeStyle, UDateFormatStyle dateStyle, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    // overrides
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    RelativeDateFormat(const RelativeDateFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    RelativeDateFormat& operator=(const RelativeDateFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~RelativeDateFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clone this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual RelativeDateFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    using DateFormat::format;
+    /**
+     * Format a date or time, which is the standard millis since 24:00 GMT, Jan
+     * 1, 1970. Overrides DateFormat pure virtual method.
+     * <P>
+     * Example: using the US locale: "yyyy.MM.dd e 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz" ->>
+     * 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT
+     *
+     * @param cal       Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *                  into a date/time string.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       The formatting position. On input: an alignment field,
+     *                  if desired. On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(  Calendar& cal,
+                                    UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                    FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string. This method handles Formattable
+     * objects with a UDate type. If a the Formattable object type is not a Date,
+     * then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format. Must be a Date.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a date/time string beginning at the given parse position. For
+     * example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT" will be parsed into a Date
+     * that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
+     * <P>
+     * By default, parsing is lenient: If the input is not in the form used by
+     * this object's format method but can still be parsed as a date, then the
+     * parse succeeds. Clients may insist on strict adherence to the format by
+     * calling setLenient(false).
+     *
+     * @param text  The date/time string to be parsed
+     * @param cal   a Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *              into a date/time string.
+     * @param pos   On input, the position at which to start parsing; on
+     *              output, the position at which parsing terminated, or the
+     *              start position if the parse failed.
+     * @return      A valid UDate if the input could be parsed.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void parse( const UnicodeString& text,
+                        Calendar& cal,
+                        ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a date/time string starting at the given parse position. For
+     * example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT" will be parsed into a Date
+     * that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
+     * <P>
+     * By default, parsing is lenient: If the input is not in the form used by
+     * this object's format method but can still be parsed as a date, then the
+     * parse succeeds. Clients may insist on strict adherence to the format by
+     * calling setLenient(false).
+     *
+     * @see DateFormat::setLenient(boolean)
+     *
+     * @param text  The date/time string to be parsed
+     * @param pos   On input, the position at which to start parsing; on
+     *              output, the position at which parsing terminated, or the
+     *              start position if the parse failed.
+     * @return      A valid UDate if the input could be parsed.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UDate parse( const UnicodeString& text,
+                 ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a date/time string. For example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT"
+     * will be parsed into a UDate that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
+     * Parsing begins at the beginning of the string and proceeds as far as
+     * possible.  Assuming no parse errors were encountered, this function
+     * doesn't return any information about how much of the string was consumed
+     * by the parsing.  If you need that information, use the version of
+     * parse() that takes a ParsePosition.
+     *
+     * @param text  The date/time string to be parsed
+     * @param status Filled in with U_ZERO_ERROR if the parse was successful, and with
+     *              an error value if there was a parse error.
+     * @return      A valid UDate if the input could be parsed.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UDate parse( const UnicodeString& text,
+                        UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a single pattern string generated by combining the patterns for the
+     * date and time formatters associated with this object.
+     * @param result Output param to receive the pattern.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @internal ICU 4.2 technology preview
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the date pattern for the the date formatter associated with this object.
+     * @param result Output param to receive the date pattern.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @internal ICU 4.2 technology preview
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPatternDate(UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the time pattern for the the time formatter associated with this object.
+     * @param result Output param to receive the time pattern.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @internal ICU 4.2 technology preview
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPatternTime(UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Apply the given unlocalized date & time pattern strings to this relative date format.
+     * (i.e., after this call, this formatter will format dates and times according to
+     * the new patterns)
+     *
+     * @param datePattern   The date pattern to be applied.
+     * @param timePattern   The time pattern to be applied.
+     * @internal ICU 4.2 technology preview
+     */
+    virtual void applyPatterns(const UnicodeString& datePattern, const UnicodeString& timePattern, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the date/time formatting symbols (this is an object carrying
+     * the various strings and other symbols used in formatting: e.g., month
+     * names and abbreviations, time zone names, AM/PM strings, etc.)
+     * @return a copy of the date-time formatting data associated
+     * with this date-time formatter.
+     * @internal ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const DateFormatSymbols* getDateFormatSymbols(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set a particular UDisplayContext value in the formatter, such as
+     * DateFormat.
+     * @param value The UDisplayContext value to set.
+     * @param status Input/output status. If at entry this indicates a failure
+     *               status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+     *               updated with any new status from the function. 
+     * @internal ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual void setContext(UDisplayContext value, UErrorCode& status);
+    SimpleDateFormat *fDateTimeFormatter;
+    UnicodeString fDatePattern;
+    UnicodeString fTimePattern;
+    SimpleFormatter *fCombinedFormat;  // the {0} {1} format.
+    UDateFormatStyle fDateStyle;
+    Locale  fLocale;
+    int32_t fDatesLen;    // Length of array
+    URelativeString *fDates; // array of strings
+    UBool fCombinedHasDateAtStart;
+    UBool fCapitalizationInfoSet;
+    UBool fCapitalizationOfRelativeUnitsForUIListMenu;
+    UBool fCapitalizationOfRelativeUnitsForStandAlone;
+    BreakIterator* fCapitalizationBrkIter;
+    UObject* fCapitalizationBrkIter;
+    /**
+     * Get the string at a specific offset.
+     * @param day day offset ( -1, 0, 1, etc.. )
+     * @param len on output, length of string.
+     * @return the string, or NULL if none at that location.
+     */
+    const UChar *getStringForDay(int32_t day, int32_t &len, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Load the Date string array
+     */
+    void loadDates(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Set fCapitalizationOfRelativeUnitsForUIListMenu, fCapitalizationOfRelativeUnitsForStandAlone
+     */
+    void initCapitalizationContextInfo(const Locale& thelocale);
+    /**
+     * @return the number of days in "until-now"
+     */
+    static int32_t dayDifference(Calendar &until, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * initializes fCalendar from parameters.  Returns fCalendar as a convenience.
+     * @param adoptZone  Zone to be adopted, or NULL for TimeZone::createDefault().
+     * @param locale Locale of the calendar
+     * @param status Error code
+     * @return the newly constructed fCalendar
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    Calendar* initializeCalendar(TimeZone* adoptZone, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @internal ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // RELDTFMT_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/remtrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/remtrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13de015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/remtrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/02/2001  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef REMTRANS_H
+#define REMTRANS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+ * A transliterator that removes text.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class RemoveTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     */
+    RemoveTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~RemoveTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * System registration hook.
+     */
+    static void registerIDs();
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return A copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual RemoveTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text          the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                      untransliterated text
+     * @param offset        the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                      of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental   if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                      pos.contextLimit. Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                                     UBool isIncremental) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/resource.h b/libicu/cts_headers/resource.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5199b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/resource.h
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* resource.h
+* created on: 2015nov04
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __URESOURCE_H__
+#define __URESOURCE_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief ICU resource bundle key and value types.
+ */
+// Note: Ported from ICU4J class UResource and its nested classes,
+// but the C++ classes are separate, not nested.
+// We use the Resource prefix for C++ classes, as usual.
+// The UResource prefix would be used for C types.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "restrace.h"
+struct ResourceData;
+class ResourceValue;
+// Note: In C++, we use const char * pointers for keys,
+// rather than an abstraction like Java UResource.Key.
+ * Interface for iterating over a resource bundle array resource.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ResourceArray {
+    /** Constructs an empty array object. */
+    ResourceArray() : items16(NULL), items32(NULL), length(0) {}
+    /** Only for implementation use. @internal */
+    ResourceArray(const uint16_t *i16, const uint32_t *i32, int32_t len,
+                  const ResourceTracer& traceInfo) :
+            items16(i16), items32(i32), length(len),
+            fTraceInfo(traceInfo) {}
+    /**
+     * @return The number of items in the array resource.
+     */
+    int32_t getSize() const { return length; }
+    /**
+     * @param i Array item index.
+     * @param value Output-only, receives the value of the i'th item.
+     * @return TRUE if i is non-negative and less than getSize().
+     */
+    UBool getValue(int32_t i, ResourceValue &value) const;
+    /** Only for implementation use. @internal */
+    uint32_t internalGetResource(const ResourceData *pResData, int32_t i) const;
+    const uint16_t *items16;
+    const uint32_t *items32;
+    int32_t length;
+    ResourceTracer fTraceInfo;
+ * Interface for iterating over a resource bundle table resource.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ResourceTable {
+    /** Constructs an empty table object. */
+    ResourceTable() : keys16(NULL), keys32(NULL), items16(NULL), items32(NULL), length(0) {}
+    /** Only for implementation use. @internal */
+    ResourceTable(const uint16_t *k16, const int32_t *k32,
+                  const uint16_t *i16, const uint32_t *i32, int32_t len,
+                  const ResourceTracer& traceInfo) :
+            keys16(k16), keys32(k32), items16(i16), items32(i32), length(len),
+            fTraceInfo(traceInfo) {}
+    /**
+     * @return The number of items in the array resource.
+     */
+    int32_t getSize() const { return length; }
+    /**
+     * @param i Table item index.
+     * @param key Output-only, receives the key of the i'th item.
+     * @param value Output-only, receives the value of the i'th item.
+     * @return TRUE if i is non-negative and less than getSize().
+     */
+    UBool getKeyAndValue(int32_t i, const char *&key, ResourceValue &value) const;
+    /**
+     * @param key Key string to find in the table.
+     * @param value Output-only, receives the value of the item with that key.
+     * @return TRUE if the table contains the key.
+     */
+    UBool findValue(const char *key, ResourceValue &value) const;
+    const uint16_t *keys16;
+    const int32_t *keys32;
+    const uint16_t *items16;
+    const uint32_t *items32;
+    int32_t length;
+    ResourceTracer fTraceInfo;
+ * Represents a resource bundle item's value.
+ * Avoids object creations as much as possible.
+ * Mutable, not thread-safe.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ResourceValue : public UObject {
+    virtual ~ResourceValue();
+    /**
+     * @return ICU resource type, for example, URES_STRING
+     */
+    virtual UResType getType() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not a string resource.
+     *
+     * @see ures_getString()
+     */
+    virtual const UChar *getString(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    inline UnicodeString getUnicodeString(UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        int32_t len = 0;
+        const UChar *r = getString(len, errorCode);
+        return UnicodeString(TRUE, r, len);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not an alias resource.
+     */
+    virtual const UChar *getAliasString(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    inline UnicodeString getAliasUnicodeString(UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        int32_t len = 0;
+        const UChar *r = getAliasString(len, errorCode);
+        return UnicodeString(TRUE, r, len);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not an integer resource.
+     *
+     * @see ures_getInt()
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getInt(UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not an integer resource.
+     *
+     * @see ures_getUInt()
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t getUInt(UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not an intvector resource.
+     *
+     * @see ures_getIntVector()
+     */
+    virtual const int32_t *getIntVector(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not a binary-blob resource.
+     *
+     * @see ures_getBinary()
+     */
+    virtual const uint8_t *getBinary(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not an array resource
+     */
+    virtual ResourceArray getArray(UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not a table resource
+     */
+    virtual ResourceTable getTable(UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Is this a no-fallback/no-inheritance marker string?
+     * Such a marker is used for
+     * CLDR no-fallback data values of (three empty-set symbols)=={2205, 2205, 2205}
+     * when enumerating tables with fallback from the specific resource bundle to root.
+     *
+     * @return TRUE if this is a no-inheritance marker string
+     */
+    virtual UBool isNoInheritanceMarker() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the dest strings from the string values in this array resource.
+     *
+     * @return the number of strings in this array resource.
+     *     If greater than capacity, then an overflow error is set.
+     *
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is not an array resource
+     *     or if any of the array items is not a string
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getStringArray(UnicodeString *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                                   UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Same as
+     * <pre>
+     * if (getType() == URES_STRING) {
+     *     return new String[] { getString(); }
+     * } else {
+     *     return getStringArray();
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is
+     *     neither a string resource nor an array resource containing strings
+     * @see getString()
+     * @see getStringArray()
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getStringArrayOrStringAsArray(UnicodeString *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                                                  UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Same as
+     * <pre>
+     * if (getType() == URES_STRING) {
+     *     return getString();
+     * } else {
+     *     return getStringArray()[0];
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Sets U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH if this is
+     *     neither a string resource nor an array resource containing strings
+     * @see getString()
+     * @see getStringArray()
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString getStringOrFirstOfArray(UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    ResourceValue() {}
+    ResourceValue(const ResourceValue &);  // no copy constructor
+    ResourceValue &operator=(const ResourceValue &);  // no assignment operator
+ * Sink for ICU resource bundle contents.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ResourceSink : public UObject {
+    ResourceSink() {}
+    virtual ~ResourceSink();
+    /**
+     * Called once for each bundle (child-parent-...-root).
+     * The value is normally an array or table resource,
+     * and implementations of this method normally iterate over the
+     * tree of resource items stored there.
+     *
+     * @param key The key string of the enumeration-start resource.
+     *     Empty if the enumeration starts at the top level of the bundle.
+     * @param value Call getArray() or getTable() as appropriate.
+     *     Then reuse for output values from Array and Table getters.
+     * @param noFallback true if the bundle has no parent;
+     *     that is, its top-level table has the nofallback attribute,
+     *     or it is the root bundle of a locale tree.
+     */
+    virtual void put(const char *key, ResourceValue &value, UBool noFallback,
+                     UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    ResourceSink(const ResourceSink &);  // no copy constructor
+    ResourceSink &operator=(const ResourceSink &);  // no assignment operator
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/restrace.h b/libicu/cts_headers/restrace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef29eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/restrace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#ifndef __RESTRACE_H__
+#define __RESTRACE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+struct UResourceBundle;
+class CharString;
+ * Instances of this class store information used to trace reads from resource
+ * bundles when ICU is built with --enable-tracing.
+ *
+ * All arguments of type const UResourceBundle*, const char*, and
+ * const ResourceTracer& are stored as pointers. The caller must retain
+ * ownership for the lifetime of this ResourceTracer.
+ *
+ * Exported as U_COMMON_API for Windows because it is a value field
+ * in other exported types.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ResourceTracer {
+    ResourceTracer() :
+        fResB(nullptr),
+        fParent(nullptr),
+        fKey(nullptr),
+        fIndex(-1) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const UResourceBundle* resB) :
+        fResB(resB),
+        fParent(nullptr),
+        fKey(nullptr),
+        fIndex(-1) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const UResourceBundle* resB, const char* key) :
+        fResB(resB),
+        fParent(nullptr),
+        fKey(key),
+        fIndex(-1) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const UResourceBundle* resB, int32_t index) :
+        fResB(resB),
+        fParent(nullptr),
+        fKey(nullptr),
+        fIndex(index) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const ResourceTracer& parent, const char* key) :
+        fResB(nullptr),
+        fParent(&parent),
+        fKey(key),
+        fIndex(-1) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const ResourceTracer& parent, int32_t index) :
+        fResB(nullptr),
+        fParent(&parent),
+        fKey(nullptr),
+        fIndex(index) {}
+    ~ResourceTracer();
+    void trace(const char* type) const;
+    void traceOpen() const;
+    /**
+     * Calls trace() if the resB or parent provided to the constructor was
+     * non-null; otherwise, does nothing.
+     */
+    void maybeTrace(const char* type) const {
+        if (fResB || fParent) {
+            trace(type);
+        }
+    }
+    const UResourceBundle* fResB;
+    const ResourceTracer* fParent;
+    const char* fKey;
+    int32_t fIndex;
+    CharString& getFilePath(CharString& output, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    CharString& getResPath(CharString& output, UErrorCode& status) const;
+ * This class provides methods to trace data file reads when ICU is built
+ * with --enable-tracing.
+ */
+class FileTracer {
+    static void traceOpen(const char* path, const char* type, const char* name);
+    static void traceOpenDataFile(const char* path, const char* type, const char* name);
+    static void traceOpenResFile(const char* path, const char* name);
+ * Default trivial implementation when --enable-tracing is not used.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ResourceTracer {
+    ResourceTracer() {}
+    ResourceTracer(const void*) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const void*, const char*) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const void*, int32_t) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const ResourceTracer&, const char*) {}
+    ResourceTracer(const ResourceTracer&, int32_t) {}
+    void trace(const char*) const {}
+    void traceOpen() const {}
+    void maybeTrace(const char*) const {}
+ * Default trivial implementation when --enable-tracing is not used.
+ */
+class FileTracer {
+    static void traceOpen(const char*, const char*, const char*) {}
+#endif //__RESTRACE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ruleiter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ruleiter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e1be53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ruleiter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: September 24 2003
+* Since: ICU 2.8
+#ifndef _RULEITER_H_
+#define _RULEITER_H_
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+class UnicodeString;
+class ParsePosition;
+class SymbolTable;
+ * An iterator that returns 32-bit code points.  This class is deliberately
+ * <em>not</em> related to any of the ICU character iterator classes
+ * in order to minimize complexity.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @since ICU 2.8
+ */
+class RuleCharacterIterator : public UMemory {
+    // TODO: Ideas for later.  (Do not implement if not needed, lest the
+    // code coverage numbers go down due to unused methods.)
+    // 1. Add a copy constructor, operator==() method.
+    // 2. Rather than return DONE, throw an exception if the end
+    // is reached -- this is an alternate usage model, probably not useful.
+    /**
+     * Text being iterated.
+     */    
+    const UnicodeString& text;
+    /**
+     * Position of iterator.
+     */
+    ParsePosition& pos;
+    /**
+     * Symbol table used to parse and dereference variables.  May be 0.
+     */
+    const SymbolTable* sym;
+    /**
+     * Current variable expansion, or 0 if none.
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* buf;
+    /**
+     * Position within buf.  Meaningless if buf == 0.
+     */
+    int32_t bufPos;
+    /**
+     * Value returned when there are no more characters to iterate.
+     */
+    enum { DONE = -1 };
+    /**
+     * Bitmask option to enable parsing of variable names.  If (options &
+     * PARSE_VARIABLES) != 0, then an embedded variable will be expanded to
+     * its value.  Variables are parsed using the SymbolTable API.
+     */
+    enum { PARSE_VARIABLES = 1 };
+    /**
+     * Bitmask option to enable parsing of escape sequences.  If (options &
+     * PARSE_ESCAPES) != 0, then an embedded escape sequence will be expanded
+     * to its value.  Escapes are parsed using Utility.unescapeAt().
+     */
+    enum { PARSE_ESCAPES   = 2 };
+    /**
+     * Bitmask option to enable skipping of whitespace.  If (options &
+     * SKIP_WHITESPACE) != 0, then Pattern_White_Space characters will be silently
+     * skipped, as if they were not present in the input.
+     */
+    enum { SKIP_WHITESPACE = 4 };
+    /**
+     * Constructs an iterator over the given text, starting at the given
+     * position.
+     * @param text the text to be iterated
+     * @param sym the symbol table, or null if there is none.  If sym is null,
+     * then variables will not be deferenced, even if the PARSE_VARIABLES
+     * option is set.
+     * @param pos upon input, the index of the next character to return.  If a
+     * variable has been dereferenced, then pos will <em>not</em> increment as
+     * characters of the variable value are iterated.
+     */
+    RuleCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text, const SymbolTable* sym,
+                          ParsePosition& pos);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this iterator has no more characters to return.
+     */
+    UBool atEnd() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the next character using the given options, or DONE if there
+     * are no more characters, and advance the position to the next
+     * character.
+     * @param options one or more of the following options, bitwise-OR-ed
+     * @param isEscaped output parameter set to TRUE if the character
+     * was escaped
+     * @param ec input-output error code.  An error will only be set by
+     * this routing if options includes PARSE_VARIABLES and an unknown
+     * variable name is seen, or if options includes PARSE_ESCAPES and
+     * an invalid escape sequence is seen.
+     * @return the current 32-bit code point, or DONE
+     */
+    UChar32 next(int32_t options, UBool& isEscaped, UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this iterator is currently within a variable expansion.
+     */
+    inline UBool inVariable() const;
+    /**
+     * An opaque object representing the position of a RuleCharacterIterator.
+     */
+    struct Pos : public UMemory {
+    private:
+        const UnicodeString* buf;
+        int32_t pos;
+        int32_t bufPos;
+        friend class RuleCharacterIterator;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Sets an object which, when later passed to setPos(), will
+     * restore this iterator's position.  Usage idiom:
+     *
+     * RuleCharacterIterator iterator = ...;
+     * RuleCharacterIterator::Pos pos;
+     * iterator.getPos(pos);
+     * for (;;) {
+     *   iterator.getPos(pos);
+     *   int c =;
+     *   ...
+     * }
+     * iterator.setPos(pos);
+     *
+     * @param p a position object to be set to this iterator's
+     * current position.
+     */
+    void getPos(Pos& p) const;
+    /**
+     * Restores this iterator to the position it had when getPos()
+     * set the given object.
+     * @param p a position object previously set by getPos()
+     */
+    void setPos(const Pos& p);
+    /**
+     * Skips ahead past any ignored characters, as indicated by the given
+     * options.  This is useful in conjunction with the lookahead() method.
+     *
+     * Currently, this only has an effect for SKIP_WHITESPACE.
+     * @param options one or more of the following options, bitwise-OR-ed
+     */
+    void skipIgnored(int32_t options);
+    /**
+     * Returns a string containing the remainder of the characters to be
+     * returned by this iterator, without any option processing.  If the
+     * iterator is currently within a variable expansion, this will only
+     * extend to the end of the variable expansion.  This method is provided
+     * so that iterators may interoperate with string-based APIs.  The typical
+     * sequence of calls is to call skipIgnored(), then call lookahead(), then
+     * parse the string returned by lookahead(), then call jumpahead() to
+     * resynchronize the iterator.
+     * @param result a string to receive the characters to be returned
+     * by future calls to next()
+     * @param maxLookAhead The maximum to copy into the result.
+     * @return a reference to result
+     */
+    UnicodeString& lookahead(UnicodeString& result, int32_t maxLookAhead = -1) const;
+    /**
+     * Advances the position by the given number of 16-bit code units.
+     * This is useful in conjunction with the lookahead() method.
+     * @param count the number of 16-bit code units to jump over
+     */
+    void jumpahead(int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Returns a string representation of this object, consisting of the
+     * characters being iterated, with a '|' marking the current position.
+     * Position within an expanded variable is <em>not</em> indicated.
+     * @param result output parameter to receive a string
+     * representation of this object
+     */
+//    UnicodeString& toString(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the current 32-bit code point without parsing escapes, parsing
+     * variables, or skipping whitespace.
+     * @return the current 32-bit code point
+     */
+    UChar32 _current() const;
+    /**
+     * Advances the position by the given amount.
+     * @param count the number of 16-bit code units to advance past
+     */
+    void _advance(int32_t count);
+inline UBool RuleCharacterIterator::inVariable() const {
+    return buf != 0;
+#endif // _RULEITER_H_
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/scriptset.h b/libicu/cts_headers/scriptset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a41ab73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/scriptset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* scriptset.h
+* created on: 2013 Jan 7
+* created by: Andy Heninger
+#ifndef __SCRIPTSET_H__
+#define __SCRIPTSET_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+#include "uelement.h"
+//  ScriptSet - A bit set representing a set of scripts.
+//              This class was originally used exclusively with script sets appearing
+//              as part of the spoof check whole script confusable binary data. Its
+//              use has since become more general, but the continued use to wrap
+//              prebuilt binary data does constrain the design.
+class U_I18N_API ScriptSet: public UMemory {
+  public:
+    static constexpr int32_t SCRIPT_LIMIT = 224;  // multiple of 32!
+    ScriptSet();
+    ScriptSet(const ScriptSet &other);
+    ~ScriptSet();
+    UBool operator == (const ScriptSet &other) const;
+    UBool operator != (const ScriptSet &other) const {return !(*this == other);}
+    ScriptSet & operator = (const ScriptSet &other);
+    UBool      test(UScriptCode script, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    ScriptSet &Union(const ScriptSet &other);
+    ScriptSet &set(UScriptCode script, UErrorCode &status);
+    ScriptSet &reset(UScriptCode script, UErrorCode &status);
+    ScriptSet &intersect(const ScriptSet &other);
+    ScriptSet &intersect(UScriptCode script, UErrorCode &status);
+    UBool      intersects(const ScriptSet &other) const;  // Sets contain at least one script in commmon.
+    UBool      contains(const ScriptSet &other) const;    // All set bits in other are also set in this.
+    ScriptSet &setAll();
+    ScriptSet &resetAll();
+    int32_t countMembers() const;
+    int32_t hashCode() const;
+    int32_t nextSetBit(int32_t script) const;
+    UBool isEmpty() const;
+    UnicodeString &displayScripts(UnicodeString &dest) const; // append script names to dest string.
+    ScriptSet & parseScripts(const UnicodeString &scriptsString, UErrorCode &status);  // Replaces ScriptSet contents.
+    // Wraps around UScript::getScriptExtensions() and adds the corresponding scripts to this instance.
+    void setScriptExtensions(UChar32 codePoint, UErrorCode& status);
+  private:
+    uint32_t  bits[SCRIPT_LIMIT / 32];
+uhash_compareScriptSet(const UElement key1, const UElement key2);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashScriptSet(const UElement key);
+uhash_deleteScriptSet(void *obj);
+#endif // __SCRIPTSET_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/selfmtimpl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/selfmtimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36d1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/selfmtimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 , Yahoo! Inc. 
+ ********************************************************************
+ * File selectfmtimpl.h
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   11/11/09    kirtig      Finished first cut of implementation.
+ *********************************************************************/
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#define DOT               ((UChar)0x002E)
+#define SINGLE_QUOTE      ((UChar)0x0027)
+#define SLASH             ((UChar)0x002F)
+#define BACKSLASH         ((UChar)0x005C)
+#define SPACE             ((UChar)0x0020)
+#define TAB               ((UChar)0x0009)
+#define QUOTATION_MARK    ((UChar)0x0022)
+#define ASTERISK          ((UChar)0x002A)
+#define COMMA             ((UChar)0x002C)
+#define HYPHEN            ((UChar)0x002D)
+#define U_ZERO            ((UChar)0x0030)
+#define U_ONE             ((UChar)0x0031)
+#define U_TWO             ((UChar)0x0032)
+#define U_THREE           ((UChar)0x0033)
+#define U_FOUR            ((UChar)0x0034)
+#define U_FIVE            ((UChar)0x0035)
+#define U_SIX             ((UChar)0x0036)
+#define U_SEVEN           ((UChar)0x0037)
+#define U_EIGHT           ((UChar)0x0038)
+#define U_NINE            ((UChar)0x0039)
+#define COLON             ((UChar)0x003A)
+#define SEMI_COLON        ((UChar)0x003B)
+#define CAP_A             ((UChar)0x0041)
+#define CAP_B             ((UChar)0x0042)
+#define CAP_R             ((UChar)0x0052)
+#define CAP_Z             ((UChar)0x005A)
+#define LOWLINE           ((UChar)0x005F)
+#define LEFTBRACE         ((UChar)0x007B)
+#define RIGHTBRACE        ((UChar)0x007D)
+#define LOW_A             ((UChar)0x0061)
+#define LOW_B             ((UChar)0x0062)
+#define LOW_C             ((UChar)0x0063)
+#define LOW_D             ((UChar)0x0064)
+#define LOW_E             ((UChar)0x0065)
+#define LOW_F             ((UChar)0x0066)
+#define LOW_G             ((UChar)0x0067)
+#define LOW_H             ((UChar)0x0068)
+#define LOW_I             ((UChar)0x0069)
+#define LOW_J             ((UChar)0x006a)
+#define LOW_K             ((UChar)0x006B)
+#define LOW_L             ((UChar)0x006C)
+#define LOW_M             ((UChar)0x006D)
+#define LOW_N             ((UChar)0x006E)
+#define LOW_O             ((UChar)0x006F)
+#define LOW_P             ((UChar)0x0070)
+#define LOW_Q             ((UChar)0x0071)
+#define LOW_R             ((UChar)0x0072)
+#define LOW_S             ((UChar)0x0073)
+#define LOW_T             ((UChar)0x0074)
+#define LOW_U             ((UChar)0x0075)
+#define LOW_V             ((UChar)0x0076)
+#define LOW_W             ((UChar)0x0077)
+#define LOW_X             ((UChar)0x0078)
+#define LOW_Y             ((UChar)0x0079)
+#define LOW_Z             ((UChar)0x007A)
+class UnicodeSet;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // SELFMTIMPL
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/serv.h b/libicu/cts_headers/serv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f69cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/serv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2011, International Business Machines Corporation.       *
+ * All Rights Reserved.                                                        *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef ICUSERV_H
+#define ICUSERV_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Allow the declaration of APIs with pointers to ICUService
+ * even when service is removed from the build.
+ */
+class ICUService;
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "servnotf.h"
+class ICUServiceTest;
+class ICUServiceKey;
+class ICUServiceFactory;
+class SimpleFactory;
+class ServiceListener;
+class ICUService;
+class DNCache;
+ * ICUServiceKey
+ */
+ * <p>ICUServiceKeys are used to communicate with factories to
+ * generate an instance of the service.  ICUServiceKeys define how
+ * ids are canonicalized, provide both a current id and a current
+ * descriptor to use in querying the cache and factories, and
+ * determine the fallback strategy.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ICUServiceKeys provide both a currentDescriptor and a currentID.
+ * The descriptor contains an optional prefix, followed by '/'
+ * and the currentID.  Factories that handle complex keys,
+ * for example number format factories that generate multiple
+ * kinds of formatters for the same locale, use the descriptor 
+ * to provide a fully unique identifier for the service object, 
+ * while using the currentID (in this case, the locale string),
+ * as the visible IDs that can be localized.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The default implementation of ICUServiceKey has no fallbacks and
+ * has no custom descriptors.</p> 
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ICUServiceKey : public UObject {
+ private: 
+  const UnicodeString _id;
+ protected:
+  static const UChar PREFIX_DELIMITER;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Construct a key from an id.</p>
+   *
+   * @param id the ID from which to construct the key.
+   */
+  ICUServiceKey(const UnicodeString& id);
+  /**
+   * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~ICUServiceKey();
+ /**
+  * <p>Return the original ID used to construct this key.</p>
+  *
+  * @return the ID used to construct this key.
+  */
+  virtual const UnicodeString& getID() const;
+ /**
+  * <p>Return the canonical version of the original ID.  This implementation
+  * appends the original ID to result.  Result is returned as a convenience.</p>
+  *
+  * @param result the output parameter to which the id will be appended.
+  * @return the modified result.
+  */
+  virtual UnicodeString& canonicalID(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ /**
+  * <p>Return the (canonical) current ID.  This implementation appends
+  * the canonical ID to result.  Result is returned as a convenience.</p>
+  *
+  * @param result the output parameter to which the current id will be appended.
+  * @return the modified result.  
+  */
+  virtual UnicodeString& currentID(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ /**
+  * <p>Return the current descriptor.  This implementation appends
+  * the current descriptor to result.  Result is returned as a convenience.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>The current descriptor is used to fully
+  * identify an instance of the service in the cache.  A
+  * factory may handle all descriptors for an ID, or just a
+  * particular descriptor.  The factory can either parse the
+  * descriptor or use custom API on the key in order to
+  * instantiate the service.</p>
+  *
+  * @param result the output parameter to which the current id will be appended.
+  * @return the modified result.  
+  */
+  virtual UnicodeString& currentDescriptor(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ /**
+  * <p>If the key has a fallback, modify the key and return true,
+  * otherwise return false.  The current ID will change if there
+  * is a fallback.  No currentIDs should be repeated, and fallback
+  * must eventually return false.  This implementation has no fallbacks
+  * and always returns false.</p>
+  *
+  * @return TRUE if the ICUServiceKey changed to a valid fallback value.
+  */
+  virtual UBool fallback();
+ /**
+  * <p>Return TRUE if a key created from id matches, or would eventually
+  * fallback to match, the canonical ID of this ICUServiceKey.</p>
+  *
+  * @param id the id to test.
+  * @return TRUE if this ICUServiceKey's canonical ID is a fallback of id.
+  */
+  virtual UBool isFallbackOf(const UnicodeString& id) const;
+ /**
+  * <p>Return the prefix.  This implementation leaves result unchanged.
+  * Result is returned as a convenience.</p>
+  *
+  * @param result the output parameter to which the prefix will be appended.
+  * @return the modified result.
+  */
+  virtual UnicodeString& prefix(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ /**
+  * <p>A utility to parse the prefix out of a descriptor string.  Only
+  * the (undelimited) prefix, if any, remains in result.  Result is returned as a 
+  * convenience.</p>
+  *
+  * @param result an input/output parameter that on entry is a descriptor, and 
+  * on exit is the prefix of that descriptor.
+  * @return the modified result.
+  */
+  static UnicodeString& parsePrefix(UnicodeString& result);
+  /**
+  * <p>A utility to parse the suffix out of a descriptor string.  Only
+  * the (undelimited) suffix, if any, remains in result.  Result is returned as a 
+  * convenience.</p>
+  *
+  * @param result an input/output parameter that on entry is a descriptor, and 
+  * on exit is the suffix of that descriptor.
+  * @return the modified result.
+  */
+  static UnicodeString& parseSuffix(UnicodeString& result);
+  /**
+   * UObject RTTI boilerplate.
+   */
+  static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+  /**
+   * UObject RTTI boilerplate.
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+ public:
+  virtual UnicodeString& debug(UnicodeString& result) const;
+  virtual UnicodeString& debugClass(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ /*******************************************************************
+  * ICUServiceFactory
+  */
+ /**
+  * <p>An implementing ICUServiceFactory generates the service objects maintained by the
+  * service.  A factory generates a service object from a key,
+  * updates id->factory mappings, and returns the display name for
+  * a supported id.</p>
+  */
+class U_COMMON_API ICUServiceFactory : public UObject {
+ public:
+    virtual ~ICUServiceFactory();
+    /**
+     * <p>Create a service object from the key, if this factory
+     * supports the key.  Otherwise, return NULL.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>If the factory supports the key, then it can call
+     * the service's getKey(ICUServiceKey, String[], ICUServiceFactory) method
+     * passing itself as the factory to get the object that
+     * the service would have created prior to the factory's
+     * registration with the service.  This can change the
+     * key, so any information required from the key should
+     * be extracted before making such a callback.</p>
+     *
+     * @param key the service key.
+     * @param service the service with which this factory is registered.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the service object, or NULL if the factory does not support the key.
+     */
+    virtual UObject* create(const ICUServiceKey& key, const ICUService* service, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * <p>Update result to reflect the IDs (not descriptors) that this
+     * factory publicly handles.  Result contains mappings from ID to
+     * factory.  On entry it will contain all (visible) mappings from
+     * previously-registered factories.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This function, together with getDisplayName, are used to
+     * support ICUService::getDisplayNames.  The factory determines
+     * which IDs (of those it supports) it will make visible, and of
+     * those, which it will provide localized display names for.  In
+     * most cases it will register mappings from all IDs it supports
+     * to itself.</p>
+     *
+     * @param result the mapping table to update.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     */
+    virtual void updateVisibleIDs(Hashtable& result, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * <p>Return, in result, the display name of the id in the provided locale.
+     * This is an id, not a descriptor.  If the id is 
+     * not visible, sets result to bogus.  If the
+     * incoming result is bogus, it remains bogus.  Result is returned as a
+     * convenience.  Results are not defined if id is not one supported by this
+         * factory.</p>
+     *
+     * @param id a visible id supported by this factory.
+     * @param locale the locale for which to generate the corresponding localized display name.
+     * @param result output parameter to hold the display name.
+     * @return result.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& id, const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+ /**
+  * <p>A default implementation of factory.  This provides default
+  * implementations for subclasses, and implements a singleton
+  * factory that matches a single ID and returns a single
+  * (possibly deferred-initialized) instance.  This implements
+  * updateVisibleIDs to add a mapping from its ID to itself
+  * if visible is true, or to remove any existing mapping
+  * for its ID if visible is false.  No localization of display
+  * names is performed.</p>
+  */
+class U_COMMON_API SimpleFactory : public ICUServiceFactory {
+ protected:
+  UObject* _instance;
+  const UnicodeString _id;
+  const UBool _visible;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * <p>Construct a SimpleFactory that maps a single ID to a single 
+   * service instance.  If visible is TRUE, the ID will be visible.
+   * The instance must not be NULL.  The SimpleFactory will adopt
+   * the instance, which must not be changed subsequent to this call.</p>
+   *
+   * @param instanceToAdopt the service instance to adopt.
+   * @param id the ID to assign to this service instance.
+   * @param visible if TRUE, the ID will be visible.
+   */
+  SimpleFactory(UObject* instanceToAdopt, const UnicodeString& id, UBool visible = TRUE);
+  /**
+   * <p>Destructor.</p>
+   */
+  virtual ~SimpleFactory();
+  /**
+   * <p>This implementation returns a clone of the service instance if the factory's ID is equal to
+   * the key's currentID.  Service and prefix are ignored.</p>
+   *
+   * @param key the service key.
+   * @param service the service with which this factory is registered.
+   * @param status the error code status.
+   * @return the service object, or NULL if the factory does not support the key.
+   */
+  virtual UObject* create(const ICUServiceKey& key, const ICUService* service, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * <p>This implementation adds a mapping from ID -> this to result if visible is TRUE, 
+   * otherwise it removes ID from result.</p>
+   *
+   * @param result the mapping table to update.
+   * @param status the error code status.
+   */
+  virtual void updateVisibleIDs(Hashtable& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * <p>This implementation returns the factory ID if it equals id and visible is TRUE,
+   * otherwise it returns the empty string.  (This implementation provides
+   * no localized id information.)</p>
+   *
+   * @param id a visible id supported by this factory.
+   * @param locale the locale for which to generate the corresponding localized display name.
+   * @param result output parameter to hold the display name.
+   * @return result.
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& id, const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const;
+ /**
+  * UObject RTTI boilerplate.
+  */
+  static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ /**
+  * UObject RTTI boilerplate.
+  */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+ public:
+  virtual UnicodeString& debug(UnicodeString& toAppendTo) const;
+  virtual UnicodeString& debugClass(UnicodeString& toAppendTo) const;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+ * <p>ServiceListener is the listener that ICUService provides by default.
+ * ICUService will notifiy this listener when factories are added to
+ * or removed from the service.  Subclasses can provide
+ * different listener interfaces that extend EventListener, and modify
+ * acceptsListener and notifyListener as appropriate.</p>
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ServiceListener : public EventListener {
+    virtual ~ServiceListener();
+    /**
+     * <p>This method is called when the service changes. At the time of the
+     * call this listener is registered with the service.  It must
+     * not modify the notifier in the context of this call.</p>
+     * 
+     * @param service the service that changed.
+     */
+    virtual void serviceChanged(const ICUService& service) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * UObject RTTI boilerplate.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * UObject RTTI boilerplate.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+ * <p>A StringPair holds a displayName/ID pair.  ICUService uses it
+ * as the array elements returned by getDisplayNames.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API StringPair : public UMemory {
+  /**
+   * <p>The display name of the pair.</p>
+   */
+  const UnicodeString displayName;
+  /**
+   * <p>The ID of the pair.</p>
+   */
+  const UnicodeString id;
+  /**
+   * <p>Creates a string pair from a displayName and an ID.</p>
+   *
+   * @param displayName the displayName.
+   * @param id the ID.
+   * @param status the error code status.
+   * @return a StringPair if the creation was successful, otherwise NULL.
+   */
+  static StringPair* create(const UnicodeString& displayName, 
+                            const UnicodeString& id,
+                            UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * <p>Return TRUE if either string of the pair is bogus.</p>
+   * @return TRUE if either string of the pair is bogus.
+   */
+  UBool isBogus() const;
+  StringPair(const UnicodeString& displayName, const UnicodeString& id);
+ * ICUService
+ */
+ /**
+ * <p>A Service provides access to service objects that implement a
+ * particular service, e.g. transliterators.  Users provide a String
+ * id (for example, a locale string) to the service, and get back an
+ * object for that id.  Service objects can be any kind of object.  A
+ * new service object is returned for each query. The caller is
+ * responsible for deleting it.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Services 'canonicalize' the query ID and use the canonical ID to
+ * query for the service.  The service also defines a mechanism to
+ * 'fallback' the ID multiple times.  Clients can optionally request
+ * the actual ID that was matched by a query when they use an ID to
+ * retrieve a service object.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Service objects are instantiated by ICUServiceFactory objects
+ * registered with the service.  The service queries each
+ * ICUServiceFactory in turn, from most recently registered to
+ * earliest registered, until one returns a service object.  If none
+ * responds with a service object, a fallback ID is generated, and the
+ * process repeats until a service object is returned or until the ID
+ * has no further fallbacks.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>In ICU 2.4, UObject (the base class of service instances) does
+ * not define a polymorphic clone function.  ICUService uses clones to
+ * manage ownership.  Thus, for now, ICUService defines an abstract
+ * method, cloneInstance, that clients must implement to create clones
+ * of the service instances.  This may change in future releases of
+ * ICU.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ICUServiceFactories can be dynamically registered and
+ * unregistered with the service.  When registered, an
+ * ICUServiceFactory is installed at the head of the factory list, and
+ * so gets 'first crack' at any keys or fallback keys.  When
+ * unregistered, it is removed from the service and can no longer be
+ * located through it.  Service objects generated by this factory and
+ * held by the client are unaffected.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If a service has variants (e.g., the different variants of
+ * BreakIterator) an ICUServiceFactory can use the prefix of the
+ * ICUServiceKey to determine the variant of a service to generate.
+ * If it does not support all variants, it can request
+ * previously-registered factories to handle the ones it does not
+ * support.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ICUService uses ICUServiceKeys to query factories and perform
+ * fallback.  The ICUServiceKey defines the canonical form of the ID,
+ * and implements the fallback strategy.  Custom ICUServiceKeys can be
+ * defined that parse complex IDs into components that
+ * ICUServiceFactories can more easily use.  The ICUServiceKey can
+ * cache the results of this parsing to save repeated effort.
+ * ICUService provides convenience APIs that take UnicodeStrings and
+ * generate default ICUServiceKeys for use in querying.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ICUService provides API to get the list of IDs publicly
+ * supported by the service (although queries aren't restricted to
+ * this list).  This list contains only 'simple' IDs, and not fully
+ * unique IDs.  ICUServiceFactories are associated with each simple ID
+ * and the responsible factory can also return a human-readable
+ * localized version of the simple ID, for use in user interfaces.
+ * ICUService can also provide an array of the all the localized
+ * visible IDs and their corresponding internal IDs.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ICUService implements ICUNotifier, so that clients can register
+ * to receive notification when factories are added or removed from
+ * the service.  ICUService provides a default EventListener
+ * subinterface, ServiceListener, which can be registered with the
+ * service.  When the service changes, the ServiceListener's
+ * serviceChanged method is called with the service as the
+ * argument.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The ICUService API is both rich and generic, and it is expected
+ * that most implementations will statically 'wrap' ICUService to
+ * present a more appropriate API-- for example, to declare the type
+ * of the objects returned from get, to limit the factories that can
+ * be registered with the service, or to define their own listener
+ * interface with a custom callback method.  They might also customize
+ * ICUService by overriding it, for example, to customize the
+ * ICUServiceKey and fallback strategy.  ICULocaleService is a
+ * subclass of ICUService that uses Locale names as IDs and uses
+ * ICUServiceKeys that implement the standard resource bundle fallback
+ * strategy.  Most clients will wish to subclass it instead of
+ * ICUService.</p> 
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ICUService : public ICUNotifier {
+ protected: 
+    /**
+     * Name useful for debugging.
+     */
+    const UnicodeString name;
+ private:
+    /**
+     * Timestamp so iterators can be fail-fast.
+     */
+    uint32_t timestamp;
+    /**
+     * All the factories registered with this service.
+     */
+    UVector* factories;
+    /**
+     * The service cache.
+     */
+    Hashtable* serviceCache;
+    /**
+     * The ID cache.
+     */
+    Hashtable* idCache;
+    /**
+     * The name cache.
+     */
+    DNCache* dnCache;
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     */
+ public:
+    /**
+     * <p>Construct a new ICUService.</p>
+     */
+    ICUService();
+    /**
+     * <p>Construct with a name (useful for debugging).</p>
+     *
+     * @param name a name to use in debugging.
+     */
+    ICUService(const UnicodeString& name);
+    /**
+     * <p>Destructor.</p>
+     */
+    virtual ~ICUService();
+    /**
+     * <p>Return the name of this service. This will be the empty string if none was assigned.
+     * Returns result as a convenience.</p>
+     *
+     * @param result an output parameter to contain the name of this service.
+     * @return the name of this service.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getName(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Convenience override for get(ICUServiceKey&, UnicodeString*). This uses
+     * createKey to create a key for the provided descriptor.</p>
+     *
+     * @param descriptor the descriptor.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the service instance, or NULL.
+     */
+    UObject* get(const UnicodeString& descriptor, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Convenience override for get(ICUServiceKey&, UnicodeString*).  This uses
+     * createKey to create a key from the provided descriptor.</p>
+     *
+     * @param descriptor the descriptor.
+     * @param actualReturn a pointer to a UnicodeString to hold the matched descriptor, or NULL.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the service instance, or NULL.
+     */
+    UObject* get(const UnicodeString& descriptor, UnicodeString* actualReturn, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Convenience override for get(ICUServiceKey&, UnicodeString*).</p>
+     *
+     * @param key the key.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the service instance, or NULL.
+     */
+    UObject* getKey(ICUServiceKey& key, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Given a key, return a service object, and, if actualReturn
+     * is not NULL, the descriptor with which it was found in the
+     * first element of actualReturn.  If no service object matches
+     * this key, returns NULL and leaves actualReturn unchanged.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This queries the cache using the key's descriptor, and if no
+     * object in the cache matches, tries the key on each
+     * registered factory, in order.  If none generates a service
+     * object for the key, repeats the process with each fallback of
+     * the key, until either a factory returns a service object, or the key
+     * has no fallback.  If no object is found, the result of handleDefault
+     * is returned.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>Subclasses can override this method to further customize the 
+     * result before returning it.
+     *
+     * @param key the key.
+     * @param actualReturn a pointer to a UnicodeString to hold the matched descriptor, or NULL.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the service instance, or NULL.
+     */
+    virtual UObject* getKey(ICUServiceKey& key, UnicodeString* actualReturn, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>This version of getKey is only called by ICUServiceFactories within the scope
+     * of a previous getKey call, to determine what previously-registered factories would
+     * have returned.  For details, see getKey(ICUServiceKey&, UErrorCode&).  Subclasses
+     * should not call it directly, but call through one of the other get functions.</p>
+     * 
+     * @param key the key.
+     * @param actualReturn a pointer to a UnicodeString to hold the matched descriptor, or NULL.
+     * @param factory the factory making the recursive call.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the service instance, or NULL.
+     */
+    UObject* getKey(ICUServiceKey& key, UnicodeString* actualReturn, const ICUServiceFactory* factory, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Convenience override for getVisibleIDs(String) that passes null
+     * as the fallback, thus returning all visible IDs.</p>
+     *
+     * @param result a vector to hold the returned IDs.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the result vector.
+     */
+    UVector& getVisibleIDs(UVector& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Return a snapshot of the visible IDs for this service.  This
+     * list will not change as ICUServiceFactories are added or removed, but the
+     * supported IDs will, so there is no guarantee that all and only
+     * the IDs in the returned list will be visible and supported by the
+     * service in subsequent calls.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The IDs are returned as pointers to UnicodeStrings.  The
+     * caller owns the IDs.  Previous contents of result are discarded before
+     * new elements, if any, are added.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>matchID is passed to createKey to create a key.  If the key
+     * is not NULL, its isFallbackOf method is used to filter out IDs
+     * that don't match the key or have it as a fallback.</p>
+     *
+     * @param result a vector to hold the returned IDs.
+     * @param matchID an ID used to filter the result, or NULL if all IDs are desired.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the result vector.
+     */
+    UVector& getVisibleIDs(UVector& result, const UnicodeString* matchID, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Convenience override for getDisplayName(const UnicodeString&, const Locale&, UnicodeString&) that
+     * uses the current default locale.</p>
+     *
+     * @param id the ID for which to retrieve the localized displayName.
+     * @param result an output parameter to hold the display name.
+     * @return the modified result.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Given a visible ID, return the display name in the requested locale.
+     * If there is no directly supported ID corresponding to this ID, result is
+     * set to bogus.</p>
+     *
+     * @param id the ID for which to retrieve the localized displayName.
+     * @param result an output parameter to hold the display name.
+     * @param locale the locale in which to localize the ID.
+     * @return the modified result.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& result, const Locale& locale) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Convenience override of getDisplayNames(const Locale&, const UnicodeString*) that 
+     * uses the current default Locale as the locale and NULL for
+     * the matchID.</p>
+     *
+     * @param result a vector to hold the returned displayName/id StringPairs.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the modified result vector.
+     */
+    UVector& getDisplayNames(UVector& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Convenience override of getDisplayNames(const Locale&, const UnicodeString*) that 
+     * uses NULL for the matchID.</p>
+     *
+     * @param result a vector to hold the returned displayName/id StringPairs.
+     * @param locale the locale in which to localize the ID.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the modified result vector.
+     */
+    UVector& getDisplayNames(UVector& result, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Return a snapshot of the mapping from display names to visible
+     * IDs for this service.  This set will not change as factories
+     * are added or removed, but the supported IDs will, so there is
+     * no guarantee that all and only the IDs in the returned map will
+     * be visible and supported by the service in subsequent calls,
+     * nor is there any guarantee that the current display names match
+     * those in the result.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The names are returned as pointers to StringPairs, which
+     * contain both the displayName and the corresponding ID.  The
+     * caller owns the StringPairs.  Previous contents of result are
+     * discarded before new elements, if any, are added.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>matchID is passed to createKey to create a key.  If the key
+     * is not NULL, its isFallbackOf method is used to filter out IDs
+     * that don't match the key or have it as a fallback.</p>
+     *
+     * @param result a vector to hold the returned displayName/id StringPairs.
+     * @param locale the locale in which to localize the ID.
+     * @param matchID an ID used to filter the result, or NULL if all IDs are desired.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the result vector.  */
+    UVector& getDisplayNames(UVector& result,
+                             const Locale& locale, 
+                             const UnicodeString* matchID, 
+                             UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>A convenience override of registerInstance(UObject*, const UnicodeString&, UBool)
+     * that defaults visible to TRUE.</p>
+     *
+     * @param objToAdopt the object to register and adopt.
+     * @param id the ID to assign to this object.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return a registry key that can be passed to unregister to unregister
+     * (and discard) this instance.
+     */
+    URegistryKey registerInstance(UObject* objToAdopt, const UnicodeString& id, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Register a service instance with the provided ID.  The ID will be 
+     * canonicalized.  The canonicalized ID will be returned by
+     * getVisibleIDs if visible is TRUE.  The service instance will be adopted and
+     * must not be modified subsequent to this call.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This issues a serviceChanged notification to registered listeners.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This implementation wraps the object using
+     * createSimpleFactory, and calls registerFactory.</p>
+     *
+     * @param objToAdopt the object to register and adopt.
+     * @param id the ID to assign to this object.
+     * @param visible TRUE if getVisibleIDs is to return this ID.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return a registry key that can be passed to unregister() to unregister
+     * (and discard) this instance.
+     */
+    virtual URegistryKey registerInstance(UObject* objToAdopt, const UnicodeString& id, UBool visible, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Register an ICUServiceFactory.  Returns a registry key that
+     * can be used to unregister the factory.  The factory
+     * must not be modified subsequent to this call.  The service owns
+     * all registered factories. In case of an error, the factory is
+     * deleted.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This issues a serviceChanged notification to registered listeners.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation accepts all factories.</p>
+     *
+     * @param factoryToAdopt the factory to register and adopt.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return a registry key that can be passed to unregister to unregister
+     * (and discard) this factory.
+     */
+    virtual URegistryKey registerFactory(ICUServiceFactory* factoryToAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Unregister a factory using a registry key returned by
+     * registerInstance or registerFactory.  After a successful call,
+     * the factory will be removed from the service factory list and
+     * deleted, and the key becomes invalid.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This issues a serviceChanged notification to registered
+     * listeners.</p>
+     *
+     * @param rkey the registry key.
+     * @param status the error code status.  
+     * @return TRUE if the call successfully unregistered the factory.
+     */
+    virtual UBool unregister(URegistryKey rkey, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * </p>Reset the service to the default factories.  The factory
+     * lock is acquired and then reInitializeFactories is called.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This issues a serviceChanged notification to registered listeners.</p>
+     */
+    virtual void reset(void);
+    /**
+     * <p>Return TRUE if the service is in its default state.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation returns TRUE if there are no 
+     * factories registered.</p>
+     */
+    virtual UBool isDefault(void) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Create a key from an ID.  If ID is NULL, returns NULL.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation creates an ICUServiceKey instance.
+     * Subclasses can override to define more useful keys appropriate
+     * to the factories they accept.</p>
+     *
+     * @param a pointer to the ID for which to create a default ICUServiceKey.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the ICUServiceKey corresponding to ID, or NULL.
+     */
+    virtual ICUServiceKey* createKey(const UnicodeString* id, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Clone object so that caller can own the copy.  In ICU2.4, UObject doesn't define
+     * clone, so we need an instance-aware method that knows how to do this.
+     * This is public so factories can call it, but should really be protected.</p>
+     *
+     * @param instance the service instance to clone.
+     * @return a clone of the passed-in instance, or NULL if cloning was unsuccessful.
+     */
+    virtual UObject* cloneInstance(UObject* instance) const = 0;
+    /************************************************************************
+     * Subclassing API
+     */
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * <p>Create a factory that wraps a single service object.  Called by registerInstance.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation returns an instance of SimpleFactory.</p>
+     *
+     * @param instanceToAdopt the service instance to adopt.
+     * @param id the ID to assign to this service instance.
+     * @param visible if TRUE, the ID will be visible.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return an instance of ICUServiceFactory that maps this instance to the provided ID.
+     */
+    virtual ICUServiceFactory* createSimpleFactory(UObject* instanceToAdopt, const UnicodeString& id, UBool visible, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Reinitialize the factory list to its default state.  After this call, isDefault()
+     * must return TRUE.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This issues a serviceChanged notification to registered listeners.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation clears the factory list.
+     * Subclasses can override to provide other default initialization
+     * of the factory list.  Subclasses must not call this method
+     * directly, since it must only be called while holding write
+     * access to the factory list.</p>
+     */
+    virtual void reInitializeFactories(void);
+    /**
+     * <p>Default handler for this service if no factory in the factory list
+     * handled the key passed to getKey.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation returns NULL.</p>
+     *
+     * @param key the key.
+     * @param actualReturn a pointer to a UnicodeString to hold the matched descriptor, or NULL.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the service instance, or NULL.
+     */
+    virtual UObject* handleDefault(const ICUServiceKey& key, UnicodeString* actualReturn, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Clear caches maintained by this service.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>Subclasses can override if they implement additional caches
+     * that need to be cleared when the service changes.  Subclasses
+     * should generally not call this method directly, as it must only
+     * be called while synchronized on the factory lock.</p>
+     */
+    virtual void clearCaches(void);
+    /**
+     * <p>Return true if the listener is accepted.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation accepts the listener if it is
+     * a ServiceListener.  Subclasses can override this to accept
+     * different listeners.</p>
+     *
+     * @param l the listener to test.
+     * @return TRUE if the service accepts the listener.
+     */
+    virtual UBool acceptsListener(const EventListener& l) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Notify the listener of a service change.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation assumes a ServiceListener.
+     * If acceptsListener has been overridden to accept different
+     * listeners, this should be overridden as well.</p>
+     *
+     * @param l the listener to notify.
+     */
+    virtual void notifyListener(EventListener& l) const;
+    /************************************************************************
+     * Utilities for subclasses.
+     */
+    /**
+     * <p>Clear only the service cache.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This can be called by subclasses when a change affects the service
+     * cache but not the ID caches, e.g., when the default locale changes
+     * the resolution of IDs also changes, requiring the cache to be
+     * flushed, but not the visible IDs themselves.</p>
+     */
+    void clearServiceCache(void);
+    /**
+     * <p>Return a map from visible IDs to factories.
+     * This must only be called when the mutex is held.</p>
+     *
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return a Hashtable containing mappings from visible
+     * IDs to factories.
+     */
+    const Hashtable* getVisibleIDMap(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Allow subclasses to read the time stamp.</p>
+     *
+     * @return the timestamp.
+     */
+    int32_t getTimestamp(void) const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Return the number of registered factories.</p>
+     *
+     * @return the number of factories registered at the time of the call.
+     */
+    int32_t countFactories(void) const;
+    friend class ::ICUServiceTest; // give tests access to countFactories.
+    /* ICUSERV_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/servloc.h b/libicu/cts_headers/servloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccf6433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/servloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef ICULSERV_H
+#define ICULSERV_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Allow the declaration of APIs with pointers to ICUService
+ * even when service is removed from the build.
+ */
+class ICULocaleService;
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "serv.h"
+#include "locutil.h"
+class ICULocaleService;
+class LocaleKey;
+class LocaleKeyFactory;
+class SimpleLocaleKeyFactory;
+class ServiceListener;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+ * A subclass of Key that implements a locale fallback mechanism.
+ * The first locale to search for is the locale provided by the
+ * client, and the fallback locale to search for is the current
+ * default locale.  If a prefix is present, the currentDescriptor
+ * includes it before the locale proper, separated by "/".  This
+ * is the default key instantiated by ICULocaleService.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Canonicalization adjusts the locale string so that the
+ * section before the first understore is in lower case, and the rest
+ * is in upper case, with no trailing underscores.</p> 
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API LocaleKey : public ICUServiceKey {
+  private: 
+    int32_t _kind;
+    UnicodeString _primaryID;
+    UnicodeString _fallbackID;
+    UnicodeString _currentID;
+  public:
+    enum {
+        KIND_ANY = -1
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create a LocaleKey with canonical primary and fallback IDs.
+     */
+    static LocaleKey* createWithCanonicalFallback(const UnicodeString* primaryID, 
+                                                  const UnicodeString* canonicalFallbackID,
+                                                  UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a LocaleKey with canonical primary and fallback IDs.
+     */
+    static LocaleKey* createWithCanonicalFallback(const UnicodeString* primaryID, 
+                                                  const UnicodeString* canonicalFallbackID, 
+                                                  int32_t kind,
+                                                  UErrorCode& status);
+  protected:
+    /**
+     * PrimaryID is the user's requested locale string,
+     * canonicalPrimaryID is this string in canonical form,
+     * fallbackID is the current default locale's string in
+     * canonical form.
+     */
+    LocaleKey(const UnicodeString& primaryID, 
+              const UnicodeString& canonicalPrimaryID, 
+              const UnicodeString* canonicalFallbackID, 
+              int32_t kind);
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Append the prefix associated with the kind, or nothing if the kind is KIND_ANY.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& prefix(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the kind code associated with this key.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t kind() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the canonicalID.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& canonicalID(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the currentID.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& currentID(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the (canonical) current descriptor, or null if no current id.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& currentDescriptor(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to return the locale corresponding to the (canonical) original ID.
+     */
+    virtual Locale& canonicalLocale(Locale& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to return the locale corresponding to the (canonical) current ID.
+     */
+    virtual Locale& currentLocale(Locale& result) const;
+    /**
+     * If the key has a fallback, modify the key and return true,
+     * otherwise return false.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>First falls back through the primary ID, then through
+     * the fallbackID.  The final fallback is the empty string,
+     * unless the primary id was the empty string, in which case
+     * there is no fallback.  
+     */
+    virtual UBool fallback();
+    /**
+     * Return true if a key created from id matches, or would eventually
+     * fallback to match, the canonical ID of this key.  
+     */
+    virtual UBool isFallbackOf(const UnicodeString& id) const;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * UObject boilerplate.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~LocaleKey();
+ public:
+    virtual UnicodeString& debug(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    virtual UnicodeString& debugClass(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+ * A subclass of ICUServiceFactory that uses LocaleKeys, and is able to
+ * 'cover' more specific locales with more general locales that it
+ * supports.  
+ *
+ * <p>Coverage may be either of the values VISIBLE or INVISIBLE.
+ *
+ * <p>'Visible' indicates that the specific locale(s) supported by
+ * the factory are registered in getSupportedIDs, 'Invisible'
+ * indicates that they are not.
+ *
+ * <p>Localization of visible ids is handled
+ * by the handling factory, regardless of kind.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API LocaleKeyFactory : public ICUServiceFactory {
+    const UnicodeString _name;
+    const int32_t _coverage;
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * Coverage value indicating that the factory makes
+         * its locales visible, and does not cover more specific 
+         * locales.
+         */
+        VISIBLE = 0,
+        /**
+         * Coverage value indicating that the factory does not make
+         * its locales visible, and does not cover more specific
+         * locales.
+         */
+        INVISIBLE = 1
+    };
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~LocaleKeyFactory();
+    /**
+     * Constructor used by subclasses.
+     */
+    LocaleKeyFactory(int32_t coverage);
+    /**
+     * Constructor used by subclasses.
+     */
+    LocaleKeyFactory(int32_t coverage, const UnicodeString& name);
+    /**
+     * Implement superclass abstract method.  This checks the currentID of
+     * the key against the supported IDs, and passes the canonicalLocale and
+     * kind off to handleCreate (which subclasses must implement).
+     */
+    virtual UObject* create(const ICUServiceKey& key, const ICUService* service, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    virtual UBool handlesKey(const ICUServiceKey& key, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Override of superclass method.  This adjusts the result based
+     * on the coverage rule for this factory.
+     */
+    virtual void updateVisibleIDs(Hashtable& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a localized name for the locale represented by id.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& id, const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Utility method used by create(ICUServiceKey, ICUService).  Subclasses can implement
+     * this instead of create.  The default returns NULL.
+     */
+    virtual UObject* handleCreate(const Locale& loc, int32_t kind, const ICUService* service, UErrorCode& status) const;
+   /**
+     * Return true if this id is one the factory supports (visible or 
+     * otherwise).
+     */
+ //   virtual UBool isSupportedID(const UnicodeString& id, UErrorCode& status) const;
+   /**
+     * Return the set of ids that this factory supports (visible or 
+     * otherwise).  This can be called often and might need to be
+     * cached if it is expensive to create.
+     */
+    virtual const Hashtable* getSupportedIDs(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * UObject boilerplate.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+ public:
+    virtual UnicodeString& debug(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    virtual UnicodeString& debugClass(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+ * A LocaleKeyFactory that just returns a single object for a kind/locale.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API SimpleLocaleKeyFactory : public LocaleKeyFactory {
+ private:
+    UObject* _obj;
+    UnicodeString _id;
+    const int32_t _kind;
+ public:
+    SimpleLocaleKeyFactory(UObject* objToAdopt, 
+                           const UnicodeString& locale, 
+                           int32_t kind, 
+                           int32_t coverage);
+    SimpleLocaleKeyFactory(UObject* objToAdopt, 
+                           const Locale& locale, 
+                           int32_t kind, 
+                           int32_t coverage);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~SimpleLocaleKeyFactory();
+    /**
+     * Override of superclass method.  Returns the service object if kind/locale match.  Service is not used.
+     */
+    virtual UObject* create(const ICUServiceKey& key, const ICUService* service, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Override of superclass method.  This adjusts the result based
+     * on the coverage rule for this factory.
+     */
+    virtual void updateVisibleIDs(Hashtable& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Return true if this id is equal to the locale name.
+     */
+    //virtual UBool isSupportedID(const UnicodeString& id, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * UObject boilerplate.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+ public:
+    virtual UnicodeString& debug(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    virtual UnicodeString& debugClass(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+ * A LocaleKeyFactory that creates a service based on the ICU locale data.
+ * This is a base class for most ICU factories.  Subclasses instantiate it
+ * with a constructor that takes a bundle name, which determines the supported
+ * IDs.  Subclasses then override handleCreate to create the actual service
+ * object.  The default implementation returns a resource bundle.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ICUResourceBundleFactory : public LocaleKeyFactory 
+ protected:
+    UnicodeString _bundleName;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Convenience constructor that uses the main ICU bundle name.
+     */
+    ICUResourceBundleFactory();
+    /**
+     * A service factory based on ICU resource data in resources with
+     * the given name.  This should be a 'path' that can be passed to
+     * ures_openAvailableLocales, such as U_ICUDATA or U_ICUDATA_COLL.
+     * The empty string is equivalent to U_ICUDATA.
+     */
+    ICUResourceBundleFactory(const UnicodeString& bundleName);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~ICUResourceBundleFactory();
+    /**
+     * Return the supported IDs.  This is the set of all locale names in ICULocaleData.
+     */
+    virtual const Hashtable* getSupportedIDs(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Create the service.  The default implementation returns the resource bundle
+     * for the locale, ignoring kind, and service.
+     */
+    virtual UObject* handleCreate(const Locale& loc, int32_t kind, const ICUService* service, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * UObject boilerplate.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+ public:
+    virtual UnicodeString& debug(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    virtual UnicodeString& debugClass(UnicodeString& result) const;
+ ******************************************************************
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ICULocaleService : public ICUService 
+ private:
+  Locale fallbackLocale;
+  UnicodeString fallbackLocaleName;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * Construct an ICULocaleService.
+   */
+  ICULocaleService();
+  /**
+   * Construct an ICULocaleService with a name (useful for debugging).
+   */
+  ICULocaleService(const UnicodeString& name);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   */
+  virtual ~ICULocaleService();
+#if 0
+  // redeclare because of overload resolution rules?
+  // no, causes ambiguities since both UnicodeString and Locale have constructors that take a const char*
+  // need some compiler flag to remove warnings 
+  UObject* get(const UnicodeString& descriptor, UErrorCode& status) const {
+    return ICUService::get(descriptor, status);
+  }
+  UObject* get(const UnicodeString& descriptor, UnicodeString* actualReturn, UErrorCode& status) const {
+    return ICUService::get(descriptor, actualReturn, status);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Convenience override for callers using locales.  This calls
+   * get(Locale, int, Locale[]) with KIND_ANY for kind and null for
+   * actualReturn.
+   */
+  UObject* get(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Convenience override for callers using locales.  This calls
+   * get(Locale, int, Locale[]) with a null actualReturn.
+   */
+  UObject* get(const Locale& locale, int32_t kind, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Convenience override for callers using locales. This calls
+   * get(Locale, String, Locale[]) with a null kind.
+   */
+  UObject* get(const Locale& locale, Locale* actualReturn, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Convenience override for callers using locales.  This uses
+   * createKey(Locale.toString(), kind) to create a key, calls getKey, and then
+   * if actualReturn is not null, returns the actualResult from
+   * getKey (stripping any prefix) into a Locale.  
+   */
+  UObject* get(const Locale& locale, int32_t kind, Locale* actualReturn, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Convenience override for callers using locales.  This calls
+   * registerObject(Object, Locale, int32_t kind, int coverage)
+   * passing KIND_ANY for the kind, and VISIBLE for the coverage.
+   */
+  virtual URegistryKey registerInstance(UObject* objToAdopt, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * Convenience function for callers using locales.  This calls
+   * registerObject(Object, Locale, int kind, int coverage)
+   * passing VISIBLE for the coverage.
+   */
+  virtual URegistryKey registerInstance(UObject* objToAdopt, const Locale& locale, int32_t kind, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * Convenience function for callers using locales.  This  instantiates
+   * a SimpleLocaleKeyFactory, and registers the factory.
+   */
+  virtual URegistryKey registerInstance(UObject* objToAdopt, const Locale& locale, int32_t kind, int32_t coverage, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * (Stop compiler from complaining about hidden overrides.)
+   * Since both UnicodeString and Locale have constructors that take const char*, adding a public
+   * method that takes UnicodeString causes ambiguity at call sites that use const char*.
+   * We really need a flag that is understood by all compilers that will suppress the warning about
+   * hidden overrides.
+   */
+  virtual URegistryKey registerInstance(UObject* objToAdopt, const UnicodeString& locale, UBool visible, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * Convenience method for callers using locales.  This returns the standard
+   * service ID enumeration.
+   */
+  virtual StringEnumeration* getAvailableLocales(void) const;
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * Return the name of the current fallback locale.  If it has changed since this was
+   * last accessed, the service cache is cleared.
+   */
+  const UnicodeString& validateFallbackLocale() const;
+  /**
+   * Override superclass createKey method.
+   */
+  virtual ICUServiceKey* createKey(const UnicodeString* id, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Additional createKey that takes a kind.
+   */
+  virtual ICUServiceKey* createKey(const UnicodeString* id, int32_t kind, UErrorCode& status) const;
+  friend class ServiceEnumeration;
+    /* ICULSERV_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/servnotf.h b/libicu/cts_headers/servnotf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba7a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/servnotf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef ICUNOTIF_H
+#define ICUNOTIF_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Allow the declaration of APIs with pointers to BreakIterator
+ * even when break iteration is removed from the build.
+ */
+class ICUNotifier;
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "mutex.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+class U_COMMON_API EventListener : public UObject {
+    virtual ~EventListener();
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    virtual UnicodeString& debug(UnicodeString& result) const {
+      return debugClass(result);
+    }
+    virtual UnicodeString& debugClass(UnicodeString& result) const {
+      return result.append((UnicodeString)"Key");
+    }
+ * <p>Abstract implementation of a notification facility.  Clients add
+ * EventListeners with addListener and remove them with removeListener.
+ * Notifiers call notifyChanged when they wish to notify listeners.
+ * This queues the listener list on the notification thread, which
+ * eventually dequeues the list and calls notifyListener on each
+ * listener in the list.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Subclasses override acceptsListener and notifyListener 
+ * to add type-safe notification.  AcceptsListener should return
+ * true if the listener is of the appropriate type; ICUNotifier
+ * itself will ensure the listener is non-null and that the
+ * identical listener is not already registered with the Notifier.
+ * NotifyListener should cast the listener to the appropriate 
+ * type and call the appropriate method on the listener.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ICUNotifier : public UMemory  {
+private: UVector* listeners;
+    ICUNotifier(void);
+    virtual ~ICUNotifier(void);
+    /**
+     * Add a listener to be notified when notifyChanged is called.
+     * The listener must not be null. AcceptsListener must return
+     * true for the listener.  Attempts to concurrently
+     * register the identical listener more than once will be
+     * silently ignored.  
+     */
+    virtual void addListener(const EventListener* l, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Stop notifying this listener.  The listener must
+     * not be null.  Attemps to remove a listener that is
+     * not registered will be silently ignored.
+     */
+    virtual void removeListener(const EventListener* l, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * ICU doesn't spawn its own threads.  All listeners are notified in
+     * the thread of the caller.  Misbehaved listeners can therefore
+     * indefinitely block the calling thread.  Callers should beware of
+     * deadlock situations.  
+     */
+    virtual void notifyChanged(void);
+    /**
+     * Subclasses implement this to return TRUE if the listener is
+     * of the appropriate type.
+     */
+    virtual UBool acceptsListener(const EventListener& l) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Subclasses implement this to notify the listener.
+     */
+    virtual void notifyListener(EventListener& l) const = 0;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/sharedbreakiterator.h b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedbreakiterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d67bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedbreakiterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* sharedbreakiterator.h
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "sharedobject.h"
+class BreakIterator;
+// SharedBreakIterator encapsulates a shared BreakIterator. Because
+// BreakIterator has mutable semantics, clients must ensure that all uses
+// of a particular shared BreakIterator is protected by the same mutex
+// ensuring that only one thread at a time gets access to that shared
+// BreakIterator. Clients can accomplish this by creating a mutex for all
+// uses of break iterator within a particular class. Then objects of that
+// class may then freely share break iterators among themselves. However,
+// these shared break iterators must never be exposed outside of that class.
+class U_I18N_API SharedBreakIterator : public SharedObject {
+    SharedBreakIterator(BreakIterator *biToAdopt);
+    virtual ~SharedBreakIterator();
+    BreakIterator *get() const { return ptr; }
+    BreakIterator *operator->() const { return ptr; }
+    BreakIterator &operator*() const { return *ptr; }
+    BreakIterator *ptr;
+    SharedBreakIterator(const SharedBreakIterator &);
+    SharedBreakIterator &operator=(const SharedBreakIterator &);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/sharedcalendar.h b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedcalendar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1526f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedcalendar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* sharedcalendar.h
+#ifndef __SHARED_CALENDAR_H__
+#define __SHARED_CALENDAR_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "sharedobject.h"
+class Calendar;
+class U_I18N_API SharedCalendar : public SharedObject {
+    SharedCalendar(Calendar *calToAdopt) : ptr(calToAdopt) { }
+    virtual ~SharedCalendar();
+    const Calendar *get() const { return ptr; }
+    const Calendar *operator->() const { return ptr; }
+    const Calendar &operator*() const { return *ptr; }
+    Calendar *ptr;
+    SharedCalendar(const SharedCalendar &);
+    SharedCalendar &operator=(const SharedCalendar &);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/shareddateformatsymbols.h b/libicu/cts_headers/shareddateformatsymbols.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a06ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/shareddateformatsymbols.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* shareddateformatsymbols.h
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "sharedobject.h"
+#include "unicode/dtfmtsym.h"
+class U_I18N_API SharedDateFormatSymbols : public SharedObject {
+    SharedDateFormatSymbols(
+            const Locale &loc, const char *type, UErrorCode &status)
+            : dfs(loc, type, status) { }
+    virtual ~SharedDateFormatSymbols();
+    const DateFormatSymbols &get() const { return dfs; }
+    DateFormatSymbols dfs;
+    SharedDateFormatSymbols(const SharedDateFormatSymbols &);
+    SharedDateFormatSymbols &operator=(const SharedDateFormatSymbols &);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/sharednumberformat.h b/libicu/cts_headers/sharednumberformat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7e105b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/sharednumberformat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* sharednumberformat.h
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "sharedobject.h"
+class NumberFormat;
+class U_I18N_API SharedNumberFormat : public SharedObject {
+    SharedNumberFormat(NumberFormat *nfToAdopt) : ptr(nfToAdopt) { }
+    virtual ~SharedNumberFormat();
+    const NumberFormat *get() const { return ptr; }
+    const NumberFormat *operator->() const { return ptr; }
+    const NumberFormat &operator*() const { return *ptr; }
+    NumberFormat *ptr;
+    SharedNumberFormat(const SharedNumberFormat &);
+    SharedNumberFormat &operator=(const SharedNumberFormat &);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/sharedobject.h b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a5aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* sharedobject.h
+#ifndef __SHAREDOBJECT_H__
+#define __SHAREDOBJECT_H__
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
+class SharedObject;
+ * Base class for unified cache exposing enough methods to SharedObject
+ * instances to allow their addRef() and removeRef() methods to
+ * update cache metrics. No other part of ICU, except for SharedObject,
+ * should directly call the methods of this base class.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnifiedCacheBase : public UObject {
+    UnifiedCacheBase() { }
+    /**
+     * Notify the cache implementation that an object was seen transitioning to
+     * zero hard references. The cache may use this to keep track the number of
+     * unreferenced SharedObjects, and to trigger evictions.
+     */
+    virtual void handleUnreferencedObject() const = 0;
+    virtual ~UnifiedCacheBase();
+    UnifiedCacheBase(const UnifiedCacheBase &);
+    UnifiedCacheBase &operator=(const UnifiedCacheBase &);
+ * Base class for shared, reference-counted, auto-deleted objects.
+ * Subclasses can be immutable.
+ * If they are mutable, then they must implement their copy constructor
+ * so that copyOnWrite() works.
+ *
+ * Either stack-allocate, use LocalPointer, or use addRef()/removeRef().
+ * Sharing requires reference-counting.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API SharedObject : public UObject {
+    /** Initializes totalRefCount, softRefCount to 0. */
+    SharedObject() :
+            softRefCount(0),
+            hardRefCount(0),
+            cachePtr(NULL) {}
+    /** Initializes totalRefCount, softRefCount to 0. */
+    SharedObject(const SharedObject &other) :
+            UObject(other),
+            softRefCount(0),
+            hardRefCount(0),
+            cachePtr(NULL) {}
+    virtual ~SharedObject();
+    /**
+     * Increments the number of hard references to this object. Thread-safe.
+     * Not for use from within the Unified Cache implementation.
+     */
+    void addRef() const;
+    /**
+     * Decrements the number of hard references to this object, and
+     * arrange for possible cache-eviction and/or deletion if ref
+     * count goes to zero. Thread-safe.
+     * 
+     * Not for use from within the UnifiedCache implementation.
+     */
+    void removeRef() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of hard references for this object.
+     * Uses a memory barrier.
+     */
+    int32_t getRefCount() const;
+    /**
+     * If noHardReferences() == TRUE then this object has no hard references.
+     * Must be called only from within the internals of UnifiedCache.
+     */
+    inline UBool noHardReferences() const { return getRefCount() == 0; }
+    /**
+     * If hasHardReferences() == TRUE then this object has hard references.
+     * Must be called only from within the internals of UnifiedCache.
+     */
+    inline UBool hasHardReferences() const { return getRefCount() != 0; }
+    /**
+     * Deletes this object if it has no references.
+     * Available for non-cached SharedObjects only. Ownership of cached objects
+     * is with the UnifiedCache, which is solely responsible for eviction and deletion.
+     */
+    void deleteIfZeroRefCount() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a writable version of ptr.
+     * If there is exactly one owner, then ptr itself is returned as a
+     *  non-const pointer.
+     * If there are multiple owners, then ptr is replaced with a 
+     * copy-constructed clone,
+     * and that is returned.
+     * Returns NULL if cloning failed.
+     *
+     * T must be a subclass of SharedObject.
+     */
+    template<typename T>
+    static T *copyOnWrite(const T *&ptr) {
+        const T *p = ptr;
+        if(p->getRefCount() <= 1) { return const_cast<T *>(p); }
+        T *p2 = new T(*p);
+        if(p2 == NULL) { return NULL; }
+        p->removeRef();
+        ptr = p2;
+        p2->addRef();
+        return p2;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Makes dest an owner of the object pointed to by src while adjusting
+     * reference counts and deleting the previous object dest pointed to
+     * if necessary. Before this call is made, dest must either be NULL or
+     * be included in the reference count of the object it points to. 
+     *
+     * T must be a subclass of SharedObject.
+     */
+    template<typename T>
+    static void copyPtr(const T *src, const T *&dest) {
+        if(src != dest) {
+            if(dest != NULL) { dest->removeRef(); }
+            dest = src;
+            if(src != NULL) { src->addRef(); }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Equivalent to copyPtr(NULL, dest).
+     */
+    template<typename T>
+    static void clearPtr(const T *&ptr) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            ptr->removeRef();
+            ptr = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * The number of references from the UnifiedCache, which is
+     * the number of times that the sharedObject is stored as a hash table value.
+     * For use by UnifiedCache implementation code only.
+     * All access is synchronized by UnifiedCache's gCacheMutex
+     */
+    mutable int32_t softRefCount;
+    friend class UnifiedCache;
+    /**
+     * Reference count, excluding references from within the UnifiedCache implementation.
+     */
+    mutable u_atomic_int32_t hardRefCount;
+    mutable const UnifiedCacheBase *cachePtr;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/sharedpluralrules.h b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedpluralrules.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28d8b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/sharedpluralrules.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* sharedpluralrules.h
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "sharedobject.h"
+class PluralRules;
+class U_I18N_API SharedPluralRules : public SharedObject {
+    SharedPluralRules(PluralRules *prToAdopt) : ptr(prToAdopt) { }
+    virtual ~SharedPluralRules();
+    const PluralRules *operator->() const { return ptr; }
+    const PluralRules &operator*() const { return *ptr; }
+    PluralRules *ptr;
+    SharedPluralRules(const SharedPluralRules &);
+    SharedPluralRules &operator=(const SharedPluralRules &);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/smpdtfst.h b/libicu/cts_headers/smpdtfst.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc80909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/smpdtfst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+* This file contains declarations for the class SimpleDateFormatStaticSets
+* SimpleDateFormatStaticSets holds the UnicodeSets that are needed for lenient
+* parsing of literal characters in date/time strings.
+#ifndef SMPDTFST_H
+#define SMPDTFST_H
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udat.h"
+class  UnicodeSet;
+class SimpleDateFormatStaticSets : public UMemory
+    SimpleDateFormatStaticSets(UErrorCode &status);
+    ~SimpleDateFormatStaticSets();
+    static void    initSets(UErrorCode *status);
+    static UBool   cleanup();
+    static UnicodeSet *getIgnorables(UDateFormatField fieldIndex);
+    UnicodeSet *fDateIgnorables;
+    UnicodeSet *fTimeIgnorables;
+    UnicodeSet *fOtherIgnorables;
+#endif   // #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
+#endif   // SMPDTFST_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/sprpimpl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/sprpimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca0bcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/sprpimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2003-2006, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *   file name:  sprpimpl.h
+ *   encoding:   UTF-8
+ *   tab size:   8 (not used)
+ *   indentation:4
+ *
+ *   created on: 2003feb1
+ *   created by: Ram Viswanadha
+ */
+#ifndef SPRPIMPL_H
+#define SPRPIMPL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/usprep.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "utrie.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+#include "ubidi_props.h"
+#define _SPREP_DATA_TYPE "spp"
+enum UStringPrepType{
+    USPREP_UNASSIGNED           = 0x0000 ,
+    USPREP_MAP                  = 0x0001 ,
+    USPREP_PROHIBITED           = 0x0002 , 
+    USPREP_DELETE               = 0x0003 ,
+    USPREP_TYPE_LIMIT           = 0x0004  
+typedef enum UStringPrepType UStringPrepType;
+static const char* usprepTypeNames[] ={
+    "UNASSIGNED" ,          
+    "MAP" , 
+    "PROHIBITED" ,        
+    "DELETE",
+    "TYPE_LIMIT" 
+    _SPREP_CHECK_BIDI_ON    = 0x0002
+    _SPREP_TYPE_THRESHOLD       = 0xFFF0,
+    _SPREP_MAX_INDEX_VALUE      = 0x3FBF,   /*16139*/ 
+/* indexes[] value names */
+enum {
+    _SPREP_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE                  = 0, /* number of bytes in StringPrep trie */
+    _SPREP_INDEX_MAPPING_DATA_SIZE          = 1, /* The array that contains the mapping   */
+    _SPREP_NORM_CORRECTNS_LAST_UNI_VERSION  = 2, /* The index of Unicode version of last entry in NormalizationCorrections.txt */ 
+    _SPREP_ONE_UCHAR_MAPPING_INDEX_START    = 3, /* The starting index of 1 UChar mapping index in the mapping data array */
+    _SPREP_TWO_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START   = 4, /* The starting index of 2 UChars mapping index in the mapping data array */
+    _SPREP_THREE_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START = 5, /* The starting index of 3 UChars mapping index in the mapping data array */
+    _SPREP_FOUR_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START  = 6, /* The starting index of 4 UChars mapping index in the mapping data array */
+    _SPREP_OPTIONS                          = 7, /* Bit set of options to turn on in the profile */
+    _SPREP_INDEX_TOP=16                          /* changing this requires a new formatVersion */
+typedef struct UStringPrepKey UStringPrepKey;
+struct UStringPrepKey{
+    char* name;
+    char* path;
+struct UStringPrepProfile{
+    int32_t indexes[_SPREP_INDEX_TOP];
+    UTrie sprepTrie;
+    const uint16_t* mappingData;
+    UDataMemory* sprepData;
+    int32_t refCount;
+    UBool isDataLoaded;
+    UBool doNFKC;
+    UBool checkBiDi;
+ * Helper function for populating the UParseError struct
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_syntaxError(const UChar* rules, 
+                 int32_t pos,
+                 int32_t rulesLen,
+                 UParseError* parseError);
+ * Swap StringPrep .spp profile data. See udataswp.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+usprep_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+            const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_IDNA */
+ * Hey, Emacs, please set the following:
+ *
+ * Local Variables:
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/standardplural.h b/libicu/cts_headers/standardplural.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33e1d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/standardplural.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * standardplural.h
+ *
+ * created on: 2015dec14
+ * created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+class UnicodeString;
+ * Standard CLDR plural form/category constants.
+ * See
+ */
+class U_I18N_API StandardPlural {
+    enum Form {
+        ZERO,
+        ONE,
+        TWO,
+        FEW,
+        MANY,
+        OTHER,
+        COUNT
+    };
+    /**
+     * @return the lowercase CLDR keyword string for the plural form
+     */
+    static const char *getKeyword(Form p);
+    /**
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the plural form corresponding to the keyword, or OTHER
+     */
+    static Form orOtherFromString(const char *keyword) {
+        return static_cast<Form>(indexOrOtherIndexFromString(keyword));
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the plural form corresponding to the keyword, or OTHER
+     */
+    static Form orOtherFromString(const UnicodeString &keyword) {
+        return static_cast<Form>(indexOrOtherIndexFromString(keyword));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the keyword is not a plural form.
+     *
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the plural form corresponding to the keyword
+     */
+    static Form fromString(const char *keyword, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        return static_cast<Form>(indexFromString(keyword, errorCode));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the keyword is not a plural form.
+     *
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the plural form corresponding to the keyword
+     */
+    static Form fromString(const UnicodeString &keyword, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        return static_cast<Form>(indexFromString(keyword, errorCode));
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the index of the plural form corresponding to the keyword, or a negative value
+     */
+    static int32_t indexOrNegativeFromString(const char *keyword);
+    /**
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the index of the plural form corresponding to the keyword, or a negative value
+     */
+    static int32_t indexOrNegativeFromString(const UnicodeString &keyword);
+    /**
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the index of the plural form corresponding to the keyword, or OTHER
+     */
+    static int32_t indexOrOtherIndexFromString(const char *keyword) {
+        int32_t i = indexOrNegativeFromString(keyword);
+        return i >= 0 ? i : OTHER;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the index of the plural form corresponding to the keyword, or OTHER
+     */
+    static int32_t indexOrOtherIndexFromString(const UnicodeString &keyword) {
+        int32_t i = indexOrNegativeFromString(keyword);
+        return i >= 0 ? i : OTHER;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the keyword is not a plural form.
+     *
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the index of the plural form corresponding to the keyword
+     */
+    static int32_t indexFromString(const char *keyword, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Sets U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the keyword is not a plural form.
+     *
+     * @param keyword for example "few" or "other"
+     * @return the index of the plural form corresponding to the keyword
+     */
+    static int32_t indexFromString(const UnicodeString &keyword, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  // __STANDARDPLURAL_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/static_unicode_sets.h b/libicu/cts_headers/static_unicode_sets.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d90ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/static_unicode_sets.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// This file contains utilities to deal with static-allocated UnicodeSets.
+// Common use case: you write a "private static final" UnicodeSet in Java, and
+// want something similarly easy in C++.  Originally written for number
+// parsing, but this header can be used for other applications.
+// Main entrypoint: `unisets::get(unisets::MY_SET_ID_HERE)`
+// This file is in common instead of i18n because it is needed by ucurr.cpp.
+// Author: sffc
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+namespace unisets {
+enum Key {
+    // NONE is used to indicate null in chooseFrom().
+    // EMPTY is used to get an empty UnicodeSet.
+    NONE = -1,
+    EMPTY = 0,
+    // Ignorables
+    // Separators
+    // Notes:
+    // - COMMA is a superset of STRICT_COMMA
+    // - PERIOD is a superset of SCRICT_PERIOD
+    COMMA,
+    PERIOD,
+    // Symbols
+    // Currency Symbols
+    YEN_SIGN,
+    WON_SIGN,
+    // Other
+    DIGITS,
+    // Combined Separators with Digits (for lead code points)
+    // The number of elements in the enum.
+ * Gets the static-allocated UnicodeSet according to the provided key. The
+ * pointer will be deleted during u_cleanup(); the caller should NOT delete it.
+ *
+ * Exported as U_COMMON_API for ucurr.cpp
+ *
+ * This method is always safe and OK to chain: in the case of a memory or other
+ * error, it returns an empty set from static memory.
+ * 
+ * Example:
+ * 
+ *     UBool hasIgnorables = unisets::get(unisets::DEFAULT_IGNORABLES)->contains(...);
+ *
+ * @param key The desired UnicodeSet according to the enum in this file.
+ * @return The requested UnicodeSet. Guaranteed to be frozen and non-null, but
+ *         may be empty if an error occurred during data loading.
+ */
+U_COMMON_API const UnicodeSet* get(Key key);
+ * Checks if the UnicodeSet given by key1 contains the given string.
+ *
+ * Exported as U_COMMON_API for numparse_decimal.cpp
+ *
+ * @param str The string to check.
+ * @param key1 The set to check.
+ * @return key1 if the set contains str, or NONE if not.
+ */
+U_COMMON_API Key chooseFrom(UnicodeString str, Key key1);
+ * Checks if the UnicodeSet given by either key1 or key2 contains the string.
+ *
+ * Exported as U_COMMON_API for numparse_decimal.cpp
+ *
+ * @param str The string to check.
+ * @param key1 The first set to check.
+ * @param key2 The second set to check.
+ * @return key1 if that set contains str; key2 if that set contains str; or
+ *         NONE if neither set contains str.
+ */
+U_COMMON_API Key chooseFrom(UnicodeString str, Key key1, Key key2);
+// TODO: Load these from data: ICU-20108
+// Unused in C++:
+// Key chooseCurrency(UnicodeString str);
+// Used instead:
+static const struct {
+    Key key;
+    UChar32 exemplar;
+} kCurrencyEntries[] = {
+    {DOLLAR_SIGN, u'$'},
+    {POUND_SIGN, u'£'},
+    {RUPEE_SIGN, u'₹'},
+    {YEN_SIGN, u'¥'},
+    {WON_SIGN, u'₩'},
+} // namespace unisets
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/string_segment.h b/libicu/cts_headers/string_segment.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b581f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/string_segment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+ * A mutable UnicodeString wrapper with a variable offset and length and
+ * support for case folding. The charAt, length, and subSequence methods all
+ * operate relative to the fixed offset into the UnicodeString.
+ *
+ * Intended to be useful for parsing.
+ *
+ * CAUTION: Since this class is mutable, it must not be used anywhere that an
+ * immutable object is required, like in a cache or as the key of a hash map.
+ *
+ * @author sffc (Shane Carr)
+ */
+// Exported as U_I18N_API for tests
+class U_I18N_API StringSegment : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    StringSegment(const UnicodeString& str, bool ignoreCase);
+    int32_t getOffset() const;
+    void setOffset(int32_t start);
+    /**
+     * Equivalent to <code>setOffset(getOffset()+delta)</code>.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method is usually called by a Matcher to register that a char was consumed. If the char is
+     * strong (it usually is, except for things like whitespace), follow this with a call to
+     * {@link ParsedNumber#setCharsConsumed}. For more information on strong chars, see that method.
+     */
+    void adjustOffset(int32_t delta);
+    /**
+     * Adjusts the offset by the width of the current code point, either 1 or 2 chars.
+     */
+    void adjustOffsetByCodePoint();
+    void setLength(int32_t length);
+    void resetLength();
+    int32_t length() const;
+    char16_t charAt(int32_t index) const;
+    UChar32 codePointAt(int32_t index) const;
+    UnicodeString toUnicodeString() const;
+    const UnicodeString toTempUnicodeString() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the first code point in the string segment, or -1 if the string starts with an invalid
+     * code point.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>Important:</strong> Most of the time, you should use {@link #startsWith}, which handles case
+     * folding logic, instead of this method.
+     */
+    UChar32 getCodePoint() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the first code point of this StringSegment equals the given code point.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method will perform case folding if case folding is enabled for the parser.
+     */
+    bool startsWith(UChar32 otherCp) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the first code point of this StringSegment is in the given UnicodeSet.
+     */
+    bool startsWith(const UnicodeSet& uniset) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if there is at least one code point of overlap between this StringSegment and the
+     * given UnicodeString.
+     */
+    bool startsWith(const UnicodeString& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the length of the prefix shared by this StringSegment and the given UnicodeString. For
+     * example, if this string segment is "aab", and the char sequence is "aac", this method returns 2,
+     * since the first 2 characters are the same.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method only returns offsets along code point boundaries.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method will perform case folding if case folding was enabled in the constructor.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * IMPORTANT: The given UnicodeString must not be empty! It is the caller's responsibility to check.
+     */
+    int32_t getCommonPrefixLength(const UnicodeString& other);
+    /**
+     * Like {@link #getCommonPrefixLength}, but never performs case folding, even if case folding is
+     * enabled for the parser.
+     */
+    int32_t getCaseSensitivePrefixLength(const UnicodeString& other);
+    bool operator==(const UnicodeString& other) const;
+  private:
+    const UnicodeString& fStr;
+    int32_t fStart;
+    int32_t fEnd;
+    bool fFoldCase;
+    int32_t getPrefixLengthInternal(const UnicodeString& other, bool foldCase);
+    static bool codePointsEqual(UChar32 cp1, UChar32 cp2, bool foldCase);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/strmatch.h b/libicu/cts_headers/strmatch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ae984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/strmatch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   07/23/01    aliu        Creation.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef STRMATCH_H
+#define STRMATCH_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/unifunct.h"
+#include "unicode/unimatch.h"
+#include "unicode/unirepl.h"
+class TransliterationRuleData;
+ * An object that matches a fixed input string, implementing the
+ * UnicodeMatcher API.  This object also implements the
+ * UnicodeReplacer API, allowing it to emit the matched text as
+ * output.  Since the match text may contain flexible match elements,
+ * such as UnicodeSets, the emitted text is not the match pattern, but
+ * instead a substring of the actual matched text.  Following
+ * convention, the output text is the leftmost match seen up to this
+ * point.
+ *
+ * A StringMatcher may represent a segment, in which case it has a
+ * positive segment number.  This affects how the matcher converts
+ * itself to a pattern but does not otherwise affect its function.
+ *
+ * A StringMatcher that is not a segment should not be used as a
+ * UnicodeReplacer.
+ */
+class StringMatcher : public UnicodeFunctor, public UnicodeMatcher, public UnicodeReplacer {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a matcher that matches the given pattern string.
+     * @param string the pattern to be matched, possibly containing
+     * stand-ins that represent nested UnicodeMatcher objects.
+     * @param start inclusive start index of text to be replaced
+     * @param limit exclusive end index of text to be replaced;
+     * must be greater than or equal to start
+     * @param segmentNum the segment number from 1..n, or 0 if this is
+     * not a segment.
+     * @param data context object mapping stand-ins to
+     * UnicodeMatcher objects.
+     */
+    StringMatcher(const UnicodeString& string,
+                  int32_t start,
+                  int32_t limit,
+                  int32_t segmentNum,
+                  const TransliterationRuleData& data);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param o  the object to be copied.
+     */
+    StringMatcher(const StringMatcher& o);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~StringMatcher();
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeFunctor
+     * @return a copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual StringMatcher* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API.  Cast 'this' to a UnicodeMatcher* pointer
+     * and return the pointer.
+     * @return the UnicodeMatcher point.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeMatcher* toMatcher() const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API.  Cast 'this' to a UnicodeReplacer* pointer
+     * and return the pointer.
+     * @return the UnicodeReplacer pointer.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeReplacer* toReplacer() const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     * @param text the text to be matched
+     * @param offset on input, the index into text at which to begin
+     * matching.  On output, the limit of the matched text.  The
+     * number of matched characters is the output value of offset
+     * minus the input value.  Offset should always point to the
+     * HIGH SURROGATE (leading code unit) of a pair of surrogates,
+     * both on entry and upon return.
+     * @param limit the limit index of text to be matched.  Greater
+     * than offset for a forward direction match, less than offset for
+     * a backward direction match.  The last character to be
+     * considered for matching will be text.charAt(limit-1) in the
+     * forward direction or text.charAt(limit+1) in the backward
+     * direction.
+     * @param incremental  if TRUE, then assume further characters may
+     * be inserted at limit and check for partial matching.  Otherwise
+     * assume the text as given is complete.
+     * @return a match degree value indicating a full match, a partial
+     * match, or a mismatch.  If incremental is FALSE then
+     * U_PARTIAL_MATCH should never be returned.
+     */
+    virtual UMatchDegree matches(const Replaceable& text,
+                                 int32_t& offset,
+                                 int32_t limit,
+                                 UBool incremental);
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     * @param result            Output param to receive the pattern.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if True then escape the unprintable characters.
+     * @return                  A reference to 'result'.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                     UBool escapeUnprintable = FALSE) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     * Returns TRUE if this matcher will match a character c, where c
+     * & 0xFF == v, at offset, in the forward direction (with limit >
+     * offset).  This is used by <tt>RuleBasedTransliterator</tt> for
+     * indexing.
+     * @param v    the given value
+     * @return     TRUE if this matcher will match a character c, 
+     *             where c & 0xFF == v
+     */
+    virtual UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher
+     */
+    virtual void addMatchSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeFunctor
+     */
+    virtual void setData(const TransliterationRuleData*);
+    /**
+     * Replace characters in 'text' from 'start' to 'limit' with the
+     * output text of this object.  Update the 'cursor' parameter to
+     * give the cursor position and return the length of the
+     * replacement text.
+     *
+     * @param text the text to be matched
+     * @param start inclusive start index of text to be replaced
+     * @param limit exclusive end index of text to be replaced;
+     * must be greater than or equal to start
+     * @param cursor output parameter for the cursor position.
+     * Not all replacer objects will update this, but in a complete
+     * tree of replacer objects, representing the entire output side
+     * of a transliteration rule, at least one must update it.
+     * @return the number of 16-bit code units in the text replacing
+     * the characters at offsets start..(limit-1) in text
+     */
+    virtual int32_t replace(Replaceable& text,
+                            int32_t start,
+                            int32_t limit,
+                            int32_t& cursor);
+    /**
+     * Returns a string representation of this replacer.  If the
+     * result of calling this function is passed to the appropriate
+     * parser, typically TransliteratorParser, it will produce another
+     * replacer that is equal to this one.
+     * @param result the string to receive the pattern.  Previous
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+     * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
+     * \\Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are defined by
+     * Utility.isUnprintable().
+     * @return a reference to 'result'.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toReplacerPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                             UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    /**
+     * Remove any match data.  This must be called before performing a
+     * set of matches with this segment.
+     */
+    void resetMatch();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Union the set of all characters that may output by this object
+     * into the given set.
+     * @param toUnionTo the set into which to union the output characters
+     */
+    virtual void addReplacementSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The text to be matched.
+     */
+    UnicodeString pattern;
+    /**
+     * Context object that maps stand-ins to matcher and replacer
+     * objects.
+     */
+    const TransliterationRuleData* data;
+    /**
+     * The segment number, 1-based, or 0 if not a segment.
+     */
+    int32_t segmentNumber;
+    /**
+     * Start offset, in the match text, of the <em>rightmost</em>
+     * match.
+     */
+    int32_t matchStart;
+    /**
+     * Limit offset, in the match text, of the <em>rightmost</em>
+     * match.
+     */
+    int32_t matchLimit;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/strrepl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/strrepl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f74d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/strrepl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2002-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
+*   and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   01/21/2002  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef STRREPL_H
+#define STRREPL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unifunct.h"
+#include "unicode/unirepl.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+class TransliterationRuleData;
+ * A replacer that produces static text as its output.  The text may
+ * contain transliterator stand-in characters that represent nested
+ * UnicodeReplacer objects, making it possible to encode a tree of
+ * replacers in a StringReplacer.  A StringReplacer that contains such
+ * stand-ins is called a <em>complex</em> StringReplacer.  A complex
+ * StringReplacer has a slower processing loop than a non-complex one.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class StringReplacer : public UnicodeFunctor, public UnicodeReplacer {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * Output text, possibly containing stand-in characters that
+     * represent nested UnicodeReplacers.
+     */
+    UnicodeString output;
+    /**
+     * Cursor position.  Value is ignored if hasCursor is false.
+     */
+    int32_t cursorPos;
+    /**
+     * True if this object outputs a cursor position.
+     */
+    UBool hasCursor;
+    /**
+     * A complex object contains nested replacers and requires more
+     * complex processing.  StringReplacers are initially assumed to
+     * be complex.  If no nested replacers are seen during processing,
+     * then isComplex is set to false, and future replacements are
+     * short circuited for better performance.
+     */
+    UBool isComplex;
+    /**
+     * Object that translates stand-in characters in 'output' to
+     * UnicodeReplacer objects.
+     */
+    const TransliterationRuleData* data;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a StringReplacer that sets the emits the given output
+     * text and sets the cursor to the given position.
+     * @param theOutput text that will replace input text when the
+     * replace() method is called.  May contain stand-in characters
+     * that represent nested replacers.
+     * @param theCursorPos cursor position that will be returned by
+     * the replace() method
+     * @param theData transliterator context object that translates
+     * stand-in characters to UnicodeReplacer objects
+     */
+    StringReplacer(const UnicodeString& theOutput,
+                   int32_t theCursorPos,
+                   const TransliterationRuleData* theData);
+    /**
+     * Construct a StringReplacer that sets the emits the given output
+     * text and does not modify the cursor.
+     * @param theOutput text that will replace input text when the
+     * replace() method is called.  May contain stand-in characters
+     * that represent nested replacers.
+     * @param theData transliterator context object that translates
+     * stand-in characters to UnicodeReplacer objects
+     */
+    StringReplacer(const UnicodeString& theOutput,
+                   const TransliterationRuleData* theData);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    StringReplacer(const StringReplacer& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~StringReplacer();
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeFunctor
+     */
+    virtual StringReplacer* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API.  Cast 'this' to a UnicodeReplacer* pointer
+     * and return the pointer.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeReplacer* toReplacer() const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeReplacer API
+     */
+    virtual int32_t replace(Replaceable& text,
+                            int32_t start,
+                            int32_t limit,
+                            int32_t& cursor);
+    /**
+     * UnicodeReplacer API
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toReplacerPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                             UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeReplacer
+     */
+    virtual void addReplacementSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API
+     */
+    virtual void setData(const TransliterationRuleData*);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/taiwncal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/taiwncal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d4d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/taiwncal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   05/13/2003  srl          copied from gregocal.h
+ *   06/29/2007  srl          copied from buddhcal.h
+ ********************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef TAIWNCAL_H
+#define TAIWNCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/gregocal.h"
+ * Concrete class which provides the Taiwan calendar.
+ * <P>
+ * <code>TaiwanCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>GregorianCalendar</code>
+ * that numbers years since 1912
+ * <p>
+ * The Taiwan calendar is identical to the Gregorian calendar in all respects
+ * except for the year and era.  Years are numbered since 1912 AD (Gregorian),
+ * so that 1912 AD (Gregorian) is equivalent to 1 MINGUO (Minguo Era) and 1998 AD is 87 MINGUO.
+ * <p>
+ * The Taiwan Calendar has two eras: <code>BEFORE_MINGUO</code> and <code>MINGUO</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * @internal
+ */
+class TaiwanCalendar : public GregorianCalendar {
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for TaiwanCalendar.  Only one Era.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum EEras {
+       BEFORE_MINGUO = 0,
+       MINGUO  = 1
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a TaiwanCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of TaiwanCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    TaiwanCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual ~TaiwanCalendar();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param source    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    TaiwanCalendar(const TaiwanCalendar& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @param right    the object to be copied.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    TaiwanCalendar& operator=(const TaiwanCalendar& right);
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @return    return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual TaiwanCalendar* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Override Calendar Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * return the calendar type, "Taiwan".
+     *
+     * @return calendar type
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual const char * getType() const;
+    TaiwanCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
+ protected:
+     /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.  This will
+     * use the UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field or the UCAL_YEAR and supra-year fields (such
+     * as UCAL_ERA) specific to the calendar system, depending on which set of
+     * fields is newer.
+     * @return the extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+    /**
+     * Subclasses may override this method to compute several fields
+     * specific to each calendar system.  
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Subclass API for defining limits of different types.
+     * @param field one of the field numbers
+     * @param limitType one of <code>MINIMUM</code>, <code>GREATEST_MINIMUM</code>,
+     * <code>LEAST_MAXIMUM</code>, or <code>MAXIMUM</code>
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE because the Taiwan Calendar does have a default century
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the date of the start of the default century
+     * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the year in which the default century begins
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // _TAIWNCAL
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/titletrn.h b/libicu/cts_headers/titletrn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e45ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/titletrn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/24/01    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef TITLETRN_H
+#define TITLETRN_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "ucase.h"
+#include "casetrn.h"
+ * A transliterator that converts all letters (as defined by
+ * <code>UCharacter.isLetter()</code>) to lower case, except for those
+ * letters preceded by non-letters.  The latter are converted to title
+ * case using <code>u_totitle()</code>.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class TitlecaseTransliterator : public CaseMapTransliterator {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @param loc the given locale.
+     */
+    TitlecaseTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~TitlecaseTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    TitlecaseTransliterator(const TitlecaseTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return a copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual TitlecaseTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text        the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                    untransliterated text
+     * @param offset      the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                    of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                    pos.contextLimit.  Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                             UBool isIncremental) const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    TitlecaseTransliterator& operator=(const TitlecaseTransliterator&);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/tolowtrn.h b/libicu/cts_headers/tolowtrn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fbfb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/tolowtrn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/24/01    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef TOLOWTRN_H
+#define TOLOWTRN_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "casetrn.h"
+ * A transliterator that performs locale-sensitive toLower()
+ * case mapping.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class LowercaseTransliterator : public CaseMapTransliterator {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @param loc the given locale.
+     */
+    LowercaseTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~LowercaseTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    LowercaseTransliterator(const LowercaseTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return a copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual LowercaseTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    LowercaseTransliterator& operator=(const LowercaseTransliterator&);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/toupptrn.h b/libicu/cts_headers/toupptrn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96ca8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/toupptrn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/24/01    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef TOUPPTRN_H
+#define TOUPPTRN_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "casetrn.h"
+ * A transliterator that performs locale-sensitive toUpper()
+ * case mapping.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class UppercaseTransliterator : public CaseMapTransliterator {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @param loc the given locale.
+     */
+    UppercaseTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~UppercaseTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    UppercaseTransliterator(const UppercaseTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     * @return a copy of the object.
+     */
+    virtual UppercaseTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    UppercaseTransliterator& operator=(const UppercaseTransliterator&);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/transreg.h b/libicu/cts_headers/transreg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..041244e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/transreg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2001-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   08/10/2001  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef _TRANSREG_H
+#define _TRANSREG_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+class TransliteratorEntry;
+class TransliteratorSpec;
+class UnicodeString;
+// TransliteratorAlias
+ * A TransliteratorAlias object is returned by get() if the given ID
+ * actually translates into something else.  The caller then invokes
+ * the create() method on the alias to create the actual
+ * transliterator, and deletes the alias.
+ *
+ * Why all the shenanigans?  To prevent circular calls between
+ * the registry code and the transliterator code that deadlocks.
+ */
+class TransliteratorAlias : public UMemory {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a simple alias (type == SIMPLE)
+     * @param aliasID the given id.
+     */
+    TransliteratorAlias(const UnicodeString& aliasID, const UnicodeSet* compoundFilter);
+    /**
+     * Construct a compound RBT alias (type == COMPOUND)
+     */
+    TransliteratorAlias(const UnicodeString& ID, const UnicodeString& idBlocks,
+                        UVector* adoptedTransliterators,
+                        const UnicodeSet* compoundFilter);
+    /**
+     * Construct a rules alias (type = RULES)
+     */
+    TransliteratorAlias(const UnicodeString& theID,
+                        const UnicodeString& rules,
+                        UTransDirection dir);
+    ~TransliteratorAlias();
+    /**
+     * The whole point of create() is that the caller must invoke
+     * it when the registry mutex is NOT held, to prevent deadlock.
+     * It may only be called once.
+     *
+     * Note: Only call create() if isRuleBased() returns FALSE.
+     *
+     * This method must be called *outside* of the TransliteratorRegistry
+     * mutex.
+     */
+    Transliterator* create(UParseError&, UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Return TRUE if this alias is rule-based.  If so, the caller
+     * must call parse() on it, then call TransliteratorRegistry::reget().
+     */
+    UBool isRuleBased() const;
+    /**
+     * If isRuleBased() returns TRUE, then the caller must call this
+     * method, followed by TransliteratorRegistry::reget().  The latter
+     * method must be called inside the TransliteratorRegistry mutex.
+     *
+     * Note: Only call parse() if isRuleBased() returns TRUE.
+     *
+     * This method must be called *outside* of the TransliteratorRegistry
+     * mutex, because it can instantiate Transliterators embedded in
+     * the rules via the "&Latin-Arabic()" syntax.
+     */
+    void parse(TransliteratorParser& parser,
+               UParseError& pe, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+ private:
+    // We actually come in three flavors:
+    // 1. Simple alias
+    //    Here aliasID is the alias string.  Everything else is
+    //    null, zero, empty.
+    // 2. CompoundRBT
+    //    Here ID is the ID, aliasID is the idBlock, trans is the
+    //    contained RBT, and idSplitPoint is the offet in aliasID
+    //    where the contained RBT goes.  compoundFilter is the
+    //    compound filter, and it is _not_ owned.
+    // 3. Rules
+    //    Here ID is the ID, aliasID is the rules string.
+    //    idSplitPoint is the UTransDirection.
+    UnicodeString ID;
+    UnicodeString aliasesOrRules;
+    UVector* transes; // owned
+    const UnicodeSet* compoundFilter; // alias
+    UTransDirection direction;
+    enum { SIMPLE, COMPOUND, RULES } type;
+    TransliteratorAlias(const TransliteratorAlias &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    TransliteratorAlias &operator=(const TransliteratorAlias &other); // forbid copying of this class
+ * A registry of system transliterators.  This is the data structure
+ * that implements the mapping between transliterator IDs and the data
+ * or function pointers used to create the corresponding
+ * transliterators.  There is one instance of the registry that is
+ * created statically.
+ *
+ * The registry consists of a dynamic component -- a hashtable -- and
+ * a static component -- locale resource bundles.  The dynamic store
+ * is semantically overlaid on the static store, so the static mapping
+ * can be dynamically overridden.
+ *
+ * This is an internal class that is only used by Transliterator.
+ * Transliterator maintains one static instance of this class and
+ * delegates all registry-related operations to it.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class TransliteratorRegistry : public UMemory {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Contructor
+     * @param status Output param set to success/failure code.
+     */
+    TransliteratorRegistry(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Nonvirtual destructor -- this class is not subclassable.
+     */
+    ~TransliteratorRegistry();
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Basic public API
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Given a simple ID (forward direction, no inline filter, not
+     * compound) attempt to instantiate it from the registry.  Return
+     * 0 on failure.
+     *
+     * Return a non-NULL aliasReturn value if the ID points to an alias.
+     * We cannot instantiate it ourselves because the alias may contain
+     * filters or compounds, which we do not understand.  Caller should
+     * make aliasReturn NULL before calling.
+     * @param ID          the given ID
+     * @param aliasReturn output param to receive TransliteratorAlias;
+     *                    should be NULL on entry
+     * @param parseError  Struct to recieve information on position
+     *                    of error if an error is encountered
+     * @param status      Output param set to success/failure code.
+     */
+    Transliterator* get(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                        TransliteratorAlias*& aliasReturn,
+                        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * The caller must call this after calling get(), if [a] calling get()
+     * returns an alias, and [b] the alias is rule based.  In that
+     * situation the caller must call alias->parse() to do the parsing
+     * OUTSIDE THE REGISTRY MUTEX, then call this method to retry
+     * instantiating the transliterator.
+     *
+     * Note: Another alias might be returned by this method.
+     *
+     * This method (like all public methods of this class) must be called
+     * from within the TransliteratorRegistry mutex.
+     *
+     * @param aliasReturn output param to receive TransliteratorAlias;
+     *                    should be NULL on entry
+     */
+    Transliterator* reget(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                          TransliteratorParser& parser,
+                          TransliteratorAlias*& aliasReturn,
+                          UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Register a prototype (adopted).  This adds an entry to the
+     * dynamic store, or replaces an existing entry.  Any entry in the
+     * underlying static locale resource store is masked.
+     */
+    void put(Transliterator* adoptedProto,
+             UBool visible,
+             UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Register an ID and a factory function pointer.  This adds an
+     * entry to the dynamic store, or replaces an existing entry.  Any
+     * entry in the underlying static locale resource store is masked.
+     */
+    void put(const UnicodeString& ID,
+             Transliterator::Factory factory,
+             Transliterator::Token context,
+             UBool visible,
+             UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Register an ID and a resource name.  This adds an entry to the
+     * dynamic store, or replaces an existing entry.  Any entry in the
+     * underlying static locale resource store is masked.
+     */
+    void put(const UnicodeString& ID,
+             const UnicodeString& resourceName,
+             UTransDirection dir,
+             UBool readonlyResourceAlias,
+             UBool visible,
+             UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Register an ID and an alias ID.  This adds an entry to the
+     * dynamic store, or replaces an existing entry.  Any entry in the
+     * underlying static locale resource store is masked.
+     */
+    void put(const UnicodeString& ID,
+             const UnicodeString& alias,
+             UBool readonlyAliasAlias,
+             UBool visible,
+             UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Unregister an ID.  This removes an entry from the dynamic store
+     * if there is one.  The static locale resource store is
+     * unaffected.
+     * @param ID    the given ID.
+     */
+    void remove(const UnicodeString& ID);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Public ID and spec management
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over the IDs currently registered
+     * with the system.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    StringEnumeration* getAvailableIDs() const;
+    /**
+     * == OBSOLETE - remove in ICU 3.4 ==
+     * Return the number of IDs currently registered with the system.
+     * To retrieve the actual IDs, call getAvailableID(i) with
+     * i from 0 to countAvailableIDs() - 1.
+     * @return the number of IDs currently registered with the system.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t countAvailableIDs(void) const;
+    /**
+     * == OBSOLETE - remove in ICU 3.4 ==
+     * Return the index-th available ID.  index must be between 0
+     * and countAvailableIDs() - 1, inclusive.  If index is out of
+     * range, the result of getAvailableID(0) is returned.
+     * @param index the given index.
+     * @return the index-th available ID.  index must be between 0
+     *         and countAvailableIDs() - 1, inclusive.  If index is out of
+     *         range, the result of getAvailableID(0) is returned.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getAvailableID(int32_t index) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of registered source specifiers.
+     * @return the number of registered source specifiers.
+     */
+    int32_t countAvailableSources(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a registered source specifier.
+     * @param index which specifier to return, from 0 to n-1, where
+     * n = countAvailableSources()
+     * @param result fill-in paramter to receive the source specifier.
+     * If index is out of range, result will be empty.
+     * @return reference to result
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getAvailableSource(int32_t index,
+                                      UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of registered target specifiers for a given
+     * source specifier.
+     * @param source the given source specifier.
+     * @return the number of registered target specifiers for a given
+     *         source specifier.
+     */
+    int32_t countAvailableTargets(const UnicodeString& source) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a registered target specifier for a given source.
+     * @param index which specifier to return, from 0 to n-1, where
+     * n = countAvailableTargets(source)
+     * @param source the source specifier
+     * @param result fill-in paramter to receive the target specifier.
+     * If source is invalid or if index is out of range, result will
+     * be empty.
+     * @return reference to result
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getAvailableTarget(int32_t index,
+                                      const UnicodeString& source,
+                                      UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of registered variant specifiers for a given
+     * source-target pair.  There is always at least one variant: If
+     * just source-target is registered, then the single variant
+     * NO_VARIANT is returned.  If source-target/variant is registered
+     * then that variant is returned.
+     * @param source the source specifiers
+     * @param target the target specifiers
+     * @return the number of registered variant specifiers for a given
+     *         source-target pair.
+     */
+    int32_t countAvailableVariants(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                   const UnicodeString& target) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a registered variant specifier for a given source-target
+     * pair.  If NO_VARIANT is one of the variants, then it will be
+     * at index 0.
+     * @param index which specifier to return, from 0 to n-1, where
+     * n = countAvailableVariants(source, target)
+     * @param source the source specifier
+     * @param target the target specifier
+     * @param result fill-in paramter to receive the variant
+     * specifier.  If source is invalid or if target is invalid or if
+     * index is out of range, result will be empty.
+     * @return reference to result
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getAvailableVariant(int32_t index,
+                                       const UnicodeString& source,
+                                       const UnicodeString& target,
+                                       UnicodeString& result) const;
+ private:
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Private implementation
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    TransliteratorEntry* find(const UnicodeString& ID);
+    TransliteratorEntry* find(UnicodeString& source,
+                UnicodeString& target,
+                UnicodeString& variant);
+    TransliteratorEntry* findInDynamicStore(const TransliteratorSpec& src,
+                              const TransliteratorSpec& trg,
+                              const UnicodeString& variant) const;
+    TransliteratorEntry* findInStaticStore(const TransliteratorSpec& src,
+                             const TransliteratorSpec& trg,
+                             const UnicodeString& variant);
+    static TransliteratorEntry* findInBundle(const TransliteratorSpec& specToOpen,
+                               const TransliteratorSpec& specToFind,
+                               const UnicodeString& variant,
+                               UTransDirection direction);
+    void registerEntry(const UnicodeString& source,
+                       const UnicodeString& target,
+                       const UnicodeString& variant,
+                       TransliteratorEntry* adopted,
+                       UBool visible);
+    void registerEntry(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                       TransliteratorEntry* adopted,
+                       UBool visible);
+    void registerEntry(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                       const UnicodeString& source,
+                       const UnicodeString& target,
+                       const UnicodeString& variant,
+                       TransliteratorEntry* adopted,
+                       UBool visible);
+    void registerSTV(const UnicodeString& source,
+                     const UnicodeString& target,
+                     const UnicodeString& variant);
+    void removeSTV(const UnicodeString& source,
+                   const UnicodeString& target,
+                   const UnicodeString& variant);
+    Transliterator* instantiateEntry(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                                     TransliteratorEntry *entry,
+                                     TransliteratorAlias*& aliasReturn,
+                                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * A StringEnumeration over the registered IDs in this object.
+     */
+    class Enumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    public:
+        Enumeration(const TransliteratorRegistry& reg);
+        virtual ~Enumeration();
+        virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+        virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+        virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+        static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+        virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    private:
+        int32_t index;
+        const TransliteratorRegistry& reg;
+    };
+    friend class Enumeration;
+ private:
+    /**
+     * Dynamic registry mapping full IDs to Entry objects.  This
+     * contains both public and internal entities.  The visibility is
+     * controlled by whether an entry is listed in availableIDs and
+     * specDAG or not.
+     */
+    Hashtable registry;
+    /**
+     * DAG of visible IDs by spec.  Hashtable: source => (Hashtable:
+     * target => variant bitmask)
+     */
+    Hashtable specDAG;
+    /**
+     * Vector of all variant names
+     */
+    UVector variantList;
+    /**
+     * Vector of public full IDs.
+     */
+    UVector availableIDs;
+    TransliteratorRegistry(const TransliteratorRegistry &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    TransliteratorRegistry &operator=(const TransliteratorRegistry &other); // forbid copying of this class
+U_CFUNC UBool utrans_transliterator_cleanup(void);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/tridpars.h b/libicu/cts_headers/tridpars.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e42f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/tridpars.h
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **************************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (c) 2002-2010, International Business Machines Corporation *
+ *   and others.  All Rights Reserved.                                    *
+ **************************************************************************
+ *   Date        Name        Description                                  *
+ *   01/28/2002  aliu        Creation.                                    *
+ **************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef TRIDPARS_H
+#define TRIDPARS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+class Transliterator;
+class UnicodeSet;
+class UVector;
+ * Parsing component for transliterator IDs.  This class contains only
+ * static members; it cannot be instantiated.  Methods in this class
+ * parse various ID formats, including the following:
+ *
+ * A basic ID, which contains source, target, and variant, but no
+ * filter and no explicit inverse.  Examples include
+ * "Latin-Greek/UNGEGN" and "Null".
+ *
+ * A single ID, which is a basic ID plus optional filter and optional
+ * explicit inverse.  Examples include "[a-zA-Z] Latin-Greek" and
+ * "Lower (Upper)".
+ *
+ * A compound ID, which is a sequence of one or more single IDs,
+ * separated by semicolons, with optional forward and reverse global
+ * filters.  The global filters are UnicodeSet patterns prepended or
+ * appended to the IDs, separated by semicolons.  An appended filter
+ * must be enclosed in parentheses and applies in the reverse
+ * direction.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class TransliteratorIDParser /* not : public UObject because all methods are static */ {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * A structure containing the parsed data of a filtered ID, that
+     * is, a basic ID optionally with a filter.
+     *
+     * 'source' and 'target' will always be non-null.  The 'variant'
+     * will be non-null only if a non-empty variant was parsed.
+     *
+     * 'sawSource' is true if there was an explicit source in the
+     * parsed id.  If there was no explicit source, then an implied
+     * source of ANY is returned and 'sawSource' is set to false.
+     * 
+     * 'filter' is the parsed filter pattern, or null if there was no
+     * filter.
+     */
+    class Specs : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        UnicodeString source; // not null
+        UnicodeString target; // not null
+        UnicodeString variant; // may be null
+        UnicodeString filter; // may be null
+        UBool sawSource;
+        Specs(const UnicodeString& s, const UnicodeString& t,
+              const UnicodeString& v, UBool sawS,
+              const UnicodeString& f);
+    private:
+        Specs(const Specs &other); // forbid copying of this class
+        Specs &operator=(const Specs &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    };
+    /**
+     * A structure containing the canonicalized data of a filtered ID,
+     * that is, a basic ID optionally with a filter.
+     *
+     * 'canonID' is always non-null.  It may be the empty string "".
+     * It is the id that should be assigned to the created
+     * transliterator.  It _cannot_ be instantiated directly.
+     *
+     * 'basicID' is always non-null and non-empty.  It is always of
+     * the form S-T or S-T/V.  It is designed to be fed to low-level
+     * instantiation code that only understands these two formats.
+     *
+     * 'filter' may be null, if there is none, or non-null and
+     * non-empty.
+     */
+    class SingleID : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        UnicodeString canonID;
+        UnicodeString basicID;
+        UnicodeString filter;
+        SingleID(const UnicodeString& c, const UnicodeString& b,
+                 const UnicodeString& f);
+        SingleID(const UnicodeString& c, const UnicodeString& b);
+        Transliterator* createInstance();
+    private:
+        SingleID(const SingleID &other); // forbid copying of this class
+        SingleID &operator=(const SingleID &other); // forbid copying of this class
+    };
+    /**
+     * Parse a filter ID, that is, an ID of the general form
+     * "[f1] s1-t1/v1", with the filters optional, and the variants optional.
+     * @param id the id to be parsed
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, the position of
+     * the first character to parse.  On output, the position after
+     * the last character parsed.
+     * @return a SingleID object or null if the parse fails
+     */
+    static SingleID* parseFilterID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& pos);
+    /**
+     * Parse a single ID, that is, an ID of the general form
+     * "[f1] s1-t1/v1 ([f2] s2-t3/v2)", with the parenthesized element
+     * optional, the filters optional, and the variants optional.
+     * @param id the id to be parsed
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, the position of
+     * the first character to parse.  On output, the position after
+     * the last character parsed.
+     * @param dir the direction.  If the direction is REVERSE then the
+     * SingleID is constructed for the reverse direction.
+     * @return a SingleID object or null
+     */
+    static SingleID* parseSingleID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& pos,
+                                  int32_t dir, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Parse a global filter of the form "[f]" or "([f])", depending
+     * on 'withParens'.
+     * @param id the pattern the parse
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, the position of
+     * the first character to parse.  On output, the position after
+     * the last character parsed.
+     * @param dir the direction.
+     * @param withParens INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On entry, if
+     * withParens[0] is 0, then parens are disallowed.  If it is 1,
+     * then parens are required.  If it is -1, then parens are
+     * optional, and the return result will be set to 0 or 1.
+     * @param canonID OUTPUT parameter.  The pattern for the filter
+     * added to the canonID, either at the end, if dir is FORWARD, or
+     * at the start, if dir is REVERSE.  The pattern will be enclosed
+     * in parentheses if appropriate, and will be suffixed with an
+     * ID_DELIM character.  May be null.
+     * @return a UnicodeSet object or null.  A non-null results
+     * indicates a successful parse, regardless of whether the filter
+     * applies to the given direction.  The caller should discard it
+     * if withParens != (dir == REVERSE).
+     */
+    static UnicodeSet* parseGlobalFilter(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& pos,
+                                         int32_t dir,
+                                         int32_t& withParens,
+                                         UnicodeString* canonID);
+    /**
+     * Parse a compound ID, consisting of an optional forward global
+     * filter, a separator, one or more single IDs delimited by
+     * separators, an an optional reverse global filter.  The
+     * separator is a semicolon.  The global filters are UnicodeSet
+     * patterns.  The reverse global filter must be enclosed in
+     * parentheses.
+     * @param id the pattern the parse
+     * @param dir the direction.
+     * @param canonID OUTPUT parameter that receives the canonical ID,
+     * consisting of canonical IDs for all elements, as returned by
+     * parseSingleID(), separated by semicolons.  Previous contents
+     * are discarded.
+     * @param list OUTPUT parameter that receives a list of SingleID
+     * objects representing the parsed IDs.  Previous contents are
+     * discarded.
+     * @param globalFilter OUTPUT parameter that receives a pointer to
+     * a newly created global filter for this ID in this direction, or
+     * null if there is none.
+     * @return true if the parse succeeds, that is, if the entire
+     * id is consumed without syntax error.
+     */
+    static UBool parseCompoundID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t dir,
+                                 UnicodeString& canonID,
+                                 UVector& list,
+                                 UnicodeSet*& globalFilter);
+    /**
+     * Convert the elements of the 'list' vector, which are SingleID
+     * objects, into actual Transliterator objects.  In the course of
+     * this, some (or all) entries may be removed.  If all entries
+     * are removed, the Null transliterator will be added.
+     *
+     * Delete entries with empty basicIDs; these are generated by
+     * elements like "(A)" in the forward direction, or "A()" in
+     * the reverse.  THIS MAY RESULT IN AN EMPTY VECTOR.  Convert
+     * SingleID entries to actual transliterators.
+     *
+     * @param list vector of SingleID objects.  On exit, vector
+     * of one or more Transliterators.
+     * @param ec Output param to receive a success or an error code.
+     * @return new value of insertIndex.  The index will shift if
+     * there are empty items, like "(Lower)", with indices less than
+     * insertIndex.
+     */
+    static void instantiateList(UVector& list,
+                                UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Parse an ID into pieces.  Take IDs of the form T, T/V, S-T,
+     * S-T/V, or S/V-T.  If the source is missing, return a source of
+     * ANY.
+     * @param id the id string, in any of several forms
+     * @param source          the given source.
+     * @param target          the given target.
+     * @param variant         the given variant
+     * @param isSourcePresent If TRUE then the source is present. 
+     *                        If the source is not present, ANY will be
+     *                        given as the source, and isSourcePresent will be null
+     * @return an array of 4 strings: source, target, variant, and
+     * isSourcePresent.  If the source is not present, ANY will be
+     * given as the source, and isSourcePresent will be null.  Otherwise
+     * isSourcePresent will be non-null.  The target may be empty if the
+     * id is not well-formed.  The variant may be empty.
+     */
+    static void IDtoSTV(const UnicodeString& id,
+                        UnicodeString& source,
+                        UnicodeString& target,
+                        UnicodeString& variant,
+                        UBool& isSourcePresent);
+    /**
+     * Given source, target, and variant strings, concatenate them into a
+     * full ID.  If the source is empty, then "Any" will be used for the
+     * source, so the ID will always be of the form s-t/v or s-t.
+     */
+    static void STVtoID(const UnicodeString& source,
+                        const UnicodeString& target,
+                        const UnicodeString& variant,
+                        UnicodeString& id);
+    /**
+     * Register two targets as being inverses of one another.  For
+     * example, calling registerSpecialInverse("NFC", "NFD", true) causes
+     * Transliterator to form the following inverse relationships:
+     *
+     * <pre>NFC => NFD
+     * Any-NFC => Any-NFD
+     * NFD => NFC
+     * Any-NFD => Any-NFC</pre>
+     *
+     * (Without the special inverse registration, the inverse of NFC
+     * would be NFC-Any.)  Note that NFD is shorthand for Any-NFD, but
+     * that the presence or absence of "Any-" is preserved.
+     *
+     * <p>The relationship is symmetrical; registering (a, b) is
+     * equivalent to registering (b, a).
+     *
+     * <p>The relevant IDs must still be registered separately as
+     * factories or classes.
+     *
+     * <p>Only the targets are specified.  Special inverses always
+     * have the form Any-Target1 <=> Any-Target2.  The target should
+     * have canonical casing (the casing desired to be produced when
+     * an inverse is formed) and should contain no whitespace or other
+     * extraneous characters.
+     *
+     * @param target the target against which to register the inverse
+     * @param inverseTarget the inverse of target, that is
+     * Any-target.getInverse() => Any-inverseTarget
+     * @param bidirectional if true, register the reverse relation
+     * as well, that is, Any-inverseTarget.getInverse() => Any-target
+     */
+    static void registerSpecialInverse(const UnicodeString& target,
+                                       const UnicodeString& inverseTarget,
+                                       UBool bidirectional,
+                                       UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Free static memory.
+     */
+    static void cleanup();
+ private:
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Private implementation
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // forbid instantiation
+    TransliteratorIDParser();
+    /**
+     * Parse an ID into component pieces.  Take IDs of the form T,
+     * T/V, S-T, S-T/V, or S/V-T.  If the source is missing, return a
+     * source of ANY.
+     * @param id the id string, in any of several forms
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, pos[0] is the
+     * offset of the first character to parse in id.  On output,
+     * pos[0] is the offset after the last parsed character.  If the
+     * parse failed, pos[0] will be unchanged.
+     * @param allowFilter if true, a UnicodeSet pattern is allowed
+     * at any location between specs or delimiters, and is returned
+     * as the fifth string in the array.
+     * @return a Specs object, or null if the parse failed.  If
+     * neither source nor target was seen in the parsed id, then the
+     * parse fails.  If allowFilter is true, then the parsed filter
+     * pattern is returned in the Specs object, otherwise the returned
+     * filter reference is null.  If the parse fails for any reason
+     * null is returned.
+     */
+    static Specs* parseFilterID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& pos,
+                                UBool allowFilter);
+    /**
+     * Givens a Specs object, convert it to a SingleID object.  The
+     * Spec object is a more unprocessed parse result.  The SingleID
+     * object contains information about canonical and basic IDs.
+     * @param specs the given Specs object.
+     * @param dir   either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     * @return a SingleID; never returns null.  Returned object always
+     * has 'filter' field of null.
+     */
+    static SingleID* specsToID(const Specs* specs, int32_t dir);
+    /**
+     * Given a Specs object, return a SingleID representing the
+     * special inverse of that ID.  If there is no special inverse
+     * then return null.
+     * @param specs the given Specs.
+     * @return a SingleID or null.  Returned object always has
+     * 'filter' field of null.
+     */
+    static SingleID* specsToSpecialInverse(const Specs& specs, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Glue method to get around access problems in C++.
+     * @param id the id string for the transliterator, in any of several forms
+     * @param canonID the given canonical ID
+     */
+    static Transliterator* createBasicInstance(const UnicodeString& id,
+                                               const UnicodeString* canonID);
+    /**
+     * Initialize static memory.
+     */
+    static void U_CALLCONV init(UErrorCode &status);
+    friend class SingleID;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/tzgnames.h b/libicu/cts_headers/tzgnames.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71d9d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/tzgnames.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2011-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef __TZGNAMES_H
+#define __TZGNAMES_H
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Time zone generic names classe
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/tzfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/tznames.h"
+typedef enum UTimeZoneGenericNameType {
+    UTZGNM_UNKNOWN      = 0x00,
+    UTZGNM_LOCATION     = 0x01,
+    UTZGNM_LONG         = 0x02,
+    UTZGNM_SHORT        = 0x04
+} UTimeZoneGenericNameType;
+class TimeZone;
+struct TZGNCoreRef;
+class U_I18N_API TimeZoneGenericNames : public UMemory {
+    virtual ~TimeZoneGenericNames();
+    static TimeZoneGenericNames* createInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneGenericNames& other) const;
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneGenericNames& other) const {return !operator==(other);}
+    virtual TimeZoneGenericNames* clone() const;
+    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const TimeZone& tz, UTimeZoneGenericNameType type,
+                        UDate date, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    UnicodeString& getGenericLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzCanonicalID, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    int32_t findBestMatch(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, uint32_t types,
+        UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneFormatTimeType& timeType, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    TimeZoneGenericNames();
+    TZGNCoreRef* fRef;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/tznames_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/tznames_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1286eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/tznames_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __TZNAMES_IMPL_H__
+#define __TZNAMES_IMPL_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: TimeZoneNames object
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/tznames.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
+// Some zone display names involving supplementary characters can be over 50 chars, 100 UTF-16 code units, 200 UTF-8 bytes
+#define ZONE_NAME_U16_MAX 128
+ * ZNStringPool    Pool of (UChar *) strings.  Provides for sharing of repeated
+ *                 zone strings.
+ */
+struct ZNStringPoolChunk;
+class U_I18N_API ZNStringPool: public UMemory {
+  public:
+    ZNStringPool(UErrorCode &status);
+    ~ZNStringPool();
+    /* Get the pooled string that is equal to the supplied string s.
+     * Copy the string into the pool if it is not already present.
+     *
+     * Life time of the returned string is that of the pool.
+     */
+    const UChar *get(const UChar *s, UErrorCode &status);
+    /* Get the pooled string that is equal to the supplied string s.
+     * Copy the string into the pool if it is not already present.
+     */
+    const UChar *get(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &status);
+    /* Adopt a string into the pool, without copying it.
+     * Used for strings from resource bundles, which will persist without copying.
+     */
+    const UChar *adopt(const UChar *s, UErrorCode &status);
+    /* Freeze the string pool.  Discards the hash table that is used
+     * for looking up a string.  All pointers to pooled strings remain valid.
+     */
+    void freeze();
+  private:
+    ZNStringPoolChunk   *fChunks;
+    UHashtable           *fHash;
+ * Character node used by TextTrieMap
+ */
+struct CharacterNode {
+    // No constructor or destructor.
+    // We malloc and free an uninitalized array of CharacterNode objects
+    // and clear and delete them ourselves.
+    void clear();
+    void deleteValues(UObjectDeleter *valueDeleter);
+    void addValue(void *value, UObjectDeleter *valueDeleter, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline UBool hasValues() const;
+    inline int32_t countValues() const;
+    inline const void *getValue(int32_t index) const;
+    void     *fValues;      // Union of one single value vs. UVector of values.
+    UChar    fCharacter;    // UTF-16 code unit.
+    uint16_t fFirstChild;   // 0 if no children.
+    uint16_t fNextSibling;  // 0 terminates the list.
+    UBool    fHasValuesVector;
+    UBool    fPadding;
+    // No value:   fValues == NULL               and  fHasValuesVector == FALSE
+    // One value:  fValues == value              and  fHasValuesVector == FALSE
+    // >=2 values: fValues == UVector of values  and  fHasValuesVector == TRUE
+inline UBool CharacterNode::hasValues() const {
+    return (UBool)(fValues != NULL);
+inline int32_t CharacterNode::countValues() const {
+    return
+        fValues == NULL ? 0 :
+        !fHasValuesVector ? 1 :
+        ((const UVector *)fValues)->size();
+inline const void *CharacterNode::getValue(int32_t index) const {
+    if (!fHasValuesVector) {
+        return fValues;  // Assume index == 0.
+    } else {
+        return ((const UVector *)fValues)->elementAt(index);
+    }
+ * Search result handler callback interface used by TextTrieMap search.
+ */
+class TextTrieMapSearchResultHandler : public UMemory {
+    virtual UBool handleMatch(int32_t matchLength,
+                              const CharacterNode *node, UErrorCode& status) = 0;
+    virtual ~TextTrieMapSearchResultHandler(); //added to avoid warning
+ * TextTrieMap is a trie implementation for supporting
+ * fast prefix match for the string key.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TextTrieMap : public UMemory {
+    TextTrieMap(UBool ignoreCase, UObjectDeleter *valeDeleter);
+    virtual ~TextTrieMap();
+    void put(const UnicodeString &key, void *value, ZNStringPool &sp, UErrorCode &status);
+    void put(const UChar*, void *value, UErrorCode &status);
+    void search(const UnicodeString &text, int32_t start,
+        TextTrieMapSearchResultHandler *handler, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    int32_t isEmpty() const;
+    UBool           fIgnoreCase;
+    CharacterNode   *fNodes;
+    int32_t         fNodesCapacity;
+    int32_t         fNodesCount;
+    UVector         *fLazyContents;
+    UBool           fIsEmpty;
+    UObjectDeleter  *fValueDeleter;
+    UBool growNodes();
+    CharacterNode* addChildNode(CharacterNode *parent, UChar c, UErrorCode &status);
+    CharacterNode* getChildNode(CharacterNode *parent, UChar c) const;
+    void putImpl(const UnicodeString &key, void *value, UErrorCode &status);
+    void buildTrie(UErrorCode &status);
+    void search(CharacterNode *node, const UnicodeString &text, int32_t start,
+        int32_t index, TextTrieMapSearchResultHandler *handler, UErrorCode &status) const;
+class ZNames;
+class TextTrieMap;
+class ZNameSearchHandler;
+class TimeZoneNamesImpl : public TimeZoneNames {
+    TimeZoneNamesImpl(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~TimeZoneNamesImpl();
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneNames& other) const;
+    virtual TimeZoneNamesImpl* clone() const;
+    StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString& getMetaZoneID(const UnicodeString& tzID, UDate date, UnicodeString& mzID) const;
+    UnicodeString& getReferenceZoneID(const UnicodeString& mzID, const char* region, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
+    UnicodeString& getMetaZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& mzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    UnicodeString& getTimeZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    UnicodeString& getExemplarLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection* find(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, uint32_t types, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void loadAllDisplayNames(UErrorCode& status);
+    void getDisplayNames(const UnicodeString& tzID, const UTimeZoneNameType types[], int32_t numTypes, UDate date, UnicodeString dest[], UErrorCode& status) const;
+    static UnicodeString& getDefaultExemplarLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UnicodeString& name);
+    static StringEnumeration* _getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(UErrorCode& status);
+    static StringEnumeration* _getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status);
+    static UnicodeString& _getMetaZoneID(const UnicodeString& tzID, UDate date, UnicodeString& mzID);
+    static UnicodeString& _getReferenceZoneID(const UnicodeString& mzID, const char* region, UnicodeString& tzID);
+    Locale fLocale;
+    UResourceBundle* fZoneStrings;
+    UHashtable* fTZNamesMap;
+    UHashtable* fMZNamesMap;
+    UBool fNamesTrieFullyLoaded;
+    UBool fNamesFullyLoaded;
+    TextTrieMap fNamesTrie;
+    void initialize(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    void cleanup();
+    void loadStrings(const UnicodeString& tzCanonicalID, UErrorCode& status);
+    ZNames* loadMetaZoneNames(const UnicodeString& mzId, UErrorCode& status);
+    ZNames* loadTimeZoneNames(const UnicodeString& mzId, UErrorCode& status);
+    TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection* doFind(ZNameSearchHandler& handler,
+        const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void addAllNamesIntoTrie(UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    void internalLoadAllDisplayNames(UErrorCode& status);
+    struct ZoneStringsLoader;
+class TZDBNames;
+class TZDBTimeZoneNames : public TimeZoneNames {
+    TZDBTimeZoneNames(const Locale& locale);
+    virtual ~TZDBTimeZoneNames();
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneNames& other) const;
+    virtual TZDBTimeZoneNames* clone() const;
+    StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString& getMetaZoneID(const UnicodeString& tzID, UDate date, UnicodeString& mzID) const;
+    UnicodeString& getReferenceZoneID(const UnicodeString& mzID, const char* region, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
+    UnicodeString& getMetaZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& mzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    UnicodeString& getTimeZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection* find(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, uint32_t types, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    // When TZDBNames for the metazone is not available, this method returns NULL,
+    // but does NOT set U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR to status.
+    static const TZDBNames* getMetaZoneNames(const UnicodeString& mzId, UErrorCode& status);
+    Locale fLocale;
+    char fRegion[ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY];
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // __TZNAMES_IMPL_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uarrsort.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uarrsort.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a55dca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uarrsort.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uarrsort.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2003aug04
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Internal function for sorting arrays.
+#ifndef __UARRSORT_H__
+#define __UARRSORT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Function type for comparing two items as part of sorting an array or similar.
+ * Callback function for uprv_sortArray().
+ *
+ * @param context Application-specific pointer, passed through by uprv_sortArray().
+ * @param left    Pointer to the "left" item.
+ * @param right   Pointer to the "right" item.
+ * @return 32-bit signed integer comparison result:
+ *                <0 if left<right
+ *               ==0 if left==right
+ *                >0 if left>right
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UComparator(const void *context, const void *left, const void *right);
+ * Array sorting function.
+ * Uses a UComparator for comparing array items to each other, and simple
+ * memory copying to move items.
+ *
+ * @param array      The array to be sorted.
+ * @param length     The number of items in the array.
+ * @param itemSize   The size in bytes of each array item.
+ * @param cmp        UComparator function used to compare two items each.
+ * @param context    Application-specific pointer, passed through to the UComparator.
+ * @param sortStable If true, a stable sorting algorithm must be used.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU in/out UErrorCode parameter.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_sortArray(void *array, int32_t length, int32_t itemSize,
+               UComparator *cmp, const void *context,
+               UBool sortStable, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convenience UComparator implementation for uint16_t arrays.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_uint16Comparator(const void *context, const void *left, const void *right);
+ * Convenience UComparator implementation for int32_t arrays.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_int32Comparator(const void *context, const void *left, const void *right);
+ * Convenience UComparator implementation for uint32_t arrays.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_uint32Comparator(const void *context, const void *left, const void *right);
+ * Much like Java Collections.binarySearch(list, key, comparator).
+ *
+ * Except: Java documents "If the list contains multiple elements equal to
+ * the specified object, there is no guarantee which one will be found."
+ *
+ * This version here will return the largest index of any equal item,
+ * for use in stable sorting.
+ *
+ * @return the index>=0 where the item was found:
+ *         the largest such index, if multiple, for stable sorting;
+ *         or the index<0 for inserting the item at ~index in sorted order
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_stableBinarySearch(char *array, int32_t length, void *item, int32_t itemSize,
+                        UComparator *cmp, const void *context);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uassert.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uassert.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f7a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uassert.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File uassert.h
+*  Contains the U_ASSERT and UPRV_UNREACHABLE macros
+#ifndef U_ASSERT_H
+#define U_ASSERT_H
+/* utypes.h is included to get the proper define for uint8_t */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/* for abort */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ * \def U_ASSERT
+ * By default, U_ASSERT just wraps the C library assert macro.
+ * By changing the definition here, the assert behavior for ICU can be changed
+ * without affecting other non - ICU uses of the C library assert().
+#if U_DEBUG
+#   include <assert.h>
+#   define U_ASSERT(exp) assert(exp)
+#   define U_ASSERT(exp)
+ * This macro is used to unconditionally abort if unreachable code is ever executed.
+ * @internal
+#if defined(UPRV_UNREACHABLE)
+    // Use the predefined value.
+#   define UPRV_UNREACHABLE abort()
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ubidi_props.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ubidi_props.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698ee9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ubidi_props.h
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2004-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ubidi_props.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2004dec30
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Low-level Unicode bidi/shaping properties access.
+#ifndef __UBIDI_PROPS_H__
+#define __UBIDI_PROPS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+#include "uset_imp.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+/* library API -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+U_CFUNC void
+ubidi_addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* property access functions */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ubidi_getMaxValue(UProperty which);
+U_CAPI UCharDirection
+ubidi_getClass(UChar32 c);
+ubidi_isMirrored(UChar32 c);
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+ubidi_getMirror(UChar32 c);
+ubidi_isBidiControl(UChar32 c);
+ubidi_isJoinControl(UChar32 c);
+U_CFUNC UJoiningType
+ubidi_getJoiningType(UChar32 c);
+U_CFUNC UJoiningGroup
+ubidi_getJoiningGroup(UChar32 c);
+U_CFUNC UBidiPairedBracketType
+ubidi_getPairedBracketType(UChar32 c);
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+ubidi_getPairedBracket(UChar32 c);
+/* file definitions --------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define UBIDI_DATA_NAME "ubidi"
+#define UBIDI_DATA_TYPE "icu"
+/* format "BiDi" */
+#define UBIDI_FMT_0 0x42
+#define UBIDI_FMT_1 0x69
+#define UBIDI_FMT_2 0x44
+#define UBIDI_FMT_3 0x69
+/* indexes into indexes[] */
+enum {
+    UBIDI_IX_JG_START2,  /* new in format version 2.2, ICU 54 */
+    UBIDI_IX_TOP=16
+/* definitions for 16-bit bidi/shaping properties word ---------------------- */
+enum {
+ /* UBIDI_CLASS_SHIFT=0, */     /* bidi class: 5 bits (4..0) */
+    UBIDI_JT_SHIFT=5,           /* joining type: 3 bits (7..5) */
+    UBIDI_BPT_SHIFT=8,          /* Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type(bpt): 2 bits (9..8) */
+    UBIDI_IS_MIRRORED_SHIFT=12,         /* 'is mirrored' */
+    UBIDI_MIRROR_DELTA_SHIFT=13,        /* bidi mirroring delta: 3 bits (15..13) */
+    UBIDI_MAX_JG_SHIFT=16               /* max JG value in indexes[UBIDI_MAX_VALUES_INDEX] bits 23..16 */
+#define UBIDI_CLASS_MASK        0x0000001f
+#define UBIDI_JT_MASK           0x000000e0
+#define UBIDI_BPT_MASK          0x00000300
+#define UBIDI_MAX_JG_MASK       0x00ff0000
+#define UBIDI_GET_CLASS(props) ((props)&UBIDI_CLASS_MASK)
+#define UBIDI_GET_FLAG(props, shift) (((props)>>(shift))&1)
+#   define UBIDI_GET_MIRROR_DELTA(props) ((int16_t)(props)>>UBIDI_MIRROR_DELTA_SHIFT)
+#   define UBIDI_GET_MIRROR_DELTA(props) (int16_t)(((props)&0x8000) ? (((props)>>UBIDI_MIRROR_DELTA_SHIFT)|0xe000) : ((props)>>UBIDI_MIRROR_DELTA_SHIFT))
+enum {
+/* definitions for 32-bit mirror table entry -------------------------------- */
+enum {
+    /* the source Unicode code point takes 21 bits (20..0) */
+#define UBIDI_GET_MIRROR_CODE_POINT(m) (UChar32)((m)&0x1fffff)
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ubidi_props_data.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ubidi_props_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a34870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ubidi_props_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+// file name: ubidi_props_data.h
+// machine-generated by: icu/tools/unicode/c/genprops/bidipropsbuilder.cpp
+static const UVersionInfo ubidi_props_dataVersion={0xd,0,0,0};
+static const int32_t ubidi_props_indexes[UBIDI_IX_TOP]={0x10,0x67ec,0x6200,0x28,0x620,0x8c8,0x10ac0,0x10d24,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x6502b6};
+static const uint16_t ubidi_props_trieIndex[12536]={
+static const uint32_t ubidi_props_mirrors[40]={
+static const uint8_t ubidi_props_jgArray[680]={
+static const uint8_t ubidi_props_jgArray2[612]={
+static const UBiDiProps ubidi_props_singleton={
+  NULL,
+  ubidi_props_indexes,
+  ubidi_props_mirrors,
+  ubidi_props_jgArray,
+  ubidi_props_jgArray2,
+  {
+    ubidi_props_trieIndex,
+    ubidi_props_trieIndex+3568,
+    NULL,
+    3568,
+    8968,
+    0x1a0,
+    0xe70,
+    0x0,
+    0x0,
+    0x110000,
+    0x30f4,
+  },
+  { 2,2,0,0 }
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ubidiimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ubidiimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9746b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ubidiimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ubidiimp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999aug06
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer, updated by Matitiahu Allouche
+#ifndef UBIDIIMP_H
+#define UBIDIIMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ubidi.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "ubidi_props.h"
+/* miscellaneous definitions ---------------------------------------------- */
+typedef uint8_t DirProp;
+typedef uint32_t Flags;
+/*  Comparing the description of the BiDi algorithm with this implementation
+    is easier with the same names for the BiDi types in the code as there.
+    See UCharDirection in uchar.h .
+enum {
+    L=  U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT,                /*  0 */
+    R=  U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT,                /*  1 */
+    EN= U_EUROPEAN_NUMBER,              /*  2 */
+    AN= U_ARABIC_NUMBER,                /*  5 */
+    CS= U_COMMON_NUMBER_SEPARATOR,      /*  6 */
+    B=  U_BLOCK_SEPARATOR,              /*  7 */
+    S=  U_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR,            /*  8 */
+    WS= U_WHITE_SPACE_NEUTRAL,          /*  9 */
+    ON= U_OTHER_NEUTRAL,                /* 10 */
+    LRE=U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_EMBEDDING,      /* 11 */
+    LRO=U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_OVERRIDE,       /* 12 */
+    AL= U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC,         /* 13 */
+    RLE=U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING,      /* 14 */
+    RLO=U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE,       /* 15 */
+    PDF=U_POP_DIRECTIONAL_FORMAT,       /* 16 */
+    NSM=U_DIR_NON_SPACING_MARK,         /* 17 */
+    BN= U_BOUNDARY_NEUTRAL,             /* 18 */
+    FSI=U_FIRST_STRONG_ISOLATE,         /* 19 */
+    LRI=U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE,        /* 20 */
+    RLI=U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE,        /* 21 */
+    ENL,    /* EN after W7 */           /* 23 */
+    ENR,    /* EN not subject to W7 */  /* 24 */
+    dirPropCount
+/*  Sometimes, bit values are more appropriate
+    to deal with directionality properties.
+    Abbreviations in these macro names refer to names
+    used in the BiDi algorithm.
+#define DIRPROP_FLAG(dir) (1UL<<(dir))
+#define PURE_DIRPROP(prop)  ((prop)&~0xE0)    ?????????????????????????
+/* special flag for multiple runs from explicit embedding codes */
+/* are there any characters that are LTR or RTL? */
+/* explicit embedding codes */
+/* explicit isolate codes */
+/* paragraph and segment separators */
+/* all types that are counted as White Space or Neutral in some steps */
+/* types that are neutrals or could becomes neutrals in (Wn) */
+ *  These types may be changed to "e",
+ *  the embedding type (L or R) of the run,
+ *  in the BiDi algorithm (N2)
+ */
+/* the dirProp's L and R are defined to 0 and 1 values in UCharDirection */
+#define GET_LR_FROM_LEVEL(level) ((DirProp)((level)&1))
+#define IS_DEFAULT_LEVEL(level) ((level)>=0xfe)
+ *  The following bit is used for the directional isolate status.
+ *  Stack entries corresponding to isolate sequences are greater than ISOLATE.
+ */
+#define ISOLATE  0x0100
+ubidi_getParaLevelAtIndex(const UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t index);
+#define GET_PARALEVEL(ubidi, index) \
+            ((UBiDiLevel)(!(ubidi)->defaultParaLevel || (index)<(ubidi)->paras[0].limit ? \
+                         (ubidi)->paraLevel : ubidi_getParaLevelAtIndex((ubidi), (index))))
+/* number of paras entries allocated initially without malloc */
+#define SIMPLE_PARAS_COUNT      10
+/* number of isolate entries allocated initially without malloc */
+/* number of isolate run entries for paired brackets allocated initially without malloc */
+#define CR  0x000D
+#define LF  0x000A
+/* Run structure for reordering --------------------------------------------- */
+enum {
+    LRM_BEFORE=1,
+    LRM_AFTER=2,
+    RLM_BEFORE=4,
+    RLM_AFTER=8
+typedef struct Para {
+    int32_t limit;
+    int32_t level;
+} Para;
+enum {                                  /* flags for Opening.flags */
+typedef struct Opening {
+    int32_t position;                   /* position of opening bracket */
+    int32_t match;                      /* matching char or -position of closing bracket */
+    int32_t contextPos;                 /* position of last strong char found before opening */
+    uint16_t flags;                     /* bits for L or R/AL found within the pair */
+    UBiDiDirection contextDir;          /* L or R according to last strong char before opening */
+    uint8_t filler;                     /* to complete a nice multiple of 4 chars */
+} Opening;
+typedef struct IsoRun {
+    int32_t  contextPos;                /* position of char determining context */
+    uint16_t start;                     /* index of first opening entry for this run */
+    uint16_t limit;                     /* index after last opening entry for this run */
+    UBiDiLevel level;                   /* level of this run */
+    DirProp lastStrong;                 /* bidi class of last strong char found in this run */
+    DirProp lastBase;                   /* bidi class of last base char found in this run */
+    UBiDiDirection contextDir;          /* L or R to use as context for following openings */
+} IsoRun;
+typedef struct BracketData {
+    UBiDi   *pBiDi;
+    /* array of opening entries which should be enough in most cases; no malloc() */
+    Opening simpleOpenings[SIMPLE_OPENINGS_COUNT];
+    Opening *openings;                  /* pointer to current array of entries */
+    int32_t openingsCount;              /* number of allocated entries */
+    int32_t isoRunLast;                 /* index of last used entry */
+    /* array of nested isolated sequence entries; can never excess UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL
+       + 1 for index 0, + 1 for before the first isolated sequence */
+    IsoRun  isoRuns[UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+2];
+    UBool isNumbersSpecial;             /* reordering mode for NUMBERS_SPECIAL */
+} BracketData;
+typedef struct Isolate {
+    int32_t startON;
+    int32_t start1;
+    int32_t state;
+    int16_t stateImp;
+} Isolate;
+typedef struct Run {
+    int32_t logicalStart,   /* first character of the run; b31 indicates even/odd level */
+            visualLimit,    /* last visual position of the run +1 */
+            insertRemove;   /* if >0, flags for inserting LRM/RLM before/after run,
+                               if <0, count of bidi controls within run            */
+} Run;
+/* in a Run, logicalStart will get this bit set if the run level is odd */
+#define INDEX_ODD_BIT (1UL<<31)
+#define MAKE_INDEX_ODD_PAIR(index, level) ((index)|((int32_t)((level)&1)<<31))
+#define ADD_ODD_BIT_FROM_LEVEL(x, level)  ((x)|=((int32_t)((level)&1)<<31))
+#define REMOVE_ODD_BIT(x)                 ((x)&=~INDEX_ODD_BIT)
+#define GET_INDEX(x)   ((x)&~INDEX_ODD_BIT)
+#define GET_ODD_BIT(x) ((uint32_t)(x)>>31)
+#define IS_ODD_RUN(x)  ((UBool)(((x)&INDEX_ODD_BIT)!=0))
+#define IS_EVEN_RUN(x) ((UBool)(((x)&INDEX_ODD_BIT)==0))
+ubidi_getRuns(UBiDi *pBiDi, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/** BiDi control code points */
+enum {
+    ZWNJ_CHAR=0x200c,
+    ZWJ_CHAR,
+    LRM_CHAR,
+    RLM_CHAR,
+    LRE_CHAR=0x202a,
+    RLE_CHAR,
+    PDF_CHAR,
+    LRO_CHAR,
+    RLO_CHAR,
+    LRI_CHAR=0x2066,
+    RLI_CHAR,
+    FSI_CHAR,
+#define IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c) (((uint32_t)(c)&0xfffffffc)==ZWNJ_CHAR || (uint32_t)((c)-LRE_CHAR)<5 || (uint32_t)((c)-LRI_CHAR)<4)
+/* InsertPoints structure for noting where to put BiDi marks ---------------- */
+typedef struct Point {
+    int32_t pos;            /* position in text */
+    int32_t flag;           /* flag for LRM/RLM, before/after */
+} Point;
+typedef struct InsertPoints {
+    int32_t capacity;       /* number of points allocated */
+    int32_t size;           /* number of points used */
+    int32_t confirmed;      /* number of points confirmed */
+    UErrorCode errorCode;   /* for eventual memory shortage */
+    Point *points;          /* pointer to array of points */
+} InsertPoints;
+/* UBiDi structure ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct UBiDi {
+    /* pointer to parent paragraph object (pointer to self if this object is
+     * a paragraph object); set to NULL in a newly opened object; set to a
+     * real value after a successful execution of ubidi_setPara or ubidi_setLine
+     */
+    const UBiDi * pParaBiDi;
+    /* alias pointer to the current text */
+    const UChar *text;
+    /* length of the current text */
+    int32_t originalLength;
+    /* if the UBIDI_OPTION_STREAMING option is set, this is the length
+     * of text actually processed by ubidi_setPara, which may be shorter than
+     * the original length.
+     * Otherwise, it is identical to the original length.
+     */
+    int32_t length;
+    /* if the UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS option is set, and/or
+     * marks are allowed to be inserted in one of the reordering mode, the
+     * length of the result string may be different from the processed length.
+     */
+    int32_t resultLength;
+    /* memory sizes in bytes */
+    int32_t dirPropsSize, levelsSize, openingsSize, parasSize, runsSize, isolatesSize;
+    /* allocated memory */
+    DirProp *dirPropsMemory;
+    UBiDiLevel *levelsMemory;
+    Opening *openingsMemory;
+    Para *parasMemory;
+    Run *runsMemory;
+    Isolate *isolatesMemory;
+    /* indicators for whether memory may be allocated after ubidi_open() */
+    UBool mayAllocateText, mayAllocateRuns;
+    /* arrays with one value per text-character */
+    DirProp *dirProps;
+    UBiDiLevel *levels;
+    /* are we performing an approximation of the "inverse BiDi" algorithm? */
+    UBool isInverse;
+    /* are we using the basic algorithm or its variation? */
+    UBiDiReorderingMode reorderingMode;
+    /* UBIDI_REORDER_xxx values must be ordered so that all the regular
+     * logical to visual modes come first, and all inverse BiDi modes
+     * come last.
+     */
+    /* bitmask for reordering options */
+    uint32_t reorderingOptions;
+    /* must block separators receive level 0? */
+    UBool orderParagraphsLTR;
+    /* the paragraph level */
+    UBiDiLevel paraLevel;
+    /* original paraLevel when contextual */
+    /* must be one of UBIDI_DEFAULT_xxx or 0 if not contextual */
+    UBiDiLevel defaultParaLevel;
+    /* context data */
+    const UChar *prologue;
+    int32_t proLength;
+    const UChar *epilogue;
+    int32_t epiLength;
+    /* the following is set in ubidi_setPara, used in processPropertySeq */
+    const struct ImpTabPair * pImpTabPair;  /* pointer to levels state table pair */
+    /* the overall paragraph or line directionality - see UBiDiDirection */
+    UBiDiDirection direction;
+    /* flags is a bit set for which directional properties are in the text */
+    Flags flags;
+    /* lastArabicPos is index to the last AL in the text, -1 if none */
+    int32_t lastArabicPos;
+    /* characters after trailingWSStart are WS and are */
+    /* implicitly at the paraLevel (rule (L1)) - levels may not reflect that */
+    int32_t trailingWSStart;
+    /* fields for paragraph handling */
+    int32_t paraCount;                  /* set in getDirProps() */
+    /* filled in getDirProps() */
+    Para *paras;
+    /* for relatively short text, we only need a tiny array of paras (no malloc()) */
+    Para simpleParas[SIMPLE_PARAS_COUNT];
+    /* fields for line reordering */
+    int32_t runCount;     /* ==-1: runs not set up yet */
+    Run *runs;
+    /* for non-mixed text, we only need a tiny array of runs (no malloc()) */
+    Run simpleRuns[1];
+    /* maximum or current nesting depth of isolate sequences */
+    /* Within resolveExplicitLevels() and checkExplicitLevels(), this is the maximal
+       nesting encountered.
+       Within resolveImplicitLevels(), this is the index of the current isolates
+       stack entry. */
+    int32_t isolateCount;
+    Isolate *isolates;
+    /* for simple text, have a small stack (no malloc()) */
+    Isolate simpleIsolates[SIMPLE_ISOLATES_COUNT];
+    /* for inverse Bidi with insertion of directional marks */
+    InsertPoints insertPoints;
+    /* for option UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS */
+    int32_t controlCount;
+    /* for Bidi class callback */
+    UBiDiClassCallback *fnClassCallback;    /* action pointer */
+    const void *coClassCallback;            /* context pointer */
+#define IS_VALID_PARA(x) ((x) && ((x)->pParaBiDi==(x)))
+#define IS_VALID_PARA_OR_LINE(x) ((x) && ((x)->pParaBiDi==(x) || (((x)->pParaBiDi) && (x)->pParaBiDi->pParaBiDi==(x)->pParaBiDi)))
+typedef union {
+    DirProp *dirPropsMemory;
+    UBiDiLevel *levelsMemory;
+    Opening *openingsMemory;
+    Para *parasMemory;
+    Run *runsMemory;
+    Isolate *isolatesMemory;
+} BidiMemoryForAllocation;
+/* Macros for initial checks at function entry */
+    if((pErrcode)==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrcode)) return retvalue; \
+#define RETURN_IF_NOT_VALID_PARA(bidi, errcode, retvalue) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(!IS_VALID_PARA(bidi)) { \
+        errcode=U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; \
+        return retvalue; \
+    } \
+#define RETURN_IF_NOT_VALID_PARA_OR_LINE(bidi, errcode, retvalue) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(!IS_VALID_PARA_OR_LINE(bidi)) { \
+        errcode=U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; \
+        return retvalue; \
+    } \
+#define RETURN_IF_BAD_RANGE(arg, start, limit, errcode, retvalue) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((arg)<(start) || (arg)>=(limit)) { \
+        (errcode)=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; \
+        return retvalue; \
+    } \
+    if((pErrcode)==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrcode)) return; \
+    if(!IS_VALID_PARA(bidi)) { \
+        errcode=U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; \
+        return; \
+    } \
+    if(!IS_VALID_PARA_OR_LINE(bidi)) { \
+        errcode=U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; \
+        return; \
+    } \
+#define RETURN_VOID_IF_BAD_RANGE(arg, start, limit, errcode) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((arg)<(start) || (arg)>=(limit)) { \
+        (errcode)=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; \
+        return; \
+    } \
+/* helper function to (re)allocate memory if allowed */
+ubidi_getMemory(BidiMemoryForAllocation *pMemory, int32_t *pSize, UBool mayAllocate, int32_t sizeNeeded);
+/* helper macros for each allocated array in UBiDi */
+#define getDirPropsMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->dirPropsMemory, &(pBiDi)->dirPropsSize, \
+                        (pBiDi)->mayAllocateText, (length))
+#define getLevelsMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->levelsMemory, &(pBiDi)->levelsSize, \
+                        (pBiDi)->mayAllocateText, (length))
+#define getRunsMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->runsMemory, &(pBiDi)->runsSize, \
+                        (pBiDi)->mayAllocateRuns, (length)*sizeof(Run))
+/* additional macros used by ubidi_open() - always allow allocation */
+#define getInitialDirPropsMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->dirPropsMemory, &(pBiDi)->dirPropsSize, \
+                        TRUE, (length))
+#define getInitialLevelsMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->levelsMemory, &(pBiDi)->levelsSize, \
+                        TRUE, (length))
+#define getInitialOpeningsMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->openingsMemory, &(pBiDi)->openingsSize, \
+                        TRUE, (length)*sizeof(Opening))
+#define getInitialParasMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->parasMemory, &(pBiDi)->parasSize, \
+                        TRUE, (length)*sizeof(Para))
+#define getInitialRunsMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->runsMemory, &(pBiDi)->runsSize, \
+                        TRUE, (length)*sizeof(Run))
+#define getInitialIsolatesMemory(pBiDi, length) \
+        ubidi_getMemory((BidiMemoryForAllocation *)&(pBiDi)->isolatesMemory, &(pBiDi)->isolatesSize, \
+                        TRUE, (length)*sizeof(Isolate))
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ubrkimpl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ubrkimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8197f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ubrkimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2006, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UBRKIMPL_H
+#define UBRKIMPL_H
+#endif /*UBRKIMPL_H*/
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucase.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0a453b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2004-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucase.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2004aug30
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Low-level Unicode character/string case mapping code.
+#ifndef __UCASE_H__
+#define __UCASE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+#include "uset_imp.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+class UnicodeString;
+/* library API -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ucase_addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Requires non-NULL locale ID but otherwise does the equivalent of
+ * checking for language codes as if uloc_getLanguage() were called:
+ * Accepts both 2- and 3-letter codes and accepts case variants.
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ucase_getCaseLocale(const char *locale);
+/* Casing locale types for ucase_getCaseLocale */
+enum {
+ * Bit mask for getting just the options from a string compare options word
+ * that are relevant for case-insensitive string comparison.
+ * See stringoptions.h. Also include _STRNCMP_STYLE and U_COMPARE_CODE_POINT_ORDER.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Bit mask for getting just the options from a string compare options word
+ * that are relevant for case folding (of a single string or code point).
+ *
+ * Currently only bit 0 for U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I.
+ * It is conceivable that at some point we might use one more bit for using uppercase sharp s.
+ * It is conceivable that at some point we might want the option to use only simple case foldings
+ * when operating on strings.
+ *
+ * See stringoptions.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* single-code point functions */
+ucase_tolower(UChar32 c);
+ucase_toupper(UChar32 c);
+ucase_totitle(UChar32 c);
+ucase_fold(UChar32 c, uint32_t options);
+ * Adds all simple case mappings and the full case folding for c to sa,
+ * and also adds special case closure mappings.
+ * c itself is not added.
+ * For example, the mappings
+ * - for s include long s
+ * - for sharp s include ss
+ * - for k include the Kelvin sign
+ */
+ucase_addCaseClosure(UChar32 c, const USetAdder *sa);
+ * Maps the string to single code points and adds the associated case closure
+ * mappings.
+ * The string is mapped to code points if it is their full case folding string.
+ * In other words, this performs a reverse full case folding and then
+ * adds the case closure items of the resulting code points.
+ * If the string is found and its closure applied, then
+ * the string itself is added as well as part of its code points' closure.
+ * It must be length>=0.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if the string was found
+ */
+ucase_addStringCaseClosure(const UChar *s, int32_t length, const USetAdder *sa);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ * Iterator over characters with more than one code point in the full default Case_Folding.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API FullCaseFoldingIterator {
+    /** Constructor. */
+    FullCaseFoldingIterator();
+    /**
+     * Returns the next (cp, full) pair where "full" is cp's full default Case_Folding.
+     * Returns a negative cp value at the end of the iteration.
+     */
+    UChar32 next(UnicodeString &full);
+    FullCaseFoldingIterator(const FullCaseFoldingIterator &);  // no copy
+    FullCaseFoldingIterator &operator=(const FullCaseFoldingIterator &);  // no assignment
+    const UChar *unfold;
+    int32_t unfoldRows;
+    int32_t unfoldRowWidth;
+    int32_t unfoldStringWidth;
+    int32_t currentRow;
+    int32_t rowCpIndex;
+ * Fast case mapping data for ASCII/Latin.
+ * Linear arrays of delta bytes: 0=no mapping; EXC=exception.
+ * Deltas must not cross the ASCII boundary, or else they cannot be easily used
+ * in simple UTF-8 code.
+ */
+namespace LatinCase {
+/** Case mapping/folding data for code points up to U+017F. */
+constexpr UChar LIMIT = 0x180;
+/** U+017F case-folds and uppercases crossing the ASCII boundary. */
+constexpr UChar LONG_S = 0x17f;
+/** Exception: Complex mapping, or too-large delta. */
+constexpr int8_t EXC = -0x80;
+/** Deltas for lowercasing for most locales, and default case folding. */
+extern const int8_t TO_LOWER_NORMAL[LIMIT];
+/** Deltas for lowercasing for tr/az/lt, and Turkic case folding. */
+extern const int8_t TO_LOWER_TR_LT[LIMIT];
+/** Deltas for uppercasing for most locales. */
+extern const int8_t TO_UPPER_NORMAL[LIMIT];
+/** Deltas for uppercasing for tr/az. */
+extern const int8_t TO_UPPER_TR[LIMIT];
+}  // namespace LatinCase
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucase_getType(UChar32 c);
+/** @return like ucase_getType() but also sets UCASE_IGNORABLE if c is case-ignorable */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucase_getTypeOrIgnorable(UChar32 c);
+ucase_isSoftDotted(UChar32 c);
+ucase_isCaseSensitive(UChar32 c);
+/* string case mapping functions */
+ * Iterator function for string case mappings, which need to look at the
+ * context (surrounding text) of a given character for conditional mappings.
+ *
+ * The iterator only needs to go backward or forward away from the
+ * character in question. It does not use any indexes on this interface.
+ * It does not support random access or an arbitrary change of
+ * iteration direction.
+ *
+ * The code point being case-mapped itself is never returned by
+ * this iterator.
+ *
+ * @param context A pointer to the iterator's working data.
+ * @param dir If <0 then start iterating backward from the character;
+ *            if >0 then start iterating forward from the character;
+ *            if 0 then continue iterating in the current direction.
+ * @return Next code point, or <0 when the iteration is done.
+ */
+typedef UChar32 U_CALLCONV
+UCaseContextIterator(void *context, int8_t dir);
+ * Sample struct which may be used by some implementations of
+ * UCaseContextIterator.
+ */
+struct UCaseContext {
+    void *p;
+    int32_t start, index, limit;
+    int32_t cpStart, cpLimit;
+    int8_t dir;
+    int8_t b1, b2, b3;
+typedef struct UCaseContext UCaseContext;
+#define UCASECONTEXT_INITIALIZER { NULL,  0, 0, 0,  0, 0,  0,  0, 0, 0 }
+enum {
+    /**
+     * For string case mappings, a single character (a code point) is mapped
+     * either to itself (in which case in-place mapping functions do nothing),
+     * or to another single code point, or to a string.
+     * Aside from the string contents, these are indicated with a single int32_t
+     * value as follows:
+     *
+     * Mapping to self: Negative values (~self instead of -self to support U+0000)
+     *
+     * Mapping to another code point: Positive values >UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH
+     *
+     * Mapping to a string: The string length (0..UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) is
+     * returned. Note that the string result may indeed have zero length.
+     */
+ * Get the full lowercase mapping for c.
+ *
+ * @param csp Case mapping properties.
+ * @param c Character to be mapped.
+ * @param iter Character iterator, used for context-sensitive mappings.
+ *             See UCaseContextIterator for details.
+ *             If iter==NULL then a context-independent result is returned.
+ * @param context Pointer to be passed into iter.
+ * @param pString If the mapping result is a string, then the pointer is
+ *                written to *pString.
+ * @param caseLocale Case locale value from ucase_getCaseLocale().
+ * @return Output code point or string length, see UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH.
+ *
+ * @see UCaseContextIterator
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucase_toFullLower(UChar32 c,
+                  UCaseContextIterator *iter, void *context,
+                  const UChar **pString,
+                  int32_t caseLocale);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucase_toFullUpper(UChar32 c,
+                  UCaseContextIterator *iter, void *context,
+                  const UChar **pString,
+                  int32_t caseLocale);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucase_toFullTitle(UChar32 c,
+                  UCaseContextIterator *iter, void *context,
+                  const UChar **pString,
+                  int32_t caseLocale);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucase_toFullFolding(UChar32 c,
+                    const UChar **pString,
+                    uint32_t options);
+U_CFUNC int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucase_hasBinaryProperty(UChar32 c, UProperty which);
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UCaseMapFull(UChar32 c,
+             UCaseContextIterator *iter, void *context,
+             const UChar **pString,
+             int32_t caseLocale);
+/* file definitions --------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define UCASE_DATA_NAME "ucase"
+#define UCASE_DATA_TYPE "icu"
+/* format "cAsE" */
+#define UCASE_FMT_0 0x63
+#define UCASE_FMT_1 0x41
+#define UCASE_FMT_2 0x53
+#define UCASE_FMT_3 0x45
+/* indexes into indexes[] */
+enum {
+    UCASE_IX_TOP=16
+/* definitions for 16-bit case properties word ------------------------------ */
+U_CFUNC const UTrie2 * U_EXPORT2
+/* 2-bit constants for types of cased characters */
+#define UCASE_TYPE_MASK     3
+enum {
+#define UCASE_GET_TYPE(props) ((props)&UCASE_TYPE_MASK)
+#define UCASE_GET_TYPE_AND_IGNORABLE(props) ((props)&7)
+#define UCASE_IS_UPPER_OR_TITLE(props) ((props)&2)
+#define UCASE_IGNORABLE         4
+#define UCASE_EXCEPTION         8
+#define UCASE_SENSITIVE         0x10
+#define UCASE_DOT_MASK      0x60
+enum {
+    UCASE_NO_DOT=0,         /* normal characters with cc=0 */
+    UCASE_SOFT_DOTTED=0x20, /* soft-dotted characters with cc=0 */
+    UCASE_ABOVE=0x40,       /* "above" accents with cc=230 */
+    UCASE_OTHER_ACCENT=0x60 /* other accent character (0<cc!=230) */
+/* no exception: bits 15..7 are a 9-bit signed case mapping delta */
+#define UCASE_DELTA_SHIFT   7
+#define UCASE_DELTA_MASK    0xff80
+#define UCASE_MAX_DELTA     0xff
+#   define UCASE_GET_DELTA(props) ((int16_t)(props)>>UCASE_DELTA_SHIFT)
+#   define UCASE_GET_DELTA(props) (int16_t)(((props)&0x8000) ? (((props)>>UCASE_DELTA_SHIFT)|0xfe00) : ((uint16_t)(props)>>UCASE_DELTA_SHIFT))
+/* exception: bits 15..4 are an unsigned 12-bit index into the exceptions array */
+#define UCASE_EXC_SHIFT     4
+#define UCASE_EXC_MASK      0xfff0
+/* definitions for 16-bit main exceptions word ------------------------------ */
+/* first 8 bits indicate values in optional slots */
+enum {
+    UCASE_EXC_5,            /* reserved */
+    UCASE_EXC_ALL_SLOTS     /* one past the last slot */
+/* each slot is 2 uint16_t instead of 1 */
+#define UCASE_EXC_DOUBLE_SLOTS      0x100
+enum {
+#define UCASE_EXC_DOT_SHIFT     7
+/* normally stored in the main word, but pushed out for larger exception indexes */
+#define UCASE_EXC_DOT_MASK      0x3000
+enum {
+    UCASE_EXC_ABOVE=0x2000,         /* "above" accents with cc=230 */
+    UCASE_EXC_OTHER_ACCENT=0x3000   /* other character (0<cc!=230) */
+/* complex/conditional mappings */
+#define UCASE_EXC_CONDITIONAL_FOLD      0x8000
+/* definitions for lengths word for full case mappings */
+#define UCASE_FULL_LOWER    0xf
+#define UCASE_FULL_FOLDING  0xf0
+#define UCASE_FULL_UPPER    0xf00
+#define UCASE_FULL_TITLE    0xf000
+/* maximum lengths */
+/* constants for reverse case folding ("unfold") data */
+enum {
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucase_props_data.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucase_props_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c97230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucase_props_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+// file name: ucase_props_data.h
+// machine-generated by: icu/tools/unicode/c/genprops/casepropsbuilder.cpp
+static const UVersionInfo ucase_props_dataVersion={0xd,0,0,0};
+static const int32_t ucase_props_indexes[UCASE_IX_TOP]={0x10,0x70ca,0x6098,0x687,0x172,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3};
+static const uint16_t ucase_props_trieIndex[12356]={
+static const uint16_t ucase_props_exceptions[1671]={
+static const uint16_t ucase_props_unfold[370]={
+static const UCaseProps ucase_props_singleton={
+  NULL,
+  ucase_props_indexes,
+  ucase_props_exceptions,
+  ucase_props_unfold,
+  {
+    ucase_props_trieIndex,
+    ucase_props_trieIndex+3288,
+    NULL,
+    3288,
+    9068,
+    0x188,
+    0xd54,
+    0x0,
+    0x0,
+    0xe0800,
+    0x3040,
+  },
+  { 4,0,0,0 }
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucasemap_imp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucasemap_imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7788fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucasemap_imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// ucasemap_imp.h
+// created: 2017feb08 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UCASEMAP_IMP_H__
+#define __UCASEMAP_IMP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucasemap.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "ucase.h"
+ * Bit mask for the titlecasing iterator options bit field.
+ * Currently only 3 out of 8 values are used:
+ * See stringoptions.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Bit mask for the titlecasing index adjustment options bit set.
+ * Currently two bits are defined:
+ * See stringoptions.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Internal API, used by u_strcasecmp() etc.
+ * Compare strings case-insensitively,
+ * in code point order or code unit order.
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+u_strcmpFold(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
+             const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
+             uint32_t options,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Internal API, used for detecting length of
+ * shared prefix case-insensitively.
+ * @param s1            input string 1
+ * @param length1       length of string 1, or -1 (NULL terminated)
+ * @param s2            input string 2
+ * @param length2       length of string 2, or -1 (NULL terminated)
+ * @param options       compare options
+ * @param matchLen1     (output) length of partial prefix match in s1
+ * @param matchLen2     (output) length of partial prefix match in s2
+ * @param pErrorCode    receives error status
+ */
+U_CAPI void
+u_caseInsensitivePrefixMatch(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
+                             const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
+                             uint32_t options,
+                             int32_t *matchLen1, int32_t *matchLen2,
+                             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+class BreakIterator;        // unicode/brkiter.h
+class ByteSink;
+class Locale;               // unicode/locid.h
+/** Returns TRUE if the options are valid. Otherwise FALSE, and sets an error. */
+inline UBool ustrcase_checkTitleAdjustmentOptions(uint32_t options, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return FALSE; }
+        // Both options together.
+        errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+inline UBool ustrcase_isLNS(UChar32 c) {
+    // Letter, number, symbol,
+    // or a private use code point because those are typically used as letters or numbers.
+    // Consider modifier letters only if they are cased.
+    const uint32_t LNS = (U_GC_L_MASK|U_GC_N_MASK|U_GC_S_MASK|U_GC_CO_MASK) & ~U_GC_LM_MASK;
+    int gc = u_charType(c);
+    return (U_MASK(gc) & LNS) != 0 || (gc == U_MODIFIER_LETTER && ucase_getType(c) != UCASE_NONE);
+/** Returns nullptr if error. Pass in either locale or locID, not both. */
+BreakIterator *ustrcase_getTitleBreakIterator(
+        const Locale *locale, const char *locID, uint32_t options, BreakIterator *iter,
+        LocalPointer<BreakIterator> &ownedIter, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"  // for UStringCaseMapper
+ * Internal string casing functions implementing
+ * ustring.h/ustrcase.cpp and UnicodeString case mapping functions.
+ */
+struct UCaseMap : public icu::UMemory {
+    /** Implements most of ucasemap_open(). */
+    UCaseMap(const char *localeID, uint32_t opts, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+    ~UCaseMap();
+    icu::BreakIterator *iter;  /* We adopt the iterator, so we own it. */
+    char locale[32];
+    int32_t caseLocale;
+    uint32_t options;
+#   define UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM icu::BreakIterator *iter,
+#   define UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_UNUSED icu::BreakIterator *,
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ustrcase_getCaseLocale(const char *locale);
+// TODO: swap src / dest if approved for new public api
+/** Implements UStringCaseMapper. */
+ustrcase_internalToLower(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+                         UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                         const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                         icu::Edits *edits,
+                         UErrorCode &errorCode);
+/** Implements UStringCaseMapper. */
+ustrcase_internalToUpper(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+                         UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                         const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                         icu::Edits *edits,
+                         UErrorCode &errorCode);
+/** Implements UStringCaseMapper. */
+ustrcase_internalToTitle(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options,
+                         icu::BreakIterator *iter,
+                         UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                         const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                         icu::Edits *edits,
+                         UErrorCode &errorCode);
+/** Implements UStringCaseMapper. */
+ustrcase_internalFold(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+                      UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                      const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                      icu::Edits *edits,
+                      UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ * Common string case mapping implementation for ucasemap_toXyz() and UnicodeString::toXyz().
+ * Implements argument checking.
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ustrcase_map(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+             UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+             const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+             UStringCaseMapper *stringCaseMapper,
+             icu::Edits *edits,
+             UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ * Common string case mapping implementation for old-fashioned u_strToXyz() functions
+ * that allow the source string to overlap the destination buffer.
+ * Implements argument checking and internally works with an intermediate buffer if necessary.
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ustrcase_mapWithOverlap(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+                        UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                        const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                        UStringCaseMapper *stringCaseMapper,
+                        UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ * UTF-8 string case mapping function type, used by ucasemap_mapUTF8().
+ * UTF-8 version of UStringCaseMapper.
+ * All error checking must be done.
+ * The UCaseMap must be fully initialized, with locale and/or iter set as needed.
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UTF8CaseMapper(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options,
+               icu::BreakIterator *iter,
+               const uint8_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+               icu::ByteSink &sink, icu::Edits *edits,
+               UErrorCode &errorCode);
+/** Implements UTF8CaseMapper. */
+ucasemap_internalUTF8ToTitle(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options,
+        icu::BreakIterator *iter,
+        const uint8_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+        icu::ByteSink &sink, icu::Edits *edits,
+        UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ucasemap_mapUTF8(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+                 const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                 UTF8CaseMapper *stringCaseMapper,
+                 icu::ByteSink &sink, icu::Edits *edits,
+                 UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ * Implements argument checking and buffer handling
+ * for UTF-8 string case mapping as a common function.
+ */
+ucasemap_mapUTF8(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, UCASEMAP_BREAK_ITERATOR_PARAM
+                 char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                 const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                 UTF8CaseMapper *stringCaseMapper,
+                 icu::Edits *edits,
+                 UErrorCode &errorCode);
+namespace GreekUpper {
+// Data bits.
+static const uint32_t UPPER_MASK = 0x3ff;
+static const uint32_t HAS_VOWEL = 0x1000;
+static const uint32_t HAS_YPOGEGRAMMENI = 0x2000;
+static const uint32_t HAS_ACCENT = 0x4000;
+static const uint32_t HAS_DIALYTIKA = 0x8000;
+// Further bits during data building and processing, not stored in the data map.
+static const uint32_t HAS_COMBINING_DIALYTIKA = 0x10000;
+static const uint32_t HAS_OTHER_GREEK_DIACRITIC = 0x20000;
+static const uint32_t HAS_VOWEL_AND_ACCENT = HAS_VOWEL | HAS_ACCENT;
+static const uint32_t HAS_VOWEL_AND_ACCENT_AND_DIALYTIKA =
+// State bits.
+static const uint32_t AFTER_CASED = 1;
+static const uint32_t AFTER_VOWEL_WITH_ACCENT = 2;
+uint32_t getLetterData(UChar32 c);
+ * Returns a non-zero value for each of the Greek combining diacritics
+ * listed in The Unicode Standard, version 8, chapter 7.2 Greek,
+ * plus some perispomeni look-alikes.
+ */
+uint32_t getDiacriticData(UChar32 c);
+}  // namespace GreekUpper
+#endif  // __cplusplus
+#endif  // __UCASEMAP_IMP_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uchar_props_data.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uchar_props_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a78918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uchar_props_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3860 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+// file name: uchar_props_data.h
+// machine-generated by: icu/tools/unicode/c/genprops/corepropsbuilder.cpp
+static const UVersionInfo dataVersion={0xd,0,0,0};
+static const uint16_t propsTrie_index[22276]={
+static const UTrie2 propsTrie={
+    propsTrie_index,
+    propsTrie_index+4532,
+    NULL,
+    4532,
+    17744,
+    0xa40,
+    0x1234,
+    0x0,
+    0x0,
+    0x110000,
+    0x5700,
+static const uint16_t propsVectorsTrie_index[31228]={
+static const UTrie2 propsVectorsTrie={
+    propsVectorsTrie_index,
+    propsVectorsTrie_index+5024,
+    NULL,
+    5024,
+    26204,
+    0xa40,
+    0x1420,
+    0x0,
+    0x0,
+    0x110000,
+    0x79f8,
+static const uint32_t propsVectors[6999]={
+static const int32_t countPropsVectors=6999;
+static const int32_t propsVectorsColumns=3;
+static const uint16_t scriptExtensions[262]={
+static const int32_t indexes[UPROPS_INDEX_COUNT]={0x2b96,0x2b96,0x2b96,0x2b96,0x6898,3,0x83ef,0x8472,0x8472,0x8472,0xb34c0,0x2a75a31,0,0,0,0};
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucln.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe6666e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2013, International Business Machines
+*                Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucln.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001July05
+*   created by: George Rhoten
+#ifndef __UCLN_H__
+#define __UCLN_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/** These are the functions used to register a library's memory cleanup
+ * functions.  Each library should define a single library register function
+ * to call this API.  In the i18n library, it is ucln_i18n_registerCleanup().
+ *
+ * None of the cleanup functions should use a mutex to clean up an API's
+ * allocated memory because a cleanup function is not meant to be thread safe,
+ * and plenty of data cannot be reference counted in order to make sure that
+ * no one else needs the allocated data.
+ *
+ * In order to make a cleanup function get called when u_cleanup is called,
+ * You should add your function to the library specific cleanup function.
+ * If the cleanup function is not in the common library, the code that
+ * allocates the memory should call the library specific cleanup function.
+ * For instance, in the i18n library, any memory allocated statically must
+ * call ucln_i18n_registerCleanup() from the ucln_in.h header.  These library
+ * cleanup functions are needed in order to prevent a circular dependency
+ * between the common library and any other library.
+ *
+ * The order of the cleanup is very important.  In general, an API that
+ * depends on a second API should be cleaned up before the second API.
+ * For instance, the default converter in ustring depends upon the converter
+ * API.  So the default converter should be closed before the converter API
+ * has its cache flushed.  This will prevent any memory leaks due to
+ * reference counting.
+ *
+ * Please see common/ucln_cmn.{h,c} and i18n/ucln_in.{h,c} for examples.
+ */
+ * Data Type for cleanup function selector. These roughly correspond to libraries.
+ */
+typedef enum ECleanupLibraryType {
+    UCLN_START = -1,
+    UCLN_UPLUG,     /* ICU plugins */
+    UCLN_CUSTOM,    /* Custom is for anyone else. */
+    UCLN_IO,
+    UCLN_I18N,
+    UCLN_COMMON /* This must be the last one to cleanup. */
+} ECleanupLibraryType;
+ * Data type for cleanup function pointer
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV cleanupFunc(void);
+typedef void U_CALLCONV initFunc(UErrorCode *);
+ * Register a cleanup function
+ * @param type which library to register for.
+ * @param func the function pointer
+ */
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ucln_registerCleanup(ECleanupLibraryType type,
+                                           cleanupFunc *func);
+ * Request cleanup for one specific library.
+ * Not thread safe.
+ * @param type which library to cleanup
+ */
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ucln_cleanupOne(ECleanupLibraryType type);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_cmn.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_cmn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b837fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_cmn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, International Business Machines
+*                Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucln_cmn.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001July05
+*   created by: George Rhoten
+#ifndef __UCLN_CMN_H__
+#define __UCLN_CMN_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "ucln.h"
+/* These are the cleanup functions for various APIs. */
+/* @return true if cleanup complete successfully.*/
+U_CFUNC UBool utrace_cleanup(void);
+U_CFUNC UBool ucln_lib_cleanup(void);
+Please keep the order of enums declared in same order
+as the cleanup functions are suppose to be called. */
+typedef enum ECleanupCommonType {
+    /*
+       Unified caches caches collation stuff. Collation data structures
+       contain resource bundles which means that unified cache cleanup
+       must happen before resource bundle clean up.
+    */
+    UCLN_COMMON_MUTEX,    // Mutexes should be the last to be cleaned up.
+    UCLN_COMMON_COUNT /* This must be last */
+} ECleanupCommonType;
+/* Main library cleanup registration function. */
+/* See common/ucln.h for details on adding a cleanup function. */
+/* Note: the global mutex must not be held when calling this function. */
+U_CFUNC void U_EXPORT2 ucln_common_registerCleanup(ECleanupCommonType type,
+                                                   cleanupFunc *func);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_imp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bfcde0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2011, International Business Machines
+*                Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucln_imp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   This file contains the platform specific implementation of per-library cleanup.
+#ifndef __UCLN_IMP_H__
+#define __UCLN_IMP_H__
+#include "ucln.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ * Auto cleanup of ICU libraries
+ * There are several methods in per library cleanup of icu libraries:
+ * 1) Compiler/Platform based cleanup:
+ *   a) Windows MSVC uses DllMain()
+ *   b) GCC uses destructor function attribute
+ *   c) Sun Studio, AIX VA, and HP-UX aCC uses a linker option to set the exit function
+ * 2) Using atexit()
+ * 3) Implementing own automatic cleanup functions
+ *
+ * For option 1, ensure that UCLN_NO_AUTO_CLEANUP is set to 0 by using --enable-auto-cleanup
+ * configure option or by otherwise setting UCLN_NO_AUTO_CLEANUP to 0
+ * For option 2, follow option 1 and also define UCLN_AUTO_ATEXIT
+ * For option 3, follow option 1 and also define UCLN_AUTO_LOCAL (see below for more information)
+ */
+ * The following declarations are for when UCLN_AUTO_LOCAL or UCLN_AUTO_ATEXIT
+ * are defined. They are commented out because they are static and will be defined
+ * later. The information is still here to provide some guidance for the developer
+ * who chooses to use UCLN_AUTO_LOCAL.
+ */
+ * Give the library an opportunity to register an automatic cleanup.
+ * This may be called more than once.
+ */
+/*static void ucln_registerAutomaticCleanup();*/
+ * Unregister an automatic cleanup, if possible. Called from cleanup.
+ */
+/*static void ucln_unRegisterAutomaticCleanup();*/
+#   define UCLN_CLEAN_ME_UP u_cleanup()
+#   define UCLN_CLEAN_ME_UP ucln_cleanupOne(UCLN_TYPE)
+/* ------------ automatic cleanup: registration. Choose ONE ------- */
+#if defined(UCLN_AUTO_LOCAL)
+/* To use:
+ *  1. define UCLN_AUTO_LOCAL,
+ *  2. create ucln_local_hook.c containing implementations of
+ *           static void ucln_registerAutomaticCleanup()
+ *           static void ucln_unRegisterAutomaticCleanup()
+ */
+#include "ucln_local_hook.c"
+#elif defined(UCLN_AUTO_ATEXIT)
+ * Use the ANSI C 'atexit' function. Note that this mechanism does not
+ * guarantee the order of cleanup relative to other users of ICU!
+ */
+static UBool gAutoCleanRegistered = FALSE;
+static void ucln_atexit_handler()
+static void ucln_registerAutomaticCleanup()
+    if(!gAutoCleanRegistered) {
+        gAutoCleanRegistered = TRUE;
+        atexit(&ucln_atexit_handler);
+    }
+static void ucln_unRegisterAutomaticCleanup () {
+/* ------------end of automatic cleanup: registration. ------- */
+#elif defined (UCLN_FINI)
+ * If UCLN_FINI is defined, it is the (versioned, etc) name of a cleanup
+ * entrypoint. Add a stub to call ucln_cleanupOne
+ * Used on AIX, Solaris, and HP-UX
+ */
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 UCLN_FINI (void);
+    /* This function must be defined, if UCLN_FINI is defined, else link error. */
+/* Windows: DllMain */
+ * ICU's own DllMain.
+ */
+/* these are from putil.c */
+/* READ READ READ READ!    Are you getting compilation errors from windows.h?
+          Any source file which includes this (ucln_imp.h) header MUST 
+          be defined with language extensions ON. */
+#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#   define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#   define VC_EXTRALEAN
+#   define NOUSER
+#   define NOSERVICE
+#   define NOIME
+#   define NOMCX
+#   include <windows.h>
+ * This is a stub DllMain function with icu specific process handling code.
+ */
+BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
+    BOOL status = TRUE;
+    switch(fdwReason) {
+        case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
+             /* ICU does not trap process attach, but must pass these through properly. */
+            /* ICU specific process attach could go here */
+            break;
+        case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
+            /* Here is the one we actually care about. */
+            UCLN_CLEAN_ME_UP;
+            break;
+        case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
+            /* ICU does not trap thread attach, but must pass these through properly. */
+            /* ICU specific thread attach could go here */
+            break;
+        case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
+            /* ICU does not trap thread detach, but must pass these through properly. */
+            /* ICU specific thread detach could go here */
+            break;
+    }
+    return status;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+/* GCC - use __attribute((destructor)) */
+static void ucln_destructor()   __attribute__((destructor)) ;
+static void ucln_destructor() 
+#endif /* UCLN_NO_AUTO_CLEANUP */
+#error This file can only be included once.
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_in.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_in.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f70a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucln_in.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, International Business Machines
+*                Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucln_in.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001July05
+*   created by: George Rhoten
+#ifndef __UCLN_IN_H__
+#define __UCLN_IN_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "ucln.h"
+Please keep the order of enums declared in same order
+as the functions are suppose to be called.
+It's usually best to have child dependencies called first. */
+typedef enum ECleanupI18NType {
+    UCLN_I18N_START = -1,
+    UCLN_I18N_COUNT /* This must be last */
+} ECleanupI18NType;
+/* Main library cleanup registration function. */
+/* See common/ucln.h for details on adding a cleanup function. */
+/* Note: the global mutex must not be held when calling this function. */
+U_CFUNC void U_EXPORT2 ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(ECleanupI18NType type,
+                                                 cleanupFunc *func);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucmndata.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucmndata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3eba9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucmndata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *   UCommonData   An abstract interface for dealing with ICU Common Data Files.
+ *                 ICU Common Data Files are a grouping of a number of individual
+ *                 data items (resources, converters, tables, anything) into a
+ *                 single file or dll.  The combined format includes a table of
+ *                 contents for locating the individual items by name.
+ *
+ *                 Two formats for the table of contents are supported, which is
+ *                 why there is an abstract inteface involved.
+ *
+ *                 These functions are part of the ICU internal implementation, and
+ *                 are not inteded to be used directly by applications.
+ */
+#ifndef __UCMNDATA_H__
+#define __UCMNDATA_H__
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "umapfile.h"
+typedef struct  {
+    uint16_t    headerSize;
+    uint8_t     magic1;
+    uint8_t     magic2;
+} MappedData;
+typedef struct  {
+    MappedData  dataHeader;
+    UDataInfo   info;
+} DataHeader;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t nameOffset;
+    uint32_t dataOffset;
+} UDataOffsetTOCEntry;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t count;
+    /**
+     * Variable-length array declared with length 1 to disable bounds checkers.
+     * The actual array length is in the count field.
+     */
+    UDataOffsetTOCEntry entry[1];
+} UDataOffsetTOC;
+ * Get the header size from a const DataHeader *udh.
+ * Handles opposite-endian data.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC uint16_t
+udata_getHeaderSize(const DataHeader *udh);
+ * Get the UDataInfo.size from a const UDataInfo *info.
+ * Handles opposite-endian data.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC uint16_t
+udata_getInfoSize(const UDataInfo *info);
+ *  "Virtual" functions for data lookup.
+ *  To call one, given a UDataMemory *p, the code looks like this:
+ *     p->vFuncs.Lookup(p, tocEntryName, pErrorCode);
+ *          (I sure do wish this was written in C++, not C)
+ */
+typedef const DataHeader *
+(U_CALLCONV * LookupFn)(const UDataMemory *pData,
+                        const char *tocEntryName,
+                        int32_t *pLength,
+                        UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+typedef uint32_t
+(U_CALLCONV * NumEntriesFn)(const UDataMemory *pData);
+typedef struct {
+    LookupFn      Lookup;
+    NumEntriesFn  NumEntries; 
+} commonDataFuncs;
+ *  Functions to check whether a UDataMemory refers to memory containing 
+ *     a recognizable header and table of contents a Common Data Format
+ *
+ *     If a valid header and TOC are found,
+ *         set the CommonDataFuncs function dispatch vector in the UDataMemory
+ *             to point to the right functions for the TOC type.
+ *     otherwise
+ *         set an errorcode.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void udata_checkCommonData(UDataMemory *pData, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_bld.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_bld.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18b3795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_bld.h
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2015 International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  ucnv_bld.h:
+*  Contains internal data structure definitions
+* Created by Bertrand A. Damiba
+*   Change history:
+*   06/29/2000  helena      Major rewrite of the callback APIs.
+#ifndef UCNV_BLD_H
+#define UCNV_BLD_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "ucnv_cnv.h"
+#include "ucnvmbcs.h"
+#include "ucnv_ext.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+/* size of the overflow buffers in UConverter, enough for escaping callbacks */
+/* at most 4 bytes per substitution character (part of .cnv file format! see UConverterStaticData) */
+/* at most 8 bytes per character in toUBytes[] (UTF-8 uses up to 6) */
+#define UCNV_MAX_CHAR_LEN 8
+/* converter options bits */
+#define UCNV_OPTION_VERSION     0xf
+#define UCNV_OPTION_SWAP_LFNL   0x10
+#define UCNV_GET_VERSION(cnv) ((cnv)->options&UCNV_OPTION_VERSION)
+U_CDECL_BEGIN /* We must declare the following as 'extern "C"' so that if ucnv
+                 itself is compiled under C++, the linkage of the funcptrs will
+                 work.
+              */
+union UConverterTable {
+    UConverterMBCSTable mbcs;
+typedef union UConverterTable UConverterTable;
+struct UConverterImpl;
+typedef struct UConverterImpl UConverterImpl;
+/** values for the unicodeMask */
+typedef struct UConverterStaticData {   /* +offset: size */
+    uint32_t structSize;                /* +0: 4 Size of this structure */
+    char name 
+      [UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH]; /* +4: 60  internal name of the converter- invariant chars */
+    int32_t codepage;               /* +64: 4 codepage # (now IBM-$codepage) */
+    int8_t platform;                /* +68: 1 platform of the converter (only IBM now) */
+    int8_t conversionType;          /* +69: 1 conversion type */
+    int8_t minBytesPerChar;         /* +70: 1 Minimum # bytes per char in this codepage */
+    int8_t maxBytesPerChar;         /* +71: 1 Maximum # bytes output per UChar in this codepage */
+    uint8_t subChar[UCNV_MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN]; /* +72: 4  [note:  4 and 8 byte boundary] */
+    int8_t subCharLen;              /* +76: 1 */
+    uint8_t hasToUnicodeFallback;   /* +77: 1 UBool needs to be changed to UBool to be consistent across platform */
+    uint8_t hasFromUnicodeFallback; /* +78: 1 */
+    uint8_t unicodeMask;            /* +79: 1  bit 0: has supplementary  bit 1: has single surrogates */
+    uint8_t subChar1;               /* +80: 1  single-byte substitution character for IBM MBCS (0 if none) */
+    uint8_t reserved[19];           /* +81: 19 to round out the structure */
+                                    /* total size: 100 */
+} UConverterStaticData;
+ * Defines the UConverterSharedData struct,
+ * the immutable, shared part of UConverter.
+ */
+struct UConverterSharedData {
+    uint32_t structSize;            /* Size of this structure */
+    uint32_t referenceCounter;      /* used to count number of clients, unused for static/immutable SharedData */
+    const void *dataMemory;         /* from udata_openChoice() - for cleanup */
+    const UConverterStaticData *staticData; /* pointer to the static (non changing) data. */
+    UBool                sharedDataCached;   /* TRUE:  shared data is in cache, don't destroy on ucnv_close() if 0 ref.  FALSE: shared data isn't in the cache, do attempt to clean it up if the ref is 0 */
+    /** If FALSE, then referenceCounter is not used. Must not change after initialization. */
+    UBool isReferenceCounted;
+    const UConverterImpl *impl;     /* vtable-style struct of mostly function pointers */
+    /*initial values of some members of the mutable part of object */
+    uint32_t toUnicodeStatus;
+    /*
+     * Shared data structures currently come in two flavors:
+     * - readonly for built-in algorithmic converters
+     * - allocated for MBCS, with a pointer to an allocated UConverterTable
+     *   which always has a UConverterMBCSTable
+     *
+     * To eliminate one allocation, I am making the UConverterMBCSTable
+     * a member of the shared data.
+     *
+     * markus 2003-nov-07
+     */
+    UConverterMBCSTable mbcs;
+/** UConverterSharedData initializer for static, non-reference-counted converters. */
+    { \
+        sizeof(UConverterSharedData), ~((uint32_t)0), \
+        NULL, pStaticData, FALSE, FALSE, pImpl, \
+    }
+/* Defines a UConverter, the lightweight mutable part the user sees */
+struct UConverter {
+    /*
+     * Error function pointer called when conversion issues
+     * occur during a ucnv_fromUnicode call
+     */
+    void (U_EXPORT2 *fromUCharErrorBehaviour) (const void *context,
+                                     UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *args,
+                                     const UChar *codeUnits,
+                                     int32_t length,
+                                     UChar32 codePoint,
+                                     UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                                     UErrorCode *);
+    /*
+     * Error function pointer called when conversion issues
+     * occur during a ucnv_toUnicode call
+     */
+    void (U_EXPORT2 *fromCharErrorBehaviour) (const void *context,
+                                    UConverterToUnicodeArgs *args,
+                                    const char *codeUnits,
+                                    int32_t length,
+                                    UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                                    UErrorCode *);
+    /*
+     * Pointer to additional data that depends on the converter type.
+     * Used by ISO 2022, SCSU, GB 18030 converters, possibly more.
+     */
+    void *extraInfo;
+    const void *fromUContext;
+    const void *toUContext;
+    /*
+     * Pointer to charset bytes for substitution string if subCharLen>0,
+     * or pointer to Unicode string (UChar *) if subCharLen<0.
+     * subCharLen==0 is equivalent to using a skip callback.
+     * If the pointer is !=subUChars then it is allocated with
+     * The subUChars field is declared as UChar[] not uint8_t[] to
+     * guarantee alignment for UChars.
+     */
+    uint8_t *subChars;
+    UConverterSharedData *sharedData;   /* Pointer to the shared immutable part of the converter object */
+    uint32_t options; /* options flags from UConverterOpen, may contain additional bits */
+    UBool sharedDataIsCached;  /* TRUE:  shared data is in cache, don't destroy on ucnv_close() if 0 ref.  FALSE: shared data isn't in the cache, do attempt to clean it up if the ref is 0 */
+    UBool isCopyLocal;  /* TRUE if UConverter is not owned and not released in ucnv_close() (stack-allocated, safeClone(), etc.) */
+    UBool isExtraLocal; /* TRUE if extraInfo is not owned and not released in ucnv_close() (stack-allocated, safeClone(), etc.) */
+    UBool  useFallback;
+    int8_t toULength;                   /* number of bytes in toUBytes */
+    uint8_t toUBytes[UCNV_MAX_CHAR_LEN-1];/* more "toU status"; keeps the bytes of the current character */
+    uint32_t toUnicodeStatus;           /* Used to internalize stream status information */
+    int32_t mode;
+    uint32_t fromUnicodeStatus;
+    /*
+     * More fromUnicode() status. Serves 3 purposes:
+     * - keeps a lead surrogate between buffers (similar to toUBytes[])
+     * - keeps a lead surrogate at the end of the stream,
+     *   which the framework handles as truncated input
+     * - if the fromUnicode() implementation returns to the framework
+     *   (ucnv.c ucnv_fromUnicode()), then the framework calls the callback
+     *   for this code point
+     */
+    UChar32 fromUChar32;
+    /*
+     * value for ucnv_getMaxCharSize()
+     *
+     * usually simply copied from the static data, but ucnvmbcs.c modifies
+     * the value depending on the converter type and options
+     */
+    int8_t maxBytesPerUChar;
+    int8_t subCharLen;                  /* length of the codepage specific character sequence */
+    int8_t invalidCharLength;
+    int8_t charErrorBufferLength;       /* number of valid bytes in charErrorBuffer */
+    int8_t invalidUCharLength;
+    int8_t UCharErrorBufferLength;      /* number of valid UChars in charErrorBuffer */
+    uint8_t subChar1;                                   /* single-byte substitution character if different from subChar */
+    UBool useSubChar1;
+    char invalidCharBuffer[UCNV_MAX_CHAR_LEN];          /* bytes from last error/callback situation */
+    uint8_t charErrorBuffer[UCNV_ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH];  /* codepage output from Error functions */
+    UChar subUChars[UCNV_MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN/U_SIZEOF_UCHAR]; /* see subChars documentation */
+    UChar invalidUCharBuffer[U16_MAX_LENGTH];           /* UChars from last error/callback situation */
+    UChar UCharErrorBuffer[UCNV_ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH];   /* unicode output from Error functions */
+    /* fields for conversion extension */
+    /* store previous UChars/chars to continue partial matches */
+    UChar32 preFromUFirstCP;                /* >=0: partial match */
+    UChar preFromU[UCNV_EXT_MAX_UCHARS];
+    char preToU[UCNV_EXT_MAX_BYTES];
+    int8_t preFromULength, preToULength;    /* negative: replay */
+    int8_t preToUFirstLength;               /* length of first character */
+    /* new fields for ICU 4.0 */
+    UConverterCallbackReason toUCallbackReason; /* (*fromCharErrorBehaviour) reason, set when error is detected */
+U_CDECL_END /* end of UConverter */
+ * Return the number of all converter names.
+ * @param pErrorCode The error code
+ * @return the number of all converter names
+ */
+U_CFUNC uint16_t
+ucnv_bld_countAvailableConverters(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return the (n)th converter name in mixed case, or NULL
+ * if there is none (typically, if the data cannot be loaded).
+ * 0<=index<ucnv_io_countAvailableConverters().
+ * @param n The number specifies which converter name to get
+ * @param pErrorCode The error code
+ * @return the (n)th converter name in mixed case, or NULL if there is none.
+ */
+U_CFUNC const char *
+ucnv_bld_getAvailableConverter(uint16_t n, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Load a non-algorithmic converter.
+ * If pkg==NULL, then this function must be called inside umtx_lock(&cnvCacheMutex).
+ */
+U_CAPI UConverterSharedData *
+ucnv_load(UConverterLoadArgs *pArgs, UErrorCode *err);
+ * Unload a non-algorithmic converter.
+ * It must be sharedData->isReferenceCounted
+ * and this function must be called inside umtx_lock(&cnvCacheMutex).
+ */
+U_CAPI void
+ucnv_unload(UConverterSharedData *sharedData);
+ * Swap ICU .cnv conversion tables. See udataswp.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+          const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /* _UCNV_BLD */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_cnv.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_cnv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eed2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_cnv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   ucnv_cnv.h:
+*   Definitions for converter implementations.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/09/00    helena      Added implementation to handle fallback mappings.
+*   06/29/2000  helena      Major rewrite of the callback APIs.
+#ifndef UCNV_CNV_H
+#define UCNV_CNV_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "uset_imp.h"
+/* this is used in fromUnicode DBCS tables as an "unassigned" marker */
+#define missingCharMarker 0xFFFF
+ * #define missingUCharMarker 0xfffe
+ *
+ * commented out because there are actually two values used in toUnicode tables:
+ * U+fffe "unassigned"
+ * U+ffff "illegal"
+ */
+/** Forward declaration, see ucnv_bld.h */
+struct UConverterSharedData;
+typedef struct UConverterSharedData UConverterSharedData;
+/* function types for UConverterImpl ---------------------------------------- */
+/* struct with arguments for UConverterLoad and ucnv_load() */
+typedef struct {
+    int32_t size;               /* sizeof(UConverterLoadArgs) */
+    int32_t nestedLoads;        /* count nested ucnv_load() calls */
+    UBool onlyTestIsLoadable;   /* input: don't actually load */
+    UBool reserved0;            /* reserved - for good alignment of the pointers */
+    int16_t reserved;           /* reserved - for good alignment of the pointers */
+    uint32_t options;
+    const char *pkg, *name, *locale;
+} UConverterLoadArgs;
+    { (int32_t)sizeof(UConverterLoadArgs), 0, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
+typedef void (*UConverterLoad) (UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                                UConverterLoadArgs *pArgs,
+                                const uint8_t *raw, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+typedef void (*UConverterUnload) (UConverterSharedData *sharedData);
+typedef void (*UConverterOpen) (UConverter *cnv, UConverterLoadArgs *pArgs, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+typedef void (*UConverterClose) (UConverter *cnv);
+typedef enum UConverterResetChoice {
+} UConverterResetChoice;
+typedef void (*UConverterReset) (UConverter *cnv, UConverterResetChoice choice);
+ * Converter implementation function(s) for ucnv_toUnicode().
+ * If the toUnicodeWithOffsets function pointer is NULL,
+ * then the toUnicode function will be used and the offsets will be set to -1.
+ *
+ * Must maintain state across buffers. Use toUBytes[toULength] for partial input
+ * sequences; it will be checked in ucnv.c at the end of the input stream
+ * to detect truncated input.
+ * Some converters may need additional detection and may then set U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND.
+ *
+ * The toUnicodeWithOffsets must write exactly as many offset values as target
+ * units. Write offset values of -1 for when the source index corresponding to
+ * the output unit is not known (e.g., the character started in an earlier buffer).
+ * The pArgs->offsets pointer need not be moved forward.
+ *
+ * At function return, either one of the following conditions must be true:
+ * - U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and the target is full: target==targetLimit
+ * - another error code with toUBytes[toULength] set to the offending input
+ * - no error, and the source is consumed: source==sourceLimit
+ *
+ * The ucnv.c code will handle the end of the input (reset)
+ * (reset, and truncation detection) and callbacks.
+ */
+typedef void (*UConverterToUnicode) (UConverterToUnicodeArgs *, UErrorCode *);
+ * Same rules as for UConverterToUnicode.
+ * A lead surrogate is kept in fromUChar32 across buffers, and if an error
+ * occurs, then the offending input code point must be put into fromUChar32
+ * as well.
+ */
+typedef void (*UConverterFromUnicode) (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *, UErrorCode *);
+ * Converter implementation function for ucnv_convertEx(), for direct conversion
+ * between two charsets without pivoting through UTF-16.
+ * The rules are the same as for UConverterToUnicode and UConverterFromUnicode.
+ * In addition,
+ * - The toUnicode side must behave and keep state exactly like the
+ *   UConverterToUnicode implementation for the same source charset.
+ * - A U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING can be set to request to temporarily fall back
+ *   to pivoting. When this function is called, the conversion framework makes
+ *   sure that this warning is not set on input.
+ * - Continuing a partial match and flushing the toUnicode replay buffer
+ *   are handled by pivoting, using the toUnicode and fromUnicode functions.
+ */
+typedef void (*UConverterConvert) (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pFromUArgs,
+                                   UConverterToUnicodeArgs *pToUArgs,
+                                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Converter implementation function for ucnv_getNextUChar().
+ * If the function pointer is NULL, then the toUnicode function will be used.
+ *
+ * Will be called at a character boundary (toULength==0).
+ * May return with
+ * - U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if there was no output for the input
+ *   (the return value will be ignored)
+ * - U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND or another error code (never U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR!)
+ *   with toUBytes[toULength] set to the offending input
+ *   (the return value will be ignored)
+ * - return UCNV_GET_NEXT_UCHAR_USE_TO_U, without moving the source pointer,
+ *   to indicate that the ucnv.c code shall call the toUnicode function instead
+ * - return a real code point result
+ *
+ * Unless UCNV_GET_NEXT_UCHAR_USE_TO_U is returned, the source bytes must be consumed.
+ *
+ * The ucnv.c code will handle the end of the input (reset)
+ * (except for truncation detection!) and callbacks.
+ */
+typedef UChar32 (*UConverterGetNextUChar) (UConverterToUnicodeArgs *, UErrorCode *);
+typedef void (*UConverterGetStarters)(const UConverter* converter,
+                                      UBool starters[256],
+                                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* If this function pointer is null or if the function returns null
+ * the name field in static data struct should be returned by 
+ * ucnv_getName() API function
+ */
+typedef const char * (*UConverterGetName) (const UConverter *cnv);
+ * Write the codepage substitution character.
+ * If this function is not set, then ucnv_cbFromUWriteSub() writes
+ * the substitution character from UConverter.
+ * For stateful converters, it is typically necessary to handle this
+ * specificially for the converter in order to properly maintain the state.
+ */
+typedef void (*UConverterWriteSub) (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t offsetIndex, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * For converter-specific safeClone processing
+ * If this function is not set, then ucnv_safeClone assumes that the converter has no private data that changes
+ * after the converter is done opening.
+ * If this function is set, then it is called just after a memcpy() of
+ * converter data to the new, empty converter, and is expected to set up
+ * the initial state of the converter.  It is not expected to increment the
+ * reference counts of the standard data types such as the shared data.
+ */
+typedef UConverter * (*UConverterSafeClone) (const UConverter   *cnv, 
+                                             void               *stackBuffer,
+                                             int32_t            *pBufferSize, 
+                                             UErrorCode         *status);
+ * Filters for some ucnv_getUnicodeSet() implementation code.
+ */
+typedef enum UConverterSetFilter {
+} UConverterSetFilter;
+ * Fills the set of Unicode code points that can be converted by an ICU converter.
+ * The API function ucnv_getUnicodeSet() clears the USet before calling
+ * the converter's getUnicodeSet() implementation; the converter should only
+ * add the appropriate code points to allow recursive use.
+ * For example, the ISO-2022-JP converter will call each subconverter's
+ * getUnicodeSet() implementation to consecutively add code points to
+ * the same USet, which will result in a union of the sets of all subconverters.
+ *
+ * For more documentation, see ucnv_getUnicodeSet() in ucnv.h.
+ */
+typedef void (*UConverterGetUnicodeSet) (const UConverter *cnv,
+                                         const USetAdder *sa,
+                                         UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+                                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * UConverterImpl contains all the data and functions for a converter type.
+ * Its function pointers work much like a C++ vtable.
+ * Many converter types need to define only a subset of the functions;
+ * when a function pointer is NULL, then a default action will be performed.
+ *
+ * Every converter type must implement toUnicode, fromUnicode, and getNextUChar,
+ * otherwise the converter may crash.
+ * Every converter type that has variable-length codepage sequences should
+ * also implement toUnicodeWithOffsets and fromUnicodeWithOffsets for
+ * correct offset handling.
+ * All other functions may or may not be implemented - it depends only on
+ * whether the converter type needs them.
+ *
+ * When open() fails, then close() will be called, if present.
+ */
+struct UConverterImpl {
+    UConverterType type;
+    UConverterLoad load;
+    UConverterUnload unload;
+    UConverterOpen open;
+    UConverterClose close;
+    UConverterReset reset;
+    UConverterToUnicode toUnicode;
+    UConverterToUnicode toUnicodeWithOffsets;
+    UConverterFromUnicode fromUnicode;
+    UConverterFromUnicode fromUnicodeWithOffsets;
+    UConverterGetNextUChar getNextUChar;
+    UConverterGetStarters getStarters;
+    UConverterGetName getName;
+    UConverterWriteSub writeSub;
+    UConverterSafeClone safeClone;
+    UConverterGetUnicodeSet getUnicodeSet;
+    UConverterConvert toUTF8;
+    UConverterConvert fromUTF8;
+extern const UConverterSharedData
+    _MBCSData, _Latin1Data,
+    _UTF8Data, _UTF16BEData, _UTF16LEData, _UTF32BEData, _UTF32LEData,
+    _ISO2022Data, 
+    _LMBCSData1,_LMBCSData2, _LMBCSData3, _LMBCSData4, _LMBCSData5, _LMBCSData6,
+    _LMBCSData8,_LMBCSData11,_LMBCSData16,_LMBCSData17,_LMBCSData18,_LMBCSData19,
+    _HZData,_ISCIIData, _SCSUData, _ASCIIData,
+    _UTF7Data, _Bocu1Data, _UTF16Data, _UTF32Data, _CESU8Data, _IMAPData, _CompoundTextData;
+/** Always use fallbacks from codepage to Unicode */
+#define TO_U_USE_FALLBACK(useFallback) TRUE
+/** Use fallbacks from Unicode to codepage when cnv->useFallback or for private-use code points */
+#define IS_PRIVATE_USE(c) ((uint32_t)((c)-0xe000)<0x1900 || (uint32_t)((c)-0xf0000)<0x20000)
+#define FROM_U_USE_FALLBACK(useFallback, c) ((useFallback) || IS_PRIVATE_USE(c))
+#define UCNV_FROM_U_USE_FALLBACK(cnv, c) FROM_U_USE_FALLBACK((cnv)->useFallback, c)
+ * Magic number for ucnv_getNextUChar(), returned by a
+ * getNextUChar() implementation to indicate to use the converter's toUnicode()
+ * instead of the native function.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_getCompleteUnicodeSet(const UConverter *cnv,
+                   const USetAdder *sa,
+                   UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_getNonSurrogateUnicodeSet(const UConverter *cnv,
+                               const USetAdder *sa,
+                               UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+                               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_fromUWriteBytes(UConverter *cnv,
+                     const char *bytes, int32_t length,
+                     char **target, const char *targetLimit,
+                     int32_t **offsets,
+                     int32_t sourceIndex,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_toUWriteUChars(UConverter *cnv,
+                    const UChar *uchars, int32_t length,
+                    UChar **target, const UChar *targetLimit,
+                    int32_t **offsets,
+                    int32_t sourceIndex,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_toUWriteCodePoint(UConverter *cnv,
+                       UChar32 c,
+                       UChar **target, const UChar *targetLimit,
+                       int32_t **offsets,
+                       int32_t sourceIndex,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /* UCNV_CNV */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_ext.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_ext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dceea7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_ext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucnv_ext.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2003jun13
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Conversion extensions
+#ifndef __UCNV_EXT_H__
+#define __UCNV_EXT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "ucnv_cnv.h"
+ * See icuhtml/design/conversion/conversion_extensions.html
+ *
+ * Conversion extensions serve three purposes:
+ * 1. They support m:n mappings.
+ * 2. They support extension-only conversion files that are used together
+ *    with the regular conversion data in base files.
+ * 3. They support mappings with more complicated meta data,
+ *    for example "good one-way" mappings (|4).
+ *
+ * A base file may contain an extension table (explicitly requested or
+ * implicitly generated for m:n mappings), but its extension table is not
+ * used when an extension-only file is used.
+ *
+ * It is an error if a base file contains any regular (not extension) mapping
+ * from the same sequence as a mapping in the extension file
+ * because the base mapping would hide the extension mapping.
+ *
+ *
+ * Data for conversion extensions:
+ *
+ * One set of data structures per conversion direction (to/from Unicode).
+ * The data structures are sorted by input units to allow for binary search.
+ * Input sequences of more than one unit are handled like contraction tables
+ * in collation:
+ * The lookup value of a unit points to another table that is to be searched
+ * for the next unit, recursively.
+ *
+ * For conversion from Unicode, the initial code point is looked up in
+ * a 3-stage trie for speed,
+ * with an additional table of unique results to save space.
+ *
+ * Long output strings are stored in separate arrays, with length and index
+ * in the lookup tables.
+ * Output results also include a flag distinguishing roundtrip from
+ * (reverse) fallback mappings.
+ *
+ * Input Unicode strings must not begin or end with unpaired surrogates
+ * to avoid problems with matches on parts of surrogate pairs.
+ *
+ * Mappings from multiple characters (code points or codepage state
+ * table sequences) must be searched preferring the longest match.
+ * For this to work and be efficient, the variable-width table must contain
+ * all mappings that contain prefixes of the multiple characters.
+ * If an extension table is built on top of a base table in another file
+ * and a base table entry is a prefix of a multi-character mapping, then
+ * this is an error.
+ *
+ *
+ * Implementation note:
+ *
+ * Currently, the parser and several checks in the code limit the number
+ * of UChars or bytes in a mapping to
+ * which are output value limits in the data structure.
+ *
+ * For input, this is not strictly necessary - it is a hard limit only for the
+ * buffers in UConverter that are used to store partial matches.
+ *
+ * Input sequences could otherwise be arbitrarily long if partial matches
+ * need not be stored (i.e., if a sequence does not span several buffers with too
+ * many units before the last buffer), although then results would differ
+ * depending on whether partial matches exceed the limits or not,
+ * which depends on the pattern of buffer sizes.
+ *
+ *
+ * Data structure:
+ *
+ * int32_t indexes[>=32];
+ *
+ *   Array of indexes and lengths etc. The length of the array is at least 32.
+ *   The actual length is stored in indexes[0] to be forward compatible.
+ *
+ *   Each index to another array is the number of bytes from indexes[].
+ *   Each length of an array is the number of array base units in that array.
+ *
+ *   Some of the structures may not be present, in which case their indexes
+ *   and lengths are 0.
+ *
+ *   Usage of indexes[i]:
+ *   [0]  length of indexes[]
+ *
+ *   // to Unicode table
+ *   [1]  index of toUTable[] (array of uint32_t)
+ *   [2]  length of toUTable[]
+ *   [3]  index of toUUChars[] (array of UChar)
+ *   [4]  length of toUUChars[]
+ *
+ *   // from Unicode table, not for the initial code point
+ *   [5]  index of fromUTableUChars[] (array of UChar)
+ *   [6]  index of fromUTableValues[] (array of uint32_t)
+ *   [7]  length of fromUTableUChars[] and fromUTableValues[]
+ *   [8]  index of fromUBytes[] (array of char)
+ *   [9]  length of fromUBytes[]
+ *
+ *   // from Unicode trie for initial-code point lookup
+ *   [10] index of fromUStage12[] (combined array of uint16_t for stages 1 & 2)
+ *   [11] length of stage 1 portion of fromUStage12[]
+ *   [12] length of fromUStage12[]
+ *   [13] index of fromUStage3[] (array of uint16_t indexes into fromUStage3b[])
+ *   [14] length of fromUStage3[]
+ *   [15] index of fromUStage3b[] (array of uint32_t like fromUTableValues[])
+ *   [16] length of fromUStage3b[]
+ *
+ *   [17] Bit field containing numbers of bytes:
+ *        31..24 reserved, 0
+ *        23..16 maximum input bytes
+ *        15.. 8 maximum output bytes
+ *         7.. 0 maximum bytes per UChar
+ *
+ *   [18] Bit field containing numbers of UChars:
+ *        31..24 reserved, 0
+ *        23..16 maximum input UChars
+ *        15.. 8 maximum output UChars
+ *         7.. 0 maximum UChars per byte
+ *
+ *   [19] Bit field containing flags:
+ *               (extension table unicodeMask)
+ *         1     UCNV_HAS_SURROGATES flag for the extension table
+ *         0     UCNV_HAS_SUPPLEMENTARY flag for the extension table
+ *
+ *   [20]..[30] reserved, 0
+ *   [31] number of bytes for the entire extension structure
+ *   [>31] reserved; there are indexes[0] indexes
+ *
+ *
+ * uint32_t toUTable[];
+ *
+ *   Array of byte/value pairs for lookups for toUnicode conversion.
+ *   The array is partitioned into sections like collation contraction tables.
+ *   Each section contains one word with the number of following words and
+ *   a default value for when the lookup in this section yields no match.
+ *
+ *   A section is sorted in ascending order of input bytes,
+ *   allowing for fast linear or binary searches.
+ *   The builder may store entries for a contiguous range of byte values
+ *   (compare difference between the first and last one with count),
+ *   which then allows for direct array access.
+ *   The builder should always do this for the initial table section.
+ *
+ *   Entries may have 0 values, see below.
+ *   No two entries in a section have the same byte values.
+ *
+ *   Each uint32_t contains an input byte value in bits 31..24 and the
+ *   corresponding lookup value in bits 23..0.
+ *   Interpret the value as follows:
+ *     if(value==0) {
+ *       no match, see below
+ *     } else if(value<0x1f0000) {
+ *       partial match - use value as index to the next toUTable section
+ *       and match the next unit; (value indexes toUTable[value])
+ *     } else {
+ *       if(bit 23 set) {
+ *         roundtrip;
+ *       } else {
+ *         fallback;
+ *       }
+ *       unset value bit 23;
+ *       if(value<=0x2fffff) {
+ *         (value-0x1f0000) is a code point; (BMP: value<=0x1fffff)
+ *       } else {
+ *         bits 17..0 (value&0x3ffff) is an index to
+ *           the result UChars in toUUChars[]; (0 indexes toUUChars[0])
+ *         length of the result=((value>>18)-12); (length=0..19)
+ *       }
+ *     }
+ *
+ *   The first word in a section contains the number of following words in the
+ *   input byte position (bits 31..24, number=1..0xff).
+ *   The value of the initial word is used when the current byte is not found
+ *   in this section.
+ *   If the value is not 0, then it represents a result as above.
+ *   If the value is 0, then the search has to return a shorter match with an
+ *   earlier default value as the result, or result in "unmappable" even for the
+ *   initial bytes.
+ *   If the value is 0 for the initial toUTable entry, then the initial byte
+ *   does not start any mapping input.
+ *
+ *
+ * UChar toUUChars[];
+ *
+ *   Contains toUnicode mapping results, stored as sequences of UChars.
+ *   Indexes and lengths stored in the toUTable[].
+ *
+ *
+ * UChar fromUTableUChars[];
+ * uint32_t fromUTableValues[];
+ *
+ *   The fromUTable is split into two arrays, but works otherwise much like
+ *   the toUTable. The array is partitioned into sections like collation
+ *   contraction tables and toUTable.
+ *   A row in the table consists of same-index entries in fromUTableUChars[]
+ *   and fromUTableValues[].
+ *
+ *   Interpret a value as follows:
+ *     if(value==0) {
+ *       no match, see below
+ *     } else if(value<=0xffffff) { (bits 31..24 are 0)
+ *       partial match - use value as index to the next fromUTable section
+ *       and match the next unit; (value indexes fromUTable[value])
+ *     } else {
+ *       if(value==0x80000001) {
+ *         return no mapping, but request for <subchar1>;
+ *       }
+ *       if(bit 31 set) {
+ *         roundtrip (|0);
+ *       } else if(bit 30 set) {
+ *         "good one-way" mapping (|4); -- new in ICU4C 51, _MBCSHeader.version 5.4/4.4
+ *       } else {
+ *         normal fallback (|1);
+ *       }
+ *       // bit 29 reserved, 0
+ *       length=(value>>24)&0x1f; (bits 28..24)
+ *       if(length==1..3) {
+ *         bits 23..0 contain 1..3 bytes, padded with 00s on the left;
+ *       } else {
+ *         bits 23..0 (value&0xffffff) is an index to
+ *           the result bytes in fromUBytes[]; (0 indexes fromUBytes[0])
+ *       }
+ *     }
+ *       
+ *   The first pair in a section contains the number of following pairs in the
+ *   UChar position (16 bits, number=1..0xffff).
+ *   The value of the initial pair is used when the current UChar is not found
+ *   in this section.
+ *   If the value is not 0, then it represents a result as above.
+ *   If the value is 0, then the search has to return a shorter match with an
+ *   earlier default value as the result, or result in "unmappable" even for the
+ *   initial UChars.
+ *
+ *   If the from Unicode trie is present, then the from Unicode search tables
+ *   are not used for initial code points.
+ *   In this case, the first entries (index 0) in the tables are not used
+ *   (reserved, set to 0) because a value of 0 is used in trie results
+ *   to indicate no mapping.
+ *
+ *
+ * uint16_t fromUStage12[];
+ *
+ *   Stages 1 & 2 of a trie that maps an initial code point.
+ *   Indexes in stage 1 are all offset by the length of stage 1 so that the
+ *   same array pointer can be used for both stages.
+ *   If (c>>10)>=(length of stage 1) then c does not start any mapping.
+ *   Same bit distribution as for regular conversion tries.
+ *
+ *
+ * uint16_t fromUStage3[];
+ * uint32_t fromUStage3b[];
+ *
+ *   Stage 3 of the trie. The first array simply contains indexes to the second,
+ *   which contains words in the same format as fromUTableValues[].
+ *   Use a stage 3 granularity of 4, which allows for 256k stage 3 entries,
+ *   and 16-bit entries in stage 3 allow for 64k stage 3b entries.
+ *   The stage 3 granularity means that the stage 2 entry needs to be left-shifted.
+ *
+ *   Two arrays are used because it is expected that more than half of the stage 3
+ *   entries will be zero. The 16-bit index stage 3 array saves space even
+ *   considering storing a total of 6 bytes per non-zero entry in both arrays
+ *   together.
+ *   Using a stage 3 granularity of >1 diminishes the compactability in that stage
+ *   but provides a larger effective addressing space in stage 2.
+ *   All but the final result stage use 16-bit entries to save space.
+ *
+ *   fromUStage3b[] contains a zero for "no mapping" at its index 0,
+ *   and may contain UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_SUBCHAR1 at index 1 for "<subchar1> SUB mapping"
+ *   (i.e., "no mapping" with preference for <subchar1> rather than <subchar>),
+ *   and all other items are unique non-zero results.
+ *
+ *   The default value of a fromUTableValues[] section that is referenced
+ *   _directly_ from a fromUStage3b[] item may also be UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_SUBCHAR1,
+ *   but this value must not occur anywhere else in fromUTableValues[]
+ *   because "no mapping" is always a property of a single code point,
+ *   never of multiple.
+ *
+ *
+ * char fromUBytes[];
+ *
+ *   Contains fromUnicode mapping results, stored as sequences of chars.
+ *   Indexes and lengths stored in the fromUTableValues[].
+ */
+enum {
+    UCNV_EXT_INDEXES_LENGTH,            /* 0 */
+    UCNV_EXT_TO_U_INDEX,                /* 1 */
+    UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_UCHARS_INDEX,       /* 5 */
+    UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STAGE_12_INDEX,     /* 10 */
+    UCNV_EXT_COUNT_BYTES,               /* 17 */
+    UCNV_EXT_RESERVED_INDEX,            /* 20, moves with additional indexes */
+    UCNV_EXT_SIZE=31,
+/* get the pointer to an extension array from indexes[index] */
+#define UCNV_EXT_ARRAY(indexes, index, itemType) \
+    ((const itemType *)((const char *)(indexes)+(indexes)[index]))
+#define UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_PER_UCHAR(indexes) \
+    ((indexes)[UCNV_EXT_COUNT_BYTES]&0xff)
+/* internal API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ucnv_extInitialMatchToU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
+                        int32_t firstLength,
+                        const char **src, const char *srcLimit,
+                        UChar **target, const UChar *targetLimit,
+                        int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
+                        UBool flush,
+                        UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+ucnv_extSimpleMatchToU(const int32_t *cx,
+                       const char *source, int32_t length,
+                       UBool useFallback);
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_extContinueMatchToU(UConverter *cnv,
+                         UConverterToUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t srcIndex,
+                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ucnv_extInitialMatchFromU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
+                          UChar32 cp,
+                          const UChar **src, const UChar *srcLimit,
+                          char **target, const char *targetLimit,
+                          int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
+                          UBool flush,
+                          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ucnv_extSimpleMatchFromU(const int32_t *cx,
+                         UChar32 cp, uint32_t *pValue,
+                         UBool useFallback);
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_extContinueMatchFromU(UConverter *cnv,
+                           UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t srcIndex,
+                           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Add code points and strings to the set according to the extension mappings.
+ * Limitation on the UConverterSetFilter:
+ * The filters currently assume that they are used with 1:1 mappings.
+ * They only apply to single input code points, and then they pass through
+ * only mappings with single-charset-code results.
+ * For example, the Shift-JIS filter only works for 2-byte results and tests
+ * that those 2 bytes are in the JIS X 0208 range of Shift-JIS.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_extGetUnicodeSet(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                      const USetAdder *sa,
+                      UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+                      UConverterSetFilter filter,
+                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* toUnicode helpers -------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_VALUE_MASK 0xffffff
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_MIN_CODE_POINT 0x1f0000
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_MAX_CODE_POINT 0x2fffff
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_ROUNDTRIP_FLAG ((uint32_t)1<<23)
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_INDEX_MASK 0x3ffff
+/* maximum number of indexed UChars */
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_MAKE_WORD(byte, value) (((uint32_t)(byte)<<UCNV_EXT_TO_U_BYTE_SHIFT)|(value))
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_BYTE(word) ((word)>>UCNV_EXT_TO_U_BYTE_SHIFT)
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_PARTIAL_INDEX(value) (value)
+/* use after masking off the roundtrip flag */
+#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_GET_INDEX(value) ((value)&UCNV_EXT_TO_U_INDEX_MASK)
+/* fromUnicode helpers ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* most trie constants are shared with ucnvmbcs.h */
+/* see similar utrie.h UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT and UTRIE_DATA_GRANULARITY */
+/* trie access, returns the stage 3 value=index to stage 3b; s1Index=c>>10 */
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U(stage12, stage3, s1Index, c) \
+    (stage3)[ ((int32_t)(stage12)[ (stage12)[s1Index] +(((c)>>4)&0x3f) ]<<UCNV_EXT_STAGE_2_LEFT_SHIFT) +((c)&0xf) ]
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_ROUNDTRIP_FLAG ((uint32_t)1<<31)
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GOOD_ONE_WAY_FLAG 0x40000000
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_STATUS_MASK 0xc0000000
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_RESERVED_MASK 0x20000000
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_DATA_MASK 0xffffff
+/* special value for "no mapping" to <subchar1> (impossible roundtrip to 0 bytes, value 01) */
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_SUBCHAR1 0x80000001
+/* at most 3 bytes in the lower part of the value */
+/* maximum number of indexed bytes */
+#define UCNV_EXT_MAX_BYTES 0x1f
+#define UCNV_EXT_FROM_U_GET_PARTIAL_INDEX(value) (value)
+/* get length; masks away all other bits */
+/* get bytes or bytes index */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_imp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e6aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  ucnv_imp.h:
+*  Contains all internal and external data structure definitions
+* Created & Maitained by Bertrand A. Damiba
+* ---------
+* Although the data structures in this file are open and stack allocatable
+* we reserve the right to hide them in further releases.
+#ifndef UCNV_IMP_H
+#define UCNV_IMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "ucnv_bld.h"
+ * Fast check for whether a charset name is "UTF-8".
+ * This does not recognize all of the variations that ucnv_open()
+ * and other functions recognize, but it covers most cases.
+ * @param name const char * charset name
+ * @return
+ */
+#define UCNV_FAST_IS_UTF8(name) \
+    (((name[0]=='U' ? \
+      (                name[1]=='T' && name[2]=='F') : \
+      (name[0]=='u' && name[1]=='t' && name[2]=='f'))) \
+  && (name[3]=='-' ? \
+     (name[4]=='8' && name[5]==0) : \
+     (name[3]=='8' && name[4]==0)))
+typedef struct {
+    char locale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    uint32_t options;
+} UConverterNamePieces;
+ucnv_canCreateConverter(const char *converterName, UErrorCode *err);
+/* figures out if we need to go to file to read in the data tables.
+ * @param converterName The name of the converter
+ * @param err The error code
+ * @return the newly created converter
+ */
+U_CAPI UConverter *
+ucnv_createConverter(UConverter *myUConverter, const char *converterName, UErrorCode * err);
+ * Open a purely algorithmic converter, specified by a type constant.
+ * @param myUConverter  NULL, or pre-allocated UConverter structure to avoid
+ *                      a memory allocation
+ * @param type          requested converter type
+ * @param locale        locale parameter, or ""
+ * @param options       converter options bit set (default 0)
+ * @param err           ICU error code, not tested for U_FAILURE on input
+ *                      because this is an internal function
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC UConverter *
+ucnv_createAlgorithmicConverter(UConverter *myUConverter,
+                                UConverterType type,
+                                const char *locale, uint32_t options,
+                                UErrorCode *err);
+ * Creates a converter from shared data.
+ * Adopts mySharedConverterData: No matter what happens, the caller must not
+ * unload mySharedConverterData, except via ucnv_close(return value)
+ * if this function is successful.
+ */
+U_CFUNC UConverter *
+ucnv_createConverterFromSharedData(UConverter *myUConverter,
+                                   UConverterSharedData *mySharedConverterData,
+                                   UConverterLoadArgs *pArgs,
+                                   UErrorCode *err);
+U_CFUNC UConverter *
+ucnv_createConverterFromPackage(const char *packageName, const char *converterName, UErrorCode *err);
+ * Load a converter but do not create a UConverter object.
+ * Simply return the UConverterSharedData.
+ * Performs alias lookup etc.
+ * The UConverterNamePieces need not be initialized
+ * before calling this function.
+ * The UConverterLoadArgs must be initialized
+ * before calling this function.
+ * If the args are passed in, then the pieces must be passed in too.
+ * In other words, the following combinations are allowed:
+ * - pieces==NULL && args==NULL
+ * - pieces!=NULL && args==NULL
+ * - pieces!=NULL && args!=NULL
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC UConverterSharedData *
+ucnv_loadSharedData(const char *converterName,
+                    UConverterNamePieces *pieces,
+                    UConverterLoadArgs *pArgs,
+                    UErrorCode * err);
+ * This may unload the shared data in a thread safe manner.
+ * This will only unload the data if no other converters are sharing it.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_unloadSharedDataIfReady(UConverterSharedData *sharedData);
+ * This is a thread safe way to increment the reference count.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_incrementRefCount(UConverterSharedData *sharedData);
+ * These are the default error handling callbacks for the charset conversion framework.
+ * For performance reasons, they are only called to handle an error (not normally called for a reset or close).
+ */
+#endif /* _UCNV_IMP */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_io.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2d7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnv_io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 1999-2006, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ *  ucnv_io.h:
+ *  defines  variables and functions pertaining to converter name resolution
+ *  aspect of the conversion code
+ */
+#ifndef UCNV_IO_H
+#define UCNV_IO_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+enum {
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t stringNormalizationType;
+    uint16_t containsCnvOptionInfo;
+} UConverterAliasOptions;
+typedef struct UConverterAlias {
+    const uint16_t *converterList;
+    const uint16_t *tagList;
+    const uint16_t *aliasList;
+    const uint16_t *untaggedConvArray;
+    const uint16_t *taggedAliasArray;
+    const uint16_t *taggedAliasLists;
+    const UConverterAliasOptions *optionTable;
+    const uint16_t *stringTable;
+    const uint16_t *normalizedStringTable;
+    uint32_t converterListSize;
+    uint32_t tagListSize;
+    uint32_t aliasListSize;
+    uint32_t untaggedConvArraySize;
+    uint32_t taggedAliasArraySize;
+    uint32_t taggedAliasListsSize;
+    uint32_t optionTableSize;
+    uint32_t stringTableSize;
+    uint32_t normalizedStringTableSize;
+} UConverterAlias;
+ * \var ucnv_io_stripForCompare
+ * Remove the underscores, dashes and spaces from the name, and convert
+ * the name to lower case.
+ * @param dst The destination buffer, which is <= the buffer of name.
+ * @param dst The destination buffer, which is <= the buffer of name.
+ * @see ucnv_compareNames
+ * @return the destination buffer.
+ */
+#   define ucnv_io_stripForCompare ucnv_io_stripASCIIForCompare
+#   define ucnv_io_stripForCompare ucnv_io_stripEBCDICForCompare
+#   error U_CHARSET_FAMILY is not valid
+ucnv_io_stripASCIIForCompare(char *dst, const char *name);
+ucnv_io_stripEBCDICForCompare(char *dst, const char *name);
+ * Map a converter alias name to a canonical converter name.
+ * The alias is searched for case-insensitively, the converter name
+ * is returned in mixed-case.
+ * Returns NULL if the alias is not found.
+ * @param alias The alias name to be searched.
+ * @param containsOption A return value stating whether the returned converter name contains an option (a comma)
+ * @param pErrorCode The error code
+ * @return the converter name in mixed-case, return NULL if the alias is not found.
+ */
+U_CAPI const char *
+ucnv_io_getConverterName(const char *alias, UBool *containsOption, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return the number of all known converter names (no aliases).
+ * @param pErrorCode The error code
+ * @return the number of all aliases
+ */
+U_CAPI uint16_t
+ucnv_io_countKnownConverters(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swap an ICU converter alias table. See implementation for details.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_swapAliases(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                 const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /* _UCNV_IO */
+ * Hey, Emacs, please set the following:
+ *
+ * Local Variables:
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucnvmbcs.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnvmbcs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209cdc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucnvmbcs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2000-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucnvmbcs.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2000jul07
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UCNVMBCS_H__
+#define __UCNVMBCS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "ucnv_cnv.h"
+#include "ucnv_ext.h"
+ * ICU conversion (.cnv) data file structure, following the usual UDataInfo
+ * header.
+ *
+ * Format version: 6.2
+ *
+ * struct UConverterStaticData -- struct containing the converter name, IBM CCSID,
+ *                                min/max bytes per character, etc.
+ *                                see ucnv_bld.h
+ *
+ * --------------------
+ *
+ * The static data is followed by conversionType-specific data structures.
+ * At the moment, there are only variations of MBCS converters. They all have
+ * the same toUnicode structures, while the fromUnicode structures for SBCS
+ * differ from those for other MBCS-style converters.
+ *
+ * _MBCSHeader.version 5 is optional and not backward-compatible
+ * (as usual for changes in the major version field).
+ *
+ * Versions 5.m work like versions 4.m except:
+ * - The _MBCSHeader has variable length (and is always longer than in version 4).
+ *   See the struct _MBCSHeader further description below.
+ * - There is a set of flags which indicate further incompatible changes.
+ *   (Reader code must reject the file if it does not recognize them all.)
+ * - In particular, one of these flags indicates that most of the fromUnicode
+ *   data is missing and must be reconstituted from the toUnicode data
+ *   and from the utf8Friendly mbcsIndex at load time.
+ *   (This only works with a utf8Friendly table.)
+ *   In this case, makeconv may increase maxFastUChar automatically to U+FFFF.
+ *
+ * The first of these versions is 5.3, which is like 4.3 except for the differences above.
+ *
+ * When possible, makeconv continues to generate version 4.m files.
+ *
+ * _MBCSHeader.version 5.4/4.4 supports "good one-way" mappings (|4)
+ * in the extension tables (fromUTableValues bit 30). See ucnv_ext.h for details.
+ *
+ * _MBCSHeader.version 4.3 optionally modifies the fromUnicode data structures
+ * slightly and optionally adds a table for conversion to MBCS (non-SBCS)
+ * charsets.
+ *
+ * The modifications are to make the data utf8Friendly. Not every 4.3 file
+ * file contains utf8Friendly data.
+ * It is utf8Friendly if _MBCSHeader.version[2]!=0.
+ * In this case, the data structures are utf8Friendly up to the code point
+ *   maxFastUChar=((_MBCSHeader.version[2]<<8)|0xff)
+ *
+ * A utf8Friendly file has fromUnicode stage 3 entries for code points up to
+ * maxFastUChar allocated in blocks of 64 for indexing with the 6 bits from
+ * a UTF-8 trail byte. ASCII is allocated linearly with 128 contiguous entries.
+ *
+ * In addition, a utf8Friendly MBCS file contains an additional
+ *   uint16_t mbcsIndex[(maxFastUChar+1)>>6];
+ * which replaces the stage 1 and 2 tables for indexing with bits from the
+ * UTF-8 lead byte and middle trail byte. Unlike the older MBCS stage 2 table,
+ * the mbcsIndex does not contain roundtrip flags. Therefore, all fallbacks
+ * from code points up to maxFastUChar (and roundtrips to 0x00) are moved to
+ * the extension data structure. This also allows for faster roundtrip
+ * conversion from UTF-16.
+ *
+ * SBCS files do not contain an additional sbcsIndex[] array because the
+ * proportional size increase would be noticeable, but the runtime
+ * code builds one for the code point range for which the runtime conversion
+ * code is optimized.
+ *
+ * For SBCS, maxFastUChar should be at least U+0FFF. The initial makeconv
+ * implementation sets it to U+1FFF. Because the sbcsIndex is not stored in
+ * the file, a larger maxFastUChar only affects stage 3 block allocation size
+ * and is free in empty blocks. (Larger blocks with sparse contents cause larger
+ * files.) U+1FFF includes almost all of the small scripts.
+ * U+0FFF covers UTF-8 two-byte sequences and three-byte sequences starting with
+ * 0xe0. This includes most scripts with legacy SBCS charsets.
+ * The initial runtime implementation using 4.3 files only builds an sbcsIndex
+ * for code points up to U+0FFF.
+ *
+ * For MBCS, maxFastUChar should be at least U+D7FF (=initial value).
+ * This boundary is convenient because practically all of the commonly used
+ * characters are below it, and because it is the boundary to surrogate
+ * code points, above which special handling is necessary anyway.
+ * (Surrogate pair assembly for UTF-16, validity checking for UTF-8.)
+ *
+ * maxFastUChar could be up to U+FFFF to cover the whole BMP, which could be
+ * useful especially for conversion from UTF-8 when the input can be assumed
+ * to be valid, because the surrogate range would then not have to be
+ * checked.
+ * (With maxFastUChar=0xffff, makeconv would have to check for mbcsIndex value
+ * overflow because with the all-unassigned block 0 and nearly full mappings
+ * from the BMP it is theoretically possible that an index into stage 3
+ * exceeds 16 bits.)
+ *
+ * _MBCSHeader.version 4.2 adds an optional conversion extension data structure.
+ * If it is present, then an ICU version reading header versions 4.0 or 4.1
+ * will be able to use the base table and ignore the extension.
+ *
+ * The unicodeMask in the static data is part of the base table data structure.
+ * Especially, the UCNV_HAS_SUPPLEMENTARY flag determines the length of the
+ * fromUnicode stage 1 array.
+ * The static data unicodeMask refers only to the base table's properties if
+ * a base table is included.
+ * In an extension-only file, the static data unicodeMask is 0.
+ * The extension data indexes have a separate field with the unicodeMask flags.
+ *
+ * MBCS-style data structure following the static data.
+ * Offsets are counted in bytes from the beginning of the MBCS header structure.
+ * Details about usage in comments in ucnvmbcs.c.
+ *
+ * struct _MBCSHeader (see the definition in this header file below)
+ * contains 32-bit fields as follows:
+ * 8 values:
+ *  0   uint8_t[4]  MBCS version in UVersionInfo format (currently 4.3.x.0)
+ *  1   uint32_t    countStates
+ *  2   uint32_t    countToUFallbacks
+ *  3   uint32_t    offsetToUCodeUnits
+ *  4   uint32_t    offsetFromUTable
+ *  5   uint32_t    offsetFromUBytes
+ *  6   uint32_t    flags, bits:
+ *                      31.. 8 offsetExtension -- _MBCSHeader.version 4.2 (ICU 2.8) and higher
+ *                                                0 for older versions and if
+ *                                                there is not extension structure
+ *                       7.. 0 outputType
+ *  7   uint32_t    fromUBytesLength -- _MBCSHeader.version 4.1 (ICU 2.4) and higher
+ *                  counts bytes in fromUBytes[]
+ *
+ * New and required in version 5:
+ *  8   uint32_t    options, bits:
+ *                      31..16 reserved for flags that can be added without breaking
+ *                                 backward compatibility
+ *                      15.. 6 reserved for flags whose addition will break
+ *                                 backward compatibility
+ *                           6 MBCS_OPT_FROM_U -- if set,
+ *                                 then most of the fromUnicode data is omitted;
+ *                                 fullStage2Length is present and the missing
+ *                                 bottom part of stage 2 must be reconstituted from
+ *                                 the toUnicode data;
+ *                                 stage 3 is missing completely as well;
+ *                                 not used for SBCS tables
+ *                       5.. 0 length of the _MBCSHeader (number of uint32_t)
+ *
+ * New and optional in version 5:
+ *  9   uint32_t    fullStage2Length: used if MBCS_OPT_FROM_U is set
+ *                                 specifies the full length of stage 2
+ *                                 including the omitted part
+ *
+ * if(outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_EXT_ONLY) {
+ *     -- base table name for extension-only table
+ *     char baseTableName[variable]; -- with NUL plus padding for 4-alignment
+ *
+ *     -- all _MBCSHeader fields except for version and flags are 0
+ * } else {
+ *     -- normal base table with optional extension
+ *
+ *     int32_t stateTable[countStates][256];
+ *    
+ *     struct _MBCSToUFallback { (fallbacks are sorted by offset)
+ *         uint32_t offset;
+ *         UChar32 codePoint;
+ *     } toUFallbacks[countToUFallbacks];
+ *    
+ *     uint16_t unicodeCodeUnits[(offsetFromUTable-offsetToUCodeUnits)/2];
+ *                  (padded to an even number of units)
+ *    
+ *     -- stage 1 tables
+ *     if(staticData.unicodeMask&UCNV_HAS_SUPPLEMENTARY) {
+ *         -- stage 1 table for all of Unicode
+ *         uint16_t fromUTable[0x440]; (32-bit-aligned)
+ *     } else {
+ *         -- BMP-only tables have a smaller stage 1 table
+ *         uint16_t fromUTable[0x40]; (32-bit-aligned)
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     -- stage 2 tables
+ *        length determined by top of stage 1 and bottom of stage 3 tables
+ *     if(outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_1) {
+ *         -- SBCS: pure indexes
+ *         uint16_t stage 2 indexes[?];
+ *     } else {
+ *         -- DBCS, MBCS, EBCDIC_STATEFUL, ...: roundtrip flags and indexes
+ *         uint32_t stage 2 flags and indexes[?];
+ *         if(options&MBCS_OPT_NO_FROM_U) {
+ *             stage 2 really has length fullStage2Length
+ *             and the omitted lower part must be reconstituted from
+ *             the toUnicode data
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     -- stage 3 tables with byte results
+ *     if(outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_1) {
+ *         -- SBCS: each 16-bit result contains flags and the result byte, see ucnvmbcs.c
+ *         uint16_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength/2];
+ *     } else if(!(options&MBCS_OPT_NO_FROM_U)) {
+ *         -- DBCS, MBCS, EBCDIC_STATEFUL, ... 2/3/4 bytes result, see ucnvmbcs.c
+ *         uint8_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength]; or
+ *         uint16_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength/2]; or
+ *         uint32_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength/4];
+ *     } else {
+ *         fromUBytes[] must be reconstituted from the toUnicode data
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     -- optional utf8Friendly mbcsIndex -- _MBCSHeader.version 4.3 (ICU 3.8) and higher
+ *     if(outputType!=MBCS_OUTPUT_1 &&
+ *        _MBCSHeader.version[1]>=3 &&
+ *        (maxFastUChar=_MBCSHeader.version[2])!=0
+ *     ) {
+ *         maxFastUChar=(maxFastUChar<<8)|0xff;
+ *         uint16_t mbcsIndex[(maxFastUChar+1)>>6];
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ * -- extension table, details see ucnv_ext.h
+ * int32_t indexes[>=32]; ...
+ */
+/* MBCS converter data and state -------------------------------------------- */
+enum {
+ * MBCS action codes for conversions to Unicode.
+ * These values are in bits 23..20 of the state table entries.
+ */
+enum {
+/* Macros for state table entries */
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION(state, offset) (int32_t)(((int32_t)(state)<<24L)|(offset))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_SET_OFFSET(entry, offset) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xff000000)|(offset))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_ADD_OFFSET(entry, offset) (int32_t)((entry)+(offset))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL(state, action, value) (int32_t)(0x80000000|((int32_t)(state)<<24L)|((action)<<20L)|(value))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_SET_FINAL(entry) (int32_t)((entry)|0x80000000)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_SET_ACTION(entry, action) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xff0fffff)|((int32_t)(action)<<20L))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_SET_VALUE(entry, value) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xfff00000)|(value))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_SET_ACTION_VALUE(entry, action, value) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xff000000)|((int32_t)(action)<<20L)|(value))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_SET_STATE(entry, state) (int32_t)(((entry)&0x80ffffff)|((int32_t)(state)<<24L))
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_STATE(entry) ((((uint32_t)entry)>>24)&0x7f)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_IS_TRANSITION(entry) ((entry)>=0)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_IS_FINAL(entry) ((entry)<0)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_STATE(entry) (((uint32_t)entry)>>24)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_OFFSET(entry) ((entry)&0xffffff)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_STATE(entry) ((((uint32_t)entry)>>24)&0x7f)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_IS_VALID_DIRECT_16(entry) ((entry)<(int32_t)0x80100000)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_ACTION(entry) ((((uint32_t)entry)>>20)&0xf)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_VALUE(entry) ((entry)&0xfffff)
+#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_VALUE_16(entry) (uint16_t)(entry)
+#define IS_ASCII_ROUNDTRIP(b, asciiRoundtrips) (((asciiRoundtrips) & (1<<((b)>>2)))!=0)
+/* single-byte fromUnicode: get the 16-bit result word */
+#define MBCS_SINGLE_RESULT_FROM_U(table, results, c) (results)[ (table)[ (table)[(c)>>10] +(((c)>>4)&0x3f) ] +((c)&0xf) ]
+/* single-byte fromUnicode using the sbcsIndex */
+#define SBCS_RESULT_FROM_LOW_BMP(table, results, c) (results)[ (table)[(c)>>6] +((c)&0x3f) ]
+/* single-byte fromUTF8 using the sbcsIndex; l and t must be masked externally; can be l=0 and t<=0x7f */
+#define SBCS_RESULT_FROM_UTF8(table, results, l, t) (results)[ (table)[l] +(t) ]
+/* multi-byte fromUnicode: get the 32-bit stage 2 entry */
+#define MBCS_STAGE_2_FROM_U(table, c) ((const uint32_t *)(table))[ (table)[(c)>>10] +(((c)>>4)&0x3f) ]
+#define MBCS_FROM_U_IS_ROUNDTRIP(stage2Entry, c) ( ((stage2Entry) & ((uint32_t)1<< (16+((c)&0xf)) )) !=0)
+#define MBCS_VALUE_2_FROM_STAGE_2(bytes, stage2Entry, c) ((uint16_t *)(bytes))[16*(uint32_t)(uint16_t)(stage2Entry)+((c)&0xf)]
+#define MBCS_VALUE_4_FROM_STAGE_2(bytes, stage2Entry, c) ((uint32_t *)(bytes))[16*(uint32_t)(uint16_t)(stage2Entry)+((c)&0xf)]
+#define MBCS_POINTER_3_FROM_STAGE_2(bytes, stage2Entry, c) ((bytes)+(16*(uint32_t)(uint16_t)(stage2Entry)+((c)&0xf))*3)
+/* double-byte fromUnicode using the mbcsIndex */
+#define DBCS_RESULT_FROM_MOST_BMP(table, results, c) (results)[ (table)[(c)>>6] +((c)&0x3f) ]
+/* double-byte fromUTF8 using the mbcsIndex; l and t1 combined into lt1; lt1 and t2 must be masked externally */
+#define DBCS_RESULT_FROM_UTF8(table, results, lt1, t2) (results)[ (table)[lt1] +(t2) ]
+ * MBCS output types for conversions from Unicode.
+ * These per-converter types determine the storage method in stage 3 of the lookup table,
+ * mostly how many bytes are stored per entry.
+ */
+enum {
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_1,          /* 0 */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_2,          /* 1 */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_3,          /* 2 */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_4,          /* 3 */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_3_EUC=8,    /* 8 */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_4_EUC,      /* 9 */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_2_SISO=12,  /* c */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_2_HZ,       /* d */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_EXT_ONLY,   /* e */
+    MBCS_OUTPUT_DBCS_ONLY=0xdb  /* runtime-only type for DBCS-only handling of SISO tables */
+ * Fallbacks to Unicode are stored outside the normal state table and code point structures
+ * in a vector of items of this type. They are sorted by offset.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t offset;
+    UChar32 codePoint;
+} _MBCSToUFallback;
+/** Constants for fast and UTF-8-friendly conversion. */
+enum {
+    SBCS_FAST_MAX=0x0fff,               /* maximum code point with UTF-8-friendly SBCS runtime code, see makeconv SBCS_UTF8_MAX */
+    SBCS_FAST_LIMIT=SBCS_FAST_MAX+1,    /* =0x1000 */
+    MBCS_FAST_MAX=0xd7ff,               /* maximum code point with UTF-8-friendly MBCS runtime code, see makeconv MBCS_UTF8_MAX */
+    MBCS_FAST_LIMIT=MBCS_FAST_MAX+1     /* =0xd800 */
+ * This is the MBCS part of the UConverterTable union (a runtime data structure).
+ * It keeps all the per-converter data and points into the loaded mapping tables.
+ *
+ * utf8Friendly data structures added with _MBCSHeader.version 4.3
+ */
+typedef struct UConverterMBCSTable {
+    /* toUnicode */
+    uint8_t countStates, dbcsOnlyState, stateTableOwned;
+    uint32_t countToUFallbacks;
+    const int32_t (*stateTable)/*[countStates]*/[256];
+    int32_t (*swapLFNLStateTable)/*[countStates]*/[256]; /* for swaplfnl */
+    const uint16_t *unicodeCodeUnits/*[countUnicodeResults]*/;
+    const _MBCSToUFallback *toUFallbacks;
+    /* fromUnicode */
+    const uint16_t *fromUnicodeTable;
+    const uint16_t *mbcsIndex;              /* for fast conversion from most of BMP to MBCS (utf8Friendly data) */
+    uint16_t sbcsIndex[SBCS_FAST_LIMIT>>6]; /* for fast conversion from low BMP to SBCS (utf8Friendly data) */
+    const uint8_t *fromUnicodeBytes;
+    uint8_t *swapLFNLFromUnicodeBytes;      /* for swaplfnl */
+    uint32_t fromUBytesLength;
+    uint8_t outputType, unicodeMask;
+    UBool utf8Friendly;                     /* for utf8Friendly data */
+    UChar maxFastUChar;                     /* for utf8Friendly data */
+    /* roundtrips */
+    uint32_t asciiRoundtrips;
+    /* reconstituted data that was omitted from the .cnv file */
+    uint8_t *reconstitutedData;
+    /* converter name for swaplfnl */
+    char *swapLFNLName;
+    /* extension data */
+    struct UConverterSharedData *baseSharedData;
+    const int32_t *extIndexes;
+} UConverterMBCSTable;
+    /* toUnicode */ \
+    0, 0, 0, \
+    0, \
+     \
+    NULL, \
+    NULL, \
+    NULL, \
+    NULL, \
+     \
+    /* fromUnicode */ \
+    NULL, \
+    NULL, \
+    { 0 }, \
+    NULL, \
+    NULL, \
+    0, \
+    0, 0, \
+    FALSE, \
+    0, \
+     \
+    /* roundtrips */ \
+    0, \
+     \
+    /* reconstituted data that was omitted from the .cnv file */ \
+    NULL, \
+     \
+    /* converter name for swaplfnl */ \
+    NULL, \
+     \
+    /* extension data */ \
+    NULL, \
+    NULL \
+enum {
+    MBCS_OPT_NO_FROM_U=0x40,
+    /*
+     * If any of the following options bits are set,
+     * then the file must be rejected.
+     */
+    /*
+     * Remove bits from this mask as more options are recognized
+     * by all implementations that use this constant.
+     */
+enum {
+ * MBCS data header. See data format description above.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    UVersionInfo version;
+    uint32_t countStates,
+             countToUFallbacks,
+             offsetToUCodeUnits,
+             offsetFromUTable,
+             offsetFromUBytes,
+             flags,
+             fromUBytesLength;
+    /* new and required in version 5 */
+    uint32_t options;
+    /* new and optional in version 5; used if options&MBCS_OPT_NO_FROM_U */
+    uint32_t fullStage2Length;  /* number of 32-bit units */
+} _MBCSHeader;
+#define UCNV_MBCS_HEADER_INITIALIZER { { 0 },  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0 }
+ * This is a simple version of _MBCSGetNextUChar() that is used
+ * by other converter implementations.
+ * It only returns an "assigned" result if it consumes the entire input.
+ * It does not use state from the converter, nor error codes.
+ * It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
+ * It handles conversion extensions but not GB 18030.
+ *
+ * Return value:
+ * U+fffe   unassigned
+ * U+ffff   illegal
+ * otherwise the Unicode code point
+ */
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+ucnv_MBCSSimpleGetNextUChar(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                        const char *source, int32_t length,
+                        UBool useFallback);
+ * This version of _MBCSSimpleGetNextUChar() is optimized for single-byte, single-state codepages.
+ * It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
+ * It does not handle conversion extensions (_extToU()).
+ */
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+ucnv_MBCSSingleSimpleGetNextUChar(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                              uint8_t b, UBool useFallback);
+ * This macro version of _MBCSSingleSimpleGetNextUChar() gets a code point from a byte.
+ * It works for single-byte, single-state codepages that only map
+ * to and from BMP code points, and it always
+ * returns fallback values.
+ */
+#define _MBCS_SINGLE_SIMPLE_GET_NEXT_BMP(sharedData, b) \
+    (UChar)MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_VALUE_16((sharedData)->mbcs.stateTable[0][(uint8_t)(b)])
+ * This is an internal function that allows other converter implementations
+ * to check whether a byte is a lead byte.
+ */
+ucnv_MBCSIsLeadByte(UConverterSharedData *sharedData, char byte);
+/** This is a macro version of _MBCSIsLeadByte(). */
+#define _MBCS_IS_LEAD_BYTE(sharedData, byte) \
+    (UBool)MBCS_ENTRY_IS_TRANSITION((sharedData)->mbcs.stateTable[0][(uint8_t)(byte)])
+ * This is another simple conversion function for internal use by other
+ * conversion implementations.
+ * It does not use the converter state nor call callbacks.
+ * It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
+ * It handles conversion extensions but not GB 18030.
+ *
+ * It converts one single Unicode code point into codepage bytes, encoded
+ * as one 32-bit value. The function returns the number of bytes in *pValue:
+ * 1..4 the number of bytes in *pValue
+ * 0    unassigned (*pValue undefined)
+ * -1   illegal (currently not used, *pValue undefined)
+ *
+ * *pValue will contain the resulting bytes with the last byte in bits 7..0,
+ * the second to last byte in bits 15..8, etc.
+ * Currently, the function assumes but does not check that 0<=c<=0x10ffff.
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ucnv_MBCSFromUChar32(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                 UChar32 c, uint32_t *pValue,
+                 UBool useFallback);
+ * This version of _MBCSFromUChar32() is optimized for single-byte codepages.
+ * It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
+ *
+ * It returns the codepage byte for the code point, or -1 if it is unassigned.
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ucnv_MBCSSingleFromUChar32(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                       UChar32 c,
+                       UBool useFallback);
+ * SBCS, DBCS, and EBCDIC_STATEFUL are replaced by MBCS, but
+ * we cheat a little about the type, returning the old types if appropriate.
+ */
+U_CFUNC UConverterType
+ucnv_MBCSGetType(const UConverter* converter);
+U_CFUNC void 
+ucnv_MBCSFromUnicodeWithOffsets(UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pArgs,
+                            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+U_CFUNC void 
+ucnv_MBCSToUnicodeWithOffsets(UConverterToUnicodeArgs *pArgs,
+                          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Internal function returning a UnicodeSet for toUnicode() conversion.
+ * Currently only used for ISO-2022-CN, and only handles roundtrip mappings.
+ * In the future, if we add support for fallback sets, this function
+ * needs to be updated.
+ * Handles extensions.
+ * Does not empty the set first.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_MBCSGetUnicodeSetForUnicode(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                                 const USetAdder *sa,
+                                 UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+                                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Same as ucnv_MBCSGetUnicodeSetForUnicode() but
+ * the set can be filtered by encoding scheme.
+ * Used by stateful converters which share regular conversion tables
+ * but only use a subset of their mappings.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+ucnv_MBCSGetFilteredUnicodeSetForUnicode(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
+                                         const USetAdder *sa,
+                                         UConverterUnicodeSet which,
+                                         UConverterSetFilter filter,
+                                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_data.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f54ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2000-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucol_data.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2011jul02
+*   created by: Markus Scherer
+* Private implementation header for C/C++ collation.
+* Some file data structure definitions were moved here from i18n/ucol_imp.h
+* so that the common library (via ucol_swp.cpp) need not depend on the i18n library at all.
+* We do not want to move the collation swapper to the i18n library because
+* a) the resource bundle swapper depends on it and would have to move too, and
+* b) we might want to eventually implement runtime data swapping,
+*    which might (or might not) be easier if all swappers are in the common library.
+#ifndef __UCOL_DATA_H__
+#define __UCOL_DATA_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/* let us know whether reserved fields are reset to zero or junked */
+#define UCOL_HEADER_MAGIC 0x20030618
+typedef struct {
+      int32_t size;
+      /* all the offsets are in bytes */
+      /* to get the address add to the header address and cast properly */
+      uint32_t options; /* these are the default options for the collator */
+      uint32_t UCAConsts; /* structure which holds values for indirect positioning and implicit ranges */
+      uint32_t contractionUCACombos;        /* this one is needed only for UCA, to copy the appropriate contractions */
+      uint32_t magic;            /* magic number - lets us know whether reserved data is reset or junked */
+      uint32_t mappingPosition;  /* const uint8_t *mappingPosition; */
+      uint32_t expansion;        /* uint32_t *expansion;            */
+      uint32_t contractionIndex; /* UChar *contractionIndex;        */
+      uint32_t contractionCEs;   /* uint32_t *contractionCEs;       */
+      uint32_t contractionSize;  /* needed for various closures */
+      /*int32_t latinOneMapping;*/ /* this is now handled in the trie itself *//* fast track to latin1 chars      */
+      uint32_t endExpansionCE;      /* array of last collation element in
+                                       expansion */
+      uint32_t expansionCESize;     /* array of maximum expansion size
+                                       corresponding to the expansion
+                                       collation elements with last element
+                                       in endExpansionCE*/
+      int32_t  endExpansionCECount; /* size of endExpansionCE */
+      uint32_t unsafeCP;            /* hash table of unsafe code points */
+      uint32_t contrEndCP;          /* hash table of final code points  */
+                                    /*   in contractions.               */
+      int32_t contractionUCACombosSize;     /* number of UCA contraction items. */
+                                            /*Length is contractionUCACombosSize*contractionUCACombosWidth*sizeof(UChar) */
+      UBool jamoSpecial;                    /* is jamoSpecial */
+      UBool isBigEndian;                    /* is this data big endian? from the UDataInfo header*/
+      uint8_t charSetFamily;                /* what is the charset family of this data from the UDataInfo header*/
+      uint8_t contractionUCACombosWidth;    /* width of UCA combos field */
+      UVersionInfo version;
+      UVersionInfo UCAVersion;              /* version of the UCA, read from file */
+      UVersionInfo UCDVersion;              /* UCD version, obtained by u_getUnicodeVersion */
+      UVersionInfo formatVersion;           /* format version from the UDataInfo header */
+      uint32_t scriptToLeadByte;            /* offset to script to lead collation byte mapping data */
+      uint32_t leadByteToScript;            /* offset to lead collation byte to script mapping data */
+      uint8_t reserved[76];                 /* for future use */
+} UCATableHeader;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t byteSize;
+  uint32_t tableSize;
+  uint32_t contsSize;
+  uint32_t table;
+  uint32_t conts;
+  UVersionInfo UCAVersion;              /* version of the UCA, read from file */
+  uint8_t padding[8];
+} InverseUCATableHeader;
+#endif  /* !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
+#endif  /* __UCOL_DATA_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_imp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a251fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1998-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Private implementation header for C collation
+*   file name:  ucol_imp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2000dec11
+*   created by: Vladimir Weinstein
+* Modification history
+* Date        Name      Comments
+* 02/16/2001  synwee    Added UCOL_GETPREVCE for the use in ucoleitr
+* 02/27/2001  synwee    Added getMaxExpansion data structure in UCollator
+* 03/02/2001  synwee    Added UCOL_IMPLICIT_CE
+* 03/12/2001  synwee    Added pointer start to collIterate.
+#ifndef UCOL_IMP_H
+#define UCOL_IMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// This part needs to compile as plain C code, for cintltst.
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+/** Check whether two collators are equal. Collators are considered equal if they
+ *  will sort strings the same. This means that both the current attributes and the
+ *  rules must be equivalent.
+ *  @param source first collator
+ *  @param target second collator
+ *  @return TRUE or FALSE
+ *  @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+ucol_equals(const UCollator *source, const UCollator *target);
+ * Convenience string denoting the Collation data tree
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+struct CollationCacheEntry;
+class Locale;
+class UnicodeString;
+class UnifiedCache;
+/** Implemented in ucol_res.cpp. */
+class CollationLoader {
+    static void appendRootRules(UnicodeString &s);
+    static void loadRules(const char *localeID, const char *collationType,
+                          UnicodeString &rules, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Adds a reference to returned value.
+    static const CollationCacheEntry *loadTailoring(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Cache callback. Adds a reference to returned value.
+    const CollationCacheEntry *createCacheEntry(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static void U_CALLCONV loadRootRules(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // The following members are used by loadTailoring()
+    // and the cache callback.
+    static const uint32_t TRIED_SEARCH = 1;
+    static const uint32_t TRIED_DEFAULT = 2;
+    static const uint32_t TRIED_STANDARD = 4;
+    CollationLoader(const CollationCacheEntry *re, const Locale &requested, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    ~CollationLoader();
+    // All loadFromXXX methods add a reference to the returned value.
+    const CollationCacheEntry *loadFromLocale(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const CollationCacheEntry *loadFromBundle(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const CollationCacheEntry *loadFromCollations(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const CollationCacheEntry *loadFromData(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Adds a reference to returned value.
+    const CollationCacheEntry *getCacheEntry(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns the rootEntry (with one addRef()) if loc==root,
+     * or else returns a new cache entry with ref count 1 for the loc and
+     * the root tailoring.
+     */
+    const CollationCacheEntry *makeCacheEntryFromRoot(
+            const Locale &loc, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the entryFromCache as is if loc==validLocale,
+     * or else returns a new cache entry with ref count 1 for the loc and
+     * the same tailoring. In the latter case, a ref count is removed from
+     * entryFromCache.
+     */
+    static const CollationCacheEntry *makeCacheEntry(
+            const Locale &loc,
+            const CollationCacheEntry *entryFromCache,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const UnifiedCache *cache;
+    const CollationCacheEntry *rootEntry;
+    Locale validLocale;
+    Locale locale;
+    char type[16];
+    char defaultType[16];
+    uint32_t typesTried;
+    UBool typeFallback;
+    UResourceBundle *bundle;
+    UResourceBundle *collations;
+    UResourceBundle *data;
+#endif  /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_swp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_swp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd8be9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucol_swp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2003-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucol_swp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2003sep10
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Swap collation binaries.
+#ifndef __UCOL_SWP_H__
+#define __UCOL_SWP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+ * Does the data look like a collation binary?
+ * @internal
+ */
+ucol_looksLikeCollationBinary(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                              const void *inData, int32_t length);
+ * Swap ICU collation data like See udataswp.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucol_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+          const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swap inverse UCA collation data ( See udataswp.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucol_swapInverseUCA(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                    const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uconfig_local.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uconfig_local.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4e76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uconfig_local.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * If an Android libarary links aganist libicuuc without this flag,
+ * stops the build process. Only the following libraries should have this
+ * flag,
+ * - Libraries in Runtime APEX module
+ * Otherwise, the libraries should use libandroidicu.
+ */
+#if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(ANDROID_LINK_SHARED_ICU4C)
+#error "Please use libandroidicu and do not directly link to libicuuc or libicui18n."
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucptrie_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucptrie_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe6a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucptrie_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// ucptrie_impl.h (modified from utrie2_impl.h)
+// created: 2017dec29 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UCPTRIE_IMPL_H__
+#define __UCPTRIE_IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/ucptrie.h"
+#include "unicode/umutablecptrie.h"
+// UCPTrie signature values, in platform endianness and opposite endianness.
+// The UCPTrie signature ASCII byte values spell "Tri3".
+#define UCPTRIE_SIG     0x54726933
+#define UCPTRIE_OE_SIG  0x33697254
+ * Header data for the binary, memory-mappable representation of a UCPTrie/CodePointTrie.
+ * @internal
+ */
+struct UCPTrieHeader {
+    /** "Tri3" in big-endian US-ASCII (0x54726933) */
+    uint32_t signature;
+    /**
+     * Options bit field:
+     * Bits 15..12: Data length bits 19..16.
+     * Bits 11..8: Data null block offset bits 19..16.
+     * Bits 7..6: UCPTrieType
+     * Bits 5..3: Reserved (0).
+     * Bits 2..0: UCPTrieValueWidth
+     */
+    uint16_t options;
+    /** Total length of the index tables. */
+    uint16_t indexLength;
+    /** Data length bits 15..0. */
+    uint16_t dataLength;
+    /** Index-3 null block offset, 0x7fff or 0xffff if none. */
+    uint16_t index3NullOffset;
+    /** Data null block offset bits 15..0, 0xfffff if none. */
+    uint16_t dataNullOffset;
+    /**
+     * First code point of the single-value range ending with U+10ffff,
+     * rounded up and then shifted right by UCPTRIE_SHIFT_2.
+     */
+    uint16_t shiftedHighStart;
+ * Constants for use with UCPTrieHeader.options.
+ * @internal
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Value for index3NullOffset which indicates that there is no index-3 null block.
+     * Bit 15 is unused for this value because this bit is used if the index-3 contains
+     * 18-bit indexes.
+     */
+// Internal constants.
+enum {
+    /** The length of the BMP index table. 1024=0x400 */
+    UCPTRIE_SMALL_LIMIT = 0x1000,
+    /** Shift size for getting the index-3 table offset. */
+    UCPTRIE_SHIFT_3 = 4,
+    /** Shift size for getting the index-2 table offset. */
+    /** Shift size for getting the index-1 table offset. */
+    /**
+     * Difference between two shift sizes,
+     * for getting an index-2 offset from an index-3 offset. 5=9-4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Difference between two shift sizes,
+     * for getting an index-1 offset from an index-2 offset. 5=14-9
+     */
+    /**
+     * Number of index-1 entries for the BMP. (4)
+     * This part of the index-1 table is omitted from the serialized form.
+     */
+    /** Number of entries in an index-2 block. 32=0x20 */
+    /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-2-block offset. */
+    /** Number of code points per index-2 table entry. 512=0x200 */
+    /** Number of entries in an index-3 block. 32=0x20 */
+    /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-3-block offset. */
+    /** Number of entries in a small data block. 16=0x10 */
+    /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-small-data-block offset. */
+typedef UChar32
+UCPTrieGetRange(const void *trie, UChar32 start,
+                UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue);
+U_CFUNC UChar32
+ucptrie_internalGetRange(UCPTrieGetRange *getRange,
+                         const void *trie, UChar32 start,
+                         UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue,
+                         UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue);
+U_CFUNC void
+ucptrie_printLengths(const UCPTrie *trie, const char *which);
+U_CFUNC void umutablecptrie_setName(UMutableCPTrie *builder, const char *name);
+ * Format of the binary, memory-mappable representation of a UCPTrie/CodePointTrie.
+ * For overview information see
+ *
+ * The binary trie data should be 32-bit-aligned.
+ * The overall layout is:
+ *
+ * UCPTrieHeader header; -- 16 bytes, see struct definition above
+ * uint16_t index[header.indexLength];
+ * uintXY_t data[header.dataLength];
+ *
+ * The trie data array is an array of uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint8_t,
+ * specified via the UCPTrieValueWidth when building the trie.
+ * The data array is 32-bit-aligned for uint32_t, otherwise 16-bit-aligned.
+ * The overall length of the trie data is a multiple of 4 bytes.
+ * (Padding is added at the end of the index array and/or near the end of the data array as needed.)
+ *
+ * The length of the data array (dataLength) is stored as an integer split across two fields
+ * of the header struct (high bits in header.options).
+ *
+ * The trie type can be "fast" or "small" which determines the index structure,
+ * specified via the UCPTrieType when building the trie.
+ *
+ * The type and valueWidth are stored in the header.options.
+ * There are reserved type and valueWidth values, and reserved header.options bits.
+ * They could be used in future format extensions.
+ * Code reading the trie structure must fail with an error when unknown values or options are set.
+ *
+ * Values for ASCII character (U+0000..U+007F) can always be found at the start of the data array.
+ *
+ * Values for code points below a type-specific fast-indexing limit are found via two-stage lookup.
+ * For a "fast" trie, the limit is the BMP/supplementary boundary at U+10000.
+ * For a "small" trie, the limit is UCPTRIE_SMALL_MAX+1=U+1000.
+ *
+ * All code points in the range highStart..U+10FFFF map to a single highValue
+ * which is stored at the second-to-last position of the data array.
+ * The highStart value is header.shiftedHighStart<<UCPTRIE_SHIFT_2.
+ *
+ * Values for code points fast_limit..highStart-1 are found via four-stage lookup.
+ * The data block size is smaller for this range than for the fast range.
+ * This together with more index stages with small blocks makes this range
+ * more easily compactable.
+ *
+ * There is also a trie error value stored at the last position of the data array.
+ * It is intended to be returned for inputs that are not Unicode code points
+ * (outside U+0000..U+10FFFF), or in string processing for ill-formed input
+ * (unpaired surrogate in UTF-16, ill-formed UTF-8 subsequence).
+ *
+ * For a "fast" trie:
+ *
+ * The index array starts with the BMP index table for BMP code point lookup.
+ * Its length is 1024=0x400.
+ *
+ * The supplementary index-1 table follows the BMP index table.
+ * Variable length, for code points up to highStart-1.
+ * Maximum length 64=0x40=0x100000>>UCPTRIE_SHIFT_1.
+ * (For 0x100000 supplementary code points U+10000..U+10ffff.)
+ *
+ * After this index-1 table follow the variable-length index-3 and index-2 tables.
+ *
+ * The supplementary index tables are omitted completely
+ * if there is only BMP data (highStart<=U+10000).
+ *
+ * For a "small" trie:
+ *
+ * The index array starts with a fast-index table for lookup of code points U+0000..U+0FFF.
+ *
+ * The "supplementary" index tables are always stored.
+ * The index-1 table starts from U+0000, its maximum length is 68=0x44=0x110000>>UCPTRIE_SHIFT_1.
+ *
+ * For both trie types:
+ *
+ * The last index-2 block may be a partial block, storing indexes only for code points
+ * below highStart.
+ *
+ * Lookup for ASCII code point c:
+ *
+ * Linear access from the start of the data array.
+ *
+ * value = data[c];
+ *
+ * Lookup for fast-range code point c:
+ *
+ * Shift the code point right by UCPTRIE_FAST_SHIFT=6 bits,
+ * fetch the index array value at that offset,
+ * add the lower code point bits, index into the data array.
+ *
+ * value = data[index[c>>6] + (c&0x3f)];
+ *
+ * (This works for ASCII as well.)
+ *
+ * Lookup for small-range code point c below highStart:
+ *
+ * Split the code point into four bit fields using several sets of shifts & masks
+ * to read consecutive values from the index-1, index-2, index-3 and data tables.
+ *
+ * If all of the data block offsets in an index-3 block fit within 16 bits (up to 0xffff),
+ * then the data block offsets are stored directly as uint16_t.
+ *
+ * Otherwise (this is very unusual but possible), the index-2 entry for the index-3 block
+ * has bit 15 (0x8000) set, and each set of 8 index-3 entries is preceded by
+ * an additional uint16_t word. Data block offsets are 18 bits wide, with the top 2 bits stored
+ * in the additional word.
+ *
+ * See ucptrie_internalSmallIndex() for details.
+ *
+ * (In a "small" trie, this works for ASCII and below-fast_limit code points as well.)
+ *
+ * Compaction:
+ *
+ * Multiple code point ranges ("blocks") that are aligned on certain boundaries
+ * (determined by the shifting/bit fields of code points) and
+ * map to the same data values normally share a single subsequence of the data array.
+ * Data blocks can also overlap partially.
+ * (Depending on the builder code finding duplicate and overlapping blocks.)
+ *
+ * Iteration over same-value ranges:
+ *
+ * Range iteration (ucptrie_getRange()) walks the structure from a start code point
+ * until some code point is found that maps to a different value;
+ * the end of the returned range is just before that.
+ *
+ * The header.dataNullOffset (split across two header fields, high bits in header.options)
+ * is the offset of a widely shared data block filled with one single value.
+ * It helps quickly skip over large ranges of data with that value.
+ * The builder must ensure that if the start of any data block (fast or small)
+ * matches the dataNullOffset, then the whole block must be filled with the null value.
+ * Special care must be taken if there is no fast null data block
+ * but a small one, which is shorter, and it matches the *start* of some fast data block.
+ *
+ * Similarly, the header.index3NullOffset is the index-array offset of an index-3 block
+ * where all index entries point to the dataNullOffset.
+ * If there is no such data or index-3 block, then these offsets are set to
+ * values that cannot be reached (data offset out of range/reserved index offset),
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ucurrimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ucurrimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d95882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ucurrimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef _UCURR_IMP_H_
+#define _UCURR_IMP_H_
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/parsepos.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+ * Internal method.  Given a currency ISO code and a locale, return
+ * the "static" currency name.  This is usually the same as the
+ * UCURR_SYMBOL_NAME, but if the latter is a choice format, then the
+ * format is applied to the number 2.0 (to yield the more common
+ * plural) to return a static name.
+ *
+ * This is used for backward compatibility with old currency logic in
+ * DecimalFormat and DecimalFormatSymbols.
+ */
+U_CAPI void
+uprv_getStaticCurrencyName(const UChar* iso, const char* loc,
+                           icu::UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& ec);
+ * Attempt to parse the given string as a currency, either as a
+ * display name in the given locale, or as a 3-letter ISO 4217
+ * code.  If multiple display names match, then the longest one is
+ * selected.  If both a display name and a 3-letter ISO code
+ * match, then the display name is preferred, unless it's length
+ * is less than 3.
+ *
+ * The parameters must not be NULL.
+ *
+ * @param locale the locale of the display names to match
+ * @param text the text to parse
+ * @param pos input-output position; on input, the position within
+ * text to match; must have 0 <= pos.getIndex() < text.length();
+ * on output, the position after the last matched character. If
+ * the parse fails, the position in unchanged upon output.
+ * @param type currency type to parse against, LONG_NAME only or not
+ * @param partialMatchLen The length of the longest matching prefix;
+ * this may be nonzero even if no full currency was matched.
+ * @return the ISO 4217 code, as a string, of the best match, or
+ * null if there is no match
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI void
+uprv_parseCurrency(const char* locale,
+                   const icu::UnicodeString& text,
+                   icu::ParsePosition& pos,
+                   int8_t type,
+                   int32_t* partialMatchLen,
+                   UChar* result,
+                   UErrorCode& ec);
+ * Puts all possible first-characters of a currency into the
+ * specified UnicodeSet.
+ *
+ * @param locale the locale of the display names of interest
+ * @param result the UnicodeSet to which to add the starting characters
+ */
+void uprv_currencyLeads(const char* locale, icu::UnicodeSet& result, UErrorCode& ec);
+#endif /* #ifndef _UCURR_IMP_H_ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/udatamem.h b/libicu/cts_headers/udatamem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a05dd69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/udatamem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2010, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  UDataMemory     A class-like struct that serves as a handle to a piece of memory
+ *                  that contains some ICU data (resource, converters, whatever.)
+ *
+ *                  When an application opens ICU data (with udata_open, for example,
+ *                  a UDataMemory * is returned.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __UDATAMEM_H__
+#define __UDATAMEM_H__
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "ucmndata.h"
+struct UDataMemory {
+    const commonDataFuncs  *vFuncs;      /* Function Pointers for accessing TOC             */
+    const DataHeader *pHeader;     /* Header of the memory being described by this    */
+                                   /*   UDataMemory object.                           */
+    const void       *toc;         /* For common memory, table of contents for        */
+                                   /*   the pieces within.                            */
+    UBool             heapAllocated;  /* True if this UDataMemory Object is on the    */
+                                   /*  heap and thus needs to be deleted when closed. */
+    void             *mapAddr;     /* For mapped or allocated memory, the start addr. */
+                                   /* Only non-null if a close operation should unmap */
+                                   /*  the associated data.                           */
+    void             *map;         /* Handle, or other data, OS dependent.            */
+                                   /* Only non-null if a close operation should unmap */
+                                   /*  the associated data, and additional info       */
+                                   /*   beyond the mapAddr is needed to do that.      */
+    int32_t           length;      /* Length of the data in bytes; -1 if unknown.     */
+U_CFUNC UDataMemory *UDataMemory_createNewInstance(UErrorCode *pErr);
+U_CFUNC void         UDatamemory_assign  (UDataMemory *dest, UDataMemory *source);
+U_CFUNC void         UDataMemory_init    (UDataMemory *This);
+U_CFUNC UBool        UDataMemory_isLoaded(const UDataMemory *This);
+U_CFUNC void         UDataMemory_setData (UDataMemory *This, const void *dataAddr);
+U_CFUNC const DataHeader *UDataMemory_normalizeDataPointer(const void *p);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udata_getLength(const UDataMemory *pData);
+U_CAPI const void * U_EXPORT2
+udata_getRawMemory(const UDataMemory *pData);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/udataswp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/udataswp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e7b043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/udataswp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2003-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  udataswp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2003jun05
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Definitions for ICU data transformations for different platforms,
+*   changing between big- and little-endian data and/or between
+*   charset families (ASCII<->EBCDIC).
+#ifndef __UDATASWP_H__
+#define __UDATASWP_H__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/* forward declaration */
+struct UDataSwapper;
+typedef struct UDataSwapper UDataSwapper;
+ * Function type for data transformation.
+ * Transforms data, or just returns the length of the data if
+ * the input length is -1.
+ * Swap functions assume that their data pointers are aligned properly.
+ *
+ * Quick implementation outline:
+ * (best to copy and adapt and existing swapper implementation)
+ * check that the data looks like the expected format
+ * if(length<0) {
+ *   preflight:
+ *   never dereference outData
+ *   read inData and determine the data size
+ *   assume that inData is long enough for this
+ * } else {
+ *   outData can be NULL if length==0
+ *   inData==outData (in-place swapping) possible but not required!
+ *   verify that length>=(actual size)
+ *   if there is a chance that not every byte up to size is reached
+ *     due to padding etc.:
+ *   if(inData!=outData) {
+ *     memcpy(outData, inData, actual size);
+ *   }
+ *   swap contents
+ * }
+ * return actual size
+ *
+ * Further implementation notes:
+ * - read integers from inData before swapping them
+ *   because in-place swapping can make them unreadable
+ * - compareInvChars compares a local Unicode string with already-swapped
+ *   output charset strings
+ *
+ * @param ds Pointer to UDataSwapper containing global data about the
+ *           transformation and function pointers for handling primitive
+ *           types.
+ * @param inData Pointer to the input data to be transformed or examined.
+ * @param length Length of the data, counting bytes. May be -1 for preflighting.
+ *               If length>=0, then transform the data.
+ *               If length==-1, then only determine the length of the data.
+ *               The length cannot be determined from the data itself for all
+ *               types of data (e.g., not for simple arrays of integers).
+ * @param outData Pointer to the output data buffer.
+ *                If length>=0 (transformation), then the output buffer must
+ *                have a capacity of at least length.
+ *                If length==-1, then outData will not be used and can be NULL.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU UErrorCode parameter, must not be NULL and must
+ *                   fulfill U_SUCCESS on input.
+ * @return The actual length of the data.
+ *
+ * @see UDataSwapper
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UDataSwapFn(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+            const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert one uint16_t from input to platform endianness.
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef uint16_t U_CALLCONV
+UDataReadUInt16(uint16_t x);
+ * Convert one uint32_t from input to platform endianness.
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef uint32_t U_CALLCONV
+UDataReadUInt32(uint32_t x);
+ * Convert one uint16_t from platform to input endianness.
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UDataWriteUInt16(uint16_t *p, uint16_t x);
+ * Convert one uint32_t from platform to input endianness.
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UDataWriteUInt32(uint32_t *p, uint32_t x);
+ * Compare invariant-character strings, one in the output data and the
+ * other one caller-provided in Unicode.
+ * An output data string is compared because strings are usually swapped
+ * before the rest of the data, to allow for sorting of string tables
+ * according to the output charset.
+ * You can use -1 for the length parameters of NUL-terminated strings as usual.
+ * Returns Unicode code point order for invariant characters.
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UDataCompareInvChars(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                     const char *outString, int32_t outLength,
+                     const UChar *localString, int32_t localLength);
+ * Function for message output when an error occurs during data swapping.
+ * A format string and variable number of arguments are passed
+ * like for vprintf().
+ *
+ * @param context A function-specific context pointer.
+ * @param fmt The format string.
+ * @param args The arguments for format string inserts.
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UDataPrintError(void *context, const char *fmt, va_list args);
+struct UDataSwapper {
+    /** Input endianness. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UBool inIsBigEndian;
+    /** Input charset family. @see U_CHARSET_FAMILY @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    uint8_t inCharset;
+    /** Output endianness. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UBool outIsBigEndian;
+    /** Output charset family. @see U_CHARSET_FAMILY @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    uint8_t outCharset;
+    /* basic functions for reading data values */
+    /** Convert one uint16_t from input to platform endianness. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataReadUInt16 *readUInt16;
+    /** Convert one uint32_t from input to platform endianness. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataReadUInt32 *readUInt32;
+    /** Compare an invariant-character output string with a local one. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataCompareInvChars *compareInvChars;
+    /* basic functions for writing data values */
+    /** Convert one uint16_t from platform to input endianness. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataWriteUInt16 *writeUInt16;
+    /** Convert one uint32_t from platform to input endianness. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataWriteUInt32 *writeUInt32;
+    /* basic functions for data transformations */
+    /** Transform an array of 16-bit integers. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataSwapFn *swapArray16;
+    /** Transform an array of 32-bit integers. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataSwapFn *swapArray32;
+    /** Transform an array of 64-bit integers. @internal ICU 53 */
+    UDataSwapFn *swapArray64;
+    /** Transform an invariant-character string. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    UDataSwapFn *swapInvChars;
+    /**
+     * Function for message output when an error occurs during data swapping.
+     * Can be NULL.
+     * @internal ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UDataPrintError *printError;
+    /** Context pointer for printError. @internal ICU 2.8 */
+    void *printErrorContext;
+U_CAPI UDataSwapper * U_EXPORT2
+udata_openSwapper(UBool inIsBigEndian, uint8_t inCharset,
+                  UBool outIsBigEndian, uint8_t outCharset,
+                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Open a UDataSwapper for the given input data and the specified output
+ * characteristics.
+ * Values of -1 for any of the characteristics mean the local platform's
+ * characteristics.
+ *
+ * @see udata_swap
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_CAPI UDataSwapper * U_EXPORT2
+udata_openSwapperForInputData(const void *data, int32_t length,
+                              UBool outIsBigEndian, uint8_t outCharset,
+                              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+udata_closeSwapper(UDataSwapper *ds);
+ * Read the beginning of an ICU data piece, recognize magic bytes,
+ * swap the structure.
+ * Set a U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR if it does not look like an ICU data piece.
+ *
+ * @return The size of the data header, in bytes.
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udata_swapDataHeader(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                     const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert one int16_t from input to platform endianness.
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_CAPI int16_t U_EXPORT2
+udata_readInt16(const UDataSwapper *ds, int16_t x);
+ * Convert one int32_t from input to platform endianness.
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udata_readInt32(const UDataSwapper *ds, int32_t x);
+ * Swap a block of invariant, NUL-terminated strings, but not padding
+ * bytes after the last string.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udata_swapInvStringBlock(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                         const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+udata_printError(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                 const char *fmt,
+                 ...);
+/* internal exports from putil.c -------------------------------------------- */
+/* declared here to keep them out of the public putil.h */
+ * Swap invariant char * strings ASCII->EBCDIC.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_ebcdicFromAscii(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                     const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Copy invariant ASCII char * strings and verify they are invariant.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+uprv_copyAscii(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+               const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swap invariant char * strings EBCDIC->ASCII.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+uprv_asciiFromEbcdic(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                     const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Copy invariant EBCDIC char * strings and verify they are invariant.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+uprv_copyEbcdic(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Compare ASCII invariant char * with Unicode invariant UChar *
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+uprv_compareInvAscii(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                     const char *outString, int32_t outLength,
+                     const UChar *localString, int32_t localLength);
+ * Compare EBCDIC invariant char * with Unicode invariant UChar *
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+uprv_compareInvEbcdic(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                      const char *outString, int32_t outLength,
+                      const UChar *localString, int32_t localLength);
+ * \def uprv_compareInvWithUChar
+ * Compare an invariant-character strings with a UChar string
+ * @internal
+ */
+#   define uprv_compareInvWithUChar uprv_compareInvAscii
+#   define uprv_compareInvWithUChar uprv_compareInvEbcdic
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+// utrie_swap.cpp -----------------------------------------------------------***
+ * Swaps a serialized UTrie.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+           const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swaps a serialized UTrie2.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie2_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+            const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swaps a serialized UCPTrie.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucptrie_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+             const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swaps a serialized UTrie, UTrie2, or UCPTrie.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_swapAnyVersion(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                     const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* material... -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if 0
+/* udata.h */
+ * Public API function in udata.c
+ *
+ * Same as udata_openChoice() but automatically swaps the data.
+ * isAcceptable, if not NULL, may accept data with endianness and charset family
+ * different from the current platform's properties.
+ * If the data is acceptable and the platform properties do not match, then
+ * the swap function is called to swap an allocated version of the data.
+ * Preflighting may or may not be performed depending on whether the size of
+ * the loaded data item is known.
+ *
+ * @param isAcceptable Same as for udata_openChoice(). May be NULL.
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_CAPI UDataMemory * U_EXPORT2
+udata_openSwap(const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
+               UDataMemoryIsAcceptable *isAcceptable, void *isAcceptableContext,
+               UDataSwapFn *swap,
+               UDataPrintError *printError, void *printErrorContext,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uelement.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uelement.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f36a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uelement.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uelement.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2011jul04
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Common definitions for UHashTable and UVector.
+*   UHashTok moved here from uhash.h and renamed UElement.
+*   This allows users of UVector to avoid the confusing #include of uhash.h.
+*   uhash.h aliases UElement to UHashTok,
+*   so that we need not change all of its code and its users.
+#ifndef __UELEMENT_H__
+#define __UELEMENT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * A UVector element, or a key or value within a UHashtable.
+ * It may be either a 32-bit integral value or an opaque void* pointer.
+ * The void* pointer may be smaller than 32 bits (e.g. 24 bits)
+ * or may be larger (e.g. 64 bits).
+ *
+ * Because a UElement is the size of a native pointer or a 32-bit
+ * integer, we pass it around by value.
+ */
+union UElement {
+    void*   pointer;
+    int32_t integer;
+typedef union UElement UElement;
+ * An element-equality (boolean) comparison function.
+ * @param e1 An element (object or integer)
+ * @param e2 An element (object or integer)
+ * @return TRUE if the two elements are equal.
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV UElementsAreEqual(const UElement e1, const UElement e2);
+ * An element sorting (three-way) comparison function.
+ * @param e1 An element (object or integer)
+ * @param e2 An element (object or integer)
+ * @return 0 if the two elements are equal, -1 if e1 is < e2, or +1 if e1 is > e2.
+ */
+typedef int8_t U_CALLCONV UElementComparator(UElement e1, UElement e2);
+ * An element assignment function.  It may copy an integer, copy
+ * a pointer, or clone a pointer, as appropriate.
+ * @param dst The element to be assigned to
+ * @param src The element to assign from
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV UElementAssigner(UElement *dst, UElement *src);
+ * Comparator function for UnicodeString* keys. Implements UElementsAreEqual.
+ * @param key1 The string for comparison
+ * @param key2 The string for comparison
+ * @return true if key1 and key2 are equal, return false otherwise.
+ */
+uhash_compareUnicodeString(const UElement key1, const UElement key2);
+ * Comparator function for UnicodeString* keys (case insensitive).
+ * Make sure to use together with uhash_hashCaselessUnicodeString.
+ * Implements UElementsAreEqual.
+ * @param key1 The string for comparison
+ * @param key2 The string for comparison
+ * @return true if key1 and key2 are equal, return false otherwise.
+ */
+uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString(const UElement key1, const UElement key2);
+#endif  /* __UELEMENT_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uenumimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uenumimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c9df75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uenumimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2006, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uenumimp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:2
+*   created on: 2002jul08
+*   created by: Vladimir Weinstein
+#ifndef __UENUMIMP_H
+#define __UENUMIMP_H
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+ * following are the type declarations for 
+ * implementations of APIs. If any of these
+ * functions are NULL, U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
+ * is returned. If close is NULL, the enumeration
+ * object is going to be released.
+ * Initial error checking is done in the body
+ * of API function, so the implementations 
+ * need not to check the initial error condition.
+ */
+ * Function type declaration for uenum_close().
+ *
+ * This function should cleanup the enumerator object
+ *
+ * @param en enumeration to be closed
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UEnumClose(UEnumeration *en);
+ * Function type declaration for uenum_count().
+ *
+ * This function should count the number of elements
+ * in this enumeration
+ *
+ * @param en enumeration to be counted
+ * @param status pointer to UErrorCode variable
+ * @return number of elements in enumeration
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UEnumCount(UEnumeration *en, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Function type declaration for uenum_unext().
+ *
+ * This function returns the next element as a UChar *,
+ * or NULL after all elements haven been enumerated.
+ *
+ * @param en enumeration 
+ * @param resultLength pointer to result length
+ * @param status pointer to UErrorCode variable
+ * @return next element as UChar *,
+ *         or NULL after all elements haven been enumerated
+ */
+typedef const UChar* U_CALLCONV 
+UEnumUNext(UEnumeration* en,
+            int32_t* resultLength,
+            UErrorCode* status);
+ * Function type declaration for uenum_next().
+ *
+ * This function returns the next element as a char *,
+ * or NULL after all elements haven been enumerated.
+ *
+ * @param en enumeration 
+ * @param resultLength pointer to result length
+ * @param status pointer to UErrorCode variable
+ * @return next element as char *,
+ *         or NULL after all elements haven been enumerated
+ */
+typedef const char* U_CALLCONV 
+UEnumNext(UEnumeration* en,
+           int32_t* resultLength,
+           UErrorCode* status);
+ * Function type declaration for uenum_reset().
+ *
+ * This function should reset the enumeration 
+ * object
+ *
+ * @param en enumeration 
+ * @param status pointer to UErrorCode variable
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV 
+UEnumReset(UEnumeration* en, 
+            UErrorCode* status);
+struct UEnumeration {
+    /* baseContext. For the base class only. Don't touch! */
+    void *baseContext;
+    /* context. Use it for what you need */
+    void *context;
+    /** 
+     * these are functions that will 
+     * be used for APIs
+     */
+    /* called from uenum_close */
+    UEnumClose *close;
+    /* called from uenum_count */
+    UEnumCount *count;
+    /* called from uenum_unext */
+    UEnumUNext *uNext;
+    /* called from uenum_next */
+    UEnumNext  *next;
+    /* called from uenum_reset */
+    UEnumReset *reset;
+/* This is the default implementation for uenum_unext().
+ * It automatically converts the char * string to UChar *.
+ * Don't call this directly.  This is called internally by uenum_unext
+ * when a UEnumeration is defined with 'uNext' pointing to this
+ * function.
+ */
+U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+uenum_unextDefault(UEnumeration* en,
+            int32_t* resultLength,
+            UErrorCode* status);
+/* This is the default implementation for uenum_next().
+ * It automatically converts the UChar * string to char *.
+ * Don't call this directly.  This is called internally by uenum_next
+ * when a UEnumeration is defined with 'next' pointing to this
+ * function.
+ */
+U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
+uenum_nextDefault(UEnumeration* en,
+            int32_t* resultLength,
+            UErrorCode* status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uhash.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uhash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59d271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uhash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   03/22/00    aliu        Adapted from original C++ ICU Hashtable.
+*   07/06/01    aliu        Modified to support int32_t keys on
+*                           platforms with sizeof(void*) < 32.
+#ifndef UHASH_H
+#define UHASH_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "uelement.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * UHashtable stores key-value pairs and does moderately fast lookup
+ * based on keys.  It provides a good tradeoff between access time and
+ * storage space.  As elements are added to it, it grows to accomodate
+ * them.  By default, the table never shrinks, even if all elements
+ * are removed from it.
+ *
+ * Keys and values are stored as void* pointers.  These void* pointers
+ * may be actual pointers to strings, objects, or any other structure
+ * in memory, or they may simply be integral values cast to void*.
+ * UHashtable doesn't care and manipulates them via user-supplied
+ * functions.  These functions hash keys, compare keys, delete keys,
+ * and delete values.  Some function pointers are optional (may be
+ * NULL); others must be supplied.  Several prebuilt functions exist
+ * to handle common key types.
+ *
+ * UHashtable ownership of keys and values is flexible, and controlled
+ * by whether or not the key deleter and value deleter functions are
+ * set.  If a void* key is actually a pointer to a deletable object,
+ * then UHashtable can be made to delete that object by setting the
+ * key deleter function pointer to a non-NULL value.  If this is done,
+ * then keys passed to uhash_put() are owned by the hashtable and will
+ * be deleted by it at some point, either as keys are replaced, or
+ * when uhash_close() is finally called.  The same is true of values
+ * and the value deleter function pointer.  Keys passed to methods
+ * other than uhash_put() are never owned by the hashtable.
+ *
+ * NULL values are not allowed.  uhash_get() returns NULL to indicate
+ * a key that is not in the table, and having a NULL value in the
+ * table would generate an ambiguous result.  If a key and a NULL
+ * value is passed to uhash_put(), this has the effect of doing a
+ * uhash_remove() on that key.  This keeps uhash_get(), uhash_count(),
+ * and uhash_nextElement() consistent with one another.
+ *
+ * To see everything in a hashtable, use uhash_nextElement() to
+ * iterate through its contents.  Each call to this function returns a
+ * UHashElement pointer.  A hash element contains a key, value, and
+ * hashcode.  During iteration an element may be deleted by calling
+ * uhash_removeElement(); iteration may safely continue thereafter.
+ * The uhash_remove() function may also be safely called in
+ * mid-iteration.  If uhash_put() is called during iteration,
+ * the iteration is still guaranteed to terminate reasonably, but
+ * there is no guarantee that every element will be returned or that
+ * some won't be returned more than once.
+ *
+ * Under no circumstances should the UHashElement returned by
+ * uhash_nextElement be modified directly.
+ *
+ * By default, the hashtable grows when necessary, but never shrinks,
+ * even if all items are removed.  For most applications this is
+ * optimal.  However, in a highly dynamic usage where memory is at a
+ * premium, the table can be set to both grow and shrink by calling
+ * uhash_setResizePolicy() with the policy U_GROW_AND_SHRINK.  In a
+ * situation where memory is critical and the client wants a table
+ * that does not grow at all, the constant U_FIXED can be used.
+ */
+ * Data Structures
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * A key or value within a UHashtable.
+ * The hashing and comparison functions take a pointer to a
+ * UHashTok, but the deleter receives the void* pointer within it.
+ */
+typedef UElement UHashTok;
+ * This is a single hash element.
+ */
+struct UHashElement {
+    /* Reorder these elements to pack nicely if necessary */
+    int32_t  hashcode;
+    UHashTok value;
+    UHashTok key;
+typedef struct UHashElement UHashElement;
+ * A hashing function.
+ * @param key A key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return A NON-NEGATIVE hash code for parm.
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV UHashFunction(const UHashTok key);
+ * A key equality (boolean) comparison function.
+ */
+typedef UElementsAreEqual UKeyComparator;
+ * A value equality (boolean) comparison function.
+ */
+typedef UElementsAreEqual UValueComparator;
+/* see cmemory.h for UObjectDeleter and uprv_deleteUObject() */
+ * This specifies whether or not, and how, the hastable resizes itself.
+ * See uhash_setResizePolicy().
+ */
+enum UHashResizePolicy {
+    U_GROW,            /* Grow on demand, do not shrink */
+    U_GROW_AND_SHRINK, /* Grow and shrink on demand */
+    U_FIXED            /* Never change size */
+ * The UHashtable struct.  Clients should treat this as an opaque data
+ * type and manipulate it only through the uhash_... API.
+ */
+struct UHashtable {
+    /* Main key-value pair storage array */
+    UHashElement *elements;
+    /* Function pointers */
+    UHashFunction *keyHasher;      /* Computes hash from key.
+                                   * Never null. */
+    UKeyComparator *keyComparator; /* Compares keys for equality.
+                                   * Never null. */
+    UValueComparator *valueComparator; /* Compares the values for equality */
+    UObjectDeleter *keyDeleter;    /* Deletes keys when required.
+                                   * If NULL won't do anything */
+    UObjectDeleter *valueDeleter;  /* Deletes values when required.
+                                   * If NULL won't do anything */
+    /* Size parameters */
+    int32_t     count;      /* The number of key-value pairs in this table.
+                             * 0 <= count <= length.  In practice we
+                             * never let count == length (see code). */
+    int32_t     length;     /* The physical size of the arrays hashes, keys
+                             * and values.  Must be prime. */
+    /* Rehashing thresholds */
+    int32_t     highWaterMark;  /* If count > highWaterMark, rehash */
+    int32_t     lowWaterMark;   /* If count < lowWaterMark, rehash */
+    float       highWaterRatio; /* 0..1; high water as a fraction of length */
+    float       lowWaterRatio;  /* 0..1; low water as a fraction of length */
+    int8_t      primeIndex;     /* Index into our prime table for length.
+                                 * length == PRIMES[primeIndex] */
+    UBool       allocated; /* Was this UHashtable allocated? */
+typedef struct UHashtable UHashtable;
+ * API
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Initialize a new UHashtable.
+ * @param keyHash A pointer to the key hashing function.  Must not be
+ * NULL.
+ * @param keyComp A pointer to the function that compares keys.  Must
+ * not be NULL.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UHashtable, or 0 if an error occurred.
+ * @see uhash_openSize
+ */
+U_CAPI UHashtable* U_EXPORT2
+uhash_open(UHashFunction *keyHash,
+           UKeyComparator *keyComp,
+           UValueComparator *valueComp,
+           UErrorCode *status);
+ * Initialize a new UHashtable with a given initial size.
+ * @param keyHash A pointer to the key hashing function.  Must not be
+ * NULL.
+ * @param keyComp A pointer to the function that compares keys.  Must
+ * not be NULL.
+ * @param size The initial capacity of this hash table.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UHashtable, or 0 if an error occurred.
+ * @see uhash_open
+ */
+U_CAPI UHashtable* U_EXPORT2
+uhash_openSize(UHashFunction *keyHash,
+               UKeyComparator *keyComp,
+               UValueComparator *valueComp,
+               int32_t size,
+               UErrorCode *status);
+ * Initialize an existing UHashtable.
+ * @param keyHash A pointer to the key hashing function.  Must not be
+ * NULL.
+ * @param keyComp A pointer to the function that compares keys.  Must
+ * not be NULL.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UHashtable, or 0 if an error occurred.
+ * @see uhash_openSize
+ */
+U_CAPI UHashtable* U_EXPORT2
+uhash_init(UHashtable *hash,
+           UHashFunction *keyHash,
+           UKeyComparator *keyComp,
+           UValueComparator *valueComp,
+           UErrorCode *status);
+ * Initialize an existing UHashtable.
+ * @param keyHash A pointer to the key hashing function.  Must not be
+ * NULL.
+ * @param keyComp A pointer to the function that compares keys.  Must
+ * not be NULL.
+ * @param size The initial capacity of this hash table.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UHashtable, or 0 if an error occurred.
+ * @see uhash_openSize
+ */
+U_CAPI UHashtable* U_EXPORT2
+uhash_initSize(UHashtable *hash,
+               UHashFunction *keyHash,
+               UKeyComparator *keyComp,
+               UValueComparator *valueComp,
+               int32_t size,
+               UErrorCode *status);
+ * Close a UHashtable, releasing the memory used.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to close. If hash is NULL no operation is performed.
+ */
+uhash_close(UHashtable *hash);
+ * Set the function used to hash keys.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to set
+ * @param fn the function to be used hash keys; must not be NULL
+ * @return the previous key hasher; non-NULL
+ */
+U_CAPI UHashFunction *U_EXPORT2
+uhash_setKeyHasher(UHashtable *hash, UHashFunction *fn);
+ * Set the function used to compare keys.  The default comparison is a
+ * void* pointer comparison.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to set
+ * @param fn the function to be used compare keys; must not be NULL
+ * @return the previous key comparator; non-NULL
+ */
+U_CAPI UKeyComparator *U_EXPORT2
+uhash_setKeyComparator(UHashtable *hash, UKeyComparator *fn);
+ * Set the function used to compare values.  The default comparison is a
+ * void* pointer comparison.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to set
+ * @param fn the function to be used compare keys; must not be NULL
+ * @return the previous key comparator; non-NULL
+ */
+U_CAPI UValueComparator *U_EXPORT2
+uhash_setValueComparator(UHashtable *hash, UValueComparator *fn);
+ * Set the function used to delete keys.  If this function pointer is
+ * NULL, this hashtable does not delete keys.  If it is non-NULL, this
+ * hashtable does delete keys.  This function should be set once
+ * before any elements are added to the hashtable and should not be
+ * changed thereafter.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to set
+ * @param fn the function to be used delete keys, or NULL
+ * @return the previous key deleter; may be NULL
+ */
+U_CAPI UObjectDeleter *U_EXPORT2
+uhash_setKeyDeleter(UHashtable *hash, UObjectDeleter *fn);
+ * Set the function used to delete values.  If this function pointer
+ * is NULL, this hashtable does not delete values.  If it is non-NULL,
+ * this hashtable does delete values.  This function should be set
+ * once before any elements are added to the hashtable and should not
+ * be changed thereafter.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to set
+ * @param fn the function to be used delete values, or NULL
+ * @return the previous value deleter; may be NULL
+ */
+U_CAPI UObjectDeleter *U_EXPORT2
+uhash_setValueDeleter(UHashtable *hash, UObjectDeleter *fn);
+ * Specify whether or not, and how, the hastable resizes itself.
+ * By default, tables grow but do not shrink (policy U_GROW).
+ * See enum UHashResizePolicy.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to set
+ * @param policy The way the hashtable resizes itself, {U_GROW, U_GROW_AND_SHRINK, U_FIXED}
+ */
+uhash_setResizePolicy(UHashtable *hash, enum UHashResizePolicy policy);
+ * Get the number of key-value pairs stored in a UHashtable.
+ * @param hash The UHashtable to query.
+ * @return The number of key-value pairs stored in hash.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_count(const UHashtable *hash);
+ * Put a (key=pointer, value=pointer) item in a UHashtable.  If the
+ * keyDeleter is non-NULL, then the hashtable owns 'key' after this
+ * call.  If the valueDeleter is non-NULL, then the hashtable owns
+ * 'value' after this call.  Storing a NULL value is the same as
+ * calling uhash_remove().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key The key to store.
+ * @param value The value to store, may be NULL (see above).
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The previous value, or NULL if none.
+ * @see uhash_get
+ */
+uhash_put(UHashtable *hash,
+          void *key,
+          void *value,
+          UErrorCode *status);
+ * Put a (key=integer, value=pointer) item in a UHashtable.
+ * keyDeleter must be NULL.  If the valueDeleter is non-NULL, then the
+ * hashtable owns 'value' after this call.  Storing a NULL value is
+ * the same as calling uhash_remove().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key The integer key to store.
+ * @param value The value to store, may be NULL (see above).
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The previous value, or NULL if none.
+ * @see uhash_get
+ */
+uhash_iput(UHashtable *hash,
+           int32_t key,
+           void* value,
+           UErrorCode *status);
+ * Put a (key=pointer, value=integer) item in a UHashtable.  If the
+ * keyDeleter is non-NULL, then the hashtable owns 'key' after this
+ * call.  valueDeleter must be NULL.  Storing a 0 value is the same as
+ * calling uhash_remove().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key The key to store.
+ * @param value The integer value to store.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The previous value, or 0 if none.
+ * @see uhash_get
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_puti(UHashtable *hash,
+           void* key,
+           int32_t value,
+           UErrorCode *status);
+ * Put a (key=integer, value=integer) item in a UHashtable.  If the
+ * keyDeleter is non-NULL, then the hashtable owns 'key' after this
+ * call.  valueDeleter must be NULL.  Storing a 0 value is the same as
+ * calling uhash_remove().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key The key to store.
+ * @param value The integer value to store.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The previous value, or 0 if none.
+ * @see uhash_get
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_iputi(UHashtable *hash,
+           int32_t key,
+           int32_t value,
+           UErrorCode *status);
+ * Retrieve a pointer value from a UHashtable using a pointer key,
+ * as previously stored by uhash_put().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key A pointer key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The requested item, or NULL if not found.
+ */
+uhash_get(const UHashtable *hash,
+          const void *key);
+ * Retrieve a pointer value from a UHashtable using a integer key,
+ * as previously stored by uhash_iput().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key An integer key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The requested item, or NULL if not found.
+ */
+uhash_iget(const UHashtable *hash,
+           int32_t key);
+ * Retrieve an integer value from a UHashtable using a pointer key,
+ * as previously stored by uhash_puti().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key A pointer key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The requested item, or 0 if not found.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_geti(const UHashtable *hash,
+           const void* key);
+ * Retrieve an integer value from a UHashtable using an integer key,
+ * as previously stored by uhash_iputi().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key An integer key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The requested item, or 0 if not found.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_igeti(const UHashtable *hash,
+           int32_t key);
+ * Remove an item from a UHashtable stored by uhash_put().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key A key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The item removed, or NULL if not found.
+ */
+uhash_remove(UHashtable *hash,
+             const void *key);
+ * Remove an item from a UHashtable stored by uhash_iput().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key An integer key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The item removed, or NULL if not found.
+ */
+uhash_iremove(UHashtable *hash,
+              int32_t key);
+ * Remove an item from a UHashtable stored by uhash_puti().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key An key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The item removed, or 0 if not found.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_removei(UHashtable *hash,
+              const void* key);
+ * Remove an item from a UHashtable stored by uhash_iputi().
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key An integer key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return The item removed, or 0 if not found.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_iremovei(UHashtable *hash,
+               int32_t key);
+ * Remove all items from a UHashtable.
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ */
+uhash_removeAll(UHashtable *hash);
+ * Locate an element of a UHashtable.  The caller must not modify the
+ * returned object.  The primary use of this function is to obtain the
+ * stored key when it may not be identical to the search key.  For
+ * example, if the compare function is a case-insensitive string
+ * compare, then the hash key may be desired in order to obtain the
+ * canonical case corresponding to a search key.
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param key A key stored in a hashtable
+ * @return a hash element, or NULL if the key is not found.
+ */
+U_CAPI const UHashElement* U_EXPORT2
+uhash_find(const UHashtable *hash, const void* key);
+ * \def UHASH_FIRST
+ * Constant for use with uhash_nextElement
+ * @see uhash_nextElement
+ */
+#define UHASH_FIRST (-1)
+ * Iterate through the elements of a UHashtable.  The caller must not
+ * modify the returned object.  However, uhash_removeElement() may be
+ * called during iteration to remove an element from the table.
+ * Iteration may safely be resumed afterwards.  If uhash_put() is
+ * called during iteration the iteration will then be out of sync and
+ * should be restarted.
+ * @param hash The target UHashtable.
+ * @param pos This should be set to UHASH_FIRST initially, and left untouched
+ * thereafter.
+ * @return a hash element, or NULL if no further key-value pairs
+ * exist in the table.
+ */
+U_CAPI const UHashElement* U_EXPORT2
+uhash_nextElement(const UHashtable *hash,
+                  int32_t *pos);
+ * Remove an element, returned by uhash_nextElement(), from the table.
+ * Iteration may be safely continued afterwards.
+ * @param hash The hashtable
+ * @param e The element, returned by uhash_nextElement(), to remove.
+ * Must not be NULL.  Must not be an empty or deleted element (as long
+ * as this was returned by uhash_nextElement() it will not be empty or
+ * deleted).  Note: Although this parameter is const, it will be
+ * modified.
+ * @return the value that was removed.
+ */
+uhash_removeElement(UHashtable *hash, const UHashElement* e);
+ * UHashTok convenience
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Return a UHashTok for an integer.
+ * @param i The given integer
+ * @return a UHashTok for an integer.
+ */
+uhash_toki(int32_t i);*/
+ * Return a UHashTok for a pointer.
+ * @param p The given pointer
+ * @return a UHashTok for a pointer.
+ */
+uhash_tokp(void* p);*/
+ * UChar* and char* Support Functions
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Generate a hash code for a null-terminated UChar* string.  If the
+ * string is not null-terminated do not use this function.  Use
+ * together with uhash_compareUChars.
+ * @param key The string (const UChar*) to hash.
+ * @return A hash code for the key.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashUChars(const UHashTok key);
+ * Generate a hash code for a null-terminated char* string.  If the
+ * string is not null-terminated do not use this function.  Use
+ * together with uhash_compareChars.
+ * @param key The string (const char*) to hash.
+ * @return A hash code for the key.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashChars(const UHashTok key);
+ * Generate a case-insensitive hash code for a null-terminated char*
+ * string.  If the string is not null-terminated do not use this
+ * function.  Use together with uhash_compareIChars.
+ * @param key The string (const char*) to hash.
+ * @return A hash code for the key.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashIChars(const UHashTok key);
+ * Comparator for null-terminated UChar* strings.  Use together with
+ * uhash_hashUChars.
+ * @param key1 The string for comparison
+ * @param key2 The string for comparison
+ * @return true if key1 and key2 are equal, return false otherwise.
+ */
+uhash_compareUChars(const UHashTok key1, const UHashTok key2);
+ * Comparator for null-terminated char* strings.  Use together with
+ * uhash_hashChars.
+ * @param key1 The string for comparison
+ * @param key2 The string for comparison
+ * @return true if key1 and key2 are equal, return false otherwise.
+ */
+uhash_compareChars(const UHashTok key1, const UHashTok key2);
+ * Case-insensitive comparator for null-terminated char* strings.  Use
+ * together with uhash_hashIChars.
+ * @param key1 The string for comparison
+ * @param key2 The string for comparison
+ * @return true if key1 and key2 are equal, return false otherwise.
+ */
+uhash_compareIChars(const UHashTok key1, const UHashTok key2);
+ * UnicodeString Support Functions
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Hash function for UnicodeString* keys.
+ * @param key The string (const char*) to hash.
+ * @return A hash code for the key.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashUnicodeString(const UElement key);
+ * Hash function for UnicodeString* keys (case insensitive).
+ * Make sure to use together with uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString.
+ * @param key The string (const char*) to hash.
+ * @return A hash code for the key.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashCaselessUnicodeString(const UElement key);
+ * int32_t Support Functions
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Hash function for 32-bit integer keys.
+ * @param key The string (const char*) to hash.
+ * @return A hash code for the key.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uhash_hashLong(const UHashTok key);
+ * Comparator function for 32-bit integer keys.
+ * @param key1 The integer for comparison
+ * @param Key2 The integer for comparison
+ * @return true if key1 and key2 are equal, return false otherwise
+ */
+uhash_compareLong(const UHashTok key1, const UHashTok key2);
+ * Other Support Functions
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Deleter for Hashtable objects.
+ * @param obj The object to be deleted
+ */
+uhash_deleteHashtable(void *obj);
+/* Use uprv_free() itself as a deleter for any key or value allocated using uprv_malloc. */
+ * Checks if the given hash tables are equal or not.
+ * @param hash1
+ * @param hash2
+ * @return true if the hashtables are equal and false if not.
+ */
+uhash_equals(const UHashtable* hash1, const UHashtable* hash2);
+ * \class LocalUHashtablePointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UHashtable via uhash_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUHashtablePointer, UHashtable, uhash_close);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uinvchar.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uinvchar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a43cfcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uinvchar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uinvchar.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:2
+*   created on: 2004sep14
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Definitions for handling invariant characters, moved here from putil.c
+*   for better modularization.
+#ifndef __UINVCHAR_H__
+#define __UINVCHAR_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * Check if a char string only contains invariant characters.
+ * See utypes.h for details.
+ *
+ * @param s Input string pointer.
+ * @param length Length of the string, can be -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @return TRUE if s contains only invariant characters.
+ *
+ * @internal (ICU 2.8)
+ */
+uprv_isInvariantString(const char *s, int32_t length);
+ * Check if a Unicode string only contains invariant characters.
+ * See utypes.h for details.
+ *
+ * @param s Input string pointer.
+ * @param length Length of the string, can be -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @return TRUE if s contains only invariant characters.
+ *
+ * @internal (ICU 2.8)
+ */
+uprv_isInvariantUString(const UChar *s, int32_t length);
+ * Get the ordinal number of an uppercase invariant character
+ * @internal
+ */
+#   define U_UPPER_ORDINAL(x) ((x)-'A')
+#   define U_UPPER_ORDINAL(x) (((x) < 'J') ? ((x)-'A') : \
+                              (((x) < 'S') ? ((x)-'J'+9) : \
+                               ((x)-'S'+18)))
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ * Like U_UPPER_ORDINAL(x) but with validation.
+ * Returns 0..25 for A..Z else a value outside 0..25.
+ */
+inline int32_t uprv_upperOrdinal(int32_t c) {
+    return c - 'A';
+    // EBCDIC: A-Z (26 letters) is split into three ranges A-I (9 letters), J-R (9), S-Z (8).
+    //
+    if (c <= 'I') { return c - 'A'; }  // A-I --> 0-8
+    if (c < 'J') { return -1; }
+    if (c <= 'R') { return c - 'J' + 9; }  // J-R --> 9..17
+    if (c < 'S') { return -1; }
+    return c - 'S' + 18;  // S-Z --> 18..25
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+// Like U_UPPER_ORDINAL(x) but for lowercase and with validation.
+// Returns 0..25 for a..z else a value outside 0..25.
+inline int32_t uprv_lowerOrdinal(int32_t c) {
+    return c - 'a';
+    // EBCDIC: a-z (26 letters) is split into three ranges a-i (9 letters), j-r (9), s-z (8).
+    //
+    if (c <= 'i') { return c - 'a'; }  // a-i --> 0-8
+    if (c < 'j') { return -1; }
+    if (c <= 'r') { return c - 'j' + 9; }  // j-r --> 9..17
+    if (c < 's') { return -1; }
+    return c - 's' + 18;  // s-z --> 18..25
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+ * Returns true if c == '@' is possible.
+ * The @ sign is variant, and the @ sign used on one
+ * EBCDIC machine won't be compiled the same way on other EBCDIC based machines.
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_isEbcdicAtSign(char c);
+ * \def uprv_isAtSign
+ * Returns true if c == '@' is possible.
+ * For ASCII, checks for exactly '@'. For EBCDIC, calls uprv_isEbcdicAtSign().
+ * @internal
+ */
+#   define uprv_isAtSign(c) ((c)=='@')
+#   define uprv_isAtSign(c) uprv_isEbcdicAtSign(c)
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+ * Compare two EBCDIC invariant-character strings in ASCII order.
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_compareInvEbcdicAsAscii(const char *s1, const char *s2);
+ * \def uprv_compareInvCharsAsAscii
+ * Compare two invariant-character strings in ASCII order.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#   define uprv_compareInvCharsAsAscii(s1, s2) uprv_strcmp(s1, s2)
+#   define uprv_compareInvCharsAsAscii(s1, s2) uprv_compareInvEbcdicAsAscii(s1, s2)
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+ * Converts an EBCDIC invariant character to ASCII.
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_ebcdicToAscii(char c);
+ * \def uprv_invCharToAscii
+ * Converts an invariant character to ASCII.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#   define uprv_invCharToAscii(c) (c)
+#   define uprv_invCharToAscii(c) uprv_ebcdicToAscii(c)
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+ * Converts an EBCDIC invariant character to lowercase ASCII.
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_ebcdicToLowercaseAscii(char c);
+ * \def uprv_invCharToLowercaseAscii
+ * Converts an invariant character to lowercase ASCII.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#   define uprv_invCharToLowercaseAscii uprv_asciitolower
+#   define uprv_invCharToLowercaseAscii uprv_ebcdicToLowercaseAscii
+#   error Unknown charset family!
+ * Copy EBCDIC to ASCII
+ * @internal
+ * @see uprv_strncpy
+ */
+uprv_aestrncpy(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, int32_t n);
+ * Copy ASCII to EBCDIC
+ * @internal
+ * @see uprv_strncpy
+ */
+uprv_eastrncpy(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, int32_t n);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uitercollationiterator.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uitercollationiterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62b6f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uitercollationiterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* uitercollationiterator.h
+* created on: 2012sep23 (from utf16collationiterator.h)
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uiter.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "collationdata.h"
+#include "collationiterator.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
+ * UCharIterator-based collation element and character iterator.
+ * Handles normalized text inline, with length or NUL-terminated.
+ * Unnormalized text is handled by a subclass.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API UIterCollationIterator : public CollationIterator {
+    UIterCollationIterator(const CollationData *d, UBool numeric, UCharIterator &ui)
+            : CollationIterator(d, numeric), iter(ui) {}
+    virtual ~UIterCollationIterator();
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset);
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const;
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar handleGetTrailSurrogate();
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UCharIterator &iter;
+ * Incrementally checks the input text for FCD and normalizes where necessary.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FCDUIterCollationIterator : public UIterCollationIterator {
+    FCDUIterCollationIterator(const CollationData *data, UBool numeric, UCharIterator &ui, int32_t startIndex)
+            : UIterCollationIterator(data, numeric, ui),
+              state(ITER_CHECK_FWD), start(startIndex),
+              nfcImpl(data->nfcImpl) {}
+    virtual ~FCDUIterCollationIterator();
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset);
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const;
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar handleGetTrailSurrogate();
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Switches to forward checking if possible.
+     */
+    void switchToForward();
+    /**
+     * Extends the FCD text segment forward or normalizes around pos.
+     * @return TRUE if success
+     */
+    UBool nextSegment(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Switches to backward checking.
+     */
+    void switchToBackward();
+    /**
+     * Extends the FCD text segment backward or normalizes around pos.
+     * @return TRUE if success
+     */
+    UBool previousSegment(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool normalize(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    enum State {
+        /**
+         * The input text [start..(iter index)[ passes the FCD check.
+         * Moving forward checks incrementally.
+         * pos & limit are undefined.
+         */
+        ITER_CHECK_FWD,
+        /**
+         * The input text [(iter index)..limit[ passes the FCD check.
+         * Moving backward checks incrementally.
+         * start & pos are undefined.
+         */
+        ITER_CHECK_BWD,
+        /**
+         * The input text [start..limit[ passes the FCD check.
+         * pos tracks the current text index.
+         */
+        /**
+         * The input text [start..limit[ failed the FCD check and was normalized.
+         * pos tracks the current index in the normalized string.
+         * The text iterator is at the limit index.
+         */
+        /**
+         * The input text [start..limit[ failed the FCD check and was normalized.
+         * pos tracks the current index in the normalized string.
+         * The text iterator is at the start index.
+         */
+    };
+    State state;
+    int32_t start;
+    int32_t pos;
+    int32_t limit;
+    const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
+    UnicodeString normalized;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ulayout_props.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ulayout_props.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0f028c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ulayout_props.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// ulayout_props.h
+// created: 2019feb12 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __ULAYOUT_PROPS_H__
+#define __ULAYOUT_PROPS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// file definitions ------------------------------------------------------------
+#define ULAYOUT_DATA_NAME "ulayout"
+#define ULAYOUT_DATA_TYPE "icu"
+// data format "Layo"
+#define ULAYOUT_FMT_0 0x4c
+#define ULAYOUT_FMT_1 0x61
+#define ULAYOUT_FMT_2 0x79
+#define ULAYOUT_FMT_3 0x6f
+// indexes into indexes[]
+enum {
+    // Element 0 stores the length of the indexes[] array.
+    // Elements 1..7 store the tops of consecutive code point tries.
+    // No trie is stored if the difference between two of these is less than 16.
+    // Length of indexes[]. Multiple of 4 to 16-align the tries.
+constexpr int32_t ULAYOUT_MAX_INPC_SHIFT = 24;
+constexpr int32_t ULAYOUT_MAX_INSC_SHIFT = 16;
+constexpr int32_t ULAYOUT_MAX_VO_SHIFT = 8;
+#endif  // __ULAYOUT_PROPS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ulist.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ulist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de58a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ulist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef ULIST_H
+#define ULIST_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+struct UList;
+typedef struct UList UList;
+U_CAPI UList * U_EXPORT2 ulist_createEmptyList(UErrorCode *status);
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ulist_addItemEndList(UList *list, const void *data, UBool forceDelete, UErrorCode *status);
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ulist_addItemBeginList(UList *list, const void *data, UBool forceDelete, UErrorCode *status);
+U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 ulist_containsString(const UList *list, const char *data, int32_t length);
+U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 ulist_removeString(UList *list, const char *data);
+U_CAPI void *U_EXPORT2 ulist_getNext(UList *list);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 ulist_getListSize(const UList *list);
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ulist_resetList(UList *list);
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ulist_deleteList(UList *list);
+ * The following are for use when creating UEnumeration object backed by UList.
+ */
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ulist_close_keyword_values_iterator(UEnumeration *en);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 ulist_count_keyword_values(UEnumeration *en, UErrorCode *status);
+U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2 ulist_next_keyword_value(UEnumeration* en, int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode* status);
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ulist_reset_keyword_values_iterator(UEnumeration* en, UErrorCode* status);
+U_CAPI UList * U_EXPORT2 ulist_getListFromEnum(UEnumeration *en);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ulocimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ulocimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d3c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ulocimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef ULOCIMP_H
+#define ULOCIMP_H
+#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+ * Create an iterator over the specified keywords list
+ * @param keywordList double-null terminated list. Will be copied.
+ * @param keywordListSize size in bytes of keywordList
+ * @param status err code
+ * @return enumeration (owned by caller) of the keyword list.
+ * @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_openKeywordList(const char *keywordList, int32_t keywordListSize, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Look up a resource bundle table item with fallback on the table level.
+ * This is accessible so it can be called by C++ code.
+ */
+U_CAPI const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+    const char *path,
+    const char *locale,
+    const char *tableKey,
+    const char *subTableKey,
+    const char *itemKey,
+    int32_t *pLength,
+    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/*returns TRUE if a is an ID separator FALSE otherwise*/
+#define _isIDSeparator(a) (a == '_' || a == '-')
+U_CFUNC const char* 
+uloc_getCurrentCountryID(const char* oldID);
+U_CFUNC const char* 
+uloc_getCurrentLanguageID(const char* oldID);
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ulocimp_getLanguage(const char *localeID,
+                    char *language, int32_t languageCapacity,
+                    const char **pEnd);
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ulocimp_getScript(const char *localeID,
+                   char *script, int32_t scriptCapacity,
+                   const char **pEnd);
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+ulocimp_getCountry(const char *localeID,
+                   char *country, int32_t countryCapacity,
+                   const char **pEnd);
+ * Writes a well-formed language tag for this locale ID.
+ *
+ * **Note**: When `strict` is FALSE, any locale fields which do not satisfy the
+ * BCP47 syntax requirement will be omitted from the result.  When `strict` is
+ * TRUE, this function sets U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR to the `err` if any locale
+ * fields do not satisfy the BCP47 syntax requirement.
+ *
+ * @param localeID  the input locale ID
+ * @param sink      the output sink receiving the BCP47 language
+ *                  tag for this Locale.
+ * @param strict    boolean value indicating if the function returns
+ *                  an error for an ill-formed input locale ID.
+ * @param err       error information if receiving the language
+ *                  tag failed.
+ * @return          The length of the BCP47 language tag.
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 64
+ */
+ulocimp_toLanguageTag(const char* localeID,
+                      icu::ByteSink& sink,
+                      UBool strict,
+                      UErrorCode* err);
+ * Returns a locale ID for the specified BCP47 language tag string.
+ * If the specified language tag contains any ill-formed subtags,
+ * the first such subtag and all following subtags are ignored.
+ * <p>
+ * This implements the 'Language-Tag' production of BCP47, and so
+ * supports grandfathered (regular and irregular) as well as private
+ * use language tags.  Private use tags are represented as 'x-whatever',
+ * and grandfathered tags are converted to their canonical replacements
+ * where they exist.  Note that a few grandfathered tags have no modern
+ * replacement, these will be converted using the fallback described in
+ * the first paragraph, so some information might be lost.
+ * @param langtag   the input BCP47 language tag.
+ * @param tagLen    the length of langtag, or -1 to call uprv_strlen().
+ * @param sink      the output sink receiving a locale ID for the
+ *                  specified BCP47 language tag.
+ * @param parsedLength  if not NULL, successfully parsed length
+ *                      for the input language tag is set.
+ * @param err       error information if receiving the locald ID
+ *                  failed.
+ * @internal ICU 63
+ */
+ulocimp_forLanguageTag(const char* langtag,
+                       int32_t tagLen,
+                       icu::ByteSink& sink,
+                       int32_t* parsedLength,
+                       UErrorCode* err);
+ * Get the region to use for supplemental data lookup. Uses
+ * (1) any region specified by locale tag "rg"; if none then
+ * (2) any unicode_region_tag in the locale ID; if none then
+ * (3) if inferRegion is TRUE, the region suggested by
+ * getLikelySubtags on the localeID.
+ * If no region is found, returns length 0.
+ * 
+ * @param localeID
+ *     The complete locale ID (with keywords) from which
+ *     to get the region to use for supplemental data.
+ * @param inferRegion
+ *     If TRUE, will try to infer region from localeID if
+ *     no other region is found.
+ * @param region
+ *     Buffer in which to put the region ID found; should
+ *     have a capacity at least ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY. 
+ * @param regionCapacity
+ *     The actual capacity of the region buffer.
+ * @param status
+ *     Pointer to in/out UErrorCode value for latest status.
+ * @return
+ *     The length of any region code found, or 0 if none.
+ * @internal ICU 57
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ulocimp_getRegionForSupplementalData(const char *localeID, UBool inferRegion,
+                                     char *region, int32_t regionCapacity, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Add the likely subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described
+ * in the following CLDR technical report:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * If localeID is already in the maximal form, or there is no data available
+ * for maximization, it will be copied to the output buffer.  For example,
+ * "und-Zzzz" cannot be maximized, since there is no reasonable maximization.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ * "en" maximizes to "en_Latn_US"
+ *
+ * "de" maximizes to "de_Latn_US"
+ *
+ * "sr" maximizes to "sr_Cyrl_RS"
+ *
+ * "sh" maximizes to "sr_Latn_RS" (Note this will not reverse.)
+ *
+ * "zh_Hani" maximizes to "zh_Hans_CN" (Note this will not reverse.)
+ *
+ * @param localeID The locale to maximize
+ * @param sink The output sink receiving the maximized locale
+ * @param err Error information if maximizing the locale failed.  If the length
+ * of the localeID and the null-terminator is greater than the maximum allowed size,
+ * or the localeId is not well-formed, the error code is U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * @internal ICU 64
+ */
+ulocimp_addLikelySubtags(const char* localeID,
+                         icu::ByteSink& sink,
+                         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Minimize the subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described
+ * in the following CLDR technical report:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * If localeID is already in the minimal form, or there is no data available
+ * for minimization, it will be copied to the output buffer.  Since the
+ * minimization algorithm relies on proper maximization, see the comments
+ * for ulocimp_addLikelySubtags for reasons why there might not be any data.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ * "en_Latn_US" minimizes to "en"
+ *
+ * "de_Latn_US" minimizes to "de"
+ *
+ * "sr_Cyrl_RS" minimizes to "sr"
+ *
+ * "zh_Hant_TW" minimizes to "zh_TW" (The region is preferred to the
+ * script, and minimizing to "zh" would imply "zh_Hans_CN".)
+ *
+ * @param localeID The locale to minimize
+ * @param sink The output sink receiving the maximized locale
+ * @param err Error information if minimizing the locale failed.  If the length
+ * of the localeID and the null-terminator is greater than the maximum allowed size,
+ * or the localeId is not well-formed, the error code is U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * @internal ICU 64
+ */
+ulocimp_minimizeSubtags(const char* localeID,
+                        icu::ByteSink& sink,
+                        UErrorCode* err);
+U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
+locale_getKeywordsStart(const char *localeID);
+ultag_isExtensionSubtags(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isLanguageSubtag(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isPrivateuseValueSubtags(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isRegionSubtag(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isScriptSubtag(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isTransformedExtensionSubtags(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isUnicodeExtensionSubtags(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isUnicodeLocaleAttribute(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isUnicodeLocaleAttributes(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isUnicodeLocaleKey(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isUnicodeLocaleType(const char* s, int32_t len);
+ultag_isVariantSubtags(const char* s, int32_t len);
+U_CFUNC const char*
+ulocimp_toBcpKey(const char* key);
+U_CFUNC const char*
+ulocimp_toLegacyKey(const char* key);
+U_CFUNC const char*
+ulocimp_toBcpType(const char* key, const char* type, UBool* isKnownKey, UBool* isSpecialType);
+U_CFUNC const char*
+ulocimp_toLegacyType(const char* key, const char* type, UBool* isKnownKey, UBool* isSpecialType);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/umapfile.h b/libicu/cts_headers/umapfile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92bd567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/umapfile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *       Memory mapped file wrappers for use by the ICU Data Implementation
+ *
+ *           Porting note:  The implementation of these functions is very platform specific.
+ *             Not all platforms can do real memory mapping.  Those that can't
+ *             still must implement these functions, getting the data into memory using
+ *             whatever means are available.
+ *
+ *            These functions are part of the ICU internal implementation, and
+ *            are not inteded to be used directly by applications.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __UMAPFILE_H__
+#define __UMAPFILE_H__
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+U_CFUNC UBool uprv_mapFile(UDataMemory *pdm, const char *path, UErrorCode *status);
+U_CFUNC void  uprv_unmapFile(UDataMemory *pData);
+/* MAP_NONE: no memory mapping, no file access at all */
+#define MAP_NONE        0
+#define MAP_WIN32       1
+#define MAP_POSIX       2
+#define MAP_STDIO       3
+#define MAP_390DLL      4
+#elif U_HAVE_MMAP || U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390
+#   if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 && defined (OS390_STUBDATA)
+        /*   No memory mapping for 390 batch mode.  Fake it using dll loading.  */
+#   else
+#   endif
+#else /* unknown platform, no memory map implementation: use stdio.h and uprv_malloc() instead */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/umsg_imp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/umsg_imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43ef1c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/umsg_imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  umsg_imp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001jun22
+*   created by: George Rhoten
+#ifndef UMISC_H
+#define UMISC_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/* global variables used by the C and C++ message formatting API. */
+extern const UChar  *g_umsgTypeList[];
+extern const UChar  *g_umsgModifierList[];
+extern const UChar  *g_umsgDateModifierList[];
+extern const int32_t g_umsgListLength;
+extern const UChar g_umsg_number[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_date[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_time[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_choice[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_currency[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_percent[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_integer[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_short[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_medium[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_long[];
+extern const UChar g_umsg_full[];
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/umutex.h b/libicu/cts_headers/umutex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2503aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/umutex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File UMUTEX.H
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/02/97  aliu        Creation.
+*   04/07/99  srl         rewrite - C interface, multiple mutices
+*   05/13/99  stephen     Changed to umutex (from cmutex)
+#ifndef UMUTEX_H
+#define UMUTEX_H
+#include <atomic>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uclean.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+#if defined(U_USER_ATOMICS_H) || defined(U_USER_MUTEX_H)
+// Support for including an alternate implementation of atomic & mutex operations has been withdrawn.
+// See issue ICU-20185.
+#error U_USER_ATOMICS and U_USER_MUTEX_H are not supported
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of std::atomic<int32_t>. 
+// When building DLLs for Windows this is required as it is used as a data member of the exported SharedObject class.
+// See digitlst.h, pluralaffix.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.
+// Similar story for std::atomic<std::mutex *>, and the exported UMutex class.
+#if defined(__clang__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+  #if defined(__clang__)
+    // Suppress the warning that the explicit instantiation after explicit specialization has no effect.
+    #pragma clang diagnostic push
+    #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winstantiation-after-specialization"
+  #endif
+template struct U_COMMON_API std::atomic<int32_t>;
+template struct U_COMMON_API std::atomic<std::mutex *>;
+  #if defined(__clang__)
+    #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+  #endif
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+// For GCC this class is already exported/visible, so no need for U_COMMON_API.
+template struct std::atomic<int32_t>;
+template struct std::atomic<std::mutex *>;
+ *
+ *   Low Level Atomic Operations, ICU wrappers for.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+typedef std::atomic<int32_t> u_atomic_int32_t;
+inline int32_t umtx_loadAcquire(u_atomic_int32_t &var) {
+    return var.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+inline void umtx_storeRelease(u_atomic_int32_t &var, int32_t val) {
+, std::memory_order_release);
+inline int32_t umtx_atomic_inc(u_atomic_int32_t *var) {
+    return var->fetch_add(1) + 1;
+inline int32_t umtx_atomic_dec(u_atomic_int32_t *var) {
+    return var->fetch_sub(1) - 1;
+ *
+ *  UInitOnce Definitions.
+ *
+ *************************************************************************************************/
+struct UInitOnce {
+    u_atomic_int32_t   fState;
+    UErrorCode       fErrCode;
+    void reset() {fState = 0;}
+    UBool isReset() {return umtx_loadAcquire(fState) == 0;}
+// Note: isReset() is used by service registration code.
+//                 Thread safety of this usage needs review.
+U_COMMON_API UBool U_EXPORT2 umtx_initImplPreInit(UInitOnce &);
+U_COMMON_API void  U_EXPORT2 umtx_initImplPostInit(UInitOnce &);
+template<class T> void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, T *obj, void (U_CALLCONV T::*fp)()) {
+    if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) == 2) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+        (obj->*fp)();
+        umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+    }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions.
+//               No context parameter.
+inline void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)()) {
+    if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) == 2) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+        (*fp)();
+        umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+    }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions.
+//               With ErrorCode, No context parameter.
+inline void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)(UErrorCode &), UErrorCode &errCode) {
+    if (U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) != 2 && umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+        // We run the initialization.
+        (*fp)(errCode);
+        uio.fErrCode = errCode;
+        umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+    } else {
+        // Someone else already ran the initialization.
+        if (U_FAILURE(uio.fErrCode)) {
+            errCode = uio.fErrCode;
+        }
+    }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions,
+//               with a context parameter.
+template<class T> void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)(T), T context) {
+    if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) == 2) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+        (*fp)(context);
+        umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+    }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions,
+//               with a context parameter and an error code.
+template<class T> void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)(T, UErrorCode &), T context, UErrorCode &errCode) {
+    if (U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) != 2 && umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+        // We run the initialization.
+        (*fp)(context, errCode);
+        uio.fErrCode = errCode;
+        umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+    } else {
+        // Someone else already ran the initialization.
+        if (U_FAILURE(uio.fErrCode)) {
+            errCode = uio.fErrCode;
+        }
+    }
+// UMutex should be constexpr-constructible, so that no initialization code
+// is run during startup.
+// This works on all C++ libraries except MS VS before VS2019.
+#if (defined(_CPPLIB_VER) && !defined(_MSVC_STL_VERSION)) || \
+    (defined(_MSVC_STL_VERSION) && _MSVC_STL_VERSION < 142)
+    // (VS std lib older than VS2017) || (VS std lib version < VS2019)
+#   define UMUTEX_CONSTEXPR constexpr
+ * UMutex - ICU Mutex class.
+ *
+ * This is the preferred Mutex class for use within ICU implementation code.
+ * It is a thin wrapper over C++ std::mutex, with these additions:
+ *    - Static instances are safe, not triggering static construction or destruction,
+ *      and the associated order of construction or destruction issues.
+ *    - Plumbed into u_cleanup() for destructing the underlying std::mutex,
+ *      which frees any OS level resources they may be holding.
+ *
+ * Limitations:
+ *    - Static or global instances only. Cannot be heap allocated. Cannot appear as a
+ *      member of another class.
+ *    - No condition variables or other advanced features. If needed, you will need to use
+ *      std::mutex and std::condition_variable directly. For an example, see unifiedcache.cpp
+ *
+ * Typical Usage:
+ *    static UMutex myMutex;
+ *
+ *    {
+ *       Mutex lock(myMutex);
+ *       ...    // Do stuff that is protected by myMutex;
+ *    }         // myMutex is released when lock goes out of scope.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UMutex {
+    ~UMutex() = default;
+    UMutex(const UMutex &other) = delete;
+    UMutex &operator =(const UMutex &other) = delete;
+    void *operator new(size_t) = delete;
+    // requirements for C++ BasicLockable, allows UMutex to work with std::lock_guard
+    void lock() {
+        std::mutex *m = fMutex.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+        if (m == nullptr) { m = getMutex(); }
+        m->lock();
+    }
+    void unlock() { fMutex.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)->unlock(); }
+    static void cleanup();
+    alignas(std::mutex) char fStorage[sizeof(std::mutex)] {};
+    std::atomic<std::mutex *> fMutex { nullptr };
+    /** All initialized UMutexes are kept in a linked list, so that they can be found,
+     * and the underlying std::mutex destructed, by u_cleanup().
+     */
+    UMutex *fListLink { nullptr };
+    static UMutex *gListHead;
+    /** Out-of-line function to lazily initialize a UMutex on first use.
+     * Initial fast check is inline, in lock().  The returned value may never
+     * be nullptr.
+     */
+    std::mutex *getMutex();
+/* Lock a mutex.
+ * @param mutex The given mutex to be locked.  Pass NULL to specify
+ *              the global ICU mutex.  Recursive locks are an error
+ *              and may cause a deadlock on some platforms.
+ */
+U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2 umtx_lock(UMutex* mutex);
+/* Unlock a mutex.
+ * @param mutex The given mutex to be unlocked.  Pass NULL to specify
+ *              the global ICU mutex.
+ */
+U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2 umtx_unlock (UMutex* mutex);
+#endif /* UMUTEX_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unesctrn.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unesctrn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57dd8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unesctrn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (c) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   11/20/2001  aliu        Creation.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef UNESCTRN_H
+#define UNESCTRN_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+ * A transliterator that converts Unicode escape forms to the
+ * characters they represent.  Escape forms have a prefix, a suffix, a
+ * radix, and minimum and maximum digit counts.
+ *
+ * <p>This class is package private.  It registers several standard
+ * variants with the system which are then accessed via their IDs.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class UnescapeTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The encoded pattern specification.  The pattern consists of
+     * zero or more forms.  Each form consists of a prefix, suffix,
+     * radix, minimum digit count, and maximum digit count.  These
+     * values are stored as a five character header.  That is, their
+     * numeric values are cast to 16-bit characters and stored in the
+     * string.  Following these five characters, the prefix
+     * characters, then suffix characters are stored.  Each form thus
+     * takes n+5 characters, where n is the total length of the prefix
+     * and suffix.  The end is marked by a header of length one
+     * consisting of the character END.
+     */
+    UChar* spec; // owned; may not be NULL
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Registers standard variants with the system.  Called by
+     * Transliterator during initialization.
+     */
+    static void registerIDs();
+    /**
+     * Constructor.  Takes the encoded spec array (does not adopt it).
+     * @param ID   the string identifier for this transliterator
+     * @param spec the encoded spec array
+     */
+    UnescapeTransliterator(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                           const UChar *spec);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    UnescapeTransliterator(const UnescapeTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~UnescapeTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     */
+    virtual UnescapeTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text        the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                    untransliterated text
+     * @param offset      the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                    of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                    pos.contextLimit.  Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                             UBool isIncremental) const;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uni2name.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uni2name.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99309c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uni2name.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   06/06/01    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef UNI2NAME_H
+#define UNI2NAME_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/translit.h"
+ * A transliterator that performs character to name mapping.
+ * It generates the Perl syntax \N{name}.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class UnicodeNameTransliterator : public Transliterator {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Constructs a transliterator.
+     * @param adoptedFilter the filter to be adopted.
+     */
+    UnicodeNameTransliterator(UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter = 0);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~UnicodeNameTransliterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    UnicodeNameTransliterator(const UnicodeNameTransliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Transliterator API.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeNameTransliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
+     * @param text        the buffer holding transliterated and
+     *                    untransliterated text
+     * @param offset      the start and limit of the text, the position
+     *                    of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
+     * @param incremental if true, assume more text may be coming after
+     *                    pos.contextLimit.  Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& offset,
+                                     UBool isIncremental) const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    UnicodeNameTransliterator& operator=(const UnicodeNameTransliterator&);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/alphaindex.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/alphaindex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c68ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/alphaindex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2011-2014 International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Index Characters
+ */
+ * Constants for Alphabetic Index Label Types.
+ * The form of these enum constants anticipates having a plain C API
+ * for Alphabetic Indexes that will also use them.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+typedef enum UAlphabeticIndexLabelType {
+    /**
+     *  Normal Label, typically the starting letter of the names
+     *  in the bucket with this label.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Undeflow Label.  The bucket with this label contains names
+     * in scripts that sort before any of the bucket labels in this index.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Inflow Label.  The bucket with this label contains names
+     * in scripts that sort between two of the bucket labels in this index.
+     * Inflow labels are created when an index contains normal labels for
+     * multiple scripts, and skips other scripts that sort between some of the
+     * included scripts.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Overflow Label. Te bucket with this label contains names in scripts
+     * that sort after all of the bucket labels in this index.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+} UAlphabeticIndexLabelType;
+struct UHashtable;
+// Forward Declarations
+class BucketList;
+class Collator;
+class RuleBasedCollator;
+class StringEnumeration;
+class UnicodeSet;
+class UVector;
+ * AlphabeticIndex supports the creation of a UI index appropriate for a given language.
+ * It can support either direct use, or use with a client that doesn't support localized collation.
+ * The following is an example of what an index might look like in a UI:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ *  <b>... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  ...</b>
+ *
+ *  <b>A</b>
+ *     Addison
+ *     Albertson
+ *     Azensky
+ *  <b>B</b>
+ *     Baker
+ *  ...
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * The class can generate a list of labels for use as a UI "index", that is, a list of
+ * clickable characters (or character sequences) that allow the user to see a segment
+ * (bucket) of a larger "target" list. That is, each label corresponds to a bucket in
+ * the target list, where everything in the bucket is greater than or equal to the character
+ * (according to the locale's collation). Strings can be added to the index;
+ * they will be in sorted order in the right bucket.
+ * <p>
+ * The class also supports having buckets for strings before the first (underflow),
+ * after the last (overflow), and between scripts (inflow). For example, if the index
+ * is constructed with labels for Russian and English, Greek characters would fall
+ * into an inflow bucket between the other two scripts.
+ * <p>
+ * The AlphabeticIndex class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * <p><em>Note:</em> If you expect to have a lot of ASCII or Latin characters
+ * as well as characters from the user's language,
+ * then it is a good idea to call addLabels(Locale::getEnglish(), status).</p>
+ *
+ * <h2>Direct Use</h2>
+ * <p>The following shows an example of building an index directly.
+ *  The "show..." methods below are just to illustrate usage.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * // Create a simple index.  "Item" is assumed to be an application
+ * // defined type that the application's UI and other processing knows about,
+ * //  and that has a name.
+ *
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * AlphabeticIndex index = new AlphabeticIndex(desiredLocale, status);
+ * index->addLabels(additionalLocale, status);
+ * for (Item *item in some source of Items ) {
+ *     index->addRecord(item->name(), item, status);
+ * }
+ * ...
+ * // Show index at top. We could skip or gray out empty buckets
+ *
+ * while (index->nextBucket(status)) {
+ *     if (showAll || index->getBucketRecordCount() != 0) {
+ *         showLabelAtTop(UI, index->getBucketLabel());
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *  ...
+ * // Show the buckets with their contents, skipping empty buckets
+ *
+ * index->resetBucketIterator(status);
+ * while (index->nextBucket(status)) {
+ *    if (index->getBucketRecordCount() != 0) {
+ *        showLabelInList(UI, index->getBucketLabel());
+ *        while (index->nextRecord(status)) {
+ *            showIndexedItem(UI, static_cast<Item *>(index->getRecordData()))
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * The caller can build different UIs using this class.
+ * For example, an index character could be omitted or grayed-out
+ * if its bucket is empty. Small buckets could also be combined based on size, such as:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * <b>... A-F G-N O-Z ...</b>
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <h2>Client Support</h2>
+ * <p>Callers can also use the AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex, or the AlphabeticIndex itself,
+ * to support sorting on a client that doesn't support AlphabeticIndex functionality.
+ *
+ * <p>The ImmutableIndex is both immutable and thread-safe.
+ * The corresponding AlphabeticIndex methods are not thread-safe because
+ * they "lazily" build the index buckets.
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>ImmutableIndex.getBucket(index) provides random access to all
+ *     buckets and their labels and label types.
+ * <li>The AlphabeticIndex bucket iterator or ImmutableIndex.getBucket(0..getBucketCount-1)
+ *     can be used to get a list of the labels,
+ *     such as "...", "A", "B",..., and send that list to the client.
+ * <li>When the client has a new name, it sends that name to the server.
+ * The server needs to call the following methods,
+ * and communicate the bucketIndex and collationKey back to the client.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * int32_t bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(name, status);
+ * const UnicodeString &label = immutableIndex.getBucket(bucketIndex)->getLabel();  // optional
+ * int32_t skLength = collator.getSortKey(name, sk, skCapacity);
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <li>The client would put the name (and associated information) into its bucket for bucketIndex. The sort key sk is a
+ * sequence of bytes that can be compared with a binary compare, and produce the right localized result.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API AlphabeticIndex: public UObject {
+     /**
+      * An index "bucket" with a label string and type.
+      * It is referenced by getBucketIndex(),
+      * and returned by ImmutableIndex.getBucket().
+      *
+      * The Bucket class is not intended for public subclassing.
+      * @stable ICU 51
+      */
+     class U_I18N_API Bucket : public UObject {
+     public:
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        virtual ~Bucket();
+        /**
+         * Returns the label string.
+         *
+         * @return the label string for the bucket
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        const UnicodeString &getLabel() const { return label_; }
+        /**
+         * Returns whether this bucket is a normal, underflow, overflow, or inflow bucket.
+         *
+         * @return the bucket label type
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        UAlphabeticIndexLabelType getLabelType() const { return labelType_; }
+     private:
+        friend class AlphabeticIndex;
+        friend class BucketList;
+        UnicodeString label_;
+        UnicodeString lowerBoundary_;
+        UAlphabeticIndexLabelType labelType_;
+        Bucket *displayBucket_;
+        int32_t displayIndex_;
+        UVector *records_;  // Records are owned by the inputList_ vector.
+        Bucket(const UnicodeString &label,   // Parameter strings are copied.
+               const UnicodeString &lowerBoundary,
+               UAlphabeticIndexLabelType type);
+     };
+    /**
+     * Immutable, thread-safe version of AlphabeticIndex.
+     * This class provides thread-safe methods for bucketing,
+     * and random access to buckets and their properties,
+     * but does not offer adding records to the index.
+     *
+     * The ImmutableIndex class is not intended for public subclassing.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    class U_I18N_API ImmutableIndex : public UObject {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        virtual ~ImmutableIndex();
+        /**
+         * Returns the number of index buckets and labels, including underflow/inflow/overflow.
+         *
+         * @return the number of index buckets
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        int32_t getBucketCount() const;
+        /**
+         * Finds the index bucket for the given name and returns the number of that bucket.
+         * Use getBucket() to get the bucket's properties.
+         *
+         * @param name the string to be sorted into an index bucket
+         * @param errorCode Error code, will be set with the reason if the
+         *                  operation fails.
+         * @return the bucket number for the name
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        int32_t getBucketIndex(const UnicodeString &name, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+        /**
+         * Returns the index-th bucket. Returns NULL if the index is out of range.
+         *
+         * @param index bucket number
+         * @return the index-th bucket
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        const Bucket *getBucket(int32_t index) const;
+    private:
+        friend class AlphabeticIndex;
+        ImmutableIndex(BucketList *bucketList, Collator *collatorPrimaryOnly)
+                : buckets_(bucketList), collatorPrimaryOnly_(collatorPrimaryOnly) {}
+        BucketList *buckets_;
+        Collator *collatorPrimaryOnly_;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Construct an AlphabeticIndex object for the specified locale.  If the locale's
+     * data does not include index characters, a set of them will be
+     * synthesized based on the locale's exemplar characters.  The locale
+     * determines the sorting order for both the index characters and the
+     * user item names appearing under each Index character.
+     *
+     * @param locale the desired locale.
+     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the construction
+     *               of the AlphabeticIndex object fails.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+     AlphabeticIndex(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+   /** 
+     * Construct an AlphabeticIndex that uses a specific collator.
+     * 
+     * The index will be created with no labels; the addLabels() function must be called
+     * after creation to add the desired labels to the index.
+     * 
+     * The index adopts the collator, and is responsible for deleting it. 
+     * The caller should make no further use of the collator after creating the index.
+     * 
+     * @param collator The collator to use to order the contents of this index.
+     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the 
+     *               operation fails.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    AlphabeticIndex(RuleBasedCollator *collator, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Add Labels to this Index.  The labels are additions to those
+     * that are already in the index; they do not replace the existing
+     * ones.
+     * @param additions The additional characters to add to the index, such as A-Z.
+     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the 
+     *               operation fails.
+     * @return this, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &addLabels(const UnicodeSet &additions, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Add the index characters from a Locale to the index.  The labels
+     * are added to those that are already in the index; they do not replace the
+     * existing index characters.  The collation order for this index is not
+     * changed; it remains that of the locale that was originally specified
+     * when creating this Index.
+     *
+     * @param locale The locale whose index characters are to be added.
+     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the 
+     *               operation fails.
+     * @return this, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &addLabels(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+     /**
+      * Destructor
+      * @stable ICU 4.8
+      */
+    virtual ~AlphabeticIndex();
+    /**
+     * Builds an immutable, thread-safe version of this instance, without data records.
+     *
+     * @return an immutable index instance
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    ImmutableIndex *buildImmutableIndex(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Get the Collator that establishes the ordering of the items in this index.
+     * Ownership of the collator remains with the AlphabeticIndex instance.
+     *
+     * The returned collator is a reference to the internal collator used by this
+     * index.  It may be safely used to compare the names of items or to get
+     * sort keys for names.  However if any settings need to be changed,
+     * or other non-const methods called, a cloned copy must be made first.
+     *
+     * @return The collator
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const RuleBasedCollator &getCollator() const;
+   /**
+     * Get the default label used for abbreviated buckets *between* other index characters.
+     * For example, consider the labels when Latin (X Y Z) and Greek (Α Β Γ) are used:
+     *
+     *     X Y Z ... Α Β Γ.
+     *
+     * @return inflow label
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString &getInflowLabel() const;
+   /**
+     * Set the default label used for abbreviated buckets <i>between</i> other index characters.
+     * An inflow label will be automatically inserted if two otherwise-adjacent label characters
+     * are from different scripts, e.g. Latin and Cyrillic, and a third script, e.g. Greek,
+     * sorts between the two.  The default inflow character is an ellipsis (...)
+     *
+     * @param inflowLabel the new Inflow label.
+     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setInflowLabel(const UnicodeString &inflowLabel, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+     * Get the special label used for items that sort after the last normal label,
+     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
+     *
+     * @return the overflow label
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString &getOverflowLabel() const;
+   /**
+     * Set the label used for items that sort after the last normal label,
+     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
+     *
+     * @param overflowLabel the new overflow label.
+     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setOverflowLabel(const UnicodeString &overflowLabel, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+     * Get the special label used for items that sort before the first normal label,
+     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
+     *
+     * @return underflow label
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString &getUnderflowLabel() const;
+   /**
+     * Set the label used for items that sort before the first normal label,
+     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
+     *
+     * @param underflowLabel the new underflow label.
+     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setUnderflowLabel(const UnicodeString &underflowLabel, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Get the limit on the number of labels permitted in the index.
+     * The number does not include over, under and inflow labels.
+     *
+     * @return maxLabelCount maximum number of labels.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getMaxLabelCount() const;
+    /**
+     * Set a limit on the number of labels permitted in the index.
+     * The number does not include over, under and inflow labels.
+     * Currently, if the number is exceeded, then every
+     * nth item is removed to bring the count down.
+     * A more sophisticated mechanism may be available in the future.
+     *
+     * @param maxLabelCount the maximum number of labels.
+     * @param status error code
+     * @return This, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setMaxLabelCount(int32_t maxLabelCount, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Add a record to the index.  Each record will be associated with an index Bucket
+     *  based on the record's name.  The list of records for each bucket will be sorted
+     *  based on the collation ordering of the names in the index's locale.
+     *  Records with duplicate names are permitted; they will be kept in the order
+     *  that they were added.
+     *
+     * @param name The display name for the Record.  The Record will be placed in
+     *             a bucket based on this name.
+     * @param data An optional pointer to user data associated with this
+     *             item.  When iterating the contents of a bucket, both the
+     *             data pointer the name will be available for each Record.
+     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return        This, for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &addRecord(const UnicodeString &name, const void *data, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Remove all Records from the Index.  The set of Buckets, which define the headings under
+     * which records are classified, is not altered.
+     *
+     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return        This, for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &clearRecords(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**  Get the number of labels in this index.
+     *      Note: may trigger lazy index construction.
+     *
+     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return        The number of labels in this index, including any under, over or
+     *                in-flow labels.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  getBucketCount(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**  Get the total number of Records in this index, that is, the number
+     *   of <name, data> pairs added.
+     *
+     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return        The number of records in this index, that is, the total number
+     *                of (name, data) items added with addRecord().
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  getRecordCount(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     *   Given the name of a record, return the zero-based index of the Bucket
+     *   in which the item should appear.  The name need not be in the index.
+     *   A Record will not be added to the index by this function.
+     *   Bucket numbers are zero-based, in Bucket iteration order.
+     *
+     * @param itemName  The name whose bucket position in the index is to be determined.
+     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return The bucket number for this name.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     *
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  getBucketIndex(const UnicodeString &itemName, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     *   Get the zero based index of the current Bucket from an iteration
+     *   over the Buckets of this index.  Return -1 if no iteration is in process.
+     *   @return  the index of the current Bucket
+     *   @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  getBucketIndex() const;
+    /**
+     *   Advance the iteration over the Buckets of this index.  Return FALSE if
+     *   there are no more Buckets.
+     *
+     *   @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     *   U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR will be reported if the index is modified while
+     *   an enumeration of its contents are in process.
+     *
+     *   @return TRUE if success, FALSE if at end of iteration
+     *   @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool nextBucket(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     *   Return the name of the Label of the current bucket from an iteration over the buckets.
+     *   If the iteration is before the first Bucket (nextBucket() has not been called),
+     *   or after the last, return an empty string.
+     *
+     *   @return the bucket label.
+     *   @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString &getBucketLabel() const;
+    /**
+     *  Return the type of the label for the current Bucket (selected by the
+     *  iteration over Buckets.)
+     *
+     * @return the label type.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UAlphabeticIndexLabelType getBucketLabelType() const;
+    /**
+      * Get the number of <name, data> Records in the current Bucket.
+      * If the current bucket iteration position is before the first label or after the
+      * last, return 0.
+      *
+      *  @return the number of Records.
+      *  @stable ICU 4.8
+      */
+    virtual int32_t getBucketRecordCount() const;
+    /**
+     *  Reset the Bucket iteration for this index.  The next call to nextBucket()
+     *  will restart the iteration at the first label.
+     *
+     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     * @return        this, for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &resetBucketIterator(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Advance to the next record in the current Bucket.
+     * When nextBucket() is called, Record iteration is reset to just before the
+     * first Record in the new Bucket.
+     *
+     *   @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
+     *   U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR will be reported if the index is modified while
+     *   an enumeration of its contents are in process.
+     *   @return TRUE if successful, FALSE when the iteration advances past the last item.
+     *   @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool nextRecord(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Get the name of the current Record.
+     * Return an empty string if the Record iteration position is before first
+     * or after the last.
+     *
+     *  @return The name of the current index item.
+     *  @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString &getRecordName() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the data pointer of the Record currently being iterated over.
+     * Return NULL if the current iteration position before the first item in this Bucket,
+     * or after the last.
+     *
+     *  @return The current Record's data pointer.
+     *  @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const void *getRecordData() const;
+    /**
+     * Reset the Record iterator position to before the first Record in the current Bucket.
+     *
+     *  @return This, for chaining.
+     *  @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual AlphabeticIndex &resetRecordIterator();
+     /**
+      * No Copy constructor.
+      * @internal
+      */
+     AlphabeticIndex(const AlphabeticIndex &other);
+     /**
+      *   No assignment.
+      */
+     AlphabeticIndex &operator =(const AlphabeticIndex & /*other*/) { return *this;}
+    /**
+     * No Equality operators.
+     * @internal
+     */
+     virtual UBool operator==(const AlphabeticIndex& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Inequality operator.
+     * @internal
+     */
+     virtual UBool operator!=(const AlphabeticIndex& other) const;
+     // Common initialization, for use from all constructors.
+     void init(const Locale *locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * This method is called to get the index exemplars. Normally these come from the locale directly,
+     * but if they aren't available, we have to synthesize them.
+     */
+    void addIndexExemplars(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Add Chinese index characters from the tailoring.
+     */
+    UBool addChineseIndexCharacters(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UVector *firstStringsInScript(UErrorCode &status);
+    static UnicodeString separated(const UnicodeString &item);
+    /**
+     * Determine the best labels to use.
+     * This is based on the exemplars, but we also process to make sure that they are unique,
+     * and sort differently, and that the overall list is small enough.
+     */
+    void initLabels(UVector &indexCharacters, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    BucketList *createBucketList(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void initBuckets(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void clearBuckets();
+    void internalResetBucketIterator();
+    //  The Record is declared public only to allow access from
+    //  implementation code written in plain C.
+    //  It is not intended for public use.
+    /**
+     * A (name, data) pair, to be sorted by name into one of the index buckets.
+     * The user data is not used by the index implementation.
+     * \cond
+     * @internal
+     */
+    struct Record: public UMemory {
+        const UnicodeString  name_;
+        const void           *data_;
+        Record(const UnicodeString &name, const void *data);
+        ~Record();
+    };
+    /** \endcond */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Holds all user records before they are distributed into buckets.
+     * Type of contents is (Record *)
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UVector  *inputList_;
+    int32_t  labelsIterIndex_;        // Index of next item to return.
+    int32_t  itemsIterIndex_;
+    Bucket   *currentBucket_;         // While an iteration of the index in underway,
+                                      //   point to the bucket for the current label.
+                                      // NULL when no iteration underway.
+    int32_t    maxLabelCount_;        // Limit on # of labels permitted in the index.
+    UnicodeSet *initialLabels_;       // Initial (unprocessed) set of Labels.  Union
+                                      //   of those explicitly set by the user plus
+                                      //   those from locales.  Raw values, before
+                                      //   crunching into bucket labels.
+    UVector *firstCharsInScripts_;    // The first character from each script,
+                                      //   in collation order.
+    RuleBasedCollator *collator_;
+    RuleBasedCollator *collatorPrimaryOnly_;
+    // Lazy evaluated: null means that we have not built yet.
+    BucketList *buckets_;
+    UnicodeString  inflowLabel_;
+    UnicodeString  overflowLabel_;
+    UnicodeString  underflowLabel_;
+    UnicodeString  overflowComparisonString_;
+    UnicodeString emptyString_;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/appendable.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/appendable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4beacaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/appendable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2011-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  appendable.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010dec07
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __APPENDABLE_H__
+#define __APPENDABLE_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Appendable class: Sink for Unicode code points and 16-bit code units (char16_ts).
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+class UnicodeString;
+ * Base class for objects to which Unicode characters and strings can be appended.
+ * Combines elements of Java Appendable and ICU4C ByteSink.
+ *
+ * This class can be used in APIs where it does not matter whether the actual destination is
+ * a UnicodeString, a char16_t[] array, a UnicodeSet, or any other object
+ * that receives and processes characters and/or strings.
+ *
+ * Implementation classes must implement at least appendCodeUnit(char16_t).
+ * The base class provides default implementations for the other methods.
+ *
+ * The methods do not take UErrorCode parameters.
+ * If an error occurs (e.g., out-of-memory),
+ * in addition to returning FALSE from failing operations,
+ * the implementation must prevent unexpected behavior (e.g., crashes)
+ * from further calls and should make the error condition available separately
+ * (e.g., store a UErrorCode, make/keep a UnicodeString bogus).
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Appendable : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    ~Appendable();
+    /**
+     * Appends a 16-bit code unit.
+     * @param c code unit
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool appendCodeUnit(char16_t c) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Appends a code point.
+     * The default implementation calls appendCodeUnit(char16_t) once or twice.
+     * @param c code point 0..0x10ffff
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool appendCodePoint(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Appends a string.
+     * The default implementation calls appendCodeUnit(char16_t) for each code unit.
+     * @param s string, must not be NULL if length!=0
+     * @param length string length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool appendString(const char16_t *s, int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Tells the object that the caller is going to append roughly
+     * appendCapacity char16_ts. A subclass might use this to pre-allocate
+     * a larger buffer if necessary.
+     * The default implementation does nothing. (It always returns TRUE.)
+     * @param appendCapacity estimated number of char16_ts that will be appended
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool reserveAppendCapacity(int32_t appendCapacity);
+    /**
+     * Returns a writable buffer for appending and writes the buffer's capacity to
+     * *resultCapacity. Guarantees *resultCapacity>=minCapacity.
+     * May return a pointer to the caller-owned scratch buffer which must have
+     * scratchCapacity>=minCapacity.
+     * The returned buffer is only valid until the next operation
+     * on this Appendable.
+     *
+     * After writing at most *resultCapacity char16_ts, call appendString() with the
+     * pointer returned from this function and the number of char16_ts written.
+     * Many appendString() implementations will avoid copying char16_ts if this function
+     * returned an internal buffer.
+     *
+     * Partial usage example:
+     * \code
+     *  int32_t capacity;
+     *  char16_t* buffer = app.getAppendBuffer(..., &capacity);
+     *  ... Write n char16_ts into buffer, with n <= capacity.
+     *  app.appendString(buffer, n);
+     * \endcode
+     * In many implementations, that call to append will avoid copying char16_ts.
+     *
+     * If the Appendable allocates or reallocates an internal buffer, it should use
+     * the desiredCapacityHint if appropriate.
+     * If a caller cannot provide a reasonable guess at the desired capacity,
+     * it should pass desiredCapacityHint=0.
+     *
+     * If a non-scratch buffer is returned, the caller may only pass
+     * a prefix to it to appendString().
+     * That is, it is not correct to pass an interior pointer to appendString().
+     *
+     * The default implementation always returns the scratch buffer.
+     *
+     * @param minCapacity required minimum capacity of the returned buffer;
+     *                    must be non-negative
+     * @param desiredCapacityHint desired capacity of the returned buffer;
+     *                            must be non-negative
+     * @param scratch default caller-owned buffer
+     * @param scratchCapacity capacity of the scratch buffer
+     * @param resultCapacity pointer to an integer which will be set to the
+     *                       capacity of the returned buffer
+     * @return a buffer with *resultCapacity>=minCapacity
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual char16_t *getAppendBuffer(int32_t minCapacity,
+                                   int32_t desiredCapacityHint,
+                                   char16_t *scratch, int32_t scratchCapacity,
+                                   int32_t *resultCapacity);
+ * An Appendable implementation which writes to a UnicodeString.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeStringAppendable : public Appendable {
+    /**
+     * Aliases the UnicodeString (keeps its reference) for writing.
+     * @param s The UnicodeString to which this Appendable will write.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    explicit UnicodeStringAppendable(UnicodeString &s) : str(s) {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    ~UnicodeStringAppendable();
+    /**
+     * Appends a 16-bit code unit to the string.
+     * @param c code unit
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool appendCodeUnit(char16_t c);
+    /**
+     * Appends a code point to the string.
+     * @param c code point 0..0x10ffff
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool appendCodePoint(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Appends a string to the UnicodeString.
+     * @param s string, must not be NULL if length!=0
+     * @param length string length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool appendString(const char16_t *s, int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Tells the UnicodeString that the caller is going to append roughly
+     * appendCapacity char16_ts.
+     * @param appendCapacity estimated number of char16_ts that will be appended
+     * @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool reserveAppendCapacity(int32_t appendCapacity);
+    /**
+     * Returns a writable buffer for appending and writes the buffer's capacity to
+     * *resultCapacity. Guarantees *resultCapacity>=minCapacity.
+     * May return a pointer to the caller-owned scratch buffer which must have
+     * scratchCapacity>=minCapacity.
+     * The returned buffer is only valid until the next write operation
+     * on the UnicodeString.
+     *
+     * For details see Appendable::getAppendBuffer().
+     *
+     * @param minCapacity required minimum capacity of the returned buffer;
+     *                    must be non-negative
+     * @param desiredCapacityHint desired capacity of the returned buffer;
+     *                            must be non-negative
+     * @param scratch default caller-owned buffer
+     * @param scratchCapacity capacity of the scratch buffer
+     * @param resultCapacity pointer to an integer which will be set to the
+     *                       capacity of the returned buffer
+     * @return a buffer with *resultCapacity>=minCapacity
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual char16_t *getAppendBuffer(int32_t minCapacity,
+                                   int32_t desiredCapacityHint,
+                                   char16_t *scratch, int32_t scratchCapacity,
+                                   int32_t *resultCapacity);
+    UnicodeString &str;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __APPENDABLE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/basictz.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/basictz.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d0876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/basictz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef BASICTZ_H
+#define BASICTZ_H
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: ICU TimeZone base class
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/timezone.h"
+#include "unicode/tzrule.h"
+#include "unicode/tztrans.h"
+// forward declarations
+class UVector;
+ * <code>BasicTimeZone</code> is an abstract class extending <code>TimeZone</code>.
+ * This class provides some additional methods to access time zone transitions and rules.
+ * All ICU <code>TimeZone</code> concrete subclasses extend this class.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API BasicTimeZone: public TimeZone {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~BasicTimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Clones this object polymorphically.
+     * The caller owns the result and should delete it when done.
+     * @return clone, or nullptr if an error occurred
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual BasicTimeZone* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time zone transition after the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the first transition after the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time zone transition before the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the most recent transition before the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Checks if the time zone has equivalent transitions in the time range.
+     * This method returns true when all of transition times, from/to standard
+     * offsets and DST savings used by this time zone match the other in the
+     * time range.
+     * @param tz    The <code>BasicTimeZone</code> object to be compared with.
+     * @param start The start time of the evaluated time range (inclusive)
+     * @param end   The end time of the evaluated time range (inclusive)
+     * @param ignoreDstAmount
+     *              When true, any transitions with only daylight saving amount
+     *              changes will be ignored, except either of them is zero.
+     *              For example, a transition from rawoffset 3:00/dstsavings 1:00
+     *              to rawoffset 2:00/dstsavings 2:00 is excluded from the comparison,
+     *              but a transtion from rawoffset 2:00/dstsavings 1:00 to
+     *              rawoffset 3:00/dstsavings 0:00 is included.
+     * @param ec    Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return      true if the other time zone has the equivalent transitions in the
+     *              time range.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasEquivalentTransitions(const BasicTimeZone& tz, UDate start, UDate end,
+        UBool ignoreDstAmount, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s which represents time transitions,
+     * for this time zone, that is, all <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s for this time zone except
+     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The return value range is 0 or any positive value.
+     * @param status    Receives error status code.
+     * @return The number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s representing time transitions.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and the set of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * which represent time transitions for this time zone.  On successful return,
+     * the argument initial points to non-NULL <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and
+     * the array trsrules is filled with 0 or multiple <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * instances up to the size specified by trscount.  The results are referencing the
+     * rule instance held by this time zone instance.  Therefore, after this time zone
+     * is destructed, they are no longer available.
+     * @param initial       Receives the initial timezone rule
+     * @param trsrules      Receives the timezone transition rules
+     * @param trscount      On input, specify the size of the array 'transitions' receiving
+     *                      the timezone transition rules.  On output, actual number of
+     *                      rules filled in the array will be set.
+     * @param status        Receives error status code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
+        const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[], int32_t& trscount, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the set of time zone rules valid at the specified time.  Some known external time zone
+     * implementations are not capable to handle historic time zone rule changes.  Also some
+     * implementations can only handle certain type of rule definitions.
+     * If this time zone does not use any daylight saving time within about 1 year from the specified
+     * time, only the <code>InitialTimeZone</code> is returned.  Otherwise, the rule for standard
+     * time and daylight saving time transitions are returned in addition to the
+     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The standard and daylight saving time transition rules are
+     * represented by <code>AnnualTimeZoneRule</code> with <code>DateTimeRule::DOW</code> for its date
+     * rule and <code>DateTimeRule::WALL_TIME</code> for its time rule.  Because daylight saving time
+     * rule is changing time to time in many time zones and also mapping a transition time rule to
+     * different type is lossy transformation, the set of rules returned by this method may be valid
+     * for short period of time.
+     * The time zone rule objects returned by this method is owned by the caller, so the caller is
+     * responsible for deleting them after use.
+     * @param date      The date used for extracting time zone rules.
+     * @param initial   Receives the <code>InitialTimeZone</code>, always not NULL.
+     * @param std       Receives the <code>AnnualTimeZoneRule</code> for standard time transitions.
+     *                  When this time time zone does not observe daylight saving times around the
+     *                  specified date, NULL is set.
+     * @param dst       Receives the <code>AnnualTimeZoneRule</code> for daylight saving time
+     *                  transitions.  When this time zone does not observer daylight saving times
+     *                  around the specified date, NULL is set.
+     * @param status    Receives error status code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void getSimpleRulesNear(UDate date, InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
+        AnnualTimeZoneRule*& std, AnnualTimeZoneRule*& dst, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * The time type option bit flags used by getOffsetFromLocal
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum {
+        kStandard = 0x01,
+        kDaylight = 0x03,
+        kFormer = 0x04,
+        kLatter = 0x0C
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Get time zone offsets from local wall time.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void getOffsetFromLocal(UDate date, int32_t nonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t duplicatedTimeOpt,
+        int32_t& rawOffset, int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * The time type option bit masks used by getOffsetFromLocal
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum {
+        kStdDstMask = kDaylight,
+        kFormerLatterMask = kLatter
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    BasicTimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Construct a timezone with a given ID.
+     * @param id a system time zone ID
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    BasicTimeZone(const UnicodeString &id);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source the object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    BasicTimeZone(const BasicTimeZone& source);
+    /**
+     * Gets the set of TimeZoneRule instances applicable to the specified time and after.
+     * @param start     The start date used for extracting time zone rules
+     * @param initial   Receives the InitialTimeZone, always not NULL
+     * @param transitionRules   Receives the transition rules, could be NULL
+     * @param status    Receives error status code
+     */
+    void getTimeZoneRulesAfter(UDate start, InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial, UVector*& transitionRules,
+        UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // BASICTZ_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/brkiter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/brkiter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b944497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/brkiter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File brkiter.h
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/18/97    aliu        Added typedef for TextCount.  Made DONE const.
+*   05/07/97    aliu        Fixed DLL declaration.
+*   07/09/97    jfitz       Renamed BreakIterator and interface synced with JDK
+*   08/11/98    helena      Sync-up JDK1.2.
+*   01/13/2000  helena      Added UErrorCode parameter to createXXXInstance methods.
+#ifndef BRKITER_H
+#define BRKITER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Break Iterator.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Allow the declaration of APIs with pointers to BreakIterator
+ * even when break iteration is removed from the build.
+ */
+class BreakIterator;
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/chariter.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/ubrk.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+ * The BreakIterator class implements methods for finding the location
+ * of boundaries in text. BreakIterator is an abstract base class.
+ * Instances of BreakIterator maintain a current position and scan over
+ * text returning the index of characters where boundaries occur.
+ * <p>
+ * Line boundary analysis determines where a text string can be broken
+ * when line-wrapping. The mechanism correctly handles punctuation and
+ * hyphenated words.
+ * <p>
+ * Sentence boundary analysis allows selection with correct
+ * interpretation of periods within numbers and abbreviations, and
+ * trailing punctuation marks such as quotation marks and parentheses.
+ * <p>
+ * Word boundary analysis is used by search and replace functions, as
+ * well as within text editing applications that allow the user to
+ * select words with a double click. Word selection provides correct
+ * interpretation of punctuation marks within and following
+ * words. Characters that are not part of a word, such as symbols or
+ * punctuation marks, have word-breaks on both sides.
+ * <p>
+ * Character boundary analysis allows users to interact with
+ * characters as they expect to, for example, when moving the cursor
+ * through a text string. Character boundary analysis provides correct
+ * navigation of through character strings, regardless of how the
+ * character is stored.  For example, an accented character might be
+ * stored as a base character and a diacritical mark. What users
+ * consider to be a character can differ between languages.
+ * <p>
+ * The text boundary positions are found according to the rules
+ * described in Unicode Standard Annex #29, Text Boundaries, and
+ * Unicode Standard Annex #14, Line Breaking Properties.  These
+ * are available at and
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In addition to the C++ API defined in this header file, a
+ * plain C API with equivalent functionality is defined in the
+ * file ubrk.h
+ * <p>
+ * Code snippets illustrating the use of the Break Iterator APIs
+ * are available in the ICU User Guide,
+ *
+ * and in the sample program icu/source/samples/break/break.cpp
+ *
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API BreakIterator : public UObject {
+    /**
+     *  destructor
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~BreakIterator();
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this
+     * one. The other object should be an instance of the same subclass of
+     * BreakIterator. Objects of different subclasses are considered
+     * unequal.
+     * <P>
+     * Return true if this BreakIterator is at the same position in the
+     * same text, and is the same class and type (word, line, etc.) of
+     * BreakIterator, as the argument.  Text is considered the same if
+     * it contains the same characters, it need not be the same
+     * object, and styles are not considered.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const BreakIterator&) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the complement of the result of operator==
+     * @param rhs The BreakIterator to be compared for inequality
+     * @return the complement of the result of operator==
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const BreakIterator& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
+    /**
+     * Return a polymorphic copy of this object.  This is an abstract
+     * method which subclasses implement.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual BreakIterator* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return a polymorphic class ID for this object. Different subclasses
+     * will return distinct unequal values.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return a CharacterIterator over the text being analyzed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual CharacterIterator& getText(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+      *  Get a UText for the text being analyzed.
+      *  The returned UText is a shallow clone of the UText used internally
+      *  by the break iterator implementation.  It can safely be used to
+      *  access the text without impacting any break iterator operations,
+      *  but the underlying text itself must not be altered.
+      *
+      * @param fillIn A UText to be filled in.  If NULL, a new UText will be
+      *           allocated to hold the result.
+      * @param status receives any error codes.
+      * @return   The current UText for this break iterator.  If an input
+      *           UText was provided, it will always be returned.
+      * @stable ICU 3.4
+      */
+     virtual UText *getUText(UText *fillIn, UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Change the text over which this operates. The text boundary is
+     * reset to the start.
+     *
+     * The BreakIterator will retain a reference to the supplied string.
+     * The caller must not modify or delete the text while the BreakIterator
+     * retains the reference.
+     *
+     * @param text The UnicodeString used to change the text.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void  setText(const UnicodeString &text) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Reset the break iterator to operate over the text represented by
+     * the UText.  The iterator position is reset to the start.
+     *
+     * This function makes a shallow clone of the supplied UText.  This means
+     * that the caller is free to immediately close or otherwise reuse the
+     * Utext that was passed as a parameter, but that the underlying text itself
+     * must not be altered while being referenced by the break iterator.
+     *
+     * All index positions returned by break iterator functions are
+     * native indices from the UText. For example, when breaking UTF-8
+     * encoded text, the break positions returned by next(), previous(), etc.
+     * will be UTF-8 string indices, not UTF-16 positions.
+     *
+     * @param text The UText used to change the text.
+     * @param status receives any error codes.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    virtual void  setText(UText *text, UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Change the text over which this operates. The text boundary is
+     * reset to the start.
+     * Note that setText(UText *) provides similar functionality to this function,
+     * and is more efficient.
+     * @param it The CharacterIterator used to change the text.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void  adoptText(CharacterIterator* it) = 0;
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * DONE is returned by previous() and next() after all valid
+         * boundaries have been returned.
+         * @stable ICU 2.0
+         */
+        DONE = (int32_t)-1
+    };
+    /**
+     * Sets the current iteration position to the beginning of the text, position zero.
+     * @return The offset of the beginning of the text, zero.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t first(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Set the iterator position to the index immediately BEYOND the last character in the text being scanned.
+     * @return The index immediately BEYOND the last character in the text being scanned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t last(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Set the iterator position to the boundary preceding the current boundary.
+     * @return The character index of the previous text boundary or DONE if all
+     * boundaries have been returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t previous(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Advance the iterator to the boundary following the current boundary.
+     * @return The character index of the next text boundary or DONE if all
+     * boundaries have been returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t next(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return character index of the current iterator position within the text.
+     * @return The boundary most recently returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t current(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Advance the iterator to the first boundary following the specified offset.
+     * The value returned is always greater than the offset or
+     * the value BreakIterator.DONE
+     * @param offset the offset to begin scanning.
+     * @return The first boundary after the specified offset.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t following(int32_t offset) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Set the iterator position to the first boundary preceding the specified offset.
+     * The value returned is always smaller than the offset or
+     * the value BreakIterator.DONE
+     * @param offset the offset to begin scanning.
+     * @return The first boundary before the specified offset.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t preceding(int32_t offset) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the specified position is a boundary position.
+     * As a side effect, the current position of the iterator is set
+     * to the first boundary position at or following the specified offset.
+     * @param offset the offset to check.
+     * @return True if "offset" is a boundary position.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool isBoundary(int32_t offset) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Set the iterator position to the nth boundary from the current boundary
+     * @param n the number of boundaries to move by.  A value of 0
+     * does nothing.  Negative values move to previous boundaries
+     * and positive values move to later boundaries.
+     * @return The new iterator position, or
+     * DONE if there are fewer than |n| boundaries in the specified direction.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t next(int32_t n) = 0;
+   /**
+     * For RuleBasedBreakIterators, return the status tag from the break rule
+     * that determined the boundary at the current iteration position.
+     * <p>
+     * For break iterator types that do not support a rule status,
+     * a default value of 0 is returned.
+     * <p>
+     * @return the status from the break rule that determined the boundary at
+     *         the current iteration position.
+     * @see RuleBaseBreakIterator::getRuleStatus()
+     * @see UWordBreak
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRuleStatus() const;
+   /**
+    * For RuleBasedBreakIterators, get the status (tag) values from the break rule(s)
+    * that determined the boundary at the current iteration position.
+    * <p>
+    * For break iterator types that do not support rule status,
+    * no values are returned.
+    * <p>
+    * The returned status value(s) are stored into an array provided by the caller.
+    * The values are stored in sorted (ascending) order.
+    * If the capacity of the output array is insufficient to hold the data,
+    *  the output will be truncated to the available length, and a
+    *  U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR will be signaled.
+    * <p>
+    * @see RuleBaseBreakIterator::getRuleStatusVec
+    *
+    * @param fillInVec an array to be filled in with the status values.
+    * @param capacity  the length of the supplied vector.  A length of zero causes
+    *                  the function to return the number of status values, in the
+    *                  normal way, without attempting to store any values.
+    * @param status    receives error codes.
+    * @return          The number of rule status values from rules that determined
+    *                  the boundary at the current iteration position.
+    *                  In the event of a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, the return value
+    *                  is the total number of status values that were available,
+    *                  not the reduced number that were actually returned.
+    * @see getRuleStatus
+    * @stable ICU 52
+    */
+    virtual int32_t getRuleStatusVec(int32_t *fillInVec, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Create BreakIterator for word-breaks using the given locale.
+     * Returns an instance of a BreakIterator implementing word breaks.
+     * WordBreak is useful for word selection (ex. double click)
+     * @param where the locale.
+     * @param status the error code
+     * @return A BreakIterator for word-breaks.  The UErrorCode& status
+     * parameter is used to return status information to the user.
+     * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check
+     * the value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you
+     * can check for informational error results which still indicate success.
+     * U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING indicates that a fall back locale was used.  For
+     * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
+     * used.  U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that the default locale data was
+     * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
+     * could be found.
+     * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static BreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+    createWordInstance(const Locale& where, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create BreakIterator for line-breaks using specified locale.
+     * Returns an instance of a BreakIterator implementing line breaks. Line
+     * breaks are logically possible line breaks, actual line breaks are
+     * usually determined based on display width.
+     * LineBreak is useful for word wrapping text.
+     * @param where the locale.
+     * @param status The error code.
+     * @return A BreakIterator for line-breaks.  The UErrorCode& status
+     * parameter is used to return status information to the user.
+     * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check
+     * the value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you
+     * can check for informational error results which still indicate success.
+     * U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING indicates that a fall back locale was used.  For
+     * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
+     * used.  U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that the default locale data was
+     * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
+     * could be found.
+     * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static BreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+    createLineInstance(const Locale& where, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create BreakIterator for character-breaks using specified locale
+     * Returns an instance of a BreakIterator implementing character breaks.
+     * Character breaks are boundaries of combining character sequences.
+     * @param where the locale.
+     * @param status The error code.
+     * @return A BreakIterator for character-breaks.  The UErrorCode& status
+     * parameter is used to return status information to the user.
+     * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check
+     * the value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you
+     * can check for informational error results which still indicate success.
+     * U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING indicates that a fall back locale was used.  For
+     * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
+     * used.  U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that the default locale data was
+     * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
+     * could be found.
+     * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static BreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+    createCharacterInstance(const Locale& where, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create BreakIterator for sentence-breaks using specified locale
+     * Returns an instance of a BreakIterator implementing sentence breaks.
+     * @param where the locale.
+     * @param status The error code.
+     * @return A BreakIterator for sentence-breaks.  The UErrorCode& status
+     * parameter is used to return status information to the user.
+     * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check
+     * the value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you
+     * can check for informational error results which still indicate success.
+     * U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING indicates that a fall back locale was used.  For
+     * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
+     * used.  U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that the default locale data was
+     * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
+     * could be found.
+     * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static BreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+    createSentenceInstance(const Locale& where, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create BreakIterator for title-casing breaks using the specified locale
+     * Returns an instance of a BreakIterator implementing title breaks.
+     * The iterator returned locates title boundaries as described for
+     * Unicode 3.2 only. For Unicode 4.0 and above title boundary iteration,
+     * please use a word boundary iterator. See {@link #createWordInstance }.
+     *
+     * @param where the locale.
+     * @param status The error code.
+     * @return A BreakIterator for title-breaks.  The UErrorCode& status
+     * parameter is used to return status information to the user.
+     * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check
+     * the value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you
+     * can check for informational error results which still indicate success.
+     * U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING indicates that a fall back locale was used.  For
+     * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
+     * used.  U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that the default locale data was
+     * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
+     * could be found.
+     * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @deprecated ICU 64 Use createWordInstance instead.
+     */
+    static BreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+    createTitleInstance(const Locale& where, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get the set of Locales for which TextBoundaries are installed.
+     * <p><b>Note:</b> this will not return locales added through the register
+     * call. To see the registered locales too, use the getAvailableLocales
+     * function that returns a StringEnumeration object </p>
+     * @param count the output parameter of number of elements in the locale list
+     * @return available locales
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const Locale* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count);
+    /**
+     * Get name of the object for the desired Locale, in the desired language.
+     * @param objectLocale must be from getAvailableLocales.
+     * @param displayLocale specifies the desired locale for output.
+     * @param name the fill-in parameter of the return value
+     * Uses best match.
+     * @return user-displayable name
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
+                                         const Locale& displayLocale,
+                                         UnicodeString& name);
+    /**
+     * Get name of the object for the desired Locale, in the language of the
+     * default locale.
+     * @param objectLocale must be from getMatchingLocales
+     * @param name the fill-in parameter of the return value
+     * @return user-displayable name
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
+                                         UnicodeString& name);
+    /**
+     * Deprecated functionality. Use clone() instead.
+     *
+     * Thread safe client-buffer-based cloning operation
+     *    Do NOT call delete on a safeclone, since 'new' is not used to create it.
+     * @param stackBuffer user allocated space for the new clone. If NULL new memory will be allocated.
+     * If buffer is not large enough, new memory will be allocated.
+     * @param BufferSize reference to size of allocated space.
+     * If BufferSize == 0, a sufficient size for use in cloning will
+     * be returned ('pre-flighting')
+     * If BufferSize is not enough for a stack-based safe clone,
+     * new memory will be allocated.
+     * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+     *  An informational status value, U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_ERROR, is used if any allocations were
+     *  necessary.
+     * @return pointer to the new clone
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 52. Use clone() instead.
+     */
+    virtual BreakIterator *  createBufferClone(void *stackBuffer,
+                                               int32_t &BufferSize,
+                                               UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+    /**
+     *   Determine whether the BreakIterator was created in user memory by
+     *   createBufferClone(), and thus should not be deleted.  Such objects
+     *   must be closed by an explicit call to the destructor (not delete).
+     * @deprecated ICU 52. Always delete the BreakIterator.
+     */
+    inline UBool isBufferClone(void);
+    /**
+     * Register a new break iterator of the indicated kind, to use in the given locale.
+     * The break iterator will be adopted.  Clones of the iterator will be returned
+     * if a request for a break iterator of the given kind matches or falls back to
+     * this locale.
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache BreakIterators internally, this must
+     * be called at application startup, prior to any calls to
+     * BreakIterator::createXXXInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     * @param toAdopt the BreakIterator instance to be adopted
+     * @param locale the Locale for which this instance is to be registered
+     * @param kind the type of iterator for which this instance is to be registered
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this instance
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static URegistryKey U_EXPORT2 registerInstance(BreakIterator* toAdopt,
+                                        const Locale& locale,
+                                        UBreakIteratorType kind,
+                                        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Unregister a previously-registered BreakIterator using the key returned from the
+     * register call.  Key becomes invalid after a successful call and should not be used again.
+     * The BreakIterator corresponding to the key will be deleted.
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache BreakIterators internally, this should
+     * be called during application shutdown, after all calls to
+     * BreakIterator::createXXXInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     * @param key the registry key returned by a previous call to registerInstance
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return TRUE if the iterator for the key was successfully unregistered
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 unregister(URegistryKey key, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call,
+     * including registered locales.
+     * @return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale for this break iterator. Two flavors are available: valid and
+     * actual locale.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /** Get the locale for this break iterator object. You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+     *  @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual)
+     *  @param status error code for the operation
+     *  @return the locale
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    const char *getLocaleID(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     *  Set the subject text string upon which the break iterator is operating
+     *  without changing any other aspect of the matching state.
+     *  The new and previous text strings must have the same content.
+     *
+     *  This function is intended for use in environments where ICU is operating on
+     *  strings that may move around in memory.  It provides a mechanism for notifying
+     *  ICU that the string has been relocated, and providing a new UText to access the
+     *  string in its new position.
+     *
+     *  Note that the break iterator implementation never copies the underlying text
+     *  of a string being processed, but always operates directly on the original text
+     *  provided by the user. Refreshing simply drops the references to the old text
+     *  and replaces them with references to the new.
+     *
+     *  Caution:  this function is normally used only by very specialized,
+     *  system-level code.  One example use case is with garbage collection that moves
+     *  the text in memory.
+     *
+     * @param input      The new (moved) text string.
+     * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+     * @return           *this
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual BreakIterator &refreshInputText(UText *input, UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+ private:
+    static BreakIterator* buildInstance(const Locale& loc, const char *type, UErrorCode& status);
+    static BreakIterator* createInstance(const Locale& loc, int32_t kind, UErrorCode& status);
+    static BreakIterator* makeInstance(const Locale& loc, int32_t kind, UErrorCode& status);
+    friend class ICUBreakIteratorFactory;
+    friend class ICUBreakIteratorService;
+    // Do not enclose protected default/copy constructors with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
+    // or else the compiler will create a public ones.
+    /** @internal */
+    BreakIterator();
+    /** @internal */
+    BreakIterator (const BreakIterator &other);
+    /** @internal */
+    BreakIterator (const Locale& valid, const Locale &actual);
+    /** @internal. Assignment Operator, used by RuleBasedBreakIterator. */
+    BreakIterator &operator = (const BreakIterator &other);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /** @internal (private) */
+    char actualLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    char validLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+inline UBool BreakIterator::isBufferClone()
+    return FALSE;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // BRKITER_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestream.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d60492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2012, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Author: (Sanjay Ghemawat)
+// Abstract interface that consumes a sequence of bytes (ByteSink).
+// Used so that we can write a single piece of code that can operate
+// on a variety of output string types.
+// Various implementations of this interface are provided:
+//   ByteSink:
+//      CheckedArrayByteSink    Write to a flat array, with bounds checking
+//      StringByteSink          Write to an STL string
+// This code is a contribution of Google code, and the style used here is
+// a compromise between the original Google code and the ICU coding guidelines.
+// For example, data types are ICU-ified (size_t,int->int32_t),
+// and API comments doxygen-ified, but function names and behavior are
+// as in the original, if possible.
+// Assertion-style error handling, not available in ICU, was changed to
+// parameter "pinning" similar to UnicodeString.
+// In addition, this is only a partial port of the original Google code,
+// limited to what was needed so far. The (nearly) complete original code
+// is in the ICU svn repository at icuhtml/trunk/design/strings/contrib
+// (see ICU ticket 6765, r25517).
+#ifndef __BYTESTREAM_H__
+#define __BYTESTREAM_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Interface for writing bytes, and implementation classes.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/std_string.h"
+ * A ByteSink can be filled with bytes.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ByteSink : public UMemory {
+  /**
+   * Default constructor.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  ByteSink() { }
+  /**
+   * Virtual destructor.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual ~ByteSink();
+  /**
+   * Append "bytes[0,n-1]" to this.
+   * @param bytes the pointer to the bytes
+   * @param n the number of bytes; must be non-negative
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual void Append(const char* bytes, int32_t n) = 0;
+  /**
+   * Returns a writable buffer for appending and writes the buffer's capacity to
+   * *result_capacity. Guarantees *result_capacity>=min_capacity.
+   * May return a pointer to the caller-owned scratch buffer which must have
+   * scratch_capacity>=min_capacity.
+   * The returned buffer is only valid until the next operation
+   * on this ByteSink.
+   *
+   * After writing at most *result_capacity bytes, call Append() with the
+   * pointer returned from this function and the number of bytes written.
+   * Many Append() implementations will avoid copying bytes if this function
+   * returned an internal buffer.
+   *
+   * Partial usage example:
+   *  int32_t capacity;
+   *  char* buffer = sink->GetAppendBuffer(..., &capacity);
+   *  ... Write n bytes into buffer, with n <= capacity.
+   *  sink->Append(buffer, n);
+   * In many implementations, that call to Append will avoid copying bytes.
+   *
+   * If the ByteSink allocates or reallocates an internal buffer, it should use
+   * the desired_capacity_hint if appropriate.
+   * If a caller cannot provide a reasonable guess at the desired capacity,
+   * it should pass desired_capacity_hint=0.
+   *
+   * If a non-scratch buffer is returned, the caller may only pass
+   * a prefix to it to Append().
+   * That is, it is not correct to pass an interior pointer to Append().
+   *
+   * The default implementation always returns the scratch buffer.
+   *
+   * @param min_capacity required minimum capacity of the returned buffer;
+   *                     must be non-negative
+   * @param desired_capacity_hint desired capacity of the returned buffer;
+   *                              must be non-negative
+   * @param scratch default caller-owned buffer
+   * @param scratch_capacity capacity of the scratch buffer
+   * @param result_capacity pointer to an integer which will be set to the
+   *                        capacity of the returned buffer
+   * @return a buffer with *result_capacity>=min_capacity
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual char* GetAppendBuffer(int32_t min_capacity,
+                                int32_t desired_capacity_hint,
+                                char* scratch, int32_t scratch_capacity,
+                                int32_t* result_capacity);
+  /**
+   * Flush internal buffers.
+   * Some byte sinks use internal buffers or provide buffering
+   * and require calling Flush() at the end of the stream.
+   * The ByteSink should be ready for further Append() calls after Flush().
+   * The default implementation of Flush() does nothing.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual void Flush();
+  ByteSink(const ByteSink &) = delete;
+  ByteSink &operator=(const ByteSink &) = delete;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------
+// Some standard implementations
+ * Implementation of ByteSink that writes to a flat byte array,
+ * with bounds-checking:
+ * This sink will not write more than capacity bytes to outbuf.
+ * If more than capacity bytes are Append()ed, then excess bytes are ignored,
+ * and Overflowed() will return true.
+ * Overflow does not cause a runtime error.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API CheckedArrayByteSink : public ByteSink {
+  /**
+   * Constructs a ByteSink that will write to outbuf[0..capacity-1].
+   * @param outbuf buffer to write to
+   * @param capacity size of the buffer
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  CheckedArrayByteSink(char* outbuf, int32_t capacity);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual ~CheckedArrayByteSink();
+  /**
+   * Returns the sink to its original state, without modifying the buffer.
+   * Useful for reusing both the buffer and the sink for multiple streams.
+   * Resets the state to NumberOfBytesWritten()=NumberOfBytesAppended()=0
+   * and Overflowed()=FALSE.
+   * @return *this
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  virtual CheckedArrayByteSink& Reset();
+  /**
+   * Append "bytes[0,n-1]" to this.
+   * @param bytes the pointer to the bytes
+   * @param n the number of bytes; must be non-negative
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual void Append(const char* bytes, int32_t n);
+  /**
+   * Returns a writable buffer for appending and writes the buffer's capacity to
+   * *result_capacity. For details see the base class documentation.
+   * @param min_capacity required minimum capacity of the returned buffer;
+   *                     must be non-negative
+   * @param desired_capacity_hint desired capacity of the returned buffer;
+   *                              must be non-negative
+   * @param scratch default caller-owned buffer
+   * @param scratch_capacity capacity of the scratch buffer
+   * @param result_capacity pointer to an integer which will be set to the
+   *                        capacity of the returned buffer
+   * @return a buffer with *result_capacity>=min_capacity
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual char* GetAppendBuffer(int32_t min_capacity,
+                                int32_t desired_capacity_hint,
+                                char* scratch, int32_t scratch_capacity,
+                                int32_t* result_capacity);
+  /**
+   * Returns the number of bytes actually written to the sink.
+   * @return number of bytes written to the buffer
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  int32_t NumberOfBytesWritten() const { return size_; }
+  /**
+   * Returns true if any bytes were discarded, i.e., if there was an
+   * attempt to write more than 'capacity' bytes.
+   * @return TRUE if more than 'capacity' bytes were Append()ed
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  UBool Overflowed() const { return overflowed_; }
+  /**
+   * Returns the number of bytes appended to the sink.
+   * If Overflowed() then NumberOfBytesAppended()>NumberOfBytesWritten()
+   * else they return the same number.
+   * @return number of bytes written to the buffer
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  int32_t NumberOfBytesAppended() const { return appended_; }
+  char* outbuf_;
+  const int32_t capacity_;
+  int32_t size_;
+  int32_t appended_;
+  UBool overflowed_;
+  CheckedArrayByteSink() = delete;
+  CheckedArrayByteSink(const CheckedArrayByteSink &) = delete;
+  CheckedArrayByteSink &operator=(const CheckedArrayByteSink &) = delete;
+ * Implementation of ByteSink that writes to a "string".
+ * The StringClass is usually instantiated with a std::string.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+template<typename StringClass>
+class StringByteSink : public ByteSink {
+ public:
+  /**
+   * Constructs a ByteSink that will append bytes to the dest string.
+   * @param dest pointer to string object to append to
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringByteSink(StringClass* dest) : dest_(dest) { }
+  /**
+   * Constructs a ByteSink that reserves append capacity and will append bytes to the dest string.
+   * 
+   * @param dest pointer to string object to append to
+   * @param initialAppendCapacity capacity beyond dest->length() to be reserve()d
+   * @stable ICU 60
+   */
+  StringByteSink(StringClass* dest, int32_t initialAppendCapacity) : dest_(dest) {
+    if (initialAppendCapacity > 0 &&
+        (uint32_t)initialAppendCapacity > (dest->capacity() - dest->length())) {
+      dest->reserve(dest->length() + initialAppendCapacity);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Append "bytes[0,n-1]" to this.
+   * @param data the pointer to the bytes
+   * @param n the number of bytes; must be non-negative
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  virtual void Append(const char* data, int32_t n) { dest_->append(data, n); }
+ private:
+  StringClass* dest_;
+  StringByteSink() = delete;
+  StringByteSink(const StringByteSink &) = delete;
+  StringByteSink &operator=(const StringByteSink &) = delete;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __BYTESTREAM_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestrie.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestrie.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51405f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestrie.h
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  bytestrie.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010sep25
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __BYTESTRIE_H__
+#define __BYTESTRIE_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Trie for mapping byte sequences to integer values.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/ustringtrie.h"
+class ByteSink;
+class BytesTrieBuilder;
+class CharString;
+class UVector32;
+ * Light-weight, non-const reader class for a BytesTrie.
+ * Traverses a byte-serialized data structure with minimal state,
+ * for mapping byte sequences to non-negative integer values.
+ *
+ * This class owns the serialized trie data only if it was constructed by
+ * the builder's build() method.
+ * The public constructor and the copy constructor only alias the data (only copy the pointer).
+ * There is no assignment operator.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API BytesTrie : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a BytesTrie reader instance.
+     *
+     * The trieBytes must contain a copy of a byte sequence from the BytesTrieBuilder,
+     * starting with the first byte of that sequence.
+     * The BytesTrie object will not read more bytes than
+     * the BytesTrieBuilder generated in the corresponding build() call.
+     *
+     * The array is not copied/cloned and must not be modified while
+     * the BytesTrie object is in use.
+     *
+     * @param trieBytes The byte array that contains the serialized trie.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrie(const void *trieBytes)
+            : ownedArray_(NULL), bytes_(static_cast<const uint8_t *>(trieBytes)),
+              pos_(bytes_), remainingMatchLength_(-1) {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    ~BytesTrie();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor, copies the other trie reader object and its state,
+     * but not the byte array which will be shared. (Shallow copy.)
+     * @param other Another BytesTrie object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrie(const BytesTrie &other)
+            : ownedArray_(NULL), bytes_(other.bytes_),
+              pos_(other.pos_), remainingMatchLength_(other.remainingMatchLength_) {}
+    /**
+     * Resets this trie to its initial state.
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrie &reset() {
+        pos_=bytes_;
+        remainingMatchLength_=-1;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the state of this trie as a 64-bit integer.
+     * The state value is never 0.
+     *
+     * @return opaque state value
+     * @see resetToState64
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    uint64_t getState64() const {
+        return (static_cast<uint64_t>(remainingMatchLength_ + 2) << kState64RemainingShift) |
+            (uint64_t)(pos_ - bytes_);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets this trie to the saved state.
+     * Unlike resetToState(State), the 64-bit state value
+     * must be from getState64() from the same trie object or
+     * from one initialized the exact same way.
+     * Because of no validation, this method is faster.
+     *
+     * @param state The opaque trie state value from getState64().
+     * @return *this
+     * @see getState64
+     * @see resetToState
+     * @see reset
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    BytesTrie &resetToState64(uint64_t state) {
+        remainingMatchLength_ = static_cast<int32_t>(state >> kState64RemainingShift) - 2;
+        pos_ = bytes_ + (state & kState64PosMask);
+        return *this;
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * BytesTrie state object, for saving a trie's current state
+     * and resetting the trie back to this state later.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    class State : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructs an empty State.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        State() { bytes=NULL; }
+    private:
+        friend class BytesTrie;
+        const uint8_t *bytes;
+        const uint8_t *pos;
+        int32_t remainingMatchLength;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Saves the state of this trie.
+     * @param state The State object to hold the trie's state.
+     * @return *this
+     * @see resetToState
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    const BytesTrie &saveState(State &state) const {
+        state.bytes=bytes_;
+        state.pos=pos_;
+        state.remainingMatchLength=remainingMatchLength_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets this trie to the saved state.
+     * If the state object contains no state, or the state of a different trie,
+     * then this trie remains unchanged.
+     * @param state The State object which holds a saved trie state.
+     * @return *this
+     * @see saveState
+     * @see reset
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrie &resetToState(const State &state) {
+        if(bytes_==state.bytes && bytes_!=NULL) {
+            pos_=state.pos;
+            remainingMatchLength_=state.remainingMatchLength;
+        }
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Determines whether the byte sequence so far matches, whether it has a value,
+     * and whether another input byte can continue a matching byte sequence.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult current() const;
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the initial state for this input byte.
+     * Equivalent to reset().next(inByte).
+     * @param inByte Input byte value. Values -0x100..-1 are treated like 0..0xff.
+     *               Values below -0x100 and above 0xff will never match.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    inline UStringTrieResult first(int32_t inByte) {
+        remainingMatchLength_=-1;
+        if(inByte<0) {
+            inByte+=0x100;
+        }
+        return nextImpl(bytes_, inByte);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the current state for this input byte.
+     * @param inByte Input byte value. Values -0x100..-1 are treated like 0..0xff.
+     *               Values below -0x100 and above 0xff will never match.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult next(int32_t inByte);
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the current state for this byte sequence.
+     * Equivalent to
+     * \code
+     * Result result=current();
+     * for(each c in s)
+     *   if(!USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(result)) return USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH;
+     *   result=next(c);
+     * return result;
+     * \endcode
+     * @param s A string or byte sequence. Can be NULL if length is 0.
+     * @param length The length of the byte sequence. Can be -1 if NUL-terminated.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult next(const char *s, int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Returns a matching byte sequence's value if called immediately after
+     * current()/first()/next() returned USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE or USTRINGTRIE_FINAL_VALUE.
+     * getValue() can be called multiple times.
+     *
+     * Do not call getValue() after USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH or USTRINGTRIE_NO_VALUE!
+     * @return The value for the byte sequence so far.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    inline int32_t getValue() const {
+        const uint8_t *pos=pos_;
+        int32_t leadByte=*pos++;
+        // U_ASSERT(leadByte>=kMinValueLead);
+        return readValue(pos, leadByte>>1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Determines whether all byte sequences reachable from the current state
+     * map to the same value.
+     * @param uniqueValue Receives the unique value, if this function returns TRUE.
+     *                    (output-only)
+     * @return TRUE if all byte sequences reachable from the current state
+     *         map to the same value.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    inline UBool hasUniqueValue(int32_t &uniqueValue) const {
+        const uint8_t *pos=pos_;
+        // Skip the rest of a pending linear-match node.
+        return pos!=NULL && findUniqueValue(pos+remainingMatchLength_+1, FALSE, uniqueValue);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Finds each byte which continues the byte sequence from the current state.
+     * That is, each byte b for which it would be next(b)!=USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH now.
+     * @param out Each next byte is appended to this object.
+     *            (Only uses the out.Append(s, length) method.)
+     * @return the number of bytes which continue the byte sequence from here
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    int32_t getNextBytes(ByteSink &out) const;
+    /**
+     * Iterator for all of the (byte sequence, value) pairs in a BytesTrie.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    class U_COMMON_API Iterator : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Iterates from the root of a byte-serialized BytesTrie.
+         * @param trieBytes The trie bytes.
+         * @param maxStringLength If 0, the iterator returns full strings/byte sequences.
+         *                        Otherwise, the iterator returns strings with this maximum length.
+         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        Iterator(const void *trieBytes, int32_t maxStringLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * Iterates from the current state of the specified BytesTrie.
+         * @param trie The trie whose state will be copied for iteration.
+         * @param maxStringLength If 0, the iterator returns full strings/byte sequences.
+         *                        Otherwise, the iterator returns strings with this maximum length.
+         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        Iterator(const BytesTrie &trie, int32_t maxStringLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        ~Iterator();
+        /**
+         * Resets this iterator to its initial state.
+         * @return *this
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        Iterator &reset();
+        /**
+         * @return TRUE if there are more elements.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        UBool hasNext() const;
+        /**
+         * Finds the next (byte sequence, value) pair if there is one.
+         *
+         * If the byte sequence is truncated to the maximum length and does not
+         * have a real value, then the value is set to -1.
+         * In this case, this "not a real value" is indistinguishable from
+         * a real value of -1.
+         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return TRUE if there is another element.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        UBool next(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * @return The NUL-terminated byte sequence for the last successful next().
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        StringPiece getString() const;
+        /**
+         * @return The value for the last successful next().
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        int32_t getValue() const { return value_; }
+    private:
+        UBool truncateAndStop();
+        const uint8_t *branchNext(const uint8_t *pos, int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        const uint8_t *bytes_;
+        const uint8_t *pos_;
+        const uint8_t *initialPos_;
+        int32_t remainingMatchLength_;
+        int32_t initialRemainingMatchLength_;
+        CharString *str_;
+        int32_t maxLength_;
+        int32_t value_;
+        // The stack stores pairs of integers for backtracking to another
+        // outbound edge of a branch node.
+        // The first integer is an offset from bytes_.
+        // The second integer has the str_->length() from before the node in bits 15..0,
+        // and the remaining branch length in bits 24..16. (Bits 31..25 are unused.)
+        // (We could store the remaining branch length minus 1 in bits 23..16 and not use bits 31..24,
+        // but the code looks more confusing that way.)
+        UVector32 *stack_;
+    };
+    friend class BytesTrieBuilder;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a BytesTrie reader instance.
+     * Unlike the public constructor which just aliases an array,
+     * this constructor adopts the builder's array.
+     * This constructor is only called by the builder.
+     */
+    BytesTrie(void *adoptBytes, const void *trieBytes)
+            : ownedArray_(static_cast<uint8_t *>(adoptBytes)),
+              bytes_(static_cast<const uint8_t *>(trieBytes)),
+              pos_(bytes_), remainingMatchLength_(-1) {}
+    // No assignment operator.
+    BytesTrie &operator=(const BytesTrie &other);
+    inline void stop() {
+        pos_=NULL;
+    }
+    // Reads a compact 32-bit integer.
+    // pos is already after the leadByte, and the lead byte is already shifted right by 1.
+    static int32_t readValue(const uint8_t *pos, int32_t leadByte);
+    static inline const uint8_t *skipValue(const uint8_t *pos, int32_t leadByte) {
+        // U_ASSERT(leadByte>=kMinValueLead);
+        if(leadByte>=(kMinTwoByteValueLead<<1)) {
+            if(leadByte<(kMinThreeByteValueLead<<1)) {
+                ++pos;
+            } else if(leadByte<(kFourByteValueLead<<1)) {
+                pos+=2;
+            } else {
+                pos+=3+((leadByte>>1)&1);
+            }
+        }
+        return pos;
+    }
+    static inline const uint8_t *skipValue(const uint8_t *pos) {
+        int32_t leadByte=*pos++;
+        return skipValue(pos, leadByte);
+    }
+    // Reads a jump delta and jumps.
+    static const uint8_t *jumpByDelta(const uint8_t *pos);
+    static inline const uint8_t *skipDelta(const uint8_t *pos) {
+        int32_t delta=*pos++;
+        if(delta>=kMinTwoByteDeltaLead) {
+            if(delta<kMinThreeByteDeltaLead) {
+                ++pos;
+            } else if(delta<kFourByteDeltaLead) {
+                pos+=2;
+            } else {
+                pos+=3+(delta&1);
+            }
+        }
+        return pos;
+    }
+    static inline UStringTrieResult valueResult(int32_t node) {
+        return (UStringTrieResult)(USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE-(node&kValueIsFinal));
+    }
+    // Handles a branch node for both next(byte) and next(string).
+    UStringTrieResult branchNext(const uint8_t *pos, int32_t length, int32_t inByte);
+    // Requires remainingLength_<0.
+    UStringTrieResult nextImpl(const uint8_t *pos, int32_t inByte);
+    // Helper functions for hasUniqueValue().
+    // Recursively finds a unique value (or whether there is not a unique one)
+    // from a branch.
+    static const uint8_t *findUniqueValueFromBranch(const uint8_t *pos, int32_t length,
+                                                    UBool haveUniqueValue, int32_t &uniqueValue);
+    // Recursively finds a unique value (or whether there is not a unique one)
+    // starting from a position on a node lead byte.
+    static UBool findUniqueValue(const uint8_t *pos, UBool haveUniqueValue, int32_t &uniqueValue);
+    // Helper functions for getNextBytes().
+    // getNextBytes() when pos is on a branch node.
+    static void getNextBranchBytes(const uint8_t *pos, int32_t length, ByteSink &out);
+    static void append(ByteSink &out, int c);
+    // BytesTrie data structure
+    //
+    // The trie consists of a series of byte-serialized nodes for incremental
+    // string/byte sequence matching. The root node is at the beginning of the trie data.
+    //
+    // Types of nodes are distinguished by their node lead byte ranges.
+    // After each node, except a final-value node, another node follows to
+    // encode match values or continue matching further bytes.
+    //
+    // Node types:
+    //  - Value node: Stores a 32-bit integer in a compact, variable-length format.
+    //    The value is for the string/byte sequence so far.
+    //    One node bit indicates whether the value is final or whether
+    //    matching continues with the next node.
+    //  - Linear-match node: Matches a number of bytes.
+    //  - Branch node: Branches to other nodes according to the current input byte.
+    //    The node byte is the length of the branch (number of bytes to select from)
+    //    minus 1. It is followed by a sub-node:
+    //    - If the length is at most kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength, then
+    //      there are length-1 (key, value) pairs and then one more comparison byte.
+    //      If one of the key bytes matches, then the value is either a final value for
+    //      the string/byte sequence so far, or a "jump" delta to the next node.
+    //      If the last byte matches, then matching continues with the next node.
+    //      (Values have the same encoding as value nodes.)
+    //    - If the length is greater than kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength, then
+    //      there is one byte and one "jump" delta.
+    //      If the input byte is less than the sub-node byte, then "jump" by delta to
+    //      the next sub-node which will have a length of length/2.
+    //      (The delta has its own compact encoding.)
+    //      Otherwise, skip the "jump" delta to the next sub-node
+    //      which will have a length of length-length/2.
+    // Node lead byte values.
+    // 00..0f: Branch node. If node!=0 then the length is node+1, otherwise
+    // the length is one more than the next byte.
+    // For a branch sub-node with at most this many entries, we drop down
+    // to a linear search.
+    static const int32_t kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength=5;
+    // 10..1f: Linear-match node, match 1..16 bytes and continue reading the next node.
+    static const int32_t kMinLinearMatch=0x10;
+    static const int32_t kMaxLinearMatchLength=0x10;
+    // 20..ff: Variable-length value node.
+    // If odd, the value is final. (Otherwise, intermediate value or jump delta.)
+    // Then shift-right by 1 bit.
+    // The remaining lead byte value indicates the number of following bytes (0..4)
+    // and contains the value's top bits.
+    static const int32_t kMinValueLead=kMinLinearMatch+kMaxLinearMatchLength;  // 0x20
+    // It is a final value if bit 0 is set.
+    static const int32_t kValueIsFinal=1;
+    // Compact value: After testing bit 0, shift right by 1 and then use the following thresholds.
+    static const int32_t kMinOneByteValueLead=kMinValueLead/2;  // 0x10
+    static const int32_t kMaxOneByteValue=0x40;  // At least 6 bits in the first byte.
+    static const int32_t kMinTwoByteValueLead=kMinOneByteValueLead+kMaxOneByteValue+1;  // 0x51
+    static const int32_t kMaxTwoByteValue=0x1aff;
+    static const int32_t kMinThreeByteValueLead=kMinTwoByteValueLead+(kMaxTwoByteValue>>8)+1;  // 0x6c
+    static const int32_t kFourByteValueLead=0x7e;
+    // A little more than Unicode code points. (0x11ffff)
+    static const int32_t kMaxThreeByteValue=((kFourByteValueLead-kMinThreeByteValueLead)<<16)-1;
+    static const int32_t kFiveByteValueLead=0x7f;
+    // Compact delta integers.
+    static const int32_t kMaxOneByteDelta=0xbf;
+    static const int32_t kMinTwoByteDeltaLead=kMaxOneByteDelta+1;  // 0xc0
+    static const int32_t kMinThreeByteDeltaLead=0xf0;
+    static const int32_t kFourByteDeltaLead=0xfe;
+    static const int32_t kFiveByteDeltaLead=0xff;
+    static const int32_t kMaxTwoByteDelta=((kMinThreeByteDeltaLead-kMinTwoByteDeltaLead)<<8)-1;  // 0x2fff
+    static const int32_t kMaxThreeByteDelta=((kFourByteDeltaLead-kMinThreeByteDeltaLead)<<16)-1;  // 0xdffff
+    // For getState64():
+    // The remainingMatchLength_ is -1..14=(kMaxLinearMatchLength=0x10)-2
+    // so we need at least 5 bits for that.
+    // We add 2 to store it as a positive value 1..16=kMaxLinearMatchLength.
+    static constexpr int32_t kState64RemainingShift = 59;
+    static constexpr uint64_t kState64PosMask = (UINT64_C(1) << kState64RemainingShift) - 1;
+    uint8_t *ownedArray_;
+    // Fixed value referencing the BytesTrie bytes.
+    const uint8_t *bytes_;
+    // Iterator variables.
+    // Pointer to next trie byte to read. NULL if no more matches.
+    const uint8_t *pos_;
+    // Remaining length of a linear-match node, minus 1. Negative if not in such a node.
+    int32_t remainingMatchLength_;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __BYTESTRIE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestriebuilder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestriebuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b98374b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/bytestriebuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  bytestriebuilder.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010sep25
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Builder for icu::BytesTrie
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestrie.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/stringtriebuilder.h"
+class BytesTrieElement;
+class CharString;
+ * Builder class for BytesTrie.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API BytesTrieBuilder : public StringTrieBuilder {
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty builder.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrieBuilder(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual ~BytesTrieBuilder();
+    /**
+     * Adds a (byte sequence, value) pair.
+     * The byte sequence must be unique.
+     * The bytes will be copied; the builder does not keep
+     * a reference to the input StringPiece or its data().
+     * @param s The input byte sequence.
+     * @param value The value associated with this byte sequence.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrieBuilder &add(StringPiece s, int32_t value, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Builds a BytesTrie for the add()ed data.
+     * Once built, no further data can be add()ed until clear() is called.
+     *
+     * A BytesTrie cannot be empty. At least one (byte sequence, value) pair
+     * must have been add()ed.
+     *
+     * This method passes ownership of the builder's internal result array to the new trie object.
+     * Another call to any build() variant will re-serialize the trie.
+     * After clear() has been called, a new array will be used as well.
+     * @param buildOption Build option, see UStringTrieBuildOption.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return A new BytesTrie for the add()ed data.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrie *build(UStringTrieBuildOption buildOption, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Builds a BytesTrie for the add()ed data and byte-serializes it.
+     * Once built, no further data can be add()ed until clear() is called.
+     *
+     * A BytesTrie cannot be empty. At least one (byte sequence, value) pair
+     * must have been add()ed.
+     *
+     * Multiple calls to buildStringPiece() return StringPieces referring to the
+     * builder's same byte array, without rebuilding.
+     * If buildStringPiece() is called after build(), the trie will be
+     * re-serialized into a new array.
+     * If build() is called after buildStringPiece(), the trie object will become
+     * the owner of the previously returned array.
+     * After clear() has been called, a new array will be used as well.
+     * @param buildOption Build option, see UStringTrieBuildOption.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return A StringPiece which refers to the byte-serialized BytesTrie for the add()ed data.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    StringPiece buildStringPiece(UStringTrieBuildOption buildOption, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Removes all (byte sequence, value) pairs.
+     * New data can then be add()ed and a new trie can be built.
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    BytesTrieBuilder &clear();
+    BytesTrieBuilder(const BytesTrieBuilder &other);  // no copy constructor
+    BytesTrieBuilder &operator=(const BytesTrieBuilder &other);  // no assignment operator
+    void buildBytes(UStringTrieBuildOption buildOption, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual int32_t getElementStringLength(int32_t i) const;
+    virtual char16_t getElementUnit(int32_t i, int32_t byteIndex) const;
+    virtual int32_t getElementValue(int32_t i) const;
+    virtual int32_t getLimitOfLinearMatch(int32_t first, int32_t last, int32_t byteIndex) const;
+    virtual int32_t countElementUnits(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t byteIndex) const;
+    virtual int32_t skipElementsBySomeUnits(int32_t i, int32_t byteIndex, int32_t count) const;
+    virtual int32_t indexOfElementWithNextUnit(int32_t i, int32_t byteIndex, char16_t byte) const;
+    virtual UBool matchNodesCanHaveValues() const { return FALSE; }
+    virtual int32_t getMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength() const { return BytesTrie::kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength; }
+    virtual int32_t getMinLinearMatch() const { return BytesTrie::kMinLinearMatch; }
+    virtual int32_t getMaxLinearMatchLength() const { return BytesTrie::kMaxLinearMatchLength; }
+    /**
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    class BTLinearMatchNode : public LinearMatchNode {
+    public:
+        BTLinearMatchNode(const char *units, int32_t len, Node *nextNode);
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder);
+    private:
+        const char *s;
+    };
+    virtual Node *createLinearMatchNode(int32_t i, int32_t byteIndex, int32_t length,
+                                        Node *nextNode) const;
+    UBool ensureCapacity(int32_t length);
+    virtual int32_t write(int32_t byte);
+    int32_t write(const char *b, int32_t length);
+    virtual int32_t writeElementUnits(int32_t i, int32_t byteIndex, int32_t length);
+    virtual int32_t writeValueAndFinal(int32_t i, UBool isFinal);
+    virtual int32_t writeValueAndType(UBool hasValue, int32_t value, int32_t node);
+    virtual int32_t writeDeltaTo(int32_t jumpTarget);
+    CharString *strings;  // Pointer not object so we need not #include internal charstr.h.
+    BytesTrieElement *elements;
+    int32_t elementsCapacity;
+    int32_t elementsLength;
+    // Byte serialization of the trie.
+    // Grows from the back: bytesLength measures from the end of the buffer!
+    char *bytes;
+    int32_t bytesCapacity;
+    int32_t bytesLength;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __BYTESTRIEBUILDER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/calendar.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/calendar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a8c293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/calendar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2551 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/22/97    aliu        Expanded and corrected comments and other header
+*                           contents.
+*   05/01/97    aliu        Made equals(), before(), after() arguments const.
+*   05/20/97    aliu        Replaced fAreFieldsSet with fAreFieldsInSync and
+*                           fAreAllFieldsSet.
+*   07/27/98    stephen     Sync up with JDK 1.2
+*   11/15/99    weiv        added YEAR_WOY and DOW_LOCAL
+*                           to EDateFields
+*    8/19/2002  srl         Removed Javaisms
+*   11/07/2003  srl         Update, clean up documentation.
+#ifndef CALENDAR_H
+#define CALENDAR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Calendar object
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/timezone.h"
+#include "unicode/ucal.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+class ICUServiceFactory;
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef int32_t UFieldResolutionTable[12][8];
+class BasicTimeZone;
+ * `Calendar` is an abstract base class for converting between
+ * a `UDate` object and a set of integer fields such as
+ * `YEAR`, `MONTH`, `DAY`, `HOUR`, and so on.
+ * (A `UDate` object represents a specific instant in
+ * time with millisecond precision. See UDate
+ * for information about the `UDate` class.)
+ *
+ * Subclasses of `Calendar` interpret a `UDate`
+ * according to the rules of a specific calendar system.
+ * The most commonly used subclass of `Calendar` is
+ * `GregorianCalendar`. Other subclasses could represent
+ * the various types of lunar calendars in use in many parts of the world.
+ *
+ * **NOTE**: (ICU 2.6) The subclass interface should be considered unstable -
+ * it WILL change.
+ *
+ * Like other locale-sensitive classes, `Calendar` provides a
+ * static method, `createInstance`, for getting a generally useful
+ * object of this type. `Calendar`'s `createInstance` method
+ * returns the appropriate `Calendar` subclass whose
+ * time fields have been initialized with the current date and time:
+ *
+ *     Calendar *rightNow = Calendar::createInstance(errCode);
+ *
+ * A `Calendar` object can produce all the time field values
+ * needed to implement the date-time formatting for a particular language
+ * and calendar style (for example, Japanese-Gregorian, Japanese-Traditional).
+ *
+ * When computing a `UDate` from time fields, some special circumstances
+ * may arise: there may be insufficient information to compute the
+ * `UDate` (such as only year and month but no day in the month),
+ * there may be inconsistent information (such as "Tuesday, July 15, 1996"
+ * -- July 15, 1996 is actually a Monday), or the input time might be ambiguous
+ * because of time zone transition.
+ *
+ * **Insufficient information.** The calendar will use default
+ * information to specify the missing fields. This may vary by calendar; for
+ * the Gregorian calendar, the default for a field is the same as that of the
+ * start of the epoch: i.e., YEAR = 1970, MONTH = JANUARY, DATE = 1, etc.
+ *
+ * **Inconsistent information.** If fields conflict, the calendar
+ * will give preference to fields set more recently. For example, when
+ * determining the day, the calendar will look for one of the following
+ * combinations of fields.  The most recent combination, as determined by the
+ * most recently set single field, will be used.
+ *
+ *     DAY_OF_YEAR
+ *
+ * For the time of day:
+ *
+ *     HOUR_OF_DAY
+ *     AM_PM + HOUR
+ *
+ * **Ambiguous Wall Clock Time.** When time offset from UTC has
+ * changed, it produces an ambiguous time slot around the transition. For example,
+ * many US locations observe daylight saving time. On the date switching to daylight
+ * saving time in US, wall clock time jumps from 12:59 AM (standard) to 2:00 AM
+ * (daylight). Therefore, wall clock time from 1:00 AM to 1:59 AM do not exist on
+ * the date. When the input wall time fall into this missing time slot, the ICU
+ * Calendar resolves the time using the UTC offset before the transition by default.
+ * In this example, 1:30 AM is interpreted as 1:30 AM standard time (non-exist),
+ * so the final result will be 2:30 AM daylight time.
+ *
+ * On the date switching back to standard time, wall clock time is moved back one
+ * hour at 2:00 AM. So wall clock time from 1:00 AM to 1:59 AM occur twice. In this
+ * case, the ICU Calendar resolves the time using the UTC offset after the transition
+ * by default. For example, 1:30 AM on the date is resolved as 1:30 AM standard time.
+ *
+ * Ambiguous wall clock time resolution behaviors can be customized by Calendar APIs
+ * {@link #setRepeatedWallTimeOption} and {@link #setSkippedWallTimeOption}.
+ * These methods are available in ICU 49 or later versions.
+ *
+ * **Note:** for some non-Gregorian calendars, different
+ * fields may be necessary for complete disambiguation. For example, a full
+ * specification of the historical Arabic astronomical calendar requires year,
+ * month, day-of-month *and* day-of-week in some cases.
+ *
+ * **Note:** There are certain possible ambiguities in
+ * interpretation of certain singular times, which are resolved in the
+ * following ways:
+ *
+ *   1. 24:00:00 "belongs" to the following day. That is,
+ *      23:59 on Dec 31, 1969 < 24:00 on Jan 1, 1970 < 24:01:00 on Jan 1, 1970
+ *   2. Although historically not precise, midnight also belongs to "am",
+ *      and noon belongs to "pm", so on the same day,
+ *      12:00 am (midnight) < 12:01 am, and 12:00 pm (noon) < 12:01 pm
+ *
+ * The date or time format strings are not part of the definition of a
+ * calendar, as those must be modifiable or overridable by the user at
+ * runtime. Use `DateFormat` to format dates.
+ *
+ * `Calendar` provides an API for field "rolling", where fields
+ * can be incremented or decremented, but wrap around. For example, rolling the
+ * month up in the date December 12, **1996** results in
+ * January 12, **1996**.
+ *
+ * `Calendar` also provides a date arithmetic function for
+ * adding the specified (signed) amount of time to a particular time field.
+ * For example, subtracting 5 days from the date `September 12, 1996`
+ * results in `September 7, 1996`.
+ *
+ * ***Supported range***
+ *
+ * The allowable range of `Calendar` has been narrowed. `GregorianCalendar` used
+ * to attempt to support the range of dates with millisecond values from
+ * `Long.MIN_VALUE` to `Long.MAX_VALUE`. The new `Calendar` protocol specifies the
+ * maximum range of supportable dates as those having Julian day numbers
+ * of `-0x7F000000` to `+0x7F000000`. This corresponds to years from ~5,800,000 BCE
+ * to ~5,800,000 CE. Programmers should use the protected constants in `Calendar` to
+ * specify an extremely early or extremely late date.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The Japanese calendar uses a combination of era name and year number.
+ * When an emperor of Japan abdicates and a new emperor ascends the throne,
+ * a new era is declared and year number is reset to 1. Even if the date of
+ * abdication is scheduled ahead of time, the new era name might not be
+ * announced until just before the date. In such case, ICU4C may include
+ * a start date of future era without actual era name, but not enabled
+ * by default. ICU4C users who want to test the behavior of the future era
+ * can enable the tentative era by:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Environment variable <code>ICU_ENABLE_TENTATIVE_ERA=true</code>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Calendar : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Field IDs for date and time. Used to specify date/time fields. ERA is calendar
+     * specific. Example ranges given are for illustration only; see specific Calendar
+     * subclasses for actual ranges.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarDateFields defined in ucal.h
+     */
+    enum EDateFields {
+ * ERA may be defined on other platforms. To avoid any potential problems undefined it here.
+ */
+#ifdef ERA
+#undef ERA
+        ERA,                  // Example: 0..1
+        YEAR,                 // Example: 1..big number
+        MONTH,                // Example: 0..11
+        WEEK_OF_YEAR,         // Example: 1..53
+        WEEK_OF_MONTH,        // Example: 1..4
+        DATE,                 // Example: 1..31
+        DAY_OF_YEAR,          // Example: 1..365
+        DAY_OF_WEEK,          // Example: 1..7
+        DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, // Example: 1..4, may be specified as -1
+        AM_PM,                // Example: 0..1
+        HOUR,                 // Example: 0..11
+        HOUR_OF_DAY,          // Example: 0..23
+        MINUTE,               // Example: 0..59
+        SECOND,               // Example: 0..59
+        MILLISECOND,          // Example: 0..999
+        ZONE_OFFSET,          // Example: -12*U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR..12*U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR
+        DST_OFFSET,           // Example: 0 or U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR
+        YEAR_WOY,             // 'Y' Example: 1..big number - Year of Week of Year
+        DOW_LOCAL,            // 'e' Example: 1..7 - Day of Week / Localized
+        JULIAN_DAY,
+        IS_LEAP_MONTH,
+        FIELD_COUNT = UCAL_FIELD_COUNT // See ucal.h for other fields.
+    };
+    /**
+     * Useful constant for days of week. Note: Calendar day-of-week is 1-based. Clients
+     * who create locale resources for the field of first-day-of-week should be aware of
+     * this. For instance, in US locale, first-day-of-week is set to 1, i.e., SUNDAY.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarDaysOfWeek defined in ucal.h
+     */
+    enum EDaysOfWeek {
+        SUNDAY = 1,
+        MONDAY,
+        TUESDAY,
+        WEDNESDAY,
+        THURSDAY,
+        FRIDAY,
+        SATURDAY
+    };
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for month. Note: Calendar month is 0-based.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarMonths defined in ucal.h
+     */
+    enum EMonths {
+        JANUARY,
+        FEBRUARY,
+        MARCH,
+        APRIL,
+        MAY,
+        JUNE,
+        JULY,
+        AUGUST,
+        SEPTEMBER,
+        OCTOBER,
+        NOVEMBER,
+        DECEMBER,
+    };
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for hour in 12-hour clock. Used in GregorianCalendar.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarAMPMs defined in ucal.h
+     */
+    enum EAmpm {
+        AM,
+        PM
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~Calendar();
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     *
+     * @return    a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual Calendar* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Creates a Calendar using the default timezone and locale. Clients are responsible
+     * for deleting the object returned.
+     *
+     * @param success  Indicates the success/failure of Calendar creation. Filled in
+     *                 with U_ZERO_ERROR if created successfully, set to a failure result
+     *                 otherwise. U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR will be returned if the resource data
+     *                 requests a calendar type which has not been installed.
+     * @return         A Calendar if created successfully. NULL otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Calendar* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Calendar using the given timezone and the default locale.
+     * The Calendar takes ownership of zoneToAdopt; the
+     * client must not delete it.
+     *
+     * @param zoneToAdopt  The given timezone to be adopted.
+     * @param success      Indicates the success/failure of Calendar creation. Filled in
+     *                     with U_ZERO_ERROR if created successfully, set to a failure result
+     *                     otherwise.
+     * @return             A Calendar if created successfully. NULL otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Calendar* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(TimeZone* zoneToAdopt, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Calendar using the given timezone and the default locale.  The TimeZone
+     * is _not_ adopted; the client is still responsible for deleting it.
+     *
+     * @param zone  The timezone.
+     * @param success      Indicates the success/failure of Calendar creation. Filled in
+     *                     with U_ZERO_ERROR if created successfully, set to a failure result
+     *                     otherwise.
+     * @return             A Calendar if created successfully. NULL otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Calendar* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const TimeZone& zone, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Calendar using the default timezone and the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the success/failure of Calendar creation. Filled in
+     *                 with U_ZERO_ERROR if created successfully, set to a failure result
+     *                 otherwise.
+     * @return         A Calendar if created successfully. NULL otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Calendar* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Calendar using the given timezone and given locale.
+     * The Calendar takes ownership of zoneToAdopt; the
+     * client must not delete it.
+     *
+     * @param zoneToAdopt  The given timezone to be adopted.
+     * @param aLocale      The given locale.
+     * @param success      Indicates the success/failure of Calendar creation. Filled in
+     *                     with U_ZERO_ERROR if created successfully, set to a failure result
+     *                     otherwise.
+     * @return             A Calendar if created successfully. NULL otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Calendar* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(TimeZone* zoneToAdopt, const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Gets a Calendar using the given timezone and given locale.  The TimeZone
+     * is _not_ adopted; the client is still responsible for deleting it.
+     *
+     * @param zone         The given timezone.
+     * @param aLocale      The given locale.
+     * @param success      Indicates the success/failure of Calendar creation. Filled in
+     *                     with U_ZERO_ERROR if created successfully, set to a failure result
+     *                     otherwise.
+     * @return             A Calendar if created successfully. NULL otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Calendar* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const TimeZone& zone, const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Returns a list of the locales for which Calendars are installed.
+     *
+     * @param count  Number of locales returned.
+     * @return       An array of Locale objects representing the set of locales for which
+     *               Calendars are installed.  The system retains ownership of this list;
+     *               the caller must NOT delete it. Does not include user-registered Calendars.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const Locale* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count);
+    /**
+     * Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred
+     * order that would make a difference. These are all and only those values where
+     * the open (creation) of the service with the locale formed from the input locale
+     * plus input keyword and that value has different behavior than creation with the
+     * input locale alone.
+     * @param key           one of the keys supported by this service.  For now, only
+     *                      "calendar" is supported.
+     * @param locale        the locale
+     * @param commonlyUsed  if set to true it will return only commonly used values
+     *                      with the given locale in preferred order.  Otherwise,
+     *                      it will return all the available values for the locale.
+     * @param status        ICU Error Code
+     * @return a string enumeration over keyword values for the given key and the locale.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getKeywordValuesForLocale(const char* key,
+                    const Locale& locale, UBool commonlyUsed, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the current UTC (GMT) time measured in milliseconds since 0:00:00 on 1/1/70
+     * (derived from the system time).
+     *
+     * @return   The current UTC time in milliseconds.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UDate U_EXPORT2 getNow(void);
+    /**
+     * Gets this Calendar's time as milliseconds. May involve recalculation of time due
+     * to previous calls to set time field values. The time specified is non-local UTC
+     * (GMT) time. Although this method is const, this object may actually be changed
+     * (semantically const).
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @return        The current time in UTC (GMT) time, or zero if the operation
+     *                failed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UDate getTime(UErrorCode& status) const { return getTimeInMillis(status); }
+    /**
+     * Sets this Calendar's current time with the given UDate. The time specified should
+     * be in non-local UTC (GMT) time.
+     *
+     * @param date  The given UDate in UTC (GMT) time.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline void setTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& status) { setTimeInMillis(date, status); }
+    /**
+     * Compares the equality of two Calendar objects. Objects of different subclasses
+     * are considered unequal. This comparison is very exacting; two Calendar objects
+     * must be in exactly the same state to be considered equal. To compare based on the
+     * represented time, use equals() instead.
+     *
+     * @param that  The Calendar object to be compared with.
+     * @return      True if the given Calendar is the same as this Calendar; false
+     *              otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Calendar& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Compares the inequality of two Calendar objects.
+     *
+     * @param that  The Calendar object to be compared with.
+     * @return      True if the given Calendar is not the same as this Calendar; false
+     *              otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const Calendar& that) const {return !operator==(that);}
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the given Calendar object is equivalent to this
+     * one.  An equivalent Calendar will behave exactly as this one
+     * does, but it may be set to a different time.  By contrast, for
+     * the operator==() method to return TRUE, the other Calendar must
+     * be set to the same time.
+     *
+     * @param other the Calendar to be compared with this Calendar
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool isEquivalentTo(const Calendar& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Compares the Calendar time, whereas Calendar::operator== compares the equality of
+     * Calendar objects.
+     *
+     * @param when    The Calendar to be compared with this Calendar. Although this is a
+     *                const parameter, the object may be modified physically
+     *                (semantically const).
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @return        True if the current time of this Calendar is equal to the time of
+     *                Calendar when; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool equals(const Calendar& when, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this Calendar's current time is before "when"'s current time.
+     *
+     * @param when    The Calendar to be compared with this Calendar. Although this is a
+     *                const parameter, the object may be modified physically
+     *                (semantically const).
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @return        True if the current time of this Calendar is before the time of
+     *                Calendar when; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool before(const Calendar& when, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this Calendar's current time is after "when"'s current time.
+     *
+     * @param when    The Calendar to be compared with this Calendar. Although this is a
+     *                const parameter, the object may be modified physically
+     *                (semantically const).
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @return        True if the current time of this Calendar is after the time of
+     *                Calendar when; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool after(const Calendar& when, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * UDate Arithmetic function. Adds the specified (signed) amount of time to the given
+     * time field, based on the calendar's rules. For example, to subtract 5 days from
+     * the current time of the calendar, call add(Calendar::DATE, -5). When adding on
+     * the month or Calendar::MONTH field, other fields like date might conflict and
+     * need to be changed. For instance, adding 1 month on the date 01/31/96 will result
+     * in 02/29/96.
+     * Adding a positive value always means moving forward in time, so for the Gregorian calendar,
+     * starting with 100 BC and adding +1 to year results in 99 BC (even though this actually reduces
+     * the numeric value of the field itself).
+     *
+     * @param field   Specifies which date field to modify.
+     * @param amount  The amount of time to be added to the field, in the natural unit
+     *                for that field (e.g., days for the day fields, hours for the hour
+     *                field.)
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. use add(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+     */
+    virtual void add(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * UDate Arithmetic function. Adds the specified (signed) amount of time to the given
+     * time field, based on the calendar's rules. For example, to subtract 5 days from
+     * the current time of the calendar, call add(Calendar::DATE, -5). When adding on
+     * the month or Calendar::MONTH field, other fields like date might conflict and
+     * need to be changed. For instance, adding 1 month on the date 01/31/96 will result
+     * in 02/29/96.
+     * Adding a positive value always means moving forward in time, so for the Gregorian calendar,
+     * starting with 100 BC and adding +1 to year results in 99 BC (even though this actually reduces
+     * the numeric value of the field itself).
+     *
+     * @param field   Specifies which date field to modify.
+     * @param amount  The amount of time to be added to the field, in the natural unit
+     *                for that field (e.g., days for the day fields, hours for the hour
+     *                field.)
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual void add(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Time Field Rolling function. Rolls (up/down) a single unit of time on the given
+     * time field. For example, to roll the current date up by one day, call
+     * roll(Calendar::DATE, true). When rolling on the year or Calendar::YEAR field, it
+     * will roll the year value in the range between getMinimum(Calendar::YEAR) and the
+     * value returned by getMaximum(Calendar::YEAR). When rolling on the month or
+     * Calendar::MONTH field, other fields like date might conflict and, need to be
+     * changed. For instance, rolling the month up on the date 01/31/96 will result in
+     * 02/29/96. Rolling up always means rolling forward in time (unless the limit of the
+     * field is reached, in which case it may pin or wrap), so for Gregorian calendar,
+     * starting with 100 BC and rolling the year up results in 99 BC.
+     * When eras have a definite beginning and end (as in the Chinese calendar, or as in
+     * most eras in the Japanese calendar) then rolling the year past either limit of the
+     * era will cause the year to wrap around. When eras only have a limit at one end,
+     * then attempting to roll the year past that limit will result in pinning the year
+     * at that limit. Note that for most calendars in which era 0 years move forward in
+     * time (such as Buddhist, Hebrew, or Islamic), it is possible for add or roll to
+     * result in negative years for era 0 (that is the only way to represent years before
+     * the calendar epoch).
+     * When rolling on the hour-in-day or Calendar::HOUR_OF_DAY field, it will roll the
+     * hour value in the range between 0 and 23, which is zero-based.
+     * <P>
+     * NOTE: Do not use this method -- use roll(EDateFields, int, UErrorCode&) instead.
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param up      Indicates if the value of the specified time field is to be rolled
+     *                up or rolled down. Use true if rolling up, false otherwise.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use roll(UCalendarDateFields field, UBool up, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+     */
+    inline void roll(EDateFields field, UBool up, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Time Field Rolling function. Rolls (up/down) a single unit of time on the given
+     * time field. For example, to roll the current date up by one day, call
+     * roll(Calendar::DATE, true). When rolling on the year or Calendar::YEAR field, it
+     * will roll the year value in the range between getMinimum(Calendar::YEAR) and the
+     * value returned by getMaximum(Calendar::YEAR). When rolling on the month or
+     * Calendar::MONTH field, other fields like date might conflict and, need to be
+     * changed. For instance, rolling the month up on the date 01/31/96 will result in
+     * 02/29/96. Rolling up always means rolling forward in time (unless the limit of the
+     * field is reached, in which case it may pin or wrap), so for Gregorian calendar,
+     * starting with 100 BC and rolling the year up results in 99 BC.
+     * When eras have a definite beginning and end (as in the Chinese calendar, or as in
+     * most eras in the Japanese calendar) then rolling the year past either limit of the
+     * era will cause the year to wrap around. When eras only have a limit at one end,
+     * then attempting to roll the year past that limit will result in pinning the year
+     * at that limit. Note that for most calendars in which era 0 years move forward in
+     * time (such as Buddhist, Hebrew, or Islamic), it is possible for add or roll to
+     * result in negative years for era 0 (that is the only way to represent years before
+     * the calendar epoch).
+     * When rolling on the hour-in-day or Calendar::HOUR_OF_DAY field, it will roll the
+     * hour value in the range between 0 and 23, which is zero-based.
+     * <P>
+     * NOTE: Do not use this method -- use roll(UCalendarDateFields, int, UErrorCode&) instead.
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param up      Indicates if the value of the specified time field is to be rolled
+     *                up or rolled down. Use true if rolling up, false otherwise.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    inline void roll(UCalendarDateFields field, UBool up, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Time Field Rolling function. Rolls by the given amount on the given
+     * time field. For example, to roll the current date up by one day, call
+     * roll(Calendar::DATE, +1, status). When rolling on the month or
+     * Calendar::MONTH field, other fields like date might conflict and, need to be
+     * changed. For instance, rolling the month up on the date 01/31/96 will result in
+     * 02/29/96. Rolling by a positive value always means rolling forward in time (unless
+     * the limit of the field is reached, in which case it may pin or wrap), so for
+     * Gregorian calendar, starting with 100 BC and rolling the year by + 1 results in 99 BC.
+     * When eras have a definite beginning and end (as in the Chinese calendar, or as in
+     * most eras in the Japanese calendar) then rolling the year past either limit of the
+     * era will cause the year to wrap around. When eras only have a limit at one end,
+     * then attempting to roll the year past that limit will result in pinning the year
+     * at that limit. Note that for most calendars in which era 0 years move forward in
+     * time (such as Buddhist, Hebrew, or Islamic), it is possible for add or roll to
+     * result in negative years for era 0 (that is the only way to represent years before
+     * the calendar epoch).
+     * When rolling on the hour-in-day or Calendar::HOUR_OF_DAY field, it will roll the
+     * hour value in the range between 0 and 23, which is zero-based.
+     * <P>
+     * The only difference between roll() and add() is that roll() does not change
+     * the value of more significant fields when it reaches the minimum or maximum
+     * of its range, whereas add() does.
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param amount  Indicates amount to roll.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+     */
+    virtual void roll(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Time Field Rolling function. Rolls by the given amount on the given
+     * time field. For example, to roll the current date up by one day, call
+     * roll(Calendar::DATE, +1, status). When rolling on the month or
+     * Calendar::MONTH field, other fields like date might conflict and, need to be
+     * changed. For instance, rolling the month up on the date 01/31/96 will result in
+     * 02/29/96. Rolling by a positive value always means rolling forward in time (unless
+     * the limit of the field is reached, in which case it may pin or wrap), so for
+     * Gregorian calendar, starting with 100 BC and rolling the year by + 1 results in 99 BC.
+     * When eras have a definite beginning and end (as in the Chinese calendar, or as in
+     * most eras in the Japanese calendar) then rolling the year past either limit of the
+     * era will cause the year to wrap around. When eras only have a limit at one end,
+     * then attempting to roll the year past that limit will result in pinning the year
+     * at that limit. Note that for most calendars in which era 0 years move forward in
+     * time (such as Buddhist, Hebrew, or Islamic), it is possible for add or roll to
+     * result in negative years for era 0 (that is the only way to represent years before
+     * the calendar epoch).
+     * When rolling on the hour-in-day or Calendar::HOUR_OF_DAY field, it will roll the
+     * hour value in the range between 0 and 23, which is zero-based.
+     * <P>
+     * The only difference between roll() and add() is that roll() does not change
+     * the value of more significant fields when it reaches the minimum or maximum
+     * of its range, whereas add() does.
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param amount  Indicates amount to roll.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual void roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the difference between the given time and the time this
+     * calendar object is set to.  If this calendar is set
+     * <em>before</em> the given time, the returned value will be
+     * positive.  If this calendar is set <em>after</em> the given
+     * time, the returned value will be negative.  The
+     * <code>field</code> parameter specifies the units of the return
+     * value.  For example, if <code>fieldDifference(when,
+     * Calendar::MONTH)</code> returns 3, then this calendar is set to
+     * 3 months before <code>when</code>, and possibly some addition
+     * time less than one month.
+     *
+     * <p>As a side effect of this call, this calendar is advanced
+     * toward <code>when</code> by the given amount.  That is, calling
+     * this method has the side effect of calling <code>add(field,
+     * n)</code>, where <code>n</code> is the return value.
+     *
+     * <p>Usage: To use this method, call it first with the largest
+     * field of interest, then with progressively smaller fields.  For
+     * example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * int y = cal->fieldDifference(when, Calendar::YEAR, err);
+     * int m = cal->fieldDifference(when, Calendar::MONTH, err);
+     * int d = cal->fieldDifference(when, Calendar::DATE, err);</pre>
+     *
+     * computes the difference between <code>cal</code> and
+     * <code>when</code> in years, months, and days.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: <code>fieldDifference()</code> is
+     * <em>asymmetrical</em>.  That is, in the following code:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * cal->setTime(date1, err);
+     * int m1 = cal->fieldDifference(date2, Calendar::MONTH, err);
+     * int d1 = cal->fieldDifference(date2, Calendar::DATE, err);
+     * cal->setTime(date2, err);
+     * int m2 = cal->fieldDifference(date1, Calendar::MONTH, err);
+     * int d2 = cal->fieldDifference(date1, Calendar::DATE, err);</pre>
+     *
+     * one might expect that <code>m1 == -m2 && d1 == -d2</code>.
+     * However, this is not generally the case, because of
+     * irregularities in the underlying calendar system (e.g., the
+     * Gregorian calendar has a varying number of days per month).
+     *
+     * @param when the date to compare this calendar's time to
+     * @param field the field in which to compute the result
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @return the difference, either positive or negative, between
+     * this calendar's time and <code>when</code>, in terms of
+     * <code>field</code>.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use fieldDifference(UDate when, UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status).
+     */
+    virtual int32_t fieldDifference(UDate when, EDateFields field, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the difference between the given time and the time this
+     * calendar object is set to.  If this calendar is set
+     * <em>before</em> the given time, the returned value will be
+     * positive.  If this calendar is set <em>after</em> the given
+     * time, the returned value will be negative.  The
+     * <code>field</code> parameter specifies the units of the return
+     * value.  For example, if <code>fieldDifference(when,
+     * Calendar::MONTH)</code> returns 3, then this calendar is set to
+     * 3 months before <code>when</code>, and possibly some addition
+     * time less than one month.
+     *
+     * <p>As a side effect of this call, this calendar is advanced
+     * toward <code>when</code> by the given amount.  That is, calling
+     * this method has the side effect of calling <code>add(field,
+     * n)</code>, where <code>n</code> is the return value.
+     *
+     * <p>Usage: To use this method, call it first with the largest
+     * field of interest, then with progressively smaller fields.  For
+     * example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * int y = cal->fieldDifference(when, Calendar::YEAR, err);
+     * int m = cal->fieldDifference(when, Calendar::MONTH, err);
+     * int d = cal->fieldDifference(when, Calendar::DATE, err);</pre>
+     *
+     * computes the difference between <code>cal</code> and
+     * <code>when</code> in years, months, and days.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: <code>fieldDifference()</code> is
+     * <em>asymmetrical</em>.  That is, in the following code:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * cal->setTime(date1, err);
+     * int m1 = cal->fieldDifference(date2, Calendar::MONTH, err);
+     * int d1 = cal->fieldDifference(date2, Calendar::DATE, err);
+     * cal->setTime(date2, err);
+     * int m2 = cal->fieldDifference(date1, Calendar::MONTH, err);
+     * int d2 = cal->fieldDifference(date1, Calendar::DATE, err);</pre>
+     *
+     * one might expect that <code>m1 == -m2 && d1 == -d2</code>.
+     * However, this is not generally the case, because of
+     * irregularities in the underlying calendar system (e.g., the
+     * Gregorian calendar has a varying number of days per month).
+     *
+     * @param when the date to compare this calendar's time to
+     * @param field the field in which to compute the result
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @return the difference, either positive or negative, between
+     * this calendar's time and <code>when</code>, in terms of
+     * <code>field</code>.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t fieldDifference(UDate when, UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the calendar's time zone to be the one passed in. The Calendar takes ownership
+     * of the TimeZone; the caller is no longer responsible for deleting it.  If the
+     * given time zone is NULL, this function has no effect.
+     *
+     * @param value  The given time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void adoptTimeZone(TimeZone* value);
+    /**
+     * Sets the calendar's time zone to be the same as the one passed in. The TimeZone
+     * passed in is _not_ adopted; the client is still responsible for deleting it.
+     *
+     * @param zone  The given time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setTimeZone(const TimeZone& zone);
+    /**
+     * Returns a reference to the time zone owned by this calendar. The returned reference
+     * is only valid until clients make another call to adoptTimeZone or setTimeZone,
+     * or this Calendar is destroyed.
+     *
+     * @return   The time zone object associated with this calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const TimeZone& getTimeZone(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone owned by this calendar. The caller owns the returned object
+     * and must delete it when done.  After this call, the new time zone associated
+     * with this Calendar is the default TimeZone as returned by TimeZone::createDefault().
+     *
+     * @return   The time zone object which was associated with this calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    TimeZone* orphanTimeZone(void);
+    /**
+     * Queries if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time.
+     *
+     * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+     *           false, otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Specifies whether or not date/time interpretation is to be lenient. With lenient
+     * interpretation, a date such as "February 942, 1996" will be treated as being
+     * equivalent to the 941st day after February 1, 1996. With strict interpretation,
+     * such dates will cause an error when computing time from the time field values
+     * representing the dates.
+     *
+     * @param lenient  True specifies date/time interpretation to be lenient.
+     *
+     * @see            DateFormat#setLenient
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setLenient(UBool lenient);
+    /**
+     * Tells whether date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
+     *
+     * @return   True tells that date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool isLenient(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the behavior for handling wall time repeating multiple times
+     * at negative time zone offset transitions. For example, 1:30 AM on
+     * November 6, 2011 in US Eastern time (America/New_York) occurs twice;
+     * 1:30 AM EDT, then 1:30 AM EST one hour later. When <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_FIRST</code>
+     * is used, the wall time 1:30AM in this example will be interpreted as 1:30 AM EDT
+     * (first occurrence). When <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code> is used, it will be
+     * interpreted as 1:30 AM EST (last occurrence). The default value is
+     * <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code>.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Note:</b>When <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_NEXT_VALID</code> is not a valid
+     * option for this. When the argument is neither <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_FIRST</code>
+     * nor <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code>, this method has no effect and will keep
+     * the current setting.
+     *
+     * @param option the behavior for handling repeating wall time, either
+     * <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_FIRST</code> or <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code>.
+     * @see #getRepeatedWallTimeOption
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    void setRepeatedWallTimeOption(UCalendarWallTimeOption option);
+    /**
+     * Gets the behavior for handling wall time repeating multiple times
+     * at negative time zone offset transitions.
+     *
+     * @return the behavior for handling repeating wall time, either
+     * <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_FIRST</code> or <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code>.
+     * @see #setRepeatedWallTimeOption
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    UCalendarWallTimeOption getRepeatedWallTimeOption(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the behavior for handling skipped wall time at positive time zone offset
+     * transitions. For example, 2:30 AM on March 13, 2011 in US Eastern time (America/New_York)
+     * does not exist because the wall time jump from 1:59 AM EST to 3:00 AM EDT. When
+     * <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_FIRST</code> is used, 2:30 AM is interpreted as 30 minutes before 3:00 AM
+     * EDT, therefore, it will be resolved as 1:30 AM EST. When <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code>
+     * is used, 2:30 AM is interpreted as 31 minutes after 1:59 AM EST, therefore, it will be
+     * resolved as 3:30 AM EDT. When <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_NEXT_VALID</code> is used, 2:30 AM will
+     * be resolved as next valid wall time, that is 3:00 AM EDT. The default value is
+     * <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code>.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Note:</b>This option is effective only when this calendar is lenient.
+     * When the calendar is strict, such non-existing wall time will cause an error.
+     *
+     * @param option the behavior for handling skipped wall time at positive time zone
+     * offset transitions, one of <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_FIRST</code>, <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code> and
+     * <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_NEXT_VALID</code>.
+     * @see #getSkippedWallTimeOption
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    void setSkippedWallTimeOption(UCalendarWallTimeOption option);
+    /**
+     * Gets the behavior for handling skipped wall time at positive time zone offset
+     * transitions.
+     *
+     * @return the behavior for handling skipped wall time, one of
+     * <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_FIRST</code>, <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_LAST</code>
+     * and <code>UCAL_WALLTIME_NEXT_VALID</code>.
+     * @see #setSkippedWallTimeOption
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    UCalendarWallTimeOption getSkippedWallTimeOption(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets what the first day of the week is; e.g., Sunday in US, Monday in France.
+     *
+     * @param value  The given first day of the week.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use setFirstDayOfWeek(UCalendarDaysOfWeek value) instead.
+     */
+    void setFirstDayOfWeek(EDaysOfWeek value);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Sets what the first day of the week is; e.g., Sunday in US, Monday in France.
+     *
+     * @param value  The given first day of the week.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    void setFirstDayOfWeek(UCalendarDaysOfWeek value);
+    /**
+     * Gets what the first day of the week is; e.g., Sunday in US, Monday in France.
+     *
+     * @return   The first day of the week.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with error code
+     */
+    EDaysOfWeek getFirstDayOfWeek(void) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Gets what the first day of the week is; e.g., Sunday in US, Monday in France.
+     *
+     * @param status error code
+     * @return   The first day of the week.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    UCalendarDaysOfWeek getFirstDayOfWeek(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets what the minimal days required in the first week of the year are; For
+     * example, if the first week is defined as one that contains the first day of the
+     * first month of a year, call the method with value 1. If it must be a full week,
+     * use value 7.
+     *
+     * @param value  The given minimal days required in the first week of the year.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(uint8_t value);
+    /**
+     * Gets what the minimal days required in the first week of the year are; e.g., if
+     * the first week is defined as one that contains the first day of the first month
+     * of a year, getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek returns 1. If the minimal days required must
+     * be a full week, getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek returns 7.
+     *
+     * @return   The minimal days required in the first week of the year.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    uint8_t getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the minimum value for the given time field. e.g., for Gregorian
+     * DAY_OF_MONTH, 1.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The minimum value for the given time field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getMinimum(EDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the minimum value for the given time field. e.g., for Gregorian
+     * DAY_OF_MONTH, 1.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The minimum value for the given time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the maximum value for the given time field. e.g. for Gregorian DAY_OF_MONTH,
+     * 31.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The maximum value for the given time field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getMaximum(EDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the maximum value for the given time field. e.g. for Gregorian DAY_OF_MONTH,
+     * 31.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The maximum value for the given time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the highest minimum value for the given field if varies. Otherwise same as
+     * getMinimum(). For Gregorian, no difference.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The highest minimum value for the given time field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getGreatestMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getGreatestMinimum(EDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the highest minimum value for the given field if varies. Otherwise same as
+     * getMinimum(). For Gregorian, no difference.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The highest minimum value for the given time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getGreatestMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the lowest maximum value for the given field if varies. Otherwise same as
+     * getMaximum(). e.g., for Gregorian DAY_OF_MONTH, 28.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The lowest maximum value for the given time field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getLeastMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getLeastMaximum(EDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the lowest maximum value for the given field if varies. Otherwise same as
+     * getMaximum(). e.g., for Gregorian DAY_OF_MONTH, 28.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The lowest maximum value for the given time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getLeastMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For the Gregorian calendar, this is the same as getMinimum() and getGreatestMinimum().
+     *
+     * The version of this function on Calendar uses an iterative algorithm to determine the
+     * actual minimum value for the field.  There is almost always a more efficient way to
+     * accomplish this (in most cases, you can simply return getMinimum()).  GregorianCalendar
+     * overrides this function with a more efficient implementation.
+     *
+     * @param field    the field to determine the minimum of
+     * @param status   Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return         the minimum of the given field for the current date of this Calendar
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+     */
+    int32_t getActualMinimum(EDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For the Gregorian calendar, this is the same as getMinimum() and getGreatestMinimum().
+     *
+     * The version of this function on Calendar uses an iterative algorithm to determine the
+     * actual minimum value for the field.  There is almost always a more efficient way to
+     * accomplish this (in most cases, you can simply return getMinimum()).  GregorianCalendar
+     * overrides this function with a more efficient implementation.
+     *
+     * @param field    the field to determine the minimum of
+     * @param status   Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return         the minimum of the given field for the current date of this Calendar
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For example, with the date "Feb 3, 1997" and the DAY_OF_MONTH field, the actual
+     * maximum would be 28; for "Feb 3, 1996" it s 29.  Similarly for a Hebrew calendar,
+     * for some years the actual maximum for MONTH is 12, and for others 13.
+     *
+     * The version of this function on Calendar uses an iterative algorithm to determine the
+     * actual maximum value for the field.  There is almost always a more efficient way to
+     * accomplish this (in most cases, you can simply return getMaximum()).  GregorianCalendar
+     * overrides this function with a more efficient implementation.
+     *
+     * @param field    the field to determine the maximum of
+     * @param status   Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return         the maximum of the given field for the current date of this Calendar
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getActualMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+     */
+    int32_t getActualMaximum(EDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For example, with the date "Feb 3, 1997" and the DAY_OF_MONTH field, the actual
+     * maximum would be 28; for "Feb 3, 1996" it s 29.  Similarly for a Hebrew calendar,
+     * for some years the actual maximum for MONTH is 12, and for others 13.
+     *
+     * The version of this function on Calendar uses an iterative algorithm to determine the
+     * actual maximum value for the field.  There is almost always a more efficient way to
+     * accomplish this (in most cases, you can simply return getMaximum()).  GregorianCalendar
+     * overrides this function with a more efficient implementation.
+     *
+     * @param field    the field to determine the maximum of
+     * @param status   Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return         the maximum of the given field for the current date of this Calendar
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getActualMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a given time field. Recalculate the current time field values
+     * if the time value has been changed by a call to setTime(). Return zero for unset
+     * fields if any fields have been explicitly set by a call to set(). To force a
+     * recomputation of all fields regardless of the previous state, call complete().
+     * This method is semantically const, but may alter the object in memory.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of the operation.
+     * @return       The value for the given time field, or zero if the field is unset,
+     *               and set() has been called for any other field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use get(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+     */
+    int32_t get(EDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a given time field. Recalculate the current time field values
+     * if the time value has been changed by a call to setTime(). Return zero for unset
+     * fields if any fields have been explicitly set by a call to set(). To force a
+     * recomputation of all fields regardless of the previous state, call complete().
+     * This method is semantically const, but may alter the object in memory.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of the operation.
+     * @return       The value for the given time field, or zero if the field is unset,
+     *               and set() has been called for any other field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    int32_t get(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Determines if the given time field has a value set. This can affect in the
+     * resolving of time in Calendar. Unset fields have a value of zero, by definition.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return   True if the given time field has a value set; false otherwise.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use isSet(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    UBool isSet(EDateFields field) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Determines if the given time field has a value set. This can affect in the
+     * resolving of time in Calendar. Unset fields have a value of zero, by definition.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return   True if the given time field has a value set; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    UBool isSet(UCalendarDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the given time field with the given value.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @param value  The value to be set for the given time field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use set(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value) instead.
+     */
+    void set(EDateFields field, int32_t value);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Sets the given time field with the given value.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @param value  The value to be set for the given time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    void set(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value);
+    /**
+     * Sets the values for the fields YEAR, MONTH, and DATE. Other field values are
+     * retained; call clear() first if this is not desired.
+     *
+     * @param year   The value used to set the YEAR time field.
+     * @param month  The value used to set the MONTH time field. Month value is 0-based.
+     *               e.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param date   The value used to set the DATE time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void set(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date);
+    /**
+     * Sets the values for the fields YEAR, MONTH, DATE, HOUR_OF_DAY, and MINUTE. Other
+     * field values are retained; call clear() first if this is not desired.
+     *
+     * @param year    The value used to set the YEAR time field.
+     * @param month   The value used to set the MONTH time field. Month value is
+     *                0-based. E.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param date    The value used to set the DATE time field.
+     * @param hour    The value used to set the HOUR_OF_DAY time field.
+     * @param minute  The value used to set the MINUTE time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void set(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, int32_t hour, int32_t minute);
+    /**
+     * Sets the values for the fields YEAR, MONTH, DATE, HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, and SECOND.
+     * Other field values are retained; call clear() first if this is not desired.
+     *
+     * @param year    The value used to set the YEAR time field.
+     * @param month   The value used to set the MONTH time field. Month value is
+     *                0-based. E.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param date    The value used to set the DATE time field.
+     * @param hour    The value used to set the HOUR_OF_DAY time field.
+     * @param minute  The value used to set the MINUTE time field.
+     * @param second  The value used to set the SECOND time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void set(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second);
+    /**
+     * Clears the values of all the time fields, making them both unset and assigning
+     * them a value of zero. The field values will be determined during the next
+     * resolving of time into time fields.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void clear(void);
+    /**
+     * Clears the value in the given time field, both making it unset and assigning it a
+     * value of zero. This field value will be determined during the next resolving of
+     * time into time fields.
+     *
+     * @param field  The time field to be cleared.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use clear(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    void clear(EDateFields field);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Clears the value in the given time field, both making it unset and assigning it a
+     * value of zero. This field value will be determined during the next resolving of
+     * time into time fields.
+     *
+     * @param field  The time field to be cleared.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    void clear(UCalendarDateFields field);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual method. This method is to
+     * implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++ compilers support genuine
+     * RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call this method.
+     * <P>
+     * Concrete subclasses of Calendar must implement getDynamicClassID() and also a
+     * static method and data member:
+     *
+     *      static UClassID getStaticClassID() { return (UClassID)&amp;fgClassID; }
+     *      static char fgClassID;
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the calendar type name string for this Calendar object.
+     * The returned string is the legacy ICU calendar attribute value,
+     * for example, "gregorian" or "japanese".
+     *
+     * See type="old type name" for the calendar attribute of locale IDs
+     * at
+     *
+     * Sample code for getting the LDML/BCP 47 calendar key value:
+     * \code
+     * const char *calType = cal->getType();
+     * if (0 == strcmp(calType, "unknown")) {
+     *     // deal with unknown calendar type
+     * } else {
+     *     string localeID("root@calendar=");
+     *     localeID.append(calType);
+     *     char langTag[100];
+     *     UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+     *     int32_t length = uloc_toLanguageTag(localeID.c_str(), langTag, (int32_t)sizeof(langTag), TRUE, &errorCode);
+     *     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+     *         // deal with errors & overflow
+     *     }
+     *     string lang(langTag, length);
+     *     size_t caPos = lang.find("-ca-");
+     *     lang.erase(0, caPos + 4);
+     *     // lang now contains the LDML calendar type
+     * }
+     * \endcode
+     *
+     * @return legacy calendar type name string
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual const char * getType() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the given day of the week is a weekday, a weekend day,
+     * or a day that transitions from one to the other, for the locale and
+     * calendar system associated with this Calendar (the locale's region is
+     * often the most determinant factor). If a transition occurs at midnight,
+     * then the days before and after the transition will have the
+     * type UCAL_WEEKDAY or UCAL_WEEKEND. If a transition occurs at a time
+     * other than midnight, then the day of the transition will have
+     * the type UCAL_WEEKEND_ONSET or UCAL_WEEKEND_CEASE. In this case, the
+     * method getWeekendTransition() will return the point of
+     * transition.
+     * @param dayOfWeek The day of the week whose type is desired (UCAL_SUNDAY..UCAL_SATURDAY).
+     * @param status The error code for the operation.
+     * @return The UCalendarWeekdayType for the day of the week.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UCalendarWeekdayType getDayOfWeekType(UCalendarDaysOfWeek dayOfWeek, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time during the day at which the weekend begins or ends in
+     * this calendar system.  If getDayOfWeekType() returns UCAL_WEEKEND_ONSET
+     * for the specified dayOfWeek, return the time at which the weekend begins.
+     * If getDayOfWeekType() returns UCAL_WEEKEND_CEASE for the specified dayOfWeek,
+     * return the time at which the weekend ends. If getDayOfWeekType() returns
+     * some other UCalendarWeekdayType for the specified dayOfWeek, is it an error condition
+     * @param dayOfWeek The day of the week for which the weekend transition time is
+     * desired (UCAL_SUNDAY..UCAL_SATURDAY).
+     * @param status The error code for the operation.
+     * @return The milliseconds after midnight at which the weekend begins or ends.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getWeekendTransition(UCalendarDaysOfWeek dayOfWeek, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the given UDate is in the weekend in
+     * this calendar system.
+     * @param date The UDate in question.
+     * @param status The error code for the operation.
+     * @return TRUE if the given UDate is in the weekend in
+     * this calendar system, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool isWeekend(UDate date, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if this Calendar's current date-time is in the weekend in
+     * this calendar system.
+     * @return TRUE if this Calendar's current date-time is in the weekend in
+     * this calendar system, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool isWeekend(void) const;
+     /**
+      * Constructs a Calendar with the default time zone as returned by
+      * TimeZone::createInstance(), and the default locale.
+      *
+      * @param success  Indicates the status of Calendar object construction. Returns
+      *                 U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+    Calendar(UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     *
+     * @param source    Calendar object to be copied from
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Calendar(const Calendar& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     *
+     * @param right    Calendar object to be copied
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Calendar& operator=(const Calendar& right);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a Calendar with the given time zone and locale. Clients are no longer
+     * responsible for deleting the given time zone object after it's adopted.
+     *
+     * @param zone     The given time zone.
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of Calendar object construction. Returns
+     *                 U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Calendar(TimeZone* zone, const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a Calendar with the given time zone and locale.
+     *
+     * @param zone     The given time zone.
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of Calendar object construction. Returns
+     *                 U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Calendar(const TimeZone& zone, const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Converts Calendar's time field values to GMT as milliseconds.
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void computeTime(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Converts GMT as milliseconds to time field values. This allows you to sync up the
+     * time field values with a new time that is set for the calendar.  This method
+     * does NOT recompute the time first; to recompute the time, then the fields, use
+     * the method complete().
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void computeFields(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets this Calendar's current time as a long.
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @return the current time as UTC milliseconds from the epoch.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    double getTimeInMillis(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets this Calendar's current time from the given long value.
+     * @param millis  the new time in UTC milliseconds from the epoch.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setTimeInMillis( double millis, UErrorCode& status );
+    /**
+     * Recomputes the current time from currently set fields, and then fills in any
+     * unset fields in the time field list.
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void complete(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a given time field. Subclasses can use this function to get
+     * field values without forcing recomputation of time.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The value for the given time field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use internalGet(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    inline int32_t internalGet(EDateFields field) const {return fFields[field];}
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a given time field. Subclasses can use this function to get
+     * field values without forcing recomputation of time. If the field's stamp is UNSET,
+     * the defaultValue is used.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @param defaultValue a default value used if the field is unset.
+     * @return       The value for the given time field.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    inline int32_t internalGet(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t defaultValue) const {return fStamp[field]>kUnset ? fFields[field] : defaultValue;}
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a given time field. Subclasses can use this function to get
+     * field values without forcing recomputation of time.
+     *
+     * @param field  The given time field.
+     * @return       The value for the given time field.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    inline int32_t internalGet(UCalendarDateFields field) const {return fFields[field];}
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Sets the value for a given time field.  This is a fast internal method for
+     * subclasses.  It does not affect the areFieldsInSync, isTimeSet, or areAllFieldsSet
+     * flags.
+     *
+     * @param field    The given time field.
+     * @param value    The value for the given time field.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use internalSet(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value) instead.
+     */
+    void internalSet(EDateFields field, int32_t value);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Sets the value for a given time field.  This is a fast internal method for
+     * subclasses.  It does not affect the areFieldsInSync, isTimeSet, or areAllFieldsSet
+     * flags.
+     *
+     * @param field    The given time field.
+     * @param value    The value for the given time field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    inline void internalSet(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value);
+    /**
+     * Prepare this calendar for computing the actual minimum or maximum.
+     * This method modifies this calendar's fields; it is called on a
+     * temporary calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void prepareGetActual(UCalendarDateFields field, UBool isMinimum, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Limit enums. Not in sync with UCalendarLimitType (refers to internal fields).
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum ELimitType {
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Subclass API for defining limits of different types.
+     * Subclasses must implement this method to return limits for the
+     * following fields:
+     *
+     * <pre>UCAL_ERA
+     * UCAL_YEAR
+     * UCAL_MONTH
+     * UCAL_DATE (DAY_OF_MONTH on Java)
+     * UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR</pre>
+     *
+     * @param field one of the above field numbers
+     * @param limitType one of <code>MINIMUM</code>, <code>GREATEST_MINIMUM</code>,
+     * <code>LEAST_MAXIMUM</code>, or <code>MAXIMUM</code>
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return a limit for a field.
+     * @param field the field, from <code>0..UCAL_MAX_FIELD</code>
+     * @param limitType the type specifier for the limit
+     * @see #ELimitType
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the Julian day number of day before the first day of the
+     * given month in the given extended year.  Subclasses should override
+     * this method to implement their calendar system.
+     * @param eyear the extended year
+     * @param month the zero-based month, or 0 if useMonth is false
+     * @param useMonth if false, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given year, otherwise, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given month
+     * @return the Julian day number of the day before the first
+     * day of the given month and year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month,
+                                                   UBool useMonth) const  = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of days in the given month of the given extended
+     * year of this calendar system.  Subclasses should override this
+     * method if they can provide a more correct or more efficient
+     * implementation than the default implementation in Calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const ;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of days in the given extended year of this
+     * calendar system.  Subclasses should override this method if they can
+     * provide a more correct or more efficient implementation than the
+     * default implementation in Calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t eyear) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.  This will
+     * use the UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field or the UCAL_YEAR and supra-year fields (such
+     * as UCAL_ERA) specific to the calendar system, depending on which set of
+     * fields is newer.
+     * @return the extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear() = 0;
+    /**
+     * Subclasses may override this.  This method calls
+     * handleGetMonthLength() to obtain the calendar-specific month
+     * length.
+     * @param bestField which field to use to calculate the date
+     * @return julian day specified by calendar fields.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleComputeJulianDay(UCalendarDateFields bestField);
+    /**
+     * Subclasses must override this to convert from week fields
+     * (YEAR_WOY and WEEK_OF_YEAR) to an extended year in the case
+     * where YEAR, EXTENDED_YEAR are not set.
+     * The Calendar implementation assumes yearWoy is in extended gregorian form
+     * @return the extended year, UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYearFromWeekFields(int32_t yearWoy, int32_t woy);
+    /**
+     * Validate a single field of this calendar.  Subclasses should
+     * override this method to validate any calendar-specific fields.
+     * Generic fields can be handled by `Calendar::validateField()`.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void validateField(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Compute the Julian day from fields.  Will determine whether to use
+     * the JULIAN_DAY field directly, or other fields.
+     * @return the julian day
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t computeJulianDay();
+    /**
+     * Compute the milliseconds in the day from the fields.  This is a
+     * value from 0 to 23:59:59.999 inclusive, unless fields are out of
+     * range, in which case it can be an arbitrary value.  This value
+     * reflects local zone wall time.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    double computeMillisInDay();
+    /**
+     * This method can assume EXTENDED_YEAR has been set.
+     * @param millis milliseconds of the date fields
+     * @param millisInDay milliseconds of the time fields; may be out
+     * or range.
+     * @param ec Output param set to failure code on function return
+     *          when this function fails.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t computeZoneOffset(double millis, double millisInDay, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Determine the best stamp in a range.
+     * @param start first enum to look at
+     * @param end last enum to look at
+     * @param bestSoFar stamp prior to function call
+     * @return the stamp value of the best stamp
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t newestStamp(UCalendarDateFields start, UCalendarDateFields end, int32_t bestSoFar) const;
+    /**
+     * Values for field resolution tables
+     * @see #resolveFields
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum {
+      /** Marker for end of resolve set (row or group). */
+      kResolveSTOP = -1,
+      /** Value to be bitwised "ORed" against resolve table field values for remapping.  Example: (UCAL_DATE | kResolveRemap) in 1st column will cause 'UCAL_DATE' to be returned, but will not examine the value of UCAL_DATE.  */
+      kResolveRemap = 32
+    };
+    /**
+     * Precedence table for Dates
+     * @see #resolveFields
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const UFieldResolutionTable kDatePrecedence[];
+    /**
+     * Precedence table for Year
+     * @see #resolveFields
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const UFieldResolutionTable kYearPrecedence[];
+    /**
+     * Precedence table for Day of Week
+     * @see #resolveFields
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const UFieldResolutionTable kDOWPrecedence[];
+    /**
+     * Given a precedence table, return the newest field combination in
+     * the table, or UCAL_FIELD_COUNT if none is found.
+     *
+     * <p>The precedence table is a 3-dimensional array of integers.  It
+     * may be thought of as an array of groups.  Each group is an array of
+     * lines.  Each line is an array of field numbers.  Within a line, if
+     * all fields are set, then the time stamp of the line is taken to be
+     * the stamp of the most recently set field.  If any field of a line is
+     * unset, then the line fails to match.  Within a group, the line with
+     * the newest time stamp is selected.  The first field of the line is
+     * returned to indicate which line matched.
+     *
+     * <p>In some cases, it may be desirable to map a line to field that
+     * whose stamp is NOT examined.  For example, if the best field is
+     * DAY_OF_WEEK then the DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH algorithm may be used.  In
+     * order to do this, insert the value <code>kResolveRemap | F</code> at
+     * the start of the line, where <code>F</code> is the desired return
+     * field value.  This field will NOT be examined; it only determines
+     * the return value if the other fields in the line are the newest.
+     *
+     * <p>If all lines of a group contain at least one unset field, then no
+     * line will match, and the group as a whole will fail to match.  In
+     * that case, the next group will be processed.  If all groups fail to
+     * match, then UCAL_FIELD_COUNT is returned.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UCalendarDateFields resolveFields(const UFieldResolutionTable *precedenceTable);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual const UFieldResolutionTable* getFieldResolutionTable() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the field that is newer, either defaultField, or
+     * alternateField.  If neither is newer or neither is set, return defaultField.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UCalendarDateFields newerField(UCalendarDateFields defaultField, UCalendarDateFields alternateField) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Helper function for calculating limits by trial and error
+     * @param field The field being investigated
+     * @param startValue starting (least max) value of field
+     * @param endValue ending (greatest max) value of field
+     * @param status return type
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getActualHelper(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t startValue, int32_t endValue, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * The flag which indicates if the current time is set in the calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool      fIsTimeSet;
+    /**
+     * True if the fields are in sync with the currently set time of this Calendar.
+     * If false, then the next attempt to get the value of a field will
+     * force a recomputation of all fields from the current value of the time
+     * field.
+     * <P>
+     * This should really be named areFieldsInSync, but the old name is retained
+     * for backward compatibility.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool      fAreFieldsSet;
+    /**
+     * True if all of the fields have been set.  This is initially false, and set to
+     * true by computeFields().
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool      fAreAllFieldsSet;
+    /**
+     * True if all fields have been virtually set, but have not yet been
+     * computed.  This occurs only in setTimeInMillis().  A calendar set
+     * to this state will compute all fields from the time if it becomes
+     * necessary, but otherwise will delay such computation.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UBool fAreFieldsVirtuallySet;
+    /**
+     * Get the current time without recomputing.
+     *
+     * @return     the current time without recomputing.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UDate        internalGetTime(void) const     { return fTime; }
+    /**
+     * Set the current time without affecting flags or fields.
+     *
+     * @param time    The time to be set
+     * @return        the current time without recomputing.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void        internalSetTime(UDate time)     { fTime = time; }
+    /**
+     * The time fields containing values into which the millis is computed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t     fFields[UCAL_FIELD_COUNT];
+    /**
+     * The flags which tell if a specified time field for the calendar is set.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.8 use (fStamp[n]!=kUnset)
+     */
+    UBool      fIsSet[UCAL_FIELD_COUNT];
+    /** Special values of stamp[]
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum {
+        kUnset                 = 0,
+        kInternallySet,
+        kMinimumUserStamp
+    };
+    /**
+     * Pseudo-time-stamps which specify when each field was set. There
+     * are two special values, UNSET and INTERNALLY_SET. Values from
+     * MINIMUM_USER_SET to Integer.MAX_VALUE are legal user set values.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t        fStamp[UCAL_FIELD_COUNT];
+    /**
+     * Subclasses may override this method to compute several fields
+     * specific to each calendar system.  These are:
+     *
+     * <ul><li>ERA
+     * <li>YEAR
+     * <li>MONTH
+     * <li>DAY_OF_MONTH
+     * <li>DAY_OF_YEAR
+     * <li>EXTENDED_YEAR</ul>
+     *
+     * Subclasses can refer to the DAY_OF_WEEK and DOW_LOCAL fields, which
+     * will be set when this method is called.  Subclasses can also call
+     * the getGregorianXxx() methods to obtain Gregorian calendar
+     * equivalents for the given Julian day.
+     *
+     * <p>In addition, subclasses should compute any subclass-specific
+     * fields, that is, fields from BASE_FIELD_COUNT to
+     * getFieldCount() - 1.
+     *
+     * <p>The default implementation in <code>Calendar</code> implements
+     * a pure proleptic Gregorian calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year on the Gregorian calendar as computed by
+     * <code>computeGregorianFields()</code>.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getGregorianYear() const {
+        return fGregorianYear;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the month (0-based) on the Gregorian calendar as computed by
+     * <code>computeGregorianFields()</code>.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getGregorianMonth() const {
+        return fGregorianMonth;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the day of year (1-based) on the Gregorian calendar as
+     * computed by <code>computeGregorianFields()</code>.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getGregorianDayOfYear() const {
+        return fGregorianDayOfYear;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the day of month (1-based) on the Gregorian calendar as
+     * computed by <code>computeGregorianFields()</code>.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getGregorianDayOfMonth() const {
+      return fGregorianDayOfMonth;
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Called by computeJulianDay.  Returns the default month (0-based) for the year,
+     * taking year and era into account.  Defaults to 0 for Gregorian, which doesn't care.
+     * @param eyear The extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getDefaultMonthInYear(int32_t eyear) ;
+    /**
+     * Called by computeJulianDay.  Returns the default day (1-based) for the month,
+     * taking currently-set year and era into account.  Defaults to 1 for Gregorian.
+     * @param eyear the extended year
+     * @param month the month in the year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getDefaultDayInMonth(int32_t eyear, int32_t month);
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Protected utility methods for use by subclasses.  These are very handy
+    // for implementing add, roll, and computeFields.
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Adjust the specified field so that it is within
+     * the allowable range for the date to which this calendar is set.
+     * For example, in a Gregorian calendar pinning the {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_MONTH}
+     * field for a calendar set to April 31 would cause it to be set
+     * to April 30.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Subclassing:</b>
+     * <br>
+     * This utility method is intended for use by subclasses that need to implement
+     * their own overrides of {@link #roll roll} and {@link #add add}.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Note:</b>
+     * <code>pinField</code> is implemented in terms of
+     * {@link #getActualMinimum getActualMinimum}
+     * and {@link #getActualMaximum getActualMaximum}.  If either of those methods uses
+     * a slow, iterative algorithm for a particular field, it would be
+     * unwise to attempt to call <code>pinField</code> for that field.  If you
+     * really do need to do so, you should override this method to do
+     * something more efficient for that field.
+     * <p>
+     * @param field The calendar field whose value should be pinned.
+     * @param status Output param set to failure code on function return
+     *          when this function fails.
+     *
+     * @see #getActualMinimum
+     * @see #getActualMaximum
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void pinField(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the week number of a day, within a period. This may be the week number in
+     * a year or the week number in a month. Usually this will be a value >= 1, but if
+     * some initial days of the period are excluded from week 1, because
+     * {@link #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek} is > 1, then
+     * the week number will be zero for those
+     * initial days. This method requires the day number and day of week for some
+     * known date in the period in order to determine the day of week
+     * on the desired day.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Subclassing:</b>
+     * <br>
+     * This method is intended for use by subclasses in implementing their
+     * {@link #computeTime computeTime} and/or {@link #computeFields computeFields} methods.
+     * It is often useful in {@link #getActualMinimum getActualMinimum} and
+     * {@link #getActualMaximum getActualMaximum} as well.
+     * <p>
+     * This variant is handy for computing the week number of some other
+     * day of a period (often the first or last day of the period) when its day
+     * of the week is not known but the day number and day of week for some other
+     * day in the period (e.g. the current date) <em>is</em> known.
+     * <p>
+     * @param desiredDay    The {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_YEAR} or
+     *              {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_MONTH} whose week number is desired.
+     *              Should be 1 for the first day of the period.
+     *
+     * @param dayOfPeriod   The {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_YEAR}
+     *              or {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_MONTH} for a day in the period whose
+     *              {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_WEEK} is specified by the
+     *              <code>knownDayOfWeek</code> parameter.
+     *              Should be 1 for first day of period.
+     *
+     * @param dayOfWeek  The {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_WEEK} for the day
+     *              corresponding to the <code>knownDayOfPeriod</code> parameter.
+     *              1-based with 1=Sunday.
+     *
+     * @return      The week number (one-based), or zero if the day falls before
+     *              the first week because
+     *              {@link #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek}
+     *              is more than one.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    int32_t weekNumber(int32_t desiredDay, int32_t dayOfPeriod, int32_t dayOfWeek);
+    /**
+     * Return the week number of a day, within a period. This may be the week number in
+     * a year, or the week number in a month. Usually this will be a value >= 1, but if
+     * some initial days of the period are excluded from week 1, because
+     * {@link #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek} is > 1,
+     * then the week number will be zero for those
+     * initial days. This method requires the day of week for the given date in order to
+     * determine the result.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Subclassing:</b>
+     * <br>
+     * This method is intended for use by subclasses in implementing their
+     * {@link #computeTime computeTime} and/or {@link #computeFields computeFields} methods.
+     * It is often useful in {@link #getActualMinimum getActualMinimum} and
+     * {@link #getActualMaximum getActualMaximum} as well.
+     * <p>
+     * @param dayOfPeriod   The {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_YEAR} or
+     *                      {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_MONTH} whose week number is desired.
+     *                      Should be 1 for the first day of the period.
+     *
+     * @param dayOfWeek     The {@link #UCalendarDateFields DAY_OF_WEEK} for the day
+     *                      corresponding to the <code>dayOfPeriod</code> parameter.
+     *                      1-based with 1=Sunday.
+     *
+     * @return      The week number (one-based), or zero if the day falls before
+     *              the first week because
+     *              {@link #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek}
+     *              is more than one.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    inline int32_t weekNumber(int32_t dayOfPeriod, int32_t dayOfWeek);
+    /**
+     * returns the local DOW, valid range 0..6
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getLocalDOW();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * The next available value for fStamp[]
+     */
+    int32_t fNextStamp;// = MINIMUM_USER_STAMP;
+    /**
+     * Recalculates the time stamp array (fStamp).
+     * Resets fNextStamp to lowest next stamp value.
+     */
+    void recalculateStamp();
+    /**
+     * The current time set for the calendar.
+     */
+    UDate        fTime;
+    /**
+     * @see   #setLenient
+     */
+    UBool      fLenient;
+    /**
+     * Time zone affects the time calculation done by Calendar. Calendar subclasses use
+     * the time zone data to produce the local time. Always set; never NULL.
+     */
+    TimeZone*   fZone;
+    /**
+     * Option for repeated wall time
+     * @see #setRepeatedWallTimeOption
+     */
+    UCalendarWallTimeOption fRepeatedWallTime;
+    /**
+     * Option for skipped wall time
+     * @see #setSkippedWallTimeOption
+     */
+    UCalendarWallTimeOption fSkippedWallTime;
+    /**
+     * Both firstDayOfWeek and minimalDaysInFirstWeek are locale-dependent. They are
+     * used to figure out the week count for a specific date for a given locale. These
+     * must be set when a Calendar is constructed. For example, in US locale,
+     * firstDayOfWeek is SUNDAY; minimalDaysInFirstWeek is 1. They are used to figure
+     * out the week count for a specific date for a given locale. These must be set when
+     * a Calendar is constructed.
+     */
+    UCalendarDaysOfWeek fFirstDayOfWeek;
+    uint8_t     fMinimalDaysInFirstWeek;
+    UCalendarDaysOfWeek fWeekendOnset;
+    int32_t fWeekendOnsetMillis;
+    UCalendarDaysOfWeek fWeekendCease;
+    int32_t fWeekendCeaseMillis;
+    /**
+     * Sets firstDayOfWeek and minimalDaysInFirstWeek. Called at Calendar construction
+     * time.
+     *
+     * @param desiredLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param type           The calendar type identifier, e.g: gregorian, buddhist, etc.
+     * @param success        Indicates the status of setting the week count data from
+     *                       the resource for the given locale. Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if
+     *                       constructed successfully.
+     */
+    void        setWeekData(const Locale& desiredLocale, const char *type, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Recompute the time and update the status fields isTimeSet
+     * and areFieldsSet.  Callers should check isTimeSet and only
+     * call this method if isTimeSet is false.
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid or restricted by
+     *                leniency, this will be set to an error status.
+     */
+    void updateTime(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * The Gregorian year, as computed by computeGregorianFields() and
+     * returned by getGregorianYear().
+     * @see #computeGregorianFields
+     */
+    int32_t fGregorianYear;
+    /**
+     * The Gregorian month, as computed by computeGregorianFields() and
+     * returned by getGregorianMonth().
+     * @see #computeGregorianFields
+     */
+    int32_t fGregorianMonth;
+    /**
+     * The Gregorian day of the year, as computed by
+     * computeGregorianFields() and returned by getGregorianDayOfYear().
+     * @see #computeGregorianFields
+     */
+    int32_t fGregorianDayOfYear;
+    /**
+     * The Gregorian day of the month, as computed by
+     * computeGregorianFields() and returned by getGregorianDayOfMonth().
+     * @see #computeGregorianFields
+     */
+    int32_t fGregorianDayOfMonth;
+    /* calculations */
+    /**
+     * Compute the Gregorian calendar year, month, and day of month from
+     * the given Julian day.  These values are not stored in fields, but in
+     * member variables gregorianXxx.  Also compute the DAY_OF_WEEK and
+     * DOW_LOCAL fields.
+     */
+    void computeGregorianAndDOWFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Compute the Gregorian calendar year, month, and day of month from the
+     * Julian day.  These values are not stored in fields, but in member
+     * variables gregorianXxx.  They are used for time zone computations and by
+     * subclasses that are Gregorian derivatives.  Subclasses may call this
+     * method to perform a Gregorian calendar millis->fields computation.
+     */
+    void computeGregorianFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Compute the fields WEEK_OF_YEAR, YEAR_WOY, WEEK_OF_MONTH,
+     * DAY_OF_WEEK, and DAY_OF_YEAR.  The latter fields are computed by the
+     * subclass based on the calendar system.
+     *
+     * <p>The YEAR_WOY field is computed simplistically.  It is equal to YEAR
+     * most of the time, but at the year boundary it may be adjusted to YEAR-1
+     * or YEAR+1 to reflect the overlap of a week into an adjacent year.  In
+     * this case, a simple increment or decrement is performed on YEAR, even
+     * though this may yield an invalid YEAR value.  For instance, if the YEAR
+     * is part of a calendar system with an N-year cycle field CYCLE, then
+     * incrementing the YEAR may involve incrementing CYCLE and setting YEAR
+     * back to 0 or 1.  This is not handled by this code, and in fact cannot be
+     * simply handled without having subclasses define an entire parallel set of
+     * fields for fields larger than or equal to a year.  This additional
+     * complexity is not warranted, since the intention of the YEAR_WOY field is
+     * to support ISO 8601 notation, so it will typically be used with a
+     * proleptic Gregorian calendar, which has no field larger than a year.
+     */
+    void computeWeekFields(UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Ensure that each field is within its valid range by calling {@link
+     * #validateField(int, int&)} on each field that has been set.  This method
+     * should only be called if this calendar is not lenient.
+     * @see #isLenient
+     * @see #validateField(int, int&)
+     */
+    void validateFields(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Validate a single field of this calendar given its minimum and
+     * maximum allowed value.  If the field is out of range,
+     * <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> will be set.  Subclasses may
+     * use this method in their implementation of {@link
+     * #validateField(int, int&)}.
+     */
+    void validateField(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t min, int32_t max, UErrorCode& status);
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Convert a quasi Julian date to the day of the week. The Julian date used here is
+     * not a true Julian date, since it is measured from midnight, not noon. Return
+     * value is one-based.
+     *
+     * @param julian  The given Julian date number.
+     * @return   Day number from 1..7 (SUN..SAT).
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static uint8_t julianDayToDayOfWeek(double julian);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ private:
+    char validLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    char actualLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+ public:
+    /**
+     * INTERNAL FOR 2.6 --  Registration.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call,
+     * including registered locales.
+     * @return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* getAvailableLocales(void);
+    /**
+     * Register a new Calendar factory.  The factory will be adopted.
+     * INTERNAL in 2.6
+     *
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache Calendars internally, this must
+     * be called at application startup, prior to any calls to
+     * Calendar::createInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     *
+     * @param toAdopt the factory instance to be adopted
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this factory
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static URegistryKey registerFactory(ICUServiceFactory* toAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Unregister a previously-registered CalendarFactory using the key returned from the
+     * register call.  Key becomes invalid after a successful call and should not be used again.
+     * The CalendarFactory corresponding to the key will be deleted.
+     * INTERNAL in 2.6
+     *
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache Calendars internally, this should
+     * be called during application shutdown, after all calls to
+     * Calendar::createInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     *
+     * @param key the registry key returned by a previous call to registerFactory
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return TRUE if the factory for the key was successfully unregistered
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UBool unregister(URegistryKey key, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Multiple Calendar Implementation
+     * @internal
+     */
+    friend class CalendarFactory;
+    /**
+     * Multiple Calendar Implementation
+     * @internal
+     */
+    friend class CalendarService;
+    /**
+     * Multiple Calendar Implementation
+     * @internal
+     */
+    friend class DefaultCalendarFactory;
+#endif /* !UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE */
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if this calendar has a default century (i.e. 03 -> 2003)
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * @return the start of the default century, as a UDate
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * @return the beginning year of the default century, as a year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const = 0;
+    /** Get the locale for this calendar object. You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+     *  @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual)
+     *  @param status error code for the operation
+     *  @return the locale
+     *  @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * @return      The related Gregorian year; will be obtained by modifying the value
+     *              obtained by get from UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRelatedYear(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * @param year  The related Gregorian year to set; will be modified as necessary then
+     *              set in UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void setRelatedYear(int32_t year);
+    /** Get the locale for this calendar object. You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+     *  @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual)
+     *  @param status error code for the operation
+     *  @return the locale
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    const char* getLocaleID(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Cast TimeZone used by this object to BasicTimeZone, or NULL if the TimeZone
+     * is not an instance of BasicTimeZone.
+     */
+    BasicTimeZone* getBasicTimeZone() const;
+    /**
+     * Find the previous zone transition near the given time.
+     * @param base The base time, inclusive
+     * @param transitionTime Receives the result time
+     * @param status The error status
+     * @return TRUE if a transition is found.
+     */
+    UBool getImmediatePreviousZoneTransition(UDate base, UDate *transitionTime, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new Calendar from a Locale for the cache.
+     * This method does not set the time or timezone in returned calendar.
+     * @param locale the locale.
+     * @param status any error returned here.
+     * @return the new Calendar object with no time or timezone set.
+     * @internal For ICU use only.
+     */
+    static Calendar * U_EXPORT2 makeInstance(
+            const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Get the calendar type for given locale.
+     * @param locale the locale
+     * @param typeBuffer calendar type returned here
+     * @param typeBufferSize The size of typeBuffer in bytes. If the type
+     *   can't fit in the buffer, this method sets status to
+     * @param status error, if any, returned here.
+     * @internal For ICU use only.
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 getCalendarTypeFromLocale(
+            const Locale &locale,
+            char *typeBuffer,
+            int32_t typeBufferSize,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+// -------------------------------------
+inline Calendar*
+Calendar::createInstance(TimeZone* zone, UErrorCode& errorCode)
+    // since the Locale isn't specified, use the default locale
+    return createInstance(zone, Locale::getDefault(), errorCode);
+// -------------------------------------
+inline void
+Calendar::roll(UCalendarDateFields field, UBool up, UErrorCode& status)
+    roll(field, (int32_t)(up ? +1 : -1), status);
+inline void
+Calendar::roll(EDateFields field, UBool up, UErrorCode& status)
+    roll((UCalendarDateFields) field, up, status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+// -------------------------------------
+ * Fast method for subclasses.  The caller must maintain fUserSetDSTOffset and
+ * fUserSetZoneOffset, as well as the isSet[] array.
+ */
+inline void
+Calendar::internalSet(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value)
+    fFields[field] = value;
+    fStamp[field] = kInternallySet;
+    fIsSet[field]     = TRUE; // Remove later
+inline int32_t  Calendar::weekNumber(int32_t dayOfPeriod, int32_t dayOfWeek)
+  return weekNumber(dayOfPeriod, dayOfPeriod, dayOfWeek);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _CALENDAR
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/caniter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/caniter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e524f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/caniter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef CANITER_H
+#define CANITER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Canonical Iterator
+ */
+/** Should permutation skip characters with combining class zero
+ *  Should be either TRUE or FALSE. This is a compile time option
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class Hashtable;
+class Normalizer2;
+class Normalizer2Impl;
+ * This class allows one to iterate through all the strings that are canonically equivalent to a given
+ * string. For example, here are some sample results:
+1: \\u0041\\u030A\\u0064\\u0307\\u0327
+2: \\u0041\\u030A\\u0064\\u0327\\u0307
+3: \\u0041\\u030A\\u1E0B\\u0327
+4: \\u0041\\u030A\\u1E11\\u0307
+5: \\u00C5\\u0064\\u0307\\u0327
+6: \\u00C5\\u0064\\u0327\\u0307
+7: \\u00C5\\u1E0B\\u0327
+8: \\u00C5\\u1E11\\u0307
+9: \\u212B\\u0064\\u0307\\u0327
+10: \\u212B\\u0064\\u0327\\u0307
+11: \\u212B\\u1E0B\\u0327
+12: \\u212B\\u1E11\\u0307
+ *<br>Note: the code is intended for use with small strings, and is not suitable for larger ones,
+ * since it has not been optimized for that situation.
+ * Note, CanonicalIterator is not intended to be subclassed.
+ * @author M. Davis
+ * @author C++ port by V. Weinstein
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API CanonicalIterator U_FINAL : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Construct a CanonicalIterator object
+     * @param source    string to get results for
+     * @param status    Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    CanonicalIterator(const UnicodeString &source, UErrorCode &status);
+    /** Destructor
+     *  Cleans pieces
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~CanonicalIterator();
+    /**
+     * Gets the NFD form of the current source we are iterating over.
+     * @return gets the source: NOTE: it is the NFD form of source
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString getSource();
+    /**
+     * Resets the iterator so that one can start again from the beginning.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * Get the next canonically equivalent string.
+     * <br><b>Warning: The strings are not guaranteed to be in any particular order.</b>
+     * @return the next string that is canonically equivalent. A bogus string is returned when
+     * the iteration is done.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString next();
+    /**
+     * Set a new source for this iterator. Allows object reuse.
+     * @param newSource     the source string to iterate against. This allows the same iterator to be used
+     *                     while changing the source string, saving object creation.
+     * @param status        Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    void setSource(const UnicodeString &newSource, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Dumb recursive implementation of permutation.
+     * TODO: optimize
+     * @param source     the string to find permutations for
+     * @param skipZeros  determine if skip zeros
+     * @param result     the results in a set.
+     * @param status       Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 permute(UnicodeString &source, UBool skipZeros, Hashtable *result, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    // ===================== PRIVATES ==============================
+    // private default constructor
+    CanonicalIterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor. Private for now.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    CanonicalIterator(const CanonicalIterator& other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator. Private for now.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    CanonicalIterator& operator=(const CanonicalIterator& other);
+    // fields
+    UnicodeString source;
+    UBool done;
+    // 2 dimensional array holds the pieces of the string with
+    // their different canonically equivalent representations
+    UnicodeString **pieces;
+    int32_t pieces_length;
+    int32_t *pieces_lengths;
+    // current is used in iterating to combine pieces
+    int32_t *current;
+    int32_t current_length;
+    // transient fields
+    UnicodeString buffer;
+    const Normalizer2 &nfd;
+    const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
+    // we have a segment, in NFD. Find all the strings that are canonically equivalent to it.
+    UnicodeString *getEquivalents(const UnicodeString &segment, int32_t &result_len, UErrorCode &status); //private String[] getEquivalents(String segment)
+    //Set getEquivalents2(String segment);
+    Hashtable *getEquivalents2(Hashtable *fillinResult, const char16_t *segment, int32_t segLen, UErrorCode &status);
+    //Hashtable *getEquivalents2(const UnicodeString &segment, int32_t segLen, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * See if the decomposition of cp2 is at segment starting at segmentPos
+     * (with canonical rearrangment!)
+     * If so, take the remainder, and return the equivalents
+     */
+    //Set extract(int comp, String segment, int segmentPos, StringBuffer buffer);
+    Hashtable *extract(Hashtable *fillinResult, UChar32 comp, const char16_t *segment, int32_t segLen, int32_t segmentPos, UErrorCode &status);
+    //Hashtable *extract(UChar32 comp, const UnicodeString &segment, int32_t segLen, int32_t segmentPos, UErrorCode &status);
+    void cleanPieces();
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/casemap.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/casemap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53af84f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/casemap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// casemap.h
+// created: 2017jan12 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __CASEMAP_H__
+#define __CASEMAP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Low-level C++ case mapping functions.
+ */
+class BreakIterator;
+class ByteSink;
+class Edits;
+ * Low-level C++ case mapping functions.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API CaseMap U_FINAL : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Lowercases a UTF-16 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of char16_ts). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see u_strToLower
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+     static int32_t toLower(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options,
+            const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Uppercases a UTF-16 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of char16_ts). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see u_strToUpper
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static int32_t toUpper(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options,
+            const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Titlecases a UTF-16 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+     * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+     * all others. (This can be modified with options bits.)
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, U_EDITS_NO_RESET,
+     *                  U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE,
+     * @param iter      A break iterator to find the first characters of words that are to be titlecased.
+     *                  It is set to the source string (setText())
+     *                  and used one or more times for iteration (first() and next()).
+     *                  If NULL, then a word break iterator for the locale is used
+     *                  (or something equivalent).
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of char16_ts). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see u_strToTitle
+     * @see ucasemap_toTitle
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static int32_t toTitle(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options, BreakIterator *iter,
+            const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Case-folds a UTF-16 string and optionally records edits.
+     *
+     * Case folding is locale-independent and not context-sensitive,
+     * but there is an option for whether to include or exclude mappings for dotted I
+     * and dotless i that are marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt.
+     *
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, U_EDITS_NO_RESET,
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of char16_ts). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see u_strFoldCase
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static int32_t fold(
+            uint32_t options,
+            const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Lowercases a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param sink      A ByteSink to which the result string is written.
+     *                  sink.Flush() is called at the end.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8ToLower
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static void utf8ToLower(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options,
+            StringPiece src, ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Uppercases a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param sink      A ByteSink to which the result string is written.
+     *                  sink.Flush() is called at the end.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8ToUpper
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static void utf8ToUpper(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options,
+            StringPiece src, ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Titlecases a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     *
+     * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+     * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+     * all others. (This can be modified with options bits.)
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, U_EDITS_NO_RESET,
+     *                  U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE,
+     * @param iter      A break iterator to find the first characters of words that are to be titlecased.
+     *                  It is set to the source string (setUText())
+     *                  and used one or more times for iteration (first() and next()).
+     *                  If NULL, then a word break iterator for the locale is used
+     *                  (or something equivalent).
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param sink      A ByteSink to which the result string is written.
+     *                  sink.Flush() is called at the end.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8ToTitle
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static void utf8ToTitle(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options, BreakIterator *iter,
+            StringPiece src, ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Case-folds a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     *
+     * Case folding is locale-independent and not context-sensitive,
+     * but there is an option for whether to include or exclude mappings for dotted I
+     * and dotless i that are marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt.
+     *
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     *
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param sink      A ByteSink to which the result string is written.
+     *                  sink.Flush() is called at the end.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8FoldCase
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static void utf8Fold(
+            uint32_t options,
+            StringPiece src, ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Lowercases a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8ToLower
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static int32_t utf8ToLower(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options,
+            const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Uppercases a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8ToUpper
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static int32_t utf8ToUpper(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options,
+            const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Titlecases a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+     * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+     * all others. (This can be modified with options bits.)
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale ID. ("" = root locale, NULL = default locale.)
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, U_EDITS_NO_RESET,
+     *                  U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE,
+     * @param iter      A break iterator to find the first characters of words that are to be titlecased.
+     *                  It is set to the source string (setUText())
+     *                  and used one or more times for iteration (first() and next()).
+     *                  If NULL, then a word break iterator for the locale is used
+     *                  (or something equivalent).
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8ToTitle
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static int32_t utf8ToTitle(
+            const char *locale, uint32_t options, BreakIterator *iter,
+            const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Case-folds a UTF-8 string and optionally records edits.
+     *
+     * Case folding is locale-independent and not context-sensitive,
+     * but there is an option for whether to include or exclude mappings for dotted I
+     * and dotless i that are marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt.
+     *
+     * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+     * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+     *
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, U_EDITS_NO_RESET,
+     * @param src       The original string.
+     * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+     * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+     *                  the buffer is large enough.
+     *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+     * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+     *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+     *                  without writing any of the result string.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Reference to an in/out error code value
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the result string, if successful.
+     *         When the result would be longer than destCapacity,
+     *         the full length is returned and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+     *
+     * @see ucasemap_utf8FoldCase
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static int32_t utf8Fold(
+            uint32_t options,
+            const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, Edits *edits,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CaseMap() = delete;
+    CaseMap(const CaseMap &other) = delete;
+    CaseMap &operator=(const CaseMap &other) = delete;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __CASEMAP_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/char16ptr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/char16ptr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a9ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/char16ptr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// char16ptr.h
+// created: 2017feb28 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __CHAR16PTR_H__
+#define __CHAR16PTR_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: char16_t pointer wrappers with
+ *        implicit conversion from bit-compatible raw pointer types.
+ *        Also conversion functions from char16_t * to UChar * and OldUChar *.
+ */
+ * Barrier for pointer anti-aliasing optimizations even across function boundaries.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    // Use the predefined value.
+#elif (defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)) && U_PLATFORM != U_PF_BROWSER_NATIVE_CLIENT
+#   define U_ALIASING_BARRIER(ptr) asm volatile("" : : "rm"(ptr) : "memory")
+#elif defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+#   define U_ALIASING_BARRIER(ptr)
+ * char16_t * wrapper with implicit conversion from distinct but bit-compatible pointer types.
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Char16Ptr U_FINAL {
+    /**
+     * Copies the pointer.
+     * @param p pointer
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline Char16Ptr(char16_t *p);
+    /**
+     * Converts the pointer to char16_t *.
+     * @param p pointer to be converted
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline Char16Ptr(uint16_t *p);
+#if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2 || defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+    /**
+     * Converts the pointer to char16_t *.
+     * (Only defined if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2.)
+     * @param p pointer to be converted
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline Char16Ptr(wchar_t *p);
+    /**
+     * nullptr constructor.
+     * @param p nullptr
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline Char16Ptr(std::nullptr_t p);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline ~Char16Ptr();
+    /**
+     * Pointer access.
+     * @return the wrapped pointer
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline char16_t *get() const;
+    /**
+     * char16_t pointer access via type conversion (e.g., static_cast).
+     * @return the wrapped pointer
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline operator char16_t *() const { return get(); }
+    Char16Ptr() = delete;
+    template<typename T> static char16_t *cast(T *t) {
+        return reinterpret_cast<char16_t *>(t);
+    }
+    char16_t *p_;
+    union {
+        char16_t *cp;
+        uint16_t *up;
+        wchar_t *wp;
+    } u_;
+/// \cond
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(char16_t *p) : p_(p) {}
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(uint16_t *p) : p_(cast(p)) {}
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(wchar_t *p) : p_(cast(p)) {}
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(std::nullptr_t p) : p_(p) {}
+Char16Ptr::~Char16Ptr() {
+char16_t *Char16Ptr::get() const { return p_; }
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(char16_t *p) { u_.cp = p; }
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(uint16_t *p) { u_.up = p; }
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(wchar_t *p) { u_.wp = p; }
+Char16Ptr::Char16Ptr(std::nullptr_t p) { u_.cp = p; }
+Char16Ptr::~Char16Ptr() {}
+char16_t *Char16Ptr::get() const { return u_.cp; }
+/// \endcond
+ * const char16_t * wrapper with implicit conversion from distinct but bit-compatible pointer types.
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ConstChar16Ptr U_FINAL {
+    /**
+     * Copies the pointer.
+     * @param p pointer
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline ConstChar16Ptr(const char16_t *p);
+    /**
+     * Converts the pointer to char16_t *.
+     * @param p pointer to be converted
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline ConstChar16Ptr(const uint16_t *p);
+#if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2 || defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+    /**
+     * Converts the pointer to char16_t *.
+     * (Only defined if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2.)
+     * @param p pointer to be converted
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline ConstChar16Ptr(const wchar_t *p);
+    /**
+     * nullptr constructor.
+     * @param p nullptr
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline ConstChar16Ptr(const std::nullptr_t p);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline ~ConstChar16Ptr();
+    /**
+     * Pointer access.
+     * @return the wrapped pointer
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline const char16_t *get() const;
+    /**
+     * char16_t pointer access via type conversion (e.g., static_cast).
+     * @return the wrapped pointer
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    inline operator const char16_t *() const { return get(); }
+    ConstChar16Ptr() = delete;
+    template<typename T> static const char16_t *cast(const T *t) {
+        return reinterpret_cast<const char16_t *>(t);
+    }
+    const char16_t *p_;
+    union {
+        const char16_t *cp;
+        const uint16_t *up;
+        const wchar_t *wp;
+    } u_;
+/// \cond
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const char16_t *p) : p_(p) {}
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const uint16_t *p) : p_(cast(p)) {}
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const wchar_t *p) : p_(cast(p)) {}
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const std::nullptr_t p) : p_(p) {}
+ConstChar16Ptr::~ConstChar16Ptr() {
+const char16_t *ConstChar16Ptr::get() const { return p_; }
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const char16_t *p) { u_.cp = p; }
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const uint16_t *p) { u_.up = p; }
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const wchar_t *p) { u_.wp = p; }
+ConstChar16Ptr::ConstChar16Ptr(const std::nullptr_t p) { u_.cp = p; }
+ConstChar16Ptr::~ConstChar16Ptr() {}
+const char16_t *ConstChar16Ptr::get() const { return u_.cp; }
+/// \endcond
+ * Converts from const char16_t * to const UChar *.
+ * Includes an aliasing barrier if available.
+ * @param p pointer
+ * @return p as const UChar *
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+inline const UChar *toUCharPtr(const char16_t *p) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const UChar *>(p);
+ * Converts from char16_t * to UChar *.
+ * Includes an aliasing barrier if available.
+ * @param p pointer
+ * @return p as UChar *
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+inline UChar *toUCharPtr(char16_t *p) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<UChar *>(p);
+ * Converts from const char16_t * to const OldUChar *.
+ * Includes an aliasing barrier if available.
+ * @param p pointer
+ * @return p as const OldUChar *
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+inline const OldUChar *toOldUCharPtr(const char16_t *p) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const OldUChar *>(p);
+ * Converts from char16_t * to OldUChar *.
+ * Includes an aliasing barrier if available.
+ * @param p pointer
+ * @return p as OldUChar *
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+inline OldUChar *toOldUCharPtr(char16_t *p) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<OldUChar *>(p);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __CHAR16PTR_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/chariter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/chariter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db86f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/chariter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef CHARITER_H
+#define CHARITER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Character Iterator
+ */
+ * Abstract class that defines an API for forward-only iteration
+ * on text objects.
+ * This is a minimal interface for iteration without random access
+ * or backwards iteration. It is especially useful for wrapping
+ * streams with converters into an object for collation or
+ * normalization.
+ *
+ * <p>Characters can be accessed in two ways: as code units or as
+ * code points.
+ * Unicode code points are 21-bit integers and are the scalar values
+ * of Unicode characters. ICU uses the type UChar32 for them.
+ * Unicode code units are the storage units of a given
+ * Unicode/UCS Transformation Format (a character encoding scheme).
+ * With UTF-16, all code points can be represented with either one
+ * or two code units ("surrogates").
+ * String storage is typically based on code units, while properties
+ * of characters are typically determined using code point values.
+ * Some processes may be designed to work with sequences of code units,
+ * or it may be known that all characters that are important to an
+ * algorithm can be represented with single code units.
+ * Other processes will need to use the code point access functions.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ForwardCharacterIterator provides nextPostInc() to access
+ * a code unit and advance an internal position into the text object,
+ * similar to a <code>return text[position++]</code>.<br>
+ * It provides next32PostInc() to access a code point and advance an internal
+ * position.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>next32PostInc() assumes that the current position is that of
+ * the beginning of a code point, i.e., of its first code unit.
+ * After next32PostInc(), this will be true again.
+ * In general, access to code units and code points in the same
+ * iteration loop should not be mixed. In UTF-16, if the current position
+ * is on a second code unit (Low Surrogate), then only that code unit
+ * is returned even by next32PostInc().</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For iteration with either function, there are two ways to
+ * check for the end of the iteration. When there are no more
+ * characters in the text object:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>The hasNext() function returns FALSE.</li>
+ * <li>nextPostInc() and next32PostInc() return DONE
+ *     when one attempts to read beyond the end of the text object.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * \code 
+ * void function1(ForwardCharacterIterator &it) {
+ *     UChar32 c;
+ *     while(it.hasNext()) {
+ *         c=it.next32PostInc();
+ *         // use c
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ * void function1(ForwardCharacterIterator &it) {
+ *     char16_t c;
+ *     while((c=it.nextPostInc())!=ForwardCharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ *         // use c
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ForwardCharacterIterator : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Value returned by most of ForwardCharacterIterator's functions
+     * when the iterator has reached the limits of its iteration.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum { DONE = 0xffff };
+    /**
+     * Destructor.  
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~ForwardCharacterIterator();
+    /**
+     * Returns true when both iterators refer to the same
+     * character in the same character-storage object.  
+     * @param that The ForwardCharacterIterator to be compared for equality
+     * @return true when both iterators refer to the same
+     * character in the same character-storage object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const ForwardCharacterIterator& that) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns true when the iterators refer to different
+     * text-storage objects, or to different characters in the
+     * same text-storage object.  
+     * @param that The ForwardCharacterIterator to be compared for inequality
+     * @return true when the iterators refer to different
+     * text-storage objects, or to different characters in the
+     * same text-storage object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const ForwardCharacterIterator& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Generates a hash code for this iterator.  
+     * @return the hash code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns a UClassID for this ForwardCharacterIterator ("poor man's
+     * RTTI").<P> Despite the fact that this function is public,
+     * @return a UClassID for this ForwardCharacterIterator 
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the current code unit for returning and advances to the next code unit
+     * in the iteration range
+     * (toward endIndex()).  If there are
+     * no more code units to return, returns DONE.
+     * @return the current code unit.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         nextPostInc(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the current code point for returning and advances to the next code point
+     * in the iteration range
+     * (toward endIndex()).  If there are
+     * no more code points to return, returns DONE.
+     * @return the current code point.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       next32PostInc(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+     * at or after the current position in the iteration range.
+     * This is used with nextPostInc() or next32PostInc() in forward
+     * iteration.
+     * @returns FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+     * at or after the current position in the iteration range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool        hasNext() = 0;
+    /** Default constructor to be overridden in the implementing class. @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    ForwardCharacterIterator();
+    /** Copy constructor to be overridden in the implementing class. @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    ForwardCharacterIterator(const ForwardCharacterIterator &other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator to be overridden in the implementing class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ForwardCharacterIterator &operator=(const ForwardCharacterIterator&) { return *this; }
+ * Abstract class that defines an API for iteration
+ * on text objects.
+ * This is an interface for forward and backward iteration
+ * and random access into a text object.
+ *
+ * <p>The API provides backward compatibility to the Java and older ICU
+ * CharacterIterator classes but extends them significantly:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>CharacterIterator is now a subclass of ForwardCharacterIterator.</li>
+ * <li>While the old API functions provided forward iteration with
+ *     "pre-increment" semantics, the new one also provides functions
+ *     with "post-increment" semantics. They are more efficient and should
+ *     be the preferred iterator functions for new implementations.
+ *     The backward iteration always had "pre-decrement" semantics, which
+ *     are efficient.</li>
+ * <li>Just like ForwardCharacterIterator, it provides access to
+ *     both code units and code points. Code point access versions are available
+ *     for the old and the new iteration semantics.</li>
+ * <li>There are new functions for setting and moving the current position
+ *     without returning a character, for efficiency.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * See ForwardCharacterIterator for examples for using the new forward iteration
+ * functions. For backward iteration, there is also a hasPrevious() function
+ * that can be used analogously to hasNext().
+ * The old functions work as before and are shown below.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Examples for some of the new functions:</p>
+ *
+ * Forward iteration with hasNext():
+ * \code
+ * void forward1(CharacterIterator &it) {
+ *     UChar32 c;
+ *     for(it.setToStart(); it.hasNext();) {
+ *         c=it.next32PostInc();
+ *         // use c
+ *     }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * Forward iteration more similar to loops with the old forward iteration,
+ * showing a way to convert simple for() loops:
+ * \code
+ * void forward2(CharacterIterator &it) {
+ *     char16_t c;
+ *     for(c=it.firstPostInc(); c!=CharacterIterator::DONE; c=it.nextPostInc()) {
+ *          // use c
+ *      }
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ * Backward iteration with setToEnd() and hasPrevious():
+ * \code
+ *  void backward1(CharacterIterator &it) {
+ *      UChar32 c;
+ *      for(it.setToEnd(); it.hasPrevious();) {
+ *         c=it.previous32();
+ *          // use c
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * Backward iteration with a more traditional for() loop:
+ * \code
+ * void backward2(CharacterIterator &it) {
+ *     char16_t c;
+ *     for(c=it.last(); c!=CharacterIterator::DONE; c=it.previous()) {
+ *         // use c
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Example for random access:
+ * \code
+ *  void random(CharacterIterator &it) {
+ *      // set to the third code point from the beginning
+ *      it.move32(3, CharacterIterator::kStart);
+ *      // get a code point from here without moving the position
+ *      UChar32 c=it.current32();
+ *      // get the position
+ *      int32_t pos=it.getIndex();
+ *      // get the previous code unit
+ *      char16_t u=it.previous();
+ *      // move back one more code unit
+ *      it.move(-1, CharacterIterator::kCurrent);
+ *      // set the position back to where it was
+ *      // and read the same code point c and move beyond it
+ *      it.setIndex(pos);
+ *      if(c!=it.next32PostInc()) {
+ *          exit(1); // CharacterIterator inconsistent
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * <p>Examples, especially for the old API:</p>
+ *
+ * Function processing characters, in this example simple output
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  void processChar( char16_t c )
+ *  {
+ *      cout << " " << c;
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Traverse the text from start to finish
+ * <pre> 
+ * \code
+ *  void traverseForward(CharacterIterator& iter)
+ *  {
+ *      for(char16_t c = iter.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = {
+ *          processChar(c);
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Traverse the text backwards, from end to start
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  void traverseBackward(CharacterIterator& iter)
+ *  {
+ *      for(char16_t c = iter.last(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = iter.previous()) {
+ *          processChar(c);
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Traverse both forward and backward from a given position in the text. 
+ * Calls to notBoundary() in this example represents some additional stopping criteria.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * void traverseOut(CharacterIterator& iter, int32_t pos)
+ * {
+ *      char16_t c;
+ *      for (c = iter.setIndex(pos);
+ *      c != CharacterIterator.DONE && (Unicode::isLetter(c) || Unicode::isDigit(c));
+ *          c = {}
+ *      int32_t end = iter.getIndex();
+ *      for (c = iter.setIndex(pos);
+ *          c != CharacterIterator.DONE && (Unicode::isLetter(c) || Unicode::isDigit(c));
+ *          c = iter.previous()) {}
+ *      int32_t start = iter.getIndex() + 1;
+ *  
+ *      cout << "start: " << start << " end: " << end << endl;
+ *      for (c = iter.setIndex(start); iter.getIndex() < end; c = ) {
+ *          processChar(c);
+ *     }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Creating a StringCharacterIterator and calling the test functions
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  void CharacterIterator_Example( void )
+ *   {
+ *       cout << endl << "===== CharacterIterator_Example: =====" << endl;
+ *       UnicodeString text("Ein kleiner Satz.");
+ *       StringCharacterIterator iterator(text);
+ *       cout << "----- traverseForward: -----------" << endl;
+ *       traverseForward( iterator );
+ *       cout << endl << endl << "----- traverseBackward: ----------" << endl;
+ *       traverseBackward( iterator );
+ *       cout << endl << endl << "----- traverseOut: ---------------" << endl;
+ *       traverseOut( iterator, 7 );
+ *       cout << endl << endl << "-----" << endl;
+ *   }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API CharacterIterator : public ForwardCharacterIterator {
+    /**
+     * Origin enumeration for the move() and move32() functions.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum EOrigin { kStart, kCurrent, kEnd };
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~CharacterIterator();
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to a new CharacterIterator of the same
+     * concrete class as this one, and referring to the same
+     * character in the same text-storage object as this one.  The
+     * caller is responsible for deleting the new clone.  
+     * @return a pointer to a new CharacterIterator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual CharacterIterator* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code unit in its
+     * iteration range, and returns that code unit.
+     * This can be used to begin an iteration with next().
+     * @return the first code unit in its iteration range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         first(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code unit in its
+     * iteration range, returns that code unit, and moves the position
+     * to the second code unit. This is an alternative to setToStart()
+     * for forward iteration with nextPostInc().
+     * @return the first code unit in its iteration range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         firstPostInc(void);
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code point in its
+     * iteration range, and returns that code unit,
+     * This can be used to begin an iteration with next32().
+     * Note that an iteration with next32PostInc(), beginning with,
+     * e.g., setToStart() or firstPostInc(), is more efficient.
+     * @return the first code point in its iteration range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       first32(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code point in its
+     * iteration range, returns that code point, and moves the position
+     * to the second code point. This is an alternative to setToStart()
+     * for forward iteration with next32PostInc().
+     * @return the first code point in its iteration range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       first32PostInc(void);
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code unit or code point in its
+     * iteration range. This can be used to begin a forward
+     * iteration with nextPostInc() or next32PostInc().
+     * @return the start position of the iteration range
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t    setToStart();
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the last code unit in its
+     * iteration range, and returns that code unit.
+     * This can be used to begin an iteration with previous().
+     * @return the last code unit.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         last(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the last code point in its
+     * iteration range, and returns that code unit.
+     * This can be used to begin an iteration with previous32().
+     * @return the last code point.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       last32(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to the end of its iteration range, just behind
+     * the last code unit or code point. This can be used to begin a backward
+     * iteration with previous() or previous32().
+     * @return the end position of the iteration range
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t    setToEnd();
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the "position"-th code unit
+     * in the text-storage object the iterator refers to, and
+     * returns that code unit.  
+     * @param position the "position"-th code unit in the text-storage object
+     * @return the "position"-th code unit.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         setIndex(int32_t position) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the beginning of the code point
+     * that contains the "position"-th code unit
+     * in the text-storage object the iterator refers to, and
+     * returns that code point.
+     * The current position is adjusted to the beginning of the code point
+     * (its first code unit).
+     * @param position the "position"-th code unit in the text-storage object
+     * @return the "position"-th code point.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       setIndex32(int32_t position) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the code unit the iterator currently refers to. 
+     * @return the current code unit. 
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         current(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the code point the iterator currently refers to.  
+     * @return the current code point.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       current32(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Advances to the next code unit in the iteration range
+     * (toward endIndex()), and returns that code unit.  If there are
+     * no more code units to return, returns DONE.
+     * @return the next code unit.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         next(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Advances to the next code point in the iteration range
+     * (toward endIndex()), and returns that code point.  If there are
+     * no more code points to return, returns DONE.
+     * Note that iteration with "pre-increment" semantics is less
+     * efficient than iteration with "post-increment" semantics
+     * that is provided by next32PostInc().
+     * @return the next code point.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       next32(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Advances to the previous code unit in the iteration range
+     * (toward startIndex()), and returns that code unit.  If there are
+     * no more code units to return, returns DONE.  
+     * @return the previous code unit.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual char16_t         previous(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Advances to the previous code point in the iteration range
+     * (toward startIndex()), and returns that code point.  If there are
+     * no more code points to return, returns DONE. 
+     * @return the previous code point. 
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UChar32       previous32(void) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+     * before the current position in the iteration range.
+     * This is used with previous() or previous32() in backward
+     * iteration.
+     * @return FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+     * before the current position in the iteration range, return TRUE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool        hasPrevious() = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the numeric index in the underlying text-storage
+     * object of the character returned by first().  Since it's
+     * possible to create an iterator that iterates across only
+     * part of a text-storage object, this number isn't
+     * necessarily 0.  
+     * @returns the numeric index in the underlying text-storage
+     * object of the character returned by first().
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t       startIndex(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the numeric index in the underlying text-storage
+     * object of the position immediately BEYOND the character
+     * returned by last().  
+     * @return the numeric index in the underlying text-storage
+     * object of the position immediately BEYOND the character
+     * returned by last().
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t       endIndex(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the numeric index in the underlying text-storage
+     * object of the character the iterator currently refers to
+     * (i.e., the character returned by current()).  
+     * @return the numeric index in the text-storage object of 
+     * the character the iterator currently refers to
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t       getIndex(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the length of the entire text in the underlying
+     * text-storage object.
+     * @return the length of the entire text in the text-storage object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t           getLength() const;
+    /**
+     * Moves the current position relative to the start or end of the
+     * iteration range, or relative to the current position itself.
+     * The movement is expressed in numbers of code units forward
+     * or backward by specifying a positive or negative delta.
+     * @param delta the position relative to origin. A positive delta means forward;
+     * a negative delta means backward.
+     * @param origin Origin enumeration {kStart, kCurrent, kEnd}
+     * @return the new position
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t      move(int32_t delta, EOrigin origin) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Moves the current position relative to the start or end of the
+     * iteration range, or relative to the current position itself.
+     * The movement is expressed in numbers of code points forward
+     * or backward by specifying a positive or negative delta.
+     * @param delta the position relative to origin. A positive delta means forward;
+     * a negative delta means backward.
+     * @param origin Origin enumeration {kStart, kCurrent, kEnd}
+     * @return the new position
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+#ifdef move32
+     // One of the system headers right now is sometimes defining a conflicting macro we don't use
+#undef move32
+    virtual int32_t      move32(int32_t delta, EOrigin origin) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Copies the text under iteration into the UnicodeString
+     * referred to by "result".  
+     * @param result Receives a copy of the text under iteration.  
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void            getText(UnicodeString&  result) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Empty constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    CharacterIterator();
+    /**
+     * Constructor, just setting the length field in this base class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    CharacterIterator(int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Constructor, just setting the length and position fields in this base class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    CharacterIterator(int32_t length, int32_t position);
+    /**
+     * Constructor, just setting the length, start, end, and position fields in this base class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    CharacterIterator(int32_t length, int32_t textBegin, int32_t textEnd, int32_t position);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     *
+     * @param that The CharacterIterator to be copied
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    CharacterIterator(const CharacterIterator &that);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.  Sets this CharacterIterator to have the same behavior,
+     * as the one passed in.
+     * @param that The CharacterIterator passed in.
+     * @return the newly set CharacterIterator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    CharacterIterator &operator=(const CharacterIterator &that);
+    /**
+     * Base class text length field.
+     * Necessary this for correct getText() and hashCode().
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t textLength;
+    /**
+     * Base class field for the current position.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t  pos;
+    /**
+     * Base class field for the start of the iteration range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t  begin;
+    /**
+     * Base class field for the end of the iteration range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t  end;
+inline UBool
+ForwardCharacterIterator::operator!=(const ForwardCharacterIterator& that) const {
+    return !operator==(that);
+inline int32_t
+CharacterIterator::setToStart() {
+    return move(0, kStart);
+inline int32_t
+CharacterIterator::setToEnd() {
+    return move(0, kEnd);
+inline int32_t
+CharacterIterator::startIndex(void) const {
+    return begin;
+inline int32_t
+CharacterIterator::endIndex(void) const {
+    return end;
+inline int32_t
+CharacterIterator::getIndex(void) const {
+    return pos;
+inline int32_t
+CharacterIterator::getLength(void) const {
+    return textLength;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/choicfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/choicfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b2f48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/choicfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*   03/20/97    helena      Finished first cut of implementation and got rid
+*                           of nextDouble/previousDouble and replaced with
+*                           boolean array.
+*   4/10/97     aliu        Clean up.  Modified to work on AIX.
+*   8/6/97      nos         Removed overloaded constructor, member var 'buffer'.
+*   07/22/98    stephen     Removed operator!= (implemented in Format)
+#ifndef CHOICFMT_H
+#define CHOICFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Choice Format.
+ */
+#include "unicode/fieldpos.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/messagepattern.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+class MessageFormat;
+ * ChoiceFormat converts between ranges of numeric values and strings for those ranges.
+ * The strings must conform to the MessageFormat pattern syntax.
+ *
+ * <p><em><code>ChoiceFormat</code> is probably not what you need.
+ * Please use <code>MessageFormat</code>
+ * with <code>plural</code> arguments for proper plural selection,
+ * and <code>select</code> arguments for simple selection among a fixed set of choices!</em></p>
+ *
+ * <p>A <code>ChoiceFormat</code> splits
+ * the real number line \htmlonly<code>-&#x221E;</code> to
+ * <code>+&#x221E;</code>\endhtmlonly into two
+ * or more contiguous ranges. Each range is mapped to a
+ * string.</p>
+ *
+ * <p><code>ChoiceFormat</code> was originally intended
+ * for displaying grammatically correct
+ * plurals such as &quot;There is one file.&quot; vs. &quot;There are 2 files.&quot;
+ * <em>However,</em> plural rules for many languages
+ * are too complex for the capabilities of ChoiceFormat,
+ * and its requirement of specifying the precise rules for each message
+ * is unmanageable for translators.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>There are two methods of defining a <code>ChoiceFormat</code>; both
+ * are equivalent.  The first is by using a string pattern. This is the
+ * preferred method in most cases.  The second method is through direct
+ * specification of the arrays that logically make up the
+ * <code>ChoiceFormat</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Note: Typically, choice formatting is done (if done at all) via <code>MessageFormat</code>
+ * with a <code>choice</code> argument type,
+ * rather than using a stand-alone <code>ChoiceFormat</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * <h5>Patterns and Their Interpretation</h5>
+ *
+ * <p>The pattern string defines the range boundaries and the strings for each number range.
+ * Syntax:
+ * <pre>
+ * choiceStyle = number separator message ('|' number separator message)*
+ * number = normal_number | ['-'] \htmlonly&#x221E;\endhtmlonly (U+221E, infinity)
+ * normal_number = double value (unlocalized ASCII string)
+ * separator = less_than | less_than_or_equal
+ * less_than = '<'
+ * less_than_or_equal = '#' | \htmlonly&#x2264;\endhtmlonly (U+2264)
+ * message: see {@link MessageFormat}
+ * </pre>
+ * Pattern_White_Space between syntax elements is ignored, except
+ * around each range's sub-message.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Each numeric sub-range extends from the current range's number
+ * to the next range's number.
+ * The number itself is included in its range if a <code>less_than_or_equal</code> sign is used,
+ * and excluded from its range (and instead included in the previous range)
+ * if a <code>less_than</code> sign is used.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>When a <code>ChoiceFormat</code> is constructed from
+ * arrays of numbers, closure flags and strings,
+ * they are interpreted just like
+ * the sequence of <code>(number separator string)</code> in an equivalent pattern string.
+ * <code>closure[i]==TRUE</code> corresponds to a <code>less_than</code> separator sign.
+ * The equivalent pattern string will be constructed automatically.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>During formatting, a number is mapped to the first range
+ * where the number is not greater than the range's upper limit.
+ * That range's message string is returned. A NaN maps to the very first range.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>During parsing, a range is selected for the longest match of
+ * any range's message. That range's number is returned, ignoring the separator/closure.
+ * Only a simple string match is performed, without parsing of arguments that
+ * might be specified in the message strings.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Note that the first range's number is ignored in formatting
+ * but may be returned from parsing.</p>
+ *
+ * <h5>Examples</h5>
+ *
+ * <p>Here is an example of two arrays that map the number
+ * <code>1..7</code> to the English day of the week abbreviations
+ * <code>Sun..Sat</code>. No closures array is given; this is the same as
+ * specifying all closures to be <code>FALSE</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * <pre>    {1,2,3,4,5,6,7},
+ *     {&quot;Sun&quot;,&quot;Mon&quot;,&quot;Tue&quot;,&quot;Wed&quot;,&quot;Thur&quot;,&quot;Fri&quot;,&quot;Sat&quot;}</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>Here is an example that maps the ranges [-Inf, 1), [1, 1], and (1,
+ * +Inf] to three strings. That is, the number line is split into three
+ * ranges: x &lt; 1.0, x = 1.0, and x &gt; 1.0.
+ * (The round parentheses in the notation above indicate an exclusive boundary,
+ * like the turned bracket in European notation: [-Inf, 1) == [-Inf, 1[  )</p>
+ *
+ * <pre>    {0, 1, 1},
+ *     {FALSE, FALSE, TRUE},
+ *     {&quot;no files&quot;, &quot;one file&quot;, &quot;many files&quot;}</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>Here is an example that shows formatting and parsing: </p>
+ *
+ * \code
+ *   #include <unicode/choicfmt.h>
+ *   #include <unicode/unistr.h>
+ *   #include <iostream.h>
+ *
+ *   int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ *       double limits[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
+ *       UnicodeString monthNames[] = {
+ *           "Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"};
+ *       ChoiceFormat fmt(limits, monthNames, 7);
+ *       UnicodeString str;
+ *       char buf[256];
+ *       for (double x = 1.0; x <= 8.0; x += 1.0) {
+ *           fmt.format(x, str);
+ *           str.extract(0, str.length(), buf, 256, "");
+ *           str.truncate(0);
+ *           cout << x << " -> "
+ *                << buf << endl;
+ *       }
+ *       cout << endl;
+ *       return 0;
+ *   }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * <p><em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
+ * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
+ * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ChoiceFormat: public NumberFormat {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new ChoiceFormat from the pattern string.
+     *
+     * @param pattern   Pattern used to construct object.
+     * @param status    Output param to receive success code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    ChoiceFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                 UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new ChoiceFormat with the given limits and message strings.
+     * All closure flags default to <code>FALSE</code>,
+     * equivalent to <code>less_than_or_equal</code> separators.
+     *
+     * Copies the limits and formats instead of adopting them.
+     *
+     * @param limits    Array of limit values.
+     * @param formats   Array of formats.
+     * @param count     Size of 'limits' and 'formats' arrays.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    ChoiceFormat(const double* limits,
+                 const UnicodeString* formats,
+                 int32_t count );
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new ChoiceFormat with the given limits, closure flags and message strings.
+     *
+     * Copies the limits and formats instead of adopting them.
+     *
+     * @param limits Array of limit values
+     * @param closures Array of booleans specifying whether each
+     * element of 'limits' is open or closed.  If FALSE, then the
+     * corresponding limit number is a member of its range.
+     * If TRUE, then the limit number belongs to the previous range it.
+     * @param formats Array of formats
+     * @param count Size of 'limits', 'closures', and 'formats' arrays
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    ChoiceFormat(const double* limits,
+                 const UBool* closures,
+                 const UnicodeString* formats,
+                 int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     *
+     * @param that   ChoiceFormat object to be copied from
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    ChoiceFormat(const ChoiceFormat& that);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     *
+     * @param that   ChoiceFormat object to be copied
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    const ChoiceFormat& operator=(const ChoiceFormat& that);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual ~ChoiceFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clones this Format object. The caller owns the
+     * result and must delete it when done.
+     *
+     * @return a copy of this object
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual ChoiceFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     *
+     * @param other    ChoiceFormat object to be compared
+     * @return         true if other is the same as this.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the pattern.
+     * @param pattern   The pattern to be applied.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                  set to a failure result.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the pattern.
+     * @param pattern    The pattern to be applied.
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on position
+     *                   of error if an error is encountered
+     * @param status     Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                   exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                   set to a failure result.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                             UParseError& parseError,
+                             UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the pattern.
+     *
+     * @param pattern    Output param which will receive the pattern
+     *                   Previous contents are deleted.
+     * @return    A reference to 'pattern'
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString &pattern) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the choices to be used in formatting.
+     * For details see the constructor with the same parameter list.
+     *
+     * @param limitsToCopy      Contains the top value that you want
+     *                          parsed with that format,and should be in
+     *                          ascending sorted order. When formatting X,
+     *                          the choice will be the i, where limit[i]
+     *                          &lt;= X &lt; limit[i+1].
+     * @param formatsToCopy     The format strings you want to use for each limit.
+     * @param count             The size of the above arrays.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual void setChoices(const double* limitsToCopy,
+                            const UnicodeString* formatsToCopy,
+                            int32_t count );
+    /**
+     * Sets the choices to be used in formatting.
+     * For details see the constructor with the same parameter list.
+     *
+     * @param limits Array of limits
+     * @param closures Array of limit booleans
+     * @param formats Array of format string
+     * @param count The size of the above arrays
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual void setChoices(const double* limits,
+                            const UBool* closures,
+                            const UnicodeString* formats,
+                            int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Returns NULL and 0.
+     * Before ICU 4.8, this used to return the choice limits array.
+     *
+     * @param count Will be set to 0.
+     * @return NULL
+     * @deprecated ICU 4.8 Use the MessagePattern class to analyze a ChoiceFormat pattern.
+     */
+    virtual const double* getLimits(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns NULL and 0.
+     * Before ICU 4.8, this used to return the limit booleans array.
+     *
+     * @param count Will be set to 0.
+     * @return NULL
+     * @deprecated ICU 4.8 Use the MessagePattern class to analyze a ChoiceFormat pattern.
+     */
+    virtual const UBool* getClosures(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns NULL and 0.
+     * Before ICU 4.8, this used to return the array of choice strings.
+     *
+     * @param count Will be set to 0.
+     * @return NULL
+     * @deprecated ICU 4.8 Use the MessagePattern class to analyze a ChoiceFormat pattern.
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString* getFormats(int32_t& count) const;
+    using NumberFormat::format;
+    /**
+     * Formats a double number using this object's choices.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats an int32_t number using this object's choices.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats an int64_t number using this object's choices.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats an array of objects using this object's choices.
+     *
+     * @param objs      The array of objects to be formatted.
+     * @param cnt       The size of objs.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param success   Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable* objs,
+                                  int32_t cnt,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& success) const;
+   using NumberFormat::parse;
+   /**
+    * Looks for the longest match of any message string on the input text and,
+    * if there is a match, sets the result object to the corresponding range's number.
+    *
+    * If no string matches, then the parsePosition is unchanged.
+    *
+    * @param text           The text to be parsed.
+    * @param result         Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+    *                       If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+    * @param parsePosition  The position to start parsing at on input.
+    *                       On output, moved to after the last successfully
+    *                       parse character. On parse failure, does not change.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+    */
+    virtual void parse(const UnicodeString& text,
+                       Formattable& result,
+                       ParsePosition& parsePosition) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Part of ICU's "poor man's RTTI".
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .       Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .       if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .           Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Converts a double value to a string.
+     * @param value the double number to be converted.
+     * @param string the result string.
+     * @return the converted string.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& dtos(double value, UnicodeString& string);
+    ChoiceFormat(); // default constructor not implemented
+    /**
+     * Construct a new ChoiceFormat with the limits and the corresponding formats
+     * based on the pattern.
+     *
+     * @param newPattern   Pattern used to construct object.
+     * @param parseError   Struct to receive information on position
+     *                     of error if an error is encountered.
+     * @param status       Output param to receive success code.  If the
+     *                     pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     */
+    ChoiceFormat(const UnicodeString& newPattern,
+                 UParseError& parseError,
+                 UErrorCode& status);
+    friend class MessageFormat;
+    virtual void setChoices(const double* limits,
+                            const UBool* closures,
+                            const UnicodeString* formats,
+                            int32_t count,
+                            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Finds the ChoiceFormat sub-message for the given number.
+     * @param pattern A MessagePattern.
+     * @param partIndex the index of the first ChoiceFormat argument style part.
+     * @param number a number to be mapped to one of the ChoiceFormat argument's intervals
+     * @return the sub-message start part index.
+     */
+    static int32_t findSubMessage(const MessagePattern &pattern, int32_t partIndex, double number);
+    static double parseArgument(
+            const MessagePattern &pattern, int32_t partIndex,
+            const UnicodeString &source, ParsePosition &pos);
+    /**
+     * Matches the pattern string from the end of the partIndex to
+     * the beginning of the limitPartIndex,
+     * including all syntax except SKIP_SYNTAX,
+     * against the source string starting at sourceOffset.
+     * If they match, returns the length of the source string match.
+     * Otherwise returns -1.
+     */
+    static int32_t matchStringUntilLimitPart(
+            const MessagePattern &pattern, int32_t partIndex, int32_t limitPartIndex,
+            const UnicodeString &source, int32_t sourceOffset);
+    /**
+     * Some of the ChoiceFormat constructors do not have a UErrorCode paramater.
+     * We need _some_ way to provide one for the MessagePattern constructor.
+     * Alternatively, the MessagePattern could be a pointer field, but that is
+     * not nice either.
+     */
+    UErrorCode constructorErrorCode;
+    /**
+     * The MessagePattern which contains the parsed structure of the pattern string.
+     *
+     * Starting with ICU 4.8, the MessagePattern contains a sequence of
+     * numeric/selector/message parts corresponding to the parsed pattern.
+     * For details see the MessagePattern class API docs.
+     */
+    MessagePattern msgPattern;
+    /**
+     * Docs & fields from before ICU 4.8, before MessagePattern was used.
+     * Commented out, and left only for explanation of semantics.
+     * --------
+     * Each ChoiceFormat divides the range -Inf..+Inf into fCount
+     * intervals.  The intervals are:
+     *
+     *         0: fChoiceLimits[0]..fChoiceLimits[1]
+     *         1: fChoiceLimits[1]..fChoiceLimits[2]
+     *        ...
+     *  fCount-2: fChoiceLimits[fCount-2]..fChoiceLimits[fCount-1]
+     *  fCount-1: fChoiceLimits[fCount-1]..+Inf
+     *
+     * Interval 0 is special; during formatting (mapping numbers to
+     * strings), it also contains all numbers less than
+     * fChoiceLimits[0], as well as NaN values.
+     *
+     * Interval i maps to and from string fChoiceFormats[i].  When
+     * parsing (mapping strings to numbers), then intervals map to
+     * their lower limit, that is, interval i maps to fChoiceLimit[i].
+     *
+     * The intervals may be closed, half open, or open.  This affects
+     * formatting but does not affect parsing.  Interval i is affected
+     * by fClosures[i] and fClosures[i+1].  If fClosures[i]
+     * is FALSE, then the value fChoiceLimits[i] is in interval i.
+     * That is, intervals i and i are:
+     *
+     *  i-1:                 ... x < fChoiceLimits[i]
+     *    i: fChoiceLimits[i] <= x ...
+     *
+     * If fClosures[i] is TRUE, then the value fChoiceLimits[i] is
+     * in interval i-1.  That is, intervals i-1 and i are:
+     *
+     *  i-1:                ... x <= fChoiceLimits[i]
+     *    i: fChoiceLimits[i] < x ...
+     *
+     * Because of the nature of interval 0, fClosures[0] has no
+     * effect.
+     */
+    // double*         fChoiceLimits;
+    // UBool*          fClosures;
+    // UnicodeString*  fChoiceFormats;
+    // int32_t         fCount;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // CHOICFMT_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/coleitr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/coleitr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3ec0e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/coleitr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 1997-2014, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Collation Element Iterator.
+ */
+* File coleitr.h
+* Created by: Helena Shih
+* Modification History:
+*  Date       Name        Description
+*  8/18/97    helena      Added internal API documentation.
+* 08/03/98    erm         Synched with 1.2 version
+* 12/10/99    aliu        Ported Thai collation support from Java.
+* 01/25/01    swquek      Modified into a C++ wrapper calling C APIs (ucoliter.h)
+* 02/19/01    swquek      Removed CollationElementsIterator() since it is 
+*                         private constructor and no calls are made to it
+* 2012-2014   markus      Rewritten in C++ again.
+#ifndef COLEITR_H
+#define COLEITR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+struct UCollationElements;
+struct UHashtable;
+struct CollationData;
+class CharacterIterator;
+class CollationIterator;
+class RuleBasedCollator;
+class UCollationPCE;
+class UVector32;
+* The CollationElementIterator class is used as an iterator to walk through     
+* each character of an international string. Use the iterator to return the
+* ordering priority of the positioned character. The ordering priority of a 
+* character, which we refer to as a key, defines how a character is collated in 
+* the given collation object.
+* For example, consider the following in Slovak and in traditional Spanish collation:
+* <pre>
+*        "ca" -> the first key is key('c') and second key is key('a').
+*        "cha" -> the first key is key('ch') and second key is key('a').</pre>
+* And in German phonebook collation,
+* <pre> \htmlonly       "&#x00E6;b"-> the first key is key('a'), the second key is key('e'), and
+*        the third key is key('b'). \endhtmlonly </pre>
+* The key of a character, is an integer composed of primary order(short),
+* secondary order(char), and tertiary order(char). Java strictly defines the 
+* size and signedness of its primitive data types. Therefore, the static
+* functions primaryOrder(), secondaryOrder(), and tertiaryOrder() return 
+* int32_t to ensure the correctness of the key value.
+* <p>Example of the iterator usage: (without error checking)
+* <pre>
+* \code
+*   void CollationElementIterator_Example()
+*   {
+*       UnicodeString str = "This is a test";
+*       UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+*       RuleBasedCollator* rbc =
+*           (RuleBasedCollator*) RuleBasedCollator::createInstance(success);
+*       CollationElementIterator* c =
+*           rbc->createCollationElementIterator( str );
+*       int32_t order = c->next(success);
+*       c->reset();
+*       order = c->previous(success);
+*       delete c;
+*       delete rbc;
+*   }
+* \endcode
+* </pre>
+* <p>
+* The method next() returns the collation order of the next character based on
+* the comparison level of the collator. The method previous() returns the
+* collation order of the previous character based on the comparison level of
+* the collator. The Collation Element Iterator moves only in one direction
+* between calls to reset(), setOffset(), or setText(). That is, next() 
+* and previous() can not be inter-used. Whenever previous() is to be called after 
+* next() or vice versa, reset(), setOffset() or setText() has to be called first
+* to reset the status, shifting pointers to either the end or the start of
+* the string (reset() or setText()), or the specified position (setOffset()).
+* Hence at the next call of next() or previous(), the first or last collation order,
+* or collation order at the spefcifieid position will be returned. If a change of
+* direction is done without one of these calls, the result is undefined.
+* <p>
+* The result of a forward iterate (next()) and reversed result of the backward
+* iterate (previous()) on the same string are equivalent, if collation orders
+* with the value 0 are ignored.
+* Character based on the comparison level of the collator.  A collation order 
+* consists of primary order, secondary order and tertiary order.  The data 
+* type of the collation order is <strong>int32_t</strong>. 
+* Note, CollationElementIterator should not be subclassed.
+* @see     Collator
+* @see     RuleBasedCollator
+* @version 1.8 Jan 16 2001
+class U_I18N_API CollationElementIterator U_FINAL : public UObject {
+    // CollationElementIterator public data member ------------------------------
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * NULLORDER indicates that an error has occured while processing
+         * @stable ICU 2.0
+         */
+        NULLORDER = (int32_t)0xffffffff
+    };
+    // CollationElementIterator public constructor/destructor -------------------
+    /**
+    * Copy constructor.
+    *
+    * @param other    the object to be copied from
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    CollationElementIterator(const CollationElementIterator& other);
+    /** 
+    * Destructor
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    virtual ~CollationElementIterator();
+    // CollationElementIterator public methods ----------------------------------
+    /**
+    * Returns true if "other" is the same as "this"
+    *
+    * @param other    the object to be compared
+    * @return         true if "other" is the same as "this"
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UBool operator==(const CollationElementIterator& other) const;
+    /**
+    * Returns true if "other" is not the same as "this".
+    *
+    * @param other    the object to be compared
+    * @return         true if "other" is not the same as "this"
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UBool operator!=(const CollationElementIterator& other) const;
+    /**
+    * Resets the cursor to the beginning of the string.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    void reset(void);
+    /**
+    * Gets the ordering priority of the next character in the string.
+    * @param status the error code status.
+    * @return the next character's ordering. otherwise returns NULLORDER if an 
+    *         error has occured or if the end of string has been reached
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    int32_t next(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * Get the ordering priority of the previous collation element in the string.
+    * @param status the error code status.
+    * @return the previous element's ordering. otherwise returns NULLORDER if an 
+    *         error has occured or if the start of string has been reached
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    int32_t previous(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * Gets the primary order of a collation order.
+    * @param order the collation order
+    * @return the primary order of a collation order.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    static inline int32_t primaryOrder(int32_t order);
+    /**
+    * Gets the secondary order of a collation order.
+    * @param order the collation order
+    * @return the secondary order of a collation order.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    static inline int32_t secondaryOrder(int32_t order);
+    /**
+    * Gets the tertiary order of a collation order.
+    * @param order the collation order
+    * @return the tertiary order of a collation order.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    static inline int32_t tertiaryOrder(int32_t order);
+    /**
+    * Return the maximum length of any expansion sequences that end with the 
+    * specified comparison order.
+    * @param order a collation order returned by previous or next.
+    * @return maximum size of the expansion sequences ending with the collation 
+    *         element or 1 if collation element does not occur at the end of any 
+    *         expansion sequence
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    int32_t getMaxExpansion(int32_t order) const;
+    /**
+    * Gets the comparison order in the desired strength. Ignore the other
+    * differences.
+    * @param order The order value
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    int32_t strengthOrder(int32_t order) const;
+    /**
+    * Sets the source string.
+    * @param str the source string.
+    * @param status the error code status.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    void setText(const UnicodeString& str, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * Sets the source string.
+    * @param str the source character iterator.
+    * @param status the error code status.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    void setText(CharacterIterator& str, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * Checks if a comparison order is ignorable.
+    * @param order the collation order.
+    * @return TRUE if a character is ignorable, FALSE otherwise.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    static inline UBool isIgnorable(int32_t order);
+    /**
+    * Gets the offset of the currently processed character in the source string.
+    * @return the offset of the character.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    int32_t getOffset(void) const;
+    /**
+    * Sets the offset of the currently processed character in the source string.
+    * @param newOffset the new offset.
+    * @param status the error code status.
+    * @return the offset of the character.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    void setOffset(int32_t newOffset, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.2
+    */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+    * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.2
+    */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /** @internal */
+    static inline CollationElementIterator *fromUCollationElements(UCollationElements *uc) {
+        return reinterpret_cast<CollationElementIterator *>(uc);
+    }
+    /** @internal */
+    static inline const CollationElementIterator *fromUCollationElements(const UCollationElements *uc) {
+        return reinterpret_cast<const CollationElementIterator *>(uc);
+    }
+    /** @internal */
+    inline UCollationElements *toUCollationElements() {
+        return reinterpret_cast<UCollationElements *>(this);
+    }
+    /** @internal */
+    inline const UCollationElements *toUCollationElements() const {
+        return reinterpret_cast<const UCollationElements *>(this);
+    }
+    friend class RuleBasedCollator;
+    friend class UCollationPCE;
+    /**
+    * CollationElementIterator constructor. This takes the source string and the 
+    * collation object. The cursor will walk thru the source string based on the 
+    * predefined collation rules. If the source string is empty, NULLORDER will 
+    * be returned on the calls to next().
+    * @param sourceText    the source string.
+    * @param order         the collation object.
+    * @param status        the error code status.
+    */
+    CollationElementIterator(const UnicodeString& sourceText,
+        const RuleBasedCollator* order, UErrorCode& status);
+    // Note: The constructors should take settings & tailoring, not a collator,
+    // to avoid circular dependencies.
+    // However, for operator==() we would need to be able to compare tailoring data for equality
+    // without making CollationData or CollationTailoring depend on TailoredSet.
+    // (See the implementation of RuleBasedCollator::operator==().)
+    // That might require creating an intermediate class that would be used
+    // by both CollationElementIterator and RuleBasedCollator
+    // but only contain the part of RBC== related to data and rules.
+    /**
+    * CollationElementIterator constructor. This takes the source string and the 
+    * collation object.  The cursor will walk thru the source string based on the 
+    * predefined collation rules.  If the source string is empty, NULLORDER will 
+    * be returned on the calls to next().
+    * @param sourceText    the source string.
+    * @param order         the collation object.
+    * @param status        the error code status.
+    */
+    CollationElementIterator(const CharacterIterator& sourceText,
+        const RuleBasedCollator* order, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * Assignment operator
+    *
+    * @param other    the object to be copied
+    */
+    const CollationElementIterator&
+        operator=(const CollationElementIterator& other);
+    CollationElementIterator(); // default constructor not implemented
+    /** Normalizes dir_=1 (just after setOffset()) to dir_=0 (just after reset()). */
+    inline int8_t normalizeDir() const { return dir_ == 1 ? 0 : dir_; }
+    static UHashtable *computeMaxExpansions(const CollationData *data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static int32_t getMaxExpansion(const UHashtable *maxExpansions, int32_t order);
+    // CollationElementIterator private data members ----------------------------
+    CollationIterator *iter_;  // owned
+    const RuleBasedCollator *rbc_;  // aliased
+    uint32_t otherHalf_;
+    /**
+     * <0: backwards; 0: just after reset() (previous() begins from end);
+     * 1: just after setOffset(); >1: forward
+     */
+    int8_t dir_;
+    /**
+     * Stores offsets from expansions and from unsafe-backwards iteration,
+     * so that getOffset() returns intermediate offsets for the CEs
+     * that are consistent with forward iteration.
+     */
+    UVector32 *offsets_;
+    UnicodeString string_;
+// CollationElementIterator inline method definitions --------------------------
+inline int32_t CollationElementIterator::primaryOrder(int32_t order)
+    return (order >> 16) & 0xffff;
+inline int32_t CollationElementIterator::secondaryOrder(int32_t order)
+    return (order >> 8) & 0xff;
+inline int32_t CollationElementIterator::tertiaryOrder(int32_t order)
+    return order & 0xff;
+inline UBool CollationElementIterator::isIgnorable(int32_t order)
+    return (order & 0xffff0000) == 0;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/coll.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/coll.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5564c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/coll.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1294 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Collation Service.
+ */
+* File coll.h
+* Created by: Helena Shih
+* Modification History:
+*  Date        Name        Description
+* 02/5/97      aliu        Modified createDefault to load collation data from
+*                          binary files when possible.  Added related methods
+*                          createCollationFromFile, chopLocale, createPathName.
+* 02/11/97     aliu        Added members addToCache, findInCache, and fgCache.
+* 02/12/97     aliu        Modified to create objects from RuleBasedCollator cache.
+*                          Moved cache out of Collation class.
+* 02/13/97     aliu        Moved several methods out of this class and into
+*                          RuleBasedCollator, with modifications.  Modified
+*                          createDefault() to call new RuleBasedCollator(Locale&)
+*                          constructor.  General clean up and documentation.
+* 02/20/97     helena      Added clone, operator==, operator!=, operator=, copy
+*                          constructor and getDynamicClassID.
+* 03/25/97     helena      Updated with platform independent data types.
+* 05/06/97     helena      Added memory allocation error detection.
+* 06/20/97     helena      Java class name change.
+* 09/03/97     helena      Added createCollationKeyValues().
+* 02/10/98     damiba      Added compare() with length as parameter.
+* 04/23/99     stephen     Removed EDecompositionMode, merged with
+*                          Normalizer::EMode.
+* 11/02/99     helena      Collator performance enhancements.  Eliminates the
+*                          UnicodeString construction and special case for NO_OP.
+* 11/23/99     srl         More performance enhancements. Inlining of
+*                          critical accessors.
+* 05/15/00     helena      Added version information API.
+* 01/29/01     synwee      Modified into a C++ wrapper which calls C apis
+*                          (ucol.h).
+* 2012-2014    markus      Rewritten in C++ again.
+#ifndef COLL_H
+#define COLL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "unicode/unorm.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+#include "unicode/uiter.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+class StringEnumeration;
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+class CollatorFactory;
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+class CollationKey;
+* The <code>Collator</code> class performs locale-sensitive string
+* comparison.<br>
+* You use this class to build searching and sorting routines for natural
+* language text.
+* <p>
+* <code>Collator</code> is an abstract base class. Subclasses implement
+* specific collation strategies. One subclass,
+* <code>RuleBasedCollator</code>, is currently provided and is applicable
+* to a wide set of languages. Other subclasses may be created to handle more
+* specialized needs.
+* <p>
+* Like other locale-sensitive classes, you can use the static factory method,
+* <code>createInstance</code>, to obtain the appropriate
+* <code>Collator</code> object for a given locale. You will only need to
+* look at the subclasses of <code>Collator</code> if you need to
+* understand the details of a particular collation strategy or if you need to
+* modify that strategy.
+* <p>
+* The following example shows how to compare two strings using the
+* <code>Collator</code> for the default locale.
+* \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+* <pre>
+* \code
+* // Compare two strings in the default locale
+* UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+* Collator* myCollator = Collator::createInstance(success);
+* if (myCollator->compare("abc", "ABC") < 0)
+*   cout << "abc is less than ABC" << endl;
+* else
+*   cout << "abc is greater than or equal to ABC" << endl;
+* \endcode
+* </pre>
+* \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+* <p>
+* You can set a <code>Collator</code>'s <em>strength</em> attribute to
+* determine the level of difference considered significant in comparisons.
+* Five strengths are provided: <code>PRIMARY</code>, <code>SECONDARY</code>,
+* <code>TERTIARY</code>, <code>QUATERNARY</code> and <code>IDENTICAL</code>.
+* The exact assignment of strengths to language features is locale dependent.
+* For example, in Czech, "e" and "f" are considered primary differences,
+* while "e" and "\u00EA" are secondary differences, "e" and "E" are tertiary
+* differences and "e" and "e" are identical. The following shows how both case
+* and accents could be ignored for US English.
+* \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+* <pre>
+* \code
+* //Get the Collator for US English and set its strength to PRIMARY
+* UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+* Collator* usCollator = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), success);
+* usCollator->setStrength(Collator::PRIMARY);
+* if (usCollator->compare("abc", "ABC") == 0)
+*     cout << "'abc' and 'ABC' strings are equivalent with strength PRIMARY" << endl;
+* \endcode
+* </pre>
+* \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+* The <code>getSortKey</code> methods
+* convert a string to a series of bytes that can be compared bitwise against
+* other sort keys using <code>strcmp()</code>. Sort keys are written as
+* zero-terminated byte strings.
+* Another set of APIs returns a <code>CollationKey</code> object that wraps
+* the sort key bytes instead of returning the bytes themselves.
+* </p>
+* <p>
+* <strong>Note:</strong> <code>Collator</code>s with different Locale,
+* and CollationStrength settings will return different sort
+* orders for the same set of strings. Locales have specific collation rules,
+* and the way in which secondary and tertiary differences are taken into
+* account, for example, will result in a different sorting order for same
+* strings.
+* </p>
+* @see         RuleBasedCollator
+* @see         CollationKey
+* @see         CollationElementIterator
+* @see         Locale
+* @see         Normalizer2
+* @version     2.0 11/15/01
+class U_I18N_API Collator : public UObject {
+    // Collator public enums -----------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Base letter represents a primary difference. Set comparison level to
+     * PRIMARY to ignore secondary and tertiary differences.<br>
+     * Use this to set the strength of a Collator object.<br>
+     * Example of primary difference, "abc" &lt; "abd"
+     *
+     * Diacritical differences on the same base letter represent a secondary
+     * difference. Set comparison level to SECONDARY to ignore tertiary
+     * differences. Use this to set the strength of a Collator object.<br>
+     * Example of secondary difference, "&auml;" >> "a".
+     *
+     * Uppercase and lowercase versions of the same character represents a
+     * tertiary difference.  Set comparison level to TERTIARY to include all
+     * comparison differences. Use this to set the strength of a Collator
+     * object.<br>
+     * Example of tertiary difference, "abc" &lt;&lt;&lt; "ABC".
+     *
+     * Two characters are considered "identical" when they have the same unicode
+     * spellings.<br>
+     * For example, "&auml;" == "&auml;".
+     *
+     * UCollationStrength is also used to determine the strength of sort keys
+     * generated from Collator objects.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum ECollationStrength
+    {
+        PRIMARY    = UCOL_PRIMARY,  // 0
+        TERTIARY   = UCOL_TERTIARY,  // 2
+    };
+    // Cannot use #ifndef U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API for the following, it is
+    // used by virtual methods that cannot have that conditional.
+    /**
+     * LESS is returned if source string is compared to be less than target
+     * string in the compare() method.
+     * EQUAL is returned if source string is compared to be equal to target
+     * string in the compare() method.
+     * GREATER is returned if source string is compared to be greater than
+     * target string in the compare() method.
+     * @see Collator#compare
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCollationResult defined in ucol.h
+     */
+    enum EComparisonResult
+    {
+        LESS = UCOL_LESS,  // -1
+        EQUAL = UCOL_EQUAL,  // 0
+        GREATER = UCOL_GREATER  // 1
+    };
+    // Collator public destructor -----------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~Collator();
+    // Collator public methods --------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if "other" is the same as "this".
+     *
+     * The base class implementation returns TRUE if "other" has the same type/class as "this":
+     * `typeid(*this) == typeid(other)`.
+     *
+     * Subclass implementations should do something like the following:
+     *
+     *     if (this == &other) { return TRUE; }
+     *     if (!Collator::operator==(other)) { return FALSE; }  // not the same class
+     *
+     *     const MyCollator &o = (const MyCollator&)other;
+     *     (compare this vs. o's subclass fields)
+     *
+     * @param other Collator object to be compared
+     * @return TRUE if other is the same as this.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Collator& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if "other" is not the same as "this".
+     * Calls ! operator==(const Collator&) const which works for all subclasses.
+     * @param other Collator object to be compared
+     * @return TRUE if other is not the same as this.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const Collator& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Makes a copy of this object.
+     * @return a copy of this object, owned by the caller
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual Collator* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Creates the Collator object for the current default locale.
+     * The default locale is determined by Locale::getDefault.
+     * The UErrorCode& err parameter is used to return status information to the user.
+     * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check the
+     * value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you can
+     * check for informational error results which still indicate success.
+     * U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR indicates that a fall back locale was used. For
+     * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
+     * used. U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR indicates that the default locale data was
+     * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
+     * could be found.
+     * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     *
+     * @param err    the error code status.
+     * @return       the collation object of the default locale.(for example, en_US)
+     * @see Locale#getDefault
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Collator* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(UErrorCode&  err);
+    /**
+     * Gets the collation object for the desired locale. The
+     * resource of the desired locale will be loaded.
+     *
+     * Locale::getRoot() is the base collation table and all other languages are
+     * built on top of it with additional language-specific modifications.
+     *
+     * For some languages, multiple collation types are available;
+     * for example, "de@collation=phonebook".
+     * Starting with ICU 54, collation attributes can be specified via locale keywords as well,
+     * in the old locale extension syntax ("el@colCaseFirst=upper")
+     * or in language tag syntax ("el-u-kf-upper").
+     * See <a href="">User Guide: Collation API</a>.
+     *
+     * The UErrorCode& err parameter is used to return status information to the user.
+     * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check
+     * the value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you
+     * can check for informational error results which still indicate success.
+     * U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR indicates that a fall back locale was used.  For
+     * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
+     * used.  U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR indicates that the default locale data was
+     * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
+     * could be found.
+     *
+     * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @param loc    The locale ID for which to open a collator.
+     * @param err    the error code status.
+     * @return       the created table-based collation object based on the desired
+     *               locale.
+     * @see Locale
+     * @see ResourceLoader
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static Collator* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& err);
+    /**
+     * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
+     * different strings. Returns information about whether a string is less
+     * than, greater than or equal to another string.
+     * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+     * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+     * @return Returns a byte value. GREATER if source is greater
+     * than target; EQUAL if source is equal to target; LESS if source is less
+     * than target
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
+     */
+    virtual EComparisonResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                      const UnicodeString& target) const;
+    /**
+     * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
+     * different strings. Returns information about whether a string is less
+     * than, greater than or equal to another string.
+     * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+     * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+     * @param status possible error code
+     * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source is greater
+     * than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source is less
+     * than target
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                      const UnicodeString& target,
+                                      UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Does the same thing as compare but limits the comparison to a specified
+     * length
+     * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+     * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+     * @param length the length the comparison is limited to
+     * @return Returns a byte value. GREATER if source (up to the specified
+     *         length) is greater than target; EQUAL if source (up to specified
+     *         length) is equal to target; LESS if source (up to the specified
+     *         length) is less  than target.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
+     */
+    virtual EComparisonResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                      const UnicodeString& target,
+                                      int32_t length) const;
+    /**
+     * Does the same thing as compare but limits the comparison to a specified
+     * length
+     * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+     * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+     * @param length the length the comparison is limited to
+     * @param status possible error code
+     * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source (up to the specified
+     *         length) is greater than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source (up to specified
+     *         length) is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source (up to the specified
+     *         length) is less  than target.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                      const UnicodeString& target,
+                                      int32_t length,
+                                      UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
+     * different string arrays. Returns information about whether a string array
+     * is less than, greater than or equal to another string array.
+     * <p>Example of use:
+     * <pre>
+     * .       char16_t ABC[] = {0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0};  // = "ABC"
+     * .       char16_t abc[] = {0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0};  // = "abc"
+     * .       UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+     * .       Collator *myCollation =
+     * .                         Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
+     * .       if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
+     * .       myCollation->setStrength(Collator::PRIMARY);
+     * .       // result would be Collator::EQUAL ("abc" == "ABC")
+     * .       // (no primary difference between "abc" and "ABC")
+     * .       Collator::EComparisonResult result =
+     * .                             myCollation->compare(abc, 3, ABC, 3);
+     * .       myCollation->setStrength(Collator::TERTIARY);
+     * .       // result would be Collator::LESS ("abc" &lt;&lt;&lt; "ABC")
+     * .       // (with tertiary difference between "abc" and "ABC")
+     * .       result = myCollation->compare(abc, 3, ABC, 3);
+     * </pre>
+     * @param source the source string array to be compared with.
+     * @param sourceLength the length of the source string array.  If this value
+     *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
+     * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+     * @param targetLength the length of the target string array.  If this value
+     *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
+     * @return Returns a byte value. GREATER if source is greater than target;
+     *         EQUAL if source is equal to target; LESS if source is less than
+     *         target
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
+     */
+    virtual EComparisonResult compare(const char16_t* source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                                      const char16_t* target, int32_t targetLength)
+                                      const;
+    /**
+     * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
+     * different string arrays. Returns information about whether a string array
+     * is less than, greater than or equal to another string array.
+     * @param source the source string array to be compared with.
+     * @param sourceLength the length of the source string array.  If this value
+     *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
+     * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+     * @param targetLength the length of the target string array.  If this value
+     *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
+     * @param status possible error code
+     * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source is greater
+     * than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source is less
+     * than target
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(const char16_t* source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                                      const char16_t* target, int32_t targetLength,
+                                      UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Compares two strings using the Collator.
+     * Returns whether the first one compares less than/equal to/greater than
+     * the second one.
+     * This version takes UCharIterator input.
+     * @param sIter the first ("source") string iterator
+     * @param tIter the second ("target") string iterator
+     * @param status ICU status
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(UCharIterator &sIter,
+                                     UCharIterator &tIter,
+                                     UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Compares two UTF-8 strings using the Collator.
+     * Returns whether the first one compares less than/equal to/greater than
+     * the second one.
+     * This version takes UTF-8 input.
+     * Note that a StringPiece can be implicitly constructed
+     * from a std::string or a NUL-terminated const char * string.
+     * @param source the first UTF-8 string
+     * @param target the second UTF-8 string
+     * @param status ICU status
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult compareUTF8(const StringPiece &source,
+                                         const StringPiece &target,
+                                         UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Transforms the string into a series of characters that can be compared
+     * with CollationKey::compareTo. It is not possible to restore the original
+     * string from the chars in the sort key.
+     * <p>Use CollationKey::equals or CollationKey::compare to compare the
+     * generated sort keys.
+     * If the source string is null, a null collation key will be returned.
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source the source string to be transformed into a sort key.
+     * @param key the collation key to be filled in
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the collation key of the string based on the collation rules.
+     * @see CollationKey#compare
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual CollationKey& getCollationKey(const UnicodeString&  source,
+                                          CollationKey& key,
+                                          UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Transforms the string into a series of characters that can be compared
+     * with CollationKey::compareTo. It is not possible to restore the original
+     * string from the chars in the sort key.
+     * <p>Use CollationKey::equals or CollationKey::compare to compare the
+     * generated sort keys.
+     * <p>If the source string is null, a null collation key will be returned.
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source the source string to be transformed into a sort key.
+     * @param sourceLength length of the collation key
+     * @param key the collation key to be filled in
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the collation key of the string based on the collation rules.
+     * @see CollationKey#compare
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual CollationKey& getCollationKey(const char16_t*source,
+                                          int32_t sourceLength,
+                                          CollationKey& key,
+                                          UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Generates the hash code for the collation object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the locale of the Collator
+     *
+     * @param type can be either requested, valid or actual locale. For more
+     *             information see the definition of ULocDataLocaleType in
+     *             uloc.h
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return locale where the collation data lives. If the collator
+     *         was instantiated from rules, locale is empty.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.8 This API is under consideration for revision
+     * in ICU 3.0.
+     */
+    virtual Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Convenience method for comparing two strings based on the collation rules.
+     * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+     * @param target the target string to be compared with.
+     * @return true if the first string is greater than the second one,
+     *         according to the collation rules. false, otherwise.
+     * @see Collator#compare
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool greater(const UnicodeString& source, const UnicodeString& target)
+                  const;
+    /**
+     * Convenience method for comparing two strings based on the collation rules.
+     * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+     * @param target the target string to be compared with.
+     * @return true if the first string is greater than or equal to the second
+     *         one, according to the collation rules. false, otherwise.
+     * @see Collator#compare
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool greaterOrEqual(const UnicodeString& source,
+                         const UnicodeString& target) const;
+    /**
+     * Convenience method for comparing two strings based on the collation rules.
+     * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+     * @param target the target string to be compared with.
+     * @return true if the strings are equal according to the collation rules.
+     *         false, otherwise.
+     * @see Collator#compare
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool equals(const UnicodeString& source, const UnicodeString& target) const;
+    /**
+     * Determines the minimum strength that will be used in comparison or
+     * transformation.
+     * <p>E.g. with strength == SECONDARY, the tertiary difference is ignored
+     * <p>E.g. with strength == PRIMARY, the secondary and tertiary difference
+     * are ignored.
+     * @return the current comparison level.
+     * @see Collator#setStrength
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use getAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH...) instead
+     */
+    virtual ECollationStrength getStrength(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum strength to be used in comparison or transformation.
+     * <p>Example of use:
+     * <pre>
+     *  \code
+     *  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+     *  Collator*myCollation = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
+     *  if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
+     *  myCollation->setStrength(Collator::PRIMARY);
+     *  // result will be "abc" == "ABC"
+     *  // tertiary differences will be ignored
+     *  Collator::ComparisonResult result = myCollation->compare("abc", "ABC");
+     * \endcode
+     * </pre>
+     * @see Collator#getStrength
+     * @param newStrength the new comparison level.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use setAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH...) instead
+     */
+    virtual void setStrength(ECollationStrength newStrength);
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the reordering codes for this collator.
+     * @param dest The array to fill with the script ordering.
+     * @param destCapacity The length of dest. If it is 0, then dest may be NULL and the function
+     *  will only return the length of the result without writing any codes (pre-flighting).
+     * @param status A reference to an error code value, which must not indicate
+     * a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the script ordering array.
+     * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#getEquivalentReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#setReorderCodes
+     * @see UScriptCode
+     * @see UColReorderCode
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+     virtual int32_t getReorderCodes(int32_t *dest,
+                                     int32_t destCapacity,
+                                     UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the ordering of scripts for this collator.
+     *
+     * <p>The reordering codes are a combination of script codes and reorder codes.
+     * @param reorderCodes An array of script codes in the new order. This can be NULL if the
+     * length is also set to 0. An empty array will clear any reordering codes on the collator.
+     * @param reorderCodesLength The length of reorderCodes.
+     * @param status error code
+     * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#getReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#getEquivalentReorderCodes
+     * @see UScriptCode
+     * @see UColReorderCode
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+     virtual void setReorderCodes(const int32_t* reorderCodes,
+                                  int32_t reorderCodesLength,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) ;
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the reorder codes that are grouped with the given reorder code. Some reorder
+     * codes will be grouped and must reorder together.
+     * Beginning with ICU 55, scripts only reorder together if they are primary-equal,
+     * for example Hiragana and Katakana.
+     *
+     * @param reorderCode The reorder code to determine equivalence for.
+     * @param dest The array to fill with the script equivalence reordering codes.
+     * @param destCapacity The length of dest. If it is 0, then dest may be NULL and the
+     * function will only return the length of the result without writing any codes (pre-flighting).
+     * @param status A reference to an error code value, which must not indicate
+     * a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the of the reordering code equivalence array.
+     * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#getReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#setReorderCodes
+     * @see UScriptCode
+     * @see UColReorderCode
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 getEquivalentReorderCodes(int32_t reorderCode,
+                                int32_t* dest,
+                                int32_t destCapacity,
+                                UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get name of the object for the desired Locale, in the desired language
+     * @param objectLocale must be from getAvailableLocales
+     * @param displayLocale specifies the desired locale for output
+     * @param name the fill-in parameter of the return value
+     * @return display-able name of the object for the object locale in the
+     *         desired language
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
+                                         const Locale& displayLocale,
+                                         UnicodeString& name);
+    /**
+    * Get name of the object for the desired Locale, in the language of the
+    * default locale.
+    * @param objectLocale must be from getAvailableLocales
+    * @param name the fill-in parameter of the return value
+    * @return name of the object for the desired locale in the default language
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
+                                         UnicodeString& name);
+    /**
+     * Get the set of Locales for which Collations are installed.
+     *
+     * <p>Note this does not include locales supported by registered collators.
+     * If collators might have been registered, use the overload of getAvailableLocales
+     * that returns a StringEnumeration.</p>
+     *
+     * @param count the output parameter of number of elements in the locale list
+     * @return the list of available locales for which collations are installed
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const Locale* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count);
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call,
+     * including registered locales.  If a severe error occurs (such as out of memory
+     * condition) this will return null. If there is no locale data, an empty enumeration
+     * will be returned.
+     * @return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(void);
+    /**
+     * Create a string enumerator of all possible keywords that are relevant to
+     * collation. At this point, the only recognized keyword for this
+     * service is "collation".
+     * @param status input-output error code
+     * @return a string enumeration over locale strings. The caller is
+     * responsible for closing the result.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getKeywords(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Given a keyword, create a string enumeration of all values
+     * for that keyword that are currently in use.
+     * @param keyword a particular keyword as enumerated by
+     * ucol_getKeywords. If any other keyword is passed in, status is set
+     * @param status input-output error code
+     * @return a string enumeration over collation keyword values, or NULL
+     * upon error. The caller is responsible for deleting the result.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getKeywordValues(const char *keyword, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred
+     * order that would make a difference. These are all and only those values where
+     * the open (creation) of the service with the locale formed from the input locale
+     * plus input keyword and that value has different behavior than creation with the
+     * input locale alone.
+     * @param keyword        one of the keys supported by this service.  For now, only
+     *                      "collation" is supported.
+     * @param locale        the locale
+     * @param commonlyUsed  if set to true it will return only commonly used values
+     *                      with the given locale in preferred order.  Otherwise,
+     *                      it will return all the available values for the locale.
+     * @param status ICU status
+     * @return a string enumeration over keyword values for the given key and the locale.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getKeywordValuesForLocale(const char* keyword, const Locale& locale,
+                                                                    UBool commonlyUsed, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the functionally equivalent locale for the given
+     * requested locale, with respect to given keyword, for the
+     * collation service.  If two locales return the same result, then
+     * collators instantiated for these locales will behave
+     * equivalently.  The converse is not always true; two collators
+     * may in fact be equivalent, but return different results, due to
+     * internal details.  The return result has no other meaning than
+     * that stated above, and implies nothing as to the relationship
+     * between the two locales.  This is intended for use by
+     * applications who wish to cache collators, or otherwise reuse
+     * collators when possible.  The functional equivalent may change
+     * over time.  For more information, please see the <a
+     * href="">
+     * Locales and Services</a> section of the ICU User Guide.
+     * @param keyword a particular keyword as enumerated by
+     * ucol_getKeywords.
+     * @param locale the requested locale
+     * @param isAvailable reference to a fillin parameter that
+     * indicates whether the requested locale was 'available' to the
+     * collation service. A locale is defined as 'available' if it
+     * physically exists within the collation locale data.
+     * @param status reference to input-output error code
+     * @return the functionally equivalent collation locale, or the root
+     * locale upon error.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static Locale U_EXPORT2 getFunctionalEquivalent(const char* keyword, const Locale& locale,
+                                          UBool& isAvailable, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Register a new Collator.  The collator will be adopted.
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache collators internally, this must be
+     * called at application startup, prior to any calls to
+     * Collator::createInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     * @param toAdopt the Collator instance to be adopted
+     * @param locale the locale with which the collator will be associated
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this collator
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static URegistryKey U_EXPORT2 registerInstance(Collator* toAdopt, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Register a new CollatorFactory.  The factory will be adopted.
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache collators internally, this must be
+     * called at application startup, prior to any calls to
+     * Collator::createInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     * @param toAdopt the CollatorFactory instance to be adopted
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this collator
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static URegistryKey U_EXPORT2 registerFactory(CollatorFactory* toAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Unregister a previously-registered Collator or CollatorFactory
+     * using the key returned from the register call.  Key becomes
+     * invalid after a successful call and should not be used again.
+     * The object corresponding to the key will be deleted.
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache collators internally, this should
+     * be called during application shutdown, after all calls to
+     * Collator::createInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     * @param key the registry key returned by a previous call to registerInstance
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return TRUE if the collator for the key was successfully unregistered
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 unregister(URegistryKey key, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif /* UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE */
+    /**
+     * Gets the version information for a Collator.
+     * @param info the version # information, the result will be filled in
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void getVersion(UVersionInfo info) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual method.
+     * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have
+     *         the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have different class
+     *         IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Universal attribute setter
+     * @param attr attribute type
+     * @param value attribute value
+     * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or
+     *        there were errors
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual void setAttribute(UColAttribute attr, UColAttributeValue value,
+                              UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Universal attribute getter
+     * @param attr attribute type
+     * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or
+     *        there were errors
+     * @return attribute value
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UColAttributeValue getAttribute(UColAttribute attr,
+                                            UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the top of the specified reordering group.
+     * The variable top determines the highest-sorting character
+     * which is affected by UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING.
+     * If that attribute is set to UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, then the variable top has no effect.
+     *
+     * The base class implementation sets U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
+     *              or UCOL_REORDER_CODE_DEFAULT to restore the default max variable group
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @see getMaxVariable
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual Collator &setMaxVariable(UColReorderCode group, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns the maximum reordering group whose characters are affected by UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING.
+     *
+     * The base class implementation returns UCOL_REORDER_CODE_PUNCTUATION.
+     * @return the maximum variable reordering group.
+     * @see setMaxVariable
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UColReorderCode getMaxVariable() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the primary weight of the specified string.
+     *
+     * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+     * See setMaxVariable().
+     * @param varTop one or more (if contraction) char16_ts to which the variable top should be set
+     * @param len length of variable top string. If -1 it is considered to be zero terminated.
+     * @param status error code. If error code is set, the return value is undefined. Errors set by this function are: <br>
+     *    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if more than one character was passed and there is no such contraction<br>
+     *    U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the variable top is beyond
+     *    the last reordering group supported by setMaxVariable()
+     * @return variable top primary weight
+     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t setVariableTop(const char16_t *varTop, int32_t len, UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the primary weight of the specified string.
+     *
+     * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+     * See setMaxVariable().
+     * @param varTop a UnicodeString size 1 or more (if contraction) of char16_ts to which the variable top should be set
+     * @param status error code. If error code is set, the return value is undefined. Errors set by this function are: <br>
+     *    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if more than one character was passed and there is no such contraction<br>
+     *    U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the variable top is beyond
+     *    the last reordering group supported by setMaxVariable()
+     * @return variable top primary weight
+     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t setVariableTop(const UnicodeString &varTop, UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the specified primary weight.
+     *
+     * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+     * See setMaxVariable().
+     * @param varTop primary weight, as returned by setVariableTop or ucol_getVariableTop
+     * @param status error code
+     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
+     */
+    virtual void setVariableTop(uint32_t varTop, UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the variable top value of a Collator.
+     * @param status error code (not changed by function). If error code is set, the return value is undefined.
+     * @return the variable top primary weight
+     * @see getMaxVariable
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t getVariableTop(UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Get a UnicodeSet that contains all the characters and sequences
+     * tailored in this collator.
+     * @param status      error code of the operation
+     * @return a pointer to a UnicodeSet object containing all the
+     *         code points and sequences that may sort differently than
+     *         in the root collator. The object must be disposed of by using delete
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet *getTailoredSet(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Same as clone().
+     * The base class implementation simply calls clone().
+     * @return a copy of this object, owned by the caller
+     * @see clone()
+     * @deprecated ICU 50 no need to have two methods for cloning
+     */
+    virtual Collator* safeClone() const;
+    /**
+     * Get the sort key as an array of bytes from a UnicodeString.
+     * Sort key byte arrays are zero-terminated and can be compared using
+     * strcmp().
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source string to be processed.
+     * @param result buffer to store result in. If NULL, number of bytes needed
+     *        will be returned.
+     * @param resultLength length of the result buffer. If if not enough the
+     *        buffer will be filled to capacity.
+     * @return Number of bytes needed for storing the sort key
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getSortKey(const UnicodeString& source,
+                              uint8_t* result,
+                              int32_t resultLength) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Get the sort key as an array of bytes from a char16_t buffer.
+     * Sort key byte arrays are zero-terminated and can be compared using
+     * strcmp().
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source string to be processed.
+     * @param sourceLength length of string to be processed.
+     *        If -1, the string is 0 terminated and length will be decided by the
+     *        function.
+     * @param result buffer to store result in. If NULL, number of bytes needed
+     *        will be returned.
+     * @param resultLength length of the result buffer. If if not enough the
+     *        buffer will be filled to capacity.
+     * @return Number of bytes needed for storing the sort key
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getSortKey(const char16_t*source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                               uint8_t*result, int32_t resultLength) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Produce a bound for a given sortkey and a number of levels.
+     * Return value is always the number of bytes needed, regardless of
+     * whether the result buffer was big enough or even valid.<br>
+     * Resulting bounds can be used to produce a range of strings that are
+     * between upper and lower bounds. For example, if bounds are produced
+     * for a sortkey of string "smith", strings between upper and lower
+     * bounds with one level would include "Smith", "SMITH", "sMiTh".<br>
+     * There are two upper bounds that can be produced. If UCOL_BOUND_UPPER
+     * is produced, strings matched would be as above. However, if bound
+     * produced using UCOL_BOUND_UPPER_LONG is used, the above example will
+     * also match "Smithsonian" and similar.<br>
+     * For more on usage, see example in cintltst/capitst.c in procedure
+     * TestBounds.
+     * Sort keys may be compared using <TT>strcmp</TT>.
+     * @param source The source sortkey.
+     * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+     *                     (If an unmodified sortkey is passed, it is always null
+     *                      terminated).
+     * @param boundType Type of bound required. It can be UCOL_BOUND_LOWER, which
+     *                  produces a lower inclusive bound, UCOL_BOUND_UPPER, that
+     *                  produces upper bound that matches strings of the same length
+     *                  or UCOL_BOUND_UPPER_LONG that matches strings that have the
+     *                  same starting substring as the source string.
+     * @param noOfLevels  Number of levels required in the resulting bound (for most
+     *                    uses, the recommended value is 1). See users guide for
+     *                    explanation on number of levels a sortkey can have.
+     * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the resulting sortkey.
+     * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+     * @param status Used for returning error code if something went wrong. If the
+     *               number of levels requested is higher than the number of levels
+     *               in the source key, a warning (U_SORT_KEY_TOO_SHORT_WARNING) is
+     *               issued.
+     * @return The size needed to fully store the bound.
+     * @see ucol_keyHashCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 getBound(const uint8_t       *source,
+            int32_t             sourceLength,
+            UColBoundMode       boundType,
+            uint32_t            noOfLevels,
+            uint8_t             *result,
+            int32_t             resultLength,
+            UErrorCode          &status);
+    // Collator protected constructors -------------------------------------
+    /**
+    * Default constructor.
+    * Constructor is different from the old default Collator constructor.
+    * The task for determing the default collation strength and normalization
+    * mode is left to the child class.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    Collator();
+    /**
+    * Constructor.
+    * Empty constructor, does not handle the arguments.
+    * This constructor is done for backward compatibility with 1.7 and 1.8.
+    * The task for handling the argument collation strength and normalization
+    * mode is left to the child class.
+    * @param collationStrength collation strength
+    * @param decompositionMode
+    * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Subclasses should use the default constructor
+    * instead and handle the strength and normalization mode themselves.
+    */
+    Collator(UCollationStrength collationStrength,
+             UNormalizationMode decompositionMode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+    * Copy constructor.
+    * @param other Collator object to be copied from
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    Collator(const Collator& other);
+   /**
+    * Used internally by registration to define the requested and valid locales.
+    * @param requestedLocale the requested locale
+    * @param validLocale the valid locale
+    * @param actualLocale the actual locale
+    * @internal
+    */
+    virtual void setLocales(const Locale& requestedLocale, const Locale& validLocale, const Locale& actualLocale);
+    /** Get the short definition string for a collator. This internal API harvests the collator's
+     *  locale and the attribute set and produces a string that can be used for opening
+     *  a collator with the same attributes using the ucol_openFromShortString API.
+     *  This string will be normalized.
+     *  The structure and the syntax of the string is defined in the "Naming collators"
+     *  section of the users guide:
+     *
+     *  This function supports preflighting.
+     *
+     *  This is internal, and intended to be used with delegate converters.
+     *
+     *  @param locale a locale that will appear as a collators locale in the resulting
+     *                short string definition. If NULL, the locale will be harvested
+     *                from the collator.
+     *  @param buffer space to hold the resulting string
+     *  @param capacity capacity of the buffer
+     *  @param status for returning errors. All the preflighting errors are featured
+     *  @return length of the resulting string
+     *  @see ucol_openFromShortString
+     *  @see ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString
+     *  @see ucol_getShortDefinitionString
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t internalGetShortDefinitionString(const char *locale,
+                                                     char *buffer,
+                                                     int32_t capacity,
+                                                     UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Implements ucol_strcollUTF8().
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult internalCompareUTF8(
+            const char *left, int32_t leftLength,
+            const char *right, int32_t rightLength,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Implements ucol_nextSortKeyPart().
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t
+    internalNextSortKeyPart(
+            UCharIterator *iter, uint32_t state[2],
+            uint8_t *dest, int32_t count, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /** @internal */
+    static inline Collator *fromUCollator(UCollator *uc) {
+        return reinterpret_cast<Collator *>(uc);
+    }
+    /** @internal */
+    static inline const Collator *fromUCollator(const UCollator *uc) {
+        return reinterpret_cast<const Collator *>(uc);
+    }
+    /** @internal */
+    inline UCollator *toUCollator() {
+        return reinterpret_cast<UCollator *>(this);
+    }
+    /** @internal */
+    inline const UCollator *toUCollator() const {
+        return reinterpret_cast<const UCollator *>(this);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator. Private for now.
+     */
+    Collator& operator=(const Collator& other);
+    friend class CFactory;
+    friend class SimpleCFactory;
+    friend class ICUCollatorFactory;
+    friend class ICUCollatorService;
+    static Collator* makeInstance(const Locale& desiredLocale,
+                                  UErrorCode& status);
+ * A factory, used with registerFactory, the creates multiple collators and provides
+ * display names for them.  A factory supports some number of locales-- these are the
+ * locales for which it can create collators.  The factory can be visible, in which
+ * case the supported locales will be enumerated by getAvailableLocales, or invisible,
+ * in which they are not.  Invisible locales are still supported, they are just not
+ * listed by getAvailableLocales.
+ * <p>
+ * If standard locale display names are sufficient, Collator instances can
+ * be registered using registerInstance instead.</p>
+ * <p>
+ * Note: if the collators are to be used from C APIs, they must be instances
+ * of RuleBasedCollator.</p>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollatorFactory : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~CollatorFactory();
+    /**
+     * Return true if this factory is visible.  Default is true.
+     * If not visible, the locales supported by this factory will not
+     * be listed by getAvailableLocales.
+     * @return true if the factory is visible.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual UBool visible(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a collator for the provided locale.  If the locale
+     * is not supported, return NULL.
+     * @param loc the locale identifying the collator to be created.
+     * @return a new collator if the locale is supported, otherwise NULL.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual Collator* createCollator(const Locale& loc) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return the name of the collator for the objectLocale, localized for the displayLocale.
+     * If objectLocale is not supported, or the factory is not visible, set the result string
+     * to bogus.
+     * @param objectLocale the locale identifying the collator
+     * @param displayLocale the locale for which the display name of the collator should be localized
+     * @param result an output parameter for the display name, set to bogus if not supported.
+     * @return the display name
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual  UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
+                                           const Locale& displayLocale,
+                                           UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Return an array of all the locale names directly supported by this factory.
+     * The number of names is returned in count.  This array is owned by the factory.
+     * Its contents must never change.
+     * @param count output parameter for the number of locales supported by the factory
+     * @param status the in/out error code
+     * @return a pointer to an array of count UnicodeStrings.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString * getSupportedIDs(int32_t &count, UErrorCode& status) = 0;
+#endif /* UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE */
+// Collator inline methods -----------------------------------------------
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/compactdecimalformat.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/compactdecimalformat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c1e200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/compactdecimalformat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2012-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Compatibility APIs for compact decimal number formatting.
+ */
+#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
+struct UHashtable;
+class PluralRules;
+ * **IMPORTANT:** New users are strongly encouraged to see if
+ * numberformatter.h fits their use case.  Although not deprecated, this header
+ * is provided for backwards compatibility only.
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * The CompactDecimalFormat produces abbreviated numbers, suitable for display in
+ * environments will limited real estate. For example, 'Hits: 1.2B' instead of
+ * 'Hits: 1,200,000,000'. The format will be appropriate for the given language,
+ * such as "1,2 Mrd." for German.
+ *
+ * For numbers under 1000 trillion (under 10^15, such as 123,456,789,012,345),
+ * the result will be short for supported languages. However, the result may
+ * sometimes exceed 7 characters, such as when there are combining marks or thin
+ * characters. In such cases, the visual width in fonts should still be short.
+ *
+ * By default, there are 3 significant digits. After creation, if more than
+ * three significant digits are set (with setMaximumSignificantDigits), or if a
+ * fixed number of digits are set (with setMaximumIntegerDigits or
+ * setMaximumFractionDigits), then result may be wider.
+ *
+ * At this time, parsing is not supported, and will produce a U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
+ * Resetting the pattern prefixes or suffixes is not supported; the method calls
+ * are ignored.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CompactDecimalFormat : public DecimalFormat {
+     /**
+      * Returns a compact decimal instance for specified locale.
+      *
+      * **NOTE:** New users are strongly encouraged to use
+      * `number::NumberFormatter` instead of NumberFormat.
+      * @param inLocale the given locale.
+      * @param style whether to use short or long style.
+      * @param status error code returned  here.
+      * @stable ICU 51
+      */
+     static CompactDecimalFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(
+          const Locale& inLocale, UNumberCompactStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     *
+     * @param source    the DecimalFormat object to be copied from.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+      */
+    CompactDecimalFormat(const CompactDecimalFormat& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    ~CompactDecimalFormat() U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     *
+     * @param rhs    the DecimalFormat object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    CompactDecimalFormat& operator=(const CompactDecimalFormat& rhs);
+    /**
+     * Clone this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the
+     * result and should delete it when done.
+     *
+     * @return    a polymorphic copy of this CompactDecimalFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    CompactDecimalFormat* clone() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    using DecimalFormat::format;
+    /**
+     * CompactDecimalFormat does not support parsing. This implementation
+     * does nothing.
+     * @param text           Unused.
+     * @param result         Does not change.
+     * @param parsePosition  Does not change.
+     * @see Formattable
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    void parse(const UnicodeString& text, Formattable& result,
+               ParsePosition& parsePosition) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * CompactDecimalFormat does not support parsing. This implementation
+     * sets status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
+     *
+     * @param text      Unused.
+     * @param result    Does not change.
+     * @param status    Always set to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    void parse(const UnicodeString& text, Formattable& result, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Parses text from the given string as a currency amount.  Unlike
+     * the parse() method, this method will attempt to parse a generic
+     * currency name, searching for a match of this object's locale's
+     * currency display names, or for a 3-letter ISO currency code.
+     * This method will fail if this format is not a currency format,
+     * that is, if it does not contain the currency pattern symbol
+     * (U+00A4) in its prefix or suffix. This implementation always returns
+     * NULL.
+     *
+     * @param text the string to parse
+     * @param pos  input-output position; on input, the position within text
+     *             to match; must have 0 <= pos.getIndex() < text.length();
+     *             on output, the position after the last matched character.
+     *             If the parse fails, the position in unchanged upon output.
+     * @return     if parse succeeds, a pointer to a newly-created CurrencyAmount
+     *             object (owned by the caller) containing information about
+     *             the parsed currency; if parse fails, this is NULL.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    CurrencyAmount* parseCurrency(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const U_OVERRIDE;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.  Pure virtual override.
+     * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
+     * C++ compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    UClassID getDynamicClassID() const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    CompactDecimalFormat(const Locale& inLocale, UNumberCompactStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/curramt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/curramt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cfe1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/curramt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: April 26, 2004
+* Since: ICU 3.0
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/measure.h"
+#include "unicode/currunit.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Currency Amount Object.
+ */
+ *
+ * A currency together with a numeric amount, such as 200 USD.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CurrencyAmount: public Measure {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct an object with the given numeric amount and the given
+     * ISO currency code.
+     * @param amount a numeric object; amount.isNumeric() must be TRUE
+     * @param isoCode the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code; must not be
+     * NULL and must have length 3
+     * @param ec input-output error code. If the amount or the isoCode
+     * is invalid, then this will be set to a failing value.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    CurrencyAmount(const Formattable& amount, ConstChar16Ptr isoCode,
+                   UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Construct an object with the given numeric amount and the given
+     * ISO currency code.
+     * @param amount the amount of the given currency
+     * @param isoCode the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code; must not be
+     * NULL and must have length 3
+     * @param ec input-output error code. If the isoCode is invalid,
+     * then this will be set to a failing value.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    CurrencyAmount(double amount, ConstChar16Ptr isoCode,
+                   UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    CurrencyAmount(const CurrencyAmount& other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    CurrencyAmount& operator=(const CurrencyAmount& other);
+    /**
+     * Return a polymorphic clone of this object.  The result will
+     * have the same class as returned by getDynamicClassID().
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual CurrencyAmount* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~CurrencyAmount();
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID for this object POLYMORPHICALLY.
+     * This method implements a simple form of RTTI used by ICU.
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class. This is used to compare to
+     * the return value of getDynamicClassID().
+     * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Return the currency unit object of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    inline const CurrencyUnit& getCurrency() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the ISO currency code of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    inline const char16_t* getISOCurrency() const;
+inline const CurrencyUnit& CurrencyAmount::getCurrency() const {
+    return (const CurrencyUnit&) getUnit();
+inline const char16_t* CurrencyAmount::getISOCurrency() const {
+    return getCurrency().getISOCurrency();
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __CURRENCYAMOUNT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/currpinf.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/currpinf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb0b2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/currpinf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef CURRPINF_H
+#define CURRPINF_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Currency Plural Information used by Decimal Format
+ */
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+class Locale;
+class PluralRules;
+class Hashtable;
+ * This class represents the information needed by 
+ * DecimalFormat to format currency plural, 
+ * such as "3.00 US dollars" or "1.00 US dollar". 
+ * DecimalFormat creates for itself an instance of
+ * CurrencyPluralInfo from its locale data.  
+ * If you need to change any of these symbols, you can get the
+ * CurrencyPluralInfo object from your 
+ * DecimalFormat and modify it.
+ *
+ * Following are the information needed for currency plural format and parse:
+ * locale information,
+ * plural rule of the locale,
+ * currency plural pattern of the locale.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+class  U_I18N_API CurrencyPluralInfo : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Create a CurrencyPluralInfo object for the default locale.
+     * @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    CurrencyPluralInfo(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a CurrencyPluralInfo object for the given locale.
+     * @param locale the locale
+     * @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    CurrencyPluralInfo(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status); 
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    CurrencyPluralInfo(const CurrencyPluralInfo& info);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    CurrencyPluralInfo& operator=(const CurrencyPluralInfo& info);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual ~CurrencyPluralInfo();
+    /**
+     * Equal operator.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const CurrencyPluralInfo& info) const;
+    /**
+     * Not equal operator
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const CurrencyPluralInfo& info) const;
+    /**
+     * Clone
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    CurrencyPluralInfo* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets plural rules of this locale, used for currency plural format
+     *
+     * @return plural rule
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    const PluralRules* getPluralRules() const;
+    /**
+     * Given a plural count, gets currency plural pattern of this locale, 
+     * used for currency plural format
+     *
+     * @param  pluralCount currency plural count
+     * @param  result      output param to receive the pattern
+     * @return a currency plural pattern based on plural count
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getCurrencyPluralPattern(const UnicodeString& pluralCount,
+                                            UnicodeString& result) const; 
+    /**
+     * Get locale 
+     *
+     * @return locale
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    const Locale& getLocale() const;
+    /**
+     * Set plural rules.
+     * The plural rule is set when CurrencyPluralInfo
+     * instance is created.
+     * You can call this method to reset plural rules only if you want
+     * to modify the default plural rule of the locale.
+     *
+     * @param ruleDescription new plural rule description
+     * @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    void setPluralRules(const UnicodeString& ruleDescription,
+                        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Set currency plural pattern.
+     * The currency plural pattern is set when CurrencyPluralInfo
+     * instance is created.
+     * You can call this method to reset currency plural pattern only if 
+     * you want to modify the default currency plural pattern of the locale.
+     *
+     * @param pluralCount the plural count for which the currency pattern will 
+     *                    be overridden.
+     * @param pattern     the new currency plural pattern
+     * @param status      output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    void setCurrencyPluralPattern(const UnicodeString& pluralCount, 
+                                  const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                  UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Set locale
+     *
+     * @param loc     the new locale to set
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    void setLocale(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    friend class DecimalFormat;
+    friend class DecimalFormatImpl;
+    void initialize(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& status);
+    void setupCurrencyPluralPattern(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& status);
+    /*
+     * delete hash table
+     *
+     * @param hTable  hash table to be deleted
+     */
+    void deleteHash(Hashtable* hTable);
+    /*
+     * initialize hash table
+     *
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return         hash table initialized
+     */
+    Hashtable* initHash(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * copy hash table
+     *
+     * @param source   the source to copy from
+     * @param target   the target to copy to
+     * @param status   error code
+     */
+    void copyHash(const Hashtable* source, Hashtable* target, UErrorCode& status);
+    //-------------------- private data member ---------------------
+    // map from plural count to currency plural pattern, for example
+    // a plural pattern defined in "CurrencyUnitPatterns" is
+    // "one{{0} {1}}", in which "one" is a plural count
+    // and "{0} {1}" is a currency plural pattern".
+    // The currency plural pattern saved in this mapping is the pattern
+    // defined in "CurrencyUnitPattern" by replacing
+    // {0} with the number format pattern,
+    // and {1} with 3 currency sign.
+    Hashtable* fPluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern;
+    /*
+     * The plural rule is used to format currency plural name,
+     * for example: "3.00 US Dollars".
+     * If there are 3 currency signs in the currency pattern,
+     * the 3 currency signs will be replaced by currency plural name.
+     */
+    PluralRules* fPluralRules;
+    // locale
+    Locale* fLocale;
+    /**
+    * An internal status variable used to indicate that the object is in an 'invalid' state.
+    * Used by copy constructor, the assignment operator and the clone method.
+    */
+    UErrorCode fInternalStatus;
+inline UBool
+CurrencyPluralInfo::operator!=(const CurrencyPluralInfo& info) const {
+    return !operator==(info);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _CURRPINFO
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/currunit.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/currunit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d536e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/currunit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: April 26, 2004
+* Since: ICU 3.0
+#ifndef __CURRENCYUNIT_H__
+#define __CURRENCYUNIT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/measunit.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Currency Unit Information.
+ */
+ * A unit of currency, such as USD (U.S. dollars) or JPY (Japanese
+ * yen).  This class is a thin wrapper over a char16_t string that
+ * subclasses MeasureUnit, for use with Measure and MeasureFormat.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CurrencyUnit: public MeasureUnit {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.  Initializes currency code to "XXX" (no currency).
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    CurrencyUnit();
+    /**
+     * Construct an object with the given ISO currency code.
+     *
+     * @param isoCode the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code; must have
+     * length 3 and need not be NUL-terminated. If NULL, the currency
+     * is initialized to the unknown currency XXX.
+     * @param ec input-output error code. If the isoCode is invalid,
+     * then this will be set to a failing value.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    CurrencyUnit(ConstChar16Ptr isoCode, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Construct an object with the given ISO currency code.
+     *
+     * @param isoCode the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code; must have
+     * length 3. If invalid, the currency is initialized to XXX.
+     * @param ec input-output error code. If the isoCode is invalid,
+     * then this will be set to a failing value.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    CurrencyUnit(StringPiece isoCode, UErrorCode &ec);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    CurrencyUnit(const CurrencyUnit& other);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor from MeasureUnit. This constructor allows you to
+     * restore a CurrencyUnit that was sliced to MeasureUnit.
+     *
+     * @param measureUnit The MeasureUnit to copy from.
+     * @param ec Set to a failing value if the MeasureUnit is not a currency.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    CurrencyUnit(const MeasureUnit& measureUnit, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    CurrencyUnit& operator=(const CurrencyUnit& other);
+    /**
+     * Return a polymorphic clone of this object.  The result will
+     * have the same class as returned by getDynamicClassID().
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual CurrencyUnit* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~CurrencyUnit();
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID for this object POLYMORPHICALLY.
+     * This method implements a simple form of RTTI used by ICU.
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class. This is used to compare to
+     * the return value of getDynamicClassID().
+     * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Return the ISO currency code of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    inline const char16_t* getISOCurrency() const;
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The ISO 4217 code of this object.
+     */
+    char16_t isoCode[4];
+inline const char16_t* CurrencyUnit::getISOCurrency() const {
+    return isoCode;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __CURRENCYUNIT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/datefmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/datefmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f106e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/datefmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * File DATEFMT.H
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+ *   04/01/97    aliu        Added support for centuries.
+ *   07/23/98    stephen     JDK 1.2 sync
+ *   11/15/99    weiv        Added support for week of year/day of week formatting
+ ********************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef DATEFMT_H
+#define DATEFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udat.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/enumset.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Abstract class for converting dates.
+ */
+class TimeZone;
+class DateTimePatternGenerator;
+ * \cond
+ * Export an explicit template instantiation. (See digitlst.h, datefmt.h, and others.)
+ * (When building DLLs for Windows this is required.)
+ */
+template class U_I18N_API EnumSet<UDateFormatBooleanAttribute,
+            0, 
+/** \endcond */
+ * DateFormat is an abstract class for a family of classes that convert dates and
+ * times from their internal representations to textual form and back again in a
+ * language-independent manner. Converting from the internal representation (milliseconds
+ * since midnight, January 1, 1970) to text is known as "formatting," and converting
+ * from text to millis is known as "parsing."  We currently define only one concrete
+ * subclass of DateFormat: SimpleDateFormat, which can handle pretty much all normal
+ * date formatting and parsing actions.
+ * <P>
+ * DateFormat helps you to format and parse dates for any locale. Your code can
+ * be completely independent of the locale conventions for months, days of the
+ * week, or even the calendar format: lunar vs. solar.
+ * <P>
+ * To format a date for the current Locale, use one of the static factory
+ * methods:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *      DateFormat* dfmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance();
+ *      UDate myDate = Calendar::getNow();
+ *      UnicodeString myString;
+ *      myString = dfmt->format( myDate, myString );
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * If you are formatting multiple numbers, it is more efficient to get the
+ * format and use it multiple times so that the system doesn't have to fetch the
+ * information about the local language and country conventions multiple times.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *      DateFormat* df = DateFormat::createDateInstance();
+ *      UnicodeString myString;
+ *      UDate myDateArr[] = { 0.0, 100000000.0, 2000000000.0 }; // test values
+ *      for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ *          myString.remove();
+ *          cout << df->format( myDateArr[i], myString ) << endl;
+ *      }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * To get specific fields of a date, you can use UFieldPosition to
+ * get specific fields.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *      DateFormat* dfmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance();
+ *      FieldPosition pos(DateFormat::YEAR_FIELD);
+ *      UnicodeString myString;
+ *      myString = dfmt->format( myDate, myString );
+ *      cout << myString << endl;
+ *      cout << pos.getBeginIndex() << "," << pos. getEndIndex() << endl;
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * To format a date for a different Locale, specify it in the call to
+ * createDateInstance().
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *       DateFormat* df =
+ *           DateFormat::createDateInstance( DateFormat::SHORT, Locale::getFrance());
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * You can use a DateFormat to parse also.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *       UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *       UDate myDate = df->parse(myString, status);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Use createDateInstance() to produce the normal date format for that country.
+ * There are other static factory methods available. Use createTimeInstance()
+ * to produce the normal time format for that country. Use createDateTimeInstance()
+ * to produce a DateFormat that formats both date and time. You can pass in
+ * different options to these factory methods to control the length of the
+ * result; from SHORT to MEDIUM to LONG to FULL. The exact result depends on the
+ * locale, but generally:
+ * <ul type=round>
+ *   <li>   SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12/13/52 or 3:30pm
+ *   <li>   MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952
+ *   <li>   LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm
+ *   <li>   FULL is pretty completely specified, such as
+ *          Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST.
+ * </ul>
+ * You can also set the time zone on the format if you wish. If you want even
+ * more control over the format or parsing, (or want to give your users more
+ * control), you can try casting the DateFormat you get from the factory methods
+ * to a SimpleDateFormat. This will work for the majority of countries; just
+ * remember to chck getDynamicClassID() before carrying out the cast.
+ * <P>
+ * You can also use forms of the parse and format methods with ParsePosition and
+ * FieldPosition to allow you to
+ * <ul type=round>
+ *   <li>   Progressively parse through pieces of a string.
+ *   <li>   Align any particular field, or find out where it is for selection
+ *          on the screen.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p><em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
+ * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
+ * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API DateFormat : public Format {
+    /**
+     * Constants for various style patterns. These reflect the order of items in
+     * the DateTimePatterns resource. There are 4 time patterns, 4 date patterns,
+     * the default date-time pattern, and 4 date-time patterns. Each block of 4 values
+     * in the resource occurs in the order full, long, medium, short.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    enum EStyle
+    {
+        kNone   = -1,
+        kFull   = 0,
+        kLong   = 1,
+        kMedium = 2,
+        kShort  = 3,
+        kDateOffset   = kShort + 1,
+     // kFull   + kDateOffset = 4
+     // kLong   + kDateOffset = 5
+     // kMedium + kDateOffset = 6
+     // kShort  + kDateOffset = 7
+        kDateTime             = 8,
+     // Default DateTime
+        kDateTimeOffset = kDateTime + 1,
+     // kFull   + kDateTimeOffset = 9
+     // kLong   + kDateTimeOffset = 10
+     // kMedium + kDateTimeOffset = 11
+     // kShort  + kDateTimeOffset = 12
+        // relative dates
+        kRelative = (1 << 7),
+        kFullRelative = (kFull | kRelative),
+        kLongRelative = kLong | kRelative,
+        kMediumRelative = kMedium | kRelative,
+        kShortRelative = kShort | kRelative,
+        kDefault      = kMedium,
+    /**
+     * These constants are provided for backwards compatibility only.
+     * Please use the C++ style constants defined above.
+     */
+        FULL        = kFull,
+        LONG        = kLong,
+        MEDIUM        = kMedium,
+        SHORT        = kShort,
+        DEFAULT        = kDefault,
+        DATE_OFFSET    = kDateOffset,
+        NONE        = kNone,
+        DATE_TIME    = kDateTime
+    };
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~DateFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clones this object polymorphically.
+     * The caller owns the result and should delete it when done.
+     * @return clone, or nullptr if an error occurred
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual DateFormat* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.  Returns true if the two formats have the same behavior.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format&) const;
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string. This method handles Formattable
+     * objects with a UDate type. If a the Formattable object type is not a Date,
+     * then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format. Must be a Date.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string. This method handles Formattable
+     * objects with a UDate type. If a the Formattable object type is not a Date,
+     * then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format. Must be a Date.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.  Field values
+     *                  are defined in UDateFormatField.  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a date into a date/time string. This is an abstract method which
+     * concrete subclasses must implement.
+     * <P>
+     * On input, the FieldPosition parameter may have its "field" member filled with
+     * an enum value specifying a field.  On output, the FieldPosition will be filled
+     * in with the text offsets for that field.
+     * <P> For example, given a time text
+     * "1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT", if the given fieldPosition.field is
+     * UDAT_YEAR_FIELD, the offsets fieldPosition.beginIndex and
+     * statfieldPositionus.getEndIndex will be set to 0 and 4, respectively.
+     * <P> Notice
+     * that if the same time field appears more than once in a pattern, the status will
+     * be set for the first occurence of that time field. For instance,
+     * formatting a UDate to the time string "1 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)"
+     * using the pattern "h a z (zzzz)" and the alignment field
+     * DateFormat::TIMEZONE_FIELD, the offsets fieldPosition.beginIndex and
+     * fieldPosition.getEndIndex will be set to 5 and 8, respectively, for the first
+     * occurence of the timezone pattern character 'z'.
+     *
+     * @param cal           Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *                      into a date/time string.  When the calendar type is
+     *                      different from the internal calendar held by this
+     *                      DateFormat instance, the date and the time zone will
+     *                      be inherited from the input calendar, but other calendar
+     *                      field values will be calculated by the internal calendar.
+     * @param appendTo      Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                      Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param fieldPosition On input: an alignment field, if desired (see examples above)
+     *                      On output: the offsets of the alignment field (see examples above)
+     * @return              Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(  Calendar& cal,
+                                    UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                    FieldPosition& fieldPosition) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Formats a date into a date/time string. Subclasses should implement this method.
+     *
+     * @param cal       Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *                  into a date/time string.  When the calendar type is
+     *                  different from the internal calendar held by this
+     *                  DateFormat instance, the date and the time zone will
+     *                  be inherited from the input calendar, but other calendar
+     *                  field values will be calculated by the internal calendar.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.  Field values
+     *                  are defined in UDateFormatField.  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    error status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(Calendar& cal,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a UDate into a date/time string.
+     * <P>
+     * On input, the FieldPosition parameter may have its "field" member filled with
+     * an enum value specifying a field.  On output, the FieldPosition will be filled
+     * in with the text offsets for that field.
+     * <P> For example, given a time text
+     * "1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT", if the given fieldPosition.field is
+     * UDAT_YEAR_FIELD, the offsets fieldPosition.beginIndex and
+     * statfieldPositionus.getEndIndex will be set to 0 and 4, respectively.
+     * <P> Notice
+     * that if the same time field appears more than once in a pattern, the status will
+     * be set for the first occurence of that time field. For instance,
+     * formatting a UDate to the time string "1 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)"
+     * using the pattern "h a z (zzzz)" and the alignment field
+     * DateFormat::TIMEZONE_FIELD, the offsets fieldPosition.beginIndex and
+     * fieldPosition.getEndIndex will be set to 5 and 8, respectively, for the first
+     * occurence of the timezone pattern character 'z'.
+     *
+     * @param date          UDate to be formatted into a date/time string.
+     * @param appendTo      Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                      Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param fieldPosition On input: an alignment field, if desired (see examples above)
+     *                      On output: the offsets of the alignment field (see examples above)
+     * @return              Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(  UDate date,
+                            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                            FieldPosition& fieldPosition) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a UDate into a date/time string.
+     *
+     * @param date      UDate to be formatted into a date/time string.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.  Field values
+     *                  are defined in UDateFormatField.  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    error status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(UDate date,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a UDate into a date/time string. If there is a problem, you won't
+     * know, using this method. Use the overloaded format() method which takes a
+     * FieldPosition& to detect formatting problems.
+     *
+     * @param date      The UDate value to be formatted into a string.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(UDate date, UnicodeString& appendTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a date/time string. For example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT"
+     * will be parsed into a UDate that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
+     * Parsing begins at the beginning of the string and proceeds as far as
+     * possible.  Assuming no parse errors were encountered, this function
+     * doesn't return any information about how much of the string was consumed
+     * by the parsing.  If you need that information, use the version of
+     * parse() that takes a ParsePosition.
+     * <P>
+     * By default, parsing is lenient: If the input is not in the form used by
+     * this object's format method but can still be parsed as a date, then the
+     * parse succeeds. Clients may insist on strict adherence to the format by
+     * calling setLenient(false).
+     * @see DateFormat::setLenient(boolean)
+     * <P>
+     * Note that the normal date formats associated with some calendars - such
+     * as the Chinese lunar calendar - do not specify enough fields to enable
+     * dates to be parsed unambiguously. In the case of the Chinese lunar
+     * calendar, while the year within the current 60-year cycle is specified,
+     * the number of such cycles since the start date of the calendar (in the
+     * ERA field of the Calendar object) is not normally part of the format,
+     * and parsing may assume the wrong era. For cases such as this it is
+     * recommended that clients parse using the method
+     * parse(const UnicodeString&, Calendar& cal, ParsePosition&)
+     * with the Calendar passed in set to the current date, or to a date
+     * within the era/cycle that should be assumed if absent in the format.
+     *
+     * @param text      The date/time string to be parsed into a UDate value.
+     * @param status    Output param to be set to success/failure code. If
+     *                  'text' cannot be parsed, it will be set to a failure
+     *                  code.
+     * @return          The parsed UDate value, if successful.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UDate parse( const UnicodeString& text,
+                        UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a date/time string beginning at the given parse position. For
+     * example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT" will be parsed into a Date
+     * that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
+     * <P>
+     * By default, parsing is lenient: If the input is not in the form used by
+     * this object's format method but can still be parsed as a date, then the
+     * parse succeeds. Clients may insist on strict adherence to the format by
+     * calling setLenient(false).
+     * @see DateFormat::setLenient(boolean)
+     *
+     * @param text  The date/time string to be parsed.
+     * @param cal   A Calendar set on input to the date and time to be used for
+     *              missing values in the date/time string being parsed, and set
+     *              on output to the parsed date/time. When the calendar type is
+     *              different from the internal calendar held by this DateFormat
+     *              instance, the internal calendar will be cloned to a work
+     *              calendar set to the same milliseconds and time zone as the
+     *              cal parameter, field values will be parsed based on the work
+     *              calendar, then the result (milliseconds and time zone) will
+     *              be set in this calendar.
+     * @param pos   On input, the position at which to start parsing; on
+     *              output, the position at which parsing terminated, or the
+     *              start position if the parse failed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    virtual void parse( const UnicodeString& text,
+                        Calendar& cal,
+                        ParsePosition& pos) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Parse a date/time string beginning at the given parse position. For
+     * example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT" will be parsed into a Date
+     * that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
+     * <P>
+     * By default, parsing is lenient: If the input is not in the form used by
+     * this object's format method but can still be parsed as a date, then the
+     * parse succeeds. Clients may insist on strict adherence to the format by
+     * calling setLenient(false).
+     * @see DateFormat::setLenient(boolean)
+     * <P>
+     * Note that the normal date formats associated with some calendars - such
+     * as the Chinese lunar calendar - do not specify enough fields to enable
+     * dates to be parsed unambiguously. In the case of the Chinese lunar
+     * calendar, while the year within the current 60-year cycle is specified,
+     * the number of such cycles since the start date of the calendar (in the
+     * ERA field of the Calendar object) is not normally part of the format,
+     * and parsing may assume the wrong era. For cases such as this it is
+     * recommended that clients parse using the method
+     * parse(const UnicodeString&, Calendar& cal, ParsePosition&)
+     * with the Calendar passed in set to the current date, or to a date
+     * within the era/cycle that should be assumed if absent in the format.
+     *
+     * @param text  The date/time string to be parsed into a UDate value.
+     * @param pos   On input, the position at which to start parsing; on
+     *              output, the position at which parsing terminated, or the
+     *              start position if the parse failed.
+     * @return      A valid UDate if the input could be parsed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UDate parse( const UnicodeString& text,
+                 ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a string to produce an object. This methods handles parsing of
+     * date/time strings into Formattable objects with UDate types.
+     * <P>
+     * Before calling, set parse_pos.index to the offset you want to start
+     * parsing at in the source. After calling, parse_pos.index is the end of
+     * the text you parsed. If error occurs, index is unchanged.
+     * <P>
+     * When parsing, leading whitespace is discarded (with a successful parse),
+     * while trailing whitespace is left as is.
+     * <P>
+     * See Format::parseObject() for more.
+     *
+     * @param source    The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result    Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                  If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Upon return
+     *                  this param is set to the position after the
+     *                  last character successfully parsed. If the
+     *                  source is not parsed successfully, this param
+     *                  will remain unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                             Formattable& result,
+                             ParsePosition& parse_pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Create a default date/time formatter that uses the SHORT style for both
+     * the date and the time.
+     *
+     * @return A date/time formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(void);
+    /**
+     * Creates a time formatter with the given formatting style for the given
+     * locale.
+     *
+     * @param style     The given formatting style. For example,
+     *                  SHORT for "h:mm a" in the US locale. Relative
+     *                  time styles are not currently supported.
+     * @param aLocale   The given locale.
+     * @return          A time formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 createTimeInstance(EStyle style = kDefault,
+                                          const Locale& aLocale = Locale::getDefault());
+    /**
+     * Creates a date formatter with the given formatting style for the given
+     * const locale.
+     *
+     * @param style     The given formatting style. For example, SHORT for "M/d/yy" in the
+     *                  US locale. As currently implemented, relative date formatting only
+     *                  affects a limited range of calendar days before or after the
+     *                  current date, based on the CLDR &lt;field type="day"&gt;/&lt;relative&gt; data:
+     *                  For example, in English, "Yesterday", "Today", and "Tomorrow".
+     *                  Outside of this range, dates are formatted using the corresponding
+     *                  non-relative style.
+     * @param aLocale   The given locale.
+     * @return          A date formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 createDateInstance(EStyle style = kDefault,
+                                          const Locale& aLocale = Locale::getDefault());
+    /**
+     * Creates a date/time formatter with the given formatting styles for the
+     * given locale.
+     *
+     * @param dateStyle The given formatting style for the date portion of the result.
+     *                  For example, SHORT for "M/d/yy" in the US locale. As currently
+     *                  implemented, relative date formatting only affects a limited range
+     *                  of calendar days before or after the current date, based on the
+     *                  CLDR &lt;field type="day"&gt;/&lt;relative&gt; data: For example, in English,
+     *                  "Yesterday", "Today", and "Tomorrow". Outside of this range, dates
+     *                  are formatted using the corresponding non-relative style.
+     * @param timeStyle The given formatting style for the time portion of the result.
+     *                  For example, SHORT for "h:mm a" in the US locale. Relative
+     *                  time styles are not currently supported.
+     * @param aLocale   The given locale.
+     * @return          A date/time formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 createDateTimeInstance(EStyle dateStyle = kDefault,
+                                              EStyle timeStyle = kDefault,
+                                              const Locale& aLocale = Locale::getDefault());
+    /**
+     * Returns the best pattern given a skeleton and locale.
+     * @param locale the locale
+     * @param skeleton the skeleton
+     * @param status ICU error returned here
+     * @return the best pattern.
+     * @internal For ICU use only.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString getBestPattern(
+            const Locale &locale,
+            const UnicodeString &skeleton,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Creates a date/time formatter for the given skeleton and 
+     * default locale.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton The skeleton e.g "yMMMMd." Fields in the skeleton can
+     *                 be in any order, and this method uses the locale to
+     *                 map the skeleton to a pattern that includes locale
+     *                 specific separators with the fields in the appropriate
+     *                 order for that locale.
+     * @param status   Any error returned here.
+     * @return         A date/time formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstanceForSkeleton(
+            const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a date/time formatter for the given skeleton and locale.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton The skeleton e.g "yMMMMd." Fields in the skeleton can
+     *                 be in any order, and this method uses the locale to
+     *                 map the skeleton to a pattern that includes locale
+     *                 specific separators with the fields in the appropriate
+     *                 order for that locale.
+     * @param locale  The given locale.
+     * @param status   Any error returned here.
+     * @return         A date/time formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstanceForSkeleton(
+            const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+            const Locale &locale,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a date/time formatter for the given skeleton and locale.
+     *
+     * @param calendarToAdopt the calendar returned DateFormat is to use.
+     * @param skeleton The skeleton e.g "yMMMMd." Fields in the skeleton can
+     *                 be in any order, and this method uses the locale to
+     *                 map the skeleton to a pattern that includes locale
+     *                 specific separators with the fields in the appropriate
+     *                 order for that locale.
+     * @param locale  The given locale.
+     * @param status   Any error returned here.
+     * @return         A date/time formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstanceForSkeleton(
+            Calendar *calendarToAdopt,
+            const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+            const Locale &locale,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the set of locales for which DateFormats are installed.
+     * @param count Filled in with the number of locales in the list that is returned.
+     * @return the set of locales for which DateFormats are installed.  The caller
+     *  does NOT own this list and must not delete it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const Locale* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether both date/time parsing in the encapsulated Calendar object and DateFormat whitespace &
+     * numeric processing is lenient.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool isLenient(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Specifies whether date/time parsing is to be lenient.  With
+     * lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that
+     * do not precisely match this object's format.  Without lenient parsing,
+     * inputs must match this object's format more closely.
+     * 
+     * Note: ICU 53 introduced finer grained control of leniency (and added 
+     * new control points) making the preferred method a combination of 
+     * setCalendarLenient() & setBooleanAttribute() calls. 
+     * This method supports prior functionality but may not support all 
+     * future leniency control & behavior of DateFormat. For control of pre 53 leniency,  
+     * Calendar and DateFormat whitespace & numeric tolerance, this method is safe to 
+     * use. However, mixing leniency control via this method and modification of the 
+     * newer attributes via setBooleanAttribute() may produce undesirable 
+     * results.
+     *
+     * @param lenient  True specifies date/time interpretation to be lenient.
+     * @see Calendar::setLenient
+     * @stable ICU 2.0     
+     */
+    virtual void setLenient(UBool lenient);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether date/time parsing in the encapsulated Calendar object processing is lenient.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UBool isCalendarLenient(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Specifies whether encapsulated Calendar date/time parsing is to be lenient.  With
+     * lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that
+     * do not precisely match this object's format.  Without lenient parsing,
+     * inputs must match this object's format more closely.
+     * @param lenient when true, parsing is lenient
+     * @see
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual void setCalendarLenient(UBool lenient);
+    /**
+     * Gets the calendar associated with this date/time formatter.
+     * The calendar is owned by the formatter and must not be modified.
+     * Also, the calendar does not reflect the results of a parse operation.
+     * To parse to a calendar, use {@link #parse(const UnicodeString&, Calendar& cal, ParsePosition&) const parse(const UnicodeString&, Calendar& cal, ParsePosition&)}
+     * @return the calendar associated with this date/time formatter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const Calendar* getCalendar(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the calendar to be used by this date format. Initially, the default
+     * calendar for the specified or default locale is used.  The caller should
+     * not delete the Calendar object after it is adopted by this call.
+     * Adopting a new calendar will change to the default symbols.
+     *
+     * @param calendarToAdopt    Calendar object to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptCalendar(Calendar* calendarToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Set the calendar to be used by this date format. Initially, the default
+     * calendar for the specified or default locale is used.
+     *
+     * @param newCalendar Calendar object to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setCalendar(const Calendar& newCalendar);
+    /**
+     * Gets the number formatter which this date/time formatter uses to format
+     * and parse the numeric portions of the pattern.
+     * @return the number formatter which this date/time formatter uses.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const NumberFormat* getNumberFormat(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Allows you to set the number formatter.  The caller should
+     * not delete the NumberFormat object after it is adopted by this call.
+     * @param formatToAdopt     NumberFormat object to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptNumberFormat(NumberFormat* formatToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Allows you to set the number formatter.
+     * @param newNumberFormat  NumberFormat object to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setNumberFormat(const NumberFormat& newNumberFormat);
+    /**
+     * Returns a reference to the TimeZone used by this DateFormat's calendar.
+     * @return the time zone associated with the calendar of DateFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const TimeZone& getTimeZone(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone for the calendar of this DateFormat object. The caller
+     * no longer owns the TimeZone object and should not delete it after this call.
+     * @param zoneToAdopt the TimeZone to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptTimeZone(TimeZone* zoneToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone for the calendar of this DateFormat object.
+     * @param zone the new time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setTimeZone(const TimeZone& zone);
+    /**
+     * Set a particular UDisplayContext value in the formatter, such as
+     * @param value The UDisplayContext value to set.
+     * @param status Input/output status. If at entry this indicates a failure
+     *               status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+     *               updated with any new status from the function. 
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual void setContext(UDisplayContext value, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get the formatter's UDisplayContext value for the specified UDisplayContextType,
+     * @param type The UDisplayContextType whose value to return
+     * @param status Input/output status. If at entry this indicates a failure
+     *               status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+     *               updated with any new status from the function. 
+     * @return The UDisplayContextValue for the specified type.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UDisplayContext getContext(UDisplayContextType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+   /**
+     * Sets an boolean attribute on this DateFormat.
+     * May return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR if this instance does not support
+     * the specified attribute.
+     * @param attr the attribute to set
+     * @param newvalue new value
+     * @param status the error type
+     * @return *this - for chaining (example: format.setAttribute(...).setAttribute(...) )
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual DateFormat&  U_EXPORT2 setBooleanAttribute(UDateFormatBooleanAttribute attr,
+    									UBool newvalue,
+    									UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a boolean from this DateFormat
+     * May return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR if this instance does not support
+     * the specified attribute.
+     * @param attr the attribute to set
+     * @param status the error type
+     * @return the attribute value. Undefined if there is an error.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UBool U_EXPORT2 getBooleanAttribute(UDateFormatBooleanAttribute attr, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.  Creates a DateFormat with no Calendar or NumberFormat
+     * associated with it.  This constructor depends on the subclasses to fill in
+     * the calendar and numberFormat fields.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DateFormat();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DateFormat(const DateFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DateFormat& operator=(const DateFormat&);
+    /**
+     * The calendar that DateFormat uses to produce the time field values needed
+     * to implement date/time formatting. Subclasses should generally initialize
+     * this to the default calendar for the locale associated with this DateFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    Calendar* fCalendar;
+    /**
+     * The number formatter that DateFormat uses to format numbers in dates and
+     * times. Subclasses should generally initialize this to the default number
+     * format for the locale associated with this DateFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    NumberFormat* fNumberFormat;
+    /**
+     * Gets the date/time formatter with the given formatting styles for the
+     * given locale.
+     * @param dateStyle the given date formatting style.
+     * @param timeStyle the given time formatting style.
+     * @param inLocale the given locale.
+     * @return a date/time formatter, or 0 on failure.
+     */
+    static DateFormat* U_EXPORT2 create(EStyle timeStyle, EStyle dateStyle, const Locale& inLocale);
+    /**
+     * enum set of active boolean attributes for this instance
+     */
+    EnumSet<UDateFormatBooleanAttribute, 0, UDAT_BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT> fBoolFlags;
+    UDisplayContext fCapitalizationContext;
+    friend class DateFmtKeyByStyle;
+    /**
+     * Field selector for FieldPosition for DateFormat fields.
+     * @obsolete ICU 3.4 use UDateFormatField instead, since this API will be
+     * removed in that release
+     */
+    enum EField
+    {
+        // Obsolete; use UDateFormatField instead
+        kEraField = UDAT_ERA_FIELD,
+        kYearField = UDAT_YEAR_FIELD,
+        kMonthField = UDAT_MONTH_FIELD,
+        kDateField = UDAT_DATE_FIELD,
+        kHourOfDay1Field = UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY1_FIELD,
+        kHourOfDay0Field = UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY0_FIELD,
+        kMinuteField = UDAT_MINUTE_FIELD,
+        kSecondField = UDAT_SECOND_FIELD,
+        kMillisecondField = UDAT_FRACTIONAL_SECOND_FIELD,
+        kDayOfWeekField = UDAT_DAY_OF_WEEK_FIELD,
+        kDayOfYearField = UDAT_DAY_OF_YEAR_FIELD,
+        kDayOfWeekInMonthField = UDAT_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH_FIELD,
+        kWeekOfYearField = UDAT_WEEK_OF_YEAR_FIELD,
+        kWeekOfMonthField = UDAT_WEEK_OF_MONTH_FIELD,
+        kAmPmField = UDAT_AM_PM_FIELD,
+        kHour1Field = UDAT_HOUR1_FIELD,
+        kHour0Field = UDAT_HOUR0_FIELD,
+        kTimezoneField = UDAT_TIMEZONE_FIELD,
+        kYearWOYField = UDAT_YEAR_WOY_FIELD,
+        kDOWLocalField = UDAT_DOW_LOCAL_FIELD,
+        kExtendedYearField = UDAT_EXTENDED_YEAR_FIELD,
+        kJulianDayField = UDAT_JULIAN_DAY_FIELD,
+        kMillisecondsInDayField = UDAT_MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY_FIELD,
+        // Obsolete; use UDateFormatField instead
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_OBSOLETE_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _DATEFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dbbi.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dbbi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de9cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dbbi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2006,2013 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   12/1/99    rgillam     Complete port from Java.
+*   01/13/2000 helena      Added UErrorCode to ctors.
+#ifndef DBBI_H
+#define DBBI_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Dictionary Based Break Iterator
+ */
+ * An obsolete subclass of RuleBasedBreakIterator. Handling of dictionary-
+ * based break iteration has been folded into the base class. This class
+ * is deprecated as of ICU 3.6.
+ * @deprecated ICU 3.6
+ */
+typedef RuleBasedBreakIterator DictionaryBasedBreakIterator;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dcfmtsym.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dcfmtsym.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1e0ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dcfmtsym.h
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*   03/18/97    clhuang     Updated per C++ implementation.
+*   03/27/97    helena      Updated to pass the simple test after code review.
+*   08/26/97    aliu        Added currency/intl currency symbol support.
+*   07/22/98    stephen     Changed to match C++ style
+*                            currencySymbol -> fCurrencySymbol
+*                            Constants changed from CAPS to kCaps
+*   06/24/99    helena      Integrated Alan's NF enhancements and Java2 bug fixes
+*   09/22/00    grhoten     Marked deprecation tags with a pointer to replacement
+*                            functions.
+#ifndef DCFMTSYM_H
+#define DCFMTSYM_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/numsys.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Symbols for formatting numbers.
+ */
+ * This class represents the set of symbols needed by DecimalFormat
+ * to format numbers. DecimalFormat creates for itself an instance of
+ * DecimalFormatSymbols from its locale data.  If you need to change any
+ * of these symbols, you can get the DecimalFormatSymbols object from
+ * your DecimalFormat and modify it.
+ * <P>
+ * Here are the special characters used in the parts of the
+ * subpattern, with notes on their usage.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *        Symbol   Meaning
+ *          0      a digit
+ *          #      a digit, zero shows as absent
+ *          .      placeholder for decimal separator
+ *          ,      placeholder for grouping separator.
+ *          ;      separates formats.
+ *          -      default negative prefix.
+ *          %      divide by 100 and show as percentage
+ *          X      any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix
+ *          '      used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix.
+ * \endcode
+ *  </pre>
+ * [Notes]
+ * <P>
+ * If there is no explicit negative subpattern, - is prefixed to the
+ * positive form. That is, "0.00" alone is equivalent to "0.00;-0.00".
+ * <P>
+ * The grouping separator is commonly used for thousands, but in some
+ * countries for ten-thousands. The interval is a constant number of
+ * digits between the grouping characters, such as 100,000,000 or 1,0000,0000.
+ * If you supply a pattern with multiple grouping characters, the interval
+ * between the last one and the end of the integer is the one that is
+ * used. So "#,##,###,####" == "######,####" == "##,####,####".
+ */
+class U_I18N_API DecimalFormatSymbols : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Constants for specifying a number format symbol.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum ENumberFormatSymbol {
+        /** The decimal separator */
+        kDecimalSeparatorSymbol,
+        /** The grouping separator */
+        kGroupingSeparatorSymbol,
+        /** The pattern separator */
+        kPatternSeparatorSymbol,
+        /** The percent sign */
+        kPercentSymbol,
+        /** Zero*/
+        kZeroDigitSymbol,
+        /** Character representing a digit in the pattern */
+        kDigitSymbol,
+        /** The minus sign */
+        kMinusSignSymbol,
+        /** The plus sign */
+        kPlusSignSymbol,
+        /** The currency symbol */
+        kCurrencySymbol,
+        /** The international currency symbol */
+        kIntlCurrencySymbol,
+        /** The monetary separator */
+        kMonetarySeparatorSymbol,
+        /** The exponential symbol */
+        kExponentialSymbol,
+        /** Per mill symbol - replaces kPermillSymbol */
+        kPerMillSymbol,
+        /** Escape padding character */
+        kPadEscapeSymbol,
+        /** Infinity symbol */
+        kInfinitySymbol,
+        /** Nan symbol */
+        kNaNSymbol,
+        /** Significant digit symbol
+         * @stable ICU 3.0 */
+        kSignificantDigitSymbol,
+        /** The monetary grouping separator
+         * @stable ICU 3.6
+         */
+        kMonetaryGroupingSeparatorSymbol,
+        /** One
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kOneDigitSymbol,
+        /** Two
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kTwoDigitSymbol,
+        /** Three
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kThreeDigitSymbol,
+        /** Four
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kFourDigitSymbol,
+        /** Five
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kFiveDigitSymbol,
+        /** Six
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kSixDigitSymbol,
+        /** Seven
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kSevenDigitSymbol,
+        /** Eight
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kEightDigitSymbol,
+        /** Nine
+         * @stable ICU 4.6
+         */
+        kNineDigitSymbol,
+        /** Multiplication sign.
+         * @stable ICU 54
+         */
+        kExponentMultiplicationSymbol,
+        /** count symbol constants */
+        kFormatSymbolCount = kNineDigitSymbol + 2
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale to get symbols for.
+     * @param status    Input/output parameter, set to success or
+     *                  failure code upon return.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a DecimalFormatSymbols instance for the given locale with digits and symbols
+     * corresponding to the given NumberingSystem.
+     *
+     * This constructor behaves equivalently to the normal constructor called with a locale having a
+     * "numbers=xxxx" keyword specifying the numbering system by name.
+     *
+     * In this constructor, the NumberingSystem argument will be used even if the locale has its own
+     * "numbers=xxxx" keyword.
+     *
+     * @param locale    The locale to get symbols for.
+     * @param ns        The numbering system.
+     * @param status    Input/output parameter, set to success or
+     *                  failure code upon return.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    DecimalFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale, const NumberingSystem& ns, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the default locale.
+     * This constructor will not fail.  If the resource file data is
+     * not available, it will use hard-coded last-resort data and
+     * set status to U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param status    Input/output parameter, set to success or
+     *                  failure code upon return.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormatSymbols(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a DecimalFormatSymbols object with last-resort data.
+     * Intended for callers who cache the symbols data and
+     * set all symbols on the resulting object.
+     *
+     * The last-resort symbols are similar to those for the root data,
+     * except that the grouping separators are empty,
+     * the NaN symbol is U+FFFD rather than "NaN",
+     * and the CurrencySpacing patterns are empty.
+     *
+     * @param status    Input/output parameter, set to success or
+     *                  failure code upon return.
+     * @return last-resort symbols
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    static DecimalFormatSymbols* createWithLastResortData(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormatSymbols& operator=(const DecimalFormatSymbols&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~DecimalFormatSymbols();
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const DecimalFormatSymbols& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const DecimalFormatSymbols& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
+    /**
+     * Get one of the format symbols by its enum constant.
+     * Each symbol is stored as a string so that graphemes
+     * (characters with modifier letters) can be used.
+     *
+     * @param symbol    Constant to indicate a number format symbol.
+     * @return    the format symbols by the param 'symbol'
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UnicodeString getSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const;
+    /**
+     * Set one of the format symbols by its enum constant.
+     * Each symbol is stored as a string so that graphemes
+     * (characters with modifier letters) can be used.
+     *
+     * @param symbol    Constant to indicate a number format symbol.
+     * @param value     value of the format symbol
+     * @param propogateDigits If false, setting the zero digit will not automatically set 1-9.
+     *     The default behavior is to automatically set 1-9 if zero is being set and the value
+     *     it is being set to corresponds to a known Unicode zero digit.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol, const UnicodeString &value, const UBool propogateDigits);
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale for which this object was constructed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    inline Locale getLocale() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale for this object. Two flavors are available:
+     * valid and actual locale.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+      * Get pattern string for 'CurrencySpacing' that can be applied to
+      * currency format.
+      * This API gets the CurrencySpacing data from ResourceBundle. The pattern can
+      * be empty if there is no data from current locale and its parent locales.
+      *
+      * @param beforeCurrency : true if the pattern is for before currency symbol.
+      *                         false if the pattern is for after currency symbol.
+      * @param status: Input/output parameter, set to success or
+      *                  failure code upon return.
+      * @return pattern string for currencyMatch, surroundingMatch or spaceInsert.
+      *     Return empty string if there is no data for this locale and its parent
+      *     locales.
+      * @stable ICU 4.8
+      */
+     const UnicodeString& getPatternForCurrencySpacing(UCurrencySpacing type,
+                                                 UBool beforeCurrency,
+                                                 UErrorCode& status) const;
+     /**
+       * Set pattern string for 'CurrencySpacing' that can be applied to
+       * currency format.
+       *
+       * @param beforeCurrency : true if the pattern is for before currency symbol.
+       *                         false if the pattern is for after currency symbol.
+       * @param pattern : pattern string to override current setting.
+       * @stable ICU 4.8
+       */
+     void setPatternForCurrencySpacing(UCurrencySpacing type,
+                                       UBool beforeCurrency,
+                                       const UnicodeString& pattern);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    DecimalFormatSymbols();
+    /**
+     * Initializes the symbols from the LocaleElements resource bundle.
+     * Note: The organization of LocaleElements badly needs to be
+     * cleaned up.
+     *
+     * @param locale               The locale to get symbols for.
+     * @param success              Input/output parameter, set to success or
+     *                             failure code upon return.
+     * @param useLastResortData    determine if use last resort data
+     * @param ns                   The NumberingSystem to use; otherwise, fall
+     *                             back to the locale.
+     */
+    void initialize(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& success,
+        UBool useLastResortData = FALSE, const NumberingSystem* ns = nullptr);
+    /**
+     * Initialize the symbols with default values.
+     */
+    void initialize();
+    void setCurrencyForSymbols();
+    /**
+     * @internal For ICU use only
+     */
+    inline UBool isCustomCurrencySymbol() const {
+        return fIsCustomCurrencySymbol;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @internal For ICU use only
+     */
+    inline UBool isCustomIntlCurrencySymbol() const {
+        return fIsCustomIntlCurrencySymbol;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @internal For ICU use only
+     */
+    inline UChar32 getCodePointZero() const {
+        return fCodePointZero;
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * _Internal_ function - more efficient version of getSymbol,
+     * returning a const reference to one of the symbol strings.
+     * The returned reference becomes invalid when the symbol is changed
+     * or when the DecimalFormatSymbols are destroyed.
+     * Note: moved \#ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API after this, since this is needed for inline in DecimalFormat
+     *
+     * This is not currently stable API, but if you think it should be stable,
+     * post a comment on the following ticket and the ICU team will take a look:
+     *
+     *
+     * @param symbol Constant to indicate a number format symbol.
+     * @return the format symbol by the param 'symbol'
+     * @internal
+     */
+    inline const UnicodeString& getConstSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the const UnicodeString reference, like getConstSymbol,
+     * corresponding to the digit with the given value.  This is equivalent
+     * to accessing the symbol from getConstSymbol with the corresponding
+     * key, such as kZeroDigitSymbol or kOneDigitSymbol.
+     *
+     * This is not currently stable API, but if you think it should be stable,
+     * post a comment on the following ticket and the ICU team will take a look:
+     *
+     *
+     * @param digit The digit, an integer between 0 and 9 inclusive.
+     *              If outside the range 0 to 9, the zero digit is returned.
+     * @return the format symbol for the given digit.
+     * @internal This API is currently for ICU use only.
+     */
+    inline const UnicodeString& getConstDigitSymbol(int32_t digit) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns that pattern stored in currecy info. Internal API for use by NumberFormat API.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    inline const char16_t* getCurrencyPattern(void) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Private symbol strings.
+     * They are either loaded from a resource bundle or otherwise owned.
+     * setSymbol() clones the symbol string.
+     * Readonly aliases can only come from a resource bundle, so that we can always
+     * use fastCopyFrom() with them.
+     *
+     * If DecimalFormatSymbols becomes subclassable and the status of fSymbols changes
+     * from private to protected,
+     * or when fSymbols can be set any other way that allows them to be readonly aliases
+     * to non-resource bundle strings,
+     * then regular UnicodeString copies must be used instead of fastCopyFrom().
+     *
+     */
+    UnicodeString fSymbols[kFormatSymbolCount];
+    /**
+     * Non-symbol variable for getConstSymbol(). Always empty.
+     */
+    UnicodeString fNoSymbol;
+    /**
+     * Dealing with code points is faster than dealing with strings when formatting. Because of
+     * this, we maintain a value containing the zero code point that is used whenever digitStrings
+     * represents a sequence of ten code points in order.
+     *
+     * <p>If the value stored here is positive, it means that the code point stored in this value
+     * corresponds to the digitStrings array, and codePointZero can be used instead of the
+     * digitStrings array for the purposes of efficient formatting; if -1, then digitStrings does
+     * *not* contain a sequence of code points, and it must be used directly.
+     *
+     * <p>It is assumed that codePointZero always shadows the value in digitStrings. codePointZero
+     * should never be set directly; rather, it should be updated only when digitStrings mutates.
+     * That is, the flow of information is digitStrings -> codePointZero, not the other way.
+     */
+    UChar32 fCodePointZero;
+    Locale locale;
+    char actualLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    char validLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    const char16_t* currPattern;
+    UnicodeString currencySpcBeforeSym[UNUM_CURRENCY_SPACING_COUNT];
+    UnicodeString currencySpcAfterSym[UNUM_CURRENCY_SPACING_COUNT];
+    UBool fIsCustomCurrencySymbol;
+    UBool fIsCustomIntlCurrencySymbol;
+// -------------------------------------
+inline UnicodeString
+DecimalFormatSymbols::getSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const {
+    const UnicodeString *strPtr;
+    if(symbol < kFormatSymbolCount) {
+        strPtr = &fSymbols[symbol];
+    } else {
+        strPtr = &fNoSymbol;
+    }
+    return *strPtr;
+// See comments above for this function. Not hidden with #ifdef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
+inline const UnicodeString &
+DecimalFormatSymbols::getConstSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const {
+    const UnicodeString *strPtr;
+    if(symbol < kFormatSymbolCount) {
+        strPtr = &fSymbols[symbol];
+    } else {
+        strPtr = &fNoSymbol;
+    }
+    return *strPtr;
+inline const UnicodeString& DecimalFormatSymbols::getConstDigitSymbol(int32_t digit) const {
+    if (digit < 0 || digit > 9) {
+        digit = 0;
+    }
+    if (digit == 0) {
+        return fSymbols[kZeroDigitSymbol];
+    }
+    ENumberFormatSymbol key = static_cast<ENumberFormatSymbol>(kOneDigitSymbol + digit - 1);
+    return fSymbols[key];
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+// -------------------------------------
+inline void
+DecimalFormatSymbols::setSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol, const UnicodeString &value, const UBool propogateDigits = TRUE) {
+    if (symbol == kCurrencySymbol) {
+        fIsCustomCurrencySymbol = TRUE;
+    }
+    else if (symbol == kIntlCurrencySymbol) {
+        fIsCustomIntlCurrencySymbol = TRUE;
+    }
+    if(symbol<kFormatSymbolCount) {
+        fSymbols[symbol]=value;
+    }
+    // If the zero digit is being set to a known zero digit according to Unicode,
+    // then we automatically set the corresponding 1-9 digits
+    // Also record updates to fCodePointZero. Be conservative if in doubt.
+    if (symbol == kZeroDigitSymbol) {
+        UChar32 sym = value.char32At(0);
+        if ( propogateDigits && u_charDigitValue(sym) == 0 && value.countChar32() == 1 ) {
+            fCodePointZero = sym;
+            for ( int8_t i = 1 ; i<= 9 ; i++ ) {
+                sym++;
+                fSymbols[(int)kOneDigitSymbol+i-1] = UnicodeString(sym);
+            }
+        } else {
+            fCodePointZero = -1;
+        }
+    } else if (symbol >= kOneDigitSymbol && symbol <= kNineDigitSymbol) {
+        fCodePointZero = -1;
+    }
+// -------------------------------------
+inline Locale
+DecimalFormatSymbols::getLocale() const {
+    return locale;
+inline const char16_t*
+DecimalFormatSymbols::getCurrencyPattern() const {
+    return currPattern;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _DCFMTSYM
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/decimfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/decimfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33ec80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/decimfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2209 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*   03/20/97    clhuang     Updated per C++ implementation.
+*   04/03/97    aliu        Rewrote parsing and formatting completely, and
+*                           cleaned up and debugged.  Actually works now.
+*   04/17/97    aliu        Changed DigitCount to int per code review.
+*   07/10/97    helena      Made ParsePosition a class and get rid of the function
+*                           hiding problems.
+*   09/09/97    aliu        Ported over support for exponential formats.
+*   07/20/98    stephen     Changed documentation
+*   01/30/13    emmons      Added Scaling methods
+#ifndef DECIMFMT_H
+#define DECIMFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Compatibility APIs for decimal formatting.
+ */
+#include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/fpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/curramt.h"
+#include "unicode/enumset.h"
+class CurrencyPluralInfo;
+class CompactDecimalFormat;
+namespace number {
+class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
+class FormattedNumber;
+namespace impl {
+class DecimalQuantity;
+struct DecimalFormatFields;
+namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+class NumberParserImpl;
+ * **IMPORTANT:** New users are strongly encouraged to see if
+ * numberformatter.h fits their use case.  Although not deprecated, this header
+ * is provided for backwards compatibility only.
+ *
+ * DecimalFormat is a concrete subclass of NumberFormat that formats decimal
+ * numbers. It has a variety of features designed to make it possible to parse
+ * and format numbers in any locale, including support for Western, Arabic, or
+ * Indic digits.  It also supports different flavors of numbers, including
+ * integers ("123"), fixed-point numbers ("123.4"), scientific notation
+ * ("1.23E4"), percentages ("12%"), and currency amounts ("$123", "USD123",
+ * "123 US dollars").  All of these flavors can be easily localized.
+ *
+ * To obtain a NumberFormat for a specific locale (including the default
+ * locale) call one of NumberFormat's factory methods such as
+ * createInstance(). Do not call the DecimalFormat constructors directly, unless
+ * you know what you are doing, since the NumberFormat factory methods may
+ * return subclasses other than DecimalFormat.
+ *
+ * **Example Usage**
+ *
+ * \code
+ *     // Normally we would have a GUI with a menu for this
+ *     int32_t locCount;
+ *     const Locale* locales = NumberFormat::getAvailableLocales(locCount);
+ *
+ *     double myNumber = -1234.56;
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     NumberFormat* form;
+ *
+ *     // Print out a number with the localized number, currency and percent
+ *     // format for each locale.
+ *     UnicodeString countryName;
+ *     UnicodeString displayName;
+ *     UnicodeString str;
+ *     UnicodeString pattern;
+ *     Formattable fmtable;
+ *     for (int32_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ *         cout << endl << "FORMAT " << j << endl;
+ *         for (int32_t i = 0; i < locCount; ++i) {
+ *             if (locales[i].getCountry(countryName).size() == 0) {
+ *                 // skip language-only
+ *                 continue;
+ *             }
+ *             switch (j) {
+ *             case 0:
+ *                 form = NumberFormat::createInstance(locales[i], success ); break;
+ *             case 1:
+ *                 form = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(locales[i], success ); break;
+ *             default:
+ *                 form = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance(locales[i], success ); break;
+ *             }
+ *             if (form) {
+ *                 str.remove();
+ *                 pattern = ((DecimalFormat*)form)->toPattern(pattern);
+ *                 cout << locales[i].getDisplayName(displayName) << ": " << pattern;
+ *                 cout << "  ->  " << form->format(myNumber,str) << endl;
+ *                 form->parse(form->format(myNumber,str), fmtable, success);
+ *                 delete form;
+ *             }
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * **Another example use createInstance(style)**
+ *
+ * \code
+ * // Print out a number using the localized number, currency,
+ * // percent, scientific, integer, iso currency, and plural currency
+ * // format for each locale</strong>
+ * Locale* locale = new Locale("en", "US");
+ * double myNumber = 1234.56;
+ * UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UnicodeString str;
+ * Formattable fmtable;
+ * for (int j=NumberFormat::kNumberStyle;
+ *      j<=NumberFormat::kPluralCurrencyStyle;
+ *      ++j) {
+ *     NumberFormat* form = NumberFormat::createInstance(locale, j, success);
+ *     str.remove();
+ *     cout << "format result " << form->format(myNumber, str) << endl;
+ *     format->parse(form->format(myNumber, str), fmtable, success);
+ *     delete form;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Patterns</strong>
+ *
+ * <p>A DecimalFormat consists of a <em>pattern</em> and a set of
+ * <em>symbols</em>.  The pattern may be set directly using
+ * applyPattern(), or indirectly using other API methods which
+ * manipulate aspects of the pattern, such as the minimum number of integer
+ * digits.  The symbols are stored in a DecimalFormatSymbols
+ * object.  When using the NumberFormat factory methods, the
+ * pattern and symbols are read from ICU's locale data.
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Special Pattern Characters</strong>
+ *
+ * <p>Many characters in a pattern are taken literally; they are matched during
+ * parsing and output unchanged during formatting.  Special characters, on the
+ * other hand, stand for other characters, strings, or classes of characters.
+ * For example, the '#' character is replaced by a localized digit.  Often the
+ * replacement character is the same as the pattern character; in the U.S. locale,
+ * the ',' grouping character is replaced by ','.  However, the replacement is
+ * still happening, and if the symbols are modified, the grouping character
+ * changes.  Some special characters affect the behavior of the formatter by
+ * their presence; for example, if the percent character is seen, then the
+ * value is multiplied by 100 before being displayed.
+ *
+ * <p>To insert a special character in a pattern as a literal, that is, without
+ * any special meaning, the character must be quoted.  There are some exceptions to
+ * this which are noted below.
+ *
+ * <p>The characters listed here are used in non-localized patterns.  Localized
+ * patterns use the corresponding characters taken from this formatter's
+ * DecimalFormatSymbols object instead, and these characters lose
+ * their special status.  Two exceptions are the currency sign and quote, which
+ * are not localized.
+ *
+ * <table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0>
+ *   <tr bgcolor="#ccccff">
+ *     <td align=left><strong>Symbol</strong>
+ *     <td align=left><strong>Location</strong>
+ *     <td align=left><strong>Localized?</strong>
+ *     <td align=left><strong>Meaning</strong>
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>0</code>
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Digit
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>1-9</code>
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>'1' through '9' indicate rounding.
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>\htmlonly&#x40;\endhtmlonly</code> <!--doxygen doesn't like @-->
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>No
+ *     <td>Significant digit
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>#</code>
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Digit, zero shows as absent
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>.</code>
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Decimal separator or monetary decimal separator
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>-</code>
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Minus sign
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>,</code>
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Grouping separator
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>E</code>
+ *     <td>Number
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Separates mantissa and exponent in scientific notation.
+ *         <em>Need not be quoted in prefix or suffix.</em>
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>+</code>
+ *     <td>Exponent
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Prefix positive exponents with localized plus sign.
+ *         <em>Need not be quoted in prefix or suffix.</em>
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>;</code>
+ *     <td>Subpattern boundary
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Separates positive and negative subpatterns
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>\%</code>
+ *     <td>Prefix or suffix
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Multiply by 100 and show as percentage
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>\\u2030</code>
+ *     <td>Prefix or suffix
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Multiply by 1000 and show as per mille
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>\htmlonly&curren;\endhtmlonly</code> (<code>\\u00A4</code>)
+ *     <td>Prefix or suffix
+ *     <td>No
+ *     <td>Currency sign, replaced by currency symbol.  If
+ *         doubled, replaced by international currency symbol.
+ *         If tripled, replaced by currency plural names, for example,
+ *         "US dollar" or "US dollars" for America.
+ *         If present in a pattern, the monetary decimal separator
+ *         is used instead of the decimal separator.
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>'</code>
+ *     <td>Prefix or suffix
+ *     <td>No
+ *     <td>Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix,
+ *         for example, <code>"'#'#"</code> formats 123 to
+ *         <code>"#123"</code>.  To create a single quote
+ *         itself, use two in a row: <code>"# o''clock"</code>.
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>*</code>
+ *     <td>Prefix or suffix boundary
+ *     <td>Yes
+ *     <td>Pad escape, precedes pad character
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>A DecimalFormat pattern contains a positive and negative
+ * subpattern, for example, "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)".  Each subpattern has a
+ * prefix, a numeric part, and a suffix.  If there is no explicit negative
+ * subpattern, the negative subpattern is the localized minus sign prefixed to the
+ * positive subpattern. That is, "0.00" alone is equivalent to "0.00;-0.00".  If there
+ * is an explicit negative subpattern, it serves only to specify the negative
+ * prefix and suffix; the number of digits, minimal digits, and other
+ * characteristics are ignored in the negative subpattern. That means that
+ * "#,##0.0#;(#)" has precisely the same result as "#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)".
+ *
+ * <p>The prefixes, suffixes, and various symbols used for infinity, digits,
+ * thousands separators, decimal separators, etc. may be set to arbitrary
+ * values, and they will appear properly during formatting.  However, care must
+ * be taken that the symbols and strings do not conflict, or parsing will be
+ * unreliable.  For example, either the positive and negative prefixes or the
+ * suffixes must be distinct for parse() to be able
+ * to distinguish positive from negative values.  Another example is that the
+ * decimal separator and thousands separator should be distinct characters, or
+ * parsing will be impossible.
+ *
+ * <p>The <em>grouping separator</em> is a character that separates clusters of
+ * integer digits to make large numbers more legible.  It commonly used for
+ * thousands, but in some locales it separates ten-thousands.  The <em>grouping
+ * size</em> is the number of digits between the grouping separators, such as 3
+ * for "100,000,000" or 4 for "1 0000 0000". There are actually two different
+ * grouping sizes: One used for the least significant integer digits, the
+ * <em>primary grouping size</em>, and one used for all others, the
+ * <em>secondary grouping size</em>.  In most locales these are the same, but
+ * sometimes they are different. For example, if the primary grouping interval
+ * is 3, and the secondary is 2, then this corresponds to the pattern
+ * "#,##,##0", and the number 123456789 is formatted as "12,34,56,789".  If a
+ * pattern contains multiple grouping separators, the interval between the last
+ * one and the end of the integer defines the primary grouping size, and the
+ * interval between the last two defines the secondary grouping size. All others
+ * are ignored, so "#,##,###,####" == "###,###,####" == "##,#,###,####".
+ *
+ * <p>Illegal patterns, such as "#.#.#" or "#.###,###", will cause
+ * DecimalFormat to set a failing UErrorCode.
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Pattern BNF</strong>
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * pattern    := subpattern (';' subpattern)?
+ * subpattern := prefix? number exponent? suffix?
+ * number     := (integer ('.' fraction)?) | sigDigits
+ * prefix     := '\\u0000'..'\\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
+ * suffix     := '\\u0000'..'\\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
+ * integer    := '#'* '0'* '0'
+ * fraction   := '0'* '#'*
+ * sigDigits  := '#'* '@' '@'* '#'*
+ * exponent   := 'E' '+'? '0'* '0'
+ * padSpec    := '*' padChar
+ * padChar    := '\\u0000'..'\\uFFFD' - quote
+ * &nbsp;
+ * Notation:
+ *   X*       0 or more instances of X
+ *   X?       0 or 1 instances of X
+ *   X|Y      either X or Y
+ *   C..D     any character from C up to D, inclusive
+ *   S-T      characters in S, except those in T
+ * </pre>
+ * The first subpattern is for positive numbers. The second (optional)
+ * subpattern is for negative numbers.
+ *
+ * <p>Not indicated in the BNF syntax above:
+ *
+ * <ul><li>The grouping separator ',' can occur inside the integer and
+ * sigDigits elements, between any two pattern characters of that
+ * element, as long as the integer or sigDigits element is not
+ * followed by the exponent element.
+ *
+ * <li>Two grouping intervals are recognized: That between the
+ *     decimal point and the first grouping symbol, and that
+ *     between the first and second grouping symbols. These
+ *     intervals are identical in most locales, but in some
+ *     locales they differ. For example, the pattern
+ *     &quot;#,##,###&quot; formats the number 123456789 as
+ *     &quot;12,34,56,789&quot;.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>The pad specifier <code>padSpec</code> may appear before the prefix,
+ * after the prefix, before the suffix, after the suffix, or not at all.
+ *
+ * <li>In place of '0', the digits '1' through '9' may be used to
+ * indicate a rounding increment.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Parsing</strong>
+ *
+ * <p>DecimalFormat parses all Unicode characters that represent
+ * decimal digits, as defined by u_charDigitValue().  In addition,
+ * DecimalFormat also recognizes as digits the ten consecutive
+ * characters starting with the localized zero digit defined in the
+ * DecimalFormatSymbols object.  During formatting, the
+ * DecimalFormatSymbols-based digits are output.
+ *
+ * <p>During parsing, grouping separators are ignored if in lenient mode;
+ * otherwise, if present, they must be in appropriate positions.
+ *
+ * <p>For currency parsing, the formatter is able to parse every currency
+ * style formats no matter which style the formatter is constructed with.
+ * For example, a formatter instance gotten from
+ * NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale, NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE) can parse
+ * formats such as "USD1.00" and "3.00 US dollars".
+ *
+ * <p>If parse(UnicodeString&,Formattable&,ParsePosition&)
+ * fails to parse a string, it leaves the parse position unchanged.
+ * The convenience method parse(UnicodeString&,Formattable&,UErrorCode&)
+ * indicates parse failure by setting a failing
+ * UErrorCode.
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Formatting</strong>
+ *
+ * <p>Formatting is guided by several parameters, all of which can be
+ * specified either using a pattern or using the API.  The following
+ * description applies to formats that do not use <a href="#sci">scientific
+ * notation</a> or <a href="#sigdig">significant digits</a>.
+ *
+ * <ul><li>If the number of actual integer digits exceeds the
+ * <em>maximum integer digits</em>, then only the least significant
+ * digits are shown.  For example, 1997 is formatted as "97" if the
+ * maximum integer digits is set to 2.
+ *
+ * <li>If the number of actual integer digits is less than the
+ * <em>minimum integer digits</em>, then leading zeros are added.  For
+ * example, 1997 is formatted as "01997" if the minimum integer digits
+ * is set to 5.
+ *
+ * <li>If the number of actual fraction digits exceeds the <em>maximum
+ * fraction digits</em>, then rounding is performed to the
+ * maximum fraction digits.  For example, 0.125 is formatted as "0.12"
+ * if the maximum fraction digits is 2.  This behavior can be changed
+ * by specifying a rounding increment and/or a rounding mode.
+ *
+ * <li>If the number of actual fraction digits is less than the
+ * <em>minimum fraction digits</em>, then trailing zeros are added.
+ * For example, 0.125 is formatted as "0.1250" if the minimum fraction
+ * digits is set to 4.
+ *
+ * <li>Trailing fractional zeros are not displayed if they occur
+ * <em>j</em> positions after the decimal, where <em>j</em> is less
+ * than the maximum fraction digits. For example, 0.10004 is
+ * formatted as "0.1" if the maximum fraction digits is four or less.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Special Values</strong>
+ *
+ * <p><code>NaN</code> is represented as a single character, typically
+ * <code>\\uFFFD</code>.  This character is determined by the
+ * DecimalFormatSymbols object.  This is the only value for which
+ * the prefixes and suffixes are not used.
+ *
+ * <p>Infinity is represented as a single character, typically
+ * <code>\\u221E</code>, with the positive or negative prefixes and suffixes
+ * applied.  The infinity character is determined by the
+ * DecimalFormatSymbols object.
+ *
+ * <a name="sci"><strong>Scientific Notation</strong></a>
+ *
+ * <p>Numbers in scientific notation are expressed as the product of a mantissa
+ * and a power of ten, for example, 1234 can be expressed as 1.234 x 10<sup>3</sup>. The
+ * mantissa is typically in the half-open interval [1.0, 10.0) or sometimes [0.0, 1.0),
+ * but it need not be.  DecimalFormat supports arbitrary mantissas.
+ * DecimalFormat can be instructed to use scientific
+ * notation through the API or through the pattern.  In a pattern, the exponent
+ * character immediately followed by one or more digit characters indicates
+ * scientific notation.  Example: "0.###E0" formats the number 1234 as
+ * "1.234E3".
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>The number of digit characters after the exponent character gives the
+ * minimum exponent digit count.  There is no maximum.  Negative exponents are
+ * formatted using the localized minus sign, <em>not</em> the prefix and suffix
+ * from the pattern.  This allows patterns such as "0.###E0 m/s".  To prefix
+ * positive exponents with a localized plus sign, specify '+' between the
+ * exponent and the digits: "0.###E+0" will produce formats "1E+1", "1E+0",
+ * "1E-1", etc.  (In localized patterns, use the localized plus sign rather than
+ * '+'.)
+ *
+ * <li>The minimum number of integer digits is achieved by adjusting the
+ * exponent.  Example: 0.00123 formatted with "00.###E0" yields "12.3E-4".  This
+ * only happens if there is no maximum number of integer digits.  If there is a
+ * maximum, then the minimum number of integer digits is fixed at one.
+ *
+ * <li>The maximum number of integer digits, if present, specifies the exponent
+ * grouping.  The most common use of this is to generate <em>engineering
+ * notation</em>, in which the exponent is a multiple of three, e.g.,
+ * "##0.###E0".  The number 12345 is formatted using "##0.####E0" as "12.345E3".
+ *
+ * <li>When using scientific notation, the formatter controls the
+ * digit counts using significant digits logic.  The maximum number of
+ * significant digits limits the total number of integer and fraction
+ * digits that will be shown in the mantissa; it does not affect
+ * parsing.  For example, 12345 formatted with "##0.##E0" is "12.3E3".
+ * See the section on significant digits for more details.
+ *
+ * <li>The number of significant digits shown is determined as
+ * follows: If areSignificantDigitsUsed() returns false, then the
+ * minimum number of significant digits shown is one, and the maximum
+ * number of significant digits shown is the sum of the <em>minimum
+ * integer</em> and <em>maximum fraction</em> digits, and is
+ * unaffected by the maximum integer digits.  If this sum is zero,
+ * then all significant digits are shown.  If
+ * areSignificantDigitsUsed() returns true, then the significant digit
+ * counts are specified by getMinimumSignificantDigits() and
+ * getMaximumSignificantDigits().  In this case, the number of
+ * integer digits is fixed at one, and there is no exponent grouping.
+ *
+ * <li>Exponential patterns may not contain grouping separators.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <a name="sigdig"><strong>Significant Digits</strong></a>
+ *
+ * <code>DecimalFormat</code> has two ways of controlling how many
+ * digits are shows: (a) significant digits counts, or (b) integer and
+ * fraction digit counts.  Integer and fraction digit counts are
+ * described above.  When a formatter is using significant digits
+ * counts, the number of integer and fraction digits is not specified
+ * directly, and the formatter settings for these counts are ignored.
+ * Instead, the formatter uses however many integer and fraction
+ * digits are required to display the specified number of significant
+ * digits.  Examples:
+ *
+ * <table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0>
+ *   <tr bgcolor="#ccccff">
+ *     <td align=left>Pattern
+ *     <td align=left>Minimum significant digits
+ *     <td align=left>Maximum significant digits
+ *     <td align=left>Number
+ *     <td align=left>Output of format()
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>\@\@\@</code>
+ *     <td>3
+ *     <td>3
+ *     <td>12345
+ *     <td><code>12300</code>
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>\@\@\@</code>
+ *     <td>3
+ *     <td>3
+ *     <td>0.12345
+ *     <td><code>0.123</code>
+ *   <tr valign=top>
+ *     <td><code>\@\@##</code>
+ *     <td>2
+ *     <td>4
+ *     <td>3.14159
+ *     <td><code>3.142</code>
+ *   <tr valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeff">
+ *     <td><code>\@\@##</code>
+ *     <td>2
+ *     <td>4
+ *     <td>1.23004
+ *     <td><code>1.23</code>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Significant digit counts may be expressed using patterns that
+ * specify a minimum and maximum number of significant digits.  These
+ * are indicated by the <code>'@'</code> and <code>'#'</code>
+ * characters.  The minimum number of significant digits is the number
+ * of <code>'@'</code> characters.  The maximum number of significant
+ * digits is the number of <code>'@'</code> characters plus the number
+ * of <code>'#'</code> characters following on the right.  For
+ * example, the pattern <code>"@@@"</code> indicates exactly 3
+ * significant digits.  The pattern <code>"@##"</code> indicates from
+ * 1 to 3 significant digits.  Trailing zero digits to the right of
+ * the decimal separator are suppressed after the minimum number of
+ * significant digits have been shown.  For example, the pattern
+ * <code>"@##"</code> formats the number 0.1203 as
+ * <code>"0.12"</code>.
+ *
+ * <li>If a pattern uses significant digits, it may not contain a
+ * decimal separator, nor the <code>'0'</code> pattern character.
+ * Patterns such as <code>"@00"</code> or <code>"@.###"</code> are
+ * disallowed.
+ *
+ * <li>Any number of <code>'#'</code> characters may be prepended to
+ * the left of the leftmost <code>'@'</code> character.  These have no
+ * effect on the minimum and maximum significant digits counts, but
+ * may be used to position grouping separators.  For example,
+ * <code>"#,#@#"</code> indicates a minimum of one significant digits,
+ * a maximum of two significant digits, and a grouping size of three.
+ *
+ * <li>In order to enable significant digits formatting, use a pattern
+ * containing the <code>'@'</code> pattern character.  Alternatively,
+ * call setSignificantDigitsUsed(TRUE).
+ *
+ * <li>In order to disable significant digits formatting, use a
+ * pattern that does not contain the <code>'@'</code> pattern
+ * character. Alternatively, call setSignificantDigitsUsed(FALSE).
+ *
+ * <li>The number of significant digits has no effect on parsing.
+ *
+ * <li>Significant digits may be used together with exponential notation. Such
+ * patterns are equivalent to a normal exponential pattern with a minimum and
+ * maximum integer digit count of one, a minimum fraction digit count of
+ * <code>getMinimumSignificantDigits() - 1</code>, and a maximum fraction digit
+ * count of <code>getMaximumSignificantDigits() - 1</code>. For example, the
+ * pattern <code>"@@###E0"</code> is equivalent to <code>"0.0###E0"</code>.
+ *
+ * <li>If significant digits are in use, then the integer and fraction
+ * digit counts, as set via the API, are ignored.  If significant
+ * digits are not in use, then the significant digit counts, as set via
+ * the API, are ignored.
+ *
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Padding</strong>
+ *
+ * <p>DecimalFormat supports padding the result of
+ * format() to a specific width.  Padding may be specified either
+ * through the API or through the pattern syntax.  In a pattern the pad escape
+ * character, followed by a single pad character, causes padding to be parsed
+ * and formatted.  The pad escape character is '*' in unlocalized patterns, and
+ * can be localized using DecimalFormatSymbols::setSymbol() with a
+ * DecimalFormatSymbols::kPadEscapeSymbol
+ * selector.  For example, <code>"$*x#,##0.00"</code> formats 123 to
+ * <code>"$xx123.00"</code>, and 1234 to <code>"$1,234.00"</code>.
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>When padding is in effect, the width of the positive subpattern,
+ * including prefix and suffix, determines the format width.  For example, in
+ * the pattern <code>"* #0 o''clock"</code>, the format width is 10.
+ *
+ * <li>The width is counted in 16-bit code units (char16_ts).
+ *
+ * <li>Some parameters which usually do not matter have meaning when padding is
+ * used, because the pattern width is significant with padding.  In the pattern
+ * "* ##,##,#,##0.##", the format width is 14.  The initial characters "##,##,"
+ * do not affect the grouping size or maximum integer digits, but they do affect
+ * the format width.
+ *
+ * <li>Padding may be inserted at one of four locations: before the prefix,
+ * after the prefix, before the suffix, or after the suffix.  If padding is
+ * specified in any other location, applyPattern()
+ * sets a failing UErrorCode.  If there is no prefix,
+ * before the prefix and after the prefix are equivalent, likewise for the
+ * suffix.
+ *
+ * <li>When specified in a pattern, the 32-bit code point immediately
+ * following the pad escape is the pad character. This may be any character,
+ * including a special pattern character. That is, the pad escape
+ * <em>escapes</em> the following character. If there is no character after
+ * the pad escape, then the pattern is illegal.
+ *
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Rounding</strong>
+ *
+ * <p>DecimalFormat supports rounding to a specific increment.  For
+ * example, 1230 rounded to the nearest 50 is 1250.  1.234 rounded to the
+ * nearest 0.65 is 1.3.  The rounding increment may be specified through the API
+ * or in a pattern.  To specify a rounding increment in a pattern, include the
+ * increment in the pattern itself.  "#,#50" specifies a rounding increment of
+ * 50.  "#,##0.05" specifies a rounding increment of 0.05.
+ *
+ * <p>In the absence of an explicit rounding increment numbers are
+ * rounded to their formatted width.
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Rounding only affects the string produced by formatting.  It does
+ * not affect parsing or change any numerical values.
+ *
+ * <li>A <em>rounding mode</em> determines how values are rounded; see
+ * DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode.  The default rounding mode is
+ * DecimalFormat::kRoundHalfEven.  The rounding mode can only be set
+ * through the API; it can not be set with a pattern.
+ *
+ * <li>Some locales use rounding in their currency formats to reflect the
+ * smallest currency denomination.
+ *
+ * <li>In a pattern, digits '1' through '9' specify rounding, but otherwise
+ * behave identically to digit '0'.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Synchronization</strong>
+ *
+ * <p>DecimalFormat objects are not synchronized.  Multiple
+ * threads should not access one formatter concurrently.
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Subclassing</strong>
+ *
+ * <p><em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
+ * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
+ * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API DecimalFormat : public NumberFormat {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Pad position.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    enum EPadPosition {
+        kPadBeforePrefix, kPadAfterPrefix, kPadBeforeSuffix, kPadAfterSuffix
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create a DecimalFormat using the default pattern and symbols
+     * for the default locale. This is a convenient way to obtain a
+     * DecimalFormat when internationalization is not the main concern.
+     * <P>
+     * To obtain standard formats for a given locale, use the factory methods
+     * on NumberFormat such as createInstance. These factories will
+     * return the most appropriate sub-class of NumberFormat for a given
+     * locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * #icu::number::NumberFormatter instead of DecimalFormat.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code. If the
+     *                  pattern is invalid this will be set to a failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and the symbols
+     * for the default locale. This is a convenient way to obtain a
+     * DecimalFormat when internationalization is not the main concern.
+     * <P>
+     * To obtain standard formats for a given locale, use the factory methods
+     * on NumberFormat such as createInstance. These factories will
+     * return the most appropriate sub-class of NumberFormat for a given
+     * locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * #icu::number::NumberFormatter instead of DecimalFormat.
+     * @param pattern   A non-localized pattern string.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code. If the
+     *                  pattern is invalid this will be set to a failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and symbols.
+     * Use this constructor when you need to completely customize the
+     * behavior of the format.
+     * <P>
+     * To obtain standard formats for a given
+     * locale, use the factory methods on NumberFormat such as
+     * createInstance or createCurrencyInstance. If you need only minor adjustments
+     * to a standard format, you can modify the format returned by
+     * a NumberFormat factory method.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * #icu::number::NumberFormatter instead of DecimalFormat.
+     *
+     * @param pattern           a non-localized pattern string
+     * @param symbolsToAdopt    the set of symbols to be used.  The caller should not
+     *                          delete this object after making this call.
+     * @param status            Output param set to success/failure code. If the
+     *                          pattern is invalid this will be set to a failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * This API is for ICU use only.
+     * Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern, symbols, and style.
+     *
+     * @param pattern           a non-localized pattern string
+     * @param symbolsToAdopt    the set of symbols to be used.  The caller should not
+     *                          delete this object after making this call.
+     * @param style             style of decimal format
+     * @param status            Output param set to success/failure code. If the
+     *                          pattern is invalid this will be set to a failure code.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt,
+                  UNumberFormatStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void setParseAllInput(UNumberFormatAttributeValue value);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+  private:
+    /**
+     * Internal constructor for DecimalFormat; sets up internal fields. All public constructors should
+     * call this constructor.
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(const DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Set an integer attribute on this DecimalFormat.
+     * May return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR if this instance does not support
+     * the specified attribute.
+     * @param attr the attribute to set
+     * @param newValue new value
+     * @param status the error type
+     * @return *this - for chaining (example: format.setAttribute(...).setAttribute(...) )
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    virtual DecimalFormat& setAttribute(UNumberFormatAttribute attr, int32_t newValue, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get an integer
+     * May return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR if this instance does not support
+     * the specified attribute.
+     * @param attr the attribute to set
+     * @param status the error type
+     * @return the attribute value. Undefined if there is an error.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getAttribute(UNumberFormatAttribute attr, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Set whether or not grouping will be used in this format.
+     * @param newValue    True, grouping will be used in this format.
+     * @see getGroupingUsed
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    void setGroupingUsed(UBool newValue) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Sets whether or not numbers should be parsed as integers only.
+     * @param value    set True, this format will parse numbers as integers
+     *                 only.
+     * @see isParseIntegerOnly
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    void setParseIntegerOnly(UBool value) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Sets whether lenient parsing should be enabled (it is off by default).
+     *
+     * @param enable \c TRUE if lenient parsing should be used,
+     *               \c FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    void setLenient(UBool enable) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and symbols.
+     * Use this constructor when you need to completely customize the
+     * behavior of the format.
+     * <P>
+     * To obtain standard formats for a given
+     * locale, use the factory methods on NumberFormat such as
+     * createInstance or createCurrencyInstance. If you need only minor adjustments
+     * to a standard format, you can modify the format returned by
+     * a NumberFormat factory method.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * #icu::number::NumberFormatter instead of DecimalFormat.
+     *
+     * @param pattern           a non-localized pattern string
+     * @param symbolsToAdopt    the set of symbols to be used.  The caller should not
+     *                          delete this object after making this call.
+     * @param parseError        Output param to receive errors occurred during parsing
+     * @param status            Output param set to success/failure code. If the
+     *                          pattern is invalid this will be set to a failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt,
+                  UParseError& parseError, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and symbols.
+     * Use this constructor when you need to completely customize the
+     * behavior of the format.
+     * <P>
+     * To obtain standard formats for a given
+     * locale, use the factory methods on NumberFormat such as
+     * createInstance or createCurrencyInstance. If you need only minor adjustments
+     * to a standard format, you can modify the format returned by
+     * a NumberFormat factory method.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * #icu::number::NumberFormatter instead of DecimalFormat.
+     *
+     * @param pattern           a non-localized pattern string
+     * @param symbols   the set of symbols to be used
+     * @param status            Output param set to success/failure code. If the
+     *                          pattern is invalid this will be set to a failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     *
+     * @param source    the DecimalFormat object to be copied from.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat(const DecimalFormat& source);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     *
+     * @param rhs    the DecimalFormat object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat& operator=(const DecimalFormat& rhs);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ~DecimalFormat() U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Clone this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the
+     * result and should delete it when done.
+     *
+     * @return    a polymorphic copy of this DecimalFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DecimalFormat* clone() const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     *
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const Format& other) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    using NumberFormat::format;
+    /**
+     * Format a double or long number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(double number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format a double or long number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(double number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Format a double or long number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(double number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format a long number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(int32_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format a long number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(int32_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Format a long number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(int32_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number using base-10 representation.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format a decimal number.
+     * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string"
+     * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     *
+     * @param number    The unformatted number, as a string.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(StringPiece number, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format a decimal number.
+     * The number is a DecimalQuantity wrapper onto a floating point decimal number.
+     * The default implementation in NumberFormat converts the decimal number
+     * to a double and formats that.
+     *
+     * @param number    The number, a DecimalQuantity format Decimal Floating Point.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const number::impl::DecimalQuantity& number, UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPositionIterator* posIter, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Format a decimal number.
+     * The number is a DecimalQuantity wrapper onto a floating point decimal number.
+     * The default implementation in NumberFormat converts the decimal number
+     * to a double and formats that.
+     *
+     * @param number    The number, a DecimalQuantity format Decimal Floating Point.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const number::impl::DecimalQuantity& number, UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition& pos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    using NumberFormat::parse;
+    /**
+     * Parse the given string using this object's choices. The method
+     * does string comparisons to try to find an optimal match.
+     * If no object can be parsed, index is unchanged, and NULL is
+     * returned.  The result is returned as the most parsimonious
+     * type of Formattable that will accommodate all of the
+     * necessary precision.  For example, if the result is exactly 12,
+     * it will be returned as a long.  However, if it is 1.5, it will
+     * be returned as a double.
+     *
+     * @param text           The text to be parsed.
+     * @param result         Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                       If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param parsePosition  The position to start parsing at on input.
+     *                       On output, moved to after the last successfully
+     *                       parse character. On parse failure, does not change.
+     * @see Formattable
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void parse(const UnicodeString& text, Formattable& result,
+               ParsePosition& parsePosition) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Parses text from the given string as a currency amount.  Unlike
+     * the parse() method, this method will attempt to parse a generic
+     * currency name, searching for a match of this object's locale's
+     * currency display names, or for a 3-letter ISO currency code.
+     * This method will fail if this format is not a currency format,
+     * that is, if it does not contain the currency pattern symbol
+     * (U+00A4) in its prefix or suffix.
+     *
+     * @param text the string to parse
+     * @param pos  input-output position; on input, the position within text
+     *             to match; must have 0 <= pos.getIndex() < text.length();
+     *             on output, the position after the last matched character.
+     *             If the parse fails, the position in unchanged upon output.
+     * @return     if parse succeeds, a pointer to a newly-created CurrencyAmount
+     *             object (owned by the caller) containing information about
+     *             the parsed currency; if parse fails, this is NULL.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    CurrencyAmount* parseCurrency(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Returns the decimal format symbols, which is generally not changed
+     * by the programmer or user.
+     * @return desired DecimalFormatSymbols
+     * @see DecimalFormatSymbols
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const DecimalFormatSymbols* getDecimalFormatSymbols(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the decimal format symbols, which is generally not changed
+     * by the programmer or user.
+     * @param symbolsToAdopt DecimalFormatSymbols to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the decimal format symbols, which is generally not changed
+     * by the programmer or user.
+     * @param symbols DecimalFormatSymbols.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setDecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols);
+    /**
+     * Returns the currency plural format information,
+     * which is generally not changed by the programmer or user.
+     * @return desired CurrencyPluralInfo
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual const CurrencyPluralInfo* getCurrencyPluralInfo(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the currency plural format information,
+     * which is generally not changed by the programmer or user.
+     * @param toAdopt CurrencyPluralInfo to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual void adoptCurrencyPluralInfo(CurrencyPluralInfo* toAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the currency plural format information,
+     * which is generally not changed by the programmer or user.
+     * @param info Currency Plural Info.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual void setCurrencyPluralInfo(const CurrencyPluralInfo& info);
+    /**
+     * Get the positive prefix.
+     *
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the positive prefix.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * Examples: +123, $123, sFr123
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getPositivePrefix(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the positive prefix.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the the positive prefix to be set.
+     * Examples: +123, $123, sFr123
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setPositivePrefix(const UnicodeString& newValue);
+    /**
+     * Get the negative prefix.
+     *
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the negative prefix.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * Examples: -123, ($123) (with negative suffix), sFr-123
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getNegativePrefix(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the negative prefix.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the the negative prefix to be set.
+     * Examples: -123, ($123) (with negative suffix), sFr-123
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setNegativePrefix(const UnicodeString& newValue);
+    /**
+     * Get the positive suffix.
+     *
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the positive suffix.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * Example: 123%
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getPositiveSuffix(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the positive suffix.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the positive suffix to be set.
+     * Example: 123%
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setPositiveSuffix(const UnicodeString& newValue);
+    /**
+     * Get the negative suffix.
+     *
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the negative suffix.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * Examples: -123%, ($123) (with positive suffixes)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getNegativeSuffix(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the negative suffix.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the negative suffix to be set.
+     * Examples: 123%
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setNegativeSuffix(const UnicodeString& newValue);
+    /**
+     * Whether to show the plus sign on positive (non-negative) numbers; for example, "+12"
+     *
+     * For more control over sign display, use NumberFormatter.
+     *
+     * @return Whether the sign is shown on positive numbers and zero.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    UBool isSignAlwaysShown() const;
+    /**
+     * Set whether to show the plus sign on positive (non-negative) numbers; for example, "+12".
+     *
+     * For more control over sign display, use NumberFormatter.
+     *
+     * @param value true to always show a sign; false to hide the sign on positive numbers and zero.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void setSignAlwaysShown(UBool value);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Get the multiplier for use in percent, permill, etc.
+     * For a percentage, set the suffixes to have "%" and the multiplier to be 100.
+     * (For Arabic, use arabic percent symbol).
+     * For a permill, set the suffixes to have "\\u2031" and the multiplier to be 1000.
+     *
+     * The number may also be multiplied by a power of ten; see getMultiplierScale().
+     *
+     * @return    the multiplier for use in percent, permill, etc.
+     * Examples: with 100, 1.23 -> "123", and "123" -> 1.23
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMultiplier(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the multiplier for use in percent, permill, etc.
+     * For a percentage, set the suffixes to have "%" and the multiplier to be 100.
+     * (For Arabic, use arabic percent symbol).
+     * For a permill, set the suffixes to have "\\u2031" and the multiplier to be 1000.
+     *
+     * This method only supports integer multipliers. To multiply by a non-integer, pair this
+     * method with setMultiplierScale().
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the multiplier for use in percent, permill, etc.
+     * Examples: with 100, 1.23 -> "123", and "123" -> 1.23
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMultiplier(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Gets the power of ten by which number should be multiplied before formatting, which
+     * can be combined with setMultiplier() to multiply by any arbitrary decimal value.
+     *
+     * A multiplier scale of 2 corresponds to multiplication by 100, and a multiplier scale
+     * of -2 corresponds to multiplication by 0.01.
+     *
+     * This method is analogous to UNUM_SCALE in getAttribute.
+     *
+     * @return    the current value of the power-of-ten multiplier.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    int32_t getMultiplierScale(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets a power of ten by which number should be multiplied before formatting, which
+     * can be combined with setMultiplier() to multiply by any arbitrary decimal value.
+     *
+     * A multiplier scale of 2 corresponds to multiplication by 100, and a multiplier scale
+     * of -2 corresponds to multiplication by 0.01.
+     *
+     * For example, to multiply numbers by 0.5 before formatting, you can do:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * df.setMultiplier(5);
+     * df.setMultiplierScale(-1);
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * This method is analogous to UNUM_SCALE in setAttribute.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the power-of-ten multiplier.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    void setMultiplierScale(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Get the rounding increment.
+     * @return A positive rounding increment, or 0.0 if a custom rounding
+     * increment is not in effect.
+     * @see #setRoundingIncrement
+     * @see #getRoundingMode
+     * @see #setRoundingMode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual double getRoundingIncrement(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the rounding increment.  In the absence of a rounding increment,
+     *    numbers will be rounded to the number of digits displayed.
+     * @param newValue A positive rounding increment, or 0.0 to
+     * use the default rounding increment.
+     * Negative increments are equivalent to 0.0.
+     * @see #getRoundingIncrement
+     * @see #getRoundingMode
+     * @see #setRoundingMode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setRoundingIncrement(double newValue);
+    /**
+     * Get the rounding mode.
+     * @return A rounding mode
+     * @see #setRoundingIncrement
+     * @see #getRoundingIncrement
+     * @see #setRoundingMode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ERoundingMode getRoundingMode(void) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Set the rounding mode.
+     * @param roundingMode A rounding mode
+     * @see #setRoundingIncrement
+     * @see #getRoundingIncrement
+     * @see #getRoundingMode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setRoundingMode(ERoundingMode roundingMode) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Get the width to which the output of format() is padded.
+     * The width is counted in 16-bit code units.
+     * @return the format width, or zero if no padding is in effect
+     * @see #setFormatWidth
+     * @see #getPadCharacterString
+     * @see #setPadCharacter
+     * @see #getPadPosition
+     * @see #setPadPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getFormatWidth(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the width to which the output of format() is padded.
+     * The width is counted in 16-bit code units.
+     * This method also controls whether padding is enabled.
+     * @param width the width to which to pad the result of
+     * format(), or zero to disable padding.  A negative
+     * width is equivalent to 0.
+     * @see #getFormatWidth
+     * @see #getPadCharacterString
+     * @see #setPadCharacter
+     * @see #getPadPosition
+     * @see #setPadPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setFormatWidth(int32_t width);
+    /**
+     * Get the pad character used to pad to the format width.  The
+     * default is ' '.
+     * @return a string containing the pad character. This will always
+     * have a length of one 32-bit code point.
+     * @see #setFormatWidth
+     * @see #getFormatWidth
+     * @see #setPadCharacter
+     * @see #getPadPosition
+     * @see #setPadPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString getPadCharacterString() const;
+    /**
+     * Set the character used to pad to the format width.  If padding
+     * is not enabled, then this will take effect if padding is later
+     * enabled.
+     * @param padChar a string containing the pad character. If the string
+     * has length 0, then the pad character is set to ' '.  Otherwise
+     * padChar.char32At(0) will be used as the pad character.
+     * @see #setFormatWidth
+     * @see #getFormatWidth
+     * @see #getPadCharacterString
+     * @see #getPadPosition
+     * @see #setPadPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setPadCharacter(const UnicodeString& padChar);
+    /**
+     * Get the position at which padding will take place.  This is the location
+     * at which padding will be inserted if the result of format()
+     * is shorter than the format width.
+     * @return the pad position, one of kPadBeforePrefix,
+     * kPadAfterPrefix, kPadBeforeSuffix, or
+     * kPadAfterSuffix.
+     * @see #setFormatWidth
+     * @see #getFormatWidth
+     * @see #setPadCharacter
+     * @see #getPadCharacterString
+     * @see #setPadPosition
+     * @see #EPadPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual EPadPosition getPadPosition(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the position at which padding will take place.  This is the location
+     * at which padding will be inserted if the result of format()
+     * is shorter than the format width.  This has no effect unless padding is
+     * enabled.
+     * @param padPos the pad position, one of kPadBeforePrefix,
+     * kPadAfterPrefix, kPadBeforeSuffix, or
+     * kPadAfterSuffix.
+     * @see #setFormatWidth
+     * @see #getFormatWidth
+     * @see #setPadCharacter
+     * @see #getPadCharacterString
+     * @see #getPadPosition
+     * @see #EPadPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setPadPosition(EPadPosition padPos);
+    /**
+     * Return whether or not scientific notation is used.
+     * @return TRUE if this object formats and parses scientific notation
+     * @see #setScientificNotation
+     * @see #getMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #isExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @see #setExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool isScientificNotation(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set whether or not scientific notation is used. When scientific notation
+     * is used, the effective maximum number of integer digits is <= 8.  If the
+     * maximum number of integer digits is set to more than 8, the effective
+     * maximum will be 1.  This allows this call to generate a 'default' scientific
+     * number format without additional changes.
+     * @param useScientific TRUE if this object formats and parses scientific
+     * notation
+     * @see #isScientificNotation
+     * @see #getMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #isExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @see #setExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setScientificNotation(UBool useScientific);
+    /**
+     * Return the minimum exponent digits that will be shown.
+     * @return the minimum exponent digits that will be shown
+     * @see #setScientificNotation
+     * @see #isScientificNotation
+     * @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #isExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @see #setExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int8_t getMinimumExponentDigits(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the minimum exponent digits that will be shown.  This has no
+     * effect unless scientific notation is in use.
+     * @param minExpDig a value >= 1 indicating the fewest exponent digits
+     * that will be shown.  Values less than 1 will be treated as 1.
+     * @see #setScientificNotation
+     * @see #isScientificNotation
+     * @see #getMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #isExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @see #setExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMinimumExponentDigits(int8_t minExpDig);
+    /**
+     * Return whether the exponent sign is always shown.
+     * @return TRUE if the exponent is always prefixed with either the
+     * localized minus sign or the localized plus sign, false if only negative
+     * exponents are prefixed with the localized minus sign.
+     * @see #setScientificNotation
+     * @see #isScientificNotation
+     * @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #getMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #setExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool isExponentSignAlwaysShown(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set whether the exponent sign is always shown.  This has no effect
+     * unless scientific notation is in use.
+     * @param expSignAlways TRUE if the exponent is always prefixed with either
+     * the localized minus sign or the localized plus sign, false if only
+     * negative exponents are prefixed with the localized minus sign.
+     * @see #setScientificNotation
+     * @see #isScientificNotation
+     * @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #getMinimumExponentDigits
+     * @see #isExponentSignAlwaysShown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setExponentSignAlwaysShown(UBool expSignAlways);
+    /**
+     * Return the grouping size. Grouping size is the number of digits between
+     * grouping separators in the integer portion of a number.  For example,
+     * in the number "123,456.78", the grouping size is 3.
+     *
+     * @return    the grouping size.
+     * @see setGroupingSize
+     * @see NumberFormat::isGroupingUsed
+     * @see DecimalFormatSymbols::getGroupingSeparator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getGroupingSize(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the grouping size. Grouping size is the number of digits between
+     * grouping separators in the integer portion of a number.  For example,
+     * in the number "123,456.78", the grouping size is 3.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the grouping size.
+     * @see getGroupingSize
+     * @see NumberFormat::setGroupingUsed
+     * @see DecimalFormatSymbols::setGroupingSeparator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setGroupingSize(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Return the secondary grouping size. In some locales one
+     * grouping interval is used for the least significant integer
+     * digits (the primary grouping size), and another is used for all
+     * others (the secondary grouping size).  A formatter supporting a
+     * secondary grouping size will return a positive integer unequal
+     * to the primary grouping size returned by
+     * getGroupingSize().  For example, if the primary
+     * grouping size is 4, and the secondary grouping size is 2, then
+     * the number 123456789 formats as "1,23,45,6789", and the pattern
+     * appears as "#,##,###0".
+     * @return the secondary grouping size, or a value less than
+     * one if there is none
+     * @see setSecondaryGroupingSize
+     * @see NumberFormat::isGroupingUsed
+     * @see DecimalFormatSymbols::getGroupingSeparator
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t getSecondaryGroupingSize(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the secondary grouping size. If set to a value less than 1,
+     * then secondary grouping is turned off, and the primary grouping
+     * size is used for all intervals, not just the least significant.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the secondary grouping size.
+     * @see getSecondaryGroupingSize
+     * @see NumberFormat#setGroupingUsed
+     * @see DecimalFormatSymbols::setGroupingSeparator
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void setSecondaryGroupingSize(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Returns the minimum number of grouping digits.
+     * Grouping separators are output if there are at least this many
+     * digits to the left of the first (rightmost) grouping separator,
+     * that is, there are at least (minimum grouping + grouping size) integer digits.
+     * (Subject to isGroupingUsed().)
+     *
+     * For example, if this value is 2, and the grouping size is 3, then
+     * 9999 -> "9999" and 10000 -> "10,000"
+     *
+     * The default value for this attribute is 0.
+     * A value of 1, 0, or lower, means that the use of grouping separators
+     * only depends on the grouping size (and on isGroupingUsed()).
+     *
+     * NOTE: The CLDR data is used in NumberFormatter but not in DecimalFormat.
+     * This is for backwards compatibility reasons.
+     *
+     * For more control over grouping strategies, use NumberFormatter.
+     *
+     * @see setMinimumGroupingDigits
+     * @see getGroupingSize
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    int32_t getMinimumGroupingDigits() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum grouping digits. Setting to a value less than or
+     * equal to 1 turns off minimum grouping digits.
+     *
+     * For more control over grouping strategies, use NumberFormatter.
+     *
+     * @param newValue the new value of minimum grouping digits.
+     * @see getMinimumGroupingDigits
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void setMinimumGroupingDigits(int32_t newValue);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Allows you to get the behavior of the decimal separator with integers.
+     * (The decimal separator will always appear with decimals.)
+     *
+     * @return    TRUE if the decimal separator always appear with decimals.
+     * Example: Decimal ON: 12345 -> 12345.; OFF: 12345 -> 12345
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Allows you to set the behavior of the decimal separator with integers.
+     * (The decimal separator will always appear with decimals.)
+     *
+     * @param newValue    set TRUE if the decimal separator will always appear with decimals.
+     * Example: Decimal ON: 12345 -> 12345.; OFF: 12345 -> 12345
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(UBool newValue);
+    /**
+     * Allows you to get the parse behavior of the pattern decimal mark.
+     *
+     * @return    TRUE if input must contain a match to decimal mark in pattern
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    UBool isDecimalPatternMatchRequired(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Allows you to set the parse behavior of the pattern decimal mark.
+     *
+     * if TRUE, the input must have a decimal mark if one was specified in the pattern. When
+     * FALSE the decimal mark may be omitted from the input.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    set TRUE if input must contain a match to decimal mark in pattern
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    virtual void setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(UBool newValue);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether to ignore exponents when parsing.
+     *
+     * @return Whether to ignore exponents when parsing.
+     * @see #setParseNoExponent
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    UBool isParseNoExponent() const;
+    /**
+     * Specifies whether to stop parsing when an exponent separator is encountered. For
+     * example, parses "123E4" to 123 (with parse position 3) instead of 1230000 (with parse position
+     * 5).
+     *
+     * @param value true to prevent exponents from being parsed; false to allow them to be parsed.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void setParseNoExponent(UBool value);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether parsing is sensitive to case (lowercase/uppercase).
+     *
+     * @return Whether parsing is case-sensitive.
+     * @see #setParseCaseSensitive
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    UBool isParseCaseSensitive() const;
+    /**
+     * Whether to pay attention to case when parsing; default is to ignore case (perform
+     * case-folding). For example, "A" == "a" in case-insensitive but not case-sensitive mode.
+     *
+     * Currency symbols are never case-folded. For example, "us$1.00" will not parse in case-insensitive
+     * mode, even though "US$1.00" parses.
+     *
+     * @param value true to enable case-sensitive parsing (the default); false to force
+     *              case-sensitive parsing behavior.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void setParseCaseSensitive(UBool value);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether truncation of high-order integer digits should result in an error.
+     * By default, setMaximumIntegerDigits truncates high-order digits silently.
+     *
+     * @return Whether an error code is set if high-order digits are truncated.
+     * @see setFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    UBool isFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets whether truncation of high-order integer digits should result in an error.
+     * By default, setMaximumIntegerDigits truncates high-order digits silently.
+     *
+     * @param value Whether to set an error code if high-order digits are truncated.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void setFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits(UBool value);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Synthesizes a pattern string that represents the current state
+     * of this Format object.
+     *
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the pattern.
+     *                  Previous contents are deleted.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * @see applyPattern
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Synthesizes a localized pattern string that represents the current
+     * state of this Format object.
+     *
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the localized pattern.
+     *                  Previous contents are deleted.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * @see applyPattern
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toLocalizedPattern(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Apply the given pattern to this Format object.  A pattern is a
+     * short-hand specification for the various formatting properties.
+     * These properties can also be changed individually through the
+     * various setter methods.
+     * <P>
+     * There is no limit to integer digits are set
+     * by this routine, since that is the typical end-user desire;
+     * use setMaximumInteger if you want to set a real value.
+     * For negative numbers, use a second pattern, separated by a semicolon
+     * <pre>
+     * .      Example "#,#00.0#" -> 1,234.56
+     * </pre>
+     * This means a minimum of 2 integer digits, 1 fraction digit, and
+     * a maximum of 2 fraction digits.
+     * <pre>
+     * .      Example: "#,#00.0#;(#,#00.0#)" for negatives in parantheses.
+     * </pre>
+     * In negative patterns, the minimum and maximum counts are ignored;
+     * these are presumed to be set in the positive pattern.
+     *
+     * @param pattern    The pattern to be applied.
+     * @param parseError Struct to recieve information on position
+     *                   of error if an error is encountered
+     * @param status     Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                   exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                   set to a failure result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UParseError& parseError, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the pattern.
+     * @param pattern   The pattern to be applied.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                  set to a failure result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Apply the given pattern to this Format object.  The pattern
+     * is assumed to be in a localized notation. A pattern is a
+     * short-hand specification for the various formatting properties.
+     * These properties can also be changed individually through the
+     * various setter methods.
+     * <P>
+     * There is no limit to integer digits are set
+     * by this routine, since that is the typical end-user desire;
+     * use setMaximumInteger if you want to set a real value.
+     * For negative numbers, use a second pattern, separated by a semicolon
+     * <pre>
+     * .      Example "#,#00.0#" -> 1,234.56
+     * </pre>
+     * This means a minimum of 2 integer digits, 1 fraction digit, and
+     * a maximum of 2 fraction digits.
+     *
+     * Example: "#,#00.0#;(#,#00.0#)" for negatives in parantheses.
+     *
+     * In negative patterns, the minimum and maximum counts are ignored;
+     * these are presumed to be set in the positive pattern.
+     *
+     * @param pattern   The localized pattern to be applied.
+     * @param parseError Struct to recieve information on position
+     *                   of error if an error is encountered
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                  set to a failure result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyLocalizedPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UParseError& parseError,
+                                       UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Apply the given pattern to this Format object.
+     *
+     * @param pattern   The localized pattern to be applied.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                  set to a failure result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyLocalizedPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     * number. This override limits the integer digit count to 309.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the maximum number of digits
+     *                      allowed in the integer portion of a number.
+     * @see NumberFormat#setMaximumIntegerDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setMaximumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     * number. This override limits the integer digit count to 309.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the minimum number of digits
+     *                      allowed in the integer portion of a number.
+     * @see NumberFormat#setMinimumIntegerDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setMinimumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number. This override limits the fraction digit count to 340.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the maximum number of digits
+     *                    allowed in the fraction portion of a number.
+     * @see NumberFormat#setMaximumFractionDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setMaximumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number. This override limits the fraction digit count to 340.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value of the minimum number of digits
+     *                    allowed in the fraction portion of a number.
+     * @see NumberFormat#setMinimumFractionDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setMinimumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Returns the minimum number of significant digits that will be
+     * displayed. This value has no effect unless areSignificantDigitsUsed()
+     * returns true.
+     * @return the fewest significant digits that will be shown
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMinimumSignificantDigits() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the maximum number of significant digits that will be
+     * displayed. This value has no effect unless areSignificantDigitsUsed()
+     * returns true.
+     * @return the most significant digits that will be shown
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMaximumSignificantDigits() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum number of significant digits that will be
+     * displayed.  If <code>min</code> is less than one then it is set
+     * to one.  If the maximum significant digits count is less than
+     * <code>min</code>, then it is set to <code>min</code>.
+     * This function also enables the use of significant digits
+     * by this formatter - areSignificantDigitsUsed() will return TRUE.
+     * @see #areSignificantDigitsUsed
+     * @param min the fewest significant digits to be shown
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    void setMinimumSignificantDigits(int32_t min);
+    /**
+     * Sets the maximum number of significant digits that will be
+     * displayed.  If <code>max</code> is less than one then it is set
+     * to one.  If the minimum significant digits count is greater
+     * than <code>max</code>, then it is set to <code>max</code>.
+     * This function also enables the use of significant digits
+     * by this formatter - areSignificantDigitsUsed() will return TRUE.
+     * @see #areSignificantDigitsUsed
+     * @param max the most significant digits to be shown
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    void setMaximumSignificantDigits(int32_t max);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if significant digits are in use, or false if
+     * integer and fraction digit counts are in use.
+     * @return true if significant digits are in use
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UBool areSignificantDigitsUsed() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets whether significant digits are in use, or integer and
+     * fraction digit counts are in use.
+     * @param useSignificantDigits true to use significant digits, or
+     * false to use integer and fraction digit counts
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    void setSignificantDigitsUsed(UBool useSignificantDigits);
+    /**
+     * Sets the currency used to display currency
+     * amounts.  This takes effect immediately, if this format is a
+     * currency format.  If this format is not a currency format, then
+     * the currency is used if and when this object becomes a
+     * currency format through the application of a new pattern.
+     * @param theCurrency a 3-letter ISO code indicating new currency
+     * to use.  It need not be null-terminated.  May be the empty
+     * string or NULL to indicate no currency.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    void setCurrency(const char16_t* theCurrency, UErrorCode& ec) U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Sets the currency used to display currency amounts.  See
+     * setCurrency(const char16_t*, UErrorCode&).
+     * @deprecated ICU 3.0. Use setCurrency(const char16_t*, UErrorCode&).
+     */
+    virtual void setCurrency(const char16_t* theCurrency);
+    /**
+     * Sets the `Currency Usage` object used to display currency.
+     * This takes effect immediately, if this format is a
+     * currency format.
+     * @param newUsage new currency usage object to use.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    void setCurrencyUsage(UCurrencyUsage newUsage, UErrorCode* ec);
+    /**
+     * Returns the `Currency Usage` object used to display currency
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    UCurrencyUsage getCurrencyUsage() const;
+    /**
+     *  Format a number and save it into the given DecimalQuantity.
+     *  Internal, not intended for public use.
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    void formatToDecimalQuantity(double number, number::impl::DecimalQuantity& output,
+                                 UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     *  Get a DecimalQuantity corresponding to a formattable as it would be
+     *  formatted by this DecimalFormat.
+     *  Internal, not intended for public use.
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    void formatToDecimalQuantity(const Formattable& number, number::impl::DecimalQuantity& output,
+                                 UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Converts this DecimalFormat to a (Localized)NumberFormatter. Starting
+     * in ICU 60, NumberFormatter is the recommended way to format numbers.
+     * You can use the returned LocalizedNumberFormatter to format numbers and
+     * get a FormattedNumber, which contains a string as well as additional
+     * annotations about the formatted value.
+     * 
+     * If a memory allocation failure occurs, the return value of this method
+     * might be null. If you are concerned about correct recovery from
+     * out-of-memory situations, use this pattern:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * FormattedNumber result;
+     * if (auto* ptr = df->toNumberFormatter(status)) {
+     *     result = ptr->formatDouble(123, status);
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * If you are not concerned about out-of-memory situations, or if your
+     * environment throws exceptions when memory allocation failure occurs,
+     * you can chain the methods, like this:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * FormattedNumber result = df
+     *     ->toNumberFormatter(status)
+     *     ->formatDouble(123, status);
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * NOTE: The returned LocalizedNumberFormatter is owned by this DecimalFormat.
+     * If a non-const method is called on the DecimalFormat, or if the DecimalFormat
+     * is deleted, the object becomes invalid. If you plan to keep the return value
+     * beyond the lifetime of the DecimalFormat, copy it to a local variable:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * LocalizedNumberFormatter lnf;
+     * if (auto* ptr = df->toNumberFormatter(status)) {
+     *     lnf = *ptr;
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @param status Set on failure, like U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR.
+     * @return A pointer to an internal object, or nullptr on failure.
+     *         Do not delete the return value!
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    const number::LocalizedNumberFormatter* toNumberFormatter(UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.  Pure virtual override.
+     * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
+     * C++ compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    /** Rebuilds the formatter object from the property bag. */
+    void touch(UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Rebuilds the formatter object, ignoring any error code. */
+    void touchNoError();
+    /**
+     * Updates the property bag with settings from the given pattern.
+     *
+     * @param pattern The pattern string to parse.
+     * @param ignoreRounding Whether to leave out rounding information (minFrac, maxFrac, and rounding
+     *     increment) when parsing the pattern. This may be desirable if a custom rounding mode, such
+     *     as CurrencyUsage, is to be used instead. One of {@link
+     *     PatternStringParser#IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS}, {@link PatternStringParser#IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY},
+     *     or {@link PatternStringParser#IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER}.
+     * @see PatternAndPropertyUtils#parseToExistingProperties
+     */
+    void setPropertiesFromPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, int32_t ignoreRounding,
+                                  UErrorCode& status);
+    const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl* getParser(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl* getCurrencyParser(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    static void fieldPositionHelper(const number::FormattedNumber& formatted, FieldPosition& fieldPosition,
+                                    int32_t offset, UErrorCode& status);
+    static void fieldPositionIteratorHelper(const number::FormattedNumber& formatted,
+                                            FieldPositionIterator* fpi, int32_t offset, UErrorCode& status);
+    void setupFastFormat();
+    bool fastFormatDouble(double input, UnicodeString& output) const;
+    bool fastFormatInt64(int64_t input, UnicodeString& output) const;
+    void doFastFormatInt32(int32_t input, bool isNegative, UnicodeString& output) const;
+    //=====================================================================================//
+    //                                   INSTANCE FIELDS                                   //
+    //=====================================================================================//
+    // One instance field for the implementation, keep all fields inside of an implementation
+    // class defined in number_mapper.h
+    number::impl::DecimalFormatFields* fields = nullptr;
+    // Allow child class CompactDecimalFormat to access fProperties:
+    friend class CompactDecimalFormat;
+    // Allow MeasureFormat to use fieldPositionHelper:
+    friend class MeasureFormat;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _DECIMFMT
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..704139a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/docmain.h
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *   Date          Name        Description
+ *   12/11/2000    Ram        Creation.
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \brief (Non API- contains Doxygen definitions)
+ *
+ * This file contains documentation for Doxygen and doesnot have
+ * any significance with respect to C or C++ API
+ */
+/*! \mainpage
+ *
+ * \section API API Reference Usage
+ * 
+ * <h3>C++ Programmers:</h3>
+ * <p>Use <a href="hierarchy.html">Class Hierarchy</a> or <a href="classes.html"> Alphabetical List </a>
+ * or <a href="annotated.html"> Compound List</a>
+ * to find the class you are interested in. For example, to find BreakIterator,
+ * you can go to the <a href="classes.html"> Alphabetical List</a>, then click on
+ * "BreakIterator". Once you are at the class, you will find an inheritance
+ * chart, a list of the public members, a detailed description of the class,
+ * then detailed member descriptions.</p>
+ * 
+ * <h3>C Programmers:</h3>
+ * <p>Use <a href="#Module">Module List</a> or <a href="globals_u.html">File Members</a>
+ * to find a list of all the functions and constants.
+ * For example, to find BreakIterator functions you would click on
+ * <a href="files.html"> File List</a>,
+ * then find "ubrk.h" and click on it. You will find descriptions of Defines,
+ * Typedefs, Enumerations, and Functions, with detailed descriptions below.
+ * If you want to find a specific function, such as ubrk_next(), then click
+ * first on <a href="globals.html"> File Members</a>, then use your browser
+ * Find dialog to search for "ubrk_next()".</p>
+ *
+ *
+ * <h3>API References for Previous Releases</h3>
+ * <p>The API References for each release of ICU are also available as
+ * a zip file from the ICU 
+ * <a href="">download page</a>.</p>
+ *
+ * <hr>
+ *
+ * <h2>Architecture (User's Guide)</h2>
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li><a href="">Introduction</a></li>
+ *   <li><a href="">Internationalization</a></li>
+ *   <li><a href="">Locale Model, Multithreading, Error Handling, etc.</a></li>
+ *   <li><a href="">Conversion</a></li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <hr>
+ *\htmlonly <h2><a NAME="Module">Module List</a></h2> \endhtmlonly
+ * <table border="1" cols="3" align="center">
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><strong>Module Name</strong></td>
+ *     <td><strong>C</strong></td>
+ *     <td><strong>C++</strong></td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Basic Types and Constants</td>
+ *     <td>utypes.h</td>
+ *     <td>utypes.h</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Strings and Character Iteration</td>
+ *     <td>ustring.h, utf8.h, utf16.h, UText, UCharIterator</td>
+ *     <td>icu::UnicodeString, icu::CharacterIterator, icu::Appendable, icu::StringPiece,icu::ByteSink</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Unicode Character<br/>Properties and Names</td>
+ *     <td>uchar.h, uscript.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Sets of Unicode Code Points and Strings</td>
+ *     <td>uset.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::UnicodeSet</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Maps from Unicode Code Points to Integer Values</td>
+ *     <td>ucptrie.h, umutablecptrie.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Maps from Strings to Integer Values</td>
+ *     <td>(no C API)</td>
+ *     <td>icu::BytesTrie, icu::UCharsTrie</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Codepage Conversion</td>
+ *     <td>ucnv.h, ucnvsel.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Codepage Detection</td>
+ *     <td>ucsdet.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Unicode Text Compression</td>
+ *     <td>ucnv.h<br/>(encoding name "SCSU" or "BOCU-1")</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Locales </td>
+ *     <td>uloc.h</a></td>
+ *     <td>icu::Locale, icu::LocaleBuilder, icu::LocaleMatcher</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Resource Bundles</td>
+ *     <td>ures.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::ResourceBundle</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Normalization</td>
+ *     <td>unorm2.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::Normalizer2</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Calendars</td>
+ *     <td>ucal.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::Calendar</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Date and Time Formatting</td>
+ *     <td>udat.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::DateFormat</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Message Formatting</td>
+ *     <td>umsg.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::MessageFormat</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Number Formatting<br/>(includes currency and unit formatting)</td>
+ *     <td>unumberformatter.h, unum.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::number::NumberFormatter (ICU 60+) or icu::NumberFormat (older versions)</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Number Range Formatting<br />(includes currency and unit ranges)</td>
+ *     <td>(no C API)</td>
+ *     <td>icu::number::NumberRangeFormatter</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Number Spellout<br/>(Rule Based Number Formatting)</td>
+ *     <td>unum.h<br/>(use UNUM_SPELLOUT)</td>
+ *     <td>icu::RuleBasedNumberFormat</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Text Transformation<br/>(Transliteration)</td>
+ *     <td>utrans.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::Transliterator</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Bidirectional Algorithm</td>
+ *     <td>ubidi.h, ubiditransform.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Arabic Shaping</td>
+ *     <td>ushape.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Collation</td>
+ *     <td>ucol.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::Collator</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>String Searching</td>
+ *     <td>usearch.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::StringSearch</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Index Characters/<br/>Bucketing for Sorted Lists</td>
+ *     <td>(no C API)</td>
+ *     <td>icu::AlphabeticIndex</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Text Boundary Analysis<br/>(Break Iteration)</td>
+ *     <td>ubrk.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::BreakIterator</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Regular Expressions</td>
+ *     <td>uregex.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::RegexPattern, icu::RegexMatcher</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>StringPrep</td>
+ *     <td>usprep.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>International Domain Names in Applications:<br/>
+ *         UTS #46 in C/C++, IDNA2003 only via C API</td>
+ *     <td>uidna.h</td>
+ *     <td>idna.h</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Identifier Spoofing & Confusability</td>
+ *     <td>uspoof.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Universal Time Scale</td>
+ *     <td>utmscale.h</td>
+ *     <td>C API</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Paragraph Layout / Complex Text Layout</td>
+ *     <td>playout.h</td>
+ *     <td>icu::ParagraphLayout</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>ICU I/O</td>
+ *     <td>ustdio.h</td>
+ *     <td>ustream.h</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ * </table>
+ * <i>This main page is generated from docmain.h</i>
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtfmtsym.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtfmtsym.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d76fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtfmtsym.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*    07/21/98    stephen        Added getZoneIndex()
+*                            Changed to match C++ conventions
+#ifndef DTFMTSYM_H
+#define DTFMTSYM_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/udat.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Symbols for formatting dates.
+ */
+/* forward declaration */
+class SimpleDateFormat;
+class Hashtable;
+ * DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time
+ * formatting data -- including timezone data. DateFormatSymbols is used by
+ * DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat.
+ * <P>
+ * Rather than first creating a DateFormatSymbols to get a date-time formatter
+ * by using a SimpleDateFormat constructor, clients are encouraged to create a
+ * date-time formatter using the getTimeInstance(), getDateInstance(), or
+ * getDateTimeInstance() method in DateFormat. Each of these methods can return a
+ * date/time formatter initialized with a default format pattern along with the
+ * date-time formatting data for a given or default locale. After a formatter is
+ * created, clients may modify the format pattern using the setPattern function
+ * as so desired. For more information on using these formatter factory
+ * functions, see DateFormat.
+ * <P>
+ * If clients decide to create a date-time formatter with a particular format
+ * pattern and locale, they can do so with new SimpleDateFormat(aPattern,
+ * new DateFormatSymbols(aLocale)).  This will load the appropriate date-time
+ * formatting data from the locale.
+ * <P>
+ * DateFormatSymbols objects are clonable. When clients obtain a
+ * DateFormatSymbols object, they can feel free to modify the date-time
+ * formatting data as necessary. For instance, clients can
+ * replace the localized date-time format pattern characters with the ones that
+ * they feel easy to remember. Or they can change the representative cities
+ * originally picked by default to using their favorite ones.
+ * <P>
+ * DateFormatSymbols are not expected to be subclassed. Data for a calendar is
+ * loaded out of resource bundles.  The 'type' parameter indicates the type of
+ * calendar, for example, "gregorian" or "japanese".  If the type is not gregorian
+ * (or NULL, or an empty string) then the type is appended to the resource name,
+ * for example,  'Eras_japanese' instead of 'Eras'.   If the resource 'Eras_japanese' did
+ * not exist (even in root), then this class will fall back to just 'Eras', that is,
+ * Gregorian data.  Therefore, the calendar implementor MUST ensure that the root
+ * locale at least contains any resources that are to be particularized for the
+ * calendar type.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API DateFormatSymbols U_FINAL : public UObject  {
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
+     * resources for the default locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
+     * <P>
+     * NOTE: This constructor will never fail; if it cannot get resource
+     * data for the default locale, it will return a last-resort object
+     * based on hard-coded strings.
+     *
+     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
+     *                  results if the resources for the default cannot be
+     *                  found or cannot be loaded
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DateFormatSymbols(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
+     * resources for the given locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
+     *
+     * @param locale    Locale to load format data from.
+     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
+     *                  results if the resources for the locale cannot be
+     *                  found or cannot be loaded
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DateFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale,
+                      UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
+     * resources for the default locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
+     * <P>
+     * NOTE: This constructor will never fail; if it cannot get resource
+     * data for the default locale, it will return a last-resort object
+     * based on hard-coded strings.
+     *
+     * @param type      Type of calendar (as returned by Calendar::getType).
+     *                  Will be used to access the correct set of strings.
+     *                  (NULL or empty string defaults to "gregorian".)
+     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
+     *                  results if the resources for the default cannot be
+     *                  found or cannot be loaded
+     * @internal
+     */
+    DateFormatSymbols(const char *type, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
+     * resources for the given locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
+     *
+     * @param locale    Locale to load format data from.
+     * @param type      Type of calendar (as returned by Calendar::getType).
+     *                  Will be used to access the correct set of strings.
+     *                  (NULL or empty string defaults to "gregorian".)
+     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
+     *                  results if the resources for the locale cannot be
+     *                  found or cannot be loaded
+     * @internal
+     */
+    DateFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale,
+                      const char *type,
+                      UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DateFormatSymbols(const DateFormatSymbols&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    DateFormatSymbols& operator=(const DateFormatSymbols&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor. This is nonvirtual because this class is not designed to be
+     * subclassed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~DateFormatSymbols();
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the DateFormatSymbols object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically equal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const DateFormatSymbols& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the DateFormatSymbols object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically unequal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const DateFormatSymbols& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
+    /**
+     * Gets abbreviated era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".
+     *
+     * @param count    Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return         the era strings.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getEras(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets abbreviated era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".
+     * @param eras  Array of era strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEras(const UnicodeString* eras, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Gets era name strings. For example: "Anno Domini" and "Before Christ".
+     *
+     * @param count    Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return         the era name strings.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getEraNames(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets era name strings. For example: "Anno Domini" and "Before Christ".
+     * @param eraNames  Array of era name strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    void setEraNames(const UnicodeString* eraNames, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Gets narrow era strings. For example: "A" and "B".
+     *
+     * @param count    Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return         the narrow era strings.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getNarrowEras(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets narrow era strings. For example: "A" and "B".
+     * @param narrowEras  Array of narrow era strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    void setNarrowEras(const UnicodeString* narrowEras, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Gets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
+     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return the month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getMonths(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
+     *
+     * @param months    the new month strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param count     Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setMonths(const UnicodeString* months, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Gets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
+     *
+     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return the short month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getShortMonths(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
+     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param shortMonths  the new short month strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setShortMonths(const UnicodeString* shortMonths, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Selector for date formatting context
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    enum DtContextType {
+        FORMAT,
+        STANDALONE,
+        /**
+         * One more than the highest normal DtContextType value.
+         * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+         */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Selector for date formatting width
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    enum DtWidthType {
+        WIDE,
+        NARROW,
+        /**
+         * Short width is currently only supported for weekday names.
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        SHORT,
+        /**
+         * One more than the highest normal DtWidthType value.
+         * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+         */
+        DT_WIDTH_COUNT = 4
+    };
+    /**
+     * Gets month strings by width and context. For example: "January", "February", etc.
+     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
+     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, or NARROW.
+     * @return the month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getMonths(int32_t& count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets month strings by width and context. For example: "January", "February", etc.
+     *
+     * @param months  The new month strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param count   Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
+     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, or NARROW.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    void setMonths(const UnicodeString* months, int32_t count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
+    /**
+     * Gets wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
+     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return the weekday strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getWeekdays(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
+     * @param weekdays     the new weekday strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setWeekdays(const UnicodeString* weekdays, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Gets abbreviated weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. (Note: The method name is
+     * misleading; it does not get the CLDR-style "short" weekday strings, e.g. "Su", "Mo", etc.)
+     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return             the abbreviated weekday strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getShortWeekdays(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets abbreviated weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. (Note: The method name is
+     * misleading; it does not set the CLDR-style "short" weekday strings, e.g. "Su", "Mo", etc.)
+     * @param abbrevWeekdays  the new abbreviated weekday strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param count           Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setShortWeekdays(const UnicodeString* abbrevWeekdays, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Gets weekday strings by width and context. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
+     * @param count   Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
+     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, SHORT, or NARROW
+     * @return the month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getWeekdays(int32_t& count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets weekday strings by width and context. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
+     * @param weekdays  The new weekday strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param count     Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context   The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
+     * @param width     The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, SHORT, or NARROW
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    void setWeekdays(const UnicodeString* weekdays, int32_t count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
+    /**
+     * Gets quarter strings by width and context. For example: "1st Quarter", "2nd Quarter", etc.
+     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
+     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE or ABBREVIATED. There
+     *                are no NARROW quarters.
+     * @return the quarter strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getQuarters(int32_t& count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets quarter strings by width and context. For example: "1st Quarter", "2nd Quarter", etc.
+     *
+     * @param quarters  The new quarter strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param count   Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
+     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE or ABBREVIATED. There
+     *                are no NARROW quarters.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    void setQuarters(const UnicodeString* quarters, int32_t count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
+    /**
+     * Gets AM/PM strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".
+     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @return             the weekday strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getAmPmStrings(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".
+     * @param ampms        the new ampm strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setAmPmStrings(const UnicodeString* ampms, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * This default time separator is used for formatting when the locale
+     * doesn't specify any time separator, and always recognized when parsing.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const char16_t DEFAULT_TIME_SEPARATOR = 0x003a;  // ':'
+    /**
+     * This alternate time separator is always recognized when parsing.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const char16_t ALTERNATE_TIME_SEPARATOR = 0x002e;  // '.'
+    /**
+     * Gets the time separator string. For example: ":".
+     * @param result Output param which will receive the time separator string.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getTimeSeparatorString(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the time separator string. For example: ":".
+     * @param newTimeSeparator the new time separator string.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void setTimeSeparatorString(const UnicodeString& newTimeSeparator);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Gets cyclic year name strings if the calendar has them, by width and context.
+     * For example: "jia-zi", "yi-chou", etc.
+     * @param count     Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context   The usage context: FORMAT, STANDALONE.
+     * @param width     The requested name width: WIDE, ABBREVIATED, NARROW.
+     * @return          The year name strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership),
+     *                  or null if they are not available for this calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getYearNames(int32_t& count,
+                            DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets cyclic year name strings by width and context. For example: "jia-zi", "yi-chou", etc.
+     *
+     * @param yearNames The new cyclic year name strings (not adopted; caller retains ownership).
+     * @param count     The length of the array.
+     * @param context   The usage context: FORMAT, STANDALONE (currently only FORMAT is supported).
+     * @param width     The name width: WIDE, ABBREVIATED, NARROW (currently only ABBREVIATED is supported).
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    void setYearNames(const UnicodeString* yearNames, int32_t count,
+                            DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
+    /**
+     * Gets calendar zodiac name strings if the calendar has them, by width and context.
+     * For example: "Rat", "Ox", "Tiger", etc.
+     * @param count     Filled in with length of the array.
+     * @param context   The usage context: FORMAT, STANDALONE.
+     * @param width     The requested name width: WIDE, ABBREVIATED, NARROW.
+     * @return          The zodiac name strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership),
+     *                  or null if they are not available for this calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getZodiacNames(int32_t& count,
+                            DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets calendar zodiac name strings by width and context. For example: "Rat", "Ox", "Tiger", etc.
+     *
+     * @param zodiacNames The new zodiac name strings (not adopted; caller retains ownership).
+     * @param count     The length of the array.
+     * @param context   The usage context: FORMAT, STANDALONE (currently only FORMAT is supported).
+     * @param width     The name width: WIDE, ABBREVIATED, NARROW (currently only ABBREVIATED is supported).
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    void setZodiacNames(const UnicodeString* zodiacNames, int32_t count,
+                            DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
+    /**
+     * Somewhat temporary constants for leap month pattern types, adequate for supporting
+     * just leap month patterns as needed for Chinese lunar calendar.
+     * Eventually we will add full support for different month pattern types (needed for
+     * other calendars such as Hindu) at which point this approach will be replaced by a
+     * more complete approach.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum EMonthPatternType
+    {
+        kLeapMonthPatternFormatWide,
+        kLeapMonthPatternFormatAbbrev,
+        kLeapMonthPatternFormatNarrow,
+        kLeapMonthPatternStandaloneWide,
+        kLeapMonthPatternStandaloneAbbrev,
+        kLeapMonthPatternStandaloneNarrow,
+        kLeapMonthPatternNumeric,
+        kMonthPatternsCount
+    };
+    /**
+     * Somewhat temporary function for getting complete set of leap month patterns for all
+     * contexts & widths, indexed by EMonthPatternType values. Returns NULL if calendar
+     * does not have leap month patterns. Note, there is currently no setter for this.
+     * Eventually we will add full support for different month pattern types (needed for
+     * other calendars such as Hindu) at which point this approach will be replaced by a
+     * more complete approach.
+     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array (may be 0).
+     * @return             The leap month patterns (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership).
+     *                     May be NULL if there are no leap month patterns for this calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getLeapMonthPatterns(int32_t& count) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Gets timezone strings. These strings are stored in a 2-dimensional array.
+     * @param rowCount      Output param to receive number of rows.
+     * @param columnCount   Output param to receive number of columns.
+     * @return              The timezone strings as a 2-d array. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
+     * @deprecated ICU 3.6
+     */
+    const UnicodeString** getZoneStrings(int32_t& rowCount, int32_t& columnCount) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Sets timezone strings. These strings are stored in a 2-dimensional array.
+     * <p><b>Note:</b> SimpleDateFormat no longer use the zone strings stored in
+     * a DateFormatSymbols. Therefore, the time zone strings set by this mthod
+     * have no effects in an instance of SimpleDateFormat for formatting time
+     * zones.
+     * @param strings       The timezone strings as a 2-d array to be copied. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
+     * @param rowCount      The number of rows (count of first index).
+     * @param columnCount   The number of columns (count of second index).
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setZoneStrings(const UnicodeString* const* strings, int32_t rowCount, int32_t columnCount);
+    /**
+     * Get the non-localized date-time pattern characters.
+     * @return    the non-localized date-time pattern characters
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const char16_t * U_EXPORT2 getPatternUChars(void);
+    /**
+     * Gets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: ICU no longer provides localized date-time pattern characters for a locale
+     * starting ICU 3.8.  This method returns the non-localized date-time pattern
+     * characters unless user defined localized data is set by setLocalPatternChars.
+     * @param result    Output param which will receive the localized date-time pattern characters.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getLocalPatternChars(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc.
+     * @param newLocalPatternChars the new localized date-time
+     * pattern characters.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setLocalPatternChars(const UnicodeString& newLocalPatternChars);
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale for this object. Two flavors are available:
+     * valid and actual locale.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /* The following type and kCapContextUsageTypeCount cannot be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API,
+       they are needed for .h file declarations. */ 
+    /**
+     * Constants for capitalization context usage types.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum ECapitalizationContextUsageType
+    {
+        kCapContextUsageOther = 0,
+        kCapContextUsageMonthFormat,     /* except narrow */
+        kCapContextUsageMonthStandalone, /* except narrow */
+        kCapContextUsageMonthNarrow,
+        kCapContextUsageDayFormat,     /* except narrow */
+        kCapContextUsageDayStandalone, /* except narrow */
+        kCapContextUsageDayNarrow,
+        kCapContextUsageEraWide,
+        kCapContextUsageEraAbbrev,
+        kCapContextUsageEraNarrow,
+        kCapContextUsageZoneLong,
+        kCapContextUsageZoneShort,
+        kCapContextUsageMetazoneLong,
+        kCapContextUsageMetazoneShort,
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+        kCapContextUsageTypeCount = 14
+    };
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    friend class SimpleDateFormat;
+    friend class DateFormatSymbolsSingleSetter; // see udat.cpp
+    /**
+     * Abbreviated era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fEras;
+    int32_t         fErasCount;
+    /**
+     * Era name strings. For example: "Anno Domini" and "Before Christ".
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fEraNames;
+    int32_t         fEraNamesCount;
+    /**
+     * Narrow era strings. For example: "A" and "B".
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fNarrowEras;
+    int32_t         fNarrowErasCount;
+    /**
+     * Month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fMonths;
+    int32_t         fMonthsCount;
+    /**
+     * Short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fShortMonths;
+    int32_t         fShortMonthsCount;
+    /**
+     * Narrow month strings. For example: "J", "F", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fNarrowMonths;
+    int32_t         fNarrowMonthsCount;
+    /**
+     * Standalone Month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneMonths;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneMonthsCount;
+    /**
+     * Standalone Short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneShortMonths;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneShortMonthsCount;
+    /**
+     * Standalone Narrow month strings. For example: "J", "F", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneNarrowMonths;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneNarrowMonthsCount;
+    /**
+     * CLDR-style format wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * CLDR-style format abbreviated (not short) weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fShortWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fShortWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * CLDR-style format short weekday strings. For example: "Su", "Mo", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fShorterWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fShorterWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * CLDR-style format narrow weekday strings. For example: "S", "M", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fNarrowWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fNarrowWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * CLDR-style standalone wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * CLDR-style standalone abbreviated (not short) weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneShortWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneShortWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * CLDR-style standalone short weekday strings. For example: "Su", "Mo", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneShorterWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneShorterWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * Standalone Narrow weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneNarrowWeekdays;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneNarrowWeekdaysCount;
+    /**
+     * Ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fAmPms;
+    int32_t         fAmPmsCount;
+    /**
+     * Narrow Ampm strings. For example: "a" and "p".
+     */
+    UnicodeString*  fNarrowAmPms;
+    int32_t         fNarrowAmPmsCount;
+    /**
+     * Time separator string. For example: ":".
+     */
+    UnicodeString   fTimeSeparator;
+    /**
+     * Quarter strings. For example: "1st quarter", "2nd quarter", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fQuarters;
+    int32_t         fQuartersCount;
+    /**
+     * Short quarters. For example: "Q1", "Q2", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fShortQuarters;
+    int32_t         fShortQuartersCount;
+    /**
+     * Standalone quarter strings. For example: "1st quarter", "2nd quarter", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fStandaloneQuarters;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneQuartersCount;
+    /**
+     * Standalone short quarter strings. For example: "Q1", "Q2", etc.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fStandaloneShortQuarters;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneShortQuartersCount;
+    /**
+     * All leap month patterns, for example "{0}bis".
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fLeapMonthPatterns;
+    int32_t         fLeapMonthPatternsCount;
+    /**
+     * Cyclic year names, for example: "jia-zi", "yi-chou", ... "gui-hai";
+     * currently we only have data for format/abbreviated.
+     * For the others, just get from format/abbreviated, ignore set.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fShortYearNames;
+    int32_t         fShortYearNamesCount;
+    /**
+     * Cyclic zodiac names, for example "Rat", "Ox", "Tiger", etc.;
+     * currently we only have data for format/abbreviated.
+     * For the others, just get from format/abbreviated, ignore set.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fShortZodiacNames;
+    int32_t         fShortZodiacNamesCount;
+    /**
+     * Localized names of time zones in this locale.  This is a
+     * two-dimensional array of strings of size n by m,
+     * where m is at least 5 and up to 7.  Each of the n rows is an
+     * entry containing the localized names for a single TimeZone.
+     *
+     * Each such row contains (with i ranging from 0..n-1):
+     * 
+     * zoneStrings[i][0] - time zone ID
+     *  example: America/Los_Angeles
+     * zoneStrings[i][1] - long name of zone in standard time
+     *  example: Pacific Standard Time
+     * zoneStrings[i][2] - short name of zone in standard time
+     *  example: PST
+     * zoneStrings[i][3] - long name of zone in daylight savings time
+     *  example: Pacific Daylight Time
+     * zoneStrings[i][4] - short name of zone in daylight savings time
+     *  example: PDT
+     * zoneStrings[i][5] - location name of zone
+     *  example: United States (Los Angeles)
+     * zoneStrings[i][6] - long generic name of zone
+     *  example: Pacific Time
+     * zoneStrings[i][7] - short generic of zone
+     *  example: PT
+     *
+     * The zone ID is not localized; it corresponds to the ID
+     * value associated with a system time zone object.  All other entries
+     * are localized names.  If a zone does not implement daylight savings
+     * time, the daylight savings time names are ignored.
+     *
+     * Note:CLDR 1.5 introduced metazone and its historical mappings.
+     * This simple two-dimensional array is no longer sufficient to represent
+     * localized names and its historic changes.  Since ICU 3.8.1, localized
+     * zone names extracted from ICU locale data is stored in a ZoneStringFormat
+     * instance.  But we still need to support the old way of customizing
+     * localized zone names, so we keep this field for the purpose.
+     */
+    UnicodeString   **fZoneStrings;         // Zone string array set by setZoneStrings
+    UnicodeString   **fLocaleZoneStrings;   // Zone string array created by the locale
+    int32_t         fZoneStringsRowCount;
+    int32_t         fZoneStringsColCount;
+    Locale                  fZSFLocale;         // Locale used for getting ZoneStringFormat
+    /**
+     * Localized date-time pattern characters. For example: use 'u' as 'y'.
+     */
+    UnicodeString   fLocalPatternChars;
+    /**
+     * Capitalization transforms. For each usage type, the first array element indicates
+     * whether to titlecase for uiListOrMenu context, the second indicates whether to
+     * titlecase for stand-alone context.
+     */
+     UBool fCapitalization[kCapContextUsageTypeCount][2];
+    /**
+     * Abbreviated (== short) day period strings.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fAbbreviatedDayPeriods;
+    int32_t         fAbbreviatedDayPeriodsCount;
+    /**
+     * Wide day period strings.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fWideDayPeriods;
+    int32_t         fWideDayPeriodsCount;
+    /**
+     * Narrow day period strings.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fNarrowDayPeriods;
+    int32_t         fNarrowDayPeriodsCount;
+    /**
+     * Stand-alone abbreviated (== short) day period strings.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fStandaloneAbbreviatedDayPeriods;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneAbbreviatedDayPeriodsCount;
+    /**
+     * Stand-alone wide day period strings.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fStandaloneWideDayPeriods;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneWideDayPeriodsCount;
+    /**
+     * Stand-alone narrow day period strings.
+     */
+    UnicodeString  *fStandaloneNarrowDayPeriods;
+    int32_t         fStandaloneNarrowDayPeriodsCount;
+    /** valid/actual locale information 
+     *  these are always ICU locales, so the length should not be a problem
+     */
+    char validLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    char actualLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    DateFormatSymbols(); // default constructor not implemented
+    /**
+     * Called by the constructors to actually load data from the resources
+     *
+     * @param locale               The locale to get symbols for.
+     * @param type                 Calendar Type (as from Calendar::getType())
+     * @param status               Input/output parameter, set to success or
+     *                             failure code upon return.
+     * @param useLastResortData    determine if use last resort data
+     */
+    void initializeData(const Locale& locale, const char *type, UErrorCode& status, UBool useLastResortData = FALSE);
+    /**
+     * Copy or alias an array in another object, as appropriate.
+     *
+     * @param dstArray    the copy destination array.
+     * @param dstCount    fill in with the lenth of 'dstArray'.
+     * @param srcArray    the source array to be copied.
+     * @param srcCount    the length of items to be copied from the 'srcArray'.
+     */
+    static void assignArray(UnicodeString*& dstArray,
+                            int32_t& dstCount,
+                            const UnicodeString* srcArray,
+                            int32_t srcCount);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given arrays' contents are equal, or if the arrays are
+     * identical (pointers are equal).
+     *
+     * @param array1   one array to be compared with.
+     * @param array2   another array to be compared with.
+     * @param count    the length of items to be copied.
+     * @return         true if the given arrays' contents are equal, or if the arrays are
+     *                 identical (pointers are equal).
+     */
+    static UBool arrayCompare(const UnicodeString* array1,
+                             const UnicodeString* array2,
+                             int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Create a copy, in fZoneStrings, of the given zone strings array. The
+     * member variables fZoneStringsRowCount and fZoneStringsColCount should be
+     * set already by the caller.
+     */
+    void createZoneStrings(const UnicodeString *const * otherStrings);
+    /**
+     * Delete all the storage owned by this object.
+     */
+    void dispose(void);
+    /**
+     * Copy all of the other's data to this.
+     * @param other the object to be copied.
+     */
+    void copyData(const DateFormatSymbols& other);
+    /**
+     * Create zone strings array by locale if not yet available
+     */
+    void initZoneStringsArray(void);
+    /**
+     * Delete just the zone strings.
+     */
+    void disposeZoneStrings(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns the date format field index of the pattern character c,
+     * or UDAT_FIELD_COUNT if c is not a pattern character.
+     */
+    static UDateFormatField U_EXPORT2 getPatternCharIndex(char16_t c);
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if f (with its pattern character repeated count times) is a numeric field.
+     */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 isNumericField(UDateFormatField f, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if c (repeated count times) is the pattern character for a numeric field.
+     */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 isNumericPatternChar(char16_t c, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Gets a DateFormatSymbols by locale.
+     * Unlike the constructors which always use gregorian calendar, this
+     * method uses the calendar in the locale. If the locale contains no
+     * explicit calendar, this method uses the default calendar for that
+     * locale.
+     * @param locale the locale.
+     * @param status error returned here.
+     * @return the new DateFormatSymbols which the caller owns.
+     * @internal For ICU use only.
+     */
+    static DateFormatSymbols * U_EXPORT2 createForLocale(
+            const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _DTFMTSYM
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtintrv.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtintrv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e15c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtintrv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File DTINTRV.H 
+#ifndef __DTINTRV_H__
+#define __DTINTRV_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Date Interval data type
+ */
+ * This class represents a date interval.
+ * It is a pair of UDate representing from UDate 1 to UDate 2.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+class U_COMMON_API DateInterval : public UObject {
+    /** 
+     * Construct a DateInterval given a from date and a to date.
+     * @param fromDate  The from date in date interval.
+     * @param toDate    The to date in date interval.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateInterval(UDate fromDate, UDate toDate);
+    /**
+     * destructor
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual ~DateInterval();
+    /** 
+     * Get the from date.
+     * @return  the from date in dateInterval.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    inline UDate getFromDate() const;
+    /** 
+     * Get the to date.
+     * @return  the to date in dateInterval.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    inline UDate getToDate() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateInterval(const DateInterval& other);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateInterval& operator=(const DateInterval&);
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.
+     * @return TRUE if the two DateIntervals are the same
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const DateInterval& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Non-equality operator
+     * @return TRUE if the two DateIntervals are not the same
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const DateInterval& other) const;
+    /**
+     * clone this object. 
+     * The caller owns the result and should delete it when done.
+     * @return a cloned DateInterval
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+     virtual DateInterval* clone() const;
+    /** 
+     * Default constructor, not implemented.
+     */
+    DateInterval();
+    UDate fromDate;
+    UDate toDate;
+} ;// end class DateInterval
+inline UDate 
+DateInterval::getFromDate() const { 
+    return fromDate; 
+inline UDate 
+DateInterval::getToDate() const { 
+    return toDate; 
+inline UBool 
+DateInterval::operator!=(const DateInterval& other) const { 
+    return ( !operator==(other) );
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtitvfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtitvfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23fc02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtitvfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __DTITVFMT_H__
+#define __DTITVFMT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Format and parse date interval in a language-independent manner.
+ */
+#include "unicode/ucal.h"
+#include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/dtintrv.h"
+#include "unicode/dtitvinf.h"
+#include "unicode/dtptngen.h"
+#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
+class FormattedDateIntervalData;
+class DateIntervalFormat;
+ * An immutable class containing the result of a date interval formatting operation.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * When calling nextPosition():
+ * The fields are returned from left to right. The special field category
+ * UFIELD_CATEGORY_DATE_INTERVAL_SPAN is used to indicate which datetime
+ * primitives came from which arguments: 0 means fromCalendar, and 1 means
+ * toCalendar. The span category will always occur before the
+ * corresponding fields in UFIELD_CATEGORY_DATE
+ * in the nextPosition() iterator.
+ *
+ * Not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedDateInterval : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Default constructor; makes an empty FormattedDateInterval.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedDateInterval() : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR) {}
+    /**
+     * Move constructor: Leaves the source FormattedDateInterval in an undefined state.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedDateInterval(FormattedDateInterval&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Destruct an instance of FormattedDateInterval.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    virtual ~FormattedDateInterval() U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move constructor instead. */
+    FormattedDateInterval(const FormattedDateInterval&) = delete;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move assignment instead. */
+    FormattedDateInterval& operator=(const FormattedDateInterval&) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Move assignment: Leaves the source FormattedDateInterval in an undefined state.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedDateInterval& operator=(FormattedDateInterval&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toString() */
+    UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toTempString() */
+    UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::appendTo() */
+    Appendable &appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::nextPosition() */
+    UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    FormattedDateIntervalData *fData;
+    UErrorCode fErrorCode;
+    explicit FormattedDateInterval(FormattedDateIntervalData *results)
+        : fData(results), fErrorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    explicit FormattedDateInterval(UErrorCode errorCode)
+        : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(errorCode) {}
+    friend class DateIntervalFormat;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * DateIntervalFormat is a class for formatting and parsing date
+ * intervals in a language-independent manner.
+ * Only formatting is supported, parsing is not supported.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Date interval means from one date to another date,
+ * for example, from "Jan 11, 2008" to "Jan 18, 2008".
+ * We introduced class DateInterval to represent it.
+ * DateInterval is a pair of UDate, which is
+ * the standard milliseconds since 24:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * DateIntervalFormat formats a DateInterval into
+ * text as compactly as possible.
+ * For example, the date interval format from "Jan 11, 2008" to "Jan 18,. 2008"
+ * is "Jan 11-18, 2008" for English.
+ * And it parses text into DateInterval,
+ * although initially, parsing is not supported.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * There is no structural information in date time patterns.
+ * For any punctuations and string literals inside a date time pattern,
+ * we do not know whether it is just a separator, or a prefix, or a suffix.
+ * Without such information, so, it is difficult to generate a sub-pattern
+ * (or super-pattern) by algorithm.
+ * So, formatting a DateInterval is pattern-driven. It is very
+ * similar to formatting in SimpleDateFormat.
+ * We introduce class DateIntervalInfo to save date interval
+ * patterns, similar to date time pattern in SimpleDateFormat.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Logically, the interval patterns are mappings
+ * from (skeleton, the_largest_different_calendar_field)
+ * to (date_interval_pattern).
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * A skeleton
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>
+ * only keeps the field pattern letter and ignores all other parts
+ * in a pattern, such as space, punctuations, and string literals.
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ * hides the order of fields.
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ * might hide a field's pattern letter length.
+ * </li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * For those non-digit calendar fields, the pattern letter length is
+ * important, such as MMM, MMMM, and MMMMM; EEE and EEEE,
+ * and the field's pattern letter length is honored.
+ *
+ * For the digit calendar fields,  such as M or MM, d or dd, yy or yyyy,
+ * the field pattern length is ignored and the best match, which is defined
+ * in date time patterns, will be returned without honor the field pattern
+ * letter length in skeleton.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The calendar fields we support for interval formatting are:
+ * year, month, date, day-of-week, am-pm, hour, hour-of-day, minute, and second
+ * (though we do not currently have specific intervalFormat date for skeletons
+ * with seconds).
+ * Those calendar fields can be defined in the following order:
+ * year >  month > date > hour (in day) >  minute > second
+ *
+ * The largest different calendar fields between 2 calendars is the
+ * first different calendar field in above order.
+ *
+ * For example: the largest different calendar fields between "Jan 10, 2007"
+ * and "Feb 20, 2008" is year.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * For other calendar fields, the compact interval formatting is not
+ * supported. And the interval format will be fall back to fall-back
+ * patterns, which is mostly "{date0} - {date1}".
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * There is a set of pre-defined static skeleton strings.
+ * There are pre-defined interval patterns for those pre-defined skeletons
+ * in locales' resource files.
+ * For example, for a skeleton UDAT_YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY, which is  &quot;yMMMd&quot;,
+ * in  en_US, if the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2
+ * is &quot;year&quot;, the date interval pattern  is &quot;MMM d, yyyy - MMM d, yyyy&quot;,
+ * such as &quot;Jan 10, 2007 - Jan 10, 2008&quot;.
+ * If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is &quot;month&quot;,
+ * the date interval pattern is &quot;MMM d - MMM d, yyyy&quot;,
+ * such as &quot;Jan 10 - Feb 10, 2007&quot;.
+ * If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is &quot;day&quot;,
+ * the date interval pattern is &quot;MMM d-d, yyyy&quot;, such as &quot;Jan 10-20, 2007&quot;.
+ *
+ * For date skeleton, the interval patterns when year, or month, or date is
+ * different are defined in resource files.
+ * For time skeleton, the interval patterns when am/pm, or hour, or minute is
+ * different are defined in resource files.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * If a skeleton is not found in a locale's DateIntervalInfo, which means
+ * the interval patterns for the skeleton is not defined in resource file,
+ * the interval pattern will falls back to the interval "fallback" pattern
+ * defined in resource file.
+ * If the interval "fallback" pattern is not defined, the default fall-back
+ * is "{date0} - {data1}".
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * For the combination of date and time,
+ * The rule to generate interval patterns are:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>
+ *    when the year, month, or day differs, falls back to fall-back
+ *    interval pattern, which mostly is the concatenate the two original
+ *    expressions with a separator between,
+ *    For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
+ *    to "Jan 11, 2007 10:10am" is
+ *    "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - Jan 11, 2007 10:10am"
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ *    otherwise, present the date followed by the range expression
+ *    for the time.
+ *    For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
+ *    to "Jan 10, 2007 11:10am" is "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - 11:10am"
+ * </li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * If two dates are the same, the interval pattern is the single date pattern.
+ * For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007" to "Jan 10, 2007" is
+ * "Jan 10, 2007".
+ *
+ * Or if the presenting fields between 2 dates have the exact same values,
+ * the interval pattern is the  single date pattern.
+ * For example, if user only requests year and month,
+ * the interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007" to "Jan 20, 2007" is "Jan 2007".
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * DateIntervalFormat needs the following information for correct
+ * formatting: time zone, calendar type, pattern, date format symbols,
+ * and date interval patterns.
+ * It can be instantiated in 2 ways:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>
+ *    create an instance using default or given locale plus given skeleton.
+ *    Users are encouraged to created date interval formatter this way and
+ *    to use the pre-defined skeleton macros, such as
+ *    UDAT_YEAR_NUM_MONTH, which consists the calendar fields and
+ *    the format style.
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ *    create an instance using default or given locale plus given skeleton
+ *    plus a given DateIntervalInfo.
+ *    This factory method is for powerful users who want to provide their own
+ *    interval patterns.
+ *    Locale provides the timezone, calendar, and format symbols information.
+ *    Local plus skeleton provides full pattern information.
+ *    DateIntervalInfo provides the date interval patterns.
+ * </li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * For the calendar field pattern letter, such as G, y, M, d, a, h, H, m, s etc.
+ * DateIntervalFormat uses the same syntax as that of
+ * DateTime format.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Code Sample: general usage
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *   // the date interval object which the DateIntervalFormat formats on
+ *   // and parses into
+ *   DateInterval*  dtInterval = new DateInterval(1000*3600*24, 1000*3600*24*2);
+ *   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *   DateIntervalFormat* dtIntervalFmt = DateIntervalFormat::createInstance(
+ *                           UDAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY,
+ *                           Locale("en", "GB", ""), status);
+ *   UnicodeUnicodeString dateIntervalString;
+ *   FieldPosition pos = 0;
+ *   // formatting
+ *   dtIntervalFmt->format(dtInterval, dateIntervalUnicodeString, pos, status);
+ *   delete dtIntervalFmt;
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class U_I18N_API DateIntervalFormat : public Format {
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton and  the default locale.
+     *
+     * This is a convenient override of
+     * createInstance(const UnicodeString& skeleton, const Locale& locale,
+     *                UErrorCode&)
+     * with the value of locale as default locale.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton  the skeleton on which interval format based.
+     * @param status    output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return          a date time interval formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(
+                                               const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                               UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton and a given locale.
+     * <P>
+     * In this factory method,
+     * the date interval pattern information is load from resource files.
+     * Users are encouraged to created date interval formatter this way and
+     * to use the pre-defined skeleton macros.
+     *
+     * <P>
+     * There are pre-defined skeletons (defined in udate.h) having predefined
+     * interval patterns in resource files.
+     * Users are encouraged to use those macros.
+     * For example:
+     * DateIntervalFormat::createInstance(UDAT_MONTH_DAY, status)
+     *
+     * The given Locale provides the interval patterns.
+     * For example, for en_GB, if skeleton is UDAT_YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY,
+     * which is "yMMMEEEd",
+     * the interval patterns defined in resource file to above skeleton are:
+     * "EEE, d MMM, yyyy - EEE, d MMM, yyyy" for year differs,
+     * "EEE, d MMM - EEE, d MMM, yyyy" for month differs,
+     * "EEE, d - EEE, d MMM, yyyy" for day differs,
+     * @param skeleton  the skeleton on which the interval format is based.
+     * @param locale    the given locale
+     * @param status    output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return          a date time interval formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+	 * <p>
+	 * <h4>Sample code</h4>
+	 * \snippet samples/dtitvfmtsample/dtitvfmtsample.cpp dtitvfmtPreDefined1
+	 * \snippet samples/dtitvfmtsample/dtitvfmtsample.cpp dtitvfmtPreDefined
+	 * <p>
+     */
+    static DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(
+                                               const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                               const Locale& locale,
+                                               UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton
+     *  DateIntervalInfo, and default locale.
+     *
+     * This is a convenient override of
+     * createInstance(const UnicodeString& skeleton, const Locale& locale,
+     *                const DateIntervalInfo& dtitvinf, UErrorCode&)
+     * with the locale value as default locale.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton  the skeleton on which interval format based.
+     * @param dtitvinf  the DateIntervalInfo object.
+     * @param status    output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return          a date time interval formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(
+                                              const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                              const DateIntervalInfo& dtitvinf,
+                                              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton
+     * a DateIntervalInfo, and the given locale.
+     *
+     * <P>
+     * In this factory method, user provides its own date interval pattern
+     * information, instead of using those pre-defined data in resource file.
+     * This factory method is for powerful users who want to provide their own
+     * interval patterns.
+     * <P>
+     * There are pre-defined skeletons (defined in udate.h) having predefined
+     * interval patterns in resource files.
+     * Users are encouraged to use those macros.
+     * For example:
+     * DateIntervalFormat::createInstance(UDAT_MONTH_DAY, status)
+     *
+     * The DateIntervalInfo provides the interval patterns.
+     * and the DateIntervalInfo ownership remains to the caller.
+     *
+     * User are encouraged to set default interval pattern in DateIntervalInfo
+     * as well, if they want to set other interval patterns ( instead of
+     * reading the interval patterns from resource files).
+     * When the corresponding interval pattern for a largest calendar different
+     * field is not found ( if user not set it ), interval format fallback to
+     * the default interval pattern.
+     * If user does not provide default interval pattern, it fallback to
+     * "{date0} - {date1}"
+     *
+     * @param skeleton  the skeleton on which interval format based.
+     * @param locale    the given locale
+     * @param dtitvinf  the DateIntervalInfo object.
+     * @param status    output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return          a date time interval formatter which the caller owns.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+	 * <p>
+	 * <h4>Sample code</h4>
+	 * \snippet samples/dtitvfmtsample/dtitvfmtsample.cpp dtitvfmtPreDefined1
+	 * \snippet samples/dtitvfmtsample/dtitvfmtsample.cpp dtitvfmtCustomized
+	 * <p>
+     */
+    static DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(
+                                              const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                              const Locale& locale,
+                                              const DateIntervalInfo& dtitvinf,
+                                              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual ~DateIntervalFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clone this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual DateIntervalFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are not semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other the object to be compared with.
+     * @return      true if the given Format objects are not semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const Format& other) const;
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string. This method handles Formattable
+     * objects with a DateInterval type.
+     * If a the Formattable object type is not a DateInterval,
+     * then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj               The object to format.
+     *                          Must be a DateInterval.
+     * @param appendTo          Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                          Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param fieldPosition     On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                          On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     *                          There may be multiple instances of a given field type
+     *                          in an interval format; in this case the fieldPosition
+     *                          offsets refer to the first instance.
+     * @param status            Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return                  Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& fieldPosition,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const ;
+    /**
+     * Format a DateInterval to produce a string.
+     *
+     * @param dtInterval        DateInterval to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo          Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                          Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param fieldPosition     On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                          On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     *                          There may be multiple instances of a given field type
+     *                          in an interval format; in this case the fieldPosition
+     *                          offsets refer to the first instance.
+     * @param status            Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return                  Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const DateInterval* dtInterval,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition& fieldPosition,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const ;
+    /**
+     * Format a DateInterval to produce a FormattedDateInterval.
+     *
+     * The FormattedDateInterval exposes field information about the formatted string.
+     *
+     * @param dtInterval        DateInterval to be formatted.
+     * @param status            Set if an error occurs.
+     * @return                  A FormattedDateInterval containing the format result.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedDateInterval formatToValue(
+        const DateInterval& dtInterval,
+        UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Format 2 Calendars to produce a string.
+     *
+     * Note: "fromCalendar" and "toCalendar" are not const,
+     * since calendar is not const in  SimpleDateFormat::format(Calendar&),
+     *
+     * @param fromCalendar      calendar set to the from date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param toCalendar        calendar set to the to date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param appendTo          Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                          Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param fieldPosition     On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                          On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     *                          There may be multiple instances of a given field type
+     *                          in an interval format; in this case the fieldPosition
+     *                          offsets refer to the first instance.
+     * @param status            Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     *                          Caller needs to make sure it is SUCCESS
+     *                          at the function entrance
+     * @return                  Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(Calendar& fromCalendar,
+                          Calendar& toCalendar,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition& fieldPosition,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const ;
+    /**
+     * Format 2 Calendars to produce a FormattedDateInterval.
+     *
+     * The FormattedDateInterval exposes field information about the formatted string.
+     *
+     * Note: "fromCalendar" and "toCalendar" are not const,
+     * since calendar is not const in  SimpleDateFormat::format(Calendar&),
+     *
+     * @param fromCalendar      calendar set to the from date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param toCalendar        calendar set to the to date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param status            Set if an error occurs.
+     * @return                  A FormattedDateInterval containing the format result.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedDateInterval formatToValue(
+        Calendar& fromCalendar,
+        Calendar& toCalendar,
+        UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Date interval parsing is not supported. Please do not use.
+     * <P>
+     * This method should handle parsing of
+     * date time interval strings into Formattable objects with
+     * DateInterval type, which is a pair of UDate.
+     * <P>
+     * Before calling, set parse_pos.index to the offset you want to start
+     * parsing at in the source. After calling, parse_pos.index is the end of
+     * the text you parsed. If error occurs, index is unchanged.
+     * <P>
+     * When parsing, leading whitespace is discarded (with a successful parse),
+     * while trailing whitespace is left as is.
+     * <P>
+     * See Format::parseObject() for more.
+     *
+     * @param source    The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result    Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                  If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Since no parsing
+     *                  is supported, upon return this param is unchanged.
+     * @return          A newly created Formattable* object, or NULL
+     *                  on failure.  The caller owns this and should
+     *                  delete it when done.
+     * @internal ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                             Formattable& result,
+                             ParsePosition& parse_pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the date time interval patterns.
+     * @return the date time interval patterns associated with
+     * this date interval formatter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    const DateIntervalInfo* getDateIntervalInfo(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the date time interval patterns.
+     * @param newIntervalPatterns   the given interval patterns to copy.
+     * @param status          output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    void setDateIntervalInfo(const DateIntervalInfo& newIntervalPatterns,
+                             UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the date formatter. The DateIntervalFormat instance continues to own
+     * the returned DateFormatter object, and will use and possibly modify it
+     * during format operations. In a multi-threaded environment, the returned
+     * DateFormat can only be used if it is certain that no other threads are
+     * concurrently using this DateIntervalFormatter, even for nominally const
+     * functions.
+     *
+     * @return the date formatter associated with this date interval formatter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    const DateFormat* getDateFormat(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a reference to the TimeZone used by this DateIntervalFormat's calendar.
+     * @return the time zone associated with the calendar of DateIntervalFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const TimeZone& getTimeZone(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone for the calendar used by this DateIntervalFormat object. The
+     * caller no longer owns the TimeZone object and should not delete it after this call.
+     * @param zoneToAdopt the TimeZone to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual void adoptTimeZone(TimeZone* zoneToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone for the calendar used by this DateIntervalFormat object.
+     * @param zone the new time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual void setTimeZone(const TimeZone& zone);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateIntervalFormat(const DateIntervalFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateIntervalFormat& operator=(const DateIntervalFormat&);
+    /*
+     * This is for ICU internal use only. Please do not use.
+     * Save the interval pattern information.
+     * Interval pattern consists of 2 single date patterns and the separator.
+     * For example, interval pattern "MMM d - MMM d, yyyy" consists
+     * a single date pattern "MMM d", another single date pattern "MMM d, yyyy",
+     * and a separator "-".
+     * The pattern is divided into 2 parts. For above example,
+     * the first part is "MMM d - ", and the second part is "MMM d, yyyy".
+     * Also, the first date appears in an interval pattern could be
+     * the earlier date or the later date.
+     * And such information is saved in the interval pattern as well.
+     */
+    struct PatternInfo {
+        UnicodeString firstPart;
+        UnicodeString secondPart;
+        /**
+         * Whether the first date in interval pattern is later date or not.
+         * Fallback format set the default ordering.
+         * And for a particular interval pattern, the order can be
+         * overriden by prefixing the interval pattern with "latestFirst:" or
+         * "earliestFirst:"
+         * For example, given 2 date, Jan 10, 2007 to Feb 10, 2007.
+         * if the fallback format is "{0} - {1}",
+         * and the pattern is "d MMM - d MMM yyyy", the interval format is
+         * "10 Jan - 10 Feb, 2007".
+         * If the pattern is "latestFirst:d MMM - d MMM yyyy",
+         * the interval format is "10 Feb - 10 Jan, 2007"
+         */
+        UBool         laterDateFirst;
+    };
+    /**
+     * default constructor
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    DateIntervalFormat();
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateIntervalFormat from DateFormat,
+     * a DateIntervalInfo, and skeleton.
+     * DateFormat provides the timezone, calendar,
+     * full pattern, and date format symbols information.
+     * It should be a SimpleDateFormat object which
+     * has a pattern in it.
+     * the DateIntervalInfo provides the interval patterns.
+     *
+     * Note: the DateIntervalFormat takes ownership of both
+     * DateFormat and DateIntervalInfo objects.
+     * Caller should not delete them.
+     *
+     * @param locale    the locale of this date interval formatter.
+     * @param dtItvInfo the DateIntervalInfo object to be adopted.
+     * @param skeleton  the skeleton of the date formatter
+     * @param status    output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     */
+    DateIntervalFormat(const Locale& locale, DateIntervalInfo* dtItvInfo,
+                       const UnicodeString* skeleton, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a DateIntervalFormat from DateFormat
+     * and a DateIntervalInfo.
+     *
+     * It is a wrapper of the constructor.
+     *
+     * @param locale    the locale of this date interval formatter.
+     * @param dtitvinf  the DateIntervalInfo object to be adopted.
+     * @param skeleton  the skeleton of this formatter.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @return          a date time interval formatter which the caller owns.
+     */
+    static DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2 create(const Locale& locale,
+                                                DateIntervalInfo* dtitvinf,
+                                                const UnicodeString* skeleton,
+                                                UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     *  Below are for generating interval patterns local to the formatter
+     */
+    /** Like fallbackFormat, but only formats the range part of the fallback. */
+    void fallbackFormatRange(
+        Calendar& fromCalendar,
+        Calendar& toCalendar,
+        UnicodeString& appendTo,
+        int8_t& firstIndex,
+        FieldPositionHandler& fphandler,
+        UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format 2 Calendars using fall-back interval pattern
+     *
+     * The full pattern used in this fall-back format is the
+     * full pattern of the date formatter.
+     *
+     * gFormatterMutex must already be locked when calling this function.
+     *
+     * @param fromCalendar      calendar set to the from date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param toCalendar        calendar set to the to date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param fromToOnSameDay   TRUE iff from and to dates are on the same day
+     *                          (any difference is in ampm/hours or below)
+     * @param appendTo          Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                          Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param firstIndex        See formatImpl for more information.
+     * @param fphandler         See formatImpl for more information.
+     * @param status            output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return                  Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    UnicodeString& fallbackFormat(Calendar& fromCalendar,
+                                  Calendar& toCalendar,
+                                  UBool fromToOnSameDay,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  int8_t& firstIndex,
+                                  FieldPositionHandler& fphandler,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Initialize interval patterns locale to this formatter
+     *
+     * This code is a bit complicated since
+     * 1. the interval patterns saved in resource bundle files are interval
+     *    patterns based on date or time only.
+     *    It does not have interval patterns based on both date and time.
+     *    Interval patterns on both date and time are algorithm generated.
+     *
+     *    For example, it has interval patterns on skeleton "dMy" and "hm",
+     *    but it does not have interval patterns on skeleton "dMyhm".
+     *
+     *    The rule to generate interval patterns for both date and time skeleton are
+     *    1) when the year, month, or day differs, concatenate the two original
+     *    expressions with a separator between,
+     *    For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
+     *    to "Jan 11, 2007 10:10am" is
+     *    "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - Jan 11, 2007 10:10am"
+     *
+     *    2) otherwise, present the date followed by the range expression
+     *    for the time.
+     *    For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
+     *    to "Jan 10, 2007 11:10am" is
+     *    "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - 11:10am"
+     *
+     * 2. even a pattern does not request a certain calendar field,
+     *    the interval pattern needs to include such field if such fields are
+     *    different between 2 dates.
+     *    For example, a pattern/skeleton is "hm", but the interval pattern
+     *    includes year, month, and date when year, month, and date differs.
+     *
+     *
+     * @param status    output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     */
+    void initializePattern(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Set fall back interval pattern given a calendar field,
+     * a skeleton, and a date time pattern generator.
+     * @param field      the largest different calendar field
+     * @param skeleton   a skeleton
+     * @param status     output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     */
+    void setFallbackPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
+                            const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                            UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * get separated date and time skeleton from a combined skeleton.
+     *
+     * The difference between date skeleton and normalizedDateSkeleton are:
+     * 1. both 'y' and 'd' are appeared only once in normalizeDateSkeleton
+     * 2. 'E' and 'EE' are normalized into 'EEE'
+     * 3. 'MM' is normalized into 'M'
+     *
+     ** the difference between time skeleton and normalizedTimeSkeleton are:
+     * 1. both 'H' and 'h' are normalized as 'h' in normalized time skeleton,
+     * 2. 'a' is omitted in normalized time skeleton.
+     * 3. there is only one appearance for 'h', 'm','v', 'z' in normalized time
+     *    skeleton
+     *
+     *
+     *  @param skeleton               given combined skeleton.
+     *  @param date                   Output parameter for date only skeleton.
+     *  @param normalizedDate         Output parameter for normalized date only
+     *
+     *  @param time                   Output parameter for time only skeleton.
+     *  @param normalizedTime         Output parameter for normalized time only
+     *                                skeleton.
+     *
+     */
+    static void  U_EXPORT2 getDateTimeSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                    UnicodeString& date,
+                                    UnicodeString& normalizedDate,
+                                    UnicodeString& time,
+                                    UnicodeString& normalizedTime);
+    /**
+     * Generate date or time interval pattern from resource,
+     * and set them into the interval pattern locale to this formatter.
+     *
+     * It needs to handle the following:
+     * 1. need to adjust field width.
+     *    For example, the interval patterns saved in DateIntervalInfo
+     *    includes "dMMMy", but not "dMMMMy".
+     *    Need to get interval patterns for dMMMMy from dMMMy.
+     *    Another example, the interval patterns saved in DateIntervalInfo
+     *    includes "hmv", but not "hmz".
+     *    Need to get interval patterns for "hmz' from 'hmv'
+     *
+     * 2. there might be no pattern for 'y' differ for skeleton "Md",
+     *    in order to get interval patterns for 'y' differ,
+     *    need to look for it from skeleton 'yMd'
+     *
+     * @param dateSkeleton   normalized date skeleton
+     * @param timeSkeleton   normalized time skeleton
+     * @return               whether the resource is found for the skeleton.
+     *                       TRUE if interval pattern found for the skeleton,
+     *                       FALSE otherwise.
+     */
+    UBool setSeparateDateTimePtn(const UnicodeString& dateSkeleton,
+                                 const UnicodeString& timeSkeleton);
+    /**
+     * Generate interval pattern from existing resource
+     *
+     * It not only save the interval patterns,
+     * but also return the extended skeleton and its best match skeleton.
+     *
+     * @param field           largest different calendar field
+     * @param skeleton        skeleton
+     * @param bestSkeleton    the best match skeleton which has interval pattern
+     *                        defined in resource
+     * @param differenceInfo  the difference between skeleton and best skeleton
+     *         0 means the best matched skeleton is the same as input skeleton
+     *         1 means the fields are the same, but field width are different
+     *         2 means the only difference between fields are v/z,
+     *        -1 means there are other fields difference
+     *
+     * @param extendedSkeleton      extended skeleton
+     * @param extendedBestSkeleton  extended best match skeleton
+     * @return                      whether the interval pattern is found
+     *                              through extending skeleton or not.
+     *                              TRUE if interval pattern is found by
+     *                              extending skeleton, FALSE otherwise.
+     */
+    UBool setIntervalPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
+                             const UnicodeString* skeleton,
+                             const UnicodeString* bestSkeleton,
+                             int8_t differenceInfo,
+                             UnicodeString* extendedSkeleton = NULL,
+                             UnicodeString* extendedBestSkeleton = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Adjust field width in best match interval pattern to match
+     * the field width in input skeleton.
+     *
+     * TODO (xji) make a general solution
+     * The adjusting rule can be:
+     * 1. always adjust
+     * 2. never adjust
+     * 3. default adjust, which means adjust according to the following rules
+     * 3.1 always adjust string, such as MMM and MMMM
+     * 3.2 never adjust between string and numeric, such as MM and MMM
+     * 3.3 always adjust year
+     * 3.4 do not adjust 'd', 'h', or 'm' if h presents
+     * 3.5 do not adjust 'M' if it is numeric(?)
+     *
+     * Since date interval format is well-formed format,
+     * date and time skeletons are normalized previously,
+     * till this stage, the adjust here is only "adjust strings, such as MMM
+     * and MMMM, EEE and EEEE.
+     *
+     * @param inputSkeleton            the input skeleton
+     * @param bestMatchSkeleton        the best match skeleton
+     * @param bestMatchIntervalPattern the best match interval pattern
+     * @param differenceInfo           the difference between 2 skeletons
+     *                                 1 means only field width differs
+     *                                 2 means v/z exchange
+     * @param adjustedIntervalPattern  adjusted interval pattern
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 adjustFieldWidth(
+                            const UnicodeString& inputSkeleton,
+                            const UnicodeString& bestMatchSkeleton,
+                            const UnicodeString& bestMatchIntervalPattern,
+                            int8_t differenceInfo,
+                            UnicodeString& adjustedIntervalPattern);
+    /**
+     * Concat a single date pattern with a time interval pattern,
+     * set it into the intervalPatterns, while field is time field.
+     * This is used to handle time interval patterns on skeleton with
+     * both time and date. Present the date followed by
+     * the range expression for the time.
+     * @param format         date and time format
+     * @param datePattern    date pattern
+     * @param field          time calendar field: AM_PM, HOUR, MINUTE
+     * @param status         output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     */
+    void concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(UnicodeString& format,
+                                       const UnicodeString& datePattern,
+                                       UCalendarDateFields field,
+                                       UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * check whether a calendar field present in a skeleton.
+     * @param field      calendar field need to check
+     * @param skeleton   given skeleton on which to check the calendar field
+     * @return           true if field present in a skeleton.
+     */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 fieldExistsInSkeleton(UCalendarDateFields field,
+                                                 const UnicodeString& skeleton);
+    /**
+     * Split interval patterns into 2 part.
+     * @param intervalPattern  interval pattern
+     * @return the index in interval pattern which split the pattern into 2 part
+     */
+    static int32_t  U_EXPORT2 splitPatternInto2Part(const UnicodeString& intervalPattern);
+    /**
+     * Break interval patterns as 2 part and save them into pattern info.
+     * @param field            calendar field
+     * @param intervalPattern  interval pattern
+     */
+    void setIntervalPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
+                            const UnicodeString& intervalPattern);
+    /**
+     * Break interval patterns as 2 part and save them into pattern info.
+     * @param field            calendar field
+     * @param intervalPattern  interval pattern
+     * @param laterDateFirst   whether later date appear first in interval pattern
+     */
+    void setIntervalPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
+                            const UnicodeString& intervalPattern,
+                            UBool laterDateFirst);
+    /**
+     * Set pattern information.
+     *
+     * @param field            calendar field
+     * @param firstPart        the first part in interval pattern
+     * @param secondPart       the second part in interval pattern
+     * @param laterDateFirst   whether the first date in intervalPattern
+     *                         is earlier date or later date
+     */
+    void setPatternInfo(UCalendarDateFields field,
+                        const UnicodeString* firstPart,
+                        const UnicodeString* secondPart,
+                        UBool laterDateFirst);
+    /**
+     * Format 2 Calendars to produce a string.
+     * Implementation of the similar public format function.
+     * Must be called with gFormatterMutex already locked.
+     *
+     * Note: "fromCalendar" and "toCalendar" are not const,
+     * since calendar is not const in  SimpleDateFormat::format(Calendar&),
+     *
+     * @param fromCalendar      calendar set to the from date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param toCalendar        calendar set to the to date in date interval
+     *                          to be formatted into date interval string
+     * @param appendTo          Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                          Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param firstIndex        0 if the first output date is fromCalendar;
+     *                          1 if it corresponds to toCalendar;
+     *                          -1 if there is only one date printed.
+     * @param fphandler         Handler for field position information.
+     *                          The fields will be from the UDateFormatField enum.
+     * @param status            Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     *                          Caller needs to make sure it is SUCCESS
+     *                          at the function entrance
+     * @return                  Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatImpl(Calendar& fromCalendar,
+                              Calendar& toCalendar,
+                              UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                              int8_t& firstIndex,
+                              FieldPositionHandler& fphandler,
+                              UErrorCode& status) const ;
+    /** Version of formatImpl for DateInterval. */
+    UnicodeString& formatIntervalImpl(const DateInterval& dtInterval,
+                              UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                              int8_t& firstIndex,
+                              FieldPositionHandler& fphandler,
+                              UErrorCode& status) const;
+    // from calendar field to pattern letter
+    static const char16_t fgCalendarFieldToPatternLetter[];
+    /**
+     * The interval patterns for this locale.
+     */
+    DateIntervalInfo*     fInfo;
+    /**
+     * The DateFormat object used to format single pattern
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat*     fDateFormat;
+    /**
+     * The 2 calendars with the from and to date.
+     * could re-use the calendar in fDateFormat,
+     * but keeping 2 calendars make it clear and clean.
+     */
+    Calendar* fFromCalendar;
+    Calendar* fToCalendar;
+    Locale fLocale;
+    /**
+     * Following are interval information relevant (locale) to this formatter.
+     */
+    UnicodeString fSkeleton;
+    PatternInfo fIntervalPatterns[DateIntervalInfo::kIPI_MAX_INDEX];
+    /**
+     * Patterns for fallback formatting.
+     */
+    UnicodeString* fDatePattern;
+    UnicodeString* fTimePattern;
+    UnicodeString* fDateTimeFormat;
+inline UBool
+DateIntervalFormat::operator!=(const Format& other) const  {
+    return !operator==(other);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _DTITVFMT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtitvinf.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtitvinf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a894d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtitvinf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __DTITVINF_H__
+#define __DTITVINF_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Date/Time interval patterns for formatting date/time interval
+ */
+#include "unicode/udat.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/ucal.h"
+#include "unicode/dtptngen.h"
+ * DateIntervalInfo is a public class for encapsulating localizable
+ * date time interval patterns. It is used by DateIntervalFormat.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * For most users, ordinary use of DateIntervalFormat does not need to create
+ * DateIntervalInfo object directly.
+ * DateIntervalFormat will take care of it when creating a date interval
+ * formatter when user pass in skeleton and locale.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * For power users, who want to create their own date interval patterns,
+ * or want to re-set date interval patterns, they could do so by
+ * directly creating DateIntervalInfo and manupulating it.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Logically, the interval patterns are mappings
+ * from (skeleton, the_largest_different_calendar_field)
+ * to (date_interval_pattern).
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * A skeleton
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>
+ * only keeps the field pattern letter and ignores all other parts
+ * in a pattern, such as space, punctuations, and string literals.
+ * <li>
+ * hides the order of fields.
+ * <li>
+ * might hide a field's pattern letter length.
+ *
+ * For those non-digit calendar fields, the pattern letter length is
+ * important, such as MMM, MMMM, and MMMMM; EEE and EEEE,
+ * and the field's pattern letter length is honored.
+ *
+ * For the digit calendar fields,  such as M or MM, d or dd, yy or yyyy,
+ * the field pattern length is ignored and the best match, which is defined
+ * in date time patterns, will be returned without honor the field pattern
+ * letter length in skeleton.
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The calendar fields we support for interval formatting are:
+ * year, month, date, day-of-week, am-pm, hour, hour-of-day, and minute.
+ * Those calendar fields can be defined in the following order:
+ * year >  month > date > am-pm > hour >  minute
+ *
+ * The largest different calendar fields between 2 calendars is the
+ * first different calendar field in above order.
+ *
+ * For example: the largest different calendar fields between &quot;Jan 10, 2007&quot;
+ * and &quot;Feb 20, 2008&quot; is year.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * There is a set of pre-defined static skeleton strings.
+ * There are pre-defined interval patterns for those pre-defined skeletons
+ * in locales' resource files.
+ * For example, for a skeleton UDAT_YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY, which is  &quot;yMMMd&quot;,
+ * in  en_US, if the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2
+ * is &quot;year&quot;, the date interval pattern  is &quot;MMM d, yyyy - MMM d, yyyy&quot;,
+ * such as &quot;Jan 10, 2007 - Jan 10, 2008&quot;.
+ * If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is &quot;month&quot;,
+ * the date interval pattern is &quot;MMM d - MMM d, yyyy&quot;,
+ * such as &quot;Jan 10 - Feb 10, 2007&quot;.
+ * If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is &quot;day&quot;,
+ * the date interval pattern is &quot;MMM d-d, yyyy&quot;, such as &quot;Jan 10-20, 2007&quot;.
+ *
+ * For date skeleton, the interval patterns when year, or month, or date is
+ * different are defined in resource files.
+ * For time skeleton, the interval patterns when am/pm, or hour, or minute is
+ * different are defined in resource files.
+ *
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * There are 2 dates in interval pattern. For most locales, the first date
+ * in an interval pattern is the earlier date. There might be a locale in which
+ * the first date in an interval pattern is the later date.
+ * We use fallback format for the default order for the locale.
+ * For example, if the fallback format is &quot;{0} - {1}&quot;, it means
+ * the first date in the interval pattern for this locale is earlier date.
+ * If the fallback format is &quot;{1} - {0}&quot;, it means the first date is the
+ * later date.
+ * For a particular interval pattern, the default order can be overriden
+ * by prefixing &quot;latestFirst:&quot; or &quot;earliestFirst:&quot; to the interval pattern.
+ * For example, if the fallback format is &quot;{0}-{1}&quot;,
+ * but for skeleton &quot;yMMMd&quot;, the interval pattern when day is different is
+ * &quot;latestFirst:d-d MMM yy&quot;, it means by default, the first date in interval
+ * pattern is the earlier date. But for skeleton &quot;yMMMd&quot;, when day is different,
+ * the first date in &quot;d-d MMM yy&quot; is the later date.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The recommended way to create a DateIntervalFormat object is to pass in
+ * the locale.
+ * By using a Locale parameter, the DateIntervalFormat object is
+ * initialized with the pre-defined interval patterns for a given or
+ * default locale.
+ * <P>
+ * Users can also create DateIntervalFormat object
+ * by supplying their own interval patterns.
+ * It provides flexibility for power users.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * After a DateIntervalInfo object is created, clients may modify
+ * the interval patterns using setIntervalPattern function as so desired.
+ * Currently, users can only set interval patterns when the following
+ * calendar fields are different: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE,  DAY_OF_MONTH,
+ * Interval patterns when other calendar fields are different is not supported.
+ * <P>
+ * DateIntervalInfo objects are cloneable.
+ * When clients obtain a DateIntervalInfo object,
+ * they can feel free to modify it as necessary.
+ * <P>
+ * DateIntervalInfo are not expected to be subclassed.
+ * Data for a calendar is loaded out of resource bundles.
+ * Through ICU 4.4, date interval patterns are only supported in the Gregorian
+ * calendar; non-Gregorian calendars are supported from ICU 4.4.1.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+class U_I18N_API DateIntervalInfo U_FINAL : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * It does not initialize any interval patterns except
+     * that it initialize default fall-back pattern as "{0} - {1}",
+     * which can be reset by setFallbackIntervalPattern().
+     * It should be followed by setFallbackIntervalPattern() and
+     * setIntervalPattern(),
+     * and is recommended to be used only for power users who
+     * wants to create their own interval patterns and use them to create
+     * date interval formatter.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @internal ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateIntervalInfo(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct DateIntervalInfo for the given locale,
+     * @param locale  the interval patterns are loaded from the appropriate calendar
+     *                data (specified calendar or default calendar) in this locale.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateIntervalInfo(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateIntervalInfo(const DateIntervalInfo&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    DateIntervalInfo& operator=(const DateIntervalInfo&);
+    /**
+     * Clone this object polymorphically.
+     * The caller owns the result and should delete it when done.
+     * @return   a copy of the object
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual DateIntervalInfo* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * It is virtual to be safe, but it is not designed to be subclassed.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual ~DateIntervalInfo();
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the DateIntervalInfo object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically equal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const DateIntervalInfo& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the DateIntervalInfo object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically unequal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const DateIntervalInfo& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Provides a way for client to build interval patterns.
+     * User could construct DateIntervalInfo by providing a list of skeletons
+     * and their patterns.
+     * <P>
+     * For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+     * DateIntervalInfo dIntervalInfo = new DateIntervalInfo();
+     * dIntervalInfo->setFallbackIntervalPattern("{0} ~ {1}");
+     * dIntervalInfo->setIntervalPattern("yMd", UCAL_YEAR, "'from' yyyy-M-d 'to' yyyy-M-d", status);
+     * dIntervalInfo->setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", UCAL_MONTH, "'from' yyyy MMM d 'to' MMM d", status);
+     * dIntervalInfo->setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", UCAL_DAY, "yyyy MMM d-d", status, status);
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Restriction:
+     * Currently, users can only set interval patterns when the following
+     * calendar fields are different: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE,  DAY_OF_MONTH,
+     * Interval patterns when other calendar fields are different are
+     * not supported.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton         the skeleton on which interval pattern based
+     * @param lrgDiffCalUnit   the largest different calendar unit.
+     * @param intervalPattern  the interval pattern on the largest different
+     *                         calendar unit.
+     *                         For example, if lrgDiffCalUnit is
+     *                         "year", the interval pattern for en_US when year
+     *                         is different could be "'from' yyyy 'to' yyyy".
+     * @param status           output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    void setIntervalPattern(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                            UCalendarDateFields lrgDiffCalUnit,
+                            const UnicodeString& intervalPattern,
+                            UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get the interval pattern given skeleton and
+     * the largest different calendar field.
+     * @param skeleton   the skeleton
+     * @param field      the largest different calendar field
+     * @param result     output param to receive the pattern
+     * @param status     output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return a reference to 'result'
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getIntervalPattern(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                      UCalendarDateFields field,
+                                      UnicodeString& result,
+                                      UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the fallback interval pattern.
+     * @param  result   output param to receive the pattern
+     * @return a reference to 'result'
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getFallbackIntervalPattern(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Re-set the fallback interval pattern.
+     *
+     * In construction, default fallback pattern is set as "{0} - {1}".
+     * And constructor taking locale as parameter will set the
+     * fallback pattern as what defined in the locale resource file.
+     *
+     * This method provides a way for user to replace the fallback pattern.
+     *
+     * @param fallbackPattern  fall-back interval pattern.
+     * @param status           output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    void setFallbackIntervalPattern(const UnicodeString& fallbackPattern,
+                                    UErrorCode& status);
+    /** Get default order -- whether the first date in pattern is later date
+                             or not.
+     * return default date ordering in interval pattern. TRUE if the first date
+     *        in pattern is later date, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UBool getDefaultOrder() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * DateIntervalFormat will need access to
+     * getBestSkeleton(), parseSkeleton(), enum IntervalPatternIndex,
+     * and calendarFieldToPatternIndex().
+     *
+     * Instead of making above public,
+     * make DateIntervalFormat a friend of DateIntervalInfo.
+     */
+    friend class DateIntervalFormat;
+    /**
+     * Internal struct used to load resource bundle data.
+     */
+    struct DateIntervalSink;
+    /**
+     * Following is for saving the interval patterns.
+     * We only support interval patterns on
+     */
+    enum IntervalPatternIndex
+    {
+        kIPI_ERA,
+        kIPI_YEAR,
+        kIPI_MONTH,
+        kIPI_DATE,
+        kIPI_AM_PM,
+        kIPI_HOUR,
+        kIPI_MINUTE,
+        kIPI_SECOND,
+        kIPI_MAX_INDEX
+    };
+    /**
+     * Max index for stored interval patterns
+     * @internal ICU 4.4
+     */
+     enum {
+         kMaxIntervalPatternIndex = kIPI_MAX_INDEX
+     };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Initialize the DateIntervalInfo from locale
+     * @param locale   the given locale.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     */
+    void initializeData(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /* Set Interval pattern.
+     *
+     * It sets interval pattern into the hash map.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton         skeleton on which the interval pattern based
+     * @param lrgDiffCalUnit   the largest different calendar unit.
+     * @param intervalPattern  the interval pattern on the largest different
+     *                         calendar unit.
+     * @param status           output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     */
+    void setIntervalPatternInternally(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                      UCalendarDateFields lrgDiffCalUnit,
+                                      const UnicodeString& intervalPattern,
+                                      UErrorCode& status);
+    /**given an input skeleton, get the best match skeleton
+     * which has pre-defined interval pattern in resource file.
+     * Also return the difference between the input skeleton
+     * and the best match skeleton.
+     *
+     * TODO (xji): set field weight or
+     *             isolate the funtionality in DateTimePatternGenerator
+     * @param  skeleton               input skeleton
+     * @param  bestMatchDistanceInfo  the difference between input skeleton
+     *                                and best match skeleton.
+     *         0, if there is exact match for input skeleton
+     *         1, if there is only field width difference between
+     *            the best match and the input skeleton
+     *         2, the only field difference is 'v' and 'z'
+     *        -1, if there is calendar field difference between
+     *            the best match and the input skeleton
+     * @return                        best match skeleton
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* getBestSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                         int8_t& bestMatchDistanceInfo) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse skeleton, save each field's width.
+     * It is used for looking for best match skeleton,
+     * and adjust pattern field width.
+     * @param skeleton            skeleton to be parsed
+     * @param skeletonFieldWidth  parsed skeleton field width
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 parseSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                        int32_t* skeletonFieldWidth);
+    /**
+     * Check whether one field width is numeric while the other is string.
+     *
+     * TODO (xji): make it general
+     *
+     * @param fieldWidth          one field width
+     * @param anotherFieldWidth   another field width
+     * @param patternLetter       pattern letter char
+     * @return true if one field width is numeric and the other is string,
+     *         false otherwise.
+     */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 stringNumeric(int32_t fieldWidth,
+                                         int32_t anotherFieldWidth,
+                                         char patternLetter);
+    /**
+     * Convert calendar field to the interval pattern index in
+     * hash table.
+     *
+     * Since we only support the following calendar fields:
+     * AM_PM,  HOUR, HOUR_OF_DAY, and MINUTE,
+     * We reserve only 4 interval patterns for a skeleton.
+     *
+     * @param field    calendar field
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return  interval pattern index in hash table
+     */
+    static IntervalPatternIndex U_EXPORT2 calendarFieldToIntervalIndex(
+                                                      UCalendarDateFields field,
+                                                      UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * delete hash table (of type fIntervalPatterns).
+     *
+     * @param hTable  hash table to be deleted
+     */
+    void deleteHash(Hashtable* hTable);
+    /**
+     * initialize hash table (of type fIntervalPatterns).
+     *
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @return         hash table initialized
+     */
+    Hashtable* initHash(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * copy hash table (of type fIntervalPatterns).
+     *
+     * @param source   the source to copy from
+     * @param target   the target to copy to
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     */
+    void copyHash(const Hashtable* source, Hashtable* target, UErrorCode& status);
+    // data members
+    // fallback interval pattern
+    UnicodeString fFallbackIntervalPattern;
+    // default order
+    UBool fFirstDateInPtnIsLaterDate;
+    // HashMap<UnicodeString, UnicodeString[kIPI_MAX_INDEX]>
+    // HashMap( skeleton, pattern[largest_different_field] )
+    Hashtable* fIntervalPatterns;
+};// end class DateIntervalInfo
+inline UBool
+DateIntervalInfo::operator!=(const DateIntervalInfo& other) const {
+    return !operator==(other);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtptngen.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtptngen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a71938b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtptngen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __DTPTNGEN_H__
+#define __DTPTNGEN_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/datefmt.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/udat.h"
+#include "unicode/udatpg.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Date/Time Pattern Generator
+ */
+class CharString;
+class Hashtable;
+class FormatParser;
+class DateTimeMatcher;
+class DistanceInfo;
+class PatternMap;
+class PtnSkeleton;
+class SharedDateTimePatternGenerator;
+ * This class provides flexible generation of date format patterns, like "yy-MM-dd".
+ * The user can build up the generator by adding successive patterns. Once that
+ * is done, a query can be made using a "skeleton", which is a pattern which just
+ * includes the desired fields and lengths. The generator will return the "best fit"
+ * pattern corresponding to that skeleton.
+ * <p>The main method people will use is getBestPattern(String skeleton),
+ * since normally this class is pre-built with data from a particular locale.
+ * However, generators can be built directly from other data as well.
+ * <p><i>Issue: may be useful to also have a function that returns the list of
+ * fields in a pattern, in order, since we have that internally.
+ * That would be useful for getting the UI order of field elements.</i>
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+class U_I18N_API DateTimePatternGenerator : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Construct a flexible generator according to default locale.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static DateTimePatternGenerator* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a flexible generator according to data for a given locale.
+     * @param uLocale
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static DateTimePatternGenerator* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& uLocale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * For ICU use only
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static DateTimePatternGenerator* U_EXPORT2 internalMakeInstance(const Locale& uLocale, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Create an empty generator, to be constructed with addPattern(...) etc.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+     static DateTimePatternGenerator* U_EXPORT2 createEmptyInstance(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~DateTimePatternGenerator();
+    /**
+     * Clone DateTimePatternGenerator object. Clients are responsible for
+     * deleting the DateTimePatternGenerator object cloned.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimePatternGenerator* clone() const;
+     /**
+      * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
+      *
+      * @param other    the DateTimePatternGenerator object to be compared with.
+      * @return         true if other is semantically equal to this.
+      * @stable ICU 3.8
+      */
+    UBool operator==(const DateTimePatternGenerator& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the DateTimePatternGenerator object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically unequal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const DateTimePatternGenerator& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Utility to return a unique skeleton from a given pattern. For example,
+     * both "MMM-dd" and "dd/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMdd".
+     *
+     * @param pattern   Input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return skeleton such as "MMMdd"
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static UnicodeString staticGetSkeleton(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Utility to return a unique skeleton from a given pattern. For example,
+     * both "MMM-dd" and "dd/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMdd".
+     * getSkeleton() works exactly like staticGetSkeleton().
+     * Use staticGetSkeleton() instead of getSkeleton().
+     *
+     * @param pattern   Input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return skeleton such as "MMMdd"
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString getSkeleton(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status); /* {
+        The function is commented out because it is a stable API calling a draft API.
+        After staticGetSkeleton becomes stable, staticGetSkeleton can be used and
+        these comments and the definition of getSkeleton in dtptngen.cpp should be removed.
+        return staticGetSkeleton(pattern, status);
+    }*/
+    /**
+     * Utility to return a unique base skeleton from a given pattern. This is
+     * the same as the skeleton, except that differences in length are minimized
+     * so as to only preserve the difference between string and numeric form. So
+     * for example, both "MMM-dd" and "d/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMd"
+     * (notice the single d).
+     *
+     * @param pattern  Input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return base skeleton, such as "MMMd"
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static UnicodeString staticGetBaseSkeleton(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Utility to return a unique base skeleton from a given pattern. This is
+     * the same as the skeleton, except that differences in length are minimized
+     * so as to only preserve the difference between string and numeric form. So
+     * for example, both "MMM-dd" and "d/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMd"
+     * (notice the single d).
+     * getBaseSkeleton() works exactly like staticGetBaseSkeleton().
+     * Use staticGetBaseSkeleton() instead of getBaseSkeleton().
+     *
+     * @param pattern  Input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return base skeleton, such as "MMMd"
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString getBaseSkeleton(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status); /* {
+        The function is commented out because it is a stable API calling a draft API.
+        After staticGetBaseSkeleton becomes stable, staticGetBaseSkeleton can be used and
+        these comments and the definition of getBaseSkeleton in dtptngen.cpp should be removed.
+        return staticGetBaseSkeleton(pattern, status);
+    }*/
+    /**
+     * Adds a pattern to the generator. If the pattern has the same skeleton as
+     * an existing pattern, and the override parameter is set, then the previous
+     * value is overriden. Otherwise, the previous value is retained. In either
+     * case, the conflicting status is set and previous vale is stored in
+     * conflicting pattern.
+     * <p>
+     * Note that single-field patterns (like "MMM") are automatically added, and
+     * don't need to be added explicitly!
+     *
+     * @param pattern   Input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
+     * @param override  When existing values are to be overridden use true,
+     *                   otherwise use false.
+     * @param conflictingPattern  Previous pattern with the same skeleton.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return conflicting status.  The value could be UDATPG_NO_CONFLICT,
+     *                             UDATPG_BASE_CONFLICT or UDATPG_CONFLICT.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     * <p>
+     * <h4>Sample code</h4>
+     * \snippet samples/dtptngsample/dtptngsample.cpp getBestPatternExample1
+     * \snippet samples/dtptngsample/dtptngsample.cpp addPatternExample
+     * <p>
+     */
+    UDateTimePatternConflict addPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                        UBool override,
+                                        UnicodeString& conflictingPattern,
+                                        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * An AppendItem format is a pattern used to append a field if there is no
+     * good match. For example, suppose that the input skeleton is "GyyyyMMMd",
+     * and there is no matching pattern internally, but there is a pattern
+     * matching "yyyyMMMd", say "d-MM-yyyy". Then that pattern is used, plus the
+     * G. The way these two are conjoined is by using the AppendItemFormat for G
+     * (era). So if that value is, say "{0}, {1}" then the final resulting
+     * pattern is "d-MM-yyyy, G".
+     * <p>
+     * There are actually three available variables: {0} is the pattern so far,
+     * {1} is the element we are adding, and {2} is the name of the element.
+     * <p>
+     * This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
+     *
+     * @param field  such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD.
+     * @param value  pattern, such as "{0}, {1}"
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setAppendItemFormat(UDateTimePatternField field, const UnicodeString& value);
+    /**
+     * Getter corresponding to setAppendItemFormat. Values below 0 or at or
+     * above UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT are illegal arguments.
+     *
+     * @param  field  such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD.
+     * @return append pattern for field
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getAppendItemFormat(UDateTimePatternField field) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the names of field, eg "era" in English for ERA. These are only
+     * used if the corresponding AppendItemFormat is used, and if it contains a
+     * {2} variable.
+     * <p>
+     * This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
+     *
+     * @param field   such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD.
+     * @param value   name of the field
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setAppendItemName(UDateTimePatternField field, const UnicodeString& value);
+    /**
+     * Getter corresponding to setAppendItemNames. Values below 0 or at or above
+     * UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT are illegal arguments. Note: The more general method
+     * for getting date/time field display names is getFieldDisplayName.
+     *
+     * @param field  such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD.
+     * @return name for field
+     * @see getFieldDisplayName
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getAppendItemName(UDateTimePatternField field) const;
+    /**
+     * The general interface to get a display name for a particular date/time field,
+     * in one of several possible display widths.
+     *
+     * @param field  The desired UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD.
+     * @param width  The desired UDateTimePGDisplayWidth, such as UDATPG_ABBREVIATED.
+     * @return       The display name for field
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    UnicodeString getFieldDisplayName(UDateTimePatternField field, UDateTimePGDisplayWidth width) const;
+    /**
+     * The DateTimeFormat is a message format pattern used to compose date and
+     * time patterns. The default pattern in the root locale is "{1} {0}", where
+     * {1} will be replaced by the date pattern and {0} will be replaced by the
+     * time pattern; however, other locales may specify patterns such as
+     * "{1}, {0}" or "{1} 'at' {0}", etc.
+     * <p>
+     * This is used when the input skeleton contains both date and time fields,
+     * but there is not a close match among the added patterns. For example,
+     * suppose that this object was created by adding "dd-MMM" and "hh:mm", and
+     * its datetimeFormat is the default "{1} {0}". Then if the input skeleton
+     * is "MMMdhmm", there is not an exact match, so the input skeleton is
+     * broken up into two components "MMMd" and "hmm". There are close matches
+     * for those two skeletons, so the result is put together with this pattern,
+     * resulting in "d-MMM h:mm".
+     *
+     * @param dateTimeFormat
+     *            message format pattern, here {1} will be replaced by the date
+     *            pattern and {0} will be replaced by the time pattern.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setDateTimeFormat(const UnicodeString& dateTimeFormat);
+    /**
+     * Getter corresponding to setDateTimeFormat.
+     * @return DateTimeFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getDateTimeFormat() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the best pattern matching the input skeleton. It is guaranteed to
+     * have all of the fields in the skeleton.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton
+     *            The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
+     *            For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return bestPattern
+     *            The best pattern found from the given skeleton.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     * <p>
+     * <h4>Sample code</h4>
+     * \snippet samples/dtptngsample/dtptngsample.cpp getBestPatternExample1
+     * \snippet samples/dtptngsample/dtptngsample.cpp getBestPatternExample
+     * <p>
+     */
+     UnicodeString getBestPattern(const UnicodeString& skeleton, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the best pattern matching the input skeleton. It is guaranteed to
+     * have all of the fields in the skeleton.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton
+     *            The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
+     *            For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
+     * @param options
+     *            Options for forcing the length of specified fields in the
+     *            returned pattern to match those in the skeleton (when this
+     *            would not happen otherwise). For default behavior, use
+     *            UDATPG_MATCH_NO_OPTIONS.
+     * @param status
+     *            Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *            which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return bestPattern
+     *            The best pattern found from the given skeleton.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+     UnicodeString getBestPattern(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                  UDateTimePatternMatchOptions options,
+                                  UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Adjusts the field types (width and subtype) of a pattern to match what is
+     * in a skeleton. That is, if you supply a pattern like "d-M H:m", and a
+     * skeleton of "MMMMddhhmm", then the input pattern is adjusted to be
+     * "dd-MMMM hh:mm". This is used internally to get the best match for the
+     * input skeleton, but can also be used externally.
+     *
+     * @param pattern Input pattern
+     * @param skeleton
+     *            The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
+     *            For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return pattern adjusted to match the skeleton fields widths and subtypes.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     * <p>
+     * <h4>Sample code</h4>
+     * \snippet samples/dtptngsample/dtptngsample.cpp getBestPatternExample1
+     * \snippet samples/dtptngsample/dtptngsample.cpp replaceFieldTypesExample
+     * <p>
+     */
+     UnicodeString replaceFieldTypes(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                     const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Adjusts the field types (width and subtype) of a pattern to match what is
+     * in a skeleton. That is, if you supply a pattern like "d-M H:m", and a
+     * skeleton of "MMMMddhhmm", then the input pattern is adjusted to be
+     * "dd-MMMM hh:mm". This is used internally to get the best match for the
+     * input skeleton, but can also be used externally.
+     *
+     * @param pattern Input pattern
+     * @param skeleton
+     *            The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
+     *            For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
+     * @param options
+     *            Options controlling whether the length of specified fields in the
+     *            pattern are adjusted to match those in the skeleton (when this
+     *            would not happen otherwise). For default behavior, use
+     *            UDATPG_MATCH_NO_OPTIONS.
+     * @param status
+     *            Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *            which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return pattern adjusted to match the skeleton fields widths and subtypes.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+     UnicodeString replaceFieldTypes(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                     const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                     UDateTimePatternMatchOptions options,
+                                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return a list of all the skeletons (in canonical form) from this class.
+     *
+     * Call getPatternForSkeleton() to get the corresponding pattern.
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return StringEnumeration with the skeletons.
+     *         The caller must delete the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+     StringEnumeration* getSkeletons(UErrorCode& status) const;
+     /**
+      * Get the pattern corresponding to a given skeleton.
+      * @param skeleton
+      * @return pattern corresponding to a given skeleton.
+      * @stable ICU 3.8
+      */
+     const UnicodeString& getPatternForSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a list of all the base skeletons (in canonical form) from this class.
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+     *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return a StringEnumeration with the base skeletons.
+     *         The caller must delete the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+     StringEnumeration* getBaseSkeletons(UErrorCode& status) const;
+     /**
+      * Return a list of redundant patterns are those which if removed, make no
+      * difference in the resulting getBestPattern values. This method returns a
+      * list of them, to help check the consistency of the patterns used to build
+      * this generator.
+      *
+      * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit,
+      *               which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+      * @return a StringEnumeration with the redundant pattern.
+      *         The caller must delete the object.
+      * @internal ICU 3.8
+      */
+     StringEnumeration* getRedundants(UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * The decimal value is used in formatting fractions of seconds. If the
+     * skeleton contains fractional seconds, then this is used with the
+     * fractional seconds. For example, suppose that the input pattern is
+     * "hhmmssSSSS", and the best matching pattern internally is "H:mm:ss", and
+     * the decimal string is ",". Then the resulting pattern is modified to be
+     * "H:mm:ss,SSSS"
+     *
+     * @param decimal
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setDecimal(const UnicodeString& decimal);
+    /**
+     * Getter corresponding to setDecimal.
+     * @return UnicodeString corresponding to the decimal point
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getDecimal() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     */
+    DateTimePatternGenerator(UErrorCode & status);
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     */
+    DateTimePatternGenerator(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode & status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param other DateTimePatternGenerator to copy
+     */
+    DateTimePatternGenerator(const DateTimePatternGenerator& other);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator.
+     * @param other DateTimePatternGenerator to copy
+     */
+    DateTimePatternGenerator& operator=(const DateTimePatternGenerator& other);
+    // TODO(ticket:13619): re-enable when UDATPG_NARROW no longer in  draft mode.
+    // static const int32_t UDATPG_WIDTH_COUNT = UDATPG_NARROW + 1;
+    Locale pLocale;  // pattern locale
+    FormatParser *fp;
+    DateTimeMatcher* dtMatcher;
+    DistanceInfo *distanceInfo;
+    PatternMap *patternMap;
+    UnicodeString appendItemFormats[UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT];
+    // TODO(ticket:13619): [3] -> UDATPG_WIDTH_COUNT
+    UnicodeString fieldDisplayNames[UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT][3];
+    UnicodeString dateTimeFormat;
+    UnicodeString decimal;
+    DateTimeMatcher *skipMatcher;
+    Hashtable *fAvailableFormatKeyHash;
+    UnicodeString emptyString;
+    char16_t fDefaultHourFormatChar;
+    int32_t fAllowedHourFormats[7];  // Actually an array of AllowedHourFormat enum type, ending with UNKNOWN.
+    // Internal error code used for recording/reporting errors that occur during methods that do not
+    // have a UErrorCode parameter. For example: the Copy Constructor, or the ::clone() method.
+    // When this is set to an error the object is in an invalid state.
+    UErrorCode internalErrorCode;
+    /* internal flags masks for adjustFieldTypes etc. */
+    enum {
+        kDTPGNoFlags = 0,
+        kDTPGFixFractionalSeconds = 1,
+        kDTPGSkeletonUsesCapJ = 2
+        // with #13183, no longer need flags for b, B
+    };
+    void initData(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    void addCanonicalItems(UErrorCode &status);
+    void addICUPatterns(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    void hackTimes(const UnicodeString& hackPattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    void getCalendarTypeToUse(const Locale& locale, CharString& destination, UErrorCode& err);
+    void consumeShortTimePattern(const UnicodeString& shortTimePattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    void addCLDRData(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    UDateTimePatternConflict addPatternWithSkeleton(const UnicodeString& pattern, const UnicodeString * skeletonToUse, UBool override, UnicodeString& conflictingPattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    void initHashtable(UErrorCode& status);
+    void setDateTimeFromCalendar(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    void setDecimalSymbols(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    UDateTimePatternField getAppendFormatNumber(const char* field) const;
+    // Note for the next 3: UDateTimePGDisplayWidth is now stable ICU 61
+    UDateTimePatternField getFieldAndWidthIndices(const char* key, UDateTimePGDisplayWidth* widthP) const;
+    void setFieldDisplayName(UDateTimePatternField field, UDateTimePGDisplayWidth width, const UnicodeString& value);
+    UnicodeString& getMutableFieldDisplayName(UDateTimePatternField field, UDateTimePGDisplayWidth width);
+    void getAppendName(UDateTimePatternField field, UnicodeString& value);
+    UnicodeString mapSkeletonMetacharacters(const UnicodeString& patternForm, int32_t* flags, UErrorCode& status);
+    const UnicodeString* getBestRaw(DateTimeMatcher& source, int32_t includeMask, DistanceInfo* missingFields, UErrorCode& status, const PtnSkeleton** specifiedSkeletonPtr = 0);
+    UnicodeString adjustFieldTypes(const UnicodeString& pattern, const PtnSkeleton* specifiedSkeleton, int32_t flags, UDateTimePatternMatchOptions options = UDATPG_MATCH_NO_OPTIONS);
+    UnicodeString getBestAppending(int32_t missingFields, int32_t flags, UErrorCode& status, UDateTimePatternMatchOptions options = UDATPG_MATCH_NO_OPTIONS);
+    int32_t getTopBitNumber(int32_t foundMask) const;
+    void setAvailableFormat(const UnicodeString &key, UErrorCode& status);
+    UBool isAvailableFormatSet(const UnicodeString &key) const;
+    void copyHashtable(Hashtable *other, UErrorCode &status);
+    UBool isCanonicalItem(const UnicodeString& item) const;
+    static void U_CALLCONV loadAllowedHourFormatsData(UErrorCode &status);
+    void getAllowedHourFormats(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    struct AppendItemFormatsSink;
+    struct AppendItemNamesSink;
+    struct AvailableFormatsSink;
+} ;// end class DateTimePatternGenerator
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtrule.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtrule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adab896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/dtrule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and         *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef DTRULE_H
+#define DTRULE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Rule for specifying date and time in an year
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * <code>DateTimeRule</code> is a class representing a time in a year by
+ * a rule specified by month, day of month, day of week and
+ * time in the day.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API DateTimeRule : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Date rule type constants.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    enum DateRuleType {
+        DOM = 0,        /**< The exact day of month,
+                             for example, March 11. */
+        DOW,            /**< The Nth occurence of the day of week,
+                             for example, 2nd Sunday in March. */
+        DOW_GEQ_DOM,    /**< The first occurence of the day of week on or after the day of monnth,
+                             for example, first Sunday on or after March 8. */
+        DOW_LEQ_DOM     /**< The last occurence of the day of week on or before the day of month,
+                             for example, first Sunday on or before March 14. */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Time rule type constants.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    enum TimeRuleType {
+        WALL_TIME = 0,  /**< The local wall clock time */
+        STANDARD_TIME,  /**< The local standard time */
+        UTC_TIME        /**< The UTC time */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>DateTimeRule</code> by the day of month and
+     * the time rule.  The date rule type for an instance created by
+     * this constructor is <code>DOM</code>.
+     * 
+     * @param month         The rule month, for example, <code>Calendar::JANUARY</code>
+     * @param dayOfMonth    The day of month, 1-based.
+     * @param millisInDay   The milliseconds in the rule date.
+     * @param timeType      The time type, <code>WALL_TIME</code> or <code>STANDARD_TIME</code>
+     *                      or <code>UTC_TIME</code>.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimeRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth,
+        int32_t millisInDay, TimeRuleType timeType);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>DateTimeRule</code> by the day of week and its oridinal
+     * number and the time rule.  The date rule type for an instance created
+     * by this constructor is <code>DOW</code>.
+     * 
+     * @param month         The rule month, for example, <code>Calendar::JANUARY</code>.
+     * @param weekInMonth   The ordinal number of the day of week.  Negative number
+     *                      may be used for specifying a rule date counted from the
+     *                      end of the rule month.
+     * @param dayOfWeek     The day of week, for example, <code>Calendar::SUNDAY</code>.
+     * @param millisInDay   The milliseconds in the rule date.
+     * @param timeType      The time type, <code>WALL_TIME</code> or <code>STANDARD_TIME</code>
+     *                      or <code>UTC_TIME</code>.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimeRule(int32_t month, int32_t weekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+        int32_t millisInDay, TimeRuleType timeType);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>DateTimeRule</code> by the first/last day of week
+     * on or after/before the day of month and the time rule.  The date rule
+     * type for an instance created by this constructor is either
+     * <code>DOM_GEQ_DOM</code> or <code>DOM_LEQ_DOM</code>.
+     * 
+     * @param month         The rule month, for example, <code>Calendar::JANUARY</code>
+     * @param dayOfMonth    The day of month, 1-based.
+     * @param dayOfWeek     The day of week, for example, <code>Calendar::SUNDAY</code>.
+     * @param after         true if the rule date is on or after the day of month.
+     * @param millisInDay   The milliseconds in the rule date.
+     * @param timeType      The time type, <code>WALL_TIME</code> or <code>STANDARD_TIME</code>
+     *                      or <code>UTC_TIME</code>.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimeRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek, UBool after,
+        int32_t millisInDay, TimeRuleType timeType);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The DateTimeRule object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimeRule(const DateTimeRule& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    ~DateTimeRule();
+    /**
+     * Clone this DateTimeRule object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimeRule* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimeRule& operator=(const DateTimeRule& right);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given DateTimeRule objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given DateTimeRule objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const DateTimeRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given DateTimeRule objects are semantically unequal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given DateTimeRule objects are semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const DateTimeRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the date rule type, such as <code>DOM</code>
+     * @return The date rule type.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateRuleType getDateRuleType(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time rule type
+     * @return The time rule type, either <code>WALL_TIME</code> or <code>STANDARD_TIME</code>
+     *         or <code>UTC_TIME</code>.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeRuleType getTimeRuleType(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the rule month.
+     * @return The rule month.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getRuleMonth(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the rule day of month.  When the date rule type
+     * is <code>DOW</code>, the value is always 0.
+     * @return The rule day of month
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getRuleDayOfMonth(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the rule day of week.  When the date rule type
+     * is <code>DOM</code>, the value is always 0.
+     * @return The rule day of week.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getRuleDayOfWeek(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the ordinal number of the occurence of the day of week
+     * in the month.  When the date rule type is not <code>DOW</code>,
+     * the value is always 0.
+     * @return The rule day of week ordinal number in the month.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getRuleWeekInMonth(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the rule time in the rule day.
+     * @return The time in the rule day in milliseconds.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getRuleMillisInDay(void) const;
+    int32_t fMonth;
+    int32_t fDayOfMonth;
+    int32_t fDayOfWeek;
+    int32_t fWeekInMonth;
+    int32_t fMillisInDay;
+    DateRuleType fDateRuleType;
+    TimeRuleType fTimeRuleType;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // DTRULE_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/edits.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/edits.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ceacc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/edits.h
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// edits.h
+// created: 2016dec30 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __EDITS_H__
+#define __EDITS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: C++ class Edits for low-level string transformations on styled text.
+ */
+class UnicodeString;
+ * Records lengths of string edits but not replacement text. Supports replacements, insertions, deletions
+ * in linear progression. Does not support moving/reordering of text.
+ *
+ * There are two types of edits: <em>change edits</em> and <em>no-change edits</em>. Add edits to
+ * instances of this class using {@link #addReplace(int32_t, int32_t)} (for change edits) and
+ * {@link #addUnchanged(int32_t)} (for no-change edits). Change edits are retained with full granularity,
+ * whereas adjacent no-change edits are always merged together. In no-change edits, there is a one-to-one
+ * mapping between code points in the source and destination strings.
+ *
+ * After all edits have been added, instances of this class should be considered immutable, and an
+ * {@link Edits::Iterator} can be used for queries.
+ *
+ * There are four flavors of Edits::Iterator:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>{@link #getFineIterator()} retains full granularity of change edits.
+ * <li>{@link #getFineChangesIterator()} retains full granularity of change edits, and when calling
+ * next() on the iterator, skips over no-change edits (unchanged regions).
+ * <li>{@link #getCoarseIterator()} treats adjacent change edits as a single edit. (Adjacent no-change
+ * edits are automatically merged during the construction phase.)
+ * <li>{@link #getCoarseChangesIterator()} treats adjacent change edits as a single edit, and when
+ * calling next() on the iterator, skips over no-change edits (unchanged regions).
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * For example, consider the string "abcßDeF", which case-folds to "abcssdef". This string has the
+ * following fine edits:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>abc ⇨ abc (no-change)
+ * <li>ß ⇨ ss (change)
+ * <li>D ⇨ d (change)
+ * <li>e ⇨ e (no-change)
+ * <li>F ⇨ f (change)
+ * </ul>
+ * and the following coarse edits (note how adjacent change edits get merged together):
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>abc ⇨ abc (no-change)
+ * <li>ßD ⇨ ssd (change)
+ * <li>e ⇨ e (no-change)
+ * <li>F ⇨ f (change)
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * The "fine changes" and "coarse changes" iterators will step through only the change edits when their
+ * `Edits::Iterator::next()` methods are called. They are identical to the non-change iterators when
+ * their `Edits::Iterator::findSourceIndex()` or `Edits::Iterator::findDestinationIndex()`
+ * methods are used to walk through the string.
+ *
+ * For examples of how to use this class, see the test `TestCaseMapEditsIteratorDocs` in
+ *
+ *
+ * An Edits object tracks a separate UErrorCode, but ICU string transformation functions
+ * (e.g., case mapping functions) merge any such errors into their API's UErrorCode.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Edits U_FINAL : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty object.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    Edits() :
+            array(stackArray), capacity(STACK_CAPACITY), length(0), delta(0), numChanges(0),
+            errorCode_(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param other source edits
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Edits(const Edits &other) :
+            array(stackArray), capacity(STACK_CAPACITY), length(other.length),
+            delta(, numChanges(other.numChanges),
+            errorCode_(other.errorCode_) {
+        copyArray(other);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move constructor, might leave src empty.
+     * This object will have the same contents that the source object had.
+     * @param src source edits
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Edits(Edits &&src) U_NOEXCEPT :
+            array(stackArray), capacity(STACK_CAPACITY), length(src.length),
+            delta(, numChanges(src.numChanges),
+            errorCode_(src.errorCode_) {
+        moveArray(src);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    ~Edits();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param other source edits
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Edits &operator=(const Edits &other);
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator, might leave src empty.
+     * This object will have the same contents that the source object had.
+     * The behavior is undefined if *this and src are the same object.
+     * @param src source edits
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Edits &operator=(Edits &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Resets the data but may not release memory.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    void reset() U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Adds a no-change edit: a record for an unchanged segment of text.
+     * Normally called from inside ICU string transformation functions, not user code.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    void addUnchanged(int32_t unchangedLength);
+    /**
+     * Adds a change edit: a record for a text replacement/insertion/deletion.
+     * Normally called from inside ICU string transformation functions, not user code.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    void addReplace(int32_t oldLength, int32_t newLength);
+    /**
+     * Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred while recording edits.
+     * Preserves older error codes in the outErrorCode.
+     * Normally called from inside ICU string transformation functions, not user code.
+     * @param outErrorCode Set to an error code if it does not contain one already
+     *                  and an error occurred while recording edits.
+     *                  Otherwise unchanged.
+     * @return TRUE if U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * How much longer is the new text compared with the old text?
+     * @return new length minus old length
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    int32_t lengthDelta() const { return delta; }
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if there are any change edits
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    UBool hasChanges() const { return numChanges != 0; }
+    /**
+     * @return the number of change edits
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    int32_t numberOfChanges() const { return numChanges; }
+    /**
+     * Access to the list of edits.
+     *
+     * At any moment in time, an instance of this class points to a single edit: a "window" into a span
+     * of the source string and the corresponding span of the destination string. The source string span
+     * starts at {@link #sourceIndex()} and runs for {@link #oldLength()} chars; the destination string
+     * span starts at {@link #destinationIndex()} and runs for {@link #newLength()} chars.
+     *
+     * The iterator can be moved between edits using the `next()`, `findSourceIndex(int32_t, UErrorCode &)`,
+     * and `findDestinationIndex(int32_t, UErrorCode &)` methods.
+     * Calling any of these methods mutates the iterator to make it point to the corresponding edit.
+     *
+     * For more information, see the documentation for {@link Edits}.
+     *
+     * @see getCoarseIterator
+     * @see getFineIterator
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    struct U_COMMON_API Iterator U_FINAL : public UMemory {
+        /**
+         * Default constructor, empty iterator.
+         * @stable ICU 60
+         */
+        Iterator() :
+                array(nullptr), index(0), length(0),
+                remaining(0), onlyChanges_(FALSE), coarse(FALSE),
+                dir(0), changed(FALSE), oldLength_(0), newLength_(0),
+                srcIndex(0), replIndex(0), destIndex(0) {}
+        /**
+         * Copy constructor.
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        Iterator(const Iterator &other) = default;
+        /**
+         * Assignment operator.
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &other) = default;
+        /**
+         * Advances the iterator to the next edit.
+         * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+         *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+         *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return TRUE if there is another edit
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        UBool next(UErrorCode &errorCode) { return next(onlyChanges_, errorCode); }
+        /**
+         * Moves the iterator to the edit that contains the source index.
+         * The source index may be found in a no-change edit
+         * even if normal iteration would skip no-change edits.
+         * Normal iteration can continue from a found edit.
+         *
+         * The iterator state before this search logically does not matter.
+         * (It may affect the performance of the search.)
+         *
+         * The iterator state after this search is undefined
+         * if the source index is out of bounds for the source string.
+         *
+         * @param i source index
+         * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+         *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+         *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return TRUE if the edit for the source index was found
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        UBool findSourceIndex(int32_t i, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+            return findIndex(i, TRUE, errorCode) == 0;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Moves the iterator to the edit that contains the destination index.
+         * The destination index may be found in a no-change edit
+         * even if normal iteration would skip no-change edits.
+         * Normal iteration can continue from a found edit.
+         *
+         * The iterator state before this search logically does not matter.
+         * (It may affect the performance of the search.)
+         *
+         * The iterator state after this search is undefined
+         * if the source index is out of bounds for the source string.
+         *
+         * @param i destination index
+         * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+         *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+         *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return TRUE if the edit for the destination index was found
+         * @stable ICU 60
+         */
+        UBool findDestinationIndex(int32_t i, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+            return findIndex(i, FALSE, errorCode) == 0;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Computes the destination index corresponding to the given source index.
+         * If the source index is inside a change edit (not at its start),
+         * then the destination index at the end of that edit is returned,
+         * since there is no information about index mapping inside a change edit.
+         *
+         * (This means that indexes to the start and middle of an edit,
+         * for example around a grapheme cluster, are mapped to indexes
+         * encompassing the entire edit.
+         * The alternative, mapping an interior index to the start,
+         * would map such an interval to an empty one.)
+         *
+         * This operation will usually but not always modify this object.
+         * The iterator state after this search is undefined.
+         *
+         * @param i source index
+         * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+         *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+         *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return destination index; undefined if i is not 0..string length
+         * @stable ICU 60
+         */
+        int32_t destinationIndexFromSourceIndex(int32_t i, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * Computes the source index corresponding to the given destination index.
+         * If the destination index is inside a change edit (not at its start),
+         * then the source index at the end of that edit is returned,
+         * since there is no information about index mapping inside a change edit.
+         *
+         * (This means that indexes to the start and middle of an edit,
+         * for example around a grapheme cluster, are mapped to indexes
+         * encompassing the entire edit.
+         * The alternative, mapping an interior index to the start,
+         * would map such an interval to an empty one.)
+         *
+         * This operation will usually but not always modify this object.
+         * The iterator state after this search is undefined.
+         *
+         * @param i destination index
+         * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+         *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+         *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return source index; undefined if i is not 0..string length
+         * @stable ICU 60
+         */
+        int32_t sourceIndexFromDestinationIndex(int32_t i, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * Returns whether the edit currently represented by the iterator is a change edit.
+         *
+         * @return TRUE if this edit replaces oldLength() units with newLength() different ones.
+         *         FALSE if oldLength units remain unchanged.
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        UBool hasChange() const { return changed; }
+        /**
+         * The length of the current span in the source string, which starts at {@link #sourceIndex}.
+         *
+         * @return the number of units in the original string which are replaced or remain unchanged.
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        int32_t oldLength() const { return oldLength_; }
+        /**
+         * The length of the current span in the destination string, which starts at
+         * {@link #destinationIndex}, or in the replacement string, which starts at
+         * {@link #replacementIndex}.
+         *
+         * @return the number of units in the modified string, if hasChange() is TRUE.
+         *         Same as oldLength if hasChange() is FALSE.
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        int32_t newLength() const { return newLength_; }
+        /**
+         * The start index of the current span in the source string; the span has length
+         * {@link #oldLength}.
+         *
+         * @return the current index into the source string
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        int32_t sourceIndex() const { return srcIndex; }
+        /**
+         * The start index of the current span in the replacement string; the span has length
+         * {@link #newLength}. Well-defined only if the current edit is a change edit.
+         *
+         * The *replacement string* is the concatenation of all substrings of the destination
+         * string corresponding to change edits.
+         *
+         * This method is intended to be used together with operations that write only replacement
+         * characters (e.g. operations specifying the \ref U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT option).
+         * The source string can then be modified in-place.
+         *
+         * @return the current index into the replacement-characters-only string,
+         *         not counting unchanged spans
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        int32_t replacementIndex() const {
+            // TODO: Throw an exception if we aren't in a change edit?
+            return replIndex;
+        }
+        /**
+         * The start index of the current span in the destination string; the span has length
+         * {@link #newLength}.
+         *
+         * @return the current index into the full destination string
+         * @stable ICU 59
+         */
+        int32_t destinationIndex() const { return destIndex; }
+        /**
+         * A string representation of the current edit represented by the iterator for debugging. You
+         * should not depend on the contents of the return string.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        UnicodeString& toString(UnicodeString& appendTo) const;
+    private:
+        friend class Edits;
+        Iterator(const uint16_t *a, int32_t len, UBool oc, UBool crs);
+        int32_t readLength(int32_t head);
+        void updateNextIndexes();
+        void updatePreviousIndexes();
+        UBool noNext();
+        UBool next(UBool onlyChanges, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        UBool previous(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /** @return -1: error or i<0; 0: found; 1: i>=string length */
+        int32_t findIndex(int32_t i, UBool findSource, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        const uint16_t *array;
+        int32_t index, length;
+        // 0 if we are not within compressed equal-length changes.
+        // Otherwise the number of remaining changes, including the current one.
+        int32_t remaining;
+        UBool onlyChanges_, coarse;
+        int8_t dir;  // iteration direction: back(<0), initial(0), forward(>0)
+        UBool changed;
+        int32_t oldLength_, newLength_;
+        int32_t srcIndex, replIndex, destIndex;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Returns an Iterator for coarse-grained change edits
+     * (adjacent change edits are treated as one).
+     * Can be used to perform simple string updates.
+     * Skips no-change edits.
+     * @return an Iterator that merges adjacent changes.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    Iterator getCoarseChangesIterator() const {
+        return Iterator(array, length, TRUE, TRUE);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns an Iterator for coarse-grained change and no-change edits
+     * (adjacent change edits are treated as one).
+     * Can be used to perform simple string updates.
+     * Adjacent change edits are treated as one edit.
+     * @return an Iterator that merges adjacent changes.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    Iterator getCoarseIterator() const {
+        return Iterator(array, length, FALSE, TRUE);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns an Iterator for fine-grained change edits
+     * (full granularity of change edits is retained).
+     * Can be used for modifying styled text.
+     * Skips no-change edits.
+     * @return an Iterator that separates adjacent changes.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    Iterator getFineChangesIterator() const {
+        return Iterator(array, length, TRUE, FALSE);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns an Iterator for fine-grained change and no-change edits
+     * (full granularity of change edits is retained).
+     * Can be used for modifying styled text.
+     * @return an Iterator that separates adjacent changes.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    Iterator getFineIterator() const {
+        return Iterator(array, length, FALSE, FALSE);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Merges the two input Edits and appends the result to this object.
+     *
+     * Consider two string transformations (for example, normalization and case mapping)
+     * where each records Edits in addition to writing an output string.<br>
+     * Edits ab reflect how substrings of input string a
+     * map to substrings of intermediate string b.<br>
+     * Edits bc reflect how substrings of intermediate string b
+     * map to substrings of output string c.<br>
+     * This function merges ab and bc such that the additional edits
+     * recorded in this object reflect how substrings of input string a
+     * map to substrings of output string c.
+     *
+     * If unrelated Edits are passed in where the output string of the first
+     * has a different length than the input string of the second,
+     * then a U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is reported.
+     *
+     * @param ab reflects how substrings of input string a
+     *     map to substrings of intermediate string b.
+     * @param bc reflects how substrings of intermediate string b
+     *     map to substrings of output string c.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+     *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+     *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this, with the merged edits appended
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Edits &mergeAndAppend(const Edits &ab, const Edits &bc, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void releaseArray() U_NOEXCEPT;
+    Edits &copyArray(const Edits &other);
+    Edits &moveArray(Edits &src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    void setLastUnit(int32_t last) { array[length - 1] = (uint16_t)last; }
+    int32_t lastUnit() const { return length > 0 ? array[length - 1] : 0xffff; }
+    void append(int32_t r);
+    UBool growArray();
+    static const int32_t STACK_CAPACITY = 100;
+    uint16_t *array;
+    int32_t capacity;
+    int32_t length;
+    int32_t delta;
+    int32_t numChanges;
+    UErrorCode errorCode_;
+    uint16_t stackArray[STACK_CAPACITY];
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __EDITS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/enumset.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/enumset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bde8c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/enumset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2012,2014 International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++: internal template EnumSet<>
+ */
+#ifndef ENUMSET_H
+#define ENUMSET_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/* Can't use #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API for the entire EnumSet class, needed in .h file declarations */
+ * enum bitset for boolean fields. Similar to Java EnumSet<>. 
+ * Needs to range check. Used for private instance variables.
+ * @internal
+ * \cond
+ */
+template<typename T, uint32_t minValue, uint32_t limitValue>
+class EnumSet {
+    inline EnumSet() : fBools(0) {}
+    inline EnumSet(const EnumSet<T,minValue,limitValue>& other) : fBools(other.fBools) {}
+    inline ~EnumSet() {}
+    inline void clear() { fBools=0; }
+    inline void add(T toAdd) { set(toAdd, 1); }
+    inline void remove(T toRemove) { set(toRemove, 0); }
+    inline int32_t contains(T toCheck) const { return get(toCheck); }
+    inline void set(T toSet, int32_t v) { fBools=(fBools&(~flag(toSet)))|(v?(flag(toSet)):0); }
+    inline int32_t get(T toCheck) const { return (fBools & flag(toCheck))?1:0; }
+    inline UBool isValidEnum(T toCheck) const {  return (toCheck>=minValue&&toCheck<limitValue); }
+    inline UBool isValidValue(int32_t v) const { return (v==0||v==1); }
+    inline const EnumSet<T,minValue,limitValue>& operator=(const EnumSet<T,minValue,limitValue>& other) {
+        fBools = other.fBools;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    inline uint32_t getAll() const {
+        return fBools; 
+    }
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    inline uint32_t flag(T toCheck) const { return (1<<(toCheck-minValue)); }
+    uint32_t fBools;
+/** \endcond */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif /* ENUMSET_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/errorcode.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/errorcode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe7b518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/errorcode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  errorcode.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2009mar10
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __ERRORCODE_H__
+#define __ERRORCODE_H__
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: ErrorCode class intended to make it easier to use
+ *                 ICU C and C++ APIs from C++ user code.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * Wrapper class for UErrorCode, with conversion operators for direct use
+ * in ICU C and C++ APIs.
+ * Intended to be used as a base class, where a subclass overrides
+ * the handleFailure() function so that it throws an exception,
+ * does an assert(), logs an error, etc.
+ * This is not an abstract base class. This class can be used and instantiated
+ * by itself, although it will be more useful when subclassed.
+ *
+ * Features:
+ * - The constructor initializes the internal UErrorCode to U_ZERO_ERROR,
+ *   removing one common source of errors.
+ * - Same use in C APIs taking a UErrorCode * (pointer)
+ *   and C++ taking UErrorCode & (reference) via conversion operators.
+ * - Possible automatic checking for success when it goes out of scope.
+ *
+ * Note: For automatic checking for success in the destructor, a subclass
+ * must implement such logic in its own destructor because the base class
+ * destructor cannot call a subclass function (like handleFailure()).
+ * The ErrorCode base class destructor does nothing.
+ *
+ * Note also: While it is possible for a destructor to throw an exception,
+ * it is generally unsafe to do so. This means that in a subclass the destructor
+ * and the handleFailure() function may need to take different actions.
+ *
+ * Sample code:
+ * \code
+ *   class IcuErrorCode: public icu::ErrorCode {
+ *   public:
+ *     virtual ~IcuErrorCode() {  // should be defined in .cpp as "key function"
+ *       // Safe because our handleFailure() does not throw exceptions.
+ *       if(isFailure()) { handleFailure(); }
+ *     }
+ *   protected:
+ *     virtual void handleFailure() const {
+ *       log_failure(u_errorName(errorCode));
+ *       exit(errorCode);
+ *     }
+ *   };
+ *   IcuErrorCode error_code;
+ *   UConverter *cnv = ucnv_open("Shift-JIS", error_code);
+ *   length = ucnv_fromUChars(dest, capacity, src, length, error_code);
+ *   ucnv_close(cnv);
+ *   // IcuErrorCode destructor checks for success.
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ErrorCode: public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Default constructor. Initializes its UErrorCode to U_ZERO_ERROR.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    ErrorCode() : errorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    /** Destructor, does nothing. See class documentation for details. @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    virtual ~ErrorCode();
+    /** Conversion operator, returns a reference. @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    operator UErrorCode & () { return errorCode; }
+    /** Conversion operator, returns a pointer. @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    operator UErrorCode * () { return &errorCode; }
+    /** Tests for U_SUCCESS(). @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    UBool isSuccess() const { return U_SUCCESS(errorCode); }
+    /** Tests for U_FAILURE(). @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    UBool isFailure() const { return U_FAILURE(errorCode); }
+    /** Returns the UErrorCode value. @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    UErrorCode get() const { return errorCode; }
+    /** Sets the UErrorCode value. @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    void set(UErrorCode value) { errorCode=value; }
+    /** Returns the UErrorCode value and resets it to U_ZERO_ERROR. @stable ICU 4.2 */
+    UErrorCode reset();
+    /**
+     * Asserts isSuccess().
+     * In other words, this method checks for a failure code,
+     * and the base class handles it like this:
+     * \code
+     *   if(isFailure()) { handleFailure(); }
+     * \endcode
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    void assertSuccess() const;
+    /**
+     * Return a string for the UErrorCode value.
+     * The string will be the same as the name of the error code constant
+     * in the UErrorCode enum.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    const char* errorName() const;
+    /**
+     * Internal UErrorCode, accessible to subclasses.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UErrorCode errorCode;
+    /**
+     * Called by assertSuccess() if isFailure() is true.
+     * A subclass should override this function to deal with a failure code:
+     * Throw an exception, log an error, terminate the program, or similar.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual void handleFailure() const {}
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __ERRORCODE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fieldpos.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fieldpos.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ee386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fieldpos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 1997-2006, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   02/25/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+ *   03/17/97    clhuang     Updated per Format implementation.
+ *    07/17/98    stephen        Added default/copy ctors, and operators =, ==, !=
+ ********************************************************************************
+ */
+// *****************************************************************************
+// This file was generated from the java source file
+// *****************************************************************************
+#ifndef FIELDPOS_H
+#define FIELDPOS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: FieldPosition identifies the fields in a formatted output.
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * <code>FieldPosition</code> is a simple class used by <code>Format</code>
+ * and its subclasses to identify fields in formatted output. Fields are
+ * identified by constants, whose names typically end with <code>_FIELD</code>,
+ * defined in the various subclasses of <code>Format</code>. See
+ * <code>ERA_FIELD</code> and its friends in <code>DateFormat</code> for
+ * an example.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <code>FieldPosition</code> keeps track of the position of the
+ * field within the formatted output with two indices: the index
+ * of the first character of the field and the index of the last
+ * character of the field.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * One version of the <code>format</code> method in the various
+ * <code>Format</code> classes requires a <code>FieldPosition</code>
+ * object as an argument. You use this <code>format</code> method
+ * to perform partial formatting or to get information about the
+ * formatted output (such as the position of a field).
+ *
+ * The FieldPosition class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Below is an example of using <code>FieldPosition</code> to aid
+ * alignment of an array of formatted floating-point numbers on
+ * their decimal points:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *       double doubleNum[] = {123456789.0, -12345678.9, 1234567.89, -123456.789,
+ *                  12345.6789, -1234.56789, 123.456789, -12.3456789, 1.23456789};
+ *       int dNumSize = (int)(sizeof(doubleNum)/sizeof(double));
+ *       
+ *       UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *       DecimalFormat* fmt = (DecimalFormat*) NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
+ *       fmt->setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true);
+ *       
+ *       const int tempLen = 20;
+ *       char temp[tempLen];
+ *       
+ *       for (int i=0; i<dNumSize; i++) {
+ *           FieldPosition pos(NumberFormat::INTEGER_FIELD);
+ *           UnicodeString buf;
+ *           char fmtText[tempLen];
+ *           ToCharString(fmt->format(doubleNum[i], buf, pos), fmtText);
+ *           for (int j=0; j<tempLen; j++) temp[j] = ' '; // clear with spaces
+ *           temp[__min(tempLen, tempLen-pos.getEndIndex())] = '\0';
+ *           cout << temp << fmtText   << endl;
+ *       }
+ *       delete fmt;
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>
+ * The code will generate the following output:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *           123,456,789.000
+ *           -12,345,678.900
+ *             1,234,567.880
+ *              -123,456.789
+ *                12,345.678
+ *                -1,234.567
+ *                   123.456
+ *                   -12.345
+ *                     1.234
+ *  \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FieldPosition : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * DONT_CARE may be specified as the field to indicate that the
+     * caller doesn't need to specify a field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum { DONT_CARE = -1 };
+    /**
+     * Creates a FieldPosition object with a non-specified field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    FieldPosition() 
+        : UObject(), fField(DONT_CARE), fBeginIndex(0), fEndIndex(0) {}
+    /**
+     * Creates a FieldPosition object for the given field.  Fields are
+     * identified by constants, whose names typically end with _FIELD,
+     * in the various subclasses of Format.
+     *
+     * @see NumberFormat#INTEGER_FIELD
+     * @see NumberFormat#FRACTION_FIELD
+     * @see DateFormat#YEAR_FIELD
+     * @see DateFormat#MONTH_FIELD
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    FieldPosition(int32_t field) 
+        : UObject(), fField(field), fBeginIndex(0), fEndIndex(0) {}
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param copy the object to be copied from.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    FieldPosition(const FieldPosition& copy) 
+        : UObject(copy), fField(copy.fField), fBeginIndex(copy.fBeginIndex), fEndIndex(copy.fEndIndex) {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~FieldPosition();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @param copy the object to be copied from.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    FieldPosition&      operator=(const FieldPosition& copy);
+    /** 
+     * Equality operator.
+     * @param that    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return        TRUE if the two field positions are equal, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool              operator==(const FieldPosition& that) const;
+    /** 
+     * Equality operator.
+     * @param that    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return        TRUE if the two field positions are not equal, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool              operator!=(const FieldPosition& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Clone this object.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If an error occurs, then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    FieldPosition *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the field identifier.
+     * @return    the field identifier.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getField(void) const { return fField; }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the index of the first character in the requested field.
+     * @return    the index of the first character in the requested field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getBeginIndex(void) const { return fBeginIndex; }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the index of the character following the last character in the
+     * requested field.
+     * @return    the index of the character following the last character in the
+     *            requested field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getEndIndex(void) const { return fEndIndex; }
+    /**
+     * Set the field.
+     * @param f    the new value of the field.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setField(int32_t f) { fField = f; }
+    /**
+     * Set the begin index.  For use by subclasses of Format.
+     * @param bi    the new value of the begin index
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setBeginIndex(int32_t bi) { fBeginIndex = bi; }
+    /**
+     * Set the end index.  For use by subclasses of Format.
+     * @param ei    the new value of the end index
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEndIndex(int32_t ei) { fEndIndex = ei; }
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Input: Desired field to determine start and end offsets for.
+     * The meaning depends on the subclass of Format.
+     */
+    int32_t fField;
+    /**
+     * Output: Start offset of field in text.
+     * If the field does not occur in the text, 0 is returned.
+     */
+    int32_t fBeginIndex;
+    /**
+     * Output: End offset of field in text.
+     * If the field does not occur in the text, 0 is returned.
+     */
+    int32_t fEndIndex;
+inline FieldPosition&
+FieldPosition::operator=(const FieldPosition& copy)
+    fField         = copy.fField;
+    fEndIndex     = copy.fEndIndex;
+    fBeginIndex = copy.fBeginIndex;
+    return *this;
+inline UBool
+FieldPosition::operator==(const FieldPosition& copy) const
+    return (fField == copy.fField &&
+        fEndIndex == copy.fEndIndex &&
+        fBeginIndex == copy.fBeginIndex);
+inline UBool
+FieldPosition::operator!=(const FieldPosition& copy) const
+    return !operator==(copy);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _FIELDPOS
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/filteredbrk.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/filteredbrk.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4293676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/filteredbrk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder
+ */
+ * The BreakIteratorFilter is used to modify the behavior of a BreakIterator
+ *  by constructing a new BreakIterator which suppresses certain segment boundaries.
+ *  See .
+ *  For example, a typical English Sentence Break Iterator would break on the space
+ *  in the string "Mr. Smith" (resulting in two segments),
+ *  but with "Mr." as an exception, a filtered break iterator
+ *  would consider the string "Mr. Smith" to be a single segment.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 56
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder : public UObject {
+ public:
+  /**
+   *  destructor.
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  virtual ~FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder();
+  /**
+   * Construct a FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder based on rules in a locale.
+   * The rules are taken from CLDR exception data for the locale,
+   *  see
+   *  This is the equivalent of calling createInstance(UErrorCode&)
+   *    and then repeatedly calling addNoBreakAfter(...) with the contents
+   *    of the CLDR exception data.
+   * @param where the locale.
+   * @param status The error code.
+   * @return the new builder
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  static FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder *createInstance(const Locale& where, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * This function has been deprecated in favor of createEmptyInstance, which has
+   * identical behavior.
+   * @param status The error code.
+   * @return the new builder
+   * @deprecated ICU 60 use createEmptyInstance instead
+   * @see createEmptyInstance()
+   */
+  static FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder *createInstance(UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+  /**
+   * Construct an empty FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder.
+   * In this state, it will not suppress any segment boundaries.
+   * @param status The error code.
+   * @return the new builder
+   * @stable ICU 60
+   */
+  static FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder *createEmptyInstance(UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Suppress a certain string from being the end of a segment.
+   * For example, suppressing "Mr.", then segments ending in "Mr." will not be returned
+   * by the iterator.
+   * @param string the string to suppress, such as "Mr."
+   * @param status error code
+   * @return returns TRUE if the string was not present and now added,
+   * FALSE if the call was a no-op because the string was already being suppressed.
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  virtual UBool suppressBreakAfter(const UnicodeString& string, UErrorCode& status) = 0;
+  /**
+   * Stop suppressing a certain string from being the end of the segment.
+   * This function does not create any new segment boundaries, but only serves to un-do
+   * the effect of earlier calls to suppressBreakAfter, or to un-do the effect of
+   * locale data which may be suppressing certain strings.
+   * @param string the exception to remove
+   * @param status error code
+   * @return returns TRUE if the string was present and now removed,
+   * FALSE if the call was a no-op because the string was not being suppressed.
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  virtual UBool unsuppressBreakAfter(const UnicodeString& string, UErrorCode& status) = 0;
+  /**
+   * This function has been deprecated in favor of wrapIteratorWithFilter()
+   * The behavior is identical.
+   * @param adoptBreakIterator the break iterator to adopt
+   * @param status error code
+   * @return the new BreakIterator, owned by the caller.
+   * @deprecated ICU 60 use wrapIteratorWithFilter() instead
+   * @see wrapBreakIteratorWithFilter()
+   */
+  virtual BreakIterator *build(BreakIterator* adoptBreakIterator, UErrorCode& status) = 0;
+  /**
+   * Wrap (adopt) an existing break iterator in a new filtered instance.
+   * The resulting BreakIterator is owned by the caller.
+   * The BreakIteratorFilter may be destroyed before the BreakIterator is destroyed.
+   * Note that the adoptBreakIterator is adopted by the new BreakIterator
+   * and should no longer be used by the caller.
+   * The FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder may be reused.
+   * This function is an alias for build()
+   * @param adoptBreakIterator the break iterator to adopt
+   * @param status error code
+   * @return the new BreakIterator, owned by the caller.
+   * @stable ICU 60
+   */
+  inline BreakIterator *wrapIteratorWithFilter(BreakIterator* adoptBreakIterator, UErrorCode& status) {
+    return build(adoptBreakIterator, status);
+  }
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * For subclass use
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder();
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // #ifndef FILTEREDBRK_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fmtable.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fmtable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bec4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fmtable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/29/97    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef FMTABLE_H
+#define FMTABLE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Formattable is a thin wrapper for primitive types used for formatting and parsing
+ */
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uformattable.h"
+class CharString;
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+class DecimalQuantity;
+ * Formattable objects can be passed to the Format class or
+ * its subclasses for formatting.  Formattable is a thin wrapper
+ * class which interconverts between the primitive numeric types
+ * (double, long, etc.) as well as UDate and UnicodeString.
+ *
+ * <p>Internally, a Formattable object is a union of primitive types.
+ * As such, it can only store one flavor of data at a time.  To
+ * determine what flavor of data it contains, use the getType method.
+ *
+ * <p>As of ICU 3.0, Formattable may also wrap a UObject pointer,
+ * which it owns.  This allows an instance of any ICU class to be
+ * encapsulated in a Formattable.  For legacy reasons and for
+ * efficiency, primitive numeric types are still stored directly
+ * within a Formattable.
+ *
+ * <p>The Formattable class is not suitable for subclassing.
+ *
+ * <p>See UFormattable for a C wrapper.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Formattable : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * This enum is only used to let callers distinguish between
+     * the Formattable(UDate) constructor and the Formattable(double)
+     * constructor; the compiler cannot distinguish the signatures,
+     * since UDate is currently typedefed to be either double or long.
+     * If UDate is changed later to be a bonafide class
+     * or struct, then we no longer need this enum.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    enum ISDATE { kIsDate };
+    /**
+     * Default constructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    Formattable(); // Type kLong, value 0
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with a UDate instance.
+     * @param d the UDate instance.
+     * @param flag the flag to indicate this is a date. Always set it to kIsDate
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(UDate d, ISDATE flag);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with a double number.
+     * @param d the double number.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(double d);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with a long number.
+     * @param l the long number.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(int32_t l);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with an int64_t number
+     * @param ll the int64_t number.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Formattable(int64_t ll);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with a char string pointer.
+     * Assumes that the char string is null terminated.
+     * @param strToCopy the char string.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(const char* strToCopy);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object of an appropriate numeric type from a
+     * a decimal number in string form.  The Formattable will retain the
+     * full precision of the input in decimal format, even when it exceeds
+     * what can be represented by a double or int64_t.
+     *
+     * @param number  the unformatted (not localized) string representation
+     *                     of the Decimal number.
+     * @param status  the error code.  Possible errors include U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR
+     *                if the format of the string does not conform to that of a
+     *                decimal number.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    Formattable(StringPiece number, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with a UnicodeString object to copy from.
+     * @param strToCopy the UnicodeString string.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(const UnicodeString& strToCopy);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with a UnicodeString object to adopt from.
+     * @param strToAdopt the UnicodeString string.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(UnicodeString* strToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object with an array of Formattable objects.
+     * @param arrayToCopy the Formattable object array.
+     * @param count the array count.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(const Formattable* arrayToCopy, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Creates a Formattable object that adopts the given UObject.
+     * @param objectToAdopt the UObject to set this object to
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    Formattable(UObject* objectToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable(const Formattable&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param rhs   The Formattable object to copy into this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable&    operator=(const Formattable &rhs);
+    /**
+     * Equality comparison.
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return        TRUE if other are equal to this, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool          operator==(const Formattable &other) const;
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return        TRUE if other are unequal to this, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool          operator!=(const Formattable& other) const
+      { return !operator==(other); }
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual         ~Formattable();
+    /**
+     * Clone this object.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If an error occurs, then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Formattable *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Selector for flavor of data type contained within a
+     * Formattable object.  Formattable is a union of several
+     * different types, and at any time contains exactly one type.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    enum Type {
+        /**
+         * Selector indicating a UDate value.  Use getDate to retrieve
+         * the value.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        kDate,
+        /**
+         * Selector indicating a double value.  Use getDouble to
+         * retrieve the value.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        kDouble,
+        /**
+         * Selector indicating a 32-bit integer value.  Use getLong to
+         * retrieve the value.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        kLong,
+        /**
+         * Selector indicating a UnicodeString value.  Use getString
+         * to retrieve the value.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        kString,
+        /**
+         * Selector indicating an array of Formattables.  Use getArray
+         * to retrieve the value.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        kArray,
+        /**
+         * Selector indicating a 64-bit integer value.  Use getInt64
+         * to retrieve the value.
+         * @stable ICU 2.8
+         */
+        kInt64,
+        /**
+         * Selector indicating a UObject value.  Use getObject to
+         * retrieve the value.
+         * @stable ICU 3.0
+         */
+        kObject
+   };
+    /**
+     * Gets the data type of this Formattable object.
+     * @return    the data type of this Formattable object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Type            getType(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the data type of this Formattable object
+     * is kDouble, kLong, or kInt64
+     * @return TRUE if this is a pure numeric object
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UBool           isNumeric() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the double value of this object. If this object is not of type
+     * kDouble then the result is undefined.
+     * @return    the double value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    double          getDouble(void) const { return fValue.fDouble; }
+    /**
+     * Gets the double value of this object. If this object is of type
+     * long, int64 or Decimal Number then a conversion is peformed, with
+     * possible loss of precision.  If the type is kObject and the
+     * object is a Measure, then the result of
+     * getNumber().getDouble(status) is returned.  If this object is
+     * neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and
+     * the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.
+     * @param status the error code
+     * @return the double value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    double          getDouble(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the long value of this object. If this object is not of type
+     * kLong then the result is undefined.
+     * @return    the long value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t         getLong(void) const { return (int32_t)fValue.fInt64; }
+    /**
+     * Gets the long value of this object. If the magnitude is too
+     * large to fit in a long, then the maximum or minimum long value,
+     * as appropriate, is returned and the status is set to
+     * U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.  If this object is of type kInt64 and
+     * it fits within a long, then no precision is lost.  If it is of
+     * type kDouble, then a conversion is peformed, with
+     * truncation of any fractional part.  If the type is kObject and
+     * the object is a Measure, then the result of
+     * getNumber().getLong(status) is returned.  If this object is
+     * neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and
+     * the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.
+     * @param status the error code
+     * @return    the long value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    int32_t         getLong(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the int64 value of this object. If this object is not of type
+     * kInt64 then the result is undefined.
+     * @return    the int64 value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    int64_t         getInt64(void) const { return fValue.fInt64; }
+    /**
+     * Gets the int64 value of this object. If this object is of a numeric
+     * type and the magnitude is too large to fit in an int64, then
+     * the maximum or minimum int64 value, as appropriate, is returned
+     * and the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.  If the
+     * magnitude fits in an int64, then a casting conversion is
+     * peformed, with truncation of any fractional part.  If the type
+     * is kObject and the object is a Measure, then the result of
+     * getNumber().getDouble(status) is returned.  If this object is
+     * neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and
+     * the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.
+     * @param status the error code
+     * @return    the int64 value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    int64_t         getInt64(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the Date value of this object. If this object is not of type
+     * kDate then the result is undefined.
+     * @return    the Date value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UDate           getDate() const { return fValue.fDate; }
+    /**
+     * Gets the Date value of this object.  If the type is not a date,
+     * status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR and the return value is
+     * undefined.
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @return    the Date value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+     UDate          getDate(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the string value of this object. If this object is not of type
+     * kString then the result is undefined.
+     * @param result    Output param to receive the Date value of this object.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getString(UnicodeString& result) const
+      { result=*fValue.fString; return result; }
+    /**
+     * Gets the string value of this object. If the type is not a
+     * string, status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR and a bogus
+     * string is returned.
+     * @param result    Output param to receive the Date value of this object.
+     * @param status    the error code.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getString(UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets a const reference to the string value of this object. If
+     * this object is not of type kString then the result is
+     * undefined.
+     * @return   a const reference to the string value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline const UnicodeString& getString(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets a const reference to the string value of this object.  If
+     * the type is not a string, status is set to
+     * U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR and the result is a bogus string.
+     * @param status    the error code.
+     * @return   a const reference to the string value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getString(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets a reference to the string value of this object. If this
+     * object is not of type kString then the result is undefined.
+     * @return   a reference to the string value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UnicodeString& getString(void);
+    /**
+     * Gets a reference to the string value of this object. If the
+     * type is not a string, status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR
+     * and the result is a bogus string.
+     * @param status    the error code.
+     * @return   a reference to the string value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getString(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the array value and count of this object. If this object
+     * is not of type kArray then the result is undefined.
+     * @param count    fill-in with the count of this object.
+     * @return         the array value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const Formattable* getArray(int32_t& count) const
+      { count=fValue.fArrayAndCount.fCount; return fValue.fArrayAndCount.fArray; }
+    /**
+     * Gets the array value and count of this object. If the type is
+     * not an array, status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR, count is
+     * set to 0, and the result is NULL.
+     * @param count    fill-in with the count of this object.
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @return         the array value of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    const Formattable* getArray(int32_t& count, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Accesses the specified element in the array value of this
+     * Formattable object. If this object is not of type kArray then
+     * the result is undefined.
+     * @param index the specified index.
+     * @return the accessed element in the array.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Formattable&    operator[](int32_t index) { return fValue.fArrayAndCount.fArray[index]; }
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to the UObject contained within this
+     * formattable, or NULL if this object does not contain a UObject.
+     * @return a UObject pointer, or NULL
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    const UObject*  getObject() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a numeric string representation of the number contained within this
+     * formattable, or NULL if this object does not contain numeric type.
+     * For values obtained by parsing, the returned decimal number retains
+     * the full precision and range of the original input, unconstrained by
+     * the limits of a double floating point or a 64 bit int.
+     *
+     * This function is not thread safe, and therfore is not declared const,
+     * even though it is logically const.
+     *
+     * Possible errors include U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, and
+     * U_INVALID_STATE if the formattable object has not been set to
+     * a numeric type.
+     *
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @return the unformatted string representation of a number.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    StringPiece getDecimalNumber(UErrorCode &status);
+     /**
+     * Sets the double value of this object and changes the type to
+     * kDouble.
+     * @param d    the new double value to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void            setDouble(double d);
+    /**
+     * Sets the long value of this object and changes the type to
+     * kLong.
+     * @param l    the new long value to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void            setLong(int32_t l);
+    /**
+     * Sets the int64 value of this object and changes the type to
+     * kInt64.
+     * @param ll    the new int64 value to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    void            setInt64(int64_t ll);
+    /**
+     * Sets the Date value of this object and changes the type to
+     * kDate.
+     * @param d    the new Date value to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void            setDate(UDate d);
+    /**
+     * Sets the string value of this object and changes the type to
+     * kString.
+     * @param stringToCopy    the new string value to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void            setString(const UnicodeString& stringToCopy);
+    /**
+     * Sets the array value and count of this object and changes the
+     * type to kArray.
+     * @param array    the array value.
+     * @param count    the number of array elements to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void            setArray(const Formattable* array, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Sets and adopts the string value and count of this object and
+     * changes the type to kArray.
+     * @param stringToAdopt    the new string value to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void            adoptString(UnicodeString* stringToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets and adopts the array value and count of this object and
+     * changes the type to kArray.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void            adoptArray(Formattable* array, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Sets and adopts the UObject value of this object and changes
+     * the type to kObject.  After this call, the caller must not
+     * delete the given object.
+     * @param objectToAdopt the UObject value to be adopted
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    void            adoptObject(UObject* objectToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the the numeric value from a decimal number string, and changes
+     * the type to to a numeric type appropriate for the number.
+     * The syntax of the number is a "numeric string"
+     * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     * The full precision and range of the input number will be retained,
+     * even when it exceeds what can be represented by a double or an int64.
+     *
+     * @param numberString  a string representation of the unformatted decimal number.
+     * @param status        the error code.  Set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR if the
+     *                      incoming string is not a valid decimal number.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    void             setDecimalNumber(StringPiece numberString,
+                                      UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Convert the UFormattable to a Formattable.  Internally, this is a reinterpret_cast.
+     * @param fmt a valid UFormattable
+     * @return the UFormattable as a Formattable object pointer.  This is an alias to the original
+     * UFormattable, and so is only valid while the original argument remains in scope.
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    static inline Formattable *fromUFormattable(UFormattable *fmt);
+    /**
+     * Convert the const UFormattable to a const Formattable.  Internally, this is a reinterpret_cast.
+     * @param fmt a valid UFormattable
+     * @return the UFormattable as a Formattable object pointer.  This is an alias to the original
+     * UFormattable, and so is only valid while the original argument remains in scope.
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    static inline const Formattable *fromUFormattable(const UFormattable *fmt);
+    /**
+     * Convert this object pointer to a UFormattable.
+     * @return this object as a UFormattable pointer.   This is an alias to this object,
+     * and so is only valid while this object remains in scope.
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    inline UFormattable *toUFormattable();
+    /**
+     * Convert this object pointer to a UFormattable.
+     * @return this object as a UFormattable pointer.   This is an alias to this object,
+     * and so is only valid while this object remains in scope.
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    inline const UFormattable *toUFormattable() const;
+    /**
+     * Deprecated variant of getLong(UErrorCode&).
+     * @param status the error code
+     * @return the long value of this object.
+     * @deprecated ICU 3.0 use getLong(UErrorCode&) instead
+     */
+    inline int32_t getLong(UErrorCode* status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Internal function, do not use.
+     * TODO:  figure out how to make this be non-public.
+     *        NumberFormat::format(Formattable, ...
+     *        needs to get at the DecimalQuantity, if it exists, for
+     *        big decimal formatting.
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    number::impl::DecimalQuantity *getDecimalQuantity() const { return fDecimalQuantity;}
+    /**
+     * Export the value of this Formattable to a DecimalQuantity.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void populateDecimalQuantity(number::impl::DecimalQuantity& output, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     *  Adopt, and set value from, a DecimalQuantity
+     *     Internal Function, do not use.
+     *  @param dq the DecimalQuantity to be adopted
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    void adoptDecimalQuantity(number::impl::DecimalQuantity *dq);
+    /**
+     * Internal function to return the CharString pointer.
+     * @param status error code
+     * @return pointer to the CharString - may become invalid if the object is modified
+     * @internal
+     */
+    CharString *internalGetCharString(UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Cleans up the memory for unwanted values.  For example, the adopted
+     * string or array objects.
+     */
+    void            dispose(void);
+    /**
+     * Common initialization, for use by constructors.
+     */
+    void            init();
+    UnicodeString* getBogus() const;
+    union {
+        UObject*        fObject;
+        UnicodeString*  fString;
+        double          fDouble;
+        int64_t         fInt64;
+        UDate           fDate;
+        struct {
+          Formattable*  fArray;
+          int32_t       fCount;
+        }               fArrayAndCount;
+    } fValue;
+    CharString           *fDecimalStr;
+    number::impl::DecimalQuantity *fDecimalQuantity;
+    Type                fType;
+    UnicodeString       fBogus; // Bogus string when it's needed.
+inline UDate Formattable::getDate(UErrorCode& status) const {
+    if (fType != kDate) {
+        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+            status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return fValue.fDate;
+inline const UnicodeString& Formattable::getString(void) const {
+    return *fValue.fString;
+inline UnicodeString& Formattable::getString(void) {
+    return *fValue.fString;
+inline int32_t Formattable::getLong(UErrorCode* status) const {
+    return getLong(*status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+inline UFormattable* Formattable::toUFormattable() {
+  return reinterpret_cast<UFormattable*>(this);
+inline const UFormattable* Formattable::toUFormattable() const {
+  return reinterpret_cast<const UFormattable*>(this);
+inline Formattable* Formattable::fromUFormattable(UFormattable *fmt) {
+  return reinterpret_cast<Formattable *>(fmt);
+inline const Formattable* Formattable::fromUFormattable(const UFormattable *fmt) {
+  return reinterpret_cast<const Formattable *>(fmt);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif //_FMTABLE
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index 0000000..96883a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/format.h
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* File FORMAT.H
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*   03/17/97    clhuang     Updated per C++ implementation.
+*   03/27/97    helena      Updated to pass the simple test after code review.
+// *****************************************************************************
+// This file was generated from the java source file
+// *****************************************************************************
+#ifndef FORMAT_H
+#define FORMAT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Base class for all formats. 
+ */
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/fmtable.h"
+#include "unicode/fieldpos.h"
+#include "unicode/fpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/parsepos.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h" 
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+ * Base class for all formats.  This is an abstract base class which
+ * specifies the protocol for classes which convert other objects or
+ * values, such as numeric values and dates, and their string
+ * representations.  In some cases these representations may be
+ * localized or contain localized characters or strings.  For example,
+ * a numeric formatter such as DecimalFormat may convert a numeric
+ * value such as 12345 to the string "$12,345".  It may also parse
+ * the string back into a numeric value.  A date and time formatter
+ * like SimpleDateFormat may represent a specific date, encoded
+ * numerically, as a string such as "Wednesday, February 26, 1997 AD".
+ * <P>
+ * Many of the concrete subclasses of Format employ the notion of
+ * a pattern.  A pattern is a string representation of the rules which
+ * govern the interconversion between values and strings.  For example,
+ * a DecimalFormat object may be associated with the pattern
+ * "$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)", which is a common US English format for
+ * currency values, yielding strings such as "$1,234.45" for 1234.45,
+ * and "($987.65)" for 987.6543.  The specific syntax of a pattern
+ * is defined by each subclass.
+ * <P>
+ * Even though many subclasses use patterns, the notion of a pattern
+ * is not inherent to Format classes in general, and is not part of
+ * the explicit base class protocol.
+ * <P>
+ * Two complex formatting classes bear mentioning.  These are
+ * MessageFormat and ChoiceFormat.  ChoiceFormat is a subclass of
+ * NumberFormat which allows the user to format different number ranges
+ * as strings.  For instance, 0 may be represented as "no files", 1 as
+ * "one file", and any number greater than 1 as "many files".
+ * MessageFormat is a formatter which utilizes other Format objects to
+ * format a string containing with multiple values.  For instance,
+ * A MessageFormat object might produce the string "There are no files
+ * on the disk MyDisk on February 27, 1997." given the arguments 0,
+ * "MyDisk", and the date value of 2/27/97.  See the ChoiceFormat
+ * and MessageFormat headers for further information.
+ * <P>
+ * If formatting is unsuccessful, a failing UErrorCode is returned when
+ * the Format cannot format the type of object, otherwise if there is
+ * something illformed about the the Unicode replacement character
+ * 0xFFFD is returned.
+ * <P>
+ * If there is no match when parsing, a parse failure UErrorCode is
+ * retured for methods which take no ParsePosition.  For the method
+ * that takes a ParsePosition, the index parameter is left unchanged.
+ * <P>
+ * <em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
+ * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
+ * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Format : public UObject {
+    /** Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~Format();
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     *                 Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are not semantically
+     * equal.
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         Return true if the given Format objects are not semantically.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const Format& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
+    /**
+     * Clone this object polymorphically.  The caller is responsible
+     * for deleting the result when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual Format* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Formats an object to produce a string.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param status    Output parameter filled in with success or failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string.  This is a pure virtual method which
+     * subclasses must implement. This method allows polymorphic formatting
+     * of Formattable objects. If a subclass of Format receives a Formattable
+     * object type it doesn't handle (e.g., if a numeric Formattable is passed
+     * to a DateFormat object) then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string.  Subclasses should override this
+     * method. This method allows polymorphic formatting of Formattable objects.
+     * If a subclass of Format receives a Formattable object type it doesn't
+     * handle (e.g., if a numeric Formattable is passed to a DateFormat object)
+     * then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a string to produce an object.  This is a pure virtual
+     * method which subclasses must implement.  This method allows
+     * polymorphic parsing of strings into Formattable objects.
+     * <P>
+     * Before calling, set parse_pos.index to the offset you want to
+     * start parsing at in the source.  After calling, parse_pos.index
+     * is the end of the text you parsed.  If error occurs, index is
+     * unchanged.
+     * <P>
+     * When parsing, leading whitespace is discarded (with successful
+     * parse), while trailing whitespace is left as is.
+     * <P>
+     * Example:
+     * <P>
+     * Parsing "_12_xy" (where _ represents a space) for a number,
+     * with index == 0 will result in the number 12, with
+     * parse_pos.index updated to 3 (just before the second space).
+     * Parsing a second time will result in a failing UErrorCode since
+     * "xy" is not a number, and leave index at 3.
+     * <P>
+     * Subclasses will typically supply specific parse methods that
+     * return different types of values. Since methods can't overload
+     * on return types, these will typically be named "parse", while
+     * this polymorphic method will always be called parseObject.  Any
+     * parse method that does not take a parse_pos should set status
+     * to an error value when no text in the required format is at the
+     * start position.
+     *
+     * @param source    The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result    Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                  If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Upon return
+     *                  this param is set to the position after the
+     *                  last character successfully parsed. If the
+     *                  source is not parsed successfully, this param
+     *                  will remain unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                             Formattable& result,
+                             ParsePosition& parse_pos) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Parses a string to produce an object. This is a convenience method
+     * which calls the pure virtual parseObject() method, and returns a
+     * failure UErrorCode if the ParsePosition indicates failure.
+     *
+     * @param source    The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result    Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                  If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param status    Output param to be filled with success/failure
+     *                  result code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                     Formattable& result,
+                     UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /** Get the locale for this format object. You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+     *  @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual) 
+     *  @param status error code for the operation
+     *  @return the locale
+     *  @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /** Get the locale for this format object. You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+     *  @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual) 
+     *  @param status error code for the operation
+     *  @return the locale
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    const char* getLocaleID(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ protected:
+    /** @stable ICU 2.8 */
+    void setLocaleIDs(const char* valid, const char* actual);
+    /**
+     * Default constructor for subclass use only.  Does nothing.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Format();
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Format(const Format&); // Does nothing; for subclasses only
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Format& operator=(const Format&); // Does nothing; for subclasses
+    /**
+     * Simple function for initializing a UParseError from a UnicodeString.
+     *
+     * @param pattern The pattern to copy into the parseError
+     * @param pos The position in pattern where the error occured
+     * @param parseError The UParseError object to fill in
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static void syntaxError(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                            int32_t pos,
+                            UParseError& parseError);
+ private:
+    char actualLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    char validLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _FORMAT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/formattedvalue.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/formattedvalue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c47264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/formattedvalue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/appendable.h"
+#include "unicode/fpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Abstract operations for localized strings.
+ * 
+ * This file contains declarations for classes that deal with formatted strings. A number
+ * of APIs throughout ICU use these classes for expressing their localized output.
+ */
+// The following cannot have #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API because
+// class FormattedValue depends on it, and FormattedValue cannot be
+// hidden becauseclass FormattedNumber (stable ICU 60) depends on it.
+ * Represents a span of a string containing a given field.
+ *
+ * This class differs from FieldPosition in the following ways:
+ *
+ *   1. It has information on the field category.
+ *   2. It allows you to set constraints to use when iterating over field positions.
+ *   3. It is used for the newer FormattedValue APIs.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ConstrainedFieldPosition : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Initializes a ConstrainedFieldPosition.
+     *
+     * By default, the ConstrainedFieldPosition has no iteration constraints.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    ConstrainedFieldPosition();
+    /** @draft ICU 64 */
+    ~ConstrainedFieldPosition();
+    /**
+     * Resets this ConstrainedFieldPosition to its initial state, as if it were newly created:
+     *
+     * - Removes any constraints that may have been set on the instance.
+     * - Resets the iteration position.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * Sets a constraint on the field category.
+     * 
+     * When this instance of ConstrainedFieldPosition is passed to FormattedValue#nextPosition,
+     * positions are skipped unless they have the given category.
+     *
+     * Any previously set constraints are cleared.
+     *
+     * For example, to loop over only the number-related fields:
+     *
+     *     ConstrainedFieldPosition cfpos;
+     *     cfpos.constrainCategory(UFIELDCATEGORY_NUMBER_FORMAT);
+     *     while (fmtval.nextPosition(cfpos, status)) {
+     *         // handle the number-related field position
+     *     }
+     *
+     * Changing the constraint while in the middle of iterating over a FormattedValue
+     * does not generally have well-defined behavior.
+     *
+     * @param category The field category to fix when iterating.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void constrainCategory(int32_t category);
+    /**
+     * Sets a constraint on the category and field.
+     * 
+     * When this instance of ConstrainedFieldPosition is passed to FormattedValue#nextPosition,
+     * positions are skipped unless they have the given category and field.
+     *
+     * Any previously set constraints are cleared.
+     *
+     * For example, to loop over all grouping separators:
+     *
+     *     ConstrainedFieldPosition cfpos;
+     *     while (fmtval.nextPosition(cfpos, status)) {
+     *         // handle the grouping separator position
+     *     }
+     *
+     * Changing the constraint while in the middle of iterating over a FormattedValue
+     * does not generally have well-defined behavior.
+     *
+     * @param category The field category to fix when iterating.
+     * @param field The field to fix when iterating.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void constrainField(int32_t category, int32_t field);
+    /**
+     * Gets the field category for the current position.
+     *
+     * The return value is well-defined only after
+     * FormattedValue#nextPosition returns TRUE.
+     *
+     * @return The field category saved in the instance.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    inline int32_t getCategory() const {
+        return fCategory;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the field for the current position.
+     *
+     * The return value is well-defined only after
+     * FormattedValue#nextPosition returns TRUE.
+     *
+     * @return The field saved in the instance.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    inline int32_t getField() const {
+        return fField;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the INCLUSIVE start index for the current position.
+     *
+     * The return value is well-defined only after FormattedValue#nextPosition returns TRUE.
+     *
+     * @return The start index saved in the instance.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    inline int32_t getStart() const {
+        return fStart;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the EXCLUSIVE end index stored for the current position.
+     *
+     * The return value is well-defined only after FormattedValue#nextPosition returns TRUE.
+     *
+     * @return The end index saved in the instance.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    inline int32_t getLimit() const {
+        return fLimit;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //// The following methods are for FormattedValue implementers; ////
+    //// most users can ignore them.                                ////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /**
+     * Gets an int64 that FormattedValue implementations may use for storage.
+     *
+     * The initial value is zero.
+     *
+     * Users of FormattedValue should not need to call this method.
+     *
+     * @return The current iteration context from {@link #setInt64IterationContext}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    inline int64_t getInt64IterationContext() const {
+        return fContext;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets an int64 that FormattedValue implementations may use for storage.
+     *
+     * Intended to be used by FormattedValue implementations.
+     *
+     * @param context The new iteration context.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void setInt64IterationContext(int64_t context);
+    /**
+     * Determines whether a given field should be included given the
+     * constraints.
+     *
+     * Intended to be used by FormattedValue implementations.
+     *
+     * @param category The category to test.
+     * @param field The field to test.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    UBool matchesField(int32_t category, int32_t field) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets new values for the primary public getters.
+     *
+     * Intended to be used by FormattedValue implementations.
+     *
+     * It is up to the implementation to ensure that the user-requested
+     * constraints are satisfied. This method does not check!
+     *
+     * @param category The new field category.
+     * @param field The new field.
+     * @param start The new inclusive start index.
+     * @param limit The new exclusive end index.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    void setState(
+        int32_t category,
+        int32_t field,
+        int32_t start,
+        int32_t limit);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+  private:
+    int64_t fContext = 0LL;
+    int32_t fField = 0;
+    int32_t fStart = 0;
+    int32_t fLimit = 0;
+    int32_t fCategory = UFIELD_CATEGORY_UNDEFINED;
+#else   /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    int32_t fCategory = 0;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    int8_t fConstraint = 0;
+// The following cannot have #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API because
+// class FormattedNumber (stable ICU 60) depends on it.
+ * An abstract formatted value: a string with associated field attributes.
+ * Many formatters format to classes implementing FormattedValue.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedValue /* not : public UObject because this is an interface/mixin class */ {
+  public:
+    /** @draft ICU 64 */
+    virtual ~FormattedValue();
+    /**
+     * Returns the formatted string as a self-contained UnicodeString.
+     *
+     * If you need the string within the current scope only, consider #toTempString.
+     *
+     * @param status Set if an error occurs.
+     * @return a UnicodeString containing the formatted string.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the formatted string as a read-only alias to memory owned by the FormattedValue.
+     *
+     * The return value is valid only as long as this FormattedValue is present and unchanged in
+     * memory. If you need the string outside the current scope, consider #toString.
+     *
+     * The buffer returned by calling UnicodeString#getBuffer() on the return value is
+     * guaranteed to be NUL-terminated.
+     *
+     * @param status Set if an error occurs.
+     * @return a temporary UnicodeString containing the formatted string.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Appends the formatted string to an Appendable.
+     *
+     * @param appendable
+     *         The Appendable to which to append the string output.
+     * @param status Set if an error occurs.
+     * @return The same Appendable, for chaining.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     * @see Appendable
+     */
+    virtual Appendable& appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Iterates over field positions in the FormattedValue. This lets you determine the position
+     * of specific types of substrings, like a month or a decimal separator.
+     *
+     * To loop over all field positions:
+     *
+     *     ConstrainedFieldPosition cfpos;
+     *     while (fmtval.nextPosition(cfpos, status)) {
+     *         // handle the field position; get information from cfpos
+     *     }
+     *
+     * @param cfpos
+     *         The object used for iteration state. This can provide constraints to iterate over
+     *         only one specific category or field;
+     *         see ConstrainedFieldPosition#constrainCategory
+     *         and ConstrainedFieldPosition#constrainField.
+     * @param status Set if an error occurs.
+     * @return TRUE if a new occurrence of the field was found;
+     *         FALSE otherwise or if an error was set.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    virtual UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __FORMATTEDVALUE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fpositer.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fpositer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e8a010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/fpositer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File attiter.h
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   12/15/2009  dougfelt    Created
+#ifndef FPOSITER_H
+#define FPOSITER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: FieldPosition Iterator.
+ */
+ * Allow the declaration of APIs with pointers to FieldPositionIterator
+ * even when formatting is removed from the build.
+ */
+class FieldPositionIterator;
+#include "unicode/fieldpos.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+class UVector32;
+ * FieldPositionIterator returns the field ids and their start/limit positions generated
+ * by a call to Format::format.  See Format, NumberFormat, DecimalFormat.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FieldPositionIterator : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    ~FieldPositionIterator();
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new, empty iterator.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    FieldPositionIterator(void);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.  If the copy failed for some reason, the new iterator will
+     * be empty.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    FieldPositionIterator(const FieldPositionIterator&);
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this
+     * one.
+     * <p>
+     * Return true if this FieldPositionIterator is at the same position in an
+     * equal array of run values.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const FieldPositionIterator&) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the complement of the result of operator==
+     * @param rhs The FieldPositionIterator to be compared for inequality
+     * @return the complement of the result of operator==
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const FieldPositionIterator& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
+    /**
+     * If the current position is valid, updates the FieldPosition values, advances the iterator,
+     * and returns TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UBool next(FieldPosition& fp);
+    /**
+     * Sets the data used by the iterator, and resets the position.
+     * Returns U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR in status if the data is not valid 
+     * (length is not a multiple of 3, or start >= limit for any run).
+     */
+    void setData(UVector32 *adopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    friend class FieldPositionIteratorHandler;
+    UVector32 *data;
+    int32_t pos;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // FPOSITER_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/gender.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/gender.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7fee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/gender.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File GENDER.H
+* Modification History:*
+*   Date        Name        Description
+#ifndef _GENDER
+#define _GENDER
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: GenderInfo computes the gender of a list.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/ugender.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+class GenderInfoTest;
+/** \internal Forward Declaration  */
+void U_CALLCONV GenderInfo_initCache(UErrorCode &status);
+ * GenderInfo computes the gender of a list as a whole given the gender of
+ * each element.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+class U_I18N_API GenderInfo : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Provides access to the predefined GenderInfo object for a given
+     * locale.
+     *
+     * @param locale  The locale for which a <code>GenderInfo</code> object is
+     *                returned.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return        The predefined <code>GenderInfo</code> object pointer for
+     *                this locale. The returned object is immutable, so it is
+     *                declared as const. Caller does not own the returned
+     *                pointer, so it must not attempt to free it.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    static const GenderInfo* U_EXPORT2 getInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Determines the gender of a list as a whole given the gender of each
+     * of the elements.
+     * 
+     * @param genders the gender of each element in the list.
+     * @param length the length of gender array.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return        the gender of the whole list.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UGender getListGender(const UGender* genders, int32_t length, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual ~GenderInfo();
+    int32_t _style;
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor. One object per locale invariant. Clients
+     * must never copy GenderInfo objects.
+     */
+    GenderInfo(const GenderInfo& other);
+    /**
+      * Assignment operator. Not applicable to immutable objects.
+      */
+    GenderInfo& operator=(const GenderInfo&);
+    GenderInfo();
+    static const GenderInfo* getNeutralInstance();
+    static const GenderInfo* getMixedNeutralInstance();
+    static const GenderInfo* getMaleTaintsInstance();
+    static const GenderInfo* loadInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    friend class ::GenderInfoTest;
+    friend void U_CALLCONV GenderInfo_initCache(UErrorCode &status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _GENDER
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/gregocal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/gregocal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ce40da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/gregocal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/22/97    aliu        Overhauled header.
+*    07/28/98    stephen        Sync with JDK 1.2
+*    09/04/98    stephen        Re-sync with JDK 8/31 putback
+*    09/14/98    stephen        Changed type of kOneDay, kOneWeek to double.
+*                            Fixed bug in roll()
+*   10/15/99    aliu        Fixed j31, incorrect WEEK_OF_YEAR computation.
+*                           Added documentation of WEEK_OF_YEAR computation.
+*   10/15/99    aliu        Fixed j32, cannot set date to Feb 29 2000 AD.
+*                           {JDK bug 4210209 4209272}
+*   11/07/2003  srl         Update, clean up documentation.
+#ifndef GREGOCAL_H
+#define GREGOCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Concrete class which provides the standard calendar.
+ */
+ * Concrete class which provides the standard calendar used by most of the world.
+ * <P>
+ * The standard (Gregorian) calendar has 2 eras, BC and AD.
+ * <P>
+ * This implementation handles a single discontinuity, which corresponds by default to
+ * the date the Gregorian calendar was originally instituted (October 15, 1582). Not all
+ * countries adopted the Gregorian calendar then, so this cutover date may be changed by
+ * the caller.
+ * <P>
+ * Prior to the institution of the Gregorian Calendar, New Year's Day was March 25. To
+ * avoid confusion, this Calendar always uses January 1. A manual adjustment may be made
+ * if desired for dates that are prior to the Gregorian changeover and which fall
+ * between January 1 and March 24.
+ *
+ * <p>Values calculated for the <code>WEEK_OF_YEAR</code> field range from 1 to
+ * 53.  Week 1 for a year is the first week that contains at least
+ * <code>getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()</code> days from that year.  It thus
+ * depends on the values of <code>getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()</code>,
+ * <code>getFirstDayOfWeek()</code>, and the day of the week of January 1.
+ * Weeks between week 1 of one year and week 1 of the following year are
+ * numbered sequentially from 2 to 52 or 53 (as needed).
+ *
+ * <p>For example, January 1, 1998 was a Thursday.  If
+ * <code>getFirstDayOfWeek()</code> is <code>MONDAY</code> and
+ * <code>getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()</code> is 4 (these are the values
+ * reflecting ISO 8601 and many national standards), then week 1 of 1998 starts
+ * on December 29, 1997, and ends on January 4, 1998.  If, however,
+ * <code>getFirstDayOfWeek()</code> is <code>SUNDAY</code>, then week 1 of 1998
+ * starts on January 4, 1998, and ends on January 10, 1998; the first three days
+ * of 1998 then are part of week 53 of 1997.
+ *
+ * <p>Example for using GregorianCalendar:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     // get the supported ids for GMT-08:00 (Pacific Standard Time)
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     const StringEnumeration *ids = TimeZone::createEnumeration(-8 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+ *     // if no ids were returned, something is wrong. get out.
+ *     if (ids == 0 || ids->count(success) == 0) {
+ *         return;
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     // begin output
+ *     cout << "Current Time" << endl;
+ *
+ *     // create a Pacific Standard Time time zone
+ *     SimpleTimeZone* pdt = new SimpleTimeZone(-8 * 60 * 60 * 1000, ids->unext(NULL, success)));
+ *
+ *     // set up rules for daylight savings time
+ *     pdt->setStartRule(UCAL_MARCH, 1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+ *     pdt->setEndRule(UCAL_NOVEMBER, 2, UCAL_SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+ *
+ *     // create a GregorianCalendar with the Pacific Daylight time zone
+ *     // and the current date and time
+ *     Calendar* calendar = new GregorianCalendar( pdt, success );
+ *
+ *     // print out a bunch of interesting things
+ *     cout << "ERA: " << calendar->get( UCAL_ERA, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "YEAR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_YEAR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "WEEK_OF_YEAR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "WEEK_OF_MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_WEEK_OF_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DATE: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DATE, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_YEAR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_YEAR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_WEEK: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "AM_PM: " << calendar->get( UCAL_AM_PM, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "HOUR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_HOUR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "HOUR_OF_DAY: " << calendar->get( UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "MINUTE: " << calendar->get( UCAL_MINUTE, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "SECOND: " << calendar->get( UCAL_SECOND, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "MILLISECOND: " << calendar->get( UCAL_MILLISECOND, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "ZONE_OFFSET: " << (calendar->get( UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET, success )/(60*60*1000)) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DST_OFFSET: " << (calendar->get( UCAL_DST_OFFSET, success )/(60*60*1000)) << endl;
+ *
+ *     cout << "Current Time, with hour reset to 3" << endl;
+ *     calendar->clear(UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY); // so doesn't override
+ *     calendar->set(UCAL_HOUR, 3);
+ *     cout << "ERA: " << calendar->get( UCAL_ERA, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "YEAR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_YEAR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "WEEK_OF_YEAR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "WEEK_OF_MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_WEEK_OF_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DATE: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DATE, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_YEAR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_YEAR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_WEEK: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH: " << calendar->get( UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "AM_PM: " << calendar->get( UCAL_AM_PM, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "HOUR: " << calendar->get( UCAL_HOUR, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "HOUR_OF_DAY: " << calendar->get( UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "MINUTE: " << calendar->get( UCAL_MINUTE, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "SECOND: " << calendar->get( UCAL_SECOND, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "MILLISECOND: " << calendar->get( UCAL_MILLISECOND, success ) << endl;
+ *     cout << "ZONE_OFFSET: " << (calendar->get( UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET, success )/(60*60*1000)) << endl; // in hours
+ *     cout << "DST_OFFSET: " << (calendar->get( UCAL_DST_OFFSET, success )/(60*60*1000)) << endl; // in hours
+ *
+ *     if (U_FAILURE(success)) {
+ *         cout << "An error occured. success=" << u_errorName(success) << endl;
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     delete ids;
+ *     delete calendar; // also deletes pdt
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API GregorianCalendar: public Calendar {
+    /**
+     * Useful constants for GregorianCalendar and TimeZone.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum EEras {
+        BC,
+        AD
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a default GregorianCalendar using the current time in the default time
+     * zone with the default locale.
+     *
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time in the given time zone
+     * with the default locale. Clients are no longer responsible for deleting the given
+     * time zone object after it's adopted.
+     *
+     * @param zoneToAdopt     The given timezone.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(TimeZone* zoneToAdopt, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time in the given time zone
+     * with the default locale.
+     *
+     * @param zone     The given timezone.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(const TimeZone& zone, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time in the given time zone
+     * with the given locale. Clients are no longer responsible for deleting the given
+     * time zone object after it's adopted.
+     *
+     * @param zoneToAdopt     The given timezone.
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(TimeZone* zoneToAdopt, const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time in the given time zone
+     * with the given locale.
+     *
+     * @param zone     The given timezone.
+     * @param aLocale  The given locale.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(const TimeZone& zone, const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar with the given AD date set in the default time
+     * zone with the default locale.
+     *
+     * @param year     The value used to set the YEAR time field in the calendar.
+     * @param month    The value used to set the MONTH time field in the calendar. Month
+     *                 value is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param date     The value used to set the DATE time field in the calendar.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar with the given AD date and time set for the
+     * default time zone with the default locale.
+     *
+     * @param year     The value used to set the YEAR time field in the calendar.
+     * @param month    The value used to set the MONTH time field in the calendar. Month
+     *                 value is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param date     The value used to set the DATE time field in the calendar.
+     * @param hour     The value used to set the HOUR_OF_DAY time field in the calendar.
+     * @param minute   The value used to set the MINUTE time field in the calendar.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a GregorianCalendar with the given AD date and time set for the
+     * default time zone with the default locale.
+     *
+     * @param year     The value used to set the YEAR time field in the calendar.
+     * @param month    The value used to set the MONTH time field in the calendar. Month
+     *                 value is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param date     The value used to set the DATE time field in the calendar.
+     * @param hour     The value used to set the HOUR_OF_DAY time field in the calendar.
+     * @param minute   The value used to set the MINUTE time field in the calendar.
+     * @param second   The value used to set the SECOND time field in the calendar.
+     * @param success  Indicates the status of GregorianCalendar object construction.
+     *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~GregorianCalendar();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param source    the object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar(const GregorianCalendar& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @param right    the object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    GregorianCalendar& operator=(const GregorianCalendar& right);
+    /**
+     * Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @return    return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual GregorianCalendar* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the GregorianCalendar change date. This is the point when the switch from
+     * Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is 00:00:00 local time, October
+     * 15, 1582. Previous to this time and date will be Julian dates.
+     *
+     * @param date     The given Gregorian cutover date.
+     * @param success  Output param set to success/failure code on exit.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setGregorianChange(UDate date, UErrorCode& success);
+    /**
+     * Gets the Gregorian Calendar change date. This is the point when the switch from
+     * Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is 00:00:00 local time, October
+     * 15, 1582. Previous to this time and date will be Julian dates.
+     *
+     * @return   The Gregorian cutover time for this calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UDate getGregorianChange(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given year is a leap year. Determination of whether a year is
+     * a leap year is actually very complicated. We do something crude and mostly
+     * correct here, but for a real determination you need a lot of contextual
+     * information. For example, in Sweden, the change from Julian to Gregorian happened
+     * in a complex way resulting in missed leap years and double leap years between
+     * 1700 and 1753. Another example is that after the start of the Julian calendar in
+     * 45 B.C., the leap years did not regularize until 8 A.D. This method ignores these
+     * quirks, and pays attention only to the Julian onset date and the Gregorian
+     * cutover (which can be changed).
+     *
+     * @param year  The given year.
+     * @return      True if the given year is a leap year; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool isLeapYear(int32_t year) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the given Calendar object is equivalent to this
+     * one.  Calendar override.
+     *
+     * @param other the Calendar to be compared with this Calendar   
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool isEquivalentTo(const Calendar& other) const;
+    /**
+     * (Overrides Calendar) Rolls up or down by the given amount in the specified field.
+     * For more information, see the documentation for Calendar::roll().
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param amount  Indicates amount to roll.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status) instead.
+     */
+    virtual void roll(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * (Overrides Calendar) Rolls up or down by the given amount in the specified field.
+     * For more information, see the documentation for Calendar::roll().
+     *
+     * @param field   The time field.
+     * @param amount  Indicates amount to roll.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit. If any value
+     *                previously set in the time field is invalid, this will be set to
+     *                an error status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6.
+     */
+    virtual void roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For the Gregorian calendar, this is the same as getMinimum() and getGreatestMinimum().
+     * @param field    the time field.
+     * @return         the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    int32_t getActualMinimum(EDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For the Gregorian calendar, this is the same as getMinimum() and getGreatestMinimum().
+     * @param field    the time field.
+     * @param status
+     * @return         the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead. (Added to ICU 3.0 for signature consistency)
+     */
+    int32_t getActualMinimum(EDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For the Gregorian calendar, this is the same as getMinimum() and getGreatestMinimum().
+     * @param field    the time field.
+     * @param status   error result.
+     * @return         the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    int32_t getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For example, with the date "Feb 3, 1997" and the DAY_OF_MONTH field, the actual
+     * maximum would be 28; for "Feb 3, 1996" it s 29.  Similarly for a Hebrew calendar,
+     * for some years the actual maximum for MONTH is 12, and for others 13.
+     * @param field    the time field.
+     * @return         the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use getActualMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
+     */
+    int32_t getActualMaximum(EDateFields field) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * For example, with the date "Feb 3, 1997" and the DAY_OF_MONTH field, the actual
+     * maximum would be 28; for "Feb 3, 1996" it s 29.  Similarly for a Hebrew calendar,
+     * for some years the actual maximum for MONTH is 12, and for others 13.
+     * @param field    the time field.
+     * @param status   returns any errors that may result from this function call.
+     * @return         the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getActualMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
+     * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
+     *
+     * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
+     *           false, otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Override Calendar Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns the calendar type name string for this Calendar object.
+     * The returned string is the legacy ICU calendar attribute value,
+     * for example, "gregorian" or "japanese".
+     *
+     * For more details see the Calendar::getType() documentation.
+     *
+     * @return legacy calendar type name string
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual const char * getType() const;
+ private:
+    GregorianCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Return the ERA.  We need a special method for this because the
+     * default ERA is AD, but a zero (unset) ERA is BC.
+     * @return    the ERA.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t internalGetEra() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the Julian day number of day before the first day of the
+     * given month in the given extended year.  Subclasses should override
+     * this method to implement their calendar system.
+     * @param eyear the extended year
+     * @param month the zero-based month, or 0 if useMonth is false
+     * @param useMonth if false, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given year, otherwise, compute the day before the first day of
+     * the given month
+     * @return the Julian day number of the day before the first
+     * day of the given month and year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month,
+                                                   UBool useMonth) const;
+    /**
+     * Subclasses may override this.  This method calls
+     * handleGetMonthLength() to obtain the calendar-specific month
+     * length.
+     * @param bestField which field to use to calculate the date 
+     * @return julian day specified by calendar fields.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleComputeJulianDay(UCalendarDateFields bestField)  ;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of days in the given month of the given extended
+     * year of this calendar system.  Subclasses should override this
+     * method if they can provide a more correct or more efficient
+     * implementation than the default implementation in Calendar.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of days in the given extended year of this
+     * calendar system.  Subclasses should override this method if they can
+     * provide a more correct or more efficient implementation than the
+     * default implementation in Calendar.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t eyear) const;
+    /**
+     * return the length of the given month.
+     * @param month    the given month.
+     * @return    the length of the given month.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t monthLength(int32_t month) const;
+    /**
+     * return the length of the month according to the given year.
+     * @param month    the given month.
+     * @param year     the given year.
+     * @return         the length of the month
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t monthLength(int32_t month, int32_t year) const;
+    /**
+     * return the length of the given year.
+     * @param year    the given year.
+     * @return        the length of the given year.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t yearLength(int32_t year) const;
+    /**
+     * return the length of the year field.
+     * @return    the length of the year field
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t yearLength(void) const;
+    /**
+     * After adjustments such as add(MONTH), add(YEAR), we don't want the
+     * month to jump around.  E.g., we don't want Jan 31 + 1 month to go to Mar
+     * 3, we want it to go to Feb 28.  Adjustments which might run into this
+     * problem call this method to retain the proper month.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void pinDayOfMonth(void);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the day number with respect to the epoch.  January 1, 1970 (Gregorian)
+     * is day zero.
+     * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
+     * @return       the day number with respect to the epoch.  
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate getEpochDay(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Subclass API for defining limits of different types.
+     * Subclasses must implement this method to return limits for the
+     * following fields:
+     *
+     * <pre>UCAL_ERA
+     * UCAL_YEAR
+     * UCAL_MONTH
+     * UCAL_DATE (DAY_OF_MONTH on Java)
+     * UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR</pre>
+     *
+     * @param field one of the above field numbers
+     * @param limitType one of <code>MINIMUM</code>, <code>GREATEST_MINIMUM</code>,
+     * <code>LEAST_MAXIMUM</code>, or <code>MAXIMUM</code>
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the extended year defined by the current fields.  This will
+     * use the UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field or the UCAL_YEAR and supra-year fields (such
+     * as UCAL_ERA) specific to the calendar system, depending on which set of
+     * fields is newer.
+     * @return the extended year
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
+    /** 
+     * Subclasses may override this to convert from week fields 
+     * (YEAR_WOY and WEEK_OF_YEAR) to an extended year in the case
+     * where YEAR, EXTENDED_YEAR are not set.
+     * The Gregorian implementation assumes a yearWoy in gregorian format, according to the current era.
+     * @return the extended year, UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYearFromWeekFields(int32_t yearWoy, int32_t woy);
+    /**
+     * Subclasses may override this method to compute several fields
+     * specific to each calendar system.  These are:
+     *
+     * <ul><li>ERA
+     * <li>YEAR
+     * <li>MONTH
+     * <li>DAY_OF_MONTH
+     * <li>DAY_OF_YEAR
+     * <li>EXTENDED_YEAR</ul>
+     *
+     * <p>The GregorianCalendar implementation implements
+     * a calendar with the specified Julian/Gregorian cutover date.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
+ private:
+    /**
+     * Compute the julian day number of the given year.
+     * @param isGregorian    if true, using Gregorian calendar, otherwise using Julian calendar
+     * @param year           the given year.
+     * @param isLeap         true if the year is a leap year.       
+     * @return 
+     */
+    static double computeJulianDayOfYear(UBool isGregorian, int32_t year,
+                                         UBool& isLeap);
+    /**
+     * Validates the values of the set time fields.  True if they're all valid.
+     * @return    True if the set time fields are all valid.
+     */
+    UBool validateFields(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Validates the value of the given time field.  True if it's valid.
+     */
+    UBool boundsCheck(int32_t value, UCalendarDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the pseudo-time-stamp for two fields, given their
+     * individual pseudo-time-stamps.  If either of the fields
+     * is unset, then the aggregate is unset.  Otherwise, the
+     * aggregate is the later of the two stamps.
+     * @param stamp_a    One given field.
+     * @param stamp_b    Another given field.
+     * @return the pseudo-time-stamp for two fields
+     */
+    int32_t aggregateStamp(int32_t stamp_a, int32_t stamp_b);
+    /**
+     * The point at which the Gregorian calendar rules are used, measured in
+     * milliseconds from the standard epoch.  Default is October 15, 1582
+     * (Gregorian) 00:00:00 UTC, that is, October 4, 1582 (Julian) is followed
+     * by October 15, 1582 (Gregorian).  This corresponds to Julian day number
+     * 2299161. This is measured from the standard epoch, not in Julian Days.
+     */
+    UDate                fGregorianCutover;
+    /**
+     * Julian day number of the Gregorian cutover
+     */
+    int32_t             fCutoverJulianDay;
+    /**
+     * Midnight, local time (using this Calendar's TimeZone) at or before the
+     * gregorianCutover. This is a pure date value with no time of day or
+     * timezone component.
+     */
+    UDate                 fNormalizedGregorianCutover;// = gregorianCutover;
+    /**
+     * The year of the gregorianCutover, with 0 representing
+     * 1 BC, -1 representing 2 BC, etc.
+     */
+    int32_t fGregorianCutoverYear;// = 1582;
+    /**
+     * The year of the gregorianCutover, with 0 representing
+     * 1 BC, -1 representing 2 BC, etc.
+     */
+    int32_t fGregorianCutoverJulianDay;// = 2299161;
+    /**
+     * Converts time as milliseconds to Julian date. The Julian date used here is not a
+     * true Julian date, since it is measured from midnight, not noon.
+     *
+     * @param millis  The given milliseconds.
+     * @return        The Julian date number.
+     */
+    static double millisToJulianDay(UDate millis);
+    /**
+     * Converts Julian date to time as milliseconds. The Julian date used here is not a
+     * true Julian date, since it is measured from midnight, not noon.
+     *
+     * @param julian  The given Julian date number.
+     * @return        Time as milliseconds.
+     */
+    static UDate julianDayToMillis(double julian);
+    /**
+     * Used by handleComputeJulianDay() and handleComputeMonthStart().
+     * Temporary field indicating whether the calendar is currently Gregorian as opposed to Julian.
+     */
+    UBool fIsGregorian;
+    /**
+     * Used by handleComputeJulianDay() and handleComputeMonthStart().
+     * Temporary field indicating that the sense of the gregorian cutover should be inverted
+     * to handle certain calculations on and around the cutover date.
+     */
+    UBool fInvertGregorian;
+ public: // internal implementation
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if this calendar has the notion of a default century
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
+    /**
+     * @return the start of the default century
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
+    /**
+     * @return the beginning year of the default century
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _GREGOCAL
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/icudataver.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/icudataver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb202e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/icudataver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: access to ICU Data Version number
+ */
+#ifndef __ICU_DATA_VER_H__
+#define __ICU_DATA_VER_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+#define U_ICU_VERSION_BUNDLE "icuver"
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+#define U_ICU_DATA_KEY "DataVersion"
+ * Retrieves the data version from icuver and stores it in dataVersionFillin.
+ * 
+ * @param dataVersionFillin icuver data version information to be filled in if not-null
+ * @param status stores the error code from the calls to resource bundle
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 u_getDataVersion(UVersionInfo dataVersionFillin, UErrorCode *status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/icuplug.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/icuplug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e57b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/icuplug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  FILE NAME : icuplug.h
+*   Date         Name        Description
+*   10/29/2009   sl          New.
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: ICU Plugin API 
+ *
+ * <h2>C API: ICU Plugin API</h2>
+ *
+ * <p>C API allowing run-time loadable modules that extend or modify ICU functionality.</p>
+ *
+ * <h3>Loading and Configuration</h3>
+ *
+ * <p>At ICU startup time, the environment variable "ICU_PLUGINS" will be 
+ * queried for a directory name.  If it is not set, the preprocessor symbol 
+ * "DEFAULT_ICU_PLUGINS" will be checked for a default value.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Within the above-named directory, the file  "icuplugins##.txt" will be 
+ * opened, if present, where ## is the major+minor number of the currently 
+ * running ICU (such as, 44 for ICU 4.4, thus icuplugins44.txt)</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The configuration file has this format:</p>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Hash (#) begins a comment line</li>
+ * 
+ * <li>Non-comment lines have two or three components:
+ *
+ * <li>Tabs or spaces separate the three items.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>LIBRARYNAME is the name of a shared library, either a short name if 
+ * it is on the loader path,  or a full pathname.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>ENTRYPOINT is the short (undecorated) symbol name of the plugin's 
+ * entrypoint, as above.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>CONFIGURATION is the entire rest of the line . It's passed as-is to 
+ * the plugin.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>An example configuration file is, in its entirety:</p>
+ *
+ * \code
+ * # this is icuplugins44.txt
+ * testplug.dll    myPlugin        hello=world
+ * \endcode
+ * <p>Plugins are categorized as "high" or "low" level.  Low level are those 
+ * which must be run BEFORE high level plugins, and before any operations 
+ * which cause ICU to be 'initialized'.  If a plugin is low level but 
+ * causes ICU to allocate memory or become initialized, that plugin is said 
+ * to cause a 'level change'. </p>
+ *
+ * <p>At load time, ICU first queries all plugins to determine their level, 
+ * then loads all 'low' plugins first, and then loads all 'high' plugins.  
+ * Plugins are otherwise loaded in the order listed in the configuration file.</p>
+ * 
+ * <h3>Implementing a Plugin</h3>
+ * \code
+ * U_CAPI UPlugTokenReturn U_EXPORT2 
+ * myPlugin (UPlugData *plug, UPlugReason reason, UErrorCode *status) {
+ *   if(reason==UPLUG_REASON_QUERY) {
+ *      uplug_setPlugName(plug, "Simple Plugin");
+ *      uplug_setPlugLevel(plug, UPLUG_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ *    } else if(reason==UPLUG_REASON_LOAD) {
+ *       ... Set up some ICU things here.... 
+ *    } else if(reason==UPLUG_REASON_UNLOAD) {
+ *       ... unload, clean up ...
+ *    }
+ *   return UPLUG_TOKEN;
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * <p>The UPlugData*  is an opaque pointer to the plugin-specific data, and is 
+ * used in all other API calls.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The API contract is:</p>
+ * <ol><li>The plugin MUST always return UPLUG_TOKEN as a return value- to 
+ * indicate that it is a valid plugin.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the 'reason' parameter is set to UPLUG_REASON_QUERY,  the 
+ * plugin MUST call uplug_setPlugLevel() to indicate whether it is a high 
+ * level or low level plugin.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the 'reason' parameter is UPLUG_REASON_QUERY, the plugin 
+ * SHOULD call uplug_setPlugName to indicate a human readable plugin name.</li></ol>
+ * 
+ *
+ * \internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+#ifndef ICUPLUG_H
+#define ICUPLUG_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/* === Basic types === */
+ * @{
+ * Opaque structure passed to/from a plugin. 
+ * use the APIs to access it.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+struct UPlugData;
+typedef struct UPlugData UPlugData;
+/** @} */
+ * Random Token to identify a valid ICU plugin. Plugins must return this 
+ * from the entrypoint.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+#define UPLUG_TOKEN 0x54762486
+ * Max width of names, symbols, and configuration strings
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+#define UPLUG_NAME_MAX              100
+ * Return value from a plugin entrypoint. 
+ * Must always be set to UPLUG_TOKEN
+ * @see UPLUG_TOKEN
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+typedef uint32_t UPlugTokenReturn;
+ * Reason code for the entrypoint's call
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    UPLUG_REASON_QUERY = 0,     /**< The plugin is being queried for info. **/
+    UPLUG_REASON_LOAD = 1,     /**< The plugin is being loaded. **/
+    UPLUG_REASON_UNLOAD = 2,   /**< The plugin is being unloaded. **/
+    /**
+     * Number of known reasons.
+     * @internal The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UPlugReason;
+ * Level of plugin loading
+ *       QUERY:   INVALID ->  { LOW | HIGH }
+ *     ERR -> INVALID
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    UPLUG_LEVEL_INVALID = 0,     /**< The plugin is invalid, hasn't called uplug_setLevel, or can't load. **/
+    UPLUG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN = 1,     /**< The plugin is waiting to be installed. **/
+    UPLUG_LEVEL_LOW     = 2,     /**< The plugin must be called before u_init completes **/
+    UPLUG_LEVEL_HIGH    = 3,     /**< The plugin can run at any time. **/
+    /**
+     * Number of known levels.
+     * @internal The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UPlugLevel;
+ * Entrypoint for an ICU plugin.
+ * @param plug the UPlugData handle. 
+ * @param status the plugin's extended status code.
+ * @return A valid plugin must return UPLUG_TOKEN
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+typedef UPlugTokenReturn (U_EXPORT2 UPlugEntrypoint) (
+                  UPlugData *plug,
+                  UPlugReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode *status);
+/* === Needed for Implementing === */
+ * Request that this plugin not be unloaded at cleanup time.
+ * This is appropriate for plugins which cannot be cleaned up.
+ * @see u_cleanup()
+ * @param plug plugin
+ * @param dontUnload  set true if this plugin can't be unloaded
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_setPlugNoUnload(UPlugData *plug, UBool dontUnload);
+ * Set the level of this plugin.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @param level the level of this plugin
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_setPlugLevel(UPlugData *plug, UPlugLevel level);
+ * Get the level of this plugin.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @return the level of this plugin
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_getPlugLevel(UPlugData *plug);
+ * Get the lowest level of plug which can currently load.
+ * For example, if UPLUG_LEVEL_LOW is returned, then low level plugins may load
+ * if UPLUG_LEVEL_HIGH is returned, then only high level plugins may load.
+ * @return the lowest level of plug which can currently load
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+ * Get plug load status
+ * @return The error code of this plugin's load attempt.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_getPlugLoadStatus(UPlugData *plug); 
+ * Set the human-readable name of this plugin.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @param name the name of this plugin. The first UPLUG_NAME_MAX characters willi be copied into a new buffer.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_setPlugName(UPlugData *plug, const char *name);
+ * Get the human-readable name of this plugin.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @return the name of this plugin
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
+uplug_getPlugName(UPlugData *plug);
+ * Return the symbol name for this plugin, if known.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @return the symbol name, or NULL
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
+uplug_getSymbolName(UPlugData *plug);
+ * Return the library name for this plugin, if known.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @param status error code
+ * @return the library name, or NULL
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
+uplug_getLibraryName(UPlugData *plug, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Return the library used for this plugin, if known.
+ * Plugins could use this to load data out of their 
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @return the library, or NULL
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_getLibrary(UPlugData *plug);
+ * Return the plugin-specific context data.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @return the context, or NULL if not set
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_getContext(UPlugData *plug);
+ * Set the plugin-specific context data.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @param context new context to set
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_setContext(UPlugData *plug, void *context);
+ * Get the configuration string, if available.
+ * The string is in the platform default codepage.
+ * @param plug plugin data handle
+ * @return configuration string, or else null.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
+uplug_getConfiguration(UPlugData *plug);
+ * Return all currently installed plugins, from newest to oldest
+ * Usage Example:
+ * \code
+ *    UPlugData *plug = NULL;
+ *    while(plug=uplug_nextPlug(plug)) {
+ *        ... do something with 'plug' ...
+ *    }
+ * \endcode
+ * Not thread safe- do not call while plugs are added or removed.
+ * @param prior pass in 'NULL' to get the first (most recent) plug, 
+ *  otherwise pass the value returned on a prior call to uplug_nextPlug
+ * @return the next oldest plugin, or NULL if no more.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_nextPlug(UPlugData *prior);
+ * Inject a plugin as if it were loaded from a library.
+ * This is useful for testing plugins. 
+ * Note that it will have a 'NULL' library pointer associated
+ * with it, and therefore no llibrary will be closed at cleanup time.
+ * Low level plugins may not be able to load, as ordering can't be enforced.
+ * @param entrypoint entrypoint to install
+ * @param config user specified configuration string, if available, or NULL.
+ * @param status error result
+ * @return the new UPlugData associated with this plugin, or NULL if error.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_loadPlugFromEntrypoint(UPlugEntrypoint *entrypoint, const char *config, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Inject a plugin from a library, as if the information came from a config file.
+ * Low level plugins may not be able to load, and ordering can't be enforced.
+ * @param libName DLL name to load
+ * @param sym symbol of plugin (UPlugEntrypoint function)
+ * @param config configuration string, or NULL
+ * @param status error result
+ * @return the new UPlugData associated with this plugin, or NULL if error.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_loadPlugFromLibrary(const char *libName, const char *sym, const char *config, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Remove a plugin. 
+ * Will request the plugin to be unloaded, and close the library if needed
+ * @param plug plugin handle to close
+ * @param status error result
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
+ */
+uplug_removePlug(UPlugData *plug, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif /* _ICUPLUG */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/idna.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/idna.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfcfe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/idna.h
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  idna.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010mar05
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __IDNA_H__
+#define __IDNA_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uidna.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+class IDNAInfo;
+ * Abstract base class for IDNA processing.
+ * See
+ * and
+ *
+ * The IDNA class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * This C++ API currently only implements UTS #46.
+ * The uidna.h C API implements both UTS #46 (functions using UIDNA service object)
+ * and IDNA2003 (functions that do not use a service object).
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API IDNA : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    ~IDNA();
+    /**
+     * Returns an IDNA instance which implements UTS #46.
+     * Returns an unmodifiable instance, owned by the caller.
+     * Cache it for multiple operations, and delete it when done.
+     * The instance is thread-safe, that is, it can be used concurrently.
+     *
+     * UTS #46 defines Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing,
+     * updated to the latest version of Unicode and compatible with both
+     * IDNA2003 and IDNA2008.
+     *
+     * The worker functions use transitional processing, including deviation mappings,
+     * is used in which case the deviation characters are passed through without change.
+     *
+     * Disallowed characters are mapped to U+FFFD.
+     *
+     * For available options see the uidna.h header.
+     * Operations with the UTS #46 instance do not support the
+     *
+     * By default, the UTS #46 implementation allows all ASCII characters (as valid or mapped).
+     * When the UIDNA_USE_STD3_RULES option is used, ASCII characters other than
+     * letters, digits, hyphen (LDH) and dot/full stop are disallowed and mapped to U+FFFD.
+     *
+     * @param options Bit set to modify the processing and error checking.
+     *                See option bit set values in uidna.h.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the UTS #46 IDNA instance, if successful
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    static IDNA *
+    createUTS46Instance(uint32_t options, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Converts a single domain name label into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+     * If any processing step fails, then info.hasErrors() will be TRUE and
+     * the result might not be an ASCII string.
+     * The label might be modified according to the types of errors.
+     * Labels with severe errors will be left in (or turned into) their Unicode form.
+     *
+     * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+     * such as a U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param label Input domain name label
+     * @param dest Destination string object
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    labelToASCII(const UnicodeString &label, UnicodeString &dest,
+                 IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Converts a single domain name label into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+     * If any processing step fails, then info.hasErrors() will be TRUE.
+     * The label might be modified according to the types of errors.
+     *
+     * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+     * such as a U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param label Input domain name label
+     * @param dest Destination string object
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    labelToUnicode(const UnicodeString &label, UnicodeString &dest,
+                   IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Converts a whole domain name into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+     * If any processing step fails, then info.hasErrors() will be TRUE and
+     * the result might not be an ASCII string.
+     * The domain name might be modified according to the types of errors.
+     * Labels with severe errors will be left in (or turned into) their Unicode form.
+     *
+     * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+     * such as a U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param name Input domain name
+     * @param dest Destination string object
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    nameToASCII(const UnicodeString &name, UnicodeString &dest,
+                IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Converts a whole domain name into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+     * If any processing step fails, then info.hasErrors() will be TRUE.
+     * The domain name might be modified according to the types of errors.
+     *
+     * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+     * such as a U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param name Input domain name
+     * @param dest Destination string object
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    nameToUnicode(const UnicodeString &name, UnicodeString &dest,
+                  IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    // UTF-8 versions of the processing methods ---------------------------- ***
+    /**
+     * Converts a single domain name label into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+     * UTF-8 version of labelToASCII(), same behavior.
+     *
+     * @param label Input domain name label
+     * @param dest Destination byte sink; Flush()ed if successful
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual void
+    labelToASCII_UTF8(StringPiece label, ByteSink &dest,
+                      IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Converts a single domain name label into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+     * UTF-8 version of labelToUnicode(), same behavior.
+     *
+     * @param label Input domain name label
+     * @param dest Destination byte sink; Flush()ed if successful
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual void
+    labelToUnicodeUTF8(StringPiece label, ByteSink &dest,
+                       IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Converts a whole domain name into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+     * UTF-8 version of nameToASCII(), same behavior.
+     *
+     * @param name Input domain name
+     * @param dest Destination byte sink; Flush()ed if successful
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual void
+    nameToASCII_UTF8(StringPiece name, ByteSink &dest,
+                     IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Converts a whole domain name into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+     * UTF-8 version of nameToUnicode(), same behavior.
+     *
+     * @param name Input domain name
+     * @param dest Destination byte sink; Flush()ed if successful
+     * @param info Output container of IDNA processing details.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual void
+    nameToUnicodeUTF8(StringPiece name, ByteSink &dest,
+                      IDNAInfo &info, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+class UTS46;
+ * Output container for IDNA processing errors.
+ * The IDNAInfo class is not suitable for subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API IDNAInfo : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Constructor for stack allocation.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    IDNAInfo() : errors(0), labelErrors(0), isTransDiff(FALSE), isBiDi(FALSE), isOkBiDi(TRUE) {}
+    /**
+     * Were there IDNA processing errors?
+     * @return TRUE if there were processing errors
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    UBool hasErrors() const { return errors!=0; }
+    /**
+     * Returns a bit set indicating IDNA processing errors.
+     * See UIDNA_ERROR_... constants in uidna.h.
+     * @return bit set of processing errors
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    uint32_t getErrors() const { return errors; }
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if transitional and nontransitional processing produce different results.
+     * This is the case when the input label or domain name contains
+     * one or more deviation characters outside a Punycode label (see UTS #46).
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>With nontransitional processing, such characters are
+     * copied to the destination string.
+     * <li>With transitional processing, such characters are
+     * mapped (sharp s/sigma) or removed (joiner/nonjoiner).
+     * </ul>
+     * @return TRUE if transitional and nontransitional processing produce different results
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    UBool isTransitionalDifferent() const { return isTransDiff; }
+    friend class UTS46;
+    IDNAInfo(const IDNAInfo &other);  // no copying
+    IDNAInfo &operator=(const IDNAInfo &other);  // no copying
+    void reset() {
+        errors=labelErrors=0;
+        isTransDiff=FALSE;
+        isBiDi=FALSE;
+        isOkBiDi=TRUE;
+    }
+    uint32_t errors, labelErrors;
+    UBool isTransDiff;
+    UBool isBiDi;
+    UBool isOkBiDi;
+#endif  // UCONFIG_NO_IDNA
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __IDNA_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/listformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/listformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88fc46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/listformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2012-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  listformatter.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 20120426
+*   created by: Umesh P. Nair
+#ifndef __LISTFORMATTER_H__
+#define __LISTFORMATTER_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
+class FieldPositionIterator;
+class FieldPositionHandler;
+class FormattedListData;
+class ListFormatter;
+/** @internal */
+class Hashtable;
+/** @internal */
+struct ListFormatInternal;
+/* The following can't be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for other .h file declarations */
+ * @internal
+ * \cond
+ */
+struct ListFormatData : public UMemory {
+    UnicodeString twoPattern;
+    UnicodeString startPattern;
+    UnicodeString middlePattern;
+    UnicodeString endPattern;
+  ListFormatData(const UnicodeString& two, const UnicodeString& start, const UnicodeString& middle, const UnicodeString& end) :
+      twoPattern(two), startPattern(start), middlePattern(middle), endPattern(end) {}
+/** \endcond */
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: API for formatting a list.
+ */
+ * An immutable class containing the result of a list formatting operation.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * When calling nextPosition():
+ * The fields are returned from start to end. The special field category
+ * UFIELD_CATEGORY_LIST_SPAN is used to indicate which argument
+ * was inserted at the given position. The span category will
+ * always occur before the corresponding instance of UFIELD_CATEGORY_LIST
+ * in the nextPosition() iterator.
+ *
+ * Not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedList : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Default constructor; makes an empty FormattedList.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedList() : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR) {}
+    /**
+     * Move constructor: Leaves the source FormattedList in an undefined state.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedList(FormattedList&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Destruct an instance of FormattedList.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    virtual ~FormattedList() U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move constructor instead. */
+    FormattedList(const FormattedList&) = delete;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move assignment instead. */
+    FormattedList& operator=(const FormattedList&) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Move assignment: Leaves the source FormattedList in an undefined state.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedList& operator=(FormattedList&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toString() */
+    UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toTempString() */
+    UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::appendTo() */
+    Appendable &appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::nextPosition() */
+    UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    FormattedListData *fData;
+    UErrorCode fErrorCode;
+    explicit FormattedList(FormattedListData *results)
+        : fData(results), fErrorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    explicit FormattedList(UErrorCode errorCode)
+        : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(errorCode) {}
+    friend class ListFormatter;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * An immutable class for formatting a list, using data from CLDR (or supplied
+ * separately).
+ *
+ * Example: Input data ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Delta"] will be formatted
+ * as "Alice, Bob, Charlie and Delta" in English.
+ *
+ * The ListFormatter class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ListFormatter : public UObject{
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    ListFormatter(const ListFormatter&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 52
+     */
+    ListFormatter& operator=(const ListFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Creates a ListFormatter appropriate for the default locale.
+     *
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code, set if no data available for default locale.
+     * @return Pointer to a ListFormatter object for the default locale,
+     *     created from internal data derived from CLDR data.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    static ListFormatter* createInstance(UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Creates a ListFormatter appropriate for a locale.
+     *
+     * @param locale The locale.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code, set if no data available for the given locale.
+     * @return A ListFormatter object created from internal data derived from
+     *     CLDR data.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    static ListFormatter* createInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Creates a ListFormatter appropriate for a locale and style.
+     *
+     * @param locale The locale.
+     * @param style the style, either "standard", "or", "unit", "unit-narrow", or "unit-short"
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code, set if no data available for the given locale.
+     * @return A ListFormatter object created from internal data derived from
+     *     CLDR data.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static ListFormatter* createInstance(const Locale& locale, const char* style, UErrorCode& errorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual ~ListFormatter();
+    /**
+     * Formats a list of strings.
+     *
+     * @param items An array of strings to be combined and formatted.
+     * @param n_items Length of the array items.
+     * @param appendTo The string to which the result should be appended to.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code, set if there is an error.
+     * @return Formatted string combining the elements of items, appended to appendTo.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const UnicodeString items[], int32_t n_items,
+        UnicodeString& appendTo, UErrorCode& errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a list of strings.
+     *
+     * @param items     An array of strings to be combined and formatted.
+     * @param n_items   Length of the array items.
+     * @param appendTo  The string to which the formatted result will be
+     *                  appended.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions of
+     *                  fields generated by this format call. Field values are
+     *                  defined in UListFormatterField. Can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return          Formatted string combining the elements of items,
+     *                  appended to appendTo.
+     * @draft ICU 63
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const UnicodeString items[], int32_t n_items,
+        UnicodeString & appendTo, FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+        UErrorCode& errorCode) const;
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    /**
+     * Formats a list of strings to a FormattedList, which exposes field
+     * position information. The FormattedList contains more information than
+     * a FieldPositionIterator.
+     *
+     * @param items     An array of strings to be combined and formatted.
+     * @param n_items   Length of the array items.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return          A FormattedList containing field information.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedList formatStringsToValue(
+        const UnicodeString items[],
+        int32_t n_items,
+        UErrorCode& errorCode) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+      @internal for MeasureFormat
+    */
+    UnicodeString& format(
+            const UnicodeString items[],
+            int32_t n_items,
+            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+            int32_t index,
+            int32_t &offset,
+            UErrorCode& errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * @internal constructor made public for testing.
+     */
+    ListFormatter(const ListFormatData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * @internal constructor made public for testing.
+     */
+    ListFormatter(const ListFormatInternal* listFormatterInternal);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+  private:
+    static void initializeHash(UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    static const ListFormatInternal* getListFormatInternal(const Locale& locale, const char *style, UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    struct ListPatternsSink;
+    static ListFormatInternal* loadListFormatInternal(const Locale& locale, const char* style, UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    UnicodeString& format_(
+        const UnicodeString items[], int32_t n_items, UnicodeString& appendTo,
+        int32_t index, int32_t &offset, FieldPositionHandler* handler, UErrorCode& errorCode) const;
+    ListFormatter();
+    ListFormatInternal* owned;
+    const ListFormatInternal* data;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __LISTFORMATTER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localebuilder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localebuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e10f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localebuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#ifndef __LOCALEBUILDER_H__
+#define __LOCALEBUILDER_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/localematcher.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Builder API for Locale
+ */
+class CharString;
+ * <code>LocaleBuilder</code> is used to build instances of <code>Locale</code>
+ * from values configured by the setters.  Unlike the <code>Locale</code>
+ * constructors, the <code>LocaleBuilder</code> checks if a value configured by a
+ * setter satisfies the syntax requirements defined by the <code>Locale</code>
+ * class.  A <code>Locale</code> object created by a <code>LocaleBuilder</code> is
+ * well-formed and can be transformed to a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag
+ * without losing information.
+ *
+ * <p>The following example shows how to create a <code>Locale</code> object
+ * with the <code>LocaleBuilder</code>.
+ * <blockquote>
+ * <pre>
+ *     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     Locale aLocale = LocaleBuilder()
+ *                          .setLanguage("sr")
+ *                          .setScript("Latn")
+ *                          .setRegion("RS")
+ *                          .build(status);
+ *     if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ *       // ...
+ *     }
+ * </pre>
+ * </blockquote>
+ *
+ * <p>LocaleBuilders can be reused; <code>clear()</code> resets all
+ * fields to their default values.
+ *
+ * <p>LocaleBuilder tracks errors in an internal UErrorCode. For all setters,
+ * except setLanguageTag and setLocale, LocaleBuilder will return immediately
+ * if the internal UErrorCode is in error state.
+ * To reset internal state and error code, call clear method.
+ * The setLanguageTag and setLocale method will first clear the internal
+ * UErrorCode, then track the error of the validation of the input parameter
+ * into the internal UErrorCode.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API LocaleBuilder : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty LocaleBuilder. The default value of all
+     * fields, extensions, and private use information is the
+     * empty string.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder();
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    virtual ~LocaleBuilder();
+    /**
+     * Resets the <code>LocaleBuilder</code> to match the provided
+     * <code>locale</code>.  Existing state is discarded.
+     *
+     * <p>All fields of the locale must be well-formed.
+     * <p>This method clears the internal UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param locale the locale
+     * @return This builder.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setLocale(const Locale& locale);
+    /**
+     * Resets the LocaleBuilder to match the provided
+     * [Unicode Locale Identifier]( .
+     * Discards the existing state. the empty string cause the builder to be
+     * reset, like {@link #clear}.  Grandfathered tags are converted to their
+     * canonical form before being processed.  Otherwise, the <code>language
+     * tag</code> must be well-formed, or else the build() method will later
+     * report an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * <p>This method clears the internal UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param tag the language tag, defined as
+     *   [unicode_locale_id](
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setLanguageTag(StringPiece tag);
+    /**
+     * Sets the language.  If <code>language</code> is the empty string, the
+     * language in this <code>LocaleBuilder</code> is removed. Otherwise, the
+     * <code>language</code> must be well-formed, or else the build() method will
+     * later report an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * <p>The syntax of language value is defined as
+     * [unicode_language_subtag](
+     *
+     * @param language the language
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setLanguage(StringPiece language);
+    /**
+     * Sets the script. If <code>script</code> is the empty string, the script in
+     * this <code>LocaleBuilder</code> is removed.
+     * Otherwise, the <code>script</code> must be well-formed, or else the build()
+     * method will later report an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * <p>The script value is a four-letter script code as
+     * [unicode_script_subtag](
+     * defined by ISO 15924
+     *
+     * @param script the script
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setScript(StringPiece script);
+    /**
+     * Sets the region.  If region is the empty string, the region in this
+     * <code>LocaleBuilder</code> is removed. Otherwise, the <code>region</code>
+     * must be well-formed, or else the build() method will later report an
+     *
+     * <p>The region value is defined by
+     *  [unicode_region_subtag](
+     * as a two-letter ISO 3166 code or a three-digit UN M.49 area code.
+     *
+     * <p>The region value in the <code>Locale</code> created by the
+     * <code>LocaleBuilder</code> is always normalized to upper case.
+     *
+     * @param region the region
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setRegion(StringPiece region);
+    /**
+     * Sets the variant.  If variant is the empty string, the variant in this
+     * <code>LocaleBuilder</code> is removed.  Otherwise, the <code>variant</code>
+     * must be well-formed, or else the build() method will later report an
+     *
+     * <p><b>Note:</b> This method checks if <code>variant</code>
+     * satisfies the
+     * [unicode_variant_subtag](
+     * syntax requirements, and normalizes the value to lowercase letters. However,
+     * the <code>Locale</code> class does not impose any syntactic
+     * restriction on variant. To set an ill-formed variant, use a Locale constructor.
+     * If there are multiple unicode_variant_subtag, the caller must concatenate
+     * them with '-' as separator (ex: "foobar-fibar").
+     *
+     * @param variant the variant
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setVariant(StringPiece variant);
+    /**
+     * Sets the extension for the given key. If the value is the empty string,
+     * the extension is removed.  Otherwise, the <code>key</code> and
+     * <code>value</code> must be well-formed, or else the build() method will
+     * later report an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * <p><b>Note:</b> The key ('u') is used for the Unicode locale extension.
+     * Setting a value for this key replaces any existing Unicode locale key/type
+     * pairs with those defined in the extension.
+     *
+     * <p><b>Note:</b> The key ('x') is used for the private use code. To be
+     * well-formed, the value for this key needs only to have subtags of one to
+     * eight alphanumeric characters, not two to eight as in the general case.
+     *
+     * @param key the extension key
+     * @param value the extension value
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setExtension(char key, StringPiece value);
+    /**
+     * Sets the Unicode locale keyword type for the given key. If the type
+     * StringPiece is constructed with a nullptr, the keyword is removed.
+     * If the type is the empty string, the keyword is set without type subtags.
+     * Otherwise, the key and type must be well-formed, or else the build()
+     * method will later report an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * <p>Keys and types are converted to lower case.
+     *
+     * <p><b>Note</b>:Setting the 'u' extension via {@link #setExtension}
+     * replaces all Unicode locale keywords with those defined in the
+     * extension.
+     *
+     * @param key the Unicode locale key
+     * @param type the Unicode locale type
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(
+        StringPiece key, StringPiece type);
+    /**
+     * Adds a unicode locale attribute, if not already present, otherwise
+     * has no effect.  The attribute must not be empty string and must be
+     * well-formed or U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be set to status
+     * during the build() call.
+     *
+     * @param attribute the attribute
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(StringPiece attribute);
+    /**
+     * Removes a unicode locale attribute, if present, otherwise has no
+     * effect.  The attribute must not be empty string and must be well-formed
+     * or U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be set to status during the build() call.
+     *
+     * <p>Attribute comparison for removal is case-insensitive.
+     *
+     * @param attribute the attribute
+     * @return This builder.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(StringPiece attribute);
+    /**
+     * Resets the builder to its initial, empty state.
+     * <p>This method clears the internal UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @return this builder
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& clear();
+    /**
+     * Resets the extensions to their initial, empty state.
+     * Language, script, region and variant are unchanged.
+     *
+     * @return this builder
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocaleBuilder& clearExtensions();
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance of <code>Locale</code> created from the fields set
+     * on this builder.
+     * If any set methods or during the build() call require memory allocation
+     * but fail U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR will be set to status.
+     * If any of the fields set by the setters are not well-formed, the status
+     * will be set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR. The state of the builder will
+     * not change after the build() call and the caller is free to keep using
+     * the same builder to build more locales.
+     *
+     * @return a new Locale
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    Locale build(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred while recording sets.
+     * Preserves older error codes in the outErrorCode.
+     * @param outErrorCode Set to an error code that occurred while setting subtags.
+     *                  Unchanged if there is no such error or if outErrorCode
+     *                  already contained an error.
+     * @return TRUE if U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    friend class LocaleMatcher::Result;
+    void copyExtensionsFrom(const Locale& src, UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    UErrorCode status_;
+    char language_[9];
+    char script_[5];
+    char region_[4];
+    CharString *variant_;  // Pointer not object so we need not #include internal charstr.h.
+    icu::Locale *extensions_;  // Pointer not object. Storage for all other fields.
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __LOCALEBUILDER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localematcher.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localematcher.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701123f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localematcher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// localematcher.h
+// created: 2019may08 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __LOCALEMATCHER_H__
+#define __LOCALEMATCHER_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Locale matcher: User's desired locales vs. application's supported locales.
+ */
+ * Builder option for whether the language subtag or the script subtag is most important.
+ *
+ * @see Builder#setFavorSubtag(FavorSubtag)
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+enum ULocMatchFavorSubtag {
+    /**
+     * Language differences are most important, then script differences, then region differences.
+     * (This is the default behavior.)
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    /**
+     * Makes script differences matter relatively more than language differences.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+typedef enum ULocMatchFavorSubtag ULocMatchFavorSubtag;
+ * Builder option for whether all desired locales are treated equally or
+ * earlier ones are preferred.
+ *
+ * @see Builder#setDemotionPerDesiredLocale(Demotion)
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+enum ULocMatchDemotion {
+    /**
+     * All desired locales are treated equally.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    /**
+     * Earlier desired locales are preferred.
+     *
+     * <p>From each desired locale to the next,
+     * the distance to any supported locale is increased by an additional amount
+     * which is at least as large as most region mismatches.
+     * A later desired locale has to have a better match with some supported locale
+     * due to more than merely having the same region subtag.
+     *
+     * <p>For example: <code>Supported={en, sv}  desired=[en-GB, sv]</code>
+     * yields <code>Result(en-GB, en)</code> because
+     * with the demotion of sv its perfect match is no better than
+     * the region distance between the earlier desired locale en-GB and en=en-US.
+     *
+     * <p>Notes:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>In some cases, language and/or script differences can be as small as
+     *       the typical region difference. (Example: sr-Latn vs. sr-Cyrl)
+     *   <li>It is possible for certain region differences to be larger than usual,
+     *       and larger than the demotion.
+     *       (As of CLDR 35 there is no such case, but
+     *        this is possible in future versions of the data.)
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+typedef enum ULocMatchDemotion ULocMatchDemotion;
+struct UHashtable;
+struct LSR;
+class LocaleDistance;
+class LocaleLsrIterator;
+class UVector;
+class XLikelySubtags;
+ * Immutable class that picks the best match between a user's desired locales and
+ * an application's supported locales.
+ * Movable but not copyable.
+ *
+ * <p>Example:
+ * <pre>
+ * UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * LocaleMatcher matcher = LocaleMatcher::Builder().setSupportedLocales("fr, en-GB, en").build(errorCode);
+ * Locale *bestSupported = matcher.getBestLocale(Locale.US, errorCode);  // "en"
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>A matcher takes into account when languages are close to one another,
+ * such as Danish and Norwegian,
+ * and when regional variants are close, like en-GB and en-AU as opposed to en-US.
+ *
+ * <p>If there are multiple supported locales with the same (language, script, region)
+ * likely subtags, then the current implementation returns the first of those locales.
+ * It ignores variant subtags (except for pseudolocale variants) and extensions.
+ * This may change in future versions.
+ *
+ * <p>For example, the current implementation does not distinguish between
+ * de, de-DE, de-Latn, de-1901, de-u-co-phonebk.
+ *
+ * <p>If you prefer one equivalent locale over another, then provide only the preferred one,
+ * or place it earlier in the list of supported locales.
+ *
+ * <p>Otherwise, the order of supported locales may have no effect on the best-match results.
+ * The current implementation compares each desired locale with supported locales
+ * in the following order:
+ * 1. Default locale, if supported;
+ * 2. CLDR "paradigm locales" like en-GB and es-419;
+ * 3. other supported locales.
+ * This may change in future versions.
+ *
+ * <p>Often a product will just need one matcher instance, built with the languages
+ * that it supports. However, it may want multiple instances with different
+ * default languages based on additional information, such as the domain.
+ *
+ * <p>This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API LocaleMatcher : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Data for the best-matching pair of a desired and a supported locale.
+     * Movable but not copyable.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    class U_COMMON_API Result : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Move constructor; might modify the source.
+         * This object will have the same contents that the source object had.
+         *
+         * @param src Result to move contents from.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Result(Result &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         *
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        ~Result();
+        /**
+         * Move assignment; might modify the source.
+         * This object will have the same contents that the source object had.
+         *
+         * @param src Result to move contents from.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Result &operator=(Result &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+        /**
+         * Returns the best-matching desired locale.
+         * nullptr if the list of desired locales is empty or if none matched well enough.
+         *
+         * @return the best-matching desired locale, or nullptr.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        inline const Locale *getDesiredLocale() const { return desiredLocale; }
+        /**
+         * Returns the best-matching supported locale.
+         * If none matched well enough, this is the default locale.
+         * The default locale is nullptr if the list of supported locales is empty and
+         * no explicit default locale is set.
+         *
+         * @return the best-matching supported locale, or nullptr.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        inline const Locale *getSupportedLocale() const { return supportedLocale; }
+        /**
+         * Returns the index of the best-matching desired locale in the input Iterable order.
+         * -1 if the list of desired locales is empty or if none matched well enough.
+         *
+         * @return the index of the best-matching desired locale, or -1.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        inline int32_t getDesiredIndex() const { return desiredIndex; }
+        /**
+         * Returns the index of the best-matching supported locale in the
+         * constructor’s or builder’s input order (“set” Collection plus “added” locales).
+         * If the matcher was built from a locale list string, then the iteration order is that
+         * of a LocalePriorityList built from the same string.
+         * -1 if the list of supported locales is empty or if none matched well enough.
+         *
+         * @return the index of the best-matching supported locale, or -1.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        inline int32_t getSupportedIndex() const { return supportedIndex; }
+        /**
+         * Takes the best-matching supported locale and adds relevant fields of the
+         * best-matching desired locale, such as the -t- and -u- extensions.
+         * May replace some fields of the supported locale.
+         * The result is the locale that should be used for date and number formatting, collation, etc.
+         * Returns the root locale if getSupportedLocale() returns nullptr.
+         *
+         * <p>Example: desired=ar-SA-u-nu-latn, supported=ar-EG, resolved locale=ar-SA-u-nu-latn
+         *
+         * @return a locale combining the best-matching desired and supported locales.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Locale makeResolvedLocale(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    private:
+        Result(const Locale *desired, const Locale *supported,
+               int32_t desIndex, int32_t suppIndex, UBool owned) :
+                desiredLocale(desired), supportedLocale(supported),
+                desiredIndex(desIndex), supportedIndex(suppIndex),
+                desiredIsOwned(owned) {}
+        Result(const Result &other) = delete;
+        Result &operator=(const Result &other) = delete;
+        const Locale *desiredLocale;
+        const Locale *supportedLocale;
+        int32_t desiredIndex;
+        int32_t supportedIndex;
+        UBool desiredIsOwned;
+        friend class LocaleMatcher;
+    };
+    /**
+     * LocaleMatcher builder.
+     * Movable but not copyable.
+     *
+     * @see LocaleMatcher#builder()
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    class U_COMMON_API Builder : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructs a builder used in chaining parameters for building a LocaleMatcher.
+         *
+         * @return a new Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder() {}
+        /**
+         * Move constructor; might modify the source.
+         * This builder will have the same contents that the source builder had.
+         *
+         * @param src Builder to move contents from.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder(Builder &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         *
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        ~Builder();
+        /**
+         * Move assignment; might modify the source.
+         * This builder will have the same contents that the source builder had.
+         *
+         * @param src Builder to move contents from.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder &operator=(Builder &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+        /**
+         * Parses an Accept-Language string
+         * (<a href="">RFC 2616 Section 14.4</a>),
+         * such as "af, en, fr;q=0.9", and sets the supported locales accordingly.
+         * Allows whitespace in more places but does not allow "*".
+         * Clears any previously set/added supported locales first.
+         *
+         * @param locales the Accept-Language string of locales to set
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder &setSupportedLocalesFromListString(StringPiece locales);
+        /**
+         * Copies the supported locales, preserving iteration order.
+         * Clears any previously set/added supported locales first.
+         * Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
+         *
+         * @param locales the list of locale
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder &setSupportedLocales(Locale::Iterator &locales);
+        /**
+         * Copies the supported locales from the begin/end range, preserving iteration order.
+         * Clears any previously set/added supported locales first.
+         * Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
+         *
+         * Each of the iterator parameter values must be an
+         * input iterator whose value is convertible to const Locale &.
+         *
+         * @param begin Start of range.
+         * @param end Exclusive end of range.
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        template<typename Iter>
+        Builder &setSupportedLocales(Iter begin, Iter end) {
+            if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+            clearSupportedLocales();
+            while (begin != end) {
+                addSupportedLocale(*begin++);
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Copies the supported locales from the begin/end range, preserving iteration order.
+         * Calls the converter to convert each *begin to a Locale or const Locale &.
+         * Clears any previously set/added supported locales first.
+         * Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
+         *
+         * Each of the iterator parameter values must be an
+         * input iterator whose value is convertible to const Locale &.
+         *
+         * @param begin Start of range.
+         * @param end Exclusive end of range.
+         * @param converter Converter from *begin to const Locale & or compatible.
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        template<typename Iter, typename Conv>
+        Builder &setSupportedLocalesViaConverter(Iter begin, Iter end, Conv converter) {
+            if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+            clearSupportedLocales();
+            while (begin != end) {
+                addSupportedLocale(converter(*begin++));
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Adds another supported locale.
+         * Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
+         *
+         * @param locale another locale
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder &addSupportedLocale(const Locale &locale);
+        /**
+         * Sets the default locale; if nullptr, or if it is not set explicitly,
+         * then the first supported locale is used as the default locale.
+         *
+         * @param defaultLocale the default locale (will be copied)
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder &setDefaultLocale(const Locale *defaultLocale);
+        /**
+         * If ULOCMATCH_FAVOR_SCRIPT, then the language differences are smaller than script
+         * differences.
+         * This is used in situations (such as maps) where
+         * it is better to fall back to the same script than a similar language.
+         *
+         * @param subtag the subtag to favor
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder &setFavorSubtag(ULocMatchFavorSubtag subtag);
+        /**
+         * Option for whether all desired locales are treated equally or
+         * earlier ones are preferred (this is the default).
+         *
+         * @param demotion the demotion per desired locale to set.
+         * @return this Builder object
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        Builder &setDemotionPerDesiredLocale(ULocMatchDemotion demotion);
+        /**
+         * Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred while setting parameters.
+         * Preserves older error codes in the outErrorCode.
+         *
+         * @param outErrorCode Set to an error code if it does not contain one already
+         *                  and an error occurred while setting parameters.
+         *                  Otherwise unchanged.
+         * @return TRUE if U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const;
+        /**
+         * Builds and returns a new locale matcher.
+         * This builder can continue to be used.
+         *
+         * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+         *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+         *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return new LocaleMatcher.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        LocaleMatcher build(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    private:
+        friend class LocaleMatcher;
+        Builder(const Builder &other) = delete;
+        Builder &operator=(const Builder &other) = delete;
+        void clearSupportedLocales();
+        bool ensureSupportedLocaleVector();
+        UErrorCode errorCode_ = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+        UVector *supportedLocales_ = nullptr;
+        int32_t thresholdDistance_ = -1;
+        ULocMatchDemotion demotion_ = ULOCMATCH_DEMOTION_REGION;
+        Locale *defaultLocale_ = nullptr;
+        ULocMatchFavorSubtag favor_ = ULOCMATCH_FAVOR_LANGUAGE;
+    };
+    // FYI No public LocaleMatcher constructors in C++; use the Builder.
+    /**
+     * Move copy constructor; might modify the source.
+     * This matcher will have the same settings that the source matcher had.
+     * @param src source matcher
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    LocaleMatcher(LocaleMatcher &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    ~LocaleMatcher();
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator; might modify the source.
+     * This matcher will have the same settings that the source matcher had.
+     * The behavior is undefined if *this and src are the same object.
+     * @param src source matcher
+     * @return *this
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    LocaleMatcher &operator=(LocaleMatcher &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Returns the supported locale which best matches the desired locale.
+     *
+     * @param desiredLocale Typically a user's language.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+     *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+     *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the best-matching supported locale.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    const Locale *getBestMatch(const Locale &desiredLocale, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the supported locale which best matches one of the desired locales.
+     *
+     * @param desiredLocales Typically a user's languages, in order of preference (descending).
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+     *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+     *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the best-matching supported locale.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    const Locale *getBestMatch(Locale::Iterator &desiredLocales, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses an Accept-Language string
+     * (<a href="">RFC 2616 Section 14.4</a>),
+     * such as "af, en, fr;q=0.9",
+     * and returns the supported locale which best matches one of the desired locales.
+     * Allows whitespace in more places but does not allow "*".
+     *
+     * @param desiredLocaleList Typically a user's languages, as an Accept-Language string.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+     *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+     *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the best-matching supported locale.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    const Locale *getBestMatchForListString(StringPiece desiredLocaleList, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the best match between the desired locale and the supported locales.
+     * If the result's desired locale is not nullptr, then it is the address of the input locale.
+     * It has not been cloned.
+     *
+     * @param desiredLocale Typically a user's language.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+     *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+     *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the best-matching pair of the desired and a supported locale.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    Result getBestMatchResult(const Locale &desiredLocale, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the best match between the desired and supported locales.
+     * If the result's desired locale is not nullptr, then it is a clone of
+     * the best-matching desired locale. The Result object owns the clone.
+     *
+     * @param desiredLocales Typically a user's languages, in order of preference (descending).
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+     *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+     *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the best-matching pair of a desired and a supported locale.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    Result getBestMatchResult(Locale::Iterator &desiredLocales, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a fraction between 0 and 1, where 1 means that the languages are a
+     * perfect match, and 0 means that they are completely different.
+     *
+     * <p>This is mostly an implementation detail, and the precise values may change over time.
+     * The implementation may use either the maximized forms or the others ones, or both.
+     * The implementation may or may not rely on the forms to be consistent with each other.
+     *
+     * <p>Callers should construct and use a matcher rather than match pairs of locales directly.
+     *
+     * @param desired Desired locale.
+     * @param supported Supported locale.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code. Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test,
+     *                  or else the function returns immediately. Check for U_FAILURE()
+     *                  on output or use with function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
+     * @internal (has a known user)
+     */
+    double internalMatch(const Locale &desired, const Locale &supported, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    LocaleMatcher(const Builder &builder, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    LocaleMatcher(const LocaleMatcher &other) = delete;
+    LocaleMatcher &operator=(const LocaleMatcher &other) = delete;
+    int32_t getBestSuppIndex(LSR desiredLSR, LocaleLsrIterator *remainingIter, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const XLikelySubtags &likelySubtags;
+    const LocaleDistance &localeDistance;
+    int32_t thresholdDistance;
+    int32_t demotionPerDesiredLocale;
+    ULocMatchFavorSubtag favorSubtag;
+    // These are in input order.
+    const Locale ** supportedLocales;
+    LSR *lsrs;
+    int32_t supportedLocalesLength;
+    // These are in preference order: 1. Default locale 2. paradigm locales 3. others.
+    UHashtable *supportedLsrToIndex;  // Map<LSR, Integer> stores index+1 because 0 is "not found"
+    // Array versions of the supportedLsrToIndex keys and values.
+    // The distance lookup loops over the supportedLSRs and returns the index of the best match.
+    const LSR **supportedLSRs;
+    int32_t *supportedIndexes;
+    int32_t supportedLSRsLength;
+    Locale *ownedDefaultLocale;
+    const Locale *defaultLocale;
+    int32_t defaultLocaleIndex;
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+#endif  // __LOCALEMATCHER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localpointer.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localpointer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e011688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/localpointer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  localpointer.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2009nov13
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __LOCALPOINTER_H__
+#define __LOCALPOINTER_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: "Smart pointers" for use with and in ICU4C C++ code.
+ *
+ * These classes are inspired by
+ * - std::auto_ptr
+ * - boost::scoped_ptr & boost::scoped_array
+ * - Taligent Safe Pointers (TOnlyPointerTo)
+ *
+ * but none of those provide for all of the goals for ICU smart pointers:
+ * - Smart pointer owns the object and releases it when it goes out of scope.
+ * - No transfer of ownership via copy/assignment to reduce misuse. Simpler & more robust.
+ * - ICU-compatible: No exceptions.
+ * - Need to be able to orphan/release the pointer and its ownership.
+ * - Need variants for normal C++ object pointers, C++ arrays, and ICU C service objects.
+ *
+ * For details see
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <memory>
+ * "Smart pointer" base class; do not use directly: use LocalPointer etc.
+ *
+ * Base class for smart pointer classes that do not throw exceptions.
+ *
+ * Do not use this base class directly, since it does not delete its pointer.
+ * A subclass must implement methods that delete the pointer:
+ * Destructor and adoptInstead().
+ *
+ * There is no operator T *() provided because the programmer must decide
+ * whether to use getAlias() (without transfer of ownership) or orphan()
+ * (with transfer of ownership and NULLing of the pointer).
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @see LocalArray
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class LocalPointerBase {
+    // No heap allocation. Use only on the stack.
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t) = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new[](size_t) = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t, void*) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Constructor takes ownership.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an object that is adopted
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    explicit LocalPointerBase(T *p=NULL) : ptr(p) {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor deletes the object it owns.
+     * Subclass must override: Base class does nothing.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    ~LocalPointerBase() { /* delete ptr; */ }
+    /**
+     * NULL check.
+     * @return TRUE if ==NULL
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UBool isNull() const { return ptr==NULL; }
+    /**
+     * NULL check.
+     * @return TRUE if !=NULL
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UBool isValid() const { return ptr!=NULL; }
+    /**
+     * Comparison with a simple pointer, so that existing code
+     * with ==NULL need not be changed.
+     * @param other simple pointer for comparison
+     * @return true if this pointer value equals other
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    bool operator==(const T *other) const { return ptr==other; }
+    /**
+     * Comparison with a simple pointer, so that existing code
+     * with !=NULL need not be changed.
+     * @param other simple pointer for comparison
+     * @return true if this pointer value differs from other
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    bool operator!=(const T *other) const { return ptr!=other; }
+    /**
+     * Access without ownership change.
+     * @return the pointer value
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    T *getAlias() const { return ptr; }
+    /**
+     * Access without ownership change.
+     * @return the pointer value as a reference
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    T &operator*() const { return *ptr; }
+    /**
+     * Access without ownership change.
+     * @return the pointer value
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    T *operator->() const { return ptr; }
+    /**
+     * Gives up ownership; the internal pointer becomes NULL.
+     * @return the pointer value;
+     *         caller becomes responsible for deleting the object
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    T *orphan() {
+        T *p=ptr;
+        ptr=NULL;
+        return p;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the object it owns,
+     * and adopts (takes ownership of) the one passed in.
+     * Subclass must override: Base class does not delete the object.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an object that is adopted
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    void adoptInstead(T *p) {
+        // delete ptr;
+        ptr=p;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Actual pointer.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    T *ptr;
+    // No comparison operators with other LocalPointerBases.
+    bool operator==(const LocalPointerBase<T> &other);
+    bool operator!=(const LocalPointerBase<T> &other);
+    // No ownership sharing: No copy constructor, no assignment operator.
+    LocalPointerBase(const LocalPointerBase<T> &other);
+    void operator=(const LocalPointerBase<T> &other);
+ * "Smart pointer" class, deletes objects via the standard C++ delete operator.
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * Usage example:
+ * \code
+ * LocalPointer<UnicodeString> s(new UnicodeString((UChar32)0x50005));
+ * int32_t length=s->length();  // 2
+ * char16_t lead=s->charAt(0);  // 0xd900
+ * if(some condition) { return; }  // no need to explicitly delete the pointer
+ * s.adoptInstead(new UnicodeString((char16_t)0xfffc));
+ * length=s->length();  // 1
+ * // no need to explicitly delete the pointer
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class LocalPointer : public LocalPointerBase<T> {
+    using LocalPointerBase<T>::operator*;
+    using LocalPointerBase<T>::operator->;
+    /**
+     * Constructor takes ownership.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an object that is adopted
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    explicit LocalPointer(T *p=NULL) : LocalPointerBase<T>(p) {}
+    /**
+     * Constructor takes ownership and reports an error if NULL.
+     *
+     * This constructor is intended to be used with other-class constructors
+     * that may report a failure UErrorCode,
+     * so that callers need to check only for U_FAILURE(errorCode)
+     * and not also separately for isNull().
+     *
+     * @param p simple pointer to an object that is adopted
+     * @param errorCode in/out UErrorCode, set to U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR
+     *     if p==NULL and no other failure code had been set
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    LocalPointer(T *p, UErrorCode &errorCode) : LocalPointerBase<T>(p) {
+        if(p==NULL && U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+            errorCode=U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move constructor, leaves src with isNull().
+     * @param src source smart pointer
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    LocalPointer(LocalPointer<T> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT : LocalPointerBase<T>(src.ptr) {
+        src.ptr=NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Constructs a LocalPointer from a C++11 std::unique_ptr.
+     * The LocalPointer steals the object owned by the std::unique_ptr.
+     *
+     * This constructor works via move semantics. If your std::unique_ptr is
+     * in a local variable, you must use std::move.
+     *
+     * @param p The std::unique_ptr from which the pointer will be stolen.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    explicit LocalPointer(std::unique_ptr<T> &&p)
+        : LocalPointerBase<T>(p.release()) {}
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Destructor deletes the object it owns.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    ~LocalPointer() {
+        delete LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator, leaves src with isNull().
+     * The behavior is undefined if *this and src are the same object.
+     * @param src source smart pointer
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    LocalPointer<T> &operator=(LocalPointer<T> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        delete LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=src.ptr;
+        src.ptr=NULL;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move-assign from an std::unique_ptr to this LocalPointer.
+     * Steals the pointer from the std::unique_ptr.
+     *
+     * @param p The std::unique_ptr from which the pointer will be stolen.
+     * @return *this
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocalPointer<T> &operator=(std::unique_ptr<T> &&p) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        adoptInstead(p.release());
+        return *this;
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Swap pointers.
+     * @param other other smart pointer
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    void swap(LocalPointer<T> &other) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        T *temp=LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=other.ptr;
+        other.ptr=temp;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Non-member LocalPointer swap function.
+     * @param p1 will get p2's pointer
+     * @param p2 will get p1's pointer
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    friend inline void swap(LocalPointer<T> &p1, LocalPointer<T> &p2) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        p1.swap(p2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the object it owns,
+     * and adopts (takes ownership of) the one passed in.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an object that is adopted
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    void adoptInstead(T *p) {
+        delete LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=p;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the object it owns,
+     * and adopts (takes ownership of) the one passed in.
+     *
+     * If U_FAILURE(errorCode), then the current object is retained and the new one deleted.
+     *
+     * If U_SUCCESS(errorCode) but the input pointer is NULL,
+     * then U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR is set,
+     * the current object is deleted, and NULL is set.
+     *
+     * @param p simple pointer to an object that is adopted
+     * @param errorCode in/out UErrorCode, set to U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR
+     *     if p==NULL and no other failure code had been set
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    void adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(T *p, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+            delete LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+            LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=p;
+            if(p==NULL) {
+                errorCode=U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
+            }
+        } else {
+            delete p;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Conversion operator to a C++11 std::unique_ptr.
+     * Disowns the object and gives it to the returned std::unique_ptr.
+     *
+     * This operator works via move semantics. If your LocalPointer is
+     * in a local variable, you must use std::move.
+     *
+     * @return An std::unique_ptr owning the pointer previously owned by this
+     *         icu::LocalPointer.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    operator std::unique_ptr<T> () && {
+        return std::unique_ptr<T>(LocalPointerBase<T>::orphan());
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * "Smart pointer" class, deletes objects via the C++ array delete[] operator.
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ * Adds operator[] for array item access.
+ *
+ * Usage example:
+ * \code
+ * LocalArray<UnicodeString> a(new UnicodeString[2]);
+ * a[0].append((char16_t)0x61);
+ * if(some condition) { return; }  // no need to explicitly delete the array
+ * a.adoptInstead(new UnicodeString[4]);
+ * a[3].append((char16_t)0x62).append((char16_t)0x63).reverse();
+ * // no need to explicitly delete the array
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class LocalArray : public LocalPointerBase<T> {
+    using LocalPointerBase<T>::operator*;
+    using LocalPointerBase<T>::operator->;
+    /**
+     * Constructor takes ownership.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an array of T objects that is adopted
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    explicit LocalArray(T *p=NULL) : LocalPointerBase<T>(p) {}
+    /**
+     * Constructor takes ownership and reports an error if NULL.
+     *
+     * This constructor is intended to be used with other-class constructors
+     * that may report a failure UErrorCode,
+     * so that callers need to check only for U_FAILURE(errorCode)
+     * and not also separately for isNull().
+     *
+     * @param p simple pointer to an array of T objects that is adopted
+     * @param errorCode in/out UErrorCode, set to U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR
+     *     if p==NULL and no other failure code had been set
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    LocalArray(T *p, UErrorCode &errorCode) : LocalPointerBase<T>(p) {
+        if(p==NULL && U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+            errorCode=U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move constructor, leaves src with isNull().
+     * @param src source smart pointer
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    LocalArray(LocalArray<T> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT : LocalPointerBase<T>(src.ptr) {
+        src.ptr=NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Constructs a LocalArray from a C++11 std::unique_ptr of an array type.
+     * The LocalPointer steals the array owned by the std::unique_ptr.
+     *
+     * This constructor works via move semantics. If your std::unique_ptr is
+     * in a local variable, you must use std::move.
+     *
+     * @param p The std::unique_ptr from which the array will be stolen.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    explicit LocalArray(std::unique_ptr<T[]> &&p)
+        : LocalPointerBase<T>(p.release()) {}
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Destructor deletes the array it owns.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    ~LocalArray() {
+        delete[] LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator, leaves src with isNull().
+     * The behavior is undefined if *this and src are the same object.
+     * @param src source smart pointer
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    LocalArray<T> &operator=(LocalArray<T> &&src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        delete[] LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=src.ptr;
+        src.ptr=NULL;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move-assign from an std::unique_ptr to this LocalPointer.
+     * Steals the array from the std::unique_ptr.
+     *
+     * @param p The std::unique_ptr from which the array will be stolen.
+     * @return *this
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocalArray<T> &operator=(std::unique_ptr<T[]> &&p) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        adoptInstead(p.release());
+        return *this;
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Swap pointers.
+     * @param other other smart pointer
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    void swap(LocalArray<T> &other) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        T *temp=LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=other.ptr;
+        other.ptr=temp;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Non-member LocalArray swap function.
+     * @param p1 will get p2's pointer
+     * @param p2 will get p1's pointer
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    friend inline void swap(LocalArray<T> &p1, LocalArray<T> &p2) U_NOEXCEPT {
+        p1.swap(p2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the array it owns,
+     * and adopts (takes ownership of) the one passed in.
+     * @param p simple pointer to an array of T objects that is adopted
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    void adoptInstead(T *p) {
+        delete[] LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+        LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=p;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes the array it owns,
+     * and adopts (takes ownership of) the one passed in.
+     *
+     * If U_FAILURE(errorCode), then the current array is retained and the new one deleted.
+     *
+     * If U_SUCCESS(errorCode) but the input pointer is NULL,
+     * then U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR is set,
+     * the current array is deleted, and NULL is set.
+     *
+     * @param p simple pointer to an array of T objects that is adopted
+     * @param errorCode in/out UErrorCode, set to U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR
+     *     if p==NULL and no other failure code had been set
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    void adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(T *p, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+            delete[] LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr;
+            LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr=p;
+            if(p==NULL) {
+                errorCode=U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
+            }
+        } else {
+            delete[] p;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Array item access (writable).
+     * No index bounds check.
+     * @param i array index
+     * @return reference to the array item
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    T &operator[](ptrdiff_t i) const { return LocalPointerBase<T>::ptr[i]; }
+    /**
+     * Conversion operator to a C++11 std::unique_ptr.
+     * Disowns the object and gives it to the returned std::unique_ptr.
+     *
+     * This operator works via move semantics. If your LocalPointer is
+     * in a local variable, you must use std::move.
+     *
+     * @return An std::unique_ptr owning the pointer previously owned by this
+     *         icu::LocalPointer.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    operator std::unique_ptr<T[]> () && {
+        return std::unique_ptr<T[]>(LocalPointerBase<T>::orphan());
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * "Smart pointer" definition macro, deletes objects via the closeFunction.
+ * Defines a subclass of LocalPointerBase which works just
+ * like LocalPointer<Type> except that this subclass will use the closeFunction
+ * rather than the C++ delete operator.
+ *
+ * Usage example:
+ * \code
+ * LocalUCaseMapPointer csm(ucasemap_open(localeID, options, &errorCode));
+ * utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8ToLower(csm.getAlias(),
+ *     utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out),
+ *     utf8In, utf8InLength, &errorCode);
+ * if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }  // no need to explicitly delete the UCaseMap
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+#define U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalPointerClassName, Type, closeFunction) \
+    class LocalPointerClassName : public LocalPointerBase<Type> { \
+    public: \
+        using LocalPointerBase<Type>::operator*; \
+        using LocalPointerBase<Type>::operator->; \
+        explicit LocalPointerClassName(Type *p=NULL) : LocalPointerBase<Type>(p) {} \
+        LocalPointerClassName(LocalPointerClassName &&src) U_NOEXCEPT \
+                : LocalPointerBase<Type>(src.ptr) { \
+            src.ptr=NULL; \
+        } \
+        /* TODO: Be agnostic of the deleter function signature from the user-provided std::unique_ptr? */ \
+        explicit LocalPointerClassName(std::unique_ptr<Type, decltype(&closeFunction)> &&p) \
+                : LocalPointerBase<Type>(p.release()) {} \
+        ~LocalPointerClassName() { if (ptr != NULL) { closeFunction(ptr); } } \
+        LocalPointerClassName &operator=(LocalPointerClassName &&src) U_NOEXCEPT { \
+            if (ptr != NULL) { closeFunction(ptr); } \
+            LocalPointerBase<Type>::ptr=src.ptr; \
+            src.ptr=NULL; \
+            return *this; \
+        } \
+        /* TODO: Be agnostic of the deleter function signature from the user-provided std::unique_ptr? */ \
+        LocalPointerClassName &operator=(std::unique_ptr<Type, decltype(&closeFunction)> &&p) { \
+            adoptInstead(p.release()); \
+            return *this; \
+        } \
+        void swap(LocalPointerClassName &other) U_NOEXCEPT { \
+            Type *temp=LocalPointerBase<Type>::ptr; \
+            LocalPointerBase<Type>::ptr=other.ptr; \
+            other.ptr=temp; \
+        } \
+        friend inline void swap(LocalPointerClassName &p1, LocalPointerClassName &p2) U_NOEXCEPT { \
+            p1.swap(p2); \
+        } \
+        void adoptInstead(Type *p) { \
+            if (ptr != NULL) { closeFunction(ptr); } \
+            ptr=p; \
+        } \
+        operator std::unique_ptr<Type, decltype(&closeFunction)> () && { \
+            return std::unique_ptr<Type, decltype(&closeFunction)>(LocalPointerBase<Type>::orphan(), closeFunction); \
+        } \
+    }
+#endif  /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  /* __LOCALPOINTER_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/locdspnm.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/locdspnm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f06f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/locdspnm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef LOCDSPNM_H
+#define LOCDSPNM_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Provides display names of Locale and its components.
+ */
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+#include "unicode/uldnames.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+ * Returns display names of Locales and components of Locales. For
+ * more information on language, script, region, variant, key, and
+ * values, see Locale.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API LocaleDisplayNames : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual ~LocaleDisplayNames();
+    /**
+     * Convenience overload of
+     * {@link #createInstance(const Locale& locale, UDialectHandling dialectHandling)}
+     * that specifies STANDARD dialect handling.
+     * @param locale the display locale
+     * @return a LocaleDisplayNames instance
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    inline static LocaleDisplayNames* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale);
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance of LocaleDisplayNames that returns names
+     * formatted for the provided locale, using the provided
+     * dialectHandling.
+     *
+     * @param locale the display locale
+     * @param dialectHandling how to select names for locales
+     * @return a LocaleDisplayNames instance
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    static LocaleDisplayNames* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale,
+                            UDialectHandling dialectHandling);
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance of LocaleDisplayNames that returns names formatted
+     * for the provided locale, using the provided UDisplayContext settings.
+     *
+     * @param locale the display locale
+     * @param contexts List of one or more context settings (e.g. for dialect
+     *               handling, capitalization, etc.
+     * @param length Number of items in the contexts list
+     * @return a LocaleDisplayNames instance
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    static LocaleDisplayNames* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale,
+                            UDisplayContext *contexts, int32_t length);
+    // getters for state
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale used to determine the display names. This is
+     * not necessarily the same locale passed to {@link #createInstance}.
+     * @return the display locale
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual const Locale& getLocale() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the dialect handling used in the display names.
+     * @return the dialect handling enum
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UDialectHandling getDialectHandling() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the UDisplayContext value for the specified UDisplayContextType.
+     * @param type the UDisplayContextType whose value to return
+     * @return the UDisplayContext for the specified type.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    virtual UDisplayContext getContext(UDisplayContextType type) const = 0;
+    // names for entire locales
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided locale.
+     * @param locale the locale whose display name to return
+     * @param result receives the locale's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided locale
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& localeDisplayName(const Locale& locale,
+                         UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided locale id.
+     * @param localeId the id of the locale whose display name to return
+     * @param result receives the locale's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided locale
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& localeDisplayName(const char* localeId,
+                         UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    // names for components of a locale id
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided language code.
+     * @param lang the language code
+     * @param result receives the language code's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided language code
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& languageDisplayName(const char* lang,
+                           UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided script code.
+     * @param script the script code
+     * @param result receives the script code's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided script code
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& scriptDisplayName(const char* script,
+                         UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided script code.
+     * @param scriptCode the script code number
+     * @param result receives the script code's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided script code
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& scriptDisplayName(UScriptCode scriptCode,
+                         UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided region code.
+     * @param region the region code
+     * @param result receives the region code's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided region code
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& regionDisplayName(const char* region,
+                         UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided variant.
+     * @param variant the variant string
+     * @param result receives the variant's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided variant
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& variantDisplayName(const char* variant,
+                          UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided locale key.
+     * @param key the locale key name
+     * @param result receives the locale key's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided locale key
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& keyDisplayName(const char* key,
+                      UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the provided value (used with the provided key).
+     * @param key the locale key name
+     * @param value the locale key's value
+     * @param result receives the value's display name
+     * @return the display name of the provided value
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& keyValueDisplayName(const char* key, const char* value,
+                           UnicodeString& result) const = 0;
+inline LocaleDisplayNames* LocaleDisplayNames::createInstance(const Locale& locale) {
+  return LocaleDisplayNames::createInstance(locale, ULDN_STANDARD_NAMES);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/locid.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/locid.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57c669b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/locid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1262 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1996-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File locid.h
+* Created by: Helena Shih
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/11/97    aliu        Changed gLocPath to fgLocPath and added methods to
+*                           get and set it.
+*   04/02/97    aliu        Made operator!= inline; fixed return value of getName().
+*   04/15/97    aliu        Cleanup for AIX/Win32.
+*   04/24/97    aliu        Numerous changes per code review.
+*   08/18/98    stephen     Added tokenizeString(),changed getDisplayName()
+*   09/08/98    stephen     Moved definition of kEmptyString for Mac Port
+*   11/09/99    weiv        Added const char * getName() const;
+*   04/12/00    srl         removing unicodestring api's and cached hash code
+*   08/10/01    grhoten     Change the static Locales to accessor functions
+#ifndef LOCID_H
+#define LOCID_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Locale ID object.
+ */
+// Forward Declarations
+void U_CALLCONV locale_available_init(); /**< @internal */
+class StringEnumeration;
+class UnicodeString;
+ * A <code>Locale</code> object represents a specific geographical, political,
+ * or cultural region. An operation that requires a <code>Locale</code> to perform
+ * its task is called <em>locale-sensitive</em> and uses the <code>Locale</code>
+ * to tailor information for the user. For example, displaying a number
+ * is a locale-sensitive operation--the number should be formatted
+ * according to the customs/conventions of the user's native country,
+ * region, or culture.
+ *
+ * The Locale class is not suitable for subclassing.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * You can create a <code>Locale</code> object using the constructor in
+ * this class:
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ *       Locale( const   char*  language,
+ *               const   char*  country,
+ *               const   char*  variant);
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * The first argument to the constructors is a valid <STRONG>ISO
+ * Language Code.</STRONG> These codes are the lower-case two-letter
+ * codes as defined by ISO-639.
+ * You can find a full list of these codes at:
+ * <BR><a href ="">
+ *</a>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The second argument to the constructors is a valid <STRONG>ISO Country
+ * Code.</STRONG> These codes are the upper-case two-letter codes
+ * as defined by ISO-3166.
+ * You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as:
+ * <BR><a href="">
+ *</a>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The third constructor requires a third argument--the <STRONG>Variant.</STRONG>
+ * The Variant codes are vendor and browser-specific.
+ * For example, use REVISED for a language's revised script orthography, and POSIX for POSIX.
+ * Where there are two variants, separate them with an underscore, and
+ * put the most important one first. For
+ * example, a Traditional Spanish collation might be referenced, with
+ * "ES", "ES", "Traditional_POSIX".
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Because a <code>Locale</code> object is just an identifier for a region,
+ * no validity check is performed when you construct a <code>Locale</code>.
+ * If you want to see whether particular resources are available for the
+ * <code>Locale</code> you construct, you must query those resources. For
+ * example, ask the <code>NumberFormat</code> for the locales it supports
+ * using its <code>getAvailableLocales</code> method.
+ * <BR><STRONG>Note:</STRONG> When you ask for a resource for a particular
+ * locale, you get back the best available match, not necessarily
+ * precisely what you asked for. For more information, look at
+ * <code>ResourceBundle</code>.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The <code>Locale</code> class provides a number of convenient constants
+ * that you can use to create <code>Locale</code> objects for commonly used
+ * locales. For example, the following refers to a <code>Locale</code> object
+ * for the United States:
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ *       Locale::getUS()
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Once you've created a <code>Locale</code> you can query it for information about
+ * itself. Use <code>getCountry</code> to get the ISO Country Code and
+ * <code>getLanguage</code> to get the ISO Language Code. You can
+ * use <code>getDisplayCountry</code> to get the
+ * name of the country suitable for displaying to the user. Similarly,
+ * you can use <code>getDisplayLanguage</code> to get the name of
+ * the language suitable for displaying to the user. Interestingly,
+ * the <code>getDisplayXXX</code> methods are themselves locale-sensitive
+ * and have two versions: one that uses the default locale and one
+ * that takes a locale as an argument and displays the name or country in
+ * a language appropriate to that locale.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * ICU provides a number of classes that perform locale-sensitive
+ * operations. For example, the <code>NumberFormat</code> class formats
+ * numbers, currency, or percentages in a locale-sensitive manner. Classes
+ * such as <code>NumberFormat</code> have a number of convenience methods
+ * for creating a default object of that type. For example, the
+ * <code>NumberFormat</code> class provides these three convenience methods
+ * for creating a default <code>NumberFormat</code> object:
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     Locale myLocale;
+ *     NumberFormat *nf;
+ *
+ *     nf = NumberFormat::createInstance( success );          delete nf;
+ *     nf = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance( success );  delete nf;
+ *     nf = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance( success );   delete nf;
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * Each of these methods has two variants; one with an explicit locale
+ * and one without; the latter using the default locale.
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ *     nf = NumberFormat::createInstance( myLocale, success );          delete nf;
+ *     nf = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance( myLocale, success );  delete nf;
+ *     nf = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance( myLocale, success );   delete nf;
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * A <code>Locale</code> is the mechanism for identifying the kind of object
+ * (<code>NumberFormat</code>) that you would like to get. The locale is
+ * <STRONG>just</STRONG> a mechanism for identifying objects,
+ * <STRONG>not</STRONG> a container for the objects themselves.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Each class that performs locale-sensitive operations allows you
+ * to get all the available objects of that type. You can sift
+ * through these objects by language, country, or variant,
+ * and use the display names to present a menu to the user.
+ * For example, you can create a menu of all the collation objects
+ * suitable for a given language. Such classes implement these
+ * three class methods:
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ *       static Locale* getAvailableLocales(int32_t& numLocales)
+ *       static UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale&  objectLocale,
+ *                                            const Locale&  displayLocale,
+ *                                            UnicodeString& displayName)
+ *       static UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale&  objectLocale,
+ *                                            UnicodeString& displayName)
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ * @see ResourceBundle
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Locale : public UObject {
+    /** Useful constant for the Root locale. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getRoot(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getEnglish(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getFrench(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getGerman(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getItalian(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getJapanese(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getKorean(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getChinese(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getSimplifiedChinese(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getTraditionalChinese(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getFrance(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getGermany(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getItaly(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getJapan(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getKorea(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getChina(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getPRC(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getTaiwan(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getUK(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getUS(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getCanada(void);
+    /** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    static const Locale &U_EXPORT2 getCanadaFrench(void);
+    /**
+     * Construct a default locale object, a Locale for the default locale ID.
+     *
+     * @see getDefault
+     * @see uloc_getDefault
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Locale();
+    /**
+     * Construct a locale from language, country, variant.
+     * If an error occurs, then the constructed object will be "bogus"
+     * (isBogus() will return TRUE).
+     *
+     * @param language Lowercase two-letter or three-letter ISO-639 code.
+     *  This parameter can instead be an ICU style C locale (e.g. "en_US"),
+     *  but the other parameters must not be used.
+     *  This parameter can be NULL; if so,
+     *  the locale is initialized to match the current default locale.
+     *  (This is the same as using the default constructor.)
+     *  Please note: The Java Locale class does NOT accept the form
+     *  'new Locale("en_US")' but only 'new Locale("en","US")'
+     *
+     * @param country  Uppercase two-letter ISO-3166 code. (optional)
+     * @param variant  Uppercase vendor and browser specific code. See class
+     *                 description. (optional)
+     * @param keywordsAndValues A string consisting of keyword/values pairs, such as
+     *                 "collation=phonebook;currency=euro"
+     *
+     * @see getDefault
+     * @see uloc_getDefault
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Locale( const   char * language,
+            const   char * country  = 0,
+            const   char * variant  = 0,
+            const   char * keywordsAndValues = 0);
+    /**
+     * Initializes a Locale object from another Locale object.
+     *
+     * @param other The Locale object being copied in.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Locale(const    Locale& other);
+    /**
+     * Move constructor; might leave source in bogus state.
+     * This locale will have the same contents that the source locale had.
+     *
+     * @param other The Locale object being moved in.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Locale(Locale&& other) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~Locale() ;
+    /**
+     * Replaces the entire contents of *this with the specified value.
+     *
+     * @param other The Locale object being copied in.
+     * @return      *this
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Locale& operator=(const Locale& other);
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator; might leave source in bogus state.
+     * This locale will have the same contents that the source locale had.
+     * The behavior is undefined if *this and the source are the same object.
+     *
+     * @param other The Locale object being moved in.
+     * @return      *this
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Locale& operator=(Locale&& other) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Checks if two locale keys are the same.
+     *
+     * @param other The locale key object to be compared with this.
+     * @return      True if the two locale keys are the same, false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool   operator==(const    Locale&     other) const;
+    /**
+     * Checks if two locale keys are not the same.
+     *
+     * @param other The locale key object to be compared with this.
+     * @return      True if the two locale keys are not the same, false
+     *              otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UBool   operator!=(const    Locale&     other) const;
+    /**
+     * Clone this object.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If an error occurs, then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    Locale *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Common methods of getting the current default Locale. Used for the
+     * presentation: menus, dialogs, etc. Generally set once when your applet or
+     * application is initialized, then never reset. (If you do reset the
+     * default locale, you probably want to reload your GUI, so that the change
+     * is reflected in your interface.)
+     *
+     * More advanced programs will allow users to use different locales for
+     * different fields, e.g. in a spreadsheet.
+     *
+     * Note that the initial setting will match the host system.
+     * @return a reference to the Locale object for the default locale ID
+     * @system
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const Locale& U_EXPORT2 getDefault(void);
+    /**
+     * Sets the default. Normally set once at the beginning of a process,
+     * then never reset.
+     * setDefault() only changes ICU's default locale ID, <strong>not</strong>
+     * the default locale ID of the runtime environment.
+     *
+     * @param newLocale Locale to set to.  If NULL, set to the value obtained
+     *                  from the runtime environment.
+     * @param success The error code.
+     * @system
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 setDefault(const Locale& newLocale,
+                                     UErrorCode&   success);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_SYSTEM_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns a Locale for the specified BCP47 language tag string.
+     * If the specified language tag contains any ill-formed subtags,
+     * the first such subtag and all following subtags are ignored.
+     * <p>
+     * This implements the 'Language-Tag' production of BCP47, and so
+     * supports grandfathered (regular and irregular) as well as private
+     * use language tags.  Private use tags are represented as 'x-whatever',
+     * and grandfathered tags are converted to their canonical replacements
+     * where they exist.  Note that a few grandfathered tags have no modern
+     * replacement, these will be converted using the fallback described in
+     * the first paragraph, so some information might be lost.
+     * @param tag     the input BCP47 language tag.
+     * @param status  error information if creating the Locale failed.
+     * @return        the Locale for the specified BCP47 language tag.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    static Locale U_EXPORT2 forLanguageTag(StringPiece tag, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a well-formed language tag for this Locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Note</b>: Any locale fields which do not satisfy the BCP47 syntax
+     * requirement will be silently omitted from the result.
+     *
+     * If this function fails, partial output may have been written to the sink.
+     *
+     * @param sink    the output sink receiving the BCP47 language
+     *                tag for this Locale.
+     * @param status  error information if creating the language tag failed.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    void toLanguageTag(ByteSink& sink, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a well-formed language tag for this Locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Note</b>: Any locale fields which do not satisfy the BCP47 syntax
+     * requirement will be silently omitted from the result.
+     *
+     * @param status  error information if creating the language tag failed.
+     * @return        the BCP47 language tag for this Locale.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    template<typename StringClass>
+    inline StringClass toLanguageTag(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Creates a locale which has had minimal canonicalization
+     * as per uloc_getName().
+     * @param name The name to create from.  If name is null,
+     *  the default Locale is used.
+     * @return new locale object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     * @see uloc_getName
+     */
+    static Locale U_EXPORT2 createFromName(const char *name);
+    /**
+     * Creates a locale from the given string after canonicalizing
+     * the string by calling uloc_canonicalize().
+     * @param name the locale ID to create from.  Must not be NULL.
+     * @return a new locale object corresponding to the given name
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     * @see uloc_canonicalize
+     */
+    static Locale U_EXPORT2 createCanonical(const char* name);
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale's ISO-639 language code.
+     * @return      An alias to the code
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline const char *  getLanguage( ) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale's ISO-15924 abbreviation script code.
+     * @return      An alias to the code
+     * @see uscript_getShortName
+     * @see uscript_getCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    inline const char *  getScript( ) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale's ISO-3166 country code.
+     * @return      An alias to the code
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline const char *  getCountry( ) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the locale's variant code.
+     * @return      An alias to the code
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline const char *  getVariant( ) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the programmatic name of the entire locale, with the language,
+     * country and variant separated by underbars. If a field is missing, up
+     * to two leading underbars will occur. Example: "en", "de_DE", "en_US_WIN",
+     * "de__POSIX", "fr__MAC", "__MAC", "_MT", "_FR_EURO"
+     * @return      A pointer to "name".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline const char * getName() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the programmatic name of the entire locale as getName() would return,
+     * but without keywords.
+     * @return      A pointer to "name".
+     * @see getName
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    const char * getBaseName() const;
+    /**
+     * Add the likely subtags for this Locale, per the algorithm described
+     * in the following CLDR technical report:
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * If this Locale is already in the maximal form, or not valid, or there is
+     * no data available for maximization, the Locale will be unchanged.
+     *
+     * For example, "und-Zzzz" cannot be maximized, since there is no
+     * reasonable maximization.
+     *
+     * Examples:
+     *
+     * "en" maximizes to "en_Latn_US"
+     *
+     * "de" maximizes to "de_Latn_US"
+     *
+     * "sr" maximizes to "sr_Cyrl_RS"
+     *
+     * "sh" maximizes to "sr_Latn_RS" (Note this will not reverse.)
+     *
+     * "zh_Hani" maximizes to "zh_Hans_CN" (Note this will not reverse.)
+     *
+     * @param status  error information if maximizing this Locale failed.
+     *                If this Locale is not well-formed, the error code is
+     *                U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    void addLikelySubtags(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Minimize the subtags for this Locale, per the algorithm described
+     * in the following CLDR technical report:
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * If this Locale is already in the minimal form, or not valid, or there is
+     * no data available for minimization, the Locale will be unchanged.
+     *
+     * Since the minimization algorithm relies on proper maximization, see the
+     * comments for addLikelySubtags for reasons why there might not be any
+     * data.
+     *
+     * Examples:
+     *
+     * "en_Latn_US" minimizes to "en"
+     *
+     * "de_Latn_US" minimizes to "de"
+     *
+     * "sr_Cyrl_RS" minimizes to "sr"
+     *
+     * "zh_Hant_TW" minimizes to "zh_TW" (The region is preferred to the
+     * script, and minimizing to "zh" would imply "zh_Hans_CN".)
+     *
+     * @param status  error information if maximizing this Locale failed.
+     *                If this Locale is not well-formed, the error code is
+     *                U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    void minimizeSubtags(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the list of keywords for the specified locale.
+     *
+     * @param status the status code
+     * @return pointer to StringEnumeration class, or NULL if there are no keywords. 
+     * Client must dispose of it by calling delete.
+     * @see getKeywords
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    StringEnumeration * createKeywords(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the list of Unicode keywords for the specified locale.
+     *
+     * @param status the status code
+     * @return pointer to StringEnumeration class, or NULL if there are no keywords.
+     * Client must dispose of it by calling delete.
+     * @see getUnicodeKeywords
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    StringEnumeration * createUnicodeKeywords(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the set of keywords for this Locale.
+     *
+     * A wrapper to call createKeywords() and write the resulting
+     * keywords as standard strings (or compatible objects) into any kind of
+     * container that can be written to by an STL style output iterator.
+     *
+     * @param iterator  an STL style output iterator to write the keywords to.
+     * @param status    error information if creating set of keywords failed.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    template<typename StringClass, typename OutputIterator>
+    inline void getKeywords(OutputIterator iterator, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the set of Unicode keywords for this Locale.
+     *
+     * A wrapper to call createUnicodeKeywords() and write the resulting
+     * keywords as standard strings (or compatible objects) into any kind of
+     * container that can be written to by an STL style output iterator.
+     *
+     * @param iterator  an STL style output iterator to write the keywords to.
+     * @param status    error information if creating set of keywords failed.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    template<typename StringClass, typename OutputIterator>
+    inline void getUnicodeKeywords(OutputIterator iterator, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a keyword.
+     *
+     * This uses legacy keyword=value pairs, like "collation=phonebook".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName name of the keyword for which we want the value. Case insensitive.
+     * @param buffer The buffer to receive the keyword value.
+     * @param bufferCapacity The capacity of receiving buffer
+     * @param status Returns any error information while performing this operation.
+     * @return the length of the keyword value
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    int32_t getKeywordValue(const char* keywordName, char *buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a keyword.
+     *
+     * This uses legacy keyword=value pairs, like "collation=phonebook".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName  name of the keyword for which we want the value.
+     * @param sink         the sink to receive the keyword value.
+     * @param status       error information if getting the value failed.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    void getKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, ByteSink& sink, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the value for a keyword.
+     *
+     * This uses legacy keyword=value pairs, like "collation=phonebook".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName  name of the keyword for which we want the value.
+     * @param status       error information if getting the value failed.
+     * @return             the keyword value.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    template<typename StringClass>
+    inline StringClass getKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the Unicode value for a Unicode keyword.
+     *
+     * This uses Unicode key-value pairs, like "co-phonebk".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName  name of the keyword for which we want the value.
+     * @param sink         the sink to receive the keyword value.
+     * @param status       error information if getting the value failed.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    void getUnicodeKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, ByteSink& sink, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the Unicode value for a Unicode keyword.
+     *
+     * This uses Unicode key-value pairs, like "co-phonebk".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName  name of the keyword for which we want the value.
+     * @param status       error information if getting the value failed.
+     * @return             the keyword value.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    template<typename StringClass>
+    inline StringClass getUnicodeKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets or removes the value for a keyword.
+     *
+     * For removing all keywords, use getBaseName(),
+     * and construct a new Locale if it differs from getName().
+     *
+     * This uses legacy keyword=value pairs, like "collation=phonebook".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName name of the keyword to be set. Case insensitive.
+     * @param keywordValue value of the keyword to be set. If 0-length or
+     *  NULL, will result in the keyword being removed. No error is given if
+     *  that keyword does not exist.
+     * @param status Returns any error information while performing this operation.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    void setKeywordValue(const char* keywordName, const char* keywordValue, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Sets or removes the value for a keyword.
+     *
+     * For removing all keywords, use getBaseName(),
+     * and construct a new Locale if it differs from getName().
+     *
+     * This uses legacy keyword=value pairs, like "collation=phonebook".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName name of the keyword to be set.
+     * @param keywordValue value of the keyword to be set. If 0-length or
+     *  NULL, will result in the keyword being removed. No error is given if
+     *  that keyword does not exist.
+     * @param status Returns any error information while performing this operation.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    void setKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, StringPiece keywordValue, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets or removes the Unicode value for a Unicode keyword.
+     *
+     * For removing all keywords, use getBaseName(),
+     * and construct a new Locale if it differs from getName().
+     *
+     * This uses Unicode key-value pairs, like "co-phonebk".
+     *
+     * ICU4C doesn't do automatic conversion between legacy and Unicode
+     * keywords and values in getters and setters (as opposed to ICU4J).
+     *
+     * @param keywordName name of the keyword to be set.
+     * @param keywordValue value of the keyword to be set. If 0-length or
+     *  NULL, will result in the keyword being removed. No error is given if
+     *  that keyword does not exist.
+     * @param status Returns any error information while performing this operation.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    void setUnicodeKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, StringPiece keywordValue, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * returns the locale's three-letter language code, as specified
+     * in ISO draft standard ISO-639-2.
+     * @return      An alias to the code, or an empty string
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const char * getISO3Language() const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "name" with the locale's three-letter ISO-3166 country code.
+     * @return      An alias to the code, or an empty string
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const char * getISO3Country() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the Windows LCID value corresponding to this locale.
+     * This value is stored in the resource data for the locale as a one-to-four-digit
+     * hexadecimal number.  If the resource is missing, in the wrong format, or
+     * there is no Windows LCID value that corresponds to this locale, returns 0.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    uint32_t        getLCID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns whether this locale's script is written right-to-left.
+     * If there is no script subtag, then the likely script is used, see uloc_addLikelySubtags().
+     * If no likely script is known, then FALSE is returned.
+     *
+     * A script is right-to-left according to the CLDR script metadata
+     * which corresponds to whether the script's letters have Bidi_Class=R or AL.
+     *
+     * Returns TRUE for "ar" and "en-Hebr", FALSE for "zh" and "fa-Cyrl".
+     *
+     * @return TRUE if the locale's script is written right-to-left
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    UBool isRightToLeft() const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispLang" with the name of this locale's language in a format suitable for
+     * user display in the default locale.  For example, if the locale's language code is
+     * "fr" and the default locale's language code is "en", this function would set
+     * dispLang to "French".
+     * @param dispLang  Receives the language's display name.
+     * @return          A reference to "dispLang".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayLanguage(UnicodeString&   dispLang) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispLang" with the name of this locale's language in a format suitable for
+     * user display in the locale specified by "displayLocale".  For example, if the locale's
+     * language code is "en" and displayLocale's language code is "fr", this function would set
+     * dispLang to "Anglais".
+     * @param displayLocale  Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+     *                  if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+     *                  displayLocale would result in "Anglais", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+     *                  for displayLocale would result in "Englisch".
+     * @param dispLang  Receives the language's display name.
+     * @return          A reference to "dispLang".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayLanguage( const   Locale&         displayLocale,
+                                                UnicodeString&  dispLang) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispScript" with the name of this locale's script in a format suitable
+     * for user display in the default locale.  For example, if the locale's script code
+     * is "LATN" and the default locale's language code is "en", this function would set
+     * dispScript to "Latin".
+     * @param dispScript    Receives the scripts's display name.
+     * @return              A reference to "dispScript".
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayScript(          UnicodeString& dispScript) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispScript" with the name of this locale's country in a format suitable
+     * for user display in the locale specified by "displayLocale".  For example, if the locale's
+     * script code is "LATN" and displayLocale's language code is "en", this function would set
+     * dispScript to "Latin".
+     * @param displayLocale      Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other
+     *                      words, if the locale's script code is "LATN", passing
+     *                      Locale::getFrench() for displayLocale would result in "", while
+     *                      passing Locale::getGerman() for displayLocale would result in
+     *                      "".
+     * @param dispScript    Receives the scripts's display name.
+     * @return              A reference to "dispScript".
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayScript(  const   Locale&         displayLocale,
+                                               UnicodeString&  dispScript) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispCountry" with the name of this locale's country in a format suitable
+     * for user display in the default locale.  For example, if the locale's country code
+     * is "FR" and the default locale's language code is "en", this function would set
+     * dispCountry to "France".
+     * @param dispCountry   Receives the country's display name.
+     * @return              A reference to "dispCountry".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayCountry(          UnicodeString& dispCountry) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispCountry" with the name of this locale's country in a format suitable
+     * for user display in the locale specified by "displayLocale".  For example, if the locale's
+     * country code is "US" and displayLocale's language code is "fr", this function would set
+     * dispCountry to "&Eacute;tats-Unis".
+     * @param displayLocale      Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other
+     *                      words, if the locale's country code is "US", passing
+     *                      Locale::getFrench() for displayLocale would result in "&Eacute;tats-Unis", while
+     *                      passing Locale::getGerman() for displayLocale would result in
+     *                      "Vereinigte Staaten".
+     * @param dispCountry   Receives the country's display name.
+     * @return              A reference to "dispCountry".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayCountry(  const   Locale&         displayLocale,
+                                                UnicodeString&  dispCountry) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispVar" with the name of this locale's variant code in a format suitable
+     * for user display in the default locale.
+     * @param dispVar   Receives the variant's name.
+     * @return          A reference to "dispVar".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayVariant(      UnicodeString& dispVar) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "dispVar" with the name of this locale's variant code in a format
+     * suitable for user display in the locale specified by "displayLocale".
+     * @param displayLocale  Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.
+     * @param dispVar   Receives the variant's display name.
+     * @return          A reference to "dispVar".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayVariant(  const   Locale&         displayLocale,
+                                                UnicodeString&  dispVar) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "name" with the name of this locale in a format suitable for user display
+     * in the default locale.  This function uses getDisplayLanguage(), getDisplayCountry(),
+     * and getDisplayVariant() to do its work, and outputs the display name in the format
+     * "language (country[,variant])".  For example, if the default locale is en_US, then
+     * fr_FR's display name would be "French (France)", and es_MX_Traditional's display name
+     * would be "Spanish (Mexico,Traditional)".
+     * @param name  Receives the locale's display name.
+     * @return      A reference to "name".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayName(         UnicodeString&  name) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "name" with the name of this locale in a format suitable for user display
+     * in the locale specified by "displayLocale".  This function uses getDisplayLanguage(),
+     * getDisplayCountry(), and getDisplayVariant() to do its work, and outputs the display
+     * name in the format "language (country[,variant])".  For example, if displayLocale is
+     * fr_FR, then en_US's display name would be "Anglais (&Eacute;tats-Unis)", and no_NO_NY's
+     * display name would be "norv&eacute;gien (Norv&egrave;ge,NY)".
+     * @param displayLocale  Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.
+     * @param name      Receives the locale's display name.
+     * @return          A reference to "name".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString&  getDisplayName( const   Locale&         displayLocale,
+                                            UnicodeString&  name) const;
+    /**
+     * Generates a hash code for the locale.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t         hashCode(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the locale to bogus
+     * A bogus locale represents a non-existing locale associated
+     * with services that can be instantiated from non-locale data
+     * in addition to locale (for example, collation can be
+     * instantiated from a locale and from a rule set).
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    void setToBogus();
+    /**
+     * Gets the bogus state. Locale object can be bogus if it doesn't exist
+     * @return FALSE if it is a real locale, TRUE if it is a bogus locale
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    inline UBool isBogus(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a list of all installed locales.
+     * @param count Receives the number of locales in the list.
+     * @return      A pointer to an array of Locale objects.  This array is the list
+     *              of all locales with installed resource files.  The called does NOT
+     *              get ownership of this list, and must NOT delete it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const Locale* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count);
+    /**
+     * Gets a list of all available 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166.  This is a
+     * pointer to an array of pointers to arrays of char.  All of these pointers are
+     * owned by ICU-- do not delete them, and do not write through them.  The array is
+     * terminated with a null pointer.
+     * @return a list of all available country codes
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const char* const* U_EXPORT2 getISOCountries();
+    /**
+     * Gets a list of all available language codes defined in ISO 639.  This is a pointer
+     * to an array of pointers to arrays of char.  All of these pointers are owned
+     * by ICU-- do not delete them, and do not write through them.  The array is
+     * terminated with a null pointer.
+     * @return a list of all available language codes
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const char* const* U_EXPORT2 getISOLanguages();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * A Locale iterator interface similar to a Java Iterator<Locale>.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    class U_COMMON_API Iterator /* not : public UObject because this is an interface/mixin class */ {
+    public:
+        /** @draft ICU 65 */
+        virtual ~Iterator();
+        /**
+         * @return TRUE if next() can be called again.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        virtual UBool hasNext() const = 0;
+        /**
+         * @return the next locale.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        virtual const Locale &next() = 0;
+    };
+    /**
+     * A generic Locale iterator implementation over Locale input iterators.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    template<typename Iter>
+    class RangeIterator : public Iterator, public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructs an iterator from a begin/end range.
+         * Each of the iterator parameter values must be an
+         * input iterator whose value is convertible to const Locale &.
+         *
+         * @param begin Start of range.
+         * @param end Exclusive end of range.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        RangeIterator(Iter begin, Iter end) : it_(begin), end_(end) {}
+        /**
+         * @return TRUE if next() can be called again.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        UBool hasNext() const override { return it_ != end_; }
+        /**
+         * @return the next locale.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        const Locale &next() override { return *it_++; }
+    private:
+        Iter it_;
+        const Iter end_;
+    };
+    /**
+     * A generic Locale iterator implementation over Locale input iterators.
+     * Calls the converter to convert each *begin to a const Locale &.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    template<typename Iter, typename Conv>
+    class ConvertingIterator : public Iterator, public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructs an iterator from a begin/end range.
+         * Each of the iterator parameter values must be an
+         * input iterator whose value the converter converts to const Locale &.
+         *
+         * @param begin Start of range.
+         * @param end Exclusive end of range.
+         * @param converter Converter from *begin to const Locale & or compatible.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        ConvertingIterator(Iter begin, Iter end, Conv converter) :
+                it_(begin), end_(end), converter_(converter) {}
+        /**
+         * @return TRUE if next() can be called again.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        UBool hasNext() const override { return it_ != end_; }
+        /**
+         * @return the next locale.
+         * @draft ICU 65
+         */
+        const Locale &next() override { return converter_(*it_++); }
+    private:
+        Iter it_;
+        const Iter end_;
+        Conv converter_;
+    };
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+protected: /* only protected for testing purposes. DO NOT USE. */
+    /**
+     * Set this from a single POSIX style locale string.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void setFromPOSIXID(const char *posixID);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Initialize the locale object with a new name.
+     * Was deprecated - used in implementation - moved internal
+     *
+     * @param cLocaleID The new locale name.
+     * @param canonicalize whether to call uloc_canonicalize on cLocaleID
+     */
+    Locale& init(const char* cLocaleID, UBool canonicalize);
+    /*
+     * Internal constructor to allow construction of a locale object with
+     *   NO side effects.   (Default constructor tries to get
+     *   the default locale.)
+     */
+    enum ELocaleType {
+        eBOGUS
+    };
+    Locale(ELocaleType);
+    /**
+     * Initialize the locale cache for commonly used locales
+     */
+    static Locale *getLocaleCache(void);
+    char language[ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY];
+    char script[ULOC_SCRIPT_CAPACITY];
+    char country[ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY];
+    int32_t variantBegin;
+    char* fullName;
+    char fullNameBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+    // name without keywords
+    char* baseName;
+    void initBaseName(UErrorCode& status);
+    UBool fIsBogus;
+    static const Locale &getLocale(int locid);
+    /**
+     * A friend to allow the default locale to be set by either the C or C++ API.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    friend Locale *locale_set_default_internal(const char *, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    friend void U_CALLCONV locale_available_init();
+inline UBool
+Locale::operator!=(const    Locale&     other) const
+    return !operator==(other);
+template<typename StringClass> inline StringClass
+Locale::toLanguageTag(UErrorCode& status) const
+    StringClass result;
+    StringByteSink<StringClass> sink(&result);
+    toLanguageTag(sink, status);
+    return result;
+inline const char *
+Locale::getCountry() const
+    return country;
+inline const char *
+Locale::getLanguage() const
+    return language;
+inline const char *
+Locale::getScript() const
+    return script;
+inline const char *
+Locale::getVariant() const
+    return &baseName[variantBegin];
+inline const char *
+Locale::getName() const
+    return fullName;
+template<typename StringClass, typename OutputIterator> inline void
+Locale::getKeywords(OutputIterator iterator, UErrorCode& status) const
+    LocalPointer<StringEnumeration> keys(createKeywords(status));
+    if (U_FAILURE(status) || keys.isNull()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        int32_t resultLength;
+        const char* buffer = keys->next(&resultLength, status);
+        if (U_FAILURE(status) || buffer == nullptr) {
+            return;
+        }
+        *iterator++ = StringClass(buffer, resultLength);
+    }
+template<typename StringClass, typename OutputIterator> inline void
+Locale::getUnicodeKeywords(OutputIterator iterator, UErrorCode& status) const
+    LocalPointer<StringEnumeration> keys(createUnicodeKeywords(status));
+    if (U_FAILURE(status) || keys.isNull()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        int32_t resultLength;
+        const char* buffer = keys->next(&resultLength, status);
+        if (U_FAILURE(status) || buffer == nullptr) {
+            return;
+        }
+        *iterator++ = StringClass(buffer, resultLength);
+    }
+template<typename StringClass> inline StringClass
+Locale::getKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, UErrorCode& status) const
+    StringClass result;
+    StringByteSink<StringClass> sink(&result);
+    getKeywordValue(keywordName, sink, status);
+    return result;
+template<typename StringClass> inline StringClass
+Locale::getUnicodeKeywordValue(StringPiece keywordName, UErrorCode& status) const
+    StringClass result;
+    StringByteSink<StringClass> sink(&result);
+    getUnicodeKeywordValue(keywordName, sink, status);
+    return result;
+inline UBool
+Locale::isBogus(void) const {
+    return fIsBogus;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4f9048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: April 20, 2004
+* Since: ICU 3.0
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/udat.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Compatibility APIs for measure formatting.
+ */
+ * Constants for various widths.
+ * There are 4 widths: Wide, Short, Narrow, Numeric.
+ * For example, for English, when formatting "3 hours"
+ * Wide is "3 hours"; short is "3 hrs"; narrow is "3h";
+ * formatting "3 hours 17 minutes" as numeric give "3:17"
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+enum UMeasureFormatWidth {
+    // Wide, short, and narrow must be first and in this order.
+    /**
+     * Spell out measure units.
+     * @stable ICU 53 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Abbreviate measure units.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Use symbols for measure units when possible.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Completely omit measure units when possible. For example, format
+     * '5 hours, 37 minutes' as '5:37'
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UMeasureFormatWidth value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+/** @stable ICU 53 */
+typedef enum UMeasureFormatWidth UMeasureFormatWidth; 
+class Measure;
+class MeasureUnit;
+class NumberFormat;
+class PluralRules;
+class MeasureFormatCacheData;
+class SharedNumberFormat;
+class SharedPluralRules;
+class QuantityFormatter;
+class SimpleFormatter;
+class ListFormatter;
+class DateFormat;
+ * <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to see if
+ * numberformatter.h fits their use case.  Although not deprecated, this header
+ * is provided for backwards compatibility only.
+ *
+ * @see Format
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API MeasureFormat : public Format {
+ public:
+    using Format::parseObject;
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    MeasureFormat(
+            const Locale &locale, UMeasureFormatWidth width, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    MeasureFormat(
+            const Locale &locale,
+            UMeasureFormatWidth width,
+            NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    MeasureFormat(const MeasureFormat &other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    MeasureFormat &operator=(const MeasureFormat &rhs);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~MeasureFormat();
+    /**
+     * Return true if given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format &other) const;
+    /**
+     * Clones this object polymorphically.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual MeasureFormat *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Formats object to produce a string.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &format(
+            const Formattable &obj,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo,
+            FieldPosition &pos,
+            UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a string to produce an object. This implementation sets
+     * status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(
+            const UnicodeString &source,
+            Formattable &reslt,
+            ParsePosition &pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats measure objects to produce a string. An example of such a
+     * formatted string is 3 meters, 3.5 centimeters. Measure objects appear
+     * in the formatted string in the same order they appear in the "measures"
+     * array. The NumberFormat of this object is used only to format the amount
+     * of the very last measure. The other amounts are formatted with zero
+     * decimal places while rounding toward zero.
+     * @param measures array of measure objects.
+     * @param measureCount the number of measure objects.
+     * @param appendTo formatted string appended here.
+     * @param pos the field position.
+     * @param status the error.
+     * @return appendTo reference
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    UnicodeString &formatMeasures(
+            const Measure *measures,
+            int32_t measureCount,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo,
+            FieldPosition &pos,
+            UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a single measure per unit. An example of such a
+     * formatted string is 3.5 meters per second.
+     * @param measure The measure object. In above example, 3.5 meters.
+     * @param perUnit The per unit. In above example, it is
+     *        `*%MeasureUnit::createSecond(status)`.
+     * @param appendTo formatted string appended here.
+     * @param pos the field position.
+     * @param status the error.
+     * @return appendTo reference
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    UnicodeString &formatMeasurePerUnit(
+            const Measure &measure,
+            const MeasureUnit &perUnit,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo,
+            FieldPosition &pos,
+            UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the display name of the specified {@link MeasureUnit} corresponding to the current
+     * locale and format width.
+     * @param unit  The unit for which to get a display name.
+     * @param status the error.
+     * @return  The display name in the locale and width specified in
+     *          the MeasureFormat constructor, or null if there is no display name available
+     *          for the specified unit.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 58
+     */
+    UnicodeString getUnitDisplayName(const MeasureUnit& unit, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the given
+     * locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @param locale desired locale
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @return a formatter object, or NULL upon error
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static MeasureFormat* U_EXPORT2 createCurrencyFormat(const Locale& locale,
+                                               UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the default
+     * locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @return a formatter object, or NULL upon error
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static MeasureFormat* U_EXPORT2 createCurrencyFormat(UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    MeasureFormat();
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Initialize or change MeasureFormat class from subclass.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    void initMeasureFormat(
+            const Locale &locale,
+            UMeasureFormatWidth width,
+            NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Allows subclass to change locale. Note that this method also changes
+     * the NumberFormat object. Returns TRUE if locale changed; FALSE if no
+     * change was made.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    UBool setMeasureFormatLocale(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Let subclass change NumberFormat.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    void adoptNumberFormat(NumberFormat *nfToAdopt, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    const NumberFormat &getNumberFormatInternal() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Always returns the short form currency formatter.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    const NumberFormat& getCurrencyFormatInternal() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    const PluralRules &getPluralRules() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    Locale getLocale(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * @internal.
+     */
+    const char *getLocaleID(UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ private:
+    const MeasureFormatCacheData *cache;
+    const SharedNumberFormat *numberFormat;
+    const SharedPluralRules *pluralRules;
+    UMeasureFormatWidth fWidth;    
+    // Declared outside of MeasureFormatSharedData because ListFormatter
+    // objects are relatively cheap to copy; therefore, they don't need to be
+    // shared across instances.
+    ListFormatter *listFormatter;
+    UnicodeString &formatMeasure(
+        const Measure &measure,
+        const NumberFormat &nf,
+        UnicodeString &appendTo,
+        FieldPosition &pos,
+        UErrorCode &status) const;
+    UnicodeString &formatMeasuresSlowTrack(
+        const Measure *measures,
+        int32_t measureCount,
+        UnicodeString& appendTo,
+        FieldPosition& pos,
+        UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString &formatNumeric(
+        const Formattable *hms,  // always length 3: [0] is hour; [1] is
+                                 // minute; [2] is second.
+        int32_t bitMap,   // 1=hour set, 2=minute set, 4=second set
+        UnicodeString &appendTo,
+        UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // #ifndef MEASUREFORMAT_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measunit.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measunit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbcad62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measunit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3354 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: April 26, 2004
+* Since: ICU 3.0
+#ifndef __MEASUREUNIT_H__
+#define __MEASUREUNIT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: A unit for measuring a quantity.
+ */
+class StringEnumeration;
+ * A unit such as length, mass, volume, currency, etc.  A unit is
+ * coupled with a numeric amount to produce a Measure.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API MeasureUnit: public UObject {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * Populates the instance with the base dimensionless unit.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    MeasureUnit();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    MeasureUnit(const MeasureUnit &other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    MeasureUnit &operator=(const MeasureUnit &other);
+    /**
+     * Returns a polymorphic clone of this object.  The result will
+     * have the same class as returned by getDynamicClassID().
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual MeasureUnit* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~MeasureUnit();
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.  Return true if this object is equal
+     * to the given object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const UObject& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Inequality operator.  Return true if this object is not equal
+     * to the given object.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const UObject& other) const {
+        return !(*this == other);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the type.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    const char *getType() const;
+    /**
+     * Get the sub type.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    const char *getSubtype() const;
+    /**
+     * getAvailable gets all of the available units.
+     * If there are too many units to fit into destCapacity then the
+     * error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param destArray destination buffer.
+     * @param destCapacity number of MeasureUnit instances available at dest.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code.
+     * @return number of available units.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static int32_t getAvailable(
+            MeasureUnit *destArray,
+            int32_t destCapacity,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * getAvailable gets all of the available units for a specific type.
+     * If there are too many units to fit into destCapacity then the
+     * error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param type the type
+     * @param destArray destination buffer.
+     * @param destCapacity number of MeasureUnit instances available at dest.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code.
+     * @return number of available units for type.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static int32_t getAvailable(
+            const char *type,
+            MeasureUnit *destArray,
+            int32_t destCapacity,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * getAvailableTypes gets all of the available types. Caller owns the
+     * returned StringEnumeration and must delete it when finished using it.
+     *
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code.
+     * @return the types.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* getAvailableTypes(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Returns associated array index for this measure unit. Only valid for
+     * non-currency measure units.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getIndex() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Returns maximum value from getIndex plus 1.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t getIndexCount();
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * @return the unit.getIndex() of the unit which has this unit.getType() and unit.getSubtype(),
+     *         or a negative value if there is no such unit
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t internalGetIndexForTypeAndSubtype(const char *type, const char *subtype);
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit resolveUnitPerUnit(
+            const MeasureUnit &unit, const MeasureUnit &perUnit, bool* isResolved);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+// All code between the "Start generated createXXX methods" comment and
+// the "End generated createXXX methods" comment is auto generated code
+// and must not be edited manually. For instructions on how to correctly
+// update this code, refer to:
+// Start generated createXXX methods
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of acceleration: g-force.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGForce()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGForce(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of acceleration: g-force.
+     * Also see {@link #createGForce()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGForce();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of acceleration: meter-per-second-squared.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMeterPerSecondSquared()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMeterPerSecondSquared(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of acceleration: meter-per-second-squared.
+     * Also see {@link #createMeterPerSecondSquared()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMeterPerSecondSquared();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of angle: arc-minute.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getArcMinute()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createArcMinute(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of angle: arc-minute.
+     * Also see {@link #createArcMinute()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getArcMinute();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of angle: arc-second.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getArcSecond()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createArcSecond(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of angle: arc-second.
+     * Also see {@link #createArcSecond()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getArcSecond();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of angle: degree.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDegree()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDegree(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of angle: degree.
+     * Also see {@link #createDegree()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDegree();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of angle: radian.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getRadian()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createRadian(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of angle: radian.
+     * Also see {@link #createRadian()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getRadian();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of angle: revolution.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getRevolutionAngle()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createRevolutionAngle(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of angle: revolution.
+     * Also see {@link #createRevolutionAngle()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getRevolutionAngle();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: acre.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getAcre()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createAcre(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: acre.
+     * Also see {@link #createAcre()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getAcre();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: dunam.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDunam()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDunam(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: dunam.
+     * Also see {@link #createDunam()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDunam();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: hectare.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getHectare()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createHectare(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: hectare.
+     * Also see {@link #createHectare()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getHectare();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-centimeter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSquareCentimeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSquareCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: square-centimeter.
+     * Also see {@link #createSquareCentimeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSquareCentimeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-foot.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSquareFoot()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSquareFoot(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: square-foot.
+     * Also see {@link #createSquareFoot()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSquareFoot();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-inch.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSquareInch()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSquareInch(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: square-inch.
+     * Also see {@link #createSquareInch()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSquareInch();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-kilometer.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSquareKilometer()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSquareKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: square-kilometer.
+     * Also see {@link #createSquareKilometer()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSquareKilometer();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-meter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSquareMeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSquareMeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: square-meter.
+     * Also see {@link #createSquareMeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSquareMeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-mile.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSquareMile()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSquareMile(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: square-mile.
+     * Also see {@link #createSquareMile()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSquareMile();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-yard.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSquareYard()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSquareYard(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of area: square-yard.
+     * Also see {@link #createSquareYard()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSquareYard();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: karat.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKarat()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKarat(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: karat.
+     * Also see {@link #createKarat()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKarat();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: milligram-per-deciliter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilligramPerDeciliter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilligramPerDeciliter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: milligram-per-deciliter.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilligramPerDeciliter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilligramPerDeciliter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: millimole-per-liter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMillimolePerLiter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMillimolePerLiter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: millimole-per-liter.
+     * Also see {@link #createMillimolePerLiter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMillimolePerLiter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: mole.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMole()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMole(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: mole.
+     * Also see {@link #createMole()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMole();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: part-per-million.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPartPerMillion()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPartPerMillion(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: part-per-million.
+     * Also see {@link #createPartPerMillion()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPartPerMillion();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: percent.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPercent()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPercent(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: percent.
+     * Also see {@link #createPercent()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPercent();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: permille.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPermille()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPermille(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: permille.
+     * Also see {@link #createPermille()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPermille();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: permyriad.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPermyriad()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPermyriad(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of concentr: permyriad.
+     * Also see {@link #createPermyriad()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPermyriad();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: liter-per-100kilometers.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getLiterPer100Kilometers()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createLiterPer100Kilometers(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of consumption: liter-per-100kilometers.
+     * Also see {@link #createLiterPer100Kilometers()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getLiterPer100Kilometers();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: liter-per-kilometer.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getLiterPerKilometer()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createLiterPerKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of consumption: liter-per-kilometer.
+     * Also see {@link #createLiterPerKilometer()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getLiterPerKilometer();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilePerGallon()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilePerGallon(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilePerGallon()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilePerGallon();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon-imperial.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilePerGallonImperial()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilePerGallonImperial(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon-imperial.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilePerGallonImperial()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilePerGallonImperial();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: bit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getBit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createBit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: bit.
+     * Also see {@link #createBit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getBit();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: byte.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getByte()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createByte(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: byte.
+     * Also see {@link #createByte()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getByte();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: gigabit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGigabit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGigabit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: gigabit.
+     * Also see {@link #createGigabit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGigabit();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: gigabyte.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGigabyte()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGigabyte(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: gigabyte.
+     * Also see {@link #createGigabyte()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGigabyte();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: kilobit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilobit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilobit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: kilobit.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilobit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilobit();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: kilobyte.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilobyte()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilobyte(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: kilobyte.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilobyte()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilobyte();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: megabit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMegabit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMegabit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: megabit.
+     * Also see {@link #createMegabit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMegabit();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: megabyte.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMegabyte()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMegabyte(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: megabyte.
+     * Also see {@link #createMegabyte()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMegabyte();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: petabyte.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPetabyte()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPetabyte(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: petabyte.
+     * Also see {@link #createPetabyte()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPetabyte();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: terabit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getTerabit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createTerabit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: terabit.
+     * Also see {@link #createTerabit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getTerabit();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of digital: terabyte.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getTerabyte()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createTerabyte(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of digital: terabyte.
+     * Also see {@link #createTerabyte()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getTerabyte();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: century.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCentury()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCentury(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: century.
+     * Also see {@link #createCentury()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCentury();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: day.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDay()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDay(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: day.
+     * Also see {@link #createDay()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDay();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: day-person.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDayPerson()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDayPerson(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: day-person.
+     * Also see {@link #createDayPerson()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDayPerson();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: decade.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDecade()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDecade(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: decade.
+     * Also see {@link #createDecade()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDecade();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: hour.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getHour()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createHour(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: hour.
+     * Also see {@link #createHour()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getHour();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: microsecond.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMicrosecond()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMicrosecond(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: microsecond.
+     * Also see {@link #createMicrosecond()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMicrosecond();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: millisecond.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMillisecond()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMillisecond(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: millisecond.
+     * Also see {@link #createMillisecond()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMillisecond();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: minute.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMinute()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMinute(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: minute.
+     * Also see {@link #createMinute()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMinute();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: month.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMonth()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMonth(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: month.
+     * Also see {@link #createMonth()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMonth();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: month-person.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMonthPerson()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMonthPerson(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: month-person.
+     * Also see {@link #createMonthPerson()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMonthPerson();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: nanosecond.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getNanosecond()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createNanosecond(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: nanosecond.
+     * Also see {@link #createNanosecond()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getNanosecond();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: second.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSecond()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSecond(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: second.
+     * Also see {@link #createSecond()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSecond();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: week.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getWeek()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createWeek(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: week.
+     * Also see {@link #createWeek()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getWeek();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: week-person.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getWeekPerson()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createWeekPerson(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: week-person.
+     * Also see {@link #createWeekPerson()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getWeekPerson();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: year.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getYear()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createYear(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: year.
+     * Also see {@link #createYear()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getYear();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of duration: year-person.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getYearPerson()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createYearPerson(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of duration: year-person.
+     * Also see {@link #createYearPerson()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getYearPerson();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of electric: ampere.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getAmpere()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createAmpere(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of electric: ampere.
+     * Also see {@link #createAmpere()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getAmpere();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of electric: milliampere.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilliampere()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilliampere(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of electric: milliampere.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilliampere()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilliampere();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of electric: ohm.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getOhm()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createOhm(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of electric: ohm.
+     * Also see {@link #createOhm()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getOhm();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of electric: volt.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getVolt()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createVolt(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of electric: volt.
+     * Also see {@link #createVolt()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getVolt();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: british-thermal-unit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getBritishThermalUnit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createBritishThermalUnit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: british-thermal-unit.
+     * Also see {@link #createBritishThermalUnit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getBritishThermalUnit();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: calorie.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCalorie()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCalorie(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: calorie.
+     * Also see {@link #createCalorie()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCalorie();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: electronvolt.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getElectronvolt()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createElectronvolt(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: electronvolt.
+     * Also see {@link #createElectronvolt()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getElectronvolt();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: foodcalorie.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getFoodcalorie()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createFoodcalorie(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: foodcalorie.
+     * Also see {@link #createFoodcalorie()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getFoodcalorie();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: joule.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getJoule()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createJoule(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: joule.
+     * Also see {@link #createJoule()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getJoule();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: kilocalorie.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilocalorie()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilocalorie(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: kilocalorie.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilocalorie()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilocalorie();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: kilojoule.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilojoule()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilojoule(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: kilojoule.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilojoule()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilojoule();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: kilowatt-hour.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilowattHour()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilowattHour(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: kilowatt-hour.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilowattHour()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilowattHour();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of energy: therm-us.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getThermUs()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createThermUs(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of energy: therm-us.
+     * Also see {@link #createThermUs()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getThermUs();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of force: newton.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getNewton()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createNewton(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of force: newton.
+     * Also see {@link #createNewton()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getNewton();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of force: pound-force.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPoundForce()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPoundForce(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of force: pound-force.
+     * Also see {@link #createPoundForce()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPoundForce();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: gigahertz.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGigahertz()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGigahertz(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of frequency: gigahertz.
+     * Also see {@link #createGigahertz()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGigahertz();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: hertz.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getHertz()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createHertz(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of frequency: hertz.
+     * Also see {@link #createHertz()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getHertz();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: kilohertz.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilohertz()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilohertz(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of frequency: kilohertz.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilohertz()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilohertz();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: megahertz.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMegahertz()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMegahertz(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of frequency: megahertz.
+     * Also see {@link #createMegahertz()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMegahertz();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: dot-per-centimeter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDotPerCentimeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDotPerCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of graphics: dot-per-centimeter.
+     * Also see {@link #createDotPerCentimeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDotPerCentimeter();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: dot-per-inch.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDotPerInch()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDotPerInch(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of graphics: dot-per-inch.
+     * Also see {@link #createDotPerInch()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDotPerInch();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: em.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getEm()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createEm(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of graphics: em.
+     * Also see {@link #createEm()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getEm();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: megapixel.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMegapixel()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMegapixel(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of graphics: megapixel.
+     * Also see {@link #createMegapixel()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMegapixel();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: pixel.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPixel()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPixel(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of graphics: pixel.
+     * Also see {@link #createPixel()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPixel();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: pixel-per-centimeter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPixelPerCentimeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPixelPerCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of graphics: pixel-per-centimeter.
+     * Also see {@link #createPixelPerCentimeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPixelPerCentimeter();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: pixel-per-inch.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPixelPerInch()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPixelPerInch(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of graphics: pixel-per-inch.
+     * Also see {@link #createPixelPerInch()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPixelPerInch();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: astronomical-unit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getAstronomicalUnit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createAstronomicalUnit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: astronomical-unit.
+     * Also see {@link #createAstronomicalUnit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getAstronomicalUnit();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: centimeter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCentimeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: centimeter.
+     * Also see {@link #createCentimeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCentimeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: decimeter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDecimeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDecimeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: decimeter.
+     * Also see {@link #createDecimeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDecimeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: fathom.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getFathom()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createFathom(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: fathom.
+     * Also see {@link #createFathom()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getFathom();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: foot.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getFoot()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createFoot(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: foot.
+     * Also see {@link #createFoot()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getFoot();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: furlong.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getFurlong()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createFurlong(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: furlong.
+     * Also see {@link #createFurlong()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getFurlong();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: inch.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getInch()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createInch(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: inch.
+     * Also see {@link #createInch()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getInch();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: kilometer.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilometer()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: kilometer.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilometer()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilometer();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: light-year.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getLightYear()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createLightYear(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: light-year.
+     * Also see {@link #createLightYear()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getLightYear();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: meter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: meter.
+     * Also see {@link #createMeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: micrometer.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMicrometer()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMicrometer(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: micrometer.
+     * Also see {@link #createMicrometer()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMicrometer();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: mile.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMile()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMile(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: mile.
+     * Also see {@link #createMile()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMile();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: mile-scandinavian.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMileScandinavian()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMileScandinavian(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: mile-scandinavian.
+     * Also see {@link #createMileScandinavian()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMileScandinavian();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: millimeter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMillimeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMillimeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: millimeter.
+     * Also see {@link #createMillimeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMillimeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: nanometer.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getNanometer()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createNanometer(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: nanometer.
+     * Also see {@link #createNanometer()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getNanometer();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: nautical-mile.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getNauticalMile()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createNauticalMile(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: nautical-mile.
+     * Also see {@link #createNauticalMile()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getNauticalMile();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: parsec.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getParsec()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createParsec(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: parsec.
+     * Also see {@link #createParsec()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getParsec();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: picometer.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPicometer()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPicometer(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: picometer.
+     * Also see {@link #createPicometer()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPicometer();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: point.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPoint()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 59
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPoint(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: point.
+     * Also see {@link #createPoint()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPoint();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: solar-radius.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSolarRadius()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSolarRadius(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: solar-radius.
+     * Also see {@link #createSolarRadius()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSolarRadius();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of length: yard.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getYard()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createYard(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of length: yard.
+     * Also see {@link #createYard()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getYard();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of light: lux.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getLux()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createLux(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of light: lux.
+     * Also see {@link #createLux()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getLux();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of light: solar-luminosity.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSolarLuminosity()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSolarLuminosity(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of light: solar-luminosity.
+     * Also see {@link #createSolarLuminosity()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSolarLuminosity();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: carat.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCarat()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCarat(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: carat.
+     * Also see {@link #createCarat()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCarat();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: dalton.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDalton()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDalton(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: dalton.
+     * Also see {@link #createDalton()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDalton();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: earth-mass.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getEarthMass()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createEarthMass(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: earth-mass.
+     * Also see {@link #createEarthMass()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getEarthMass();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: gram.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGram()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGram(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: gram.
+     * Also see {@link #createGram()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGram();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: kilogram.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilogram()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilogram(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: kilogram.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilogram()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilogram();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: metric-ton.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMetricTon()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMetricTon(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: metric-ton.
+     * Also see {@link #createMetricTon()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMetricTon();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: microgram.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMicrogram()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMicrogram(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: microgram.
+     * Also see {@link #createMicrogram()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMicrogram();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: milligram.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilligram()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilligram(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: milligram.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilligram()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilligram();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: ounce.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getOunce()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createOunce(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: ounce.
+     * Also see {@link #createOunce()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getOunce();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: ounce-troy.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getOunceTroy()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createOunceTroy(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: ounce-troy.
+     * Also see {@link #createOunceTroy()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getOunceTroy();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: pound.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPound()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPound(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: pound.
+     * Also see {@link #createPound()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPound();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: solar-mass.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getSolarMass()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createSolarMass(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: solar-mass.
+     * Also see {@link #createSolarMass()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getSolarMass();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: stone.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getStone()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createStone(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: stone.
+     * Also see {@link #createStone()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getStone();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of mass: ton.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getTon()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createTon(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of mass: ton.
+     * Also see {@link #createTon()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getTon();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of power: gigawatt.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGigawatt()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGigawatt(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of power: gigawatt.
+     * Also see {@link #createGigawatt()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGigawatt();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of power: horsepower.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getHorsepower()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createHorsepower(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of power: horsepower.
+     * Also see {@link #createHorsepower()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getHorsepower();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of power: kilowatt.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilowatt()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilowatt(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of power: kilowatt.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilowatt()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilowatt();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of power: megawatt.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMegawatt()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMegawatt(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of power: megawatt.
+     * Also see {@link #createMegawatt()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMegawatt();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of power: milliwatt.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilliwatt()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilliwatt(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of power: milliwatt.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilliwatt()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilliwatt();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of power: watt.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getWatt()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createWatt(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of power: watt.
+     * Also see {@link #createWatt()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getWatt();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: atmosphere.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getAtmosphere()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createAtmosphere(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: atmosphere.
+     * Also see {@link #createAtmosphere()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getAtmosphere();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: bar.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getBar()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createBar(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: bar.
+     * Also see {@link #createBar()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getBar();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: hectopascal.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getHectopascal()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createHectopascal(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: hectopascal.
+     * Also see {@link #createHectopascal()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getHectopascal();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: inch-hg.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getInchHg()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createInchHg(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: inch-hg.
+     * Also see {@link #createInchHg()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getInchHg();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: kilopascal.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilopascal()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilopascal(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: kilopascal.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilopascal()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilopascal();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: megapascal.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMegapascal()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMegapascal(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: megapascal.
+     * Also see {@link #createMegapascal()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMegapascal();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: millibar.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMillibar()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMillibar(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: millibar.
+     * Also see {@link #createMillibar()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMillibar();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: millimeter-of-mercury.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMillimeterOfMercury()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMillimeterOfMercury(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: millimeter-of-mercury.
+     * Also see {@link #createMillimeterOfMercury()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMillimeterOfMercury();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: pascal.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPascal()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPascal(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: pascal.
+     * Also see {@link #createPascal()}.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPascal();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: pound-per-square-inch.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPoundPerSquareInch()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPoundPerSquareInch(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of pressure: pound-per-square-inch.
+     * Also see {@link #createPoundPerSquareInch()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPoundPerSquareInch();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of speed: kilometer-per-hour.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKilometerPerHour()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKilometerPerHour(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of speed: kilometer-per-hour.
+     * Also see {@link #createKilometerPerHour()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKilometerPerHour();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of speed: knot.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKnot()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKnot(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of speed: knot.
+     * Also see {@link #createKnot()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKnot();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of speed: meter-per-second.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMeterPerSecond()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMeterPerSecond(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of speed: meter-per-second.
+     * Also see {@link #createMeterPerSecond()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMeterPerSecond();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of speed: mile-per-hour.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilePerHour()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilePerHour(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of speed: mile-per-hour.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilePerHour()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilePerHour();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: celsius.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCelsius()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCelsius(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of temperature: celsius.
+     * Also see {@link #createCelsius()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCelsius();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: fahrenheit.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getFahrenheit()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createFahrenheit(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of temperature: fahrenheit.
+     * Also see {@link #createFahrenheit()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getFahrenheit();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: generic.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGenericTemperature()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGenericTemperature(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of temperature: generic.
+     * Also see {@link #createGenericTemperature()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGenericTemperature();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: kelvin.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getKelvin()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createKelvin(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of temperature: kelvin.
+     * Also see {@link #createKelvin()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getKelvin();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of torque: newton-meter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getNewtonMeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createNewtonMeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of torque: newton-meter.
+     * Also see {@link #createNewtonMeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getNewtonMeter();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of torque: pound-foot.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPoundFoot()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPoundFoot(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of torque: pound-foot.
+     * Also see {@link #createPoundFoot()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPoundFoot();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: acre-foot.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getAcreFoot()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createAcreFoot(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: acre-foot.
+     * Also see {@link #createAcreFoot()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getAcreFoot();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: barrel.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getBarrel()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createBarrel(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: barrel.
+     * Also see {@link #createBarrel()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getBarrel();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: bushel.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getBushel()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createBushel(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: bushel.
+     * Also see {@link #createBushel()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getBushel();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: centiliter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCentiliter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCentiliter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: centiliter.
+     * Also see {@link #createCentiliter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCentiliter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-centimeter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCubicCentimeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCubicCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-centimeter.
+     * Also see {@link #createCubicCentimeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCubicCentimeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-foot.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCubicFoot()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCubicFoot(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-foot.
+     * Also see {@link #createCubicFoot()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCubicFoot();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-inch.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCubicInch()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCubicInch(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-inch.
+     * Also see {@link #createCubicInch()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCubicInch();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-kilometer.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCubicKilometer()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCubicKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-kilometer.
+     * Also see {@link #createCubicKilometer()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCubicKilometer();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-meter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCubicMeter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCubicMeter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-meter.
+     * Also see {@link #createCubicMeter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCubicMeter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-mile.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCubicMile()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCubicMile(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-mile.
+     * Also see {@link #createCubicMile()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCubicMile();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-yard.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCubicYard()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCubicYard(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-yard.
+     * Also see {@link #createCubicYard()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCubicYard();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cup.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCup()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCup(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cup.
+     * Also see {@link #createCup()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCup();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cup-metric.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getCupMetric()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createCupMetric(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: cup-metric.
+     * Also see {@link #createCupMetric()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getCupMetric();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: deciliter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getDeciliter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createDeciliter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: deciliter.
+     * Also see {@link #createDeciliter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getDeciliter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: fluid-ounce.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getFluidOunce()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createFluidOunce(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: fluid-ounce.
+     * Also see {@link #createFluidOunce()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getFluidOunce();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: fluid-ounce-imperial.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getFluidOunceImperial()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createFluidOunceImperial(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: fluid-ounce-imperial.
+     * Also see {@link #createFluidOunceImperial()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getFluidOunceImperial();
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: gallon.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGallon()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGallon(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: gallon.
+     * Also see {@link #createGallon()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGallon();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: gallon-imperial.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getGallonImperial()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createGallonImperial(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: gallon-imperial.
+     * Also see {@link #createGallonImperial()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getGallonImperial();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: hectoliter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getHectoliter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createHectoliter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: hectoliter.
+     * Also see {@link #createHectoliter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getHectoliter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: liter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getLiter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createLiter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: liter.
+     * Also see {@link #createLiter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getLiter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: megaliter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMegaliter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMegaliter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: megaliter.
+     * Also see {@link #createMegaliter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMegaliter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: milliliter.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getMilliliter()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createMilliliter(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: milliliter.
+     * Also see {@link #createMilliliter()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getMilliliter();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: pint.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPint()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPint(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: pint.
+     * Also see {@link #createPint()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPint();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: pint-metric.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getPintMetric()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createPintMetric(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: pint-metric.
+     * Also see {@link #createPintMetric()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getPintMetric();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: quart.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getQuart()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createQuart(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: quart.
+     * Also see {@link #createQuart()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getQuart();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: tablespoon.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getTablespoon()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createTablespoon(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: tablespoon.
+     * Also see {@link #createTablespoon()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getTablespoon();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns by pointer, unit of volume: teaspoon.
+     * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
+     * Also see {@link #getTeaspoon()}.
+     * @param status ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit *createTeaspoon(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns by value, unit of volume: teaspoon.
+     * Also see {@link #createTeaspoon()}.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static MeasureUnit getTeaspoon();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+// End generated createXXX methods
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * For ICU use only.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void initTime(const char *timeId);
+    /**
+     * For ICU use only.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void initCurrency(const char *isoCurrency);
+    /**
+     * For ICU use only.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void initNoUnit(const char *subtype);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    int32_t fTypeId;
+    int32_t fSubTypeId;
+    char fCurrency[4];
+    MeasureUnit(int32_t typeId, int32_t subTypeId) : fTypeId(typeId), fSubTypeId(subTypeId) {
+        fCurrency[0] = 0;
+    }
+    void setTo(int32_t typeId, int32_t subTypeId);
+    int32_t getOffset() const;
+    static MeasureUnit *create(int typeId, int subTypeId, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __MEASUREUNIT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measure.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measure.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9c293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/measure.h
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: April 26, 2004
+* Since: ICU 3.0
+#ifndef __MEASURE_H__
+#define __MEASURE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: MeasureUnit object.
+ */
+#include "unicode/fmtable.h"
+class MeasureUnit;
+ * An amount of a specified unit, consisting of a number and a Unit.
+ * For example, a length measure consists of a number and a length
+ * unit, such as feet or meters.
+ *
+ * <p>Measure objects are formatted by MeasureFormat.
+ *
+ * <p>Measure objects are immutable.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Measure: public UObject {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Construct an object with the given numeric amount and the given
+     * unit.  After this call, the caller must not delete the given
+     * unit object.
+     * @param number a numeric object; amount.isNumeric() must be TRUE
+     * @param adoptedUnit the unit object, which must not be NULL
+     * @param ec input-output error code. If the amount or the unit
+     * is invalid, then this will be set to a failing value.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    Measure(const Formattable& number, MeasureUnit* adoptedUnit,
+            UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    Measure(const Measure& other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    Measure& operator=(const Measure& other);
+    /**
+     * Return a polymorphic clone of this object.  The result will
+     * have the same class as returned by getDynamicClassID().
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual Measure* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~Measure();
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.  Return true if this object is equal
+     * to the given object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const UObject& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to the numeric value of this object.  The
+     * numeric value may be of any numeric type supported by
+     * Formattable.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    inline const Formattable& getNumber() const;
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to the unit of this object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    inline const MeasureUnit& getUnit() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    Measure();
+ private:
+    /**
+     * The numeric value of this object, e.g. 2.54 or 100.
+     */
+    Formattable number;
+    /**
+     * The unit of this object, e.g., "millimeter" or "JPY".  This is
+     * owned by this object.
+     */
+    MeasureUnit* unit;
+inline const Formattable& Measure::getNumber() const {
+    return number;
+inline const MeasureUnit& Measure::getUnit() const {
+    return *unit;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __MEASURE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/messagepattern.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/messagepattern.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f00a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/messagepattern.h
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2011-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  messagepattern.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2011mar14
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: MessagePattern class: Parses and represents ICU MessageFormat patterns.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * Mode for when an apostrophe starts quoted literal text for MessageFormat output.
+ * The default is DOUBLE_OPTIONAL unless overridden via uconfig.h
+ * <p>
+ * A pair of adjacent apostrophes always results in a single apostrophe in the output,
+ * even when the pair is between two single, text-quoting apostrophes.
+ * <p>
+ * The following table shows examples of desired MessageFormat.format() output
+ * with the pattern strings that yield that output.
+ * <p>
+ * <table>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <th>Desired output</th>
+ *     <th>DOUBLE_OPTIONAL</th>
+ *     <th>DOUBLE_REQUIRED</th>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>I see {many}</td>
+ *     <td>I see '{many}'</td>
+ *     <td>(same)</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>I said {'Wow!'}</td>
+ *     <td>I said '{''Wow!''}'</td>
+ *     <td>(same)</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>I don't know</td>
+ *     <td>I don't know OR<br> I don''t know</td>
+ *     <td>I don''t know</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ * </table>
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+enum UMessagePatternApostropheMode {
+    /**
+     * A literal apostrophe is represented by
+     * either a single or a double apostrophe pattern character.
+     * Within a MessageFormat pattern, a single apostrophe only starts quoted literal text
+     * if it immediately precedes a curly brace {},
+     * or a pipe symbol | if inside a choice format,
+     * or a pound symbol # if inside a plural format.
+     * <p>
+     * This is the default behavior starting with ICU 4.8.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * A literal apostrophe must be represented by
+     * a double apostrophe pattern character.
+     * A single apostrophe always starts quoted literal text.
+     * <p>
+     * This is the behavior of ICU 4.6 and earlier, and of the JDK.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+typedef enum UMessagePatternApostropheMode UMessagePatternApostropheMode;
+ * MessagePattern::Part type constants.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+enum UMessagePatternPartType {
+    /**
+     * Start of a message pattern (main or nested).
+     * The length is 0 for the top-level message
+     * and for a choice argument sub-message, otherwise 1 for the '{'.
+     * The value indicates the nesting level, starting with 0 for the main message.
+     * <p>
+     * There is always a later MSG_LIMIT part.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * End of a message pattern (main or nested).
+     * The length is 0 for the top-level message and
+     * the last sub-message of a choice argument,
+     * otherwise 1 for the '}' or (in a choice argument style) the '|'.
+     * The value indicates the nesting level, starting with 0 for the main message.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Indicates a substring of the pattern string which is to be skipped when formatting.
+     * For example, an apostrophe that begins or ends quoted text
+     * would be indicated with such a part.
+     * The value is undefined and currently always 0.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Indicates that a syntax character needs to be inserted for auto-quoting.
+     * The length is 0.
+     * The value is the character code of the insertion character. (U+0027=APOSTROPHE)
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Indicates a syntactic (non-escaped) # symbol in a plural variant.
+     * When formatting, replace this part's substring with the
+     * (value-offset) for the plural argument value.
+     * The value is undefined and currently always 0.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Start of an argument.
+     * The length is 1 for the '{'.
+     * The value is the ordinal value of the ArgType. Use getArgType().
+     * <p>
+     * This part is followed by either an ARG_NUMBER or ARG_NAME,
+     * followed by optional argument sub-parts (see UMessagePatternArgType constants)
+     * and finally an ARG_LIMIT part.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * End of an argument.
+     * The length is 1 for the '}'.
+     * The value is the ordinal value of the ArgType. Use getArgType().
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument number, provided by the value.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument name.
+     * The value is undefined and currently always 0.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument type.
+     * The value is undefined and currently always 0.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument style text.
+     * The value is undefined and currently always 0.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * A selector substring in a "complex" argument style.
+     * The value is undefined and currently always 0.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * An integer value, for example the offset or an explicit selector value
+     * in a PluralFormat style.
+     * The part value is the integer value.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * A numeric value, for example the offset or an explicit selector value
+     * in a PluralFormat style.
+     * The part value is an index into an internal array of numeric values;
+     * use getNumericValue().
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+typedef enum UMessagePatternPartType UMessagePatternPartType;
+ * Argument type constants.
+ * Returned by Part.getArgType() for ARG_START and ARG_LIMIT parts.
+ *
+ * Messages nested inside an argument are each delimited by MSG_START and MSG_LIMIT,
+ * with a nesting level one greater than the surrounding message.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+enum UMessagePatternArgType {
+    /**
+     * The argument has no specified type.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument has a "simple" type which is provided by the ARG_TYPE part.
+     * An ARG_STYLE part might follow that.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument is a ChoiceFormat with one or more
+     * ((ARG_INT | ARG_DOUBLE), ARG_SELECTOR, message) tuples.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument is a cardinal-number PluralFormat with an optional ARG_INT or ARG_DOUBLE offset
+     * (e.g., offset:1)
+     * and one or more (ARG_SELECTOR [explicit-value] message) tuples.
+     * If the selector has an explicit value (e.g., =2), then
+     * that value is provided by the ARG_INT or ARG_DOUBLE part preceding the message.
+     * Otherwise the message immediately follows the ARG_SELECTOR.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument is a SelectFormat with one or more (ARG_SELECTOR, message) pairs.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The argument is an ordinal-number PluralFormat
+     * with the same style parts sequence and semantics as UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_PLURAL.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+typedef enum UMessagePatternArgType UMessagePatternArgType;
+ * Returns TRUE if the argument type has a plural style part sequence and semantics,
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Return value from MessagePattern.validateArgumentName() for when
+     * the string is a valid "pattern identifier" but not a number.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Return value from MessagePattern.validateArgumentName() for when
+     * the string is invalid.
+     * It might not be a valid "pattern identifier",
+     * or it have only ASCII digits but there is a leading zero or the number is too large.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+ * Special value that is returned by getNumericValue(Part) when no
+ * numeric value is defined for a part.
+ * @see MessagePattern.getNumericValue()
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+#define UMSGPAT_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE ((double)(-123456789))
+class MessagePatternDoubleList;
+class MessagePatternPartsList;
+ * Parses and represents ICU MessageFormat patterns.
+ * Also handles patterns for ChoiceFormat, PluralFormat and SelectFormat.
+ * Used in the implementations of those classes as well as in tools
+ * for message validation, translation and format conversion.
+ * <p>
+ * The parser handles all syntax relevant for identifying message arguments.
+ * This includes "complex" arguments whose style strings contain
+ * nested MessageFormat pattern substrings.
+ * For "simple" arguments (with no nested MessageFormat pattern substrings),
+ * the argument style is not parsed any further.
+ * <p>
+ * The parser handles named and numbered message arguments and allows both in one message.
+ * <p>
+ * Once a pattern has been parsed successfully, iterate through the parsed data
+ * with countParts(), getPart() and related methods.
+ * <p>
+ * The data logically represents a parse tree, but is stored and accessed
+ * as a list of "parts" for fast and simple parsing and to minimize object allocations.
+ * Arguments and nested messages are best handled via recursion.
+ * For every _START "part", MessagePattern.getLimitPartIndex() efficiently returns
+ * the index of the corresponding _LIMIT "part".
+ * <p>
+ * List of "parts":
+ * <pre>
+ * argument = noneArg | simpleArg | complexArg
+ * complexArg = choiceArg | pluralArg | selectArg
+ *
+ *
+ * choiceStyle = ((ARG_INT | ARG_DOUBLE) ARG_SELECTOR message)+
+ * pluralStyle = [ARG_INT | ARG_DOUBLE] (ARG_SELECTOR [ARG_INT | ARG_DOUBLE] message)+
+ * selectStyle = (ARG_SELECTOR message)+
+ * </pre>
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Literal output text is not represented directly by "parts" but accessed
+ *       between parts of a message, from one part's getLimit() to the next part's getIndex().
+ *   <li><code>ARG_START.CHOICE</code> stands for an ARG_START Part with ArgType CHOICE.
+ *   <li>In the choiceStyle, the ARG_SELECTOR has the '<', the '#' or
+ *       the less-than-or-equal-to sign (U+2264).
+ *   <li>In the pluralStyle, the first, optional numeric Part has the "offset:" value.
+ *       The optional numeric Part between each (ARG_SELECTOR, message) pair
+ *       is the value of an explicit-number selector like "=2",
+ *       otherwise the selector is a non-numeric identifier.
+ *   <li>The REPLACE_NUMBER Part can occur only in an immediate sub-message of the pluralStyle.
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API MessagePattern : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty MessagePattern with default UMessagePatternApostropheMode.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty MessagePattern.
+     * @param mode Explicit UMessagePatternApostropheMode.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern(UMessagePatternApostropheMode mode, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a MessagePattern with default UMessagePatternApostropheMode and
+     * parses the MessageFormat pattern string.
+     * @param pattern a MessageFormat pattern string
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     *                   Can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * TODO: turn @throws into UErrorCode specifics?
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException for syntax errors in the pattern string
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if certain limits are exceeded
+     *         (e.g., argument number too high, argument name too long, etc.)
+     * @throws NumberFormatException if a number could not be parsed
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern(const UnicodeString &pattern, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param other Object to copy.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern(const MessagePattern &other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param other Object to copy.
+     * @return *this=other
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern &operator=(const MessagePattern &other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual ~MessagePattern();
+    /**
+     * Parses a MessageFormat pattern string.
+     * @param pattern a MessageFormat pattern string
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     *                   Can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException for syntax errors in the pattern string
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if certain limits are exceeded
+     *         (e.g., argument number too high, argument name too long, etc.)
+     * @throws NumberFormatException if a number could not be parsed
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern &parse(const UnicodeString &pattern,
+                          UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Parses a ChoiceFormat pattern string.
+     * @param pattern a ChoiceFormat pattern string
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     *                   Can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException for syntax errors in the pattern string
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if certain limits are exceeded
+     *         (e.g., argument number too high, argument name too long, etc.)
+     * @throws NumberFormatException if a number could not be parsed
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern &parseChoiceStyle(const UnicodeString &pattern,
+                                     UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Parses a PluralFormat pattern string.
+     * @param pattern a PluralFormat pattern string
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     *                   Can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException for syntax errors in the pattern string
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if certain limits are exceeded
+     *         (e.g., argument number too high, argument name too long, etc.)
+     * @throws NumberFormatException if a number could not be parsed
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern &parsePluralStyle(const UnicodeString &pattern,
+                                     UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Parses a SelectFormat pattern string.
+     * @param pattern a SelectFormat pattern string
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     *                   Can be NULL.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException for syntax errors in the pattern string
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if certain limits are exceeded
+     *         (e.g., argument number too high, argument name too long, etc.)
+     * @throws NumberFormatException if a number could not be parsed
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    MessagePattern &parseSelectStyle(const UnicodeString &pattern,
+                                     UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Clears this MessagePattern.
+     * countParts() will return 0.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    void clear();
+    /**
+     * Clears this MessagePattern and sets the UMessagePatternApostropheMode.
+     * countParts() will return 0.
+     * @param mode The new UMessagePatternApostropheMode.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    void clearPatternAndSetApostropheMode(UMessagePatternApostropheMode mode) {
+        clear();
+        aposMode=mode;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param other another object to compare with.
+     * @return TRUE if this object is equivalent to the other one.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const MessagePattern &other) const;
+    /**
+     * @param other another object to compare with.
+     * @return FALSE if this object is equivalent to the other one.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const MessagePattern &other) const {
+        return !operator==(other);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return A hash code for this object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    int32_t hashCode() const;
+    /**
+     * @return this instance's UMessagePatternApostropheMode.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UMessagePatternApostropheMode getApostropheMode() const {
+        return aposMode;
+    }
+    // Java has package-private jdkAposMode() here.
+    // In C++, this is declared in the MessageImpl class.
+    /**
+     * @return the parsed pattern string (null if none was parsed).
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    const UnicodeString &getPatternString() const {
+        return msg;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Does the parsed pattern have named arguments like {first_name}?
+     * @return TRUE if the parsed pattern has at least one named argument.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UBool hasNamedArguments() const {
+        return hasArgNames;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Does the parsed pattern have numbered arguments like {2}?
+     * @return TRUE if the parsed pattern has at least one numbered argument.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UBool hasNumberedArguments() const {
+        return hasArgNumbers;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Validates and parses an argument name or argument number string.
+     * An argument name must be a "pattern identifier", that is, it must contain
+     * no Unicode Pattern_Syntax or Pattern_White_Space characters.
+     * If it only contains ASCII digits, then it must be a small integer with no leading zero.
+     * @param name Input string.
+     * @return &gt;=0 if the name is a valid number,
+     *         ARG_NAME_NOT_NUMBER (-1) if it is a "pattern identifier" but not all ASCII digits,
+     *         ARG_NAME_NOT_VALID (-2) if it is neither.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    static int32_t validateArgumentName(const UnicodeString &name);
+    /**
+     * Returns a version of the parsed pattern string where each ASCII apostrophe
+     * is doubled (escaped) if it is not already, and if it is not interpreted as quoting syntax.
+     * <p>
+     * For example, this turns "I don't '{know}' {gender,select,female{h''er}other{h'im}}."
+     * into "I don''t '{know}' {gender,select,female{h''er}other{h''im}}."
+     * @return the deep-auto-quoted version of the parsed pattern string.
+     * @see MessageFormat.autoQuoteApostrophe()
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString autoQuoteApostropheDeep() const;
+    class Part;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of "parts" created by parsing the pattern string.
+     * Returns 0 if no pattern has been parsed or clear() was called.
+     * @return the number of pattern parts.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    int32_t countParts() const {
+        return partsLength;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the i-th pattern "part".
+     * @param i The index of the Part data. (0..countParts()-1)
+     * @return the i-th pattern "part".
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    const Part &getPart(int32_t i) const {
+        return parts[i];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the UMessagePatternPartType of the i-th pattern "part".
+     * Convenience method for getPart(i).getType().
+     * @param i The index of the Part data. (0..countParts()-1)
+     * @return The UMessagePatternPartType of the i-th Part.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UMessagePatternPartType getPartType(int32_t i) const {
+        return getPart(i).type;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the pattern index of the specified pattern "part".
+     * Convenience method for getPart(partIndex).getIndex().
+     * @param partIndex The index of the Part data. (0..countParts()-1)
+     * @return The pattern index of this Part.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    int32_t getPatternIndex(int32_t partIndex) const {
+        return getPart(partIndex).index;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the substring of the pattern string indicated by the Part.
+     * Convenience method for getPatternString().substring(part.getIndex(), part.getLimit()).
+     * @param part a part of this MessagePattern.
+     * @return the substring associated with part.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString getSubstring(const Part &part) const {
+        return msg.tempSubString(part.index, part.length);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compares the part's substring with the input string s.
+     * @param part a part of this MessagePattern.
+     * @param s a string.
+     * @return TRUE if getSubstring(part).equals(s).
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UBool partSubstringMatches(const Part &part, const UnicodeString &s) const {
+        return, part.length, s);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the numeric value associated with an ARG_INT or ARG_DOUBLE.
+     * @param part a part of this MessagePattern.
+     * @return the part's numeric value, or UMSGPAT_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE if this is not a numeric part.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    double getNumericValue(const Part &part) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the "offset:" value of a PluralFormat argument, or 0 if none is specified.
+     * @param pluralStart the index of the first PluralFormat argument style part. (0..countParts()-1)
+     * @return the "offset:" value.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    double getPluralOffset(int32_t pluralStart) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the index of the ARG|MSG_LIMIT part corresponding to the ARG|MSG_START at start.
+     * @param start The index of some Part data (0..countParts()-1);
+     *        this Part should be of Type ARG_START or MSG_START.
+     * @return The first i>start where getPart(i).getType()==ARG|MSG_LIMIT at the same nesting level,
+     *         or start itself if getPartType(msgStart)!=ARG|MSG_START.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    int32_t getLimitPartIndex(int32_t start) const {
+        int32_t limit=getPart(start).limitPartIndex;
+        if(limit<start) {
+            return start;
+        }
+        return limit;
+    }
+    /**
+     * A message pattern "part", representing a pattern parsing event.
+     * There is a part for the start and end of a message or argument,
+     * for quoting and escaping of and with ASCII apostrophes,
+     * and for syntax elements of "complex" arguments.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    class Part : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Default constructor, do not use.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        Part() {}
+        /**
+         * Returns the type of this part.
+         * @return the part type.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        UMessagePatternPartType getType() const {
+            return type;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns the pattern string index associated with this Part.
+         * @return this part's pattern string index.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        int32_t getIndex() const {
+            return index;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns the length of the pattern substring associated with this Part.
+         * This is 0 for some parts.
+         * @return this part's pattern substring length.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        int32_t getLength() const {
+            return length;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns the pattern string limit (exclusive-end) index associated with this Part.
+         * Convenience method for getIndex()+getLength().
+         * @return this part's pattern string limit index, same as getIndex()+getLength().
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        int32_t getLimit() const {
+            return index+length;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns a value associated with this part.
+         * See the documentation of each part type for details.
+         * @return the part value.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        int32_t getValue() const {
+            return value;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns the argument type if this part is of type ARG_START or ARG_LIMIT,
+         * otherwise UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_NONE.
+         * @return the argument type for this part.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        UMessagePatternArgType getArgType() const {
+            UMessagePatternPartType msgType=getType();
+            if(msgType ==UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_START || msgType ==UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_LIMIT) {
+                return (UMessagePatternArgType)value;
+            } else {
+                return UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_NONE;
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Indicates whether the Part type has a numeric value.
+         * If so, then that numeric value can be retrieved via MessagePattern.getNumericValue().
+         * @param type The Part type to be tested.
+         * @return TRUE if the Part type has a numeric value.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        static UBool hasNumericValue(UMessagePatternPartType type) {
+            return type==UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_INT || type==UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_DOUBLE;
+        }
+        /**
+         * @param other another object to compare with.
+         * @return TRUE if this object is equivalent to the other one.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        UBool operator==(const Part &other) const;
+        /**
+         * @param other another object to compare with.
+         * @return FALSE if this object is equivalent to the other one.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        inline UBool operator!=(const Part &other) const {
+            return !operator==(other);
+        }
+        /**
+         * @return A hash code for this object.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        int32_t hashCode() const {
+            return ((type*37+index)*37+length)*37+value;
+        }
+    private:
+        friend class MessagePattern;
+        static const int32_t MAX_LENGTH=0xffff;
+        static const int32_t MAX_VALUE=0x7fff;
+        // Some fields are not final because they are modified during pattern parsing.
+        // After pattern parsing, the parts are effectively immutable.
+        UMessagePatternPartType type;
+        int32_t index;
+        uint16_t length;
+        int16_t value;
+        int32_t limitPartIndex;
+    };
+    void preParse(const UnicodeString &pattern, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void postParse();
+    int32_t parseMessage(int32_t index, int32_t msgStartLength,
+                         int32_t nestingLevel, UMessagePatternArgType parentType,
+                         UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parseArg(int32_t index, int32_t argStartLength, int32_t nestingLevel,
+                     UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parseSimpleStyle(int32_t index, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parseChoiceStyle(int32_t index, int32_t nestingLevel,
+                             UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    int32_t parsePluralOrSelectStyle(UMessagePatternArgType argType, int32_t index, int32_t nestingLevel,
+                                     UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Validates and parses an argument name or argument number string.
+     * This internal method assumes that the input substring is a "pattern identifier".
+     * @return &gt;=0 if the name is a valid number,
+     *         ARG_NAME_NOT_NUMBER (-1) if it is a "pattern identifier" but not all ASCII digits,
+     *         ARG_NAME_NOT_VALID (-2) if it is neither.
+     * @see #validateArgumentName(String)
+     */
+    static int32_t parseArgNumber(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, int32_t limit);
+    int32_t parseArgNumber(int32_t start, int32_t limit) {
+        return parseArgNumber(msg, start, limit);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses a number from the specified message substring.
+     * @param start start index into the message string
+     * @param limit limit index into the message string, must be start<limit
+     * @param allowInfinity TRUE if U+221E is allowed (for ChoiceFormat)
+     * @param parseError
+     * @param errorCode
+     */
+    void parseDouble(int32_t start, int32_t limit, UBool allowInfinity,
+                     UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Java has package-private appendReducedApostrophes() here.
+    // In C++, this is declared in the MessageImpl class.
+    int32_t skipWhiteSpace(int32_t index);
+    int32_t skipIdentifier(int32_t index);
+    /**
+     * Skips a sequence of characters that could occur in a double value.
+     * Does not fully parse or validate the value.
+     */
+    int32_t skipDouble(int32_t index);
+    static UBool isArgTypeChar(UChar32 c);
+    UBool isChoice(int32_t index);
+    UBool isPlural(int32_t index);
+    UBool isSelect(int32_t index);
+    UBool isOrdinal(int32_t index);
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if we are inside a MessageFormat (sub-)pattern,
+     *         as opposed to inside a top-level choice/plural/select pattern.
+     */
+    UBool inMessageFormatPattern(int32_t nestingLevel);
+    /**
+     * @return TRUE if we are in a MessageFormat sub-pattern
+     *         of a top-level ChoiceFormat pattern.
+     */
+    UBool inTopLevelChoiceMessage(int32_t nestingLevel, UMessagePatternArgType parentType);
+    void addPart(UMessagePatternPartType type, int32_t index, int32_t length,
+                 int32_t value, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void addLimitPart(int32_t start,
+                      UMessagePatternPartType type, int32_t index, int32_t length,
+                      int32_t value, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void addArgDoublePart(double numericValue, int32_t start, int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void setParseError(UParseError *parseError, int32_t index);
+    UBool init(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool copyStorage(const MessagePattern &other, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UMessagePatternApostropheMode aposMode;
+    UnicodeString msg;
+    // ArrayList<Part> parts=new ArrayList<Part>();
+    MessagePatternPartsList *partsList;
+    Part *parts;
+    int32_t partsLength;
+    // ArrayList<Double> numericValues;
+    MessagePatternDoubleList *numericValuesList;
+    double *numericValues;
+    int32_t numericValuesLength;
+    UBool hasArgNames;
+    UBool hasArgNumbers;
+    UBool needsAutoQuoting;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __MESSAGEPATTERN_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/msgfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/msgfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b0eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/msgfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File MSGFMT.H
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*   03/20/97    helena      Finished first cut of implementation.
+*   07/22/98    stephen     Removed operator!= (defined in Format)
+*   08/19/2002  srl         Removing Javaisms
+#ifndef MSGFMT_H
+#define MSGFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Formats messages in a language-neutral way.
+ */
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/messagepattern.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/plurfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/plurrule.h"
+// Forward declaration.
+struct UHashtable;
+typedef struct UHashtable UHashtable; /**< @internal */
+class AppendableWrapper;
+class DateFormat;
+class NumberFormat;
+ * <p>MessageFormat prepares strings for display to users,
+ * with optional arguments (variables/placeholders).
+ * The arguments can occur in any order, which is necessary for translation
+ * into languages with different grammars.
+ *
+ * <p>A MessageFormat is constructed from a <em>pattern</em> string
+ * with arguments in {curly braces} which will be replaced by formatted values.
+ *
+ * <p><code>MessageFormat</code> differs from the other <code>Format</code>
+ * classes in that you create a <code>MessageFormat</code> object with one
+ * of its constructors (not with a <code>createInstance</code> style factory
+ * method). Factory methods aren't necessary because <code>MessageFormat</code>
+ * itself doesn't implement locale-specific behavior. Any locale-specific
+ * behavior is defined by the pattern that you provide and the
+ * subformats used for inserted arguments.
+ *
+ * <p>Arguments can be named (using identifiers) or numbered (using small ASCII-digit integers).
+ * Some of the API methods work only with argument numbers and throw an exception
+ * if the pattern has named arguments (see {@link #usesNamedArguments()}).
+ *
+ * <p>An argument might not specify any format type. In this case,
+ * a numeric value is formatted with a default (for the locale) NumberFormat,
+ * and a date/time value is formatted with a default (for the locale) DateFormat.
+ *
+ * <p>An argument might specify a "simple" type for which the specified
+ * Format object is created, cached and used.
+ *
+ * <p>An argument might have a "complex" type with nested MessageFormat sub-patterns.
+ * During formatting, one of these sub-messages is selected according to the argument value
+ * and recursively formatted.
+ *
+ * <p>After construction, a custom Format object can be set for
+ * a top-level argument, overriding the default formatting and parsing behavior
+ * for that argument.
+ * However, custom formatting can be achieved more simply by writing
+ * a typeless argument in the pattern string
+ * and supplying it with a preformatted string value.
+ *
+ * <p>When formatting, MessageFormat takes a collection of argument values
+ * and writes an output string.
+ * The argument values may be passed as an array
+ * (when the pattern contains only numbered arguments)
+ * or as an array of names and and an array of arguments (which works for both named
+ * and numbered arguments).
+ *
+ * <p>Each argument is matched with one of the input values by array index or argument name
+ * and formatted according to its pattern specification
+ * (or using a custom Format object if one was set).
+ * A numbered pattern argument is matched with an argument name that contains that number
+ * as an ASCII-decimal-digit string (without leading zero).
+ *
+ * <h4><a name="patterns">Patterns and Their Interpretation</a></h4>
+ *
+ * <code>MessageFormat</code> uses patterns of the following form:
+ * <pre>
+ * message = messageText (argument messageText)*
+ * argument = noneArg | simpleArg | complexArg
+ * complexArg = choiceArg | pluralArg | selectArg | selectordinalArg
+ *
+ * noneArg = '{' argNameOrNumber '}'
+ * simpleArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' argType [',' argStyle] '}'
+ * choiceArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "choice" ',' choiceStyle '}'
+ * pluralArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "plural" ',' pluralStyle '}'
+ * selectArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "select" ',' selectStyle '}'
+ * selectordinalArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "selectordinal" ',' pluralStyle '}'
+ *
+ * choiceStyle: see {@link ChoiceFormat}
+ * pluralStyle: see {@link PluralFormat}
+ * selectStyle: see {@link SelectFormat}
+ *
+ * argNameOrNumber = argName | argNumber
+ * argName = [^[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]]+
+ * argNumber = '0' | ('1'..'9' ('0'..'9')*)
+ *
+ * argType = "number" | "date" | "time" | "spellout" | "ordinal" | "duration"
+ * argStyle = "short" | "medium" | "long" | "full" | "integer" | "currency" | "percent" | argStyleText | "::" argSkeletonText
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>messageText can contain quoted literal strings including syntax characters.
+ *       A quoted literal string begins with an ASCII apostrophe and a syntax character
+ *       (usually a {curly brace}) and continues until the next single apostrophe.
+ *       A double ASCII apostrohpe inside or outside of a quoted string represents
+ *       one literal apostrophe.
+ *   <li>Quotable syntax characters are the {curly braces} in all messageText parts,
+ *       plus the '#' sign in a messageText immediately inside a pluralStyle,
+ *       and the '|' symbol in a messageText immediately inside a choiceStyle.
+ *   <li>See also {@link #UMessagePatternApostropheMode}
+ *   <li>In argStyleText, every single ASCII apostrophe begins and ends quoted literal text,
+ *       and unquoted {curly braces} must occur in matched pairs.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>Recommendation: Use the real apostrophe (single quote) character
+ * \htmlonly&#x2019;\endhtmlonly (U+2019) for
+ * human-readable text, and use the ASCII apostrophe ' (U+0027)
+ * only in program syntax, like quoting in MessageFormat.
+ * See the annotations for U+0027 Apostrophe in The Unicode Standard.
+ *
+ * <p>The <code>choice</code> argument type is deprecated.
+ * Use <code>plural</code> arguments for proper plural selection,
+ * and <code>select</code> arguments for simple selection among a fixed set of choices.
+ *
+ * <p>The <code>argType</code> and <code>argStyle</code> values are used to create
+ * a <code>Format</code> instance for the format element. The following
+ * table shows how the values map to Format instances. Combinations not
+ * shown in the table are illegal. Any <code>argStyleText</code> must
+ * be a valid pattern string for the Format subclass used.
+ *
+ * <p><table border=1>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <th>argType
+ *       <th>argStyle
+ *       <th>resulting Format object
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td colspan=2><i>(none)</i>
+ *       <td><code>null</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td rowspan=6><code>number</code>
+ *       <td><i>(none)</i>
+ *       <td><code>NumberFormat.createInstance(getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>integer</code>
+ *       <td><code>NumberFormat.createInstance(getLocale(), kNumberStyle, status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>currency</code>
+ *       <td><code>NumberFormat.createCurrencyInstance(getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>percent</code>
+ *       <td><code>NumberFormat.createPercentInstance(getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><i>argStyleText</i>
+ *       <td><code>new DecimalFormat(argStyleText, new DecimalFormatSymbols(getLocale(), status), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><i>argSkeletonText</i>
+ *       <td><code>NumberFormatter::forSkeleton(argSkeletonText, status).locale(getLocale()).toFormat(status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td rowspan=7><code>date</code>
+ *       <td><i>(none)</i>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>short</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kShort, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>medium</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>long</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kLong, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>full</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kFull, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><i>argStyleText</i>
+ *       <td><code>new SimpleDateFormat(argStyleText, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><i>argSkeletonText</i>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat::createInstanceForSkeleton(argSkeletonText, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td rowspan=6><code>time</code>
+ *       <td><i>(none)</i>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>short</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kShort, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>medium</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>long</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kLong, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>full</code>
+ *       <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kFull, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><i>argStyleText</i>
+ *       <td><code>new SimpleDateFormat(argStyleText, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>spellout</code>
+ *       <td><i>argStyleText (optional)</i>
+ *       <td><code>new RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNF_SPELLOUT, getLocale(), status)
+ *           <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.setDefaultRuleset(argStyleText, status);</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>ordinal</code>
+ *       <td><i>argStyleText (optional)</i>
+ *       <td><code>new RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNF_ORDINAL, getLocale(), status)
+ *           <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.setDefaultRuleset(argStyleText, status);</code>
+ *    <tr>
+ *       <td><code>duration</code>
+ *       <td><i>argStyleText (optional)</i>
+ *       <td><code>new RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNF_DURATION, getLocale(), status)
+ *           <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.setDefaultRuleset(argStyleText, status);</code>
+ * </table>
+ * <p>
+ *
+ * <h4>Argument formatting</h4>
+ *
+ * <p>Arguments are formatted according to their type, using the default
+ * ICU formatters for those types, unless otherwise specified.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>There are also several ways to control the formatting.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>We recommend you use default styles, predefined style values, skeletons,
+ * or preformatted values, but not pattern strings or custom format objects.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For more details, see the
+ * <a href="">ICU User Guide</a>.</p>
+ *
+ * <h4>Usage Information</h4>
+ *
+ * <p>Here are some examples of usage:
+ * Example 1:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     GregorianCalendar cal(success);
+ *     Formattable arguments[] = {
+ *         7L,
+ *         Formattable( (Date) cal.getTime(success), Formattable::kIsDate),
+ *         "a disturbance in the Force"
+ *     };
+ *
+ *     UnicodeString result;
+ *     MessageFormat::format(
+ *          "At {1,time,::jmm} on {1,date,::dMMMM}, there was {2} on planet {0,number}.",
+ *          arguments, 3, result, success );
+ *
+ *     cout << "result: " << result << endl;
+ *     //<output>: At 4:34 PM on March 23, there was a disturbance
+ *     //             in the Force on planet 7.
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * Typically, the message format will come from resources, and the
+ * arguments will be dynamically set at runtime.
+ *
+ * <p>Example 2:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *  \code
+ *     success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     Formattable testArgs[] = {3L, "MyDisk"};
+ *
+ *     MessageFormat form(
+ *         "The disk \"{1}\" contains {0} file(s).", success );
+ *
+ *     UnicodeString string;
+ *     FieldPosition fpos = 0;
+ *     cout << "format: " << form.format(testArgs, 2, string, fpos, success ) << endl;
+ *
+ *     // output, with different testArgs:
+ *     // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 0 file(s).
+ *     // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 1 file(s).
+ *     // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 1,273 file(s).
+ *  \endcode
+ *  </pre>
+ *
+ *
+ * <p>For messages that include plural forms, you can use a plural argument:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *  MessageFormat msgFmt(
+ *       "{num_files, plural, "
+ *       "=0{There are no files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}"
+ *       "=1{There is one file on disk \"{disk_name}\".}"
+ *       "other{There are # files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}}",
+ *      Locale("en"),
+ *      success);
+ *  FieldPosition fpos = 0;
+ *  Formattable testArgs[] = {0L, "MyDisk"};
+ *  UnicodeString testArgsNames[] = {"num_files", "disk_name"};
+ *  UnicodeString result;
+ *  cout << msgFmt.format(testArgs, testArgsNames, 2, result, fpos, 0, success);
+ *  testArgs[0] = 3L;
+ *  cout << msgFmt.format(testArgs, testArgsNames, 2, result, fpos, 0, success);
+ * \endcode
+ * <em>output</em>:
+ * There are no files on disk "MyDisk".
+ * There are 3 files on "MyDisk".
+ * </pre>
+ * See {@link PluralFormat} and {@link PluralRules} for details.
+ *
+ * <h4><a name="synchronization">Synchronization</a></h4>
+ *
+ * <p>MessageFormats are not synchronized.
+ * It is recommended to create separate format instances for each thread.
+ * If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized
+ * externally.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API MessageFormat : public Format {
+    /**
+     * Enum type for kMaxFormat.
+     * @obsolete ICU 3.0.  The 10-argument limit was removed as of ICU 2.6,
+     * rendering this enum type obsolete.
+     */
+    enum EFormatNumber {
+        /**
+         * The maximum number of arguments.
+         * @obsolete ICU 3.0.  The 10-argument limit was removed as of ICU 2.6,
+         * rendering this constant obsolete.
+         */
+        kMaxFormat = 10
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_OBSOLETE_API */
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new MessageFormat using the given pattern and the
+     * default locale.
+     *
+     * @param pattern   Pattern used to construct object.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                  UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new MessageFormat using the given pattern and locale.
+     * @param pattern   Pattern used to construct object.
+     * @param newLocale The locale to use for formatting dates and numbers.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                  const Locale& newLocale,
+                        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new MessageFormat using the given pattern and locale.
+     * @param pattern   Pattern used to construct object.
+     * @param newLocale The locale to use for formatting dates and numbers.
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                  const Locale& newLocale,
+                  UParseError& parseError,
+                  UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new MessageFormat from an existing one.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    MessageFormat(const MessageFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const MessageFormat& operator=(const MessageFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~MessageFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clones this Format object polymorphically.  The caller owns the
+     * result and should delete it when done.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual MessageFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other  the object to be compared with.
+     * @return       true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the locale to be used for creating argument Format objects.
+     * @param theLocale    the new locale value to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setLocale(const Locale& theLocale);
+    /**
+     * Gets the locale used for creating argument Format objects.
+     * format information.
+     * @return    the locale of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const Locale& getLocale(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Applies the given pattern string to this message format.
+     *
+     * @param pattern   The pattern to be applied.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Applies the given pattern string to this message format.
+     *
+     * @param pattern    The pattern to be applied.
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                             UParseError& parseError,
+                             UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the UMessagePatternApostropheMode and the pattern used by this message format.
+     * Parses the pattern and caches Format objects for simple argument types.
+     * Patterns and their interpretation are specified in the
+     * <a href="#patterns">class description</a>.
+     * <p>
+     * This method is best used only once on a given object to avoid confusion about the mode,
+     * and after constructing the object with an empty pattern string to minimize overhead.
+     *
+     * @param pattern    The pattern to be applied.
+     * @param aposMode   The new apostrophe mode.
+     * @param parseError Struct to receive information on the position
+     *                   of an error within the pattern.
+     *                   Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                              UMessagePatternApostropheMode aposMode,
+                              UParseError* parseError,
+                              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * @return this instance's UMessagePatternApostropheMode.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UMessagePatternApostropheMode getApostropheMode() const {
+        return msgPattern.getApostropheMode();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a pattern that can be used to recreate this object.
+     *
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive the pattern.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& appendTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets subformats.
+     * See the class description about format numbering.
+     * The caller should not delete the Format objects after this call.
+     * <EM>The array formatsToAdopt is not itself adopted.</EM> Its
+     * ownership is retained by the caller. If the call fails because
+     * memory cannot be allocated, then the formats will be deleted
+     * by this method, and this object will remain unchanged.
+     *
+     * <p>If this format uses named arguments, the new formats are discarded
+     * and this format remains unchanged.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     * @param formatsToAdopt    the format to be adopted.
+     * @param count             the size of the array.
+     */
+    virtual void adoptFormats(Format** formatsToAdopt, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Sets subformats.
+     * See the class description about format numbering.
+     * Each item in the array is cloned into the internal array.
+     * If the call fails because memory cannot be allocated, then this
+     * object will remain unchanged.
+     *
+     * <p>If this format uses named arguments, the new formats are discarded
+     * and this format remains unchanged.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     * @param newFormats the new format to be set.
+     * @param cnt        the size of the array.
+     */
+    virtual void setFormats(const Format** newFormats, int32_t cnt);
+    /**
+     * Sets one subformat.
+     * See the class description about format numbering.
+     * The caller should not delete the Format object after this call.
+     * If the number is over the number of formats already set,
+     * the item will be deleted and ignored.
+     *
+     * <p>If this format uses named arguments, the new format is discarded
+     * and this format remains unchanged.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     * @param formatNumber     index of the subformat.
+     * @param formatToAdopt    the format to be adopted.
+     */
+    virtual void adoptFormat(int32_t formatNumber, Format* formatToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets one subformat.
+     * See the class description about format numbering.
+     * If the number is over the number of formats already set,
+     * the item will be ignored.
+     * @param formatNumber     index of the subformat.
+     * @param format    the format to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setFormat(int32_t formatNumber, const Format& format);
+    /**
+     * Gets format names. This function returns formatNames in StringEnumerations
+     * which can be used with getFormat() and setFormat() to export formattable
+     * array from current MessageFormat to another.  It is the caller's responsibility
+     * to delete the returned formatNames.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual StringEnumeration* getFormatNames(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets subformat pointer for given format name.
+     * This function supports both named and numbered
+     * arguments. If numbered, the formatName is the
+     * corresponding UnicodeStrings (e.g. "0", "1", "2"...).
+     * The returned Format object should not be deleted by the caller,
+     * nor should the ponter of other object .  The pointer and its
+     * contents remain valid only until the next call to any method
+     * of this class is made with this object.
+     * @param formatName the name or number specifying a format
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual Format* getFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets one subformat for given format name.
+     * See the class description about format name.
+     * This function supports both named and numbered
+     * arguments-- if numbered, the formatName is the
+     * corresponding UnicodeStrings (e.g. "0", "1", "2"...).
+     * If there is no matched formatName or wrong type,
+     * the item will be ignored.
+     * @param formatName  Name of the subformat.
+     * @param format      the format to be set.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual void setFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, const Format& format, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets one subformat for given format name.
+     * See the class description about format name.
+     * This function supports both named and numbered
+     * arguments-- if numbered, the formatName is the
+     * corresponding UnicodeStrings (e.g. "0", "1", "2"...).
+     * If there is no matched formatName or wrong type,
+     * the item will be ignored.
+     * The caller should not delete the Format object after this call.
+     * @param formatName  Name of the subformat.
+     * @param formatToAdopt  Format to be adopted.
+     * @param status      output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, Format* formatToAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets an array of subformats of this object.  The returned array
+     * should not be deleted by the caller, nor should the pointers
+     * within the array.  The array and its contents remain valid only
+     * until the next call to this format. See the class description
+     * about format numbering.
+     *
+     * @param count output parameter to receive the size of the array
+     * @return an array of count Format* objects, or NULL if out of
+     * memory.  Any or all of the array elements may be NULL.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const Format** getFormats(int32_t& count) const;
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-readable string.
+     * Does not take ownership of the Formattable* array or its contents.
+     *
+     * <p>If this format uses named arguments, appendTo is unchanged and
+     * status is set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param source    An array of objects to be formatted.
+     * @param count     The number of elements of 'source'.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param ignore    Not used; inherited from base class API.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const Formattable* source,
+                          int32_t count,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition& ignore,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-readable string
+     * using the given pattern.
+     *
+     * <p>If this format uses named arguments, appendTo is unchanged and
+     * status is set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param pattern   The pattern.
+     * @param arguments An array of objects to be formatted.
+     * @param count     The number of elements of 'source'.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& format(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                 const Formattable* arguments,
+                                 int32_t count,
+                                 UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                 UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-readable
+     * string.  The array must be stored within a single Formattable
+     * object of type kArray. If the Formattable object type is not of
+     * type kArray, then returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * <p>If this format uses named arguments, appendTo is unchanged and
+     * status is set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @param obj       A Formattable of type kArray containing
+     *                  arguments to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-defined argument name
+     * array. This function supports both named and numbered
+     * arguments-- if numbered, the formatName is the
+     * corresponding UnicodeStrings (e.g. "0", "1", "2"...).
+     *
+     * @param argumentNames argument name array
+     * @param arguments An array of objects to be formatted.
+     * @param count     The number of elements of 'argumentNames' and
+     *                  arguments.  The number of argumentNames and arguments
+     *                  must be the same.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const UnicodeString* argumentNames,
+                          const Formattable* arguments,
+                          int32_t count,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses the given string into an array of output arguments.
+     *
+     * @param source    String to be parsed.
+     * @param pos       On input, starting position for parse. On output,
+     *                  final position after parse.  Unchanged if parse
+     *                  fails.
+     * @param count     Output parameter to receive the number of arguments
+     *                  parsed.
+     * @return an array of parsed arguments.  The caller owns both
+     * the array and its contents.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual Formattable* parse(const UnicodeString& source,
+                               ParsePosition& pos,
+                               int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses the given string into an array of output arguments.
+     *
+     * <p>If this format uses named arguments, status is set to
+     *
+     * @param source    String to be parsed.
+     * @param count     Output param to receive size of returned array.
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the
+     *                  pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
+     * @return an array of parsed arguments.  The caller owns both
+     * the array and its contents. Returns NULL if status is not U_ZERO_ERROR.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual Formattable* parse(const UnicodeString& source,
+                               int32_t& count,
+                               UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses the given string into an array of output arguments
+     * stored within a single Formattable of type kArray.
+     *
+     * @param source    The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result    Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                  If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param pos       On input, starting position for parse. On output,
+     *                  final position after parse.  Unchanged if parse
+     *                  fails.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                             Formattable& result,
+                             ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Convert an 'apostrophe-friendly' pattern into a standard
+     * pattern.  Standard patterns treat all apostrophes as
+     * quotes, which is problematic in some languages, e.g.
+     * French, where apostrophe is commonly used.  This utility
+     * assumes that only an unpaired apostrophe immediately before
+     * a brace is a true quote.  Other unpaired apostrophes are paired,
+     * and the resulting standard pattern string is returned.
+     *
+     * <p><b>Note</b> it is not guaranteed that the returned pattern
+     * is indeed a valid pattern.  The only effect is to convert
+     * between patterns having different quoting semantics.
+     *
+     * @param pattern the 'apostrophe-friendly' patttern to convert
+     * @param status    Input/output error code.  If the pattern
+     *                  cannot be parsed, the failure code is set.
+     * @return the standard equivalent of the original pattern
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    static UnicodeString autoQuoteApostrophe(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this MessageFormat uses named arguments,
+     * and false otherwise.  See class description.
+     *
+     * @return true if named arguments are used.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UBool usesNamedArguments() const;
+    /**
+     * This API is for ICU internal use only.
+     * Please do not use it.
+     *
+     * Returns argument types count in the parsed pattern.
+     * Used to distinguish pattern "{0} d" and "d".
+     *
+     * @return           The number of formattable types in the pattern
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getArgTypeCount() const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.  Pure virtual override.
+     * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
+     * C++ compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .      Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Compares two Format objects. This is used for constructing the hash
+     * tables.
+     *
+     * @param left pointer to a Format object. Must not be NULL.
+     * @param right pointer to a Format object. Must not be NULL.
+     *
+     * @return whether the two objects are the same
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UBool equalFormats(const void* left, const void* right);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    Locale              fLocale;
+    MessagePattern      msgPattern;
+    Format**            formatAliases; // see getFormats
+    int32_t             formatAliasesCapacity;
+    MessageFormat(); // default constructor not implemented
+     /**
+      * This provider helps defer instantiation of a PluralRules object
+      * until we actually need to select a keyword.
+      * For example, if the number matches an explicit-value selector like "=1"
+      * we do not need any PluralRules.
+      */
+    class U_I18N_API PluralSelectorProvider : public PluralFormat::PluralSelector {
+    public:
+        PluralSelectorProvider(const MessageFormat &mf, UPluralType type);
+        virtual ~PluralSelectorProvider();
+        virtual UnicodeString select(void *ctx, double number, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+        void reset();
+    private:
+        const MessageFormat &msgFormat;
+        PluralRules* rules;
+        UPluralType type;
+    };
+    /**
+     * A MessageFormat formats an array of arguments.  Each argument
+     * has an expected type, based on the pattern.  For example, if
+     * the pattern contains the subformat "{3,number,integer}", then
+     * we expect argument 3 to have type Formattable::kLong.  This
+     * array needs to grow dynamically if the MessageFormat is
+     * modified.
+     */
+    Formattable::Type* argTypes;
+    int32_t            argTypeCount;
+    int32_t            argTypeCapacity;
+    /**
+     * TRUE if there are different argTypes for the same argument.
+     * This only matters when the MessageFormat is used in the plain C (umsg_xxx) API
+     * where the pattern argTypes determine how the va_arg list is read.
+     */
+    UBool hasArgTypeConflicts;
+    // Variable-size array management
+    UBool allocateArgTypes(int32_t capacity, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Default Format objects used when no format is specified and a
+     * numeric or date argument is formatted.  These are volatile
+     * cache objects maintained only for performance.  They do not
+     * participate in operator=(), copy constructor(), nor
+     * operator==().
+     */
+    NumberFormat* defaultNumberFormat;
+    DateFormat*   defaultDateFormat;
+    UHashtable* cachedFormatters;
+    UHashtable* customFormatArgStarts;
+    PluralSelectorProvider pluralProvider;
+    PluralSelectorProvider ordinalProvider;
+    /**
+     * Method to retrieve default formats (or NULL on failure).
+     * These are semantically const, but may modify *this.
+     */
+    const NumberFormat* getDefaultNumberFormat(UErrorCode&) const;
+    const DateFormat*   getDefaultDateFormat(UErrorCode&) const;
+    /**
+     * Finds the word s, in the keyword list and returns the located index.
+     * @param s the keyword to be searched for.
+     * @param list the list of keywords to be searched with.
+     * @return the index of the list which matches the keyword s.
+     */
+    static int32_t findKeyword( const UnicodeString& s,
+                                const char16_t * const *list);
+    /**
+     * Thin wrapper around the format(... AppendableWrapper ...) variant.
+     * Wraps the destination UnicodeString into an AppendableWrapper and
+     * supplies default values for some other parameters.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const Formattable* arguments,
+                          const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+                          int32_t cnt,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition* pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats the arguments and writes the result into the
+     * AppendableWrapper, updates the field position.
+     *
+     * @param msgStart      Index to msgPattern part to start formatting from.
+     * @param plNumber      NULL except when formatting a plural argument sub-message
+     *                      where a '#' is replaced by the format string for this number.
+     * @param arguments     The formattable objects array. (Must not be NULL.)
+     * @param argumentNames NULL if numbered values are used. Otherwise the same
+     *                      length as "arguments", and each entry is the name of the
+     *                      corresponding argument in "arguments".
+     * @param cnt           The length of arguments (and of argumentNames if that is not NULL).
+     * @param appendTo      Output parameter to receive the result.
+     *                      The result string is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos           Field position status.
+     * @param success       The error code status.
+     */
+    void format(int32_t msgStart,
+                const void *plNumber,
+                const Formattable* arguments,
+                const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+                int32_t cnt,
+                AppendableWrapper& appendTo,
+                FieldPosition* pos,
+                UErrorCode& success) const;
+    UnicodeString getArgName(int32_t partIndex);
+    void setArgStartFormat(int32_t argStart, Format* formatter, UErrorCode& status);
+    void setCustomArgStartFormat(int32_t argStart, Format* formatter, UErrorCode& status);
+    int32_t nextTopLevelArgStart(int32_t partIndex) const;
+    UBool argNameMatches(int32_t partIndex, const UnicodeString& argName, int32_t argNumber);
+    void cacheExplicitFormats(UErrorCode& status);
+    int32_t skipLeadingSpaces(UnicodeString& style);
+    Format* createAppropriateFormat(UnicodeString& type,
+                                    UnicodeString& style,
+                                    Formattable::Type& formattableType,
+                                    UParseError& parseError,
+                                    UErrorCode& ec);
+    const Formattable* getArgFromListByName(const Formattable* arguments,
+                                            const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+                                            int32_t cnt, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    Formattable* parse(int32_t msgStart,
+                       const UnicodeString& source,
+                       ParsePosition& pos,
+                       int32_t& count,
+                       UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    FieldPosition* updateMetaData(AppendableWrapper& dest, int32_t prevLength,
+                                  FieldPosition* fp, const Formattable* argId) const;
+    /**
+     * Finds the "other" sub-message.
+     * @param partIndex the index of the first PluralFormat argument style part.
+     * @return the "other" sub-message start part index.
+     */
+    int32_t findOtherSubMessage(int32_t partIndex) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the ARG_START index of the first occurrence of the plural number in a sub-message.
+     * Returns -1 if it is a REPLACE_NUMBER.
+     * Returns 0 if there is neither.
+     */
+    int32_t findFirstPluralNumberArg(int32_t msgStart, const UnicodeString &argName) const;
+    Format* getCachedFormatter(int32_t argumentNumber) const;
+    UnicodeString getLiteralStringUntilNextArgument(int32_t from) const;
+    void copyObjects(const MessageFormat& that, UErrorCode& ec);
+    void formatComplexSubMessage(int32_t msgStart,
+                                 const void *plNumber,
+                                 const Formattable* arguments,
+                                 const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+                                 int32_t cnt,
+                                 AppendableWrapper& appendTo,
+                                 UErrorCode& success) const;
+    /**
+     * Convenience method that ought to be in NumberFormat
+     */
+    NumberFormat* createIntegerFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns array of argument types in the parsed pattern
+     * for use in C API.  Only for the use of umsg_vformat().  Not
+     * for public consumption.
+     * @param listCount  Output parameter to receive the size of array
+     * @return           The array of formattable types in the pattern
+     */
+    const Formattable::Type* getArgTypeList(int32_t& listCount) const {
+        listCount = argTypeCount;
+        return argTypes;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets the internal MessagePattern, and other associated caches.
+     */
+    void resetPattern();
+    /**
+     * A DummyFormatter that we use solely to store a NULL value. UHash does
+     * not support storing NULL values.
+     */
+    class U_I18N_API DummyFormat : public Format {
+    public:
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Format&) const;
+        virtual DummyFormat* clone() const;
+        virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                              UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                              UErrorCode& status) const;
+        virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable&,
+                                      UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                      FieldPosition&,
+                                      UErrorCode& status) const;
+        virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                      UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                      FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                      UErrorCode& status) const;
+        virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString&,
+                                 Formattable&,
+                                 ParsePosition&) const;
+    };
+    friend class MessageFormatAdapter; // getFormatTypeList() access
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _MSGFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/normalizer2.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/normalizer2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aeb3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/normalizer2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  normalizer2.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2009nov22
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __NORMALIZER2_H__
+#define __NORMALIZER2_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: New API for Unicode Normalization.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/unorm2.h"
+class ByteSink;
+ * Unicode normalization functionality for standard Unicode normalization or
+ * for using custom mapping tables.
+ * All instances of this class are unmodifiable/immutable.
+ * Instances returned by getInstance() are singletons that must not be deleted by the caller.
+ * The Normalizer2 class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * The primary functions are to produce a normalized string and to detect whether
+ * a string is already normalized.
+ * The most commonly used normalization forms are those defined in
+ *
+ * However, this API supports additional normalization forms for specialized purposes.
+ * For example, NFKC_Casefold is provided via getInstance("nfkc_cf", COMPOSE)
+ * and can be used in implementations of UTS #46.
+ *
+ * Not only are the standard compose and decompose modes supplied,
+ * but additional modes are provided as documented in the Mode enum.
+ *
+ * Some of the functions in this class identify normalization boundaries.
+ * At a normalization boundary, the portions of the string
+ * before it and starting from it do not interact and can be handled independently.
+ *
+ * The spanQuickCheckYes() stops at a normalization boundary.
+ * When the goal is a normalized string, then the text before the boundary
+ * can be copied, and the remainder can be processed with normalizeSecondAndAppend().
+ *
+ * The hasBoundaryBefore(), hasBoundaryAfter() and isInert() functions test whether
+ * a character is guaranteed to be at a normalization boundary,
+ * regardless of context.
+ * This is used for moving from one normalization boundary to the next
+ * or preceding boundary, and for performing iterative normalization.
+ *
+ * Iterative normalization is useful when only a small portion of a
+ * longer string needs to be processed.
+ * For example, in ICU, iterative normalization is used by the NormalizationTransliterator
+ * (to avoid replacing already-normalized text) and ucol_nextSortKeyPart()
+ * (to process only the substring for which sort key bytes are computed).
+ *
+ * The set of normalization boundaries returned by these functions may not be
+ * complete: There may be more boundaries that could be returned.
+ * Different functions may return different boundaries.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Normalizer2 : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    ~Normalizer2();
+    /**
+     * Returns a Normalizer2 instance for Unicode NFC normalization.
+     * Same as getInstance(NULL, "nfc", UNORM2_COMPOSE, errorCode).
+     * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    static const Normalizer2 *
+    getNFCInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns a Normalizer2 instance for Unicode NFD normalization.
+     * Same as getInstance(NULL, "nfc", UNORM2_DECOMPOSE, errorCode).
+     * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    static const Normalizer2 *
+    getNFDInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns a Normalizer2 instance for Unicode NFKC normalization.
+     * Same as getInstance(NULL, "nfkc", UNORM2_COMPOSE, errorCode).
+     * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    static const Normalizer2 *
+    getNFKCInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns a Normalizer2 instance for Unicode NFKD normalization.
+     * Same as getInstance(NULL, "nfkc", UNORM2_DECOMPOSE, errorCode).
+     * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    static const Normalizer2 *
+    getNFKDInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns a Normalizer2 instance for Unicode NFKC_Casefold normalization.
+     * Same as getInstance(NULL, "nfkc_cf", UNORM2_COMPOSE, errorCode).
+     * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    static const Normalizer2 *
+    getNFKCCasefoldInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns a Normalizer2 instance which uses the specified data file
+     * (packageName/name similar to ucnv_openPackage() and ures_open()/ResourceBundle)
+     * and which composes or decomposes text according to the specified mode.
+     * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+     *
+     * Use packageName=NULL for data files that are part of ICU's own data.
+     * Use name="nfc" and UNORM2_COMPOSE/UNORM2_DECOMPOSE for Unicode standard NFC/NFD.
+     * Use name="nfkc" and UNORM2_COMPOSE/UNORM2_DECOMPOSE for Unicode standard NFKC/NFKD.
+     * Use name="nfkc_cf" and UNORM2_COMPOSE for Unicode standard NFKC_CF=NFKC_Casefold.
+     *
+     * @param packageName NULL for ICU built-in data, otherwise application data package name
+     * @param name "nfc" or "nfkc" or "nfkc_cf" or name of custom data file
+     * @param mode normalization mode (compose or decompose etc.)
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    static const Normalizer2 *
+    getInstance(const char *packageName,
+                const char *name,
+                UNormalization2Mode mode,
+                UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns the normalized form of the source string.
+     * @param src source string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return normalized src
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString
+    normalize(const UnicodeString &src, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+        UnicodeString result;
+        normalize(src, result, errorCode);
+        return result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Writes the normalized form of the source string to the destination string
+     * (replacing its contents) and returns the destination string.
+     * The source and destination strings must be different objects.
+     * @param src source string
+     * @param dest destination string; its contents is replaced with normalized src
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    normalize(const UnicodeString &src,
+              UnicodeString &dest,
+              UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Normalizes a UTF-8 string and optionally records how source substrings
+     * relate to changed and unchanged result substrings.
+     *
+     * Currently implemented completely only for "compose" modes,
+     * such as for NFC, NFKC, and NFKC_Casefold
+     * Otherwise currently converts to & from UTF-16 and does not support edits.
+     *
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       Source UTF-8 string.
+     * @param sink      A ByteSink to which the normalized UTF-8 result string is written.
+     *                  sink.Flush() is called at the end.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be nullptr.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual void
+    normalizeUTF8(uint32_t options, StringPiece src, ByteSink &sink,
+                  Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Appends the normalized form of the second string to the first string
+     * (merging them at the boundary) and returns the first string.
+     * The result is normalized if the first string was normalized.
+     * The first and second strings must be different objects.
+     * @param first string, should be normalized
+     * @param second string, will be normalized
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return first
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    normalizeSecondAndAppend(UnicodeString &first,
+                             const UnicodeString &second,
+                             UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Appends the second string to the first string
+     * (merging them at the boundary) and returns the first string.
+     * The result is normalized if both the strings were normalized.
+     * The first and second strings must be different objects.
+     * @param first string, should be normalized
+     * @param second string, should be normalized
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return first
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    append(UnicodeString &first,
+           const UnicodeString &second,
+           UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the decomposition mapping of c.
+     * Roughly equivalent to normalizing the String form of c
+     * on a UNORM2_DECOMPOSE Normalizer2 instance, but much faster, and except that this function
+     * returns FALSE and does not write a string
+     * if c does not have a decomposition mapping in this instance's data.
+     * This function is independent of the mode of the Normalizer2.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @param decomposition String object which will be set to c's
+     *                      decomposition mapping, if there is one.
+     * @return TRUE if c has a decomposition, otherwise FALSE
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    getDecomposition(UChar32 c, UnicodeString &decomposition) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the raw decomposition mapping of c.
+     *
+     * This is similar to the getDecomposition() method but returns the
+     * raw decomposition mapping as specified in UnicodeData.txt or
+     * (for custom data) in the mapping files processed by the gennorm2 tool.
+     * By contrast, getDecomposition() returns the processed,
+     * recursively-decomposed version of this mapping.
+     *
+     * When used on a standard NFKC Normalizer2 instance,
+     * getRawDecomposition() returns the Unicode Decomposition_Mapping (dm) property.
+     *
+     * When used on a standard NFC Normalizer2 instance,
+     * it returns the Decomposition_Mapping only if the Decomposition_Type (dt) is Canonical (Can);
+     * in this case, the result contains either one or two code points (=1..4 char16_ts).
+     *
+     * This function is independent of the mode of the Normalizer2.
+     * The default implementation returns FALSE.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @param decomposition String object which will be set to c's
+     *                      raw decomposition mapping, if there is one.
+     * @return TRUE if c has a decomposition, otherwise FALSE
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    getRawDecomposition(UChar32 c, UnicodeString &decomposition) const;
+    /**
+     * Performs pairwise composition of a & b and returns the composite if there is one.
+     *
+     * Returns a composite code point c only if c has a two-way mapping to a+b.
+     * In standard Unicode normalization, this means that
+     * c has a canonical decomposition to a+b
+     * and c does not have the Full_Composition_Exclusion property.
+     *
+     * This function is independent of the mode of the Normalizer2.
+     * The default implementation returns a negative value.
+     * @param a A (normalization starter) code point.
+     * @param b Another code point.
+     * @return The non-negative composite code point if there is one; otherwise a negative value.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual UChar32
+    composePair(UChar32 a, UChar32 b) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the combining class of c.
+     * The default implementation returns 0
+     * but all standard implementations return the Unicode Canonical_Combining_Class value.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @return c's combining class
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual uint8_t
+    getCombiningClass(UChar32 c) const;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the string is normalized.
+     * Internally, in cases where the quickCheck() method would return "maybe"
+     * (which is only possible for the two COMPOSE modes) this method
+     * resolves to "yes" or "no" to provide a definitive result,
+     * at the cost of doing more work in those cases.
+     * @param s input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return TRUE if s is normalized
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    isNormalized(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the UTF-8 string is normalized.
+     * Internally, in cases where the quickCheck() method would return "maybe"
+     * (which is only possible for the two COMPOSE modes) this method
+     * resolves to "yes" or "no" to provide a definitive result,
+     * at the cost of doing more work in those cases.
+     *
+     * This works for all normalization modes,
+     * but it is currently optimized for UTF-8 only for "compose" modes,
+     * such as for NFC, NFKC, and NFKC_Casefold
+     * For other modes it currently converts to UTF-16 and calls isNormalized().
+     *
+     * @param s UTF-8 input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return TRUE if s is normalized
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    isNormalizedUTF8(StringPiece s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the string is normalized.
+     * For the two COMPOSE modes, the result could be "maybe" in cases that
+     * would take a little more work to resolve definitively.
+     * Use spanQuickCheckYes() and normalizeSecondAndAppend() for a faster
+     * combination of quick check + normalization, to avoid
+     * re-checking the "yes" prefix.
+     * @param s input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return UNormalizationCheckResult
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UNormalizationCheckResult
+    quickCheck(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the end of the normalized substring of the input string.
+     * In other words, with <code>end=spanQuickCheckYes(s, ec);</code>
+     * the substring <code>UnicodeString(s, 0, end)</code>
+     * will pass the quick check with a "yes" result.
+     *
+     * The returned end index is usually one or more characters before the
+     * "no" or "maybe" character: The end index is at a normalization boundary.
+     * (See the class documentation for more about normalization boundaries.)
+     *
+     * When the goal is a normalized string and most input strings are expected
+     * to be normalized already, then call this method,
+     * and if it returns a prefix shorter than the input string,
+     * copy that prefix and use normalizeSecondAndAppend() for the remainder.
+     * @param s input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return "yes" span end index
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual int32_t
+    spanQuickCheckYes(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the character always has a normalization boundary before it,
+     * regardless of context.
+     * If true, then the character does not normalization-interact with
+     * preceding characters.
+     * In other words, a string containing this character can be normalized
+     * by processing portions before this character and starting from this
+     * character independently.
+     * This is used for iterative normalization. See the class documentation for details.
+     * @param c character to test
+     * @return TRUE if c has a normalization boundary before it
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the character always has a normalization boundary after it,
+     * regardless of context.
+     * If true, then the character does not normalization-interact with
+     * following characters.
+     * In other words, a string containing this character can be normalized
+     * by processing portions up to this character and after this
+     * character independently.
+     * This is used for iterative normalization. See the class documentation for details.
+     * Note that this operation may be significantly slower than hasBoundaryBefore().
+     * @param c character to test
+     * @return TRUE if c has a normalization boundary after it
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the character is normalization-inert.
+     * If true, then the character does not change, nor normalization-interact with
+     * preceding or following characters.
+     * In other words, a string containing this character can be normalized
+     * by processing portions before this character and after this
+     * character independently.
+     * This is used for iterative normalization. See the class documentation for details.
+     * Note that this operation may be significantly slower than hasBoundaryBefore().
+     * @param c character to test
+     * @return TRUE if c is normalization-inert
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool isInert(UChar32 c) const = 0;
+ * Normalization filtered by a UnicodeSet.
+ * Normalizes portions of the text contained in the filter set and leaves
+ * portions not contained in the filter set unchanged.
+ * Filtering is done via UnicodeSet::span(..., USET_SPAN_SIMPLE).
+ * Not-in-the-filter text is treated as "is normalized" and "quick check yes".
+ * This class implements all of (and only) the Normalizer2 API.
+ * An instance of this class is unmodifiable/immutable but is constructed and
+ * must be destructed by the owner.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API FilteredNormalizer2 : public Normalizer2 {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a filtered normalizer wrapping any Normalizer2 instance
+     * and a filter set.
+     * Both are aliased and must not be modified or deleted while this object
+     * is used.
+     * The filter set should be frozen; otherwise the performance will suffer greatly.
+     * @param n2 wrapped Normalizer2 instance
+     * @param filterSet UnicodeSet which determines the characters to be normalized
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    FilteredNormalizer2(const Normalizer2 &n2, const UnicodeSet &filterSet) :
+            norm2(n2), set(filterSet) {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    ~FilteredNormalizer2();
+    /**
+     * Writes the normalized form of the source string to the destination string
+     * (replacing its contents) and returns the destination string.
+     * The source and destination strings must be different objects.
+     * @param src source string
+     * @param dest destination string; its contents is replaced with normalized src
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return dest
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    normalize(const UnicodeString &src,
+              UnicodeString &dest,
+              UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Normalizes a UTF-8 string and optionally records how source substrings
+     * relate to changed and unchanged result substrings.
+     *
+     * Currently implemented completely only for "compose" modes,
+     * such as for NFC, NFKC, and NFKC_Casefold
+     * Otherwise currently converts to & from UTF-16 and does not support edits.
+     *
+     * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT and U_EDITS_NO_RESET.
+     * @param src       Source UTF-8 string.
+     * @param sink      A ByteSink to which the normalized UTF-8 result string is written.
+     *                  sink.Flush() is called at the end.
+     * @param edits     Records edits for index mapping, working with styled text,
+     *                  and getting only changes (if any).
+     *                  The Edits contents is undefined if any error occurs.
+     *                  This function calls edits->reset() first unless
+     *                  options includes U_EDITS_NO_RESET. edits can be nullptr.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual void
+    normalizeUTF8(uint32_t options, StringPiece src, ByteSink &sink,
+                  Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Appends the normalized form of the second string to the first string
+     * (merging them at the boundary) and returns the first string.
+     * The result is normalized if the first string was normalized.
+     * The first and second strings must be different objects.
+     * @param first string, should be normalized
+     * @param second string, will be normalized
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return first
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    normalizeSecondAndAppend(UnicodeString &first,
+                             const UnicodeString &second,
+                             UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Appends the second string to the first string
+     * (merging them at the boundary) and returns the first string.
+     * The result is normalized if both the strings were normalized.
+     * The first and second strings must be different objects.
+     * @param first string, should be normalized
+     * @param second string, should be normalized
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return first
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString &
+    append(UnicodeString &first,
+           const UnicodeString &second,
+           UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Gets the decomposition mapping of c.
+     * For details see the base class documentation.
+     *
+     * This function is independent of the mode of the Normalizer2.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @param decomposition String object which will be set to c's
+     *                      decomposition mapping, if there is one.
+     * @return TRUE if c has a decomposition, otherwise FALSE
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    getDecomposition(UChar32 c, UnicodeString &decomposition) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Gets the raw decomposition mapping of c.
+     * For details see the base class documentation.
+     *
+     * This function is independent of the mode of the Normalizer2.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @param decomposition String object which will be set to c's
+     *                      raw decomposition mapping, if there is one.
+     * @return TRUE if c has a decomposition, otherwise FALSE
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    getRawDecomposition(UChar32 c, UnicodeString &decomposition) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Performs pairwise composition of a & b and returns the composite if there is one.
+     * For details see the base class documentation.
+     *
+     * This function is independent of the mode of the Normalizer2.
+     * @param a A (normalization starter) code point.
+     * @param b Another code point.
+     * @return The non-negative composite code point if there is one; otherwise a negative value.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual UChar32
+    composePair(UChar32 a, UChar32 b) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Gets the combining class of c.
+     * The default implementation returns 0
+     * but all standard implementations return the Unicode Canonical_Combining_Class value.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @return c's combining class
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual uint8_t
+    getCombiningClass(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the string is normalized.
+     * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+     * @param s input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return TRUE if s is normalized
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    isNormalized(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the UTF-8 string is normalized.
+     * Internally, in cases where the quickCheck() method would return "maybe"
+     * (which is only possible for the two COMPOSE modes) this method
+     * resolves to "yes" or "no" to provide a definitive result,
+     * at the cost of doing more work in those cases.
+     *
+     * This works for all normalization modes,
+     * but it is currently optimized for UTF-8 only for "compose" modes,
+     * such as for NFC, NFKC, and NFKC_Casefold
+     * For other modes it currently converts to UTF-16 and calls isNormalized().
+     *
+     * @param s UTF-8 input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return TRUE if s is normalized
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual UBool
+    isNormalizedUTF8(StringPiece s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the string is normalized.
+     * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+     * @param s input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return UNormalizationCheckResult
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UNormalizationCheckResult
+    quickCheck(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Returns the end of the normalized substring of the input string.
+     * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+     * @param s input string
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return "yes" span end index
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual int32_t
+    spanQuickCheckYes(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the character always has a normalization boundary before it,
+     * regardless of context.
+     * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+     * @param c character to test
+     * @return TRUE if c has a normalization boundary before it
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the character always has a normalization boundary after it,
+     * regardless of context.
+     * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+     * @param c character to test
+     * @return TRUE if c has a normalization boundary after it
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Tests if the character is normalization-inert.
+     * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+     * @param c character to test
+     * @return TRUE if c is normalization-inert
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool isInert(UChar32 c) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    UnicodeString &
+    normalize(const UnicodeString &src,
+              UnicodeString &dest,
+              USetSpanCondition spanCondition,
+              UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void
+    normalizeUTF8(uint32_t options, const char *src, int32_t length,
+                  ByteSink &sink, Edits *edits,
+                  USetSpanCondition spanCondition,
+                  UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UnicodeString &
+    normalizeSecondAndAppend(UnicodeString &first,
+                             const UnicodeString &second,
+                             UBool doNormalize,
+                             UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const Normalizer2 &norm2;
+    const UnicodeSet &set;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __NORMALIZER2_H__
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index 0000000..07a596b
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+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/normlzr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 1996-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef NORMLZR_H
+#define NORMLZR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Unicode Normalization
+ */
+#include "unicode/chariter.h"
+#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/unorm.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * Old Unicode normalization API.
+ *
+ * This API has been replaced by the Normalizer2 class and is only available
+ * for backward compatibility. This class simply delegates to the Normalizer2 class.
+ * There is one exception: The new API does not provide a replacement for Normalizer::compare().
+ *
+ * The Normalizer class supports the standard normalization forms described in
+ * <a href="" target="unicode">
+ * Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms</a>.
+ *
+ * The Normalizer class consists of two parts:
+ * - static functions that normalize strings or test if strings are normalized
+ * - a Normalizer object is an iterator that takes any kind of text and
+ *   provides iteration over its normalized form
+ *
+ * The Normalizer class is not suitable for subclassing.
+ *
+ * For basic information about normalization forms and details about the C API
+ * please see the documentation in unorm.h.
+ *
+ * The iterator API with the Normalizer constructors and the non-static functions
+ * use a CharacterIterator as input. It is possible to pass a string which
+ * is then internally wrapped in a CharacterIterator.
+ * The input text is not normalized all at once, but incrementally where needed
+ * (providing efficient random access).
+ * This allows to pass in a large text but spend only a small amount of time
+ * normalizing a small part of that text.
+ * However, if the entire text is normalized, then the iterator will be
+ * slower than normalizing the entire text at once and iterating over the result.
+ * A possible use of the Normalizer iterator is also to report an index into the
+ * original text that is close to where the normalized characters come from.
+ *
+ * <em>Important:</em> The iterator API was cleaned up significantly for ICU 2.0.
+ * The earlier implementation reported the getIndex() inconsistently,
+ * and previous() could not be used after setIndex(), next(), first(), and current().
+ *
+ * Normalizer allows to start normalizing from anywhere in the input text by
+ * calling setIndexOnly(), first(), or last().
+ * Without calling any of these, the iterator will start at the beginning of the text.
+ *
+ * At any time, next() returns the next normalized code point (UChar32),
+ * with post-increment semantics (like CharacterIterator::next32PostInc()).
+ * previous() returns the previous normalized code point (UChar32),
+ * with pre-decrement semantics (like CharacterIterator::previous32()).
+ *
+ * current() returns the current code point
+ * (respectively the one at the newly set index) without moving
+ * the getIndex(). Note that if the text at the current position
+ * needs to be normalized, then these functions will do that.
+ * (This is why current() is not const.)
+ * It is more efficient to call setIndexOnly() instead, which does not
+ * normalize.
+ *
+ * getIndex() always refers to the position in the input text where the normalized
+ * code points are returned from. It does not always change with each returned
+ * code point.
+ * The code point that is returned from any of the functions
+ * corresponds to text at or after getIndex(), according to the
+ * function's iteration semantics (post-increment or pre-decrement).
+ *
+ * next() returns a code point from at or after the getIndex()
+ * from before the next() call. After the next() call, the getIndex()
+ * might have moved to where the next code point will be returned from
+ * (from a next() or current() call).
+ * This is semantically equivalent to array access with array[index++]
+ * (post-increment semantics).
+ *
+ * previous() returns a code point from at or after the getIndex()
+ * from after the previous() call.
+ * This is semantically equivalent to array access with array[--index]
+ * (pre-decrement semantics).
+ *
+ * Internally, the Normalizer iterator normalizes a small piece of text
+ * starting at the getIndex() and ending at a following "safe" index.
+ * The normalized results is stored in an internal string buffer, and
+ * the code points are iterated from there.
+ * With multiple iteration calls, this is repeated until the next piece
+ * of text needs to be normalized, and the getIndex() needs to be moved.
+ *
+ * The following "safe" index, the internal buffer, and the secondary
+ * iteration index into that buffer are not exposed on the API.
+ * This also means that it is currently not practical to return to
+ * a particular, arbitrary position in the text because one would need to
+ * know, and be able to set, in addition to the getIndex(), at least also the
+ * current index into the internal buffer.
+ * It is currently only possible to observe when getIndex() changes
+ * (with careful consideration of the iteration semantics),
+ * at which time the internal index will be 0.
+ * For example, if getIndex() is different after next() than before it,
+ * then the internal index is 0 and one can return to this getIndex()
+ * later with setIndexOnly().
+ *
+ * Note: While the setIndex() and getIndex() refer to indices in the
+ * underlying Unicode input text, the next() and previous() methods
+ * iterate through characters in the normalized output.
+ * This means that there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence
+ * between characters returned by next() and previous() and the indices
+ * passed to and returned from setIndex() and getIndex().
+ * It is for this reason that Normalizer does not implement the CharacterIterator interface.
+ *
+ * @author Laura Werner, Mark Davis, Markus Scherer
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Normalizer : public UObject {
+  /**
+   * If DONE is returned from an iteration function that returns a code point,
+   * then there are no more normalization results available.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  enum {
+      DONE=0xffff
+  };
+  // Constructors
+  /**
+   * Creates a new <code>Normalizer</code> object for iterating over the
+   * normalized form of a given string.
+   * <p>
+   * @param str   The string to be normalized.  The normalization
+   *              will start at the beginning of the string.
+   *
+   * @param mode  The normalization mode.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  Normalizer(const UnicodeString& str, UNormalizationMode mode);
+  /**
+   * Creates a new <code>Normalizer</code> object for iterating over the
+   * normalized form of a given string.
+   * <p>
+   * @param str   The string to be normalized.  The normalization
+   *              will start at the beginning of the string.
+   *
+   * @param length Length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+   * @param mode  The normalization mode.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  Normalizer(ConstChar16Ptr str, int32_t length, UNormalizationMode mode);
+  /**
+   * Creates a new <code>Normalizer</code> object for iterating over the
+   * normalized form of the given text.
+   * <p>
+   * @param iter  The input text to be normalized.  The normalization
+   *              will start at the beginning of the string.
+   *
+   * @param mode  The normalization mode.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  Normalizer(const CharacterIterator& iter, UNormalizationMode mode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+  /**
+   * Copy constructor.
+   * @param copy The object to be copied.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  Normalizer(const Normalizer& copy);
+  /**
+   * Destructor
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  virtual ~Normalizer();
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Static utility methods
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Normalizes a <code>UnicodeString</code> according to the specified normalization mode.
+   * This is a wrapper for unorm_normalize(), using UnicodeString's.
+   *
+   * The <code>options</code> parameter specifies which optional
+   * <code>Normalizer</code> features are to be enabled for this operation.
+   *
+   * @param source    the input string to be normalized.
+   * @param mode      the normalization mode
+   * @param options   the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
+   * @param result    The normalized string (on output).
+   * @param status    The error code.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static void U_EXPORT2 normalize(const UnicodeString& source,
+                        UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+                        UnicodeString& result,
+                        UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Compose a <code>UnicodeString</code>.
+   * This is equivalent to normalize() with mode UNORM_NFC or UNORM_NFKC.
+   * This is a wrapper for unorm_normalize(), using UnicodeString's.
+   *
+   * The <code>options</code> parameter specifies which optional
+   * <code>Normalizer</code> features are to be enabled for this operation.
+   *
+   * @param source    the string to be composed.
+   * @param compat    Perform compatibility decomposition before composition.
+   *                  If this argument is <code>FALSE</code>, only canonical
+   *                  decomposition will be performed.
+   * @param options   the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
+   * @param result    The composed string (on output).
+   * @param status    The error code.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static void U_EXPORT2 compose(const UnicodeString& source,
+                      UBool compat, int32_t options,
+                      UnicodeString& result,
+                      UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Static method to decompose a <code>UnicodeString</code>.
+   * This is equivalent to normalize() with mode UNORM_NFD or UNORM_NFKD.
+   * This is a wrapper for unorm_normalize(), using UnicodeString's.
+   *
+   * The <code>options</code> parameter specifies which optional
+   * <code>Normalizer</code> features are to be enabled for this operation.
+   *
+   * @param source    the string to be decomposed.
+   * @param compat    Perform compatibility decomposition.
+   *                  If this argument is <code>FALSE</code>, only canonical
+   *                  decomposition will be performed.
+   * @param options   the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
+   * @param result    The decomposed string (on output).
+   * @param status    The error code.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static void U_EXPORT2 decompose(const UnicodeString& source,
+                        UBool compat, int32_t options,
+                        UnicodeString& result,
+                        UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Performing quick check on a string, to quickly determine if the string is
+   * in a particular normalization format.
+   * This is a wrapper for unorm_quickCheck(), using a UnicodeString.
+   *
+   * Three types of result can be returned UNORM_YES, UNORM_NO or
+   * UNORM_MAYBE. Result UNORM_YES indicates that the argument
+   * string is in the desired normalized format, UNORM_NO determines that
+   * argument string is not in the desired normalized format. A
+   * UNORM_MAYBE result indicates that a more thorough check is required,
+   * the user may have to put the string in its normalized form and compare the
+   * results.
+   * @param source       string for determining if it is in a normalized format
+   * @param mode         normalization format
+   * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+   *
+   * @see isNormalized
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static inline UNormalizationCheckResult
+  quickCheck(const UnicodeString &source, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Performing quick check on a string; same as the other version of quickCheck
+   * but takes an extra options parameter like most normalization functions.
+   *
+   * @param source       string for determining if it is in a normalized format
+   * @param mode         normalization format
+   * @param options      the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
+   * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+   *
+   * @see isNormalized
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static UNormalizationCheckResult
+  quickCheck(const UnicodeString &source, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Test if a string is in a given normalization form.
+   * This is semantically equivalent to source.equals(normalize(source, mode)) .
+   *
+   * Unlike unorm_quickCheck(), this function returns a definitive result,
+   * never a "maybe".
+   * For NFD, NFKD, and FCD, both functions work exactly the same.
+   * For NFC and NFKC where quickCheck may return "maybe", this function will
+   * perform further tests to arrive at a TRUE/FALSE result.
+   *
+   * @param src        String that is to be tested if it is in a normalization format.
+   * @param mode       Which normalization form to test for.
+   * @param errorCode  ICU error code in/out parameter.
+   *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+   * @return Boolean value indicating whether the source string is in the
+   *         "mode" normalization form.
+   *
+   * @see quickCheck
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static inline UBool
+  isNormalized(const UnicodeString &src, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+  /**
+   * Test if a string is in a given normalization form; same as the other version of isNormalized
+   * but takes an extra options parameter like most normalization functions.
+   *
+   * @param src        String that is to be tested if it is in a normalization format.
+   * @param mode       Which normalization form to test for.
+   * @param options      the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
+   * @param errorCode  ICU error code in/out parameter.
+   *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+   * @return Boolean value indicating whether the source string is in the
+   *         "mode" normalization form.
+   *
+   * @see quickCheck
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static UBool
+  isNormalized(const UnicodeString &src, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+  /**
+   * Concatenate normalized strings, making sure that the result is normalized as well.
+   *
+   * If both the left and the right strings are in
+   * the normalization form according to "mode/options",
+   * then the result will be
+   *
+   * \code
+   *     dest=normalize(left+right, mode, options)
+   * \endcode
+   *
+   * For details see unorm_concatenate in unorm.h.
+   *
+   * @param left Left source string.
+   * @param right Right source string.
+   * @param result The output string.
+   * @param mode The normalization mode.
+   * @param options A bit set of normalization options.
+   * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+   *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+   * @return result
+   *
+   * @see unorm_concatenate
+   * @see normalize
+   * @see unorm_next
+   * @see unorm_previous
+   *
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static UnicodeString &
+  U_EXPORT2 concatenate(const UnicodeString &left, const UnicodeString &right,
+              UnicodeString &result,
+              UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+              UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings for canonical equivalence.
+   * Further options include case-insensitive comparison and
+   * code point order (as opposed to code unit order).
+   *
+   * Canonical equivalence between two strings is defined as their normalized
+   * forms (NFD or NFC) being identical.
+   * This function compares strings incrementally instead of normalizing
+   * (and optionally case-folding) both strings entirely,
+   * improving performance significantly.
+   *
+   * Bulk normalization is only necessary if the strings do not fulfill the FCD
+   * conditions. Only in this case, and only if the strings are relatively long,
+   * is memory allocated temporarily.
+   * For FCD strings and short non-FCD strings there is no memory allocation.
+   *
+   * Semantically, this is equivalent to
+   *   strcmp[CodePointOrder](NFD(foldCase(s1)), NFD(foldCase(s2)))
+   * where code point order and foldCase are all optional.
+   *
+   * UAX 21 2.5 Caseless Matching specifies that for a canonical caseless match
+   * the case folding must be performed first, then the normalization.
+   *
+   * @param s1 First source string.
+   * @param s2 Second source string.
+   *
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Case-sensitive comparison in code unit order, and the input strings
+   *     are quick-checked for FCD.
+   *
+   *     Set if the caller knows that both s1 and s2 fulfill the FCD conditions.
+   *     If not set, the function will quickCheck for FCD
+   *     and normalize if necessary.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *     Set to compare strings case-insensitively using case folding,
+   *     instead of case-sensitively.
+   *     If set, then the following case folding options are used.
+   *
+   *   - Options as used with case-insensitive comparisons, currently:
+   *
+   *    (see u_strCaseCompare for details)
+   *
+   *   - regular normalization options shifted left by UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT
+   *
+   * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+   *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+   * @return <0 or 0 or >0 as usual for string comparisons
+   *
+   * @see unorm_compare
+   * @see normalize
+   * @see UNORM_FCD
+   * @see u_strCompare
+   * @see u_strCaseCompare
+   *
+   * @stable ICU 2.2
+   */
+  static inline int32_t
+  compare(const UnicodeString &s1, const UnicodeString &s2,
+          uint32_t options,
+          UErrorCode &errorCode);
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Iteration API
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Return the current character in the normalized text.
+   * current() may need to normalize some text at getIndex().
+   * The getIndex() is not changed.
+   *
+   * @return the current normalized code point
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UChar32              current(void);
+  /**
+   * Return the first character in the normalized text.
+   * This is equivalent to setIndexOnly(startIndex()) followed by next().
+   * (Post-increment semantics.)
+   *
+   * @return the first normalized code point
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UChar32              first(void);
+  /**
+   * Return the last character in the normalized text.
+   * This is equivalent to setIndexOnly(endIndex()) followed by previous().
+   * (Pre-decrement semantics.)
+   *
+   * @return the last normalized code point
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UChar32              last(void);
+  /**
+   * Return the next character in the normalized text.
+   * (Post-increment semantics.)
+   * If the end of the text has already been reached, DONE is returned.
+   * The DONE value could be confused with a U+FFFF non-character code point
+   * in the text. If this is possible, you can test getIndex()<endIndex()
+   * before calling next(), or (getIndex()<endIndex() || last()!=DONE)
+   * after calling next(). (Calling last() will change the iterator state!)
+   *
+   * The C API unorm_next() is more efficient and does not have this ambiguity.
+   *
+   * @return the next normalized code point
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UChar32              next(void);
+  /**
+   * Return the previous character in the normalized text and decrement.
+   * (Pre-decrement semantics.)
+   * If the beginning of the text has already been reached, DONE is returned.
+   * The DONE value could be confused with a U+FFFF non-character code point
+   * in the text. If this is possible, you can test
+   * (getIndex()>startIndex() || first()!=DONE). (Calling first() will change
+   * the iterator state!)
+   *
+   * The C API unorm_previous() is more efficient and does not have this ambiguity.
+   *
+   * @return the previous normalized code point
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UChar32              previous(void);
+  /**
+   * Set the iteration position in the input text that is being normalized,
+   * without any immediate normalization.
+   * After setIndexOnly(), getIndex() will return the same index that is
+   * specified here.
+   *
+   * @param index the desired index in the input text.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void                 setIndexOnly(int32_t index);
+  /**
+   * Reset the index to the beginning of the text.
+   * This is equivalent to setIndexOnly(startIndex)).
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void                reset(void);
+  /**
+   * Retrieve the current iteration position in the input text that is
+   * being normalized.
+   *
+   * A following call to next() will return a normalized code point from
+   * the input text at or after this index.
+   *
+   * After a call to previous(), getIndex() will point at or before the
+   * position in the input text where the normalized code point
+   * was returned from with previous().
+   *
+   * @return the current index in the input text
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  int32_t            getIndex(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Retrieve the index of the start of the input text. This is the begin index
+   * of the <code>CharacterIterator</code> or the start (i.e. index 0) of the string
+   * over which this <code>Normalizer</code> is iterating.
+   *
+   * @return the smallest index in the input text where the Normalizer operates
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  int32_t            startIndex(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Retrieve the index of the end of the input text. This is the end index
+   * of the <code>CharacterIterator</code> or the length of the string
+   * over which this <code>Normalizer</code> is iterating.
+   * This end index is exclusive, i.e., the Normalizer operates only on characters
+   * before this index.
+   *
+   * @return the first index in the input text where the Normalizer does not operate
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  int32_t            endIndex(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns TRUE when both iterators refer to the same character in the same
+   * input text.
+   *
+   * @param that a Normalizer object to compare this one to
+   * @return comparison result
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UBool        operator==(const Normalizer& that) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns FALSE when both iterators refer to the same character in the same
+   * input text.
+   *
+   * @param that a Normalizer object to compare this one to
+   * @return comparison result
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  inline UBool        operator!=(const Normalizer& that) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns a pointer to a new Normalizer that is a clone of this one.
+   * The caller is responsible for deleting the new clone.
+   * @return a pointer to a new Normalizer
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  Normalizer*        clone() const;
+  /**
+   * Generates a hash code for this iterator.
+   *
+   * @return the hash code
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  int32_t                hashCode(void) const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Property access methods
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Set the normalization mode for this object.
+   * <p>
+   * <b>Note:</b>If the normalization mode is changed while iterating
+   * over a string, calls to {@link #next() } and {@link #previous() } may
+   * return previously buffers characters in the old normalization mode
+   * until the iteration is able to re-sync at the next base character.
+   * It is safest to call {@link #setIndexOnly }, {@link #reset() },
+   * {@link #setText }, {@link #first() },
+   * {@link #last() }, etc. after calling <code>setMode</code>.
+   * <p>
+   * @param newMode the new mode for this <code>Normalizer</code>.
+   * @see #getUMode
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void setMode(UNormalizationMode newMode);
+  /**
+   * Return the normalization mode for this object.
+   *
+   * This is an unusual name because there used to be a getMode() that
+   * returned a different type.
+   *
+   * @return the mode for this <code>Normalizer</code>
+   * @see #setMode
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UNormalizationMode getUMode(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Set options that affect this <code>Normalizer</code>'s operation.
+   * Options do not change the basic composition or decomposition operation
+   * that is being performed, but they control whether
+   * certain optional portions of the operation are done.
+   * Currently the only available option is obsolete.
+   *
+   * It is possible to specify multiple options that are all turned on or off.
+   *
+   * @param   option  the option(s) whose value is/are to be set.
+   * @param   value   the new setting for the option.  Use <code>TRUE</code> to
+   *                  turn the option(s) on and <code>FALSE</code> to turn it/them off.
+   *
+   * @see #getOption
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void setOption(int32_t option,
+         UBool value);
+  /**
+   * Determine whether an option is turned on or off.
+   * If multiple options are specified, then the result is TRUE if any
+   * of them are set.
+   * <p>
+   * @param option the option(s) that are to be checked
+   * @return TRUE if any of the option(s) are set
+   * @see #setOption
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  UBool getOption(int32_t option) const;
+  /**
+   * Set the input text over which this <code>Normalizer</code> will iterate.
+   * The iteration position is set to the beginning.
+   *
+   * @param newText a string that replaces the current input text
+   * @param status a UErrorCode
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void setText(const UnicodeString& newText,
+           UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Set the input text over which this <code>Normalizer</code> will iterate.
+   * The iteration position is set to the beginning.
+   *
+   * @param newText a CharacterIterator object that replaces the current input text
+   * @param status a UErrorCode
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void setText(const CharacterIterator& newText,
+           UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Set the input text over which this <code>Normalizer</code> will iterate.
+   * The iteration position is set to the beginning.
+   *
+   * @param newText a string that replaces the current input text
+   * @param length the length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+   * @param status a UErrorCode
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void setText(ConstChar16Ptr newText,
+                    int32_t length,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+   * Copies the input text into the UnicodeString argument.
+   *
+   * @param result Receives a copy of the text under iteration.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  void            getText(UnicodeString&  result);
+  /**
+   * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+   * @returns a UClassID for this class.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+  /**
+   * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+   * @return a UClassID for the actual class.
+   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Private functions
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Normalizer(); // default constructor not implemented
+  Normalizer &operator=(const Normalizer &that); // assignment operator not implemented
+  // Private utility methods for iteration
+  // For documentation, see the source code
+  UBool nextNormalize();
+  UBool previousNormalize();
+  void    init();
+  void    clearBuffer(void);
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Private data
+  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  FilteredNormalizer2*fFilteredNorm2;  // owned if not NULL
+  const Normalizer2  *fNorm2;  // not owned; may be equal to fFilteredNorm2
+  UNormalizationMode  fUMode;  // deprecated
+  int32_t             fOptions;
+  // The input text and our position in it
+  CharacterIterator  *text;
+  // The normalization buffer is the result of normalization
+  // of the source in [currentIndex..nextIndex[ .
+  int32_t         currentIndex, nextIndex;
+  // A buffer for holding intermediate results
+  UnicodeString       buffer;
+  int32_t         bufferPos;
+// Inline implementations
+inline UBool
+Normalizer::operator!= (const Normalizer& other) const
+{ return ! operator==(other); }
+inline UNormalizationCheckResult
+Normalizer::quickCheck(const UnicodeString& source,
+                       UNormalizationMode mode,
+                       UErrorCode &status) {
+    return quickCheck(source, mode, 0, status);
+inline UBool
+Normalizer::isNormalized(const UnicodeString& source,
+                         UNormalizationMode mode,
+                         UErrorCode &status) {
+    return isNormalized(source, mode, 0, status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+inline int32_t
+Normalizer::compare(const UnicodeString &s1, const UnicodeString &s2,
+                    uint32_t options,
+                    UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+  // all argument checking is done in unorm_compare
+  return unorm_compare(toUCharPtr(s1.getBuffer()), s1.length(),
+                       toUCharPtr(s2.getBuffer()), s2.length(),
+                       options,
+                       &errorCode);
+#endif // NORMLZR_H
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/nounit.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/nounit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b5c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/nounit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017, International Business Machines Corporation,       *
+ * Google, and others. All Rights Reserved.                                    *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __NOUNIT_H__
+#define __NOUNIT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/measunit.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: units for percent and permille
+ */
+ * Dimensionless unit for percent and permille.
+ * @see NumberFormatter
+ * @draft ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API NoUnit: public MeasureUnit {
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance for the base unit (dimensionless and no scaling).
+     *
+     * @return               a NoUnit instance
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    static NoUnit U_EXPORT2 base();
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance for percent, or 1/100 of a base unit.
+     *
+     * @return               a NoUnit instance
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    static NoUnit U_EXPORT2 percent();
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance for permille, or 1/1000 of a base unit.
+     *
+     * @return               a NoUnit instance
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    static NoUnit U_EXPORT2 permille();
+    /**
+     * Copy operator.
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    NoUnit(const NoUnit& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual ~NoUnit();
+    /**
+     * Return a polymorphic clone of this object.  The result will
+     * have the same class as returned by getDynamicClassID().
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual NoUnit* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID for this object POLYMORPHICALLY.
+     * This method implements a simple form of RTTI used by ICU.
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class. This is used to compare to
+     * the return value of getDynamicClassID().
+     * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @draft ICU 60
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    NoUnit(const char* subtype);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __NOUNIT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numberformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numberformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d4687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numberformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2685 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/appendable.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
+#include "unicode/currunit.h"
+#include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h"
+#include "unicode/fieldpos.h"
+#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
+#include "unicode/fpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/measunit.h"
+#include "unicode/nounit.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/plurrule.h"
+#include "unicode/ucurr.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unicode/unumberformatter.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Library for localized number formatting introduced in ICU 60.
+ *
+ * This library was introduced in ICU 60 to simplify the process of formatting localized number strings.
+ * Basic usage examples:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * // Most basic usage:
+ * NumberFormatter::withLocale(...).format(123).toString();  // 1,234 in en-US
+ *
+ * // Custom notation, unit, and rounding precision:
+ * NumberFormatter::with()
+ *     .notation(Notation::compactShort())
+ *     .unit(CurrencyUnit("EUR", status))
+ *     .precision(Precision::maxDigits(2))
+ *     .locale(...)
+ *     .format(1234)
+ *     .toString();  // €1.2K in en-US
+ *
+ * // Create a formatter in a singleton by value for use later:
+ * static const LocalizedNumberFormatter formatter = NumberFormatter::withLocale(...)
+ *     .unit(NoUnit::percent())
+ *     .precision(Precision::fixedFraction(3));
+ * formatter.format(5.9831).toString();  // 5.983% in en-US
+ *
+ * // Create a "template" in a singleton unique_ptr but without setting a locale until the call site:
+ * std::unique_ptr<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter> template = NumberFormatter::with()
+ *     .sign(UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS)
+ *     .unit(MeasureUnit::getMeter())
+ *     .unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME)
+ *     .clone();
+ * template->locale(...).format(1234).toString();  // +1,234 meters in en-US
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This API offers more features than DecimalFormat and is geared toward new users of ICU.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * NumberFormatter instances (i.e., LocalizedNumberFormatter and UnlocalizedNumberFormatter)
+ * are immutable and thread safe. This means that invoking a configuration method has no
+ * effect on the receiving instance; you must store and use the new number formatter instance it returns instead.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * UnlocalizedNumberFormatter formatter = UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::with().notation(Notation::scientific());
+ * formatter.precision(Precision.maxFraction(2)); // does nothing!
+ * formatter.locale(Locale.getEnglish()).format(9.8765).toString(); // prints "9.8765E0", not "9.88E0"
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This API is based on the <em>fluent</em> design pattern popularized by libraries such as Google's Guava. For
+ * extensive details on the design of this API, read <a href="">the design doc</a>.
+ *
+ * @author Shane Carr
+ */
+// Forward declarations:
+class IFixedDecimal;
+class FieldPositionIteratorHandler;
+class FormattedStringBuilder;
+namespace numparse {
+namespace impl {
+// Forward declarations:
+class NumberParserImpl;
+class MultiplierParseHandler;
+namespace number {  // icu::number
+// Forward declarations:
+class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
+class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
+class FormattedNumber;
+class Notation;
+class ScientificNotation;
+class Precision;
+class FractionPrecision;
+class CurrencyPrecision;
+class IncrementPrecision;
+class IntegerWidth;
+namespace impl {
+// can't be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API; referenced throughout this file in public classes
+ * Datatype for minimum/maximum fraction digits. Must be able to hold kMaxIntFracSig.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef int16_t digits_t;
+// can't be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API; needed for struct initialization
+ * Use a default threshold of 3. This means that the third time .format() is called, the data structures get built
+ * using the "safe" code path. The first two calls to .format() will trigger the unsafe code path.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+static constexpr int32_t kInternalDefaultThreshold = 3;
+// Forward declarations:
+class Padder;
+struct MacroProps;
+struct MicroProps;
+class DecimalQuantity;
+class UFormattedNumberData;
+class NumberFormatterImpl;
+struct ParsedPatternInfo;
+class ScientificModifier;
+class MultiplierProducer;
+class RoundingImpl;
+class ScientificHandler;
+class Modifier;
+class AffixPatternProvider;
+class NumberPropertyMapper;
+struct DecimalFormatProperties;
+class MultiplierFormatHandler;
+class CurrencySymbols;
+class GeneratorHelpers;
+class DecNum;
+class NumberRangeFormatterImpl;
+struct RangeMacroProps;
+struct UFormattedNumberImpl;
+ * Used for NumberRangeFormatter and implemented in numrange_fluent.cpp.
+ * Declared here so it can be friended.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+void touchRangeLocales(impl::RangeMacroProps& macros);
+} // namespace impl
+ * Extra name reserved in case it is needed in the future.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef Notation CompactNotation;
+ * Extra name reserved in case it is needed in the future.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef Notation SimpleNotation;
+ * A class that defines the notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Notation : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Print the number using scientific notation (also known as scientific form, standard index form, or standard form
+     * in the UK). The format for scientific notation varies by locale; for example, many Western locales display the
+     * number in the form "#E0", where the number is displayed with one digit before the decimal separator, zero or more
+     * digits after the decimal separator, and the corresponding power of 10 displayed after the "E".
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E4 through 8.765E-3:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * 8.765E4
+     * 8.765E3
+     * 8.765E2
+     * 8.765E1
+     * 8.765E0
+     * 8.765E-1
+     * 8.765E-2
+     * 8.765E-3
+     * 0E0
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @return A ScientificNotation for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static ScientificNotation scientific();
+    /**
+     * Print the number using engineering notation, a variant of scientific notation in which the exponent must be
+     * divisible by 3.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E4 through 8.765E-3:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * 87.65E3
+     * 8.765E3
+     * 876.5E0
+     * 87.65E0
+     * 8.765E0
+     * 876.5E-3
+     * 87.65E-3
+     * 8.765E-3
+     * 0E0
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @return A ScientificNotation for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static ScientificNotation engineering();
+    /**
+     * Print the number using short-form compact notation.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <em>Compact notation</em>, defined in Unicode Technical Standard #35 Part 3 Section 2.4.1, prints numbers with
+     * localized prefixes or suffixes corresponding to different powers of ten. Compact notation is similar to
+     * engineering notation in how it scales numbers.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Compact notation is ideal for displaying large numbers (over ~1000) to humans while at the same time minimizing
+     * screen real estate.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In short form, the powers of ten are abbreviated. In <em>en-US</em>, the abbreviations are "K" for thousands, "M"
+     * for millions, "B" for billions, and "T" for trillions. Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E7
+     * through 8.765E0:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * 88M
+     * 8.8M
+     * 876K
+     * 88K
+     * 8.8K
+     * 876
+     * 88
+     * 8.8
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * When compact notation is specified without an explicit rounding precision, numbers are rounded off to the closest
+     * integer after scaling the number by the corresponding power of 10, but with a digit shown after the decimal
+     * separator if there is only one digit before the decimal separator. The default compact notation rounding precision
+     * is equivalent to:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * Precision::integer().withMinDigits(2)
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @return A CompactNotation for passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static CompactNotation compactShort();
+    /**
+     * Print the number using long-form compact notation. For more information on compact notation, see
+     * {@link #compactShort}.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In long form, the powers of ten are spelled out fully. Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E7
+     * through 8.765E0:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * 88 million
+     * 8.8 million
+     * 876 thousand
+     * 88 thousand
+     * 8.8 thousand
+     * 876
+     * 88
+     * 8.8
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @return A CompactNotation for passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static CompactNotation compactLong();
+    /**
+     * Print the number using simple notation without any scaling by powers of ten. This is the default behavior.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Since this is the default behavior, this method needs to be called only when it is necessary to override a
+     * previous setting.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E7 through 8.765E0:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * 87,650,000
+     * 8,765,000
+     * 876,500
+     * 87,650
+     * 8,765
+     * 876.5
+     * 87.65
+     * 8.765
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @return A SimpleNotation for passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static SimpleNotation simple();
+  private:
+    enum NotationType {
+    } fType;
+    union NotationUnion {
+        // For NTN_SCIENTIFIC
+        /** @internal */
+        struct ScientificSettings {
+            /** @internal */
+            int8_t fEngineeringInterval;
+            /** @internal */
+            bool fRequireMinInt;
+            /** @internal */
+            impl::digits_t fMinExponentDigits;
+            /** @internal */
+            UNumberSignDisplay fExponentSignDisplay;
+        } scientific;
+        // For NTN_COMPACT
+        UNumberCompactStyle compactStyle;
+        // For NTN_ERROR
+        UErrorCode errorCode;
+    } fUnion;
+    typedef NotationUnion::ScientificSettings ScientificSettings;
+    Notation(const NotationType &type, const NotationUnion &union_) : fType(type), fUnion(union_) {}
+    Notation(UErrorCode errorCode) : fType(NTN_ERROR) {
+        fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
+    }
+    Notation() : fType(NTN_SIMPLE), fUnion() {}
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        if (fType == NTN_ERROR) {
+            status = fUnion.errorCode;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    // To allow MacroProps to initialize empty instances:
+    friend struct impl::MacroProps;
+    friend class ScientificNotation;
+    // To allow implementation to access internal types:
+    friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
+    friend class impl::ScientificModifier;
+    friend class impl::ScientificHandler;
+    // To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
+    friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
+ * A class that defines the scientific notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * To create a ScientificNotation, use one of the factory methods in {@link Notation}.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ScientificNotation : public Notation {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum number of digits to show in the exponent of scientific notation, padding with zeros if
+     * necessary. Useful for fixed-width display.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For example, with minExponentDigits=2, the number 123 will be printed as "1.23E02" in <em>en-US</em> instead of
+     * the default "1.23E2".
+     *
+     * @param minExponentDigits
+     *            The minimum number of digits to show in the exponent.
+     * @return A ScientificNotation, for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    ScientificNotation withMinExponentDigits(int32_t minExponentDigits) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets whether to show the sign on positive and negative exponents in scientific notation. The default is AUTO,
+     * showing the minus sign but not the plus sign.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For example, with exponentSignDisplay=ALWAYS, the number 123 will be printed as "1.23E+2" in <em>en-US</em>
+     * instead of the default "1.23E2".
+     *
+     * @param exponentSignDisplay
+     *            The strategy for displaying the sign in the exponent.
+     * @return A ScientificNotation, for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    ScientificNotation withExponentSignDisplay(UNumberSignDisplay exponentSignDisplay) const;
+  private:
+    // Inherit constructor
+    using Notation::Notation;
+    // Raw constructor for NumberPropertyMapper
+    ScientificNotation(int8_t fEngineeringInterval, bool fRequireMinInt, impl::digits_t fMinExponentDigits,
+                       UNumberSignDisplay fExponentSignDisplay);
+    friend class Notation;
+    // So that NumberPropertyMapper can create instances
+    friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
+ * Extra name reserved in case it is needed in the future.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef Precision SignificantDigitsPrecision;
+ * A class that defines the rounding precision to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * To create a Precision, use one of the factory methods.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Precision : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Show all available digits to full precision.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> When formatting a <em>double</em>, this method, along with {@link #minFraction} and
+     * {@link #minSignificantDigits}, will trigger complex algorithm similar to <em>Dragon4</em> to determine the
+     * low-order digits and the number of digits to display based on the value of the double.
+     * If the number of fraction places or significant digits can be bounded, consider using {@link #maxFraction}
+     * or {@link #maxSignificantDigits} instead to maximize performance.
+     * For more information, read the following blog post.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     *
+     *
+     * @return A Precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static Precision unlimited();
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to the nearest integer.
+     *
+     * @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static FractionPrecision integer();
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator).
+     * Additionally, pad with zeros to ensure that this number of places are always shown.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Example output with minMaxFractionPlaces = 3:
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * 87,650.000<br>
+     * 8,765.000<br>
+     * 876.500<br>
+     * 87.650<br>
+     * 8.765<br>
+     * 0.876<br>
+     * 0.088<br>
+     * 0.009<br>
+     * 0.000 (zero)
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method is equivalent to {@link #minMaxFraction} with both arguments equal.
+     *
+     * @param minMaxFractionPlaces
+     *            The minimum and maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (rounding if too
+     *            long or padding with zeros if too short).
+     * @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static FractionPrecision fixedFraction(int32_t minMaxFractionPlaces);
+    /**
+     * Always show at least a certain number of fraction places after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
+     * necessary. Do not perform rounding (display numbers to their full precision).
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you are formatting <em>doubles</em>, see the performance note in {@link #unlimited}.
+     *
+     * @param minFractionPlaces
+     *            The minimum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (padding with zeros if
+     *            necessary).
+     * @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static FractionPrecision minFraction(int32_t minFractionPlaces);
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator).
+     * Unlike the other fraction rounding strategies, this strategy does <em>not</em> pad zeros to the end of the
+     * number.
+     *
+     * @param maxFractionPlaces
+     *            The maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal mark (rounding if necessary).
+     * @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static FractionPrecision maxFraction(int32_t maxFractionPlaces);
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator);
+     * in addition, always show at least a certain number of places after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
+     * necessary.
+     *
+     * @param minFractionPlaces
+     *            The minimum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (padding with zeros if
+     *            necessary).
+     * @param maxFractionPlaces
+     *            The maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (rounding if necessary).
+     * @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static FractionPrecision minMaxFraction(int32_t minFractionPlaces, int32_t maxFractionPlaces);
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits or significant figures. Additionally,
+     * pad with zeros to ensure that this number of significant digits/figures are always shown.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method is equivalent to {@link #minMaxSignificantDigits} with both arguments equal.
+     *
+     * @param minMaxSignificantDigits
+     *            The minimum and maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if too long or padding with
+     *            zeros if too short).
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static SignificantDigitsPrecision fixedSignificantDigits(int32_t minMaxSignificantDigits);
+    /**
+     * Always show at least a certain number of significant digits/figures, padding with zeros if necessary. Do not
+     * perform rounding (display numbers to their full precision).
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you are formatting <em>doubles</em>, see the performance note in {@link #unlimited}.
+     *
+     * @param minSignificantDigits
+     *            The minimum number of significant digits to display (padding with zeros if too short).
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static SignificantDigitsPrecision minSignificantDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits);
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures.
+     *
+     * @param maxSignificantDigits
+     *            The maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if too long).
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static SignificantDigitsPrecision maxSignificantDigits(int32_t maxSignificantDigits);
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures; in addition, always show at
+     * least a certain number of significant digits, padding with zeros if necessary.
+     *
+     * @param minSignificantDigits
+     *            The minimum number of significant digits to display (padding with zeros if necessary).
+     * @param maxSignificantDigits
+     *            The maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if necessary).
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static SignificantDigitsPrecision minMaxSignificantDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits,
+                                                              int32_t maxSignificantDigits);
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded if necessary to the closest multiple of a certain rounding increment. For example, if the
+     * rounding increment is 0.5, then round 1.2 to 1 and round 1.3 to 1.5.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In order to ensure that numbers are padded to the appropriate number of fraction places, call
+     * withMinFraction() on the return value of this method.
+     * For example, to round to the nearest 0.5 and always display 2 numerals after the
+     * decimal separator (to display 1.2 as "1.00" and 1.3 as "1.50"), you can run:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * Precision::increment(0.5).withMinFraction(2)
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @param roundingIncrement
+     *            The increment to which to round numbers.
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static IncrementPrecision increment(double roundingIncrement);
+    /**
+     * Show numbers rounded and padded according to the rules for the currency unit. The most common
+     * rounding precision settings for currencies include <code>Precision::fixedFraction(2)</code>,
+     * <code>Precision::integer()</code>, and <code>Precision::increment(0.05)</code> for cash transactions
+     * ("nickel rounding").
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The exact rounding details will be resolved at runtime based on the currency unit specified in the
+     * NumberFormatter chain. To round according to the rules for one currency while displaying the symbol for another
+     * currency, the withCurrency() method can be called on the return value of this method.
+     *
+     * @param currencyUsage
+     *            Either STANDARD (for digital transactions) or CASH (for transactions where the rounding increment may
+     *            be limited by the available denominations of cash or coins).
+     * @return A CurrencyPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static CurrencyPrecision currency(UCurrencyUsage currencyUsage);
+  private:
+    enum PrecisionType {
+        RND_BOGUS,
+        RND_NONE,
+        RND_FRACTION,
+        // Used for strange increments like 3.14.
+        // Used for increments with 1 as the only digit. This is different than fraction
+        // rounding because it supports having additional trailing zeros. For example, this
+        // class is used to round with the increment 0.010.
+        // Used for increments with 5 as the only digit (nickel rounding).
+        RND_CURRENCY,
+        RND_ERROR
+    } fType;
+    union PrecisionUnion {
+        /** @internal */
+        struct FractionSignificantSettings {
+            /** @internal */
+            impl::digits_t fMinFrac;
+            /** @internal */
+            impl::digits_t fMaxFrac;
+            /** @internal */
+            impl::digits_t fMinSig;
+            /** @internal */
+            impl::digits_t fMaxSig;
+        } fracSig;
+        /** @internal */
+        struct IncrementSettings {
+            /** @internal */
+            double fIncrement;
+            /** @internal */
+            impl::digits_t fMinFrac;
+            /** @internal */
+            impl::digits_t fMaxFrac;
+        } increment;
+        UCurrencyUsage currencyUsage; // For RND_CURRENCY
+        UErrorCode errorCode; // For RND_ERROR
+    } fUnion;
+    typedef PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings FractionSignificantSettings;
+    typedef PrecisionUnion::IncrementSettings IncrementSettings;
+    /** The Precision encapsulates the RoundingMode when used within the implementation. */
+    UNumberFormatRoundingMode fRoundingMode;
+    Precision(const PrecisionType& type, const PrecisionUnion& union_,
+              UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode)
+            : fType(type), fUnion(union_), fRoundingMode(roundingMode) {}
+    Precision(UErrorCode errorCode) : fType(RND_ERROR) {
+        fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
+    }
+    Precision() : fType(RND_BOGUS) {}
+    bool isBogus() const {
+        return fType == RND_BOGUS;
+    }
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        if (fType == RND_ERROR) {
+            status = fUnion.errorCode;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    // On the parent type so that this method can be called internally on Precision instances.
+    Precision withCurrency(const CurrencyUnit &currency, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    static FractionPrecision constructFraction(int32_t minFrac, int32_t maxFrac);
+    static Precision constructSignificant(int32_t minSig, int32_t maxSig);
+    static Precision
+    constructFractionSignificant(const FractionPrecision &base, int32_t minSig, int32_t maxSig);
+    static IncrementPrecision constructIncrement(double increment, int32_t minFrac);
+    static CurrencyPrecision constructCurrency(UCurrencyUsage usage);
+    static Precision constructPassThrough();
+    // To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize bogus instances:
+    friend struct impl::MacroProps;
+    friend struct impl::MicroProps;
+    // To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and other internal methods:
+    friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
+    // To allow NumberPropertyMapper to create instances from DecimalFormatProperties:
+    friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
+    // To allow access to the main implementation class:
+    friend class impl::RoundingImpl;
+    // To allow child classes to call private methods:
+    friend class FractionPrecision;
+    friend class CurrencyPrecision;
+    friend class IncrementPrecision;
+    // To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
+    friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
+ * A class that defines a rounding precision based on a number of fraction places and optionally significant digits to be
+ * used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * To create a FractionPrecision, use one of the factory methods on Precision.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FractionPrecision : public Precision {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Ensure that no less than this number of significant digits are retained when rounding according to fraction
+     * rules.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For example, with integer rounding, the number 3.141 becomes "3". However, with minimum figures set to 2, 3.141
+     * becomes "3.1" instead.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This setting does not affect the number of trailing zeros. For example, 3.01 would print as "3", not "3.0".
+     *
+     * @param minSignificantDigits
+     *            The number of significant figures to guarantee.
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Precision withMinDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits) const;
+    /**
+     * Ensure that no more than this number of significant digits are retained when rounding according to fraction
+     * rules.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For example, with integer rounding, the number 123.4 becomes "123". However, with maximum figures set to 2, 123.4
+     * becomes "120" instead.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This setting does not affect the number of trailing zeros. For example, with fixed fraction of 2, 123.4 would
+     * become "120.00".
+     *
+     * @param maxSignificantDigits
+     *            Round the number to no more than this number of significant figures.
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Precision withMaxDigits(int32_t maxSignificantDigits) const;
+  private:
+    // Inherit constructor
+    using Precision::Precision;
+    // To allow parent class to call this class's constructor:
+    friend class Precision;
+ * A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a currency to be used when formatting numbers in
+ * NumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * To create a CurrencyPrecision, use one of the factory methods on Precision.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CurrencyPrecision : public Precision {
+  public:
+    /**
+      * Associates a currency with this rounding precision.
+      *
+      * <p>
+      * <strong>Calling this method is <em>not required</em></strong>, because the currency specified in unit()
+      * is automatically applied to currency rounding precisions. However,
+      * this method enables you to override that automatic association.
+      *
+      * <p>
+      * This method also enables numbers to be formatted using currency rounding rules without explicitly using a
+      * currency format.
+      *
+      * @param currency
+      *            The currency to associate with this rounding precision.
+      * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+      * @stable ICU 60
+      */
+    Precision withCurrency(const CurrencyUnit &currency) const;
+  private:
+    // Inherit constructor
+    using Precision::Precision;
+    // To allow parent class to call this class's constructor:
+    friend class Precision;
+ * A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a rounding increment to be used when formatting numbers in
+ * NumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * To create an IncrementPrecision, use one of the factory methods on Precision.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API IncrementPrecision : public Precision {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Specifies the minimum number of fraction digits to render after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
+     * necessary.  By default, no trailing zeros are added.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For example, if the rounding increment is 0.5 and minFrac is 2, then the resulting strings include "0.00",
+     * "0.50", "1.00", and "1.50".
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Note: In ICU4J, this functionality is accomplished via the scale of the BigDecimal rounding increment.
+     *
+     * @param minFrac The minimum number of digits after the decimal separator.
+     * @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Precision withMinFraction(int32_t minFrac) const;
+  private:
+    // Inherit constructor
+    using Precision::Precision;
+    // To allow parent class to call this class's constructor:
+    friend class Precision;
+ * A class that defines the strategy for padding and truncating integers before the decimal separator.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * To create an IntegerWidth, use one of the factory methods.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ * @see NumberFormatter
+ */
+class U_I18N_API IntegerWidth : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Pad numbers at the beginning with zeros to guarantee a certain number of numerals before the decimal separator.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For example, with minInt=3, the number 55 will get printed as "055".
+     *
+     * @param minInt
+     *            The minimum number of places before the decimal separator.
+     * @return An IntegerWidth for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter integerWidth() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static IntegerWidth zeroFillTo(int32_t minInt);
+    /**
+     * Truncate numbers exceeding a certain number of numerals before the decimal separator.
+     *
+     * For example, with maxInt=3, the number 1234 will get printed as "234".
+     *
+     * @param maxInt
+     *            The maximum number of places before the decimal separator. maxInt == -1 means no
+     *            truncation.
+     * @return An IntegerWidth for passing to the NumberFormatter integerWidth() setter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    IntegerWidth truncateAt(int32_t maxInt);
+  private:
+    union {
+        struct {
+            impl::digits_t fMinInt;
+            impl::digits_t fMaxInt;
+            bool fFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits;
+        } minMaxInt;
+        UErrorCode errorCode;
+    } fUnion;
+    bool fHasError = false;
+    IntegerWidth(impl::digits_t minInt, impl::digits_t maxInt, bool formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits);
+    IntegerWidth(UErrorCode errorCode) { // NOLINT
+        fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
+        fHasError = true;
+    }
+    IntegerWidth() { // NOLINT
+        fUnion.minMaxInt.fMinInt = -1;
+    }
+    /** Returns the default instance. */
+    static IntegerWidth standard() {
+        return IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(1);
+    }
+    bool isBogus() const {
+        return !fHasError && fUnion.minMaxInt.fMinInt == -1;
+    }
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        if (fHasError) {
+            status = fUnion.errorCode;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    void apply(impl::DecimalQuantity &quantity, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    bool operator==(const IntegerWidth& other) const;
+    // To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
+    friend struct impl::MacroProps;
+    friend struct impl::MicroProps;
+    // To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and perform other operations:
+    friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
+    // So that NumberPropertyMapper can create instances
+    friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
+    // To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
+    friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
+ * A class that defines a quantity by which a number should be multiplied when formatting.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * To create a Scale, use one of the factory methods.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Scale : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Do not change the value of numbers when formatting or parsing.
+     *
+     * @return A Scale to prevent any multiplication.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static Scale none();
+    /**
+     * Multiply numbers by a power of ten before formatting. Useful for combining with a percent unit:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().unit(NoUnit::percent()).multiplier(Scale::powerOfTen(2))
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static Scale powerOfTen(int32_t power);
+    /**
+     * Multiply numbers by an arbitrary value before formatting. Useful for unit conversions.
+     *
+     * This method takes a string in a decimal number format with syntax
+     * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     *
+     * Also see the version of this method that takes a double.
+     *
+     * @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static Scale byDecimal(StringPiece multiplicand);
+    /**
+     * Multiply numbers by an arbitrary value before formatting. Useful for unit conversions.
+     *
+     * This method takes a double; also see the version of this method that takes an exact decimal.
+     *
+     * @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static Scale byDouble(double multiplicand);
+    /**
+     * Multiply a number by both a power of ten and by an arbitrary double value.
+     *
+     * @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static Scale byDoubleAndPowerOfTen(double multiplicand, int32_t power);
+    // We need a custom destructor for the DecNum, which means we need to declare
+    // the copy/move constructor/assignment quartet.
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    Scale(const Scale& other);
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    Scale& operator=(const Scale& other);
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    Scale(Scale&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    Scale& operator=(Scale&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    ~Scale();
+    /** @internal */
+    Scale(int32_t magnitude, impl::DecNum* arbitraryToAdopt);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+  private:
+    int32_t fMagnitude;
+    impl::DecNum* fArbitrary;
+    UErrorCode fError;
+    Scale(UErrorCode error) : fMagnitude(0), fArbitrary(nullptr), fError(error) {}
+    Scale() : fMagnitude(0), fArbitrary(nullptr), fError(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    bool isValid() const {
+        return fMagnitude != 0 || fArbitrary != nullptr;
+    }
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        if (fError != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
+            status = fError;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    void applyTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity) const;
+    void applyReciprocalTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity) const;
+    // To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
+    friend struct impl::MacroProps;
+    friend struct impl::MicroProps;
+    // To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and perform other operations:
+    friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
+    // To allow the helper class MultiplierFormatHandler access to private fields:
+    friend class impl::MultiplierFormatHandler;
+    // To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
+    friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
+    // To allow access to parsing code:
+    friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl;
+    friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::MultiplierParseHandler;
+namespace impl {
+// Do not enclose entire SymbolsWrapper with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
+/** @internal */
+class U_I18N_API SymbolsWrapper : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /** @internal */
+    SymbolsWrapper() : fType(SYMPTR_NONE), fPtr{nullptr} {}
+    /** @internal */
+    SymbolsWrapper(const SymbolsWrapper &other);
+    /** @internal */
+    SymbolsWrapper &operator=(const SymbolsWrapper &other);
+    /** @internal */
+    SymbolsWrapper(SymbolsWrapper&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /** @internal */
+    SymbolsWrapper &operator=(SymbolsWrapper&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /** @internal */
+    ~SymbolsWrapper();
+    /**
+     * The provided object is copied, but we do not adopt it.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void setTo(const DecimalFormatSymbols &dfs);
+    /**
+     * Adopt the provided object.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void setTo(const NumberingSystem *ns);
+    /**
+     * Whether the object is currently holding a DecimalFormatSymbols.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    bool isDecimalFormatSymbols() const;
+    /**
+     * Whether the object is currently holding a NumberingSystem.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    bool isNumberingSystem() const;
+    /**
+     * Get the DecimalFormatSymbols pointer. No ownership change.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    const DecimalFormatSymbols *getDecimalFormatSymbols() const;
+    /**
+     * Get the NumberingSystem pointer. No ownership change.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    const NumberingSystem *getNumberingSystem() const;
+    /** @internal */
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        if (fType == SYMPTR_DFS && fPtr.dfs == nullptr) {
+            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
+            return TRUE;
+        } else if (fType == SYMPTR_NS && fPtr.ns == nullptr) {
+            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+  private:
+    enum SymbolsPointerType {
+    } fType;
+    union {
+        const DecimalFormatSymbols *dfs;
+        const NumberingSystem *ns;
+    } fPtr;
+    void doCopyFrom(const SymbolsWrapper &other);
+    void doMoveFrom(SymbolsWrapper&& src);
+    void doCleanup();
+// Do not enclose entire Grouper with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
+/** @internal */
+class U_I18N_API Grouper : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /** @internal */
+    static Grouper forStrategy(UNumberGroupingStrategy grouping);
+    /**
+     * Resolve the values in Properties to a Grouper object.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static Grouper forProperties(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties);
+    // Future: static Grouper forProperties(DecimalFormatProperties& properties);
+    /** @internal */
+    Grouper(int16_t grouping1, int16_t grouping2, int16_t minGrouping, UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy)
+            : fGrouping1(grouping1),
+              fGrouping2(grouping2),
+              fMinGrouping(minGrouping),
+              fStrategy(strategy) {}
+    /** @internal */
+    int16_t getPrimary() const;
+    /** @internal */
+    int16_t getSecondary() const;
+  private:
+    /**
+     * The grouping sizes, with the following special values:
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>-1 = no grouping
+     * <li>-2 = needs locale data
+     * <li>-4 = fall back to Western grouping if not in locale
+     * </ul>
+     */
+    int16_t fGrouping1;
+    int16_t fGrouping2;
+    /**
+     * The minimum grouping size, with the following special values:
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>-2 = needs locale data
+     * <li>-3 = no less than 2
+     * </ul>
+     */
+    int16_t fMinGrouping;
+    /**
+     * The UNumberGroupingStrategy that was used to create this Grouper, or UNUM_GROUPING_COUNT if this
+     * was not created from a UNumberGroupingStrategy.
+     */
+    UNumberGroupingStrategy fStrategy;
+    Grouper() : fGrouping1(-3) {}
+    bool isBogus() const {
+        return fGrouping1 == -3;
+    }
+    /** NON-CONST: mutates the current instance. */
+    void setLocaleData(const impl::ParsedPatternInfo &patternInfo, const Locale& locale);
+    bool groupAtPosition(int32_t position, const impl::DecimalQuantity &value) const;
+    // To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
+    friend struct MacroProps;
+    friend struct MicroProps;
+    // To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and perform other operations:
+    friend class NumberFormatterImpl;
+    // To allow NumberParserImpl to perform setLocaleData():
+    friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl;
+    // To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
+    friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
+// Do not enclose entire Padder with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
+/** @internal */
+class U_I18N_API Padder : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /** @internal */
+    static Padder none();
+    /** @internal */
+    static Padder codePoints(UChar32 cp, int32_t targetWidth, UNumberFormatPadPosition position);
+    /** @internal */
+    static Padder forProperties(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties);
+  private:
+    UChar32 fWidth;  // -3 = error; -2 = bogus; -1 = no padding
+    union {
+        struct {
+            int32_t fCp;
+            UNumberFormatPadPosition fPosition;
+        } padding;
+        UErrorCode errorCode;
+    } fUnion;
+    Padder(UChar32 cp, int32_t width, UNumberFormatPadPosition position);
+    Padder(int32_t width);
+    Padder(UErrorCode errorCode) : fWidth(-3) { // NOLINT
+        fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
+    }
+    Padder() : fWidth(-2) {} // NOLINT
+    bool isBogus() const {
+        return fWidth == -2;
+    }
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        if (fWidth == -3) {
+            status = fUnion.errorCode;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    bool isValid() const {
+        return fWidth > 0;
+    }
+    int32_t padAndApply(const impl::Modifier &mod1, const impl::Modifier &mod2,
+                        FormattedStringBuilder &string, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
+                        UErrorCode &status) const;
+    // To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
+    friend struct MacroProps;
+    friend struct MicroProps;
+    // To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and perform other operations:
+    friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
+    // To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
+    friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
+// Do not enclose entire MacroProps with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
+/** @internal */
+struct U_I18N_API MacroProps : public UMemory {
+    /** @internal */
+    Notation notation;
+    /** @internal */
+    MeasureUnit unit; // = NoUnit::base();
+    /** @internal */
+    MeasureUnit perUnit; // = NoUnit::base();
+    /** @internal */
+    Precision precision;  // = Precision();  (bogus)
+    /** @internal */
+    UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode = UNUM_ROUND_HALFEVEN;
+    /** @internal */
+    Grouper grouper;  // = Grouper();  (bogus)
+    /** @internal */
+    Padder padder;    // = Padder();   (bogus)
+    /** @internal */
+    IntegerWidth integerWidth; // = IntegerWidth(); (bogus)
+    /** @internal */
+    SymbolsWrapper symbols;
+    // UNUM_XYZ_COUNT denotes null (bogus) values.
+    /** @internal */
+    UNumberUnitWidth unitWidth = UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_COUNT;
+    /** @internal */
+    UNumberSignDisplay sign = UNUM_SIGN_COUNT;
+    /** @internal */
+    UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay decimal = UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_COUNT;
+    /** @internal */
+    Scale scale;  // = Scale();  (benign value)
+    /** @internal */
+    const AffixPatternProvider* affixProvider = nullptr;  // no ownership
+    /** @internal */
+    const PluralRules* rules = nullptr;  // no ownership
+    /** @internal */
+    const CurrencySymbols* currencySymbols = nullptr;  // no ownership
+    /** @internal */
+    int32_t threshold = kInternalDefaultThreshold;
+    /** @internal */
+    Locale locale;
+    // NOTE: Uses default copy and move constructors.
+    /**
+     * Check all members for errors.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    bool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        return notation.copyErrorTo(status) || precision.copyErrorTo(status) ||
+               padder.copyErrorTo(status) || integerWidth.copyErrorTo(status) ||
+               symbols.copyErrorTo(status) || scale.copyErrorTo(status);
+    }
+} // namespace impl
+ * An abstract base class for specifying settings related to number formatting. This class is implemented by
+ * {@link UnlocalizedNumberFormatter} and {@link LocalizedNumberFormatter}. This class is not intended for
+ * public subclassing.
+ */
+template<typename Derived>
+class U_I18N_API NumberFormatterSettings {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Specifies the notation style (simple, scientific, or compact) for rendering numbers.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Simple notation: "12,300"
+     * <li>Scientific notation: "1.23E4"
+     * <li>Compact notation: "12K"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * All notation styles will be properly localized with locale data, and all notation styles are compatible with
+     * units, rounding precisions, and other number formatter settings.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass this method the return value of a {@link Notation} factory method. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().notation(Notation::compactShort())
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * The default is to use simple notation.
+     *
+     * @param notation
+     *            The notation strategy to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see Notation
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived notation(const Notation &notation) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of notation() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param notation
+     *            The notation strategy to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #notation
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived notation(const Notation &notation) &&;
+    /**
+     * Specifies the unit (unit of measure, currency, or percent) to associate with rendered numbers.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Unit of measure: "12.3 meters"
+     * <li>Currency: "$12.30"
+     * <li>Percent: "12.3%"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * All units will be properly localized with locale data, and all units are compatible with notation styles,
+     * rounding precisions, and other number formatter settings.
+     *
+     * Pass this method any instance of {@link MeasureUnit}. For units of measure:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().unit(MeasureUnit::getMeter())
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Currency:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().unit(CurrencyUnit(u"USD", status))
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * Percent:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().unit(NoUnit.percent())
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * See {@link #perUnit} for information on how to format strings like "5 meters per second".
+     *
+     * The default is to render without units (equivalent to NoUnit.base()).
+     *
+     * @param unit
+     *            The unit to render.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see MeasureUnit
+     * @see Currency
+     * @see NoUnit
+     * @see #perUnit
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived unit(const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of unit() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param unit
+     *            The unit to render.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #unit
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived unit(const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) &&;
+    /**
+     * Like unit(), but takes ownership of a pointer.  Convenient for use with the MeasureFormat factory
+     * methods that return pointers that need ownership.
+     *
+     * Note: consider using the MeasureFormat factory methods that return by value.
+     *
+     * @param unit
+     *            The unit to render.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #unit
+     * @see MeasureUnit
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived adoptUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *unit) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of adoptUnit() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param unit
+     *            The unit to render.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #adoptUnit
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived adoptUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *unit) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets a unit to be used in the denominator. For example, to format "3 m/s", pass METER to the unit and SECOND to
+     * the perUnit.
+     *
+     * Pass this method any instance of {@link MeasureUnit}. Example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with()
+     *      .unit(MeasureUnit::getMeter())
+     *      .perUnit(MeasureUnit::getSecond())
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * The default is not to display any unit in the denominator.
+     *
+     * If a per-unit is specified without a primary unit via {@link #unit}, the behavior is undefined.
+     *
+     * @param perUnit
+     *            The unit to render in the denominator.
+     * @return The fluent chain
+     * @see #unit
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    Derived perUnit(const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of perUnit() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param perUnit
+     *            The unit to render in the denominator.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #perUnit
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived perUnit(const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) &&;
+    /**
+     * Like perUnit(), but takes ownership of a pointer.  Convenient for use with the MeasureFormat factory
+     * methods that return pointers that need ownership.
+     *
+     * Note: consider using the MeasureFormat factory methods that return by value.
+     *
+     * @param perUnit
+     *            The unit to render in the denominator.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #perUnit
+     * @see MeasureUnit
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    Derived adoptPerUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of adoptPerUnit() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param perUnit
+     *            The unit to render in the denominator.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #adoptPerUnit
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived adoptPerUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) &&;
+    /**
+     * Specifies the rounding precision to use when formatting numbers.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Round to 3 decimal places: "3.142"
+     * <li>Round to 3 significant figures: "3.14"
+     * <li>Round to the closest nickel: "3.15"
+     * <li>Do not perform rounding: "3.1415926..."
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass this method the return value of one of the factory methods on {@link Precision}. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().precision(Precision::fixedFraction(2))
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In most cases, the default rounding strategy is to round to 6 fraction places; i.e.,
+     * <code>Precision.maxFraction(6)</code>. The exceptions are if compact notation is being used, then the compact
+     * notation rounding strategy is used (see {@link Notation#compactShort} for details), or if the unit is a currency,
+     * then standard currency rounding is used, which varies from currency to currency (see {@link Precision#currency} for
+     * details).
+     *
+     * @param precision
+     *            The rounding precision to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see Precision
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived precision(const Precision& precision) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of precision() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param precision
+     *            The rounding precision to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #precision
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived precision(const Precision& precision) &&;
+    /**
+     * Specifies how to determine the direction to round a number when it has more digits than fit in the
+     * desired precision.  When formatting 1.235:
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Ceiling rounding mode with integer precision: "2"
+     * <li>Half-down rounding mode with 2 fixed fraction digits: "1.23"
+     * <li>Half-up rounding mode with 2 fixed fraction digits: "1.24"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * The default is HALF_EVEN. For more information on rounding mode, see the ICU userguide here:
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * @param roundingMode The rounding mode to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived roundingMode(UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of roundingMode() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param roundingMode The rounding mode to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #roundingMode
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived roundingMode(UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) &&;
+    /**
+     * Specifies the grouping strategy to use when formatting numbers.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Default grouping: "12,300" and "1,230"
+     * <li>Grouping with at least 2 digits: "12,300" and "1230"
+     * <li>No grouping: "12300" and "1230"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The exact grouping widths will be chosen based on the locale.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass this method an element from the {@link UNumberGroupingStrategy} enum. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().grouping(UNUM_GROUPING_MIN2)
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * The default is to perform grouping according to locale data; most locales, but not all locales,
+     * enable it by default.
+     *
+     * @param strategy
+     *            The grouping strategy to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    Derived grouping(UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of grouping() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param strategy
+     *            The grouping strategy to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #grouping
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived grouping(UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) &&;
+    /**
+     * Specifies the minimum and maximum number of digits to render before the decimal mark.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Zero minimum integer digits: ".08"
+     * <li>One minimum integer digit: "0.08"
+     * <li>Two minimum integer digits: "00.08"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass this method the return value of {@link IntegerWidth#zeroFillTo}. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().integerWidth(IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(2))
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * The default is to have one minimum integer digit.
+     *
+     * @param style
+     *            The integer width to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see IntegerWidth
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived integerWidth(const IntegerWidth &style) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of integerWidth() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param style
+     *            The integer width to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #integerWidth
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived integerWidth(const IntegerWidth &style) &&;
+    /**
+     * Specifies the symbols (decimal separator, grouping separator, percent sign, numerals, etc.) to use when rendering
+     * numbers.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li><em>en_US</em> symbols: "12,345.67"
+     * <li><em>fr_FR</em> symbols: "12&nbsp;345,67"
+     * <li><em>de_CH</em> symbols: "12’345.67"
+     * <li><em>my_MY</em> symbols: "၁၂,၃၄၅.၆၇"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass this method an instance of {@link DecimalFormatSymbols}. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().symbols(DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale("de_CH"), status))
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>Note:</strong> DecimalFormatSymbols automatically chooses the best numbering system based on the locale.
+     * In the examples above, the first three are using the Latin numbering system, and the fourth is using the Myanmar
+     * numbering system.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>Note:</strong> The instance of DecimalFormatSymbols will be copied: changes made to the symbols object
+     * after passing it into the fluent chain will not be seen.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>Note:</strong> Calling this method will override any previously specified DecimalFormatSymbols
+     * or NumberingSystem.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The default is to choose the symbols based on the locale specified in the fluent chain.
+     *
+     * @param symbols
+     *            The DecimalFormatSymbols to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see DecimalFormatSymbols
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived symbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of symbols() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param symbols
+     *            The DecimalFormatSymbols to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #symbols
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived symbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) &&;
+    /**
+     * Specifies that the given numbering system should be used when fetching symbols.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Latin numbering system: "12,345"
+     * <li>Myanmar numbering system: "၁၂,၃၄၅"
+     * <li>Math Sans Bold numbering system: "𝟭𝟮,𝟯𝟰𝟱"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass this method an instance of {@link NumberingSystem}. For example, to force the locale to always use the Latin
+     * alphabet numbering system (ASCII digits):
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().adoptSymbols(NumberingSystem::createInstanceByName("latn", status))
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>Note:</strong> Calling this method will override any previously specified DecimalFormatSymbols
+     * or NumberingSystem.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The default is to choose the best numbering system for the locale.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This method takes ownership of a pointer in order to work nicely with the NumberingSystem factory methods.
+     *
+     * @param symbols
+     *            The NumberingSystem to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see NumberingSystem
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived adoptSymbols(NumberingSystem *symbols) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of adoptSymbols() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param symbols
+     *            The NumberingSystem to use.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #adoptSymbols
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived adoptSymbols(NumberingSystem *symbols) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets the width of the unit (measure unit or currency).  Most common values:
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Short: "$12.00", "12 m"
+     * <li>ISO Code: "USD 12.00"
+     * <li>Full name: "12.00 US dollars", "12 meters"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass an element from the {@link UNumberUnitWidth} enum to this setter. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME)
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The default is the SHORT width.
+     *
+     * @param width
+     *            The width to use when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain
+     * @see UNumberUnitWidth
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth width) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of unitWidth() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param width
+     *            The width to use when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #unitWidth
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth width) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets the plus/minus sign display strategy. Most common values:
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Auto: "123", "-123"
+     * <li>Always: "+123", "-123"
+     * <li>Accounting: "$123", "($123)"
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass an element from the {@link UNumberSignDisplay} enum to this setter. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().sign(UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS)
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The default is AUTO sign display.
+     *
+     * @param style
+     *            The sign display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain
+     * @see UNumberSignDisplay
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived sign(UNumberSignDisplay style) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of sign() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param style
+     *            The sign display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #sign
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived sign(UNumberSignDisplay style) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets the decimal separator display strategy. This affects integer numbers with no fraction part. Most common
+     * values:
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Auto: "1"
+     * <li>Always: "1."
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass an element from the {@link UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay} enum to this setter. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().decimal(UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay::UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_ALWAYS)
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The default is AUTO decimal separator display.
+     *
+     * @param style
+     *            The decimal separator display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain
+     * @see UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    Derived decimal(UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of decimal() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param style
+     *            The decimal separator display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #decimal
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived decimal(UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets a scale (multiplier) to be used to scale the number by an arbitrary amount before formatting.
+     * Most common values:
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Multiply by 100: useful for percentages.
+     * <li>Multiply by an arbitrary value: useful for unit conversions.
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Pass an element from a {@link Scale} factory method to this setter. For example:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * NumberFormatter::with().scale(Scale::powerOfTen(2))
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The default is to not apply any multiplier.
+     *
+     * @param scale
+     *            The scale to apply when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived scale(const Scale &scale) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of scale() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param scale
+     *            The scale to apply when rendering numbers.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #scale
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Derived scale(const Scale &scale) &&;
+    /**
+     * Set the padding strategy. May be added in the future; see #13338.
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
+     */
+    Derived padding(const impl::Padder &padder) const &;
+    /** @internal */
+    Derived padding(const impl::Padder &padder) &&;
+    /**
+     * Internal fluent setter to support a custom regulation threshold. A threshold of 1 causes the data structures to
+     * be built right away. A threshold of 0 prevents the data structures from being built.
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
+     */
+    Derived threshold(int32_t threshold) const &;
+    /** @internal */
+    Derived threshold(int32_t threshold) &&;
+    /**
+     * Internal fluent setter to overwrite the entire macros object.
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
+     */
+    Derived macros(const impl::MacroProps& macros) const &;
+    /** @internal */
+    Derived macros(const impl::MacroProps& macros) &&;
+    /** @internal */
+    Derived macros(impl::MacroProps&& macros) const &;
+    /** @internal */
+    Derived macros(impl::MacroProps&& macros) &&;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Creates a skeleton string representation of this number formatter. A skeleton string is a
+     * locale-agnostic serialized form of a number formatter.
+     *
+     * Not all options are capable of being represented in the skeleton string; for example, a
+     * DecimalFormatSymbols object. If any such option is encountered, the error code is set to
+     *
+     * The returned skeleton is in normalized form, such that two number formatters with equivalent
+     * behavior should produce the same skeleton.
+     *
+     * @return A number skeleton string with behavior corresponding to this number formatter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    UnicodeString toSkeleton(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the current (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter as a LocalPointer
+     * wrapping a heap-allocated copy of the current object.
+     *
+     * This is equivalent to new-ing the move constructor with a value object
+     * as the argument.
+     *
+     * @return A wrapped (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter pointer, or a wrapped
+     *         nullptr on failure.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocalPointer<Derived> clone() const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of clone for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @return A wrapped (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter pointer, or a wrapped
+     *         nullptr on failure.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocalPointer<Derived> clone() &&;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred in the fluent chain.
+     * Preserves older error codes in the outErrorCode.
+     * @return TRUE if U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const {
+        if (U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)) {
+            // Do not overwrite the older error code
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        fMacros.copyErrorTo(outErrorCode);
+        return U_FAILURE(outErrorCode);
+    }
+    // NOTE: Uses default copy and move constructors.
+  private:
+    impl::MacroProps fMacros;
+    // Don't construct me directly!  Use (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter.
+    NumberFormatterSettings() = default;
+    friend class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
+    friend class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
+    // Give NumberRangeFormatter access to the MacroProps
+    friend void impl::touchRangeLocales(impl::RangeMacroProps& macros);
+    friend class impl::NumberRangeFormatterImpl;
+ * A NumberFormatter that does not yet have a locale. In order to format numbers, a locale must be specified.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * @see NumberFormatter
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API UnlocalizedNumberFormatter
+        : public NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Associate the given locale with the number formatter. The locale is used for picking the appropriate symbols,
+     * formats, and other data for number display.
+     *
+     * @param locale
+     *            The locale to use when loading data for number formatting.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter locale(const icu::Locale &locale) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of locale() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param locale
+     *            The locale to use when loading data for number formatting.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #locale
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter locale(const icu::Locale &locale) &&;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberFormatter() = default;
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of this UnlocalizedNumberFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &other);
+    /**
+     * Move constructor:
+     * The source UnlocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Copy assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator:
+     * The source UnlocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+  private:
+    explicit UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(const NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>& other);
+    explicit UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(
+            NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    // To give the fluent setters access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>;
+    // To give NumberFormatter::with() access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class NumberFormatter;
+ * A NumberFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .format() methods are available.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * @see NumberFormatter
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API LocalizedNumberFormatter
+        : public NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Format the given integer number to a string using the settings specified in the NumberFormatter fluent
+     * setting chain.
+     *
+     * @param value
+     *            The number to format.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set to an ErrorCode if one occurred in the setter chain or during formatting.
+     * @return A FormattedNumber object; call .toString() to get the string.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    FormattedNumber formatInt(int64_t value, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format the given float or double to a string using the settings specified in the NumberFormatter fluent setting
+     * chain.
+     *
+     * @param value
+     *            The number to format.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set to an ErrorCode if one occurred in the setter chain or during formatting.
+     * @return A FormattedNumber object; call .toString() to get the string.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    FormattedNumber formatDouble(double value, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format the given decimal number to a string using the settings
+     * specified in the NumberFormatter fluent setting chain.
+     * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string"
+     * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     *
+     * @param value
+     *            The number to format.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set to an ErrorCode if one occurred in the setter chain or during formatting.
+     * @return A FormattedNumber object; call .toString() to get the string.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    FormattedNumber formatDecimal(StringPiece value, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /** Internal method.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    FormattedNumber formatDecimalQuantity(const impl::DecimalQuantity& dq, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /** Internal method for DecimalFormat compatibility.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void getAffixImpl(bool isPrefix, bool isNegative, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Internal method for testing.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    const impl::NumberFormatterImpl* getCompiled() const;
+    /**
+     * Internal method for testing.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t getCallCount() const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Creates a representation of this LocalizedNumberFormat as an icu::Format, enabling the use
+     * of this number formatter with APIs that need an object of that type, such as MessageFormat.
+     *
+     * This API is not intended to be used other than for enabling API compatibility. The formatDouble,
+     * formatInt, and formatDecimal methods should normally be used when formatting numbers, not the Format
+     * object returned by this method.
+     *
+     * The caller owns the returned object and must delete it when finished.
+     *
+     * @return A Format wrapping this LocalizedNumberFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Format* toFormat(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter() = default;
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of this LocalizedNumberFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter(const LocalizedNumberFormatter &other);
+    /**
+     * Move constructor:
+     * The source LocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter(LocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Copy assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(const LocalizedNumberFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator:
+     * The source LocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(LocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * This is the core entrypoint to the number formatting pipeline. It performs self-regulation: a static code path
+     * for the first few calls, and compiling a more efficient data structure if called repeatedly.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This function is very hot, being called in every call to the number formatting pipeline.
+     *
+     * @param results
+     *            The results object. This method will mutate it to save the results.
+     * @param status
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void formatImpl(impl::UFormattedNumberData *results, UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Destruct this LocalizedNumberFormatter, cleaning up any memory it might own.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    ~LocalizedNumberFormatter();
+  private:
+    // Note: fCompiled can't be a LocalPointer because impl::NumberFormatterImpl is defined in an internal
+    // header, and LocalPointer needs the full class definition in order to delete the instance.
+    const impl::NumberFormatterImpl* fCompiled {nullptr};
+    char fUnsafeCallCount[8] {};  // internally cast to u_atomic_int32_t
+    explicit LocalizedNumberFormatter(const NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>& other);
+    explicit LocalizedNumberFormatter(NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter(const impl::MacroProps &macros, const Locale &locale);
+    LocalizedNumberFormatter(impl::MacroProps &&macros, const Locale &locale);
+    void clear();
+    void lnfMoveHelper(LocalizedNumberFormatter&& src);
+    /**
+     * @return true if the compiled formatter is available.
+     */
+    bool computeCompiled(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    // To give the fluent setters access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>;
+    friend class NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>;
+    // To give UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::locale() access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
+ * The result of a number formatting operation. This class allows the result to be exported in several data types,
+ * including a UnicodeString and a FieldPositionIterator.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedNumber : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+  public:
+    // Default constructor cannot have #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    /**
+     * Default constructor; makes an empty FormattedNumber.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedNumber()
+        : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR) {}
+    /**
+     * Move constructor: Leaves the source FormattedNumber in an undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    FormattedNumber(FormattedNumber&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Destruct an instance of FormattedNumber.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual ~FormattedNumber() U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move constructor instead. */
+    FormattedNumber(const FormattedNumber&) = delete;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move assignment instead. */
+    FormattedNumber& operator=(const FormattedNumber&) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Move assignment: Leaves the source FormattedNumber in an undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    FormattedNumber& operator=(FormattedNumber&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    // Copybrief: this method is older than the parent method
+    /**
+     * @copybrief FormattedValue::toString()
+     *
+     * For more information, see FormattedValue::toString()
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Copydoc: this method is new in ICU 64
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toTempString() */
+    UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Copybrief: this method is older than the parent method
+    /**
+     * @copybrief FormattedValue::appendTo()
+     *
+     * For more information, see FormattedValue::appendTo()
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    Appendable &appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Copydoc: this method is new in ICU 64
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::nextPosition() */
+    UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Determines the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indices of the next occurrence of the given
+     * <em>field</em> in the output string. This allows you to determine the locations of, for example,
+     * the integer part, fraction part, or symbols.
+     *
+     * This is a simpler but less powerful alternative to {@link #nextPosition}.
+     *
+     * If a field occurs just once, calling this method will find that occurrence and return it. If a
+     * field occurs multiple times, this method may be called repeatedly with the following pattern:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * FieldPosition fpos(UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_FIELD);
+     * while (formattedNumber.nextFieldPosition(fpos, status)) {
+     *   // do something with fpos.
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * This method is useful if you know which field to query. If you want all available field position
+     * information, use {@link #nextPosition} or {@link #getAllFieldPositions}.
+     *
+     * @param fieldPosition
+     *            Input+output variable. On input, the "field" property determines which field to look
+     *            up, and the "beginIndex" and "endIndex" properties determine where to begin the search.
+     *            On output, the "beginIndex" is set to the beginning of the first occurrence of the
+     *            field with either begin or end indices after the input indices; "endIndex" is set to
+     *            the end of that occurrence of the field (exclusive index). If a field position is not
+     *            found, the method returns FALSE and the FieldPosition may or may not be changed.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set if an error occurs while populating the FieldPosition.
+     * @return TRUE if a new occurrence of the field was found; FALSE otherwise.
+     * @draft ICU 62
+     * @see UNumberFormatFields
+     */
+    UBool nextFieldPosition(FieldPosition& fieldPosition, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Export the formatted number to a FieldPositionIterator. This allows you to determine which characters in
+     * the output string correspond to which <em>fields</em>, such as the integer part, fraction part, and sign.
+     *
+     * This is an alternative to the more powerful #nextPosition() API.
+     *
+     * If information on only one field is needed, use #nextPosition() or #nextFieldPosition() instead.
+     *
+     * @param iterator
+     *            The FieldPositionIterator to populate with all of the fields present in the formatted number.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set if an error occurs while populating the FieldPositionIterator.
+     * @draft ICU 62
+     * @see UNumberFormatFields
+     */
+    void getAllFieldPositions(FieldPositionIterator &iterator, UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Export the formatted number as a "numeric string" conforming to the
+     * syntax defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     *
+     * This endpoint is useful for obtaining the exact number being printed
+     * after scaling and rounding have been applied by the number formatter.
+     *
+     * Example call site:
+     *
+     *     auto decimalNumber = fn.toDecimalNumber<std::string>(status);
+     *
+     * @tparam StringClass A string class compatible with StringByteSink;
+     *         for example, std::string.
+     * @param status Set if an error occurs.
+     * @return A StringClass containing the numeric string.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    template<typename StringClass>
+    inline StringClass toDecimalNumber(UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    /**
+     *  Gets the raw DecimalQuantity for plural rule selection.
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    void getDecimalQuantity(impl::DecimalQuantity& output, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Populates the mutable builder type FieldPositionIteratorHandler.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void getAllFieldPositionsImpl(FieldPositionIteratorHandler& fpih, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+  private:
+    // Can't use LocalPointer because UFormattedNumberData is forward-declared
+    const impl::UFormattedNumberData *fData;
+    // Error code for the terminal methods
+    UErrorCode fErrorCode;
+    /**
+     * Internal constructor from data type. Adopts the data pointer.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    explicit FormattedNumber(impl::UFormattedNumberData *results)
+        : fData(results), fErrorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    explicit FormattedNumber(UErrorCode errorCode)
+        : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(errorCode) {}
+    // TODO(ICU-20775): Propose this as API.
+    void toDecimalNumber(ByteSink& sink, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    // To give LocalizedNumberFormatter format methods access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
+    // To give C API access to internals
+    friend struct impl::UFormattedNumberImpl;
+// Note: This is draft ICU 65
+template<typename StringClass>
+StringClass FormattedNumber::toDecimalNumber(UErrorCode& status) const {
+    StringClass result;
+    StringByteSink<StringClass> sink(&result);
+    toDecimalNumber(sink, status);
+    return result;
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+ * See the main description in numberformatter.h for documentation and examples.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+class U_I18N_API NumberFormatter final {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is not currently known at
+     * the call site.
+     *
+     * @return An {@link UnlocalizedNumberFormatter}, to be used for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter with();
+    /**
+     * Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is known at the call
+     * site.
+     *
+     * @param locale
+     *            The locale from which to load formats and symbols for number formatting.
+     * @return A {@link LocalizedNumberFormatter}, to be used for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    static LocalizedNumberFormatter withLocale(const Locale &locale);
+    /**
+     * Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain to create an instance based
+     * on a given number skeleton string.
+     *
+     * It is possible for an error to occur while parsing. See the overload of this method if you are
+     * interested in the location of a possible parse error.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton
+     *            The skeleton string off of which to base this NumberFormatter.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set to U_NUMBER_SKELETON_SYNTAX_ERROR if the skeleton was invalid.
+     * @return An UnlocalizedNumberFormatter, to be used for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter forSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain to create an instance based
+     * on a given number skeleton string.
+     *
+     * If an error occurs while parsing the skeleton string, the offset into the skeleton string at
+     * which the error occurred will be saved into the UParseError, if provided.
+     *
+     * @param skeleton
+     *            The skeleton string off of which to base this NumberFormatter.
+     * @param perror
+     *            A parse error struct populated if an error occurs when parsing.
+ *                If no error occurs, perror.offset will be set to -1.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set to U_NUMBER_SKELETON_SYNTAX_ERROR if the skeleton was invalid.
+     * @return An UnlocalizedNumberFormatter, to be used for chaining.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter forSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
+                                                  UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Use factory methods instead of the constructor to create a NumberFormatter.
+     */
+    NumberFormatter() = delete;
+}  // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __NUMBERFORMATTER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numberrangeformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numberrangeformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f0d2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numberrangeformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include "unicode/appendable.h"
+#include "unicode/fieldpos.h"
+#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
+#include "unicode/fpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Library for localized formatting of number, currency, and unit ranges.
+ *
+ * The main entrypoint to the formatting of ranges of numbers, including currencies and other units of measurement.
+ * <p>
+ * Usage example:
+ * <p>
+ * <pre>
+ * NumberRangeFormatter::with()
+ *     .numberFormatterFirst(NumberFormatter::with().adoptUnit(MeasureUnit::createMeter()))
+ *     .numberFormatterSecond(NumberFormatter::with().adoptUnit(MeasureUnit::createKilometer()))
+ *     .locale("en-GB")
+ *     .formatRange(750, 1.2, status)
+ *     .toString(status);
+ * // => "750 m - 1.2 km"
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>
+ * Like NumberFormatter, NumberRangeFormatter instances (i.e., LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter
+ * and UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter) are immutable and thread-safe. This API is based on the
+ * <em>fluent</em> design pattern popularized by libraries such as Google's Guava.
+ *
+ * @author Shane Carr
+ */
+ * Defines how to merge fields that are identical across the range sign.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberRangeCollapse {
+    /**
+     * Use locale data and heuristics to determine how much of the string to collapse. Could end up collapsing none,
+     * some, or all repeated pieces in a locale-sensitive way.
+     *
+     * The heuristics used for this option are subject to change over time.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Do not collapse any part of the number. Example: "3.2 thousand kilograms – 5.3 thousand kilograms"
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Collapse the unit part of the number, but not the notation, if present. Example: "3.2 thousand – 5.3 thousand
+     * kilograms"
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Collapse any field that is equal across the range sign. May introduce ambiguity on the magnitude of the
+     * number. Example: "3.2 – 5.3 thousand kilograms"
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+} UNumberRangeCollapse;
+ * Defines the behavior when the two numbers in the range are identical after rounding. To programmatically detect
+ * when the identity fallback is used, compare the lower and upper BigDecimals via FormattedNumber.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberRangeIdentityFallback {
+    /**
+     * Show the number as a single value rather than a range. Example: "$5"
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Show the number using a locale-sensitive approximation pattern. If the numbers were the same before rounding,
+     * show the single value. Example: "~$5" or "$5"
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Show the number using a locale-sensitive approximation pattern. Use the range pattern always, even if the
+     * inputs are the same. Example: "~$5"
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Show the number as the range of two equal values. Use the range pattern always, even if the inputs are the
+     * same. Example (with RangeCollapse.NONE): "$5 – $5"
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+} UNumberRangeIdentityFallback;
+ * Used in the result class FormattedNumberRange to indicate to the user whether the numbers formatted in the range
+ * were equal or not, and whether or not the identity fallback was applied.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberRangeIdentityResult {
+    /**
+     * Used to indicate that the two numbers in the range were equal, even before any rounding rules were applied.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used to indicate that the two numbers in the range were equal, but only after rounding rules were applied.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used to indicate that the two numbers in the range were not equal, even after rounding rules were applied.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+     */
+    /**
+     * The number of entries in this enum.
+     * @internal
+     */
+} UNumberRangeIdentityResult;
+namespace number {  // icu::number
+// Forward declarations:
+class UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter;
+class LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter;
+class FormattedNumberRange;
+namespace impl {
+// Forward declarations:
+struct RangeMacroProps;
+class DecimalQuantity;
+class UFormattedNumberRangeData;
+class NumberRangeFormatterImpl;
+} // namespace impl
+ * \cond
+ * Export an explicit template instantiation. See datefmt.h
+ * (When building DLLs for Windows this is required.)
+ */
+} // namespace icu::number
+template struct U_I18N_API std::atomic< U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER number::impl::NumberRangeFormatterImpl*>;
+namespace number {  // icu::number
+/** \endcond */
+// Other helper classes would go here, but there are none.
+namespace impl {  // icu::number::impl
+// Do not enclose entire MacroProps with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
+/** @internal */
+struct U_I18N_API RangeMacroProps : public UMemory {
+    /** @internal */
+    UnlocalizedNumberFormatter formatter1; // = NumberFormatter::with();
+    /** @internal */
+    UnlocalizedNumberFormatter formatter2; // = NumberFormatter::with();
+    /** @internal */
+    bool singleFormatter = true;
+    /** @internal */
+    UNumberRangeCollapse collapse = UNUM_RANGE_COLLAPSE_AUTO;
+    /** @internal */
+    UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback = UNUM_IDENTITY_FALLBACK_APPROXIMATELY;
+    /** @internal */
+    Locale locale;
+    // NOTE: Uses default copy and move constructors.
+    /**
+     * Check all members for errors.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    bool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
+        return formatter1.copyErrorTo(status) || formatter2.copyErrorTo(status);
+    }
+} // namespace impl
+ * An abstract base class for specifying settings related to number formatting. This class is implemented by
+ * {@link UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter} and {@link LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter}. This class is not intended for
+ * public subclassing.
+ */
+template<typename Derived>
+class U_I18N_API NumberRangeFormatterSettings {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Sets the NumberFormatter instance to use for the numbers in the range. The same formatter is applied to both
+     * sides of the range.
+     * <p>
+     * The NumberFormatter instances must not have a locale applied yet; the locale specified on the
+     * NumberRangeFormatter will be used.
+     *
+     * @param formatter
+     *            The formatter to use for both numbers in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterBoth(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatter) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterBoth() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatter
+     *            The formatter to use for both numbers in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterBoth
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterBoth(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatter) &&;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterBoth() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatter
+     *            The formatter to use for both numbers in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterBoth
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterBoth(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatter) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterBoth() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatter
+     *            The formatter to use for both numbers in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterBoth
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterBoth(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatter) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets the NumberFormatter instance to use for the first number in the range.
+     * <p>
+     * The NumberFormatter instances must not have a locale applied yet; the locale specified on the
+     * NumberRangeFormatter will be used.
+     *
+     * @param formatterFirst
+     *            The formatter to use for the first number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterFirst(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterFirst) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterFirst() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatterFirst
+     *            The formatter to use for the first number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterFirst
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterFirst(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterFirst) &&;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterFirst() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatterFirst
+     *            The formatter to use for the first number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterFirst
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterFirst(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterFirst) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterFirst() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatterFirst
+     *            The formatter to use for the first number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterFirst
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterFirst(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterFirst) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets the NumberFormatter instance to use for the second number in the range.
+     * <p>
+     * The NumberFormatter instances must not have a locale applied yet; the locale specified on the
+     * NumberRangeFormatter will be used.
+     *
+     * @param formatterSecond
+     *            The formatter to use for the second number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterSecond(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterSecond) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterSecond() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatterSecond
+     *            The formatter to use for the second number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterSecond
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterSecond(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterSecond) &&;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterSecond() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatterSecond
+     *            The formatter to use for the second number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterSecond
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterSecond(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterSecond) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of numberFormatterSecond() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param formatterSecond
+     *            The formatter to use for the second number in the range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #numberFormatterSecond
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived numberFormatterSecond(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterSecond) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets the aggressiveness of "collapsing" fields across the range separator. Possible values:
+     * <p>
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>ALL: "3-5K miles"</li>
+     * <li>UNIT: "3K - 5K miles"</li>
+     * <li>NONE: "3K miles - 5K miles"</li>
+     * <li>AUTO: usually UNIT or NONE, depending on the locale and formatter settings</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * <p>
+     * The default value is AUTO.
+     *
+     * @param collapse
+     *            The collapsing strategy to use for this range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived collapse(UNumberRangeCollapse collapse) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of collapse() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param collapse
+     *            The collapsing strategy to use for this range.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #collapse
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived collapse(UNumberRangeCollapse collapse) &&;
+    /**
+     * Sets the behavior when the two sides of the range are the same. This could happen if the same two numbers are
+     * passed to the formatRange function, or if different numbers are passed to the function but they become the same
+     * after rounding rules are applied. Possible values:
+     * <p>
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>SINGLE_VALUE: "5 miles"</li>
+     * <li>APPROXIMATELY_OR_SINGLE_VALUE: "~5 miles" or "5 miles", depending on whether the number was the same before
+     * rounding was applied</li>
+     * <li>APPROXIMATELY: "~5 miles"</li>
+     * <li>RANGE: "5-5 miles" (with collapse=UNIT)</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * <p>
+     * The default value is APPROXIMATELY.
+     *
+     * @param identityFallback
+     *            The strategy to use when formatting two numbers that end up being the same.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived identityFallback(UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of identityFallback() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param identityFallback
+     *            The strategy to use when formatting two numbers that end up being the same.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #identityFallback
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Derived identityFallback(UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback) &&;
+    /**
+     * Returns the current (Un)LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter as a LocalPointer
+     * wrapping a heap-allocated copy of the current object.
+     *
+     * This is equivalent to new-ing the move constructor with a value object
+     * as the argument.
+     *
+     * @return A wrapped (Un)LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter pointer, or a wrapped
+     *         nullptr on failure.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocalPointer<Derived> clone() const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of clone for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @return A wrapped (Un)LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter pointer, or a wrapped
+     *         nullptr on failure.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    LocalPointer<Derived> clone() &&;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred in the fluent chain.
+     * Preserves older error codes in the outErrorCode.
+     * @return TRUE if U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const {
+        if (U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)) {
+            // Do not overwrite the older error code
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        fMacros.copyErrorTo(outErrorCode);
+        return U_FAILURE(outErrorCode);
+    }
+    // NOTE: Uses default copy and move constructors.
+  private:
+    impl::RangeMacroProps fMacros;
+    // Don't construct me directly!  Use (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter.
+    NumberRangeFormatterSettings() = default;
+    friend class LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter;
+    friend class UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter;
+ * A NumberRangeFormatter that does not yet have a locale. In order to format, a locale must be specified.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+class U_I18N_API UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter
+        : public NumberRangeFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Associate the given locale with the number range formatter. The locale is used for picking the
+     * appropriate symbols, formats, and other data for number display.
+     *
+     * @param locale
+     *            The locale to use when loading data for number formatting.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter locale(const icu::Locale &locale) const &;
+    /**
+     * Overload of locale() for use on an rvalue reference.
+     *
+     * @param locale
+     *            The locale to use when loading data for number formatting.
+     * @return The fluent chain.
+     * @see #locale
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter locale(const icu::Locale &locale) &&;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter() = default;
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of this UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(const UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other);
+    /**
+     * Move constructor:
+     * The source UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Copy assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter& operator=(const UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator:
+     * The source UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter& operator=(UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+  private:
+    explicit UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(
+            const NumberRangeFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>& other);
+    explicit UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(
+            NumberRangeFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    // To give the fluent setters access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class NumberRangeFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>;
+    // To give NumberRangeFormatter::with() access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class NumberRangeFormatter;
+ * A NumberRangeFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .formatRange() methods are available.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * @see NumberFormatter
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+class U_I18N_API LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter
+        : public NumberRangeFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>, public UMemory {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Format the given Formattables to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting
+     * chain.
+     *
+     * @param first
+     *            The first number in the range, usually to the left in LTR locales.
+     * @param second
+     *            The second number in the range, usually to the right in LTR locales.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set if an error occurs while formatting.
+     * @return A FormattedNumberRange object; call .toString() to get the string.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    FormattedNumberRange formatFormattableRange(
+        const Formattable& first, const Formattable& second, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter() = default;
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of this LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(const LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other);
+    /**
+     * Move constructor:
+     * The source LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Copy assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter& operator=(const LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Move assignment operator:
+     * The source LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter& operator=(LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * @param results
+     *            The results object. This method will mutate it to save the results.
+     * @param equalBeforeRounding
+     *            Whether the number was equal before copying it into a DecimalQuantity.
+     *            Used for determining the identity fallback behavior.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set if an error occurs while formatting.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void formatImpl(impl::UFormattedNumberRangeData& results, bool equalBeforeRounding,
+                    UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Destruct this LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter, cleaning up any memory it might own.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    ~LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter();
+  private:
+    std::atomic<impl::NumberRangeFormatterImpl*> fAtomicFormatter = {};
+    const impl::NumberRangeFormatterImpl* getFormatter(UErrorCode& stauts) const;
+    explicit LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(
+        const NumberRangeFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>& other);
+    explicit LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(
+        NumberRangeFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(const impl::RangeMacroProps &macros, const Locale &locale);
+    LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter(impl::RangeMacroProps &&macros, const Locale &locale);
+    void clear();
+    // To give the fluent setters access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class NumberRangeFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>;
+    friend class NumberRangeFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter>;
+    // To give UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::locale() access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter;
+ * The result of a number range formatting operation. This class allows the result to be exported in several data types,
+ * including a UnicodeString and a FieldPositionIterator.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedNumberRange : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+  public:
+    // Copybrief: this method is older than the parent method
+    /**
+     * @copybrief FormattedValue::toString()
+     *
+     * For more information, see FormattedValue::toString()
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Copydoc: this method is new in ICU 64
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toTempString() */
+    UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Copybrief: this method is older than the parent method
+    /**
+     * @copybrief FormattedValue::appendTo()
+     *
+     * For more information, see FormattedValue::appendTo()
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    Appendable &appendTo(Appendable &appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    // Copydoc: this method is new in ICU 64
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::nextPosition() */
+    UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /**
+     * Determines the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indices of the next occurrence of the given
+     * <em>field</em> in the output string. This allows you to determine the locations of, for example,
+     * the integer part, fraction part, or symbols.
+     *
+     * If both sides of the range have the same field, the field will occur twice, once before the
+     * range separator and once after the range separator, if applicable.
+     *
+     * If a field occurs just once, calling this method will find that occurrence and return it. If a
+     * field occurs multiple times, this method may be called repeatedly with the following pattern:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     * FieldPosition fpos(UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD);
+     * while (formattedNumberRange.nextFieldPosition(fpos, status)) {
+     *   // do something with fpos.
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     * This method is useful if you know which field to query. If you want all available field position
+     * information, use #getAllFieldPositions().
+     *
+     * @param fieldPosition
+     *            Input+output variable. See {@link FormattedNumber#nextFieldPosition}.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set if an error occurs while populating the FieldPosition.
+     * @return TRUE if a new occurrence of the field was found; FALSE otherwise.
+     * @draft ICU 63
+     * @see UNumberFormatFields
+     */
+    UBool nextFieldPosition(FieldPosition& fieldPosition, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Export the formatted number range to a FieldPositionIterator. This allows you to determine which characters in
+     * the output string correspond to which <em>fields</em>, such as the integer part, fraction part, and sign.
+     *
+     * If information on only one field is needed, use #nextFieldPosition() instead.
+     *
+     * @param iterator
+     *            The FieldPositionIterator to populate with all of the fields present in the formatted number.
+     * @param status
+     *            Set if an error occurs while populating the FieldPositionIterator.
+     * @draft ICU 63
+     * @see UNumberFormatFields
+     */
+    void getAllFieldPositions(FieldPositionIterator &iterator, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Export the first formatted number as a decimal number. This endpoint
+     * is useful for obtaining the exact number being printed after scaling
+     * and rounding have been applied by the number range formatting pipeline.
+     * 
+     * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string"
+     * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     *
+     * @return A decimal representation of the first formatted number.
+     * @draft ICU 63
+     * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+     * @see #getSecondDecimal
+     */
+    UnicodeString getFirstDecimal(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Export the second formatted number as a decimal number. This endpoint
+     * is useful for obtaining the exact number being printed after scaling
+     * and rounding have been applied by the number range formatting pipeline.
+     * 
+     * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string"
+     * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     *
+     * @return A decimal representation of the second formatted number.
+     * @draft ICU 63
+     * @see NumberRangeFormatter
+     * @see #getFirstDecimal
+     */
+    UnicodeString getSecondDecimal(UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the pair of numbers was successfully formatted as a range or whether an identity fallback was
+     * used. For example, if the first and second number were the same either before or after rounding occurred, an
+     * identity fallback was used.
+     *
+     * @return An indication the resulting identity situation in the formatted number range.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     * @see UNumberRangeIdentityFallback
+     */
+    UNumberRangeIdentityResult getIdentityResult(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Copying not supported; use move constructor instead.
+     */
+    FormattedNumberRange(const FormattedNumberRange&) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Copying not supported; use move assignment instead.
+     */
+    FormattedNumberRange& operator=(const FormattedNumberRange&) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Move constructor:
+     * Leaves the source FormattedNumberRange in an undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    FormattedNumberRange(FormattedNumberRange&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Move assignment:
+     * Leaves the source FormattedNumberRange in an undefined state.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    FormattedNumberRange& operator=(FormattedNumberRange&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Destruct an instance of FormattedNumberRange, cleaning up any memory it might own.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    ~FormattedNumberRange();
+  private:
+    // Can't use LocalPointer because UFormattedNumberRangeData is forward-declared
+    const impl::UFormattedNumberRangeData *fData;
+    // Error code for the terminal methods
+    UErrorCode fErrorCode;
+    /**
+     * Internal constructor from data type. Adopts the data pointer.
+     */
+    explicit FormattedNumberRange(impl::UFormattedNumberRangeData *results)
+        : fData(results), fErrorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    explicit FormattedNumberRange(UErrorCode errorCode)
+        : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(errorCode) {}
+    void getAllFieldPositionsImpl(FieldPositionIteratorHandler& fpih, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    // To give LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter format methods access to this class's constructor:
+    friend class LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter;
+ * See the main description in numberrangeformatter.h for documentation and examples.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+class U_I18N_API NumberRangeFormatter final {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is not currently
+     * known at the call site.
+     *
+     * @return An {@link UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter}, to be used for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    static UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter with();
+    /**
+     * Call this method at the beginning of a NumberRangeFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is known at the call
+     * site.
+     *
+     * @param locale
+     *            The locale from which to load formats and symbols for number range formatting.
+     * @return A {@link LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter}, to be used for chaining.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    static LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter withLocale(const Locale &locale);
+    /**
+     * Use factory methods instead of the constructor to create a NumberFormatter.
+     */
+    NumberRangeFormatter() = delete;
+}  // namespace number
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722e6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1273 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* File NUMFMT.H
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*   03/18/97    clhuang     Updated per C++ implementation.
+*   04/17/97    aliu        Changed DigitCount to int per code review.
+*    07/20/98    stephen        JDK 1.2 sync up. Added scientific support.
+*                            Changed naming conventions to match C++ guidelines
+*                            Derecated Java style constants (eg, INTEGER_FIELD)
+#ifndef NUMFMT_H
+#define NUMFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Compatibility APIs for number formatting.
+ */
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h" // UNumberFormatStyle
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/curramt.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+class NumberFormatTest;
+class SharedNumberFormat;
+class NumberFormatFactory;
+class StringEnumeration;
+ * <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to see if
+ * numberformatter.h fits their use case.  Although not deprecated, this header
+ * is provided for backwards compatibility only.
+ *
+ * Abstract base class for all number formats.  Provides interface for
+ * formatting and parsing a number.  Also provides methods for
+ * determining which locales have number formats, and what their names
+ * are.
+ *
+ * \headerfile unicode/numfmt.h "unicode/numfmt.h"
+ * <P>
+ * NumberFormat helps you to format and parse numbers for any locale.
+ * Your code can be completely independent of the locale conventions
+ * for decimal points, thousands-separators, or even the particular
+ * decimal digits used, or whether the number format is even decimal.
+ * <P>
+ * To format a number for the current Locale, use one of the static
+ * factory methods:
+ * \code
+ *    #include <iostream>
+ *    #include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+ *    #include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ *    #include "unicode/ustream.h"
+ *    using namespace std;
+ *    
+ *    int main() {
+ *        double myNumber = 7.0;
+ *        UnicodeString myString;
+ *        UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *        NumberFormat* nf = NumberFormat::createInstance(success);
+ *        nf->format(myNumber, myString);
+ *        cout << " Example 1: " << myString << endl;
+ *    }
+ * \endcode
+ * Note that there are additional factory methods within subclasses of
+ * NumberFormat.
+ * <P>
+ * If you are formatting multiple numbers, it is more efficient to get
+ * the format and use it multiple times so that the system doesn't
+ * have to fetch the information about the local language and country
+ * conventions multiple times.
+ * \code
+ *     UnicodeString myString;
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     NumberFormat *nf = NumberFormat::createInstance( success );
+ *     for (int32_t number: {123, 3333, -1234567}) {
+ *         nf->format(number, myString);
+ *         myString += "; ";
+ *     }
+ *     cout << " Example 2: " << myString << endl;
+ * \endcode
+ * To format a number for a different Locale, specify it in the
+ * call to \c createInstance().
+ * \code
+ *     nf = NumberFormat::createInstance(Locale::getFrench(), success);
+ * \endcode
+ * You can use a \c NumberFormat to parse also.
+ * \code
+ *    UErrorCode success;
+ *    Formattable result(-999);  // initialized with error code
+ *    nf->parse(myString, result, success);
+ * \endcode
+ * Use \c createInstance() to get the normal number format for a \c Locale.
+ * There are other static factory methods available.  Use \c createCurrencyInstance()
+ * to get the currency number format for that country.  Use \c createPercentInstance()
+ * to get a format for displaying percentages. With this format, a
+ * fraction from 0.53 is displayed as 53%.
+ * <P>
+ * The type of number formatting can be specified by passing a 'style' parameter to \c createInstance().
+ * For example, use\n
+ * \c createInstance(locale, UNUM_DECIMAL, errorCode) to get the normal number format,\n
+ * \c createInstance(locale, UNUM_PERCENT, errorCode) to get a format for displaying percentage,\n
+ * \c createInstance(locale, UNUM_SCIENTIFIC, errorCode) to get a format for displaying scientific number,\n
+ * \c createInstance(locale, UNUM_CURRENCY, errorCode) to get the currency number format,
+ * in which the currency is represented by its symbol, for example, "$3.00".\n
+ * \c createInstance(locale, UNUM_CURRENCY_ISO, errorCode)  to get the currency number format,
+ * in which the currency is represented by its ISO code, for example "USD3.00".\n
+ * \c createInstance(locale, UNUM_CURRENCY_PLURAL, errorCode) to get the currency number format,
+ * in which the currency is represented by its full name in plural format,
+ * for example, "3.00 US dollars" or "1.00 US dollar".
+ * <P>
+ * You can also control the display of numbers with such methods as
+ * \c getMinimumFractionDigits().  If you want even more control over the
+ * format or parsing, or want to give your users more control, you can
+ * try dynamic_casting the \c NumberFormat you get from the factory methods to a
+ * \c DecimalFormat. This will work for the vast majority of
+ * countries; just remember to test for NULL in case you
+ * encounter an unusual one.
+ * <P>
+ * You can also use forms of the parse and format methods with
+ * \c ParsePosition and \c FieldPosition to allow you to:
+ * <ul type=round>
+ *   <li>(a) progressively parse through pieces of a string.
+ *   <li>(b) align the decimal point and other areas.
+ * </ul>
+ * For example, you can align numbers in two ways.
+ * <P>
+ * If you are using a monospaced font with spacing for alignment, you
+ * can pass the \c FieldPosition in your format call, with field =
+ * \c UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD. On output, \c getEndIndex will be set to the offset
+ * between the last character of the integer and the decimal. Add
+ * (desiredSpaceCount - getEndIndex) spaces at the front of the
+ * string.
+ * <P>
+ * If you are using proportional fonts, instead of padding with
+ * spaces, measure the width of the string in pixels from the start to
+ * getEndIndex.  Then move the pen by (desiredPixelWidth -
+ * widthToAlignmentPoint) before drawing the text.  It also works
+ * where there is no decimal, but possibly additional characters at
+ * the end, e.g. with parentheses in negative numbers: "(12)" for -12.
+ * <p>
+ * <em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
+ * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
+ * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API NumberFormat : public Format {
+    /**
+     * Rounding mode.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For more detail on rounding modes, see:
+     *
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    enum ERoundingMode {
+        kRoundCeiling,  /**< Round towards positive infinity */
+        kRoundFloor,    /**< Round towards negative infinity */
+        kRoundDown,     /**< Round towards zero */
+        kRoundUp,       /**< Round away from zero */
+        kRoundHalfEven, /**< Round towards the nearest integer, or
+                             towards the nearest even integer if equidistant */
+        kRoundHalfDown, /**< Round towards the nearest integer, or
+                             towards zero if equidistant */
+        kRoundHalfUp,   /**< Round towards the nearest integer, or
+                             away from zero if equidistant */
+        /**
+          *  Return U_FORMAT_INEXACT_ERROR if number does not format exactly.
+          *  @stable ICU 4.8
+          */
+        kRoundUnnecessary
+    };
+    /**
+     * Alignment Field constants used to construct a FieldPosition object.
+     * Signifies that the position of the integer part or fraction part of
+     * a formatted number should be returned.
+     *
+     * Note: as of ICU 4.4, the values in this enum have been extended to
+     * support identification of all number format fields, not just those
+     * pertaining to alignment.
+     *
+     * These constants are provided for backwards compatibility only.
+     * Please use the C style constants defined in the header file unum.h.
+     *
+     * @see FieldPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum EAlignmentFields {
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kIntegerField = UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kFractionField = UNUM_FRACTION_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kDecimalSeparatorField = UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kExponentSymbolField = UNUM_EXPONENT_SYMBOL_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kExponentSignField = UNUM_EXPONENT_SIGN_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kExponentField = UNUM_EXPONENT_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kGroupingSeparatorField = UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kCurrencyField = UNUM_CURRENCY_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kPercentField = UNUM_PERCENT_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kPermillField = UNUM_PERMILL_FIELD,
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        kSignField = UNUM_SIGN_FIELD,
+        /** @draft ICU 64 */
+        kMeasureUnitField = UNUM_MEASURE_UNIT_FIELD,
+        /** @draft ICU 64 */
+        kCompactField = UNUM_COMPACT_FIELD,
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    /**
+     * These constants are provided for backwards compatibility only.
+     * Please use the constants defined in the header file unum.h.
+     */
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+        /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~NumberFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clones this object polymorphically.
+     * The caller owns the result and should delete it when done.
+     * @return clone, or nullptr if an error occurred
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual NumberFormat* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @return    true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string.  This method handles
+     * Formattable objects with numeric types. If the Formattable
+     * object type is not a numeric type, then it returns a failing
+     * UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string.  This method handles
+     * Formattable objects with numeric types. If the Formattable
+     * object type is not a numeric type, then it returns a failing
+     * UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       The object to format.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.  Can be
+     *                  NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a string to produce an object.  This methods handles
+     * parsing of numeric strings into Formattable objects with numeric
+     * types.
+     * <P>
+     * Before calling, set parse_pos.index to the offset you want to
+     * start parsing at in the source. After calling, parse_pos.index
+     * indicates the position after the successfully parsed text.  If
+     * an error occurs, parse_pos.index is unchanged.
+     * <P>
+     * When parsing, leading whitespace is discarded (with successful
+     * parse), while trailing whitespace is left as is.
+     * <P>
+     * See Format::parseObject() for more.
+     *
+     * @param source    The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result    Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                  If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Upon return
+     *                  this param is set to the position after the
+     *                  last character successfully parsed. If the
+     *                  source is not parsed successfully, this param
+     *                  will remain unchanged.
+     * @return          A newly created Formattable* object, or NULL
+     *                  on failure.  The caller owns this and should
+     *                  delete it when done.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                             Formattable& result,
+                             ParsePosition& parse_pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a double number. These methods call the NumberFormat
+     * pure virtual format() methods with the default FieldPosition.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(  double number,
+                            UnicodeString& appendTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a long number. These methods call the NumberFormat
+     * pure virtual format() methods with the default FieldPosition.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(  int32_t number,
+                            UnicodeString& appendTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number. These methods call the NumberFormat
+     * pure virtual format() methods with the default FieldPosition.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(  int64_t number,
+                            UnicodeString& appendTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a double number. Concrete subclasses must implement
+     * these pure virtual methods.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Format a double number. By default, the parent function simply
+     * calls the base class and does not return an error status.
+     * Therefore, the status may be ignored in some subclasses.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    error status
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a double number. Subclasses must implement
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a long number. Concrete subclasses must implement
+     * these pure virtual methods.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Format a long number. Concrete subclasses may override
+     * this function to provide status return.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status the output status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an int32 number. Subclasses must implement
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number. (Not abstract to retain compatibility
+     * with earlier releases, however subclasses should override this
+     * method as it just delegates to format(int32_t number...);
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number. (Not abstract to retain compatibility
+     * with earlier releases, however subclasses should override this
+     * method as it just delegates to format(int32_t number...);
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number. Subclasses must implement
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a decimal number. Subclasses must implement
+     * this method.  The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string"
+     * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+     *
+     *
+     * @param number    The unformatted number, as a string, to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     *                  Can be NULL.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(StringPiece number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+// Can't use #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API because these are virtual methods
+    /**
+     * Format a decimal number.
+     * The number is a DecimalQuantity wrapper onto a floating point decimal number.
+     * The default implementation in NumberFormat converts the decimal number
+     * to a double and formats that.  Subclasses of NumberFormat that want
+     * to specifically handle big decimal numbers must override this method.
+     * class DecimalFormat does so.
+     *
+     * @param number    The number, a DecimalQuantity format Decimal Floating Point.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a decimal number.
+     * The number is a DecimalQuantity wrapper onto a floating point decimal number.
+     * The default implementation in NumberFormat converts the decimal number
+     * to a double and formats that.  Subclasses of NumberFormat that want
+     * to specifically handle big decimal numbers must override this method.
+     * class DecimalFormat does so.
+     *
+     * @param number    The number, a DecimalQuantity format Decimal Floating Point.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+   /**
+    * Return a long if possible (e.g. within range LONG_MAX,
+    * LONG_MAX], and with no decimals), otherwise a double.  If
+    * IntegerOnly is set, will stop at a decimal point (or equivalent;
+    * e.g. for rational numbers "1 2/3", will stop after the 1).
+    * <P>
+    * If no object can be parsed, index is unchanged, and NULL is
+    * returned.
+    * <P>
+    * This is a pure virtual which concrete subclasses must implement.
+    *
+    * @param text           The text to be parsed.
+    * @param result         Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+    *                       If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+    * @param parsePosition  The position to start parsing at on input.
+    *                       On output, moved to after the last successfully
+    *                       parse character. On parse failure, does not change.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    virtual void parse(const UnicodeString& text,
+                       Formattable& result,
+                       ParsePosition& parsePosition) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Parse a string as a numeric value, and return a Formattable
+     * numeric object. This method parses integers only if IntegerOnly
+     * is set.
+     *
+     * @param text          The text to be parsed.
+     * @param result        Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *                      If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param status        Output parameter set to a failure error code
+     *                      when a failure occurs. The error code when the
+     *                      string fails to parse is U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR,
+     *                      unless overridden by a subclass.
+     * @see                 NumberFormat::isParseIntegerOnly
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void parse(const UnicodeString& text,
+                       Formattable& result,
+                       UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses text from the given string as a currency amount.  Unlike
+     * the parse() method, this method will attempt to parse a generic
+     * currency name, searching for a match of this object's locale's
+     * currency display names, or for a 3-letter ISO currency code.
+     * This method will fail if this format is not a currency format,
+     * that is, if it does not contain the currency pattern symbol
+     * (U+00A4) in its prefix or suffix.
+     *
+     * @param text the string to parse
+     * @param pos  input-output position; on input, the position within text
+     *             to match; must have 0 <= pos.getIndex() < text.length();
+     *             on output, the position after the last matched character.
+     *             If the parse fails, the position in unchanged upon output.
+     * @return     if parse succeeds, a pointer to a newly-created CurrencyAmount
+     *             object (owned by the caller) containing information about
+     *             the parsed currency; if parse fails, this is NULL.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual CurrencyAmount* parseCurrency(const UnicodeString& text,
+                                          ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if this format will parse numbers as integers
+     * only.  For example in the English locale, with ParseIntegerOnly
+     * true, the string "1234." would be parsed as the integer value
+     * 1234 and parsing would stop at the "." character.  Of course,
+     * the exact format accepted by the parse operation is locale
+     * dependant and determined by sub-classes of NumberFormat.
+     * @return    true if this format will parse numbers as integers
+     *            only.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool isParseIntegerOnly(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets whether or not numbers should be parsed as integers only.
+     * @param value    set True, this format will parse numbers as integers
+     *                 only.
+     * @see isParseIntegerOnly
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setParseIntegerOnly(UBool value);
+    /**
+     * Sets whether lenient parsing should be enabled (it is off by default).
+     *
+     * @param enable \c TRUE if lenient parsing should be used,
+     *               \c FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual void setLenient(UBool enable);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether lenient parsing is enabled (it is off by default).
+     *
+     * @return \c TRUE if lenient parsing is enabled,
+     *         \c FALSE otherwise.
+     * @see #setLenient
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool isLenient(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Create a default style NumberFormat for the current default locale.
+     * The default formatting style is locale dependent.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Create a default style NumberFormat for the specified locale.
+     * The default formatting style is locale dependent.
+     * @param inLocale    the given locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& inLocale,
+                                        UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Create a specific style NumberFormat for the specified locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @param desiredLocale    the given locale.
+     * @param style            the given style.
+     * @param errorCode        Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return                 A new NumberFormat instance.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& desiredLocale,
+                                                  UNumberFormatStyle style,
+                                                  UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Creates NumberFormat instance without using the cache.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* internalCreateInstance(
+            const Locale& desiredLocale,
+            UNumberFormatStyle style,
+            UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    /**
+     * ICU use only.
+     * Returns handle to the shared, cached NumberFormat instance for given
+     * locale. On success, caller must call removeRef() on returned value
+     * once it is done with the shared instance.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const SharedNumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createSharedInstance(
+            const Locale& inLocale, UNumberFormatStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns a currency format for the current default locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createCurrencyInstance(UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Returns a currency format for the specified locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @param inLocale    the given locale.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createCurrencyInstance(const Locale& inLocale,
+                                                UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Returns a percentage format for the current default locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createPercentInstance(UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Returns a percentage format for the specified locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @param inLocale    the given locale.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createPercentInstance(const Locale& inLocale,
+                                               UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Returns a scientific format for the current default locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createScientificInstance(UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Returns a scientific format for the specified locale.
+     * <p>
+     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to use
+     * {@link icu::number::NumberFormatter} instead of NumberFormat.
+     * @param inLocale    the given locale.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 createScientificInstance(const Locale& inLocale,
+                                                UErrorCode&);
+    /**
+     * Get the set of Locales for which NumberFormats are installed.
+     * @param count    Output param to receive the size of the locales
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const Locale* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count);
+    /**
+     * Register a new NumberFormatFactory.  The factory will be adopted.
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache NumberFormat objects internally,
+     * this must be called at application startup, prior to any calls to
+     * NumberFormat::createInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     * @param toAdopt the NumberFormatFactory instance to be adopted
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this factory
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static URegistryKey U_EXPORT2 registerFactory(NumberFormatFactory* toAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Unregister a previously-registered NumberFormatFactory using the key returned from the
+     * register call.  Key becomes invalid after a successful call and should not be used again.
+     * The NumberFormatFactory corresponding to the key will be deleted.
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache NumberFormat objects internally,
+     * this should be called during application shutdown, after all calls to
+     * NumberFormat::createInstance to avoid undefined behavior.
+     * @param key the registry key returned by a previous call to registerFactory
+     * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+     * @return TRUE if the factory for the key was successfully unregistered
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 unregister(URegistryKey key, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call,
+     * including registered locales.
+     * @return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(void);
+#endif /* UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE */
+    /**
+     * Returns true if grouping is used in this format. For example,
+     * in the English locale, with grouping on, the number 1234567
+     * might be formatted as "1,234,567". The grouping separator as
+     * well as the size of each group is locale dependent and is
+     * determined by sub-classes of NumberFormat.
+     * @see setGroupingUsed
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool isGroupingUsed(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set whether or not grouping will be used in this format.
+     * @param newValue    True, grouping will be used in this format.
+     * @see getGroupingUsed
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setGroupingUsed(UBool newValue);
+    /**
+     * Returns the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     * number.
+     * @return     the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     *             number.
+     * @see setMaximumIntegerDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMaximumIntegerDigits(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     * number. maximumIntegerDigits must be >= minimumIntegerDigits.  If the
+     * new value for maximumIntegerDigits is less than the current value
+     * of minimumIntegerDigits, then minimumIntegerDigits will also be set to
+     * the new value.
+     *
+     * @param newValue    the new value for the maximum number of digits
+     *                    allowed in the integer portion of a number.
+     * @see getMaximumIntegerDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMaximumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Returns the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     * number.
+     * @return    the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     *            number.
+     * @see setMinimumIntegerDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMinimumIntegerDigits(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
+     * number. minimumIntegerDigits must be &lt;= maximumIntegerDigits.  If the
+     * new value for minimumIntegerDigits exceeds the current value
+     * of maximumIntegerDigits, then maximumIntegerDigits will also be set to
+     * the new value.
+     * @param newValue    the new value to be set.
+     * @see getMinimumIntegerDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMinimumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Returns the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number.
+     * @return    the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     *            number.
+     * @see setMaximumFractionDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMaximumFractionDigits(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number. maximumFractionDigits must be >= minimumFractionDigits.  If the
+     * new value for maximumFractionDigits is less than the current value
+     * of minimumFractionDigits, then minimumFractionDigits will also be set to
+     * the new value.
+     * @param newValue    the new value to be set.
+     * @see getMaximumFractionDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMaximumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Returns the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number.
+     * @return    the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     *            number.
+     * @see setMinimumFractionDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMinimumFractionDigits(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number. minimumFractionDigits must be &lt;= maximumFractionDigits.   If the
+     * new value for minimumFractionDigits exceeds the current value
+     * of maximumFractionDigits, then maximumIntegerDigits will also be set to
+     * the new value
+     * @param newValue    the new value to be set.
+     * @see getMinimumFractionDigits
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMinimumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Sets the currency used to display currency
+     * amounts.  This takes effect immediately, if this format is a
+     * currency format.  If this format is not a currency format, then
+     * the currency is used if and when this object becomes a
+     * currency format.
+     * @param theCurrency a 3-letter ISO code indicating new currency
+     * to use.  It need not be null-terminated.  May be the empty
+     * string or NULL to indicate no currency.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual void setCurrency(const char16_t* theCurrency, UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Gets the currency used to display currency
+     * amounts.  This may be an empty string for some subclasses.
+     * @return a 3-letter null-terminated ISO code indicating
+     * the currency in use, or a pointer to the empty string.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    const char16_t* getCurrency() const;
+    /**
+     * Set a particular UDisplayContext value in the formatter, such as
+     * @param value The UDisplayContext value to set.
+     * @param status Input/output status. If at entry this indicates a failure
+     *               status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+     *               updated with any new status from the function.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual void setContext(UDisplayContext value, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get the formatter's UDisplayContext value for the specified UDisplayContextType,
+     * @param type The UDisplayContextType whose value to return
+     * @param status Input/output status. If at entry this indicates a failure
+     *               status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+     *               updated with any new status from the function.
+     * @return The UDisplayContextValue for the specified type.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UDisplayContext getContext(UDisplayContextType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the rounding mode. This will always return NumberFormat::ERoundingMode::kRoundUnnecessary
+     * if the subclass does not support rounding. 
+     * @return A rounding mode
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual ERoundingMode getRoundingMode(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the rounding mode. If a subclass does not support rounding, this will do nothing.
+     * @param roundingMode A rounding mode
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual void setRoundingMode(ERoundingMode roundingMode);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID(). Note that,
+     * because NumberFormat is an abstract base class, no fully constructed object
+     * will have the class ID returned by NumberFormat::getStaticClassID().
+     * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.  Pure virtual override.
+     * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
+     * C++ compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     * <P>
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     * given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     * other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor for subclass use only.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    NumberFormat();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    NumberFormat(const NumberFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    NumberFormat& operator=(const NumberFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Returns the currency in effect for this formatter.  Subclasses
+     * should override this method as needed.  Unlike getCurrency(),
+     * this method should never return "".
+     * @result output parameter for null-terminated result, which must
+     * have a capacity of at least 4
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void getEffectiveCurrency(char16_t* result, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Creates the specified number format style of the desired locale.
+     * If mustBeDecimalFormat is TRUE, then the returned pointer is
+     * either a DecimalFormat or it is NULL.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* makeInstance(const Locale& desiredLocale,
+                                      UNumberFormatStyle style,
+                                      UBool mustBeDecimalFormat,
+                                      UErrorCode& errorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    static UBool isStyleSupported(UNumberFormatStyle style);
+    /**
+     * Creates the specified decimal format style of the desired locale.
+     * @param desiredLocale    the given locale.
+     * @param style            the given style.
+     * @param errorCode        Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return                 A new NumberFormat instance.
+     */
+    static NumberFormat* makeInstance(const Locale& desiredLocale,
+                                      UNumberFormatStyle style,
+                                      UErrorCode& errorCode);
+    UBool       fGroupingUsed;
+    int32_t     fMaxIntegerDigits;
+    int32_t     fMinIntegerDigits;
+    int32_t     fMaxFractionDigits;
+    int32_t     fMinFractionDigits;
+  protected:
+    /** \internal */
+    static const int32_t gDefaultMaxIntegerDigits;
+    /** \internal */
+    static const int32_t gDefaultMinIntegerDigits;
+  private:
+    UBool      fParseIntegerOnly;
+    UBool      fLenient; // TRUE => lenient parse is enabled
+    // ISO currency code
+    char16_t      fCurrency[4];
+    UDisplayContext fCapitalizationContext;
+    friend class ICUNumberFormatFactory; // access to makeInstance
+    friend class ICUNumberFormatService;
+    friend class ::NumberFormatTest;  // access to isStyleSupported()
+ * A NumberFormatFactory is used to register new number formats.  The factory
+ * should be able to create any of the predefined formats for each locale it
+ * supports.  When registered, the locales it supports extend or override the
+ * locale already supported by ICU.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+class U_I18N_API NumberFormatFactory : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~NumberFormatFactory();
+    /**
+     * Return true if this factory will be visible.  Default is true.
+     * If not visible, the locales supported by this factory will not
+     * be listed by getAvailableLocales.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual UBool visible(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return the locale names directly supported by this factory.  The number of names
+     * is returned in count;
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString * getSupportedIDs(int32_t &count, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return a number format of the appropriate type.  If the locale
+     * is not supported, return null.  If the locale is supported, but
+     * the type is not provided by this service, return null.  Otherwise
+     * return an appropriate instance of NumberFormat.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual NumberFormat* createFormat(const Locale& loc, UNumberFormatStyle formatType) = 0;
+ * A NumberFormatFactory that supports a single locale.  It can be visible or invisible.
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+class U_I18N_API SimpleNumberFormatFactory : public NumberFormatFactory {
+    /**
+     * True if the locale supported by this factory is visible.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    const UBool _visible;
+    /**
+     * The locale supported by this factory, as a UnicodeString.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    UnicodeString _id;
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    SimpleNumberFormatFactory(const Locale& locale, UBool visible = TRUE);
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    virtual ~SimpleNumberFormatFactory();
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual UBool visible(void) const;
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString * getSupportedIDs(int32_t &count, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE */
+// -------------------------------------
+inline UBool
+NumberFormat::isParseIntegerOnly() const
+    return fParseIntegerOnly;
+inline UBool
+NumberFormat::isLenient() const
+    return fLenient;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _NUMFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numsys.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numsys.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b16fa
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+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/numsys.h
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File NUMSYS.H
+* Modification History:*
+*   Date        Name        Description
+#ifndef NUMSYS
+#define NUMSYS
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: NumberingSystem object
+ */
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+// can't be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API; needed for char[] field size
+ * Size of a numbering system name.
+ * @internal
+ */
+constexpr const size_t kInternalNumSysNameCapacity = 8;
+ * Defines numbering systems. A numbering system describes the scheme by which 
+ * numbers are to be presented to the end user.  In its simplest form, a numbering
+ * system describes the set of digit characters that are to be used to display
+ * numbers, such as Western digits, Thai digits, Arabic-Indic digits, etc., in a
+ * positional numbering system with a specified radix (typically 10).
+ * More complicated numbering systems are algorithmic in nature, and require use
+ * of an RBNF formatter ( rule based number formatter ), in order to calculate
+ * the characters to be displayed for a given number.  Examples of algorithmic
+ * numbering systems include Roman numerals, Chinese numerals, and Hebrew numerals.
+ * Formatting rules for many commonly used numbering systems are included in
+ * the ICU package, based on the numbering system rules defined in CLDR.
+ * Alternate numbering systems can be specified to a locale by using the
+ * numbers locale keyword.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API NumberingSystem : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    NumberingSystem();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    NumberingSystem(const NumberingSystem& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual ~NumberingSystem();
+    /**
+     * Create the default numbering system associated with the specified locale.
+     * @param inLocale The given locale.
+     * @param status ICU status
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static NumberingSystem* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale & inLocale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create the default numbering system associated with the default locale.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static NumberingSystem* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a numbering system using the specified radix, type, and description. 
+     * @param radix         The radix (base) for this numbering system.
+     * @param isAlgorithmic TRUE if the numbering system is algorithmic rather than numeric.
+     * @param description   The string representing the set of digits used in a numeric system, or the name of the RBNF
+     *                      ruleset to be used in an algorithmic system.
+     * @param status ICU status
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static NumberingSystem* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(int32_t radix, UBool isAlgorithmic, const UnicodeString& description, UErrorCode& status );
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over all the names of numbering systems known to ICU.
+     * The numbering system names will be in alphabetical (invariant) order.
+     *
+     * The returned StringEnumeration is owned by the caller, who must delete it when
+     * finished with it.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+     static StringEnumeration * U_EXPORT2 getAvailableNames(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a numbering system from one of the predefined numbering systems specified
+     * by CLDR and known to ICU, such as "latn", "arabext", or "hanidec"; the full list
+     * is returned by unumsys_openAvailableNames. Note that some of the names listed at
+     * - e.g.
+     * default, native, traditional, finance - do not identify specific numbering systems,
+     * but rather key values that may only be used as part of a locale, which in turn
+     * defines how they are mapped to a specific numbering system such as "latn" or "hant".
+     *
+     * @param name   The name of the numbering system.
+     * @param status ICU status; set to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR if numbering system not found.
+     * @return The NumberingSystem instance, or nullptr if not found.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static NumberingSystem* U_EXPORT2 createInstanceByName(const char* name, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the radix of this numbering system. Simple positional numbering systems
+     * typically have radix 10, but might have a radix of e.g. 16 for hexadecimal. The
+     * radix is less well-defined for non-positional algorithmic systems.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    int32_t getRadix() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of this numbering system if it was created using one of the predefined names
+     * known to ICU.  Otherwise, returns NULL.
+     * The predefined names are identical to the numbering system names as defined by
+     * the BCP47 definition in Unicode CLDR.
+     * See also,
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    const char * getName() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the description string of this numbering system. For simple
+     * positional systems this is the ordered string of digits (with length matching
+     * the radix), e.g. "\u3007\u4E00\u4E8C\u4E09\u56DB\u4E94\u516D\u4E03\u516B\u4E5D"
+     * for "hanidec"; it would be "0123456789ABCDEF" for hexadecimal. For
+     * algorithmic systems this is the name of the RBNF ruleset used for formatting,
+     * e.g. "zh/SpelloutRules/%spellout-cardinal" for "hans" or "%greek-upper" for
+     * "grek".
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString getDescription() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the given numbering system is algorithmic
+     *
+     * @return         TRUE if the numbering system is algorithmic.
+     *                 Otherwise, return FALSE.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UBool isAlgorithmic() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     *
+    */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    UnicodeString   desc;
+    int32_t         radix;
+    UBool           algorithmic;
+    char            name[kInternalNumSysNameCapacity+1];
+    void setRadix(int32_t radix);
+    void setAlgorithmic(UBool algorithmic);
+    void setDesc(const UnicodeString &desc);
+    void setName(const char* name);
+    static UBool isValidDigitString(const UnicodeString &str);
+    UBool hasContiguousDecimalDigits() const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _NUMSYS
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/parseerr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/parseerr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23cc27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/parseerr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2005, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   03/14/00    aliu        Creation.
+*   06/27/00    aliu        Change from C++ class to C struct
+#ifndef PARSEERR_H
+#define PARSEERR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Parse Error Information
+ */
+ * The capacity of the context strings in UParseError.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */ 
+enum { U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN = 16 };
+ * A UParseError struct is used to returned detailed information about
+ * parsing errors.  It is used by ICU parsing engines that parse long
+ * rules, patterns, or programs, where the text being parsed is long
+ * enough that more information than a UErrorCode is needed to
+ * localize the error.
+ *
+ * <p>The line, offset, and context fields are optional; parsing
+ * engines may choose not to use to use them.
+ *
+ * <p>The preContext and postContext strings include some part of the
+ * context surrounding the error.  If the source text is "let for=7"
+ * and "for" is the error (e.g., because it is a reserved word), then
+ * some examples of what a parser might produce are the following:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * preContext   postContext
+ * ""           ""            The parser does not support context
+ * "let "       "=7"          Pre- and post-context only
+ * "let "       "for=7"       Pre- and post-context and error text
+ * ""           "for"         Error text only
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>Examples of engines which use UParseError (or may use it in the
+ * future) are Transliterator, RuleBasedBreakIterator, and
+ * RegexPattern.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UParseError {
+    /**
+     * The line on which the error occurred.  If the parser uses this
+     * field, it sets it to the line number of the source text line on
+     * which the error appears, which will be a value >= 1.  If the
+     * parse does not support line numbers, the value will be <= 0.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t        line;
+    /**
+     * The character offset to the error.  If the line field is >= 1,
+     * then this is the offset from the start of the line.  Otherwise,
+     * this is the offset from the start of the text.  If the parser
+     * does not support this field, it will have a value < 0.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t        offset;
+    /**
+     * Textual context before the error.  Null-terminated.  The empty
+     * string if not supported by parser.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0   
+     */
+    UChar          preContext[U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN];
+    /**
+     * The error itself and/or textual context after the error.
+     * Null-terminated.  The empty string if not supported by parser.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0   
+     */
+    UChar          postContext[U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN];
+} UParseError;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/parsepos.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/parsepos.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..909d288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/parsepos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   07/09/97    helena      Converted from java.
+*   07/17/98    stephen     Added errorIndex support.
+*   05/11/99    stephen     Cleaned up.
+#ifndef PARSEPOS_H
+#define PARSEPOS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Canonical Iterator
+ */
+ * <code>ParsePosition</code> is a simple class used by <code>Format</code>
+ * and its subclasses to keep track of the current position during parsing.
+ * The <code>parseObject</code> method in the various <code>Format</code>
+ * classes requires a <code>ParsePosition</code> object as an argument.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * By design, as you parse through a string with different formats,
+ * you can use the same <code>ParsePosition</code>, since the index parameter
+ * records the current position.
+ *
+ * The ParsePosition class is not suitable for subclassing.
+ *
+ * @version     1.3 10/30/97
+ * @author      Mark Davis, Helena Shih
+ * @see         java.text.Format
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ParsePosition : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Default constructor, the index starts with 0 as default.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ParsePosition()
+        : UObject(),
+        index(0),
+        errorIndex(-1)
+      {}
+    /**
+     * Create a new ParsePosition with the given initial index.
+     * @param newIndex the new text offset.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ParsePosition(int32_t newIndex)
+        : UObject(),
+        index(newIndex),
+        errorIndex(-1)
+      {}
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param copy the object to be copied from.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ParsePosition(const ParsePosition& copy)
+        : UObject(copy),
+        index(copy.index),
+        errorIndex(copy.errorIndex)
+      {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~ParsePosition();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline ParsePosition&      operator=(const ParsePosition& copy);
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.
+     * @return TRUE if the two parse positions are equal, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UBool              operator==(const ParsePosition& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.
+     * @return TRUE if the two parse positions are not equal, FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UBool              operator!=(const ParsePosition& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Clone this object.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If an error occurs, then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    ParsePosition *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the current parse position.  On input to a parse method, this
+     * is the index of the character at which parsing will begin; on output, it
+     * is the index of the character following the last character parsed.
+     * @return the current index.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t getIndex(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the current parse position.
+     * @param index the new index.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline void setIndex(int32_t index);
+    /**
+     * Set the index at which a parse error occurred.  Formatters
+     * should set this before returning an error code from their
+     * parseObject method.  The default value is -1 if this is not
+     * set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline void setErrorIndex(int32_t ei);
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the index at which an error occurred, or -1 if the
+     * error index has not been set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline int32_t getErrorIndex(void) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Input: the place you start parsing.
+     * <br>Output: position where the parse stopped.
+     * This is designed to be used serially,
+     * with each call setting index up for the next one.
+     */
+    int32_t index;
+    /**
+     * The index at which a parse error occurred.
+     */
+    int32_t errorIndex;
+inline ParsePosition&
+ParsePosition::operator=(const ParsePosition& copy)
+  index = copy.index;
+  errorIndex = copy.errorIndex;
+  return *this;
+inline UBool
+ParsePosition::operator==(const ParsePosition& copy) const
+  if(index != copy.index || errorIndex != copy.errorIndex)
+  return FALSE;
+  else
+  return TRUE;
+inline UBool
+ParsePosition::operator!=(const ParsePosition& copy) const
+  return !operator==(copy);
+inline int32_t
+ParsePosition::getIndex() const
+  return index;
+inline void
+ParsePosition::setIndex(int32_t offset)
+  this->index = offset;
+inline int32_t
+ParsePosition::getErrorIndex() const
+  return errorIndex;
+inline void
+ParsePosition::setErrorIndex(int32_t ei)
+  this->errorIndex = ei;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/platform.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/platform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad75b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/platform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  FILE NAME : platform.h
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/13/98    nos         Creation (content moved here from ptypes.h).
+*   03/02/99    stephen     Added AS400 support.
+*   03/30/99    stephen     Added Linux support.
+*   04/13/99    stephen     Reworked for autoconf.
+#ifndef _PLATFORM_H
+#define _PLATFORM_H
+#include "unicode/uconfig.h"
+#include "unicode/uvernum.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief Basic types for the platform.
+ *
+ * This file used to be generated by autoconf/configure.
+ * Starting with ICU 49, platform.h is a normal source file,
+ * to simplify cross-compiling and working with non-autoconf/make build systems.
+ *
+ * When a value in this file does not work on a platform, then please
+ * try to derive it from the U_PLATFORM value
+ * (for which we might need a new value constant in rare cases)
+ * and/or from other macros that are predefined by the compiler
+ * or defined in standard (POSIX or platform or compiler) headers.
+ *
+ * As a temporary workaround, you can add an explicit \#define for some macros
+ * before it is first tested, or add an equivalent -D macro definition
+ * to the compiler's command line.
+ *
+ * Note: Some compilers provide ways to show the predefined macros.
+ * For example, with gcc you can compile an empty .c file and have the compiler
+ * print the predefined macros with
+ * \code
+ * gcc -E -dM -x c /dev/null | sort
+ * \endcode
+ * (You can provide an actual empty .c file rather than /dev/null.
+ * <code>-x c++</code> is for C++.)
+ */
+ * Define some things so that they can be documented.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifdef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+ * Problem: "platform.h:335: warning: documentation for unknown define U_HAVE_STD_STRING found." means that U_HAVE_STD_STRING is not documented.
+ * Solution: #define any defines for non @internal API here, so that they are visible in the docs.  If you just set PREDEFINED in,  they won't be documented.
+ */
+/* None for now. */
+ * \def U_PLATFORM
+ * The U_PLATFORM macro defines the platform we're on.
+ *
+ * We used to define one different, value-less macro per platform.
+ * That made it hard to know the set of relevant platforms and macros,
+ * and hard to deal with variants of platforms.
+ *
+ * Starting with ICU 49, we define platforms as numeric macros,
+ * with ranges of values for related platforms and their variants.
+ * The U_PLATFORM macro is set to one of these values.
+ *
+ * Historical note from the Solaris Wikipedia article:
+ * AT&T and Sun collaborated on a project to merge the most popular Unix variants
+ * on the market at that time: BSD, System V, and Xenix.
+ * This became Unix System V Release 4 (SVR4).
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+/** Unknown platform. @internal */
+#define U_PF_UNKNOWN 0
+/** Windows @internal */
+#define U_PF_WINDOWS 1000
+/** MinGW. Windows, calls to Win32 API, but using GNU gcc and binutils. @internal */
+#define U_PF_MINGW 1800
+ * Cygwin. Windows, calls to cygwin1.dll for Posix functions,
+ * using MSVC or GNU gcc and binutils.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U_PF_CYGWIN 1900
+/* Reserve 2000 for U_PF_UNIX? */
+/** HP-UX is based on UNIX System V. @internal */
+#define U_PF_HPUX 2100
+/** Solaris is a Unix operating system based on SVR4. @internal */
+#define U_PF_SOLARIS 2600
+/** BSD is a UNIX operating system derivative. @internal */
+#define U_PF_BSD 3000
+/** AIX is based on UNIX System V Releases and 4.3 BSD. @internal */
+#define U_PF_AIX 3100
+/** IRIX is based on UNIX System V with BSD extensions. @internal */
+#define U_PF_IRIX 3200
+ * Darwin is a POSIX-compliant operating system, composed of code developed by Apple,
+ * as well as code derived from NeXTSTEP, BSD, and other projects,
+ * built around the Mach kernel.
+ * Darwin forms the core set of components upon which Mac OS X, Apple TV, and iOS are based.
+ * (Original description modified from WikiPedia.)
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U_PF_DARWIN 3500
+/** iPhone OS (iOS) is a derivative of Mac OS X. @internal */
+#define U_PF_IPHONE 3550
+/** QNX is a commercial Unix-like real-time operating system related to BSD. @internal */
+#define U_PF_QNX 3700
+/** Linux is a Unix-like operating system. @internal */
+#define U_PF_LINUX 4000
+ * Native Client is pretty close to Linux.
+ * See and
+ *
+ *  @internal
+ */
+/** Android is based on Linux. @internal */
+#define U_PF_ANDROID 4050
+/** Fuchsia is a POSIX-ish platform. @internal */
+#define U_PF_FUCHSIA 4100
+/* Maximum value for Linux-based platform is 4499 */
+ * Emscripten is a C++ transpiler for the Web that can target asm.js or
+ * WebAssembly. It provides some POSIX-compatible wrappers and stubs and
+ * some Linux-like functionality, but is not fully compatible with
+ * either.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U_PF_EMSCRIPTEN 5010
+/** z/OS is the successor to OS/390 which was the successor to MVS. @internal */
+#define U_PF_OS390 9000
+/** "IBM i" is the current name of what used to be i5/OS and earlier OS/400. @internal */
+#define U_PF_OS400 9400
+#ifdef U_PLATFORM
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64)
+#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
+    /* Android wchar_t support depends on the API level. */
+#   include <android/api-level.h>
+#elif defined(__pnacl__) || defined(__native_client__)
+#elif defined(__Fuchsia__)
+#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__linux)
+#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+#   include <TargetConditionals.h>
+#   if defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE) && TARGET_OS_IPHONE  /* variant of TARGET_OS_MAC */
+#       define U_PLATFORM U_PF_IPHONE
+#   else
+#       define U_PLATFORM U_PF_DARWIN
+#   endif
+#elif defined(BSD) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__MirBSD__)
+#   if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#       include <sys/endian.h>
+#   endif
+#   define U_PLATFORM U_PF_BSD
+#elif defined(sun) || defined(__sun)
+    /* Check defined(__SVR4) || defined(__svr4__) to distinguish Solaris from SunOS? */
+#   if defined(__GNUC__)
+        /* Solaris/GCC needs this header file to get the proper endianness. Normally, this
+         * header file is included with stddef.h but on Solairs/GCC, the GCC version of stddef.h
+         *  is included which does not include this header file.
+         */
+#       include <sys/isa_defs.h>
+#   endif
+#elif defined(_AIX) || defined(__TOS_AIX__)
+#   define U_PLATFORM U_PF_AIX
+#elif defined(_hpux) || defined(hpux) || defined(__hpux)
+#   define U_PLATFORM U_PF_HPUX
+#elif defined(sgi) || defined(__sgi)
+#   define U_PLATFORM U_PF_IRIX
+#elif defined(__QNX__) || defined(__QNXNTO__)
+#   define U_PLATFORM U_PF_QNX
+#elif defined(__TOS_MVS__)
+#   define U_PLATFORM U_PF_OS390
+#elif defined(__OS400__) || defined(__TOS_OS400__)
+#   define U_PLATFORM U_PF_OS400
+#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
+ * Defined if this is Windows with Cygwin, but using MSVC rather than gcc.
+ * Otherwise undefined.
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* Commented out because this is already set in mh-cygwin-msvc
+#if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_CYGWIN && defined(_MSC_VER)
+#   define CYGWINMSVC
+#ifdef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+#   define CYGWINMSVC
+ * Defines whether the platform uses only the Win32 API.
+ * Set to 1 for Windows/MSVC and MinGW but not Cygwin.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /* Cygwin implements POSIX. */
+ * Defines whether the Win32 API is available on the platform.
+ * Set to 1 for Windows/MSVC, MinGW and Cygwin.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_PLATFORM_HAS_WIN32_API 1
+#   define U_PLATFORM_HAS_WIN32_API 0
+ * Defines whether target is intended for Universal Windows Platform API
+ * Set to 1 for Windows10 Release Solution Configuration
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+ * Defines whether the platform implements (most of) the POSIX API.
+ * Set to 1 for Cygwin and most other platforms.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+ * Defines whether the platform is Linux or one of its derivatives.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif U_PF_LINUX <= U_PLATFORM && U_PLATFORM <= 4499
+ * Defines whether the platform is Darwin or one of its derivatives.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+ * \def U_HAVE_STDINT_H
+ * Defines whether stdint.h is available. It is a C99 standard header.
+ * We used to include inttypes.h which includes stdint.h but we usually do not need
+ * the additional definitions from inttypes.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   if defined(__BORLANDC__) || U_PLATFORM == U_PF_MINGW || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1600)
+        /* Windows Visual Studio 9 and below do not have stdint.h & inttypes.h, but VS 2010 adds them. */
+#       define U_HAVE_STDINT_H 1
+#   else
+#       define U_HAVE_STDINT_H 0
+#   endif
+    /* Solaris has inttypes.h but not stdint.h. */
+#   define U_HAVE_STDINT_H 0
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_AIX && !defined(_AIX51) && defined(_POWER)
+    /* PPC AIX <= 4.3 has inttypes.h but not stdint.h. */
+#   define U_HAVE_STDINT_H 0
+#   define U_HAVE_STDINT_H 1
+ * Defines whether inttypes.h is available. It is a C99 standard header.
+ * We include inttypes.h where it is available but stdint.h is not.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /* Solaris has inttypes.h but not stdint.h. */
+#   define U_HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_AIX && !defined(_AIX51) && defined(_POWER)
+    /* PPC AIX <= 4.3 has inttypes.h but not stdint.h. */
+#   define U_HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
+    /* Most platforms have both inttypes.h and stdint.h, or neither. */
+/** @{ Compiler and environment features                                     */
+ * Indicates whether the compiler is gcc (test for != 0),
+ * and if so, contains its major (times 100) and minor version numbers.
+ * If the compiler is not gcc, then U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR == 0.
+ *
+ * For example, for testing for whether we have gcc, and whether it's 4.6 or higher,
+ * use "#if U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 406".
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#   define U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
+#   define U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR 0
+ * \def U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN
+ * Determines the endianness of the platform.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(BYTE_ORDER) && defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
+#elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
+    /* gcc */
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+#   define U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+#   define U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 || U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400 || defined(__s390__) || defined(__s390x__)
+    /* These platforms do not appear to predefine any endianness macros. */
+#   define U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#elif defined(_PA_RISC1_0) || defined(_PA_RISC1_1) || defined(_PA_RISC2_0)
+    /* HPPA do not appear to predefine any endianness macros. */
+#   define U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#elif defined(sparc) || defined(__sparc) || defined(__sparc__)
+    /* Some sparc based systems (e.g. Linux) do not predefine any endianness macros. */
+#   define U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#   define U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+ * Determines whether to override placement new and delete for STL.
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#   define U_HAVE_PLACEMENT_NEW 0
+#   define U_HAVE_PLACEMENT_NEW 1
+ * Define this to define the MFC debug version of the operator new.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+/* Compatibility with compilers other than clang: */
+#ifdef __has_attribute
+#   define UPRV_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(x) __has_attribute(x)
+#   define UPRV_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(x) 0
+#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute
+#   define UPRV_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(x) __has_cpp_attribute(x)
+#   define UPRV_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(x) 0
+#ifdef __has_declspec_attribute
+#   define UPRV_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(x) __has_declspec_attribute(x)
+#ifdef __has_builtin
+#   define UPRV_HAS_BUILTIN(x) __has_builtin(x)
+#   define UPRV_HAS_BUILTIN(x) 0
+#ifdef __has_feature
+#   define UPRV_HAS_FEATURE(x) __has_feature(x)
+#   define UPRV_HAS_FEATURE(x) 0
+#ifdef __has_extension
+#   define UPRV_HAS_EXTENSION(x) __has_extension(x)
+#   define UPRV_HAS_EXTENSION(x) 0
+#ifdef __has_warning
+#   define UPRV_HAS_WARNING(x) __has_warning(x)
+#   define UPRV_HAS_WARNING(x) 0
+ * \def U_MALLOC_ATTR
+ * Attribute to mark functions as malloc-like
+ * @internal
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=3
+#    define U_MALLOC_ATTR __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
+#    define U_MALLOC_ATTR
+ * Attribute to specify the size of the allocated buffer for malloc-like functions
+ * @internal
+ */
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) &&                                            \
+        (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3))) || \
+        UPRV_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(alloc_size)
+#   define U_ALLOC_SIZE_ATTR(X) __attribute__ ((alloc_size(X)))
+#   define U_ALLOC_SIZE_ATTR2(X,Y) __attribute__ ((alloc_size(X,Y)))
+#   define U_ALLOC_SIZE_ATTR(X)
+#   define U_ALLOC_SIZE_ATTR2(X,Y)
+ * 0 if no C++; 1, 11, 14, ... if C++.
+ * Support for specific features cannot always be determined by the C++ version alone.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#   if U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION != 0 && !defined(__cplusplus)
+#       undef U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION
+#       define U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION 0
+#   endif
+    /* Otherwise use the predefined value. */
+#elif !defined(__cplusplus)
+#elif __cplusplus >= 201402L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201402L)
+#   define U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION 14
+#elif __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201103L)
+#   define U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION 11
+    // C++98 or C++03
+#if (U_PLATFORM == U_PF_AIX || U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390) && defined(__cplusplus) &&(U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION < 11)
+// add in std::nullptr_t
+namespace std {
+  typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t;
+ * \def U_NOEXCEPT
+ * "noexcept" if supported, otherwise empty.
+ * Some code, especially STL containers, uses move semantics of objects only
+ * if the move constructor and the move operator are declared as not throwing exceptions.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifdef U_NOEXCEPT
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_NOEXCEPT noexcept
+ * Annotate intentional fall-through between switch labels.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+    // Not for C.
+#elif defined(U_FALLTHROUGH)
+    // Use the predefined value.
+#elif defined(__clang__)
+    // Test for compiler vs. feature separately.
+    // Other compilers might choke on the feature test.
+#    if UPRV_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(clang::fallthrough) || \
+             (UPRV_HAS_FEATURE(cxx_attributes) &&     \
+             UPRV_HAS_WARNING("-Wimplicit-fallthrough"))
+#       define U_FALLTHROUGH [[clang::fallthrough]]
+#   endif
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)
+#   define U_FALLTHROUGH __attribute__((fallthrough))
+#   define U_FALLTHROUGH
+/** @} */
+/** @{ Character data types                                                  */
+ * U_CHARSET_FAMILY is equal to this value when the platform is an ASCII based platform.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_ASCII_FAMILY 0
+ * U_CHARSET_FAMILY is equal to this value when the platform is an EBCDIC based platform.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_EBCDIC_FAMILY 1
+ *
+ * <p>These definitions allow to specify the encoding of text
+ * in the char data type as defined by the platform and the compiler.
+ * It is enough to determine the code point values of "invariant characters",
+ * which are the ones shared by all encodings that are in use
+ * on a given platform.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Those "invariant characters" should be all the uppercase and lowercase
+ * latin letters, the digits, the space, and "basic punctuation".
+ * Also, '\\n', '\\r', '\\t' should be available.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The list of "invariant characters" is:<br>
+ * \code
+ *    A-Z  a-z  0-9  SPACE  "  %  &amp;  '  (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  :  ;  <  =  >  ?  _
+ * \endcode
+ * <br>
+ * (52 letters + 10 numbers + 20 punc/sym/space = 82 total)</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This matches the IBM Syntactic Character Set (CS 640).</p>
+ *
+ * <p>In other words, all the graphic characters in 7-bit ASCII should
+ * be safely accessible except the following:</p>
+ *
+ * \code
+ *    '\' <backslash>
+ *    '[' <left bracket>
+ *    ']' <right bracket>
+ *    '{' <left brace>
+ *    '}' <right brace>
+ *    '^' <circumflex>
+ *    '~' <tilde>
+ *    '!' <exclamation mark>
+ *    '#' <number sign>
+ *    '|' <vertical line>
+ *    '$' <dollar sign>
+ *    '@' <commercial at>
+ *    '`' <grave accent>
+ * \endcode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 && (!defined(__CHARSET_LIB) || !__CHARSET_LIB)
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400 && !defined(__UTF32__)
+ * \def U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8
+ *
+ * Hardcode the default charset to UTF-8.
+ *
+ * If this is set to 1, then
+ * - ICU will assume that all non-invariant char*, StringPiece, std::string etc.
+ *   contain UTF-8 text, regardless of what the system API uses
+ * - some ICU code will use fast functions like u_strFromUTF8()
+ *   rather than the more general and more heavy-weight conversion API (ucnv.h)
+ * - ucnv_getDefaultName() always returns "UTF-8"
+ * - ucnv_setDefaultName() is disabled and will not change the default charset
+ * - static builds of ICU are smaller
+ * - more functionality is available with the UCONFIG_NO_CONVERSION build-time
+ *   configuration option (see unicode/uconfig.h)
+ * - the UCONFIG_NO_CONVERSION build option in uconfig.h is more usable
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 1
+#   define U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 0
+/** @} */
+/** @{ Information about wchar support                                       */
+ * \def U_HAVE_WCHAR_H
+ * Indicates whether <wchar.h> is available (1) or not (0). Set to 1 by default.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#ifdef U_HAVE_WCHAR_H
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /*
+     * Android before Gingerbread (Android 2.3, API level 9) did not support wchar_t.
+     * The type and header existed, but the library functions did not work as expected.
+     * The size of wchar_t was 1 but L"xyz" string literals had 32-bit units anyway.
+     */
+#   define U_HAVE_WCHAR_H 0
+#   define U_HAVE_WCHAR_H 1
+ * U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==sizeof(wchar_t)
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif (U_PLATFORM == U_PF_ANDROID && __ANDROID_API__ < 9)
+    /*
+     * Classic Mac OS and Mac OS X before 10.3 (Panther) did not support wchar_t or wstring.
+     * Newer Mac OS X has size 4.
+     */
+#   define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 1
+#   define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 2
+    /*
+     * AIX 6.1 information, section "Wide character data representation":
+     * "... the wchar_t datatype is 32-bit in the 64-bit environment and
+     * 16-bit in the 32-bit environment."
+     * and
+     * "All locales use Unicode for their wide character code values (process code),
+     * except the IBM-eucTW codeset."
+     */
+#   ifdef __64BIT__
+#       define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 4
+#   else
+#       define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 2
+#   endif
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390
+    /*
+     * z/OS V1R11 information center, section "LP64 | ILP32":
+     * "In 31-bit mode, the size of long and pointers is 4 bytes and the size of wchar_t is 2 bytes.
+     * Under LP64, the size of long and pointer is 8 bytes and the size of wchar_t is 4 bytes."
+     */
+#   ifdef _LP64
+#       define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 4
+#   else
+#       define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 2
+#   endif
+#elif U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400
+#   if defined(__UTF32__)
+        /*
+         * LOCALETYPE(*LOCALEUTF) is specified.
+         * Wide-character strings are in UTF-32,
+         * narrow-character strings are in UTF-8.
+         */
+#       define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 4
+#   elif defined(__UCS2__)
+        /*
+         * LOCALETYPE(*LOCALEUCS2) is specified.
+         * Wide-character strings are in UCS-2,
+         * narrow-character strings are in EBCDIC.
+         */
+#       define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 2
+#   else
+        /*
+         * LOCALETYPE(*CLD) or LOCALETYPE(*LOCALE) is specified.
+         * Wide-character strings are in 16-bit EBCDIC,
+         * narrow-character strings are in EBCDIC.
+         */
+#       define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 2
+#   endif
+#   define U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T 4
+#ifndef U_HAVE_WCSCPY
+/** @} */
+ * \def U_HAVE_CHAR16_T
+ * Defines whether the char16_t type is available for UTF-16
+ * and u"abc" UTF-16 string literals are supported.
+ * This is a new standard type and standard string literal syntax in C++0x
+ * but has been available in some compilers before.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifdef U_HAVE_CHAR16_T
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /*
+     * Notes:
+     * Visual Studio 2010 (_MSC_VER==1600) defines char16_t as a typedef
+     * and does not support u"abc" string literals.
+     * Visual Studio 2015 (_MSC_VER>=1900) and above adds support for
+     * both char16_t and u"abc" string literals.
+     * gcc 4.4 defines the __CHAR16_TYPE__ macro to a usable type but
+     * does not support u"abc" string literals.
+     * C++11 and C11 require support for UTF-16 literals
+     * TODO: Fix for plain C. Doesn't work on Mac.
+     */
+#   if U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION >= 11 || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L)
+#       define U_HAVE_CHAR16_T 1
+#   else
+#       define U_HAVE_CHAR16_T 0
+#   endif
+ * @{
+ * \def U_DECLARE_UTF16
+ * Do not use this macro because it is not defined on all platforms.
+ * Use the UNICODE_STRING or U_STRING_DECL macros instead.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifdef U_DECLARE_UTF16
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif U_HAVE_CHAR16_T \
+    || (defined(__xlC__) && defined(__IBM_UTF_LITERAL) && U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2) \
+    || (defined(__HP_aCC) && __HP_aCC >= 035000) \
+    || (defined(__HP_cc) && __HP_cc >= 111106) \
+    || (defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN))
+#   define U_DECLARE_UTF16(string) u ## string
+#elif U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2 \
+    && (U_CHARSET_FAMILY == 0 || (U_PF_OS390 <= U_PLATFORM && U_PLATFORM <= U_PF_OS400 && defined(__UCS2__)))
+#   define U_DECLARE_UTF16(string) L ## string
+    /* Leave U_DECLARE_UTF16 undefined. See unistr.h. */
+/** @} */
+/** @{ Symbol import-export control                                          */
+#ifdef U_EXPORT
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#   define U_EXPORT
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || (UPRV_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(dllexport) && \
+                            UPRV_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(dllimport))
+#   define U_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#   define U_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+#elif (defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && __SUNPRO_CC >= 0x550) \
+   || (defined(__SUNPRO_C) && __SUNPRO_C >= 0x550) 
+#   define U_EXPORT __global
+/*#elif defined(__HP_aCC) || defined(__HP_cc)
+#   define U_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)*/
+#   define U_EXPORT
+/* U_CALLCONV is releated to U_EXPORT2 */
+#ifdef U_EXPORT2
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#   define U_EXPORT2 __cdecl
+#   define U_EXPORT2
+#ifdef U_IMPORT
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || (UPRV_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(dllexport) && \
+                            UPRV_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(dllimport))
+    /* Windows needs to export/import data. */
+#   define U_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#   define U_IMPORT 
+ * \def U_CALLCONV
+ * Similar to U_CDECL_BEGIN/U_CDECL_END, this qualifier is necessary
+ * in callback function typedefs to make sure that the calling convention
+ * is compatible.
+ *
+ * This is only used for non-ICU-API functions.
+ * When a function is a public ICU API,
+ * you must use the U_CAPI and U_EXPORT2 qualifiers.
+ *
+ * Please note, you need to use U_CALLCONV after the *.
+ *
+ * NO : "static const char U_CALLCONV *func( . . . )"
+ * YES: "static const char* U_CALLCONV func( . . . )"
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 && defined(__cplusplus)
+#    define U_CALLCONV __cdecl
+#    define U_CALLCONV U_EXPORT2
+ * Similar to U_CALLCONV, but only used on function pointers.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 && defined(__cplusplus)
+#    define U_CALLCONV_FPTR
+/* @} */
+#endif  // _PLATFORM_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/plurfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/plurfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c21165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/plurfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef PLURFMT
+#define PLURFMT
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: PluralFormat object
+ */
+#include "unicode/messagepattern.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/plurrule.h"
+class Hashtable;
+class NFRule;
+ * <p>
+ * <code>PluralFormat</code> supports the creation of internationalized
+ * messages with plural inflection. It is based on <i>plural
+ * selection</i>, i.e. the caller specifies messages for each
+ * plural case that can appear in the user's language and the
+ * <code>PluralFormat</code> selects the appropriate message based on
+ * the number.
+ * </p>
+ * <h4>The Problem of Plural Forms in Internationalized Messages</h4>
+ * <p>
+ * Different languages have different ways to inflect
+ * plurals. Creating internationalized messages that include plural
+ * forms is only feasible when the framework is able to handle plural
+ * forms of <i>all</i> languages correctly. <code>ChoiceFormat</code>
+ * doesn't handle this well, because it attaches a number interval to
+ * each message and selects the message whose interval contains a
+ * given number. This can only handle a finite number of
+ * intervals. But in some languages, like Polish, one plural case
+ * applies to infinitely many intervals (e.g., the plural case applies to
+ * numbers ending with 2, 3, or 4 except those ending with 12, 13, or
+ * 14). Thus <code>ChoiceFormat</code> is not adequate.
+ * </p><p>
+ * <code>PluralFormat</code> deals with this by breaking the problem
+ * into two parts:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>It uses <code>PluralRules</code> that can define more complex
+ *     conditions for a plural case than just a single interval. These plural
+ *     rules define both what plural cases exist in a language, and to
+ *     which numbers these cases apply.
+ * <li>It provides predefined plural rules for many languages. Thus, the programmer
+ *     need not worry about the plural cases of a language and
+ *     does not have to define the plural cases; they can simply
+ *     use the predefined keywords. The whole plural formatting of messages can
+ *     be done using localized patterns from resource bundles. For predefined plural
+ *     rules, see the CLDR <i>Language Plural Rules</i> page at
+ *
+ * </ul>
+ * </p>
+ * <h4>Usage of <code>PluralFormat</code></h4>
+ * <p>Note: Typically, plural formatting is done via <code>MessageFormat</code>
+ * with a <code>plural</code> argument type,
+ * rather than using a stand-alone <code>PluralFormat</code>.
+ * </p><p>
+ * This discussion assumes that you use <code>PluralFormat</code> with
+ * a predefined set of plural rules. You can create one using one of
+ * the constructors that takes a <code>locale</code> object. To
+ * specify the message pattern, you can either pass it to the
+ * constructor or set it explicitly using the
+ * <code>applyPattern()</code> method. The <code>format()</code>
+ * method takes a number object and selects the message of the
+ * matching plural case. This message will be returned.
+ * </p>
+ * <h5>Patterns and Their Interpretation</h5>
+ * <p>
+ * The pattern text defines the message output for each plural case of the
+ * specified locale. Syntax:
+ * <pre>
+ * pluralStyle = [offsetValue] (selector '{' message '}')+
+ * offsetValue = "offset:" number
+ * selector = explicitValue | keyword
+ * explicitValue = '=' number  // adjacent, no white space in between
+ * keyword = [^[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]]+
+ * message: see {@link MessageFormat}
+ * </pre>
+ * Pattern_White_Space between syntax elements is ignored, except
+ * between the {curly braces} and their sub-message,
+ * and between the '=' and the number of an explicitValue.
+ *
+ * </p><p>
+ * There are 6 predefined casekeyword in CLDR/ICU - 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many' and
+ * 'other'. You always have to define a message text for the default plural case
+ * <code>other</code> which is contained in every rule set.
+ * If you do not specify a message text for a particular plural case, the
+ * message text of the plural case <code>other</code> gets assigned to this
+ * plural case.
+ * </p><p>
+ * When formatting, the input number is first matched against the explicitValue clauses.
+ * If there is no exact-number match, then a keyword is selected by calling
+ * the <code>PluralRules</code> with the input number <em>minus the offset</em>.
+ * (The offset defaults to 0 if it is omitted from the pattern string.)
+ * If there is no clause with that keyword, then the "other" clauses is returned.
+ * </p><p>
+ * An unquoted pound sign (<code>#</code>) in the selected sub-message
+ * itself (i.e., outside of arguments nested in the sub-message)
+ * is replaced by the input number minus the offset.
+ * The number-minus-offset value is formatted using a
+ * <code>NumberFormat</code> for the <code>PluralFormat</code>'s locale. If you
+ * need special number formatting, you have to use a <code>MessageFormat</code>
+ * and explicitly specify a <code>NumberFormat</code> argument.
+ * <strong>Note:</strong> That argument is formatting without subtracting the offset!
+ * If you need a custom format and have a non-zero offset, then you need to pass the
+ * number-minus-offset value as a separate parameter.
+ * </p>
+ * For a usage example, see the {@link MessageFormat} class documentation.
+ *
+ * <h4>Defining Custom Plural Rules</h4>
+ * <p>If you need to use <code>PluralFormat</code> with custom rules, you can
+ * create a <code>PluralRules</code> object and pass it to
+ * <code>PluralFormat</code>'s constructor. If you also specify a locale in this
+ * constructor, this locale will be used to format the number in the message
+ * texts.
+ * </p><p>
+ * For more information about <code>PluralRules</code>, see
+ * {@link PluralRules}.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * ported from Java
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API PluralFormat : public Format {
+    /**
+     * Creates a new cardinal-number <code>PluralFormat</code> for the default locale.
+     * This locale will be used to get the set of plural rules and for standard
+     * number formatting.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralFormat(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new cardinal-number <code>PluralFormat</code> for a given locale.
+     * @param locale the <code>PluralFormat</code> will be configured with
+     *               rules for this locale. This locale will also be used for
+     *               standard number formatting.
+     * @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *               must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new <code>PluralFormat</code> for a given set of rules.
+     * The standard number formatting will be done using the default locale.
+     * @param rules   defines the behavior of the <code>PluralFormat</code>
+     *                object.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const PluralRules& rules, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new <code>PluralFormat</code> for a given set of rules.
+     * The standard number formatting will be done using the given locale.
+     * @param locale  the default number formatting will be done using this
+     *                locale.
+     * @param rules   defines the behavior of the <code>PluralFormat</code>
+     *                object.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+	 * <p>
+	 * <h4>Sample code</h4>
+	 * \snippet samples/plurfmtsample/plurfmtsample.cpp PluralFormatExample1
+	 * \snippet samples/plurfmtsample/plurfmtsample.cpp PluralFormatExample
+	 * <p>
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const Locale& locale, const PluralRules& rules, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new <code>PluralFormat</code> for the plural type.
+     * The standard number formatting will be done using the given locale.
+     * @param locale  the default number formatting will be done using this
+     *                locale.
+     * @param type    The plural type (e.g., cardinal or ordinal).
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const Locale& locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new cardinal-number <code>PluralFormat</code> for a given pattern string.
+     * The default locale will be used to get the set of plural rules and for
+     * standard number formatting.
+     * @param  pattern the pattern for this <code>PluralFormat</code>.
+     *                 errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                 must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new cardinal-number <code>PluralFormat</code> for a given pattern string and
+     * locale.
+     * The locale will be used to get the set of plural rules and for
+     * standard number formatting.
+     * @param locale   the <code>PluralFormat</code> will be configured with
+     *                 rules for this locale. This locale will also be used for
+     *                 standard number formatting.
+     * @param pattern  the pattern for this <code>PluralFormat</code>.
+     *                 errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                 must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const Locale& locale, const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new <code>PluralFormat</code> for a given set of rules, a
+     * pattern and a locale.
+     * @param rules    defines the behavior of the <code>PluralFormat</code>
+     *                 object.
+     * @param pattern  the pattern for this <code>PluralFormat</code>.
+     *                 errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                 must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const PluralRules& rules,
+                 const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                 UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new <code>PluralFormat</code> for a given set of rules, a
+     * pattern and a locale.
+     * @param locale  the <code>PluralFormat</code> will be configured with
+     *                rules for this locale. This locale will also be used for
+     *                standard number formatting.
+     * @param rules   defines the behavior of the <code>PluralFormat</code>
+     *                object.
+     * @param pattern the pattern for this <code>PluralFormat</code>.
+     *                errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const Locale& locale,
+                 const PluralRules& rules,
+                 const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                 UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a new <code>PluralFormat</code> for a plural type, a
+     * pattern and a locale.
+     * @param locale  the <code>PluralFormat</code> will be configured with
+     *                rules for this locale. This locale will also be used for
+     *                standard number formatting.
+     * @param type    The plural type (e.g., cardinal or ordinal).
+     * @param pattern the pattern for this <code>PluralFormat</code>.
+     *                errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    PluralFormat(const Locale& locale,
+                 UPluralType type,
+                 const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                 UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+      * copy constructor.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+    PluralFormat(const PluralFormat& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual ~PluralFormat();
+    /**
+     * Sets the pattern used by this plural format.
+     * The method parses the pattern and creates a map of format strings
+     * for the plural rules.
+     * Patterns and their interpretation are specified in the class description.
+     *
+     * @param pattern the pattern for this plural format
+     *                errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Formats a plural message for a given number.
+     *
+     * @param number  a number for which the plural message should be formatted
+     *                for. If no pattern has been applied to this
+     *                <code>PluralFormat</code> object yet, the formatted number
+     *                will be returned.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return        the string containing the formatted plural message.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString format(int32_t number, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a plural message for a given number.
+     *
+     * @param number  a number for which the plural message should be formatted
+     *                for. If no pattern has been applied to this
+     *                PluralFormat object yet, the formatted number
+     *                will be returned.
+     * @param status  output param set to success or failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return        the string containing the formatted plural message.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString format(double number, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a plural message for a given number.
+     *
+     * @param number   a number for which the plural message should be formatted
+     *                 for. If no pattern has been applied to this
+     *                 <code>PluralFormat</code> object yet, the formatted number
+     *                 will be returned.
+     * @param appendTo output parameter to receive result.
+     *                 result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos      On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                 On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                 must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return         the string containing the formatted plural message.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition& pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a plural message for a given number.
+     *
+     * @param number   a number for which the plural message should be formatted
+     *                 for. If no pattern has been applied to this
+     *                 PluralFormat object yet, the formatted number
+     *                 will be returned.
+     * @param appendTo output parameter to receive result.
+     *                 result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos      On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                 On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                 must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return         the string containing the formatted plural message.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition& pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the locale used by this <code>PluraFormat</code> object.
+     * Note: Calling this method resets this <code>PluraFormat</code> object,
+     *     i.e., a pattern that was applied previously will be removed,
+     *     and the NumberFormat is set to the default number format for
+     *     the locale.  The resulting format behaves the same as one
+     *     constructed from {@link #PluralFormat(const Locale& locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& status)}
+     *     with UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL.
+     * @param locale  the <code>locale</code> to use to configure the formatter.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @deprecated ICU 50 This method clears the pattern and might create
+     *             a different kind of PluralRules instance;
+     *             use one of the constructors to create a new instance instead.
+     */
+    void setLocale(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+      * Sets the number format used by this formatter.  You only need to
+      * call this if you want a different number format than the default
+      * formatter for the locale.
+      * @param format  the number format to use.
+      * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+      *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+    void setNumberFormat(const NumberFormat* format, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+       * Assignment operator
+       *
+       * @param other    the PluralFormat object to copy from.
+       * @stable ICU 4.0
+       */
+    PluralFormat& operator=(const PluralFormat& other);
+    /**
+      * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
+      *
+      * @param other    the PluralFormat object to be compared with.
+      * @return         true if other is semantically equal to this.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the PluralFormat object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically unequal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Clones this Format object polymorphically.  The caller owns the
+     * result and should delete it when done.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual PluralFormat* clone() const;
+   /**
+    * Formats a plural message for a number taken from a Formattable object.
+    *
+    * @param obj       The object containing a number for which the 
+    *                  plural message should be formatted.
+    *                  The object must be of a numeric type.
+    * @param appendTo  output parameter to receive result.
+    *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+    * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+    *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+    * @param status    output param filled with success/failure status.
+    * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+    * @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+   UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                         UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                         FieldPosition& pos,
+                         UErrorCode& status) const;
+   /**
+    * Returns the pattern from applyPattern() or constructor().
+    *
+    * @param  appendTo  output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+    * @return the UnicodeString with inserted pattern.
+    * @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+   UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& appendTo);
+   /**
+    * This method is not yet supported by <code>PluralFormat</code>.
+    * <P>
+    * Before calling, set parse_pos.index to the offset you want to start
+    * parsing at in the source. After calling, parse_pos.index is the end of
+    * the text you parsed. If error occurs, index is unchanged.
+    * <P>
+    * When parsing, leading whitespace is discarded (with a successful parse),
+    * while trailing whitespace is left as is.
+    * <P>
+    * See Format::parseObject() for more.
+    *
+    * @param source    The string to be parsed into an object.
+    * @param result    Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+    *                  If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+    * @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Upon return
+    *                  this param is set to the position after the
+    *                  last character successfully parsed. If the
+    *                  source is not parsed successfully, this param
+    *                  will remain unchanged.
+    * @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+   virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                            Formattable& result,
+                            ParsePosition& parse_pos) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     *
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+     virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+     /**
+      * @internal (private)
+      */
+    class U_I18N_API PluralSelector : public UMemory {
+      public:
+        virtual ~PluralSelector();
+        /**
+         * Given a number, returns the appropriate PluralFormat keyword.
+         *
+         * @param context worker object for the selector.
+         * @param number The number to be plural-formatted.
+         * @param ec Error code.
+         * @return The selected PluralFormat keyword.
+         * @internal (private)
+         */
+        virtual UnicodeString select(void *context, double number, UErrorCode& ec) const = 0;
+    };
+    class U_I18N_API PluralSelectorAdapter : public PluralSelector {
+      public:
+        PluralSelectorAdapter() : pluralRules(NULL) {
+        }
+        virtual ~PluralSelectorAdapter();
+        virtual UnicodeString select(void *context, double number, UErrorCode& /*ec*/) const;
+        void reset();
+        PluralRules* pluralRules;
+    };
+    Locale  locale;
+    MessagePattern msgPattern;
+    NumberFormat*  numberFormat;
+    double offset;
+    PluralSelectorAdapter pluralRulesWrapper;
+    PluralFormat();   // default constructor not implemented
+    void init(const PluralRules* rules, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copies dynamically allocated values (pointer fields).
+     * Others are copied using their copy constructors and assignment operators.
+     */
+    void copyObjects(const PluralFormat& other);
+    UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& numberObject, double number,
+                          UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                          FieldPosition& pos,
+                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Finds the PluralFormat sub-message for the given number, or the "other" sub-message.
+     * @param pattern A MessagePattern.
+     * @param partIndex the index of the first PluralFormat argument style part.
+     * @param selector the PluralSelector for mapping the number (minus offset) to a keyword.
+     * @param context worker object for the selector.
+     * @param number a number to be matched to one of the PluralFormat argument's explicit values,
+     *        or mapped via the PluralSelector.
+     * @param ec ICU error code.
+     * @return the sub-message start part index.
+     */
+    static int32_t findSubMessage(
+         const MessagePattern& pattern, int32_t partIndex,
+         const PluralSelector& selector, void *context, double number, UErrorCode& ec); /**< @internal */
+    void parseType(const UnicodeString& source, const NFRule *rbnfLenientScanner,
+        Formattable& result, FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    friend class MessageFormat;
+    friend class NFRule;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _PLURFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/plurrule.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/plurrule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a155356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/plurrule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:*
+*   Date        Name        Description
+#ifndef PLURRULE
+#define PLURRULE
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: PluralRules object
+ */
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/upluralrules.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * Value returned by PluralRules::getUniqueKeywordValue() when there is no
+ * unique value to return.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+#define UPLRULES_NO_UNIQUE_VALUE ((double)-0.00123456777)
+class Hashtable;
+class IFixedDecimal;
+class RuleChain;
+class PluralRuleParser;
+class PluralKeywordEnumeration;
+class AndConstraint;
+class SharedPluralRules;
+namespace number {
+class FormattedNumber;
+ * Defines rules for mapping non-negative numeric values onto a small set of
+ * keywords. Rules are constructed from a text description, consisting
+ * of a series of keywords and conditions.  The {@link #select} method
+ * examines each condition in order and returns the keyword for the
+ * first condition that matches the number.  If none match,
+ * default rule(other) is returned.
+ *
+ * For more information, details, and tips for writing rules, see the
+ * LDML spec, C.11 Language Plural Rules:
+ *
+ *
+ * Examples:<pre>
+ *   "one: n is 1; few: n in 2..4"</pre>
+ *  This defines two rules, for 'one' and 'few'.  The condition for
+ *  'one' is "n is 1" which means that the number must be equal to
+ *  1 for this condition to pass.  The condition for 'few' is
+ *  "n in 2..4" which means that the number must be between 2 and
+ *  4 inclusive for this condition to pass.  All other numbers
+ *  are assigned the keyword "other" by the default rule.
+ *  </p><pre>
+ *    "zero: n is 0; one: n is 1; zero: n mod 100 in 1..19"</pre>
+ *  This illustrates that the same keyword can be defined multiple times.
+ *  Each rule is examined in order, and the first keyword whose condition
+ *  passes is the one returned.  Also notes that a modulus is applied
+ *  to n in the last rule.  Thus its condition holds for 119, 219, 319...
+ *  </p><pre>
+ *    "one: n is 1; few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14"</pre>
+ *  This illustrates conjunction and negation.  The condition for 'few'
+ *  has two parts, both of which must be met: "n mod 10 in 2..4" and
+ *  "n mod 100 not in 12..14".  The first part applies a modulus to n
+ *  before the test as in the previous example.  The second part applies
+ *  a different modulus and also uses negation, thus it matches all
+ *  numbers _not_ in 12, 13, 14, 112, 113, 114, 212, 213, 214...
+ *  </p>
+ *  <p>
+ * Syntax:<pre>
+ * \code
+ * rules         = rule (';' rule)*
+ * rule          = keyword ':' condition
+ * keyword       = <identifier>
+ * condition     = and_condition ('or' and_condition)*
+ * and_condition = relation ('and' relation)*
+ * relation      = is_relation | in_relation | within_relation | 'n' <EOL>
+ * is_relation   = expr 'is' ('not')? value
+ * in_relation   = expr ('not')? 'in' range_list
+ * within_relation = expr ('not')? 'within' range
+ * expr          = ('n' | 'i' | 'f' | 'v' | 'j') ('mod' value)?
+ * range_list    = (range | value) (',' range_list)*
+ * value         = digit+  ('.' digit+)?
+ * digit         = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
+ * range         = value'..'value
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre></p>
+ * <p>
+ * <p>
+ * The i, f, and v values are defined as follows:
+ * </p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>i to be the integer digits.</li>
+ * <li>f to be the visible fractional digits, as an integer.</li>
+ * <li>v to be the number of visible fraction digits.</li>
+ * <li>j is defined to only match integers. That is j is 3 fails if v != 0 (eg for 3.1 or 3.0).</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * Examples are in the following table:
+ * </p>
+ * <table border='1' style="border-collapse:collapse">
+ * <tr>
+ * <th>n</th>
+ * <th>i</th>
+ * <th>f</th>
+ * <th>v</th>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td>1.0</td>
+ * <td>1</td>
+ * <td align="right">0</td>
+ * <td>1</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td>1.00</td>
+ * <td>1</td>
+ * <td align="right">0</td>
+ * <td>2</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td>1.3</td>
+ * <td>1</td>
+ * <td align="right">3</td>
+ * <td>1</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td>1.03</td>
+ * <td>1</td>
+ * <td align="right">3</td>
+ * <td>2</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td>1.23</td>
+ * <td>1</td>
+ * <td align="right">23</td>
+ * <td>2</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * </table>
+ * <p>
+ * The difference between 'in' and 'within' is that 'in' only includes integers in the specified range, while 'within'
+ * includes all values. Using 'within' with a range_list consisting entirely of values is the same as using 'in' (it's
+ * not an error).
+ * </p>
+ * An "identifier" is a sequence of characters that do not have the
+ * Unicode Pattern_Syntax or Pattern_White_Space properties.
+ * <p>
+ * The difference between 'in' and 'within' is that 'in' only includes
+ * integers in the specified range, while 'within' includes all values.
+ * Using 'within' with a range_list consisting entirely of values is the
+ * same as using 'in' (it's not an error).
+ *</p>
+ * <p>
+ * Keywords
+ * could be defined by users or from ICU locale data. There are 6
+ * predefined values in ICU - 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many' and
+ * 'other'. Callers need to check the value of keyword returned by
+ * {@link #select} method.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * Examples:<pre>
+ * UnicodeString keyword = pl->select(number);
+ * if (keyword== UnicodeString("one") {
+ *     ...
+ * }
+ * else if ( ... )
+ * </pre>
+ * <strong>Note:</strong><br>
+ *  <p>
+ *   ICU defines plural rules for many locales based on CLDR <i>Language Plural Rules</i>.
+ *   For these predefined rules, see CLDR page at
+ *
+ * </p>
+ */
+class U_I18N_API PluralRules : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralRules(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralRules(const PluralRules& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual ~PluralRules();
+    /**
+     * Clone
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    PluralRules* clone() const;
+    /**
+      * Assignment operator.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+    PluralRules& operator=(const PluralRules&);
+    /**
+     * Creates a PluralRules from a description if it is parsable, otherwise
+     * returns NULL.
+     *
+     * @param description rule description
+     * @param status      Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                    must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return            new PluralRules pointer. NULL if there is an error.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static PluralRules* U_EXPORT2 createRules(const UnicodeString& description,
+                                              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * The default rules that accept any number.
+     *
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return        new PluralRules pointer. NULL if there is an error.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static PluralRules* U_EXPORT2 createDefaultRules(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Provides access to the predefined cardinal-number <code>PluralRules</code> for a given
+     * locale.
+     * Same as forLocale(locale, UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL, status).
+     *
+     * @param locale  The locale for which a <code>PluralRules</code> object is
+     *                returned.
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return        The predefined <code>PluralRules</code> object pointer for
+     *                this locale. If there's no predefined rules for this locale,
+     *                the rules for the closest parent in the locale hierarchy
+     *                that has one will  be returned.  The final fallback always
+     *                returns the default 'other' rules.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static PluralRules* U_EXPORT2 forLocale(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Provides access to the predefined <code>PluralRules</code> for a given
+     * locale and the plural type.
+     *
+     * @param locale  The locale for which a <code>PluralRules</code> object is
+     *                returned.
+     * @param type    The plural type (e.g., cardinal or ordinal).
+     * @param status  Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return        The predefined <code>PluralRules</code> object pointer for
+     *                this locale. If there's no predefined rules for this locale,
+     *                the rules for the closest parent in the locale hierarchy
+     *                that has one will  be returned.  The final fallback always
+     *                returns the default 'other' rules.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    static PluralRules* U_EXPORT2 forLocale(const Locale& locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over the locales for which there is plurals data.
+     * @return a StringEnumeration over the locales available.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether or not there are overrides.
+     * @param locale       the locale to check.
+     * @return
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UBool hasOverride(const Locale &locale);
+    /**
+     * For ICU use only.
+     * creates a  SharedPluralRules object
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static PluralRules* U_EXPORT2 internalForLocale(const Locale& locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * For ICU use only.
+     * Returns handle to the shared, cached PluralRules instance.
+     * Caller must call removeRef() on returned value once it is done with
+     * the shared instance.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const SharedPluralRules* U_EXPORT2 createSharedInstance(
+            const Locale& locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Given an integer, returns the keyword of the first rule
+     * that applies to  the number.  This function can be used with
+     * isKeyword* functions to determine the keyword for default plural rules.
+     *
+     * @param number  The number for which the rule has to be determined.
+     * @return        The keyword of the selected rule.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString select(int32_t number) const;
+    /**
+     * Given a floating-point number, returns the keyword of the first rule
+     * that applies to  the number.  This function can be used with
+     * isKeyword* functions to determine the keyword for default plural rules.
+     *
+     * @param number  The number for which the rule has to be determined.
+     * @return        The keyword of the selected rule.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString select(double number) const;
+    /**
+     * Given a formatted number, returns the keyword of the first rule
+     * that applies to  the number.  This function can be used with
+     * isKeyword* functions to determine the keyword for default plural rules.
+     *
+     * A FormattedNumber allows you to specify an exponent or trailing zeros,
+     * which can affect the plural category. To get a FormattedNumber, see
+     * NumberFormatter.
+     *
+     * @param number  The number for which the rule has to be determined.
+     * @param status  Set if an error occurs while selecting plural keyword.
+     *                This could happen if the FormattedNumber is invalid.
+     * @return        The keyword of the selected rule.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    UnicodeString select(const number::FormattedNumber& number, UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+      * @internal
+      */
+    UnicodeString select(const IFixedDecimal &number) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns a list of all rule keywords used in this <code>PluralRules</code>
+     * object.  The rule 'other' is always present by default.
+     *
+     * @param status Output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *               must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return       StringEnumeration with the keywords.
+     *               The caller must delete the object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    StringEnumeration* getKeywords(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Deprecated Function, does not return useful results.
+     *
+     * Originally intended to return a unique value for this keyword if it exists,
+     * else the constant UPLRULES_NO_UNIQUE_VALUE.
+     *
+     * @param keyword The keyword.
+     * @return        Stub deprecated function returns UPLRULES_NO_UNIQUE_VALUE always.
+     * @deprecated ICU 55
+     */
+    double getUniqueKeywordValue(const UnicodeString& keyword);
+    /**
+     * Deprecated Function, does not produce useful results.
+     *
+     * Originally intended to return all the values for which select() would return the keyword.
+     * If the keyword is unknown, returns no values, but this is not an error.  If
+     * the number of values is unlimited, returns no values and -1 as the
+     * count.
+     *
+     * The number of returned values is typically small.
+     *
+     * @param keyword      The keyword.
+     * @param dest         Array into which to put the returned values.  May
+     *                     be NULL if destCapacity is 0.
+     * @param destCapacity The capacity of the array, must be at least 0.
+     * @param status       The error code. Deprecated function, always sets U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
+     * @return             The count of values available, or -1.  This count
+     *                     can be larger than destCapacity, but no more than
+     *                     destCapacity values will be written.
+     * @deprecated ICU 55
+     */
+    int32_t getAllKeywordValues(const UnicodeString &keyword,
+                                double *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                                UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns sample values for which select() would return the keyword.  If
+     * the keyword is unknown, returns no values, but this is not an error.
+     *
+     * The number of returned values is typically small.
+     *
+     * @param keyword      The keyword.
+     * @param dest         Array into which to put the returned values.  May
+     *                     be NULL if destCapacity is 0.
+     * @param destCapacity The capacity of the array, must be at least 0.
+     * @param status       The error code.
+     * @return             The count of values written.
+     *                     If more than destCapacity samples are available, then
+     *                     only destCapacity are written, and destCapacity is returned as the count,
+     *                     rather than setting a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+     *                     (The actual number of keyword values could be unlimited.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    int32_t getSamples(const UnicodeString &keyword,
+                       double *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                       UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the given keyword is defined in this
+     * <code>PluralRules</code> object.
+     *
+     * @param keyword  the input keyword.
+     * @return         TRUE if the input keyword is defined.
+     *                 Otherwise, return FALSE.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UBool isKeyword(const UnicodeString& keyword) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns keyword for default plural form.
+     *
+     * @return         keyword for default plural form.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString getKeywordOther() const;
+    /**
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+     UnicodeString getRules() const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Compares the equality of two PluralRules objects.
+     *
+     * @param other The other PluralRules object to be compared with.
+     * @return      True if the given PluralRules is the same as this
+     *              PluralRules; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const PluralRules& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Compares the inequality of two PluralRules objects.
+     *
+     * @param other The PluralRules object to be compared with.
+     * @return      True if the given PluralRules is not the same as this
+     *              PluralRules; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const PluralRules& other) const  {return !operator==(other);}
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     *
+    */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    RuleChain  *mRules;
+    PluralRules();   // default constructor not implemented
+    void            parseDescription(const UnicodeString& ruleData, UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t         getNumberValue(const UnicodeString& token) const;
+    UnicodeString   getRuleFromResource(const Locale& locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode& status);
+    RuleChain      *rulesForKeyword(const UnicodeString &keyword) const;
+    /**
+    * An internal status variable used to indicate that the object is in an 'invalid' state.
+    * Used by copy constructor, the assignment operator and the clone method.
+    */
+    UErrorCode mInternalStatus;
+    friend class PluralRuleParser;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _PLURRULE
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ptypes.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ptypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70324ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ptypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  FILE NAME : ptypes.h
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/13/98    nos         Creation (content moved here from ptypes.h).
+*   03/02/99    stephen     Added AS400 support.
+*   03/30/99    stephen     Added Linux support.
+*   04/13/99    stephen     Reworked for autoconf.
+*   09/18/08    srl         Moved basic types back to ptypes.h from platform.h
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Definitions of integer types of various widths
+ */
+#ifndef _PTYPES_H
+#define _PTYPES_H
+ * According to the Linux stdint.h, the ISO C99 standard specifies that in C++ implementations
+ * macros like INT32_MIN and UINTPTR_MAX should only be defined if explicitly requested.
+ * We need to define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before including stdint.h in C++ code
+ * that uses such limit macros.
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* NULL, size_t, wchar_t */
+#include <stddef.h>
+ * If all compilers provided all of the C99 headers and types,
+ * we would just unconditionally #include <stdint.h> here
+ * and not need any of the stuff after including platform.h.
+ */
+/* Find out if we have stdint.h etc. */
+#include "unicode/platform.h"
+/* Generic data types                                                        */
+/* If your platform does not have the <stdint.h> header, you may
+   need to edit the typedefs in the #else section below.
+   Use #if...#else...#endif with predefined compiler macros if possible. */
+ * We mostly need <stdint.h> (which defines the standard integer types) but not <inttypes.h>.
+ * <inttypes.h> includes <stdint.h> and adds the printf/scanf helpers PRId32, SCNx16 etc.
+ * which we almost never use, plus stuff like imaxabs() which we never use.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390
+/* The features header is needed to get (u)int64_t sometimes. */
+#include <features.h>
+/* z/OS has <stdint.h>, but some versions are missing uint8_t (APAR PK62248). */
+#if !defined(__uint8_t)
+#define __uint8_t 1
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+#endif /* U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 */
+#   include <inttypes.h>
+#else /* neither U_HAVE_STDINT_H nor U_HAVE_INTTYPES_H */
+/// \cond
+#if ! U_HAVE_INT8_T
+typedef signed char int8_t;
+#if ! U_HAVE_UINT8_T
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+#if ! U_HAVE_INT16_T
+typedef signed short int16_t;
+#if ! U_HAVE_UINT16_T
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+#if ! U_HAVE_INT32_T
+typedef signed int int32_t;
+#if ! U_HAVE_UINT32_T
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+#if ! U_HAVE_INT64_T
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+    typedef signed __int64 int64_t;
+    typedef signed long long int64_t;
+#if ! U_HAVE_UINT64_T
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+    typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+    typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
+/// \endcond
+#endif /* _PTYPES_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/putil.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/putil.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..759b136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/putil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  FILE NAME : putil.h
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   05/14/98    nos         Creation (content moved here from utypes.h).
+*   06/17/99    erm         Added IEEE_754
+*   07/22/98    stephen     Added IEEEremainder, max, min, trunc
+*   08/13/98    stephen     Added isNegativeInfinity, isPositiveInfinity
+*   08/24/98    stephen     Added longBitsFromDouble
+*   03/02/99    stephen     Removed openFile().  Added AS400 support.
+*   04/15/99    stephen     Converted to C
+*   11/15/99    helena      Integrated S/390 changes for IEEE support.
+*   01/11/00    helena      Added u_getVersion.
+#ifndef PUTIL_H
+#define PUTIL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ /**
+  * \file
+  * \brief C API: Platform Utilities
+  */
+/* Platform utilities                                                       */
+ * Platform utilities isolates the platform dependencies of the
+ * library.  For each platform which this code is ported to, these
+ * functions may have to be re-implemented.
+ */
+ * Return the ICU data directory. 
+ * The data directory is where common format ICU data files (.dat files)
+ *   are loaded from.  Note that normal use of the built-in ICU
+ *   facilities does not require loading of an external data file;
+ *   unless you are adding custom data to ICU, the data directory
+ *   does not need to be set.
+ *
+ * The data directory is determined as follows:
+ *    If u_setDataDirectory() has been called, that is it, otherwise
+ *    if the ICU_DATA environment variable is set, use that, otherwise
+ *    If a data directory was specified at ICU build time
+ *      <code>
+ * \code
+ *        #define ICU_DATA_DIR "path" 
+ * \endcode
+ * </code> use that,
+ *    otherwise no data directory is available.
+ *
+ * @return the data directory, or an empty string ("") if no data directory has
+ *         been specified.
+ *   
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2 u_getDataDirectory(void);
+ * Set the ICU data directory. 
+ * The data directory is where common format ICU data files (.dat files)
+ *   are loaded from.  Note that normal use of the built-in ICU
+ *   facilities does not require loading of an external data file;
+ *   unless you are adding custom data to ICU, the data directory
+ *   does not need to be set.
+ *
+ * This function should be called at most once in a process, before the
+ * first ICU operation (e.g., u_init()) that will require the loading of an
+ * ICU data file.
+ * This function is not thread-safe. Use it before calling ICU APIs from
+ * multiple threads.
+ *
+ * @param directory The directory to be set.
+ *
+ * @see u_init
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 u_setDataDirectory(const char *directory);
+  * Return the time zone files override directory, or an empty string if
+  * no directory was specified. Certain time zone resources will be preferentially
+  * loaded from individual files in this directory.
+  *
+  * @return the time zone data override directory.
+  * @internal
+  */ 
+U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2 u_getTimeZoneFilesDirectory(UErrorCode *status);
+  * Set the time zone files override directory.
+  * This function is not thread safe; it must not be called concurrently with
+  *   u_getTimeZoneFilesDirectory() or any other use of ICU time zone functions.
+  * This function should only be called before using any ICU service that
+  *   will access the time zone data.
+  * @internal
+  */
+U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2 u_setTimeZoneFilesDirectory(const char *path, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * @{
+ * Filesystem file and path separator characters.
+ * Example: '/' and ':' on Unix, '\\' and ';' on Windows.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#   define U_FILE_SEP_CHAR '\\'
+#   define U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR '/'
+#   define U_PATH_SEP_CHAR ';'
+#   define U_FILE_SEP_STRING "\\"
+#   define U_FILE_ALT_SEP_STRING "/"
+#   define U_PATH_SEP_STRING ";"
+#   define U_FILE_SEP_CHAR '/'
+#   define U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR '/'
+#   define U_PATH_SEP_CHAR ':'
+#   define U_FILE_SEP_STRING "/"
+#   define U_FILE_ALT_SEP_STRING "/"
+#   define U_PATH_SEP_STRING ":"
+/** @} */
+ * Convert char characters to UChar characters.
+ * This utility function is useful only for "invariant characters"
+ * that are encoded in the platform default encoding.
+ * They are a small, constant subset of the encoding and include
+ * just the latin letters, digits, and some punctuation.
+ * For details, see U_CHARSET_FAMILY.
+ *
+ * @param cs Input string, points to <code>length</code>
+ *           character bytes from a subset of the platform encoding.
+ * @param us Output string, points to memory for <code>length</code>
+ *           Unicode characters.
+ * @param length The number of characters to convert; this may
+ *               include the terminating <code>NUL</code>.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_charsToUChars(const char *cs, UChar *us, int32_t length);
+ * Convert UChar characters to char characters.
+ * This utility function is useful only for "invariant characters"
+ * that can be encoded in the platform default encoding.
+ * They are a small, constant subset of the encoding and include
+ * just the latin letters, digits, and some punctuation.
+ * For details, see U_CHARSET_FAMILY.
+ *
+ * @param us Input string, points to <code>length</code>
+ *           Unicode characters that can be encoded with the
+ *           codepage-invariant subset of the platform encoding.
+ * @param cs Output string, points to memory for <code>length</code>
+ *           character bytes.
+ * @param length The number of characters to convert; this may
+ *               include the terminating <code>NUL</code>.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_UCharsToChars(const UChar *us, char *cs, int32_t length);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbbi.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbbi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7825f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbbi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2016 International Business Machines Corporation   *
+*   and others. All rights reserved.                                      *
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   10/22/99    alan        Creation.
+*   11/11/99    rgillam     Complete port from Java.
+#ifndef RBBI_H
+#define RBBI_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Rule Based Break Iterator
+ */
+#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/schriter.h"
+/** @internal */
+class  LanguageBreakEngine;
+struct RBBIDataHeader;
+class  RBBIDataWrapper;
+class  UnhandledEngine;
+class  UStack;
+ *
+ * A subclass of BreakIterator whose behavior is specified using a list of rules.
+ * <p>Instances of this class are most commonly created by the factory methods of
+ *  BreakIterator::createWordInstance(), BreakIterator::createLineInstance(), etc.,
+ *  and then used via the abstract API in class BreakIterator</p>
+ *
+ * <p>See the ICU User Guide for information on Break Iterator Rules.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This class is not intended to be subclassed.</p>
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API RuleBasedBreakIterator /*U_FINAL*/ : public BreakIterator {
+    /**
+     * The UText through which this BreakIterator accesses the text
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    UText  fText;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * The rule data for this BreakIterator instance.
+     * Not for general use; Public only for testing purposes.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    RBBIDataWrapper    *fData;
+    /**
+      * The current  position of the iterator. Pinned, 0 < fPosition <= text.length.
+      * Never has the value UBRK_DONE (-1).
+      */
+    int32_t         fPosition;
+    /**
+      * TODO:
+      */
+    int32_t         fRuleStatusIndex;
+    /**
+     *   Cache of previously determined boundary positions.
+     */
+    class BreakCache;
+    BreakCache         *fBreakCache;
+    /**
+     *  Cache of boundary positions within a region of text that has been
+     *  sub-divided by dictionary based breaking.
+     */
+    class DictionaryCache;
+    DictionaryCache *fDictionaryCache;
+    /**
+     *
+     * If present, UStack of LanguageBreakEngine objects that might handle
+     * dictionary characters. Searched from top to bottom to find an object to
+     * handle a given character.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    UStack              *fLanguageBreakEngines;
+    /**
+     *
+     * If present, the special LanguageBreakEngine used for handling
+     * characters that are in the dictionary set, but not handled by any
+     * LanguageBreakEngine.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    UnhandledEngine     *fUnhandledBreakEngine;
+    /**
+     * Counter for the number of characters encountered with the "dictionary"
+     *   flag set.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    uint32_t            fDictionaryCharCount;
+    /**
+     *   A character iterator that refers to the same text as the UText, above.
+     *   Only included for compatibility with old API, which was based on CharacterIterators.
+     *   Value may be adopted from outside, or one of fSCharIter or fDCharIter, below.
+     */
+    CharacterIterator  *fCharIter;
+    /**
+     *   When the input text is provided by a UnicodeString, this will point to
+     *    a characterIterator that wraps that data.  Needed only for the
+     *    implementation of getText(), a backwards compatibility issue.
+     */
+    StringCharacterIterator fSCharIter;
+    /**
+      * True when iteration has run off the end, and iterator functions should return UBRK_DONE.
+      */
+    UBool           fDone;
+    //=======================================================================
+    // constructors
+    //=======================================================================
+    /**
+     * Constructor from a flattened set of RBBI data in malloced memory.
+     *             RulesBasedBreakIterators built from a custom set of rules
+     *             are created via this constructor; the rules are compiled
+     *             into memory, then the break iterator is constructed here.
+     *
+     *             The break iterator adopts the memory, and will
+     *             free it when done.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator(RBBIDataHeader* data, UErrorCode &status);
+    /** @internal */
+    friend class RBBIRuleBuilder;
+    /** @internal */
+    friend class BreakIterator;
+    /** Default constructor.  Creates an empty shell of an iterator, with no
+     *  rules or text to iterate over.   Object can subsequently be assigned to.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.  Will produce a break iterator with the same behavior,
+     * and which iterates over the same text, as the one passed in.
+     * @param that The RuleBasedBreakIterator passed to be copied
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator(const RuleBasedBreakIterator& that);
+    /**
+     * Construct a RuleBasedBreakIterator from a set of rules supplied as a string.
+     * @param rules The break rules to be used.
+     * @param parseError  In the event of a syntax error in the rules, provides the location
+     *                    within the rules of the problem.
+     * @param status Information on any errors encountered.
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator( const UnicodeString    &rules,
+                             UParseError           &parseError,
+                             UErrorCode            &status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a RuleBasedBreakIterator from a set of precompiled binary rules.
+     * Binary rules are obtained from RulesBasedBreakIterator::getBinaryRules().
+     * Construction of a break iterator in this way is substantially faster than
+     * construction from source rules.
+     *
+     * Ownership of the storage containing the compiled rules remains with the
+     * caller of this function.  The compiled rules must not be  modified or
+     * deleted during the life of the break iterator.
+     *
+     * The compiled rules are not compatible across different major versions of ICU.
+     * The compiled rules are compatible only between machines with the same
+     * byte ordering (little or big endian) and the same base character set family
+     * (ASCII or EBCDIC).
+     *
+     * @see #getBinaryRules
+     * @param compiledRules A pointer to the compiled break rules to be used.
+     * @param ruleLength The length of the compiled break rules, in bytes.  This
+     *   corresponds to the length value produced by getBinaryRules().
+     * @param status Information on any errors encountered, including invalid
+     *   binary rules.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator(const uint8_t *compiledRules,
+                           uint32_t       ruleLength,
+                           UErrorCode    &status);
+    /**
+     * This constructor uses the udata interface to create a BreakIterator
+     * whose internal tables live in a memory-mapped file.  "image" is an
+     * ICU UDataMemory handle for the pre-compiled break iterator tables.
+     * @param image handle to the memory image for the break iterator data.
+     *        Ownership of the UDataMemory handle passes to the Break Iterator,
+     *        which will be responsible for closing it when it is no longer needed.
+     * @param status Information on any errors encountered.
+     * @see udata_open
+     * @see #getBinaryRules
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator(UDataMemory* image, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~RuleBasedBreakIterator();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.  Sets this iterator to have the same behavior,
+     * and iterate over the same text, as the one passed in.
+     * @param that The RuleBasedBreakItertor passed in
+     * @return the newly created RuleBasedBreakIterator
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator& operator=(const RuleBasedBreakIterator& that);
+    /**
+     * Equality operator.  Returns TRUE if both BreakIterators are of the
+     * same class, have the same behavior, and iterate over the same text.
+     * @param that The BreakIterator to be compared for equality
+     * @return TRUE if both BreakIterators are of the
+     * same class, have the same behavior, and iterate over the same text.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const BreakIterator& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Not-equal operator.  If operator== returns TRUE, this returns FALSE,
+     * and vice versa.
+     * @param that The BreakIterator to be compared for inequality
+     * @return TRUE if both BreakIterators are not same.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const BreakIterator& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a newly-constructed RuleBasedBreakIterator with the same
+     * behavior, and iterating over the same text, as this one.
+     * Differs from the copy constructor in that it is polymorphic, and
+     * will correctly clone (copy) a derived class.
+     * clone() is thread safe.  Multiple threads may simultaneously
+     * clone the same source break iterator.
+     * @return a newly-constructed RuleBasedBreakIterator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual RuleBasedBreakIterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Compute a hash code for this BreakIterator
+     * @return A hash code
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the description used to create this iterator
+     * @return the description used to create this iterator
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString& getRules(void) const;
+    //=======================================================================
+    // BreakIterator overrides
+    //=======================================================================
+    /**
+     * <p>
+     * Return a CharacterIterator over the text being analyzed.
+     * The returned character iterator is owned by the break iterator, and must
+     * not be deleted by the caller.  Repeated calls to this function may
+     * return the same CharacterIterator.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * The returned character iterator must not be used concurrently with
+     * the break iterator.  If concurrent operation is needed, clone the
+     * returned character iterator first and operate on the clone.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * When the break iterator is operating on text supplied via a UText,
+     * this function will fail.  Lacking any way to signal failures, it
+     * returns an CharacterIterator containing no text.
+     * The function getUText() provides similar functionality,
+     * is reliable, and is more efficient.
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * TODO:  deprecate this function?
+     *
+     * @return An iterator over the text being analyzed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual  CharacterIterator& getText(void) const;
+    /**
+      *  Get a UText for the text being analyzed.
+      *  The returned UText is a shallow clone of the UText used internally
+      *  by the break iterator implementation.  It can safely be used to
+      *  access the text without impacting any break iterator operations,
+      *  but the underlying text itself must not be altered.
+      *
+      * @param fillIn A UText to be filled in.  If NULL, a new UText will be
+      *           allocated to hold the result.
+      * @param status receives any error codes.
+      * @return   The current UText for this break iterator.  If an input
+      *           UText was provided, it will always be returned.
+      * @stable ICU 3.4
+      */
+     virtual UText *getUText(UText *fillIn, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the iterator to analyze a new piece of text.  This function resets
+     * the current iteration position to the beginning of the text.
+     * @param newText An iterator over the text to analyze.  The BreakIterator
+     * takes ownership of the character iterator.  The caller MUST NOT delete it!
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptText(CharacterIterator* newText);
+    /**
+     * Set the iterator to analyze a new piece of text.  This function resets
+     * the current iteration position to the beginning of the text.
+     *
+     * The BreakIterator will retain a reference to the supplied string.
+     * The caller must not modify or delete the text while the BreakIterator
+     * retains the reference.
+     *
+     * @param newText The text to analyze.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setText(const UnicodeString& newText);
+    /**
+     * Reset the break iterator to operate over the text represented by
+     * the UText.  The iterator position is reset to the start.
+     *
+     * This function makes a shallow clone of the supplied UText.  This means
+     * that the caller is free to immediately close or otherwise reuse the
+     * Utext that was passed as a parameter, but that the underlying text itself
+     * must not be altered while being referenced by the break iterator.
+     *
+     * @param text    The UText used to change the text.
+     * @param status  Receives any error codes.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    virtual void  setText(UText *text, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the current iteration position to the beginning of the text, position zero.
+     * @return The offset of the beginning of the text, zero.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t first(void);
+    /**
+     * Sets the current iteration position to the end of the text.
+     * @return The text's past-the-end offset.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t last(void);
+    /**
+     * Advances the iterator either forward or backward the specified number of steps.
+     * Negative values move backward, and positive values move forward.  This is
+     * equivalent to repeatedly calling next() or previous().
+     * @param n The number of steps to move.  The sign indicates the direction
+     * (negative is backwards, and positive is forwards).
+     * @return The character offset of the boundary position n boundaries away from
+     * the current one.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t next(int32_t n);
+    /**
+     * Advances the iterator to the next boundary position.
+     * @return The position of the first boundary after this one.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t next(void);
+    /**
+     * Moves the iterator backwards, to the last boundary preceding this one.
+     * @return The position of the last boundary position preceding this one.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t previous(void);
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the first boundary position following
+     * the specified position.
+     * @param offset The position from which to begin searching for a break position.
+     * @return The position of the first break after the current position.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t following(int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Sets the iterator to refer to the last boundary position before the
+     * specified position.
+     * @param offset The position to begin searching for a break from.
+     * @return The position of the last boundary before the starting position.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t preceding(int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the specified position is a boundary position.  As a side
+     * effect, leaves the iterator pointing to the first boundary position at
+     * or after "offset".
+     * @param offset the offset to check.
+     * @return True if "offset" is a boundary position.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool isBoundary(int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Returns the current iteration position. Note that UBRK_DONE is never
+     * returned from this function; if iteration has run to the end of a
+     * string, current() will return the length of the string while
+     * next() will return UBRK_DONE).
+     * @return The current iteration position.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t current(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the status tag from the break rule that determined the boundary at
+     * the current iteration position.  For break rules that do not specify a
+     * status, a default value of 0 is returned.  If more than one break rule
+     * would cause a boundary to be located at some position in the text,
+     * the numerically largest of the applicable status values is returned.
+     * <p>
+     * Of the standard types of ICU break iterators, only word break and
+     * line break provide status values.  The values are defined in
+     * the header file ubrk.h.  For Word breaks, the status allows distinguishing between words
+     * that contain alphabetic letters, "words" that appear to be numbers,
+     * punctuation and spaces, words containing ideographic characters, and
+     * more.  For Line Break, the status distinguishes between hard (mandatory) breaks
+     * and soft (potential) break positions.
+     * <p>
+     * <code>getRuleStatus()</code> can be called after obtaining a boundary
+     * position from <code>next()</code>, <code>previous()</code>, or
+     * any other break iterator functions that returns a boundary position.
+     * <p>
+     * Note that <code>getRuleStatus()</code> returns the value corresponding to
+     * <code>current()</code> index even after <code>next()</code> has returned DONE.
+     * <p>
+     * When creating custom break rules, one is free to define whatever
+     * status values may be convenient for the application.
+     * <p>
+     * @return the status from the break rule that determined the boundary
+     * at the current iteration position.
+     *
+     * @see UWordBreak
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRuleStatus() const;
+   /**
+    * Get the status (tag) values from the break rule(s) that determined the boundary
+    * at the current iteration position.
+    * <p>
+    * The returned status value(s) are stored into an array provided by the caller.
+    * The values are stored in sorted (ascending) order.
+    * If the capacity of the output array is insufficient to hold the data,
+    *  the output will be truncated to the available length, and a
+    *  U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR will be signaled.
+    *
+    * @param fillInVec an array to be filled in with the status values.
+    * @param capacity  the length of the supplied vector.  A length of zero causes
+    *                  the function to return the number of status values, in the
+    *                  normal way, without attempting to store any values.
+    * @param status    receives error codes.
+    * @return          The number of rule status values from the rules that determined
+    *                  the boundary at the current iteration position.
+    *                  In the event of a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, the return value
+    *                  is the total number of status values that were available,
+    *                  not the reduced number that were actually returned.
+    * @see getRuleStatus
+    * @stable ICU 3.0
+    */
+    virtual int32_t getRuleStatusVec(int32_t *fillInVec, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.  Pure virtual override.
+     * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
+     * C++ compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
+     *
+     *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Deprecated functionality. Use clone() instead.
+     *
+     * Create a clone (copy) of this break iterator in memory provided
+     *  by the caller.  The idea is to increase performance by avoiding
+     *  a storage allocation.  Use of this function is NOT RECOMMENDED.
+     *  Performance gains are minimal, and correct buffer management is
+     *  tricky.  Use clone() instead.
+     *
+     * @param stackBuffer  The pointer to the memory into which the cloned object
+     *                     should be placed.  If NULL,  allocate heap memory
+     *                     for the cloned object.
+     * @param BufferSize   The size of the buffer.  If zero, return the required
+     *                     buffer size, but do not clone the object.  If the
+     *                     size was too small (but not zero), allocate heap
+     *                     storage for the cloned object.
+     *
+     * @param status       Error status.  U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_WARNING will be
+     *                     returned if the provided buffer was too small, and
+     *                     the clone was therefore put on the heap.
+     *
+     * @return  Pointer to the clone object.  This may differ from the stackBuffer
+     *          address if the byte alignment of the stack buffer was not suitable
+     *          or if the stackBuffer was too small to hold the clone.
+     * @deprecated ICU 52. Use clone() instead.
+     */
+    virtual RuleBasedBreakIterator *createBufferClone(void *stackBuffer,
+                                                      int32_t &BufferSize,
+                                                      UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Return the binary form of compiled break rules,
+     * which can then be used to create a new break iterator at some
+     * time in the future.  Creating a break iterator from pre-compiled rules
+     * is much faster than building one from the source form of the
+     * break rules.
+     *
+     * The binary data can only be used with the same version of ICU
+     *  and on the same platform type (processor endian-ness)
+     *
+     * @param length Returns the length of the binary data.  (Out parameter.)
+     *
+     * @return   A pointer to the binary (compiled) rule data.  The storage
+     *           belongs to the RulesBasedBreakIterator object, not the
+     *           caller, and must not be modified or deleted.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual const uint8_t *getBinaryRules(uint32_t &length);
+    /**
+     *  Set the subject text string upon which the break iterator is operating
+     *  without changing any other aspect of the matching state.
+     *  The new and previous text strings must have the same content.
+     *
+     *  This function is intended for use in environments where ICU is operating on
+     *  strings that may move around in memory.  It provides a mechanism for notifying
+     *  ICU that the string has been relocated, and providing a new UText to access the
+     *  string in its new position.
+     *
+     *  Note that the break iterator implementation never copies the underlying text
+     *  of a string being processed, but always operates directly on the original text
+     *  provided by the user. Refreshing simply drops the references to the old text
+     *  and replaces them with references to the new.
+     *
+     *  Caution:  this function is normally used only by very specialized,
+     *  system-level code.  One example use case is with garbage collection that moves
+     *  the text in memory.
+     *
+     * @param input      The new (moved) text string.
+     * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+     * @return           *this
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual RuleBasedBreakIterator &refreshInputText(UText *input, UErrorCode &status);
+    //=======================================================================
+    // implementation
+    //=======================================================================
+    /**
+     * Dumps caches and performs other actions associated with a complete change
+     * in text or iteration position.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    void reset(void);
+    /**
+      * Common initialization function, used by constructors and bufferClone.
+      * @internal (private)
+      */
+    void init(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Iterate backwards from an arbitrary position in the input text using the
+     * synthesized Safe Reverse rules.
+     * This locates a "Safe Position" from which the forward break rules
+     * will operate correctly. A Safe Position is not necessarily a boundary itself.
+     *
+     * @param fromPosition the position in the input text to begin the iteration.
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    int32_t handleSafePrevious(int32_t fromPosition);
+    /**
+     * Find a rule-based boundary by running the state machine.
+     * Input
+     *    fPosition, the position in the text to begin from.
+     * Output
+     *    fPosition:           the boundary following the starting position.
+     *    fDictionaryCharCount the number of dictionary characters encountered.
+     *                         If > 0, the segment will be further subdivided
+     *    fRuleStatusIndex     Info from the state table indicating which rules caused the boundary.
+     *
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    int32_t handleNext();
+    /**
+     * This function returns the appropriate LanguageBreakEngine for a
+     * given character c.
+     * @param c         A character in the dictionary set
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    const LanguageBreakEngine *getLanguageBreakEngine(UChar32 c);
+  public:
+    /**
+     *   Debugging function only.
+     *   @internal
+     */
+     void dumpCache();
+    /**
+     * Debugging function only.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void dumpTables();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+//   Inline Functions Definitions ...
+inline UBool RuleBasedBreakIterator::operator!=(const BreakIterator& that) const {
+    return !operator==(that);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbnf.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbnf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62b0232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbnf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1121 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef RBNF_H
+#define RBNF_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Rule Based Number Format
+ */
+ * \def U_HAVE_RBNF
+ * This will be 0 if RBNF support is not included in ICU
+ * and 1 if it is.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_HAVE_RBNF 0
+#define U_HAVE_RBNF 1
+#include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h"
+#include "unicode/fmtable.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
+#include "unicode/upluralrules.h"
+class NFRule;
+class NFRuleSet;
+class LocalizationInfo;
+class PluralFormat;
+class RuleBasedCollator;
+ * Tags for the predefined rulesets.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+enum URBNFRuleSetTag {
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal URBNFRuleSetTag value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+ * The RuleBasedNumberFormat class formats numbers according to a set of rules. This number formatter is
+ * typically used for spelling out numeric values in words (e.g., 25,3476 as
+ * &quot;twenty-five thousand three hundred seventy-six&quot; or &quot;vingt-cinq mille trois
+ * cents soixante-seize&quot; or
+ * &quot;f&uuml;nfundzwanzigtausenddreihundertsechsundsiebzig&quot;), but can also be used for
+ * other complicated formatting tasks, such as formatting a number of seconds as hours,
+ * minutes and seconds (e.g., 3,730 as &quot;1:02:10&quot;).
+ *
+ * <p>The resources contain three predefined formatters for each locale: spellout, which
+ * spells out a value in words (123 is &quot;one hundred twenty-three&quot;); ordinal, which
+ * appends an ordinal suffix to the end of a numeral (123 is &quot;123rd&quot;); and
+ * duration, which shows a duration in seconds as hours, minutes, and seconds (123 is
+ * &quot;2:03&quot;).&nbsp; The client can also define more specialized <tt>RuleBasedNumberFormat</tt>s
+ * by supplying programmer-defined rule sets.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The behavior of a <tt>RuleBasedNumberFormat</tt> is specified by a textual description
+ * that is either passed to the constructor as a <tt>String</tt> or loaded from a resource
+ * bundle. In its simplest form, the description consists of a semicolon-delimited list of <em>rules.</em>
+ * Each rule has a string of output text and a value or range of values it is applicable to.
+ * In a typical spellout rule set, the first twenty rules are the words for the numbers from
+ * 0 to 19:</p>
+ *
+ * <pre>zero; one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine;
+ * ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen; seventeen; eighteen; nineteen;</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>For larger numbers, we can use the preceding set of rules to format the ones place, and
+ * we only have to supply the words for the multiples of 10:</p>
+ *
+ * <pre> 20: twenty[-&gt;&gt;];
+ * 30: thirty[-&gt;&gt;];
+ * 40: forty[-&gt;&gt;];
+ * 50: fifty[-&gt;&gt;];
+ * 60: sixty[-&gt;&gt;];
+ * 70: seventy[-&gt;&gt;];
+ * 80: eighty[-&gt;&gt;];
+ * 90: ninety[-&gt;&gt;];</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>In these rules, the <em>base value</em> is spelled out explicitly and set off from the
+ * rule's output text with a colon. The rules are in a sorted list, and a rule is applicable
+ * to all numbers from its own base value to one less than the next rule's base value. The
+ * &quot;&gt;&gt;&quot; token is called a <em>substitution</em> and tells the fomatter to
+ * isolate the number's ones digit, format it using this same set of rules, and place the
+ * result at the position of the &quot;&gt;&gt;&quot; token. Text in brackets is omitted if
+ * the number being formatted is an even multiple of 10 (the hyphen is a literal hyphen; 24
+ * is &quot;twenty-four,&quot; not &quot;twenty four&quot;).</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For even larger numbers, we can actually look up several parts of the number in the
+ * list:</p>
+ *
+ * <pre>100: &lt;&lt; hundred[ &gt;&gt;];</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>The &quot;&lt;&lt;&quot; represents a new kind of substitution. The &lt;&lt; isolates
+ * the hundreds digit (and any digits to its left), formats it using this same rule set, and
+ * places the result where the &quot;&lt;&lt;&quot; was. Notice also that the meaning of
+ * &gt;&gt; has changed: it now refers to both the tens and the ones digits. The meaning of
+ * both substitutions depends on the rule's base value. The base value determines the rule's <em>divisor,</em>
+ * which is the highest power of 10 that is less than or equal to the base value (the user
+ * can change this). To fill in the substitutions, the formatter divides the number being
+ * formatted by the divisor. The integral quotient is used to fill in the &lt;&lt;
+ * substitution, and the remainder is used to fill in the &gt;&gt; substitution. The meaning
+ * of the brackets changes similarly: text in brackets is omitted if the value being
+ * formatted is an even multiple of the rule's divisor. The rules are applied recursively, so
+ * if a substitution is filled in with text that includes another substitution, that
+ * substitution is also filled in.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This rule covers values up to 999, at which point we add another rule:</p>
+ *
+ * <pre>1000: &lt;&lt; thousand[ &gt;&gt;];</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>Again, the meanings of the brackets and substitution tokens shift because the rule's
+ * base value is a higher power of 10, changing the rule's divisor. This rule can actually be
+ * used all the way up to 999,999. This allows us to finish out the rules as follows:</p>
+ *
+ * <pre> 1,000,000: &lt;&lt; million[ &gt;&gt;];
+ * 1,000,000,000: &lt;&lt; billion[ &gt;&gt;];
+ * 1,000,000,000,000: &lt;&lt; trillion[ &gt;&gt;];
+ * 1,000,000,000,000,000: OUT OF RANGE!;</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>Commas, periods, and spaces can be used in the base values to improve legibility and
+ * are ignored by the rule parser. The last rule in the list is customarily treated as an
+ * &quot;overflow rule,&quot; applying to everything from its base value on up, and often (as
+ * in this example) being used to print out an error message or default representation.
+ * Notice also that the size of the major groupings in large numbers is controlled by the
+ * spacing of the rules: because in English we group numbers by thousand, the higher rules
+ * are separated from each other by a factor of 1,000.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>To see how these rules actually work in practice, consider the following example:
+ * Formatting 25,430 with this rule set would work like this:</p>
+ *
+ * <table border="0" width="100%">
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><strong>&lt;&lt; thousand &gt;&gt;</strong></td>
+ *     <td>[the rule whose base value is 1,000 is applicable to 25,340]</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><strong>twenty-&gt;&gt;</strong> thousand &gt;&gt;</td>
+ *     <td>[25,340 over 1,000 is 25. The rule for 20 applies.]</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>twenty-<strong>five</strong> thousand &gt;&gt;</td>
+ *     <td>[25 mod 10 is 5. The rule for 5 is &quot;five.&quot;</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>twenty-five thousand <strong>&lt;&lt; hundred &gt;&gt;</strong></td>
+ *     <td>[25,340 mod 1,000 is 340. The rule for 100 applies.]</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>twenty-five thousand <strong>three</strong> hundred &gt;&gt;</td>
+ *     <td>[340 over 100 is 3. The rule for 3 is &quot;three.&quot;]</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>twenty-five thousand three hundred <strong>forty</strong></td>
+ *     <td>[340 mod 100 is 40. The rule for 40 applies. Since 40 divides
+ *     evenly by 10, the hyphen and substitution in the brackets are omitted.]</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>The above syntax suffices only to format positive integers. To format negative numbers,
+ * we add a special rule:</p>
+ *
+ * <pre>-x: minus &gt;&gt;;</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>This is called a <em>negative-number rule,</em> and is identified by &quot;-x&quot;
+ * where the base value would be. This rule is used to format all negative numbers. the
+ * &gt;&gt; token here means &quot;find the number's absolute value, format it with these
+ * rules, and put the result here.&quot;</p>
+ *
+ * <p>We also add a special rule called a <em>fraction rule </em>for numbers with fractional
+ * parts:</p>
+ *
+ * <pre>x.x: &lt;&lt; point &gt;&gt;;</pre>
+ *
+ * <p>This rule is used for all positive non-integers (negative non-integers pass through the
+ * negative-number rule first and then through this rule). Here, the &lt;&lt; token refers to
+ * the number's integral part, and the &gt;&gt; to the number's fractional part. The
+ * fractional part is formatted as a series of single-digit numbers (e.g., 123.456 would be
+ * formatted as &quot;one hundred twenty-three point four five six&quot;).</p>
+ *
+ * <p>To see how this rule syntax is applied to various languages, examine the resource data.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>There is actually much more flexibility built into the rule language than the
+ * description above shows. A formatter may own multiple rule sets, which can be selected by
+ * the caller, and which can use each other to fill in their substitutions. Substitutions can
+ * also be filled in with digits, using a DecimalFormat object. There is syntax that can be
+ * used to alter a rule's divisor in various ways. And there is provision for much more
+ * flexible fraction handling. A complete description of the rule syntax follows:</p>
+ *
+ * <hr>
+ *
+ * <p>The description of a <tt>RuleBasedNumberFormat</tt>'s behavior consists of one or more <em>rule
+ * sets.</em> Each rule set consists of a name, a colon, and a list of <em>rules.</em> A rule
+ * set name must begin with a % sign. Rule sets with names that begin with a single % sign
+ * are <em>public:</em> the caller can specify that they be used to format and parse numbers.
+ * Rule sets with names that begin with %% are <em>private:</em> they exist only for the use
+ * of other rule sets. If a formatter only has one rule set, the name may be omitted.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The user can also specify a special &quot;rule set&quot; named <tt>%%lenient-parse</tt>.
+ * The body of <tt>%%lenient-parse</tt> isn't a set of number-formatting rules, but a <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt>
+ * description which is used to define equivalences for lenient parsing. For more information
+ * on the syntax, see <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt>. For more information on lenient parsing,
+ * see <tt>setLenientParse()</tt>.  <em>Note:</em> symbols that have syntactic meaning
+ * in collation rules, such as '&amp;', have no particular meaning when appearing outside
+ * of the <tt>lenient-parse</tt> rule set.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The body of a rule set consists of an ordered, semicolon-delimited list of <em>rules.</em>
+ * Internally, every rule has a base value, a divisor, rule text, and zero, one, or two <em>substitutions.</em>
+ * These parameters are controlled by the description syntax, which consists of a <em>rule
+ * descriptor,</em> a colon, and a <em>rule body.</em></p>
+ *
+ * <p>A rule descriptor can take one of the following forms (text in <em>italics</em> is the
+ * name of a token):</p>
+ *
+ * <table border="0" width="100%">
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em>:</td>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em> specifies the rule's base value. <em>bv</em> is a decimal
+ *     number expressed using ASCII digits. <em>bv</em> may contain spaces, period, and commas,
+ *     which are ignored. The rule's divisor is the highest power of 10 less than or equal to
+ *     the base value.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em>/<em>rad</em>:</td>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em> specifies the rule's base value. The rule's divisor is the
+ *     highest power of <em>rad</em> less than or equal to the base value.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em>&gt;:</td>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em> specifies the rule's base value. To calculate the divisor,
+ *     let the radix be 10, and the exponent be the highest exponent of the radix that yields a
+ *     result less than or equal to the base value. Every &gt; character after the base value
+ *     decreases the exponent by 1. If the exponent is positive or 0, the divisor is the radix
+ *     raised to the power of the exponent; otherwise, the divisor is 1.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em>/<em>rad</em>&gt;:</td>
+ *     <td><em>bv</em> specifies the rule's base value. To calculate the divisor,
+ *     let the radix be <em>rad</em>, and the exponent be the highest exponent of the radix that
+ *     yields a result less than or equal to the base value. Every &gt; character after the radix
+ *     decreases the exponent by 1. If the exponent is positive or 0, the divisor is the radix
+ *     raised to the power of the exponent; otherwise, the divisor is 1.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>-x:</td>
+ *     <td>The rule is a negative-number rule.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>x.x:</td>
+ *     <td>The rule is an <em>improper fraction rule</em>. If the full stop in
+ *     the middle of the rule name is replaced with the decimal point
+ *     that is used in the language or DecimalFormatSymbols, then that rule will
+ *     have precedence when formatting and parsing this rule. For example, some
+ *     languages use the comma, and can thus be written as x,x instead. For example,
+ *     you can use "x.x: &lt;&lt; point &gt;&gt;;x,x: &lt;&lt; comma &gt;&gt;;" to
+ *     handle the decimal point that matches the language's natural spelling of
+ *     the punctuation of either the full stop or comma.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>0.x:</td>
+ *     <td>The rule is a <em>proper fraction rule</em>. If the full stop in
+ *     the middle of the rule name is replaced with the decimal point
+ *     that is used in the language or DecimalFormatSymbols, then that rule will
+ *     have precedence when formatting and parsing this rule. For example, some
+ *     languages use the comma, and can thus be written as 0,x instead. For example,
+ *     you can use "0.x: point &gt;&gt;;0,x: comma &gt;&gt;;" to
+ *     handle the decimal point that matches the language's natural spelling of
+ *     the punctuation of either the full stop or comma.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>x.0:</td>
+ *     <td>The rule is a <em>master rule</em>. If the full stop in
+ *     the middle of the rule name is replaced with the decimal point
+ *     that is used in the language or DecimalFormatSymbols, then that rule will
+ *     have precedence when formatting and parsing this rule. For example, some
+ *     languages use the comma, and can thus be written as x,0 instead. For example,
+ *     you can use "x.0: &lt;&lt; point;x,0: &lt;&lt; comma;" to
+ *     handle the decimal point that matches the language's natural spelling of
+ *     the punctuation of either the full stop or comma.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>Inf:</td>
+ *     <td>The rule for infinity.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>NaN:</td>
+ *     <td>The rule for an IEEE 754 NaN (not a number).</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><em>nothing</em></td>
+ *     <td>If the rule's rule descriptor is left out, the base value is one plus the
+ *     preceding rule's base value (or zero if this is the first rule in the list) in a normal
+ *     rule set.&nbsp; In a fraction rule set, the base value is the same as the preceding rule's
+ *     base value.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>A rule set may be either a regular rule set or a <em>fraction rule set,</em> depending
+ * on whether it is used to format a number's integral part (or the whole number) or a
+ * number's fractional part. Using a rule set to format a rule's fractional part makes it a
+ * fraction rule set.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Which rule is used to format a number is defined according to one of the following
+ * algorithms: If the rule set is a regular rule set, do the following:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>If the rule set includes a master rule (and the number was passed in as a <tt>double</tt>),
+ *     use the master rule.&nbsp; (If the number being formatted was passed in as a <tt>long</tt>,
+ *     the master rule is ignored.)</li>
+ *   <li>If the number is negative, use the negative-number rule.</li>
+ *   <li>If the number has a fractional part and is greater than 1, use the improper fraction
+ *     rule.</li>
+ *   <li>If the number has a fractional part and is between 0 and 1, use the proper fraction
+ *     rule.</li>
+ *   <li>Binary-search the rule list for the rule with the highest base value less than or equal
+ *     to the number. If that rule has two substitutions, its base value is not an even multiple
+ *     of its divisor, and the number <em>is</em> an even multiple of the rule's divisor, use the
+ *     rule that precedes it in the rule list. Otherwise, use the rule itself.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>If the rule set is a fraction rule set, do the following:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Ignore negative-number and fraction rules.</li>
+ *   <li>For each rule in the list, multiply the number being formatted (which will always be
+ *     between 0 and 1) by the rule's base value. Keep track of the distance between the result
+ *     the nearest integer.</li>
+ *   <li>Use the rule that produced the result closest to zero in the above calculation. In the
+ *     event of a tie or a direct hit, use the first matching rule encountered. (The idea here is
+ *     to try each rule's base value as a possible denominator of a fraction. Whichever
+ *     denominator produces the fraction closest in value to the number being formatted wins.) If
+ *     the rule following the matching rule has the same base value, use it if the numerator of
+ *     the fraction is anything other than 1; if the numerator is 1, use the original matching
+ *     rule. (This is to allow singular and plural forms of the rule text without a lot of extra
+ *     hassle.)</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>A rule's body consists of a string of characters terminated by a semicolon. The rule
+ * may include zero, one, or two <em>substitution tokens,</em> and a range of text in
+ * brackets. The brackets denote optional text (and may also include one or both
+ * substitutions). The exact meanings of the substitution tokens, and under what conditions
+ * optional text is omitted, depend on the syntax of the substitution token and the context.
+ * The rest of the text in a rule body is literal text that is output when the rule matches
+ * the number being formatted.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>A substitution token begins and ends with a <em>token character.</em> The token
+ * character and the context together specify a mathematical operation to be performed on the
+ * number being formatted. An optional <em>substitution descriptor </em>specifies how the
+ * value resulting from that operation is used to fill in the substitution. The position of
+ * the substitution token in the rule body specifies the location of the resultant text in
+ * the original rule text.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The meanings of the substitution token characters are as follows:</p>
+ *
+ * <table border="0" width="100%">
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>&gt;&gt;</td>
+ *     <td>in normal rule</td>
+ *     <td>Divide the number by the rule's divisor and format the remainder</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in negative-number rule</td>
+ *     <td>Find the absolute value of the number and format the result</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in fraction or master rule</td>
+ *     <td>Isolate the number's fractional part and format it.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in rule in fraction rule set</td>
+ *     <td>Not allowed.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>&gt;&gt;&gt;</td>
+ *     <td>in normal rule</td>
+ *     <td>Divide the number by the rule's divisor and format the remainder,
+ *       but bypass the normal rule-selection process and just use the
+ *       rule that precedes this one in this rule list.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in all other rules</td>
+ *     <td>Not allowed.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>&lt;&lt;</td>
+ *     <td>in normal rule</td>
+ *     <td>Divide the number by the rule's divisor and format the quotient</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in negative-number rule</td>
+ *     <td>Not allowed.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in fraction or master rule</td>
+ *     <td>Isolate the number's integral part and format it.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in rule in fraction rule set</td>
+ *     <td>Multiply the number by the rule's base value and format the result.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>==</td>
+ *     <td>in all rule sets</td>
+ *     <td>Format the number unchanged</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>[]</td>
+ *     <td>in normal rule</td>
+ *     <td>Omit the optional text if the number is an even multiple of the rule's divisor</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in negative-number rule</td>
+ *     <td>Not allowed.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in improper-fraction rule</td>
+ *     <td>Omit the optional text if the number is between 0 and 1 (same as specifying both an
+ *     x.x rule and a 0.x rule)</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in master rule</td>
+ *     <td>Omit the optional text if the number is an integer (same as specifying both an x.x
+ *     rule and an x.0 rule)</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in proper-fraction rule</td>
+ *     <td>Not allowed.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td></td>
+ *     <td>in rule in fraction rule set</td>
+ *     <td>Omit the optional text if multiplying the number by the rule's base value yields 1.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td width="37">$(cardinal,<i>plural syntax</i>)$</td>
+ *     <td width="23"></td>
+ *     <td width="165" valign="top">in all rule sets</td>
+ *     <td>This provides the ability to choose a word based on the number divided by the radix to the power of the
+ *     exponent of the base value for the specified locale, which is normally equivalent to the &lt;&lt; value.
+ *     This uses the cardinal plural rules from PluralFormat. All strings used in the plural format are treated
+ *     as the same base value for parsing.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td width="37">$(ordinal,<i>plural syntax</i>)$</td>
+ *     <td width="23"></td>
+ *     <td width="165" valign="top">in all rule sets</td>
+ *     <td>This provides the ability to choose a word based on the number divided by the radix to the power of the
+ *     exponent of the base value for the specified locale, which is normally equivalent to the &lt;&lt; value.
+ *     This uses the ordinal plural rules from PluralFormat. All strings used in the plural format are treated
+ *     as the same base value for parsing.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>The substitution descriptor (i.e., the text between the token characters) may take one
+ * of three forms:</p>
+ *
+ * <table border="0" width="100%">
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>a rule set name</td>
+ *     <td>Perform the mathematical operation on the number, and format the result using the
+ *     named rule set.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>a DecimalFormat pattern</td>
+ *     <td>Perform the mathematical operation on the number, and format the result using a
+ *     DecimalFormat with the specified pattern.&nbsp; The pattern must begin with 0 or #.</td>
+ *   </tr>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>nothing</td>
+ *     <td>Perform the mathematical operation on the number, and format the result using the rule
+ *     set containing the current rule, except:
+ *     <ul>
+ *       <li>You can't have an empty substitution descriptor with a == substitution.</li>
+ *       <li>If you omit the substitution descriptor in a &gt;&gt; substitution in a fraction rule,
+ *         format the result one digit at a time using the rule set containing the current rule.</li>
+ *       <li>If you omit the substitution descriptor in a &lt;&lt; substitution in a rule in a
+ *         fraction rule set, format the result using the default rule set for this formatter.</li>
+ *     </ul>
+ *     </td>
+ *   </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>Whitespace is ignored between a rule set name and a rule set body, between a rule
+ * descriptor and a rule body, or between rules. If a rule body begins with an apostrophe,
+ * the apostrophe is ignored, but all text after it becomes significant (this is how you can
+ * have a rule's rule text begin with whitespace). There is no escape function: the semicolon
+ * is not allowed in rule set names or in rule text, and the colon is not allowed in rule set
+ * names. The characters beginning a substitution token are always treated as the beginning
+ * of a substitution token.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>See the resource data and the demo program for annotated examples of real rule sets
+ * using these features.</p>
+ *
+ * <p><em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
+ * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
+ * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Localizations</b></p>
+ * <p>Constructors are available that allow the specification of localizations for the
+ * public rule sets (and also allow more control over what public rule sets are available).
+ * Localization data is represented as a textual description.  The description represents
+ * an array of arrays of string.  The first element is an array of the public rule set names,
+ * each of these must be one of the public rule set names that appear in the rules.  Only
+ * names in this array will be treated as public rule set names by the API.  Each subsequent
+ * element is an array of localizations of these names.  The first element of one of these
+ * subarrays is the locale name, and the remaining elements are localizations of the
+ * public rule set names, in the same order as they were listed in the first arrray.</p>
+ * <p>In the syntax, angle brackets '<', '>' are used to delimit the arrays, and comma ',' is used
+ * to separate elements of an array.  Whitespace is ignored, unless quoted.</p>
+ * <p>For example:<pre>
+ * < < %foo, %bar, %baz >,
+ *   < en, Foo, Bar, Baz >,
+ *   < fr, 'le Foo', 'le Bar', 'le Baz' >
+ *   < zh, \\u7532, \\u4e59, \\u4e19 > >
+ * </pre></p>
+ * @author Richard Gillam
+ * @see NumberFormat
+ * @see DecimalFormat
+ * @see PluralFormat
+ * @see PluralRules
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API RuleBasedNumberFormat : public NumberFormat {
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // constructors
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Creates a RuleBasedNumberFormat that behaves according to the description
+     * passed in.  The formatter uses the default locale.
+     * @param rules A description of the formatter's desired behavior.
+     * See the class documentation for a complete explanation of the description
+     * syntax.
+     * @param perror The parse error if an error was encountered.
+     * @param status The status indicating whether the constructor succeeded.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    RuleBasedNumberFormat(const UnicodeString& rules, UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a RuleBasedNumberFormat that behaves according to the description
+     * passed in.  The formatter uses the default locale.
+     * <p>
+     * The localizations data provides information about the public
+     * rule sets and their localized display names for different
+     * locales. The first element in the list is an array of the names
+     * of the public rule sets.  The first element in this array is
+     * the initial default ruleset.  The remaining elements in the
+     * list are arrays of localizations of the names of the public
+     * rule sets.  Each of these is one longer than the initial array,
+     * with the first String being the ULocale ID, and the remaining
+     * Strings being the localizations of the rule set names, in the
+     * same order as the initial array.  Arrays are NULL-terminated.
+     * @param rules A description of the formatter's desired behavior.
+     * See the class documentation for a complete explanation of the description
+     * syntax.
+     * @param localizations the localization information.
+     * names in the description.  These will be copied by the constructor.
+     * @param perror The parse error if an error was encountered.
+     * @param status The status indicating whether the constructor succeeded.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    RuleBasedNumberFormat(const UnicodeString& rules, const UnicodeString& localizations,
+                        UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * Creates a RuleBasedNumberFormat that behaves according to the rules
+   * passed in.  The formatter uses the specified locale to determine the
+   * characters to use when formatting numerals, and to define equivalences
+   * for lenient parsing.
+   * @param rules The formatter rules.
+   * See the class documentation for a complete explanation of the rule
+   * syntax.
+   * @param locale A locale that governs which characters are used for
+   * formatting values in numerals and which characters are equivalent in
+   * lenient parsing.
+   * @param perror The parse error if an error was encountered.
+   * @param status The status indicating whether the constructor succeeded.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  RuleBasedNumberFormat(const UnicodeString& rules, const Locale& locale,
+                        UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a RuleBasedNumberFormat that behaves according to the description
+     * passed in.  The formatter uses the default locale.
+     * <p>
+     * The localizations data provides information about the public
+     * rule sets and their localized display names for different
+     * locales. The first element in the list is an array of the names
+     * of the public rule sets.  The first element in this array is
+     * the initial default ruleset.  The remaining elements in the
+     * list are arrays of localizations of the names of the public
+     * rule sets.  Each of these is one longer than the initial array,
+     * with the first String being the ULocale ID, and the remaining
+     * Strings being the localizations of the rule set names, in the
+     * same order as the initial array.  Arrays are NULL-terminated.
+     * @param rules A description of the formatter's desired behavior.
+     * See the class documentation for a complete explanation of the description
+     * syntax.
+     * @param localizations a list of localizations for the rule set
+     * names in the description.  These will be copied by the constructor.
+     * @param locale A locale that governs which characters are used for
+     * formatting values in numerals and which characters are equivalent in
+     * lenient parsing.
+     * @param perror The parse error if an error was encountered.
+     * @param status The status indicating whether the constructor succeeded.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    RuleBasedNumberFormat(const UnicodeString& rules, const UnicodeString& localizations,
+                        const Locale& locale, UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * Creates a RuleBasedNumberFormat from a predefined ruleset.  The selector
+   * code choosed among three possible predefined formats: spellout, ordinal,
+   * and duration.
+   * @param tag A selector code specifying which kind of formatter to create for that
+   * locale.  There are four legal values: URBNF_SPELLOUT, which creates a formatter that
+   * spells out a value in words in the desired language, URBNF_ORDINAL, which attaches
+   * an ordinal suffix from the desired language to the end of a number (e.g. "123rd"),
+   * URBNF_DURATION, which formats a duration in seconds as hours, minutes, and seconds always rounding down,
+   * and URBNF_NUMBERING_SYSTEM, which is used to invoke rules for alternate numbering
+   * systems such as the Hebrew numbering system, or for Roman Numerals, etc.
+   * @param locale The locale for the formatter.
+   * @param status The status indicating whether the constructor succeeded.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNFRuleSetTag tag, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // boilerplate
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Copy constructor
+   * @param rhs    the object to be copied from.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  RuleBasedNumberFormat(const RuleBasedNumberFormat& rhs);
+  /**
+   * Assignment operator
+   * @param rhs    the object to be copied from.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  RuleBasedNumberFormat& operator=(const RuleBasedNumberFormat& rhs);
+  /**
+   * Release memory allocated for a RuleBasedNumberFormat when you are finished with it.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  virtual ~RuleBasedNumberFormat();
+  /**
+   * Clone this object polymorphically.  The caller is responsible
+   * for deleting the result when done.
+   * @return  A copy of the object.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  virtual RuleBasedNumberFormat* clone() const;
+  /**
+   * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+   * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+   * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+   * @return        true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+// public API functions
+  /**
+   * return the rules that were provided to the RuleBasedNumberFormat.
+   * @return the result String that was passed in
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString getRules() const;
+  /**
+   * Return the number of public rule set names.
+   * @return the number of public rule set names.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual int32_t getNumberOfRuleSetNames() const;
+  /**
+   * Return the name of the index'th public ruleSet.  If index is not valid,
+   * the function returns null.
+   * @param index the index of the ruleset
+   * @return the name of the index'th public ruleSet.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString getRuleSetName(int32_t index) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the number of locales for which we have localized rule set display names.
+   * @return the number of locales for which we have localized rule set display names.
+   * @stable ICU 3.2
+   */
+  virtual int32_t getNumberOfRuleSetDisplayNameLocales(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the index'th display name locale.
+   * @param index the index of the locale
+   * @param status set to a failure code when this function fails
+   * @return the locale
+   * @see #getNumberOfRuleSetDisplayNameLocales
+   * @stable ICU 3.2
+   */
+  virtual Locale getRuleSetDisplayNameLocale(int32_t index, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the rule set display names for the provided locale.  These are in the same order
+     * as those returned by getRuleSetName.  The locale is matched against the locales for
+     * which there is display name data, using normal fallback rules.  If no locale matches,
+     * the default display names are returned.  (These are the internal rule set names minus
+     * the leading '%'.)
+     * @param index the index of the rule set
+     * @param locale the locale (returned by getRuleSetDisplayNameLocales) for which the localized
+     * display name is desired
+     * @return the display name for the given index, which might be bogus if there is an error
+     * @see #getRuleSetName
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+  virtual UnicodeString getRuleSetDisplayName(int32_t index,
+                          const Locale& locale = Locale::getDefault());
+    /**
+     * Return the rule set display name for the provided rule set and locale.
+     * The locale is matched against the locales for which there is display name data, using
+     * normal fallback rules.  If no locale matches, the default display name is returned.
+     * @return the display name for the rule set
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     * @see #getRuleSetDisplayName
+     */
+  virtual UnicodeString getRuleSetDisplayName(const UnicodeString& ruleSetName,
+                          const Locale& locale = Locale::getDefault());
+  using NumberFormat::format;
+  /**
+   * Formats the specified 32-bit number using the default ruleset.
+   * @param number The number to format.
+   * @param toAppendTo the string that will hold the (appended) result
+   * @param pos the fieldposition
+   * @return A textual representation of the number.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                                UnicodeString& toAppendTo,
+                                FieldPosition& pos) const;
+  /**
+   * Formats the specified 64-bit number using the default ruleset.
+   * @param number The number to format.
+   * @param toAppendTo the string that will hold the (appended) result
+   * @param pos the fieldposition
+   * @return A textual representation of the number.
+   * @stable ICU 2.1
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
+                                UnicodeString& toAppendTo,
+                                FieldPosition& pos) const;
+  /**
+   * Formats the specified number using the default ruleset.
+   * @param number The number to format.
+   * @param toAppendTo the string that will hold the (appended) result
+   * @param pos the fieldposition
+   * @return A textual representation of the number.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                                UnicodeString& toAppendTo,
+                                FieldPosition& pos) const;
+  /**
+   * Formats the specified number using the named ruleset.
+   * @param number The number to format.
+   * @param ruleSetName The name of the rule set to format the number with.
+   * This must be the name of a valid public rule set for this formatter.
+   * @param toAppendTo the string that will hold the (appended) result
+   * @param pos the fieldposition
+   * @param status the status
+   * @return A textual representation of the number.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                                const UnicodeString& ruleSetName,
+                                UnicodeString& toAppendTo,
+                                FieldPosition& pos,
+                                UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Formats the specified 64-bit number using the named ruleset.
+   * @param number The number to format.
+   * @param ruleSetName The name of the rule set to format the number with.
+   * This must be the name of a valid public rule set for this formatter.
+   * @param toAppendTo the string that will hold the (appended) result
+   * @param pos the fieldposition
+   * @param status the status
+   * @return A textual representation of the number.
+   * @stable ICU 2.1
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
+                                const UnicodeString& ruleSetName,
+                                UnicodeString& toAppendTo,
+                                FieldPosition& pos,
+                                UErrorCode& status) const;
+  /**
+   * Formats the specified number using the named ruleset.
+   * @param number The number to format.
+   * @param ruleSetName The name of the rule set to format the number with.
+   * This must be the name of a valid public rule set for this formatter.
+   * @param toAppendTo the string that will hold the (appended) result
+   * @param pos the fieldposition
+   * @param status the status
+   * @return A textual representation of the number.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                                const UnicodeString& ruleSetName,
+                                UnicodeString& toAppendTo,
+                                FieldPosition& pos,
+                                UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a decimal number.
+     * The number is a DigitList wrapper onto a floating point decimal number.
+     * The default implementation in NumberFormat converts the decimal number
+     * to a double and formats that.  Subclasses of NumberFormat that want
+     * to specifically handle big decimal numbers must override this method.
+     * class DecimalFormat does so.
+     *
+     * @param number    The number, a DigitList format Decimal Floating Point.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+  using NumberFormat::parse;
+  /**
+   * Parses the specfied string, beginning at the specified position, according
+   * to this formatter's rules.  This will match the string against all of the
+   * formatter's public rule sets and return the value corresponding to the longest
+   * parseable substring.  This function's behavior is affected by the lenient
+   * parse mode.
+   * @param text The string to parse
+   * @param result the result of the parse, either a double or a long.
+   * @param parsePosition On entry, contains the position of the first character
+   * in "text" to examine.  On exit, has been updated to contain the position
+   * of the first character in "text" that wasn't consumed by the parse.
+   * @see #setLenient
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual void parse(const UnicodeString& text,
+                     Formattable& result,
+                     ParsePosition& parsePosition) const;
+  /**
+   * Turns lenient parse mode on and off.
+   *
+   * When in lenient parse mode, the formatter uses a Collator for parsing the text.
+   * Only primary differences are treated as significant.  This means that case
+   * differences, accent differences, alternate spellings of the same letter
+   * (e.g., ae and a-umlaut in German), ignorable characters, etc. are ignored in
+   * matching the text.  In many cases, numerals will be accepted in place of words
+   * or phrases as well.
+   *
+   * For example, all of the following will correctly parse as 255 in English in
+   * lenient-parse mode:
+   * <br>"two hundred fifty-five"
+   * <br>"two hundred fifty five"
+   * <br>"twohundredfiftyfive"
+   * <br>"2 hundred fifty-5"
+   *
+   * The Collator used is determined by the locale that was
+   * passed to this object on construction.  The description passed to this object
+   * on construction may supply additional collation rules that are appended to the
+   * end of the default collator for the locale, enabling additional equivalences
+   * (such as adding more ignorable characters or permitting spelled-out version of
+   * symbols; see the demo program for examples).
+   *
+   * It's important to emphasize that even strict parsing is relatively lenient: it
+   * will accept some text that it won't produce as output.  In English, for example,
+   * it will correctly parse "two hundred zero" and "fifteen hundred".
+   *
+   * @param enabled If true, turns lenient-parse mode on; if false, turns it off.
+   * @see RuleBasedCollator
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual void setLenient(UBool enabled);
+  /**
+   * Returns true if lenient-parse mode is turned on.  Lenient parsing is off
+   * by default.
+   * @return true if lenient-parse mode is turned on.
+   * @see #setLenient
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual inline UBool isLenient(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Override the default rule set to use.  If ruleSetName is null, reset
+   * to the initial default rule set.  If the rule set is not a public rule set name,
+   * U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned in status.
+   * @param ruleSetName the name of the rule set, or null to reset the initial default.
+   * @param status set to failure code when a problem occurs.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  virtual void setDefaultRuleSet(const UnicodeString& ruleSetName, UErrorCode& status);
+  /**
+   * Return the name of the current default rule set.  If the current rule set is
+   * not public, returns a bogus (and empty) UnicodeString.
+   * @return the name of the current default rule set
+   * @stable ICU 3.0
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString getDefaultRuleSetName() const;
+  /**
+   * Set a particular UDisplayContext value in the formatter, such as
+   * NumberFormat.
+   * @param value The UDisplayContext value to set.
+   * @param status Input/output status. If at entry this indicates a failure
+   *               status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+   *               updated with any new status from the function. 
+   * @stable ICU 53
+   */
+  virtual void setContext(UDisplayContext value, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get the rounding mode.
+     * @return A rounding mode
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual ERoundingMode getRoundingMode(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the rounding mode.
+     * @param roundingMode A rounding mode
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    virtual void setRoundingMode(ERoundingMode roundingMode);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the decimal format symbols, which is generally not changed
+     * by the programmer or user. The formatter takes ownership of
+     * symbolsToAdopt; the client must not delete it.
+     *
+     * @param symbolsToAdopt DecimalFormatSymbols to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual void adoptDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols* symbolsToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the decimal format symbols, which is generally not changed
+     * by the programmer or user. A clone of the symbols is created and
+     * the symbols is _not_ adopted; the client is still responsible for
+     * deleting it.
+     *
+     * @param symbols DecimalFormatSymbols.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    virtual void setDecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols);
+    RuleBasedNumberFormat(); // default constructor not implemented
+    // this will ref the localizations if they are not NULL
+    // caller must deref to get adoption
+    RuleBasedNumberFormat(const UnicodeString& description, LocalizationInfo* localizations,
+              const Locale& locale, UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
+    void init(const UnicodeString& rules, LocalizationInfo* localizations, UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
+    void initCapitalizationContextInfo(const Locale& thelocale);
+    void dispose();
+    void stripWhitespace(UnicodeString& src);
+    void initDefaultRuleSet();
+    NFRuleSet* findRuleSet(const UnicodeString& name, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /* friend access */
+    friend class NFSubstitution;
+    friend class NFRule;
+    friend class NFRuleSet;
+    friend class FractionalPartSubstitution;
+    inline NFRuleSet * getDefaultRuleSet() const;
+    const RuleBasedCollator * getCollator() const;
+    DecimalFormatSymbols * initializeDecimalFormatSymbols(UErrorCode &status);
+    const DecimalFormatSymbols * getDecimalFormatSymbols() const;
+    NFRule * initializeDefaultInfinityRule(UErrorCode &status);
+    const NFRule * getDefaultInfinityRule() const;
+    NFRule * initializeDefaultNaNRule(UErrorCode &status);
+    const NFRule * getDefaultNaNRule() const;
+    PluralFormat *createPluralFormat(UPluralType pluralType, const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString& adjustForCapitalizationContext(int32_t startPos, UnicodeString& currentResult, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    UnicodeString& format(int64_t number, NFRuleSet *ruleSet, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void format(double number, NFRuleSet& rs, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    NFRuleSet **fRuleSets;
+    UnicodeString* ruleSetDescriptions;
+    int32_t numRuleSets;
+    NFRuleSet *defaultRuleSet;
+    Locale locale;
+    RuleBasedCollator* collator;
+    DecimalFormatSymbols* decimalFormatSymbols;
+    NFRule *defaultInfinityRule;
+    NFRule *defaultNaNRule;
+    ERoundingMode fRoundingMode;
+    UBool lenient;
+    UnicodeString* lenientParseRules;
+    LocalizationInfo* localizations;
+    UnicodeString originalDescription;
+    UBool capitalizationInfoSet;
+    UBool capitalizationForUIListMenu;
+    UBool capitalizationForStandAlone;
+    BreakIterator* capitalizationBrkIter;
+// ---------------
+inline UBool
+RuleBasedNumberFormat::isLenient(void) const {
+    return lenient;
+inline NFRuleSet*
+RuleBasedNumberFormat::getDefaultRuleSet() const {
+    return defaultRuleSet;
+/* U_HAVE_RBNF */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+/* RBNF_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbtz.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbtz.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66e1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rbtz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef RBTZ_H
+#define RBTZ_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Rule based customizable time zone
+ */
+#include "unicode/basictz.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+// forward declaration
+class UVector;
+struct Transition;
+ * a BasicTimeZone subclass implemented in terms of InitialTimeZoneRule and TimeZoneRule instances
+ * @see BasicTimeZone
+ * @see InitialTimeZoneRule
+ * @see TimeZoneRule
+ */
+class U_I18N_API RuleBasedTimeZone : public BasicTimeZone {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>RuleBasedTimeZone</code> object with the ID and the
+     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The input <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>
+     * is adopted by this <code>RuleBasedTimeZone</code>, thus the caller must not
+     * delete it.
+     * @param id                The time zone ID.
+     * @param initialRule       The initial time zone rule.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    RuleBasedTimeZone(const UnicodeString& id, InitialTimeZoneRule* initialRule);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The RuleBasedTimeZone object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    RuleBasedTimeZone(const RuleBasedTimeZone& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~RuleBasedTimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    RuleBasedTimeZone& operator=(const RuleBasedTimeZone& right);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+     * semantically equal. Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+      *semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZone& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+     * semantically unequal. Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+     * semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const TimeZone& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Adds the <code>TimeZoneRule</code> which represents time transitions.
+     * The <code>TimeZoneRule</code> must have start times, that is, the result
+     * of isTransitionRule() must be true. Otherwise, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR
+     * is set to the error code.
+     * The input <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is adopted by this
+     * <code>RuleBasedTimeZone</code> on successful completion of this method,
+     * thus, the caller must not delete it when no error is returned.
+     * After all rules are added, the caller must call complete() method to
+     * make this <code>RuleBasedTimeZone</code> ready to handle common time
+     * zone functions.
+     * @param rule The <code>TimeZoneRule</code>.
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void addTransitionRule(TimeZoneRule* rule, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Makes the <code>TimeZoneRule</code> ready to handle actual timezone
+     * calcuation APIs.  This method collects time zone rules specified
+     * by the caller via the constructor and addTransitionRule() and
+     * builds internal structure for making the object ready to support
+     * time zone APIs such as getOffset(), getNextTransition() and others.
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void complete(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Clones TimeZone objects polymorphically. Clients are responsible for deleting
+     * the TimeZone object cloned.
+     *
+     * @return   A new copy of this TimeZone object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual RuleBasedTimeZone* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's adjusted GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time in this time zone, taking daylight savings time into
+     * account) as of a particular reference date.  The reference date is used to determine
+     * whether daylight savings time is in effect and needs to be figured into the offset
+     * that is returned (in other words, what is the adjusted GMT offset in this time zone
+     * at this particular date and time?).  For the time zones produced by createTimeZone(),
+     * the reference data is specified according to the Gregorian calendar, and the date
+     * and time fields are local standard time.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+     * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+     * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param era        The reference date's era
+     * @param year       The reference date's year
+     * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+     * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+     * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+     * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, local standard time
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                              uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
+     * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+     * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+     * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param era        The reference date's era
+     * @param year       The reference date's year
+     * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+     * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+     * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+     * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, local standard time
+     * @param monthLength The length of the given month in days.
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                           uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis,
+                           int32_t monthLength, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment
+     * in time.  Upon return, local-millis = GMT-millis + rawOffset +
+     * dstOffset.  All computations are performed in the proleptic
+     * Gregorian calendar.  The default implementation in the TimeZone
+     * class delegates to the 8-argument getOffset().
+     *
+     * @param date moment in time for which to return offsets, in
+     * units of milliseconds from January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT, either GMT
+     * time or local wall time, depending on `local'.
+     * @param local if true, `date' is local wall time; otherwise it
+     * is in GMT time.
+     * @param rawOffset output parameter to receive the raw offset, that
+     * is, the offset not including DST adjustments
+     * @param dstOffset output parameter to receive the DST offset,
+     * that is, the offset to be added to `rawOffset' to obtain the
+     * total offset between local and GMT time. If DST is not in
+     * effect, this value is zero; otherwise it is a positive value,
+     * typically one hour.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
+                           int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @param offsetMillis  The new raw GMT offset for this time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void setRawOffset(int32_t offsetMillis);
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @return   The TimeZone's raw GMT offset.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRawOffset(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.
+     * @return true if this time zone uses daylight savings time,
+     * false, otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool useDaylightTime(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Queries if the given date is in daylight savings time in
+     * this time zone.
+     * This method is wasteful since it creates a new GregorianCalendar and
+     * deletes it each time it is called. This is a deprecated method
+     * and provided only for Java compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param date the given UDate.
+     * @param status Output param filled in with success/error code.
+     * @return true if the given date is in daylight savings time,
+     * false, otherwise.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.
+     * That is, if this zone differs only in ID, if at all.
+     * @param other the <code>TimeZone</code> object to be compared with
+     * @return true if the given zone is the same as this one,
+     * with the possible exception of the ID
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time zone transition after the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the first transition after the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time zone transition before the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the most recent transition before the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s which represents time transitions,
+     * for this time zone, that is, all <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s for this time zone except
+     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The return value range is 0 or any positive value.
+     * @param status    Receives error status code.
+     * @return The number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s representing time transitions.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and the set of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * which represent time transitions for this time zone.  On successful return,
+     * the argument initial points to non-NULL <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and
+     * the array trsrules is filled with 0 or multiple <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * instances up to the size specified by trscount.  The results are referencing the
+     * rule instance held by this time zone instance.  Therefore, after this time zone
+     * is destructed, they are no longer available.
+     * @param initial       Receives the initial timezone rule
+     * @param trsrules      Receives the timezone transition rules
+     * @param trscount      On input, specify the size of the array 'transitions' receiving
+     *                      the timezone transition rules.  On output, actual number of
+     *                      rules filled in the array will be set.
+     * @param status        Receives error status code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
+        const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[], int32_t& trscount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get time zone offsets from local wall time.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void getOffsetFromLocal(UDate date, int32_t nonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t duplicatedTimeOpt,
+        int32_t& rawOffset, int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void deleteRules(void);
+    void deleteTransitions(void);
+    UVector* copyRules(UVector* source);
+    TimeZoneRule* findRuleInFinal(UDate date, UBool local,
+        int32_t NonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t DuplicatedTimeOpt) const;
+    UBool findNext(UDate base, UBool inclusive, UDate& time, TimeZoneRule*& from, TimeZoneRule*& to) const;
+    UBool findPrev(UDate base, UBool inclusive, UDate& time, TimeZoneRule*& from, TimeZoneRule*& to) const;
+    int32_t getLocalDelta(int32_t rawBefore, int32_t dstBefore, int32_t rawAfter, int32_t dstAfter,
+        int32_t NonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t DuplicatedTimeOpt) const;
+    UDate getTransitionTime(Transition* transition, UBool local,
+        int32_t NonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t DuplicatedTimeOpt) const;
+    void getOffsetInternal(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t NonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t DuplicatedTimeOpt,
+        int32_t& rawOffset, int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    void completeConst(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    InitialTimeZoneRule *fInitialRule;
+    UVector             *fHistoricRules;
+    UVector             *fFinalRules;
+    UVector             *fHistoricTransitions;
+    UBool               fUpToDate;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // RBTZ_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/regex.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/regex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6338eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/regex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1885 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  regex.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002oct22
+*   created by: Andy Heninger
+*   ICU Regular Expressions, API for C++
+#ifndef REGEX_H
+#define REGEX_H
+//#define REGEX_DEBUG
+ * \file
+ * \brief  C++ API:  Regular Expressions
+ *
+ * The ICU API for processing regular expressions consists of two classes,
+ *  `RegexPattern` and `RegexMatcher`.
+ *  `RegexPattern` objects represent a pre-processed, or compiled
+ *  regular expression.  They are created from a regular expression pattern string,
+ *  and can be used to create `RegexMatcher` objects for the pattern.
+ *
+ * Class `RegexMatcher` bundles together a regular expression
+ *  pattern and a target string to which the search pattern will be applied.
+ *  `RegexMatcher` includes API for doing plain find or search
+ *  operations, for search and replace operations, and for obtaining detailed
+ *  information about bounds of a match.
+ *
+ * Note that by constructing `RegexMatcher` objects directly from regular
+ * expression pattern strings application code can be simplified and the explicit
+ * need for `RegexPattern` objects can usually be eliminated.
+ *
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/uregex.h"
+// Forward Declarations
+struct UHashtable;
+struct Regex8BitSet;
+class  RegexCImpl;
+class  RegexMatcher;
+class  RegexPattern;
+struct REStackFrame;
+class  RuleBasedBreakIterator;
+class  UnicodeSet;
+class  UVector;
+class  UVector32;
+class  UVector64;
+  * Class `RegexPattern` represents a compiled regular expression.  It includes
+  * factory methods for creating a RegexPattern object from the source (string) form
+  * of a regular expression, methods for creating RegexMatchers that allow the pattern
+  * to be applied to input text, and a few convenience methods for simple common
+  * uses of regular expressions.
+  *
+  * Class RegexPattern is not intended to be subclassed.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 2.4
+  */
+class U_I18N_API RegexPattern U_FINAL : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * default constructor.  Create a RegexPattern object that refers to no actual
+     *   pattern.  Not normally needed; RegexPattern objects are usually
+     *   created using the factory method `compile()`.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    RegexPattern();
+    /**
+     * Copy Constructor.  Create a new RegexPattern object that is equivalent
+     *                    to the source object.
+     * @param source the pattern object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    RegexPattern(const RegexPattern &source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.  Note that a RegexPattern object must persist so long as any
+     *  RegexMatcher objects that were created from the RegexPattern are active.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~RegexPattern();
+    /**
+     * Comparison operator.  Two RegexPattern objects are considered equal if they
+     * were constructed from identical source patterns using the same #URegexpFlag
+     * settings.
+     * @param that a RegexPattern object to compare with "this".
+     * @return TRUE if the objects are equivalent.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool           operator==(const RegexPattern& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Comparison operator.  Two RegexPattern objects are considered equal if they
+     * were constructed from identical source patterns using the same #URegexpFlag
+     * settings.
+     * @param that a RegexPattern object to compare with "this".
+     * @return TRUE if the objects are different.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline UBool    operator!=(const RegexPattern& that) const {return ! operator ==(that);}
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.  After assignment, this RegexPattern will behave identically
+     *     to the source object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    RegexPattern  &operator =(const RegexPattern &source);
+    /**
+     * Create an exact copy of this RegexPattern object.  Since RegexPattern is not
+     * intended to be subclassed, <code>clone()</code> and the copy construction are
+     * equivalent operations.
+     * @return the copy of this RegexPattern
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual RegexPattern  *clone() const;
+   /**
+    * Compiles the regular expression in string form into a RegexPattern
+    * object.  These compile methods, rather than the constructors, are the usual
+    * way that RegexPattern objects are created.
+    *
+    * Note that RegexPattern objects must not be deleted while RegexMatcher
+    * objects created from the pattern are active.  RegexMatchers keep a pointer
+    * back to their pattern, so premature deletion of the pattern is a
+    * catastrophic error.
+    *
+    * All #URegexpFlag pattern match mode flags are set to their default values.
+    *
+    * Note that it is often more convenient to construct a RegexMatcher directly
+    *    from a pattern string rather than separately compiling the pattern and
+    *    then creating a RegexMatcher object from the pattern.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression to be compiled.
+    * @param pe    Receives the position (line and column nubers) of any error
+    *              within the regular expression.)
+    * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return      A regexPattern object for the compiled pattern.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    static RegexPattern * U_EXPORT2 compile( const UnicodeString &regex,
+        UParseError          &pe,
+        UErrorCode           &status);
+   /**
+    * Compiles the regular expression in string form into a RegexPattern
+    * object.  These compile methods, rather than the constructors, are the usual
+    * way that RegexPattern objects are created.
+    *
+    * Note that RegexPattern objects must not be deleted while RegexMatcher
+    * objects created from the pattern are active.  RegexMatchers keep a pointer
+    * back to their pattern, so premature deletion of the pattern is a
+    * catastrophic error.
+    *
+    * All #URegexpFlag pattern match mode flags are set to their default values.
+    *
+    * Note that it is often more convenient to construct a RegexMatcher directly
+    *    from a pattern string rather than separately compiling the pattern and
+    *    then creating a RegexMatcher object from the pattern.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression to be compiled. Note, the text referred
+    *              to by this UText must not be deleted during the lifetime of the
+    *              RegexPattern object or any RegexMatcher object created from it.
+    * @param pe    Receives the position (line and column nubers) of any error
+    *              within the regular expression.)
+    * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return      A regexPattern object for the compiled pattern.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    static RegexPattern * U_EXPORT2 compile( UText *regex,
+        UParseError          &pe,
+        UErrorCode           &status);
+   /**
+    * Compiles the regular expression in string form into a RegexPattern
+    * object using the specified #URegexpFlag match mode flags.  These compile methods,
+    * rather than the constructors, are the usual way that RegexPattern objects
+    * are created.
+    *
+    * Note that RegexPattern objects must not be deleted while RegexMatcher
+    * objects created from the pattern are active.  RegexMatchers keep a pointer
+    * back to their pattern, so premature deletion of the pattern is a
+    * catastrophic error.
+    *
+    * Note that it is often more convenient to construct a RegexMatcher directly
+    *    from a pattern string instead of than separately compiling the pattern and
+    *    then creating a RegexMatcher object from the pattern.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression to be compiled.
+    * @param flags The #URegexpFlag match mode flags to be used, e.g. #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+    * @param pe    Receives the position (line and column numbers) of any error
+    *              within the regular expression.)
+    * @param status   A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return      A regexPattern object for the compiled pattern.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    static RegexPattern * U_EXPORT2 compile( const UnicodeString &regex,
+        uint32_t             flags,
+        UParseError          &pe,
+        UErrorCode           &status);
+   /**
+    * Compiles the regular expression in string form into a RegexPattern
+    * object using the specified #URegexpFlag match mode flags.  These compile methods,
+    * rather than the constructors, are the usual way that RegexPattern objects
+    * are created.
+    *
+    * Note that RegexPattern objects must not be deleted while RegexMatcher
+    * objects created from the pattern are active.  RegexMatchers keep a pointer
+    * back to their pattern, so premature deletion of the pattern is a
+    * catastrophic error.
+    *
+    * Note that it is often more convenient to construct a RegexMatcher directly
+    *    from a pattern string instead of than separately compiling the pattern and
+    *    then creating a RegexMatcher object from the pattern.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression to be compiled. Note, the text referred
+    *              to by this UText must not be deleted during the lifetime of the
+    *              RegexPattern object or any RegexMatcher object created from it.
+    * @param flags The #URegexpFlag match mode flags to be used, e.g. #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+    * @param pe    Receives the position (line and column numbers) of any error
+    *              within the regular expression.)
+    * @param status   A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return      A regexPattern object for the compiled pattern.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    static RegexPattern * U_EXPORT2 compile( UText *regex,
+        uint32_t             flags,
+        UParseError          &pe,
+        UErrorCode           &status);
+   /**
+    * Compiles the regular expression in string form into a RegexPattern
+    * object using the specified #URegexpFlag match mode flags.  These compile methods,
+    * rather than the constructors, are the usual way that RegexPattern objects
+    * are created.
+    *
+    * Note that RegexPattern objects must not be deleted while RegexMatcher
+    * objects created from the pattern are active.  RegexMatchers keep a pointer
+    * back to their pattern, so premature deletion of the pattern is a
+    * catastrophic error.
+    *
+    * Note that it is often more convenient to construct a RegexMatcher directly
+    *    from a pattern string instead of than separately compiling the pattern and
+    *    then creating a RegexMatcher object from the pattern.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression to be compiled.
+    * @param flags The #URegexpFlag match mode flags to be used, e.g. #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+    * @param status   A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return      A regexPattern object for the compiled pattern.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.6
+    */
+    static RegexPattern * U_EXPORT2 compile( const UnicodeString &regex,
+        uint32_t             flags,
+        UErrorCode           &status);
+   /**
+    * Compiles the regular expression in string form into a RegexPattern
+    * object using the specified #URegexpFlag match mode flags.  These compile methods,
+    * rather than the constructors, are the usual way that RegexPattern objects
+    * are created.
+    *
+    * Note that RegexPattern objects must not be deleted while RegexMatcher
+    * objects created from the pattern are active.  RegexMatchers keep a pointer
+    * back to their pattern, so premature deletion of the pattern is a
+    * catastrophic error.
+    *
+    * Note that it is often more convenient to construct a RegexMatcher directly
+    *    from a pattern string instead of than separately compiling the pattern and
+    *    then creating a RegexMatcher object from the pattern.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression to be compiled. Note, the text referred
+    *              to by this UText must not be deleted during the lifetime of the
+    *              RegexPattern object or any RegexMatcher object created from it.
+    * @param flags The #URegexpFlag match mode flags to be used, e.g. #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+    * @param status   A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return      A regexPattern object for the compiled pattern.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    static RegexPattern * U_EXPORT2 compile( UText *regex,
+        uint32_t             flags,
+        UErrorCode           &status);
+   /**
+    * Get the #URegexpFlag match mode flags that were used when compiling this pattern.
+    * @return  the #URegexpFlag match mode flags
+    * @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual uint32_t flags() const;
+   /**
+    * Creates a RegexMatcher that will match the given input against this pattern.  The
+    * RegexMatcher can then be used to perform match, find or replace operations
+    * on the input.  Note that a RegexPattern object must not be deleted while
+    * RegexMatchers created from it still exist and might possibly be used again.
+    *
+    * The matcher will retain a reference to the supplied input string, and all regexp
+    * pattern matching operations happen directly on this original string.  It is
+    * critical that the string not be altered or deleted before use by the regular
+    * expression operations is complete.
+    *
+    * @param input    The input string to which the regular expression will be applied.
+    * @param status   A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return         A RegexMatcher object for this pattern and input.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher *matcher(const UnicodeString &input,
+        UErrorCode          &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Cause a compilation error if an application accidentally attempts to
+     *   create a matcher with a (char16_t *) string as input rather than
+     *   a UnicodeString.  Avoids a dangling reference to a temporary string.
+     *
+     * To efficiently work with char16_t *strings, wrap the data in a UnicodeString
+     * using one of the aliasing constructors, such as
+     * `UnicodeString(UBool isTerminated, const char16_t *text, int32_t textLength);`
+     * or in a UText, using
+     * `utext_openUChars(UText *ut, const char16_t *text, int64_t textLength, UErrorCode *status);`
+     *
+     */
+    RegexMatcher *matcher(const char16_t *input,
+        UErrorCode          &status) const;
+   /**
+    * Creates a RegexMatcher that will match against this pattern.  The
+    * RegexMatcher can be used to perform match, find or replace operations.
+    * Note that a RegexPattern object must not be deleted while
+    * RegexMatchers created from it still exist and might possibly be used again.
+    *
+    * @param status   A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return      A RegexMatcher object for this pattern and input.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.6
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher *matcher(UErrorCode  &status) const;
+   /**
+    * Test whether a string matches a regular expression.  This convenience function
+    * both compiles the regular expression and applies it in a single operation.
+    * Note that if the same pattern needs to be applied repeatedly, this method will be
+    * less efficient than creating and reusing a RegexMatcher object.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression
+    * @param input The string data to be matched
+    * @param pe Receives the position of any syntax errors within the regular expression
+    * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return True if the regular expression exactly matches the full input string.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 matches(const UnicodeString   &regex,
+        const UnicodeString   &input,
+              UParseError     &pe,
+              UErrorCode      &status);
+   /**
+    * Test whether a string matches a regular expression.  This convenience function
+    * both compiles the regular expression and applies it in a single operation.
+    * Note that if the same pattern needs to be applied repeatedly, this method will be
+    * less efficient than creating and reusing a RegexMatcher object.
+    *
+    * @param regex The regular expression
+    * @param input The string data to be matched
+    * @param pe Receives the position of any syntax errors within the regular expression
+    * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    * @return True if the regular expression exactly matches the full input string.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    static UBool U_EXPORT2 matches(UText *regex,
+        UText           *input,
+        UParseError     &pe,
+        UErrorCode      &status);
+   /**
+    * Returns the regular expression from which this pattern was compiled. This method will work
+    * even if the pattern was compiled from a UText.
+    *
+    * Note: If the pattern was originally compiled from a UText, and that UText was modified,
+    * the returned string may no longer reflect the RegexPattern object.
+    * @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString pattern() const;
+   /**
+    * Returns the regular expression from which this pattern was compiled. This method will work
+    * even if the pattern was compiled from a UnicodeString.
+    *
+    * Note: This is the original input, not a clone. If the pattern was originally compiled from a
+    * UText, and that UText was modified, the returned UText may no longer reflect the RegexPattern
+    * object.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *patternText(UErrorCode      &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the group number corresponding to a named capture group.
+     * The returned number can be used with any function that access
+     * capture groups by number.
+     *
+     * The function returns an error status if the specified name does not
+     * appear in the pattern.
+     *
+     * @param  groupName   The capture group name.
+     * @param  status      A UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    virtual int32_t groupNumberFromName(const UnicodeString &groupName, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the group number corresponding to a named capture group.
+     * The returned number can be used with any function that access
+     * capture groups by number.
+     *
+     * The function returns an error status if the specified name does not
+     * appear in the pattern.
+     *
+     * @param  groupName   The capture group name,
+     *                     platform invariant characters only.
+     * @param  nameLength  The length of the name, or -1 if the name is
+     *                     nul-terminated.
+     * @param  status      A UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    virtual int32_t groupNumberFromName(const char *groupName, int32_t nameLength, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Split a string into fields.  Somewhat like split() from Perl or Java.
+     * Pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input
+     * into fields.  The input data between the delimiters becomes the
+     * fields themselves.
+     *
+     * If the delimiter pattern includes capture groups, the captured text will
+     * also appear in the destination array of output strings, interspersed
+     * with the fields.  This is similar to Perl, but differs from Java, 
+     * which ignores the presence of capture groups in the pattern.
+     * 
+     * Trailing empty fields will always be returned, assuming sufficient
+     * destination capacity.  This differs from the default behavior for Java
+     * and Perl where trailing empty fields are not returned.
+     *
+     * The number of strings produced by the split operation is returned.
+     * This count includes the strings from capture groups in the delimiter pattern.
+     * This behavior differs from Java, which ignores capture groups.
+     *
+     * For the best performance on split() operations,
+     * <code>RegexMatcher::split</code> is preferable to this function
+     *
+     * @param input   The string to be split into fields.  The field delimiters
+     *                match the pattern (in the "this" object)
+     * @param dest    An array of UnicodeStrings to receive the results of the split.
+     *                This is an array of actual UnicodeString objects, not an
+     *                array of pointers to strings.  Local (stack based) arrays can
+     *                work well here.
+     * @param destCapacity  The number of elements in the destination array.
+     *                If the number of fields found is less than destCapacity, the
+     *                extra strings in the destination array are not altered.
+     *                If the number of destination strings is less than the number
+     *                of fields, the trailing part of the input string, including any
+     *                field delimiters, is placed in the last destination string.
+     * @param status  A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     * @return        The number of fields into which the input string was split.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  split(const UnicodeString &input,
+        UnicodeString    dest[],
+        int32_t          destCapacity,
+        UErrorCode       &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Split a string into fields.  Somewhat like %split() from Perl or Java.
+     * Pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input
+     * into fields.  The input data between the delimiters becomes the
+     * fields themselves.
+     *
+     * If the delimiter pattern includes capture groups, the captured text will
+     * also appear in the destination array of output strings, interspersed
+     * with the fields.  This is similar to Perl, but differs from Java, 
+     * which ignores the presence of capture groups in the pattern.
+     * 
+     * Trailing empty fields will always be returned, assuming sufficient
+     * destination capacity.  This differs from the default behavior for Java
+     * and Perl where trailing empty fields are not returned.
+     *
+     * The number of strings produced by the split operation is returned.
+     * This count includes the strings from capture groups in the delimiter pattern.
+     * This behavior differs from Java, which ignores capture groups.
+     *
+     *  For the best performance on split() operations,
+     *  `RegexMatcher::split()` is preferable to this function
+     *
+     * @param input   The string to be split into fields.  The field delimiters
+     *                match the pattern (in the "this" object)
+     * @param dest    An array of mutable UText structs to receive the results of the split.
+     *                If a field is NULL, a new UText is allocated to contain the results for
+     *                that field. This new UText is not guaranteed to be mutable.
+     * @param destCapacity  The number of elements in the destination array.
+     *                If the number of fields found is less than destCapacity, the
+     *                extra strings in the destination array are not altered.
+     *                If the number of destination strings is less than the number
+     *                of fields, the trailing part of the input string, including any
+     *                field delimiters, is placed in the last destination string.
+     * @param status  A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     * @return        The number of destination strings used.  
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  split(UText *input,
+        UText            *dest[],
+        int32_t          destCapacity,
+        UErrorCode       &status) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    //
+    //  Implementation Data
+    //
+    UText          *fPattern;      // The original pattern string.
+    UnicodeString  *fPatternString; // The original pattern UncodeString if relevant
+    uint32_t        fFlags;        // The flags used when compiling the pattern.
+                                   //
+    UVector64       *fCompiledPat; // The compiled pattern p-code.
+    UnicodeString   fLiteralText;  // Any literal string data from the pattern,
+                                   //   after un-escaping, for use during the match.
+    UVector         *fSets;        // Any UnicodeSets referenced from the pattern.
+    Regex8BitSet    *fSets8;       //      (and fast sets for latin-1 range.)
+    UErrorCode      fDeferredStatus; // status if some prior error has left this
+                                   //  RegexPattern in an unusable state.
+    int32_t         fMinMatchLen;  // Minimum Match Length.  All matches will have length
+                                   //   >= this value.  For some patterns, this calculated
+                                   //   value may be less than the true shortest
+                                   //   possible match.
+    int32_t         fFrameSize;    // Size of a state stack frame in the
+                                   //   execution engine.
+    int32_t         fDataSize;     // The size of the data needed by the pattern that
+                                   //   does not go on the state stack, but has just
+                                   //   a single copy per matcher.
+    UVector32       *fGroupMap;    // Map from capture group number to position of
+                                   //   the group's variables in the matcher stack frame.
+    UnicodeSet     **fStaticSets;  // Ptr to static (shared) sets for predefined
+                                   //   regex character classes, e.g. Word.
+    Regex8BitSet   *fStaticSets8;  // Ptr to the static (shared) latin-1 only
+                                   //  sets for predefined regex classes.
+    int32_t         fStartType;    // Info on how a match must start.
+    int32_t         fInitialStringIdx;     //
+    int32_t         fInitialStringLen;
+    UnicodeSet     *fInitialChars;
+    UChar32         fInitialChar;
+    Regex8BitSet   *fInitialChars8;
+    UBool           fNeedsAltInput;
+    UHashtable     *fNamedCaptureMap;  // Map from capture group names to numbers.
+    friend class RegexCompile;
+    friend class RegexMatcher;
+    friend class RegexCImpl;
+    //
+    //  Implementation Methods
+    //
+    void        init();                 // Common initialization, for use by constructors.
+    bool        initNamedCaptureMap();  // Lazy init for fNamedCaptureMap.
+    void        zap();                  // Common cleanup
+    void        dumpOp(int32_t index) const;
+  public:
+    /**
+      * Dump a compiled pattern. Internal debug function.
+      * @internal
+      */
+    void        dumpPattern() const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ *  class RegexMatcher bundles together a regular expression pattern and
+ *  input text to which the expression can be applied.  It includes methods
+ *  for testing for matches, and for find and replace operations.
+ *
+ * <p>Class RegexMatcher is not intended to be subclassed.</p>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class U_I18N_API RegexMatcher U_FINAL : public UObject {
+    /**
+      * Construct a RegexMatcher for a regular expression.
+      * This is a convenience method that avoids the need to explicitly create
+      * a RegexPattern object.  Note that if several RegexMatchers need to be
+      * created for the same expression, it will be more efficient to
+      * separately create and cache a RegexPattern object, and use
+      * its matcher() method to create the RegexMatcher objects.
+      *
+      *  @param regexp The Regular Expression to be compiled.
+      *  @param flags  #URegexpFlag options, such as #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+      *  @param status Any errors are reported by setting this UErrorCode variable.
+      *  @stable ICU 2.6
+      */
+    RegexMatcher(const UnicodeString &regexp, uint32_t flags, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+      * Construct a RegexMatcher for a regular expression.
+      * This is a convenience method that avoids the need to explicitly create
+      * a RegexPattern object.  Note that if several RegexMatchers need to be
+      * created for the same expression, it will be more efficient to
+      * separately create and cache a RegexPattern object, and use
+      * its matcher() method to create the RegexMatcher objects.
+      *
+      *  @param regexp The regular expression to be compiled.
+      *  @param flags  #URegexpFlag options, such as #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+      *  @param status Any errors are reported by setting this UErrorCode variable.
+      *
+      *  @stable ICU 4.6
+      */
+    RegexMatcher(UText *regexp, uint32_t flags, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+      * Construct a RegexMatcher for a regular expression.
+      * This is a convenience method that avoids the need to explicitly create
+      * a RegexPattern object.  Note that if several RegexMatchers need to be
+      * created for the same expression, it will be more efficient to
+      * separately create and cache a RegexPattern object, and use
+      * its matcher() method to create the RegexMatcher objects.
+      *
+      * The matcher will retain a reference to the supplied input string, and all regexp
+      * pattern matching operations happen directly on the original string.  It is
+      * critical that the string not be altered or deleted before use by the regular
+      * expression operations is complete.
+      *
+      *  @param regexp The Regular Expression to be compiled.
+      *  @param input  The string to match.  The matcher retains a reference to the
+      *                caller's string; mo copy is made.
+      *  @param flags  #URegexpFlag options, such as #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+      *  @param status Any errors are reported by setting this UErrorCode variable.
+      *  @stable ICU 2.6
+      */
+    RegexMatcher(const UnicodeString &regexp, const UnicodeString &input,
+        uint32_t flags, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+      * Construct a RegexMatcher for a regular expression.
+      * This is a convenience method that avoids the need to explicitly create
+      * a RegexPattern object.  Note that if several RegexMatchers need to be
+      * created for the same expression, it will be more efficient to
+      * separately create and cache a RegexPattern object, and use
+      * its matcher() method to create the RegexMatcher objects.
+      *
+      * The matcher will make a shallow clone of the supplied input text, and all regexp
+      * pattern matching operations happen on this clone.  While read-only operations on
+      * the supplied text are permitted, it is critical that the underlying string not be
+      * altered or deleted before use by the regular expression operations is complete.
+      *
+      *  @param regexp The Regular Expression to be compiled.
+      *  @param input  The string to match.  The matcher retains a shallow clone of the text.
+      *  @param flags  #URegexpFlag options, such as #UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+      *  @param status Any errors are reported by setting this UErrorCode variable.
+      *
+      *  @stable ICU 4.6
+      */
+    RegexMatcher(UText *regexp, UText *input,
+        uint32_t flags, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Cause a compilation error if an application accidentally attempts to
+     *   create a matcher with a (char16_t *) string as input rather than
+     *   a UnicodeString.    Avoids a dangling reference to a temporary string.
+     *
+     * To efficiently work with char16_t *strings, wrap the data in a UnicodeString
+     * using one of the aliasing constructors, such as
+     * `UnicodeString(UBool isTerminated, const char16_t *text, int32_t textLength);`
+     * or in a UText, using
+     * `utext_openUChars(UText *ut, const char16_t *text, int64_t textLength, UErrorCode *status);`
+     */
+    RegexMatcher(const UnicodeString &regexp, const char16_t *input,
+        uint32_t flags, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Destructor.
+    *
+    *  @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual ~RegexMatcher();
+   /**
+    *   Attempts to match the entire input region against the pattern.
+    *    @param   status     A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return TRUE if there is a match
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UBool matches(UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Resets the matcher, then attempts to match the input beginning 
+    *   at the specified startIndex, and extending to the end of the input.
+    *   The input region is reset to include the entire input string.
+    *   A successful match must extend to the end of the input.
+    *    @param   startIndex The input string (native) index at which to begin matching.
+    *    @param   status     A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return TRUE if there is a match
+    *    @stable ICU 2.8
+    */
+    virtual UBool matches(int64_t startIndex, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Attempts to match the input string, starting from the beginning of the region,
+    *   against the pattern.  Like the matches() method, this function 
+    *   always starts at the beginning of the input region;
+    *   unlike that function, it does not require that the entire region be matched.
+    *
+    *   If the match succeeds then more information can be obtained via the start(),
+    *   end(), and group() functions.
+    *
+    *    @param   status     A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return  TRUE if there is a match at the start of the input string.
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UBool lookingAt(UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+    *   Attempts to match the input string, starting from the specified index, against the pattern.
+    *   The match may be of any length, and is not required to extend to the end
+    *   of the input string.  Contrast with match().
+    *
+    *   If the match succeeds then more information can be obtained via the start(),
+    *   end(), and group() functions.
+    *
+    *    @param   startIndex The input string (native) index at which to begin matching.
+    *    @param   status     A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return  TRUE if there is a match.
+    *    @stable ICU 2.8
+    */
+    virtual UBool lookingAt(int64_t startIndex, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *  Find the next pattern match in the input string.
+    *  The find begins searching the input at the location following the end of
+    *  the previous match, or at the start of the string if there is no previous match.
+    *  If a match is found, `start()`, `end()` and `group()`
+    *  will provide more information regarding the match.
+    *  Note that if the input string is changed by the application,
+    *     use find(startPos, status) instead of find(), because the saved starting
+    *     position may not be valid with the altered input string.
+    *  @return  TRUE if a match is found.
+    *  @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UBool find();
+   /**
+    *  Find the next pattern match in the input string.
+    *  The find begins searching the input at the location following the end of
+    *  the previous match, or at the start of the string if there is no previous match.
+    *  If a match is found, `start()`, `end()` and `group()`
+    *  will provide more information regarding the match.
+    *
+    *  Note that if the input string is changed by the application,
+    *  use find(startPos, status) instead of find(), because the saved starting
+    *  position may not be valid with the altered input string.
+    *  @param   status  A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *  @return  TRUE if a match is found.
+    * @stable ICU 55
+    */
+    virtual UBool find(UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Resets this RegexMatcher and then attempts to find the next substring of the
+    *   input string that matches the pattern, starting at the specified index.
+    *
+    *   @param   start     The (native) index in the input string to begin the search.
+    *   @param   status    A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *   @return  TRUE if a match is found.
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UBool find(int64_t start, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Returns a string containing the text matched by the previous match.
+    *   If the pattern can match an empty string, an empty string may be returned.
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *                        Possible errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match
+    *                        has been attempted or the last match failed.
+    *   @return  a string containing the matched input text.
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString group(UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *    Returns a string containing the text captured by the given group
+    *    during the previous match operation.  Group(0) is the entire match.
+    *
+    *    A zero length string is returned both for capture groups that did not
+    *    participate in the match and for actual zero length matches.
+    *    To distinguish between these two cases use the function start(),
+    *    which returns -1 for non-participating groups.
+    *
+    *    @param groupNum the capture group number
+    *    @param   status     A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *                        Possible errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match
+    *                        has been attempted or the last match failed and
+    *                        U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR for a bad capture group number.
+    *    @return the captured text
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString group(int32_t groupNum, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns the number of capturing groups in this matcher's pattern.
+    *   @return the number of capture groups
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual int32_t groupCount() const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns a shallow clone of the entire live input string with the UText current native index
+    *   set to the beginning of the requested group.
+    *
+    *   @param   dest        The UText into which the input should be cloned, or NULL to create a new UText
+    *   @param   group_len   A reference to receive the length of the desired capture group
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *                        Possible errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match
+    *                        has been attempted or the last match failed and
+    *                        U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR for a bad capture group number.
+    *   @return dest if non-NULL, a shallow copy of the input text otherwise
+    *
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *group(UText *dest, int64_t &group_len, UErrorCode &status) const; 
+   /**
+    *   Returns a shallow clone of the entire live input string with the UText current native index
+    *   set to the beginning of the requested group.
+    *
+    *   A group length of zero is returned both for capture groups that did not
+    *   participate in the match and for actual zero length matches.
+    *   To distinguish between these two cases use the function start(),
+    *   which returns -1 for non-participating groups.
+    *
+    *   @param   groupNum   The capture group number.
+    *   @param   dest        The UText into which the input should be cloned, or NULL to create a new UText.
+    *   @param   group_len   A reference to receive the length of the desired capture group
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *                        Possible errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match
+    *                        has been attempted or the last match failed and
+    *                        U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR for a bad capture group number.
+    *   @return dest if non-NULL, a shallow copy of the input text otherwise
+    *
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *group(int32_t groupNum, UText *dest, int64_t &group_len, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns the index in the input string of the start of the text matched
+    *   during the previous match operation.
+    *    @param   status      a reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return              The (native) position in the input string of the start of the last match.
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual int32_t start(UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns the index in the input string of the start of the text matched
+    *   during the previous match operation.
+    *    @param   status      a reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return              The (native) position in the input string of the start of the last match.
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual int64_t start64(UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns the index in the input string of the start of the text matched by the
+    *    specified capture group during the previous match operation.  Return -1 if
+    *    the capture group exists in the pattern, but was not part of the last match.
+    *
+    *    @param  group       the capture group number
+    *    @param  status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed, and
+    *                        U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR for a bad capture group number
+    *    @return the (native) start position of substring matched by the specified group.
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual int32_t start(int32_t group, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns the index in the input string of the start of the text matched by the
+    *    specified capture group during the previous match operation.  Return -1 if
+    *    the capture group exists in the pattern, but was not part of the last match.
+    *
+    *    @param  group       the capture group number.
+    *    @param  status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed, and
+    *                        U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR for a bad capture group number.
+    *    @return the (native) start position of substring matched by the specified group.
+    *    @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual int64_t start64(int32_t group, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *    Returns the index in the input string of the first character following the
+    *    text matched during the previous match operation.
+    *
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed.
+    *    @return the index of the last character matched, plus one.
+    *                        The index value returned is a native index, corresponding to
+    *                        code units for the underlying encoding type, for example,
+    *                        a byte index for UTF-8.
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual int32_t end(UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *    Returns the index in the input string of the first character following the
+    *    text matched during the previous match operation.
+    *
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed.
+    *    @return the index of the last character matched, plus one.
+    *                        The index value returned is a native index, corresponding to
+    *                        code units for the underlying encoding type, for example,
+    *                        a byte index for UTF-8.
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual int64_t end64(UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *    Returns the index in the input string of the character following the
+    *    text matched by the specified capture group during the previous match operation.
+    *
+    *    @param group  the capture group number
+    *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed and
+    *                        U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR for a bad capture group number
+    *    @return  the index of the first character following the text
+    *              captured by the specified group during the previous match operation.
+    *              Return -1 if the capture group exists in the pattern but was not part of the match.
+    *              The index value returned is a native index, corresponding to
+    *              code units for the underlying encoding type, for example,
+    *              a byte index for UTF8.
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual int32_t end(int32_t group, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *    Returns the index in the input string of the character following the
+    *    text matched by the specified capture group during the previous match operation.
+    *
+    *    @param group  the capture group number
+    *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed and
+    *                        U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR for a bad capture group number
+    *    @return  the index of the first character following the text
+    *              captured by the specified group during the previous match operation.
+    *              Return -1 if the capture group exists in the pattern but was not part of the match.
+    *              The index value returned is a native index, corresponding to
+    *              code units for the underlying encoding type, for example,
+    *              a byte index for UTF8.
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual int64_t end64(int32_t group, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    *   Resets this matcher.  The effect is to remove any memory of previous matches,
+    *       and to cause subsequent find() operations to begin at the beginning of
+    *       the input string.
+    *
+    *   @return this RegexMatcher.
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher &reset();
+   /**
+    *   Resets this matcher, and set the current input position.
+    *   The effect is to remove any memory of previous matches,
+    *       and to cause subsequent find() operations to begin at
+    *       the specified (native) position in the input string.
+    *
+    *   The matcher's region is reset to its default, which is the entire
+    *   input string.
+    *
+    *   An alternative to this function is to set a match region
+    *   beginning at the desired index.
+    *
+    *   @return this RegexMatcher.
+    *   @stable ICU 2.8
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher &reset(int64_t index, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Resets this matcher with a new input string.  This allows instances of RegexMatcher
+    *     to be reused, which is more efficient than creating a new RegexMatcher for
+    *     each input string to be processed.
+    *   @param input The new string on which subsequent pattern matches will operate.
+    *                The matcher retains a reference to the callers string, and operates
+    *                directly on that.  Ownership of the string remains with the caller.
+    *                Because no copy of the string is made, it is essential that the
+    *                caller not delete the string until after regexp operations on it
+    *                are done.
+    *                Note that while a reset on the matcher with an input string that is then
+    *                modified across/during matcher operations may be supported currently for UnicodeString,
+    *                this was not originally intended behavior, and support for this is not guaranteed
+    *                in upcoming versions of ICU.
+    *   @return this RegexMatcher.
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher &reset(const UnicodeString &input);
+   /**
+    *   Resets this matcher with a new input string.  This allows instances of RegexMatcher
+    *     to be reused, which is more efficient than creating a new RegexMatcher for
+    *     each input string to be processed.
+    *   @param input The new string on which subsequent pattern matches will operate.
+    *                The matcher makes a shallow clone of the given text; ownership of the
+    *                original string remains with the caller. Because no deep copy of the
+    *                text is made, it is essential that the caller not modify the string
+    *                until after regexp operations on it are done.
+    *   @return this RegexMatcher.
+    *
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher &reset(UText *input);
+  /**
+    *  Set the subject text string upon which the regular expression is looking for matches
+    *  without changing any other aspect of the matching state.
+    *  The new and previous text strings must have the same content.
+    *
+    *  This function is intended for use in environments where ICU is operating on 
+    *  strings that may move around in memory.  It provides a mechanism for notifying
+    *  ICU that the string has been relocated, and providing a new UText to access the
+    *  string in its new position.
+    *
+    *  Note that the regular expression implementation never copies the underlying text
+    *  of a string being matched, but always operates directly on the original text 
+    *  provided by the user. Refreshing simply drops the references to the old text 
+    *  and replaces them with references to the new.
+    *
+    *  Caution:  this function is normally used only by very specialized,
+    *  system-level code.  One example use case is with garbage collection that moves
+    *  the text in memory.
+    *
+    * @param input      The new (moved) text string.
+    * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 4.8 
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher &refreshInputText(UText *input, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Cause a compilation error if an application accidentally attempts to
+     *   reset a matcher with a (char16_t *) string as input rather than
+     *   a UnicodeString.    Avoids a dangling reference to a temporary string.
+     *
+     * To efficiently work with char16_t *strings, wrap the data in a UnicodeString
+     * using one of the aliasing constructors, such as
+     * `UnicodeString(UBool isTerminated, const char16_t *text, int32_t textLength);`
+     * or in a UText, using
+     * `utext_openUChars(UText *ut, const char16_t *text, int64_t textLength, UErrorCode *status);`
+     *
+     */
+    RegexMatcher &reset(const char16_t *input);
+   /**
+    *   Returns the input string being matched.  Ownership of the string belongs to
+    *   the matcher; it should not be altered or deleted. This method will work even if the input
+    *   was originally supplied as a UText.
+    *   @return the input string
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual const UnicodeString &input() const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns the input string being matched.  This is the live input text; it should not be
+    *   altered or deleted. This method will work even if the input was originally supplied as
+    *   a UnicodeString.
+    *   @return the input text
+    *
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *inputText() const;
+   /**
+    *   Returns the input string being matched, either by copying it into the provided
+    *   UText parameter or by returning a shallow clone of the live input. Note that copying
+    *   the entire input may cause significant performance and memory issues.
+    *   @param dest The UText into which the input should be copied, or NULL to create a new UText
+    *   @param status error code
+    *   @return dest if non-NULL, a shallow copy of the input text otherwise
+    *
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *getInput(UText *dest, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /** Sets the limits of this matcher's region.
+     * The region is the part of the input string that will be searched to find a match.
+     * Invoking this method resets the matcher, and then sets the region to start
+     * at the index specified by the start parameter and end at the index specified
+     * by the end parameter.
+     *
+     * Depending on the transparency and anchoring being used (see useTransparentBounds
+     * and useAnchoringBounds), certain constructs such as anchors may behave differently
+     * at or around the boundaries of the region
+     *
+     * The function will fail if start is greater than limit, or if either index
+     *  is less than zero or greater than the length of the string being matched.
+     *
+     * @param start  The (native) index to begin searches at.
+     * @param limit  The index to end searches at (exclusive).
+     * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+     virtual RegexMatcher &region(int64_t start, int64_t limit, UErrorCode &status);
+   /** 
+     * Identical to region(start, limit, status) but also allows a start position without
+     *  resetting the region state.
+     * @param regionStart The region start
+     * @param regionLimit the limit of the region
+     * @param startIndex  The (native) index within the region bounds at which to begin searches.
+     * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     *                If startIndex is not within the specified region bounds, 
+     *                U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+     virtual RegexMatcher &region(int64_t regionStart, int64_t regionLimit, int64_t startIndex, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+     * Reports the start index of this matcher's region. The searches this matcher
+     * conducts are limited to finding matches within regionStart (inclusive) and
+     * regionEnd (exclusive).
+     *
+     * @return The starting (native) index of this matcher's region.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+     virtual int32_t regionStart() const;
+   /**
+     * Reports the start index of this matcher's region. The searches this matcher
+     * conducts are limited to finding matches within regionStart (inclusive) and
+     * regionEnd (exclusive).
+     *
+     * @return The starting (native) index of this matcher's region.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+     virtual int64_t regionStart64() const;
+    /**
+      * Reports the end (limit) index (exclusive) of this matcher's region. The searches
+      * this matcher conducts are limited to finding matches within regionStart
+      * (inclusive) and regionEnd (exclusive).
+      *
+      * @return The ending point (native) of this matcher's region.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+      virtual int32_t regionEnd() const;
+   /**
+     * Reports the end (limit) index (exclusive) of this matcher's region. The searches
+     * this matcher conducts are limited to finding matches within regionStart
+     * (inclusive) and regionEnd (exclusive).
+     *
+     * @return The ending point (native) of this matcher's region.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+      virtual int64_t regionEnd64() const;
+    /**
+      * Queries the transparency of region bounds for this matcher.
+      * See useTransparentBounds for a description of transparent and opaque bounds.
+      * By default, a matcher uses opaque region boundaries.
+      *
+      * @return TRUE if this matcher is using opaque bounds, false if it is not.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+      virtual UBool hasTransparentBounds() const;
+    /**
+      * Sets the transparency of region bounds for this matcher.
+      * Invoking this function with an argument of true will set this matcher to use transparent bounds.
+      * If the boolean argument is false, then opaque bounds will be used.
+      *
+      * Using transparent bounds, the boundaries of this matcher's region are transparent
+      * to lookahead, lookbehind, and boundary matching constructs. Those constructs can
+      * see text beyond the boundaries of the region while checking for a match.
+      *
+      * With opaque bounds, no text outside of the matcher's region is visible to lookahead,
+      * lookbehind, and boundary matching constructs.
+      *
+      * By default, a matcher uses opaque bounds.
+      *
+      * @param   b TRUE for transparent bounds; FALSE for opaque bounds
+      * @return  This Matcher;
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      **/
+      virtual RegexMatcher &useTransparentBounds(UBool b);
+    /**
+      * Return true if this matcher is using anchoring bounds.
+      * By default, matchers use anchoring region bounds.
+      *
+      * @return TRUE if this matcher is using anchoring bounds.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */    
+      virtual UBool hasAnchoringBounds() const;
+    /**
+      * Set whether this matcher is using Anchoring Bounds for its region.
+      * With anchoring bounds, pattern anchors such as ^ and $ will match at the start
+      * and end of the region.  Without Anchoring Bounds, anchors will only match at
+      * the positions they would in the complete text.
+      *
+      * Anchoring Bounds are the default for regions.
+      *
+      * @param b TRUE if to enable anchoring bounds; FALSE to disable them.
+      * @return  This Matcher
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+      virtual RegexMatcher &useAnchoringBounds(UBool b);
+    /**
+      * Return TRUE if the most recent matching operation attempted to access
+      *  additional input beyond the available input text.
+      *  In this case, additional input text could change the results of the match.
+      *
+      *  hitEnd() is defined for both successful and unsuccessful matches.
+      *  In either case hitEnd() will return TRUE if if the end of the text was
+      *  reached at any point during the matching process.
+      *
+      *  @return  TRUE if the most recent match hit the end of input
+      *  @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+      virtual UBool hitEnd() const;
+    /**
+      * Return TRUE the most recent match succeeded and additional input could cause
+      * it to fail. If this method returns false and a match was found, then more input
+      * might change the match but the match won't be lost. If a match was not found,
+      * then requireEnd has no meaning.
+      *
+      * @return TRUE if more input could cause the most recent match to no longer match.
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+      virtual UBool requireEnd() const;
+   /**
+    *    Returns the pattern that is interpreted by this matcher.
+    *    @return  the RegexPattern for this RegexMatcher
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual const RegexPattern &pattern() const;
+   /**
+    *    Replaces every substring of the input that matches the pattern
+    *    with the given replacement string.  This is a convenience function that
+    *    provides a complete find-and-replace-all operation.
+    *
+    *    This method first resets this matcher. It then scans the input string
+    *    looking for matches of the pattern. Input that is not part of any
+    *    match is left unchanged; each match is replaced in the result by the
+    *    replacement string. The replacement string may contain references to
+    *    capture groups.
+    *
+    *    @param   replacement a string containing the replacement text.
+    *    @param   status      a reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return              a string containing the results of the find and replace.
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString replaceAll(const UnicodeString &replacement, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *    Replaces every substring of the input that matches the pattern
+    *    with the given replacement string.  This is a convenience function that
+    *    provides a complete find-and-replace-all operation.
+    *
+    *    This method first resets this matcher. It then scans the input string
+    *    looking for matches of the pattern. Input that is not part of any
+    *    match is left unchanged; each match is replaced in the result by the
+    *    replacement string. The replacement string may contain references to
+    *    capture groups.
+    *
+    *    @param   replacement a string containing the replacement text.
+    *    @param   dest        a mutable UText in which the results are placed.
+    *                          If NULL, a new UText will be created (which may not be mutable).
+    *    @param   status      a reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return              a string containing the results of the find and replace.
+    *                          If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it will always be used and returned.
+    *
+    *    @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *replaceAll(UText *replacement, UText *dest, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    * Replaces the first substring of the input that matches
+    * the pattern with the replacement string.   This is a convenience
+    * function that provides a complete find-and-replace operation.
+    *
+    * This function first resets this RegexMatcher. It then scans the input string
+    * looking for a match of the pattern. Input that is not part
+    * of the match is appended directly to the result string; the match is replaced
+    * in the result by the replacement string. The replacement string may contain
+    * references to captured groups.
+    *
+    * The state of the matcher (the position at which a subsequent find()
+    *    would begin) after completing a replaceFirst() is not specified.  The
+    *    RegexMatcher should be reset before doing additional find() operations.
+    *
+    *    @param   replacement a string containing the replacement text.
+    *    @param   status      a reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return              a string containing the results of the find and replace.
+    *    @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString replaceFirst(const UnicodeString &replacement, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    * Replaces the first substring of the input that matches
+    * the pattern with the replacement string.   This is a convenience
+    * function that provides a complete find-and-replace operation.
+    *
+    * This function first resets this RegexMatcher. It then scans the input string
+    * looking for a match of the pattern. Input that is not part
+    * of the match is appended directly to the result string; the match is replaced
+    * in the result by the replacement string. The replacement string may contain
+    * references to captured groups.
+    *
+    * The state of the matcher (the position at which a subsequent find()
+    *    would begin) after completing a replaceFirst() is not specified.  The
+    *    RegexMatcher should be reset before doing additional find() operations.
+    *
+    *    @param   replacement a string containing the replacement text.
+    *    @param   dest        a mutable UText in which the results are placed.
+    *                          If NULL, a new UText will be created (which may not be mutable).
+    *    @param   status      a reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @return              a string containing the results of the find and replace.
+    *                          If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it will always be used and returned.
+    *
+    *    @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *replaceFirst(UText *replacement, UText *dest, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Implements a replace operation intended to be used as part of an
+    *   incremental find-and-replace.
+    *
+    *   The input string, starting from the end of the previous replacement and ending at
+    *   the start of the current match, is appended to the destination string.  Then the
+    *   replacement string is appended to the output string,
+    *   including handling any substitutions of captured text.
+    *
+    *   For simple, prepackaged, non-incremental find-and-replace
+    *   operations, see replaceFirst() or replaceAll().
+    *
+    *   @param   dest        A UnicodeString to which the results of the find-and-replace are appended.
+    *   @param   replacement A UnicodeString that provides the text to be substituted for
+    *                        the input text that matched the regexp pattern.  The replacement
+    *                        text may contain references to captured text from the
+    *                        input.
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed, and U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR
+    *                        if the replacement text specifies a capture group that
+    *                        does not exist in the pattern.
+    *
+    *   @return  this  RegexMatcher
+    *   @stable ICU 2.4
+    *
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher &appendReplacement(UnicodeString &dest,
+        const UnicodeString &replacement, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    *   Implements a replace operation intended to be used as part of an
+    *   incremental find-and-replace.
+    *
+    *   The input string, starting from the end of the previous replacement and ending at
+    *   the start of the current match, is appended to the destination string.  Then the
+    *   replacement string is appended to the output string,
+    *   including handling any substitutions of captured text.
+    *
+    *   For simple, prepackaged, non-incremental find-and-replace
+    *   operations, see replaceFirst() or replaceAll().
+    *
+    *   @param   dest        A mutable UText to which the results of the find-and-replace are appended.
+    *                         Must not be NULL.
+    *   @param   replacement A UText that provides the text to be substituted for
+    *                        the input text that matched the regexp pattern.  The replacement
+    *                        text may contain references to captured text from the input.
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.  Possible
+    *                        errors are  U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE if no match has been
+    *                        attempted or the last match failed, and U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR
+    *                        if the replacement text specifies a capture group that
+    *                        does not exist in the pattern.
+    *
+    *   @return  this  RegexMatcher
+    *
+    *   @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual RegexMatcher &appendReplacement(UText *dest,
+        UText *replacement, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    * As the final step in a find-and-replace operation, append the remainder
+    * of the input string, starting at the position following the last appendReplacement(),
+    * to the destination string. `appendTail()` is intended to be invoked after one
+    * or more invocations of the `RegexMatcher::appendReplacement()`.
+    *
+    *  @param dest A UnicodeString to which the results of the find-and-replace are appended.
+    *  @return  the destination string.
+    *  @stable ICU 2.4
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString &appendTail(UnicodeString &dest);
+   /**
+    * As the final step in a find-and-replace operation, append the remainder
+    * of the input string, starting at the position following the last appendReplacement(),
+    * to the destination string. `appendTail()` is intended to be invoked after one
+    * or more invocations of the `RegexMatcher::appendReplacement()`.
+    *
+    *  @param dest A mutable UText to which the results of the find-and-replace are appended.
+    *               Must not be NULL.
+    *  @param status error cod
+    *  @return  the destination string.
+    *
+    *  @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual UText *appendTail(UText *dest, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Split a string into fields.  Somewhat like %split() from Perl.
+     * The pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input
+     *  into fields.  The input data between the matches becomes the
+     *  fields themselves.
+     *
+     * @param input   The string to be split into fields.  The field delimiters
+     *                match the pattern (in the "this" object).  This matcher
+     *                will be reset to this input string.
+     * @param dest    An array of UnicodeStrings to receive the results of the split.
+     *                This is an array of actual UnicodeString objects, not an
+     *                array of pointers to strings.  Local (stack based) arrays can
+     *                work well here.
+     * @param destCapacity  The number of elements in the destination array.
+     *                If the number of fields found is less than destCapacity, the
+     *                extra strings in the destination array are not altered.
+     *                If the number of destination strings is less than the number
+     *                of fields, the trailing part of the input string, including any
+     *                field delimiters, is placed in the last destination string.
+     * @param status  A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     * @return        The number of fields into which the input string was split.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  split(const UnicodeString &input,
+        UnicodeString    dest[],
+        int32_t          destCapacity,
+        UErrorCode       &status);
+    /**
+     * Split a string into fields.  Somewhat like %split() from Perl.
+     * The pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input
+     *  into fields.  The input data between the matches becomes the
+     *  fields themselves.
+     *
+     * @param input   The string to be split into fields.  The field delimiters
+     *                match the pattern (in the "this" object).  This matcher
+     *                will be reset to this input string.
+     * @param dest    An array of mutable UText structs to receive the results of the split.
+     *                If a field is NULL, a new UText is allocated to contain the results for
+     *                that field. This new UText is not guaranteed to be mutable.
+     * @param destCapacity  The number of elements in the destination array.
+     *                If the number of fields found is less than destCapacity, the
+     *                extra strings in the destination array are not altered.
+     *                If the number of destination strings is less than the number
+     *                of fields, the trailing part of the input string, including any
+     *                field delimiters, is placed in the last destination string.
+     * @param status  A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     * @return        The number of fields into which the input string was split.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    virtual int32_t  split(UText *input,
+        UText           *dest[],
+        int32_t          destCapacity,
+        UErrorCode       &status);
+  /**
+    *   Set a processing time limit for match operations with this Matcher.
+    *  
+    *   Some patterns, when matching certain strings, can run in exponential time.
+    *   For practical purposes, the match operation may appear to be in an
+    *   infinite loop.
+    *   When a limit is set a match operation will fail with an error if the
+    *   limit is exceeded.
+    *
+    *   The units of the limit are steps of the match engine.
+    *   Correspondence with actual processor time will depend on the speed
+    *   of the processor and the details of the specific pattern, but will
+    *   typically be on the order of milliseconds.
+    *
+    *   By default, the matching time is not limited.
+    *
+    *
+    *   @param   limit       The limit value, or 0 for no limit.
+    *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *   @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+    virtual void setTimeLimit(int32_t limit, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+    * Get the time limit, if any, for match operations made with this Matcher.
+    *
+    *   @return the maximum allowed time for a match, in units of processing steps.
+    *   @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+    virtual int32_t getTimeLimit() const;
+  /**
+    *  Set the amount of heap storage available for use by the match backtracking stack.
+    *  The matcher is also reset, discarding any results from previous matches.
+    *
+    *  ICU uses a backtracking regular expression engine, with the backtrack stack
+    *  maintained on the heap.  This function sets the limit to the amount of memory
+    *  that can be used for this purpose.  A backtracking stack overflow will
+    *  result in an error from the match operation that caused it.
+    *
+    *  A limit is desirable because a malicious or poorly designed pattern can use
+    *  excessive memory, potentially crashing the process.  A limit is enabled
+    *  by default.
+    *
+    *  @param limit  The maximum size, in bytes, of the matching backtrack stack.
+    *                A value of zero means no limit.
+    *                The limit must be greater or equal to zero.
+    *
+    *  @param status   A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *
+    *  @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+    virtual void setStackLimit(int32_t  limit, UErrorCode &status);
+  /**
+    *  Get the size of the heap storage available for use by the back tracking stack.
+    *
+    *  @return  the maximum backtracking stack size, in bytes, or zero if the
+    *           stack size is unlimited.
+    *  @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+    virtual int32_t  getStackLimit() const;
+  /**
+    * Set a callback function for use with this Matcher.
+    * During matching operations the function will be called periodically,
+    * giving the application the opportunity to terminate a long-running
+    * match.
+    *
+    *    @param   callback    A pointer to the user-supplied callback function.
+    *    @param   context     User context pointer.  The value supplied at the
+    *                         time the callback function is set will be saved
+    *                         and passed to the callback each time that it is called.
+    *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *  @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+    virtual void setMatchCallback(URegexMatchCallback     *callback,
+                                  const void              *context,
+                                  UErrorCode              &status);
+  /**
+    *  Get the callback function for this URegularExpression.
+    *
+    *    @param   callback    Out parameter, receives a pointer to the user-supplied 
+    *                         callback function.
+    *    @param   context     Out parameter, receives the user context pointer that
+    *                         was set when uregex_setMatchCallback() was called.
+    *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @stable ICU 4.0
+    */
+    virtual void getMatchCallback(URegexMatchCallback     *&callback,
+                                  const void              *&context,
+                                  UErrorCode              &status);
+  /**
+    * Set a progress callback function for use with find operations on this Matcher.
+    * During find operations, the callback will be invoked after each return from a
+    * match attempt, giving the application the opportunity to terminate a long-running
+    * find operation.
+    *
+    *    @param   callback    A pointer to the user-supplied callback function.
+    *    @param   context     User context pointer.  The value supplied at the
+    *                         time the callback function is set will be saved
+    *                         and passed to the callback each time that it is called.
+    *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual void setFindProgressCallback(URegexFindProgressCallback      *callback,
+                                              const void                              *context,
+                                              UErrorCode                              &status);
+  /**
+    *  Get the find progress callback function for this URegularExpression.
+    *
+    *    @param   callback    Out parameter, receives a pointer to the user-supplied 
+    *                         callback function.
+    *    @param   context     Out parameter, receives the user context pointer that
+    *                         was set when uregex_setFindProgressCallback() was called.
+    *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+    *    @stable ICU 4.6
+    */
+    virtual void getFindProgressCallback(URegexFindProgressCallback      *&callback,
+                                              const void                      *&context,
+                                              UErrorCode                      &status);
+   /**
+     *   setTrace   Debug function, enable/disable tracing of the matching engine.
+     *              For internal ICU development use only.  DO NO USE!!!!
+     *   @internal
+     */
+    void setTrace(UBool state);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+    * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 2.2
+    */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    // Constructors and other object boilerplate are private.
+    // Instances of RegexMatcher can not be assigned, copied, cloned, etc.
+    RegexMatcher();                  // default constructor not implemented
+    RegexMatcher(const RegexPattern *pat);
+    RegexMatcher(const RegexMatcher &other);
+    RegexMatcher &operator =(const RegexMatcher &rhs);
+    void init(UErrorCode &status);                      // Common initialization
+    void init2(UText *t, UErrorCode &e);  // Common initialization, part 2.
+    friend class RegexPattern;
+    friend class RegexCImpl;
+    /** @internal  */
+    void resetPreserveRegion();  // Reset matcher state, but preserve any region.
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    //
+    //  MatchAt   This is the internal interface to the match engine itself.
+    //            Match status comes back in matcher member variables.
+    //
+    void                 MatchAt(int64_t startIdx, UBool toEnd, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline void          backTrack(int64_t &inputIdx, int32_t &patIdx);
+    UBool                isWordBoundary(int64_t pos);         // perform Perl-like  \b test
+    UBool                isUWordBoundary(int64_t pos);        // perform RBBI based \b test
+    REStackFrame        *resetStack();
+    inline REStackFrame *StateSave(REStackFrame *fp, int64_t savePatIdx, UErrorCode &status);
+    void                 IncrementTime(UErrorCode &status);
+    // Call user find callback function, if set. Return TRUE if operation should be interrupted.
+    inline UBool         findProgressInterrupt(int64_t matchIndex, UErrorCode &status);
+    int64_t              appendGroup(int32_t groupNum, UText *dest, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    UBool                findUsingChunk(UErrorCode &status);
+    void                 MatchChunkAt(int32_t startIdx, UBool toEnd, UErrorCode &status);
+    UBool                isChunkWordBoundary(int32_t pos);
+    const RegexPattern  *fPattern;
+    RegexPattern        *fPatternOwned;    // Non-NULL if this matcher owns the pattern, and
+                                           //   should delete it when through.
+    const UnicodeString *fInput;           // The string being matched. Only used for input()
+    UText               *fInputText;       // The text being matched. Is never NULL.
+    UText               *fAltInputText;    // A shallow copy of the text being matched.
+                                           //   Only created if the pattern contains backreferences.
+    int64_t              fInputLength;     // Full length of the input text.
+    int32_t              fFrameSize;       // The size of a frame in the backtrack stack.
+    int64_t              fRegionStart;     // Start of the input region, default = 0.
+    int64_t              fRegionLimit;     // End of input region, default to input.length.
+    int64_t              fAnchorStart;     // Region bounds for anchoring operations (^ or $).
+    int64_t              fAnchorLimit;     //   See useAnchoringBounds
+    int64_t              fLookStart;       // Region bounds for look-ahead/behind and
+    int64_t              fLookLimit;       //   and other boundary tests.  See
+                                           //   useTransparentBounds
+    int64_t              fActiveStart;     // Currently active bounds for matching.
+    int64_t              fActiveLimit;     //   Usually is the same as region, but
+                                           //   is changed to fLookStart/Limit when
+                                           //   entering look around regions.
+    UBool                fTransparentBounds;  // True if using transparent bounds.
+    UBool                fAnchoringBounds; // True if using anchoring bounds.
+    UBool                fMatch;           // True if the last attempted match was successful.
+    int64_t              fMatchStart;      // Position of the start of the most recent match
+    int64_t              fMatchEnd;        // First position after the end of the most recent match
+                                           //   Zero if no previous match, even when a region
+                                           //   is active.
+    int64_t              fLastMatchEnd;    // First position after the end of the previous match,
+                                           //   or -1 if there was no previous match.
+    int64_t              fAppendPosition;  // First position after the end of the previous
+                                           //   appendReplacement().  As described by the
+                                           //   JavaDoc for Java Matcher, where it is called 
+                                           //   "append position"
+    UBool                fHitEnd;          // True if the last match touched the end of input.
+    UBool                fRequireEnd;      // True if the last match required end-of-input
+                                           //    (matched $ or Z)
+    UVector64           *fStack;
+    REStackFrame        *fFrame;           // After finding a match, the last active stack frame,
+                                           //   which will contain the capture group results.
+                                           //   NOT valid while match engine is running.
+    int64_t             *fData;            // Data area for use by the compiled pattern.
+    int64_t             fSmallData[8];     //   Use this for data if it's enough.
+    int32_t             fTimeLimit;        // Max time (in arbitrary steps) to let the
+                                           //   match engine run.  Zero for unlimited.
+    int32_t             fTime;             // Match time, accumulates while matching.
+    int32_t             fTickCounter;      // Low bits counter for time.  Counts down StateSaves.
+                                           //   Kept separately from fTime to keep as much
+                                           //   code as possible out of the inline
+                                           //   StateSave function.
+    int32_t             fStackLimit;       // Maximum memory size to use for the backtrack
+                                           //   stack, in bytes.  Zero for unlimited.
+    URegexMatchCallback *fCallbackFn;       // Pointer to match progress callback funct.
+                                           //   NULL if there is no callback.
+    const void         *fCallbackContext;  // User Context ptr for callback function.
+    URegexFindProgressCallback  *fFindProgressCallbackFn;  // Pointer to match progress callback funct.
+                                                           //   NULL if there is no callback.
+    const void         *fFindProgressCallbackContext;      // User Context ptr for callback function.
+    UBool               fInputUniStrMaybeMutable;  // Set when fInputText wraps a UnicodeString that may be mutable - compatibility.
+    UBool               fTraceDebug;       // Set true for debug tracing of match engine.
+    UErrorCode          fDeferredStatus;   // Save error state that cannot be immediately
+                                           //   reported, or that permanently disables this matcher.
+    RuleBasedBreakIterator  *fWordBreakItr;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/region.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/region.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec8dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/region.h
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef REGION_H
+#define REGION_H
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Region classes (territory containment)
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uregion.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+ * <code>Region</code> is the class representing a Unicode Region Code, also known as a 
+ * Unicode Region Subtag, which is defined based upon the BCP 47 standard. We often think of
+ * "regions" as "countries" when defining the characteristics of a locale.  Region codes There are different
+ * types of region codes that are important to distinguish.
+ * <p>
+ *  Macroregion - A code for a "macro geographical (continental) region, geographical sub-region, or 
+ *  selected economic and other grouping" as defined in 
+ *  UN M.49 ( 
+ *  These are typically 3-digit codes, but contain some 2-letter codes, such as the LDML code QO 
+ *  added for Outlying Oceania.  Not all UNM.49 codes are defined in LDML, but most of them are.
+ *  Macroregions are represented in ICU by one of three region types: WORLD ( region code 001 ),
+ *  CONTINENTS ( regions contained directly by WORLD ), and SUBCONTINENTS ( things contained directly
+ *  by a continent ).
+ *  <p>
+ *  TERRITORY - A Region that is not a Macroregion. These are typically codes for countries, but also
+ *  include areas that are not separate countries, such as the code "AQ" for Antarctica or the code 
+ *  "HK" for Hong Kong (SAR China). Overseas dependencies of countries may or may not have separate 
+ *  codes. The codes are typically 2-letter codes aligned with the ISO 3166 standard, but BCP47 allows
+ *  for the use of 3-digit codes in the future.
+ *  <p>
+ *  UNKNOWN - The code ZZ is defined by Unicode LDML for use to indicate that the Region is unknown,
+ *  or that the value supplied as a region was invalid.
+ *  <p>
+ *  DEPRECATED - Region codes that have been defined in the past but are no longer in modern usage,
+ *  usually due to a country splitting into multiple territories or changing its name.
+ *  <p>
+ *  GROUPING - A widely understood grouping of territories that has a well defined membership such
+ *  that a region code has been assigned for it.  Some of these are UNM.49 codes that do't fall into 
+ *  the world/continent/sub-continent hierarchy, while others are just well known groupings that have
+ *  their own region code. Region "EU" (European Union) is one such region code that is a grouping.
+ *  Groupings will never be returned by the getContainingRegion() API, since a different type of region
+ *  ( WORLD, CONTINENT, or SUBCONTINENT ) will always be the containing region instead.
+ *
+ * The Region class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @author       John Emmons
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Region : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    virtual ~Region();
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the two regions are equal.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const Region &that) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the two regions are NOT equal; that is, if operator ==() returns false.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const Region &that) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to a Region using the given region code.  The region code can be either 2-letter ISO code,
+     * 3-letter ISO code,  UNM.49 numeric code, or other valid Unicode Region Code as defined by the LDML specification.
+     * The identifier will be canonicalized internally using the supplemental metadata as defined in the CLDR.
+     * If the region code is NULL or not recognized, the appropriate error code will be set ( U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR )
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    static const Region* U_EXPORT2 getInstance(const char *region_code, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to a Region using the given numeric region code. If the numeric region code is not recognized,
+     * the appropriate error code will be set ( U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR ).
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    static const Region* U_EXPORT2 getInstance (int32_t code, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration over the IDs of all known regions that match the given type.
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getAvailable(URegionType type, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to the region that contains this region.  Returns NULL if this region is code "001" (World)
+     * or "ZZ" (Unknown region). For example, calling this method with region "IT" (Italy) returns the
+     * region "039" (Southern Europe).
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    const Region* getContainingRegion() const;
+    /**
+     * Return a pointer to the region that geographically contains this region and matches the given type,
+     * moving multiple steps up the containment chain if necessary.  Returns NULL if no containing region can be found
+     * that matches the given type. Note: The URegionTypes = "URGN_GROUPING", "URGN_DEPRECATED", or "URGN_UNKNOWN"
+     * are not appropriate for use in this API. NULL will be returned in this case. For example, calling this method
+     * with region "IT" (Italy) for type "URGN_CONTINENT" returns the region "150" ( Europe ).
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    const Region* getContainingRegion(URegionType type) const;
+    /**
+     * Return an enumeration over the IDs of all the regions that are immediate children of this region in the
+     * region hierarchy. These returned regions could be either macro regions, territories, or a mixture of the two,
+     * depending on the containment data as defined in CLDR.  This API may return NULL if this region doesn't have
+     * any sub-regions. For example, calling this method with region "150" (Europe) returns an enumeration containing
+     * the various sub regions of Europe - "039" (Southern Europe) - "151" (Eastern Europe) - "154" (Northern Europe)
+     * and "155" (Western Europe).
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    StringEnumeration* getContainedRegions(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration over the IDs of all the regions that are children of this region anywhere in the region
+     * hierarchy and match the given type.  This API may return an empty enumeration if this region doesn't have any
+     * sub-regions that match the given type. For example, calling this method with region "150" (Europe) and type
+     * "URGN_TERRITORY" returns a set containing all the territories in Europe ( "FR" (France) - "IT" (Italy) - "DE" (Germany) etc. )
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    StringEnumeration* getContainedRegions( URegionType type, UErrorCode &status ) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this region contains the supplied other region anywhere in the region hierarchy.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    UBool contains(const Region &other) const;
+    /**
+     * For deprecated regions, return an enumeration over the IDs of the regions that are the preferred replacement
+     * regions for this region.  Returns null for a non-deprecated region.  For example, calling this method with region
+     * "SU" (Soviet Union) would return a list of the regions containing "RU" (Russia), "AM" (Armenia), "AZ" (Azerbaijan), etc...
+     * @stable ICU 55 
+     */
+    StringEnumeration* getPreferredValues(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return this region's canonical region code.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    const char* getRegionCode() const;
+    /**
+     * Return this region's numeric code.
+     * Returns a negative value if the given region does not have a numeric code assigned to it.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    int32_t getNumericCode() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the region type of this region.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    URegionType getType() const;
+    /**
+     * Cleans up statically allocated memory.
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    static void cleanupRegionData();
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    char id[4];
+    UnicodeString idStr;
+    int32_t code;
+    URegionType fType;
+    Region *containingRegion;
+    UVector *containedRegions;
+    UVector *preferredValues;
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor. Internal - use factory methods only.
+     */
+    Region();
+    /*
+     * Initializes the region data from the ICU resource bundles.  The region data
+     * contains the basic relationships such as which regions are known, what the numeric
+     * codes are, any known aliases, and the territory containment data.
+     * 
+     * If the region data has already loaded, then this method simply returns without doing
+     * anything meaningful.
+     */
+    static void U_CALLCONV loadRegionData(UErrorCode &status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // REGION_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/reldatefmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/reldatefmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..044465b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/reldatefmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __RELDATEFMT_H
+#define __RELDATEFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+#include "unicode/ureldatefmt.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Formats relative dates such as "1 day ago" or "tomorrow"
+ */
+ * Represents the unit for formatting a relative date. e.g "in 5 days"
+ * or "in 3 months"
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+typedef enum UDateRelativeUnit {
+    /**
+     * Seconds
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Minutes
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Hours
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Days
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Weeks
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Months
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Years
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDateRelativeUnit value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UDateRelativeUnit;
+ * Represents an absolute unit.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+typedef enum UDateAbsoluteUnit {
+    // Days of week have to remain together and in order from Sunday to
+    // Saturday.
+    /**
+     * Sunday
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Monday
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Tuesday
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Wednesday
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Thursday
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Friday
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Saturday
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Day
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Week
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Month
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Year
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Now
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Quarter
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Hour
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    /**
+     * Minute
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDateAbsoluteUnit value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UDateAbsoluteUnit;
+ * Represents a direction for an absolute unit e.g "Next Tuesday"
+ * or "Last Tuesday"
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+typedef enum UDateDirection {
+    /**
+     * Two before. Not fully supported in every locale.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Last
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * This
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Next
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Two after. Not fully supported in every locale.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Plain, which means the absence of a qualifier.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDateDirection value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UDateDirection;
+class BreakIterator;
+class RelativeDateTimeCacheData;
+class SharedNumberFormat;
+class SharedPluralRules;
+class SharedBreakIterator;
+class NumberFormat;
+class UnicodeString;
+class FormattedRelativeDateTime;
+class FormattedRelativeDateTimeData;
+ * An immutable class containing the result of a relative datetime formatting operation.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * Not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedRelativeDateTime : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Default constructor; makes an empty FormattedRelativeDateTime.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime() : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR) {}
+    /**
+     * Move constructor: Leaves the source FormattedRelativeDateTime in an undefined state.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime(FormattedRelativeDateTime&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Destruct an instance of FormattedRelativeDateTime.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    virtual ~FormattedRelativeDateTime() U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move constructor instead. */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime(const FormattedRelativeDateTime&) = delete;
+    /** Copying not supported; use move assignment instead. */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime& operator=(const FormattedRelativeDateTime&) = delete;
+    /**
+     * Move assignment: Leaves the source FormattedRelativeDateTime in an undefined state.
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime& operator=(FormattedRelativeDateTime&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toString() */
+    UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toTempString() */
+    UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::appendTo() */
+    Appendable &appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+    /** @copydoc FormattedValue::nextPosition() */
+    UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+  private:
+    FormattedRelativeDateTimeData *fData;
+    UErrorCode fErrorCode;
+    explicit FormattedRelativeDateTime(FormattedRelativeDateTimeData *results)
+        : fData(results), fErrorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+    explicit FormattedRelativeDateTime(UErrorCode errorCode)
+        : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(errorCode) {}
+    friend class RelativeDateTimeFormatter;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Formats simple relative dates. There are two types of relative dates that
+ * it handles:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>relative dates with a quantity e.g "in 5 days"</li>
+ *   <li>relative dates without a quantity e.g "next Tuesday"</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * This API is very basic and is intended to be a building block for more
+ * fancy APIs. The caller tells it exactly what to display in a locale
+ * independent way. While this class automatically provides the correct plural
+ * forms, the grammatical form is otherwise as neutral as possible. It is the
+ * caller's responsibility to handle cut-off logic such as deciding between
+ * displaying "in 7 days" or "in 1 week." This API supports relative dates
+ * involving one single unit. This API does not support relative dates
+ * involving compound units,
+ * e.g "in 5 days and 4 hours" nor does it support parsing.
+ * <p>
+ * This class is mostly thread safe and immutable with the following caveats:
+ * 1. The assignment operator violates Immutability. It must not be used
+ *    concurrently with other operations.
+ * 2. Caller must not hold onto adopted pointers.
+ * <p>
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * <p>
+ * Here are some examples of use:
+ * <blockquote>
+ * <pre>
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UnicodeString appendTo;
+ * RelativeDateTimeFormatter fmt(status);
+ * // Appends "in 1 day"
+ * fmt.format(
+ *     1, UDAT_DIRECTION_NEXT, UDAT_RELATIVE_DAYS, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "in 3 days"
+ * fmt.format(
+ *     3, UDAT_DIRECTION_NEXT, UDAT_RELATIVE_DAYS, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "3.2 years ago"
+ * fmt.format(
+ *     3.2, UDAT_DIRECTION_LAST, UDAT_RELATIVE_YEARS, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "last Sunday"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_LAST, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "this Sunday"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_THIS, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "next Sunday"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_NEXT, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "Sunday"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_PLAIN, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
+ *
+ * // Appends "yesterday"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_LAST, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_DAY, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "today"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_THIS, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_DAY, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "tomorrow"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_NEXT, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_DAY, appendTo, status);
+ * // Appends "now"
+ * fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_PLAIN, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_NOW, appendTo, status);
+ *
+ * </pre>
+ * </blockquote>
+ * <p>
+ * In the future, we may add more forms, such as abbreviated/short forms
+ * (3 secs ago), and relative day periods ("yesterday afternoon"), etc.
+ *
+ * The RelativeDateTimeFormatter class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+class U_I18N_API RelativeDateTimeFormatter : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with default locale.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    RelativeDateTimeFormatter(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with given locale.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    RelativeDateTimeFormatter(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with given locale and NumberFormat.
+     *
+     * @param locale the locale
+     * @param nfToAdopt Constructed object takes ownership of this pointer.
+     *   It is an error for caller to delete this pointer or change its
+     *   contents after calling this constructor.
+     * @param status Any error is returned here.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    RelativeDateTimeFormatter(
+        const Locale& locale, NumberFormat *nfToAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with given locale, NumberFormat,
+     * and capitalization context.
+     *
+     * @param locale the locale
+     * @param nfToAdopt Constructed object takes ownership of this pointer.
+     *   It is an error for caller to delete this pointer or change its
+     *   contents after calling this constructor. Caller may pass NULL for
+     *   this argument if they want default number format behavior.
+     * @param style the format style. The UDAT_RELATIVE bit field has no effect.
+     * @param capitalizationContext A value from UDisplayContext that pertains to
+     * capitalization.
+     * @param status Any error is returned here.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    RelativeDateTimeFormatter(
+            const Locale& locale,
+            NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
+            UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle style,
+            UDisplayContext capitalizationContext,
+            UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    RelativeDateTimeFormatter(const RelativeDateTimeFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    RelativeDateTimeFormatter& operator=(
+            const RelativeDateTimeFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual ~RelativeDateTimeFormatter();
+    /**
+     * Formats a relative date with a quantity such as "in 5 days" or
+     * "3 months ago"
+     *
+     * This method returns a String. To get more information about the
+     * formatting result, use formatToValue().
+     *
+     * @param quantity The numerical amount e.g 5. This value is formatted
+     * according to this object's NumberFormat object.
+     * @param direction NEXT means a future relative date; LAST means a past
+     * relative date. If direction is anything else, this method sets
+     * status to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     * @param unit the unit e.g day? month? year?
+     * @param appendTo The string to which the formatted result will be
+     *  appended
+     * @param status ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(
+            double quantity,
+            UDateDirection direction,
+            UDateRelativeUnit unit,
+            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a relative date with a quantity such as "in 5 days" or
+     * "3 months ago"
+     *
+     * This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
+     * information than the String returned by format().
+     *
+     * @param quantity The numerical amount e.g 5. This value is formatted
+     * according to this object's NumberFormat object.
+     * @param direction NEXT means a future relative date; LAST means a past
+     * relative date. If direction is anything else, this method sets
+     * status to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     * @param unit the unit e.g day? month? year?
+     * @param status ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return The formatted relative datetime
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime formatToValue(
+            double quantity,
+            UDateDirection direction,
+            UDateRelativeUnit unit,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Formats a relative date without a quantity.
+     *
+     * This method returns a String. To get more information about the
+     * formatting result, use formatToValue().
+     *
+     * @param direction NEXT, LAST, THIS, etc.
+     * @param unit e.g SATURDAY, DAY, MONTH
+     * @param appendTo The string to which the formatted result will be
+     *  appended. If the value of direction is documented as not being fully
+     *  supported in all locales then this method leaves appendTo unchanged if
+     *  no format string is available.
+     * @param status ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(
+            UDateDirection direction,
+            UDateAbsoluteUnit unit,
+            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats a relative date without a quantity.
+     *
+     * This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
+     * information than the String returned by format().
+     *
+     * If the string is not available in the requested locale, the return
+     * value will be empty (calling toString will give an empty string).
+     *
+     * @param direction NEXT, LAST, THIS, etc.
+     * @param unit e.g SATURDAY, DAY, MONTH
+     * @param status ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return The formatted relative datetime
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime formatToValue(
+            UDateDirection direction,
+            UDateAbsoluteUnit unit,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
+     * using a numeric style, e.g. "1 week ago", "in 1 week",
+     * "5 weeks ago", "in 5 weeks".
+     *
+     * This method returns a String. To get more information about the
+     * formatting result, use formatNumericToValue().
+     * 
+     * @param offset    The signed offset for the specified unit. This
+     *                  will be formatted according to this object's
+     *                  NumberFormat object.
+     * @param unit      The unit to use when formatting the relative
+     *                  date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
+     *                  UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+     * @param appendTo  The string to which the formatted result will be
+     *                  appended.
+     * @param status    ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return          appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatNumeric(
+            double offset,
+            URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
+     * using a numeric style, e.g. "1 week ago", "in 1 week",
+     * "5 weeks ago", "in 5 weeks".
+     *
+     * This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
+     * information than the String returned by formatNumeric().
+     * 
+     * @param offset    The signed offset for the specified unit. This
+     *                  will be formatted according to this object's
+     *                  NumberFormat object.
+     * @param unit      The unit to use when formatting the relative
+     *                  date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
+     *                  UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+     * @param status    ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return          The formatted relative datetime
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime formatNumericToValue(
+            double offset,
+            URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
+     * using a text style if possible, e.g. "last week", "this week",
+     * "next week", "yesterday", "tomorrow". Falls back to numeric
+     * style if no appropriate text term is available for the specified
+     * offset in the object's locale.
+     *
+     * This method returns a String. To get more information about the
+     * formatting result, use formatToValue().
+     *
+     * @param offset    The signed offset for the specified unit.
+     * @param unit      The unit to use when formatting the relative
+     *                  date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
+     *                  UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+     * @param appendTo  The string to which the formatted result will be
+     *                  appended.
+     * @param status    ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return          appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(
+            double offset,
+            URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
+     * using a text style if possible, e.g. "last week", "this week",
+     * "next week", "yesterday", "tomorrow". Falls back to numeric
+     * style if no appropriate text term is available for the specified
+     * offset in the object's locale.
+     *
+     * This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
+     * information than the String returned by format().
+     *
+     * @param offset    The signed offset for the specified unit.
+     * @param unit      The unit to use when formatting the relative
+     *                  date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
+     *                  UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+     * @param status    ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return          The formatted relative datetime
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime formatToValue(
+            double offset,
+            URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * Combines a relative date string and a time string in this object's
+     * locale. This is done with the same date-time separator used for the
+     * default calendar in this locale.
+     *
+     * @param relativeDateString the relative date, e.g 'yesterday'
+     * @param timeString the time e.g '3:45'
+     * @param appendTo concatenated date and time appended here
+     * @param status ICU error code returned here.
+     * @return appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    UnicodeString& combineDateAndTime(
+            const UnicodeString& relativeDateString,
+            const UnicodeString& timeString,
+            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the NumberFormat this object is using.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    const NumberFormat& getNumberFormat() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the capitalization context.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    UDisplayContext getCapitalizationContext() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the format style.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle getFormatStyle() const;
+    const RelativeDateTimeCacheData* fCache;
+    const SharedNumberFormat *fNumberFormat;
+    const SharedPluralRules *fPluralRules;
+    UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle fStyle;
+    UDisplayContext fContext;
+    const SharedBreakIterator *fOptBreakIterator;
+    Locale fLocale;
+    void init(
+            NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
+            BreakIterator *brkIter,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    UnicodeString& adjustForContext(UnicodeString &) const;
+    UBool checkNoAdjustForContext(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    template<typename F, typename... Args>
+    UnicodeString& doFormat(
+            F callback,
+            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+            UErrorCode& status,
+            Args... args) const;
+#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API  // for FormattedRelativeDateTime
+    template<typename F, typename... Args>
+    FormattedRelativeDateTime doFormatToValue(
+            F callback,
+            UErrorCode& status,
+            Args... args) const;
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    void formatImpl(
+            double quantity,
+            UDateDirection direction,
+            UDateRelativeUnit unit,
+            FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void formatAbsoluteImpl(
+            UDateDirection direction,
+            UDateAbsoluteUnit unit,
+            FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void formatNumericImpl(
+            double offset,
+            URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+            FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void formatRelativeImpl(
+            double offset,
+            URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+            FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
+            UErrorCode& status) const;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif /* __RELDATEFMT_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rep.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rep.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd4530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/rep.h
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.  Ported from java.  Modified to
+*                           match current UnicodeString API.  Forced
+*                           to use name "handleReplaceBetween" because
+*                           of existing methods in UnicodeString.
+#ifndef REP_H
+#define REP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Replaceable String
+ */
+class UnicodeString;
+ * <code>Replaceable</code> is an abstract base class representing a
+ * string of characters that supports the replacement of a range of
+ * itself with a new string of characters.  It is used by APIs that
+ * change a piece of text while retaining metadata.  Metadata is data
+ * other than the Unicode characters returned by char32At().  One
+ * example of metadata is style attributes; another is an edit
+ * history, marking each character with an author and revision number.
+ *
+ * <p>An implicit aspect of the <code>Replaceable</code> API is that
+ * during a replace operation, new characters take on the metadata of
+ * the old characters.  For example, if the string "the <b>bold</b>
+ * font" has range (4, 8) replaced with "strong", then it becomes "the
+ * <b>strong</b> font".
+ *
+ * <p><code>Replaceable</code> specifies ranges using a start
+ * offset and a limit offset.  The range of characters thus specified
+ * includes the characters at offset start..limit-1.  That is, the
+ * start offset is inclusive, and the limit offset is exclusive.
+ *
+ * <p><code>Replaceable</code> also includes API to access characters
+ * in the string: <code>length()</code>, <code>charAt()</code>,
+ * <code>char32At()</code>, and <code>extractBetween()</code>.
+ *
+ * <p>For a subclass to support metadata, typical behavior of
+ * <code>replace()</code> is the following:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Set the metadata of the new text to the metadata of the first
+ *   character replaced</li>
+ *   <li>If no characters are replaced, use the metadata of the
+ *   previous character</li>
+ *   <li>If there is no previous character (i.e. start == 0), use the
+ *   following character</li>
+ *   <li>If there is no following character (i.e. the replaceable was
+ *   empty), use default metadata.<br>
+ *   <li>If the code point U+FFFF is seen, it should be interpreted as
+ *   a special marker having no metadata<li>
+ *   </li>
+ * </ul>
+ * If this is not the behavior, the subclass should document any differences.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API Replaceable : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~Replaceable();
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of 16-bit code units in the text.
+     * @return number of 16-bit code units in text
+     * @stable ICU 1.8
+     */ 
+    inline int32_t length() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the 16-bit code unit at the given offset into the text.
+     * @param offset an integer between 0 and <code>length()</code>-1
+     * inclusive
+     * @return 16-bit code unit of text at given offset
+     * @stable ICU 1.8
+     */
+    inline char16_t charAt(int32_t offset) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the 32-bit code point at the given 16-bit offset into
+     * the text.  This assumes the text is stored as 16-bit code units
+     * with surrogate pairs intermixed.  If the offset of a leading or
+     * trailing code unit of a surrogate pair is given, return the
+     * code point of the surrogate pair.
+     *
+     * @param offset an integer between 0 and <code>length()</code>-1
+     * inclusive
+     * @return 32-bit code point of text at given offset
+     * @stable ICU 1.8
+     */
+    inline UChar32 char32At(int32_t offset) const;
+    /**
+     * Copies characters in the range [<tt>start</tt>, <tt>limit</tt>) 
+     * into the UnicodeString <tt>target</tt>.
+     * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+     * @param limit offset immediately following the last character to
+     * be copied
+     * @param target UnicodeString into which to copy characters.
+     * @return A reference to <TT>target</TT>
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    virtual void extractBetween(int32_t start,
+                                int32_t limit,
+                                UnicodeString& target) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Replaces a substring of this object with the given text.  If the
+     * characters being replaced have metadata, the new characters
+     * that replace them should be given the same metadata.
+     *
+     * <p>Subclasses must ensure that if the text between start and
+     * limit is equal to the replacement text, that replace has no
+     * effect. That is, any metadata
+     * should be unaffected. In addition, subclasses are encouraged to
+     * check for initial and trailing identical characters, and make a
+     * smaller replacement if possible. This will preserve as much
+     * metadata as possible.
+     * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start
+     * <= limit</code>.
+     * @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit
+     * <= length()</code>.
+     * @param text the text to replace characters <code>start</code>
+     * to <code>limit - 1</code> 
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void handleReplaceBetween(int32_t start,
+                                      int32_t limit,
+                                      const UnicodeString& text) = 0;
+    // Note: All other methods in this class take the names of
+    // existing UnicodeString methods.  This method is the exception.
+    // It is named differently because all replace methods of
+    // UnicodeString return a UnicodeString&.  The 'between' is
+    // required in order to conform to the UnicodeString naming
+    // convention; API taking start/length are named <operation>, and
+    // those taking start/limit are named <operationBetween>.  The
+    // 'handle' is added because 'replaceBetween' and
+    // 'doReplaceBetween' are already taken.
+    /**
+     * Copies a substring of this object, retaining metadata.
+     * This method is used to duplicate or reorder substrings.
+     * The destination index must not overlap the source range.
+     * 
+     * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start <=
+     * limit</code>.
+     * @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit <=
+     * length()</code>.
+     * @param dest the destination index.  The characters from
+     * <code>start..limit-1</code> will be copied to <code>dest</code>.
+     * Implementations of this method may assume that <code>dest <= start ||
+     * dest >= limit</code>.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void copy(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t dest) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this object contains metadata.  If a
+     * Replaceable object has metadata, calls to the Replaceable API
+     * must be made so as to preserve metadata.  If it does not, calls
+     * to the Replaceable API may be optimized to improve performance.
+     * The default implementation returns true.
+     * @return true if this object contains metadata
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasMetaData() const;
+    /**
+     * Clone this object, an instance of a subclass of Replaceable.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If a subclass does not implement clone(), or if an error occurs,
+     * then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    virtual Replaceable *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline Replaceable();
+    /*
+     * Assignment operator not declared. The compiler will provide one
+     * which does nothing since this class does not contain any data members.
+     * API/code coverage may show the assignment operator as present and
+     * untested - ignore.
+     * Subclasses need this assignment operator if they use compiler-provided
+     * assignment operators of their own. An alternative to not declaring one
+     * here would be to declare and empty-implement a protected or public one.
+    Replaceable &Replaceable::operator=(const Replaceable &);
+     */
+    /**
+     * Virtual version of length().
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */ 
+    virtual int32_t getLength() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Virtual version of charAt().
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual char16_t getCharAt(int32_t offset) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Virtual version of char32At().
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UChar32 getChar32At(int32_t offset) const = 0;
+inline Replaceable::Replaceable() {}
+inline int32_t
+Replaceable::length() const {
+    return getLength();
+inline char16_t
+Replaceable::charAt(int32_t offset) const {
+    return getCharAt(offset);
+inline UChar32
+Replaceable::char32At(int32_t offset) const {
+    return getChar32At(offset);
+// There is no rep.cpp, see unistr.cpp for Replaceable function implementations.
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/resbund.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/resbund.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2894067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/resbund.h
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1996-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+*   and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File resbund.h
+*       Richard Gillam
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   2/5/97      aliu        Added scanForLocaleInFile.  Added
+*                           constructor which attempts to read resource bundle
+*                           from a specific file, without searching other files.
+*   2/11/97     aliu        Added UErrorCode return values to constructors.  Fixed
+*                           infinite loops in scanForFile and scanForLocale.
+*                           Modified getRawResourceData to not delete storage
+*                           in localeData and resourceData which it doesn't own.
+*                           Added Mac compatibility #ifdefs for tellp() and
+*                           ios::nocreate.
+*   2/18/97     helena      Updated with 100% documentation coverage.
+*   3/13/97     aliu        Rewrote to load in entire resource bundle and store
+*                           it as a Hashtable of ResourceBundleData objects.
+*                           Added state table to govern parsing of files.
+*                           Modified to load locale index out of new file
+*                           distinct from default.txt.
+*   3/25/97     aliu        Modified to support 2-d arrays, needed for timezone
+*                           data. Added support for custom file suffixes.  Again,
+*                           needed to support timezone data.
+*   4/7/97      aliu        Cleaned up.
+* 03/02/99      stephen     Removed dependency on FILE*.
+* 03/29/99      helena      Merged Bertrand and Stephen's changes.
+* 06/11/99      stephen     Removed parsing of .txt files.
+*                           Reworked to use new binary format.
+*                           Cleaned up.
+* 06/14/99      stephen     Removed methods taking a filename suffix.
+* 11/09/99      weiv        Added getLocale(), fRealLocale, removed fRealLocaleID
+#ifndef RESBUND_H
+#define RESBUND_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Resource Bundle
+ */
+ * A class representing a collection of resource information pertaining to a given
+ * locale. A resource bundle provides a way of accessing locale- specfic information in
+ * a data file. You create a resource bundle that manages the resources for a given
+ * locale and then ask it for individual resources.
+ * <P>
+ * Resource bundles in ICU4C are currently defined using text files which conform to the following
+ * <a href="">BNF definition</a>.
+ * More on resource bundle concepts and syntax can be found in the
+ * <a href="">Users Guide</a>.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * The ResourceBundle class is not suitable for subclassing.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API ResourceBundle : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     *
+     * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object, 
+     *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code> 
+     *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+     *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+     *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated.
+     * @param locale  This is the locale this resource bundle is for. To get resources
+     *                for the French locale, for example, you would create a
+     *                ResourceBundle passing Locale::FRENCH for the "locale" parameter,
+     *                and all subsequent calls to that resource bundle will return
+     *                resources that pertain to the French locale. If the caller doesn't
+     *                pass a locale parameter, the default locale for the system (as
+     *                returned by Locale::getDefault()) will be used.
+     * @param err     The Error Code.
+     * The UErrorCode& err parameter is used to return status information to the user. To
+     * check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check the value of
+     * U_SUCCESS(err). If you wish more detailed information, you can check for
+     * informational error results which still indicate success. U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING
+     * indicates that a fall back locale was used. For example, 'de_CH' was requested,
+     * but nothing was found there, so 'de' was used. U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that
+     * the default locale data was used; neither the requested locale nor any of its
+     * fall back locales could be found.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle(const UnicodeString&    packageName,
+                   const Locale&           locale,
+                   UErrorCode&              err);
+    /**
+     * Construct a resource bundle for the default bundle in the specified package.
+     *
+     * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object, 
+     *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code> 
+     *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+     *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+     *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated.
+     * @param err A UErrorCode value
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle(const UnicodeString&    packageName,
+                   UErrorCode&              err);
+    /**
+     * Construct a resource bundle for the ICU default bundle.
+     *
+     * @param err A UErrorCode value
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle(UErrorCode &err);
+    /**
+     * Standard constructor, constructs a resource bundle for the locale-specific
+     * bundle in the specified package.
+     *
+     * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object, 
+     *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code> 
+     *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+     *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+     *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated.
+     *                      NULL is used to refer to ICU data.
+     * @param locale The locale for which to open a resource bundle.
+     * @param err A UErrorCode value
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle(const char* packageName,
+                   const Locale& locale,
+                   UErrorCode& err);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     *
+     * @param original The resource bundle to copy.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle(const ResourceBundle &original);
+    /**
+     * Constructor from a C UResourceBundle. The resource bundle is
+     * copied and not adopted. ures_close will still need to be used on the
+     * original resource bundle.
+     *
+     * @param res A pointer to the C resource bundle.
+     * @param status A UErrorCode value.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle(UResourceBundle *res,
+                   UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     *
+     * @param other The resource bundle to copy.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle&
+      operator=(const ResourceBundle& other);
+    /** Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~ResourceBundle();
+    /**
+     * Clone this object.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If an error occurs, then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    ResourceBundle *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the size of a resource. Size for scalar types is always 1, and for vector/table types is
+     * the number of child resources.
+     * @warning Integer array is treated as a scalar type. There are no
+     *          APIs to access individual members of an integer array. It
+     *          is always returned as a whole.
+     *
+     * @return number of resources in a given resource.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t
+      getSize(void) const;
+    /**
+     * returns a string from a string resource type
+     *
+     * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code
+     *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+     *                could be a warning
+     * @return a pointer to a zero-terminated char16_t array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString
+      getString(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * returns a binary data from a resource. Can be used at most primitive resource types (binaries,
+     * strings, ints)
+     *
+     * @param len     fills in the length of resulting byte chunk
+     * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code
+     *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+     *                could be a warning
+     * @return a pointer to a chunk of unsigned bytes which live in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const uint8_t*
+      getBinary(int32_t& len, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * returns an integer vector from a resource.
+     *
+     * @param len     fills in the length of resulting integer vector
+     * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code
+     *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+     *                could be a warning
+     * @return a pointer to a vector of integers that lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const int32_t*
+      getIntVector(int32_t& len, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * returns an unsigned integer from a resource.
+     * This integer is originally 28 bits.
+     *
+     * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code
+     *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+     *                could be a warning
+     * @return an unsigned integer value
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    uint32_t
+      getUInt(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * returns a signed integer from a resource.
+     * This integer is originally 28 bit and the sign gets propagated.
+     *
+     * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code
+     *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+     *                could be a warning
+     * @return a signed integer value
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t
+      getInt(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Checks whether the resource has another element to iterate over.
+     *
+     * @return TRUE if there are more elements, FALSE if there is no more elements
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool
+      hasNext(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Resets the internal context of a resource so that iteration starts from the first element.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void
+      resetIterator(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns the key associated with this resource. Not all the resources have a key - only
+     * those that are members of a table.
+     *
+     * @return a key associated to this resource, or NULL if it doesn't have a key
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const char*
+      getKey(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the locale ID of the resource bundle as a string.
+     * Same as getLocale().getName() .
+     *
+     * @return the locale ID of the resource bundle as a string
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const char*
+      getName(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the type of a resource. Available types are defined in enum UResType
+     *
+     * @return type of the given resource.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UResType
+      getType(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the next resource in a given resource or NULL if there are no more resources
+     *
+     * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+     * @return                  ResourceBundle object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle
+      getNext(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the next string in a resource or NULL if there are no more resources
+     * to iterate over.
+     *
+     * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+     * @return an UnicodeString object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString
+      getNextString(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the next string in a resource or NULL if there are no more resources
+     * to iterate over.
+     *
+     * @param key               fill in for key associated with this string
+     * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+     * @return an UnicodeString object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString
+      getNextString(const char ** key,
+                    UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the resource in a resource at the specified index.
+     *
+     * @param index             an index to the wanted resource.
+     * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+     * @return                  ResourceBundle object. If there is an error, resource is invalid.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle
+      get(int32_t index,
+          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the string in a given resource at the specified index.
+     *
+     * @param index             an index to the wanted string.
+     * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+     * @return                  an UnicodeString object. If there is an error, string is bogus
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString
+      getStringEx(int32_t index,
+                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a resource in a resource that has a given key. This procedure works only with table
+     * resources.
+     *
+     * @param key               a key associated with the wanted resource
+     * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code.
+     * @return                  ResourceBundle object. If there is an error, resource is invalid.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    ResourceBundle
+      get(const char* key,
+          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a string in a resource that has a given key. This procedure works only with table
+     * resources.
+     *
+     * @param key               a key associated with the wanted string
+     * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+     * @return                  an UnicodeString object. If there is an error, string is bogus
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString
+      getStringEx(const char* key,
+                  UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as a string. Please
+     * use getVersion, as this method is going to be deprecated.
+     *
+     * @return  A version number string as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
+     *          The caller does not own this string.
+     * @see getVersion
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use getVersion instead.
+     */
+    const char*
+      getVersionNumber(void) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as a UVersionInfo array.
+     *
+     * @param versionInfo A UVersionInfo array that is filled with the version number
+     *                    as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void
+      getVersion(UVersionInfo versionInfo) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the Locale associated with this ResourceBundle.
+     *
+     * @return a Locale object
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) overload instead.
+     */
+    const Locale&
+      getLocale(void) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Return the Locale associated with this ResourceBundle.
+     * @param type You can choose between requested, valid and actual
+     *             locale. For description see the definition of
+     *             ULocDataLocaleType in uloc.h
+     * @param status just for catching illegal arguments
+     *
+     * @return a Locale object
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    const Locale
+      getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * This API implements multilevel fallback
+     * @internal
+     */
+    ResourceBundle
+        getWithFallback(const char* key, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    ResourceBundle(); // default constructor not implemented
+    UResourceBundle *fResource;
+    void constructForLocale(const UnicodeString& path, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& error);
+    Locale *fLocale;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/schriter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/schriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca5b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/schriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1998-2005, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File schriter.h
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*  05/05/99     stephen     Cleaned up.
+#ifndef SCHRITER_H
+#define SCHRITER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/chariter.h"
+#include "unicode/uchriter.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: String Character Iterator
+ */
+ * A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the
+ * characters (code units or code points) in a UnicodeString.
+ * It's possible not only to create an
+ * iterator that iterates over an entire UnicodeString, but also to
+ * create one that iterates over only a subrange of a UnicodeString
+ * (iterators over different subranges of the same UnicodeString don't
+ * compare equal).
+ * @see CharacterIterator
+ * @see ForwardCharacterIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API StringCharacterIterator : public UCharCharacterIterator {
+  /**
+   * Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "textStr".
+   * The UnicodeString object is copied.
+   * The iteration range is the whole string, and the starting position is 0.
+   * @param textStr The unicode string used to create an iterator
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& textStr);
+  /**
+   * Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "textStr".
+   * The iteration range is the whole string, and the starting
+   * position is specified by "textPos".  If "textPos" is outside the valid
+   * iteration range, the behavior of this object is undefined.
+   * @param textStr The unicode string used to create an iterator
+   * @param textPos The starting position of the iteration
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString&    textStr,
+              int32_t              textPos);
+  /**
+   * Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "textStr".
+   * The UnicodeString object is copied.
+   * The iteration range begins with the code unit specified by
+   * "textBegin" and ends with the code unit BEFORE the code unit specified
+   * by "textEnd".  The starting position is specified by "textPos".  If
+   * "textBegin" and "textEnd" don't form a valid range on "text" (i.e.,
+   * textBegin >= textEnd or either is negative or greater than text.size()),
+   * or "textPos" is outside the range defined by "textBegin" and "textEnd",
+   * the behavior of this iterator is undefined.
+   * @param textStr    The unicode string used to create the StringCharacterIterator
+   * @param textBegin  The begin position of the iteration range
+   * @param textEnd    The end position of the iteration range
+   * @param textPos    The starting position of the iteration
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString&    textStr,
+              int32_t              textBegin,
+              int32_t              textEnd,
+              int32_t              textPos);
+  /**
+   * Copy constructor.  The new iterator iterates over the same range
+   * of the same string as "that", and its initial position is the
+   * same as "that"'s current position.
+   * The UnicodeString object in "that" is copied.
+   * @param that The StringCharacterIterator to be copied
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  StringCharacterIterator(const StringCharacterIterator&  that);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual ~StringCharacterIterator();
+  /**
+   * Assignment operator.  *this is altered to iterate over the same
+   * range of the same string as "that", and refers to the same
+   * character within that string as "that" does.
+   * @param that The object to be copied.
+   * @return the newly created object.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  StringCharacterIterator&
+  operator=(const StringCharacterIterator&    that);
+  /**
+   * Returns true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the
+   * same string and are pointing at the same character.
+   * @param that The ForwardCharacterIterator to be compared for equality
+   * @return true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the
+   * same string and are pointing at the same character.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UBool          operator==(const ForwardCharacterIterator& that) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns a new StringCharacterIterator referring to the same
+   * character in the same range of the same string as this one.  The
+   * caller must delete the new iterator.
+   * @return the newly cloned object.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual StringCharacterIterator* clone() const;
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to iterate over the provided string.
+   * @param newText The string to be iterated over
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  void setText(const UnicodeString& newText);
+  /**
+   * Copies the UnicodeString under iteration into the UnicodeString
+   * referred to by "result".  Even if this iterator iterates across
+   * only a part of this string, the whole string is copied.
+   * @param result Receives a copy of the text under iteration.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual void            getText(UnicodeString& result);
+  /**
+   * Return a class ID for this object (not really public)
+   * @return a class ID for this object.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UClassID         getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return a class ID for this class (not really public)
+   * @return a class ID for this class
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  static UClassID   U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+  /**
+   * Default constructor, iteration over empty string.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  StringCharacterIterator();
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to iterate over the provided string.
+   * @param newText The string to be iterated over
+   * @param newTextLength The length of the String
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  void setText(const char16_t* newText, int32_t newTextLength);
+  /**
+   * Copy of the iterated string object.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString            text;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/scientificnumberformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/scientificnumberformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f860d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/scientificnumberformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2014-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Formats in scientific notation.
+ */
+class FieldPositionIterator;
+class DecimalFormatSymbols;
+class DecimalFormat;
+class Formattable;
+ * A formatter that formats numbers in user-friendly scientific notation.
+ *
+ * Sample code:
+ * <pre>
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * LocalPointer<ScientificNumberFormatter> fmt(
+ *         ScientificNumberFormatter::createMarkupInstance(
+ *                 "en", "<sup>", "</sup>", status));
+ * if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ *     return;
+ * }
+ * UnicodeString appendTo;
+ * // appendTo = "1.23456x10<sup>-78</sup>"
+ * fmt->format(1.23456e-78, appendTo, status);
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+class U_I18N_API ScientificNumberFormatter : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Creates a ScientificNumberFormatter instance that uses
+     * superscript characters for exponents.
+     * @param fmtToAdopt The DecimalFormat which must be configured for
+     *   scientific notation.
+     * @param status error returned here.
+     * @return The new ScientificNumberFormatter instance.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static ScientificNumberFormatter *createSuperscriptInstance(
+            DecimalFormat *fmtToAdopt, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a ScientificNumberFormatter instance that uses
+     * superscript characters for exponents for this locale.
+     * @param locale The locale
+     * @param status error returned here.
+     * @return The ScientificNumberFormatter instance.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static ScientificNumberFormatter *createSuperscriptInstance(
+            const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a ScientificNumberFormatter instance that uses
+     * markup for exponents.
+     * @param fmtToAdopt The DecimalFormat which must be configured for
+     *   scientific notation.
+     * @param beginMarkup the markup to start superscript.
+     * @param endMarkup the markup to end superscript.
+     * @param status error returned here.
+     * @return The new ScientificNumberFormatter instance.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static ScientificNumberFormatter *createMarkupInstance(
+            DecimalFormat *fmtToAdopt,
+            const UnicodeString &beginMarkup,
+            const UnicodeString &endMarkup,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Creates a ScientificNumberFormatter instance that uses
+     * markup for exponents for this locale.
+     * @param locale The locale
+     * @param beginMarkup the markup to start superscript.
+     * @param endMarkup the markup to end superscript.
+     * @param status error returned here.
+     * @return The ScientificNumberFormatter instance.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static ScientificNumberFormatter *createMarkupInstance(
+            const Locale &locale,
+            const UnicodeString &beginMarkup,
+            const UnicodeString &endMarkup,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of this object. Caller must free returned copy.
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    ScientificNumberFormatter *clone() const {
+        return new ScientificNumberFormatter(*this);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    virtual ~ScientificNumberFormatter();
+    /**
+     * Formats a number into user friendly scientific notation.
+     *
+     * @param number the number to format.
+     * @param appendTo formatted string appended here.
+     * @param status any error returned here.
+     * @return appendTo
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    UnicodeString &format(
+            const Formattable &number,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo,
+            UErrorCode &status) const;
+ private:
+    class U_I18N_API Style : public UObject {
+    public:
+        virtual Style *clone() const = 0;
+    protected:
+        virtual UnicodeString &format(
+                const UnicodeString &original,
+                FieldPositionIterator &fpi,
+                const UnicodeString &preExponent,
+                UnicodeString &appendTo,
+                UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+    private:
+        friend class ScientificNumberFormatter;
+    };
+    class U_I18N_API SuperscriptStyle : public Style {
+    public:
+        virtual SuperscriptStyle *clone() const;
+    protected:
+        virtual UnicodeString &format(
+                const UnicodeString &original,
+                FieldPositionIterator &fpi,
+                const UnicodeString &preExponent,
+                UnicodeString &appendTo,
+                UErrorCode &status) const;
+    };
+    class U_I18N_API MarkupStyle : public Style {
+    public:
+        MarkupStyle(
+                const UnicodeString &beginMarkup,
+                const UnicodeString &endMarkup)
+                : Style(),
+                  fBeginMarkup(beginMarkup),
+                  fEndMarkup(endMarkup) { }
+        virtual MarkupStyle *clone() const;
+    protected:
+        virtual UnicodeString &format(
+                const UnicodeString &original,
+                FieldPositionIterator &fpi,
+                const UnicodeString &preExponent,
+                UnicodeString &appendTo,
+                UErrorCode &status) const;
+    private:
+        UnicodeString fBeginMarkup;
+        UnicodeString fEndMarkup;
+    };
+    ScientificNumberFormatter(
+            DecimalFormat *fmtToAdopt,
+            Style *styleToAdopt,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    ScientificNumberFormatter(const ScientificNumberFormatter &other);
+    ScientificNumberFormatter &operator=(const ScientificNumberFormatter &);
+    static void getPreExponent(
+            const DecimalFormatSymbols &dfs, UnicodeString &preExponent);
+    static ScientificNumberFormatter *createInstance(
+            DecimalFormat *fmtToAdopt,
+            Style *styleToAdopt,
+            UErrorCode &status);
+    UnicodeString fPreExponent;
+    DecimalFormat *fDecimalFormat;
+    Style *fStyle;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/search.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/search.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2865366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/search.h
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2011 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*  03/22/2000   helena      Creation.
+#ifndef SEARCH_H
+#define SEARCH_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: SearchIterator object.
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/chariter.h"
+#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
+#include "unicode/usearch.h"
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+struct USearch;
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+typedef struct USearch USearch;
+ *
+ * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> is an abstract base class that provides 
+ * methods to search for a pattern within a text string. Instances of
+ * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> maintain a current position and scans over the 
+ * target text, returning the indices the pattern is matched and the length 
+ * of each match.
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> defines a protocol for text searching. 
+ * Subclasses provide concrete implementations of various search algorithms. 
+ * For example, <tt>StringSearch</tt> implements language-sensitive pattern 
+ * matching based on the comparison rules defined in a 
+ * <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt> object. 
+ * <p> 
+ * Other options for searching includes using a BreakIterator to restrict 
+ * the points at which matches are detected.
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> provides an API that is similar to that of
+ * other text iteration classes such as <tt>BreakIterator</tt>. Using 
+ * this class, it is easy to scan through text looking for all occurances of 
+ * a given pattern. The following example uses a <tt>StringSearch</tt> 
+ * object to find all instances of "fox" in the target string. Any other 
+ * subclass of <tt>SearchIterator</tt> can be used in an identical 
+ * manner.
+ * <pre><code>
+ * UnicodeString target("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fox");
+ * UnicodeString pattern("fox");
+ *
+ * SearchIterator *iter  = new StringSearch(pattern, target);
+ * UErrorCode      error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * for (int pos = iter->first(error); pos != USEARCH_DONE; 
+ *                               pos = iter->next(error)) {
+ *     printf("Found match at %d pos, length is %d\n", pos, iter.getMatchedLength());
+ * }
+ * </code></pre>
+ *
+ * @see StringSearch
+ * @see RuleBasedCollator
+ */
+class U_I18N_API SearchIterator : public UObject {
+    // public constructors and destructors -------------------------------
+    /** 
+    * Copy constructor that creates a SearchIterator instance with the same 
+    * behavior, and iterating over the same text. 
+    * @param other the SearchIterator instance to be copied.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    SearchIterator(const SearchIterator &other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor. Cleans up the search iterator data struct.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~SearchIterator();
+    // public get and set methods ----------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Sets the index to point to the given position, and clears any state 
+     * that's affected.
+     * <p>
+     * This method takes the argument index and sets the position in the text 
+     * string accordingly without checking if the index is pointing to a 
+     * valid starting point to begin searching. 
+     * @param position within the text to be set. If position is less
+     *             than or greater than the text range for searching, 
+     *          an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
+     * @param status for errors if it occurs
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setOffset(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return the current index in the text being searched.
+     * If the iteration has gone past the end of the text
+     * (or past the beginning for a backwards search), USEARCH_DONE
+     * is returned.
+     * @return current index in the text being searched.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+    * Sets the text searching attributes located in the enum 
+    * USearchAttribute with values from the enum USearchAttributeValue.
+    * USEARCH_DEFAULT can be used for all attributes for resetting.
+    * @param attribute text attribute (enum USearchAttribute) to be set
+    * @param value text attribute value
+    * @param status for errors if it occurs
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    void setAttribute(USearchAttribute       attribute,
+                      USearchAttributeValue  value,
+                      UErrorCode            &status);
+    /**    
+    * Gets the text searching attributes
+    * @param attribute text attribute (enum USearchAttribute) to be retrieve
+    * @return text attribute value
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    USearchAttributeValue getAttribute(USearchAttribute  attribute) const;
+    /**
+    * Returns the index to the match in the text string that was searched.
+    * This call returns a valid result only after a successful call to 
+    * <tt>first</tt>, <tt>next</tt>, <tt>previous</tt>, or <tt>last</tt>.
+    * Just after construction, or after a searching method returns 
+    * <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>, this method will return <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
+    * <p>
+    * Use getMatchedLength to get the matched string length.
+    * @return index of a substring within the text string that is being 
+    *         searched.
+    * @see #first
+    * @see #next
+    * @see #previous
+    * @see #last
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    int32_t getMatchedStart(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the length of text in the string which matches the search 
+     * pattern. This call returns a valid result only after a successful call 
+     * to <tt>first</tt>, <tt>next</tt>, <tt>previous</tt>, or <tt>last</tt>.
+     * Just after construction, or after a searching method returns 
+     * <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>, this method will return 0.
+     * @return The length of the match in the target text, or 0 if there
+     *         is no match currently.
+     * @see #first
+     * @see #next
+     * @see #previous
+     * @see #last
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMatchedLength(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the text that was matched by the most recent call to 
+     * <tt>first</tt>, <tt>next</tt>, <tt>previous</tt>, or <tt>last</tt>.
+     * If the iterator is not pointing at a valid match (e.g. just after 
+     * construction or after <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> has been returned, 
+     * returns an empty string. 
+     * @param result stores the matched string or an empty string if a match
+     *        is not found.
+     * @see #first
+     * @see #next
+     * @see #previous
+     * @see #last
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void getMatchedText(UnicodeString &result) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points
+     * at which matches are detected. The user is responsible for deleting 
+     * the breakiterator.
+     * @param breakiter A BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the 
+     *                points at which matches are detected. If a match is 
+     *                found, but the match's start or end index is not a 
+     *                boundary as determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, 
+     *                the match will be rejected and another will be searched 
+     *                for. If this parameter is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break
+     *                detection is attempted.
+     * @param status for errors if it occurs
+     * @see BreakIterator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setBreakIterator(BreakIterator *breakiter, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the BreakIterator that is used to restrict the points at 
+     * which matches are detected.  This will be the same object that was 
+     * passed to the constructor or to <tt>setBreakIterator</tt>.
+     * Note that <tt>NULL</tt> is a legal value; it means that break
+     * detection should not be attempted.
+     * @return BreakIterator used to restrict matchings.
+     * @see #setBreakIterator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const BreakIterator * getBreakIterator(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the string text to be searched. Text iteration will hence begin at 
+     * the start of the text string. This method is useful if you want to 
+     * re-use an iterator to search for the same pattern within a different 
+     * body of text. The user is responsible for deleting the text.
+     * @param text string to be searched.
+     * @param status for errors. If the text length is 0, 
+     *        an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &text, UErrorCode &status);    
+    /**
+     * Set the string text to be searched. Text iteration will hence begin at 
+     * the start of the text string. This method is useful if you want to 
+     * re-use an iterator to search for the same pattern within a different 
+     * body of text.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> 
+     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text 
+     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
+     * The user is responsible for deleting the text.
+     * @param text string iterator to be searched.
+     * @param status for errors if any. If the text length is 0 then an 
+     *        U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setText(CharacterIterator &text, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Return the string text to be searched.
+     * @return text string to be searched.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString & getText(void) const;
+    // operator overloading ----------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Equality operator. 
+     * @param that SearchIterator instance to be compared.
+     * @return TRUE if both BreakIterators are of the same class, have the 
+     *         same behavior, terates over the same text and have the same
+     *         attributes. FALSE otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const SearchIterator &that) const;
+    /**
+     * Not-equal operator. 
+     * @param that SearchIterator instance to be compared.
+     * @return FALSE if operator== returns TRUE, and vice versa.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const SearchIterator &that) const;
+    // public methods ----------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of SearchIterator with the same behavior, and 
+     * iterating over the same text, as this one. Note that all data will be
+     * replicated, except for the text string to be searched.
+     * @return cloned object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual SearchIterator* safeClone(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the first index at which the string text matches the search 
+     * pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current index (as 
+     * returned by <tt>getOffset</tt>) is the match position if one 
+     * was found.
+     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+     * the iterator will be adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE
+     * @param  status for errors if it occurs
+     * @return The character index of the first match, or 
+     *         <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no matches.
+     * @see #getOffset
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t first(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the first index equal or greater than <tt>position</tt> at which the 
+     * string text matches the search pattern. The iterator is adjusted so 
+     * that its current index (as returned by <tt>getOffset</tt>) is the 
+     * match position if one was found.
+     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and the
+     * iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
+     * @param  position where search if to start from. If position is less
+     *             than or greater than the text range for searching, 
+     *          an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
+     * @param  status for errors if it occurs
+     * @return The character index of the first match following 
+     *         <tt>position</tt>, or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no 
+     *         matches.
+     * @see #getOffset
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t following(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the last index in the target text at which it matches the 
+     * search pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current index 
+     * (as returned by <tt>getOffset</tt>) is the match position if one was 
+     * found.
+     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+     * the iterator will be adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE.
+     * @param  status for errors if it occurs
+     * @return The index of the first match, or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if 
+     *         there are no matches.
+     * @see #getOffset
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t last(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the first index less than <tt>position</tt> at which the string 
+     * text matches the search pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its 
+     * current index (as returned by <tt>getOffset</tt>) is the match 
+     * position if one was found. If a match is not found, 
+     * <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and the iterator will be 
+     * adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE
+     * <p>
+     * When <tt>USEARCH_OVERLAP</tt> option is off, the last index of the
+     * result match is always less than <tt>position</tt>.
+     * When <tt>USERARCH_OVERLAP</tt> is on, the result match may span across
+     * <tt>position</tt>.
+     *
+     * @param  position where search is to start from. If position is less
+     *             than or greater than the text range for searching, 
+     *          an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
+     * @param  status for errors if it occurs
+     * @return The character index of the first match preceding 
+     *         <tt>position</tt>, or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are 
+     *         no matches.
+     * @see #getOffset
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t preceding(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the index of the next point at which the text matches the
+     * search pattern, starting from the current position
+     * The iterator is adjusted so that its current index (as returned by 
+     * <tt>getOffset</tt>) is the match position if one was found.
+     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+     * the iterator will be adjusted to a position after the end of the text 
+     * string.
+     * @param  status for errors if it occurs
+     * @return The index of the next match after the current position,
+     *          or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no more matches.
+     * @see #getOffset
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+     int32_t next(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the index of the previous point at which the string text 
+     * matches the search pattern, starting at the current position.
+     * The iterator is adjusted so that its current index (as returned by 
+     * <tt>getOffset</tt>) is the match position if one was found.
+     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+     * the iterator will be adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE
+     * @param  status for errors if it occurs
+     * @return The index of the previous match before the current position,
+     *          or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no more matches.
+     * @see #getOffset
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t previous(UErrorCode &status);
+    /** 
+    * Resets the iteration.
+    * Search will begin at the start of the text string if a forward 
+    * iteration is initiated before a backwards iteration. Otherwise if a 
+    * backwards iteration is initiated before a forwards iteration, the 
+    * search will begin at the end of the text string.    
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    virtual void reset();
+    // protected data members ---------------------------------------------
+    /**
+    * C search data struct
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    USearch *m_search_;
+    /**
+    * Break iterator.
+    * Currently the C++ breakiterator does not have getRules etc to reproduce
+    * another in C. Hence we keep the original around and do the verification
+    * at the end of the match. The user is responsible for deleting this
+    * break iterator.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    BreakIterator *m_breakiterator_;
+    /**
+    * Unicode string version of the search text
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UnicodeString  m_text_;
+    // protected constructors and destructors -----------------------------
+    /**
+    * Default constructor.
+    * Initializes data to the default values.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    SearchIterator();
+    /**
+     * Constructor for use by subclasses.
+     * @param text The target text to be searched.
+     * @param breakiter A {@link BreakIterator} that is used to restrict the 
+     *                points at which matches are detected. If 
+     *                <tt>handleNext</tt> or <tt>handlePrev</tt> finds a 
+     *                match, but the match's start or end index is not a 
+     *                boundary as determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, 
+     *                the match is rejected and <tt>handleNext</tt> or 
+     *                <tt>handlePrev</tt> is called again. If this parameter 
+     *                is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is attempted.  
+     * @see #handleNext
+     * @see #handlePrev
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SearchIterator(const UnicodeString &text, 
+                         BreakIterator *breakiter = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Constructor for use by subclasses.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> 
+     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text 
+     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
+     * @param text The target text to be searched.
+     * @param breakiter A {@link BreakIterator} that is used to restrict the 
+     *                points at which matches are detected. If 
+     *                <tt>handleNext</tt> or <tt>handlePrev</tt> finds a 
+     *                match, but the match's start or end index is not a 
+     *                boundary as determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, 
+     *                the match is rejected and <tt>handleNext</tt> or 
+     *                <tt>handlePrev</tt> is called again. If this parameter 
+     *                is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is attempted.
+     * @see #handleNext
+     * @see #handlePrev
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SearchIterator(CharacterIterator &text, BreakIterator *breakiter = NULL);
+    // protected methods --------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator. Sets this iterator to have the same behavior,
+     * and iterate over the same text, as the one passed in.
+     * @param that instance to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SearchIterator & operator=(const SearchIterator &that);
+    /**
+     * Abstract method which subclasses override to provide the mechanism
+     * for finding the next match in the target text. This allows different
+     * subclasses to provide different search algorithms.
+     * <p>
+     * If a match is found, the implementation should return the index at
+     * which the match starts and should call 
+     * <tt>setMatchLength</tt> with the number of characters 
+     * in the target text that make up the match. If no match is found, the 
+     * method should return USEARCH_DONE.
+     * <p>
+     * @param position The index in the target text at which the search 
+     *                 should start.
+     * @param status for error codes if it occurs.
+     * @return index at which the match starts, else if match is not found 
+     *         USEARCH_DONE is returned
+     * @see #setMatchLength
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleNext(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status) 
+                                                                         = 0;
+    /**
+     * Abstract method which subclasses override to provide the mechanism for
+     * finding the previous match in the target text. This allows different
+     * subclasses to provide different search algorithms.
+     * <p>
+     * If a match is found, the implementation should return the index at
+     * which the match starts and should call 
+     * <tt>setMatchLength</tt> with the number of characters 
+     * in the target text that make up the match. If no match is found, the 
+     * method should return USEARCH_DONE.
+     * <p>
+     * @param position The index in the target text at which the search 
+     *                 should start.
+     * @param status for error codes if it occurs.
+     * @return index at which the match starts, else if match is not found 
+     *         USEARCH_DONE is returned
+     * @see #setMatchLength
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+     virtual int32_t handlePrev(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status) 
+                                                                         = 0;
+    /**
+     * Sets the length of the currently matched string in the text string to
+     * be searched.
+     * Subclasses' <tt>handleNext</tt> and <tt>handlePrev</tt>
+     * methods should call this when they find a match in the target text.
+     * @param length length of the matched text.
+     * @see #handleNext
+     * @see #handlePrev
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMatchLength(int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Sets the offset of the currently matched string in the text string to
+     * be searched.
+     * Subclasses' <tt>handleNext</tt> and <tt>handlePrev</tt>
+     * methods should call this when they find a match in the target text.
+     * @param position start offset of the matched text.
+     * @see #handleNext
+     * @see #handlePrev
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setMatchStart(int32_t position);
+    /**
+    * sets match not found 
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    void setMatchNotFound();
+inline UBool SearchIterator::operator!=(const SearchIterator &that) const
+   return !operator==(that); 
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/selfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/selfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b98f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/selfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 , Yahoo! Inc.
+ ********************************************************************
+ *
+ * File SELFMT.H
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   11/11/09    kirtig      Finished first cut of implementation.
+ ********************************************************************/
+#ifndef SELFMT
+#define SELFMT
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/messagepattern.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: SelectFormat object
+ */
+class MessageFormat;
+  * <p><code>SelectFormat</code> supports the creation of  internationalized
+  * messages by selecting phrases based on keywords. The pattern  specifies
+  * how to map keywords to phrases and provides a default phrase. The
+  * object provided to the format method is a string that's matched
+  * against the keywords. If there is a match, the corresponding phrase
+  * is selected; otherwise, the default phrase is used.</p>
+  *
+  * <h4>Using <code>SelectFormat</code> for Gender Agreement</h4>
+  *
+  * <p>Note: Typically, select formatting is done via <code>MessageFormat</code>
+  * with a <code>select</code> argument type,
+  * rather than using a stand-alone <code>SelectFormat</code>.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>The main use case for the select format is gender based  inflection.
+  * When names or nouns are inserted into sentences, their gender can  affect pronouns,
+  * verb forms, articles, and adjectives. Special care needs to be
+  * taken for the case where the gender cannot be determined.
+  * The impact varies between languages:</p>
+  * \htmlonly
+  * <ul>
+  * <li>English has three genders, and unknown gender is handled as a  special
+  * case. Names use the gender of the named person (if known), nouns  referring
+  * to people use natural gender, and inanimate objects are usually  neutral.
+  * The gender only affects pronouns: "he", "she", "it", "they".
+  *
+  * <li>German differs from English in that the gender of nouns is  rather
+  * arbitrary, even for nouns referring to people ("M&#x00E4;dchen", girl, is  neutral).
+  * The gender affects pronouns ("er", "sie", "es"), articles ("der",  "die",
+  * "das"), and adjective forms ("guter Mann", "gute Frau", "gutes  M&#x00E4;dchen").
+  *
+  * <li>French has only two genders; as in German the gender of nouns
+  * is rather arbitrary - for sun and moon, the genders
+  * are the opposite of those in German. The gender affects
+  * pronouns ("il", "elle"), articles ("le", "la"),
+  * adjective forms ("bon", "bonne"), and sometimes
+  * verb forms ("all&#x00E9;", "all&#x00E9;e").
+  *
+  * <li>Polish distinguishes five genders (or noun classes),
+  * human masculine, animate non-human masculine, inanimate masculine,
+  * feminine, and neuter.
+  * </ul>
+  * \endhtmlonly
+  * <p>Some other languages have noun classes that are not related to  gender,
+  * but similar in grammatical use.
+  * Some African languages have around 20 noun classes.</p>
+  *
+  * <p><b>Note:</b>For the gender of a <i>person</i> in a given sentence,
+  * we usually need to distinguish only between female, male and other/unknown.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>To enable localizers to create sentence patterns that take their
+  * language's gender dependencies into consideration, software has to  provide
+  * information about the gender associated with a noun or name to
+  * <code>MessageFormat</code>.
+  * Two main cases can be distinguished:</p>
+  *
+  * <ul>
+  * <li>For people, natural gender information should be maintained  for each person.
+  * Keywords like "male", "female", "mixed" (for groups of people)
+  * and "unknown" could be used.
+  *
+  * <li>For nouns, grammatical gender information should be maintained  for
+  * each noun and per language, e.g., in resource bundles.
+  * The keywords "masculine", "feminine", and "neuter" are commonly  used,
+  * but some languages may require other keywords.
+  * </ul>
+  *
+  * <p>The resulting keyword is provided to <code>MessageFormat</code>  as a
+  * parameter separate from the name or noun it's associated with. For  example,
+  * to generate a message such as "Jean went to Paris", three separate  arguments
+  * would be provided: The name of the person as argument 0, the  gender of
+  * the person as argument 1, and the name of the city as argument 2.
+  * The sentence pattern for English, where the gender of the person has
+  * no impact on this simple sentence, would not refer to argument 1  at all:</p>
+  *
+  * <pre>{0} went to {2}.</pre>
+  *
+  * <p><b>Note:</b> The entire sentence should be included (and partially repeated)
+  * inside each phrase. Otherwise translators would have to be trained on how to
+  * move bits of the sentence in and out of the select argument of a message.
+  * (The examples below do not follow this recommendation!)</p>
+  *
+  * <p>The sentence pattern for French, where the gender of the person affects
+  * the form of the participle, uses a select format based on argument 1:</p>
+  *
+  * \htmlonly<pre>{0} est {1, select, female {all&#x00E9;e} other {all&#x00E9;}} &#x00E0; {2}.</pre>\endhtmlonly
+  *
+  * <p>Patterns can be nested, so that it's possible to handle  interactions of
+  * number and gender where necessary. For example, if the above  sentence should
+  * allow for the names of several people to be inserted, the  following sentence
+  * pattern can be used (with argument 0 the list of people's names,
+  * argument 1 the number of people, argument 2 their combined gender, and
+  * argument 3 the city name):</p>
+  *
+  * \htmlonly
+  * <pre>{0} {1, plural,
+  *                 one {est {2, select, female {all&#x00E9;e} other  {all&#x00E9;}}}
+  *                 other {sont {2, select, female {all&#x00E9;es} other {all&#x00E9;s}}}
+  *          }&#x00E0; {3}.</pre>
+  * \endhtmlonly
+  *
+  * <h4>Patterns and Their Interpretation</h4>
+  *
+  * <p>The <code>SelectFormat</code> pattern string defines the phrase output
+  * for each user-defined keyword.
+  * The pattern is a sequence of (keyword, message) pairs.
+  * A keyword is a "pattern identifier": [^[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]]+</p>
+  *
+  * <p>Each message is a MessageFormat pattern string enclosed in {curly braces}.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>You always have to define a phrase for the default keyword
+  * <code>other</code>; this phrase is returned when the keyword
+  * provided to
+  * the <code>format</code> method matches no other keyword.
+  * If a pattern does not provide a phrase for <code>other</code>, the  method
+  * it's provided to returns the error  <code>U_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_MISSING</code>.
+  * <br>
+  * Pattern_White_Space between keywords and messages is ignored.
+  * Pattern_White_Space within a message is preserved and output.</p>
+  *
+  * <p><pre>Example:
+  * \htmlonly
+  *
+  * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+  * MessageFormat *msgFmt = new MessageFormat(UnicodeString("{0} est  {1, select, female {all&#x00E9;e} other {all&#x00E9;}} &#x00E0; Paris."), Locale("fr"),  status);
+  * if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+  *       return;
+  * }
+  * FieldPosition ignore(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
+  * UnicodeString result;
+  *
+  * char* str1= "Kirti,female";
+  * Formattable args1[] = {"Kirti","female"};
+  * msgFmt->format(args1, 2, result, ignore, status);
+  * cout << "Input is " << str1 << " and result is: " << result << endl;
+  * delete msgFmt;
+  *
+  * \endhtmlonly
+  * </pre>
+  * </p>
+  *
+  * Produces the output:<br>
+  * \htmlonly
+  * <code>Kirti est all&#x00E9;e &#x00E0; Paris.</code>
+  * \endhtmlonly
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 4.4
+  */
+class U_I18N_API SelectFormat : public Format {
+    /**
+     * Creates a new <code>SelectFormat</code> for a given pattern string.
+     * @param  pattern the pattern for this <code>SelectFormat</code>.
+     *                 errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status   output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                 must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    SelectFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    SelectFormat(const SelectFormat& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual ~SelectFormat();
+    /**
+     * Sets the pattern used by this select format.
+     * for the keyword rules.
+     * Patterns and their interpretation are specified in the class description.
+     *
+     * @param pattern the pattern for this select format
+     *                errors are returned to status if the pattern is invalid.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Selects the phrase for  the given keyword
+     *
+     * @param keyword  The keyword that is used to select an alternative.
+     * @param appendTo output parameter to receive result.
+     *                 result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos      On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                 On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit, which
+     *                 must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+     * @return         Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const UnicodeString& keyword,
+                            UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                            FieldPosition& pos,
+                            UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     *
+     * @param other    the SelectFormat object to copy from.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    SelectFormat& operator=(const SelectFormat& other);
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the SelectFormat object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically equal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
+     *
+     * @param other    the SelectFormat object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if other is semantically unequal to this.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Clones this Format object polymorphically.  The caller owns the
+     * result and should delete it when done.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual SelectFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a string.
+     * This method handles keyword strings.
+     * If the Formattable object is not a <code>UnicodeString</code>,
+     * then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     *
+     * @param obj       A keyword string that is used to select an alternative.
+     * @param appendTo  output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status    output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
+                         UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                         FieldPosition& pos,
+                         UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the pattern from applyPattern() or constructor.
+     *
+     * @param  appendTo  output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @return the UnicodeString with inserted pattern.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& appendTo);
+    /**
+     * This method is not yet supported by <code>SelectFormat</code>.
+     * <P>
+     * Before calling, set parse_pos.index to the offset you want to start
+     * parsing at in the source. After calling, parse_pos.index is the end of
+     * the text you parsed. If error occurs, index is unchanged.
+     * <P>
+     * When parsing, leading whitespace is discarded (with a successful parse),
+     * while trailing whitespace is left as is.
+     * <P>
+     * See Format::parseObject() for more.
+     *
+     * @param source     The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result     Formattable to be set to the parse result.
+     *     If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Upon return
+     *     this param is set to the position after the
+     *     last character successfully parsed. If the
+     *     source is not parsed successfully, this param
+     *     will remain unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                            Formattable& result,
+                            ParsePosition& parse_pos) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    friend class MessageFormat;
+    SelectFormat();   // default constructor not implemented.
+    /**
+     * Finds the SelectFormat sub-message for the given keyword, or the "other" sub-message.
+     * @param pattern A MessagePattern.
+     * @param partIndex the index of the first SelectFormat argument style part.
+     * @param keyword a keyword to be matched to one of the SelectFormat argument's keywords.
+     * @param ec Error code.
+     * @return the sub-message start part index.
+     */
+    static int32_t findSubMessage(const MessagePattern& pattern, int32_t partIndex,
+                                  const UnicodeString& keyword, UErrorCode& ec);
+    MessagePattern msgPattern;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _SELFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/simpleformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/simpleformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9414bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/simpleformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* simpleformatter.h
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Simple formatter, minimal subset of MessageFormat.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+// Forward declaration:
+namespace number {
+namespace impl {
+class SimpleModifier;
+ * Formats simple patterns like "{1} was born in {0}".
+ * Minimal subset of MessageFormat; fast, simple, minimal dependencies.
+ * Supports only numbered arguments with no type nor style parameters,
+ * and formats only string values.
+ * Quoting via ASCII apostrophe compatible with ICU MessageFormat default behavior.
+ *
+ * Factory methods set error codes for syntax errors
+ * and for too few or too many arguments/placeholders.
+ *
+ * SimpleFormatter objects are thread-safe except for assignment and applying new patterns.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * <pre>
+ * UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * SimpleFormatter fmt("{1} '{born}' in {0}", errorCode);
+ * UnicodeString result;
+ *
+ * // Output: "paul {born} in england"
+ * fmt.format("england", "paul", result, errorCode);
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @see MessageFormat
+ * @see UMessagePatternApostropheMode
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API SimpleFormatter U_FINAL : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    SimpleFormatter() : compiledPattern((char16_t)0) {}
+    /**
+     * Constructs a formatter from the pattern string.
+     *
+     * @param pattern The pattern string.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     *                  Set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bad argument syntax.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    SimpleFormatter(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        applyPattern(pattern, errorCode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Constructs a formatter from the pattern string.
+     * The number of arguments checked against the given limits is the
+     * highest argument number plus one, not the number of occurrences of arguments.
+     *
+     * @param pattern The pattern string.
+     * @param min The pattern must have at least this many arguments.
+     * @param max The pattern must have at most this many arguments.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     *                  Set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bad argument syntax and
+     *                  too few or too many arguments.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    SimpleFormatter(const UnicodeString& pattern, int32_t min, int32_t max,
+                    UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        applyPatternMinMaxArguments(pattern, min, max, errorCode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    SimpleFormatter(const SimpleFormatter& other)
+            : compiledPattern(other.compiledPattern) {}
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    SimpleFormatter &operator=(const SimpleFormatter& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    ~SimpleFormatter();
+    /**
+     * Changes this object according to the new pattern.
+     *
+     * @param pattern The pattern string.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     *                  Set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bad argument syntax.
+     * @return TRUE if U_SUCCESS(errorCode).
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UBool applyPattern(const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        return applyPatternMinMaxArguments(pattern, 0, INT32_MAX, errorCode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Changes this object according to the new pattern.
+     * The number of arguments checked against the given limits is the
+     * highest argument number plus one, not the number of occurrences of arguments.
+     *
+     * @param pattern The pattern string.
+     * @param min The pattern must have at least this many arguments.
+     * @param max The pattern must have at most this many arguments.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     *                  Set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bad argument syntax and
+     *                  too few or too many arguments.
+     * @return TRUE if U_SUCCESS(errorCode).
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UBool applyPatternMinMaxArguments(const UnicodeString &pattern,
+                                      int32_t min, int32_t max, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * @return The max argument number + 1.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    int32_t getArgumentLimit() const {
+        return getArgumentLimit(compiledPattern.getBuffer(), compiledPattern.length());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Formats the given value, appending to the appendTo builder.
+     * The argument value must not be the same object as appendTo.
+     * getArgumentLimit() must be at most 1.
+     *
+     * @param value0 Value for argument {0}.
+     * @param appendTo Gets the formatted pattern and value appended.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     * @return appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString &format(
+            const UnicodeString &value0,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats the given values, appending to the appendTo builder.
+     * An argument value must not be the same object as appendTo.
+     * getArgumentLimit() must be at most 2.
+     *
+     * @param value0 Value for argument {0}.
+     * @param value1 Value for argument {1}.
+     * @param appendTo Gets the formatted pattern and values appended.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     * @return appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString &format(
+            const UnicodeString &value0,
+            const UnicodeString &value1,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats the given values, appending to the appendTo builder.
+     * An argument value must not be the same object as appendTo.
+     * getArgumentLimit() must be at most 3.
+     *
+     * @param value0 Value for argument {0}.
+     * @param value1 Value for argument {1}.
+     * @param value2 Value for argument {2}.
+     * @param appendTo Gets the formatted pattern and values appended.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     * @return appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString &format(
+            const UnicodeString &value0,
+            const UnicodeString &value1,
+            const UnicodeString &value2,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats the given values, appending to the appendTo string.
+     *
+     * @param values The argument values.
+     *               An argument value must not be the same object as appendTo.
+     *               Can be NULL if valuesLength==getArgumentLimit()==0.
+     * @param valuesLength The length of the values array.
+     *                     Must be at least getArgumentLimit().
+     * @param appendTo Gets the formatted pattern and values appended.
+     * @param offsets offsets[i] receives the offset of where
+     *                values[i] replaced pattern argument {i}.
+     *                Can be shorter or longer than values. Can be NULL if offsetsLength==0.
+     *                If there is no {i} in the pattern, then offsets[i] is set to -1.
+     * @param offsetsLength The length of the offsets array.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     * @return appendTo
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString &formatAndAppend(
+            const UnicodeString *const *values, int32_t valuesLength,
+            UnicodeString &appendTo,
+            int32_t *offsets, int32_t offsetsLength, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats the given values, replacing the contents of the result string.
+     * May optimize by actually appending to the result if it is the same object
+     * as the value corresponding to the initial argument in the pattern.
+     *
+     * @param values The argument values.
+     *               An argument value may be the same object as result.
+     *               Can be NULL if valuesLength==getArgumentLimit()==0.
+     * @param valuesLength The length of the values array.
+     *                     Must be at least getArgumentLimit().
+     * @param result Gets its contents replaced by the formatted pattern and values.
+     * @param offsets offsets[i] receives the offset of where
+     *                values[i] replaced pattern argument {i}.
+     *                Can be shorter or longer than values. Can be NULL if offsetsLength==0.
+     *                If there is no {i} in the pattern, then offsets[i] is set to -1.
+     * @param offsetsLength The length of the offsets array.
+     * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+     *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+     * @return result
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString &formatAndReplace(
+            const UnicodeString *const *values, int32_t valuesLength,
+            UnicodeString &result,
+            int32_t *offsets, int32_t offsetsLength, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the pattern text with none of the arguments.
+     * Like formatting with all-empty string values.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UnicodeString getTextWithNoArguments() const {
+        return getTextWithNoArguments(
+            compiledPattern.getBuffer(),
+            compiledPattern.length(),
+            nullptr,
+            0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the pattern text with none of the arguments.
+     * Like formatting with all-empty string values.
+     *
+     * TODO(ICU-20406): Replace this with an Iterator interface.
+     *
+     * @param offsets offsets[i] receives the offset of where {i} was located
+     *                before it was replaced by an empty string.
+     *                For example, "a{0}b{1}" produces offset 1 for i=0 and 2 for i=1.
+     *                Can be nullptr if offsetsLength==0.
+     *                If there is no {i} in the pattern, then offsets[i] is set to -1.
+     * @param offsetsLength The length of the offsets array.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString getTextWithNoArguments(int32_t *offsets, int32_t offsetsLength) const {
+        return getTextWithNoArguments(
+            compiledPattern.getBuffer(),
+            compiledPattern.length(),
+            offsets,
+            offsetsLength);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Binary representation of the compiled pattern.
+     * Index 0: One more than the highest argument number.
+     * Followed by zero or more arguments or literal-text segments.
+     *
+     * An argument is stored as its number, less than ARG_NUM_LIMIT.
+     * A literal-text segment is stored as its length (at least 1) offset by ARG_NUM_LIMIT,
+     * followed by that many chars.
+     */
+    UnicodeString compiledPattern;
+    static inline int32_t getArgumentLimit(const char16_t *compiledPattern,
+                                              int32_t compiledPatternLength) {
+        return compiledPatternLength == 0 ? 0 : compiledPattern[0];
+    }
+    static UnicodeString getTextWithNoArguments(
+        const char16_t *compiledPattern,
+        int32_t compiledPatternLength,
+        int32_t *offsets,
+        int32_t offsetsLength);
+    static UnicodeString &format(
+            const char16_t *compiledPattern, int32_t compiledPatternLength,
+            const UnicodeString *const *values,
+            UnicodeString &result, const UnicodeString *resultCopy, UBool forbidResultAsValue,
+            int32_t *offsets, int32_t offsetsLength,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Give access to internals to SimpleModifier for number formatting
+    friend class number::impl::SimpleModifier;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __SIMPLEFORMATTER_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/simpletz.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/simpletz.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..980a1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/simpletz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ ********************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines                     *
+ * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.                                 *
+ ********************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   04/21/97    aliu        Overhauled header.
+ *   08/10/98    stephen     JDK 1.2 sync
+ *                           Added setStartRule() / setEndRule() overloads
+ *                           Added hasSameRules()
+ *   09/02/98    stephen     Added getOffset(monthLen)
+ *                           Changed getOffset() to take UErrorCode
+ *   07/09/99    stephen     Removed millisPerHour (unused, for HP compiler)
+ *   12/02/99    aliu        Added TimeMode and constructor and setStart/EndRule
+ *                           methods that take TimeMode. Added to docs.
+ ********************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef SIMPLETZ_H
+#define SIMPLETZ_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone.
+ */
+#include "unicode/basictz.h"
+// forward declaration
+class InitialTimeZoneRule;
+class TimeZoneTransition;
+class AnnualTimeZoneRule;
+ * <code>SimpleTimeZone</code> is a concrete subclass of <code>TimeZone</code>
+ * that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar. This
+ * class does not handle historical changes.
+ * <P>
+ * When specifying daylight-savings-time begin and end dates, use a negative value for
+ * <code>dayOfWeekInMonth</code> to indicate that <code>SimpleTimeZone</code> should
+ * count from the end of the month backwards. For example, if Daylight Savings
+ * Time starts or ends at the last Sunday a month, use <code>dayOfWeekInMonth = -1</code>
+ * along with <code>dayOfWeek = UCAL_SUNDAY</code> to specify the rule.
+ *
+ * @see      Calendar
+ * @see      GregorianCalendar
+ * @see      TimeZone
+ * @author   D. Goldsmith, Mark Davis, Chen-Lieh Huang, Alan Liu
+ */
+class U_I18N_API SimpleTimeZone: public BasicTimeZone {
+    /**
+     * TimeMode is used, together with a millisecond offset after
+     * midnight, to specify a rule transition time.  Most rules
+     * transition at a local wall time, that is, according to the
+     * current time in effect, either standard, or DST.  However, some
+     * rules transition at local standard time, and some at a specific
+     * UTC time.  Although it might seem that all times could be
+     * converted to wall time, thus eliminating the need for this
+     * parameter, this is not the case.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    enum TimeMode {
+        WALL_TIME = 0,
+        UTC_TIME
+    };
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor
+     * @param source the object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleTimeZone(const SimpleTimeZone& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator
+     * @param right    the object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleTimeZone& operator=(const SimpleTimeZone& right);
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~SimpleTimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the two TimeZone objects are equal; that is, they have
+     * the same ID, raw GMT offset, and DST rules.
+     *
+     * @param that  The SimpleTimeZone object to be compared with.
+     * @return      True if the given time zone is equal to this time zone; false
+     *              otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZone& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given raw GMT offset and time zone ID,
+     * and which doesn't observe daylight savings time.  Normally you should use
+     * TimeZone::createInstance() to create a TimeZone instead of creating a
+     * SimpleTimeZone directly with this constructor.
+     *
+     * @param rawOffsetGMT  The given base time zone offset to GMT.
+     * @param ID         The timezone ID which is obtained from
+     *                   TimeZone.getAvailableIDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleTimeZone with the given raw GMT offset, time zone ID,
+     * and times to start and end daylight savings time. To create a TimeZone that
+     * doesn't observe daylight savings time, don't use this constructor; use
+     * SimpleTimeZone(rawOffset, ID) instead. Normally, you should use
+     * TimeZone.createInstance() to create a TimeZone instead of creating a
+     * SimpleTimeZone directly with this constructor.
+     * <P>
+     * Various types of daylight-savings time rules can be specfied by using different
+     * values for startDay and startDayOfWeek and endDay and endDayOfWeek.  For a
+     * complete explanation of how these parameters work, see the documentation for
+     * setStartRule().
+     *
+     * @param rawOffsetGMT      The new SimpleTimeZone's raw GMT offset
+     * @param ID                The new SimpleTimeZone's time zone ID.
+     * @param savingsStartMonth The daylight savings starting month. Month is
+     *                          0-based. eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param savingsStartDayOfWeekInMonth   The daylight savings starting
+     *                          day-of-week-in-month. See setStartRule() for a
+     *                          complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsStartDayOfWeek The daylight savings starting day-of-week.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsStartTime  The daylight savings starting time, expressed as the
+     *                          number of milliseconds after midnight.
+     * @param savingsEndMonth   The daylight savings ending month. Month is
+     *                          0-based. eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param savingsEndDayOfWeekInMonth     The daylight savings ending day-of-week-in-month.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsEndDayOfWeek The daylight savings ending day-of-week.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsEndTime    The daylight savings ending time, expressed as the
+     *                          number of milliseconds after midnight.
+     * @param status            An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID,
+        int8_t savingsStartMonth, int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeekInMonth,
+        int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsStartTime,
+        int8_t savingsEndMonth, int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeekInMonth,
+        int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsEndTime,
+        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleTimeZone with the given raw GMT offset, time zone ID,
+     * and times to start and end daylight savings time. To create a TimeZone that
+     * doesn't observe daylight savings time, don't use this constructor; use
+     * SimpleTimeZone(rawOffset, ID) instead. Normally, you should use
+     * TimeZone.createInstance() to create a TimeZone instead of creating a
+     * SimpleTimeZone directly with this constructor.
+     * <P>
+     * Various types of daylight-savings time rules can be specfied by using different
+     * values for startDay and startDayOfWeek and endDay and endDayOfWeek.  For a
+     * complete explanation of how these parameters work, see the documentation for
+     * setStartRule().
+     *
+     * @param rawOffsetGMT      The new SimpleTimeZone's raw GMT offset
+     * @param ID                The new SimpleTimeZone's time zone ID.
+     * @param savingsStartMonth The daylight savings starting month. Month is
+     *                          0-based. eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param savingsStartDayOfWeekInMonth   The daylight savings starting
+     *                          day-of-week-in-month. See setStartRule() for a
+     *                          complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsStartDayOfWeek The daylight savings starting day-of-week.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsStartTime  The daylight savings starting time, expressed as the
+     *                          number of milliseconds after midnight.
+     * @param savingsEndMonth   The daylight savings ending month. Month is
+     *                          0-based. eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param savingsEndDayOfWeekInMonth     The daylight savings ending day-of-week-in-month.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsEndDayOfWeek The daylight savings ending day-of-week.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsEndTime    The daylight savings ending time, expressed as the
+     *                          number of milliseconds after midnight.
+     * @param savingsDST        The number of milliseconds added to standard time
+     *                          to get DST time. Default is one hour.
+     * @param status            An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID,
+        int8_t savingsStartMonth, int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeekInMonth,
+        int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsStartTime,
+        int8_t savingsEndMonth, int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeekInMonth,
+        int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsEndTime,
+        int32_t savingsDST, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleTimeZone with the given raw GMT offset, time zone ID,
+     * and times to start and end daylight savings time. To create a TimeZone that
+     * doesn't observe daylight savings time, don't use this constructor; use
+     * SimpleTimeZone(rawOffset, ID) instead. Normally, you should use
+     * TimeZone.createInstance() to create a TimeZone instead of creating a
+     * SimpleTimeZone directly with this constructor.
+     * <P>
+     * Various types of daylight-savings time rules can be specfied by using different
+     * values for startDay and startDayOfWeek and endDay and endDayOfWeek.  For a
+     * complete explanation of how these parameters work, see the documentation for
+     * setStartRule().
+     *
+     * @param rawOffsetGMT      The new SimpleTimeZone's raw GMT offset
+     * @param ID                The new SimpleTimeZone's time zone ID.
+     * @param savingsStartMonth The daylight savings starting month. Month is
+     *                          0-based. eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param savingsStartDayOfWeekInMonth   The daylight savings starting
+     *                          day-of-week-in-month. See setStartRule() for a
+     *                          complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsStartDayOfWeek The daylight savings starting day-of-week.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsStartTime  The daylight savings starting time, expressed as the
+     *                          number of milliseconds after midnight.
+     * @param savingsStartTimeMode Whether the start time is local wall time, local
+     *                          standard time, or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param savingsEndMonth   The daylight savings ending month. Month is
+     *                          0-based. eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param savingsEndDayOfWeekInMonth     The daylight savings ending day-of-week-in-month.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsEndDayOfWeek The daylight savings ending day-of-week.
+     *                          See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param savingsEndTime    The daylight savings ending time, expressed as the
+     *                          number of milliseconds after midnight.
+     * @param savingsEndTimeMode Whether the end time is local wall time, local
+     *                          standard time, or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param savingsDST        The number of milliseconds added to standard time
+     *                          to get DST time. Default is one hour.
+     * @param status            An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleTimeZone(int32_t rawOffsetGMT, const UnicodeString& ID,
+        int8_t savingsStartMonth, int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeekInMonth,
+        int8_t savingsStartDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsStartTime,
+        TimeMode savingsStartTimeMode,
+        int8_t savingsEndMonth, int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeekInMonth,
+        int8_t savingsEndDayOfWeek, int32_t savingsEndTime, TimeMode savingsEndTimeMode,
+        int32_t savingsDST, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the daylight savings starting year, that is, the year this time zone began
+     * observing its specified daylight savings time rules.  The time zone is considered
+     * not to observe daylight savings time prior to that year; SimpleTimeZone doesn't
+     * support historical daylight-savings-time rules.
+     * @param year the daylight savings starting year.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setStartYear(int32_t year);
+    /**
+     * Sets the daylight savings starting rule. For example, in the U.S., Daylight Savings
+     * Time starts at the second Sunday in March, at 2 AM in standard time.
+     * Therefore, you can set the start rule by calling:
+     * setStartRule(UCAL_MARCH, 2, UCAL_SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
+     * The dayOfWeekInMonth and dayOfWeek parameters together specify how to calculate
+     * the exact starting date.  Their exact meaning depend on their respective signs,
+     * allowing various types of rules to be constructed, as follows:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>If both dayOfWeekInMonth and dayOfWeek are positive, they specify the
+     *       day of week in the month (e.g., (2, WEDNESDAY) is the second Wednesday
+     *       of the month).</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is positive and dayOfWeekInMonth is negative, they specify
+     *       the day of week in the month counting backward from the end of the month.
+     *       (e.g., (-1, MONDAY) is the last Monday in the month)</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is zero and dayOfWeekInMonth is positive, dayOfWeekInMonth
+     *       specifies the day of the month, regardless of what day of the week it is.
+     *       (e.g., (10, 0) is the tenth day of the month)</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is zero and dayOfWeekInMonth is negative, dayOfWeekInMonth
+     *       specifies the day of the month counting backward from the end of the
+     *       month, regardless of what day of the week it is (e.g., (-2, 0) is the
+     *       next-to-last day of the month).</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is negative and dayOfWeekInMonth is positive, they specify the
+     *       first specified day of the week on or after the specfied day of the month.
+     *       (e.g., (15, -SUNDAY) is the first Sunday after the 15th of the month
+     *       [or the 15th itself if the 15th is a Sunday].)</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek and DayOfWeekInMonth are both negative, they specify the
+     *       last specified day of the week on or before the specified day of the month.
+     *       (e.g., (-20, -TUESDAY) is the last Tuesday before the 20th of the month
+     *       [or the 20th itself if the 20th is a Tuesday].)</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * @param month the daylight savings starting month. Month is 0-based.
+     * eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param dayOfWeekInMonth the daylight savings starting
+     * day-of-week-in-month. Please see the member description for an example.
+     * @param dayOfWeek the daylight savings starting day-of-week. Please see
+     * the member description for an example.
+     * @param time the daylight savings starting time. Please see the member
+     * description for an example.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                      int32_t time, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the daylight savings starting rule. For example, in the U.S., Daylight Savings
+     * Time starts at the second Sunday in March, at 2 AM in standard time.
+     * Therefore, you can set the start rule by calling:
+     * setStartRule(UCAL_MARCH, 2, UCAL_SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
+     * The dayOfWeekInMonth and dayOfWeek parameters together specify how to calculate
+     * the exact starting date.  Their exact meaning depend on their respective signs,
+     * allowing various types of rules to be constructed, as follows:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>If both dayOfWeekInMonth and dayOfWeek are positive, they specify the
+     *       day of week in the month (e.g., (2, WEDNESDAY) is the second Wednesday
+     *       of the month).</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is positive and dayOfWeekInMonth is negative, they specify
+     *       the day of week in the month counting backward from the end of the month.
+     *       (e.g., (-1, MONDAY) is the last Monday in the month)</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is zero and dayOfWeekInMonth is positive, dayOfWeekInMonth
+     *       specifies the day of the month, regardless of what day of the week it is.
+     *       (e.g., (10, 0) is the tenth day of the month)</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is zero and dayOfWeekInMonth is negative, dayOfWeekInMonth
+     *       specifies the day of the month counting backward from the end of the
+     *       month, regardless of what day of the week it is (e.g., (-2, 0) is the
+     *       next-to-last day of the month).</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek is negative and dayOfWeekInMonth is positive, they specify the
+     *       first specified day of the week on or after the specfied day of the month.
+     *       (e.g., (15, -SUNDAY) is the first Sunday after the 15th of the month
+     *       [or the 15th itself if the 15th is a Sunday].)</li>
+     *   <li>If dayOfWeek and DayOfWeekInMonth are both negative, they specify the
+     *       last specified day of the week on or before the specified day of the month.
+     *       (e.g., (-20, -TUESDAY) is the last Tuesday before the 20th of the month
+     *       [or the 20th itself if the 20th is a Tuesday].)</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * @param month the daylight savings starting month. Month is 0-based.
+     * eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param dayOfWeekInMonth the daylight savings starting
+     * day-of-week-in-month. Please see the member description for an example.
+     * @param dayOfWeek the daylight savings starting day-of-week. Please see
+     * the member description for an example.
+     * @param time the daylight savings starting time. Please see the member
+     * description for an example.
+     * @param mode whether the time is local wall time, local standard time,
+     * or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                      int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST start rule to a fixed date within a month.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    The date in that month (1-based).
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST takes effect in local wall time, which is
+     *                      standard time in this case.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t time,
+                      UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST start rule to a fixed date within a month.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    The date in that month (1-based).
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST takes effect in local wall time, which is
+     *                      standard time in this case.
+     * @param mode whether the time is local wall time, local standard time,
+     * or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t time,
+                      TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST start rule to a weekday before or after a give date within
+     * a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    A date within that month (1-based).
+     * @param dayOfWeek     The day of the week on which this rule occurs.
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST takes effect in local wall time, which is
+     *                      standard time in this case.
+     * @param after         If true, this rule selects the first dayOfWeek on
+     *                      or after dayOfMonth.  If false, this rule selects
+     *                      the last dayOfWeek on or before dayOfMonth.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                      int32_t time, UBool after, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST start rule to a weekday before or after a give date within
+     * a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    A date within that month (1-based).
+     * @param dayOfWeek     The day of the week on which this rule occurs.
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST takes effect in local wall time, which is
+     *                      standard time in this case.
+     * @param mode whether the time is local wall time, local standard time,
+     * or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param after         If true, this rule selects the first dayOfWeek on
+     *                      or after dayOfMonth.  If false, this rule selects
+     *                      the last dayOfWeek on or before dayOfMonth.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                      int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UBool after, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the daylight savings ending rule. For example, if Daylight
+     * Savings Time ends at the last (-1) Sunday in October, at 2 AM in standard time.
+     * Therefore, you can set the end rule by calling:
+     * <pre>
+     *    setEndRule(UCAL_OCTOBER, -1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
+     * </pre>
+     * Various other types of rules can be specified by manipulating the dayOfWeek
+     * and dayOfWeekInMonth parameters.  For complete details, see the documentation
+     * for setStartRule().
+     *
+     * @param month the daylight savings ending month. Month is 0-based.
+     * eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param dayOfWeekInMonth the daylight savings ending
+     * day-of-week-in-month. See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param dayOfWeek the daylight savings ending day-of-week. See setStartRule()
+     * for a complete explanation.
+     * @param time the daylight savings ending time. Please see the member
+     * description for an example.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                    int32_t time, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the daylight savings ending rule. For example, if Daylight
+     * Savings Time ends at the last (-1) Sunday in October, at 2 AM in standard time.
+     * Therefore, you can set the end rule by calling:
+     * <pre>
+     *    setEndRule(UCAL_OCTOBER, -1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
+     * </pre>
+     * Various other types of rules can be specified by manipulating the dayOfWeek
+     * and dayOfWeekInMonth parameters.  For complete details, see the documentation
+     * for setStartRule().
+     *
+     * @param month the daylight savings ending month. Month is 0-based.
+     * eg, 0 for January.
+     * @param dayOfWeekInMonth the daylight savings ending
+     * day-of-week-in-month. See setStartRule() for a complete explanation.
+     * @param dayOfWeek the daylight savings ending day-of-week. See setStartRule()
+     * for a complete explanation.
+     * @param time the daylight savings ending time. Please see the member
+     * description for an example.
+     * @param mode whether the time is local wall time, local standard time,
+     * or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                    int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST end rule to a fixed date within a month.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    The date in that month (1-based).
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST ends in local wall time, which is daylight
+     *                      time in this case.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t time, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST end rule to a fixed date within a month.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    The date in that month (1-based).
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST ends in local wall time, which is daylight
+     *                      time in this case.
+     * @param mode whether the time is local wall time, local standard time,
+     * or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t time,
+                    TimeMode mode, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST end rule to a weekday before or after a give date within
+     * a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    A date within that month (1-based).
+     * @param dayOfWeek     The day of the week on which this rule occurs.
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST ends in local wall time, which is daylight
+     *                      time in this case.
+     * @param after         If true, this rule selects the first dayOfWeek on
+     *                      or after dayOfMonth.  If false, this rule selects
+     *                      the last dayOfWeek on or before dayOfMonth.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                    int32_t time, UBool after, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the DST end rule to a weekday before or after a give date within
+     * a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
+     *
+     * @param month         The month in which this rule occurs (0-based).
+     * @param dayOfMonth    A date within that month (1-based).
+     * @param dayOfWeek     The day of the week on which this rule occurs.
+     * @param time          The time of that day (number of millis after midnight)
+     *                      when DST ends in local wall time, which is daylight
+     *                      time in this case.
+     * @param mode whether the time is local wall time, local standard time,
+     * or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param after         If true, this rule selects the first dayOfWeek on
+     *                      or after dayOfMonth.  If false, this rule selects
+     *                      the last dayOfWeek on or before dayOfMonth.
+     * @param status An UErrorCode
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                    int32_t time, TimeMode mode, UBool after, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's adjusted GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time in this time zone, taking daylight savings time into
+     * account) as of a particular reference date.  The reference date is used to determine
+     * whether daylight savings time is in effect and needs to be figured into the offset
+     * that is returned (in other words, what is the adjusted GMT offset in this time zone
+     * at this particular date and time?).  For the time zones produced by createTimeZone(),
+     * the reference data is specified according to the Gregorian calendar, and the date
+     * and time fields are in GMT, NOT local time.
+     *
+     * @param era        The reference date's era
+     * @param year       The reference date's year
+     * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+     * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+     * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+     * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, UTT (NOT local time).
+     * @param status     An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                              uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
+     * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
+     * @param era the era of the given date.
+     * @param year the year in the given date.
+     * @param month the month in the given date.
+     * Month is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param day the day-in-month of the given date.
+     * @param dayOfWeek the day-of-week of the given date.
+     * @param milliseconds the millis in day in <em>standard</em> local time.
+     * @param monthLength the length of the given month in days.
+     * @param status     An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @return the offset to add *to* GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                           uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t milliseconds,
+                           int32_t monthLength, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
+     * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
+     * @param era the era of the given date.
+     * @param year the year in the given date.
+     * @param month the month in the given date.
+     * Month is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param day the day-in-month of the given date.
+     * @param dayOfWeek the day-of-week of the given date.
+     * @param milliseconds the millis in day in <em>standard</em> local time.
+     * @param monthLength the length of the given month in days.
+     * @param prevMonthLength length of the previous month in days.
+     * @param status     An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @return the offset to add *to* GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                              uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t milliseconds,
+                              int32_t monthLength, int32_t prevMonthLength,
+                              UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Redeclared TimeZone method.  This implementation simply calls
+     * the base class method, which otherwise would be hidden.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual void getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
+                           int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Get time zone offsets from local wall time.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual void getOffsetFromLocal(UDate date, int32_t nonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t duplicatedTimeOpt,
+        int32_t& rawOffset, int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @return   The TimeZone's raw GMT offset.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRawOffset(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @param offsetMillis  The new raw GMT offset for this time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setRawOffset(int32_t offsetMillis);
+    /**
+     * Sets the amount of time in ms that the clock is advanced during DST.
+     * @param millisSavedDuringDST the number of milliseconds the time is
+     * advanced with respect to standard time when the daylight savings rules
+     * are in effect. Typically one hour (+3600000). The amount could be negative,
+     * but not 0.
+     * @param status  An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setDSTSavings(int32_t millisSavedDuringDST, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the amount of time in ms that the clock is advanced during DST.
+     * @return the number of milliseconds the time is
+     * advanced with respect to standard time when the daylight savings rules
+     * are in effect. Typically one hour (+3600000). The amount could be negative,
+     * but not 0.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getDSTSavings(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Queries if this TimeZone uses Daylight Savings Time.
+     *
+     * @return   True if this TimeZone uses Daylight Savings Time; false otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool useDaylightTime(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the given date is within the period when daylight savings time
+     * is in effect; false otherwise.  If the TimeZone doesn't observe daylight savings
+     * time, this functions always returns false.
+     * This method is wasteful since it creates a new GregorianCalendar and
+     * deletes it each time it is called. This is a deprecated method
+     * and provided only for Java compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param date The date to test.
+     * @param status  An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     * @return true if the given date is in Daylight Savings Time;
+     * false otherwise.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if this zone has the same rules and offset as another zone.
+     * @param other the TimeZone object to be compared with
+     * @return true if the given zone has the same rules and offset as this one
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Clones TimeZone objects polymorphically. Clients are responsible for deleting
+     * the TimeZone object cloned.
+     *
+     * @return   A new copy of this TimeZone object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual SimpleTimeZone* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time zone transition after the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the first transition after the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time zone transition before the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the most recent transition before the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s which represents time transitions,
+     * for this time zone, that is, all <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s for this time zone except
+     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The return value range is 0 or any positive value.
+     * @param status    Receives error status code.
+     * @return The number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s representing time transitions.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and the set of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * which represent time transitions for this time zone.  On successful return,
+     * the argument initial points to non-NULL <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and
+     * the array trsrules is filled with 0 or multiple <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * instances up to the size specified by trscount.  The results are referencing the
+     * rule instance held by this time zone instance.  Therefore, after this time zone
+     * is destructed, they are no longer available.
+     * @param initial       Receives the initial timezone rule
+     * @param trsrules      Receives the timezone transition rules
+     * @param trscount      On input, specify the size of the array 'transitions' receiving
+     *                      the timezone transition rules.  On output, actual number of
+     *                      rules filled in the array will be set.
+     * @param status        Receives error status code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
+        const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[], int32_t& trscount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Override TimeZone Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual
+     * override. This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call
+     * this method.
+     *
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
+     * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Constants specifying values of startMode and endMode.
+     */
+    enum EMode
+    {
+        DOM_MODE = 1,
+        DOW_GE_DOM_MODE,
+        DOW_LE_DOM_MODE
+    };
+    SimpleTimeZone(); // default constructor not implemented
+    /**
+     * Internal construction method.
+     * @param rawOffsetGMT    The new SimpleTimeZone's raw GMT offset
+     * @param startMonth      the month DST starts
+     * @param startDay        the day DST starts
+     * @param startDayOfWeek  the DOW DST starts
+     * @param startTime       the time DST starts
+     * @param startTimeMode   Whether the start time is local wall time, local
+     *                        standard time, or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param endMonth        the month DST ends
+     * @param endDay          the day DST ends
+     * @param endDayOfWeek    the DOW DST ends
+     * @param endTime         the time DST ends
+     * @param endTimeMode     Whether the end time is local wall time, local
+     *                        standard time, or UTC time. Default is local wall time.
+     * @param dstSavings      The number of milliseconds added to standard time
+     *                        to get DST time. Default is one hour.
+     * @param status          An UErrorCode to receive the status.
+     */
+    void construct(int32_t rawOffsetGMT,
+                   int8_t startMonth, int8_t startDay, int8_t startDayOfWeek,
+                   int32_t startTime, TimeMode startTimeMode,
+                   int8_t endMonth, int8_t endDay, int8_t endDayOfWeek,
+                   int32_t endTime, TimeMode endTimeMode,
+                   int32_t dstSavings, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Compare a given date in the year to a rule. Return 1, 0, or -1, depending
+     * on whether the date is after, equal to, or before the rule date. The
+     * millis are compared directly against the ruleMillis, so any
+     * standard-daylight adjustments must be handled by the caller.
+     *
+     * @return  1 if the date is after the rule date, -1 if the date is before
+     *          the rule date, or 0 if the date is equal to the rule date.
+     */
+    static int32_t compareToRule(int8_t month, int8_t monthLen, int8_t prevMonthLen,
+                                 int8_t dayOfMonth,
+                                 int8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, int32_t millisDelta,
+                                 EMode ruleMode, int8_t ruleMonth, int8_t ruleDayOfWeek,
+                                 int8_t ruleDay, int32_t ruleMillis);
+    /**
+     * Given a set of encoded rules in startDay and startDayOfMonth, decode
+     * them and set the startMode appropriately.  Do the same for endDay and
+     * endDayOfMonth.
+     * <P>
+     * Upon entry, the day of week variables may be zero or
+     * negative, in order to indicate special modes.  The day of month
+     * variables may also be negative.
+     * <P>
+     * Upon exit, the mode variables will be
+     * set, and the day of week and day of month variables will be positive.
+     * <P>
+     * This method also recognizes a startDay or endDay of zero as indicating
+     * no DST.
+     */
+    void decodeRules(UErrorCode& status);
+    void decodeStartRule(UErrorCode& status);
+    void decodeEndRule(UErrorCode& status);
+    int8_t startMonth, startDay, startDayOfWeek;   // the month, day, DOW, and time DST starts
+    int32_t startTime;
+    TimeMode startTimeMode, endTimeMode; // Mode for startTime, endTime; see TimeMode
+    int8_t endMonth, endDay, endDayOfWeek; // the month, day, DOW, and time DST ends
+    int32_t endTime;
+    int32_t startYear;  // the year these DST rules took effect
+    int32_t rawOffset;  // the TimeZone's raw GMT offset
+    UBool useDaylight; // flag indicating whether this TimeZone uses DST
+    static const int8_t STATICMONTHLENGTH[12]; // lengths of the months
+    EMode startMode, endMode;   // flags indicating what kind of rules the DST rules are
+    /**
+     * A positive value indicating the amount of time saved during DST in ms.
+     * Typically one hour; sometimes 30 minutes.
+     */
+    int32_t dstSavings;
+    /* Private for BasicTimeZone implementation */
+    void checkTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void initTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status);
+    void clearTransitionRules(void);
+    void deleteTransitionRules(void);
+    UBool   transitionRulesInitialized;
+    InitialTimeZoneRule*    initialRule;
+    TimeZoneTransition*     firstTransition;
+    AnnualTimeZoneRule*     stdRule;
+    AnnualTimeZoneRule*     dstRule;
+inline void SimpleTimeZone::setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth,
+                                         int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                                         int32_t time, UErrorCode& status) {
+    setStartRule(month, dayOfWeekInMonth, dayOfWeek, time, WALL_TIME, status);
+inline void SimpleTimeZone::setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth,
+                                         int32_t time,
+                                         UErrorCode& status) {
+    setStartRule(month, dayOfMonth, time, WALL_TIME, status);
+inline void SimpleTimeZone::setStartRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth,
+                                         int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                                         int32_t time, UBool after, UErrorCode& status) {
+    setStartRule(month, dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, time, WALL_TIME, after, status);
+inline void SimpleTimeZone::setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfWeekInMonth,
+                                       int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                                       int32_t time, UErrorCode& status) {
+    setEndRule(month, dayOfWeekInMonth, dayOfWeek, time, WALL_TIME, status);
+inline void SimpleTimeZone::setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth,
+                                       int32_t time, UErrorCode& status) {
+    setEndRule(month, dayOfMonth, time, WALL_TIME, status);
+inline void SimpleTimeZone::setEndRule(int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                                       int32_t time, UBool after, UErrorCode& status) {
+    setEndRule(month, dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, time, WALL_TIME, after, status);
+inline void
+SimpleTimeZone::getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffsetRef,
+                          int32_t& dstOffsetRef, UErrorCode& ec) const {
+    TimeZone::getOffset(date, local, rawOffsetRef, dstOffsetRef, ec);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _SIMPLETZ
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/smpdtfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/smpdtfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79fa817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/smpdtfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1664 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
+*   07/09/97    helena      Make ParsePosition into a class.
+*   07/21/98    stephen     Added GMT_PLUS, GMT_MINUS
+*                            Changed setTwoDigitStartDate to set2DigitYearStart
+*                            Changed getTwoDigitStartDate to get2DigitYearStart
+*                            Removed subParseLong
+*                            Removed getZoneIndex (added in DateFormatSymbols)
+*   06/14/99    stephen     Removed fgTimeZoneDataSuffix
+*   10/14/99    aliu        Updated class doc to describe 2-digit year parsing
+*                           {j28 4182066}.
+#ifndef SMPDTFMT_H
+#define SMPDTFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Format and parse dates in a language-independent manner.
+ */
+#include "unicode/datefmt.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+#include "unicode/tzfmt.h"  /* for UTimeZoneFormatTimeType */
+#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
+class DateFormatSymbols;
+class DateFormat;
+class MessageFormat;
+class FieldPositionHandler;
+class TimeZoneFormat;
+class SharedNumberFormat;
+class SimpleDateFormatMutableNFs;
+class DateIntervalFormat;
+namespace number {
+class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
+ *
+ * SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a
+ * language-independent manner. It allows for formatting (millis -> text),
+ * parsing (text -> millis), and normalization. Formats/Parses a date or time,
+ * which is the standard milliseconds since 24:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
+ * <P>
+ * Clients are encouraged to create a date-time formatter using DateFormat::getInstance(),
+ * getDateInstance(), getDateInstance(), or getDateTimeInstance() rather than
+ * explicitly constructing an instance of SimpleDateFormat.  This way, the client
+ * is guaranteed to get an appropriate formatting pattern for whatever locale the
+ * program is running in.  However, if the client needs something more unusual than
+ * the default patterns in the locales, he can construct a SimpleDateFormat directly
+ * and give it an appropriate pattern (or use one of the factory methods on DateFormat
+ * and modify the pattern after the fact with toPattern() and applyPattern().
+ *
+ * <p><strong>Date and Time Patterns:</strong></p>
+ *
+ * <p>Date and time formats are specified by <em>date and time pattern</em> strings.
+ * Within date and time pattern strings, all unquoted ASCII letters [A-Za-z] are reserved
+ * as pattern letters representing calendar fields. <code>SimpleDateFormat</code> supports
+ * the date and time formatting algorithm and pattern letters defined by
+ * <a href="">UTS#35
+ * Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</a> and further documented for ICU in the
+ * <a href="">ICU
+ * User Guide</a>. The following pattern letters are currently available (note that the actual
+ * values depend on CLDR and may change from the examples shown here):</p>
+ *
+ * <table border="1">
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th>Field</th>
+ *         <th style="text-align: center">Sym.</th>
+ *         <th style="text-align: center">No.</th>
+ *         <th>Example</th>
+ *         <th>Description</th>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="3">era</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center" rowspan="3">G</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
+ *         <td>AD</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="3">Era - Replaced with the Era string for the current date. One to three letters for the
+ *         abbreviated form, four letters for the long (wide) form, five for the narrow form.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>Anno Domini</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>A</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="6">year</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">y</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
+ *         <td>1996</td>
+ *         <td>Year. Normally the length specifies the padding, but for two letters it also specifies the maximum
+ *         length. Example:<div align="center">
+ *             <center>
+ *             <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+ *                 <tr>
+ *                     <th>Year</th>
+ *                     <th style="text-align: right">y</th>
+ *                     <th style="text-align: right">yy</th>
+ *                     <th style="text-align: right">yyy</th>
+ *                     <th style="text-align: right">yyyy</th>
+ *                     <th style="text-align: right">yyyyy</th>
+ *                 </tr>
+ *                 <tr>
+ *                     <td>AD 1</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">1</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">01</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">001</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">0001</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">00001</td>
+ *                 </tr>
+ *                 <tr>
+ *                     <td>AD 12</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">12</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">12</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">012</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">0012</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">00012</td>
+ *                 </tr>
+ *                 <tr>
+ *                     <td>AD 123</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">123</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">23</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">123</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">0123</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">00123</td>
+ *                 </tr>
+ *                 <tr>
+ *                     <td>AD 1234</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">1234</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">34</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">1234</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">1234</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">01234</td>
+ *                 </tr>
+ *                 <tr>
+ *                     <td>AD 12345</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">45</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
+ *                     <td style="text-align: right">12345</td>
+ *                 </tr>
+ *             </table>
+ *             </center></div>
+ *         </td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">Y</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
+ *         <td>1997</td>
+ *         <td>Year (in "Week of Year" based calendars). Normally the length specifies the padding,
+ *         but for two letters it also specifies the maximum length. This year designation is used in ISO
+ *         year-week calendar as defined by ISO 8601, but can be used in non-Gregorian based calendar systems
+ *         where week date processing is desired. May not always be the same value as calendar year.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">u</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
+ *         <td>4601</td>
+ *         <td>Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system, encompassing
+ *         all supra-year fields. For example, for the Julian calendar system, year numbers are positive, with an
+ *         era of BCE or CE. An extended year value for the Julian calendar system assigns positive values to CE
+ *         years and negative values to BCE years, with 1 BCE being year 0.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center" rowspan="3">U</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
+ *         <td>&#30002;&#23376;</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="3">Cyclic year name. Calendars such as the Chinese lunar calendar (and related calendars)
+ *         and the Hindu calendars use 60-year cycles of year names. Use one through three letters for the abbreviated
+ *         name, four for the full (wide) name, or five for the narrow name (currently the data only provides abbreviated names,
+ *         which will be used for all requested name widths). If the calendar does not provide cyclic year name data,
+ *         or if the year value to be formatted is out of the range of years for which cyclic name data is provided,
+ *         then numeric formatting is used (behaves like 'y').</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>(currently also &#30002;&#23376;)</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>(currently also &#30002;&#23376;)</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="6">quarter</th>
+ *         <td rowspan="3" style="text-align: center">Q</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>02</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="3">Quarter - Use one or two for the numerical quarter, three for the abbreviation, or four for the
+ *         full (wide) name (five for the narrow name is not yet supported).</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>Q2</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>2nd quarter</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="3" style="text-align: center">q</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>02</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="3"><b>Stand-Alone</b> Quarter - Use one or two for the numerical quarter, three for the abbreviation,
+ *         or four for the full name (five for the narrow name is not yet supported).</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>Q2</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>2nd quarter</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="8">month</th>
+ *         <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center">M</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>09</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="4">Month - Use one or two for the numerical month, three for the abbreviation, four for
+ *         the full (wide) name, or five for the narrow name. With two ("MM"), the month number is zero-padded
+ *         if necessary (e.g. "08")</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>Sep</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>September</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>S</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center">L</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>09</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="4"><b>Stand-Alone</b> Month - Use one or two for the numerical month, three for the abbreviation,
+ *         four for the full (wide) name, or 5 for the narrow name. With two ("LL"), the month number is zero-padded if
+ *         necessary (e.g. "08")</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>Sep</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>September</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>S</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="2">week</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">w</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>27</td>
+ *         <td>Week of Year. Use "w" to show the minimum number of digits, or "ww" to always show two digits
+ *         (zero-padding if necessary, e.g. "08").</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">W</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>3</td>
+ *         <td>Week of Month</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="4">day</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">d</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>1</td>
+ *         <td>Date - Day of the month. Use "d" to show the minimum number of digits, or "dd" to always show
+ *         two digits (zero-padding if necessary, e.g. "08").</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">D</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
+ *         <td>345</td>
+ *         <td>Day of year</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">F</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>2</td>
+ *         <td>Day of Week in Month. The example is for the 2nd Wed in July</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">g</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
+ *         <td>2451334</td>
+ *         <td>Modified Julian day. This is different from the conventional Julian day number in two regards.
+ *         First, it demarcates days at local zone midnight, rather than noon GMT. Second, it is a local number;
+ *         that is, it depends on the local time zone. It can be thought of as a single number that encompasses
+ *         all the date-related fields.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="14">week<br>
+ *         day</th>
+ *         <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center">E</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
+ *         <td>Tue</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="4">Day of week - Use one through three letters for the short day, four for the full (wide) name,
+ *         five for the narrow name, or six for the short name.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>Tuesday</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>T</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">6</td>
+ *         <td>Tu</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">e</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>2</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="5">Local day of week. Same as E except adds a numeric value that will depend on the local
+ *         starting day of the week, using one or two letters. For this example, Monday is the first day of the week.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>Tue</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>Tuesday</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>T</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">6</td>
+ *         <td>Tu</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">c</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>2</td>
+ *         <td rowspan="5"><b>Stand-Alone</b> local day of week - Use one letter for the local numeric value (same
+ *         as 'e'), three for the short day, four for the full (wide) name, five for the narrow name, or six for
+ *         the short name.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>Tue</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>Tuesday</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>T</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">6</td>
+ *         <td>Tu</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th>period</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">a</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>AM</td>
+ *         <td>AM or PM</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="4">hour</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">h</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>11</td>
+ *         <td>Hour [1-12]. When used in skeleton data or in a skeleton passed in an API for flexible data pattern
+ *         generation, it should match the 12-hour-cycle format preferred by the locale (h or K); it should not match
+ *         a 24-hour-cycle format (H or k). Use hh for zero padding.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">H</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>13</td>
+ *         <td>Hour [0-23]. When used in skeleton data or in a skeleton passed in an API for flexible data pattern
+ *         generation, it should match the 24-hour-cycle format preferred by the locale (H or k); it should not match a
+ *         12-hour-cycle format (h or K). Use HH for zero padding.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">K</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>0</td>
+ *         <td>Hour [0-11]. When used in a skeleton, only matches K or h, see above. Use KK for zero padding.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">k</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>24</td>
+ *         <td>Hour [1-24]. When used in a skeleton, only matches k or H, see above. Use kk for zero padding.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th>minute</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">m</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>59</td>
+ *         <td>Minute. Use "m" to show the minimum number of digits, or "mm" to always show two digits
+ *         (zero-padding if necessary, e.g. "08").</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="3">second</th>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">s</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..2</td>
+ *         <td>12</td>
+ *         <td>Second. Use "s" to show the minimum number of digits, or "ss" to always show two digits
+ *         (zero-padding if necessary, e.g. "08").</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">S</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
+ *         <td>3450</td>
+ *         <td>Fractional Second - truncates (like other time fields) to the count of letters when formatting.
+ *         Appends zeros if more than 3 letters specified. Truncates at three significant digits when parsing.
+ *         (example shows display using pattern SSSS for seconds value 12.34567)</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">A</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..n</td>
+ *         <td>69540000</td>
+ *         <td>Milliseconds in day. This field behaves <i>exactly</i> like a composite of all time-related fields,
+ *         not including the zone fields. As such, it also reflects discontinuities of those fields on DST transition
+ *         days. On a day of DST onset, it will jump forward. On a day of DST cessation, it will jump backward. This
+ *         reflects the fact that is must be combined with the offset field to obtain a unique local time value.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <th rowspan="23">zone</th>
+ *         <td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center">z</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
+ *         <td>PDT</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>short specific non-location format</i>.
+ *         Where that is unavailable, falls back to the <i>short localized GMT format</i> ("O").</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>Pacific Daylight Time</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>long specific non-location format</i>.
+ *         Where that is unavailable, falls back to the <i>long localized GMT format</i> ("OOOO").</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="3" style="text-align: center">Z</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1..3</td>
+ *         <td>-0800</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
+ *         The format is equivalent to RFC 822 zone format (when optional seconds field is absent).
+ *         This is equivalent to the "xxxx" specifier.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>GMT-8:00</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>long localized GMT format</i>.
+ *         This is equivalent to the "OOOO" specifier.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>-08:00<br>
+ *         -07:52:58</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
+ *         The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.
+ *         This is equivalent to the "XXXXX" specifier.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center">O</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>GMT-8</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>short localized GMT format</i>.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>GMT-08:00</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>long localized GMT format</i>.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center">v</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>PT</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>short generic non-location format</i>.
+ *         Where that is unavailable, falls back to the <i>generic location format</i> ("VVVV"),
+ *         then the <i>short localized GMT format</i> as the final fallback.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>Pacific Time</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>long generic non-location format</i>.
+ *         Where that is unavailable, falls back to <i>generic location format</i> ("VVVV").
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center">V</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>uslax</td>
+ *         <td>The short time zone ID.
+ *         Where that is unavailable, the special short time zone ID <i>unk</i> (Unknown Zone) is used.<br>
+ *         <i><b>Note</b>: This specifier was originally used for a variant of the short specific non-location format,
+ *         but it was deprecated in the later version of the LDML specification. In CLDR 23/ICU 51, the definition of
+ *         the specifier was changed to designate a short time zone ID.</i></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">2</td>
+ *         <td>America/Los_Angeles</td>
+ *         <td>The long time zone ID.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>Los Angeles</td>
+ *         <td>The exemplar city (location) for the time zone.
+ *         Where that is unavailable, the localized exemplar city name for the special zone <i>Etc/Unknown</i> is used
+ *         as the fallback (for example, "Unknown City"). </td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>Los Angeles Time</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>generic location format</i>.
+ *         Where that is unavailable, falls back to the <i>long localized GMT format</i> ("OOOO";
+ *         Note: Fallback is only necessary with a GMT-style Time Zone ID, like Etc/GMT-830.)<br>
+ *         This is especially useful when presenting possible timezone choices for user selection,
+ *         since the naming is more uniform than the "v" format.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">X</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>-08<br>
+ *         +0530<br>
+ *         Z</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours field and optional minutes field.
+ *         The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">2</td>
+ *         <td>-0800<br>
+ *         Z</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours and minutes fields.
+ *         The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>-08:00<br>
+ *         Z</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours and minutes fields.
+ *         The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>-0800<br>
+ *         -075258<br>
+ *         Z</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
+ *         (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)
+ *         The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>-08:00<br>
+ *         -07:52:58<br>
+ *         Z</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
+ *         (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)
+ *         The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is 0.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td rowspan="5" style="text-align: center">x</td>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">1</td>
+ *         <td>-08<br>
+ *         +0530</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours field and optional minutes field.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">2</td>
+ *         <td>-0800</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours and minutes fields.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">3</td>
+ *         <td>-08:00</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours and minutes fields.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">4</td>
+ *         <td>-0800<br>
+ *         -075258</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 basic format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
+ *         (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="text-align: center">5</td>
+ *         <td>-08:00<br>
+ *         -07:52:58</td>
+ *         <td>The <i>ISO8601 extended format</i> with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields.
+ *         (Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601 specification.)</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of ['a'..'z'] and
+ * ['A'..'Z'] will be treated as quoted text. For instance, characters
+ * like ':', '.', ' ', '#' and '@' will appear in the resulting time text
+ * even they are not embraced within single quotes.
+ * <P>
+ * A pattern containing any invalid pattern letter will result in a failing
+ * UErrorCode result during formatting or parsing.
+ * <P>
+ * Examples using the US locale:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *    Format Pattern                         Result
+ *    --------------                         -------
+ *    "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss vvvv" ->>  1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 Pacific Time
+ *    "EEE, MMM d, ''yy"                ->>  Wed, July 10, '96
+ *    "h:mm a"                          ->>  12:08 PM
+ *    "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz"           ->>  12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time
+ *    "K:mm a, vvv"                     ->>  0:00 PM, PT
+ *    "yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa"    ->>  1996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Code Sample:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     SimpleTimeZone* pdt = new SimpleTimeZone(-8 * 60 * 60 * 1000, "PST");
+ *     pdt->setStartRule( Calendar::APRIL, 1, Calendar::SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
+ *     pdt->setEndRule( Calendar::OCTOBER, -1, Calendar::SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);
+ *
+ *     // Format the current time.
+ *     SimpleDateFormat* formatter
+ *         = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz", success );
+ *     GregorianCalendar cal(success);
+ *     UDate currentTime_1 = cal.getTime(success);
+ *     FieldPosition fp(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
+ *     UnicodeString dateString;
+ *     formatter->format( currentTime_1, dateString, fp );
+ *     cout << "result: " << dateString << endl;
+ *
+ *     // Parse the previous string back into a Date.
+ *     ParsePosition pp(0);
+ *     UDate currentTime_2 = formatter->parse(dateString, pp );
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * In the above example, the time value "currentTime_2" obtained from parsing
+ * will be equal to currentTime_1. However, they may not be equal if the am/pm
+ * marker 'a' is left out from the format pattern while the "hour in am/pm"
+ * pattern symbol is used. This information loss can happen when formatting the
+ * time in PM.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * When parsing a date string using the abbreviated year pattern ("y" or "yy"),
+ * SimpleDateFormat must interpret the abbreviated year
+ * relative to some century.  It does this by adjusting dates to be
+ * within 80 years before and 20 years after the time the SimpleDateFormat
+ * instance is created. For example, using a pattern of "MM/dd/yy" and a
+ * SimpleDateFormat instance created on Jan 1, 1997,  the string
+ * "01/11/12" would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string "05/04/64"
+ * would be interpreted as May 4, 1964.
+ * During parsing, only strings consisting of exactly two digits, as defined by
+ * <code>Unicode::isDigit()</code>, will be parsed into the default century.
+ * Any other numeric string, such as a one digit string, a three or more digit
+ * string, or a two digit string that isn't all digits (for example, "-1"), is
+ * interpreted literally.  So "01/02/3" or "01/02/003" are parsed (for the
+ * Gregorian calendar), using the same pattern, as Jan 2, 3 AD.  Likewise (but
+ * only in lenient parse mode, the default) "01/02/-3" is parsed as Jan 2, 4 BC.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * If the year pattern has more than two 'y' characters, the year is
+ * interpreted literally, regardless of the number of digits.  So using the
+ * pattern "MM/dd/yyyy", "01/11/12" parses to Jan 11, 12 A.D.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * When numeric fields abut one another directly, with no intervening delimiter
+ * characters, they constitute a run of abutting numeric fields.  Such runs are
+ * parsed specially.  For example, the format "HHmmss" parses the input text
+ * "123456" to 12:34:56, parses the input text "12345" to 1:23:45, and fails to
+ * parse "1234".  In other words, the leftmost field of the run is flexible,
+ * while the others keep a fixed width.  If the parse fails anywhere in the run,
+ * then the leftmost field is shortened by one character, and the entire run is
+ * parsed again. This is repeated until either the parse succeeds or the
+ * leftmost field is one character in length.  If the parse still fails at that
+ * point, the parse of the run fails.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * For time zones that have no names, SimpleDateFormat uses strings GMT+hours:minutes or
+ * GMT-hours:minutes.
+ * <P>
+ * The calendar defines what is the first day of the week, the first week of the
+ * year, whether hours are zero based or not (0 vs 12 or 24), and the timezone.
+ * There is one common number format to handle all the numbers; the digit count
+ * is handled programmatically according to the pattern.
+ *
+ * <p><em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
+ * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
+ * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API SimpleDateFormat: public DateFormat {
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the default pattern for the default
+     * locale.
+     * <P>
+     * [Note:] Not all locales support SimpleDateFormat; for full generality,
+     * use the factory methods in the DateFormat class.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern and the default locale.
+     * The locale is used to obtain the symbols used in formatting (e.g., the
+     * names of the months), but not to provide the pattern.
+     * <P>
+     * [Note:] Not all locales support SimpleDateFormat; for full generality,
+     * use the factory methods in the DateFormat class.
+     * @param pattern    the pattern for the format.
+     * @param status     Output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern, numbering system override, and the default locale.
+     * The locale is used to obtain the symbols used in formatting (e.g., the
+     * names of the months), but not to provide the pattern.
+     * <P>
+     * A numbering system override is a string containing either the name of a known numbering system,
+     * or a set of field and numbering system pairs that specify which fields are to be formattied with
+     * the alternate numbering system.  For example, to specify that all numeric fields in the specified
+     * date or time pattern are to be rendered using Thai digits, simply specify the numbering system override
+     * as "thai".  To specify that just the year portion of the date be formatted using Hebrew numbering,
+     * use the override string "y=hebrew".  Numbering system overrides can be combined using a semi-colon
+     * character in the override string, such as "d=decimal;M=arabic;y=hebrew", etc.
+     *
+     * <P>
+     * [Note:] Not all locales support SimpleDateFormat; for full generality,
+     * use the factory methods in the DateFormat class.
+     * @param pattern    the pattern for the format.
+     * @param override   the override string.
+     * @param status     Output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                     const UnicodeString& override,
+                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern and locale.
+     * The locale is used to obtain the symbols used in formatting (e.g., the
+     * names of the months), but not to provide the pattern.
+     * <P>
+     * [Note:] Not all locales support SimpleDateFormat; for full generality,
+     * use the factory methods in the DateFormat class.
+     * @param pattern    the pattern for the format.
+     * @param locale     the given locale.
+     * @param status     Output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                     const Locale& locale,
+                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern, numbering system override, and locale.
+     * The locale is used to obtain the symbols used in formatting (e.g., the
+     * names of the months), but not to provide the pattern.
+     * <P>
+     * A numbering system override is a string containing either the name of a known numbering system,
+     * or a set of field and numbering system pairs that specify which fields are to be formattied with
+     * the alternate numbering system.  For example, to specify that all numeric fields in the specified
+     * date or time pattern are to be rendered using Thai digits, simply specify the numbering system override
+     * as "thai".  To specify that just the year portion of the date be formatted using Hebrew numbering,
+     * use the override string "y=hebrew".  Numbering system overrides can be combined using a semi-colon
+     * character in the override string, such as "d=decimal;M=arabic;y=hebrew", etc.
+     * <P>
+     * [Note:] Not all locales support SimpleDateFormat; for full generality,
+     * use the factory methods in the DateFormat class.
+     * @param pattern    the pattern for the format.
+     * @param override   the numbering system override.
+     * @param locale     the given locale.
+     * @param status     Output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                     const UnicodeString& override,
+                     const Locale& locale,
+                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern and locale-specific
+     * symbol data.  The formatter takes ownership of the DateFormatSymbols object;
+     * the caller is no longer responsible for deleting it.
+     * @param pattern           the given pattern for the format.
+     * @param formatDataToAdopt the symbols to be adopted.
+     * @param status            Output param set to success/faulure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                     DateFormatSymbols* formatDataToAdopt,
+                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern and locale-specific
+     * symbol data.  The DateFormatSymbols object is NOT adopted; the caller
+     * remains responsible for deleting it.
+     * @param pattern           the given pattern for the format.
+     * @param formatData        the formatting symbols to be use.
+     * @param status            Output param set to success/faulure code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                     const DateFormatSymbols& formatData,
+                     UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const SimpleDateFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat& operator=(const SimpleDateFormat&);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~SimpleDateFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clone this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual SimpleDateFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other    the object to be compared with.
+     * @return         true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    using DateFormat::format;
+    /**
+     * Format a date or time, which is the standard millis since 24:00 GMT, Jan
+     * 1, 1970. Overrides DateFormat pure virtual method.
+     * <P>
+     * Example: using the US locale: "yyyy.MM.dd e 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz" ->>
+     * 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT
+     *
+     * @param cal       Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *                  into a date/time string.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       The formatting position. On input: an alignment field,
+     *                  if desired. On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(  Calendar& cal,
+                                    UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                    FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a date or time, which is the standard millis since 24:00 GMT, Jan
+     * 1, 1970. Overrides DateFormat pure virtual method.
+     * <P>
+     * Example: using the US locale: "yyyy.MM.dd e 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz" ->>
+     * 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT
+     *
+     * @param cal       Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *                  into a date/time string.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
+     *                  of fields generated by this format call.  Field values
+     *                  are defined in UDateFormatField.
+     * @param status    Input/output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(  Calendar& cal,
+                                    UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                    FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
+                                    UErrorCode& status) const;
+    using DateFormat::parse;
+    /**
+     * Parse a date/time string beginning at the given parse position. For
+     * example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT" will be parsed into a Date
+     * that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
+     * <P>
+     * By default, parsing is lenient: If the input is not in the form used by
+     * this object's format method but can still be parsed as a date, then the
+     * parse succeeds. Clients may insist on strict adherence to the format by
+     * calling setLenient(false).
+     * @see DateFormat::setLenient(boolean)
+     *
+     * @param text  The date/time string to be parsed
+     * @param cal   A Calendar set on input to the date and time to be used for
+     *              missing values in the date/time string being parsed, and set
+     *              on output to the parsed date/time. When the calendar type is
+     *              different from the internal calendar held by this SimpleDateFormat
+     *              instance, the internal calendar will be cloned to a work
+     *              calendar set to the same milliseconds and time zone as the
+     *              cal parameter, field values will be parsed based on the work
+     *              calendar, then the result (milliseconds and time zone) will
+     *              be set in this calendar.
+     * @param pos   On input, the position at which to start parsing; on
+     *              output, the position at which parsing terminated, or the
+     *              start position if the parse failed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    virtual void parse( const UnicodeString& text,
+                        Calendar& cal,
+                        ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the start UDate used to interpret two-digit year strings.
+     * When dates are parsed having 2-digit year strings, they are placed within
+     * a assumed range of 100 years starting on the two digit start date.  For
+     * example, the string "24-Jan-17" may be in the year 1817, 1917, 2017, or
+     * some other year.  SimpleDateFormat chooses a year so that the resultant
+     * date is on or after the two digit start date and within 100 years of the
+     * two digit start date.
+     * <P>
+     * By default, the two digit start date is set to 80 years before the current
+     * time at which a SimpleDateFormat object is created.
+     * @param d      start UDate used to interpret two-digit year strings.
+     * @param status Filled in with U_ZERO_ERROR if the parse was successful, and with
+     *               an error value if there was a parse error.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void set2DigitYearStart(UDate d, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Get the start UDate used to interpret two-digit year strings.
+     * When dates are parsed having 2-digit year strings, they are placed within
+     * a assumed range of 100 years starting on the two digit start date.  For
+     * example, the string "24-Jan-17" may be in the year 1817, 1917, 2017, or
+     * some other year.  SimpleDateFormat chooses a year so that the resultant
+     * date is on or after the two digit start date and within 100 years of the
+     * two digit start date.
+     * <P>
+     * By default, the two digit start date is set to 80 years before the current
+     * time at which a SimpleDateFormat object is created.
+     * @param status Filled in with U_ZERO_ERROR if the parse was successful, and with
+     *               an error value if there was a parse error.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UDate get2DigitYearStart(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a pattern string describing this date format.
+     * @param result Output param to receive the pattern.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a localized pattern string describing this date format.
+     * In most cases, this will return the same thing as toPattern(),
+     * but a locale can specify characters to use in pattern descriptions
+     * in place of the ones described in this class's class documentation.
+     * (Presumably, letters that would be more mnemonic in that locale's
+     * language.)  This function would produce a pattern using those
+     * letters.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Note:</b> This implementation depends on DateFormatSymbols::getLocalPatternChars()
+     * to get localized format pattern characters. ICU does not include
+     * localized pattern character data, therefore, unless user sets localized
+     * pattern characters manually, this method returns the same result as
+     * toPattern().
+     *
+     * @param result    Receives the localized pattern.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                  set to a failure result.
+     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toLocalizedPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                              UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Apply the given unlocalized pattern string to this date format.
+     * (i.e., after this call, this formatter will format dates according to
+     * the new pattern)
+     *
+     * @param pattern   The pattern to be applied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern);
+    /**
+     * Apply the given localized pattern string to this date format.
+     * (see toLocalizedPattern() for more information on localized patterns.)
+     *
+     * @param pattern   The localized pattern to be applied.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+     *                  set to a failure result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void applyLocalizedPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                       UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the date/time formatting symbols (this is an object carrying
+     * the various strings and other symbols used in formatting: e.g., month
+     * names and abbreviations, time zone names, AM/PM strings, etc.)
+     * @return a copy of the date-time formatting data associated
+     * with this date-time formatter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const DateFormatSymbols* getDateFormatSymbols(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the date/time formatting symbols.  The caller no longer owns the
+     * DateFormatSymbols object and should not delete it after making this call.
+     * @param newFormatSymbols the given date-time formatting symbols to copy.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptDateFormatSymbols(DateFormatSymbols* newFormatSymbols);
+    /**
+     * Set the date/time formatting data.
+     * @param newFormatSymbols the given date-time formatting symbols to copy.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setDateFormatSymbols(const DateFormatSymbols& newFormatSymbols);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the calendar to be used by this date format. Initially, the default
+     * calendar for the specified or default locale is used.  The caller should
+     * not delete the Calendar object after it is adopted by this call.
+     * Adopting a new calendar will change to the default symbols.
+     *
+     * @param calendarToAdopt    Calendar object to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void adoptCalendar(Calendar* calendarToAdopt);
+    /* Cannot use #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API for the following methods since they are virtual */
+    /**
+     * Sets the TimeZoneFormat to be used by this date/time formatter.
+     * The caller should not delete the TimeZoneFormat object after
+     * it is adopted by this call.
+     * @param timeZoneFormatToAdopt The TimeZoneFormat object to be adopted.
+     * @internal ICU 49 technology preview
+     */
+    virtual void adoptTimeZoneFormat(TimeZoneFormat* timeZoneFormatToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the TimeZoneFormat to be used by this date/time formatter.
+     * @param newTimeZoneFormat The TimeZoneFormat object to copy.
+     * @internal ICU 49 technology preview
+     */
+    virtual void setTimeZoneFormat(const TimeZoneFormat& newTimeZoneFormat);
+    /**
+     * Gets the time zone format object associated with this date/time formatter.
+     * @return the time zone format associated with this date/time formatter.
+     * @internal ICU 49 technology preview
+     */
+    virtual const TimeZoneFormat* getTimeZoneFormat(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set a particular UDisplayContext value in the formatter, such as
+     * DateFormat.
+     * @param value The UDisplayContext value to set.
+     * @param status Input/output status. If at entry this indicates a failure
+     *               status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+     *               updated with any new status from the function.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual void setContext(UDisplayContext value, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Overrides base class method and
+     * This method clears per field NumberFormat instances
+     * previously set by {@see adoptNumberFormat(const UnicodeString&, NumberFormat*, UErrorCode)}
+     * @param formatToAdopt the NumbeferFormat used
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    void adoptNumberFormat(NumberFormat *formatToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Allow the user to set the NumberFormat for several fields
+     * It can be a single field like: "y"(year) or "M"(month)
+     * It can be several field combined together: "yM"(year and month)
+     * Note:
+     * 1 symbol field is enough for multiple symbol field (so "y" will override "yy", "yyy")
+     * If the field is not numeric, then override has no effect (like "MMM" will use abbreviation, not numerical field)
+     * Per field NumberFormat can also be cleared in {@see DateFormat::setNumberFormat(const NumberFormat& newNumberFormat)}
+     *
+     * @param fields  the fields to override(like y)
+     * @param formatToAdopt the NumbeferFormat used
+     * @param status  Receives a status code, which will be U_ZERO_ERROR
+     *                if the operation succeeds.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    void adoptNumberFormat(const UnicodeString& fields, NumberFormat *formatToAdopt, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Get the numbering system to be used for a particular field.
+     * @param field The UDateFormatField to get
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    const NumberFormat * getNumberFormatForField(char16_t field) const;
+    /**
+     * This is for ICU internal use only. Please do not use.
+     * Check whether the 'field' is smaller than all the fields covered in
+     * pattern, return TRUE if it is. The sequence of calendar field,
+     * from large to small is: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE, AM_PM, HOUR, MINUTE,...
+     * @param field    the calendar field need to check against
+     * @return         TRUE if the 'field' is smaller than all the fields
+     *                 covered in pattern. FALSE otherwise.
+     * @internal ICU 4.0
+     */
+    UBool isFieldUnitIgnored(UCalendarDateFields field) const;
+    /**
+     * This is for ICU internal use only. Please do not use.
+     * Check whether the 'field' is smaller than all the fields covered in
+     * pattern, return TRUE if it is. The sequence of calendar field,
+     * from large to small is: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE, AM_PM, HOUR, MINUTE,...
+     * @param pattern  the pattern to check against
+     * @param field    the calendar field need to check against
+     * @return         TRUE if the 'field' is smaller than all the fields
+     *                 covered in pattern. FALSE otherwise.
+     * @internal ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static UBool isFieldUnitIgnored(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                    UCalendarDateFields field);
+    /**
+     * This is for ICU internal use only. Please do not use.
+     * Get the locale of this simple date formatter.
+     * It is used in DateIntervalFormat.
+     *
+     * @return   locale in this simple date formatter
+     * @internal ICU 4.0
+     */
+    const Locale& getSmpFmtLocale(void) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    friend class DateFormat;
+    friend class DateIntervalFormat;
+    void initializeDefaultCentury(void);
+    void initializeBooleanAttributes(void);
+    SimpleDateFormat(); // default constructor not implemented
+    /**
+     * Used by the DateFormat factory methods to construct a SimpleDateFormat.
+     * @param timeStyle the time style.
+     * @param dateStyle the date style.
+     * @param locale    the given locale.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit.
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(EStyle timeStyle, EStyle dateStyle, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct a SimpleDateFormat for the given locale.  If no resource data
+     * is available, create an object of last resort, using hard-coded strings.
+     * This is an internal method, called by DateFormat.  It should never fail.
+     * @param locale    the given locale.
+     * @param status    Output param set to success/failure code on
+     *                  exit.
+     */
+    SimpleDateFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status); // Use default pattern
+    /**
+     * Hook called by format(... FieldPosition& ...) and format(...FieldPositionIterator&...)
+     */
+    UnicodeString& _format(Calendar& cal, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPositionHandler& handler, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Called by format() to format a single field.
+     *
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param ch        The format character we encountered in the pattern.
+     * @param count     Number of characters in the current pattern symbol (e.g.,
+     *                  "yyyy" in the pattern would result in a call to this function
+     *                  with ch equal to 'y' and count equal to 4)
+     * @param capitalizationContext Capitalization context for this date format.
+     * @param fieldNum  Zero-based numbering of current field within the overall format.
+     * @param handler   Records information about field positions.
+     * @param cal       Calendar to use
+     * @param status    Receives a status code, which will be U_ZERO_ERROR if the operation
+     *                  succeeds.
+     */
+    void subFormat(UnicodeString &appendTo,
+                   char16_t ch,
+                   int32_t count,
+                   UDisplayContext capitalizationContext,
+                   int32_t fieldNum,
+                   FieldPositionHandler& handler,
+                   Calendar& cal,
+                   UErrorCode& status) const; // in case of illegal argument
+    /**
+     * Used by subFormat() to format a numeric value.
+     * Appends to toAppendTo a string representation of "value"
+     * having a number of digits between "minDigits" and
+     * "maxDigits".  Uses the DateFormat's NumberFormat.
+     *
+     * @param currentNumberFormat
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Formatted number is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param value     Value to format.
+     * @param minDigits Minimum number of digits the result should have
+     * @param maxDigits Maximum number of digits the result should have
+     */
+    void zeroPaddingNumber(const NumberFormat *currentNumberFormat,
+                           UnicodeString &appendTo,
+                           int32_t value,
+                           int32_t minDigits,
+                           int32_t maxDigits) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given format character, occuring count
+     * times, represents a numeric field.
+     */
+    static UBool isNumeric(char16_t formatChar, int32_t count);
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the patternOffset is at the start of a numeric field.
+     */
+    static UBool isAtNumericField(const UnicodeString &pattern, int32_t patternOffset);
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if the patternOffset is right after a non-numeric field.
+     */
+    static UBool isAfterNonNumericField(const UnicodeString &pattern, int32_t patternOffset);
+    /**
+     * initializes fCalendar from parameters.  Returns fCalendar as a convenience.
+     * @param adoptZone  Zone to be adopted, or NULL for TimeZone::createDefault().
+     * @param locale Locale of the calendar
+     * @param status Error code
+     * @return the newly constructed fCalendar
+     */
+    Calendar *initializeCalendar(TimeZone* adoptZone, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Called by several of the constructors to load pattern data and formatting symbols
+     * out of a resource bundle and initialize the locale based on it.
+     * @param timeStyle     The time style, as passed to DateFormat::createDateInstance().
+     * @param dateStyle     The date style, as passed to DateFormat::createTimeInstance().
+     * @param locale        The locale to load the patterns from.
+     * @param status        Filled in with an error code if loading the data from the
+     *                      resources fails.
+     */
+    void construct(EStyle timeStyle, EStyle dateStyle, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Called by construct() and the various constructors to set up the SimpleDateFormat's
+     * Calendar and NumberFormat objects.
+     * @param locale    The locale for which we want a Calendar and a NumberFormat.
+     * @param status    Filled in with an error code if creating either subobject fails.
+     */
+    void initialize(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Private code-size reduction function used by subParse.
+     * @param text the time text being parsed.
+     * @param start where to start parsing.
+     * @param field the date field being parsed.
+     * @param stringArray the string array to parsed.
+     * @param stringArrayCount the size of the array.
+     * @param monthPattern pointer to leap month pattern, or NULL if none.
+     * @param cal a Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *            into a date/time string.
+     * @return the new start position if matching succeeded; a negative number
+     * indicating matching failure, otherwise.
+     */
+    int32_t matchString(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, UCalendarDateFields field,
+                        const UnicodeString* stringArray, int32_t stringArrayCount,
+                        const UnicodeString* monthPattern, Calendar& cal) const;
+    /**
+     * Private code-size reduction function used by subParse.
+     * @param text the time text being parsed.
+     * @param start where to start parsing.
+     * @param field the date field being parsed.
+     * @param stringArray the string array to parsed.
+     * @param stringArrayCount the size of the array.
+     * @param cal a Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *            into a date/time string.
+     * @return the new start position if matching succeeded; a negative number
+     * indicating matching failure, otherwise.
+     */
+    int32_t matchQuarterString(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, UCalendarDateFields field,
+                               const UnicodeString* stringArray, int32_t stringArrayCount, Calendar& cal) const;
+    /**
+     * Used by subParse() to match localized day period strings.
+     */
+    int32_t matchDayPeriodStrings(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start,
+                                  const UnicodeString* stringArray, int32_t stringArrayCount,
+                                  int32_t &dayPeriod) const;
+    /**
+     * Private function used by subParse to match literal pattern text.
+     *
+     * @param pattern the pattern string
+     * @param patternOffset the starting offset into the pattern text. On
+     *        outupt will be set the offset of the first non-literal character in the pattern
+     * @param text the text being parsed
+     * @param textOffset the starting offset into the text. On output
+     *                   will be set to the offset of the character after the match
+     * @param whitespaceLenient <code>TRUE</code> if whitespace parse is lenient, <code>FALSE</code> otherwise.
+     * @param partialMatchLenient <code>TRUE</code> if partial match parse is lenient, <code>FALSE</code> otherwise.
+     * @param oldLeniency <code>TRUE</code> if old leniency control is lenient, <code>FALSE</code> otherwise.
+     *
+     * @return <code>TRUE</code> if the literal text could be matched, <code>FALSE</code> otherwise.
+     */
+    static UBool matchLiterals(const UnicodeString &pattern, int32_t &patternOffset,
+                               const UnicodeString &text, int32_t &textOffset,
+                               UBool whitespaceLenient, UBool partialMatchLenient, UBool oldLeniency);
+    /**
+     * Private member function that converts the parsed date strings into
+     * timeFields. Returns -start (for ParsePosition) if failed.
+     * @param text the time text to be parsed.
+     * @param start where to start parsing.
+     * @param ch the pattern character for the date field text to be parsed.
+     * @param count the count of a pattern character.
+     * @param obeyCount if true then the count is strictly obeyed.
+     * @param allowNegative
+     * @param ambiguousYear If true then the two-digit year == the default start year.
+     * @param saveHebrewMonth Used to hang onto month until year is known.
+     * @param cal a Calendar set to the date and time to be formatted
+     *            into a date/time string.
+     * @param patLoc
+     * @param numericLeapMonthFormatter If non-null, used to parse numeric leap months.
+     * @param tzTimeType the type of parsed time zone - standard, daylight or unknown (output).
+     *      This parameter can be NULL if caller does not need the information.
+     * @return the new start position if matching succeeded; a negative number
+     * indicating matching failure, otherwise.
+     */
+    int32_t subParse(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t& start, char16_t ch, int32_t count,
+                     UBool obeyCount, UBool allowNegative, UBool ambiguousYear[], int32_t& saveHebrewMonth, Calendar& cal,
+                     int32_t patLoc, MessageFormat * numericLeapMonthFormatter, UTimeZoneFormatTimeType *tzTimeType,
+                     int32_t *dayPeriod=NULL) const;
+    void parseInt(const UnicodeString& text,
+                  Formattable& number,
+                  ParsePosition& pos,
+                  UBool allowNegative,
+                  const NumberFormat *fmt) const;
+    void parseInt(const UnicodeString& text,
+                  Formattable& number,
+                  int32_t maxDigits,
+                  ParsePosition& pos,
+                  UBool allowNegative,
+                  const NumberFormat *fmt) const;
+    int32_t checkIntSuffix(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start,
+                           int32_t patLoc, UBool isNegative) const;
+    /**
+     * Counts number of digit code points in the specified text.
+     *
+     * @param text  input text
+     * @param start start index, inclusive
+     * @param end   end index, exclusive
+     * @return  number of digits found in the text in the specified range.
+    */
+    int32_t countDigits(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, int32_t end) const;
+    /**
+     * Translate a pattern, mapping each character in the from string to the
+     * corresponding character in the to string. Return an error if the original
+     * pattern contains an unmapped character, or if a quote is unmatched.
+     * Quoted (single quotes only) material is not translated.
+     * @param originalPattern   the original pattern.
+     * @param translatedPattern Output param to receive the translited pattern.
+     * @param from              the characters to be translited from.
+     * @param to                the characters to be translited to.
+     * @param status            Receives a status code, which will be U_ZERO_ERROR
+     *                          if the operation succeeds.
+     */
+    static void translatePattern(const UnicodeString& originalPattern,
+                                UnicodeString& translatedPattern,
+                                const UnicodeString& from,
+                                const UnicodeString& to,
+                                UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the starting date of the 100-year window that dates with 2-digit years
+     * are considered to fall within.
+     * @param startDate the start date
+     * @param status    Receives a status code, which will be U_ZERO_ERROR
+     *                  if the operation succeeds.
+     */
+    void         parseAmbiguousDatesAsAfter(UDate startDate, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the length matched by the given affix, or -1 if none.
+     * Runs of white space in the affix, match runs of white space in
+     * the input.
+     * @param affix pattern string, taken as a literal
+     * @param input input text
+     * @param pos offset into input at which to begin matching
+     * @return length of input that matches, or -1 if match failure
+     */
+    int32_t compareSimpleAffix(const UnicodeString& affix,
+                   const UnicodeString& input,
+                   int32_t pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Skip over a run of zero or more Pattern_White_Space characters at
+     * pos in text.
+     */
+    int32_t skipPatternWhiteSpace(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Skip over a run of zero or more isUWhiteSpace() characters at pos
+     * in text.
+     */
+    int32_t skipUWhiteSpace(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Initialize LocalizedNumberFormatter instances used for speedup.
+     */
+    void initFastNumberFormatters(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Delete the LocalizedNumberFormatter instances used for speedup.
+     */
+    void freeFastNumberFormatters();
+    /**
+     * Initialize NumberFormat instances used for numbering system overrides.
+     */
+    void initNumberFormatters(const Locale &locale,UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Parse the given override string and set up structures for number formats
+     */
+    void processOverrideString(const Locale &locale, const UnicodeString &str, int8_t type, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Used to map pattern characters to Calendar field identifiers.
+     */
+    static const UCalendarDateFields fgPatternIndexToCalendarField[];
+    /**
+     * Map index into pattern character string to DateFormat field number
+     */
+    static const UDateFormatField fgPatternIndexToDateFormatField[];
+    /**
+     * Lazy TimeZoneFormat instantiation, semantically const
+     */
+    TimeZoneFormat *tzFormat(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    const NumberFormat* getNumberFormatByIndex(UDateFormatField index) const;
+    /**
+     * Used to map Calendar field to field level.
+     * The larger the level, the smaller the field unit.
+     * For example, UCAL_ERA level is 0, UCAL_YEAR level is 10,
+     * UCAL_MONTH level is 20.
+     */
+    static const int32_t fgCalendarFieldToLevel[];
+    /**
+     * Map calendar field letter into calendar field level.
+     */
+    static int32_t getLevelFromChar(char16_t ch);
+    /**
+     * Tell if a character can be used to define a field in a format string.
+     */
+    static UBool isSyntaxChar(char16_t ch);
+    /**
+     * The formatting pattern for this formatter.
+     */
+    UnicodeString       fPattern;
+    /**
+     * The numbering system override for dates.
+     */
+    UnicodeString       fDateOverride;
+    /**
+     * The numbering system override for times.
+     */
+    UnicodeString       fTimeOverride;
+    /**
+     * The original locale used (for reloading symbols)
+     */
+    Locale              fLocale;
+    /**
+     * A pointer to an object containing the strings to use in formatting (e.g.,
+     * month and day names, AM and PM strings, time zone names, etc.)
+     */
+    DateFormatSymbols*  fSymbols;   // Owned
+    /**
+     * The time zone formatter
+     */
+    TimeZoneFormat* fTimeZoneFormat;
+    /**
+     * If dates have ambiguous years, we map them into the century starting
+     * at defaultCenturyStart, which may be any date.  If defaultCenturyStart is
+     * set to SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CENTURY, which it is by default, then the system
+     * values are used.  The instance values defaultCenturyStart and
+     * defaultCenturyStartYear are only used if explicitly set by the user
+     * through the API method parseAmbiguousDatesAsAfter().
+     */
+    UDate                fDefaultCenturyStart;
+    UBool                fHasMinute;
+    UBool                fHasSecond;
+    UBool                fHasHanYearChar; // pattern contains the Han year character \u5E74
+    /**
+     * Sets fHasMinutes and fHasSeconds.
+     */
+    void                 parsePattern();
+    /**
+     * See documentation for defaultCenturyStart.
+     */
+    /*transient*/ int32_t   fDefaultCenturyStartYear;
+    struct NSOverride : public UMemory {
+        const SharedNumberFormat *snf;
+        int32_t hash;
+        NSOverride *next;
+        void free();
+        NSOverride() : snf(NULL), hash(0), next(NULL) {
+        }
+        ~NSOverride();
+    };
+    /**
+     * The number format in use for each date field. NULL means fall back
+     * to fNumberFormat in DateFormat.
+     */
+    const SharedNumberFormat    **fSharedNumberFormatters;
+    enum NumberFormatterKey {
+        SMPDTFMT_NF_1x10,
+        SMPDTFMT_NF_2x10,
+        SMPDTFMT_NF_3x10,
+        SMPDTFMT_NF_4x10,
+        SMPDTFMT_NF_2x2,
+    };
+    /**
+     * Number formatters pre-allocated for fast performance on the most common integer lengths.
+     */
+    const number::LocalizedNumberFormatter* fFastNumberFormatters[SMPDTFMT_NF_COUNT] = {};
+    UBool fHaveDefaultCentury;
+    const BreakIterator* fCapitalizationBrkIter;
+inline UDate
+SimpleDateFormat::get2DigitYearStart(UErrorCode& /*status*/) const
+    return fDefaultCenturyStart;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // _SMPDTFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/sortkey.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/sortkey.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ed7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/sortkey.h
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * File sortkey.h
+ *
+ * Created by: Helena Shih
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *  Date         Name          Description
+ *
+ *  6/20/97     helena      Java class name change.
+ *  8/18/97     helena      Added internal API documentation.
+ *  6/26/98     erm         Changed to use byte arrays and memcmp.
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef SORTKEY_H
+#define SORTKEY_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Keys for comparing strings multiple times. 
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/coll.h"
+/* forward declaration */
+class RuleBasedCollator;
+class CollationKeyByteSink;
+ *
+ * Collation keys are generated by the Collator class.  Use the CollationKey objects
+ * instead of Collator to compare strings multiple times.  A CollationKey
+ * preprocesses the comparison information from the Collator object to
+ * make the comparison faster.  If you are not going to comparing strings
+ * multiple times, then using the Collator object is generally faster,
+ * since it only processes as much of the string as needed to make a
+ * comparison.
+ * <p> For example (with strength == tertiary)
+ * <p>When comparing "Abernathy" to "Baggins-Smythworthy", Collator
+ * only needs to process a couple of characters, while a comparison
+ * with CollationKeys will process all of the characters.  On the other hand,
+ * if you are doing a sort of a number of fields, it is much faster to use
+ * CollationKeys, since you will be comparing strings multiple times.
+ * <p>Typical use of CollationKeys are in databases, where you store a CollationKey
+ * in a hidden field, and use it for sorting or indexing.
+ *
+ * <p>Example of use:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     Collator* myCollator = Collator::createInstance(success);
+ *     CollationKey* keys = new CollationKey [3];
+ *     myCollator->getCollationKey("Tom", keys[0], success );
+ *     myCollator->getCollationKey("Dick", keys[1], success );
+ *     myCollator->getCollationKey("Harry", keys[2], success );
+ *
+ *     // Inside body of sort routine, compare keys this way:
+ *     CollationKey tmp;
+ *     if(keys[0].compareTo( keys[1] ) > 0 ) {
+ *         tmp = keys[0]; keys[0] = keys[1]; keys[1] = tmp;
+ *     }
+ *     //...
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>Because Collator::compare()'s algorithm is complex, it is faster to sort
+ * long lists of words by retrieving collation keys with Collator::getCollationKey().
+ * You can then cache the collation keys and compare them using CollationKey::compareTo().
+ * <p>
+ * <strong>Note:</strong> <code>Collator</code>s with different Locale,
+ * CollationStrength and DecompositionMode settings will return different
+ * CollationKeys for the same set of strings. Locales have specific
+ * collation rules, and the way in which secondary and tertiary differences
+ * are taken into account, for example, will result in different CollationKeys
+ * for same strings.
+ * <p>
+ * @see          Collator
+ * @see          RuleBasedCollator
+ * @version      1.3 12/18/96
+ * @author       Helena Shih
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationKey : public UObject {
+    /**
+    * This creates an empty collation key based on the null string.  An empty
+    * collation key contains no sorting information.  When comparing two empty
+    * collation keys, the result is Collator::EQUAL.  Comparing empty collation key
+    * with non-empty collation key is always Collator::LESS.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    CollationKey();
+    /**
+    * Creates a collation key based on the collation key values.
+    * @param values the collation key values
+    * @param count number of collation key values, including trailing nulls.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    CollationKey(const  uint8_t*    values,
+                int32_t     count);
+    /**
+    * Copy constructor.
+    * @param other    the object to be copied.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    CollationKey(const CollationKey& other);
+    /**
+    * Sort key destructor.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    virtual ~CollationKey();
+    /**
+    * Assignment operator
+    * @param other    the object to be copied.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    const   CollationKey&   operator=(const CollationKey& other);
+    /**
+    * Compare if two collation keys are the same.
+    * @param source the collation key to compare to.
+    * @return Returns true if two collation keys are equal, false otherwise.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UBool                   operator==(const CollationKey& source) const;
+    /**
+    * Compare if two collation keys are not the same.
+    * @param source the collation key to compare to.
+    * @return Returns TRUE if two collation keys are different, FALSE otherwise.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UBool                   operator!=(const CollationKey& source) const;
+    /**
+    * Test to see if the key is in an invalid state. The key will be in an
+    * invalid state if it couldn't allocate memory for some operation.
+    * @return Returns TRUE if the key is in an invalid, FALSE otherwise.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UBool                   isBogus(void) const;
+    /**
+    * Returns a pointer to the collation key values. The storage is owned
+    * by the collation key and the pointer will become invalid if the key
+    * is deleted.
+    * @param count the output parameter of number of collation key values,
+    * including any trailing nulls.
+    * @return a pointer to the collation key values.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    const    uint8_t*       getByteArray(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+    * Extracts the collation key values into a new array. The caller owns
+    * this storage and should free it.
+    * @param count the output parameter of number of collation key values,
+    * including any trailing nulls.
+    * @obsolete ICU 2.6. Use getByteArray instead since this API will be removed in that release.
+    */
+    uint8_t*                toByteArray(int32_t& count) const;
+    /**
+    * Convenience method which does a string(bit-wise) comparison of the
+    * two collation keys.
+    * @param target target collation key to be compared with
+    * @return Returns Collator::LESS if sourceKey &lt; targetKey,
+    * Collator::GREATER if sourceKey > targetKey and Collator::EQUAL
+    * otherwise.
+    * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with error code
+    */
+    Collator::EComparisonResult compareTo(const CollationKey& target) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+    * Convenience method which does a string(bit-wise) comparison of the
+    * two collation keys.
+    * @param target target collation key to be compared with
+    * @param status error code
+    * @return Returns UCOL_LESS if sourceKey &lt; targetKey,
+    * UCOL_GREATER if sourceKey > targetKey and UCOL_EQUAL
+    * otherwise.
+    * @stable ICU 2.6
+    */
+    UCollationResult compareTo(const CollationKey& target, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+    * Creates an integer that is unique to the collation key.  NOTE: this
+    * is not the same as String.hashCode.
+    * <p>Example of use:
+    * <pre>
+    * .    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+    * .    Collator *myCollation = Collator::createInstance(Locale::US, status);
+    * .    if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
+    * .    CollationKey key1, key2;
+    * .    UErrorCode status1 = U_ZERO_ERROR, status2 = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+    * .    myCollation->getCollationKey("abc", key1, status1);
+    * .    if (U_FAILURE(status1)) { delete myCollation; return; }
+    * .    myCollation->getCollationKey("ABC", key2, status2);
+    * .    if (U_FAILURE(status2)) { delete myCollation; return; }
+    * .    // key1.hashCode() != key2.hashCode()
+    * </pre>
+    * @return the hash value based on the string's collation order.
+    * @see UnicodeString#hashCode
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    int32_t                 hashCode(void) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Replaces the current bytes buffer with a new one of newCapacity
+     * and copies length bytes from the old buffer to the new one.
+     * @return the new buffer, or NULL if the allocation failed
+     */
+    uint8_t *reallocate(int32_t newCapacity, int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Set a new length for a new sort key in the existing fBytes.
+     */
+    void setLength(int32_t newLength);
+    uint8_t *getBytes() {
+        return (fFlagAndLength >= 0) ? fUnion.fStackBuffer : fUnion.fFields.fBytes;
+    }
+    const uint8_t *getBytes() const {
+        return (fFlagAndLength >= 0) ? fUnion.fStackBuffer : fUnion.fFields.fBytes;
+    }
+    int32_t getCapacity() const {
+        return (fFlagAndLength >= 0) ? (int32_t)sizeof(fUnion) : fUnion.fFields.fCapacity;
+    }
+    int32_t getLength() const { return fFlagAndLength & 0x7fffffff; }
+    /**
+    * Set the CollationKey to a "bogus" or invalid state
+    * @return this CollationKey
+    */
+    CollationKey&           setToBogus(void);
+    /**
+    * Resets this CollationKey to an empty state
+    * @return this CollationKey
+    */
+    CollationKey&           reset(void);
+    /**
+    * Allow private access to RuleBasedCollator
+    */
+    friend  class           RuleBasedCollator;
+    friend  class           CollationKeyByteSink;
+    // Class fields. sizeof(CollationKey) is intended to be 48 bytes
+    // on a machine with 64-bit pointers.
+    // We use a union to maximize the size of the internal buffer,
+    // similar to UnicodeString but not as tight and complex.
+    // (implicit) *vtable;
+    /**
+     * Sort key length and flag.
+     * Bit 31 is set if the buffer is heap-allocated.
+     * Bits 30..0 contain the sort key length.
+     */
+    int32_t fFlagAndLength;
+    /**
+    * Unique hash value of this CollationKey.
+    * Special value 2 if the key is bogus.
+    */
+    mutable int32_t fHashCode;
+    /**
+     * fUnion provides 32 bytes for the internal buffer or for
+     * pointer+capacity.
+     */
+    union StackBufferOrFields {
+        /** fStackBuffer is used iff fFlagAndLength>=0, else fFields is used */
+        uint8_t fStackBuffer[32];
+        struct {
+            uint8_t *fBytes;
+            int32_t fCapacity;
+        } fFields;
+    } fUnion;
+inline UBool
+CollationKey::operator!=(const CollationKey& other) const
+    return !(*this == other);
+inline UBool
+CollationKey::isBogus() const
+    return fHashCode == 2;  // kBogusHashCode
+inline const uint8_t*
+CollationKey::getByteArray(int32_t &count) const
+    count = getLength();
+    return getBytes();
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/std_string.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/std_string.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf87230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/std_string.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  std_string.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2009feb19
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __STD_STRING_H__
+#define __STD_STRING_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Central ICU header for including the C++ standard &lt;string&gt;
+ *                 header and for related definitions.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+// Workaround for a libstdc++ bug before libstdc++4.6 (2011).
+#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
+namespace std { class type_info; }
+#include <string>
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __STD_STRING_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/strenum.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/strenum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8601f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/strenum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef STRENUM_H
+#define STRENUM_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: String Enumeration
+ */
+ * Base class for 'pure' C++ implementations of uenum api.  Adds a
+ * method that returns the next UnicodeString since in C++ this can
+ * be a common storage format for strings.
+ *
+ * <p>The model is that the enumeration is over strings maintained by
+ * a 'service.'  At any point, the service might change, invalidating
+ * the enumerator (though this is expected to be rare).  The iterator
+ * returns an error if this has occurred.  Lack of the error is no
+ * guarantee that the service didn't change immediately after the
+ * call, so the returned string still might not be 'valid' on
+ * subsequent use.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Strings may take the form of const char*, const char16_t*, or const
+ * UnicodeString*.  The type you get is determine by the variant of
+ * 'next' that you call.  In general the StringEnumeration is
+ * optimized for one of these types, but all StringEnumerations can
+ * return all types.  Returned strings are each terminated with a NUL.
+ * Depending on the service data, they might also include embedded NUL
+ * characters, so API is provided to optionally return the true
+ * length, counting the embedded NULs but not counting the terminating
+ * NUL.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The pointers returned by next, unext, and snext become invalid
+ * upon any subsequent call to the enumeration's destructor, next,
+ * unext, snext, or reset.</p>
+ *
+ * ICU 2.8 adds some default implementations and helper functions
+ * for subclasses.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4 
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API StringEnumeration : public UObject { 
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~StringEnumeration();
+    /**
+     * Clone this object, an instance of a subclass of StringEnumeration.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If a subclass does not implement clone(), or if an error occurs,
+     * then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual StringEnumeration *clone() const;
+    /**
+     * <p>Return the number of elements that the iterator traverses.  If
+     * the iterator is out of sync with its service, status is set to
+     * U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR, and the return value is zero.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The return value will not change except possibly as a result of
+     * a subsequent call to reset, or if the iterator becomes out of sync.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This is a convenience function. It can end up being very
+     * expensive as all the items might have to be pre-fetched
+     * (depending on the storage format of the data being
+     * traversed).</p>
+     *
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @return number of elements in the iterator.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * <p>Returns the next element as a NUL-terminated char*.  If there
+     * are no more elements, returns NULL.  If the resultLength pointer
+     * is not NULL, the length of the string (not counting the
+     * terminating NUL) is returned at that address.  If an error
+     * status is returned, the value at resultLength is undefined.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The returned pointer is owned by this iterator and must not be
+     * deleted by the caller.  The pointer is valid until the next call
+     * to next, unext, snext, reset, or the enumerator's destructor.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>If the iterator is out of sync with its service, status is set
+     * to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR and NULL is returned.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>If the native service string is a char16_t* string, it is
+     * converted to char* with the invariant converter.  If the
+     * conversion fails (because a character cannot be converted) then
+     * status is set to U_INVARIANT_CONVERSION_ERROR and the return
+     * value is undefined (though not NULL).</p>
+     *
+     * Starting with ICU 2.8, the default implementation calls snext()
+     * and handles the conversion.
+     * Either next() or snext() must be implemented differently by a subclass.
+     *
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @param resultLength a pointer to receive the length, can be NULL.
+     * @return a pointer to the string, or NULL.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4 
+     */
+    virtual const char* next(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Returns the next element as a NUL-terminated char16_t*.  If there
+     * are no more elements, returns NULL.  If the resultLength pointer
+     * is not NULL, the length of the string (not counting the
+     * terminating NUL) is returned at that address.  If an error
+     * status is returned, the value at resultLength is undefined.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The returned pointer is owned by this iterator and must not be
+     * deleted by the caller.  The pointer is valid until the next call
+     * to next, unext, snext, reset, or the enumerator's destructor.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>If the iterator is out of sync with its service, status is set
+     * to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR and NULL is returned.</p>
+     *
+     * Starting with ICU 2.8, the default implementation calls snext()
+     * and handles the conversion.
+     *
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @param resultLength a ponter to receive the length, can be NULL.
+     * @return a pointer to the string, or NULL.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4 
+     */
+    virtual const char16_t* unext(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Returns the next element a UnicodeString*.  If there are no
+     * more elements, returns NULL.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The returned pointer is owned by this iterator and must not be
+     * deleted by the caller.  The pointer is valid until the next call
+     * to next, unext, snext, reset, or the enumerator's destructor.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>If the iterator is out of sync with its service, status is set
+     * to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR and NULL is returned.</p>
+     *
+     * Starting with ICU 2.8, the default implementation calls next()
+     * and handles the conversion.
+     * Either next() or snext() must be implemented differently by a subclass.
+     *
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @return a pointer to the string, or NULL.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4 
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * <p>Resets the iterator.  This re-establishes sync with the
+     * service and rewinds the iterator to start at the first
+     * element.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>Previous pointers returned by next, unext, or snext become
+     * invalid, and the value returned by count might change.</p>
+     *
+     * @param status the error code.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4 
+     */
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Compares this enumeration to other to check if both are equal
+     *
+     * @param that The other string enumeration to compare this object to
+     * @return TRUE if the enumerations are equal. FALSE if not.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6 
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const StringEnumeration& that)const;
+    /**
+     * Compares this enumeration to other to check if both are not equal
+     *
+     * @param that The other string enumeration to compare this object to
+     * @return TRUE if the enumerations are equal. FALSE if not.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6 
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const StringEnumeration& that)const;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeString field for use with default implementations and subclasses.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString unistr;
+    /**
+     * char * default buffer for use with default implementations and subclasses.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    char charsBuffer[32];
+    /**
+     * char * buffer for use with default implementations and subclasses.
+     * Allocated in constructor and in ensureCharsCapacity().
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    char *chars;
+    /**
+     * Capacity of chars, for use with default implementations and subclasses.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    int32_t charsCapacity;
+    /**
+     * Default constructor for use with default implementations and subclasses.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    StringEnumeration();
+    /**
+     * Ensures that chars is at least as large as the requested capacity.
+     * For use with default implementations and subclasses.
+     *
+     * @param capacity Requested capacity.
+     * @param status ICU in/out error code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    void ensureCharsCapacity(int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Converts s to Unicode and sets unistr to the result.
+     * For use with default implementations and subclasses,
+     * especially for implementations of snext() in terms of next().
+     * This is provided with a helper function instead of a default implementation
+     * of snext() to avoid potential infinite loops between next() and snext().
+     *
+     * For example:
+     * \code
+     * const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status) {
+     *   int32_t resultLength=0;
+     *   const char *s=next(&resultLength, status);
+     *   return setChars(s, resultLength, status);
+     * }
+     * \endcode
+     *
+     * @param s String to be converted to Unicode.
+     * @param length Length of the string.
+     * @param status ICU in/out error code.
+     * @return A pointer to unistr.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString *setChars(const char *s, int32_t length, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+/* STRENUM_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringoptions.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringoptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9f709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringoptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// stringoptions.h
+// created: 2017jun08 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __STRINGOPTIONS_H__
+#define __STRINGOPTIONS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Bit set option bit constants for various string and character processing functions.
+ */
+ * Option value for case folding: Use default mappings defined in CaseFolding.txt.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Option value for case folding:
+ *
+ * Use the modified set of mappings provided in CaseFolding.txt to handle dotted I
+ * and dotless i appropriately for Turkic languages (tr, az).
+ *
+ * Before Unicode 3.2, CaseFolding.txt contains mappings marked with 'I' that
+ * are to be included for default mappings and
+ * excluded for the Turkic-specific mappings.
+ *
+ * Unicode 3.2 CaseFolding.txt instead contains mappings marked with 'T' that
+ * are to be excluded for default mappings and
+ * included for the Turkic-specific mappings.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Titlecase the string as a whole rather than each word.
+ * (Titlecase only the character at index 0, possibly adjusted.)
+ * Option bits value for titlecasing APIs that take an options bit set.
+ *
+ * It is an error to specify multiple titlecasing iterator options together,
+ * including both an options bit and an explicit BreakIterator.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+ * Titlecase sentences rather than words.
+ * (Titlecase only the first character of each sentence, possibly adjusted.)
+ * Option bits value for titlecasing APIs that take an options bit set.
+ *
+ * It is an error to specify multiple titlecasing iterator options together,
+ * including both an options bit and an explicit BreakIterator.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+ * Do not lowercase non-initial parts of words when titlecasing.
+ * Option bit for titlecasing APIs that take an options bit set.
+ *
+ * By default, titlecasing will titlecase the character at each
+ * (possibly adjusted) BreakIterator index and
+ * lowercase all other characters up to the next iterator index.
+ * With this option, the other characters will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @see UnicodeString::toTitle
+ * @see CaseMap::toTitle
+ * @see ucasemap_setOptions
+ * @see ucasemap_toTitle
+ * @see ucasemap_utf8ToTitle
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+ * Do not adjust the titlecasing BreakIterator indexes;
+ * titlecase exactly the characters at breaks from the iterator.
+ * Option bit for titlecasing APIs that take an options bit set.
+ *
+ * By default, titlecasing will take each break iterator index,
+ * adjust it to the next relevant character (see U_TITLECASE_ADJUST_TO_CASED),
+ * and titlecase that one.
+ *
+ * Other characters are lowercased.
+ *
+ * It is an error to specify multiple titlecasing adjustment options together.
+ *
+ * @see UnicodeString::toTitle
+ * @see CaseMap::toTitle
+ * @see ucasemap_setOptions
+ * @see ucasemap_toTitle
+ * @see ucasemap_utf8ToTitle
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+ * Adjust each titlecasing BreakIterator index to the next cased character.
+ * (See the Unicode Standard, chapter 3, Default Case Conversion, R3 toTitlecase(X).)
+ * Option bit for titlecasing APIs that take an options bit set.
+ *
+ * This used to be the default index adjustment in ICU.
+ * Since ICU 60, the default index adjustment is to the next character that is
+ * a letter, number, symbol, or private use code point.
+ * (Uncased modifier letters are skipped.)
+ * The difference in behavior is small for word titlecasing,
+ * but the new adjustment is much better for whole-string and sentence titlecasing:
+ * It yields "49ers" and "«丰(abc)»" instead of "49Ers" and "«丰(Abc)»".
+ *
+ * It is an error to specify multiple titlecasing adjustment options together.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+ * Option for string transformation functions to not first reset the Edits object.
+ * Used for example in some case-mapping and normalization functions.
+ *
+ * @see CaseMap
+ * @see Edits
+ * @see Normalizer2
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+#define U_EDITS_NO_RESET 0x2000
+ * Omit unchanged text when recording how source substrings
+ * relate to changed and unchanged result substrings.
+ * Used for example in some case-mapping and normalization functions.
+ *
+ * @see CaseMap
+ * @see Edits
+ * @see Normalizer2
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+#define U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT 0x4000
+ * Option bit for u_strCaseCompare, u_strcasecmp, unorm_compare, etc:
+ * Compare strings in code point order instead of code unit order.
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+ * Option bit for unorm_compare:
+ * Perform case-insensitive comparison.
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+#define U_COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE       0x10000
+ * Option bit for unorm_compare:
+ * Both input strings are assumed to fulfill FCD conditions.
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+#define UNORM_INPUT_IS_FCD          0x20000
+// Related definitions elsewhere.
+// Options that are not meaningful in the same functions
+// can share the same bits.
+// Public:
+// unicode/unorm.h #define UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT 20
+// Internal: (may change or be removed)
+// ucase.h #define _STRCASECMP_OPTIONS_MASK 0xffff
+// ucase.h #define _FOLD_CASE_OPTIONS_MASK 7
+// ucasemap_imp.h #define U_TITLECASE_ITERATOR_MASK 0xe0
+// ucasemap_imp.h #define U_TITLECASE_ADJUSTMENT_MASK 0x600
+// ustr_imp.h #define _STRNCMP_STYLE 0x1000
+// unormcmp.cpp #define _COMPARE_EQUIV 0x80000
+#endif  // __STRINGOPTIONS_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringpiece.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringpiece.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f581091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringpiece.h
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2013, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// Copyright 2001 and onwards Google Inc.
+// Author: Sanjay Ghemawat
+// This code is a contribution of Google code, and the style used here is
+// a compromise between the original Google code and the ICU coding guidelines.
+// For example, data types are ICU-ified (size_t,int->int32_t),
+// and API comments doxygen-ified, but function names and behavior are
+// as in the original, if possible.
+// Assertion-style error handling, not available in ICU, was changed to
+// parameter "pinning" similar to UnicodeString.
+// In addition, this is only a partial port of the original Google code,
+// limited to what was needed so far. The (nearly) complete original code
+// is in the ICU svn repository at icuhtml/trunk/design/strings/contrib
+// (see ICU ticket 6765, r25517).
+#ifndef __STRINGPIECE_H__
+#define __STRINGPIECE_H__
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: StringPiece: Read-only byte string wrapper class.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/std_string.h"
+// Arghh!  I wish C++ literals were "string".
+ * A string-like object that points to a sized piece of memory.
+ *
+ * We provide non-explicit singleton constructors so users can pass
+ * in a "const char*" or a "string" wherever a "StringPiece" is
+ * expected.
+ *
+ * Functions or methods may use StringPiece parameters to accept either a
+ * "const char*" or a "string" value that will be implicitly converted to a
+ * StringPiece.
+ *
+ * Systematic usage of StringPiece is encouraged as it will reduce unnecessary
+ * conversions from "const char*" to "string" and back again.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API StringPiece : public UMemory {
+ private:
+  const char*   ptr_;
+  int32_t       length_;
+ public:
+  /**
+   * Default constructor, creates an empty StringPiece.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringPiece() : ptr_(NULL), length_(0) { }
+  /**
+   * Constructs from a NUL-terminated const char * pointer.
+   * @param str a NUL-terminated const char * pointer
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringPiece(const char* str);
+  /**
+   * Constructs from a std::string.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringPiece(const std::string& str)
+    : ptr_(, length_(static_cast<int32_t>(str.size())) { }
+  /**
+   * Constructs from some other implementation of a string piece class, from any
+   * C++ record type that has these two methods:
+   *
+   * \code{.cpp}
+   *
+   *   struct OtherStringPieceClass {
+   *     const char* data();
+   *     size_t size();
+   *   };
+   *
+   * \endcode
+   *
+   * The other string piece class will typically be std::string_view from C++17
+   * or absl::string_view from Abseil.
+   *
+   * @param str the other string piece
+   * @draft ICU 65
+   */
+  template <typename T,
+            typename = typename std::enable_if<
+                std::is_same<decltype(T().data()), const char*>::value &&
+                std::is_same<decltype(T().size()), size_t>::value>::type>
+  StringPiece(T str)
+      : ptr_(, length_(static_cast<int32_t>(str.size())) {}
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+  /**
+   * Constructs from a const char * pointer and a specified length.
+   * @param offset a const char * pointer (need not be terminated)
+   * @param len the length of the string; must be non-negative
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringPiece(const char* offset, int32_t len) : ptr_(offset), length_(len) { }
+  /**
+   * Substring of another StringPiece.
+   * @param x the other StringPiece
+   * @param pos start position in x; must be non-negative and <= x.length().
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringPiece(const StringPiece& x, int32_t pos);
+  /**
+   * Substring of another StringPiece.
+   * @param x the other StringPiece
+   * @param pos start position in x; must be non-negative and <= x.length().
+   * @param len length of the substring;
+   *            must be non-negative and will be pinned to at most x.length() - pos.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringPiece(const StringPiece& x, int32_t pos, int32_t len);
+  /**
+   * Returns the string pointer. May be NULL if it is empty.
+   *
+   * data() may return a pointer to a buffer with embedded NULs, and the
+   * returned buffer may or may not be null terminated.  Therefore it is
+   * typically a mistake to pass data() to a routine that expects a NUL
+   * terminated string.
+   * @return the string pointer
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  const char* data() const { return ptr_; }
+  /**
+   * Returns the string length. Same as length().
+   * @return the string length
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  int32_t size() const { return length_; }
+  /**
+   * Returns the string length. Same as size().
+   * @return the string length
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  int32_t length() const { return length_; }
+  /**
+   * Returns whether the string is empty.
+   * @return TRUE if the string is empty
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  UBool empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
+  /**
+   * Sets to an empty string.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  void clear() { ptr_ = NULL; length_ = 0; }
+  /**
+   * Reset the stringpiece to refer to new data.
+   * @param xdata pointer the new string data.  Need not be nul terminated.
+   * @param len the length of the new data
+   * @stable ICU 4.8
+   */
+  void set(const char* xdata, int32_t len) { ptr_ = xdata; length_ = len; }
+  /**
+   * Reset the stringpiece to refer to new data.
+   * @param str a pointer to a NUL-terminated string. 
+   * @stable ICU 4.8
+   */
+  void set(const char* str);
+  /**
+   * Removes the first n string units.
+   * @param n prefix length, must be non-negative and <=length()
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  void remove_prefix(int32_t n) {
+    if (n >= 0) {
+      if (n > length_) {
+        n = length_;
+      }
+      ptr_ += n;
+      length_ -= n;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Removes the last n string units.
+   * @param n suffix length, must be non-negative and <=length()
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  void remove_suffix(int32_t n) {
+    if (n >= 0) {
+      if (n <= length_) {
+        length_ -= n;
+      } else {
+        length_ = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Maximum integer, used as a default value for substring methods.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  static const int32_t npos; // = 0x7fffffff;
+  /**
+   * Returns a substring of this StringPiece.
+   * @param pos start position; must be non-negative and <= length().
+   * @param len length of the substring;
+   *            must be non-negative and will be pinned to at most length() - pos.
+   * @return the substring StringPiece
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  StringPiece substr(int32_t pos, int32_t len = npos) const {
+    return StringPiece(*this, pos, len);
+  }
+ * Global operator == for StringPiece
+ * @param x The first StringPiece to compare.
+ * @param y The second StringPiece to compare.
+ * @return TRUE if the string data is equal
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+operator==(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y);
+ * Global operator != for StringPiece
+ * @param x The first StringPiece to compare.
+ * @param y The second StringPiece to compare.
+ * @return TRUE if the string data is not equal
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+inline UBool operator!=(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
+  return !(x == y);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __STRINGPIECE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringtriebuilder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringtriebuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c47dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stringtriebuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2012,2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  stringtriebuilder.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010dec24
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Builder API for trie builders
+ */
+// Forward declaration.
+/// \cond
+struct UHashtable;
+typedef struct UHashtable UHashtable;
+/// \endcond
+ * Build options for BytesTrieBuilder and CharsTrieBuilder.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+enum UStringTrieBuildOption {
+    /**
+     * Builds a trie quickly.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Builds a trie more slowly, attempting to generate
+     * a shorter but equivalent serialization.
+     * This build option also uses more memory.
+     *
+     * This option can be effective when many integer values are the same
+     * and string/byte sequence suffixes can be shared.
+     * Runtime speed is not expected to improve.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+ * Base class for string trie builder classes.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API StringTrieBuilder : public UObject {
+    /** @internal */
+    static int32_t hashNode(const void *node);
+    /** @internal */
+    static UBool equalNodes(const void *left, const void *right);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    // Do not enclose the protected default constructor with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
+    // or else the compiler will create a public default constructor.
+    /** @internal */
+    StringTrieBuilder();
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual ~StringTrieBuilder();
+    /** @internal */
+    void createCompactBuilder(int32_t sizeGuess, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** @internal */
+    void deleteCompactBuilder();
+    /** @internal */
+    void build(UStringTrieBuildOption buildOption, int32_t elementsLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** @internal */
+    int32_t writeNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex);
+    /** @internal */
+    int32_t writeBranchSubNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t length);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    class Node;
+    /** @internal */
+    Node *makeNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** @internal */
+    Node *makeBranchSubNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex,
+                            int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t getElementStringLength(int32_t i) const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual char16_t getElementUnit(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex) const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t getElementValue(int32_t i) const = 0;
+    // Finds the first unit index after this one where
+    // the first and last element have different units again.
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t getLimitOfLinearMatch(int32_t first, int32_t last, int32_t unitIndex) const = 0;
+    // Number of different units at unitIndex.
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t countElementUnits(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex) const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t skipElementsBySomeUnits(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t count) const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t indexOfElementWithNextUnit(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, char16_t unit) const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual UBool matchNodesCanHaveValues() const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t getMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength() const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t getMinLinearMatch() const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t getMaxLinearMatchLength() const = 0;
+    // max(BytesTrie::kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength, UCharsTrie::kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength).
+    /** @internal */
+    static const int32_t kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength=5;
+    // Maximum number of nested split-branch levels for a branch on all 2^16 possible char16_t units.
+    // log2(2^16/kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength) rounded up.
+    /** @internal */
+    static const int32_t kMaxSplitBranchLevels=14;
+    /**
+     * Makes sure that there is only one unique node registered that is
+     * equivalent to newNode.
+     * @param newNode Input node. The builder takes ownership.
+     * @param errorCode ICU in/out UErrorCode.
+                        Set to U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR if it was success but newNode==NULL.
+     * @return newNode if it is the first of its kind, or
+     *         an equivalent node if newNode is a duplicate.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    Node *registerNode(Node *newNode, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Makes sure that there is only one unique FinalValueNode registered
+     * with this value.
+     * Avoids creating a node if the value is a duplicate.
+     * @param value A final value.
+     * @param errorCode ICU in/out UErrorCode.
+                        Set to U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR if it was success but newNode==NULL.
+     * @return A FinalValueNode with the given value.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    Node *registerFinalValue(int32_t value, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /*
+     * C++ note:
+     * registerNode() and registerFinalValue() take ownership of their input nodes,
+     * and only return owned nodes.
+     * If they see a failure UErrorCode, they will delete the input node.
+     * If they get a NULL pointer, they will record a U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR.
+     * If there is a failure, they return NULL.
+     *
+     * NULL Node pointers can be safely passed into other Nodes because
+     * they call the static Node::hashCode() which checks for a NULL pointer first.
+     *
+     * Therefore, as long as builder functions register a new node,
+     * they need to check for failures only before explicitly dereferencing
+     * a Node pointer, or before setting a new UErrorCode.
+     */
+    // Hash set of nodes, maps from nodes to integer 1.
+    /** @internal */
+    UHashtable *nodes;
+    // Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API,
+    // it is needed for layout of other objects.
+    /**
+     * @internal
+     * \cond
+     */
+    class Node : public UObject {
+    public:
+        Node(int32_t initialHash) : hash(initialHash), offset(0) {}
+        inline int32_t hashCode() const { return hash; }
+        // Handles node==NULL.
+        static inline int32_t hashCode(const Node *node) { return node==NULL ? 0 : node->hashCode(); }
+        // Base class operator==() compares the actual class types.
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        inline UBool operator!=(const Node &other) const { return !operator==(other); }
+        /**
+         * Traverses the Node graph and numbers branch edges, with rightmost edges first.
+         * This is to avoid writing a duplicate node twice.
+         *
+         * Branch nodes in this trie data structure are not symmetric.
+         * Most branch edges "jump" to other nodes but the rightmost branch edges
+         * just continue without a jump.
+         * Therefore, write() must write the rightmost branch edge last
+         * (trie units are written backwards), and must write it at that point even if
+         * it is a duplicate of a node previously written elsewhere.
+         *
+         * This function visits and marks right branch edges first.
+         * Edges are numbered with increasingly negative values because we share the
+         * offset field which gets positive values when nodes are written.
+         * A branch edge also remembers the first number for any of its edges.
+         *
+         * When a further-left branch edge has a number in the range of the rightmost
+         * edge's numbers, then it will be written as part of the required right edge
+         * and we can avoid writing it first.
+         *
+         * After root.markRightEdgesFirst(-1) the offsets of all nodes are negative
+         * edge numbers.
+         *
+         * @param edgeNumber The first edge number for this node and its sub-nodes.
+         * @return An edge number that is at least the maximum-negative
+         *         of the input edge number and the numbers of this node and all of its sub-nodes.
+         */
+        virtual int32_t markRightEdgesFirst(int32_t edgeNumber);
+        // write() must set the offset to a positive value.
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder) = 0;
+        // See markRightEdgesFirst.
+        inline void writeUnlessInsideRightEdge(int32_t firstRight, int32_t lastRight,
+                                               StringTrieBuilder &builder) {
+            // Note: Edge numbers are negative, lastRight<=firstRight.
+            // If offset>0 then this node and its sub-nodes have been written already
+            // and we need not write them again.
+            // If this node is part of the unwritten right branch edge,
+            // then we wait until that is written.
+            if(offset<0 && (offset<lastRight || firstRight<offset)) {
+                write(builder);
+            }
+        }
+        inline int32_t getOffset() const { return offset; }
+    protected:
+        int32_t hash;
+        int32_t offset;
+    };
+    // This class should not be overridden because
+    // registerFinalValue() compares a stack-allocated FinalValueNode
+    // (stack-allocated so that we don't unnecessarily create lots of duplicate nodes)
+    // with the input node, and the
+    // !Node::operator==(other) used inside FinalValueNode::operator==(other)
+    // will be false if the typeid's are different.
+    /** @internal */
+    class FinalValueNode : public Node {
+    public:
+        FinalValueNode(int32_t v) : Node(0x111111u*37u+v), value(v) {}
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder);
+    protected:
+        int32_t value;
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    // Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API,
+    // it is needed for layout of other objects.
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    class ValueNode : public Node {
+    public:
+        ValueNode(int32_t initialHash) : Node(initialHash), hasValue(FALSE), value(0) {}
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        void setValue(int32_t v) {
+            hasValue=TRUE;
+            value=v;
+            hash=hash*37u+v;
+        }
+    protected:
+        UBool hasValue;
+        int32_t value;
+    };
+    /** 
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    class IntermediateValueNode : public ValueNode {
+    public:
+        IntermediateValueNode(int32_t v, Node *nextNode)
+                : ValueNode(0x222222u*37u+hashCode(nextNode)), next(nextNode) { setValue(v); }
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual int32_t markRightEdgesFirst(int32_t edgeNumber);
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder);
+    protected:
+        Node *next;
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    // Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API,
+    // it is needed for layout of other objects.
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    class LinearMatchNode : public ValueNode {
+    public:
+        LinearMatchNode(int32_t len, Node *nextNode)
+                : ValueNode((0x333333u*37u+len)*37u+hashCode(nextNode)),
+                  length(len), next(nextNode) {}
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual int32_t markRightEdgesFirst(int32_t edgeNumber);
+    protected:
+        int32_t length;
+        Node *next;
+    };
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    class BranchNode : public Node {
+    public:
+        BranchNode(int32_t initialHash) : Node(initialHash) {}
+    protected:
+        int32_t firstEdgeNumber;
+    };
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    class ListBranchNode : public BranchNode {
+    public:
+        ListBranchNode() : BranchNode(0x444444), length(0) {}
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual int32_t markRightEdgesFirst(int32_t edgeNumber);
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder);
+        // Adds a unit with a final value.
+        void add(int32_t c, int32_t value) {
+            units[length]=(char16_t)c;
+            equal[length]=NULL;
+            values[length]=value;
+            ++length;
+            hash=(hash*37u+c)*37u+value;
+        }
+        // Adds a unit which leads to another match node.
+        void add(int32_t c, Node *node) {
+            units[length]=(char16_t)c;
+            equal[length]=node;
+            values[length]=0;
+            ++length;
+            hash=(hash*37u+c)*37u+hashCode(node);
+        }
+    protected:
+        Node *equal[kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength];  // NULL means "has final value".
+        int32_t length;
+        int32_t values[kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength];
+        char16_t units[kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength];
+    };
+    /**
+     * @internal 
+     */
+    class SplitBranchNode : public BranchNode {
+    public:
+        SplitBranchNode(char16_t middleUnit, Node *lessThanNode, Node *greaterOrEqualNode)
+                : BranchNode(((0x555555u*37u+middleUnit)*37u+
+                              hashCode(lessThanNode))*37u+hashCode(greaterOrEqualNode)),
+                  unit(middleUnit), lessThan(lessThanNode), greaterOrEqual(greaterOrEqualNode) {}
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual int32_t markRightEdgesFirst(int32_t edgeNumber);
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder);
+    protected:
+        char16_t unit;
+        Node *lessThan;
+        Node *greaterOrEqual;
+    };
+    // Branch head node, for writing the actual node lead unit.
+    /** @internal */
+    class BranchHeadNode : public ValueNode {
+    public:
+        BranchHeadNode(int32_t len, Node *subNode)
+                : ValueNode((0x666666u*37u+len)*37u+hashCode(subNode)),
+                  length(len), next(subNode) {}
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual int32_t markRightEdgesFirst(int32_t edgeNumber);
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder);
+    protected:
+        int32_t length;
+        Node *next;  // A branch sub-node.
+    };
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /// \endcond
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual Node *createLinearMatchNode(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t length,
+                                        Node *nextNode) const = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t write(int32_t unit) = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t writeElementUnits(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t length) = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t writeValueAndFinal(int32_t i, UBool isFinal) = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t writeValueAndType(UBool hasValue, int32_t value, int32_t node) = 0;
+    /** @internal */
+    virtual int32_t writeDeltaTo(int32_t jumpTarget) = 0;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stsearch.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stsearch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb5dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/stsearch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2014 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*  03/22/2000   helena      Creation.
+#ifndef STSEARCH_H
+#define STSEARCH_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Service for searching text based on RuleBasedCollator.
+ */
+#include "unicode/tblcoll.h"
+#include "unicode/coleitr.h"
+#include "unicode/search.h"
+ *
+ * <tt>StringSearch</tt> is a <tt>SearchIterator</tt> that provides
+ * language-sensitive text searching based on the comparison rules defined
+ * in a {@link RuleBasedCollator} object.
+ * StringSearch ensures that language eccentricity can be
+ * handled, e.g. for the German collator, characters &szlig; and SS will be matched
+ * if case is chosen to be ignored.
+ * See the <a href="">
+ * "ICU Collation Design Document"</a> for more information.
+ * <p>
+ * There are 2 match options for selection:<br>
+ * Let S' be the sub-string of a text string S between the offsets start and
+ * end [start, end].
+ * <br>
+ * A pattern string P matches a text string S at the offsets [start, end]
+ * if
+ * <pre> 
+ * option 1. Some canonical equivalent of P matches some canonical equivalent
+ *           of S'
+ * option 2. P matches S' and if P starts or ends with a combining mark,
+ *           there exists no non-ignorable combining mark before or after S?
+ *           in S respectively.
+ * </pre>
+ * Option 2. will be the default.
+ * <p>
+ * This search has APIs similar to that of other text iteration mechanisms 
+ * such as the break iterators in <tt>BreakIterator</tt>. Using these 
+ * APIs, it is easy to scan through text looking for all occurrences of 
+ * a given pattern. This search iterator allows changing of direction by 
+ * calling a <tt>reset</tt> followed by a <tt>next</tt> or <tt>previous</tt>.
+ * Though a direction change can occur without calling <tt>reset</tt> first,
+ * this operation comes with some speed penalty.
+ * Match results in the forward direction will match the result matches in
+ * the backwards direction in the reverse order
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> provides APIs to specify the starting position
+ * within the text string to be searched, e.g. <tt>setOffset</tt>,
+ * <tt>preceding</tt> and <tt>following</tt>. Since the
+ * starting position will be set as it is specified, please take note that
+ * there are some danger points which the search may render incorrect
+ * results:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li> The midst of a substring that requires normalization.
+ * <li> If the following match is to be found, the position should not be the
+ *      second character which requires to be swapped with the preceding
+ *      character. Vice versa, if the preceding match is to be found,
+ *      position to search from should not be the first character which
+ *      requires to be swapped with the next character. E.g certain Thai and
+ *      Lao characters require swapping.
+ * <li> If a following pattern match is to be found, any position within a
+ *      contracting sequence except the first will fail. Vice versa if a
+ *      preceding pattern match is to be found, a invalid starting point
+ *      would be any character within a contracting sequence except the last.
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> can be used if only matches at logical breaks are desired.
+ * Using a <tt>BreakIterator</tt> will only give you results that exactly matches the
+ * boundaries given by the breakiterator. For instance the pattern "e" will
+ * not be found in the string "\u00e9" if a character break iterator is used.
+ * <p>
+ * Options are provided to handle overlapping matches.
+ * E.g. In English, overlapping matches produces the result 0 and 2
+ * for the pattern "abab" in the text "ababab", where else mutually
+ * exclusive matches only produce the result of 0.
+ * <p>
+ * Though collator attributes will be taken into consideration while
+ * performing matches, there are no APIs here for setting and getting the
+ * attributes. These attributes can be set by getting the collator
+ * from <tt>getCollator</tt> and using the APIs in <tt>coll.h</tt>.
+ * Lastly to update <tt>StringSearch</tt> to the new collator attributes,
+ * <tt>reset</tt> has to be called.
+ * <p> 
+ * Restriction: <br>
+ * Currently there are no composite characters that consists of a
+ * character with combining class > 0 before a character with combining
+ * class == 0. However, if such a character exists in the future,
+ * <tt>StringSearch</tt> does not guarantee the results for option 1.
+ * <p>
+ * Consult the <tt>SearchIterator</tt> documentation for information on
+ * and examples of how to use instances of this class to implement text
+ * searching.
+ * <pre><code>
+ * UnicodeString target("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
+ * UnicodeString pattern("fox");
+ *
+ * UErrorCode      error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * StringSearch iter(pattern, target, Locale::getUS(), NULL, status);
+ * for (int pos = iter.first(error);
+ *      pos != USEARCH_DONE; 
+ *      pos =
+ * {
+ *     printf("Found match at %d pos, length is %d\n", pos, iter.getMatchedLength());
+ * }
+ * </code></pre>
+ * <p>
+ * Note, <tt>StringSearch</tt> is not to be subclassed.
+ * </p>
+ * @see SearchIterator
+ * @see RuleBasedCollator
+ * @since ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API StringSearch U_FINAL : public SearchIterator
+    // public constructors and destructors --------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument locale 
+     * language rule set. A collator will be created in the process, which 
+     * will be owned by this instance and will be deleted during 
+     * destruction
+     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
+     * @param text    The text in which to search for the pattern.
+     * @param locale  A locale which defines the language-sensitive 
+     *                comparison rules used to determine whether text in the 
+     *                pattern and target matches. 
+     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain 
+     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end 
+     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as 
+     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are 
+     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired, 
+     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
+     * @param status  for errors if any. If pattern or text is NULL, or if
+     *               either the length of pattern or text is 0 then an 
+     *               U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, const UnicodeString &text,
+                 const Locale        &locale,       
+                       BreakIterator *breakiter,
+                       UErrorCode    &status);
+    /**
+     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument collator 
+     * language rule set. Note, user retains the ownership of this collator, 
+     * it does not get destroyed during this instance's destruction.
+     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
+     * @param text    The text in which to search for the pattern.
+     * @param coll    A <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt> object which defines 
+     *                the language-sensitive comparison rules used to 
+     *                determine whether text in the pattern and target 
+     *                matches. User is responsible for the clearing of this
+     *                object.
+     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain 
+     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end 
+     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as 
+     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are 
+     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired, 
+     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
+     * @param status for errors if any. If either the length of pattern or 
+     *               text is 0 then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    StringSearch(const UnicodeString     &pattern, 
+                 const UnicodeString     &text,
+                       RuleBasedCollator *coll,       
+                       BreakIterator     *breakiter,
+                       UErrorCode        &status);
+    /**
+     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument locale 
+     * language rule set. A collator will be created in the process, which 
+     * will be owned by this instance and will be deleted during 
+     * destruction
+     * <p>
+     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> 
+     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text 
+     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
+     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
+     * @param text    The text iterator in which to search for the pattern.
+     * @param locale  A locale which defines the language-sensitive 
+     *                comparison rules used to determine whether text in the 
+     *                pattern and target matches. User is responsible for 
+     *                the clearing of this object.
+     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain 
+     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end 
+     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as 
+     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are 
+     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired, 
+     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
+     * @param status for errors if any. If either the length of pattern or 
+     *               text is 0 then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, CharacterIterator &text,
+                 const Locale        &locale, 
+                       BreakIterator *breakiter,
+                       UErrorCode    &status);
+    /**
+     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument collator 
+     * language rule set. Note, user retains the ownership of this collator, 
+     * it does not get destroyed during this instance's destruction.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> 
+     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text 
+     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
+     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
+     * @param text    The text in which to search for the pattern.
+     * @param coll    A <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt> object which defines 
+     *                the language-sensitive comparison rules used to 
+     *                determine whether text in the pattern and target 
+     *                matches. User is responsible for the clearing of this
+     *                object.
+     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain 
+     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end 
+     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as 
+     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are 
+     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired, 
+     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
+     * @param status for errors if any. If either the length of pattern or 
+     *               text is 0 then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    StringSearch(const UnicodeString     &pattern, CharacterIterator &text,
+                       RuleBasedCollator *coll, 
+                       BreakIterator     *breakiter,
+                       UErrorCode        &status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor that creates a StringSearch instance with the same 
+     * behavior, and iterating over the same text.
+     * @param that StringSearch instance to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    StringSearch(const StringSearch &that);
+    /**
+    * Destructor. Cleans up the search iterator data struct.
+    * If a collator is created in the constructor, it will be destroyed here.
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    virtual ~StringSearch(void);
+    /**
+     * Clone this object.
+     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+     * If an error occurs, then NULL is returned.
+     * The caller must delete the clone.
+     *
+     * @return a clone of this object
+     *
+     * @see getDynamicClassID
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    StringSearch *clone() const;
+    // operator overloading ---------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator. Sets this iterator to have the same behavior,
+     * and iterate over the same text, as the one passed in.
+     * @param that instance to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    StringSearch & operator=(const StringSearch &that);
+    /**
+     * Equality operator. 
+     * @param that instance to be compared.
+     * @return TRUE if both instances have the same attributes, 
+     *         breakiterators, collators and iterate over the same text 
+     *         while looking for the same pattern.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const SearchIterator &that) const;
+    // public get and set methods ----------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Sets the index to point to the given position, and clears any state 
+     * that's affected.
+     * <p>
+     * This method takes the argument index and sets the position in the text 
+     * string accordingly without checking if the index is pointing to a 
+     * valid starting point to begin searching. 
+     * @param position within the text to be set. If position is less
+     *          than or greater than the text range for searching, 
+     *          an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
+     * @param status for errors if it occurs
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setOffset(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Return the current index in the text being searched.
+     * If the iteration has gone past the end of the text
+     * (or past the beginning for a backwards search), USEARCH_DONE
+     * is returned.
+     * @return current index in the text being searched.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the target text to be searched.
+     * Text iteration will hence begin at the start of the text string. 
+     * This method is 
+     * useful if you want to re-use an iterator to search for the same 
+     * pattern within a different body of text.
+     * @param text text string to be searched
+     * @param status for errors if any. If the text length is 0 then an 
+     *        U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &text, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Set the target text to be searched.
+     * Text iteration will hence begin at the start of the text string. 
+     * This method is 
+     * useful if you want to re-use an iterator to search for the same 
+     * pattern within a different body of text.
+     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> 
+     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text 
+     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
+     * @param text text string to be searched
+     * @param status for errors if any. If the text length is 0 then an 
+     *        U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setText(CharacterIterator &text, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the collator used for the language rules.
+     * <p>
+     * Caller may modify but <b>must not</b> delete the <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt>!
+     * Modifications to this collator will affect the original collator passed in to 
+     * the <tt>StringSearch></tt> constructor or to setCollator, if any.
+     * @return collator used for string search
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator * getCollator() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the collator used for the language rules. User retains the 
+     * ownership of this collator, thus the responsibility of deletion lies 
+     * with the user. The iterator's position will not be changed by this method.
+     * @param coll    collator 
+     * @param status  for errors if any
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setCollator(RuleBasedCollator *coll, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the pattern used for matching.
+     * The iterator's position will not be changed by this method.
+     * @param pattern search pattern to be found
+     * @param status for errors if any. If the pattern length is 0 then an 
+     *               U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setPattern(const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the search pattern.
+     * @return pattern used for matching
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString & getPattern() const;
+    // public methods ----------------------------------------------------
+    /** 
+     * Reset the iteration.
+     * Search will begin at the start of the text string if a forward 
+     * iteration is initiated before a backwards iteration. Otherwise if 
+     * a backwards iteration is initiated before a forwards iteration, the 
+     * search will begin at the end of the text string.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void reset();
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of StringSearch with the same behavior, and 
+     * iterating over the same text, as this one. Note that all data will be
+     * replicated, except for the user-specified collator and the
+     * breakiterator.
+     * @return cloned object
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual StringSearch * safeClone() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    // protected method -------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Search forward for matching text, starting at a given location.
+     * Clients should not call this method directly; instead they should 
+     * call {@link SearchIterator#next }.
+     * <p>
+     * If a match is found, this method returns the index at which the match
+     * starts and calls {@link SearchIterator#setMatchLength } with the number 
+     * of characters in the target text that make up the match. If no match 
+     * is found, the method returns <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
+     * <p>
+     * The <tt>StringSearch</tt> is adjusted so that its current index 
+     * (as returned by {@link #getOffset }) is the match position if one was 
+     * found.
+     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+     * the <tt>StringSearch</tt> will be adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE.
+     * @param position The index in the target text at which the search 
+     *                 starts
+     * @param status for errors if any occurs
+     * @return The index at which the matched text in the target starts, or 
+     *         USEARCH_DONE if no match was found.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handleNext(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Search backward for matching text, starting at a given location.
+     * Clients should not call this method directly; instead they should call
+     * <tt>SearchIterator.previous()</tt>, which this method overrides.
+     * <p>
+     * If a match is found, this method returns the index at which the match
+     * starts and calls {@link SearchIterator#setMatchLength } with the number 
+     * of characters in the target text that make up the match. If no match 
+     * is found, the method returns <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
+     * <p>
+     * The <tt>StringSearch</tt> is adjusted so that its current index 
+     * (as returned by {@link #getOffset }) is the match position if one was 
+     * found.
+     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+     * the <tt>StringSearch</tt> will be adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE.
+     * @param position The index in the target text at which the search 
+     *                 starts.
+     * @param status for errors if any occurs
+     * @return The index at which the matched text in the target starts, or 
+     *         USEARCH_DONE if no match was found.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t handlePrev(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
+private :
+    StringSearch(); // default constructor not implemented
+    // private data members ----------------------------------------------
+    /**
+    * Pattern text
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UnicodeString      m_pattern_;
+    /**
+    * String search struct data
+    * @stable ICU 2.0
+    */
+    UStringSearch     *m_strsrch_;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/symtable.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/symtable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b64d877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/symtable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2000-2005, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   02/04/00    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef SYMTABLE_H
+#define SYMTABLE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: An interface that defines both lookup protocol and parsing of
+ * symbolic names.
+ */
+class ParsePosition;
+class UnicodeFunctor;
+class UnicodeSet;
+class UnicodeString;
+ * An interface that defines both lookup protocol and parsing of
+ * symbolic names.
+ *
+ * <p>A symbol table maintains two kinds of mappings.  The first is
+ * between symbolic names and their values.  For example, if the
+ * variable with the name "start" is set to the value "alpha"
+ * (perhaps, though not necessarily, through an expression such as
+ * "$start=alpha"), then the call lookup("start") will return the
+ * char[] array ['a', 'l', 'p', 'h', 'a'].
+ *
+ * <p>The second kind of mapping is between character values and
+ * UnicodeMatcher objects.  This is used by RuleBasedTransliterator,
+ * which uses characters in the private use area to represent objects
+ * such as UnicodeSets.  If U+E015 is mapped to the UnicodeSet [a-z],
+ * then lookupMatcher(0xE015) will return the UnicodeSet [a-z].
+ *
+ * <p>Finally, a symbol table defines parsing behavior for symbolic
+ * names.  All symbolic names start with the SYMBOL_REF character.
+ * When a parser encounters this character, it calls parseReference()
+ * with the position immediately following the SYMBOL_REF.  The symbol
+ * table parses the name, if there is one, and returns it.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API SymbolTable /* not : public UObject because this is an interface/mixin class */ {
+    /**
+     * The character preceding a symbol reference name.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    enum { SYMBOL_REF = 0x0024 /*$*/ };
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual ~SymbolTable();
+    /**
+     * Lookup the characters associated with this string and return it.
+     * Return <tt>NULL</tt> if no such name exists.  The resultant
+     * string may have length zero.
+     * @param s the symbolic name to lookup
+     * @return a string containing the name's value, or <tt>NULL</tt> if
+     * there is no mapping for s.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString* lookup(const UnicodeString& s) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Lookup the UnicodeMatcher associated with the given character, and
+     * return it.  Return <tt>NULL</tt> if not found.
+     * @param ch a 32-bit code point from 0 to 0x10FFFF inclusive.
+     * @return the UnicodeMatcher object represented by the given
+     * character, or NULL if there is no mapping for ch.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeFunctor* lookupMatcher(UChar32 ch) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Parse a symbol reference name from the given string, starting
+     * at the given position.  If no valid symbol reference name is
+     * found, return the empty string and leave pos unchanged.  That is, if the
+     * character at pos cannot start a name, or if pos is at or after
+     * text.length(), then return an empty string.  This indicates an
+     * isolated SYMBOL_REF character.
+     * @param text the text to parse for the name
+     * @param pos on entry, the index of the first character to parse.
+     * This is the character following the SYMBOL_REF character.  On
+     * exit, the index after the last parsed character.  If the parse
+     * failed, pos is unchanged on exit.
+     * @param limit the index after the last character to be parsed.
+     * @return the parsed name, or an empty string if there is no
+     * valid symbolic name at the given position.
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString parseReference(const UnicodeString& text,
+                                         ParsePosition& pos, int32_t limit) const = 0;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tblcoll.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tblcoll.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5dc135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tblcoll.h
@@ -0,0 +1,886 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: The RuleBasedCollator class implements the Collator abstract base class.
+ */
+* File tblcoll.h
+* Created by: Helena Shih
+* Modification History:
+*  Date        Name        Description
+*  2/5/97      aliu        Added streamIn and streamOut methods.  Added
+*                          constructor which reads RuleBasedCollator object from
+*                          a binary file.  Added writeToFile method which streams
+*                          RuleBasedCollator out to a binary file.  The streamIn
+*                          and streamOut methods use istream and ostream objects
+*                          in binary mode.
+*  2/12/97     aliu        Modified to use TableCollationData sub-object to
+*                          hold invariant data.
+*  2/13/97     aliu        Moved several methods into this class from Collation.
+*                          Added a private RuleBasedCollator(Locale&) constructor,
+*                          to be used by Collator::createDefault().  General
+*                          clean up.
+*  2/20/97     helena      Added clone, operator==, operator!=, operator=, and copy
+*                          constructor and getDynamicClassID.
+*  3/5/97      aliu        Modified constructFromFile() to add parameter
+*                          specifying whether or not binary loading is to be
+*                          attempted.  This is required for dynamic rule loading.
+* 05/07/97     helena      Added memory allocation error detection.
+*  6/17/97     helena      Added IDENTICAL strength for compare, changed getRules to
+*                          use MergeCollation::getPattern.
+*  6/20/97     helena      Java class name change.
+*  8/18/97     helena      Added internal API documentation.
+* 09/03/97     helena      Added createCollationKeyValues().
+* 02/10/98     damiba      Added compare with "length" parameter
+* 08/05/98     erm         Synched with 1.2 version of
+* 04/23/99     stephen     Removed EDecompositionMode, merged with
+*                          Normalizer::EMode
+* 06/14/99     stephen     Removed kResourceBundleSuffix
+* 11/02/99     helena      Collator performance enhancements.  Eliminates the
+*                          UnicodeString construction and special case for NO_OP.
+* 11/23/99     srl         More performance enhancements. Updates to NormalizerIterator
+*                          internal state management.
+* 12/15/99     aliu        Update to support Thai collation.  Move NormalizerIterator
+*                          to implementation file.
+* 01/29/01     synwee      Modified into a C++ wrapper which calls C API
+*                          (ucol.h)
+* 2012-2014    markus      Rewritten in C++ again.
+#ifndef TBLCOLL_H
+#define TBLCOLL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/coll.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/uiter.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+struct CollationCacheEntry;
+struct CollationData;
+struct CollationSettings;
+struct CollationTailoring;
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+class StringSearch;
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+class CollationElementIterator;
+class CollationKey;
+class SortKeyByteSink;
+class UnicodeSet;
+class UnicodeString;
+class UVector64;
+ * The RuleBasedCollator class provides the implementation of
+ * Collator, using data-driven tables. The user can create a customized
+ * table-based collation.
+ * <p>
+ * For more information about the collation service see
+ * <a href="">the User Guide</a>.
+ * <p>
+ * Collation service provides correct sorting orders for most locales supported in ICU.
+ * If specific data for a locale is not available, the orders eventually falls back
+ * to the <a href="">CLDR root sort order</a>.
+ * <p>
+ * Sort ordering may be customized by providing your own set of rules. For more on
+ * this subject see the <a href="">
+ * Collation Customization</a> section of the User Guide.
+ * <p>
+ * Note, RuleBasedCollator is not to be subclassed.
+ * @see        Collator
+ */
+class U_I18N_API RuleBasedCollator : public Collator {
+    /**
+     * RuleBasedCollator constructor. This takes the table rules and builds a
+     * collation table out of them. Please see RuleBasedCollator class
+     * description for more details on the collation rule syntax.
+     * @param rules the collation rules to build the collation table from.
+     * @param status reporting a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator(const UnicodeString& rules, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * RuleBasedCollator constructor. This takes the table rules and builds a
+     * collation table out of them. Please see RuleBasedCollator class
+     * description for more details on the collation rule syntax.
+     * @param rules the collation rules to build the collation table from.
+     * @param collationStrength strength for comparison
+     * @param status reporting a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator(const UnicodeString& rules,
+                       ECollationStrength collationStrength,
+                       UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * RuleBasedCollator constructor. This takes the table rules and builds a
+     * collation table out of them. Please see RuleBasedCollator class
+     * description for more details on the collation rule syntax.
+     * @param rules the collation rules to build the collation table from.
+     * @param decompositionMode the normalisation mode
+     * @param status reporting a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator(const UnicodeString& rules,
+                    UColAttributeValue decompositionMode,
+                    UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * RuleBasedCollator constructor. This takes the table rules and builds a
+     * collation table out of them. Please see RuleBasedCollator class
+     * description for more details on the collation rule syntax.
+     * @param rules the collation rules to build the collation table from.
+     * @param collationStrength strength for comparison
+     * @param decompositionMode the normalisation mode
+     * @param status reporting a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator(const UnicodeString& rules,
+                    ECollationStrength collationStrength,
+                    UColAttributeValue decompositionMode,
+                    UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * TODO: document & propose as public API
+     * @internal
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator(const UnicodeString &rules,
+                      UParseError &parseError, UnicodeString &reason,
+                      UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param other the RuleBasedCollator object to be copied
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator(const RuleBasedCollator& other);
+    /** Opens a collator from a collator binary image created using
+    *  cloneBinary. Binary image used in instantiation of the
+    *  collator remains owned by the user and should stay around for
+    *  the lifetime of the collator. The API also takes a base collator
+    *  which must be the root collator.
+    *  @param bin binary image owned by the user and required through the
+    *             lifetime of the collator
+    *  @param length size of the image. If negative, the API will try to
+    *                figure out the length of the image
+    *  @param base Base collator, for lookup of untailored characters.
+    *              Must be the root collator, must not be NULL.
+    *              The base is required to be present through the lifetime of the collator.
+    *  @param status for catching errors
+    *  @return newly created collator
+    *  @see cloneBinary
+    *  @stable ICU 3.4
+    */
+    RuleBasedCollator(const uint8_t *bin, int32_t length,
+                    const RuleBasedCollator *base,
+                    UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~RuleBasedCollator();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param other other RuleBasedCollator object to copy from.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator& operator=(const RuleBasedCollator& other);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if argument is the same as this object.
+     * @param other Collator object to be compared.
+     * @return true if arguments is the same as this object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Collator& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Makes a copy of this object.
+     * @return a copy of this object, owned by the caller
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual RuleBasedCollator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Creates a collation element iterator for the source string. The caller of
+     * this method is responsible for the memory management of the return
+     * pointer.
+     * @param source the string over which the CollationElementIterator will
+     *        iterate.
+     * @return the collation element iterator of the source string using this as
+     *         the based Collator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual CollationElementIterator* createCollationElementIterator(
+                                           const UnicodeString& source) const;
+    /**
+     * Creates a collation element iterator for the source. The caller of this
+     * method is responsible for the memory management of the returned pointer.
+     * @param source the CharacterIterator which produces the characters over
+     *        which the CollationElementItgerator will iterate.
+     * @return the collation element iterator of the source using this as the
+     *         based Collator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual CollationElementIterator* createCollationElementIterator(
+                                         const CharacterIterator& source) const;
+    // Make deprecated versions of Collator::compare() visible.
+    using Collator::compare;
+    /**
+    * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
+    * different strings. Returns information about whether a string is less
+    * than, greater than or equal to another string.
+    * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+    * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+    * @param status possible error code
+    * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source is greater
+    * than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source is less
+    * than target
+    * @stable ICU 2.6
+    **/
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                     const UnicodeString& target,
+                                     UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+    * Does the same thing as compare but limits the comparison to a specified
+    * length
+    * @param source the source string to be compared with.
+    * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+    * @param length the length the comparison is limited to
+    * @param status possible error code
+    * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source (up to the specified
+    *         length) is greater than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source (up to specified
+    *         length) is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source (up to the specified
+    *         length) is less  than target.
+    * @stable ICU 2.6
+    */
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                     const UnicodeString& target,
+                                     int32_t length,
+                                     UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+    * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
+    * different string arrays. Returns information about whether a string array
+    * is less than, greater than or equal to another string array.
+    * @param source the source string array to be compared with.
+    * @param sourceLength the length of the source string array.  If this value
+    *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
+    * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
+    * @param targetLength the length of the target string array.  If this value
+    *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
+    * @param status possible error code
+    * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source is greater
+    * than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source is less
+    * than target
+    * @stable ICU 2.6
+    */
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(const char16_t* source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                                     const char16_t* target, int32_t targetLength,
+                                     UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Compares two strings using the Collator.
+     * Returns whether the first one compares less than/equal to/greater than
+     * the second one.
+     * This version takes UCharIterator input.
+     * @param sIter the first ("source") string iterator
+     * @param tIter the second ("target") string iterator
+     * @param status ICU status
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult compare(UCharIterator &sIter,
+                                     UCharIterator &tIter,
+                                     UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Compares two UTF-8 strings using the Collator.
+     * Returns whether the first one compares less than/equal to/greater than
+     * the second one.
+     * This version takes UTF-8 input.
+     * Note that a StringPiece can be implicitly constructed
+     * from a std::string or a NUL-terminated const char * string.
+     * @param source the first UTF-8 string
+     * @param target the second UTF-8 string
+     * @param status ICU status
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult compareUTF8(const StringPiece &source,
+                                         const StringPiece &target,
+                                         UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Transforms the string into a series of characters
+     * that can be compared with
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source the source string.
+     * @param key the transformed key of the source string.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the transformed key.
+     * @see CollationKey
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual CollationKey& getCollationKey(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                          CollationKey& key,
+                                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Transforms a specified region of the string into a series of characters
+     * that can be compared with
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source the source string.
+     * @param sourceLength the length of the source string.
+     * @param key the transformed key of the source string.
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return the transformed key.
+     * @see CollationKey
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual CollationKey& getCollationKey(const char16_t *source,
+                                          int32_t sourceLength,
+                                          CollationKey& key,
+                                          UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Generates the hash code for the rule-based collation object.
+     * @return the hash code.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t hashCode() const;
+    /**
+    * Gets the locale of the Collator
+    * @param type can be either requested, valid or actual locale. For more
+    *             information see the definition of ULocDataLocaleType in
+    *             uloc.h
+    * @param status the error code status.
+    * @return locale where the collation data lives. If the collator
+    *         was instantiated from rules, locale is empty.
+    * @deprecated ICU 2.8 likely to change in ICU 3.0, based on feedback
+    */
+    virtual Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the tailoring rules for this collator.
+     * @return the collation tailoring from which this collator was created
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getRules() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the version information for a Collator.
+     * @param info the version # information, the result will be filled in
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void getVersion(UVersionInfo info) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the maximum length of any expansion sequences that end with the
+     * specified comparison order.
+     *
+     * This is specific to the kind of collation element values and sequences
+     * returned by the CollationElementIterator.
+     * Call CollationElementIterator::getMaxExpansion() instead.
+     *
+     * @param order a collation order returned by CollationElementIterator::previous
+     *              or CollationElementIterator::next.
+     * @return maximum size of the expansion sequences ending with the collation
+     *         element, or 1 if the collation element does not occur at the end of
+     *         any expansion sequence
+     * @see CollationElementIterator#getMaxExpansion
+     * @deprecated ICU 51 Use CollationElementIterator::getMaxExpansion() instead.
+     */
+    int32_t getMaxExpansion(int32_t order) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have
+     *         the same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class
+     *         IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     *                                          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Do not use this method: The caller and the ICU library might use different heaps.
+     * Use cloneBinary() instead which writes to caller-provided memory.
+     *
+     * Returns a binary format of this collator.
+     * @param length Returns the length of the data, in bytes
+     * @param status the error code status.
+     * @return memory, owned by the caller, of size 'length' bytes.
+     * @deprecated ICU 52. Use cloneBinary() instead.
+     */
+    uint8_t *cloneRuleData(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /** Creates a binary image of a collator. This binary image can be stored and
+    *  later used to instantiate a collator using ucol_openBinary.
+    *  This API supports preflighting.
+    *  @param buffer a fill-in buffer to receive the binary image
+    *  @param capacity capacity of the destination buffer
+    *  @param status for catching errors
+    *  @return size of the image
+    *  @see ucol_openBinary
+    *  @stable ICU 3.4
+    */
+    int32_t cloneBinary(uint8_t *buffer, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns current rules. Delta defines whether full rules are returned or
+     * just the tailoring.
+     *
+     * getRules(void) should normally be used instead.
+     * See
+     * @param delta one of UCOL_TAILORING_ONLY, UCOL_FULL_RULES.
+     * @param buffer UnicodeString to store the result rules
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     * @see UCOL_FULL_RULES
+     */
+    void getRules(UColRuleOption delta, UnicodeString &buffer) const;
+    /**
+     * Universal attribute setter
+     * @param attr attribute type
+     * @param value attribute value
+     * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual void setAttribute(UColAttribute attr, UColAttributeValue value,
+                              UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Universal attribute getter.
+     * @param attr attribute type
+     * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+     * @return attribute value
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UColAttributeValue getAttribute(UColAttribute attr,
+                                            UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the top of the specified reordering group.
+     * The variable top determines the highest-sorting character
+     * which is affected by UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING.
+     * If that attribute is set to UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, then the variable top has no effect.
+     *              or UCOL_REORDER_CODE_DEFAULT to restore the default max variable group
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @see getMaxVariable
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual Collator &setMaxVariable(UColReorderCode group, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns the maximum reordering group whose characters are affected by UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING.
+     * @return the maximum variable reordering group.
+     * @see setMaxVariable
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UColReorderCode getMaxVariable() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the primary weight of the specified string.
+     *
+     * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+     * See setMaxVariable().
+     * @param varTop one or more (if contraction) char16_ts to which the variable top should be set
+     * @param len length of variable top string. If -1 it is considered to be zero terminated.
+     * @param status error code. If error code is set, the return value is undefined. Errors set by this function are: <br>
+     *    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if more than one character was passed and there is no such contraction<br>
+     *    U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the variable top is beyond
+     *    the last reordering group supported by setMaxVariable()
+     * @return variable top primary weight
+     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t setVariableTop(const char16_t *varTop, int32_t len, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the primary weight of the specified string.
+     *
+     * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+     * See setMaxVariable().
+     * @param varTop a UnicodeString size 1 or more (if contraction) of char16_ts to which the variable top should be set
+     * @param status error code. If error code is set, the return value is undefined. Errors set by this function are: <br>
+     *    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if more than one character was passed and there is no such contraction<br>
+     *    U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the variable top is beyond
+     *    the last reordering group supported by setMaxVariable()
+     * @return variable top primary weight
+     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t setVariableTop(const UnicodeString &varTop, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Sets the variable top to the specified primary weight.
+     *
+     * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+     * See setMaxVariable().
+     * @param varTop primary weight, as returned by setVariableTop or ucol_getVariableTop
+     * @param status error code
+     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
+     */
+    virtual void setVariableTop(uint32_t varTop, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the variable top value of a Collator.
+     * @param status error code (not changed by function). If error code is set, the return value is undefined.
+     * @return the variable top primary weight
+     * @see getMaxVariable
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t getVariableTop(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get a UnicodeSet that contains all the characters and sequences tailored in
+     * this collator.
+     * @param status      error code of the operation
+     * @return a pointer to a UnicodeSet object containing all the
+     *         code points and sequences that may sort differently than
+     *         in the root collator. The object must be disposed of by using delete
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet *getTailoredSet(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the sort key as an array of bytes from a UnicodeString.
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source string to be processed.
+     * @param result buffer to store result in. If NULL, number of bytes needed
+     *        will be returned.
+     * @param resultLength length of the result buffer. If if not enough the
+     *        buffer will be filled to capacity.
+     * @return Number of bytes needed for storing the sort key
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getSortKey(const UnicodeString& source, uint8_t *result,
+                               int32_t resultLength) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the sort key as an array of bytes from a char16_t buffer.
+     *
+     * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.
+     * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+     *
+     * @param source string to be processed.
+     * @param sourceLength length of string to be processed. If -1, the string
+     *        is 0 terminated and length will be decided by the function.
+     * @param result buffer to store result in. If NULL, number of bytes needed
+     *        will be returned.
+     * @param resultLength length of the result buffer. If if not enough the
+     *        buffer will be filled to capacity.
+     * @return Number of bytes needed for storing the sort key
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getSortKey(const char16_t *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                               uint8_t *result, int32_t resultLength) const;
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the reordering codes for this collator.
+     * @param dest The array to fill with the script ordering.
+     * @param destCapacity The length of dest. If it is 0, then dest may be NULL and the function
+     *  will only return the length of the result without writing any codes (pre-flighting).
+     * @param status A reference to an error code value, which must not indicate
+     * a failure before the function call.
+     * @return The length of the script ordering array.
+     * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#getEquivalentReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#setReorderCodes
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+     virtual int32_t getReorderCodes(int32_t *dest,
+                                     int32_t destCapacity,
+                                     UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the ordering of scripts for this collator.
+     * @param reorderCodes An array of script codes in the new order. This can be NULL if the
+     * length is also set to 0. An empty array will clear any reordering codes on the collator.
+     * @param reorderCodesLength The length of reorderCodes.
+     * @param status error code
+     * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#getReorderCodes
+     * @see Collator#getEquivalentReorderCodes
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+     virtual void setReorderCodes(const int32_t* reorderCodes,
+                                  int32_t reorderCodesLength,
+                                  UErrorCode& status) ;
+    /**
+     * Implements ucol_strcollUTF8().
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual UCollationResult internalCompareUTF8(
+            const char *left, int32_t leftLength,
+            const char *right, int32_t rightLength,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /** Get the short definition string for a collator. This internal API harvests the collator's
+     *  locale and the attribute set and produces a string that can be used for opening
+     *  a collator with the same attributes using the ucol_openFromShortString API.
+     *  This string will be normalized.
+     *  The structure and the syntax of the string is defined in the "Naming collators"
+     *  section of the users guide:
+     *
+     *  This function supports preflighting.
+     *
+     *  This is internal, and intended to be used with delegate converters.
+     *
+     *  @param locale a locale that will appear as a collators locale in the resulting
+     *                short string definition. If NULL, the locale will be harvested
+     *                from the collator.
+     *  @param buffer space to hold the resulting string
+     *  @param capacity capacity of the buffer
+     *  @param status for returning errors. All the preflighting errors are featured
+     *  @return length of the resulting string
+     *  @see ucol_openFromShortString
+     *  @see ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString
+     *  @see ucol_getShortDefinitionString
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t internalGetShortDefinitionString(const char *locale,
+                                                     char *buffer,
+                                                     int32_t capacity,
+                                                     UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Implements ucol_nextSortKeyPart().
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual int32_t internalNextSortKeyPart(
+            UCharIterator *iter, uint32_t state[2],
+            uint8_t *dest, int32_t count, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    // Do not enclose the default constructor with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
+    /**
+     * Only for use in ucol_openRules().
+     * @internal
+     */
+    RuleBasedCollator();
+    /**
+     * Implements ucol_getLocaleByType().
+     * Needed because the lifetime of the locale ID string must match that of the collator.
+     * getLocale() returns a copy of a Locale, with minimal lifetime in a C wrapper.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    const char *internalGetLocaleID(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Implements ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions().
+     * Gets this collator's sets of contraction strings and/or
+     * characters and strings that map to multiple collation elements (expansions).
+     * If addPrefixes is TRUE, then contractions that are expressed as
+     * prefix/pre-context rules are included.
+     * @param contractions if not NULL, the set to hold the contractions
+     * @param expansions if not NULL, the set to hold the expansions
+     * @param addPrefixes include prefix contextual mappings
+     * @param errorCode in/out ICU error code
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void internalGetContractionsAndExpansions(
+            UnicodeSet *contractions, UnicodeSet *expansions,
+            UBool addPrefixes, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Adds the contractions that start with character c to the set.
+     * Ignores prefixes. Used by AlphabeticIndex.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void internalAddContractions(UChar32 c, UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    /**
+     * Implements from-rule constructors, and ucol_openRules().
+     * @internal
+     */
+    void internalBuildTailoring(
+            const UnicodeString &rules,
+            int32_t strength,
+            UColAttributeValue decompositionMode,
+            UParseError *outParseError, UnicodeString *outReason,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /** @internal */
+    static inline RuleBasedCollator *rbcFromUCollator(UCollator *uc) {
+        return dynamic_cast<RuleBasedCollator *>(fromUCollator(uc));
+    }
+    /** @internal */
+    static inline const RuleBasedCollator *rbcFromUCollator(const UCollator *uc) {
+        return dynamic_cast<const RuleBasedCollator *>(fromUCollator(uc));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Appends the CEs for the string to the vector.
+     * @internal for tests & tools
+     */
+    void internalGetCEs(const UnicodeString &str, UVector64 &ces, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+   /**
+    * Used internally by registration to define the requested and valid locales.
+    * @param requestedLocale the requested locale
+    * @param validLocale the valid locale
+    * @param actualLocale the actual locale
+    * @internal
+    */
+    virtual void setLocales(const Locale& requestedLocale, const Locale& validLocale, const Locale& actualLocale);
+    friend class CollationElementIterator;
+    friend class Collator;
+    RuleBasedCollator(const CollationCacheEntry *entry);
+    /**
+     * Enumeration of attributes that are relevant for short definition strings
+     * (e.g., ucol_getShortDefinitionString()).
+     * Effectively extends UColAttribute.
+     */
+    enum Attributes {
+        ATTR_LIMIT
+    };
+    void adoptTailoring(CollationTailoring *t, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Both lengths must be <0 or else both must be >=0.
+    UCollationResult doCompare(const char16_t *left, int32_t leftLength,
+                               const char16_t *right, int32_t rightLength,
+                               UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    UCollationResult doCompare(const uint8_t *left, int32_t leftLength,
+                               const uint8_t *right, int32_t rightLength,
+                               UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void writeSortKey(const char16_t *s, int32_t length,
+                      SortKeyByteSink &sink, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void writeIdenticalLevel(const char16_t *s, const char16_t *limit,
+                             SortKeyByteSink &sink, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    const CollationSettings &getDefaultSettings() const;
+    void setAttributeDefault(int32_t attribute) {
+        explicitlySetAttributes &= ~((uint32_t)1 << attribute);
+    }
+    void setAttributeExplicitly(int32_t attribute) {
+        explicitlySetAttributes |= (uint32_t)1 << attribute;
+    }
+    UBool attributeHasBeenSetExplicitly(int32_t attribute) const {
+        // assert(0 <= attribute < ATTR_LIMIT);
+        return (UBool)((explicitlySetAttributes & ((uint32_t)1 << attribute)) != 0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests whether a character is "unsafe" for use as a collation starting point.
+     *
+     * @param c code point or code unit
+     * @return TRUE if c is unsafe
+     * @see CollationElementIterator#setOffset(int)
+     */
+    UBool isUnsafe(UChar32 c) const;
+    static void U_CALLCONV computeMaxExpansions(const CollationTailoring *t, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool initMaxExpansions(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    void setFastLatinOptions(CollationSettings &ownedSettings) const;
+    const CollationData *data;
+    const CollationSettings *settings;  // reference-counted
+    const CollationTailoring *tailoring;  // alias of cacheEntry->tailoring
+    const CollationCacheEntry *cacheEntry;  // reference-counted
+    Locale validLocale;
+    uint32_t explicitlySetAttributes;
+    UBool actualLocaleIsSameAsValid;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // TBLCOLL_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/timezone.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/timezone.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..433e3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/timezone.h
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/21/97    aliu        Overhauled header.
+*   07/09/97    helena      Changed createInstance to createDefault.
+*   08/06/97    aliu        Removed dependency on internal header for Hashtable.
+*   08/10/98    stephen        Changed getDisplayName() API conventions to match
+*   08/19/98    stephen        Changed createTimeZone() to never return 0
+*   09/02/98    stephen        Sync to JDK 1.2 8/31
+*                            - Added getOffset(... monthlen ...)
+*                            - Added hasSameRules()
+*   09/15/98    stephen        Added getStaticClassID
+*   12/03/99    aliu        Moved data out of static table into icudata.dll.
+*                           Hashtable replaced by new static data structures.
+*   12/14/99    aliu        Made GMT public.
+*   08/15/01    grhoten     Made GMT private and added the getGMT() function
+#ifndef TIMEZONE_H
+#define TIMEZONE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: TimeZone object
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "unicode/ucal.h"
+class StringEnumeration;
+ *
+ * <code>TimeZone</code> represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight
+ * savings.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Typically, you get a <code>TimeZone</code> using <code>createDefault</code>
+ * which creates a <code>TimeZone</code> based on the time zone where the program
+ * is running. For example, for a program running in Japan, <code>createDefault</code>
+ * creates a <code>TimeZone</code> object based on Japanese Standard Time.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * You can also get a <code>TimeZone</code> using <code>createTimeZone</code> along
+ * with a time zone ID. For instance, the time zone ID for the US Pacific
+ * Time zone is "America/Los_Angeles". So, you can get a Pacific Time <code>TimeZone</code> object
+ * with:
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * You can use the <code>createEnumeration</code> method to iterate through
+ * all the supported time zone IDs, or the <code>getCanonicalID</code> method to check
+ * if a time zone ID is supported or not.  You can then choose a
+ * supported ID to get a <code>TimeZone</code>.
+ * If the time zone you want is not represented by one of the
+ * supported IDs, then you can create a custom time zone ID with
+ * the following syntax:
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm]
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * For example, you might specify GMT+14:00 as a custom
+ * time zone ID.  The <code>TimeZone</code> that is returned
+ * when you specify a custom time zone ID uses the specified
+ * offset from GMT(=UTC) and does not observe daylight saving
+ * time. For example, you might specify GMT+14:00 as a custom
+ * time zone ID to create a TimeZone representing 14 hours ahead
+ * of GMT (with no daylight saving time). In addition,
+ * <code>getCanonicalID</code> can also be used to
+ * normalize a custom time zone ID.
+ *
+ * TimeZone is an abstract class representing a time zone.  A TimeZone is needed for
+ * Calendar to produce local time for a particular time zone.  A TimeZone comprises
+ * three basic pieces of information:
+ * <ul>
+ *    <li>A time zone offset; that, is the number of milliseconds to add or subtract
+ *      from a time expressed in terms of GMT to convert it to the same time in that
+ *      time zone (without taking daylight savings time into account).</li>
+ *    <li>Logic necessary to take daylight savings time into account if daylight savings
+ *      time is observed in that time zone (e.g., the days and hours on which daylight
+ *      savings time begins and ends).</li>
+ *    <li>An ID.  This is a text string that uniquely identifies the time zone.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * (Only the ID is actually implemented in TimeZone; subclasses of TimeZone may handle
+ * daylight savings time and GMT offset in different ways.  Currently we have the following
+ * TimeZone subclasses: RuleBasedTimeZone, SimpleTimeZone, and VTimeZone.)
+ * <P>
+ * The TimeZone class contains a static list containing a TimeZone object for every
+ * combination of GMT offset and daylight-savings time rules currently in use in the
+ * world, each with a unique ID.  Each ID consists of a region (usually a continent or
+ * ocean) and a city in that region, separated by a slash, (for example, US Pacific
+ * Time is "America/Los_Angeles.")  Because older versions of this class used
+ * three- or four-letter abbreviations instead, there is also a table that maps the older
+ * abbreviations to the newer ones (for example, "PST" maps to "America/Los_Angeles").
+ * Anywhere the API requires an ID, you can use either form.
+ * <P>
+ * To create a new TimeZone, you call the factory function TimeZone::createTimeZone()
+ * and pass it a time zone ID.  You can use the createEnumeration() function to
+ * obtain a list of all the time zone IDs recognized by createTimeZone().
+ * <P>
+ * You can also use TimeZone::createDefault() to create a TimeZone.  This function uses
+ * platform-specific APIs to produce a TimeZone for the time zone corresponding to
+ * the client's computer's physical location.  For example, if you're in Japan (assuming
+ * your machine is set up correctly), TimeZone::createDefault() will return a TimeZone
+ * for Japanese Standard Time ("Asia/Tokyo").
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeZone : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Returns the "unknown" time zone.
+     * It behaves like the GMT/UTC time zone but has the
+     * <code>UCAL_UNKNOWN_ZONE_ID</code> = "Etc/Unknown".
+     * createTimeZone() returns a mutable clone of this time zone if the input ID is not recognized.
+     *
+     * @return the "unknown" time zone.
+     * @see createTimeZone
+     * @see getGMT
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    static const TimeZone& U_EXPORT2 getUnknown();
+    /**
+     * The GMT (=UTC) time zone has a raw offset of zero and does not use daylight
+     * savings time. This is a commonly used time zone.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: For backward compatibility reason, the ID used by the time
+     * zone returned by this method is "GMT", although the ICU's canonical
+     * ID for the GMT time zone is "Etc/GMT".
+     *
+     * @return the GMT/UTC time zone.
+     * @see getUnknown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const TimeZone* U_EXPORT2 getGMT(void);
+    /**
+     * Creates a <code>TimeZone</code> for the given ID.
+     * @param ID the ID for a <code>TimeZone</code>, such as "America/Los_Angeles",
+     * or a custom ID such as "GMT-8:00".
+     * @return the specified <code>TimeZone</code>, or a mutable clone of getUnknown()
+     * if the given ID cannot be understood or if the given ID is "Etc/Unknown".
+     * The return result is guaranteed to be non-NULL.
+     * If you require that the specific zone asked for be returned,
+     * compare the result with getUnknown() or check the ID of the return result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static TimeZone* U_EXPORT2 createTimeZone(const UnicodeString& ID);
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration over system time zone IDs with the given
+     * filter conditions.
+     * @param zoneType      The system time zone type.
+     * @param region        The ISO 3166 two-letter country code or UN M.49
+     *                      three-digit area code. When NULL, no filtering
+     *                      done by region. 
+     * @param rawOffset     An offset from GMT in milliseconds, ignoring
+     *                      the effect of daylight savings time, if any.
+     *                      When NULL, no filtering done by zone offset. 
+     * @param ec            Output param to filled in with a success or
+     *                      an error.
+     * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 createTimeZoneIDEnumeration(
+        USystemTimeZoneType zoneType,
+        const char* region,
+        const int32_t* rawOffset,
+        UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration over all recognized time zone IDs. (i.e.,
+     * all strings that createTimeZone() accepts)
+     *
+     * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 createEnumeration();
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration over time zone IDs with a given raw
+     * offset from GMT.  There may be several times zones with the
+     * same GMT offset that differ in the way they handle daylight
+     * savings time.  For example, the state of Arizona doesn't
+     * observe daylight savings time.  If you ask for the time zone
+     * IDs corresponding to GMT-7:00, you'll get back an enumeration
+     * over two time zone IDs: "America/Denver," which corresponds to
+     * Mountain Standard Time in the winter and Mountain Daylight Time
+     * in the summer, and "America/Phoenix", which corresponds to
+     * Mountain Standard Time year-round, even in the summer.
+     *
+     * @param rawOffset an offset from GMT in milliseconds, ignoring
+     * the effect of daylight savings time, if any
+     * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 createEnumeration(int32_t rawOffset);
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration over time zone IDs associated with the
+     * given country.  Some zones are affiliated with no country
+     * (e.g., "UTC"); these may also be retrieved, as a group.
+     *
+     * @param country The ISO 3166 two-letter country code, or NULL to
+     * retrieve zones not affiliated with any country.
+     * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 createEnumeration(const char* country);
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of IDs in the equivalency group that
+     * includes the given ID.  An equivalency group contains zones
+     * that have the same GMT offset and rules.
+     *
+     * <p>The returned count includes the given ID; it is always >= 1.
+     * The given ID must be a system time zone.  If it is not, returns
+     * zero.
+     * @param id a system time zone ID
+     * @return the number of zones in the equivalency group containing
+     * 'id', or zero if 'id' is not a valid system ID
+     * @see #getEquivalentID
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 countEquivalentIDs(const UnicodeString& id);
+    /**
+     * Returns an ID in the equivalency group that
+     * includes the given ID.  An equivalency group contains zones
+     * that have the same GMT offset and rules.
+     *
+     * <p>The given index must be in the range 0..n-1, where n is the
+     * value returned by <code>countEquivalentIDs(id)</code>.  For
+     * some value of 'index', the returned value will be equal to the
+     * given id.  If the given id is not a valid system time zone, or
+     * if 'index' is out of range, then returns an empty string.
+     * @param id a system time zone ID
+     * @param index a value from 0 to n-1, where n is the value
+     * returned by <code>countEquivalentIDs(id)</code>
+     * @return the ID of the index-th zone in the equivalency group
+     * containing 'id', or an empty string if 'id' is not a valid
+     * system ID or 'index' is out of range
+     * @see #countEquivalentIDs
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static const UnicodeString U_EXPORT2 getEquivalentID(const UnicodeString& id,
+                                               int32_t index);
+    /**
+     * Creates an instance of TimeZone detected from the current host
+     * system configuration. If the host system detection routines fail,
+     * or if they specify a TimeZone or TimeZone offset which is not
+     * recognized, then the special TimeZone "Etc/Unknown" is returned.
+     * 
+     * Note that ICU4C does not change the default time zone unless
+     * `TimeZone::adoptDefault(TimeZone*)` or 
+     * `TimeZone::setDefault(const TimeZone&)` is explicitly called by a
+     * user. This method does not update the current ICU's default,
+     * and may return a different TimeZone from the one returned by
+     * `TimeZone::createDefault()`.
+     *
+     * <p>This function is not thread safe.</p>
+     *
+     * @return  A new instance of TimeZone detected from the current host system
+     *          configuration.
+     * @see adoptDefault
+     * @see setDefault
+     * @see createDefault
+     * @see getUnknown
+     * @stable ICU 55
+     */
+    static TimeZone* U_EXPORT2 detectHostTimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Creates a new copy of the default TimeZone for this host. Unless the default time
+     * zone has already been set using adoptDefault() or setDefault(), the default is
+     * determined by querying the host system configuration. If the host system detection
+     * routines fail, or if they specify a TimeZone or TimeZone offset which is not
+     * recognized, then the special TimeZone "Etc/Unknown" is instantiated and made the
+     * default.
+     *
+     * @return   A default TimeZone. Clients are responsible for deleting the time zone
+     *           object returned.
+     * @see getUnknown
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static TimeZone* U_EXPORT2 createDefault(void);
+    /**
+     * Sets the default time zone (i.e., what's returned by createDefault()) to be the
+     * specified time zone.  If NULL is specified for the time zone, the default time
+     * zone is set to the default host time zone.  This call adopts the TimeZone object
+     * passed in; the client is no longer responsible for deleting it.
+     *
+     * @param zone  A pointer to the new TimeZone object to use as the default.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 adoptDefault(TimeZone* zone);
+    /**
+     * Same as adoptDefault(), except that the TimeZone object passed in is NOT adopted;
+     * the caller remains responsible for deleting it.
+     *
+     * @param zone  The given timezone.
+     * @system
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 setDefault(const TimeZone& zone);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_SYSTEM_API */
+    /**
+     * Returns the timezone data version currently used by ICU.
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return the version string, such as "2007f"
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static const char* U_EXPORT2 getTZDataVersion(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the canonical system timezone ID or the normalized
+     * custom time zone ID for the given time zone ID.
+     * @param id            The input time zone ID to be canonicalized.
+     * @param canonicalID   Receives the canonical system time zone ID
+     *                      or the custom time zone ID in normalized format.
+     * @param status        Receives the status.  When the given time zone ID
+     *                      is neither a known system time zone ID nor a
+     *                      valid custom time zone ID, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR
+     *                      is set.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalID(const UnicodeString& id,
+        UnicodeString& canonicalID, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the canonical system time zone ID or the normalized
+     * custom time zone ID for the given time zone ID.
+     * @param id            The input time zone ID to be canonicalized.
+     * @param canonicalID   Receives the canonical system time zone ID
+     *                      or the custom time zone ID in normalized format.
+     * @param isSystemID    Receives if the given ID is a known system
+     *                      time zone ID.
+     * @param status        Receives the status.  When the given time zone ID
+     *                      is neither a known system time zone ID nor a
+     *                      valid custom time zone ID, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR
+     *                      is set.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalID(const UnicodeString& id,
+        UnicodeString& canonicalID, UBool& isSystemID, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * Converts a system time zone ID to an equivalent Windows time zone ID. For example,
+    * Windows time zone ID "Pacific Standard Time" is returned for input "America/Los_Angeles".
+    *
+    * <p>There are system time zones that cannot be mapped to Windows zones. When the input
+    * system time zone ID is unknown or unmappable to a Windows time zone, then the result will be
+    * empty, but the operation itself remains successful (no error status set on return).
+    *
+    * <p>This implementation utilizes <a href="">
+    * Zone-Tzid mapping data</a>. The mapping data is updated time to time. To get the latest changes,
+    * please read the ICU user guide section <a href="">
+    * Updating the Time Zone Data</a>.
+    *
+    * @param id        A system time zone ID.
+    * @param winid     Receives a Windows time zone ID. When the input system time zone ID is unknown
+    *                  or unmappable to a Windows time zone ID, then an empty string is set on return.
+    * @param status    Receives the status.
+    * @return          A reference to the result (<code>winid</code>).
+    * @see getIDForWindowsID
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 52
+    */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getWindowsID(const UnicodeString& id,
+        UnicodeString& winid, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+    * Converts a Windows time zone ID to an equivalent system time zone ID
+    * for a region. For example, system time zone ID "America/Los_Angeles" is returned
+    * for input Windows ID "Pacific Standard Time" and region "US" (or <code>null</code>),
+    * "America/Vancouver" is returned for the same Windows ID "Pacific Standard Time" and
+    * region "CA".
+    *
+    * <p>Not all Windows time zones can be mapped to system time zones. When the input
+    * Windows time zone ID is unknown or unmappable to a system time zone, then the result
+    * will be empty, but the operation itself remains successful (no error status set on return).
+    *
+    * <p>This implementation utilizes <a href="">
+    * Zone-Tzid mapping data</a>. The mapping data is updated time to time. To get the latest changes,
+    * please read the ICU user guide section <a href="">
+    * Updating the Time Zone Data</a>.
+    *
+    * @param winid     A Windows time zone ID.
+    * @param region    A null-terminated region code, or <code>NULL</code> if no regional preference.
+    * @param id        Receives a system time zone ID. When the input Windows time zone ID is unknown
+    *                  or unmappable to a system time zone ID, then an empty string is set on return.
+    * @param status    Receives the status.
+    * @return          A reference to the result (<code>id</code>).
+    * @see getWindowsID
+    *
+    * @stable ICU 52
+    */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getIDForWindowsID(const UnicodeString& winid, const char* region,
+        UnicodeString& id, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the two TimeZones are equal.  (The TimeZone version only compares
+     * IDs, but subclasses are expected to also compare the fields they add.)
+     *
+     * @param that  The TimeZone object to be compared with.
+     * @return      True if the given TimeZone is equal to this TimeZone; false
+     *              otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZone& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the two TimeZones are NOT equal; that is, if operator==() returns
+     * false.
+     *
+     * @param that  The TimeZone object to be compared with.
+     * @return      True if the given TimeZone is not equal to this TimeZone; false
+     *              otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const TimeZone& that) const {return !operator==(that);}
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's adjusted GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time in this time zone, taking daylight savings time into
+     * account) as of a particular reference date.  The reference date is used to determine
+     * whether daylight savings time is in effect and needs to be figured into the offset
+     * that is returned (in other words, what is the adjusted GMT offset in this time zone
+     * at this particular date and time?).  For the time zones produced by createTimeZone(),
+     * the reference data is specified according to the Gregorian calendar, and the date
+     * and time fields are local standard time.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+     * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+     * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param era        The reference date's era
+     * @param year       The reference date's year
+     * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+     * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+     * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+     * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, local standard time
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                              uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
+     * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+     * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+     * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param era the era of the given date.
+     * @param year the year in the given date.
+     * @param month the month in the given date.
+     * Month is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
+     * @param day the day-in-month of the given date.
+     * @param dayOfWeek the day-of-week of the given date.
+     * @param milliseconds the millis in day in <em>standard</em> local time.
+     * @param monthLength the length of the given month in days.
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return the offset to add *to* GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                           uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t milliseconds,
+                           int32_t monthLength, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment
+     * in time.  Upon return, local-millis = GMT-millis + rawOffset +
+     * dstOffset.  All computations are performed in the proleptic
+     * Gregorian calendar.  The default implementation in the TimeZone
+     * class delegates to the 8-argument getOffset().
+     *
+     * @param date moment in time for which to return offsets, in
+     * units of milliseconds from January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT, either GMT
+     * time or local wall time, depending on `local'.
+     * @param local if true, `date' is local wall time; otherwise it
+     * is in GMT time.
+     * @param rawOffset output parameter to receive the raw offset, that
+     * is, the offset not including DST adjustments
+     * @param dstOffset output parameter to receive the DST offset,
+     * that is, the offset to be added to `rawOffset' to obtain the
+     * total offset between local and GMT time. If DST is not in
+     * effect, this value is zero; otherwise it is a positive value,
+     * typically one hour.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    virtual void getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
+                           int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @param offsetMillis  The new raw GMT offset for this time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void setRawOffset(int32_t offsetMillis) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @return   The TimeZone's raw GMT offset.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRawOffset(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "ID" with the TimeZone's ID.
+     *
+     * @param ID  Receives this TimeZone's ID.
+     * @return    A reference to 'ID'
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getID(UnicodeString& ID) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the TimeZone's ID to the specified value.  This doesn't affect any other
+     * fields (for example, if you say<
+     * blockquote><pre>
+     * .     TimeZone* foo = TimeZone::createTimeZone("America/New_York");
+     * .     foo.setID("America/Los_Angeles");
+     * </pre>\htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+     * the time zone's GMT offset and daylight-savings rules don't change to those for
+     * Los Angeles.  They're still those for New York.  Only the ID has changed.)
+     *
+     * @param ID  The new time zone ID.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void setID(const UnicodeString& ID);
+    /**
+     * Enum for use with getDisplayName
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    enum EDisplayType {
+        /**
+         * Selector for short display name
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        SHORT = 1,
+        /**
+         * Selector for long display name
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        LONG,
+        /**
+         * Selector for short generic display name
+         * @stable ICU 4.4
+         */
+        /**
+         * Selector for long generic display name
+         * @stable ICU 4.4
+         */
+        LONG_GENERIC,
+        /**
+         * Selector for short display name derived
+         * from time zone offset
+         * @stable ICU 4.4
+         */
+        SHORT_GMT,
+        /**
+         * Selector for long display name derived
+         * from time zone offset
+         * @stable ICU 4.4
+         */
+        LONG_GMT,
+        /**
+         * Selector for short display name derived
+         * from the time zone's fallback name
+         * @stable ICU 4.4
+         */
+        /**
+         * Selector for long display name derived
+         * from the time zone's fallback name
+         * @stable ICU 4.4
+         */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
+     * in the default locale.
+     * This method returns the long name, not including daylight savings.
+     * If the display name is not available for the locale,
+     * then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format
+     * such as <code>GMT[+-]HH:mm</code>.
+     * @param result the human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
+     * in the specified locale.
+     * This method returns the long name, not including daylight savings.
+     * If the display name is not available for the locale,
+     * then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format
+     * such as <code>GMT[+-]HH:mm</code>.
+     * @param locale the locale in which to supply the display name.
+     * @param result the human-readable name of this time zone in the given locale
+     *               or in the default locale if the given locale is not recognized.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
+     * in the default locale.
+     * If the display name is not available for the locale,
+     * then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format
+     * such as <code>GMT[+-]HH:mm</code>.
+     * @param inDaylight if true, return the daylight savings name.
+     * @param style
+     * @param result the human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(UBool inDaylight, EDisplayType style, UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
+     * in the specified locale.
+     * If the display name is not available for the locale,
+     * then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format
+     * such as <code>GMT[+-]HH:mm</code>.
+     * @param inDaylight if true, return the daylight savings name.
+     * @param style
+     * @param locale the locale in which to supply the display name.
+     * @param result the human-readable name of this time zone in the given locale
+     *               or in the default locale if the given locale is not recognized.
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(UBool inDaylight, EDisplayType style, const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.
+     * @return true if this time zone uses daylight savings time,
+     * false, otherwise.
+     * <p><strong>Note:</strong>The default implementation of
+     * ICU TimeZone uses the tz database, which supports historic
+     * rule changes, for system time zones. With the implementation,
+     * there are time zones that used daylight savings time in the
+     * past, but no longer used currently. For example, Asia/Tokyo has
+     * never used daylight savings time since 1951. Most clients would
+     * expect that this method to return <code>FALSE</code> for such case.
+     * The default implementation of this method returns <code>TRUE</code>
+     * when the time zone uses daylight savings time in the current
+     * (Gregorian) calendar year.
+     * <p>In Java 7, <code>observesDaylightTime()</code> was added in
+     * addition to <code>useDaylightTime()</code>. In Java, <code>useDaylightTime()</code>
+     * only checks if daylight saving time is observed by the last known
+     * rule. This specification might not be what most users would expect
+     * if daylight saving time is currently observed, but not scheduled
+     * in future. In this case, Java's <code>userDaylightTime()</code> returns
+     * <code>false</code>. To resolve the issue, Java 7 added <code>observesDaylightTime()</code>,
+     * which takes the current rule into account. The method <code>observesDaylightTime()</code>
+     * was added in ICU4J for supporting API signature compatibility with JDK.
+     * In general, ICU4C also provides JDK compatible methods, but the current
+     * implementation <code>userDaylightTime()</code> serves the purpose
+     * (takes the current rule into account), <code>observesDaylightTime()</code>
+     * is not added in ICU4C. In addition to <code>useDaylightTime()</code>, ICU4C
+     * <code>BasicTimeZone</code> class (Note that <code>TimeZone::createTimeZone(const UnicodeString &ID)</code>
+     * always returns a <code>BasicTimeZone</code>) provides a series of methods allowing
+     * historic and future time zone rule iteration, so you can check if daylight saving
+     * time is observed or not within a given period.
+     * 
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool useDaylightTime(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Queries if the given date is in daylight savings time in
+     * this time zone.
+     * This method is wasteful since it creates a new GregorianCalendar and
+     * deletes it each time it is called. This is a deprecated method
+     * and provided only for Java compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param date the given UDate.
+     * @param status Output param filled in with success/error code.
+     * @return true if the given date is in daylight savings time,
+     * false, otherwise.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.
+     * That is, if this zone differs only in ID, if at all.
+     * @param other the <code>TimeZone</code> object to be compared with
+     * @return true if the given zone is the same as this one,
+     * with the possible exception of the ID
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Clones TimeZone objects polymorphically. Clients are responsible for deleting
+     * the TimeZone object cloned.
+     *
+     * @return   A new copy of this TimeZone object.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual TimeZone* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().
+     * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. This method is to
+     * implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++ compilers support genuine
+     * RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() methods call this method.
+     * <P>
+     * Concrete subclasses of TimeZone must use the UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION
+     *  macro from uobject.h in their implementation to provide correct RTTI information.
+     * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
+     *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the amount of time to be added to local standard time
+     * to get local wall clock time.
+     * <p>
+     * The default implementation always returns 3600000 milliseconds
+     * (i.e., one hour) if this time zone observes Daylight Saving
+     * Time. Otherwise, 0 (zero) is returned.
+     * <p>
+     * If an underlying TimeZone implementation subclass supports
+     * historical Daylight Saving Time changes, this method returns
+     * the known latest daylight saving value.
+     *
+     * @return the amount of saving time in milliseconds
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getDSTSavings() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the region code associated with the given
+     * system time zone ID. The region code is either ISO 3166
+     * 2-letter country code or UN M.49 3-digit area code.
+     * When the time zone is not associated with a specific location,
+     * for example - "Etc/UTC", "EST5EDT", then this method returns
+     * "001" (UN M.49 area code for World).
+     * 
+     * @param id            The system time zone ID.
+     * @param region        Output buffer for receiving the region code.
+     * @param capacity      The size of the output buffer.
+     * @param status        Receives the status.  When the given time zone ID
+     *                      is not a known system time zone ID,
+     *                      U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is set.
+     * @return The length of the output region code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8 
+     */ 
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 getRegion(const UnicodeString& id, 
+        char *region, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode& status); 
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.  ID is initialized to the empty string.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    TimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Construct a TimeZone with a given ID.
+     * @param id a system time zone ID
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    TimeZone(const UnicodeString &id);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source the object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    TimeZone(const TimeZone& source);
+    /**
+     * Default assignment operator.
+     * @param right the object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    TimeZone& operator=(const TimeZone& right);
+    /**
+     * Utility function. For internally loading rule data.
+     * @param top Top resource bundle for tz data
+     * @param ruleid ID of rule to load
+     * @param oldbundle Old bundle to reuse or NULL
+     * @param status Status parameter
+     * @return either a new bundle or *oldbundle
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UResourceBundle* loadRule(const UResourceBundle* top, const UnicodeString& ruleid, UResourceBundle* oldbundle, UErrorCode&status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    friend class ZoneMeta;
+    static TimeZone*        createCustomTimeZone(const UnicodeString&); // Creates a time zone based on the string.
+    /**
+     * Finds the given ID in the Olson tzdata. If the given ID is found in the tzdata,
+     * returns the pointer to the ID resource. This method is exposed through ZoneMeta class
+     * for ICU internal implementation and useful for building hashtable using a time zone
+     * ID as a key.
+     * @param id zone id string
+     * @return the pointer of the ID resource, or NULL.
+     */
+    static const char16_t* findID(const UnicodeString& id);
+    /**
+     * Resolve a link in Olson tzdata.  When the given id is known and it's not a link,
+     * the id itself is returned.  When the given id is known and it is a link, then
+     * dereferenced zone id is returned.  When the given id is unknown, then it returns
+     * NULL.
+     * @param id zone id string
+     * @return the dereferenced zone or NULL
+     */
+    static const char16_t* dereferOlsonLink(const UnicodeString& id);
+    /**
+     * Returns the region code associated with the given zone,
+     * or NULL if the zone is not known.
+     * @param id zone id string
+     * @return the region associated with the given zone
+     */
+    static const char16_t* getRegion(const UnicodeString& id);
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Returns the region code associated with the given zone,
+     * or NULL if the zone is not known.
+     * @param id zone id string
+     * @param status Status parameter
+     * @return the region associated with the given zone
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static const char16_t* getRegion(const UnicodeString& id, UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+  private:
+    /**
+     * Parses the given custom time zone identifier
+     * @param id id A string of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, or
+     * GMT[+-]hh.
+     * @param sign Receves parsed sign, 1 for positive, -1 for negative.
+     * @param hour Receives parsed hour field
+     * @param minute Receives parsed minute field
+     * @param second Receives parsed second field
+     * @return Returns TRUE when the given custom id is valid.
+     */
+    static UBool parseCustomID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& sign, int32_t& hour,
+        int32_t& minute, int32_t& second);
+    /**
+     * Parse a custom time zone identifier and return the normalized
+     * custom time zone identifier for the given custom id string.
+     * @param id a string of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, or
+     * GMT[+-]hh.
+     * @param normalized Receives the normalized custom ID
+     * @param status Receives the status.  When the input ID string is invalid,
+     * @return The normalized custom id string.
+    */
+    static UnicodeString& getCustomID(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& normalized,
+        UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the normalized custom time zone ID for the given offset fields.
+     * @param hour offset hours
+     * @param min offset minutes
+     * @param sec offset seconds
+     * @param negative sign of the offset, TRUE for negative offset.
+     * @param id Receves the format result (normalized custom ID)
+     * @return The reference to id
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& formatCustomID(int32_t hour, int32_t min, int32_t sec,
+        UBool negative, UnicodeString& id);
+    UnicodeString           fID;    // this time zone's ID
+    friend class TZEnumeration;
+// -------------------------------------
+inline UnicodeString&
+TimeZone::getID(UnicodeString& ID) const
+    ID = fID;
+    return ID;
+// -------------------------------------
+inline void
+TimeZone::setID(const UnicodeString& ID)
+    fID = ID;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif //_TIMEZONE
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmunit.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmunit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e949dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmunit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2016, International Business Machines Corporation,       *
+ * Google, and others. All Rights Reserved.                                    *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __TMUNIT_H__
+#define __TMUNIT_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: time unit object
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/measunit.h"
+ * Measurement unit for time units.
+ * @see TimeUnitAmount
+ * @see TimeUnit
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeUnit: public MeasureUnit {
+    /**
+     * Constants for all the time units we supported.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    enum UTimeUnitFields {
+        /**
+         * One more than the highest normal UTimeUnitFields value.
+         * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+         */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create Instance.
+     * @param timeUnitField  time unit field based on which the instance
+     *                       is created.
+     * @param status         input-output error code.
+     *                       If the timeUnitField is invalid,
+     *                       then this will be set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     * @return               a TimeUnit instance
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static TimeUnit* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(UTimeUnitFields timeUnitField,
+                                              UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Override clone.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual TimeUnit* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Copy operator.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    TimeUnit(const TimeUnit& other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    TimeUnit& operator=(const TimeUnit& other);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID for this object POLYMORPHICALLY.
+     * This method implements a simple form of RTTI used by ICU.
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the class ID for this class. This is used to compare to
+     * the return value of getDynamicClassID().
+     * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * Get time unit field.
+     * @return time unit field.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UTimeUnitFields getTimeUnitField() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeUnit();
+    UTimeUnitFields fTimeUnitField;
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     * @internal (private)
+     */
+    TimeUnit(UTimeUnitFields timeUnitField);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __TMUNIT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmutamt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmutamt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bcc684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmutamt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Google, International Business Machines Corporation and *
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */ 
+#ifndef __TMUTAMT_H__
+#define __TMUTAMT_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: time unit amount object.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/measure.h"
+#include "unicode/tmunit.h"
+ * Express a duration as a time unit and number. Patterned after Currency.
+ * @see TimeUnitAmount
+ * @see TimeUnitFormat
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeUnitAmount: public Measure {
+    /**
+     * Construct TimeUnitAmount object with the given number and the
+     * given time unit. 
+     * @param number        a numeric object; number.isNumeric() must be TRUE
+     * @param timeUnitField the time unit field of a time unit
+     * @param status        the input-output error code. 
+     *                      If the number is not numeric or the timeUnitField
+     *                      is not valid,
+     *                      then this will be set to a failing value:
+     *                      U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    TimeUnitAmount(const Formattable& number, 
+                   TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields timeUnitField,
+                   UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Construct TimeUnitAmount object with the given numeric amount and the
+     * given time unit. 
+     * @param amount        a numeric amount.
+     * @param timeUnitField the time unit field on which a time unit amount
+     *                      object will be created.
+     * @param status        the input-output error code. 
+     *                      If the timeUnitField is not valid,
+     *                      then this will be set to a failing value:
+     *                      U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    TimeUnitAmount(double amount, TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields timeUnitField,
+                   UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor 
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    TimeUnitAmount(const TimeUnitAmount& other);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    TimeUnitAmount& operator=(const TimeUnitAmount& other);
+    /**
+     * Clone. 
+     * @return a polymorphic clone of this object. The result will have the same               class as returned by getDynamicClassID().
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual TimeUnitAmount* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeUnitAmount();
+    /** 
+     * Equality operator.  
+     * @param other  the object to compare to.
+     * @return       true if this object is equal to the given object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const UObject& other) const;
+    /** 
+     * Not-equality operator.  
+     * @param other  the object to compare to.
+     * @return       true if this object is not equal to the given object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const UObject& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the time unit.
+     * @return time unit object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    const TimeUnit& getTimeUnit() const;
+    /**
+     * Get the time unit field value.
+     * @return time unit field value.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields getTimeUnitField() const;
+inline UBool 
+TimeUnitAmount::operator!=(const UObject& other) const {
+    return !operator==(other);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __TMUTAMT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmutfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmutfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad871f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tmutfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2014, Google, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef __TMUTFMT_H__
+#define __TMUTFMT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Format and parse duration in single time unit
+ */
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/tmunit.h"
+#include "unicode/tmutamt.h"
+#include "unicode/measfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/plurrule.h"
+ * Constants for various styles.
+ * There are 2 styles: full name and abbreviated name.
+ * For example, for English, the full name for hour duration is "3 hours",
+ * and the abbreviated name is "3 hrs".
+ * @deprecated ICU 53 Use MeasureFormat and UMeasureFormatWidth instead.
+ */
+enum UTimeUnitFormatStyle {
+    /** @deprecated ICU 53 */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 53 */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 53 */
+typedef enum UTimeUnitFormatStyle UTimeUnitFormatStyle; /**< @deprecated ICU 53 */
+class Hashtable;
+class UVector;
+struct TimeUnitFormatReadSink;
+ * Format or parse a TimeUnitAmount, using plural rules for the units where available.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Code Sample:
+ * <pre>
+ *   // create time unit amount instance - a combination of Number and time unit
+ *   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *   TimeUnitAmount* source = new TimeUnitAmount(2, TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_YEAR, status);
+ *   // create time unit format instance
+ *   TimeUnitFormat* format = new TimeUnitFormat(Locale("en"), status);
+ *   // format a time unit amount
+ *   UnicodeString formatted;
+ *   Formattable formattable;
+ *   if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ *       formattable.adoptObject(source);
+ *       formatted = ((Format*)format)->format(formattable, formatted, status);
+ *       Formattable result;
+ *       ((Format*)format)->parseObject(formatted, result, status);
+ *       if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ *           assert (result == formattable);
+ *       }
+ *   }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * @see TimeUnitAmount
+ * @see TimeUnitFormat
+ * @deprecated ICU 53 Use the MeasureFormat class instead.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeUnitFormat: public MeasureFormat {
+    /**
+     * Create TimeUnitFormat with default locale, and full name style.
+     * Use setLocale and/or setFormat to modify.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    TimeUnitFormat(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create TimeUnitFormat given locale, and full name style.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    TimeUnitFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create TimeUnitFormat given locale and style.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    TimeUnitFormat(const Locale& locale, UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    TimeUnitFormat(const TimeUnitFormat&);
+    /**
+     * deconstructor
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeUnitFormat();
+    /**
+     * Clone this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual TimeUnitFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    TimeUnitFormat& operator=(const TimeUnitFormat& other);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are not semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other the object to be compared with.
+     * @return      true if the given Format objects are not semantically equal.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the locale used for formatting or parsing.
+     * @param locale  the locale to be set
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    void setLocale(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Set the number format used for formatting or parsing.
+     * @param format  the number formatter to be set
+     * @param status  output param set to success/failure code on exit
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    void setNumberFormat(const NumberFormat& format, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Parse a TimeUnitAmount.
+     * @see Format#parseObject(const UnicodeString&, Formattable&, ParsePosition&) const;
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
+                             Formattable& result,
+                             ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    Hashtable*    fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns[TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_FIELD_COUNT];
+    UTimeUnitFormatStyle fStyle;
+    void create(UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
+    // it might actually be simpler to make them Decimal Formats later.
+    // initialize all private data members
+    void setup(UErrorCode& status);
+    // initialize data member without fill in data for fTimeUnitToCountToPattern
+    void initDataMembers(UErrorCode& status);
+    // initialize fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns from current locale's resource.
+    void readFromCurrentLocale(UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, const char* key, const UVector& pluralCounts,
+                               UErrorCode& status);
+    // check completeness of fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns against all time units,
+    // and all plural rules, fill in fallback as necessary.
+    void checkConsistency(UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, const char* key, UErrorCode& status);
+    // fill in fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns from locale fall-back chain
+    void searchInLocaleChain(UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, const char* key, const char* localeName,
+                             TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields field, const UnicodeString&,
+                             const char*, Hashtable*, UErrorCode&);
+    // initialize hash table
+    Hashtable* initHash(UErrorCode& status);
+    // delete hash table
+    void deleteHash(Hashtable* htable);
+    // copy hash table
+    void copyHash(const Hashtable* source, Hashtable* target, UErrorCode& status);
+    // get time unit name, such as "year", from time unit field enum, such as
+    static const char* getTimeUnitName(TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields field, UErrorCode& status);
+    friend struct TimeUnitFormatReadSink;
+inline UBool
+TimeUnitFormat::operator!=(const Format& other) const  {
+    return !operator==(other);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // __TMUTFMT_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/translit.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/translit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2568d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/translit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1595 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef TRANSLIT_H
+#define TRANSLIT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Tranforms text from one format to another.
+ */
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/utrans.h" // UTransPosition, UTransDirection
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+class UnicodeFilter;
+class UnicodeSet;
+class TransliteratorParser;
+class NormalizationTransliterator;
+class TransliteratorIDParser;
+ *
+ * <code>Transliterator</code> is an abstract class that
+ * transliterates text from one format to another.  The most common
+ * kind of transliterator is a script, or alphabet, transliterator.
+ * For example, a Russian to Latin transliterator changes Russian text
+ * written in Cyrillic characters to phonetically equivalent Latin
+ * characters.  It does not <em>translate</em> Russian to English!
+ * Transliteration, unlike translation, operates on characters, without
+ * reference to the meanings of words and sentences.
+ *
+ * <p>Although script conversion is its most common use, a
+ * transliterator can actually perform a more general class of tasks.
+ * In fact, <code>Transliterator</code> defines a very general API
+ * which specifies only that a segment of the input text is replaced
+ * by new text.  The particulars of this conversion are determined
+ * entirely by subclasses of <code>Transliterator</code>.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Transliterators are stateless</b>
+ *
+ * <p><code>Transliterator</code> objects are <em>stateless</em>; they
+ * retain no information between calls to
+ * <code>transliterate()</code>.  (However, this does <em>not</em>
+ * mean that threads may share transliterators without synchronizing
+ * them.  Transliterators are not immutable, so they must be
+ * synchronized when shared between threads.)  This might seem to
+ * limit the complexity of the transliteration operation.  In
+ * practice, subclasses perform complex transliterations by delaying
+ * the replacement of text until it is known that no other
+ * replacements are possible.  In other words, although the
+ * <code>Transliterator</code> objects are stateless, the source text
+ * itself embodies all the needed information, and delayed operation
+ * allows arbitrary complexity.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Batch transliteration</b>
+ *
+ * <p>The simplest way to perform transliteration is all at once, on a
+ * string of existing text.  This is referred to as <em>batch</em>
+ * transliteration.  For example, given a string <code>input</code>
+ * and a transliterator <code>t</code>, the call
+ *
+ *     String result = t.transliterate(input);
+ *
+ * will transliterate it and return the result.  Other methods allow
+ * the client to specify a substring to be transliterated and to use
+ * {@link Replaceable } objects instead of strings, in order to
+ * preserve out-of-band information (such as text styles).
+ *
+ * <p><b>Keyboard transliteration</b>
+ *
+ * <p>Somewhat more involved is <em>keyboard</em>, or incremental
+ * transliteration.  This is the transliteration of text that is
+ * arriving from some source (typically the user's keyboard) one
+ * character at a time, or in some other piecemeal fashion.
+ *
+ * <p>In keyboard transliteration, a <code>Replaceable</code> buffer
+ * stores the text.  As text is inserted, as much as possible is
+ * transliterated on the fly.  This means a GUI that displays the
+ * contents of the buffer may show text being modified as each new
+ * character arrives.
+ *
+ * <p>Consider the simple rule-based Transliterator:
+ * <pre>
+ *     th>{theta}
+ *     t>{tau}
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * When the user types 't', nothing will happen, since the
+ * transliterator is waiting to see if the next character is 'h'.  To
+ * remedy this, we introduce the notion of a cursor, marked by a '|'
+ * in the output string:
+ * <pre>
+ *     t>|{tau}
+ *     {tau}h>{theta}
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * Now when the user types 't', tau appears, and if the next character
+ * is 'h', the tau changes to a theta.  This is accomplished by
+ * maintaining a cursor position (independent of the insertion point,
+ * and invisible in the GUI) across calls to
+ * <code>transliterate()</code>.  Typically, the cursor will
+ * be coincident with the insertion point, but in a case like the one
+ * above, it will precede the insertion point.
+ *
+ * <p>Keyboard transliteration methods maintain a set of three indices
+ * that are updated with each call to
+ * <code>transliterate()</code>, including the cursor, start,
+ * and limit.  Since these indices are changed by the method, they are
+ * passed in an <code>int[]</code> array. The <code>START</code> index
+ * marks the beginning of the substring that the transliterator will
+ * look at.  It is advanced as text becomes committed (but it is not
+ * the committed index; that's the <code>CURSOR</code>).  The
+ * <code>CURSOR</code> index, described above, marks the point at
+ * which the transliterator last stopped, either because it reached
+ * the end, or because it required more characters to disambiguate
+ * between possible inputs.  The <code>CURSOR</code> can also be
+ * explicitly set by rules in a rule-based Transliterator.
+ * Any characters before the <code>CURSOR</code> index are frozen;
+ * future keyboard transliteration calls within this input sequence
+ * will not change them.  New text is inserted at the
+ * <code>LIMIT</code> index, which marks the end of the substring that
+ * the transliterator looks at.
+ *
+ * <p>Because keyboard transliteration assumes that more characters
+ * are to arrive, it is conservative in its operation.  It only
+ * transliterates when it can do so unambiguously.  Otherwise it waits
+ * for more characters to arrive.  When the client code knows that no
+ * more characters are forthcoming, perhaps because the user has
+ * performed some input termination operation, then it should call
+ * <code>finishTransliteration()</code> to complete any
+ * pending transliterations.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Inverses</b>
+ *
+ * <p>Pairs of transliterators may be inverses of one another.  For
+ * example, if transliterator <b>A</b> transliterates characters by
+ * incrementing their Unicode value (so "abc" -> "def"), and
+ * transliterator <b>B</b> decrements character values, then <b>A</b>
+ * is an inverse of <b>B</b> and vice versa.  If we compose <b>A</b>
+ * with <b>B</b> in a compound transliterator, the result is the
+ * indentity transliterator, that is, a transliterator that does not
+ * change its input text.
+ *
+ * The <code>Transliterator</code> method <code>getInverse()</code>
+ * returns a transliterator's inverse, if one exists, or
+ * <code>null</code> otherwise.  However, the result of
+ * <code>getInverse()</code> usually will <em>not</em> be a true
+ * mathematical inverse.  This is because true inverse transliterators
+ * are difficult to formulate.  For example, consider two
+ * transliterators: <b>AB</b>, which transliterates the character 'A'
+ * to 'B', and <b>BA</b>, which transliterates 'B' to 'A'.  It might
+ * seem that these are exact inverses, since
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly"A" x <b>AB</b> -> "B"<br>
+ * "B" x <b>BA</b> -> "A"\htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * where 'x' represents transliteration.  However,
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly"ABCD" x <b>AB</b> -> "BBCD"<br>
+ * "BBCD" x <b>BA</b> -> "AACD"\htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * so <b>AB</b> composed with <b>BA</b> is not the
+ * identity. Nonetheless, <b>BA</b> may be usefully considered to be
+ * <b>AB</b>'s inverse, and it is on this basis that
+ * <b>AB</b><code>.getInverse()</code> could legitimately return
+ * <b>BA</b>.
+ *
+ * <p><b>IDs and display names</b>
+ *
+ * <p>A transliterator is designated by a short identifier string or
+ * <em>ID</em>.  IDs follow the format <em>source-destination</em>,
+ * where <em>source</em> describes the entity being replaced, and
+ * <em>destination</em> describes the entity replacing
+ * <em>source</em>.  The entities may be the names of scripts,
+ * particular sequences of characters, or whatever else it is that the
+ * transliterator converts to or from.  For example, a transliterator
+ * from Russian to Latin might be named "Russian-Latin".  A
+ * transliterator from keyboard escape sequences to Latin-1 characters
+ * might be named "KeyboardEscape-Latin1".  By convention, system
+ * entity names are in English, with the initial letters of words
+ * capitalized; user entity names may follow any format so long as
+ * they do not contain dashes.
+ *
+ * <p>In addition to programmatic IDs, transliterator objects have
+ * display names for presentation in user interfaces, returned by
+ * {@link #getDisplayName }.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Factory methods and registration</b>
+ *
+ * <p>In general, client code should use the factory method
+ * {@link #createInstance } to obtain an instance of a
+ * transliterator given its ID.  Valid IDs may be enumerated using
+ * <code>getAvailableIDs()</code>.  Since transliterators are mutable,
+ * multiple calls to {@link #createInstance } with the same ID will
+ * return distinct objects.
+ *
+ * <p>In addition to the system transliterators registered at startup,
+ * user transliterators may be registered by calling
+ * <code>registerInstance()</code> at run time.  A registered instance
+ * acts a template; future calls to {@link #createInstance } with the ID
+ * of the registered object return clones of that object.  Thus any
+ * object passed to <tt>registerInstance()</tt> must implement
+ * <tt>clone()</tt> propertly.  To register a transliterator subclass
+ * without instantiating it (until it is needed), users may call
+ * {@link #registerFactory }.  In this case, the objects are
+ * instantiated by invoking the zero-argument public constructor of
+ * the class.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Subclassing</b>
+ *
+ * Subclasses must implement the abstract method
+ * <code>handleTransliterate()</code>.  <p>Subclasses should override
+ * the <code>transliterate()</code> method taking a
+ * <code>Replaceable</code> and the <code>transliterate()</code>
+ * method taking a <code>String</code> and <code>StringBuffer</code>
+ * if the performance of these methods can be improved over the
+ * performance obtained by the default implementations in this class.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Rule syntax</b>
+ *
+ * <p>A set of rules determines how to perform translations.
+ * Rules within a rule set are separated by semicolons (';').
+ * To include a literal semicolon, prefix it with a backslash ('\').
+ * Unicode Pattern_White_Space is ignored.
+ * If the first non-blank character on a line is '#',
+ * the entire line is ignored as a comment.
+ *
+ * <p>Each set of rules consists of two groups, one forward, and one
+ * reverse. This is a convention that is not enforced; rules for one
+ * direction may be omitted, with the result that translations in
+ * that direction will not modify the source text. In addition,
+ * bidirectional forward-reverse rules may be specified for
+ * symmetrical transformations.
+ *
+ * <p>Note: Another description of the Transliterator rule syntax is available in
+ * <a href="">section
+ * Transform Rules Syntax of UTS #35: Unicode LDML</a>.
+ * The rules are shown there using arrow symbols ← and → and ↔.
+ * ICU supports both those and the equivalent ASCII symbols &lt; and &gt; and &lt;&gt;.
+ *
+ * <p>Rule statements take one of the following forms:
+ *
+ * <dl>
+ *     <dt><code>$alefmadda=\\u0622;</code></dt>
+ *     <dd><strong>Variable definition.</strong> The name on the
+ *         left is assigned the text on the right. In this example,
+ *         after this statement, instances of the left hand name,
+ *         &quot;<code>$alefmadda</code>&quot;, will be replaced by
+ *         the Unicode character U+0622. Variable names must begin
+ *         with a letter and consist only of letters, digits, and
+ *         underscores. Case is significant. Duplicate names cause
+ *         an exception to be thrown, that is, variables cannot be
+ *         redefined. The right hand side may contain well-formed
+ *         text of any length, including no text at all (&quot;<code>$empty=;</code>&quot;).
+ *         The right hand side may contain embedded <code>UnicodeSet</code>
+ *         patterns, for example, &quot;<code>$softvowel=[eiyEIY]</code>&quot;.</dd>
+ *     <dt><code>ai&gt;$alefmadda;</code></dt>
+ *     <dd><strong>Forward translation rule.</strong> This rule
+ *         states that the string on the left will be changed to the
+ *         string on the right when performing forward
+ *         transliteration.</dd>
+ *     <dt><code>ai&lt;$alefmadda;</code></dt>
+ *     <dd><strong>Reverse translation rule.</strong> This rule
+ *         states that the string on the right will be changed to
+ *         the string on the left when performing reverse
+ *         transliteration.</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * <dl>
+ *     <dt><code>ai&lt;&gt;$alefmadda;</code></dt>
+ *     <dd><strong>Bidirectional translation rule.</strong> This
+ *         rule states that the string on the right will be changed
+ *         to the string on the left when performing forward
+ *         transliteration, and vice versa when performing reverse
+ *         transliteration.</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * <p>Translation rules consist of a <em>match pattern</em> and an <em>output
+ * string</em>. The match pattern consists of literal characters,
+ * optionally preceded by context, and optionally followed by
+ * context. Context characters, like literal pattern characters,
+ * must be matched in the text being transliterated. However, unlike
+ * literal pattern characters, they are not replaced by the output
+ * text. For example, the pattern &quot;<code>abc{def}</code>&quot;
+ * indicates the characters &quot;<code>def</code>&quot; must be
+ * preceded by &quot;<code>abc</code>&quot; for a successful match.
+ * If there is a successful match, &quot;<code>def</code>&quot; will
+ * be replaced, but not &quot;<code>abc</code>&quot;. The final '<code>}</code>'
+ * is optional, so &quot;<code>abc{def</code>&quot; is equivalent to
+ * &quot;<code>abc{def}</code>&quot;. Another example is &quot;<code>{123}456</code>&quot;
+ * (or &quot;<code>123}456</code>&quot;) in which the literal
+ * pattern &quot;<code>123</code>&quot; must be followed by &quot;<code>456</code>&quot;.
+ *
+ * <p>The output string of a forward or reverse rule consists of
+ * characters to replace the literal pattern characters. If the
+ * output string contains the character '<code>|</code>', this is
+ * taken to indicate the location of the <em>cursor</em> after
+ * replacement. The cursor is the point in the text at which the
+ * next replacement, if any, will be applied. The cursor is usually
+ * placed within the replacement text; however, it can actually be
+ * placed into the precending or following context by using the
+ * special character '@'. Examples:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *     a {foo} z &gt; | @ bar; # foo -&gt; bar, move cursor before a
+ *     {foo} xyz &gt; bar @@|; #&nbsp;foo -&gt; bar, cursor between y and z
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p><b>UnicodeSet</b>
+ *
+ * <p><code>UnicodeSet</code> patterns may appear anywhere that
+ * makes sense. They may appear in variable definitions.
+ * Contrariwise, <code>UnicodeSet</code> patterns may themselves
+ * contain variable references, such as &quot;<code>$a=[a-z];$not_a=[^$a]</code>&quot;,
+ * or &quot;<code>$range=a-z;$ll=[$range]</code>&quot;.
+ *
+ * <p><code>UnicodeSet</code> patterns may also be embedded directly
+ * into rule strings. Thus, the following two rules are equivalent:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *     $vowel=[aeiou]; $vowel&gt;'*'; # One way to do this
+ *     [aeiou]&gt;'*'; # Another way
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>See {@link UnicodeSet} for more documentation and examples.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Segments</b>
+ *
+ * <p>Segments of the input string can be matched and copied to the
+ * output string. This makes certain sets of rules simpler and more
+ * general, and makes reordering possible. For example:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *     ([a-z]) &gt; $1 $1; # double lowercase letters
+ *     ([:Lu:]) ([:Ll:]) &gt; $2 $1; # reverse order of Lu-Ll pairs
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>The segment of the input string to be copied is delimited by
+ * &quot;<code>(</code>&quot; and &quot;<code>)</code>&quot;. Up to
+ * nine segments may be defined. Segments may not overlap. In the
+ * output string, &quot;<code>$1</code>&quot; through &quot;<code>$9</code>&quot;
+ * represent the input string segments, in left-to-right order of
+ * definition.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Anchors</b>
+ *
+ * <p>Patterns can be anchored to the beginning or the end of the text. This is done with the
+ * special characters '<code>^</code>' and '<code>$</code>'. For example:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *   ^ a&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; 'BEG_A'; &nbsp;&nbsp;# match 'a' at start of text
+ *   &nbsp; a&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; 'A'; # match other instances of 'a'
+ *   &nbsp; z $ &gt; 'END_Z'; &nbsp;&nbsp;# match 'z' at end of text
+ *   &nbsp; z&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; 'Z';&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # match other instances of 'z'
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>It is also possible to match the beginning or the end of the text using a <code>UnicodeSet</code>.
+ * This is done by including a virtual anchor character '<code>$</code>' at the end of the
+ * set pattern. Although this is usually the match chafacter for the end anchor, the set will
+ * match either the beginning or the end of the text, depending on its placement. For
+ * example:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *   $x = [a-z$]; &nbsp;&nbsp;# match 'a' through 'z' OR anchor
+ *   $x 1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; 2;&nbsp;&nbsp; # match '1' after a-z or at the start
+ *   &nbsp;&nbsp; 3 $x &gt; 4; &nbsp;&nbsp;# match '3' before a-z or at the end
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Example</b>
+ *
+ * <p>The following example rules illustrate many of the features of
+ * the rule language.
+ *
+ * <table border="0" cellpadding="4">
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Rule 1.</td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>abc{def}&gt;x|y</code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Rule 2.</td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>xyz&gt;r</code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Rule 3.</td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>yz&gt;q</code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>Applying these rules to the string &quot;<code>adefabcdefz</code>&quot;
+ * yields the following results:
+ *
+ * <table border="0" cellpadding="4">
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>|adefabcdefz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Initial state, no rules match. Advance
+ *         cursor.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>a|defabcdefz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Still no match. Rule 1 does not match
+ *         because the preceding context is not present.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>ad|efabcdefz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Still no match. Keep advancing until
+ *         there is a match...</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>ade|fabcdefz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">...</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>adef|abcdefz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">...</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>adefa|bcdefz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">...</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>adefab|cdefz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">...</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>adefabc|defz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Rule 1 matches; replace &quot;<code>def</code>&quot;
+ *         with &quot;<code>xy</code>&quot; and back up the cursor
+ *         to before the '<code>y</code>'.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>adefabcx|yz</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">Although &quot;<code>xyz</code>&quot; is
+ *         present, rule 2 does not match because the cursor is
+ *         before the '<code>y</code>', not before the '<code>x</code>'.
+ *         Rule 3 does match. Replace &quot;<code>yz</code>&quot;
+ *         with &quot;<code>q</code>&quot;.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top; write-space: nowrap;"><code>adefabcxq|</code></td>
+ *         <td style="vertical-align: top;">The cursor is at the end;
+ *         transliteration is complete.</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>The order of rules is significant. If multiple rules may match
+ * at some point, the first matching rule is applied.
+ *
+ * <p>Forward and reverse rules may have an empty output string.
+ * Otherwise, an empty left or right hand side of any statement is a
+ * syntax error.
+ *
+ * <p>Single quotes are used to quote any character other than a
+ * digit or letter. To specify a single quote itself, inside or
+ * outside of quotes, use two single quotes in a row. For example,
+ * the rule &quot;<code>'&gt;'&gt;o''clock</code>&quot; changes the
+ * string &quot;<code>&gt;</code>&quot; to the string &quot;<code>o'clock</code>&quot;.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Notes</b>
+ *
+ * <p>While a Transliterator is being built from rules, it checks that
+ * the rules are added in proper order. For example, if the rule
+ * &quot;a&gt;x&quot; is followed by the rule &quot;ab&gt;y&quot;,
+ * then the second rule will throw an exception. The reason is that
+ * the second rule can never be triggered, since the first rule
+ * always matches anything it matches. In other words, the first
+ * rule <em>masks</em> the second rule.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API Transliterator : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Programmatic name, e.g., "Latin-Arabic".
+     */
+    UnicodeString ID;
+    /**
+     * This transliterator's filter.  Any character for which
+     * <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
+     * altered by this transliterator.  If <tt>filter</tt> is
+     * <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
+     */
+    UnicodeFilter* filter;
+    int32_t maximumContextLength;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * A context integer or pointer for a factory function, passed by
+     * value.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    union Token {
+        /**
+         * This token, interpreted as a 32-bit integer.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        int32_t integer;
+        /**
+         * This token, interpreted as a native pointer.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        void*   pointer;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Return a token containing an integer.
+     * @return a token containing an integer.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    inline static Token integerToken(int32_t);
+    /**
+     * Return a token containing a pointer.
+     * @return a token containing a pointer.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    inline static Token pointerToken(void*);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * A function that creates and returns a Transliterator.  When
+     * invoked, it will be passed the ID string that is being
+     * instantiated, together with the context pointer that was passed
+     * in when the factory function was first registered.  Many
+     * factory functions will ignore both parameters, however,
+     * functions that are registered to more than one ID may use the
+     * ID or the context parameter to parameterize the transliterator
+     * they create.
+     * @param ID      the string identifier for this transliterator
+     * @param context a context pointer that will be stored and
+     *                later passed to the factory function when an ID matching
+     *                the registration ID is being instantiated with this factory.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    typedef Transliterator* (U_EXPORT2 *Factory)(const UnicodeString& ID, Token context);
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     * @param ID the string identifier for this transliterator
+     * @param adoptedFilter the filter.  Any character for which
+     * <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
+     * altered by this transliterator.  If <tt>filter</tt> is
+     * <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    Transliterator(const UnicodeString& ID, UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    Transliterator(const Transliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    Transliterator& operator=(const Transliterator&);
+    /**
+     * Create a transliterator from a basic ID.  This is an ID
+     * containing only the forward direction source, target, and
+     * variant.
+     * @param id a basic ID of the form S-T or S-T/V.
+     * @param canon canonical ID to assign to the object, or
+     * NULL to leave the ID unchanged
+     * @return a newly created Transliterator or null if the ID is
+     * invalid.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static Transliterator* createBasicInstance(const UnicodeString& id,
+                                               const UnicodeString* canon);
+    friend class TransliteratorParser; // for parseID()
+    friend class TransliteratorIDParser; // for createBasicInstance()
+    friend class TransliteratorAlias; // for setID()
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~Transliterator();
+    /**
+     * Implements Cloneable.
+     * All subclasses are encouraged to implement this method if it is
+     * possible and reasonable to do so.  Subclasses that are to be
+     * registered with the system using <tt>registerInstance()</tt>
+     * are required to implement this method.  If a subclass does not
+     * implement clone() properly and is registered with the system
+     * using registerInstance(), then the default clone() implementation
+     * will return null, and calls to createInstance() will fail.
+     *
+     * @return a copy of the object.
+     * @see #registerInstance
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual Transliterator* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Transliterates a segment of a string, with optional filtering.
+     *
+     * @param text the string to be transliterated
+     * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start
+     * <= limit</code>.
+     * @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit
+     * <= text.length()</code>.
+     * @return The new limit index.  The text previously occupying <code>[start,
+     * limit)</code> has been transliterated, possibly to a string of a different
+     * length, at <code>[start, </code><em>new-limit</em><code>)</code>, where
+     * <em>new-limit</em> is the return value. If the input offsets are out of bounds,
+     * the returned value is -1 and the input string remains unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t transliterate(Replaceable& text,
+                                  int32_t start, int32_t limit) const;
+    /**
+     * Transliterates an entire string in place. Convenience method.
+     * @param text the string to be transliterated
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void transliterate(Replaceable& text) const;
+    /**
+     * Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be
+     * transliterated unambiguosly after new text has been inserted,
+     * typically as a result of a keyboard event.  The new text in
+     * <code>insertion</code> will be inserted into <code>text</code>
+     * at <code>index.limit</code>, advancing
+     * <code>index.limit</code> by <code>insertion.length()</code>.
+     * Then the transliterator will try to transliterate characters of
+     * <code>text</code> between <code>index.cursor</code> and
+     * <code>index.limit</code>.  Characters before
+     * <code>index.cursor</code> will not be changed.
+     *
+     * <p>Upon return, values in <code>index</code> will be updated.
+     * <code>index.start</code> will be advanced to the first
+     * character that future calls to this method will read.
+     * <code>index.cursor</code> and <code>index.limit</code> will
+     * be adjusted to delimit the range of text that future calls to
+     * this method may change.
+     *
+     * <p>Typical usage of this method begins with an initial call
+     * with <code>index.start</code> and <code>index.limit</code>
+     * set to indicate the portion of <code>text</code> to be
+     * transliterated, and <code>index.cursor == index.start</code>.
+     * Thereafter, <code>index</code> can be used without
+     * modification in future calls, provided that all changes to
+     * <code>text</code> are made via this method.
+     *
+     * <p>This method assumes that future calls may be made that will
+     * insert new text into the buffer.  As a result, it only performs
+     * unambiguous transliterations.  After the last call to this
+     * method, there may be untransliterated text that is waiting for
+     * more input to resolve an ambiguity.  In order to perform these
+     * pending transliterations, clients should call {@link
+     * #finishTransliteration } after the last call to this
+     * method has been made.
+     *
+     * @param text the buffer holding transliterated and untransliterated text
+     * @param index an array of three integers.
+     *
+     * <ul><li><code>index.start</code>: the beginning index,
+     * inclusive; <code>0 <= index.start <= index.limit</code>.
+     *
+     * <li><code>index.limit</code>: the ending index, exclusive;
+     * <code>index.start <= index.limit <= text.length()</code>.
+     * <code>insertion</code> is inserted at
+     * <code>index.limit</code>.
+     *
+     * <li><code>index.cursor</code>: the next character to be
+     * considered for transliteration; <code>index.start <=
+     * index.cursor <= index.limit</code>.  Characters before
+     * <code>index.cursor</code> will not be changed by future calls
+     * to this method.</ul>
+     *
+     * @param insertion text to be inserted and possibly
+     * transliterated into the translation buffer at
+     * <code>index.limit</code>.  If <code>null</code> then no text
+     * is inserted.
+     * @param status    Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @see #handleTransliterate
+     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>index</code>
+     * is invalid
+     * @see UTransPosition
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void transliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& index,
+                               const UnicodeString& insertion,
+                               UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be
+     * transliterated unambiguosly after a new character has been
+     * inserted, typically as a result of a keyboard event.  This is a
+     * convenience method.
+     * @param text the buffer holding transliterated and
+     * untransliterated text
+     * @param index an array of three integers.
+     * @param insertion text to be inserted and possibly
+     * transliterated into the translation buffer at
+     * <code>index.limit</code>.
+     * @param status    Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @see #transliterate(Replaceable&, UTransPosition&, const UnicodeString&, UErrorCode&) const
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void transliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& index,
+                               UChar32 insertion,
+                               UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be
+     * transliterated unambiguosly.  This is a convenience method; see
+     * {@link
+     * #transliterate(Replaceable&, UTransPosition&, const UnicodeString&, UErrorCode&) const }
+     * for details.
+     * @param text the buffer holding transliterated and
+     * untransliterated text
+     * @param index an array of three integers.
+     * @param status    Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @see #transliterate(Replaceable&, UTransPosition&, const UnicodeString&, UErrorCode &) const
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void transliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& index,
+                               UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Finishes any pending transliterations that were waiting for
+     * more characters.  Clients should call this method as the last
+     * call after a sequence of one or more calls to
+     * <code>transliterate()</code>.
+     * @param text the buffer holding transliterated and
+     * untransliterated text.
+     * @param index the array of indices previously passed to {@link
+     * #transliterate }
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual void finishTransliteration(Replaceable& text,
+                                       UTransPosition& index) const;
+    /**
+     * This internal method does incremental transliteration.  If the
+     * 'insertion' is non-null then we append it to 'text' before
+     * proceeding.  This method calls through to the pure virtual
+     * framework method handleTransliterate() to do the actual
+     * work.
+     * @param text the buffer holding transliterated and
+     * untransliterated text
+     * @param index an array of three integers.  See {@link
+     * #transliterate(Replaceable, int[], String)}.
+     * @param insertion text to be inserted and possibly
+     * transliterated into the translation buffer at
+     * <code>index.limit</code>.
+     * @param status    Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     */
+    void _transliterate(Replaceable& text,
+                        UTransPosition& index,
+                        const UnicodeString* insertion,
+                        UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Abstract method that concrete subclasses define to implement
+     * their transliteration algorithm.  This method handles both
+     * incremental and non-incremental transliteration.  Let
+     * <code>originalStart</code> refer to the value of
+     * <code>pos.start</code> upon entry.
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     *  <li>If <code>incremental</code> is false, then this method
+     *  should transliterate all characters between
+     *  <code>pos.start</code> and <code>pos.limit</code>. Upon return
+     *  <code>pos.start</code> must == <code> pos.limit</code>.</li>
+     *
+     *  <li>If <code>incremental</code> is true, then this method
+     *  should transliterate all characters between
+     *  <code>pos.start</code> and <code>pos.limit</code> that can be
+     *  unambiguously transliterated, regardless of future insertions
+     *  of text at <code>pos.limit</code>.  Upon return,
+     *  <code>pos.start</code> should be in the range
+     *  [<code>originalStart</code>, <code>pos.limit</code>).
+     *  <code>pos.start</code> should be positioned such that
+     *  characters [<code>originalStart</code>, <code>
+     *  pos.start</code>) will not be changed in the future by this
+     *  transliterator and characters [<code>pos.start</code>,
+     *  <code>pos.limit</code>) are unchanged.</li>
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>Implementations of this method should also obey the
+     * following invariants:</p>
+     *
+     * <ul>
+     *  <li> <code>pos.limit</code> and <code>pos.contextLimit</code>
+     *  should be updated to reflect changes in length of the text
+     *  between <code>pos.start</code> and <code>pos.limit</code>. The
+     *  difference <code> pos.contextLimit - pos.limit</code> should
+     *  not change.</li>
+     *
+     *  <li><code>pos.contextStart</code> should not change.</li>
+     *
+     *  <li>Upon return, neither <code>pos.start</code> nor
+     *  <code>pos.limit</code> should be less than
+     *  <code>originalStart</code>.</li>
+     *
+     *  <li>Text before <code>originalStart</code> and text after
+     *  <code>pos.limit</code> should not change.</li>
+     *
+     *  <li>Text before <code>pos.contextStart</code> and text after
+     *  <code> pos.contextLimit</code> should be ignored.</li>
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>Subclasses may safely assume that all characters in
+     * [<code>pos.start</code>, <code>pos.limit</code>) are filtered.
+     * In other words, the filter has already been applied by the time
+     * this method is called.  See
+     * <code>filteredTransliterate()</code>.
+     *
+     * <p>This method is <b>not</b> for public consumption.  Calling
+     * this method directly will transliterate
+     * [<code>pos.start</code>, <code>pos.limit</code>) without
+     * applying the filter. End user code should call <code>
+     * transliterate()</code> instead of this method. Subclass code
+     * and wrapping transliterators should call
+     * <code>filteredTransliterate()</code> instead of this method.<p>
+     *
+     * @param text the buffer holding transliterated and
+     * untransliterated text
+     *
+     * @param pos the indices indicating the start, limit, context
+     * start, and context limit of the text.
+     *
+     * @param incremental if true, assume more text may be inserted at
+     * <code>pos.limit</code> and act accordingly.  Otherwise,
+     * transliterate all text between <code>pos.start</code> and
+     * <code>pos.limit</code> and move <code>pos.start</code> up to
+     * <code>pos.limit</code>.
+     *
+     * @see #transliterate
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text,
+                                     UTransPosition& pos,
+                                     UBool incremental) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Transliterate a substring of text, as specified by index, taking filters
+     * into account.  This method is for subclasses that need to delegate to
+     * another transliterator.
+     * @param text the text to be transliterated
+     * @param index the position indices
+     * @param incremental if TRUE, then assume more characters may be inserted
+     * at index.limit, and postpone processing to accomodate future incoming
+     * characters
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void filteredTransliterate(Replaceable& text,
+                                       UTransPosition& index,
+                                       UBool incremental) const;
+    /**
+     * Top-level transliteration method, handling filtering, incremental and
+     * non-incremental transliteration, and rollback.  All transliteration
+     * public API methods eventually call this method with a rollback argument
+     * of TRUE.  Other entities may call this method but rollback should be
+     * FALSE.
+     *
+     * <p>If this transliterator has a filter, break up the input text into runs
+     * of unfiltered characters.  Pass each run to
+     * subclass.handleTransliterate().
+     *
+     * <p>In incremental mode, if rollback is TRUE, perform a special
+     * incremental procedure in which several passes are made over the input
+     * text, adding one character at a time, and committing successful
+     * transliterations as they occur.  Unsuccessful transliterations are rolled
+     * back and retried with additional characters to give correct results.
+     *
+     * @param text the text to be transliterated
+     * @param index the position indices
+     * @param incremental if TRUE, then assume more characters may be inserted
+     * at index.limit, and postpone processing to accomodate future incoming
+     * characters
+     * @param rollback if TRUE and if incremental is TRUE, then perform special
+     * incremental processing, as described above, and undo partial
+     * transliterations where necessary.  If incremental is FALSE then this
+     * parameter is ignored.
+     */
+    virtual void filteredTransliterate(Replaceable& text,
+                                       UTransPosition& index,
+                                       UBool incremental,
+                                       UBool rollback) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the length of the longest context required by this transliterator.
+     * This is <em>preceding</em> context.  The default implementation supplied
+     * by <code>Transliterator</code> returns zero; subclasses
+     * that use preceding context should override this method to return the
+     * correct value.  For example, if a transliterator translates "ddd" (where
+     * d is any digit) to "555" when preceded by "(ddd)", then the preceding
+     * context length is 5, the length of "(ddd)".
+     *
+     * @return The maximum number of preceding context characters this
+     * transliterator needs to examine
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t getMaximumContextLength(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Method for subclasses to use to set the maximum context length.
+     * @param maxContextLength the new value to be set.
+     * @see #getMaximumContextLength
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    void setMaximumContextLength(int32_t maxContextLength);
+    /**
+     * Returns a programmatic identifier for this transliterator.
+     * If this identifier is passed to <code>createInstance()</code>, it
+     * will return this object, if it has been registered.
+     * @return a programmatic identifier for this transliterator.
+     * @see #registerInstance
+     * @see #registerFactory
+     * @see #getAvailableIDs
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString& getID(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for
+     * display to the user in the default locale.  See {@link
+     * #getDisplayName } for details.
+     * @param ID     the string identifier for this transliterator
+     * @param result Output param to receive the display name
+     * @return       A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                                         UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for
+     * display to the user in the given locale.  This name is taken
+     * from the locale resource data in the standard manner of the
+     * <code>java.text</code> package.
+     *
+     * <p>If no localized names exist in the system resource bundles,
+     * a name is synthesized using a localized
+     * <code>MessageFormat</code> pattern from the resource data.  The
+     * arguments to this pattern are an integer followed by one or two
+     * strings.  The integer is the number of strings, either 1 or 2.
+     * The strings are formed by splitting the ID for this
+     * transliterator at the first '-'.  If there is no '-', then the
+     * entire ID forms the only string.
+     * @param ID       the string identifier for this transliterator
+     * @param inLocale the Locale in which the display name should be
+     *                 localized.
+     * @param result   Output param to receive the display name
+     * @return         A reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                                         const Locale& inLocale,
+                                         UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Returns the filter used by this transliterator, or <tt>NULL</tt>
+     * if this transliterator uses no filter.
+     * @return the filter used by this transliterator, or <tt>NULL</tt>
+     *         if this transliterator uses no filter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    const UnicodeFilter* getFilter(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the filter used by this transliterator, or <tt>NULL</tt> if this
+     * transliterator uses no filter.  The caller must eventually delete the
+     * result.  After this call, this transliterator's filter is set to
+     * <tt>NULL</tt>.
+     * @return the filter used by this transliterator, or <tt>NULL</tt> if this
+     *         transliterator uses no filter.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeFilter* orphanFilter(void);
+    /**
+     * Changes the filter used by this transliterator.  If the filter
+     * is set to <tt>null</tt> then no filtering will occur.
+     *
+     * <p>Callers must take care if a transliterator is in use by
+     * multiple threads.  The filter should not be changed by one
+     * thread while another thread may be transliterating.
+     * @param adoptedFilter the new filter to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void adoptFilter(UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter);
+    /**
+     * Returns this transliterator's inverse.  See the class
+     * documentation for details.  This implementation simply inverts
+     * the two entities in the ID and attempts to retrieve the
+     * resulting transliterator.  That is, if <code>getID()</code>
+     * returns "A-B", then this method will return the result of
+     * <code>createInstance("B-A")</code>, or <code>null</code> if that
+     * call fails.
+     *
+     * <p>Subclasses with knowledge of their inverse may wish to
+     * override this method.
+     *
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return a transliterator that is an inverse, not necessarily
+     * exact, of this transliterator, or <code>null</code> if no such
+     * transliterator is registered.
+     * @see #registerInstance
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    Transliterator* createInverse(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a <code>Transliterator</code> object given its ID.
+     * The ID must be either a system transliterator ID or a ID registered
+     * using <code>registerInstance()</code>.
+     *
+     * @param ID a valid ID, as enumerated by <code>getAvailableIDs()</code>
+     * @param dir        either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     * @param parseError Struct to recieve information on position
+     *                   of error if an error is encountered
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return A <code>Transliterator</code> object with the given ID
+     * @see #registerInstance
+     * @see #getAvailableIDs
+     * @see #getID
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Transliterator* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                                          UTransDirection dir,
+                                          UParseError& parseError,
+                                          UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a <code>Transliterator</code> object given its ID.
+     * The ID must be either a system transliterator ID or a ID registered
+     * using <code>registerInstance()</code>.
+     * @param ID a valid ID, as enumerated by <code>getAvailableIDs()</code>
+     * @param dir        either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return A <code>Transliterator</code> object with the given ID
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Transliterator* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                                          UTransDirection dir,
+                                          UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a <code>Transliterator</code> object constructed from
+     * the given rule string.  This will be a rule-based Transliterator,
+     * if the rule string contains only rules, or a
+     * compound Transliterator, if it contains ID blocks, or a
+     * null Transliterator, if it contains ID blocks which parse as
+     * empty for the given direction.
+     *
+     * @param ID            the id for the transliterator.
+     * @param rules         rules, separated by ';'
+     * @param dir           either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+     * @param parseError    Struct to receive information on position
+     *                      of error if an error is encountered
+     * @param status        Output param set to success/failure code.
+     * @return a newly created Transliterator
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static Transliterator* U_EXPORT2 createFromRules(const UnicodeString& ID,
+                                           const UnicodeString& rules,
+                                           UTransDirection dir,
+                                           UParseError& parseError,
+                                           UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Create a rule string that can be passed to createFromRules()
+     * to recreate this transliterator.
+     * @param result the string to receive the rules.  Previous
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+     * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
+     * \\Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are those other than
+     * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toRules(UnicodeString& result,
+                                   UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the number of elements that make up this transliterator.
+     * For example, if the transliterator "NFD;Jamo-Latin;Latin-Greek"
+     * were created, the return value of this method would be 3.
+     *
+     * <p>If this transliterator is not composed of other
+     * transliterators, then this method returns 1.
+     * @return the number of transliterators that compose this
+     * transliterator, or 1 if this transliterator is not composed of
+     * multiple transliterators
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    int32_t countElements() const;
+    /**
+     * Return an element that makes up this transliterator.  For
+     * example, if the transliterator "NFD;Jamo-Latin;Latin-Greek"
+     * were created, the return value of this method would be one
+     * of the three transliterator objects that make up that
+     * transliterator: [NFD, Jamo-Latin, Latin-Greek].
+     *
+     * <p>If this transliterator is not composed of other
+     * transliterators, then this method will return a reference to
+     * this transliterator when given the index 0.
+     * @param index a value from 0..countElements()-1 indicating the
+     * transliterator to return
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @return one of the transliterators that makes up this
+     * transliterator, if this transliterator is made up of multiple
+     * transliterators, otherwise a reference to this object if given
+     * an index of 0
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    const Transliterator& getElement(int32_t index, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the set of all characters that may be modified in the
+     * input text by this Transliterator.  This incorporates this
+     * object's current filter; if the filter is changed, the return
+     * value of this function will change.  The default implementation
+     * returns an empty set.  Some subclasses may override {@link
+     * #handleGetSourceSet } to return a more precise result.  The
+     * return result is approximate in any case and is intended for
+     * use by tests, tools, or utilities.
+     * @param result receives result set; previous contents lost
+     * @return a reference to result
+     * @see #getTargetSet
+     * @see #handleGetSourceSet
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& getSourceSet(UnicodeSet& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Framework method that returns the set of all characters that
+     * may be modified in the input text by this Transliterator,
+     * ignoring the effect of this object's filter.  The base class
+     * implementation returns the empty set.  Subclasses that wish to
+     * implement this should override this method.
+     * @return the set of characters that this transliterator may
+     * modify.  The set may be modified, so subclasses should return a
+     * newly-created object.
+     * @param result receives result set; previous contents lost
+     * @see #getSourceSet
+     * @see #getTargetSet
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void handleGetSourceSet(UnicodeSet& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the set of all characters that may be generated as
+     * replacement text by this transliterator.  The default
+     * implementation returns the empty set.  Some subclasses may
+     * override this method to return a more precise result.  The
+     * return result is approximate in any case and is intended for
+     * use by tests, tools, or utilities requiring such
+     * meta-information.
+     * @param result receives result set; previous contents lost
+     * @return a reference to result
+     * @see #getTargetSet
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& getTargetSet(UnicodeSet& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Registers a factory function that creates transliterators of
+     * a given ID.
+     *
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache Transliterators internally, this must
+     * be called at application startup, prior to any calls to
+     * Transliterator::createXXX to avoid undefined behavior.
+     *
+     * @param id the ID being registered
+     * @param factory a function pointer that will be copied and
+     * called later when the given ID is passed to createInstance()
+     * @param context a context pointer that will be stored and
+     * later passed to the factory function when an ID matching
+     * the registration ID is being instantiated with this factory.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 registerFactory(const UnicodeString& id,
+                                Factory factory,
+                                Token context);
+    /**
+     * Registers an instance <tt>obj</tt> of a subclass of
+     * <code>Transliterator</code> with the system.  When
+     * <tt>createInstance()</tt> is called with an ID string that is
+     * equal to <tt>obj->getID()</tt>, then <tt>obj->clone()</tt> is
+     * returned.
+     *
+     * After this call the Transliterator class owns the adoptedObj
+     * and will delete it.
+     *
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache Transliterators internally, this must
+     * be called at application startup, prior to any calls to
+     * Transliterator::createXXX to avoid undefined behavior.
+     *
+     * @param adoptedObj an instance of subclass of
+     * <code>Transliterator</code> that defines <tt>clone()</tt>
+     * @see #createInstance
+     * @see #registerFactory
+     * @see #unregister
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 registerInstance(Transliterator* adoptedObj);
+    /**
+     * Registers an ID string as an alias of another ID string.
+     * That is, after calling this function, <tt>createInstance(aliasID)</tt>
+     * will return the same thing as <tt>createInstance(realID)</tt>.
+     * This is generally used to create shorter, more mnemonic aliases
+     * for long compound IDs.
+     *
+     * @param aliasID The new ID being registered.
+     * @param realID The ID that the new ID is to be an alias for.
+     * This can be a compound ID and can include filters and should
+     * refer to transliterators that have already been registered with
+     * the framework, although this isn't checked.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+     static void U_EXPORT2 registerAlias(const UnicodeString& aliasID,
+                                         const UnicodeString& realID);
+    /**
+     * @param id the ID being registered
+     * @param factory a function pointer that will be copied and
+     * called later when the given ID is passed to createInstance()
+     * @param context a context pointer that will be stored and
+     * later passed to the factory function when an ID matching
+     * the registration ID is being instantiated with this factory.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static void _registerFactory(const UnicodeString& id,
+                                 Factory factory,
+                                 Token context);
+    /**
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static void _registerInstance(Transliterator* adoptedObj);
+    /**
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static void _registerAlias(const UnicodeString& aliasID, const UnicodeString& realID);
+    /**
+     * Register two targets as being inverses of one another.  For
+     * example, calling registerSpecialInverse("NFC", "NFD", true) causes
+     * Transliterator to form the following inverse relationships:
+     *
+     * <pre>NFC => NFD
+     * Any-NFC => Any-NFD
+     * NFD => NFC
+     * Any-NFD => Any-NFC</pre>
+     *
+     * (Without the special inverse registration, the inverse of NFC
+     * would be NFC-Any.)  Note that NFD is shorthand for Any-NFD, but
+     * that the presence or absence of "Any-" is preserved.
+     *
+     * <p>The relationship is symmetrical; registering (a, b) is
+     * equivalent to registering (b, a).
+     *
+     * <p>The relevant IDs must still be registered separately as
+     * factories or classes.
+     *
+     * <p>Only the targets are specified.  Special inverses always
+     * have the form Any-Target1 <=> Any-Target2.  The target should
+     * have canonical casing (the casing desired to be produced when
+     * an inverse is formed) and should contain no whitespace or other
+     * extraneous characters.
+     *
+     * @param target the target against which to register the inverse
+     * @param inverseTarget the inverse of target, that is
+     * Any-target.getInverse() => Any-inverseTarget
+     * @param bidirectional if true, register the reverse relation
+     * as well, that is, Any-inverseTarget.getInverse() => Any-target
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static void _registerSpecialInverse(const UnicodeString& target,
+                                        const UnicodeString& inverseTarget,
+                                        UBool bidirectional);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Unregisters a transliterator or class.  This may be either
+     * a system transliterator or a user transliterator or class.
+     * Any attempt to construct an unregistered transliterator based
+     * on its ID will fail.
+     *
+     * Because ICU may choose to cache Transliterators internally, this should
+     * be called during application shutdown, after all calls to
+     * Transliterator::createXXX to avoid undefined behavior.
+     *
+     * @param ID the ID of the transliterator or class
+     * @return the <code>Object</code> that was registered with
+     * <code>ID</code>, or <code>null</code> if none was
+     * @see #registerInstance
+     * @see #registerFactory
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 unregister(const UnicodeString& ID);
+    /**
+     * Return a StringEnumeration over the IDs available at the time of the
+     * call, including user-registered IDs.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @return a newly-created StringEnumeration over the transliterators
+     * available at the time of the call. The caller should delete this object
+     * when done using it.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableIDs(UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Return the number of registered source specifiers.
+     * @return the number of registered source specifiers.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 countAvailableSources(void);
+    /**
+     * Return a registered source specifier.
+     * @param index which specifier to return, from 0 to n-1, where
+     * n = countAvailableSources()
+     * @param result fill-in paramter to receive the source specifier.
+     * If index is out of range, result will be empty.
+     * @return reference to result
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getAvailableSource(int32_t index,
+                                             UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Return the number of registered target specifiers for a given
+     * source specifier.
+     * @param source the given source specifier.
+     * @return the number of registered target specifiers for a given
+     *         source specifier.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 countAvailableTargets(const UnicodeString& source);
+    /**
+     * Return a registered target specifier for a given source.
+     * @param index which specifier to return, from 0 to n-1, where
+     * n = countAvailableTargets(source)
+     * @param source the source specifier
+     * @param result fill-in paramter to receive the target specifier.
+     * If source is invalid or if index is out of range, result will
+     * be empty.
+     * @return reference to result
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getAvailableTarget(int32_t index,
+                                             const UnicodeString& source,
+                                             UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Return the number of registered variant specifiers for a given
+     * source-target pair.
+     * @param source    the source specifiers.
+     * @param target    the target specifiers.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 countAvailableVariants(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                          const UnicodeString& target);
+    /**
+     * Return a registered variant specifier for a given source-target
+     * pair.
+     * @param index which specifier to return, from 0 to n-1, where
+     * n = countAvailableVariants(source, target)
+     * @param source the source specifier
+     * @param target the target specifier
+     * @param result fill-in paramter to receive the variant
+     * specifier.  If source is invalid or if target is invalid or if
+     * index is out of range, result will be empty.
+     * @return reference to result
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getAvailableVariant(int32_t index,
+                                              const UnicodeString& source,
+                                              const UnicodeString& target,
+                                              UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Non-mutexed internal method
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t _countAvailableSources(void);
+    /**
+     * Non-mutexed internal method
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& _getAvailableSource(int32_t index,
+                                              UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Non-mutexed internal method
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t _countAvailableTargets(const UnicodeString& source);
+    /**
+     * Non-mutexed internal method
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& _getAvailableTarget(int32_t index,
+                                              const UnicodeString& source,
+                                              UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Non-mutexed internal method
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static int32_t _countAvailableVariants(const UnicodeString& source,
+                                           const UnicodeString& target);
+    /**
+     * Non-mutexed internal method
+     * @internal
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& _getAvailableVariant(int32_t index,
+                                               const UnicodeString& source,
+                                               const UnicodeString& target,
+                                               UnicodeString& result);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Set the ID of this transliterators.  Subclasses shouldn't do
+     * this, unless the underlying script behavior has changed.
+     * @param id the new id t to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    void setID(const UnicodeString& id);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().
+     * Note that Transliterator is an abstract base class, and therefor
+     * no fully constructed object will  have a dynamic
+     * UCLassID that equals the UClassID returned from
+     * TRansliterator::getStaticClassID().
+     * @return       The class ID for class Transliterator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID <b>polymorphically</b>.  This method
+     * is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     *
+     * <p>Concrete subclasses of Transliterator must use the
+     *    uobject.h to provide the RTTI functions.
+     *
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    static UBool initializeRegistry(UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Return the number of IDs currently registered with the system.
+     * To retrieve the actual IDs, call getAvailableID(i) with
+     * i from 0 to countAvailableIDs() - 1.
+     * @return the number of IDs currently registered with the system.
+     * @obsolete ICU 3.4 use getAvailableIDs() instead
+     */
+    static int32_t U_EXPORT2 countAvailableIDs(void);
+    /**
+     * Return the index-th available ID.  index must be between 0
+     * and countAvailableIDs() - 1, inclusive.  If index is out of
+     * range, the result of getAvailableID(0) is returned.
+     * @param index the given ID index.
+     * @return      the index-th available ID.  index must be between 0
+     *              and countAvailableIDs() - 1, inclusive.  If index is out of
+     *              range, the result of getAvailableID(0) is returned.
+     * @obsolete ICU 3.4 use getAvailableIDs() instead; this function
+     * is not thread safe, since it returns a reference to storage that
+     * may become invalid if another thread calls unregister
+     */
+    static const UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getAvailableID(int32_t index);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_OBSOLETE_API */
+inline int32_t Transliterator::getMaximumContextLength(void) const {
+    return maximumContextLength;
+inline void Transliterator::setID(const UnicodeString& id) {
+    ID = id;
+    // NUL-terminate the ID string, which is a non-aliased copy.
+    ID.append((char16_t)0);
+    ID.truncate(ID.length()-1);
+inline Transliterator::Token Transliterator::integerToken(int32_t i) {
+    Token t;
+    t.integer = i;
+    return t;
+inline Transliterator::Token Transliterator::pointerToken(void* p) {
+    Token t;
+    t.pointer = p;
+    return t;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tzfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tzfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d3863b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tzfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2011-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __TZFMT_H
+#define __TZFMT_H
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: TimeZoneFormat
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/timezone.h"
+#include "unicode/tznames.h"
+ * Constants for time zone display format style used by format/parse APIs
+ * in TimeZoneFormat.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatStyle {
+    /**
+     * Generic location format, such as "United States Time (New York)", "Italy Time"
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Generic long non-location format, such as "Eastern Time".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Generic short non-location format, such as "ET".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specific long format, such as "Eastern Standard Time".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specific short format, such as "EST", "PDT".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Localized GMT offset format, such as "GMT-05:00", "UTC+0100"
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Short localized GMT offset format, such as "GMT-5", "UTC+1:30"
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "O".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Short ISO 8601 local time difference (basic format) or the UTC indicator.
+     * For example, "-05", "+0530", and "Z"(UTC).
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "X".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Short ISO 8601 locale time difference (basic format).
+     * For example, "-05" and "+0530".
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "x".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Fixed width ISO 8601 local time difference (basic format) or the UTC indicator.
+     * For example, "-0500", "+0530", and "Z"(UTC).
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "XX".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Fixed width ISO 8601 local time difference (basic format).
+     * For example, "-0500" and "+0530".
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "xx".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * ISO 8601 local time difference (basic format) with optional seconds field, or the UTC indicator.
+     * For example, "-0500", "+052538", and "Z"(UTC).
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "XXXX".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * ISO 8601 local time difference (basic format) with optional seconds field.
+     * For example, "-0500" and "+052538".
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "xxxx".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Fixed width ISO 8601 local time difference (extended format) or the UTC indicator.
+     * For example, "-05:00", "+05:30", and "Z"(UTC).
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "XXX".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Fixed width ISO 8601 local time difference (extended format).
+     * For example, "-05:00" and "+05:30".
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "xxx" and "ZZZZZ".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * ISO 8601 local time difference (extended format) with optional seconds field, or the UTC indicator.
+     * For example, "-05:00", "+05:25:38", and "Z"(UTC).
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "XXXXX".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * ISO 8601 local time difference (extended format) with optional seconds field.
+     * For example, "-05:00" and "+05:25:38".
+     * This style is equivalent to the LDML date format pattern "xxxxx".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Time Zone ID, such as "America/Los_Angeles".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Short Time Zone ID (BCP 47 Unicode location extension, time zone type value), such as "uslax".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Exemplar location, such as "Los Angeles" and "Paris".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+} UTimeZoneFormatStyle;
+ * Constants for GMT offset pattern types.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType {
+    /**
+     * Positive offset with hours and minutes fields
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Positive offset with hours, minutes and seconds fields
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Negative offset with hours and minutes fields
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Negative offset with hours, minutes and seconds fields
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Positive offset with hours field
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Negative offset with hours field
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /* The following cannot be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for other .h declarations */
+    /**
+     * Number of UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType types.
+     * @internal
+     */
+} UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType;
+ * Constants for time types used by TimeZoneFormat APIs for
+ * receiving time type (standard time, daylight time or unknown).
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatTimeType {
+    /**
+     * Unknown
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Standard time
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Daylight saving time
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+} UTimeZoneFormatTimeType;
+ * Constants for parse option flags, used for specifying optional parse behavior.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatParseOption {
+    /**
+     * No option.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZFMT_PARSE_OPTION_NONE        = 0x00,
+    /**
+     * When a time zone display name is not found within a set of display names
+     * used for the specified style, look for the name from display names used
+     * by other styles.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+     /**
+      * When parsing a time zone display name in \link UTZFMT_STYLE_SPECIFIC_SHORT \endlink,
+      * look for the IANA tz database compatible zone abbreviations in addition
+      * to the localized names coming from the icu::TimeZoneNames currently
+      * used by the icu::TimeZoneFormat.
+      * @stable ICU 54
+      */
+} UTimeZoneFormatParseOption;
+class TimeZoneGenericNames;
+class TZDBTimeZoneNames;
+class UVector;
+ * <code>TimeZoneFormat</code> supports time zone display name formatting and parsing.
+ * An instance of TimeZoneFormat works as a subformatter of {@link SimpleDateFormat},
+ * but you can also directly get a new instance of <code>TimeZoneFormat</code> and
+ * formatting/parsing time zone display names.
+ * <p>
+ * ICU implements the time zone display names defined by <a href="">UTS#35
+ * Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</a>. {@link TimeZoneNames} represents the
+ * time zone display name data model and this class implements the algorithm for actual
+ * formatting and parsing.
+ *
+ * @see SimpleDateFormat
+ * @see TimeZoneNames
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeZoneFormat : public Format {
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    TimeZoneFormat(const TimeZoneFormat& other);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeZoneFormat();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    TimeZoneFormat& operator=(const TimeZoneFormat& other);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param other The object to be compared with.
+     * @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     *                Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Clone this object polymorphically. The caller is responsible
+     * for deleting the result when done.
+     * @return A copy of the object
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual TimeZoneFormat* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Creates an instance of <code>TimeZoneFormat</code> for the given locale.
+     * @param locale The locale.
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @return An instance of <code>TimeZoneFormat</code> for the given locale,
+     *          owned by the caller.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    static TimeZoneFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone display name data used by this instance.
+     * @return The time zone display name data.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    const TimeZoneNames* getTimeZoneNames() const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone display name data to this format instnace.
+     * The caller should not delete the TimeZoenNames object after it is adopted
+     * by this call.
+     * @param tznames TimeZoneNames object to be adopted.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    void adoptTimeZoneNames(TimeZoneNames *tznames);
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone display name data to this format instnace.
+     * @param tznames TimeZoneNames object to be set.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    void setTimeZoneNames(const TimeZoneNames &tznames);
+    /**
+     * Returns the localized GMT format pattern.
+     * @param pattern Receives the localized GMT format pattern.
+     * @return A reference to the result pattern.
+     * @see #setGMTPattern
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getGMTPattern(UnicodeString& pattern) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the localized GMT format pattern. The pattern must contain
+     * a single argument {0}, for example "GMT {0}".
+     * @param pattern The localized GMT format pattern to be used by this object.
+     * @param status Recieves the status.
+     * @see #getGMTPattern
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    void setGMTPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the offset pattern used for localized GMT format.
+     * @param type The offset pattern type enum.
+     * @param pattern Receives the offset pattern.
+     * @return A reference to the result pattern.
+     * @see #setGMTOffsetPattern
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getGMTOffsetPattern(UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType type, UnicodeString& pattern) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the offset pattern for the given offset type.
+     * @param type The offset pattern type enum.
+     * @param pattern The offset pattern used for localized GMT format for the type.
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @see #getGMTOffsetPattern
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    void setGMTOffsetPattern(UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType type, const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the decimal digit characters used for localized GMT format.
+     * The return string contains exactly 10 code points (may include Unicode
+     * supplementary character) representing digit 0 to digit 9 in the ascending
+     * order.
+     * @param digits Receives the decimal digits used for localized GMT format.
+     * @see #setGMTOffsetDigits
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getGMTOffsetDigits(UnicodeString& digits) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the decimal digit characters used for localized GMT format.
+     * The input <code>digits</code> must contain exactly 10 code points
+     * (Unicode supplementary characters are also allowed) representing
+     * digit 0 to digit 9 in the ascending order. When the input <code>digits</code>
+     * does not satisfy the condition, <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code>
+     * will be set to the return status.
+     * @param digits The decimal digits used for localized GMT format.
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @see #getGMTOffsetDigits
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    void setGMTOffsetDigits(const UnicodeString& digits, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the localized GMT format string for GMT(UTC) itself (GMT offset is 0).
+     * @param gmtZeroFormat Receives the localized GMT string string for GMT(UTC) itself.
+     * @return A reference to the result GMT string.
+     * @see #setGMTZeroFormat
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getGMTZeroFormat(UnicodeString& gmtZeroFormat) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the localized GMT format string for GMT(UTC) itself (GMT offset is 0).
+     * @param gmtZeroFormat The localized GMT format string for GMT(UTC).
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @see #getGMTZeroFormat
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    void setGMTZeroFormat(const UnicodeString& gmtZeroFormat, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the bitwise flags of UTimeZoneFormatParseOption representing the default parse
+     * options used by this object.
+     * @return the default parse options.
+     * @see ParseOption
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    uint32_t getDefaultParseOptions(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the default parse options.
+     * <p><b>Note</b>: By default, an instance of <code>TimeZoneFormat</code>
+     * created by {@link #createInstance} has no parse options set (UTZFMT_PARSE_OPTION_NONE).
+     * To specify multipe options, use bitwise flags of UTimeZoneFormatParseOption.
+     * @see #UTimeZoneFormatParseOption
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    void setDefaultParseOptions(uint32_t flags);
+    /**
+     * Returns the ISO 8601 basic time zone string for the given offset.
+     * For example, "-08", "-0830" and "Z"
+     *
+     * @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
+     * @param useUtcIndicator true if ISO 8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when the offset is 0.
+     * @param isShort true if shortest form is used.
+     * @param ignoreSeconds true if non-zero offset seconds is appended.
+     * @param result Receives the ISO format string.
+     * @param status Receives the status
+     * @return the ISO 8601 basic format.
+     * @see #formatOffsetISO8601Extended
+     * @see #parseOffsetISO8601
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatOffsetISO8601Basic(int32_t offset, UBool useUtcIndicator, UBool isShort, UBool ignoreSeconds,
+        UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the ISO 8601 extended time zone string for the given offset.
+     * For example, "-08:00", "-08:30" and "Z"
+     *
+     * @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
+     * @param useUtcIndicator true if ISO 8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when the offset is 0.
+     * @param isShort true if shortest form is used.
+     * @param ignoreSeconds true if non-zero offset seconds is appended.
+     * @param result Receives the ISO format string.
+     * @param status Receives the status
+     * @return the ISO 8601 basic format.
+     * @see #formatOffsetISO8601Extended
+     * @see #parseOffsetISO8601
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatOffsetISO8601Extended(int32_t offset, UBool useUtcIndicator, UBool isShort, UBool ignoreSeconds,
+        UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the localized GMT(UTC) offset format for the given offset.
+     * The localized GMT offset is defined by;
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>GMT format pattern (e.g. "GMT {0}" - see {@link #getGMTPattern})
+     * <li>Offset time pattern (e.g. "+HH:mm" - see {@link #getGMTOffsetPattern})
+     * <li>Offset digits (e.g. "0123456789" - see {@link #getGMTOffsetDigits})
+     * <li>GMT zero format (e.g. "GMT" - see {@link #getGMTZeroFormat})
+     * </ul>
+     * This format always uses 2 digit hours and minutes. When the given offset has non-zero
+     * seconds, 2 digit seconds field will be appended. For example,
+     * GMT+05:00 and GMT+05:28:06.
+     * @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
+     * @param status Receives the status
+     * @param result Receives the localized GMT format string.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @see #parseOffsetLocalizedGMT
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatOffsetLocalizedGMT(int32_t offset, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the short localized GMT(UTC) offset format for the given offset.
+     * The short localized GMT offset is defined by;
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>GMT format pattern (e.g. "GMT {0}" - see {@link #getGMTPattern})
+     * <li>Offset time pattern (e.g. "+HH:mm" - see {@link #getGMTOffsetPattern})
+     * <li>Offset digits (e.g. "0123456789" - see {@link #getGMTOffsetDigits})
+     * <li>GMT zero format (e.g. "GMT" - see {@link #getGMTZeroFormat})
+     * </ul>
+     * This format uses the shortest representation of offset. The hours field does not
+     * have leading zero and lower fields with zero will be truncated. For example,
+     * GMT+5 and GMT+530.
+     * @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
+     * @param status Receives the status
+     * @param result Receives the short localized GMT format string.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @see #parseOffsetShortLocalizedGMT
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatOffsetShortLocalizedGMT(int32_t offset, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    using Format::format;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the time zone at the given date for the style.
+     * @param style The style (e.g. <code>UTZFMT_STYLE_GENERIC_LONG</code>, <code>UTZFMT_STYLE_LOCALIZED_GMT</code>...)
+     * @param tz The time zone.
+     * @param date The date.
+     * @param name Receives the display name.
+     * @param timeType the output argument for receiving the time type (standard/daylight/unknown)
+     * used for the display name, or NULL if the information is not necessary.
+     * @return A reference to the result
+     * @see #UTimeZoneFormatStyle
+     * @see #UTimeZoneFormatTimeType
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(UTimeZoneFormatStyle style, const TimeZone& tz, UDate date,
+        UnicodeString& name, UTimeZoneFormatTimeType* timeType = NULL) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given ISO 8601
+     * style time zone string. When the given string is not an ISO 8601 time zone
+     * string, this method sets the current position as the error index
+     * to <code>ParsePosition pos</code> and returns 0.
+     * @param text The text contains ISO8601 style time zone string (e.g. "-08:00", "Z")
+     *              at the position.
+     * @param pos The ParsePosition object.
+     * @return The offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given ISO 8601 style
+     *              time zone string.
+     * @see #formatOffsetISO8601Basic
+     * @see #formatOffsetISO8601Extended
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetISO8601(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given localized GMT
+     * offset format string. When the given string cannot be parsed, this method
+     * sets the current position as the error index to <code>ParsePosition pos</code>
+     * and returns 0.
+     * @param text The text contains a localized GMT offset string at the position.
+     * @param pos The ParsePosition object.
+     * @return The offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given localized GMT
+     *          offset format string.
+     * @see #formatOffsetLocalizedGMT
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetLocalizedGMT(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given short localized GMT
+     * offset format string. When the given string cannot be parsed, this method
+     * sets the current position as the error index to <code>ParsePosition pos</code>
+     * and returns 0.
+     * @param text The text contains a short localized GMT offset string at the position.
+     * @param pos The ParsePosition object.
+     * @return The offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given short localized GMT
+     *          offset format string.
+     * @see #formatOffsetShortLocalizedGMT
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetShortLocalizedGMT(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a <code>TimeZone</code> by parsing the time zone string according to
+     * the given parse position, the specified format style and parse options.
+     *
+     * @param text The text contains a time zone string at the position.
+     * @param style The format style
+     * @param pos The position.
+     * @param parseOptions The parse options repesented by bitwise flags of UTimeZoneFormatParseOption.
+     * @param timeType The output argument for receiving the time type (standard/daylight/unknown),
+     * or NULL if the information is not necessary.
+     * @return A <code>TimeZone</code>, or null if the input could not be parsed.
+     * @see UTimeZoneFormatStyle
+     * @see UTimeZoneFormatParseOption
+     * @see UTimeZoneFormatTimeType
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual TimeZone* parse(UTimeZoneFormatStyle style, const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos,
+        int32_t parseOptions, UTimeZoneFormatTimeType* timeType = NULL) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a <code>TimeZone</code> by parsing the time zone string according to
+     * the given parse position, the specified format style and the default parse options.
+     *
+     * @param text The text contains a time zone string at the position.
+     * @param style The format style
+     * @param pos The position.
+     * @param timeType The output argument for receiving the time type (standard/daylight/unknown),
+     * or NULL if the information is not necessary.
+     * @return A <code>TimeZone</code>, or null if the input could not be parsed.
+     * @see UTimeZoneFormatStyle
+     * @see UTimeZoneFormatParseOption
+     * @see UTimeZoneFormatTimeType
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    TimeZone* parse(UTimeZoneFormatStyle style, const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos,
+        UTimeZoneFormatTimeType* timeType = NULL) const;
+    /* ----------------------------------------------
+     * Format APIs
+     * ---------------------------------------------- */
+    /**
+     * Format an object to produce a time zone display string using localized GMT offset format.
+     * This method handles Formattable objects with a <code>TimeZone</code>. If a the Formattable
+     * object type is not a <code>TimeZone</code>, then it returns a failing UErrorCode.
+     * @param obj The object to format. Must be a <code>TimeZone</code>.
+     * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result. Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos On input: an alignment field, if desired. On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @param status Output param filled with success/failure status.
+     * @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj, UnicodeString& appendTo,
+        FieldPosition& pos, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a string to produce an object. This methods handles parsing of
+     * time zone display strings into Formattable objects with <code>TimeZone</code>.
+     * @param source The string to be parsed into an object.
+     * @param result Formattable to be set to the parse result. If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
+     * @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Upon return this param is set to the position after the
+     *                  last character successfully parsed. If the source is not parsed successfully, this param
+     *                  will remain unchanged.
+     * @return A newly created Formattable* object, or NULL on failure.  The caller owns this and should
+     *                 delete it when done.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source, Formattable& result, ParsePosition& parse_pos) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a TimeZoneFormat object for the specified locale.
+     * @param locale the locale
+     * @param status receives the status.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    TimeZoneFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /* Locale of this object */
+    Locale fLocale;
+    /* Stores the region (could be implicit default) */
+    char fTargetRegion[ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY];
+    /* TimeZoneNames object used by this formatter */
+    TimeZoneNames* fTimeZoneNames;
+    /* TimeZoneGenericNames object used by this formatter - lazily instantiated */
+    TimeZoneGenericNames* fTimeZoneGenericNames;
+    /* Localized GMT format pattern - e.g. "GMT{0}" */
+    UnicodeString fGMTPattern;
+    /* Array of offset patterns used by Localized GMT format - e.g. "+HH:mm" */
+    UnicodeString fGMTOffsetPatterns[UTZFMT_PAT_COUNT];
+    /* Localized decimal digits used by Localized GMT format */
+    UChar32 fGMTOffsetDigits[10];
+    /* Localized GMT zero format - e.g. "GMT" */
+    UnicodeString fGMTZeroFormat;
+    /* Bit flags representing parse options */
+    uint32_t fDefParseOptionFlags;
+    /* Constant parts of GMT format pattern, populated from localized GMT format pattern*/
+    UnicodeString fGMTPatternPrefix;    /* Substring before {0} */
+    UnicodeString fGMTPatternSuffix;    /* Substring after {0} */
+    /* Compiled offset patterns generated from fGMTOffsetPatterns[] */
+    UVector* fGMTOffsetPatternItems[UTZFMT_PAT_COUNT];
+    UBool fAbuttingOffsetHoursAndMinutes;
+    /* TZDBTimeZoneNames object used for parsing */
+    TZDBTimeZoneNames* fTZDBTimeZoneNames;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone's specific format string.
+     * @param tz the time zone
+     * @param stdType the name type used for standard time
+     * @param dstType the name type used for daylight time
+     * @param date the date
+     * @param name receives the time zone's specific format name string
+     * @param timeType when null, actual time type is set
+     * @return a reference to name.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatSpecific(const TimeZone& tz, UTimeZoneNameType stdType, UTimeZoneNameType dstType,
+        UDate date, UnicodeString& name, UTimeZoneFormatTimeType *timeType) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone's generic format string.
+     * @param tz the time zone
+     * @param genType the generic name type
+     * @param date the date
+     * @param name receives the time zone's generic format name string
+     * @return a reference to name.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatGeneric(const TimeZone& tz, int32_t genType, UDate date, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    /**
+     * Lazily create a TimeZoneGenericNames instance
+     * @param status receives the status
+     * @return the cached TimeZoneGenericNames.
+     */
+    const TimeZoneGenericNames* getTimeZoneGenericNames(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Lazily create a TZDBTimeZoneNames instance
+     * @param status receives the status
+     * @return the cached TZDBTimeZoneNames.
+     */
+    const TZDBTimeZoneNames* getTZDBTimeZoneNames(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Private method returning the time zone's exemplar location string.
+     * This method will never return empty.
+     * @param tz the time zone
+     * @param name receives the time zone's exemplar location name
+     * @return a reference to name.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatExemplarLocation(const TimeZone& tz, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    /**
+     * Private enum specifying a combination of offset fields
+     */
+    enum OffsetFields {
+        FIELDS_H,
+        FIELDS_HM,
+        FIELDS_HMS
+    };
+    /**
+     * Parses the localized GMT pattern string and initialize
+     * localized gmt pattern fields.
+     * @param gmtPattern the localized GMT pattern string such as "GMT {0}"
+     * @param status U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is set when the specified pattern does not
+     *               contain an argument "{0}".
+     */
+    void initGMTPattern(const UnicodeString& gmtPattern, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Parse the GMT offset pattern into runtime optimized format.
+     * @param pattern the offset pattern string
+     * @param required the required set of fields, such as FIELDS_HM
+     * @param status U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT is set when the specified pattern does not contain
+     *               pattern letters for the required fields.
+     * @return A list of GMTOffsetField objects, or NULL on error.
+     */
+    static UVector* parseOffsetPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, OffsetFields required, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Appends seconds field to the offset pattern with hour/minute
+     * Note: This code will be obsoleted once we add hour-minute-second pattern data in CLDR.
+     * @param offsetHM the offset pattern including hours and minutes fields
+     * @param result the output offset pattern including hour, minute and seconds fields
+     * @param status receives the status
+     * @return a reference to result
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& expandOffsetPattern(const UnicodeString& offsetHM, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Truncates minutes field to the offset pattern with hour/minute
+     * Note: This code will be obsoleted once we add hour pattern data in CLDR.
+     * @param offsetHM the offset pattern including hours and minutes fields
+     * @param result the output offset pattern including only hours field
+     * @param status receives the status
+     * @return a reference to result
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& truncateOffsetPattern(const UnicodeString& offsetHM, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Break input string into UChar32[]. Each array element represents
+     * a code point. This method is used for parsing localized digit
+     * characters and support characters in Unicode supplemental planes.
+     * @param str the string
+     * @param codeArray receives the result
+     * @param capacity the capacity of codeArray
+     * @return TRUE when the specified code array is fully filled with code points
+     *         (no under/overflow).
+     */
+    static UBool toCodePoints(const UnicodeString& str, UChar32* codeArray, int32_t capacity);
+    /**
+     * Private method supprting all of ISO8601 formats
+     * @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
+     * @param useUtcIndicator true if ISO 8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when the offset is 0.
+     * @param isShort true if shortest form is used.
+     * @param ignoreSeconds true if non-zero offset seconds is appended.
+     * @param result Receives the result
+     * @param status Receives the status
+     * @return the ISO 8601 basic format.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatOffsetISO8601(int32_t offset, UBool isBasic, UBool useUtcIndicator,
+        UBool isShort, UBool ignoreSeconds, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Private method used for localized GMT formatting.
+     * @param offset the zone's UTC offset
+     * @param isShort true if the short localized GMT format is desired.
+     * @param result receives the localized GMT format string
+     * @param status receives the status
+     */
+    UnicodeString& formatOffsetLocalizedGMT(int32_t offset, UBool isShort, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given ISO 8601 style
+     * (extended format) time zone string. When the given string is not an ISO 8601 time
+     * zone string, this method sets the current position as the error index
+     * to <code>ParsePosition pos</code> and returns 0.
+     * @param text the text contains ISO 8601 style time zone string (e.g. "-08:00", "Z")
+     *      at the position.
+     * @param pos the position, non-negative error index will be set on failure.
+     * @param extendedOnly TRUE if parsing the text as ISO 8601 extended offset format (e.g. "-08:00"),
+     *      or FALSE to evaluate the text as basic format.
+     * @param hasDigitOffset receiving if the parsed zone string contains offset digits.
+     * @return the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given ISO 8601 style
+     *      time zone string.
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetISO8601(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, UBool extendedOnly,
+        UBool* hasDigitOffset = NULL) const;
+    /**
+     * Appends localized digits to the buffer.
+     * This code assumes that the input number is 0 - 59
+     * @param buf the target buffer
+     * @param n the integer number
+     * @param minDigits the minimum digits width
+     */
+    void appendOffsetDigits(UnicodeString& buf, int32_t n, uint8_t minDigits) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given localized GMT
+     * offset format string. When the given string cannot be parsed, this method
+     * sets the current position as the error index to <code>ParsePosition pos</code>
+     * and returns 0.
+     * @param text the text contains a localized GMT offset string at the position.
+     * @param pos the position, non-negative error index will be set on failure.
+     * @param isShort true if this parser to try the short format first
+     * @param hasDigitOffset receiving if the parsed zone string contains offset digits.
+     * @return the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given localized GMT
+     *      offset format string.
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetLocalizedGMT(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos,
+        UBool isShort, UBool* hasDigitOffset) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse localized GMT format generated by the patter used by this formatter, except
+     * GMT Zero format.
+     * @param text the input text
+     * @param start the start index
+     * @param isShort true if the short localized format is parsed.
+     * @param parsedLen receives the parsed length
+     * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetLocalizedGMTPattern(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start,
+        UBool isShort, int32_t& parsedLen) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses localized GMT offset fields into offset.
+     * @param text the input text
+     * @param start the start index
+     * @param isShort true if this is a short format - currently not used
+     * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure.
+     * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, UBool isShort, int32_t& parsedLen) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse localized GMT offset fields with the given pattern.
+     * @param text the input text
+     * @param start the start index
+     * @param pattenItems the pattern (already itemized)
+     * @param forceSingleHourDigit true if hours field is parsed as a single digit
+     * @param hour receives the hour offset field
+     * @param min receives the minute offset field
+     * @param sec receives the second offset field
+     * @return the parsed length
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetFieldsWithPattern(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start,
+        UVector* patternItems, UBool forceSingleHourDigit, int32_t& hour, int32_t& min, int32_t& sec) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses abutting localized GMT offset fields (such as 0800) into offset.
+     * @param text the input text
+     * @param start the start index
+     * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure
+     * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
+     */
+    int32_t parseAbuttingOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, int32_t& parsedLen) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses the input text using the default format patterns (e.g. "UTC{0}").
+     * @param text the input text
+     * @param start the start index
+     * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure
+     * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetDefaultLocalizedGMT(const UnicodeString& text, int start, int32_t& parsedLen) const;
+    /**
+     * Parses the input GMT offset fields with the default offset pattern.
+     * @param text the input text
+     * @param start the start index
+     * @param separator the separator character, e.g. ':'
+     * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure.
+     * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
+     */
+    int32_t parseDefaultOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, char16_t separator,
+        int32_t& parsedLen) const;
+    /**
+     * Reads an offset field value. This method will stop parsing when
+     * 1) number of digits reaches <code>maxDigits</code>
+     * 2) just before already parsed number exceeds <code>maxVal</code>
+     *
+     * @param text the text
+     * @param start the start offset
+     * @param minDigits the minimum number of required digits
+     * @param maxDigits the maximum number of digits
+     * @param minVal the minimum value
+     * @param maxVal the maximum value
+     * @param parsedLen the actual parsed length.
+     * @return the integer value parsed
+     */
+    int32_t parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start,
+        uint8_t minDigits, uint8_t maxDigits, uint16_t minVal, uint16_t maxVal, int32_t& parsedLen) const;
+    /**
+     * Reads a single decimal digit, either localized digits used by this object
+     * or any Unicode numeric character.
+     * @param text the text
+     * @param start the start index
+     * @param len the actual length read from the text
+     * the start index is not a decimal number.
+     * @return the integer value of the parsed digit, or -1 on failure.
+     */
+    int32_t parseSingleLocalizedDigit(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, int32_t& len) const;
+    /**
+     * Formats offset using ASCII digits. The input offset range must be
+     * within +/-24 hours (exclusive).
+     * @param offset The offset
+     * @param sep The field separator character or 0 if not required
+     * @param minFields The minimum fields
+     * @param maxFields The maximum fields
+     * @return The offset string
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& formatOffsetWithAsciiDigits(int32_t offset, char16_t sep,
+        OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields, UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Parses offset represented by contiguous ASCII digits.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: This method expects the input position is already at the start of
+     * ASCII digits and does not parse sign (+/-).
+     * @param text The text contains a sequence of ASCII digits
+     * @param pos The parse position
+     * @param minFields The minimum Fields to be parsed
+     * @param maxFields The maximum Fields to be parsed
+     * @param fixedHourWidth true if hours field must be width of 2
+     * @return Parsed offset, 0 or positive number.
+     */
+    static int32_t parseAbuttingAsciiOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos,
+        OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields, UBool fixedHourWidth);
+    /**
+     * Parses offset represented by ASCII digits and separators.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: This method expects the input position is already at the start of
+     * ASCII digits and does not parse sign (+/-).
+     * @param text The text
+     * @param pos The parse position
+     * @param sep The separator character
+     * @param minFields The minimum Fields to be parsed
+     * @param maxFields The maximum Fields to be parsed
+     * @return Parsed offset, 0 or positive number.
+     */
+    static int32_t parseAsciiOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, char16_t sep,
+        OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields);
+    /**
+     * Unquotes the message format style pattern.
+     * @param pattern the pattern
+     * @param result receive the unquoted pattern.
+     * @return A reference to result.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& unquote(const UnicodeString& pattern, UnicodeString& result);
+    /**
+     * Initialize localized GMT format offset hour/min/sec patterns.
+     * This method parses patterns into optimized run-time format.
+     * @param status receives the status.
+     */
+    void initGMTOffsetPatterns(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Check if there are any GMT format offset patterns without
+     * any separators between hours field and minutes field and update
+     * fAbuttingOffsetHoursAndMinutes field. This method must be called
+     * after all patterns are parsed into pattern items.
+     */
+    void checkAbuttingHoursAndMinutes();
+    /**
+     * Creates an instance of TimeZone for the given offset
+     * @param offset the offset
+     * @return A TimeZone with the given offset
+     */
+    TimeZone* createTimeZoneForOffset(int32_t offset) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time type for the given name type
+     * @param nameType the name type
+     * @return the time type (unknown/standard/daylight)
+     */
+    static UTimeZoneFormatTimeType getTimeType(UTimeZoneNameType nameType);
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone ID of a match at the specified index within
+     * the MatchInfoCollection.
+     * @param matches the collection of matches
+     * @param idx the index withing matches
+     * @param tzID receives the resolved time zone ID
+     * @return a reference to tzID.
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getTimeZoneID(const TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection* matches, int32_t idx, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a zone ID.
+     * @param text the text contains a time zone ID string at the position.
+     * @param pos the position
+     * @param tzID receives the zone ID
+     * @return a reference to tzID
+     */
+    UnicodeString& parseZoneID(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse a short zone ID.
+     * @param text the text contains a short time zone ID string at the position.
+     * @param pos the position
+     * @param tzID receives the short zone ID
+     * @return a reference to tzID
+     */
+    UnicodeString& parseShortZoneID(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
+    /**
+     * Parse an exemplar location string.
+     * @param text the text contains an exemplar location string at the position.
+     * @param pos the position.
+     * @param tzID receives the time zone ID
+     * @return a reference to tzID
+     */
+    UnicodeString& parseExemplarLocation(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tznames.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tznames.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8604942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tznames.h
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2011-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __TZNAMES_H
+#define __TZNAMES_H
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: TimeZoneNames
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * Constants for time zone display name types.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef enum UTimeZoneNameType {
+    /**
+     * Unknown display name type.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZNM_UNKNOWN           = 0x00,
+    /**
+     * Long display name, such as "Eastern Time".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZNM_LONG_GENERIC      = 0x01,
+    /**
+     * Long display name for standard time, such as "Eastern Standard Time".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZNM_LONG_STANDARD     = 0x02,
+    /**
+     * Long display name for daylight saving time, such as "Eastern Daylight Time".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZNM_LONG_DAYLIGHT     = 0x04,
+    /**
+     * Short display name, such as "ET".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZNM_SHORT_GENERIC     = 0x08,
+    /**
+     * Short display name for standard time, such as "EST".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZNM_SHORT_STANDARD    = 0x10,
+    /**
+     * Short display name for daylight saving time, such as "EDT".
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UTZNM_SHORT_DAYLIGHT    = 0x20,
+    /**
+     * Exemplar location name, such as "Los Angeles".
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+} UTimeZoneNameType;
+class UVector;
+struct MatchInfo;
+ * <code>TimeZoneNames</code> is an abstract class representing the time zone display name data model defined
+ * by <a href="">UTS#35 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</a>.
+ * The model defines meta zone, which is used for storing a set of display names. A meta zone can be shared
+ * by multiple time zones. Also a time zone may have multiple meta zone historic mappings.
+ * <p>
+ * For example, people in the United States refer the zone used by the east part of North America as "Eastern Time".
+ * The tz database contains multiple time zones "America/New_York", "America/Detroit", "America/Montreal" and some
+ * others that belong to "Eastern Time". However, assigning different display names to these time zones does not make
+ * much sense for most of people.
+ * <p>
+ * In <a href="">CLDR</a> (which uses LDML for representing locale data), the display name
+ * "Eastern Time" is stored as long generic display name of a meta zone identified by the ID "America_Eastern".
+ * Then, there is another table maintaining the historic mapping to meta zones for each time zone. The time zones in
+ * the above example ("America/New_York", "America/Detroit"...) are mapped to the meta zone "America_Eastern".
+ * <p>
+ * Sometimes, a time zone is mapped to a different time zone in the past. For example, "America/Indiana/Knox"
+ * had been moving "Eastern Time" and "Central Time" back and forth. Therefore, it is necessary that time zone
+ * to meta zones mapping data are stored by date range.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Note:</b>
+ * The methods in this class assume that time zone IDs are already canonicalized. For example, you may not get proper
+ * result returned by a method with time zone ID "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", because it's not a canonical time zone
+ * ID (the canonical time zone ID for the time zone is "America/Indianapolis". See
+ * {@link TimeZone#getCanonicalID(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& canonicalID, UErrorCode& status)} about ICU
+ * canonical time zone IDs.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In CLDR, most of time zone display names except location names are provided through meta zones. But a time zone may
+ * have a specific name that is not shared with other time zones.
+ *
+ * For example, time zone "Europe/London" has English long name for standard time "Greenwich Mean Time", which is also
+ * shared with other time zones. However, the long name for daylight saving time is "British Summer Time", which is only
+ * used for "Europe/London".
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName} is designed for accessing a name only used by a single time zone.
+ * But is not necessarily mean that a subclass implementation use the same model with CLDR. A subclass implementation
+ * may provide time zone names only through {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName}, or only through {@link #getMetaZoneDisplayName},
+ * or both.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The default <code>TimeZoneNames</code> implementation returned by {@link #createInstance}
+ * uses the locale data imported from CLDR. In CLDR, set of meta zone IDs and mappings between zone IDs and meta zone
+ * IDs are shared by all locales. Therefore, the behavior of {@link #getAvailableMetaZoneIDs},
+ * {@link #getMetaZoneID}, and {@link #getReferenceZoneID} won't be changed no matter
+ * what locale is used for getting an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code>.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeZoneNames : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeZoneNames();
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given TimeZoneNames objects are semantically equal.
+     * @param other the object to be compared with.
+     * @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneNames& other) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given TimeZoneNames objects are not semantically
+     * equal.
+     * @param other the object to be compared with.
+     * @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are not semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneNames& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
+    /**
+     * Clone this object polymorphically.  The caller is responsible
+     * for deleting the result when done.
+     * @return A copy of the object
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual TimeZoneNames* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code> for the specified locale.
+     *
+     * @param locale The locale.
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @return An instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code>
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    static TimeZoneNames* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code> containing only short specific
+     * zone names (SHORT_STANDARD and SHORT_DAYLIGHT),
+     * compatible with the IANA tz database's zone abbreviations (not localized).
+     * <br>
+     * Note: The input locale is used for resolving ambiguous names (e.g. "IST" is parsed
+     * as Israel Standard Time for Israel, while it is parsed as India Standard Time for
+     * all other regions). The zone names returned by this instance are not localized.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+     static TimeZoneNames* U_EXPORT2 createTZDBInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration of all available meta zone IDs.
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns an enumeration of all available meta zone IDs used by the given time zone.
+     * @param tzID The canoical tiem zone ID.
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the meta zone ID for the given canonical time zone ID at the given date.
+     * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID.
+     * @param date The date.
+     * @param mzID Receives the meta zone ID for the given time zone ID at the given date. If the time zone does not have a
+     *          corresponding meta zone at the given date or the implementation does not support meta zones, "bogus" state
+     *          is set.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getMetaZoneID(const UnicodeString& tzID, UDate date, UnicodeString& mzID) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the reference zone ID for the given meta zone ID for the region.
+     *
+     * Note: Each meta zone must have a reference zone associated with a special region "001" (world).
+     * Some meta zones may have region specific reference zone IDs other than the special region
+     * "001". When a meta zone does not have any region specific reference zone IDs, this method
+     * return the reference zone ID for the special region "001" (world).
+     *
+     * @param mzID The meta zone ID.
+     * @param region The region.
+     * @param tzID Receives the reference zone ID ("golden zone" in the LDML specification) for the given time zone ID for the
+     *          region. If the meta zone is unknown or the implementation does not support meta zones, "bogus" state
+     *          is set.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getReferenceZoneID(const UnicodeString& mzID, const char* region, UnicodeString& tzID) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the meta zone.
+     * @param mzID The meta zone ID.
+     * @param type The display name type. See {@link #UTimeZoneNameType}.
+     * @param name Receives the display name of the meta zone. When this object does not have a localized display name for the given
+     *         meta zone with the specified type or the implementation does not provide any display names associated
+     *         with meta zones, "bogus" state is set.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getMetaZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& mzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the time zone. Unlike {@link #getDisplayName},
+     * this method does not get a name from a meta zone used by the time zone.
+     * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID.
+     * @param type The display name type. See {@link #UTimeZoneNameType}.
+     * @param name Receives the display name for the time zone. When this object does not have a localized display name for the given
+     *         time zone with the specified type, "bogus" state is set.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getTimeZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the exemplar location name for the given time zone. When this object does not have a localized location
+     * name, the default implementation may still returns a programmatically generated name with the logic described
+     * below.
+     * <ol>
+     * <li>Check if the ID contains "/". If not, return null.
+     * <li>Check if the ID does not start with "Etc/" or "SystemV/". If it does, return null.
+     * <li>Extract a substring after the last occurrence of "/".
+     * <li>Replace "_" with " ".
+     * </ol>
+     * For example, "New York" is returned for the time zone ID "America/New_York" when this object does not have the
+     * localized location name.
+     *
+     * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID
+     * @param name Receives the exemplar location name for the given time zone, or "bogus" state is set when a localized
+     *          location name is not available and the fallback logic described above cannot extract location from the ID.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getExemplarLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the display name of the time zone at the given date.
+     * <p>
+     * <b>Note:</b> This method calls the subclass's {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName} first. When the
+     * result is bogus, this method calls {@link #getMetaZoneID} to get the meta zone ID mapped from the
+     * time zone, then calls {@link #getMetaZoneDisplayName}.
+     *
+     * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID.
+     * @param type The display name type. See {@link #UTimeZoneNameType}.
+     * @param date The date.
+     * @param name Receives the display name for the time zone at the given date. When this object does not have a localized display
+     *          name for the time zone with the specified type and date, "bogus" state is set.
+     * @return A reference to the result.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UDate date, UnicodeString& name) const;
+    /**
+     * @internal ICU internal only, for specific users only until proposed publicly.
+     */
+    virtual void loadAllDisplayNames(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * @internal ICU internal only, for specific users only until proposed publicly.
+     */
+    virtual void getDisplayNames(const UnicodeString& tzID, const UTimeZoneNameType types[], int32_t numTypes, UDate date, UnicodeString dest[], UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * <code>MatchInfoCollection</code> represents a collection of time zone name matches used by
+     * {@link TimeZoneNames#find}.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    class U_I18N_API MatchInfoCollection : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        MatchInfoCollection();
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        virtual ~MatchInfoCollection();
+        /**
+         * Adds a zone match.
+         * @param nameType The name type.
+         * @param matchLength The match length.
+         * @param tzID The time zone ID.
+         * @param status Receives the status
+         * @internal
+         */
+        void addZone(UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength,
+            const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status);
+        /**
+         * Adds a meata zone match.
+         * @param nameType The name type.
+         * @param matchLength The match length.
+         * @param mzID The metazone ID.
+         * @param status Receives the status
+         * @internal
+         */
+        void addMetaZone(UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength,
+            const UnicodeString& mzID, UErrorCode& status);
+        /**
+         * Returns the number of entries available in this object.
+         * @return The number of entries.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        int32_t size() const;
+        /**
+         * Returns the time zone name type of a match at the specified index.
+         * @param idx The index
+         * @return The time zone name type. If the specified idx is out of range,
+         *      it returns UTZNM_UNKNOWN.
+         * @see UTimeZoneNameType
+         * @internal
+         */
+        UTimeZoneNameType getNameTypeAt(int32_t idx) const;
+        /**
+         * Returns the match length of a match at the specified index.
+         * @param idx The index
+         * @return The match length. If the specified idx is out of range,
+         *      it returns 0.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        int32_t getMatchLengthAt(int32_t idx) const;
+        /**
+         * Gets the zone ID of a match at the specified index.
+         * @param idx The index
+         * @param tzID Receives the zone ID.
+         * @return TRUE if the zone ID was set to tzID.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        UBool getTimeZoneIDAt(int32_t idx, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
+        /**
+         * Gets the metazone ID of a match at the specified index.
+         * @param idx The index
+         * @param mzID Receives the metazone ID
+         * @return TRUE if the meta zone ID was set to mzID.
+         * @internal
+         */
+        UBool getMetaZoneIDAt(int32_t idx, UnicodeString& mzID) const;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    private:
+        UVector* fMatches;  // vector of MatchEntry
+        UVector* matches(UErrorCode& status);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Finds time zone name prefix matches for the input text at the
+     * given offset and returns a collection of the matches.
+     * @param text The text.
+     * @param start The starting offset within the text.
+     * @param types The set of name types represented by bitwise flags of UTimeZoneNameType enums,
+     *              or UTZNM_UNKNOWN for all name types.
+     * @param status Receives the status.
+     * @return A collection of matches (owned by the caller), or NULL if no matches are found.
+     * @see UTimeZoneNameType
+     * @see MatchInfoCollection
+     * @internal
+     */
+    virtual MatchInfoCollection* find(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, uint32_t types, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tzrule.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tzrule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..795806d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tzrule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef TZRULE_H
+#define TZRULE_H
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Time zone rule classes
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/dtrule.h"
+ * <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is a class representing a rule for time zone.
+ * <code>TimeZoneRule</code> has a set of time zone attributes, such as zone name,
+ * raw offset (UTC offset for standard time) and daylight saving time offset.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeZoneRule : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeZoneRule();
+    /**
+     * Clone this TimeZoneRule object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return  A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual TimeZoneRule* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Fills in "name" with the name of this time zone.
+     * @param name  Receives the name of this time zone.
+     * @return  A reference to "name"
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString& getName(UnicodeString& name) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the standard time offset.
+     * @return  The standard time offset from UTC in milliseconds.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getRawOffset(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the amount of daylight saving delta time from the standard time.
+     * @return  The amount of daylight saving offset used by this rule
+     *          in milliseconds.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getDSTSavings(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns if this rule represents the same rule and offsets as another.
+     * When two <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects differ only its names, this method
+     * returns true.
+     * @param other The <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the other <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is the same as this one.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFirstStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFinalStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time when this rule takes effect after the specified time.
+     * @param base              The first start time after this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The first time when this rule takes effect after
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time when this rule takes effect before the specified time.
+     * @param base              The most recent time before this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The most recent time when this rule takes effect before
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>TimeZoneRule</code> with the name, the GMT offset of its
+     * standard time and the amount of daylight saving offset adjustment.
+     * @param name          The time zone name.
+     * @param rawOffset     The UTC offset of its standard time in milliseconds.
+     * @param dstSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset adjustment in milliseconds.
+     *                      If this ia a rule for standard time, the value of this argument is 0.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The TimeZoneRule object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneRule(const TimeZoneRule& source);
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneRule& operator=(const TimeZoneRule& right);
+    UnicodeString fName; // time name
+    int32_t fRawOffset;  // UTC offset of the standard time in milliseconds
+    int32_t fDSTSavings; // DST saving amount in milliseconds
+ * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> represents a time zone rule
+ * representing a time zone effective from the beginning and
+ * has no actual start times.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API InitialTimeZoneRule : public TimeZoneRule {
+    /**
+     * Constructs an <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> with the name, the GMT offset of its
+     * standard time and the amount of daylight saving offset adjustment.
+     * @param name          The time zone name.
+     * @param rawOffset     The UTC offset of its standard time in milliseconds.
+     * @param dstSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset adjustment in milliseconds.
+     *                      If this ia a rule for standard time, the value of this argument is 0.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    InitialTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The InitialTimeZoneRule object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    InitialTimeZoneRule(const InitialTimeZoneRule& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~InitialTimeZoneRule();
+    /**
+     * Clone this InitialTimeZoneRule object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual InitialTimeZoneRule* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    InitialTimeZoneRule& operator=(const InitialTimeZoneRule& right);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time when this rule takes effect in the given year.
+     * @param year              The Gregorian year, with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the start time in the year.
+     * @return  true if this rule takes effect in the year and the result is set to
+     *          "result".
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool getStartInYear(int32_t year, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns if this rule represents the same rule and offsets as another.
+     * When two <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects differ only its names, this method
+     * returns true.
+     * @param that  The <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the other <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is equivalent to this one.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFirstStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFinalStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time when this rule takes effect after the specified time.
+     * @param base              The first start time after this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The first time when this rule takes effect after
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time when this rule takes effect before the specified time.
+     * @param base              The most recent time before this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The most recent time when this rule takes effect before
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+ * <code>AnnualTimeZoneRule</code> is a class used for representing a time zone
+ * rule which takes effect annually.  The calenday system used for the rule is
+ * is based on Gregorian calendar
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API AnnualTimeZoneRule : public TimeZoneRule {
+    /**
+     * The constant representing the maximum year used for designating
+     * a rule is permanent.
+     */
+    static const int32_t MAX_YEAR;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>AnnualTimeZoneRule</code> with the name, the GMT offset of its
+     * standard time, the amount of daylight saving offset adjustment, the annual start
+     * time rule and the start/until years.  The input DateTimeRule is copied by this
+     * constructor, so the caller remains responsible for deleting the object.
+     * @param name          The time zone name.
+     * @param rawOffset     The GMT offset of its standard time in milliseconds.
+     * @param dstSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset adjustment in
+     *                      milliseconds.  If this ia a rule for standard time,
+     *                      the value of this argument is 0.
+     * @param dateTimeRule  The start date/time rule repeated annually.
+     * @param startYear     The first year when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param endYear       The last year when this rule takes effect.  If this
+     *                      rule is effective forever in future, specify MAX_YEAR.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    AnnualTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings,
+            const DateTimeRule& dateTimeRule, int32_t startYear, int32_t endYear);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>AnnualTimeZoneRule</code> with the name, the GMT offset of its
+     * standard time, the amount of daylight saving offset adjustment, the annual start
+     * time rule and the start/until years.  The input DateTimeRule object is adopted
+     * by this object, therefore, the caller must not delete the object.
+     * @param name          The time zone name.
+     * @param rawOffset     The GMT offset of its standard time in milliseconds.
+     * @param dstSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset adjustment in
+     *                      milliseconds.  If this ia a rule for standard time,
+     *                      the value of this argument is 0.
+     * @param dateTimeRule  The start date/time rule repeated annually.
+     * @param startYear     The first year when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param endYear       The last year when this rule takes effect.  If this
+     *                      rule is effective forever in future, specify MAX_YEAR.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    AnnualTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings,
+            DateTimeRule* dateTimeRule, int32_t startYear, int32_t endYear);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The AnnualTimeZoneRule object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    AnnualTimeZoneRule(const AnnualTimeZoneRule& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~AnnualTimeZoneRule();
+    /**
+     * Clone this AnnualTimeZoneRule object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual AnnualTimeZoneRule* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    AnnualTimeZoneRule& operator=(const AnnualTimeZoneRule& right);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the start date/time rule used by this rule.
+     * @return  The <code>AnnualDateTimeRule</code> which represents the start date/time
+     *          rule used by this time zone rule.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    const DateTimeRule* getRule(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first year when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  The start year of this rule.  The year is in Gregorian calendar
+     *          with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getStartYear(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the end year when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  The end year of this rule (inclusive). The year is in Gregorian calendar
+     *          with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t getEndYear(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time when this rule takes effect in the given year.
+     * @param year              The Gregorian year, with 0 == 1 BCE, -1 == 2 BCE, etc.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the start time in the year.
+     * @return  true if this rule takes effect in the year and the result is set to
+     *          "result".
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool getStartInYear(int32_t year, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns if this rule represents the same rule and offsets as another.
+     * When two <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects differ only its names, this method
+     * returns true.
+     * @param that  The <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the other <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is equivalent to this one.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFirstStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFinalStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time when this rule takes effect after the specified time.
+     * @param base              The first start time after this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The first time when this rule takes effect after
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time when this rule takes effect before the specified time.
+     * @param base              The most recent time before this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The most recent time when this rule takes effect before
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const;
+    DateTimeRule* fDateTimeRule;
+    int32_t fStartYear;
+    int32_t fEndYear;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+ * <code>TimeArrayTimeZoneRule</code> represents a time zone rule whose start times are
+ * defined by an array of milliseconds since the standard base time.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeArrayTimeZoneRule : public TimeZoneRule {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>TimeArrayTimeZoneRule</code> with the name, the GMT offset of its
+     * standard time, the amount of daylight saving offset adjustment and
+     * the array of times when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param name          The time zone name.
+     * @param rawOffset     The UTC offset of its standard time in milliseconds.
+     * @param dstSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset adjustment in
+     *                      milliseconds.  If this ia a rule for standard time,
+     *                      the value of this argument is 0.
+     * @param startTimes    The array start times in milliseconds since the base time
+     *                      (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).
+     * @param numStartTimes The number of elements in the parameter "startTimes"
+     * @param timeRuleType  The time type of the start times, which is one of
+     *                      <code>DataTimeRule::WALL_TIME</code>, <code>STANDARD_TIME</code>
+     *                      and <code>UTC_TIME</code>.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeArrayTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings,
+        const UDate* startTimes, int32_t numStartTimes, DateTimeRule::TimeRuleType timeRuleType);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The TimeArrayTimeZoneRule object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeArrayTimeZoneRule(const TimeArrayTimeZoneRule& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~TimeArrayTimeZoneRule();
+    /**
+     * Clone this TimeArrayTimeZoneRule object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return    A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual TimeArrayTimeZoneRule* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeArrayTimeZoneRule& operator=(const TimeArrayTimeZoneRule& right);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects are semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time type of the start times used by this rule.  The return value
+     * is either <code>DateTimeRule::WALL_TIME</code> or <code>STANDARD_TIME</code>
+     * or <code>UTC_TIME</code>.
+     * 
+     * @return The time type used of the start times used by this rule.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    DateTimeRule::TimeRuleType getTimeType(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets a start time at the index stored in this rule.
+     * @param index     The index of start times
+     * @param result    Receives the start time at the index
+     * @return  true if the index is within the valid range and
+     *          and the result is set.  When false, the output
+     *          parameger "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool getStartTimeAt(int32_t index, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of start times stored in this rule
+     * @return The number of start times.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    int32_t countStartTimes(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns if this rule represents the same rule and offsets as another.
+     * When two <code>TimeZoneRule</code> objects differ only its names, this method
+     * returns true.
+     * @param that  The <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the other <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is equivalent to this one.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFirstStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param result            Receives the final time when this rule takes effect.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getFinalStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time when this rule takes effect after the specified time.
+     * @param base              The first start time after this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The first time when this rule takes effect after
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time when this rule takes effect before the specified time.
+     * @param base              The most recent time before this base time will be returned.
+     * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+     *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+     * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+     *                          standard time.
+     * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result            Receives The most recent time when this rule takes effect before
+     *                          the specified base time.
+     * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+     *          "result" is unchanged.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousStart(UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings,
+        UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const;
+    UBool initStartTimes(const UDate source[], int32_t size, UErrorCode& ec);
+    UDate getUTC(UDate time, int32_t raw, int32_t dst) const;
+    DateTimeRule::TimeRuleType  fTimeRuleType;
+    int32_t fNumStartTimes;
+    UDate*  fStartTimes;
+    UDate   fLocalStartTimes[TIMEARRAY_STACK_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // TZRULE_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tztrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tztrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..217d711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/tztrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and         *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef TZTRANS_H
+#define TZTRANS_H
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Time zone transition
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+// Forward declaration
+class TimeZoneRule;
+ * <code>TimeZoneTransition</code> is a class representing a time zone transition.
+ * An instance has a time of transition and rules for both before and after the transition.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API TimeZoneTransition : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a <code>TimeZoneTransition</code> with the time and the rules before/after
+     * the transition.
+     * 
+     * @param time  The time of transition in milliseconds since the base time.
+     * @param from  The time zone rule used before the transition.
+     * @param to    The time zone rule used after the transition.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneTransition(UDate time, const TimeZoneRule& from, const TimeZoneRule& to);
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty <code>TimeZoneTransition</code>
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneTransition();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The TimeZoneTransition object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneTransition(const TimeZoneTransition& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    ~TimeZoneTransition();
+    /**
+     * Clone this TimeZoneTransition object polymorphically. The caller owns the result and
+     * should delete it when done.
+     * @return  A copy of the object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneTransition* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    TimeZoneTransition& operator=(const TimeZoneTransition& right);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given TimeZoneTransition objects are semantically equal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given TimeZoneTransition objects are semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const TimeZoneTransition& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given TimeZoneTransition objects are semantically unequal. Objects
+     * of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given TimeZoneTransition objects are semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneTransition& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time of transition in milliseconds.
+     * @return The time of the transition in milliseconds since the 1970 Jan 1 epoch time.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UDate getTime(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the time of transition in milliseconds.
+     * @param time The time of the transition in milliseconds since the 1970 Jan 1 epoch time.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setTime(UDate time);
+    /**
+     * Returns the rule used before the transition.
+     * @return The time zone rule used after the transition.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    const TimeZoneRule* getFrom(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the rule used before the transition.  The caller remains
+     * responsible for deleting the <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object.
+     * @param from The time zone rule used before the transition.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setFrom(const TimeZoneRule& from);
+    /**
+     * Adopts the rule used before the transition.  The caller must
+     * not delete the <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object passed in.
+     * @param from The time zone rule used before the transition.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void adoptFrom(TimeZoneRule* from);
+    /**
+     * Sets the rule used after the transition.  The caller remains
+     * responsible for deleting the <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object.
+     * @param to The time zone rule used after the transition.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setTo(const TimeZoneRule& to);
+    /**
+     * Adopts the rule used after the transition.  The caller must
+     * not delete the <code>TimeZoneRule</code> object passed in.
+     * @param to The time zone rule used after the transition.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void adoptTo(TimeZoneRule* to);
+    /**
+     * Returns the rule used after the transition.
+     * @return The time zone rule used after the transition.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    const TimeZoneRule* getTo(void) const;
+    UDate   fTime;
+    TimeZoneRule*   fFrom;
+    TimeZoneRule*   fTo;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // TZTRANS_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubidi.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubidi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b048b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubidi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2210 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ubidi.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999jul27
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer, updated by Matitiahu Allouche
+#ifndef UBIDI_H
+#define UBIDI_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ *\file
+ * \brief C API: Bidi algorithm
+ *
+ * <h2>Bidi algorithm for ICU</h2>
+ *
+ * This is an implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.
+ * The algorithm is defined in the
+ * <a href="">Unicode Standard Annex #9</a>.<p>
+ *
+ * Note: Libraries that perform a bidirectional algorithm and
+ * reorder strings accordingly are sometimes called "Storage Layout Engines".
+ * ICU's Bidi and shaping (u_shapeArabic()) APIs can be used at the core of such
+ * "Storage Layout Engines".
+ *
+ * <h3>General remarks about the API:</h3>
+ *
+ * In functions with an error code parameter,
+ * the <code>pErrorCode</code> pointer must be valid
+ * and the value that it points to must not indicate a failure before
+ * the function call. Otherwise, the function returns immediately.
+ * After the function call, the value indicates success or failure.<p>
+ *
+ * The &quot;limit&quot; of a sequence of characters is the position just after their
+ * last character, i.e., one more than that position.<p>
+ *
+ * Some of the API functions provide access to &quot;runs&quot;.
+ * Such a &quot;run&quot; is defined as a sequence of characters
+ * that are at the same embedding level
+ * after performing the Bidi algorithm.<p>
+ *
+ * @author Markus W. Scherer
+ * @version 1.0
+ *
+ *
+ * <h4> Sample code for the ICU Bidi API </h4>
+ *
+ * <h5>Rendering a paragraph with the ICU Bidi API</h5>
+ *
+ * This is (hypothetical) sample code that illustrates
+ * how the ICU Bidi API could be used to render a paragraph of text.
+ * Rendering code depends highly on the graphics system,
+ * therefore this sample code must make a lot of assumptions,
+ * which may or may not match any existing graphics system's properties.
+ *
+ * <p>The basic assumptions are:</p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Rendering is done from left to right on a horizontal line.</li>
+ * <li>A run of single-style, unidirectional text can be rendered at once.</li>
+ * <li>Such a run of text is passed to the graphics system with
+ *     characters (code units) in logical order.</li>
+ * <li>The line-breaking algorithm is very complicated
+ *     and Locale-dependent -
+ *     and therefore its implementation omitted from this sample code.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *#include "unicode/ubidi.h"
+ *
+ *typedef enum {
+ *     styleNormal=0, styleSelected=1,
+ *     styleBold=2, styleItalics=4,
+ *     styleSuper=8, styleSub=16
+ *} Style;
+ *
+ *typedef struct { int32_t limit; Style style; } StyleRun;
+ *
+ *int getTextWidth(const UChar *text, int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+ *                  const StyleRun *styleRuns, int styleRunCount);
+ *
+ * // set *pLimit and *pStyleRunLimit for a line
+ * // from text[start] and from styleRuns[styleRunStart]
+ * // using ubidi_getLogicalRun(para, ...)
+ *void getLineBreak(const UChar *text, int32_t start, int32_t *pLimit,
+ *                  UBiDi *para,
+ *                  const StyleRun *styleRuns, int styleRunStart, int *pStyleRunLimit,
+ *                  int *pLineWidth);
+ *
+ * // render runs on a line sequentially, always from left to right
+ *
+ * // prepare rendering a new line
+ * void startLine(UBiDiDirection textDirection, int lineWidth);
+ *
+ * // render a run of text and advance to the right by the run width
+ * // the text[start..limit-1] is always in logical order
+ * void renderRun(const UChar *text, int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+ *               UBiDiDirection textDirection, Style style);
+ *
+ * // We could compute a cross-product
+ * // from the style runs with the directional runs
+ * // and then reorder it.
+ * // Instead, here we iterate over each run type
+ * // and render the intersections -
+ * // with shortcuts in simple (and common) cases.
+ * // renderParagraph() is the main function.
+ *
+ * // render a directional run with
+ * // (possibly) multiple style runs intersecting with it
+ * void renderDirectionalRun(const UChar *text,
+ *                           int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+ *                           UBiDiDirection direction,
+ *                           const StyleRun *styleRuns, int styleRunCount) {
+ *     int i;
+ *
+ *     // iterate over style runs
+ *     if(direction==UBIDI_LTR) {
+ *         int styleLimit;
+ *
+ *         for(i=0; i<styleRunCount; ++i) {
+ *             styleLimit=styleRun[i].limit;
+ *             if(start<styleLimit) {
+ *                 if(styleLimit>limit) { styleLimit=limit; }
+ *                 renderRun(text, start, styleLimit,
+ *                           direction, styleRun[i].style);
+ *                 if(styleLimit==limit) { break; }
+ *                 start=styleLimit;
+ *             }
+ *         }
+ *     } else {
+ *         int styleStart;
+ *
+ *         for(i=styleRunCount-1; i>=0; --i) {
+ *             if(i>0) {
+ *                 styleStart=styleRun[i-1].limit;
+ *             } else {
+ *                 styleStart=0;
+ *             }
+ *             if(limit>=styleStart) {
+ *                 if(styleStart<start) { styleStart=start; }
+ *                 renderRun(text, styleStart, limit,
+ *                           direction, styleRun[i].style);
+ *                 if(styleStart==start) { break; }
+ *                 limit=styleStart;
+ *             }
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ * // the line object represents text[start..limit-1]
+ * void renderLine(UBiDi *line, const UChar *text,
+ *                 int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+ *                 const StyleRun *styleRuns, int styleRunCount) {
+ *     UBiDiDirection direction=ubidi_getDirection(line);
+ *     if(direction!=UBIDI_MIXED) {
+ *         // unidirectional
+ *         if(styleRunCount<=1) {
+ *             renderRun(text, start, limit, direction, styleRuns[0].style);
+ *         } else {
+ *             renderDirectionalRun(text, start, limit,
+ *                                  direction, styleRuns, styleRunCount);
+ *         }
+ *     } else {
+ *         // mixed-directional
+ *         int32_t count, i, length;
+ *         UBiDiLevel level;
+ *
+ *         count=ubidi_countRuns(para, pErrorCode);
+ *         if(U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
+ *             if(styleRunCount<=1) {
+ *                 Style style=styleRuns[0].style;
+ *
+ *                 // iterate over directional runs
+ *                for(i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+ *                    direction=ubidi_getVisualRun(para, i, &start, &length);
+ *                     renderRun(text, start, start+length, direction, style);
+ *                }
+ *             } else {
+ *                 int32_t j;
+ *
+ *                 // iterate over both directional and style runs
+ *                 for(i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+ *                     direction=ubidi_getVisualRun(line, i, &start, &length);
+ *                     renderDirectionalRun(text, start, start+length,
+ *                                          direction, styleRuns, styleRunCount);
+ *                 }
+ *             }
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ *void renderParagraph(const UChar *text, int32_t length,
+ *                     UBiDiDirection textDirection,
+ *                      const StyleRun *styleRuns, int styleRunCount,
+ *                      int lineWidth,
+ *                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ *     UBiDi *para;
+ *
+ *     if(pErrorCode==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode) || length<=0) {
+ *         return;
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     para=ubidi_openSized(length, 0, pErrorCode);
+ *     if(para==NULL) { return; }
+ *
+ *     ubidi_setPara(para, text, length,
+ *                   textDirection ? UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL : UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR,
+ *                   NULL, pErrorCode);
+ *     if(U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
+ *         UBiDiLevel paraLevel=1&ubidi_getParaLevel(para);
+ *         StyleRun styleRun={ length, styleNormal };
+ *         int width;
+ *
+ *         if(styleRuns==NULL || styleRunCount<=0) {
+ *            styleRunCount=1;
+ *             styleRuns=&styleRun;
+ *         }
+ *
+ *        // assume styleRuns[styleRunCount-1].limit>=length
+ *
+ *         width=getTextWidth(text, 0, length, styleRuns, styleRunCount);
+ *         if(width<=lineWidth) {
+ *             // everything fits onto one line
+ *
+ *            // prepare rendering a new line from either left or right
+ *             startLine(paraLevel, width);
+ *
+ *             renderLine(para, text, 0, length,
+ *                        styleRuns, styleRunCount);
+ *         } else {
+ *             UBiDi *line;
+ *
+ *             // we need to render several lines
+ *             line=ubidi_openSized(length, 0, pErrorCode);
+ *             if(line!=NULL) {
+ *                 int32_t start=0, limit;
+ *                 int styleRunStart=0, styleRunLimit;
+ *
+ *                 for(;;) {
+ *                     limit=length;
+ *                     styleRunLimit=styleRunCount;
+ *                     getLineBreak(text, start, &limit, para,
+ *                                  styleRuns, styleRunStart, &styleRunLimit,
+ *                                 &width);
+ *                     ubidi_setLine(para, start, limit, line, pErrorCode);
+ *                     if(U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
+ *                         // prepare rendering a new line
+ *                         // from either left or right
+ *                         startLine(paraLevel, width);
+ *
+ *                         renderLine(line, text, start, limit,
+ *                                    styleRuns+styleRunStart,
+ *                                    styleRunLimit-styleRunStart);
+ *                     }
+ *                     if(limit==length) { break; }
+ *                     start=limit;
+ *                     styleRunStart=styleRunLimit-1;
+ *                     if(start>=styleRuns[styleRunStart].limit) {
+ *                         ++styleRunStart;
+ *                     }
+ *                 }
+ *
+ *                 ubidi_close(line);
+ *             }
+ *        }
+ *    }
+ *
+ *     ubidi_close(para);
+ *}
+ *\endcode
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ * UBiDiLevel is the type of the level values in this
+ * Bidi implementation.
+ * It holds an embedding level and indicates the visual direction
+ * by its bit&nbsp;0 (even/odd value).<p>
+ *
+ * It can also hold non-level values for the
+ * <code>paraLevel</code> and <code>embeddingLevels</code>
+ * arguments of <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>; there:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>bit&nbsp;7 of an <code>embeddingLevels[]</code>
+ * value indicates whether the using application is
+ * specifying the level of a character to <i>override</i> whatever the
+ * Bidi implementation would resolve it to.</li>
+ * <li><code>paraLevel</code> can be set to the
+ * pseudo-level values <code>UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR</code>
+ * and <code>UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL</code>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ *
+ * <p>The related constants are not real, valid level values.
+ * <code>UBIDI_DEFAULT_XXX</code> can be used to specify
+ * a default for the paragraph level for
+ * when the <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> function
+ * shall determine it but there is no
+ * strongly typed character in the input.<p>
+ *
+ * Note that the value for <code>UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR</code> is even
+ * and the one for <code>UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL</code> is odd,
+ * just like with normal LTR and RTL level values -
+ * these special values are designed that way. Also, the implementation
+ * assumes that UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL is odd.
+ *
+ * Note: The numeric values of the related constants will not change:
+ * They are tied to the use of 7-bit byte values (plus the override bit)
+ * and of the UBiDiLevel=uint8_t data type in this API.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef uint8_t UBiDiLevel;
+/** Paragraph level setting.<p>
+ *
+ * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
+ * directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional
+ * Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present,
+ * then set the paragraph level to 0 (left-to-right).<p>
+ *
+ * If this value is used in conjunction with reordering modes
+ * <code>UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code>, the text to reorder
+ * is assumed to be visual LTR, and the text after reordering is required
+ * to be the corresponding logical string with appropriate contextual
+ * direction. The direction of the result string will be RTL if either
+ * the righmost or leftmost strong character of the source text is RTL
+ * or Arabic Letter, the direction will be LTR otherwise.<p>
+ *
+ * If reordering option <code>UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> is set, an RLM may
+ * be added at the beginning of the result string to ensure round trip
+ * (that the result string, when reordered back to visual, will produce
+ * the original source text).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR 0xfe
+/** Paragraph level setting.<p>
+ *
+ * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
+ * directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional
+ * Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present,
+ * then set the paragraph level to 1 (right-to-left).<p>
+ *
+ * If this value is used in conjunction with reordering modes
+ * <code>UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code>, the text to reorder
+ * is assumed to be visual LTR, and the text after reordering is required
+ * to be the corresponding logical string with appropriate contextual
+ * direction. The direction of the result string will be RTL if either
+ * the righmost or leftmost strong character of the source text is RTL
+ * or Arabic Letter, or if the text contains no strong character;
+ * the direction will be LTR otherwise.<p>
+ *
+ * If reordering option <code>UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> is set, an RLM may
+ * be added at the beginning of the result string to ensure round trip
+ * (that the result string, when reordered back to visual, will produce
+ * the original source text).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL 0xff
+ * Maximum explicit embedding level.
+ * Same as the max_depth value in the
+ * <a href="">Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm</a>.
+ * (The maximum resolved level can be up to <code>UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+1</code>).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+/** Bit flag for level input.
+ *  Overrides directional properties.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Special value which can be returned by the mapping functions when a logical
+ * index has no corresponding visual index or vice-versa. This may happen
+ * for the logical-to-visual mapping of a Bidi control when option
+ * <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code> is specified. This can also happen
+ * for the visual-to-logical mapping of a Bidi mark (LRM or RLM) inserted
+ * by option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>.
+ * @see ubidi_getVisualIndex
+ * @see ubidi_getVisualMap
+ * @see ubidi_getLogicalIndex
+ * @see ubidi_getLogicalMap
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+#define UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE   (-1)
+ * <code>UBiDiDirection</code> values indicate the text direction.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UBiDiDirection {
+  /** Left-to-right text. This is a 0 value.
+   * <ul>
+   * <li>As return value for <code>ubidi_getDirection()</code>, it means
+   *     that the source string contains no right-to-left characters, or
+   *     that the source string is empty and the paragraph level is even.
+   * <li> As return value for <code>ubidi_getBaseDirection()</code>, it
+   *      means that the first strong character of the source string has
+   *      a left-to-right direction.
+   * </ul>
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /** Right-to-left text. This is a 1 value.
+   * <ul>
+   * <li>As return value for <code>ubidi_getDirection()</code>, it means
+   *     that the source string contains no left-to-right characters, or
+   *     that the source string is empty and the paragraph level is odd.
+   * <li> As return value for <code>ubidi_getBaseDirection()</code>, it
+   *      means that the first strong character of the source string has
+   *      a right-to-left direction.
+   * </ul>
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /** Mixed-directional text.
+   * <p>As return value for <code>ubidi_getDirection()</code>, it means
+   *    that the source string contains both left-to-right and
+   *    right-to-left characters.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /** No strongly directional text.
+   * <p>As return value for <code>ubidi_getBaseDirection()</code>, it means
+   *    that the source string is missing or empty, or contains neither left-to-right
+   *    nor right-to-left characters.
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UBiDiDirection UBiDiDirection;
+ * Forward declaration of the <code>UBiDi</code> structure for the declaration of
+ * the API functions. Its fields are implementation-specific.<p>
+ * This structure holds information about a paragraph (or multiple paragraphs)
+ * of text with Bidi-algorithm-related details, or about one line of
+ * such a paragraph.<p>
+ * Reordering can be done on a line, or on one or more paragraphs which are
+ * then interpreted each as one single line.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+struct UBiDi;
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef struct UBiDi UBiDi;
+ * Allocate a <code>UBiDi</code> structure.
+ * Such an object is initially empty. It is assigned
+ * the Bidi properties of a piece of text containing one or more paragraphs
+ * by <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>
+ * or the Bidi properties of a line within a paragraph by
+ * <code>ubidi_setLine()</code>.<p>
+ * This object can be reused for as long as it is not deallocated
+ * by calling <code>ubidi_close()</code>.<p>
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> and <code>ubidi_setLine()</code> will allocate
+ * additional memory for internal structures as necessary.
+ *
+ * @return An empty <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Allocate a <code>UBiDi</code> structure with preallocated memory
+ * for internal structures.
+ * This function provides a <code>UBiDi</code> object like <code>ubidi_open()</code>
+ * with no arguments, but it also preallocates memory for internal structures
+ * according to the sizings supplied by the caller.<p>
+ * Subsequent functions will not allocate any more memory, and are thus
+ * guaranteed not to fail because of lack of memory.<p>
+ * The preallocation can be limited to some of the internal memory
+ * by setting some values to 0 here. That means that if, e.g.,
+ * <code>maxRunCount</code> cannot be reasonably predetermined and should not
+ * be set to <code>maxLength</code> (the only failproof value) to avoid
+ * wasting memory, then <code>maxRunCount</code> could be set to 0 here
+ * and the internal structures that are associated with it will be allocated
+ * on demand, just like with <code>ubidi_open()</code>.
+ *
+ * @param maxLength is the maximum text or line length that internal memory
+ *        will be preallocated for. An attempt to associate this object with a
+ *        longer text will fail, unless this value is 0, which leaves the allocation
+ *        up to the implementation.
+ *
+ * @param maxRunCount is the maximum anticipated number of same-level runs
+ *        that internal memory will be preallocated for. An attempt to access
+ *        visual runs on an object that was not preallocated for as many runs
+ *        as the text was actually resolved to will fail,
+ *        unless this value is 0, which leaves the allocation up to the implementation.<br><br>
+ *        The number of runs depends on the actual text and maybe anywhere between
+ *        1 and <code>maxLength</code>. It is typically small.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return An empty <code>UBiDi</code> object with preallocated memory.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_openSized(int32_t maxLength, int32_t maxRunCount, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * <code>ubidi_close()</code> must be called to free the memory
+ * associated with a UBiDi object.<p>
+ *
+ * <strong>Important: </strong>
+ * A parent <code>UBiDi</code> object must not be destroyed or reused if
+ * it still has children.
+ * If a <code>UBiDi</code> object has become the <i>child</i>
+ * of another one (its <i>parent</i>) by calling
+ * <code>ubidi_setLine()</code>, then the child object must
+ * be destroyed (closed) or reused (by calling
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> or <code>ubidi_setLine()</code>)
+ * before the parent object.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @see ubidi_setLine
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_close(UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * \class LocalUBiDiPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UBiDi via ubidi_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUBiDiPointer, UBiDi, ubidi_close);
+ * Modify the operation of the Bidi algorithm such that it
+ * approximates an "inverse Bidi" algorithm. This function
+ * must be called before <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>.
+ *
+ * <p>The normal operation of the Bidi algorithm as described
+ * in the Unicode Technical Report is to take text stored in logical
+ * (keyboard, typing) order and to determine the reordering of it for visual
+ * rendering.
+ * Some legacy systems store text in visual order, and for operations
+ * with standard, Unicode-based algorithms, the text needs to be transformed
+ * to logical order. This is effectively the inverse algorithm of the
+ * described Bidi algorithm. Note that there is no standard algorithm for
+ * this "inverse Bidi" and that the current implementation provides only an
+ * approximation of "inverse Bidi".</p>
+ *
+ * <p>With <code>isInverse</code> set to <code>TRUE</code>,
+ * this function changes the behavior of some of the subsequent functions
+ * in a way that they can be used for the inverse Bidi algorithm.
+ * Specifically, runs of text with numeric characters will be treated in a
+ * special way and may need to be surrounded with LRM characters when they are
+ * written in reordered sequence.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Output runs should be retrieved using <code>ubidi_getVisualRun()</code>.
+ * Since the actual input for "inverse Bidi" is visually ordered text and
+ * <code>ubidi_getVisualRun()</code> gets the reordered runs, these are actually
+ * the runs of the logically ordered output.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Calling this function with argument <code>isInverse</code> set to
+ * <code>TRUE</code> is equivalent to calling
+ * <code>ubidi_setReorderingMode</code> with argument
+ * <code>reorderingMode</code>
+ * set to <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code>.<br>
+ * Calling this function with argument <code>isInverse</code> set to
+ * <code>FALSE</code> is equivalent to calling
+ * <code>ubidi_setReorderingMode</code> with argument
+ * <code>reorderingMode</code>
+ * set to <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_DEFAULT</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param isInverse specifies "forward" or "inverse" Bidi operation.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_setInverse(UBiDi *pBiDi, UBool isInverse);
+ * Is this Bidi object set to perform the inverse Bidi algorithm?
+ * <p>Note: calling this function after setting the reordering mode with
+ * <code>ubidi_setReorderingMode</code> will return <code>TRUE</code> if the
+ * reordering mode was set to <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code>,
+ * <code>FALSE</code> for all other values.</p>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ * @return TRUE if the Bidi object is set to perform the inverse Bidi algorithm
+ * by handling numbers as L.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setInverse
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_isInverse(UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Specify whether block separators must be allocated level zero,
+ * so that successive paragraphs will progress from left to right.
+ * This function must be called before <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>.
+ * Paragraph separators (B) may appear in the text.  Setting them to level zero
+ * means that all paragraph separators (including one possibly appearing
+ * in the last text position) are kept in the reordered text after the text
+ * that they follow in the source text.
+ * When this feature is not enabled, a paragraph separator at the last
+ * position of the text before reordering will go to the first position
+ * of the reordered text when the paragraph level is odd.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param orderParagraphsLTR specifies whether paragraph separators (B) must
+ * receive level 0, so that successive paragraphs progress from left to right.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR(UBiDi *pBiDi, UBool orderParagraphsLTR);
+ * Is this Bidi object set to allocate level 0 to block separators so that
+ * successive paragraphs progress from left to right?
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ * @return TRUE if the Bidi object is set to allocate level 0 to block
+ *         separators.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ubidi_isOrderParagraphsLTR(UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * <code>UBiDiReorderingMode</code> values indicate which variant of the Bidi
+ * algorithm to use.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+typedef enum UBiDiReorderingMode {
+    /** Regular Logical to Visual Bidi algorithm according to Unicode.
+      * This is a 0 value.
+      * @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /** Logical to Visual algorithm which handles numbers in a way which
+      * mimics the behavior of Windows XP.
+      * @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /** Logical to Visual algorithm grouping numbers with adjacent R characters
+      * (reversible algorithm).
+      * @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /** Reorder runs only to transform a Logical LTR string to the Logical RTL
+      * string with the same display, or vice-versa.<br>
+      * If this mode is set together with option
+      * <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>, some Bidi controls in the source
+      * text may be removed and other controls may be added to produce the
+      * minimum combination which has the required display.
+      * @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /** Visual to Logical algorithm which handles numbers like L
+      * (same algorithm as selected by <code>ubidi_setInverse(TRUE)</code>.
+      * @see ubidi_setInverse
+      * @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /** Visual to Logical algorithm equivalent to the regular Logical to Visual
+      * algorithm.
+      * @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /** Inverse Bidi (Visual to Logical) algorithm for the
+      * <code>UBIDI_REORDER_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code> Bidi algorithm.
+      * @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /**
+     * Number of values for reordering mode.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UBiDiReorderingMode;
+ * Modify the operation of the Bidi algorithm such that it implements some
+ * variant to the basic Bidi algorithm or approximates an "inverse Bidi"
+ * algorithm, depending on different values of the "reordering mode".
+ * This function must be called before <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>, and stays
+ * in effect until called again with a different argument.
+ *
+ * <p>The normal operation of the Bidi algorithm as described
+ * in the Unicode Standard Annex #9 is to take text stored in logical
+ * (keyboard, typing) order and to determine how to reorder it for visual
+ * rendering.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>With the reordering mode set to a value other than
+ * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_DEFAULT</code>, this function changes the behavior of
+ * some of the subsequent functions in a way such that they implement an
+ * inverse Bidi algorithm or some other algorithm variants.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Some legacy systems store text in visual order, and for operations
+ * with standard, Unicode-based algorithms, the text needs to be transformed
+ * into logical order. This is effectively the inverse algorithm of the
+ * described Bidi algorithm. Note that there is no standard algorithm for
+ * this "inverse Bidi", so a number of variants are implemented here.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>In other cases, it may be desirable to emulate some variant of the
+ * Logical to Visual algorithm (e.g. one used in MS Windows), or perform a
+ * Logical to Logical transformation.</p>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>When the reordering mode is set to <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_DEFAULT</code>,
+ * the standard Bidi Logical to Visual algorithm is applied.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the reordering mode is set to
+ * the algorithm used to perform Bidi transformations when calling
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara</code> should approximate the algorithm used in
+ * Microsoft Windows XP rather than strictly conform to the Unicode Bidi
+ * algorithm.
+ * <br>
+ * The differences between the basic algorithm and the algorithm addressed
+ * by this option are as follows:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Within text at an even embedding level, the sequence "123AB"
+ *   (where AB represent R or AL letters) is transformed to "123BA" by the
+ *   Unicode algorithm and to "BA123" by the Windows algorithm.</li>
+ *   <li>Arabic-Indic numbers (AN) are handled by the Windows algorithm just
+ *   like regular numbers (EN).</li>
+ * </ul></li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the reordering mode is set to
+ * numbers located between LTR text and RTL text are associated with the RTL
+ * text. For instance, an LTR paragraph with content "abc 123 DEF" (where
+ * upper case letters represent RTL characters) will be transformed to
+ * "abc FED 123" (and not "abc 123 FED"), "DEF 123 abc" will be transformed
+ * to "123 FED abc" and "123 FED abc" will be transformed to "DEF 123 abc".
+ * This makes the algorithm reversible and makes it useful when round trip
+ * (from visual to logical and back to visual) must be achieved without
+ * adding LRM characters. However, this is a variation from the standard
+ * Unicode Bidi algorithm.<br>
+ * The source text should not contain Bidi control characters other than LRM
+ * or RLM.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the reordering mode is set to
+ * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_RUNS_ONLY</code>,
+ * a "Logical to Logical" transformation must be performed:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>If the default text level of the source text (argument <code>paraLevel</code>
+ * in <code>ubidi_setPara</code>) is even, the source text will be handled as
+ * LTR logical text and will be transformed to the RTL logical text which has
+ * the same LTR visual display.</li>
+ * <li>If the default level of the source text is odd, the source text
+ * will be handled as RTL logical text and will be transformed to the
+ * LTR logical text which has the same LTR visual display.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * This mode may be needed when logical text which is basically Arabic or
+ * Hebrew, with possible included numbers or phrases in English, has to be
+ * displayed as if it had an even embedding level (this can happen if the
+ * displaying application treats all text as if it was basically LTR).
+ * <br>
+ * This mode may also be needed in the reverse case, when logical text which is
+ * basically English, with possible included phrases in Arabic or Hebrew, has to
+ * be displayed as if it had an odd embedding level.
+ * <br>
+ * Both cases could be handled by adding LRE or RLE at the head of the text,
+ * if the display subsystem supports these formatting controls. If it does not,
+ * the problem may be handled by transforming the source text in this mode
+ * before displaying it, so that it will be displayed properly.<br>
+ * The source text should not contain Bidi control characters other than LRM
+ * or RLM.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the reordering mode is set to
+ * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code>, an "inverse Bidi" algorithm
+ * is applied.
+ * Runs of text with numeric characters will be treated like LTR letters and
+ * may need to be surrounded with LRM characters when they are written in
+ * reordered sequence (the option <code>#UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code> can
+ * be used with function <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code> to this end. This
+ * mode is equivalent to calling <code>ubidi_setInverse()</code> with
+ * argument <code>isInverse</code> set to <code>TRUE</code>.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the reordering mode is set to
+ * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT</code>, the "direct" Logical to Visual
+ * Bidi algorithm is used as an approximation of an "inverse Bidi" algorithm.
+ * This mode is similar to mode <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code>
+ * but is closer to the regular Bidi algorithm.
+ * <br>
+ * For example, an LTR paragraph with the content "FED 123 456 CBA" (where
+ * upper case represents RTL characters) will be transformed to
+ * "ABC 456 123 DEF", as opposed to "DEF 123 456 ABC"
+ * with mode <code>UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code>.<br>
+ * When used in conjunction with option
+ * <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>, this mode generally
+ * adds Bidi marks to the output significantly more sparingly than mode
+ * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code> with option
+ * <code>#UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code> in calls to
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code>.</li>
+ *
+ * <li>When the reordering mode is set to
+ * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code>, the Logical to Visual
+ * Bidi algorithm used in Windows XP is used as an approximation of an "inverse Bidi" algorithm.
+ * <br>
+ * For example, an LTR paragraph with the content "abc FED123" (where
+ * upper case represents RTL characters) will be transformed to "abc 123DEF."</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>In all the reordering modes specifying an "inverse Bidi" algorithm
+ * (i.e. those with a name starting with <code>UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE</code>),
+ * output runs should be retrieved using
+ * <code>ubidi_getVisualRun()</code>, and the output text with
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>. The caller should keep in mind that in
+ * "inverse Bidi" modes the input is actually visually ordered text and
+ * reordered output returned by <code>ubidi_getVisualRun()</code> or
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> are actually runs or character string
+ * of logically ordered output.<br>
+ * For all the "inverse Bidi" modes, the source text should not contain
+ * Bidi control characters other than LRM or RLM.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Note that option <code>#UBIDI_OUTPUT_REVERSE</code> of
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code> has no useful meaning and should not be
+ * used in conjunction with any value of the reordering mode specifying
+ * "inverse Bidi" or with value <code>UBIDI_REORDER_RUNS_ONLY</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ * @param reorderingMode specifies the required variant of the Bidi algorithm.
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiReorderingMode
+ * @see ubidi_setInverse
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ubidi_setReorderingMode(UBiDi *pBiDi, UBiDiReorderingMode reorderingMode);
+ * What is the requested reordering mode for a given Bidi object?
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ * @return the current reordering mode of the Bidi object
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE UBiDiReorderingMode U_EXPORT2
+ubidi_getReorderingMode(UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * <code>UBiDiReorderingOption</code> values indicate which options are
+ * specified to affect the Bidi algorithm.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingOptions
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+typedef enum UBiDiReorderingOption {
+    /**
+     * option value for <code>ubidi_setReorderingOptions</code>:
+     * disable all the options which can be set with this function
+     * @see ubidi_setReorderingOptions
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * option bit for <code>ubidi_setReorderingOptions</code>:
+     * insert Bidi marks (LRM or RLM) when needed to ensure correct result of
+     * a reordering to a Logical order
+     *
+     * <p>This option must be set or reset before calling
+     * <code>ubidi_setPara</code>.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This option is significant only with reordering modes which generate
+     * a result with Logical order, specifically:</p>
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li><code>#UBIDI_REORDER_RUNS_ONLY</code></li>
+     *   <li><code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code></li>
+     *   <li><code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT</code></li>
+     *   <li><code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code></li>
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>If this option is set in conjunction with reordering mode
+     * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code> or with calling
+     * <code>ubidi_setInverse(TRUE)</code>, it implies
+     * option <code>#UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>
+     * in calls to function <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>For other reordering modes, a minimum number of LRM or RLM characters
+     * will be added to the source text after reordering it so as to ensure
+     * round trip, i.e. when applying the inverse reordering mode on the
+     * resulting logical text with removal of Bidi marks
+     * (option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code> set before calling
+     * <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> or option <code>#UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code>
+     * in <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code>), the result will be identical to the
+     * source text in the first transformation.
+     *
+     * <p>This option will be ignored if specified together with option
+     * <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>. It inhibits option
+     * <code>UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code> in calls to function
+     * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> and it implies option
+     * <code>#UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code> in calls to function
+     * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> if the reordering mode is
+     * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code>.</p>
+     *
+     * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+     * @see ubidi_setReorderingOptions
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * option bit for <code>ubidi_setReorderingOptions</code>:
+     * remove Bidi control characters
+     *
+     * <p>This option must be set or reset before calling
+     * <code>ubidi_setPara</code>.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This option nullifies option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>.
+     * It inhibits option <code>#UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code> in calls
+     * to function <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> and it implies option
+     * <code>#UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code> in calls to that function.</p>
+     *
+     * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+     * @see ubidi_setReorderingOptions
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * option bit for <code>ubidi_setReorderingOptions</code>:
+     * process the output as part of a stream to be continued
+     *
+     * <p>This option must be set or reset before calling
+     * <code>ubidi_setPara</code>.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This option specifies that the caller is interested in processing large
+     * text object in parts.
+     * The results of the successive calls are expected to be concatenated by the
+     * caller. Only the call for the last part will have this option bit off.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>When this option bit is on, <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> may process
+     * less than the full source text in order to truncate the text at a meaningful
+     * boundary. The caller should call <code>ubidi_getProcessedLength()</code>
+     * immediately after calling <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> in order to
+     * determine how much of the source text has been processed.
+     * Source text beyond that length should be resubmitted in following calls to
+     * <code>ubidi_setPara</code>. The processed length may be less than
+     * the length of the source text if a character preceding the last character of
+     * the source text constitutes a reasonable boundary (like a block separator)
+     * for text to be continued.<br>
+     * If the last character of the source text constitutes a reasonable
+     * boundary, the whole text will be processed at once.<br>
+     * If nowhere in the source text there exists
+     * such a reasonable boundary, the processed length will be zero.<br>
+     * The caller should check for such an occurrence and do one of the following:
+     * <ul><li>submit a larger amount of text with a better chance to include
+     *         a reasonable boundary.</li>
+     *     <li>resubmit the same text after turning off option
+     *         <code>UBIDI_OPTION_STREAMING</code>.</li></ul>
+     * In all cases, this option should be turned off before processing the last
+     * part of the text.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>When the <code>UBIDI_OPTION_STREAMING</code> option is used,
+     * it is recommended to call <code>ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR()</code> with
+     * argument <code>orderParagraphsLTR</code> set to <code>TRUE</code> before
+     * calling <code>ubidi_setPara</code> so that later paragraphs may be
+     * concatenated to previous paragraphs on the right.</p>
+     *
+     * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+     * @see ubidi_setReorderingOptions
+     * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+     * @see ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+} UBiDiReorderingOption;
+ * Specify which of the reordering options
+ * should be applied during Bidi transformations.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ * @param reorderingOptions is a combination of zero or more of the following
+ * options:
+ * <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_DEFAULT</code>, <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>,
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getReorderingOptions
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ubidi_setReorderingOptions(UBiDi *pBiDi, uint32_t reorderingOptions);
+ * What are the reordering options applied to a given Bidi object?
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ * @return the current reordering options of the Bidi object
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingOptions
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+ubidi_getReorderingOptions(UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Set the context before a call to ubidi_setPara().<p>
+ *
+ * ubidi_setPara() computes the left-right directionality for a given piece
+ * of text which is supplied as one of its arguments. Sometimes this piece
+ * of text (the "main text") should be considered in context, because text
+ * appearing before ("prologue") and/or after ("epilogue") the main text
+ * may affect the result of this computation.<p>
+ *
+ * This function specifies the prologue and/or the epilogue for the next
+ * call to ubidi_setPara(). The characters specified as prologue and
+ * epilogue should not be modified by the calling program until the call
+ * to ubidi_setPara() has returned. If successive calls to ubidi_setPara()
+ * all need specification of a context, ubidi_setContext() must be called
+ * before each call to ubidi_setPara(). In other words, a context is not
+ * "remembered" after the following successful call to ubidi_setPara().<p>
+ *
+ * If a call to ubidi_setPara() specifies UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR or
+ * UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL as paraLevel and is preceded by a call to
+ * ubidi_setContext() which specifies a prologue, the paragraph level will
+ * be computed taking in consideration the text in the prologue.<p>
+ *
+ * When ubidi_setPara() is called without a previous call to
+ * ubidi_setContext, the main text is handled as if preceded and followed
+ * by strong directional characters at the current paragraph level.
+ * Calling ubidi_setContext() with specification of a prologue will change
+ * this behavior by handling the main text as if preceded by the last
+ * strong character appearing in the prologue, if any.
+ * Calling ubidi_setContext() with specification of an epilogue will change
+ * the behavior of ubidi_setPara() by handling the main text as if followed
+ * by the first strong character or digit appearing in the epilogue, if any.<p>
+ *
+ * Note 1: if <code>ubidi_setContext</code> is called repeatedly without
+ *         calling <code>ubidi_setPara</code>, the earlier calls have no effect,
+ *         only the last call will be remembered for the next call to
+ *         <code>ubidi_setPara</code>.<p>
+ *
+ * Note 2: calling <code>ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &errorCode)</code>
+ *         cancels any previous setting of non-empty prologue or epilogue.
+ *         The next call to <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> will process no
+ *         prologue or epilogue.<p>
+ *
+ * Note 3: users must be aware that even after setting the context
+ *         before a call to ubidi_setPara() to perform e.g. a logical to visual
+ *         transformation, the resulting string may not be identical to what it
+ *         would have been if all the text, including prologue and epilogue, had
+ *         been processed together.<br>
+ * Example (upper case letters represent RTL characters):<br>
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp;prologue = "<code>abc DE</code>"<br>
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp;epilogue = none<br>
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp;main text = "<code>FGH xyz</code>"<br>
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp;paraLevel = UBIDI_LTR<br>
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp;display without prologue = "<code>HGF xyz</code>"
+ *             ("HGF" is adjacent to "xyz")<br>
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp;display with prologue = "<code>abc HGFED xyz</code>"
+ *             ("HGF" is not adjacent to "xyz")<br>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is a paragraph <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param prologue is a pointer to the text which precedes the text that
+ *        will be specified in a coming call to ubidi_setPara().
+ *        If there is no prologue to consider, then <code>proLength</code>
+ *        must be zero and this pointer can be NULL.
+ *
+ * @param proLength is the length of the prologue; if <code>proLength==-1</code>
+ *        then the prologue must be zero-terminated.
+ *        Otherwise proLength must be >= 0. If <code>proLength==0</code>, it means
+ *        that there is no prologue to consider.
+ *
+ * @param epilogue is a pointer to the text which follows the text that
+ *        will be specified in a coming call to ubidi_setPara().
+ *        If there is no epilogue to consider, then <code>epiLength</code>
+ *        must be zero and this pointer can be NULL.
+ *
+ * @param epiLength is the length of the epilogue; if <code>epiLength==-1</code>
+ *        then the epilogue must be zero-terminated.
+ *        Otherwise epiLength must be >= 0. If <code>epiLength==0</code>, it means
+ *        that there is no epilogue to consider.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+ubidi_setContext(UBiDi *pBiDi,
+                 const UChar *prologue, int32_t proLength,
+                 const UChar *epilogue, int32_t epiLength,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Perform the Unicode Bidi algorithm. It is defined in the
+ * <a href="">Unicode Standard Annex #9</a>,
+ * version 13,
+ * also described in The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 .<p>
+ *
+ * This function takes a piece of plain text containing one or more paragraphs,
+ * with or without externally specified embedding levels from <i>styled</i>
+ * text and computes the left-right-directionality of each character.<p>
+ *
+ * If the entire text is all of the same directionality, then
+ * the function may not perform all the steps described by the algorithm,
+ * i.e., some levels may not be the same as if all steps were performed.
+ * This is not relevant for unidirectional text.<br>
+ * For example, in pure LTR text with numbers the numbers would get
+ * a resolved level of 2 higher than the surrounding text according to
+ * the algorithm. This implementation may set all resolved levels to
+ * the same value in such a case.<p>
+ *
+ * The text can be composed of multiple paragraphs. Occurrence of a block
+ * separator in the text terminates a paragraph, and whatever comes next starts
+ * a new paragraph. The exception to this rule is when a Carriage Return (CR)
+ * is followed by a Line Feed (LF). Both CR and LF are block separators, but
+ * in that case, the pair of characters is considered as terminating the
+ * preceding paragraph, and a new paragraph will be started by a character
+ * coming after the LF.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi A <code>UBiDi</code> object allocated with <code>ubidi_open()</code>
+ *        which will be set to contain the reordering information,
+ *        especially the resolved levels for all the characters in <code>text</code>.
+ *
+ * @param text is a pointer to the text that the Bidi algorithm will be performed on.
+ *        This pointer is stored in the UBiDi object and can be retrieved
+ *        with <code>ubidi_getText()</code>.<br>
+ *        <strong>Note:</strong> the text must be (at least) <code>length</code> long.
+ *
+ * @param length is the length of the text; if <code>length==-1</code> then
+ *        the text must be zero-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param paraLevel specifies the default level for the text;
+ *        it is typically 0 (LTR) or 1 (RTL).
+ *        If the function shall determine the paragraph level from the text,
+ *        then <code>paraLevel</code> can be set to
+ *        either <code>#UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR</code>
+ *        or <code>#UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL</code>; if the text contains multiple
+ *        paragraphs, the paragraph level shall be determined separately for
+ *        each paragraph; if a paragraph does not include any strongly typed
+ *        character, then the desired default is used (0 for LTR or 1 for RTL).
+ *        Any other value between 0 and <code>#UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL</code>
+ *        is also valid, with odd levels indicating RTL.
+ *
+ * @param embeddingLevels (in) may be used to preset the embedding and override levels,
+ *        ignoring characters like LRE and PDF in the text.
+ *        A level overrides the directional property of its corresponding
+ *        (same index) character if the level has the
+ *        <code>#UBIDI_LEVEL_OVERRIDE</code> bit set.<br><br>
+ *        Aside from that bit, it must be
+ *        <code>paraLevel<=embeddingLevels[]<=UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL</code>,
+ *        except that level 0 is always allowed.
+ *        Level 0 for a paragraph separator prevents reordering of paragraphs;
+ *        this only works reliably if <code>#UBIDI_LEVEL_OVERRIDE</code>
+ *        is also set for paragraph separators.
+ *        Level 0 for other characters is treated as a wildcard
+ *        and is lifted up to the resolved level of the surrounding paragraph.<br><br>
+ *        <strong>Caution: </strong>A copy of this pointer, not of the levels,
+ *        will be stored in the <code>UBiDi</code> object;
+ *        the <code>embeddingLevels</code> array must not be
+ *        deallocated before the <code>UBiDi</code> structure is destroyed or reused,
+ *        and the <code>embeddingLevels</code>
+ *        should not be modified to avoid unexpected results on subsequent Bidi operations.
+ *        However, the <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> and
+ *        <code>ubidi_setLine()</code> functions may modify some or all of the levels.<br><br>
+ *        After the <code>UBiDi</code> object is reused or destroyed, the caller
+ *        must take care of the deallocation of the <code>embeddingLevels</code> array.<br><br>
+ *        <strong>Note:</strong> the <code>embeddingLevels</code> array must be
+ *        at least <code>length</code> long.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_setPara(UBiDi *pBiDi, const UChar *text, int32_t length,
+              UBiDiLevel paraLevel, UBiDiLevel *embeddingLevels,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * <code>ubidi_setLine()</code> sets a <code>UBiDi</code> to
+ * contain the reordering information, especially the resolved levels,
+ * for all the characters in a line of text. This line of text is
+ * specified by referring to a <code>UBiDi</code> object representing
+ * this information for a piece of text containing one or more paragraphs,
+ * and by specifying a range of indexes in this text.<p>
+ * In the new line object, the indexes will range from 0 to <code>limit-start-1</code>.<p>
+ *
+ * This is used after calling <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>
+ * for a piece of text, and after line-breaking on that text.
+ * It is not necessary if each paragraph is treated as a single line.<p>
+ *
+ * After line-breaking, rules (L1) and (L2) for the treatment of
+ * trailing WS and for reordering are performed on
+ * a <code>UBiDi</code> object that represents a line.<p>
+ *
+ * <strong>Important: </strong><code>pLineBiDi</code> shares data with
+ * <code>pParaBiDi</code>.
+ * You must destroy or reuse <code>pLineBiDi</code> before <code>pParaBiDi</code>.
+ * In other words, you must destroy or reuse the <code>UBiDi</code> object for a line
+ * before the object for its parent paragraph.<p>
+ *
+ * The text pointer that was stored in <code>pParaBiDi</code> is also copied,
+ * and <code>start</code> is added to it so that it points to the beginning of the
+ * line for this object.
+ *
+ * @param pParaBiDi is the parent paragraph object. It must have been set
+ * by a successful call to ubidi_setPara.
+ *
+ * @param start is the line's first index into the text.
+ *
+ * @param limit is just behind the line's last index into the text
+ *        (its last index +1).<br>
+ *        It must be <code>0<=start<limit<=</code>containing paragraph limit.
+ *        If the specified line crosses a paragraph boundary, the function
+ *        will terminate with error code U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ *
+ * @param pLineBiDi is the object that will now represent a line of the text.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_setLine(const UBiDi *pParaBiDi,
+              int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+              UBiDi *pLineBiDi,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the directionality of the text.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return a value of <code>UBIDI_LTR</code>, <code>UBIDI_RTL</code>
+ *         or <code>UBIDI_MIXED</code>
+ *         that indicates if the entire text
+ *         represented by this object is unidirectional,
+ *         and which direction, or if it is mixed-directional.
+ * Note -  The value <code>UBIDI_NEUTRAL</code> is never returned from this method.
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiDirection
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getDirection(const UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Gets the base direction of the text provided according
+ * to the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. The base direction
+ * is derived from the first character in the string with bidirectional
+ * character type L, R, or AL. If the first such character has type L,
+ * <code>UBIDI_LTR</code> is returned. If the first such character has
+ * type R or AL, <code>UBIDI_RTL</code> is returned. If the string does
+ * not contain any character of these types, then
+ * <code>UBIDI_NEUTRAL</code> is returned.
+ *
+ * This is a lightweight function for use when only the base direction
+ * is needed and no further bidi processing of the text is needed.
+ *
+ * @param text is a pointer to the text whose base
+ *             direction is needed.
+ * Note: the text must be (at least) @c length long.
+ *
+ * @param length is the length of the text;
+ *               if <code>length==-1</code> then the text
+ *               must be zero-terminated.
+ *
+ * @return  <code>UBIDI_LTR</code>, <code>UBIDI_RTL</code>,
+ *          <code>UBIDI_NEUTRAL</code>
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiDirection
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+ubidi_getBaseDirection(const UChar *text,  int32_t length );
+ * Get the pointer to the text.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return The pointer to the text that the UBiDi object was created for.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @see ubidi_setLine
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+ubidi_getText(const UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Get the length of the text.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return The length of the text that the UBiDi object was created for.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getLength(const UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Get the paragraph level of the text.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return The paragraph level. If there are multiple paragraphs, their
+ *         level may vary if the required paraLevel is UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR or
+ *         UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL.  In that case, the level of the first paragraph
+ *         is returned.
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiLevel
+ * @see ubidi_getParagraph
+ * @see ubidi_getParagraphByIndex
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getParaLevel(const UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Get the number of paragraphs.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return The number of paragraphs.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ubidi_countParagraphs(UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Get a paragraph, given a position within the text.
+ * This function returns information about a paragraph.<br>
+ * Note: if the paragraph index is known, it is more efficient to
+ * retrieve the paragraph information using ubidi_getParagraphByIndex().<p>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param charIndex is the index of a character within the text, in the
+ *        range <code>[0..ubidi_getProcessedLength(pBiDi)-1]</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pParaStart will receive the index of the first character of the
+ *        paragraph in the text.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pParaLimit will receive the limit of the paragraph.
+ *        The l-value that you point to here may be the
+ *        same expression (variable) as the one for
+ *        <code>charIndex</code>.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pParaLevel will receive the level of the paragraph.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The index of the paragraph containing the specified position.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ubidi_getParagraph(const UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t charIndex, int32_t *pParaStart,
+                   int32_t *pParaLimit, UBiDiLevel *pParaLevel,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get a paragraph, given the index of this paragraph.
+ *
+ * This function returns information about a paragraph.<p>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param paraIndex is the number of the paragraph, in the
+ *        range <code>[0..ubidi_countParagraphs(pBiDi)-1]</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pParaStart will receive the index of the first character of the
+ *        paragraph in the text.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pParaLimit will receive the limit of the paragraph.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pParaLevel will receive the level of the paragraph.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ubidi_getParagraphByIndex(const UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t paraIndex,
+                          int32_t *pParaStart, int32_t *pParaLimit,
+                          UBiDiLevel *pParaLevel, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the level for one character.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param charIndex the index of a character. It must be in the range
+ *         [0..ubidi_getProcessedLength(pBiDi)].
+ *
+ * @return The level for the character at charIndex (0 if charIndex is not
+ *         in the valid range).
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiLevel
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getLevelAt(const UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t charIndex);
+ * Get an array of levels for each character.<p>
+ *
+ * Note that this function may allocate memory under some
+ * circumstances, unlike <code>ubidi_getLevelAt()</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object, whose
+ *        text length must be strictly positive.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The levels array for the text,
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if an error occurs.
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiLevel
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UBiDiLevel * U_EXPORT2
+ubidi_getLevels(UBiDi *pBiDi, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get a logical run.
+ * This function returns information about a run and is used
+ * to retrieve runs in logical order.<p>
+ * This is especially useful for line-breaking on a paragraph.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param logicalPosition is a logical position within the source text.
+ *
+ * @param pLogicalLimit will receive the limit of the corresponding run.
+ *        The l-value that you point to here may be the
+ *        same expression (variable) as the one for
+ *        <code>logicalPosition</code>.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @param pLevel will receive the level of the corresponding run.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if this
+ *        value is not necessary.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getLogicalRun(const UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t logicalPosition,
+                    int32_t *pLogicalLimit, UBiDiLevel *pLevel);
+ * Get the number of runs.
+ * This function may invoke the actual reordering on the
+ * <code>UBiDi</code> object, after <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>
+ * may have resolved only the levels of the text. Therefore,
+ * <code>ubidi_countRuns()</code> may have to allocate memory,
+ * and may fail doing so.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The number of runs.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_countRuns(UBiDi *pBiDi, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get one run's logical start, length, and directionality,
+ * which can be 0 for LTR or 1 for RTL.
+ * In an RTL run, the character at the logical start is
+ * visually on the right of the displayed run.
+ * The length is the number of characters in the run.<p>
+ * <code>ubidi_countRuns()</code> should be called
+ * before the runs are retrieved.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param runIndex is the number of the run in visual order, in the
+ *        range <code>[0..ubidi_countRuns(pBiDi)-1]</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pLogicalStart is the first logical character index in the text.
+ *        The pointer may be <code>NULL</code> if this index is not needed.
+ *
+ * @param pLength is the number of characters (at least one) in the run.
+ *        The pointer may be <code>NULL</code> if this is not needed.
+ *
+ * @return the directionality of the run,
+ *         <code>UBIDI_LTR==0</code> or <code>UBIDI_RTL==1</code>,
+ *         never <code>UBIDI_MIXED</code>,
+ *         never <code>UBIDI_NEUTRAL</code>.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_countRuns
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * int32_t i, count=ubidi_countRuns(pBiDi),
+ *         logicalStart, visualIndex=0, length;
+ * for(i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+ *    if(UBIDI_LTR==ubidi_getVisualRun(pBiDi, i, &logicalStart, &length)) {
+ *         do { // LTR
+ *             show_char(text[logicalStart++], visualIndex++);
+ *         } while(--length>0);
+ *     } else {
+ *         logicalStart+=length;  // logicalLimit
+ *         do { // RTL
+ *             show_char(text[--logicalStart], visualIndex++);
+ *         } while(--length>0);
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *\endcode
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * Note that in right-to-left runs, code like this places
+ * second surrogates before first ones (which is generally a bad idea)
+ * and combining characters before base characters.
+ * <p>
+ * Use of <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>, optionally with the
+ * <code>#UBIDI_KEEP_BASE_COMBINING</code> option, can be considered in order
+ * to avoid these issues.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getVisualRun(UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t runIndex,
+                   int32_t *pLogicalStart, int32_t *pLength);
+ * Get the visual position from a logical text position.
+ * If such a mapping is used many times on the same
+ * <code>UBiDi</code> object, then calling
+ * <code>ubidi_getLogicalMap()</code> is more efficient.<p>
+ *
+ * The value returned may be <code>#UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code> if there is no
+ * visual position because the corresponding text character is a Bidi control
+ * removed from output by the option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * When the visual output is altered by using options of
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> such as <code>UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>,
+ * <code>UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code>, the visual position returned may not
+ * be correct. It is advised to use, when possible, reordering options
+ * such as <code>UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> and <code>UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * Note that in right-to-left runs, this mapping places
+ * second surrogates before first ones (which is generally a bad idea)
+ * and combining characters before base characters.
+ * Use of <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>, optionally with the
+ * <code>#UBIDI_KEEP_BASE_COMBINING</code> option can be considered instead
+ * of using the mapping, in order to avoid these issues.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param logicalIndex is the index of a character in the text.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The visual position of this character.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getLogicalMap
+ * @see ubidi_getLogicalIndex
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getVisualIndex(UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t logicalIndex, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the logical text position from a visual position.
+ * If such a mapping is used many times on the same
+ * <code>UBiDi</code> object, then calling
+ * <code>ubidi_getVisualMap()</code> is more efficient.<p>
+ *
+ * The value returned may be <code>#UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code> if there is no
+ * logical position because the corresponding text character is a Bidi mark
+ * inserted in the output by option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * This is the inverse function to <code>ubidi_getVisualIndex()</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * When the visual output is altered by using options of
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> such as <code>UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>,
+ * <code>UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code>, the logical position returned may not
+ * be correct. It is advised to use, when possible, reordering options
+ * such as <code>UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> and <code>UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param visualIndex is the visual position of a character.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The index of this character in the text.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getVisualMap
+ * @see ubidi_getVisualIndex
+ * @see ubidi_getResultLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getLogicalIndex(UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t visualIndex, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get a logical-to-visual index map (array) for the characters in the UBiDi
+ * (paragraph or line) object.
+ * <p>
+ * Some values in the map may be <code>#UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code> if the
+ * corresponding text characters are Bidi controls removed from the visual
+ * output by the option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * When the visual output is altered by using options of
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> such as <code>UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>,
+ * <code>UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code>, the visual positions returned may not
+ * be correct. It is advised to use, when possible, reordering options
+ * such as <code>UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> and <code>UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * Note that in right-to-left runs, this mapping places
+ * second surrogates before first ones (which is generally a bad idea)
+ * and combining characters before base characters.
+ * Use of <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>, optionally with the
+ * <code>#UBIDI_KEEP_BASE_COMBINING</code> option can be considered instead
+ * of using the mapping, in order to avoid these issues.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param indexMap is a pointer to an array of <code>ubidi_getProcessedLength()</code>
+ *        indexes which will reflect the reordering of the characters.
+ *        If option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> is set, the number
+ *        of elements allocated in <code>indexMap</code> must be no less than
+ *        <code>ubidi_getResultLength()</code>.
+ *        The array does not need to be initialized.<br><br>
+ *        The index map will result in <code>indexMap[logicalIndex]==visualIndex</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getVisualMap
+ * @see ubidi_getVisualIndex
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @see ubidi_getResultLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getLogicalMap(UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t *indexMap, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get a visual-to-logical index map (array) for the characters in the UBiDi
+ * (paragraph or line) object.
+ * <p>
+ * Some values in the map may be <code>#UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code> if the
+ * corresponding text characters are Bidi marks inserted in the visual output
+ * by the option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * When the visual output is altered by using options of
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code> such as <code>UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>,
+ * <code>UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code>, the logical positions returned may not
+ * be correct. It is advised to use, when possible, reordering options
+ * such as <code>UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> and <code>UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph or line <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param indexMap is a pointer to an array of <code>ubidi_getResultLength()</code>
+ *        indexes which will reflect the reordering of the characters.
+ *        If option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code> is set, the number
+ *        of elements allocated in <code>indexMap</code> must be no less than
+ *        <code>ubidi_getProcessedLength()</code>.
+ *        The array does not need to be initialized.<br><br>
+ *        The index map will result in <code>indexMap[visualIndex]==logicalIndex</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getLogicalMap
+ * @see ubidi_getLogicalIndex
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @see ubidi_getResultLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_getVisualMap(UBiDi *pBiDi, int32_t *indexMap, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * This is a convenience function that does not use a UBiDi object.
+ * It is intended to be used for when an application has determined the levels
+ * of objects (character sequences) and just needs to have them reordered (L2).
+ * This is equivalent to using <code>ubidi_getLogicalMap()</code> on a
+ * <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param levels is an array with <code>length</code> levels that have been determined by
+ *        the application.
+ *
+ * @param length is the number of levels in the array, or, semantically,
+ *        the number of objects to be reordered.
+ *        It must be <code>length>0</code>.
+ *
+ * @param indexMap is a pointer to an array of <code>length</code>
+ *        indexes which will reflect the reordering of the characters.
+ *        The array does not need to be initialized.<p>
+ *        The index map will result in <code>indexMap[logicalIndex]==visualIndex</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_reorderLogical(const UBiDiLevel *levels, int32_t length, int32_t *indexMap);
+ * This is a convenience function that does not use a UBiDi object.
+ * It is intended to be used for when an application has determined the levels
+ * of objects (character sequences) and just needs to have them reordered (L2).
+ * This is equivalent to using <code>ubidi_getVisualMap()</code> on a
+ * <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param levels is an array with <code>length</code> levels that have been determined by
+ *        the application.
+ *
+ * @param length is the number of levels in the array, or, semantically,
+ *        the number of objects to be reordered.
+ *        It must be <code>length>0</code>.
+ *
+ * @param indexMap is a pointer to an array of <code>length</code>
+ *        indexes which will reflect the reordering of the characters.
+ *        The array does not need to be initialized.<p>
+ *        The index map will result in <code>indexMap[visualIndex]==logicalIndex</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_reorderVisual(const UBiDiLevel *levels, int32_t length, int32_t *indexMap);
+ * Invert an index map.
+ * The index mapping of the first map is inverted and written to
+ * the second one.
+ *
+ * @param srcMap is an array with <code>length</code> elements
+ *        which defines the original mapping from a source array containing
+ *        <code>length</code> elements to a destination array.
+ *        Some elements of the source array may have no mapping in the
+ *        destination array. In that case, their value will be
+ *        the special value <code>UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code>.
+ *        All elements must be >=0 or equal to <code>UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code>.
+ *        Some elements may have a value >= <code>length</code>, if the
+ *        destination array has more elements than the source array.
+ *        There must be no duplicate indexes (two or more elements with the
+ *        same value except <code>UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code>).
+ *
+ * @param destMap is an array with a number of elements equal to 1 + the highest
+ *        value in <code>srcMap</code>.
+ *        <code>destMap</code> will be filled with the inverse mapping.
+ *        If element with index i in <code>srcMap</code> has a value k different
+ *        from <code>UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code>, this means that element i of
+ *        the source array maps to element k in the destination array.
+ *        The inverse map will have value i in its k-th element.
+ *        For all elements of the destination array which do not map to
+ *        an element in the source array, the corresponding element in the
+ *        inverse map will have a value equal to <code>UBIDI_MAP_NOWHERE</code>.
+ *
+ * @param length is the length of each array.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_invertMap(const int32_t *srcMap, int32_t *destMap, int32_t length);
+/** option flags for ubidi_writeReordered() */
+ * option bit for ubidi_writeReordered():
+ * keep combining characters after their base characters in RTL runs
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * option bit for ubidi_writeReordered():
+ * replace characters with the "mirrored" property in RTL runs
+ * by their mirror-image mappings
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING              2
+ * option bit for ubidi_writeReordered():
+ * surround the run with LRMs if necessary;
+ * this is part of the approximate "inverse Bidi" algorithm
+ *
+ * <p>This option does not imply corresponding adjustment of the index
+ * mappings.</p>
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setInverse
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * option bit for ubidi_writeReordered():
+ * remove Bidi control characters
+ * (this does not affect #UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC)
+ *
+ * <p>This option does not imply corresponding adjustment of the index
+ * mappings.</p>
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * option bit for ubidi_writeReordered():
+ * write the output in reverse order
+ *
+ * <p>This has the same effect as calling <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>
+ * first without this option, and then calling
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReverse()</code> without mirroring.
+ * Doing this in the same step is faster and avoids a temporary buffer.
+ * An example for using this option is output to a character terminal that
+ * is designed for RTL scripts and stores text in reverse order.</p>
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UBIDI_OUTPUT_REVERSE            16
+ * Get the length of the source text processed by the last call to
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>. This length may be different from the length
+ * of the source text if option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_STREAMING</code>
+ * has been set.
+ * <br>
+ * Note that whenever the length of the text affects the execution or the
+ * result of a function, it is the processed length which must be considered,
+ * except for <code>ubidi_setPara</code> (which receives unprocessed source
+ * text) and <code>ubidi_getLength</code> (which returns the original length
+ * of the source text).<br>
+ * In particular, the processed length is the one to consider in the following
+ * cases:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>maximum value of the <code>limit</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_setLine</code></li>
+ * <li>maximum value of the <code>charIndex</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_getParagraph</code></li>
+ * <li>maximum value of the <code>charIndex</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_getLevelAt</code></li>
+ * <li>number of elements in the array returned by <code>ubidi_getLevels</code></li>
+ * <li>maximum value of the <code>logicalStart</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_getLogicalRun</code></li>
+ * <li>maximum value of the <code>logicalIndex</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_getVisualIndex</code></li>
+ * <li>number of elements filled in the <code>*indexMap</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_getLogicalMap</code></li>
+ * <li>length of text processed by <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code></li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return The length of the part of the source text processed by
+ *         the last call to <code>ubidi_setPara</code>.
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ubidi_getProcessedLength(const UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Get the length of the reordered text resulting from the last call to
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara()</code>. This length may be different from the length
+ * of the source text if option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>
+ * or option <code>#UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code> has been set.
+ * <br>
+ * This resulting length is the one to consider in the following cases:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>maximum value of the <code>visualIndex</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_getLogicalIndex</code></li>
+ * <li>number of elements of the <code>*indexMap</code> argument of
+ * <code>ubidi_getVisualMap</code></li>
+ * </ul>
+ * Note that this length stays identical to the source text length if
+ * Bidi marks are inserted or removed using option bits of
+ * <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code>, or if option
+ * <code>#UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code> has been set.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return The length of the reordered text resulting from
+ *         the last call to <code>ubidi_setPara</code>.
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ubidi_getResultLength(const UBiDi *pBiDi);
+ * Value returned by <code>UBiDiClassCallback</code> callbacks when
+ * there is no need to override the standard Bidi class for a given code point.
+ *
+ * This constant is deprecated; use u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS)+1 instead.
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiClassCallback
+ * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+ */
+ * Callback type declaration for overriding default Bidi class values with
+ * custom ones.
+ * <p>Usually, the function pointer will be propagated to a <code>UBiDi</code>
+ * object by calling the <code>ubidi_setClassCallback()</code> function;
+ * then the callback will be invoked by the UBA implementation any time the
+ * class of a character is to be determined.</p>
+ *
+ * @param context is a pointer to the callback private data.
+ *
+ * @param c       is the code point to get a Bidi class for.
+ *
+ * @return The directional property / Bidi class for the given code point
+ *         <code>c</code> if the default class has been overridden, or
+ *         <code>u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS)+1</code>
+ *         if the standard Bidi class value for <code>c</code> is to be used.
+ * @see ubidi_setClassCallback
+ * @see ubidi_getClassCallback
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+typedef UCharDirection U_CALLCONV
+UBiDiClassCallback(const void *context, UChar32 c);
+ * Retrieve the Bidi class for a given code point.
+ * <p>If a <code>#UBiDiClassCallback</code> callback is defined and returns a
+ * value other than <code>u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS)+1</code>,
+ * that value is used; otherwise the default class determination mechanism is invoked.</p>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param c     is the code point whose Bidi class must be retrieved.
+ *
+ * @return The Bidi class for character <code>c</code> based
+ *         on the given <code>pBiDi</code> instance.
+ * @see UBiDiClassCallback
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE UCharDirection U_EXPORT2
+ubidi_getCustomizedClass(UBiDi *pBiDi, UChar32 c);
+ * Set the callback function and callback data used by the UBA
+ * implementation for Bidi class determination.
+ * <p>This may be useful for assigning Bidi classes to PUA characters, or
+ * for special application needs. For instance, an application may want to
+ * handle all spaces like L or R characters (according to the base direction)
+ * when creating the visual ordering of logical lines which are part of a report
+ * organized in columns: there should not be interaction between adjacent
+ * cells.<p>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param newFn is the new callback function pointer.
+ *
+ * @param newContext is the new callback context pointer. This can be NULL.
+ *
+ * @param oldFn fillin: Returns the old callback function pointer. This can be
+ *                      NULL.
+ *
+ * @param oldContext fillin: Returns the old callback's context. This can be
+ *                           NULL.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getClassCallback
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ubidi_setClassCallback(UBiDi *pBiDi, UBiDiClassCallback *newFn,
+                       const void *newContext, UBiDiClassCallback **oldFn,
+                       const void **oldContext, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the current callback function used for Bidi class determination.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi is the paragraph <code>UBiDi</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param fn fillin: Returns the callback function pointer.
+ *
+ * @param context fillin: Returns the callback's private context.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_setClassCallback
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ubidi_getClassCallback(UBiDi *pBiDi, UBiDiClassCallback **fn, const void **context);
+ * Take a <code>UBiDi</code> object containing the reordering
+ * information for a piece of text (one or more paragraphs) set by
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> or for a line of text set by
+ * <code>ubidi_setLine()</code> and write a reordered string to the
+ * destination buffer.
+ *
+ * This function preserves the integrity of characters with multiple
+ * code units and (optionally) combining characters.
+ * Characters in RTL runs can be replaced by mirror-image characters
+ * in the destination buffer. Note that "real" mirroring has
+ * to be done in a rendering engine by glyph selection
+ * and that for many "mirrored" characters there are no
+ * Unicode characters as mirror-image equivalents.
+ * There are also options to insert or remove Bidi control
+ * characters; see the description of the <code>destSize</code>
+ * and <code>options</code> parameters and of the option bit flags.
+ *
+ * @param pBiDi A pointer to a <code>UBiDi</code> object that
+ *              is set by <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> or
+ *              <code>ubidi_setLine()</code> and contains the reordering
+ *              information for the text that it was defined for,
+ *              as well as a pointer to that text.<br><br>
+ *              The text was aliased (only the pointer was stored
+ *              without copying the contents) and must not have been modified
+ *              since the <code>ubidi_setPara()</code> call.
+ *
+ * @param dest A pointer to where the reordered text is to be copied.
+ *             The source text and <code>dest[destSize]</code>
+ *             must not overlap.
+ *
+ * @param destSize The size of the <code>dest</code> buffer,
+ *                 in number of UChars.
+ *                 If the <code>UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>
+ *                 option is set, then the destination length could be
+ *                 as large as
+ *                 <code>ubidi_getLength(pBiDi)+2*ubidi_countRuns(pBiDi)</code>.
+ *                 If the <code>UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code> option
+ *                 is set, then the destination length may be less than
+ *                 <code>ubidi_getLength(pBiDi)</code>.
+ *                 If none of these options is set, then the destination length
+ *                 will be exactly <code>ubidi_getProcessedLength(pBiDi)</code>.
+ *
+ * @param options A bit set of options for the reordering that control
+ *                how the reordered text is written.
+ *                The options include mirroring the characters on a code
+ *                point basis and inserting LRM characters, which is used
+ *                especially for transforming visually stored text
+ *                to logically stored text (although this is still an
+ *                imperfect implementation of an "inverse Bidi" algorithm
+ *                because it uses the "forward Bidi" algorithm at its core).
+ *                The available options are:
+ *                <code>#UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING</code>,
+ *                <code>#UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>,
+ *                <code>#UBIDI_KEEP_BASE_COMBINING</code>,
+ *                <code>#UBIDI_OUTPUT_REVERSE</code>,
+ *                <code>#UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code>
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The length of the output string.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_getProcessedLength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_writeReordered(UBiDi *pBiDi,
+                     UChar *dest, int32_t destSize,
+                     uint16_t options,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Reverse a Right-To-Left run of Unicode text.
+ *
+ * This function preserves the integrity of characters with multiple
+ * code units and (optionally) combining characters.
+ * Characters can be replaced by mirror-image characters
+ * in the destination buffer. Note that "real" mirroring has
+ * to be done in a rendering engine by glyph selection
+ * and that for many "mirrored" characters there are no
+ * Unicode characters as mirror-image equivalents.
+ * There are also options to insert or remove Bidi control
+ * characters.
+ *
+ * This function is the implementation for reversing RTL runs as part
+ * of <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>. For detailed descriptions
+ * of the parameters, see there.
+ * Since no Bidi controls are inserted here, the output string length
+ * will never exceed <code>srcLength</code>.
+ *
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ *
+ * @param src A pointer to the RTL run text.
+ *
+ * @param srcLength The length of the RTL run.
+ *
+ * @param dest A pointer to where the reordered text is to be copied.
+ *             <code>src[srcLength]</code> and <code>dest[destSize]</code>
+ *             must not overlap.
+ *
+ * @param destSize The size of the <code>dest</code> buffer,
+ *                 in number of UChars.
+ *                 If the <code>UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code> option
+ *                 is set, then the destination length may be less than
+ *                 <code>srcLength</code>.
+ *                 If this option is not set, then the destination length
+ *                 will be exactly <code>srcLength</code>.
+ *
+ * @param options A bit set of options for the reordering that control
+ *                how the reordered text is written.
+ *                See the <code>options</code> parameter in <code>ubidi_writeReordered()</code>.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The length of the output string.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubidi_writeReverse(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                   UChar *dest, int32_t destSize,
+                   uint16_t options,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/*#define BIDI_SAMPLE_CODE*/
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubiditransform.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubiditransform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e22c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubiditransform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+* © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+* License & terms of use:
+*   file name:  ubiditransform.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2016jul24
+*   created by: Lina Kemmel
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ubidi.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief Bidi Transformations
+ */
+ * `UBiDiOrder` indicates the order of text.
+ *
+ * This bidi transformation engine supports all possible combinations (4 in
+ * total) of input and output text order:
+ *
+ *   - <logical input, visual output>: unless the output direction is RTL, this
+ *     corresponds to a normal operation of the Bidi algorithm as described in the
+ *     Unicode Technical Report and implemented by `UBiDi` when the
+ *     reordering mode is set to `UBIDI_REORDER_DEFAULT`. Visual RTL
+ *     mode is not supported by `UBiDi` and is accomplished through
+ *     reversing a visual LTR string,
+ *
+ *   - <visual input, logical output>: unless the input direction is RTL, this
+ *     corresponds to an "inverse bidi algorithm" in `UBiDi` with the
+ *     reordering mode set to `UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT`.
+ *     Visual RTL mode is not not supported by `UBiDi` and is
+ *     accomplished through reversing a visual LTR string,
+ *
+ *   - <logical input, logical output>: if the input and output base directions
+ *     mismatch, this corresponds to the `UBiDi` implementation with the
+ *     reordering mode set to `UBIDI_REORDER_RUNS_ONLY`; and if the
+ *     input and output base directions are identical, the transformation engine
+ *     will only handle character mirroring and Arabic shaping operations without
+ *     reordering,
+ *
+ *   - <visual input, visual output>: this reordering mode is not supported by
+ *     the `UBiDi` engine; it implies character mirroring, Arabic
+ *     shaping, and - if the input/output base directions mismatch -  string
+ *     reverse operations.
+ * @see ubidi_setInverse
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingMode
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /** 0: Constant indicating a logical order.
+      * This is the default for input text.
+      * @stable ICU 58
+      */
+    /** 1: Constant indicating a visual order.
+      * This is a default for output text.
+      * @stable ICU 58
+      */
+} UBiDiOrder;
+ * <code>UBiDiMirroring</code> indicates whether or not characters with the
+ * "mirrored" property in RTL runs should be replaced with their mirror-image
+ * counterparts.
+ * @see ubidi_setReorderingOptions
+ * @see ubidi_writeReordered
+ * @see ubidi_writeReverse
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /** 0: Constant indicating that character mirroring should not be
+      * performed.
+      * This is the default.
+      * @stable ICU 58
+      */
+    /** 1: Constant indicating that character mirroring should be performed.
+      * This corresponds to calling <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code> or
+      * <code>ubidi_writeReverse</code> with the
+      * <code>UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING</code> option bit set.
+      * @stable ICU 58
+      */
+} UBiDiMirroring;
+ * Forward declaration of the <code>UBiDiTransform</code> structure that stores
+ * information used by the layout transformation engine.
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+typedef struct UBiDiTransform UBiDiTransform;
+ * Performs transformation of text from the bidi layout defined by the input
+ * ordering scheme to the bidi layout defined by the output ordering scheme,
+ * and applies character mirroring and Arabic shaping operations.<p>
+ * In terms of <code>UBiDi</code>, such a transformation implies:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>calling <code>ubidi_setReorderingMode</code> as needed (when the
+ * reordering mode is other than normal),</li>
+ * <li>calling <code>ubidi_setInverse</code> as needed (when text should be
+ * transformed from a visual to a logical form),</li>
+ * <li>resolving embedding levels of each character in the input text by
+ * calling <code>ubidi_setPara</code>,</li>
+ * <li>reordering the characters based on the computed embedding levels, also
+ * performing character mirroring as needed, and streaming the result to the
+ * output, by calling <code>ubidi_writeReordered</code>,</li>
+ * <li>performing Arabic digit and letter shaping on the output text by calling
+ * <code>u_shapeArabic</code>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * An "ordering scheme" encompasses the base direction and the order of text,
+ * and these characteristics must be defined by the caller for both input and
+ * output explicitly .<p>
+ * There are 36 possible combinations of <input, output> ordering schemes,
+ * which are partially supported by <code>UBiDi</code> already. Examples of the
+ * currently supported combinations:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><Logical LTR, Visual LTR>: this is equivalent to calling
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara</code> with <code>paraLevel == UBIDI_LTR</code>,</li>
+ * <li><Logical RTL, Visual LTR>: this is equivalent to calling
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara</code> with <code>paraLevel == UBIDI_RTL</code>,</li>
+ * <li><Logical Default ("Auto") LTR, Visual LTR>: this is equivalent to
+ * calling <code>ubidi_setPara</code> with
+ * <code>paraLevel == UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR</code>,</li>
+ * <li><Logical Default ("Auto") RTL, Visual LTR>: this is equivalent to
+ * calling <code>ubidi_setPara</code> with
+ * <code>paraLevel == UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL</code>,</li>
+ * <li><Visual LTR, Logical LTR>: this is equivalent to
+ * calling <code>ubidi_setInverse(UBiDi*, TRUE)</code> and then
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara</code> with <code>paraLevel == UBIDI_LTR</code>,</li>
+ * <li><Visual LTR, Logical RTL>: this is equivalent to
+ * calling <code>ubidi_setInverse(UBiDi*, TRUE)</code> and then
+ * <code>ubidi_setPara</code> with <code>paraLevel == UBIDI_RTL</code>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * All combinations that involve the Visual RTL scheme are unsupported by
+ * <code>UBiDi</code>, for instance:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><Logical LTR, Visual RTL>,</li>
+ * <li><Visual RTL, Logical RTL>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>Example of usage of the transformation engine:<br>
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * UChar text1[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 0x0625, '1', 0};
+ * UChar text2[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 0x0625, '1', 0};
+ * UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * // Run a transformation.
+ * ubiditransform_transform(pBidiTransform,
+ *          text1, -1, text2, -1,
+ *          &errorCode);
+ * // Do something with text2.
+ *  text2[4] = '2';
+ * // Run a reverse transformation.
+ * ubiditransform_transform(pBidiTransform,
+ *          text2, -1, text1, -1,
+ *          &errorCode);
+ *\endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @param pBiDiTransform A pointer to a <code>UBiDiTransform</code> object
+ *        allocated with <code>ubiditransform_open()</code> or
+ *        <code>NULL</code>.<p>
+ *        This object serves for one-time setup to amortize initialization
+ *        overheads. Use of this object is not thread-safe. All other threads
+ *        should allocate a new <code>UBiDiTransform</code> object by calling
+ *        <code>ubiditransform_open()</code> before using it. Alternatively,
+ *        a caller can set this parameter to <code>NULL</code>, in which case
+ *        the object will be allocated by the engine on the fly.</p>
+ * @param src A pointer to the text that the Bidi layout transformations will
+ *        be performed on.
+ *        <p><strong>Note:</strong> the text must be (at least)
+ *        <code>srcLength</code> long.</p>
+ * @param srcLength The length of the text, in number of UChars. If
+ *        <code>length == -1</code> then the text must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param dest A pointer to where the processed text is to be copied.
+ * @param destSize The size of the <code>dest</code> buffer, in number of
+ *        UChars. If the <code>U_SHAPE_LETTERS_UNSHAPE</code> option is set,
+ *        then the destination length could be as large as
+ *        <code>srcLength * 2</code>. Otherwise, the destination length will
+ *        not exceed <code>srcLength</code>. If the caller reserves the last
+ *        position for zero-termination, it should be excluded from
+ *        <code>destSize</code>.
+ *        <p><code>destSize == -1</code> is allowed and makes sense when
+ *        <code>dest</code> was holds some meaningful value, e.g. that of
+ *        <code>src</code>. In this case <code>dest</code> must be
+ *        zero-terminated.</p>
+ * @param inParaLevel A base embedding level of the input as defined in
+ *        <code>ubidi_setPara</code> documentation for the
+ *        <code>paraLevel</code> parameter.
+ * @param inOrder An order of the input, which can be one of the
+ *        <code>UBiDiOrder</code> values.
+ * @param outParaLevel A base embedding level of the output as defined in
+ *        <code>ubidi_setPara</code> documentation for the
+ *        <code>paraLevel</code> parameter.
+ * @param outOrder An order of the output, which can be one of the
+ *        <code>UBiDiOrder</code> values.
+ * @param doMirroring Indicates whether or not to perform character mirroring,
+ *        and can accept one of the <code>UBiDiMirroring</code> values.
+ * @param shapingOptions Arabic digit and letter shaping options defined in the
+ *        ushape.h documentation.
+ *        <p><strong>Note:</strong> Direction indicator options are computed by
+ *        the transformation engine based on the effective ordering schemes, so
+ *        user-defined direction indicators will be ignored.</p>
+ * @param pErrorCode A pointer to an error code value.
+ *
+ * @return The destination length, i.e. the number of UChars written to
+ *         <code>dest</code>. If the transformation fails, the return value
+ *         will be 0 (and the error code will be written to
+ *         <code>pErrorCode</code>).
+ *
+ * @see UBiDiLevel
+ * @see UBiDiOrder
+ * @see UBiDiMirroring
+ * @see ubidi_setPara
+ * @see u_shapeArabic
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+ubiditransform_transform(UBiDiTransform *pBiDiTransform,
+            const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+            UChar *dest, int32_t destSize,
+            UBiDiLevel inParaLevel, UBiDiOrder inOrder,
+            UBiDiLevel outParaLevel, UBiDiOrder outOrder,
+            UBiDiMirroring doMirroring, uint32_t shapingOptions,
+            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Allocates a <code>UBiDiTransform</code> object. This object can be reused,
+ * e.g. with different ordering schemes, mirroring or shaping options.<p>
+ * <strong>Note:</strong>The object can only be reused in the same thread.
+ * All other threads should allocate a new <code>UBiDiTransform</code> object
+ * before using it.<p>
+ * Example of usage:<p>
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * // Open a new UBiDiTransform.
+ * UBiDiTransform* transform = ubiditransform_open(&errorCode);
+ * // Run a transformation.
+ * ubiditransform_transform(transform,
+ *          text1, -1, text2, -1,
+ *          UBIDI_MIRRORING_ON,
+ *          U_SHAPE_DIGITS_EN2AN,
+ *          &errorCode);
+ * // Do something with the output text and invoke another transformation using
+ * //   that text as input.
+ * ubiditransform_transform(transform,
+ *          text2, -1, text3, -1,
+ *          UBIDI_MIRRORING_ON,
+ *          0, &errorCode);
+ *\endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>
+ * The <code>UBiDiTransform</code> object must be deallocated by calling
+ * <code>ubiditransform_close()</code>.
+ *
+ * @return An empty <code>UBiDiTransform</code> object.
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+ubiditransform_open(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Deallocates the given <code>UBiDiTransform</code> object.
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+ubiditransform_close(UBiDiTransform *pBidiTransform);
+ * \class LocalUBiDiTransformPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UBiDiTransform via ubiditransform_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUBiDiTransformPointer, UBiDiTransform, ubiditransform_close);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubrk.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubrk.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da204eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ubrk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1996-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UBRK_H
+#define UBRK_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * A text-break iterator.
+ *  For usage in C programs.
+ */
+    /**
+     *  Opaque type representing an ICU Break iterator object.
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    typedef struct UBreakIterator UBreakIterator;
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: BreakIterator
+ *
+ * <h2> BreakIterator C API </h2>
+ *
+ * The BreakIterator C API defines  methods for finding the location
+ * of boundaries in text. Pointer to a UBreakIterator maintain a
+ * current position and scan over text returning the index of characters
+ * where boundaries occur.
+ * <p>
+ * Line boundary analysis determines where a text string can be broken
+ * when line-wrapping. The mechanism correctly handles punctuation and
+ * hyphenated words.
+ * <p>
+ * Note: The locale keyword "lb" can be used to modify line break
+ * behavior according to the CSS level 3 line-break options, see
+ * <>. For example:
+ * "ja@lb=strict", "zh@lb=loose".
+ * <p>
+ * Sentence boundary analysis allows selection with correct
+ * interpretation of periods within numbers and abbreviations, and
+ * trailing punctuation marks such as quotation marks and parentheses.
+ * <p>
+ * Note: The locale keyword "ss" can be used to enable use of
+ * segmentation suppression data (preventing breaks in English after
+ * abbreviations such as "Mr." or "Est.", for example), as follows:
+ * "en@ss=standard".
+ * <p>
+ * Word boundary analysis is used by search and replace functions, as
+ * well as within text editing applications that allow the user to
+ * select words with a double click. Word selection provides correct
+ * interpretation of punctuation marks within and following
+ * words. Characters that are not part of a word, such as symbols or
+ * punctuation marks, have word-breaks on both sides.
+ * <p>
+ * Character boundary analysis identifies the boundaries of
+ * "Extended Grapheme Clusters", which are groupings of codepoints
+ * that should be treated as character-like units for many text operations.
+ * Please see Unicode Standard Annex #29, Unicode Text Segmentation,
+ * for additional information
+ * on grapheme clusters and guidelines on their use.
+ * <p>
+ * Title boundary analysis locates all positions,
+ * typically starts of words, that should be set to Title Case
+ * when title casing the text.
+ * <p>
+ * The text boundary positions are found according to the rules
+ * described in Unicode Standard Annex #29, Text Boundaries, and
+ * Unicode Standard Annex #14, Line Breaking Properties.  These
+ * are available at and
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In addition to the plain C API defined in this header file, an
+ * object oriented C++ API with equivalent functionality is defined in the
+ * file brkiter.h.
+ * <p>
+ * Code snippets illustrating the use of the Break Iterator APIs
+ * are available in the ICU User Guide,
+ *
+ * and in the sample program icu/source/samples/break/break.cpp
+ */
+/** The possible types of text boundaries.  @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UBreakIteratorType {
+  /** Character breaks  @stable ICU 2.0 */
+  /** Word breaks @stable ICU 2.0 */
+  UBRK_WORD = 1,
+  /** Line breaks @stable ICU 2.0 */
+  UBRK_LINE = 2,
+  /** Sentence breaks @stable ICU 2.0 */
+  /**
+   * Title Case breaks
+   * The iterator created using this type locates title boundaries as described for
+   * Unicode 3.2 only. For Unicode 4.0 and above title boundary iteration,
+   * please use Word Boundary iterator.
+   *
+   * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.
+   */
+  UBRK_TITLE = 4,
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UBreakIteratorType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    UBRK_COUNT = 5
+} UBreakIteratorType;
+/** Value indicating all text boundaries have been returned.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UBRK_DONE ((int32_t) -1)
+ *  Enum constants for the word break tags returned by
+ *  getRuleStatus().  A range of values is defined for each category of
+ *  word, to allow for further subdivisions of a category in future releases.
+ *  Applications should check for tag values falling within the range, rather
+ *  than for single individual values.
+ *
+ * The numeric values of all of these constants are stable (will not change).
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+typedef enum UWordBreak {
+    /** Tag value for "words" that do not fit into any of other categories.
+     *  Includes spaces and most punctuation. */
+    UBRK_WORD_NONE           = 0,
+    /** Upper bound for tags for uncategorized words. */
+    UBRK_WORD_NONE_LIMIT     = 100,
+    /** Tag value for words that appear to be numbers, lower limit.    */
+    UBRK_WORD_NUMBER         = 100,
+    /** Tag value for words that appear to be numbers, upper limit.    */
+    /** Tag value for words that contain letters, excluding
+     *  hiragana, katakana or ideographic characters, lower limit.    */
+    UBRK_WORD_LETTER         = 200,
+    /** Tag value for words containing letters, upper limit  */
+    /** Tag value for words containing kana characters, lower limit */
+    UBRK_WORD_KANA           = 300,
+    /** Tag value for words containing kana characters, upper limit */
+    UBRK_WORD_KANA_LIMIT     = 400,
+    /** Tag value for words containing ideographic characters, lower limit */
+    UBRK_WORD_IDEO           = 400,
+    /** Tag value for words containing ideographic characters, upper limit */
+    UBRK_WORD_IDEO_LIMIT     = 500
+} UWordBreak;
+ *  Enum constants for the line break tags returned by getRuleStatus().
+ *  A range of values is defined for each category of
+ *  word, to allow for further subdivisions of a category in future releases.
+ *  Applications should check for tag values falling within the range, rather
+ *  than for single individual values.
+ *
+ * The numeric values of all of these constants are stable (will not change).
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+typedef enum ULineBreakTag {
+    /** Tag value for soft line breaks, positions at which a line break
+      *  is acceptable but not required                */
+    UBRK_LINE_SOFT            = 0,
+    /** Upper bound for soft line breaks.              */
+    UBRK_LINE_SOFT_LIMIT      = 100,
+    /** Tag value for a hard, or mandatory line break  */
+    UBRK_LINE_HARD            = 100,
+    /** Upper bound for hard line breaks.              */
+    UBRK_LINE_HARD_LIMIT      = 200
+} ULineBreakTag;
+ *  Enum constants for the sentence break tags returned by getRuleStatus().
+ *  A range of values is defined for each category of
+ *  sentence, to allow for further subdivisions of a category in future releases.
+ *  Applications should check for tag values falling within the range, rather
+ *  than for single individual values.
+ *
+ * The numeric values of all of these constants are stable (will not change).
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+typedef enum USentenceBreakTag {
+    /** Tag value for for sentences  ending with a sentence terminator
+      * ('.', '?', '!', etc.) character, possibly followed by a
+      * hard separator (CR, LF, PS, etc.)
+      */
+    UBRK_SENTENCE_TERM       = 0,
+    /** Upper bound for tags for sentences ended by sentence terminators.    */
+    /** Tag value for for sentences that do not contain an ending
+      * sentence terminator ('.', '?', '!', etc.) character, but
+      * are ended only by a hard separator (CR, LF, PS, etc.) or end of input.
+      */
+    UBRK_SENTENCE_SEP        = 100,
+    /** Upper bound for tags for sentences ended by a separator.              */
+    /** Tag value for a hard, or mandatory line break  */
+} USentenceBreakTag;
+ * Open a new UBreakIterator for locating text boundaries for a specified locale.
+ * A UBreakIterator may be used for detecting character, line, word,
+ * and sentence breaks in text.
+ * @param type The type of UBreakIterator to open: one of UBRK_CHARACTER, UBRK_WORD,
+ * @param locale The locale specifying the text-breaking conventions. Note that
+ * locale keys such as "lb" and "ss" may be used to modify text break behavior,
+ * see general discussion of BreakIterator C API.
+ * @param text The text to be iterated over. May be null, in which case ubrk_setText() is
+ *        used to specify the text to be iterated.
+ * @param textLength The number of characters in text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param status A UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A UBreakIterator for the specified locale.
+ * @see ubrk_openRules
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UBreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_open(UBreakIteratorType type,
+      const char *locale,
+      const UChar *text,
+      int32_t textLength,
+      UErrorCode *status);
+ * Open a new UBreakIterator for locating text boundaries using specified breaking rules.
+ * The rule syntax is ... (TBD)
+ * @param rules A set of rules specifying the text breaking conventions.
+ * @param rulesLength The number of characters in rules, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param text The text to be iterated over.  May be null, in which case ubrk_setText() is
+ *        used to specify the text to be iterated.
+ * @param textLength The number of characters in text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param parseErr   Receives position and context information for any syntax errors
+ *                   detected while parsing the rules.
+ * @param status A UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A UBreakIterator for the specified rules.
+ * @see ubrk_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UBreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_openRules(const UChar     *rules,
+               int32_t         rulesLength,
+               const UChar     *text,
+               int32_t          textLength,
+               UParseError     *parseErr,
+               UErrorCode      *status);
+ * Open a new UBreakIterator for locating text boundaries using precompiled binary rules.
+ * Opening a UBreakIterator this way is substantially faster than using ubrk_openRules.
+ * Binary rules may be obtained using ubrk_getBinaryRules. The compiled rules are not
+ * compatible across different major versions of ICU, nor across platforms of different
+ * endianness or different base character set family (ASCII vs EBCDIC).
+ * @param binaryRules A set of compiled binary rules specifying the text breaking
+ *                    conventions. Ownership of the storage containing the compiled
+ *                    rules remains with the caller of this function. The compiled
+ *                    rules must not be modified or deleted during the life of the
+ *                    break iterator.
+ * @param rulesLength The length of binaryRules in bytes; must be >= 0.
+ * @param text        The text to be iterated over.  May be null, in which case
+ *                    ubrk_setText() is used to specify the text to be iterated.
+ * @param textLength  The number of characters in text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param status      Pointer to UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return            UBreakIterator for the specified rules.
+ * @see ubrk_getBinaryRules
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+U_STABLE UBreakIterator* U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_openBinaryRules(const uint8_t *binaryRules, int32_t rulesLength,
+                     const UChar *  text, int32_t textLength,
+                     UErrorCode *   status);
+ * Thread safe cloning operation
+ * @param bi iterator to be cloned
+ * @param stackBuffer <em>Deprecated functionality as of ICU 52, use NULL.</em><br>
+ *  user allocated space for the new clone. If NULL new memory will be allocated.
+ *  If buffer is not large enough, new memory will be allocated.
+ *  Clients can use the U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE.
+ * @param pBufferSize <em>Deprecated functionality as of ICU 52, use NULL or 1.</em><br>
+ *  pointer to size of allocated space.
+ *  If *pBufferSize == 0, a sufficient size for use in cloning will
+ *  be returned ('pre-flighting')
+ *  If *pBufferSize is not enough for a stack-based safe clone,
+ *  new memory will be allocated.
+ * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+ *  An informational status value, U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_ERROR, is used if any allocations were necessary.
+ * @return pointer to the new clone
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UBreakIterator * U_EXPORT2
+          const UBreakIterator *bi,
+          void *stackBuffer,
+          int32_t *pBufferSize,
+          UErrorCode *status);
+  * A recommended size (in bytes) for the memory buffer to be passed to ubrk_saveClone().
+  * @deprecated ICU 52. Do not rely on ubrk_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.
+  */
+* Close a UBreakIterator.
+* Once closed, a UBreakIterator may no longer be used.
+* @param bi The break iterator to close.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ubrk_close(UBreakIterator *bi);
+ * \class LocalUBreakIteratorPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UBreakIterator via ubrk_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUBreakIteratorPointer, UBreakIterator, ubrk_close);
+ * Sets an existing iterator to point to a new piece of text.
+ * The break iterator retains a pointer to the supplied text.
+ * The caller must not modify or delete the text while the BreakIterator
+ * retains the reference.
+ *
+ * @param bi The iterator to use
+ * @param text The text to be set
+ * @param textLength The length of the text
+ * @param status The error code
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_setText(UBreakIterator* bi,
+             const UChar*    text,
+             int32_t         textLength,
+             UErrorCode*     status);
+ * Sets an existing iterator to point to a new piece of text.
+ *
+ * All index positions returned by break iterator functions are
+ * native indices from the UText. For example, when breaking UTF-8
+ * encoded text, the break positions returned by \ref ubrk_next, \ref ubrk_previous, etc.
+ * will be UTF-8 string indices, not UTF-16 positions.
+ *
+ * @param bi The iterator to use
+ * @param text The text to be set.
+ *             This function makes a shallow clone of the supplied UText.  This means
+ *             that the caller is free to immediately close or otherwise reuse the
+ *             UText that was passed as a parameter, but that the underlying text itself
+ *             must not be altered while being referenced by the break iterator.
+ * @param status The error code
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ubrk_setUText(UBreakIterator* bi,
+             UText*          text,
+             UErrorCode*     status);
+ * Determine the most recently-returned text boundary.
+ *
+ * @param bi The break iterator to use.
+ * @return The character index most recently returned by \ref ubrk_next, \ref ubrk_previous,
+ * \ref ubrk_first, or \ref ubrk_last.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_current(const UBreakIterator *bi);
+ * Advance the iterator to the boundary following the current boundary.
+ *
+ * @param bi The break iterator to use.
+ * @return The character index of the next text boundary, or UBRK_DONE
+ * if all text boundaries have been returned.
+ * @see ubrk_previous
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_next(UBreakIterator *bi);
+ * Set the iterator position to the boundary preceding the current boundary.
+ *
+ * @param bi The break iterator to use.
+ * @return The character index of the preceding text boundary, or UBRK_DONE
+ * if all text boundaries have been returned.
+ * @see ubrk_next
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_previous(UBreakIterator *bi);
+ * Set the iterator position to zero, the start of the text being scanned.
+ * @param bi The break iterator to use.
+ * @return The new iterator position (zero).
+ * @see ubrk_last
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_first(UBreakIterator *bi);
+ * Set the iterator position to the index immediately <EM>beyond</EM> the last character in the text being scanned.
+ * This is not the same as the last character.
+ * @param bi The break iterator to use.
+ * @return The character offset immediately <EM>beyond</EM> the last character in the
+ * text being scanned.
+ * @see ubrk_first
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_last(UBreakIterator *bi);
+ * Set the iterator position to the first boundary preceding the specified offset.
+ * The new position is always smaller than offset, or UBRK_DONE.
+ * @param bi The break iterator to use.
+ * @param offset The offset to begin scanning.
+ * @return The text boundary preceding offset, or UBRK_DONE.
+ * @see ubrk_following
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_preceding(UBreakIterator *bi,
+           int32_t offset);
+ * Advance the iterator to the first boundary following the specified offset.
+ * The value returned is always greater than offset, or UBRK_DONE.
+ * @param bi The break iterator to use.
+ * @param offset The offset to begin scanning.
+ * @return The text boundary following offset, or UBRK_DONE.
+ * @see ubrk_preceding
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ubrk_following(UBreakIterator *bi,
+           int32_t offset);
+* Get a locale for which text breaking information is available.
+* A UBreakIterator in a locale returned by this function will perform the correct
+* text breaking for the locale.
+* @param index The index of the desired locale.
+* @return A locale for which number text breaking information is available, or 0 if none.
+* @see ubrk_countAvailable
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_getAvailable(int32_t index);
+* Determine how many locales have text breaking information available.
+* This function is most useful as determining the loop ending condition for
+* calls to \ref ubrk_getAvailable.
+* @return The number of locales for which text breaking information is available.
+* @see ubrk_getAvailable
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+* Returns true if the specified position is a boundary position.  As a side
+* effect, leaves the iterator pointing to the first boundary position at
+* or after "offset".
+* @param bi The break iterator to use.
+* @param offset the offset to check.
+* @return True if "offset" is a boundary position.
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+ubrk_isBoundary(UBreakIterator *bi, int32_t offset);
+ * Return the status from the break rule that determined the most recently
+ * returned break position.  The values appear in the rule source
+ * within brackets, {123}, for example.  For rules that do not specify a
+ * status, a default value of 0 is returned.
+ * <p>
+ * For word break iterators, the possible values are defined in enum UWordBreak.
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+U_STABLE  int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_getRuleStatus(UBreakIterator *bi);
+ * Get the statuses from the break rules that determined the most recently
+ * returned break position.  The values appear in the rule source
+ * within brackets, {123}, for example.  The default status value for rules
+ * that do not explicitly provide one is zero.
+ * <p>
+ * For word break iterators, the possible values are defined in enum UWordBreak.
+ * @param bi        The break iterator to use
+ * @param fillInVec an array to be filled in with the status values.
+ * @param capacity  the length of the supplied vector.  A length of zero causes
+ *                  the function to return the number of status values, in the
+ *                  normal way, without attempting to store any values.
+ * @param status    receives error codes.
+ * @return          The number of rule status values from rules that determined
+ *                  the most recent boundary returned by the break iterator.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE  int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_getRuleStatusVec(UBreakIterator *bi, int32_t *fillInVec, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Return the locale of the break iterator. You can choose between the valid and
+ * the actual locale.
+ * @param bi break iterator
+ * @param type locale type (valid or actual)
+ * @param status error code
+ * @return locale string
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+ubrk_getLocaleByType(const UBreakIterator *bi, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode* status);
+  *  Set the subject text string upon which the break iterator is operating
+  *  without changing any other aspect of the state.
+  *  The new and previous text strings must have the same content.
+  *
+  *  This function is intended for use in environments where ICU is operating on
+  *  strings that may move around in memory.  It provides a mechanism for notifying
+  *  ICU that the string has been relocated, and providing a new UText to access the
+  *  string in its new position.
+  *
+  *  Note that the break iterator never copies the underlying text
+  *  of a string being processed, but always operates directly on the original text
+  *  provided by the user. Refreshing simply drops the references to the old text
+  *  and replaces them with references to the new.
+  *
+  *  Caution:  this function is normally used only by very specialized
+  *            system-level code.   One example use case is with garbage collection
+  *            that moves the text in memory.
+  *
+  * @param bi         The break iterator.
+  * @param text       The new (moved) text string.
+  * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 49
+  */
+ubrk_refreshUText(UBreakIterator *bi,
+                       UText          *text,
+                       UErrorCode     *status);
+ * Get a compiled binary version of the rules specifying the behavior of a UBreakIterator.
+ * The binary rules may be used with ubrk_openBinaryRules to open a new UBreakIterator
+ * more quickly than using ubrk_openRules. The compiled rules are not compatible across
+ * different major versions of ICU, nor across platforms of different endianness or
+ * different base character set family (ASCII vs EBCDIC). Supports preflighting (with
+ * binaryRules=NULL and rulesCapacity=0) to get the rules length without copying them to
+ * the binaryRules buffer. However, whether preflighting or not, if the actual length
+ * is greater than INT32_MAX, then the function returns 0 and sets *status to
+ * @param bi            The break iterator to use.
+ * @param binaryRules   Buffer to receive the compiled binary rules; set to NULL for
+ *                      preflighting.
+ * @param rulesCapacity Capacity (in bytes) of the binaryRules buffer; set to 0 for
+ *                      preflighting. Must be >= 0.
+ * @param status        Pointer to UErrorCode to receive any errors, such as
+ *                      U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * @return              The actual byte length of the binary rules, if <= INT32_MAX;
+ *                      otherwise 0. If not preflighting and this is larger than
+ *                      rulesCapacity, *status will be set to an error.
+ * @see ubrk_openBinaryRules
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+ubrk_getBinaryRules(UBreakIterator *bi,
+                    uint8_t *       binaryRules, int32_t rulesCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode *    status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucal.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e6f026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1626 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef UCAL_H
+#define UCAL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Calendar
+ *
+ * <h2>Calendar C API</h2>
+ *
+ * UCalendar C API is used  for converting between a <code>UDate</code> object
+ * and a set of integer fields such as <code>UCAL_YEAR</code>, <code>UCAL_MONTH</code>,
+ * <code>UCAL_DAY</code>, <code>UCAL_HOUR</code>, and so on.
+ * (A <code>UDate</code> object represents a specific instant in
+ * time with millisecond precision. See UDate
+ * for information about the <code>UDate</code> .)
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Types of <code>UCalendar</code> interpret a <code>UDate</code>
+ * according to the rules of a specific calendar system. The U_STABLE
+ * provides the enum UCalendarType with UCAL_TRADITIONAL and
+ * <p>
+ * Like other locale-sensitive C API, calendar API  provides a
+ * function, <code>ucal_open()</code>, which returns a pointer to
+ * <code>UCalendar</code> whose time fields have been initialized
+ * with the current date and time. We need to specify the type of
+ * calendar to be opened and the  timezoneId.
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * UCalendar *caldef;
+ * UChar *tzId;
+ * UErrorCode status;
+ * tzId=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen("PST") +1) );
+ * u_uastrcpy(tzId, "PST");
+ * caldef=ucal_open(tzID, u_strlen(tzID), NULL, UCAL_TRADITIONAL, &status);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * A <code>UCalendar</code> object can produce all the time field values
+ * needed to implement the date-time formatting for a particular language
+ * and calendar style (for example, Japanese-Gregorian, Japanese-Traditional).
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * When computing a <code>UDate</code> from time fields, two special circumstances
+ * may arise: there may be insufficient information to compute the
+ * <code>UDate</code> (such as only year and month but no day in the month),
+ * or there may be inconsistent information (such as "Tuesday, July 15, 1996"
+ * -- July 15, 1996 is actually a Monday).
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <strong>Insufficient information.</strong> The calendar will use default
+ * information to specify the missing fields. This may vary by calendar; for
+ * the Gregorian calendar, the default for a field is the same as that of the
+ * start of the epoch: i.e., UCAL_YEAR = 1970, UCAL_MONTH = JANUARY, UCAL_DATE = 1, etc.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <strong>Inconsistent information.</strong> If fields conflict, the calendar
+ * will give preference to fields set more recently. For example, when
+ * determining the day, the calendar will look for one of the following
+ * combinations of fields.  The most recent combination, as determined by the
+ * most recently set single field, will be used.
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * For the time of day:
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <strong>Note:</strong> for some non-Gregorian calendars, different
+ * fields may be necessary for complete disambiguation. For example, a full
+ * specification of the historical Arabic astronomical calendar requires year,
+ * month, day-of-month <em>and</em> day-of-week in some cases.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <strong>Note:</strong> There are certain possible ambiguities in
+ * interpretation of certain singular times, which are resolved in the
+ * following ways:
+ * <ol>
+ *     <li> 24:00:00 "belongs" to the following day. That is,
+ *          23:59 on Dec 31, 1969 &lt; 24:00 on Jan 1, 1970 &lt; 24:01:00 on Jan 1, 1970
+ *
+ *     <li> Although historically not precise, midnight also belongs to "am",
+ *          and noon belongs to "pm", so on the same day,
+ *          12:00 am (midnight) &lt; 12:01 am, and 12:00 pm (noon) &lt; 12:01 pm
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The date or time format strings are not part of the definition of a
+ * calendar, as those must be modifiable or overridable by the user at
+ * runtime. Use {@link icu::DateFormat}
+ * to format dates.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <code>Calendar</code> provides an API for field "rolling", where fields
+ * can be incremented or decremented, but wrap around. For example, rolling the
+ * month up in the date <code>December 12, <b>1996</b></code> results in
+ * <code>January 12, <b>1996</b></code>.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <code>Calendar</code> also provides a date arithmetic function for
+ * adding the specified (signed) amount of time to a particular time field.
+ * For example, subtracting 5 days from the date <code>September 12, 1996</code>
+ * results in <code>September 7, 1996</code>.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The Japanese calendar uses a combination of era name and year number.
+ * When an emperor of Japan abdicates and a new emperor ascends the throne,
+ * a new era is declared and year number is reset to 1. Even if the date of
+ * abdication is scheduled ahead of time, the new era name might not be
+ * announced until just before the date. In such case, ICU4C may include
+ * a start date of future era without actual era name, but not enabled
+ * by default. ICU4C users who want to test the behavior of the future era
+ * can enable the tentative era by:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Environment variable <code>ICU_ENABLE_TENTATIVE_ERA=true</code>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * The time zone ID reserved for unknown time zone.
+ * It behaves like the GMT/UTC time zone but has the special ID "Etc/Unknown".
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+#define UCAL_UNKNOWN_ZONE_ID "Etc/Unknown"
+/** A calendar.
+ *  For usage in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void* UCalendar;
+/** Possible types of UCalendars 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarType {
+  /**
+   * Despite the name, UCAL_TRADITIONAL designates the locale's default calendar,
+   * which may be the Gregorian calendar or some other calendar.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * A better name for UCAL_TRADITIONAL.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  /**
+   * Unambiguously designates the Gregorian calendar for the locale.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarType UCalendarType;
+/** Possible fields in a UCalendar 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarDateFields {
+  /** 
+   * Field number indicating the era, e.g., AD or BC in the Gregorian (Julian) calendar. 
+   * This is a calendar-specific value.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+  /**
+   * Field number indicating the year. This is a calendar-specific value.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+  /**
+   * Field number indicating the month. This is a calendar-specific value. 
+   * The first month of the year is
+   * <code>JANUARY</code>; the last depends on the number of months in a year.
+   * @see #UCAL_JANUARY
+   * @see #UCAL_FEBRUARY
+   * @see #UCAL_MARCH
+   * @see #UCAL_APRIL
+   * @see #UCAL_MAY
+   * @see #UCAL_JUNE
+   * @see #UCAL_JULY
+   * @see #UCAL_AUGUST
+   * @see #UCAL_SEPTEMBER
+   * @see #UCAL_OCTOBER
+   * @see #UCAL_NOVEMBER
+   * @see #UCAL_DECEMBER
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+  /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * week number within the current year.  The first week of the year, as
+   * defined by <code>UCAL_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK</code> and <code>UCAL_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK</code>
+   * attributes, has value 1.  Subclasses define
+   * the value of <code>UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR</code> for days before the first week of
+   * the year.
+   * @see ucal_getAttribute
+   * @see ucal_setAttribute
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * week number within the current month.  The first week of the month, as
+   * defined by <code>UCAL_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK</code> and <code>UCAL_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK</code>
+   * attributes, has value 1.  Subclasses define
+   * the value of <code>WEEK_OF_MONTH</code> for days before the first week of
+   * the month.
+   * @see ucal_getAttribute
+   * @see ucal_setAttribute
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * day of the month. This is a synonym for <code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code>.
+   * The first day of the month has value 1.
+   * @see #UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the day
+   * number within the current year.  The first day of the year has value 1.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the day
+   * of the week.  This field takes values <code>SUNDAY</code>,
+   * <code>MONDAY</code>, <code>TUESDAY</code>, <code>WEDNESDAY</code>,
+   * <code>THURSDAY</code>, <code>FRIDAY</code>, and <code>SATURDAY</code>.
+   * @see #UCAL_SUNDAY
+   * @see #UCAL_MONDAY
+   * @see #UCAL_TUESDAY
+   * @see #UCAL_WEDNESDAY
+   * @see #UCAL_THURSDAY
+   * @see #UCAL_FRIDAY
+   * @see #UCAL_SATURDAY
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * ordinal number of the day of the week within the current month. Together
+   * with the <code>DAY_OF_WEEK</code> field, this uniquely specifies a day
+   * within a month.  Unlike <code>WEEK_OF_MONTH</code> and
+   * <code>WEEK_OF_YEAR</code>, this field's value does <em>not</em> depend on
+   * <code>getFirstDayOfWeek()</code> or
+   * <code>getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()</code>.  <code>DAY_OF_MONTH 1</code>
+   * through <code>7</code> always correspond to <code>DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
+   * 1</code>; <code>8</code> through <code>15</code> correspond to
+   * <code>DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 2</code>, and so on.
+   * <code>DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 0</code> indicates the week before
+   * <code>DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 1</code>.  Negative values count back from the
+   * end of the month, so the last Sunday of a month is specified as
+   * <code>DAY_OF_WEEK = SUNDAY, DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH = -1</code>.  Because
+   * negative values count backward they will usually be aligned differently
+   * within the month than positive values.  For example, if a month has 31
+   * days, <code>DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH -1</code> will overlap
+   * <code>DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 5</code> and the end of <code>4</code>.
+   * @see #UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK
+   * @see #UCAL_WEEK_OF_MONTH
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating
+   * whether the <code>HOUR</code> is before or after noon.
+   * E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the <code>AM_PM</code> is <code>PM</code>.
+   * @see #UCAL_AM
+   * @see #UCAL_PM
+   * @see #UCAL_HOUR
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * hour of the morning or afternoon. <code>HOUR</code> is used for the 12-hour
+   * clock.
+   * E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the <code>HOUR</code> is 10.
+   * @see #UCAL_AM_PM
+   * @see #UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * hour of the day. <code>HOUR_OF_DAY</code> is used for the 24-hour clock.
+   * E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the <code>HOUR_OF_DAY</code> is 22.
+   * @see #UCAL_HOUR
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * minute within the hour.
+   * E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the <code>UCAL_MINUTE</code> is 4.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * second within the minute.
+   * E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the <code>UCAL_SECOND</code> is 15.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * millisecond within the second.
+   * E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the <code>UCAL_MILLISECOND</code> is 250.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * raw offset from GMT in milliseconds.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * daylight savings offset in milliseconds.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number 
+   * indicating the extended year corresponding to the
+   * <code>UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR</code> field.  This may be one greater or less
+   * than the value of <code>UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR</code>.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number 
+   * indicating the localized day of week.  This will be a value from 1
+   * to 7 inclusive, with 1 being the localized first day of the week.
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  /**
+   * Year of this calendar system, encompassing all supra-year fields. For example, 
+   * in Gregorian/Julian calendars, positive Extended Year values indicate years AD,
+   *  1 BC = 0 extended, 2 BC = -1 extended, and so on. 
+   * @stable ICU 2.8 
+   */
+ /**
+   * Field number 
+   * indicating the modified Julian day number.  This is different from
+   * the conventional Julian day number in two regards.  First, it
+   * demarcates days at local zone midnight, rather than noon GMT.
+   * Second, it is a local number; that is, it depends on the local time
+   * zone.  It can be thought of as a single number that encompasses all
+   * the date-related fields.
+   * @stable ICU 2.8
+   */
+  /**
+   * Ranges from 0 to 23:59:59.999 (regardless of DST).  This field behaves <em>exactly</em> 
+   * like a composite of all time-related fields, not including the zone fields.  As such, 
+   * it also reflects discontinuities of those fields on DST transition days.  On a day
+   * of DST onset, it will jump forward.  On a day of DST cessation, it will jump 
+   * backward.  This reflects the fact that it must be combined with the DST_OFFSET field
+   * to obtain a unique local time value.
+   * @stable ICU 2.8
+   */
+  /**
+   * Whether or not the current month is a leap month (0 or 1). See the Chinese calendar for
+   * an example of this.
+   */
+    /* Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API,
+     * it is needed for layout of Calendar, DateFormat, and other objects */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UCalendarDateFields value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+ /**
+   * Field number indicating the
+   * day of the month. This is a synonym for <code>UCAL_DATE</code>.
+   * The first day of the month has value 1.
+   * @see #UCAL_DATE
+   * Synonym for UCAL_DATE
+   * @stable ICU 2.8
+   **/
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarDateFields UCalendarDateFields;
+    /**
+     * Useful constant for days of week. Note: Calendar day-of-week is 1-based. Clients
+     * who create locale resources for the field of first-day-of-week should be aware of
+     * this. For instance, in US locale, first-day-of-week is set to 1, i.e., UCAL_SUNDAY.
+     */
+/** Possible days of the week in a UCalendar 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarDaysOfWeek {
+  /** Sunday */
+  /** Monday */
+  /** Tuesday */
+  /** Wednesday */
+  /** Thursday */
+  /** Friday */
+  /** Saturday */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarDaysOfWeek UCalendarDaysOfWeek;
+/** Possible months in a UCalendar. Note: Calendar month is 0-based.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarMonths {
+  /** January */
+  /** February */
+  /** March */
+  /** April */
+  /** May */
+  /** June */
+  /** July */
+  /** August */
+  /** September */
+  /** October */
+  /** November */
+  /** December */
+  /** Value of the <code>UCAL_MONTH</code> field indicating the
+    * thirteenth month of the year. Although the Gregorian calendar
+    * does not use this value, lunar calendars do.
+    */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarMonths UCalendarMonths;
+/** Possible AM/PM values in a UCalendar 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarAMPMs {
+    /** AM */
+  /** PM */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarAMPMs UCalendarAMPMs;
+ * System time zone type constants used by filtering zones
+ * in ucal_openTimeZoneIDEnumeration.
+ * @see ucal_openTimeZoneIDEnumeration
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+enum USystemTimeZoneType {
+    /**
+     * Any system zones.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Canonical system zones.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Canonical system zones associated with actual locations.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+/** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+typedef enum USystemTimeZoneType USystemTimeZoneType;
+ * Create an enumeration over system time zone IDs with the given
+ * filter conditions. 
+ * @param zoneType  The system time zone type.
+ * @param region    The ISO 3166 two-letter country code or UN M.49
+ *                  three-digit area code.  When NULL, no filtering
+ *                  done by region. 
+ * @param rawOffset An offset from GMT in milliseconds, ignoring the
+ *                  effect of daylight savings time, if any. When NULL,
+ *                  no filtering done by zone offset.
+ * @param ec        A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return  an enumeration object that the caller must dispose of
+ *          using enum_close(), or NULL upon failure. In case of failure,
+ *          *ec will indicate the error.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */ 
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucal_openTimeZoneIDEnumeration(USystemTimeZoneType zoneType, const char* region,
+                                const int32_t* rawOffset, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Create an enumeration over all time zones.
+ *
+ * @param ec input/output error code
+ *
+ * @return an enumeration object that the caller must dispose of using
+ * uenum_close(), or NULL upon failure. In case of failure *ec will
+ * indicate the error.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucal_openTimeZones(UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Create an enumeration over all time zones associated with the given
+ * country. Some zones are affiliated with no country (e.g., "UTC");
+ * these may also be retrieved, as a group.
+ *
+ * @param country the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, or NULL to
+ * retrieve zones not affiliated with any country
+ *
+ * @param ec input/output error code
+ *
+ * @return an enumeration object that the caller must dispose of using
+ * uenum_close(), or NULL upon failure. In case of failure *ec will
+ * indicate the error.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucal_openCountryTimeZones(const char* country, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Return the default time zone. The default is determined initially
+ * by querying the host operating system. If the host system detection
+ * routines fail, or if they specify a TimeZone or TimeZone offset
+ * which is not recognized, then the special TimeZone "Etc/Unknown"
+ * is returned.
+ * 
+ * The default may be changed with `ucal_setDefaultTimeZone()` or with
+ * the C++ TimeZone API, `TimeZone::adoptDefault(TimeZone*)`.
+ *
+ * @param result A buffer to receive the result, or NULL
+ *
+ * @param resultCapacity The capacity of the result buffer
+ *
+ * @param ec input/output error code
+ *
+ * @return The result string length, not including the terminating
+ * null
+ * 
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucal_getDefaultTimeZone(UChar* result, int32_t resultCapacity, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Set the default time zone.
+ *
+ * @param zoneID null-terminated time zone ID
+ *
+ * @param ec input/output error code
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucal_setDefaultTimeZone(const UChar* zoneID, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Return the current host time zone. The host time zone is detected from
+ * the current host system configuration by querying the host operating
+ * system. If the host system detection routines fail, or if they specify
+ * a TimeZone or TimeZone offset which is not recognized, then the special
+ * TimeZone "Etc/Unknown" is returned.
+ * 
+ * Note that host time zone and the ICU default time zone can be different.
+ * 
+ * The ICU default time zone does not change once initialized unless modified
+ * by calling `ucal_setDefaultTimeZone()` or with the C++ TimeZone API,
+ * `TimeZone::adoptDefault(TimeZone*)`.
+ * 
+ * If the host operating system configuration has changed since ICU has
+ * initialized then the returned value can be different than the ICU default
+ * time zone, even if the default has not changed.
+ *
+ * <p>This function is not thread safe.</p>
+ * 
+ * @param result A buffer to receive the result, or NULL
+ * @param resultCapacity The capacity of the result buffer
+ * @param ec input/output error code
+ * @return The result string length, not including the terminating
+ * null
+ * 
+ * 
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucal_getHostTimeZone(UChar *result, int32_t resultCapacity, UErrorCode *ec);
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+ * Return the amount of time in milliseconds that the clock is
+ * advanced during daylight savings time for the given time zone, or
+ * zero if the time zone does not observe daylight savings time.
+ *
+ * @param zoneID null-terminated time zone ID
+ *
+ * @param ec input/output error code
+ *
+ * @return the number of milliseconds the time is advanced with
+ * respect to standard time when the daylight savings rules are in
+ * effect. This is always a non-negative number, most commonly either
+ * 3,600,000 (one hour) or zero.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucal_getDSTSavings(const UChar* zoneID, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Get the current date and time.
+ * The value returned is represented as milliseconds from the epoch.
+ * @return The current date and time.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Open a UCalendar.
+ * A UCalendar may be used to convert a millisecond value to a year,
+ * month, and day.
+ * <p>
+ * Note: When unknown TimeZone ID is specified or if the TimeZone ID specified is "Etc/Unknown",
+ * the UCalendar returned by the function is initialized with GMT zone with TimeZone ID
+ * <code>UCAL_UNKNOWN_ZONE_ID</code> ("Etc/Unknown") without any errors/warnings.  If you want
+ * to check if a TimeZone ID is valid prior to this function, use <code>ucal_getCanonicalTimeZoneID</code>.
+ * 
+ * @param zoneID The desired TimeZone ID.  If 0, use the default time zone.
+ * @param len The length of zoneID, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param locale The desired locale
+ * @param type The type of UCalendar to open. This can be UCAL_GREGORIAN to open the Gregorian
+ * calendar for the locale, or UCAL_DEFAULT to open the default calendar for the locale (the
+ * default calendar may also be Gregorian). To open a specific non-Gregorian calendar for the
+ * locale, use uloc_setKeywordValue to set the value of the calendar keyword for the locale
+ * and then pass the locale to ucal_open with UCAL_DEFAULT as the type.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return A pointer to a UCalendar, or 0 if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_open(const UChar*   zoneID,
+          int32_t        len,
+          const char*    locale,
+          UCalendarType  type,
+          UErrorCode*    status);
+ * Close a UCalendar.
+ * Once closed, a UCalendar may no longer be used.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to close.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_close(UCalendar *cal);
+ * \class LocalUCalendarPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCalendar via ucal_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUCalendarPointer, UCalendar, ucal_close);
+ * Open a copy of a UCalendar.
+ * This function performs a deep copy.
+ * @param cal The calendar to copy
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UCalendar identical to cal.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ucal_clone(const UCalendar* cal,
+           UErrorCode*      status);
+ * Set the TimeZone used by a UCalendar.
+ * A UCalendar uses a timezone for converting from Greenwich time to local time.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to set.
+ * @param zoneID The desired TimeZone ID.  If 0, use the default time zone.
+ * @param len The length of zoneID, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_setTimeZone(UCalendar*    cal,
+                 const UChar*  zoneID,
+                 int32_t       len,
+                 UErrorCode*   status);
+ * Get the ID of the UCalendar's time zone. 
+ * 
+ * @param cal           The UCalendar to query. 
+ * @param result        Receives the UCalendar's time zone ID. 
+ * @param resultLength  The maximum size of result. 
+ * @param status        Receives the status. 
+ * @return              The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated. 
+ * @stable ICU 51 
+ */ 
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucal_getTimeZoneID(const UCalendar *cal,
+                   UChar *result,
+                   int32_t resultLength,
+                   UErrorCode *status);
+ * Possible formats for a UCalendar's display name 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarDisplayNameType {
+  /** Standard display name */
+  /** Short standard display name */
+  /** Daylight savings display name */
+  /** Short daylight savings display name */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarDisplayNameType UCalendarDisplayNameType;
+ * Get the display name for a UCalendar's TimeZone.
+ * A display name is suitable for presentation to a user.
+ * @param cal          The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param type         The desired display name format; one of UCAL_STANDARD, UCAL_SHORT_STANDARD,
+ *                     UCAL_DST, UCAL_SHORT_DST
+ * @param locale       The desired locale for the display name.
+ * @param result       A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted number.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status       A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return             The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucal_getTimeZoneDisplayName(const UCalendar*          cal,
+                            UCalendarDisplayNameType  type,
+                            const char*               locale,
+                            UChar*                    result,
+                            int32_t                   resultLength,
+                            UErrorCode*               status);
+ * Determine if a UCalendar is currently in daylight savings time.
+ * Daylight savings time is not used in all parts of the world.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return TRUE if cal is currently in daylight savings time, FALSE otherwise
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_inDaylightTime(const UCalendar*  cal,
+                    UErrorCode*       status );
+ * Sets the GregorianCalendar change date. This is the point when the switch from
+ * Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is 00:00:00 local time, October
+ * 15, 1582. Previous to this time and date will be Julian dates.
+ *
+ * This function works only for Gregorian calendars. If the UCalendar is not
+ * an instance of a Gregorian calendar, then a U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
+ * error code is set.
+ *
+ * @param cal        The calendar object.
+ * @param date       The given Gregorian cutover date.
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ *
+ * @see GregorianCalendar::setGregorianChange
+ * @see ucal_getGregorianChange
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ucal_setGregorianChange(UCalendar *cal, UDate date, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Gets the Gregorian Calendar change date. This is the point when the switch from
+ * Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is 00:00:00 local time, October
+ * 15, 1582. Previous to this time and date will be Julian dates.
+ *
+ * This function works only for Gregorian calendars. If the UCalendar is not
+ * an instance of a Gregorian calendar, then a U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
+ * error code is set.
+ *
+ * @param cal        The calendar object.
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return   The Gregorian cutover time for this calendar.
+ *
+ * @see GregorianCalendar::getGregorianChange
+ * @see ucal_setGregorianChange
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ucal_getGregorianChange(const UCalendar *cal, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Types of UCalendar attributes 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarAttribute {
+  /**
+   * Lenient parsing
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * First day of week
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * Minimum number of days in first week
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * The behavior for handling wall time repeating multiple times
+   * at negative time zone offset transitions
+   * @stable ICU 49
+   */
+  /**
+   * The behavior for handling skipped wall time at positive time
+   * zone offset transitions.
+   * @stable ICU 49
+   */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarAttribute UCalendarAttribute;
+ * Options for handling ambiguous wall time at time zone
+ * offset transitions.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+enum UCalendarWallTimeOption {
+    /**
+     * An ambiguous wall time to be interpreted as the latest.
+     * This option is valid for UCAL_REPEATED_WALL_TIME and
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    /**
+     * An ambiguous wall time to be interpreted as the earliest.
+     * This option is valid for UCAL_REPEATED_WALL_TIME and
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    /**
+     * An ambiguous wall time to be interpreted as the next valid
+     * wall time. This option is valid for UCAL_SKIPPED_WALL_TIME.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+/** @stable ICU 49 */
+typedef enum UCalendarWallTimeOption UCalendarWallTimeOption;
+ * Get a numeric attribute associated with a UCalendar.
+ * Numeric attributes include the first day of the week, or the minimal numbers
+ * of days in the first week of the month.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param attr The desired attribute; one of UCAL_LENIENT, UCAL_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK,
+ * @return The value of attr.
+ * @see ucal_setAttribute
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucal_getAttribute(const UCalendar*    cal,
+                  UCalendarAttribute  attr);
+ * Set a numeric attribute associated with a UCalendar.
+ * Numeric attributes include the first day of the week, or the minimal numbers
+ * of days in the first week of the month.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to set.
+ * @param attr The desired attribute; one of UCAL_LENIENT, UCAL_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK,
+ * @param newValue The new value of attr.
+ * @see ucal_getAttribute
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_setAttribute(UCalendar*          cal,
+                  UCalendarAttribute  attr,
+                  int32_t             newValue);
+ * Get a locale for which calendars are available.
+ * A UCalendar in a locale returned by this function will contain the correct
+ * day and month names for the locale.
+ * @param localeIndex The index of the desired locale.
+ * @return A locale for which calendars are available, or 0 if none.
+ * @see ucal_countAvailable
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2 
+ucal_getAvailable(int32_t localeIndex);
+ * Determine how many locales have calendars available.
+ * This function is most useful as determining the loop ending condition for
+ * calls to \ref ucal_getAvailable.
+ * @return The number of locales for which calendars are available.
+ * @see ucal_getAvailable
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ * Get a UCalendar's current time in millis.
+ * The time is represented as milliseconds from the epoch.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return The calendar's current time in millis.
+ * @see ucal_setMillis
+ * @see ucal_setDate
+ * @see ucal_setDateTime
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_getMillis(const UCalendar*  cal,
+               UErrorCode*       status);
+ * Set a UCalendar's current time in millis.
+ * The time is represented as milliseconds from the epoch.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to set.
+ * @param dateTime The desired date and time.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @see ucal_getMillis
+ * @see ucal_setDate
+ * @see ucal_setDateTime
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_setMillis(UCalendar*   cal,
+               UDate        dateTime,
+               UErrorCode*  status );
+ * Set a UCalendar's current date.
+ * The date is represented as a series of 32-bit integers.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to set.
+ * @param year The desired year.
+ * @param month The desired month; one of UCAL_JANUARY, UCAL_FEBRUARY, UCAL_MARCH, UCAL_APRIL, UCAL_MAY,
+ * @param date The desired day of the month.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @see ucal_getMillis
+ * @see ucal_setMillis
+ * @see ucal_setDateTime
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_setDate(UCalendar*   cal,
+             int32_t      year,
+             int32_t      month,
+             int32_t      date,
+             UErrorCode*  status);
+ * Set a UCalendar's current date.
+ * The date is represented as a series of 32-bit integers.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to set.
+ * @param year The desired year.
+ * @param month The desired month; one of UCAL_JANUARY, UCAL_FEBRUARY, UCAL_MARCH, UCAL_APRIL, UCAL_MAY,
+ * @param date The desired day of the month.
+ * @param hour The desired hour of day.
+ * @param minute The desired minute.
+ * @param second The desirec second.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @see ucal_getMillis
+ * @see ucal_setMillis
+ * @see ucal_setDate
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_setDateTime(UCalendar*   cal,
+                 int32_t      year,
+                 int32_t      month,
+                 int32_t      date,
+                 int32_t      hour,
+                 int32_t      minute,
+                 int32_t      second,
+                 UErrorCode*  status);
+ * Returns TRUE if two UCalendars are equivalent.  Equivalent
+ * UCalendars will behave identically, but they may be set to
+ * different times.
+ * @param cal1 The first of the UCalendars to compare.
+ * @param cal2 The second of the UCalendars to compare.
+ * @return TRUE if cal1 and cal2 are equivalent, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_equivalentTo(const UCalendar*  cal1,
+                  const UCalendar*  cal2);
+ * Add a specified signed amount to a particular field in a UCalendar.
+ * This can modify more significant fields in the calendar.
+ * Adding a positive value always means moving forward in time, so for the Gregorian calendar,
+ * starting with 100 BC and adding +1 to year results in 99 BC (even though this actually reduces
+ * the numeric value of the field itself).
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to which to add.
+ * @param field The field to which to add the signed value; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @param amount The signed amount to add to field. If the amount causes the value
+ * to exceed to maximum or minimum values for that field, other fields are modified
+ * to preserve the magnitude of the change.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @see ucal_roll
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_add(UCalendar*           cal,
+         UCalendarDateFields  field,
+         int32_t              amount,
+         UErrorCode*          status);
+ * Add a specified signed amount to a particular field in a UCalendar.
+ * This will not modify more significant fields in the calendar.
+ * Rolling by a positive value always means moving forward in time (unless the limit of the
+ * field is reached, in which case it may pin or wrap), so for Gregorian calendar,
+ * starting with 100 BC and rolling the year by +1 results in 99 BC.
+ * When eras have a definite beginning and end (as in the Chinese calendar, or as in most eras in the
+ * Japanese calendar) then rolling the year past either limit of the era will cause the year to wrap around.
+ * When eras only have a limit at one end, then attempting to roll the year past that limit will result in
+ * pinning the year at that limit. Note that for most calendars in which era 0 years move forward in time
+ * (such as Buddhist, Hebrew, or Islamic), it is possible for add or roll to result in negative years for
+ * era 0 (that is the only way to represent years before the calendar epoch).
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to which to add.
+ * @param field The field to which to add the signed value; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @param amount The signed amount to add to field. If the amount causes the value
+ * to exceed to maximum or minimum values for that field, the field is pinned to a permissible
+ * value.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @see ucal_add
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_roll(UCalendar*           cal,
+          UCalendarDateFields  field,
+          int32_t              amount,
+          UErrorCode*          status);
+ * Get the current value of a field from a UCalendar.
+ * All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param field The desired field; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return The value of the desired field.
+ * @see ucal_set
+ * @see ucal_isSet
+ * @see ucal_clearField
+ * @see ucal_clear
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucal_get(const UCalendar*     cal,
+         UCalendarDateFields  field,
+         UErrorCode*          status );
+ * Set the value of a field in a UCalendar.
+ * All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to set.
+ * @param field The field to set; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @param value The desired value of field.
+ * @see ucal_get
+ * @see ucal_isSet
+ * @see ucal_clearField
+ * @see ucal_clear
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_set(UCalendar*           cal,
+         UCalendarDateFields  field,
+         int32_t              value);
+ * Determine if a field in a UCalendar is set.
+ * All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param field The desired field; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @return TRUE if field is set, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @see ucal_get
+ * @see ucal_set
+ * @see ucal_clearField
+ * @see ucal_clear
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_isSet(const UCalendar*     cal,
+           UCalendarDateFields  field);
+ * Clear a field in a UCalendar.
+ * All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar containing the field to clear.
+ * @param field The field to clear; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @see ucal_get
+ * @see ucal_set
+ * @see ucal_isSet
+ * @see ucal_clear
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_clearField(UCalendar*           cal,
+                UCalendarDateFields  field);
+ * Clear all fields in a UCalendar.
+ * All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
+ * @param calendar The UCalendar to clear.
+ * @see ucal_get
+ * @see ucal_set
+ * @see ucal_isSet
+ * @see ucal_clearField
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucal_clear(UCalendar* calendar);
+ * Possible limit values for a UCalendar 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UCalendarLimitType {
+  /** Minimum value */
+  /** Maximum value */
+  /** Greatest minimum value */
+  /** Leaest maximum value */
+  /** Actual minimum value */
+  /** Actual maximum value */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UCalendarLimitType UCalendarLimitType;
+ * Determine a limit for a field in a UCalendar.
+ * A limit is a maximum or minimum value for a field.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param field The desired field; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @param type The desired critical point; one of UCAL_MINIMUM, UCAL_MAXIMUM, UCAL_GREATEST_MINIMUM,
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The requested value.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucal_getLimit(const UCalendar*     cal,
+              UCalendarDateFields  field,
+              UCalendarLimitType   type,
+              UErrorCode*          status);
+/** Get the locale for this calendar object. You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+ *  @param cal The calendar object
+ *  @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual) 
+ *  @param status error code for the operation
+ *  @return the locale name
+ *  @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucal_getLocaleByType(const UCalendar *cal, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the timezone data version currently used by ICU.
+ * @param status error code for the operation
+ * @return the version string, such as "2007f"
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucal_getTZDataVersion(UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the canonical system timezone ID or the normalized
+ * custom time zone ID for the given time zone ID.
+ * @param id        The input timezone ID to be canonicalized.
+ * @param len       The length of id, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param result    The buffer receives the canonical system timezone ID
+ *                  or the custom timezone ID in normalized format.
+ * @param resultCapacity    The capacity of the result buffer.
+ * @param isSystemID        Receives if the given ID is a known system
+     *                      timezone ID.
+ * @param status    Receives the status.  When the given timezone ID
+ *                  is neither a known system time zone ID nor a
+ *                  valid custom timezone ID, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR
+ *                  is set.
+ * @return          The result string length, not including the terminating
+ *                  null.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ucal_getCanonicalTimeZoneID(const UChar* id, int32_t len,
+                            UChar* result, int32_t resultCapacity, UBool *isSystemID, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Get the resource keyword value string designating the calendar type for the UCalendar.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param status The error code for the operation.
+ * @return The resource keyword value string.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucal_getType(const UCalendar *cal, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred
+ * order that would make a difference. These are all and only those values where
+ * the open (creation) of the service with the locale formed from the input locale
+ * plus input keyword and that value has different behavior than creation with the
+ * input locale alone.
+ * @param key           one of the keys supported by this service.  For now, only
+ *                      "calendar" is supported.
+ * @param locale        the locale
+ * @param commonlyUsed  if set to true it will return only commonly used values
+ *                      with the given locale in preferred order.  Otherwise,
+ *                      it will return all the available values for the locale.
+ * @param status error status
+ * @return a string enumeration over keyword values for the given key and the locale.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucal_getKeywordValuesForLocale(const char* key,
+                               const char* locale,
+                               UBool commonlyUsed,
+                               UErrorCode* status);
+/** Weekday types, as returned by ucal_getDayOfWeekType().
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+enum UCalendarWeekdayType {
+  /**
+   * Designates a full weekday (no part of the day is included in the weekend).
+   * @stable ICU 4.4 
+   */
+  /**
+   * Designates a full weekend day (the entire day is included in the weekend).
+   * @stable ICU 4.4 
+   */
+  /**
+   * Designates a day that starts as a weekday and transitions to the weekend.
+   * Call ucal_getWeekendTransition() to get the time of transition.
+   * @stable ICU 4.4 
+   */
+  /**
+   * Designates a day that starts as the weekend and transitions to a weekday.
+   * Call ucal_getWeekendTransition() to get the time of transition.
+   * @stable ICU 4.4 
+   */
+/** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+typedef enum UCalendarWeekdayType UCalendarWeekdayType;
+ * Returns whether the given day of the week is a weekday, a weekend day,
+ * or a day that transitions from one to the other, for the locale and
+ * calendar system associated with this UCalendar (the locale's region is
+ * often the most determinant factor). If a transition occurs at midnight,
+ * then the days before and after the transition will have the
+ * type UCAL_WEEKDAY or UCAL_WEEKEND. If a transition occurs at a time
+ * other than midnight, then the day of the transition will have
+ * the type UCAL_WEEKEND_ONSET or UCAL_WEEKEND_CEASE. In this case, the
+ * function ucal_getWeekendTransition() will return the point of
+ * transition.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param dayOfWeek The day of the week whose type is desired (UCAL_SUNDAY..UCAL_SATURDAY).
+ * @param status The error code for the operation.
+ * @return The UCalendarWeekdayType for the day of the week.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_STABLE UCalendarWeekdayType U_EXPORT2
+ucal_getDayOfWeekType(const UCalendar *cal, UCalendarDaysOfWeek dayOfWeek, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the time during the day at which the weekend begins or ends in
+ * this calendar system.  If ucal_getDayOfWeekType() returns UCAL_WEEKEND_ONSET
+ * for the specified dayOfWeek, return the time at which the weekend begins.
+ * If ucal_getDayOfWeekType() returns UCAL_WEEKEND_CEASE for the specified dayOfWeek,
+ * return the time at which the weekend ends. If ucal_getDayOfWeekType() returns
+ * some other UCalendarWeekdayType for the specified dayOfWeek, is it an error condition
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param dayOfWeek The day of the week for which the weekend transition time is
+ * @param status The error code for the operation.
+ * @return The milliseconds after midnight at which the weekend begins or ends.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+ucal_getWeekendTransition(const UCalendar *cal, UCalendarDaysOfWeek dayOfWeek, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns TRUE if the given UDate is in the weekend in
+ * this calendar system.
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+ * @param date The UDate in question.
+ * @param status The error code for the operation.
+ * @return TRUE if the given UDate is in the weekend in
+ * this calendar system, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+ucal_isWeekend(const UCalendar *cal, UDate date, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Return the difference between the target time and the time this calendar object is currently set to.
+ * If the target time is after the current calendar setting, the the returned value will be positive.
+ * The field parameter specifies the units of the return value. For example, if field is UCAL_MONTH
+ * and ucal_getFieldDifference returns 3, then the target time is 3 to less than 4 months after the
+ * current calendar setting.
+ *
+ * As a side effect of this call, this calendar is advanced toward target by the given amount. That is,
+ * calling this function has the side effect of calling ucal_add on this calendar with the specified
+ * field and an amount equal to the return value from this function.
+ *
+ * A typical way of using this function is to call it first with the largest field of interest, then
+ * with progressively smaller fields.
+ * 
+ * @param cal The UCalendar to compare and update.
+ * @param target The target date to compare to the current calendar setting.
+ * @param field The field to compare; one of UCAL_ERA, UCAL_YEAR, UCAL_MONTH,
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return The date difference for the specified field.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucal_getFieldDifference(UCalendar* cal,
+                        UDate target,
+                        UCalendarDateFields field,
+                        UErrorCode* status);
+ * Time zone transition types for ucal_getTimeZoneTransitionDate
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+enum UTimeZoneTransitionType {
+    /**
+     * Get the next transition after the current date,
+     * i.e. excludes the current date
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Get the next transition on or after the current date,
+     * i.e. may include the current date
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Get the previous transition before the current date,
+     * i.e. excludes the current date
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Get the previous transition on or before the current date,
+     * i.e. may include the current date
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+typedef enum UTimeZoneTransitionType UTimeZoneTransitionType; /**< @stable ICU 50 */
+* Get the UDate for the next/previous time zone transition relative to
+* the calendar's current date, in the time zone to which the calendar
+* is currently set. If there is no known time zone transition of the
+* requested type relative to the calendar's date, the function returns
+* @param cal The UCalendar to query.
+* @param type The type of transition desired.
+* @param transition A pointer to a UDate to be set to the transition time.
+*         If the function returns FALSE, the value set is unspecified.
+* @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+* @return TRUE if a valid transition time is set in *transition, FALSE
+*         otherwise.
+* @stable ICU 50
+ucal_getTimeZoneTransitionDate(const UCalendar* cal, UTimeZoneTransitionType type,
+                               UDate* transition, UErrorCode* status);
+* Converts a system time zone ID to an equivalent Windows time zone ID. For example,
+* Windows time zone ID "Pacific Standard Time" is returned for input "America/Los_Angeles".
+* <p>There are system time zones that cannot be mapped to Windows zones. When the input
+* system time zone ID is unknown or unmappable to a Windows time zone, then this
+* function returns 0 as the result length, but the operation itself remains successful
+* (no error status set on return).
+* <p>This implementation utilizes <a href="">
+* Zone-Tzid mapping data</a>. The mapping data is updated time to time. To get the latest changes,
+* please read the ICU user guide section <a href="">
+* Updating the Time Zone Data</a>.
+* @param id            A system time zone ID.
+* @param len           The length of <code>id</code>, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param winid         A buffer to receive a Windows time zone ID.
+* @param winidCapacity The capacity of the result buffer <code>winid</code>.
+* @param status        Receives the status.
+* @return              The result string length, not including the terminating null.
+* @see ucal_getTimeZoneIDForWindowsID
+* @stable ICU 52
+ucal_getWindowsTimeZoneID(const UChar* id, int32_t len,
+                            UChar* winid, int32_t winidCapacity, UErrorCode* status);
+* Converts a Windows time zone ID to an equivalent system time zone ID
+* for a region. For example, system time zone ID "America/Los_Angeles" is returned
+* for input Windows ID "Pacific Standard Time" and region "US" (or <code>null</code>),
+* "America/Vancouver" is returned for the same Windows ID "Pacific Standard Time" and
+* region "CA".
+* <p>Not all Windows time zones can be mapped to system time zones. When the input
+* Windows time zone ID is unknown or unmappable to a system time zone, then this
+* function returns 0 as the result length, but the operation itself remains successful
+* (no error status set on return).
+* <p>This implementation utilizes <a href="">
+* Zone-Tzid mapping data</a>. The mapping data is updated time to time. To get the latest changes,
+* please read the ICU user guide section <a href="">
+* Updating the Time Zone Data</a>.
+* @param winid         A Windows time zone ID.
+* @param len           The length of <code>winid</code>, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param region        A null-terminated region code, or <code>NULL</code> if no regional preference.
+* @param id            A buffer to receive a system time zone ID.
+* @param idCapacity    The capacity of the result buffer <code>id</code>.
+* @param status        Receives the status.
+* @return              The result string length, not including the terminating null.
+* @see ucal_getWindowsTimeZoneID
+* @stable ICU 52
+ucal_getTimeZoneIDForWindowsID(const UChar* winid, int32_t len, const char* region,
+                                UChar* id, int32_t idCapacity, UErrorCode* status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucasemap.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucasemap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c09a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucasemap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucasemap.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2005may06
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Case mapping service object and functions using it.
+#ifndef __UCASEMAP_H__
+#define __UCASEMAP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/stringoptions.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode case mapping functions using a UCaseMap service object.
+ *
+ * The service object takes care of memory allocations, data loading, and setup
+ * for the attributes, as usual.
+ *
+ * Currently, the functionality provided here does not overlap with uchar.h
+ * and ustring.h, except for ucasemap_toTitle().
+ *
+ * ucasemap_utf8XYZ() functions operate directly on UTF-8 strings.
+ */
+ * UCaseMap is an opaque service object for newer ICU case mapping functions.
+ * Older functions did not use a service object.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+struct UCaseMap;
+typedef struct UCaseMap UCaseMap; /**< C typedef for struct UCaseMap. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+ * Open a UCaseMap service object for a locale and a set of options.
+ * The locale ID and options are preprocessed so that functions using the
+ * service object need not process them in each call.
+ *
+ * @param locale ICU locale ID, used for language-dependent
+ *               upper-/lower-/title-casing according to the Unicode standard.
+ *               Usual semantics: ""=root, NULL=default locale, etc.
+ * @param options Options bit set, used for case folding and string comparisons.
+ *                Same flags as for u_foldCase(), u_strFoldCase(),
+ *                u_strCaseCompare(), etc.
+ *                Use 0 or U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT for default behavior.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                   which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return Pointer to a UCaseMap service object, if successful.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucasemap_open(const char *locale, uint32_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Close a UCaseMap service object.
+ * @param csm Object to be closed.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucasemap_close(UCaseMap *csm);
+ * \class LocalUCaseMapPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCaseMap via ucasemap_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUCaseMapPointer, UCaseMap, ucasemap_close);
+ * Get the locale ID that is used for language-dependent case mappings.
+ * @param csm UCaseMap service object.
+ * @return locale ID
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucasemap_getLocale(const UCaseMap *csm);
+ * Get the options bit set that is used for case folding and string comparisons.
+ * @param csm UCaseMap service object.
+ * @return options bit set
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucasemap_getOptions(const UCaseMap *csm);
+ * Set the locale ID that is used for language-dependent case mappings.
+ *
+ * @param csm UCaseMap service object.
+ * @param locale Locale ID, see ucasemap_open().
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                   which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ *
+ * @see ucasemap_open
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucasemap_setLocale(UCaseMap *csm, const char *locale, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Set the options bit set that is used for case folding and string comparisons.
+ *
+ * @param csm UCaseMap service object.
+ * @param options Options bit set, see ucasemap_open().
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                   which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ *
+ * @see ucasemap_open
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucasemap_setOptions(UCaseMap *csm, uint32_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the break iterator that is used for titlecasing.
+ * Do not modify the returned break iterator.
+ * @param csm UCaseMap service object.
+ * @return titlecasing break iterator
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const UBreakIterator * U_EXPORT2
+ucasemap_getBreakIterator(const UCaseMap *csm);
+ * Set the break iterator that is used for titlecasing.
+ * The UCaseMap service object releases a previously set break iterator
+ * and "adopts" this new one, taking ownership of it.
+ * It will be released in a subsequent call to ucasemap_setBreakIterator()
+ * or ucasemap_close().
+ *
+ * Break iterator operations are not thread-safe. Therefore, titlecasing
+ * functions use non-const UCaseMap objects. It is not possible to titlecase
+ * strings concurrently using the same UCaseMap.
+ *
+ * @param csm UCaseMap service object.
+ * @param iterToAdopt Break iterator to be adopted for titlecasing.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                   which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ *
+ * @see ucasemap_toTitle
+ * @see ucasemap_utf8ToTitle
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+ucasemap_setBreakIterator(UCaseMap *csm, UBreakIterator *iterToAdopt, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Titlecase a UTF-16 string. This function is almost a duplicate of u_strToTitle(),
+ * except that it takes ucasemap_setOptions() into account and has performance
+ * advantages from being able to use a UCaseMap object for multiple case mapping
+ * operations, saving setup time.
+ *
+ * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+ * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+ * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+ * all others. (This can be modified with ucasemap_setOptions().)
+ *
+ * Note: This function takes a non-const UCaseMap pointer because it will
+ * open a default break iterator if no break iterator was set yet,
+ * and effectively call ucasemap_setBreakIterator();
+ * also because the break iterator is stateful and will be modified during
+ * the iteration.
+ *
+ * The titlecase break iterator can be provided to customize for arbitrary
+ * styles, using rules and dictionaries beyond the standard iterators.
+ * The standard titlecase iterator for the root locale implements the
+ * algorithm of Unicode TR 21.
+ *
+ * This function uses only the setText(), first() and next() methods of the
+ * provided break iterator.
+ *
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+ *
+ * @param csm       UCaseMap service object. This pointer is non-const!
+ *                  See the note above for details.
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string.
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ *
+ * @see u_strToTitle
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+ucasemap_toTitle(UCaseMap *csm,
+                 UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                 const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Lowercase the characters in a UTF-8 string.
+ * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+ *
+ * @param csm       UCaseMap service object.
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string.
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ *
+ * @see u_strToLower
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucasemap_utf8ToLower(const UCaseMap *csm,
+                     char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                     const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Uppercase the characters in a UTF-8 string.
+ * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+ *
+ * @param csm       UCaseMap service object.
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string.
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ *
+ * @see u_strToUpper
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(const UCaseMap *csm,
+                     char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                     const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Titlecase a UTF-8 string.
+ * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+ * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+ * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+ * all others. (This can be modified with ucasemap_setOptions().)
+ *
+ * Note: This function takes a non-const UCaseMap pointer because it will
+ * open a default break iterator if no break iterator was set yet,
+ * and effectively call ucasemap_setBreakIterator();
+ * also because the break iterator is stateful and will be modified during
+ * the iteration.
+ *
+ * The titlecase break iterator can be provided to customize for arbitrary
+ * styles, using rules and dictionaries beyond the standard iterators.
+ * The standard titlecase iterator for the root locale implements the
+ * algorithm of Unicode TR 21.
+ *
+ * This function uses only the setUText(), first(), next() and close() methods of the
+ * provided break iterator.
+ *
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+ *
+ * @param csm       UCaseMap service object. This pointer is non-const!
+ *                  See the note above for details.
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string.
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ *
+ * @see u_strToTitle
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+ucasemap_utf8ToTitle(UCaseMap *csm,
+                    char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                    const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Case-folds the characters in a UTF-8 string.
+ *
+ * Case-folding is locale-independent and not context-sensitive,
+ * but there is an option for whether to include or exclude mappings for dotted I
+ * and dotless i that are marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt.
+ *
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer must not overlap.
+ *
+ * @param csm       UCaseMap service object.
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be NUL-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ *                  The contents is undefined in case of failure.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of bytes). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string.
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be NUL-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ *
+ * @see u_strFoldCase
+ * @see ucasemap_setOptions
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+ucasemap_utf8FoldCase(const UCaseMap *csm,
+                      char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                      const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucat.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1ff3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2004, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: March 19 2003
+* Since: ICU 2.6
+#ifndef UCAT_H
+#define UCAT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Message Catalog Wrappers
+ *
+ * This C API provides look-alike functions that deliberately resemble
+ * the POSIX catopen, catclose, and catgets functions.  The underlying
+ * implementation is in terms of ICU resource bundles, rather than
+ * POSIX message catalogs.
+ *
+ * The ICU resource bundles obey standard ICU inheritance policies.
+ * To facilitate this, sets and messages are flattened into one tier.
+ * This is done by creating resource bundle keys of the form
+ * &lt;set_num&gt;%&lt;msg_num&gt; where set_num is the set number and msg_num is
+ * the message number, formatted as decimal strings.
+ *
+ * Example:  Consider a message catalog containing two sets:
+ *
+ * Set 1: Message 4  = "Good morning."
+ *        Message 5  = "Good afternoon."
+ *        Message 7  = "Good evening."
+ *        Message 8  = "Good night."
+ * Set 4: Message 14 = "Please "
+ *        Message 19 = "Thank you."
+ *        Message 20 = "Sincerely,"
+ *
+ * The ICU resource bundle source file would, assuming it is named
+ * "greet.txt", would look like this:
+ *
+ * greet
+ * {
+ *     1%4  { "Good morning." }
+ *     1%5  { "Good afternoon." }
+ *     1%7  { "Good evening." }
+ *     1%8  { "Good night." }
+ * 
+ *     4%14 { "Please " }
+ *     4%19 { "Thank you." }
+ *     4%20 { "Sincerely," }
+ * }
+ *
+ * The catgets function is commonly used in combination with functions
+ * like printf and strftime.  ICU components like message format can
+ * be used instead, although they use a different format syntax.
+ * There is an ICU package, icuio, that provides some of
+ * the POSIX-style formatting API.
+ */
+ * An ICU message catalog descriptor, analogous to nl_catd.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef UResourceBundle* u_nl_catd;
+ * Open and return an ICU message catalog descriptor. The descriptor
+ * may be passed to u_catgets() to retrieve localized strings.
+ *
+ * @param name string containing the full path pointing to the
+ * directory where the resources reside followed by the package name
+ * e.g. "/usr/resource/my_app/resources/guimessages" on a Unix system.
+ * If NULL, ICU default data files will be used.
+ *
+ * Unlike POSIX, environment variables are not interpolated within the
+ * name.
+ *
+ * @param locale the locale for which we want to open the resource. If
+ * NULL, the default ICU locale will be used (see uloc_getDefault). If
+ * strlen(locale) == 0, the root locale will be used.
+ *
+ * @param ec input/output error code. Upon output,
+ * U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING indicates that a fallback locale was
+ * used. For example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found
+ * there, so 'de' was used. U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that the
+ * default locale data or root locale data was used; neither the
+ * requested locale nor any of its fallback locales were found.
+ *
+ * @return a message catalog descriptor that may be passed to
+ * u_catgets(). If the ec parameter indicates success, then the caller
+ * is responsible for calling u_catclose() to close the message
+ * catalog. If the ec parameter indicates failure, then NULL will be
+ * returned.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE u_nl_catd U_EXPORT2
+u_catopen(const char* name, const char* locale, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Close an ICU message catalog, given its descriptor.
+ *
+ * @param catd a message catalog descriptor to be closed. May be NULL,
+ * in which case no action is taken.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_catclose(u_nl_catd catd);
+ * Retrieve a localized string from an ICU message catalog.
+ *
+ * @param catd a message catalog descriptor returned by u_catopen.
+ *
+ * @param set_num the message catalog set number. Sets need not be
+ * numbered consecutively.
+ *
+ * @param msg_num the message catalog message number within the
+ * set. Messages need not be numbered consecutively.
+ *
+ * @param s the default string. This is returned if the string
+ * specified by the set_num and msg_num is not found. It must be
+ * zero-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param len fill-in parameter to receive the length of the result.
+ * May be NULL, in which case it is ignored.
+ *
+ * @param ec input/output error code. May be U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING
+ * the set_num/msg_num tuple does not specify a valid message string
+ * in this catalog.
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in
+ * an internal buffer area, typically a memory mapped/DLL file. The
+ * caller must NOT delete this pointer. If the call is unsuccessful
+ * for any reason, then s is returned.  This includes the situation in
+ * which ec indicates a failing error code upon entry to this
+ * function.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+u_catgets(u_nl_catd catd, int32_t set_num, int32_t msg_num,
+          const UChar* s,
+          int32_t* len, UErrorCode* ec);
+#endif /*UCAT_H*/
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uchar.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uchar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b55b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uchar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4056 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File UCHAR.H
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/02/97    aliu        Creation.
+*   03/29/99    helena      Updated for C APIs.
+*   4/15/99     Madhu       Updated for C Implementation and Javadoc
+*   5/20/99     Madhu       Added the function u_getVersion()
+*   8/19/1999   srl         Upgraded scripts to Unicode 3.0
+*   8/27/1999   schererm    UCharDirection constants: U_...
+*   11/11/1999  weiv        added u_isalnum(), cleaned comments
+*   01/11/2000  helena      Renamed u_getVersion to u_getUnicodeVersion().
+#ifndef UCHAR_H
+#define UCHAR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/stringoptions.h"
+#include "unicode/ucpmap.h"
+#if !defined(USET_DEFINED) && !defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+ * USet is the C API type corresponding to C++ class UnicodeSet.
+ * It is forward-declared here to avoid including unicode/uset.h file if related
+ * APIs are not used.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_getUnicodeSet
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef struct USet USet;
+/* Unicode version number                                                   */
+ * Unicode version number, default for the current ICU version.
+ * The actual Unicode Character Database (UCD) data is stored in uprops.dat
+ * and may be generated from UCD files from a different Unicode version.
+ * Call u_getUnicodeVersion to get the actual Unicode version of the data.
+ *
+ * @see u_getUnicodeVersion
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_UNICODE_VERSION "13.0"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode Properties
+ *
+ * This C API provides low-level access to the Unicode Character Database.
+ * In addition to raw property values, some convenience functions calculate
+ * derived properties, for example for Java-style programming.
+ *
+ * Unicode assigns each code point (not just assigned character) values for
+ * many properties.
+ * Most of them are simple boolean flags, or constants from a small enumerated list.
+ * For some properties, values are strings or other relatively more complex types.
+ *
+ * For more information see
+ * "About the Unicode Character Database" (
+ * and the ICU User Guide chapter on Properties (
+ *
+ * Many properties are accessible via generic functions that take a UProperty selector.
+ * - u_hasBinaryProperty() returns a binary value (TRUE/FALSE) per property and code point.
+ * - u_getIntPropertyValue() returns an integer value per property and code point.
+ *   For each supported enumerated or catalog property, there is
+ *   an enum type for all of the property's values, and
+ *   u_getIntPropertyValue() returns the numeric values of those constants.
+ * - u_getBinaryPropertySet() returns a set for each ICU-supported binary property with
+ *   all code points for which the property is true.
+ * - u_getIntPropertyMap() returns a map for each
+ *   ICU-supported enumerated/catalog/int-valued property which
+ *   maps all Unicode code points to their values for that property.
+ *
+ * Many functions are designed to match java.lang.Character functions.
+ * See the individual function documentation,
+ * and see the JDK 1.4 java.lang.Character documentation
+ * at
+ *
+ * There are also functions that provide easy migration from C/POSIX functions
+ * like isblank(). Their use is generally discouraged because the C/POSIX
+ * standards do not define their semantics beyond the ASCII range, which means
+ * that different implementations exhibit very different behavior.
+ * Instead, Unicode properties should be used directly.
+ *
+ * There are also only a few, broad C/POSIX character classes, and they tend
+ * to be used for conflicting purposes. For example, the "isalpha()" class
+ * is sometimes used to determine word boundaries, while a more sophisticated
+ * approach would at least distinguish initial letters from continuation
+ * characters (the latter including combining marks).
+ * (In ICU, BreakIterator is the most sophisticated API for word boundaries.)
+ * Another example: There is no "istitle()" class for titlecase characters.
+ *
+ * ICU 3.4 and later provides API access for all twelve C/POSIX character classes.
+ * ICU implements them according to the Standard Recommendations in
+ * Annex C: Compatibility Properties of UTS #18 Unicode Regular Expressions
+ * (
+ *
+ * API access for C/POSIX character classes is as follows:
+ * - alpha:     u_isUAlphabetic(c) or u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_ALPHABETIC)
+ * - lower:     u_isULowercase(c) or u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_LOWERCASE)
+ * - upper:     u_isUUppercase(c) or u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_UPPERCASE)
+ * - punct:     u_ispunct(c)
+ * - digit:     u_isdigit(c) or u_charType(c)==U_DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER
+ * - xdigit:    u_isxdigit(c) or u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_POSIX_XDIGIT)
+ * - alnum:     u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM)
+ * - space:     u_isUWhiteSpace(c) or u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE)
+ * - blank:     u_isblank(c) or u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_POSIX_BLANK)
+ * - cntrl:     u_charType(c)==U_CONTROL_CHAR
+ * - graph:     u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH)
+ * - print:     u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT)
+ *
+ * Note: Some of the u_isxyz() functions in uchar.h predate, and do not match,
+ * the Standard Recommendations in UTS #18. Instead, they match Java
+ * functions according to their API documentation.
+ *
+ * \htmlonly
+ * The C/POSIX character classes are also available in UnicodeSet patterns,
+ * using patterns like [:graph:] or \p{graph}.
+ * \endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * Note: There are several ICU whitespace functions.
+ * Comparison:
+ * - u_isUWhiteSpace=UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE: Unicode White_Space property;
+ *       most of general categories "Z" (separators) + most whitespace ISO controls
+ *       (including no-break spaces, but excluding IS1..IS4)
+ * - u_isWhitespace: Java isWhitespace; Z + whitespace ISO controls but excluding no-break spaces
+ * - u_isJavaSpaceChar: Java isSpaceChar; just Z (including no-break spaces)
+ * - u_isspace: Z + whitespace ISO controls (including no-break spaces)
+ * - u_isblank: "horizontal spaces" = TAB + Zs
+ */
+ * Constants.
+ */
+/** The lowest Unicode code point value. Code points are non-negative. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define UCHAR_MIN_VALUE 0
+ * The highest Unicode code point value (scalar value) according to
+ * The Unicode Standard. This is a 21-bit value (20.1 bits, rounded up).
+ * For a single character, UChar32 is a simple type that can hold any code point value.
+ *
+ * @see UChar32
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCHAR_MAX_VALUE 0x10ffff
+ * Get a single-bit bit set (a flag) from a bit number 0..31.
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+#define U_MASK(x) ((uint32_t)1<<(x))
+ * Selection constants for Unicode properties.
+ * These constants are used in functions like u_hasBinaryProperty to select
+ * one of the Unicode properties.
+ *
+ * The properties APIs are intended to reflect Unicode properties as defined
+ * in the Unicode Character Database (UCD) and Unicode Technical Reports (UTR).
+ *
+ * For details about the properties see
+ * UAX #44: Unicode Character Database (
+ *
+ * Important: If ICU is built with UCD files from Unicode versions below, e.g., 3.2,
+ * then properties marked with "new in Unicode 3.2" are not or not fully available.
+ * Check u_getUnicodeVersion to be sure.
+ *
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyValue
+ * @see u_getUnicodeVersion
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef enum UProperty {
+    /*
+     * Note: UProperty constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     UCHAR_<Unicode property name>=<integer>,
+     */
+    /*  Note: Place UCHAR_ALPHABETIC before UCHAR_BINARY_START so that
+    debuggers display UCHAR_ALPHABETIC as the symbolic name for 0,
+    rather than UCHAR_BINARY_START.  Likewise for other *_START
+    identifiers. */
+    /** Binary property Alphabetic. Same as u_isUAlphabetic, different from u_isalpha.
+        Lu+Ll+Lt+Lm+Lo+Nl+Other_Alphabetic @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** First constant for binary Unicode properties. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property ASCII_Hex_Digit. 0-9 A-F a-f @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Bidi_Control.
+        Format controls which have specific functions
+        in the Bidi Algorithm. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Bidi_Mirrored.
+        Characters that may change display in RTL text.
+        Same as u_isMirrored.
+        See Bidi Algorithm, UTR 9. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Dash. Variations of dashes. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    UCHAR_DASH=4,
+    /** Binary property Default_Ignorable_Code_Point (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        Ignorable in most processing.
+        <2060..206F, FFF0..FFFB, E0000..E0FFF>+Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point+(Cf+Cc+Cs-White_Space) @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Deprecated (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        The usage of deprecated characters is strongly discouraged. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Diacritic. Characters that linguistically modify
+        the meaning of another character to which they apply. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Extender.
+        Extend the value or shape of a preceding alphabetic character,
+        e.g., length and iteration marks. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Full_Composition_Exclusion.
+        CompositionExclusions.txt+Singleton Decompositions+
+        Non-Starter Decompositions. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Grapheme_Base (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries.
+        [0..10FFFF]-Cc-Cf-Cs-Co-Cn-Zl-Zp-Grapheme_Link-Grapheme_Extend-CGJ @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Grapheme_Extend (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries.
+        Me+Mn+Mc+Other_Grapheme_Extend-Grapheme_Link-CGJ @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Grapheme_Link (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Hex_Digit.
+        Characters commonly used for hexadecimal numbers. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Hyphen. Dashes used to mark connections
+        between pieces of words, plus the Katakana middle dot. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property ID_Continue.
+        Characters that can continue an identifier.
+        DerivedCoreProperties.txt also says "NOTE: Cf characters should be filtered out."
+        ID_Start+Mn+Mc+Nd+Pc @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property ID_Start.
+        Characters that can start an identifier.
+        Lu+Ll+Lt+Lm+Lo+Nl @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Ideographic.
+        CJKV ideographs. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property IDS_Binary_Operator (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        For programmatic determination of
+        Ideographic Description Sequences. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property IDS_Trinary_Operator (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        For programmatic determination of
+        Ideographic Description Sequences. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Join_Control.
+        Format controls for cursive joining and ligation. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Logical_Order_Exception (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        Characters that do not use logical order and
+        require special handling in most processing. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Lowercase. Same as u_isULowercase, different from u_islower.
+        Ll+Other_Lowercase @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Math. Sm+Other_Math @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    UCHAR_MATH=23,
+    /** Binary property Noncharacter_Code_Point.
+        Code points that are explicitly defined as illegal
+        for the encoding of characters. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Quotation_Mark. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Radical (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        For programmatic determination of
+        Ideographic Description Sequences. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Soft_Dotted (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        Characters with a "soft dot", like i or j.
+        An accent placed on these characters causes
+        the dot to disappear. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Terminal_Punctuation.
+        Punctuation characters that generally mark
+        the end of textual units. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Unified_Ideograph (new in Unicode 3.2).
+        For programmatic determination of
+        Ideographic Description Sequences. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Uppercase. Same as u_isUUppercase, different from u_isupper.
+        Lu+Other_Uppercase @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property White_Space.
+        Same as u_isUWhiteSpace, different from u_isspace and u_isWhitespace.
+        Space characters+TAB+CR+LF-ZWSP-ZWNBSP @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property XID_Continue.
+        ID_Continue modified to allow closure under
+        normalization forms NFKC and NFKD. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property XID_Start. ID_Start modified to allow
+        closure under normalization forms NFKC and NFKD. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+    /** Binary property Case_Sensitive. Either the source of a case
+        mapping or _in_ the target of a case mapping. Not the same as
+        the general category Cased_Letter. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** Binary property STerm (new in Unicode 4.0.1).
+        Sentence Terminal. Used in UAX #29: Text Boundaries
+        (
+        @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    UCHAR_S_TERM=35,
+    /** Binary property Variation_Selector (new in Unicode 4.0.1).
+        Indicates all those characters that qualify as Variation Selectors.
+        For details on the behavior of these characters,
+        see StandardizedVariants.html and 15.6 Variation Selectors.
+        @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Binary property NFD_Inert.
+        ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFD,
+        i.e., they do not interact with adjacent characters.
+        See the documentation for the Normalizer2 class and the
+        Normalizer2::isInert() method.
+        @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Binary property NFKD_Inert.
+        ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFKD,
+        i.e., they do not interact with adjacent characters.
+        See the documentation for the Normalizer2 class and the
+        Normalizer2::isInert() method.
+        @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Binary property NFC_Inert.
+        ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFC,
+        i.e., they do not interact with adjacent characters.
+        See the documentation for the Normalizer2 class and the
+        Normalizer2::isInert() method.
+        @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Binary property NFKC_Inert.
+        ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFKC,
+        i.e., they do not interact with adjacent characters.
+        See the documentation for the Normalizer2 class and the
+        Normalizer2::isInert() method.
+        @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Binary Property Segment_Starter.
+        ICU-specific property for characters that are starters in terms of
+        Unicode normalization and combining character sequences.
+        They have ccc=0 and do not occur in non-initial position of the
+        canonical decomposition of any character
+        (like a-umlaut in NFD and a Jamo T in an NFD(Hangul LVT)).
+        ICU uses this property for segmenting a string for generating a set of
+        canonically equivalent strings, e.g. for canonical closure while
+        processing collation tailoring rules.
+        @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Binary property Pattern_Syntax (new in Unicode 4.1).
+        See UAX #31 Identifier and Pattern Syntax
+        (
+        @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Binary property Pattern_White_Space (new in Unicode 4.1).
+        See UAX #31 Identifier and Pattern Syntax
+        (
+        @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Binary property alnum (a C/POSIX character class).
+        Implemented according to the UTS #18 Annex C Standard Recommendation.
+        See the uchar.h file documentation.
+        @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Binary property blank (a C/POSIX character class).
+        Implemented according to the UTS #18 Annex C Standard Recommendation.
+        See the uchar.h file documentation.
+        @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Binary property graph (a C/POSIX character class).
+        Implemented according to the UTS #18 Annex C Standard Recommendation.
+        See the uchar.h file documentation.
+        @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Binary property print (a C/POSIX character class).
+        Implemented according to the UTS #18 Annex C Standard Recommendation.
+        See the uchar.h file documentation.
+        @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Binary property xdigit (a C/POSIX character class).
+        Implemented according to the UTS #18 Annex C Standard Recommendation.
+        See the uchar.h file documentation.
+        @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Binary property Cased. For Lowercase, Uppercase and Titlecase characters. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UCHAR_CASED=49,
+    /** Binary property Case_Ignorable. Used in context-sensitive case mappings. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** Binary property Changes_When_Lowercased. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** Binary property Changes_When_Uppercased. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** Binary property Changes_When_Titlecased. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** Binary property Changes_When_Casefolded. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** Binary property Changes_When_Casemapped. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** Binary property Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /**
+     * Binary property Emoji.
+     * See
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    UCHAR_EMOJI=57,
+    /**
+     * Binary property Emoji_Presentation.
+     * See
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Binary property Emoji_Modifier.
+     * See
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Binary property Emoji_Modifier_Base.
+     * See
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Binary property Emoji_Component.
+     * See
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Binary property Regional_Indicator.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Binary property Prepended_Concatenation_Mark.
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Binary property Extended_Pictographic.
+     * See
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the last constant for binary Unicode properties.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /** Enumerated property Bidi_Class.
+        Same as u_charDirection, returns UCharDirection values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS=0x1000,
+    /** First constant for enumerated/integer Unicode properties. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property Block.
+        Same as ublock_getCode, returns UBlockCode values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCHAR_BLOCK=0x1001,
+    /** Enumerated property Canonical_Combining_Class.
+        Same as u_getCombiningClass, returns 8-bit numeric values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property Decomposition_Type.
+        Returns UDecompositionType values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property East_Asian_Width.
+        See
+        Returns UEastAsianWidth values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property General_Category.
+        Same as u_charType, returns UCharCategory values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property Joining_Group.
+        Returns UJoiningGroup values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property Joining_Type.
+        Returns UJoiningType values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property Line_Break.
+        Returns ULineBreak values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCHAR_LINE_BREAK=0x1008,
+    /** Enumerated property Numeric_Type.
+        Returns UNumericType values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** Enumerated property Script.
+        Same as uscript_getScript, returns UScriptCode values. @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCHAR_SCRIPT=0x100A,
+    /** Enumerated property Hangul_Syllable_Type, new in Unicode 4.
+        Returns UHangulSyllableType values. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** Enumerated property NFD_Quick_Check.
+        Returns UNormalizationCheckResult values. @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Enumerated property NFKD_Quick_Check.
+        Returns UNormalizationCheckResult values. @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Enumerated property NFC_Quick_Check.
+        Returns UNormalizationCheckResult values. @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Enumerated property NFKC_Quick_Check.
+        Returns UNormalizationCheckResult values. @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Enumerated property Lead_Canonical_Combining_Class.
+        ICU-specific property for the ccc of the first code point
+        of the decomposition, or lccc(c)=ccc(NFD(c)[0]).
+        Useful for checking for canonically ordered text;
+        see UNORM_FCD and .
+        Returns 8-bit numeric values like UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS. @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Enumerated property Trail_Canonical_Combining_Class.
+        ICU-specific property for the ccc of the last code point
+        of the decomposition, or tccc(c)=ccc(NFD(c)[last]).
+        Useful for checking for canonically ordered text;
+        see UNORM_FCD and .
+        Returns 8-bit numeric values like UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS. @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    /** Enumerated property Grapheme_Cluster_Break (new in Unicode 4.1).
+        Used in UAX #29: Text Boundaries
+        (
+        Returns UGraphemeClusterBreak values. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Enumerated property Sentence_Break (new in Unicode 4.1).
+        Used in UAX #29: Text Boundaries
+        (
+        Returns USentenceBreak values. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Enumerated property Word_Break (new in Unicode 4.1).
+        Used in UAX #29: Text Boundaries
+        (
+        Returns UWordBreakValues values. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UCHAR_WORD_BREAK=0x1014,
+    /** Enumerated property Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type (new in Unicode 6.3).
+        Used in UAX #9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
+        (
+        Returns UBidiPairedBracketType values. @stable ICU 52 */
+    /**
+     * Enumerated property Indic_Positional_Category.
+     * New in Unicode 6.0 as provisional property Indic_Matra_Category;
+     * renamed and changed to informative in Unicode 8.0.
+     * See
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Enumerated property Indic_Syllabic_Category.
+     * New in Unicode 6.0 as provisional; informative since Unicode 8.0.
+     * See
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Enumerated property Vertical_Orientation.
+     * Used for UAX #50 Unicode Vertical Text Layout (
+     * New as a UCD property in Unicode 10.0.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the last constant for enumerated/integer Unicode properties.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    UCHAR_INT_LIMIT=0x1019,
+    /** Bitmask property General_Category_Mask.
+        This is the General_Category property returned as a bit mask.
+        When used in u_getIntPropertyValue(c), same as U_MASK(u_charType(c)),
+        returns bit masks for UCharCategory values where exactly one bit is set.
+        When used with u_getPropertyValueName() and u_getPropertyValueEnum(),
+        a multi-bit mask is used for sets of categories like "Letters".
+        Mask values should be cast to uint32_t.
+        @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** First constant for bit-mask Unicode properties. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the last constant for bit-mask Unicode properties.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    UCHAR_MASK_LIMIT=0x2001,
+    /** Double property Numeric_Value.
+        Corresponds to u_getNumericValue. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** First constant for double Unicode properties. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the last constant for double Unicode properties.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /** String property Age.
+        Corresponds to u_charAge. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    UCHAR_AGE=0x4000,
+    /** First constant for string Unicode properties. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph.
+        Corresponds to u_charMirror. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Case_Folding.
+        Corresponds to u_strFoldCase in ustring.h. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** Deprecated string property ISO_Comment.
+        Corresponds to u_getISOComment. @deprecated ICU 49 */
+    UCHAR_ISO_COMMENT=0x4003,
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /** String property Lowercase_Mapping.
+        Corresponds to u_strToLower in ustring.h. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Name.
+        Corresponds to u_charName. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    UCHAR_NAME=0x4005,
+    /** String property Simple_Case_Folding.
+        Corresponds to u_foldCase. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Simple_Lowercase_Mapping.
+        Corresponds to u_tolower. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Simple_Titlecase_Mapping.
+        Corresponds to u_totitle. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Simple_Uppercase_Mapping.
+        Corresponds to u_toupper. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Titlecase_Mapping.
+        Corresponds to u_strToTitle in ustring.h. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Unicode_1_Name.
+        This property is of little practical value.
+        Beginning with ICU 49, ICU APIs return an empty string for this property.
+        Corresponds to u_charName(U_UNICODE_10_CHAR_NAME). @deprecated ICU 49 */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /** String property Uppercase_Mapping.
+        Corresponds to u_strToUpper in ustring.h. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** String property Bidi_Paired_Bracket (new in Unicode 6.3).
+        Corresponds to u_getBidiPairedBracket. @stable ICU 52 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the last constant for string Unicode properties.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /** Miscellaneous property Script_Extensions (new in Unicode 6.0).
+        Some characters are commonly used in multiple scripts.
+        For more information, see UAX #24:
+        Corresponds to uscript_hasScript and uscript_getScriptExtensions in uscript.h.
+        @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    /** First constant for Unicode properties with unusual value types. @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the last constant for Unicode properties with unusual value types.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /** Represents a nonexistent or invalid property or property value. @stable ICU 2.4 */
+} UProperty;
+ * Data for enumerated Unicode general category types.
+ * See .
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UCharCategory
+    /*
+     * Note: UCharCategory constants and their API comments are parsed by
+     * It matches pairs of lines like
+     *     / ** <Unicode 2-letter General_Category value> comment... * /
+     *     U_<[A-Z_]+> = <integer>,
+     */
+    /** Non-category for unassigned and non-character code points. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_UNASSIGNED              = 0,
+    /** Cn "Other, Not Assigned (no characters in [UnicodeData.txt] have this property)" (same as U_UNASSIGNED!) @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** Lu @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_UPPERCASE_LETTER        = 1,
+    /** Ll @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_LOWERCASE_LETTER        = 2,
+    /** Lt @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_TITLECASE_LETTER        = 3,
+    /** Lm @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_MODIFIER_LETTER         = 4,
+    /** Lo @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_OTHER_LETTER            = 5,
+    /** Mn @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_NON_SPACING_MARK        = 6,
+    /** Me @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_ENCLOSING_MARK          = 7,
+    /** Mc @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** Nd @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** Nl @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_LETTER_NUMBER           = 10,
+    /** No @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_OTHER_NUMBER            = 11,
+    /** Zs @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_SPACE_SEPARATOR         = 12,
+    /** Zl @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_LINE_SEPARATOR          = 13,
+    /** Zp @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** Cc @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_CONTROL_CHAR            = 15,
+    /** Cf @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_FORMAT_CHAR             = 16,
+    /** Co @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_PRIVATE_USE_CHAR        = 17,
+    /** Cs @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_SURROGATE               = 18,
+    /** Pd @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_DASH_PUNCTUATION        = 19,
+    /** Ps @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_START_PUNCTUATION       = 20,
+    /** Pe @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_END_PUNCTUATION         = 21,
+    /** Pc @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** Po @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_OTHER_PUNCTUATION       = 23,
+    /** Sm @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_MATH_SYMBOL             = 24,
+    /** Sc @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_CURRENCY_SYMBOL         = 25,
+    /** Sk @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_MODIFIER_SYMBOL         = 26,
+    /** So @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_OTHER_SYMBOL            = 27,
+    /** Pi @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** Pf @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_FINAL_PUNCTUATION       = 29,
+    /**
+     * One higher than the last enum UCharCategory constant.
+     * This numeric value is stable (will not change), see
+     *
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+} UCharCategory;
+ * U_GC_XX_MASK constants are bit flags corresponding to Unicode
+ * general category values.
+ * For each category, the nth bit is set if the numeric value of the
+ * corresponding UCharCategory constant is n.
+ *
+ * There are also some U_GC_Y_MASK constants for groups of general categories
+ * like L for all letter categories.
+ *
+ * @see u_charType
+ * @see U_GET_GC_MASK
+ * @see UCharCategory
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for a UCharCategory. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (L Letters). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+#define U_GC_L_MASK \
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (LC Cased Letters). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+#define U_GC_LC_MASK \
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (M Marks). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (N Numbers). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (Z Separators). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (C Others). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+#define U_GC_C_MASK \
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (P Punctuation). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+#define U_GC_P_MASK \
+             U_GC_PI_MASK|U_GC_PF_MASK)
+/** Mask constant for multiple UCharCategory bits (S Symbols). @stable ICU 2.1 */
+ * This specifies the language directional property of a character set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UCharDirection {
+    /*
+     * Note: UCharDirection constants and their API comments are parsed by
+     * It matches pairs of lines like
+     *     / ** <Unicode 1..3-letter Bidi_Class value> comment... * /
+     *     U_<[A-Z_]+> = <integer>,
+     */
+    /** L @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT               = 0,
+    /** R @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT               = 1,
+    /** EN @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_EUROPEAN_NUMBER             = 2,
+    /** ES @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** ET @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** AN @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_ARABIC_NUMBER               = 5,
+    /** CS @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** B @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_BLOCK_SEPARATOR             = 7,
+    /** S @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR           = 8,
+    /** WS @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_WHITE_SPACE_NEUTRAL         = 9,
+    /** ON @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_OTHER_NEUTRAL               = 10,
+    /** LRE @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** LRO @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_OVERRIDE      = 12,
+    /** AL @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC        = 13,
+    /** RLE @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** RLO @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE      = 15,
+    /** PDF @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** NSM @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_DIR_NON_SPACING_MARK        = 17,
+    /** BN @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    U_BOUNDARY_NEUTRAL            = 18,
+    /** FSI @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_FIRST_STRONG_ISOLATE        = 19,
+    /** LRI @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE       = 20,
+    /** RLI @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE       = 21,
+    /** PDI @stable ICU 52 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest UCharDirection value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UCharDirection;
+ * Bidi Paired Bracket Type constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+typedef enum UBidiPairedBracketType {
+    /*
+     * Note: UBidiPairedBracketType constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_BPT_<Unicode Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type value name>
+     */
+    /** Not a paired bracket. @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_BPT_NONE,
+    /** Open paired bracket. @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_BPT_OPEN,
+    /** Close paired bracket. @stable ICU 52 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UBidiPairedBracketType value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_BIDI_PAIRED_BRACKET_TYPE).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_BPT_COUNT /* 3 */
+} UBidiPairedBracketType;
+ * Constants for Unicode blocks, see the Unicode Data file Blocks.txt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+enum UBlockCode {
+    /*
+     * Note: UBlockCode constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     UBLOCK_<Unicode Block value name> = <integer>,
+     */
+    /** New No_Block value in Unicode 4. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_NO_BLOCK = 0, /*[none]*/ /* Special range indicating No_Block */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_BASIC_LATIN = 1, /*[0000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT=2, /*[0080]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LATIN_EXTENDED_A =3, /*[0100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LATIN_EXTENDED_B =4, /*[0180]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_IPA_EXTENSIONS =5, /*[0250]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /**
+     * Unicode 3.2 renames this block to "Greek and Coptic".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBLOCK_GREEK =8, /*[0370]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CYRILLIC =9, /*[0400]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_ARMENIAN =10, /*[0530]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_HEBREW =11, /*[0590]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_ARABIC =12, /*[0600]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_SYRIAC =13, /*[0700]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_THAANA =14, /*[0780]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_DEVANAGARI =15, /*[0900]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_BENGALI =16, /*[0980]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_GURMUKHI =17, /*[0A00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_GUJARATI =18, /*[0A80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_ORIYA =19, /*[0B00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_TAMIL =20, /*[0B80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_TELUGU =21, /*[0C00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_KANNADA =22, /*[0C80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_MALAYALAM =23, /*[0D00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_SINHALA =24, /*[0D80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_THAI =25, /*[0E00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LAO =26, /*[0E80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_TIBETAN =27, /*[0F00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_MYANMAR =28, /*[1000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_GEORGIAN =29, /*[10A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_HANGUL_JAMO =30, /*[1100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_ETHIOPIC =31, /*[1200]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CHEROKEE =32, /*[13A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_OGHAM =34, /*[1680]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_RUNIC =35, /*[16A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_KHMER =36, /*[1780]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_MONGOLIAN =37, /*[1800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_GREEK_EXTENDED =39, /*[1F00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CURRENCY_SYMBOLS =42, /*[20A0]*/
+    /**
+     * Unicode 3.2 renames this block to "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols".
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LETTERLIKE_SYMBOLS =44, /*[2100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_NUMBER_FORMS =45, /*[2150]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_ARROWS =46, /*[2190]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CONTROL_PICTURES =49, /*[2400]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_BOX_DRAWING =52, /*[2500]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_BLOCK_ELEMENTS =53, /*[2580]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_GEOMETRIC_SHAPES =54, /*[25A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_DINGBATS =56, /*[2700]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_BRAILLE_PATTERNS =57, /*[2800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_KANGXI_RADICALS =59, /*[2F00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_HIRAGANA =62, /*[3040]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_KATAKANA =63, /*[30A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_BOPOMOFO =64, /*[3100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_KANBUN =66, /*[3190]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CJK_COMPATIBILITY =69, /*[3300]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_YI_SYLLABLES =72, /*[A000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_YI_RADICALS =73, /*[A490]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_HIGH_SURROGATES =75, /*[D800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LOW_SURROGATES =77, /*[DC00]*/
+    /**
+     * Same as UBLOCK_PRIVATE_USE.
+     * Until Unicode 3.1.1, the corresponding block name was "Private Use",
+     * and multiple code point ranges had this block.
+     * Unicode 3.2 renames the block for the BMP PUA to "Private Use Area" and
+     * adds separate blocks for the supplementary PUAs.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UBLOCK_PRIVATE_USE_AREA =78, /*[E000]*/
+    /**
+     * Until Unicode 3.1.1, the corresponding block name was "Private Use",
+     * and multiple code point ranges had this block.
+     * Unicode 3.2 renames the block for the BMP PUA to "Private Use Area" and
+     * adds separate blocks for the supplementary PUAs.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_SPECIALS =86, /*[FFF0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 3.1 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_ITALIC = 88, /*[10300]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_GOTHIC = 89, /*[10330]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_DESERET = 90, /*[10400]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_MUSICAL_SYMBOLS = 92, /*[1D100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBLOCK_TAGS = 96, /*[E0000]*/
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 3.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.0  */
+    UBLOCK_CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENT = 97, /*[0500]*/
+    /**
+     * Unicode 4.0.1 renames the "Cyrillic Supplementary" block to "Cyrillic Supplement".
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UBLOCK_TAGALOG = 98, /*[1700]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UBLOCK_HANUNOO = 99, /*[1720]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UBLOCK_BUHID = 100, /*[1740]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UBLOCK_TAGBANWA = 101, /*[1760]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UBLOCK_SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_B = 104, /*[2900]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_LIMBU = 111, /*[1900]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_TAI_LE = 112, /*[1950]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_KHMER_SYMBOLS = 113, /*[19E0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_LINEAR_B_SYLLABARY = 117, /*[10000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_LINEAR_B_IDEOGRAMS = 118, /*[10080]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_AEGEAN_NUMBERS = 119, /*[10100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_UGARITIC = 120, /*[10380]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_SHAVIAN = 121, /*[10450]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_OSMANYA = 122, /*[10480]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_CYPRIOT_SYLLABARY = 123, /*[10800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    UBLOCK_TAI_XUAN_JING_SYMBOLS = 124, /*[1D300]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 4.1 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_ANCIENT_GREEK_NUMBERS = 127, /*[10140]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_ARABIC_SUPPLEMENT = 128, /*[0750]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_BUGINESE = 129, /*[1A00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_CJK_STROKES = 130, /*[31C0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_COPTIC = 132, /*[2C80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_ETHIOPIC_EXTENDED = 133, /*[2D80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_ETHIOPIC_SUPPLEMENT = 134, /*[1380]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_GLAGOLITIC = 136, /*[2C00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_KHAROSHTHI = 137, /*[10A00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_NEW_TAI_LUE = 139, /*[1980]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_PERSIAN = 140, /*[103A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_SYLOTI_NAGRI = 143, /*[A800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_TIFINAGH = 144, /*[2D30]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    UBLOCK_VERTICAL_FORMS = 145, /*[FE10]*/
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 5.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_NKO = 146, /*[07C0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_BALINESE = 147, /*[1B00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_LATIN_EXTENDED_C = 148, /*[2C60]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_LATIN_EXTENDED_D = 149, /*[A720]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_PHAGS_PA = 150, /*[A840]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_PHOENICIAN = 151, /*[10900]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_CUNEIFORM = 152, /*[12000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+    UBLOCK_COUNTING_ROD_NUMERALS = 154, /*[1D360]*/
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 5.1 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_SUNDANESE = 155, /*[1B80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LEPCHA = 156, /*[1C00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_OL_CHIKI = 157, /*[1C50]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_VAI = 159, /*[A500]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_B = 160, /*[A640]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_SAURASHTRA = 161, /*[A880]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_KAYAH_LI = 162, /*[A900]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_REJANG = 163, /*[A930]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CHAM = 164, /*[AA00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_ANCIENT_SYMBOLS = 165, /*[10190]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_PHAISTOS_DISC = 166, /*[101D0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LYCIAN = 167, /*[10280]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_CARIAN = 168, /*[102A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_LYDIAN = 169, /*[10920]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_MAHJONG_TILES = 170, /*[1F000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    UBLOCK_DOMINO_TILES = 171, /*[1F030]*/
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 5.2 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_SAMARITAN = 172, /*[0800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_TAI_THAM = 174, /*[1A20]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_VEDIC_EXTENSIONS = 175, /*[1CD0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_LISU = 176, /*[A4D0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_BAMUM = 177, /*[A6A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_HANGUL_JAMO_EXTENDED_A = 180, /*[A960]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_JAVANESE = 181, /*[A980]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_MYANMAR_EXTENDED_A = 182, /*[AA60]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_TAI_VIET = 183, /*[AA80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_MEETEI_MAYEK = 184, /*[ABC0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC = 186, /*[10840]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN = 187, /*[10A60]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_AVESTAN = 188, /*[10B00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_TURKIC = 191, /*[10C00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_RUMI_NUMERAL_SYMBOLS = 192, /*[10E60]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_KAITHI = 193, /*[11080]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    UBLOCK_EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS = 194, /*[13000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 6.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_MANDAIC = 198, /*[0840]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_BATAK = 199, /*[1BC0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_BRAHMI = 201, /*[11000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_BAMUM_SUPPLEMENT = 202, /*[16800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_KANA_SUPPLEMENT = 203, /*[1B000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_PLAYING_CARDS = 204, /*[1F0A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_EMOTICONS = 206, /*[1F600]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    UBLOCK_ALCHEMICAL_SYMBOLS = 208, /*[1F700]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 6.1 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_ARABIC_EXTENDED_A = 210, /*[08A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_CHAKMA = 212, /*[11100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_MEROITIC_CURSIVE = 214, /*[109A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS = 215, /*[10980]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_MIAO = 216, /*[16F00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_SHARADA = 217, /*[11180]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_SORA_SOMPENG = 218, /*[110D0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    UBLOCK_TAKRI = 220, /*[11680]*/
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 7.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_BASSA_VAH = 221, /*[16AD0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN = 222, /*[10530]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_COPTIC_EPACT_NUMBERS = 223, /*[102E0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_DUPLOYAN = 225, /*[1BC00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_ELBASAN = 226, /*[10500]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_GRANTHA = 228, /*[11300]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_KHOJKI = 229, /*[11200]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_KHUDAWADI = 230, /*[112B0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_LATIN_EXTENDED_E = 231, /*[AB30]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_LINEAR_A = 232, /*[10600]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_MAHAJANI = 233, /*[11150]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_MANICHAEAN = 234, /*[10AC0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_MENDE_KIKAKUI = 235, /*[1E800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_MODI = 236, /*[11600]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_MRO = 237, /*[16A40]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_MYANMAR_EXTENDED_B = 238, /*[A9E0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_NABATAEAN = 239, /*[10880]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN = 240, /*[10A80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_PERMIC = 241, /*[10350]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_ORNAMENTAL_DINGBATS = 242, /*[1F650]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_PAHAWH_HMONG = 243, /*[16B00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_PALMYRENE = 244, /*[10860]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_PAU_CIN_HAU = 245, /*[11AC0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_PSALTER_PAHLAVI = 246, /*[10B80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_SIDDHAM = 248, /*[11580]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_C = 250, /*[1F800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_TIRHUTA = 251, /*[11480]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 54 */
+    UBLOCK_WARANG_CITI = 252, /*[118A0]*/
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 8.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    UBLOCK_AHOM = 253, /*[11700]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    UBLOCK_ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS = 254, /*[14400]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    UBLOCK_HATRAN = 258, /*[108E0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    UBLOCK_MULTANI = 259, /*[11280]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_HUNGARIAN = 260, /*[10C80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    /** @stable ICU 56 */
+    UBLOCK_SUTTON_SIGNWRITING = 262, /*[1D800]*/
+    /* New blocks in Unicode 9.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_ADLAM = 263, /*[1E900]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_BHAIKSUKI = 264, /*[11C00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_C = 265, /*[1C80]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_MARCHEN = 268, /*[11C70]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_MONGOLIAN_SUPPLEMENT = 269, /*[11660]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_NEWA = 270, /*[11400]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_OSAGE = 271, /*[104B0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_TANGUT = 272, /*[17000]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    UBLOCK_TANGUT_COMPONENTS = 273, /*[18800]*/
+    // New blocks in Unicode 10.0
+    /** @stable ICU 60 */
+    /** @stable ICU 60 */
+    UBLOCK_KANA_EXTENDED_A = 275, /*[1B100]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 60 */
+    UBLOCK_MASARAM_GONDI = 276, /*[11D00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 60 */
+    UBLOCK_NUSHU = 277, /*[1B170]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 60 */
+    UBLOCK_SOYOMBO = 278, /*[11A50]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 60 */
+    UBLOCK_SYRIAC_SUPPLEMENT = 279, /*[0860]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 60 */
+    UBLOCK_ZANABAZAR_SQUARE = 280, /*[11A00]*/
+    // New blocks in Unicode 11.0
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_CHESS_SYMBOLS = 281, /*[1FA00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_DOGRA = 282, /*[11800]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_GEORGIAN_EXTENDED = 283, /*[1C90]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_GUNJALA_GONDI = 284, /*[11D60]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_HANIFI_ROHINGYA = 285, /*[10D00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_INDIC_SIYAQ_NUMBERS = 286, /*[1EC70]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_MAKASAR = 287, /*[11EE0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_MAYAN_NUMERALS = 288, /*[1D2E0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_MEDEFAIDRIN = 289, /*[16E40]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_OLD_SOGDIAN = 290, /*[10F00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    UBLOCK_SOGDIAN = 291, /*[10F30]*/
+    // New blocks in Unicode 12.0
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    UBLOCK_ELYMAIC = 293, /*[10FE0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    UBLOCK_NANDINAGARI = 294, /*[119A0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    UBLOCK_SMALL_KANA_EXTENSION = 297, /*[1B130]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    UBLOCK_TAMIL_SUPPLEMENT = 299, /*[11FC0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 64 */
+    UBLOCK_WANCHO = 300, /*[1E2C0]*/
+    // New blocks in Unicode 13.0
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    UBLOCK_CHORASMIAN = 301, /*[10FB0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    UBLOCK_DIVES_AKURU = 303, /*[11900]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    UBLOCK_KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT = 304, /*[18B00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    UBLOCK_LISU_SUPPLEMENT = 305, /*[11FB0]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    UBLOCK_TANGUT_SUPPLEMENT = 307, /*[18D00]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+    UBLOCK_YEZIDI = 308, /*[10E80]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UBlockCode value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_BLOCK).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    UBLOCK_COUNT = 309,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UBlockCode UBlockCode;
+ * East Asian Width constants.
+ *
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyValue
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+typedef enum UEastAsianWidth {
+    /*
+     * Note: UEastAsianWidth constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_EA_<Unicode East_Asian_Width value name>
+     */
+    U_EA_NEUTRAL,   /*[N]*/
+    U_EA_AMBIGUOUS, /*[A]*/
+    U_EA_HALFWIDTH, /*[H]*/
+    U_EA_FULLWIDTH, /*[F]*/
+    U_EA_NARROW,    /*[Na]*/
+    U_EA_WIDE,      /*[W]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UEastAsianWidth value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UEastAsianWidth;
+ * Selector constants for u_charName().
+ * u_charName() returns the "modern" name of a
+ * Unicode character; or the name that was defined in
+ * Unicode version 1.0, before the Unicode standard merged
+ * with ISO-10646; or an "extended" name that gives each
+ * Unicode code point a unique name.
+ *
+ * @see u_charName
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UCharNameChoice {
+    /** Unicode character name (Name property). @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /**
+     * The Unicode_1_Name property value which is of little practical value.
+     * Beginning with ICU 49, ICU APIs return an empty string for this name choice.
+     * @deprecated ICU 49
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /** Standard or synthetic character name. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** Corrected name from NameAliases.txt. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UCharNameChoice value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UCharNameChoice;
+ * Selector constants for u_getPropertyName() and
+ * u_getPropertyValueName().  These selectors are used to choose which
+ * name is returned for a given property or value.  All properties and
+ * values have a long name.  Most have a short name, but some do not.
+ * Unicode allows for additional names, beyond the long and short
+ * name, which would be indicated by U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME + i, where
+ * i=1, 2,...
+ *
+ * @see u_getPropertyName()
+ * @see u_getPropertyValueName()
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef enum UPropertyNameChoice {
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UPropertyNameChoice value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UPropertyNameChoice;
+ * Decomposition Type constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+typedef enum UDecompositionType {
+    /*
+     * Note: UDecompositionType constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_DT_<Unicode Decomposition_Type value name>
+     */
+    U_DT_NONE,              /*[none]*/
+    U_DT_CANONICAL,         /*[can]*/
+    U_DT_COMPAT,            /*[com]*/
+    U_DT_CIRCLE,            /*[enc]*/
+    U_DT_FINAL,             /*[fin]*/
+    U_DT_FONT,              /*[font]*/
+    U_DT_FRACTION,          /*[fra]*/
+    U_DT_INITIAL,           /*[init]*/
+    U_DT_ISOLATED,          /*[iso]*/
+    U_DT_MEDIAL,            /*[med]*/
+    U_DT_NARROW,            /*[nar]*/
+    U_DT_NOBREAK,           /*[nb]*/
+    U_DT_SMALL,             /*[sml]*/
+    U_DT_SQUARE,            /*[sqr]*/
+    U_DT_SUB,               /*[sub]*/
+    U_DT_SUPER,             /*[sup]*/
+    U_DT_VERTICAL,          /*[vert]*/
+    U_DT_WIDE,              /*[wide]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDecompositionType value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_DT_COUNT /* 18 */
+} UDecompositionType;
+ * Joining Type constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+typedef enum UJoiningType {
+    /*
+     * Note: UJoiningType constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_JT_<Unicode Joining_Type value name>
+     */
+    U_JT_NON_JOINING,       /*[U]*/
+    U_JT_JOIN_CAUSING,      /*[C]*/
+    U_JT_DUAL_JOINING,      /*[D]*/
+    U_JT_LEFT_JOINING,      /*[L]*/
+    U_JT_RIGHT_JOINING,     /*[R]*/
+    U_JT_TRANSPARENT,       /*[T]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UJoiningType value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_JT_COUNT /* 6 */
+} UJoiningType;
+ * Joining Group constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+typedef enum UJoiningGroup {
+    /*
+     * Note: UJoiningGroup constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_JG_<Unicode Joining_Group value name>
+     */
+    U_JG_AIN,
+    U_JG_ALAPH,
+    U_JG_ALEF,
+    U_JG_BEH,
+    U_JG_BETH,
+    U_JG_DAL,
+    U_JG_E,
+    U_JG_FEH,
+    U_JG_GAF,
+    U_JG_GAMAL,
+    U_JG_HAH,
+    U_JG_TEH_MARBUTA_GOAL,  /**< @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    U_JG_HE,
+    U_JG_HEH,
+    U_JG_HETH,
+    U_JG_KAF,
+    U_JG_KAPH,
+    U_JG_LAM,
+    U_JG_MEEM,
+    U_JG_MIM,
+    U_JG_NOON,
+    U_JG_NUN,
+    U_JG_PE,
+    U_JG_QAF,
+    U_JG_QAPH,
+    U_JG_REH,
+    U_JG_SAD,
+    U_JG_SADHE,
+    U_JG_SEEN,
+    U_JG_SHIN,
+    U_JG_TAH,
+    U_JG_TAW,
+    U_JG_TETH,
+    U_JG_WAW,
+    U_JG_YEH,
+    U_JG_YUDH,
+    U_JG_YUDH_HE,
+    U_JG_ZAIN,
+    U_JG_FE,        /**< @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    U_JG_KHAPH,     /**< @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    U_JG_ZHAIN,     /**< @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    U_JG_BURUSHASKI_YEH_BARREE, /**< @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_JG_FARSI_YEH, /**< @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    U_JG_NYA,       /**< @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    U_JG_ROHINGYA_YEH,  /**< @stable ICU 49 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_ALEPH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_AYIN,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_BETH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_DALETH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_DHAMEDH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_FIVE,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_GIMEL,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_HETH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_HUNDRED,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_KAPH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_LAMEDH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_MEM,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_NUN,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_ONE,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_PE,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_QOPH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_RESH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_SADHE,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_SAMEKH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_TAW,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_TEN,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_TETH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_THAMEDH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_TWENTY,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_WAW,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_YODH,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_MANICHAEAN_ZAYIN,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_STRAIGHT_WAW,  /**< @stable ICU 54 */
+    U_JG_AFRICAN_FEH,  /**< @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_JG_AFRICAN_NOON,  /**< @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_JG_AFRICAN_QAF,  /**< @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_BHA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_JA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_LLA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_LLLA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_NGA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_NNA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_NNNA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_NYA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_RA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_SSA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_MALAYALAM_TTA,  /**< @stable ICU 60 */
+    U_JG_HANIFI_ROHINGYA_KINNA_YA,  /**< @stable ICU 62 */
+    U_JG_HANIFI_ROHINGYA_PA,  /**< @stable ICU 62 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UJoiningGroup value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UJoiningGroup;
+ * Grapheme Cluster Break constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef enum UGraphemeClusterBreak {
+    /*
+     * Note: UGraphemeClusterBreak constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_GCB_<Unicode Grapheme_Cluster_Break value name>
+     */
+    U_GCB_OTHER = 0,            /*[XX]*/
+    U_GCB_CONTROL = 1,          /*[CN]*/
+    U_GCB_CR = 2,               /*[CR]*/
+    U_GCB_EXTEND = 3,           /*[EX]*/
+    U_GCB_L = 4,                /*[L]*/
+    U_GCB_LF = 5,               /*[LF]*/
+    U_GCB_LV = 6,               /*[LV]*/
+    U_GCB_LVT = 7,              /*[LVT]*/
+    U_GCB_T = 8,                /*[T]*/
+    U_GCB_V = 9,                /*[V]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_GCB_SPACING_MARK = 10,    /*[SM]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 5.1/ICU 4.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_GCB_PREPEND = 11,         /*[PP]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 50 */
+    U_GCB_REGIONAL_INDICATOR = 12,  /*[RI]*/ /* new in Unicode 6.2/ICU 50 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_GCB_E_BASE = 13,          /*[EB]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 9.0/ICU 58 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_GCB_E_BASE_GAZ = 14,      /*[EBG]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_GCB_E_MODIFIER = 15,      /*[EM]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_GCB_GLUE_AFTER_ZWJ = 16,  /*[GAZ]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_GCB_ZWJ = 17,             /*[ZWJ]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UGraphemeClusterBreak value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_GCB_COUNT = 18
+} UGraphemeClusterBreak;
+ * Word Break constants.
+ * (UWordBreak is a pre-existing enum type in ubrk.h for word break status tags.)
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef enum UWordBreakValues {
+    /*
+     * Note: UWordBreakValues constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_WB_<Unicode Word_Break value name>
+     */
+    U_WB_OTHER = 0,             /*[XX]*/
+    U_WB_ALETTER = 1,           /*[LE]*/
+    U_WB_FORMAT = 2,            /*[FO]*/
+    U_WB_KATAKANA = 3,          /*[KA]*/
+    U_WB_MIDLETTER = 4,         /*[ML]*/
+    U_WB_MIDNUM = 5,            /*[MN]*/
+    U_WB_NUMERIC = 6,           /*[NU]*/
+    U_WB_EXTENDNUMLET = 7,      /*[EX]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_WB_CR = 8,                /*[CR]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 5.1/ICU 4.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_WB_EXTEND = 9,            /*[Extend]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_WB_LF = 10,               /*[LF]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_WB_MIDNUMLET =11,         /*[MB]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    U_WB_NEWLINE =12,           /*[NL]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 50 */
+    U_WB_REGIONAL_INDICATOR = 13,   /*[RI]*/ /* new in Unicode 6.2/ICU 50 */
+    /** @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_WB_HEBREW_LETTER = 14,    /*[HL]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 6.3/ICU 52 */
+    /** @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_WB_SINGLE_QUOTE = 15,     /*[SQ]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 52 */
+    U_WB_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 16,     /*[DQ]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_WB_E_BASE = 17,           /*[EB]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 9.0/ICU 58 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_WB_E_BASE_GAZ = 18,       /*[EBG]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_WB_E_MODIFIER = 19,       /*[EM]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_WB_GLUE_AFTER_ZWJ = 20,   /*[GAZ]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_WB_ZWJ = 21,              /*[ZWJ]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 62 */
+    U_WB_WSEGSPACE = 22,        /*[WSEGSPACE]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UWordBreakValues value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_WORD_BREAK).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_WB_COUNT = 23
+} UWordBreakValues;
+ * Sentence Break constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef enum USentenceBreak {
+    /*
+     * Note: USentenceBreak constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_SB_<Unicode Sentence_Break value name>
+     */
+    U_SB_OTHER = 0,             /*[XX]*/
+    U_SB_ATERM = 1,             /*[AT]*/
+    U_SB_CLOSE = 2,             /*[CL]*/
+    U_SB_FORMAT = 3,            /*[FO]*/
+    U_SB_LOWER = 4,             /*[LO]*/
+    U_SB_NUMERIC = 5,           /*[NU]*/
+    U_SB_OLETTER = 6,           /*[LE]*/
+    U_SB_SEP = 7,               /*[SE]*/
+    U_SB_SP = 8,                /*[SP]*/
+    U_SB_STERM = 9,             /*[ST]*/
+    U_SB_UPPER = 10,            /*[UP]*/
+    U_SB_CR = 11,               /*[CR]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 5.1/ICU 4.0 */
+    U_SB_EXTEND = 12,           /*[EX]*/
+    U_SB_LF = 13,               /*[LF]*/
+    U_SB_SCONTINUE = 14,        /*[SC]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal USentenceBreak value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_SENTENCE_BREAK).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_SB_COUNT = 15
+} USentenceBreak;
+ * Line Break constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+typedef enum ULineBreak {
+    /*
+     * Note: ULineBreak constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_LB_<Unicode Line_Break value name>
+     */
+    U_LB_UNKNOWN = 0,           /*[XX]*/
+    U_LB_AMBIGUOUS = 1,         /*[AI]*/
+    U_LB_ALPHABETIC = 2,        /*[AL]*/
+    U_LB_BREAK_BOTH = 3,        /*[B2]*/
+    U_LB_BREAK_AFTER = 4,       /*[BA]*/
+    U_LB_BREAK_BEFORE = 5,      /*[BB]*/
+    U_LB_MANDATORY_BREAK = 6,   /*[BK]*/
+    U_LB_CONTINGENT_BREAK = 7,  /*[CB]*/
+    U_LB_COMBINING_MARK = 9,    /*[CM]*/
+    U_LB_CARRIAGE_RETURN = 10,   /*[CR]*/
+    U_LB_EXCLAMATION = 11,       /*[EX]*/
+    U_LB_GLUE = 12,              /*[GL]*/
+    U_LB_HYPHEN = 13,            /*[HY]*/
+    U_LB_IDEOGRAPHIC = 14,       /*[ID]*/
+    /** Renamed from the misspelled "inseperable" in Unicode 4.0.1/ICU 3.0 @stable ICU 3.0 */
+    U_LB_INSEPARABLE = 15,       /*[IN]*/
+    U_LB_INFIX_NUMERIC = 16,     /*[IS]*/
+    U_LB_LINE_FEED = 17,         /*[LF]*/
+    U_LB_NONSTARTER = 18,        /*[NS]*/
+    U_LB_NUMERIC = 19,           /*[NU]*/
+    U_LB_OPEN_PUNCTUATION = 20,  /*[OP]*/
+    U_LB_POSTFIX_NUMERIC = 21,   /*[PO]*/
+    U_LB_PREFIX_NUMERIC = 22,    /*[PR]*/
+    U_LB_QUOTATION = 23,         /*[QU]*/
+    U_LB_COMPLEX_CONTEXT = 24,   /*[SA]*/
+    U_LB_SURROGATE = 25,         /*[SG]*/
+    U_LB_SPACE = 26,             /*[SP]*/
+    U_LB_BREAK_SYMBOLS = 27,     /*[SY]*/
+    U_LB_ZWSPACE = 28,           /*[ZW]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    U_LB_NEXT_LINE = 29,         /*[NL]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 4/ICU 2.6 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    U_LB_WORD_JOINER = 30,       /*[WJ]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    U_LB_H2 = 31,                /*[H2]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 4.1/ICU 3.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    U_LB_H3 = 32,                /*[H3]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    U_LB_JL = 33,                /*[JL]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    U_LB_JT = 34,                /*[JT]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    U_LB_JV = 35,                /*[JV]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    U_LB_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS = 36, /*[CP]*/ /* new in Unicode 5.2/ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    U_LB_CONDITIONAL_JAPANESE_STARTER = 37,/*[CJ]*/ /* new in Unicode 6.1/ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    U_LB_HEBREW_LETTER = 38,     /*[HL]*/ /* new in Unicode 6.1/ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 50 */
+    U_LB_REGIONAL_INDICATOR = 39,/*[RI]*/ /* new in Unicode 6.2/ICU 50 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_LB_E_BASE = 40,            /*[EB]*/ /* from here on: new in Unicode 9.0/ICU 58 */
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_LB_E_MODIFIER = 41,        /*[EM]*/
+    /** @stable ICU 58 */
+    U_LB_ZWJ = 42,               /*[ZWJ]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal ULineBreak value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_LINE_BREAK).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_LB_COUNT = 43
+} ULineBreak;
+ * Numeric Type constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+typedef enum UNumericType {
+    /*
+     * Note: UNumericType constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_NT_<Unicode Numeric_Type value name>
+     */
+    U_NT_NONE,              /*[None]*/
+    U_NT_DECIMAL,           /*[de]*/
+    U_NT_DIGIT,             /*[di]*/
+    U_NT_NUMERIC,           /*[nu]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UNumericType value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UNumericType;
+ * Hangul Syllable Type constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef enum UHangulSyllableType {
+    /*
+     * Note: UHangulSyllableType constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_HST_<Unicode Hangul_Syllable_Type value name>
+     */
+    U_HST_LEADING_JAMO,     /*[L]*/
+    U_HST_VOWEL_JAMO,       /*[V]*/
+    U_HST_TRAILING_JAMO,    /*[T]*/
+    U_HST_LV_SYLLABLE,      /*[LV]*/
+    U_HST_LVT_SYLLABLE,     /*[LVT]*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UHangulSyllableType value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UHangulSyllableType;
+ * Indic Positional Category constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef enum UIndicPositionalCategory {
+    /*
+     * Note: UIndicPositionalCategory constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_INPC_<Unicode Indic_Positional_Category value name>
+     */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    U_INPC_NA,
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    U_INPC_TOP,
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 66 */
+} UIndicPositionalCategory;
+ * Indic Syllabic Category constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef enum UIndicSyllabicCategory {
+    /*
+     * Note: UIndicSyllabicCategory constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_INSC_<Unicode Indic_Syllabic_Category value name>
+     */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+} UIndicSyllabicCategory;
+ * Vertical Orientation constants.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef enum UVerticalOrientation {
+    /*
+     * Note: UVerticalOrientation constants are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     U_VO_<Unicode Vertical_Orientation value name>
+     */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+    /** @stable ICU 63 */
+} UVerticalOrientation;
+ * Check a binary Unicode property for a code point.
+ *
+ * Unicode, especially in version 3.2, defines many more properties than the
+ * original set in UnicodeData.txt.
+ *
+ * The properties APIs are intended to reflect Unicode properties as defined
+ * in the Unicode Character Database (UCD) and Unicode Technical Reports (UTR).
+ * For details about the properties see .
+ * For names of Unicode properties see the UCD file PropertyAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * Important: If ICU is built with UCD files from Unicode versions below 3.2,
+ * then properties marked with "new in Unicode 3.2" are not or not fully available.
+ *
+ * @param c Code point to test.
+ * @param which UProperty selector constant, identifies which binary property to check.
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE according to the binary Unicode property value for c.
+ *         Also FALSE if 'which' is out of bounds or if the Unicode version
+ *         does not have data for the property at all, or not for this code point.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see u_getBinaryPropertySet
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyValue
+ * @see u_getUnicodeVersion
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+u_hasBinaryProperty(UChar32 c, UProperty which);
+ * Returns a frozen USet for a binary property.
+ * The library retains ownership over the returned object.
+ * Sets an error code if the property number is not one for a binary property.
+ *
+ * The returned set contains all code points for which the property is true.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the property as a set
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @see Unicode::fromUSet
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI const USet * U_EXPORT2
+u_getBinaryPropertySet(UProperty property, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Check if a code point has the Alphabetic Unicode property.
+ * Same as u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_ALPHABETIC).
+ * This is different from u_isalpha!
+ * @param c Code point to test
+ * @return true if the code point has the Alphabetic Unicode property, false otherwise
+ *
+ * @see u_isalpha
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+u_isUAlphabetic(UChar32 c);
+ * Check if a code point has the Lowercase Unicode property.
+ * Same as u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_LOWERCASE).
+ * This is different from u_islower!
+ * @param c Code point to test
+ * @return true if the code point has the Lowercase Unicode property, false otherwise
+ *
+ * @see u_islower
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+u_isULowercase(UChar32 c);
+ * Check if a code point has the Uppercase Unicode property.
+ * Same as u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_UPPERCASE).
+ * This is different from u_isupper!
+ * @param c Code point to test
+ * @return true if the code point has the Uppercase Unicode property, false otherwise
+ *
+ * @see u_isupper
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+u_isUUppercase(UChar32 c);
+ * Check if a code point has the White_Space Unicode property.
+ * Same as u_hasBinaryProperty(c, UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE).
+ * This is different from both u_isspace and u_isWhitespace!
+ *
+ * Note: There are several ICU whitespace functions; please see the uchar.h
+ * file documentation for a detailed comparison.
+ *
+ * @param c Code point to test
+ * @return true if the code point has the White_Space Unicode property, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * @see u_isWhitespace
+ * @see u_isspace
+ * @see u_isJavaSpaceChar
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+u_isUWhiteSpace(UChar32 c);
+ * Get the property value for an enumerated or integer Unicode property for a code point.
+ * Also returns binary and mask property values.
+ *
+ * Unicode, especially in version 3.2, defines many more properties than the
+ * original set in UnicodeData.txt.
+ *
+ * The properties APIs are intended to reflect Unicode properties as defined
+ * in the Unicode Character Database (UCD) and Unicode Technical Reports (UTR).
+ * For details about the properties see .
+ * For names of Unicode properties see the UCD file PropertyAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * Sample usage:
+ * UEastAsianWidth ea=(UEastAsianWidth)u_getIntPropertyValue(c, UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH);
+ * UBool b=(UBool)u_getIntPropertyValue(c, UCHAR_IDEOGRAPHIC);
+ *
+ * @param c Code point to test.
+ * @param which UProperty selector constant, identifies which property to check.
+ *        or UCHAR_INT_START<=which<UCHAR_INT_LIMIT
+ * @return Numeric value that is directly the property value or,
+ *         for enumerated properties, corresponds to the numeric value of the enumerated
+ *         constant of the respective property value enumeration type
+ *         (cast to enum type if necessary).
+ *         Returns 0 or 1 (for FALSE/TRUE) for binary Unicode properties.
+ *         Returns a bit-mask for mask properties.
+ *         Returns 0 if 'which' is out of bounds or if the Unicode version
+ *         does not have data for the property at all, or not for this code point.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyMinValue
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyMaxValue
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyMap
+ * @see u_getUnicodeVersion
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+u_getIntPropertyValue(UChar32 c, UProperty which);
+ * Get the minimum value for an enumerated/integer/binary Unicode property.
+ * Can be used together with u_getIntPropertyMaxValue
+ * to allocate arrays of UnicodeSet or similar.
+ *
+ * @param which UProperty selector constant, identifies which binary property to check.
+ *        or UCHAR_INT_START<=which<UCHAR_INT_LIMIT.
+ * @return Minimum value returned by u_getIntPropertyValue for a Unicode property.
+ *         0 if the property selector is out of range.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @see u_getUnicodeVersion
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyMaxValue
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyValue
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+u_getIntPropertyMinValue(UProperty which);
+ * Get the maximum value for an enumerated/integer/binary Unicode property.
+ * Can be used together with u_getIntPropertyMinValue
+ * to allocate arrays of UnicodeSet or similar.
+ *
+ * Examples for min/max values (for Unicode 3.2):
+ *
+ *
+ * For undefined UProperty constant values, min/max values will be 0/-1.
+ *
+ * @param which UProperty selector constant, identifies which binary property to check.
+ *        or UCHAR_INT_START<=which<UCHAR_INT_LIMIT.
+ * @return Maximum value returned by u_getIntPropertyValue for a Unicode property.
+ *         <=0 if the property selector is out of range.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see u_hasBinaryProperty
+ * @see u_getUnicodeVersion
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyMaxValue
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyValue
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UProperty which);
+ * Returns an immutable UCPMap for an enumerated/catalog/int-valued property.
+ * The library retains ownership over the returned object.
+ * Sets an error code if the property number is not one for an "int property".
+ *
+ * The returned object maps all Unicode code points to their values for that property.
+ * For documentation of the integer values see u_getIntPropertyValue().
+ *
+ * @param property UCHAR_INT_START..UCHAR_INT_LIMIT-1
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the property as a map
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see u_getIntPropertyValue
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI const UCPMap * U_EXPORT2
+u_getIntPropertyMap(UProperty property, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the numeric value for a Unicode code point as defined in the
+ * Unicode Character Database.
+ *
+ * A "double" return type is necessary because
+ * some numeric values are fractions, negative, or too large for int32_t.
+ *
+ * For characters without any numeric values in the Unicode Character Database,
+ * this function will return U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE.
+ * Note: This is different from the Unicode Standard which specifies NaN as the default value.
+ * (NaN is not available on all platforms.)
+ *
+ * Similar to java.lang.Character.getNumericValue(), but u_getNumericValue()
+ * also supports negative values, large values, and fractions,
+ * while Java's getNumericValue() returns values 10..35 for ASCII letters.
+ *
+ * @param c Code point to get the numeric value for.
+ * @return Numeric value of c, or U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE if none is defined.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+u_getNumericValue(UChar32 c);
+ * Special value that is returned by u_getNumericValue when
+ * no numeric value is defined for a code point.
+ *
+ * @see u_getNumericValue
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+#define U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE ((double)-123456789.)
+ * Determines whether the specified code point has the general category "Ll"
+ * (lowercase letter).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isLowerCase().
+ *
+ * This misses some characters that are also lowercase but
+ * have a different general category value.
+ * In order to include those, use UCHAR_LOWERCASE.
+ *
+ * In addition to being equivalent to a Java function, this also serves
+ * as a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is an Ll lowercase letter
+ *
+ * @see u_isupper
+ * @see u_istitle
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_islower(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point has the general category "Lu"
+ * (uppercase letter).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isUpperCase().
+ *
+ * This misses some characters that are also uppercase but
+ * have a different general category value.
+ * In order to include those, use UCHAR_UPPERCASE.
+ *
+ * In addition to being equivalent to a Java function, this also serves
+ * as a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is an Lu uppercase letter
+ *
+ * @see u_islower
+ * @see u_istitle
+ * @see u_tolower
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isupper(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a titlecase letter.
+ * True for general category "Lt" (titlecase letter).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isTitleCase().
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is an Lt titlecase letter
+ *
+ * @see u_isupper
+ * @see u_islower
+ * @see u_totitle
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_istitle(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a digit character according to Java.
+ * True for characters with general category "Nd" (decimal digit numbers).
+ * Beginning with Unicode 4, this is the same as
+ * testing for the Numeric_Type of Decimal.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isDigit().
+ *
+ * In addition to being equivalent to a Java function, this also serves
+ * as a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a digit character according to Character.isDigit()
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isdigit(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a letter character.
+ * True for general categories "L" (letters).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isLetter().
+ *
+ * In addition to being equivalent to a Java function, this also serves
+ * as a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a letter character
+ *
+ * @see u_isdigit
+ * @see u_isalnum
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isalpha(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is an alphanumeric character
+ * (letter or digit) according to Java.
+ * True for characters with general categories
+ * "L" (letters) and "Nd" (decimal digit numbers).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isLetterOrDigit().
+ *
+ * In addition to being equivalent to a Java function, this also serves
+ * as a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is an alphanumeric character according to Character.isLetterOrDigit()
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isalnum(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a hexadecimal digit.
+ * This is equivalent to u_digit(c, 16)>=0.
+ * True for characters with general category "Nd" (decimal digit numbers)
+ * as well as Latin letters a-f and A-F in both ASCII and Fullwidth ASCII.
+ * (That is, for letters with code points
+ * 0041..0046, 0061..0066, FF21..FF26, FF41..FF46.)
+ *
+ * In order to narrow the definition of hexadecimal digits to only ASCII
+ * characters, use (c<=0x7f && u_isxdigit(c)).
+ *
+ * This is a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a hexadecimal digit
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_isxdigit(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a punctuation character.
+ * True for characters with general categories "P" (punctuation).
+ *
+ * This is a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a punctuation character
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_ispunct(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a "graphic" character
+ * (printable, excluding spaces).
+ * TRUE for all characters except those with general categories
+ * "Cc" (control codes), "Cf" (format controls), "Cs" (surrogates),
+ * "Cn" (unassigned), and "Z" (separators).
+ *
+ * This is a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a "graphic" character
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_isgraph(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a "blank" or "horizontal space",
+ * a character that visibly separates words on a line.
+ * The following are equivalent definitions:
+ *
+ * TRUE for Unicode White_Space characters except for "vertical space controls"
+ * where "vertical space controls" are the following characters:
+ * U+000A (LF) U+000B (VT) U+000C (FF) U+000D (CR) U+0085 (NEL) U+2028 (LS) U+2029 (PS)
+ *
+ * same as
+ *
+ * TRUE for U+0009 (TAB) and characters with general category "Zs" (space separators).
+ *
+ * Note: There are several ICU whitespace functions; please see the uchar.h
+ * file documentation for a detailed comparison.
+ *
+ * This is a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a "blank"
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_isblank(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is "defined",
+ * which usually means that it is assigned a character.
+ * True for general categories other than "Cn" (other, not assigned),
+ * i.e., true for all code points mentioned in UnicodeData.txt.
+ *
+ * Note that non-character code points (e.g., U+FDD0) are not "defined"
+ * (they are Cn), but surrogate code points are "defined" (Cs).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isDefined().
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is assigned a character
+ *
+ * @see u_isdigit
+ * @see u_isalpha
+ * @see u_isalnum
+ * @see u_isupper
+ * @see u_islower
+ * @see u_istitle
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isdefined(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines if the specified character is a space character or not.
+ *
+ * Note: There are several ICU whitespace functions; please see the uchar.h
+ * file documentation for a detailed comparison.
+ *
+ * This is a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c    the character to be tested
+ * @return  true if the character is a space character; false otherwise.
+ *
+ * @see u_isJavaSpaceChar
+ * @see u_isWhitespace
+ * @see u_isUWhiteSpace
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isspace(UChar32 c);
+ * Determine if the specified code point is a space character according to Java.
+ * True for characters with general categories "Z" (separators),
+ * which does not include control codes (e.g., TAB or Line Feed).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isSpaceChar().
+ *
+ * Note: There are several ICU whitespace functions; please see the uchar.h
+ * file documentation for a detailed comparison.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a space character according to Character.isSpaceChar()
+ *
+ * @see u_isspace
+ * @see u_isWhitespace
+ * @see u_isUWhiteSpace
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_isJavaSpaceChar(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines if the specified code point is a whitespace character according to Java/ICU.
+ * A character is considered to be a Java whitespace character if and only
+ * if it satisfies one of the following criteria:
+ *
+ * - It is a Unicode Separator character (categories "Z" = "Zs" or "Zl" or "Zp"), but is not
+ *      also a non-breaking space (U+00A0 NBSP or U+2007 Figure Space or U+202F Narrow NBSP).
+ * - It is U+000A LINE FEED.
+ * - It is U+000C FORM FEED.
+ * - It is U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN.
+ * - It is U+001C FILE SEPARATOR.
+ * - It is U+001D GROUP SEPARATOR.
+ * - It is U+001E RECORD SEPARATOR.
+ * - It is U+001F UNIT SEPARATOR.
+ *
+ * This API tries to sync with the semantics of Java's
+ * java.lang.Character.isWhitespace(), but it may not return
+ * the exact same results because of the Unicode version
+ * difference.
+ *
+ * Note: Unicode 4.0.1 changed U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE from a Space Separator (Zs)
+ * to a Format Control (Cf). Since then, isWhitespace(0x200b) returns false.
+ * See
+ *
+ * Note: There are several ICU whitespace functions; please see the uchar.h
+ * file documentation for a detailed comparison.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a whitespace character according to Java/ICU
+ *
+ * @see u_isspace
+ * @see u_isJavaSpaceChar
+ * @see u_isUWhiteSpace
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isWhitespace(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a control character
+ * (as defined by this function).
+ * A control character is one of the following:
+ * - ISO 8-bit control character (U+0000..U+001f and U+007f..U+009f)
+ * - U_FORMAT_CHAR (Cf)
+ *
+ * This is a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a control character
+ *
+ * @see u_isprint
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_iscntrl(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is an ISO control code.
+ * True for U+0000..U+001f and U+007f..U+009f (general category "Cc").
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isISOControl().
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is an ISO control code
+ *
+ * @see u_iscntrl
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_isISOControl(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the specified code point is a printable character.
+ * True for general categories <em>other</em> than "C" (controls).
+ *
+ * This is a C/POSIX migration function.
+ * See the comments about C/POSIX character classification functions in the
+ * documentation at the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a printable character
+ *
+ * @see u_iscntrl
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isprint(UChar32 c);
+ * Non-standard: Determines whether the specified code point is a base character.
+ * True for general categories "L" (letters), "N" (numbers),
+ * "Mc" (spacing combining marks), and "Me" (enclosing marks).
+ *
+ * Note that this is different from the Unicode Standard definition in
+ * chapter 3.6, conformance clause D51 “Base character”,
+ * which defines base characters as the code points with general categories
+ * Letter (L), Number (N), Punctuation (P), Symbol (S), or Space Separator (Zs).
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is a base character according to this function
+ *
+ * @see u_isalpha
+ * @see u_isdigit
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isbase(UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the bidirectional category value for the code point,
+ * which is used in the Unicode bidirectional algorithm
+ * (UAX #9
+ * Note that some <em>unassigned</em> code points have bidi values
+ * of R or AL because they are in blocks that are reserved
+ * for Right-To-Left scripts.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.getDirectionality()
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return the bidirectional category (UCharDirection) value
+ *
+ * @see UCharDirection
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UCharDirection U_EXPORT2
+u_charDirection(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines whether the code point has the Bidi_Mirrored property.
+ * This property is set for characters that are commonly used in
+ * Right-To-Left contexts and need to be displayed with a "mirrored"
+ * glyph.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isMirrored().
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the character has the Bidi_Mirrored property
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isMirrored(UChar32 c);
+ * Maps the specified character to a "mirror-image" character.
+ * For characters with the Bidi_Mirrored property, implementations
+ * sometimes need a "poor man's" mapping to another Unicode
+ * character (code point) such that the default glyph may serve
+ * as the mirror-image of the default glyph of the specified
+ * character. This is useful for text conversion to and from
+ * codepages with visual order, and for displays without glyph
+ * selection capabilities.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be mapped
+ * @return another Unicode code point that may serve as a mirror-image
+ *         substitute, or c itself if there is no such mapping or c
+ *         does not have the Bidi_Mirrored property
+ *
+ * @see u_isMirrored
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_charMirror(UChar32 c);
+ * Maps the specified character to its paired bracket character.
+ * For Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type!=None, this is the same as u_charMirror().
+ * Otherwise c itself is returned.
+ * See
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be mapped
+ * @return the paired bracket code point,
+ *         or c itself if there is no such mapping
+ *         (Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type=None)
+ *
+ * @see u_charMirror
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+u_getBidiPairedBracket(UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the general category value for the code point.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.getType().
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return the general category (UCharCategory) value
+ *
+ * @see UCharCategory
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_charType(UChar32 c);
+ * Get a single-bit bit set for the general category of a character.
+ * This bit set can be compared bitwise with U_GC_SM_MASK, U_GC_L_MASK, etc.
+ * Same as U_MASK(u_charType(c)).
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return a single-bit mask corresponding to the general category (UCharCategory) value
+ *
+ * @see u_charType
+ * @see UCharCategory
+ * @see U_GC_CN_MASK
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+#define U_GET_GC_MASK(c) U_MASK(u_charType(c))
+ * Callback from u_enumCharTypes(), is called for each contiguous range
+ * of code points c (where start<=c<limit)
+ * with the same Unicode general category ("character type").
+ *
+ * The callback function can stop the enumeration by returning FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param context an opaque pointer, as passed into utrie_enum()
+ * @param start the first code point in a contiguous range with value
+ * @param limit one past the last code point in a contiguous range with value
+ * @param type the general category for all code points in [start..limit[
+ * @return FALSE to stop the enumeration
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ * @see UCharCategory
+ * @see u_enumCharTypes
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
+UCharEnumTypeRange(const void *context, UChar32 start, UChar32 limit, UCharCategory type);
+ * Enumerate efficiently all code points with their Unicode general categories.
+ *
+ * This is useful for building data structures (e.g., UnicodeSet's),
+ * for enumerating all assigned code points (type!=U_UNASSIGNED), etc.
+ *
+ * For each contiguous range of code points with a given general category ("character type"),
+ * the UCharEnumTypeRange function is called.
+ * Adjacent ranges have different types.
+ * The Unicode Standard guarantees that the numeric value of the type is 0..31.
+ *
+ * @param enumRange a pointer to a function that is called for each contiguous range
+ *                  of code points with the same general category
+ * @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the callback function
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ * @see UCharCategory
+ * @see UCharEnumTypeRange
+ */
+u_enumCharTypes(UCharEnumTypeRange *enumRange, const void *context);
+ * Returns the combining class of the code point as specified in UnicodeData.txt.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point of the character
+ * @return the combining class of the character
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_getCombiningClass(UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the decimal digit value of a decimal digit character.
+ * Such characters have the general category "Nd" (decimal digit numbers)
+ * and a Numeric_Type of Decimal.
+ *
+ * Unlike ICU releases before 2.6, no digit values are returned for any
+ * Han characters because Han number characters are often used with a special
+ * Chinese-style number format (with characters for powers of 10 in between)
+ * instead of in decimal-positional notation.
+ * Unicode 4 explicitly assigns Han number characters the Numeric_Type
+ * Numeric instead of Decimal.
+ * See Jitterbug 1483 for more details.
+ *
+ * Use u_getIntPropertyValue(c, UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE) and u_getNumericValue()
+ * for complete numeric Unicode properties.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point for which to get the decimal digit value
+ * @return the decimal digit value of c,
+ *         or -1 if c is not a decimal digit character
+ *
+ * @see u_getNumericValue
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_charDigitValue(UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the Unicode allocation block that contains the character.
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return the block value (UBlockCode) for c
+ *
+ * @see UBlockCode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ublock_getCode(UChar32 c);
+ * Retrieve the name of a Unicode character.
+ * Depending on <code>nameChoice</code>, the character name written
+ * into the buffer is the "modern" name or the name that was defined
+ * in Unicode version 1.0.
+ * The name contains only "invariant" characters
+ * like A-Z, 0-9, space, and '-'.
+ * Unicode 1.0 names are only retrieved if they are different from the modern
+ * names and if the data file contains the data for them. gennames may or may
+ * not be called with a command line option to include 1.0 names in unames.dat.
+ *
+ * @param code The character (code point) for which to get the name.
+ *             It must be <code>0<=code<=0x10ffff</code>.
+ * @param nameChoice Selector for which name to get.
+ * @param buffer Destination address for copying the name.
+ *               The name will always be zero-terminated.
+ *               If there is no name, then the buffer will be set to the empty string.
+ * @param bufferLength <code>==sizeof(buffer)</code>
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to a UErrorCode variable;
+ *        check for <code>U_SUCCESS()</code> after <code>u_charName()</code>
+ *        returns.
+ * @return The length of the name, or 0 if there is no name for this character.
+ *         If the bufferLength is less than or equal to the length, then the buffer
+ *         contains the truncated name and the returned length indicates the full
+ *         length of the name.
+ *         The length does not include the zero-termination.
+ *
+ * @see UCharNameChoice
+ * @see u_charFromName
+ * @see u_enumCharNames
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_charName(UChar32 code, UCharNameChoice nameChoice,
+           char *buffer, int32_t bufferLength,
+           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns an empty string.
+ * Used to return the ISO 10646 comment for a character.
+ * The Unicode ISO_Comment property is deprecated and has no values.
+ *
+ * @param c The character (code point) for which to get the ISO comment.
+ *             It must be <code>0<=c<=0x10ffff</code>.
+ * @param dest Destination address for copying the comment.
+ *             The comment will be zero-terminated if possible.
+ *             If there is no comment, then the buffer will be set to the empty string.
+ * @param destCapacity <code>==sizeof(dest)</code>
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to a UErrorCode variable;
+ *        check for <code>U_SUCCESS()</code> after <code>u_getISOComment()</code>
+ *        returns.
+ * @return 0
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 49
+ */
+u_getISOComment(UChar32 c,
+                char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Find a Unicode character by its name and return its code point value.
+ * The name is matched exactly and completely.
+ * If the name does not correspond to a code point, <i>pErrorCode</i>
+ * is set to <code>U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND</code>.
+ * A Unicode 1.0 name is matched only if it differs from the modern name.
+ * Unicode names are all uppercase. Extended names are lowercase followed
+ * by an uppercase hexadecimal number, and within angle brackets.
+ *
+ * @param nameChoice Selector for which name to match.
+ * @param name The name to match.
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to a UErrorCode variable
+ * @return The Unicode value of the code point with the given name,
+ *         or an undefined value if there is no such code point.
+ *
+ * @see UCharNameChoice
+ * @see u_charName
+ * @see u_enumCharNames
+ * @stable ICU 1.7
+ */
+u_charFromName(UCharNameChoice nameChoice,
+               const char *name,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Type of a callback function for u_enumCharNames() that gets called
+ * for each Unicode character with the code point value and
+ * the character name.
+ * If such a function returns FALSE, then the enumeration is stopped.
+ *
+ * @param context The context pointer that was passed to u_enumCharNames().
+ * @param code The Unicode code point for the character with this name.
+ * @param nameChoice Selector for which kind of names is enumerated.
+ * @param name The character's name, zero-terminated.
+ * @param length The length of the name.
+ * @return TRUE if the enumeration should continue, FALSE to stop it.
+ *
+ * @see UCharNameChoice
+ * @see u_enumCharNames
+ * @stable ICU 1.7
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV UEnumCharNamesFn(void *context,
+                               UChar32 code,
+                               UCharNameChoice nameChoice,
+                               const char *name,
+                               int32_t length);
+ * Enumerate all assigned Unicode characters between the start and limit
+ * code points (start inclusive, limit exclusive) and call a function
+ * for each, passing the code point value and the character name.
+ * For Unicode 1.0 names, only those are enumerated that differ from the
+ * modern names.
+ *
+ * @param start The first code point in the enumeration range.
+ * @param limit One more than the last code point in the enumeration range
+ *              (the first one after the range).
+ * @param fn The function that is to be called for each character name.
+ * @param context An arbitrary pointer that is passed to the function.
+ * @param nameChoice Selector for which kind of names to enumerate.
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to a UErrorCode variable
+ *
+ * @see UCharNameChoice
+ * @see UEnumCharNamesFn
+ * @see u_charName
+ * @see u_charFromName
+ * @stable ICU 1.7
+ */
+u_enumCharNames(UChar32 start, UChar32 limit,
+                UEnumCharNamesFn *fn,
+                void *context,
+                UCharNameChoice nameChoice,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return the Unicode name for a given property, as given in the
+ * Unicode database file PropertyAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * In addition, this function maps the property
+ * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK to the synthetic names "gcm" /
+ * "General_Category_Mask".  These names are not in
+ * PropertyAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * @param property UProperty selector other than UCHAR_INVALID_CODE.
+ *         If out of range, NULL is returned.
+ *
+ * @param nameChoice selector for which name to get.  If out of range,
+ *         NULL is returned.  All properties have a long name.  Most
+ *         have a short name, but some do not.  Unicode allows for
+ *         additional names; if present these will be returned by
+ *         U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME + i, where i=1, 2,...
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to the name, or NULL if either the
+ *         property or the nameChoice is out of range.  If a given
+ *         nameChoice returns NULL, then all larger values of
+ *         nameChoice will return NULL, with one exception: if NULL is
+ *         returned for U_SHORT_PROPERTY_NAME, then
+ *         U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME (and higher) may still return a
+ *         non-NULL value.  The returned pointer is valid until
+ *         u_cleanup() is called.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see UPropertyNameChoice
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+u_getPropertyName(UProperty property,
+                  UPropertyNameChoice nameChoice);
+ * Return the UProperty enum for a given property name, as specified
+ * in the Unicode database file PropertyAliases.txt.  Short, long, and
+ * any other variants are recognized.
+ *
+ * In addition, this function maps the synthetic names "gcm" /
+ * "General_Category_Mask" to the property
+ * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK.  These names are not in
+ * PropertyAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * @param alias the property name to be matched.  The name is compared
+ *         using "loose matching" as described in PropertyAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * @return a UProperty enum, or UCHAR_INVALID_CODE if the given name
+ *         does not match any property.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+u_getPropertyEnum(const char* alias);
+ * Return the Unicode name for a given property value, as given in the
+ * Unicode database file PropertyValueAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * Note: Some of the names in PropertyValueAliases.txt can only be
+ * retrieved using UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, not
+ * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY.  These include: "C" / "Other", "L" /
+ * "Letter", "LC" / "Cased_Letter", "M" / "Mark", "N" / "Number", "P"
+ * / "Punctuation", "S" / "Symbol", and "Z" / "Separator".
+ *
+ * @param property UProperty selector constant.
+ *        or UCHAR_INT_START<=which<UCHAR_INT_LIMIT
+ *        If out of range, NULL is returned.
+ *
+ * @param value selector for a value for the given property.  If out
+ *         of range, NULL is returned.  In general, valid values range
+ *         from 0 up to some maximum.  There are a few exceptions:
+ *         (1.) UCHAR_BLOCK values begin at the non-zero value
+ *         values are not contiguous and range from 0..240.  (3.)
+ *         UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK values are not values of
+ *         UCharCategory, but rather mask values produced by
+ *         U_GET_GC_MASK().  This allows grouped categories such as
+ *         [:L:] to be represented.  Mask values range
+ *         non-contiguously from 1..U_GC_P_MASK.
+ *
+ * @param nameChoice selector for which name to get.  If out of range,
+ *         NULL is returned.  All values have a long name.  Most have
+ *         a short name, but some do not.  Unicode allows for
+ *         additional names; if present these will be returned by
+ *         U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME + i, where i=1, 2,...
+ * @return a pointer to the name, or NULL if either the
+ *         property or the nameChoice is out of range.  If a given
+ *         nameChoice returns NULL, then all larger values of
+ *         nameChoice will return NULL, with one exception: if NULL is
+ *         returned for U_SHORT_PROPERTY_NAME, then
+ *         U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME (and higher) may still return a
+ *         non-NULL value.  The returned pointer is valid until
+ *         u_cleanup() is called.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @see UPropertyNameChoice
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+u_getPropertyValueName(UProperty property,
+                       int32_t value,
+                       UPropertyNameChoice nameChoice);
+ * Return the property value integer for a given value name, as
+ * specified in the Unicode database file PropertyValueAliases.txt.
+ * Short, long, and any other variants are recognized.
+ *
+ * Note: Some of the names in PropertyValueAliases.txt will only be
+ * recognized with UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, not
+ * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY.  These include: "C" / "Other", "L" /
+ * "Letter", "LC" / "Cased_Letter", "M" / "Mark", "N" / "Number", "P"
+ * / "Punctuation", "S" / "Symbol", and "Z" / "Separator".
+ *
+ * @param property UProperty selector constant.
+ *        or UCHAR_INT_START<=which<UCHAR_INT_LIMIT
+ *        If out of range, UCHAR_INVALID_CODE is returned.
+ *
+ * @param alias the value name to be matched.  The name is compared
+ *         using "loose matching" as described in
+ *         PropertyValueAliases.txt.
+ *
+ * @return a value integer or UCHAR_INVALID_CODE if the given name
+ *         does not match any value of the given property, or if the
+ *         property is invalid.  Note: UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK values
+ *         are not values of UCharCategory, but rather mask values
+ *         produced by U_GET_GC_MASK().  This allows grouped
+ *         categories such as [:L:] to be represented.
+ *
+ * @see UProperty
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+u_getPropertyValueEnum(UProperty property,
+                       const char* alias);
+ * Determines if the specified character is permissible as the
+ * first character in an identifier according to Unicode
+ * (The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0, chapter 5.16 Identifiers).
+ * True for characters with general categories "L" (letters) and "Nl" (letter numbers).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart().
+ * Same as UCHAR_ID_START
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point may start an identifier
+ *
+ * @see u_isalpha
+ * @see u_isIDPart
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isIDStart(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines if the specified character is permissible
+ * in an identifier according to Java.
+ * True for characters with general categories "L" (letters),
+ * "Nl" (letter numbers), "Nd" (decimal digits),
+ * "Mc" and "Mn" (combining marks), "Pc" (connecting punctuation), and
+ * u_isIDIgnorable(c).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart().
+ * Almost the same as Unicode's ID_Continue (UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE)
+ * except that Unicode recommends to ignore Cf which is less than
+ * u_isIDIgnorable(c).
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point may occur in an identifier according to Java
+ *
+ * @see u_isIDStart
+ * @see u_isIDIgnorable
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isIDPart(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines if the specified character should be regarded
+ * as an ignorable character in an identifier,
+ * according to Java.
+ * True for characters with general category "Cf" (format controls) as well as
+ * non-whitespace ISO controls
+ * (U+0000..U+0008, U+000E..U+001B, U+007F..U+009F).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isIdentifierIgnorable().
+ *
+ * Note that Unicode just recommends to ignore Cf (format controls).
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point is ignorable in identifiers according to Java
+ *
+ * @see u_isIDStart
+ * @see u_isIDPart
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isIDIgnorable(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines if the specified character is permissible as the
+ * first character in a Java identifier.
+ * In addition to u_isIDStart(c), true for characters with
+ * general categories "Sc" (currency symbols) and "Pc" (connecting punctuation).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierStart().
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point may start a Java identifier
+ *
+ * @see     u_isJavaIDPart
+ * @see     u_isalpha
+ * @see     u_isIDStart
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isJavaIDStart(UChar32 c);
+ * Determines if the specified character is permissible
+ * in a Java identifier.
+ * In addition to u_isIDPart(c), true for characters with
+ * general category "Sc" (currency symbols).
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart().
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the code point may occur in a Java identifier
+ *
+ * @see     u_isIDIgnorable
+ * @see     u_isJavaIDStart
+ * @see     u_isalpha
+ * @see     u_isdigit
+ * @see     u_isIDPart
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_isJavaIDPart(UChar32 c);
+ * The given character is mapped to its lowercase equivalent according to
+ * UnicodeData.txt; if the character has no lowercase equivalent, the character
+ * itself is returned.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.toLowerCase().
+ *
+ * This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping.
+ * Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce
+ * better results by working on whole strings.
+ * They take into account the string context and the language and can map
+ * to a result string with a different length as appropriate.
+ * Full case mappings are applied by the string case mapping functions,
+ * see ustring.h and the UnicodeString class.
+ * See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:
+ *
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be mapped
+ * @return the Simple_Lowercase_Mapping of the code point, if any;
+ *         otherwise the code point itself.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_tolower(UChar32 c);
+ * The given character is mapped to its uppercase equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt;
+ * if the character has no uppercase equivalent, the character itself is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.toUpperCase().
+ *
+ * This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping.
+ * Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce
+ * better results by working on whole strings.
+ * They take into account the string context and the language and can map
+ * to a result string with a different length as appropriate.
+ * Full case mappings are applied by the string case mapping functions,
+ * see ustring.h and the UnicodeString class.
+ * See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:
+ *
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be mapped
+ * @return the Simple_Uppercase_Mapping of the code point, if any;
+ *         otherwise the code point itself.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_toupper(UChar32 c);
+ * The given character is mapped to its titlecase equivalent
+ * according to UnicodeData.txt;
+ * if none is defined, the character itself is returned.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.toTitleCase().
+ *
+ * This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping.
+ * Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce
+ * better results by working on whole strings.
+ * They take into account the string context and the language and can map
+ * to a result string with a different length as appropriate.
+ * Full case mappings are applied by the string case mapping functions,
+ * see ustring.h and the UnicodeString class.
+ * See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:
+ *
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be mapped
+ * @return the Simple_Titlecase_Mapping of the code point, if any;
+ *         otherwise the code point itself.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_totitle(UChar32 c);
+ * The given character is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to
+ * UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt;
+ * if the character has no case folding equivalent, the character
+ * itself is returned.
+ *
+ * This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping.
+ * Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce
+ * better results by working on whole strings.
+ * They take into account the string context and the language and can map
+ * to a result string with a different length as appropriate.
+ * Full case mappings are applied by the string case mapping functions,
+ * see ustring.h and the UnicodeString class.
+ * See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:
+ *
+ *
+ * @param c the code point to be mapped
+ * @return the Simple_Case_Folding of the code point, if any;
+ *         otherwise the code point itself.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_foldCase(UChar32 c, uint32_t options);
+ * Returns the decimal digit value of the code point in the
+ * specified radix.
+ *
+ * If the radix is not in the range <code>2<=radix<=36</code> or if the
+ * value of <code>c</code> is not a valid digit in the specified
+ * radix, <code>-1</code> is returned. A character is a valid digit
+ * if at least one of the following is true:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>The character has a decimal digit value.
+ *     Such characters have the general category "Nd" (decimal digit numbers)
+ *     and a Numeric_Type of Decimal.
+ *     In this case the value is the character's decimal digit value.</li>
+ * <li>The character is one of the uppercase Latin letters
+ *     <code>'A'</code> through <code>'Z'</code>.
+ *     In this case the value is <code>c-'A'+10</code>.</li>
+ * <li>The character is one of the lowercase Latin letters
+ *     <code>'a'</code> through <code>'z'</code>.
+ *     In this case the value is <code>ch-'a'+10</code>.</li>
+ * <li>Latin letters from both the ASCII range (0061..007A, 0041..005A)
+ *     as well as from the Fullwidth ASCII range (FF41..FF5A, FF21..FF3A)
+ *     are recognized.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.digit().
+ *
+ * @param   ch      the code point to be tested.
+ * @param   radix   the radix.
+ * @return  the numeric value represented by the character in the
+ *          specified radix,
+ *          or -1 if there is no value or if the value exceeds the radix.
+ *
+ * @see     u_forDigit
+ * @see     u_charDigitValue
+ * @see     u_isdigit
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_digit(UChar32 ch, int8_t radix);
+ * Determines the character representation for a specific digit in
+ * the specified radix. If the value of <code>radix</code> is not a
+ * valid radix, or the value of <code>digit</code> is not a valid
+ * digit in the specified radix, the null character
+ * (<code>U+0000</code>) is returned.
+ * <p>
+ * The <code>radix</code> argument is valid if it is greater than or
+ * equal to 2 and less than or equal to 36.
+ * The <code>digit</code> argument is valid if
+ * <code>0 <= digit < radix</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * If the digit is less than 10, then
+ * <code>'0' + digit</code> is returned. Otherwise, the value
+ * <code>'a' + digit - 10</code> is returned.
+ *
+ * Same as java.lang.Character.forDigit().
+ *
+ * @param   digit   the number to convert to a character.
+ * @param   radix   the radix.
+ * @return  the <code>char</code> representation of the specified digit
+ *          in the specified radix.
+ *
+ * @see     u_digit
+ * @see     u_charDigitValue
+ * @see     u_isdigit
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_forDigit(int32_t digit, int8_t radix);
+ * Get the "age" of the code point.
+ * The "age" is the Unicode version when the code point was first
+ * designated (as a non-character or for Private Use)
+ * or assigned a character.
+ * This can be useful to avoid emitting code points to receiving
+ * processes that do not accept newer characters.
+ * The data is from the UCD file DerivedAge.txt.
+ *
+ * @param c The code point.
+ * @param versionArray The Unicode version number array, to be filled in.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+u_charAge(UChar32 c, UVersionInfo versionArray);
+ * Gets the Unicode version information.
+ * The version array is filled in with the version information
+ * for the Unicode standard that is currently used by ICU.
+ * For example, Unicode version 3.1.1 is represented as an array with
+ * the values { 3, 1, 1, 0 }.
+ *
+ * @param versionArray an output array that will be filled in with
+ *                     the Unicode version number
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_getUnicodeVersion(UVersionInfo versionArray);
+ * Get the FC_NFKC_Closure property string for a character.
+ * See Unicode Standard Annex #15 for details, search for "FC_NFKC_Closure"
+ * or for "FNC":
+ *
+ * @param c The character (code point) for which to get the FC_NFKC_Closure string.
+ *             It must be <code>0<=c<=0x10ffff</code>.
+ * @param dest Destination address for copying the string.
+ *             The string will be zero-terminated if possible.
+ *             If there is no FC_NFKC_Closure string,
+ *             then the buffer will be set to the empty string.
+ * @param destCapacity <code>==sizeof(dest)</code>
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to a UErrorCode variable.
+ * @return The length of the string, or 0 if there is no FC_NFKC_Closure string for this character.
+ *         If the destCapacity is less than or equal to the length, then the buffer
+ *         contains the truncated name and the returned length indicates the full
+ *         length of the name.
+ *         The length does not include the zero-termination.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+u_getFC_NFKC_Closure(UChar32 c, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /*_UCHAR*/
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucharstrie.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucharstrie.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5729d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucharstrie.h
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucharstrie.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010nov14
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UCHARSTRIE_H__
+#define __UCHARSTRIE_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Trie for mapping Unicode strings (or 16-bit-unit sequences)
+ *                 to integer values.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/ustringtrie.h"
+class Appendable;
+class UCharsTrieBuilder;
+class UVector32;
+ * Light-weight, non-const reader class for a UCharsTrie.
+ * Traverses a char16_t-serialized data structure with minimal state,
+ * for mapping strings (16-bit-unit sequences) to non-negative integer values.
+ *
+ * This class owns the serialized trie data only if it was constructed by
+ * the builder's build() method.
+ * The public constructor and the copy constructor only alias the data (only copy the pointer).
+ * There is no assignment operator.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UCharsTrie : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Constructs a UCharsTrie reader instance.
+     *
+     * The trieUChars must contain a copy of a char16_t sequence from the UCharsTrieBuilder,
+     * starting with the first char16_t of that sequence.
+     * The UCharsTrie object will not read more char16_ts than
+     * the UCharsTrieBuilder generated in the corresponding build() call.
+     *
+     * The array is not copied/cloned and must not be modified while
+     * the UCharsTrie object is in use.
+     *
+     * @param trieUChars The char16_t array that contains the serialized trie.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrie(ConstChar16Ptr trieUChars)
+            : ownedArray_(NULL), uchars_(trieUChars),
+              pos_(uchars_), remainingMatchLength_(-1) {}
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    ~UCharsTrie();
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor, copies the other trie reader object and its state,
+     * but not the char16_t array which will be shared. (Shallow copy.)
+     * @param other Another UCharsTrie object.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrie(const UCharsTrie &other)
+            : ownedArray_(NULL), uchars_(other.uchars_),
+              pos_(other.pos_), remainingMatchLength_(other.remainingMatchLength_) {}
+    /**
+     * Resets this trie to its initial state.
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrie &reset() {
+        pos_=uchars_;
+        remainingMatchLength_=-1;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the state of this trie as a 64-bit integer.
+     * The state value is never 0.
+     *
+     * @return opaque state value
+     * @see resetToState64
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    uint64_t getState64() const {
+        return (static_cast<uint64_t>(remainingMatchLength_ + 2) << kState64RemainingShift) |
+            (uint64_t)(pos_ - uchars_);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets this trie to the saved state.
+     * Unlike resetToState(State), the 64-bit state value
+     * must be from getState64() from the same trie object or
+     * from one initialized the exact same way.
+     * Because of no validation, this method is faster.
+     *
+     * @param state The opaque trie state value from getState64().
+     * @return *this
+     * @see getState64
+     * @see resetToState
+     * @see reset
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    UCharsTrie &resetToState64(uint64_t state) {
+        remainingMatchLength_ = static_cast<int32_t>(state >> kState64RemainingShift) - 2;
+        pos_ = uchars_ + (state & kState64PosMask);
+        return *this;
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * UCharsTrie state object, for saving a trie's current state
+     * and resetting the trie back to this state later.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    class State : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructs an empty State.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        State() { uchars=NULL; }
+    private:
+        friend class UCharsTrie;
+        const char16_t *uchars;
+        const char16_t *pos;
+        int32_t remainingMatchLength;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Saves the state of this trie.
+     * @param state The State object to hold the trie's state.
+     * @return *this
+     * @see resetToState
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    const UCharsTrie &saveState(State &state) const {
+        state.uchars=uchars_;
+        state.pos=pos_;
+        state.remainingMatchLength=remainingMatchLength_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets this trie to the saved state.
+     * If the state object contains no state, or the state of a different trie,
+     * then this trie remains unchanged.
+     * @param state The State object which holds a saved trie state.
+     * @return *this
+     * @see saveState
+     * @see reset
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrie &resetToState(const State &state) {
+        if(uchars_==state.uchars && uchars_!=NULL) {
+            pos_=state.pos;
+            remainingMatchLength_=state.remainingMatchLength;
+        }
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Determines whether the string so far matches, whether it has a value,
+     * and whether another input char16_t can continue a matching string.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult current() const;
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the initial state for this input char16_t.
+     * Equivalent to reset().next(uchar).
+     * @param uchar Input char value. Values below 0 and above 0xffff will never match.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    inline UStringTrieResult first(int32_t uchar) {
+        remainingMatchLength_=-1;
+        return nextImpl(uchars_, uchar);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the initial state for the
+     * one or two UTF-16 code units for this input code point.
+     * Equivalent to reset().nextForCodePoint(cp).
+     * @param cp A Unicode code point 0..0x10ffff.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult firstForCodePoint(UChar32 cp);
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the current state for this input char16_t.
+     * @param uchar Input char value. Values below 0 and above 0xffff will never match.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult next(int32_t uchar);
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the current state for the
+     * one or two UTF-16 code units for this input code point.
+     * @param cp A Unicode code point 0..0x10ffff.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult nextForCodePoint(UChar32 cp);
+    /**
+     * Traverses the trie from the current state for this string.
+     * Equivalent to
+     * \code
+     * Result result=current();
+     * for(each c in s)
+     *   if(!USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(result)) return USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH;
+     *   result=next(c);
+     * return result;
+     * \endcode
+     * @param s A string. Can be NULL if length is 0.
+     * @param length The length of the string. Can be -1 if NUL-terminated.
+     * @return The match/value Result.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UStringTrieResult next(ConstChar16Ptr s, int32_t length);
+    /**
+     * Returns a matching string's value if called immediately after
+     * current()/first()/next() returned USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE or USTRINGTRIE_FINAL_VALUE.
+     * getValue() can be called multiple times.
+     *
+     * Do not call getValue() after USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH or USTRINGTRIE_NO_VALUE!
+     * @return The value for the string so far.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    inline int32_t getValue() const {
+        const char16_t *pos=pos_;
+        int32_t leadUnit=*pos++;
+        // U_ASSERT(leadUnit>=kMinValueLead);
+        return leadUnit&kValueIsFinal ?
+            readValue(pos, leadUnit&0x7fff) : readNodeValue(pos, leadUnit);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Determines whether all strings reachable from the current state
+     * map to the same value.
+     * @param uniqueValue Receives the unique value, if this function returns TRUE.
+     *                    (output-only)
+     * @return TRUE if all strings reachable from the current state
+     *         map to the same value.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    inline UBool hasUniqueValue(int32_t &uniqueValue) const {
+        const char16_t *pos=pos_;
+        // Skip the rest of a pending linear-match node.
+        return pos!=NULL && findUniqueValue(pos+remainingMatchLength_+1, FALSE, uniqueValue);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Finds each char16_t which continues the string from the current state.
+     * That is, each char16_t c for which it would be next(c)!=USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH now.
+     * @param out Each next char16_t is appended to this object.
+     * @return the number of char16_ts which continue the string from here
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    int32_t getNextUChars(Appendable &out) const;
+    /**
+     * Iterator for all of the (string, value) pairs in a UCharsTrie.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    class U_COMMON_API Iterator : public UMemory {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Iterates from the root of a char16_t-serialized UCharsTrie.
+         * @param trieUChars The trie char16_ts.
+         * @param maxStringLength If 0, the iterator returns full strings.
+         *                        Otherwise, the iterator returns strings with this maximum length.
+         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        Iterator(ConstChar16Ptr trieUChars, int32_t maxStringLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * Iterates from the current state of the specified UCharsTrie.
+         * @param trie The trie whose state will be copied for iteration.
+         * @param maxStringLength If 0, the iterator returns full strings.
+         *                        Otherwise, the iterator returns strings with this maximum length.
+         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        Iterator(const UCharsTrie &trie, int32_t maxStringLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        ~Iterator();
+        /**
+         * Resets this iterator to its initial state.
+         * @return *this
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        Iterator &reset();
+        /**
+         * @return TRUE if there are more elements.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        UBool hasNext() const;
+        /**
+         * Finds the next (string, value) pair if there is one.
+         *
+         * If the string is truncated to the maximum length and does not
+         * have a real value, then the value is set to -1.
+         * In this case, this "not a real value" is indistinguishable from
+         * a real value of -1.
+         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+         * @return TRUE if there is another element.
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        UBool next(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        /**
+         * @return The string for the last successful next().
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        const UnicodeString &getString() const { return str_; }
+        /**
+         * @return The value for the last successful next().
+         * @stable ICU 4.8
+         */
+        int32_t getValue() const { return value_; }
+    private:
+        UBool truncateAndStop() {
+            pos_=NULL;
+            value_=-1;  // no real value for str
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        const char16_t *branchNext(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        const char16_t *uchars_;
+        const char16_t *pos_;
+        const char16_t *initialPos_;
+        int32_t remainingMatchLength_;
+        int32_t initialRemainingMatchLength_;
+        UBool skipValue_;  // Skip intermediate value which was already delivered.
+        UnicodeString str_;
+        int32_t maxLength_;
+        int32_t value_;
+        // The stack stores pairs of integers for backtracking to another
+        // outbound edge of a branch node.
+        // The first integer is an offset from uchars_.
+        // The second integer has the str_.length() from before the node in bits 15..0,
+        // and the remaining branch length in bits 31..16.
+        // (We could store the remaining branch length minus 1 in bits 30..16 and not use the sign bit,
+        // but the code looks more confusing that way.)
+        UVector32 *stack_;
+    };
+    friend class UCharsTrieBuilder;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a UCharsTrie reader instance.
+     * Unlike the public constructor which just aliases an array,
+     * this constructor adopts the builder's array.
+     * This constructor is only called by the builder.
+     */
+    UCharsTrie(char16_t *adoptUChars, const char16_t *trieUChars)
+            : ownedArray_(adoptUChars), uchars_(trieUChars),
+              pos_(uchars_), remainingMatchLength_(-1) {}
+    // No assignment operator.
+    UCharsTrie &operator=(const UCharsTrie &other);
+    inline void stop() {
+        pos_=NULL;
+    }
+    // Reads a compact 32-bit integer.
+    // pos is already after the leadUnit, and the lead unit has bit 15 reset.
+    static inline int32_t readValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
+        int32_t value;
+        if(leadUnit<kMinTwoUnitValueLead) {
+            value=leadUnit;
+        } else if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitValueLead) {
+            value=((leadUnit-kMinTwoUnitValueLead)<<16)|*pos;
+        } else {
+            value=(pos[0]<<16)|pos[1];
+        }
+        return value;
+    }
+    static inline const char16_t *skipValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
+        if(leadUnit>=kMinTwoUnitValueLead) {
+            if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitValueLead) {
+                ++pos;
+            } else {
+                pos+=2;
+            }
+        }
+        return pos;
+    }
+    static inline const char16_t *skipValue(const char16_t *pos) {
+        int32_t leadUnit=*pos++;
+        return skipValue(pos, leadUnit&0x7fff);
+    }
+    static inline int32_t readNodeValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
+        // U_ASSERT(kMinValueLead<=leadUnit && leadUnit<kValueIsFinal);
+        int32_t value;
+        if(leadUnit<kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead) {
+            value=(leadUnit>>6)-1;
+        } else if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitNodeValueLead) {
+            value=(((leadUnit&0x7fc0)-kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead)<<10)|*pos;
+        } else {
+            value=(pos[0]<<16)|pos[1];
+        }
+        return value;
+    }
+    static inline const char16_t *skipNodeValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
+        // U_ASSERT(kMinValueLead<=leadUnit && leadUnit<kValueIsFinal);
+        if(leadUnit>=kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead) {
+            if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitNodeValueLead) {
+                ++pos;
+            } else {
+                pos+=2;
+            }
+        }
+        return pos;
+    }
+    static inline const char16_t *jumpByDelta(const char16_t *pos) {
+        int32_t delta=*pos++;
+        if(delta>=kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead) {
+            if(delta==kThreeUnitDeltaLead) {
+                delta=(pos[0]<<16)|pos[1];
+                pos+=2;
+            } else {
+                delta=((delta-kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead)<<16)|*pos++;
+            }
+        }
+        return pos+delta;
+    }
+    static const char16_t *skipDelta(const char16_t *pos) {
+        int32_t delta=*pos++;
+        if(delta>=kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead) {
+            if(delta==kThreeUnitDeltaLead) {
+                pos+=2;
+            } else {
+                ++pos;
+            }
+        }
+        return pos;
+    }
+    static inline UStringTrieResult valueResult(int32_t node) {
+        return (UStringTrieResult)(USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE-(node>>15));
+    }
+    // Handles a branch node for both next(uchar) and next(string).
+    UStringTrieResult branchNext(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length, int32_t uchar);
+    // Requires remainingLength_<0.
+    UStringTrieResult nextImpl(const char16_t *pos, int32_t uchar);
+    // Helper functions for hasUniqueValue().
+    // Recursively finds a unique value (or whether there is not a unique one)
+    // from a branch.
+    static const char16_t *findUniqueValueFromBranch(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length,
+                                                  UBool haveUniqueValue, int32_t &uniqueValue);
+    // Recursively finds a unique value (or whether there is not a unique one)
+    // starting from a position on a node lead unit.
+    static UBool findUniqueValue(const char16_t *pos, UBool haveUniqueValue, int32_t &uniqueValue);
+    // Helper functions for getNextUChars().
+    // getNextUChars() when pos is on a branch node.
+    static void getNextBranchUChars(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length, Appendable &out);
+    // UCharsTrie data structure
+    //
+    // The trie consists of a series of char16_t-serialized nodes for incremental
+    // Unicode string/char16_t sequence matching. (char16_t=16-bit unsigned integer)
+    // The root node is at the beginning of the trie data.
+    //
+    // Types of nodes are distinguished by their node lead unit ranges.
+    // After each node, except a final-value node, another node follows to
+    // encode match values or continue matching further units.
+    //
+    // Node types:
+    //  - Final-value node: Stores a 32-bit integer in a compact, variable-length format.
+    //    The value is for the string/char16_t sequence so far.
+    //  - Match node, optionally with an intermediate value in a different compact format.
+    //    The value, if present, is for the string/char16_t sequence so far.
+    //
+    //  Aside from the value, which uses the node lead unit's high bits:
+    //
+    //  - Linear-match node: Matches a number of units.
+    //  - Branch node: Branches to other nodes according to the current input unit.
+    //    The node unit is the length of the branch (number of units to select from)
+    //    minus 1. It is followed by a sub-node:
+    //    - If the length is at most kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength, then
+    //      there are length-1 (key, value) pairs and then one more comparison unit.
+    //      If one of the key units matches, then the value is either a final value for
+    //      the string so far, or a "jump" delta to the next node.
+    //      If the last unit matches, then matching continues with the next node.
+    //      (Values have the same encoding as final-value nodes.)
+    //    - If the length is greater than kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength, then
+    //      there is one unit and one "jump" delta.
+    //      If the input unit is less than the sub-node unit, then "jump" by delta to
+    //      the next sub-node which will have a length of length/2.
+    //      (The delta has its own compact encoding.)
+    //      Otherwise, skip the "jump" delta to the next sub-node
+    //      which will have a length of length-length/2.
+    // Match-node lead unit values, after masking off intermediate-value bits:
+    // 0000..002f: Branch node. If node!=0 then the length is node+1, otherwise
+    // the length is one more than the next unit.
+    // For a branch sub-node with at most this many entries, we drop down
+    // to a linear search.
+    static const int32_t kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength=5;
+    // 0030..003f: Linear-match node, match 1..16 units and continue reading the next node.
+    static const int32_t kMinLinearMatch=0x30;
+    static const int32_t kMaxLinearMatchLength=0x10;
+    // Match-node lead unit bits 14..6 for the optional intermediate value.
+    // If these bits are 0, then there is no intermediate value.
+    // Otherwise, see the *NodeValue* constants below.
+    static const int32_t kMinValueLead=kMinLinearMatch+kMaxLinearMatchLength;  // 0x0040
+    static const int32_t kNodeTypeMask=kMinValueLead-1;  // 0x003f
+    // A final-value node has bit 15 set.
+    static const int32_t kValueIsFinal=0x8000;
+    // Compact value: After testing and masking off bit 15, use the following thresholds.
+    static const int32_t kMaxOneUnitValue=0x3fff;
+    static const int32_t kMinTwoUnitValueLead=kMaxOneUnitValue+1;  // 0x4000
+    static const int32_t kThreeUnitValueLead=0x7fff;
+    static const int32_t kMaxTwoUnitValue=((kThreeUnitValueLead-kMinTwoUnitValueLead)<<16)-1;  // 0x3ffeffff
+    // Compact intermediate-value integer, lead unit shared with a branch or linear-match node.
+    static const int32_t kMaxOneUnitNodeValue=0xff;
+    static const int32_t kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead=kMinValueLead+((kMaxOneUnitNodeValue+1)<<6);  // 0x4040
+    static const int32_t kThreeUnitNodeValueLead=0x7fc0;
+    static const int32_t kMaxTwoUnitNodeValue=
+        ((kThreeUnitNodeValueLead-kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead)<<10)-1;  // 0xfdffff
+    // Compact delta integers.
+    static const int32_t kMaxOneUnitDelta=0xfbff;
+    static const int32_t kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead=kMaxOneUnitDelta+1;  // 0xfc00
+    static const int32_t kThreeUnitDeltaLead=0xffff;
+    static const int32_t kMaxTwoUnitDelta=((kThreeUnitDeltaLead-kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead)<<16)-1;  // 0x03feffff
+    // For getState64():
+    // The remainingMatchLength_ is -1..14=(kMaxLinearMatchLength=0x10)-2
+    // so we need at least 5 bits for that.
+    // We add 2 to store it as a positive value 1..16=kMaxLinearMatchLength.
+    static constexpr int32_t kState64RemainingShift = 59;
+    static constexpr uint64_t kState64PosMask = (UINT64_C(1) << kState64RemainingShift) - 1;
+    char16_t *ownedArray_;
+    // Fixed value referencing the UCharsTrie words.
+    const char16_t *uchars_;
+    // Iterator variables.
+    // Pointer to next trie unit to read. NULL if no more matches.
+    const char16_t *pos_;
+    // Remaining length of a linear-match node, minus 1. Negative if not in such a node.
+    int32_t remainingMatchLength_;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif  // __UCHARSTRIE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucharstriebuilder.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucharstriebuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..540dcc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucharstriebuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ucharstriebuilder.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010nov14
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/stringtriebuilder.h"
+#include "unicode/ucharstrie.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Builder for icu::UCharsTrie
+ */
+class UCharsTrieElement;
+ * Builder class for UCharsTrie.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UCharsTrieBuilder : public StringTrieBuilder {
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty builder.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrieBuilder(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    virtual ~UCharsTrieBuilder();
+    /**
+     * Adds a (string, value) pair.
+     * The string must be unique.
+     * The string contents will be copied; the builder does not keep
+     * a reference to the input UnicodeString or its buffer.
+     * @param s The input string.
+     * @param value The value associated with this string.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrieBuilder &add(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t value, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Builds a UCharsTrie for the add()ed data.
+     * Once built, no further data can be add()ed until clear() is called.
+     *
+     * A UCharsTrie cannot be empty. At least one (string, value) pair
+     * must have been add()ed.
+     *
+     * This method passes ownership of the builder's internal result array to the new trie object.
+     * Another call to any build() variant will re-serialize the trie.
+     * After clear() has been called, a new array will be used as well.
+     * @param buildOption Build option, see UStringTrieBuildOption.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return A new UCharsTrie for the add()ed data.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrie *build(UStringTrieBuildOption buildOption, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Builds a UCharsTrie for the add()ed data and char16_t-serializes it.
+     * Once built, no further data can be add()ed until clear() is called.
+     *
+     * A UCharsTrie cannot be empty. At least one (string, value) pair
+     * must have been add()ed.
+     *
+     * Multiple calls to buildUnicodeString() set the UnicodeStrings to the
+     * builder's same char16_t array, without rebuilding.
+     * If buildUnicodeString() is called after build(), the trie will be
+     * re-serialized into a new array.
+     * If build() is called after buildUnicodeString(), the trie object will become
+     * the owner of the previously returned array.
+     * After clear() has been called, a new array will be used as well.
+     * @param buildOption Build option, see UStringTrieBuildOption.
+     * @param result A UnicodeString which will be set to the char16_t-serialized
+     *               UCharsTrie for the add()ed data.
+     * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+     *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+     *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+     *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+     * @return result
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UnicodeString &buildUnicodeString(UStringTrieBuildOption buildOption, UnicodeString &result,
+                                      UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Removes all (string, value) pairs.
+     * New data can then be add()ed and a new trie can be built.
+     * @return *this
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    UCharsTrieBuilder &clear() {
+        strings.remove();
+        elementsLength=0;
+        ucharsLength=0;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    UCharsTrieBuilder(const UCharsTrieBuilder &other);  // no copy constructor
+    UCharsTrieBuilder &operator=(const UCharsTrieBuilder &other);  // no assignment operator
+    void buildUChars(UStringTrieBuildOption buildOption, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual int32_t getElementStringLength(int32_t i) const;
+    virtual char16_t getElementUnit(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex) const;
+    virtual int32_t getElementValue(int32_t i) const;
+    virtual int32_t getLimitOfLinearMatch(int32_t first, int32_t last, int32_t unitIndex) const;
+    virtual int32_t countElementUnits(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex) const;
+    virtual int32_t skipElementsBySomeUnits(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t count) const;
+    virtual int32_t indexOfElementWithNextUnit(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, char16_t unit) const;
+    virtual UBool matchNodesCanHaveValues() const { return TRUE; }
+    virtual int32_t getMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength() const { return UCharsTrie::kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength; }
+    virtual int32_t getMinLinearMatch() const { return UCharsTrie::kMinLinearMatch; }
+    virtual int32_t getMaxLinearMatchLength() const { return UCharsTrie::kMaxLinearMatchLength; }
+    class UCTLinearMatchNode : public LinearMatchNode {
+    public:
+        UCTLinearMatchNode(const char16_t *units, int32_t len, Node *nextNode);
+        virtual UBool operator==(const Node &other) const;
+        virtual void write(StringTrieBuilder &builder);
+    private:
+        const char16_t *s;
+    };
+    virtual Node *createLinearMatchNode(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t length,
+                                        Node *nextNode) const;
+    UBool ensureCapacity(int32_t length);
+    virtual int32_t write(int32_t unit);
+    int32_t write(const char16_t *s, int32_t length);
+    virtual int32_t writeElementUnits(int32_t i, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t length);
+    virtual int32_t writeValueAndFinal(int32_t i, UBool isFinal);
+    virtual int32_t writeValueAndType(UBool hasValue, int32_t value, int32_t node);
+    virtual int32_t writeDeltaTo(int32_t jumpTarget);
+    UnicodeString strings;
+    UCharsTrieElement *elements;
+    int32_t elementsCapacity;
+    int32_t elementsLength;
+    // char16_t serialization of the trie.
+    // Grows from the back: ucharsLength measures from the end of the buffer!
+    char16_t *uchars;
+    int32_t ucharsCapacity;
+    int32_t ucharsLength;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uchriter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uchriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a485259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uchriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1998-2005, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UCHRITER_H
+#define UCHRITER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/chariter.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: char16_t Character Iterator
+ */
+ * A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the
+ * characters (code units or code points) in a char16_t array.
+ * It's possible not only to create an
+ * iterator that iterates over an entire char16_t array, but also to
+ * create one that iterates over only a subrange of a char16_t array
+ * (iterators over different subranges of the same char16_t array don't
+ * compare equal).
+ * @see CharacterIterator
+ * @see ForwardCharacterIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UCharCharacterIterator : public CharacterIterator {
+  /**
+   * Create an iterator over the char16_t array referred to by "textPtr".
+   * The iteration range is 0 to <code>length-1</code>.
+   * text is only aliased, not adopted (the
+   * destructor will not delete it).
+   * @param textPtr The char16_t array to be iterated over
+   * @param length The length of the char16_t array
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UCharCharacterIterator(ConstChar16Ptr textPtr, int32_t length);
+  /**
+   * Create an iterator over the char16_t array referred to by "textPtr".
+   * The iteration range is 0 to <code>length-1</code>.
+   * text is only aliased, not adopted (the
+   * destructor will not delete it).
+   * The starting
+   * position is specified by "position". If "position" is outside the valid
+   * iteration range, the behavior of this object is undefined.
+   * @param textPtr The char16_t array to be iteratd over
+   * @param length The length of the char16_t array
+   * @param position The starting position of the iteration
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UCharCharacterIterator(ConstChar16Ptr textPtr, int32_t length,
+                         int32_t position);
+  /**
+   * Create an iterator over the char16_t array referred to by "textPtr".
+   * The iteration range is 0 to <code>end-1</code>.
+   * text is only aliased, not adopted (the
+   * destructor will not delete it).
+   * The starting
+   * position is specified by "position". If begin and end do not
+   * form a valid iteration range or "position" is outside the valid
+   * iteration range, the behavior of this object is undefined.
+   * @param textPtr The char16_t array to be iterated over
+   * @param length The length of the char16_t array
+   * @param textBegin  The begin position of the iteration range
+   * @param textEnd    The end position of the iteration range
+   * @param position    The starting position of the iteration
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UCharCharacterIterator(ConstChar16Ptr textPtr, int32_t length,
+                         int32_t textBegin,
+                         int32_t textEnd,
+                         int32_t position);
+  /**
+   * Copy constructor.  The new iterator iterates over the same range
+   * of the same string as "that", and its initial position is the
+   * same as "that"'s current position.
+   * @param that The UCharCharacterIterator to be copied
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UCharCharacterIterator(const UCharCharacterIterator&  that);
+  /**
+   * Destructor.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual ~UCharCharacterIterator();
+  /**
+   * Assignment operator.  *this is altered to iterate over the sane
+   * range of the same string as "that", and refers to the same
+   * character within that string as "that" does.
+   * @param that The object to be copied
+   * @return the newly created object
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UCharCharacterIterator&
+  operator=(const UCharCharacterIterator&    that);
+  /**
+   * Returns true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the
+   * same string and are pointing at the same character.
+   * @param that The ForwardCharacterIterator used to be compared for equality
+   * @return true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the
+   * same string and are pointing at the same character.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UBool          operator==(const ForwardCharacterIterator& that) const;
+  /**
+   * Generates a hash code for this iterator.
+   * @return the hash code.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual int32_t         hashCode(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns a new UCharCharacterIterator referring to the same
+   * character in the same range of the same string as this one.  The
+   * caller must delete the new iterator.
+   * @return the CharacterIterator newly created
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UCharCharacterIterator* clone() const;
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code unit in its
+   * iteration range, and returns that code unit.
+   * This can be used to begin an iteration with next().
+   * @return the first code unit in its iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         first(void);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code unit in its
+   * iteration range, returns that code unit, and moves the position
+   * to the second code unit. This is an alternative to setToStart()
+   * for forward iteration with nextPostInc().
+   * @return the first code unit in its iteration range
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         firstPostInc(void);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code point in its
+   * iteration range, and returns that code unit,
+   * This can be used to begin an iteration with next32().
+   * Note that an iteration with next32PostInc(), beginning with,
+   * e.g., setToStart() or firstPostInc(), is more efficient.
+   * @return the first code point in its iteration range
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       first32(void);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the first code point in its
+   * iteration range, returns that code point, and moves the position
+   * to the second code point. This is an alternative to setToStart()
+   * for forward iteration with next32PostInc().
+   * @return the first code point in its iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       first32PostInc(void);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the last code unit in its
+   * iteration range, and returns that code unit.
+   * This can be used to begin an iteration with previous().
+   * @return the last code unit in its iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         last(void);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the last code point in its
+   * iteration range, and returns that code unit.
+   * This can be used to begin an iteration with previous32().
+   * @return the last code point in its iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       last32(void);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the "position"-th code unit
+   * in the text-storage object the iterator refers to, and
+   * returns that code unit.
+   * @param position the position within the text-storage object
+   * @return the code unit
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         setIndex(int32_t position);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to refer to the beginning of the code point
+   * that contains the "position"-th code unit
+   * in the text-storage object the iterator refers to, and
+   * returns that code point.
+   * The current position is adjusted to the beginning of the code point
+   * (its first code unit).
+   * @param position the position within the text-storage object
+   * @return the code unit
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       setIndex32(int32_t position);
+  /**
+   * Returns the code unit the iterator currently refers to.
+   * @return the code unit the iterator currently refers to.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         current(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Returns the code point the iterator currently refers to.
+   * @return the code point the iterator currently refers to.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       current32(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Advances to the next code unit in the iteration range (toward
+   * endIndex()), and returns that code unit.  If there are no more
+   * code units to return, returns DONE.
+   * @return the next code unit in the iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         next(void);
+  /**
+   * Gets the current code unit for returning and advances to the next code unit
+   * in the iteration range
+   * (toward endIndex()).  If there are
+   * no more code units to return, returns DONE.
+   * @return the current code unit.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         nextPostInc(void);
+  /**
+   * Advances to the next code point in the iteration range (toward
+   * endIndex()), and returns that code point.  If there are no more
+   * code points to return, returns DONE.
+   * Note that iteration with "pre-increment" semantics is less
+   * efficient than iteration with "post-increment" semantics
+   * that is provided by next32PostInc().
+   * @return the next code point in the iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       next32(void);
+  /**
+   * Gets the current code point for returning and advances to the next code point
+   * in the iteration range
+   * (toward endIndex()).  If there are
+   * no more code points to return, returns DONE.
+   * @return the current point.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       next32PostInc(void);
+  /**
+   * Returns FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+   * at or after the current position in the iteration range.
+   * This is used with nextPostInc() or next32PostInc() in forward
+   * iteration.
+   * @return FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+   * at or after the current position in the iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UBool        hasNext();
+  /**
+   * Advances to the previous code unit in the iteration range (toward
+   * startIndex()), and returns that code unit.  If there are no more
+   * code units to return, returns DONE.
+   * @return the previous code unit in the iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual char16_t         previous(void);
+  /**
+   * Advances to the previous code point in the iteration range (toward
+   * startIndex()), and returns that code point.  If there are no more
+   * code points to return, returns DONE.
+   * @return the previous code point in the iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UChar32       previous32(void);
+  /**
+   * Returns FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+   * before the current position in the iteration range.
+   * This is used with previous() or previous32() in backward
+   * iteration.
+   * @return FALSE if there are no more code units or code points
+   * before the current position in the iteration range.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UBool        hasPrevious();
+  /**
+   * Moves the current position relative to the start or end of the
+   * iteration range, or relative to the current position itself.
+   * The movement is expressed in numbers of code units forward
+   * or backward by specifying a positive or negative delta.
+   * @param delta the position relative to origin. A positive delta means forward;
+   * a negative delta means backward.
+   * @param origin Origin enumeration {kStart, kCurrent, kEnd}
+   * @return the new position
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual int32_t      move(int32_t delta, EOrigin origin);
+  /**
+   * Moves the current position relative to the start or end of the
+   * iteration range, or relative to the current position itself.
+   * The movement is expressed in numbers of code points forward
+   * or backward by specifying a positive or negative delta.
+   * @param delta the position relative to origin. A positive delta means forward;
+   * a negative delta means backward.
+   * @param origin Origin enumeration {kStart, kCurrent, kEnd}
+   * @return the new position
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+#ifdef move32
+   // One of the system headers right now is sometimes defining a conflicting macro we don't use
+#undef move32
+  virtual int32_t      move32(int32_t delta, EOrigin origin);
+  /**
+   * Sets the iterator to iterate over a new range of text
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  void setText(ConstChar16Ptr newText, int32_t newTextLength);
+  /**
+   * Copies the char16_t array under iteration into the UnicodeString
+   * referred to by "result".  Even if this iterator iterates across
+   * only a part of this string, the whole string is copied.
+   * @param result Receives a copy of the text under iteration.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual void            getText(UnicodeString& result);
+  /**
+   * Return a class ID for this class (not really public)
+   * @return a class ID for this class
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  static UClassID         U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+  /**
+   * Return a class ID for this object (not really public)
+   * @return a class ID for this object.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual UClassID        getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Protected constructor
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UCharCharacterIterator();
+  /**
+   * Protected member text
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  const char16_t*            text;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uclean.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uclean.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cef6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uclean.h
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2014, International Business Machines
+*                Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uclean.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001July05
+*   created by: George Rhoten
+#ifndef __UCLEAN_H__
+#define __UCLEAN_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Initialize and clean up ICU
+ */
+ *  Initialize ICU.
+ *
+ *  Use of this function is optional.  It is OK to simply use ICU
+ *  services and functions without first having initialized
+ *  ICU by calling u_init().
+ *
+ *  u_init() will attempt to load some part of ICU's data, and is
+ *  useful as a test for configuration or installation problems that
+ *  leave the ICU data inaccessible.  A successful invocation of u_init()
+ *  does not, however, guarantee that all ICU data is accessible.
+ *
+ *  Multiple calls to u_init() cause no harm, aside from the small amount
+ *  of time required.
+ *
+ *  In old versions of ICU, u_init() was required in multi-threaded applications
+ *  to ensure the thread safety of ICU.  u_init() is no longer needed for this purpose.
+ *
+ * @param status An ICU UErrorCode parameter. It must not be <code>NULL</code>.
+ *    An Error will be returned if some required part of ICU data can not
+ *    be loaded or initialized.
+ *    The function returns immediately if the input error code indicates a
+ *    failure, as usual.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */  
+u_init(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Clean up the system resources, such as allocated memory or open files,
+ * used in all ICU libraries. This will free/delete all memory owned by the
+ * ICU libraries, and return them to their original load state. All open ICU
+ * items (collators, resource bundles, converters, etc.) must be closed before
+ * calling this function, otherwise ICU may not free its allocated memory
+ * (e.g. close your converters and resource bundles before calling this
+ * function). Generally, this function should be called once just before
+ * an application exits. For applications that dynamically load and unload
+ * the ICU libraries (relatively uncommon), u_cleanup() should be called
+ * just before the library unload.
+ * <p>
+ * u_cleanup() also clears any ICU heap functions, mutex functions or
+ * trace functions that may have been set for the process.  
+ * This has the effect of restoring ICU to its initial condition, before
+ * any of these override functions were installed.  Refer to
+ * u_setMemoryFunctions(), u_setMutexFunctions and 
+ * utrace_setFunctions().  If ICU is to be reinitialized after
+ * calling u_cleanup(), these runtime override functions will need to
+ * be set up again if they are still required.
+ * <p>
+ * u_cleanup() is not thread safe.  All other threads should stop using ICU
+ * before calling this function.
+ * <p>
+ * Any open ICU items will be left in an undefined state by u_cleanup(),
+ * and any subsequent attempt to use such an item will give unpredictable
+ * results.
+ * <p>
+ * After calling u_cleanup(), an application may continue to use ICU by
+ * calling u_init().  An application must invoke u_init() first from one single
+ * thread before allowing other threads call u_init().  All threads existing
+ * at the time of the first thread's call to u_init() must also call
+ * u_init() themselves before continuing with other ICU operations.  
+ * <p>
+ * The use of u_cleanup() just before an application terminates is optional,
+ * but it should be called only once for performance reasons. The primary
+ * benefit is to eliminate reports of memory or resource leaks originating
+ * in ICU code from the results generated by heap analysis tools.
+ * <p>
+ * <strong>Use this function with great care!</strong>
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ * @system
+ */
+  *  Pointer type for a user supplied memory allocation function.
+  *  @param context user supplied value, obtained from u_setMemoryFunctions().
+  *  @param size    The number of bytes to be allocated
+  *  @return        Pointer to the newly allocated memory, or NULL if the allocation failed.
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  *  @system
+  */
+typedef void *U_CALLCONV UMemAllocFn(const void *context, size_t size);
+  *  Pointer type for a user supplied memory re-allocation function.
+  *  @param context user supplied value, obtained from u_setMemoryFunctions().
+  *  @param size    The number of bytes to be allocated
+  *  @return        Pointer to the newly allocated memory, or NULL if the allocation failed.
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  *  @system
+  */
+typedef void *U_CALLCONV UMemReallocFn(const void *context, void *mem, size_t size);
+  *  Pointer type for a user supplied memory free  function.  Behavior should be
+  *  similar the standard C library free().
+  *  @param context user supplied value, obtained from u_setMemoryFunctions().
+  *  @param mem     Pointer to the memory block to be resized
+  *  @param size    The new size for the block
+  *  @return        Pointer to the resized memory block, or NULL if the resizing failed.
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  *  @system
+  */
+typedef void  U_CALLCONV UMemFreeFn (const void *context, void *mem);
+ *  Set the functions that ICU will use for memory allocation.
+ *  Use of this function is optional; by default (without this function), ICU will
+ *  use the standard C library malloc() and free() functions.
+ *  This function can only be used when ICU is in an initial, unused state, before
+ *  u_init() has been called.
+ *  @param context This pointer value will be saved, and then (later) passed as
+ *                 a parameter to the memory functions each time they
+ *                 are called.
+ *  @param a       Pointer to a user-supplied malloc function.
+ *  @param r       Pointer to a user-supplied realloc function.
+ *  @param f       Pointer to a user-supplied free function.
+ *  @param status  Receives error values.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.8
+ *  @system
+ */  
+u_setMemoryFunctions(const void *context, UMemAllocFn * U_CALLCONV_FPTR a, UMemReallocFn * U_CALLCONV_FPTR r, UMemFreeFn * U_CALLCONV_FPTR f, 
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+ *
+ * Deprecated Functions
+ *
+ *    The following functions for user supplied mutexes are no longer supported.
+ *    Any attempt to use them will return a U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************/
+  * An opaque pointer type that represents an ICU mutex.
+  * For user-implemented mutexes, the value will typically point to a
+  *  struct or object that implements the mutex.
+  * @deprecated ICU 52. This type is no longer supported.
+  * @system
+  */
+typedef void *UMTX;
+  *  Function Pointer type for a user supplied mutex initialization function.
+  *  The user-supplied function will be called by ICU whenever ICU needs to create a
+  *  new mutex.  The function implementation should create a mutex, and store a pointer
+  *  to something that uniquely identifies the mutex into the UMTX that is supplied
+  *  as a parameter.
+  *  @param context user supplied value, obtained from u_setMutexFunctions().
+  *  @param mutex   Receives a pointer that identifies the new mutex.
+  *                 The mutex init function must set the UMTX to a non-null value.   
+  *                 Subsequent calls by ICU to lock, unlock, or destroy a mutex will 
+  *                 identify the mutex by the UMTX value.
+  *  @param status  Error status.  Report errors back to ICU by setting this variable
+  *                 with an error code.
+  *  @deprecated ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
+  *  @system
+  */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV UMtxInitFn (const void *context, UMTX  *mutex, UErrorCode* status);
+  *  Function Pointer type for a user supplied mutex functions.
+  *  One of the  user-supplied functions with this signature will be called by ICU
+  *  whenever ICU needs to lock, unlock, or destroy a mutex.
+  *  @param context user supplied value, obtained from u_setMutexFunctions().
+  *  @param mutex   specify the mutex on which to operate.
+  *  @deprecated ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
+  *  @system
+  */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV UMtxFn   (const void *context, UMTX  *mutex);
+  *  Set the functions that ICU will use for mutex operations
+  *  Use of this function is optional; by default (without this function), ICU will
+  *  directly access system functions for mutex operations
+  *  This function can only be used when ICU is in an initial, unused state, before
+  *  u_init() has been called.
+  *  @param context This pointer value will be saved, and then (later) passed as
+  *                 a parameter to the user-supplied mutex functions each time they
+  *                 are called. 
+  *  @param init    Pointer to a mutex initialization function.  Must be non-null.
+  *  @param destroy Pointer to the mutex destroy function.  Must be non-null.
+  *  @param lock    pointer to the mutex lock function.  Must be non-null.
+  *  @param unlock  Pointer to the mutex unlock function.  Must be non-null.
+  *  @param status  Receives error values.
+  *  @deprecated ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
+  *  @system
+  */  
+u_setMutexFunctions(const void *context, UMtxInitFn *init, UMtxFn *destroy, UMtxFn *lock, UMtxFn *unlock,
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+  *  Pointer type for a user supplied atomic increment or decrement function.
+  *  @param context user supplied value, obtained from u_setAtomicIncDecFunctions().
+  *  @param p   Pointer to a 32 bit int to be incremented or decremented
+  *  @return    The value of the variable after the inc or dec operation.
+  *  @deprecated ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
+  *  @system
+  */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV UMtxAtomicFn(const void *context, int32_t *p);
+ *  Set the functions that ICU will use for atomic increment and decrement of int32_t values.
+ *  Use of this function is optional; by default (without this function), ICU will
+ *  use its own internal implementation of atomic increment/decrement.
+ *  This function can only be used when ICU is in an initial, unused state, before
+ *  u_init() has been called.
+ *  @param context This pointer value will be saved, and then (later) passed as
+ *                 a parameter to the increment and decrement functions each time they
+ *                 are called.  This function can only be called 
+ *  @param inc     Pointer to a function to do an atomic increment operation.  Must be non-null.
+ *  @param dec     Pointer to a function to do an atomic decrement operation.  Must be non-null.
+ *  @param status  Receives error values.
+ *  @deprecated ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
+ *  @system
+ */  
+u_setAtomicIncDecFunctions(const void *context, UMtxAtomicFn *inc, UMtxAtomicFn *dec,
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_SYSTEM_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0cfe94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2045 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *  ucnv.h:
+ *  External APIs for the ICU's codeset conversion library
+ *  Bertrand A. Damiba
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   04/04/99    helena      Fixed internal header inclusion.
+ *   05/11/00    helena      Added setFallback and usesFallback APIs.
+ *   06/29/2000  helena      Major rewrite of the callback APIs.
+ *   12/07/2000  srl         Update of documentation
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Character conversion
+ *
+ * <h2>Character Conversion C API</h2>
+ *
+ * <p>This API is used to convert codepage or character encoded data to and
+ * from UTF-16. You can open a converter with {@link ucnv_open() }. With that
+ * converter, you can get its properties, set options, convert your data and
+ * close the converter.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Since many software programs recognize different converter names for
+ * different types of converters, there are other functions in this API to
+ * iterate over the converter aliases. The functions {@link ucnv_getAvailableName() },
+ * {@link ucnv_getAlias() } and {@link ucnv_getStandardName() } are some of the
+ * more frequently used alias functions to get this information.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>When a converter encounters an illegal, irregular, invalid or unmappable character
+ * its default behavior is to use a substitution character to replace the
+ * bad byte sequence. This behavior can be changed by using {@link ucnv_setFromUCallBack() }
+ * or {@link ucnv_setToUCallBack() } on the converter. The header ucnv_err.h defines
+ * many other callback actions that can be used instead of a character substitution.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>More information about this API can be found in our
+ * <a href="">User's
+ * Guide</a>.</p>
+ */
+#ifndef UCNV_H
+#define UCNV_H
+#include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#if !defined(USET_DEFINED) && !defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+ * USet is the C API type corresponding to C++ class UnicodeSet.
+ * It is forward-declared here to avoid including unicode/uset.h file if related
+ * conversion APIs are not used.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_getUnicodeSet
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef struct USet USet;
+/** Maximum length of a converter name including the terminating NULL @stable ICU 2.0 */
+/** Maximum length of a converter name including path and terminating NULL @stable ICU 2.0 */
+/** Shift in for EBDCDIC_STATEFUL and iso2022 states @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define  UCNV_SI 0x0F
+/** Shift out for EBDCDIC_STATEFUL and iso2022 states @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define  UCNV_SO 0x0E
+ * Enum for specifying basic types of converters
+ * @see ucnv_getType
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_SBCS = 0,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_DBCS = 1,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_MBCS = 2,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LATIN_1 = 3,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_UTF8 = 4,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_UTF16_BigEndian = 5,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_UTF16_LittleEndian = 6,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_UTF32_BigEndian = 7,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_UTF32_LittleEndian = 8,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_ISO_2022 = 10,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_1 = 11,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_2,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_3,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_4,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_5,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_6,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_8,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_11,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_16,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_17,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_18,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_LMBCS_19,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_HZ,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    /** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UCNV_UTF7,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCNV_BOCU1,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCNV_UTF16,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCNV_UTF32,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+    UCNV_CESU8,
+    /** @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+    /* Number of converter types for which we have conversion routines. */
+} UConverterType;
+ * Enum for specifying which platform a converter ID refers to.
+ * The use of platform/CCSID is not recommended. See ucnv_openCCSID().
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_getPlatform
+ * @see ucnv_openCCSID
+ * @see ucnv_getCCSID
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    UCNV_UNKNOWN = -1,
+    UCNV_IBM = 0
+} UConverterPlatform;
+ * Function pointer for error callback in the codepage to unicode direction.
+ * Called when an error has occurred in conversion to unicode, or on open/close of the callback (see reason).
+ * @param context Pointer to the callback's private data
+ * @param args Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' bytes of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param pErrorCode    ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                      For converter callback functions, set to a conversion error
+ *                      before the call, and the callback may reset it to U_ZERO_ERROR.
+ * @see ucnv_setToUCallBack
+ * @see UConverterToUnicodeArgs
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void (U_EXPORT2 *UConverterToUCallback) (
+                  const void* context,
+                  UConverterToUnicodeArgs *args,
+                  const char *codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Function pointer for error callback in the unicode to codepage direction.
+ * Called when an error has occurred in conversion from unicode, or on open/close of the callback (see reason).
+ * @param context Pointer to the callback's private data
+ * @param args Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' UChars of the concerned Unicode sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param codePoint Single UChar32 (UTF-32) containing the concerend Unicode codepoint.
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param pErrorCode    ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                      For converter callback functions, set to a conversion error
+ *                      before the call, and the callback may reset it to U_ZERO_ERROR.
+ * @see ucnv_setFromUCallBack
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void (U_EXPORT2 *UConverterFromUCallback) (
+                    const void* context,
+                    UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *args,
+                    const UChar* codeUnits,
+                    int32_t length,
+                    UChar32 codePoint,
+                    UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Character that separates converter names from options and options from each other.
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * String version of UCNV_OPTION_SEP_CHAR.
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Character that separates a converter option from its value.
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_VALUE_SEP_CHAR '='
+ * String version of UCNV_VALUE_SEP_CHAR.
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Converter option for specifying a locale.
+ * For example, ucnv_open("SCSU,locale=ja", &errorCode);
+ * See convrtrs.txt.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_LOCALE_OPTION_STRING ",locale="
+ * Converter option for specifying a version selector (0..9) for some converters.
+ * For example,
+ * \code
+ *   ucnv_open("UTF-7,version=1", &errorCode);
+ * \endcode
+ * See convrtrs.txt.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define UCNV_VERSION_OPTION_STRING ",version="
+ * Converter option for EBCDIC SBCS or mixed-SBCS/DBCS (stateful) codepages.
+ * Swaps Unicode mappings for EBCDIC LF and NL codes, as used on
+ * S/390 (z/OS) Unix System Services (Open Edition).
+ * For example, ucnv_open("ibm-1047,swaplfnl", &errorCode);
+ * See convrtrs.txt.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define UCNV_SWAP_LFNL_OPTION_STRING ",swaplfnl"
+ * Do a fuzzy compare of two converter/alias names.
+ * The comparison is case-insensitive, ignores leading zeroes if they are not
+ * followed by further digits, and ignores all but letters and digits.
+ * Thus the strings "UTF-8", "utf_8", "u*T@f08" and "Utf 8" are exactly equivalent.
+ * See section 1.4, Charset Alias Matching in Unicode Technical Standard #22
+ * at
+ *
+ * @param name1 a converter name or alias, zero-terminated
+ * @param name2 a converter name or alias, zero-terminated
+ * @return 0 if the names match, or a negative value if the name1
+ * lexically precedes name2, or a positive value if the name1
+ * lexically follows name2.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_compareNames(const char *name1, const char *name2);
+ * Creates a UConverter object with the name of a coded character set specified as a C string.
+ * The actual name will be resolved with the alias file
+ * using a case-insensitive string comparison that ignores
+ * leading zeroes and all non-alphanumeric characters.
+ * E.g., the names "UTF8", "utf-8", "u*T@f08" and "Utf 8" are all equivalent.
+ * (See also ucnv_compareNames().)
+ * If <code>NULL</code> is passed for the converter name, it will create one with the
+ * getDefaultName return value.
+ *
+ * <p>A converter name for ICU 1.5 and above may contain options
+ * like a locale specification to control the specific behavior of
+ * the newly instantiated converter.
+ * The meaning of the options depends on the particular converter.
+ * If an option is not defined for or recognized by a given converter, then it is ignored.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Options are appended to the converter name string, with a
+ * <code>UCNV_OPTION_SEP_CHAR</code> between the name and the first option and
+ * also between adjacent options.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If the alias is ambiguous, then the preferred converter is used
+ * and the status is set to U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The conversion behavior and names can vary between platforms. ICU may
+ * convert some characters differently from other platforms. Details on this topic
+ * are in the <a href="">User's
+ * Guide</a>. Aliases starting with a "cp" prefix have no specific meaning
+ * other than its an alias starting with the letters "cp". Please do not
+ * associate any meaning to these aliases.</p>
+ *
+ * \snippet samples/ucnv/convsamp.cpp ucnv_open
+ *
+ * @param converterName Name of the coded character set table.
+ *          This may have options appended to the string.
+ *          IANA alias character set names, IBM CCSIDs starting with "ibm-",
+ *          Windows codepage numbers starting with "windows-" are frequently
+ *          used for this parameter. See ucnv_getAvailableName and
+ *          ucnv_getAlias for a complete list that is available.
+ *          If this parameter is NULL, the default converter will be used.
+ * @param err outgoing error status <TT>U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR</TT>
+ * @return the created Unicode converter object, or <TT>NULL</TT> if an error occurred
+ * @see ucnv_openU
+ * @see ucnv_openCCSID
+ * @see ucnv_getAvailableName
+ * @see ucnv_getAlias
+ * @see ucnv_getDefaultName
+ * @see ucnv_close
+ * @see ucnv_compareNames
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_open(const char *converterName, UErrorCode *err);
+ * Creates a Unicode converter with the names specified as unicode string.
+ * The name should be limited to the ASCII-7 alphanumerics range.
+ * The actual name will be resolved with the alias file
+ * using a case-insensitive string comparison that ignores
+ * leading zeroes and all non-alphanumeric characters.
+ * E.g., the names "UTF8", "utf-8", "u*T@f08" and "Utf 8" are all equivalent.
+ * (See also ucnv_compareNames().)
+ * If <TT>NULL</TT> is passed for the converter name, it will create
+ * one with the ucnv_getDefaultName() return value.
+ * If the alias is ambiguous, then the preferred converter is used
+ * and the status is set to U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING.
+ *
+ * <p>See ucnv_open for the complete details</p>
+ * @param name Name of the UConverter table in a zero terminated
+ *        Unicode string
+ * @param err outgoing error status <TT>U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR,
+ * @return the created Unicode converter object, or <TT>NULL</TT> if an
+ *        error occurred
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @see ucnv_openCCSID
+ * @see ucnv_close
+ * @see ucnv_compareNames
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_openU(const UChar *name,
+           UErrorCode *err);
+ * Creates a UConverter object from a CCSID number and platform pair.
+ * Note that the usefulness of this function is limited to platforms with numeric
+ * encoding IDs. Only IBM and Microsoft platforms use numeric (16-bit) identifiers for
+ * encodings.
+ *
+ * In addition, IBM CCSIDs and Unicode conversion tables are not 1:1 related.
+ * For many IBM CCSIDs there are multiple (up to six) Unicode conversion tables, and
+ * for some Unicode conversion tables there are multiple CCSIDs.
+ * Some "alternate" Unicode conversion tables are provided by the
+ * IBM CDRA conversion table registry.
+ * The most prominent example of a systematic modification of conversion tables that is
+ * not provided in the form of conversion table files in the repository is
+ * that S/390 Unix System Services swaps the codes for Line Feed and New Line in all
+ * EBCDIC codepages, which requires such a swap in the Unicode conversion tables as well.
+ *
+ * Only IBM default conversion tables are accessible with ucnv_openCCSID().
+ * ucnv_getCCSID() will return the same CCSID for all conversion tables that are associated
+ * with that CCSID.
+ *
+ * Currently, the only "platform" supported in the ICU converter API is UCNV_IBM.
+ *
+ * In summary, the use of CCSIDs and the associated API functions is not recommended.
+ *
+ * In order to open a converter with the default IBM CDRA Unicode conversion table,
+ * you can use this function or use the prefix "ibm-":
+ * \code
+ *     char name[20];
+ *     sprintf(name, "ibm-%hu", ccsid);
+ *     cnv=ucnv_open(name, &errorCode);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * In order to open a converter with the IBM S/390 Unix System Services variant
+ * of a Unicode/EBCDIC conversion table,
+ * you can use the prefix "ibm-" together with the option string UCNV_SWAP_LFNL_OPTION_STRING:
+ * \code
+ *     char name[20];
+ *     sprintf(name, "ibm-%hu" UCNV_SWAP_LFNL_OPTION_STRING, ccsid);
+ *     cnv=ucnv_open(name, &errorCode);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * In order to open a converter from a Microsoft codepage number, use the prefix "cp":
+ * \code
+ *     char name[20];
+ *     sprintf(name, "cp%hu", codepageID);
+ *     cnv=ucnv_open(name, &errorCode);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * If the alias is ambiguous, then the preferred converter is used
+ * and the status is set to U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING.
+ *
+ * @param codepage codepage number to create
+ * @param platform the platform in which the codepage number exists
+ * @return the created Unicode converter object, or <TT>NULL</TT> if an error
+ *   occurred.
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @see ucnv_openU
+ * @see ucnv_close
+ * @see ucnv_getCCSID
+ * @see ucnv_getPlatform
+ * @see UConverterPlatform
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_openCCSID(int32_t codepage,
+               UConverterPlatform platform,
+               UErrorCode * err);
+ * <p>Creates a UConverter object specified from a packageName and a converterName.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The packageName and converterName must point to an ICU udata object, as defined by
+ *   <code> udata_open( packageName, "cnv", converterName, err) </code> or equivalent.
+ * Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to a package registered with
+ * udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory pathname for packageName is deprecated.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The name will NOT be looked up in the alias mechanism, nor will the converter be
+ * stored in the converter cache or the alias table. The only way to open further converters
+ * is call this function multiple times, or use the ucnv_safeClone() function to clone a
+ * 'master' converter.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>A future version of ICU may add alias table lookups and/or caching
+ * to this function.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Example Use:
+ *      <code>cnv = ucnv_openPackage("myapp", "myconverter", &err);</code>
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @param packageName name of the package (equivalent to 'path' in udata_open() call)
+ * @param converterName name of the data item to be used, without suffix.
+ * @param err outgoing error status <TT>U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR</TT>
+ * @return the created Unicode converter object, or <TT>NULL</TT> if an error occurred
+ * @see udata_open
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @see ucnv_safeClone
+ * @see ucnv_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+ucnv_openPackage(const char *packageName, const char *converterName, UErrorCode *err);
+ * Thread safe converter cloning operation.
+ * For most efficient operation, pass in a stackBuffer (and a *pBufferSize)
+ * with at least U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE bytes of space.
+ * If the buffer size is sufficient, then the clone will use the stack buffer;
+ * otherwise, it will be allocated, and *pBufferSize will indicate
+ * the actual size. (This should not occur with U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE.)
+ *
+ * You must ucnv_close() the clone in any case.
+ *
+ * If *pBufferSize==0, (regardless of whether stackBuffer==NULL or not)
+ * then *pBufferSize will be changed to a sufficient size
+ * for cloning this converter,
+ * without actually cloning the converter ("pure pre-flighting").
+ *
+ * If *pBufferSize is greater than zero but not large enough for a stack-based
+ * clone, then the converter is cloned using newly allocated memory
+ * and *pBufferSize is changed to the necessary size.
+ *
+ * If the converter clone fits into the stack buffer but the stack buffer is not
+ * sufficiently aligned for the clone, then the clone will use an
+ * adjusted pointer and use an accordingly smaller buffer size.
+ *
+ * @param cnv converter to be cloned
+ * @param stackBuffer <em>Deprecated functionality as of ICU 52, use NULL.</em><br>
+ *  user allocated space for the new clone. If NULL new memory will be allocated.
+ *  If buffer is not large enough, new memory will be allocated.
+ *  Clients can use the U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE. This will probably be enough to avoid memory allocations.
+ * @param pBufferSize <em>Deprecated functionality as of ICU 52, use NULL or 1.</em><br>
+ *  pointer to size of allocated space.
+ * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+ *  An informational status value, U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_WARNING,
+ *  is used if any allocations were necessary.
+ *  However, it is better to check if *pBufferSize grew for checking for
+ *  allocations because warning codes can be overridden by subsequent
+ *  function calls.
+ * @return pointer to the new clone
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UConverter * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_safeClone(const UConverter *cnv,
+               void             *stackBuffer,
+               int32_t          *pBufferSize,
+               UErrorCode       *status);
+ * Definition of a buffer size that is designed to be large enough for
+ * converters to be cloned with ucnv_safeClone().
+ * @deprecated ICU 52. Do not rely on ucnv_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.
+ */
+ * Deletes the unicode converter and releases resources associated
+ * with just this instance.
+ * Does not free up shared converter tables.
+ *
+ * @param converter the converter object to be deleted
+ * @see ucnv_open
+ * @see ucnv_openU
+ * @see ucnv_openCCSID
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_close(UConverter * converter);
+ * \class LocalUConverterPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UConverter via ucnv_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUConverterPointer, UConverter, ucnv_close);
+ * Fills in the output parameter, subChars, with the substitution characters
+ * as multiple bytes.
+ * If ucnv_setSubstString() set a Unicode string because the converter is
+ * stateful, then subChars will be an empty string.
+ *
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param subChars the substitution characters
+ * @param len on input the capacity of subChars, on output the number
+ * of bytes copied to it
+ * @param  err the outgoing error status code.
+ * If the substitution character array is too small, an
+ * <TT>U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR</TT> will be returned.
+ * @see ucnv_setSubstString
+ * @see ucnv_setSubstChars
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getSubstChars(const UConverter *converter,
+                   char *subChars,
+                   int8_t *len,
+                   UErrorCode *err);
+ * Sets the substitution chars when converting from unicode to a codepage. The
+ * substitution is specified as a string of 1-4 bytes, and may contain
+ * <TT>NULL</TT> bytes.
+ * The subChars must represent a single character. The caller needs to know the
+ * byte sequence of a valid character in the converter's charset.
+ * For some converters, for example some ISO 2022 variants, only single-byte
+ * substitution characters may be supported.
+ * The newer ucnv_setSubstString() function relaxes these limitations.
+ *
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param subChars the substitution character byte sequence we want set
+ * @param len the number of bytes in subChars
+ * @param err the error status code.  <TT>U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR </TT> if
+ * len is bigger than the maximum number of bytes allowed in subchars
+ * @see ucnv_setSubstString
+ * @see ucnv_getSubstChars
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_setSubstChars(UConverter *converter,
+                   const char *subChars,
+                   int8_t len,
+                   UErrorCode *err);
+ * Set a substitution string for converting from Unicode to a charset.
+ * The caller need not know the charset byte sequence for each charset.
+ *
+ * Unlike ucnv_setSubstChars() which is designed to set a charset byte sequence
+ * for a single character, this function takes a Unicode string with
+ * zero, one or more characters, and immediately verifies that the string can be
+ * converted to the charset.
+ * If not, or if the result is too long (more than 32 bytes as of ICU 3.6),
+ * then the function returns with an error accordingly.
+ *
+ * Also unlike ucnv_setSubstChars(), this function works for stateful charsets
+ * by converting on the fly at the point of substitution rather than setting
+ * a fixed byte sequence.
+ *
+ * @param cnv The UConverter object.
+ * @param s The Unicode string.
+ * @param length The number of UChars in s, or -1 for a NUL-terminated string.
+ * @param err Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *            pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *            immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *            function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_setSubstChars
+ * @see ucnv_getSubstChars
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ucnv_setSubstString(UConverter *cnv,
+                    const UChar *s,
+                    int32_t length,
+                    UErrorCode *err);
+ * Fills in the output parameter, errBytes, with the error characters from the
+ * last failing conversion.
+ *
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param errBytes the codepage bytes which were in error
+ * @param len on input the capacity of errBytes, on output the number of
+ *  bytes which were copied to it
+ * @param err the error status code.
+ * If the substitution character array is too small, an
+ * <TT>U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR</TT> will be returned.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getInvalidChars(const UConverter *converter,
+                     char *errBytes,
+                     int8_t *len,
+                     UErrorCode *err);
+ * Fills in the output parameter, errChars, with the error characters from the
+ * last failing conversion.
+ *
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param errUChars the UChars which were in error
+ * @param len on input the capacity of errUChars, on output the number of
+ *  UChars which were copied to it
+ * @param err the error status code.
+ * If the substitution character array is too small, an
+ * <TT>U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR</TT> will be returned.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getInvalidUChars(const UConverter *converter,
+                      UChar *errUChars,
+                      int8_t *len,
+                      UErrorCode *err);
+ * Resets the state of a converter to the default state. This is used
+ * in the case of an error, to restart a conversion from a known default state.
+ * It will also empty the internal output buffers.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_reset(UConverter *converter);
+ * Resets the to-Unicode part of a converter state to the default state.
+ * This is used in the case of an error to restart a conversion to
+ * Unicode to a known default state. It will also empty the internal
+ * output buffers used for the conversion to Unicode codepoints.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_resetToUnicode(UConverter *converter);
+ * Resets the from-Unicode part of a converter state to the default state.
+ * This is used in the case of an error to restart a conversion from
+ * Unicode to a known default state. It will also empty the internal output
+ * buffers used for the conversion from Unicode codepoints.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_resetFromUnicode(UConverter *converter);
+ * Returns the maximum number of bytes that are output per UChar in conversion
+ * from Unicode using this converter.
+ * The returned number can be used with UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING
+ * to calculate the size of a target buffer for conversion from Unicode.
+ *
+ * Note: Before ICU 2.8, this function did not return reliable numbers for
+ * some stateful converters (EBCDIC_STATEFUL, ISO-2022) and LMBCS.
+ *
+ * This number may not be the same as the maximum number of bytes per
+ * "conversion unit". In other words, it may not be the intuitively expected
+ * number of bytes per character that would be published for a charset,
+ * and may not fulfill any other purpose than the allocation of an output
+ * buffer of guaranteed sufficient size for a given input length and converter.
+ *
+ * Examples for special cases that are taken into account:
+ * - Supplementary code points may convert to more bytes than BMP code points.
+ *   This function returns bytes per UChar (UTF-16 code unit), not per
+ *   Unicode code point, for efficient buffer allocation.
+ * - State-shifting output (SI/SO, escapes, etc.) from stateful converters.
+ * - When m input UChars are converted to n output bytes, then the maximum m/n
+ *   is taken into account.
+ *
+ * The number returned here does not take into account
+ * - callbacks which output more than one charset character sequence per call,
+ *   like escape callbacks
+ * - initial and final non-character bytes that are output by some converters
+ *   (automatic BOMs, initial escape sequence, final SI, etc.)
+ *
+ * Examples for returned values:
+ * - SBCS charsets: 1
+ * - Shift-JIS: 2
+ * - UTF-16: 2 (2 per BMP, 4 per surrogate _pair_, BOM not counted)
+ * - UTF-8: 3 (3 per BMP, 4 per surrogate _pair_)
+ * - ISO-2022: 3 (always outputs UTF-8)
+ * - ISO-2022-JP: 6 (4-byte escape sequences + DBCS)
+ * - ISO-2022-CN: 8 (4-byte designator sequences + 2-byte SS2/SS3 + DBCS)
+ *
+ * @param converter The Unicode converter.
+ * @return The maximum number of bytes per UChar (16 bit code unit)
+ *    that are output by ucnv_fromUnicode(),
+ *    to be used together with UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING
+ *    for buffer allocation.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_getMinCharSize
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getMaxCharSize(const UConverter *converter);
+ * Calculates the size of a buffer for conversion from Unicode to a charset.
+ * The calculated size is guaranteed to be sufficient for this conversion.
+ *
+ * It takes into account initial and final non-character bytes that are output
+ * by some converters.
+ * It does not take into account callbacks which output more than one charset
+ * character sequence per call, like escape callbacks.
+ * The default (substitution) callback only outputs one charset character sequence.
+ *
+ * @param length Number of UChars to be converted.
+ * @param maxCharSize Return value from ucnv_getMaxCharSize() for the converter
+ *                    that will be used.
+ * @return Size of a buffer that will be large enough to hold the output bytes of
+ *         converting length UChars with the converter that returned the maxCharSize.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_getMaxCharSize
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+#define UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING(length, maxCharSize) \
+     (((int32_t)(length)+10)*(int32_t)(maxCharSize))
+ * Returns the minimum byte length (per codepoint) for characters in this codepage.
+ * This is usually either 1 or 2.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @return the minimum number of bytes per codepoint allowed by this particular converter
+ * @see ucnv_getMaxCharSize
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getMinCharSize(const UConverter *converter);
+ * Returns the display name of the converter passed in based on the Locale
+ * passed in. If the locale contains no display name, the internal ASCII
+ * name will be filled in.
+ *
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter.
+ * @param displayLocale is the specific Locale we want to localized for
+ * @param displayName user provided buffer to be filled in
+ * @param displayNameCapacity size of displayName Buffer
+ * @param err error status code
+ * @return displayNameLength number of UChar needed in displayName
+ * @see ucnv_getName
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getDisplayName(const UConverter *converter,
+                    const char *displayLocale,
+                    UChar *displayName,
+                    int32_t displayNameCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode *err);
+ * Gets the internal, canonical name of the converter (zero-terminated).
+ * The lifetime of the returned string will be that of the converter
+ * passed to this function.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param err UErrorCode status
+ * @return the internal name of the converter
+ * @see ucnv_getDisplayName
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getName(const UConverter *converter, UErrorCode *err);
+ * Gets a codepage number associated with the converter. This is not guaranteed
+ * to be the one used to create the converter. Some converters do not represent
+ * platform registered codepages and return zero for the codepage number.
+ * The error code fill-in parameter indicates if the codepage number
+ * is available.
+ * Does not check if the converter is <TT>NULL</TT> or if converter's data
+ * table is <TT>NULL</TT>.
+ *
+ * Important: The use of CCSIDs is not recommended because it is limited
+ * to only two platforms in principle and only one (UCNV_IBM) in the current
+ * ICU converter API.
+ * Also, CCSIDs are insufficient to identify IBM Unicode conversion tables precisely.
+ * For more details see ucnv_openCCSID().
+ *
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param err the error status code.
+ * @return If any error occurs, -1 will be returned otherwise, the codepage number
+ * will be returned
+ * @see ucnv_openCCSID
+ * @see ucnv_getPlatform
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getCCSID(const UConverter *converter,
+              UErrorCode *err);
+ * Gets a codepage platform associated with the converter. Currently,
+ * only <TT>UCNV_IBM</TT> will be returned.
+ * Does not test if the converter is <TT>NULL</TT> or if converter's data
+ * table is <TT>NULL</TT>.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param err the error status code.
+ * @return The codepage platform
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UConverterPlatform U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getPlatform(const UConverter *converter,
+                 UErrorCode *err);
+ * Gets the type of the converter
+ * e.g. SBCS, MBCS, DBCS, UTF8, UTF16_BE, UTF16_LE, ISO_2022,
+ * @param converter a valid, opened converter
+ * @return the type of the converter
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UConverterType U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getType(const UConverter * converter);
+ * Gets the "starter" (lead) bytes for converters of type MBCS.
+ * Will fill in an <TT>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> if converter passed in
+ * is not MBCS. Fills in an array of type UBool, with the value of the byte
+ * as offset to the array. For example, if (starters[0x20] == TRUE) at return,
+ * it means that the byte 0x20 is a starter byte in this converter.
+ * Context pointers are always owned by the caller.
+ *
+ * @param converter a valid, opened converter of type MBCS
+ * @param starters an array of size 256 to be filled in
+ * @param err error status, <TT>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> if the
+ * converter is not a type which can return starters.
+ * @see ucnv_getType
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getStarters(const UConverter* converter,
+                 UBool starters[256],
+                 UErrorCode* err);
+ * Selectors for Unicode sets that can be returned by ucnv_getUnicodeSet().
+ * @see ucnv_getUnicodeSet
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef enum UConverterUnicodeSet {
+    /** Select the set of roundtrippable Unicode code points. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** Select the set of Unicode code points with roundtrip or fallback mappings. @stable ICU 4.0 */
+    /**
+     * Number of UConverterUnicodeSet selectors.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UConverterUnicodeSet;
+ * Returns the set of Unicode code points that can be converted by an ICU converter.
+ *
+ * Returns one of several kinds of set:
+ *
+ *
+ * The set of all Unicode code points that can be roundtrip-converted
+ * (converted without any data loss) with the converter (ucnv_fromUnicode()).
+ * This set will not include code points that have fallback mappings
+ * or are only the result of reverse fallback mappings.
+ * This set will also not include PUA code points with fallbacks, although
+ * ucnv_fromUnicode() will always uses those mappings despite ucnv_setFallback().
+ * See UTR #22 "Character Mapping Markup Language"
+ * at
+ *
+ * This is useful for example for
+ * - checking that a string or document can be roundtrip-converted with a converter,
+ *   without/before actually performing the conversion
+ * - testing if a converter can be used for text for typical text for a certain locale,
+ *   by comparing its roundtrip set with the set of ExemplarCharacters from
+ *   ICU's locale data or other sources
+ *
+ *
+ * The set of all Unicode code points that can be converted with the converter (ucnv_fromUnicode())
+ * when fallbacks are turned on (see ucnv_setFallback()).
+ * This set includes all code points with roundtrips and fallbacks (but not reverse fallbacks).
+ *
+ * In the future, there may be more UConverterUnicodeSet choices to select
+ * sets with different properties.
+ *
+ * @param cnv The converter for which a set is requested.
+ * @param setFillIn A valid USet *. It will be cleared by this function before
+ *            the converter's specific set is filled into the USet.
+ * @param whichSet A UConverterUnicodeSet selector;
+ *              currently UCNV_ROUNDTRIP_SET is the only supported value.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ *
+ * @see UConverterUnicodeSet
+ * @see uset_open
+ * @see uset_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucnv_getUnicodeSet(const UConverter *cnv,
+                   USet *setFillIn,
+                   UConverterUnicodeSet whichSet,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Gets the current calback function used by the converter when an illegal
+ *  or invalid codepage sequence is found.
+ * Context pointers are always owned by the caller.
+ *
+ * @param converter the unicode converter
+ * @param action fillin: returns the callback function pointer
+ * @param context fillin: returns the callback's private void* context
+ * @see ucnv_setToUCallBack
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getToUCallBack (const UConverter * converter,
+                     UConverterToUCallback *action,
+                     const void **context);
+ * Gets the current callback function used by the converter when illegal
+ * or invalid Unicode sequence is found.
+ * Context pointers are always owned by the caller.
+ *
+ * @param converter the unicode converter
+ * @param action fillin: returns the callback function pointer
+ * @param context fillin: returns the callback's private void* context
+ * @see ucnv_setFromUCallBack
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getFromUCallBack (const UConverter * converter,
+                       UConverterFromUCallback *action,
+                       const void **context);
+ * Changes the callback function used by the converter when
+ * an illegal or invalid sequence is found.
+ * Context pointers are always owned by the caller.
+ * Predefined actions and contexts can be found in the ucnv_err.h header.
+ *
+ * @param converter the unicode converter
+ * @param newAction the new callback function
+ * @param newContext the new toUnicode callback context pointer. This can be NULL.
+ * @param oldAction fillin: returns the old callback function pointer. This can be NULL.
+ * @param oldContext fillin: returns the old callback's private void* context. This can be NULL.
+ * @param err The error code status
+ * @see ucnv_getToUCallBack
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_setToUCallBack (UConverter * converter,
+                     UConverterToUCallback newAction,
+                     const void* newContext,
+                     UConverterToUCallback *oldAction,
+                     const void** oldContext,
+                     UErrorCode * err);
+ * Changes the current callback function used by the converter when
+ * an illegal or invalid sequence is found.
+ * Context pointers are always owned by the caller.
+ * Predefined actions and contexts can be found in the ucnv_err.h header.
+ *
+ * @param converter the unicode converter
+ * @param newAction the new callback function
+ * @param newContext the new fromUnicode callback context pointer. This can be NULL.
+ * @param oldAction fillin: returns the old callback function pointer. This can be NULL.
+ * @param oldContext fillin: returns the old callback's private void* context. This can be NULL.
+ * @param err The error code status
+ * @see ucnv_getFromUCallBack
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_setFromUCallBack (UConverter * converter,
+                       UConverterFromUCallback newAction,
+                       const void *newContext,
+                       UConverterFromUCallback *oldAction,
+                       const void **oldContext,
+                       UErrorCode * err);
+ * Converts an array of unicode characters to an array of codepage
+ * characters. This function is optimized for converting a continuous
+ * stream of data in buffer-sized chunks, where the entire source and
+ * target does not fit in available buffers.
+ *
+ * The source pointer is an in/out parameter. It starts out pointing where the
+ * conversion is to begin, and ends up pointing after the last UChar consumed.
+ *
+ * Target similarly starts out pointer at the first available byte in the output
+ * buffer, and ends up pointing after the last byte written to the output.
+ *
+ * The converter always attempts to consume the entire source buffer, unless
+ * (1.) the target buffer is full, or (2.) a failing error is returned from the
+ * current callback function.  When a successful error status has been
+ * returned, it means that all of the source buffer has been
+ *  consumed. At that point, the caller should reset the source and
+ *  sourceLimit pointers to point to the next chunk.
+ *
+ * At the end of the stream (flush==TRUE), the input is completely consumed
+ * when *source==sourceLimit and no error code is set.
+ * The converter object is then automatically reset by this function.
+ * (This means that a converter need not be reset explicitly between data
+ * streams if it finishes the previous stream without errors.)
+ *
+ * This is a <I>stateful</I> conversion. Additionally, even when all source data has
+ * been consumed, some data may be in the converters' internal state.
+ * Call this function repeatedly, updating the target pointers with
+ * the next empty chunk of target in case of a
+ * <TT>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</TT>, and updating the source  pointers
+ *  with the next chunk of source when a successful error status is
+ * returned, until there are no more chunks of source data.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param target I/O parameter. Input : Points to the beginning of the buffer to copy
+ *  codepage characters to. Output : points to after the last codepage character copied
+ *  to <TT>target</TT>.
+ * @param targetLimit the pointer just after last of the <TT>target</TT> buffer
+ * @param source I/O parameter, pointer to pointer to the source Unicode character buffer.
+ * @param sourceLimit the pointer just after the last of the source buffer
+ * @param offsets if NULL is passed, nothing will happen to it, otherwise it needs to have the same number
+ * of allocated cells as <TT>target</TT>. Will fill in offsets from target to source pointer
+ * e.g: <TT>offsets[3]</TT> is equal to 6, it means that the <TT>target[3]</TT> was a result of transcoding <TT>source[6]</TT>
+ * For output data carried across calls, and other data without a specific source character
+ * (such as from escape sequences or callbacks)  -1 will be placed for offsets.
+ * @param flush set to <TT>TRUE</TT> if the current source buffer is the last available
+ * chunk of the source, <TT>FALSE</TT> otherwise. Note that if a failing status is returned,
+ * this function may have to be called multiple times with flush set to <TT>TRUE</TT> until
+ * the source buffer is consumed.
+ * @param err the error status.  <TT>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> will be set if the
+ * converter is <TT>NULL</TT>.
+ * <code>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</code> will be set if the target is full and there is
+ * still data to be written to the target.
+ * @see ucnv_fromUChars
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @see ucnv_getMinCharSize
+ * @see ucnv_setToUCallBack
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_fromUnicode (UConverter * converter,
+                  char **target,
+                  const char *targetLimit,
+                  const UChar ** source,
+                  const UChar * sourceLimit,
+                  int32_t* offsets,
+                  UBool flush,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * Converts a buffer of codepage bytes into an array of unicode UChars
+ * characters. This function is optimized for converting a continuous
+ * stream of data in buffer-sized chunks, where the entire source and
+ * target does not fit in available buffers.
+ *
+ * The source pointer is an in/out parameter. It starts out pointing where the
+ * conversion is to begin, and ends up pointing after the last byte of source consumed.
+ *
+ * Target similarly starts out pointer at the first available UChar in the output
+ * buffer, and ends up pointing after the last UChar written to the output.
+ * It does NOT necessarily keep UChar sequences together.
+ *
+ * The converter always attempts to consume the entire source buffer, unless
+ * (1.) the target buffer is full, or (2.) a failing error is returned from the
+ * current callback function.  When a successful error status has been
+ * returned, it means that all of the source buffer has been
+ *  consumed. At that point, the caller should reset the source and
+ *  sourceLimit pointers to point to the next chunk.
+ *
+ * At the end of the stream (flush==TRUE), the input is completely consumed
+ * when *source==sourceLimit and no error code is set
+ * The converter object is then automatically reset by this function.
+ * (This means that a converter need not be reset explicitly between data
+ * streams if it finishes the previous stream without errors.)
+ *
+ * This is a <I>stateful</I> conversion. Additionally, even when all source data has
+ * been consumed, some data may be in the converters' internal state.
+ * Call this function repeatedly, updating the target pointers with
+ * the next empty chunk of target in case of a
+ * <TT>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</TT>, and updating the source  pointers
+ *  with the next chunk of source when a successful error status is
+ * returned, until there are no more chunks of source data.
+ * @param converter the Unicode converter
+ * @param target I/O parameter. Input : Points to the beginning of the buffer to copy
+ *  UChars into. Output : points to after the last UChar copied.
+ * @param targetLimit the pointer just after the end of the <TT>target</TT> buffer
+ * @param source I/O parameter, pointer to pointer to the source codepage buffer.
+ * @param sourceLimit the pointer to the byte after the end of the source buffer
+ * @param offsets if NULL is passed, nothing will happen to it, otherwise it needs to have the same number
+ * of allocated cells as <TT>target</TT>. Will fill in offsets from target to source pointer
+ * e.g: <TT>offsets[3]</TT> is equal to 6, it means that the <TT>target[3]</TT> was a result of transcoding <TT>source[6]</TT>
+ * For output data carried across calls, and other data without a specific source character
+ * (such as from escape sequences or callbacks)  -1 will be placed for offsets.
+ * @param flush set to <TT>TRUE</TT> if the current source buffer is the last available
+ * chunk of the source, <TT>FALSE</TT> otherwise. Note that if a failing status is returned,
+ * this function may have to be called multiple times with flush set to <TT>TRUE</TT> until
+ * the source buffer is consumed.
+ * @param err the error status.  <TT>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> will be set if the
+ * converter is <TT>NULL</TT>.
+ * <code>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</code> will be set if the target is full and there is
+ * still data to be written to the target.
+ * @see ucnv_fromUChars
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @see ucnv_getMinCharSize
+ * @see ucnv_setFromUCallBack
+ * @see ucnv_getNextUChar
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_toUnicode(UConverter *converter,
+               UChar **target,
+               const UChar *targetLimit,
+               const char **source,
+               const char *sourceLimit,
+               int32_t *offsets,
+               UBool flush,
+               UErrorCode *err);
+ * Convert the Unicode string into a codepage string using an existing UConverter.
+ * The output string is NUL-terminated if possible.
+ *
+ * This function is a more convenient but less powerful version of ucnv_fromUnicode().
+ * It is only useful for whole strings, not for streaming conversion.
+ *
+ * The maximum output buffer capacity required (barring output from callbacks) will be
+ * UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING(srcLength, ucnv_getMaxCharSize(cnv)).
+ *
+ * @param cnv the converter object to be used (ucnv_resetFromUnicode() will be called)
+ * @param src the input Unicode string
+ * @param srcLength the input string length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest destination string buffer, can be NULL if destCapacity==0
+ * @param destCapacity the number of chars available at dest
+ * @param pErrorCode normal ICU error code;
+ *                  common error codes that may be set by this function include
+ *                  U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, and conversion errors
+ * @return the length of the output string, not counting the terminating NUL;
+ *         if the length is greater than destCapacity, then the string will not fit
+ *         and a buffer of the indicated length would need to be passed in
+ * @see ucnv_fromUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_fromUChars(UConverter *cnv,
+                char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert the codepage string into a Unicode string using an existing UConverter.
+ * The output string is NUL-terminated if possible.
+ *
+ * This function is a more convenient but less powerful version of ucnv_toUnicode().
+ * It is only useful for whole strings, not for streaming conversion.
+ *
+ * The maximum output buffer capacity required (barring output from callbacks) will be
+ * 2*srcLength (each char may be converted into a surrogate pair).
+ *
+ * @param cnv the converter object to be used (ucnv_resetToUnicode() will be called)
+ * @param src the input codepage string
+ * @param srcLength the input string length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest destination string buffer, can be NULL if destCapacity==0
+ * @param destCapacity the number of UChars available at dest
+ * @param pErrorCode normal ICU error code;
+ *                  common error codes that may be set by this function include
+ *                  U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, and conversion errors
+ * @return the length of the output string, not counting the terminating NUL;
+ *         if the length is greater than destCapacity, then the string will not fit
+ *         and a buffer of the indicated length would need to be passed in
+ * @see ucnv_toUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_toUChars(UConverter *cnv,
+              UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+              const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a codepage buffer into Unicode one character at a time.
+ * The input is completely consumed when the U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR is set.
+ *
+ * Advantage compared to ucnv_toUnicode() or ucnv_toUChars():
+ * - Faster for small amounts of data, for most converters, e.g.,
+ *   US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8/16/32, and most "normal" charsets.
+ *   (For complex converters, e.g., SCSU, UTF-7 and ISO 2022 variants,
+ *    it uses ucnv_toUnicode() internally.)
+ * - Convenient.
+ *
+ * Limitations compared to ucnv_toUnicode():
+ * - Always assumes flush=TRUE.
+ *   This makes ucnv_getNextUChar() unsuitable for "streaming" conversion,
+ *   that is, for where the input is supplied in multiple buffers,
+ *   because ucnv_getNextUChar() will assume the end of the input at the end
+ *   of the first buffer.
+ * - Does not provide offset output.
+ *
+ * It is possible to "mix" ucnv_getNextUChar() and ucnv_toUnicode() because
+ * ucnv_getNextUChar() uses the current state of the converter
+ * (unlike ucnv_toUChars() which always resets first).
+ * However, if ucnv_getNextUChar() is called after ucnv_toUnicode()
+ * stopped in the middle of a character sequence (with flush=FALSE),
+ * then ucnv_getNextUChar() will always use the slower ucnv_toUnicode()
+ * internally until the next character boundary.
+ * (This is new in ICU 2.6. In earlier releases, ucnv_getNextUChar() had to
+ * start at a character boundary.)
+ *
+ * Instead of using ucnv_getNextUChar(), it is recommended
+ * to convert using ucnv_toUnicode() or ucnv_toUChars()
+ * and then iterate over the text using U16_NEXT() or a UCharIterator (uiter.h)
+ * or a C++ CharacterIterator or similar.
+ * This allows streaming conversion and offset output, for example.
+ *
+ * <p>Handling of surrogate pairs and supplementary-plane code points:<br>
+ * There are two different kinds of codepages that provide mappings for surrogate characters:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Codepages like UTF-8, UTF-32, and GB 18030 provide direct representations for Unicode
+ *       code points U+10000-U+10ffff as well as for single surrogates U+d800-U+dfff.
+ *       Each valid sequence will result in exactly one returned code point.
+ *       If a sequence results in a single surrogate, then that will be returned
+ *       by itself, even if a neighboring sequence encodes the matching surrogate.</li>
+ *   <li>Codepages like SCSU and LMBCS (and UTF-16) provide direct representations only for BMP code points
+ *       including surrogates. Code points in supplementary planes are represented with
+ *       two sequences, each encoding a surrogate.
+ *       For these codepages, matching pairs of surrogates will be combined into single
+ *       code points for returning from this function.
+ *       (Note that SCSU is actually a mix of these codepage types.)</li>
+ * </ul></p>
+ *
+ * @param converter an open UConverter
+ * @param source the address of a pointer to the codepage buffer, will be
+ *  updated to point after the bytes consumed in the conversion call.
+ * @param sourceLimit points to the end of the input buffer
+ * @param err fills in error status (see ucnv_toUnicode)
+ * <code>U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR</code> will be set if the input
+ * is empty or does not convert to any output (e.g.: pure state-change
+ * codes SI/SO, escape sequences for ISO 2022,
+ * or if the callback did not output anything, ...).
+ * This function will not set a <code>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</code> because
+ *  the "buffer" is the return code. However, there might be subsequent output
+ *  stored in the converter object
+ * that will be returned in following calls to this function.
+ * @return a UChar32 resulting from the partial conversion of source
+ * @see ucnv_toUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_toUChars
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getNextUChar(UConverter * converter,
+                  const char **source,
+                  const char * sourceLimit,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * Convert from one external charset to another using two existing UConverters.
+ * Internally, two conversions - ucnv_toUnicode() and ucnv_fromUnicode() -
+ * are used, "pivoting" through 16-bit Unicode.
+ *
+ * Important: For streaming conversion (multiple function calls for successive
+ * parts of a text stream), the caller must provide a pivot buffer explicitly,
+ * and must preserve the pivot buffer and associated pointers from one
+ * call to another. (The buffer may be moved if its contents and the relative
+ * pointer positions are preserved.)
+ *
+ * There is a similar function, ucnv_convert(),
+ * which has the following limitations:
+ * - it takes charset names, not converter objects, so that
+ *   - two converters are opened for each call
+ *   - only single-string conversion is possible, not streaming operation
+ * - it does not provide enough information to find out,
+ *   in case of failure, whether the toUnicode or
+ *   the fromUnicode conversion failed
+ *
+ * By contrast, ucnv_convertEx()
+ * - takes UConverter parameters instead of charset names
+ * - fully exposes the pivot buffer for streaming conversion and complete error handling
+ *
+ * ucnv_convertEx() also provides further convenience:
+ * - an option to reset the converters at the beginning
+ *   (if reset==TRUE, see parameters;
+ *    also sets *pivotTarget=*pivotSource=pivotStart)
+ * - allow NUL-terminated input
+ *   (only a single NUL byte, will not work for charsets with multi-byte NULs)
+ *   (if sourceLimit==NULL, see parameters)
+ * - terminate with a NUL on output
+ *   (only a single NUL byte, not useful for charsets with multi-byte NULs),
+ *   or set U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING if the output exactly fills
+ *   the target buffer
+ * - the pivot buffer can be provided internally;
+ *   possible only for whole-string conversion, not streaming conversion;
+ *   in this case, the caller will not be able to get details about where an
+ *   error occurred
+ *   (if pivotStart==NULL, see below)
+ *
+ * The function returns when one of the following is true:
+ * - the entire source text has been converted successfully to the target buffer
+ * - a target buffer overflow occurred (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
+ * - a conversion error occurred
+ *   (other U_FAILURE(), see description of pErrorCode)
+ *
+ * Limitation compared to the direct use of
+ * ucnv_fromUnicode() and ucnv_toUnicode():
+ * ucnv_convertEx() does not provide offset information.
+ *
+ * Limitation compared to ucnv_fromUChars() and ucnv_toUChars():
+ * ucnv_convertEx() does not support preflighting directly.
+ *
+ * Sample code for converting a single string from
+ * one external charset to UTF-8, ignoring the location of errors:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * int32_t
+ * myToUTF8(UConverter *cnv,
+ *          const char *s, int32_t length,
+ *          char *u8, int32_t capacity,
+ *          UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ *     UConverter *utf8Cnv;
+ *     char *target;
+ *
+ *     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
+ *         return 0;
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     utf8Cnv=myGetCachedUTF8Converter(pErrorCode);
+ *     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
+ *         return 0;
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     if(length<0) {
+ *         length=strlen(s);
+ *     }
+ *     target=u8;
+ *     ucnv_convertEx(utf8Cnv, cnv,
+ *                    &target, u8+capacity,
+ *                    &s, s+length,
+ *                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ *                    TRUE, TRUE,
+ *                    pErrorCode);
+ *
+ *     myReleaseCachedUTF8Converter(utf8Cnv);
+ *
+ *     // return the output string length, but without preflighting
+ *     return (int32_t)(target-u8);
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @param targetCnv     Output converter, used to convert from the UTF-16 pivot
+ *                      to the target using ucnv_fromUnicode().
+ * @param sourceCnv     Input converter, used to convert from the source to
+ *                      the UTF-16 pivot using ucnv_toUnicode().
+ * @param target        I/O parameter, same as for ucnv_fromUChars().
+ *                      Input: *target points to the beginning of the target buffer.
+ *                      Output: *target points to the first unit after the last char written.
+ * @param targetLimit   Pointer to the first unit after the target buffer.
+ * @param source        I/O parameter, same as for ucnv_toUChars().
+ *                      Input: *source points to the beginning of the source buffer.
+ *                      Output: *source points to the first unit after the last char read.
+ * @param sourceLimit   Pointer to the first unit after the source buffer.
+ * @param pivotStart    Pointer to the UTF-16 pivot buffer. If pivotStart==NULL,
+ *                      then an internal buffer is used and the other pivot
+ *                      arguments are ignored and can be NULL as well.
+ * @param pivotSource   I/O parameter, same as source in ucnv_fromUChars() for
+ *                      conversion from the pivot buffer to the target buffer.
+ * @param pivotTarget   I/O parameter, same as target in ucnv_toUChars() for
+ *                      conversion from the source buffer to the pivot buffer.
+ *                      It must be pivotStart<=*pivotSource<=*pivotTarget<=pivotLimit
+ *                      and pivotStart<pivotLimit (unless pivotStart==NULL).
+ * @param pivotLimit    Pointer to the first unit after the pivot buffer.
+ * @param reset         If TRUE, then ucnv_resetToUnicode(sourceCnv) and
+ *                      ucnv_resetFromUnicode(targetCnv) are called, and the
+ *                      pivot pointers are reset (*pivotTarget=*pivotSource=pivotStart).
+ * @param flush         If true, indicates the end of the input.
+ *                      Passed directly to ucnv_toUnicode(), and carried over to
+ *                      ucnv_fromUnicode() when the source is empty as well.
+ * @param pErrorCode    ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                      Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ *                      U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR always refers to the target buffer
+ *                      because overflows into the pivot buffer are handled internally.
+ *                      Other conversion errors are from the source-to-pivot
+ *                      conversion if *pivotSource==pivotStart, otherwise from
+ *                      the pivot-to-target conversion.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @see ucnv_fromAlgorithmic
+ * @see ucnv_toAlgorithmic
+ * @see ucnv_fromUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_toUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_fromUChars
+ * @see ucnv_toUChars
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucnv_convertEx(UConverter *targetCnv, UConverter *sourceCnv,
+               char **target, const char *targetLimit,
+               const char **source, const char *sourceLimit,
+               UChar *pivotStart, UChar **pivotSource,
+               UChar **pivotTarget, const UChar *pivotLimit,
+               UBool reset, UBool flush,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert from one external charset to another.
+ * Internally, two converters are opened according to the name arguments,
+ * then the text is converted to and from the 16-bit Unicode "pivot"
+ * using ucnv_convertEx(), then the converters are closed again.
+ *
+ * This is a convenience function, not an efficient way to convert a lot of text:
+ * ucnv_convert()
+ * - takes charset names, not converter objects, so that
+ *   - two converters are opened for each call
+ *   - only single-string conversion is possible, not streaming operation
+ * - does not provide enough information to find out,
+ *   in case of failure, whether the toUnicode or
+ *   the fromUnicode conversion failed
+ * - allows NUL-terminated input
+ *   (only a single NUL byte, will not work for charsets with multi-byte NULs)
+ *   (if sourceLength==-1, see parameters)
+ * - terminate with a NUL on output
+ *   (only a single NUL byte, not useful for charsets with multi-byte NULs),
+ *   or set U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING if the output exactly fills
+ *   the target buffer
+ * - a pivot buffer is provided internally
+ *
+ * The function returns when one of the following is true:
+ * - the entire source text has been converted successfully to the target buffer
+ *   and either the target buffer is terminated with a single NUL byte
+ *   or the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING
+ * - a target buffer overflow occurred (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
+ *   and the full output string length is returned ("preflighting")
+ * - a conversion error occurred
+ *   (other U_FAILURE(), see description of pErrorCode)
+ *
+ * @param toConverterName   The name of the converter that is used to convert
+ *                          from the UTF-16 pivot buffer to the target.
+ * @param fromConverterName The name of the converter that is used to convert
+ *                          from the source to the UTF-16 pivot buffer.
+ * @param target            Pointer to the output buffer.
+ * @param targetCapacity    Capacity of the target, in bytes.
+ * @param source            Pointer to the input buffer.
+ * @param sourceLength      Length of the input text, in bytes, or -1 for NUL-terminated input.
+ * @param pErrorCode        ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                          Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Length of the complete output text in bytes, even if it exceeds the targetCapacity
+ *         and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_convertEx
+ * @see ucnv_fromAlgorithmic
+ * @see ucnv_toAlgorithmic
+ * @see ucnv_fromUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_toUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_fromUChars
+ * @see ucnv_toUChars
+ * @see ucnv_getNextUChar
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_convert(const char *toConverterName,
+             const char *fromConverterName,
+             char *target,
+             int32_t targetCapacity,
+             const char *source,
+             int32_t sourceLength,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert from one external charset to another.
+ * Internally, the text is converted to and from the 16-bit Unicode "pivot"
+ * using ucnv_convertEx(). ucnv_toAlgorithmic() works exactly like ucnv_convert()
+ * except that the two converters need not be looked up and opened completely.
+ *
+ * The source-to-pivot conversion uses the cnv converter parameter.
+ * The pivot-to-target conversion uses a purely algorithmic converter
+ * according to the specified type, e.g., UCNV_UTF8 for a UTF-8 converter.
+ *
+ * Internally, the algorithmic converter is opened and closed for each
+ * function call, which is more efficient than using the public ucnv_open()
+ * but somewhat less efficient than only resetting an existing converter
+ * and using ucnv_convertEx().
+ *
+ * This function is more convenient than ucnv_convertEx() for single-string
+ * conversions, especially when "preflighting" is desired (returning the length
+ * of the complete output even if it does not fit into the target buffer;
+ * see the User Guide Strings chapter). See ucnv_convert() for details.
+ *
+ * @param algorithmicType   UConverterType constant identifying the desired target
+ *                          charset as a purely algorithmic converter.
+ *                          Those are converters for Unicode charsets like
+ *                          UTF-8, BOCU-1, SCSU, UTF-7, IMAP-mailbox-name, etc.,
+ *                          as well as US-ASCII and ISO-8859-1.
+ * @param cnv               The converter that is used to convert
+ *                          from the source to the UTF-16 pivot buffer.
+ * @param target            Pointer to the output buffer.
+ * @param targetCapacity    Capacity of the target, in bytes.
+ * @param source            Pointer to the input buffer.
+ * @param sourceLength      Length of the input text, in bytes
+ * @param pErrorCode        ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                          Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Length of the complete output text in bytes, even if it exceeds the targetCapacity
+ *         and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_fromAlgorithmic
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @see ucnv_convertEx
+ * @see ucnv_fromUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_toUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_fromUChars
+ * @see ucnv_toUChars
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucnv_toAlgorithmic(UConverterType algorithmicType,
+                   UConverter *cnv,
+                   char *target, int32_t targetCapacity,
+                   const char *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert from one external charset to another.
+ * Internally, the text is converted to and from the 16-bit Unicode "pivot"
+ * using ucnv_convertEx(). ucnv_fromAlgorithmic() works exactly like ucnv_convert()
+ * except that the two converters need not be looked up and opened completely.
+ *
+ * The source-to-pivot conversion uses a purely algorithmic converter
+ * according to the specified type, e.g., UCNV_UTF8 for a UTF-8 converter.
+ * The pivot-to-target conversion uses the cnv converter parameter.
+ *
+ * Internally, the algorithmic converter is opened and closed for each
+ * function call, which is more efficient than using the public ucnv_open()
+ * but somewhat less efficient than only resetting an existing converter
+ * and using ucnv_convertEx().
+ *
+ * This function is more convenient than ucnv_convertEx() for single-string
+ * conversions, especially when "preflighting" is desired (returning the length
+ * of the complete output even if it does not fit into the target buffer;
+ * see the User Guide Strings chapter). See ucnv_convert() for details.
+ *
+ * @param cnv               The converter that is used to convert
+ *                          from the UTF-16 pivot buffer to the target.
+ * @param algorithmicType   UConverterType constant identifying the desired source
+ *                          charset as a purely algorithmic converter.
+ *                          Those are converters for Unicode charsets like
+ *                          UTF-8, BOCU-1, SCSU, UTF-7, IMAP-mailbox-name, etc.,
+ *                          as well as US-ASCII and ISO-8859-1.
+ * @param target            Pointer to the output buffer.
+ * @param targetCapacity    Capacity of the target, in bytes.
+ * @param source            Pointer to the input buffer.
+ * @param sourceLength      Length of the input text, in bytes
+ * @param pErrorCode        ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                          Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Length of the complete output text in bytes, even if it exceeds the targetCapacity
+ *         and a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_fromAlgorithmic
+ * @see ucnv_convert
+ * @see ucnv_convertEx
+ * @see ucnv_fromUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_toUnicode
+ * @see ucnv_fromUChars
+ * @see ucnv_toUChars
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(UConverter *cnv,
+                     UConverterType algorithmicType,
+                     char *target, int32_t targetCapacity,
+                     const char *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Frees up memory occupied by unused, cached converter shared data.
+ *
+ * @return the number of cached converters successfully deleted
+ * @see ucnv_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Returns the number of available converters, as per the alias file.
+ *
+ * @return the number of available converters
+ * @see ucnv_getAvailableName
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Gets the canonical converter name of the specified converter from a list of
+ * all available converters contaied in the alias file. All converters
+ * in this list can be opened.
+ *
+ * @param n the index to a converter available on the system (in the range <TT>[0..ucnv_countAvaiable()]</TT>)
+ * @return a pointer a string (library owned), or <TT>NULL</TT> if the index is out of bounds.
+ * @see ucnv_countAvailable
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getAvailableName(int32_t n);
+ * Returns a UEnumeration to enumerate all of the canonical converter
+ * names, as per the alias file, regardless of the ability to open each
+ * converter.
+ *
+ * @return A UEnumeration object for getting all the recognized canonical
+ *   converter names.
+ * @see ucnv_getAvailableName
+ * @see uenum_close
+ * @see uenum_next
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_openAllNames(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Gives the number of aliases for a given converter or alias name.
+ * If the alias is ambiguous, then the preferred converter is used
+ * and the status is set to U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING.
+ * This method only enumerates the listed entries in the alias file.
+ * @param alias alias name
+ * @param pErrorCode error status
+ * @return number of names on alias list for given alias
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE uint16_t U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_countAliases(const char *alias, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Gives the name of the alias at given index of alias list.
+ * This method only enumerates the listed entries in the alias file.
+ * If the alias is ambiguous, then the preferred converter is used
+ * and the status is set to U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING.
+ * @param alias alias name
+ * @param n index in alias list
+ * @param pErrorCode result of operation
+ * @return returns the name of the alias at given index
+ * @see ucnv_countAliases
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getAlias(const char *alias, uint16_t n, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Fill-up the list of alias names for the given alias.
+ * This method only enumerates the listed entries in the alias file.
+ * If the alias is ambiguous, then the preferred converter is used
+ * and the status is set to U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING.
+ * @param alias alias name
+ * @param aliases fill-in list, aliases is a pointer to an array of
+ *        <code>ucnv_countAliases()</code> string-pointers
+ *        (<code>const char *</code>) that will be filled in.
+ *        The strings themselves are owned by the library.
+ * @param pErrorCode result of operation
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_getAliases(const char *alias, const char **aliases, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return a new UEnumeration object for enumerating all the
+ * alias names for a given converter that are recognized by a standard.
+ * This method only enumerates the listed entries in the alias file.
+ * The convrtrs.txt file can be modified to change the results of
+ * this function.
+ * The first result in this list is the same result given by
+ * <code>ucnv_getStandardName</code>, which is the default alias for
+ * the specified standard name. The returned object must be closed with
+ * <code>uenum_close</code> when you are done with the object.
+ *
+ * @param convName original converter name
+ * @param standard name of the standard governing the names; MIME and IANA
+ *      are such standards
+ * @param pErrorCode The error code
+ * @return A UEnumeration object for getting all aliases that are recognized
+ *      by a standard. If any of the parameters are invalid, NULL
+ *      is returned.
+ * @see ucnv_getStandardName
+ * @see uenum_close
+ * @see uenum_next
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_openStandardNames(const char *convName,
+                       const char *standard,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Gives the number of standards associated to converter names.
+ * @return number of standards
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE uint16_t U_EXPORT2
+ * Gives the name of the standard at given index of standard list.
+ * @param n index in standard list
+ * @param pErrorCode result of operation
+ * @return returns the name of the standard at given index. Owned by the library.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getStandard(uint16_t n, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns a standard name for a given converter name.
+ * <p>
+ * Example alias table:<br>
+ * conv alias1 { STANDARD1 } alias2 { STANDARD1* }
+ * <p>
+ * Result of ucnv_getStandardName("conv", "STANDARD1") from example
+ * alias table:<br>
+ * <b>"alias2"</b>
+ *
+ * @param name original converter name
+ * @param standard name of the standard governing the names; MIME and IANA
+ *        are such standards
+ * @param pErrorCode result of operation
+ * @return returns the standard converter name;
+ *         if a standard converter name cannot be determined,
+ *         then <code>NULL</code> is returned. Owned by the library.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getStandardName(const char *name, const char *standard, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * This function will return the internal canonical converter name of the
+ * tagged alias. This is the opposite of ucnv_openStandardNames, which
+ * returns the tagged alias given the canonical name.
+ * <p>
+ * Example alias table:<br>
+ * conv alias1 { STANDARD1 } alias2 { STANDARD1* }
+ * <p>
+ * Result of ucnv_getStandardName("alias1", "STANDARD1") from example
+ * alias table:<br>
+ * <b>"conv"</b>
+ *
+ * @return returns the canonical converter name;
+ *         if a standard or alias name cannot be determined,
+ *         then <code>NULL</code> is returned. The returned string is
+ *         owned by the library.
+ * @see ucnv_getStandardName
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_getCanonicalName(const char *alias, const char *standard, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the current default converter name. If you want to open
+ * a default converter, you do not need to use this function.
+ * It is faster if you pass a NULL argument to ucnv_open the
+ * default converter.
+ *
+ * If U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 is defined to 1 in utypes.h then this function
+ * always returns "UTF-8".
+ *
+ * @return returns the current default converter name.
+ *         Storage owned by the library
+ * @see ucnv_setDefaultName
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ * This function is not thread safe. DO NOT call this function when ANY ICU
+ * function is being used from more than one thread! This function sets the
+ * current default converter name. If this function needs to be called, it
+ * should be called during application initialization. Most of the time, the
+ * results from ucnv_getDefaultName() or ucnv_open with a NULL string argument
+ * is sufficient for your application.
+ *
+ * If U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 is defined to 1 in utypes.h then this function
+ * does nothing.
+ *
+ * @param name the converter name to be the default (must be known by ICU).
+ * @see ucnv_getDefaultName
+ * @system
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_setDefaultName(const char *name);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_SYSTEM_API */
+ * Fixes the backslash character mismapping.  For example, in SJIS, the backslash
+ * character in the ASCII portion is also used to represent the yen currency sign.
+ * When mapping from Unicode character 0x005C, it's unclear whether to map the
+ * character back to yen or backslash in SJIS.  This function will take the input
+ * buffer and replace all the yen sign characters with backslash.  This is necessary
+ * when the user tries to open a file with the input buffer on Windows.
+ * This function will test the converter to see whether such mapping is
+ * required.  You can sometimes avoid using this function by using the correct version
+ * of Shift-JIS.
+ *
+ * @param cnv The converter representing the target codepage.
+ * @param source the input buffer to be fixed
+ * @param sourceLen the length of the input buffer
+ * @see ucnv_isAmbiguous
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_fixFileSeparator(const UConverter *cnv, UChar *source, int32_t sourceLen);
+ * Determines if the converter contains ambiguous mappings of the same
+ * character or not.
+ * @param cnv the converter to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the converter contains ambiguous mapping of the same
+ * character, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_isAmbiguous(const UConverter *cnv);
+ * Sets the converter to use fallback mappings or not.
+ * Regardless of this flag, the converter will always use
+ * fallbacks from Unicode Private Use code points, as well as
+ * reverse fallbacks (to Unicode).
+ * For details see ".ucm File Format"
+ * in the Conversion Data chapter of the ICU User Guide:
+ *
+ *
+ * @param cnv The converter to set the fallback mapping usage on.
+ * @param usesFallback TRUE if the user wants the converter to take advantage of the fallback
+ * mapping, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ * @see ucnv_usesFallback
+ */
+ucnv_setFallback(UConverter *cnv, UBool usesFallback);
+ * Determines if the converter uses fallback mappings or not.
+ * This flag has restrictions, see ucnv_setFallback().
+ *
+ * @param cnv The converter to be tested
+ * @return TRUE if the converter uses fallback, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ * @see ucnv_setFallback
+ */
+ucnv_usesFallback(const UConverter *cnv);
+ * Detects Unicode signature byte sequences at the start of the byte stream
+ * and returns the charset name of the indicated Unicode charset.
+ * NULL is returned when no Unicode signature is recognized.
+ * The number of bytes in the signature is output as well.
+ *
+ * The caller can ucnv_open() a converter using the charset name.
+ * The first code unit (UChar) from the start of the stream will be U+FEFF
+ * (the Unicode BOM/signature character) and can usually be ignored.
+ *
+ * For most Unicode charsets it is also possible to ignore the indicated
+ * number of initial stream bytes and start converting after them.
+ * However, there are stateful Unicode charsets (UTF-7 and BOCU-1) for which
+ * this will not work. Therefore, it is best to ignore the first output UChar
+ * instead of the input signature bytes.
+ * <p>
+ * Usage:
+ * \snippet samples/ucnv/convsamp.cpp ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature
+ *
+ * @param source            The source string in which the signature should be detected.
+ * @param sourceLength      Length of the input string, or -1 if terminated with a NUL byte.
+ * @param signatureLength   A pointer to int32_t to receive the number of bytes that make up the signature
+ *                          of the detected UTF. 0 if not detected.
+ *                          Can be a NULL pointer.
+ * @param pErrorCode        ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                          Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return The name of the encoding detected. NULL if encoding is not detected.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature(const char* source,
+                            int32_t sourceLength,
+                            int32_t *signatureLength,
+                            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the number of UChars held in the converter's internal state
+ * because more input is needed for completing the conversion. This function is
+ * useful for mapping semantics of ICU's converter interface to those of iconv,
+ * and this information is not needed for normal conversion.
+ * @param cnv       The converter in which the input is held
+ * @param status    ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return The number of UChars in the state. -1 if an error is encountered.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucnv_fromUCountPending(const UConverter* cnv, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the number of chars held in the converter's internal state
+ * because more input is needed for completing the conversion. This function is
+ * useful for mapping semantics of ICU's converter interface to those of iconv,
+ * and this information is not needed for normal conversion.
+ * @param cnv       The converter in which the input is held as internal state
+ * @param status    ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return The number of chars in the state. -1 if an error is encountered.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucnv_toUCountPending(const UConverter* cnv, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns whether or not the charset of the converter has a fixed number of bytes
+ * per charset character.
+ * An example of this are converters that are of the type UCNV_SBCS or UCNV_DBCS.
+ * Another example is UTF-32 which is always 4 bytes per character.
+ * A Unicode code point may be represented by more than one UTF-8 or UTF-16 code unit
+ * but a UTF-32 converter encodes each code point with 4 bytes.
+ * Note: This method is not intended to be used to determine whether the charset has a
+ * fixed ratio of bytes to Unicode codes <i>units</i> for any particular Unicode encoding form.
+ * FALSE is returned with the UErrorCode if error occurs or cnv is NULL.
+ * @param cnv       The converter to be tested
+ * @param status    ICU error code in/out paramter
+ * @return TRUE if the converter is fixed-width
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+ucnv_isFixedWidth(UConverter *cnv, UErrorCode *status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv_cb.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv_cb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14169ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv_cb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2000-2004, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *  ucnv_cb.h:
+ *  External APIs for the ICU's codeset conversion library
+ *  Helena Shih
+ * 
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ */
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C UConverter functions to aid the writers of callbacks
+ *
+ * <h2> Callback API for UConverter </h2>
+ * 
+ * These functions are provided here for the convenience of the callback
+ * writer. If you are just looking for callback functions to use, please
+ * see ucnv_err.h.  DO NOT call these functions directly when you are 
+ * working with converters, unless your code has been called as a callback
+ * via ucnv_setFromUCallback or ucnv_setToUCallback !!
+ * 
+ * A note about error codes and overflow.  Unlike other ICU functions,
+ * these functions do not expect the error status to be U_ZERO_ERROR.
+ * Callbacks must be much more careful about their error codes.
+ * The error codes used here are in/out parameters, which should be passed
+ * back in the callback's error parameter.
+ * 
+ * For example, if you call ucnv_cbfromUWriteBytes to write data out 
+ * to the output codepage, it may return U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if 
+ * the data did not fit in the target. But this isn't a failing error, 
+ * in fact, ucnv_cbfromUWriteBytes may be called AGAIN with the error
+ * status still U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR to attempt to write further bytes,
+ * which will also go into the internal overflow buffers.
+ * 
+ * Concerning offsets, the 'offset' parameters here are relative to the start
+ * of SOURCE.  For example, Suppose the string "ABCD" was being converted 
+ * from Unicode into a codepage which doesn't have a mapping for 'B'.
+ * 'A' will be written out correctly, but
+ * The FromU Callback will be called on an unassigned character for 'B'.
+ * At this point, this is the state of the world:
+ *    Target:    A [..]     [points after A]
+ *    Source:  A B [C] D    [points to C - B has been consumed]
+ *             0 1  2  3 
+ *    codePoint = "B"       [the unassigned codepoint] 
+ * 
+ * Now, suppose a callback wants to write the substitution character '?' to
+ * the target. It calls ucnv_cbFromUWriteBytes() to write the ?. 
+ * It should pass ZERO as the offset, because the offset as far as the 
+ * callback is concerned is relative to the SOURCE pointer [which points 
+ * before 'C'.]  If the callback goes into the args and consumes 'C' also,
+ * it would call FromUWriteBytes with an offset of 1 (and advance the source
+ * pointer).
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef UCNV_CB_H
+#define UCNV_CB_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
+ * ONLY used by FromU callback functions.
+ * Writes out the specified byte output bytes to the target byte buffer or to converter internal buffers.
+ *
+ * @param args callback fromUnicode arguments
+ * @param source source bytes to write
+ * @param length length of bytes to write
+ * @param offsetIndex the relative offset index from callback.
+ * @param err error status. If <TT>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW</TT> is returned, then U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW <STRONG>must</STRONG> 
+ * be returned to the user, because it means that not all data could be written into the target buffer, and some is 
+ * in the converter error buffer.
+ * @see ucnv_cbFromUWriteSub
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_cbFromUWriteBytes (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *args,
+                        const char* source,
+                        int32_t length,
+                        int32_t offsetIndex,
+                        UErrorCode * err);
+ * ONLY used by FromU callback functions.  
+ * This function will write out the correct substitution character sequence 
+ * to the target.
+ *
+ * @param args callback fromUnicode arguments
+ * @param offsetIndex the relative offset index from the current source pointer to be used
+ * @param err error status. If <TT>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW</TT> is returned, then U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW <STRONG>must</STRONG> 
+ * be returned to the user, because it means that not all data could be written into the target buffer, and some is 
+ * in the converter error buffer.
+ * @see ucnv_cbFromUWriteBytes
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucnv_cbFromUWriteSub (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *args,
+                      int32_t offsetIndex,
+                      UErrorCode * err);
+ * ONLY used by fromU callback functions.  
+ * This function will write out the error character(s) to the target UChar buffer.
+ *
+ * @param args callback fromUnicode arguments
+ * @param source pointer to pointer to first UChar to write [on exit: 1 after last UChar processed]
+ * @param sourceLimit pointer after last UChar to write
+ * @param offsetIndex the relative offset index from callback which will be set
+ * @param err error status <TT>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW</TT>
+ * @see ucnv_cbToUWriteSub
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 ucnv_cbFromUWriteUChars(UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *args,
+                             const UChar** source,
+                             const UChar*  sourceLimit,
+                             int32_t offsetIndex,
+                             UErrorCode * err);
+ * ONLY used by ToU callback functions.
+ *  This function will write out the specified characters to the target 
+ * UChar buffer.
+ *
+ * @param args callback toUnicode arguments
+ * @param source source string to write
+ * @param length the length of source string
+ * @param offsetIndex the relative offset index which will be written.
+ * @param err error status <TT>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW</TT>
+ * @see ucnv_cbToUWriteSub
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 ucnv_cbToUWriteUChars (UConverterToUnicodeArgs *args,
+                                             const UChar* source,
+                                             int32_t length,
+                                             int32_t offsetIndex,
+                                             UErrorCode * err);
+ * ONLY used by ToU  callback functions.  
+ * This function will write out the Unicode substitution character (U+FFFD).
+ *
+ * @param args callback fromUnicode arguments
+ * @param offsetIndex the relative offset index from callback.
+ * @param err error status <TT>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW</TT>
+ * @see ucnv_cbToUWriteUChars
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 ucnv_cbToUWriteSub (UConverterToUnicodeArgs *args,
+                       int32_t offsetIndex,
+                       UErrorCode * err);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv_err.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv_err.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d234710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnv_err.h
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2009, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ *   ucnv_err.h:
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \brief C UConverter predefined error callbacks
+ *
+ *  <h2>Error Behaviour Functions</h2>
+ *  Defines some error behaviour functions called by ucnv_{from,to}Unicode
+ *  These are provided as part of ICU and many are stable, but they
+ *  can also be considered only as an example of what can be done with
+ *  callbacks.  You may of course write your own.
+ *
+ *  If you want to write your own, you may also find the functions from
+ *  ucnv_cb.h useful when writing your own callbacks.
+ *
+ *  These functions, although public, should NEVER be called directly.
+ *  They should be used as parameters to the ucnv_setFromUCallback
+ *  and ucnv_setToUCallback functions, to set the behaviour of a converter
+ *  when it encounters ILLEGAL/UNMAPPED/INVALID sequences.
+ *
+ *  usage example:  'STOP' doesn't need any context, but newContext
+ *    could be set to something other than 'NULL' if needed. The available
+ *    contexts in this header can modify the default behavior of the callback.
+ *
+ *  \code
+ *  UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *  UConverter *myConverter = ucnv_open("ibm-949", &err);
+ *  const void *oldContext;
+ *  UConverterFromUCallback oldAction;
+ *
+ *
+ *  if (U_SUCCESS(err))
+ *  {
+ *      ucnv_setFromUCallBack(myConverter,
+ *                       UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP,
+ *                       NULL,
+ *                       &oldAction,
+ *                       &oldContext,
+ *                       &status);
+ *  }
+ *  \endcode
+ *
+ *  The code above tells "myConverter" to stop when it encounters an
+ *  ILLEGAL/TRUNCATED/INVALID sequences when it is used to convert from
+ *  Unicode -> Codepage. The behavior from Codepage to Unicode is not changed,
+ *  and ucnv_setToUCallBack would need to be called in order to change
+ *  that behavior too.
+ *
+ *  Here is an example with a context:
+ *
+ *  \code
+ *  UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *  UConverter *myConverter = ucnv_open("ibm-949", &err);
+ *  const void *oldContext;
+ *  UConverterFromUCallback oldAction;
+ *
+ *
+ *  if (U_SUCCESS(err))
+ *  {
+ *      ucnv_setToUCallBack(myConverter,
+ *                       UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE,
+ *                       UCNV_SUB_STOP_ON_ILLEGAL,
+ *                       &oldAction,
+ *                       &oldContext,
+ *                       &status);
+ *  }
+ *  \endcode
+ *
+ *  The code above tells "myConverter" to stop when it encounters an
+ *  ILLEGAL/TRUNCATED/INVALID sequences when it is used to convert from
+ *  Codepage -> Unicode. Any unmapped and legal characters will be
+ *  substituted to be the default substitution character.
+ */
+#ifndef UCNV_ERR_H
+#define UCNV_ERR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+/** Forward declaring the UConverter structure. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+struct UConverter;
+/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef struct UConverter UConverter;
+ * FROM_U, TO_U context options for sub callback
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * FROM_U, TO_U context options for skip callback
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the code unit according to ICU (%UXXXX) 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_ESCAPE_ICU       NULL
+ * FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the code unit according to JAVA (\\uXXXX)
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_ESCAPE_JAVA      "J"
+ * FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the code unit according to C (\\uXXXX \\UXXXXXXXX)
+ * TO_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE option to escape the character value according to C (\\xXXXX)
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_ESCAPE_C         "C"
+ * FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the code unit according to XML Decimal escape \htmlonly(&amp;#DDDD;)\endhtmlonly
+ * TO_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the character value according to XML Decimal escape \htmlonly(&amp;#DDDD;)\endhtmlonly
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_ESCAPE_XML_DEC   "D"
+ * FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the code unit according to XML Hex escape \htmlonly(&amp;#xXXXX;)\endhtmlonly
+ * TO_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the character value according to XML Hex escape \htmlonly(&amp;#xXXXX;)\endhtmlonly
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_ESCAPE_XML_HEX   "X"
+ * FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the code unit according to Unicode (U+XXXXX)
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE context option to escape the code unit according to CSS2 conventions (\\HH..H<space>, that is,
+ * a backslash, 1..6 hex digits, and a space)
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UCNV_ESCAPE_CSS2   "S"
+ * The process condition code to be used with the callbacks.  
+ * Codes which are greater than UCNV_IRREGULAR should be 
+ * passed on to any chained callbacks.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    UCNV_UNASSIGNED = 0,  /**< The code point is unassigned.
+                             The error code U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND will be set. */
+    UCNV_ILLEGAL = 1,     /**< The code point is illegal. For example, 
+                             \\x81\\x2E is illegal in SJIS because \\x2E
+                             is not a valid trail byte for the \\x81 
+                             lead byte.
+                             Also, starting with Unicode 3.0.1, non-shortest byte sequences
+                             in UTF-8 (like \\xC1\\xA1 instead of \\x61 for U+0061)
+                             are also illegal, not just irregular.
+                             The error code U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND will be set. */
+    UCNV_IRREGULAR = 2,   /**< The codepoint is not a regular sequence in 
+                             the encoding. For example, \\xED\\xA0\\x80..\\xED\\xBF\\xBF
+                             are irregular UTF-8 byte sequences for single surrogate
+                             code points.
+                             The error code U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND will be set. */
+    UCNV_RESET = 3,       /**< The callback is called with this reason when a
+                             'reset' has occurred. Callback should reset all
+                             state. */
+    UCNV_CLOSE = 4,        /**< Called when the converter is closed. The
+                             callback should release any allocated memory.*/
+    UCNV_CLONE = 5         /**< Called when ucnv_safeClone() is called on the
+                              converter. the pointer available as the
+                              'context' is an alias to the original converters'
+                              context pointer. If the context must be owned
+                              by the new converter, the callback must clone 
+                              the data and call ucnv_setFromUCallback 
+                              (or setToUCallback) with the correct pointer.
+                              @stable ICU 2.2
+                           */
+} UConverterCallbackReason;
+ * The structure for the fromUnicode callback function parameter.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t size;              /**< The size of this struct. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBool flush;                /**< The internal state of converter will be reset and data flushed if set to TRUE. @stable ICU 2.0    */
+    UConverter *converter;      /**< Pointer to the converter that is opened and to which this struct is passed as an argument. @stable ICU 2.0  */
+    const UChar *source;        /**< Pointer to the source source buffer. @stable ICU 2.0    */
+    const UChar *sourceLimit;   /**< Pointer to the limit (end + 1) of source buffer. @stable ICU 2.0    */
+    char *target;               /**< Pointer to the target buffer. @stable ICU 2.0    */
+    const char *targetLimit;    /**< Pointer to the limit (end + 1) of target buffer. @stable ICU 2.0     */
+    int32_t *offsets;           /**< Pointer to the buffer that receives the offsets. *offset = blah ; offset++;. @stable ICU 2.0  */
+} UConverterFromUnicodeArgs;
+ * The structure for the toUnicode callback function parameter.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t size;              /**< The size of this struct   @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    UBool flush;                /**< The internal state of converter will be reset and data flushed if set to TRUE. @stable ICU 2.0   */
+    UConverter *converter;      /**< Pointer to the converter that is opened and to which this struct is passed as an argument. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    const char *source;         /**< Pointer to the source source buffer. @stable ICU 2.0    */
+    const char *sourceLimit;    /**< Pointer to the limit (end + 1) of source buffer. @stable ICU 2.0    */
+    UChar *target;              /**< Pointer to the target buffer. @stable ICU 2.0    */
+    const UChar *targetLimit;   /**< Pointer to the limit (end + 1) of target buffer. @stable ICU 2.0     */
+    int32_t *offsets;           /**< Pointer to the buffer that receives the offsets. *offset = blah ; offset++;. @stable ICU 2.0  */
+} UConverterToUnicodeArgs;
+ * This From Unicode callback STOPS at the ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE,
+ * returning the error code back to the caller immediately.
+ *
+ * @param context Pointer to the callback's private data
+ * @param fromUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' UChars of the concerned Unicode sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param codePoint Single UChar32 (UTF-32) containing the concerend Unicode codepoint.
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err This should always be set to a failure status prior to calling.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *fromUArgs,
+                  const UChar* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UChar32 codePoint,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * This To Unicode callback STOPS at the ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE,
+ * returning the error code back to the caller immediately.
+ *
+ * @param context Pointer to the callback's private data
+ * @param toUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' bytes of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err This should always be set to a failure status prior to calling.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterToUnicodeArgs *toUArgs,
+                  const char* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * This From Unicode callback skips any ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE, or
+ * skips only UNASSINGED_SEQUENCE depending on the context parameter
+ * simply ignoring those characters. 
+ *
+ * @param context  The function currently recognizes the callback options:
+ *                      returning the error code back to the caller immediately.
+ *                 NULL: Skips any ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE
+ * @param fromUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' UChars of the concerned Unicode sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param codePoint Single UChar32 (UTF-32) containing the concerend Unicode codepoint.
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err Return value will be set to success if the callback was handled,
+ *      otherwise this value will be set to a failure status.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *fromUArgs,
+                  const UChar* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UChar32 codePoint,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * This From Unicode callback will Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE, or 
+ * UNASSIGNED_SEQUENCE depending on context parameter, with the
+ * current substitution string for the converter. This is the default
+ * callback.
+ *
+ * @param context The function currently recognizes the callback options:
+ *                      returning the error code back to the caller immediately.
+ *                 NULL: Substitutes any ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE
+ * @param fromUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' UChars of the concerned Unicode sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param codePoint Single UChar32 (UTF-32) containing the concerend Unicode codepoint.
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err Return value will be set to success if the callback was handled,
+ *      otherwise this value will be set to a failure status.
+ * @see ucnv_setSubstChars
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *fromUArgs,
+                  const UChar* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UChar32 codePoint,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * This From Unicode callback will Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the
+ * hexadecimal representation of the illegal codepoints
+ *
+ * @param context The function currently recognizes the callback options:
+ *        <ul>
+ *        <li>UCNV_ESCAPE_ICU: Substitues the  ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the hexadecimal 
+ *          representation in the format  %UXXXX, e.g. "%uFFFE%u00AC%uC8FE"). 
+ *          In the Event the converter doesn't support the characters {%,U}[A-F][0-9], 
+ *          it will  substitute  the illegal sequence with the substitution characters.
+ *          Note that  codeUnit(32bit int eg: unit of a surrogate pair) is represented as
+ *          %UD84D%UDC56</li>
+ *        <li>UCNV_ESCAPE_JAVA: Substitues the  ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the hexadecimal 
+ *          representation in the format  \\uXXXX, e.g. "\\uFFFE\\u00AC\\uC8FE"). 
+ *          In the Event the converter doesn't support the characters {\,u}[A-F][0-9], 
+ *          it will  substitute  the illegal sequence with the substitution characters.
+ *          Note that  codeUnit(32bit int eg: unit of a surrogate pair) is represented as
+ *          \\uD84D\\uDC56</li>
+ *        <li>UCNV_ESCAPE_C: Substitues the  ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the hexadecimal 
+ *          representation in the format  \\uXXXX, e.g. "\\uFFFE\\u00AC\\uC8FE"). 
+ *          In the Event the converter doesn't support the characters {\,u,U}[A-F][0-9], 
+ *          it will  substitute  the illegal sequence with the substitution characters.
+ *          Note that  codeUnit(32bit int eg: unit of a surrogate pair) is represented as
+ *          \\U00023456</li>
+ *        <li>UCNV_ESCAPE_XML_DEC: Substitues the  ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the decimal 
+ *          representation in the format \htmlonly&amp;#DDDDDDDD;, e.g. "&amp;#65534;&amp;#172;&amp;#51454;")\endhtmlonly. 
+ *          In the Event the converter doesn't support the characters {&amp;,#}[0-9], 
+ *          it will  substitute  the illegal sequence with the substitution characters.
+ *          Note that  codeUnit(32bit int eg: unit of a surrogate pair) is represented as
+ *          &amp;#144470; and Zero padding is ignored.</li>
+ *        <li>UCNV_ESCAPE_XML_HEX:Substitues the  ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the decimal 
+ *          representation in the format \htmlonly&amp;#xXXXX; e.g. "&amp;#xFFFE;&amp;#x00AC;&amp;#xC8FE;")\endhtmlonly. 
+ *          In the Event the converter doesn't support the characters {&,#,x}[0-9], 
+ *          it will  substitute  the illegal sequence with the substitution characters.
+ *          Note that  codeUnit(32bit int eg: unit of a surrogate pair) is represented as
+ *          \htmlonly&amp;#x23456;\endhtmlonly</li>
+ *        </ul>
+ * @param fromUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' UChars of the concerned Unicode sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param codePoint Single UChar32 (UTF-32) containing the concerend Unicode codepoint.
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err Return value will be set to success if the callback was handled,
+ *      otherwise this value will be set to a failure status.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *fromUArgs,
+                  const UChar* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UChar32 codePoint,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * This To Unicode callback skips any ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE, or
+ * skips only UNASSINGED_SEQUENCE depending on the context parameter
+ * simply ignoring those characters. 
+ *
+ * @param context  The function currently recognizes the callback options:
+ *                      returning the error code back to the caller immediately.
+ *                 NULL: Skips any ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE
+ * @param toUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' bytes of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err Return value will be set to success if the callback was handled,
+ *      otherwise this value will be set to a failure status.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterToUnicodeArgs *toUArgs,
+                  const char* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * This To Unicode callback will Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE,or 
+ * UNASSIGNED_SEQUENCE depending on context parameter,  with the
+ * Unicode substitution character, U+FFFD.
+ *
+ * @param context  The function currently recognizes the callback options:
+ *                      returning the error code back to the caller immediately.
+ *                 NULL: Substitutes any ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE
+ * @param toUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' bytes of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err Return value will be set to success if the callback was handled,
+ *      otherwise this value will be set to a failure status.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterToUnicodeArgs *toUArgs,
+                  const char* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
+ * This To Unicode callback will Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the
+ * hexadecimal representation of the illegal bytes
+ *  (in the format  %XNN, e.g. "%XFF%X0A%XC8%X03").
+ *
+ * @param context This function currently recognizes the callback options:
+ * @param toUArgs Information about the conversion in progress
+ * @param codeUnits Points to 'length' bytes of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param length Size (in bytes) of the concerned codepage sequence
+ * @param reason Defines the reason the callback was invoked
+ * @param err Return value will be set to success if the callback was handled,
+ *      otherwise this value will be set to a failure status.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+                  const void *context,
+                  UConverterToUnicodeArgs *toUArgs,
+                  const char* codeUnits,
+                  int32_t length,
+                  UConverterCallbackReason reason,
+                  UErrorCode * err);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnvsel.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnvsel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f33440d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucnvsel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2008-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation, Google and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ * Author : (Mohamed Eldawy)
+ * ucnvsel.h
+ *
+ * Purpose: To generate a list of encodings capable of handling
+ * a given Unicode text
+ *
+ * Started 09-April-2008
+ */
+#ifndef __ICU_UCNV_SEL_H__
+#define __ICU_UCNV_SEL_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ *
+ * A converter selector is built with a set of encoding/charset names
+ * and given an input string returns the set of names of the
+ * corresponding converters which can convert the string.
+ *
+ * A converter selector can be serialized into a buffer and reopened
+ * from the serialized form.
+ */
+ * @{
+ * The selector data structure
+ */
+struct UConverterSelector;
+typedef struct UConverterSelector UConverterSelector;
+/** @} */
+ * Open a selector.
+ * If converterListSize is 0, build for all available converters.
+ * If excludedCodePoints is NULL, don't exclude any code points.
+ *
+ * @param converterList a pointer to encoding names needed to be involved. 
+ *                      Can be NULL if converterListSize==0.
+ *                      The list and the names will be cloned, and the caller
+ *                      retains ownership of the original.
+ * @param converterListSize number of encodings in above list.
+ *                          If 0, builds a selector for all available converters.
+ * @param excludedCodePoints a set of code points to be excluded from consideration.
+ *                           That is, excluded code points in a string do not change
+ *                           the selection result. (They might be handled by a callback.)
+ *                           Use NULL to exclude nothing.
+ * @param whichSet what converter set to use? Use this to determine whether
+ *                 to consider only roundtrip mappings or also fallbacks.
+ * @param status an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the new selector
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UConverterSelector* U_EXPORT2
+ucnvsel_open(const char* const*  converterList, int32_t converterListSize,
+             const USet* excludedCodePoints,
+             const UConverterUnicodeSet whichSet, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Closes a selector.
+ * If any Enumerations were returned by ucnv_select*, they become invalid.
+ * They can be closed before or after calling ucnv_closeSelector,
+ * but should never be used after the selector is closed.
+ *
+ * @see ucnv_selectForString
+ * @see ucnv_selectForUTF8
+ *
+ * @param sel selector to close
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ucnvsel_close(UConverterSelector *sel);
+ * \class LocalUConverterSelectorPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UConverterSelector via ucnvsel_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUConverterSelectorPointer, UConverterSelector, ucnvsel_close);
+ * Open a selector from its serialized form.
+ * The buffer must remain valid and unchanged for the lifetime of the selector.
+ * This is much faster than creating a selector from scratch.
+ * Using a serialized form from a different machine (endianness/charset) is supported.
+ *
+ * @param buffer pointer to the serialized form of a converter selector;
+ *               must be 32-bit-aligned
+ * @param length the capacity of this buffer (can be equal to or larger than
+ *               the actual data length)
+ * @param status an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the new selector
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UConverterSelector* U_EXPORT2
+ucnvsel_openFromSerialized(const void* buffer, int32_t length, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Serialize a selector into a linear buffer.
+ * The serialized form is portable to different machines.
+ *
+ * @param sel selector to consider
+ * @param buffer pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the
+ *               serialized form of this converter selector
+ * @param bufferCapacity the capacity of this buffer
+ * @param status an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the required buffer capacity to hold serialize data (even if the call fails
+ *         with a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, it will return the required capacity)
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ucnvsel_serialize(const UConverterSelector* sel,
+                  void* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Select converters that can map all characters in a UTF-16 string,
+ * ignoring the excluded code points.
+ *
+ * @param sel a selector
+ * @param s UTF-16 string
+ * @param length length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param status an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return an enumeration containing encoding names.
+ *         The returned encoding names and their order will be the same as
+ *         supplied when building the selector.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+ucnvsel_selectForString(const UConverterSelector* sel,
+                        const UChar *s, int32_t length, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Select converters that can map all characters in a UTF-8 string,
+ * ignoring the excluded code points.
+ *
+ * @param sel a selector
+ * @param s UTF-8 string
+ * @param length length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param status an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return an enumeration containing encoding names.
+ *         The returned encoding names and their order will be the same as
+ *         supplied when building the selector.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+ucnvsel_selectForUTF8(const UConverterSelector* sel,
+                      const char *s, int32_t length, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* __ICU_UCNV_SEL_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucol.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e6919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1503 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 1996-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UCOL_H
+#define UCOL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unorm.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Collator 
+ *
+ * <h2> Collator C API </h2>
+ *
+ * The C API for Collator performs locale-sensitive
+ * string comparison. You use this service to build
+ * searching and sorting routines for natural language text.
+ * <p>
+ * For more information about the collation service see 
+ * <a href="">the User Guide</a>.
+ * <p>
+ * Collation service provides correct sorting orders for most locales supported in ICU. 
+ * If specific data for a locale is not available, the orders eventually falls back
+ * to the <a href="">CLDR root sort order</a>. 
+ * <p>
+ * Sort ordering may be customized by providing your own set of rules. For more on
+ * this subject see the <a href="">
+ * Collation Customization</a> section of the User Guide.
+ * <p>
+ * @see         UCollationResult
+ * @see         UNormalizationMode
+ * @see         UCollationStrength
+ * @see         UCollationElements
+ */
+/** A collator.
+*  For usage in C programs.
+struct UCollator;
+/** structure representing a collator object instance 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UCollator UCollator;
+ * UCOL_LESS is returned if source string is compared to be less than target
+ * string in the ucol_strcoll() method.
+ * UCOL_EQUAL is returned if source string is compared to be equal to target
+ * string in the ucol_strcoll() method.
+ * UCOL_GREATER is returned if source string is compared to be greater than
+ * target string in the ucol_strcoll() method.
+ * @see ucol_strcoll()
+ * <p>
+ * Possible values for a comparison result 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  /** string a == string b */
+  UCOL_EQUAL    = 0,
+  /** string a > string b */
+  UCOL_GREATER    = 1,
+  /** string a < string b */
+  UCOL_LESS    = -1
+} UCollationResult ;
+/** Enum containing attribute values for controling collation behavior.
+ * Here are all the allowable values. Not every attribute can take every value. The only
+ * universal value is UCOL_DEFAULT, which resets the attribute value to the predefined  
+ * value for that locale 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  /** accepted by most attributes */
+  /** Primary collation strength */
+  /** Secondary collation strength */
+  /** Tertiary collation strength */
+  /** Default collation strength */
+  /** Quaternary collation strength */
+  /** Identical collation strength */
+  /** Turn the feature off - works for UCOL_FRENCH_COLLATION, 
+  UCOL_OFF = 16,
+  /** Turn the feature on - works for UCOL_FRENCH_COLLATION, 
+  UCOL_ON = 17,
+  /** Valid for UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING. Alternate handling will be shifted */
+  /** Valid for UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING. Alternate handling will be non ignorable */
+  /** Valid for UCOL_CASE_FIRST - 
+      lower case sorts before upper case */
+  /** upper case sorts before lower case */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UColAttributeValue value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UColAttributeValue;
+ * Enum containing the codes for reordering segments of the collation table that are not script
+ * codes. These reordering codes are to be used in conjunction with the script codes.
+ * @see ucol_getReorderCodes
+ * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+ * @see ucol_getEquivalentReorderCodes
+ * @see UScriptCode
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+ typedef enum {
+   /**
+    * A special reordering code that is used to specify the default
+    * reordering codes for a locale.
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */   
+   /**
+    * A special reordering code that is used to specify no reordering codes.
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */   
+   /**
+    * A special reordering code that is used to specify all other codes used for
+    * reordering except for the codes lised as UColReorderCode values and those
+    * listed explicitly in a reordering.
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */   
+   /**
+    * Characters with the space property.
+    * This is equivalent to the rule value "space".
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */    
+    UCOL_REORDER_CODE_SPACE         = 0x1000,
+   /**
+    * The first entry in the enumeration of reordering groups. This is intended for use in
+    * range checking and enumeration of the reorder codes.
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */    
+   /**
+    * Characters with the punctuation property.
+    * This is equivalent to the rule value "punct".
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */    
+   /**
+    * Characters with the symbol property.
+    * This is equivalent to the rule value "symbol".
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */    
+    UCOL_REORDER_CODE_SYMBOL        = 0x1002,
+   /**
+    * Characters with the currency property.
+    * This is equivalent to the rule value "currency".
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */    
+    UCOL_REORDER_CODE_CURRENCY      = 0x1003,
+   /**
+    * Characters with the digit property.
+    * This is equivalent to the rule value "digit".
+    * @stable ICU 4.8
+    */    
+    UCOL_REORDER_CODE_DIGIT         = 0x1004,
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UColReorderCode value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    UCOL_REORDER_CODE_LIMIT         = 0x1005
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UColReorderCode;
+ * Base letter represents a primary difference.  Set comparison
+ * level to UCOL_PRIMARY to ignore secondary and tertiary differences.
+ * Use this to set the strength of a Collator object.
+ * Example of primary difference, "abc" &lt; "abd"
+ * 
+ * Diacritical differences on the same base letter represent a secondary
+ * difference.  Set comparison level to UCOL_SECONDARY to ignore tertiary
+ * differences. Use this to set the strength of a Collator object.
+ * Example of secondary difference, "&auml;" >> "a".
+ *
+ * Uppercase and lowercase versions of the same character represents a
+ * tertiary difference.  Set comparison level to UCOL_TERTIARY to include
+ * all comparison differences. Use this to set the strength of a Collator
+ * object.
+ * Example of tertiary difference, "abc" &lt;&lt;&lt; "ABC".
+ *
+ * Two characters are considered "identical" when they have the same
+ * unicode spellings.  UCOL_IDENTICAL.
+ * For example, "&auml;" == "&auml;".
+ *
+ * UCollationStrength is also used to determine the strength of sort keys 
+ * generated from UCollator objects
+ * These values can be now found in the UColAttributeValue enum.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ **/
+typedef UColAttributeValue UCollationStrength;
+/** Attributes that collation service understands. All the attributes can take UCOL_DEFAULT
+ * value, as well as the values specific to each one. 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+     /** Attribute for direction of secondary weights - used in Canadian French.
+      * Acceptable values are UCOL_ON, which results in secondary weights
+      * being considered backwards and UCOL_OFF which treats secondary
+      * weights in the order they appear.
+      * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+     /** Attribute for handling variable elements.
+      * Acceptable values are UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE (default)
+      * which treats all the codepoints with non-ignorable 
+      * primary weights in the same way,
+      * and UCOL_SHIFTED which causes codepoints with primary 
+      * weights that are equal or below the variable top value
+      * to be ignored on primary level and moved to the quaternary 
+      * level.
+      * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+     /** Controls the ordering of upper and lower case letters.
+      * Acceptable values are UCOL_OFF (default), which orders
+      * upper and lower case letters in accordance to their tertiary
+      * weights, UCOL_UPPER_FIRST which forces upper case letters to 
+      * sort before lower case letters, and UCOL_LOWER_FIRST which does 
+      * the opposite.
+      * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+     /** Controls whether an extra case level (positioned before the third
+      * level) is generated or not. Acceptable values are UCOL_OFF (default), 
+      * when case level is not generated, and UCOL_ON which causes the case
+      * level to be generated. Contents of the case level are affected by
+      * the value of UCOL_CASE_FIRST attribute. A simple way to ignore 
+      * accent differences in a string is to set the strength to UCOL_PRIMARY
+      * and enable case level.
+      * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+     /** Controls whether the normalization check and necessary normalizations
+      * are performed. When set to UCOL_OFF (default) no normalization check
+      * is performed. The correctness of the result is guaranteed only if the 
+      * input data is in so-called FCD form (see users manual for more info).
+      * When set to UCOL_ON, an incremental check is performed to see whether
+      * the input data is in the FCD form. If the data is not in the FCD form,
+      * incremental NFD normalization is performed.
+      * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+     /** An alias for UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE attribute.
+      * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+     /** The strength attribute. Can be either UCOL_PRIMARY, UCOL_SECONDARY,
+      * for most locales (except Japanese) is tertiary.
+      *
+      * Quaternary strength 
+      * is useful when combined with shifted setting for alternate handling
+      * attribute and for JIS X 4061 collation, when it is used to distinguish
+      * between Katakana and Hiragana.
+      * Otherwise, quaternary level
+      * is affected only by the number of non-ignorable code points in
+      * the string.
+      *
+      * Identical strength is rarely useful, as it amounts 
+      * to codepoints of the NFD form of the string.
+      * @stable ICU 2.0
+      */
+     /** When turned on, this attribute positions Hiragana before all  
+      * non-ignorables on quaternary level This is a sneaky way to produce JIS
+      * sort order.
+      *
+      * This attribute was an implementation detail of the CLDR Japanese tailoring.
+      * Since ICU 50, this attribute is not settable any more via API functions.
+      * Since CLDR 25/ICU 53, explicit quaternary relations are used
+      * to achieve the same Japanese sort order.
+      *
+      * @deprecated ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, was removed from implementation.
+      */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+     /**
+      * When turned on, this attribute makes
+      * substrings of digits sort according to their numeric values.
+      *
+      * This is a way to get '100' to sort AFTER '2'. Note that the longest
+      * digit substring that can be treated as a single unit is
+      * 254 digits (not counting leading zeros). If a digit substring is
+      * longer than that, the digits beyond the limit will be treated as a
+      * separate digit substring.
+      *
+      * A "digit" in this sense is a code point with General_Category=Nd,
+      * which does not include circled numbers, roman numerals, etc.
+      * Only a contiguous digit substring is considered, that is,
+      * non-negative integers without separators.
+      * There is no support for plus/minus signs, decimals, exponents, etc.
+      *
+      * @stable ICU 2.8
+      */
+    /* Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API,
+     * it is needed for layout of RuleBasedCollator object. */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UColAttribute value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UColAttribute;
+/** Options for retrieving the rule string 
+ *  @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  /**
+   * Retrieves the tailoring rules only.
+   * Same as calling the version of getRules() without UColRuleOption.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * Retrieves the "UCA rules" concatenated with the tailoring rules.
+   * The "UCA rules" are an <i>approximation</i> of the root collator's sort order.
+   * They are almost never used or useful at runtime and can be removed from the data.
+   * See
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+} UColRuleOption ;
+ * Open a UCollator for comparing strings.
+ *
+ * For some languages, multiple collation types are available;
+ * for example, "de@collation=phonebook".
+ * Starting with ICU 54, collation attributes can be specified via locale keywords as well,
+ * in the old locale extension syntax ("el@colCaseFirst=upper")
+ * or in language tag syntax ("el-u-kf-upper").
+ * See <a href="">User Guide: Collation API</a>.
+ *
+ * The UCollator pointer is used in all the calls to the Collation 
+ * service. After finished, collator must be disposed of by calling
+ * {@link #ucol_close }.
+ * @param loc The locale containing the required collation rules. 
+ *            Special values for locales can be passed in - 
+ *            if NULL is passed for the locale, the default locale
+ *            collation rules will be used. If empty string ("") or
+ *            "root" are passed, the root collator will be returned.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return A pointer to a UCollator, or 0 if an error occurred.
+ * @see ucol_openRules
+ * @see ucol_safeClone
+ * @see ucol_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_open(const char *loc, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Produce a UCollator instance according to the rules supplied.
+ * The rules are used to change the default ordering, defined in the
+ * UCA in a process called tailoring. The resulting UCollator pointer
+ * can be used in the same way as the one obtained by {@link #ucol_strcoll }.
+ * @param rules A string describing the collation rules. For the syntax
+ *              of the rules please see users guide.
+ * @param rulesLength The length of rules, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param normalizationMode The normalization mode: One of
+ *             UCOL_OFF     (expect the text to not need normalization),
+ *             UCOL_ON      (normalize), or
+ *             UCOL_DEFAULT (set the mode according to the rules)
+ * @param strength The default collation strength; one of UCOL_PRIMARY, UCOL_SECONDARY,
+ * @param parseError  A pointer to UParseError to recieve information about errors
+ *                    occurred during parsing. This argument can currently be set
+ *                    to NULL, but at users own risk. Please provide a real structure.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return A pointer to a UCollator. It is not guaranteed that NULL be returned in case
+ *         of error - please use status argument to check for errors.
+ * @see ucol_open
+ * @see ucol_safeClone
+ * @see ucol_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_openRules( const UChar        *rules,
+                int32_t            rulesLength,
+                UColAttributeValue normalizationMode,
+                UCollationStrength strength,
+                UParseError        *parseError,
+                UErrorCode         *status);
+ * Open a collator defined by a short form string.
+ * The structure and the syntax of the string is defined in the "Naming collators"
+ * section of the users guide: 
+ *
+ * Attributes are overriden by the subsequent attributes. So, for "S2_S3", final
+ * strength will be 3. 3066bis locale overrides individual locale parts.
+ * The call to this function is equivalent to a call to ucol_open, followed by a 
+ * series of calls to ucol_setAttribute and ucol_setVariableTop.
+ * @param definition A short string containing a locale and a set of attributes. 
+ *                   Attributes not explicitly mentioned are left at the default
+ *                   state for a locale.
+ * @param parseError if not NULL, structure that will get filled with error's pre
+ *                   and post context in case of error.
+ * @param forceDefaults if FALSE, the settings that are the same as the collator 
+ *                   default settings will not be applied (for example, setting
+ *                   French secondary on a French collator would not be executed). 
+ *                   If TRUE, all the settings will be applied regardless of the 
+ *                   collator default value. If the definition
+ *                   strings are to be cached, should be set to FALSE.
+ * @param status     Error code. Apart from regular error conditions connected to 
+ *                   instantiating collators (like out of memory or similar), this
+ *                   API will return an error if an invalid attribute or attribute/value
+ *                   combination is specified.
+ * @return           A pointer to a UCollator or 0 if an error occured (including an 
+ *                   invalid attribute).
+ * @see ucol_open
+ * @see ucol_setAttribute
+ * @see ucol_setVariableTop
+ * @see ucol_getShortDefinitionString
+ * @see ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString
+ * @deprecated ICU 54 Use ucol_open() with language tag collation keywords instead.
+ */
+ucol_openFromShortString( const char *definition,
+                          UBool forceDefaults,
+                          UParseError *parseError,
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Get a set containing the contractions defined by the collator. The set includes
+ * both the root collator's contractions and the contractions defined by the collator. This set
+ * will contain only strings. If a tailoring explicitly suppresses contractions from 
+ * the root collator (like Russian), removed contractions will not be in the resulting set.
+ * @param coll collator 
+ * @param conts the set to hold the result. It gets emptied before
+ *              contractions are added. 
+ * @param status to hold the error code
+ * @return the size of the contraction set
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 3.4, use ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions instead
+ */
+ucol_getContractions( const UCollator *coll,
+                  USet *conts,
+                  UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Get a set containing the expansions defined by the collator. The set includes
+ * both the root collator's expansions and the expansions defined by the tailoring
+ * @param coll collator
+ * @param contractions if not NULL, the set to hold the contractions
+ * @param expansions if not NULL, the set to hold the expansions
+ * @param addPrefixes add the prefix contextual elements to contractions
+ * @param status to hold the error code
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions( const UCollator *coll,
+                  USet *contractions, USet *expansions,
+                  UBool addPrefixes, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Close a UCollator.
+ * Once closed, a UCollator should not be used. Every open collator should
+ * be closed. Otherwise, a memory leak will result.
+ * @param coll The UCollator to close.
+ * @see ucol_open
+ * @see ucol_openRules
+ * @see ucol_safeClone
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_close(UCollator *coll);
+ * \class LocalUCollatorPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCollator via ucol_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUCollatorPointer, UCollator, ucol_close);
+ * Compare two strings.
+ * The strings will be compared using the options already specified.
+ * @param coll The UCollator containing the comparison rules.
+ * @param source The source string.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param target The target string.
+ * @param targetLength The length of target, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @return The result of comparing the strings; one of UCOL_EQUAL,
+ * @see ucol_greater
+ * @see ucol_greaterOrEqual
+ * @see ucol_equal
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UCollationResult U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_strcoll(    const    UCollator    *coll,
+        const    UChar        *source,
+        int32_t            sourceLength,
+        const    UChar        *target,
+        int32_t            targetLength);
+* Compare two strings in UTF-8. 
+* The strings will be compared using the options already specified. 
+* Note: When input string contains malformed a UTF-8 byte sequence, 
+* this function treats these bytes as REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD).
+* @param coll The UCollator containing the comparison rules. 
+* @param source The source UTF-8 string. 
+* @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated. 
+* @param target The target UTF-8 string. 
+* @param targetLength The length of target, or -1 if null-terminated. 
+* @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors 
+* @return The result of comparing the strings; one of UCOL_EQUAL, 
+* @see ucol_greater 
+* @see ucol_greaterOrEqual 
+* @see ucol_equal 
+* @stable ICU 50 
+U_STABLE UCollationResult U_EXPORT2
+        const UCollator *coll,
+        const char      *source,
+        int32_t         sourceLength,
+        const char      *target,
+        int32_t         targetLength,
+        UErrorCode      *status);
+ * Determine if one string is greater than another.
+ * This function is equivalent to {@link #ucol_strcoll } == UCOL_GREATER
+ * @param coll The UCollator containing the comparison rules.
+ * @param source The source string.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param target The target string.
+ * @param targetLength The length of target, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @return TRUE if source is greater than target, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @see ucol_strcoll
+ * @see ucol_greaterOrEqual
+ * @see ucol_equal
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_greater(const UCollator *coll,
+             const UChar     *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+             const UChar     *target, int32_t targetLength);
+ * Determine if one string is greater than or equal to another.
+ * This function is equivalent to {@link #ucol_strcoll } != UCOL_LESS
+ * @param coll The UCollator containing the comparison rules.
+ * @param source The source string.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param target The target string.
+ * @param targetLength The length of target, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @return TRUE if source is greater than or equal to target, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @see ucol_strcoll
+ * @see ucol_greater
+ * @see ucol_equal
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_greaterOrEqual(const UCollator *coll,
+                    const UChar     *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                    const UChar     *target, int32_t targetLength);
+ * Compare two strings for equality.
+ * This function is equivalent to {@link #ucol_strcoll } == UCOL_EQUAL
+ * @param coll The UCollator containing the comparison rules.
+ * @param source The source string.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param target The target string.
+ * @param targetLength The length of target, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @return TRUE if source is equal to target, FALSE otherwise
+ * @see ucol_strcoll
+ * @see ucol_greater
+ * @see ucol_greaterOrEqual
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_equal(const UCollator *coll,
+           const UChar     *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+           const UChar     *target, int32_t targetLength);
+ * Compare two UTF-8 encoded trings.
+ * The strings will be compared using the options already specified.
+ * @param coll The UCollator containing the comparison rules.
+ * @param sIter The source string iterator.
+ * @param tIter The target string iterator.
+ * @return The result of comparing the strings; one of UCOL_EQUAL,
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @see ucol_strcoll
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE UCollationResult U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_strcollIter(  const    UCollator    *coll,
+                  UCharIterator *sIter,
+                  UCharIterator *tIter,
+                  UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the collation strength used in a UCollator.
+ * The strength influences how strings are compared.
+ * @param coll The UCollator to query.
+ * @return The collation strength; one of UCOL_PRIMARY, UCOL_SECONDARY,
+ * @see ucol_setStrength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UCollationStrength U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getStrength(const UCollator *coll);
+ * Set the collation strength used in a UCollator.
+ * The strength influences how strings are compared.
+ * @param coll The UCollator to set.
+ * @param strength The desired collation strength; one of UCOL_PRIMARY, 
+ * @see ucol_getStrength
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_setStrength(UCollator *coll,
+                 UCollationStrength strength);
+ * Retrieves the reordering codes for this collator.
+ * These reordering codes are a combination of UScript codes and UColReorderCode entries.
+ * @param coll The UCollator to query.
+ * @param dest The array to fill with the script ordering.
+ * @param destCapacity The length of dest. If it is 0, then dest may be NULL and the function 
+ * will only return the length of the result without writing any codes (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value, which must not indicate a 
+ * failure before the function call.
+ * @return The number of reordering codes written to the dest array.
+ * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+ * @see ucol_getEquivalentReorderCodes
+ * @see UScriptCode
+ * @see UColReorderCode
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getReorderCodes(const UCollator* coll,
+                    int32_t* dest,
+                    int32_t destCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Sets the reordering codes for this collator.
+ * Collation reordering allows scripts and some other groups of characters
+ * to be moved relative to each other. This reordering is done on top of
+ * the DUCET/CLDR standard collation order. Reordering can specify groups to be placed 
+ * at the start and/or the end of the collation order. These groups are specified using
+ * UScript codes and UColReorderCode entries.
+ *
+ * <p>By default, reordering codes specified for the start of the order are placed in the 
+ * order given after several special non-script blocks. These special groups of characters
+ * are space, punctuation, symbol, currency, and digit. These special groups are represented with
+ * UColReorderCode entries. Script groups can be intermingled with 
+ * these special non-script groups if those special groups are explicitly specified in the reordering.
+ *
+ * <p>The special code OTHERS stands for any script that is not explicitly 
+ * mentioned in the list of reordering codes given. Anything that is after OTHERS
+ * will go at the very end of the reordering in the order given.
+ *
+ * <p>The special reorder code DEFAULT will reset the reordering for this collator
+ * to the default for this collator. The default reordering may be the DUCET/CLDR order or may be a reordering that
+ * was specified when this collator was created from resource data or from rules. The 
+ * DEFAULT code <b>must</b> be the sole code supplied when it is used.
+ * If not, then U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be set.
+ *
+ * <p>The special reorder code NONE will remove any reordering for this collator.
+ * The result of setting no reordering will be to have the DUCET/CLDR ordering used. The 
+ * NONE code <b>must</b> be the sole code supplied when it is used.
+ *
+ * @param coll The UCollator to set.
+ * @param reorderCodes An array of script codes in the new order. This can be NULL if the 
+ * length is also set to 0. An empty array will clear any reordering codes on the collator.
+ * @param reorderCodesLength The length of reorderCodes.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value, which must not indicate a
+ * failure before the function call.
+ * @see ucol_getReorderCodes
+ * @see ucol_getEquivalentReorderCodes
+ * @see UScriptCode
+ * @see UColReorderCode
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */ 
+ucol_setReorderCodes(UCollator* coll,
+                    const int32_t* reorderCodes,
+                    int32_t reorderCodesLength,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Retrieves the reorder codes that are grouped with the given reorder code. Some reorder
+ * codes will be grouped and must reorder together.
+ * Beginning with ICU 55, scripts only reorder together if they are primary-equal,
+ * for example Hiragana and Katakana.
+ *
+ * @param reorderCode The reorder code to determine equivalence for.
+ * @param dest The array to fill with the script ordering.
+ * @param destCapacity The length of dest. If it is 0, then dest may be NULL and the function
+ * will only return the length of the result without writing any codes (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value, which must not indicate 
+ * a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The number of reordering codes written to the dest array.
+ * @see ucol_setReorderCodes
+ * @see ucol_getReorderCodes
+ * @see UScriptCode
+ * @see UColReorderCode
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getEquivalentReorderCodes(int32_t reorderCode,
+                    int32_t* dest,
+                    int32_t destCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the display name for a UCollator.
+ * The display name is suitable for presentation to a user.
+ * @param objLoc The locale of the collator in question.
+ * @param dispLoc The locale for display.
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the attribute.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength,
+ * the output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getDisplayName(    const    char        *objLoc,
+            const    char        *dispLoc,
+            UChar             *result,
+            int32_t         resultLength,
+            UErrorCode        *status);
+ * Get a locale for which collation rules are available.
+ * A UCollator in a locale returned by this function will perform the correct
+ * collation for the locale.
+ * @param localeIndex The index of the desired locale.
+ * @return A locale for which collation rules are available, or 0 if none.
+ * @see ucol_countAvailable
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getAvailable(int32_t localeIndex);
+ * Determine how many locales have collation rules available.
+ * This function is most useful as determining the loop ending condition for
+ * calls to {@link #ucol_getAvailable }.
+ * @return The number of locales for which collation rules are available.
+ * @see ucol_getAvailable
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ * Create a string enumerator of all locales for which a valid
+ * collator may be opened.
+ * @param status input-output error code
+ * @return a string enumeration over locale strings. The caller is
+ * responsible for closing the result.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucol_openAvailableLocales(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Create a string enumerator of all possible keywords that are relevant to
+ * collation. At this point, the only recognized keyword for this
+ * service is "collation".
+ * @param status input-output error code
+ * @return a string enumeration over locale strings. The caller is
+ * responsible for closing the result.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucol_getKeywords(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Given a keyword, create a string enumeration of all values
+ * for that keyword that are currently in use.
+ * @param keyword a particular keyword as enumerated by
+ * ucol_getKeywords. If any other keyword is passed in, *status is set
+ * @param status input-output error code
+ * @return a string enumeration over collation keyword values, or NULL
+ * upon error. The caller is responsible for closing the result.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucol_getKeywordValues(const char *keyword, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred
+ * order that would make a difference. These are all and only those values where
+ * the open (creation) of the service with the locale formed from the input locale
+ * plus input keyword and that value has different behavior than creation with the
+ * input locale alone.
+ * @param key           one of the keys supported by this service.  For now, only
+ *                      "collation" is supported.
+ * @param locale        the locale
+ * @param commonlyUsed  if set to true it will return only commonly used values
+ *                      with the given locale in preferred order.  Otherwise,
+ *                      it will return all the available values for the locale.
+ * @param status error status
+ * @return a string enumeration over keyword values for the given key and the locale.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucol_getKeywordValuesForLocale(const char* key,
+                               const char* locale,
+                               UBool commonlyUsed,
+                               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Return the functionally equivalent locale for the specified
+ * input locale, with respect to given keyword, for the
+ * collation service. If two different input locale + keyword
+ * combinations produce the same result locale, then collators
+ * instantiated for these two different input locales will behave
+ * equivalently. The converse is not always true; two collators
+ * may in fact be equivalent, but return different results, due to
+ * internal details. The return result has no other meaning than
+ * that stated above, and implies nothing as to the relationship
+ * between the two locales. This is intended for use by
+ * applications who wish to cache collators, or otherwise reuse
+ * collators when possible. The functional equivalent may change
+ * over time. For more information, please see the <a
+ * href="">
+ * Locales and Services</a> section of the ICU User Guide.
+ * @param result fillin for the functionally equivalent result locale
+ * @param resultCapacity capacity of the fillin buffer
+ * @param keyword a particular keyword as enumerated by
+ * ucol_getKeywords.
+ * @param locale the specified input locale
+ * @param isAvailable if non-NULL, pointer to a fillin parameter that
+ * on return indicates whether the specified input locale was 'available'
+ * to the collation service. A locale is defined as 'available' if it
+ * physically exists within the collation locale data.
+ * @param status pointer to input-output error code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the locale. If greater
+ * than resultCapacity, the returned full name will be truncated and
+ * an error code will be returned.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ucol_getFunctionalEquivalent(char* result, int32_t resultCapacity,
+                             const char* keyword, const char* locale,
+                             UBool* isAvailable, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Get the collation tailoring rules from a UCollator.
+ * The rules will follow the rule syntax.
+ * @param coll The UCollator to query.
+ * @param length 
+ * @return The collation tailoring rules.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getRules(    const    UCollator    *coll, 
+        int32_t            *length);
+/** Get the short definition string for a collator. This API harvests the collator's
+ *  locale and the attribute set and produces a string that can be used for opening 
+ *  a collator with the same attributes using the ucol_openFromShortString API.
+ *  This string will be normalized.
+ *  The structure and the syntax of the string is defined in the "Naming collators"
+ *  section of the users guide: 
+ *
+ *  This API supports preflighting.
+ *  @param coll a collator
+ *  @param locale a locale that will appear as a collators locale in the resulting
+ *                short string definition. If NULL, the locale will be harvested 
+ *                from the collator.
+ *  @param buffer space to hold the resulting string
+ *  @param capacity capacity of the buffer
+ *  @param status for returning errors. All the preflighting errors are featured
+ *  @return length of the resulting string
+ *  @see ucol_openFromShortString
+ *  @see ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString
+ *  @deprecated ICU 54
+ */
+ucol_getShortDefinitionString(const UCollator *coll,
+                              const char *locale,
+                              char *buffer,
+                              int32_t capacity,
+                              UErrorCode *status);
+/** Verifies and normalizes short definition string.
+ *  Normalized short definition string has all the option sorted by the argument name,
+ *  so that equivalent definition strings are the same. 
+ *  This API supports preflighting.
+ *  @param source definition string
+ *  @param destination space to hold the resulting string
+ *  @param capacity capacity of the buffer
+ *  @param parseError if not NULL, structure that will get filled with error's pre
+ *                   and post context in case of error.
+ *  @param status     Error code. This API will return an error if an invalid attribute 
+ *                    or attribute/value combination is specified. All the preflighting 
+ *                    errors are also featured
+ *  @return length of the resulting normalized string.
+ *
+ *  @see ucol_openFromShortString
+ *  @see ucol_getShortDefinitionString
+ * 
+ *  @deprecated ICU 54
+ */
+ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString(const char *source,
+                                    char *destination,
+                                    int32_t capacity,
+                                    UParseError *parseError,
+                                    UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Get a sort key for a string from a UCollator.
+ * Sort keys may be compared using <TT>strcmp</TT>.
+ *
+ * Note that sort keys are often less efficient than simply doing comparison.  
+ * For more details, see the ICU User Guide.
+ *
+ * Like ICU functions that write to an output buffer, the buffer contents
+ * is undefined if the buffer capacity (resultLength parameter) is too small.
+ * Unlike ICU functions that write a string to an output buffer,
+ * the terminating zero byte is counted in the sort key length.
+ * @param coll The UCollator containing the collation rules.
+ * @param source The string to transform.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the attribute.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @return The size needed to fully store the sort key.
+ *      If there was an internal error generating the sort key,
+ *      a zero value is returned.
+ * @see ucol_keyHashCode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getSortKey(const    UCollator    *coll,
+        const    UChar        *source,
+        int32_t        sourceLength,
+        uint8_t        *result,
+        int32_t        resultLength);
+/** Gets the next count bytes of a sort key. Caller needs
+ *  to preserve state array between calls and to provide
+ *  the same type of UCharIterator set with the same string.
+ *  The destination buffer provided must be big enough to store
+ *  the number of requested bytes.
+ *
+ *  The generated sort key may or may not be compatible with
+ *  sort keys generated using ucol_getSortKey().
+ *  @param coll The UCollator containing the collation rules.
+ *  @param iter UCharIterator containing the string we need 
+ *              the sort key to be calculated for.
+ *  @param state Opaque state of sortkey iteration.
+ *  @param dest Buffer to hold the resulting sortkey part
+ *  @param count number of sort key bytes required.
+ *  @param status error code indicator.
+ *  @return the actual number of bytes of a sortkey. It can be
+ *          smaller than count if we have reached the end of 
+ *          the sort key.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_nextSortKeyPart(const UCollator *coll,
+                     UCharIterator *iter,
+                     uint32_t state[2],
+                     uint8_t *dest, int32_t count,
+                     UErrorCode *status);
+/** enum that is taken by ucol_getBound API 
+ * See below for explanation                
+ * do not change the values assigned to the 
+ * members of this enum. Underlying code    
+ * depends on them having these numbers     
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  /** lower bound */
+  /** upper bound that will match strings of exact size */
+  /** upper bound that will match all the strings that have the same initial substring as the given string */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UColBoundMode value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UColBoundMode;
+ * Produce a bound for a given sortkey and a number of levels.
+ * Return value is always the number of bytes needed, regardless of 
+ * whether the result buffer was big enough or even valid.<br>
+ * Resulting bounds can be used to produce a range of strings that are
+ * between upper and lower bounds. For example, if bounds are produced
+ * for a sortkey of string "smith", strings between upper and lower 
+ * bounds with one level would include "Smith", "SMITH", "sMiTh".<br>
+ * There are two upper bounds that can be produced. If UCOL_BOUND_UPPER
+ * is produced, strings matched would be as above. However, if bound
+ * produced using UCOL_BOUND_UPPER_LONG is used, the above example will
+ * also match "Smithsonian" and similar.<br>
+ * For more on usage, see example in cintltst/capitst.c in procedure
+ * TestBounds.
+ * Sort keys may be compared using <TT>strcmp</TT>.
+ * @param source The source sortkey.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated. 
+ *                     (If an unmodified sortkey is passed, it is always null 
+ *                      terminated).
+ * @param boundType Type of bound required. It can be UCOL_BOUND_LOWER, which 
+ *                  produces a lower inclusive bound, UCOL_BOUND_UPPER, that 
+ *                  produces upper bound that matches strings of the same length 
+ *                  or UCOL_BOUND_UPPER_LONG that matches strings that have the 
+ *                  same starting substring as the source string.
+ * @param noOfLevels  Number of levels required in the resulting bound (for most 
+ *                    uses, the recommended value is 1). See users guide for 
+ *                    explanation on number of levels a sortkey can have.
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the resulting sortkey.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status Used for returning error code if something went wrong. If the 
+ *               number of levels requested is higher than the number of levels
+ *               in the source key, a warning (U_SORT_KEY_TOO_SHORT_WARNING) is 
+ *               issued.
+ * @return The size needed to fully store the bound. 
+ * @see ucol_keyHashCode
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getBound(const uint8_t       *source,
+        int32_t             sourceLength,
+        UColBoundMode       boundType,
+        uint32_t            noOfLevels,
+        uint8_t             *result,
+        int32_t             resultLength,
+        UErrorCode          *status);
+ * Gets the version information for a Collator. Version is currently
+ * an opaque 32-bit number which depends, among other things, on major
+ * versions of the collator tailoring and UCA.
+ * @param coll The UCollator to query.
+ * @param info the version # information, the result will be filled in
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_getVersion(const UCollator* coll, UVersionInfo info);
+ * Gets the UCA version information for a Collator. Version is the
+ * UCA version number (3.1.1, 4.0).
+ * @param coll The UCollator to query.
+ * @param info the version # information, the result will be filled in
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ucol_getUCAVersion(const UCollator* coll, UVersionInfo info);
+ * Merges two sort keys. The levels are merged with their corresponding counterparts
+ * (primaries with primaries, secondaries with secondaries etc.). Between the values
+ * from the same level a separator is inserted.
+ *
+ * This is useful, for example, for combining sort keys from first and last names
+ * to sort such pairs.
+ * See
+ *
+ * The recommended way to achieve "merged" sorting is by
+ * concatenating strings with U+FFFE between them.
+ * The concatenation has the same sort order as the merged sort keys,
+ * but merge(getSortKey(str1), getSortKey(str2)) may differ from getSortKey(str1 + '\\uFFFE' + str2).
+ * Using strings with U+FFFE may yield shorter sort keys.
+ *
+ * For details about Sort Key Features see
+ *
+ *
+ * It is possible to merge multiple sort keys by consecutively merging
+ * another one with the intermediate result.
+ *
+ * The length of the merge result is the sum of the lengths of the input sort keys.
+ *
+ * Example (uncompressed):
+ * <pre>191B1D 01 050505 01 910505 00
+ * 1F2123 01 050505 01 910505 00</pre>
+ * will be merged as 
+ * <pre>191B1D 02 1F2123 01 050505 02 050505 01 910505 02 910505 00</pre>
+ *
+ * If the destination buffer is not big enough, then its contents are undefined.
+ * If any of source lengths are zero or any of the source pointers are NULL/undefined,
+ * the result is of size zero.
+ *
+ * @param src1 the first sort key
+ * @param src1Length the length of the first sort key, including the zero byte at the end;
+ *        can be -1 if the function is to find the length
+ * @param src2 the second sort key
+ * @param src2Length the length of the second sort key, including the zero byte at the end;
+ *        can be -1 if the function is to find the length
+ * @param dest the buffer where the merged sort key is written,
+ *        can be NULL if destCapacity==0
+ * @param destCapacity the number of bytes in the dest buffer
+ * @return the length of the merged sort key, src1Length+src2Length;
+ *         can be larger than destCapacity, or 0 if an error occurs (only for illegal arguments),
+ *         in which cases the contents of dest is undefined
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_mergeSortkeys(const uint8_t *src1, int32_t src1Length,
+                   const uint8_t *src2, int32_t src2Length,
+                   uint8_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity);
+ * Universal attribute setter
+ * @param coll collator which attributes are to be changed
+ * @param attr attribute type 
+ * @param value attribute value
+ * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+ * @see UColAttribute
+ * @see UColAttributeValue
+ * @see ucol_getAttribute
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_setAttribute(UCollator *coll, UColAttribute attr, UColAttributeValue value, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Universal attribute getter
+ * @param coll collator which attributes are to be changed
+ * @param attr attribute type
+ * @return attribute value
+ * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+ * @see UColAttribute
+ * @see UColAttributeValue
+ * @see ucol_setAttribute
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UColAttributeValue  U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getAttribute(const UCollator *coll, UColAttribute attr, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Sets the variable top to the top of the specified reordering group.
+ * The variable top determines the highest-sorting character
+ * which is affected by UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING.
+ * If that attribute is set to UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE, then the variable top has no effect.
+ * @param coll the collator
+ *              or UCOL_REORDER_CODE_DEFAULT to restore the default max variable group
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @see ucol_getMaxVariable
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ucol_setMaxVariable(UCollator *coll, UColReorderCode group, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the maximum reordering group whose characters are affected by UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING.
+ * @param coll the collator
+ * @return the maximum variable reordering group.
+ * @see ucol_setMaxVariable
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ucol_getMaxVariable(const UCollator *coll);
+ * Sets the variable top to the primary weight of the specified string.
+ *
+ * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+ * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+ * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+ * See ucol_setMaxVariable().
+ * @param coll the collator
+ * @param varTop one or more (if contraction) UChars to which the variable top should be set
+ * @param len length of variable top string. If -1 it is considered to be zero terminated.
+ * @param status error code. If error code is set, the return value is undefined.
+ *               Errors set by this function are:<br>
+ *    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if more than one character was passed and there is no such contraction<br>
+ *    U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the variable top is beyond
+ *    the last reordering group supported by ucol_setMaxVariable()
+ * @return variable top primary weight
+ * @see ucol_getVariableTop
+ * @see ucol_restoreVariableTop
+ * @deprecated ICU 53 Call ucol_setMaxVariable() instead.
+ */
+ucol_setVariableTop(UCollator *coll, 
+                    const UChar *varTop, int32_t len, 
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Gets the variable top value of a Collator. 
+ * @param coll collator which variable top needs to be retrieved
+ * @param status error code (not changed by function). If error code is set, 
+ *               the return value is undefined.
+ * @return the variable top primary weight
+ * @see ucol_getMaxVariable
+ * @see ucol_setVariableTop
+ * @see ucol_restoreVariableTop
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2 ucol_getVariableTop(const UCollator *coll, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Sets the variable top to the specified primary weight.
+ *
+ * Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
+ * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
+ * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
+ * See ucol_setMaxVariable().
+ * @param coll collator to be set
+ * @param varTop primary weight, as returned by ucol_setVariableTop or ucol_getVariableTop
+ * @param status error code
+ * @see ucol_getVariableTop
+ * @see ucol_setVariableTop
+ * @deprecated ICU 53 Call ucol_setMaxVariable() instead.
+ */
+ucol_restoreVariableTop(UCollator *coll, const uint32_t varTop, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Thread safe cloning operation. The result is a clone of a given collator.
+ * @param coll collator to be cloned
+ * @param stackBuffer <em>Deprecated functionality as of ICU 52, use NULL.</em><br>
+ * user allocated space for the new clone. 
+ * If NULL new memory will be allocated. 
+ *  If buffer is not large enough, new memory will be allocated.
+ *  Clients can use the U_COL_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE.
+ * @param pBufferSize <em>Deprecated functionality as of ICU 52, use NULL or 1.</em><br>
+ *  pointer to size of allocated space. 
+ *  If *pBufferSize == 0, a sufficient size for use in cloning will 
+ *  be returned ('pre-flighting')
+ *  If *pBufferSize is not enough for a stack-based safe clone, 
+ *  new memory will be allocated.
+ * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or there were errors
+ *    An informational status value, U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_ERROR, is used if any
+ * allocations were necessary.
+ * @return pointer to the new clone
+ * @see ucol_open
+ * @see ucol_openRules
+ * @see ucol_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_safeClone(const UCollator *coll,
+               void            *stackBuffer,
+               int32_t         *pBufferSize,
+               UErrorCode      *status);
+/** default memory size for the new clone.
+ * @deprecated ICU 52. Do not rely on ucol_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.
+ */
+ * Returns current rules. Delta defines whether full rules are returned or just the tailoring. 
+ * Returns number of UChars needed to store rules. If buffer is NULL or bufferLen is not enough 
+ * to store rules, will store up to available space.
+ *
+ * ucol_getRules() should normally be used instead.
+ * See
+ * @param coll collator to get the rules from
+ * @param delta one of UCOL_TAILORING_ONLY, UCOL_FULL_RULES. 
+ * @param buffer buffer to store the result in. If NULL, you'll get no rules.
+ * @param bufferLen length of buffer to store rules in. If less than needed you'll get only the part that fits in.
+ * @return current rules
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getRulesEx(const UCollator *coll, UColRuleOption delta, UChar *buffer, int32_t bufferLen);
+ * gets the locale name of the collator. If the collator
+ * is instantiated from the rules, then this function returns
+ * NULL.
+ * @param coll The UCollator for which the locale is needed
+ * @param type You can choose between requested, valid and actual
+ *             locale. For description see the definition of
+ *             ULocDataLocaleType in uloc.h
+ * @param status error code of the operation
+ * @return real locale name from which the collation data comes. 
+ *         If the collator was instantiated from rules, returns
+ *         NULL.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use ucol_getLocaleByType instead
+ */
+U_DEPRECATED const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucol_getLocale(const UCollator *coll, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * gets the locale name of the collator. If the collator
+ * is instantiated from the rules, then this function returns
+ * NULL.
+ * @param coll The UCollator for which the locale is needed
+ * @param type You can choose between requested, valid and actual
+ *             locale. For description see the definition of
+ *             ULocDataLocaleType in uloc.h
+ * @param status error code of the operation
+ * @return real locale name from which the collation data comes. 
+ *         If the collator was instantiated from rules, returns
+ *         NULL.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucol_getLocaleByType(const UCollator *coll, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get a Unicode set that contains all the characters and sequences tailored in 
+ * this collator. The result must be disposed of by using uset_close.
+ * @param coll        The UCollator for which we want to get tailored chars
+ * @param status      error code of the operation
+ * @return a pointer to newly created USet. Must be be disposed by using uset_close
+ * @see ucol_openRules
+ * @see uset_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ucol_getTailoredSet(const UCollator *coll, UErrorCode *status);
+/** Calculates the set of unsafe code points, given a collator.
+ *   A character is unsafe if you could append any character and cause the ordering to alter significantly.
+ *   Collation sorts in normalized order, so anything that rearranges in normalization can cause this.
+ *   Thus if you have a character like a_umlaut, and you add a lower_dot to it,
+ *   then it normalizes to a_lower_dot + umlaut, and sorts differently.
+ *  @param coll Collator
+ *  @param unsafe a fill-in set to receive the unsafe points
+ *  @param status for catching errors
+ *  @return number of elements in the set
+ *  @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+ucol_getUnsafeSet( const UCollator *coll,
+                  USet *unsafe,
+                  UErrorCode *status);
+/** Touches all resources needed for instantiating a collator from a short string definition,
+ *  thus filling up the cache.
+ * @param definition A short string containing a locale and a set of attributes. 
+ *                   Attributes not explicitly mentioned are left at the default
+ *                   state for a locale.
+ * @param parseError if not NULL, structure that will get filled with error's pre
+ *                   and post context in case of error.
+ * @param forceDefaults if FALSE, the settings that are the same as the collator 
+ *                   default settings will not be applied (for example, setting
+ *                   French secondary on a French collator would not be executed). 
+ *                   If TRUE, all the settings will be applied regardless of the 
+ *                   collator default value. If the definition
+ *                   strings are to be cached, should be set to FALSE.
+ * @param status     Error code. Apart from regular error conditions connected to 
+ *                   instantiating collators (like out of memory or similar), this
+ *                   API will return an error if an invalid attribute or attribute/value
+ *                   combination is specified.
+ * @see ucol_openFromShortString
+ * @internal ICU 3.2.1
+ */
+ucol_prepareShortStringOpen( const char *definition,
+                          UBool forceDefaults,
+                          UParseError *parseError,
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+/** Creates a binary image of a collator. This binary image can be stored and 
+ *  later used to instantiate a collator using ucol_openBinary.
+ *  This API supports preflighting.
+ *  @param coll Collator
+ *  @param buffer a fill-in buffer to receive the binary image
+ *  @param capacity capacity of the destination buffer
+ *  @param status for catching errors
+ *  @return size of the image
+ *  @see ucol_openBinary
+ *  @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+ucol_cloneBinary(const UCollator *coll,
+                 uint8_t *buffer, int32_t capacity,
+                 UErrorCode *status);
+/** Opens a collator from a collator binary image created using
+ *  ucol_cloneBinary. Binary image used in instantiation of the 
+ *  collator remains owned by the user and should stay around for 
+ *  the lifetime of the collator. The API also takes a base collator
+ *  which must be the root collator.
+ *  @param bin binary image owned by the user and required through the
+ *             lifetime of the collator
+ *  @param length size of the image. If negative, the API will try to
+ *                figure out the length of the image
+ *  @param base Base collator, for lookup of untailored characters.
+ *              Must be the root collator, must not be NULL.
+ *              The base is required to be present through the lifetime of the collator.
+ *  @param status for catching errors
+ *  @return newly created collator
+ *  @see ucol_cloneBinary
+ *  @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+ucol_openBinary(const uint8_t *bin, int32_t length, 
+                const UCollator *base, 
+                UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucoleitr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucoleitr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ec838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucoleitr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File ucoleitr.h
+* Modification History:
+* Date        Name        Description
+* 02/15/2001  synwee      Modified all methods to process its own function 
+*                         instead of calling the equivalent c++ api (coleitr.h)
+#ifndef UCOLEITR_H
+#define UCOLEITR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * This indicates an error has occured during processing or if no more CEs is 
+ * to be returned.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define UCOL_NULLORDER        ((int32_t)0xFFFFFFFF)
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+ * The UCollationElements struct.
+ * For usage in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UCollationElements UCollationElements;
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: UCollationElements
+ *
+ * The UCollationElements API is used as an iterator to walk through each 
+ * character of an international string. Use the iterator to return the
+ * ordering priority of the positioned character. The ordering priority of a 
+ * character, which we refer to as a key, defines how a character is collated 
+ * in the given collation object.
+ * For example, consider the following in Slovak and in traditional Spanish collation:
+ * <pre>
+ * .       "ca" -> the first key is key('c') and second key is key('a').
+ * .       "cha" -> the first key is key('ch') and second key is key('a').
+ * </pre>
+ * And in German phonebook collation,
+ * <pre>
+ * .       "<ae ligature>b"-> the first key is key('a'), the second key is key('e'), and
+ * .       the third key is key('b').
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>Example of the iterator usage: (without error checking)
+ * <pre>
+ * .  void CollationElementIterator_Example()
+ * .  {
+ * .      UChar *s;
+ * .      t_int32 order, primaryOrder;
+ * .      UCollationElements *c;
+ * .      UCollatorOld *coll;
+ * .      UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * .      s=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen("This is a test")+1) );
+ * .      u_uastrcpy(s, "This is a test");
+ * .      coll = ucol_open(NULL, &success);
+ * .      c = ucol_openElements(coll, str, u_strlen(str), &status);
+ * .      order = ucol_next(c, &success);
+ * .      ucol_reset(c);
+ * .      order = ucol_prev(c, &success);
+ * .      free(s);
+ * .      ucol_close(coll);
+ * .      ucol_closeElements(c);
+ * .  }
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>
+ * ucol_next() returns the collation order of the next.
+ * ucol_prev() returns the collation order of the previous character.
+ * The Collation Element Iterator moves only in one direction between calls to
+ * ucol_reset. That is, ucol_next() and ucol_prev can not be inter-used. 
+ * Whenever ucol_prev is to be called after ucol_next() or vice versa, 
+ * ucol_reset has to be called first to reset the status, shifting pointers to 
+ * either the end or the start of the string. Hence at the next call of 
+ * ucol_prev or ucol_next, the first or last collation order will be returned. 
+ * If a change of direction is done without a ucol_reset, the result is 
+ * undefined.
+ * The result of a forward iterate (ucol_next) and reversed result of the  
+ * backward iterate (ucol_prev) on the same string are equivalent, if 
+ * collation orders with the value 0 are ignored.
+ * Character based on the comparison level of the collator.  A collation order 
+ * consists of primary order, secondary order and tertiary order.  The data 
+ * type of the collation order is <strong>int32_t</strong>. 
+ *
+ * @see UCollator
+ */
+ * Open the collation elements for a string.
+ *
+ * @param coll The collator containing the desired collation rules.
+ * @param text The text to iterate over.
+ * @param textLength The number of characters in text, or -1 if null-terminated
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return a struct containing collation element information
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UCollationElements* U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_openElements(const UCollator  *coll,
+                  const UChar      *text,
+                        int32_t    textLength,
+                        UErrorCode *status);
+ * get a hash code for a key... Not very useful!
+ * @param key    the given key.
+ * @param length the size of the key array.
+ * @return       the hash code.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_keyHashCode(const uint8_t* key, int32_t length);
+ * Close a UCollationElements.
+ * Once closed, a UCollationElements may no longer be used.
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements to close.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_closeElements(UCollationElements *elems);
+ * Reset the collation elements to their initial state.
+ * This will move the 'cursor' to the beginning of the text.
+ * Property settings for collation will be reset to the current status.
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements to reset.
+ * @see ucol_next
+ * @see ucol_previous
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_reset(UCollationElements *elems);
+ * Get the ordering priority of the next collation element in the text.
+ * A single character may contain more than one collation element.
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements containing the text.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The next collation elements ordering, otherwise returns UCOL_NULLORDER 
+ *         if an error has occured or if the end of string has been reached
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_next(UCollationElements *elems, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the ordering priority of the previous collation element in the text.
+ * A single character may contain more than one collation element.
+ * Note that internally a stack is used to store buffered collation elements. 
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements containing the text.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. Noteably 
+ *               a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is returned if the internal stack
+ *               buffer has been exhausted.
+ * @return The previous collation elements ordering, otherwise returns 
+ *         UCOL_NULLORDER if an error has occured or if the start of string has 
+ *         been reached.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_previous(UCollationElements *elems, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the maximum length of any expansion sequences that end with the 
+ * specified comparison order.
+ * This is useful for .... ?
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements containing the text.
+ * @param order A collation order returned by previous or next.
+ * @return maximum size of the expansion sequences ending with the collation 
+ *         element or 1 if collation element does not occur at the end of any 
+ *         expansion sequence
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getMaxExpansion(const UCollationElements *elems, int32_t order);
+ * Set the text containing the collation elements.
+ * Property settings for collation will remain the same.
+ * In order to reset the iterator to the current collation property settings,
+ * the API reset() has to be called.
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements to set.
+ * @param text The source text containing the collation elements.
+ * @param textLength The length of text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @see ucol_getText
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_setText(      UCollationElements *elems, 
+             const UChar              *text,
+                   int32_t            textLength,
+                   UErrorCode         *status);
+ * Get the offset of the current source character.
+ * This is an offset into the text of the character containing the current
+ * collation elements.
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements to query.
+ * @return The offset of the current source character.
+ * @see ucol_setOffset
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucol_getOffset(const UCollationElements *elems);
+ * Set the offset of the current source character.
+ * This is an offset into the text of the character to be processed.
+ * Property settings for collation will remain the same.
+ * In order to reset the iterator to the current collation property settings,
+ * the API reset() has to be called.
+ * @param elems The UCollationElements to set.
+ * @param offset The desired character offset.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @see ucol_getOffset
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ucol_setOffset(UCollationElements *elems,
+               int32_t        offset,
+               UErrorCode         *status);
+* Get the primary order of a collation order.
+* @param order the collation order
+* @return the primary order of a collation order.
+* @stable ICU 2.6
+ucol_primaryOrder (int32_t order); 
+* Get the secondary order of a collation order.
+* @param order the collation order
+* @return the secondary order of a collation order.
+* @stable ICU 2.6
+ucol_secondaryOrder (int32_t order); 
+* Get the tertiary order of a collation order.
+* @param order the collation order
+* @return the tertiary order of a collation order.
+* @stable ICU 2.6
+ucol_tertiaryOrder (int32_t order); 
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uconfig.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fabff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uconfig.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002sep19
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UCONFIG_H__
+#define __UCONFIG_H__
+// Android patch: Hard code UCONFIG_USE_LOCAL=1 so that ICU will use
+// uconfig_local.h, which allows us to disable use of non-stable and
+// internal APIs in libicu and Android's libandroidicu shim. For more
+// information on this pre-processor variable see the comments below.
+// Also, see http://b/117094880
+// To keep (which uses the ICU make process) working,
+// uconfig_local.h is only included when ANDROID is defined in the
+// platform build system(s), or __ANDROID__ is defined when targeting
+// Android, e.g. NDK build.
+#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(__ANDROID__)
+ * \file
+ * \brief User-configurable settings
+ *
+ * Miscellaneous switches:
+ *
+ * A number of macros affect a variety of minor aspects of ICU.
+ * Most of them used to be defined elsewhere (e.g., in utypes.h or platform.h)
+ * and moved here to make them easier to find.
+ *
+ * Switches for excluding parts of ICU library code modules:
+ *
+ * Changing these macros allows building partial, smaller libraries for special purposes.
+ * By default, all modules are built.
+ * The switches are fairly coarse, controlling large modules.
+ * Basic services cannot be turned off.
+ *
+ * Building with any of these options does not guarantee that the
+ * ICU build process will completely work. It is recommended that
+ * the ICU libraries and data be built using the normal build.
+ * At that time you should remove the data used by those services.
+ * After building the ICU data library, you should rebuild the ICU
+ * libraries with these switches customized to your needs.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * If this switch is defined, ICU will attempt to load a header file named "uconfig_local.h"
+ * prior to determining default settings for uconfig variables.
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 4.0
+ */
+#if defined(UCONFIG_USE_LOCAL)
+#include "uconfig_local.h"
+ * \def U_DEBUG
+ * Determines whether to include debugging code.
+ * Automatically set on Windows, but most compilers do not have
+ * related predefined macros.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifdef U_DEBUG
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(_DEBUG)
+    /*
+     * _DEBUG is defined by Visual Studio debug compilation.
+     * Do *not* test for its NDEBUG macro: It is an orthogonal macro
+     * which disables assert().
+     */
+#   define U_DEBUG 1
+# else
+#   define U_DEBUG 0
+ * Determines whether to enable auto cleanup of libraries. 
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Determines whether to disable renaming or not.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Determines whether utypes.h includes utf.h, utf8.h, utf16.h and utf_old.h.
+ * utypes.h includes those headers if this macro is defined to 0.
+ * Otherwise, each those headers must be included explicitly when using one of their macros.
+ * Defaults to 0 for backward compatibility, except inside ICU.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+ * Determines whether to override new and delete.
+ * ICU is normally built such that all of its C++ classes, via their UMemory base,
+ * override operators new and delete to use its internal, customizable,
+ * non-exception-throwing memory allocation functions. (Default value 1 for this macro.)
+ *
+ * This is especially important when the application and its libraries use multiple heaps.
+ * For example, on Windows, this allows the ICU DLL to be used by
+ * applications that statically link the C Runtime library.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+ * Determines whether to enable tracing.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Determines whether to enable ICU plugins.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Whether to enable Dynamic loading in ICU.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U_ENABLE_DYLOAD 1
+ * Whether to test Dynamic loading as an OS capability.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U_CHECK_DYLOAD 1
+ * Do we allow ICU users to use the draft APIs by default?
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* Custom icu entry point renaming                                           */
+ * 1 if a custom library suffix is set.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(U_LIB_SUFFIX_C_NAME) || defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+#   define U_HAVE_LIB_SUFFIX 1
+ * Defines the library suffix as a string with C syntax.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+#elif defined(U_LIB_SUFFIX_C_NAME)
+#   define CONVERT_TO_STRING(s) #s
+/* common/i18n library switches --------------------------------------------- */
+ * This switch turns off modules that are not needed for collation.
+ *
+ * It does not turn off legacy conversion because that is necessary
+ * for ICU to work on EBCDIC platforms (for the default converter).
+ * If you want "only collation" and do not build for EBCDIC,
+ * then you can define UCONFIG_NO_CONVERSION or UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION to 1 as well.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    /* common library */
+#   define UCONFIG_NO_IDNA 1
+    /* i18n library */
+#       error Contradictory collation switches in uconfig.h.
+#   endif
+/* common library switches -------------------------------------------------- */
+ * This switch turns off all file access in the common library
+ * where file access is only used for data loading.
+ * ICU data must then be provided in the form of a data DLL (or with an
+ * equivalent way to link to the data residing in an executable,
+ * as in building a combined library with both the common library's code and
+ * the data), or via udata_setCommonData().
+ * Application data must be provided via udata_setAppData() or by using
+ * "open" functions that take pointers to data, for example ucol_openBinary().
+ *
+ * File access is not used at all in the i18n library.
+ *
+ * File access cannot be turned off for the icuio library or for the ICU
+ * test suites and ICU tools.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+#   define UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO 0
+#   error Contradictory file io switches in uconfig.h.
+ * ICU will not completely build (compiling the tools fails) with this
+ * switch turned on.
+ * This switch turns off all converters.
+ *
+ * You may want to use this together with U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 defined to 1
+ * in utypes.h if char* strings in your environment are always in UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ * @see U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8
+ */
+ * This switch turns off all of the converters NOT listed in
+ * the HTML encoding standard:
+ *
+ *
+ * This is not possible on EBCDIC platforms
+ * because they need ibm-37 or ibm-1047 default converters.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+ * This switch turns off all converters except for
+ * - Unicode charsets (UTF-7/8/16/32, CESU-8, SCSU, BOCU-1)
+ * - US-ASCII
+ * - ISO-8859-1
+ *
+ * Turning off legacy conversion is not possible on EBCDIC platforms
+ * because they need ibm-37 or ibm-1047 default converters.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This switch turns off normalization.
+ * It implies turning off several other services as well, for example
+ * collation and IDNA.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+    /* common library */
+    /* ICU 50 CJK dictionary BreakIterator uses normalization */
+    /* IDNA (UTS #46) is implemented via normalization */
+#   define UCONFIG_NO_IDNA 1
+    /* i18n library */
+#       error Contradictory collation switches in uconfig.h.
+#   endif
+ * This switch turns off break iteration.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This switch turns off IDNA.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+#   define UCONFIG_NO_IDNA 0
+ * Determines the default UMessagePatternApostropheMode.
+ * See the documentation for that enum.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+ * On platforms where U_PLATFORM_HAS_WIN32_API is true, this switch determines
+ * if the Windows platform APIs are used for LCID<->Locale Name conversions.
+ * Otherwise, only the built-in ICU tables are used.
+ * 
+ * @internal ICU 64
+ */
+/* i18n library switches ---------------------------------------------------- */
+ * This switch turns off collation and collation-based string search.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This switch turns off formatting and calendar/timezone services.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This switch turns off transliteration.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This switch turns off regular expressions.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This switch turns off service registration.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+#   define UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE 0
+ * This switch turns on the "parse all input" attribute. Binary incompatible.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * This switch turns off filtered break iteration code.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+#endif  // __UCONFIG_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucpmap.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucpmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31e1365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucpmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// ucpmap.h
+// created: 2018sep03 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UCPMAP_H__
+#define __UCPMAP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ *
+ * This file defines an abstract map from Unicode code points to integer values.
+ *
+ * @see UCPMap
+ * @see UCPTrie
+ * @see UMutableCPTrie
+ */
+ * Abstract map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to integer values.
+ *
+ * @see UCPTrie
+ * @see UMutableCPTrie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef struct UCPMap UCPMap;
+ * Selectors for how ucpmap_getRange() etc. should report value ranges overlapping with surrogates.
+ * Most users should use UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL.
+ *
+ * @see ucpmap_getRange
+ * @see ucptrie_getRange
+ * @see umutablecptrie_getRange
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+enum UCPMapRangeOption {
+    /**
+     * ucpmap_getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map.
+     * Most users should use this option.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * ucpmap_getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map,
+     * except that lead surrogates (U+D800..U+DBFF) are treated as having the
+     * surrogateValue, which is passed to getRange() as a separate parameter.
+     * The surrogateValue is not transformed via filter().
+     * See U_IS_LEAD(c).
+     *
+     * Most users should use UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL instead.
+     *
+     * This option is useful for maps that map surrogate code *units* to
+     * special values optimized for UTF-16 string processing
+     * or for special error behavior for unpaired surrogates,
+     * but those values are not to be associated with the lead surrogate code *points*.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * ucpmap_getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map,
+     * except that all surrogates (U+D800..U+DFFF) are treated as having the
+     * surrogateValue, which is passed to getRange() as a separate parameter.
+     * The surrogateValue is not transformed via filter().
+     * See U_IS_SURROGATE(c).
+     *
+     * Most users should use UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL instead.
+     *
+     * This option is useful for maps that map surrogate code *units* to
+     * special values optimized for UTF-16 string processing
+     * or for special error behavior for unpaired surrogates,
+     * but those values are not to be associated with the lead surrogate code *points*.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+typedef enum UCPMapRangeOption UCPMapRangeOption;
+ * Returns the value for a code point as stored in the map, with range checking.
+ * Returns an implementation-defined error value if c is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF.
+ *
+ * @param map the map
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @return the map value,
+ *         or an implementation-defined error value if the code point is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucpmap_get(const UCPMap *map, UChar32 c);
+ * Callback function type: Modifies a map value.
+ * Optionally called by ucpmap_getRange()/ucptrie_getRange()/umutablecptrie_getRange().
+ * The modified value will be returned by the getRange function.
+ *
+ * Can be used to ignore some of the value bits,
+ * make a filter for one of several values,
+ * return a value index computed from the map value, etc.
+ *
+ * @param context an opaque pointer, as passed into the getRange function
+ * @param value a value from the map
+ * @return the modified value
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef uint32_t U_CALLCONV
+UCPMapValueFilter(const void *context, uint32_t value);
+ * Returns the last code point such that all those from start to there have the same value.
+ * Can be used to efficiently iterate over all same-value ranges in a map.
+ * (This is normally faster than iterating over code points and get()ting each value,
+ * but much slower than a data structure that stores ranges directly.)
+ *
+ * If the UCPMapValueFilter function pointer is not NULL, then
+ * the value to be delivered is passed through that function, and the return value is the end
+ * of the range where all values are modified to the same actual value.
+ * The value is unchanged if that function pointer is NULL.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * \code
+ * UChar32 start = 0, end;
+ * uint32_t value;
+ * while ((end = ucpmap_getRange(map, start, UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL, 0,
+ *                               NULL, NULL, &value)) >= 0) {
+ *     // Work with the range start..end and its value.
+ *     start = end + 1;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @param map the map
+ * @param start range start
+ * @param option defines whether surrogates are treated normally,
+ *               or as having the surrogateValue; usually UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
+ * @param surrogateValue value for surrogates; ignored if option==UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
+ * @param filter a pointer to a function that may modify the map data value,
+ *     or NULL if the values from the map are to be used unmodified
+ * @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the filter function
+ * @param pValue if not NULL, receives the value that every code point start..end has;
+ *     may have been modified by filter(context, map value)
+ *     if that function pointer is not NULL
+ * @return the range end code point, or -1 if start is not a valid code point
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+ucpmap_getRange(const UCPMap *map, UChar32 start,
+                UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue,
+                UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucptrie.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucptrie.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d736fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucptrie.h
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// ucptrie.h (modified from utrie2.h)
+// created: 2017dec29 Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UCPTRIE_H__
+#define __UCPTRIE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucpmap.h"
+#include "unicode/utf8.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ *
+ * This file defines an immutable Unicode code point trie.
+ *
+ * @see UCPTrie
+ * @see UMutableCPTrie
+ */
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+/** @internal */
+typedef union UCPTrieData {
+    /** @internal */
+    const void *ptr0;
+    /** @internal */
+    const uint16_t *ptr16;
+    /** @internal */
+    const uint32_t *ptr32;
+    /** @internal */
+    const uint8_t *ptr8;
+} UCPTrieData;
+ * Immutable Unicode code point trie structure.
+ * Fast, reasonably compact, map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to integer values.
+ * For details see
+ *
+ * Do not access UCPTrie fields directly; use public functions and macros.
+ * Functions are easy to use: They support all trie types and value widths.
+ *
+ * When performance is really important, macros provide faster access.
+ * Most macros are specific to either "fast" or "small" tries, see UCPTrieType.
+ * There are "fast" macros for special optimized use cases.
+ *
+ * The macros will return bogus values, or may crash, if used on the wrong type or value width.
+ *
+ * @see UMutableCPTrie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+struct UCPTrie {
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+    /** @internal */
+    const uint16_t *index;
+    /** @internal */
+    UCPTrieData data;
+    /** @internal */
+    int32_t indexLength;
+    /** @internal */
+    int32_t dataLength;
+    /** Start of the last range which ends at U+10FFFF. @internal */
+    UChar32 highStart;
+    /** highStart>>12 @internal */
+    uint16_t shifted12HighStart;
+    /** @internal */
+    int8_t type;  // UCPTrieType
+    /** @internal */
+    int8_t valueWidth;  // UCPTrieValueWidth
+    /** padding/reserved @internal */
+    uint32_t reserved32;
+    /** padding/reserved @internal */
+    uint16_t reserved16;
+    /**
+     * Internal index-3 null block offset.
+     * Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xffff) if there is no dedicated index-3 null block.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    uint16_t index3NullOffset;
+    /**
+     * Internal data null block offset, not shifted.
+     * Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xfffff) if there is no dedicated data null block.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t dataNullOffset;
+    /** @internal */
+    uint32_t nullValue;
+    /** @internal */
+    const char *name;
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+typedef struct UCPTrie UCPTrie;
+ * Selectors for the type of a UCPTrie.
+ * Different trade-offs for size vs. speed.
+ *
+ * @see umutablecptrie_buildImmutable
+ * @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
+ * @see ucptrie_getType
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+enum UCPTrieType {
+    /**
+     * For ucptrie_openFromBinary() to accept any type.
+     * ucptrie_getType() will return the actual type.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Fast/simple/larger BMP data structure. Use functions and "fast" macros.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * Small/slower BMP data structure. Use functions and "small" macros.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+typedef enum UCPTrieType UCPTrieType;
+ * Selectors for the number of bits in a UCPTrie data value.
+ *
+ * @see umutablecptrie_buildImmutable
+ * @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
+ * @see ucptrie_getValueWidth
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+enum UCPTrieValueWidth {
+    /**
+     * For ucptrie_openFromBinary() to accept any data value width.
+     * ucptrie_getValueWidth() will return the actual data value width.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * The trie stores 16 bits per data value.
+     * It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xffff=65535.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * The trie stores 32 bits per data value.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * The trie stores 8 bits per data value.
+     * It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xff=255.
+     * @stable ICU 63
+     */
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+typedef enum UCPTrieValueWidth UCPTrieValueWidth;
+ * Opens a trie from its binary form, stored in 32-bit-aligned memory.
+ * Inverse of ucptrie_toBinary().
+ *
+ * The memory must remain valid and unchanged as long as the trie is used.
+ * You must ucptrie_close() the trie once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param type selects the trie type; results in an
+ *             U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR if it does not match the binary data;
+ *             use UCPTRIE_TYPE_ANY to accept any type
+ * @param valueWidth selects the number of bits in a data value; results in an
+ *                  U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR if it does not match the binary data;
+ *                  use UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_ANY to accept any data value width
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory containing the binary data of a UCPTrie
+ * @param length the number of bytes available at data;
+ *               can be more than necessary
+ * @param pActualLength receives the actual number of bytes at data taken up by the trie data;
+ *                      can be NULL
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the trie
+ *
+ * @see umutablecptrie_open
+ * @see umutablecptrie_buildImmutable
+ * @see ucptrie_toBinary
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+ucptrie_openFromBinary(UCPTrieType type, UCPTrieValueWidth valueWidth,
+                       const void *data, int32_t length, int32_t *pActualLength,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Closes a trie and releases associated memory.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+ucptrie_close(UCPTrie *trie);
+ * Returns the trie type.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @return the trie type
+ * @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+ucptrie_getType(const UCPTrie *trie);
+ * Returns the number of bits in a trie data value.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @return the number of bits in a trie data value
+ * @see ucptrie_openFromBinary
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+ucptrie_getValueWidth(const UCPTrie *trie);
+ * Returns the value for a code point as stored in the trie, with range checking.
+ * Returns the trie error value if c is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF.
+ *
+ * Easier to use than UCPTRIE_FAST_GET() and similar macros but slower.
+ * Easier to use because, unlike the macros, this function works on all UCPTrie
+ * objects, for all types and value widths.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @return the trie value,
+ *         or the trie error value if the code point is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucptrie_get(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the last code point such that all those from start to there have the same value.
+ * Can be used to efficiently iterate over all same-value ranges in a trie.
+ * (This is normally faster than iterating over code points and get()ting each value,
+ * but much slower than a data structure that stores ranges directly.)
+ *
+ * If the UCPMapValueFilter function pointer is not NULL, then
+ * the value to be delivered is passed through that function, and the return value is the end
+ * of the range where all values are modified to the same actual value.
+ * The value is unchanged if that function pointer is NULL.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * \code
+ * UChar32 start = 0, end;
+ * uint32_t value;
+ * while ((end = ucptrie_getRange(trie, start, UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL, 0,
+ *                                NULL, NULL, &value)) >= 0) {
+ *     // Work with the range start..end and its value.
+ *     start = end + 1;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param start range start
+ * @param option defines whether surrogates are treated normally,
+ *               or as having the surrogateValue; usually UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
+ * @param surrogateValue value for surrogates; ignored if option==UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
+ * @param filter a pointer to a function that may modify the trie data value,
+ *     or NULL if the values from the trie are to be used unmodified
+ * @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the filter function
+ * @param pValue if not NULL, receives the value that every code point start..end has;
+ *     may have been modified by filter(context, trie value)
+ *     if that function pointer is not NULL
+ * @return the range end code point, or -1 if start is not a valid code point
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+ucptrie_getRange(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 start,
+                 UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue,
+                 UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue);
+ * Writes a memory-mappable form of the trie into 32-bit aligned memory.
+ * Inverse of ucptrie_openFromBinary().
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the trie data;
+ *             can be NULL if capacity==0
+ * @param capacity the number of bytes available at data, or 0 for pure preflighting
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode;
+ *                   U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the capacity is too small
+ * @return the number of bytes written or (if buffer overflow) needed for the trie
+ *
+ * @see ucptrie_openFromBinary()
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucptrie_toBinary(const UCPTrie *trie, void *data, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Macro parameter value for a trie with 16-bit data values.
+ * Use the name of this macro as a "dataAccess" parameter in other macros.
+ * Do not use this macro in any other way.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_16(trie, i) ((trie)->data.ptr16[i])
+ * Macro parameter value for a trie with 32-bit data values.
+ * Use the name of this macro as a "dataAccess" parameter in other macros.
+ * Do not use this macro in any other way.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_32(trie, i) ((trie)->data.ptr32[i])
+ * Macro parameter value for a trie with 8-bit data values.
+ * Use the name of this macro as a "dataAccess" parameter in other macros.
+ * Do not use this macro in any other way.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_8(trie, i) ((trie)->data.ptr8[i])
+ * Returns a trie value for a code point, with range checking.
+ * Returns the trie error value if c is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point
+ * @return The code point's trie value.
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_FAST_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_CP_INDEX(trie, 0xffff, c))
+ * Returns a 16-bit trie value for a code point, with range checking.
+ * Returns the trie error value if c is not in the range U+0000..U+10FFFF.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_SMALL
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point
+ * @return The code point's trie value.
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_SMALL_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) \
+    dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_CP_INDEX(trie, UCPTRIE_SMALL_MAX, c))
+ * UTF-16: Reads the next code point (UChar32 c, out), post-increments src,
+ * and gets a value from the trie.
+ * Sets the trie error value if c is an unpaired surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const UChar *, in) the limit pointer for the text, or NULL if NUL-terminated
+ * @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
+ * @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_NEXT(trie, dataAccess, src, limit, c, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c) = *(src)++; \
+    int32_t __index; \
+    if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        __index = _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c); \
+    } else { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if (U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c) && (src) != (limit) && U16_IS_TRAIL(__c2 = *(src))) { \
+            ++(src); \
+            (c) = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), __c2); \
+            __index = _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c); \
+        } else { \
+            __index = (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; \
+        } \
+    } \
+    (result) = dataAccess(trie, __index); \
+ * UTF-16: Reads the previous code point (UChar32 c, out), pre-decrements src,
+ * and gets a value from the trie.
+ * Sets the trie error value if c is an unpaired surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param start (const UChar *, in) the start pointer for the text
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
+ * @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_PREV(trie, dataAccess, start, src, c, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c) = *--(src); \
+    int32_t __index; \
+    if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        __index = _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c); \
+    } else { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if (U16_IS_SURROGATE_TRAIL(c) && (src) != (start) && U16_IS_LEAD(__c2 = *((src) - 1))) { \
+            --(src); \
+            (c) = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(__c2, (c)); \
+            __index = _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c); \
+        } else { \
+            __index = (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; \
+        } \
+    } \
+    (result) = dataAccess(trie, __index); \
+ * UTF-8: Post-increments src and gets a value from the trie.
+ * Sets the trie error value for an ill-formed byte sequence.
+ *
+ * Unlike UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_NEXT() this UTF-8 macro does not provide the code point
+ * because it would be more work to do so and is often not needed.
+ * If the trie value differs from the error value, then the byte sequence is well-formed,
+ * and the code point can be assembled without revalidation.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const char *, in) the limit pointer for the text (must not be NULL)
+ * @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_NEXT(trie, dataAccess, src, limit, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __lead = (uint8_t)*(src)++; \
+    if (!U8_IS_SINGLE(__lead)) { \
+        uint8_t __t1, __t2, __t3; \
+        if ((src) != (limit) && \
+            (__lead >= 0xe0 ? \
+                __lead < 0xf0 ?  /* U+0800..U+FFFF except surrogates */ \
+                    U8_LEAD3_T1_BITS[__lead &= 0xf] & (1 << ((__t1 = *(src)) >> 5)) && \
+                    ++(src) != (limit) && (__t2 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
+                    (__lead = ((int32_t)(trie)->index[(__lead << 6) + (__t1 & 0x3f)]) + __t2, 1) \
+                :  /* U+10000..U+10FFFF */ \
+                    (__lead -= 0xf0) <= 4 && \
+                    U8_LEAD4_T1_BITS[(__t1 = *(src)) >> 4] & (1 << __lead) && \
+                    (__lead = (__lead << 6) | (__t1 & 0x3f), ++(src) != (limit)) && \
+                    (__t2 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
+                    ++(src) != (limit) && (__t3 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
+                    (__lead = __lead >= (trie)->shifted12HighStart ? \
+                        (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_HIGH_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET : \
+                        ucptrie_internalSmallU8Index((trie), __lead, __t2, __t3), 1) \
+            :  /* U+0080..U+07FF */ \
+                __lead >= 0xc2 && (__t1 = *(src) - 0x80) <= 0x3f && \
+                (__lead = (int32_t)(trie)->index[__lead & 0x1f] + __t1, 1))) { \
+            ++(src); \
+        } else { \
+            __lead = (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET;  /* ill-formed*/ \
+        } \
+    } \
+    (result) = dataAccess(trie, __lead); \
+ * UTF-8: Pre-decrements src and gets a value from the trie.
+ * Sets the trie error value for an ill-formed byte sequence.
+ *
+ * Unlike UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_PREV() this UTF-8 macro does not provide the code point
+ * because it would be more work to do so and is often not needed.
+ * If the trie value differs from the error value, then the byte sequence is well-formed,
+ * and the code point can be assembled without revalidation.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param start (const char *, in) the start pointer for the text
+ * @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param result (out) variable for the trie lookup result
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_PREV(trie, dataAccess, start, src, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __index = (uint8_t)*--(src); \
+    if (!U8_IS_SINGLE(__index)) { \
+        __index = ucptrie_internalU8PrevIndex((trie), __index, (const uint8_t *)(start), \
+                                              (const uint8_t *)(src)); \
+        (src) -= __index & 7; \
+        __index >>= 3; \
+    } \
+    (result) = dataAccess(trie, __index); \
+ * Returns a trie value for an ASCII code point, without range checking.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie (of either fast or small type)
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point; must be U+0000..U+007F
+ * @return The ASCII code point's trie value.
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_ASCII_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, c)
+ * Returns a trie value for a BMP code point (U+0000..U+FFFF), without range checking.
+ * Can be used to look up a value for a UTF-16 code unit if other parts of
+ * the string processing check for surrogates.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point, must be U+0000..U+FFFF
+ * @return The BMP code point's trie value.
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_FAST_BMP_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c))
+ * Returns a trie value for a supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10FFFF),
+ * without range checking.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UCPTrie *, in) the trie; must have type UCPTRIE_TYPE_FAST
+ * @param dataAccess UCPTRIE_16, UCPTRIE_32, or UCPTRIE_8 according to the trie’s value width
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point, must be U+10000..U+10FFFF
+ * @return The supplementary code point's trie value.
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+#define UCPTRIE_FAST_SUPP_GET(trie, dataAccess, c) dataAccess(trie, _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c))
+/* Internal definitions ----------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+ * Internal implementation constants.
+ * These are needed for the API macros, but users should not use these directly.
+ * @internal
+ */
+enum {
+    /** @internal */
+    /** Number of entries in a data block for code points below the fast limit. 64=0x40 @internal */
+    /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-fast-data-block offset. @internal */
+    /** @internal */
+    UCPTRIE_SMALL_MAX = 0xfff,
+    /**
+     * Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the
+     * value returned for out-of-range code points and ill-formed UTF-8/16.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    /**
+     * Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the
+     * value returned for code points highStart..U+10FFFF.
+     * @internal
+     */
+/* Internal functions and macros -------------------------------------------- */
+// Do not conditionalize with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for public API
+/** @internal */
+ucptrie_internalSmallIndex(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c);
+/** @internal */
+ucptrie_internalSmallU8Index(const UCPTrie *trie, int32_t lt1, uint8_t t2, uint8_t t3);
+ * Internal function for part of the UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_PREVxx() macro implementations.
+ * Do not call directly.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ucptrie_internalU8PrevIndex(const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c,
+                            const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *src);
+/** Internal trie getter for a code point below the fast limit. Returns the data index. @internal */
+#define _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c) \
+    ((int32_t)(trie)->index[(c) >> UCPTRIE_FAST_SHIFT] + ((c) & UCPTRIE_FAST_DATA_MASK))
+/** Internal trie getter for a code point at or above the fast limit. Returns the data index. @internal */
+#define _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c) \
+    ((c) >= (trie)->highStart ? \
+        (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_HIGH_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET : \
+        ucptrie_internalSmallIndex(trie, c))
+ * Internal trie getter for a code point, with checking that c is in U+0000..10FFFF.
+ * Returns the data index.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define _UCPTRIE_CP_INDEX(trie, fastMax, c) \
+    ((uint32_t)(c) <= (uint32_t)(fastMax) ? \
+        _UCPTRIE_FAST_INDEX(trie, c) : \
+        (uint32_t)(c) <= 0x10ffff ? \
+            _UCPTRIE_SMALL_INDEX(trie, c) : \
+            (trie)->dataLength - UCPTRIE_ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET)
+#endif  // U_IN_DOXYGEN
+ * \class LocalUCPTriePointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCPTrie via ucptrie_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUCPTriePointer, UCPTrie, ucptrie_close);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucsdet.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucsdet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d28da50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucsdet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005-2013, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   file name:  ucsdet.h
+ *   encoding:   UTF-8
+ *   indentation:4
+ *
+ *   created on: 2005Aug04
+ *   created by: Andy Heninger
+ *
+ *   ICU Character Set Detection, API for C
+ *
+ *   Draft version 18 Oct 2005
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __UCSDET_H
+#define __UCSDET_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Charset Detection API
+ *
+ * This API provides a facility for detecting the
+ * charset or encoding of character data in an unknown text format.
+ * The input data can be from an array of bytes.
+ * <p>
+ * Character set detection is at best an imprecise operation.  The detection
+ * process will attempt to identify the charset that best matches the characteristics
+ * of the byte data, but the process is partly statistical in nature, and
+ * the results can not be guaranteed to always be correct.
+ * <p>
+ * For best accuracy in charset detection, the input data should be primarily
+ * in a single language, and a minimum of a few hundred bytes worth of plain text
+ * in the language are needed.  The detection process will attempt to
+ * ignore html or xml style markup that could otherwise obscure the content.
+ * <p>
+ * An alternative to the ICU Charset Detector is the
+ * Compact Encoding Detector,
+ * It often gives more accurate results, especially with short input samples.
+ */
+struct UCharsetDetector;
+  * Structure representing a charset detector
+  * @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+typedef struct UCharsetDetector UCharsetDetector;
+struct UCharsetMatch;
+  *  Opaque structure representing a match that was identified
+  *  from a charset detection operation.
+  *  @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+typedef struct UCharsetMatch UCharsetMatch;
+  *  Open a charset detector.
+  *
+  *  @param status Any error conditions occurring during the open
+  *                operation are reported back in this variable.
+  *  @return the newly opened charset detector.
+  *  @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+U_STABLE UCharsetDetector * U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_open(UErrorCode   *status);
+  * Close a charset detector.  All storage and any other resources
+  *   owned by this charset detector will be released.  Failure to
+  *   close a charset detector when finished with it can result in
+  *   memory leaks in the application.
+  *
+  *  @param ucsd  The charset detector to be closed.
+  *  @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+ucsdet_close(UCharsetDetector *ucsd);
+ * \class LocalUCharsetDetectorPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCharsetDetector via ucsdet_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUCharsetDetectorPointer, UCharsetDetector, ucsdet_close);
+  * Set the input byte data whose charset is to detected.
+  *
+  * Ownership of the input  text byte array remains with the caller.
+  * The input string must not be altered or deleted until the charset
+  * detector is either closed or reset to refer to different input text.
+  *
+  * @param ucsd   the charset detector to be used.
+  * @param textIn the input text of unknown encoding.   .
+  * @param len    the length of the input text, or -1 if the text
+  *               is NUL terminated.
+  * @param status any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+ucsdet_setText(UCharsetDetector *ucsd, const char *textIn, int32_t len, UErrorCode *status);
+/** Set the declared encoding for charset detection.
+ *  The declared encoding of an input text is an encoding obtained
+ *  by the user from an http header or xml declaration or similar source that
+ *  can be provided as an additional hint to the charset detector.
+ *
+ *  How and whether the declared encoding will be used during the
+ *  detection process is TBD.
+ *
+ * @param ucsd      the charset detector to be used.
+ * @param encoding  an encoding for the current data obtained from
+ *                  a header or declaration or other source outside
+ *                  of the byte data itself.
+ * @param length    the length of the encoding name, or -1 if the name string
+ *                  is NUL terminated.
+ * @param status    any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ucsdet_setDeclaredEncoding(UCharsetDetector *ucsd, const char *encoding, int32_t length, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Return the charset that best matches the supplied input data.
+ * 
+ * Note though, that because the detection 
+ * only looks at the start of the input data,
+ * there is a possibility that the returned charset will fail to handle
+ * the full set of input data.
+ * <p>
+ * The returned UCharsetMatch object is owned by the UCharsetDetector.
+ * It will remain valid until the detector input is reset, or until
+ * the detector is closed.
+ * <p>
+ * The function will fail if
+ *  <ul>
+ *    <li>no charset appears to match the data.</li>
+ *    <li>no input text has been provided</li>
+ *  </ul>
+ *
+ * @param ucsd      the charset detector to be used.
+ * @param status    any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+ * @return          a UCharsetMatch  representing the best matching charset,
+ *                  or NULL if no charset matches the byte data.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const UCharsetMatch * U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_detect(UCharsetDetector *ucsd, UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Find all charset matches that appear to be consistent with the input,
+ *  returning an array of results.  The results are ordered with the
+ *  best quality match first.
+ *
+ *  Because the detection only looks at a limited amount of the
+ *  input byte data, some of the returned charsets may fail to handle
+ *  the all of input data.
+ *  <p>
+ *  The returned UCharsetMatch objects are owned by the UCharsetDetector.
+ *  They will remain valid until the detector is closed or modified
+ *  
+ * <p>
+ * Return an error if 
+ *  <ul>
+ *    <li>no charsets appear to match the input data.</li>
+ *    <li>no input text has been provided</li>
+ *  </ul>
+ * 
+ * @param ucsd          the charset detector to be used.
+ * @param matchesFound  pointer to a variable that will be set to the
+ *                      number of charsets identified that are consistent with
+ *                      the input data.  Output only.
+ * @param status        any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+ * @return              A pointer to an array of pointers to UCharSetMatch objects.
+ *                      This array, and the UCharSetMatch instances to which it refers,
+ *                      are owned by the UCharsetDetector, and will remain valid until
+ *                      the detector is closed or modified.
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const UCharsetMatch ** U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_detectAll(UCharsetDetector *ucsd, int32_t *matchesFound, UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Get the name of the charset represented by a UCharsetMatch.
+ *
+ *  The storage for the returned name string is owned by the
+ *  UCharsetMatch, and will remain valid while the UCharsetMatch
+ *  is valid.
+ *
+ *  The name returned is suitable for use with the ICU conversion APIs.
+ *
+ *  @param ucsm    The charset match object.
+ *  @param status  Any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+ *  @return        The name of the matching charset.
+ *
+ *  @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_getName(const UCharsetMatch *ucsm, UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Get a confidence number for the quality of the match of the byte
+ *  data with the charset.  Confidence numbers range from zero to 100,
+ *  with 100 representing complete confidence and zero representing
+ *  no confidence.
+ *
+ *  The confidence values are somewhat arbitrary.  They define an
+ *  an ordering within the results for any single detection operation
+ *  but are not generally comparable between the results for different input.
+ *
+ *  A confidence value of ten does have a general meaning - it is used
+ *  for charsets that can represent the input data, but for which there
+ *  is no other indication that suggests that the charset is the correct one.
+ *  Pure 7 bit ASCII data, for example, is compatible with a
+ *  great many charsets, most of which will appear as possible matches
+ *  with a confidence of 10.
+ *
+ *  @param ucsm    The charset match object.
+ *  @param status  Any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+ *  @return        A confidence number for the charset match.
+ *
+ *  @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ucsdet_getConfidence(const UCharsetMatch *ucsm, UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Get the RFC 3066 code for the language of the input data.
+ *
+ *  The Charset Detection service is intended primarily for detecting
+ *  charsets, not language.  For some, but not all, charsets, a language is
+ *  identified as a byproduct of the detection process, and that is what
+ *  is returned by this function.
+ *
+ *    1.  Language information is not available for input data encoded in
+ *        all charsets. In particular, no language is identified
+ *        for UTF-8 input data.
+ *
+ *    2.  Closely related languages may sometimes be confused.
+ *
+ *  If more accurate language detection is required, a linguistic
+ *  analysis package should be used.
+ *
+ *  The storage for the returned name string is owned by the
+ *  UCharsetMatch, and will remain valid while the UCharsetMatch
+ *  is valid.
+ *
+ *  @param ucsm    The charset match object.
+ *  @param status  Any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+ *  @return        The RFC 3066 code for the language of the input data, or
+ *                 an empty string if the language could not be determined.
+ *
+ *  @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_getLanguage(const UCharsetMatch *ucsm, UErrorCode *status);
+  *  Get the entire input text as a UChar string, placing it into
+  *  a caller-supplied buffer.  A terminating
+  *  NUL character will be appended to the buffer if space is available.
+  *
+  *  The number of UChars in the output string, not including the terminating
+  *  NUL, is returned. 
+  *
+  *  If the supplied buffer is smaller than required to hold the output,
+  *  the contents of the buffer are undefined.  The full output string length
+  *  (in UChars) is returned as always, and can be used to allocate a buffer
+  *  of the correct size.
+  *
+  *
+  * @param ucsm    The charset match object.
+  * @param buf     A UChar buffer to be filled with the converted text data.
+  * @param cap     The capacity of the buffer in UChars.
+  * @param status  Any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+  * @return        The number of UChars in the output string.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+U_STABLE  int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_getUChars(const UCharsetMatch *ucsm,
+                 UChar *buf, int32_t cap, UErrorCode *status);
+  *  Get an iterator over the set of all detectable charsets - 
+  *  over the charsets that are known to the charset detection
+  *  service.
+  *
+  *  The returned UEnumeration provides access to the names of
+  *  the charsets.
+  *
+  *  <p>
+  *  The state of the Charset detector that is passed in does not
+  *  affect the result of this function, but requiring a valid, open
+  *  charset detector as a parameter insures that the charset detection
+  *  service has been safely initialized and that the required detection
+  *  data is available.
+  *
+  *  <p>
+  *  <b>Note:</b> Multiple different charset encodings in a same family may use
+  *  a single shared name in this implementation. For example, this method returns
+  *  an array including "ISO-8859-1" (ISO Latin 1), but not including "windows-1252"
+  *  (Windows Latin 1). However, actual detection result could be "windows-1252"
+  *  when the input data matches Latin 1 code points with any points only available
+  *  in "windows-1252".
+  *
+  *  @param ucsd a Charset detector.
+  *  @param status  Any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+  *  @return an iterator providing access to the detectable charset names.
+  *  @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+U_STABLE  UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_getAllDetectableCharsets(const UCharsetDetector *ucsd,  UErrorCode *status);
+  *  Test whether input filtering is enabled for this charset detector.
+  *  Input filtering removes text that appears to be HTML or xml
+  *  markup from the input before applying the code page detection
+  *  heuristics.
+  *
+  *  @param ucsd  The charset detector to check.
+  *  @return TRUE if filtering is enabled.
+  *  @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+ucsdet_isInputFilterEnabled(const UCharsetDetector *ucsd);
+ * Enable filtering of input text. If filtering is enabled,
+ * text within angle brackets ("<" and ">") will be removed
+ * before detection, which will remove most HTML or xml markup.
+ *
+ * @param ucsd   the charset detector to be modified.
+ * @param filter <code>true</code> to enable input text filtering.
+ * @return The previous setting.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+ucsdet_enableInputFilter(UCharsetDetector *ucsd, UBool filter);
+  *  Get an iterator over the set of detectable charsets -
+  *  over the charsets that are enabled by the specified charset detector.
+  *
+  *  The returned UEnumeration provides access to the names of
+  *  the charsets.
+  *
+  *  @param ucsd a Charset detector.
+  *  @param status  Any error conditions are reported back in this variable.
+  *  @return an iterator providing access to the detectable charset names by
+  *  the specified charset detector.
+  *  @internal
+  */
+U_INTERNAL UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+ucsdet_getDetectableCharsets(const UCharsetDetector *ucsd,  UErrorCode *status);
+  * Enable or disable individual charset encoding.
+  * A name of charset encoding must be included in the names returned by
+  * {@link #ucsdet_getAllDetectableCharsets()}.
+  *
+  * @param ucsd a Charset detector.
+  * @param encoding encoding the name of charset encoding.
+  * @param enabled <code>TRUE</code> to enable, or <code>FALSE</code> to disable the
+  *   charset encoding.
+  * @param status receives the return status. When the name of charset encoding
+  *   is not supported, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is set.
+  * @internal
+  */
+ucsdet_setDetectableCharset(UCharsetDetector *ucsd, const char *encoding, UBool enabled, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif   /* __UCSDET_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucurr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucurr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f91cc0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ucurr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef _UCURR_H_
+#define _UCURR_H_
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Encapsulates information about a currency.
+ *
+ * The ucurr API encapsulates information about a currency, as defined by
+ * ISO 4217.  A currency is represented by a 3-character string
+ * containing its ISO 4217 code.  This API can return various data
+ * necessary the proper display of a currency:
+ *
+ * <ul><li>A display symbol, for a specific locale
+ * <li>The number of fraction digits to display
+ * <li>A rounding increment
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * The <tt>DecimalFormat</tt> class uses these data to display
+ * currencies.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @since ICU 2.2
+ */
+ * Currency Usage used for Decimal Format
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+enum UCurrencyUsage {
+    /**
+     * a setting to specify currency usage which determines currency digit
+     * and rounding for standard usage, for example: "50.00 NT$"
+     * used as DEFAULT value
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * a setting to specify currency usage which determines currency digit
+     * and rounding for cash usage, for example: "50 NT$"
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * One higher than the last enum UCurrencyUsage constant.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+/** Currency Usage used for Decimal Format */
+typedef enum UCurrencyUsage UCurrencyUsage; 
+ * Finds a currency code for the given locale.
+ * @param locale the locale for which to retrieve a currency code. 
+ *               Currency can be specified by the "currency" keyword
+ *               in which case it overrides the default currency code
+ * @param buff   fill in buffer. Can be NULL for preflighting.
+ * @param buffCapacity capacity of the fill in buffer. Can be 0 for
+ *               preflighting. If it is non-zero, the buff parameter
+ *               must not be NULL.
+ * @param ec error code
+ * @return length of the currency string. It should always be 3. If 0,
+ *                currency couldn't be found or the input values are 
+ *                invalid. 
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ucurr_forLocale(const char* locale,
+                UChar* buff,
+                int32_t buffCapacity,
+                UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Selector constants for ucurr_getName().
+ *
+ * @see ucurr_getName
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef enum UCurrNameStyle {
+    /**
+     * Selector for ucurr_getName indicating a symbolic name for a
+     * currency, such as "$" for USD.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * Selector for ucurr_getName indicating the long name for a
+     * currency, such as "US Dollar" for USD.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * Selector for getName() indicating the narrow currency symbol.
+     * The narrow currency symbol is similar to the regular currency
+     * symbol, but it always takes the shortest form: for example,
+     * "$" instead of "US$" for USD in en-CA.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+} UCurrNameStyle;
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef const void* UCurrRegistryKey;
+ * Register an (existing) ISO 4217 currency code for the given locale.
+ * Only the country code and the two variants EURO and PRE_EURO are
+ * recognized.
+ * @param isoCode the three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
+ * @param locale  the locale for which to register this currency code
+ * @param status the in/out status code
+ * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this currency code, or NULL
+ * if there was an error.
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE UCurrRegistryKey U_EXPORT2
+ucurr_register(const UChar* isoCode, 
+                   const char* locale,  
+                   UErrorCode* status);
+ * Unregister the previously-registered currency definitions using the
+ * URegistryKey returned from ucurr_register.  Key becomes invalid after
+ * a successful call and should not be used again.  Any currency 
+ * that might have been hidden by the original ucurr_register call is 
+ * restored.
+ * @param key the registry key returned by a previous call to ucurr_register
+ * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
+ * @return TRUE if the currency for this key was successfully unregistered
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ucurr_unregister(UCurrRegistryKey key, UErrorCode* status);
+#endif /* UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE */
+ * Returns the display name for the given currency in the
+ * given locale.  For example, the display name for the USD
+ * currency object in the en_US locale is "$".
+ * @param currency null-terminated 3-letter ISO 4217 code
+ * @param locale locale in which to display currency
+ * @param nameStyle selector for which kind of name to return
+ * @param isChoiceFormat always set to FALSE, or can be NULL;
+ *     display names are static strings;
+ *     since ICU 4.4, ChoiceFormat patterns are no longer supported
+ * @param len fill-in parameter to receive length of result
+ * @param ec error code
+ * @return pointer to display string of 'len' UChars.  If the resource
+ * data contains no entry for 'currency', then 'currency' itself is
+ * returned.
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+ucurr_getName(const UChar* currency,
+              const char* locale,
+              UCurrNameStyle nameStyle,
+              UBool* isChoiceFormat,
+              int32_t* len,
+              UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns the plural name for the given currency in the
+ * given locale.  For example, the plural name for the USD
+ * currency object in the en_US locale is "US dollar" or "US dollars".
+ * @param currency null-terminated 3-letter ISO 4217 code
+ * @param locale locale in which to display currency
+ * @param isChoiceFormat always set to FALSE, or can be NULL;
+ *     display names are static strings;
+ *     since ICU 4.4, ChoiceFormat patterns are no longer supported
+ * @param pluralCount plural count
+ * @param len fill-in parameter to receive length of result
+ * @param ec error code
+ * @return pointer to display string of 'len' UChars.  If the resource
+ * data contains no entry for 'currency', then 'currency' itself is
+ * returned.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+ucurr_getPluralName(const UChar* currency,
+                    const char* locale,
+                    UBool* isChoiceFormat,
+                    const char* pluralCount,
+                    int32_t* len,
+                    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns the number of the number of fraction digits that should
+ * be displayed for the given currency.
+ * This is equivalent to ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigitsForUsage(currency,UCURR_USAGE_STANDARD,ec);
+ *
+ * Important: The number of fraction digits for a given currency is NOT
+ * guaranteed to be constant across versions of ICU or CLDR. For example,
+ * do NOT use this value as a mechanism for deciding the magnitude used
+ * to store currency values in a database. You should use this value for
+ * display purposes only.
+ *
+ * @param currency null-terminated 3-letter ISO 4217 code
+ * @param ec input-output error code
+ * @return a non-negative number of fraction digits to be
+ * displayed, or 0 if there is an error
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigits(const UChar* currency,
+                               UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns the number of the number of fraction digits that should
+ * be displayed for the given currency with usage.
+ *
+ * Important: The number of fraction digits for a given currency is NOT
+ * guaranteed to be constant across versions of ICU or CLDR. For example,
+ * do NOT use this value as a mechanism for deciding the magnitude used
+ * to store currency values in a database. You should use this value for
+ * display purposes only.
+ *
+ * @param currency null-terminated 3-letter ISO 4217 code
+ * @param usage enum usage for the currency
+ * @param ec input-output error code
+ * @return a non-negative number of fraction digits to be
+ * displayed, or 0 if there is an error
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigitsForUsage(const UChar* currency, 
+                                       const UCurrencyUsage usage,
+                                       UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns the rounding increment for the given currency, or 0.0 if no
+ * rounding is done by the currency.
+ * This is equivalent to ucurr_getRoundingIncrementForUsage(currency,UCURR_USAGE_STANDARD,ec);
+ * @param currency null-terminated 3-letter ISO 4217 code
+ * @param ec input-output error code
+ * @return the non-negative rounding increment, or 0.0 if none,
+ * or 0.0 if there is an error
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ucurr_getRoundingIncrement(const UChar* currency,
+                           UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns the rounding increment for the given currency, or 0.0 if no
+ * rounding is done by the currency given usage.
+ * @param currency null-terminated 3-letter ISO 4217 code
+ * @param usage enum usage for the currency
+ * @param ec input-output error code
+ * @return the non-negative rounding increment, or 0.0 if none,
+ * or 0.0 if there is an error
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+ucurr_getRoundingIncrementForUsage(const UChar* currency,
+                                   const UCurrencyUsage usage,
+                                   UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Selector constants for ucurr_openCurrencies().
+ *
+ * @see ucurr_openCurrencies
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+typedef enum UCurrCurrencyType {
+    /**
+     * Select all ISO-4217 currency codes.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Select only ISO-4217 commonly used currency codes.
+     * These currencies can be found in common use, and they usually have
+     * bank notes or coins associated with the currency code.
+     * This does not include fund codes, precious metals and other
+     * various ISO-4217 codes limited to special financial products.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    UCURR_COMMON = 1,
+    /**
+     * Select ISO-4217 uncommon currency codes.
+     * These codes respresent fund codes, precious metals and other
+     * various ISO-4217 codes limited to special financial products.
+     * A fund code is a monetary resource associated with a currency.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Select only deprecated ISO-4217 codes.
+     * These codes are no longer in general public use.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Select only non-deprecated ISO-4217 codes.
+     * These codes are in general public use.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+} UCurrCurrencyType;
+ * Provides a UEnumeration object for listing ISO-4217 codes.
+ * @param currType You can use one of several UCurrCurrencyType values for this
+ *      variable. You can also | (or) them together to get a specific list of
+ *      currencies. Most people will want to use the (UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED) value to
+ *      get a list of current currencies.
+ * @param pErrorCode Error code
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+ucurr_openISOCurrencies(uint32_t currType, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+  * Queries if the given ISO 4217 3-letter code is available on the specified date range. 
+  * 
+  * Note: For checking availability of a currency on a specific date, specify the date on both 'from' and 'to' 
+  * 
+  * When 'from' is U_DATE_MIN and 'to' is U_DATE_MAX, this method checks if the specified currency is available any time. 
+  * If 'from' and 'to' are same UDate value, this method checks if the specified currency is available on that date.
+  * 
+  * @param isoCode 
+  *            The ISO 4217 3-letter code. 
+  * 
+  * @param from 
+  *            The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. When 'from' is U_DATE_MIN, check the availability 
+  *            of the currency any date before 'to' 
+  * 
+  * @param to 
+  *            The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. When 'to' is U_DATE_MAX, check the availability of 
+  *            the currency any date after 'from' 
+  * 
+  * @param errorCode 
+  *            ICU error code 
+   * 
+  * @return TRUE if the given ISO 4217 3-letter code is supported on the specified date range. 
+  * 
+  * @stable ICU 4.8 
+  */ 
+ucurr_isAvailable(const UChar* isoCode, 
+             UDate from, 
+             UDate to, 
+             UErrorCode* errorCode);
+ * Finds the number of valid currency codes for the
+ * given locale and date.
+ * @param locale the locale for which to retrieve the
+ *               currency count.
+ * @param date   the date for which to retrieve the
+ *               currency count for the given locale.
+ * @param ec     error code
+ * @return       the number of currency codes for the
+ *               given locale and date.  If 0, currency
+ *               codes couldn't be found for the input
+ *               values are invalid.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ucurr_countCurrencies(const char* locale, 
+                 UDate date, 
+                 UErrorCode* ec); 
+ * Finds a currency code for the given locale and date 
+ * @param locale the locale for which to retrieve a currency code.  
+ *               Currency can be specified by the "currency" keyword 
+ *               in which case it overrides the default currency code 
+ * @param date   the date for which to retrieve a currency code for 
+ *               the given locale. 
+ * @param index  the index within the available list of currency codes
+ *               for the given locale on the given date.
+ * @param buff   fill in buffer. Can be NULL for preflighting. 
+ * @param buffCapacity capacity of the fill in buffer. Can be 0 for 
+ *               preflighting. If it is non-zero, the buff parameter 
+ *               must not be NULL. 
+ * @param ec     error code 
+ * @return       length of the currency string. It should always be 3. 
+ *               If 0, currency couldn't be found or the input values are  
+ *               invalid.  
+ * @stable ICU 4.0 
+ */ 
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ucurr_forLocaleAndDate(const char* locale, 
+                UDate date, 
+                int32_t index,
+                UChar* buff, 
+                int32_t buffCapacity, 
+                UErrorCode* ec); 
+ * Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred
+ * order that would make a difference. These are all and only those values where
+ * the open (creation) of the service with the locale formed from the input locale
+ * plus input keyword and that value has different behavior than creation with the
+ * input locale alone.
+ * @param key           one of the keys supported by this service.  For now, only
+ *                      "currency" is supported.
+ * @param locale        the locale
+ * @param commonlyUsed  if set to true it will return only commonly used values
+ *                      with the given locale in preferred order.  Otherwise,
+ *                      it will return all the available values for the locale.
+ * @param status error status
+ * @return a string enumeration over keyword values for the given key and the locale.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale(const char* key,
+                                const char* locale,
+                                UBool commonlyUsed,
+                                UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the ISO 4217 numeric code for the currency.
+ * <p>Note: If the ISO 4217 numeric code is not assigned for the currency or
+ * the currency is unknown, this function returns 0.
+ *
+ * @param currency null-terminated 3-letter ISO 4217 code
+ * @return The ISO 4217 numeric code of the currency
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+ucurr_getNumericCode(const UChar* currency);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udat.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3eb651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1687 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines
+ * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+#ifndef UDAT_H
+#define UDAT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucal.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+#include "unicode/ufieldpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: DateFormat
+ *
+ * <h2> Date Format C API</h2>
+ *
+ * Date Format C API  consists of functions that convert dates and
+ * times from their internal representations to textual form and back again in a
+ * language-independent manner. Converting from the internal representation (milliseconds
+ * since midnight, January 1, 1970) to text is known as "formatting," and converting
+ * from text to millis is known as "parsing."  We currently define only one concrete
+ * structure UDateFormat, which can handle pretty much all normal
+ * date formatting and parsing actions.
+ * <P>
+ * Date Format helps you to format and parse dates for any locale. Your code can
+ * be completely independent of the locale conventions for months, days of the
+ * week, or even the calendar format: lunar vs. solar.
+ * <P>
+ * To format a date for the current Locale with default time and date style,
+ * use one of the static factory methods:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *  UChar *myString;
+ *  int32_t myStrlen = 0;
+ *  UDateFormat* dfmt = udat_open(UDAT_DEFAULT, UDAT_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, -1, &status);
+ *  myStrlen = udat_format(dfmt, myDate, NULL, myStrlen, NULL, &status);
+ *  if (status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){
+ *      status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *      myString=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (myStrlen+1) );
+ *      udat_format(dfmt, myDate, myString, myStrlen+1, NULL, &status);
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * If you are formatting multiple numbers, it is more efficient to get the
+ * format and use it multiple times so that the system doesn't have to fetch the
+ * information about the local language and country conventions multiple times.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *  int32_t i, myStrlen = 0;
+ *  UChar* myString;
+ *  char buffer[1024];
+ *  UDate myDateArr[] = { 0.0, 100000000.0, 2000000000.0 }; // test values
+ *  UDateFormat* df = udat_open(UDAT_DEFAULT, UDAT_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ *  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ *      myStrlen = udat_format(df, myDateArr[i], NULL, myStrlen, NULL, &status);
+ *      if(status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){
+ *          status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *          myString = (UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (myStrlen+1) );
+ *          udat_format(df, myDateArr[i], myString, myStrlen+1, NULL, &status);
+ *          printf("%s\n", u_austrcpy(buffer, myString) );
+ *          free(myString);
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * To get specific fields of a date, you can use UFieldPosition to
+ * get specific fields.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *  UFieldPosition pos;
+ *  UChar *myString;
+ *  int32_t myStrlen = 0;
+ *  char buffer[1024];
+ *
+ *  pos.field = 1;  // Same as the DateFormat::EField enum
+ *  UDateFormat* dfmt = udat_open(UDAT_DEFAULT, UDAT_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ *  myStrlen = udat_format(dfmt, myDate, NULL, myStrlen, &pos, &status);
+ *  if (status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){
+ *      status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *      myString=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (myStrlen+1) );
+ *      udat_format(dfmt, myDate, myString, myStrlen+1, &pos, &status);
+ *  }
+ *  printf("date format: %s\n", u_austrcpy(buffer, myString));
+ *  buffer[pos.endIndex] = 0;   // NULL terminate the string.
+ *  printf("UFieldPosition position equals %s\n", &buffer[pos.beginIndex]);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * To format a date for a different Locale, specify it in the call to
+ * udat_open()
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *        UDateFormat* df = udat_open(UDAT_SHORT, UDAT_SHORT, "fr_FR", NULL, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * You can use a DateFormat API udat_parse() to parse.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *  int32_t parsepos=0;
+ *  UDate myDate = udat_parse(df, myString, u_strlen(myString), &parsepos, &status);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ *  You can pass in different options for the arguments for date and time style
+ *  to control the length of the result; from SHORT to MEDIUM to LONG to FULL.
+ *  The exact result depends on the locale, but generally:
+ *  see UDateFormatStyle for more details
+ * <ul type=round>
+ *   <li>   UDAT_SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12/13/52 or 3:30pm
+ *   <li>   UDAT_MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952
+ *   <li>   UDAT_LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm
+ *   <li>   UDAT_FULL is pretty completely specified, such as
+ *          Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST.
+ * </ul>
+ * You can also set the time zone on the format if you wish.
+ * <P>
+ * You can also use forms of the parse and format methods with Parse Position and
+ * UFieldPosition to allow you to
+ * <ul type=round>
+ *   <li>   Progressively parse through pieces of a string.
+ *   <li>   Align any particular field, or find out where it is for selection
+ *          on the screen.
+ * </ul>
+ * <p><strong>Date and Time Patterns:</strong></p>
+ *
+ * <p>Date and time formats are specified by <em>date and time pattern</em> strings.
+ * Within date and time pattern strings, all unquoted ASCII letters [A-Za-z] are reserved
+ * as pattern letters representing calendar fields. <code>UDateFormat</code> supports
+ * the date and time formatting algorithm and pattern letters defined by
+ * <a href="">UTS#35
+ * Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</a> and further documented for ICU in the
+ * <a href="">ICU
+ * User Guide</a>.</p>
+ */
+/** A date formatter.
+ *  For usage in C programs.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef void* UDateFormat;
+/** The possible date/time format styles
+ *  @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef enum UDateFormatStyle {
+    /** Full style */
+    /** Long style */
+    /** Medium style */
+    /** Short style */
+    /** Default style */
+    /** Bitfield for relative date */
+    UDAT_RELATIVE = (1 << 7),
+    /** No style */
+    UDAT_NONE = -1,
+    /**
+     * Use the pattern given in the parameter to udat_open
+     * @see udat_open
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    UDAT_PATTERN = -2,
+    /** @internal alias to UDAT_PATTERN */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+} UDateFormatStyle;
+/* Skeletons for dates. */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR                       "y"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with quarter.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_QUARTER                    "QQQQ"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated quarter.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_ABBR_QUARTER               "QQQ"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year and quarter.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_QUARTER               "yQQQQ"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year and abbreviated quarter.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_ABBR_QUARTER          "yQQQ"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with month.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_MONTH                      "MMMM"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_ABBR_MONTH                 "MMM"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with numeric month.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_NUM_MONTH                  "M"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year and month.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_MONTH                 "yMMMM"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year and abbreviated month.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_ABBR_MONTH            "yMMM"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year and numeric month.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_NUM_MONTH             "yM"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with day.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_DAY                        "d"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year, month, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY             "yMMMMd"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year, abbreviated month, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY        "yMMMd"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year, numeric month, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_YEAR_NUM_MONTH_DAY         "yMd"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with weekday.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_WEEKDAY                    "EEEE"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated weekday.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_ABBR_WEEKDAY               "E"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year, month, weekday, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year, abbreviated month, weekday, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with year, numeric month, weekday, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with long month and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_MONTH_DAY                  "MMMMd"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_ABBR_MONTH_DAY             "MMMd"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with numeric month and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_NUM_MONTH_DAY              "Md"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with month, weekday, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month, weekday, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with numeric month, weekday, and day.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+/* Skeletons for times. */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24).
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR                       "j"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour in 24-hour presentation.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR24                     "H"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with minute.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_MINUTE                     "m"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour and minute, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24).
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE                "jm"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour and minute in 24-hour presentation.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR24_MINUTE              "Hm"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with second.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_SECOND                     "s"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and second,
+ * with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24).
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND         "jms"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and second in
+ * 24-hour presentation.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR24_MINUTE_SECOND       "Hms"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with minute and second.
+ * Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+#define UDAT_MINUTE_SECOND              "ms"
+/* Skeletons for time zones. */
+ * Constant for <i>generic location format</i>, such as Los Angeles Time;
+ * used in combinations date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Date Format Patterns</a>
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Time Zone Fallback</a>
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+ * Constant for <i>generic non-location format</i>, such as Pacific Time;
+ * used in combinations date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Date Format Patterns</a>
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Time Zone Fallback</a>
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_GENERIC_TZ "vvvv"
+ * Constant for <i>generic non-location format</i>, abbreviated if possible, such as PT;
+ * used in combinations date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Date Format Patterns</a>
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Time Zone Fallback</a>
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+ * Constant for <i>specific non-location format</i>, such as Pacific Daylight Time;
+ * used in combinations date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Date Format Patterns</a>
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Time Zone Fallback</a>
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define UDAT_SPECIFIC_TZ "zzzz"
+ * Constant for <i>specific non-location format</i>, abbreviated if possible, such as PDT;
+ * used in combinations date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Date Format Patterns</a>
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Time Zone Fallback</a>
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+ * Constant for <i>localized GMT/UTC format</i>, such as GMT+8:00 or HPG-8:00;
+ * used in combinations date + time + zone, or time + zone.
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Date Format Patterns</a>
+ * @see <a href="">LDML Time Zone Fallback</a>
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+/* deprecated skeleton constants */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with standalone month.
+ * @deprecated ICU 50 Use UDAT_MONTH instead.
+ */
+#define UDAT_STANDALONE_MONTH           "LLLL"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with standalone abbreviated month.
+ * @deprecated ICU 50 Use UDAT_ABBR_MONTH instead.
+ */
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and generic timezone.
+ * @deprecated ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE UDAT_ABBR_GENERIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE_GENERIC_TZ     "jmv"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and timezone.
+ * @deprecated ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE UDAT_ABBR_SPECIFIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE_TZ             "jmz"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour and generic timezone.
+ * @deprecated ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR UDAT_ABBR_GENERIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR_GENERIC_TZ            "jv"
+ * Constant for date skeleton with hour and timezone.
+ * @deprecated ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR UDAT_ABBR_SPECIFIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
+ */
+#define UDAT_HOUR_TZ                    "jz"
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Constant for Unicode string name of new (in 2019) Japanese calendar era,
+ * root/English abbreviated version (ASCII-range characters).
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define JP_ERA_2019_ROOT                "Reiwa"
+ * Constant for Unicode string name of new (in 2019) Japanese calendar era,
+ * Japanese abbreviated version (Han, or fullwidth Latin for testing).
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define JP_ERA_2019_JA                  "\\u4EE4\\u548C"
+ * Constant for Unicode string name of new (in 2019) Japanese calendar era,
+ * root and Japanese narrow version (ASCII-range characters).
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define JP_ERA_2019_NARROW              "R"
+ * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selectors for format fields
+ * defined by DateFormat and UDateFormat.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+typedef enum UDateFormatField {
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'G' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ERA field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UDAT_ERA_FIELD = 0,
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'y' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_YEAR field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'M' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_MONTH field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'd' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_DATE field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'k' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY field.
+     * UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY1_FIELD is used for the one-based 24-hour clock.
+     * For example, 23:59 + 01:00 results in 24:59.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'H' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY field.
+     * UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY0_FIELD is used for the zero-based 24-hour clock.
+     * For example, 23:59 + 01:00 results in 00:59.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'm' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_MINUTE field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 's' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_SECOND field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'S' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_MILLISECOND field.
+     *
+     * Note: Time formats that use 'S' can display a maximum of three
+     * significant digits for fractional seconds, corresponding to millisecond
+     * resolution and a fractional seconds sub-pattern of SSS. If the
+     * sub-pattern is S or SS, the fractional seconds value will be truncated
+     * (not rounded) to the number of display places specified. If the
+     * fractional seconds sub-pattern is longer than SSS, the additional
+     * display places will be filled with zeros.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'E' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'D' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_DAY_OF_YEAR field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'F' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'w' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'W' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'a' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_AM_PM field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UDAT_AM_PM_FIELD = 14,
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'h' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_HOUR field.
+     * UDAT_HOUR1_FIELD is used for the one-based 12-hour clock.
+     * For example, 11:30 PM + 1 hour results in 12:30 AM.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UDAT_HOUR1_FIELD = 15,
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'K' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_HOUR field.
+     * UDAT_HOUR0_FIELD is used for the zero-based 12-hour clock.
+     * For example, 11:30 PM + 1 hour results in 00:30 AM.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    UDAT_HOUR0_FIELD = 16,
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'z' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET and
+     * UCAL_DST_OFFSET fields.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'Y' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_YEAR_WOY field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'e' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_DOW_LOCAL field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'u' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'g' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_JULIAN_DAY field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'A' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'Z' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET and
+     * UCAL_DST_OFFSET fields.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'v' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for 'c' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the {@link #UCAL_DOW_LOCAL} field.
+     * This displays the stand alone day name, if available.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for 'L' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the {@link #UCAL_MONTH} field.
+     * This displays the stand alone month name, if available.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for "Q" field alignment,
+     * corresponding to quarters. This is implemented
+     * using the {@link #UCAL_MONTH} field. This
+     * displays the quarter.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for the "q" field alignment,
+     * corresponding to stand-alone quarters. This is
+     * implemented using the {@link #UCAL_MONTH} field.
+     * This displays the stand-alone quarter.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'V' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET field.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for "U" field alignment,
+     * corresponding to cyclic year names. This is implemented
+     * using the {@link #UCAL_YEAR} field. This displays
+     * the cyclic year name, if available.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for 'O' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET and UCAL_DST_OFFSETfields.
+     * This displays the localized GMT format.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for 'X' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET and UCAL_DST_OFFSETfields.
+     * This displays the ISO 8601 local time offset format or UTC indicator ("Z").
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for 'x' field alignment,
+     * corresponding to the UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET and UCAL_DST_OFFSET fields.
+     * This displays the ISO 8601 local time offset format.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for 'r' field alignment,
+     * no directly corresponding UCAL_ field.
+     * @internal ICU 53
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition selector for 'b' field alignment.
+     * Displays midnight and noon for 12am and 12pm, respectively, if available;
+     * otherwise fall back to AM / PM.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /* FieldPosition selector for 'B' field alignment.
+     * Displays flexible day periods, such as "in the morning", if available.
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selector for time separator,
+     * no corresponding UCAL_ field. No pattern character is currently
+     * defined for this.
+     * @internal
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Number of FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selectors for
+     * DateFormat and UDateFormat.
+     * Valid selectors range from 0 to UDAT_FIELD_COUNT-1.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UDateFormatField;
+ * Is a pattern character defined for UDAT_TIME_SEPARATOR_FIELD?
+ * In ICU 55 it was COLON, but that was withdrawn in ICU 56.
+ * @internal ICU 56
+ */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * Maps from a UDateFormatField to the corresponding UCalendarDateFields.
+ * Note: since the mapping is many-to-one, there is no inverse mapping.
+ * @param field the UDateFormatField.
+ * @return the UCalendarDateField.  This will be UCAL_FIELD_COUNT in case
+ * of error (e.g., the input field is UDAT_FIELD_COUNT).
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_CAPI UCalendarDateFields U_EXPORT2
+udat_toCalendarDateField(UDateFormatField field);
+ * Open a new UDateFormat for formatting and parsing dates and times.
+ * A UDateFormat may be used to format dates in calls to {@link #udat_format },
+ * and to parse dates in calls to {@link #udat_parse }.
+ * @param timeStyle The style used to format times; one of UDAT_FULL, UDAT_LONG,
+ * UDAT_MEDIUM, UDAT_SHORT, UDAT_DEFAULT, or UDAT_NONE (relative time styles
+ * are not currently supported).
+ * When the pattern parameter is used, pass in UDAT_PATTERN for both timeStyle and dateStyle.
+ * @param dateStyle The style used to format dates; one of UDAT_FULL, UDAT_LONG,
+ * When the pattern parameter is used, pass in UDAT_PATTERN for both timeStyle and dateStyle.
+ * As currently implemented,
+ * relative date formatting only affects a limited range of calendar days before or
+ * after the current date, based on the CLDR &lt;field type="day"&gt;/&lt;relative&gt; data: For
+ * example, in English, "Yesterday", "Today", and "Tomorrow". Outside of this range,
+ * dates are formatted using the corresponding non-relative style.
+ * @param locale The locale specifying the formatting conventions
+ * @param tzID A timezone ID specifying the timezone to use.  If 0, use
+ * the default timezone.
+ * @param tzIDLength The length of tzID, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param pattern A pattern specifying the format to use.
+ * @param patternLength The number of characters in the pattern, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return A pointer to a UDateFormat to use for formatting dates and times, or 0 if
+ * an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_CAPI UDateFormat* U_EXPORT2
+udat_open(UDateFormatStyle  timeStyle,
+          UDateFormatStyle  dateStyle,
+          const char        *locale,
+          const UChar       *tzID,
+          int32_t           tzIDLength,
+          const UChar       *pattern,
+          int32_t           patternLength,
+          UErrorCode        *status);
+* Close a UDateFormat.
+* Once closed, a UDateFormat may no longer be used.
+* @param format The formatter to close.
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_close(UDateFormat* format);
+ * DateFormat boolean attributes
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+typedef enum UDateFormatBooleanAttribute {
+   /**
+     * indicates whether whitespace is allowed. Includes trailing dot tolerance.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * indicates tolerance of numeric data when String data may be assumed. eg: UDAT_YEAR_NAME_FIELD,
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * indicates tolerance of a partial literal match
+     * e.g. accepting "--mon-02-march-2011" for a pattern of "'--: 'EEE-WW-MMMM-yyyy"
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    /**
+     * indicates tolerance of pattern mismatch between input data and specified format pattern.
+     * e.g. accepting "September" for a month pattern of MMM ("Sep")
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    /* Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API,
+     * it is needed for layout of DateFormat object. */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDateFormatBooleanAttribute value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UDateFormatBooleanAttribute;
+ * Get a boolean attribute associated with a UDateFormat.
+ * An example would be a true value for a key of UDAT_PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE indicating allowing whitespace leniency.
+ * If the formatter does not understand the attribute, -1 is returned.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to query.
+ * @param attr The attribute to query; e.g. UDAT_PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return The value of attr.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+udat_getBooleanAttribute(const UDateFormat* fmt, UDateFormatBooleanAttribute attr, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Set a boolean attribute associated with a UDateFormat.
+ * An example of a boolean attribute is parse leniency control.  If the formatter does not understand
+ * the attribute, the call is ignored.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to set.
+ * @param attr The attribute to set; one of UDAT_PARSE_ALLOW_WHITESPACE or UDAT_PARSE_ALLOW_NUMERIC
+ * @param newValue The new value of attr.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+udat_setBooleanAttribute(UDateFormat *fmt, UDateFormatBooleanAttribute attr, UBool newValue, UErrorCode* status);
+ * \class LocalUDateFormatPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDateFormat via udat_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUDateFormatPointer, UDateFormat, udat_close);
+ * Open a copy of a UDateFormat.
+ * This function performs a deep copy.
+ * @param fmt The format to copy
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UDateFormat identical to fmt.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_CAPI UDateFormat* U_EXPORT2
+udat_clone(const UDateFormat *fmt,
+       UErrorCode *status);
+* Format a date using a UDateFormat.
+* The date will be formatted using the conventions specified in {@link #udat_open }
+* @param format The formatter to use
+* @param dateToFormat The date to format
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted number.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param position A pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input, position->field
+* is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate
+* the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field, if such
+* a field exists.  This parameter may be NULL, in which case no field
+* position data is returned.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_parse
+* @see UFieldPosition
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udat_format(    const    UDateFormat*    format,
+                        UDate           dateToFormat,
+                        UChar*          result,
+                        int32_t         resultLength,
+                        UFieldPosition* position,
+                        UErrorCode*     status);
+* Format a date using an UDateFormat.
+* The date will be formatted using the conventions specified in {@link #udat_open }
+* @param format The formatter to use
+* @param calendar The calendar to format. The calendar instance might be
+*                 mutated if fields are not yet fully calculated, though
+*                 the function won't change the logical date and time held
+*                 by the instance.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted number.
+* @param capacity The maximum size of result.
+* @param position A pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input, position->field
+* is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate
+* the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field, if such
+* a field exists.  This parameter may be NULL, in which case no field
+* position data is returned.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_format
+* @see udat_parseCalendar
+* @see UFieldPosition
+* @stable ICU 55
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udat_formatCalendar(    const UDateFormat*  format,
+                        UCalendar*      calendar,
+                        UChar*          result,
+                        int32_t         capacity,
+                        UFieldPosition* position,
+                        UErrorCode*     status);
+* Format a date using a UDateFormat.
+* The date will be formatted using the conventions specified in {@link #udat_open}
+* @param format
+*          The formatter to use
+* @param dateToFormat
+*          The date to format
+* @param result
+*          A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted number.
+* @param resultLength
+*          The maximum size of result.
+* @param fpositer
+*          A pointer to a UFieldPositionIterator created by {@link #ufieldpositer_open}
+*          (may be NULL if field position information is not needed). Any
+*          iteration information already present in the UFieldPositionIterator
+*          will be deleted, and the iterator will be reset to apply to the
+*          fields in the formatted string created by this function call; the
+*          field values provided by {@link #ufieldpositer_next} will be from the
+*          UDateFormatField enum.
+* @param status
+*          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return
+*          The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_parse
+* @see UFieldPositionIterator
+* @stable ICU 55
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udat_formatForFields(   const UDateFormat* format,
+                        UDate           dateToFormat,
+                        UChar*          result,
+                        int32_t         resultLength,
+                        UFieldPositionIterator* fpositer,
+                        UErrorCode*     status);
+* Format a date using a UDateFormat.
+* The date will be formatted using the conventions specified in {@link #udat_open }
+* @param format
+*          The formatter to use
+* @param calendar
+*          The calendar to format. The calendar instance might be mutated if fields
+*          are not yet fully calculated, though the function won't change the logical
+*          date and time held by the instance.
+* @param result
+*          A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted number.
+* @param capacity
+*          The maximum size of result.
+* @param fpositer
+*          A pointer to a UFieldPositionIterator created by {@link #ufieldpositer_open}
+*          (may be NULL if field position information is not needed). Any
+*          iteration information already present in the UFieldPositionIterator
+*          will be deleted, and the iterator will be reset to apply to the
+*          fields in the formatted string created by this function call; the
+*          field values provided by {@link #ufieldpositer_next} will be from the
+*          UDateFormatField enum.
+* @param status
+*          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return
+*          The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_format
+* @see udat_parseCalendar
+* @see UFieldPositionIterator
+* @stable ICU 55
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udat_formatCalendarForFields( const UDateFormat* format,
+                        UCalendar*      calendar,
+                        UChar*          result,
+                        int32_t         capacity,
+                        UFieldPositionIterator* fpositer,
+                        UErrorCode*     status);
+* Parse a string into an date/time using a UDateFormat.
+* The date will be parsed using the conventions specified in {@link #udat_open }.
+* <P>
+* Note that the normal date formats associated with some calendars - such
+* as the Chinese lunar calendar - do not specify enough fields to enable
+* dates to be parsed unambiguously. In the case of the Chinese lunar
+* calendar, while the year within the current 60-year cycle is specified,
+* the number of such cycles since the start date of the calendar (in the
+* UCAL_ERA field of the UCalendar object) is not normally part of the format,
+* and parsing may assume the wrong era. For cases such as this it is
+* recommended that clients parse using udat_parseCalendar with the UCalendar
+* passed in set to the current date, or to a date within the era/cycle that
+* should be assumed if absent in the format.
+* @param format The formatter to use.
+* @param text The text to parse.
+* @param textLength The length of text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param parsePos If not 0, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which
+* to begin parsing.  If not 0, on output the offset at which parsing ended.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The value of the parsed date/time
+* @see udat_format
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_parse(const    UDateFormat*    format,
+           const    UChar*          text,
+                    int32_t         textLength,
+                    int32_t         *parsePos,
+                    UErrorCode      *status);
+* Parse a string into an date/time using a UDateFormat.
+* The date will be parsed using the conventions specified in {@link #udat_open }.
+* @param format The formatter to use.
+* @param calendar A calendar set on input to the date and time to be used for
+*                 missing values in the date/time string being parsed, and set
+*                 on output to the parsed date/time. When the calendar type is
+*                 different from the internal calendar held by the UDateFormat
+*                 instance, the internal calendar will be cloned to a work
+*                 calendar set to the same milliseconds and time zone as this
+*                 calendar parameter, field values will be parsed based on the
+*                 work calendar, then the result (milliseconds and time zone)
+*                 will be set in this calendar.
+* @param text The text to parse.
+* @param textLength The length of text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param parsePos If not 0, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which
+* to begin parsing.  If not 0, on output the offset at which parsing ended.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @see udat_format
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_parseCalendar(const    UDateFormat*    format,
+                            UCalendar*      calendar,
+                   const    UChar*          text,
+                            int32_t         textLength,
+                            int32_t         *parsePos,
+                            UErrorCode      *status);
+* Determine if an UDateFormat will perform lenient parsing.
+* With lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that do not
+* precisely match the pattern. With strict parsing, inputs must match the pattern.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query
+* @return TRUE if fmt is set to perform lenient parsing, FALSE otherwise.
+* @see udat_setLenient
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_isLenient(const UDateFormat* fmt);
+* Specify whether an UDateFormat will perform lenient parsing.
+* With lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that do not
+* precisely match the pattern. With strict parsing, inputs must match the pattern.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set
+* @param isLenient TRUE if fmt should perform lenient parsing, FALSE otherwise.
+* @see dat_isLenient
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_setLenient(    UDateFormat*    fmt,
+                    UBool          isLenient);
+* Get the UCalendar associated with an UDateFormat.
+* A UDateFormat uses a UCalendar to convert a raw value to, for example,
+* the day of the week.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @return A pointer to the UCalendar used by fmt.
+* @see udat_setCalendar
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI const UCalendar* U_EXPORT2
+udat_getCalendar(const UDateFormat* fmt);
+* Set the UCalendar associated with an UDateFormat.
+* A UDateFormat uses a UCalendar to convert a raw value to, for example,
+* the day of the week.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param calendarToSet A pointer to an UCalendar to be used by fmt.
+* @see udat_setCalendar
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_setCalendar(            UDateFormat*    fmt,
+                    const   UCalendar*      calendarToSet);
+* Get the UNumberFormat associated with an UDateFormat.
+* A UDateFormat uses a UNumberFormat to format numbers within a date,
+* for example the day number.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @return A pointer to the UNumberFormat used by fmt to format numbers.
+* @see udat_setNumberFormat
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI const UNumberFormat* U_EXPORT2
+udat_getNumberFormat(const UDateFormat* fmt);
+* Get the UNumberFormat for specific field associated with an UDateFormat.
+* For example: 'y' for year and 'M' for month
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param field the field to query
+* @return A pointer to the UNumberFormat used by fmt to format field numbers.
+* @see udat_setNumberFormatForField
+* @stable ICU 54
+U_CAPI const UNumberFormat* U_EXPORT2
+udat_getNumberFormatForField(const UDateFormat* fmt, UChar field);
+* Set the UNumberFormat for specific field associated with an UDateFormat.
+* It can be a single field like: "y"(year) or "M"(month)
+* It can be several field combined together: "yM"(year and month)
+* Note:
+* 1 symbol field is enough for multiple symbol field (so "y" will override "yy", "yyy")
+* If the field is not numeric, then override has no effect (like "MMM" will use abbreviation, not numerical field)
+* @param fields the fields to set
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param numberFormatToSet A pointer to the UNumberFormat to be used by fmt to format numbers.
+* @param status error code passed around (memory allocation or invalid fields)
+* @see udat_getNumberFormatForField
+* @stable ICU 54
+udat_adoptNumberFormatForFields(  UDateFormat* fmt,
+                            const UChar* fields,
+                                  UNumberFormat*  numberFormatToSet,
+                                  UErrorCode* status);
+* Set the UNumberFormat associated with an UDateFormat.
+* A UDateFormat uses a UNumberFormat to format numbers within a date,
+* for example the day number.
+* This method also clears per field NumberFormat instances previously
+* set by {@see udat_setNumberFormatForField}
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param numberFormatToSet A pointer to the UNumberFormat to be used by fmt to format numbers.
+* @see udat_getNumberFormat
+* @see udat_setNumberFormatForField
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_setNumberFormat(            UDateFormat*    fmt,
+                        const   UNumberFormat*  numberFormatToSet);
+* Adopt the UNumberFormat associated with an UDateFormat.
+* A UDateFormat uses a UNumberFormat to format numbers within a date,
+* for example the day number.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param numberFormatToAdopt A pointer to the UNumberFormat to be used by fmt to format numbers.
+* @see udat_getNumberFormat
+* @stable ICU 54
+udat_adoptNumberFormat(            UDateFormat*    fmt,
+                                   UNumberFormat*  numberFormatToAdopt);
+* Get a locale for which date/time formatting patterns are available.
+* A UDateFormat in a locale returned by this function will perform the correct
+* formatting and parsing for the locale.
+* @param localeIndex The index of the desired locale.
+* @return A locale for which date/time formatting patterns are available, or 0 if none.
+* @see udat_countAvailable
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
+udat_getAvailable(int32_t localeIndex);
+* Determine how many locales have date/time  formatting patterns available.
+* This function is most useful as determining the loop ending condition for
+* calls to {@link #udat_getAvailable }.
+* @return The number of locales for which date/time formatting patterns are available.
+* @see udat_getAvailable
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+* Get the year relative to which all 2-digit years are interpreted.
+* For example, if the 2-digit start year is 2100, the year 99 will be
+* interpreted as 2199.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The year relative to which all 2-digit years are interpreted.
+* @see udat_Set2DigitYearStart
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_get2DigitYearStart(    const   UDateFormat     *fmt,
+                                    UErrorCode      *status);
+* Set the year relative to which all 2-digit years will be interpreted.
+* For example, if the 2-digit start year is 2100, the year 99 will be
+* interpreted as 2199.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param d The year relative to which all 2-digit years will be interpreted.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @see udat_Set2DigitYearStart
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_set2DigitYearStart(    UDateFormat     *fmt,
+                            UDate           d,
+                            UErrorCode      *status);
+* Extract the pattern from a UDateFormat.
+* The pattern will follow the pattern syntax rules.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param localized TRUE if the pattern should be localized, FALSE otherwise.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_applyPattern
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udat_toPattern(    const   UDateFormat     *fmt,
+                        UBool          localized,
+                        UChar           *result,
+                        int32_t         resultLength,
+                        UErrorCode      *status);
+* Set the pattern used by an UDateFormat.
+* The pattern should follow the pattern syntax rules.
+* @param format The formatter to set.
+* @param localized TRUE if the pattern is localized, FALSE otherwise.
+* @param pattern The new pattern
+* @param patternLength The length of pattern, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @see udat_toPattern
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_applyPattern(            UDateFormat     *format,
+                            UBool          localized,
+                    const   UChar           *pattern,
+                            int32_t         patternLength);
+ * The possible types of date format symbols
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef enum UDateFormatSymbolType {
+    /** The era names, for example AD */
+    /** The month names, for example February */
+    /** The short month names, for example Feb. */
+    /** The CLDR-style format "wide" weekday names, for example Monday */
+    /**
+     * The CLDR-style format "abbreviated" (not "short") weekday names, for example "Mon."
+     * For the CLDR-style format "short" weekday names, use UDAT_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS.
+     */
+    /** The AM/PM names, for example AM */
+    /** The localized characters */
+    /** The long era names, for example Anno Domini */
+    /** The narrow month names, for example F */
+    /** The CLDR-style format "narrow" weekday names, for example "M" */
+    /** Standalone context versions of months */
+    /** The CLDR-style stand-alone "wide" weekday names */
+    /**
+     * The CLDR-style stand-alone "abbreviated" (not "short") weekday names.
+     * For the CLDR-style stand-alone "short" weekday names, use UDAT_STANDALONE_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS.
+     */
+    /** The CLDR-style stand-alone "narrow" weekday names */
+    /** The quarters, for example 1st Quarter */
+    /** The short quarter names, for example Q1 */
+    /** Standalone context versions of quarters */
+    /**
+     * The CLDR-style short weekday names, e.g. "Su", Mo", etc.
+     * These are named "SHORTER" to contrast with the constants using _SHORT_
+     * above, which actually get the CLDR-style *abbreviated* versions of the
+     * corresponding names.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Standalone version of UDAT_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Cyclic year names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage;
+     * udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_CYCLIC_YEARS_WIDE)
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * Cyclic year names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage)
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * Cyclic year names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage;
+     * udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_CYCLIC_YEARS_NARROW)
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * Calendar zodiac  names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage;
+     * udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_ZODIAC_NAMES_WIDE)
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * Calendar zodiac  names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage)
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * Calendar zodiac  names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage;
+     * udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_ZODIAC_NAMES_NARROW)
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+} UDateFormatSymbolType;
+struct UDateFormatSymbols;
+/** Date format symbols.
+ *  For usage in C programs.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef struct UDateFormatSymbols UDateFormatSymbols;
+* Get the symbols associated with an UDateFormat.
+* The symbols are what a UDateFormat uses to represent locale-specific data,
+* for example month or day names.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param type The type of symbols to get.  One of UDAT_ERAS, UDAT_MONTHS, UDAT_SHORT_MONTHS,
+* @param symbolIndex The desired symbol of type type.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_countSymbols
+* @see udat_setSymbols
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udat_getSymbols(const   UDateFormat             *fmt,
+                        UDateFormatSymbolType   type,
+                        int32_t                 symbolIndex,
+                        UChar                   *result,
+                        int32_t                 resultLength,
+                        UErrorCode              *status);
+* Count the number of particular symbols for an UDateFormat.
+* This function is most useful as for detemining the loop termination condition
+* for calls to {@link #udat_getSymbols }.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param type The type of symbols to count.  One of UDAT_ERAS, UDAT_MONTHS, UDAT_SHORT_MONTHS,
+* @return The number of symbols of type type.
+* @see udat_getSymbols
+* @see udat_setSymbols
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+udat_countSymbols(    const    UDateFormat                *fmt,
+                            UDateFormatSymbolType    type);
+* Set the symbols associated with an UDateFormat.
+* The symbols are what a UDateFormat uses to represent locale-specific data,
+* for example month or day names.
+* @param format The formatter to set
+* @param type The type of symbols to set.  One of UDAT_ERAS, UDAT_MONTHS, UDAT_SHORT_MONTHS,
+* @param symbolIndex The index of the symbol to set of type type.
+* @param value The new value
+* @param valueLength The length of value, or -1 if null-terminated
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @see udat_getSymbols
+* @see udat_countSymbols
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+udat_setSymbols(    UDateFormat             *format,
+                    UDateFormatSymbolType   type,
+                    int32_t                 symbolIndex,
+                    UChar                   *value,
+                    int32_t                 valueLength,
+                    UErrorCode              *status);
+ * Get the locale for this date format object.
+ * You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to get the locale from
+ * @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual)
+ * @param status error code for the operation
+ * @return the locale name
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
+udat_getLocaleByType(const UDateFormat *fmt,
+                     ULocDataLocaleType type,
+                     UErrorCode* status);
+ * Set a particular UDisplayContext value in the formatter, such as
+ * @param fmt The formatter for which to set a UDisplayContext value.
+ * @param value The UDisplayContext value to set.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+udat_setContext(UDateFormat* fmt, UDisplayContext value, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Get the formatter's UDisplayContext value for the specified UDisplayContextType,
+ * @param fmt The formatter to query.
+ * @param type The UDisplayContextType whose value to return
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return The UDisplayContextValue for the specified type.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+U_CAPI UDisplayContext U_EXPORT2
+udat_getContext(const UDateFormat* fmt, UDisplayContextType type, UErrorCode* status);
+* Extract the date pattern from a UDateFormat set for relative date formatting.
+* The pattern will follow the pattern syntax rules.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_applyPatternRelative
+* @internal ICU 4.2 technology preview
+udat_toPatternRelativeDate(const UDateFormat *fmt,
+                           UChar             *result,
+                           int32_t           resultLength,
+                           UErrorCode        *status);
+* Extract the time pattern from a UDateFormat set for relative date formatting.
+* The pattern will follow the pattern syntax rules.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see udat_applyPatternRelative
+* @internal ICU 4.2 technology preview
+udat_toPatternRelativeTime(const UDateFormat *fmt,
+                           UChar             *result,
+                           int32_t           resultLength,
+                           UErrorCode        *status);
+* Set the date & time patterns used by a UDateFormat set for relative date formatting.
+* The patterns should follow the pattern syntax rules.
+* @param format The formatter to set.
+* @param datePattern The new date pattern
+* @param datePatternLength The length of datePattern, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param timePattern The new time pattern
+* @param timePatternLength The length of timePattern, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @see udat_toPatternRelativeDate, udat_toPatternRelativeTime
+* @internal ICU 4.2 technology preview
+udat_applyPatternRelative(UDateFormat *format,
+                          const UChar *datePattern,
+                          int32_t     datePatternLength,
+                          const UChar *timePattern,
+                          int32_t     timePatternLength,
+                          UErrorCode  *status);
+ * @internal
+ * @see udat_open
+ */
+typedef UDateFormat* (U_EXPORT2 *UDateFormatOpener) (UDateFormatStyle  timeStyle,
+                                                    UDateFormatStyle  dateStyle,
+                                                    const char        *locale,
+                                                    const UChar       *tzID,
+                                                    int32_t           tzIDLength,
+                                                    const UChar       *pattern,
+                                                    int32_t           patternLength,
+                                                    UErrorCode        *status);
+ * Register a provider factory
+ * @internal ICU 49
+ */
+udat_registerOpener(UDateFormatOpener opener, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Un-Register a provider factory
+ * @internal ICU 49
+ */
+udat_unregisterOpener(UDateFormatOpener opener, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udata.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2fc6c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  udata.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999oct25
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UDATA_H__
+#define __UDATA_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Data loading interface
+ *
+ * <h2>Information about data loading interface</h2>
+ *
+ * This API is used to find and efficiently load data for ICU and applications
+ * using ICU. It provides an abstract interface that specifies a data type and
+ * name to find and load the data. Normally this API is used by other ICU APIs
+ * to load required data out of the ICU data library, but it can be used to
+ * load data out of other places.
+ *
+ * See the User Guide Data Management chapter.
+ */
+ * Character used to separate package names from tree names 
+ * @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+#define U_TREE_SEPARATOR '-'
+ * String used to separate package names from tree names 
+ * @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+ * Character used to separate parts of entry names
+ * @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+#define U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_CHAR '/'
+ * String used to separate parts of entry names
+ * @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+ * Alias for standard ICU data 
+ * @internal ICU 3.0
+ */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * UDataInfo contains the properties about the requested data.
+ * This is meta data.
+ *
+ * <p>This structure may grow in the future, indicated by the
+ * <code>size</code> field.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ICU data must be at least 8-aligned, and should be 16-aligned.
+ * The UDataInfo struct begins 4 bytes after the start of the data item,
+ * so it is 4-aligned.
+ *
+ * <p>The platform data property fields help determine if a data
+ * file can be efficiently used on a given machine.
+ * The particular fields are of importance only if the data
+ * is affected by the properties - if there is integer data
+ * with word sizes > 1 byte, char* text, or UChar* text.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The implementation for the <code>udata_open[Choice]()</code>
+ * functions may reject data based on the value in <code>isBigEndian</code>.
+ * No other field is used by the <code>udata</code> API implementation.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The <code>dataFormat</code> may be used to identify
+ * the kind of data, e.g. a converter table.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The <code>formatVersion</code> field should be used to
+ * make sure that the format can be interpreted.
+ * It may be a good idea to check only for the one or two highest
+ * of the version elements to allow the data memory to
+ * get more or somewhat rearranged contents, for as long
+ * as the using code can still interpret the older contents.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The <code>dataVersion</code> field is intended to be a
+ * common place to store the source version of the data;
+ * for data from the Unicode character database, this could
+ * reflect the Unicode version.</p>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    /** sizeof(UDataInfo)
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    uint16_t size;
+    /** unused, set to 0 
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    uint16_t reservedWord;
+    /* platform data properties */
+    /** 0 for little-endian machine, 1 for big-endian
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0 */
+    uint8_t isBigEndian;
+    /** see U_CHARSET_FAMILY values in utypes.h 
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    uint8_t charsetFamily;
+    /** sizeof(UChar), one of { 1, 2, 4 } 
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    uint8_t sizeofUChar;
+    /** unused, set to 0 
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    uint8_t reservedByte;
+    /** data format identifier 
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    uint8_t dataFormat[4];
+    /** versions: [0] major [1] minor [2] milli [3] micro 
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    uint8_t formatVersion[4];
+    /** versions: [0] major [1] minor [2] milli [3] micro 
+     *  @stable ICU 2.0*/
+    uint8_t dataVersion[4];
+} UDataInfo;
+/* API for reading data -----------------------------------------------------*/
+ * Forward declaration of the data memory type.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UDataMemory UDataMemory;
+ * Callback function for udata_openChoice().
+ * @param context parameter passed into <code>udata_openChoice()</code>.
+ * @param type The type of the data as passed into <code>udata_openChoice()</code>.
+ *             It may be <code>NULL</code>.
+ * @param name The name of the data as passed into <code>udata_openChoice()</code>.
+ * @param pInfo A pointer to the <code>UDataInfo</code> structure
+ *              of data that has been loaded and will be returned
+ *              by <code>udata_openChoice()</code> if this function
+ *              returns <code>TRUE</code>.
+ * @return TRUE if the current data memory is acceptable
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
+UDataMemoryIsAcceptable(void *context,
+                        const char *type, const char *name,
+                        const UDataInfo *pInfo);
+ * Convenience function.
+ * This function works the same as <code>udata_openChoice</code>
+ * except that any data that matches the type and name
+ * is assumed to be acceptable.
+ * @param path Specifies an absolute path and/or a basename for the
+ *             finding of the data in the file system.
+ *             <code>NULL</code> for ICU data.
+ * @param type A string that specifies the type of data to be loaded.
+ *             For example, resource bundles are loaded with type "res",
+ *             conversion tables with type "cnv".
+ *             This may be <code>NULL</code> or empty.
+ * @param name A string that specifies the name of the data.
+ * @param pErrorCode An ICU UErrorCode parameter. It must not be <code>NULL</code>.
+ * @return A pointer (handle) to a data memory object, or <code>NULL</code>
+ *         if an error occurs. Call <code>udata_getMemory()</code>
+ *         to get a pointer to the actual data.
+ *
+ * @see udata_openChoice
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+udata_open(const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
+           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Data loading function.
+ * This function is used to find and load efficiently data for
+ * ICU and applications using ICU.
+ * It provides an abstract interface that allows to specify a data
+ * type and name to find and load the data.
+ *
+ * <p>The implementation depends on platform properties and user preferences
+ * and may involve loading shared libraries (DLLs), mapping
+ * files into memory, or fopen()/fread() files.
+ * It may also involve using static memory or database queries etc.
+ * Several or all data items may be combined into one entity
+ * (DLL, memory-mappable file).</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The data is always preceded by a header that includes
+ * a <code>UDataInfo</code> structure.
+ * The caller's <code>isAcceptable()</code> function is called to make
+ * sure that the data is useful. It may be called several times if it
+ * rejects the data and there is more than one location with data
+ * matching the type and name.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If <code>path==NULL</code>, then ICU data is loaded.
+ * Otherwise, it is separated into a basename and a basename-less directory string.
+ * The basename is used as the data package name, and the directory is
+ * logically prepended to the ICU data directory string.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For details about ICU data loading see the User Guide
+ * Data Management chapter. (</p>
+ *
+ * @param path Specifies an absolute path and/or a basename for the
+ *             finding of the data in the file system.
+ *             <code>NULL</code> for ICU data.
+ * @param type A string that specifies the type of data to be loaded.
+ *             For example, resource bundles are loaded with type "res",
+ *             conversion tables with type "cnv".
+ *             This may be <code>NULL</code> or empty.
+ * @param name A string that specifies the name of the data.
+ * @param isAcceptable This function is called to verify that loaded data
+ *                     is useful for the client code. If it returns FALSE
+ *                     for all data items, then <code>udata_openChoice()</code>
+ *                     will return with an error.
+ * @param context Arbitrary parameter to be passed into isAcceptable.
+ * @param pErrorCode An ICU UErrorCode parameter. It must not be <code>NULL</code>.
+ * @return A pointer (handle) to a data memory object, or <code>NULL</code>
+ *         if an error occurs. Call <code>udata_getMemory()</code>
+ *         to get a pointer to the actual data.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+udata_openChoice(const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
+                 UDataMemoryIsAcceptable *isAcceptable, void *context,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Close the data memory.
+ * This function must be called to allow the system to
+ * release resources associated with this data memory.
+ * @param pData The pointer to data memory object
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+udata_close(UDataMemory *pData);
+ * Get the pointer to the actual data inside the data memory.
+ * The data is read-only.
+ *
+ * ICU data must be at least 8-aligned, and should be 16-aligned.
+ *
+ * @param pData The pointer to data memory object
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const void * U_EXPORT2
+udata_getMemory(UDataMemory *pData);
+ * Get the information from the data memory header.
+ * This allows to get access to the header containing
+ * platform data properties etc. which is not part of
+ * the data itself and can therefore not be accessed
+ * via the pointer that <code>udata_getMemory()</code> returns.
+ *
+ * @param pData pointer to the data memory object
+ * @param pInfo pointer to a UDataInfo object;
+ *              its <code>size</code> field must be set correctly,
+ *              typically to <code>sizeof(UDataInfo)</code>.
+ *
+ * <code>*pInfo</code> will be filled with the UDataInfo structure
+ * in the data memory object. If this structure is smaller than
+ * <code>pInfo->size</code>, then the <code>size</code> will be
+ * adjusted and only part of the structure will be filled.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+udata_getInfo(UDataMemory *pData, UDataInfo *pInfo);
+ * This function bypasses the normal ICU data loading process and
+ * allows you to force ICU's system data to come out of a user-specified
+ * area in memory.
+ *
+ * ICU data must be at least 8-aligned, and should be 16-aligned.
+ * See
+ *
+ * The format of this data is that of the icu common data file, as is
+ * generated by the pkgdata tool with mode=common or mode=dll.
+ * You can read in a whole common mode file and pass the address to the start of the
+ * data, or (with the appropriate link options) pass in the pointer to
+ * the data that has been loaded from a dll by the operating system,
+ * as shown in this code:
+ *
+ *       extern const char U_IMPORT U_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT [];
+ *        // U_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT is same as entry point specified to pkgdata tool
+ *       UErrorCode  status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *
+ *       udata_setCommonData(&U_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT, &status);
+ *
+ * It is important that the declaration be as above. The entry point
+ * must not be declared as an extern void*.
+ *
+ * Starting with ICU 4.4, it is possible to set several data packages,
+ * one per call to this function.
+ * udata_open() will look for data in the multiple data packages in the order
+ * in which they were set.
+ * The position of the linked-in or default-name ICU .data package in the
+ * search list depends on when the first data item is loaded that is not contained
+ * in the already explicitly set packages.
+ * If data was loaded implicitly before the first call to this function
+ * (for example, via opening a converter, constructing a UnicodeString
+ * from default-codepage data, using formatting or collation APIs, etc.),
+ * then the default data will be first in the list.
+ *
+ * This function has no effect on application (non ICU) data.  See udata_setAppData()
+ * for similar functionality for application data.
+ *
+ * @param data pointer to ICU common data
+ * @param err outgoing error status <code>U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR</code>
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+udata_setCommonData(const void *data, UErrorCode *err);
+ * This function bypasses the normal ICU data loading process for application-specific
+ * data and allows you to force the it to come out of a user-specified
+ * pointer.
+ *
+ * ICU data must be at least 8-aligned, and should be 16-aligned.
+ * See
+ *
+ * The format of this data is that of the icu common data file, like 'icudt26l.dat'
+ * or the corresponding shared library (DLL) file.
+ * The application must read in or otherwise construct an image of the data and then
+ * pass the address of it to this function.
+ *
+ *
+ * Warning:  setAppData will set a U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING code if
+ *           data with the specifed path that has already been opened, or
+ *           if setAppData with the same path has already been called.
+ *           Any such calls to setAppData will have no effect.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param packageName the package name by which the application will refer
+ *             to (open) this data
+ * @param data pointer to the data
+ * @param err outgoing error status <code>U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR</code>
+ * @see udata_setCommonData
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+udata_setAppData(const char *packageName, const void *data, UErrorCode *err);
+ * Possible settings for udata_setFileAccess()
+ * @see udata_setFileAccess
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef enum UDataFileAccess {
+    /** ICU looks for data in single files first, then in packages. (default) @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** An alias for the default access mode. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** ICU only loads data from packages, not from single files. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** ICU loads data from packages first, and only from single files
+        if the data cannot be found in a package. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** ICU does not access the file system for data loading. @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /**
+     * Number of real UDataFileAccess values.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UDataFileAccess;
+ * This function may be called to control how ICU loads data. It must be called
+ * before any ICU data is loaded, including application data loaded with 
+ * ures/ResourceBundle or udata APIs. This function is not multithread safe.  
+ * The results of calling it while other threads are loading data are undefined.
+ * @param access The type of file access to be used
+ * @param status Error code.
+ * @see UDataFileAccess
+ * @stable ICU 3.4 
+ */
+udata_setFileAccess(UDataFileAccess access, UErrorCode *status);
+ * \class LocalUDataMemoryPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDataMemory via udata_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUDataMemoryPointer, UDataMemory, udata_close);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udateintervalformat.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udateintervalformat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86dd678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udateintervalformat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2012,2015 International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+#include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Format a date interval.
+ *
+ * A UDateIntervalFormat is used to format the range between two UDate values
+ * in a locale-sensitive way, using a skeleton that specifies the precision and
+ * completeness of the information to show. If the range smaller than the resolution
+ * specified by the skeleton, a single date format will be produced. If the range
+ * is larger than the format specified by the skeleton, a locale-specific fallback
+ * will be used to format the items missing from the skeleton.
+ *
+ * For example, if the range is 2010-03-04 07:56 - 2010-03-04 19:56 (12 hours)
+ * - The skeleton jm will produce
+ *   for en_US, "7:56 AM - 7:56 PM"
+ *   for en_GB, "7:56 - 19:56"
+ * - The skeleton MMMd will produce
+ *   for en_US, "Mar 4"
+ *   for en_GB, "4 Mar"
+ * If the range is 2010-03-04 07:56 - 2010-03-08 16:11 (4 days, 8 hours, 15 minutes)
+ * - The skeleton jm will produce
+ *   for en_US, "3/4/2010 7:56 AM - 3/8/2010 4:11 PM"
+ *   for en_GB, "4/3/2010 7:56 - 8/3/2010 16:11"
+ * - The skeleton MMMd will produce
+ *   for en_US, "Mar 4-8"
+ *   for en_GB, "4-8 Mar"
+ * 
+ * Note:  the "-" characters in the above sample output will actually be
+ * Unicode 2013, EN_DASH, in all but the last example.
+ *
+ * Note, in ICU 4.4 the standard skeletons for which date interval format data
+ * is usually available are as follows; best results will be obtained by using
+ * skeletons from this set, or those formed by combining these standard skeletons
+ * (note that for these skeletons, the length of digit field such as d, y, or
+ * M vs MM is irrelevant (but for non-digit fields such as MMM vs MMMM it is
+ * relevant). Note that a skeleton involving h or H generally explicitly requests
+ * that time style (12- or 24-hour time respectively). For a skeleton that
+ * requests the locale's default time style (h or H), use 'j' instead of h or H.
+ *   h, H, hm, Hm,
+ *   hv, Hv, hmv, Hmv,
+ *   d,
+ *   M, MMM, MMMM,
+ *   Md, MMMd,
+ *   MEd, MMMEd,
+ *   y,
+ *   yM, yMMM, yMMMM,
+ *   yMd, yMMMd,
+ *   yMEd, yMMMEd
+ *
+ * Locales for which ICU 4.4 seems to have a reasonable amount of this data
+ * include:
+ *   af, am, ar, be, bg, bn, ca, cs, da, de (_AT), el, en (_AU,_CA,_GB,_IE,_IN...),
+ *   eo, es (_AR,_CL,_CO,...,_US) et, fa, fi, fo, fr (_BE,_CH,_CA), fur, gsw, he,
+ *   hr, hu, hy, is, it (_CH), ja, kk, km, ko, lt, lv, mk, ml, mt, nb, nl )_BE),
+ *   nn, pl, pt (_PT), rm, ro, ru (_UA), sk, sl, so, sq, sr, sr_Latn, sv, th, to,
+ *   tr, uk, ur, vi, zh (_SG), zh_Hant (_HK,_MO)
+ */
+ * Opaque UDateIntervalFormat object for use in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+struct UDateIntervalFormat;
+typedef struct UDateIntervalFormat UDateIntervalFormat;  /**< C typedef for struct UDateIntervalFormat. @stable ICU 4.8 */
+struct UFormattedDateInterval;
+ * Opaque struct to contain the results of a UDateIntervalFormat operation.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+typedef struct UFormattedDateInterval UFormattedDateInterval;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Open a new UDateIntervalFormat object using the predefined rules for a
+ * given locale plus a specified skeleton.
+ * @param locale
+ *            The locale for whose rules should be used; may be NULL for
+ *            default locale.
+ * @param skeleton
+ *            A pattern containing only the fields desired for the interval
+ *            format, for example "Hm", "yMMMd", or "yMMMEdHm".
+ * @param skeletonLength
+ *            The length of skeleton; may be -1 if the skeleton is zero-terminated.
+ * @param tzID
+ *            A timezone ID specifying the timezone to use. If 0, use the default
+ *            timezone.
+ * @param tzIDLength
+ *            The length of tzID, or -1 if null-terminated. If 0, use the default
+ *            timezone.
+ * @param status
+ *            A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return
+ *            A pointer to a UDateIntervalFormat object for the specified locale,
+ *            or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UDateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2
+udtitvfmt_open(const char*  locale,
+              const UChar* skeleton,
+              int32_t      skeletonLength,
+              const UChar* tzID,
+              int32_t      tzIDLength,
+              UErrorCode*  status);
+ * Close a UDateIntervalFormat object. Once closed it may no longer be used.
+ * @param formatter
+ *            The UDateIntervalFormat object to close.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+udtitvfmt_close(UDateIntervalFormat *formatter);
+ * Creates an object to hold the result of a UDateIntervalFormat
+ * operation. The object can be used repeatedly; it is cleared whenever
+ * passed to a format function.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A pointer needing ownership.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_CAPI UFormattedDateInterval* U_EXPORT2
+udtitvfmt_openResult(UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns a representation of a UFormattedDateInterval as a UFormattedValue,
+ * which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type.
+ *
+ * The returned object is owned by the UFormattedDateInterval and is valid
+ * only as long as the UFormattedDateInterval is present and unchanged in memory.
+ *
+ * You can think of this method as a cast between types.
+ *
+ * When calling ufmtval_nextPosition():
+ * The fields are returned from left to right. The special field category
+ * UFIELD_CATEGORY_DATE_INTERVAL_SPAN is used to indicate which datetime
+ * primitives came from which arguments: 0 means fromCalendar, and 1 means
+ * toCalendar. The span category will always occur before the
+ * corresponding fields in UFIELD_CATEGORY_DATE
+ * in the ufmtval_nextPosition() iterator.
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object containing the formatted string.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A UFormattedValue owned by the input object.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_CAPI const UFormattedValue* U_EXPORT2
+udtitvfmt_resultAsValue(const UFormattedDateInterval* uresult, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Releases the UFormattedDateInterval created by udtitvfmt_openResult().
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object to release.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+udtitvfmt_closeResult(UFormattedDateInterval* uresult);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * \class LocalUDateIntervalFormatPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDateIntervalFormat via udtitvfmt_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUDateIntervalFormatPointer, UDateIntervalFormat, udtitvfmt_close);
+ * \class LocalUFormattedDateIntervalPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattedDateInterval via udtitvfmt_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFormattedDateIntervalPointer, UFormattedDateInterval, udtitvfmt_closeResult);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Formats a date/time range using the conventions established for the
+ * UDateIntervalFormat object.
+ * @param formatter
+ *            The UDateIntervalFormat object specifying the format conventions.
+ * @param fromDate
+ *            The starting point of the range.
+ * @param toDate
+ *            The ending point of the range.
+ * @param result
+ *            A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted range.
+ * @param resultCapacity
+ *            The maximum size of result.
+ * @param position
+ *            A pointer to a UFieldPosition. On input, position->field is read.
+ *            On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate
+ *            the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field,
+ *            if such a field exists. This parameter may be NULL, in which case
+ *            no field position data is returned.
+ *            There may be multiple instances of a given field type in an
+ *            interval format; in this case the position indices refer to the
+ *            first instance.
+ * @param status
+ *            A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return
+ *            The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+ *            output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+udtitvfmt_format(const UDateIntervalFormat* formatter,
+                UDate           fromDate,
+                UDate           toDate,
+                UChar*          result,
+                int32_t         resultCapacity,
+                UFieldPosition* position,
+                UErrorCode*     status);
+ * Formats a date/time range using the conventions established for the
+ * UDateIntervalFormat object.
+ * @param formatter
+ *            The UDateIntervalFormat object specifying the format conventions.
+ * @param result
+ *            The UFormattedDateInterval to contain the result of the
+ *            formatting operation.
+ * @param fromDate
+ *            The starting point of the range.
+ * @param toDate
+ *            The ending point of the range.
+ * @param status
+ *            A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+                const UDateIntervalFormat* formatter,
+                UFormattedDateInterval* result,
+                UDate           fromDate,
+                UDate           toDate,
+                UErrorCode*     status);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udatpg.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udatpg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6f5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udatpg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2007-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  udatpg.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2007jul30
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UDATPG_H__
+#define __UDATPG_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Wrapper for icu::DateTimePatternGenerator (unicode/dtptngen.h).
+ *
+ * UDateTimePatternGenerator provides flexible generation of date format patterns, 
+ * like "yy-MM-dd". The user can build up the generator by adding successive 
+ * patterns. Once that is done, a query can be made using a "skeleton", which is 
+ * a pattern which just includes the desired fields and lengths. The generator 
+ * will return the "best fit" pattern corresponding to that skeleton.
+ * <p>The main method people will use is udatpg_getBestPattern, since normally
+ * UDateTimePatternGenerator is pre-built with data from a particular locale. 
+ * However, generators can be built directly from other data as well.
+ * <p><i>Issue: may be useful to also have a function that returns the list of 
+ * fields in a pattern, in order, since we have that internally.
+ * That would be useful for getting the UI order of field elements.</i>
+ */
+ * Opaque type for a date/time pattern generator object.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+typedef void *UDateTimePatternGenerator;
+ * Field number constants for udatpg_getAppendItemFormats() and similar functions.
+ * These constants are separate from UDateFormatField despite semantic overlap
+ * because some fields are merged for the date/time pattern generator.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+typedef enum UDateTimePatternField {
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /* Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API,
+     * it is needed for layout of DateTimePatternGenerator object. */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDateTimePatternField value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UDateTimePatternField;
+ * Field display name width constants for udatpg_getFieldDisplayName().
+ * @stable ICU 61
+ */
+typedef enum UDateTimePGDisplayWidth {
+    /** @stable ICU 61 */
+    /** @stable ICU 61 */
+    /** @stable ICU 61 */
+} UDateTimePGDisplayWidth;
+ * Masks to control forcing the length of specified fields in the returned
+ * pattern to match those in the skeleton (when this would not happen
+ * otherwise). These may be combined to force the length of multiple fields.
+ * Used with udatpg_getBestPatternWithOptions, udatpg_replaceFieldTypesWithOptions.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+typedef enum UDateTimePatternMatchOptions {
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @internal ICU 4.4 */
+    /** @internal ICU 4.4 */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+} UDateTimePatternMatchOptions;
+ * Status return values from udatpg_addPattern().
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+typedef enum UDateTimePatternConflict {
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDateTimePatternConflict value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UDateTimePatternConflict;
+  * Open a generator according to a given locale.
+  * @param locale
+  * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+  *                   failure before the function call.
+  * @return a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+  * @stable ICU 3.8
+  */
+U_STABLE UDateTimePatternGenerator * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_open(const char *locale, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+  * Open an empty generator, to be constructed with udatpg_addPattern(...) etc.
+  * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+  *                   failure before the function call.
+  * @return a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+  * @stable ICU 3.8
+  */
+U_STABLE UDateTimePatternGenerator * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_openEmpty(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+  * Close a generator.
+  * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+  * @stable ICU 3.8
+  */
+udatpg_close(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg);
+ * \class LocalUDateTimePatternGeneratorPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDateTimePatternGenerator via udatpg_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUDateTimePatternGeneratorPointer, UDateTimePatternGenerator, udatpg_close);
+  * Create a copy pf a generator.
+  * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator to be copied.
+  * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+  *                   failure before the function call.
+  * @return a pointer to a new UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+  * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UDateTimePatternGenerator * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_clone(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the best pattern matching the input skeleton. It is guaranteed to
+ * have all of the fields in the skeleton.
+ * 
+ * Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
+ * It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
+ * rather than creating one for each function call.
+ * Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
+ * but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
+ * 
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param skeleton
+ *            The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
+ *            For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
+ * @param length the length of skeleton
+ * @param bestPattern
+ *            The best pattern found from the given skeleton.
+ * @param capacity the capacity of bestPattern.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *                   failure before the function call.
+ * @return the length of bestPattern.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+udatpg_getBestPattern(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                      const UChar *skeleton, int32_t length,
+                      UChar *bestPattern, int32_t capacity,
+                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the best pattern matching the input skeleton. It is guaranteed to
+ * have all of the fields in the skeleton.
+ * 
+ * Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
+ * It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
+ * rather than creating one for each function call.
+ * Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
+ * but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
+ * 
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param skeleton
+ *            The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
+ *            For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
+ * @param length the length of skeleton
+ * @param options
+ *            Options for forcing the length of specified fields in the
+ *            returned pattern to match those in the skeleton (when this
+ *            would not happen otherwise). For default behavior, use
+ * @param bestPattern
+ *            The best pattern found from the given skeleton.
+ * @param capacity
+ *            the capacity of bestPattern.
+ * @param pErrorCode
+ *            a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *            failure before the function call.
+ * @return the length of bestPattern.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+udatpg_getBestPatternWithOptions(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                                 const UChar *skeleton, int32_t length,
+                                 UDateTimePatternMatchOptions options,
+                                 UChar *bestPattern, int32_t capacity,
+                                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+  * Get a unique skeleton from a given pattern. For example,
+  * both "MMM-dd" and "dd/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMdd".
+  * 
+  * Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
+  * It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
+  * rather than creating one for each function call.
+  * Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
+  * but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
+  *
+  * @param unusedDtpg     a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+  *    This parameter is no longer used. Callers may pass NULL.
+  * @param pattern  input pattern, such as "dd/MMM".
+  * @param length   the length of pattern.
+  * @param skeleton such as "MMMdd"
+  * @param capacity the capacity of skeleton.
+  * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+  *                  failure before the function call.
+  * @return the length of skeleton.
+  * @stable ICU 3.8
+  */
+udatpg_getSkeleton(UDateTimePatternGenerator *unusedDtpg,
+                   const UChar *pattern, int32_t length,
+                   UChar *skeleton, int32_t capacity,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get a unique base skeleton from a given pattern. This is the same
+ * as the skeleton, except that differences in length are minimized so
+ * as to only preserve the difference between string and numeric form. So
+ * for example, both "MMM-dd" and "d/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMd"
+ * (notice the single d).
+ *
+ * Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
+ * It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
+ * rather than creating one for each function call.
+ * Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
+ * but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
+ *
+ * @param unusedDtpg     a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ *    This parameter is no longer used. Callers may pass NULL.
+ * @param pattern  input pattern, such as "dd/MMM".
+ * @param length   the length of pattern.
+ * @param baseSkeleton such as "Md"
+ * @param capacity the capacity of base skeleton.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *                  failure before the function call.
+ * @return the length of baseSkeleton.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+udatpg_getBaseSkeleton(UDateTimePatternGenerator *unusedDtpg,
+                       const UChar *pattern, int32_t length,
+                       UChar *baseSkeleton, int32_t capacity,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Adds a pattern to the generator. If the pattern has the same skeleton as
+ * an existing pattern, and the override parameter is set, then the previous
+ * value is overriden. Otherwise, the previous value is retained. In either
+ * case, the conflicting status is set and previous vale is stored in 
+ * conflicting pattern.
+ * <p>
+ * Note that single-field patterns (like "MMM") are automatically added, and
+ * don't need to be added explicitly!
+ *
+ * @param dtpg     a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param pattern  input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
+ * @param patternLength the length of pattern.
+ * @param override  When existing values are to be overridden use true, 
+ *                  otherwise use false.
+ * @param conflictingPattern  Previous pattern with the same skeleton.
+ * @param capacity the capacity of conflictingPattern.
+ * @param pLength a pointer to the length of conflictingPattern.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *                  failure before the function call.
+ * @return conflicting status. The value could be UDATPG_NO_CONFLICT, 
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UDateTimePatternConflict U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_addPattern(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                  const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength,
+                  UBool override,
+                  UChar *conflictingPattern, int32_t capacity, int32_t *pLength,
+                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+  * An AppendItem format is a pattern used to append a field if there is no
+  * good match. For example, suppose that the input skeleton is "GyyyyMMMd",
+  * and there is no matching pattern internally, but there is a pattern
+  * matching "yyyyMMMd", say "d-MM-yyyy". Then that pattern is used, plus the
+  * G. The way these two are conjoined is by using the AppendItemFormat for G
+  * (era). So if that value is, say "{0}, {1}" then the final resulting
+  * pattern is "d-MM-yyyy, G".
+  * <p>
+  * There are actually three available variables: {0} is the pattern so far,
+  * {1} is the element we are adding, and {2} is the name of the element.
+  * <p>
+  * This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
+  *
+  * @param dtpg   a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+  * @param field  UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD
+  * @param value  pattern, such as "{0}, {1}"
+  * @param length the length of value.
+  * @stable ICU 3.8
+  */
+udatpg_setAppendItemFormat(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                           UDateTimePatternField field,
+                           const UChar *value, int32_t length);
+ * Getter corresponding to setAppendItemFormat. Values below 0 or at or
+ * above UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT are illegal arguments.
+ *
+ * @param dtpg   A pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param field  UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD
+ * @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of appendItemFormat.
+ * @return appendItemFormat for field.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_getAppendItemFormat(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                           UDateTimePatternField field,
+                           int32_t *pLength);
+   * Set the name of field, eg "era" in English for ERA. These are only
+   * used if the corresponding AppendItemFormat is used, and if it contains a
+   * {2} variable.
+   * <p>
+   * This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
+   *
+   * @param dtpg   a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+   * @param field  UDateTimePatternField
+   * @param value  name for the field.
+   * @param length the length of value.
+   * @stable ICU 3.8
+   */
+udatpg_setAppendItemName(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                         UDateTimePatternField field,
+                         const UChar *value, int32_t length);
+ * Getter corresponding to setAppendItemNames. Values below 0 or at or above
+ * UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT are illegal arguments. Note: The more general function
+ * for getting date/time field display names is udatpg_getFieldDisplayName.
+ *
+ * @param dtpg   a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param field  UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD
+ * @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of the name for field.
+ * @return name for field
+ * @see udatpg_getFieldDisplayName
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_getAppendItemName(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                         UDateTimePatternField field,
+                         int32_t *pLength);
+ * The general interface to get a display name for a particular date/time field,
+ * in one of several possible display widths.
+ *
+ * @param dtpg
+ *          A pointer to the UDateTimePatternGenerator object with the localized
+ *          display names.
+ * @param field
+ *          The desired UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD.
+ * @param width
+ *          The desired UDateTimePGDisplayWidth, such as UDATPG_ABBREVIATED.
+ * @param fieldName
+ *          A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated display name. If the name
+ *          fits into fieldName but cannot be  NULL-terminated (length == capacity) then
+ *          the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the name doesn't
+ *          fit into fieldName then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ * @param capacity
+ *          The size of fieldName (in UChars).
+ * @param pErrorCode
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return
+ *         The full length of the name; if greater than capacity, fieldName contains a
+ *         truncated result.
+ * @stable ICU 61
+ */
+udatpg_getFieldDisplayName(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                           UDateTimePatternField field,
+                           UDateTimePGDisplayWidth width,
+                           UChar *fieldName, int32_t capacity,
+                           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * The DateTimeFormat is a message format pattern used to compose date and
+ * time patterns. The default pattern in the root locale is "{1} {0}", where
+ * {1} will be replaced by the date pattern and {0} will be replaced by the
+ * time pattern; however, other locales may specify patterns such as
+ * "{1}, {0}" or "{1} 'at' {0}", etc.
+ * <p>
+ * This is used when the input skeleton contains both date and time fields,
+ * but there is not a close match among the added patterns. For example,
+ * suppose that this object was created by adding "dd-MMM" and "hh:mm", and
+ * its DateTimeFormat is the default "{1} {0}". Then if the input skeleton
+ * is "MMMdhmm", there is not an exact match, so the input skeleton is
+ * broken up into two components "MMMd" and "hmm". There are close matches
+ * for those two skeletons, so the result is put together with this pattern,
+ * resulting in "d-MMM h:mm".
+ *
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param dtFormat
+ *            message format pattern, here {1} will be replaced by the date
+ *            pattern and {0} will be replaced by the time pattern.
+ * @param length the length of dtFormat.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+udatpg_setDateTimeFormat(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                         const UChar *dtFormat, int32_t length);
+ * Getter corresponding to setDateTimeFormat.
+ * @param dtpg   a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of the format
+ * @return dateTimeFormat.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_getDateTimeFormat(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                         int32_t *pLength);
+ * The decimal value is used in formatting fractions of seconds. If the
+ * skeleton contains fractional seconds, then this is used with the
+ * fractional seconds. For example, suppose that the input pattern is
+ * "hhmmssSSSS", and the best matching pattern internally is "H:mm:ss", and
+ * the decimal string is ",". Then the resulting pattern is modified to be
+ * "H:mm:ss,SSSS"
+ *
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param decimal
+ * @param length the length of decimal.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+udatpg_setDecimal(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                  const UChar *decimal, int32_t length);
+ * Getter corresponding to setDecimal.
+ * 
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of the decimal string.
+ * @return corresponding to the decimal point.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_getDecimal(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                  int32_t *pLength);
+ * Adjusts the field types (width and subtype) of a pattern to match what is
+ * in a skeleton. That is, if you supply a pattern like "d-M H:m", and a
+ * skeleton of "MMMMddhhmm", then the input pattern is adjusted to be
+ * "dd-MMMM hh:mm". This is used internally to get the best match for the
+ * input skeleton, but can also be used externally.
+ *
+ * Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
+ * It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
+ * rather than creating one for each function call.
+ * Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
+ * but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
+ *
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param pattern Input pattern
+ * @param patternLength the length of input pattern.
+ * @param skeleton
+ * @param skeletonLength the length of input skeleton.
+ * @param dest  pattern adjusted to match the skeleton fields widths and subtypes.
+ * @param destCapacity the capacity of dest.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *                  failure before the function call.
+ * @return the length of dest.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+udatpg_replaceFieldTypes(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                         const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength,
+                         const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLength,
+                         UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Adjusts the field types (width and subtype) of a pattern to match what is
+ * in a skeleton. That is, if you supply a pattern like "d-M H:m", and a
+ * skeleton of "MMMMddhhmm", then the input pattern is adjusted to be
+ * "dd-MMMM hh:mm". This is used internally to get the best match for the
+ * input skeleton, but can also be used externally.
+ *
+ * Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
+ * It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
+ * rather than creating one for each function call.
+ * Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
+ * but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
+ *
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param pattern Input pattern
+ * @param patternLength the length of input pattern.
+ * @param skeleton
+ * @param skeletonLength the length of input skeleton.
+ * @param options
+ *            Options controlling whether the length of specified fields in the
+ *            pattern are adjusted to match those in the skeleton (when this
+ *            would not happen otherwise). For default behavior, use
+ * @param dest  pattern adjusted to match the skeleton fields widths and subtypes.
+ * @param destCapacity the capacity of dest.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *                  failure before the function call.
+ * @return the length of dest.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+udatpg_replaceFieldTypesWithOptions(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                                    const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength,
+                                    const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLength,
+                                    UDateTimePatternMatchOptions options,
+                                    UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return a UEnumeration list of all the skeletons in canonical form.
+ * Call udatpg_getPatternForSkeleton() to get the corresponding pattern.
+ * 
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *                  failure before the function call
+ * @return a UEnumeration list of all the skeletons
+ *         The caller must close the object.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_openSkeletons(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return a UEnumeration list of all the base skeletons in canonical form.
+ *
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
+ *             failure before the function call.
+ * @return a UEnumeration list of all the base skeletons
+ *             The caller must close the object.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_openBaseSkeletons(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get the pattern corresponding to a given skeleton.
+ * 
+ * @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
+ * @param skeleton 
+ * @param skeletonLength pointer to the length of skeleton.
+ * @param pLength pointer to the length of return pattern.
+ * @return pattern corresponding to a given skeleton.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+udatpg_getPatternForSkeleton(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
+                             const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLength,
+                             int32_t *pLength);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udisplaycontext.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udisplaycontext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..398481c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/udisplaycontext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Display context types (enum values)
+ */
+ * Display context types, for getting values of a particular setting.
+ * Note, the specific numeric values are internal and may change.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+enum UDisplayContextType {
+    /**
+     * Type to retrieve the dialect handling setting, e.g.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type to retrieve the capitalization context setting, e.g.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type to retrieve the display length setting, e.g.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type to retrieve the substitute handling setting, e.g.
+     * @stable ICU 58
+     */
+*  @stable ICU 51
+typedef enum UDisplayContextType UDisplayContextType;
+ * Display context settings.
+ * Note, the specific numeric values are internal and may change.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+enum UDisplayContext {
+    /**
+     * ================================
+     * DIALECT_HANDLING can be set to one of UDISPCTX_STANDARD_NAMES or
+     * to get the value.
+     */
+    /**
+     * A possible setting for DIALECT_HANDLING:
+     * use standard names when generating a locale name,
+     * e.g. en_GB displays as 'English (United Kingdom)'.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * A possible setting for DIALECT_HANDLING:
+     * use dialect names, when generating a locale name,
+     * e.g. en_GB displays as 'British English'.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * ================================
+     * Use UDisplayContextType UDISPCTX_TYPE_CAPITALIZATION to get the value.
+     */
+    /**
+     * The capitalization context to be used is unknown (this is the default value).
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * The capitalization context if a date, date symbol or display name is to be
+     * formatted with capitalization appropriate for the middle of a sentence.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * The capitalization context if a date, date symbol or display name is to be
+     * formatted with capitalization appropriate for the beginning of a sentence.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * The capitalization context if a date, date symbol or display name is to be
+     * formatted with capitalization appropriate for a user-interface list or menu item.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * The capitalization context if a date, date symbol or display name is to be
+     * formatted with capitalization appropriate for stand-alone usage such as an
+     * isolated name on a calendar page.
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    /**
+     * ================================
+     * DISPLAY_LENGTH can be set to one of UDISPCTX_LENGTH_FULL or
+     * to get the value.
+     */
+    /**
+     * A possible setting for DISPLAY_LENGTH:
+     * use full names when generating a locale name,
+     * e.g. "United States" for US.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * A possible setting for DISPLAY_LENGTH:
+     * use short names when generating a locale name,
+     * e.g. "U.S." for US.
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * ================================
+     * to get the value.
+     */
+    /**
+     * A possible setting for SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING:
+     * Returns a fallback value (e.g., the input code) when no data is available.
+     * This is the default value.
+     * @stable ICU 58
+     */
+    /**
+     * A possible setting for SUBSTITUTE_HANDLING:
+     * Returns a null value when no data is available.
+     * @stable ICU 58
+     */
+*  @stable ICU 51
+typedef enum UDisplayContext UDisplayContext;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uenum.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uenum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6191d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uenum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uenum.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:2
+*   created on: 2002jul08
+*   created by: Vladimir Weinstein
+#ifndef __UENUM_H
+#define __UENUM_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+class StringEnumeration;
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: String Enumeration 
+ */
+ * An enumeration object.
+ * For usage in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+struct UEnumeration;
+/** structure representing an enumeration object instance @stable ICU 2.2 */
+typedef struct UEnumeration UEnumeration;
+ * Disposes of resources in use by the iterator.  If en is NULL,
+ * does nothing.  After this call, any char* or UChar* pointer
+ * returned by uenum_unext() or uenum_next() is invalid.
+ * @param en UEnumeration structure pointer
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+uenum_close(UEnumeration* en);
+ * \class LocalUEnumerationPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UEnumeration via uenum_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUEnumerationPointer, UEnumeration, uenum_close);
+ * Returns the number of elements that the iterator traverses.  If
+ * the iterator is out-of-sync with its service, status is set to
+ * This is a convenience function. It can end up being very
+ * expensive as all the items might have to be pre-fetched (depending
+ * on the type of data being traversed). Use with caution and only 
+ * when necessary.
+ * @param en UEnumeration structure pointer
+ * @param status error code, can be U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR if the
+ *               iterator is out of sync.
+ * @return number of elements in the iterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+uenum_count(UEnumeration* en, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the next element in the iterator's list.  If there are
+ * no more elements, returns NULL.  If the iterator is out-of-sync
+ * with its service, status is set to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR and
+ * NULL is returned.  If the native service string is a char* string,
+ * it is converted to UChar* with the invariant converter.
+ * The result is terminated by (UChar)0.
+ * @param en the iterator object
+ * @param resultLength pointer to receive the length of the result
+ *                     (not including the terminating \\0).
+ *                     If the pointer is NULL it is ignored.
+ * @param status the error code, set to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR if
+ *               the iterator is out of sync with its service.
+ * @return a pointer to the string.  The string will be
+ *         zero-terminated.  The return pointer is owned by this iterator
+ *         and must not be deleted by the caller.  The pointer is valid
+ *         until the next call to any uenum_... method, including
+ *         uenum_next() or uenum_unext().  When all strings have been
+ *         traversed, returns NULL.
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+uenum_unext(UEnumeration* en,
+            int32_t* resultLength,
+            UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the next element in the iterator's list.  If there are
+ * no more elements, returns NULL.  If the iterator is out-of-sync
+ * with its service, status is set to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR and
+ * NULL is returned.  If the native service string is a UChar*
+ * string, it is converted to char* with the invariant converter.
+ * The result is terminated by (char)0.  If the conversion fails
+ * (because a character cannot be converted) then status is set to
+ * U_INVARIANT_CONVERSION_ERROR and the return value is undefined
+ * (but non-NULL).
+ * @param en the iterator object
+ * @param resultLength pointer to receive the length of the result
+ *                     (not including the terminating \\0).
+ *                     If the pointer is NULL it is ignored.
+ * @param status the error code, set to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR if
+ *               the iterator is out of sync with its service.  Set to
+ *               U_INVARIANT_CONVERSION_ERROR if the underlying native string is
+ *               UChar* and conversion to char* with the invariant converter
+ *               fails. This error pertains only to current string, so iteration
+ *               might be able to continue successfully.
+ * @return a pointer to the string.  The string will be
+ *         zero-terminated.  The return pointer is owned by this iterator
+ *         and must not be deleted by the caller.  The pointer is valid
+ *         until the next call to any uenum_... method, including
+ *         uenum_next() or uenum_unext().  When all strings have been
+ *         traversed, returns NULL.
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uenum_next(UEnumeration* en,
+           int32_t* resultLength,
+           UErrorCode* status);
+ * Resets the iterator to the current list of service IDs.  This
+ * re-establishes sync with the service and rewinds the iterator
+ * to start at the first element.
+ * @param en the iterator object
+ * @param status the error code, set to U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR if
+ *               the iterator is out of sync with its service.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+uenum_reset(UEnumeration* en, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Given a StringEnumeration, wrap it in a UEnumeration.  The
+ * StringEnumeration is adopted; after this call, the caller must not
+ * delete it (regardless of error status).
+ * @param adopted the C++ StringEnumeration to be wrapped in a UEnumeration.
+ * @param ec the error code.
+ * @return a UEnumeration wrapping the adopted StringEnumeration.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uenum_openFromStringEnumeration(icu::StringEnumeration* adopted, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Given an array of const UChar* strings, return a UEnumeration.  String pointers from 0..count-1 must not be null.
+ * Do not free or modify either the string array or the characters it points to until this object has been destroyed with uenum_close.
+ * \snippet test/cintltst/uenumtst.c uenum_openUCharStringsEnumeration
+ * @param strings array of const UChar* strings (each null terminated). All storage is owned by the caller.
+ * @param count length of the array
+ * @param ec error code
+ * @return the new UEnumeration object. Caller is responsible for calling uenum_close to free memory.
+ * @see uenum_close
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uenum_openUCharStringsEnumeration(const UChar* const strings[], int32_t count,
+                                 UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Given an array of const char* strings (invariant chars only), return a UEnumeration.  String pointers from 0..count-1 must not be null.
+ * Do not free or modify either the string array or the characters it points to until this object has been destroyed with uenum_close.
+ * \snippet test/cintltst/uenumtst.c uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration
+ * @param strings array of char* strings (each null terminated).  All storage is owned by the caller.
+ * @param count length of the array
+ * @param ec error code
+ * @return the new UEnumeration object. Caller is responsible for calling uenum_close to free memory
+ * @see uenum_close
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration(const char* const strings[], int32_t count,
+                                 UErrorCode* ec);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ufieldpositer.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ufieldpositer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba795a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ufieldpositer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: UFieldPositionIterator for use with format APIs.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * ufieldpositer_open creates an empty (unset) UFieldPositionIterator.
+ * This can be passed to format functions such as {@link #udat_formatForFields},
+ * which will set it to apply to the fields in a particular formatted string.
+ * ufieldpositer_next can then be used to iterate over those fields,
+ * providing for each field its type (using values that are specific to the
+ * particular format type, such as date or number formats), as well as the
+ * start and end positions of the field in the formatted string.
+ * A given UFieldPositionIterator can be re-used for different format calls;
+ * each such call resets it to apply to that format string.
+ * ufieldpositer_close should be called to dispose of the UFieldPositionIterator
+ * when it is no longer needed.
+ *
+ * @see FieldPositionIterator
+ */
+ * Opaque UFieldPositionIterator object for use in C.
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+struct UFieldPositionIterator;
+typedef struct UFieldPositionIterator UFieldPositionIterator;  /**< C typedef for struct UFieldPositionIterator. @stable ICU 55 */
+ * Open a new, unset UFieldPositionIterator object.
+ * @param status
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return
+ *          A pointer to an empty (unset) UFieldPositionIterator object,
+ *          or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+U_STABLE UFieldPositionIterator* U_EXPORT2
+ufieldpositer_open(UErrorCode* status);
+ * Close a UFieldPositionIterator object. Once closed it may no longer be used.
+ * @param fpositer
+ *          A pointer to the UFieldPositionIterator object to close.
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+ufieldpositer_close(UFieldPositionIterator *fpositer);
+ * \class LocalUFieldPositionIteratorPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFieldPositionIterator via ufieldpositer_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFieldPositionIteratorPointer, UFieldPositionIterator, ufieldpositer_close);
+ * Get information for the next field in the formatted string to which this
+ * UFieldPositionIterator currently applies, or return a negative value if there
+ * are no more fields.
+ * @param fpositer
+ *          A pointer to the UFieldPositionIterator object containing iteration
+ *          state for the format fields.
+ * @param beginIndex
+ *          A pointer to an int32_t to receive information about the start offset
+ *          of the field in the formatted string (undefined if the function
+ *          returns a negative value). May be NULL if this information is not needed.
+ * @param endIndex
+ *          A pointer to an int32_t to receive information about the end offset
+ *          of the field in the formatted string (undefined if the function
+ *          returns a negative value). May be NULL if this information is not needed.
+ * @return
+ *          The field type (non-negative value), or a negative value if there are
+ *          no more fields for which to provide information. If negative, then any
+ *          values pointed to by beginIndex and endIndex are undefined.
+ *
+ *          The values for field type depend on what type of formatter the
+ *          UFieldPositionIterator has been set by; for a date formatter, the
+ *          values from the UDateFormatField enum. For more information, see the
+ *          descriptions of format functions that take a UFieldPositionIterator*
+ *          parameter, such as {@link #udat_formatForFields}.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+ufieldpositer_next(UFieldPositionIterator *fpositer,
+                   int32_t *beginIndex, int32_t *endIndex);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uformattable.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uformattable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6afd949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uformattable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   2013 Jun 7  srl         New
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: UFormattable is a thin wrapper for primitive types used for formatting and parsing.
+ *
+ * This is a C interface to the icu::Formattable class. Static functions on this class convert
+ * to and from this interface (via reinterpret_cast).  Note that Formattables (and thus UFormattables)
+ * are mutable, and many operations (even getters) may actually modify the internal state. For this
+ * reason, UFormattables are not thread safe, and should not be shared between threads.
+ *
+ * See {@link unum_parseToUFormattable} for example code.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * Enum designating the type of a UFormattable instance.
+ * Practically, this indicates which of the getters would return without conversion
+ * or error.
+ * @see icu::Formattable::Type
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+typedef enum UFormattableType {
+  UFMT_DATE = 0, /**< ufmt_getDate() will return without conversion. @see ufmt_getDate*/
+  UFMT_DOUBLE,   /**< ufmt_getDouble() will return without conversion.  @see ufmt_getDouble*/
+  UFMT_LONG,     /**< ufmt_getLong() will return without conversion. @see ufmt_getLong */
+  UFMT_STRING,   /**< ufmt_getUChars() will return without conversion.  @see ufmt_getUChars*/
+  UFMT_ARRAY,    /**< ufmt_countArray() and ufmt_getArray() will return the value.  @see ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex */
+  UFMT_INT64,    /**< ufmt_getInt64() will return without conversion. @see ufmt_getInt64 */
+  UFMT_OBJECT,   /**< ufmt_getObject() will return without conversion.  @see ufmt_getObject*/
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UFormattableType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UFormattableType;
+ * Opaque type representing various types of data which may be used for formatting
+ * and parsing operations.
+ * @see icu::Formattable
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+typedef void *UFormattable;
+ * Initialize a UFormattable, to type UNUM_LONG, value 0
+ * may return error if memory allocation failed.
+ * parameter status error code.
+ * See {@link unum_parseToUFormattable} for example code.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @return the new UFormattable
+ * @see ufmt_close
+ * @see icu::Formattable::Formattable()
+ */
+U_STABLE UFormattable* U_EXPORT2
+ufmt_open(UErrorCode* status);
+ * Cleanup any additional memory allocated by this UFormattable.
+ * @param fmt the formatter
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see ufmt_open
+ */
+ufmt_close(UFormattable* fmt);
+ * \class LocalUFormattablePointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattable via ufmt_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFormattablePointer, UFormattable, ufmt_close);
+ * Return the type of this object
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status status code - U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned if the UFormattable contains data not supported by
+ * the API
+ * @return the value as a UFormattableType
+ * @see ufmt_isNumeric
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getType() const
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UFormattableType U_EXPORT2
+ufmt_getType(const UFormattable* fmt, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Return whether the object is numeric.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @return true if the object is a double, long, or int64 value, else false.
+ * @see ufmt_getType
+ * @see icu::Formattable::isNumeric() const
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+ufmt_isNumeric(const UFormattable* fmt);
+ * Gets the UDate value of this object.  If the type is not of type UFMT_DATE,
+ * status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR and the return value is
+ * undefined.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors
+ * @return the value
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getDate(UErrorCode&) const
+ */
+ufmt_getDate(const UFormattable* fmt, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Gets the double value of this object. If the type is not a UFMT_DOUBLE, or
+ * if there are additional significant digits than fit in a double type,
+ * a conversion is performed with  possible loss of precision.
+ * If the type is UFMT_OBJECT and the
+ * object is a Measure, then the result of
+ * getNumber().getDouble(status) is returned.  If this object is
+ * neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and
+ * the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors
+ * @return the value
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getDouble(UErrorCode&) const
+ */
+ufmt_getDouble(UFormattable* fmt, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Gets the long (int32_t) value of this object. If the magnitude is too
+ * large to fit in a long, then the maximum or minimum long value,
+ * as appropriate, is returned and the status is set to
+ * U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.  If this object is of type UFMT_INT64 and
+ * it fits within a long, then no precision is lost.  If it is of
+ * type kDouble or kDecimalNumber, then a conversion is peformed, with
+ * truncation of any fractional part.  If the type is UFMT_OBJECT and
+ * the object is a Measure, then the result of
+ * getNumber().getLong(status) is returned.  If this object is
+ * neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and
+ * the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors
+ * @return the value
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getLong(UErrorCode&) const
+ */
+ufmt_getLong(UFormattable* fmt, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Gets the int64_t value of this object. If this object is of a numeric
+ * type and the magnitude is too large to fit in an int64, then
+ * the maximum or minimum int64 value, as appropriate, is returned
+ * and the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.  If the
+ * magnitude fits in an int64, then a casting conversion is
+ * peformed, with truncation of any fractional part.  If the type
+ * is UFMT_OBJECT and the object is a Measure, then the result of
+ * getNumber().getDouble(status) is returned.  If this object is
+ * neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and
+ * the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors
+ * @return the value
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getInt64(UErrorCode&) const
+ */
+ufmt_getInt64(UFormattable* fmt, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a pointer to the UObject contained within this
+ * formattable (as a const void*), or NULL if this object
+ * is not of type UFMT_OBJECT.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors
+ * @return the value as a const void*. It is a polymorphic C++ object.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getObject() const
+ */
+U_STABLE const void *U_EXPORT2
+ufmt_getObject(const UFormattable* fmt, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Gets the string value of this object as a UChar string. If the type is not a
+ * string, status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR and a NULL pointer is returned.
+ * This function is not thread safe and may modify the UFormattable if need be to terminate the string.
+ * The returned pointer is not valid if any other functions are called on this UFormattable, or if the UFormattable is closed.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors
+ * @param len if non null, contains the string length on return
+ * @return the null terminated string value - must not be referenced after any other functions are called on this UFormattable.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getString(UnicodeString&)const
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+ufmt_getUChars(UFormattable* fmt, int32_t *len, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the number of array objects contained, if an array type UFMT_ARRAY
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if not an array type.
+ * @return the number of array objects or undefined if not an array type
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex
+ */
+ufmt_getArrayLength(const UFormattable* fmt, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the specified value from the array of UFormattables. Invalid if the object is not an array type UFMT_ARRAY
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param n the number of the array to return (0 based).
+ * @param status the error code - any conversion or format errors. Returns an error if n is out of bounds.
+ * @return the nth array value, only valid while the containing UFormattable is valid. NULL if not an array.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getArray(int32_t&, UErrorCode&) const
+ */
+U_STABLE UFormattable * U_EXPORT2
+ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex(UFormattable* fmt, int32_t n, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a numeric string representation of the number contained within this
+ * formattable, or NULL if this object does not contain numeric type.
+ * For values obtained by parsing, the returned decimal number retains
+ * the full precision and range of the original input, unconstrained by
+ * the limits of a double floating point or a 64 bit int.
+ *
+ * This function is not thread safe, and therfore is not declared const,
+ * even though it is logically const.
+ * The resulting buffer is owned by the UFormattable and is invalid if any other functions are
+ * called on the UFormattable.
+ *
+ * Possible errors include U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, and
+ * U_INVALID_STATE if the formattable object has not been set to
+ * a numeric type.
+ * @param fmt the UFormattable object
+ * @param len if non-null, on exit contains the string length (not including the terminating null)
+ * @param status the error code
+ * @return the character buffer as a NULL terminated string, which is owned by the object and must not be accessed if any other functions are called on this object.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ * @see icu::Formattable::getDecimalNumber(UErrorCode&)
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ufmt_getDecNumChars(UFormattable *fmt, int32_t *len, UErrorCode *status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uformattedvalue.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uformattedvalue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b289e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uformattedvalue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ufieldpositer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Abstract operations for localized strings.
+ * 
+ * This file contains declarations for classes that deal with formatted strings. A number
+ * of APIs throughout ICU use these classes for expressing their localized output.
+ */
+ * All possible field categories in ICU. Every entry in this enum corresponds
+ * to another enum that exists in ICU.
+ * 
+ * In the APIs that take a UFieldCategory, an int32_t type is used. Field
+ * categories having any of the top four bits turned on are reserved as
+ * private-use for external APIs implementing FormattedValue. This means that
+ * categories 2^28 and higher or below zero (with the highest bit turned on)
+ * are private-use and will not be used by ICU in the future.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+typedef enum UFieldCategory {
+    /**
+     * For an undefined field category.
+     * 
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    /**
+     * For fields in UDateFormatField (udat.h), from ICU 3.0.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    /**
+     * For fields in UNumberFormatFields (unum.h), from ICU 49.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    /**
+     * For fields in UListFormatterField (ulistformatter.h), from ICU 63.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    /**
+     * For fields in URelativeDateTimeFormatterField (ureldatefmt.h), from ICU 64.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    /**
+     * Reserved for possible future fields in UDateIntervalFormatField.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+    /** @internal */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Category for spans in a list.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    /**
+     * Category for spans in a date interval.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+} UFieldCategory;
+struct UConstrainedFieldPosition;
+ * Represents a span of a string containing a given field.
+ *
+ * This struct differs from UFieldPosition in the following ways:
+ *
+ *   1. It has information on the field category.
+ *   2. It allows you to set constraints to use when iterating over field positions.
+ *   3. It is used for the newer FormattedValue APIs.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+typedef struct UConstrainedFieldPosition UConstrainedFieldPosition;
+ * Creates a new UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ *
+ * By default, the UConstrainedFieldPosition has no iteration constraints.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return The new object, or NULL if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT UConstrainedFieldPosition* U_EXPORT2
+ucfpos_open(UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Resets a UConstrainedFieldPosition to its initial state, as if it were newly created.
+ *
+ * Removes any constraints that may have been set on the instance.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Destroys a UConstrainedFieldPosition and releases its memory.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+ucfpos_close(UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos);
+ * Sets a constraint on the field category.
+ * 
+ * When this instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition is passed to ufmtval_nextPosition,
+ * positions are skipped unless they have the given category.
+ *
+ * Any previously set constraints are cleared.
+ *
+ * For example, to loop over only the number-related fields:
+ *
+ *     UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos = ucfpos_open(ec);
+ *     ucfpos_constrainCategory(ucfpos, UFIELDCATEGORY_NUMBER_FORMAT, ec);
+ *     while (ufmtval_nextPosition(ufmtval, ucfpos, ec)) {
+ *         // handle the number-related field position
+ *     }
+ *     ucfpos_close(ucfpos);
+ *
+ * Changing the constraint while in the middle of iterating over a FormattedValue
+ * does not generally have well-defined behavior.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param category The field category to fix when iterating.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    int32_t category,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Sets a constraint on the category and field.
+ * 
+ * When this instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition is passed to ufmtval_nextPosition,
+ * positions are skipped unless they have the given category and field.
+ *
+ * Any previously set constraints are cleared.
+ *
+ * For example, to loop over all grouping separators:
+ *
+ *     UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos = ucfpos_open(ec);
+ *     while (ufmtval_nextPosition(ufmtval, ucfpos, ec)) {
+ *         // handle the grouping separator position
+ *     }
+ *     ucfpos_close(ucfpos);
+ *
+ * Changing the constraint while in the middle of iterating over a FormattedValue
+ * does not generally have well-defined behavior.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param category The field category to fix when iterating.
+ * @param field The field to fix when iterating.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    int32_t category,
+    int32_t field,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Gets the field category for the current position.
+ *
+ * If a category or field constraint was set, this function returns the constrained
+ * category. Otherwise, the return value is well-defined only after
+ * ufmtval_nextPosition returns TRUE.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return The field category saved in the instance.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2
+    const UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Gets the field for the current position.
+ *
+ * If a field constraint was set, this function returns the constrained
+ * field. Otherwise, the return value is well-defined only after
+ * ufmtval_nextPosition returns TRUE.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return The field saved in the instance.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2
+    const UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Gets the INCLUSIVE start and EXCLUSIVE end index stored for the current position.
+ *
+ * The output values are well-defined only after ufmtval_nextPosition returns TRUE.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param pStart Set to the start index saved in the instance. Ignored if nullptr.
+ * @param pLimit Set to the end index saved in the instance. Ignored if nullptr.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    const UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    int32_t* pStart,
+    int32_t* pLimit,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Gets an int64 that FormattedValue implementations may use for storage.
+ *
+ * The initial value is zero.
+ *
+ * Users of FormattedValue should not need to call this method.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return The current iteration context from ucfpos_setInt64IterationContext.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT int64_t U_EXPORT2
+    const UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Sets an int64 that FormattedValue implementations may use for storage.
+ *
+ * Intended to be used by FormattedValue implementations.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param context The new iteration context.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    int64_t context,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Determines whether a given field should be included given the
+ * constraints.
+ *
+ * Intended to be used by FormattedValue implementations.
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param category The category to test.
+ * @param field The field to test.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    const UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    int32_t category,
+    int32_t field,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Sets new values for the primary public getters.
+ *
+ * Intended to be used by FormattedValue implementations.
+ *
+ * It is up to the implementation to ensure that the user-requested
+ * constraints are satisfied. This method does not check!
+ *
+ * @param ucfpos The instance of UConstrainedFieldPosition.
+ * @param category The new field category.
+ * @param field The new field.
+ * @param start The new inclusive start index.
+ * @param limit The new exclusive end index.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    int32_t category,
+    int32_t field,
+    int32_t start,
+    int32_t limit,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+struct UFormattedValue;
+ * An abstract formatted value: a string with associated field attributes.
+ * Many formatters format to types compatible with UFormattedValue.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+typedef struct UFormattedValue UFormattedValue;
+ * Returns a pointer to the formatted string. The pointer is owned by the UFormattedValue. The
+ * return value is valid only as long as the UFormattedValue is present and unchanged in memory.
+ *
+ * The return value is NUL-terminated but could contain internal NULs.
+ *
+ * @param ufmtval
+ *         The object containing the formatted string and attributes.
+ * @param pLength Output variable for the length of the string. Ignored if NULL.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A NUL-terminated char16 string owned by the UFormattedValue.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+    const UFormattedValue* ufmtval,
+    int32_t* pLength,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Iterates over field positions in the UFormattedValue. This lets you determine the position
+ * of specific types of substrings, like a month or a decimal separator.
+ *
+ * To loop over all field positions:
+ *
+ *     UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos = ucfpos_open(ec);
+ *     while (ufmtval_nextPosition(ufmtval, ucfpos, ec)) {
+ *         // handle the field position; get information from ucfpos
+ *     }
+ *     ucfpos_close(ucfpos);
+ *
+ * @param ufmtval
+ *         The object containing the formatted string and attributes.
+ * @param ucfpos
+ *         The object used for iteration state; can provide constraints to iterate over only
+ *         one specific category or field;
+ *         see ucfpos_constrainCategory
+ *         and ucfpos_constrainField.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return TRUE if another position was found; FALSE otherwise.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    const UFormattedValue* ufmtval,
+    UConstrainedFieldPosition* ucfpos,
+    UErrorCode* ec);
+ * \class LocalUConstrainedFieldPositionPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class; closes a UConstrainedFieldPosition via ucfpos_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ *     LocalUConstrainedFieldPositionPointer ucfpos(ucfpos_open(ec));
+ *     // no need to explicitly call ucfpos_close()
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    UConstrainedFieldPosition,
+    ucfpos_close);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // __UFORMATTEDVALUE_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ugender.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ugender.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce006e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ugender.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2013, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UGENDER_H
+#define UGENDER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: The purpose of this API is to compute the gender of a list as a
+ * whole given the gender of each element.
+ *
+ */
+ * Genders
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+enum UGender {
+    /**
+     * Male gender.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Female gender.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Neutral gender.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef enum UGender UGender;
+struct UGenderInfo;
+ * Opaque UGenderInfo object for use in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef struct UGenderInfo UGenderInfo;
+ * Opens a new UGenderInfo object given locale.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the rules are desired.
+ * @param status UErrorCode pointer
+ * @return A UGenderInfo for the specified locale, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+U_STABLE const UGenderInfo* U_EXPORT2
+ugender_getInstance(const char *locale, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Given a list, returns the gender of the list as a whole.
+ * @param genderInfo pointer that ugender_getInstance returns.
+ * @param genders the gender of each element in the list.
+ * @param size the size of the list.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The gender of the list.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+ugender_getListGender(const UGenderInfo* genderInfo, const UGender *genders, int32_t size, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uidna.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uidna.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e789dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uidna.h
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2003-2014, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *   file name:  uidna.h
+ *   encoding:   UTF-8
+ *   tab size:   8 (not used)
+ *   indentation:4
+ *
+ *   created on: 2003feb1
+ *   created by: Ram Viswanadha
+ */
+#ifndef __UIDNA_H__
+#define __UIDNA_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
+ *
+ * IDNA2008 is implemented according to UTS #46, see the IDNA C++ class in idna.h.
+ *
+ * The C API functions which do take a UIDNA * service object pointer
+ * implement UTS #46 and IDNA2008.
+ *
+ * IDNA2003 is obsolete.
+ * The C API functions which do not take a service object pointer
+ * implement IDNA2003. They are all deprecated.
+ */
+ * IDNA option bit set values.
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Default options value: None of the other options are set.
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * Option to allow unassigned code points in domain names and labels.
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * <p>This option is ignored by the UTS46 implementation.
+     * (UTS #46 disallows unassigned code points.)
+     * @deprecated ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Option to check whether the input conforms to the STD3 ASCII rules,
+     * for example the restriction of labels to LDH characters
+     * (ASCII Letters, Digits and Hyphen-Minus).
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * IDNA option to check for whether the input conforms to the BiDi rules.
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * <p>This option is ignored by the IDNA2003 implementation.
+     * (IDNA2003 always performs a BiDi check.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * IDNA option to check for whether the input conforms to the CONTEXTJ rules.
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * <p>This option is ignored by the IDNA2003 implementation.
+     * (The CONTEXTJ check is new in IDNA2008.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * IDNA option for nontransitional processing in ToASCII().
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * <p>By default, ToASCII() uses transitional processing.
+     * <p>This option is ignored by the IDNA2003 implementation.
+     * (This is only relevant for compatibility of newer IDNA implementations with IDNA2003.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * IDNA option for nontransitional processing in ToUnicode().
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * <p>By default, ToUnicode() uses transitional processing.
+     * <p>This option is ignored by the IDNA2003 implementation.
+     * (This is only relevant for compatibility of newer IDNA implementations with IDNA2003.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * IDNA option to check for whether the input conforms to the CONTEXTO rules.
+     * For use in static worker and factory methods.
+     * <p>This option is ignored by the IDNA2003 implementation.
+     * (The CONTEXTO check is new in IDNA2008.)
+     * <p>This is for use by registries for IDNA2008 conformance.
+     * UTS #46 does not require the CONTEXTO check.
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+ * Opaque C service object type for the new IDNA API.
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+struct UIDNA;
+typedef struct UIDNA UIDNA;  /**< C typedef for struct UIDNA. @stable ICU 4.6 */
+ * Returns a UIDNA instance which implements UTS #46.
+ * Returns an unmodifiable instance, owned by the caller.
+ * Cache it for multiple operations, and uidna_close() it when done.
+ * The instance is thread-safe, that is, it can be used concurrently.
+ *
+ * For details about the UTS #46 implementation see the IDNA C++ class in idna.h.
+ *
+ * @param options Bit set to modify the processing and error checking.
+ *                See option bit set values in uidna.h.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the UTS #46 UIDNA instance, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_openUTS46(uint32_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Closes a UIDNA instance.
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance to be closed
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_close(UIDNA *idna);
+ * \class LocalUIDNAPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UIDNA via uidna_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+ * Output container for IDNA processing errors.
+ * Initialize with UIDNA_INFO_INITIALIZER:
+ * \code
+ * int32_t length = uidna_nameToASCII(..., &info, &errorCode);
+ * if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && info.errors!=0) { ... }
+ * \endcode
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+typedef struct UIDNAInfo {
+    /** sizeof(UIDNAInfo) @stable ICU 4.6 */
+    int16_t size;
+    /**
+     * Set to TRUE if transitional and nontransitional processing produce different results.
+     * For details see C++ IDNAInfo::isTransitionalDifferent().
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    UBool isTransitionalDifferent;
+    UBool reservedB3;  /**< Reserved field, do not use. @internal */
+    /**
+     * Bit set indicating IDNA processing errors. 0 if no errors.
+     * See UIDNA_ERROR_... constants.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    uint32_t errors;
+    int32_t reservedI2;  /**< Reserved field, do not use. @internal */
+    int32_t reservedI3;  /**< Reserved field, do not use. @internal */
+} UIDNAInfo;
+ * Static initializer for a UIDNAInfo struct.
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+    (int16_t)sizeof(UIDNAInfo), \
+    FALSE, FALSE, \
+    0, 0, 0 }
+ * Converts a single domain name label into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+ * If any processing step fails, then pInfo->errors will be non-zero and
+ * the result might not be an ASCII string.
+ * The label might be modified according to the types of errors.
+ * Labels with severe errors will be left in (or turned into) their Unicode form.
+ *
+ * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param label Input domain name label
+ * @param length Label length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_labelToASCII(const UIDNA *idna,
+                   const UChar *label, int32_t length,
+                   UChar *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                   UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Converts a single domain name label into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+ * If any processing step fails, then pInfo->errors will be non-zero.
+ * The label might be modified according to the types of errors.
+ *
+ * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param label Input domain name label
+ * @param length Label length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_labelToUnicode(const UIDNA *idna,
+                     const UChar *label, int32_t length,
+                     UChar *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                     UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Converts a whole domain name into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+ * If any processing step fails, then pInfo->errors will be non-zero and
+ * the result might not be an ASCII string.
+ * The domain name might be modified according to the types of errors.
+ * Labels with severe errors will be left in (or turned into) their Unicode form.
+ *
+ * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param name Input domain name
+ * @param length Domain name length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_nameToASCII(const UIDNA *idna,
+                  const UChar *name, int32_t length,
+                  UChar *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                  UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Converts a whole domain name into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+ * If any processing step fails, then pInfo->errors will be non-zero.
+ * The domain name might be modified according to the types of errors.
+ *
+ * The UErrorCode indicates an error only in exceptional cases,
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param name Input domain name
+ * @param length Domain name length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_nameToUnicode(const UIDNA *idna,
+                    const UChar *name, int32_t length,
+                    UChar *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                    UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* UTF-8 versions of the processing methods --------------------------------- */
+ * Converts a single domain name label into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+ * UTF-8 version of uidna_labelToASCII(), same behavior.
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param label Input domain name label
+ * @param length Label length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_labelToASCII_UTF8(const UIDNA *idna,
+                        const char *label, int32_t length,
+                        char *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                        UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Converts a single domain name label into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+ * UTF-8 version of uidna_labelToUnicode(), same behavior.
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param label Input domain name label
+ * @param length Label length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_labelToUnicodeUTF8(const UIDNA *idna,
+                         const char *label, int32_t length,
+                         char *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                         UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Converts a whole domain name into its ASCII form for DNS lookup.
+ * UTF-8 version of uidna_nameToASCII(), same behavior.
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param name Input domain name
+ * @param length Domain name length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_nameToASCII_UTF8(const UIDNA *idna,
+                       const char *name, int32_t length,
+                       char *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                       UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Converts a whole domain name into its Unicode form for human-readable display.
+ * UTF-8 version of uidna_nameToUnicode(), same behavior.
+ *
+ * @param idna UIDNA instance
+ * @param name Input domain name
+ * @param length Domain name length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest Destination string buffer
+ * @param capacity Destination buffer capacity
+ * @param pInfo Output container of IDNA processing details.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return destination string length
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uidna_nameToUnicodeUTF8(const UIDNA *idna,
+                        const char *name, int32_t length,
+                        char *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                        UIDNAInfo *pInfo, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * IDNA error bit set values.
+ * When a domain name or label fails a processing step or does not meet the
+ * validity criteria, then one or more of these error bits are set.
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * A non-final domain name label (or the whole domain name) is empty.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A domain name label is longer than 63 bytes.
+     * (See STD13/RFC1034 3.1. Name space specifications and terminology.)
+     * This is only checked in ToASCII operations, and only if the output label is all-ASCII.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A domain name is longer than 255 bytes in its storage form.
+     * (See STD13/RFC1034 3.1. Name space specifications and terminology.)
+     * This is only checked in ToASCII operations, and only if the output domain name is all-ASCII.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label starts with a hyphen-minus ('-').
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label ends with a hyphen-minus ('-').
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label contains hyphen-minus ('-') in the third and fourth positions.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    UIDNA_ERROR_HYPHEN_3_4=0x20,
+    /**
+     * A label starts with a combining mark.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label or domain name contains disallowed characters.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label starts with "xn--" but does not contain valid Punycode.
+     * That is, an xn-- label failed Punycode decoding.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label contains a dot=full stop.
+     * This can occur in an input string for a single-label function.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * An ACE label does not contain a valid label string.
+     * The label was successfully ACE (Punycode) decoded but the resulting
+     * string had severe validation errors. For example,
+     * it might contain characters that are not allowed in ACE labels,
+     * or it might not be normalized.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label does not meet the IDNA BiDi requirements (for right-to-left characters).
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    UIDNA_ERROR_BIDI=0x800,
+    /**
+     * A label does not meet the IDNA CONTEXTJ requirements.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label does not meet the IDNA CONTEXTO requirements for punctuation characters.
+     * Some punctuation characters "Would otherwise have been DISALLOWED"
+     * but are allowed in certain contexts. (RFC 5892)
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+    /**
+     * A label does not meet the IDNA CONTEXTO requirements for digits.
+     * Arabic-Indic Digits (U+066x) must not be mixed with Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (U+06Fx).
+     * @stable ICU 49
+     */
+/* IDNA2003 API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * IDNA2003: This function implements the ToASCII operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
+ * This operation is done on <b>single labels</b> before sending it to something that expects
+ * ASCII names. A label is an individual part of a domain name. Labels are usually
+ * separated by dots; e.g. "" is composed of 3 labels "www","example", and "com".
+ *
+ * IDNA2003 API Overview:
+ *
+ * The uidna_ API implements the IDNA protocol as defined in the IDNA RFC
+ * (
+ * The RFC defines 2 operations: ToASCII and ToUnicode. Domain name labels
+ * containing non-ASCII code points are processed by the
+ * ToASCII operation before passing it to resolver libraries. Domain names
+ * that are obtained from resolver libraries are processed by the
+ * ToUnicode operation before displaying the domain name to the user.
+ * IDNA requires that implementations process input strings with Nameprep
+ * (,
+ * which is a profile of Stringprep (,
+ * and then with Punycode (
+ * Implementations of IDNA MUST fully implement Nameprep and Punycode;
+ * neither Nameprep nor Punycode are optional.
+ * The input and output of ToASCII and ToUnicode operations are Unicode
+ * and are designed to be chainable, i.e., applying ToASCII or ToUnicode operations
+ * multiple times to an input string will yield the same result as applying the operation
+ * once.
+ * ToUnicode(ToUnicode(ToUnicode...(ToUnicode(string)))) == ToUnicode(string) 
+ * ToASCII(ToASCII(ToASCII...(ToASCII(string))) == ToASCII(string).
+ *
+ * @param src               Input UChar array containing label in Unicode.
+ * @param srcLength         Number of UChars in src, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param dest              Output UChar array with ASCII (ACE encoded) label.
+ * @param destCapacity      Size of dest.
+ * @param options           A bit set of options:
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_DEFAULT             Use default options, i.e., do not process unassigned code points
+ *                              and do not use STD3 ASCII rules
+ *                              If unassigned code points are found the operation fails with 
+ *                              U_UNASSIGNED_ERROR error code.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED    Unassigned values can be converted to ASCII for query operations
+ *                              If this option is set, the unassigned code points are in the input 
+ *                              are treated as normal Unicode code points.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_USE_STD3_RULES      Use STD3 ASCII rules for host name syntax restrictions
+ *                              If this option is set and the input does not satisfy STD3 rules,  
+ *                              the operation will fail with U_IDNA_STD3_ASCII_RULES_ERROR
+ *
+ * @param parseError        Pointer to UParseError struct to receive information on position 
+ *                          of error if an error is encountered. Can be NULL.
+ * @param status            ICU in/out error code parameter.
+ *                          U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND if src contains
+ *                          unmatched single surrogates.
+ *                          U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if src contains
+ *                          too many code points.
+ *                          U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if destCapacity is not enough
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ * @deprecated ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
+ */
+uidna_toASCII(const UChar* src, int32_t srcLength, 
+              UChar* dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+              int32_t options,
+              UParseError* parseError,
+              UErrorCode* status);
+ * IDNA2003: This function implements the ToUnicode operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
+ * This operation is done on <b>single labels</b> before sending it to something that expects
+ * Unicode names. A label is an individual part of a domain name. Labels are usually
+ * separated by dots; for e.g. "" is composed of 3 labels "www","example", and "com".
+ *
+ * @param src               Input UChar array containing ASCII (ACE encoded) label.
+ * @param srcLength         Number of UChars in src, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param dest Output       Converted UChar array containing Unicode equivalent of label.
+ * @param destCapacity      Size of dest.
+ * @param options           A bit set of options:
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_DEFAULT             Use default options, i.e., do not process unassigned code points
+ *                              and do not use STD3 ASCII rules
+ *                              If unassigned code points are found the operation fails with 
+ *                              U_UNASSIGNED_ERROR error code.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED      Unassigned values can be converted to ASCII for query operations
+ *                              If this option is set, the unassigned code points are in the input 
+ *                              are treated as normal Unicode code points. <b> Note: </b> This option is 
+ *                              required on toUnicode operation because the RFC mandates 
+ *                              verification of decoded ACE input by applying toASCII and comparing
+ *                              its output with source
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_USE_STD3_RULES      Use STD3 ASCII rules for host name syntax restrictions
+ *                              If this option is set and the input does not satisfy STD3 rules,  
+ *                              the operation will fail with U_IDNA_STD3_ASCII_RULES_ERROR
+ *
+ * @param parseError        Pointer to UParseError struct to receive information on position 
+ *                          of error if an error is encountered. Can be NULL.
+ * @param status            ICU in/out error code parameter.
+ *                          U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND if src contains
+ *                          unmatched single surrogates.
+ *                          U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if src contains
+ *                          too many code points.
+ *                          U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if destCapacity is not enough
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ * @deprecated ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
+ */
+uidna_toUnicode(const UChar* src, int32_t srcLength,
+                UChar* dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                int32_t options,
+                UParseError* parseError,
+                UErrorCode* status);
+ * IDNA2003: Convenience function that implements the IDNToASCII operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
+ * This operation is done on complete domain names, e.g: "". 
+ * It is important to note that this operation can fail. If it fails, then the input 
+ * domain name cannot be used as an Internationalized Domain Name and the application
+ * should have methods defined to deal with the failure.
+ *
+ * <b>Note:</b> IDNA RFC specifies that a conformant application should divide a domain name
+ * into separate labels, decide whether to apply allowUnassigned and useSTD3ASCIIRules on each, 
+ * and then convert. This function does not offer that level of granularity. The options once  
+ * set will apply to all labels in the domain name
+ *
+ * @param src               Input UChar array containing IDN in Unicode.
+ * @param srcLength         Number of UChars in src, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param dest              Output UChar array with ASCII (ACE encoded) IDN.
+ * @param destCapacity      Size of dest.
+ * @param options           A bit set of options:
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_DEFAULT             Use default options, i.e., do not process unassigned code points
+ *                              and do not use STD3 ASCII rules
+ *                              If unassigned code points are found the operation fails with 
+ *                              U_UNASSIGNED_CODE_POINT_FOUND error code.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED    Unassigned values can be converted to ASCII for query operations
+ *                              If this option is set, the unassigned code points are in the input 
+ *                              are treated as normal Unicode code points.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_USE_STD3_RULES      Use STD3 ASCII rules for host name syntax restrictions
+ *                              If this option is set and the input does not satisfy STD3 rules,  
+ *                              the operation will fail with U_IDNA_STD3_ASCII_RULES_ERROR
+ *
+ * @param parseError        Pointer to UParseError struct to receive information on position 
+ *                          of error if an error is encountered. Can be NULL.
+ * @param status            ICU in/out error code parameter.
+ *                          U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND if src contains
+ *                          unmatched single surrogates.
+ *                          U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if src contains
+ *                          too many code points.
+ *                          U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if destCapacity is not enough
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ * @deprecated ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
+ */
+uidna_IDNToASCII(  const UChar* src, int32_t srcLength,
+                   UChar* dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                   int32_t options,
+                   UParseError* parseError,
+                   UErrorCode* status);
+ * IDNA2003: Convenience function that implements the IDNToUnicode operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
+ * This operation is done on complete domain names, e.g: "". 
+ *
+ * <b>Note:</b> IDNA RFC specifies that a conformant application should divide a domain name
+ * into separate labels, decide whether to apply allowUnassigned and useSTD3ASCIIRules on each, 
+ * and then convert. This function does not offer that level of granularity. The options once  
+ * set will apply to all labels in the domain name
+ *
+ * @param src               Input UChar array containing IDN in ASCII (ACE encoded) form.
+ * @param srcLength         Number of UChars in src, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param dest Output       UChar array containing Unicode equivalent of source IDN.
+ * @param destCapacity      Size of dest.
+ * @param options           A bit set of options:
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_DEFAULT             Use default options, i.e., do not process unassigned code points
+ *                              and do not use STD3 ASCII rules
+ *                              If unassigned code points are found the operation fails with 
+ *                              U_UNASSIGNED_CODE_POINT_FOUND error code.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED    Unassigned values can be converted to ASCII for query operations
+ *                              If this option is set, the unassigned code points are in the input 
+ *                              are treated as normal Unicode code points.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_USE_STD3_RULES      Use STD3 ASCII rules for host name syntax restrictions
+ *                              If this option is set and the input does not satisfy STD3 rules,  
+ *                              the operation will fail with U_IDNA_STD3_ASCII_RULES_ERROR
+ *
+ * @param parseError        Pointer to UParseError struct to receive information on position 
+ *                          of error if an error is encountered. Can be NULL.
+ * @param status            ICU in/out error code parameter.
+ *                          U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND if src contains
+ *                          unmatched single surrogates.
+ *                          U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if src contains
+ *                          too many code points.
+ *                          U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if destCapacity is not enough
+ * @return The length of the result string, if successful - or in case of a buffer overflow,
+ *         in which case it will be greater than destCapacity.
+ * @deprecated ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
+ */
+uidna_IDNToUnicode(  const UChar* src, int32_t srcLength,
+                     UChar* dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                     int32_t options,
+                     UParseError* parseError,
+                     UErrorCode* status);
+ * IDNA2003: Compare two IDN strings for equivalence.
+ * This function splits the domain names into labels and compares them.
+ * According to IDN RFC, whenever two labels are compared, they are 
+ * considered equal if and only if their ASCII forms (obtained by 
+ * applying toASCII) match using an case-insensitive ASCII comparison.
+ * Two domain names are considered a match if and only if all labels 
+ * match regardless of whether label separators match.
+ *
+ * @param s1                First source string.
+ * @param length1           Length of first source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param s2                Second source string.
+ * @param length2           Length of second source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param options           A bit set of options:
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_DEFAULT             Use default options, i.e., do not process unassigned code points
+ *                              and do not use STD3 ASCII rules
+ *                              If unassigned code points are found the operation fails with 
+ *                              U_UNASSIGNED_CODE_POINT_FOUND error code.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED    Unassigned values can be converted to ASCII for query operations
+ *                              If this option is set, the unassigned code points are in the input 
+ *                              are treated as normal Unicode code points.
+ *
+ *  - UIDNA_USE_STD3_RULES      Use STD3 ASCII rules for host name syntax restrictions
+ *                              If this option is set and the input does not satisfy STD3 rules,  
+ *                              the operation will fail with U_IDNA_STD3_ASCII_RULES_ERROR
+ *
+ * @param status            ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                          Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return <0 or 0 or >0 as usual for string comparisons
+ * @deprecated ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
+ */
+uidna_compare(  const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
+                const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
+                int32_t options,
+                UErrorCode* status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_IDNA */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uiter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uiter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11ad75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uiter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2011 International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uiter.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002jan18
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UITER_H__
+#define __UITER_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode Character Iteration
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+    class CharacterIterator;
+    class Replaceable;
+struct UCharIterator;
+typedef struct UCharIterator UCharIterator; /**< C typedef for struct UCharIterator. @stable ICU 2.1 */
+ * Origin constants for UCharIterator.getIndex() and UCharIterator.move().
+ * @see UCharIteratorMove
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef enum UCharIteratorOrigin {
+} UCharIteratorOrigin;
+/** Constants for UCharIterator. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Constant value that may be returned by UCharIteratorMove
+     * indicating that the final UTF-16 index is not known, but that the move succeeded.
+     * This can occur when moving relative to limit or length, or
+     * when moving relative to the current index after a setState()
+     * when the current UTF-16 index is not known.
+     *
+     * It would be very inefficient to have to count from the beginning of the text
+     * just to get the current/limit/length index after moving relative to it.
+     * The actual index can be determined with getIndex(UITER_CURRENT)
+     * which will count the UChars if necessary.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+ * Constant for UCharIterator getState() indicating an error or
+ * an unknown state.
+ * Returned by uiter_getState()/UCharIteratorGetState
+ * when an error occurs.
+ * Also, some UCharIterator implementations may not be able to return
+ * a valid state for each position. This will be clearly documented
+ * for each such iterator (none of the public ones here).
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+#define UITER_NO_STATE ((uint32_t)0xffffffff)
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.getIndex().
+ *
+ * Gets the current position, or the start or limit of the
+ * iteration range.
+ *
+ * This function may perform slowly for UITER_CURRENT after setState() was called,
+ * or for UITER_LENGTH, because an iterator implementation may have to count
+ * UChars if the underlying storage is not UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @param origin get the 0, start, limit, length, or current index
+ * @return the requested index, or U_SENTINEL in an error condition
+ *
+ * @see UCharIteratorOrigin
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorGetIndex(UCharIterator *iter, UCharIteratorOrigin origin);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.move().
+ *
+ * Use iter->move(iter, index, UITER_ZERO) like CharacterIterator::setIndex(index).
+ *
+ * Moves the current position relative to the start or limit of the
+ * iteration range, or relative to the current position itself.
+ * The movement is expressed in numbers of code units forward
+ * or backward by specifying a positive or negative delta.
+ * Out of bounds movement will be pinned to the start or limit.
+ *
+ * This function may perform slowly for moving relative to UITER_LENGTH
+ * because an iterator implementation may have to count the rest of the
+ * UChars if the native storage is not UTF-16.
+ *
+ * When moving relative to the limit or length, or
+ * relative to the current position after setState() was called,
+ * move() may return UITER_UNKNOWN_INDEX (-2) to avoid an inefficient
+ * determination of the actual UTF-16 index.
+ * The actual index can be determined with getIndex(UITER_CURRENT)
+ * which will count the UChars if necessary.
+ * See UITER_UNKNOWN_INDEX for details.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @param delta can be positive, zero, or negative
+ * @param origin move relative to the 0, start, limit, length, or current index
+ * @return the new index, or U_SENTINEL on an error condition,
+ *         or UITER_UNKNOWN_INDEX when the index is not known.
+ *
+ * @see UCharIteratorOrigin
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorMove(UCharIterator *iter, int32_t delta, UCharIteratorOrigin origin);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.hasNext().
+ *
+ * Check if current() and next() can still
+ * return another code unit.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return boolean value for whether current() and next() can still return another code unit
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorHasNext(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.hasPrevious().
+ *
+ * Check if previous() can still return another code unit.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return boolean value for whether previous() can still return another code unit
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorHasPrevious(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.current().
+ *
+ * Return the code unit at the current position,
+ * or U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the limit).
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the current code unit
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef UChar32 U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorCurrent(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Function type declaration for
+ *
+ * Return the code unit at the current index and increment
+ * the index (post-increment, like s[i++]),
+ * or return U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the limit).
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the current code unit (and post-increment the current index)
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef UChar32 U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorNext(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.previous().
+ *
+ * Decrement the index and return the code unit from there
+ * (pre-decrement, like s[--i]),
+ * or return U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the start).
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the previous code unit (after pre-decrementing the current index)
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef UChar32 U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorPrevious(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.reservedFn().
+ * Reserved for future use.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @param something some integer argument
+ * @return some integer
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorReserved(UCharIterator *iter, int32_t something);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.getState().
+ *
+ * Get the "state" of the iterator in the form of a single 32-bit word.
+ * It is recommended that the state value be calculated to be as small as
+ * is feasible. For strings with limited lengths, fewer than 32 bits may
+ * be sufficient.
+ *
+ * This is used together with setState()/UCharIteratorSetState
+ * to save and restore the iterator position more efficiently than with
+ * getIndex()/move().
+ *
+ * The iterator state is defined as a uint32_t value because it is designed
+ * for use in ucol_nextSortKeyPart() which provides 32 bits to store the state
+ * of the character iterator.
+ *
+ * With some UCharIterator implementations (e.g., UTF-8),
+ * getting and setting the UTF-16 index with existing functions
+ * (getIndex(UITER_CURRENT) followed by move(pos, UITER_ZERO)) is possible but
+ * relatively slow because the iterator has to "walk" from a known index
+ * to the requested one.
+ * This takes more time the farther it needs to go.
+ *
+ * An opaque state value allows an iterator implementation to provide
+ * an internal index (UTF-8: the source byte array index) for
+ * fast, constant-time restoration.
+ *
+ * After calling setState(), a getIndex(UITER_CURRENT) may be slow because
+ * the UTF-16 index may not be restored as well, but the iterator can deliver
+ * the correct text contents and move relative to the current position
+ * without performance degradation.
+ *
+ * Some UCharIterator implementations may not be able to return
+ * a valid state for each position, in which case they return UITER_NO_STATE instead.
+ * This will be clearly documented for each such iterator (none of the public ones here).
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the state word
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see UCharIteratorSetState
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef uint32_t U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorGetState(const UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Function type declaration for UCharIterator.setState().
+ *
+ * Restore the "state" of the iterator using a state word from a getState() call.
+ * The iterator object need not be the same one as for which getState() was called,
+ * but it must be of the same type (set up using the same uiter_setXYZ function)
+ * and it must iterate over the same string
+ * (binary identical regardless of memory address).
+ * For more about the state word see UCharIteratorGetState.
+ *
+ * After calling setState(), a getIndex(UITER_CURRENT) may be slow because
+ * the UTF-16 index may not be restored as well, but the iterator can deliver
+ * the correct text contents and move relative to the current position
+ * without performance degradation.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @param state the state word from a getState() call
+ *              on a same-type, same-string iterator
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                   which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see UCharIteratorGetState
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UCharIteratorSetState(UCharIterator *iter, uint32_t state, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * C API for code unit iteration.
+ * This can be used as a C wrapper around
+ * CharacterIterator, Replaceable, or implemented using simple strings, etc.
+ *
+ * There are two roles for using UCharIterator:
+ *
+ * A "provider" sets the necessary function pointers and controls the "protected"
+ * fields of the UCharIterator structure. A "provider" passes a UCharIterator
+ * into C APIs that need a UCharIterator as an abstract, flexible string interface.
+ *
+ * Implementations of such C APIs are "callers" of UCharIterator functions;
+ * they only use the "public" function pointers and never access the "protected"
+ * fields directly.
+ *
+ * The current() and next() functions only check the current index against the
+ * limit, and previous() only checks the current index against the start,
+ * to see if the iterator already reached the end of the iteration range.
+ *
+ * The assumption - in all iterators - is that the index is moved via the API,
+ * which means it won't go out of bounds, or the index is modified by
+ * user code that knows enough about the iterator implementation to set valid
+ * index values.
+ *
+ * UCharIterator functions return code unit values 0..0xffff,
+ * or U_SENTINEL if the iteration bounds are reached.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+struct UCharIterator {
+    /**
+     * (protected) Pointer to string or wrapped object or similar.
+     * Not used by caller.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    const void *context;
+    /**
+     * (protected) Length of string or similar.
+     * Not used by caller.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    int32_t length;
+    /**
+     * (protected) Start index or similar.
+     * Not used by caller.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    int32_t start;
+    /**
+     * (protected) Current index or similar.
+     * Not used by caller.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    int32_t index;
+    /**
+     * (protected) Limit index or similar.
+     * Not used by caller.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    int32_t limit;
+    /**
+     * (protected) Used by UTF-8 iterators and possibly others.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    int32_t reservedField;
+    /**
+     * (public) Returns the current position or the
+     * start or limit index of the iteration range.
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorGetIndex
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorGetIndex *getIndex;
+    /**
+     * (public) Moves the current position relative to the start or limit of the
+     * iteration range, or relative to the current position itself.
+     * The movement is expressed in numbers of code units forward
+     * or backward by specifying a positive or negative delta.
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorMove
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorMove *move;
+    /**
+     * (public) Check if current() and next() can still
+     * return another code unit.
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorHasNext
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorHasNext *hasNext;
+    /**
+     * (public) Check if previous() can still return another code unit.
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorHasPrevious
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorHasPrevious *hasPrevious;
+    /**
+     * (public) Return the code unit at the current position,
+     * or U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the limit).
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorCurrent
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorCurrent *current;
+    /**
+     * (public) Return the code unit at the current index and increment
+     * the index (post-increment, like s[i++]),
+     * or return U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the limit).
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorNext
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorNext *next;
+    /**
+     * (public) Decrement the index and return the code unit from there
+     * (pre-decrement, like s[--i]),
+     * or return U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the start).
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorPrevious
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorPrevious *previous;
+    /**
+     * (public) Reserved for future use. Currently NULL.
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorReserved
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    UCharIteratorReserved *reservedFn;
+    /**
+     * (public) Return the state of the iterator, to be restored later with setState().
+     * This function pointer is NULL if the iterator does not implement it.
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorGet
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    UCharIteratorGetState *getState;
+    /**
+     * (public) Restore the iterator state from the state word from a call
+     * to getState().
+     * This function pointer is NULL if the iterator does not implement it.
+     *
+     * @see UCharIteratorSet
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    UCharIteratorSetState *setState;
+ * Helper function for UCharIterator to get the code point
+ * at the current index.
+ *
+ * Return the code point that includes the code unit at the current position,
+ * or U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the limit).
+ * If the current code unit is a lead or trail surrogate,
+ * then the following or preceding surrogate is used to form
+ * the code point value.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the current code point
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see U16_GET
+ * @see UnicodeString::char32At()
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+uiter_current32(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Helper function for UCharIterator to get the next code point.
+ *
+ * Return the code point at the current index and increment
+ * the index (post-increment, like s[i++]),
+ * or return U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the limit).
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the current code point (and post-increment the current index)
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see U16_NEXT
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+uiter_next32(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Helper function for UCharIterator to get the previous code point.
+ *
+ * Decrement the index and return the code point from there
+ * (pre-decrement, like s[--i]),
+ * or return U_SENTINEL if there is none (index is at the start).
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the previous code point (after pre-decrementing the current index)
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see U16_PREV
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+uiter_previous32(UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Get the "state" of the iterator in the form of a single 32-bit word.
+ * This is a convenience function that calls iter->getState(iter)
+ * if iter->getState is not NULL;
+ * if it is NULL or any other error occurs, then UITER_NO_STATE is returned.
+ *
+ * Some UCharIterator implementations may not be able to return
+ * a valid state for each position, in which case they return UITER_NO_STATE instead.
+ * This will be clearly documented for each such iterator (none of the public ones here).
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @return the state word
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see UCharIteratorGetState
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+uiter_getState(const UCharIterator *iter);
+ * Restore the "state" of the iterator using a state word from a getState() call.
+ * This is a convenience function that calls iter->setState(iter, state, pErrorCode)
+ * if iter->setState is not NULL; if it is NULL, then U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR is set.
+ *
+ * @param iter the UCharIterator structure ("this pointer")
+ * @param state the state word from a getState() call
+ *              on a same-type, same-string iterator
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                   which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see UCharIteratorSetState
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+uiter_setState(UCharIterator *iter, uint32_t state, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Set up a UCharIterator to iterate over a string.
+ *
+ * Sets the UCharIterator function pointers for iteration over the string s
+ * with iteration boundaries start=index=0 and length=limit=string length.
+ * The "provider" may set the start, index, and limit values at any time
+ * within the range 0..length.
+ * The length field will be ignored.
+ *
+ * The string pointer s is set into UCharIterator.context without copying
+ * or reallocating the string contents.
+ *
+ * getState() simply returns the current index.
+ * move() will always return the final index.
+ *
+ * @param iter UCharIterator structure to be set for iteration
+ * @param s String to iterate over
+ * @param length Length of s, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+uiter_setString(UCharIterator *iter, const UChar *s, int32_t length);
+ * Set up a UCharIterator to iterate over a UTF-16BE string
+ * (byte vector with a big-endian pair of bytes per UChar).
+ *
+ * Everything works just like with a normal UChar iterator (uiter_setString),
+ * except that UChars are assembled from byte pairs,
+ * and that the length argument here indicates an even number of bytes.
+ *
+ * getState() simply returns the current index.
+ * move() will always return the final index.
+ *
+ * @param iter UCharIterator structure to be set for iteration
+ * @param s UTF-16BE string to iterate over
+ * @param length Length of s as an even number of bytes, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ *               (NUL means pair of 0 bytes at even index from s)
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @see uiter_setString
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+uiter_setUTF16BE(UCharIterator *iter, const char *s, int32_t length);
+ * Set up a UCharIterator to iterate over a UTF-8 string.
+ *
+ * Sets the UCharIterator function pointers for iteration over the UTF-8 string s
+ * with UTF-8 iteration boundaries 0 and length.
+ * The implementation counts the UTF-16 index on the fly and
+ * lazily evaluates the UTF-16 length of the text.
+ *
+ * The start field is used as the UTF-8 offset, the limit field as the UTF-8 length.
+ * When the reservedField is not 0, then it contains a supplementary code point
+ * and the UTF-16 index is between the two corresponding surrogates.
+ * At that point, the UTF-8 index is behind that code point.
+ *
+ * The UTF-8 string pointer s is set into UCharIterator.context without copying
+ * or reallocating the string contents.
+ *
+ * getState() returns a state value consisting of
+ * - the current UTF-8 source byte index (bits 31..1)
+ * - a flag (bit 0) that indicates whether the UChar position is in the middle
+ *   of a surrogate pair
+ *   (from a 4-byte UTF-8 sequence for the corresponding supplementary code point)
+ *
+ * getState() cannot also encode the UTF-16 index in the state value.
+ * move(relative to limit or length), or
+ * move(relative to current) after setState(), may return UITER_UNKNOWN_INDEX.
+ *
+ * @param iter UCharIterator structure to be set for iteration
+ * @param s UTF-8 string to iterate over
+ * @param length Length of s in bytes, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+uiter_setUTF8(UCharIterator *iter, const char *s, int32_t length);
+ * Set up a UCharIterator to wrap around a C++ CharacterIterator.
+ *
+ * Sets the UCharIterator function pointers for iteration using the
+ * CharacterIterator charIter.
+ *
+ * The CharacterIterator pointer charIter is set into UCharIterator.context
+ * without copying or cloning the CharacterIterator object.
+ * The other "protected" UCharIterator fields are set to 0 and will be ignored.
+ * The iteration index and boundaries are controlled by the CharacterIterator.
+ *
+ * getState() simply returns the current index.
+ * move() will always return the final index.
+ *
+ * @param iter UCharIterator structure to be set for iteration
+ * @param charIter CharacterIterator to wrap
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+uiter_setCharacterIterator(UCharIterator *iter, icu::CharacterIterator *charIter);
+ * Set up a UCharIterator to iterate over a C++ Replaceable.
+ *
+ * Sets the UCharIterator function pointers for iteration over the
+ * Replaceable rep with iteration boundaries start=index=0 and
+ * length=limit=rep->length().
+ * The "provider" may set the start, index, and limit values at any time
+ * within the range 0..length=rep->length().
+ * The length field will be ignored.
+ *
+ * The Replaceable pointer rep is set into UCharIterator.context without copying
+ * or cloning/reallocating the Replaceable object.
+ *
+ * getState() simply returns the current index.
+ * move() will always return the final index.
+ *
+ * @param iter UCharIterator structure to be set for iteration
+ * @param rep Replaceable to iterate over
+ *
+ * @see UCharIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+uiter_setReplaceable(UCharIterator *iter, const icu::Replaceable *rep);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uldnames.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uldnames.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498668e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uldnames.h
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+*   others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __ULDNAMES_H__
+#define __ULDNAMES_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Provides display names of Locale ids and their components.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * Enum used in LocaleDisplayNames::createInstance.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /**
+     * Use standard names when generating a locale name,
+     * e.g. en_GB displays as 'English (United Kingdom)'.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Use dialect names, when generating a locale name,
+     * e.g. en_GB displays as 'British English'.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+} UDialectHandling;
+ * Opaque C service object type for the locale display names API
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+struct ULocaleDisplayNames;
+ * C typedef for struct ULocaleDisplayNames. 
+ * @stable ICU 4.4 
+ */
+typedef struct ULocaleDisplayNames ULocaleDisplayNames;  
+ * Returns an instance of LocaleDisplayNames that returns names
+ * formatted for the provided locale, using the provided
+ * dialectHandling.  The usual value for dialectHandling is
+ *
+ * @param locale the display locale 
+ * @param dialectHandling how to select names for locales 
+ * @return a ULocaleDisplayNames instance 
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_STABLE ULocaleDisplayNames * U_EXPORT2
+uldn_open(const char * locale,
+          UDialectHandling dialectHandling,
+          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Closes a ULocaleDisplayNames instance obtained from uldn_open().
+ * @param ldn the ULocaleDisplayNames instance to be closed
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_close(ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn);
+ * \class LocalULocaleDisplayNamesPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a ULocaleDisplayNames via uldn_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalULocaleDisplayNamesPointer, ULocaleDisplayNames, uldn_close);
+/* getters for state */
+ * Returns the locale used to determine the display names. This is
+ * not necessarily the same locale passed to {@link #uldn_open}.
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @return the display locale 
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+uldn_getLocale(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn);
+ * Returns the dialect handling used in the display names.
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @return the dialect handling enum
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_STABLE UDialectHandling U_EXPORT2
+uldn_getDialectHandling(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn);
+/* names for entire locales */
+ * Returns the display name of the provided locale.
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param locale the locale whose display name to return
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_localeDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                       const char *locale,
+                       UChar *result,
+                       int32_t maxResultSize,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* names for components of a locale */
+ * Returns the display name of the provided language code.
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param lang the language code whose display name to return
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_languageDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                         const char *lang,
+                         UChar *result,
+                         int32_t maxResultSize,
+                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the display name of the provided script.
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param script the script whose display name to return
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_scriptDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                       const char *script,
+                       UChar *result,
+                       int32_t maxResultSize,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the display name of the provided script code.
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param scriptCode the script code whose display name to return
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_scriptCodeDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                           UScriptCode scriptCode,
+                           UChar *result,
+                           int32_t maxResultSize,
+                           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the display name of the provided region code.
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param region the region code whose display name to return
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_regionDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                       const char *region,
+                       UChar *result,
+                       int32_t maxResultSize,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the display name of the provided variant
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param variant the variant whose display name to return
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_variantDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                        const char *variant,
+                        UChar *result,
+                        int32_t maxResultSize,
+                        UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the display name of the provided locale key
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param key the locale key whose display name to return
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_keyDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                    const char *key,
+                    UChar *result,
+                    int32_t maxResultSize,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the display name of the provided value (used with the provided key).
+ * @param ldn the LocaleDisplayNames instance
+ * @param key the locale key
+ * @param value the locale key's value
+ * @param result receives the display name
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the result buffer
+ * @param pErrorCode the status code
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the display name.  If it's
+ * greater than maxResultSize, the returned name will be truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+uldn_keyValueDisplayName(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn,
+                         const char *key,
+                         const char *value,
+                         UChar *result,
+                         int32_t maxResultSize,
+                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+* Returns an instance of LocaleDisplayNames that returns names formatted
+* for the provided locale, using the provided UDisplayContext settings.
+* @param locale The display locale 
+* @param contexts List of one or more context settings (e.g. for dialect
+*               handling, capitalization, etc.
+* @param length Number of items in the contexts list
+* @param pErrorCode Pointer to UErrorCode input/output status. If at entry this indicates
+*               a failure status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+*               updated with any new status from the function. 
+* @return a ULocaleDisplayNames instance 
+* @stable ICU 51
+U_STABLE ULocaleDisplayNames * U_EXPORT2
+uldn_openForContext(const char * locale, UDisplayContext *contexts,
+                    int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+* Returns the UDisplayContext value for the specified UDisplayContextType.
+* @param ldn the ULocaleDisplayNames instance
+* @param type the UDisplayContextType whose value to return
+* @param pErrorCode Pointer to UErrorCode input/output status. If at entry this indicates
+*               a failure status, the function will do nothing; otherwise this will be
+*               updated with any new status from the function. 
+* @return the UDisplayContextValue for the specified type.
+* @stable ICU 51
+U_STABLE UDisplayContext U_EXPORT2
+uldn_getContext(const ULocaleDisplayNames *ldn, UDisplayContextType type,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif  /* __ULDNAMES_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ulistformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ulistformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a3c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ulistformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Format a list in a locale-appropriate way.
+ *
+ * A UListFormatter is used to format a list of items in a locale-appropriate way, 
+ * using data from CLDR.
+ * Example: Input data ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Delta"] will be formatted
+ * as "Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Delta" in English.
+ */
+ * Opaque UListFormatter object for use in C
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+struct UListFormatter;
+typedef struct UListFormatter UListFormatter;  /**< C typedef for struct UListFormatter. @stable ICU 55 */
+struct UFormattedList;
+ * Opaque struct to contain the results of a UListFormatter operation.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+typedef struct UFormattedList UFormattedList;
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selectors for format fields
+ * defined by ListFormatter.
+ * @draft ICU 63
+ */
+typedef enum UListFormatterField {
+    /**
+     * The literal text in the result which came from the resources.
+     * @draft ICU 63
+     */
+    /**
+     * The element text in the result which came from the input strings.
+     * @draft ICU 63
+     */
+} UListFormatterField;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Open a new UListFormatter object using the rules for a given locale.
+ * @param locale
+ *            The locale whose rules should be used; may be NULL for
+ *            default locale.
+ * @param status
+ *            A pointer to a standard ICU UErrorCode (input/output parameter).
+ *            Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the
+ *            function returns immediately. The caller should check its output
+ *            value with U_FAILURE(), or use with function chaining (see User
+ *            Guide for details).
+ * @return
+ *            A pointer to a UListFormatter object for the specified locale,
+ *            or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+U_CAPI UListFormatter* U_EXPORT2
+ulistfmt_open(const char*  locale,
+              UErrorCode*  status);
+ * Close a UListFormatter object. Once closed it may no longer be used.
+ * @param listfmt
+ *            The UListFormatter object to close.
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+ulistfmt_close(UListFormatter *listfmt);
+ * Creates an object to hold the result of a UListFormatter
+ * operation. The object can be used repeatedly; it is cleared whenever
+ * passed to a format function.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A pointer needing ownership.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_CAPI UFormattedList* U_EXPORT2
+ulistfmt_openResult(UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns a representation of a UFormattedList as a UFormattedValue,
+ * which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type.
+ *
+ * The returned object is owned by the UFormattedList and is valid
+ * only as long as the UFormattedList is present and unchanged in memory.
+ *
+ * You can think of this method as a cast between types.
+ *
+ * When calling ufmtval_nextPosition():
+ * The fields are returned from start to end. The special field category
+ * UFIELD_CATEGORY_LIST_SPAN is used to indicate which argument
+ * was inserted at the given position. The span category will
+ * always occur before the corresponding instance of UFIELD_CATEGORY_LIST
+ * in the ufmtval_nextPosition() iterator.
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object containing the formatted string.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A UFormattedValue owned by the input object.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_CAPI const UFormattedValue* U_EXPORT2
+ulistfmt_resultAsValue(const UFormattedList* uresult, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Releases the UFormattedList created by ulistfmt_openResult().
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object to release.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+ulistfmt_closeResult(UFormattedList* uresult);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * \class LocalUListFormatterPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UListFormatter via ulistfmt_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUListFormatterPointer, UListFormatter, ulistfmt_close);
+ * \class LocalUFormattedListPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattedList via ulistfmt_closeResult().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFormattedListPointer, UFormattedList, ulistfmt_closeResult);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Formats a list of strings using the conventions established for the
+ * UListFormatter object.
+ * @param listfmt
+ *            The UListFormatter object specifying the list conventions.
+ * @param strings
+ *            An array of pointers to UChar strings; the array length is
+ *            specified by stringCount. Must be non-NULL if stringCount > 0.
+ * @param stringLengths
+ *            An array of string lengths corresponding to the strings[]
+ *            parameter; any individual length value may be negative to indicate
+ *            that the corresponding strings[] entry is 0-terminated, or
+ *            stringLengths itself may be NULL if all of the strings are
+ *            0-terminated. If non-NULL, the stringLengths array must have
+ *            stringCount entries.
+ * @param stringCount
+ *            the number of entries in strings[], and the number of entries
+ *            in the stringLengths array if it is not NULL. Must be >= 0.
+ * @param result
+ *            A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted list.
+ * @param resultCapacity
+ *            The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status
+ *            A pointer to a standard ICU UErrorCode (input/output parameter).
+ *            Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the
+ *            function returns immediately. The caller should check its output
+ *            value with U_FAILURE(), or use with function chaining (see User
+ *            Guide for details).
+ * @return
+ *            The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+ *            output was truncated. May be <=0 if unable to determine the
+ *            total buffer size needed (e.g. for illegal arguments).
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ulistfmt_format(const UListFormatter* listfmt,
+                const UChar* const strings[],
+                const int32_t *    stringLengths,
+                int32_t            stringCount,
+                UChar*             result,
+                int32_t            resultCapacity,
+                UErrorCode*        status);
+ * Formats a list of strings to a UFormattedList, which exposes more
+ * information than the string exported by ulistfmt_format().
+ *
+ * @param listfmt
+ *            The UListFormatter object specifying the list conventions.
+ * @param strings
+ *            An array of pointers to UChar strings; the array length is
+ *            specified by stringCount. Must be non-NULL if stringCount > 0.
+ * @param stringLengths
+ *            An array of string lengths corresponding to the strings[]
+ *            parameter; any individual length value may be negative to indicate
+ *            that the corresponding strings[] entry is 0-terminated, or
+ *            stringLengths itself may be NULL if all of the strings are
+ *            0-terminated. If non-NULL, the stringLengths array must have
+ *            stringCount entries.
+ * @param stringCount
+ *            the number of entries in strings[], and the number of entries
+ *            in the stringLengths array if it is not NULL. Must be >= 0.
+ * @param uresult
+ *            The object in which to store the result of the list formatting
+ *            operation. See ulistfmt_openResult().
+ * @param status
+ *            Error code set if an error occurred during formatting.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+                const UListFormatter* listfmt,
+                const UChar* const strings[],
+                const int32_t *    stringLengths,
+                int32_t            stringCount,
+                UFormattedList*    uresult,
+                UErrorCode*        status);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uloc.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c45edad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1344 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File ULOC.H
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/01/97    aliu        Creation.
+*   08/22/98    stephen     JDK 1.2 sync.
+*   12/08/98    rtg         New C API for Locale
+*   03/30/99    damiba      overhaul
+*   03/31/99    helena      Javadoc for uloc functions.
+*   04/15/99    Madhu       Updated Javadoc
+#ifndef ULOC_H
+#define ULOC_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief  C API: Locale 
+ *
+ * <h2> ULoc C API for Locale </h2>
+ * A <code>Locale</code> represents a specific geographical, political,
+ * or cultural region. An operation that requires a <code>Locale</code> to perform
+ * its task is called <em>locale-sensitive</em> and uses the <code>Locale</code>
+ * to tailor information for the user. For example, displaying a number
+ * is a locale-sensitive operation--the number should be formatted
+ * according to the customs/conventions of the user's native country,
+ * region, or culture.  In the C APIs, a locales is simply a const char string.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * You create a <code>Locale</code> with one of the three options listed below.
+ * Each of the component is separated by '_' in the locale string.
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *       newLanguage
+ * 
+ *       newLanguage + newCountry
+ * 
+ *       newLanguage + newCountry + newVariant
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * The first option is a valid <STRONG>ISO
+ * Language Code.</STRONG> These codes are the lower-case two-letter
+ * codes as defined by ISO-639.
+ * You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as:
+ * <BR><a href ="">
+ *</a>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The second option includes an additional <STRONG>ISO Country
+ * Code.</STRONG> These codes are the upper-case two-letter codes
+ * as defined by ISO-3166.
+ * You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as:
+ * <BR><a href="">
+ *</a>
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The third option requires another additional information--the 
+ * <STRONG>Variant.</STRONG>
+ * The Variant codes are vendor and browser-specific.
+ * For example, use WIN for Windows, MAC for Macintosh, and POSIX for POSIX.
+ * Where there are two variants, separate them with an underscore, and
+ * put the most important one first. For
+ * example, a Traditional Spanish collation might be referenced, with
+ * "ES", "ES", "Traditional_WIN".
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Because a <code>Locale</code> is just an identifier for a region,
+ * no validity check is performed when you specify a <code>Locale</code>.
+ * If you want to see whether particular resources are available for the
+ * <code>Locale</code> you asked for, you must query those resources. For
+ * example, ask the <code>UNumberFormat</code> for the locales it supports
+ * using its <code>getAvailable</code> method.
+ * <BR><STRONG>Note:</STRONG> When you ask for a resource for a particular
+ * locale, you get back the best available match, not necessarily
+ * precisely what you asked for. For more information, look at
+ * <code>UResourceBundle</code>.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The <code>Locale</code> provides a number of convenient constants
+ * that you can use to specify the commonly used
+ * locales. For example, the following refers to a locale
+ * for the United States:
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *       ULOC_US
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Once you've specified a locale you can query it for information about
+ * itself. Use <code>uloc_getCountry</code> to get the ISO Country Code and
+ * <code>uloc_getLanguage</code> to get the ISO Language Code. You can
+ * use <code>uloc_getDisplayCountry</code> to get the
+ * name of the country suitable for displaying to the user. Similarly,
+ * you can use <code>uloc_getDisplayLanguage</code> to get the name of
+ * the language suitable for displaying to the user. Interestingly,
+ * the <code>uloc_getDisplayXXX</code> methods are themselves locale-sensitive
+ * and have two versions: one that uses the default locale and one
+ * that takes a locale as an argument and displays the name or country in
+ * a language appropriate to that locale.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * The ICU provides a number of services that perform locale-sensitive
+ * operations. For example, the <code>unum_xxx</code> functions format
+ * numbers, currency, or percentages in a locale-sensitive manner. 
+ * </P>
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     UNumberFormat *nf;
+ *     const char* myLocale = "fr_FR";
+ * 
+ *     nf = unum_open( UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, success );          
+ *     unum_close(nf);
+ *     nf = unum_open( UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, success );
+ *     unum_close(nf);
+ *     nf = unum_open( UNUM_PERCENT, NULL, success );   
+ *     unum_close(nf);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * Each of these methods has two variants; one with an explicit locale
+ * and one without; the latter using the default locale.
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code 
+ * 
+ *     nf = unum_open( UNUM_DEFAULT, myLocale, success );          
+ *     unum_close(nf);
+ *     nf = unum_open( UNUM_CURRENCY, myLocale, success );
+ *     unum_close(nf);
+ *     nf = unum_open( UNUM_PERCENT, myLocale, success );   
+ *     unum_close(nf);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * A <code>Locale</code> is the mechanism for identifying the kind of services
+ * (<code>UNumberFormat</code>) that you would like to get. The locale is
+ * <STRONG>just</STRONG> a mechanism for identifying these services.
+ *
+ * <P>
+ * Each international service that performs locale-sensitive operations 
+ * allows you
+ * to get all the available objects of that type. You can sift
+ * through these objects by language, country, or variant,
+ * and use the display names to present a menu to the user.
+ * For example, you can create a menu of all the collation objects
+ * suitable for a given language. Such classes implement these
+ * three class methods:
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *       const char* uloc_getAvailable(int32_t index);
+ *       int32_t uloc_countAvailable();
+ *       int32_t
+ *       uloc_getDisplayName(const char* localeID,
+ *                 const char* inLocaleID, 
+ *                 UChar* result,
+ *                 int32_t maxResultSize,
+ *                  UErrorCode* err);
+ * 
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * <P>
+ * Concerning POSIX/RFC1766 Locale IDs, 
+ *  the getLanguage/getCountry/getVariant/getName functions do understand
+ * the POSIX type form of  language_COUNTRY.ENCODING\@VARIANT
+ * and if there is not an ICU-stype variant, uloc_getVariant() for example
+ * will return the one listed after the \@at sign. As well, the hyphen
+ * "-" is recognized as a country/variant separator similarly to RFC1766.
+ * So for example, "en-us" will be interpreted as en_US.  
+ * As a result, uloc_getName() is far from a no-op, and will have the
+ * effect of converting POSIX/RFC1766 IDs into ICU form, although it does
+ * NOT map any of the actual codes (i.e. russian->ru) in any way.
+ * Applications should call uloc_getName() at the point where a locale ID
+ * is coming from an external source (user entry, OS, web browser)
+ * and pass the resulting string to other ICU functions.  For example,
+ * don't use de-de\@EURO as an argument to resourcebundle.
+ *
+ * @see UResourceBundle
+ */
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_CHINESE            "zh"
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_ENGLISH            "en"
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_FRENCH             "fr"
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_GERMAN             "de"
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_ITALIAN            "it"
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_JAPANESE           "ja"
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_KOREAN             "ko"
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+/** Useful constant for this language. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_CANADA         "en_CA"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_CANADA_FRENCH  "fr_CA"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_CHINA          "zh_CN"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_PRC            "zh_CN"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_FRANCE         "fr_FR"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_GERMANY        "de_DE"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_ITALY          "it_IT"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_JAPAN          "ja_JP"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_KOREA          "ko_KR"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_TAIWAN         "zh_TW"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_UK             "en_GB"
+/** Useful constant for this country/region. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define ULOC_US             "en_US"
+ * Useful constant for the maximum size of the language part of a locale ID.
+ * (including the terminating NULL).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Useful constant for the maximum size of the country part of a locale ID
+ * (including the terminating NULL).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Useful constant for the maximum size of the whole locale ID
+ * (including the terminating NULL and all keywords).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Useful constant for the maximum size of the script part of a locale ID
+ * (including the terminating NULL).
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ * Useful constant for the maximum size of keywords in a locale
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ * Useful constant for the maximum total size of keywords and their values in a locale
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ * Invariant character separating keywords from the locale string
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+  * Unicode code point for '@' separating keywords from the locale string.
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+ * Invariant character for assigning value to a keyword
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+  * Unicode code point for '=' for assigning value to a keyword.
+  * @stable ICU 4.6 
+  */
+ * Invariant character separating keywords
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+  * Unicode code point for ';' separating keywords
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+ * Constants for *_getLocale()
+ * Allow user to select whether she wants information on 
+ * requested, valid or actual locale.
+ * For example, a collator for "en_US_CALIFORNIA" was
+ * requested. In the current state of ICU (2.0), 
+ * the requested locale is "en_US_CALIFORNIA",
+ * the valid locale is "en_US" (most specific locale supported by ICU)
+ * and the actual locale is "root" (the collation data comes unmodified 
+ * from the UCA)
+ * The locale is considered supported by ICU if there is a core ICU bundle 
+ * for that locale (although it may be empty).
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  /** This is locale the data actually comes from 
+   * @stable ICU 2.1
+   */
+  /** This is the most specific locale supported by ICU 
+   * @stable ICU 2.1
+   */
+  /** This is the requested locale
+   *  @deprecated ICU 2.8 
+   */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal ULocDataLocaleType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} ULocDataLocaleType;
+ * Gets ICU's default locale.  
+ * The returned string is a snapshot in time, and will remain valid
+ *   and unchanged even when uloc_setDefault() is called.
+ *   The returned storage is owned by ICU, and must not be altered or deleted
+ *   by the caller.
+ *  
+ * @return the ICU default locale
+ * @system
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+ * Sets ICU's default locale.  
+ *    By default (without calling this function), ICU's default locale will be based
+ *    on information obtained from the underlying system environment.
+ *    <p>
+ *    Changes to ICU's default locale do not propagate back to the
+ *    system environment.
+ *    <p>
+ *    Changes to ICU's default locale to not affect any ICU services that
+ *    may already be open based on the previous default locale value.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the new ICU default locale. A value of NULL will try to get
+ *                 the system's default locale.
+ * @param status the error information if the setting of default locale fails
+ * @system
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_setDefault(const char* localeID,
+        UErrorCode*       status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_SYSTEM_API */
+ * Gets the language code for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the ISO language code with
+ * @param language the language code for localeID
+ * @param languageCapacity the size of the language buffer to store the  
+ * language code with
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the language code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the language code.  If it's greater 
+ * than languageCapacity, the returned language code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getLanguage(const char*    localeID,
+         char* language,
+         int32_t languageCapacity,
+         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the script code for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the ISO language code with
+ * @param script the language code for localeID
+ * @param scriptCapacity the size of the language buffer to store the  
+ * language code with
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the language code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the language code.  If it's greater 
+ * than scriptCapacity, the returned language code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+uloc_getScript(const char*    localeID,
+         char* script,
+         int32_t scriptCapacity,
+         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the  country code for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the country code with
+ * @param country the country code for localeID
+ * @param countryCapacity the size of the country buffer to store the  
+ * country code with
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the country code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the country code.  If it's greater 
+ * than countryCapacity, the returned country code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getCountry(const char*    localeID,
+        char* country,
+        int32_t countryCapacity,
+        UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the variant code for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the variant code with
+ * @param variant the variant code for localeID
+ * @param variantCapacity the size of the variant buffer to store the 
+ * variant code with
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the variant code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the variant code.  If it's greater 
+ * than variantCapacity, the returned variant code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getVariant(const char*    localeID,
+        char* variant,
+        int32_t variantCapacity,
+        UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the full name for the specified locale.
+ * Note: This has the effect of 'canonicalizing' the ICU locale ID to
+ * a certain extent. Upper and lower case are set as needed.
+ * It does NOT map aliased names in any way.
+ * See the top of this header file.
+ * This API supports preflighting.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the full name with
+ * @param name fill in buffer for the name without keywords.
+ * @param nameCapacity capacity of the fill in buffer.
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the full name failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the full name.  If it's greater 
+ * than nameCapacity, the returned full name will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getName(const char*    localeID,
+         char* name,
+         int32_t nameCapacity,
+         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the full name for the specified locale.
+ * Note: This has the effect of 'canonicalizing' the string to
+ * a certain extent. Upper and lower case are set as needed,
+ * and if the components were in 'POSIX' format they are changed to
+ * ICU format.  It does NOT map aliased names in any way.
+ * See the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the full name with
+ * @param name the full name for localeID
+ * @param nameCapacity the size of the name buffer to store the 
+ * full name with
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the full name failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the full name.  If it's greater 
+ * than nameCapacity, the returned full name will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+uloc_canonicalize(const char*    localeID,
+         char* name,
+         int32_t nameCapacity,
+         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the ISO language code for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the ISO language code with
+ * @return language the ISO language code for localeID
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_getISO3Language(const char* localeID);
+ * Gets the ISO country code for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the ISO country code with
+ * @return country the ISO country code for localeID
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_getISO3Country(const char* localeID);
+ * Gets the Win32 LCID value for the specified locale.
+ * If the ICU locale is not recognized by Windows, 0 will be returned.
+ *
+ * LCIDs were deprecated with Windows Vista and Microsoft recommends
+ * that developers use BCP47 style tags instead (uloc_toLanguageTag).
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the Win32 LCID value with
+ * @return country the Win32 LCID for localeID
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+uloc_getLCID(const char* localeID);
+ * Gets the language name suitable for display for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param locale the locale to get the ISO language code with
+ * @param displayLocale Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+ *                 if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+ *                 inLocale would result in "Anglais", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+ *                 for inLocale would result in "Englisch".
+ * @param language the displayable language code for localeID
+ * @param languageCapacity the size of the language buffer to store the  
+ * displayable language code with
+ * @param status error information if retrieving the displayable language code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the displayable language code.  If it's greater 
+ * than languageCapacity, the returned language code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getDisplayLanguage(const char* locale,
+            const char* displayLocale,
+            UChar* language,
+            int32_t languageCapacity,
+            UErrorCode* status);
+ * Gets the script name suitable for display for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param locale the locale to get the displayable script code with. NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param displayLocale Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+ *                 if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+ *                 inLocale would result in "", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+ *                 for inLocale would result in "". NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param script the displayable script for the localeID
+ * @param scriptCapacity the size of the script buffer to store the  
+ * displayable script code with
+ * @param status error information if retrieving the displayable script code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the displayable script code.  If it's greater 
+ * than scriptCapacity, the returned displayable script code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+uloc_getDisplayScript(const char* locale,
+            const char* displayLocale,
+            UChar* script,
+            int32_t scriptCapacity,
+            UErrorCode* status);
+ * Gets the country name suitable for display for the specified locale.
+ * Warning: this is for the region part of a valid locale ID; it cannot just be the region code (like "FR").
+ * To get the display name for a region alone, or for other options, use ULocaleDisplayNames instead.
+ *
+ * @param locale the locale to get the displayable country code with. NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param displayLocale Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+ *                 if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+ *                 inLocale would result in "Anglais", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+ *                 for inLocale would result in "Englisch". NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param country the displayable country code for localeID
+ * @param countryCapacity the size of the country buffer to store the  
+ * displayable country code with
+ * @param status error information if retrieving the displayable country code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the displayable country code.  If it's greater 
+ * than countryCapacity, the returned displayable country code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getDisplayCountry(const char* locale,
+                       const char* displayLocale,
+                       UChar* country,
+                       int32_t countryCapacity,
+                       UErrorCode* status);
+ * Gets the variant name suitable for display for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param locale the locale to get the displayable variant code with. NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param displayLocale Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+ *                 if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+ *                 inLocale would result in "Anglais", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+ *                 for inLocale would result in "Englisch". NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param variant the displayable variant code for localeID
+ * @param variantCapacity the size of the variant buffer to store the 
+ * displayable variant code with
+ * @param status error information if retrieving the displayable variant code failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the displayable variant code.  If it's greater 
+ * than variantCapacity, the returned displayable variant code will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getDisplayVariant(const char* locale,
+                       const char* displayLocale,
+                       UChar* variant,
+                       int32_t variantCapacity,
+                       UErrorCode* status);
+ * Gets the keyword name suitable for display for the specified locale.
+ * E.g: for the locale string de_DE\@collation=PHONEBOOK, this API gets the display 
+ * string for the keyword collation. 
+ * Usage:
+ * <code>
+ *    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *    const char* keyword =NULL;
+ *    int32_t keywordLen = 0;
+ *    int32_t keywordCount = 0;
+ *    UChar displayKeyword[256];
+ *    int32_t displayKeywordLen = 0;
+ *    UEnumeration* keywordEnum = uloc_openKeywords("de_DE@collation=PHONEBOOK;calendar=TRADITIONAL", &status);
+ *    for(keywordCount = uenum_count(keywordEnum, &status); keywordCount > 0 ; keywordCount--){
+ *          if(U_FAILURE(status)){
+ *              ...something went wrong so handle the error...
+ *              break;
+ *          }
+ *          // the uenum_next returns NUL terminated string
+ *          keyword = uenum_next(keywordEnum, &keywordLen, &status);
+ *          displayKeywordLen = uloc_getDisplayKeyword(keyword, "en_US", displayKeyword, 256);
+ *          ... do something interesting .....
+ *    }
+ *    uenum_close(keywordEnum);
+ * </code>
+ * @param keyword           The keyword whose display string needs to be returned.
+ * @param displayLocale     Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+ *                          if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+ *                          inLocale would result in "Anglais", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+ *                          for inLocale would result in "Englisch". NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param dest              the buffer to which the displayable keyword should be written.
+ * @param destCapacity      The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                          dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                          result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param status            error information if retrieving the displayable string failed. 
+ *                          Should not be NULL and should not indicate failure on entry.
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the displayable variant code.  
+ * @see #uloc_openKeywords
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+uloc_getDisplayKeyword(const char* keyword,
+                       const char* displayLocale,
+                       UChar* dest,
+                       int32_t destCapacity,
+                       UErrorCode* status);
+ * Gets the value of the keyword suitable for display for the specified locale.
+ * E.g: for the locale string de_DE\@collation=PHONEBOOK, this API gets the display 
+ * string for PHONEBOOK, in the display locale, when "collation" is specified as the keyword.
+ *
+ * @param locale            The locale to get the displayable variant code with. NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param keyword           The keyword for whose value should be used.
+ * @param displayLocale     Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+ *                          if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+ *                          inLocale would result in "Anglais", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+ *                          for inLocale would result in "Englisch". NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param dest              the buffer to which the displayable keyword should be written.
+ * @param destCapacity      The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                          dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                          result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param status            error information if retrieving the displayable string failed. 
+ *                          Should not be NULL and must not indicate failure on entry.
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the displayable variant code.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+uloc_getDisplayKeywordValue(   const char* locale,
+                               const char* keyword,
+                               const char* displayLocale,
+                               UChar* dest,
+                               int32_t destCapacity,
+                               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Gets the full name suitable for display for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the displayable name with. NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param inLocaleID Specifies the locale to be used to display the name.  In other words,
+ *                   if the locale's language code is "en", passing Locale::getFrench() for
+ *                   inLocale would result in "Anglais", while passing Locale::getGerman()
+ *                   for inLocale would result in "Englisch". NULL may be used to specify the default.
+ * @param result the displayable name for localeID
+ * @param maxResultSize the size of the name buffer to store the 
+ * displayable full name with
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the displayable name failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the displayable name.  If it's greater 
+ * than maxResultSize, the returned displayable name will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getDisplayName(const char* localeID,
+            const char* inLocaleID,
+            UChar* result,
+            int32_t maxResultSize,
+            UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the specified locale from a list of available locales.
+ *
+ * This method corresponds to uloc_openAvailableByType called with the
+ * ULOC_AVAILABLE_DEFAULT type argument.
+ *
+ * The return value is a pointer to an item of a locale name array. Both this
+ * array and the pointers it contains are owned by ICU and should not be
+ * deleted or written through by the caller. The locale name is terminated by
+ * a null pointer.
+ *
+ * @param n the specific locale name index of the available locale list;
+ *     should not exceed the number returned by uloc_countAvailable.
+ * @return a specified locale name of all available locales
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_getAvailable(int32_t n);
+ * Gets the size of the all available locale list.
+ *
+ * @return the size of the locale list
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 uloc_countAvailable(void);
+ * Types for uloc_getAvailableByType and uloc_countAvailableByType.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+typedef enum ULocAvailableType {
+  /**
+   * Locales that return data when passed to ICU APIs,
+   * but not including legacy or alias locales.
+   *
+   * @draft ICU 65
+   */
+  /**
+   * Legacy or alias locales that return data when passed to ICU APIs.
+   * Examples of supported legacy or alias locales:
+   *
+   * - iw (alias to he)
+   * - mo (alias to ro)
+   * - zh_CN (alias to zh_Hans_CN)
+   * - sr_BA (alias to sr_Cyrl_BA)
+   * - ars (alias to ar_SA)
+   *
+   * The locales in this set are disjoint from the ones in
+   * ULOC_AVAILABLE_DEFAULT. To get both sets at the same time, use
+   *
+   * @draft ICU 65
+   */
+  /**
+   * The union of the locales in ULOC_AVAILABLE_DEFAULT and
+   *
+   * @draft ICU 65
+   */
+  /**
+   * @internal
+   */
+} ULocAvailableType;
+ * Gets a list of available locales according to the type argument, allowing
+ * the user to access different sets of supported locales in ICU.
+ *
+ * The returned UEnumeration must be closed by the caller.
+ *
+ * @param type Type choice from ULocAvailableType.
+ * @param status Set if an error occurred.
+ * @return a UEnumeration owned by the caller, or nullptr on failure.
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+U_DRAFT UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_openAvailableByType(ULocAvailableType type, UErrorCode* status);
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+ *
+ * Gets a list of all available 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639,
+ * plus additional 3-letter codes determined to be useful for locale generation as
+ * defined by Unicode CLDR. This is a pointer
+ * to an array of pointers to arrays of char.  All of these pointers are owned
+ * by ICU-- do not delete them, and do not write through them.  The array is
+ * terminated with a null pointer.
+ * @return a list of all available language codes
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* const* U_EXPORT2
+ *
+ * Gets a list of all available 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 639.  This is a
+ * pointer to an array of pointers to arrays of char.  All of these pointers are
+ * owned by ICU-- do not delete them, and do not write through them.  The array is
+ * terminated with a null pointer.
+ * @return a list of all available country codes
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* const* U_EXPORT2
+ * Truncate the locale ID string to get the parent locale ID.
+ * Copies the part of the string before the last underscore.
+ * The parent locale ID will be an empty string if there is no
+ * underscore, or if there is only one underscore at localeID[0].
+ *
+ * @param localeID Input locale ID string.
+ * @param parent   Output string buffer for the parent locale ID.
+ * @param parentCapacity Size of the output buffer.
+ * @param err A UErrorCode value.
+ * @return The length of the parent locale ID.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+uloc_getParent(const char*    localeID,
+                 char* parent,
+                 int32_t parentCapacity,
+                 UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets the full name for the specified locale, like uloc_getName(),
+ * but without keywords.
+ *
+ * Note: This has the effect of 'canonicalizing' the string to
+ * a certain extent. Upper and lower case are set as needed,
+ * and if the components were in 'POSIX' format they are changed to
+ * ICU format.  It does NOT map aliased names in any way.
+ * See the top of this header file.
+ *
+ * This API strips off the keyword part, so "de_DE\@collation=phonebook" 
+ * will become "de_DE". 
+ * This API supports preflighting.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the full name with
+ * @param name fill in buffer for the name without keywords.
+ * @param nameCapacity capacity of the fill in buffer.
+ * @param err error information if retrieving the full name failed
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for the full name.  If it's greater 
+ * than nameCapacity, the returned full name will be truncated.  
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+uloc_getBaseName(const char*    localeID,
+         char* name,
+         int32_t nameCapacity,
+         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Gets an enumeration of keywords for the specified locale. Enumeration
+ * must get disposed of by the client using uenum_close function.
+ *
+ * @param localeID the locale to get the variant code with
+ * @param status error information if retrieving the keywords failed
+ * @return enumeration of keywords or NULL if there are no keywords.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_openKeywords(const char* localeID,
+                        UErrorCode* status);
+ * Get the value for a keyword. Locale name does not need to be normalized.
+ * 
+ * @param localeID locale name containing the keyword ("de_DE@currency=EURO;collation=PHONEBOOK")
+ * @param keywordName name of the keyword for which we want the value; must not be
+ *  NULL or empty, and must consist only of [A-Za-z0-9]. Case insensitive.
+ * @param buffer receiving buffer
+ * @param bufferCapacity capacity of receiving buffer
+ * @param status containing error code: e.g. buffer not big enough or ill-formed localeID
+ *  or keywordName parameters.
+ * @return the length of keyword value
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+uloc_getKeywordValue(const char* localeID,
+                     const char* keywordName,
+                     char* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity,
+                     UErrorCode* status);
+ * Sets or removes the value of the specified keyword.
+ *
+ * For removing all keywords, use uloc_getBaseName().
+ *
+ * NOTE: Unlike almost every other ICU function which takes a
+ * buffer, this function will NOT truncate the output text, and will
+ * not update the buffer with unterminated text setting a status of
+ * it means a terminated version of the updated locale ID would not fit
+ * in the buffer, and the original buffer is untouched. This is done to
+ * prevent incorrect or possibly even malformed locales from being generated
+ * and used.
+ *
+ * @param keywordName name of the keyword to be set; must not be
+ *  NULL or empty, and must consist only of [A-Za-z0-9]. Case insensitive.
+ * @param keywordValue value of the keyword to be set. If 0-length or
+ *  NULL, will result in the keyword being removed; no error is given if 
+ *  that keyword does not exist. Otherwise, must consist only of
+ *  [A-Za-z0-9] and [/_+-].
+ * @param buffer input buffer containing well-formed locale ID to be
+ *  modified.
+ * @param bufferCapacity capacity of receiving buffer
+ * @param status containing error code: e.g. buffer not big enough
+ *  or ill-formed keywordName or keywordValue parameters, or ill-formed
+ *  locale ID in buffer on input.
+ * @return the length needed for the buffer
+ * @see uloc_getKeywordValue
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uloc_setKeywordValue(const char* keywordName,
+                     const char* keywordValue,
+                     char* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity,
+                     UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns whether the locale's script is written right-to-left.
+ * If there is no script subtag, then the likely script is used, see uloc_addLikelySubtags().
+ * If no likely script is known, then FALSE is returned.
+ *
+ * A script is right-to-left according to the CLDR script metadata
+ * which corresponds to whether the script's letters have Bidi_Class=R or AL.
+ *
+ * Returns TRUE for "ar" and "en-Hebr", FALSE for "zh" and "fa-Cyrl".
+ *
+ * @param locale input locale ID
+ * @return TRUE if the locale's script is written right-to-left
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+uloc_isRightToLeft(const char *locale);
+ * enums for the  return value for the character and line orientation
+ * functions.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  ULOC_LAYOUT_LTR   = 0,  /* left-to-right. */
+  ULOC_LAYOUT_RTL    = 1,  /* right-to-left. */
+  ULOC_LAYOUT_TTB    = 2,  /* top-to-bottom. */
+  ULOC_LAYOUT_BTT    = 3,   /* bottom-to-top. */
+} ULayoutType;
+ * Get the layout character orientation for the specified locale.
+ * 
+ * @param localeId locale name
+ * @param status Error status
+ * @return an enum indicating the layout orientation for characters.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uloc_getCharacterOrientation(const char* localeId,
+                             UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the layout line orientation for the specified locale.
+ * 
+ * @param localeId locale name
+ * @param status Error status
+ * @return an enum indicating the layout orientation for lines.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uloc_getLineOrientation(const char* localeId,
+                        UErrorCode *status);
+ * enums for the 'outResult' parameter return value
+ * @see uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP
+ * @see uloc_acceptLanguage
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  ULOC_ACCEPT_FAILED   = 0,  /* No exact match was found. */
+  ULOC_ACCEPT_VALID    = 1,  /* An exact match was found. */
+  ULOC_ACCEPT_FALLBACK = 2   /* A fallback was found, for example, 
+                                Accept list contained 'ja_JP'
+                                which matched available locale 'ja'. */
+} UAcceptResult;
+ * Based on a HTTP header from a web browser and a list of available locales,
+ * determine an acceptable locale for the user.
+ * @param result - buffer to accept the result locale
+ * @param resultAvailable the size of the result buffer.
+ * @param outResult - An out parameter that contains the fallback status
+ * @param httpAcceptLanguage - "Accept-Language:" header as per HTTP.
+ * @param availableLocales - list of available locales to match
+ * @param status Error status, may be BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
+ * @return length needed for the locale.
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP(char *result, int32_t resultAvailable,
+                            UAcceptResult *outResult,
+                            const char *httpAcceptLanguage,
+                            UEnumeration* availableLocales,
+                            UErrorCode *status);
+ * Based on a list of available locales,
+ * determine an acceptable locale for the user.
+ * @param result - buffer to accept the result locale
+ * @param resultAvailable the size of the result buffer.
+ * @param outResult - An out parameter that contains the fallback status
+ * @param acceptList - list of acceptable languages
+ * @param acceptListCount - count of acceptList items
+ * @param availableLocales - list of available locales to match
+ * @param status Error status, may be BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
+ * @return length needed for the locale.
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uloc_acceptLanguage(char *result, int32_t resultAvailable, 
+                    UAcceptResult *outResult, const char **acceptList,
+                    int32_t acceptListCount,
+                    UEnumeration* availableLocales,
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+ * Gets the ICU locale ID for the specified Win32 LCID value.
+ *
+ * @param hostID the Win32 LCID to translate
+ * @param locale the output buffer for the ICU locale ID, which will be NUL-terminated
+ *  if there is room.
+ * @param localeCapacity the size of the output buffer
+ * @param status an error is returned if the LCID is unrecognized or the output buffer
+ *  is too small
+ * @return actual the actual size of the locale ID, not including NUL-termination 
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+uloc_getLocaleForLCID(uint32_t hostID, char *locale, int32_t localeCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+ * Add the likely subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described
+ * in the following CLDR technical report:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * If localeID is already in the maximal form, or there is no data available
+ * for maximization, it will be copied to the output buffer.  For example,
+ * "und-Zzzz" cannot be maximized, since there is no reasonable maximization.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ * "en" maximizes to "en_Latn_US"
+ *
+ * "de" maximizes to "de_Latn_US"
+ *
+ * "sr" maximizes to "sr_Cyrl_RS"
+ *
+ * "sh" maximizes to "sr_Latn_RS" (Note this will not reverse.)
+ *
+ * "zh_Hani" maximizes to "zh_Hans_CN" (Note this will not reverse.)
+ *
+ * @param localeID The locale to maximize
+ * @param maximizedLocaleID The maximized locale
+ * @param maximizedLocaleIDCapacity The capacity of the maximizedLocaleID buffer
+ * @param err Error information if maximizing the locale failed.  If the length
+ * of the localeID and the null-terminator is greater than the maximum allowed size,
+ * or the localeId is not well-formed, the error code is U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * @return The actual buffer size needed for the maximized locale.  If it's
+ * greater than maximizedLocaleIDCapacity, the returned ID will be truncated.
+ * On error, the return value is -1.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uloc_addLikelySubtags(const char*    localeID,
+         char* maximizedLocaleID,
+         int32_t maximizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Minimize the subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described
+ * in the following CLDR technical report:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * If localeID is already in the minimal form, or there is no data available
+ * for minimization, it will be copied to the output buffer.  Since the
+ * minimization algorithm relies on proper maximization, see the comments
+ * for uloc_addLikelySubtags for reasons why there might not be any data.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ * "en_Latn_US" minimizes to "en"
+ *
+ * "de_Latn_US" minimizes to "de"
+ *
+ * "sr_Cyrl_RS" minimizes to "sr"
+ *
+ * "zh_Hant_TW" minimizes to "zh_TW" (The region is preferred to the
+ * script, and minimizing to "zh" would imply "zh_Hans_CN".)
+ *
+ * @param localeID The locale to minimize
+ * @param minimizedLocaleID The minimized locale
+ * @param minimizedLocaleIDCapacity The capacity of the minimizedLocaleID buffer
+ * @param err Error information if minimizing the locale failed.  If the length
+ * of the localeID and the null-terminator is greater than the maximum allowed size,
+ * or the localeId is not well-formed, the error code is U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * @return The actual buffer size needed for the minimized locale.  If it's
+ * greater than minimizedLocaleIDCapacity, the returned ID will be truncated.
+ * On error, the return value is -1.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uloc_minimizeSubtags(const char*    localeID,
+         char* minimizedLocaleID,
+         int32_t minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+         UErrorCode* err);
+ * Returns a locale ID for the specified BCP47 language tag string.
+ * If the specified language tag contains any ill-formed subtags,
+ * the first such subtag and all following subtags are ignored.
+ * <p> 
+ * This implements the 'Language-Tag' production of BCP47, and so
+ * supports grandfathered (regular and irregular) as well as private
+ * use language tags.  Private use tags are represented as 'x-whatever',
+ * and grandfathered tags are converted to their canonical replacements
+ * where they exist.  Note that a few grandfathered tags have no modern
+ * replacement, these will be converted using the fallback described in
+ * the first paragraph, so some information might be lost.
+ * @param langtag   the input BCP47 language tag.
+ * @param localeID  the output buffer receiving a locale ID for the
+ *                  specified BCP47 language tag.
+ * @param localeIDCapacity  the size of the locale ID output buffer.
+ * @param parsedLength  if not NULL, successfully parsed length
+ *                      for the input language tag is set.
+ * @param err       error information if receiving the locald ID
+ *                  failed.
+ * @return          the length of the locale ID.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uloc_forLanguageTag(const char* langtag,
+                    char* localeID,
+                    int32_t localeIDCapacity,
+                    int32_t* parsedLength,
+                    UErrorCode* err);
+ * Returns a well-formed language tag for this locale ID. 
+ * <p> 
+ * <b>Note</b>: When <code>strict</code> is FALSE, any locale
+ * fields which do not satisfy the BCP47 syntax requirement will
+ * be omitted from the result.  When <code>strict</code> is
+ * TRUE, this function sets U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR to the
+ * <code>err</code> if any locale fields do not satisfy the
+ * BCP47 syntax requirement.
+ * @param localeID  the input locale ID
+ * @param langtag   the output buffer receiving BCP47 language
+ *                  tag for the locale ID.
+ * @param langtagCapacity   the size of the BCP47 language tag
+ *                          output buffer.
+ * @param strict    boolean value indicating if the function returns
+ *                  an error for an ill-formed input locale ID.
+ * @param err       error information if receiving the language
+ *                  tag failed.
+ * @return          The length of the BCP47 language tag.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uloc_toLanguageTag(const char* localeID,
+                   char* langtag,
+                   int32_t langtagCapacity,
+                   UBool strict,
+                   UErrorCode* err);
+ * Converts the specified keyword (legacy key, or BCP 47 Unicode locale
+ * extension key) to the equivalent BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key.
+ * For example, BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key "co" is returned for
+ * the input keyword "collation".
+ * <p>
+ * When the specified keyword is unknown, but satisfies the BCP syntax,
+ * then the pointer to the input keyword itself will be returned.
+ * For example,
+ * <code>uloc_toUnicodeLocaleKey("ZZ")</code> returns "ZZ".
+ * 
+ * @param keyword       the input locale keyword (either legacy key
+ *                      such as "collation" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension
+ *                      key such as "co").
+ * @return              the well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key,
+ *                      or NULL if the specified locale keyword cannot be
+ *                      mapped to a well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension
+ *                      key. 
+ * @see uloc_toLegacyKey
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_toUnicodeLocaleKey(const char* keyword);
+ * Converts the specified keyword value (legacy type, or BCP 47
+ * Unicode locale extension type) to the well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale
+ * extension type for the specified keyword (category). For example, BCP 47
+ * Unicode locale extension type "phonebk" is returned for the input
+ * keyword value "phonebook", with the keyword "collation" (or "co").
+ * <p>
+ * When the specified keyword is not recognized, but the specified value
+ * satisfies the syntax of the BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type,
+ * or when the specified keyword allows 'variable' type and the specified
+ * value satisfies the syntax,  then the pointer to the input type value itself
+ * will be returned.
+ * For example,
+ * <code>uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType("Foo", "Bar")</code> returns "Bar",
+ * <code>uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType("variableTop", "00A4")</code> returns "00A4".
+ * 
+ * @param keyword       the locale keyword (either legacy key such as
+ *                      "collation" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension
+ *                      key such as "co").
+ * @param value         the locale keyword value (either legacy type
+ *                      such as "phonebook" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension
+ *                      type such as "phonebk").
+ * @return              the well-formed BCP47 Unicode locale extension type,
+ *                      or NULL if the locale keyword value cannot be mapped to
+ *                      a well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type.
+ * @see uloc_toLegacyType
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType(const char* keyword, const char* value);
+ * Converts the specified keyword (BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key, or
+ * legacy key) to the legacy key. For example, legacy key "collation" is
+ * returned for the input BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key "co".
+ * 
+ * @param keyword       the input locale keyword (either BCP 47 Unicode locale
+ *                      extension key or legacy key).
+ * @return              the well-formed legacy key, or NULL if the specified
+ *                      keyword cannot be mapped to a well-formed legacy key.
+ * @see toUnicodeLocaleKey
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_toLegacyKey(const char* keyword);
+ * Converts the specified keyword value (BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type,
+ * or legacy type or type alias) to the canonical legacy type. For example,
+ * the legacy type "phonebook" is returned for the input BCP 47 Unicode
+ * locale extension type "phonebk" with the keyword "collation" (or "co").
+ * <p>
+ * When the specified keyword is not recognized, but the specified value
+ * satisfies the syntax of legacy key, or when the specified keyword
+ * allows 'variable' type and the specified value satisfies the syntax,
+ * then the pointer to the input type value itself will be returned.
+ * For example,
+ * <code>uloc_toLegacyType("Foo", "Bar")</code> returns "Bar",
+ * <code>uloc_toLegacyType("vt", "00A4")</code> returns "00A4".
+ *
+ * @param keyword       the locale keyword (either legacy keyword such as
+ *                      "collation" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension
+ *                      key such as "co").
+ * @param value         the locale keyword value (either BCP 47 Unicode locale
+ *                      extension type such as "phonebk" or legacy keyword value
+ *                      such as "phonebook").
+ * @return              the well-formed legacy type, or NULL if the specified
+ *                      keyword value cannot be mapped to a well-formed legacy
+ *                      type.
+ * @see toUnicodeLocaleType
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uloc_toLegacyType(const char* keyword, const char* value);
+#endif /*_ULOC*/
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ulocdata.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ulocdata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..834be98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ulocdata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*                                                                            *
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2015, International Business Machines                   *
+*                Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.                *
+*                                                                            *
+*   file name:  ulocdata.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2003Oct21
+*   created by: Ram Viswanadha
+#ifndef __ULOCDATA_H__
+#define __ULOCDATA_H__
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Provides access to locale data.
+ */
+/** Forward declaration of the ULocaleData structure. @stable ICU 3.6 */
+struct ULocaleData;
+/** A locale data object. @stable ICU 3.6 */
+typedef struct ULocaleData ULocaleData;
+/** The possible types of exemplar character sets.
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+typedef enum ULocaleDataExemplarSetType  {
+    /** Basic set @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Auxiliary set @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Index Character set @stable ICU 4.8 */
+    /** Punctuation set @stable ICU 51 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal ULocaleDataExemplarSetType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} ULocaleDataExemplarSetType;
+/** The possible types of delimiters.
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+typedef enum ULocaleDataDelimiterType {
+    /** Quotation start @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Quotation end @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Alternate quotation start @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /** Alternate quotation end @stable ICU 3.4 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal ULocaleDataDelimiterType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} ULocaleDataDelimiterType;
+ * Opens a locale data object for the given locale
+ *
+ * @param localeID  Specifies the locale associated with this locale
+ *                  data object.
+ * @param status    Pointer to error status code.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ulocdata_open(const char *localeID, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Closes a locale data object.
+ *
+ * @param uld       The locale data object to close
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ulocdata_close(ULocaleData *uld);
+ * \class LocalULocaleDataPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a ULocaleData via ulocdata_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalULocaleDataPointer, ULocaleData, ulocdata_close);
+ * Sets the "no Substitute" attribute of the locale data
+ * object.  If true, then any methods associated with the
+ * locale data object will return null when there is no
+ * data available for that method, given the locale ID
+ * supplied to ulocdata_open().
+ *
+ * @param uld       The locale data object to set.
+ * @param setting   Value of the "no substitute" attribute.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ulocdata_setNoSubstitute(ULocaleData *uld, UBool setting);
+ * Retrieves the current "no Substitute" value of the locale data
+ * object.  If true, then any methods associated with the
+ * locale data object will return null when there is no
+ * data available for that method, given the locale ID
+ * supplied to ulocdata_open().
+ *
+ * @param uld       Pointer to the The locale data object to set.
+ * @return UBool    Value of the "no substitute" attribute.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ulocdata_getNoSubstitute(ULocaleData *uld);
+ * Returns the set of exemplar characters for a locale.
+ *
+ * @param uld       Pointer to the locale data object from which the
+ *                  exemplar character set is to be retrieved.
+ * @param fillIn    Pointer to a USet object to receive the
+ *                  exemplar character set for the given locale.  Previous
+ *                  contents of fillIn are lost.  <em>If fillIn is NULL,
+ *                  then a new USet is created and returned.  The caller
+ *                  owns the result and must dispose of it by calling
+ *                  uset_close.</em>
+ * @param options   Bitmask for options to apply to the exemplar pattern.
+ *                  Specify zero to retrieve the exemplar set as it is
+ *                  defined in the locale data.  Specify
+ *                  USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE to retrieve a case-folded
+ *                  exemplar set.  See uset_applyPattern for a complete
+ *                  list of valid options.  The USET_IGNORE_SPACE bit is
+ *                  always set, regardless of the value of 'options'.
+ * @param extype    Specifies the type of exemplar set to be retrieved.
+ * @param status    Pointer to an input-output error code value;
+ *                  must not be NULL.  Will be set to U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR
+ *                  if the requested data is not available.
+ * @return USet*    Either fillIn, or if fillIn is NULL, a pointer to
+ *                  a newly-allocated USet that the user must close.
+ *                  In case of error, NULL is returned.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ulocdata_getExemplarSet(ULocaleData *uld, USet *fillIn,
+                        uint32_t options, ULocaleDataExemplarSetType extype, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns one of the delimiter strings associated with a locale.
+ *
+ * @param uld           Pointer to the locale data object from which the
+ *                      delimiter string is to be retrieved.
+ * @param type          the type of delimiter to be retrieved.
+ * @param result        A pointer to a buffer to receive the result.
+ * @param resultLength  The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status        Pointer to an error code value
+ * @return int32_t      The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength,
+ *                      the output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ulocdata_getDelimiter(ULocaleData *uld, ULocaleDataDelimiterType type, UChar *result, int32_t resultLength, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Enumeration for representing the measurement systems.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef enum UMeasurementSystem {
+    UMS_SI,     /**< Measurement system specified by SI otherwise known as Metric system. @stable ICU 2.8 */
+    UMS_US,     /**< Measurement system followed in the United States of America. @stable ICU 2.8 */
+    UMS_UK,     /**< Mix of metric and imperial units used in Great Britain. @stable ICU 55 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UMeasurementSystem value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UMeasurementSystem;
+ * Returns the measurement system used in the locale specified by the localeID.
+ * Please note that this API will change in ICU 3.6 and will use an ulocdata object.
+ *
+ * @param localeID      The id of the locale for which the measurement system to be retrieved.
+ * @param status        Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return UMeasurementSystem the measurement system used in the locale.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UMeasurementSystem U_EXPORT2
+ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem(const char *localeID, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the element gives the normal business letter size, and customary units.
+ * The units for the numbers are always in <em>milli-meters</em>.
+ * For US since 8.5 and 11 do not yeild an integral value when converted to milli-meters,
+ * the values are rounded off.
+ * So for A4 size paper the height and width are 297 mm and 210 mm repectively,
+ * and for US letter size the height and width are 279 mm and 216 mm respectively.
+ * Please note that this API will change in ICU 3.6 and will use an ulocdata object.
+ *
+ * @param localeID      The id of the locale for which the paper size information to be retrieved.
+ * @param height        A pointer to int to recieve the height information.
+ * @param width         A pointer to int to recieve the width information.
+ * @param status        Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ulocdata_getPaperSize(const char *localeID, int32_t *height, int32_t *width, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Return the current CLDR version used by the library.
+ * @param versionArray fillin that will recieve the version number
+ * @param status error code - could be U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR if the version was not found.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ulocdata_getCLDRVersion(UVersionInfo versionArray, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns locale display pattern associated with a locale.
+ *
+ * @param uld       Pointer to the locale data object from which the
+ *                  exemplar character set is to be retrieved.
+ * @param pattern   locale display pattern for locale.
+ * @param patternCapacity the size of the buffer to store the locale display
+ *                  pattern with.
+ * @param status    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for localeDisplayPattern.  If it's greater
+ * than patternCapacity, the returned pattern will be truncated.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern(ULocaleData *uld,
+                                 UChar *pattern,
+                                 int32_t patternCapacity,
+                                 UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns locale separator associated with a locale.
+ *
+ * @param uld       Pointer to the locale data object from which the
+ *                  exemplar character set is to be retrieved.
+ * @param separator locale separator for locale.
+ * @param separatorCapacity the size of the buffer to store the locale
+ *                  separator with.
+ * @param status    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return the actual buffer size needed for localeSeparator.  If it's greater
+ * than separatorCapacity, the returned separator will be truncated.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator(ULocaleData *uld,
+                            UChar *separator,
+                            int32_t separatorCapacity,
+                            UErrorCode *status);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umachine.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umachine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52984c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umachine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  umachine.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999sep13
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   This file defines basic types and constants for ICU to be
+*   platform-independent. umachine.h and utf.h are included into
+*   utypes.h to provide all the general definitions for ICU.
+*   All of these definitions used to be in utypes.h before
+*   the UTF-handling macros made this unmaintainable.
+#ifndef __UMACHINE_H__
+#define __UMACHINE_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief Basic types and constants for UTF
+ *
+ * <h2> Basic types and constants for UTF </h2>
+ *   This file defines basic types and constants for utf.h to be
+ *   platform-independent. umachine.h and utf.h are included into
+ *   utypes.h to provide all the general definitions for ICU.
+ *   All of these definitions used to be in utypes.h before
+ *   the UTF-handling macros made this unmaintainable.
+ *
+ */
+/* Include platform-dependent definitions                                   */
+/* which are contained in the platform-specific file platform.h             */
+#include "unicode/ptypes.h" /* platform.h is included in ptypes.h */
+ * ANSI C headers:
+ * stddef.h defines wchar_t
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+/* For C wrappers, we use the symbol U_STABLE.                                */
+/* This works properly if the includer is C or C++.                         */
+/* Functions are declared   U_STABLE return-type U_EXPORT2 function-name()... */
+ * \def U_CFUNC
+ * This is used in a declaration of a library private ICU C function.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * \def U_CDECL_BEGIN
+ * This is used to begin a declaration of a library private ICU C API.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * \def U_CDECL_END
+ * This is used to end a declaration of a library private ICU C API
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#   define U_CFUNC extern "C"
+#   define U_CDECL_BEGIN extern "C" {
+#   define U_CDECL_END   }
+#   define U_CFUNC extern
+#   define U_CDECL_BEGIN
+#   define U_CDECL_END
+ *  This is used for GCC specific attributes
+ * @internal
+ */
+#if U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 302
+#    define U_ATTRIBUTE_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((deprecated))
+ * This is used for Visual C++ specific attributes 
+ * @internal
+ */
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
+#    define U_ATTRIBUTE_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
+/** This is used to declare a function as a public ICU C API @stable ICU 2.0*/
+/** This is used to declare a function as a stable public ICU C API*/
+#define U_STABLE U_CAPI
+/** This is used to declare a function as a draft public ICU C API  */
+#define U_DRAFT  U_CAPI
+/** This is used to declare a function as a deprecated public ICU C API  */
+/** This is used to declare a function as an obsolete public ICU C API  */
+/** This is used to declare a function as an internal ICU C API  */
+ * \def U_OVERRIDE
+ * Defined to the C++11 "override" keyword if available.
+ * Denotes a class or member which is an override of the base class.
+ * May result in an error if it applied to something not an override.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifndef U_OVERRIDE
+#define U_OVERRIDE override
+ * \def U_FINAL
+ * Defined to the C++11 "final" keyword if available.
+ * Denotes a class or member which may not be overridden in subclasses.
+ * May result in an error if subclasses attempt to override.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#if !defined(U_FINAL) || defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+#define U_FINAL final
+// Before ICU 65, function-like, multi-statement ICU macros were just defined as
+// series of statements wrapped in { } blocks and the caller could choose to
+// either treat them as if they were actual functions and end the invocation
+// with a trailing ; creating an empty statement after the block or else omit
+// this trailing ; using the knowledge that the macro would expand to { }.
+// But doing so doesn't work well with macros that look like functions and
+// compiler warnings about empty statements (ICU-20601) and ICU 65 therefore
+// switches to the standard solution of wrapping such macros in do { } while.
+// This will however break existing code that depends on being able to invoke
+// these macros without a trailing ; so to be able to remain compatible with
+// such code the wrapper is itself defined as macros so that it's possible to
+// build ICU 65 and later with the old macro behaviour, like this:
+// runConfigureICU ...
+ * Defined as the "do" keyword by default.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Defined as "while (FALSE)" by default.
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* limits for int32_t etc., like in POSIX inttypes.h                        */
+#ifndef INT8_MIN
+/** The smallest value an 8 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define INT8_MIN        ((int8_t)(-128))
+#ifndef INT16_MIN
+/** The smallest value a 16 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define INT16_MIN       ((int16_t)(-32767-1))
+#ifndef INT32_MIN
+/** The smallest value a 32 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define INT32_MIN       ((int32_t)(-2147483647-1))
+#ifndef INT8_MAX
+/** The largest value an 8 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define INT8_MAX        ((int8_t)(127))
+#ifndef INT16_MAX
+/** The largest value a 16 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define INT16_MAX       ((int16_t)(32767))
+#ifndef INT32_MAX
+/** The largest value a 32 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define INT32_MAX       ((int32_t)(2147483647))
+#ifndef UINT8_MAX
+/** The largest value an 8 bit unsigned integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define UINT8_MAX       ((uint8_t)(255U))
+#ifndef UINT16_MAX
+/** The largest value a 16 bit unsigned integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define UINT16_MAX      ((uint16_t)(65535U))
+#ifndef UINT32_MAX
+/** The largest value a 32 bit unsigned integer can hold @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define UINT32_MAX      ((uint32_t)(4294967295U))
+#if defined(U_INT64_T_UNAVAILABLE)
+# error int64_t is required for decimal format and rule-based number format.
+# ifndef INT64_C
+ * Provides a platform independent way to specify a signed 64-bit integer constant.
+ * note: may be wrong for some 64 bit platforms - ensure your compiler provides INT64_C
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+#   define INT64_C(c) c ## LL
+# endif
+# ifndef UINT64_C
+ * Provides a platform independent way to specify an unsigned 64-bit integer constant.
+ * note: may be wrong for some 64 bit platforms - ensure your compiler provides UINT64_C
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+#   define UINT64_C(c) c ## ULL
+# endif
+# ifndef U_INT64_MIN
+/** The smallest value a 64 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.8 */
+#     define U_INT64_MIN       ((int64_t)(INT64_C(-9223372036854775807)-1))
+# endif
+# ifndef U_INT64_MAX
+/** The largest value a 64 bit signed integer can hold @stable ICU 2.8 */
+#     define U_INT64_MAX       ((int64_t)(INT64_C(9223372036854775807)))
+# endif
+# ifndef U_UINT64_MAX
+/** The largest value a 64 bit unsigned integer can hold @stable ICU 2.8 */
+#     define U_UINT64_MAX      ((uint64_t)(UINT64_C(18446744073709551615)))
+# endif
+/* Boolean data type                                                        */
+/** The ICU boolean type @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef int8_t UBool;
+#ifndef TRUE
+/** The TRUE value of a UBool @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define TRUE  1
+#ifndef FALSE
+/** The FALSE value of a UBool @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define FALSE 0
+/* Unicode data types                                                       */
+/* wchar_t-related definitions -------------------------------------------- */
+ * \def U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16
+ * Defined if wchar_t uses UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * \def U_WCHAR_IS_UTF32
+ * Defined if wchar_t uses UTF-32.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF32)
+#   ifdef __STDC_ISO_10646__
+#       if (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2)
+#           define U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16
+#       elif (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==4)
+#           define  U_WCHAR_IS_UTF32
+#       endif
+#   elif defined __UCS2__
+#       if (U_PF_OS390 <= U_PLATFORM && U_PLATFORM <= U_PF_OS400) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2)
+#           define U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16
+#       endif
+#   elif defined(__UCS4__) || (U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS400 && defined(__UTF32__))
+#       if (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==4)
+#           define U_WCHAR_IS_UTF32
+#       endif
+#       define U_WCHAR_IS_UTF32
+#       define U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16
+#   endif
+/* UChar and UChar32 definitions -------------------------------------------- */
+/** Number of bytes in a UChar. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SIZEOF_UCHAR 2
+ * \def U_CHAR16_IS_TYPEDEF
+ * If 1, then char16_t is a typedef and not a real type (yet)
+ * @internal
+ */
+#if (U_PLATFORM == U_PF_AIX) && defined(__cplusplus) &&(U_CPLUSPLUS_VERSION < 11)
+// for AIX, uchar.h needs to be included
+# include <uchar.h>
+# define U_CHAR16_IS_TYPEDEF 1
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
+// Versions of Visual Studio/MSVC below 2015 do not support char16_t as a real type,
+// and instead use a typedef.
+# define U_CHAR16_IS_TYPEDEF 1
+# define U_CHAR16_IS_TYPEDEF 0
+ * \var UChar
+ *
+ * The base type for UTF-16 code units and pointers.
+ * Unsigned 16-bit integer.
+ * Starting with ICU 59, C++ API uses char16_t directly, while C API continues to use UChar.
+ *
+ * UChar is configurable by defining the macro UCHAR_TYPE
+ * on the preprocessor or compiler command line:
+ * -DUCHAR_TYPE=uint16_t or -DUCHAR_TYPE=wchar_t (if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2) etc.
+ * (The UCHAR_TYPE can also be \#defined earlier in this file, for outside the ICU library code.)
+ * This is for transitional use from application code that uses uint16_t or wchar_t for UTF-16.
+ *
+ * The default is UChar=char16_t.
+ *
+ * C++11 defines char16_t as bit-compatible with uint16_t, but as a distinct type.
+ *
+ * In C, char16_t is a simple typedef of uint_least16_t.
+ * ICU requires uint_least16_t=uint16_t for data memory mapping.
+ * On macOS, char16_t is not available because the uchar.h standard header is missing.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+#if 1
+    // #if 1 is normal. UChar defaults to char16_t in C++.
+    // For configuration testing of UChar=uint16_t temporarily change this to #if 0.
+    // The intltest Makefile #defines UCHAR_TYPE=char16_t,
+    // so we only #define it to uint16_t if it is undefined so far.
+#elif !defined(UCHAR_TYPE)
+#   define UCHAR_TYPE uint16_t
+        defined(U_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION) || defined(U_IO_IMPLEMENTATION)
+    // Inside the ICU library code, never configurable.
+    typedef char16_t UChar;
+#elif defined(UCHAR_TYPE)
+    typedef UCHAR_TYPE UChar;
+#elif defined(__cplusplus)
+    typedef char16_t UChar;
+    typedef uint16_t UChar;
+ * \var OldUChar
+ * Default ICU 58 definition of UChar.
+ * A base type for UTF-16 code units and pointers.
+ * Unsigned 16-bit integer.
+ *
+ * Define OldUChar to be wchar_t if that is 16 bits wide.
+ * If wchar_t is not 16 bits wide, then define UChar to be uint16_t.
+ *
+ * This makes the definition of OldUChar platform-dependent
+ * but allows direct string type compatibility with platforms with
+ * 16-bit wchar_t types.
+ *
+ * This is how UChar was defined in ICU 58, for transition convenience.
+ * Exception: ICU 58 UChar was defined to UCHAR_TYPE if that macro was defined.
+ * The current UChar responds to UCHAR_TYPE but OldUChar does not.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+    typedef wchar_t OldUChar;
+#elif defined(__CHAR16_TYPE__)
+    typedef __CHAR16_TYPE__ OldUChar;
+    typedef uint16_t OldUChar;
+ * Define UChar32 as a type for single Unicode code points.
+ * UChar32 is a signed 32-bit integer (same as int32_t).
+ *
+ * The Unicode code point range is 0..0x10ffff.
+ * All other values (negative or >=0x110000) are illegal as Unicode code points.
+ * They may be used as sentinel values to indicate "done", "error"
+ * or similar non-code point conditions.
+ *
+ * Before ICU 2.4 (Jitterbug 2146), UChar32 was defined
+ * to be wchar_t if that is 32 bits wide (wchar_t may be signed or unsigned)
+ * or else to be uint32_t.
+ * That is, the definition of UChar32 was platform-dependent.
+ *
+ * @see U_SENTINEL
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef int32_t UChar32;
+ * This value is intended for sentinel values for APIs that
+ * (take or) return single code points (UChar32).
+ * It is outside of the Unicode code point range 0..0x10ffff.
+ * 
+ * For example, a "done" or "error" value in a new API
+ * could be indicated with U_SENTINEL.
+ *
+ * ICU APIs designed before ICU 2.4 usually define service-specific "done"
+ * values, mostly 0xffff.
+ * Those may need to be distinguished from
+ * actual U+ffff text contents by calling functions like
+ * CharacterIterator::hasNext() or UnicodeString::length().
+ *
+ * @return -1
+ * @see UChar32
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_SENTINEL (-1)
+#include "unicode/urename.h"
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umisc.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umisc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..213290b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umisc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2006, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  umisc.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999oct15
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef UMISC_H
+#define UMISC_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief  C API:misc definitions 
+ *
+ *  This file contains miscellaneous definitions for the C APIs. 
+ */
+/** A struct representing a range of text containing a specific field 
+ *  @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UFieldPosition {
+  /**
+   * The field 
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t field;
+  /**
+   * The start of the text range containing field 
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t beginIndex;
+  /** 
+   * The limit of the text range containing field 
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t endIndex;
+} UFieldPosition;
+ * Opaque type returned by registerInstance, registerFactory and unregister for service registration.
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+typedef const void* URegistryKey;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umsg.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umsg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3668234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umsg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 , Yahoo! Inc. 
+ ********************************************************************
+ *
+ *   file name:  umsg.h
+ *   encoding:   UTF-8
+ *   tab size:   8 (not used)
+ *   indentation:4
+ *
+ *   Change history:
+ *
+ *   08/5/2001  Ram         Added C wrappers for C++ API.
+ ********************************************************************/
+#ifndef UMSG_H
+#define UMSG_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: MessageFormat
+ *
+ * <h2>MessageFormat C API </h2>
+ *
+ * <p>MessageFormat prepares strings for display to users,
+ * with optional arguments (variables/placeholders).
+ * The arguments can occur in any order, which is necessary for translation
+ * into languages with different grammars.
+ *
+ * <p>The opaque UMessageFormat type is a thin C wrapper around
+ * a C++ MessageFormat. It is constructed from a <em>pattern</em> string
+ * with arguments in {curly braces} which will be replaced by formatted values.
+ *
+ * <p>Currently, the C API supports only numbered arguments.
+ *
+ * <p>For details about the pattern syntax and behavior,
+ * especially about the ASCII apostrophe vs. the
+ * real apostrophe (single quote) character \htmlonly&#x2019;\endhtmlonly (U+2019),
+ * see the C++ MessageFormat class documentation.
+ *
+ * <p>Here are some examples of C API usage:
+ * Example 1:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     UChar *result, *tzID, *str;
+ *     UChar pattern[100];
+ *     int32_t resultLengthOut, resultlength;
+ *     UCalendar *cal;
+ *     UDate d1;
+ *     UDateFormat *def1;
+ *     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *
+ *     str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen("disturbance in force") +1));
+ *     u_uastrcpy(str, "disturbance in force");
+ *     tzID=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 4);
+ *     u_uastrcpy(tzID, "PST");
+ *     cal=ucal_open(tzID, u_strlen(tzID), "en_US", UCAL_TRADITIONAL, &status);
+ *     ucal_setDateTime(cal, 1999, UCAL_MARCH, 18, 0, 0, 0, &status);
+ *     d1=ucal_getMillis(cal, &status);
+ *     u_uastrcpy(pattern, "On {0, date, long}, there was a {1} on planet {2,number,integer}");
+ *     resultlength=0;
+ *     resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, d1, str, 7);
+ *     if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){
+ *         status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *         resultlength=resultLengthOut+1;
+ *         result=(UChar*)realloc(result, sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
+ *         u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, d1, str, 7);
+ *     }
+ *     printf("%s\n", austrdup(result) );//austrdup( a function used to convert UChar* to char*)
+ *     //output>: "On March 18, 1999, there was a disturbance in force on planet 7
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Typically, the message format will come from resources, and the
+ * arguments will be dynamically set at runtime.
+ * <P>
+ * Example 2:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     UChar* str;
+ *     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     UChar *result;
+ *     UChar pattern[100];
+ *     int32_t resultlength, resultLengthOut, i;
+ *     double testArgs= { 100.0, 1.0, 0.0};
+ *
+ *     str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 10);
+ *     u_uastrcpy(str, "MyDisk");
+ *     u_uastrcpy(pattern, "The disk {1} contains {0,choice,0#no files|1#one file|1<{0,number,integer} files}");
+ *     for(i=0; i<3; i++){
+ *       resultlength=0; 
+ *       resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, testArgs[i], str); 
+ *       if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){
+ *         status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *         resultlength=resultLengthOut+1;
+ *         result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
+ *         u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, testArgs[i], str);
+ *       }
+ *       printf("%s\n", austrdup(result) );  //austrdup( a function used to convert UChar* to char*)
+ *       free(result);
+ *     }
+ *     // output, with different testArgs:
+ *     // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 100 files.
+ *     // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains one file.
+ *     // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains no files.
+ * \endcode
+ *  </pre>
+ *
+ *
+ * Example 3:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * UChar* str;
+ * UChar* str1;
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar *result;
+ * UChar pattern[100];
+ * UChar expected[100];
+ * int32_t resultlength,resultLengthOut;
+ * str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25);
+ * u_uastrcpy(str, "Kirti");
+ * str1=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25);
+ * u_uastrcpy(str1, "female");
+ * log_verbose("Testing message format with Select test #1\n:");
+ * u_uastrcpy(pattern, "{0} est {1, select, female {all\\u00E9e} other {all\\u00E9}} \\u00E0 Paris.");
+ * u_uastrcpy(expected, "Kirti est all\\u00E9e \\u00E0 Paris.");
+ * resultlength=0;
+ * resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "fr", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, str , str1);
+ *  {
+ *      status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *      resultlength=resultLengthOut+1;
+ *      result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
+ *      u_formatMessage( "fr", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str , str1);
+ *      if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0)
+ *          log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on Select test#1\n");
+ *      else{
+ *          log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on Select test#1\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", austrdup(result),
+ *          austrdup(expected) );
+ *      }
+ *      free(result);
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *  </pre>
+ */
+ * Format a message for a locale.
+ * This function may perform re-ordering of the arguments depending on the
+ * locale. For all numeric arguments, double is assumed unless the type is
+ * explicitly integer.  All choice format arguments must be of type double.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message will be formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted message.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @param ... A variable-length argument list containing the arguments specified
+ * in pattern.
+ * @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+ * output was truncated.
+ * @see u_parseMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+u_formatMessage(const char  *locale,
+                 const UChar *pattern,
+                int32_t     patternLength,
+                UChar       *result,
+                int32_t     resultLength,
+                UErrorCode  *status,
+                ...);
+ * Format a message for a locale.
+ * This function may perform re-ordering of the arguments depending on the
+ * locale. For all numeric arguments, double is assumed unless the type is
+ * explicitly integer.  All choice format arguments must be of type double.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message will be formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted message.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param ap A variable-length argument list containing the arguments specified
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * in pattern.
+ * @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+ * output was truncated.
+ * @see u_parseMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+u_vformatMessage(   const char  *locale,
+                    const UChar *pattern,
+                    int32_t     patternLength,
+                    UChar       *result,
+                    int32_t     resultLength,
+                    va_list     ap,
+                    UErrorCode  *status);
+ * Parse a message.
+ * For numeric arguments, this function will always use doubles.  Integer types
+ * should not be passed.
+ * This function is not able to parse all output from {@link #u_formatMessage }.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message is formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param source The text to parse.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @param ... A variable-length argument list containing the arguments
+ * specified in pattern.
+ * @see u_formatMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_parseMessage( const char   *locale,
+                const UChar  *pattern,
+                int32_t      patternLength,
+                const UChar  *source,
+                int32_t      sourceLength,
+                UErrorCode   *status,
+                ...);
+ * Parse a message.
+ * For numeric arguments, this function will always use doubles.  Integer types
+ * should not be passed.
+ * This function is not able to parse all output from {@link #u_formatMessage }.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message is formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param source The text to parse.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param ap A variable-length argument list containing the arguments
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * specified in pattern.
+ * @see u_formatMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_vparseMessage(const char  *locale,
+                const UChar *pattern,
+                int32_t     patternLength,
+                const UChar *source,
+                int32_t     sourceLength,
+                va_list     ap,
+                UErrorCode  *status);
+ * Format a message for a locale.
+ * This function may perform re-ordering of the arguments depending on the
+ * locale. For all numeric arguments, double is assumed unless the type is
+ * explicitly integer.  All choice format arguments must be of type double.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message will be formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted message.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @param ... A variable-length argument list containing the arguments specified
+ * in pattern.
+ * @param parseError  A pointer to UParseError to receive information about errors
+ *                     occurred during parsing.
+ * @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+ * output was truncated.
+ * @see u_parseMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+u_formatMessageWithError(   const char    *locale,
+                            const UChar   *pattern,
+                            int32_t       patternLength,
+                            UChar         *result,
+                            int32_t       resultLength,
+                            UParseError   *parseError,
+                            UErrorCode    *status,
+                            ...);
+ * Format a message for a locale.
+ * This function may perform re-ordering of the arguments depending on the
+ * locale. For all numeric arguments, double is assumed unless the type is
+ * explicitly integer.  All choice format arguments must be of type double.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message will be formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted message.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param parseError  A pointer to UParseError to receive information about errors
+ *                    occurred during parsing.
+ * @param ap A variable-length argument list containing the arguments specified
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * in pattern.
+ * @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+ * output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+u_vformatMessageWithError(  const char   *locale,
+                            const UChar  *pattern,
+                            int32_t      patternLength,
+                            UChar        *result,
+                            int32_t      resultLength,
+                            UParseError* parseError,
+                            va_list      ap,
+                            UErrorCode   *status);
+ * Parse a message.
+ * For numeric arguments, this function will always use doubles.  Integer types
+ * should not be passed.
+ * This function is not able to parse all output from {@link #u_formatMessage }.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message is formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param source The text to parse.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param parseError  A pointer to UParseError to receive information about errors
+ *                     occurred during parsing.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @param ... A variable-length argument list containing the arguments
+ * specified in pattern.
+ * @see u_formatMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_parseMessageWithError(const char  *locale,
+                        const UChar *pattern,
+                        int32_t     patternLength,
+                        const UChar *source,
+                        int32_t     sourceLength,
+                        UParseError *parseError,
+                        UErrorCode  *status,
+                        ...);
+ * Parse a message.
+ * For numeric arguments, this function will always use doubles.  Integer types
+ * should not be passed.
+ * This function is not able to parse all output from {@link #u_formatMessage }.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the message is formatted
+ * @param pattern The pattern specifying the message's format
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern
+ * @param source The text to parse.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param ap A variable-length argument list containing the arguments
+ * @param parseError  A pointer to UParseError to receive information about errors
+ *                     occurred during parsing.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * specified in pattern.
+ * @see u_formatMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_vparseMessageWithError(const char  *locale,
+                         const UChar *pattern,
+                         int32_t     patternLength,
+                         const UChar *source,
+                         int32_t     sourceLength,
+                         va_list     ap,
+                         UParseError *parseError,
+                         UErrorCode* status);
+/*----------------------- New experimental API --------------------------- */
+ * The message format object
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void* UMessageFormat;
+ * Open a message formatter with given pattern and for the given locale.
+ * @param pattern       A pattern specifying the format to use.
+ * @param patternLength Length of the pattern to use
+ * @param locale        The locale for which the messages are formatted.
+ * @param parseError    A pointer to UParseError struct to receive any errors 
+ *                      occured during parsing. Can be NULL.
+ * @param status        A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return              A pointer to a UMessageFormat to use for formatting 
+ *                      messages, or 0 if an error occurred. 
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UMessageFormat* U_EXPORT2 
+umsg_open(  const UChar     *pattern,
+            int32_t         patternLength,
+            const  char     *locale,
+            UParseError     *parseError,
+            UErrorCode      *status);
+ * Close a UMessageFormat.
+ * Once closed, a UMessageFormat may no longer be used.
+ * @param format The formatter to close.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+umsg_close(UMessageFormat* format);
+ * \class LocalUMessageFormatPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UMessageFormat via umsg_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUMessageFormatPointer, UMessageFormat, umsg_close);
+ * Open a copy of a UMessageFormat.
+ * This function performs a deep copy.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to copy
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UDateFormat identical to fmt.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UMessageFormat U_EXPORT2 
+umsg_clone(const UMessageFormat *fmt,
+           UErrorCode *status);
+ * Sets the locale. This locale is used for fetching default number or date
+ * format information.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to set
+ * @param locale The locale the formatter should use.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+umsg_setLocale(UMessageFormat *fmt,
+               const char* locale);
+ * Gets the locale. This locale is used for fetching default number or date
+ * format information.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to querry
+ * @return the locale.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char*  U_EXPORT2 
+umsg_getLocale(const UMessageFormat *fmt);
+ * Sets the pattern.
+ * @param fmt           The formatter to use
+ * @param pattern       The pattern to be applied.
+ * @param patternLength Length of the pattern to use
+ * @param parseError    Struct to receive information on position 
+ *                      of error if an error is encountered.Can be NULL.
+ * @param status        Output param set to success/failure code on
+ *                      exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+ *                      set to a failure result.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+umsg_applyPattern( UMessageFormat *fmt,
+                   const UChar* pattern,
+                   int32_t patternLength,
+                   UParseError* parseError,
+                   UErrorCode* status);
+ * Gets the pattern.
+ * @param fmt          The formatter to use
+ * @param result       A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status       Output param set to success/failure code on
+ *                     exit. If the pattern is invalid, this will be
+ *                     set to a failure result.  
+ * @return the pattern of the format
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t  U_EXPORT2 
+umsg_toPattern(const UMessageFormat *fmt,
+               UChar* result, 
+               int32_t resultLength,
+               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Format a message for a locale.
+ * This function may perform re-ordering of the arguments depending on the
+ * locale. For all numeric arguments, double is assumed unless the type is
+ * explicitly integer.  All choice format arguments must be of type double.
+ * @param fmt           The formatter to use
+ * @param result        A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted message.
+ * @param resultLength  The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status        A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @param ...           A variable-length argument list containing the arguments 
+ *                      specified in pattern.
+ * @return              The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, 
+ *                      the output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+umsg_format(    const UMessageFormat *fmt,
+                UChar          *result,
+                int32_t        resultLength,
+                UErrorCode     *status,
+                ...);
+ * Format a message for a locale.
+ * This function may perform re-ordering of the arguments depending on the
+ * locale. For all numeric arguments, double is assumed unless the type is
+ * explicitly integer.  All choice format arguments must be of type double.
+ * @param fmt          The formatter to use 
+ * @param result       A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted message.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param ap           A variable-length argument list containing the arguments 
+ * @param status       A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ *                     specified in pattern.
+ * @return             The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, 
+ *                     the output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+umsg_vformat(   const UMessageFormat *fmt,
+                UChar          *result,
+                int32_t        resultLength,
+                va_list        ap,
+                UErrorCode     *status);
+ * Parse a message.
+ * For numeric arguments, this function will always use doubles.  Integer types
+ * should not be passed.
+ * This function is not able to parse all output from {@link #umsg_format }.
+ * @param fmt           The formatter to use 
+ * @param source        The text to parse.
+ * @param sourceLength  The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param count         Output param to receive number of elements returned.
+ * @param status        A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @param ...           A variable-length argument list containing the arguments
+ *                      specified in pattern.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+umsg_parse( const UMessageFormat *fmt,
+            const UChar    *source,
+            int32_t        sourceLength,
+            int32_t        *count,
+            UErrorCode     *status,
+            ...);
+ * Parse a message.
+ * For numeric arguments, this function will always use doubles.  Integer types
+ * should not be passed.
+ * This function is not able to parse all output from {@link #umsg_format }.
+ * @param fmt           The formatter to use 
+ * @param source        The text to parse.
+ * @param sourceLength  The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param count         Output param to receive number of elements returned.
+ * @param ap            A variable-length argument list containing the arguments
+ * @param status        A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ *                      specified in pattern.
+ * @see u_formatMessage
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+umsg_vparse(const UMessageFormat *fmt,
+            const UChar    *source,
+            int32_t        sourceLength,
+            int32_t        *count,
+            va_list        ap,
+            UErrorCode     *status);
+ * Convert an 'apostrophe-friendly' pattern into a standard
+ * pattern.  Standard patterns treat all apostrophes as
+ * quotes, which is problematic in some languages, e.g. 
+ * French, where apostrophe is commonly used.  This utility
+ * assumes that only an unpaired apostrophe immediately before
+ * a brace is a true quote.  Other unpaired apostrophes are paired,
+ * and the resulting standard pattern string is returned.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Note</b> it is not guaranteed that the returned pattern
+ * is indeed a valid pattern.  The only effect is to convert
+ * between patterns having different quoting semantics.
+ *
+ * @param pattern the 'apostrophe-friendly' patttern to convert
+ * @param patternLength the length of pattern, or -1 if unknown and pattern is null-terminated
+ * @param dest the buffer for the result, or NULL if preflight only
+ * @param destCapacity the length of the buffer, or 0 if preflighting
+ * @param ec the error code
+ * @return the length of the resulting text, not including trailing null
+ *        if buffer has room for the trailing null, it is provided, otherwise
+ *        not
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+umsg_autoQuoteApostrophe(const UChar* pattern, 
+                         int32_t patternLength,
+                         UChar* dest,
+                         int32_t destCapacity,
+                         UErrorCode* ec);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umutablecptrie.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umutablecptrie.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f123644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/umutablecptrie.h
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// umutablecptrie.h (split out of ucptrie.h)
+// created: 2018jan24 Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucpmap.h"
+#include "unicode/ucptrie.h"
+#include "unicode/utf8.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ *
+ * This file defines a mutable Unicode code point trie.
+ *
+ * @see UCPTrie
+ * @see UMutableCPTrie
+ */
+ * Mutable Unicode code point trie.
+ * Fast map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to 32-bit integer values.
+ * For details see
+ *
+ * Setting values (especially ranges) and lookup is fast.
+ * The mutable trie is only somewhat space-efficient.
+ * It builds a compacted, immutable UCPTrie.
+ *
+ * This trie can be modified while iterating over its contents.
+ * For example, it is possible to merge its values with those from another
+ * set of ranges (e.g., another mutable or immutable trie):
+ * Iterate over those source ranges; for each of them iterate over this trie;
+ * add the source value into the value of each trie range.
+ *
+ * @see UCPTrie
+ * @see umutablecptrie_buildImmutable
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef struct UMutableCPTrie UMutableCPTrie;
+ * Creates a mutable trie that initially maps each Unicode code point to the same value.
+ * It uses 32-bit data values until umutablecptrie_buildImmutable() is called.
+ * umutablecptrie_buildImmutable() takes a valueWidth parameter which
+ * determines the number of bits in the data value in the resulting UCPTrie.
+ * You must umutablecptrie_close() the trie once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param initialValue the initial value that is set for all code points
+ * @param errorValue the value for out-of-range code points and ill-formed UTF-8/16
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the trie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI UMutableCPTrie * U_EXPORT2
+umutablecptrie_open(uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t errorValue, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Clones a mutable trie.
+ * You must umutablecptrie_close() the clone once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param other the trie to clone
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the trie clone
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI UMutableCPTrie * U_EXPORT2
+umutablecptrie_clone(const UMutableCPTrie *other, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Closes a mutable trie and releases associated memory.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+umutablecptrie_close(UMutableCPTrie *trie);
+ * \class LocalUMutableCPTriePointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UMutableCPTrie via umutablecptrie_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUMutableCPTriePointer, UMutableCPTrie, umutablecptrie_close);
+ * Creates a mutable trie with the same contents as the UCPMap.
+ * You must umutablecptrie_close() the mutable trie once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param map the source map
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the mutable trie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI UMutableCPTrie * U_EXPORT2
+umutablecptrie_fromUCPMap(const UCPMap *map, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Creates a mutable trie with the same contents as the immutable one.
+ * You must umutablecptrie_close() the mutable trie once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param trie the immutable trie
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the mutable trie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI UMutableCPTrie * U_EXPORT2
+umutablecptrie_fromUCPTrie(const UCPTrie *trie, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the value for a code point as stored in the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @return the value
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+umutablecptrie_get(const UMutableCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the last code point such that all those from start to there have the same value.
+ * Can be used to efficiently iterate over all same-value ranges in a trie.
+ * (This is normally faster than iterating over code points and get()ting each value,
+ * but much slower than a data structure that stores ranges directly.)
+ *
+ * The trie can be modified between calls to this function.
+ *
+ * If the UCPMapValueFilter function pointer is not NULL, then
+ * the value to be delivered is passed through that function, and the return value is the end
+ * of the range where all values are modified to the same actual value.
+ * The value is unchanged if that function pointer is NULL.
+ *
+ * See the same-signature ucptrie_getRange() for a code sample.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param start range start
+ * @param option defines whether surrogates are treated normally,
+ *               or as having the surrogateValue; usually UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
+ * @param surrogateValue value for surrogates; ignored if option==UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL
+ * @param filter a pointer to a function that may modify the trie data value,
+ *     or NULL if the values from the trie are to be used unmodified
+ * @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the filter function
+ * @param pValue if not NULL, receives the value that every code point start..end has;
+ *     may have been modified by filter(context, trie value)
+ *     if that function pointer is not NULL
+ * @return the range end code point, or -1 if start is not a valid code point
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+umutablecptrie_getRange(const UMutableCPTrie *trie, UChar32 start,
+                        UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue,
+                        UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue);
+ * Sets a value for a code point.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @param value the value
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+umutablecptrie_set(UMutableCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Sets a value for each code point [start..end].
+ * Faster and more space-efficient than setting the value for each code point separately.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param start the first code point to get the value
+ * @param end the last code point to get the value (inclusive)
+ * @param value the value
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+umutablecptrie_setRange(UMutableCPTrie *trie,
+                        UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
+                        uint32_t value, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Compacts the data and builds an immutable UCPTrie according to the parameters.
+ * After this, the mutable trie will be empty.
+ *
+ * The mutable trie stores 32-bit values until buildImmutable() is called.
+ * If values shorter than 32 bits are to be stored in the immutable trie,
+ * then the upper bits are discarded.
+ * For example, when the mutable trie contains values 0x81, -0x7f, and 0xa581,
+ * and the value width is 8 bits, then each of these is stored as 0x81
+ * and the immutable trie will return that as an unsigned value.
+ * (Some implementations may want to make productive temporary use of the upper bits
+ * until buildImmutable() discards them.)
+ *
+ * Not every possible set of mappings can be built into a UCPTrie,
+ * because of limitations resulting from speed and space optimizations.
+ * Every Unicode assigned character can be mapped to a unique value.
+ * Typical data yields data structures far smaller than the limitations.
+ *
+ * It is possible to construct extremely unusual mappings that exceed the data structure limits.
+ * In such a case this function will fail with a U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie trie
+ * @param type selects the trie type
+ * @param valueWidth selects the number of bits in a trie data value; if smaller than 32 bits,
+ *                   then the values stored in the trie will be truncated first
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ *
+ * @see umutablecptrie_fromUCPTrie
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+umutablecptrie_buildImmutable(UMutableCPTrie *trie, UCPTrieType type, UCPTrieValueWidth valueWidth,
+                              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unifilt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unifilt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420e1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unifilt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   11/17/99    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef UNIFILT_H
+#define UNIFILT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unifunct.h"
+#include "unicode/unimatch.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Unicode Filter
+ */
+ * U_ETHER is used to represent character values for positions outside
+ * a range.  For example, transliterator uses this to represent
+ * characters outside the range contextStart..contextLimit-1.  This
+ * allows explicit matching by rules and UnicodeSets of text outside a
+ * defined range.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+#define U_ETHER ((char16_t)0xFFFF)
+ *
+ * <code>UnicodeFilter</code> defines a protocol for selecting a
+ * subset of the full range (U+0000 to U+10FFFF) of Unicode characters.
+ * Currently, filters are used in conjunction with classes like {@link
+ * Transliterator} to only process selected characters through a
+ * transformation.
+ *
+ * <p>Note: UnicodeFilter currently stubs out two pure virtual methods
+ * of its base class, UnicodeMatcher.  These methods are toPattern()
+ * and matchesIndexValue().  This is done so that filter classes that
+ * are not actually used as matchers -- specifically, those in the
+ * UnicodeFilterLogic component, and those in tests -- can continue to
+ * work without defining these methods.  As long as a filter is not
+ * used in an RBT during real transliteration, these methods will not
+ * be called.  However, this breaks the UnicodeMatcher base class
+ * protocol, and it is not a correct solution.
+ *
+ * <p>In the future we may revisit the UnicodeMatcher / UnicodeFilter
+ * hierarchy and either redesign it, or simply remove the stubs in
+ * UnicodeFilter and force subclasses to implement the full
+ * UnicodeMatcher protocol.
+ *
+ * @see UnicodeFilterLogic
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeFilter : public UnicodeFunctor, public UnicodeMatcher {
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~UnicodeFilter();
+    /**
+     * Clones this object polymorphically.
+     * The caller owns the result and should delete it when done.
+     * @return clone, or nullptr if an error occurred
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeFilter* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns <tt>true</tt> for characters that are in the selected
+     * subset.  In other words, if a character is <b>to be
+     * filtered</b>, then <tt>contains()</tt> returns
+     * <b><tt>false</tt></b>.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool contains(UChar32 c) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API.  Cast 'this' to a UnicodeMatcher* pointer
+     * and return the pointer.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeMatcher* toMatcher() const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher API.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UMatchDegree matches(const Replaceable& text,
+                                 int32_t& offset,
+                                 int32_t limit,
+                                 UBool incremental);
+    /**
+     * UnicodeFunctor API.  Nothing to do.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void setData(const TransliterationRuleData*);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /*
+     * Since this class has pure virtual functions,
+     * a constructor can't be used.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+/*    UnicodeFilter();*/
+/*inline UnicodeFilter::UnicodeFilter() {}*/
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unifunct.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unifunct.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d31af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unifunct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2002-2005, International Business Machines Corporation
+*   and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   01/14/2002  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef UNIFUNCT_H
+#define UNIFUNCT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Unicode Functor
+ */
+class UnicodeMatcher;
+class UnicodeReplacer;
+class TransliterationRuleData;
+ * <code>UnicodeFunctor</code> is an abstract base class for objects
+ * that perform match and/or replace operations on Unicode strings.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeFunctor : public UObject {
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~UnicodeFunctor();
+    /**
+     * Return a copy of this object.  All UnicodeFunctor objects
+     * have to support cloning in order to allow classes using
+     * UnicodeFunctor to implement cloning.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeFunctor* clone() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Cast 'this' to a UnicodeMatcher* pointer and return the
+     * pointer, or null if this is not a UnicodeMatcher*.  Subclasses
+     * that mix in UnicodeMatcher as a base class must override this.
+     * This protocol is required because a pointer to a UnicodeFunctor
+     * cannot be cast to a pointer to a UnicodeMatcher, since
+     * UnicodeMatcher is a mixin that does not derive from
+     * UnicodeFunctor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeMatcher* toMatcher() const;
+    /**
+     * Cast 'this' to a UnicodeReplacer* pointer and return the
+     * pointer, or null if this is not a UnicodeReplacer*.  Subclasses
+     * that mix in UnicodeReplacer as a base class must override this.
+     * This protocol is required because a pointer to a UnicodeFunctor
+     * cannot be cast to a pointer to a UnicodeReplacer, since
+     * UnicodeReplacer is a mixin that does not derive from
+     * UnicodeFunctor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeReplacer* toReplacer() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID <b>polymorphically</b>.  This method
+     * is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
+     * clone() methods call this method.
+     *
+     * <p>Concrete subclasses of UnicodeFunctor should use the macro
+     *    UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION from uobject.h to
+     *    provide definitios getStaticClassID and getDynamicClassID.
+     *
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Set the data object associated with this functor.  The data
+     * object provides context for functor-to-standin mapping.  This
+     * method is required when assigning a functor to a different data
+     * object.  This function MAY GO AWAY later if the architecture is
+     * changed to pass data object pointers through the API.
+     * @internal ICU 2.1
+     */
+    virtual void setData(const TransliterationRuleData*) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Since this class has pure virtual functions,
+     * a constructor can't be used.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /*UnicodeFunctor();*/
+/*inline UnicodeFunctor::UnicodeFunctor() {}*/
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unimatch.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unimatch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a192b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unimatch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   07/18/01    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef UNIMATCH_H
+#define UNIMATCH_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Unicode Matcher
+ */
+class Replaceable;
+class UnicodeString;
+class UnicodeSet;
+ * Constants returned by <code>UnicodeMatcher::matches()</code>
+ * indicating the degree of match.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+enum UMatchDegree {
+    /**
+     * Constant returned by <code>matches()</code> indicating a
+     * mismatch between the text and this matcher.  The text contains
+     * a character which does not match, or the text does not contain
+     * all desired characters for a non-incremental match.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Constant returned by <code>matches()</code> indicating a
+     * partial match between the text and this matcher.  This value is
+     * only returned for incremental match operations.  All characters
+     * of the text match, but more characters are required for a
+     * complete match.  Alternatively, for variable-length matchers,
+     * all characters of the text match, and if more characters were
+     * supplied at limit, they might also match.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Constant returned by <code>matches()</code> indicating a
+     * complete match between the text and this matcher.  For an
+     * incremental variable-length match, this value is returned if
+     * the given text matches, and it is known that additional
+     * characters would not alter the extent of the match.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    U_MATCH
+ * <code>UnicodeMatcher</code> defines a protocol for objects that can
+ * match a range of characters in a Replaceable string.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeMatcher /* not : public UObject because this is an interface/mixin class */ {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~UnicodeMatcher();
+    /**
+     * Return a UMatchDegree value indicating the degree of match for
+     * the given text at the given offset.  Zero, one, or more
+     * characters may be matched.
+     *
+     * Matching in the forward direction is indicated by limit >
+     * offset.  Characters from offset forwards to limit-1 will be
+     * considered for matching.
+     * 
+     * Matching in the reverse direction is indicated by limit <
+     * offset.  Characters from offset backwards to limit+1 will be
+     * considered for matching.
+     *
+     * If limit == offset then the only match possible is a zero
+     * character match (which subclasses may implement if desired).
+     *
+     * As a side effect, advance the offset parameter to the limit of
+     * the matched substring.  In the forward direction, this will be
+     * the index of the last matched character plus one.  In the
+     * reverse direction, this will be the index of the last matched
+     * character minus one.
+     *
+     * <p>Note:  This method is not const because some classes may
+     * modify their state as the result of a match.
+     *
+     * @param text the text to be matched
+     * @param offset on input, the index into text at which to begin
+     * matching.  On output, the limit of the matched text.  The
+     * number of matched characters is the output value of offset
+     * minus the input value.  Offset should always point to the
+     * HIGH SURROGATE (leading code unit) of a pair of surrogates,
+     * both on entry and upon return.
+     * @param limit the limit index of text to be matched.  Greater
+     * than offset for a forward direction match, less than offset for
+     * a backward direction match.  The last character to be
+     * considered for matching will be text.charAt(limit-1) in the
+     * forward direction or text.charAt(limit+1) in the backward
+     * direction.
+     * @param incremental if TRUE, then assume further characters may
+     * be inserted at limit and check for partial matching.  Otherwise
+     * assume the text as given is complete.
+     * @return a match degree value indicating a full match, a partial
+     * match, or a mismatch.  If incremental is FALSE then
+     * U_PARTIAL_MATCH should never be returned.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UMatchDegree matches(const Replaceable& text,
+                                 int32_t& offset,
+                                 int32_t limit,
+                                 UBool incremental) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns a string representation of this matcher.  If the result of
+     * calling this function is passed to the appropriate parser, it
+     * will produce another matcher that is equal to this one.
+     * @param result the string to receive the pattern.  Previous
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+     * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
+     * \\Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are those other than
+     * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                     UBool escapeUnprintable = FALSE) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns TRUE if this matcher will match a character c, where c
+     * & 0xFF == v, at offset, in the forward direction (with limit >
+     * offset).  This is used by <tt>RuleBasedTransliterator</tt> for
+     * indexing.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Union the set of all characters that may be matched by this object
+     * into the given set.
+     * @param toUnionTo the set into which to union the source characters
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void addMatchSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const = 0;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unirepl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unirepl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec627a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unirepl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (c) 2002-2005, International Business Machines Corporation
+*   and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   01/14/2002  aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef UNIREPL_H
+#define UNIREPL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: UnicodeReplacer
+ */
+class Replaceable;
+class UnicodeString;
+class UnicodeSet;
+ * <code>UnicodeReplacer</code> defines a protocol for objects that
+ * replace a range of characters in a Replaceable string with output
+ * text.  The replacement is done via the Replaceable API so as to
+ * preserve out-of-band data.
+ *
+ * <p>This is a mixin class.
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class U_I18N_API UnicodeReplacer /* not : public UObject because this is an interface/mixin class */ {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~UnicodeReplacer();
+    /**
+     * Replace characters in 'text' from 'start' to 'limit' with the
+     * output text of this object.  Update the 'cursor' parameter to
+     * give the cursor position and return the length of the
+     * replacement text.
+     *
+     * @param text the text to be matched
+     * @param start inclusive start index of text to be replaced
+     * @param limit exclusive end index of text to be replaced;
+     * must be greater than or equal to start
+     * @param cursor output parameter for the cursor position.
+     * Not all replacer objects will update this, but in a complete
+     * tree of replacer objects, representing the entire output side
+     * of a transliteration rule, at least one must update it.
+     * @return the number of 16-bit code units in the text replacing
+     * the characters at offsets start..(limit-1) in text
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual int32_t replace(Replaceable& text,
+                            int32_t start,
+                            int32_t limit,
+                            int32_t& cursor) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns a string representation of this replacer.  If the
+     * result of calling this function is passed to the appropriate
+     * parser, typically TransliteratorParser, it will produce another
+     * replacer that is equal to this one.
+     * @param result the string to receive the pattern.  Previous
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+     * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
+     * \\Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are defined by
+     * Utility.isUnprintable().
+     * @return a reference to 'result'.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toReplacerPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                             UBool escapeUnprintable) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Union the set of all characters that may output by this object
+     * into the given set.
+     * @param toUnionTo the set into which to union the output characters
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void addReplacementSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const = 0;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uniset.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uniset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9742311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uniset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1744 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   10/20/99    alan        Creation.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucpmap.h"
+#include "unicode/unifilt.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Unicode Set
+ */
+// Forward Declarations.
+class BMPSet;
+class ParsePosition;
+class RBBIRuleScanner;
+class SymbolTable;
+class UnicodeSetStringSpan;
+class UVector;
+class RuleCharacterIterator;
+ * A mutable set of Unicode characters and multicharacter strings.  Objects of this class
+ * represent <em>character classes</em> used in regular expressions.
+ * A character specifies a subset of Unicode code points.  Legal
+ * code points are U+0000 to U+10FFFF, inclusive.
+ *
+ * <p>The UnicodeSet class is not designed to be subclassed.
+ *
+ * <p><code>UnicodeSet</code> supports two APIs. The first is the
+ * <em>operand</em> API that allows the caller to modify the value of
+ * a <code>UnicodeSet</code> object. It conforms to Java 2's
+ * <code>java.util.Set</code> interface, although
+ * <code>UnicodeSet</code> does not actually implement that
+ * interface. All methods of <code>Set</code> are supported, with the
+ * modification that they take a character range or single character
+ * instead of an <code>Object</code>, and they take a
+ * <code>UnicodeSet</code> instead of a <code>Collection</code>.  The
+ * operand API may be thought of in terms of boolean logic: a boolean
+ * OR is implemented by <code>add</code>, a boolean AND is implemented
+ * by <code>retain</code>, a boolean XOR is implemented by
+ * <code>complement</code> taking an argument, and a boolean NOT is
+ * implemented by <code>complement</code> with no argument.  In terms
+ * of traditional set theory function names, <code>add</code> is a
+ * union, <code>retain</code> is an intersection, <code>remove</code>
+ * is an asymmetric difference, and <code>complement</code> with no
+ * argument is a set complement with respect to the superset range
+ * <code>MIN_VALUE-MAX_VALUE</code>
+ *
+ * <p>The second API is the
+ * <code>applyPattern()</code>/<code>toPattern()</code> API from the
+ * <code>java.text.Format</code>-derived classes.  Unlike the
+ * methods that add characters, add categories, and control the logic
+ * of the set, the method <code>applyPattern()</code> sets all
+ * attributes of a <code>UnicodeSet</code> at once, based on a
+ * string pattern.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Pattern syntax</b></p>
+ *
+ * Patterns are accepted by the constructors and the
+ * <code>applyPattern()</code> methods and returned by the
+ * <code>toPattern()</code> method.  These patterns follow a syntax
+ * similar to that employed by version 8 regular expression character
+ * classes.  Here are some simple examples:
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *   <table>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[]</code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top">No characters</td>
+ *     </tr><tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a]</code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top">The character 'a'</td>
+ *     </tr><tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[ae]</code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top">The characters 'a' and 'e'</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a-e]</code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top">The characters 'a' through 'e' inclusive, in Unicode code
+ *       point order</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[\\u4E01]</code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top">The character U+4E01</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[a{ab}{ac}]</code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top">The character 'a' and the multicharacter strings &quot;ab&quot; and
+ *       &quot;ac&quot;</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="left"><code>[\\p{Lu}]</code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top">All characters in the general category Uppercase Letter</td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *   </table>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *
+ * Any character may be preceded by a backslash in order to remove any special
+ * meaning.  White space characters, as defined by UCharacter.isWhitespace(), are
+ * ignored, unless they are escaped.
+ *
+ * <p>Property patterns specify a set of characters having a certain
+ * property as defined by the Unicode standard.  Both the POSIX-like
+ * "[:Lu:]" and the Perl-like syntax "\\p{Lu}" are recognized.  For a
+ * complete list of supported property patterns, see the User's Guide
+ * for UnicodeSet at
+ * <a href="">
+ *</a>.
+ * Actual determination of property data is defined by the underlying
+ * Unicode database as implemented by UCharacter.
+ *
+ * <p>Patterns specify individual characters, ranges of characters, and
+ * Unicode property sets.  When elements are concatenated, they
+ * specify their union.  To complement a set, place a '^' immediately
+ * after the opening '['.  Property patterns are inverted by modifying
+ * their delimiters; "[:^foo]" and "\\P{foo}".  In any other location,
+ * '^' has no special meaning.
+ *
+ * <p>Ranges are indicated by placing two a '-' between two
+ * characters, as in "a-z".  This specifies the range of all
+ * characters from the left to the right, in Unicode order.  If the
+ * left character is greater than or equal to the
+ * right character it is a syntax error.  If a '-' occurs as the first
+ * character after the opening '[' or '[^', or if it occurs as the
+ * last character before the closing ']', then it is taken as a
+ * literal.  Thus "[a\-b]", "[-ab]", and "[ab-]" all indicate the same
+ * set of three characters, 'a', 'b', and '-'.
+ *
+ * <p>Sets may be intersected using the '&' operator or the asymmetric
+ * set difference may be taken using the '-' operator, for example,
+ * "[[:L:]&[\\u0000-\\u0FFF]]" indicates the set of all Unicode letters
+ * with values less than 4096.  Operators ('&' and '|') have equal
+ * precedence and bind left-to-right.  Thus
+ * "[[:L:]-[a-z]-[\\u0100-\\u01FF]]" is equivalent to
+ * "[[[:L:]-[a-z]]-[\\u0100-\\u01FF]]".  This only really matters for
+ * difference; intersection is commutative.
+ *
+ * <table>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[a]</code><td>The set containing 'a'
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[a-z]</code><td>The set containing 'a'
+ * through 'z' and all letters in between, in Unicode order
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[^a-z]</code><td>The set containing
+ * all characters but 'a' through 'z',
+ * that is, U+0000 through 'a'-1 and 'z'+1 through U+10FFFF
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>][<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
+ * <td>The union of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and <em>pat2</em>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>]&[<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
+ * <td>The intersection of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and <em>pat2</em>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[[<em>pat1</em>]-[<em>pat2</em>]]</code>
+ * <td>The asymmetric difference of sets specified by <em>pat1</em> and
+ * <em>pat2</em>
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[:Lu:] or \\p{Lu}</code>
+ * <td>The set of characters having the specified
+ * Unicode property; in
+ * this case, Unicode uppercase letters
+ * <tr valign=top><td nowrap><code>[:^Lu:] or \\P{Lu}</code>
+ * <td>The set of characters <em>not</em> having the given
+ * Unicode property
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Warning</b>: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</p>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Formal syntax</b></p>
+ *
+ * \htmlonly<blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ *   <table>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>pattern :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><code>('[' '^'? item* ']') |
+ *       property</code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>item :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><code>char | (char '-' char) | pattern-expr<br>
+ *       </code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>pattern-expr :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><code>pattern | pattern-expr pattern |
+ *       pattern-expr op pattern<br>
+ *       </code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>op :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><code>'&amp;' | '-'<br>
+ *       </code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>special :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><code>'[' | ']' | '-'<br>
+ *       </code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>char :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><em>any character that is not</em><code> special<br>
+ *       | ('\' </code><em>any character</em><code>)<br>
+ *       | ('\\u' hex hex hex hex)<br>
+ *       </code></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr align="top">
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>hex :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><em>any character for which
+ *       </em><code>Character.digit(c, 16)</code><em>
+ *       returns a non-negative result</em></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td nowrap valign="top" align="right"><code>property :=&nbsp; </code></td>
+ *       <td valign="top"><em>a Unicode property set pattern</em></td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *   </table>
+ *   <br>
+ *   <table border="1">
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>Legend: <table>
+ *         <tr>
+ *           <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a := b</code></td>
+ *           <td width="20" valign="top">&nbsp; </td>
+ *           <td valign="top"><code>a</code> may be replaced by <code>b</code> </td>
+ *         </tr>
+ *         <tr>
+ *           <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a?</code></td>
+ *           <td valign="top"></td>
+ *           <td valign="top">zero or one instance of <code>a</code><br>
+ *           </td>
+ *         </tr>
+ *         <tr>
+ *           <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a*</code></td>
+ *           <td valign="top"></td>
+ *           <td valign="top">one or more instances of <code>a</code><br>
+ *           </td>
+ *         </tr>
+ *         <tr>
+ *           <td nowrap valign="top"><code>a | b</code></td>
+ *           <td valign="top"></td>
+ *           <td valign="top">either <code>a</code> or <code>b</code><br>
+ *           </td>
+ *         </tr>
+ *         <tr>
+ *           <td nowrap valign="top"><code>'a'</code></td>
+ *           <td valign="top"></td>
+ *           <td valign="top">the literal string between the quotes </td>
+ *         </tr>
+ *       </table>
+ *       </td>
+ *     </tr>
+ *   </table>
+ * \htmlonly</blockquote>\endhtmlonly
+ * 
+ * <p>Note:
+ *  - Most UnicodeSet methods do not take a UErrorCode parameter because
+ *   there are usually very few opportunities for failure other than a shortage
+ *   of memory, error codes in low-level C++ string methods would be inconvenient,
+ *   and the error code as the last parameter (ICU convention) would prevent
+ *   the use of default parameter values.
+ *   Instead, such methods set the UnicodeSet into a "bogus" state
+ *   (see isBogus()) if an error occurs.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeSet U_FINAL : public UnicodeFilter {
+    /**
+     * Enough for sets with few ranges.
+     * For example, White_Space has 10 ranges, list length 21.
+     */
+    static constexpr int32_t INITIAL_CAPACITY = 25;
+    // fFlags constant
+    static constexpr uint8_t kIsBogus = 1;  // This set is bogus (i.e. not valid)
+    UChar32* list = stackList; // MUST be terminated with HIGH
+    int32_t capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY; // capacity of list
+    int32_t len = 1; // length of list used; 1 <= len <= capacity
+    uint8_t fFlags = 0;         // Bit flag (see constants above)
+    BMPSet *bmpSet = nullptr; // The set is frozen iff either bmpSet or stringSpan is not NULL.
+    UChar32* buffer = nullptr; // internal buffer, may be NULL
+    int32_t bufferCapacity = 0; // capacity of buffer
+    /**
+     * The pattern representation of this set.  This may not be the
+     * most economical pattern.  It is the pattern supplied to
+     * applyPattern(), with variables substituted and whitespace
+     * removed.  For sets constructed without applyPattern(), or
+     * modified using the non-pattern API, this string will be empty,
+     * indicating that toPattern() must generate a pattern
+     * representation from the inversion list.
+     */
+    char16_t *pat = nullptr;
+    int32_t patLen = 0;
+    UVector* strings = nullptr; // maintained in sorted order
+    UnicodeSetStringSpan *stringSpan = nullptr;
+    /**
+     * Initial list array.
+     * Avoids some heap allocations, and list is never nullptr.
+     * Increases the object size a bit.
+     */
+    UChar32 stackList[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
+    /**
+     * Determine if this object contains a valid set.
+     * A bogus set has no value. It is different from an empty set.
+     * It can be used to indicate that no set value is available.
+     *
+     * @return TRUE if the set is bogus/invalid, FALSE otherwise
+     * @see setToBogus()
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    inline UBool isBogus(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Make this UnicodeSet object invalid.
+     * The string will test TRUE with isBogus().
+     *
+     * A bogus set has no value. It is different from an empty set.
+     * It can be used to indicate that no set value is available.
+     *
+     * This utility function is used throughout the UnicodeSet
+     * implementation to indicate that a UnicodeSet operation failed,
+     * and may be used in other functions,
+     * especially but not exclusively when such functions do not
+     * take a UErrorCode for simplicity.
+     *
+     * @see isBogus()
+     * @stable ICU 4.0
+     */
+    void setToBogus();
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * Minimum value that can be stored in a UnicodeSet.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        MIN_VALUE = 0,
+        /**
+         * Maximum value that can be stored in a UnicodeSet.
+         * @stable ICU 2.4
+         */
+        MAX_VALUE = 0x10ffff
+    };
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Constructors &c
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet();
+    /**
+     * Constructs a set containing the given range. If <code>end <
+     * start</code> then an empty set is created.
+     *
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of range
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of range
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+    /**
+     * @internal
+     */
+    enum ESerialization {
+      kSerialized  /* result of serialize() */
+    };
+    /**
+     * Constructs a set from the output of serialize().
+     *
+     * @param buffer the 16 bit array
+     * @param bufferLen the original length returned from serialize()
+     * @param serialization the value 'kSerialized'
+     * @param status error code
+     *
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeSet(const uint16_t buffer[], int32_t bufferLen,
+               ESerialization serialization, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Constructs a set from the given pattern.  See the class
+     * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+     * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+     * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+     * contains a syntax error.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+               UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a set from the given pattern.  See the class
+     * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+     * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+     * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+     * Valid options are USET_IGNORE_SPACE and USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+     * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to values
+     * and stand-in characters to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+     * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+     * contains a syntax error.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+               uint32_t options,
+               const SymbolTable* symbols,
+               UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Constructs a set from the given pattern.  See the class description
+     * for the syntax of the pattern language.
+     * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+     * @param pos on input, the position in pattern at which to start parsing.
+     * On output, the position after the last character parsed.
+     * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+     * Valid options are USET_IGNORE_SPACE and USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+     * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to values
+     * and stand-in characters to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+     * @param status input-output error code
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeSet(const UnicodeString& pattern, ParsePosition& pos,
+               uint32_t options,
+               const SymbolTable* symbols,
+               UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a set that is identical to the given UnicodeSet.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet(const UnicodeSet& o);
+    /**
+     * Destructs the set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual ~UnicodeSet();
+    /**
+     * Assigns this object to be a copy of another.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& operator=(const UnicodeSet& o);
+    /**
+     * Compares the specified object with this set for equality.  Returns
+     * <tt>true</tt> if the two sets
+     * have the same size, and every member of the specified set is
+     * contained in this set (or equivalently, every member of this set is
+     * contained in the specified set).
+     *
+     * @param o set to be compared for equality with this set.
+     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified set is equal to this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const UnicodeSet& o) const;
+    /**
+     * Compares the specified object with this set for equality.  Returns
+     * <tt>true</tt> if the specified set is not equal to this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const UnicodeSet& o) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of this object.  All UnicodeFunctor objects have
+     * to support cloning in order to allow classes using
+     * UnicodeFunctors, such as Transliterator, to implement cloning.
+     * If this set is frozen, then the clone will be frozen as well.
+     * Use cloneAsThawed() for a mutable clone of a frozen set.
+     * @see cloneAsThawed
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the hash code value for this set.
+     *
+     * @return the hash code value for this set.
+     * @see Object#hashCode()
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Get a UnicodeSet pointer from a USet
+     *
+     * @param uset a USet (the ICU plain C type for UnicodeSet)
+     * @return the corresponding UnicodeSet pointer.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    inline static UnicodeSet *fromUSet(USet *uset);
+    /**
+     * Get a UnicodeSet pointer from a const USet
+     *
+     * @param uset a const USet (the ICU plain C type for UnicodeSet)
+     * @return the corresponding UnicodeSet pointer.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    inline static const UnicodeSet *fromUSet(const USet *uset);
+    /**
+     * Produce a USet * pointer for this UnicodeSet.
+     * USet is the plain C type for UnicodeSet
+     *
+     * @return a USet pointer for this UnicodeSet
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    inline USet *toUSet();
+    /**
+     * Produce a const USet * pointer for this UnicodeSet.
+     * USet is the plain C type for UnicodeSet
+     *
+     * @return a const USet pointer for this UnicodeSet
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    inline const USet * toUSet() const;
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Freezable API
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Determines whether the set has been frozen (made immutable) or not.
+     * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+     * @return TRUE/FALSE for whether the set has been frozen
+     * @see freeze
+     * @see cloneAsThawed
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    inline UBool isFrozen() const;
+    /**
+     * Freeze the set (make it immutable).
+     * Once frozen, it cannot be unfrozen and is therefore thread-safe
+     * until it is deleted.
+     * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+     * Freezing the set may also make some operations faster, for example
+     * contains() and span().
+     * A frozen set will not be modified. (It remains frozen.)
+     * @return this set.
+     * @see isFrozen
+     * @see cloneAsThawed
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UnicodeSet *freeze();
+    /**
+     * Clone the set and make the clone mutable.
+     * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+     * @return the mutable clone
+     * @see freeze
+     * @see isFrozen
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UnicodeSet *cloneAsThawed() const;
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Public API
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Make this object represent the range `start - end`.
+     * If `end > start` then this object is set to an empty range.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param start first character in the set, inclusive
+     * @param end last character in the set, inclusive
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& set(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given position, in the given pattern, appears
+     * to be the start of a UnicodeSet pattern.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static UBool resemblesPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                  int32_t pos);
+    /**
+     * Modifies this set to represent the set specified by the given
+     * pattern, ignoring Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters.
+     * See the class description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+     * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+     * contains a syntax error.
+     * <em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
+     * @return a reference to this
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                             UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Modifies this set to represent the set specified by the given
+     * pattern, optionally ignoring Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters.
+     * See the class description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+     * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+     * Valid options are USET_IGNORE_SPACE and USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+     * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to
+     * values and stand-ins to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+     * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+     * contains a syntax error.
+     *<em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
+     * @return a reference to this
+     * @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                             uint32_t options,
+                             const SymbolTable* symbols,
+                             UErrorCode& status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * Parses the given pattern, starting at the given position.  The
+     * character at pattern.charAt(pos.getIndex()) must be '[', or the
+     * parse fails.  Parsing continues until the corresponding closing
+     * ']'.  If a syntax error is encountered between the opening and
+     * closing brace, the parse fails.  Upon return from a successful
+     * parse, the ParsePosition is updated to point to the character
+     * following the closing ']', and a StringBuffer containing a
+     * pairs list for the parsed pattern is returned.  This method calls
+     * itself recursively to parse embedded subpatterns.
+     *<em> Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param pattern the string containing the pattern to be parsed.
+     * The portion of the string from pos.getIndex(), which must be a
+     * '[', to the corresponding closing ']', is parsed.
+     * @param pos upon entry, the position at which to being parsing.
+     * The character at pattern.charAt(pos.getIndex()) must be a '['.
+     * Upon return from a successful parse, pos.getIndex() is either
+     * the character after the closing ']' of the parsed pattern, or
+     * pattern.length() if the closing ']' is the last character of
+     * the pattern string.
+     * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+     * Valid options are USET_IGNORE_SPACE and USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+     * @param symbols a symbol table mapping variable names to
+     * values and stand-ins to UnicodeSets; may be NULL
+     * @param status returns <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the pattern
+     * contains a syntax error.
+     * @return a reference to this
+     * @stable ICU 2.8
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                             ParsePosition& pos,
+                             uint32_t options,
+                             const SymbolTable* symbols,
+                             UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns a string representation of this set.  If the result of
+     * calling this function is passed to a UnicodeSet constructor, it
+     * will produce another set that is equal to this one.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param result the string to receive the rules.  Previous
+     * contents will be deleted.
+     * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+     * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
+     * \\Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are those other than
+     * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                             UBool escapeUnprintable = FALSE) const;
+    /**
+     * Modifies this set to contain those code points which have the given value
+     * for the given binary or enumerated property, as returned by
+     * u_getIntPropertyValue.  Prior contents of this set are lost.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param prop a property in the range UCHAR_BIN_START..UCHAR_BIN_LIMIT-1
+     *
+     * @param value a value in the range u_getIntPropertyMinValue(prop)..
+     * u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(prop), with one exception.  If prop is
+     * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, then value should not be a UCharCategory, but
+     * rather a mask value produced by U_GET_GC_MASK().  This allows grouped
+     * categories such as [:L:] to be represented.
+     *
+     * @param ec error code input/output parameter
+     *
+     * @return a reference to this set
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& applyIntPropertyValue(UProperty prop,
+                                      int32_t value,
+                                      UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Modifies this set to contain those code points which have the
+     * given value for the given property.  Prior contents of this
+     * set are lost.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param prop a property alias, either short or long.  The name is matched
+     * loosely.  See PropertyAliases.txt for names and a description of loose
+     * matching.  If the value string is empty, then this string is interpreted
+     * as either a General_Category value alias, a Script value alias, a binary
+     * property alias, or a special ID.  Special IDs are matched loosely and
+     * correspond to the following sets:
+     *
+     * "ANY" = [\\u0000-\\U0010FFFF],
+     * "ASCII" = [\\u0000-\\u007F],
+     * "Assigned" = [:^Cn:].
+     *
+     * @param value a value alias, either short or long.  The name is matched
+     * loosely.  See PropertyValueAliases.txt for names and a description of
+     * loose matching.  In addition to aliases listed, numeric values and
+     * canonical combining classes may be expressed numerically, e.g., ("nv",
+     * "0.5") or ("ccc", "220").  The value string may also be empty.
+     *
+     * @param ec error code input/output parameter
+     *
+     * @return a reference to this set
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& applyPropertyAlias(const UnicodeString& prop,
+                                   const UnicodeString& value,
+                                   UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
+     * Note than the elements of a set may include both individual
+     * codepoints and strings.
+     *
+     * @return the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual int32_t size(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains no elements.
+     *
+     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this set contains no elements.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool isEmpty(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains the given character.
+     * This function works faster with a frozen set.
+     * @param c character to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool contains(UChar32 c) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains every character
+     * of the given range.
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UBool contains(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains the given
+     * multicharacter string.
+     * @param s string to be checked for containment
+     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this set contains the specified string
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool contains(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains all the characters and strings
+     * of the given set.
+     * @param c set to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UBool containsAll(const UnicodeSet& c) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains all the characters
+     * of the given string.
+     * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool containsAll(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters
+     * of the given range.
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool containsNone(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters and strings
+     * of the given set.
+     * @param c set to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool containsNone(const UnicodeSet& c) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains none of the characters
+     * of the given string.
+     * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool containsNone(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
+     * in the given range.
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of the range
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of the range
+     * @return true if the condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline UBool containsSome(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
+     * and strings of the given set.
+     * @param s The set to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline UBool containsSome(const UnicodeSet& s) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this set contains one or more of the characters
+     * of the given string.
+     * @param s string containing characters to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the condition is met
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline UBool containsSome(const UnicodeString& s) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
+     * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+     * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+     * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+     * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+     * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
+     * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
+     * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+     * @param s start of the string
+     * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+     * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+     * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
+     *         0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     * @see USetSpanCondition
+     */
+    int32_t span(const char16_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the end of the substring of the input string according to the USetSpanCondition.
+     * Same as <code>start+span(s.getBuffer()+start, s.length()-start, spanCondition)</code>
+     * after pinning start to 0<=start<=s.length().
+     * @param s the string
+     * @param start the start index in the string for the span operation
+     * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+     * @return the exclusive end of the substring according to the spanCondition;
+     *         the substring s.tempSubStringBetween(start, end) fulfills the spanCondition
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     * @see USetSpanCondition
+     */
+    inline int32_t span(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
+     * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+     * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+     * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+     * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+     * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
+     * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+     * @param s start of the string
+     * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+     * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+     * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
+     *         the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     * @see USetSpanCondition
+     */
+    int32_t spanBack(const char16_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the start of the substring of the input string according to the USetSpanCondition.
+     * Same as <code>spanBack(s.getBuffer(), limit, spanCondition)</code>
+     * after pinning limit to 0<=end<=s.length().
+     * @param s the string
+     * @param limit the exclusive-end index in the string for the span operation
+     *              (use s.length() or INT32_MAX for spanning back from the end of the string)
+     * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+     * @return the start of the substring according to the spanCondition;
+     *         the substring s.tempSubStringBetween(start, limit) fulfills the spanCondition
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     * @see USetSpanCondition
+     */
+    inline int32_t spanBack(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
+     * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+     * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+     * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+     * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+     * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
+     * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
+     * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+     * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
+     * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+     * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+     * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
+     *         0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     * @see USetSpanCondition
+     */
+    int32_t spanUTF8(const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
+     * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+     * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+     * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+     * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+     * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
+     * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+     * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
+     * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+     * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+     * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
+     *         the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     * @see USetSpanCondition
+     */
+    int32_t spanBackUTF8(const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeMatcher::matches()
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UMatchDegree matches(const Replaceable& text,
+                         int32_t& offset,
+                         int32_t limit,
+                         UBool incremental);
+    /**
+     * Returns the longest match for s in text at the given position.
+     * If limit > start then match forward from start+1 to limit
+     * matching all characters except s.charAt(0).  If limit < start,
+     * go backward starting from start-1 matching all characters
+     * except s.charAt(s.length()-1).  This method assumes that the
+     * first character, text.charAt(start), matches s, so it does not
+     * check it.
+     * @param text the text to match
+     * @param start the first character to match.  In the forward
+     * direction, text.charAt(start) is matched against s.charAt(0).
+     * In the reverse direction, it is matched against
+     * s.charAt(s.length()-1).
+     * @param limit the limit offset for matching, either last+1 in
+     * the forward direction, or last-1 in the reverse direction,
+     * where last is the index of the last character to match.
+     * @param s
+     * @return If part of s matches up to the limit, return |limit -
+     * start|.  If all of s matches before reaching the limit, return
+     * s.length().  If there is a mismatch between s and text, return
+     * 0
+     */
+    static int32_t matchRest(const Replaceable& text,
+                             int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+                             const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Returns the smallest value i such that c < list[i].  Caller
+     * must ensure that c is a legal value or this method will enter
+     * an infinite loop.  This method performs a binary search.
+     * @param c a character in the range MIN_VALUE..MAX_VALUE
+     * inclusive
+     * @return the smallest integer i in the range 0..len-1,
+     * inclusive, such that c < list[i]
+     */
+    int32_t findCodePoint(UChar32 c) const;
+    /**
+     * Implementation of UnicodeMatcher API.  Union the set of all
+     * characters that may be matched by this object into the given
+     * set.
+     * @param toUnionTo the set into which to union the source characters
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void addMatchSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the index of the given character within this set, where
+     * the set is ordered by ascending code point.  If the character
+     * is not in this set, return -1.  The inverse of this method is
+     * <code>charAt()</code>.
+     * @return an index from 0..size()-1, or -1
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t indexOf(UChar32 c) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the character at the given index within this set, where
+     * the set is ordered by ascending code point.  If the index is
+     * out of range, return (UChar32)-1.  The inverse of this method is
+     * <code>indexOf()</code>.
+     * @param index an index from 0..size()-1
+     * @return the character at the given index, or (UChar32)-1.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UChar32 charAt(int32_t index) const;
+    /**
+     * Adds the specified range to this set if it is not already
+     * present.  If this set already contains the specified range,
+     * the call leaves this set unchanged.  If <code>end > start</code>
+     * then an empty range is added, leaving the set unchanged.
+     * This is equivalent to a boolean logic OR, or a set UNION.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be added
+     * to this set.
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be added
+     * to this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& add(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+    /**
+     * Adds the specified character to this set if it is not already
+     * present.  If this set already contains the specified character,
+     * the call leaves this set unchanged.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& add(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Adds the specified multicharacter to this set if it is not already
+     * present.  If this set already contains the multicharacter,
+     * the call leaves this set unchanged.
+     * Thus "ch" => {"ch"}
+     * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return this object, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& add(const UnicodeString& s);
+ private:
+    /**
+     * @return a code point IF the string consists of a single one.
+     * otherwise returns -1.
+     * @param s string to test
+     */
+    static int32_t getSingleCP(const UnicodeString& s);
+    void _add(const UnicodeString& s);
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Adds each of the characters in this string to the set. Thus "ch" => {"c", "h"}
+     * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return this object, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& addAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Retains EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
+     * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return this object, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& retainAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Complement EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
+     * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return this object, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& complementAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Remove EACH of the characters in this string. Note: "ch" == {"c", "h"}
+     * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return this object, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& removeAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Makes a set from a multicharacter string. Thus "ch" => {"ch"}
+     * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return a newly created set containing the given string.
+     * The caller owns the return object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static UnicodeSet* U_EXPORT2 createFrom(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Makes a set from each of the characters in the string. Thus "ch" => {"c", "h"}
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return a newly created set containing the given characters
+     * The caller owns the return object and is responsible for deleting it.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static UnicodeSet* U_EXPORT2 createFromAll(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Retain only the elements in this set that are contained in the
+     * specified range.  If <code>end > start</code> then an empty range is
+     * retained, leaving the set empty.  This is equivalent to
+     * a boolean logic AND, or a set INTERSECTION.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be retained
+     * to this set.
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be retained
+     * to this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& retain(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+    /**
+     * Retain the specified character from this set if it is present.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& retain(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Removes the specified range from this set if it is present.
+     * The set will not contain the specified range once the call
+     * returns.  If <code>end > start</code> then an empty range is
+     * removed, leaving the set unchanged.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+     * from this set.
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+     * from this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& remove(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+    /**
+     * Removes the specified character from this set if it is present.
+     * The set will not contain the specified range once the call
+     * returns.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& remove(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Removes the specified string from this set if it is present.
+     * The set will not contain the specified character once the call
+     * returns.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param s the source string
+     * @return this object, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& remove(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Inverts this set.  This operation modifies this set so that
+     * its value is its complement.  This is equivalent to
+     * <code>complement(MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE)</code>.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& complement(void);
+    /**
+     * Complements the specified range in this set.  Any character in
+     * the range will be removed if it is in this set, or will be
+     * added if it is not in this set.  If <code>end > start</code>
+     * then an empty range is complemented, leaving the set unchanged.
+     * This is equivalent to a boolean logic XOR.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+     * from this set.
+     * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be removed
+     * from this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& complement(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+    /**
+     * Complements the specified character in this set.  The character
+     * will be removed if it is in this set, or will be added if it is
+     * not in this set.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& complement(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Complement the specified string in this set.
+     * The set will not contain the specified string once the call
+     * returns.
+     * <br><b>Warning: you cannot add an empty string ("") to a UnicodeSet.</b>
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @param s the string to complement
+     * @return this object, for chaining
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& complement(const UnicodeString& s);
+    /**
+     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this set if
+     * they're not already present.  This operation effectively
+     * modifies this set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two
+     * sets.  The behavior of this operation is unspecified if the specified
+     * collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param c set whose elements are to be added to this set.
+     * @see #add(UChar32, UChar32)
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& addAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+    /**
+     * Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
+     * specified set.  In other words, removes from this set all of
+     * its elements that are not contained in the specified set.  This
+     * operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is
+     * the <i>intersection</i> of the two sets.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param c set that defines which elements this set will retain.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& retainAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+    /**
+     * Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the
+     * specified set.  This operation effectively modifies this
+     * set so that its value is the <i>asymmetric set difference</i> of
+     * the two sets.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param c set that defines which elements will be removed from
+     *          this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& removeAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+    /**
+     * Complements in this set all elements contained in the specified
+     * set.  Any character in the other set will be removed if it is
+     * in this set, or will be added if it is not in this set.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param c set that defines which elements will be xor'ed from
+     *          this set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& complementAll(const UnicodeSet& c);
+    /**
+     * Removes all of the elements from this set.  This set will be
+     * empty after this call returns.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& clear(void);
+    /**
+     * Close this set over the given attribute.  For the attribute
+     * USET_CASE, the result is to modify this set so that:
+     *
+     * 1. For each character or string 'a' in this set, all strings or
+     * characters 'b' such that foldCase(a) == foldCase(b) are added
+     * to this set.
+     *
+     * 2. For each string 'e' in the resulting set, if e !=
+     * foldCase(e), 'e' will be removed.
+     *
+     * Example: [aq\\u00DF{Bc}{bC}{Fi}] => [aAqQ\\u00DF\\uFB01{ss}{bc}{fi}]
+     *
+     * (Here foldCase(x) refers to the operation u_strFoldCase, and a
+     * == b denotes that the contents are the same, not pointer
+     * comparison.)
+     *
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     *
+     * @param attribute bitmask for attributes to close over.
+     * Currently only the USET_CASE bit is supported.  Any undefined bits
+     * are ignored.
+     * @return a reference to this set.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& closeOver(int32_t attribute);
+    /**
+     * Remove all strings from this set.
+     *
+     * @return a reference to this set.
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet &removeAllStrings();
+    /**
+     * Iteration method that returns the number of ranges contained in
+     * this set.
+     * @see #getRangeStart
+     * @see #getRangeEnd
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRangeCount(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Iteration method that returns the first character in the
+     * specified range of this set.
+     * @see #getRangeCount
+     * @see #getRangeEnd
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UChar32 getRangeStart(int32_t index) const;
+    /**
+     * Iteration method that returns the last character in the
+     * specified range of this set.
+     * @see #getRangeStart
+     * @see #getRangeEnd
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UChar32 getRangeEnd(int32_t index) const;
+    /**
+     * Serializes this set into an array of 16-bit integers.  Serialization
+     * (currently) only records the characters in the set; multicharacter
+     * strings are ignored.
+     *
+     * The array has following format (each line is one 16-bit
+     * integer):
+     *
+     *  length     = (n+2*m) | (m!=0?0x8000:0)
+     *  bmpLength  = n; present if m!=0
+     *  bmp[0]
+     *  bmp[1]
+     *  ...
+     *  bmp[n-1]
+     *  supp-high[0]
+     *  supp-low[0]
+     *  supp-high[1]
+     *  supp-low[1]
+     *  ...
+     *  supp-high[m-1]
+     *  supp-low[m-1]
+     *
+     * The array starts with a header.  After the header are n bmp
+     * code points, then m supplementary code points.  Either n or m
+     * or both may be zero.  n+2*m is always <= 0x7FFF.
+     *
+     * If there are no supplementary characters (if m==0) then the
+     * header is one 16-bit integer, 'length', with value n.
+     *
+     * If there are supplementary characters (if m!=0) then the header
+     * is two 16-bit integers.  The first, 'length', has value
+     * (n+2*m)|0x8000.  The second, 'bmpLength', has value n.
+     *
+     * After the header the code points are stored in ascending order.
+     * Supplementary code points are stored as most significant 16
+     * bits followed by least significant 16 bits.
+     *
+     * @param dest pointer to buffer of destCapacity 16-bit integers.
+     * May be NULL only if destCapacity is zero.
+     * @param destCapacity size of dest, or zero.  Must not be negative.
+     * @param ec error code.  Will be set to U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR
+     * if n+2*m > 0x7FFF.  Will be set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if
+     * n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1) > destCapacity.
+     * @return the total length of the serialized format, including
+     * the header, that is, n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1), or 0 on error other
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t serialize(uint16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Reallocate this objects internal structures to take up the least
+     * possible space, without changing this object's value.
+     * A frozen set will not be modified.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeSet& compact();
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
+     * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Implement UnicodeFunctor API.
+     *
+     * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given
+     * class have the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have
+     * different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    // Private API for the USet API
+    friend class USetAccess;
+    const UnicodeString* getString(int32_t index) const;
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // RuleBasedTransliterator support
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains any character whose low byte
+     * is the given value.  This is used by <tt>RuleBasedTransliterator</tt> for
+     * indexing.
+     */
+    virtual UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const;
+    friend class RBBIRuleScanner;
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Implementation: Clone as thawed (see ICU4J Freezable)
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    UnicodeSet(const UnicodeSet& o, UBool /* asThawed */);
+    UnicodeSet& copyFrom(const UnicodeSet& o, UBool asThawed);
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Implementation: Pattern parsing
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    void applyPatternIgnoreSpace(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                 ParsePosition& pos,
+                                 const SymbolTable* symbols,
+                                 UErrorCode& status);
+    void applyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
+                      const SymbolTable* symbols,
+                      UnicodeString& rebuiltPat,
+                      uint32_t options,
+                      UnicodeSet& (UnicodeSet::*caseClosure)(int32_t attribute),
+                      int32_t depth,
+                      UErrorCode& ec);
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Implementation: Utility methods
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    static int32_t nextCapacity(int32_t minCapacity);
+    bool ensureCapacity(int32_t newLen);
+    bool ensureBufferCapacity(int32_t newLen);
+    void swapBuffers(void);
+    UBool allocateStrings(UErrorCode &status);
+    UBool hasStrings() const;
+    int32_t stringsSize() const;
+    UBool stringsContains(const UnicodeString &s) const;
+    UnicodeString& _toPattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                              UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    UnicodeString& _generatePattern(UnicodeString& result,
+                                    UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
+    static void _appendToPat(UnicodeString& buf, const UnicodeString& s, UBool escapeUnprintable);
+    static void _appendToPat(UnicodeString& buf, UChar32 c, UBool escapeUnprintable);
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Implementation: Fundamental operators
+    //----------------------------------------------------------------
+    void exclusiveOr(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
+    void add(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
+    void retain(const UChar32* other, int32_t otherLen, int8_t polarity);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given position, in the given pattern, appears
+     * to be the start of a property set pattern [:foo:], \\p{foo}, or
+     * \\P{foo}, or \\N{name}.
+     */
+    static UBool resemblesPropertyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                          int32_t pos);
+    static UBool resemblesPropertyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
+                                          int32_t iterOpts);
+    /**
+     * Parse the given property pattern at the given parse position
+     * and set this UnicodeSet to the result.
+     *
+     * The original design document is out of date, but still useful.
+     * Ignore the property and value names:
+     *
+     *
+     * Recognized syntax:
+     *
+     * [:foo:] [:^foo:] - white space not allowed within "[:" or ":]"
+     * \\p{foo} \\P{foo}  - white space not allowed within "\\p" or "\\P"
+     * \\N{name}         - white space not allowed within "\\N"
+     *
+     * Other than the above restrictions, Unicode Pattern_White_Space characters are ignored.
+     * Case is ignored except in "\\p" and "\\P" and "\\N".  In 'name' leading
+     * and trailing space is deleted, and internal runs of whitespace
+     * are collapsed to a single space.
+     *
+     * We support binary properties, enumerated properties, and the
+     * following non-enumerated properties:
+     *
+     *  Numeric_Value
+     *  Name
+     *  Unicode_1_Name
+     *
+     * @param pattern the pattern string
+     * @param ppos on entry, the position at which to begin parsing.
+     * This should be one of the locations marked '^':
+     *
+     *   [:blah:]     \\p{blah}     \\P{blah}     \\N{name}
+     *   ^       %    ^       %    ^       %    ^       %
+     *
+     * On return, the position after the last character parsed, that is,
+     * the locations marked '%'.  If the parse fails, ppos is returned
+     * unchanged.
+     * @param ec status
+     * @return a reference to this.
+     */
+    UnicodeSet& applyPropertyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+                                     ParsePosition& ppos,
+                                     UErrorCode &ec);
+    void applyPropertyPattern(RuleCharacterIterator& chars,
+                              UnicodeString& rebuiltPat,
+                              UErrorCode& ec);
+    static const UnicodeSet* getInclusions(int32_t src, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * A filter that returns TRUE if the given code point should be
+     * included in the UnicodeSet being constructed.
+     */
+    typedef UBool (*Filter)(UChar32 codePoint, void* context);
+    /**
+     * Given a filter, set this UnicodeSet to the code points
+     * contained by that filter.  The filter MUST be
+     * property-conformant.  That is, if it returns value v for one
+     * code point, then it must return v for all affiliated code
+     * points, as defined by the inclusions list.  See
+     * getInclusions().
+     * src is a UPropertySource value.
+     */
+    void applyFilter(Filter filter,
+                     void* context,
+                     const UnicodeSet* inclusions,
+                     UErrorCode &status);
+    // UCPMap is now stable ICU 63
+    void applyIntPropertyValue(const UCPMap *map,
+                               UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context,
+                               UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Set the new pattern to cache.
+     */
+    void setPattern(const UnicodeString& newPat) {
+        setPattern(newPat.getBuffer(), newPat.length());
+    }
+    void setPattern(const char16_t *newPat, int32_t newPatLen);
+    /**
+     * Release existing cached pattern.
+     */
+    void releasePattern();
+    friend class UnicodeSetIterator;
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::operator!=(const UnicodeSet& o) const {
+    return !operator==(o);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::isFrozen() const {
+    return (UBool)(bmpSet!=NULL || stringSpan!=NULL);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) const {
+    return !containsNone(start, end);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(const UnicodeSet& s) const {
+    return !containsNone(s);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::containsSome(const UnicodeString& s) const {
+    return !containsNone(s);
+inline UBool UnicodeSet::isBogus() const {
+    return (UBool)(fFlags & kIsBogus);
+inline UnicodeSet *UnicodeSet::fromUSet(USet *uset) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<UnicodeSet *>(uset);
+inline const UnicodeSet *UnicodeSet::fromUSet(const USet *uset) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const UnicodeSet *>(uset);
+inline USet *UnicodeSet::toUSet() {
+    return reinterpret_cast<USet *>(this);
+inline const USet *UnicodeSet::toUSet() const {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const USet *>(this);
+inline int32_t UnicodeSet::span(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const {
+    int32_t sLength=s.length();
+    if(start<0) {
+        start=0;
+    } else if(start>sLength) {
+        start=sLength;
+    }
+    return start+span(s.getBuffer()+start, sLength-start, spanCondition);
+inline int32_t UnicodeSet::spanBack(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t limit, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const {
+    int32_t sLength=s.length();
+    if(limit<0) {
+        limit=0;
+    } else if(limit>sLength) {
+        limit=sLength;
+    }
+    return spanBack(s.getBuffer(), limit, spanCondition);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unistr.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unistr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da79053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unistr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4757 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1998-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File unistr.h
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   09/25/98    stephen     Creation.
+*   11/11/98    stephen     Changed per 11/9 code review.
+*   04/20/99    stephen     Overhauled per 4/16 code review.
+*   11/18/99    aliu        Made to inherit from Replaceable.  Added method
+*                           handleReplaceBetween(); other methods unchanged.
+*   06/25/01    grhoten     Remove dependency on iostream.
+#ifndef UNISTR_H
+#define UNISTR_H
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Unicode String
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include "unicode/char16ptr.h"
+#include "unicode/rep.h"
+#include "unicode/std_string.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
+struct UConverter;          // unicode/ucnv.h
+#ifndef USTRING_H
+ * \ingroup ustring_ustrlen
+ */
+u_strlen(const UChar *s);
+class BreakIterator;        // unicode/brkiter.h
+class Edits;
+// Not #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API because UnicodeString needs the UStringCaseMapper.
+ * Internal string case mapping function type.
+ * All error checking must be done.
+ * src and dest must not overlap.
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UStringCaseMapper(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options,
+                  icu::BreakIterator *iter,
+                  char16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                  const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                  icu::Edits *edits,
+                  UErrorCode &errorCode);
+class Locale;               // unicode/locid.h
+class StringCharacterIterator;
+class UnicodeStringAppendable;  // unicode/appendable.h
+/* The <iostream> include has been moved to unicode/ustream.h */
+ * Constant to be used in the UnicodeString(char *, int32_t, EInvariant) constructor
+ * which constructs a Unicode string from an invariant-character char * string.
+ * About invariant characters see utypes.h.
+ * This constructor has no runtime dependency on conversion code and is
+ * therefore recommended over ones taking a charset name string
+ * (where the empty string "" indicates invariant-character conversion).
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+#define US_INV icu::UnicodeString::kInvariant
+ * Unicode String literals in C++.
+ *
+ * Note: these macros are not recommended for new code.
+ * Prior to the availability of C++11 and u"unicode string literals",
+ * these macros were provided for portability and efficiency when
+ * initializing UnicodeStrings from literals.
+ *
+ * They work only for strings that contain "invariant characters", i.e.,
+ * only latin letters, digits, and some punctuation.
+ * See utypes.h for details.
+ *
+ * The string parameter must be a C string literal.
+ * The length of the string, not including the terminating
+ * `NUL`, must be specified as a constant.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+# define UNICODE_STRING(cs, _length) icu::UnicodeString(TRUE, u ## cs, _length)
+# define UNICODE_STRING(cs, _length) icu::UnicodeString(TRUE, (const char16_t*)u ## cs, _length)
+ * Unicode String literals in C++.
+ * Dependent on the platform properties, different UnicodeString
+ * constructors should be used to create a UnicodeString object from
+ * a string literal.
+ * The macros are defined for improved performance.
+ * They work only for strings that contain "invariant characters", i.e.,
+ * only latin letters, digits, and some punctuation.
+ * See utypes.h for details.
+ *
+ * The string parameter must be a C string literal.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * This can be defined to be empty or "explicit".
+ * If explicit, then the UnicodeString(char16_t) and UnicodeString(UChar32)
+ * constructors are marked as explicit, preventing their inadvertent use.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+    // Auto-"explicit" in ICU library code.
+#   define UNISTR_FROM_CHAR_EXPLICIT explicit
+# else
+    // Empty by default for source code compatibility.
+# endif
+ * This can be defined to be empty or "explicit".
+ * If explicit, then the UnicodeString(const char *) and UnicodeString(const char16_t *)
+ * constructors are marked as explicit, preventing their inadvertent use.
+ *
+ * In particular, this helps prevent accidentally depending on ICU conversion code
+ * by passing a string literal into an API with a const UnicodeString & parameter.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+    // Auto-"explicit" in ICU library code.
+#   define UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT explicit
+# else
+    // Empty by default for source code compatibility.
+# endif
+ * Desired sizeof(UnicodeString) in bytes.
+ * It should be a multiple of sizeof(pointer) to avoid unusable space for padding.
+ * The object size may want to be a multiple of 16 bytes,
+ * which is a common granularity for heap allocation.
+ *
+ * Any space inside the object beyond sizeof(vtable pointer) + 2
+ * is available for storing short strings inside the object.
+ * The bigger the object, the longer a string that can be stored inside the object,
+ * without additional heap allocation.
+ *
+ * Depending on a platform's pointer size, pointer alignment requirements,
+ * and struct padding, the compiler will usually round up sizeof(UnicodeString)
+ * to 4 * sizeof(pointer) (or 3 * sizeof(pointer) for P128 data models),
+ * to hold the fields for heap-allocated strings.
+ * Such a minimum size also ensures that the object is easily large enough
+ * to hold at least 2 char16_ts, for one supplementary code point (U16_MAX_LENGTH).
+ *
+ * sizeof(UnicodeString) >= 48 should work for all known platforms.
+ *
+ * For example, on a 64-bit machine where sizeof(vtable pointer) is 8,
+ * sizeof(UnicodeString) = 64 would leave space for
+ * (64 - sizeof(vtable pointer) - 2) / U_SIZEOF_UCHAR = (64 - 8 - 2) / 2 = 27
+ * char16_ts stored inside the object.
+ *
+ * The minimum object size on a 64-bit machine would be
+ * 4 * sizeof(pointer) = 4 * 8 = 32 bytes,
+ * and the internal buffer would hold up to 11 char16_ts in that case.
+ *
+ * @see U16_MAX_LENGTH
+ * @stable ICU 56
+ */
+ * UnicodeString is a string class that stores Unicode characters directly and provides
+ * similar functionality as the Java String and StringBuffer/StringBuilder classes.
+ * It is a concrete implementation of the abstract class Replaceable (for transliteration).
+ *
+ * The UnicodeString equivalent of std::string’s clear() is remove().
+ *
+ * A UnicodeString may "alias" an external array of characters
+ * (that is, point to it, rather than own the array)
+ * whose lifetime must then at least match the lifetime of the aliasing object.
+ * This aliasing may be preserved when returning a UnicodeString by value,
+ * depending on the compiler and the function implementation,
+ * via Return Value Optimization (RVO) or the move assignment operator.
+ * (However, the copy assignment operator does not preserve aliasing.)
+ * For details see the description of storage models at the end of the class API docs
+ * and in the User Guide chapter linked from there.
+ *
+ * The UnicodeString class is not suitable for subclassing.
+ *
+ * For an overview of Unicode strings in C and C++ see the
+ * [User Guide Strings chapter](
+ *
+ * In ICU, a Unicode string consists of 16-bit Unicode *code units*.
+ * A Unicode character may be stored with either one code unit
+ * (the most common case) or with a matched pair of special code units
+ * ("surrogates"). The data type for code units is char16_t.
+ * For single-character handling, a Unicode character code *point* is a value
+ * in the range 0..0x10ffff. ICU uses the UChar32 type for code points.
+ *
+ * Indexes and offsets into and lengths of strings always count code units, not code points.
+ * This is the same as with multi-byte char* strings in traditional string handling.
+ * Operations on partial strings typically do not test for code point boundaries.
+ * If necessary, the user needs to take care of such boundaries by testing for the code unit
+ * values or by using functions like
+ * UnicodeString::getChar32Start() and UnicodeString::getChar32Limit()
+ * (or, in C, the equivalent macros U16_SET_CP_START() and U16_SET_CP_LIMIT(), see utf.h).
+ *
+ * UnicodeString methods are more lenient with regard to input parameter values
+ * than other ICU APIs. In particular:
+ * - If indexes are out of bounds for a UnicodeString object
+ *   (< 0 or > length()) then they are "pinned" to the nearest boundary.
+ * - If the buffer passed to an insert/append/replace operation is owned by the
+ *   target object, e.g., calling str.append(str), an extra copy may take place
+ *   to ensure safety.
+ * - If primitive string pointer values (e.g., const char16_t * or char *)
+ *   for input strings are NULL, then those input string parameters are treated
+ *   as if they pointed to an empty string.
+ *   However, this is *not* the case for char * parameters for charset names
+ *   or other IDs.
+ * - Most UnicodeString methods do not take a UErrorCode parameter because
+ *   there are usually very few opportunities for failure other than a shortage
+ *   of memory, error codes in low-level C++ string methods would be inconvenient,
+ *   and the error code as the last parameter (ICU convention) would prevent
+ *   the use of default parameter values.
+ *   Instead, such methods set the UnicodeString into a "bogus" state
+ *   (see isBogus()) if an error occurs.
+ *
+ * In string comparisons, two UnicodeString objects that are both "bogus"
+ * compare equal (to be transitive and prevent endless loops in sorting),
+ * and a "bogus" string compares less than any non-"bogus" one.
+ *
+ * Const UnicodeString methods are thread-safe. Multiple threads can use
+ * const methods on the same UnicodeString object simultaneously,
+ * but non-const methods must not be called concurrently (in multiple threads)
+ * with any other (const or non-const) methods.
+ *
+ * Similarly, const UnicodeString & parameters are thread-safe.
+ * One object may be passed in as such a parameter concurrently in multiple threads.
+ * This includes the const UnicodeString & parameters for
+ * copy construction, assignment, and cloning.
+ *
+ * UnicodeString uses several storage methods.
+ * String contents can be stored inside the UnicodeString object itself,
+ * in an allocated and shared buffer, or in an outside buffer that is "aliased".
+ * Most of this is done transparently, but careful aliasing in particular provides
+ * significant performance improvements.
+ * Also, the internal buffer is accessible via special functions.
+ * For details see the
+ * [User Guide Strings chapter](
+ *
+ * @see utf.h
+ * @see CharacterIterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeString : public Replaceable
+  /**
+   * Constant to be used in the UnicodeString(char *, int32_t, EInvariant) constructor
+   * which constructs a Unicode string from an invariant-character char * string.
+   * Use the macro US_INV instead of the full qualification for this value.
+   *
+   * @see US_INV
+   * @stable ICU 3.2
+   */
+  enum EInvariant {
+    /**
+     * @see EInvariant
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    kInvariant
+  };
+  //========================================
+  // Read-only operations
+  //========================================
+  /* Comparison - bitwise only - for international comparison use collation */
+  /**
+   * Equality operator. Performs only bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The UnicodeString to compare to this one.
+   * @return TRUE if `text` contains the same characters as this one,
+   * FALSE otherwise.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool operator== (const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Inequality operator. Performs only bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The UnicodeString to compare to this one.
+   * @return FALSE if `text` contains the same characters as this one,
+   * TRUE otherwise.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool operator!= (const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Greater than operator. Performs only bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The UnicodeString to compare to this one.
+   * @return TRUE if the characters in this are bitwise
+   * greater than the characters in `text`, FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool operator> (const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Less than operator. Performs only bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The UnicodeString to compare to this one.
+   * @return TRUE if the characters in this are bitwise
+   * less than the characters in `text`, FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool operator< (const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Greater than or equal operator. Performs only bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The UnicodeString to compare to this one.
+   * @return TRUE if the characters in this are bitwise
+   * greater than or equal to the characters in `text`, FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool operator>= (const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Less than or equal operator. Performs only bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The UnicodeString to compare to this one.
+   * @return TRUE if the characters in this are bitwise
+   * less than or equal to the characters in `text`, FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool operator<= (const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare the characters bitwise in this UnicodeString to
+   * the characters in `text`.
+   * @param text The UnicodeString to compare to this one.
+   * @return The result of bitwise character comparison: 0 if this
+   * contains the same characters as `text`, -1 if the characters in
+   * this are bitwise less than the characters in `text`, +1 if the
+   * characters in this are bitwise greater than the characters
+   * in `text`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compare(const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare the characters bitwise in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the characters
+   * in the **entire string** `text`.
+   * (The parameters "start" and "length" are not applied to the other text "text".)
+   * @param start the offset at which the compare operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters of text to compare.
+   * @param text the other text to be compared against this string.
+   * @return The result of bitwise character comparison: 0 if this
+   * contains the same characters as `text`, -1 if the characters in
+   * this are bitwise less than the characters in `text`, +1 if the
+   * characters in this are bitwise greater than the characters
+   * in `text`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare the characters bitwise in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the characters
+   * in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * @param start the offset at which the compare operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to compare.
+   * @param srcText the text to be compared
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` to start comparison
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `src` to compare
+   * @return The result of bitwise character comparison: 0 if this
+   * contains the same characters as `srcText`, -1 if the characters in
+   * this are bitwise less than the characters in `srcText`, +1 if the
+   * characters in this are bitwise greater than the characters
+   * in `srcText`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+   inline int8_t compare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const UnicodeString& srcText,
+         int32_t srcStart,
+         int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare the characters bitwise in this UnicodeString with the first
+   * `srcLength` characters in `srcChars`.
+   * @param srcChars The characters to compare to this UnicodeString.
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to compare
+   * @return The result of bitwise character comparison: 0 if this
+   * contains the same characters as `srcChars`, -1 if the characters in
+   * this are bitwise less than the characters in `srcChars`, +1 if the
+   * characters in this are bitwise greater than the characters
+   * in `srcChars`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compare(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+         int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare the characters bitwise in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the first
+   * `length` characters in `srcChars`
+   * @param start the offset at which the compare operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters to compare.
+   * @param srcChars the characters to be compared
+   * @return The result of bitwise character comparison: 0 if this
+   * contains the same characters as `srcChars`, -1 if the characters in
+   * this are bitwise less than the characters in `srcChars`, +1 if the
+   * characters in this are bitwise greater than the characters
+   * in `srcChars`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const char16_t *srcChars) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare the characters bitwise in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the characters
+   * in `srcChars` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * @param start the offset at which the compare operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to compare
+   * @param srcChars the characters to be compared
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcChars` to start comparison
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to compare
+   * @return The result of bitwise character comparison: 0 if this
+   * contains the same characters as `srcChars`, -1 if the characters in
+   * this are bitwise less than the characters in `srcChars`, +1 if the
+   * characters in this are bitwise greater than the characters
+   * in `srcChars`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const char16_t *srcChars,
+         int32_t srcStart,
+         int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare the characters bitwise in the range
+   * [`start`, `limit`) with the characters
+   * in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcLimit`).
+   * @param start the offset at which the compare operation begins
+   * @param limit the offset immediately following the compare operation
+   * @param srcText the text to be compared
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` to start comparison
+   * @param srcLimit the offset into `srcText` to limit comparison
+   * @return The result of bitwise character comparison: 0 if this
+   * contains the same characters as `srcText`, -1 if the characters in
+   * this are bitwise less than the characters in `srcText`, +1 if the
+   * characters in this are bitwise greater than the characters
+   * in `srcText`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compareBetween(int32_t start,
+            int32_t limit,
+            const UnicodeString& srcText,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLimit) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * The result may be different from the results of compare(), operator<, etc.
+   * if supplementary characters are present:
+   *
+   * In UTF-16, supplementary characters (with code points U+10000 and above) are
+   * stored with pairs of surrogate code units. These have values from 0xd800 to 0xdfff,
+   * which means that they compare as less than some other BMP characters like U+feff.
+   * This function compares Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * If either of the UTF-16 strings is malformed (i.e., it contains unpaired surrogates), then the result is not defined.
+   *
+   * @param text Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+   * this string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+   * in code point order
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compareCodePointOrder(const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * The result may be different from the results of compare(), operator<, etc.
+   * if supplementary characters are present:
+   *
+   * In UTF-16, supplementary characters (with code points U+10000 and above) are
+   * stored with pairs of surrogate code units. These have values from 0xd800 to 0xdfff,
+   * which means that they compare as less than some other BMP characters like U+feff.
+   * This function compares Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * If either of the UTF-16 strings is malformed (i.e., it contains unpaired surrogates), then the result is not defined.
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcText Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+   * this string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+   * in code point order
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                      int32_t length,
+                                      const UnicodeString& srcText) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * The result may be different from the results of compare(), operator<, etc.
+   * if supplementary characters are present:
+   *
+   * In UTF-16, supplementary characters (with code points U+10000 and above) are
+   * stored with pairs of surrogate code units. These have values from 0xd800 to 0xdfff,
+   * which means that they compare as less than some other BMP characters like U+feff.
+   * This function compares Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * If either of the UTF-16 strings is malformed (i.e., it contains unpaired surrogates), then the result is not defined.
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcText Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcStart The start offset in that string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param srcLength The number of code units from that string to compare.
+   * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+   * this string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+   * in code point order
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+   inline int8_t compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                       int32_t length,
+                                       const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                                       int32_t srcStart,
+                                       int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * The result may be different from the results of compare(), operator<, etc.
+   * if supplementary characters are present:
+   *
+   * In UTF-16, supplementary characters (with code points U+10000 and above) are
+   * stored with pairs of surrogate code units. These have values from 0xd800 to 0xdfff,
+   * which means that they compare as less than some other BMP characters like U+feff.
+   * This function compares Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * If either of the UTF-16 strings is malformed (i.e., it contains unpaired surrogates), then the result is not defined.
+   *
+   * @param srcChars A pointer to another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcLength The number of code units from that string to compare.
+   * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+   * this string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+   * in code point order
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compareCodePointOrder(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+                                      int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * The result may be different from the results of compare(), operator<, etc.
+   * if supplementary characters are present:
+   *
+   * In UTF-16, supplementary characters (with code points U+10000 and above) are
+   * stored with pairs of surrogate code units. These have values from 0xd800 to 0xdfff,
+   * which means that they compare as less than some other BMP characters like U+feff.
+   * This function compares Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * If either of the UTF-16 strings is malformed (i.e., it contains unpaired surrogates), then the result is not defined.
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcChars A pointer to another string to compare this one to.
+   * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+   * this string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+   * in code point order
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                      int32_t length,
+                                      const char16_t *srcChars) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * The result may be different from the results of compare(), operator<, etc.
+   * if supplementary characters are present:
+   *
+   * In UTF-16, supplementary characters (with code points U+10000 and above) are
+   * stored with pairs of surrogate code units. These have values from 0xd800 to 0xdfff,
+   * which means that they compare as less than some other BMP characters like U+feff.
+   * This function compares Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * If either of the UTF-16 strings is malformed (i.e., it contains unpaired surrogates), then the result is not defined.
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcChars A pointer to another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcStart The start offset in that string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param srcLength The number of code units from that string to compare.
+   * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+   * this string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+   * in code point order
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                      int32_t length,
+                                      const char16_t *srcChars,
+                                      int32_t srcStart,
+                                      int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * The result may be different from the results of compare(), operator<, etc.
+   * if supplementary characters are present:
+   *
+   * In UTF-16, supplementary characters (with code points U+10000 and above) are
+   * stored with pairs of surrogate code units. These have values from 0xd800 to 0xdfff,
+   * which means that they compare as less than some other BMP characters like U+feff.
+   * This function compares Unicode strings in code point order.
+   * If either of the UTF-16 strings is malformed (i.e., it contains unpaired surrogates), then the result is not defined.
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param limit The offset after the last code unit from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcText Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcStart The start offset in that string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param srcLimit The offset after the last code unit from that string to compare.
+   * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+   * this string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+   * in code point order
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t compareCodePointOrderBetween(int32_t start,
+                                             int32_t limit,
+                                             const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                                             int32_t srcStart,
+                                             int32_t srcLimit) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+   * This is equivalent to this->foldCase(options).compare(text.foldCase(options)).
+   *
+   * @param text Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *
+   * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t caseCompare(const UnicodeString& text, uint32_t options) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+   * This is equivalent to this->foldCase(options).compare(srcText.foldCase(options)).
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcText Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *
+   * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t caseCompare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const UnicodeString& srcText,
+         uint32_t options) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+   * This is equivalent to this->foldCase(options).compare(srcText.foldCase(options)).
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcText Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcStart The start offset in that string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param srcLength The number of code units from that string to compare.
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *
+   * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t caseCompare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const UnicodeString& srcText,
+         int32_t srcStart,
+         int32_t srcLength,
+         uint32_t options) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+   * This is equivalent to this->foldCase(options).compare(srcChars.foldCase(options)).
+   *
+   * @param srcChars A pointer to another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcLength The number of code units from that string to compare.
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *
+   * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t caseCompare(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+         int32_t srcLength,
+         uint32_t options) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+   * This is equivalent to this->foldCase(options).compare(srcChars.foldCase(options)).
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcChars A pointer to another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *
+   * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t caseCompare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const char16_t *srcChars,
+         uint32_t options) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+   * This is equivalent to this->foldCase(options).compare(srcChars.foldCase(options)).
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param length The number of code units from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcChars A pointer to another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcStart The start offset in that string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param srcLength The number of code units from that string to compare.
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *
+   * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t caseCompare(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         const char16_t *srcChars,
+         int32_t srcStart,
+         int32_t srcLength,
+         uint32_t options) const;
+  /**
+   * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+   * This is equivalent to this->foldCase(options).compareBetween(text.foldCase(options)).
+   *
+   * @param start The start offset in this string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param limit The offset after the last code unit from this string to compare.
+   * @param srcText Another string to compare this one to.
+   * @param srcStart The start offset in that string at which the compare operation begins.
+   * @param srcLimit The offset after the last code unit from that string to compare.
+   * @param options A bit set of options:
+   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+   *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+   *
+   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+   *
+   *
+   * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int8_t caseCompareBetween(int32_t start,
+            int32_t limit,
+            const UnicodeString& srcText,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLimit,
+            uint32_t options) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this starts with the characters in `text`
+   * @param text The text to match.
+   * @return TRUE if this starts with the characters in `text`,
+   * FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool startsWith(const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this starts with the characters in `srcText`
+   * in the range [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * @param srcText The text to match.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` to match
+   * @return TRUE if this starts with the characters in `text`,
+   * FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool startsWith(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this starts with the characters in `srcChars`
+   * @param srcChars The characters to match.
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars`
+   * @return TRUE if this starts with the characters in `srcChars`,
+   * FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool startsWith(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+            int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this ends with the characters in `srcChars`
+   * in the range  [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * @param srcChars The characters to match.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to match
+   * @return TRUE if this ends with the characters in `srcChars`, FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool startsWith(const char16_t *srcChars,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this ends with the characters in `text`
+   * @param text The text to match.
+   * @return TRUE if this ends with the characters in `text`,
+   * FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool endsWith(const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this ends with the characters in `srcText`
+   * in the range [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * @param srcText The text to match.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` to match
+   * @return TRUE if this ends with the characters in `text`,
+   * FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool endsWith(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+          int32_t srcStart,
+          int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this ends with the characters in `srcChars`
+   * @param srcChars The characters to match.
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars`
+   * @return TRUE if this ends with the characters in `srcChars`,
+   * FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool endsWith(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+          int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this ends with the characters in `srcChars`
+   * in the range  [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * @param srcChars The characters to match.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to match
+   * @return TRUE if this ends with the characters in `srcChars`,
+   * FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool endsWith(const char16_t *srcChars,
+          int32_t srcStart,
+          int32_t srcLength) const;
+  /* Searching - bitwise only */
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the characters in `text`,
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The text to search for.
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the characters in `text`
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The text to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   * in `text`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The text to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @param length The number of characters to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   *  in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcText The text to search for.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` at which
+   * to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` to match
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the characters in
+   * `srcChars`
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcChars The text to search for.
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to match
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(const char16_t *srcChars,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   * in `srcChars`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcChars The text to search for.
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars`
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @param length The number of characters to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `srcChars`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   * in `srcChars` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcChars The text to search for.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcChars` at which
+   * to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to match
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t indexOf(const char16_t *srcChars,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the BMP code point `c`,
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param c The code unit to search for.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(char16_t c) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the code point `c`,
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   *
+   * @param c The code point to search for.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(UChar32 c) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the BMP code point `c`,
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param c The code unit to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(char16_t c,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the code point `c`
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   *
+   * @param c The code point to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(UChar32 c,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the BMP code point `c`
+   * in the range [`start`, `start + length`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param c The code unit to search for.
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(char16_t c,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the first occurrence of the code point `c`
+   * in the range [`start`, `start + length`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   *
+   * @param c The code point to search for.
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t indexOf(UChar32 c,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the characters in `text`,
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The text to search for.
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the characters in `text`
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The text to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   * in `text`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param text The text to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @param length The number of characters to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   * in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcText The text to search for.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` at which
+   * to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` to match
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the characters in `srcChars`
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcChars The text to search for.
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to match
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(const char16_t *srcChars,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   * in `srcChars`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcChars The text to search for.
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars`
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @param length The number of characters to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `srcChars`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) of the characters
+   * in `srcChars` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param srcChars The text to search for.
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcChars` at which
+   * to start matching
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` to match
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of the start of `text`,
+   * or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t lastIndexOf(const char16_t *srcChars,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the BMP code point `c`,
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param c The code unit to search for.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(char16_t c) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the code point `c`,
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   *
+   * @param c The code point to search for.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(UChar32 c) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the BMP code point `c`
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param c The code unit to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(char16_t c,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the code point `c`
+   * starting at offset `start`, using bitwise comparison.
+   *
+   * @param c The code point to search for.
+   * @param start The offset at which searching will start.
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(UChar32 c,
+              int32_t start) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the BMP code point `c`
+   * in the range [`start`, `start + length`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   * @param c The code unit to search for.
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(char16_t c,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /**
+   * Locate in this the last occurrence of the code point `c`
+   * in the range [`start`, `start + length`),
+   * using bitwise comparison.
+   *
+   * @param c The code point to search for.
+   * @param start the offset into this at which to start matching
+   * @param length the number of characters in this to search
+   * @return The offset into this of `c`, or -1 if not found.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t lastIndexOf(UChar32 c,
+              int32_t start,
+              int32_t length) const;
+  /* Character access */
+  /**
+   * Return the code unit at offset `offset`.
+   * If the offset is not valid (0..length()-1) then U+ffff is returned.
+   * @param offset a valid offset into the text
+   * @return the code unit at offset `offset`
+   *         or 0xffff if the offset is not valid for this string
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline char16_t charAt(int32_t offset) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the code unit at offset `offset`.
+   * If the offset is not valid (0..length()-1) then U+ffff is returned.
+   * @param offset a valid offset into the text
+   * @return the code unit at offset `offset`
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline char16_t operator[] (int32_t offset) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the code point that contains the code unit
+   * at offset `offset`.
+   * If the offset is not valid (0..length()-1) then U+ffff is returned.
+   * @param offset a valid offset into the text
+   * that indicates the text offset of any of the code units
+   * that will be assembled into a code point (21-bit value) and returned
+   * @return the code point of text at `offset`
+   *         or 0xffff if the offset is not valid for this string
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UChar32 char32At(int32_t offset) const;
+  /**
+   * Adjust a random-access offset so that
+   * it points to the beginning of a Unicode character.
+   * The offset that is passed in points to
+   * any code unit of a code point,
+   * while the returned offset will point to the first code unit
+   * of the same code point.
+   * In UTF-16, if the input offset points to a second surrogate
+   * of a surrogate pair, then the returned offset will point
+   * to the first surrogate.
+   * @param offset a valid offset into one code point of the text
+   * @return offset of the first code unit of the same code point
+   * @see U16_SET_CP_START
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t getChar32Start(int32_t offset) const;
+  /**
+   * Adjust a random-access offset so that
+   * it points behind a Unicode character.
+   * The offset that is passed in points behind
+   * any code unit of a code point,
+   * while the returned offset will point behind the last code unit
+   * of the same code point.
+   * In UTF-16, if the input offset points behind the first surrogate
+   * (i.e., to the second surrogate)
+   * of a surrogate pair, then the returned offset will point
+   * behind the second surrogate (i.e., to the first surrogate).
+   * @param offset a valid offset after any code unit of a code point of the text
+   * @return offset of the first code unit after the same code point
+   * @see U16_SET_CP_LIMIT
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t getChar32Limit(int32_t offset) const;
+  /**
+   * Move the code unit index along the string by delta code points.
+   * Interpret the input index as a code unit-based offset into the string,
+   * move the index forward or backward by delta code points, and
+   * return the resulting index.
+   * The input index should point to the first code unit of a code point,
+   * if there is more than one.
+   *
+   * Both input and output indexes are code unit-based as for all
+   * string indexes/offsets in ICU (and other libraries, like MBCS char*).
+   * If delta<0 then the index is moved backward (toward the start of the string).
+   * If delta>0 then the index is moved forward (toward the end of the string).
+   *
+   * This behaves like CharacterIterator::move32(delta, kCurrent).
+   *
+   * Behavior for out-of-bounds indexes:
+   * `moveIndex32` pins the input index to 0..length(), i.e.,
+   * if the input index<0 then it is pinned to 0;
+   * if it is index>length() then it is pinned to length().
+   * Afterwards, the index is moved by `delta` code points
+   * forward or backward,
+   * but no further backward than to 0 and no further forward than to length().
+   * The resulting index return value will be in between 0 and length(), inclusively.
+   *
+   * Examples:
+   * \code
+   *     // s has code points 'a' U+10000 'b' U+10ffff U+2029
+   *     UnicodeString s(u"a\U00010000b\U0010ffff\u2029");
+   *
+   *     // initial index: position of U+10000
+   *     int32_t index=1;
+   *
+   *     // the following examples will all result in index==4, position of U+10ffff
+   *
+   *     // skip 2 code points from some position in the string
+   *     index=s.moveIndex32(index, 2); // skips U+10000 and 'b'
+   *
+   *     // go to the 3rd code point from the start of s (0-based)
+   *     index=s.moveIndex32(0, 3); // skips 'a', U+10000, and 'b'
+   *
+   *     // go to the next-to-last code point of s
+   *     index=s.moveIndex32(s.length(), -2); // backward-skips U+2029 and U+10ffff
+   * \endcode
+   *
+   * @param index input code unit index
+   * @param delta (signed) code point count to move the index forward or backward
+   *        in the string
+   * @return the resulting code unit index
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t moveIndex32(int32_t index, int32_t delta) const;
+  /* Substring extraction */
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) into the array `dst`,
+   * beginning at `dstStart`.
+   * If the string aliases to `dst` itself as an external buffer,
+   * then extract() will not copy the contents.
+   *
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied into the array
+   * @param length the number of characters to extract
+   * @param dst array in which to copy characters.  The length of `dst`
+   * must be at least (`dstStart + length`).
+   * @param dstStart the offset in `dst` where the first character
+   * will be extracted
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline void extract(int32_t start,
+           int32_t length,
+           Char16Ptr dst,
+           int32_t dstStart = 0) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the contents of the string into dest.
+   * This is a convenience function that
+   * checks if there is enough space in dest,
+   * extracts the entire string if possible,
+   * and NUL-terminates dest if possible.
+   *
+   * If the string fits into dest but cannot be NUL-terminated
+   * (length()==destCapacity) then the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING.
+   * If the string itself does not fit into dest
+   * (length()>destCapacity) then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+   *
+   * If the string aliases to `dest` itself as an external buffer,
+   * then extract() will not copy the contents.
+   *
+   * @param dest Destination string buffer.
+   * @param destCapacity Number of char16_ts available at dest.
+   * @param errorCode ICU error code.
+   * @return length()
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t
+  extract(Char16Ptr dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+          UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) into the  UnicodeString
+   * `target`.
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+   * @param length the number of characters to extract
+   * @param target UnicodeString into which to copy characters.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline void extract(int32_t start,
+           int32_t length,
+           UnicodeString& target) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range [`start`, `limit`)
+   * into the array `dst`, beginning at `dstStart`.
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied into the array
+   * @param limit offset immediately following the last character to be copied
+   * @param dst array in which to copy characters.  The length of `dst`
+   * must be at least (`dstStart + (limit - start)`).
+   * @param dstStart the offset in `dst` where the first character
+   * will be extracted
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline void extractBetween(int32_t start,
+              int32_t limit,
+              char16_t *dst,
+              int32_t dstStart = 0) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range [`start`, `limit`)
+   * into the UnicodeString `target`.  Replaceable API.
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+   * @param limit offset immediately following the last character to be copied
+   * @param target UnicodeString into which to copy characters.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual void extractBetween(int32_t start,
+              int32_t limit,
+              UnicodeString& target) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + startLength`) into an array of characters.
+   * All characters must be invariant (see utypes.h).
+   * Use US_INV as the last, signature-distinguishing parameter.
+   *
+   * This function does not write any more than `targetCapacity`
+   * characters but returns the length of the entire output string
+   * so that one can allocate a larger buffer and call the function again
+   * if necessary.
+   * The output string is NUL-terminated if possible.
+   *
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+   * @param startLength the number of characters to extract
+   * @param target the target buffer for extraction, can be NULL
+   *               if targetLength is 0
+   * @param targetCapacity the length of the target buffer
+   * @param inv Signature-distinguishing paramater, use US_INV.
+   * @return the output string length, not including the terminating NUL
+   * @stable ICU 3.2
+   */
+  int32_t extract(int32_t start,
+           int32_t startLength,
+           char *target,
+           int32_t targetCapacity,
+           enum EInvariant inv) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) into an array of characters
+   * in the platform's default codepage.
+   * This function does not write any more than `targetLength`
+   * characters but returns the length of the entire output string
+   * so that one can allocate a larger buffer and call the function again
+   * if necessary.
+   * The output string is NUL-terminated if possible.
+   *
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+   * @param startLength the number of characters to extract
+   * @param target the target buffer for extraction
+   * @param targetLength the length of the target buffer
+   * If `target` is NULL, then the number of bytes required for
+   * `target` is returned.
+   * @return the output string length, not including the terminating NUL
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t extract(int32_t start,
+           int32_t startLength,
+           char *target,
+           uint32_t targetLength) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) into an array of characters
+   * in a specified codepage.
+   * The output string is NUL-terminated.
+   *
+   * Recommendation: For invariant-character strings use
+   * extract(int32_t start, int32_t length, char *target, int32_t targetCapacity, enum EInvariant inv) const
+   * because it avoids object code dependencies of UnicodeString on
+   * the conversion code.
+   *
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+   * @param startLength the number of characters to extract
+   * @param target the target buffer for extraction
+   * @param codepage the desired codepage for the characters.  0 has
+   * the special meaning of the default codepage
+   * If `codepage` is an empty string (`""`),
+   * then a simple conversion is performed on the codepage-invariant
+   * subset ("invariant characters") of the platform encoding. See utypes.h.
+   * If `target` is NULL, then the number of bytes required for
+   * `target` is returned. It is assumed that the target is big enough
+   * to fit all of the characters.
+   * @return the output string length, not including the terminating NUL
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t extract(int32_t start,
+                 int32_t startLength,
+                 char *target,
+                 const char *codepage = 0) const;
+  /**
+   * Copy the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) into an array of characters
+   * in a specified codepage.
+   * This function does not write any more than `targetLength`
+   * characters but returns the length of the entire output string
+   * so that one can allocate a larger buffer and call the function again
+   * if necessary.
+   * The output string is NUL-terminated if possible.
+   *
+   * Recommendation: For invariant-character strings use
+   * extract(int32_t start, int32_t length, char *target, int32_t targetCapacity, enum EInvariant inv) const
+   * because it avoids object code dependencies of UnicodeString on
+   * the conversion code.
+   *
+   * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+   * @param startLength the number of characters to extract
+   * @param target the target buffer for extraction
+   * @param targetLength the length of the target buffer
+   * @param codepage the desired codepage for the characters.  0 has
+   * the special meaning of the default codepage
+   * If `codepage` is an empty string (`""`),
+   * then a simple conversion is performed on the codepage-invariant
+   * subset ("invariant characters") of the platform encoding. See utypes.h.
+   * If `target` is NULL, then the number of bytes required for
+   * `target` is returned.
+   * @return the output string length, not including the terminating NUL
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t extract(int32_t start,
+           int32_t startLength,
+           char *target,
+           uint32_t targetLength,
+           const char *codepage) const;
+  /**
+   * Convert the UnicodeString into a codepage string using an existing UConverter.
+   * The output string is NUL-terminated if possible.
+   *
+   * This function avoids the overhead of opening and closing a converter if
+   * multiple strings are extracted.
+   *
+   * @param dest destination string buffer, can be NULL if destCapacity==0
+   * @param destCapacity the number of chars available at dest
+   * @param cnv the converter object to be used (ucnv_resetFromUnicode() will be called),
+   *        or NULL for the default converter
+   * @param errorCode normal ICU error code
+   * @return the length of the output string, not counting the terminating NUL;
+   *         if the length is greater than destCapacity, then the string will not fit
+   *         and a buffer of the indicated length would need to be passed in
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t extract(char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                  UConverter *cnv,
+                  UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+  /**
+   * Create a temporary substring for the specified range.
+   * Unlike the substring constructor and setTo() functions,
+   * the object returned here will be a read-only alias (using getBuffer())
+   * rather than copying the text.
+   * As a result, this substring operation is much faster but requires
+   * that the original string not be modified or deleted during the lifetime
+   * of the returned substring object.
+   * @param start offset of the first character visible in the substring
+   * @param length length of the substring
+   * @return a read-only alias UnicodeString object for the substring
+   * @stable ICU 4.4
+   */
+  UnicodeString tempSubString(int32_t start=0, int32_t length=INT32_MAX) const;
+  /**
+   * Create a temporary substring for the specified range.
+   * Same as tempSubString(start, length) except that the substring range
+   * is specified as a (start, limit) pair (with an exclusive limit index)
+   * rather than a (start, length) pair.
+   * @param start offset of the first character visible in the substring
+   * @param limit offset immediately following the last character visible in the substring
+   * @return a read-only alias UnicodeString object for the substring
+   * @stable ICU 4.4
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString tempSubStringBetween(int32_t start, int32_t limit=INT32_MAX) const;
+  /**
+   * Convert the UnicodeString to UTF-8 and write the result
+   * to a ByteSink. This is called by toUTF8String().
+   * Unpaired surrogates are replaced with U+FFFD.
+   * Calls u_strToUTF8WithSub().
+   *
+   * @param sink A ByteSink to which the UTF-8 version of the string is written.
+   *             sink.Flush() is called at the end.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   * @see toUTF8String
+   */
+  void toUTF8(ByteSink &sink) const;
+  /**
+   * Convert the UnicodeString to UTF-8 and append the result
+   * to a standard string.
+   * Unpaired surrogates are replaced with U+FFFD.
+   * Calls toUTF8().
+   *
+   * @param result A standard string (or a compatible object)
+   *        to which the UTF-8 version of the string is appended.
+   * @return The string object.
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   * @see toUTF8
+   */
+  template<typename StringClass>
+  StringClass &toUTF8String(StringClass &result) const {
+    StringByteSink<StringClass> sbs(&result, length());
+    toUTF8(sbs);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Convert the UnicodeString to UTF-32.
+   * Unpaired surrogates are replaced with U+FFFD.
+   * Calls u_strToUTF32WithSub().
+   *
+   * @param utf32 destination string buffer, can be NULL if capacity==0
+   * @param capacity the number of UChar32s available at utf32
+   * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+   *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+   *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+   *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+   * @return The length of the UTF-32 string.
+   * @see fromUTF32
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  int32_t toUTF32(UChar32 *utf32, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+  /* Length operations */
+  /**
+   * Return the length of the UnicodeString object.
+   * The length is the number of char16_t code units are in the UnicodeString.
+   * If you want the number of code points, please use countChar32().
+   * @return the length of the UnicodeString object
+   * @see countChar32
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t length(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Count Unicode code points in the length char16_t code units of the string.
+   * A code point may occupy either one or two char16_t code units.
+   * Counting code points involves reading all code units.
+   *
+   * This functions is basically the inverse of moveIndex32().
+   *
+   * @param start the index of the first code unit to check
+   * @param length the number of char16_t code units to check
+   * @return the number of code points in the specified code units
+   * @see length
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  int32_t
+  countChar32(int32_t start=0, int32_t length=INT32_MAX) const;
+  /**
+   * Check if the length char16_t code units of the string
+   * contain more Unicode code points than a certain number.
+   * This is more efficient than counting all code points in this part of the string
+   * and comparing that number with a threshold.
+   * This function may not need to scan the string at all if the length
+   * falls within a certain range, and
+   * never needs to count more than 'number+1' code points.
+   * Logically equivalent to (countChar32(start, length)>number).
+   * A Unicode code point may occupy either one or two char16_t code units.
+   *
+   * @param start the index of the first code unit to check (0 for the entire string)
+   * @param length the number of char16_t code units to check
+   *               (use INT32_MAX for the entire string; remember that start/length
+   *                values are pinned)
+   * @param number The number of code points in the (sub)string is compared against
+   *               the 'number' parameter.
+   * @return Boolean value for whether the string contains more Unicode code points
+   *         than 'number'. Same as (u_countChar32(s, length)>number).
+   * @see countChar32
+   * @see u_strHasMoreChar32Than
+   * @stable ICU 2.4
+   */
+  UBool
+  hasMoreChar32Than(int32_t start, int32_t length, int32_t number) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this string is empty.
+   * @return TRUE if this string contains 0 characters, FALSE otherwise.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool isEmpty(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Return the capacity of the internal buffer of the UnicodeString object.
+   * This is useful together with the getBuffer functions.
+   * See there for details.
+   *
+   * @return the number of char16_ts available in the internal buffer
+   * @see getBuffer
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t getCapacity(void) const;
+  /* Other operations */
+  /**
+   * Generate a hash code for this object.
+   * @return The hash code of this UnicodeString.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline int32_t hashCode(void) const;
+  /**
+   * Determine if this object contains a valid string.
+   * A bogus string has no value. It is different from an empty string,
+   * although in both cases isEmpty() returns TRUE and length() returns 0.
+   * setToBogus() and isBogus() can be used to indicate that no string value is available.
+   * For a bogus string, getBuffer() and getTerminatedBuffer() return NULL, and
+   * length() returns 0.
+   *
+   * @return TRUE if the string is bogus/invalid, FALSE otherwise
+   * @see setToBogus()
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool isBogus(void) const;
+  //========================================
+  // Write operations
+  //========================================
+  /* Assignment operations */
+  /**
+   * Assignment operator.  Replace the characters in this UnicodeString
+   * with the characters from `srcText`.
+   *
+   * Starting with ICU 2.4, the assignment operator and the copy constructor
+   * allocate a new buffer and copy the buffer contents even for readonly aliases.
+   * By contrast, the fastCopyFrom() function implements the old,
+   * more efficient but less safe behavior
+   * of making this string also a readonly alias to the same buffer.
+   *
+   * If the source object has an "open" buffer from getBuffer(minCapacity),
+   * then the copy is an empty string.
+   *
+   * @param srcText The text containing the characters to replace
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   * @see fastCopyFrom
+   */
+  UnicodeString &operator=(const UnicodeString &srcText);
+  /**
+   * Almost the same as the assignment operator.
+   * Replace the characters in this UnicodeString
+   * with the characters from `srcText`.
+   *
+   * This function works the same as the assignment operator
+   * for all strings except for ones that are readonly aliases.
+   *
+   * Starting with ICU 2.4, the assignment operator and the copy constructor
+   * allocate a new buffer and copy the buffer contents even for readonly aliases.
+   * This function implements the old, more efficient but less safe behavior
+   * of making this string also a readonly alias to the same buffer.
+   *
+   * The fastCopyFrom function must be used only if it is known that the lifetime of
+   * this UnicodeString does not exceed the lifetime of the aliased buffer
+   * including its contents, for example for strings from resource bundles
+   * or aliases to string constants.
+   *
+   * If the source object has an "open" buffer from getBuffer(minCapacity),
+   * then the copy is an empty string.
+   *
+   * @param src The text containing the characters to replace.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.4
+   */
+  UnicodeString &fastCopyFrom(const UnicodeString &src);
+  /**
+   * Move assignment operator; might leave src in bogus state.
+   * This string will have the same contents and state that the source string had.
+   * The behavior is undefined if *this and src are the same object.
+   * @param src source string
+   * @return *this
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  UnicodeString &operator=(UnicodeString &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+  /**
+   * Swap strings.
+   * @param other other string
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  void swap(UnicodeString &other) U_NOEXCEPT;
+  /**
+   * Non-member UnicodeString swap function.
+   * @param s1 will get s2's contents and state
+   * @param s2 will get s1's contents and state
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  friend inline void U_EXPORT2
+  swap(UnicodeString &s1, UnicodeString &s2) U_NOEXCEPT {
+    s1.swap(s2);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Assignment operator.  Replace the characters in this UnicodeString
+   * with the code unit `ch`.
+   * @param ch the code unit to replace
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& operator= (char16_t ch);
+  /**
+   * Assignment operator.  Replace the characters in this UnicodeString
+   * with the code point `ch`.
+   * @param ch the code point to replace
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& operator= (UChar32 ch);
+  /**
+   * Set the text in the UnicodeString object to the characters
+   * in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcText.length()`).
+   * `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.2
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& setTo(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+               int32_t srcStart);
+  /**
+   * Set the text in the UnicodeString object to the characters
+   * in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` in the
+   * replace string.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& setTo(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Set the text in the UnicodeString object to the characters in
+   * `srcText`.
+   * `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& setTo(const UnicodeString& srcText);
+  /**
+   * Set the characters in the UnicodeString object to the characters
+   * in `srcChars`. `srcChars` is not modified.
+   * @param srcChars the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcLength the number of Unicode characters in srcChars.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& setTo(const char16_t *srcChars,
+               int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Set the characters in the UnicodeString object to the code unit
+   * `srcChar`.
+   * @param srcChar the code unit which becomes the UnicodeString's character
+   * content
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& setTo(char16_t srcChar);
+  /**
+   * Set the characters in the UnicodeString object to the code point
+   * `srcChar`.
+   * @param srcChar the code point which becomes the UnicodeString's character
+   * content
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& setTo(UChar32 srcChar);
+  /**
+   * Aliasing setTo() function, analogous to the readonly-aliasing char16_t* constructor.
+   * The text will be used for the UnicodeString object, but
+   * it will not be released when the UnicodeString is destroyed.
+   * This has copy-on-write semantics:
+   * When the string is modified, then the buffer is first copied into
+   * newly allocated memory.
+   * The aliased buffer is never modified.
+   *
+   * In an assignment to another UnicodeString, when using the copy constructor
+   * or the assignment operator, the text will be copied.
+   * When using fastCopyFrom(), the text will be aliased again,
+   * so that both strings then alias the same readonly-text.
+   *
+   * @param isTerminated specifies if `text` is `NUL`-terminated.
+   *                     This must be true if `textLength==-1`.
+   * @param text The characters to alias for the UnicodeString.
+   * @param textLength The number of Unicode characters in `text` to alias.
+   *                   If -1, then this constructor will determine the length
+   *                   by calling `u_strlen()`.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString &setTo(UBool isTerminated,
+                       ConstChar16Ptr text,
+                       int32_t textLength);
+  /**
+   * Aliasing setTo() function, analogous to the writable-aliasing char16_t* constructor.
+   * The text will be used for the UnicodeString object, but
+   * it will not be released when the UnicodeString is destroyed.
+   * This has write-through semantics:
+   * For as long as the capacity of the buffer is sufficient, write operations
+   * will directly affect the buffer. When more capacity is necessary, then
+   * a new buffer will be allocated and the contents copied as with regularly
+   * constructed strings.
+   * In an assignment to another UnicodeString, the buffer will be copied.
+   * The extract(Char16Ptr dst) function detects whether the dst pointer is the same
+   * as the string buffer itself and will in this case not copy the contents.
+   *
+   * @param buffer The characters to alias for the UnicodeString.
+   * @param buffLength The number of Unicode characters in `buffer` to alias.
+   * @param buffCapacity The size of `buffer` in char16_ts.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString &setTo(char16_t *buffer,
+                       int32_t buffLength,
+                       int32_t buffCapacity);
+  /**
+   * Make this UnicodeString object invalid.
+   * The string will test TRUE with isBogus().
+   *
+   * A bogus string has no value. It is different from an empty string.
+   * It can be used to indicate that no string value is available.
+   * getBuffer() and getTerminatedBuffer() return NULL, and
+   * length() returns 0.
+   *
+   * This utility function is used throughout the UnicodeString
+   * implementation to indicate that a UnicodeString operation failed,
+   * and may be used in other functions,
+   * especially but not exclusively when such functions do not
+   * take a UErrorCode for simplicity.
+   *
+   * The following methods, and no others, will clear a string object's bogus flag:
+   * - remove()
+   * - remove(0, INT32_MAX)
+   * - truncate(0)
+   * - operator=() (assignment operator)
+   * - setTo(...)
+   *
+   * The simplest ways to turn a bogus string into an empty one
+   * is to use the remove() function.
+   * Examples for other functions that are equivalent to "set to empty string":
+   * \code
+   * if(s.isBogus()) {
+   *   s.remove();           // set to an empty string (remove all), or
+   *   s.remove(0, INT32_MAX); // set to an empty string (remove all), or
+   *   s.truncate(0);        // set to an empty string (complete truncation), or
+   *   s=UnicodeString();    // assign an empty string, or
+   *   s.setTo((UChar32)-1); // set to a pseudo code point that is out of range, or
+   *   s.setTo(u"", 0);      // set to an empty C Unicode string
+   * }
+   * \endcode
+   *
+   * @see isBogus()
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  void setToBogus();
+  /**
+   * Set the character at the specified offset to the specified character.
+   * @param offset A valid offset into the text of the character to set
+   * @param ch The new character
+   * @return A reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& setCharAt(int32_t offset,
+               char16_t ch);
+  /* Append operations */
+  /**
+   * Append operator. Append the code unit `ch` to the UnicodeString
+   * object.
+   * @param ch the code unit to be appended
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+ inline  UnicodeString& operator+= (char16_t ch);
+  /**
+   * Append operator. Append the code point `ch` to the UnicodeString
+   * object.
+   * @param ch the code point to be appended
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+ inline  UnicodeString& operator+= (UChar32 ch);
+  /**
+   * Append operator. Append the characters in `srcText` to the
+   * UnicodeString object. `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& operator+= (const UnicodeString& srcText);
+  /**
+   * Append the characters
+   * in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`) to the
+   * UnicodeString object at offset `start`. `srcText`
+   * is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` in
+   * the append string
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& append(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Append the characters in `srcText` to the UnicodeString object.
+   * `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& append(const UnicodeString& srcText);
+  /**
+   * Append the characters in `srcChars` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`) to the UnicodeString
+   * object at offset
+   * `start`. `srcChars` is not modified.
+   * @param srcChars the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcChars` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars` in
+   *                  the append string; can be -1 if `srcChars` is NUL-terminated
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& append(const char16_t *srcChars,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Append the characters in `srcChars` to the UnicodeString object
+   * at offset `start`. `srcChars` is not modified.
+   * @param srcChars the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcLength the number of Unicode characters in `srcChars`;
+   *                  can be -1 if `srcChars` is NUL-terminated
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& append(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+            int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Append the code unit `srcChar` to the UnicodeString object.
+   * @param srcChar the code unit to append
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& append(char16_t srcChar);
+  /**
+   * Append the code point `srcChar` to the UnicodeString object.
+   * @param srcChar the code point to append
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& append(UChar32 srcChar);
+  /* Insert operations */
+  /**
+   * Insert the characters in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`) into the UnicodeString
+   * object at offset `start`. `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset where the insertion begins
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` in
+   * the insert string
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& insert(int32_t start,
+            const UnicodeString& srcText,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Insert the characters in `srcText` into the UnicodeString object
+   * at offset `start`. `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset where the insertion begins
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& insert(int32_t start,
+            const UnicodeString& srcText);
+  /**
+   * Insert the characters in `srcChars` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`) into the UnicodeString
+   *  object at offset `start`. `srcChars` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset at which the insertion begins
+   * @param srcChars the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcChars` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars`
+   * in the insert string
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& insert(int32_t start,
+            const char16_t *srcChars,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Insert the characters in `srcChars` into the UnicodeString object
+   * at offset `start`. `srcChars` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset where the insertion begins
+   * @param srcChars the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcLength the number of Unicode characters in srcChars.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& insert(int32_t start,
+            ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+            int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Insert the code unit `srcChar` into the UnicodeString object at
+   * offset `start`.
+   * @param start the offset at which the insertion occurs
+   * @param srcChar the code unit to insert
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& insert(int32_t start,
+            char16_t srcChar);
+  /**
+   * Insert the code point `srcChar` into the UnicodeString object at
+   * offset `start`.
+   * @param start the offset at which the insertion occurs
+   * @param srcChar the code point to insert
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& insert(int32_t start,
+            UChar32 srcChar);
+  /* Replace operations */
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the characters in
+   * `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`).
+   * `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters to replace. The character at
+   * `start + length` is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcText` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcText` in
+   * the replace string
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& replace(int32_t start,
+             int32_t length,
+             const UnicodeString& srcText,
+             int32_t srcStart,
+             int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`)
+   * with the characters in `srcText`.  `srcText` is
+   *  not modified.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters to replace. The character at
+   * `start + length` is not modified.
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& replace(int32_t start,
+             int32_t length,
+             const UnicodeString& srcText);
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the characters in
+   * `srcChars` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcStart + srcLength`). `srcChars`
+   * is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters to replace.  The character at
+   * `start + length` is not modified.
+   * @param srcChars the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcChars` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLength the number of characters in `srcChars`
+   * in the replace string
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& replace(int32_t start,
+             int32_t length,
+             const char16_t *srcChars,
+             int32_t srcStart,
+             int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the characters in
+   * `srcChars`.  `srcChars` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param length number of characters to replace.  The character at
+   * `start + length` is not modified.
+   * @param srcChars the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcLength the number of Unicode characters in srcChars
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& replace(int32_t start,
+             int32_t length,
+             ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+             int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the code unit
+   * `srcChar`.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters to replace.  The character at
+   * `start + length` is not modified.
+   * @param srcChar the new code unit
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& replace(int32_t start,
+             int32_t length,
+             char16_t srcChar);
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) with the code point
+   * `srcChar`.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param length the number of characters to replace.  The character at
+   * `start + length` is not modified.
+   * @param srcChar the new code point
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& replace(int32_t start, int32_t length, UChar32 srcChar);
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range [`start`, `limit`)
+   * with the characters in `srcText`. `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param limit the offset immediately following the replace range
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& replaceBetween(int32_t start,
+                int32_t limit,
+                const UnicodeString& srcText);
+  /**
+   * Replace the characters in the range [`start`, `limit`)
+   * with the characters in `srcText` in the range
+   * [`srcStart`, `srcLimit`). `srcText` is not modified.
+   * @param start the offset at which the replace operation begins
+   * @param limit the offset immediately following the replace range
+   * @param srcText the source for the new characters
+   * @param srcStart the offset into `srcChars` where new characters
+   * will be obtained
+   * @param srcLimit the offset immediately following the range to copy
+   * in `srcText`
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& replaceBetween(int32_t start,
+                int32_t limit,
+                const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                int32_t srcStart,
+                int32_t srcLimit);
+  /**
+   * Replace a substring of this object with the given text.
+   * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; `0 <= start <= limit`.
+   * @param limit the ending index, exclusive; `start <= limit <= length()`.
+   * @param text the text to replace characters `start` to `limit - 1`
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual void handleReplaceBetween(int32_t start,
+                                    int32_t limit,
+                                    const UnicodeString& text);
+  /**
+   * Replaceable API
+   * @return TRUE if it has MetaData
+   * @stable ICU 2.4
+   */
+  virtual UBool hasMetaData() const;
+  /**
+   * Copy a substring of this object, retaining attribute (out-of-band)
+   * information.  This method is used to duplicate or reorder substrings.
+   * The destination index must not overlap the source range.
+   *
+   * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; `0 <= start <= limit`.
+   * @param limit the ending index, exclusive; `start <= limit <= length()`.
+   * @param dest the destination index.  The characters from
+   *             `start..limit-1` will be copied to `dest`.
+   * Implementations of this method may assume that `dest <= start ||
+   * dest >= limit`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual void copy(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t dest);
+  /* Search and replace operations */
+  /**
+   * Replace all occurrences of characters in oldText with the characters
+   * in newText
+   * @param oldText the text containing the search text
+   * @param newText the text containing the replacement text
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& findAndReplace(const UnicodeString& oldText,
+                const UnicodeString& newText);
+  /**
+   * Replace all occurrences of characters in oldText with characters
+   * in newText
+   * in the range [`start`, `start + length`).
+   * @param start the start of the range in which replace will performed
+   * @param length the length of the range in which replace will be performed
+   * @param oldText the text containing the search text
+   * @param newText the text containing the replacement text
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& findAndReplace(int32_t start,
+                int32_t length,
+                const UnicodeString& oldText,
+                const UnicodeString& newText);
+  /**
+   * Replace all occurrences of characters in oldText in the range
+   * [`oldStart`, `oldStart + oldLength`) with the characters
+   * in newText in the range
+   * [`newStart`, `newStart + newLength`)
+   * in the range [`start`, `start + length`).
+   * @param start the start of the range in which replace will performed
+   * @param length the length of the range in which replace will be performed
+   * @param oldText the text containing the search text
+   * @param oldStart the start of the search range in `oldText`
+   * @param oldLength the length of the search range in `oldText`
+   * @param newText the text containing the replacement text
+   * @param newStart the start of the replacement range in `newText`
+   * @param newLength the length of the replacement range in `newText`
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& findAndReplace(int32_t start,
+                int32_t length,
+                const UnicodeString& oldText,
+                int32_t oldStart,
+                int32_t oldLength,
+                const UnicodeString& newText,
+                int32_t newStart,
+                int32_t newLength);
+  /* Remove operations */
+  /**
+   * Removes all characters from the UnicodeString object and clears the bogus flag.
+   * This is the UnicodeString equivalent of std::string’s clear().
+   *
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @see setToBogus
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& remove();
+  /**
+   * Remove the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `start + length`) from the UnicodeString object.
+   * @param start the offset of the first character to remove
+   * @param length the number of characters to remove
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& remove(int32_t start,
+                               int32_t length = (int32_t)INT32_MAX);
+  /**
+   * Remove the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `limit`) from the UnicodeString object.
+   * @param start the offset of the first character to remove
+   * @param limit the offset immediately following the range to remove
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& removeBetween(int32_t start,
+                                      int32_t limit = (int32_t)INT32_MAX);
+  /**
+   * Retain only the characters in the range
+   * [`start`, `limit`) from the UnicodeString object.
+   * Removes characters before `start` and at and after `limit`.
+   * @param start the offset of the first character to retain
+   * @param limit the offset immediately following the range to retain
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 4.4
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString &retainBetween(int32_t start, int32_t limit = INT32_MAX);
+  /* Length operations */
+  /**
+   * Pad the start of this UnicodeString with the character `padChar`.
+   * If the length of this UnicodeString is less than targetLength,
+   * length() - targetLength copies of padChar will be added to the
+   * beginning of this UnicodeString.
+   * @param targetLength the desired length of the string
+   * @param padChar the character to use for padding. Defaults to
+   * space (U+0020)
+   * @return TRUE if the text was padded, FALSE otherwise.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UBool padLeading(int32_t targetLength,
+                    char16_t padChar = 0x0020);
+  /**
+   * Pad the end of this UnicodeString with the character `padChar`.
+   * If the length of this UnicodeString is less than targetLength,
+   * length() - targetLength copies of padChar will be added to the
+   * end of this UnicodeString.
+   * @param targetLength the desired length of the string
+   * @param padChar the character to use for padding. Defaults to
+   * space (U+0020)
+   * @return TRUE if the text was padded, FALSE otherwise.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UBool padTrailing(int32_t targetLength,
+                     char16_t padChar = 0x0020);
+  /**
+   * Truncate this UnicodeString to the `targetLength`.
+   * @param targetLength the desired length of this UnicodeString.
+   * @return TRUE if the text was truncated, FALSE otherwise
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UBool truncate(int32_t targetLength);
+  /**
+   * Trims leading and trailing whitespace from this UnicodeString.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& trim(void);
+  /* Miscellaneous operations */
+  /**
+   * Reverse this UnicodeString in place.
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& reverse(void);
+  /**
+   * Reverse the range [`start`, `start + length`) in
+   * this UnicodeString.
+   * @param start the start of the range to reverse
+   * @param length the number of characters to to reverse
+   * @return a reference to this
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString& reverse(int32_t start,
+             int32_t length);
+  /**
+   * Convert the characters in this to UPPER CASE following the conventions of
+   * the default locale.
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& toUpper(void);
+  /**
+   * Convert the characters in this to UPPER CASE following the conventions of
+   * a specific locale.
+   * @param locale The locale containing the conventions to use.
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& toUpper(const Locale& locale);
+  /**
+   * Convert the characters in this to lower case following the conventions of
+   * the default locale.
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& toLower(void);
+  /**
+   * Convert the characters in this to lower case following the conventions of
+   * a specific locale.
+   * @param locale The locale containing the conventions to use.
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString& toLower(const Locale& locale);
+  /**
+   * Titlecase this string, convenience function using the default locale.
+   *
+   * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+   * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+   * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+   * all others.
+   *
+   * The titlecase break iterator can be provided to customize for arbitrary
+   * styles, using rules and dictionaries beyond the standard iterators.
+   * It may be more efficient to always provide an iterator to avoid
+   * opening and closing one for each string.
+   * The standard titlecase iterator for the root locale implements the
+   * algorithm of Unicode TR 21.
+   *
+   * This function uses only the setText(), first() and next() methods of the
+   * provided break iterator.
+   *
+   * @param titleIter A break iterator to find the first characters of words
+   *                  that are to be titlecased.
+   *                  If none is provided (0), then a standard titlecase
+   *                  break iterator is opened.
+   *                  Otherwise the provided iterator is set to the string's text.
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 2.1
+   */
+  UnicodeString &toTitle(BreakIterator *titleIter);
+  /**
+   * Titlecase this string.
+   *
+   * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+   * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+   * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+   * all others.
+   *
+   * The titlecase break iterator can be provided to customize for arbitrary
+   * styles, using rules and dictionaries beyond the standard iterators.
+   * It may be more efficient to always provide an iterator to avoid
+   * opening and closing one for each string.
+   * The standard titlecase iterator for the root locale implements the
+   * algorithm of Unicode TR 21.
+   *
+   * This function uses only the setText(), first() and next() methods of the
+   * provided break iterator.
+   *
+   * @param titleIter A break iterator to find the first characters of words
+   *                  that are to be titlecased.
+   *                  If none is provided (0), then a standard titlecase
+   *                  break iterator is opened.
+   *                  Otherwise the provided iterator is set to the string's text.
+   * @param locale    The locale to consider.
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 2.1
+   */
+  UnicodeString &toTitle(BreakIterator *titleIter, const Locale &locale);
+  /**
+   * Titlecase this string, with options.
+   *
+   * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+   * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+   * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+   * all others. (This can be modified with options.)
+   *
+   * The titlecase break iterator can be provided to customize for arbitrary
+   * styles, using rules and dictionaries beyond the standard iterators.
+   * It may be more efficient to always provide an iterator to avoid
+   * opening and closing one for each string.
+   * The standard titlecase iterator for the root locale implements the
+   * algorithm of Unicode TR 21.
+   *
+   * This function uses only the setText(), first() and next() methods of the
+   * provided break iterator.
+   *
+   * @param titleIter A break iterator to find the first characters of words
+   *                  that are to be titlecased.
+   *                  If none is provided (0), then a standard titlecase
+   *                  break iterator is opened.
+   *                  Otherwise the provided iterator is set to the string's text.
+   * @param locale    The locale to consider.
+   * @param options   Options bit set, usually 0. See U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE,
+   * @param options Options bit set, see ucasemap_open().
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 3.8
+   */
+  UnicodeString &toTitle(BreakIterator *titleIter, const Locale &locale, uint32_t options);
+  /**
+   * Case-folds the characters in this string.
+   *
+   * Case-folding is locale-independent and not context-sensitive,
+   * but there is an option for whether to include or exclude mappings for dotted I
+   * and dotless i that are marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt.
+   *
+   * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to this.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString &foldCase(uint32_t options=0 /*U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT*/);
+  //========================================
+  // Access to the internal buffer
+  //========================================
+  /**
+   * Get a read/write pointer to the internal buffer.
+   * The buffer is guaranteed to be large enough for at least minCapacity char16_ts,
+   * writable, and is still owned by the UnicodeString object.
+   * Calls to getBuffer(minCapacity) must not be nested, and
+   * must be matched with calls to releaseBuffer(newLength).
+   * If the string buffer was read-only or shared,
+   * then it will be reallocated and copied.
+   *
+   * An attempted nested call will return 0, and will not further modify the
+   * state of the UnicodeString object.
+   * It also returns 0 if the string is bogus.
+   *
+   * The actual capacity of the string buffer may be larger than minCapacity.
+   * getCapacity() returns the actual capacity.
+   * For many operations, the full capacity should be used to avoid reallocations.
+   *
+   * While the buffer is "open" between getBuffer(minCapacity)
+   * and releaseBuffer(newLength), the following applies:
+   * - The string length is set to 0.
+   * - Any read API call on the UnicodeString object will behave like on a 0-length string.
+   * - Any write API call on the UnicodeString object is disallowed and will have no effect.
+   * - You can read from and write to the returned buffer.
+   * - The previous string contents will still be in the buffer;
+   *   if you want to use it, then you need to call length() before getBuffer(minCapacity).
+   *   If the length() was greater than minCapacity, then any contents after minCapacity
+   *   may be lost.
+   *   The buffer contents is not NUL-terminated by getBuffer().
+   *   If length() < getCapacity() then you can terminate it by writing a NUL
+   *   at index length().
+   * - You must call releaseBuffer(newLength) before and in order to
+   *   return to normal UnicodeString operation.
+   *
+   * @param minCapacity the minimum number of char16_ts that are to be available
+   *        in the buffer, starting at the returned pointer;
+   *        default to the current string capacity if minCapacity==-1
+   * @return a writable pointer to the internal string buffer,
+   *         or nullptr if an error occurs (nested calls, out of memory)
+   *
+   * @see releaseBuffer
+   * @see getTerminatedBuffer()
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  char16_t *getBuffer(int32_t minCapacity);
+  /**
+   * Release a read/write buffer on a UnicodeString object with an
+   * "open" getBuffer(minCapacity).
+   * This function must be called in a matched pair with getBuffer(minCapacity).
+   * releaseBuffer(newLength) must be called if and only if a getBuffer(minCapacity) is "open".
+   *
+   * It will set the string length to newLength, at most to the current capacity.
+   * If newLength==-1 then it will set the length according to the
+   * first NUL in the buffer, or to the capacity if there is no NUL.
+   *
+   * After calling releaseBuffer(newLength) the UnicodeString is back to normal operation.
+   *
+   * @param newLength the new length of the UnicodeString object;
+   *        defaults to the current capacity if newLength is greater than that;
+   *        if newLength==-1, it defaults to u_strlen(buffer) but not more than
+   *        the current capacity of the string
+   *
+   * @see getBuffer(int32_t minCapacity)
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  void releaseBuffer(int32_t newLength=-1);
+  /**
+   * Get a read-only pointer to the internal buffer.
+   * This can be called at any time on a valid UnicodeString.
+   *
+   * It returns 0 if the string is bogus, or
+   * during an "open" getBuffer(minCapacity).
+   *
+   * It can be called as many times as desired.
+   * The pointer that it returns will remain valid until the UnicodeString object is modified,
+   * at which time the pointer is semantically invalidated and must not be used any more.
+   *
+   * The capacity of the buffer can be determined with getCapacity().
+   * The part after length() may or may not be initialized and valid,
+   * depending on the history of the UnicodeString object.
+   *
+   * The buffer contents is (probably) not NUL-terminated.
+   * You can check if it is with
+   * `(s.length() < s.getCapacity() && buffer[s.length()]==0)`.
+   * (See getTerminatedBuffer().)
+   *
+   * The buffer may reside in read-only memory. Its contents must not
+   * be modified.
+   *
+   * @return a read-only pointer to the internal string buffer,
+   *         or nullptr if the string is empty or bogus
+   *
+   * @see getBuffer(int32_t minCapacity)
+   * @see getTerminatedBuffer()
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline const char16_t *getBuffer() const;
+  /**
+   * Get a read-only pointer to the internal buffer,
+   * making sure that it is NUL-terminated.
+   * This can be called at any time on a valid UnicodeString.
+   *
+   * It returns 0 if the string is bogus, or
+   * during an "open" getBuffer(minCapacity), or if the buffer cannot
+   * be NUL-terminated (because memory allocation failed).
+   *
+   * It can be called as many times as desired.
+   * The pointer that it returns will remain valid until the UnicodeString object is modified,
+   * at which time the pointer is semantically invalidated and must not be used any more.
+   *
+   * The capacity of the buffer can be determined with getCapacity().
+   * The part after length()+1 may or may not be initialized and valid,
+   * depending on the history of the UnicodeString object.
+   *
+   * The buffer contents is guaranteed to be NUL-terminated.
+   * getTerminatedBuffer() may reallocate the buffer if a terminating NUL
+   * is written.
+   * For this reason, this function is not const, unlike getBuffer().
+   * Note that a UnicodeString may also contain NUL characters as part of its contents.
+   *
+   * The buffer may reside in read-only memory. Its contents must not
+   * be modified.
+   *
+   * @return a read-only pointer to the internal string buffer,
+   *         or 0 if the string is empty or bogus
+   *
+   * @see getBuffer(int32_t minCapacity)
+   * @see getBuffer()
+   * @stable ICU 2.2
+   */
+  const char16_t *getTerminatedBuffer();
+  //========================================
+  // Constructors
+  //========================================
+  /** Construct an empty UnicodeString.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString();
+  /**
+   * Construct a UnicodeString with capacity to hold `capacity` char16_ts
+   * @param capacity the number of char16_ts this UnicodeString should hold
+   * before a resize is necessary; if count is greater than 0 and count
+   * code points c take up more space than capacity, then capacity is adjusted
+   * accordingly.
+   * @param c is used to initially fill the string
+   * @param count specifies how many code points c are to be written in the
+   *              string
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(int32_t capacity, UChar32 c, int32_t count);
+  /**
+   * Single char16_t (code unit) constructor.
+   *
+   * It is recommended to mark this constructor "explicit" by
+   * on the compiler command line or similar.
+   * @param ch the character to place in the UnicodeString
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UNISTR_FROM_CHAR_EXPLICIT UnicodeString(char16_t ch);
+  /**
+   * Single UChar32 (code point) constructor.
+   *
+   * It is recommended to mark this constructor "explicit" by
+   * on the compiler command line or similar.
+   * @param ch the character to place in the UnicodeString
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UNISTR_FROM_CHAR_EXPLICIT UnicodeString(UChar32 ch);
+  /**
+   * char16_t* constructor.
+   *
+   * It is recommended to mark this constructor "explicit" by
+   * on the compiler command line or similar.
+   * @param text The characters to place in the UnicodeString.  `text`
+   * must be NULL (U+0000) terminated.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT UnicodeString(const char16_t *text);
+  /**
+   * uint16_t * constructor.
+   * Delegates to UnicodeString(const char16_t *).
+   *
+   * It is recommended to mark this constructor "explicit" by
+   * on the compiler command line or similar.
+   * @param text NUL-terminated UTF-16 string
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT UnicodeString(const uint16_t *text) :
+      UnicodeString(ConstChar16Ptr(text)) {}
+#if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2 || defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+  /**
+   * wchar_t * constructor.
+   * (Only defined if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2.)
+   * Delegates to UnicodeString(const char16_t *).
+   *
+   * It is recommended to mark this constructor "explicit" by
+   * on the compiler command line or similar.
+   * @param text NUL-terminated UTF-16 string
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT UnicodeString(const wchar_t *text) :
+      UnicodeString(ConstChar16Ptr(text)) {}
+  /**
+   * nullptr_t constructor.
+   * Effectively the same as the default constructor, makes an empty string object.
+   *
+   * It is recommended to mark this constructor "explicit" by
+   * on the compiler command line or similar.
+   * @param text nullptr
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT inline UnicodeString(const std::nullptr_t text);
+  /**
+   * char16_t* constructor.
+   * @param text The characters to place in the UnicodeString.
+   * @param textLength The number of Unicode characters in `text`
+   * to copy.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const char16_t *text,
+        int32_t textLength);
+  /**
+   * uint16_t * constructor.
+   * Delegates to UnicodeString(const char16_t *, int32_t).
+   * @param text UTF-16 string
+   * @param textLength string length
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const uint16_t *text, int32_t textLength) :
+      UnicodeString(ConstChar16Ptr(text), textLength) {}
+#if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2 || defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+  /**
+   * wchar_t * constructor.
+   * (Only defined if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2.)
+   * Delegates to UnicodeString(const char16_t *, int32_t).
+   * @param text NUL-terminated UTF-16 string
+   * @param textLength string length
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const wchar_t *text, int32_t textLength) :
+      UnicodeString(ConstChar16Ptr(text), textLength) {}
+  /**
+   * nullptr_t constructor.
+   * Effectively the same as the default constructor, makes an empty string object.
+   * @param text nullptr
+   * @param textLength ignored
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString(const std::nullptr_t text, int32_t textLength);
+  /**
+   * Readonly-aliasing char16_t* constructor.
+   * The text will be used for the UnicodeString object, but
+   * it will not be released when the UnicodeString is destroyed.
+   * This has copy-on-write semantics:
+   * When the string is modified, then the buffer is first copied into
+   * newly allocated memory.
+   * The aliased buffer is never modified.
+   *
+   * In an assignment to another UnicodeString, when using the copy constructor
+   * or the assignment operator, the text will be copied.
+   * When using fastCopyFrom(), the text will be aliased again,
+   * so that both strings then alias the same readonly-text.
+   *
+   * @param isTerminated specifies if `text` is `NUL`-terminated.
+   *                     This must be true if `textLength==-1`.
+   * @param text The characters to alias for the UnicodeString.
+   * @param textLength The number of Unicode characters in `text` to alias.
+   *                   If -1, then this constructor will determine the length
+   *                   by calling `u_strlen()`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(UBool isTerminated,
+                ConstChar16Ptr text,
+                int32_t textLength);
+  /**
+   * Writable-aliasing char16_t* constructor.
+   * The text will be used for the UnicodeString object, but
+   * it will not be released when the UnicodeString is destroyed.
+   * This has write-through semantics:
+   * For as long as the capacity of the buffer is sufficient, write operations
+   * will directly affect the buffer. When more capacity is necessary, then
+   * a new buffer will be allocated and the contents copied as with regularly
+   * constructed strings.
+   * In an assignment to another UnicodeString, the buffer will be copied.
+   * The extract(Char16Ptr dst) function detects whether the dst pointer is the same
+   * as the string buffer itself and will in this case not copy the contents.
+   *
+   * @param buffer The characters to alias for the UnicodeString.
+   * @param buffLength The number of Unicode characters in `buffer` to alias.
+   * @param buffCapacity The size of `buffer` in char16_ts.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(char16_t *buffer, int32_t buffLength, int32_t buffCapacity);
+  /**
+   * Writable-aliasing uint16_t * constructor.
+   * Delegates to UnicodeString(const char16_t *, int32_t, int32_t).
+   * @param buffer writable buffer of/for UTF-16 text
+   * @param buffLength length of the current buffer contents
+   * @param buffCapacity buffer capacity
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  UnicodeString(uint16_t *buffer, int32_t buffLength, int32_t buffCapacity) :
+      UnicodeString(Char16Ptr(buffer), buffLength, buffCapacity) {}
+#if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2 || defined(U_IN_DOXYGEN)
+  /**
+   * Writable-aliasing wchar_t * constructor.
+   * (Only defined if U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T==2.)
+   * Delegates to UnicodeString(const char16_t *, int32_t, int32_t).
+   * @param buffer writable buffer of/for UTF-16 text
+   * @param buffLength length of the current buffer contents
+   * @param buffCapacity buffer capacity
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  UnicodeString(wchar_t *buffer, int32_t buffLength, int32_t buffCapacity) :
+      UnicodeString(Char16Ptr(buffer), buffLength, buffCapacity) {}
+  /**
+   * Writable-aliasing nullptr_t constructor.
+   * Effectively the same as the default constructor, makes an empty string object.
+   * @param buffer nullptr
+   * @param buffLength ignored
+   * @param buffCapacity ignored
+   * @stable ICU 59
+   */
+  inline UnicodeString(std::nullptr_t buffer, int32_t buffLength, int32_t buffCapacity);
+  /**
+   * char* constructor.
+   * Uses the default converter (and thus depends on the ICU conversion code)
+   * unless U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 is set to 1.
+   *
+   * For ASCII (really "invariant character") strings it is more efficient to use
+   * the constructor that takes a US_INV (for its enum EInvariant).
+   * For ASCII (invariant-character) string literals, see UNICODE_STRING and
+   *
+   * It is recommended to mark this constructor "explicit" by
+   * on the compiler command line or similar.
+   * @param codepageData an array of bytes, null-terminated,
+   *                     in the platform's default codepage.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT UnicodeString(const char *codepageData);
+  /**
+   * char* constructor.
+   * Uses the default converter (and thus depends on the ICU conversion code)
+   * unless U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 is set to 1.
+   * @param codepageData an array of bytes in the platform's default codepage.
+   * @param dataLength The number of bytes in `codepageData`.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const char *codepageData, int32_t dataLength);
+  /**
+   * char* constructor.
+   * @param codepageData an array of bytes, null-terminated
+   * @param codepage the encoding of `codepageData`.  The special
+   * value 0 for `codepage` indicates that the text is in the
+   * platform's default codepage.
+   *
+   * If `codepage` is an empty string (`""`),
+   * then a simple conversion is performed on the codepage-invariant
+   * subset ("invariant characters") of the platform encoding. See utypes.h.
+   * Recommendation: For invariant-character strings use the constructor
+   * UnicodeString(const char *src, int32_t length, enum EInvariant inv)
+   * because it avoids object code dependencies of UnicodeString on
+   * the conversion code.
+   *
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const char *codepageData, const char *codepage);
+  /**
+   * char* constructor.
+   * @param codepageData an array of bytes.
+   * @param dataLength The number of bytes in `codepageData`.
+   * @param codepage the encoding of `codepageData`.  The special
+   * value 0 for `codepage` indicates that the text is in the
+   * platform's default codepage.
+   * If `codepage` is an empty string (`""`),
+   * then a simple conversion is performed on the codepage-invariant
+   * subset ("invariant characters") of the platform encoding. See utypes.h.
+   * Recommendation: For invariant-character strings use the constructor
+   * UnicodeString(const char *src, int32_t length, enum EInvariant inv)
+   * because it avoids object code dependencies of UnicodeString on
+   * the conversion code.
+   *
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const char *codepageData, int32_t dataLength, const char *codepage);
+  /**
+   * char * / UConverter constructor.
+   * This constructor uses an existing UConverter object to
+   * convert the codepage string to Unicode and construct a UnicodeString
+   * from that.
+   *
+   * The converter is reset at first.
+   * If the error code indicates a failure before this constructor is called,
+   * or if an error occurs during conversion or construction,
+   * then the string will be bogus.
+   *
+   * This function avoids the overhead of opening and closing a converter if
+   * multiple strings are constructed.
+   *
+   * @param src input codepage string
+   * @param srcLength length of the input string, can be -1 for NUL-terminated strings
+   * @param cnv converter object (ucnv_resetToUnicode() will be called),
+   *        can be NULL for the default converter
+   * @param errorCode normal ICU error code
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString(
+        const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
+        UConverter *cnv,
+        UErrorCode &errorCode);
+  /**
+   * Constructs a Unicode string from an invariant-character char * string.
+   * About invariant characters see utypes.h.
+   * This constructor has no runtime dependency on conversion code and is
+   * therefore recommended over ones taking a charset name string
+   * (where the empty string "" indicates invariant-character conversion).
+   *
+   * Use the macro US_INV as the third, signature-distinguishing parameter.
+   *
+   * For example:
+   * \code
+   *     void fn(const char *s) {
+   *       UnicodeString ustr(s, -1, US_INV);
+   *       // use ustr ...
+   *     }
+   * \endcode
+   * @param src String using only invariant characters.
+   * @param textLength Length of src, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+   * @param inv Signature-distinguishing paramater, use US_INV.
+   *
+   * @see US_INV
+   * @stable ICU 3.2
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const char *src, int32_t textLength, enum EInvariant inv);
+  /**
+   * Copy constructor.
+   *
+   * Starting with ICU 2.4, the assignment operator and the copy constructor
+   * allocate a new buffer and copy the buffer contents even for readonly aliases.
+   * By contrast, the fastCopyFrom() function implements the old,
+   * more efficient but less safe behavior
+   * of making this string also a readonly alias to the same buffer.
+   *
+   * If the source object has an "open" buffer from getBuffer(minCapacity),
+   * then the copy is an empty string.
+   *
+   * @param that The UnicodeString object to copy.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   * @see fastCopyFrom
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const UnicodeString& that);
+  /**
+   * Move constructor; might leave src in bogus state.
+   * This string will have the same contents and state that the source string had.
+   * @param src source string
+   * @stable ICU 56
+   */
+  UnicodeString(UnicodeString &&src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+  /**
+   * 'Substring' constructor from tail of source string.
+   * @param src The UnicodeString object to copy.
+   * @param srcStart The offset into `src` at which to start copying.
+   * @stable ICU 2.2
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const UnicodeString& src, int32_t srcStart);
+  /**
+   * 'Substring' constructor from subrange of source string.
+   * @param src The UnicodeString object to copy.
+   * @param srcStart The offset into `src` at which to start copying.
+   * @param srcLength The number of characters from `src` to copy.
+   * @stable ICU 2.2
+   */
+  UnicodeString(const UnicodeString& src, int32_t srcStart, int32_t srcLength);
+  /**
+   * Clone this object, an instance of a subclass of Replaceable.
+   * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
+   * If a subclass does not implement clone(), or if an error occurs,
+   * then NULL is returned.
+   * The caller must delete the clone.
+   *
+   * @return a clone of this object
+   *
+   * @see Replaceable::clone
+   * @see getDynamicClassID
+   * @stable ICU 2.6
+   */
+  virtual UnicodeString *clone() const;
+  /** Destructor.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  virtual ~UnicodeString();
+  /**
+   * Create a UnicodeString from a UTF-8 string.
+   * Illegal input is replaced with U+FFFD. Otherwise, errors result in a bogus string.
+   * Calls u_strFromUTF8WithSub().
+   *
+   * @param utf8 UTF-8 input string.
+   *             Note that a StringPiece can be implicitly constructed
+   *             from a std::string or a NUL-terminated const char * string.
+   * @return A UnicodeString with equivalent UTF-16 contents.
+   * @see toUTF8
+   * @see toUTF8String
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  static UnicodeString fromUTF8(StringPiece utf8);
+  /**
+   * Create a UnicodeString from a UTF-32 string.
+   * Illegal input is replaced with U+FFFD. Otherwise, errors result in a bogus string.
+   * Calls u_strFromUTF32WithSub().
+   *
+   * @param utf32 UTF-32 input string. Must not be NULL.
+   * @param length Length of the input string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+   * @return A UnicodeString with equivalent UTF-16 contents.
+   * @see toUTF32
+   * @stable ICU 4.2
+   */
+  static UnicodeString fromUTF32(const UChar32 *utf32, int32_t length);
+  /* Miscellaneous operations */
+  /**
+   * Unescape a string of characters and return a string containing
+   * the result.  The following escape sequences are recognized:
+   *
+   * \\uhhhh       4 hex digits; h in [0-9A-Fa-f]
+   * \\Uhhhhhhhh   8 hex digits
+   * \\xhh         1-2 hex digits
+   * \\ooo         1-3 octal digits; o in [0-7]
+   * \\cX          control-X; X is masked with 0x1F
+   *
+   * as well as the standard ANSI C escapes:
+   *
+   * \\a => U+0007, \\b => U+0008, \\t => U+0009, \\n => U+000A,
+   * \\v => U+000B, \\f => U+000C, \\r => U+000D, \\e => U+001B,
+   * \\" => U+0022, \\' => U+0027, \\? => U+003F, \\\\ => U+005C
+   *
+   * Anything else following a backslash is generically escaped.  For
+   * example, "[a\\-z]" returns "[a-z]".
+   *
+   * If an escape sequence is ill-formed, this method returns an empty
+   * string.  An example of an ill-formed sequence is "\\u" followed by
+   * fewer than 4 hex digits.
+   *
+   * This function is similar to u_unescape() but not identical to it.
+   * The latter takes a source char*, so it does escape recognition
+   * and also invariant conversion.
+   *
+   * @return a string with backslash escapes interpreted, or an
+   * empty string on error.
+   * @see UnicodeString#unescapeAt()
+   * @see u_unescape()
+   * @see u_unescapeAt()
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UnicodeString unescape() const;
+  /**
+   * Unescape a single escape sequence and return the represented
+   * character.  See unescape() for a listing of the recognized escape
+   * sequences.  The character at offset-1 is assumed (without
+   * checking) to be a backslash.  If the escape sequence is
+   * ill-formed, or the offset is out of range, U_SENTINEL=-1 is
+   * returned.
+   *
+   * @param offset an input output parameter.  On input, it is the
+   * offset into this string where the escape sequence is located,
+   * after the initial backslash.  On output, it is advanced after the
+   * last character parsed.  On error, it is not advanced at all.
+   * @return the character represented by the escape sequence at
+   * offset, or U_SENTINEL=-1 on error.
+   * @see UnicodeString#unescape()
+   * @see u_unescape()
+   * @see u_unescapeAt()
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  UChar32 unescapeAt(int32_t &offset) const;
+  /**
+   * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+   *
+   * @stable ICU 2.2
+   */
+  static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+  /**
+   * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+   *
+   * @stable ICU 2.2
+   */
+  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+  //========================================
+  // Implementation methods
+  //========================================
+  /**
+   * Implement Replaceable::getLength() (see jitterbug 1027).
+   * @stable ICU 2.4
+   */
+  virtual int32_t getLength() const;
+  /**
+   * The change in Replaceable to use virtual getCharAt() allows
+   * UnicodeString::charAt() to be inline again (see jitterbug 709).
+   * @stable ICU 2.4
+   */
+  virtual char16_t getCharAt(int32_t offset) const;
+  /**
+   * The change in Replaceable to use virtual getChar32At() allows
+   * UnicodeString::char32At() to be inline again (see jitterbug 709).
+   * @stable ICU 2.4
+   */
+  virtual UChar32 getChar32At(int32_t offset) const;
+  // For char* constructors. Could be made public.
+  UnicodeString &setToUTF8(StringPiece utf8);
+  // For extract(char*).
+  // We could make a toUTF8(target, capacity, errorCode) public but not
+  // this version: New API will be cleaner if we make callers create substrings
+  // rather than having start+length on every method,
+  // and it should take a UErrorCode&.
+  int32_t
+  toUTF8(int32_t start, int32_t len,
+         char *target, int32_t capacity) const;
+  /**
+   * Internal string contents comparison, called by operator==.
+   * Requires: this & text not bogus and have same lengths.
+   */
+  UBool doEquals(const UnicodeString &text, int32_t len) const;
+  inline int8_t
+  doCompare(int32_t start,
+           int32_t length,
+           const UnicodeString& srcText,
+           int32_t srcStart,
+           int32_t srcLength) const;
+  int8_t doCompare(int32_t start,
+           int32_t length,
+           const char16_t *srcChars,
+           int32_t srcStart,
+           int32_t srcLength) const;
+  inline int8_t
+  doCompareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                          int32_t length,
+                          const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                          int32_t srcStart,
+                          int32_t srcLength) const;
+  int8_t doCompareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                 int32_t length,
+                                 const char16_t *srcChars,
+                                 int32_t srcStart,
+                                 int32_t srcLength) const;
+  inline int8_t
+  doCaseCompare(int32_t start,
+                int32_t length,
+                const UnicodeString &srcText,
+                int32_t srcStart,
+                int32_t srcLength,
+                uint32_t options) const;
+  int8_t
+  doCaseCompare(int32_t start,
+                int32_t length,
+                const char16_t *srcChars,
+                int32_t srcStart,
+                int32_t srcLength,
+                uint32_t options) const;
+  int32_t doIndexOf(char16_t c,
+            int32_t start,
+            int32_t length) const;
+  int32_t doIndexOf(UChar32 c,
+                        int32_t start,
+                        int32_t length) const;
+  int32_t doLastIndexOf(char16_t c,
+                int32_t start,
+                int32_t length) const;
+  int32_t doLastIndexOf(UChar32 c,
+                            int32_t start,
+                            int32_t length) const;
+  void doExtract(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         char16_t *dst,
+         int32_t dstStart) const;
+  inline void doExtract(int32_t start,
+         int32_t length,
+         UnicodeString& target) const;
+  inline char16_t doCharAt(int32_t offset)  const;
+  UnicodeString& doReplace(int32_t start,
+               int32_t length,
+               const UnicodeString& srcText,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength);
+  UnicodeString& doReplace(int32_t start,
+               int32_t length,
+               const char16_t *srcChars,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength);
+  UnicodeString& doAppend(const UnicodeString& src, int32_t srcStart, int32_t srcLength);
+  UnicodeString& doAppend(const char16_t *srcChars, int32_t srcStart, int32_t srcLength);
+  UnicodeString& doReverse(int32_t start,
+               int32_t length);
+  // calculate hash code
+  int32_t doHashCode(void) const;
+  // get pointer to start of array
+  // these do not check for kOpenGetBuffer, unlike the public getBuffer() function
+  inline char16_t* getArrayStart(void);
+  inline const char16_t* getArrayStart(void) const;
+  inline UBool hasShortLength() const;
+  inline int32_t getShortLength() const;
+  // A UnicodeString object (not necessarily its current buffer)
+  // is writable unless it isBogus() or it has an "open" getBuffer(minCapacity).
+  inline UBool isWritable() const;
+  // Is the current buffer writable?
+  inline UBool isBufferWritable() const;
+  // None of the following does releaseArray().
+  inline void setZeroLength();
+  inline void setShortLength(int32_t len);
+  inline void setLength(int32_t len);
+  inline void setToEmpty();
+  inline void setArray(char16_t *array, int32_t len, int32_t capacity); // sets length but not flags
+  // allocate the array; result may be the stack buffer
+  // sets refCount to 1 if appropriate
+  // sets fArray, fCapacity, and flags
+  // sets length to 0
+  // returns boolean for success or failure
+  UBool allocate(int32_t capacity);
+  // release the array if owned
+  void releaseArray(void);
+  // turn a bogus string into an empty one
+  void unBogus();
+  // implements assigment operator, copy constructor, and fastCopyFrom()
+  UnicodeString &copyFrom(const UnicodeString &src, UBool fastCopy=FALSE);
+  // Copies just the fields without memory management.
+  void copyFieldsFrom(UnicodeString &src, UBool setSrcToBogus) U_NOEXCEPT;
+  // Pin start and limit to acceptable values.
+  inline void pinIndex(int32_t& start) const;
+  inline void pinIndices(int32_t& start,
+                         int32_t& length) const;
+  /* Internal extract() using UConverter. */
+  int32_t doExtract(int32_t start, int32_t length,
+                    char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                    UConverter *cnv,
+                    UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+  /*
+   * Real constructor for converting from codepage data.
+   * It assumes that it is called with !fRefCounted.
+   *
+   * If `codepage==0`, then the default converter
+   * is used for the platform encoding.
+   * If `codepage` is an empty string (`""`),
+   * then a simple conversion is performed on the codepage-invariant
+   * subset ("invariant characters") of the platform encoding. See utypes.h.
+   */
+  void doCodepageCreate(const char *codepageData,
+                        int32_t dataLength,
+                        const char *codepage);
+  /*
+   * Worker function for creating a UnicodeString from
+   * a codepage string using a UConverter.
+   */
+  void
+  doCodepageCreate(const char *codepageData,
+                   int32_t dataLength,
+                   UConverter *converter,
+                   UErrorCode &status);
+  /*
+   * This function is called when write access to the array
+   * is necessary.
+   *
+   * We need to make a copy of the array if
+   * the buffer is read-only, or
+   * the buffer is refCounted (shared), and refCount>1, or
+   * the buffer is too small.
+   *
+   * Return FALSE if memory could not be allocated.
+   */
+  UBool cloneArrayIfNeeded(int32_t newCapacity = -1,
+                            int32_t growCapacity = -1,
+                            UBool doCopyArray = TRUE,
+                            int32_t **pBufferToDelete = 0,
+                            UBool forceClone = FALSE);
+  /**
+   * Common function for UnicodeString case mappings.
+   * The stringCaseMapper has the same type UStringCaseMapper
+   * as in ustr_imp.h for ustrcase_map().
+   */
+  UnicodeString &
+  caseMap(int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options,
+          BreakIterator *iter,
+          UStringCaseMapper *stringCaseMapper);
+  // ref counting
+  void addRef(void);
+  int32_t removeRef(void);
+  int32_t refCount(void) const;
+  // constants
+  enum {
+    /**
+     * Size of stack buffer for short strings.
+     * Must be at least U16_MAX_LENGTH for the single-code point constructor to work.
+     */
+    US_STACKBUF_SIZE=(int32_t)(UNISTR_OBJECT_SIZE-sizeof(void *)-2)/U_SIZEOF_UCHAR,
+    kInvalidUChar=0xffff, // U+FFFF returned by charAt(invalid index)
+    kInvalidHashCode=0, // invalid hash code
+    kEmptyHashCode=1, // hash code for empty string
+    // bit flag values for fLengthAndFlags
+    kIsBogus=1,         // this string is bogus, i.e., not valid or NULL
+    kUsingStackBuffer=2,// using fUnion.fStackFields instead of fUnion.fFields
+    kRefCounted=4,      // there is a refCount field before the characters in fArray
+    kBufferIsReadonly=8,// do not write to this buffer
+    kOpenGetBuffer=16,  // getBuffer(minCapacity) was called (is "open"),
+                        // and releaseBuffer(newLength) must be called
+    kAllStorageFlags=0x1f,
+    kLengthShift=5,     // remaining 11 bits for non-negative short length, or negative if long
+    kLength1=1<<kLengthShift,
+    kMaxShortLength=0x3ff,  // max non-negative short length (leaves top bit 0)
+    kLengthIsLarge=0xffe0,  // short length < 0, real length is in fUnion.fFields.fLength
+    // combined values for convenience
+    kShortString=kUsingStackBuffer,
+    kLongString=kRefCounted,
+    kReadonlyAlias=kBufferIsReadonly,
+    kWritableAlias=0
+  };
+  friend class UnicodeStringAppendable;
+  union StackBufferOrFields;        // forward declaration necessary before friend declaration
+  friend union StackBufferOrFields; // make US_STACKBUF_SIZE visible inside fUnion
+  /*
+   * The following are all the class fields that are stored
+   * in each UnicodeString object.
+   * Note that UnicodeString has virtual functions,
+   * therefore there is an implicit vtable pointer
+   * as the first real field.
+   * The fields should be aligned such that no padding is necessary.
+   * On 32-bit machines, the size should be 32 bytes,
+   * on 64-bit machines (8-byte pointers), it should be 40 bytes.
+   *
+   * We use a hack to achieve this.
+   *
+   * With at least some compilers, each of the following is forced to
+   * a multiple of sizeof(pointer) [the largest field base unit here is a data pointer],
+   * rounded up with additional padding if the fields do not already fit that requirement:
+   * - sizeof(class UnicodeString)
+   * - offsetof(UnicodeString, fUnion)
+   * - sizeof(fUnion)
+   * - sizeof(fStackFields)
+   *
+   * We optimize for the longest possible internal buffer for short strings.
+   * fUnion.fStackFields begins with 2 bytes for storage flags
+   * and the length of relatively short strings,
+   * followed by the buffer for short string contents.
+   * There is no padding inside fStackFields.
+   *
+   * Heap-allocated and aliased strings use fUnion.fFields.
+   * Both fStackFields and fFields must begin with the same fields for flags and short length,
+   * that is, those must have the same memory offsets inside the object,
+   * because the flags must be inspected in order to decide which half of fUnion is being used.
+   * We assume that the compiler does not reorder the fields.
+   *
+   * (Padding at the end of fFields is ok:
+   * As long as it is no larger than fStackFields, it is not wasted space.)
+   *
+   * For some of the history of the UnicodeString class fields layout, see
+   * - ICU ticket #11551 "longer UnicodeString contents in stack buffer"
+   * - ICU ticket #11336 "UnicodeString: recombine stack buffer arrays"
+   * - ICU ticket #8322 "why is sizeof(UnicodeString)==48?"
+   */
+  // (implicit) *vtable;
+  union StackBufferOrFields {
+    // fStackFields is used iff (fLengthAndFlags&kUsingStackBuffer) else fFields is used.
+    // Each struct of the union must begin with fLengthAndFlags.
+    struct {
+      int16_t fLengthAndFlags;          // bit fields: see constants above
+      char16_t fBuffer[US_STACKBUF_SIZE];  // buffer for short strings
+    } fStackFields;
+    struct {
+      int16_t fLengthAndFlags;          // bit fields: see constants above
+      int32_t fLength;    // number of characters in fArray if >127; else undefined
+      int32_t fCapacity;  // capacity of fArray (in char16_ts)
+      // array pointer last to minimize padding for machines with P128 data model
+      // or pointer sizes that are not a power of 2
+      char16_t   *fArray;    // the Unicode data
+    } fFields;
+  } fUnion;
+ * Create a new UnicodeString with the concatenation of two others.
+ *
+ * @param s1 The first string to be copied to the new one.
+ * @param s2 The second string to be copied to the new one, after s1.
+ * @return UnicodeString(s1).append(s2)
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+operator+ (const UnicodeString &s1, const UnicodeString &s2);
+// Inline members
+// Privates
+inline void
+UnicodeString::pinIndex(int32_t& start) const
+  // pin index
+  if(start < 0) {
+    start = 0;
+  } else if(start > length()) {
+    start = length();
+  }
+inline void
+UnicodeString::pinIndices(int32_t& start,
+                          int32_t& _length) const
+  // pin indices
+  int32_t len = length();
+  if(start < 0) {
+    start = 0;
+  } else if(start > len) {
+    start = len;
+  }
+  if(_length < 0) {
+    _length = 0;
+  } else if(_length > (len - start)) {
+    _length = (len - start);
+  }
+inline char16_t*
+UnicodeString::getArrayStart() {
+  return (fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&kUsingStackBuffer) ?
+    fUnion.fStackFields.fBuffer : fUnion.fFields.fArray;
+inline const char16_t*
+UnicodeString::getArrayStart() const {
+  return (fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&kUsingStackBuffer) ?
+    fUnion.fStackFields.fBuffer : fUnion.fFields.fArray;
+// Default constructor
+UnicodeString::UnicodeString() {
+  fUnion.fStackFields.fLengthAndFlags=kShortString;
+inline UnicodeString::UnicodeString(const std::nullptr_t /*text*/) {
+  fUnion.fStackFields.fLengthAndFlags=kShortString;
+inline UnicodeString::UnicodeString(const std::nullptr_t /*text*/, int32_t /*length*/) {
+  fUnion.fStackFields.fLengthAndFlags=kShortString;
+inline UnicodeString::UnicodeString(std::nullptr_t /*buffer*/, int32_t /*buffLength*/, int32_t /*buffCapacity*/) {
+  fUnion.fStackFields.fLengthAndFlags=kShortString;
+// Read-only implementation methods
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::hasShortLength() const {
+  return fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags>=0;
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::getShortLength() const {
+  // fLengthAndFlags must be non-negative -> short length >= 0
+  // and arithmetic or logical shift does not matter.
+  return fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags>>kLengthShift;
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::length() const {
+  return hasShortLength() ? getShortLength() : fUnion.fFields.fLength;
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::getCapacity() const {
+  return (fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&kUsingStackBuffer) ?
+    US_STACKBUF_SIZE : fUnion.fFields.fCapacity;
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::hashCode() const
+{ return doHashCode(); }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::isBogus() const
+{ return (UBool)(fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags & kIsBogus); }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::isWritable() const
+{ return (UBool)!(fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&(kOpenGetBuffer|kIsBogus)); }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::isBufferWritable() const
+  return (UBool)(
+      !(fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&(kOpenGetBuffer|kIsBogus|kBufferIsReadonly)) &&
+      (!(fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&kRefCounted) || refCount()==1));
+inline const char16_t *
+UnicodeString::getBuffer() const {
+  if(fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&(kIsBogus|kOpenGetBuffer)) {
+    return nullptr;
+  } else if(fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags&kUsingStackBuffer) {
+    return fUnion.fStackFields.fBuffer;
+  } else {
+    return fUnion.fFields.fArray;
+  }
+// Read-only alias methods
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::doCompare(int32_t start,
+              int32_t thisLength,
+              const UnicodeString& srcText,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength) const
+  if(srcText.isBogus()) {
+    return (int8_t)!isBogus(); // 0 if both are bogus, 1 otherwise
+  } else {
+    srcText.pinIndices(srcStart, srcLength);
+    return doCompare(start, thisLength, srcText.getArrayStart(), srcStart, srcLength);
+  }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::operator== (const UnicodeString& text) const
+  if(isBogus()) {
+    return text.isBogus();
+  } else {
+    int32_t len = length(), textLength = text.length();
+    return !text.isBogus() && len == textLength && doEquals(text, len);
+  }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::operator!= (const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return (! operator==(text)); }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::operator> (const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return doCompare(0, length(), text, 0, text.length()) == 1; }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::operator< (const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return doCompare(0, length(), text, 0, text.length()) == -1; }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::operator>= (const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return doCompare(0, length(), text, 0, text.length()) != -1; }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::operator<= (const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return doCompare(0, length(), text, 0, text.length()) != 1; }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compare(const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return doCompare(0, length(), text, 0, text.length()); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compare(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               const UnicodeString& srcText) const
+{ return doCompare(start, _length, srcText, 0, srcText.length()); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compare(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+               int32_t srcLength) const
+{ return doCompare(0, length(), srcChars, 0, srcLength); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compare(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               const UnicodeString& srcText,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength) const
+{ return doCompare(start, _length, srcText, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compare(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               const char16_t *srcChars) const
+{ return doCompare(start, _length, srcChars, 0, _length); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compare(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               const char16_t *srcChars,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength) const
+{ return doCompare(start, _length, srcChars, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareBetween(int32_t start,
+                  int32_t limit,
+                  const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                  int32_t srcStart,
+                  int32_t srcLimit) const
+{ return doCompare(start, limit - start,
+           srcText, srcStart, srcLimit - srcStart); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::doCompareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                       int32_t thisLength,
+                                       const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                                       int32_t srcStart,
+                                       int32_t srcLength) const
+  if(srcText.isBogus()) {
+    return (int8_t)!isBogus(); // 0 if both are bogus, 1 otherwise
+  } else {
+    srcText.pinIndices(srcStart, srcLength);
+    return doCompareCodePointOrder(start, thisLength, srcText.getArrayStart(), srcStart, srcLength);
+  }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder(const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return doCompareCodePointOrder(0, length(), text, 0, text.length()); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                     int32_t _length,
+                                     const UnicodeString& srcText) const
+{ return doCompareCodePointOrder(start, _length, srcText, 0, srcText.length()); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+                                     int32_t srcLength) const
+{ return doCompareCodePointOrder(0, length(), srcChars, 0, srcLength); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                     int32_t _length,
+                                     const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                                     int32_t srcStart,
+                                     int32_t srcLength) const
+{ return doCompareCodePointOrder(start, _length, srcText, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                     int32_t _length,
+                                     const char16_t *srcChars) const
+{ return doCompareCodePointOrder(start, _length, srcChars, 0, _length); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder(int32_t start,
+                                     int32_t _length,
+                                     const char16_t *srcChars,
+                                     int32_t srcStart,
+                                     int32_t srcLength) const
+{ return doCompareCodePointOrder(start, _length, srcChars, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrderBetween(int32_t start,
+                                            int32_t limit,
+                                            const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                                            int32_t srcStart,
+                                            int32_t srcLimit) const
+{ return doCompareCodePointOrder(start, limit - start,
+           srcText, srcStart, srcLimit - srcStart); }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::doCaseCompare(int32_t start,
+                             int32_t thisLength,
+                             const UnicodeString &srcText,
+                             int32_t srcStart,
+                             int32_t srcLength,
+                             uint32_t options) const
+  if(srcText.isBogus()) {
+    return (int8_t)!isBogus(); // 0 if both are bogus, 1 otherwise
+  } else {
+    srcText.pinIndices(srcStart, srcLength);
+    return doCaseCompare(start, thisLength, srcText.getArrayStart(), srcStart, srcLength, options);
+  }
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::caseCompare(const UnicodeString &text, uint32_t options) const {
+  return doCaseCompare(0, length(), text, 0, text.length(), options);
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::caseCompare(int32_t start,
+                           int32_t _length,
+                           const UnicodeString &srcText,
+                           uint32_t options) const {
+  return doCaseCompare(start, _length, srcText, 0, srcText.length(), options);
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::caseCompare(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+                           int32_t srcLength,
+                           uint32_t options) const {
+  return doCaseCompare(0, length(), srcChars, 0, srcLength, options);
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::caseCompare(int32_t start,
+                           int32_t _length,
+                           const UnicodeString &srcText,
+                           int32_t srcStart,
+                           int32_t srcLength,
+                           uint32_t options) const {
+  return doCaseCompare(start, _length, srcText, srcStart, srcLength, options);
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::caseCompare(int32_t start,
+                           int32_t _length,
+                           const char16_t *srcChars,
+                           uint32_t options) const {
+  return doCaseCompare(start, _length, srcChars, 0, _length, options);
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::caseCompare(int32_t start,
+                           int32_t _length,
+                           const char16_t *srcChars,
+                           int32_t srcStart,
+                           int32_t srcLength,
+                           uint32_t options) const {
+  return doCaseCompare(start, _length, srcChars, srcStart, srcLength, options);
+inline int8_t
+UnicodeString::caseCompareBetween(int32_t start,
+                                  int32_t limit,
+                                  const UnicodeString &srcText,
+                                  int32_t srcStart,
+                                  int32_t srcLimit,
+                                  uint32_t options) const {
+  return doCaseCompare(start, limit - start, srcText, srcStart, srcLimit - srcStart, options);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+  if(!srcText.isBogus()) {
+    srcText.pinIndices(srcStart, srcLength);
+    if(srcLength > 0) {
+      return indexOf(srcText.getArrayStart(), srcStart, srcLength, start, _length);
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return indexOf(text, 0, text.length(), 0, length()); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return indexOf(text, 0, text.length(), start, length() - start);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+{ return indexOf(text, 0, text.length(), start, _length); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(const char16_t *srcChars,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return indexOf(srcChars, 0, srcLength, start, length() - start);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+{ return indexOf(srcChars, 0, srcLength, start, _length); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(char16_t c,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+{ return doIndexOf(c, start, _length); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(UChar32 c,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+{ return doIndexOf(c, start, _length); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(char16_t c) const
+{ return doIndexOf(c, 0, length()); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(UChar32 c) const
+{ return indexOf(c, 0, length()); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(char16_t c,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return doIndexOf(c, start, length() - start);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::indexOf(UChar32 c,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return indexOf(c, start, length() - start);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+{ return lastIndexOf(srcChars, 0, srcLength, start, _length); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(const char16_t *srcChars,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return lastIndexOf(srcChars, 0, srcLength, start, length() - start);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+  if(!srcText.isBogus()) {
+    srcText.pinIndices(srcStart, srcLength);
+    if(srcLength > 0) {
+      return lastIndexOf(srcText.getArrayStart(), srcStart, srcLength, start, _length);
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+{ return lastIndexOf(text, 0, text.length(), start, _length); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return lastIndexOf(text, 0, text.length(), start, length() - start);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return lastIndexOf(text, 0, text.length(), 0, length()); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(char16_t c,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const
+{ return doLastIndexOf(c, start, _length); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(UChar32 c,
+               int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length) const {
+  return doLastIndexOf(c, start, _length);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(char16_t c) const
+{ return doLastIndexOf(c, 0, length()); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(UChar32 c) const {
+  return lastIndexOf(c, 0, length());
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(char16_t c,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return doLastIndexOf(c, start, length() - start);
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(UChar32 c,
+               int32_t start) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  return lastIndexOf(c, start, length() - start);
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::startsWith(const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return compare(0, text.length(), text, 0, text.length()) == 0; }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::startsWith(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength) const
+{ return doCompare(0, srcLength, srcText, srcStart, srcLength) == 0; }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::startsWith(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars, int32_t srcLength) const {
+  if(srcLength < 0) {
+    srcLength = u_strlen(toUCharPtr(srcChars));
+  }
+  return doCompare(0, srcLength, srcChars, 0, srcLength) == 0;
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::startsWith(const char16_t *srcChars, int32_t srcStart, int32_t srcLength) const {
+  if(srcLength < 0) {
+    srcLength = u_strlen(toUCharPtr(srcChars));
+  }
+  return doCompare(0, srcLength, srcChars, srcStart, srcLength) == 0;
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::endsWith(const UnicodeString& text) const
+{ return doCompare(length() - text.length(), text.length(),
+           text, 0, text.length()) == 0; }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::endsWith(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength) const {
+  srcText.pinIndices(srcStart, srcLength);
+  return doCompare(length() - srcLength, srcLength,
+                   srcText, srcStart, srcLength) == 0;
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::endsWith(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+            int32_t srcLength) const {
+  if(srcLength < 0) {
+    srcLength = u_strlen(toUCharPtr(srcChars));
+  }
+  return doCompare(length() - srcLength, srcLength,
+                   srcChars, 0, srcLength) == 0;
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::endsWith(const char16_t *srcChars,
+            int32_t srcStart,
+            int32_t srcLength) const {
+  if(srcLength < 0) {
+    srcLength = u_strlen(toUCharPtr(srcChars + srcStart));
+  }
+  return doCompare(length() - srcLength, srcLength,
+                   srcChars, srcStart, srcLength) == 0;
+// replace
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::replace(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               const UnicodeString& srcText)
+{ return doReplace(start, _length, srcText, 0, srcText.length()); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::replace(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               const UnicodeString& srcText,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doReplace(start, _length, srcText, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::replace(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+               int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doReplace(start, _length, srcChars, 0, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::replace(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               const char16_t *srcChars,
+               int32_t srcStart,
+               int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doReplace(start, _length, srcChars, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::replace(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               char16_t srcChar)
+{ return doReplace(start, _length, &srcChar, 0, 1); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::replaceBetween(int32_t start,
+                  int32_t limit,
+                  const UnicodeString& srcText)
+{ return doReplace(start, limit - start, srcText, 0, srcText.length()); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::replaceBetween(int32_t start,
+                  int32_t limit,
+                  const UnicodeString& srcText,
+                  int32_t srcStart,
+                  int32_t srcLimit)
+{ return doReplace(start, limit - start, srcText, srcStart, srcLimit - srcStart); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::findAndReplace(const UnicodeString& oldText,
+                  const UnicodeString& newText)
+{ return findAndReplace(0, length(), oldText, 0, oldText.length(),
+            newText, 0, newText.length()); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::findAndReplace(int32_t start,
+                  int32_t _length,
+                  const UnicodeString& oldText,
+                  const UnicodeString& newText)
+{ return findAndReplace(start, _length, oldText, 0, oldText.length(),
+            newText, 0, newText.length()); }
+// ============================
+// extract
+// ============================
+inline void
+UnicodeString::doExtract(int32_t start,
+             int32_t _length,
+             UnicodeString& target) const
+{ target.replace(0, target.length(), *this, start, _length); }
+inline void
+UnicodeString::extract(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               Char16Ptr target,
+               int32_t targetStart) const
+{ doExtract(start, _length, target, targetStart); }
+inline void
+UnicodeString::extract(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               UnicodeString& target) const
+{ doExtract(start, _length, target); }
+inline int32_t
+UnicodeString::extract(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length,
+               char *dst,
+               const char *codepage) const
+  // This dstSize value will be checked explicitly
+  return extract(start, _length, dst, dst!=0 ? 0xffffffff : 0, codepage);
+inline void
+UnicodeString::extractBetween(int32_t start,
+                  int32_t limit,
+                  char16_t *dst,
+                  int32_t dstStart) const {
+  pinIndex(start);
+  pinIndex(limit);
+  doExtract(start, limit - start, dst, dstStart);
+inline UnicodeString
+UnicodeString::tempSubStringBetween(int32_t start, int32_t limit) const {
+    return tempSubString(start, limit - start);
+inline char16_t
+UnicodeString::doCharAt(int32_t offset) const
+  if((uint32_t)offset < (uint32_t)length()) {
+    return getArrayStart()[offset];
+  } else {
+    return kInvalidUChar;
+  }
+inline char16_t
+UnicodeString::charAt(int32_t offset) const
+{ return doCharAt(offset); }
+inline char16_t
+UnicodeString::operator[] (int32_t offset) const
+{ return doCharAt(offset); }
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::isEmpty() const {
+  // Arithmetic or logical right shift does not matter: only testing for 0.
+  return (fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags>>kLengthShift) == 0;
+// Write implementation methods
+inline void
+UnicodeString::setZeroLength() {
+  fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags &= kAllStorageFlags;
+inline void
+UnicodeString::setShortLength(int32_t len) {
+  // requires 0 <= len <= kMaxShortLength
+  fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags =
+    (int16_t)((fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags & kAllStorageFlags) | (len << kLengthShift));
+inline void
+UnicodeString::setLength(int32_t len) {
+  if(len <= kMaxShortLength) {
+    setShortLength(len);
+  } else {
+    fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags |= kLengthIsLarge;
+    fUnion.fFields.fLength = len;
+  }
+inline void
+UnicodeString::setToEmpty() {
+  fUnion.fFields.fLengthAndFlags = kShortString;
+inline void
+UnicodeString::setArray(char16_t *array, int32_t len, int32_t capacity) {
+  setLength(len);
+  fUnion.fFields.fArray = array;
+  fUnion.fFields.fCapacity = capacity;
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::operator= (char16_t ch)
+{ return doReplace(0, length(), &ch, 0, 1); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::operator= (UChar32 ch)
+{ return replace(0, length(), ch); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::setTo(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+             int32_t srcStart,
+             int32_t srcLength)
+  unBogus();
+  return doReplace(0, length(), srcText, srcStart, srcLength);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::setTo(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+             int32_t srcStart)
+  unBogus();
+  srcText.pinIndex(srcStart);
+  return doReplace(0, length(), srcText, srcStart, srcText.length() - srcStart);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::setTo(const UnicodeString& srcText)
+  return copyFrom(srcText);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::setTo(const char16_t *srcChars,
+             int32_t srcLength)
+  unBogus();
+  return doReplace(0, length(), srcChars, 0, srcLength);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::setTo(char16_t srcChar)
+  unBogus();
+  return doReplace(0, length(), &srcChar, 0, 1);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::setTo(UChar32 srcChar)
+  unBogus();
+  return replace(0, length(), srcChar);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::append(const UnicodeString& srcText,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doAppend(srcText, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::append(const UnicodeString& srcText)
+{ return doAppend(srcText, 0, srcText.length()); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::append(const char16_t *srcChars,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doAppend(srcChars, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::append(ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+              int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doAppend(srcChars, 0, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::append(char16_t srcChar)
+{ return doAppend(&srcChar, 0, 1); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::operator+= (char16_t ch)
+{ return doAppend(&ch, 0, 1); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::operator+= (UChar32 ch) {
+  return append(ch);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::operator+= (const UnicodeString& srcText)
+{ return doAppend(srcText, 0, srcText.length()); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::insert(int32_t start,
+              const UnicodeString& srcText,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doReplace(start, 0, srcText, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::insert(int32_t start,
+              const UnicodeString& srcText)
+{ return doReplace(start, 0, srcText, 0, srcText.length()); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::insert(int32_t start,
+              const char16_t *srcChars,
+              int32_t srcStart,
+              int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doReplace(start, 0, srcChars, srcStart, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::insert(int32_t start,
+              ConstChar16Ptr srcChars,
+              int32_t srcLength)
+{ return doReplace(start, 0, srcChars, 0, srcLength); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::insert(int32_t start,
+              char16_t srcChar)
+{ return doReplace(start, 0, &srcChar, 0, 1); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::insert(int32_t start,
+              UChar32 srcChar)
+{ return replace(start, 0, srcChar); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+  // remove() of a bogus string makes the string empty and non-bogus
+  if(isBogus()) {
+    setToEmpty();
+  } else {
+    setZeroLength();
+  }
+  return *this;
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::remove(int32_t start,
+             int32_t _length)
+    if(start <= 0 && _length == INT32_MAX) {
+        // remove(guaranteed everything) of a bogus string makes the string empty and non-bogus
+        return remove();
+    }
+    return doReplace(start, _length, NULL, 0, 0);
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::removeBetween(int32_t start,
+                int32_t limit)
+{ return doReplace(start, limit - start, NULL, 0, 0); }
+inline UnicodeString &
+UnicodeString::retainBetween(int32_t start, int32_t limit) {
+  truncate(limit);
+  return doReplace(0, start, NULL, 0, 0);
+inline UBool
+UnicodeString::truncate(int32_t targetLength)
+  if(isBogus() && targetLength == 0) {
+    // truncate(0) of a bogus string makes the string empty and non-bogus
+    unBogus();
+    return FALSE;
+  } else if((uint32_t)targetLength < (uint32_t)length()) {
+    setLength(targetLength);
+    return TRUE;
+  } else {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+inline UnicodeString&
+{ return doReverse(0, length()); }
+inline UnicodeString&
+UnicodeString::reverse(int32_t start,
+               int32_t _length)
+{ return doReverse(start, _length); }
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unorm.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unorm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09dd366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unorm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 1996-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
+*               and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File unorm.h
+* Created by: Vladimir Weinstein 12052000
+* Modification history :
+* Date        Name        Description
+* 02/01/01    synwee      Added normalization quickcheck enum and method.
+#ifndef UNORM_H
+#define UNORM_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uiter.h"
+#include "unicode/unorm2.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode Normalization
+ *
+ * Old Unicode normalization API.
+ *
+ * This API has been replaced by the unorm2.h API and is only available
+ * for backward compatibility. The functions here simply delegate to the
+ * unorm2.h functions, for example unorm2_getInstance() and unorm2_normalize().
+ * There is one exception: The new API does not provide a replacement for unorm_compare().
+ * Its declaration has been moved to unorm2.h.
+ *
+ * <code>unorm_normalize</code> transforms Unicode text into an equivalent composed or
+ * decomposed form, allowing for easier sorting and searching of text.
+ * <code>unorm_normalize</code> supports the standard normalization forms described in
+ * <a href="" target="unicode">
+ * Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms</a>.
+ *
+ * Characters with accents or other adornments can be encoded in
+ * several different ways in Unicode.  For example, take the character A-acute.
+ * In Unicode, this can be encoded as a single character (the
+ * "composed" form):
+ *
+ * \code
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * or as two separate characters (the "decomposed" form):
+ *
+ * \code
+ *      0041    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * To a user of your program, however, both of these sequences should be
+ * treated as the same "user-level" character "A with acute accent".  When you are searching or
+ * comparing text, you must ensure that these two sequences are treated
+ * equivalently.  In addition, you must handle characters with more than one
+ * accent.  Sometimes the order of a character's combining accents is
+ * significant, while in other cases accent sequences in different orders are
+ * really equivalent.
+ *
+ * Similarly, the string "ffi" can be encoded as three separate letters:
+ *
+ * \code
+ *      0066    LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+ *      0066    LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+ *      0069    LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * or as the single character
+ *
+ * \code
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The ffi ligature is not a distinct semantic character, and strictly speaking
+ * it shouldn't be in Unicode at all, but it was included for compatibility
+ * with existing character sets that already provided it.  The Unicode standard
+ * identifies such characters by giving them "compatibility" decompositions
+ * into the corresponding semantic characters.  When sorting and searching, you
+ * will often want to use these mappings.
+ *
+ * <code>unorm_normalize</code> helps solve these problems by transforming text into the
+ * canonical composed and decomposed forms as shown in the first example above.
+ * In addition, you can have it perform compatibility decompositions so that
+ * you can treat compatibility characters the same as their equivalents.
+ * Finally, <code>unorm_normalize</code> rearranges accents into the proper canonical
+ * order, so that you do not have to worry about accent rearrangement on your
+ * own.
+ *
+ * Form FCD, "Fast C or D", is also designed for collation.
+ * It allows to work on strings that are not necessarily normalized
+ * with an algorithm (like in collation) that works under "canonical closure", i.e., it treats precomposed
+ * characters and their decomposed equivalents the same.
+ *
+ * It is not a normalization form because it does not provide for uniqueness of representation. Multiple strings
+ * may be canonically equivalent (their NFDs are identical) and may all conform to FCD without being identical
+ * themselves.
+ *
+ * The form is defined such that the "raw decomposition", the recursive canonical decomposition of each character,
+ * results in a string that is canonically ordered. This means that precomposed characters are allowed for as long
+ * as their decompositions do not need canonical reordering.
+ *
+ * Its advantage for a process like collation is that all NFD and most NFC texts - and many unnormalized texts -
+ * already conform to FCD and do not need to be normalized (NFD) for such a process. The FCD quick check will
+ * return UNORM_YES for most strings in practice.
+ *
+ * unorm_normalize(UNORM_FCD) may be implemented with UNORM_NFD.
+ *
+ * For more details on FCD see the collation design document:
+ *
+ *
+ * ICU collation performs either NFD or FCD normalization automatically if normalization
+ * is turned on for the collator object.
+ * Beyond collation and string search, normalized strings may be useful for string equivalence comparisons,
+ * transliteration/transcription, unique representations, etc.
+ *
+ * The W3C generally recommends to exchange texts in NFC.
+ * Note also that most legacy character encodings use only precomposed forms and often do not
+ * encode any combining marks by themselves. For conversion to such character encodings the
+ * Unicode text needs to be normalized to NFC.
+ * For more usage examples, see the Unicode Standard Annex.
+ */
+// Do not conditionalize the following enum with #ifndef U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API,
+// it is needed for layout of Normalizer object.
+ * Constants for normalization modes.
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  /** No decomposition/composition. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+  UNORM_NONE = 1,
+  /** Canonical decomposition. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+  UNORM_NFD = 2,
+  /** Compatibility decomposition. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+  UNORM_NFKD = 3,
+  /** Canonical decomposition followed by canonical composition. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+  UNORM_NFC = 4,
+  /** Default normalization. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+  /** Compatibility decomposition followed by canonical composition. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+  /** "Fast C or D" form. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+  UNORM_FCD = 6,
+  /** One more than the highest normalization mode constant. @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead. */
+} UNormalizationMode;
+ * Constants for options flags for normalization.
+ * Use 0 for default options,
+ * including normalization according to the Unicode version
+ * that is currently supported by ICU (see u_getUnicodeVersion).
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Options bit set value to select Unicode 3.2 normalization
+     * (except NormalizationCorrections).
+     * At most one Unicode version can be selected at a time.
+     * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+     */
+    UNORM_UNICODE_3_2=0x20
+ * Lowest-order bit number of unorm_compare() options bits corresponding to
+ * normalization options bits.
+ *
+ * The options parameter for unorm_compare() uses most bits for
+ * itself and for various comparison and folding flags.
+ * The most significant bits, however, are shifted down and passed on
+ * to the normalization implementation.
+ * (That is, from unorm_compare(..., options, ...),
+ * options>>UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT will be passed on to the
+ * internal normalization functions.)
+ *
+ * @see unorm_compare
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+ * Normalize a string.
+ * The string will be normalized according the specified normalization mode
+ * and options.
+ * The source and result buffers must not be the same, nor overlap.
+ *
+ * @param source The string to normalize.
+ * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param mode The normalization mode; one of UNORM_NONE,
+ * @param options The normalization options, ORed together (0 for no options).
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the result string.
+ *               The result string is NUL-terminated if possible.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength,
+ *         the output was truncated, and the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+unorm_normalize(const UChar *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+                UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+                UChar *result, int32_t resultLength,
+                UErrorCode *status);
+ * Performing quick check on a string, to quickly determine if the string is
+ * in a particular normalization format.
+ * Three types of result can be returned UNORM_YES, UNORM_NO or
+ * UNORM_MAYBE. Result UNORM_YES indicates that the argument
+ * string is in the desired normalized format, UNORM_NO determines that
+ * argument string is not in the desired normalized format. A
+ * UNORM_MAYBE result indicates that a more thorough check is required,
+ * the user may have to put the string in its normalized form and compare the
+ * results.
+ *
+ * @param source       string for determining if it is in a normalized format
+ * @param sourcelength length of source to test, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param mode         which normalization form to test for
+ * @param status       a pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ *
+ * @see unorm_isNormalized
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+U_DEPRECATED UNormalizationCheckResult U_EXPORT2
+unorm_quickCheck(const UChar *source, int32_t sourcelength,
+                 UNormalizationMode mode,
+                 UErrorCode *status);
+ * Performing quick check on a string; same as unorm_quickCheck but
+ * takes an extra options parameter like most normalization functions.
+ *
+ * @param src        String that is to be tested if it is in a normalization format.
+ * @param srcLength  Length of source to test, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param mode       Which normalization form to test for.
+ * @param options    The normalization options, ORed together (0 for no options).
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ *
+ * @see unorm_quickCheck
+ * @see unorm_isNormalized
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+U_DEPRECATED UNormalizationCheckResult U_EXPORT2
+unorm_quickCheckWithOptions(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                            UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+                            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Test if a string is in a given normalization form.
+ * This is semantically equivalent to source.equals(normalize(source, mode)) .
+ *
+ * Unlike unorm_quickCheck(), this function returns a definitive result,
+ * never a "maybe".
+ * For NFD, NFKD, and FCD, both functions work exactly the same.
+ * For NFC and NFKC where quickCheck may return "maybe", this function will
+ * perform further tests to arrive at a TRUE/FALSE result.
+ *
+ * @param src        String that is to be tested if it is in a normalization format.
+ * @param srcLength  Length of source to test, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param mode       Which normalization form to test for.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Boolean value indicating whether the source string is in the
+ *         "mode" normalization form.
+ *
+ * @see unorm_quickCheck
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+unorm_isNormalized(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                   UNormalizationMode mode,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Test if a string is in a given normalization form; same as unorm_isNormalized but
+ * takes an extra options parameter like most normalization functions.
+ *
+ * @param src        String that is to be tested if it is in a normalization format.
+ * @param srcLength  Length of source to test, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param mode       Which normalization form to test for.
+ * @param options    The normalization options, ORed together (0 for no options).
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Boolean value indicating whether the source string is in the
+ *         "mode/options" normalization form.
+ *
+ * @see unorm_quickCheck
+ * @see unorm_isNormalized
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+unorm_isNormalizedWithOptions(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+                              UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+                              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Iterative normalization forward.
+ * This function (together with unorm_previous) is somewhat
+ * similar to the C++ Normalizer class (see its non-static functions).
+ *
+ * Iterative normalization is useful when only a small portion of a longer
+ * string/text needs to be processed.
+ *
+ * For example, the likelihood may be high that processing the first 10% of some
+ * text will be sufficient to find certain data.
+ * Another example: When one wants to concatenate two normalized strings and get a
+ * normalized result, it is much more efficient to normalize just a small part of
+ * the result around the concatenation place instead of re-normalizing everything.
+ *
+ * The input text is an instance of the C character iteration API UCharIterator.
+ * It may wrap around a simple string, a CharacterIterator, a Replaceable, or any
+ * other kind of text object.
+ *
+ * If a buffer overflow occurs, then the caller needs to reset the iterator to the
+ * old index and call the function again with a larger buffer - if the caller cares
+ * for the actual output.
+ * Regardless of the output buffer, the iterator will always be moved to the next
+ * normalization boundary.
+ *
+ * This function (like unorm_previous) serves two purposes:
+ *
+ * 1) To find the next boundary so that the normalization of the part of the text
+ * from the current position to that boundary does not affect and is not affected
+ * by the part of the text beyond that boundary.
+ *
+ * 2) To normalize the text up to the boundary.
+ *
+ * The second step is optional, per the doNormalize parameter.
+ * It is omitted for operations like string concatenation, where the two adjacent
+ * string ends need to be normalized together.
+ * In such a case, the output buffer will just contain a copy of the text up to the
+ * boundary.
+ *
+ * pNeededToNormalize is an output-only parameter. Its output value is only defined
+ * if normalization was requested (doNormalize) and successful (especially, no
+ * buffer overflow).
+ * It is useful for operations like a normalizing transliterator, where one would
+ * not want to replace a piece of text if it is not modified.
+ *
+ * If doNormalize==TRUE and pNeededToNormalize!=NULL then *pNeeded... is set TRUE
+ * if the normalization was necessary.
+ *
+ * If doNormalize==FALSE then *pNeededToNormalize will be set to FALSE.
+ *
+ * If the buffer overflows, then *pNeededToNormalize will be undefined;
+ * essentially, whenever U_FAILURE is true (like in buffer overflows), this result
+ * will be undefined.
+ *
+ * @param src The input text in the form of a C character iterator.
+ * @param dest The output buffer; can be NULL if destCapacity==0 for pure preflighting.
+ * @param destCapacity The number of UChars that fit into dest.
+ * @param mode The normalization mode.
+ * @param options The normalization options, ORed together (0 for no options).
+ * @param doNormalize Indicates if the source text up to the next boundary
+ *                    is to be normalized (TRUE) or just copied (FALSE).
+ * @param pNeededToNormalize Output flag indicating if the normalization resulted in
+ *                           different text from the input.
+ *                           Not defined if an error occurs including buffer overflow.
+ *                           Always FALSE if !doNormalize.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Length of output (number of UChars) when successful or buffer overflow.
+ *
+ * @see unorm_previous
+ * @see unorm_normalize
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+unorm_next(UCharIterator *src,
+           UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+           UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+           UBool doNormalize, UBool *pNeededToNormalize,
+           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Iterative normalization backward.
+ * This function (together with unorm_next) is somewhat
+ * similar to the C++ Normalizer class (see its non-static functions).
+ * For all details see unorm_next.
+ *
+ * @param src The input text in the form of a C character iterator.
+ * @param dest The output buffer; can be NULL if destCapacity==0 for pure preflighting.
+ * @param destCapacity The number of UChars that fit into dest.
+ * @param mode The normalization mode.
+ * @param options The normalization options, ORed together (0 for no options).
+ * @param doNormalize Indicates if the source text up to the next boundary
+ *                    is to be normalized (TRUE) or just copied (FALSE).
+ * @param pNeededToNormalize Output flag indicating if the normalization resulted in
+ *                           different text from the input.
+ *                           Not defined if an error occurs including buffer overflow.
+ *                           Always FALSE if !doNormalize.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Length of output (number of UChars) when successful or buffer overflow.
+ *
+ * @see unorm_next
+ * @see unorm_normalize
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+unorm_previous(UCharIterator *src,
+               UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+               UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+               UBool doNormalize, UBool *pNeededToNormalize,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Concatenate normalized strings, making sure that the result is normalized as well.
+ *
+ * If both the left and the right strings are in
+ * the normalization form according to "mode/options",
+ * then the result will be
+ *
+ * \code
+ *     dest=normalize(left+right, mode, options)
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * With the input strings already being normalized,
+ * this function will use unorm_next() and unorm_previous()
+ * to find the adjacent end pieces of the input strings.
+ * Only the concatenation of these end pieces will be normalized and
+ * then concatenated with the remaining parts of the input strings.
+ *
+ * It is allowed to have dest==left to avoid copying the entire left string.
+ *
+ * @param left Left source string, may be same as dest.
+ * @param leftLength Length of left source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param right Right source string. Must not be the same as dest, nor overlap.
+ * @param rightLength Length of right source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ * @param dest The output buffer; can be NULL if destCapacity==0 for pure preflighting.
+ * @param destCapacity The number of UChars that fit into dest.
+ * @param mode The normalization mode.
+ * @param options The normalization options, ORed together (0 for no options).
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Length of output (number of UChars) when successful or buffer overflow.
+ *
+ * @see unorm_normalize
+ * @see unorm_next
+ * @see unorm_previous
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
+ */
+unorm_concatenate(const UChar *left, int32_t leftLength,
+                  const UChar *right, int32_t rightLength,
+                  UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                  UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
+                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unorm2.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unorm2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d18d039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unorm2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  unorm2.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2009dec15
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UNORM2_H__
+#define __UNORM2_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: New API for Unicode Normalization.
+ *
+ * Unicode normalization functionality for standard Unicode normalization or
+ * for using custom mapping tables.
+ * All instances of UNormalizer2 are unmodifiable/immutable.
+ * Instances returned by unorm2_getInstance() are singletons that must not be deleted by the caller.
+ * For more details see the Normalizer2 C++ class.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/stringoptions.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * Constants for normalization modes.
+ * For details about standard Unicode normalization forms
+ * and about the algorithms which are also used with custom mapping tables
+ * see
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /**
+     * Decomposition followed by composition.
+     * Same as standard NFC when using an "nfc" instance.
+     * Same as standard NFKC when using an "nfkc" instance.
+     * For details about standard Unicode normalization forms
+     * see
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Map, and reorder canonically.
+     * Same as standard NFD when using an "nfc" instance.
+     * Same as standard NFKD when using an "nfkc" instance.
+     * For details about standard Unicode normalization forms
+     * see
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * "Fast C or D" form.
+     * If a string is in this form, then further decomposition <i>without reordering</i>
+     * would yield the same form as DECOMPOSE.
+     * Text in "Fast C or D" form can be processed efficiently with data tables
+     * that are "canonically closed", that is, that provide equivalent data for
+     * equivalent text, without having to be fully normalized.
+     * Not a standard Unicode normalization form.
+     * Not a unique form: Different FCD strings can be canonically equivalent.
+     * For details see
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    UNORM2_FCD,
+    /**
+     * Compose only contiguously.
+     * Also known as "FCC" or "Fast C Contiguous".
+     * The result will often but not always be in NFC.
+     * The result will conform to FCD which is useful for processing.
+     * Not a standard Unicode normalization form.
+     * For details see
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+} UNormalization2Mode;
+ * Result values for normalization quick check functions.
+ * For details see
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UNormalizationCheckResult {
+  /**
+   * The input string is not in the normalization form.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * The input string is in the normalization form.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * The input string may or may not be in the normalization form.
+   * This value is only returned for composition forms like NFC and FCC,
+   * when a backward-combining character is found for which the surrounding text
+   * would have to be analyzed further.
+   * @stable ICU 2.0
+   */
+} UNormalizationCheckResult;
+ * Opaque C service object type for the new normalization API.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+struct UNormalizer2;
+typedef struct UNormalizer2 UNormalizer2;  /**< C typedef for struct UNormalizer2. @stable ICU 4.4 */
+ * Returns a UNormalizer2 instance for Unicode NFC normalization.
+ * Same as unorm2_getInstance(NULL, "nfc", UNORM2_COMPOSE, pErrorCode).
+ * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+U_STABLE const UNormalizer2 * U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_getNFCInstance(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns a UNormalizer2 instance for Unicode NFD normalization.
+ * Same as unorm2_getInstance(NULL, "nfc", UNORM2_DECOMPOSE, pErrorCode).
+ * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+U_STABLE const UNormalizer2 * U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_getNFDInstance(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns a UNormalizer2 instance for Unicode NFKC normalization.
+ * Same as unorm2_getInstance(NULL, "nfkc", UNORM2_COMPOSE, pErrorCode).
+ * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+U_STABLE const UNormalizer2 * U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_getNFKCInstance(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns a UNormalizer2 instance for Unicode NFKD normalization.
+ * Same as unorm2_getInstance(NULL, "nfkc", UNORM2_DECOMPOSE, pErrorCode).
+ * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+U_STABLE const UNormalizer2 * U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_getNFKDInstance(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns a UNormalizer2 instance for Unicode NFKC_Casefold normalization.
+ * Same as unorm2_getInstance(NULL, "nfkc_cf", UNORM2_COMPOSE, pErrorCode).
+ * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the requested Normalizer2, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+U_STABLE const UNormalizer2 * U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_getNFKCCasefoldInstance(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns a UNormalizer2 instance which uses the specified data file
+ * (packageName/name similar to ucnv_openPackage() and ures_open()/ResourceBundle)
+ * and which composes or decomposes text according to the specified mode.
+ * Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance. Do not delete it.
+ *
+ * Use packageName=NULL for data files that are part of ICU's own data.
+ * Use name="nfc" and UNORM2_COMPOSE/UNORM2_DECOMPOSE for Unicode standard NFC/NFD.
+ * Use name="nfkc" and UNORM2_COMPOSE/UNORM2_DECOMPOSE for Unicode standard NFKC/NFKD.
+ * Use name="nfkc_cf" and UNORM2_COMPOSE for Unicode standard NFKC_CF=NFKC_Casefold.
+ *
+ * @param packageName NULL for ICU built-in data, otherwise application data package name
+ * @param name "nfc" or "nfkc" or "nfkc_cf" or name of custom data file
+ * @param mode normalization mode (compose or decompose etc.)
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the requested UNormalizer2, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const UNormalizer2 * U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_getInstance(const char *packageName,
+                   const char *name,
+                   UNormalization2Mode mode,
+                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Constructs a filtered normalizer wrapping any UNormalizer2 instance
+ * and a filter set.
+ * Both are aliased and must not be modified or deleted while this object
+ * is used.
+ * The filter set should be frozen; otherwise the performance will suffer greatly.
+ * @param norm2 wrapped UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param filterSet USet which determines the characters to be normalized
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the requested UNormalizer2, if successful
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_STABLE UNormalizer2 * U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_openFiltered(const UNormalizer2 *norm2, const USet *filterSet, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Closes a UNormalizer2 instance from unorm2_openFiltered().
+ * Do not close instances from unorm2_getInstance()!
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance to be closed
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_close(UNormalizer2 *norm2);
+ * \class LocalUNormalizer2Pointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UNormalizer2 via unorm2_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUNormalizer2Pointer, UNormalizer2, unorm2_close);
+ * Writes the normalized form of the source string to the destination string
+ * (replacing its contents) and returns the length of the destination string.
+ * The source and destination strings must be different buffers.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param src source string
+ * @param length length of the source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dest destination string; its contents is replaced with normalized src
+ * @param capacity number of UChars that can be written to dest
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return dest
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_normalize(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+                 const UChar *src, int32_t length,
+                 UChar *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Appends the normalized form of the second string to the first string
+ * (merging them at the boundary) and returns the length of the first string.
+ * The result is normalized if the first string was normalized.
+ * The first and second strings must be different buffers.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param first string, should be normalized
+ * @param firstLength length of the first string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param firstCapacity number of UChars that can be written to first
+ * @param second string, will be normalized
+ * @param secondLength length of the source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return first
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_normalizeSecondAndAppend(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+                                UChar *first, int32_t firstLength, int32_t firstCapacity,
+                                const UChar *second, int32_t secondLength,
+                                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Appends the second string to the first string
+ * (merging them at the boundary) and returns the length of the first string.
+ * The result is normalized if both the strings were normalized.
+ * The first and second strings must be different buffers.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param first string, should be normalized
+ * @param firstLength length of the first string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param firstCapacity number of UChars that can be written to first
+ * @param second string, should be normalized
+ * @param secondLength length of the source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return first
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_append(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+              UChar *first, int32_t firstLength, int32_t firstCapacity,
+              const UChar *second, int32_t secondLength,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Gets the decomposition mapping of c.
+ * Roughly equivalent to normalizing the String form of c
+ * on a UNORM2_DECOMPOSE UNormalizer2 instance, but much faster, and except that this function
+ * returns a negative value and does not write a string
+ * if c does not have a decomposition mapping in this instance's data.
+ * This function is independent of the mode of the UNormalizer2.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param c code point
+ * @param decomposition String buffer which will be set to c's
+ *                      decomposition mapping, if there is one.
+ * @param capacity number of UChars that can be written to decomposition
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the non-negative length of c's decomposition, if there is one; otherwise a negative value
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+unorm2_getDecomposition(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+                        UChar32 c, UChar *decomposition, int32_t capacity,
+                        UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Gets the raw decomposition mapping of c.
+ *
+ * This is similar to the unorm2_getDecomposition() function but returns the
+ * raw decomposition mapping as specified in UnicodeData.txt or
+ * (for custom data) in the mapping files processed by the gennorm2 tool.
+ * By contrast, unorm2_getDecomposition() returns the processed,
+ * recursively-decomposed version of this mapping.
+ *
+ * When used on a standard NFKC Normalizer2 instance,
+ * unorm2_getRawDecomposition() returns the Unicode Decomposition_Mapping (dm) property.
+ *
+ * When used on a standard NFC Normalizer2 instance,
+ * it returns the Decomposition_Mapping only if the Decomposition_Type (dt) is Canonical (Can);
+ * in this case, the result contains either one or two code points (=1..4 UChars).
+ *
+ * This function is independent of the mode of the UNormalizer2.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param c code point
+ * @param decomposition String buffer which will be set to c's
+ *                      raw decomposition mapping, if there is one.
+ * @param capacity number of UChars that can be written to decomposition
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return the non-negative length of c's raw decomposition, if there is one; otherwise a negative value
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+unorm2_getRawDecomposition(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+                           UChar32 c, UChar *decomposition, int32_t capacity,
+                           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Performs pairwise composition of a & b and returns the composite if there is one.
+ *
+ * Returns a composite code point c only if c has a two-way mapping to a+b.
+ * In standard Unicode normalization, this means that
+ * c has a canonical decomposition to a+b
+ * and c does not have the Full_Composition_Exclusion property.
+ *
+ * This function is independent of the mode of the UNormalizer2.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param a A (normalization starter) code point.
+ * @param b Another code point.
+ * @return The non-negative composite code point if there is one; otherwise a negative value.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+unorm2_composePair(const UNormalizer2 *norm2, UChar32 a, UChar32 b);
+ * Gets the combining class of c.
+ * The default implementation returns 0
+ * but all standard implementations return the Unicode Canonical_Combining_Class value.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param c code point
+ * @return c's combining class
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+unorm2_getCombiningClass(const UNormalizer2 *norm2, UChar32 c);
+ * Tests if the string is normalized.
+ * Internally, in cases where the quickCheck() method would return "maybe"
+ * (which is only possible for the two COMPOSE modes) this method
+ * resolves to "yes" or "no" to provide a definitive result,
+ * at the cost of doing more work in those cases.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param s input string
+ * @param length length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return TRUE if s is normalized
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_isNormalized(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+                    const UChar *s, int32_t length,
+                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Tests if the string is normalized.
+ * For the two COMPOSE modes, the result could be "maybe" in cases that
+ * would take a little more work to resolve definitively.
+ * Use spanQuickCheckYes() and normalizeSecondAndAppend() for a faster
+ * combination of quick check + normalization, to avoid
+ * re-checking the "yes" prefix.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param s input string
+ * @param length length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return UNormalizationCheckResult
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_STABLE UNormalizationCheckResult U_EXPORT2
+unorm2_quickCheck(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+                  const UChar *s, int32_t length,
+                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Returns the end of the normalized substring of the input string.
+ * In other words, with <code>end=spanQuickCheckYes(s, ec);</code>
+ * the substring <code>UnicodeString(s, 0, end)</code>
+ * will pass the quick check with a "yes" result.
+ *
+ * The returned end index is usually one or more characters before the
+ * "no" or "maybe" character: The end index is at a normalization boundary.
+ * (See the class documentation for more about normalization boundaries.)
+ *
+ * When the goal is a normalized string and most input strings are expected
+ * to be normalized already, then call this method,
+ * and if it returns a prefix shorter than the input string,
+ * copy that prefix and use normalizeSecondAndAppend() for the remainder.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param s input string
+ * @param length length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param pErrorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                   pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                   immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                   function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return "yes" span end index
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_spanQuickCheckYes(const UNormalizer2 *norm2,
+                         const UChar *s, int32_t length,
+                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Tests if the character always has a normalization boundary before it,
+ * regardless of context.
+ * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param c character to test
+ * @return TRUE if c has a normalization boundary before it
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_hasBoundaryBefore(const UNormalizer2 *norm2, UChar32 c);
+ * Tests if the character always has a normalization boundary after it,
+ * regardless of context.
+ * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param c character to test
+ * @return TRUE if c has a normalization boundary after it
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_hasBoundaryAfter(const UNormalizer2 *norm2, UChar32 c);
+ * Tests if the character is normalization-inert.
+ * For details see the Normalizer2 base class documentation.
+ * @param norm2 UNormalizer2 instance
+ * @param c character to test
+ * @return TRUE if c is normalization-inert
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+unorm2_isInert(const UNormalizer2 *norm2, UChar32 c);
+ * Compares two strings for canonical equivalence.
+ * Further options include case-insensitive comparison and
+ * code point order (as opposed to code unit order).
+ *
+ * Canonical equivalence between two strings is defined as their normalized
+ * forms (NFD or NFC) being identical.
+ * This function compares strings incrementally instead of normalizing
+ * (and optionally case-folding) both strings entirely,
+ * improving performance significantly.
+ *
+ * Bulk normalization is only necessary if the strings do not fulfill the FCD
+ * conditions. Only in this case, and only if the strings are relatively long,
+ * is memory allocated temporarily.
+ * For FCD strings and short non-FCD strings there is no memory allocation.
+ *
+ * Semantically, this is equivalent to
+ *   strcmp[CodePointOrder](NFD(foldCase(NFD(s1))), NFD(foldCase(NFD(s2))))
+ * where code point order and foldCase are all optional.
+ *
+ * UAX 21 2.5 Caseless Matching specifies that for a canonical caseless match
+ * the case folding must be performed first, then the normalization.
+ *
+ * @param s1 First source string.
+ * @param length1 Length of first source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param s2 Second source string.
+ * @param length2 Length of second source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param options A bit set of options:
+ *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+ *     Case-sensitive comparison in code unit order, and the input strings
+ *     are quick-checked for FCD.
+ *
+ *     Set if the caller knows that both s1 and s2 fulfill the FCD conditions.
+ *     If not set, the function will quickCheck for FCD
+ *     and normalize if necessary.
+ *
+ *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+ *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+ *
+ *     Set to compare strings case-insensitively using case folding,
+ *     instead of case-sensitively.
+ *     If set, then the following case folding options are used.
+ *
+ *   - Options as used with case-insensitive comparisons, currently:
+ *
+ *    (see u_strCaseCompare for details)
+ *
+ *   - regular normalization options shifted left by UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
+ *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return <0 or 0 or >0 as usual for string comparisons
+ *
+ * @see unorm_normalize
+ * @see UNORM_FCD
+ * @see u_strCompare
+ * @see u_strCaseCompare
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+unorm_compare(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
+              const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
+              uint32_t options,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif  /* __UNORM2_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unum.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cece02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1485 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   06/24/99    helena      Integrated Alan's NF enhancements and Java2 bug fixes
+#ifndef _UNUM
+#define _UNUM
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/ucurr.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/uformattable.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+#include "unicode/ufieldpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Compatibility APIs for number formatting.
+ *
+ * <h2> Number Format C API </h2>
+ * 
+ * <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> New users with are strongly encouraged to
+ * see if unumberformatter.h fits their use case.  Although not deprecated,
+ * this header is provided for backwards compatibility only.
+ *
+ * Number Format C API  Provides functions for
+ * formatting and parsing a number.  Also provides methods for
+ * determining which locales have number formats, and what their names
+ * are.
+ * <P>
+ * UNumberFormat helps you to format and parse numbers for any locale.
+ * Your code can be completely independent of the locale conventions
+ * for decimal points, thousands-separators, or even the particular
+ * decimal digits used, or whether the number format is even decimal.
+ * There are different number format styles like decimal, currency,
+ * percent and spellout.
+ * <P>
+ * To format a number for the current Locale, use one of the static
+ * factory methods:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *    UChar myString[20];
+ *    double myNumber = 7.0;
+ *    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *    UNumberFormat* nf = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, &status);
+ *    unum_formatDouble(nf, myNumber, myString, 20, NULL, &status);
+ *    printf(" Example 1: %s\n", austrdup(myString) ); //austrdup( a function used to convert UChar* to char*)
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * If you are formatting multiple numbers, it is more efficient to get
+ * the format and use it multiple times so that the system doesn't
+ * have to fetch the information about the local language and country
+ * conventions multiple times.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * uint32_t i, resultlength, reslenneeded;
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UFieldPosition pos;
+ * uint32_t a[] = { 123, 3333, -1234567 };
+ * const uint32_t a_len = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
+ * UNumberFormat* nf;
+ * UChar* result = NULL;
+ *
+ * nf = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, &status);
+ * for (i = 0; i < a_len; i++) {
+ *    resultlength=0;
+ *    reslenneeded=unum_format(nf, a[i], NULL, resultlength, &pos, &status);
+ *    result = NULL;
+ *    if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){
+ *       status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *       resultlength=reslenneeded+1;
+ *       result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength);
+ *       unum_format(nf, a[i], result, resultlength, &pos, &status);
+ *    }
+ *    printf( " Example 2: %s\n", austrdup(result));
+ *    free(result);
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * To format a number for a different Locale, specify it in the
+ * call to unum_open().
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *     UNumberFormat* nf = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, "fr_FR", NULL, &success)
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * You can use a NumberFormat API unum_parse() to parse.
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ *    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *    int32_t pos=0;
+ *    int32_t num;
+ *    num = unum_parse(nf, str, u_strlen(str), &pos, &status);
+ * \endcode
+ * </pre>
+ * Use UNUM_DECIMAL to get the normal number format for that country.
+ * There are other static options available.  Use UNUM_CURRENCY
+ * to get the currency number format for that country.  Use UNUM_PERCENT
+ * to get a format for displaying percentages. With this format, a
+ * fraction from 0.53 is displayed as 53%.
+ * <P>
+ * Use a pattern to create either a DecimalFormat or a RuleBasedNumberFormat
+ * formatter.  The pattern must conform to the syntax defined for those
+ * formatters.
+ * <P>
+ * You can also control the display of numbers with such function as
+ * unum_getAttributes() and unum_setAttributes(), which let you set the
+ * minimum fraction digits, grouping, etc.
+ * @see UNumberFormatAttributes for more details
+ * <P>
+ * You can also use forms of the parse and format methods with
+ * ParsePosition and UFieldPosition to allow you to:
+ * <ul type=round>
+ *   <li>(a) progressively parse through pieces of a string.
+ *   <li>(b) align the decimal point and other areas.
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * It is also possible to change or set the symbols used for a particular
+ * locale like the currency symbol, the grouping separator , monetary separator
+ * etc by making use of functions unum_setSymbols() and unum_getSymbols().
+ */
+/** A number formatter.
+ *  For usage in C programs.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void* UNumberFormat;
+/** The possible number format styles. 
+ *  @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberFormatStyle {
+    /**
+     * Decimal format defined by a pattern string.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * Decimal format ("normal" style).
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * Currency format (generic).
+     * Defaults to UNUM_CURRENCY_STANDARD style
+     * (using currency symbol, e.g., "$1.00", with non-accounting
+     * style for negative values e.g. using minus sign).
+     * The specific style may be specified using the -cf- locale key.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * Percent format
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * Scientific format
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    /**
+     * Spellout rule-based format. The default ruleset can be specified/changed using
+     * unum_setTextAttribute with UNUM_DEFAULT_RULESET; the available public rulesets
+     * can be listed using unum_getTextAttribute with UNUM_PUBLIC_RULESETS.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /** 
+     * Ordinal rule-based format . The default ruleset can be specified/changed using
+     * unum_setTextAttribute with UNUM_DEFAULT_RULESET; the available public rulesets
+     * can be listed using unum_getTextAttribute with UNUM_PUBLIC_RULESETS.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /** 
+     * Duration rule-based format 
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /** 
+     * Numbering system rule-based format
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /** 
+     * Rule-based format defined by a pattern string.
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * Currency format with an ISO currency code, e.g., "USD1.00".
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Currency format with a pluralized currency name,
+     * e.g., "1.00 US dollar" and "3.00 US dollars".
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Currency format for accounting, e.g., "($3.00)" for
+     * negative currency amount instead of "-$3.00" ({@link #UNUM_CURRENCY}).
+     * Overrides any style specified using -cf- key in locale.
+     * @stable ICU 53
+     */
+    /**
+     * Currency format with a currency symbol given CASH usage, e.g., 
+     * "NT$3" instead of "NT$3.23".
+     * @stable ICU 54
+     */
+    /**
+     * Decimal format expressed using compact notation
+     * (short form, corresponds to UNumberCompactStyle=UNUM_SHORT)
+     * e.g. "23K", "45B"
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    /**
+     * Decimal format expressed using compact notation
+     * (long form, corresponds to UNumberCompactStyle=UNUM_LONG)
+     * e.g. "23 thousand", "45 billion"
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    /**
+     * Currency format with a currency symbol, e.g., "$1.00",
+     * using non-accounting style for negative values (e.g. minus sign).
+     * Overrides any style specified using -cf- key in locale.
+     * @stable ICU 56
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UNumberFormatStyle value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+     * Default format
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    /**
+     * Alias for UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL
+     * @stable ICU 3.0
+     */
+} UNumberFormatStyle;
+/** The possible number format rounding modes.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * For more detail on rounding modes, see:
+ *
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberFormatRoundingMode {
+    /**
+     * Half-even rounding
+     * @stable, ICU 3.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Half-even rounding, misspelled name
+     * @deprecated, ICU 3.8
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /** 
+      * ROUND_UNNECESSARY reports an error if formatted result is not exact.
+      * @stable ICU 4.8
+      */
+} UNumberFormatRoundingMode;
+/** The possible number format pad positions. 
+ *  @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberFormatPadPosition {
+} UNumberFormatPadPosition;
+ * Constants for specifying short or long format.
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberCompactStyle {
+  /** @stable ICU 51 */
+  /** @stable ICU 51 */
+  /** @stable ICU 51 */
+} UNumberCompactStyle;
+ * Constants for specifying currency spacing
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+enum UCurrencySpacing {
+    /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+    /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+    /* Do not conditionalize the following with #ifndef U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API,
+     * it is needed for layout of DecimalFormatSymbols object. */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UCurrencySpacing value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+typedef enum UCurrencySpacing UCurrencySpacing; /**< @stable ICU 4.8 */
+ * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selectors for format fields
+ * defined by NumberFormat and UNumberFormat.
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberFormatFields {
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @stable ICU 49 */
+    /** @draft ICU 64 */
+    /** @draft ICU 64 */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UNumberFormatFields value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UNumberFormatFields;
+ * Create and return a new UNumberFormat for formatting and parsing
+ * numbers.  A UNumberFormat may be used to format numbers by calling
+ * {@link #unum_format }, and to parse numbers by calling {@link #unum_parse }.
+ * The caller must call {@link #unum_close } when done to release resources
+ * used by this object.
+ * @param style The type of number format to open: one of
+ * number format is opened using the given pattern, which must conform
+ * to the syntax described in DecimalFormat or RuleBasedNumberFormat,
+ * respectively.
+ *
+ * <p><strong>NOTE::</strong> New users with are strongly encouraged to
+ * use unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale instead of unum_open.
+ *
+ * @param pattern A pattern specifying the format to use. 
+ * This parameter is ignored unless the style is
+ * @param patternLength The number of characters in the pattern, or -1
+ * if null-terminated. This parameter is ignored unless the style is
+ * @param locale A locale identifier to use to determine formatting
+ * and parsing conventions, or NULL to use the default locale.
+ * @param parseErr A pointer to a UParseError struct to receive the
+ * details of any parsing errors, or NULL if no parsing error details
+ * are desired.
+ * @param status A pointer to an input-output UErrorCode.
+ * @return A pointer to a newly created UNumberFormat, or NULL if an
+ * error occurred.
+ * @see unum_close
+ * @see DecimalFormat
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UNumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 
+unum_open(  UNumberFormatStyle    style,
+            const    UChar*    pattern,
+            int32_t            patternLength,
+            const    char*     locale,
+            UParseError*       parseErr,
+            UErrorCode*        status);
+* Close a UNumberFormat.
+* Once closed, a UNumberFormat may no longer be used.
+* @param fmt The formatter to close.
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_close(UNumberFormat* fmt);
+ * \class LocalUNumberFormatPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UNumberFormat via unum_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUNumberFormatPointer, UNumberFormat, unum_close);
+ * Open a copy of a UNumberFormat.
+ * This function performs a deep copy.
+ * @param fmt The format to copy
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A pointer to a UNumberFormat identical to fmt.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UNumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 
+unum_clone(const UNumberFormat *fmt,
+       UErrorCode *status);
+* Format an integer using a UNumberFormat.
+* The integer will be formatted according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param number The number to format.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated formatted number. If
+* the formatted number fits into dest but cannot be NULL-terminated (length == resultLength)
+* then the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the formatted number
+* doesn't fit into result then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param pos    A pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input, position->field
+* is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate
+* the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field, if such
+* a field exists.  This parameter may be NULL, in which case no field
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see unum_formatInt64
+* @see unum_formatDouble
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseInt64
+* @see unum_parseDouble
+* @see UFieldPosition
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_format(    const    UNumberFormat*    fmt,
+        int32_t            number,
+        UChar*            result,
+        int32_t            resultLength,
+        UFieldPosition    *pos,
+        UErrorCode*        status);
+* Format an int64 using a UNumberFormat.
+* The int64 will be formatted according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param number The number to format.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated formatted number. If
+* the formatted number fits into dest but cannot be NULL-terminated (length == resultLength)
+* then the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the formatted number
+* doesn't fit into result then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param pos    A pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input, position->field
+* is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate
+* the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field, if such
+* a field exists.  This parameter may be NULL, in which case no field
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see unum_format
+* @see unum_formatDouble
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseInt64
+* @see unum_parseDouble
+* @see UFieldPosition
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_formatInt64(const UNumberFormat *fmt,
+        int64_t         number,
+        UChar*          result,
+        int32_t         resultLength,
+        UFieldPosition *pos,
+        UErrorCode*     status);
+* Format a double using a UNumberFormat.
+* The double will be formatted according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param number The number to format.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated formatted number. If
+* the formatted number fits into dest but cannot be NULL-terminated (length == resultLength)
+* then the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the formatted number
+* doesn't fit into result then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param pos    A pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input, position->field
+* is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate
+* the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field, if such
+* a field exists.  This parameter may be NULL, in which case no field
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see unum_format
+* @see unum_formatInt64
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseInt64
+* @see unum_parseDouble
+* @see UFieldPosition
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_formatDouble(    const    UNumberFormat*  fmt,
+            double          number,
+            UChar*          result,
+            int32_t         resultLength,
+            UFieldPosition  *pos, /* 0 if ignore */
+            UErrorCode*     status);
+* Format a double using a UNumberFormat according to the UNumberFormat's locale,
+* and initialize a UFieldPositionIterator that enumerates the subcomponents of
+* the resulting string.
+* @param format
+*          The formatter to use.
+* @param number
+*          The number to format.
+* @param result
+*          A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated formatted
+*          number. If the formatted number fits into dest but cannot be
+*          NULL-terminated (length == resultLength) then the error code is set
+*          to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the formatted number doesn't
+*          fit into result then the error code is set to
+* @param resultLength
+*          The maximum size of result.
+* @param fpositer
+*          A pointer to a UFieldPositionIterator created by {@link #ufieldpositer_open}
+*          (may be NULL if field position information is not needed, but in this
+*          case it's preferable to use {@link #unum_formatDouble}). Iteration
+*          information already present in the UFieldPositionIterator is deleted,
+*          and the iterator is reset to apply to the fields in the formatted
+*          string created by this function call. The field values and indexes
+*          returned by {@link #ufieldpositer_next} represent fields denoted by
+*          the UNumberFormatFields enum. Fields are not returned in a guaranteed
+*          order. Fields cannot overlap, but they may nest. For example, 1234
+*          could format as "1,234" which might consist of a grouping separator
+*          field for ',' and an integer field encompassing the entire string.
+* @param status
+*          A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return
+*          The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+*          output was truncated.
+* @see unum_formatDouble
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseDouble
+* @see UFieldPositionIterator
+* @see UNumberFormatFields
+* @stable ICU 59
+unum_formatDoubleForFields(const UNumberFormat* format,
+                           double number,
+                           UChar* result,
+                           int32_t resultLength,
+                           UFieldPositionIterator* fpositer,
+                           UErrorCode* status);
+* Format a decimal number using a UNumberFormat.
+* The number will be formatted according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* The syntax of the input number is a "numeric string"
+* as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param number The number to format.
+* @param length The length of the input number, or -1 if the input is nul-terminated.
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated formatted number. If
+* the formatted number fits into dest but cannot be NULL-terminated (length == resultLength)
+* then the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the formatted number
+* doesn't fit into result then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param pos    A pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input, position->field
+*               is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate
+*               the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field, if such
+*               a field exists.  This parameter may be NULL, in which case it is ignored.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see unum_format
+* @see unum_formatInt64
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseInt64
+* @see unum_parseDouble
+* @see UFieldPosition
+* @stable ICU 4.4 
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_formatDecimal(    const    UNumberFormat*  fmt,
+            const char *    number,
+            int32_t         length,
+            UChar*          result,
+            int32_t         resultLength,
+            UFieldPosition  *pos, /* 0 if ignore */
+            UErrorCode*     status);
+ * Format a double currency amount using a UNumberFormat.
+ * The double will be formatted according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+ * @param fmt the formatter to use
+ * @param number the number to format
+ * @param currency the 3-letter null-terminated ISO 4217 currency code
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated formatted number. If
+ * the formatted number fits into dest but cannot be NULL-terminated (length == resultLength)
+ * then the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the formatted number
+ * doesn't fit into result then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ * @param resultLength the maximum number of UChars to write to result
+ * @param pos a pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input,
+ * position->field is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and
+ * position->endIndex indicate the beginning and ending indices of
+ * field number position->field, if such a field exists.  This
+ * parameter may be NULL, in which case it is ignored.
+ * @param status a pointer to an input-output UErrorCode
+ * @return the total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength,
+ * the output was truncated.
+ * @see unum_formatDouble
+ * @see unum_parseDoubleCurrency
+ * @see UFieldPosition
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+unum_formatDoubleCurrency(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
+                          double number,
+                          UChar* currency,
+                          UChar* result,
+                          int32_t resultLength,
+                          UFieldPosition* pos,
+                          UErrorCode* status);
+ * Format a UFormattable into a string.
+ * @param fmt the formatter to use
+ * @param number the number to format, as a UFormattable
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the NULL-terminated formatted number. If
+ * the formatted number fits into dest but cannot be NULL-terminated (length == resultLength)
+ * then the error code is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING. If the formatted number
+ * doesn't fit into result then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ * @param resultLength the maximum number of UChars to write to result
+ * @param pos a pointer to a UFieldPosition.  On input,
+ * position->field is read.  On output, position->beginIndex and
+ * position->endIndex indicate the beginning and ending indices of
+ * field number position->field, if such a field exists.  This
+ * parameter may be NULL, in which case it is ignored.
+ * @param status a pointer to an input-output UErrorCode
+ * @return the total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength,
+ * the output was truncated. Will return 0 on error.
+ * @see unum_parseToUFormattable
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+unum_formatUFormattable(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
+                        const UFormattable *number,
+                        UChar *result,
+                        int32_t resultLength,
+                        UFieldPosition *pos,
+                        UErrorCode *status);
+* Parse a string into an integer using a UNumberFormat.
+* The string will be parsed according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* Note: parsing is not supported for styles UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_SHORT
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param text The text to parse.
+* @param textLength The length of text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param parsePos If not NULL, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which
+* to begin parsing.  If not NULL, on output the offset at which parsing ended.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The value of the parsed integer
+* @see unum_parseInt64
+* @see unum_parseDouble
+* @see unum_format
+* @see unum_formatInt64
+* @see unum_formatDouble
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_parse(    const   UNumberFormat*  fmt,
+        const   UChar*          text,
+        int32_t         textLength,
+        int32_t         *parsePos /* 0 = start */,
+        UErrorCode      *status);
+* Parse a string into an int64 using a UNumberFormat.
+* The string will be parsed according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* Note: parsing is not supported for styles UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_SHORT
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param text The text to parse.
+* @param textLength The length of text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param parsePos If not NULL, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which
+* to begin parsing.  If not NULL, on output the offset at which parsing ended.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The value of the parsed integer
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseDouble
+* @see unum_format
+* @see unum_formatInt64
+* @see unum_formatDouble
+* @stable ICU 2.8
+U_STABLE int64_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_parseInt64(const UNumberFormat*  fmt,
+        const UChar*  text,
+        int32_t       textLength,
+        int32_t       *parsePos /* 0 = start */,
+        UErrorCode    *status);
+* Parse a string into a double using a UNumberFormat.
+* The string will be parsed according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* Note: parsing is not supported for styles UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_SHORT
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param text The text to parse.
+* @param textLength The length of text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param parsePos If not NULL, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which
+* to begin parsing.  If not NULL, on output the offset at which parsing ended.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The value of the parsed double
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseInt64
+* @see unum_format
+* @see unum_formatInt64
+* @see unum_formatDouble
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_parseDouble(    const   UNumberFormat*  fmt,
+            const   UChar*          text,
+            int32_t         textLength,
+            int32_t         *parsePos /* 0 = start */,
+            UErrorCode      *status);
+* Parse a number from a string into an unformatted numeric string using a UNumberFormat.
+* The input string will be parsed according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+* The syntax of the output is a "numeric string"
+* as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
+* Note: parsing is not supported for styles UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_SHORT
+* @param fmt The formatter to use.
+* @param text The text to parse.
+* @param textLength The length of text, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param parsePos If not NULL, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which
+*                 to begin parsing.  If not NULL, on output the offset at which parsing ended.
+* @param outBuf A (char *) buffer to receive the parsed number as a string.  The output string
+*               will be nul-terminated if there is sufficient space.
+* @param outBufLength The size of the output buffer.  May be zero, in which case
+*               the outBuf pointer may be NULL, and the function will return the
+*               size of the output string.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return the length of the output string, not including any terminating nul.
+* @see unum_parse
+* @see unum_parseInt64
+* @see unum_format
+* @see unum_formatInt64
+* @see unum_formatDouble
+* @stable ICU 4.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_parseDecimal(const   UNumberFormat*  fmt,
+                 const   UChar*          text,
+                         int32_t         textLength,
+                         int32_t         *parsePos /* 0 = start */,
+                         char            *outBuf,
+                         int32_t         outBufLength,
+                         UErrorCode      *status);
+ * Parse a string into a double and a currency using a UNumberFormat.
+ * The string will be parsed according to the UNumberFormat's locale.
+ * @param fmt the formatter to use
+ * @param text the text to parse
+ * @param textLength the length of text, or -1 if null-terminated
+ * @param parsePos a pointer to an offset index into text at which to
+ * begin parsing. On output, *parsePos will point after the last
+ * parsed character.  This parameter may be NULL, in which case parsing
+ * begins at offset 0.
+ * @param currency a pointer to the buffer to receive the parsed null-
+ * terminated currency.  This buffer must have a capacity of at least
+ * 4 UChars.
+ * @param status a pointer to an input-output UErrorCode
+ * @return the parsed double
+ * @see unum_parseDouble
+ * @see unum_formatDoubleCurrency
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+unum_parseDoubleCurrency(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
+                         const UChar* text,
+                         int32_t textLength,
+                         int32_t* parsePos, /* 0 = start */
+                         UChar* currency,
+                         UErrorCode* status);
+ * Parse a UChar string into a UFormattable.
+ * Example code:
+ * \snippet test/cintltst/cnumtst.c unum_parseToUFormattable
+ * Note: parsing is not supported for styles UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_SHORT
+ * @param fmt the formatter to use
+ * @param result the UFormattable to hold the result. If NULL, a new UFormattable will be allocated (which the caller must close with ufmt_close).
+ * @param text the text to parse
+ * @param textLength the length of text, or -1 if null-terminated
+ * @param parsePos a pointer to an offset index into text at which to
+ * begin parsing. On output, *parsePos will point after the last
+ * parsed character.  This parameter may be NULL in which case parsing
+ * begins at offset 0.
+ * @param status a pointer to an input-output UErrorCode
+ * @return the UFormattable.  Will be ==result unless NULL was passed in for result, in which case it will be the newly opened UFormattable.
+ * @see ufmt_getType
+ * @see ufmt_close
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UFormattable* U_EXPORT2
+unum_parseToUFormattable(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
+                         UFormattable *result,
+                         const UChar* text,
+                         int32_t textLength,
+                         int32_t* parsePos, /* 0 = start */
+                         UErrorCode* status);
+ * Set the pattern used by a UNumberFormat.  This can only be used
+ * on a DecimalFormat, other formats return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
+ * in the status.
+ * @param format The formatter to set.
+ * @param localized TRUE if the pattern is localized, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @param pattern The new pattern
+ * @param patternLength The length of pattern, or -1 if null-terminated.
+ * @param parseError A pointer to UParseError to receive information
+ * about errors occurred during parsing, or NULL if no parse error
+ * information is desired.
+ * @param status A pointer to an input-output UErrorCode.
+ * @see unum_toPattern
+ * @see DecimalFormat
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+unum_applyPattern(          UNumberFormat  *format,
+                            UBool          localized,
+                    const   UChar          *pattern,
+                            int32_t         patternLength,
+                            UParseError    *parseError,
+                            UErrorCode     *status
+                                    );
+* Get a locale for which decimal formatting patterns are available.
+* A UNumberFormat in a locale returned by this function will perform the correct
+* formatting and parsing for the locale.  The results of this call are not
+* valid for rule-based number formats.
+* @param localeIndex The index of the desired locale.
+* @return A locale for which number formatting patterns are available, or 0 if none.
+* @see unum_countAvailable
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2 
+unum_getAvailable(int32_t localeIndex);
+* Determine how many locales have decimal formatting patterns available.  The
+* results of this call are not valid for rule-based number formats.
+* This function is useful for determining the loop ending condition for
+* calls to {@link #unum_getAvailable }.
+* @return The number of locales for which decimal formatting patterns are available.
+* @see unum_getAvailable
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+/* The UNumberFormatAttributeValue type cannot be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for .h variable declaration */
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberFormatAttributeValue {
+  /** @internal */
+  UNUM_NO = 0,
+  /** @internal */
+  UNUM_YES = 1,
+  /** @internal */
+  /** @internal */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+} UNumberFormatAttributeValue;
+/** The possible UNumberFormat numeric attributes @stable ICU 2.0 */
+typedef enum UNumberFormatAttribute {
+  /** Parse integers only */
+  /** Use grouping separator */
+  /** Always show decimal point */
+  /** Maximum integer digits */
+  /** Minimum integer digits */
+  /** Integer digits */
+  /** Maximum fraction digits */
+  /** Minimum fraction digits */
+  /** Fraction digits */
+  /** Multiplier */
+  /** Grouping size */
+  /** Rounding Mode */
+  /** Rounding increment */
+  /** The width to which the output of <code>format()</code> is padded. */
+  /** The position at which padding will take place. */
+  /** Secondary grouping size */
+  /** Use significant digits
+   * @stable ICU 3.0 */
+  /** Minimum significant digits
+   * @stable ICU 3.0 */
+  /** Maximum significant digits
+   * @stable ICU 3.0 */
+  /** Lenient parse mode used by rule-based formats.
+   * @stable ICU 3.0
+   */
+  /** Consume all input. (may use fastpath). Set to UNUM_YES (require fastpath), UNUM_NO (skip fastpath), or UNUM_MAYBE (heuristic).
+   * This is an internal ICU API. Do not use.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  /** 
+    * Scale, which adjusts the position of the
+    * decimal point when formatting.  Amounts will be multiplied by 10 ^ (scale)
+    * before they are formatted.  The default value for the scale is 0 ( no adjustment ).
+    *
+    * <p>Example: setting the scale to 3, 123 formats as "123,000"
+    * <p>Example: setting the scale to -4, 123 formats as "0.0123"
+    *
+    * This setting is analogous to getMultiplierScale() and setMultiplierScale() in decimfmt.h.
+    *
+   * @stable ICU 51 */
+  UNUM_SCALE = 21,
+  /**
+   * Minimum grouping digits; most commonly set to 2 to print "1000" instead of "1,000".
+   * See DecimalFormat::getMinimumGroupingDigits().
+   *
+   * For better control over grouping strategies, use UNumberFormatter.
+   *
+   * @draft ICU 64
+   */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+  /** 
+   * if this attribute is set to 0, it is set to UNUM_CURRENCY_STANDARD purpose,
+   * otherwise it is UNUM_CURRENCY_CASH purpose
+   * Default: 0 (UNUM_CURRENCY_STANDARD purpose)
+   * @stable ICU 54
+   */
+  /** One below the first bitfield-boolean item.
+   * All items after this one are stored in boolean form.
+   * @internal */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+  /** If 1, specifies that if setting the "max integer digits" attribute would truncate a value, set an error status rather than silently truncating.
+   * For example,  formatting the value 1234 with 4 max int digits would succeed, but formatting 12345 would fail. There is no effect on parsing.
+   * Default: 0 (not set)
+   * @stable ICU 50
+   */
+  /** 
+   * if this attribute is set to 1, specifies that, if the pattern doesn't contain an exponent, the exponent will not be parsed. If the pattern does contain an exponent, this attribute has no effect.
+   * Has no effect on formatting.
+   * Default: 0 (unset)
+   * @stable ICU 50
+   */
+  /** 
+   * if this attribute is set to 1, specifies that, if the pattern contains a 
+   * decimal mark the input is required to have one. If this attribute is set to 0,
+   * specifies that input does not have to contain a decimal mark.
+   * Has no effect on formatting.
+   * Default: 0 (unset)
+   * @stable ICU 54
+   */
+  /**
+   * Parsing: if set to 1, parsing is sensitive to case (lowercase/uppercase).
+   *
+   * @draft ICU 64
+   */
+  /**
+   * Formatting: if set to 1, whether to show the plus sign on non-negative numbers.
+   *
+   * For better control over sign display, use UNumberFormatter.
+   *
+   * @draft ICU 64
+   */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+  /** Limit of boolean attributes. (value should
+   * not depend on U_HIDE conditionals)
+   * @internal */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+} UNumberFormatAttribute;
+* Get a numeric attribute associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* An example of a numeric attribute is the number of integer digits a formatter will produce.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param attr The attribute to query; one of UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY, UNUM_GROUPING_USED,
+* @return The value of attr.
+* @see unum_setAttribute
+* @see unum_getDoubleAttribute
+* @see unum_setDoubleAttribute
+* @see unum_getTextAttribute
+* @see unum_setTextAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_getAttribute(const UNumberFormat*          fmt,
+          UNumberFormatAttribute  attr);
+* Set a numeric attribute associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* An example of a numeric attribute is the number of integer digits a formatter will produce.  If the
+* formatter does not understand the attribute, the call is ignored.  Rule-based formatters only understand
+* the lenient-parse attribute.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param attr The attribute to set; one of UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY, UNUM_GROUPING_USED,
+* @param newValue The new value of attr.
+* @see unum_getAttribute
+* @see unum_getDoubleAttribute
+* @see unum_setDoubleAttribute
+* @see unum_getTextAttribute
+* @see unum_setTextAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_setAttribute(    UNumberFormat*          fmt,
+            UNumberFormatAttribute  attr,
+            int32_t                 newValue);
+* Get a numeric attribute associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* An example of a numeric attribute is the number of integer digits a formatter will produce.
+* If the formatter does not understand the attribute, -1 is returned.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param attr The attribute to query; e.g. UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT.
+* @return The value of attr.
+* @see unum_getAttribute
+* @see unum_setAttribute
+* @see unum_setDoubleAttribute
+* @see unum_getTextAttribute
+* @see unum_setTextAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_getDoubleAttribute(const UNumberFormat*          fmt,
+          UNumberFormatAttribute  attr);
+* Set a numeric attribute associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* An example of a numeric attribute is the number of integer digits a formatter will produce.
+* If the formatter does not understand the attribute, this call is ignored.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param attr The attribute to set; e.g. UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT.
+* @param newValue The new value of attr.
+* @see unum_getAttribute
+* @see unum_setAttribute
+* @see unum_getDoubleAttribute
+* @see unum_getTextAttribute
+* @see unum_setTextAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_setDoubleAttribute(    UNumberFormat*          fmt,
+            UNumberFormatAttribute  attr,
+            double                 newValue);
+/** The possible UNumberFormat text attributes @stable ICU 2.0*/
+typedef enum UNumberFormatTextAttribute {
+  /** Positive prefix */
+  /** Positive suffix */
+  /** Negative prefix */
+  /** Negative suffix */
+  /** The character used to pad to the format width. */
+  /** The ISO currency code */
+  /**
+   * The default rule set, such as "%spellout-numbering-year:", "%spellout-cardinal:",
+   * "%spellout-ordinal-masculine-plural:", "%spellout-ordinal-feminine:", or
+   * "%spellout-ordinal-neuter:". The available public rulesets can be listed using
+   * unum_getTextAttribute with UNUM_PUBLIC_RULESETS. This is only available with
+   * rule-based formatters.
+   * @stable ICU 3.0
+   */
+  /**
+   * The public rule sets.  This is only available with rule-based formatters.
+   * This is a read-only attribute.  The public rulesets are returned as a
+   * single string, with each ruleset name delimited by ';' (semicolon). See the
+   * CLDR LDML spec for more information about RBNF rulesets:
+   *
+   * @stable ICU 3.0
+   */
+} UNumberFormatTextAttribute;
+* Get a text attribute associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* An example of a text attribute is the suffix for positive numbers.  If the formatter
+* does not understand the attribute, U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR is returned as the status.
+* Rule-based formatters only understand UNUM_DEFAULT_RULESET and UNUM_PUBLIC_RULESETS.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param tag The attribute to query; one of UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, UNUM_POSITIVE_SUFFIX,
+* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the attribute.
+* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the output was truncated.
+* @see unum_setTextAttribute
+* @see unum_getAttribute
+* @see unum_setAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_getTextAttribute(    const    UNumberFormat*                    fmt,
+            UNumberFormatTextAttribute      tag,
+            UChar*                            result,
+            int32_t                            resultLength,
+            UErrorCode*                        status);
+* Set a text attribute associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* An example of a text attribute is the suffix for positive numbers.  Rule-based formatters
+* only understand UNUM_DEFAULT_RULESET.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param tag The attribute to set; one of UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, UNUM_POSITIVE_SUFFIX,
+* @param newValue The new value of attr.
+* @param newValueLength The length of newValue, or -1 if null-terminated.
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @see unum_getTextAttribute
+* @see unum_getAttribute
+* @see unum_setAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_setTextAttribute(    UNumberFormat*                    fmt,
+            UNumberFormatTextAttribute      tag,
+            const    UChar*                            newValue,
+            int32_t                            newValueLength,
+            UErrorCode                        *status);
+ * Extract the pattern from a UNumberFormat.  The pattern will follow
+ * the DecimalFormat pattern syntax.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to query.
+ * @param isPatternLocalized TRUE if the pattern should be localized,
+ * FALSE otherwise.  This is ignored if the formatter is a rule-based
+ * formatter.
+ * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status A pointer to an input-output UErrorCode.
+ * @return The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength,
+ * the output was truncated.
+ * @see unum_applyPattern
+ * @see DecimalFormat
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+unum_toPattern(    const    UNumberFormat*          fmt,
+        UBool                  isPatternLocalized,
+        UChar*                  result,
+        int32_t                 resultLength,
+        UErrorCode*             status);
+ * Constants for specifying a number format symbol.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberFormatSymbol {
+  /** The decimal separator */
+  /** The grouping separator */
+  /** The pattern separator */
+  /** The percent sign */
+  /** Zero*/
+  /** Character representing a digit in the pattern */
+  /** The minus sign */
+  /** The plus sign */
+  /** The currency symbol */
+  /** The international currency symbol */
+  /** The monetary separator */
+  /** The exponential symbol */
+  /** Per mill symbol */
+  /** Escape padding character */
+  /** Infinity symbol */
+  /** Nan symbol */
+  /** Significant digit symbol
+   * @stable ICU 3.0 */
+  /** The monetary grouping separator 
+   * @stable ICU 3.6
+   */
+  /** One
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Two
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Three
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Four
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Five
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Six
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Seven
+    * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Eight
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Nine
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+  /** Multiplication sign
+   * @stable ICU 54
+   */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UNumberFormatSymbol value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UNumberFormatSymbol;
+* Get a symbol associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* A UNumberFormat uses symbols to represent the special locale-dependent
+* characters in a number, for example the percent sign. This API is not
+* supported for rule-based formatters.
+* @param fmt The formatter to query.
+* @param symbol The UNumberFormatSymbol constant for the symbol to get
+* @param buffer The string buffer that will receive the symbol string;
+*               if it is NULL, then only the length of the symbol is returned
+* @param size The size of the string buffer
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+* @return The length of the symbol; the buffer is not modified if
+*         <code>length&gt;=size</code>
+* @see unum_setSymbol
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_getSymbol(const UNumberFormat *fmt,
+               UNumberFormatSymbol symbol,
+               UChar *buffer,
+               int32_t size,
+               UErrorCode *status);
+* Set a symbol associated with a UNumberFormat.
+* A UNumberFormat uses symbols to represent the special locale-dependent
+* characters in a number, for example the percent sign.  This API is not
+* supported for rule-based formatters.
+* @param fmt The formatter to set.
+* @param symbol The UNumberFormatSymbol constant for the symbol to set
+* @param value The string to set the symbol to
+* @param length The length of the string, or -1 for a zero-terminated string
+* @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+* @see unum_getSymbol
+* @stable ICU 2.0
+unum_setSymbol(UNumberFormat *fmt,
+               UNumberFormatSymbol symbol,
+               const UChar *value,
+               int32_t length,
+               UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the locale for this number format object.
+ * You can choose between valid and actual locale.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to get the locale from
+ * @param type type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual) 
+ * @param status error code for the operation
+ * @return the locale name
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+unum_getLocaleByType(const UNumberFormat *fmt,
+                     ULocDataLocaleType type,
+                     UErrorCode* status); 
+ * Set a particular UDisplayContext value in the formatter, such as
+ * @param fmt The formatter for which to set a UDisplayContext value.
+ * @param value The UDisplayContext value to set.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+unum_setContext(UNumberFormat* fmt, UDisplayContext value, UErrorCode* status);
+ * Get the formatter's UDisplayContext value for the specified UDisplayContextType,
+ * @param fmt The formatter to query.
+ * @param type The UDisplayContextType whose value to return
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors
+ * @return The UDisplayContextValue for the specified type.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+U_STABLE UDisplayContext U_EXPORT2
+unum_getContext(const UNumberFormat *fmt, UDisplayContextType type, UErrorCode* status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unumberformatter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unumberformatter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27507f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unumberformatter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/ufieldpositer.h"
+#include "unicode/umisc.h"
+#include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C-compatible API for localized number formatting; not recommended for C++.
+ *
+ * This is the C-compatible version of the NumberFormatter API introduced in ICU 60. C++ users should
+ * include unicode/numberformatter.h and use the proper C++ APIs.
+ *
+ * The C API accepts a number skeleton string for specifying the settings for formatting, which covers a
+ * very large subset of all possible number formatting features. For more information on number skeleton
+ * strings, see unicode/numberformatter.h.
+ *
+ * When using UNumberFormatter, which is treated as immutable, the results are exported to a mutable
+ * UFormattedNumber object, which you subsequently use for populating your string buffer or iterating over
+ * the fields.
+ *
+ * Example code:
+ * <pre>
+ * // Setup:
+ * UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UNumberFormatter* uformatter = unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(u"precision-integer", -1, "en", &ec);
+ * UFormattedNumber* uresult = unumf_openResult(&ec);
+ * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
+ *
+ * // Format a double:
+ * unumf_formatDouble(uformatter, 5142.3, uresult, &ec);
+ * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
+ *
+ * // Export the string to a malloc'd buffer:
+ * int32_t len = unumf_resultToString(uresult, NULL, 0, &ec);
+ * // at this point, ec == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
+ * ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar* buffer = (UChar*) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(UChar));
+ * unumf_resultToString(uresult, buffer, len+1, &ec);
+ * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
+ * // buffer should equal "5,142"
+ *
+ * // Cleanup:
+ * unumf_close(uformatter);
+ * unumf_closeResult(uresult);
+ * free(buffer);
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * If you are a C++ user linking against the C libraries, you can use the LocalPointer versions of these
+ * APIs. The following example uses LocalPointer with the decimal number and field position APIs:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * // Setup:
+ * LocalUNumberFormatterPointer uformatter(unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(u"percent", -1, "en", &ec));
+ * LocalUFormattedNumberPointer uresult(unumf_openResult(&ec));
+ * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
+ *
+ * // Format a decimal number:
+ * unumf_formatDecimal(uformatter.getAlias(), "9.87E-3", -1, uresult.getAlias(), &ec);
+ * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
+ *
+ * // Get the location of the percent sign:
+ * UFieldPosition ufpos = {UNUM_PERCENT_FIELD, 0, 0};
+ * unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(uresult.getAlias(), &ufpos, &ec);
+ * // ufpos should contain beginIndex=7 and endIndex=8 since the string is "0.00987%"
+ *
+ * // No need to do any cleanup since we are using LocalPointer.
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ * An enum declaring how to render units, including currencies. Example outputs when formatting 123 USD and 123
+ * meters in <em>en-CA</em>:
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>NARROW*: "$123.00" and "123 m"
+ * <li>SHORT: "US$ 123.00" and "123 m"
+ * <li>FULL_NAME: "123.00 US dollars" and "123 meters"
+ * <li>ISO_CODE: "USD 123.00" and undefined behavior
+ * <li>HIDDEN: "123.00" and "123"
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This enum is similar to {@link UMeasureFormatWidth}.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberUnitWidth {
+    /**
+     * Print an abbreviated version of the unit name. Similar to SHORT, but always use the shortest available
+     * abbreviation or symbol. This option can be used when the context hints at the identity of the unit. For more
+     * information on the difference between NARROW and SHORT, see SHORT.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "Narrow" format for measure units and the "¤¤¤¤¤" placeholder for
+     * currencies.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Print an abbreviated version of the unit name. Similar to NARROW, but use a slightly wider abbreviation or
+     * symbol when there may be ambiguity. This is the default behavior.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * For example, in <em>es-US</em>, the SHORT form for Fahrenheit is "{0} °F", but the NARROW form is "{0}°",
+     * since Fahrenheit is the customary unit for temperature in that locale.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "Short" format for measure units and the "¤" placeholder for
+     * currencies.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Print the full name of the unit, without any abbreviations.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the default format for measure units and the "¤¤¤" placeholder for
+     * currencies.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Use the three-digit ISO XXX code in place of the symbol for displaying currencies. The behavior of this
+     * option is currently undefined for use with measure units.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "¤¤" placeholder for currencies.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Format the number according to the specified unit, but do not display the unit. For currencies, apply
+     * monetary symbols and formats as with SHORT, but omit the currency symbol. For measure units, the behavior is
+     * equivalent to not specifying the unit at all.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest UNumberUnitWidth value.
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UNumberUnitWidth;
+ * An enum declaring the strategy for when and how to display grouping separators (i.e., the
+ * separator, often a comma or period, after every 2-3 powers of ten). The choices are several
+ * pre-built strategies for different use cases that employ locale data whenever possible. Example
+ * outputs for 1234 and 1234567 in <em>en-IN</em>:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>OFF: 1234 and 12345
+ * <li>MIN2: 1234 and 12,34,567
+ * <li>AUTO: 1,234 and 12,34,567
+ * <li>ON_ALIGNED: 1,234 and 12,34,567
+ * <li>THOUSANDS: 1,234 and 1,234,567
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The default is AUTO, which displays grouping separators unless the locale data says that grouping
+ * is not customary. To force grouping for all numbers greater than 1000 consistently across locales,
+ * use ON_ALIGNED. On the other hand, to display grouping less frequently than the default, use MIN2
+ * or OFF. See the docs of each option for details.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Note: This enum specifies the strategy for grouping sizes. To set which character to use as the
+ * grouping separator, use the "symbols" setter.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 63
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberGroupingStrategy {
+    /**
+     * Do not display grouping separators in any locale.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+            UNUM_GROUPING_OFF,
+    /**
+     * Display grouping using locale defaults, except do not show grouping on values smaller than
+     * 10000 (such that there is a <em>minimum of two digits</em> before the first separator).
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Note that locales may restrict grouping separators to be displayed only on 1 million or
+     * greater (for example, ee and hu) or disable grouping altogether (for example, bg currency).
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2
+     * (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+            UNUM_GROUPING_MIN2,
+    /**
+     * Display grouping using the default strategy for all locales. This is the default behavior.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Note that locales may restrict grouping separators to be displayed only on 1 million or
+     * greater (for example, ee and hu) or disable grouping altogether (for example, bg currency).
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2
+     * (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+            UNUM_GROUPING_AUTO,
+    /**
+     * Always display the grouping separator on values of at least 1000.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This option ignores the locale data that restricts or disables grouping, described in MIN2 and
+     * AUTO. This option may be useful to normalize the alignment of numbers, such as in a
+     * spreadsheet.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2
+     * (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    /**
+     * Use the Western defaults: groups of 3 and enabled for all numbers 1000 or greater. Do not use
+     * locale data for determining the grouping strategy.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    ,
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest UNumberGroupingStrategy value.
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 62: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+} UNumberGroupingStrategy;
+ * An enum declaring how to denote positive and negative numbers. Example outputs when formatting
+ * 123, 0, and -123 in <em>en-US</em>:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>AUTO: "123", "0", and "-123"
+ * <li>ALWAYS: "+123", "+0", and "-123"
+ * <li>NEVER: "123", "0", and "123"
+ * <li>ACCOUNTING: "$123", "$0", and "($123)"
+ * <li>ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS: "+$123", "+$0", and "($123)"
+ * <li>EXCEPT_ZERO: "+123", "0", and "-123"
+ * <li>ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO: "+$123", "$0", and "($123)"
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The exact format, including the position and the code point of the sign, differ by locale.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberSignDisplay {
+    /**
+     * Show the minus sign on negative numbers, and do not show the sign on positive numbers. This is the default
+     * behavior.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+            UNUM_SIGN_AUTO,
+    /**
+     * Show the minus sign on negative numbers and the plus sign on positive numbers, including zero.
+     * To hide the sign on zero, see {@link UNUM_SIGN_EXCEPT_ZERO}.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+            UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS,
+    /**
+     * Do not show the sign on positive or negative numbers.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+            UNUM_SIGN_NEVER,
+    /**
+     * Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and do not show the sign on positive numbers.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The accounting format is defined in CLDR and varies by locale; in many Western locales, the format is a pair
+     * of parentheses around the number.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Note: Since CLDR defines the accounting format in the monetary context only, this option falls back to the
+     * AUTO sign display strategy when formatting without a currency unit. This limitation may be lifted in the
+     * future.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and show the plus sign on
+     * positive numbers, including zero. For more information on the accounting format, see the
+     * ACCOUNTING sign display strategy. To hide the sign on zero, see
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Show the minus sign on negative numbers and the plus sign on positive numbers. Do not show a
+     * sign on zero or NaN, unless the sign bit is set (-0.0 gets a sign).
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    /**
+     * Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and show the plus sign on
+     * positive numbers. Do not show a sign on zero or NaN, unless the sign bit is set (-0.0 gets a
+     * sign). For more information on the accounting format, see the ACCOUNTING sign display
+     * strategy.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 61
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest UNumberSignDisplay value.
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+            UNUM_SIGN_COUNT
+} UNumberSignDisplay;
+ * An enum declaring how to render the decimal separator.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * <ul>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+typedef enum UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay {
+    /**
+     * Show the decimal separator when there are one or more digits to display after the separator, and do not show
+     * it otherwise. This is the default behavior.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * Always show the decimal separator, even if there are no digits to display after the separator.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 60
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay value.
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay;
+struct UNumberFormatter;
+ * C-compatible version of icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+typedef struct UNumberFormatter UNumberFormatter;
+struct UFormattedNumber;
+ * C-compatible version of icu::number::FormattedNumber.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+typedef struct UFormattedNumber UFormattedNumber;
+ * Creates a new UNumberFormatter for the given skeleton string and locale. This is currently the only
+ * method for creating a new UNumberFormatter.
+ *
+ * Objects of type UNumberFormatter returned by this method are threadsafe.
+ *
+ * For more details on skeleton strings, see the documentation in numberformatter.h. For more details on
+ * the usage of this API, see the documentation at the top of unumberformatter.h.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton string, like u"percent precision-integer"
+ * @param skeletonLen The number of UChars in the skeleton string, or -1 it it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @param locale The NUL-terminated locale ID.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+U_STABLE UNumberFormatter* U_EXPORT2
+unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(const UChar* skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, const char* locale,
+                               UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Like unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale, but accepts a UParseError, which will be populated with the
+ * location of a skeleton syntax error if such a syntax error exists.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton string, like u"percent precision-integer"
+ * @param skeletonLen The number of UChars in the skeleton string, or -1 it it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @param locale The NUL-terminated locale ID.
+ * @param perror A parse error struct populated if an error occurs when parsing. Can be NULL.
+ *               If no error occurs, perror->offset will be set to -1.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT UNumberFormatter* U_EXPORT2
+       const UChar* skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, const char* locale, UParseError* perror, UErrorCode* ec);
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+ * Creates an object to hold the result of a UNumberFormatter
+ * operation. The object can be used repeatedly; it is cleared whenever
+ * passed to a format function.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+U_STABLE UFormattedNumber* U_EXPORT2
+unumf_openResult(UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Uses a UNumberFormatter to format an integer to a UFormattedNumber. A string, field position, and other
+ * information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.
+ *
+ * The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local
+ * UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
+ *
+ * @param uformatter A formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
+ * @param value The number to be formatted.
+ * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_formatInt(const UNumberFormatter* uformatter, int64_t value, UFormattedNumber* uresult,
+                UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a double to a UFormattedNumber. A string, field position, and other
+ * information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.
+ *
+ * The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local
+ * UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
+ *
+ * @param uformatter A formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
+ * @param value The number to be formatted.
+ * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_formatDouble(const UNumberFormatter* uformatter, double value, UFormattedNumber* uresult,
+                   UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a decimal number to a UFormattedNumber. A string, field position, and
+ * other information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.
+ *
+ * The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local
+ * UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.
+ *
+ * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string" as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic
+ * Specification, available at
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
+ *
+ * @param uformatter A formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
+ * @param value The numeric string to be formatted.
+ * @param valueLen The length of the numeric string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_formatDecimal(const UNumberFormatter* uformatter, const char* value, int32_t valueLen,
+                    UFormattedNumber* uresult, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns a representation of a UFormattedNumber as a UFormattedValue,
+ * which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type.
+ *
+ * The returned object is owned by the UFormattedNumber and is valid
+ * only as long as the UFormattedNumber is present and unchanged in memory.
+ *
+ * You can think of this method as a cast between types.
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object containing the formatted string.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A UFormattedValue owned by the input object.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT const UFormattedValue* U_EXPORT2
+unumf_resultAsValue(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UErrorCode* ec);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Extracts the result number string out of a UFormattedNumber to a UChar buffer if possible.
+ * If bufferCapacity is greater than the required length, a terminating NUL is written.
+ * If bufferCapacity is less than the required length, an error code is set.
+ *
+ * Also see ufmtval_getString, which returns a NUL-terminated string:
+ *
+ *     int32_t len;
+ *     const UChar* str = ufmtval_getString(unumf_resultAsValue(uresult, &ec), &len, &ec);
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number.
+ * @param buffer Where to save the string output.
+ * @param bufferCapacity The number of UChars available in the buffer.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return The required length.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_resultToString(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UChar* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity,
+                     UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Determines the start and end indices of the next occurrence of the given <em>field</em> in the
+ * output string. This allows you to determine the locations of, for example, the integer part,
+ * fraction part, or symbols.
+ *
+ * This is a simpler but less powerful alternative to {@link ufmtval_nextPosition}.
+ *
+ * If a field occurs just once, calling this method will find that occurrence and return it. If a
+ * field occurs multiple times, this method may be called repeatedly with the following pattern:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * UFieldPosition ufpos = {UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_FIELD, 0, 0};
+ * while (unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(uresult, ufpos, &ec)) {
+ *   // do something with ufpos.
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * This method is useful if you know which field to query. If you want all available field position
+ * information, use unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions().
+ *
+ * NOTE: All fields of the UFieldPosition must be initialized before calling this method.
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number.
+ * @param ufpos
+ *            Input+output variable. On input, the "field" property determines which field to look up,
+ *            and the "endIndex" property determines where to begin the search. On output, the
+ *            "beginIndex" field is set to the beginning of the first occurrence of the field after the
+ *            input "endIndex", and "endIndex" is set to the end of that occurrence of the field
+ *            (exclusive index). If a field position is not found, the FieldPosition is not changed and
+ *            the method returns FALSE.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UFieldPosition* ufpos, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Populates the given iterator with all fields in the formatted output string. This allows you to
+ * determine the locations of the integer part, fraction part, and sign.
+ *
+ * This is an alternative to the more powerful {@link ufmtval_nextPosition} API.
+ *
+ * If you need information on only one field, use {@link ufmtval_nextPosition} or
+ * {@link unumf_resultNextFieldPosition}.
+ *
+ * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number.
+ * @param ufpositer
+ *         A pointer to a UFieldPositionIterator created by {@link #ufieldpositer_open}. Iteration
+ *         information already present in the UFieldPositionIterator is deleted, and the iterator is reset
+ *         to apply to the fields in the formatted string created by this function call. The field values
+ *         and indexes returned by {@link #ufieldpositer_next} represent fields denoted by
+ *         the UNumberFormatFields enum. Fields are not returned in a guaranteed order. Fields cannot
+ *         overlap, but they may nest. For example, 1234 could format as "1,234" which might consist of a
+ *         grouping separator field for ',' and an integer field encompassing the entire string.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UFieldPositionIterator* ufpositer,
+                                 UErrorCode* ec);
+// TODO(ICU-20775): Propose this as API.
+// NOTE: This is not currently implemented.
+// U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2
+// unumf_resultToDecimalNumber(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, char* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity,
+//                             UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Releases the UNumberFormatter created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale().
+ *
+ * @param uformatter An object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale().
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_close(UNumberFormatter* uformatter);
+ * Releases the UFormattedNumber created by unumf_openResult().
+ *
+ * @param uresult An object created by unumf_openResult().
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+unumf_closeResult(UFormattedNumber* uresult);
+ * \class LocalUNumberFormatterPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class; closes a UNumberFormatter via unumf_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * <pre>
+ * LocalUNumberFormatterPointer uformatter(unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(...));
+ * // no need to explicitly call unumf_close()
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUNumberFormatterPointer, UNumberFormatter, unumf_close);
+ * \class LocalUFormattedNumberPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class; closes a UFormattedNumber via unumf_closeResult().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * <pre>
+ * LocalUFormattedNumberPointer uformatter(unumf_openResult(...));
+ * // no need to explicitly call unumf_closeResult()
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 62
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFormattedNumberPointer, UFormattedNumber, unumf_closeResult);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unumsys.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unumsys.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d459e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/unumsys.h
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UNUMSYS_H
+#define UNUMSYS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: UNumberingSystem, information about numbering systems
+ *
+ * Defines numbering systems. A numbering system describes the scheme by which 
+ * numbers are to be presented to the end user. In its simplest form, a numbering
+ * system describes the set of digit characters that are to be used to display
+ * numbers, such as Western digits, Thai digits, Arabic-Indic digits, etc., in a
+ * positional numbering system with a specified radix (typically 10).
+ * More complicated numbering systems are algorithmic in nature, and require use
+ * of an RBNF formatter (rule based number formatter), in order to calculate
+ * the characters to be displayed for a given number. Examples of algorithmic
+ * numbering systems include Roman numerals, Chinese numerals, and Hebrew numerals.
+ * Formatting rules for many commonly used numbering systems are included in
+ * the ICU package, based on the numbering system rules defined in CLDR.
+ * Alternate numbering systems can be specified to a locale by using the
+ * numbers locale keyword.
+ */
+ * Opaque UNumberingSystem object for use in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+struct UNumberingSystem;
+typedef struct UNumberingSystem UNumberingSystem;  /**< C typedef for struct UNumberingSystem. @stable ICU 52 */
+ * Opens a UNumberingSystem object using the default numbering system for the specified
+ * locale.
+ * @param locale    The locale for which the default numbering system should be opened.
+ * @param status    A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. For example, this
+ *                  may be U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR for a locale such as "en@numbers=xyz" that
+ *                  specifies a numbering system unknown to ICU.
+ * @return          A UNumberingSystem for the specified locale, or NULL if an error
+ *                  occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UNumberingSystem * U_EXPORT2
+unumsys_open(const char *locale, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Opens a UNumberingSystem object using the name of one of the predefined numbering
+ * systems specified by CLDR and known to ICU, such as "latn", "arabext", or "hanidec";
+ * the full list is returned by unumsys_openAvailableNames. Note that some of the names
+ * listed at - e.g.
+ * default, native, traditional, finance - do not identify specific numbering systems,
+ * but rather key values that may only be used as part of a locale, which in turn
+ * defines how they are mapped to a specific numbering system such as "latn" or "hant".
+ *
+ * @param name      The name of the numbering system for which a UNumberingSystem object
+ *                  should be opened.
+ * @param status    A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. For example, this
+ *                  may be U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR for a numbering system such as "xyz" that
+ *                  is unknown to ICU.
+ * @return          A UNumberingSystem for the specified name, or NULL if an error
+ *                  occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UNumberingSystem * U_EXPORT2
+unumsys_openByName(const char *name, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Close a UNumberingSystem object. Once closed it may no longer be used.
+ * @param unumsys   The UNumberingSystem object to close.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+unumsys_close(UNumberingSystem *unumsys);
+ * \class LocalUNumberingSystemPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UNumberingSystem via unumsys_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUNumberingSystemPointer, UNumberingSystem, unumsys_close);
+ * Returns an enumeration over the names of all of the predefined numbering systems known
+ * to ICU.
+ * The numbering system names will be in alphabetical (invariant) order.
+ * @param status    A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return          A pointer to a UEnumeration that must be closed with uenum_close(),
+ *                  or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+unumsys_openAvailableNames(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the name of the specified UNumberingSystem object (if it is one of the
+ * predefined names known to ICU).
+ * @param unumsys   The UNumberingSystem whose name is desired.
+ * @return          A pointer to the name of the specified UNumberingSystem object, or
+ *                  NULL if the name is not one of the ICU predefined names. The pointer
+ *                  is only valid for the lifetime of the UNumberingSystem object.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+unumsys_getName(const UNumberingSystem *unumsys);
+ * Returns whether the given UNumberingSystem object is for an algorithmic (not purely
+ * positional) system.
+ * @param unumsys   The UNumberingSystem whose algorithmic status is desired.
+ * @return          TRUE if the specified UNumberingSystem object is for an algorithmic
+ *                  system.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+unumsys_isAlgorithmic(const UNumberingSystem *unumsys);
+ * Returns the radix of the specified UNumberingSystem object. Simple positional
+ * numbering systems typically have radix 10, but might have a radix of e.g. 16 for
+ * hexadecimal. The radix is less well-defined for non-positional algorithmic systems.
+ * @param unumsys   The UNumberingSystem whose radix is desired.
+ * @return          The radix of the specified UNumberingSystem object.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+unumsys_getRadix(const UNumberingSystem *unumsys);
+ * Get the description string of the specified UNumberingSystem object. For simple
+ * positional systems this is the ordered string of digits (with length matching
+ * the radix), e.g. "\u3007\u4E00\u4E8C\u4E09\u56DB\u4E94\u516D\u4E03\u516B\u4E5D"
+ * for "hanidec"; it would be "0123456789ABCDEF" for hexadecimal. For
+ * algorithmic systems this is the name of the RBNF ruleset used for formatting,
+ * e.g. "zh/SpelloutRules/%spellout-cardinal" for "hans" or "%greek-upper" for
+ * "grek".
+ * @param unumsys   The UNumberingSystem whose description string is desired.
+ * @param result    A pointer to a buffer to receive the description string.
+ * @param resultLength  The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status    A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return          The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
+ *                  output was truncated.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+unumsys_getDescription(const UNumberingSystem *unumsys, UChar *result,
+                       int32_t resultLength, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uobject.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb331c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uobject.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002jun26
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UOBJECT_H__
+#define __UOBJECT_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/platform.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Common ICU base class UObject.
+ */
+ * \def U_NO_THROW
+ *         Since ICU 64, use U_NOEXCEPT instead.
+ *
+ *         Previously, define this to define the throw() specification so
+ *                 certain functions do not throw any exceptions
+ *
+ *         UMemory operator new methods should have the throw() specification 
+ *         appended to them, so that the compiler adds the additional NULL check 
+ *         before calling constructors. Without, if <code>operator new</code> returns NULL the 
+ *         constructor is still called, and if the constructor references member 
+ *         data, (which it typically does), the result is a segmentation violation.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2. Since ICU 64, Use U_NOEXCEPT instead. See ICU-20422.
+ */
+#ifndef U_NO_THROW
+/* UClassID-based RTTI */
+ * UClassID is used to identify classes without using the compiler's RTTI.
+ * This was used before C++ compilers consistently supported RTTI.
+ * ICU 4.6 requires compiler RTTI to be turned on.
+ *
+ * Each class hierarchy which needs
+ * to implement polymorphic clone() or operator==() defines two methods,
+ * described in detail below.  UClassID values can be compared using
+ * operator==(). Nothing else should be done with them.
+ *
+ * \par
+ * In class hierarchies that implement "poor man's RTTI",
+ * each concrete subclass implements getDynamicClassID() in the same way:
+ *
+ * \code
+ *      class Derived {
+ *      public:
+ *          virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const
+ *            { return Derived::getStaticClassID(); }
+ *      }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Each concrete class implements getStaticClassID() as well, which allows
+ * clients to test for a specific type.
+ *
+ * \code
+ *      class Derived {
+ *      public:
+ *          static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+ *      private:
+ *          static char fgClassID;
+ *      }
+ *
+ *      // In Derived.cpp:
+ *      UClassID Derived::getStaticClassID()
+ *        { return (UClassID)&Derived::fgClassID; }
+ *      char Derived::fgClassID = 0; // Value is irrelevant
+ * \endcode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void* UClassID;
+ * UMemory is the common ICU base class.
+ * All other ICU C++ classes are derived from UMemory (starting with ICU 2.4).
+ *
+ * This is primarily to make it possible and simple to override the
+ * C++ memory management by adding new/delete operators to this base class.
+ *
+ * To override ALL ICU memory management, including that from plain C code,
+ * replace the allocation functions declared in cmemory.h
+ *
+ * UMemory does not contain any virtual functions.
+ * Common "boilerplate" functions are defined in UObject.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UMemory {
+/* test versions for debugging shaper heap memory problems */
+    static void * NewArray(int size, int count);
+    static void * GrowArray(void * array, int newSize );
+    static void   FreeArray(void * array );
+    /**
+     * Override for ICU4C C++ memory management.
+     * simple, non-class types are allocated using the macros in common/cmemory.h
+     * (uprv_malloc(), uprv_free(), uprv_realloc());
+     * they or something else could be used here to implement C++ new/delete
+     * for ICU4C C++ classes
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static void * U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t size) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Override for ICU4C C++ memory management.
+     * See new().
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static void * U_EXPORT2 operator new[](size_t size) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Override for ICU4C C++ memory management.
+     * simple, non-class types are allocated using the macros in common/cmemory.h
+     * (uprv_malloc(), uprv_free(), uprv_realloc());
+     * they or something else could be used here to implement C++ new/delete
+     * for ICU4C C++ classes
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 operator delete(void *p) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Override for ICU4C C++ memory management.
+     * See delete().
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static void U_EXPORT2 operator delete[](void *p) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+     * Override for ICU4C C++ memory management for STL.
+     * See new().
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static inline void * U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t, void *ptr) U_NOEXCEPT { return ptr; }
+    /**
+     * Override for ICU4C C++ memory management for STL.
+     * See delete().
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    static inline void U_EXPORT2 operator delete(void *, void *) U_NOEXCEPT {}
+#endif /* U_HAVE_PLACEMENT_NEW */
+    /**
+      * This method overrides the MFC debug version of the operator new
+      * 
+      * @param size   The requested memory size
+      * @param file   The file where the allocation was requested
+      * @param line   The line where the allocation was requested 
+      */ 
+    static void * U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t size, const char* file, int line) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /**
+      * This method provides a matching delete for the MFC debug new
+      * 
+      * @param p      The pointer to the allocated memory
+      * @param file   The file where the allocation was requested
+      * @param line   The line where the allocation was requested 
+      */ 
+    static void U_EXPORT2 operator delete(void* p, const char* file, int line) U_NOEXCEPT;
+    /*
+     * Assignment operator not declared. The compiler will provide one
+     * which does nothing since this class does not contain any data members.
+     * API/code coverage may show the assignment operator as present and
+     * untested - ignore.
+     * Subclasses need this assignment operator if they use compiler-provided
+     * assignment operators of their own. An alternative to not declaring one
+     * here would be to declare and empty-implement a protected or public one.
+    UMemory &UMemory::operator=(const UMemory &);
+     */
+ * UObject is the common ICU "boilerplate" class.
+ * UObject inherits UMemory (starting with ICU 2.4),
+ * and all other public ICU C++ classes
+ * are derived from UObject (starting with ICU 2.2).
+ *
+ * UObject contains common virtual functions, in particular a virtual destructor.
+ *
+ * The clone() function is not available in UObject because it is not
+ * implemented by all ICU classes.
+ * Many ICU services provide a clone() function for their class trees,
+ * defined on the service's C++ base class
+ * (which itself is a subclass of UObject).
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UObject : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual ~UObject();
+    /**
+     * ICU4C "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual ICU class.
+     * The base class implementation returns a dummy value.
+     *
+     * Use compiler RTTI rather than ICU's "poor man's RTTI".
+     * Since ICU 4.6, new ICU C++ class hierarchies do not implement "poor man's RTTI".
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.2
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    // the following functions are protected to prevent instantiation and
+    // direct use of UObject itself
+    // default constructor
+    // inline UObject() {}
+    // copy constructor
+    // inline UObject(const UObject &other) {}
+#if 0
+    // TODO Sometime in the future. Implement operator==().
+    // (This comment inserted in 2.2)
+    // some or all of the following "boilerplate" functions may be made public
+    // in a future ICU4C release when all subclasses implement them
+    // assignment operator
+    // (not virtual, see "Taligent's Guide to Designing Programs" pp.73..74)
+    // commented out because the implementation is the same as a compiler's default
+    // UObject &operator=(const UObject &other) { return *this; }
+    // comparison operators
+    virtual inline UBool operator==(const UObject &other) const { return this==&other; }
+    inline UBool operator!=(const UObject &other) const { return !operator==(other); }
+    // clone() commented out from the base class:
+    // some compilers do not support co-variant return types
+    // (i.e., subclasses would have to return UObject * as well, instead of SubClass *)
+    // see also UObject class documentation.
+    // virtual UObject *clone() const;
+    /*
+     * Assignment operator not declared. The compiler will provide one
+     * which does nothing since this class does not contain any data members.
+     * API/code coverage may show the assignment operator as present and
+     * untested - ignore.
+     * Subclasses need this assignment operator if they use compiler-provided
+     * assignment operators of their own. An alternative to not declaring one
+     * here would be to declare and empty-implement a protected or public one.
+    UObject &UObject::operator=(const UObject &);
+     */
+ * This is a simple macro to add ICU RTTI to an ICU object implementation.
+ * This does not go into the header. This should only be used in *.cpp files.
+ *
+ * @param myClass The name of the class that needs RTTI defined.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    UClassID U_EXPORT2 myClass::getStaticClassID() { \
+        static char classID = 0; \
+        return (UClassID)&classID; \
+    } \
+    UClassID myClass::getDynamicClassID() const \
+    { return myClass::getStaticClassID(); }
+ * This macro adds ICU RTTI to an ICU abstract class implementation.
+ * This macro should be invoked in *.cpp files.  The corresponding
+ * header should declare getStaticClassID.
+ *
+ * @param myClass The name of the class that needs RTTI defined.
+ * @internal
+ */
+    UClassID U_EXPORT2 myClass::getStaticClassID() { \
+        static char classID = 0; \
+        return (UClassID)&classID; \
+    }
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/upluralrules.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/upluralrules.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b7eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/upluralrules.h
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2013, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+// Forward-declaration
+struct UFormattedNumber;
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Plural rules, select plural keywords for numeric values.
+ *
+ * A UPluralRules object defines rules for mapping non-negative numeric
+ * values onto a small set of keywords. Rules are constructed from a text
+ * description, consisting of a series of keywords and conditions.
+ * The uplrules_select function examines each condition in order and
+ * returns the keyword for the first condition that matches the number.
+ * If none match, the default rule(other) is returned.
+ *
+ * For more information, see the LDML spec, C.11 Language Plural Rules:
+ *
+ *
+ * Keywords: ICU locale data has 6 predefined values -
+ * 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many' and 'other'. Callers need to check
+ * the value of keyword returned by the uplrules_select function.
+ *
+ * These are based on CLDR <i>Language Plural Rules</i>. For these
+ * predefined rules, see the CLDR page at
+ *
+ */
+ * Type of plurals and PluralRules.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+enum UPluralType {
+    /**
+     * Plural rules for cardinal numbers: 1 file vs. 2 files.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * Plural rules for ordinal numbers: 1st file, 2nd file, 3rd file, 4th file, etc.
+     * @stable ICU 50
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UPluralType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+typedef enum UPluralType UPluralType;
+ * Opaque UPluralRules object for use in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+struct UPluralRules;
+typedef struct UPluralRules UPluralRules;  /**< C typedef for struct UPluralRules. @stable ICU 4.8 */
+ * Opens a new UPluralRules object using the predefined cardinal-number plural rules for a
+ * given locale.
+ * Same as uplrules_openForType(locale, UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL, status).
+ * @param locale The locale for which the rules are desired.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A UPluralRules for the specified locale, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_CAPI UPluralRules* U_EXPORT2
+uplrules_open(const char *locale, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Opens a new UPluralRules object using the predefined plural rules for a
+ * given locale and the plural type.
+ * @param locale The locale for which the rules are desired.
+ * @param type The plural type (e.g., cardinal or ordinal).
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return A UPluralRules for the specified locale, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 50
+ */
+U_CAPI UPluralRules* U_EXPORT2
+uplrules_openForType(const char *locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Closes a UPluralRules object. Once closed it may no longer be used.
+ * @param uplrules The UPluralRules object to close.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+uplrules_close(UPluralRules *uplrules);
+ * \class LocalUPluralRulesPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UPluralRules via uplrules_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUPluralRulesPointer, UPluralRules, uplrules_close);
+ * Given a floating-point number, returns the keyword of the first rule that
+ * applies to the number, according to the supplied UPluralRules object.
+ * @param uplrules The UPluralRules object specifying the rules.
+ * @param number The number for which the rule has to be determined.
+ * @param keyword An output buffer to write the keyword of the rule that
+ *         applies to number.
+ * @param capacity The capacity of the keyword buffer.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The length of the keyword.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uplrules_select(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
+               double number,
+               UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity,
+               UErrorCode *status);
+ * Given a formatted number, returns the keyword of the first rule
+ * that applies to the number, according to the supplied UPluralRules object.
+ *
+ * A UFormattedNumber allows you to specify an exponent or trailing zeros,
+ * which can affect the plural category. To get a UFormattedNumber, see
+ * {@link UNumberFormatter}.
+ *
+ * @param uplrules The UPluralRules object specifying the rules.
+ * @param number The formatted number for which the rule has to be determined.
+ * @param keyword The destination buffer for the keyword of the rule that
+ *         applies to number.
+ * @param capacity The capacity of the keyword buffer.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The length of the keyword.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uplrules_selectFormatted(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
+               const struct UFormattedNumber* number,
+               UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity,
+               UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Given a number, returns the keyword of the first rule that applies to the
+ * number, according to the UPluralRules object and given the number format
+ * specified by the UNumberFormat object.
+ * Note: This internal preview interface may be removed in the future if
+ * an architecturally cleaner solution reaches stable status.
+ * @param uplrules The UPluralRules object specifying the rules.
+ * @param number The number for which the rule has to be determined.
+ * @param fmt The UNumberFormat specifying how the number will be formatted
+ *        (this can affect the plural form, e.g. "1 dollar" vs "1.0 dollars").
+ *        If this is NULL, the function behaves like uplrules_select.
+ * @param keyword An output buffer to write the keyword of the rule that
+ *         applies to number.
+ * @param capacity The capacity of the keyword buffer.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The length of keyword.
+ * @internal ICU 59 technology preview, may be removed in the future
+ */
+uplrules_selectWithFormat(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
+                          double number,
+                          const UNumberFormat *fmt,
+                          UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity,
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * Creates a string enumeration of all plural rule keywords used in this
+ * UPluralRules object. The rule "other" is always present by default.
+ * @param uplrules The UPluralRules object specifying the rules for
+ *        a given locale.
+ * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return a string enumeration over plural rule keywords, or NULL
+ * upon error. The caller is responsible for closing the result.
+ * @stable ICU 59
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uplrules_getKeywords(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
+                     UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uregex.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uregex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dab172d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uregex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1617 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uregex.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2004mar09
+*   created by: Andy Heninger
+*   ICU Regular Expressions, API for C
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Regular Expressions
+ *
+ * <p>This is a C wrapper around the C++ RegexPattern and RegexMatcher classes.</p>
+ */
+#ifndef UREGEX_H
+#define UREGEX_H
+#include "unicode/utext.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+struct URegularExpression;
+  * Structure representing a compiled regular expression, plus the results
+  *    of a match operation.
+  * @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+typedef struct URegularExpression URegularExpression;
+ * Constants for Regular Expression Match Modes.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef enum URegexpFlag{
+#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API 
+    /** Forces normalization of pattern and strings. 
+    Not implemented yet, just a placeholder, hence draft. 
+    @draft ICU 2.4 */
+    UREGEX_CANON_EQ         = 128,
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+    /**  Enable case insensitive matching.  @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    /**  Allow white space and comments within patterns  @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    UREGEX_COMMENTS         = 4,
+    /**  If set, '.' matches line terminators,  otherwise '.' matching stops at line end.
+      *  @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    UREGEX_DOTALL           = 32,
+    /**  If set, treat the entire pattern as a literal string.  
+      *  Metacharacters or escape sequences in the input sequence will be given 
+      *  no special meaning. 
+      *
+      *  The flag UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE retains its impact
+      *  on matching when used in conjunction with this flag.
+      *  The other flags become superfluous.
+      *
+      * @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+    /**   Control behavior of "$" and "^"
+      *    If set, recognize line terminators within string,
+      *    otherwise, match only at start and end of input string.
+      *   @stable ICU 2.4 */
+    UREGEX_MULTILINE        = 8,
+    /**   Unix-only line endings.
+      *   When this mode is enabled, only \\u000a is recognized as a line ending
+      *    in the behavior of ., ^, and $.
+      *   @stable ICU 4.0
+      */
+    /**  Unicode word boundaries.
+      *     If set, \b uses the Unicode TR 29 definition of word boundaries.
+      *     Warning: Unicode word boundaries are quite different from
+      *     traditional regular expression word boundaries.  See
+      *
+      *     @stable ICU 2.8
+      */
+    UREGEX_UWORD            = 256,
+     /**  Error on Unrecognized backslash escapes.
+       *     If set, fail with an error on patterns that contain
+       *     backslash-escaped ASCII letters without a known special
+       *     meaning.  If this flag is not set, these
+       *     escaped letters represent themselves.
+       *     @stable ICU 4.0
+       */
+}  URegexpFlag;
+  *  Open (compile) an ICU regular expression.  Compiles the regular expression in
+  *  string form into an internal representation using the specified match mode flags.
+  *  The resulting regular expression handle can then be used to perform various
+  *   matching operations.
+  * 
+  *
+  * @param pattern        The Regular Expression pattern to be compiled. 
+  * @param patternLength  The length of the pattern, or -1 if the pattern is
+  *                       NUL terminated.
+  * @param flags          Flags that alter the default matching behavior for
+  *                       the regular expression, UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, for
+  *                       example.  For default behavior, set this parameter to zero.
+  *                       See <code>enum URegexpFlag</code>.  All desired flags
+  *                       are bitwise-ORed together.
+  * @param pe             Receives the position (line and column numbers) of any syntax
+  *                       error within the source regular expression string.  If this
+  *                       information is not wanted, pass NULL for this parameter.
+  * @param status         Receives error detected by this function.
+  * @stable ICU 3.0
+  *
+  */
+U_STABLE URegularExpression * U_EXPORT2
+uregex_open( const  UChar          *pattern,
+                    int32_t         patternLength,
+                    uint32_t        flags,
+                    UParseError    *pe,
+                    UErrorCode     *status);
+  *  Open (compile) an ICU regular expression.  Compiles the regular expression in
+  *  string form into an internal representation using the specified match mode flags.
+  *  The resulting regular expression handle can then be used to perform various
+  *   matching operations.
+  *  <p>
+  *  The contents of the pattern UText will be extracted and saved. Ownership of the
+  *   UText struct itself remains with the caller. This is to match the behavior of
+  *   uregex_open().
+  *
+  * @param pattern        The Regular Expression pattern to be compiled. 
+  * @param flags          Flags that alter the default matching behavior for
+  *                       the regular expression, UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, for
+  *                       example.  For default behavior, set this parameter to zero.
+  *                       See <code>enum URegexpFlag</code>.  All desired flags
+  *                       are bitwise-ORed together.
+  * @param pe             Receives the position (line and column numbers) of any syntax
+  *                       error within the source regular expression string.  If this
+  *                       information is not wanted, pass NULL for this parameter.
+  * @param status         Receives error detected by this function.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+U_STABLE URegularExpression *  U_EXPORT2
+uregex_openUText(UText          *pattern,
+                 uint32_t        flags,
+                 UParseError    *pe,
+                 UErrorCode     *status);
+  *  Open (compile) an ICU regular expression.  The resulting regular expression
+  *   handle can then be used to perform various matching operations.
+  *  <p>
+  *   This function is the same as uregex_open, except that the pattern
+  *   is supplied as an 8 bit char * string in the default code page.
+  *
+  * @param pattern        The Regular Expression pattern to be compiled, 
+  *                       NUL terminated.  
+  * @param flags          Flags that alter the default matching behavior for
+  *                       the regular expression, UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, for
+  *                       example.  For default behavior, set this parameter to zero.
+  *                       See <code>enum URegexpFlag</code>.  All desired flags
+  *                       are bitwise-ORed together.
+  * @param pe             Receives the position (line and column numbers) of any syntax
+  *                       error within the source regular expression string.  If this
+  *                       information is not wanted, pass NULL for this parameter.
+  * @param status         Receives errors detected by this function.
+  * @return               The URegularExpression object representing the compiled
+  *                       pattern.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE URegularExpression * U_EXPORT2
+uregex_openC( const char           *pattern,
+                    uint32_t        flags,
+                    UParseError    *pe,
+                    UErrorCode     *status);
+  *  Close the regular expression, recovering all resources (memory) it
+  *   was holding.
+  *
+  * @param regexp   The regular expression to be closed.
+  * @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+uregex_close(URegularExpression *regexp);
+ * \class LocalURegularExpressionPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a URegularExpression via uregex_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalURegularExpressionPointer, URegularExpression, uregex_close);
+ * Make a copy of a compiled regular expression.  Cloning a regular
+ * expression is faster than opening a second instance from the source
+ * form of the expression, and requires less memory.
+ * <p>
+ * Note that the current input string and the position of any matched text
+ *  within it are not cloned; only the pattern itself and the
+ *  match mode flags are copied.
+ * <p>
+ * Cloning can be particularly useful to threaded applications that perform
+ * multiple match operations in parallel.  Each concurrent RE
+ * operation requires its own instance of a URegularExpression.
+ *
+ * @param regexp   The compiled regular expression to be cloned.
+ * @param status   Receives indication of any errors encountered
+ * @return the cloned copy of the compiled regular expression.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE URegularExpression * U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_clone(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Returns a pointer to the source form of the pattern for this regular expression.
+ *  This function will work even if the pattern was originally specified as a UText.
+ *
+ * @param regexp     The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param patLength  This output parameter will be set to the length of the
+ *                   pattern string.  A NULL pointer may be used here if the
+ *                   pattern length is not needed, as would be the case if
+ *                   the pattern is known in advance to be a NUL terminated
+ *                   string.
+ * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+ * @return a pointer to the pattern string.  The storage for the string is
+ *                   owned by the regular expression object, and must not be
+ *                   altered or deleted by the application.  The returned string
+ *                   will remain valid until the regular expression is closed.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_pattern(const URegularExpression *regexp,
+                     int32_t            *patLength,
+                     UErrorCode         *status);
+ *  Returns the source text of the pattern for this regular expression.
+ *  This function will work even if the pattern was originally specified as a UChar string.
+ *
+ * @param regexp     The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+ * @return the pattern text.  The storage for the text is owned by the regular expression
+ *                   object, and must not be altered or deleted.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uregex_patternUText(const URegularExpression *regexp,
+                          UErrorCode         *status);
+  * Get the match mode flags that were specified when compiling this regular expression.
+  * @param status   Receives errors detected by this function.
+  * @param regexp   The compiled regular expression.
+  * @return         The match mode flags
+  * @see URegexpFlag
+  * @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_flags(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                    UErrorCode           *status);
+  *  Set the subject text string upon which the regular expression will look for matches.
+  *  This function may be called any number of times, allowing the regular
+  *  expression pattern to be applied to different strings.
+  *  <p>
+  *  Regular expression matching operations work directly on the application's
+  *  string data.  No copy is made.  The subject string data must not be
+  *  altered after calling this function until after all regular expression
+  *  operations involving this string data are completed.  
+  *  <p>
+  *  Zero length strings are permitted.  In this case, no subsequent match
+  *  operation will dereference the text string pointer.
+  *
+  * @param regexp     The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param text       The subject text string.
+  * @param textLength The length of the subject text, or -1 if the string
+  *                   is NUL terminated.
+  * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+  * @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+uregex_setText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+               const UChar        *text,
+               int32_t             textLength,
+               UErrorCode         *status);
+  *  Set the subject text string upon which the regular expression will look for matches.
+  *  This function may be called any number of times, allowing the regular
+  *  expression pattern to be applied to different strings.
+  *  <p>
+  *  Regular expression matching operations work directly on the application's
+  *  string data; only a shallow clone is made.  The subject string data must not be
+  *  altered after calling this function until after all regular expression
+  *  operations involving this string data are completed.  
+  *
+  * @param regexp     The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param text       The subject text string.
+  * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_setUText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                UText              *text,
+                UErrorCode         *status);
+  *  Get the subject text that is currently associated with this 
+  *   regular expression object.  If the input was supplied using uregex_setText(),
+  *   that pointer will be returned.  Otherwise, the characters in the input will
+  *   be extracted to a buffer and returned.  In either case, ownership remains
+  *   with the regular expression object.
+  *
+  *  This function will work even if the input was originally specified as a UText.
+  *
+  * @param regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param textLength  The length of the string is returned in this output parameter. 
+  *                    A NULL pointer may be used here if the
+  *                    text length is not needed, as would be the case if
+  *                    the text is known in advance to be a NUL terminated
+  *                    string.
+  * @param status      Receives errors detected by this function.
+  * @return            Pointer to the subject text string currently associated with
+  *                    this regular expression.
+  * @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_getText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+               int32_t            *textLength,
+               UErrorCode         *status);
+  *  Get the subject text that is currently associated with this 
+  *   regular expression object.
+  *
+  *  This function will work even if the input was originally specified as a UChar string.
+  *
+  * @param regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param dest        A mutable UText in which to store the current input.
+  *                    If NULL, a new UText will be created as an immutable shallow clone
+  *                    of the actual input string.
+  * @param status      Receives errors detected by this function.
+  * @return            The subject text currently associated with this regular expression.
+  *                    If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it will always be used and returned.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_getUText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                UText              *dest,
+                UErrorCode         *status);
+  *  Set the subject text string upon which the regular expression is looking for matches
+  *  without changing any other aspect of the matching state.
+  *  The new and previous text strings must have the same content.
+  *
+  *  This function is intended for use in environments where ICU is operating on 
+  *  strings that may move around in memory.  It provides a mechanism for notifying
+  *  ICU that the string has been relocated, and providing a new UText to access the
+  *  string in its new position.
+  *
+  *  Note that the regular expression implementation never copies the underlying text
+  *  of a string being matched, but always operates directly on the original text 
+  *  provided by the user. Refreshing simply drops the references to the old text 
+  *  and replaces them with references to the new.
+  *
+  *  Caution:  this function is normally used only by very specialized
+  *            system-level code.   One example use case is with garbage collection 
+  *            that moves the text in memory. 
+  *
+  * @param regexp     The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param text       The new (moved) text string.
+  * @param status     Receives errors detected by this function.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 4.8
+  */
+uregex_refreshUText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                    UText              *text,
+                    UErrorCode         *status);
+  *   Attempts to match the input string against the pattern.
+  *   To succeed, the match must extend to the end of the string,
+  *   or cover the complete match region.
+  *
+  *   If startIndex >= zero the match operation starts at the specified
+  *   index and must extend to the end of the input string.  Any region
+  *   that has been specified is reset.
+  *
+  *   If startIndex == -1 the match must cover the input region, or the entire
+  *   input string if no region has been set.  This directly corresponds to
+  *   Matcher.matches() in Java
+  *
+  *    @param  regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param  startIndex  The input string (native) index at which to begin matching, or -1
+  *                        to match the input Region.
+  *    @param  status      Receives errors detected by this function.
+  *    @return             TRUE if there is a match
+  *    @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+uregex_matches(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                int32_t            startIndex,
+                UErrorCode        *status);
+  *   64bit version of uregex_matches.
+  *   Attempts to match the input string against the pattern.
+  *   To succeed, the match must extend to the end of the string,
+  *   or cover the complete match region.
+  *
+  *   If startIndex >= zero the match operation starts at the specified
+  *   index and must extend to the end of the input string.  Any region
+  *   that has been specified is reset.
+  *
+  *   If startIndex == -1 the match must cover the input region, or the entire
+  *   input string if no region has been set.  This directly corresponds to
+  *   Matcher.matches() in Java
+  *
+  *    @param  regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param  startIndex  The input string (native) index at which to begin matching, or -1
+  *                        to match the input Region.
+  *    @param  status      Receives errors detected by this function.
+  *    @return             TRUE if there is a match
+  *   @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_matches64(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                 int64_t            startIndex,
+                 UErrorCode        *status);
+  *   Attempts to match the input string, starting from the specified index, against the pattern.
+  *   The match may be of any length, and is not required to extend to the end
+  *   of the input string.  Contrast with uregex_matches().
+  *
+  *   <p>If startIndex is >= 0 any input region that was set for this
+  *   URegularExpression is reset before the operation begins.
+  *
+  *   <p>If the specified starting index == -1 the match begins at the start of the input 
+  *   region, or at the start of the full string if no region has been specified.
+  *   This corresponds directly with Matcher.lookingAt() in Java.
+  *
+  *   <p>If the match succeeds then more information can be obtained via the
+  *    <code>uregexp_start()</code>, <code>uregexp_end()</code>,
+  *    and <code>uregex_group()</code> functions.</p>
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   startIndex  The input string (native) index at which to begin matching, or
+  *                         -1 to match the Input Region
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return  TRUE if there is a match.
+  *    @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+uregex_lookingAt(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                 int32_t             startIndex,
+                 UErrorCode         *status);
+  *   64bit version of uregex_lookingAt.
+  *   Attempts to match the input string, starting from the specified index, against the pattern.
+  *   The match may be of any length, and is not required to extend to the end
+  *   of the input string.  Contrast with uregex_matches().
+  *
+  *   <p>If startIndex is >= 0 any input region that was set for this
+  *   URegularExpression is reset before the operation begins.
+  *
+  *   <p>If the specified starting index == -1 the match begins at the start of the input 
+  *   region, or at the start of the full string if no region has been specified.
+  *   This corresponds directly with Matcher.lookingAt() in Java.
+  *
+  *   <p>If the match succeeds then more information can be obtained via the
+  *    <code>uregexp_start()</code>, <code>uregexp_end()</code>,
+  *    and <code>uregex_group()</code> functions.</p>
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   startIndex  The input string (native) index at which to begin matching, or
+  *                         -1 to match the Input Region
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return  TRUE if there is a match.
+  *    @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_lookingAt64(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                   int64_t             startIndex,
+                   UErrorCode         *status);
+  *   Find the first matching substring of the input string that matches the pattern.
+  *   If startIndex is >= zero the search for a match begins at the specified index,
+  *          and any match region is reset.  This corresponds directly with
+  *          Matcher.find(startIndex) in Java.
+  *
+  *   If startIndex == -1 the search begins at the start of the input region,
+  *           or at the start of the full string if no region has been specified.
+  *
+  *   If a match is found, <code>uregex_start(), uregex_end()</code>, and
+  *   <code>uregex_group()</code> will provide more information regarding the match.
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *   @param   startIndex  The position (native) in the input string to begin the search, or
+  *                        -1 to search within the Input Region.
+  *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *   @return              TRUE if a match is found.
+  *   @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+uregex_find(URegularExpression *regexp,
+            int32_t             startIndex, 
+            UErrorCode         *status);
+  *   64bit version of uregex_find.
+  *   Find the first matching substring of the input string that matches the pattern.
+  *   If startIndex is >= zero the search for a match begins at the specified index,
+  *          and any match region is reset.  This corresponds directly with
+  *          Matcher.find(startIndex) in Java.
+  *
+  *   If startIndex == -1 the search begins at the start of the input region,
+  *           or at the start of the full string if no region has been specified.
+  *
+  *   If a match is found, <code>uregex_start(), uregex_end()</code>, and
+  *   <code>uregex_group()</code> will provide more information regarding the match.
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *   @param   startIndex  The position (native) in the input string to begin the search, or
+  *                        -1 to search within the Input Region.
+  *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *   @return              TRUE if a match is found.
+  *   @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_find64(URegularExpression *regexp,
+              int64_t             startIndex, 
+              UErrorCode         *status);
+  *  Find the next pattern match in the input string.  Begin searching 
+  *  the input at the location following the end of he previous match, 
+  *  or at the start of the string (or region) if there is no 
+  *  previous match.  If a match is found, <code>uregex_start(), uregex_end()</code>, and
+  *  <code>uregex_group()</code> will provide more information regarding the match.
+  *
+  *  @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *  @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *  @return              TRUE if a match is found.
+  *  @see uregex_reset
+  *  @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+uregex_findNext(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                UErrorCode         *status);
+  *   Get the number of capturing groups in this regular expression's pattern.
+  *   @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *   @return the number of capture groups
+  *   @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_groupCount(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                  UErrorCode         *status);
+  * Get the group number corresponding to a named capture group.
+  * The returned number can be used with any function that access
+  * capture groups by number.
+  *
+  * The function returns an error status if the specified name does not
+  * appear in the pattern.
+  *
+  * @param  regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param  groupName   The capture group name.
+  * @param  nameLength  The length of the name, or -1 if the name is a
+  *                     nul-terminated string.
+  * @param  status      A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 55
+  */
+uregex_groupNumberFromName(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                           const UChar        *groupName,
+                           int32_t             nameLength,
+                           UErrorCode          *status);
+  * Get the group number corresponding to a named capture group.
+  * The returned number can be used with any function that access
+  * capture groups by number.
+  *
+  * The function returns an error status if the specified name does not
+  * appear in the pattern.
+  *
+  * @param  regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param  groupName   The capture group name,
+  *                     platform invariant characters only.
+  * @param  nameLength  The length of the name, or -1 if the name is
+  *                     nul-terminated.
+  * @param  status      A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 55
+  */
+uregex_groupNumberFromCName(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                            const char         *groupName,
+                            int32_t             nameLength,
+                            UErrorCode          *status);
+/** Extract the string for the specified matching expression or subexpression.
+  * Group #0 is the complete string of matched text.
+  * Group #1 is the text matched by the first set of capturing parentheses.
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp       The compiled regular expression.
+  *   @param   groupNum     The capture group to extract.  Group 0 is the complete
+  *                         match.  The value of this parameter must be
+  *                         less than or equal to the number of capture groups in
+  *                         the pattern.
+  *   @param   dest         Buffer to receive the matching string data
+  *   @param   destCapacity Capacity of the dest buffer.
+  *   @param   status       A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *   @return               Length of matching data,
+  *                         or -1 if no applicable match.
+  *   @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_group(URegularExpression *regexp,
+             int32_t             groupNum,
+             UChar              *dest,
+             int32_t             destCapacity,
+             UErrorCode          *status);
+/** Returns a shallow immutable clone of the entire input string with the current index set
+  *   to the beginning of the requested capture group.  The capture group length is also
+  *   returned via groupLength.
+  * Group #0 is the complete string of matched text.
+  * Group #1 is the text matched by the first set of capturing parentheses.
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp       The compiled regular expression.
+  *   @param   groupNum     The capture group to extract.  Group 0 is the complete
+  *                         match.  The value of this parameter must be
+  *                         less than or equal to the number of capture groups in
+  *                         the pattern.
+  *   @param   dest         A mutable UText in which to store the current input.
+  *                         If NULL, a new UText will be created as an immutable shallow clone
+  *                         of the entire input string.
+  *   @param   groupLength  The group length of the desired capture group. Output parameter.
+  *   @param   status       A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *   @return               The subject text currently associated with this regular expression.
+  *                         If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it will always be used and returned.
+  *
+  *   @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_groupUText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                  int32_t             groupNum,
+                  UText              *dest,
+                  int64_t            *groupLength,
+                  UErrorCode         *status);
+  *   Returns the index in the input string of the start of the text matched by the
+  *   specified capture group during the previous match operation.  Return -1 if
+  *   the capture group was not part of the last match.
+  *   Group #0 refers to the complete range of matched text.
+  *   Group #1 refers to the text matched by the first set of capturing parentheses.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   groupNum    The capture group number
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return              the starting (native) position in the input of the text matched 
+  *                         by the specified group.
+  *    @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_start(URegularExpression *regexp,
+             int32_t             groupNum,
+             UErrorCode          *status);
+  *   64bit version of uregex_start.
+  *   Returns the index in the input string of the start of the text matched by the
+  *   specified capture group during the previous match operation.  Return -1 if
+  *   the capture group was not part of the last match.
+  *   Group #0 refers to the complete range of matched text.
+  *   Group #1 refers to the text matched by the first set of capturing parentheses.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   groupNum    The capture group number
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return              the starting (native) position in the input of the text matched 
+  *                         by the specified group.
+  *   @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+U_STABLE int64_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_start64(URegularExpression *regexp,
+               int32_t             groupNum,
+               UErrorCode          *status);
+  *   Returns the index in the input string of the position following the end
+  *   of the text matched by the specified capture group.
+  *   Return -1 if the capture group was not part of the last match.
+  *   Group #0 refers to the complete range of matched text.
+  *   Group #1 refers to the text matched by the first set of capturing parentheses.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   groupNum    The capture group number
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return              the (native) index of the position following the last matched character.
+  *    @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_end(URegularExpression   *regexp,
+           int32_t               groupNum,
+           UErrorCode           *status);
+  *   64bit version of uregex_end.
+  *   Returns the index in the input string of the position following the end
+  *   of the text matched by the specified capture group.
+  *   Return -1 if the capture group was not part of the last match.
+  *   Group #0 refers to the complete range of matched text.
+  *   Group #1 refers to the text matched by the first set of capturing parentheses.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   groupNum    The capture group number
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return              the (native) index of the position following the last matched character.
+  *   @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+U_STABLE int64_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_end64(URegularExpression *regexp,
+             int32_t               groupNum,
+             UErrorCode           *status);
+  *  Reset any saved state from the previous match.  Has the effect of
+  *  causing uregex_findNext to begin at the specified index, and causing
+  *  uregex_start(), uregex_end() and uregex_group() to return an error 
+  *  indicating that there is no match information available.  Clears any
+  *  match region that may have been set.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   index       The position (native) in the text at which a
+  *                         uregex_findNext() should begin searching.
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+uregex_reset(URegularExpression    *regexp,
+             int32_t               index,
+             UErrorCode            *status);
+  *  64bit version of uregex_reset.
+  *  Reset any saved state from the previous match.  Has the effect of
+  *  causing uregex_findNext to begin at the specified index, and causing
+  *  uregex_start(), uregex_end() and uregex_group() to return an error 
+  *  indicating that there is no match information available.  Clears any
+  *  match region that may have been set.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   index       The position (native) in the text at which a
+  *                         uregex_findNext() should begin searching.
+  *    @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_reset64(URegularExpression  *regexp,
+               int64_t               index,
+               UErrorCode            *status);
+  * Sets the limits of the matching region for this URegularExpression.
+  * The region is the part of the input string that will be considered when matching.
+  * Invoking this method resets any saved state from the previous match, 
+  * then sets the region to start at the index specified by the start parameter
+  * and end at the index specified by the end parameter.
+  *
+  * Depending on the transparency and anchoring being used (see useTransparentBounds
+  * and useAnchoringBounds), certain constructs such as anchors may behave differently
+  * at or around the boundaries of the region
+  *
+  * The function will fail if start is greater than limit, or if either index
+  *  is less than zero or greater than the length of the string being matched.
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param regionStart  The (native) index to begin searches at.
+  * @param regionLimit  The (native) index to end searches at (exclusive).
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_setRegion(URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                 int32_t               regionStart,
+                 int32_t               regionLimit,
+                 UErrorCode           *status);
+  * 64bit version of uregex_setRegion.
+  * Sets the limits of the matching region for this URegularExpression.
+  * The region is the part of the input string that will be considered when matching.
+  * Invoking this method resets any saved state from the previous match, 
+  * then sets the region to start at the index specified by the start parameter
+  * and end at the index specified by the end parameter.
+  *
+  * Depending on the transparency and anchoring being used (see useTransparentBounds
+  * and useAnchoringBounds), certain constructs such as anchors may behave differently
+  * at or around the boundaries of the region
+  *
+  * The function will fail if start is greater than limit, or if either index
+  *  is less than zero or greater than the length of the string being matched.
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param regionStart  The (native) index to begin searches at.
+  * @param regionLimit  The (native) index to end searches at (exclusive).
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_setRegion64(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                 int64_t               regionStart,
+                 int64_t               regionLimit,
+                 UErrorCode           *status);
+  *  Set the matching region and the starting index for subsequent matches
+  *  in a single operation.
+  *  This is useful because the usual function for setting the starting
+  *  index, urgex_reset(), also resets any region limits.
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param regionStart  The (native) index to begin searches at.
+  * @param regionLimit  The (native) index to end searches at (exclusive).
+  * @param startIndex   The index in the input text at which the next 
+  *                     match operation should begin.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_setRegionAndStart(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                 int64_t               regionStart,
+                 int64_t               regionLimit,
+                 int64_t               startIndex,
+                 UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Reports the start index of the matching region. Any matches found are limited to
+  * to the region bounded by regionStart (inclusive) and regionEnd (exclusive).
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @return The starting (native) index of this matcher's region.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_regionStart(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                          UErrorCode           *status);
+  * 64bit version of uregex_regionStart.
+  * Reports the start index of the matching region. Any matches found are limited to
+  * to the region bounded by regionStart (inclusive) and regionEnd (exclusive).
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @return The starting (native) index of this matcher's region.
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+U_STABLE int64_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_regionStart64(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                            UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Reports the end index (exclusive) of the matching region for this URegularExpression.
+  * Any matches found are limited to to the region bounded by regionStart (inclusive)
+  * and regionEnd (exclusive).
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @return The ending point (native) of this matcher's region.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_regionEnd(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                        UErrorCode           *status);
+  * 64bit version of uregex_regionEnd.
+  * Reports the end index (exclusive) of the matching region for this URegularExpression.
+  * Any matches found are limited to to the region bounded by regionStart (inclusive)
+  * and regionEnd (exclusive).
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @return The ending point (native) of this matcher's region.
+  * @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+U_STABLE int64_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_regionEnd64(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                          UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Queries the transparency of region bounds for this URegularExpression.
+  * See useTransparentBounds for a description of transparent and opaque bounds.
+  * By default, matching boundaries are opaque.
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @return TRUE if this matcher is using opaque bounds, false if it is not.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_hasTransparentBounds(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                                   UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Sets the transparency of region bounds for this URegularExpression.
+  * Invoking this function with an argument of TRUE will set matches to use transparent bounds.
+  * If the boolean argument is FALSE, then opaque bounds will be used.
+  *
+  * Using transparent bounds, the boundaries of the matching region are transparent
+  * to lookahead, lookbehind, and boundary matching constructs. Those constructs can
+  * see text beyond the boundaries of the region while checking for a match.
+  *
+  * With opaque bounds, no text outside of the matching region is visible to lookahead,
+  * lookbehind, and boundary matching constructs.
+  *
+  * By default, opaque bounds are used.
+  *
+  * @param   regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param   b      TRUE for transparent bounds; FALSE for opaque bounds
+  * @param   status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  **/
+uregex_useTransparentBounds(URegularExpression   *regexp, 
+                            UBool                b,
+                            UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Return true if this URegularExpression is using anchoring bounds.
+  * By default, anchoring region bounds are used.
+  *
+  * @param  regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param  status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @return TRUE if this matcher is using anchoring bounds.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_hasAnchoringBounds(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                                 UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Set whether this URegularExpression is using Anchoring Bounds for its region.
+  * With anchoring bounds, pattern anchors such as ^ and $ will match at the start
+  * and end of the region.  Without Anchoring Bounds, anchors will only match at
+  * the positions they would in the complete text.
+  *
+  * Anchoring Bounds are the default for regions.
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param b      TRUE if to enable anchoring bounds; FALSE to disable them.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_useAnchoringBounds(URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                          UBool                 b,
+                          UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Return TRUE if the most recent matching operation touched the
+  *  end of the text being processed.  In this case, additional input text could
+  *  change the results of that match.
+  *
+  *  @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  *  @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *  @return  TRUE if the most recent match hit the end of input
+  *  @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_hitEnd(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                     UErrorCode           *status);
+  * Return TRUE the most recent match succeeded and additional input could cause
+  * it to fail. If this function returns false and a match was found, then more input
+  * might change the match but the match won't be lost. If a match was not found,
+  * then requireEnd has no meaning.
+  *
+  * @param regexp The compiled regular expression.
+  * @param status A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  * @return TRUE  if more input could cause the most recent match to no longer match.
+  * @stable ICU 4.0
+  */
+uregex_requireEnd(const  URegularExpression   *regexp,
+                         UErrorCode           *status);
+  *    Replaces every substring of the input that matches the pattern
+  *    with the given replacement string.  This is a convenience function that
+  *    provides a complete find-and-replace-all operation.
+  *
+  *    This method scans the input string looking for matches of the pattern. 
+  *    Input that is not part of any match is copied unchanged to the
+  *    destination buffer.  Matched regions are replaced in the output
+  *    buffer by the replacement string.   The replacement string may contain
+  *    references to capture groups; these take the form of $1, $2, etc.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp             The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   replacementText    A string containing the replacement text.
+  *    @param   replacementLength  The length of the replacement string, or
+  *                                -1 if it is NUL terminated.
+  *    @param   destBuf            A (UChar *) buffer that will receive the result.
+  *    @param   destCapacity       The capacity of the destination buffer.
+  *    @param   status             A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return                     The length of the string resulting from the find
+  *                                and replace operation.  In the event that the
+  *                                destination capacity is inadequate, the return value
+  *                                is still the full length of the untruncated string.
+  *    @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_replaceAll(URegularExpression    *regexp,
+                  const UChar           *replacementText,
+                  int32_t                replacementLength,
+                  UChar                 *destBuf,
+                  int32_t                destCapacity,
+                  UErrorCode            *status);
+  *    Replaces every substring of the input that matches the pattern
+  *    with the given replacement string.  This is a convenience function that
+  *    provides a complete find-and-replace-all operation.
+  *
+  *    This method scans the input string looking for matches of the pattern. 
+  *    Input that is not part of any match is copied unchanged to the
+  *    destination buffer.  Matched regions are replaced in the output
+  *    buffer by the replacement string.   The replacement string may contain
+  *    references to capture groups; these take the form of $1, $2, etc.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp         The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   replacement    A string containing the replacement text.
+  *    @param   dest           A mutable UText that will receive the result.
+  *                             If NULL, a new UText will be created (which may not be mutable).
+  *    @param   status         A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return                 A UText containing the results of the find and replace.
+  *                             If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it will always be used and returned.
+  *
+  *    @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_replaceAllUText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                       UText              *replacement,
+                       UText              *dest,
+                       UErrorCode         *status);
+  *    Replaces the first substring of the input that matches the pattern
+  *    with the given replacement string.  This is a convenience function that
+  *    provides a complete find-and-replace operation.
+  *
+  *    This method scans the input string looking for a match of the pattern. 
+  *    All input that is not part of the match is copied unchanged to the
+  *    destination buffer.  The matched region is replaced in the output
+  *    buffer by the replacement string.   The replacement string may contain
+  *    references to capture groups; these take the form of $1, $2, etc.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp             The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   replacementText    A string containing the replacement text.
+  *    @param   replacementLength  The length of the replacement string, or
+  *                                -1 if it is NUL terminated.
+  *    @param   destBuf            A (UChar *) buffer that will receive the result.
+  *    @param   destCapacity       The capacity of the destination buffer.
+  *    @param   status             a reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return                     The length of the string resulting from the find
+  *                                and replace operation.  In the event that the
+  *                                destination capacity is inadequate, the return value
+  *                                is still the full length of the untruncated string.
+  *    @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_replaceFirst(URegularExpression  *regexp,
+                    const UChar         *replacementText,
+                    int32_t              replacementLength,
+                    UChar               *destBuf,
+                    int32_t              destCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode          *status);
+  *    Replaces the first substring of the input that matches the pattern
+  *    with the given replacement string.  This is a convenience function that
+  *    provides a complete find-and-replace operation.
+  *
+  *    This method scans the input string looking for a match of the pattern. 
+  *    All input that is not part of the match is copied unchanged to the
+  *    destination buffer.  The matched region is replaced in the output
+  *    buffer by the replacement string.   The replacement string may contain
+  *    references to capture groups; these take the form of $1, $2, etc.
+  *
+  *    @param   regexp         The compiled regular expression.
+  *    @param   replacement    A string containing the replacement text.
+  *    @param   dest           A mutable UText that will receive the result.
+  *                             If NULL, a new UText will be created (which may not be mutable).
+  *    @param   status         A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+  *    @return                 A UText containing the results of the find and replace.
+  *                             If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it will always be used and returned.
+  *
+  *    @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_replaceFirstUText(URegularExpression *regexp,
+                         UText              *replacement,
+                         UText              *dest,
+                         UErrorCode         *status);
+  *   Implements a replace operation intended to be used as part of an
+  *   incremental find-and-replace.
+  *
+  *   <p>The input string, starting from the end of the previous match and ending at
+  *   the start of the current match, is appended to the destination string.  Then the
+  *   replacement string is appended to the output string,
+  *   including handling any substitutions of captured text.</p>
+  *
+  *   <p>A note on preflight computation of buffersize and error handling:
+  *   Calls to uregex_appendReplacement() and uregex_appendTail() are
+  *   designed to be chained, one after another, with the destination
+  *   buffer pointer and buffer capacity updated after each in preparation
+  *   to for the next.  If the destination buffer is exhausted partway through such a
+  *   sequence, a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR status will be returned.  Normal
+  *   ICU conventions are for a function to perform no action if it is
+  *   called with an error status, but for this one case, uregex_appendRepacement()
+  *   will operate normally so that buffer size computations will complete
+  *   correctly.
+  *
+  *   <p>For simple, prepackaged, non-incremental find-and-replace
+  *      operations, see replaceFirst() or replaceAll().</p>
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp      The regular expression object.  
+  *   @param   replacementText The string that will replace the matched portion of the
+  *                        input string as it is copied to the destination buffer.
+  *                        The replacement text may contain references ($1, for
+  *                        example) to capture groups from the match.
+  *   @param   replacementLength  The length of the replacement text string,
+  *                        or -1 if the string is NUL terminated.
+  *   @param   destBuf     The buffer into which the results of the
+  *                        find-and-replace are placed.  On return, this pointer
+  *                        will be updated to refer to the beginning of the
+  *                        unused portion of buffer, leaving it in position for
+  *                        a subsequent call to this function.
+  *   @param   destCapacity The size of the output buffer,  On return, this
+  *                        parameter will be updated to reflect the space remaining
+  *                        unused in the output buffer.
+  *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. 
+  *   @return              The length of the result string.  In the event that
+  *                        destCapacity is inadequate, the full length of the
+  *                        untruncated output string is returned.
+  *
+  *   @stable ICU 3.0
+  *
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_appendReplacement(URegularExpression    *regexp,
+                         const UChar           *replacementText,
+                         int32_t                replacementLength,
+                         UChar                **destBuf,
+                         int32_t               *destCapacity,
+                         UErrorCode            *status);
+  *   Implements a replace operation intended to be used as part of an
+  *   incremental find-and-replace.
+  *
+  *   <p>The input string, starting from the end of the previous match and ending at
+  *   the start of the current match, is appended to the destination string.  Then the
+  *   replacement string is appended to the output string,
+  *   including handling any substitutions of captured text.</p>
+  *
+  *   <p>For simple, prepackaged, non-incremental find-and-replace
+  *      operations, see replaceFirst() or replaceAll().</p>
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp      The regular expression object.  
+  *   @param   replacementText The string that will replace the matched portion of the
+  *                        input string as it is copied to the destination buffer.
+  *                        The replacement text may contain references ($1, for
+  *                        example) to capture groups from the match.
+  *   @param   dest        A mutable UText that will receive the result. Must not be NULL.
+  *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. 
+  *
+  *   @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_appendReplacementUText(URegularExpression    *regexp,
+                              UText                 *replacementText,
+                              UText                 *dest,
+                              UErrorCode            *status);
+  * As the final step in a find-and-replace operation, append the remainder
+  * of the input string, starting at the position following the last match,
+  * to the destination string. <code>uregex_appendTail()</code> is intended 
+  *  to be invoked after one or more invocations of the
+  *  <code>uregex_appendReplacement()</code> function.
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp      The regular expression object.  This is needed to 
+  *                        obtain the input string and with the position
+  *                        of the last match within it.
+  *   @param   destBuf     The buffer in which the results of the
+  *                        find-and-replace are placed.  On return, the pointer
+  *                        will be updated to refer to the beginning of the
+  *                        unused portion of buffer.
+  *   @param   destCapacity The size of the output buffer,  On return, this
+  *                        value will be updated to reflect the space remaining
+  *                        unused in the output buffer.
+  *   @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. 
+  *   @return              The length of the result string.  In the event that
+  *                        destCapacity is inadequate, the full length of the
+  *                        untruncated output string is returned.
+  *
+  *   @stable ICU 3.0
+  */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_appendTail(URegularExpression    *regexp,
+                  UChar                **destBuf,
+                  int32_t               *destCapacity,
+                  UErrorCode            *status);
+  * As the final step in a find-and-replace operation, append the remainder
+  * of the input string, starting at the position following the last match,
+  * to the destination string. <code>uregex_appendTailUText()</code> is intended 
+  *  to be invoked after one or more invocations of the
+  *  <code>uregex_appendReplacementUText()</code> function.
+  *
+  *   @param   regexp      The regular expression object.  This is needed to 
+  *                        obtain the input string and with the position
+  *                        of the last match within it.
+  *   @param   dest        A mutable UText that will receive the result. Must not be NULL.
+  *
+  *   @param status        Error code
+  *
+  *   @return              The destination UText.
+  *
+  *   @stable ICU 4.6
+  */
+uregex_appendTailUText(URegularExpression    *regexp,
+                       UText                 *dest,
+                       UErrorCode            *status);
+ /**
+   * Split a string into fields.  Somewhat like split() from Perl.
+   *  The pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input
+   *  into fields.  The input data between the matches becomes the
+   *  fields themselves.
+   *
+   *  Each of the fields is copied from the input string to the destination
+   *  buffer, and NUL terminated.  The position of each field within
+   *  the destination buffer is returned in the destFields array.
+   *
+   *  If the delimiter pattern includes capture groups, the captured text will
+   *  also appear in the destination array of output strings, interspersed
+   *  with the fields.  This is similar to Perl, but differs from Java, 
+   *  which ignores the presence of capture groups in the pattern.
+   * 
+   *  Trailing empty fields will always be returned, assuming sufficient
+   *  destination capacity.  This differs from the default behavior for Java
+   *  and Perl where trailing empty fields are not returned.
+   *
+   *  The number of strings produced by the split operation is returned.
+   *  This count includes the strings from capture groups in the delimiter pattern.
+   *  This behavior differs from Java, which ignores capture groups.
+   * 
+   *    @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+   *    @param   destBuf     A (UChar *) buffer to receive the fields that
+   *                         are extracted from the input string. These
+   *                         field pointers will refer to positions within the
+   *                         destination buffer supplied by the caller.  Any
+   *                         extra positions within the destFields array will be
+   *                         set to NULL.
+   *    @param   destCapacity The capacity of the destBuf.
+   *    @param   requiredCapacity  The actual capacity required of the destBuf.
+   *                         If destCapacity is too small, requiredCapacity will return 
+   *                         the total capacity required to hold all of the output, and
+   *                         a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR will be returned.
+   *    @param   destFields  An array to be filled with the position of each
+   *                         of the extracted fields within destBuf.
+   *    @param   destFieldsCapacity  The number of elements in the destFields array.
+   *                If the number of fields found is less than destFieldsCapacity,
+   *                the extra destFields elements are set to zero.
+   *                If destFieldsCapacity is too small, the trailing part of the
+   *                input, including any field delimiters, is treated as if it
+   *                were the last field - it is copied to the destBuf, and
+   *                its position is in the destBuf is stored in the last element
+   *                of destFields.  This behavior mimics that of Perl.  It is not
+   *                an error condition, and no error status is returned when all destField
+   *                positions are used.
+   * @param status  A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+   * @return        The number of fields into which the input string was split.
+   * @stable ICU 3.0
+   */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_split(   URegularExpression      *regexp,
+                  UChar                 *destBuf,
+                  int32_t                destCapacity,
+                  int32_t               *requiredCapacity,
+                  UChar                 *destFields[],
+                  int32_t                destFieldsCapacity,
+                  UErrorCode            *status);
+  /**
+   * Split a string into fields.  Somewhat like split() from Perl.
+   * The pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input
+   *  into fields.  The input data between the matches becomes the
+   *  fields themselves.
+   * <p>
+   * The behavior of this function is not very closely aligned with uregex_split();
+   * instead, it is based on (and implemented directly on top of) the C++ split method.
+   *
+   * @param regexp  The compiled regular expression.
+   * @param destFields    An array of mutable UText structs to receive the results of the split.
+   *                If a field is NULL, a new UText is allocated to contain the results for
+   *                that field. This new UText is not guaranteed to be mutable.
+   * @param destFieldsCapacity  The number of elements in the destination array.
+   *                If the number of fields found is less than destCapacity, the
+   *                extra strings in the destination array are not altered.
+   *                If the number of destination strings is less than the number
+   *                of fields, the trailing part of the input string, including any
+   *                field delimiters, is placed in the last destination string.
+   *                This behavior mimics that of Perl.  It is not  an error condition, and no
+   *                error status is returned when all destField positions are used.
+   * @param status  A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+   * @return        The number of fields into which the input string was split.
+   *
+   * @stable ICU 4.6
+   */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uregex_splitUText(URegularExpression    *regexp,
+                  UText                 *destFields[],
+                  int32_t                destFieldsCapacity,
+                  UErrorCode            *status);
+ * Set a processing time limit for match operations with this URegularExpression.
+ *
+ * Some patterns, when matching certain strings, can run in exponential time.
+ * For practical purposes, the match operation may appear to be in an
+ * infinite loop.
+ * When a limit is set a match operation will fail with an error if the
+ * limit is exceeded.
+ * <p>
+ * The units of the limit are steps of the match engine.
+ * Correspondence with actual processor time will depend on the speed
+ * of the processor and the details of the specific pattern, but will
+ * typically be on the order of milliseconds.
+ * <p>
+ * By default, the matching time is not limited.
+ * <p>
+ *
+ * @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param   limit       The limit value, or 0 for no limit.
+ * @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uregex_setTimeLimit(URegularExpression      *regexp,
+                    int32_t                  limit,
+                    UErrorCode              *status);
+ * Get the time limit for for matches with this URegularExpression.
+ * A return value of zero indicates that there is no limit.
+ *
+ * @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return the maximum allowed time for a match, in units of processing steps.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uregex_getTimeLimit(const URegularExpression      *regexp,
+                          UErrorCode              *status);
+ * Set the amount of heap storage available for use by the match backtracking stack.
+ * <p>
+ * ICU uses a backtracking regular expression engine, with the backtrack stack
+ * maintained on the heap.  This function sets the limit to the amount of memory
+ * that can be used  for this purpose.  A backtracking stack overflow will
+ * result in an error from the match operation that caused it.
+ * <p>
+ * A limit is desirable because a malicious or poorly designed pattern can use
+ * excessive memory, potentially crashing the process.  A limit is enabled
+ * by default.
+ * <p>
+ * @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param   limit       The maximum size, in bytes, of the matching backtrack stack.
+ *                      A value of zero means no limit.
+ *                      The limit must be greater than or equal to zero.
+ * @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uregex_setStackLimit(URegularExpression      *regexp,
+                     int32_t                  limit,
+                     UErrorCode              *status);
+ * Get the size of the heap storage available for use by the back tracking stack.
+ *
+ * @return  the maximum backtracking stack size, in bytes, or zero if the
+ *          stack size is unlimited.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uregex_getStackLimit(const URegularExpression      *regexp,
+                           UErrorCode              *status);
+ * Function pointer for a regular expression matching callback function.
+ * When set, a callback function will be called periodically during matching
+ * operations.  If the call back function returns FALSE, the matching
+ * operation will be terminated early.
+ *
+ * Note:  the callback function must not call other functions on this
+ *        URegularExpression.
+ *
+ * @param context  context pointer.  The callback function will be invoked
+ *                 with the context specified at the time that
+ *                 uregex_setMatchCallback() is called.
+ * @param steps    the accumulated processing time, in match steps, 
+ *                 for this matching operation.
+ * @return         TRUE to continue the matching operation.
+ *                 FALSE to terminate the matching operation.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV URegexMatchCallback (
+                   const void *context,
+                   int32_t     steps);
+ * Set a callback function for this URegularExpression.
+ * During matching operations the function will be called periodically,
+ * giving the application the opportunity to terminate a long-running
+ * match.
+ *
+ * @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param   callback    A pointer to the user-supplied callback function.
+ * @param   context     User context pointer.  The value supplied at the
+ *                      time the callback function is set will be saved
+ *                      and passed to the callback each time that it is called.
+ * @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uregex_setMatchCallback(URegularExpression      *regexp,
+                        URegexMatchCallback     *callback,
+                        const void              *context,
+                        UErrorCode              *status);
+ *  Get the callback function for this URegularExpression.
+ *
+ * @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param   callback    Out parameter, receives a pointer to the user-supplied 
+ *                      callback function.
+ * @param   context     Out parameter, receives the user context pointer that
+ *                      was set when uregex_setMatchCallback() was called.
+ * @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+uregex_getMatchCallback(const URegularExpression    *regexp,
+                        URegexMatchCallback        **callback,
+                        const void                 **context,
+                        UErrorCode                  *status);
+ * Function pointer for a regular expression find callback function.
+ * 
+ * When set, a callback function will be called during a find operation
+ * and for operations that depend on find, such as findNext, split and some replace
+ * operations like replaceFirst.
+ * The callback will usually be called after each attempt at a match, but this is not a
+ * guarantee that the callback will be invoked at each character.  For finds where the
+ * match engine is invoked at each character, this may be close to true, but less likely
+ * for more optimized loops where the pattern is known to only start, and the match
+ * engine invoked, at certain characters.
+ * When invoked, this callback will specify the index at which a match operation is about
+ * to be attempted, giving the application the opportunity to terminate a long-running
+ * find operation.
+ * 
+ * If the call back function returns FALSE, the find operation will be terminated early.
+ *
+ * Note:  the callback function must not call other functions on this
+ *        URegularExpression
+ *
+ * @param context  context pointer.  The callback function will be invoked
+ *                 with the context specified at the time that
+ *                 uregex_setFindProgressCallback() is called.
+ * @param matchIndex  the next index at which a match attempt will be attempted for this
+ *                 find operation.  If this callback interrupts the search, this is the
+ *                 index at which a find/findNext operation may be re-initiated.
+ * @return         TRUE to continue the matching operation.
+ *                 FALSE to terminate the matching operation.
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV URegexFindProgressCallback (
+                   const void *context,
+                   int64_t     matchIndex);
+ *  Set the find progress callback function for this URegularExpression.
+ *
+ * @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param   callback    A pointer to the user-supplied callback function.
+ * @param   context     User context pointer.  The value supplied at the
+ *                      time the callback function is set will be saved
+ *                      and passed to the callback each time that it is called.
+ * @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uregex_setFindProgressCallback(URegularExpression              *regexp,
+                                URegexFindProgressCallback      *callback,
+                                const void                      *context,
+                                UErrorCode                      *status);
+ *  Get the find progress callback function for this URegularExpression.
+ *
+ * @param   regexp      The compiled regular expression.
+ * @param   callback    Out parameter, receives a pointer to the user-supplied 
+ *                      callback function.
+ * @param   context     Out parameter, receives the user context pointer that
+ *                      was set when uregex_setFindProgressCallback() was called.
+ * @param   status      A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+uregex_getFindProgressCallback(const URegularExpression          *regexp,
+                                URegexFindProgressCallback        **callback,
+                                const void                        **context,
+                                UErrorCode                        *status);
+#endif   /*  UREGEX_H  */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uregion.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uregion.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5de496
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+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uregion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UREGION_H
+#define UREGION_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: URegion (territory containment and mapping)
+ *
+ * URegion objects represent data associated with a particular Unicode Region Code, also known as a 
+ * Unicode Region Subtag, which is defined based upon the BCP 47 standard. These include:
+ * * Two-letter codes defined by ISO 3166-1, with special LDML treatment of certain private-use or
+ *   reserved codes;
+ * * A subset of 3-digit numeric codes defined by UN M.49.
+ * URegion objects can also provide mappings to and from additional codes. There are different types
+ * of regions that are important to distinguish:
+ * <p>
+ * Macroregion - A code for a "macro geographical (continental) region, geographical sub-region, or 
+ * selected economic and other grouping" as defined in UN M.49. These are typically 3-digit codes,
+ * but contain some 2-letter codes for LDML extensions, such as "QO" for Outlying Oceania.
+ * Macroregions are represented in ICU by one of three region types: WORLD (code 001),
+ * CONTINENTS (regions contained directly by WORLD), and SUBCONTINENTS (regions contained directly
+ * by a continent ).
+ * <p>
+ * TERRITORY - A Region that is not a Macroregion. These are typically codes for countries, but also
+ * include areas that are not separate countries, such as the code "AQ" for Antarctica or the code 
+ * "HK" for Hong Kong (SAR China). Overseas dependencies of countries may or may not have separate 
+ * codes. The codes are typically 2-letter codes aligned with ISO 3166, but BCP47 allows for the use
+ * of 3-digit codes in the future.
+ * <p>
+ * UNKNOWN - The code ZZ is defined by Unicode LDML for use in indicating that region is unknown,
+ * or that the value supplied as a region was invalid.
+ * <p>
+ * DEPRECATED - Region codes that have been defined in the past but are no longer in modern usage,
+ * usually due to a country splitting into multiple territories or changing its name.
+ * <p>
+ * GROUPING - A widely understood grouping of territories that has a well defined membership such
+ * that a region code has been assigned for it.  Some of these are UN M.49 codes that don't fall into 
+ * the world/continent/sub-continent hierarchy, while others are just well-known groupings that have
+ * their own region code. Region "EU" (European Union) is one such region code that is a grouping.
+ * Groupings will never be returned by the uregion_getContainingRegion, since a different type of region
+ * (WORLD, CONTINENT, or SUBCONTINENT) will always be the containing region instead.
+ *
+ * URegion objects are const/immutable, owned and maintained by ICU itself, so there are not functions
+ * to open or close them.
+ */
+ * URegionType is an enumeration defining the different types of regions.  Current possible
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 51 
+ */
+typedef enum URegionType {
+    /**
+     * Type representing the unknown region.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type representing a territory.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type representing the whole world.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type representing a continent.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type representing a sub-continent.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type representing a grouping of territories that is not to be used in
+     * the normal WORLD/CONTINENT/SUBCONTINENT/TERRITORY containment tree.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Type representing a region whose code has been deprecated, usually
+     * due to a country splitting into multiple territories or changing its name.
+     * @stable ICU 51 
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal URegionType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} URegionType;
+ * Opaque URegion object for use in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+struct URegion;
+typedef struct URegion URegion; /**< @stable ICU 52 */
+ * Returns a pointer to a URegion for the specified region code: A 2-letter or 3-letter ISO 3166
+ * code, UN M.49 numeric code (superset of ISO 3166 numeric codes), or other valid Unicode Region
+ * Code as defined by the LDML specification. The code will be canonicalized internally. If the
+ * region code is NULL or not recognized, the appropriate error code will be set
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getRegionFromCode(const char *regionCode, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a pointer to a URegion for the specified numeric region code. If the numeric region
+ * code is not recognized, the appropriate error code will be set (U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR).
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getRegionFromNumericCode (int32_t code, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns an enumeration over the canonical codes of all known regions that match the given type.
+ * The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getAvailable(URegionType type, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns true if the specified uregion is equal to the specified otherRegion.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+uregion_areEqual(const URegion* uregion, const URegion* otherRegion);
+ * Returns a pointer to the URegion that contains the specified uregion. Returns NULL if the
+ * specified uregion is code "001" (World) or "ZZ" (Unknown region). For example, calling
+ * this method with region "IT" (Italy) returns the URegion for "039" (Southern Europe).
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getContainingRegion(const URegion* uregion);
+ * Return a pointer to the URegion that geographically contains this uregion and matches the
+ * specified type, moving multiple steps up the containment chain if necessary. Returns NULL if no
+ * containing region can be found that matches the specified type. Will return NULL if URegionType
+ * is URGN_GROUPING, URGN_DEPRECATED, or URGN_UNKNOWN which are not appropriate for this API.
+ * For example, calling this method with uregion "IT" (Italy) for type URGN_CONTINENT returns the
+ * URegion "150" (Europe).
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getContainingRegionOfType(const URegion* uregion, URegionType type);
+ * Return an enumeration over the canonical codes of all the regions that are immediate children
+ * of the specified uregion in the region hierarchy. These returned regions could be either macro
+ * regions, territories, or a mixture of the two, depending on the containment data as defined in
+ * CLDR. This API returns NULL if this uregion doesn't have any sub-regions. For example, calling
+ * this function for uregion "150" (Europe) returns an enumeration containing the various
+ * sub-regions of Europe: "039" (Southern Europe), "151" (Eastern Europe), "154" (Northern Europe),
+ * and "155" (Western Europe). The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getContainedRegions(const URegion* uregion, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns an enumeration over the canonical codes of all the regions that are children of the
+ * specified uregion anywhere in the region hierarchy and match the given type. This API may return
+ * an empty enumeration if this uregion doesn't have any sub-regions that match the given type.
+ * For example, calling this method with region "150" (Europe) and type URGN_TERRITORY" returns an
+ * enumeration containing all the territories in Europe: "FR" (France), "IT" (Italy), "DE" (Germany),
+ * etc. The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getContainedRegionsOfType(const URegion* uregion, URegionType type, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns true if the specified uregion contains the specified otherRegion anywhere in the region
+ * hierarchy.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+uregion_contains(const URegion* uregion, const URegion* otherRegion);
+ * If the specified uregion is deprecated, returns an enumeration over the canonical codes of the
+ * regions that are the preferred replacement regions for the specified uregion. If the specified
+ * uregion is not deprecated, returns NULL. For example, calling this method with uregion
+ * "SU" (Soviet Union) returns a list of the regions containing "RU" (Russia), "AM" (Armenia),
+ * "AZ" (Azerbaijan), etc... The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getPreferredValues(const URegion* uregion, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the specified uregion's canonical code.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+uregion_getRegionCode(const URegion* uregion);
+ * Returns the specified uregion's numeric code, or a negative value if there is no numeric code
+ * for the specified uregion.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+uregion_getNumericCode(const URegion* uregion);
+ * Returns the URegionType of the specified uregion.
+ * @stable ICU 52
+ */
+uregion_getType(const URegion* uregion);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ureldatefmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ureldatefmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..775b4ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ureldatefmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
+#include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: URelativeDateTimeFormatter, relative date formatting of unit + numeric offset.
+ *
+ * Provides simple formatting of relative dates, in two ways
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>relative dates with a quantity e.g "in 5 days"</li>
+ *   <li>relative dates without a quantity e.g "next Tuesday"</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * This does not provide compound formatting for multiple units,
+ * other than the ability to combine a time string with a relative date,
+ * as in "next Tuesday at 3:45 PM". It also does not provide support
+ * for determining which unit to use, such as deciding between "in 7 days"
+ * and "in 1 week".
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+ * The formatting style
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+typedef enum UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle {
+  /**
+   * Everything spelled out.
+   * @stable ICU 54
+   */
+  /**
+   * Abbreviations used when possible.
+   * @stable ICU 54
+   */
+  /**
+   * Use the shortest possible form.
+   * @stable ICU 54
+   */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle;
+ * Represents the unit for formatting a relative date. e.g "in 5 days"
+ * or "next year"
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+typedef enum URelativeDateTimeUnit {
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is year, e.g. "last year",
+     * "in 5 years". 
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is quarter, e.g. "last quarter",
+     * "in 5 quarters".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is month, e.g. "last month",
+     * "in 5 months".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is week, e.g. "last week",
+     * "in 5 weeks".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is day, e.g. "yesterday",
+     * "in 5 days".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is hour, e.g. "1 hour ago",
+     * "in 5 hours".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is minute, e.g. "1 minute ago",
+     * "in 5 minutes".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is second, e.g. "1 second ago",
+     * "in 5 seconds".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is Sunday, e.g. "last Sunday",
+     * "this Sunday", "next Sunday", "in 5 Sundays".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is Monday, e.g. "last Monday",
+     * "this Monday", "next Monday", "in 5 Mondays".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is Tuesday, e.g. "last Tuesday",
+     * "this Tuesday", "next Tuesday", "in 5 Tuesdays".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is Wednesday, e.g. "last Wednesday",
+     * "this Wednesday", "next Wednesday", "in 5 Wednesdays".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is Thursday, e.g. "last Thursday",
+     * "this Thursday", "next Thursday", "in 5 Thursdays". 
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is Friday, e.g. "last Friday",
+     * "this Friday", "next Friday", "in 5 Fridays".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * Specifies that relative unit is Saturday, e.g. "last Saturday",
+     * "this Saturday", "next Saturday", "in 5 Saturdays".
+     * @stable ICU 57
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal URelativeDateTimeUnit value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} URelativeDateTimeUnit;
+ * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selectors for format fields
+ * defined by RelativeDateTimeFormatter.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+typedef enum URelativeDateTimeFormatterField {
+    /**
+     * Represents a literal text string, like "tomorrow" or "days ago".
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+    /**
+     * Represents a number quantity, like "3" in "3 days ago".
+     * @draft ICU 64
+     */
+} URelativeDateTimeFormatterField;
+#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+ * Opaque URelativeDateTimeFormatter object for use in C programs.
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+struct URelativeDateTimeFormatter;
+typedef struct URelativeDateTimeFormatter URelativeDateTimeFormatter;  /**< C typedef for struct URelativeDateTimeFormatter. @stable ICU 57 */
+ * Open a new URelativeDateTimeFormatter object for a given locale using the
+ * specified width and capitalizationContext, along with a number formatter
+ * (if desired) to override the default formatter that would be used for
+ * display of numeric field offsets. The default formatter typically rounds
+ * toward 0 and has a minimum of 0 fraction digits and a maximum of 3
+ * fraction digits (i.e. it will show as many decimal places as necessary
+ * up to 3, without showing trailing 0s).
+ *
+ * @param locale
+ *          The locale
+ * @param nfToAdopt
+ *          A number formatter to set for this URelativeDateTimeFormatter
+ *          object (instead of the default decimal formatter). Ownership of
+ *          this UNumberFormat object will pass to the URelativeDateTimeFormatter
+ *          object (the URelativeDateTimeFormatter adopts the UNumberFormat),
+ *          which becomes responsible for closing it. If the caller wishes to
+ *          retain ownership of the UNumberFormat object, the caller must clone
+ *          it (with unum_clone) and pass the clone to ureldatefmt_open. May be
+ *          NULL to use the default decimal formatter.
+ * @param width
+ *          The width - wide, short, narrow, etc.
+ * @param capitalizationContext
+ *          A value from UDisplayContext that pertains to capitalization, e.g.
+ * @param status
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return
+ *          A pointer to a URelativeDateTimeFormatter object for the specified locale,
+ *          or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+U_STABLE URelativeDateTimeFormatter* U_EXPORT2
+ureldatefmt_open( const char*          locale,
+                  UNumberFormat*       nfToAdopt,
+                  UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle width,
+                  UDisplayContext      capitalizationContext,
+                  UErrorCode*          status );
+ * Close a URelativeDateTimeFormatter object. Once closed it may no longer be used.
+ * @param reldatefmt
+ *            The URelativeDateTimeFormatter object to close.
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+ureldatefmt_close(URelativeDateTimeFormatter *reldatefmt);
+struct UFormattedRelativeDateTime;
+ * Opaque struct to contain the results of a URelativeDateTimeFormatter operation.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+typedef struct UFormattedRelativeDateTime UFormattedRelativeDateTime;
+ * Creates an object to hold the result of a URelativeDateTimeFormatter
+ * operation. The object can be used repeatedly; it is cleared whenever
+ * passed to a format function.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A pointer needing ownership.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT UFormattedRelativeDateTime* U_EXPORT2
+ureldatefmt_openResult(UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns a representation of a UFormattedRelativeDateTime as a UFormattedValue,
+ * which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type.
+ *
+ * The returned object is owned by the UFormattedRelativeDateTime and is valid
+ * only as long as the UFormattedRelativeDateTime is present and unchanged in memory.
+ *
+ * You can think of this method as a cast between types.
+ *
+ * @param ufrdt The object containing the formatted string.
+ * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
+ * @return A UFormattedValue owned by the input object.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DRAFT const UFormattedValue* U_EXPORT2
+ureldatefmt_resultAsValue(const UFormattedRelativeDateTime* ufrdt, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Releases the UFormattedRelativeDateTime created by ureldatefmt_openResult.
+ *
+ * @param ufrdt The object to release.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+ureldatefmt_closeResult(UFormattedRelativeDateTime* ufrdt);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * \class LocalURelativeDateTimeFormatterPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a URelativeDateTimeFormatter via ureldatefmt_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalURelativeDateTimeFormatterPointer, URelativeDateTimeFormatter, ureldatefmt_close);
+ * \class LocalUFormattedRelativeDateTimePointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattedRelativeDateTime via ureldatefmt_closeResult().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFormattedRelativeDateTimePointer, UFormattedRelativeDateTime, ureldatefmt_closeResult);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric
+ * offset using a numeric style, e.g. "1 week ago", "in 1 week",
+ * "5 weeks ago", "in 5 weeks".
+ *
+ * @param reldatefmt
+ *          The URelativeDateTimeFormatter object specifying the
+ *          format conventions.
+ * @param offset
+ *          The signed offset for the specified unit. This will
+ *          be formatted according to this object's UNumberFormat
+ *          object.
+ * @param unit
+ *          The unit to use when formatting the relative
+ *          date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK, UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+ * @param result
+ *          A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted result.
+ * @param resultCapacity
+ *          The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. In
+ *          case of error status, the contents of result are
+ *          undefined.
+ * @return
+ *          The length of the formatted result; may be greater
+ *          than resultCapacity, in which case an error is returned.
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+ureldatefmt_formatNumeric( const URelativeDateTimeFormatter* reldatefmt,
+                    double                offset,
+                    URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+                    UChar*                result,
+                    int32_t               resultCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode*           status);
+ * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric
+ * offset using a numeric style, e.g. "1 week ago", "in 1 week",
+ * "5 weeks ago", "in 5 weeks".
+ *
+ * @param reldatefmt
+ *          The URelativeDateTimeFormatter object specifying the
+ *          format conventions.
+ * @param offset
+ *          The signed offset for the specified unit. This will
+ *          be formatted according to this object's UNumberFormat
+ *          object.
+ * @param unit
+ *          The unit to use when formatting the relative
+ *          date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK, UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+ * @param result
+ *          A pointer to a UFormattedRelativeDateTime to populate.
+ * @param status
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. In
+ *          case of error status, the contents of result are
+ *          undefined.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    const URelativeDateTimeFormatter* reldatefmt,
+    double                            offset,
+    URelativeDateTimeUnit             unit,
+    UFormattedRelativeDateTime*       result,
+    UErrorCode*                       status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
+ * using a text style if possible, e.g. "last week", "this week",
+ * "next week", "yesterday", "tomorrow". Falls back to numeric
+ * style if no appropriate text term is available for the specified
+ * offset in the object's locale.
+ *
+ * @param reldatefmt
+ *          The URelativeDateTimeFormatter object specifying the
+ *          format conventions.
+ * @param offset
+ *          The signed offset for the specified unit.
+ * @param unit
+ *          The unit to use when formatting the relative
+ *          date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK, UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+ * @param result
+ *          A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted result.
+ * @param resultCapacity
+ *          The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. In
+ *          case of error status, the contents of result are
+ *          undefined.
+ * @return
+ *          The length of the formatted result; may be greater
+ *          than resultCapacity, in which case an error is returned.
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+ureldatefmt_format( const URelativeDateTimeFormatter* reldatefmt,
+                    double                offset,
+                    URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
+                    UChar*                result,
+                    int32_t               resultCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode*           status);
+ * Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
+ * using a text style if possible, e.g. "last week", "this week",
+ * "next week", "yesterday", "tomorrow". Falls back to numeric
+ * style if no appropriate text term is available for the specified
+ * offset in the object's locale.
+ *
+ * This method populates a UFormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
+ * information than the string populated by format().
+ *
+ * @param reldatefmt
+ *          The URelativeDateTimeFormatter object specifying the
+ *          format conventions.
+ * @param offset
+ *          The signed offset for the specified unit.
+ * @param unit
+ *          The unit to use when formatting the relative
+ *          date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK, UDAT_REL_UNIT_FRIDAY.
+ * @param result
+ *          A pointer to a UFormattedRelativeDateTime to populate.
+ * @param status
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. In
+ *          case of error status, the contents of result are
+ *          undefined.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+    const URelativeDateTimeFormatter* reldatefmt,
+    double                            offset,
+    URelativeDateTimeUnit             unit,
+    UFormattedRelativeDateTime*       result,
+    UErrorCode*                       status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ * Combines a relative date string and a time string in this object's
+ * locale. This is done with the same date-time separator used for the
+ * default calendar in this locale to produce a result such as
+ * "yesterday at 3:45 PM".
+ *
+ * @param reldatefmt
+ *          The URelativeDateTimeFormatter object specifying the format conventions.
+ * @param relativeDateString
+ *          The relative date string.
+ * @param relativeDateStringLen
+ *          The length of relativeDateString; may be -1 if relativeDateString
+ *          is zero-terminated.
+ * @param timeString
+ *          The time string.
+ * @param timeStringLen
+ *          The length of timeString; may be -1 if timeString is zero-terminated.
+ * @param result
+ *          A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted result.
+ * @param resultCapacity
+ *          The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status
+ *          A pointer to a UErrorCode to receive any errors. In case of error status,
+ *          the contents of result are undefined.
+ * @return
+ *          The length of the formatted result; may be greater than resultCapacity,
+ *          in which case an error is returned.
+ * @stable ICU 57
+ */
+ureldatefmt_combineDateAndTime( const URelativeDateTimeFormatter* reldatefmt,
+                    const UChar *     relativeDateString,
+                    int32_t           relativeDateStringLen,
+                    const UChar *     timeString,
+                    int32_t           timeStringLen,
+                    UChar*            result,
+                    int32_t           resultCapacity,
+                    UErrorCode*       status );
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/urename.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/urename.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89d65e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/urename.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1899 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  urename.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   Created by: Perl script tools/ written by Vladimir Weinstein
+*  Contains data for renaming ICU exports.
+*  Gets included by umachine.h
+#ifndef URENAME_H
+#define URENAME_H
+/* U_DISABLE_RENAMING can be defined in the following ways:
+ *   - when running configure, e.g.
+ *        runConfigureICU Linux --disable-renaming
+ *   - by changing the default setting of U_DISABLE_RENAMING in uconfig.h
+ */
+#include "unicode/uconfig.h"
+// Disable Renaming for Visual Studio's IntelliSense feature, so that 'Go-to-Definition' (F12) will work.
+#if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__INTELLISENSE__))
+/* We need the U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME definition. There's a default one in unicode/uvernum.h we can use, but we will give
+   the platform a chance to define it first.
+   Normally (if utypes.h or umachine.h was included first) this will not be necessary as it will already be defined.
+ */
+#include "unicode/umachine.h"
+/* If we still don't have U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME use the default. */
+#include "unicode/uvernum.h"
+/* Error out before the following defines cause very strange and unexpected code breakage */
+#error U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME is not defined - cannot continue. Consider defining U_DISABLE_RENAMING if renaming should not be used.
+/* C exports renaming data */
+#define T_CString_int64ToString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(T_CString_int64ToString)
+#define T_CString_integerToString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(T_CString_integerToString)
+#define T_CString_stringToInteger U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(T_CString_stringToInteger)
+#define T_CString_toLowerCase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(T_CString_toLowerCase)
+#define T_CString_toUpperCase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(T_CString_toUpperCase)
+#define UDataMemory_createNewInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(UDataMemory_createNewInstance)
+#define UDataMemory_init U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(UDataMemory_init)
+#define UDataMemory_isLoaded U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(UDataMemory_isLoaded)
+#define UDataMemory_normalizeDataPointer U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(UDataMemory_normalizeDataPointer)
+#define UDataMemory_setData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(UDataMemory_setData)
+#define UDatamemory_assign U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(UDatamemory_assign)
+#define _Bocu1Data U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_Bocu1Data)
+#define _CompoundTextData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_CompoundTextData)
+#define _ISO2022Data U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_ISO2022Data)
+#define _Latin1Data U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_Latin1Data)
+#define _UTF16Data U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_UTF16Data)
+#define _UTF16v2Data U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_UTF16v2Data)
+#define _UTF32Data U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_UTF32Data)
+#define _isUnicodeLocaleTypeSubtag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(_isUnicodeLocaleTypeSubtag)
+#define allowedHourFormatsCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(allowedHourFormatsCleanup)
+#define cmemory_cleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(cmemory_cleanup)
+#define dayPeriodRulesCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(dayPeriodRulesCleanup)
+#define deleteAllowedHourFormats U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(deleteAllowedHourFormats)
+#define gTimeZoneFilesInitOnce U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(gTimeZoneFilesInitOnce)
+#define initNumsysNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(initNumsysNames)
+#define izrule_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_clone)
+#define izrule_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_close)
+#define izrule_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_equals)
+#define izrule_getDSTSavings U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getDSTSavings)
+#define izrule_getDynamicClassID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getDynamicClassID)
+#define izrule_getFinalStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getFinalStart)
+#define izrule_getFirstStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getFirstStart)
+#define izrule_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getName)
+#define izrule_getNextStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getNextStart)
+#define izrule_getPreviousStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getPreviousStart)
+#define izrule_getRawOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getRawOffset)
+#define izrule_getStaticClassID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_getStaticClassID)
+#define izrule_isEquivalentTo U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_isEquivalentTo)
+#define izrule_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(izrule_open)
+#define locale_getKeywords U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(locale_getKeywords)
+#define locale_getKeywordsStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(locale_getKeywordsStart)
+#define locale_get_default U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(locale_get_default)
+#define locale_set_default U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(locale_set_default)
+#define numSysCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(numSysCleanup)
+#define pl_addFontRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_addFontRun)
+#define pl_addLocaleRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_addLocaleRun)
+#define pl_addValueRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_addValueRun)
+#define pl_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_close)
+#define pl_closeFontRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_closeFontRuns)
+#define pl_closeLine U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_closeLine)
+#define pl_closeLocaleRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_closeLocaleRuns)
+#define pl_closeValueRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_closeValueRuns)
+#define pl_countLineRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_countLineRuns)
+#define pl_create U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_create)
+#define pl_getAscent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getAscent)
+#define pl_getDescent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getDescent)
+#define pl_getFontRunCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getFontRunCount)
+#define pl_getFontRunFont U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getFontRunFont)
+#define pl_getFontRunLastLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getFontRunLastLimit)
+#define pl_getFontRunLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getFontRunLimit)
+#define pl_getLeading U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLeading)
+#define pl_getLineAscent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLineAscent)
+#define pl_getLineDescent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLineDescent)
+#define pl_getLineLeading U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLineLeading)
+#define pl_getLineVisualRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLineVisualRun)
+#define pl_getLineWidth U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLineWidth)
+#define pl_getLocaleRunCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLocaleRunCount)
+#define pl_getLocaleRunLastLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLocaleRunLastLimit)
+#define pl_getLocaleRunLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLocaleRunLimit)
+#define pl_getLocaleRunLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getLocaleRunLocale)
+#define pl_getParagraphLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getParagraphLevel)
+#define pl_getTextDirection U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getTextDirection)
+#define pl_getValueRunCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getValueRunCount)
+#define pl_getValueRunLastLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getValueRunLastLimit)
+#define pl_getValueRunLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getValueRunLimit)
+#define pl_getValueRunValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getValueRunValue)
+#define pl_getVisualRunAscent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunAscent)
+#define pl_getVisualRunDescent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunDescent)
+#define pl_getVisualRunDirection U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunDirection)
+#define pl_getVisualRunFont U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunFont)
+#define pl_getVisualRunGlyphCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunGlyphCount)
+#define pl_getVisualRunGlyphToCharMap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunGlyphToCharMap)
+#define pl_getVisualRunGlyphs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunGlyphs)
+#define pl_getVisualRunLeading U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunLeading)
+#define pl_getVisualRunPositions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_getVisualRunPositions)
+#define pl_isComplex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_isComplex)
+#define pl_nextLine U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_nextLine)
+#define pl_openEmptyFontRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_openEmptyFontRuns)
+#define pl_openEmptyLocaleRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_openEmptyLocaleRuns)
+#define pl_openEmptyValueRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_openEmptyValueRuns)
+#define pl_openFontRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_openFontRuns)
+#define pl_openLocaleRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_openLocaleRuns)
+#define pl_openValueRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_openValueRuns)
+#define pl_reflow U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_reflow)
+#define pl_resetFontRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_resetFontRuns)
+#define pl_resetLocaleRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_resetLocaleRuns)
+#define pl_resetValueRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(pl_resetValueRuns)
+#define res_countArrayItems U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_countArrayItems)
+#define res_findResource U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_findResource)
+#define res_getAlias U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getAlias)
+#define res_getArrayItem U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getArrayItem)
+#define res_getBinaryNoTrace U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getBinaryNoTrace)
+#define res_getIntVectorNoTrace U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getIntVectorNoTrace)
+#define res_getPublicType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getPublicType)
+#define res_getResource U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getResource)
+#define res_getStringNoTrace U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getStringNoTrace)
+#define res_getTableItemByIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getTableItemByIndex)
+#define res_getTableItemByKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_getTableItemByKey)
+#define res_load U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_load)
+#define res_read U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_read)
+#define res_unload U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(res_unload)
+#define u_UCharsToChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_UCharsToChars)
+#define u_austrcpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_austrcpy)
+#define u_austrncpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_austrncpy)
+#define u_caseInsensitivePrefixMatch U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_caseInsensitivePrefixMatch)
+#define u_catclose U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_catclose)
+#define u_catgets U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_catgets)
+#define u_catopen U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_catopen)
+// #define u_charAge U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charAge)
+// #define u_charDigitValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charDigitValue)
+// #define u_charDirection U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charDirection)
+// #define u_charFromName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charFromName)
+// #define u_charMirror U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charMirror)
+// #define u_charName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charName)
+// #define u_charType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charType)
+#define u_charsToUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_charsToUChars)
+#define u_cleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_cleanup)
+// #define u_countChar32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_countChar32)
+// #define u_digit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_digit)
+// #define u_enumCharNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_enumCharNames)
+// #define u_enumCharTypes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_enumCharTypes)
+// #define u_errorName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_errorName)
+#define u_fadopt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fadopt)
+#define u_fclose U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fclose)
+#define u_feof U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_feof)
+#define u_fflush U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fflush)
+#define u_fgetConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgetConverter)
+#define u_fgetNumberFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgetNumberFormat)
+#define u_fgetc U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgetc)
+#define u_fgetcodepage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgetcodepage)
+#define u_fgetcx U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgetcx)
+#define u_fgetfile U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgetfile)
+#define u_fgetlocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgetlocale)
+#define u_fgets U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fgets)
+#define u_file_read U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_file_read)
+#define u_file_write U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_file_write)
+#define u_file_write_flush U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_file_write_flush)
+#define u_finit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_finit)
+#define u_flushDefaultConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_flushDefaultConverter)
+// #define u_foldCase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_foldCase)
+#define u_fopen U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fopen)
+#define u_fopen_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fopen_u)
+// #define u_forDigit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_forDigit)
+#define u_formatMessage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_formatMessage)
+#define u_formatMessageWithError U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_formatMessageWithError)
+#define u_fprintf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fprintf)
+#define u_fprintf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fprintf_u)
+#define u_fputc U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fputc)
+#define u_fputs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fputs)
+#define u_frewind U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_frewind)
+#define u_fscanf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fscanf)
+#define u_fscanf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fscanf_u)
+#define u_fsetcodepage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fsetcodepage)
+#define u_fsetlocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fsetlocale)
+#define u_fsettransliterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fsettransliterator)
+#define u_fstropen U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fstropen)
+#define u_fungetc U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_fungetc)
+// #define u_getBidiPairedBracket U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getBidiPairedBracket)
+#define u_getBinaryPropertySet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getBinaryPropertySet)
+// #define u_getCombiningClass U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getCombiningClass)
+#define u_getDataDirectory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getDataDirectory)
+#define u_getDataVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getDataVersion)
+#define u_getDefaultConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getDefaultConverter)
+#define u_getFC_NFKC_Closure U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getFC_NFKC_Closure)
+#define u_getISOComment U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getISOComment)
+#define u_getIntPropertyMap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getIntPropertyMap)
+// #define u_getIntPropertyMaxValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getIntPropertyMaxValue)
+// #define u_getIntPropertyMinValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getIntPropertyMinValue)
+// #define u_getIntPropertyValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getIntPropertyValue)
+#define u_getMainProperties U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getMainProperties)
+// #define u_getNumericValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getNumericValue)
+// #define u_getPropertyEnum U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getPropertyEnum)
+// #define u_getPropertyName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getPropertyName)
+// #define u_getPropertyValueEnum U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getPropertyValueEnum)
+// #define u_getPropertyValueName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getPropertyValueName)
+#define u_getTimeZoneFilesDirectory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getTimeZoneFilesDirectory)
+#define u_getUnicodeProperties U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getUnicodeProperties)
+// #define u_getUnicodeVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getUnicodeVersion)
+// #define u_getVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_getVersion)
+#define u_get_stdout U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_get_stdout)
+// #define u_hasBinaryProperty U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_hasBinaryProperty)
+#define u_init U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_init)
+// #define u_isIDIgnorable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isIDIgnorable)
+// #define u_isIDPart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isIDPart)
+// #define u_isIDStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isIDStart)
+// #define u_isISOControl U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isISOControl)
+// #define u_isJavaIDPart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isJavaIDPart)
+// #define u_isJavaIDStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isJavaIDStart)
+// #define u_isJavaSpaceChar U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isJavaSpaceChar)
+// #define u_isMirrored U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isMirrored)
+// #define u_isUAlphabetic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isUAlphabetic)
+// #define u_isULowercase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isULowercase)
+// #define u_isUUppercase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isUUppercase)
+// #define u_isUWhiteSpace U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isUWhiteSpace)
+// #define u_isWhitespace U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isWhitespace)
+// #define u_isalnum U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isalnum)
+#define u_isalnumPOSIX U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isalnumPOSIX)
+// #define u_isalpha U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isalpha)
+// #define u_isbase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isbase)
+// #define u_isblank U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isblank)
+// #define u_iscntrl U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_iscntrl)
+// #define u_isdefined U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isdefined)
+// #define u_isdigit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isdigit)
+// #define u_isgraph U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isgraph)
+#define u_isgraphPOSIX U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isgraphPOSIX)
+// #define u_islower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_islower)
+// #define u_isprint U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isprint)
+#define u_isprintPOSIX U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isprintPOSIX)
+// #define u_ispunct U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_ispunct)
+// #define u_isspace U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isspace)
+// #define u_istitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_istitle)
+// #define u_isupper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isupper)
+// #define u_isxdigit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_isxdigit)
+#define u_locbund_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_locbund_close)
+#define u_locbund_getNumberFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_locbund_getNumberFormat)
+#define u_locbund_init U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_locbund_init)
+// #define u_memcasecmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memcasecmp)
+// #define u_memchr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memchr)
+// #define u_memchr32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memchr32)
+// #define u_memcmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memcmp)
+// #define u_memcmpCodePointOrder U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memcmpCodePointOrder)
+// #define u_memcpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memcpy)
+// #define u_memmove U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memmove)
+// #define u_memrchr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memrchr)
+// #define u_memrchr32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memrchr32)
+// #define u_memset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_memset)
+#define u_parseMessage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_parseMessage)
+#define u_parseMessageWithError U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_parseMessageWithError)
+#define u_printf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_printf)
+#define u_printf_parse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_printf_parse)
+#define u_printf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_printf_u)
+#define u_releaseDefaultConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_releaseDefaultConverter)
+#define u_scanf_parse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_scanf_parse)
+#define u_setAtomicIncDecFunctions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_setAtomicIncDecFunctions)
+#define u_setDataDirectory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_setDataDirectory)
+#define u_setMemoryFunctions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_setMemoryFunctions)
+#define u_setMutexFunctions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_setMutexFunctions)
+#define u_setTimeZoneFilesDirectory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_setTimeZoneFilesDirectory)
+#define u_shapeArabic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_shapeArabic)
+#define u_snprintf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_snprintf)
+#define u_snprintf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_snprintf_u)
+#define u_sprintf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_sprintf)
+#define u_sprintf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_sprintf_u)
+#define u_sscanf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_sscanf)
+#define u_sscanf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_sscanf_u)
+// #define u_strCaseCompare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strCaseCompare)
+// #define u_strCompare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strCompare)
+#define u_strCompareIter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strCompareIter)
+// #define u_strFindFirst U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFindFirst)
+// #define u_strFindLast U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFindLast)
+// #define u_strFoldCase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFoldCase)
+#define u_strFromJavaModifiedUTF8WithSub U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromJavaModifiedUTF8WithSub)
+#define u_strFromPunycode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromPunycode)
+// #define u_strFromUTF32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromUTF32)
+// #define u_strFromUTF32WithSub U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromUTF32WithSub)
+// #define u_strFromUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromUTF8)
+// #define u_strFromUTF8Lenient U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromUTF8Lenient)
+// #define u_strFromUTF8WithSub U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromUTF8WithSub)
+#define u_strFromWCS U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strFromWCS)
+// #define u_strHasMoreChar32Than U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strHasMoreChar32Than)
+#define u_strToJavaModifiedUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToJavaModifiedUTF8)
+// #define u_strToLower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToLower)
+#define u_strToPunycode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToPunycode)
+// #define u_strToTitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToTitle)
+// #define u_strToUTF32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToUTF32)
+// #define u_strToUTF32WithSub U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToUTF32WithSub)
+// #define u_strToUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToUTF8)
+// #define u_strToUTF8WithSub U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToUTF8WithSub)
+// #define u_strToUpper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToUpper)
+#define u_strToWCS U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strToWCS)
+// #define u_strcasecmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strcasecmp)
+// #define u_strcat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strcat)
+// #define u_strchr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strchr)
+// #define u_strchr32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strchr32)
+// #define u_strcmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strcmp)
+// #define u_strcmpCodePointOrder U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strcmpCodePointOrder)
+#define u_strcmpFold U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strcmpFold)
+// #define u_strcpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strcpy)
+// #define u_strcspn U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strcspn)
+// #define u_strlen U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strlen)
+// #define u_strncasecmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strncasecmp)
+// #define u_strncat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strncat)
+// #define u_strncmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strncmp)
+// #define u_strncmpCodePointOrder U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strncmpCodePointOrder)
+// #define u_strncpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strncpy)
+// #define u_strpbrk U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strpbrk)
+// #define u_strrchr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strrchr)
+// #define u_strrchr32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strrchr32)
+// #define u_strrstr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strrstr)
+// #define u_strspn U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strspn)
+// #define u_strstr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strstr)
+// #define u_strtok_r U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_strtok_r)
+#define u_terminateChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_terminateChars)
+#define u_terminateUChar32s U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_terminateUChar32s)
+#define u_terminateUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_terminateUChars)
+#define u_terminateWChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_terminateWChars)
+// #define u_tolower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_tolower)
+// #define u_totitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_totitle)
+// #define u_toupper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_toupper)
+#define u_uastrcpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_uastrcpy)
+#define u_uastrncpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_uastrncpy)
+#define u_unescape U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_unescape)
+#define u_unescapeAt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_unescapeAt)
+#define u_versionFromString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_versionFromString)
+#define u_versionFromUString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_versionFromUString)
+// #define u_versionToString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_versionToString)
+#define u_vformatMessage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vformatMessage)
+#define u_vformatMessageWithError U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vformatMessageWithError)
+#define u_vfprintf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vfprintf)
+#define u_vfprintf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vfprintf_u)
+#define u_vfscanf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vfscanf)
+#define u_vfscanf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vfscanf_u)
+#define u_vparseMessage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vparseMessage)
+#define u_vparseMessageWithError U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vparseMessageWithError)
+#define u_vsnprintf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vsnprintf)
+#define u_vsnprintf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vsnprintf_u)
+#define u_vsprintf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vsprintf)
+#define u_vsprintf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vsprintf_u)
+#define u_vsscanf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vsscanf)
+#define u_vsscanf_u U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_vsscanf_u)
+#define u_writeIdenticalLevelRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(u_writeIdenticalLevelRun)
+#define ubidi_addPropertyStarts U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_addPropertyStarts)
+#define ubidi_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_close)
+#define ubidi_countParagraphs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_countParagraphs)
+#define ubidi_countRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_countRuns)
+#define ubidi_getBaseDirection U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getBaseDirection)
+#define ubidi_getClass U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getClass)
+#define ubidi_getClassCallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getClassCallback)
+#define ubidi_getCustomizedClass U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getCustomizedClass)
+#define ubidi_getDirection U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getDirection)
+#define ubidi_getJoiningGroup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getJoiningGroup)
+#define ubidi_getJoiningType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getJoiningType)
+#define ubidi_getLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getLength)
+#define ubidi_getLevelAt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getLevelAt)
+#define ubidi_getLevels U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getLevels)
+#define ubidi_getLogicalIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getLogicalIndex)
+#define ubidi_getLogicalMap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getLogicalMap)
+#define ubidi_getLogicalRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getLogicalRun)
+#define ubidi_getMaxValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getMaxValue)
+#define ubidi_getMemory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getMemory)
+#define ubidi_getMirror U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getMirror)
+#define ubidi_getPairedBracket U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getPairedBracket)
+#define ubidi_getPairedBracketType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getPairedBracketType)
+#define ubidi_getParaLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getParaLevel)
+#define ubidi_getParaLevelAtIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getParaLevelAtIndex)
+#define ubidi_getParagraph U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getParagraph)
+#define ubidi_getParagraphByIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getParagraphByIndex)
+#define ubidi_getProcessedLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getProcessedLength)
+#define ubidi_getReorderingMode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getReorderingMode)
+#define ubidi_getReorderingOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getReorderingOptions)
+#define ubidi_getResultLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getResultLength)
+#define ubidi_getRuns U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getRuns)
+#define ubidi_getText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getText)
+#define ubidi_getVisualIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getVisualIndex)
+#define ubidi_getVisualMap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getVisualMap)
+#define ubidi_getVisualRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_getVisualRun)
+#define ubidi_invertMap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_invertMap)
+#define ubidi_isBidiControl U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_isBidiControl)
+#define ubidi_isInverse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_isInverse)
+#define ubidi_isJoinControl U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_isJoinControl)
+#define ubidi_isMirrored U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_isMirrored)
+#define ubidi_isOrderParagraphsLTR U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_isOrderParagraphsLTR)
+#define ubidi_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_open)
+#define ubidi_openSized U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_openSized)
+#define ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR)
+#define ubidi_reorderLogical U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_reorderLogical)
+#define ubidi_reorderVisual U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_reorderVisual)
+#define ubidi_setClassCallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_setClassCallback)
+#define ubidi_setContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_setContext)
+#define ubidi_setInverse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_setInverse)
+#define ubidi_setLine U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_setLine)
+#define ubidi_setPara U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_setPara)
+#define ubidi_setReorderingMode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_setReorderingMode)
+#define ubidi_setReorderingOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_setReorderingOptions)
+#define ubidi_writeReordered U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_writeReordered)
+#define ubidi_writeReverse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubidi_writeReverse)
+#define ubiditransform_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubiditransform_close)
+#define ubiditransform_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubiditransform_open)
+#define ubiditransform_transform U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubiditransform_transform)
+#define ublock_getCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ublock_getCode)
+#define ubrk_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_close)
+#define ubrk_countAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_countAvailable)
+#define ubrk_current U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_current)
+#define ubrk_first U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_first)
+#define ubrk_following U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_following)
+#define ubrk_getAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_getAvailable)
+#define ubrk_getBinaryRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_getBinaryRules)
+#define ubrk_getLocaleByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_getLocaleByType)
+#define ubrk_getRuleStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_getRuleStatus)
+#define ubrk_getRuleStatusVec U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_getRuleStatusVec)
+#define ubrk_isBoundary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_isBoundary)
+#define ubrk_last U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_last)
+#define ubrk_next U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_next)
+#define ubrk_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_open)
+#define ubrk_openBinaryRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_openBinaryRules)
+#define ubrk_openRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_openRules)
+#define ubrk_preceding U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_preceding)
+#define ubrk_previous U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_previous)
+#define ubrk_refreshUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_refreshUText)
+#define ubrk_safeClone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_safeClone)
+#define ubrk_setText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_setText)
+#define ubrk_setUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_setUText)
+#define ubrk_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ubrk_swap)
+#define ucache_compareKeys U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucache_compareKeys)
+#define ucache_deleteKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucache_deleteKey)
+#define ucache_hashKeys U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucache_hashKeys)
+#define ucal_add U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_add)
+#define ucal_clear U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_clear)
+#define ucal_clearField U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_clearField)
+#define ucal_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_clone)
+#define ucal_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_close)
+#define ucal_countAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_countAvailable)
+#define ucal_equivalentTo U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_equivalentTo)
+#define ucal_get U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_get)
+#define ucal_getAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getAttribute)
+#define ucal_getAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getAvailable)
+#define ucal_getCanonicalTimeZoneID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getCanonicalTimeZoneID)
+#define ucal_getDSTSavings U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getDSTSavings)
+#define ucal_getDayOfWeekType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getDayOfWeekType)
+#define ucal_getDefaultTimeZone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getDefaultTimeZone)
+#define ucal_getFieldDifference U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getFieldDifference)
+#define ucal_getGregorianChange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getGregorianChange)
+#define ucal_getHostTimeZone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getHostTimeZone)
+#define ucal_getKeywordValuesForLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getKeywordValuesForLocale)
+#define ucal_getLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getLimit)
+#define ucal_getLocaleByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getLocaleByType)
+#define ucal_getMillis U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getMillis)
+#define ucal_getNow U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getNow)
+#define ucal_getTZDataVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getTZDataVersion)
+#define ucal_getTimeZoneDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getTimeZoneDisplayName)
+#define ucal_getTimeZoneID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getTimeZoneID)
+#define ucal_getTimeZoneIDForWindowsID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getTimeZoneIDForWindowsID)
+#define ucal_getTimeZoneTransitionDate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getTimeZoneTransitionDate)
+#define ucal_getType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getType)
+#define ucal_getWeekendTransition U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getWeekendTransition)
+#define ucal_getWindowsTimeZoneID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_getWindowsTimeZoneID)
+#define ucal_inDaylightTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_inDaylightTime)
+#define ucal_isSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_isSet)
+#define ucal_isWeekend U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_isWeekend)
+#define ucal_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_open)
+#define ucal_openCountryTimeZones U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_openCountryTimeZones)
+#define ucal_openTimeZoneIDEnumeration U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_openTimeZoneIDEnumeration)
+#define ucal_openTimeZones U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_openTimeZones)
+#define ucal_roll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_roll)
+#define ucal_set U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_set)
+#define ucal_setAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_setAttribute)
+#define ucal_setDate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_setDate)
+#define ucal_setDateTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_setDateTime)
+#define ucal_setDefaultTimeZone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_setDefaultTimeZone)
+#define ucal_setGregorianChange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_setGregorianChange)
+#define ucal_setMillis U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_setMillis)
+#define ucal_setTimeZone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucal_setTimeZone)
+#define ucase_addCaseClosure U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_addCaseClosure)
+#define ucase_addPropertyStarts U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_addPropertyStarts)
+#define ucase_addStringCaseClosure U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_addStringCaseClosure)
+#define ucase_fold U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_fold)
+#define ucase_getCaseLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_getCaseLocale)
+#define ucase_getTrie U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_getTrie)
+#define ucase_getType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_getType)
+#define ucase_getTypeOrIgnorable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_getTypeOrIgnorable)
+#define ucase_hasBinaryProperty U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_hasBinaryProperty)
+#define ucase_isCaseSensitive U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_isCaseSensitive)
+#define ucase_isSoftDotted U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_isSoftDotted)
+#define ucase_toFullFolding U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_toFullFolding)
+#define ucase_toFullLower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_toFullLower)
+#define ucase_toFullTitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_toFullTitle)
+#define ucase_toFullUpper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_toFullUpper)
+#define ucase_tolower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_tolower)
+#define ucase_totitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_totitle)
+#define ucase_toupper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucase_toupper)
+#define ucasemap_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_close)
+#define ucasemap_getBreakIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_getBreakIterator)
+#define ucasemap_getLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_getLocale)
+#define ucasemap_getOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_getOptions)
+#define ucasemap_internalUTF8ToTitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_internalUTF8ToTitle)
+#define ucasemap_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_open)
+#define ucasemap_setBreakIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_setBreakIterator)
+#define ucasemap_setLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_setLocale)
+#define ucasemap_setOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_setOptions)
+#define ucasemap_toTitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_toTitle)
+#define ucasemap_utf8FoldCase U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_utf8FoldCase)
+#define ucasemap_utf8ToLower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_utf8ToLower)
+#define ucasemap_utf8ToTitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_utf8ToTitle)
+#define ucasemap_utf8ToUpper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucasemap_utf8ToUpper)
+#define ucfpos_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_close)
+#define ucfpos_constrainCategory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_constrainCategory)
+#define ucfpos_constrainField U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_constrainField)
+#define ucfpos_getCategory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_getCategory)
+#define ucfpos_getField U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_getField)
+#define ucfpos_getIndexes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_getIndexes)
+#define ucfpos_getInt64IterationContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_getInt64IterationContext)
+#define ucfpos_matchesField U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_matchesField)
+#define ucfpos_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_open)
+#define ucfpos_reset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_reset)
+#define ucfpos_setInt64IterationContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_setInt64IterationContext)
+#define ucfpos_setState U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucfpos_setState)
+#define uchar_addPropertyStarts U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uchar_addPropertyStarts)
+#define uchar_swapNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uchar_swapNames)
+#define ucln_cleanupOne U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucln_cleanupOne)
+#define ucln_common_registerCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucln_common_registerCleanup)
+#define ucln_i18n_registerCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucln_i18n_registerCleanup)
+#define ucln_io_registerCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucln_io_registerCleanup)
+#define ucln_lib_cleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucln_lib_cleanup)
+#define ucln_registerCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucln_registerCleanup)
+#define ucnv_MBCSFromUChar32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSFromUChar32)
+#define ucnv_MBCSFromUnicodeWithOffsets U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSFromUnicodeWithOffsets)
+#define ucnv_MBCSGetFilteredUnicodeSetForUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSGetFilteredUnicodeSetForUnicode)
+#define ucnv_MBCSGetType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSGetType)
+#define ucnv_MBCSGetUnicodeSetForUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSGetUnicodeSetForUnicode)
+#define ucnv_MBCSIsLeadByte U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSIsLeadByte)
+#define ucnv_MBCSSimpleGetNextUChar U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSSimpleGetNextUChar)
+#define ucnv_MBCSToUnicodeWithOffsets U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_MBCSToUnicodeWithOffsets)
+#define ucnv_bld_countAvailableConverters U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_bld_countAvailableConverters)
+#define ucnv_bld_getAvailableConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_bld_getAvailableConverter)
+#define ucnv_canCreateConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_canCreateConverter)
+#define ucnv_cbFromUWriteBytes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_cbFromUWriteBytes)
+#define ucnv_cbFromUWriteSub U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_cbFromUWriteSub)
+#define ucnv_cbFromUWriteUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_cbFromUWriteUChars)
+#define ucnv_cbToUWriteSub U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_cbToUWriteSub)
+#define ucnv_cbToUWriteUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_cbToUWriteUChars)
+#define ucnv_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_close)
+#define ucnv_compareNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_compareNames)
+#define ucnv_convert U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_convert)
+#define ucnv_convertEx U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_convertEx)
+#define ucnv_countAliases U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_countAliases)
+#define ucnv_countAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_countAvailable)
+#define ucnv_countStandards U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_countStandards)
+#define ucnv_createAlgorithmicConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_createAlgorithmicConverter)
+#define ucnv_createConverter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_createConverter)
+#define ucnv_createConverterFromPackage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_createConverterFromPackage)
+#define ucnv_createConverterFromSharedData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_createConverterFromSharedData)
+#define ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature)
+#define ucnv_enableCleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_enableCleanup)
+#define ucnv_extContinueMatchFromU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_extContinueMatchFromU)
+#define ucnv_extContinueMatchToU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_extContinueMatchToU)
+#define ucnv_extGetUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_extGetUnicodeSet)
+#define ucnv_extInitialMatchFromU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_extInitialMatchFromU)
+#define ucnv_extInitialMatchToU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_extInitialMatchToU)
+#define ucnv_extSimpleMatchFromU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_extSimpleMatchFromU)
+#define ucnv_extSimpleMatchToU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_extSimpleMatchToU)
+#define ucnv_fixFileSeparator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fixFileSeparator)
+#define ucnv_flushCache U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_flushCache)
+#define ucnv_fromAlgorithmic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fromAlgorithmic)
+#define ucnv_fromUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fromUChars)
+#define ucnv_fromUCountPending U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fromUCountPending)
+#define ucnv_fromUWriteBytes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fromUWriteBytes)
+#define ucnv_fromUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fromUnicode)
+#define ucnv_fromUnicode_UTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fromUnicode_UTF8)
+#define ucnv_fromUnicode_UTF8_OFFSETS_LOGIC U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_fromUnicode_UTF8_OFFSETS_LOGIC)
+#define ucnv_getAlias U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getAlias)
+#define ucnv_getAliases U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getAliases)
+#define ucnv_getAvailableName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getAvailableName)
+#define ucnv_getCCSID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getCCSID)
+#define ucnv_getCanonicalName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getCanonicalName)
+#define ucnv_getCompleteUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getCompleteUnicodeSet)
+#define ucnv_getDefaultName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getDefaultName)
+#define ucnv_getDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getDisplayName)
+#define ucnv_getFromUCallBack U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getFromUCallBack)
+#define ucnv_getInvalidChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getInvalidChars)
+#define ucnv_getInvalidUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getInvalidUChars)
+#define ucnv_getMaxCharSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getMaxCharSize)
+#define ucnv_getMinCharSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getMinCharSize)
+#define ucnv_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getName)
+#define ucnv_getNextUChar U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getNextUChar)
+#define ucnv_getNonSurrogateUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getNonSurrogateUnicodeSet)
+#define ucnv_getPlatform U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getPlatform)
+#define ucnv_getStandard U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getStandard)
+#define ucnv_getStandardName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getStandardName)
+#define ucnv_getStarters U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getStarters)
+#define ucnv_getSubstChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getSubstChars)
+#define ucnv_getToUCallBack U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getToUCallBack)
+#define ucnv_getType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getType)
+#define ucnv_getUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_getUnicodeSet)
+#define ucnv_incrementRefCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_incrementRefCount)
+#define ucnv_io_countKnownConverters U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_io_countKnownConverters)
+#define ucnv_io_getConverterName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_io_getConverterName)
+#define ucnv_io_stripASCIIForCompare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_io_stripASCIIForCompare)
+#define ucnv_io_stripEBCDICForCompare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_io_stripEBCDICForCompare)
+#define ucnv_isAmbiguous U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_isAmbiguous)
+#define ucnv_isFixedWidth U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_isFixedWidth)
+#define ucnv_load U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_load)
+#define ucnv_loadSharedData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_loadSharedData)
+#define ucnv_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_open)
+#define ucnv_openAllNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_openAllNames)
+#define ucnv_openCCSID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_openCCSID)
+#define ucnv_openPackage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_openPackage)
+#define ucnv_openStandardNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_openStandardNames)
+#define ucnv_openU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_openU)
+#define ucnv_reset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_reset)
+#define ucnv_resetFromUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_resetFromUnicode)
+#define ucnv_resetToUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_resetToUnicode)
+#define ucnv_safeClone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_safeClone)
+#define ucnv_setDefaultName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_setDefaultName)
+#define ucnv_setFallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_setFallback)
+#define ucnv_setFromUCallBack U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_setFromUCallBack)
+#define ucnv_setSubstChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_setSubstChars)
+#define ucnv_setSubstString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_setSubstString)
+#define ucnv_setToUCallBack U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_setToUCallBack)
+#define ucnv_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_swap)
+#define ucnv_swapAliases U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_swapAliases)
+#define ucnv_toAlgorithmic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_toAlgorithmic)
+#define ucnv_toUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_toUChars)
+#define ucnv_toUCountPending U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_toUCountPending)
+#define ucnv_toUWriteCodePoint U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_toUWriteCodePoint)
+#define ucnv_toUWriteUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_toUWriteUChars)
+#define ucnv_toUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_toUnicode)
+#define ucnv_unload U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_unload)
+#define ucnv_unloadSharedDataIfReady U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_unloadSharedDataIfReady)
+#define ucnv_usesFallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnv_usesFallback)
+#define ucnvsel_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnvsel_close)
+#define ucnvsel_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnvsel_open)
+#define ucnvsel_openFromSerialized U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnvsel_openFromSerialized)
+#define ucnvsel_selectForString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnvsel_selectForString)
+#define ucnvsel_selectForUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnvsel_selectForUTF8)
+#define ucnvsel_serialize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucnvsel_serialize)
+#define ucol_cloneBinary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_cloneBinary)
+#define ucol_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_close)
+#define ucol_closeElements U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_closeElements)
+#define ucol_countAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_countAvailable)
+#define ucol_equal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_equal)
+#define ucol_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_equals)
+#define ucol_getAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getAttribute)
+#define ucol_getAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getAvailable)
+#define ucol_getBound U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getBound)
+#define ucol_getContractions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getContractions)
+#define ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions)
+#define ucol_getDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getDisplayName)
+#define ucol_getEquivalentReorderCodes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getEquivalentReorderCodes)
+#define ucol_getFunctionalEquivalent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getFunctionalEquivalent)
+#define ucol_getKeywordValues U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getKeywordValues)
+#define ucol_getKeywordValuesForLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getKeywordValuesForLocale)
+#define ucol_getKeywords U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getKeywords)
+#define ucol_getLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getLocale)
+#define ucol_getLocaleByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getLocaleByType)
+#define ucol_getMaxExpansion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getMaxExpansion)
+#define ucol_getMaxVariable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getMaxVariable)
+#define ucol_getOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getOffset)
+#define ucol_getReorderCodes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getReorderCodes)
+#define ucol_getRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getRules)
+#define ucol_getRulesEx U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getRulesEx)
+#define ucol_getShortDefinitionString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getShortDefinitionString)
+#define ucol_getSortKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getSortKey)
+#define ucol_getStrength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getStrength)
+#define ucol_getTailoredSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getTailoredSet)
+#define ucol_getUCAVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getUCAVersion)
+#define ucol_getUnsafeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getUnsafeSet)
+#define ucol_getVariableTop U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getVariableTop)
+#define ucol_getVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_getVersion)
+#define ucol_greater U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_greater)
+#define ucol_greaterOrEqual U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_greaterOrEqual)
+#define ucol_keyHashCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_keyHashCode)
+#define ucol_looksLikeCollationBinary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_looksLikeCollationBinary)
+#define ucol_mergeSortkeys U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_mergeSortkeys)
+#define ucol_next U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_next)
+#define ucol_nextSortKeyPart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_nextSortKeyPart)
+#define ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString)
+#define ucol_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_open)
+#define ucol_openAvailableLocales U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_openAvailableLocales)
+#define ucol_openBinary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_openBinary)
+#define ucol_openElements U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_openElements)
+#define ucol_openFromShortString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_openFromShortString)
+#define ucol_openRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_openRules)
+#define ucol_prepareShortStringOpen U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_prepareShortStringOpen)
+#define ucol_previous U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_previous)
+#define ucol_primaryOrder U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_primaryOrder)
+#define ucol_reset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_reset)
+#define ucol_restoreVariableTop U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_restoreVariableTop)
+#define ucol_safeClone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_safeClone)
+#define ucol_secondaryOrder U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_secondaryOrder)
+#define ucol_setAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_setAttribute)
+#define ucol_setMaxVariable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_setMaxVariable)
+#define ucol_setOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_setOffset)
+#define ucol_setReorderCodes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_setReorderCodes)
+#define ucol_setStrength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_setStrength)
+#define ucol_setText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_setText)
+#define ucol_setVariableTop U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_setVariableTop)
+#define ucol_strcoll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_strcoll)
+#define ucol_strcollIter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_strcollIter)
+#define ucol_strcollUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_strcollUTF8)
+#define ucol_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_swap)
+#define ucol_swapInverseUCA U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_swapInverseUCA)
+#define ucol_tertiaryOrder U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucol_tertiaryOrder)
+#define ucpmap_get U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucpmap_get)
+#define ucpmap_getRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucpmap_getRange)
+#define ucptrie_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_close)
+#define ucptrie_get U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_get)
+#define ucptrie_getRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_getRange)
+#define ucptrie_getType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_getType)
+#define ucptrie_getValueWidth U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_getValueWidth)
+#define ucptrie_internalGetRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_internalGetRange)
+#define ucptrie_internalSmallIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_internalSmallIndex)
+#define ucptrie_internalSmallU8Index U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_internalSmallU8Index)
+#define ucptrie_internalU8PrevIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_internalU8PrevIndex)
+#define ucptrie_openFromBinary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_openFromBinary)
+#define ucptrie_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_swap)
+#define ucptrie_toBinary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucptrie_toBinary)
+#define ucsdet_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_close)
+#define ucsdet_detect U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_detect)
+#define ucsdet_detectAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_detectAll)
+#define ucsdet_enableInputFilter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_enableInputFilter)
+#define ucsdet_getAllDetectableCharsets U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_getAllDetectableCharsets)
+#define ucsdet_getConfidence U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_getConfidence)
+#define ucsdet_getDetectableCharsets U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_getDetectableCharsets)
+#define ucsdet_getLanguage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_getLanguage)
+#define ucsdet_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_getName)
+#define ucsdet_getUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_getUChars)
+#define ucsdet_isInputFilterEnabled U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_isInputFilterEnabled)
+#define ucsdet_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_open)
+#define ucsdet_setDeclaredEncoding U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_setDeclaredEncoding)
+#define ucsdet_setDetectableCharset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_setDetectableCharset)
+#define ucsdet_setText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucsdet_setText)
+#define ucurr_countCurrencies U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_countCurrencies)
+#define ucurr_forLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_forLocale)
+#define ucurr_forLocaleAndDate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_forLocaleAndDate)
+#define ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigits U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigits)
+#define ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigitsForUsage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigitsForUsage)
+#define ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale)
+#define ucurr_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getName)
+#define ucurr_getNumericCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getNumericCode)
+#define ucurr_getPluralName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getPluralName)
+#define ucurr_getRoundingIncrement U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getRoundingIncrement)
+#define ucurr_getRoundingIncrementForUsage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_getRoundingIncrementForUsage)
+#define ucurr_isAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_isAvailable)
+#define ucurr_openISOCurrencies U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_openISOCurrencies)
+#define ucurr_register U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_register)
+#define ucurr_unregister U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ucurr_unregister)
+#define udat_adoptNumberFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_adoptNumberFormat)
+#define udat_adoptNumberFormatForFields U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_adoptNumberFormatForFields)
+#define udat_applyPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_applyPattern)
+#define udat_applyPatternRelative U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_applyPatternRelative)
+#define udat_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_clone)
+#define udat_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_close)
+#define udat_countAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_countAvailable)
+#define udat_countSymbols U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_countSymbols)
+#define udat_format U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_format)
+#define udat_formatCalendar U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_formatCalendar)
+#define udat_formatCalendarForFields U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_formatCalendarForFields)
+#define udat_formatForFields U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_formatForFields)
+#define udat_get2DigitYearStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_get2DigitYearStart)
+#define udat_getAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getAvailable)
+#define udat_getBooleanAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getBooleanAttribute)
+#define udat_getCalendar U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getCalendar)
+#define udat_getContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getContext)
+#define udat_getLocaleByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getLocaleByType)
+#define udat_getNumberFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getNumberFormat)
+#define udat_getNumberFormatForField U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getNumberFormatForField)
+#define udat_getSymbols U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_getSymbols)
+#define udat_isLenient U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_isLenient)
+#define udat_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_open)
+#define udat_parse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_parse)
+#define udat_parseCalendar U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_parseCalendar)
+#define udat_registerOpener U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_registerOpener)
+#define udat_set2DigitYearStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_set2DigitYearStart)
+#define udat_setBooleanAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_setBooleanAttribute)
+#define udat_setCalendar U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_setCalendar)
+#define udat_setContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_setContext)
+#define udat_setLenient U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_setLenient)
+#define udat_setNumberFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_setNumberFormat)
+#define udat_setSymbols U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_setSymbols)
+#define udat_toCalendarDateField U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_toCalendarDateField)
+#define udat_toPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_toPattern)
+#define udat_toPatternRelativeDate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_toPatternRelativeDate)
+#define udat_toPatternRelativeTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_toPatternRelativeTime)
+#define udat_unregisterOpener U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udat_unregisterOpener)
+#define udata_checkCommonData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_checkCommonData)
+#define udata_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_close)
+#define udata_closeSwapper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_closeSwapper)
+#define udata_getHeaderSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_getHeaderSize)
+#define udata_getInfo U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_getInfo)
+#define udata_getInfoSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_getInfoSize)
+#define udata_getLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_getLength)
+#define udata_getMemory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_getMemory)
+#define udata_getRawMemory U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_getRawMemory)
+#define udata_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_open)
+#define udata_openChoice U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_openChoice)
+#define udata_openSwapper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_openSwapper)
+#define udata_openSwapperForInputData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_openSwapperForInputData)
+#define udata_printError U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_printError)
+#define udata_readInt16 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_readInt16)
+#define udata_readInt32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_readInt32)
+#define udata_setAppData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_setAppData)
+#define udata_setCommonData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_setCommonData)
+#define udata_setFileAccess U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_setFileAccess)
+#define udata_swapDataHeader U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_swapDataHeader)
+#define udata_swapInvStringBlock U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udata_swapInvStringBlock)
+#define udatpg_addPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_addPattern)
+#define udatpg_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_clone)
+#define udatpg_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_close)
+#define udatpg_getAppendItemFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getAppendItemFormat)
+#define udatpg_getAppendItemName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getAppendItemName)
+#define udatpg_getBaseSkeleton U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getBaseSkeleton)
+#define udatpg_getBestPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getBestPattern)
+#define udatpg_getBestPatternWithOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getBestPatternWithOptions)
+#define udatpg_getDateTimeFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getDateTimeFormat)
+#define udatpg_getDecimal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getDecimal)
+#define udatpg_getFieldDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getFieldDisplayName)
+#define udatpg_getPatternForSkeleton U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getPatternForSkeleton)
+#define udatpg_getSkeleton U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_getSkeleton)
+#define udatpg_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_open)
+#define udatpg_openBaseSkeletons U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_openBaseSkeletons)
+#define udatpg_openEmpty U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_openEmpty)
+#define udatpg_openSkeletons U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_openSkeletons)
+#define udatpg_replaceFieldTypes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_replaceFieldTypes)
+#define udatpg_replaceFieldTypesWithOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_replaceFieldTypesWithOptions)
+#define udatpg_setAppendItemFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_setAppendItemFormat)
+#define udatpg_setAppendItemName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_setAppendItemName)
+#define udatpg_setDateTimeFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_setDateTimeFormat)
+#define udatpg_setDecimal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udatpg_setDecimal)
+#define udict_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udict_swap)
+#define udtitvfmt_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udtitvfmt_close)
+#define udtitvfmt_closeResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udtitvfmt_closeResult)
+#define udtitvfmt_format U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udtitvfmt_format)
+#define udtitvfmt_formatToResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udtitvfmt_formatToResult)
+#define udtitvfmt_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udtitvfmt_open)
+#define udtitvfmt_openResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udtitvfmt_openResult)
+#define udtitvfmt_resultAsValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(udtitvfmt_resultAsValue)
+#define uenum_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_close)
+#define uenum_count U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_count)
+#define uenum_next U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_next)
+#define uenum_nextDefault U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_nextDefault)
+#define uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration)
+#define uenum_openFromStringEnumeration U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_openFromStringEnumeration)
+#define uenum_openUCharStringsEnumeration U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_openUCharStringsEnumeration)
+#define uenum_reset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_reset)
+#define uenum_unext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_unext)
+#define uenum_unextDefault U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uenum_unextDefault)
+#define ufieldpositer_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufieldpositer_close)
+#define ufieldpositer_next U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufieldpositer_next)
+#define ufieldpositer_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufieldpositer_open)
+#define ufile_getch U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufile_getch)
+#define ufile_getch32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufile_getch32)
+#define ufmt_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_close)
+#define ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex)
+#define ufmt_getArrayLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getArrayLength)
+#define ufmt_getDate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getDate)
+#define ufmt_getDecNumChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getDecNumChars)
+#define ufmt_getDouble U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getDouble)
+#define ufmt_getInt64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getInt64)
+#define ufmt_getLong U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getLong)
+#define ufmt_getObject U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getObject)
+#define ufmt_getType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getType)
+#define ufmt_getUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_getUChars)
+#define ufmt_isNumeric U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_isNumeric)
+#define ufmt_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmt_open)
+#define ufmtval_getString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmtval_getString)
+#define ufmtval_nextPosition U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ufmtval_nextPosition)
+#define ugender_getInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ugender_getInstance)
+#define ugender_getListGender U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ugender_getListGender)
+#define uhash_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_close)
+#define uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString)
+#define uhash_compareChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_compareChars)
+#define uhash_compareIChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_compareIChars)
+#define uhash_compareLong U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_compareLong)
+#define uhash_compareScriptSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_compareScriptSet)
+#define uhash_compareUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_compareUChars)
+#define uhash_compareUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_compareUnicodeString)
+#define uhash_count U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_count)
+#define uhash_deleteHashtable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_deleteHashtable)
+#define uhash_deleteScriptSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_deleteScriptSet)
+#define uhash_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_equals)
+#define uhash_equalsScriptSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_equalsScriptSet)
+#define uhash_find U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_find)
+#define uhash_get U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_get)
+#define uhash_geti U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_geti)
+#define uhash_hashCaselessUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_hashCaselessUnicodeString)
+#define uhash_hashChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_hashChars)
+#define uhash_hashIChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_hashIChars)
+#define uhash_hashLong U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_hashLong)
+#define uhash_hashScriptSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_hashScriptSet)
+#define uhash_hashUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_hashUChars)
+#define uhash_hashUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_hashUnicodeString)
+#define uhash_iget U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_iget)
+#define uhash_igeti U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_igeti)
+#define uhash_init U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_init)
+#define uhash_initSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_initSize)
+#define uhash_iput U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_iput)
+#define uhash_iputi U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_iputi)
+#define uhash_iremove U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_iremove)
+#define uhash_iremovei U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_iremovei)
+#define uhash_nextElement U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_nextElement)
+#define uhash_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_open)
+#define uhash_openSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_openSize)
+#define uhash_put U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_put)
+#define uhash_puti U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_puti)
+#define uhash_remove U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_remove)
+#define uhash_removeAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_removeAll)
+#define uhash_removeElement U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_removeElement)
+#define uhash_removei U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_removei)
+#define uhash_setKeyComparator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_setKeyComparator)
+#define uhash_setKeyDeleter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_setKeyDeleter)
+#define uhash_setKeyHasher U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_setKeyHasher)
+#define uhash_setResizePolicy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_setResizePolicy)
+#define uhash_setValueComparator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_setValueComparator)
+#define uhash_setValueDeleter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uhash_setValueDeleter)
+#define uidna_IDNToUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_IDNToUnicode)
+#define uidna_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_close)
+#define uidna_compare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_compare)
+#define uidna_labelToASCII U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_labelToASCII)
+#define uidna_labelToASCII_UTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_labelToASCII_UTF8)
+#define uidna_labelToUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_labelToUnicode)
+#define uidna_labelToUnicodeUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_labelToUnicodeUTF8)
+#define uidna_nameToASCII U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_nameToASCII)
+#define uidna_nameToASCII_UTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_nameToASCII_UTF8)
+#define uidna_nameToUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_nameToUnicode)
+#define uidna_nameToUnicodeUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_nameToUnicodeUTF8)
+#define uidna_openUTS46 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_openUTS46)
+#define uidna_toASCII U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_toASCII)
+#define uidna_toUnicode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uidna_toUnicode)
+#define uiter_current32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_current32)
+#define uiter_getState U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_getState)
+#define uiter_next32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_next32)
+#define uiter_previous32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_previous32)
+#define uiter_setCharacterIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_setCharacterIterator)
+#define uiter_setReplaceable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_setReplaceable)
+#define uiter_setState U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_setState)
+#define uiter_setString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_setString)
+#define uiter_setUTF16BE U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_setUTF16BE)
+#define uiter_setUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uiter_setUTF8)
+#define uldn_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_close)
+#define uldn_getContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_getContext)
+#define uldn_getDialectHandling U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_getDialectHandling)
+#define uldn_getLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_getLocale)
+#define uldn_keyDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_keyDisplayName)
+#define uldn_keyValueDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_keyValueDisplayName)
+#define uldn_languageDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_languageDisplayName)
+#define uldn_localeDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_localeDisplayName)
+#define uldn_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_open)
+#define uldn_openForContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_openForContext)
+#define uldn_regionDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_regionDisplayName)
+#define uldn_scriptCodeDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_scriptCodeDisplayName)
+#define uldn_scriptDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_scriptDisplayName)
+#define uldn_variantDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uldn_variantDisplayName)
+#define ulist_addItemBeginList U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_addItemBeginList)
+#define ulist_addItemEndList U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_addItemEndList)
+#define ulist_close_keyword_values_iterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_close_keyword_values_iterator)
+#define ulist_containsString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_containsString)
+#define ulist_count_keyword_values U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_count_keyword_values)
+#define ulist_createEmptyList U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_createEmptyList)
+#define ulist_deleteList U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_deleteList)
+#define ulist_getListFromEnum U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_getListFromEnum)
+#define ulist_getListSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_getListSize)
+#define ulist_getNext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_getNext)
+#define ulist_next_keyword_value U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_next_keyword_value)
+#define ulist_removeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_removeString)
+#define ulist_resetList U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_resetList)
+#define ulist_reset_keyword_values_iterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulist_reset_keyword_values_iterator)
+#define ulistfmt_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulistfmt_close)
+#define ulistfmt_closeResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulistfmt_closeResult)
+#define ulistfmt_format U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulistfmt_format)
+#define ulistfmt_formatStringsToResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulistfmt_formatStringsToResult)
+#define ulistfmt_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulistfmt_open)
+#define ulistfmt_openResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulistfmt_openResult)
+#define ulistfmt_resultAsValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulistfmt_resultAsValue)
+// #define uloc_acceptLanguage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_acceptLanguage)
+#define uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP)
+// #define uloc_addLikelySubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_addLikelySubtags)
+// #define uloc_canonicalize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_canonicalize)
+// #define uloc_countAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_countAvailable)
+// #define uloc_forLanguageTag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_forLanguageTag)
+// #define uloc_getAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getAvailable)
+// #define uloc_getBaseName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getBaseName)
+// #define uloc_getCharacterOrientation U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getCharacterOrientation)
+// #define uloc_getCountry U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getCountry)
+#define uloc_getCurrentCountryID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getCurrentCountryID)
+#define uloc_getCurrentLanguageID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getCurrentLanguageID)
+#define uloc_getDefault U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDefault)
+// #define uloc_getDisplayCountry U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayCountry)
+// #define uloc_getDisplayKeyword U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayKeyword)
+// #define uloc_getDisplayKeywordValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayKeywordValue)
+// #define uloc_getDisplayLanguage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayLanguage)
+// #define uloc_getDisplayName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayName)
+// #define uloc_getDisplayScript U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayScript)
+#define uloc_getDisplayScriptInContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayScriptInContext)
+// #define uloc_getDisplayVariant U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getDisplayVariant)
+// #define uloc_getISO3Country U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getISO3Country)
+// #define uloc_getISO3Language U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getISO3Language)
+// #define uloc_getISOCountries U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getISOCountries)
+// #define uloc_getISOLanguages U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getISOLanguages)
+// #define uloc_getKeywordValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getKeywordValue)
+#define uloc_getLCID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getLCID)
+// #define uloc_getLanguage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getLanguage)
+// #define uloc_getLineOrientation U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getLineOrientation)
+#define uloc_getLocaleForLCID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getLocaleForLCID)
+// #define uloc_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getName)
+#define uloc_getParent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getParent)
+// #define uloc_getScript U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getScript)
+#define uloc_getTableStringWithFallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getTableStringWithFallback)
+// #define uloc_getVariant U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_getVariant)
+// #define uloc_isRightToLeft U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_isRightToLeft)
+// #define uloc_minimizeSubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_minimizeSubtags)
+#define uloc_openAvailableByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_openAvailableByType)
+#define uloc_openKeywordList U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_openKeywordList)
+// #define uloc_openKeywords U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_openKeywords)
+#define uloc_setDefault U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_setDefault)
+// #define uloc_setKeywordValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_setKeywordValue)
+// #define uloc_toLanguageTag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_toLanguageTag)
+// #define uloc_toLegacyKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_toLegacyKey)
+// #define uloc_toLegacyType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_toLegacyType)
+// #define uloc_toUnicodeLocaleKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_toUnicodeLocaleKey)
+// #define uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType)
+#define ulocdata_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_close)
+#define ulocdata_getCLDRVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getCLDRVersion)
+#define ulocdata_getDelimiter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getDelimiter)
+#define ulocdata_getExemplarSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getExemplarSet)
+#define ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern)
+#define ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator)
+#define ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem)
+#define ulocdata_getNoSubstitute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getNoSubstitute)
+#define ulocdata_getPaperSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_getPaperSize)
+#define ulocdata_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_open)
+#define ulocdata_setNoSubstitute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocdata_setNoSubstitute)
+#define ulocimp_addLikelySubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_addLikelySubtags)
+#define ulocimp_forLanguageTag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_forLanguageTag)
+#define ulocimp_getCountry U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_getCountry)
+#define ulocimp_getLanguage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_getLanguage)
+#define ulocimp_getRegionForSupplementalData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_getRegionForSupplementalData)
+#define ulocimp_getScript U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_getScript)
+#define ulocimp_minimizeSubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_minimizeSubtags)
+#define ulocimp_toBcpKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_toBcpKey)
+#define ulocimp_toBcpType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_toBcpType)
+#define ulocimp_toLanguageTag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_toLanguageTag)
+#define ulocimp_toLegacyKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_toLegacyKey)
+#define ulocimp_toLegacyType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ulocimp_toLegacyType)
+#define ultag_isExtensionSubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isExtensionSubtags)
+#define ultag_isLanguageSubtag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isLanguageSubtag)
+#define ultag_isPrivateuseValueSubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isPrivateuseValueSubtags)
+#define ultag_isRegionSubtag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isRegionSubtag)
+#define ultag_isScriptSubtag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isScriptSubtag)
+#define ultag_isTransformedExtensionSubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isTransformedExtensionSubtags)
+#define ultag_isUnicodeExtensionSubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isUnicodeExtensionSubtags)
+#define ultag_isUnicodeLocaleAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isUnicodeLocaleAttribute)
+#define ultag_isUnicodeLocaleAttributes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isUnicodeLocaleAttributes)
+#define ultag_isUnicodeLocaleKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isUnicodeLocaleKey)
+#define ultag_isUnicodeLocaleType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isUnicodeLocaleType)
+#define ultag_isVariantSubtags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ultag_isVariantSubtags)
+#define umsg_applyPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_applyPattern)
+#define umsg_autoQuoteApostrophe U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_autoQuoteApostrophe)
+#define umsg_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_clone)
+#define umsg_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_close)
+#define umsg_format U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_format)
+#define umsg_getLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_getLocale)
+#define umsg_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_open)
+#define umsg_parse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_parse)
+#define umsg_setLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_setLocale)
+#define umsg_toPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_toPattern)
+#define umsg_vformat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_vformat)
+#define umsg_vparse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umsg_vparse)
+#define umtx_lock U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umtx_lock)
+#define umtx_unlock U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umtx_unlock)
+#define umutablecptrie_buildImmutable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_buildImmutable)
+#define umutablecptrie_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_clone)
+#define umutablecptrie_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_close)
+#define umutablecptrie_fromUCPMap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_fromUCPMap)
+#define umutablecptrie_fromUCPTrie U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_fromUCPTrie)
+#define umutablecptrie_get U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_get)
+#define umutablecptrie_getRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_getRange)
+#define umutablecptrie_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_open)
+#define umutablecptrie_set U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_set)
+#define umutablecptrie_setRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(umutablecptrie_setRange)
+#define uniset_getUnicode32Instance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uniset_getUnicode32Instance)
+#define unorm2_append U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_append)
+#define unorm2_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_close)
+#define unorm2_composePair U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_composePair)
+#define unorm2_getCombiningClass U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getCombiningClass)
+#define unorm2_getDecomposition U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getDecomposition)
+#define unorm2_getInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getInstance)
+#define unorm2_getNFCInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getNFCInstance)
+#define unorm2_getNFDInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getNFDInstance)
+#define unorm2_getNFKCCasefoldInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getNFKCCasefoldInstance)
+#define unorm2_getNFKCInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getNFKCInstance)
+#define unorm2_getNFKDInstance U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getNFKDInstance)
+#define unorm2_getRawDecomposition U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_getRawDecomposition)
+#define unorm2_hasBoundaryAfter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_hasBoundaryAfter)
+#define unorm2_hasBoundaryBefore U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_hasBoundaryBefore)
+#define unorm2_isInert U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_isInert)
+#define unorm2_isNormalized U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_isNormalized)
+#define unorm2_normalize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_normalize)
+#define unorm2_normalizeSecondAndAppend U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_normalizeSecondAndAppend)
+#define unorm2_openFiltered U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_openFiltered)
+#define unorm2_quickCheck U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_quickCheck)
+#define unorm2_spanQuickCheckYes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_spanQuickCheckYes)
+#define unorm2_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm2_swap)
+#define unorm_compare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_compare)
+#define unorm_concatenate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_concatenate)
+#define unorm_getFCD16 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_getFCD16)
+#define unorm_getQuickCheck U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_getQuickCheck)
+#define unorm_isNormalized U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_isNormalized)
+#define unorm_isNormalizedWithOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_isNormalizedWithOptions)
+#define unorm_next U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_next)
+#define unorm_normalize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_normalize)
+#define unorm_previous U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_previous)
+#define unorm_quickCheck U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_quickCheck)
+#define unorm_quickCheckWithOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unorm_quickCheckWithOptions)
+#define unum_applyPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_applyPattern)
+#define unum_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_clone)
+#define unum_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_close)
+#define unum_countAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_countAvailable)
+#define unum_format U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_format)
+#define unum_formatDecimal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_formatDecimal)
+#define unum_formatDouble U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_formatDouble)
+#define unum_formatDoubleCurrency U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_formatDoubleCurrency)
+#define unum_formatDoubleForFields U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_formatDoubleForFields)
+#define unum_formatInt64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_formatInt64)
+#define unum_formatUFormattable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_formatUFormattable)
+#define unum_getAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_getAttribute)
+#define unum_getAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_getAvailable)
+#define unum_getContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_getContext)
+#define unum_getDoubleAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_getDoubleAttribute)
+#define unum_getLocaleByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_getLocaleByType)
+#define unum_getSymbol U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_getSymbol)
+#define unum_getTextAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_getTextAttribute)
+#define unum_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_open)
+#define unum_parse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_parse)
+#define unum_parseDecimal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_parseDecimal)
+#define unum_parseDouble U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_parseDouble)
+#define unum_parseDoubleCurrency U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_parseDoubleCurrency)
+#define unum_parseInt64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_parseInt64)
+#define unum_parseToUFormattable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_parseToUFormattable)
+#define unum_setAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_setAttribute)
+#define unum_setContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_setContext)
+#define unum_setDoubleAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_setDoubleAttribute)
+#define unum_setSymbol U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_setSymbol)
+#define unum_setTextAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_setTextAttribute)
+#define unum_toPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unum_toPattern)
+#define unumf_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_close)
+#define unumf_closeResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_closeResult)
+#define unumf_formatDecimal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_formatDecimal)
+#define unumf_formatDouble U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_formatDouble)
+#define unumf_formatInt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_formatInt)
+#define unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale)
+#define unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocaleWithError U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocaleWithError)
+#define unumf_openResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_openResult)
+#define unumf_resultAsValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_resultAsValue)
+#define unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions)
+#define unumf_resultNextFieldPosition U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_resultNextFieldPosition)
+#define unumf_resultToString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumf_resultToString)
+#define unumsys_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_close)
+#define unumsys_getDescription U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_getDescription)
+#define unumsys_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_getName)
+#define unumsys_getRadix U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_getRadix)
+#define unumsys_isAlgorithmic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_isAlgorithmic)
+#define unumsys_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_open)
+#define unumsys_openAvailableNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_openAvailableNames)
+#define unumsys_openByName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(unumsys_openByName)
+#define uplrules_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplrules_close)
+#define uplrules_getKeywords U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplrules_getKeywords)
+#define uplrules_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplrules_open)
+#define uplrules_openForType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplrules_openForType)
+#define uplrules_select U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplrules_select)
+#define uplrules_selectFormatted U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplrules_selectFormatted)
+#define uplrules_selectWithFormat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplrules_selectWithFormat)
+#define uplug_closeLibrary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_closeLibrary)
+#define uplug_findLibrary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_findLibrary)
+#define uplug_getConfiguration U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getConfiguration)
+#define uplug_getContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getContext)
+#define uplug_getCurrentLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getCurrentLevel)
+#define uplug_getLibrary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getLibrary)
+#define uplug_getLibraryName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getLibraryName)
+#define uplug_getPlugInternal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getPlugInternal)
+#define uplug_getPlugLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getPlugLevel)
+#define uplug_getPlugLoadStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getPlugLoadStatus)
+#define uplug_getPlugName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getPlugName)
+#define uplug_getPluginFile U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getPluginFile)
+#define uplug_getSymbolName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_getSymbolName)
+#define uplug_init U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_init)
+#define uplug_loadPlugFromEntrypoint U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_loadPlugFromEntrypoint)
+#define uplug_loadPlugFromLibrary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_loadPlugFromLibrary)
+#define uplug_nextPlug U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_nextPlug)
+#define uplug_openLibrary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_openLibrary)
+#define uplug_removePlug U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_removePlug)
+#define uplug_setContext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_setContext)
+#define uplug_setPlugLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_setPlugLevel)
+#define uplug_setPlugName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_setPlugName)
+#define uplug_setPlugNoUnload U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uplug_setPlugNoUnload)
+#define uprops_addPropertyStarts U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprops_addPropertyStarts)
+#define uprops_getSource U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprops_getSource)
+#define upropsvec_addPropertyStarts U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upropsvec_addPropertyStarts)
+#define uprv_add32_overflow U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_add32_overflow)
+#define uprv_aestrncpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_aestrncpy)
+#define uprv_asciiFromEbcdic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_asciiFromEbcdic)
+#define uprv_asciitolower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_asciitolower)
+#define uprv_calloc U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_calloc)
+#define uprv_ceil U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_ceil)
+#define uprv_compareASCIIPropertyNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_compareASCIIPropertyNames)
+#define uprv_compareEBCDICPropertyNames U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_compareEBCDICPropertyNames)
+#define uprv_compareInvAscii U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_compareInvAscii)
+#define uprv_compareInvEbcdic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_compareInvEbcdic)
+#define uprv_compareInvEbcdicAsAscii U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_compareInvEbcdicAsAscii)
+#define uprv_convertToLCID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_convertToLCID)
+#define uprv_convertToLCIDPlatform U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_convertToLCIDPlatform)
+#define uprv_convertToPosix U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_convertToPosix)
+#define uprv_copyAscii U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_copyAscii)
+#define uprv_copyEbcdic U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_copyEbcdic)
+#define uprv_currencyLeads U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_currencyLeads)
+#define uprv_decContextClearStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextClearStatus)
+#define uprv_decContextDefault U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextDefault)
+#define uprv_decContextGetRounding U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextGetRounding)
+#define uprv_decContextGetStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextGetStatus)
+#define uprv_decContextRestoreStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextRestoreStatus)
+#define uprv_decContextSaveStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextSaveStatus)
+#define uprv_decContextSetRounding U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextSetRounding)
+#define uprv_decContextSetStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextSetStatus)
+#define uprv_decContextSetStatusFromString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextSetStatusFromString)
+#define uprv_decContextSetStatusFromStringQuiet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextSetStatusFromStringQuiet)
+#define uprv_decContextSetStatusQuiet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextSetStatusQuiet)
+#define uprv_decContextStatusToString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextStatusToString)
+#define uprv_decContextTestSavedStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextTestSavedStatus)
+#define uprv_decContextTestStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextTestStatus)
+#define uprv_decContextZeroStatus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decContextZeroStatus)
+#define uprv_decNumberAbs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberAbs)
+#define uprv_decNumberAdd U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberAdd)
+#define uprv_decNumberAnd U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberAnd)
+#define uprv_decNumberClassToString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberClassToString)
+#define uprv_decNumberCompare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCompare)
+#define uprv_decNumberCompareSignal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCompareSignal)
+#define uprv_decNumberCompareTotal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCompareTotal)
+#define uprv_decNumberCompareTotalMag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCompareTotalMag)
+#define uprv_decNumberCopy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCopy)
+#define uprv_decNumberCopyAbs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCopyAbs)
+#define uprv_decNumberCopyNegate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCopyNegate)
+#define uprv_decNumberCopySign U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberCopySign)
+#define uprv_decNumberDivide U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberDivide)
+#define uprv_decNumberDivideInteger U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberDivideInteger)
+#define uprv_decNumberExp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberExp)
+#define uprv_decNumberFMA U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberFMA)
+#define uprv_decNumberFromInt32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberFromInt32)
+#define uprv_decNumberFromString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberFromString)
+#define uprv_decNumberFromUInt32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberFromUInt32)
+#define uprv_decNumberGetBCD U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberGetBCD)
+#define uprv_decNumberInvert U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberInvert)
+#define uprv_decNumberIsNormal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberIsNormal)
+#define uprv_decNumberIsSubnormal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberIsSubnormal)
+#define uprv_decNumberLn U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberLn)
+#define uprv_decNumberLog10 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberLog10)
+#define uprv_decNumberLogB U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberLogB)
+#define uprv_decNumberMax U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberMax)
+#define uprv_decNumberMaxMag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberMaxMag)
+#define uprv_decNumberMin U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberMin)
+#define uprv_decNumberMinMag U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberMinMag)
+#define uprv_decNumberMinus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberMinus)
+#define uprv_decNumberMultiply U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberMultiply)
+#define uprv_decNumberNextMinus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberNextMinus)
+#define uprv_decNumberNextPlus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberNextPlus)
+#define uprv_decNumberNextToward U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberNextToward)
+#define uprv_decNumberNormalize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberNormalize)
+#define uprv_decNumberOr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberOr)
+#define uprv_decNumberPlus U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberPlus)
+#define uprv_decNumberPower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberPower)
+#define uprv_decNumberQuantize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberQuantize)
+#define uprv_decNumberReduce U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberReduce)
+#define uprv_decNumberRemainder U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberRemainder)
+#define uprv_decNumberRemainderNear U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberRemainderNear)
+#define uprv_decNumberRescale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberRescale)
+#define uprv_decNumberRotate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberRotate)
+#define uprv_decNumberSameQuantum U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberSameQuantum)
+#define uprv_decNumberScaleB U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberScaleB)
+#define uprv_decNumberSetBCD U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberSetBCD)
+#define uprv_decNumberShift U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberShift)
+#define uprv_decNumberSquareRoot U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberSquareRoot)
+#define uprv_decNumberSubtract U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberSubtract)
+#define uprv_decNumberToEngString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberToEngString)
+#define uprv_decNumberToInt32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberToInt32)
+#define uprv_decNumberToIntegralExact U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberToIntegralExact)
+#define uprv_decNumberToIntegralValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberToIntegralValue)
+#define uprv_decNumberToString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberToString)
+#define uprv_decNumberToUInt32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberToUInt32)
+#define uprv_decNumberTrim U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberTrim)
+#define uprv_decNumberVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberVersion)
+#define uprv_decNumberXor U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberXor)
+#define uprv_decNumberZero U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_decNumberZero)
+#define uprv_deleteConditionalCE32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_deleteConditionalCE32)
+#define uprv_deleteUObject U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_deleteUObject)
+#define uprv_dl_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_dl_close)
+#define uprv_dl_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_dl_open)
+#define uprv_dlsym_func U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_dlsym_func)
+#define uprv_eastrncpy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_eastrncpy)
+#define uprv_ebcdicFromAscii U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_ebcdicFromAscii)
+#define uprv_ebcdicToAscii U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_ebcdicToAscii)
+#define uprv_ebcdicToLowercaseAscii U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_ebcdicToLowercaseAscii)
+#define uprv_ebcdictolower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_ebcdictolower)
+#define uprv_fabs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_fabs)
+#define uprv_floor U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_floor)
+#define uprv_fmax U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_fmax)
+#define uprv_fmin U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_fmin)
+#define uprv_fmod U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_fmod)
+#define uprv_free U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_free)
+#define uprv_getCharNameCharacters U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getCharNameCharacters)
+#define uprv_getDefaultLocaleID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getDefaultLocaleID)
+#define uprv_getInfinity U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getInfinity)
+#define uprv_getMaxCharNameLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getMaxCharNameLength)
+#define uprv_getMaxValues U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getMaxValues)
+#define uprv_getNaN U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getNaN)
+#define uprv_getRawUTCtime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getRawUTCtime)
+#define uprv_getStaticCurrencyName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getStaticCurrencyName)
+#define uprv_getUTCtime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_getUTCtime)
+#define uprv_int32Comparator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_int32Comparator)
+#define uprv_isASCIILetter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isASCIILetter)
+#define uprv_isEbcdicAtSign U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isEbcdicAtSign)
+#define uprv_isInfinite U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isInfinite)
+#define uprv_isInvariantString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isInvariantString)
+#define uprv_isInvariantUString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isInvariantUString)
+#define uprv_isNaN U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isNaN)
+#define uprv_isNegativeInfinity U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isNegativeInfinity)
+#define uprv_isPositiveInfinity U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_isPositiveInfinity)
+#define uprv_itou U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_itou)
+#define uprv_log U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_log)
+#define uprv_malloc U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_malloc)
+#define uprv_mapFile U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_mapFile)
+#define uprv_max U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_max)
+#define uprv_maxMantissa U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_maxMantissa)
+#define uprv_maximumPtr U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_maximumPtr)
+#define uprv_min U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_min)
+#define uprv_modf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_modf)
+#define uprv_mul32_overflow U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_mul32_overflow)
+#define uprv_parseCurrency U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_parseCurrency)
+#define uprv_pathIsAbsolute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_pathIsAbsolute)
+#define uprv_pow U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_pow)
+#define uprv_pow10 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_pow10)
+#define uprv_realloc U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_realloc)
+#define uprv_round U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_round)
+#define uprv_sortArray U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_sortArray)
+#define uprv_stableBinarySearch U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_stableBinarySearch)
+#define uprv_strCompare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_strCompare)
+#define uprv_strdup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_strdup)
+#define uprv_stricmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_stricmp)
+#define uprv_strndup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_strndup)
+#define uprv_strnicmp U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_strnicmp)
+#define uprv_syntaxError U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_syntaxError)
+#define uprv_timezone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_timezone)
+#define uprv_toupper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_toupper)
+#define uprv_trunc U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_trunc)
+#define uprv_tzname U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_tzname)
+#define uprv_tzname_clear_cache U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_tzname_clear_cache)
+#define uprv_tzset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_tzset)
+#define uprv_uint16Comparator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_uint16Comparator)
+#define uprv_uint32Comparator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_uint32Comparator)
+#define uprv_unmapFile U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uprv_unmapFile)
+#define upvec_cloneArray U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_cloneArray)
+#define upvec_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_close)
+#define upvec_compact U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_compact)
+#define upvec_compactToUTrie2Handler U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_compactToUTrie2Handler)
+#define upvec_compactToUTrie2WithRowIndexes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_compactToUTrie2WithRowIndexes)
+#define upvec_getArray U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_getArray)
+#define upvec_getRow U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_getRow)
+#define upvec_getValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_getValue)
+#define upvec_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_open)
+#define upvec_setValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(upvec_setValue)
+#define uregex_appendReplacement U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_appendReplacement)
+#define uregex_appendReplacementUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_appendReplacementUText)
+#define uregex_appendTail U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_appendTail)
+#define uregex_appendTailUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_appendTailUText)
+#define uregex_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_clone)
+#define uregex_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_close)
+#define uregex_end U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_end)
+#define uregex_end64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_end64)
+#define uregex_find U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_find)
+#define uregex_find64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_find64)
+#define uregex_findNext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_findNext)
+#define uregex_flags U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_flags)
+#define uregex_getFindProgressCallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_getFindProgressCallback)
+#define uregex_getMatchCallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_getMatchCallback)
+#define uregex_getStackLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_getStackLimit)
+#define uregex_getText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_getText)
+#define uregex_getTimeLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_getTimeLimit)
+#define uregex_getUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_getUText)
+#define uregex_group U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_group)
+#define uregex_groupCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_groupCount)
+#define uregex_groupNumberFromCName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_groupNumberFromCName)
+#define uregex_groupNumberFromName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_groupNumberFromName)
+#define uregex_groupUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_groupUText)
+#define uregex_hasAnchoringBounds U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_hasAnchoringBounds)
+#define uregex_hasTransparentBounds U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_hasTransparentBounds)
+#define uregex_hitEnd U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_hitEnd)
+#define uregex_lookingAt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_lookingAt)
+#define uregex_lookingAt64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_lookingAt64)
+#define uregex_matches U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_matches)
+#define uregex_matches64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_matches64)
+#define uregex_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_open)
+#define uregex_openC U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_openC)
+#define uregex_openUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_openUText)
+#define uregex_pattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_pattern)
+#define uregex_patternUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_patternUText)
+#define uregex_refreshUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_refreshUText)
+#define uregex_regionEnd U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_regionEnd)
+#define uregex_regionEnd64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_regionEnd64)
+#define uregex_regionStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_regionStart)
+#define uregex_regionStart64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_regionStart64)
+#define uregex_replaceAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_replaceAll)
+#define uregex_replaceAllUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_replaceAllUText)
+#define uregex_replaceFirst U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_replaceFirst)
+#define uregex_replaceFirstUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_replaceFirstUText)
+#define uregex_requireEnd U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_requireEnd)
+#define uregex_reset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_reset)
+#define uregex_reset64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_reset64)
+#define uregex_setFindProgressCallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setFindProgressCallback)
+#define uregex_setMatchCallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setMatchCallback)
+#define uregex_setRegion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setRegion)
+#define uregex_setRegion64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setRegion64)
+#define uregex_setRegionAndStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setRegionAndStart)
+#define uregex_setStackLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setStackLimit)
+#define uregex_setText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setText)
+#define uregex_setTimeLimit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setTimeLimit)
+#define uregex_setUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_setUText)
+#define uregex_split U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_split)
+#define uregex_splitUText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_splitUText)
+#define uregex_start U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_start)
+#define uregex_start64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_start64)
+#define uregex_ucstr_unescape_charAt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_ucstr_unescape_charAt)
+#define uregex_useAnchoringBounds U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_useAnchoringBounds)
+#define uregex_useTransparentBounds U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_useTransparentBounds)
+#define uregex_utext_unescape_charAt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregex_utext_unescape_charAt)
+#define uregion_areEqual U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_areEqual)
+#define uregion_contains U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_contains)
+#define uregion_getAvailable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getAvailable)
+#define uregion_getContainedRegions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getContainedRegions)
+#define uregion_getContainedRegionsOfType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getContainedRegionsOfType)
+#define uregion_getContainingRegion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getContainingRegion)
+#define uregion_getContainingRegionOfType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getContainingRegionOfType)
+#define uregion_getNumericCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getNumericCode)
+#define uregion_getPreferredValues U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getPreferredValues)
+#define uregion_getRegionCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getRegionCode)
+#define uregion_getRegionFromCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getRegionFromCode)
+#define uregion_getRegionFromNumericCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getRegionFromNumericCode)
+#define uregion_getType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uregion_getType)
+#define ureldatefmt_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_close)
+#define ureldatefmt_closeResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_closeResult)
+#define ureldatefmt_combineDateAndTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_combineDateAndTime)
+#define ureldatefmt_format U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_format)
+#define ureldatefmt_formatNumeric U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_formatNumeric)
+#define ureldatefmt_formatNumericToResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_formatNumericToResult)
+#define ureldatefmt_formatToResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_formatToResult)
+#define ureldatefmt_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_open)
+#define ureldatefmt_openResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_openResult)
+#define ureldatefmt_resultAsValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ureldatefmt_resultAsValue)
+#define ures_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_close)
+#define ures_copyResb U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_copyResb)
+#define ures_countArrayItems U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_countArrayItems)
+#define ures_findResource U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_findResource)
+#define ures_findSubResource U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_findSubResource)
+#define ures_getAllItemsWithFallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getAllItemsWithFallback)
+#define ures_getBinary U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getBinary)
+#define ures_getByIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getByIndex)
+#define ures_getByKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getByKey)
+#define ures_getByKeyWithFallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getByKeyWithFallback)
+#define ures_getFunctionalEquivalent U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getFunctionalEquivalent)
+#define ures_getInt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getInt)
+#define ures_getIntVector U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getIntVector)
+#define ures_getKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getKey)
+#define ures_getKeywordValues U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getKeywordValues)
+#define ures_getLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getLocale)
+#define ures_getLocaleByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getLocaleByType)
+#define ures_getLocaleInternal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getLocaleInternal)
+#define ures_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getName)
+#define ures_getNextResource U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getNextResource)
+#define ures_getNextString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getNextString)
+#define ures_getSize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getSize)
+#define ures_getString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getString)
+#define ures_getStringByIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getStringByIndex)
+#define ures_getStringByKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getStringByKey)
+#define ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback)
+#define ures_getType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getType)
+#define ures_getUInt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getUInt)
+#define ures_getUTF8String U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getUTF8String)
+#define ures_getUTF8StringByIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getUTF8StringByIndex)
+#define ures_getUTF8StringByKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getUTF8StringByKey)
+#define ures_getValueWithFallback U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getValueWithFallback)
+#define ures_getVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getVersion)
+#define ures_getVersionByKey U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getVersionByKey)
+#define ures_getVersionNumber U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getVersionNumber)
+#define ures_getVersionNumberInternal U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_getVersionNumberInternal)
+#define ures_hasNext U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_hasNext)
+#define ures_initStackObject U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_initStackObject)
+#define ures_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_open)
+#define ures_openAvailableLocales U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_openAvailableLocales)
+#define ures_openDirect U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_openDirect)
+#define ures_openDirectFillIn U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_openDirectFillIn)
+#define ures_openFillIn U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_openFillIn)
+#define ures_openNoDefault U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_openNoDefault)
+#define ures_openU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_openU)
+#define ures_resetIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_resetIterator)
+#define ures_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ures_swap)
+#define uscript_breaksBetweenLetters U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_breaksBetweenLetters)
+#define uscript_closeRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_closeRun)
+#define uscript_getCode U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getCode)
+#define uscript_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getName)
+#define uscript_getSampleString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getSampleString)
+#define uscript_getSampleUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getSampleUnicodeString)
+#define uscript_getScript U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getScript)
+#define uscript_getScriptExtensions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getScriptExtensions)
+#define uscript_getShortName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getShortName)
+#define uscript_getUsage U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_getUsage)
+#define uscript_hasScript U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_hasScript)
+#define uscript_isCased U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_isCased)
+#define uscript_isRightToLeft U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_isRightToLeft)
+#define uscript_nextRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_nextRun)
+#define uscript_openRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_openRun)
+#define uscript_resetRun U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_resetRun)
+#define uscript_setRunText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uscript_setRunText)
+#define usearch_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_close)
+#define usearch_first U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_first)
+#define usearch_following U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_following)
+#define usearch_getAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getAttribute)
+#define usearch_getBreakIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getBreakIterator)
+#define usearch_getCollator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getCollator)
+#define usearch_getMatchedLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getMatchedLength)
+#define usearch_getMatchedStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getMatchedStart)
+#define usearch_getMatchedText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getMatchedText)
+#define usearch_getOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getOffset)
+#define usearch_getPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getPattern)
+#define usearch_getText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_getText)
+#define usearch_handleNextCanonical U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_handleNextCanonical)
+#define usearch_handleNextExact U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_handleNextExact)
+#define usearch_handlePreviousCanonical U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_handlePreviousCanonical)
+#define usearch_handlePreviousExact U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_handlePreviousExact)
+#define usearch_last U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_last)
+#define usearch_next U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_next)
+#define usearch_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_open)
+#define usearch_openFromCollator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_openFromCollator)
+#define usearch_preceding U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_preceding)
+#define usearch_previous U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_previous)
+#define usearch_reset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_reset)
+#define usearch_search U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_search)
+#define usearch_searchBackwards U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_searchBackwards)
+#define usearch_setAttribute U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_setAttribute)
+#define usearch_setBreakIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_setBreakIterator)
+#define usearch_setCollator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_setCollator)
+#define usearch_setOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_setOffset)
+#define usearch_setPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_setPattern)
+#define usearch_setText U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usearch_setText)
+#define uset_add U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_add)
+#define uset_addAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_addAll)
+#define uset_addAllCodePoints U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_addAllCodePoints)
+#define uset_addRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_addRange)
+#define uset_addString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_addString)
+#define uset_applyIntPropertyValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_applyIntPropertyValue)
+#define uset_applyPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_applyPattern)
+#define uset_applyPropertyAlias U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_applyPropertyAlias)
+#define uset_charAt U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_charAt)
+#define uset_clear U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_clear)
+#define uset_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_clone)
+#define uset_cloneAsThawed U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_cloneAsThawed)
+#define uset_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_close)
+#define uset_closeOver U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_closeOver)
+#define uset_compact U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_compact)
+#define uset_complement U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_complement)
+#define uset_complementAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_complementAll)
+#define uset_contains U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_contains)
+#define uset_containsAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_containsAll)
+#define uset_containsAllCodePoints U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_containsAllCodePoints)
+#define uset_containsNone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_containsNone)
+#define uset_containsRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_containsRange)
+#define uset_containsSome U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_containsSome)
+#define uset_containsString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_containsString)
+#define uset_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_equals)
+#define uset_freeze U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_freeze)
+#define uset_getItem U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_getItem)
+#define uset_getItemCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_getItemCount)
+#define uset_getSerializedRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_getSerializedRange)
+#define uset_getSerializedRangeCount U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_getSerializedRangeCount)
+#define uset_getSerializedSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_getSerializedSet)
+#define uset_indexOf U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_indexOf)
+#define uset_isEmpty U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_isEmpty)
+#define uset_isFrozen U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_isFrozen)
+#define uset_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_open)
+#define uset_openEmpty U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_openEmpty)
+#define uset_openPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_openPattern)
+#define uset_openPatternOptions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_openPatternOptions)
+#define uset_remove U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_remove)
+#define uset_removeAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_removeAll)
+#define uset_removeAllStrings U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_removeAllStrings)
+#define uset_removeRange U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_removeRange)
+#define uset_removeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_removeString)
+#define uset_resemblesPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_resemblesPattern)
+#define uset_retain U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_retain)
+#define uset_retainAll U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_retainAll)
+#define uset_serialize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_serialize)
+#define uset_serializedContains U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_serializedContains)
+#define uset_set U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_set)
+#define uset_setSerializedToOne U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_setSerializedToOne)
+#define uset_size U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_size)
+#define uset_span U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_span)
+#define uset_spanBack U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_spanBack)
+#define uset_spanBackUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_spanBackUTF8)
+#define uset_spanUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_spanUTF8)
+#define uset_toPattern U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uset_toPattern)
+#define uspoof_areConfusable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_areConfusable)
+#define uspoof_areConfusableUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_areConfusableUTF8)
+#define uspoof_areConfusableUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_areConfusableUnicodeString)
+#define uspoof_check U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_check)
+#define uspoof_check2 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_check2)
+#define uspoof_check2UTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_check2UTF8)
+#define uspoof_check2UnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_check2UnicodeString)
+#define uspoof_checkUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_checkUTF8)
+#define uspoof_checkUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_checkUnicodeString)
+#define uspoof_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_clone)
+#define uspoof_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_close)
+#define uspoof_closeCheckResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_closeCheckResult)
+#define uspoof_getAllowedChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getAllowedChars)
+#define uspoof_getAllowedLocales U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getAllowedLocales)
+#define uspoof_getAllowedUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getAllowedUnicodeSet)
+#define uspoof_getCheckResultChecks U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getCheckResultChecks)
+#define uspoof_getCheckResultNumerics U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getCheckResultNumerics)
+#define uspoof_getCheckResultRestrictionLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getCheckResultRestrictionLevel)
+#define uspoof_getChecks U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getChecks)
+#define uspoof_getInclusionSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getInclusionSet)
+#define uspoof_getInclusionUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getInclusionUnicodeSet)
+#define uspoof_getRecommendedSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getRecommendedSet)
+#define uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet)
+#define uspoof_getRestrictionLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getRestrictionLevel)
+#define uspoof_getSkeleton U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getSkeleton)
+#define uspoof_getSkeletonUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getSkeletonUTF8)
+#define uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString)
+#define uspoof_internalInitStatics U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_internalInitStatics)
+#define uspoof_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_open)
+#define uspoof_openCheckResult U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_openCheckResult)
+#define uspoof_openFromSerialized U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_openFromSerialized)
+#define uspoof_openFromSource U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_openFromSource)
+#define uspoof_serialize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_serialize)
+#define uspoof_setAllowedChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_setAllowedChars)
+#define uspoof_setAllowedLocales U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_setAllowedLocales)
+#define uspoof_setAllowedUnicodeSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_setAllowedUnicodeSet)
+#define uspoof_setChecks U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_setChecks)
+#define uspoof_setRestrictionLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_setRestrictionLevel)
+#define uspoof_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(uspoof_swap)
+#define usprep_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usprep_close)
+#define usprep_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usprep_open)
+#define usprep_openByType U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usprep_openByType)
+#define usprep_prepare U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usprep_prepare)
+#define usprep_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(usprep_swap)
+#define ustr_hashCharsN U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustr_hashCharsN)
+#define ustr_hashICharsN U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustr_hashICharsN)
+#define ustr_hashUCharsN U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustr_hashUCharsN)
+#define ustrcase_getCaseLocale U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_getCaseLocale)
+#define ustrcase_getTitleBreakIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_getTitleBreakIterator)
+#define ustrcase_internalFold U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_internalFold)
+#define ustrcase_internalToLower U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_internalToLower)
+#define ustrcase_internalToTitle U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_internalToTitle)
+#define ustrcase_internalToUpper U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_internalToUpper)
+#define ustrcase_map U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_map)
+#define ustrcase_mapWithOverlap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ustrcase_mapWithOverlap)
+#define utext_char32At U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_char32At)
+#define utext_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_clone)
+#define utext_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_close)
+#define utext_copy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_copy)
+#define utext_current32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_current32)
+#define utext_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_equals)
+#define utext_extract U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_extract)
+#define utext_freeze U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_freeze)
+#define utext_getNativeIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_getNativeIndex)
+#define utext_getPreviousNativeIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_getPreviousNativeIndex)
+#define utext_hasMetaData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_hasMetaData)
+#define utext_isLengthExpensive U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_isLengthExpensive)
+#define utext_isWritable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_isWritable)
+#define utext_moveIndex32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_moveIndex32)
+#define utext_nativeLength U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_nativeLength)
+#define utext_next32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_next32)
+#define utext_next32From U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_next32From)
+#define utext_openCharacterIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_openCharacterIterator)
+#define utext_openConstUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_openConstUnicodeString)
+#define utext_openReplaceable U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_openReplaceable)
+#define utext_openUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_openUChars)
+#define utext_openUTF8 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_openUTF8)
+#define utext_openUnicodeString U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_openUnicodeString)
+#define utext_previous32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_previous32)
+#define utext_previous32From U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_previous32From)
+#define utext_replace U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_replace)
+#define utext_setNativeIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_setNativeIndex)
+#define utext_setup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utext_setup)
+#define utf8_appendCharSafeBody U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utf8_appendCharSafeBody)
+#define utf8_back1SafeBody U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utf8_back1SafeBody)
+#define utf8_countTrailBytes U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utf8_countTrailBytes)
+#define utf8_nextCharSafeBody U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utf8_nextCharSafeBody)
+#define utf8_prevCharSafeBody U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utf8_prevCharSafeBody)
+#define utmscale_fromInt64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utmscale_fromInt64)
+#define utmscale_getTimeScaleValue U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utmscale_getTimeScaleValue)
+#define utmscale_toInt64 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utmscale_toInt64)
+#define utrace_cleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_cleanup)
+#define utrace_data U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_data)
+#define utrace_entry U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_entry)
+#define utrace_exit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_exit)
+#define utrace_format U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_format)
+#define utrace_functionName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_functionName)
+#define utrace_getFunctions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_getFunctions)
+#define utrace_getLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_getLevel)
+#define utrace_setFunctions U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_setFunctions)
+#define utrace_setLevel U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_setLevel)
+#define utrace_vformat U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrace_vformat)
+#define utrans_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_clone)
+#define utrans_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_close)
+#define utrans_countAvailableIDs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_countAvailableIDs)
+#define utrans_getAvailableID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_getAvailableID)
+#define utrans_getID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_getID)
+#define utrans_getSourceSet U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_getSourceSet)
+#define utrans_getUnicodeID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_getUnicodeID)
+#define utrans_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_open)
+#define utrans_openIDs U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_openIDs)
+#define utrans_openInverse U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_openInverse)
+#define utrans_openU U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_openU)
+#define utrans_register U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_register)
+#define utrans_rep_caseContextIterator U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_rep_caseContextIterator)
+#define utrans_setFilter U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_setFilter)
+#define utrans_stripRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_stripRules)
+#define utrans_toRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_toRules)
+#define utrans_trans U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_trans)
+#define utrans_transIncremental U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_transIncremental)
+#define utrans_transIncrementalUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_transIncrementalUChars)
+#define utrans_transUChars U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_transUChars)
+#define utrans_transliterator_cleanup U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_transliterator_cleanup)
+#define utrans_unregister U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_unregister)
+#define utrans_unregisterID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrans_unregisterID)
+#define utrie2_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_clone)
+#define utrie2_cloneAsThawed U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_cloneAsThawed)
+#define utrie2_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_close)
+#define utrie2_enum U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_enum)
+#define utrie2_enumForLeadSurrogate U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_enumForLeadSurrogate)
+#define utrie2_freeze U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_freeze)
+#define utrie2_fromUTrie U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_fromUTrie)
+#define utrie2_get32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_get32)
+#define utrie2_get32FromLeadSurrogateCodeUnit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_get32FromLeadSurrogateCodeUnit)
+#define utrie2_internalU8NextIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_internalU8NextIndex)
+#define utrie2_internalU8PrevIndex U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_internalU8PrevIndex)
+#define utrie2_isFrozen U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_isFrozen)
+#define utrie2_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_open)
+#define utrie2_openDummy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_openDummy)
+#define utrie2_openFromSerialized U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_openFromSerialized)
+#define utrie2_serialize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_serialize)
+#define utrie2_set32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_set32)
+#define utrie2_set32ForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_set32ForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit)
+#define utrie2_setRange32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_setRange32)
+#define utrie2_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie2_swap)
+#define utrie_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_clone)
+#define utrie_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_close)
+#define utrie_defaultGetFoldingOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_defaultGetFoldingOffset)
+#define utrie_enum U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_enum)
+#define utrie_get32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_get32)
+#define utrie_getData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_getData)
+#define utrie_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_open)
+#define utrie_serialize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_serialize)
+#define utrie_set32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_set32)
+#define utrie_setRange32 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_setRange32)
+#define utrie_swap U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_swap)
+#define utrie_swapAnyVersion U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_swapAnyVersion)
+#define utrie_unserialize U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_unserialize)
+#define utrie_unserializeDummy U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(utrie_unserializeDummy)
+#define vzone_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_clone)
+#define vzone_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_close)
+#define vzone_countTransitionRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_countTransitionRules)
+#define vzone_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_equals)
+#define vzone_getDynamicClassID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getDynamicClassID)
+#define vzone_getLastModified U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getLastModified)
+#define vzone_getNextTransition U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getNextTransition)
+#define vzone_getOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getOffset)
+#define vzone_getOffset2 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getOffset2)
+#define vzone_getOffset3 U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getOffset3)
+#define vzone_getPreviousTransition U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getPreviousTransition)
+#define vzone_getRawOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getRawOffset)
+#define vzone_getStaticClassID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getStaticClassID)
+#define vzone_getTZURL U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_getTZURL)
+#define vzone_hasSameRules U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_hasSameRules)
+#define vzone_inDaylightTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_inDaylightTime)
+#define vzone_openData U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_openData)
+#define vzone_openID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_openID)
+#define vzone_setLastModified U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_setLastModified)
+#define vzone_setRawOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_setRawOffset)
+#define vzone_setTZURL U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_setTZURL)
+#define vzone_useDaylightTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_useDaylightTime)
+#define vzone_write U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_write)
+#define vzone_writeFromStart U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_writeFromStart)
+#define vzone_writeSimple U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(vzone_writeSimple)
+#define zrule_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(zrule_close)
+#define zrule_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(zrule_equals)
+#define zrule_getDSTSavings U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(zrule_getDSTSavings)
+#define zrule_getName U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(zrule_getName)
+#define zrule_getRawOffset U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(zrule_getRawOffset)
+#define zrule_isEquivalentTo U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(zrule_isEquivalentTo)
+#define ztrans_adoptFrom U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_adoptFrom)
+#define ztrans_adoptTo U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_adoptTo)
+#define ztrans_clone U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_clone)
+#define ztrans_close U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_close)
+#define ztrans_equals U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_equals)
+#define ztrans_getDynamicClassID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_getDynamicClassID)
+#define ztrans_getFrom U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_getFrom)
+#define ztrans_getStaticClassID U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_getStaticClassID)
+#define ztrans_getTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_getTime)
+#define ztrans_getTo U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_getTo)
+#define ztrans_open U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_open)
+#define ztrans_openEmpty U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_openEmpty)
+#define ztrans_setFrom U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_setFrom)
+#define ztrans_setTime U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_setTime)
+#define ztrans_setTo U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(ztrans_setTo)
+#endif /* !(defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__INTELLISENSE__)) */
+#endif /* U_DISABLE_RENAMING */
+#endif /* URENAME_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/urep.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/urep.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..932202d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/urep.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2010, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   06/23/00    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef __UREP_H
+#define __UREP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * General Notes
+ ********************************************************************
+ * TODO
+ * Add usage scenario
+ * Add test code
+ * Talk about pinning
+ * Talk about "can truncate result if out of memory"
+ */
+ * Data Structures
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Callbacks for UReplaceable
+ */
+ * An opaque replaceable text object.  This will be manipulated only
+ * through the caller-supplied UReplaceableFunctor struct.  Related
+ * to the C++ class Replaceable.
+ * This is currently only used in the Transliterator C API, see utrans.h .
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void* UReplaceable;
+ * A set of function pointers that transliterators use to manipulate a
+ * UReplaceable.  The caller should supply the required functions to
+ * manipulate their text appropriately.  Related to the C++ class
+ * Replaceable.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UReplaceableCallbacks {
+    /**
+     * Function pointer that returns the number of UChar code units in
+     * this text.
+     *
+     * @param rep A pointer to "this" UReplaceable object.
+     * @return The length of the text.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    int32_t (*length)(const UReplaceable* rep);
+    /**
+     * Function pointer that returns a UChar code units at the given
+     * offset into this text; 0 <= offset < n, where n is the value
+     * returned by (*length)(rep).  See unistr.h for a description of
+     * charAt() vs. char32At().
+     *
+     * @param rep A pointer to "this" UReplaceable object.
+     * @param offset The index at which to fetch the UChar (code unit).
+     * @return The UChar (code unit) at offset, or U+FFFF if the offset is out of bounds.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UChar   (*charAt)(const UReplaceable* rep,
+                      int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Function pointer that returns a UChar32 code point at the given
+     * offset into this text.  See unistr.h for a description of
+     * charAt() vs. char32At().
+     *
+     * @param rep A pointer to "this" UReplaceable object.
+     * @param offset The index at which to fetch the UChar32 (code point).
+     * @return The UChar32 (code point) at offset, or U+FFFF if the offset is out of bounds.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    UChar32 (*char32At)(const UReplaceable* rep,
+                        int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Function pointer that replaces text between start and limit in
+     * this text with the given text.  Attributes (out of band info)
+     * should be retained.
+     *
+     * @param rep A pointer to "this" UReplaceable object.
+     * @param start the starting index of the text to be replaced,
+     * inclusive.
+     * @param limit the ending index of the text to be replaced,
+     * exclusive.
+     * @param text the new text to replace the UChars from
+     * start..limit-1.
+     * @param textLength the number of UChars at text, or -1 if text
+     * is null-terminated.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void    (*replace)(UReplaceable* rep,
+                       int32_t start,
+                       int32_t limit,
+                       const UChar* text,
+                       int32_t textLength);
+    /**
+     * Function pointer that copies the characters in the range
+     * [<tt>start</tt>, <tt>limit</tt>) into the array <tt>dst</tt>.
+     *
+     * @param rep A pointer to "this" UReplaceable object.
+     * @param start offset of first character which will be copied
+     * into the array
+     * @param limit offset immediately following the last character to
+     * be copied
+     * @param dst array in which to copy characters.  The length of
+     * <tt>dst</tt> must be at least <tt>(limit - start)</tt>.
+     * @stable ICU 2.1
+     */
+    void    (*extract)(UReplaceable* rep,
+                       int32_t start,
+                       int32_t limit,
+                       UChar* dst);
+    /**
+     * Function pointer that copies text between start and limit in
+     * this text to another index in the text.  Attributes (out of
+     * band info) should be retained.  After this call, there will be
+     * (at least) two copies of the characters originally located at
+     * start..limit-1.
+     *
+     * @param rep A pointer to "this" UReplaceable object.
+     * @param start the starting index of the text to be copied,
+     * inclusive.
+     * @param limit the ending index of the text to be copied,
+     * exclusive.
+     * @param dest the index at which the copy of the UChars should be
+     * inserted.
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    void    (*copy)(UReplaceable* rep,
+                    int32_t start,
+                    int32_t limit,
+                    int32_t dest);    
+} UReplaceableCallbacks;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ures.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ures.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9dfc2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ures.h
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File URES.H (formerly CRESBUND.H)
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   04/01/97    aliu        Creation.
+*   02/22/99    damiba      overhaul.
+*   04/04/99    helena      Fixed internal header inclusion.
+*   04/15/99    Madhu       Updated Javadoc
+*   06/14/99    stephen     Removed functions taking a filename suffix.
+*   07/20/99    stephen     Language-independent typedef to void*
+*   11/09/99    weiv        Added ures_getLocale()
+*   06/24/02    weiv        Added support for resource sharing
+#ifndef URES_H
+#define URES_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Resource Bundle
+ *
+ * <h2>C API: Resource Bundle</h2>
+ *
+ * C API representing a collection of resource information pertaining to a given
+ * locale. A resource bundle provides a way of accessing locale- specific information in
+ * a data file. You create a resource bundle that manages the resources for a given
+ * locale and then ask it for individual resources.
+ * <P>
+ * Resource bundles in ICU4C are currently defined using text files which conform to the following
+ * <a href="">BNF definition</a>.
+ * More on resource bundle concepts and syntax can be found in the
+ * <a href="">Users Guide</a>.
+ * <P>
+ */
+ * UResourceBundle is an opaque type for handles for resource bundles in C APIs.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+struct UResourceBundle;
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UResourceBundle UResourceBundle;
+ * Numeric constants for types of resource items.
+ * @see ures_getType
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /** Resource type constant for "no resource". @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    URES_NONE=-1,
+    /** Resource type constant for 16-bit Unicode strings. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** Resource type constant for binary data. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    /** Resource type constant for tables of key-value pairs. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    URES_TABLE=2,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for aliases;
+     * internally stores a string which identifies the actual resource
+     * storing the data (can be in a different resource bundle).
+     * Resolved internally before delivering the actual resource through the API.
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    URES_ALIAS=3,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for a single 28-bit integer, interpreted as
+     * signed or unsigned by the ures_getInt() or ures_getUInt() function.
+     * @see ures_getInt
+     * @see ures_getUInt
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    URES_INT=7,
+    /** Resource type constant for arrays of resources. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+    URES_ARRAY=8,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for vectors of 32-bit integers.
+     * @see ures_getIntVector
+     * @stable ICU 2.6
+     */
+    URES_INT_VECTOR = 14,
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead. */
+    /** @deprecated ICU 2.6 Not used. */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UResType value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    URES_LIMIT = 16
+} UResType;
+ * Functions to create and destroy resource bundles.
+ */
+ * Opens a UResourceBundle, from which users can extract strings by using
+ * their corresponding keys.
+ * Note that the caller is responsible of calling <TT>ures_close</TT> on each successfully
+ * opened resource bundle.
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object,
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code>
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param locale  specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ *                if NULL, the default locale will be used. If strlen(locale) == 0
+ *                root locale will be used.
+ *
+ * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * The UErrorCode err parameter is used to return status information to the user. To
+ * check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check the value of
+ * U_SUCCESS(err). If you wish more detailed information, you can check for
+ * informational status results which still indicate success. U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING
+ * indicates that a fall back locale was used. For example, 'de_CH' was requested,
+ * but nothing was found there, so 'de' was used. U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING indicates that
+ * the default locale data or root locale data was used; neither the requested locale
+ * nor any of its fall back locales could be found. Please see the users guide for more
+ * information on this topic.
+ * @return      a newly allocated resource bundle.
+ * @see ures_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle*  U_EXPORT2
+ures_open(const char*    packageName,
+          const char*  locale,
+          UErrorCode*     status);
+/** This function does not care what kind of localeID is passed in. It simply opens a bundle with
+ *  that name. Fallback mechanism is disabled for the new bundle. If the requested bundle contains
+ *  an %%ALIAS directive, the results are undefined.
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object,
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code>
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param locale  specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ *                if NULL, the default locale will be used. If strlen(locale) == 0
+ *                root locale will be used.
+ *
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code. Either U_ZERO_ERROR or U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR
+ * @return      a newly allocated resource bundle or NULL if it doesn't exist.
+ * @see ures_close
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_openDirect(const char* packageName,
+                const char* locale,
+                UErrorCode* status);
+ * Same as ures_open() but takes a const UChar *path.
+ * This path will be converted to char * using the default converter,
+ * then ures_open() is called.
+ *
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object,
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code>
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param locale  specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ *                if NULL, the default locale will be used. If strlen(locale) == 0
+ *                root locale will be used.
+ * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * @return      a newly allocated resource bundle.
+ * @see ures_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_openU(const UChar* packageName,
+           const char* locale,
+           UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the number of strings/arrays in resource bundles.
+ * Better to use ures_getSize, as this function will be deprecated.
+ *
+ *@param resourceBundle resource bundle containing the desired strings
+ *@param resourceKey key tagging the resource
+ *@param err fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error
+ *@return: for    <STRONG>Arrays</STRONG>: returns the number of resources in the array
+ *                <STRONG>Tables</STRONG>: returns the number of resources in the table
+ *                <STRONG>single string</STRONG>: returns 1
+ *@see ures_getSize
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 User ures_getSize instead
+ */
+ures_countArrayItems(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+                     const char* resourceKey,
+                     UErrorCode* err);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Close a resource bundle, all pointers returned from the various ures_getXXX calls
+ * on this particular bundle should be considered invalid henceforth.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a pointer to a resourceBundle struct. Can be NULL.
+ * @see ures_open
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_close(UResourceBundle* resourceBundle);
+ * \class LocalUResourceBundlePointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UResourceBundle via ures_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUResourceBundlePointer, UResourceBundle, ures_close);
+ * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as a string. Please
+ * use ures_getVersion as this function is going to be deprecated.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle The resource bundle for which the version is checked.
+ * @return  A version number string as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
+ *          The caller does not own this string.
+ * @see ures_getVersion
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use ures_getVersion instead.
+ */
+ures_getVersionNumber(const UResourceBundle*   resourceBundle);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as an
+ * UVersionInfo array.
+ *
+ * @param resB The resource bundle for which the version is checked.
+ * @param versionInfo A UVersionInfo array that is filled with the version number
+ *                    as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_getVersion(const UResourceBundle* resB,
+                UVersionInfo versionInfo);
+ * Return the name of the Locale associated with this ResourceBundle. This API allows
+ * you to query for the real locale of the resource. For example, if you requested
+ * "en_US_CALIFORNIA" and only "en_US" bundle exists, "en_US" will be returned.
+ * For subresources, the locale where this resource comes from will be returned.
+ * If fallback has occurred, getLocale will reflect this.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle resource bundle in question
+ * @param status just for catching illegal arguments
+ * @return  A Locale name
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use ures_getLocaleByType instead.
+ */
+ures_getLocale(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+               UErrorCode* status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+ * Return the name of the Locale associated with this ResourceBundle.
+ * You can choose between requested, valid and real locale.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle resource bundle in question
+ * @param type You can choose between requested, valid and actual
+ *             locale. For description see the definition of
+ *             ULocDataLocaleType in uloc.h
+ * @param status just for catching illegal arguments
+ * @return  A Locale name
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getLocaleByType(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+                     ULocDataLocaleType type,
+                     UErrorCode* status);
+ * Same as ures_open() but uses the fill-in parameter instead of allocating a new bundle.
+ *
+ * TODO need to revisit usefulness of this function
+ *      and usage model for fillIn parameters without knowing sizeof(UResourceBundle)
+ * @param r The existing UResourceBundle to fill in. If NULL then status will be
+ *               set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object,
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code>
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param localeID specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ * @param status The error code.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ures_openFillIn(UResourceBundle *r,
+                const char* packageName,
+                const char* localeID,
+                UErrorCode* status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * Returns a string from a string resource type
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param len    fills in the length of resulting string
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                Always check the value of status. Don't count on returning NULL.
+ *                could be a non-failing error
+ * @return a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getString(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+               int32_t* len,
+               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns a UTF-8 string from a string resource.
+ * The UTF-8 string may be returnable directly as a pointer, or
+ * it may need to be copied, or transformed from UTF-16 using u_strToUTF8()
+ * or equivalent.
+ *
+ * If forceCopy==TRUE, then the string is always written to the dest buffer
+ * and dest is returned.
+ *
+ * If forceCopy==FALSE, then the string is returned as a pointer if possible,
+ * without needing a dest buffer (it can be NULL). If the string needs to be
+ * copied or transformed, then it may be placed into dest at an arbitrary offset.
+ *
+ * If the string is to be written to dest, then U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and
+ * U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING are set if appropriate, as usual.
+ *
+ * If the string is transformed from UTF-16, then a conversion error may occur
+ * if an unpaired surrogate is encountered. If the function is successful, then
+ * the output UTF-8 string is always well-formed.
+ *
+ * @param resB Resource bundle.
+ * @param dest Destination buffer. Can be NULL only if capacity=*length==0.
+ * @param length Input: Capacity of destination buffer.
+ *               Output: Actual length of the UTF-8 string, not counting the
+ *               terminating NUL, even in case of U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ *               Can be NULL, meaning capacity=0 and the string length is not
+ *               returned to the caller.
+ * @param forceCopy If TRUE, then the output string will always be written to
+ *                  dest, with U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and
+ *                  U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING set if appropriate.
+ *                  If FALSE, then the dest buffer may or may not contain a
+ *                  copy of the string. dest may or may not be modified.
+ *                  If a copy needs to be written, then the UErrorCode parameter
+ *                  indicates overflow etc. as usual.
+ * @param status Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *               pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *               immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *               function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to the UTF-8 string. It may be dest, or at some offset
+ *         from dest (only if !forceCopy), or in unrelated memory.
+ *         Always NUL-terminated unless the string was written to dest and
+ *         length==capacity (in which case U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING is set).
+ *
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @see u_strToUTF8
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ures_getUTF8String(const UResourceBundle *resB,
+                   char *dest, int32_t *length,
+                   UBool forceCopy,
+                   UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a binary data from a binary resource.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param len    fills in the length of resulting byte chunk
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                Always check the value of status. Don't count on returning NULL.
+ *                could be a non-failing error
+ * @return a pointer to a chunk of unsigned bytes which live in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const uint8_t* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getBinary(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+               int32_t* len,
+               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns a 32 bit integer array from a resource.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle an int vector resource
+ * @param len    fills in the length of resulting byte chunk
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                Always check the value of status. Don't count on returning NULL.
+ *                could be a non-failing error
+ * @return a pointer to a chunk of integers which live in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const int32_t* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getIntVector(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+                  int32_t* len,
+                  UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns an unsigned integer from a resource.
+ * This integer is originally 28 bits.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param status fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error
+ * @return an integer value
+ * @see ures_getInt
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+ures_getUInt(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+             UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a signed integer from a resource.
+ * This integer is originally 28 bit and the sign gets propagated.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a string resource
+ * @param status  fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error
+ * @return an integer value
+ * @see ures_getUInt
+ * @see ures_getIntVector
+ * @see ures_getBinary
+ * @see ures_getString
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_getInt(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
+            UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the size of a resource. Size for scalar types is always 1,
+ * and for vector/table types is the number of child resources.
+ * @warning Integer array is treated as a scalar type. There are no
+ *          APIs to access individual members of an integer array. It
+ *          is always returned as a whole.
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return number of resources in a given resource.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_getSize(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Returns the type of a resource. Available types are defined in enum UResType
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return type of the given resource.
+ * @see UResType
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_getType(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Returns the key associated with a given resource. Not all the resources have a key - only
+ * those that are members of a table.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return a key associated to this resource, or NULL if it doesn't have a key
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ures_getKey(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+    This API provides means for iterating through a resource
+ * Resets the internal context of a resource so that iteration starts from the first element.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_resetIterator(UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Checks whether the given resource has another element to iterate over.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle a resource
+ * @return TRUE if there are more elements, FALSE if there is no more elements
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ures_hasNext(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Returns the next resource in a given resource or NULL if there are no more resources
+ * to iterate over. Features a fill-in parameter.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be closed by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. You may still get a non NULL result even if an
+ *                          error occurred. Check status instead.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must close it
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getNextResource(UResourceBundle *resourceBundle,
+                     UResourceBundle *fillIn,
+                     UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the next string in a given resource or NULL if there are no more resources
+ * to iterate over.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param len               fill in length of the string
+ * @param key               fill in for key associated with this string. NULL if no key
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. If an error occurred, we may return NULL, but don't
+ *                          count on it. Check status instead!
+ * @return a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getNextString(UResourceBundle *resourceBundle,
+                   int32_t* len,
+                   const char ** key,
+                   UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the resource in a given resource at the specified index. Features a fill-in parameter.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    the resource bundle from which to get a sub-resource
+ * @param indexR            an index to the wanted resource.
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be closed by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. Don't count on NULL being returned if an error has
+ *                          occurred. Check status instead.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must close it
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle,
+                int32_t indexR,
+                UResourceBundle *fillIn,
+                UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns the string in a given resource at the specified index.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param indexS            an index to the wanted string.
+ * @param len               fill in length of the string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. If an error occurred, we may return NULL, but don't
+ *                          count on it. Check status instead!
+ * @return                  a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getStringByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle,
+                      int32_t indexS,
+                      int32_t* len,
+                      UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a UTF-8 string from a resource at the specified index.
+ * The UTF-8 string may be returnable directly as a pointer, or
+ * it may need to be copied, or transformed from UTF-16 using u_strToUTF8()
+ * or equivalent.
+ *
+ * If forceCopy==TRUE, then the string is always written to the dest buffer
+ * and dest is returned.
+ *
+ * If forceCopy==FALSE, then the string is returned as a pointer if possible,
+ * without needing a dest buffer (it can be NULL). If the string needs to be
+ * copied or transformed, then it may be placed into dest at an arbitrary offset.
+ *
+ * If the string is to be written to dest, then U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and
+ * U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING are set if appropriate, as usual.
+ *
+ * If the string is transformed from UTF-16, then a conversion error may occur
+ * if an unpaired surrogate is encountered. If the function is successful, then
+ * the output UTF-8 string is always well-formed.
+ *
+ * @param resB Resource bundle.
+ * @param stringIndex An index to the wanted string.
+ * @param dest Destination buffer. Can be NULL only if capacity=*length==0.
+ * @param pLength Input: Capacity of destination buffer.
+ *               Output: Actual length of the UTF-8 string, not counting the
+ *               terminating NUL, even in case of U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ *               Can be NULL, meaning capacity=0 and the string length is not
+ *               returned to the caller.
+ * @param forceCopy If TRUE, then the output string will always be written to
+ *                  dest, with U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and
+ *                  U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING set if appropriate.
+ *                  If FALSE, then the dest buffer may or may not contain a
+ *                  copy of the string. dest may or may not be modified.
+ *                  If a copy needs to be written, then the UErrorCode parameter
+ *                  indicates overflow etc. as usual.
+ * @param status Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *               pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *               immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *               function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to the UTF-8 string. It may be dest, or at some offset
+ *         from dest (only if !forceCopy), or in unrelated memory.
+ *         Always NUL-terminated unless the string was written to dest and
+ *         length==capacity (in which case U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING is set).
+ *
+ * @see ures_getStringByIndex
+ * @see u_strToUTF8
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ures_getUTF8StringByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resB,
+                          int32_t stringIndex,
+                          char *dest, int32_t *pLength,
+                          UBool forceCopy,
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a resource in a given resource that has a given key. This procedure works only with table
+ * resources. Features a fill-in parameter.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param key               a key associated with the wanted resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be closed by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must close it
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getByKey(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle,
+              const char* key,
+              UResourceBundle *fillIn,
+              UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a string in a given resource that has a given key. This procedure works only with table
+ * resources.
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param key               a key associated with the wanted string
+ * @param len               fill in length of the string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code. If an error occurred, we may return NULL, but don't
+ *                          count on it. Check status instead!
+ * @return                  a pointer to a zero-terminated UChar array which lives in a memory mapped/DLL file.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getStringByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB,
+                    const char* key,
+                    int32_t* len,
+                    UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a UTF-8 string from a resource and a key.
+ * This function works only with table resources.
+ *
+ * The UTF-8 string may be returnable directly as a pointer, or
+ * it may need to be copied, or transformed from UTF-16 using u_strToUTF8()
+ * or equivalent.
+ *
+ * If forceCopy==TRUE, then the string is always written to the dest buffer
+ * and dest is returned.
+ *
+ * If forceCopy==FALSE, then the string is returned as a pointer if possible,
+ * without needing a dest buffer (it can be NULL). If the string needs to be
+ * copied or transformed, then it may be placed into dest at an arbitrary offset.
+ *
+ * If the string is to be written to dest, then U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and
+ * U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING are set if appropriate, as usual.
+ *
+ * If the string is transformed from UTF-16, then a conversion error may occur
+ * if an unpaired surrogate is encountered. If the function is successful, then
+ * the output UTF-8 string is always well-formed.
+ *
+ * @param resB Resource bundle.
+ * @param key  A key associated with the wanted resource
+ * @param dest Destination buffer. Can be NULL only if capacity=*length==0.
+ * @param pLength Input: Capacity of destination buffer.
+ *               Output: Actual length of the UTF-8 string, not counting the
+ *               terminating NUL, even in case of U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ *               Can be NULL, meaning capacity=0 and the string length is not
+ *               returned to the caller.
+ * @param forceCopy If TRUE, then the output string will always be written to
+ *                  dest, with U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and
+ *                  U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING set if appropriate.
+ *                  If FALSE, then the dest buffer may or may not contain a
+ *                  copy of the string. dest may or may not be modified.
+ *                  If a copy needs to be written, then the UErrorCode parameter
+ *                  indicates overflow etc. as usual.
+ * @param status Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *               pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *               immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *               function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to the UTF-8 string. It may be dest, or at some offset
+ *         from dest (only if !forceCopy), or in unrelated memory.
+ *         Always NUL-terminated unless the string was written to dest and
+ *         length==capacity (in which case U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING is set).
+ *
+ * @see ures_getStringByKey
+ * @see u_strToUTF8
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+ures_getUTF8StringByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB,
+                        const char *key,
+                        char *dest, int32_t *pLength,
+                        UBool forceCopy,
+                        UErrorCode *status);
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * Returns the string value from a string resource bundle.
+ *
+ * @param resB    a resource, should have type URES_STRING
+ * @param status: fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error
+ * @return The string value, or a bogus string if there is a failure UErrorCode.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString
+ures_getUnicodeString(const UResourceBundle *resB, UErrorCode* status) {
+    UnicodeString result;
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar *r = ures_getString(resB, &len, status);
+    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
+        result.setTo(TRUE, r, len);
+    } else {
+        result.setToBogus();
+    }
+    return result;
+ * Returns the next string in a resource, or an empty string if there are no more resources
+ * to iterate over.
+ * Use ures_getNextString() instead to distinguish between
+ * the end of the iteration and a real empty string value.
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param key               fill in for key associated with this string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+ * @return The string value, or a bogus string if there is a failure UErrorCode.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString
+ures_getNextUnicodeString(UResourceBundle *resB, const char ** key, UErrorCode* status) {
+    UnicodeString result;
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar* r = ures_getNextString(resB, &len, key, status);
+    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
+        result.setTo(TRUE, r, len);
+    } else {
+        result.setToBogus();
+    }
+    return result;
+ * Returns the string in a given resource array or table at the specified index.
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param indexS            an index to the wanted string.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+ * @return The string value, or a bogus string if there is a failure UErrorCode.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString
+ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resB, int32_t indexS, UErrorCode* status) {
+    UnicodeString result;
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar* r = ures_getStringByIndex(resB, indexS, &len, status);
+    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
+        result.setTo(TRUE, r, len);
+    } else {
+        result.setToBogus();
+    }
+    return result;
+ * Returns a string in a resource that has a given key.
+ * This procedure works only with table resources.
+ *
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param key               a key associated with the wanted string
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code
+ * @return The string value, or a bogus string if there is a failure UErrorCode.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+inline UnicodeString
+ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB, const char* key, UErrorCode* status) {
+    UnicodeString result;
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    const UChar* r = ures_getStringByKey(resB, key, &len, status);
+    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
+        result.setTo(TRUE, r, len);
+    } else {
+        result.setToBogus();
+    }
+    return result;
+ * Create a string enumerator, owned by the caller, of all locales located within
+ * the specified resource tree.
+ * @param packageName name of the tree, such as (NULL) or U_ICUDATA_ALIAS or  or "ICUDATA-coll"
+ * This call is similar to uloc_getAvailable().
+ * @param status error code
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ures_openAvailableLocales(const char *packageName, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /*_URES*/
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uscript.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uscript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d57ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uscript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ *
+ * File USCRIPT.H
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   07/06/2001    Ram         Creation.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef USCRIPT_H
+#define USCRIPT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode Script Information
+ */
+ * Constants for ISO 15924 script codes.
+ *
+ * The current set of script code constants supports at least all scripts
+ * that are encoded in the version of Unicode which ICU currently supports.
+ * The names of the constants are usually derived from the
+ * Unicode script property value aliases.
+ * See UAX #24 Unicode Script Property (
+ * and .
+ *
+ * In addition, constants for many ISO 15924 script codes
+ * are included, for use with language tags, CLDR data, and similar.
+ * Some of those codes are not used in the Unicode Character Database (UCD).
+ * For example, there are no characters that have a UCD script property value of
+ * Hans or Hant. All Han ideographs have the Hani script property value in Unicode.
+ *
+ * Private-use codes Qaaa..Qabx are not included, except as used in the UCD or in CLDR.
+ *
+ * Starting with ICU 55, script codes are only added when their scripts
+ * have been or will certainly be encoded in Unicode,
+ * and have been assigned Unicode script property value aliases,
+ * to ensure that their script names are stable and match the names of the constants.
+ * Script codes like Latf and Aran that are not subject to separate encoding
+ * may be added at any time.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+typedef enum UScriptCode {
+    /*
+     * Note: UScriptCode constants and their ISO script code comments
+     * are parsed by
+     * It matches lines like
+     *     USCRIPT_<Unicode Script value name> = <integer>,  / * <ISO script code> * /
+     */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_COMMON       =  0,  /* Zyyy */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_INHERITED    =  1,  /* Zinh */ /* "Code for inherited script", for non-spacing combining marks; also Qaai */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_ARABIC       =  2,  /* Arab */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_ARMENIAN     =  3,  /* Armn */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_BENGALI      =  4,  /* Beng */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_BOPOMOFO     =  5,  /* Bopo */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_CHEROKEE     =  6,  /* Cher */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_COPTIC       =  7,  /* Copt */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_CYRILLIC     =  8,  /* Cyrl */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_DESERET      =  9,  /* Dsrt */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_DEVANAGARI   = 10,  /* Deva */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_ETHIOPIC     = 11,  /* Ethi */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_GEORGIAN     = 12,  /* Geor */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_GOTHIC       = 13,  /* Goth */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_GREEK        = 14,  /* Grek */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_GUJARATI     = 15,  /* Gujr */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_GURMUKHI     = 16,  /* Guru */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_HAN          = 17,  /* Hani */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_HANGUL       = 18,  /* Hang */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_HEBREW       = 19,  /* Hebr */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_HIRAGANA     = 20,  /* Hira */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_KANNADA      = 21,  /* Knda */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_KATAKANA     = 22,  /* Kana */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_KHMER        = 23,  /* Khmr */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_LAO          = 24,  /* Laoo */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_LATIN        = 25,  /* Latn */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_MALAYALAM    = 26,  /* Mlym */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_MONGOLIAN    = 27,  /* Mong */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_MYANMAR      = 28,  /* Mymr */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_OGHAM        = 29,  /* Ogam */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_OLD_ITALIC   = 30,  /* Ital */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_ORIYA        = 31,  /* Orya */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_RUNIC        = 32,  /* Runr */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_SINHALA      = 33,  /* Sinh */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_SYRIAC       = 34,  /* Syrc */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_TAMIL        = 35,  /* Taml */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_TELUGU       = 36,  /* Telu */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_THAANA       = 37,  /* Thaa */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_THAI         = 38,  /* Thai */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_TIBETAN      = 39,  /* Tibt */
+      /** Canadian_Aboriginal script. @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL = 40,  /* Cans */
+      /** Canadian_Aboriginal script (alias). @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_YI           = 41,  /* Yiii */
+      /* New scripts in Unicode 3.2 */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_TAGALOG      = 42,  /* Tglg */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_HANUNOO      = 43,  /* Hano */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_BUHID        = 44,  /* Buhd */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.2 */
+      USCRIPT_TAGBANWA     = 45,  /* Tagb */
+      /* New scripts in Unicode 4 */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_BRAILLE      = 46,  /* Brai */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_CYPRIOT      = 47,  /* Cprt */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_LIMBU        = 48,  /* Limb */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_LINEAR_B     = 49,  /* Linb */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_OSMANYA      = 50,  /* Osma */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_SHAVIAN      = 51,  /* Shaw */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_TAI_LE       = 52,  /* Tale */
+      /** @stable ICU 2.6 */
+      USCRIPT_UGARITIC     = 53,  /* Ugar */
+      /** New script code in Unicode 4.0.1 @stable ICU 3.0 */
+      /* New scripts in Unicode 4.1 */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+      USCRIPT_BUGINESE      = 55, /* Bugi */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+      USCRIPT_GLAGOLITIC    = 56, /* Glag */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+      USCRIPT_KHAROSHTHI    = 57, /* Khar */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+      USCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI  = 58, /* Sylo */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+      USCRIPT_NEW_TAI_LUE   = 59, /* Talu */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+      USCRIPT_TIFINAGH      = 60, /* Tfng */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.4 */
+      USCRIPT_OLD_PERSIAN   = 61, /* Xpeo */
+      /* New script codes from Unicode and ISO 15924 */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_BALINESE                      = 62, /* Bali */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_BATAK                         = 63, /* Batk */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_BLISSYMBOLS                   = 64, /* Blis */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_BRAHMI                        = 65, /* Brah */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_CHAM                          = 66, /* Cham */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_CIRTH                         = 67, /* Cirt */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_DEMOTIC_EGYPTIAN              = 69, /* Egyd */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_HIERATIC_EGYPTIAN             = 70, /* Egyh */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS          = 71, /* Egyp */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_KHUTSURI                      = 72, /* Geok */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_SIMPLIFIED_HAN                = 73, /* Hans */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_TRADITIONAL_HAN               = 74, /* Hant */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_PAHAWH_HMONG                  = 75, /* Hmng */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_OLD_HUNGARIAN                 = 76, /* Hung */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_HARAPPAN_INDUS                = 77, /* Inds */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_JAVANESE                      = 78, /* Java */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_KAYAH_LI                      = 79, /* Kali */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_LATIN_FRAKTUR                 = 80, /* Latf */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_LATIN_GAELIC                  = 81, /* Latg */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_LEPCHA                        = 82, /* Lepc */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_LINEAR_A                      = 83, /* Lina */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_MANDAIC                       = 84, /* Mand */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_MANDAEAN                      = USCRIPT_MANDAIC,
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_MAYAN_HIEROGLYPHS             = 85, /* Maya */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS          = 86, /* Mero */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_NKO                           = 87, /* Nkoo */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_ORKHON                        = 88, /* Orkh */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_OLD_PERMIC                    = 89, /* Perm */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_PHAGS_PA                      = 90, /* Phag */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_PHOENICIAN                    = 91, /* Phnx */
+      /** @stable ICU 52 */
+      USCRIPT_MIAO                          = 92, /* Plrd */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_RONGORONGO                    = 93, /* Roro */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_SARATI                        = 94, /* Sara */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_ESTRANGELO_SYRIAC             = 95, /* Syre */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_WESTERN_SYRIAC                = 96, /* Syrj */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_EASTERN_SYRIAC                = 97, /* Syrn */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_TENGWAR                       = 98, /* Teng */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_VAI                           = 99, /* Vaii */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_VISIBLE_SPEECH                = 100,/* Visp */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_CUNEIFORM                     = 101,/* Xsux */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_UNWRITTEN_LANGUAGES           = 102,/* Zxxx */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.6 */
+      USCRIPT_UNKNOWN                       = 103,/* Zzzz */ /* Unknown="Code for uncoded script", for unassigned code points */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_CARIAN                        = 104,/* Cari */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_JAPANESE                      = 105,/* Jpan */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_LANNA                         = 106,/* Lana */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_LYCIAN                        = 107,/* Lyci */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_LYDIAN                        = 108,/* Lydi */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_OL_CHIKI                      = 109,/* Olck */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_REJANG                        = 110,/* Rjng */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_SAURASHTRA                    = 111,/* Saur */
+      /** Sutton SignWriting @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_SIGN_WRITING                  = 112,/* Sgnw */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_SUNDANESE                     = 113,/* Sund */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_MOON                          = 114,/* Moon */
+      /** @stable ICU 3.8 */
+      USCRIPT_MEITEI_MAYEK                  = 115,/* Mtei */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC              = 116,/* Armi */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_AVESTAN                       = 117,/* Avst */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_CHAKMA                        = 118,/* Cakm */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_KOREAN                        = 119,/* Kore */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_KAITHI                        = 120,/* Kthi */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_MANICHAEAN                    = 121,/* Mani */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_INSCRIPTIONAL_PAHLAVI         = 122,/* Phli */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI               = 123,/* Phlp */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_BOOK_PAHLAVI                  = 124,/* Phlv */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_INSCRIPTIONAL_PARTHIAN        = 125,/* Prti */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_SAMARITAN                     = 126,/* Samr */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_TAI_VIET                      = 127,/* Tavt */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_MATHEMATICAL_NOTATION         = 128,/* Zmth */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.0 */
+      USCRIPT_SYMBOLS                       = 129,/* Zsym */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+      USCRIPT_BAMUM                         = 130,/* Bamu */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+      USCRIPT_LISU                          = 131,/* Lisu */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+      USCRIPT_NAKHI_GEBA                    = 132,/* Nkgb */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.4 */
+      USCRIPT_OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN             = 133,/* Sarb */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_BASSA_VAH                     = 134,/* Bass */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_DUPLOYAN                      = 135,/* Dupl */
+      /** @deprecated ICU 54 Typo, use USCRIPT_DUPLOYAN */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_ELBASAN                       = 136,/* Elba */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_GRANTHA                       = 137,/* Gran */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_KPELLE                        = 138,/* Kpel */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_LOMA                          = 139,/* Loma */
+      /** Mende Kikakui @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_MENDE                         = 140,/* Mend */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_MEROITIC_CURSIVE              = 141,/* Merc */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN             = 142,/* Narb */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_NABATAEAN                     = 143,/* Nbat */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_PALMYRENE                     = 144,/* Palm */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_KHUDAWADI                     = 145,/* Sind */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_SINDHI                        = USCRIPT_KHUDAWADI,
+      /** @stable ICU 4.6 */
+      USCRIPT_WARANG_CITI                   = 146,/* Wara */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_AFAKA                         = 147,/* Afak */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_JURCHEN                       = 148,/* Jurc */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_MRO                           = 149,/* Mroo */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_NUSHU                         = 150,/* Nshu */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_SHARADA                       = 151,/* Shrd */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_SORA_SOMPENG                  = 152,/* Sora */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_TAKRI                         = 153,/* Takr */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_TANGUT                        = 154,/* Tang */
+      /** @stable ICU 4.8 */
+      USCRIPT_WOLEAI                        = 155,/* Wole */
+      /** @stable ICU 49 */
+      USCRIPT_ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS         = 156,/* Hluw */
+      /** @stable ICU 49 */
+      USCRIPT_KHOJKI                        = 157,/* Khoj */
+      /** @stable ICU 49 */
+      USCRIPT_TIRHUTA                       = 158,/* Tirh */
+      /** @stable ICU 52 */
+      USCRIPT_CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN            = 159,/* Aghb */
+      /** @stable ICU 52 */
+      USCRIPT_MAHAJANI                      = 160,/* Mahj */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_AHOM                          = 161,/* Ahom */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_HATRAN                        = 162,/* Hatr */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_MODI                          = 163,/* Modi */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_MULTANI                       = 164,/* Mult */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_PAU_CIN_HAU                   = 165,/* Pauc */
+      /** @stable ICU 54 */
+      USCRIPT_SIDDHAM                       = 166,/* Sidd */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_ADLAM                         = 167,/* Adlm */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_BHAIKSUKI                     = 168,/* Bhks */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_MARCHEN                       = 169,/* Marc */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_NEWA                          = 170,/* Newa */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_OSAGE                         = 171,/* Osge */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_HAN_WITH_BOPOMOFO             = 172,/* Hanb */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_JAMO                          = 173,/* Jamo */
+      /** @stable ICU 58 */
+      USCRIPT_SYMBOLS_EMOJI                 = 174,/* Zsye */
+      /** @stable ICU 60 */
+      USCRIPT_MASARAM_GONDI                 = 175,/* Gonm */
+      /** @stable ICU 60 */
+      USCRIPT_SOYOMBO                       = 176,/* Soyo */
+      /** @stable ICU 60 */
+      USCRIPT_ZANABAZAR_SQUARE              = 177,/* Zanb */
+      /** @stable ICU 62 */
+      USCRIPT_DOGRA                         = 178,/* Dogr */
+      /** @stable ICU 62 */
+      USCRIPT_GUNJALA_GONDI                 = 179,/* Gong */
+      /** @stable ICU 62 */
+      USCRIPT_MAKASAR                       = 180,/* Maka */
+      /** @stable ICU 62 */
+      USCRIPT_MEDEFAIDRIN                   = 181,/* Medf */
+      /** @stable ICU 62 */
+      USCRIPT_HANIFI_ROHINGYA               = 182,/* Rohg */
+      /** @stable ICU 62 */
+      USCRIPT_SOGDIAN                       = 183,/* Sogd */
+      /** @stable ICU 62 */
+      USCRIPT_OLD_SOGDIAN                   = 184,/* Sogo */
+      /** @stable ICU 64 */
+      USCRIPT_ELYMAIC                       = 185,/* Elym */
+      /** @stable ICU 64 */
+      USCRIPT_NYIAKENG_PUACHUE_HMONG        = 186,/* Hmnp */
+      /** @stable ICU 64 */
+      USCRIPT_NANDINAGARI                   = 187,/* Nand */
+      /** @stable ICU 64 */
+      USCRIPT_WANCHO                        = 188,/* Wcho */
+      /** @stable ICU 66 */
+      USCRIPT_CHORASMIAN                    = 189,/* Chrs */
+      /** @stable ICU 66 */
+      USCRIPT_DIVES_AKURU                   = 190,/* Diak */
+      /** @stable ICU 66 */
+      USCRIPT_KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT           = 191,/* Kits */
+      /** @stable ICU 66 */
+      USCRIPT_YEZIDI                        = 192,/* Yezi */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UScriptCode value.
+     * The highest value is available via u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(UCHAR_SCRIPT).
+     *
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT    = 193
+} UScriptCode;
+ * Gets the script codes associated with the given locale or ISO 15924 abbreviation or name.
+ * Fills in USCRIPT_MALAYALAM given "Malayam" OR "Mlym".
+ * Fills in USCRIPT_LATIN given "en" OR "en_US"
+ * If the required capacity is greater than the capacity of the destination buffer,
+ * then the error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and the required capacity is returned.
+ *
+ * <p>Note: To search by short or long script alias only, use
+ * u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_SCRIPT, alias) instead.  That does
+ * a fast lookup with no access of the locale data.
+ *
+ * @param nameOrAbbrOrLocale name of the script, as given in
+ * PropertyValueAliases.txt, or ISO 15924 code or locale
+ * @param fillIn the UScriptCode buffer to fill in the script code
+ * @param capacity the capacity (size) of UScriptCode buffer passed in.
+ * @param err the error status code.
+ * @return The number of script codes filled in the buffer passed in
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t  U_EXPORT2
+uscript_getCode(const char* nameOrAbbrOrLocale,UScriptCode* fillIn,int32_t capacity,UErrorCode *err);
+ * Returns the long Unicode script name, if there is one.
+ * Otherwise returns the 4-letter ISO 15924 script code.
+ * Returns "Malayam" given USCRIPT_MALAYALAM.
+ *
+ * @param scriptCode UScriptCode enum
+ * @return long script name as given in PropertyValueAliases.txt, or the 4-letter code,
+ * or NULL if scriptCode is invalid
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char*  U_EXPORT2
+uscript_getName(UScriptCode scriptCode);
+ * Returns the 4-letter ISO 15924 script code,
+ * which is the same as the short Unicode script name if Unicode has names for the script.
+ * Returns "Mlym" given USCRIPT_MALAYALAM.
+ *
+ * @param scriptCode UScriptCode enum
+ * @return short script name (4-letter code), or NULL if scriptCode is invalid
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+U_STABLE const char*  U_EXPORT2
+uscript_getShortName(UScriptCode scriptCode);
+ * Gets the script code associated with the given codepoint.
+ * Returns USCRIPT_MALAYALAM given 0x0D02
+ * @param codepoint UChar32 codepoint
+ * @param err the error status code.
+ * @return The UScriptCode, or 0 if codepoint is invalid
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uscript_getScript(UChar32 codepoint, UErrorCode *err);
+ * Do the Script_Extensions of code point c contain script sc?
+ * If c does not have explicit Script_Extensions, then this tests whether
+ * c has the Script property value sc.
+ *
+ * Some characters are commonly used in multiple scripts.
+ * For more information, see UAX #24:
+ * @param c code point
+ * @param sc script code
+ * @return TRUE if sc is in Script_Extensions(c)
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+uscript_hasScript(UChar32 c, UScriptCode sc);
+ * Writes code point c's Script_Extensions as a list of UScriptCode values
+ * to the output scripts array and returns the number of script codes.
+ * - If c does have Script_Extensions, then the Script property value
+ *   (normally Common or Inherited) is not included.
+ * - If c does not have Script_Extensions, then the one Script code is written to the output array.
+ * - If c is not a valid code point, then the one USCRIPT_UNKNOWN code is written.
+ * In other words, if the return value is 1,
+ * then the output array contains exactly c's single Script code.
+ * If the return value is n>=2, then the output array contains c's n Script_Extensions script codes.
+ *
+ * Some characters are commonly used in multiple scripts.
+ * For more information, see UAX #24:
+ *
+ * If there are more than capacity script codes to be written, then
+ * U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is set and the number of Script_Extensions is returned.
+ * (Usual ICU buffer handling behavior.)
+ *
+ * @param c code point
+ * @param scripts output script code array
+ * @param capacity capacity of the scripts array
+ * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return number of script codes in c's Script_Extensions, or 1 for the single Script value,
+ *         written to scripts unless U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR indicates insufficient capacity
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+uscript_getScriptExtensions(UChar32 c,
+                            UScriptCode *scripts, int32_t capacity,
+                            UErrorCode *errorCode);
+ * Script usage constants.
+ * See UAX #31 Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax.
+ *
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+typedef enum UScriptUsage {
+    /** Not encoded in Unicode. @stable ICU 51 */
+    /** Unknown script usage. @stable ICU 51 */
+    /** Candidate for Exclusion from Identifiers. @stable ICU 51 */
+    /** Limited Use script. @stable ICU 51 */
+    /** Aspirational Use script. @stable ICU 51 */
+    /** Recommended script. @stable ICU 51 */
+} UScriptUsage;
+ * Writes the script sample character string.
+ * This string normally consists of one code point but might be longer.
+ * The string is empty if the script is not encoded.
+ *
+ * @param script script code
+ * @param dest output string array
+ * @param capacity number of UChars in the dest array
+ * @param pErrorCode standard ICU in/out error code, must pass U_SUCCESS() on input
+ * @return the string length, even if U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+uscript_getSampleString(UScriptCode script, UChar *dest, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+class UnicodeString;
+ * Returns the script sample character string.
+ * This string normally consists of one code point but might be longer.
+ * The string is empty if the script is not encoded.
+ *
+ * @param script script code
+ * @return the sample character string
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+U_COMMON_API icu::UnicodeString U_EXPORT2
+uscript_getSampleUnicodeString(UScriptCode script);
+ * Returns the script usage according to UAX #31 Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax.
+ * Returns USCRIPT_USAGE_NOT_ENCODED if the script is not encoded in Unicode.
+ *
+ * @param script script code
+ * @return script usage
+ * @see UScriptUsage
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+uscript_getUsage(UScriptCode script);
+ * Returns TRUE if the script is written right-to-left.
+ * For example, Arab and Hebr.
+ *
+ * @param script script code
+ * @return TRUE if the script is right-to-left
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+uscript_isRightToLeft(UScriptCode script);
+ * Returns TRUE if the script allows line breaks between letters (excluding hyphenation).
+ * Such a script typically requires dictionary-based line breaking.
+ * For example, Hani and Thai.
+ *
+ * @param script script code
+ * @return TRUE if the script allows line breaks between letters
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+uscript_breaksBetweenLetters(UScriptCode script);
+ * Returns TRUE if in modern (or most recent) usage of the script case distinctions are customary.
+ * For example, Latn and Cyrl.
+ *
+ * @param script script code
+ * @return TRUE if the script is cased
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+uscript_isCased(UScriptCode script);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usearch.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usearch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b64c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usearch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2011,2014 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*  06/28/2001   synwee      Creation.
+#ifndef USEARCH_H
+#define USEARCH_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "unicode/ucoleitr.h"
+#include "unicode/ubrk.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: StringSearch
+ *
+ * C APIs for an engine that provides language-sensitive text searching based 
+ * on the comparison rules defined in a <tt>UCollator</tt> data struct,
+ * see <tt>ucol.h</tt>. This ensures that language eccentricity can be 
+ * handled, e.g. for the German collator, characters &szlig; and SS will be matched 
+ * if case is chosen to be ignored. 
+ * See the <a href="">
+ * "ICU Collation Design Document"</a> for more information.
+ * <p> 
+ * The implementation may use a linear search or a modified form of the Boyer-Moore
+ * search; for more information on the latter see 
+ * <a href="">
+ * "Efficient Text Searching in Java"</a>, published in <i>Java Report</i> 
+ * in February, 1999.
+ * <p>
+ * There are 2 match options for selection:<br>
+ * Let S' be the sub-string of a text string S between the offsets start and 
+ * end <start, end>.
+ * <br>
+ * A pattern string P matches a text string S at the offsets <start, end> 
+ * if
+ * <pre> 
+ * option 1. Some canonical equivalent of P matches some canonical equivalent 
+ *           of S'
+ * option 2. P matches S' and if P starts or ends with a combining mark, 
+ *           there exists no non-ignorable combining mark before or after S' 
+ *           in S respectively. 
+ * </pre>
+ * Option 2. will be the default.
+ * <p>
+ * This search has APIs similar to that of other text iteration mechanisms 
+ * such as the break iterators in <tt>ubrk.h</tt>. Using these 
+ * APIs, it is easy to scan through text looking for all occurrences of 
+ * a given pattern. This search iterator allows changing of direction by 
+ * calling a <tt>reset</tt> followed by a <tt>next</tt> or <tt>previous</tt>. 
+ * Though a direction change can occur without calling <tt>reset</tt> first,  
+ * this operation comes with some speed penalty.
+ * Generally, match results in the forward direction will match the result 
+ * matches in the backwards direction in the reverse order
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>usearch.h</tt> provides APIs to specify the starting position 
+ * within the text string to be searched, e.g. <tt>usearch_setOffset</tt>,
+ * <tt>usearch_preceding</tt> and <tt>usearch_following</tt>. Since the 
+ * starting position will be set as it is specified, please take note that 
+ * there are some dangerous positions which the search may render incorrect 
+ * results:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li> The midst of a substring that requires normalization.
+ * <li> If the following match is to be found, the position should not be the
+ *      second character which requires to be swapped with the preceding 
+ *      character. Vice versa, if the preceding match is to be found, 
+ *      position to search from should not be the first character which 
+ *      requires to be swapped with the next character. E.g certain Thai and
+ *      Lao characters require swapping.
+ * <li> If a following pattern match is to be found, any position within a 
+ *      contracting sequence except the first will fail. Vice versa if a 
+ *      preceding pattern match is to be found, a invalid starting point 
+ *      would be any character within a contracting sequence except the last.
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * A breakiterator can be used if only matches at logical breaks are desired.
+ * Using a breakiterator will only give you results that exactly matches the
+ * boundaries given by the breakiterator. For instance the pattern "e" will
+ * not be found in the string "\u00e9" if a character break iterator is used.
+ * <p>
+ * Options are provided to handle overlapping matches. 
+ * E.g. In English, overlapping matches produces the result 0 and 2 
+ * for the pattern "abab" in the text "ababab", where else mutually 
+ * exclusive matches only produce the result of 0.
+ * <p>
+ * Options are also provided to implement "asymmetric search" as described in
+ * <a href="">
+ * UTS #10 Unicode Collation Algorithm</a>, specifically the USearchAttribute
+ * <p>
+ * Though collator attributes will be taken into consideration while 
+ * performing matches, there are no APIs here for setting and getting the 
+ * attributes. These attributes can be set by getting the collator
+ * from <tt>usearch_getCollator</tt> and using the APIs in <tt>ucol.h</tt>.
+ * Lastly to update String Search to the new collator attributes, 
+ * usearch_reset() has to be called.
+ * <p> 
+ * Restriction: <br>
+ * Currently there are no composite characters that consists of a
+ * character with combining class > 0 before a character with combining 
+ * class == 0. However, if such a character exists in the future, the 
+ * search mechanism does not guarantee the results for option 1.
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * Example of use:<br>
+ * <pre><code>
+ * char *tgtstr = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fox";
+ * char *patstr = "fox";
+ * UChar target[64];
+ * UChar pattern[16];
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * u_uastrcpy(target, tgtstr);
+ * u_uastrcpy(pattern, patstr);
+ *
+ * UStringSearch *search = usearch_open(pattern, -1, target, -1, "en_US", 
+ *                                  NULL, &status);
+ * if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ *     for (int pos = usearch_first(search, &status); 
+ *          pos != USEARCH_DONE; 
+ *          pos = usearch_next(search, &status))
+ *     {
+ *         printf("Found match at %d pos, length is %d\n", pos, 
+ *                                        usearch_getMatchedLength(search));
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ * usearch_close(search);
+ * </code></pre>
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+* DONE is returned by previous() and next() after all valid matches have 
+* been returned, and by first() and last() if there are no matches at all.
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+#define USEARCH_DONE -1
+* Data structure for searching
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+struct UStringSearch;
+* Data structure for searching
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+typedef struct UStringSearch UStringSearch;
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+typedef enum {
+    /**
+     * Option for overlapping matches
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /** 
+     * Option for canonical matches; option 1 in header documentation.
+     * The default value will be USEARCH_OFF.
+     * Note: Setting this option to USEARCH_ON currently has no effect on
+     * search behavior, and this option is deprecated. Instead, to control
+     * canonical match behavior, you must set UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE
+     * appropriately (to UCOL_OFF or UCOL_ON) in the UCollator used by
+     * the UStringSearch object.
+     * @see usearch_openFromCollator 
+     * @see usearch_getCollator
+     * @see usearch_setCollator
+     * @see ucol_getAttribute
+     * @deprecated ICU 53
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /** 
+     * Option to control how collation elements are compared.
+     * The default value will be USEARCH_STANDARD_ELEMENT_COMPARISON.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal USearchAttribute value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} USearchAttribute;
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+typedef enum {
+    /** 
+     * Default value for any USearchAttribute
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /** 
+     * Value (default) for USEARCH_ELEMENT_COMPARISON;
+     * standard collation element comparison at the specified collator
+     * strength.
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    /** 
+     * collation element comparison is modified to effectively provide
+     * behavior between the specified strength and strength - 1. Collation
+     * elements in the pattern that have the base weight for the specified
+     * strength are treated as "wildcards" that match an element with any
+     * other weight at that collation level in the searched text. For
+     * example, with a secondary-strength English collator, a plain 'e' in
+     * the pattern will match a plain e or an e with any diacritic in the
+     * searched text, but an e with diacritic in the pattern will only
+     * match an e with the same diacritic in the searched text.
+     *
+     * This supports "asymmetric search" as described in
+     * <a href="">
+     * UTS #10 Unicode Collation Algorithm</a>.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    /** 
+     * collation element comparison is modified to effectively provide
+     * behavior between the specified strength and strength - 1. Collation
+     * elements in either the pattern or the searched text that have the
+     * base weight for the specified strength are treated as "wildcards"
+     * that match an element with any other weight at that collation level.
+     * For example, with a secondary-strength English collator, a plain 'e'
+     * in the pattern will match a plain e or an e with any diacritic in the
+     * searched text, but an e with diacritic in the pattern will only
+     * match an e with the same diacritic or a plain e in the searched text.
+     *
+     * This option is similar to "asymmetric search" as described in
+     * [UTS #10 Unicode Collation Algorithm](,
+     * but also allows unmarked characters in the searched text to match
+     * marked or unmarked versions of that character in the pattern.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal USearchAttributeValue value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} USearchAttributeValue;
+/* open and close ------------------------------------------------------ */
+* Creating a search iterator data struct using the argument locale language
+* rule set. A collator will be created in the process, which will be owned by
+* this search and will be deleted in <tt>usearch_close</tt>.
+* @param pattern for matching
+* @param patternlength length of the pattern, -1 for null-termination
+* @param text text string
+* @param textlength length of the text string, -1 for null-termination
+* @param locale name of locale for the rules to be used
+* @param breakiter A BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points
+*                  at which matches are detected. If a match is found, but 
+*                  the match's start or end index is not a boundary as 
+*                  determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, the match will 
+*                  be rejected and another will be searched for. 
+*                  If this parameter is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is 
+*                  attempted.
+* @param status for errors if it occurs. If pattern or text is NULL, or if
+*               patternlength or textlength is 0 then an 
+*               U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+* @return search iterator data structure, or NULL if there is an error.
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE UStringSearch * U_EXPORT2 usearch_open(const UChar          *pattern, 
+                                              int32_t         patternlength, 
+                                        const UChar          *text, 
+                                              int32_t         textlength,
+                                        const char           *locale,
+                                              UBreakIterator *breakiter,
+                                              UErrorCode     *status);
+* Creating a search iterator data struct using the argument collator language
+* rule set. Note, user retains the ownership of this collator, thus the 
+* responsibility of deletion lies with the user.
+* NOTE: string search cannot be instantiated from a collator that has 
+* collate digits as numbers (CODAN) turned on.
+* @param pattern for matching
+* @param patternlength length of the pattern, -1 for null-termination
+* @param text text string
+* @param textlength length of the text string, -1 for null-termination
+* @param collator used for the language rules
+* @param breakiter A BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points
+*                  at which matches are detected. If a match is found, but 
+*                  the match's start or end index is not a boundary as 
+*                  determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, the match will 
+*                  be rejected and another will be searched for. 
+*                  If this parameter is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is 
+*                  attempted.
+* @param status for errors if it occurs. If collator, pattern or text is NULL, 
+*               or if patternlength or textlength is 0 then an 
+*               U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
+* @return search iterator data structure, or NULL if there is an error.
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE UStringSearch * U_EXPORT2 usearch_openFromCollator(
+                                         const UChar *pattern, 
+                                               int32_t         patternlength,
+                                         const UChar          *text, 
+                                               int32_t         textlength,
+                                         const UCollator      *collator,
+                                               UBreakIterator *breakiter,
+                                               UErrorCode     *status);
+* Destroying and cleaning up the search iterator data struct.
+* If a collator is created in <tt>usearch_open</tt>, it will be destroyed here.
+* @param searchiter data struct to clean up
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_close(UStringSearch *searchiter);
+ * \class LocalUStringSearchPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UStringSearch via usearch_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUStringSearchPointer, UStringSearch, usearch_close);
+/* get and set methods -------------------------------------------------- */
+* Sets the current position in the text string which the next search will 
+* start from. Clears previous states. 
+* This method takes the argument index and sets the position in the text 
+* string accordingly without checking if the index is pointing to a 
+* valid starting point to begin searching. 
+* Search positions that may render incorrect results are highlighted in the
+* header comments
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param position position to start next search from. If position is less
+*          than or greater than the text range for searching, 
+*          an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
+* @param status error status if any.
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setOffset(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                        int32_t    position,
+                                        UErrorCode    *status);
+* Return the current index in the string text being searched.
+* If the iteration has gone past the end of the text (or past the beginning 
+* for a backwards search), <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> is returned.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getOffset(const UStringSearch *strsrch);
+* Sets the text searching attributes located in the enum USearchAttribute
+* with values from the enum USearchAttributeValue.
+* <tt>USEARCH_DEFAULT</tt> can be used for all attributes for resetting.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param attribute text attribute to be set
+* @param value text attribute value
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @see #usearch_getAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setAttribute(UStringSearch         *strsrch, 
+                                           USearchAttribute       attribute,
+                                           USearchAttributeValue  value,
+                                           UErrorCode            *status);
+* Gets the text searching attributes.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param attribute text attribute to be retrieve
+* @return text attribute value
+* @see #usearch_setAttribute
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE USearchAttributeValue U_EXPORT2 usearch_getAttribute(
+                                         const UStringSearch    *strsrch,
+                                               USearchAttribute  attribute);
+* Returns the index to the match in the text string that was searched.
+* This call returns a valid result only after a successful call to 
+* <tt>usearch_first</tt>, <tt>usearch_next</tt>, <tt>usearch_previous</tt>, 
+* or <tt>usearch_last</tt>.
+* Just after construction, or after a searching method returns 
+* <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>, this method will return <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
+* <p>
+* Use <tt>usearch_getMatchedLength</tt> to get the matched string length.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @return index to a substring within the text string that is being 
+*         searched.
+* @see #usearch_first
+* @see #usearch_next
+* @see #usearch_previous
+* @see #usearch_last
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getMatchedStart(
+                                               const UStringSearch *strsrch);
+* Returns the length of text in the string which matches the search pattern. 
+* This call returns a valid result only after a successful call to 
+* <tt>usearch_first</tt>, <tt>usearch_next</tt>, <tt>usearch_previous</tt>, 
+* or <tt>usearch_last</tt>.
+* Just after construction, or after a searching method returns 
+* <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>, this method will return 0.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @return The length of the match in the string text, or 0 if there is no 
+*         match currently.
+* @see #usearch_first
+* @see #usearch_next
+* @see #usearch_previous
+* @see #usearch_last
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getMatchedLength(
+                                               const UStringSearch *strsrch);
+* Returns the text that was matched by the most recent call to 
+* <tt>usearch_first</tt>, <tt>usearch_next</tt>, <tt>usearch_previous</tt>, 
+* or <tt>usearch_last</tt>.
+* If the iterator is not pointing at a valid match (e.g. just after 
+* construction or after <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> has been returned, returns
+* an empty string. If result is not large enough to store the matched text,
+* result will be filled with the partial text and an U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR 
+* will be returned in status. result will be null-terminated whenever 
+* possible. If the buffer fits the matched text exactly, a null-termination 
+* is not possible, then a U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_ERROR set in status.
+* Pre-flighting can be either done with length = 0 or the API 
+* <tt>usearch_getMatchedLength</tt>.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param result UChar buffer to store the matched string
+* @param resultCapacity length of the result buffer
+* @param status error returned if result is not large enough
+* @return exact length of the matched text, not counting the null-termination
+* @see #usearch_first
+* @see #usearch_next
+* @see #usearch_previous
+* @see #usearch_last
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getMatchedText(const UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                            UChar         *result, 
+                                            int32_t        resultCapacity, 
+                                            UErrorCode    *status);
+* Set the BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points at which 
+* matches are detected.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param breakiter A BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points
+*                  at which matches are detected. If a match is found, but 
+*                  the match's start or end index is not a boundary as 
+*                  determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, the match will 
+*                  be rejected and another will be searched for. 
+*                  If this parameter is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is 
+*                  attempted.
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @see #usearch_getBreakIterator
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setBreakIterator(UStringSearch  *strsrch, 
+                                               UBreakIterator *breakiter,
+                                               UErrorCode     *status);
+* Returns the BreakIterator that is used to restrict the points at which 
+* matches are detected. This will be the same object that was passed to the 
+* constructor or to <tt>usearch_setBreakIterator</tt>. Note that 
+* <tt>NULL</tt> 
+* is a legal value; it means that break detection should not be attempted.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @return break iterator used
+* @see #usearch_setBreakIterator
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE const UBreakIterator * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getBreakIterator(
+                                              const UStringSearch *strsrch);
+* Set the string text to be searched. Text iteration will hence begin at the 
+* start of the text string. This method is useful if you want to re-use an 
+* iterator to search for the same pattern within a different body of text.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param text new string to look for match
+* @param textlength length of the new string, -1 for null-termination
+* @param status for errors if it occurs. If text is NULL, or textlength is 0 
+*               then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned with no change
+*               done to strsrch.
+* @see #usearch_getText
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setText(      UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                      const UChar         *text,
+                                            int32_t        textlength,
+                                            UErrorCode    *status);
+* Return the string text to be searched.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param length returned string text length
+* @return string text 
+* @see #usearch_setText
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getText(const UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                               int32_t       *length);
+* Gets the collator used for the language rules. 
+* <p>
+* Deleting the returned <tt>UCollator</tt> before calling 
+* <tt>usearch_close</tt> would cause the string search to fail.
+* <tt>usearch_close</tt> will delete the collator if this search owns it.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @return collator
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE UCollator * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getCollator(
+                                               const UStringSearch *strsrch);
+* Sets the collator used for the language rules. User retains the ownership 
+* of this collator, thus the responsibility of deletion lies with the user.
+* This method causes internal data such as Boyer-Moore shift tables to  
+* be recalculated, but the iterator's position is unchanged.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param collator to be used
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setCollator(      UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                          const UCollator     *collator,
+                                                UErrorCode    *status);
+* Sets the pattern used for matching.
+* Internal data like the Boyer Moore table will be recalculated, but the 
+* iterator's position is unchanged.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param pattern string
+* @param patternlength pattern length, -1 for null-terminated string
+* @param status for errors if it occurs. If text is NULL, or textlength is 0 
+*               then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned with no change
+*               done to strsrch.
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setPattern(      UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                         const UChar         *pattern,
+                                               int32_t        patternlength,
+                                               UErrorCode    *status);
+* Gets the search pattern
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param length return length of the pattern, -1 indicates that the pattern 
+*               is null-terminated
+* @return pattern string
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getPattern(
+                                               const UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                                     int32_t       *length);
+/* methods ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+* Returns the first index at which the string text matches the search 
+* pattern.  
+* The iterator is adjusted so that its current index (as returned by 
+* <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if one was found.
+* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @return The character index of the first match, or 
+* <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no matches.
+* @see #usearch_getOffset
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_first(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                           UErrorCode    *status);
+* Returns the first index equal or greater than <tt>position</tt> at which
+* the string text
+* matches the search pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current 
+* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if 
+* one was found.
+* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
+* <p>
+* Search positions that may render incorrect results are highlighted in the
+* header comments. If position is less than or greater than the text range 
+* for searching, an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param position to start the search at
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @return The character index of the first match following <tt>pos</tt>,
+*         or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no matches.
+* @see #usearch_getOffset
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_following(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                               int32_t    position, 
+                                               UErrorCode    *status);
+* Returns the last index in the target text at which it matches the search 
+* pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current 
+* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if 
+* one was found.
+* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @return The index of the first match, or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there 
+*         are no matches.
+* @see #usearch_getOffset
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_last(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                          UErrorCode    *status);
+* Returns the first index less than <tt>position</tt> at which the string text 
+* matches the search pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current 
+* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if 
+* one was found.
+* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
+* <p>
+* Search positions that may render incorrect results are highlighted in the
+* header comments. If position is less than or greater than the text range 
+* for searching, an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned.
+* <p>
+* When <tt>USEARCH_OVERLAP</tt> option is off, the last index of the
+* result match is always less than <tt>position</tt>.
+* When <tt>USERARCH_OVERLAP</tt> is on, the result match may span across
+* <tt>position</tt>.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param position index position the search is to begin at
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @return The character index of the first match preceding <tt>pos</tt>,
+*         or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no matches.
+* @see #usearch_getOffset
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_preceding(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                               int32_t    position, 
+                                               UErrorCode    *status);
+* Returns the index of the next point at which the string text matches the
+* search pattern, starting from the current position.
+* The iterator is adjusted so that its current 
+* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if 
+* one was found.
+* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @return The index of the next match after the current position, or 
+*         <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no more matches.
+* @see #usearch_first
+* @see #usearch_getOffset
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_next(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                          UErrorCode    *status);
+* Returns the index of the previous point at which the string text matches
+* the search pattern, starting at the current position.
+* The iterator is adjusted so that its current 
+* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if 
+* one was found.
+* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
+* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @param status for errors if it occurs
+* @return The index of the previous match before the current position,
+*         or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no more matches.
+* @see #usearch_last
+* @see #usearch_getOffset
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_previous(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                              UErrorCode    *status);
+* Reset the iteration.
+* Search will begin at the start of the text string if a forward iteration 
+* is initiated before a backwards iteration. Otherwise if a backwards 
+* iteration is initiated before a forwards iteration, the search will begin
+* at the end of the text string.
+* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
+* @see #usearch_first
+* @stable ICU 2.4
+U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_reset(UStringSearch *strsrch);
+  *  Simple forward search for the pattern, starting at a specified index,
+  *     and using a default set search options.
+  *
+  *  This is an experimental function, and is not an official part of the
+  *      ICU API.
+  *
+  *  The collator options, such as UCOL_STRENGTH and UCOL_NORMALIZTION, are honored.
+  *
+  *  any Break Iterator are ignored.
+  *
+  *  Matches obey the following constraints:
+  *
+  *      Characters at the start or end positions of a match that are ignorable
+  *      for collation are not included as part of the match, unless they
+  *      are part of a combining sequence, as described below.
+  *
+  *      A match will not include a partial combining sequence.  Combining
+  *      character sequences  are considered to be  inseparable units,
+  *      and either match the pattern completely, or are considered to not match
+  *      at all.  Thus, for example, an A followed a combining accent mark will 
+  *      not be found when searching for a plain (unaccented) A.   (unless
+  *      the collation strength has been set to ignore all accents).
+  *
+  *      When beginning a search, the initial starting position, startIdx,
+  *      is assumed to be an acceptable match boundary with respect to
+  *      combining characters.  A combining sequence that spans across the
+  *      starting point will not suppress a match beginning at startIdx.
+  *
+  *      Characters that expand to multiple collation elements
+  *      (German sharp-S becoming 'ss', or the composed forms of accented
+  *      characters, for example) also must match completely.
+  *      Searching for a single 's' in a string containing only a sharp-s will 
+  *      find no match.
+  *
+  *
+  *  @param strsrch    the UStringSearch struct, which references both
+  *                    the text to be searched  and the pattern being sought.
+  *  @param startIdx   The index into the text to begin the search.
+  *  @param matchStart An out parameter, the starting index of the matched text.
+  *                    This parameter may be NULL.
+  *                    A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
+  *  @param matchLimit Out parameter, the index of the first position following the matched text.
+  *                    The matchLimit will be at a suitable position for beginning a subsequent search
+  *                    in the input text.
+  *                    This parameter may be NULL.
+  *                    A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
+  *          
+  *  @param status     Report any errors.  Note that no match found is not an error.
+  *  @return           TRUE if a match was found, FALSE otherwise.
+  *
+  *  @internal
+  */
+U_INTERNAL UBool U_EXPORT2 usearch_search(UStringSearch *strsrch,
+                                          int32_t        startIdx,
+                                          int32_t        *matchStart,
+                                          int32_t        *matchLimit,
+                                          UErrorCode     *status);
+  *  Simple backwards search for the pattern, starting at a specified index,
+  *     and using using a default set search options.
+  *
+  *  This is an experimental function, and is not an official part of the
+  *      ICU API.
+  *
+  *  The collator options, such as UCOL_STRENGTH and UCOL_NORMALIZTION, are honored.
+  *
+  *  any Break Iterator are ignored.
+  *
+  *  Matches obey the following constraints:
+  *
+  *      Characters at the start or end positions of a match that are ignorable
+  *      for collation are not included as part of the match, unless they
+  *      are part of a combining sequence, as described below.
+  *
+  *      A match will not include a partial combining sequence.  Combining
+  *      character sequences  are considered to be  inseparable units,
+  *      and either match the pattern completely, or are considered to not match
+  *      at all.  Thus, for example, an A followed a combining accent mark will 
+  *      not be found when searching for a plain (unaccented) A.   (unless
+  *      the collation strength has been set to ignore all accents).
+  *
+  *      When beginning a search, the initial starting position, startIdx,
+  *      is assumed to be an acceptable match boundary with respect to
+  *      combining characters.  A combining sequence that spans across the
+  *      starting point will not suppress a match beginning at startIdx.
+  *
+  *      Characters that expand to multiple collation elements
+  *      (German sharp-S becoming 'ss', or the composed forms of accented
+  *      characters, for example) also must match completely.
+  *      Searching for a single 's' in a string containing only a sharp-s will 
+  *      find no match.
+  *
+  *
+  *  @param strsrch    the UStringSearch struct, which references both
+  *                    the text to be searched  and the pattern being sought.
+  *  @param startIdx   The index into the text to begin the search.
+  *  @param matchStart An out parameter, the starting index of the matched text.
+  *                    This parameter may be NULL.
+  *                    A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
+  *  @param matchLimit Out parameter, the index of the first position following the matched text.
+  *                    The matchLimit will be at a suitable position for beginning a subsequent search
+  *                    in the input text.
+  *                    This parameter may be NULL.
+  *                    A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
+  *          
+  *  @param status     Report any errors.  Note that no match found is not an error.
+  *  @return           TRUE if a match was found, FALSE otherwise.
+  *
+  *  @internal
+  */
+U_INTERNAL UBool U_EXPORT2 usearch_searchBackwards(UStringSearch *strsrch,
+                                                   int32_t        startIdx,
+                                                   int32_t        *matchStart,
+                                                   int32_t        *matchLimit,
+                                                   UErrorCode     *status);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uset.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92496fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1137 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uset.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002mar07
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   C version of UnicodeSet.
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode Set
+ *
+ * <p>This is a C wrapper around the C++ UnicodeSet class.</p>
+ */
+#ifndef __USET_H__
+#define __USET_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+ * USet is the C API type corresponding to C++ class UnicodeSet.
+ * Use the uset_* API to manipulate.  Create with
+ * uset_open*, and destroy with uset_close.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef struct USet USet;
+ * Bitmask values to be passed to uset_openPatternOptions() or
+ * uset_applyPattern() taking an option parameter.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Ignore white space within patterns unless quoted or escaped.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Enable case insensitive matching.  E.g., "[ab]" with this flag
+     * will match 'a', 'A', 'b', and 'B'.  "[^ab]" with this flag will
+     * match all except 'a', 'A', 'b', and 'B'. This performs a full
+     * closure over case mappings, e.g. U+017F for s.
+     *
+     * The resulting set is a superset of the input for the code points but
+     * not for the strings.
+     * It performs a case mapping closure of the code points and adds
+     * full case folding strings for the code points, and reduces strings of
+     * the original set to their full case folding equivalents.
+     *
+     * This is designed for case-insensitive matches, for example
+     * in regular expressions. The full code point case closure allows checking of
+     * an input character directly against the closure set.
+     * Strings are matched by comparing the case-folded form from the closure
+     * set with an incremental case folding of the string in question.
+     *
+     * The closure set will also contain single code points if the original
+     * set contained case-equivalent strings (like U+00DF for "ss" or "Ss" etc.).
+     * This is not necessary (that is, redundant) for the above matching method
+     * but results in the same closure sets regardless of whether the original
+     * set contained the code point or a string.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Enable case insensitive matching.  E.g., "[ab]" with this flag
+     * will match 'a', 'A', 'b', and 'B'.  "[^ab]" with this flag will
+     * match all except 'a', 'A', 'b', and 'B'. This adds the lower-,
+     * title-, and uppercase mappings as well as the case folding
+     * of each existing element in the set.
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+ * Argument values for whether span() and similar functions continue while
+ * the current character is contained vs. not contained in the set.
+ *
+ * The functionality is straightforward for sets with only single code points,
+ * without strings (which is the common case):
+ * - span() and spanBack() partition any string the same way when
+ *   alternating between span(USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED) and
+ *   span(either "contained" condition).
+ * - Using a complemented (inverted) set and the opposite span conditions
+ *   yields the same results.
+ *
+ * When a set contains multi-code point strings, then these statements may not
+ * be true, depending on the strings in the set (for example, whether they
+ * overlap with each other) and the string that is processed.
+ * For a set with strings:
+ * - The complement of the set contains the opposite set of code points,
+ *   but the same set of strings.
+ *   Therefore, complementing both the set and the span conditions
+ *   may yield different results.
+ * - When starting spans at different positions in a string
+ *   (span(s, ...) vs. span(s+1, ...)) the ends of the spans may be different
+ *   because a set string may start before the later position.
+ * - span(USET_SPAN_SIMPLE) may be shorter than
+ *   span(USET_SPAN_CONTAINED) because it will not recursively try
+ *   all possible paths.
+ *   For example, with a set which contains the three strings "xy", "xya" and "ax",
+ *   span("xyax", USET_SPAN_CONTAINED) will return 4 but
+ *   span("xyax", USET_SPAN_SIMPLE) will return 3.
+ *   span(USET_SPAN_SIMPLE) will never be longer than
+ * - With either "contained" condition, span() and spanBack() may partition
+ *   a string in different ways.
+ *   For example, with a set which contains the two strings "ab" and "ba",
+ *   and when processing the string "aba",
+ *   span() will yield contained/not-contained boundaries of { 0, 2, 3 }
+ *   while spanBack() will yield boundaries of { 0, 1, 3 }.
+ *
+ * Note: If it is important to get the same boundaries whether iterating forward
+ * or backward through a string, then either only span() should be used and
+ * the boundaries cached for backward operation, or an ICU BreakIterator
+ * could be used.
+ *
+ * Note: Unpaired surrogates are treated like surrogate code points.
+ * Similarly, set strings match only on code point boundaries,
+ * never in the middle of a surrogate pair.
+ * Illegal UTF-8 sequences are treated like U+FFFD.
+ * When processing UTF-8 strings, malformed set strings
+ * (strings with unpaired surrogates which cannot be converted to UTF-8)
+ * are ignored.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+typedef enum USetSpanCondition {
+    /**
+     * Continues a span() while there is no set element at the current position.
+     * Increments by one code point at a time.
+     * Stops before the first set element (character or string).
+     * (For code points only, this is like while contains(current)==FALSE).
+     *
+     * When span() returns, the substring between where it started and the position
+     * it returned consists only of characters that are not in the set,
+     * and none of its strings overlap with the span.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Spans the longest substring that is a concatenation of set elements (characters or strings).
+     * (For characters only, this is like while contains(current)==TRUE).
+     *
+     * When span() returns, the substring between where it started and the position
+     * it returned consists only of set elements (characters or strings) that are in the set.
+     *
+     * If a set contains strings, then the span will be the longest substring for which there
+     * exists at least one non-overlapping concatenation of set elements (characters or strings).
+     * This is equivalent to a POSIX regular expression for <code>(OR of each set element)*</code>.
+     * (Java/ICU/Perl regex stops at the first match of an OR.)
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * Continues a span() while there is a set element at the current position.
+     * Increments by the longest matching element at each position.
+     * (For characters only, this is like while contains(current)==TRUE).
+     *
+     * When span() returns, the substring between where it started and the position
+     * it returned consists only of set elements (characters or strings) that are in the set.
+     *
+     * If a set only contains single characters, then this is the same
+     *
+     * If a set contains strings, then the span will be the longest substring
+     * with a match at each position with the longest single set element (character or string).
+     *
+     * Use this span condition together with other longest-match algorithms,
+     * such as ICU converters (ucnv_getUnicodeSet()).
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the last span condition.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} USetSpanCondition;
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Capacity of USerializedSet::staticArray.
+     * Enough for any single-code point set.
+     * Also provides padding for nice sizeof(USerializedSet).
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+ * A serialized form of a Unicode set.  Limited manipulations are
+ * possible directly on a serialized set.  See below.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef struct USerializedSet {
+    /**
+     * The serialized Unicode Set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    const uint16_t *array;
+    /**
+     * The length of the array that contains BMP characters.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t bmpLength;
+    /**
+     * The total length of the array.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t length;
+    /**
+     * A small buffer for the array to reduce memory allocations.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+} USerializedSet;
+ * USet API
+ *********************************************************************/
+ * Create an empty USet object.
+ * Equivalent to uset_open(1, 0).
+ * @return a newly created USet.  The caller must call uset_close() on
+ * it when done.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ * Creates a USet object that contains the range of characters
+ * start..end, inclusive.  If <code>start > end</code> 
+ * then an empty set is created (same as using uset_openEmpty()).
+ * @param start first character of the range, inclusive
+ * @param end last character of the range, inclusive
+ * @return a newly created USet.  The caller must call uset_close() on
+ * it when done.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_open(UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ * Creates a set from the given pattern.  See the UnicodeSet class
+ * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+ * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+ * @param patternLength the length of the pattern, or -1 if null
+ * terminated
+ * @param ec the error code
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_openPattern(const UChar* pattern, int32_t patternLength,
+                 UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Creates a set from the given pattern.  See the UnicodeSet class
+ * description for the syntax of the pattern language.
+ * @param pattern a string specifying what characters are in the set
+ * @param patternLength the length of the pattern, or -1 if null
+ * terminated
+ * @param options bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+ * @param ec the error code
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_openPatternOptions(const UChar* pattern, int32_t patternLength,
+                 uint32_t options,
+                 UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Disposes of the storage used by a USet object.  This function should
+ * be called exactly once for objects returned by uset_open().
+ * @param set the object to dispose of
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_close(USet* set);
+ * \class LocalUSetPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a USet via uset_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUSetPointer, USet, uset_close);
+ * Returns a copy of this object.
+ * If this set is frozen, then the clone will be frozen as well.
+ * Use uset_cloneAsThawed() for a mutable clone of a frozen set.
+ * @param set the original set
+ * @return the newly allocated copy of the set
+ * @see uset_cloneAsThawed
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+uset_clone(const USet *set);
+ * Determines whether the set has been frozen (made immutable) or not.
+ * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @return TRUE/FALSE for whether the set has been frozen
+ * @see uset_freeze
+ * @see uset_cloneAsThawed
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+uset_isFrozen(const USet *set);
+ * Freeze the set (make it immutable).
+ * Once frozen, it cannot be unfrozen and is therefore thread-safe
+ * until it is deleted.
+ * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+ * Freezing the set may also make some operations faster, for example
+ * uset_contains() and uset_span().
+ * A frozen set will not be modified. (It remains frozen.)
+ * @param set the set
+ * @return the same set, now frozen
+ * @see uset_isFrozen
+ * @see uset_cloneAsThawed
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+uset_freeze(USet *set);
+ * Clone the set and make the clone mutable.
+ * See the ICU4J Freezable interface for details.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @return the mutable clone
+ * @see uset_freeze
+ * @see uset_isFrozen
+ * @see uset_clone
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+uset_cloneAsThawed(const USet *set);
+ * Causes the USet object to represent the range <code>start - end</code>.
+ * If <code>start > end</code> then this USet is set to an empty range.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object to set to the given range
+ * @param start first character in the set, inclusive
+ * @param end last character in the set, inclusive
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_set(USet* set,
+         UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ * Modifies the set to represent the set specified by the given
+ * pattern. See the UnicodeSet class description for the syntax of 
+ * the pattern language. See also the User Guide chapter about UnicodeSet.
+ * <em>Empties the set passed before applying the pattern.</em>
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set               The set to which the pattern is to be applied. 
+ * @param pattern           A pointer to UChar string specifying what characters are in the set.
+ *                          The character at pattern[0] must be a '['.
+ * @param patternLength     The length of the UChar string. -1 if NUL terminated.
+ * @param options           A bitmask for options to apply to the pattern.
+ *                          Valid options are USET_IGNORE_SPACE and USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
+ * @param status            Returns an error if the pattern cannot be parsed.
+ * @return                  Upon successful parse, the value is either
+ *                          the index of the character after the closing ']' 
+ *                          of the parsed pattern.
+ *                          If the status code indicates failure, then the return value 
+ *                          is the index of the error in the source.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+uset_applyPattern(USet *set,
+                  const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength,
+                  uint32_t options,
+                  UErrorCode *status);
+ * Modifies the set to contain those code points which have the given value
+ * for the given binary or enumerated property, as returned by
+ * u_getIntPropertyValue.  Prior contents of this set are lost.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the object to contain the code points defined by the property
+ *
+ * @param prop a property in the range UCHAR_BIN_START..UCHAR_BIN_LIMIT-1
+ *
+ * @param value a value in the range u_getIntPropertyMinValue(prop)..
+ * u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(prop), with one exception.  If prop is
+ * UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, then value should not be a UCharCategory, but
+ * rather a mask value produced by U_GET_GC_MASK().  This allows grouped
+ * categories such as [:L:] to be represented.
+ *
+ * @param ec error code input/output parameter
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_applyIntPropertyValue(USet* set,
+                           UProperty prop, int32_t value, UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Modifies the set to contain those code points which have the
+ * given value for the given property.  Prior contents of this
+ * set are lost.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the object to contain the code points defined by the given
+ * property and value alias
+ *
+ * @param prop a string specifying a property alias, either short or long.
+ * The name is matched loosely.  See PropertyAliases.txt for names and a
+ * description of loose matching.  If the value string is empty, then this
+ * string is interpreted as either a General_Category value alias, a Script
+ * value alias, a binary property alias, or a special ID.  Special IDs are
+ * matched loosely and correspond to the following sets:
+ *
+ * "ANY" = [\\u0000-\\U0010FFFF],
+ * "ASCII" = [\\u0000-\\u007F],
+ * "Assigned" = [:^Cn:].
+ *
+ * @param propLength the length of the prop, or -1 if NULL
+ *
+ * @param value a string specifying a value alias, either short or long.
+ * The name is matched loosely.  See PropertyValueAliases.txt for names
+ * and a description of loose matching.  In addition to aliases listed,
+ * numeric values and canonical combining classes may be expressed
+ * numerically, e.g., ("nv", "0.5") or ("ccc", "220").  The value string
+ * may also be empty.
+ *
+ * @param valueLength the length of the value, or -1 if NULL
+ *
+ * @param ec error code input/output parameter
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_applyPropertyAlias(USet* set,
+                        const UChar *prop, int32_t propLength,
+                        const UChar *value, int32_t valueLength,
+                        UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Return true if the given position, in the given pattern, appears
+ * to be the start of a UnicodeSet pattern.
+ *
+ * @param pattern a string specifying the pattern
+ * @param patternLength the length of the pattern, or -1 if NULL
+ * @param pos the given position
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_resemblesPattern(const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength,
+                      int32_t pos);
+ * Returns a string representation of this set.  If the result of
+ * calling this function is passed to a uset_openPattern(), it
+ * will produce another set that is equal to this one.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param result the string to receive the rules, may be NULL
+ * @param resultCapacity the capacity of result, may be 0 if result is NULL
+ * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
+ * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
+ * \\Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are those other than
+ * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+ * @param ec error code.
+ * @return length of string, possibly larger than resultCapacity
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_toPattern(const USet* set,
+               UChar* result, int32_t resultCapacity,
+               UBool escapeUnprintable,
+               UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Adds the given character to the given USet.  After this call,
+ * uset_contains(set, c) will return TRUE.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object to which to add the character
+ * @param c the character to add
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_add(USet* set, UChar32 c);
+ * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this set if
+ * they're not already present.  This operation effectively
+ * modifies this set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two
+ * sets.  The behavior of this operation is unspecified if the specified
+ * collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the object to which to add the set
+ * @param additionalSet the source set whose elements are to be added to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+uset_addAll(USet* set, const USet *additionalSet);
+ * Adds the given range of characters to the given USet.  After this call,
+ * uset_contains(set, start, end) will return TRUE.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object to which to add the character
+ * @param start the first character of the range to add, inclusive
+ * @param end the last character of the range to add, inclusive
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+uset_addRange(USet* set, UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ * Adds the given string to the given USet.  After this call,
+ * uset_containsString(set, str, strLen) will return TRUE.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object to which to add the character
+ * @param str the string to add
+ * @param strLen the length of the string or -1 if null terminated.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_addString(USet* set, const UChar* str, int32_t strLen);
+ * Adds each of the characters in this string to the set. Thus "ch" => {"c", "h"}
+ * If this set already any particular character, it has no effect on that character.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object to which to add the character
+ * @param str the source string
+ * @param strLen the length of the string or -1 if null terminated.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+uset_addAllCodePoints(USet* set, const UChar *str, int32_t strLen);
+ * Removes the given character from the given USet.  After this call,
+ * uset_contains(set, c) will return FALSE.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object from which to remove the character
+ * @param c the character to remove
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_remove(USet* set, UChar32 c);
+ * Removes the given range of characters from the given USet.  After this call,
+ * uset_contains(set, start, end) will return FALSE.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object to which to add the character
+ * @param start the first character of the range to remove, inclusive
+ * @param end the last character of the range to remove, inclusive
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+uset_removeRange(USet* set, UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ * Removes the given string to the given USet.  After this call,
+ * uset_containsString(set, str, strLen) will return FALSE.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object to which to add the character
+ * @param str the string to remove
+ * @param strLen the length of the string or -1 if null terminated.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_removeString(USet* set, const UChar* str, int32_t strLen);
+ * Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the
+ * specified set.  This operation effectively modifies this
+ * set so that its value is the <i>asymmetric set difference</i> of
+ * the two sets.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the object from which the elements are to be removed
+ * @param removeSet the object that defines which elements will be
+ * removed from this set
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_removeAll(USet* set, const USet* removeSet);
+ * Retain only the elements in this set that are contained in the
+ * specified range.  If <code>start > end</code> then an empty range is
+ * retained, leaving the set empty.  This is equivalent to
+ * a boolean logic AND, or a set INTERSECTION.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the object for which to retain only the specified range
+ * @param start first character, inclusive, of range to be retained
+ * to this set.
+ * @param end last character, inclusive, of range to be retained
+ * to this set.
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_retain(USet* set, UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ * Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
+ * specified set.  In other words, removes from this set all of
+ * its elements that are not contained in the specified set.  This
+ * operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is
+ * the <i>intersection</i> of the two sets.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the object on which to perform the retain
+ * @param retain set that defines which elements this set will retain
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_retainAll(USet* set, const USet* retain);
+ * Reallocate this objects internal structures to take up the least
+ * possible space, without changing this object's value.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the object on which to perfrom the compact
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_compact(USet* set);
+ * Inverts this set.  This operation modifies this set so that
+ * its value is its complement.  This operation does not affect
+ * the multicharacter strings, if any.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_complement(USet* set);
+ * Complements in this set all elements contained in the specified
+ * set.  Any character in the other set will be removed if it is
+ * in this set, or will be added if it is not in this set.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the set with which to complement
+ * @param complement set that defines which elements will be xor'ed
+ * from this set.
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_complementAll(USet* set, const USet* complement);
+ * Removes all of the elements from this set.  This set will be
+ * empty after this call returns.
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_clear(USet* set);
+ * Close this set over the given attribute.  For the attribute
+ * USET_CASE, the result is to modify this set so that:
+ *
+ * 1. For each character or string 'a' in this set, all strings or
+ * characters 'b' such that foldCase(a) == foldCase(b) are added
+ * to this set.
+ *
+ * 2. For each string 'e' in the resulting set, if e !=
+ * foldCase(e), 'e' will be removed.
+ *
+ * Example: [aq\\u00DF{Bc}{bC}{Fi}] => [aAqQ\\u00DF\\uFB01{ss}{bc}{fi}]
+ *
+ * (Here foldCase(x) refers to the operation u_strFoldCase, and a
+ * == b denotes that the contents are the same, not pointer
+ * comparison.)
+ *
+ * A frozen set will not be modified.
+ *
+ * @param set the set
+ *
+ * @param attributes bitmask for attributes to close over.
+ * Currently only the USET_CASE bit is supported.  Any undefined bits
+ * are ignored.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uset_closeOver(USet* set, int32_t attributes);
+ * Remove all strings from this set.
+ *
+ * @param set the set
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uset_removeAllStrings(USet* set);
+ * Returns TRUE if the given USet contains no characters and no
+ * strings.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @return true if set is empty
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_isEmpty(const USet* set);
+ * Returns TRUE if the given USet contains the given character.
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param c The codepoint to check for within the set
+ * @return true if set contains c
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_contains(const USet* set, UChar32 c);
+ * Returns TRUE if the given USet contains all characters c
+ * where start <= c && c <= end.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param start the first character of the range to test, inclusive
+ * @param end the last character of the range to test, inclusive
+ * @return TRUE if set contains the range
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+uset_containsRange(const USet* set, UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ * Returns TRUE if the given USet contains the given string.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param str the string
+ * @param strLen the length of the string or -1 if null terminated.
+ * @return true if set contains str
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_containsString(const USet* set, const UChar* str, int32_t strLen);
+ * Returns the index of the given character within this set, where
+ * the set is ordered by ascending code point.  If the character
+ * is not in this set, return -1.  The inverse of this method is
+ * <code>charAt()</code>.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param c the character to obtain the index for
+ * @return an index from 0..size()-1, or -1
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_indexOf(const USet* set, UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the character at the given index within this set, where
+ * the set is ordered by ascending code point.  If the index is
+ * out of range, return (UChar32)-1.  The inverse of this method is
+ * <code>indexOf()</code>.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param charIndex an index from 0..size()-1 to obtain the char for
+ * @return the character at the given index, or (UChar32)-1.
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_charAt(const USet* set, int32_t charIndex);
+ * Returns the number of characters and strings contained in the given
+ * USet.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @return a non-negative integer counting the characters and strings
+ * contained in set
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_size(const USet* set);
+ * Returns the number of items in this set.  An item is either a range
+ * of characters or a single multicharacter string.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @return a non-negative integer counting the character ranges
+ * and/or strings contained in set
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_getItemCount(const USet* set);
+ * Returns an item of this set.  An item is either a range of
+ * characters or a single multicharacter string.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param itemIndex a non-negative integer in the range 0..
+ * uset_getItemCount(set)-1
+ * @param start pointer to variable to receive first character
+ * in range, inclusive
+ * @param end pointer to variable to receive last character in range,
+ * inclusive
+ * @param str buffer to receive the string, may be NULL
+ * @param strCapacity capacity of str, or 0 if str is NULL
+ * @param ec error code
+ * @return the length of the string (>= 2), or 0 if the item is a
+ * range, in which case it is the range *start..*end, or -1 if
+ * itemIndex is out of range
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_getItem(const USet* set, int32_t itemIndex,
+             UChar32* start, UChar32* end,
+             UChar* str, int32_t strCapacity,
+             UErrorCode* ec);
+ * Returns true if set1 contains all the characters and strings
+ * of set2. It answers the question, 'Is set1 a superset of set2?'
+ * @param set1 set to be checked for containment
+ * @param set2 set to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_containsAll(const USet* set1, const USet* set2);
+ * Returns true if this set contains all the characters
+ * of the given string. This is does not check containment of grapheme
+ * clusters, like uset_containsString.
+ * @param set set of characters to be checked for containment
+ * @param str string containing codepoints to be checked for containment
+ * @param strLen the length of the string or -1 if null terminated.
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+uset_containsAllCodePoints(const USet* set, const UChar *str, int32_t strLen);
+ * Returns true if set1 contains none of the characters and strings
+ * of set2. It answers the question, 'Is set1 a disjoint set of set2?'
+ * @param set1 set to be checked for containment
+ * @param set2 set to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_containsNone(const USet* set1, const USet* set2);
+ * Returns true if set1 contains some of the characters and strings
+ * of set2. It answers the question, 'Does set1 and set2 have an intersection?'
+ * @param set1 set to be checked for containment
+ * @param set2 set to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_containsSome(const USet* set1, const USet* set2);
+ * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
+ * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param s start of the string
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
+ *         0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+uset_span(const USet *set, const UChar *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition);
+ * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Unpaired surrogates are treated according to contains() of their surrogate code points.
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param s start of the string
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
+ *         the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+uset_spanBack(const USet *set, const UChar *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition);
+ * Returns the length of the initial substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Similar to the strspn() C library function.
+ * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the length of the initial substring according to the spanCondition;
+ *         0 if the start of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+uset_spanUTF8(const USet *set, const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition);
+ * Returns the start of the trailing substring of the input string which
+ * consists only of characters and strings that are contained in this set
+ * or only of characters and strings that are not contained
+ * in this set (USET_SPAN_NOT_CONTAINED).
+ * See USetSpanCondition for details.
+ * Malformed byte sequences are treated according to contains(0xfffd).
+ * This function works faster with a frozen set and with a non-negative string length argument.
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param s start of the string (UTF-8)
+ * @param length of the string; can be -1 for NUL-terminated
+ * @param spanCondition specifies the containment condition
+ * @return the start of the trailing substring according to the spanCondition;
+ *         the string length if the end of the string does not fit the spanCondition
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ * @see USetSpanCondition
+ */
+uset_spanBackUTF8(const USet *set, const char *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition);
+ * Returns true if set1 contains all of the characters and strings
+ * of set2, and vis versa. It answers the question, 'Is set1 equal to set2?'
+ * @param set1 set to be checked for containment
+ * @param set2 set to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+uset_equals(const USet* set1, const USet* set2);
+ * Serialized set API
+ *********************************************************************/
+ * Serializes this set into an array of 16-bit integers.  Serialization
+ * (currently) only records the characters in the set; multicharacter
+ * strings are ignored.
+ *
+ * The array
+ * has following format (each line is one 16-bit integer):
+ *
+ *  length     = (n+2*m) | (m!=0?0x8000:0)
+ *  bmpLength  = n; present if m!=0
+ *  bmp[0]
+ *  bmp[1]
+ *  ...
+ *  bmp[n-1]
+ *  supp-high[0]
+ *  supp-low[0]
+ *  supp-high[1]
+ *  supp-low[1]
+ *  ...
+ *  supp-high[m-1]
+ *  supp-low[m-1]
+ *
+ * The array starts with a header.  After the header are n bmp
+ * code points, then m supplementary code points.  Either n or m
+ * or both may be zero.  n+2*m is always <= 0x7FFF.
+ *
+ * If there are no supplementary characters (if m==0) then the
+ * header is one 16-bit integer, 'length', with value n.
+ *
+ * If there are supplementary characters (if m!=0) then the header
+ * is two 16-bit integers.  The first, 'length', has value
+ * (n+2*m)|0x8000.  The second, 'bmpLength', has value n.
+ *
+ * After the header the code points are stored in ascending order.
+ * Supplementary code points are stored as most significant 16
+ * bits followed by least significant 16 bits.
+ *
+ * @param set the set
+ * @param dest pointer to buffer of destCapacity 16-bit integers.
+ * May be NULL only if destCapacity is zero.
+ * @param destCapacity size of dest, or zero.  Must not be negative.
+ * @param pErrorCode pointer to the error code.  Will be set to
+ * U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if n+2*m > 0x7FFF.  Will be set to
+ * U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1) > destCapacity.
+ * @return the total length of the serialized format, including
+ * the header, that is, n+2*m+(m!=0?2:1), or 0 on error other
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_serialize(const USet* set, uint16_t* dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode* pErrorCode);
+ * Given a serialized array, fill in the given serialized set object.
+ * @param fillSet pointer to result
+ * @param src pointer to start of array
+ * @param srcLength length of array
+ * @return true if the given array is valid, otherwise false
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_getSerializedSet(USerializedSet* fillSet, const uint16_t* src, int32_t srcLength);
+ * Set the USerializedSet to contain the given character (and nothing
+ * else).
+ * @param fillSet pointer to result
+ * @param c The codepoint to set
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_setSerializedToOne(USerializedSet* fillSet, UChar32 c);
+ * Returns TRUE if the given USerializedSet contains the given
+ * character.
+ * @param set the serialized set
+ * @param c The codepoint to check for within the set
+ * @return true if set contains c
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_serializedContains(const USerializedSet* set, UChar32 c);
+ * Returns the number of disjoint ranges of characters contained in
+ * the given serialized set.  Ignores any strings contained in the
+ * set.
+ * @param set the serialized set
+ * @return a non-negative integer counting the character ranges
+ * contained in set
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_getSerializedRangeCount(const USerializedSet* set);
+ * Returns a range of characters contained in the given serialized
+ * set.
+ * @param set the serialized set
+ * @param rangeIndex a non-negative integer in the range 0..
+ * uset_getSerializedRangeCount(set)-1
+ * @param pStart pointer to variable to receive first character
+ * in range, inclusive
+ * @param pEnd pointer to variable to receive last character in range,
+ * inclusive
+ * @return true if rangeIndex is valid, otherwise false
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+uset_getSerializedRange(const USerializedSet* set, int32_t rangeIndex,
+                        UChar32* pStart, UChar32* pEnd);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usetiter.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usetiter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6396fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usetiter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef USETITER_H
+#define USETITER_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: UnicodeSetIterator iterates over the contents of a UnicodeSet.
+ */
+class UnicodeSet;
+class UnicodeString;
+ *
+ * UnicodeSetIterator iterates over the contents of a UnicodeSet.  It
+ * iterates over either code points or code point ranges.  After all
+ * code points or ranges have been returned, it returns the
+ * multicharacter strings of the UnicodeSet, if any.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended to be subclassed.  Consider any fields
+ *  or methods declared as "protected" to be private.  The use of
+ *  protected in this class is an artifact of history.
+ *
+ * <p>To iterate over code points and strings, use a loop like this:
+ * <pre>
+ * UnicodeSetIterator it(set);
+ * while ( {
+ *     processItem(it.getString());
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>Each item in the set is accessed as a string.  Set elements
+ *    consisting of single code points are returned as strings containing
+ *    just the one code point.
+ *
+ * <p>To iterate over code point ranges, instead of individual code points,
+ *    use a loop like this:
+ * <pre>
+ * UnicodeSetIterator it(set);
+ * while (it.nextRange()) {
+ *   if (it.isString()) {
+ *     processString(it.getString());
+ *   } else {
+ *     processCodepointRange(it.getCodepoint(), it.getCodepointEnd());
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ * @author M. Davis
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnicodeSetIterator : public UObject {
+ protected:
+    /**
+     * Value of <tt>codepoint</tt> if the iterator points to a string.
+     * If <tt>codepoint == IS_STRING</tt>, then examine
+     * <tt>string</tt> for the current iteration result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    enum { IS_STRING = -1 };
+    /**
+     * Current code point, or the special value <tt>IS_STRING</tt>, if
+     * the iterator points to a string.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UChar32 codepoint;
+    /**
+     * When iterating over ranges using <tt>nextRange()</tt>,
+     * <tt>codepointEnd</tt> contains the inclusive end of the
+     * iteration range, if <tt>codepoint != IS_STRING</tt>.  If
+     * iterating over code points using <tt>next()</tt>, or if
+     * <tt>codepoint == IS_STRING</tt>, then the value of
+     * <tt>codepointEnd</tt> is undefined.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UChar32 codepointEnd;
+    /**
+     * If <tt>codepoint == IS_STRING</tt>, then <tt>string</tt> points
+     * to the current string.  If <tt>codepoint != IS_STRING</tt>, the
+     * value of <tt>string</tt> is undefined.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    const UnicodeString* string;
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Create an iterator over the given set.  The iterator is valid
+     * only so long as <tt>set</tt> is valid.
+     * @param set set to iterate over
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSetIterator(const UnicodeSet& set);
+    /**
+     * Create an iterator over nothing.  <tt>next()</tt> and
+     * <tt>nextRange()</tt> return false. This is a convenience
+     * constructor allowing the target to be set later.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSetIterator();
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual ~UnicodeSetIterator();
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the current element is a string.  If so, the
+     * caller can retrieve it with <tt>getString()</tt>.  If this
+     * method returns false, the current element is a code point or
+     * code point range, depending on whether <tt>next()</tt> or
+     * <tt>nextRange()</tt> was called.
+     * Elements of types string and codepoint can both be retrieved
+     * with the function <tt>getString()</tt>.
+     * Elements of type codepoint can also be retrieved with
+     * <tt>getCodepoint()</tt>.
+     * For ranges, <tt>getCodepoint()</tt> returns the starting codepoint
+     * of the range, and <tt>getCodepointEnd()</tt> returns the end
+     * of the range.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline UBool isString() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the current code point, if <tt>isString()</tt> returned
+     * false.  Otherwise returns an undefined result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline UChar32 getCodepoint() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the end of the current code point range, if
+     * <tt>isString()</tt> returned false and <tt>nextRange()</tt> was
+     * called.  Otherwise returns an undefined result.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    inline UChar32 getCodepointEnd() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the current string, if <tt>isString()</tt> returned
+     * true.  If the current iteration item is a code point, a UnicodeString
+     * containing that single code point is returned.
+     *
+     * Ownership of the returned string remains with the iterator.
+     * The string is guaranteed to remain valid only until the iterator is
+     *   advanced to the next item, or until the iterator is deleted.
+     * 
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    const UnicodeString& getString();
+    /**
+     * Advances the iteration position to the next element in the set, 
+     * which can be either a single code point or a string.  
+     * If there are no more elements in the set, return false.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * If <tt>isString() == TRUE</tt>, the value is a
+     * string, otherwise the value is a
+     * single code point.  Elements of either type can be retrieved
+     * with the function <tt>getString()</tt>, while elements of
+     * consisting of a single code point can be retrieved with
+     * <tt>getCodepoint()</tt>
+     *
+     * <p>The order of iteration is all code points in sorted order,
+     * followed by all strings sorted order.    Do not mix
+     * calls to <tt>next()</tt> and <tt>nextRange()</tt> without
+     * calling <tt>reset()</tt> between them.  The results of doing so
+     * are undefined.
+     *
+     * @return true if there was another element in the set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool next();
+    /**
+     * Returns the next element in the set, either a code point range
+     * or a string.  If there are no more elements in the set, return
+     * false.  If <tt>isString() == TRUE</tt>, the value is a
+     * string and can be accessed with <tt>getString()</tt>.  Otherwise the value is a
+     * range of one or more code points from <tt>getCodepoint()</tt> to
+     * <tt>getCodepointeEnd()</tt> inclusive.
+     *
+     * <p>The order of iteration is all code points ranges in sorted
+     * order, followed by all strings sorted order.  Ranges are
+     * disjoint and non-contiguous.  The value returned from <tt>getString()</tt>
+     * is undefined unless <tt>isString() == TRUE</tt>.  Do not mix calls to
+     * <tt>next()</tt> and <tt>nextRange()</tt> without calling
+     * <tt>reset()</tt> between them.  The results of doing so are
+     * undefined.
+     *
+     * @return true if there was another element in the set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UBool nextRange();
+    /**
+     * Sets this iterator to visit the elements of the given set and
+     * resets it to the start of that set.  The iterator is valid only
+     * so long as <tt>set</tt> is valid.
+     * @param set the set to iterate over.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    void reset(const UnicodeSet& set);
+    /**
+     * Resets this iterator to the start of the set.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    // ======================= PRIVATES ===========================
+ protected:
+    // endElement and nextElements are really UChar32's, but we keep
+    // them as signed int32_t's so we can do comparisons with
+    // endElement set to -1.  Leave them as int32_t's.
+    /** The set
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    const UnicodeSet* set;
+    /** End range
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t endRange;
+    /** Range
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t range;
+    /** End element
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t endElement;
+    /** Next element
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t nextElement;
+    //UBool abbreviated;
+    /** Next string
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t nextString;
+    /** String count
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t stringCount;
+    /**
+     *  Points to the string to use when the caller asks for a
+     *  string and the current iteration item is a code point, not a string.
+     *  @internal
+     */
+    UnicodeString *cpString;
+    /** Copy constructor. Disallowed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSetIterator(const UnicodeSetIterator&); // disallow
+    /** Assignment operator. Disallowed.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    UnicodeSetIterator& operator=(const UnicodeSetIterator&); // disallow
+    /** Load range
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    virtual void loadRange(int32_t range);
+inline UBool UnicodeSetIterator::isString() const {
+    return codepoint == (UChar32)IS_STRING;
+inline UChar32 UnicodeSetIterator::getCodepoint() const {
+    return codepoint;
+inline UChar32 UnicodeSetIterator::getCodepointEnd() const {
+    return codepointEnd;
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ushape.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ushape.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78b4d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ushape.h
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2000-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ushape.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2000jun29
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __USHAPE_H__
+#define __USHAPE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API:  Arabic shaping
+ * 
+ */
+ * Shape Arabic text on a character basis.
+ *
+ * <p>This function performs basic operations for "shaping" Arabic text. It is most
+ * useful for use with legacy data formats and legacy display technology
+ * (simple terminals). All operations are performed on Unicode characters.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Text-based shaping means that some character code points in the text are
+ * replaced by others depending on the context. It transforms one kind of text
+ * into another. In comparison, modern displays for Arabic text select
+ * appropriate, context-dependent font glyphs for each text element, which means
+ * that they transform text into a glyph vector.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Text transformations are necessary when modern display technology is not
+ * available or when text needs to be transformed to or from legacy formats that
+ * use "shaped" characters. Since the Arabic script is cursive, connecting
+ * adjacent letters to each other, computers select images for each letter based
+ * on the surrounding letters. This usually results in four images per Arabic
+ * letter: initial, middle, final, and isolated forms. In Unicode, on the other
+ * hand, letters are normally stored abstract, and a display system is expected
+ * to select the necessary glyphs. (This makes searching and other text
+ * processing easier because the same letter has only one code.) It is possible
+ * to mimic this with text transformations because there are characters in
+ * Unicode that are rendered as letters with a specific shape
+ * (or cursive connectivity). They were included for interoperability with
+ * legacy systems and codepages, and for unsophisticated display systems.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>A second kind of text transformations is supported for Arabic digits:
+ * For compatibility with legacy codepages that only include European digits,
+ * it is possible to replace one set of digits by another, changing the
+ * character code points. These operations can be performed for either
+ * Arabic-Indic Digits (U+0660...U+0669) or Eastern (Extended) Arabic-Indic
+ * digits (U+06f0...U+06f9).</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Some replacements may result in more or fewer characters (code points).
+ * By default, this means that the destination buffer may receive text with a
+ * length different from the source length. Some legacy systems rely on the
+ * length of the text to be constant. They expect extra spaces to be added
+ * or consumed either next to the affected character or at the end of the
+ * text.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For details about the available operations, see the description of the
+ * <code>U_SHAPE_...</code> options.</p>
+ *
+ * @param source The input text.
+ *
+ * @param sourceLength The number of UChars in <code>source</code>.
+ *
+ * @param dest The destination buffer that will receive the results of the
+ *             requested operations. It may be <code>NULL</code> only if
+ *             <code>destSize</code> is 0. The source and destination must not
+ *             overlap.
+ *
+ * @param destSize The size (capacity) of the destination buffer in UChars.
+ *                 If <code>destSize</code> is 0, then no output is produced,
+ *                 but the necessary buffer size is returned ("preflighting").
+ *
+ * @param options This is a 32-bit set of flags that specify the operations
+ *                that are performed on the input text. If no error occurs,
+ *                then the result will always be written to the destination
+ *                buffer.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *        which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ *
+ * @return The number of UChars written to the destination buffer.
+ *         If an error occurred, then no output was written, or it may be
+ *         incomplete. If <code>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</code> is set, then
+ *         the return value indicates the necessary destination buffer size.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_shapeArabic(const UChar *source, int32_t sourceLength,
+              UChar *dest, int32_t destSize,
+              uint32_t options,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Memory option: allow the result to have a different length than the source.
+ * Affects: LamAlef options
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_LENGTH_GROW_SHRINK              0
+ * Memory option: allow the result to have a different length than the source.
+ * Affects: LamAlef options
+ * This option is an alias to U_SHAPE_LENGTH_GROW_SHRINK
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_LAMALEF_RESIZE                  0 
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * If more room is necessary, then try to consume spaces next to modified characters.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * If more room is necessary, then try to consume spaces next to modified characters.
+ * Affects: LamAlef options
+ * This option is an alias to U_SHAPE_LENGTH_FIXED_SPACES_NEAR
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_LAMALEF_NEAR                    1 
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * If more room is necessary, then try to consume spaces at the end of the text.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * If more room is necessary, then try to consume spaces at the end of the text.
+ * Affects: LamAlef options
+ * This option is an alias to U_SHAPE_LENGTH_FIXED_SPACES_AT_END
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_LAMALEF_END                     2 
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * If more room is necessary, then try to consume spaces at the beginning of the text.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * If more room is necessary, then try to consume spaces at the beginning of the text.
+ * Affects: LamAlef options
+ * This option is an alias to U_SHAPE_LENGTH_FIXED_SPACES_AT_BEGINNING
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_LAMALEF_BEGIN                    3 
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * Shaping Mode: For each LAMALEF character found, expand LAMALEF using space at end.
+ *               If there is no space at end, use spaces at beginning of the buffer. If there
+ *               is no space at beginning of the buffer, use spaces at the near (i.e. the space
+ *               after the LAMALEF character).
+ *               If there are no spaces found, an error U_NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE (as defined in utypes.h) 
+ *               will be set in pErrorCode
+ *
+ * Deshaping Mode: Perform the same function as the flag equals U_SHAPE_LAMALEF_END. 
+ * Affects: LamAlef options
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_LAMALEF_AUTO                     0x10000 
+/** Bit mask for memory options. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_LENGTH_MASK                      0x10003 /* Changed old value 3 */
+ * Bit mask for LamAlef memory options.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_LAMALEF_MASK                     0x10003 /* updated */
+/** Direction indicator: the source is in logical (keyboard) order. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+ * Direction indicator:
+ * the source is in visual RTL order,
+ * the rightmost displayed character stored first.
+ * This option is an alias to U_SHAPE_TEXT_DIRECTION_LOGICAL
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ * Direction indicator:
+ * the source is in visual LTR order,
+ * the leftmost displayed character stored first.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+/** Bit mask for direction indicators. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK             4
+/** Letter shaping option: do not perform letter shaping. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_LETTERS_NOOP                    0
+/** Letter shaping option: replace abstract letter characters by "shaped" ones. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_LETTERS_SHAPE                   8
+/** Letter shaping option: replace "shaped" letter characters by abstract ones. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_LETTERS_UNSHAPE                 0x10
+ * Letter shaping option: replace abstract letter characters by "shaped" ones.
+ * The only difference with U_SHAPE_LETTERS_SHAPE is that Tashkeel letters
+ * are always "shaped" into the isolated form instead of the medial form
+ * (selecting code points from the Arabic Presentation Forms-B block).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+/** Bit mask for letter shaping options. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_LETTERS_MASK                        0x18
+/** Digit shaping option: do not perform digit shaping. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGITS_NOOP                     0
+ * Digit shaping option:
+ * Replace European digits (U+0030...) by Arabic-Indic digits.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGITS_EN2AN                    0x20
+ * Digit shaping option:
+ * Replace Arabic-Indic digits by European digits (U+0030...).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGITS_AN2EN                    0x40
+ * Digit shaping option:
+ * Replace European digits (U+0030...) by Arabic-Indic digits if the most recent
+ * strongly directional character is an Arabic letter
+ * (<code>u_charDirection()</code> result <code>U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC</code> [AL]).<br>
+ * The direction of "preceding" depends on the direction indicator option.
+ * For the first characters, the preceding strongly directional character
+ * (initial state) is assumed to be not an Arabic letter
+ * (it is <code>U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT</code> [L] or <code>U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT</code> [R]).
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGITS_ALEN2AN_INIT_LR          0x60
+ * Digit shaping option:
+ * Replace European digits (U+0030...) by Arabic-Indic digits if the most recent
+ * strongly directional character is an Arabic letter
+ * (<code>u_charDirection()</code> result <code>U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC</code> [AL]).<br>
+ * The direction of "preceding" depends on the direction indicator option.
+ * For the first characters, the preceding strongly directional character
+ * (initial state) is assumed to be an Arabic letter.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGITS_ALEN2AN_INIT_AL          0x80
+/** Not a valid option value. May be replaced by a new option. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGITS_RESERVED                 0xa0
+/** Bit mask for digit shaping options. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGITS_MASK                     0xe0
+/** Digit type option: Use Arabic-Indic digits (U+0660...U+0669). @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGIT_TYPE_AN                   0
+/** Digit type option: Use Eastern (Extended) Arabic-Indic digits (U+06f0...U+06f9). @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGIT_TYPE_AN_EXTENDED          0x100
+/** Not a valid option value. May be replaced by a new option. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGIT_TYPE_RESERVED             0x200
+/** Bit mask for digit type options. @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_SHAPE_DIGIT_TYPE_MASK                 0x300 /* I need to change this from 0x3f00 to 0x300 */
+ * Tashkeel aggregation option:
+ * Replaces any combination of U+0651 with one of
+ * U+064C, U+064D, U+064E, U+064F, U+0650 with
+ * U+FC5E, U+FC5F, U+FC60, U+FC61, U+FC62 consecutively.
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_AGGREGATE_TASHKEEL              0x4000
+/** Tashkeel aggregation option: do not aggregate tashkeels. @stable ICU 3.6 */
+/** Bit mask for tashkeel aggregation. @stable ICU 3.6 */
+#define U_SHAPE_AGGREGATE_TASHKEEL_MASK         0x4000
+ * Presentation form option:
+ * Don't replace Arabic Presentation Forms-A and Arabic Presentation Forms-B
+ * characters with 0+06xx characters, before shaping.
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_PRESERVE_PRESENTATION           0x8000
+/** Presentation form option: 
+ * Replace Arabic Presentation Forms-A and Arabic Presentationo Forms-B with 
+ * their unshaped correspondants in range 0+06xx, before shaping.
+ * @stable ICU 3.6 
+ */
+/** Bit mask for preserve presentation form. @stable ICU 3.6 */
+/* Seen Tail option */ 
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * Shaping mode: The SEEN family character will expand into two characters using space near 
+ *               the SEEN family character(i.e. the space after the character).
+ *               If there are no spaces found, an error U_NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE (as defined in utypes.h) 
+ *               will be set in pErrorCode
+ *
+ * De-shaping mode: Any Seen character followed by Tail character will be
+ *                  replaced by one cell Seen and a space will replace the Tail.
+ * Affects: Seen options
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_SEEN_TWOCELL_NEAR     0x200000
+ * Bit mask for Seen memory options. 
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_SEEN_MASK             0x700000
+/* YehHamza option */ 
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * Shaping mode: The YEHHAMZA character will expand into two characters using space near it 
+ *              (i.e. the space after the character
+ *               If there are no spaces found, an error U_NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE (as defined in utypes.h) 
+ *               will be set in pErrorCode
+ *
+ * De-shaping mode: Any Yeh (final or isolated) character followed by Hamza character will be
+ *                  replaced by one cell YehHamza and space will replace the Hamza.
+ * Affects: YehHamza options
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_YEHHAMZA_TWOCELL_NEAR      0x1000000
+ * Bit mask for YehHamza memory options. 
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_YEHHAMZA_MASK              0x3800000
+/* New Tashkeel options */ 
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * Shaping mode: Tashkeel characters will be replaced by spaces. 
+ *               Spaces will be placed at beginning of the buffer
+ *
+ * De-shaping mode: N/A
+ * Affects: Tashkeel options
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_TASHKEEL_BEGIN                      0x40000
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * Shaping mode: Tashkeel characters will be replaced by spaces. 
+ *               Spaces will be placed at end of the buffer
+ *
+ * De-shaping mode: N/A
+ * Affects: Tashkeel options
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_TASHKEEL_END                        0x60000
+ * Memory option: allow the result to have a different length than the source.
+ * Shaping mode: Tashkeel characters will be removed, buffer length will shrink. 
+ * De-shaping mode: N/A 
+ *
+ * Affect: Tashkeel options
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_TASHKEEL_RESIZE                     0x80000
+ * Memory option: the result must have the same length as the source.
+ * Shaping mode: Tashkeel characters will be replaced by Tatweel if it is connected to adjacent
+ *               characters (i.e. shaped on Tatweel) or replaced by space if it is not connected.
+ *
+ * De-shaping mode: N/A
+ * Affects: YehHamza options
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ * Bit mask for Tashkeel replacement with Space or Tatweel memory options. 
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_TASHKEEL_MASK                       0xE0000
+/* Space location Control options */ 
+ * This option affect the meaning of BEGIN and END options. if this option is not used the default
+ * for BEGIN and END will be as following: 
+ * The Default (for both Visual LTR, Visual RTL and Logical Text)
+ *           1. BEGIN always refers to the start address of physical memory.
+ *           2. END always refers to the end address of physical memory.
+ *
+ * If this option is used it will swap the meaning of BEGIN and END only for Visual LTR text. 
+ *
+ * The effect on BEGIN and END Memory Options will be as following:
+ *    A. BEGIN For Visual LTR text: This will be the beginning (right side) of the visual text(
+ *       corresponding to the physical memory address end for Visual LTR text, Same as END in 
+ *       default behavior)
+ *    B. BEGIN For Logical text: Same as BEGIN in default behavior. 
+ *    C. END For Visual LTR text: This will be the end (left side) of the visual text (corresponding
+ *       to the physical memory address beginning for Visual LTR text, Same as BEGIN in default behavior.
+ *    D. END For Logical text: Same as END in default behavior). 
+ * Affects: All LamAlef BEGIN, END and AUTO options.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ * Bit mask for swapping BEGIN and END for Visual LTR text 
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_SPACES_RELATIVE_TO_TEXT_MASK      0x4000000
+ * If this option is used, shaping will use the new Unicode code point for TAIL (i.e. 0xFE73). 
+ * If this option is not specified (Default), old unofficial Unicode TAIL code point is used (i.e. 0x200B)
+ * De-shaping will not use this option as it will always search for both the new Unicode code point for the 
+ * TAIL (i.e. 0xFE73) or the old unofficial Unicode TAIL code point (i.e. 0x200B) and de-shape the
+ * Seen-Family letter accordingly.
+ *
+ * Shaping Mode: Only shaping.
+ * De-shaping Mode: N/A.
+ * Affects: All Seen options
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_TAIL_NEW_UNICODE        0x8000000
+ * Bit mask for new Unicode Tail option 
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+#define U_SHAPE_TAIL_TYPE_MASK          0x8000000
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uspoof.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uspoof.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e846e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uspoof.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1574 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uspoof.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2008Feb13
+*   created by: Andy Heninger
+*   Unicode Spoof Detection
+#ifndef USPOOF_H
+#define USPOOF_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief Unicode Security and Spoofing Detection, C API.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This class, based on <a href="">Unicode Technical Report #36</a> and
+ * <a href="">Unicode Technical Standard #39</a>, has two main functions:
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Checking whether two strings are visually <em>confusable</em> with each other, such as "Harvest" and
+ * &quot;&Eta;arvest&quot;, where the second string starts with the Greek capital letter Eta.</li>
+ * <li>Checking whether an individual string is likely to be an attempt at confusing the reader (<em>spoof
+ * detection</em>), such as "paypal" with some Latin characters substituted with Cyrillic look-alikes.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Although originally designed as a method for flagging suspicious identifier strings such as URLs,
+ * <code>USpoofChecker</code> has a number of other practical use cases, such as preventing attempts to evade bad-word
+ * content filters.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The functions of this class are exposed as C API, with a handful of syntactical conveniences for C++.
+ *
+ * <h2>Confusables</h2>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The following example shows how to use <code>USpoofChecker</code> to check for confusability between two strings:
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar* str1 = (UChar*) u"Harvest";
+ * UChar* str2 = (UChar*) u"\u0397arvest";  // with U+0397 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
+ *
+ * USpoofChecker* sc = uspoof_open(&status);
+ * uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_CONFUSABLE, &status);
+ *
+ * int32_t bitmask = uspoof_areConfusable(sc, str1, -1, str2, -1, &status);
+ * UBool result = bitmask != 0;
+ * // areConfusable: 1 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * printf("areConfusable: %d (status: %s)\n", result, u_errorName(status));
+ * uspoof_close(sc);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The call to {@link uspoof_open} creates a <code>USpoofChecker</code> object; the call to {@link uspoof_setChecks}
+ * enables confusable checking and disables all other checks; the call to {@link uspoof_areConfusable} performs the
+ * confusability test; and the following line extracts the result out of the return value. For best performance,
+ * the instance should be created once (e.g., upon application startup), and the efficient
+ * {@link uspoof_areConfusable} method can be used at runtime.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The type {@link LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer} is exposed for C++ programmers.  It will automatically call
+ * {@link uspoof_close} when the object goes out of scope:
+ *
+ * \code{.cpp}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer sc(uspoof_open(&status));
+ * uspoof_setChecks(sc.getAlias(), USPOOF_CONFUSABLE, &status);
+ * // ...
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * UTS 39 defines two strings to be <em>confusable</em> if they map to the same <em>skeleton string</em>. A skeleton can
+ * be thought of as a "hash code". {@link uspoof_getSkeleton} computes the skeleton for a particular string, so
+ * the following snippet is equivalent to the example above:
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar* str1 = (UChar*) u"Harvest";
+ * UChar* str2 = (UChar*) u"\u0397arvest";  // with U+0397 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
+ *
+ * USpoofChecker* sc = uspoof_open(&status);
+ * uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_CONFUSABLE, &status);
+ *
+ * // Get skeleton 1
+ * int32_t skel1Len = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, str1, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ * UChar* skel1 = (UChar*) malloc(++skel1Len * sizeof(UChar));
+ * status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, str1, -1, skel1, skel1Len, &status);
+ *
+ * // Get skeleton 2
+ * int32_t skel2Len = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, str2, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ * UChar* skel2 = (UChar*) malloc(++skel2Len * sizeof(UChar));
+ * status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, str2, -1, skel2, skel2Len, &status);
+ *
+ * // Are the skeletons the same?
+ * UBool result = u_strcmp(skel1, skel2) == 0;
+ * // areConfusable: 1 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * printf("areConfusable: %d (status: %s)\n", result, u_errorName(status));
+ * uspoof_close(sc);
+ * free(skel1);
+ * free(skel2);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * If you need to check if a string is confusable with any string in a dictionary of many strings, rather than calling
+ * {@link uspoof_areConfusable} many times in a loop, {@link uspoof_getSkeleton} can be used instead, as shown below:
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar* dictionary[DICTIONARY_LENGTH] = { (UChar*) u"lorem", (UChar*) u"ipsum" };
+ * UChar* skeletons[DICTIONARY_LENGTH];
+ * UChar* str = (UChar*) u"1orern";
+ *
+ * // Setup:
+ * USpoofChecker* sc = uspoof_open(&status);
+ * uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_CONFUSABLE, &status);
+ * for (size_t i=0; i<DICTIONARY_LENGTH; i++) {
+ *     UChar* word = dictionary[i];
+ *     int32_t len = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, word, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ *     skeletons[i] = (UChar*) malloc(++len * sizeof(UChar));
+ *     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, word, -1, skeletons[i], len, &status);
+ * }
+ *
+ * // Live Check:
+ * {
+ *     int32_t len = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ *     UChar* skel = (UChar*) malloc(++len * sizeof(UChar));
+ *     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, 0, str, -1, skel, len, &status);
+ *     UBool result = FALSE;
+ *     for (size_t i=0; i<DICTIONARY_LENGTH; i++) {
+ *         result = u_strcmp(skel, skeletons[i]) == 0;
+ *         if (result == TRUE) { break; }
+ *     }
+ *     // Has confusable in dictionary: 1 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ *     printf("Has confusable in dictionary: %d (status: %s)\n", result, u_errorName(status));
+ *     free(skel);
+ * }
+ *
+ * for (size_t i=0; i<DICTIONARY_LENGTH; i++) {
+ *     free(skeletons[i]);
+ * }
+ * uspoof_close(sc);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * <b>Note:</b> Since the Unicode confusables mapping table is frequently updated, confusable skeletons are <em>not</em>
+ * guaranteed to be the same between ICU releases. We therefore recommend that you always compute confusable skeletons
+ * at runtime and do not rely on creating a permanent, or difficult to update, database of skeletons.
+ *
+ * <h2>Spoof Detection</h2>
+ *
+ * The following snippet shows a minimal example of using <code>USpoofChecker</code> to perform spoof detection on a
+ * string:
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar* str = (UChar*) u"p\u0430ypal";  // with U+0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
+ *
+ * // Get the default set of allowable characters:
+ * USet* allowed = uset_openEmpty();
+ * uset_addAll(allowed, uspoof_getRecommendedSet(&status));
+ * uset_addAll(allowed, uspoof_getInclusionSet(&status));
+ *
+ * USpoofChecker* sc = uspoof_open(&status);
+ * uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, allowed, &status);
+ * uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(sc, USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE);
+ *
+ * int32_t bitmask = uspoof_check(sc, str, -1, NULL, &status);
+ * UBool result = bitmask != 0;
+ * // fails checks: 1 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * printf("fails checks: %d (status: %s)\n", result, u_errorName(status));
+ * uspoof_close(sc);
+ * uset_close(allowed);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * As in the case for confusability checking, it is good practice to create one <code>USpoofChecker</code> instance at
+ * startup, and call the cheaper {@link uspoof_check} online. We specify the set of
+ * allowed characters to be those with type RECOMMENDED or INCLUSION, according to the recommendation in UTS 39.
+ *
+ * In addition to {@link uspoof_check}, the function {@link uspoof_checkUTF8} is exposed for UTF8-encoded char* strings,
+ * and {@link uspoof_checkUnicodeString} is exposed for C++ programmers.
+ *
+ * If the {@link USPOOF_AUX_INFO} check is enabled, a limited amount of information on why a string failed the checks
+ * is available in the returned bitmask.  For complete information, use the {@link uspoof_check2} class of functions
+ * with a {@link USpoofCheckResult} parameter:
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar* str = (UChar*) u"p\u0430ypal";  // with U+0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
+ *
+ * // Get the default set of allowable characters:
+ * USet* allowed = uset_openEmpty();
+ * uset_addAll(allowed, uspoof_getRecommendedSet(&status));
+ * uset_addAll(allowed, uspoof_getInclusionSet(&status));
+ *
+ * USpoofChecker* sc = uspoof_open(&status);
+ * uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, allowed, &status);
+ * uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(sc, USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE);
+ *
+ * USpoofCheckResult* checkResult = uspoof_openCheckResult(&status);
+ * int32_t bitmask = uspoof_check2(sc, str, -1, checkResult, &status);
+ *
+ * int32_t failures1 = bitmask;
+ * int32_t failures2 = uspoof_getCheckResultChecks(checkResult, &status);
+ * assert(failures1 == failures2);
+ * // checks that failed: 0x00000010 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * printf("checks that failed: %#010x (status: %s)\n", failures1, u_errorName(status));
+ *
+ * // Cleanup:
+ * uspoof_close(sc);
+ * uset_close(allowed);
+ * uspoof_closeCheckResult(checkResult);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * C++ users can take advantage of a few syntactical conveniences.  The following snippet is functionally
+ * equivalent to the one above:
+ *
+ * \code{.cpp}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UnicodeString str((UChar*) u"p\u0430ypal");  // with U+0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
+ *
+ * // Get the default set of allowable characters:
+ * UnicodeSet allowed;
+ * allowed.addAll(*uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(&status));
+ * allowed.addAll(*uspoof_getInclusionUnicodeSet(&status));
+ *
+ * LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer sc(uspoof_open(&status));
+ * uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc.getAlias(), allowed.toUSet(), &status);
+ * uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(sc.getAlias(), USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE);
+ *
+ * LocalUSpoofCheckResultPointer checkResult(uspoof_openCheckResult(&status));
+ * int32_t bitmask = uspoof_check2UnicodeString(sc.getAlias(), str, checkResult.getAlias(), &status);
+ *
+ * int32_t failures1 = bitmask;
+ * int32_t failures2 = uspoof_getCheckResultChecks(checkResult.getAlias(), &status);
+ * assert(failures1 == failures2);
+ * // checks that failed: 0x00000010 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * printf("checks that failed: %#010x (status: %s)\n", failures1, u_errorName(status));
+ *
+ * // Explicit cleanup not necessary.
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The return value is a bitmask of the checks that failed. In this case, there was one check that failed:
+ * {@link USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL}, corresponding to the fifth bit (16). The possible checks are:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><code>RESTRICTION_LEVEL</code>: flags strings that violate the
+ * <a href="">Restriction Level</a> test as specified in UTS
+ * 39; in most cases, this means flagging strings that contain characters from multiple different scripts.</li>
+ * <li><code>INVISIBLE</code>: flags strings that contain invisible characters, such as zero-width spaces, or character
+ * sequences that are likely not to display, such as multiple occurrences of the same non-spacing mark.</li>
+ * <li><code>CHAR_LIMIT</code>: flags strings that contain characters outside of a specified set of acceptable
+ * characters. See {@link uspoof_setAllowedChars} and {@link uspoof_setAllowedLocales}.</li>
+ * <li><code>MIXED_NUMBERS</code>: flags strings that contain digits from multiple different numbering systems.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * These checks can be enabled independently of each other. For example, if you were interested in checking for only the
+ * INVISIBLE and MIXED_NUMBERS conditions, you could do:
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UChar* str = (UChar*) u"8\u09EA";  // 8 mixed with U+09EA BENGALI DIGIT FOUR
+ *
+ * USpoofChecker* sc = uspoof_open(&status);
+ * uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_INVISIBLE | USPOOF_MIXED_NUMBERS, &status);
+ *
+ * int32_t bitmask = uspoof_check2(sc, str, -1, NULL, &status);
+ * UBool result = bitmask != 0;
+ * // fails checks: 1 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * printf("fails checks: %d (status: %s)\n", result, u_errorName(status));
+ * uspoof_close(sc);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Here is an example in C++ showing how to compute the restriction level of a string:
+ *
+ * \code{.cpp}
+ * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ * UnicodeString str((UChar*) u"p\u0430ypal");  // with U+0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
+ *
+ * // Get the default set of allowable characters:
+ * UnicodeSet allowed;
+ * allowed.addAll(*uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(&status));
+ * allowed.addAll(*uspoof_getInclusionUnicodeSet(&status));
+ *
+ * LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer sc(uspoof_open(&status));
+ * uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc.getAlias(), allowed.toUSet(), &status);
+ * uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(sc.getAlias(), USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE);
+ * uspoof_setChecks(sc.getAlias(), USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL | USPOOF_AUX_INFO, &status);
+ *
+ * LocalUSpoofCheckResultPointer checkResult(uspoof_openCheckResult(&status));
+ * int32_t bitmask = uspoof_check2UnicodeString(sc.getAlias(), str, checkResult.getAlias(), &status);
+ *
+ * URestrictionLevel restrictionLevel = uspoof_getCheckResultRestrictionLevel(checkResult.getAlias(), &status);
+ * // Since USPOOF_AUX_INFO was enabled, the restriction level is also available in the upper bits of the bitmask:
+ * assert((restrictionLevel & bitmask) == restrictionLevel);
+ * // Restriction level: 0x50000000 (status: U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * printf("Restriction level: %#010x (status: %s)\n", restrictionLevel, u_errorName(status));
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The code '0x50000000' corresponds to the restriction level USPOOF_MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE.  Since
+ * USPOOF_MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE is weaker than USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE, the string fails the check.
+ *
+ * <b>Note:</b> The Restriction Level is the most powerful of the checks. The full logic is documented in
+ * <a href="">UTS 39</a>, but the basic idea is that strings
+ * are restricted to contain characters from only a single script, <em>except</em> that most scripts are allowed to have
+ * Latin characters interspersed. Although the default restriction level is <code>HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE</code>, it is
+ * recommended that users set their restriction level to <code>MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE</code>, which allows Latin mixed
+ * with all other scripts except Cyrillic, Greek, and Cherokee, with which it is often confusable. For more details on
+ * the levels, see UTS 39 or {@link URestrictionLevel}. The Restriction Level test is aware of the set of
+ * allowed characters set in {@link uspoof_setAllowedChars}. Note that characters which have script code
+ * COMMON or INHERITED, such as numbers and punctuation, are ignored when computing whether a string has multiple
+ * scripts.
+ *
+ * <h2>Additional Information</h2>
+ *
+ * A <code>USpoofChecker</code> instance may be used repeatedly to perform checks on any number of identifiers.
+ *
+ * <b>Thread Safety:</b> The test functions for checking a single identifier, or for testing whether
+ * two identifiers are possible confusable, are thread safe. They may called concurrently, from multiple threads,
+ * using the same USpoofChecker instance.
+ *
+ * More generally, the standard ICU thread safety rules apply: functions that take a const USpoofChecker parameter are
+ * thread safe. Those that take a non-const USpoofChecker are not thread safe..
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.6
+ */
+struct USpoofChecker;
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+typedef struct USpoofChecker USpoofChecker; /**< typedef for C of USpoofChecker */
+struct USpoofCheckResult;
+ * @see uspoof_openCheckResult
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+typedef struct USpoofCheckResult USpoofCheckResult;
+ * Enum for the kinds of checks that USpoofChecker can perform.
+ * These enum values are used both to select the set of checks that
+ * will be performed, and to report results from the check function.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+typedef enum USpoofChecks {
+    /**
+     * When performing the two-string {@link uspoof_areConfusable} test, this flag in the return value indicates
+     * that the two strings are visually confusable and that they are from the same script, according to UTS 39 section
+     * 4.
+     *
+     * @see uspoof_areConfusable
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * When performing the two-string {@link uspoof_areConfusable} test, this flag in the return value indicates
+     * that the two strings are visually confusable and that they are <b>not</b> from the same script, according to UTS
+     * 39 section 4.
+     *
+     * @see uspoof_areConfusable
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * When performing the two-string {@link uspoof_areConfusable} test, this flag in the return value indicates
+     * that the two strings are visually confusable and that they are not from the same script but both of them are
+     * single-script strings, according to UTS 39 section 4.
+     *
+     * @see uspoof_areConfusable
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Enable this flag in {@link uspoof_setChecks} to turn on all types of confusables.  You may set
+     * make {@link uspoof_areConfusable} return only those types of confusables.
+     *
+     * @see uspoof_areConfusable
+     * @see uspoof_getSkeleton
+     * @stable ICU 58
+     */
+    /**
+      * This flag is deprecated and no longer affects the behavior of SpoofChecker.
+      *
+      * @deprecated ICU 58  Any case confusable mappings were removed from UTS 39; the corresponding ICU API was deprecated.
+      */
+    USPOOF_ANY_CASE                 =   8,
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /**
+      * Check that an identifier is no looser than the specified RestrictionLevel.
+      * The default if {@link uspoof_setRestrictionLevel} is not called is HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE.
+      *
+      * If USPOOF_AUX_INFO is enabled the actual restriction level of the
+      * identifier being tested will also be returned by uspoof_check().
+      *
+      * @see URestrictionLevel
+      * @see uspoof_setRestrictionLevel
+      * @see USPOOF_AUX_INFO
+      *
+      * @stable ICU 51
+      */
+    /** Check that an identifier contains only characters from a
+      * single script (plus chars from the common and inherited scripts.)
+      * Applies to checks of a single identifier check only.
+      * @deprecated ICU 51  Use RESTRICTION_LEVEL instead.
+      */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    /** Check an identifier for the presence of invisible characters,
+      * such as zero-width spaces, or character sequences that are
+      * likely not to display, such as multiple occurrences of the same
+      * non-spacing mark.  This check does not test the input string as a whole
+      * for conformance to any particular syntax for identifiers.
+      */
+    USPOOF_INVISIBLE                =  32,
+    /** Check that an identifier contains only characters from a specified set
+      * of acceptable characters.  See {@link uspoof_setAllowedChars} and
+      * {@link uspoof_setAllowedLocales}.  Note that a string that fails this check
+      * will also fail the {@link USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL} check.
+      */
+    USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT               =  64,
+    /**
+     * Check that an identifier does not mix numbers from different numbering systems.
+     * For more information, see UTS 39 section 5.3.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     */
+    USPOOF_MIXED_NUMBERS            = 128,
+    /**
+     * Check that an identifier does not have a combining character following a character in which that
+     * combining character would be hidden; for example 'i' followed by a U+0307 combining dot.
+     *
+     * More specifically, the following characters are forbidden from preceding a U+0307:
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>Those with the Soft_Dotted Unicode property (which includes 'i' and 'j')</li>
+     * <li>Latin lowercase letter 'l'</li>
+     * <li>Dotless 'i' and 'j' ('ı' and 'ȷ', U+0131 and U+0237)</li>
+     * <li>Any character whose confusable prototype ends with such a character
+     * (Soft_Dotted, 'l', 'ı', or 'ȷ')</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * In addition, combining characters are allowed between the above characters and U+0307 except those
+     * with combining class 0 or combining class "Above" (230, same class as U+0307).
+     *
+     * This list and the number of combing characters considered by this check may grow over time.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 62
+     */
+    USPOOF_HIDDEN_OVERLAY            = 256,
+   /**
+     * Enable all spoof checks.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS               = 0xFFFF,
+    /**
+      * Enable the return of auxillary (non-error) information in the
+      * upper bits of the check results value.
+      *
+      * If this "check" is not enabled, the results of {@link uspoof_check} will be
+      * zero when an identifier passes all of the enabled checks.
+      *
+      * If this "check" is enabled, (uspoof_check() & {@link USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS}) will
+      * be zero when an identifier passes all checks.
+      *
+      * @stable ICU 51
+      */
+    USPOOF_AUX_INFO                  = 0x40000000
+    } USpoofChecks;
+    /**
+     * Constants from UAX #39 for use in {@link uspoof_setRestrictionLevel}, and
+     * for returned identifier restriction levels in check results.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 51
+     *
+     * @see uspoof_setRestrictionLevel
+     * @see uspoof_check
+     */
+    typedef enum URestrictionLevel {
+        /**
+         * All characters in the string are in the identifier profile and all characters in the string are in the
+         * ASCII range.
+         *
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        USPOOF_ASCII = 0x10000000,
+        /**
+         * The string classifies as ASCII-Only, or all characters in the string are in the identifier profile and
+         * the string is single-script, according to the definition in UTS 39 section 5.1.
+         *
+         * @stable ICU 53
+         */
+        /**
+         * The string classifies as Single Script, or all characters in the string are in the identifier profile and
+         * the string is covered by any of the following sets of scripts, according to the definition in UTS 39
+         * section 5.1:
+         * <ul>
+         *   <li>Latin + Han + Bopomofo (or equivalently: Latn + Hanb)</li>
+         *   <li>Latin + Han + Hiragana + Katakana (or equivalently: Latn + Jpan)</li>
+         *   <li>Latin + Han + Hangul (or equivalently: Latn +Kore)</li>
+         * </ul>
+         * This is the default restriction in ICU.
+         *
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE = 0x30000000,
+        /**
+         * The string classifies as Highly Restrictive, or all characters in the string are in the identifier profile
+         * and the string is covered by Latin and any one other Recommended or Aspirational script, except Cyrillic,
+         * Greek, and Cherokee.
+         *
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        /**
+         * All characters in the string are in the identifier profile.  Allow arbitrary mixtures of scripts.
+         *
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        /**
+         * Any valid identifiers, including characters outside of the Identifier Profile.
+         *
+         * @stable ICU 51
+         */
+        USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE = 0x60000000,
+        /**
+         * Mask for selecting the Restriction Level bits from the return value of {@link uspoof_check}.
+         *
+         * @stable ICU 53
+         */
+        /**
+         * An undefined restriction level.
+         * @internal
+         */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    } URestrictionLevel;
+ *  Create a Unicode Spoof Checker, configured to perform all
+ *  checks except for USPOOF_LOCALE_LIMIT and USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT.
+ *  Note that additional checks may be added in the future,
+ *  resulting in the changes to the default checking behavior.
+ *
+ *  @param status  The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ *  @return        the newly created Spoof Checker
+ *  @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_open(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Open a Spoof checker from its serialized form, stored in 32-bit-aligned memory.
+ * Inverse of uspoof_serialize().
+ * The memory containing the serialized data must remain valid and unchanged
+ * as long as the spoof checker, or any cloned copies of the spoof checker,
+ * are in use.  Ownership of the memory remains with the caller.
+ * The spoof checker (and any clones) must be closed prior to deleting the
+ * serialized data.
+ *
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory containing the serialized form of spoof data
+ * @param length the number of bytes available at data;
+ *               can be more than necessary
+ * @param pActualLength receives the actual number of bytes at data taken up by the data;
+ *                      can be NULL
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code
+ * @return the spoof checker.
+ *
+ * @see uspoof_open
+ * @see uspoof_serialize
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_openFromSerialized(const void *data, int32_t length, int32_t *pActualLength,
+                          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+  * Open a Spoof Checker from the source form of the spoof data.
+  * The input corresponds to the Unicode data file confusables.txt
+  * as described in Unicode UAX #39.  The syntax of the source data
+  * is as described in UAX #39 for this file, and the content of
+  * this file is acceptable input.
+  *
+  * The character encoding of the (char *) input text is UTF-8.
+  *
+  * @param confusables a pointer to the confusable characters definitions,
+  *                    as found in file confusables.txt from
+  * @param confusablesLen The length of the confusables text, or -1 if the
+  *                    input string is zero terminated.
+  * @param confusablesWholeScript
+  *                    Deprecated in ICU 58.  No longer used.
+  * @param confusablesWholeScriptLen
+  *                    Deprecated in ICU 58.  No longer used.
+  * @param errType     In the event of an error in the input, indicates
+  *                    which of the input files contains the error.
+  *                    The value is one of USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE or
+  *                    USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, or
+  *                    zero if no errors are found.
+  * @param pe          In the event of an error in the input, receives the position
+  *                    in the input text (line, offset) of the error.
+  * @param status      an in/out ICU UErrorCode.  Among the possible errors is
+  *                    U_PARSE_ERROR, which is used to report syntax errors
+  *                    in the input.
+  * @return            A spoof checker that uses the rules from the input files.
+  * @stable ICU 4.2
+  */
+U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_openFromSource(const char *confusables,  int32_t confusablesLen,
+                      const char *confusablesWholeScript, int32_t confusablesWholeScriptLen,
+                      int32_t *errType, UParseError *pe, UErrorCode *status);
+  * Close a Spoof Checker, freeing any memory that was being held by
+  *   its implementation.
+  * @stable ICU 4.2
+  */
+uspoof_close(USpoofChecker *sc);
+ * Clone a Spoof Checker.  The clone will be set to perform the same checks
+ *   as the original source.
+ *
+ * @param sc       The source USpoofChecker
+ * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @return
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_clone(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Specify the bitmask of checks that will be performed by {@link uspoof_check}. Calling this method
+ * overwrites any checks that may have already been enabled. By default, all checks are enabled.
+ *
+ * To enable specific checks and disable all others, the "whitelisted" checks should be ORed together. For
+ * example, to fail strings containing characters outside of the set specified by {@link uspoof_setAllowedChars} and
+ * also strings that contain digits from mixed numbering systems:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * {@code
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * To disable specific checks and enable all others, the "blacklisted" checks should be ANDed away from
+ * ALL_CHECKS. For example, if you are not planning to use the {@link uspoof_areConfusable} functionality,
+ * it is good practice to disable the CONFUSABLE check:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * {@code
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * Note that methods such as {@link uspoof_setAllowedChars}, {@link uspoof_setAllowedLocales}, and
+ * {@link uspoof_setRestrictionLevel} will enable certain checks when called. Those methods will OR the check they
+ * enable onto the existing bitmask specified by this method. For more details, see the documentation of those
+ * methods.
+ *
+ * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
+ * @param checks         The set of checks that this spoof checker will perform.
+ *                 The value is a bit set, obtained by OR-ing together
+ *                 values from enum USpoofChecks.
+ * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ *
+ */
+uspoof_setChecks(USpoofChecker *sc, int32_t checks, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get the set of checks that this Spoof Checker has been configured to perform.
+ *
+ * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
+ * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @return         The set of checks that this spoof checker will perform.
+ *                 The value is a bit set, obtained by OR-ing together
+ *                 values from enum USpoofChecks.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ *
+ */
+uspoof_getChecks(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Set the loosest restriction level allowed for strings. The default if this is not called is
+ * {@link USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE}. Calling this method enables the {@link USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL} and
+ * {@link USPOOF_MIXED_NUMBERS} checks, corresponding to Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of UTS 39. To customize which checks are
+ * to be performed by {@link uspoof_check}, see {@link uspoof_setChecks}.
+ *
+ * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
+ * @param restrictionLevel The loosest restriction level allowed.
+ * @see URestrictionLevel
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(USpoofChecker *sc, URestrictionLevel restrictionLevel);
+  * Get the Restriction Level that will be tested if the checks include {@link USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL}.
+  *
+  * @return The restriction level
+  * @see URestrictionLevel
+  * @stable ICU 51
+  */
+U_STABLE URestrictionLevel U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getRestrictionLevel(const USpoofChecker *sc);
+ * Limit characters that are acceptable in identifiers being checked to those
+ * normally used with the languages associated with the specified locales.
+ * Any previously specified list of locales is replaced by the new settings.
+ *
+ * A set of languages is determined from the locale(s), and
+ * from those a set of acceptable Unicode scripts is determined.
+ * Characters from this set of scripts, along with characters from
+ * the "common" and "inherited" Unicode Script categories
+ * will be permitted.
+ *
+ * Supplying an empty string removes all restrictions;
+ * characters from any script will be allowed.
+ *
+ * The {@link USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT} test is automatically enabled for this
+ * USpoofChecker when calling this function with a non-empty list
+ * of locales.
+ *
+ * The Unicode Set of characters that will be allowed is accessible
+ * via the uspoof_getAllowedChars() function.  uspoof_setAllowedLocales()
+ * will <i>replace</i> any previously applied set of allowed characters.
+ *
+ * Adjustments, such as additions or deletions of certain classes of characters,
+ * can be made to the result of uspoof_setAllowedLocales() by
+ * fetching the resulting set with uspoof_getAllowedChars(),
+ * manipulating it with the Unicode Set API, then resetting the
+ * spoof detectors limits with uspoof_setAllowedChars().
+ *
+ * @param sc           The USpoofChecker
+ * @param localesList  A list list of locales, from which the language
+ *                     and associated script are extracted.  The locales
+ *                     are comma-separated if there is more than one.
+ *                     White space may not appear within an individual locale,
+ *                     but is ignored otherwise.
+ *                     The locales are syntactically like those from the
+ *                     HTTP Accept-Language header.
+ *                     If the localesList is empty, no restrictions will be placed on
+ *                     the allowed characters.
+ *
+ * @param status       The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_setAllowedLocales(USpoofChecker *sc, const char *localesList, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get a list of locales for the scripts that are acceptable in strings
+ *  to be checked.  If no limitations on scripts have been specified,
+ *  an empty string will be returned.
+ *
+ *  uspoof_setAllowedChars() will reset the list of allowed to be empty.
+ *
+ *  The format of the returned list is the same as that supplied to
+ *  uspoof_setAllowedLocales(), but returned list may not be identical
+ *  to the originally specified string; the string may be reformatted,
+ *  and information other than languages from
+ *  the originally specified locales may be omitted.
+ *
+ * @param sc           The USpoofChecker
+ * @param status       The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @return             A string containing a list of  locales corresponding
+ *                     to the acceptable scripts, formatted like an
+ *                     HTTP Accept Language value.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getAllowedLocales(USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Limit the acceptable characters to those specified by a Unicode Set.
+ *   Any previously specified character limit is
+ *   is replaced by the new settings.  This includes limits on
+ *   characters that were set with the uspoof_setAllowedLocales() function.
+ *
+ * The USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test is automatically enabled for this
+ * USpoofChecker by this function.
+ *
+ * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
+ * @param chars    A Unicode Set containing the list of
+ *                 characters that are permitted.  Ownership of the set
+ *                 remains with the caller.  The incoming set is cloned by
+ *                 this function, so there are no restrictions on modifying
+ *                 or deleting the USet after calling this function.
+ * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_setAllowedChars(USpoofChecker *sc, const USet *chars, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get a USet for the characters permitted in an identifier.
+ * This corresponds to the limits imposed by the Set Allowed Characters
+ * functions. Limitations imposed by other checks will not be
+ * reflected in the set returned by this function.
+ *
+ * The returned set will be frozen, meaning that it cannot be modified
+ * by the caller.
+ *
+ * Ownership of the returned set remains with the Spoof Detector.  The
+ * returned set will become invalid if the spoof detector is closed,
+ * or if a new set of allowed characters is specified.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
+ * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @return         A USet containing the characters that are permitted by
+ *                 the USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE const USet * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getAllowedChars(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
+ * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
+ * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
+ *
+ * \note
+ *   Consider using the newer API, {@link uspoof_check2}, instead.
+ *   The newer API exposes additional information from the check procedure
+ *   and is otherwise identical to this method.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id      The identifier to be checked for possible security issues,
+ *                in UTF-16 format.
+ * @param length  the length of the string to be checked, expressed in
+ *                16 bit UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is
+ *                zero terminated.
+ * @param position  Deprecated in ICU 51.  Always returns zero.
+ *                Originally, an out parameter for the index of the first
+ *                string position that failed a check.
+ *                This parameter may be NULL.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
+ *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
+ *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
+ *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
+ *                enabled checks.
+ * @see uspoof_check2
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_check(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                         const UChar *id, int32_t length,
+                         int32_t *position,
+                         UErrorCode *status);
+ * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
+ * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
+ * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
+ *
+ * \note
+ *   Consider using the newer API, {@link uspoof_check2UTF8}, instead.
+ *   The newer API exposes additional information from the check procedure
+ *   and is otherwise identical to this method.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id      A identifier to be checked for possible security issues, in UTF8 format.
+ * @param length  the length of the string to be checked, or -1 if the string is
+ *                zero terminated.
+ * @param position  Deprecated in ICU 51.  Always returns zero.
+ *                Originally, an out parameter for the index of the first
+ *                string position that failed a check.
+ *                This parameter may be NULL.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
+ *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
+ *                If the input contains invalid UTF-8 sequences,
+ *                a status of U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND will be returned.
+ * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
+ *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
+ *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
+ *                enabled checks.
+ * @see uspoof_check2UTF8
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_checkUTF8(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                 const char *id, int32_t length,
+                 int32_t *position,
+                 UErrorCode *status);
+ * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
+ * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
+ * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id      The identifier to be checked for possible security issues,
+ *                in UTF-16 format.
+ * @param length  the length of the string to be checked, or -1 if the string is
+ *                zero terminated.
+ * @param checkResult  An instance of USpoofCheckResult to be filled with
+ *                details about the identifier.  Can be NULL.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
+ *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
+ *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
+ *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
+ *                enabled checks.  Any information in this bitmask will be
+ *                consistent with the information saved in the optional
+ *                checkResult parameter.
+ * @see uspoof_openCheckResult
+ * @see uspoof_check2UTF8
+ * @see uspoof_check2UnicodeString
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+uspoof_check2(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+    const UChar* id, int32_t length,
+    USpoofCheckResult* checkResult,
+    UErrorCode *status);
+ * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
+ * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
+ * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
+ *
+ * This version of {@link uspoof_check} accepts a USpoofCheckResult, which
+ * returns additional information about the identifier.  For more
+ * information, see {@link uspoof_openCheckResult}.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id      A identifier to be checked for possible security issues, in UTF8 format.
+ * @param length  the length of the string to be checked, or -1 if the string is
+ *                zero terminated.
+ * @param checkResult  An instance of USpoofCheckResult to be filled with
+ *                details about the identifier.  Can be NULL.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
+ *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
+ *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
+ *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
+ *                enabled checks.  Any information in this bitmask will be
+ *                consistent with the information saved in the optional
+ *                checkResult parameter.
+ * @see uspoof_openCheckResult
+ * @see uspoof_check2
+ * @see uspoof_check2UnicodeString
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+uspoof_check2UTF8(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+    const char *id, int32_t length,
+    USpoofCheckResult* checkResult,
+    UErrorCode *status);
+ * Create a USpoofCheckResult, used by the {@link uspoof_check2} class of functions to return
+ * information about the identifier.  Information includes:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>A bitmask of the checks that failed</li>
+ *   <li>The identifier's restriction level (UTS 39 section 5.2)</li>
+ *   <li>The set of numerics in the string (UTS 39 section 5.3)</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * The data held in a USpoofCheckResult is cleared whenever it is passed into a new call
+ * of {@link uspoof_check2}.
+ *
+ * @param status  The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @return        the newly created USpoofCheckResult
+ * @see uspoof_check2
+ * @see uspoof_check2UTF8
+ * @see uspoof_check2UnicodeString
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+U_STABLE USpoofCheckResult* U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_openCheckResult(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Close a USpoofCheckResult, freeing any memory that was being held by
+ *   its implementation.
+ *
+ * @param checkResult  The instance of USpoofCheckResult to close
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+uspoof_closeCheckResult(USpoofCheckResult *checkResult);
+ * Indicates which of the spoof check(s) have failed. The value is a bitwise OR of the constants for the tests
+ *
+ * @param checkResult  The instance of USpoofCheckResult created by {@link uspoof_openCheckResult}
+ * @param status       The error code, set if an error occurred.
+ * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
+ *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
+ *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
+ *                enabled checks.
+ * @see uspoof_setChecks
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+uspoof_getCheckResultChecks(const USpoofCheckResult *checkResult, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Gets the restriction level that the text meets, if the USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL check
+ * was enabled; otherwise, undefined.
+ *
+ * @param checkResult  The instance of USpoofCheckResult created by {@link uspoof_openCheckResult}
+ * @param status       The error code, set if an error occurred.
+ * @return             The restriction level contained in the USpoofCheckResult
+ * @see uspoof_setRestrictionLevel
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+U_STABLE URestrictionLevel U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getCheckResultRestrictionLevel(const USpoofCheckResult *checkResult, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Gets the set of numerics found in the string, if the USPOOF_MIXED_NUMBERS check was enabled;
+ * otherwise, undefined.  The set will contain the zero digit from each decimal number system found
+ * in the input string.  Ownership of the returned USet remains with the USpoofCheckResult.
+ * The USet will be free'd when {@link uspoof_closeCheckResult} is called.
+ *
+ * @param checkResult  The instance of USpoofCheckResult created by {@link uspoof_openCheckResult}
+ * @return             The set of numerics contained in the USpoofCheckResult
+ * @param status       The error code, set if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+uspoof_getCheckResultNumerics(const USpoofCheckResult *checkResult, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Check the whether two specified strings are visually confusable.
+ *
+ * If the strings are confusable, the return value will be nonzero, as long as
+ * {@link USPOOF_CONFUSABLE} was enabled in uspoof_setChecks().
+ *
+ * The bits in the return value correspond to flags for each of the classes of
+ * confusables applicable to the two input strings.  According to UTS 39
+ * section 4, the possible flags are:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * If one or more of the above flags were not listed in uspoof_setChecks(), this
+ * function will never report that class of confusable.  The check
+ * {@link USPOOF_CONFUSABLE} enables all three flags.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id1     The first of the two identifiers to be compared for
+ *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-16 format.
+ * @param length1 the length of the first identifer, expressed in
+ *                16 bit UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is
+ *                nul terminated.
+ * @param id2     The second of the two identifiers to be compared for
+ *                confusability.  The identifiers are in UTF-16 format.
+ * @param length2 The length of the second identifiers, expressed in
+ *                16 bit UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is
+ *                nul terminated.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Confusability of the identifiers is not reported here,
+ *                but through this function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bit(s) set corresponding to
+ *                the type of confusability found, as defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  Zero is returned if the identifiers
+ *                are not confusable.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_areConfusable(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                     const UChar *id1, int32_t length1,
+                     const UChar *id2, int32_t length2,
+                     UErrorCode *status);
+ * A version of {@link uspoof_areConfusable} accepting strings in UTF-8 format.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id1     The first of the two identifiers to be compared for
+ *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
+ * @param length1 the length of the first identifiers, in bytes, or -1
+ *                if the string is nul terminated.
+ * @param id2     The second of the two identifiers to be compared for
+ *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
+ * @param length2 The length of the second string in bytes, or -1
+ *                if the string is nul terminated.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Confusability of the strings is not reported here,
+ *                but through this function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bit(s) set corresponding to
+ *                the type of confusability found, as defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  Zero is returned if the strings
+ *                are not confusable.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ *
+ * @see uspoof_areConfusable
+ */
+uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                         const char *id1, int32_t length1,
+                         const char *id2, int32_t length2,
+                         UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Get the "skeleton" for an identifier.
+ *  Skeletons are a transformation of the input identifier;
+ * Two identifiers are confusable if their skeletons are identical.
+ *  See Unicode UAX #39 for additional information.
+ *
+ *  Using skeletons directly makes it possible to quickly check
+ *  whether an identifier is confusable with any of some large
+ *  set of existing identifiers, by creating an efficiently
+ *  searchable collection of the skeletons.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param type    Deprecated in ICU 58.  You may pass any number.
+ *                Originally, controlled which of the Unicode confusable data
+ *                tables to use.
+ * @param id      The input identifier whose skeleton will be computed.
+ * @param length  The length of the input identifier, expressed in 16 bit
+ *                UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is zero terminated.
+ * @param dest    The output buffer, to receive the skeleton string.
+ * @param destCapacity  The length of the output buffer, in 16 bit units.
+ *                The destCapacity may be zero, in which case the function will
+ *                return the actual length of the skeleton.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ * @return        The length of the skeleton string.  The returned length
+ *                is always that of the complete skeleton, even when the
+ *                supplied buffer is too small (or of zero length)
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ * @see uspoof_areConfusable
+ */
+uspoof_getSkeleton(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                   uint32_t type,
+                   const UChar *id,  int32_t length,
+                   UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                   UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Get the "skeleton" for an identifier.
+ *  Skeletons are a transformation of the input identifier;
+ *  Two identifiers are confusable if their skeletons are identical.
+ *  See Unicode UAX #39 for additional information.
+ *
+ *  Using skeletons directly makes it possible to quickly check
+ *  whether an identifier is confusable with any of some large
+ *  set of existing identifiers, by creating an efficiently
+ *  searchable collection of the skeletons.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param type    Deprecated in ICU 58.  You may pass any number.
+ *                Originally, controlled which of the Unicode confusable data
+ *                tables to use.
+ * @param id      The UTF-8 format identifier whose skeleton will be computed.
+ * @param length  The length of the input string, in bytes,
+ *                or -1 if the string is zero terminated.
+ * @param dest    The output buffer, to receive the skeleton string.
+ * @param destCapacity  The length of the output buffer, in bytes.
+ *                The destCapacity may be zero, in which case the function will
+ *                return the actual length of the skeleton.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.  Possible Errors include U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND
+ *                   for invalid UTF-8 sequences, and
+ *                   U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the destination buffer is too small
+ *                   to hold the complete skeleton.
+ * @return        The length of the skeleton string, in bytes.  The returned length
+ *                is always that of the complete skeleton, even when the
+ *                supplied buffer is too small (or of zero length)
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_getSkeletonUTF8(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                       uint32_t type,
+                       const char *id,  int32_t length,
+                       char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                       UErrorCode *status);
+  * Get the set of Candidate Characters for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
+  * in
+  * and documented in, Unicode Security Mechanisms.
+  *
+  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
+  * be deleted by the caller.
+  *
+  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 51
+  */
+U_STABLE const USet * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getInclusionSet(UErrorCode *status);
+  * Get the set of characters from Recommended Scripts for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
+  * in
+  * and documented in, Unicode Security Mechanisms.
+  *
+  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
+  * be deleted by the caller.
+  *
+  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 51
+  */
+U_STABLE const USet * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getRecommendedSet(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Serialize the data for a spoof detector into a chunk of memory.
+ * The flattened spoof detection tables can later be used to efficiently
+ * instantiate a new Spoof Detector.
+ *
+ * The serialized spoof checker includes only the data compiled from the
+ * Unicode data tables by uspoof_openFromSource(); it does not include
+ * include any other state or configuration that may have been set.
+ *
+ * @param sc   the Spoof Detector whose data is to be serialized.
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the data,
+ *             can be NULL if capacity==0
+ * @param capacity the number of bytes available at data,
+ *                 or 0 for preflighting
+ * @param status an in/out ICU UErrorCode; possible errors include:
+ * - U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the data storage block is too small for serialization
+ * - U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR  the data or capacity parameters are bad
+ * @return the number of bytes written or needed for the spoof data
+ *
+ * @see utrie2_openFromSerialized()
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_serialize(USpoofChecker *sc,
+                 void *data, int32_t capacity,
+                 UErrorCode *status);
+ * \class LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a USpoofChecker via uspoof_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+ * \cond
+ * Note: Doxygen is giving a bogus warning on this U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER.
+ *       For now, suppress with a Doxygen cond
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer, USpoofChecker, uspoof_close);
+/** \endcond */
+ * \class LocalUSpoofCheckResultPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a USpoofCheckResult via `uspoof_closeCheckResult()`.
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+ * \cond
+ * Note: Doxygen is giving a bogus warning on this U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER.
+ *       For now, suppress with a Doxygen cond
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUSpoofCheckResultPointer, USpoofCheckResult, uspoof_closeCheckResult);
+/** \endcond */
+ * Limit the acceptable characters to those specified by a Unicode Set.
+ *   Any previously specified character limit is
+ *   is replaced by the new settings.    This includes limits on
+ *   characters that were set with the uspoof_setAllowedLocales() function.
+ *
+ * The USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test is automatically enabled for this
+ * USoofChecker by this function.
+ *
+ * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
+ * @param chars    A Unicode Set containing the list of
+ *                 characters that are permitted.  Ownership of the set
+ *                 remains with the caller.  The incoming set is cloned by
+ *                 this function, so there are no restrictions on modifying
+ *                 or deleting the UnicodeSet after calling this function.
+ * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_setAllowedUnicodeSet(USpoofChecker *sc, const icu::UnicodeSet *chars, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get a UnicodeSet for the characters permitted in an identifier.
+ * This corresponds to the limits imposed by the Set Allowed Characters /
+ * UnicodeSet functions. Limitations imposed by other checks will not be
+ * reflected in the set returned by this function.
+ *
+ * The returned set will be frozen, meaning that it cannot be modified
+ * by the caller.
+ *
+ * Ownership of the returned set remains with the Spoof Detector.  The
+ * returned set will become invalid if the spoof detector is closed,
+ * or if a new set of allowed characters is specified.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
+ * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
+ * @return         A UnicodeSet containing the characters that are permitted by
+ *                 the USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE const icu::UnicodeSet * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getAllowedUnicodeSet(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
+ * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
+ * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
+ *
+ * \note
+ *   Consider using the newer API, {@link uspoof_check2UnicodeString}, instead.
+ *   The newer API exposes additional information from the check procedure
+ *   and is otherwise identical to this method.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id      A identifier to be checked for possible security issues.
+ * @param position  Deprecated in ICU 51.  Always returns zero.
+ *                Originally, an out parameter for the index of the first
+ *                string position that failed a check.
+ *                This parameter may be NULL.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
+ *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
+ *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
+ *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
+ *                enabled checks.
+ * @see uspoof_check2UnicodeString
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+uspoof_checkUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                          const icu::UnicodeString &id,
+                          int32_t *position,
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+ * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
+ * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
+ * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param id      A identifier to be checked for possible security issues.
+ * @param checkResult  An instance of USpoofCheckResult to be filled with
+ *                details about the identifier.  Can be NULL.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
+ *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
+ *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
+ *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
+ *                enabled checks.  Any information in this bitmask will be
+ *                consistent with the information saved in the optional
+ *                checkResult parameter.
+ * @see uspoof_openCheckResult
+ * @see uspoof_check2
+ * @see uspoof_check2UTF8
+ * @stable ICU 58
+ */
+uspoof_check2UnicodeString(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+    const icu::UnicodeString &id,
+    USpoofCheckResult* checkResult,
+    UErrorCode *status);
+ * A version of {@link uspoof_areConfusable} accepting UnicodeStrings.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
+ * @param s1     The first of the two identifiers to be compared for
+ *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
+ * @param s2     The second of the two identifiers to be compared for
+ *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ *                Confusability of the identifiers is not reported here,
+ *                but through this function's return value.
+ * @return        An integer value with bit(s) set corresponding to
+ *                the type of confusability found, as defined by
+ *                enum USpoofChecks.  Zero is returned if the identifiers
+ *                are not confusable.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ *
+ * @see uspoof_areConfusable
+ */
+uspoof_areConfusableUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                                  const icu::UnicodeString &s1,
+                                  const icu::UnicodeString &s2,
+                                  UErrorCode *status);
+ *  Get the "skeleton" for an identifier.
+ *  Skeletons are a transformation of the input identifier;
+ *  Two identifiers are confusable if their skeletons are identical.
+ *  See Unicode UAX #39 for additional information.
+ *
+ *  Using skeletons directly makes it possible to quickly check
+ *  whether an identifier is confusable with any of some large
+ *  set of existing identifiers, by creating an efficiently
+ *  searchable collection of the skeletons.
+ *
+ * @param sc      The USpoofChecker.
+ * @param type    Deprecated in ICU 58.  You may pass any number.
+ *                Originally, controlled which of the Unicode confusable data
+ *                tables to use.
+ * @param id      The input identifier whose skeleton will be computed.
+ * @param dest    The output identifier, to receive the skeleton string.
+ * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
+ *                perform the check.
+ * @return        A reference to the destination (skeleton) string.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_I18N_API icu::UnicodeString & U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker *sc,
+                                uint32_t type,
+                                const icu::UnicodeString &id,
+                                icu::UnicodeString &dest,
+                                UErrorCode *status);
+  * Get the set of Candidate Characters for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
+  * in
+  * and documented in, Unicode Security Mechanisms.
+  *
+  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
+  * be deleted by the caller.
+  *
+  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 51
+  */
+U_STABLE const icu::UnicodeSet * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getInclusionUnicodeSet(UErrorCode *status);
+  * Get the set of characters from Recommended Scripts for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
+  * in
+  * and documented in, Unicode Security Mechanisms.
+  *
+  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
+  * be deleted by the caller.
+  *
+  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 51
+  */
+U_STABLE const icu::UnicodeSet * U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif   /* USPOOF_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usprep.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usprep.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1eca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/usprep.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2003-2014, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *   file name:  usprep.h
+ *   encoding:   UTF-8
+ *   tab size:   8 (not used)
+ *   indentation:4
+ *
+ *   created on: 2003jul2
+ *   created by: Ram Viswanadha
+ */
+#ifndef __USPREP_H__
+#define __USPREP_H__
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Implements the StringPrep algorithm.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ *
+ * StringPrep API implements the StingPrep framework as described by RFC 3454.
+ * StringPrep prepares Unicode strings for use in network protocols.
+ * Profiles of StingPrep are set of rules and data according to with the
+ * Unicode Strings are prepared. Each profiles contains tables which describe
+ * how a code point should be treated. The tables are broadly classified into
+ * <ul>
+ *     <li> Unassigned Table: Contains code points that are unassigned 
+ *          in the Unicode Version supported by StringPrep. Currently 
+ *          RFC 3454 supports Unicode 3.2. </li>
+ *     <li> Prohibited Table: Contains code points that are prohibited from
+ *          the output of the StringPrep processing function. </li>
+ *     <li> Mapping Table: Contains code points that are deleted from the output or case mapped. </li>
+ * </ul>
+ * 
+ * The procedure for preparing Unicode strings:
+ * <ol>
+ *      <li> Map: For each character in the input, check if it has a mapping
+ *           and, if so, replace it with its mapping. </li>
+ *      <li> Normalize: Possibly normalize the result of step 1 using Unicode
+ *           normalization. </li>
+ *      <li> Prohibit: Check for any characters that are not allowed in the
+ *        output.  If any are found, return an error.</li>
+ *      <li> Check bidi: Possibly check for right-to-left characters, and if
+ *           any are found, make sure that the whole string satisfies the
+ *           requirements for bidirectional strings.  If the string does not
+ *           satisfy the requirements for bidirectional strings, return an
+ *           error.  </li>
+ * </ol>
+ * @author Ram Viswanadha
+ */
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+ * The StringPrep profile
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef struct UStringPrepProfile UStringPrepProfile;
+ * Option to prohibit processing of unassigned code points in the input
+ * 
+ * @see  usprep_prepare
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+#define USPREP_DEFAULT 0x0000
+ * Option to allow processing of unassigned code points in the input
+ * 
+ * @see  usprep_prepare
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+ * enums for the standard stringprep profile types
+ * supported by usprep_openByType.
+ * @see usprep_openByType
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+typedef enum UStringPrepProfileType {
+    /**
+     * RFC3491 Nameprep
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3530 nfs4_cs_prep
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3530 nfs4_cs_prep with case insensitive option
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3530 nfs4_cis_prep
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3530 nfs4_mixed_prep for prefix
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3530 nfs4_mixed_prep for suffix
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3722 iSCSI
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3920 XMPP Nodeprep
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC3920 XMPP Resourceprep
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC4011 Policy MIB Stringprep
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC4013 SASLprep
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC4505 trace
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC4518 LDAP
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * RFC4518 LDAP for case ignore, numeric and stored prefix
+     * matching rules
+     * @stable ICU 4.2
+     */
+} UStringPrepProfileType;
+ * Creates a StringPrep profile from the data file.
+ *
+ * @param path      string containing the full path pointing to the directory
+ *                  where the profile reside followed by the package name
+ *                  e.g. "/usr/resource/my_app/profiles/mydata" on a Unix system.
+ *                  if NULL, ICU default data files will be used.
+ * @param fileName  name of the profile file to be opened
+ * @param status    ICU error code in/out parameter. Must not be NULL.
+ *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return Pointer to UStringPrepProfile that is opened. Should be closed by
+ * calling usprep_close()
+ * @see usprep_close()
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UStringPrepProfile* U_EXPORT2
+usprep_open(const char* path, 
+            const char* fileName,
+            UErrorCode* status);
+ * Creates a StringPrep profile for the specified profile type.
+ *
+ * @param type		The profile type
+ * @param status    ICU error code in/out parameter. Must not be NULL.
+ *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
+ * @return          Pointer to UStringPrepProfile that is opened. Should be closed by
+ *                  calling usprep_close()
+ * @see usprep_close()
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+U_STABLE UStringPrepProfile* U_EXPORT2
+usprep_openByType(UStringPrepProfileType type,
+				  UErrorCode* status);
+ * Closes the profile
+ * @param profile The profile to close
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+usprep_close(UStringPrepProfile* profile);
+ * \class LocalUStringPrepProfilePointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UStringPrepProfile via usprep_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUStringPrepProfilePointer, UStringPrepProfile, usprep_close);
+ * Prepare the input buffer for use in applications with the given profile. This operation maps, normalizes(NFKC),
+ * checks for prohibited and BiDi characters in the order defined by RFC 3454
+ * depending on the options specified in the profile.
+ *
+ * @param prep          The profile to use 
+ * @param src           Pointer to UChar buffer containing the string to prepare
+ * @param srcLength     Number of characters in the source string
+ * @param dest          Pointer to the destination buffer to receive the output
+ * @param destCapacity  The capacity of destination array
+ * @param options       A bit set of options:
+ *
+ *  - USPREP_DEFAULT            Prohibit processing of unassigned code points in the input
+ *
+ *  - USPREP_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED   Treat the unassigned code points are in the input 
+ *                              as normal Unicode code points.
+ *
+ * @param parseError        Pointer to UParseError struct to receive information on position 
+ *                          of error if an error is encountered. Can be NULL.
+ * @param status            ICU in/out error code parameter.
+ *                          U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND if src contains
+ *                          unmatched single surrogates.
+ *                          U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if src contains
+ *                          too many code points.
+ *                          U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if destCapacity is not enough
+ * @return The number of UChars in the destination buffer
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+usprep_prepare(   const UStringPrepProfile* prep,
+                  const UChar* src, int32_t srcLength, 
+                  UChar* dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+                  int32_t options,
+                  UParseError* parseError,
+                  UErrorCode* status );
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_IDNA */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ustring.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ustring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..245b766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ustring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1689 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1998-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File ustring.h
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   12/07/98    bertrand    Creation.
+#ifndef USTRING_H
+#define USTRING_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+#include "unicode/uiter.h"
+ * @internal 
+ */
+/** Simple declaration for u_strToTitle() to avoid including unicode/ubrk.h. @stable ICU 2.1*/
+    typedef struct UBreakIterator UBreakIterator;
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode string handling functions
+ *
+ * These C API functions provide general Unicode string handling.
+ *
+ * Some functions are equivalent in name, signature, and behavior to the ANSI C <string.h>
+ * functions. (For example, they do not check for bad arguments like NULL string pointers.)
+ * In some cases, only the thread-safe variant of such a function is implemented here
+ * (see u_strtok_r()).
+ *
+ * Other functions provide more Unicode-specific functionality like locale-specific
+ * upper/lower-casing and string comparison in code point order.
+ *
+ * ICU uses 16-bit Unicode (UTF-16) in the form of arrays of UChar code units.
+ * UTF-16 encodes each Unicode code point with either one or two UChar code units.
+ * (This is the default form of Unicode, and a forward-compatible extension of the original,
+ * fixed-width form that was known as UCS-2. UTF-16 superseded UCS-2 with Unicode 2.0
+ * in 1996.)
+ *
+ * Some APIs accept a 32-bit UChar32 value for a single code point.
+ *
+ * ICU also handles 16-bit Unicode text with unpaired surrogates.
+ * Such text is not well-formed UTF-16.
+ * Code-point-related functions treat unpaired surrogates as surrogate code points,
+ * i.e., as separate units.
+ *
+ * Although UTF-16 is a variable-width encoding form (like some legacy multi-byte encodings),
+ * it is much more efficient even for random access because the code unit values
+ * for single-unit characters vs. lead units vs. trail units are completely disjoint.
+ * This means that it is easy to determine character (code point) boundaries from
+ * random offsets in the string.
+ *
+ * Unicode (UTF-16) string processing is optimized for the single-unit case.
+ * Although it is important to support supplementary characters
+ * (which use pairs of lead/trail code units called "surrogates"),
+ * their occurrence is rare. Almost all characters in modern use require only
+ * a single UChar code unit (i.e., their code point values are <=0xffff).
+ *
+ * For more details see the User Guide Strings chapter (
+ * For a discussion of the handling of unpaired surrogates see also
+ * Jitterbug 2145 and its icu mailing list proposal on 2002-sep-18.
+ */
+ * \defgroup ustring_ustrlen String Length
+ * \ingroup ustring_strlen
+ */
+ * Determine the length of an array of UChar.
+ *
+ * @param s The array of UChars, NULL (U+0000) terminated.
+ * @return The number of UChars in <code>chars</code>, minus the terminator.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strlen(const UChar *s);
+ * Count Unicode code points in the length UChar code units of the string.
+ * A code point may occupy either one or two UChar code units.
+ * Counting code points involves reading all code units.
+ *
+ * This functions is basically the inverse of the U16_FWD_N() macro (see utf.h).
+ *
+ * @param s The input string.
+ * @param length The number of UChar code units to be checked, or -1 to count all
+ *               code points before the first NUL (U+0000).
+ * @return The number of code points in the specified code units.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_countChar32(const UChar *s, int32_t length);
+ * Check if the string contains more Unicode code points than a certain number.
+ * This is more efficient than counting all code points in the entire string
+ * and comparing that number with a threshold.
+ * This function may not need to scan the string at all if the length is known
+ * (not -1 for NUL-termination) and falls within a certain range, and
+ * never needs to count more than 'number+1' code points.
+ * Logically equivalent to (u_countChar32(s, length)>number).
+ * A Unicode code point may occupy either one or two UChar code units.
+ *
+ * @param s The input string.
+ * @param length The length of the string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @param number The number of code points in the string is compared against
+ *               the 'number' parameter.
+ * @return Boolean value for whether the string contains more Unicode code points
+ *         than 'number'. Same as (u_countChar32(s, length)>number).
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+u_strHasMoreChar32Than(const UChar *s, int32_t length, int32_t number);
+ * Concatenate two ustrings.  Appends a copy of <code>src</code>,
+ * including the null terminator, to <code>dst</code>. The initial copied
+ * character from <code>src</code> overwrites the null terminator in <code>dst</code>.
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strcat(UChar     *dst, 
+    const UChar     *src);
+ * Concatenate two ustrings.  
+ * Appends at most <code>n</code> characters from <code>src</code> to <code>dst</code>.
+ * Adds a terminating NUL.
+ * If src is too long, then only <code>n-1</code> characters will be copied
+ * before the terminating NUL.
+ * If <code>n&lt;=0</code> then dst is not modified.
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string (can be NULL/invalid if n<=0).
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters to append; no-op if <=0.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strncat(UChar     *dst, 
+     const UChar     *src, 
+     int32_t     n);
+ * Find the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
+ * The substring is found at code point boundaries.
+ * That means that if the substring begins with
+ * a trail surrogate or ends with a lead surrogate,
+ * then it is found only if these surrogates stand alone in the text.
+ * Otherwise, the substring edge units would be matched against
+ * halves of surrogate pairs.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param substring The substring to find (NUL-terminated).
+ * @return A pointer to the first occurrence of <code>substring</code> in <code>s</code>,
+ *         or <code>s</code> itself if the <code>substring</code> is empty,
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>substring</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ *
+ * @see u_strrstr
+ * @see u_strFindFirst
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_strstr(const UChar *s, const UChar *substring);
+ * Find the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
+ * The substring is found at code point boundaries.
+ * That means that if the substring begins with
+ * a trail surrogate or ends with a lead surrogate,
+ * then it is found only if these surrogates stand alone in the text.
+ * Otherwise, the substring edge units would be matched against
+ * halves of surrogate pairs.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search.
+ * @param length The length of s (number of UChars), or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @param substring The substring to find (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param subLength The length of substring (number of UChars), or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @return A pointer to the first occurrence of <code>substring</code> in <code>s</code>,
+ *         or <code>s</code> itself if the <code>substring</code> is empty,
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>substring</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ *
+ * @see u_strstr
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_strFindFirst(const UChar *s, int32_t length, const UChar *substring, int32_t subLength);
+ * Find the first occurrence of a BMP code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param c The BMP code point to find.
+ * @return A pointer to the first occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ *
+ * @see u_strchr32
+ * @see u_memchr
+ * @see u_strstr
+ * @see u_strFindFirst
+ */
+u_strchr(const UChar *s, UChar c);
+ * Find the first occurrence of a code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param c The code point to find.
+ * @return A pointer to the first occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ *
+ * @see u_strchr
+ * @see u_memchr32
+ * @see u_strstr
+ * @see u_strFindFirst
+ */
+u_strchr32(const UChar *s, UChar32 c);
+ * Find the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
+ * The substring is found at code point boundaries.
+ * That means that if the substring begins with
+ * a trail surrogate or ends with a lead surrogate,
+ * then it is found only if these surrogates stand alone in the text.
+ * Otherwise, the substring edge units would be matched against
+ * halves of surrogate pairs.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param substring The substring to find (NUL-terminated).
+ * @return A pointer to the last occurrence of <code>substring</code> in <code>s</code>,
+ *         or <code>s</code> itself if the <code>substring</code> is empty,
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>substring</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ *
+ * @see u_strstr
+ * @see u_strFindFirst
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_strrstr(const UChar *s, const UChar *substring);
+ * Find the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
+ * The substring is found at code point boundaries.
+ * That means that if the substring begins with
+ * a trail surrogate or ends with a lead surrogate,
+ * then it is found only if these surrogates stand alone in the text.
+ * Otherwise, the substring edge units would be matched against
+ * halves of surrogate pairs.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search.
+ * @param length The length of s (number of UChars), or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @param substring The substring to find (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param subLength The length of substring (number of UChars), or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
+ * @return A pointer to the last occurrence of <code>substring</code> in <code>s</code>,
+ *         or <code>s</code> itself if the <code>substring</code> is empty,
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>substring</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ *
+ * @see u_strstr
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_strFindLast(const UChar *s, int32_t length, const UChar *substring, int32_t subLength);
+ * Find the last occurrence of a BMP code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param c The BMP code point to find.
+ * @return A pointer to the last occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ *
+ * @see u_strrchr32
+ * @see u_memrchr
+ * @see u_strrstr
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_strrchr(const UChar *s, UChar c);
+ * Find the last occurrence of a code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (NUL-terminated).
+ * @param c The code point to find.
+ * @return A pointer to the last occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ *
+ * @see u_strrchr
+ * @see u_memchr32
+ * @see u_strrstr
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_strrchr32(const UChar *s, UChar32 c);
+ * Locates the first occurrence in the string <code>string</code> of any of the characters
+ * in the string <code>matchSet</code>.
+ * Works just like C's strpbrk but with Unicode.
+ *
+ * @param string The string in which to search, NUL-terminated.
+ * @param matchSet A NUL-terminated string defining a set of code points
+ *                 for which to search in the text string.
+ * @return A pointer to the  character in <code>string</code> that matches one of the
+ *         characters in <code>matchSet</code>, or NULL if no such character is found.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strpbrk(const UChar *string, const UChar *matchSet);
+ * Returns the number of consecutive characters in <code>string</code>,
+ * beginning with the first, that do not occur somewhere in <code>matchSet</code>.
+ * Works just like C's strcspn but with Unicode.
+ *
+ * @param string The string in which to search, NUL-terminated.
+ * @param matchSet A NUL-terminated string defining a set of code points
+ *                 for which to search in the text string.
+ * @return The number of initial characters in <code>string</code> that do not
+ *         occur in <code>matchSet</code>.
+ * @see u_strspn
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strcspn(const UChar *string, const UChar *matchSet);
+ * Returns the number of consecutive characters in <code>string</code>,
+ * beginning with the first, that occur somewhere in <code>matchSet</code>.
+ * Works just like C's strspn but with Unicode.
+ *
+ * @param string The string in which to search, NUL-terminated.
+ * @param matchSet A NUL-terminated string defining a set of code points
+ *                 for which to search in the text string.
+ * @return The number of initial characters in <code>string</code> that do
+ *         occur in <code>matchSet</code>.
+ * @see u_strcspn
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strspn(const UChar *string, const UChar *matchSet);
+ * The string tokenizer API allows an application to break a string into
+ * tokens. Unlike strtok(), the saveState (the current pointer within the
+ * original string) is maintained in saveState. In the first call, the
+ * argument src is a pointer to the string. In subsequent calls to
+ * return successive tokens of that string, src must be specified as
+ * NULL. The value saveState is set by this function to maintain the
+ * function's position within the string, and on each subsequent call
+ * you must give this argument the same variable. This function does
+ * handle surrogate pairs. This function is similar to the strtok_r()
+ * the POSIX Threads Extension (1003.1c-1995) version.
+ *
+ * @param src String containing token(s). This string will be modified.
+ *            After the first call to u_strtok_r(), this argument must
+ *            be NULL to get to the next token.
+ * @param delim Set of delimiter characters (Unicode code points).
+ * @param saveState The current pointer within the original string,
+ *              which is set by this function. The saveState
+ *              parameter should the address of a local variable of type
+ *              UChar *. (i.e. defined "UChar *myLocalSaveState" and use
+ *              &myLocalSaveState for this parameter).
+ * @return A pointer to the next token found in src, or NULL
+ *         when there are no more tokens.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strtok_r(UChar    *src, 
+     const UChar    *delim,
+           UChar   **saveState);
+ * Compare two Unicode strings for bitwise equality (code unit order).
+ *
+ * @param s1 A string to compare.
+ * @param s2 A string to compare.
+ * @return 0 if <code>s1</code> and <code>s2</code> are bitwise equal; a negative
+ * value if <code>s1</code> is bitwise less than <code>s2,</code>; a positive
+ * value if <code>s1</code> is bitwise greater than <code>s2</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t  U_EXPORT2
+u_strcmp(const UChar     *s1, 
+         const UChar     *s2);
+ * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+ * See u_strCompare for details.
+ *
+ * @param s1 A string to compare.
+ * @param s2 A string to compare.
+ * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+ * the first string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+ * in code point order
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strcmpCodePointOrder(const UChar *s1, const UChar *s2);
+ * Compare two Unicode strings (binary order).
+ *
+ * The comparison can be done in code unit order or in code point order.
+ * They differ only in UTF-16 when
+ * comparing supplementary code points (U+10000..U+10ffff)
+ * to BMP code points near the end of the BMP (i.e., U+e000..U+ffff).
+ * In code unit order, high BMP code points sort after supplementary code points
+ * because they are stored as pairs of surrogates which are at U+d800..U+dfff.
+ *
+ * This functions works with strings of different explicitly specified lengths
+ * unlike the ANSI C-like u_strcmp() and u_memcmp() etc.
+ * NUL-terminated strings are possible with length arguments of -1.
+ *
+ * @param s1 First source string.
+ * @param length1 Length of first source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param s2 Second source string.
+ * @param length2 Length of second source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param codePointOrder Choose between code unit order (FALSE)
+ *                       and code point order (TRUE).
+ *
+ * @return <0 or 0 or >0 as usual for string comparisons
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+u_strCompare(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
+             const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
+             UBool codePointOrder);
+ * Compare two Unicode strings (binary order)
+ * as presented by UCharIterator objects.
+ * Works otherwise just like u_strCompare().
+ *
+ * Both iterators are reset to their start positions.
+ * When the function returns, it is undefined where the iterators
+ * have stopped.
+ *
+ * @param iter1 First source string iterator.
+ * @param iter2 Second source string iterator.
+ * @param codePointOrder Choose between code unit order (FALSE)
+ *                       and code point order (TRUE).
+ *
+ * @return <0 or 0 or >0 as usual for string comparisons
+ *
+ * @see u_strCompare
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+u_strCompareIter(UCharIterator *iter1, UCharIterator *iter2, UBool codePointOrder);
+ * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+ * This is equivalent to
+ *   u_strCompare(u_strFoldCase(s1, options),
+ *                u_strFoldCase(s2, options),
+ *                (options&U_COMPARE_CODE_POINT_ORDER)!=0).
+ *
+ * The comparison can be done in UTF-16 code unit order or in code point order.
+ * They differ only when comparing supplementary code points (U+10000..U+10ffff)
+ * to BMP code points near the end of the BMP (i.e., U+e000..U+ffff).
+ * In code unit order, high BMP code points sort after supplementary code points
+ * because they are stored as pairs of surrogates which are at U+d800..U+dfff.
+ *
+ * This functions works with strings of different explicitly specified lengths
+ * unlike the ANSI C-like u_strcmp() and u_memcmp() etc.
+ * NUL-terminated strings are possible with length arguments of -1.
+ *
+ * @param s1 First source string.
+ * @param length1 Length of first source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param s2 Second source string.
+ * @param length2 Length of second source string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param options A bit set of options:
+ *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+ *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+ *
+ *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+ *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+ *
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ *
+ * @return <0 or 0 or >0 as usual for string comparisons
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.2
+ */
+u_strCaseCompare(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
+                 const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
+                 uint32_t options,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Compare two ustrings for bitwise equality. 
+ * Compares at most <code>n</code> characters.
+ *
+ * @param ucs1 A string to compare (can be NULL/invalid if n<=0).
+ * @param ucs2 A string to compare (can be NULL/invalid if n<=0).
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters to compare; always returns 0 if n<=0.
+ * @return 0 if <code>s1</code> and <code>s2</code> are bitwise equal; a negative
+ * value if <code>s1</code> is bitwise less than <code>s2</code>; a positive
+ * value if <code>s1</code> is bitwise greater than <code>s2</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strncmp(const UChar     *ucs1, 
+     const UChar     *ucs2, 
+     int32_t     n);
+ * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+ * This is different in UTF-16 from u_strncmp() if supplementary characters are present.
+ * For details, see u_strCompare().
+ *
+ * @param s1 A string to compare.
+ * @param s2 A string to compare.
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters to compare.
+ * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+ * the first string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+ * in code point order
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strncmpCodePointOrder(const UChar *s1, const UChar *s2, int32_t n);
+ * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+ * This is equivalent to u_strcmp(u_strFoldCase(s1, options), u_strFoldCase(s2, options)).
+ *
+ * @param s1 A string to compare.
+ * @param s2 A string to compare.
+ * @param options A bit set of options:
+ *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+ *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+ *
+ *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+ *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+ *
+ *
+ * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strcasecmp(const UChar *s1, const UChar *s2, uint32_t options);
+ * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+ * This is equivalent to u_strcmp(u_strFoldCase(s1, at most n, options),
+ * u_strFoldCase(s2, at most n, options)).
+ *
+ * @param s1 A string to compare.
+ * @param s2 A string to compare.
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters each string to case-fold and then compare.
+ * @param options A bit set of options:
+ *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+ *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+ *
+ *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+ *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+ *
+ *
+ * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strncasecmp(const UChar *s1, const UChar *s2, int32_t n, uint32_t options);
+ * Compare two strings case-insensitively using full case folding.
+ * This is equivalent to u_strcmp(u_strFoldCase(s1, n, options),
+ * u_strFoldCase(s2, n, options)).
+ *
+ * @param s1 A string to compare.
+ * @param s2 A string to compare.
+ * @param length The number of characters in each string to case-fold and then compare.
+ * @param options A bit set of options:
+ *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
+ *     Comparison in code unit order with default case folding.
+ *
+ *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
+ *     (see u_strCompare for details).
+ *
+ *
+ * @return A negative, zero, or positive integer indicating the comparison result.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_memcasecmp(const UChar *s1, const UChar *s2, int32_t length, uint32_t options);
+ * Copy a ustring. Adds a null terminator.
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strcpy(UChar     *dst, 
+    const UChar     *src);
+ * Copy a ustring.
+ * Copies at most <code>n</code> characters.  The result will be null terminated
+ * if the length of <code>src</code> is less than <code>n</code>.
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string (can be NULL/invalid if n<=0).
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters to copy; no-op if <=0.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strncpy(UChar     *dst, 
+     const UChar     *src, 
+     int32_t     n);
+ * Copy a byte string encoded in the default codepage to a ustring.
+ * Adds a null terminator.
+ * Performs a host byte to UChar conversion
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UChar* U_EXPORT2 u_uastrcpy(UChar *dst,
+               const char *src );
+ * Copy a byte string encoded in the default codepage to a ustring.
+ * Copies at most <code>n</code> characters.  The result will be null terminated
+ * if the length of <code>src</code> is less than <code>n</code>.
+ * Performs a host byte to UChar conversion
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string.
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters to copy.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UChar* U_EXPORT2 u_uastrncpy(UChar *dst,
+            const char *src,
+            int32_t n);
+ * Copy ustring to a byte string encoded in the default codepage.
+ * Adds a null terminator.
+ * Performs a UChar to host byte conversion
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE char* U_EXPORT2 u_austrcpy(char *dst,
+            const UChar *src );
+ * Copy ustring to a byte string encoded in the default codepage.
+ * Copies at most <code>n</code> characters.  The result will be null terminated
+ * if the length of <code>src</code> is less than <code>n</code>.
+ * Performs a UChar to host byte conversion
+ *
+ * @param dst The destination string.
+ * @param src The source string.
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters to copy.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dst</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE char* U_EXPORT2 u_austrncpy(char *dst,
+            const UChar *src,
+            int32_t n );
+ * Synonym for memcpy(), but with UChars only.
+ * @param dest The destination string
+ * @param src The source string (can be NULL/invalid if count<=0)
+ * @param count The number of characters to copy; no-op if <=0
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dest</code>
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_memcpy(UChar *dest, const UChar *src, int32_t count);
+ * Synonym for memmove(), but with UChars only.
+ * @param dest The destination string
+ * @param src The source string (can be NULL/invalid if count<=0)
+ * @param count The number of characters to move; no-op if <=0
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dest</code>
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_memmove(UChar *dest, const UChar *src, int32_t count);
+ * Initialize <code>count</code> characters of <code>dest</code> to <code>c</code>.
+ *
+ * @param dest The destination string.
+ * @param c The character to initialize the string.
+ * @param count The maximum number of characters to set.
+ * @return A pointer to <code>dest</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_memset(UChar *dest, UChar c, int32_t count);
+ * Compare the first <code>count</code> UChars of each buffer.
+ *
+ * @param buf1 The first string to compare.
+ * @param buf2 The second string to compare.
+ * @param count The maximum number of UChars to compare.
+ * @return When buf1 < buf2, a negative number is returned.
+ *      When buf1 == buf2, 0 is returned.
+ *      When buf1 > buf2, a positive number is returned.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_memcmp(const UChar *buf1, const UChar *buf2, int32_t count);
+ * Compare two Unicode strings in code point order.
+ * This is different in UTF-16 from u_memcmp() if supplementary characters are present.
+ * For details, see u_strCompare().
+ *
+ * @param s1 A string to compare.
+ * @param s2 A string to compare.
+ * @param count The maximum number of characters to compare.
+ * @return a negative/zero/positive integer corresponding to whether
+ * the first string is less than/equal to/greater than the second one
+ * in code point order
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_memcmpCodePointOrder(const UChar *s1, const UChar *s2, int32_t count);
+ * Find the first occurrence of a BMP code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (contains <code>count</code> UChars).
+ * @param c The BMP code point to find.
+ * @param count The length of the string.
+ * @return A pointer to the first occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ *
+ * @see u_strchr
+ * @see u_memchr32
+ * @see u_strFindFirst
+ */
+u_memchr(const UChar *s, UChar c, int32_t count);
+ * Find the first occurrence of a code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (contains <code>count</code> UChars).
+ * @param c The code point to find.
+ * @param count The length of the string.
+ * @return A pointer to the first occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ *
+ * @see u_strchr32
+ * @see u_memchr
+ * @see u_strFindFirst
+ */
+u_memchr32(const UChar *s, UChar32 c, int32_t count);
+ * Find the last occurrence of a BMP code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (contains <code>count</code> UChars).
+ * @param c The BMP code point to find.
+ * @param count The length of the string.
+ * @return A pointer to the last occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ *
+ * @see u_strrchr
+ * @see u_memrchr32
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_memrchr(const UChar *s, UChar c, int32_t count);
+ * Find the last occurrence of a code point in a string.
+ * A surrogate code point is found only if its match in the text is not
+ * part of a surrogate pair.
+ * A NUL character is found at the string terminator.
+ *
+ * @param s The string to search (contains <code>count</code> UChars).
+ * @param c The code point to find.
+ * @param count The length of the string.
+ * @return A pointer to the last occurrence of <code>c</code> in <code>s</code>
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if <code>c</code> is not in <code>s</code>.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ *
+ * @see u_strrchr32
+ * @see u_memrchr
+ * @see u_strFindLast
+ */
+u_memrchr32(const UChar *s, UChar32 c, int32_t count);
+ * Unicode String literals in C.
+ * We need one macro to declare a variable for the string
+ * and to statically preinitialize it if possible,
+ * and a second macro to dynamically initialize such a string variable if necessary.
+ *
+ * The macros are defined for maximum performance.
+ * They work only for strings that contain "invariant characters", i.e.,
+ * only latin letters, digits, and some punctuation.
+ * See utypes.h for details.
+ *
+ * A pair of macros for a single string must be used with the same
+ * parameters.
+ * The string parameter must be a C string literal.
+ * The length of the string, not including the terminating
+ * `NUL`, must be specified as a constant.
+ * The U_STRING_DECL macro should be invoked exactly once for one
+ * such string variable before it is used.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ *     U_STRING_DECL(ustringVar1, "Quick-Fox 2", 11);
+ *     U_STRING_DECL(ustringVar2, "jumps 5%", 8);
+ *     static UBool didInit=FALSE;
+ *
+ *     int32_t function() {
+ *         if(!didInit) {
+ *             U_STRING_INIT(ustringVar1, "Quick-Fox 2", 11);
+ *             U_STRING_INIT(ustringVar2, "jumps 5%", 8);
+ *             didInit=TRUE;
+ *         }
+ *         return u_strcmp(ustringVar1, ustringVar2);
+ *     }
+ * 
+ * Note that the macros will NOT consistently work if their argument is another #`define`.
+ * The following will not work on all platforms, don't use it.
+ * 
+ *     #define GLUCK "Mr. Gluck"
+ *     U_STRING_DECL(var, GLUCK, 9)
+ *     U_STRING_INIT(var, GLUCK, 9)
+ *
+ * Instead, use the string literal "Mr. Gluck"  as the argument to both macro
+ * calls.
+ *
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#if defined(U_DECLARE_UTF16)
+#   define U_STRING_DECL(var, cs, length) static const UChar *var=(const UChar *)U_DECLARE_UTF16(cs)
+    /**@stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define U_STRING_INIT(var, cs, length)
+#   define U_STRING_DECL(var, cs, length) static const UChar var[(length)+1]=L ## cs
+    /**@stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define U_STRING_INIT(var, cs, length)
+#   define U_STRING_DECL(var, cs, length) static const UChar var[(length)+1]=cs
+    /**@stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define U_STRING_INIT(var, cs, length)
+#   define U_STRING_DECL(var, cs, length) static UChar var[(length)+1]
+    /**@stable ICU 2.0 */
+#   define U_STRING_INIT(var, cs, length) u_charsToUChars(cs, var, length+1)
+ * Unescape a string of characters and write the resulting
+ * Unicode characters to the destination buffer.  The following escape
+ * sequences are recognized:
+ *
+ * \\uhhhh       4 hex digits; h in [0-9A-Fa-f]
+ * \\Uhhhhhhhh   8 hex digits
+ * \\xhh         1-2 hex digits
+ * \\x{h...}     1-8 hex digits
+ * \\ooo         1-3 octal digits; o in [0-7]
+ * \\cX          control-X; X is masked with 0x1F
+ *
+ * as well as the standard ANSI C escapes:
+ *
+ * \\a => U+0007, \\b => U+0008, \\t => U+0009, \\n => U+000A,
+ * \\v => U+000B, \\f => U+000C, \\r => U+000D, \\e => U+001B,
+ * \\&quot; => U+0022, \\' => U+0027, \\? => U+003F, \\\\ => U+005C
+ *
+ * Anything else following a backslash is generically escaped.  For
+ * example, "[a\\-z]" returns "[a-z]".
+ *
+ * If an escape sequence is ill-formed, this method returns an empty
+ * string.  An example of an ill-formed sequence is "\\u" followed by
+ * fewer than 4 hex digits.
+ *
+ * The above characters are recognized in the compiler's codepage,
+ * that is, they are coded as 'u', '\\', etc.  Characters that are
+ * not parts of escape sequences are converted using u_charsToUChars().
+ *
+ * This function is similar to UnicodeString::unescape() but not
+ * identical to it.  The latter takes a source UnicodeString, so it
+ * does escape recognition but no conversion.
+ *
+ * @param src a zero-terminated string of invariant characters
+ * @param dest pointer to buffer to receive converted and unescaped
+ * text and, if there is room, a zero terminator.  May be NULL for
+ * preflighting, in which case no UChars will be written, but the
+ * return value will still be valid.  On error, an empty string is
+ * stored here (if possible).
+ * @param destCapacity the number of UChars that may be written at
+ * dest.  Ignored if dest == NULL.
+ * @return the length of unescaped string.
+ * @see u_unescapeAt
+ * @see UnicodeString#unescape()
+ * @see UnicodeString#unescapeAt()
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_unescape(const char *src,
+           UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity);
+ * Callback function for u_unescapeAt() that returns a character of
+ * the source text given an offset and a context pointer.  The context
+ * pointer will be whatever is passed into u_unescapeAt().
+ *
+ * @param offset pointer to the offset that will be passed to u_unescapeAt().
+ * @param context an opaque pointer passed directly into u_unescapeAt()
+ * @return the character represented by the escape sequence at
+ * offset
+ * @see u_unescapeAt
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef UChar (U_CALLCONV *UNESCAPE_CHAR_AT)(int32_t offset, void *context);
+ * Unescape a single sequence. The character at offset-1 is assumed
+ * (without checking) to be a backslash.  This method takes a callback
+ * pointer to a function that returns the UChar at a given offset.  By
+ * varying this callback, ICU functions are able to unescape char*
+ * strings, UnicodeString objects, and UFILE pointers.
+ *
+ * If offset is out of range, or if the escape sequence is ill-formed,
+ * (UChar32)0xFFFFFFFF is returned.  See documentation of u_unescape()
+ * for a list of recognized sequences.
+ *
+ * @param charAt callback function that returns a UChar of the source
+ * text given an offset and a context pointer.
+ * @param offset pointer to the offset that will be passed to charAt.
+ * The offset value will be updated upon return to point after the
+ * last parsed character of the escape sequence.  On error the offset
+ * is unchanged.
+ * @param length the number of characters in the source text.  The
+ * last character of the source text is considered to be at offset
+ * length-1.
+ * @param context an opaque pointer passed directly into charAt.
+ * @return the character represented by the escape sequence at
+ * offset, or (UChar32)0xFFFFFFFF on error.
+ * @see u_unescape()
+ * @see UnicodeString#unescape()
+ * @see UnicodeString#unescapeAt()
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_unescapeAt(UNESCAPE_CHAR_AT charAt,
+             int32_t *offset,
+             int32_t length,
+             void *context);
+ * Uppercase the characters in a string.
+ * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer are allowed to overlap.
+ *
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param locale    The locale to consider, or "" for the root locale or NULL for the default locale.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string. It may be greater than destCapacity. In that case,
+ *         only some of the result was written to the destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strToUpper(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+             const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+             const char *locale,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Lowercase the characters in a string.
+ * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer are allowed to overlap.
+ *
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param locale    The locale to consider, or "" for the root locale or NULL for the default locale.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string. It may be greater than destCapacity. In that case,
+ *         only some of the result was written to the destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strToLower(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+             const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+             const char *locale,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Titlecase a string.
+ * Casing is locale-dependent and context-sensitive.
+ * Titlecasing uses a break iterator to find the first characters of words
+ * that are to be titlecased. It titlecases those characters and lowercases
+ * all others.
+ *
+ * The titlecase break iterator can be provided to customize for arbitrary
+ * styles, using rules and dictionaries beyond the standard iterators.
+ * It may be more efficient to always provide an iterator to avoid
+ * opening and closing one for each string.
+ * The standard titlecase iterator for the root locale implements the
+ * algorithm of Unicode TR 21.
+ *
+ * This function uses only the setText(), first() and next() methods of the
+ * provided break iterator.
+ *
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer are allowed to overlap.
+ *
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param titleIter A break iterator to find the first characters of words
+ *                  that are to be titlecased.
+ *                  If none is provided (NULL), then a standard titlecase
+ *                  break iterator is opened.
+ * @param locale    The locale to consider, or "" for the root locale or NULL for the default locale.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string. It may be greater than destCapacity. In that case,
+ *         only some of the result was written to the destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.1
+ */
+u_strToTitle(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+             const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+             UBreakIterator *titleIter,
+             const char *locale,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Case-folds the characters in a string.
+ *
+ * Case-folding is locale-independent and not context-sensitive,
+ * but there is an option for whether to include or exclude mappings for dotted I
+ * and dotless i that are marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt.
+ *
+ * The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
+ * The source string and the destination buffer are allowed to overlap.
+ *
+ * @param dest      A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                  the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                  dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the result
+ *                  without writing any of the result string.
+ * @param src       The original string
+ * @param srcLength The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                  which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The length of the result string. It may be greater than destCapacity. In that case,
+ *         only some of the result was written to the destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strFoldCase(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+              const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
+              uint32_t options,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#if defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) || defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF32) || !UCONFIG_NO_CONVERSION
+ * Convert a UTF-16 string to a wchar_t string.
+ * If it is known at compile time that wchar_t strings are in UTF-16 or UTF-32, then
+ * this function simply calls the fast, dedicated function for that.
+ * Otherwise, two conversions UTF-16 -> default charset -> wchar_t* are performed.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of wchar_t's). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE wchar_t* U_EXPORT2
+u_strToWCS(wchar_t *dest, 
+           int32_t destCapacity,
+           int32_t *pDestLength,
+           const UChar *src, 
+           int32_t srcLength,
+           UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a wchar_t string to UTF-16.
+ * If it is known at compile time that wchar_t strings are in UTF-16 or UTF-32, then
+ * this function simply calls the fast, dedicated function for that.
+ * Otherwise, two conversions wchar_t* -> default charset -> UTF-16 are performed.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strFromWCS(UChar   *dest,
+             int32_t destCapacity, 
+             int32_t *pDestLength,
+             const wchar_t *src,
+             int32_t srcLength,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#endif /* defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) || defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF32) || !UCONFIG_NO_CONVERSION */
+ * Convert a UTF-16 string to UTF-8.
+ * If the input string is not well-formed, then the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code is set.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of chars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ * @see u_strToUTF8WithSub
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8
+ */
+u_strToUTF8(char *dest,           
+            int32_t destCapacity,
+            int32_t *pDestLength,
+            const UChar *src, 
+            int32_t srcLength,
+            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-8 string to UTF-16.
+ * If the input string is not well-formed, then the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code is set.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8WithSub
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8Lenient
+ */
+u_strFromUTF8(UChar *dest,             
+              int32_t destCapacity,
+              int32_t *pDestLength,
+              const char *src, 
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-16 string to UTF-8.
+ *
+ * Same as u_strToUTF8() except for the additional subchar which is output for
+ * illegal input sequences, instead of stopping with the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code.
+ * With subchar==U_SENTINEL, this function behaves exactly like u_strToUTF8().
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of chars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param subchar       The substitution character to use in place of an illegal input sequence,
+ *                      or U_SENTINEL if the function is to return with U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND instead.
+ *                      A substitution character can be any valid Unicode code point (up to U+10FFFF)
+ *                      except for surrogate code points (U+D800..U+DFFF).
+ *                      The recommended value is U+FFFD "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER".
+ * @param pNumSubstitutions Output parameter receiving the number of substitutions if subchar>=0.
+ *                      Set to 0 if no substitutions occur or subchar<0.
+ *                      pNumSubstitutions can be NULL.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                      pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                      immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                      function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strToUTF8
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8WithSub
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+u_strToUTF8WithSub(char *dest,
+            int32_t destCapacity,
+            int32_t *pDestLength,
+            const UChar *src,
+            int32_t srcLength,
+            UChar32 subchar, int32_t *pNumSubstitutions,
+            UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-8 string to UTF-16.
+ *
+ * Same as u_strFromUTF8() except for the additional subchar which is output for
+ * illegal input sequences, instead of stopping with the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code.
+ * With subchar==U_SENTINEL, this function behaves exactly like u_strFromUTF8().
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param subchar       The substitution character to use in place of an illegal input sequence,
+ *                      or U_SENTINEL if the function is to return with U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND instead.
+ *                      A substitution character can be any valid Unicode code point (up to U+10FFFF)
+ *                      except for surrogate code points (U+D800..U+DFFF).
+ *                      The recommended value is U+FFFD "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER".
+ * @param pNumSubstitutions Output parameter receiving the number of substitutions if subchar>=0.
+ *                      Set to 0 if no substitutions occur or subchar<0.
+ *                      pNumSubstitutions can be NULL.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                      pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                      immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                      function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8Lenient
+ * @see u_strToUTF8WithSub
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+u_strFromUTF8WithSub(UChar *dest,
+              int32_t destCapacity,
+              int32_t *pDestLength,
+              const char *src,
+              int32_t srcLength,
+              UChar32 subchar, int32_t *pNumSubstitutions,
+              UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-8 string to UTF-16.
+ *
+ * Same as u_strFromUTF8() except that this function is designed to be very fast,
+ * which it achieves by being lenient about malformed UTF-8 sequences.
+ * This function is intended for use in environments where UTF-8 text is
+ * expected to be well-formed.
+ *
+ * Its semantics are:
+ * - Well-formed UTF-8 text is correctly converted to well-formed UTF-16 text.
+ * - The function will not read beyond the input string, nor write beyond
+ *   the destCapacity.
+ * - Malformed UTF-8 results in "garbage" 16-bit Unicode strings which may not
+ *   be well-formed UTF-16.
+ *   The function will resynchronize to valid code point boundaries
+ *   within a small number of code points after an illegal sequence.
+ * - Non-shortest forms are not detected and will result in "spoofing" output.
+ *
+ * For further performance improvement, if srcLength is given (>=0),
+ * then it must be destCapacity>=srcLength.
+ *
+ * There is no inverse u_strToUTF8Lenient() function because there is practically
+ * no performance gain from not checking that a UTF-16 string is well-formed.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ *                      Unlike for other ICU functions, if srcLength>=0 then it
+ *                      must be destCapacity>=srcLength.
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ *                      Unlike for other ICU functions, if srcLength>=0 but
+ *                      destCapacity<srcLength, then *pDestLength will be set to srcLength
+ *                      (and U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR will be set)
+ *                      regardless of the actual result length.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                      pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                      immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                      function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8WithSub
+ * @see u_strToUTF8WithSub
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+u_strFromUTF8Lenient(UChar *dest,
+                     int32_t destCapacity,
+                     int32_t *pDestLength,
+                     const char *src,
+                     int32_t srcLength,
+                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-16 string to UTF-32.
+ * If the input string is not well-formed, then the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code is set.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChar32s). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strToUTF32WithSub
+ * @see u_strFromUTF32
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strToUTF32(UChar32 *dest, 
+             int32_t  destCapacity,
+             int32_t  *pDestLength,
+             const UChar *src, 
+             int32_t  srcLength,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-32 string to UTF-16.
+ * If the input string is not well-formed, then the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code is set.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Must be a valid pointer to an error code value,
+ *                      which must not indicate a failure before the function call.
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strFromUTF32WithSub
+ * @see u_strToUTF32
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_strFromUTF32(UChar   *dest,
+               int32_t destCapacity, 
+               int32_t *pDestLength,
+               const UChar32 *src,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-16 string to UTF-32.
+ *
+ * Same as u_strToUTF32() except for the additional subchar which is output for
+ * illegal input sequences, instead of stopping with the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code.
+ * With subchar==U_SENTINEL, this function behaves exactly like u_strToUTF32().
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChar32s). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param subchar       The substitution character to use in place of an illegal input sequence,
+ *                      or U_SENTINEL if the function is to return with U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND instead.
+ *                      A substitution character can be any valid Unicode code point (up to U+10FFFF)
+ *                      except for surrogate code points (U+D800..U+DFFF).
+ *                      The recommended value is U+FFFD "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER".
+ * @param pNumSubstitutions Output parameter receiving the number of substitutions if subchar>=0.
+ *                      Set to 0 if no substitutions occur or subchar<0.
+ *                      pNumSubstitutions can be NULL.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                      pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                      immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                      function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strToUTF32
+ * @see u_strFromUTF32WithSub
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+u_strToUTF32WithSub(UChar32 *dest,
+             int32_t destCapacity,
+             int32_t *pDestLength,
+             const UChar *src,
+             int32_t srcLength,
+             UChar32 subchar, int32_t *pNumSubstitutions,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a UTF-32 string to UTF-16.
+ *
+ * Same as u_strFromUTF32() except for the additional subchar which is output for
+ * illegal input sequences, instead of stopping with the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code.
+ * With subchar==U_SENTINEL, this function behaves exactly like u_strFromUTF32().
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param subchar       The substitution character to use in place of an illegal input sequence,
+ *                      or U_SENTINEL if the function is to return with U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND instead.
+ *                      A substitution character can be any valid Unicode code point (up to U+10FFFF)
+ *                      except for surrogate code points (U+D800..U+DFFF).
+ *                      The recommended value is U+FFFD "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER".
+ * @param pNumSubstitutions Output parameter receiving the number of substitutions if subchar>=0.
+ *                      Set to 0 if no substitutions occur or subchar<0.
+ *                      pNumSubstitutions can be NULL.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                      pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                      immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                      function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strFromUTF32
+ * @see u_strToUTF32WithSub
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+u_strFromUTF32WithSub(UChar *dest,
+               int32_t destCapacity,
+               int32_t *pDestLength,
+               const UChar32 *src,
+               int32_t srcLength,
+               UChar32 subchar, int32_t *pNumSubstitutions,
+               UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a 16-bit Unicode string to Java Modified UTF-8.
+ * See
+ *
+ * This function behaves according to the documentation for Java DataOutput.writeUTF()
+ * except that it does not encode the output length in the destination buffer
+ * and does not have an output length restriction.
+ * See
+ *
+ * The input string need not be well-formed UTF-16.
+ * (Therefore there is no subchar parameter.)
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of chars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                      pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                      immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                      function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ * @see u_strToUTF8WithSub
+ * @see u_strFromJavaModifiedUTF8WithSub
+ */
+        char *dest,
+        int32_t destCapacity,
+        int32_t *pDestLength,
+        const UChar *src, 
+        int32_t srcLength,
+        UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Convert a Java Modified UTF-8 string to a 16-bit Unicode string.
+ * If the input string is not well-formed and no substitution char is specified, 
+ * then the U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error code is set.
+ *
+ * This function behaves according to the documentation for Java DataInput.readUTF()
+ * except that it takes a length parameter rather than
+ * interpreting the first two input bytes as the length.
+ * See
+ *
+ * The output string may not be well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param dest          A buffer for the result string. The result will be zero-terminated if
+ *                      the buffer is large enough.
+ * @param destCapacity  The size of the buffer (number of UChars). If it is 0, then
+ *                      dest may be NULL and the function will only return the length of the 
+ *                      result without writing any of the result string (pre-flighting).
+ * @param pDestLength   A pointer to receive the number of units written to the destination. If 
+ *                      pDestLength!=NULL then *pDestLength is always set to the 
+ *                      number of output units corresponding to the transformation of 
+ *                      all the input units, even in case of a buffer overflow.
+ * @param src           The original source string
+ * @param srcLength     The length of the original string. If -1, then src must be zero-terminated.
+ * @param subchar       The substitution character to use in place of an illegal input sequence,
+ *                      or U_SENTINEL if the function is to return with U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND instead.
+ *                      A substitution character can be any valid Unicode code point (up to U+10FFFF)
+ *                      except for surrogate code points (U+D800..U+DFFF).
+ *                      The recommended value is U+FFFD "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER".
+ * @param pNumSubstitutions Output parameter receiving the number of substitutions if subchar>=0.
+ *                      Set to 0 if no substitutions occur or subchar<0.
+ *                      pNumSubstitutions can be NULL.
+ * @param pErrorCode    Pointer to a standard ICU error code. Its input value must
+ *                      pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
+ *                      immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
+ *                      function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
+ * @return The pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8WithSub
+ * @see u_strFromUTF8Lenient
+ * @see u_strToJavaModifiedUTF8
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+        UChar *dest,
+        int32_t destCapacity,
+        int32_t *pDestLength,
+        const char *src,
+        int32_t srcLength,
+        UChar32 subchar, int32_t *pNumSubstitutions,
+        UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ustringtrie.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ustringtrie.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd85648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/ustringtrie.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  udicttrie.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2010dec17
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __USTRINGTRIE_H__
+#define __USTRINGTRIE_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Helper definitions for dictionary trie APIs.
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * Return values for BytesTrie::next(), UCharsTrie::next() and similar methods.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+enum UStringTrieResult {
+    /**
+     * The input unit(s) did not continue a matching string.
+     * Once current()/next() return USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH,
+     * all further calls to current()/next() will also return USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH,
+     * until the trie is reset to its original state or to a saved state.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The input unit(s) continued a matching string
+     * but there is no value for the string so far.
+     * (It is a prefix of a longer string.)
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The input unit(s) continued a matching string
+     * and there is a value for the string so far.
+     * This value will be returned by getValue().
+     * No further input byte/unit can continue a matching string.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The input unit(s) continued a matching string
+     * and there is a value for the string so far.
+     * This value will be returned by getValue().
+     * Another input byte/unit can continue a matching string.
+     * @stable ICU 4.8
+     */
+ * Same as (result!=USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH).
+ * @param result A result from BytesTrie::first(), UCharsTrie::next() etc.
+ * @return true if the input bytes/units so far are part of a matching string/byte sequence.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+ * this macro evaluates result exactly once.
+ * @param result A result from BytesTrie::first(), UCharsTrie::next() etc.
+ * @return true if there is a value for the input bytes/units so far.
+ * @see BytesTrie::getValue
+ * @see UCharsTrie::getValue
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+ * Equivalent to (result==USTRINGTRIE_NO_VALUE || result==USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE) but
+ * this macro evaluates result exactly once.
+ * @param result A result from BytesTrie::first(), UCharsTrie::next() etc.
+ * @return true if another input byte/unit can continue a matching string.
+ * @stable ICU 4.8
+ */
+#define USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(result) ((result)&1)
+#endif  /* __USTRINGTRIE_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utext.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..196056b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1603 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2004-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utext.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2004oct06
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UTEXT_H__
+#define __UTEXT_H__
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Abstract Unicode Text API
+ *
+ * The Text Access API provides a means to allow text that is stored in alternative
+ * formats to work with ICU services.  ICU normally operates on text that is
+ * stored in UTF-16 format, in (UChar *) arrays for the C APIs or as type
+ * UnicodeString for C++ APIs.
+ *
+ * ICU Text Access allows other formats, such as UTF-8 or non-contiguous
+ * UTF-16 strings, to be placed in a UText wrapper and then passed to ICU services.
+ *
+ * There are three general classes of usage for UText:
+ *
+ *     Application Level Use.  This is the simplest usage - applications would
+ *     use one of the utext_open() functions on their input text, and pass
+ *     the resulting UText to the desired ICU service.
+ *
+ *     Second is usage in ICU Services, such as break iteration, that will need to
+ *     operate on input presented to them as a UText.  These implementations
+ *     will need to use the iteration and related UText functions to gain
+ *     access to the actual text.
+ *
+ *     The third class of UText users are "text providers."  These are the
+ *     UText implementations for the various text storage formats.  An application
+ *     or system with a unique text storage format can implement a set of
+ *     UText provider functions for that format, which will then allow
+ *     ICU services to operate on that format.
+ *
+ *
+ * <em>Iterating over text</em>
+ *
+ * Here is sample code for a forward iteration over the contents of a UText
+ *
+ * \code
+ *    UChar32  c;
+ *    UText    *ut = whatever();
+ *
+ *    for (c=utext_next32From(ut, 0); c>=0; c=utext_next32(ut)) {
+ *       // do whatever with the codepoint c here.
+ *    }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * And here is similar code to iterate in the reverse direction, from the end
+ * of the text towards the beginning.
+ *
+ * \code
+ *    UChar32  c;
+ *    UText    *ut = whatever();
+ *    int      textLength = utext_nativeLength(ut);
+ *    for (c=utext_previous32From(ut, textLength); c>=0; c=utext_previous32(ut)) {
+ *       // do whatever with the codepoint c here.
+ *    }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * <em>Characters and Indexing</em>
+ *
+ * Indexing into text by UText functions is nearly always in terms of the native
+ * indexing of the underlying text storage.  The storage format could be UTF-8
+ * or UTF-32, for example.  When coding to the UText access API, no assumptions
+ * can be made regarding the size of characters, or how far an index
+ * may move when iterating between characters.
+ *
+ * All indices supplied to UText functions are pinned to the length of the
+ * text.  An out-of-bounds index is not considered to be an error, but is
+ * adjusted to be in the range  0 <= index <= length of input text.
+ *
+ *
+ * When an index position is returned from a UText function, it will be
+ * a native index to the underlying text.  In the case of multi-unit characters,
+ * it will  always refer to the first position of the character,
+ * never to the interior.  This is essentially the same thing as saying that
+ * a returned index will always point to a boundary between characters.
+ *
+ * When a native index is supplied to a UText function, all indices that
+ * refer to any part of a multi-unit character representation are considered
+ * to be equivalent.  In the case of multi-unit characters, an incoming index
+ * will be logically normalized to refer to the start of the character.
+ * 
+ * It is possible to test whether a native index is on a code point boundary
+ * by doing a utext_setNativeIndex() followed by a utext_getNativeIndex().
+ * If the index is returned unchanged, it was on a code point boundary.  If
+ * an adjusted index is returned, the original index referred to the
+ * interior of a character.
+ *
+ * <em>Conventions for calling UText functions</em>
+ *
+ * Most UText access functions have as their first parameter a (UText *) pointer,
+ * which specifies the UText to be used.  Unless otherwise noted, the
+ * pointer must refer to a valid, open UText.  Attempting to
+ * use a closed UText or passing a NULL pointer is a programming error and
+ * will produce undefined results or NULL pointer exceptions.
+ * 
+ * The UText_Open family of functions can either open an existing (closed)
+ * UText, or heap allocate a new UText.  Here is sample code for creating
+ * a stack-allocated UText.
+ *
+ * \code
+ *    char     *s = whatever();  // A utf-8 string 
+ *    U_ErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *    UText    ut = UTEXT_INITIALIZER;
+ *    utext_openUTF8(ut, s, -1, &status);
+ *    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ *        // error handling
+ *    } else {
+ *        // work with the UText
+ *    }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Any existing UText passed to an open function _must_ have been initialized, 
+ * either by the UTEXT_INITIALIZER, or by having been originally heap-allocated
+ * by an open function.  Passing NULL will cause the open function to
+ * heap-allocate and fully initialize a new UText.
+ *
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "unicode/rep.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/chariter.h"
+struct UText;
+typedef struct UText UText; /**< C typedef for struct UText. @stable ICU 3.6 */
+ *
+ *   C Functions for creating UText wrappers around various kinds of text strings.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************************/
+  * Close function for UText instances.
+  * Cleans up, releases any resources being held by an open UText.
+  * <p>
+  *   If the UText was originally allocated by one of the utext_open functions,
+  *   the storage associated with the utext will also be freed.
+  *   If the UText storage originated with the application, as it would with
+  *   a local or static instance, the storage will not be deleted.
+  *
+  *   An open UText can be reset to refer to new string by using one of the utext_open()
+  *   functions without first closing the UText.  
+  *
+  * @param ut  The UText to be closed.
+  * @return    NULL if the UText struct was deleted by the close.  If the UText struct
+  *            was originally provided by the caller to the open function, it is
+  *            returned by this function, and may be safely used again in
+  *            a subsequent utext_open.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+utext_close(UText *ut);
+ * \class LocalUTextPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UText via utext_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUTextPointer, UText, utext_close);
+ * Open a read-only UText implementation for UTF-8 strings.
+ * 
+ * \htmlonly
+ * Any invalid UTF-8 in the input will be handled in this way:
+ * a sequence of bytes that has the form of a truncated, but otherwise valid,
+ * UTF-8 sequence will be replaced by a single unicode replacement character, \uFFFD. 
+ * Any other illegal bytes will each be replaced by a \uFFFD.
+ * \endhtmlonly
+ * 
+ * @param ut     Pointer to a UText struct.  If NULL, a new UText will be created.
+ *               If non-NULL, must refer to an initialized UText struct, which will then
+ *               be reset to reference the specified UTF-8 string.
+ * @param s      A UTF-8 string.  Must not be NULL.
+ * @param length The length of the UTF-8 string in bytes, or -1 if the string is
+ *               zero terminated.
+ * @param status Errors are returned here.
+ * @return       A pointer to the UText.  If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it
+ *               will always be used and returned.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_openUTF8(UText *ut, const char *s, int64_t length, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Open a read-only UText for UChar * string.
+ * 
+ * @param ut     Pointer to a UText struct.  If NULL, a new UText will be created.
+ *               If non-NULL, must refer to an initialized UText struct, which will then
+ *               be reset to reference the specified UChar string.
+ * @param s      A UChar (UTF-16) string
+ * @param length The number of UChars in the input string, or -1 if the string is
+ *               zero terminated.
+ * @param status Errors are returned here.
+ * @return       A pointer to the UText.  If a pre-allocated UText was provided, it
+ *               will always be used and returned.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_openUChars(UText *ut, const UChar *s, int64_t length, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Open a writable UText for a non-const UnicodeString. 
+ * 
+ * @param ut      Pointer to a UText struct.  If NULL, a new UText will be created.
+ *                 If non-NULL, must refer to an initialized UText struct, which will then
+ *                 be reset to reference the specified input string.
+ * @param s       A UnicodeString.
+ * @param status Errors are returned here.
+ * @return        Pointer to the UText.  If a UText was supplied as input, this
+ *                 will always be used and returned.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_openUnicodeString(UText *ut, icu::UnicodeString *s, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Open a UText for a const UnicodeString.   The resulting UText will not be writable.
+ * 
+ * @param ut    Pointer to a UText struct.  If NULL, a new UText will be created.
+ *               If non-NULL, must refer to an initialized UText struct, which will then
+ *               be reset to reference the specified input string.
+ * @param s      A const UnicodeString to be wrapped.
+ * @param status Errors are returned here.
+ * @return       Pointer to the UText.  If a UText was supplied as input, this
+ *               will always be used and returned.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_openConstUnicodeString(UText *ut, const icu::UnicodeString *s, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Open a writable UText implementation for an ICU Replaceable object.
+ * @param ut    Pointer to a UText struct.  If NULL, a new UText will be created.
+ *               If non-NULL, must refer to an already existing UText, which will then
+ *               be reset to reference the specified replaceable text.
+ * @param rep    A Replaceable text object.
+ * @param status Errors are returned here.
+ * @return       Pointer to the UText.  If a UText was supplied as input, this
+ *               will always be used and returned.
+ * @see Replaceable
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_openReplaceable(UText *ut, icu::Replaceable *rep, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Open a  UText implementation over an ICU CharacterIterator.
+ * @param ut    Pointer to a UText struct.  If NULL, a new UText will be created.
+ *               If non-NULL, must refer to an already existing UText, which will then
+ *               be reset to reference the specified replaceable text.
+ * @param ci     A Character Iterator.
+ * @param status Errors are returned here.
+ * @return       Pointer to the UText.  If a UText was supplied as input, this
+ *               will always be used and returned.
+ * @see Replaceable
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_openCharacterIterator(UText *ut, icu::CharacterIterator *ci, UErrorCode *status);
+  *  Clone a UText.  This is much like opening a UText where the source text is itself
+  *  another UText.
+  *
+  *  A deep clone will copy both the UText data structures and the underlying text.
+  *  The original and cloned UText will operate completely independently; modifications
+  *  made to the text in one will not affect the other.  Text providers are not
+  *  required to support deep clones.  The user of clone() must check the status return
+  *  and be prepared to handle failures.
+  *
+  *  The standard UText implementations for UTF8, UChar *, UnicodeString and
+  *  Replaceable all support deep cloning.
+  *
+  *  The UText returned from a deep clone will be writable, assuming that the text
+  *  provider is able to support writing, even if the source UText had been made
+  *  non-writable by means of UText_freeze().
+  *
+  *  A shallow clone replicates only the UText data structures; it does not make
+  *  a copy of the underlying text.  Shallow clones can be used as an efficient way to 
+  *  have multiple iterators active in a single text string that is not being
+  *  modified.
+  *
+  *  A shallow clone operation will not fail, barring truly exceptional conditions such
+  *  as memory allocation failures.
+  *
+  *  Shallow UText clones should be avoided if the UText functions that modify the
+  *  text are expected to be used, either on the original or the cloned UText.
+  *  Any such modifications  can cause unpredictable behavior.  Read Only
+  *  shallow clones provide some protection against errors of this type by
+  *  disabling text modification via the cloned UText.
+  *
+  *  A shallow clone made with the readOnly parameter == FALSE will preserve the 
+  *  utext_isWritable() state of the source object.  Note, however, that
+  *  write operations must be avoided while more than one UText exists that refer
+  *  to the same underlying text.
+  *
+  *  A UText and its clone may be safely concurrently accessed by separate threads.
+  *  This is true for read access only with shallow clones, and for both read and
+  *  write access with deep clones.
+  *  It is the responsibility of the Text Provider to ensure that this thread safety
+  *  constraint is met.
+  *
+  *  @param dest   A UText struct to be filled in with the result of the clone operation,
+  *                or NULL if the clone function should heap-allocate a new UText struct.
+  *                If non-NULL, must refer to an already existing UText, which will then
+  *                be reset to become the clone.
+  *  @param src    The UText to be cloned.
+  *  @param deep   TRUE to request a deep clone, FALSE for a shallow clone.
+  *  @param readOnly TRUE to request that the cloned UText have read only access to the 
+  *                underlying text.  
+  *  @param status Errors are returned here.  For deep clones, U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
+  *                will be returned if the text provider is unable to clone the
+  *                original text.
+  *  @return       The newly created clone, or NULL if the clone operation failed.
+  *  @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+utext_clone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UBool readOnly, UErrorCode *status);
+  *  Compare two UText objects for equality.
+  *  UTexts are equal if they are iterating over the same text, and
+  *    have the same iteration position within the text.
+  *    If either or both of the parameters are NULL, the comparison is FALSE.
+  *
+  *  @param a   The first of the two UTexts to compare.
+  *  @param b   The other UText to be compared.
+  *  @return    TRUE if the two UTexts are equal.
+  *  @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+utext_equals(const UText *a, const UText *b);
+ *
+ *   Functions to work with the text represented by a UText wrapper
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+  * Get the length of the text.  Depending on the characteristics
+  * of the underlying text representation, this may be expensive.  
+  * @see  utext_isLengthExpensive()
+  *
+  *
+  * @param ut  the text to be accessed.
+  * @return the length of the text, expressed in native units.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+utext_nativeLength(UText *ut);
+ *  Return TRUE if calculating the length of the text could be expensive.
+ *  Finding the length of NUL terminated strings is considered to be expensive.
+ *
+ *  Note that the value of this function may change
+ *  as the result of other operations on a UText.
+ *  Once the length of a string has been discovered, it will no longer
+ *  be expensive to report it.
+ *
+ * @param ut the text to be accessed.
+ * @return TRUE if determining the length of the text could be time consuming.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_isLengthExpensive(const UText *ut);
+ * Returns the code point at the requested index,
+ * or U_SENTINEL (-1) if it is out of bounds.
+ *
+ * If the specified index points to the interior of a multi-unit
+ * character - one of the trail bytes of a UTF-8 sequence, for example -
+ * the complete code point will be returned.
+ *
+ * The iteration position will be set to the start of the returned code point.
+ *
+ * This function is roughly equivalent to the sequence
+ *    utext_setNativeIndex(index);
+ *    utext_current32();
+ * (There is a subtle difference if the index is out of bounds by being less than zero - 
+ * utext_setNativeIndex(negative value) sets the index to zero, after which utext_current()
+ * will return the char at zero.  utext_char32At(negative index), on the other hand, will
+ * return the U_SENTINEL value of -1.)
+ * 
+ * @param ut the text to be accessed
+ * @param nativeIndex the native index of the character to be accessed.  If the index points
+ *        to other than the first unit of a multi-unit character, it will be adjusted
+ *        to the start of the character.
+ * @return the code point at the specified index.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_char32At(UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex);
+ *
+ * Get the code point at the current iteration position,
+ * or U_SENTINEL (-1) if the iteration has reached the end of
+ * the input text.
+ *
+ * @param ut the text to be accessed.
+ * @return the Unicode code point at the current iterator position.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_current32(UText *ut);
+ * Get the code point at the current iteration position of the UText, and
+ * advance the position to the first index following the character.
+ *
+ * If the position is at the end of the text (the index following
+ * the last character, which is also the length of the text), 
+ * return U_SENTINEL (-1) and do not advance the index. 
+ *
+ * This is a post-increment operation.
+ *
+ * An inline macro version of this function, UTEXT_NEXT32(), 
+ * is available for performance critical use.
+ *
+ * @param ut the text to be accessed.
+ * @return the Unicode code point at the iteration position.
+ * @see UTEXT_NEXT32
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_next32(UText *ut);
+ *  Move the iterator position to the character (code point) whose
+ *  index precedes the current position, and return that character.
+ *  This is a pre-decrement operation.
+ *
+ *  If the initial position is at the start of the text (index of 0) 
+ *  return U_SENTINEL (-1), and leave the position unchanged.
+ *
+ *  An inline macro version of this function, UTEXT_PREVIOUS32(), 
+ *  is available for performance critical use.
+ *
+ *  @param ut the text to be accessed.
+ *  @return the previous UChar32 code point, or U_SENTINEL (-1) 
+ *          if the iteration has reached the start of the text.
+ *  @see UTEXT_PREVIOUS32
+ *  @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_previous32(UText *ut);
+  * Set the iteration index and return the code point at that index. 
+  * Leave the iteration index at the start of the following code point.
+  *
+  * This function is the most efficient and convenient way to
+  * begin a forward iteration.  The results are identical to the those
+  * from the sequence
+  * \code
+  *    utext_setIndex();
+  *    utext_next32();
+  * \endcode
+  *
+  *  @param ut the text to be accessed.
+  *  @param nativeIndex Iteration index, in the native units of the text provider.
+  *  @return Code point which starts at or before index,
+  *         or U_SENTINEL (-1) if it is out of bounds.
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+utext_next32From(UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex);
+  * Set the iteration index, and return the code point preceding the
+  * one specified by the initial index.  Leave the iteration position
+  * at the start of the returned code point.
+  *
+  * This function is the most efficient and convenient way to
+  * begin a backwards iteration.
+  *
+  * @param ut the text to be accessed.
+  * @param nativeIndex Iteration index in the native units of the text provider.
+  * @return Code point preceding the one at the initial index,
+  *         or U_SENTINEL (-1) if it is out of bounds.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+utext_previous32From(UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex);
+  * Get the current iterator position, which can range from 0 to 
+  * the length of the text.
+  * The position is a native index into the input text, in whatever format it
+  * may have (possibly UTF-8 for example), and may not always be the same as
+  * the corresponding UChar (UTF-16) index.
+  * The returned position will always be aligned to a code point boundary. 
+  *
+  * @param ut the text to be accessed.
+  * @return the current index position, in the native units of the text provider.
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+utext_getNativeIndex(const UText *ut);
+ * Set the current iteration position to the nearest code point
+ * boundary at or preceding the specified index.
+ * The index is in the native units of the original input text.
+ * If the index is out of range, it will be pinned to be within
+ * the range of the input text.
+ * <p>
+ * It will usually be more efficient to begin an iteration
+ * using the functions utext_next32From() or utext_previous32From()
+ * rather than setIndex().
+ * <p>
+ * Moving the index position to an adjacent character is best done
+ * with utext_next32(), utext_previous32() or utext_moveIndex32().
+ * Attempting to do direct arithmetic on the index position is
+ * complicated by the fact that the size (in native units) of a
+ * character depends on the underlying representation of the character
+ * (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, arbitrary codepage), and is not
+ * easily knowable.
+ *
+ * @param ut the text to be accessed.
+ * @param nativeIndex the native unit index of the new iteration position.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_setNativeIndex(UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex);
+ * Move the iterator position by delta code points.  The number of code points
+ * is a signed number; a negative delta will move the iterator backwards,
+ * towards the start of the text.
+ * <p>
+ * The index is moved by <code>delta</code> code points
+ * forward or backward, but no further backward than to 0 and
+ * no further forward than to utext_nativeLength().
+ * The resulting index value will be in between 0 and length, inclusive.
+ *
+ * @param ut the text to be accessed.
+ * @param delta the signed number of code points to move the iteration position.
+ * @return TRUE if the position could be moved the requested number of positions while
+ *              staying within the range [0 - text length].
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_moveIndex32(UText *ut, int32_t delta);
+ * Get the native index of the character preceding the current position.
+ * If the iteration position is already at the start of the text, zero
+ * is returned.
+ * The value returned is the same as that obtained from the following sequence,
+ * but without the side effect of changing the iteration position.
+ *   
+ * \code
+ *    UText  *ut = whatever;
+ *      ...
+ *    utext_previous(ut)
+ *    utext_getNativeIndex(ut);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This function is most useful during forwards iteration, where it will get the
+ *   native index of the character most recently returned from utext_next().
+ *
+ * @param ut the text to be accessed
+ * @return the native index of the character preceding the current index position,
+ *         or zero if the current position is at the start of the text.
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+utext_getPreviousNativeIndex(UText *ut); 
+ *
+ * Extract text from a UText into a UChar buffer.  The range of text to be extracted
+ * is specified in the native indices of the UText provider.  These may not necessarily
+ * be UTF-16 indices.
+ * <p>
+ * The size (number of 16 bit UChars) of the data to be extracted is returned.  The
+ * full number of UChars is returned, even when the extracted text is truncated
+ * because the specified buffer size is too small.
+ * <p>
+ * The extracted string will (if you are a user) / must (if you are a text provider)
+ * be NUL-terminated if there is sufficient space in the destination buffer.  This
+ * terminating NUL is not included in the returned length.
+ * <p>
+ * The iteration index is left at the position following the last extracted character.
+ *
+ * @param  ut    the UText from which to extract data.
+ * @param  nativeStart the native index of the first character to extract.\
+ *               If the specified index is out of range,
+ *               it will be pinned to be within 0 <= index <= textLength
+ * @param  nativeLimit the native string index of the position following the last
+ *               character to extract.  If the specified index is out of range,
+ *               it will be pinned to be within 0 <= index <= textLength.
+ *               nativeLimit must be >= nativeStart.
+ * @param  dest  the UChar (UTF-16) buffer into which the extracted text is placed
+ * @param  destCapacity  The size, in UChars, of the destination buffer.  May be zero
+ *               for precomputing the required size.
+ * @param  status receives any error status.
+ *         U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: the extracted text was truncated because the 
+ *         buffer was too small.  Returns number of UChars for preflighting.
+ * @return Number of UChars in the data to be extracted.  Does not include a trailing NUL.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_extract(UText *ut,
+             int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
+             UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+             UErrorCode *status);
+ *
+ *  #define inline versions of selected performance-critical text access functions
+ *          Caution:  do not use auto increment++ or decrement-- expressions
+ *                    as parameters to these macros.
+ *
+ *          For most use, where there is no extreme performance constraint, the
+ *          normal, non-inline functions are a better choice.  The resulting code
+ *          will be smaller, and, if the need ever arises, easier to debug.
+ *
+ *          These are implemented as #defines rather than real functions
+ *          because there is no fully portable way to do inline functions in plain C.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************************/
+ * inline version of utext_current32(), for performance-critical situations.
+ *
+ * Get the code point at the current iteration position of the UText.
+ * Returns U_SENTINEL (-1) if the position is at the end of the
+ * text.
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 technology preview
+ */
+#define UTEXT_CURRENT32(ut)  \
+    ((ut)->chunkOffset < (ut)->chunkLength && ((ut)->chunkContents)[(ut)->chunkOffset]<0xd800 ? \
+    ((ut)->chunkContents)[((ut)->chunkOffset)] : utext_current32(ut))
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * inline version of utext_next32(), for performance-critical situations.
+ *
+ * Get the code point at the current iteration position of the UText, and
+ * advance the position to the first index following the character.
+ * This is a post-increment operation.
+ * Returns U_SENTINEL (-1) if the position is at the end of the
+ * text.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+#define UTEXT_NEXT32(ut)  \
+    ((ut)->chunkOffset < (ut)->chunkLength && ((ut)->chunkContents)[(ut)->chunkOffset]<0xd800 ? \
+    ((ut)->chunkContents)[((ut)->chunkOffset)++] : utext_next32(ut))
+ * inline version of utext_previous32(), for performance-critical situations.
+ *
+ *  Move the iterator position to the character (code point) whose
+ *  index precedes the current position, and return that character.
+ *  This is a pre-decrement operation.
+ *  Returns U_SENTINEL (-1) if the position is at the start of the  text.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+#define UTEXT_PREVIOUS32(ut)  \
+    ((ut)->chunkOffset > 0 && \
+     (ut)->chunkContents[(ut)->chunkOffset-1] < 0xd800 ? \
+          (ut)->chunkContents[--((ut)->chunkOffset)]  :  utext_previous32(ut))
+  *  inline version of utext_getNativeIndex(), for performance-critical situations.
+  *
+  * Get the current iterator position, which can range from 0 to 
+  * the length of the text.
+  * The position is a native index into the input text, in whatever format it
+  * may have (possibly UTF-8 for example), and may not always be the same as
+  * the corresponding UChar (UTF-16) index.
+  * The returned position will always be aligned to a code point boundary. 
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+#define UTEXT_GETNATIVEINDEX(ut)                       \
+    ((ut)->chunkOffset <= (ut)->nativeIndexingLimit?   \
+        (ut)->chunkNativeStart+(ut)->chunkOffset :     \
+        (ut)->pFuncs->mapOffsetToNative(ut))    
+  *  inline version of utext_setNativeIndex(), for performance-critical situations.
+  *
+  * Set the current iteration position to the nearest code point
+  * boundary at or preceding the specified index.
+  * The index is in the native units of the original input text.
+  * If the index is out of range, it will be pinned to be within
+  * the range of the input text.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.8
+  */
+    int64_t __offset = (ix) - (ut)->chunkNativeStart; \
+    if (__offset>=0 && __offset<(int64_t)(ut)->nativeIndexingLimit && (ut)->chunkContents[__offset]<0xdc00) { \
+        (ut)->chunkOffset=(int32_t)__offset; \
+    } else { \
+        utext_setNativeIndex((ut), (ix)); \
+    } \
+ *
+ *   Functions related to writing or modifying the text.
+ *   These will work only with modifiable UTexts.  Attempting to
+ *   modify a read-only UText will return an error status.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************************/
+ *  Return TRUE if the text can be written (modified) with utext_replace() or
+ *  utext_copy().  For the text to be writable, the text provider must
+ *  be of a type that supports writing and the UText must not be frozen.
+ *
+ *  Attempting to modify text when utext_isWriteable() is FALSE will fail -
+ *  the text will not be modified, and an error will be returned from the function
+ *  that attempted the modification.
+ *
+ * @param  ut   the UText to be tested.
+ * @return TRUE if the text is modifiable.
+ *
+ * @see    utext_freeze()
+ * @see    utext_replace()
+ * @see    utext_copy()
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ *
+ */
+utext_isWritable(const UText *ut);
+  * Test whether there is meta data associated with the text.
+  * @see Replaceable::hasMetaData()
+  *
+  * @param ut The UText to be tested
+  * @return TRUE if the underlying text includes meta data.
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+utext_hasMetaData(const UText *ut);
+ * Replace a range of the original text with a replacement text.
+ *
+ * Leaves the current iteration position at the position following the
+ *  newly inserted replacement text.
+ *
+ * This function is only available on UText types that support writing,
+ * that is, ones where utext_isWritable() returns TRUE.
+ *
+ * When using this function, there should be only a single UText opened onto the
+ * underlying native text string.  Behavior after a replace operation
+ * on a UText is undefined for any other additional UTexts that refer to the
+ * modified string.
+ *
+ * @param ut               the UText representing the text to be operated on.
+ * @param nativeStart      the native index of the start of the region to be replaced
+ * @param nativeLimit      the native index of the character following the region to be replaced.
+ * @param replacementText  pointer to the replacement text
+ * @param replacementLength length of the replacement text, or -1 if the text is NUL terminated.
+ * @param status           receives any error status.  Possible errors include
+ *                         U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION
+ *
+ * @return The signed number of (native) storage units by which
+ *         the length of the text expanded or contracted.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_replace(UText *ut,
+             int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
+             const UChar *replacementText, int32_t replacementLength,
+             UErrorCode *status);
+ *
+ * Copy or move a substring from one position to another within the text,
+ * while retaining any metadata associated with the text.
+ * This function is used to duplicate or reorder substrings.
+ * The destination index must not overlap the source range.
+ *
+ * The text to be copied or moved is inserted at destIndex;
+ * it does not replace or overwrite any existing text.
+ *
+ * The iteration position is left following the newly inserted text
+ * at the destination position.
+ *
+ * This function is only available on UText types that support writing,
+ * that is, ones where utext_isWritable() returns TRUE.
+ *
+ * When using this function, there should be only a single UText opened onto the
+ * underlying native text string.  Behavior after a copy operation
+ * on a UText is undefined in any other additional UTexts that refer to the
+ * modified string.
+ *
+ * @param ut           The UText representing the text to be operated on.
+ * @param nativeStart  The native index of the start of the region to be copied or moved
+ * @param nativeLimit  The native index of the character position following the region
+ *                     to be copied.
+ * @param destIndex    The native destination index to which the source substring is
+ *                     copied or moved.
+ * @param move         If TRUE, then the substring is moved, not copied/duplicated.
+ * @param status       receives any error status.  Possible errors include U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION
+ *                       
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_copy(UText *ut,
+          int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
+          int64_t destIndex,
+          UBool move,
+          UErrorCode *status);
+  *  <p>
+  *  Freeze a UText.  This prevents any modification to the underlying text itself
+  *  by means of functions operating on this UText.
+  *  </p>
+  *  <p>
+  *  Once frozen, a UText can not be unfrozen.  The intent is to ensure
+  *  that a the text underlying a frozen UText wrapper cannot be modified via that UText.
+  *  </p>
+  *  <p>
+  *  Caution:  freezing a UText will disable changes made via the specific
+  *   frozen UText wrapper only; it will not have any effect on the ability to
+  *   directly modify the text by bypassing the UText.  Any such backdoor modifications
+  *   are always an error while UText access is occurring because the underlying
+  *   text can get out of sync with UText's buffering.
+  *  </p>
+  *
+  *  @param ut  The UText to be frozen.
+  *  @see   utext_isWritable()
+  *  @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+utext_freeze(UText *ut);
+ * UText provider properties (bit field indexes).
+ *
+ * @see UText
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * It is potentially time consuming for the provider to determine the length of the text.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * Text chunks remain valid and usable until the text object is modified or
+     * deleted, not just until the next time the access() function is called
+     * (which is the default).
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * The provider supports modifying the text via the replace() and copy()
+     * functions.
+     * @see Replaceable
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    /**
+     * There is meta data associated with the text.
+     * @see Replaceable::hasMetaData()
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */ 
+    /**
+     * Text provider owns the text storage.
+     *  Generally occurs as the result of a deep clone of the UText.
+     *  When closing the UText, the associated text must
+     *  also be closed/deleted/freed/ whatever is appropriate.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+  * Function type declaration for UText.clone().
+  *
+  *  clone a UText.  Much like opening a UText where the source text is itself
+  *  another UText.
+  *
+  *  A deep clone will copy both the UText data structures and the underlying text.
+  *  The original and cloned UText will operate completely independently; modifications
+  *  made to the text in one will not effect the other.  Text providers are not
+  *  required to support deep clones.  The user of clone() must check the status return
+  *  and be prepared to handle failures.
+  *
+  *  A shallow clone replicates only the UText data structures; it does not make
+  *  a copy of the underlying text.  Shallow clones can be used as an efficient way to 
+  *  have multiple iterators active in a single text string that is not being
+  *  modified.
+  *
+  *  A shallow clone operation must not fail except for truly exceptional conditions such
+  *  as memory allocation failures.
+  *
+  *  A UText and its clone may be safely concurrently accessed by separate threads.
+  *  This is true for both shallow and deep clones.
+  *  It is the responsibility of the Text Provider to ensure that this thread safety
+  *  constraint is met.
+  *
+  *  @param dest   A UText struct to be filled in with the result of the clone operation,
+  *                or NULL if the clone function should heap-allocate a new UText struct.
+  *  @param src    The UText to be cloned.
+  *  @param deep   TRUE to request a deep clone, FALSE for a shallow clone.
+  *  @param status Errors are returned here.  For deep clones, U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
+  *                should be returned if the text provider is unable to clone the
+  *                original text.
+  *  @return       The newly created clone, or NULL if the clone operation failed.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.4
+  */
+typedef UText * U_CALLCONV
+UTextClone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.nativeLength().
+ *
+ * @param ut the UText to get the length of.
+ * @return the length, in the native units of the original text string.
+ * @see UText
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef int64_t U_CALLCONV
+UTextNativeLength(UText *ut);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.access().  Get the description of the text chunk
+ *  containing the text at a requested native index.  The UText's iteration
+ *  position will be left at the requested index.  If the index is out
+ *  of bounds, the iteration position will be left at the start or end
+ *  of the string, as appropriate.
+ *
+ *  Chunks must begin and end on code point boundaries.  A single code point
+ *  comprised of multiple storage units must never span a chunk boundary.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param ut          the UText being accessed.
+ * @param nativeIndex Requested index of the text to be accessed.
+ * @param forward     If TRUE, then the returned chunk must contain text
+ *                    starting from the index, so that start<=index<limit.
+ *                    If FALSE, then the returned chunk must contain text
+ *                    before the index, so that start<index<=limit.
+ * @return            True if the requested index could be accessed.  The chunk
+ *                    will contain the requested text.
+ *                    False value if a chunk cannot be accessed
+ *                    (the requested index is out of bounds).
+ *
+ * @see UText
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
+UTextAccess(UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex, UBool forward);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.extract().
+ *
+ * Extract text from a UText into a UChar buffer.  The range of text to be extracted
+ * is specified in the native indices of the UText provider.  These may not necessarily
+ * be UTF-16 indices.
+ * <p>
+ * The size (number of 16 bit UChars) in the data to be extracted is returned.  The
+ * full amount is returned, even when the specified buffer size is smaller.
+ * <p>
+ * The extracted string will (if you are a user) / must (if you are a text provider)
+ * be NUL-terminated if there is sufficient space in the destination buffer.
+ *
+ * @param  ut            the UText from which to extract data.
+ * @param  nativeStart   the native index of the first character to extract.
+ * @param  nativeLimit   the native string index of the position following the last
+ *                       character to extract.
+ * @param  dest          the UChar (UTF-16) buffer into which the extracted text is placed
+ * @param  destCapacity  The size, in UChars, of the destination buffer.  May be zero
+ *                       for precomputing the required size.
+ * @param  status        receives any error status.
+ *                       If U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: Returns number of UChars for
+ *                       preflighting.
+ * @return Number of UChars in the data.  Does not include a trailing NUL.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UTextExtract(UText *ut,
+             int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
+             UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+             UErrorCode *status);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.replace().
+ *
+ * Replace a range of the original text with a replacement text.
+ *
+ * Leaves the current iteration position at the position following the
+ *  newly inserted replacement text.
+ *
+ * This function need only be implemented on UText types that support writing.
+ *
+ * When using this function, there should be only a single UText opened onto the
+ * underlying native text string.  The function is responsible for updating the
+ * text chunk within the UText to reflect the updated iteration position,
+ * taking into account any changes to the underlying string's structure caused
+ * by the replace operation.
+ *
+ * @param ut               the UText representing the text to be operated on.
+ * @param nativeStart      the index of the start of the region to be replaced
+ * @param nativeLimit      the index of the character following the region to be replaced.
+ * @param replacementText  pointer to the replacement text
+ * @param replacmentLength length of the replacement text in UChars, or -1 if the text is NUL terminated.
+ * @param status           receives any error status.  Possible errors include
+ *                         U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION
+ *
+ * @return The signed number of (native) storage units by which
+ *         the length of the text expanded or contracted.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UTextReplace(UText *ut,
+             int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
+             const UChar *replacementText, int32_t replacmentLength,
+             UErrorCode *status);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.copy().
+ *
+ * Copy or move a substring from one position to another within the text,
+ * while retaining any metadata associated with the text.
+ * This function is used to duplicate or reorder substrings.
+ * The destination index must not overlap the source range.
+ *
+ * The text to be copied or moved is inserted at destIndex;
+ * it does not replace or overwrite any existing text.
+ *
+ * This function need only be implemented for UText types that support writing.
+ *
+ * When using this function, there should be only a single UText opened onto the
+ * underlying native text string.  The function is responsible for updating the
+ * text chunk within the UText to reflect the updated iteration position,
+ * taking into account any changes to the underlying string's structure caused
+ * by the replace operation.
+ *
+ * @param ut           The UText representing the text to be operated on.
+ * @param nativeStart  The index of the start of the region to be copied or moved
+ * @param nativeLimit  The index of the character following the region to be replaced.
+ * @param nativeDest   The destination index to which the source substring is copied or moved.
+ * @param move         If TRUE, then the substring is moved, not copied/duplicated.
+ * @param status       receives any error status.  Possible errors include U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UTextCopy(UText *ut,
+          int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
+          int64_t nativeDest,
+          UBool move,
+          UErrorCode *status);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.mapOffsetToNative().
+ * Map from the current UChar offset within the current text chunk to
+ *  the corresponding native index in the original source text.
+ *
+ * This is required only for text providers that do not use native UTF-16 indexes.
+ *
+ * @param ut     the UText.
+ * @return Absolute (native) index corresponding to chunkOffset in the current chunk.
+ *         The returned native index should always be to a code point boundary.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef int64_t U_CALLCONV
+UTextMapOffsetToNative(const UText *ut);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.mapIndexToUTF16().
+ * Map from a native index to a UChar offset within a text chunk.
+ * Behavior is undefined if the native index does not fall within the
+ *   current chunk.
+ *
+ * This function is required only for text providers that do not use native UTF-16 indexes.
+ *
+ * @param ut          The UText containing the text chunk.
+ * @param nativeIndex Absolute (native) text index, chunk->start<=index<=chunk->limit.
+ * @return            Chunk-relative UTF-16 offset corresponding to the specified native
+ *                    index.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16(const UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex);
+ * Function type declaration for UText.utextClose().
+ *
+ * A Text Provider close function is only required for provider types that make
+ *  allocations in their open function (or other functions) that must be 
+ *  cleaned when the UText is closed.
+ *
+ * The allocation of the UText struct itself and any "extra" storage
+ * associated with the UText is handled by the common UText implementation
+ * and does not require provider specific cleanup in a close function.
+ *
+ * Most UText provider implementations do not need to implement this function.
+ *
+ * @param ut A UText object to be closed.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UTextClose(UText *ut);
+  *   (public)  Function dispatch table for UText.
+  *             Conceptually very much like a C++ Virtual Function Table.
+  *             This struct defines the organization of the table.
+  *             Each text provider implementation must provide an
+  *              actual table that is initialized with the appropriate functions
+  *              for the type of text being handled.
+  *   @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+struct UTextFuncs {
+    /**
+     *   (public)  Function table size, sizeof(UTextFuncs)
+     *             Intended for use should the table grow to accommodate added
+     *             functions in the future, to allow tests for older format
+     *             function tables that do not contain the extensions.
+     *
+     *             Fields are placed for optimal alignment on
+     *             32/64/128-bit-pointer machines, by normally grouping together
+     *             4 32-bit fields,
+     *             4 pointers,
+     *             2 64-bit fields
+     *             in sequence.
+     *   @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    int32_t       tableSize;
+    /**
+      *   (private)  Alignment padding.
+      *              Do not use, reserved for use by the UText framework only.
+      *   @internal
+      */
+    int32_t       reserved1, /** @internal */ reserved2, /** @internal */ reserved3;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextClone
+     *
+     * @see UTextClone
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextClone *clone;
+    /**
+     * (public) function pointer for UTextLength
+     * May be expensive to compute!
+     *
+     * @see UTextLength
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextNativeLength *nativeLength;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextAccess.
+     *
+     * @see UTextAccess
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextAccess *access;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextExtract.
+     *
+     * @see UTextExtract
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextExtract *extract;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextReplace.
+     *
+     * @see UTextReplace
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextReplace *replace;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextCopy.
+     *
+     * @see UTextCopy
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextCopy *copy;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextMapOffsetToNative.
+     *
+     * @see UTextMapOffsetToNative
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextMapOffsetToNative *mapOffsetToNative;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16.
+     *
+     * @see UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16 *mapNativeIndexToUTF16;
+    /**
+     * (public) Function pointer for UTextClose.
+      *
+      * @see UTextClose
+      * @stable ICU 3.6
+      */
+    UTextClose  *close;
+    /**
+      * (private)  Spare function pointer
+      * @internal
+      */
+    UTextClose  *spare1;
+    /**
+      * (private)  Spare function pointer
+      * @internal
+      */
+    UTextClose  *spare2;
+    /**
+      * (private)  Spare function pointer
+      * @internal
+      */
+    UTextClose  *spare3;
+ * Function dispatch table for UText
+ * @see UTextFuncs
+ */
+typedef struct UTextFuncs UTextFuncs;
+ /**
+  *   UText struct.  Provides the interface between the generic UText access code
+  *                  and the UText provider code that works on specific kinds of
+  *                  text  (UTF-8, noncontiguous UTF-16, whatever.)
+  *
+  *                  Applications that are using predefined types of text providers
+  *                  to pass text data to ICU services will have no need to view the
+  *                  internals of the UText structs that they open.
+  *
+  * @stable ICU 3.6
+  */
+struct UText {
+    /**
+     *     (private)  Magic.  Used to help detect when UText functions are handed
+     *                        invalid or uninitialized UText structs.
+     *                        utext_openXYZ() functions take an initialized,
+     *                        but not necessarily open, UText struct as an
+     *                        optional fill-in parameter.  This magic field
+     *                        is used to check for that initialization.
+     *                        Text provider close functions must NOT clear
+     *                        the magic field because that would prevent
+     *                        reuse of the UText struct.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    uint32_t       magic;
+    /**
+     *     (private)  Flags for managing the allocation and freeing of
+     *                memory associated with this UText.
+     * @internal
+     */
+    int32_t        flags;
+    /**
+      *  Text provider properties.  This set of flags is maintained by the
+      *                             text provider implementation.
+      *  @stable ICU 3.4
+      */
+    int32_t         providerProperties;
+    /**
+     * (public) sizeOfStruct=sizeof(UText)
+     * Allows possible backward compatible extension.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    int32_t         sizeOfStruct;
+    /* ------ 16 byte alignment boundary -----------  */
+    /**
+      *  (protected) Native index of the first character position following
+      *              the current chunk.
+      *  @stable ICU 3.6
+      */
+    int64_t         chunkNativeLimit;
+    /**
+     *   (protected)  Size in bytes of the extra space (pExtra).
+     *  @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    int32_t        extraSize;
+    /**
+      *    (protected) The highest chunk offset where native indexing and
+      *    chunk (UTF-16) indexing correspond.  For UTF-16 sources, value
+      *    will be equal to chunkLength.
+      *
+      *    @stable ICU 3.6
+      */
+    int32_t         nativeIndexingLimit;
+    /* ---- 16 byte alignment boundary------ */
+    /**
+     *  (protected) Native index of the first character in the text chunk.
+     *  @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    int64_t         chunkNativeStart;
+    /**
+     *  (protected) Current iteration position within the text chunk (UTF-16 buffer).
+     *  This is the index to the character that will be returned by utext_next32().
+     *  @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    int32_t         chunkOffset;
+    /**
+     *  (protected) Length the text chunk (UTF-16 buffer), in UChars.
+     *  @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    int32_t         chunkLength;
+    /* ---- 16  byte alignment boundary-- */
+    /**
+     *  (protected)  pointer to a chunk of text in UTF-16 format.
+     *  May refer either to original storage of the source of the text, or
+     *  if conversion was required, to a buffer owned by the UText.
+     *  @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    const UChar    *chunkContents;
+     /**
+      * (public)     Pointer to Dispatch table for accessing functions for this UText.
+      * @stable ICU 3.6
+      */
+    const UTextFuncs     *pFuncs;
+    /**
+     *  (protected)  Pointer to additional space requested by the
+     *               text provider during the utext_open operation.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    void          *pExtra;
+    /**
+     * (protected) Pointer to string or text-containing object or similar.
+     * This is the source of the text that this UText is wrapping, in a format
+     *  that is known to the text provider functions.
+     * @stable ICU 3.4
+     */
+    const void   *context;
+    /* --- 16 byte alignment boundary--- */
+    /**
+     * (protected) Pointer fields available for use by the text provider.
+     * Not used by UText common code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    const void     *p; 
+    /**
+     * (protected) Pointer fields available for use by the text provider.
+     * Not used by UText common code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+     */
+    const void     *q;
+     /**
+     * (protected) Pointer fields available for use by the text provider.
+     * Not used by UText common code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.6
+      */
+    const void     *r;
+    /**
+      *  Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
+      *     itself.  This is not to be touched by the text providers.
+      * @internal ICU 3.4
+      */
+    void           *privP;
+    /* --- 16 byte alignment boundary--- */
+    /**
+      * (protected) Integer field reserved for use by the text provider.
+      * Not used by the UText framework, or by the client (user) of the UText.
+      * @stable ICU 3.4
+      */
+    int64_t         a;
+    /**
+      * (protected) Integer field reserved for use by the text provider.
+      * Not used by the UText framework, or by the client (user) of the UText.
+      * @stable ICU 3.4
+      */
+    int32_t         b;
+    /**
+      * (protected) Integer field reserved for use by the text provider.
+      * Not used by the UText framework, or by the client (user) of the UText.
+      * @stable ICU 3.4
+      */
+    int32_t         c;
+    /*  ---- 16 byte alignment boundary---- */
+    /**
+      *  Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
+      *     itself.  This is not to be touched by the text providers.
+      * @internal ICU 3.4
+      */
+    int64_t         privA;
+    /**
+      *  Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
+      *     itself.  This is not to be touched by the text providers.
+      * @internal ICU 3.4
+      */
+    int32_t         privB;
+    /**
+      *  Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
+      *     itself.  This is not to be touched by the text providers.
+      * @internal ICU 3.4
+      */
+    int32_t         privC;
+ *  Common function for use by Text Provider implementations to allocate and/or initialize
+ *  a new UText struct.  To be called in the implementation of utext_open() functions.
+ *  If the supplied UText parameter is null, a new UText struct will be allocated on the heap.
+ *  If the supplied UText is already open, the provider's close function will be called
+ *  so that the struct can be reused by the open that is in progress.
+ *
+ * @param ut   pointer to a UText struct to be re-used, or null if a new UText
+ *             should be allocated.
+ * @param extraSpace The amount of additional space to be allocated as part
+ *             of this UText, for use by types of providers that require
+ *             additional storage.
+ * @param status Errors are returned here.
+ * @return pointer to the UText, allocated if necessary, with extra space set up if requested.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+utext_setup(UText *ut, int32_t extraSpace, UErrorCode *status);
+// do not use #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API around the following!
+  * @internal
+  *  Value used to help identify correctly initialized UText structs.
+  *  Note:  must be publicly visible so that UTEXT_INITIALIZER can access it.
+  */
+enum {
+    UTEXT_MAGIC = 0x345ad82c
+ * initializer to be used with local (stack) instances of a UText
+ *  struct.  UText structs must be initialized before passing
+ *  them to one of the utext_open functions.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.6
+ */
+#define UTEXT_INITIALIZER {                                        \
+                  UTEXT_MAGIC,          /* magic                */ \
+                  0,                    /* flags                */ \
+                  0,                    /* providerProps        */ \
+                  sizeof(UText),        /* sizeOfStruct         */ \
+                  0,                    /* chunkNativeLimit     */ \
+                  0,                    /* extraSize            */ \
+                  0,                    /* nativeIndexingLimit  */ \
+                  0,                    /* chunkNativeStart     */ \
+                  0,                    /* chunkOffset          */ \
+                  0,                    /* chunkLength          */ \
+                  NULL,                 /* chunkContents        */ \
+                  NULL,                 /* pFuncs               */ \
+                  NULL,                 /* pExtra               */ \
+                  NULL,                 /* context              */ \
+                  NULL, NULL, NULL,     /* p, q, r              */ \
+                  NULL,                 /* privP                */ \
+                  0, 0, 0,              /* a, b, c              */ \
+                  0, 0, 0               /* privA,B,C,           */ \
+                  }
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef51299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utf.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999sep09
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Code point macros
+ *
+ * This file defines macros for checking whether a code point is
+ * a surrogate or a non-character etc.
+ *
+ * If U_NO_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_UTF_HEADERS is 0 then utf.h is included by utypes.h
+ * and itself includes utf8.h and utf16.h after some
+ * common definitions.
+ * If U_NO_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_UTF_HEADERS is 1 then each of these headers must be
+ * included explicitly if their definitions are used.
+ *
+ * utf8.h and utf16.h define macros for efficiently getting code points
+ * in and out of UTF-8/16 strings.
+ * utf16.h macros have "U16_" prefixes.
+ * utf8.h defines similar macros with "U8_" prefixes for UTF-8 string handling.
+ *
+ * ICU mostly processes 16-bit Unicode strings.
+ * Most of the time, such strings are well-formed UTF-16.
+ * Single, unpaired surrogates must be handled as well, and are treated in ICU
+ * like regular code points where possible.
+ * (Pairs of surrogate code points are indistinguishable from supplementary
+ * code points encoded as pairs of supplementary code units.)
+ *
+ * In fact, almost all Unicode code points in normal text (>99%)
+ * are on the BMP (<=U+ffff) and even <=U+d7ff.
+ * ICU functions handle supplementary code points (U+10000..U+10ffff)
+ * but are optimized for the much more frequently occurring BMP code points.
+ *
+ * umachine.h defines UChar to be an unsigned 16-bit integer.
+ * Since ICU 59, ICU uses char16_t in C++, UChar only in C,
+ * and defines UChar=char16_t by default. See the UChar API docs for details.
+ *
+ * UChar32 is defined to be a signed 32-bit integer (int32_t), large enough for a 21-bit
+ * Unicode code point (Unicode scalar value, 0..0x10ffff) and U_SENTINEL (-1).
+ * Before ICU 2.4, the definition of UChar32 was similarly platform-dependent as
+ * the definition of UChar. For details see the documentation for UChar32 itself.
+ *
+ * utf.h defines a small number of C macros for single Unicode code points.
+ * These are simple checks for surrogates and non-characters.
+ * For actual Unicode character properties see uchar.h.
+ *
+ * By default, string operations must be done with error checking in case
+ * a string is not well-formed UTF-16 or UTF-8.
+ *
+ * The U16_ macros detect if a surrogate code unit is unpaired
+ * (lead unit without trail unit or vice versa) and just return the unit itself
+ * as the code point.
+ *
+ * The U8_ macros detect illegal byte sequences and return a negative value.
+ * Starting with ICU 60, the observable length of a single illegal byte sequence
+ * skipped by one of these macros follows the Unicode 6+ recommendation
+ * which is consistent with the W3C Encoding Standard.
+ *
+ * There are ..._OR_FFFD versions of both U16_ and U8_ macros
+ * that return U+FFFD for illegal code unit sequences.
+ *
+ * The regular "safe" macros require that the initial, passed-in string index
+ * is within bounds. They only check the index when they read more than one
+ * code unit. This is usually done with code similar to the following loop:
+ * <pre>while(i<length) {
+ *   U16_NEXT(s, i, length, c);
+ *   // use c
+ * }</pre>
+ *
+ * When it is safe to assume that text is well-formed UTF-16
+ * (does not contain single, unpaired surrogates), then one can use
+ * U16_..._UNSAFE macros.
+ * These do not check for proper code unit sequences or truncated text and may
+ * yield wrong results or even cause a crash if they are used with "malformed"
+ * text.
+ * In practice, U16_..._UNSAFE macros will produce slightly less code but
+ * should not be faster because the processing is only different when a
+ * surrogate code unit is detected, which will be rare.
+ *
+ * Similarly for UTF-8, there are "safe" macros without a suffix,
+ * and U8_..._UNSAFE versions.
+ * The performance differences are much larger here because UTF-8 provides so
+ * many opportunities for malformed sequences.
+ * The unsafe UTF-8 macros are entirely implemented inside the macro definitions
+ * and are fast, while the safe UTF-8 macros call functions for some complicated cases.
+ *
+ * Unlike with UTF-16, malformed sequences cannot be expressed with distinct
+ * code point values (0..U+10ffff). They are indicated with negative values instead.
+ *
+ * For more information see the ICU User Guide Strings chapter
+ * (
+ *
+ * <em>Usage:</em>
+ * ICU coding guidelines for if() statements should be followed when using these macros.
+ * Compound statements (curly braces {}) must be used  for if-else-while... 
+ * bodies and all macro statements should be terminated with semicolon.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#ifndef __UTF_H__
+#define __UTF_H__
+#include "unicode/umachine.h"
+/* include the utfXX.h after the following definitions */
+/* single-code point definitions -------------------------------------------- */
+ * Is this code point a Unicode noncharacter?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR(c) \
+    ((c)>=0xfdd0 && \
+     ((c)<=0xfdef || ((c)&0xfffe)==0xfffe) && (c)<=0x10ffff)
+ * Is c a Unicode code point value (0..U+10ffff)
+ * that can be assigned a character?
+ *
+ * Code points that are not characters include:
+ * - single surrogate code points (U+d800..U+dfff, 2048 code points)
+ * - the last two code points on each plane (U+__fffe and U+__ffff, 34 code points)
+ * - U+fdd0..U+fdef (new with Unicode 3.1, 32 code points)
+ * - the highest Unicode code point value is U+10ffff
+ *
+ * This means that all code points below U+d800 are character code points,
+ * and that boundary is tested first for performance.
+ *
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(c) \
+    ((uint32_t)(c)<0xd800 || \
+        (0xdfff<(c) && (c)<=0x10ffff && !U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR(c)))
+ * Is this code point a BMP code point (U+0000..U+ffff)?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+#define U_IS_BMP(c) ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff)
+ * Is this code point a supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10ffff)?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+#define U_IS_SUPPLEMENTARY(c) ((uint32_t)((c)-0x10000)<=0xfffff)
+ * Is this code point a lead surrogate (U+d800..U+dbff)?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_IS_LEAD(c) (((c)&0xfffffc00)==0xd800)
+ * Is this code point a trail surrogate (U+dc00..U+dfff)?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_IS_TRAIL(c) (((c)&0xfffffc00)==0xdc00)
+ * Is this code point a surrogate (U+d800..U+dfff)?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_IS_SURROGATE(c) (((c)&0xfffff800)==0xd800)
+ * Assuming c is a surrogate code point (U_IS_SURROGATE(c)),
+ * is it a lead surrogate?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c) (((c)&0x400)==0)
+ * Assuming c is a surrogate code point (U_IS_SURROGATE(c)),
+ * is it a trail surrogate?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U_IS_SURROGATE_TRAIL(c) (((c)&0x400)!=0)
+/* include the utfXX.h ------------------------------------------------------ */
+#include "unicode/utf8.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+/* utf_old.h contains deprecated, pre-ICU 2.4 definitions */
+#include "unicode/utf_old.h"
+#endif  /* __UTF_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf16.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf16.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fd7d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf16.h
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utf16.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999sep09
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: 16-bit Unicode handling macros
+ * 
+ * This file defines macros to deal with 16-bit Unicode (UTF-16) code units and strings.
+ *
+ * For more information see utf.h and the ICU User Guide Strings chapter
+ * (
+ *
+ * <em>Usage:</em>
+ * ICU coding guidelines for if() statements should be followed when using these macros.
+ * Compound statements (curly braces {}) must be used  for if-else-while... 
+ * bodies and all macro statements should be terminated with semicolon.
+ */
+#ifndef __UTF16_H__
+#define __UTF16_H__
+#include "unicode/umachine.h"
+#ifndef __UTF_H__
+#   include "unicode/utf.h"
+/* single-code point definitions -------------------------------------------- */
+ * Does this code unit alone encode a code point (BMP, not a surrogate)?
+ * @param c 16-bit code unit
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_IS_SINGLE(c) !U_IS_SURROGATE(c)
+ * Is this code unit a lead surrogate (U+d800..U+dbff)?
+ * @param c 16-bit code unit
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_IS_LEAD(c) (((c)&0xfffffc00)==0xd800)
+ * Is this code unit a trail surrogate (U+dc00..U+dfff)?
+ * @param c 16-bit code unit
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_IS_TRAIL(c) (((c)&0xfffffc00)==0xdc00)
+ * Is this code unit a surrogate (U+d800..U+dfff)?
+ * @param c 16-bit code unit
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * Assuming c is a surrogate code point (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)),
+ * is it a lead surrogate?
+ * @param c 16-bit code unit
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c) (((c)&0x400)==0)
+ * Assuming c is a surrogate code point (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)),
+ * is it a trail surrogate?
+ * @param c 16-bit code unit
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+#define U16_IS_SURROGATE_TRAIL(c) (((c)&0x400)!=0)
+ * Helper constant for U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET ((0xd800<<10UL)+0xdc00-0x10000)
+ * Get a supplementary code point value (U+10000..U+10ffff)
+ * from its lead and trail surrogates.
+ * The result is undefined if the input values are not
+ * lead and trail surrogates.
+ *
+ * @param lead lead surrogate (U+d800..U+dbff)
+ * @param trail trail surrogate (U+dc00..U+dfff)
+ * @return supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10ffff)
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(lead, trail) \
+    (((UChar32)(lead)<<10UL)+(UChar32)(trail)-U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET)
+ * Get the lead surrogate (0xd800..0xdbff) for a
+ * supplementary code point (0x10000..0x10ffff).
+ * @param supplementary 32-bit code point (U+10000..U+10ffff)
+ * @return lead surrogate (U+d800..U+dbff) for supplementary
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_LEAD(supplementary) (UChar)(((supplementary)>>10)+0xd7c0)
+ * Get the trail surrogate (0xdc00..0xdfff) for a
+ * supplementary code point (0x10000..0x10ffff).
+ * @param supplementary 32-bit code point (U+10000..U+10ffff)
+ * @return trail surrogate (U+dc00..U+dfff) for supplementary
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_TRAIL(supplementary) (UChar)(((supplementary)&0x3ff)|0xdc00)
+ * How many 16-bit code units are used to encode this Unicode code point? (1 or 2)
+ * The result is not defined if c is not a Unicode code point (U+0000..U+10ffff).
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return 1 or 2
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_LENGTH(c) ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff ? 1 : 2)
+ * The maximum number of 16-bit code units per Unicode code point (U+0000..U+10ffff).
+ * @return 2
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_MAX_LENGTH 2
+ * Get a code point from a string at a random-access offset,
+ * without changing the offset.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to either the lead or trail surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, in which case the macro will read
+ * the adjacent matching surrogate as well.
+ * The result is undefined if the offset points to a single, unpaired surrogate.
+ * Iteration through a string is more efficient with U16_NEXT_UNSAFE or U16_NEXT.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_GET
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_GET_UNSAFE(s, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[i]; \
+    if(U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        if(U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c)) { \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), (s)[(i)+1]); \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((s)[(i)-1], (c)); \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Get a code point from a string at a random-access offset,
+ * without changing the offset.
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to either the lead or trail surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, in which case the macro will read
+ * the adjacent matching surrogate as well.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * If the offset points to a single, unpaired surrogate, then
+ * c is set to that unpaired surrogate.
+ * Iteration through a string is more efficient with U16_NEXT_UNSAFE or U16_NEXT.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i string offset, must be start<=i<length
+ * @param length string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_GET_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_GET(s, start, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[i]; \
+    if(U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if(U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c)) { \
+            if((i)+1!=(length) && U16_IS_TRAIL(__c2=(s)[(i)+1])) { \
+                (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), __c2); \
+            } \
+        } else { \
+            if((i)>(start) && U16_IS_LEAD(__c2=(s)[(i)-1])) { \
+                (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(__c2, (c)); \
+            } \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Get a code point from a string at a random-access offset,
+ * without changing the offset.
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to either the lead or trail surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, in which case the macro will read
+ * the adjacent matching surrogate as well.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * If the offset points to a single, unpaired surrogate, then
+ * c is set to U+FFFD.
+ * Iteration through a string is more efficient with U16_NEXT_UNSAFE or U16_NEXT_OR_FFFD.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i string offset, must be start<=i<length
+ * @param length string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_GET_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+#define U16_GET_OR_FFFD(s, start, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[i]; \
+    if(U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if(U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c)) { \
+            if((i)+1!=(length) && U16_IS_TRAIL(__c2=(s)[(i)+1])) { \
+                (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), __c2); \
+            } else { \
+                (c)=0xfffd; \
+            } \
+        } else { \
+            if((i)>(start) && U16_IS_LEAD(__c2=(s)[(i)-1])) { \
+                (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(__c2, (c)); \
+            } else { \
+                (c)=0xfffd; \
+            } \
+        } \
+    } \
+/* definitions with forward iteration --------------------------------------- */
+ * Get a code point from a string at a code point boundary offset,
+ * and advance the offset to the next code point boundary.
+ * (Post-incrementing forward iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to the lead surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, in which case the macro will read
+ * the following trail surrogate as well.
+ * If the offset points to a trail surrogate, then that itself
+ * will be returned as the code point.
+ * The result is undefined if the offset points to a single, unpaired lead surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_NEXT
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_NEXT_UNSAFE(s, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(U16_IS_LEAD(c)) { \
+        (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), (s)[(i)++]); \
+    } \
+ * Get a code point from a string at a code point boundary offset,
+ * and advance the offset to the next code point boundary.
+ * (Post-incrementing forward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to the lead surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, in which case the macro will read
+ * the following trail surrogate as well.
+ * If the offset points to a trail surrogate or
+ * to a single, unpaired lead surrogate, then c is set to that unpaired surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_NEXT_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_NEXT(s, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(U16_IS_LEAD(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if((i)!=(length) && U16_IS_TRAIL(__c2=(s)[(i)])) { \
+            ++(i); \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), __c2); \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Get a code point from a string at a code point boundary offset,
+ * and advance the offset to the next code point boundary.
+ * (Post-incrementing forward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to the lead surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, in which case the macro will read
+ * the following trail surrogate as well.
+ * If the offset points to a trail surrogate or
+ * to a single, unpaired lead surrogate, then c is set to U+FFFD.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_NEXT_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+#define U16_NEXT_OR_FFFD(s, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if(U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c) && (i)!=(length) && U16_IS_TRAIL(__c2=(s)[(i)])) { \
+            ++(i); \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), __c2); \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=0xfffd; \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Append a code point to a string, overwriting 1 or 2 code units.
+ * The offset points to the current end of the string contents
+ * and is advanced (post-increment).
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes a valid code point and sufficient space in the string.
+ * Otherwise, the result is undefined.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string buffer
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c code point to append
+ * @see U16_APPEND
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    if((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(c); \
+    } else { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)>>10)+0xd7c0); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)&0x3ff)|0xdc00); \
+    } \
+ * Append a code point to a string, overwriting 1 or 2 code units.
+ * The offset points to the current end of the string contents
+ * and is advanced (post-increment).
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for a valid code point.
+ * If a surrogate pair is written, checks for sufficient space in the string.
+ * If the code point is not valid or a trail surrogate does not fit,
+ * then isError is set to TRUE.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string buffer
+ * @param i string offset, must be i<capacity
+ * @param capacity size of the string buffer
+ * @param c code point to append
+ * @param isError output UBool set to TRUE if an error occurs, otherwise not modified
+ * @see U16_APPEND_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_APPEND(s, i, capacity, c, isError) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(c); \
+    } else if((uint32_t)(c)<=0x10ffff && (i)+1<(capacity)) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)>>10)+0xd7c0); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)&0x3ff)|0xdc00); \
+    } else /* c>0x10ffff or not enough space */ { \
+        (isError)=TRUE; \
+    } \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the next.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U16_FWD_1
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(U16_IS_LEAD((s)[(i)++])) { \
+        ++(i); \
+    } \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the next.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length string length
+ * @see U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_FWD_1(s, i, length) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(U16_IS_LEAD((s)[(i)++]) && (i)!=(length) && U16_IS_TRAIL((s)[i])) { \
+        ++(i); \
+    } \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th next one,
+ * i.e., move forward by n code points.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U16_FWD_N
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE(s, i, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th next one,
+ * i.e., move forward by n code points.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_FWD_N(s, i, length, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0 && ((i)<(length) || ((length)<0 && (s)[i]!=0))) { \
+        U16_FWD_1(s, i, length); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary
+ * at the start of a code point.
+ * If the offset points to the trail surrogate of a surrogate pair,
+ * then the offset is decremented.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U16_SET_CP_START
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    if(U16_IS_TRAIL((s)[i])) { \
+        --(i); \
+    } \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary
+ * at the start of a code point.
+ * If the offset points to the trail surrogate of a surrogate pair,
+ * then the offset is decremented.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i string offset, must be start<=i
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_SET_CP_START(s, start, i) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(U16_IS_TRAIL((s)[i]) && (i)>(start) && U16_IS_LEAD((s)[(i)-1])) { \
+        --(i); \
+    } \
+/* definitions with backward iteration -------------------------------------- */
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one
+ * and get the code point between them.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * If the offset is behind a trail surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, then the macro will read
+ * the preceding lead surrogate as well.
+ * If the offset is behind a lead surrogate, then that itself
+ * will be returned as the code point.
+ * The result is undefined if the offset is behind a single, unpaired trail surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_PREV
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_PREV_UNSAFE(s, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(U16_IS_TRAIL(c)) { \
+        (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((s)[--(i)], (c)); \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one
+ * and get the code point between them.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * If the offset is behind a trail surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, then the macro will read
+ * the preceding lead surrogate as well.
+ * If the offset is behind a lead surrogate or behind a single, unpaired
+ * trail surrogate, then c is set to that unpaired surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i string offset, must be start<i
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_PREV_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_PREV(s, start, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(U16_IS_TRAIL(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if((i)>(start) && U16_IS_LEAD(__c2=(s)[(i)-1])) { \
+            --(i); \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(__c2, (c)); \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one
+ * and get the code point between them.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * If the offset is behind a trail surrogate unit
+ * for a supplementary code point, then the macro will read
+ * the preceding lead surrogate as well.
+ * If the offset is behind a lead surrogate or behind a single, unpaired
+ * trail surrogate, then c is set to U+FFFD.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i string offset, must be start<i
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U16_PREV_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 60
+ */
+#define U16_PREV_OR_FFFD(s, start, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if(U16_IS_SURROGATE_TRAIL(c) && (i)>(start) && U16_IS_LEAD(__c2=(s)[(i)-1])) { \
+            --(i); \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(__c2, (c)); \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=0xfffd; \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U16_BACK_1
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    if(U16_IS_TRAIL((s)[--(i)])) { \
+        --(i); \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i string offset, must be start<i
+ * @see U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_BACK_1(s, start, i) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(U16_IS_TRAIL((s)[--(i)]) && (i)>(start) && U16_IS_LEAD((s)[(i)-1])) { \
+        --(i); \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th one before it,
+ * i.e., move backward by n code points.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U16_BACK_N
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE(s, i, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th one before it,
+ * i.e., move backward by n code points.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start start of string
+ * @param i string offset, must be start<i
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_BACK_N(s, start, i, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0 && (i)>(start)) { \
+        U16_BACK_1(s, start, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary after a code point.
+ * If the offset is behind the lead surrogate of a surrogate pair,
+ * then the offset is incremented.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-16.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U16_SET_CP_LIMIT
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    if(U16_IS_LEAD((s)[(i)-1])) { \
+        ++(i); \
+    } \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary after a code point.
+ * If the offset is behind the lead surrogate of a surrogate pair,
+ * then the offset is incremented.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Safe" macro, handles unpaired surrogates and checks for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * @param s const UChar * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, start<=i<=length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U16_SET_CP_LIMIT(s, start, i, length) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((start)<(i) && ((i)<(length) || (length)<0) && U16_IS_LEAD((s)[(i)-1]) && U16_IS_TRAIL((s)[i])) { \
+        ++(i); \
+    } \
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf32.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf32.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8822c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf32.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2001, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utf32.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999sep20
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: UTF-32 macros
+ *
+ * This file is obsolete and its contents moved to utf_old.h.
+ * See utf_old.h and Jitterbug 2150 and its discussion on the ICU mailing list
+ * in September 2002.
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf8.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf8.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4987a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf8.h
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utf8.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999sep13
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: 8-bit Unicode handling macros
+ * 
+ * This file defines macros to deal with 8-bit Unicode (UTF-8) code units (bytes) and strings.
+ *
+ * For more information see utf.h and the ICU User Guide Strings chapter
+ * (
+ *
+ * <em>Usage:</em>
+ * ICU coding guidelines for if() statements should be followed when using these macros.
+ * Compound statements (curly braces {}) must be used  for if-else-while... 
+ * bodies and all macro statements should be terminated with semicolon.
+ */
+#ifndef __UTF8_H__
+#define __UTF8_H__
+#include "unicode/umachine.h"
+#ifndef __UTF_H__
+#   include "unicode/utf.h"
+/* internal definitions ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Counts the trail bytes for a UTF-8 lead byte.
+ * Returns 0 for 0..0xc1 as well as for 0xf5..0xff.
+ * leadByte might be evaluated multiple times.
+ *
+ * This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+ * however it is called by public macros in this file and thus must remain stable.
+ *
+ * @param leadByte The first byte of a UTF-8 sequence. Must be 0..0xff.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES(leadByte) \
+    (U8_IS_LEAD(leadByte) ? \
+        ((uint8_t)(leadByte)>=0xe0)+((uint8_t)(leadByte)>=0xf0)+1 : 0)
+ * Counts the trail bytes for a UTF-8 lead byte of a valid UTF-8 sequence.
+ * Returns 0 for 0..0xc1. Undefined for 0xf5..0xff.
+ * leadByte might be evaluated multiple times.
+ *
+ * This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+ * however it is called by public macros in this file and thus must remain stable.
+ *
+ * @param leadByte The first byte of a UTF-8 sequence. Must be 0..0xff.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES_UNSAFE(leadByte) \
+    (((uint8_t)(leadByte)>=0xc2)+((uint8_t)(leadByte)>=0xe0)+((uint8_t)(leadByte)>=0xf0))
+ * Mask a UTF-8 lead byte, leave only the lower bits that form part of the code point value.
+ *
+ * This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+ * however it is called by public macros in this file and thus must remain stable.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE(leadByte, countTrailBytes) ((leadByte)&=(1<<(6-(countTrailBytes)))-1)
+ * Internal bit vector for 3-byte UTF-8 validity check, for use in U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1.
+ * Each bit indicates whether one lead byte + first trail byte pair starts a valid sequence.
+ * Lead byte E0..EF bits 3..0 are used as byte index,
+ * first trail byte bits 7..5 are used as bit index into that byte.
+ * @see U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U8_LEAD3_T1_BITS "\x20\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x10\x30\x30"
+ * Internal 3-byte UTF-8 validity check.
+ * Non-zero if lead byte E0..EF and first trail byte 00..FF start a valid sequence.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1(lead, t1) (U8_LEAD3_T1_BITS[(lead)&0xf]&(1<<((uint8_t)(t1)>>5)))
+ * Internal bit vector for 4-byte UTF-8 validity check, for use in U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1.
+ * Each bit indicates whether one lead byte + first trail byte pair starts a valid sequence.
+ * First trail byte bits 7..4 are used as byte index,
+ * lead byte F0..F4 bits 2..0 are used as bit index into that byte.
+ * @see U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U8_LEAD4_T1_BITS "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1E\x0F\x0F\x0F\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+ * Internal 4-byte UTF-8 validity check.
+ * Non-zero if lead byte F0..F4 and first trail byte 00..FF start a valid sequence.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1(lead, t1) (U8_LEAD4_T1_BITS[(uint8_t)(t1)>>4]&(1<<((lead)&7)))
+ * Function for handling "next code point" with error-checking.
+ *
+ * This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+ * however it is U_STABLE (not U_INTERNAL) since it is called by public macros in this
+ * file and thus must remain stable, and should not be hidden when other internal
+ * functions are hidden (otherwise public macros would fail to compile).
+ * @internal
+ */
+utf8_nextCharSafeBody(const uint8_t *s, int32_t *pi, int32_t length, UChar32 c, UBool strict);
+ * Function for handling "append code point" with error-checking.
+ *
+ * This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+ * however it is U_STABLE (not U_INTERNAL) since it is called by public macros in this
+ * file and thus must remain stable, and should not be hidden when other internal
+ * functions are hidden (otherwise public macros would fail to compile).
+ * @internal
+ */
+utf8_appendCharSafeBody(uint8_t *s, int32_t i, int32_t length, UChar32 c, UBool *pIsError);
+ * Function for handling "previous code point" with error-checking.
+ *
+ * This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+ * however it is U_STABLE (not U_INTERNAL) since it is called by public macros in this
+ * file and thus must remain stable, and should not be hidden when other internal
+ * functions are hidden (otherwise public macros would fail to compile).
+ * @internal
+ */
+utf8_prevCharSafeBody(const uint8_t *s, int32_t start, int32_t *pi, UChar32 c, UBool strict);
+ * Function for handling "skip backward one code point" with error-checking.
+ *
+ * This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+ * however it is U_STABLE (not U_INTERNAL) since it is called by public macros in this
+ * file and thus must remain stable, and should not be hidden when other internal
+ * functions are hidden (otherwise public macros would fail to compile).
+ * @internal
+ */
+utf8_back1SafeBody(const uint8_t *s, int32_t start, int32_t i);
+/* single-code point definitions -------------------------------------------- */
+ * Does this code unit (byte) encode a code point by itself (US-ASCII 0..0x7f)?
+ * @param c 8-bit code unit (byte)
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_IS_SINGLE(c) (((c)&0x80)==0)
+ * Is this code unit (byte) a UTF-8 lead byte? (0xC2..0xF4)
+ * @param c 8-bit code unit (byte)
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_IS_LEAD(c) ((uint8_t)((c)-0xc2)<=0x32)
+// 0x32=0xf4-0xc2
+ * Is this code unit (byte) a UTF-8 trail byte? (0x80..0xBF)
+ * @param c 8-bit code unit (byte)
+ * @return TRUE or FALSE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_IS_TRAIL(c) ((int8_t)(c)<-0x40)
+ * How many code units (bytes) are used for the UTF-8 encoding
+ * of this Unicode code point?
+ * @param c 32-bit code point
+ * @return 1..4, or 0 if c is a surrogate or not a Unicode code point
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_LENGTH(c) \
+    ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7f ? 1 : \
+        ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7ff ? 2 : \
+            ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xd7ff ? 3 : \
+                ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xdfff || (uint32_t)(c)>0x10ffff ? 0 : \
+                    ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff ? 3 : 4)\
+                ) \
+            ) \
+        ) \
+    )
+ * The maximum number of UTF-8 code units (bytes) per Unicode code point (U+0000..U+10ffff).
+ * @return 4
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_MAX_LENGTH 4
+ * Get a code point from a string at a random-access offset,
+ * without changing the offset.
+ * The offset may point to either the lead byte or one of the trail bytes
+ * for a code point, in which case the macro will read all of the bytes
+ * for the code point.
+ * The result is undefined if the offset points to an illegal UTF-8
+ * byte sequence.
+ * Iteration through a string is more efficient with U8_NEXT_UNSAFE or U8_NEXT.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U8_GET
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_GET_UNSAFE(s, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t _u8_get_unsafe_index=(int32_t)(i); \
+    U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE(s, _u8_get_unsafe_index); \
+    U8_NEXT_UNSAFE(s, _u8_get_unsafe_index, c); \
+ * Get a code point from a string at a random-access offset,
+ * without changing the offset.
+ * The offset may point to either the lead byte or one of the trail bytes
+ * for a code point, in which case the macro will read all of the bytes
+ * for the code point.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * If the offset points to an illegal UTF-8 byte sequence, then
+ * c is set to a negative value.
+ * Iteration through a string is more efficient with U8_NEXT_UNSAFE or U8_NEXT.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<=i<length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable, set to <0 in case of an error
+ * @see U8_GET_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_GET(s, start, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t _u8_get_index=(i); \
+    U8_SET_CP_START(s, start, _u8_get_index); \
+    U8_NEXT(s, _u8_get_index, length, c); \
+ * Get a code point from a string at a random-access offset,
+ * without changing the offset.
+ * The offset may point to either the lead byte or one of the trail bytes
+ * for a code point, in which case the macro will read all of the bytes
+ * for the code point.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * If the offset points to an illegal UTF-8 byte sequence, then
+ * c is set to U+FFFD.
+ * Iteration through a string is more efficient with U8_NEXT_UNSAFE or U8_NEXT_OR_FFFD.
+ *
+ * This macro does not distinguish between a real U+FFFD in the text
+ * and U+FFFD returned for an ill-formed sequence.
+ * Use U8_GET() if that distinction is important.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<=i<length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable, set to U+FFFD in case of an error
+ * @see U8_GET
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define U8_GET_OR_FFFD(s, start, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t _u8_get_index=(i); \
+    U8_SET_CP_START(s, start, _u8_get_index); \
+    U8_NEXT_OR_FFFD(s, _u8_get_index, length, c); \
+/* definitions with forward iteration --------------------------------------- */
+ * Get a code point from a string at a code point boundary offset,
+ * and advance the offset to the next code point boundary.
+ * (Post-incrementing forward iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to the lead byte of a multi-byte sequence,
+ * in which case the macro will read the whole sequence.
+ * The result is undefined if the offset points to a trail byte
+ * or an illegal UTF-8 sequence.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U8_NEXT
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    (c)=(uint8_t)(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(!U8_IS_SINGLE(c)) { \
+        if((c)<0xe0) { \
+            (c)=(((c)&0x1f)<<6)|((s)[(i)++]&0x3f); \
+        } else if((c)<0xf0) { \
+            /* no need for (c&0xf) because the upper bits are truncated after <<12 in the cast to (UChar) */ \
+            (c)=(UChar)(((c)<<12)|(((s)[i]&0x3f)<<6)|((s)[(i)+1]&0x3f)); \
+            (i)+=2; \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=(((c)&7)<<18)|(((s)[i]&0x3f)<<12)|(((s)[(i)+1]&0x3f)<<6)|((s)[(i)+2]&0x3f); \
+            (i)+=3; \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Get a code point from a string at a code point boundary offset,
+ * and advance the offset to the next code point boundary.
+ * (Post-incrementing forward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to the lead byte of a multi-byte sequence,
+ * in which case the macro will read the whole sequence.
+ * If the offset points to a trail byte or an illegal UTF-8 sequence, then
+ * c is set to a negative value.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable, set to <0 in case of an error
+ * @see U8_NEXT_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_NEXT(s, i, length, c) U8_INTERNAL_NEXT_OR_SUB(s, i, length, c, U_SENTINEL)
+ * Get a code point from a string at a code point boundary offset,
+ * and advance the offset to the next code point boundary.
+ * (Post-incrementing forward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * The offset may point to the lead byte of a multi-byte sequence,
+ * in which case the macro will read the whole sequence.
+ * If the offset points to a trail byte or an illegal UTF-8 sequence, then
+ * c is set to U+FFFD.
+ *
+ * This macro does not distinguish between a real U+FFFD in the text
+ * and U+FFFD returned for an ill-formed sequence.
+ * Use U8_NEXT() if that distinction is important.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable, set to U+FFFD in case of an error
+ * @see U8_NEXT
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define U8_NEXT_OR_FFFD(s, i, length, c) U8_INTERNAL_NEXT_OR_SUB(s, i, length, c, 0xfffd)
+/** @internal */
+#define U8_INTERNAL_NEXT_OR_SUB(s, i, length, c, sub) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(uint8_t)(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(!U8_IS_SINGLE(c)) { \
+        uint8_t __t = 0; \
+        if((i)!=(length) && \
+            /* fetch/validate/assemble all but last trail byte */ \
+            ((c)>=0xe0 ? \
+                ((c)<0xf0 ?  /* U+0800..U+FFFF except surrogates */ \
+                    U8_LEAD3_T1_BITS[(c)&=0xf]&(1<<((__t=(s)[i])>>5)) && \
+                    (__t&=0x3f, 1) \
+                :  /* U+10000..U+10FFFF */ \
+                    ((c)-=0xf0)<=4 && \
+                    U8_LEAD4_T1_BITS[(__t=(s)[i])>>4]&(1<<(c)) && \
+                    ((c)=((c)<<6)|(__t&0x3f), ++(i)!=(length)) && \
+                    (__t=(s)[i]-0x80)<=0x3f) && \
+                /* valid second-to-last trail byte */ \
+                ((c)=((c)<<6)|__t, ++(i)!=(length)) \
+            :  /* U+0080..U+07FF */ \
+                (c)>=0xc2 && ((c)&=0x1f, 1)) && \
+            /* last trail byte */ \
+            (__t=(s)[i]-0x80)<=0x3f && \
+            ((c)=((c)<<6)|__t, ++(i), 1)) { \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=(sub);  /* ill-formed*/ \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Append a code point to a string, overwriting 1 to 4 bytes.
+ * The offset points to the current end of the string contents
+ * and is advanced (post-increment).
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes a valid code point and sufficient space in the string.
+ * Otherwise, the result is undefined.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string buffer
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c code point to append
+ * @see U8_APPEND
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    uint32_t __uc=(c); \
+    if(__uc<=0x7f) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)__uc; \
+    } else { \
+        if(__uc<=0x7ff) { \
+            (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc>>6)|0xc0); \
+        } else { \
+            if(__uc<=0xffff) { \
+                (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc>>12)|0xe0); \
+            } else { \
+                (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc>>18)|0xf0); \
+                (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((__uc>>12)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+            } \
+            (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((__uc>>6)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+        } \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc&0x3f)|0x80); \
+    } \
+ * Append a code point to a string, overwriting 1 to 4 bytes.
+ * The offset points to the current end of the string contents
+ * and is advanced (post-increment).
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for a valid code point.
+ * If a non-ASCII code point is written, checks for sufficient space in the string.
+ * If the code point is not valid or trail bytes do not fit,
+ * then isError is set to TRUE.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string buffer
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be i<capacity
+ * @param capacity int32_t size of the string buffer
+ * @param c UChar32 code point to append
+ * @param isError output UBool set to TRUE if an error occurs, otherwise not modified
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_APPEND(s, i, capacity, c, isError) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    uint32_t __uc=(c); \
+    if(__uc<=0x7f) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)__uc; \
+    } else if(__uc<=0x7ff && (i)+1<(capacity)) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc>>6)|0xc0); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc&0x3f)|0x80); \
+    } else if((__uc<=0xd7ff || (0xe000<=__uc && __uc<=0xffff)) && (i)+2<(capacity)) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc>>12)|0xe0); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((__uc>>6)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc&0x3f)|0x80); \
+    } else if(0xffff<__uc && __uc<=0x10ffff && (i)+3<(capacity)) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc>>18)|0xf0); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((__uc>>12)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((__uc>>6)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((__uc&0x3f)|0x80); \
+    } else { \
+        (isError)=TRUE; \
+    } \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the next.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U8_FWD_1
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    (i)+=1+U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES_UNSAFE((s)[i]); \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the next.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @see U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_FWD_1(s, i, length) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    uint8_t __b=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(U8_IS_LEAD(__b) && (i)!=(length)) { \
+        uint8_t __t1=(s)[i]; \
+        if((0xe0<=__b && __b<0xf0)) { \
+            if(U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1(__b, __t1) && \
+                    ++(i)!=(length) && U8_IS_TRAIL((s)[i])) { \
+                ++(i); \
+            } \
+        } else if(__b<0xe0) { \
+            if(U8_IS_TRAIL(__t1)) { \
+                ++(i); \
+            } \
+        } else /* c>=0xf0 */ { \
+            if(U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1(__b, __t1) && \
+                    ++(i)!=(length) && U8_IS_TRAIL((s)[i]) && \
+                    ++(i)!=(length) && U8_IS_TRAIL((s)[i])) { \
+                ++(i); \
+            } \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th next one,
+ * i.e., move forward by n code points.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U8_FWD_N
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE(s, i, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Advance the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th next one,
+ * i.e., move forward by n code points.
+ * (Post-incrementing iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be i<length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_FWD_N(s, i, length, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0 && ((i)<(length) || ((length)<0 && (s)[i]!=0))) { \
+        U8_FWD_1(s, i, length); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary
+ * at the start of a code point.
+ * If the offset points to a UTF-8 trail byte,
+ * then the offset is moved backward to the corresponding lead byte.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U8_SET_CP_START
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    while(U8_IS_TRAIL((s)[i])) { --(i); } \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary
+ * at the start of a code point.
+ * If the offset points to a UTF-8 trail byte,
+ * then the offset is moved backward to the corresponding lead byte.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ *
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ * Unlike U8_TRUNCATE_IF_INCOMPLETE(), this macro always reads s[i].
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<=i
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_SET_CP_START(s, start, i) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(U8_IS_TRAIL((s)[(i)])) { \
+        (i)=utf8_back1SafeBody(s, start, (i)); \
+    } \
+ * If the string ends with a UTF-8 byte sequence that is valid so far
+ * but incomplete, then reduce the length of the string to end before
+ * the lead byte of that incomplete sequence.
+ * For example, if the string ends with E1 80, the length is reduced by 2.
+ *
+ * In all other cases (the string ends with a complete sequence, or it is not
+ * possible for any further trail byte to extend the trailing sequence)
+ * the length remains unchanged.
+ *
+ * Useful for processing text split across multiple buffers
+ * (save the incomplete sequence for later)
+ * and for optimizing iteration
+ * (check for string length only once per character).
+ *
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ * Unlike U8_SET_CP_START(), this macro never reads s[length].
+ *
+ * (In UTF-16, simply check for U16_IS_LEAD(last code unit).)
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param length int32_t string length (usually start<=length)
+ * @see U8_SET_CP_START
+ * @stable ICU 61
+ */
+    if((length)>(start)) { \
+        uint8_t __b1=s[(length)-1]; \
+        if(U8_IS_SINGLE(__b1)) { \
+            /* common ASCII character */ \
+        } else if(U8_IS_LEAD(__b1)) { \
+            --(length); \
+        } else if(U8_IS_TRAIL(__b1) && ((length)-2)>=(start)) { \
+            uint8_t __b2=s[(length)-2]; \
+            if(0xe0<=__b2 && __b2<=0xf4) { \
+                if(__b2<0xf0 ? U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1(__b2, __b1) : \
+                        U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1(__b2, __b1)) { \
+                    (length)-=2; \
+                } \
+            } else if(U8_IS_TRAIL(__b2) && ((length)-3)>=(start)) { \
+                uint8_t __b3=s[(length)-3]; \
+                if(0xf0<=__b3 && __b3<=0xf4 && U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1(__b3, __b2)) { \
+                    (length)-=3; \
+                } \
+            } \
+        } \
+    } \
+/* definitions with backward iteration -------------------------------------- */
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one
+ * and get the code point between them.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * If the offset is behind a multi-byte sequence, then the macro will read
+ * the whole sequence.
+ * If the offset is behind a lead byte, then that itself
+ * will be returned as the code point.
+ * The result is undefined if the offset is behind an illegal UTF-8 sequence.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable
+ * @see U8_PREV
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    (c)=(uint8_t)(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(U8_IS_TRAIL(c)) { \
+        uint8_t __b, __count=1, __shift=6; \
+        /* c is a trail byte */ \
+        (c)&=0x3f; \
+        for(;;) { \
+            __b=(s)[--(i)]; \
+            if(__b>=0xc0) { \
+                U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE(__b, __count); \
+                (c)|=(UChar32)__b<<__shift; \
+                break; \
+            } else { \
+                (c)|=(UChar32)(__b&0x3f)<<__shift; \
+                ++__count; \
+                __shift+=6; \
+            } \
+        } \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one
+ * and get the code point between them.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * If the offset is behind a multi-byte sequence, then the macro will read
+ * the whole sequence.
+ * If the offset is behind a lead byte, then that itself
+ * will be returned as the code point.
+ * If the offset is behind an illegal UTF-8 sequence, then c is set to a negative value.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<i
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable, set to <0 in case of an error
+ * @see U8_PREV_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_PREV(s, start, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(uint8_t)(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(!U8_IS_SINGLE(c)) { \
+        (c)=utf8_prevCharSafeBody((const uint8_t *)s, start, &(i), c, -1); \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one
+ * and get the code point between them.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * If the offset is behind a multi-byte sequence, then the macro will read
+ * the whole sequence.
+ * If the offset is behind a lead byte, then that itself
+ * will be returned as the code point.
+ * If the offset is behind an illegal UTF-8 sequence, then c is set to U+FFFD.
+ *
+ * This macro does not distinguish between a real U+FFFD in the text
+ * and U+FFFD returned for an ill-formed sequence.
+ * Use U8_PREV() if that distinction is important.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<i
+ * @param c output UChar32 variable, set to U+FFFD in case of an error
+ * @see U8_PREV
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ */
+#define U8_PREV_OR_FFFD(s, start, i, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(uint8_t)(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(!U8_IS_SINGLE(c)) { \
+        (c)=utf8_prevCharSafeBody((const uint8_t *)s, start, &(i), c, -3); \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U8_BACK_1
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    while(U8_IS_TRAIL((s)[--(i)])) {} \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the previous one.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<i
+ * @see U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_BACK_1(s, start, i) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(U8_IS_TRAIL((s)[--(i)])) { \
+        (i)=utf8_back1SafeBody(s, start, (i)); \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th one before it,
+ * i.e., move backward by n code points.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U8_BACK_N
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Move the string offset from one code point boundary to the n-th one before it,
+ * i.e., move backward by n code points.
+ * (Pre-decrementing backward iteration.)
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t index of the start of the string
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<i
+ * @param n number of code points to skip
+ * @see U8_BACK_N_UNSAFE
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_BACK_N(s, start, i, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0 && (i)>(start)) { \
+        U8_BACK_1(s, start, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary after a code point.
+ * If the offset is behind a partial multi-byte sequence,
+ * then the offset is incremented to behind the whole sequence.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Unsafe" macro, assumes well-formed UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param i string offset
+ * @see U8_SET_CP_LIMIT
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+    U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+    U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+ * Adjust a random-access offset to a code point boundary after a code point.
+ * If the offset is behind a partial multi-byte sequence,
+ * then the offset is incremented to behind the whole sequence.
+ * Otherwise, it is not modified.
+ * The input offset may be the same as the string length.
+ * "Safe" macro, checks for illegal sequences and for string boundaries.
+ *
+ * The length can be negative for a NUL-terminated string.
+ *
+ * @param s const uint8_t * string
+ * @param start int32_t starting string offset (usually 0)
+ * @param i int32_t string offset, must be start<=i<=length
+ * @param length int32_t string length
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U8_SET_CP_LIMIT(s, start, i, length) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((start)<(i) && ((i)<(length) || (length)<0)) { \
+        U8_BACK_1(s, start, i); \
+        U8_FWD_1(s, i, length); \
+    } \
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf_old.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf_old.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2428e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utf_old.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2012, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utf_old.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002sep21
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Deprecated macros for Unicode string handling
+ *
+ * The macros in utf_old.h are all deprecated and their use discouraged.
+ * Some of the design principles behind the set of UTF macros
+ * have changed or proved impractical.
+ * Almost all of the old "UTF macros" are at least renamed.
+ * If you are looking for a new equivalent to an old macro, please see the
+ * comment at the old one.
+ *
+ * Brief summary of reasons for deprecation:
+ * - Switch on UTF_SIZE (selection of UTF-8/16/32 default string processing)
+ *   was impractical.
+ * - Switch on UTF_SAFE etc. (selection of unsafe/safe/strict default string processing)
+ *   was of little use and impractical.
+ * - Whole classes of macros became obsolete outside of the UTF_SIZE/UTF_SAFE
+ *   selection framework: UTF32_ macros (all trivial)
+ *   and UTF_ default and intermediate macros (all aliases).
+ * - The selection framework also caused many macro aliases.
+ * - Change in Unicode standard: "irregular" sequences (3.0) became illegal (3.2).
+ * - Change of language in Unicode standard:
+ *   Growing distinction between internal x-bit Unicode strings and external UTF-x
+ *   forms, with the former more lenient.
+ *   Suggests renaming of UTF16_ macros to U16_.
+ * - The prefix "UTF_" without a width number confused some users.
+ * - "Safe" append macros needed the addition of an error indicator output.
+ * - "Safe" UTF-8 macros used legitimate (if rarely used) code point values
+ *   to indicate error conditions.
+ * - The use of the "_CHAR" infix for code point operations confused some users.
+ *
+ * More details:
+ *
+ * Until ICU 2.2, utf.h theoretically allowed to choose among UTF-8/16/32
+ * for string processing, and among unsafe/safe/strict default macros for that.
+ *
+ * It proved nearly impossible to write non-trivial, high-performance code
+ * that is UTF-generic.
+ * Unsafe default macros would be dangerous for default string processing,
+ * and the main reason for the "strict" versions disappeared:
+ * Between Unicode 3.0 and 3.2 all "irregular" UTF-8 sequences became illegal.
+ * The only other conditions that "strict" checked for were non-characters,
+ * which are valid during processing. Only during text input/output should they
+ * be checked, and at that time other well-formedness checks may be
+ * necessary or useful as well.
+ * This can still be done by using U16_NEXT and U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR
+ *
+ * The old UTF8_..._SAFE macros also used some normal Unicode code points
+ * to indicate malformed sequences.
+ * The new UTF8_ macros without suffix use negative values instead.
+ *
+ * The entire contents of utf32.h was moved here without replacement
+ * because all those macros were trivial and
+ * were meaningful only in the framework of choosing the UTF size.
+ *
+ * See Jitterbug 2150 and its discussion on the ICU mailing list
+ * in September 2002.
+ *
+ * <hr>
+ *
+ * <em>Obsolete part</em> of pre-ICU 2.4 utf.h file documentation:
+ *
+ * <p>The original concept for these files was for ICU to allow
+ * in principle to set which UTF (UTF-8/16/32) is used internally
+ * by defining UTF_SIZE to either 8, 16, or 32. utf.h would then define the UChar type
+ * accordingly. UTF-16 was the default.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This concept has been abandoned.
+ * A lot of the ICU source code assumes UChar strings are in UTF-16.
+ * This is especially true for low-level code like
+ * conversion, normalization, and collation.
+ * The utf.h header enforces the default of UTF-16.
+ * The UTF-8 and UTF-32 macros remain for now for completeness and backward compatibility.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Accordingly, utf.h defines UChar to be an unsigned 16-bit integer. If this matches wchar_t, then
+ * UChar is defined to be exactly wchar_t, otherwise uint16_t.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>UChar32 is defined to be a signed 32-bit integer (int32_t), large enough for a 21-bit
+ * Unicode code point (Unicode scalar value, 0..0x10ffff).
+ * Before ICU 2.4, the definition of UChar32 was similarly platform-dependent as
+ * the definition of UChar. For details see the documentation for UChar32 itself.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>utf.h also defines a number of C macros for handling single Unicode code points and
+ * for using UTF Unicode strings. It includes utf8.h, utf16.h, and utf32.h for the actual
+ * implementations of those macros and then aliases one set of them (for UTF-16) for general use.
+ * The UTF-specific macros have the UTF size in the macro name prefixes (UTF16_...), while
+ * the general alias macros always begin with UTF_...</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Many string operations can be done with or without error checking.
+ * Where such a distinction is useful, there are two versions of the macros, "unsafe" and "safe"
+ * ones with ..._UNSAFE and ..._SAFE suffixes. The unsafe macros are fast but may cause
+ * program failures if the strings are not well-formed. The safe macros have an additional, boolean
+ * parameter "strict". If strict is FALSE, then only illegal sequences are detected.
+ * Otherwise, irregular sequences and non-characters are detected as well (like single surrogates).
+ * Safe macros return special error code points for illegal/irregular sequences:
+ * Typically, U+ffff, or values that would result in a code unit sequence of the same length
+ * as the erroneous input sequence.<br>
+ * Note that _UNSAFE macros have fewer parameters: They do not have the strictness parameter, and
+ * they do not have start/length parameters for boundary checking.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Here, the macros are aliased in two steps:
+ * In the first step, the UTF-specific macros with UTF16_ prefix and _UNSAFE and _SAFE suffixes are
+ * aliased according to the UTF_SIZE to macros with UTF_ prefix and the same suffixes and signatures.
+ * Then, in a second step, the default, general alias macros are set to use either the unsafe or
+ * the safe/not strict (default) or the safe/strict macro;
+ * these general macros do not have a strictness parameter.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>It is possible to change the default choice for the general alias macros to be unsafe, safe/not strict or safe/strict.
+ * The default is safe/not strict. It is not recommended to select the unsafe macros as the basis for
+ * Unicode string handling in ICU! To select this, define UTF_SAFE, UTF_STRICT, or UTF_UNSAFE.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For general use, one should use the default, general macros with UTF_ prefix and no _SAFE/_UNSAFE suffix.
+ * Only in some cases it may be necessary to control the choice of macro directly and use a less generic alias.
+ * For example, if it can be assumed that a string is well-formed and the index will stay within the bounds,
+ * then the _UNSAFE version may be used.
+ * If a UTF-8 string is to be processed, then the macros with UTF8_ prefixes need to be used.</p>
+ *
+ * <hr>
+ *
+ * Deprecated ICU 2.4. Use the macros in utf.h, utf16.h, utf8.h instead.
+ */
+#ifndef __UTF_OLD_H__
+#define __UTF_OLD_H__
+#include "unicode/utf.h"
+#include "unicode/utf8.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+ *
+ * Hides the obsolete definitions in unicode/utf_old.h.
+ * Recommended to be set to 1 at compile time to make sure
+ * the long-deprecated macros are no longer used.
+ *
+ * For reasons for the deprecation see the utf_old.h file comments.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* Formerly utf.h, part 1 --------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Unicode string and array offset and index type.
+ * ICU always counts Unicode code units (UChars) for
+ * string offsets, indexes, and lengths, not Unicode code points.
+ *
+ * @obsolete ICU 2.6. Use int32_t directly instead since this API will be removed in that release.
+ */
+typedef int32_t UTextOffset;
+/** Number of bits in a Unicode string code unit - ICU uses 16-bit Unicode. @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_SIZE 16
+ * The default choice for general Unicode string macros is to use the ..._SAFE macro implementations
+ * with strict=FALSE.
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_SAFE
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#undef UTF_UNSAFE
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#undef UTF_STRICT
+ * UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_1 and UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_2 are special error values for UTF-8,
+ * which need 1 or 2 bytes in UTF-8:
+ * \code
+ * U+0015 = NAK = Negative Acknowledge, C0 control character
+ * U+009f = highest C1 control character
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * These are used by UTF8_..._SAFE macros so that they can return an error value
+ * that needs the same number of code units (bytes) as were seen by
+ * a macro. They should be tested with UTF_IS_ERROR() or UTF_IS_VALID().
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_1 0x15
+ * See documentation on UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_1 for details.
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_2 0x9f
+ * Error value for all UTFs. This code point value will be set by macros with error
+ * checking if an error is detected.
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_ERROR_VALUE 0xffff
+ * Is a given 32-bit code an error value
+ * as returned by one of the macros for any UTF?
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_IS_ERROR(c) \
+    (((c)&0xfffe)==0xfffe || (c)==UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_1 || (c)==UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_2)
+ * This is a combined macro: Is c a valid Unicode value _and_ not an error code?
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_IS_VALID(c) \
+    (UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(c) && \
+     (c)!=UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_1 && (c)!=UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_2)
+ * Is this code unit or code point a surrogate (U+d800..U+dfff)?
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE and U16_IS_SURROGATE, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_IS_SURROGATE(uchar) (((uchar)&0xfffff800)==0xd800)
+ * Is a given 32-bit code point a Unicode noncharacter?
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+    ((c)>=0xfdd0 && \
+     ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xfdef || ((c)&0xfffe)==0xfffe) && \
+     (uint32_t)(c)<=0x10ffff)
+ * Is a given 32-bit value a Unicode code point value (0..U+10ffff)
+ * that can be assigned a character?
+ *
+ * Code points that are not characters include:
+ * - single surrogate code points (U+d800..U+dfff, 2048 code points)
+ * - the last two code points on each plane (U+__fffe and U+__ffff, 34 code points)
+ * - U+fdd0..U+fdef (new with Unicode 3.1, 32 code points)
+ * - the highest Unicode code point value is U+10ffff
+ *
+ * This means that all code points below U+d800 are character code points,
+ * and that boundary is tested first for performance.
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(c) \
+    ((uint32_t)(c)<0xd800 || \
+        ((uint32_t)(c)>0xdfff && \
+         (uint32_t)(c)<=0x10ffff && \
+         !UTF_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR(c)))
+/* Formerly utf8.h ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+* \var utf8_countTrailBytes
+* Internal array with numbers of trail bytes for any given byte used in
+* lead byte position.
+* This is internal since it is not meant to be called directly by external clients;
+* however it is called by public macros in this file and thus must remain stable,
+* and should not be hidden when other internal functions are hidden (otherwise
+* public macros would fail to compile).
+* @internal
+#ifdef U_UTF8_IMPL
+// No forward declaration if compiling utf_impl.cpp, which defines utf8_countTrailBytes.
+U_CFUNC const uint8_t utf8_countTrailBytes[];
+U_CFUNC U_IMPORT const uint8_t utf8_countTrailBytes[];    /* U_IMPORT2? */ /*U_IMPORT*/
+ * Count the trail bytes for a UTF-8 lead byte.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES(leadByte) (utf8_countTrailBytes[(uint8_t)leadByte])
+ * Mask a UTF-8 lead byte, leave only the lower bits that form part of the code point value.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE(leadByte, countTrailBytes) ((leadByte)&=(1<<(6-(countTrailBytes)))-1)
+/** Is this this code point a single code unit (byte)? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_IS_SINGLE(uchar) (((uchar)&0x80)==0)
+/** Is this this code unit the lead code unit (byte) of a code point? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_IS_LEAD(uchar) ((uint8_t)((uchar)-0xc0)<0x3e)
+/** Is this this code unit a trailing code unit (byte) of a code point? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_IS_TRAIL(uchar) (((uchar)&0xc0)==0x80)
+/** Does this scalar Unicode value need multiple code units for storage? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0x7f) instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_NEED_MULTIPLE_UCHAR(c) ((uint32_t)(c)>0x7f)
+ * Given the lead character, how many bytes are taken by this code point.
+ * ICU does not deal with code points >0x10ffff
+ * unless necessary for advancing in the byte stream.
+ *
+ * These length macros take into account that for values >0x10ffff
+ * the UTF8_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE macros would write the error code point 0xffff
+ * with 3 bytes.
+ * Code point comparisons need to be in uint32_t because UChar32
+ * may be a signed type, and negative values must be recognized.
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH instead, see utf.h.
+ */
+#if 1
+#   define UTF8_CHAR_LENGTH(c) \
+        ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7f ? 1 : \
+            ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7ff ? 2 : \
+                ((uint32_t)((c)-0x10000)>0xfffff ? 3 : 4) \
+            ) \
+        )
+#   define UTF8_CHAR_LENGTH(c) \
+        ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7f ? 1 : \
+            ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7ff ? 2 : \
+                ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff ? 3 : \
+                    ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x10ffff ? 4 : \
+                        ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x3ffffff ? 5 : \
+                            ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7fffffff ? 6 : 3) \
+                        ) \
+                    ) \
+                ) \
+            ) \
+        )
+/** The maximum number of bytes per code point. @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h. */
+/** Average number of code units compared to UTF-16. @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_ARRAY_SIZE(size) ((5*(size))/2)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    int32_t _utf8_get_char_unsafe_index=(int32_t)(i); \
+    UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_UNSAFE(s, _utf8_get_char_unsafe_index); \
+    UTF8_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, _utf8_get_char_unsafe_index, c); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U8_GET instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_GET_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, length, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t _utf8_get_char_safe_index=(int32_t)(i); \
+    UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE(s, start, _utf8_get_char_safe_index); \
+    UTF8_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE(s, _utf8_get_char_safe_index, length, c, strict); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if((uint8_t)((c)-0xc0)<0x35) { \
+        uint8_t __count=UTF8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES(c); \
+        UTF8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE(c, __count); \
+        switch(__count) { \
+        /* each following branch falls through to the next one */ \
+        case 3: \
+            (c)=((c)<<6)|((s)[(i)++]&0x3f); \
+        case 2: \
+            (c)=((c)<<6)|((s)[(i)++]&0x3f); \
+        case 1: \
+            (c)=((c)<<6)|((s)[(i)++]&0x3f); \
+        /* no other branches to optimize switch() */ \
+            break; \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    if((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7f) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(c); \
+    } else { \
+        if((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7ff) { \
+            (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((c)>>6)|0xc0); \
+        } else { \
+            if((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff) { \
+                (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((c)>>12)|0xe0); \
+            } else { \
+                (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((c)>>18)|0xf0); \
+                (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((((c)>>12)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+            } \
+            (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)((((c)>>6)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+        } \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(((c)&0x3f)|0x80); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    (i)+=1+UTF8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES((s)[i]); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        UTF8_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    while(UTF8_IS_TRAIL((s)[i])) { --(i); } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U8_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if((c)>=0x80) { \
+        if(UTF8_IS_LEAD(c)) { \
+            (c)=utf8_nextCharSafeBody(s, &(i), (int32_t)(length), c, strict); \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_1; \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U8_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c)  UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7f) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint8_t)(c); \
+    } else { \
+        (i)=utf8_appendCharSafeBody(s, (int32_t)(i), (int32_t)(length), c, NULL); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_FWD_1_SAFE(s, i, length) U8_FWD_1(s, i, length)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_FWD_N_SAFE(s, i, length, n) U8_FWD_N(s, i, length, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE(s, start, i) U8_SET_CP_START(s, start, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(UTF8_IS_TRAIL(c)) { \
+        uint8_t __b, __count=1, __shift=6; \
+        /* c is a trail byte */ \
+        (c)&=0x3f; \
+        for(;;) { \
+            __b=(s)[--(i)]; \
+            if(__b>=0xc0) { \
+                UTF8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE(__b, __count); \
+                (c)|=(UChar32)__b<<__shift; \
+                break; \
+            } else { \
+                (c)|=(UChar32)(__b&0x3f)<<__shift; \
+                ++__count; \
+                __shift+=6; \
+            } \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    while(UTF8_IS_TRAIL((s)[--(i)])) {} \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        UTF8_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    UTF8_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+    UTF8_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U8_PREV instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_PREV_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if((c)>=0x80) { \
+        if((c)<=0xbf) { \
+            (c)=utf8_prevCharSafeBody(s, start, &(i), c, strict); \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=UTF8_ERROR_VALUE_1; \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_BACK_1_SAFE(s, start, i) U8_BACK_1(s, start, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_BACK_N_SAFE(s, start, i, n) U8_BACK_N(s, start, i, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF8_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE(s, start, i, length) U8_SET_CP_LIMIT(s, start, i, length)
+/* Formerly utf16.h --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** Is uchar a first/lead surrogate? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(uchar) (((uchar)&0xfffffc00)==0xd800)
+/** Is uchar a second/trail surrogate? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE(uchar) (((uchar)&0xfffffc00)==0xdc00)
+/** Assuming c is a surrogate, is it a first/lead surrogate? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD and U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_IS_SURROGATE_FIRST(c) (((c)&0x400)==0)
+/** Helper constant for UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE. @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_SURROGATE_OFFSET ((0xd800<<10UL)+0xdc00-0x10000)
+/** Get the UTF-32 value from the surrogate code units. @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE(first, second) \
+    (((first)<<10UL)+(second)-UTF_SURROGATE_OFFSET)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_FIRST_SURROGATE(supplementary) (UChar)(((supplementary)>>10)+0xd7c0)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_SECOND_SURROGATE(supplementary) (UChar)(((supplementary)&0x3ff)|0xdc00)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_LEAD(supplementary) UTF_FIRST_SURROGATE(supplementary)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_TRAIL(supplementary) UTF_SECOND_SURROGATE(supplementary)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_IS_SINGLE(uchar) !UTF_IS_SURROGATE(uchar)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_IS_LEAD(uchar) UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(uchar)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_IS_TRAIL(uchar) UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE(uchar)
+/** Does this scalar Unicode value need multiple code units for storage? @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_NEED_MULTIPLE_UCHAR(c) ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH(c) ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff ? 1 : 2)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH 2
+/** Average number of code units compared to UTF-16. @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_ARRAY_SIZE(size) (size)
+ * Get a single code point from an offset that points to any
+ * of the code units that belong to that code point.
+ * Assume 0<=i<length.
+ *
+ * This could be used for iteration together with
+ * but the use of UTF16_NEXT_CHAR[_UNSAFE]() and
+ * UTF16_PREV_CHAR[_UNSAFE]() is more efficient for that.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+    (c)=(s)[i]; \
+    if(UTF_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        if(UTF_IS_SURROGATE_FIRST(c)) { \
+            (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE((c), (s)[(i)+1]); \
+        } else { \
+            (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE((s)[(i)-1], (c)); \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_GET_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, length, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[i]; \
+    if(UTF_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if(UTF_IS_SURROGATE_FIRST(c)) { \
+            if((i)+1<(length) && UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE(__c2=(s)[(i)+1])) { \
+                (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE((c), __c2); \
+                /* strict: ((c)&0xfffe)==0xfffe is caught by UTF_IS_ERROR() and UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR() */ \
+            } else if(strict) {\
+                /* unmatched first surrogate */ \
+                (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+            } \
+        } else { \
+            if((i)-1>=(start) && UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(__c2=(s)[(i)-1])) { \
+                (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE(__c2, (c)); \
+                /* strict: ((c)&0xfffe)==0xfffe is caught by UTF_IS_ERROR() and UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR() */ \
+            } else if(strict) {\
+                /* unmatched second surrogate */ \
+                (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+            } \
+        } \
+    } else if((strict) && !UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(c)) { \
+        (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE((c), (s)[(i)++]); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    if((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(c); \
+    } else { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)>>10)+0xd7c0); \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)&0x3ff)|0xdc00); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    if(UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE((s)[(i)++])) { \
+        ++(i); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        UTF16_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    if(UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE((s)[i])) { \
+        --(i); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if((i)<(length) && UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE(__c2=(s)[(i)])) { \
+            ++(i); \
+            (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE((c), __c2); \
+            /* strict: ((c)&0xfffe)==0xfffe is caught by UTF_IS_ERROR() and UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR() */ \
+        } else if(strict) {\
+            /* unmatched first surrogate */ \
+            (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+        } \
+    } else if((strict) && !UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(c)) { \
+        /* unmatched second surrogate or other non-character */ \
+        (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(c); \
+    } else if((uint32_t)(c)<=0x10ffff) { \
+        if((i)+1<(length)) { \
+            (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)>>10)+0xd7c0); \
+            (s)[(i)++]=(uint16_t)(((c)&0x3ff)|0xdc00); \
+        } else /* not enough space */ { \
+            (s)[(i)++]=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+        } \
+    } else /* c>0x10ffff, write error value */ { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_FWD_1_SAFE(s, i, length) U16_FWD_1(s, i, length)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_FWD_N_SAFE(s, i, length, n) U16_FWD_N(s, i, length, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE(s, start, i) U16_SET_CP_START(s, start, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+        (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE((s)[--(i)], (c)); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    if(UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE((s)[--(i)])) { \
+        --(i); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    int32_t __N=(n); \
+    while(__N>0) { \
+        UTF16_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i); \
+        --__N; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+    if(UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE((s)[(i)-1])) { \
+        ++(i); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_PREV_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        if((i)>(start) && UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(__c2=(s)[(i)-1])) { \
+            --(i); \
+            (c)=UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE(__c2, (c)); \
+            /* strict: ((c)&0xfffe)==0xfffe is caught by UTF_IS_ERROR() and UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR() */ \
+        } else if(strict) {\
+            /* unmatched second surrogate */ \
+            (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+        } \
+    } else if((strict) && !UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(c)) { \
+        /* unmatched first surrogate or other non-character */ \
+        (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_BACK_1_SAFE(s, start, i) U16_BACK_1(s, start, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_BACK_N_SAFE(s, start, i, n) U16_BACK_N(s, start, i, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF16_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE(s, start, i, length) U16_SET_CP_LIMIT(s, start, i, length)
+/* Formerly utf32.h --------------------------------------------------------- */
+* Old documentation:
+*   This file defines macros to deal with UTF-32 code units and code points.
+*   Signatures and semantics are the same as for the similarly named macros
+*   in utf16.h.
+*   utf32.h is included by utf.h after unicode/umachine.h</p>
+*   and some common definitions.
+*   <p><b>Usage:</b>  ICU coding guidelines for if() statements should be followed when using these macros.
+*                  Compound statements (curly braces {}) must be used  for if-else-while...
+*                  bodies and all macro statements should be terminated with semicolon.</p>
+/* internal definitions ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_IS_SAFE(c, strict) \
+    (!(strict) ? \
+        (uint32_t)(c)<=0x10ffff : \
+        UTF_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(c))
+ * For the semantics of all of these macros, see utf16.h.
+ * The UTF-32 versions are trivial because any code point is
+ * encoded using exactly one code unit.
+ */
+/* single-code point definitions -------------------------------------------- */
+/* classes of code unit values */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_IS_SINGLE(uchar) 1
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_IS_LEAD(uchar) 0
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_IS_TRAIL(uchar) 0
+/* number of code units per code point */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_CHAR_LENGTH(c) 1
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH 1
+/* average number of code units compared to UTF-16 */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_ARRAY_SIZE(size) (size)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    (c)=(s)[i]; \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_GET_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, length, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[i]; \
+    if(!UTF32_IS_SAFE(c, strict)) { \
+        (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+    } \
+/* definitions with forward iteration --------------------------------------- */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    (s)[(i)++]=(c); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    ++(i); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    (i)+=(n); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[(i)++]; \
+    if(!UTF32_IS_SAFE(c, strict)) { \
+        (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((uint32_t)(c)<=0x10ffff) { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=(c); \
+    } else /* c>0x10ffff, write 0xfffd */ { \
+        (s)[(i)++]=0xfffd; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_FWD_1_SAFE(s, i, length) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    ++(i); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_FWD_N_SAFE(s, i, length, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(((i)+=(n))>(length)) { \
+        (i)=(length); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+/* definitions with backward iteration -------------------------------------- */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    --(i); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+    (i)-=(n); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_PREV_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, c, strict) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=(s)[--(i)]; \
+    if(!UTF32_IS_SAFE(c, strict)) { \
+        (c)=UTF_ERROR_VALUE; \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_BACK_1_SAFE(s, start, i) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    --(i); \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF32_BACK_N_SAFE(s, start, i, n) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (i)-=(n); \
+    if((i)<(start)) { \
+        (i)=(start); \
+    } \
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h. */
+/* Formerly utf.h, part 2 --------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Estimate the number of code units for a string based on the number of UTF-16 code units.
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_ARRAY_SIZE(size) UTF16_ARRAY_SIZE(size)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)                 UTF16_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_GET_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, length, c, strict) UTF16_GET_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, length, c, strict)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)                UTF16_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c, strict)  UTF16_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c, strict)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)              UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c)        UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i)                       UTF16_FWD_1_UNSAFE(s, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_FWD_1_SAFE(s, i, length)                 UTF16_FWD_1_SAFE(s, i, length)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_FWD_N_UNSAFE(s, i, n)                    UTF16_FWD_N_UNSAFE(s, i, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_FWD_N_SAFE(s, i, length, n)              UTF16_FWD_N_SAFE(s, i, length, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_SET_CHAR_START_UNSAFE(s, i)              UTF16_SET_CHAR_START_UNSAFE(s, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE(s, start, i)         UTF16_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE(s, start, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)                UTF16_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE(s, i, c)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_PREV_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, c, strict)   UTF16_PREV_CHAR_SAFE(s, start, i, c, strict)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i)                      UTF16_BACK_1_UNSAFE(s, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_BACK_1_SAFE(s, start, i)                 UTF16_BACK_1_SAFE(s, start, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_BACK_N_UNSAFE(s, i, n)                   UTF16_BACK_N_UNSAFE(s, i, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_BACK_N_SAFE(s, start, i, n)              UTF16_BACK_N_SAFE(s, start, i, n)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_UNSAFE(s, i)              UTF16_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_UNSAFE(s, i)
+/** @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h. */
+#define UTF_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE(s, start, i, length) UTF16_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE(s, start, i, length)
+/* Define default macros (UTF-16 "safe") ------------------------------------ */
+ * Does this code unit alone encode a code point (BMP, not a surrogate)?
+ * Same as UTF16_IS_SINGLE.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SINGLE and U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_IS_SINGLE(uchar) U16_IS_SINGLE(uchar)
+ * Is this code unit the first one of several (a lead surrogate)?
+ * Same as UTF16_IS_LEAD.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_IS_LEAD(uchar) U16_IS_LEAD(uchar)
+ * Is this code unit one of several but not the first one (a trail surrogate)?
+ * Same as UTF16_IS_TRAIL.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_IS_TRAIL(uchar) U16_IS_TRAIL(uchar)
+ * Does this code point require multiple code units (is it a supplementary code point)?
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead.
+ */
+ * How many code units are used to encode this code point (1 or 2)?
+ * Same as UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_CHAR_LENGTH(c) U16_LENGTH(c)
+ * How many code units are used at most for any Unicode code point (2)?
+ * Same as UTF16_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+ * Set c to the code point that contains the code unit i.
+ * i could point to the lead or the trail surrogate for the code point.
+ * i is not modified.
+ * Same as UTF16_GET_CHAR.
+ * \pre 0<=i<length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_GET_CHAR(s, start, i, length, c) U16_GET(s, start, i, length, c)
+ * Set c to the code point that starts at code unit i
+ * and advance i to beyond the code units of this code point (post-increment).
+ * i must point to the first code unit of a code point.
+ * Otherwise c is set to the trail unit (surrogate) itself.
+ * Same as UTF16_NEXT_CHAR.
+ * \pre 0<=i<length
+ * \post 0<i<=length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_NEXT_CHAR(s, i, length, c) U16_NEXT(s, i, length, c)
+ * Append the code units of code point c to the string at index i
+ * and advance i to beyond the new code units (post-increment).
+ * The code units beginning at index i will be overwritten.
+ * Same as UTF16_APPEND_CHAR.
+ * \pre 0<=c<=0x10ffff
+ * \pre 0<=i<length
+ * \post 0<i<=length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_APPEND_CHAR(s, i, length, c) UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE(s, i, length, c)
+ * Advance i to beyond the code units of the code point that begins at i.
+ * I.e., advance i by one code point.
+ * Same as UTF16_FWD_1.
+ * \pre 0<=i<length
+ * \post 0<i<=length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_FWD_1(s, i, length) U16_FWD_1(s, i, length)
+ * Advance i to beyond the code units of the n code points where the first one begins at i.
+ * I.e., advance i by n code points.
+ * Same as UT16_FWD_N.
+ * \pre 0<=i<length
+ * \post 0<i<=length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_FWD_N(s, i, length, n) U16_FWD_N(s, i, length, n)
+ * Take the random-access index i and adjust it so that it points to the beginning
+ * of a code point.
+ * The input index points to any code unit of a code point and is moved to point to
+ * the first code unit of the same code point. i is never incremented.
+ * In other words, if i points to a trail surrogate that is preceded by a matching
+ * lead surrogate, then i is decremented. Otherwise it is not modified.
+ * This can be used to start an iteration with UTF_NEXT_CHAR() from a random index.
+ * Same as UTF16_SET_CHAR_START.
+ * \pre start<=i<length
+ * \post start<=i<length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_SET_CHAR_START(s, start, i) U16_SET_CP_START(s, start, i)
+ * Set c to the code point that has code units before i
+ * and move i backward (towards the beginning of the string)
+ * to the first code unit of this code point (pre-increment).
+ * i must point to the first code unit after the last unit of a code point (i==length is allowed).
+ * Same as UTF16_PREV_CHAR.
+ * \pre start<i<=length
+ * \post start<=i<length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_PREV_CHAR(s, start, i, c) U16_PREV(s, start, i, c)
+ * Move i backward (towards the beginning of the string)
+ * to the first code unit of the code point that has code units before i.
+ * I.e., move i backward by one code point.
+ * i must point to the first code unit after the last unit of a code point (i==length is allowed).
+ * Same as UTF16_BACK_1.
+ * \pre start<i<=length
+ * \post start<=i<length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_BACK_1(s, start, i) U16_BACK_1(s, start, i)
+ * Move i backward (towards the beginning of the string)
+ * to the first code unit of the n code points that have code units before i.
+ * I.e., move i backward by n code points.
+ * i must point to the first code unit after the last unit of a code point (i==length is allowed).
+ * Same as UTF16_BACK_N.
+ * \pre start<i<=length
+ * \post start<=i<length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_BACK_N(s, start, i, n) U16_BACK_N(s, start, i, n)
+ * Take the random-access index i and adjust it so that it points beyond
+ * a code point. The input index points beyond any code unit
+ * of a code point and is moved to point beyond the last code unit of the same
+ * code point. i is never decremented.
+ * In other words, if i points to a trail surrogate that is preceded by a matching
+ * lead surrogate, then i is incremented. Otherwise it is not modified.
+ * This can be used to start an iteration with UTF_PREV_CHAR() from a random index.
+ * Same as UTF16_SET_CHAR_LIMIT.
+ * \pre start<i<=length
+ * \post start<i<=length
+ *
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.
+ */
+#define UTF_SET_CHAR_LIMIT(s, start, i, length) U16_SET_CP_LIMIT(s, start, i, length)
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utmscale.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utmscale.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b8a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utmscale.h
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2004 - 2008, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef UTMSCALE_H
+#define UTMSCALE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Universal Time Scale
+ *
+ * There are quite a few different conventions for binary datetime, depending on different
+ * platforms and protocols. Some of these have severe drawbacks. For example, people using
+ * Unix time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) think that they are safe until near the year 2038.
+ * But cases can and do arise where arithmetic manipulations causes serious problems. Consider
+ * the computation of the average of two datetimes, for example: if one calculates them with
+ * <code>averageTime = (time1 + time2)/2</code>, there will be overflow even with dates
+ * around the present. Moreover, even if these problems don't occur, there is the issue of
+ * conversion back and forth between different systems.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Binary datetimes differ in a number of ways: the datatype, the unit,
+ * and the epoch (origin). We'll refer to these as time scales. For example:
+ *
+ * <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
+ *  <caption>Table 1: Binary Time Scales</caption>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <th align="left">Source</th>
+ *    <th align="left">Datatype</th>
+ *    <th align="left">Unit</th>
+ *    <th align="left">Epoch</th>
+ *  </tr>
+ *
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>UDTS_JAVA_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>int64_t</td>
+ *    <td>milliseconds</td>
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 1970</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *
+ *    <td>UDTS_UNIX_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>int32_t or int64_t</td>
+ *    <td>seconds</td>
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 1970</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>UDTS_ICU4C_TIME</td>
+ *
+ *    <td>double</td>
+ *    <td>milliseconds</td>
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 1970</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>UDTS_WINDOWS_FILE_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>int64_t</td>
+ *
+ *    <td>ticks (100 nanoseconds)</td>
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 1601</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>UDTS_DOTNET_DATE_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>int64_t</td>
+ *    <td>ticks (100 nanoseconds)</td>
+ *
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 0001</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>UDTS_MAC_OLD_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>int32_t or int64_t</td>
+ *    <td>seconds</td>
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 1904</td>
+ *
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>UDTS_MAC_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>double</td>
+ *    <td>seconds</td>
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 2001</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>UDTS_EXCEL_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>?</td>
+ *    <td>days</td>
+ *    <td>Dec 31, 1899</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *
+ *    <td>UDTS_DB2_TIME</td>
+ *    <td>?</td>
+ *    <td>days</td>
+ *    <td>Dec 31, 1899</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>int64_t</td>
+ *    <td>microseconds</td>
+ *    <td>Jan 1, 1970</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * All of the epochs start at 00:00 am (the earliest possible time on the day in question),
+ * and are assumed to be UTC.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The ranges for different datatypes are given in the following table (all values in years).
+ * The range of years includes the entire range expressible with positive and negative
+ * values of the datatype. The range of years for double is the range that would be allowed
+ * without losing precision to the corresponding unit.
+ *
+ * <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <th align="left">Units</th>
+ *    <th align="left">int64_t</th>
+ *    <th align="left">double</th>
+ *    <th align="left">int32_t</th>
+ *  </tr>
+ *
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>1 sec</td>
+ *    <td align="right">5.84542x10<sup>11</sup></td>
+ *    <td align="right">285,420,920.94</td>
+ *    <td align="right">136.10</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *
+ *    <td>1 millisecond</td>
+ *    <td align="right">584,542,046.09</td>
+ *    <td align="right">285,420.92</td>
+ *    <td align="right">0.14</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>1 microsecond</td>
+ *
+ *    <td align="right">584,542.05</td>
+ *    <td align="right">285.42</td>
+ *    <td align="right">0.00</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>100 nanoseconds (tick)</td>
+ *    <td align="right">58,454.20</td>
+ *    <td align="right">28.54</td>
+ *    <td align="right">0.00</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ *  <tr>
+ *    <td>1 nanosecond</td>
+ *    <td align="right">584.5420461</td>
+ *    <td align="right">0.2854</td>
+ *    <td align="right">0.00</td>
+ *  </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * These functions implement a universal time scale which can be used as a 'pivot',
+ * and provide conversion functions to and from all other major time scales.
+ * This datetimes to be converted to the pivot time, safely manipulated,
+ * and converted back to any other datetime time scale.
+ *
+ *<p>
+ * So what to use for this pivot? Java time has plenty of range, but cannot represent
+ * .NET <code>System.DateTime</code> values without severe loss of precision. ICU4C time addresses this by using a
+ * <code>double</code> that is otherwise equivalent to the Java time. However, there are disadvantages
+ * with <code>doubles</code>. They provide for much more graceful degradation in arithmetic operations.
+ * But they only have 53 bits of accuracy, which means that they will lose precision when
+ * converting back and forth to ticks. What would really be nice would be a
+ * <code>long double</code> (80 bits -- 64 bit mantissa), but that is not supported on most systems.
+ *
+ *<p>
+ * The Unix extended time uses a structure with two components: time in seconds and a
+ * fractional field (microseconds). However, this is clumsy, slow, and
+ * prone to error (you always have to keep track of overflow and underflow in the
+ * fractional field). <code>BigDecimal</code> would allow for arbitrary precision and arbitrary range,
+ * but we do not want to use this as the normal type, because it is slow and does not
+ * have a fixed size.
+ *
+ *<p>
+ * Because of these issues, we ended up concluding that the .NET framework's
+ * <code>System.DateTime</code> would be the best pivot. However, we use the full range
+ * allowed by the datatype, allowing for datetimes back to 29,000 BC and up to 29,000 AD.
+ * This time scale is very fine grained, does not lose precision, and covers a range that
+ * will meet almost all requirements. It will not handle the range that Java times do,
+ * but frankly, being able to handle dates before 29,000 BC or after 29,000 AD is of very limited interest.
+ *
+ */
+ * <code>UDateTimeScale</code> values are used to specify the time scale used for
+ * conversion into or out if the universal time scale.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+typedef enum UDateTimeScale {
+    /**
+     * Used in the JDK. Data is a Java <code>long</code> (<code>int64_t</code>). Value
+     * is milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    UDTS_JAVA_TIME = 0,
+    /**
+     * Used on Unix systems. Data is <code>int32_t</code> or <code>int64_t</code>. Value
+     * is seconds since January 1, 1970.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used in IUC4C. Data is a <code>double</code>. Value
+     * is milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used in Windows for file times. Data is an <code>int64_t</code>. Value
+     * is ticks (1 tick == 100 nanoseconds) since January 1, 1601.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used in the .NET framework's <code>System.DateTime</code> structure. Data is an <code>int64_t</code>. Value
+     * is ticks (1 tick == 100 nanoseconds) since January 1, 0001.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used in older Macintosh systems. Data is <code>int32_t</code> or <code>int64_t</code>. Value
+     * is seconds since January 1, 1904.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used in newer Macintosh systems. Data is a <code>double</code>. Value
+     * is seconds since January 1, 2001.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used in Excel. Data is an <code>?unknown?</code>. Value
+     * is days since December 31, 1899.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Used in DB2. Data is an <code>?unknown?</code>. Value
+     * is days since December 31, 1899.
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * Data is a <code>long</code>. Value is microseconds since January 1, 1970.
+     * Similar to Unix time (linear value from 1970) and struct timeval
+     * (microseconds resolution).
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    /**
+     * The first unused time scale value. The limit of this enum
+     * @deprecated ICU 59 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UDateTimeScale;
+ * <code>UTimeScaleValue</code> values are used to specify the time scale values
+ * to <code>utmscale_getTimeScaleValue</code>.
+ *
+ * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+typedef enum UTimeScaleValue {
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the units vale
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the epoch offset value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the minimum from value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the maximum from value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the minimum to value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the maximum to value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @stable ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the epoch plus one value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * NOTE: This is an internal value. DO NOT USE IT. May not
+     * actually be equal to the epoch offset value plus one.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the epoch plus one value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * NOTE: This is an internal value. DO NOT USE IT. May not
+     * actually be equal to the epoch offset value plus one.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the units round value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * NOTE: This is an internal value. DO NOT USE IT.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the minimum safe rounding value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * NOTE: This is an internal value. DO NOT USE IT.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 3.2
+     */
+    /**
+     * The constant used to select the maximum safe rounding value
+     * for a time scale.
+     * 
+     * NOTE: This is an internal value. DO NOT USE IT.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     *
+     * @internal ICU 3.2
+     */
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+    /**
+     * The number of time scale values, in other words limit of this enum.
+     * 
+     * @see utmscale_getTimeScaleValue
+     * @deprecated ICU 59 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+} UTimeScaleValue;
+ * Get a value associated with a particular time scale.
+ * 
+ * @param timeScale The time scale
+ * @param value A constant representing the value to get
+ * @param status The status code. Set to <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if arguments are invalid.
+ * @return - the value.
+ * 
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+    utmscale_getTimeScaleValue(UDateTimeScale timeScale, UTimeScaleValue value, UErrorCode *status);
+/* Conversion to 'universal time scale' */
+ * Convert a <code>int64_t</code> datetime from the given time scale to the universal time scale.
+ *
+ * @param otherTime The <code>int64_t</code> datetime
+ * @param timeScale The time scale to convert from
+ * @param status The status code. Set to <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the conversion is out of range.
+ * 
+ * @return The datetime converted to the universal time scale
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+    utmscale_fromInt64(int64_t otherTime, UDateTimeScale timeScale, UErrorCode *status);
+/* Conversion from 'universal time scale' */
+ * Convert a datetime from the universal time scale to a <code>int64_t</code> in the given time scale.
+ *
+ * @param universalTime The datetime in the universal time scale
+ * @param timeScale The time scale to convert to
+ * @param status The status code. Set to <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code> if the conversion is out of range.
+ * 
+ * @return The datetime converted to the given time scale
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 3.2
+ */
+    utmscale_toInt64(int64_t universalTime, UDateTimeScale timeScale, UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utrace.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utrace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5afcd9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utrace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utrace.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2003aug06
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Definitions for ICU tracing/logging.
+#ifndef __UTRACE_H__
+#define __UTRACE_H__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API:  Definitions for ICU tracing/logging. 
+ *
+ * This provides API for debugging the internals of ICU without the use of
+ * a traditional debugger.
+ *
+ * By default, tracing is disabled in ICU. If you need to debug ICU with 
+ * tracing, please compile ICU with the --enable-tracing configure option.
+ */
+ * Trace severity levels.  Higher levels increase the verbosity of the trace output.
+ * @see utrace_setLevel
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef enum UTraceLevel {
+    /** Disable all tracing  @stable ICU 2.8*/
+    UTRACE_OFF=-1,
+    /** Trace error conditions only  @stable ICU 2.8*/
+    /** Trace errors and warnings  @stable ICU 2.8*/
+    /** Trace opens and closes of ICU services  @stable ICU 2.8*/
+    /** Trace an intermediate number of ICU operations  @stable ICU 2.8*/
+    /** Trace the maximum number of ICU operations  @stable ICU 2.8*/
+} UTraceLevel;
+ *  These are the ICU functions that will be traced when tracing is enabled.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+typedef enum UTraceFunctionNumber {
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal collation trace location.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal collation trace location.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    UTRACE_UCOL_STRCOLLUTF8, /**< @stable ICU 50 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal collation trace location.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /**
+     * The lowest resource/data location.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    /**
+     * Indicates that a value was read from a resource bundle. Provides three
+     * C-style strings to UTraceData: type, file name, and resource path. The
+     * possible types are:
+     *
+     * - "string" (a string value was accessed)
+     * - "binary" (a binary value was accessed)
+     * - "intvector" (a integer vector value was accessed)
+     * - "int" (a signed integer value was accessed)
+     * - "uint" (a unsigned integer value was accessed)
+     * - "get" (a path was loaded, but the value was not accessed)
+     * - "getalias" (a path was loaded, and an alias was resolved)
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    /**
+     * Indicates that a resource bundle was opened.
+     *
+     * Provides one C-style string to UTraceData: file name.
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    /**
+     * Indicates that a data file was opened, but not *.res files.
+     *
+     * Provides one C-style string to UTraceData: file name.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+    /**
+     * Indicates that a *.res file was opened.
+     *
+     * This differs from UTRACE_UDATA_BUNDLE because a res file is typically
+     * opened only once per application runtime, but the bundle corresponding
+     * to that res file may be opened many times.
+     *
+     * Provides one C-style string to UTraceData: file name.
+     *
+     * @draft ICU 65
+     */
+#endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal resource/data trace location.
+     * @internal The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UTraceFunctionNumber;
+ * Setter for the trace level.
+ * @param traceLevel A UTraceLevel value.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+utrace_setLevel(int32_t traceLevel);
+ * Getter for the trace level.
+ * @return The UTraceLevel value being used by ICU.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+/* Trace function pointers types  ----------------------------- */
+  *  Type signature for the trace function to be called when entering a function.
+  *  @param context value supplied at the time the trace functions are set.
+  *  @param fnNumber Enum value indicating the ICU function being entered.
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UTraceEntry(const void *context, int32_t fnNumber);
+  *  Type signature for the trace function to be called when exiting from a function.
+  *  @param context value supplied at the time the trace functions are set.
+  *  @param fnNumber Enum value indicating the ICU function being exited.
+  *  @param fmt     A formatting string that describes the number and types
+  *                 of arguments included with the variable args.  The fmt
+  *                 string has the same form as the utrace_vformat format
+  *                 string.
+  *  @param args    A variable arguments list.  Contents are described by
+  *                 the fmt parameter.
+  *  @see   utrace_vformat
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UTraceExit(const void *context, int32_t fnNumber, 
+           const char *fmt, va_list args);
+  *  Type signature for the trace function to be called from within an ICU function
+  *  to display data or messages.
+  *  @param context  value supplied at the time the trace functions are set.
+  *  @param fnNumber Enum value indicating the ICU function being exited.
+  *  @param level    The current tracing level
+  *  @param fmt      A format string describing the tracing data that is supplied
+  *                  as variable args
+  *  @param args     The data being traced, passed as variable args.
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  */
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+UTraceData(const void *context, int32_t fnNumber, int32_t level,
+           const char *fmt, va_list args);
+  *  Set ICU Tracing functions.  Installs application-provided tracing
+  *  functions into ICU.  After doing this, subsequent ICU operations
+  *  will call back to the installed functions, providing a trace
+  *  of the use of ICU.  Passing a NULL pointer for a tracing function
+  *  is allowed, and inhibits tracing action at points where that function
+  *  would be called.
+  *  <p>
+  *  Tracing and Threads:  Tracing functions are global to a process, and
+  *  will be called in response to ICU operations performed by any
+  *  thread.  If tracing of an individual thread is desired, the
+  *  tracing functions must themselves filter by checking that the
+  *  current thread is the desired thread.
+  *
+  *  @param context an uninterpreted pointer.  Whatever is passed in
+  *                 here will in turn be passed to each of the tracing
+  *                 functions UTraceEntry, UTraceExit and UTraceData.
+  *                 ICU does not use or alter this pointer.
+  *  @param e       Callback function to be called on entry to a 
+  *                 a traced ICU function.
+  *  @param x       Callback function to be called on exit from a
+  *                 traced ICU function.
+  *  @param d       Callback function to be called from within a 
+  *                 traced ICU function, for the purpose of providing
+  *                 data to the trace.
+  *
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  */
+utrace_setFunctions(const void *context,
+                    UTraceEntry *e, UTraceExit *x, UTraceData *d);
+  * Get the currently installed ICU tracing functions.   Note that a null function
+  *   pointer will be returned if no trace function has been set.
+  *
+  * @param context  The currently installed tracing context.
+  * @param e        The currently installed UTraceEntry function.
+  * @param x        The currently installed UTraceExit function.
+  * @param d        The currently installed UTraceData function.
+  * @stable ICU 2.8
+  */
+utrace_getFunctions(const void **context,
+                    UTraceEntry **e, UTraceExit **x, UTraceData **d);
+ *
+ * ICU trace format string syntax
+ *
+ * Format Strings are passed to UTraceData functions, and define the
+ * number and types of the trace data being passed on each call.
+ *
+ * The UTraceData function, which is supplied by the application,
+ * not by ICU, can either forward the trace data (passed via
+ * varargs) and the format string back to ICU for formatting into
+ * a displayable string, or it can interpret the format itself,
+ * and do as it wishes with the trace data.
+ *
+ *
+ * Goals for the format string
+ * - basic data output
+ * - easy to use for trace programmer
+ * - sufficient provision for data types for trace output readability
+ * - well-defined types and binary portable APIs
+ *
+ * Non-goals
+ * - printf compatibility
+ * - fancy formatting
+ * - argument reordering and other internationalization features
+ *
+ * ICU trace format strings contain plain text with argument inserts,
+ * much like standard printf format strings.
+ * Each insert begins with a '%', then optionally contains a 'v',
+ * then exactly one type character.
+ * Two '%' in a row represent a '%' instead of an insert.
+ * The trace format strings need not have \n at the end.
+ *
+ *
+ * Types
+ * -----
+ *
+ * Type characters:
+ * - c A char character in the default codepage.
+ * - s A NUL-terminated char * string in the default codepage.
+ * - S A UChar * string.  Requires two params, (ptr, length).  Length=-1 for nul term.
+ * - b A byte (8-bit integer).
+ * - h A 16-bit integer.  Also a 16 bit Unicode code unit.
+ * - d A 32-bit integer.  Also a 20 bit Unicode code point value. 
+ * - l A 64-bit integer.
+ * - p A data pointer.
+ *
+ * Vectors
+ * -------
+ *
+ * If the 'v' is not specified, then one item of the specified type
+ * is passed in.
+ * If the 'v' (for "vector") is specified, then a vector of items of the
+ * specified type is passed in, via a pointer to the first item
+ * and an int32_t value for the length of the vector.
+ * Length==-1 means zero or NUL termination.  Works for vectors of all types.
+ *
+ * Note:  %vS is a vector of (UChar *) strings.  The strings must
+ *        be nul terminated as there is no way to provide a
+ *        separate length parameter for each string.  The length
+ *        parameter (required for all vectors) is the number of
+ *        strings, not the length of the strings.
+ *
+ * Examples
+ * --------
+ *
+ * These examples show the parameters that will be passed to an application's
+ *   UTraceData() function for various formats.
+ *
+ * - the precise formatting is up to the application!
+ * - the examples use type casts for arguments only to _show_ the types of
+ *   arguments without needing variable declarations in the examples;
+ *   the type casts will not be necessary in actual code
+ *
+ * UTraceDataFunc(context, fnNumber, level,
+ *              "There is a character %c in the string %s.",   // Format String 
+ *              (char)c, (const char *)s);                     // varargs parameters
+ * ->   There is a character 0x42 'B' in the string "Bravo".
+ *
+ * UTraceDataFunc(context, fnNumber, level,
+ *              "Vector of bytes %vb vector of chars %vc",
+ *              (const uint8_t *)bytes, (int32_t)bytesLength,
+ *              (const char *)chars, (int32_t)charsLength);
+ * ->  Vector of bytes
+ *      42 63 64 3f [4]
+ *     vector of chars
+ *      "Bcd?"[4]
+ *
+ * UTraceDataFunc(context, fnNumber, level,
+ *              "An int32_t %d and a whole bunch of them %vd",
+ *              (int32_t)-5, (const int32_t *)ints, (int32_t)intsLength);
+ * ->   An int32_t 0xfffffffb and a whole bunch of them
+ *      fffffffb 00000005 0000010a [3]
+ *
+ */
+  *  Trace output Formatter.  An application's UTraceData tracing functions may call
+  *                 back to this function to format the trace output in a
+  *                 human readable form.  Note that a UTraceData function may choose
+  *                 to not format the data;  it could, for example, save it in
+  *                 in the raw form it was received (more compact), leaving
+  *                 formatting for a later trace analysis tool.
+  *  @param outBuf  pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted output.  Output
+  *                 will be nul terminated if there is space in the buffer -
+  *                 if the length of the requested output < the output buffer size.
+  *  @param capacity  Length of the output buffer.
+  *  @param indent  Number of spaces to indent the output.  Intended to allow
+  *                 data displayed from nested functions to be indented for readability.
+  *  @param fmt     Format specification for the data to output
+  *  @param args    Data to be formatted.
+  *  @return        Length of formatted output, including the terminating NUL.
+  *                 If buffer capacity is insufficient, the required capacity is returned. 
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  */
+utrace_vformat(char *outBuf, int32_t capacity,
+              int32_t indent, const char *fmt,  va_list args);
+  *  Trace output Formatter.  An application's UTraceData tracing functions may call
+  *                 this function to format any additional trace data, beyond that
+  *                 provided by default, in human readable form with the same
+  *                 formatting conventions used by utrace_vformat().
+  *  @param outBuf  pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted output.  Output
+  *                 will be nul terminated if there is space in the buffer -
+  *                 if the length of the requested output < the output buffer size.
+  *  @param capacity  Length of the output buffer.
+  *  @param indent  Number of spaces to indent the output.  Intended to allow
+  *                 data displayed from nested functions to be indented for readability.
+  *  @param fmt     Format specification for the data to output
+  *  @param ...     Data to be formatted.
+  *  @return        Length of formatted output, including the terminating NUL.
+  *                 If buffer capacity is insufficient, the required capacity is returned. 
+  *  @stable ICU 2.8
+  */
+utrace_format(char *outBuf, int32_t capacity,
+              int32_t indent, const char *fmt,  ...);
+/* Trace function numbers --------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Get the name of a function from its trace function number.
+ *
+ * @param fnNumber The trace number for an ICU function.
+ * @return The name string for the function.
+ *
+ * @see UTraceFunctionNumber
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+utrace_functionName(int32_t fnNumber);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9134e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1997-2011,2014-2015 International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   06/21/00    aliu        Creation.
+#ifndef UTRANS_H
+#define UTRANS_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/urep.h"
+#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+ * General Notes
+ ********************************************************************
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Transliterator
+ *
+ * <h2> Transliteration </h2>
+ * The data structures and functions described in this header provide
+ * transliteration services.  Transliteration services are implemented
+ * as C++ classes.  The comments and documentation in this header
+ * assume the reader is familiar with the C++ headers translit.h and
+ * associated documentation.
+ *
+ * A significant but incomplete subset of the C++ transliteration
+ * services are available to C code through this header.  In order to
+ * access more complex transliteration services, refer to the C++
+ * headers and documentation.
+ *
+ * There are two sets of functions for working with transliterator IDs:
+ *
+ * An old, deprecated set uses char * IDs, which works for true and pure
+ * identifiers that these APIs were designed for,
+ * for example "Cyrillic-Latin".
+ * It does not work when the ID contains filters ("[:Script=Cyrl:]")
+ * or even a complete set of rules because then the ID string contains more
+ * than just "invariant" characters (see utypes.h).
+ *
+ * A new set of functions replaces the old ones and uses UChar * IDs,
+ * paralleling the UnicodeString IDs in the C++ API. (New in ICU 2.8.)
+ */
+ * Data Structures
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * An opaque transliterator for use in C.  Open with utrans_openxxx()
+ * and close with utrans_close() when done.  Equivalent to the C++ class
+ * Transliterator and its subclasses.
+ * @see Transliterator
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef void* UTransliterator;
+ * Direction constant indicating the direction in a transliterator,
+ * e.g., the forward or reverse rules of a RuleBasedTransliterator.
+ * Specified when a transliterator is opened.  An "A-B" transliterator
+ * transliterates A to B when operating in the forward direction, and
+ * B to A when operating in the reverse direction.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UTransDirection {
+    /**
+     * UTRANS_FORWARD means from &lt;source&gt; to &lt;target&gt; for a
+     * transliterator with ID &lt;source&gt;-&lt;target&gt;.  For a transliterator
+     * opened using a rule, it means forward direction rules, e.g.,
+     * "A > B".
+     */
+    /**
+     * UTRANS_REVERSE means from &lt;target&gt; to &lt;source&gt; for a
+     * transliterator with ID &lt;source&gt;-&lt;target&gt;.  For a transliterator
+     * opened using a rule, it means reverse direction rules, e.g.,
+     * "A < B".
+     */
+} UTransDirection;
+ * Position structure for utrans_transIncremental() incremental
+ * transliteration.  This structure defines two substrings of the text
+ * being transliterated.  The first region, [contextStart,
+ * contextLimit), defines what characters the transliterator will read
+ * as context.  The second region, [start, limit), defines what
+ * characters will actually be transliterated.  The second region
+ * should be a subset of the first.
+ *
+ * <p>After a transliteration operation, some of the indices in this
+ * structure will be modified.  See the field descriptions for
+ * details.
+ *
+ * <p>contextStart <= start <= limit <= contextLimit
+ *
+ * <p>Note: All index values in this structure must be at code point
+ * boundaries.  That is, none of them may occur between two code units
+ * of a surrogate pair.  If any index does split a surrogate pair,
+ * results are unspecified.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef struct UTransPosition {
+    /**
+     * Beginning index, inclusive, of the context to be considered for
+     * a transliteration operation.  The transliterator will ignore
+     * anything before this index.  INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This parameter
+     * is updated by a transliteration operation to reflect the maximum
+     * amount of antecontext needed by a transliterator.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t contextStart;
+    /**
+     * Ending index, exclusive, of the context to be considered for a
+     * transliteration operation.  The transliterator will ignore
+     * anything at or after this index.  INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This
+     * parameter is updated to reflect changes in the length of the
+     * text, but points to the same logical position in the text.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t contextLimit;
+    /**
+     * Beginning index, inclusive, of the text to be transliterated.
+     * INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This parameter is advanced past
+     * characters that have already been transliterated by a
+     * transliteration operation.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t start;
+    /**
+     * Ending index, exclusive, of the text to be transliterated.
+     * INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This parameter is updated to reflect
+     * changes in the length of the text, but points to the same
+     * logical position in the text.
+     * @stable ICU 2.4
+     */
+    int32_t limit;
+} UTransPosition;
+ * General API
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Open a custom transliterator, given a custom rules string 
+ * OR 
+ * a system transliterator, given its ID.  
+ * Any non-NULL result from this function should later be closed with
+ * utrans_close().
+ *
+ * @param id a valid transliterator ID
+ * @param idLength the length of the ID string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
+ * @param dir the desired direction
+ * @param rules the transliterator rules.  See the C++ header rbt.h for
+ *              rules syntax. If NULL then a system transliterator matching
+ *              the ID is returned.
+ * @param rulesLength the length of the rules, or -1 if the rules
+ *                    are NUL-terminated.
+ * @param parseError a pointer to a UParseError struct to receive the details
+ *                   of any parsing errors. This parameter may be NULL if no
+ *                   parsing error details are desired.
+ * @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @return a transliterator pointer that may be passed to other
+ *         utrans_xxx() functions, or NULL if the open call fails.
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2
+utrans_openU(const UChar *id,
+             int32_t idLength,
+             UTransDirection dir,
+             const UChar *rules,
+             int32_t rulesLength,
+             UParseError *parseError,
+             UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Open an inverse of an existing transliterator.  For this to work,
+ * the inverse must be registered with the system.  For example, if
+ * the Transliterator "A-B" is opened, and then its inverse is opened,
+ * the result is the Transliterator "B-A", if such a transliterator is
+ * registered with the system.  Otherwise the result is NULL and a
+ * failing UErrorCode is set.  Any non-NULL result from this function
+ * should later be closed with utrans_close().
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator to open the inverse of.
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @return a pointer to a newly-opened transliterator that is the
+ * inverse of trans, or NULL if the open call fails.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2 
+utrans_openInverse(const UTransliterator* trans,
+                   UErrorCode* status);
+ * Create a copy of a transliterator.  Any non-NULL result from this
+ * function should later be closed with utrans_close().
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator to be copied.
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @return a transliterator pointer that may be passed to other
+ * utrans_xxx() functions, or NULL if the clone call fails.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2 
+utrans_clone(const UTransliterator* trans,
+             UErrorCode* status);
+ * Close a transliterator.  Any non-NULL pointer returned by
+ * utrans_openXxx() or utrans_clone() should eventually be closed.
+ * @param trans the transliterator to be closed.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+utrans_close(UTransliterator* trans);
+ * \class LocalUTransliteratorPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UTransliterator via utrans_close().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUTransliteratorPointer, UTransliterator, utrans_close);
+ * Return the programmatic identifier for this transliterator.
+ * If this identifier is passed to utrans_openU(), it will open
+ * a transliterator equivalent to this one, if the ID has been
+ * registered.
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator to return the ID of.
+ * @param resultLength pointer to an output variable receiving the length
+ *        of the ID string; can be NULL
+ * @return the NUL-terminated ID string. This pointer remains
+ * valid until utrans_close() is called on this transliterator.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2
+utrans_getUnicodeID(const UTransliterator *trans,
+                    int32_t *resultLength);
+ * Register an open transliterator with the system.  When
+ * utrans_open() is called with an ID string that is equal to that
+ * returned by utrans_getID(adoptedTrans,...), then
+ * utrans_clone(adoptedTrans,...) is returned.
+ *
+ * <p>NOTE: After this call the system owns the adoptedTrans and will
+ * close it.  The user must not call utrans_close() on adoptedTrans.
+ *
+ * @param adoptedTrans a transliterator, typically the result of
+ * utrans_openRules(), to be registered with the system.
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+utrans_register(UTransliterator* adoptedTrans,
+                UErrorCode* status);
+ * Unregister a transliterator from the system.  After this call the
+ * system will no longer recognize the given ID when passed to
+ * utrans_open(). If the ID is invalid then nothing is done.
+ *
+ * @param id an ID to unregister
+ * @param idLength the length of id, or -1 if id is zero-terminated
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+utrans_unregisterID(const UChar* id, int32_t idLength);
+ * Set the filter used by a transliterator.  A filter can be used to
+ * make the transliterator pass certain characters through untouched.
+ * The filter is expressed using a UnicodeSet pattern.  If the
+ * filterPattern is NULL or the empty string, then the transliterator
+ * will be reset to use no filter.
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator
+ * @param filterPattern a pattern string, in the form accepted by
+ * UnicodeSet, specifying which characters to apply the
+ * transliteration to.  May be NULL or the empty string to indicate no
+ * filter.
+ * @param filterPatternLen the length of filterPattern, or -1 if
+ * filterPattern is zero-terminated
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @see UnicodeSet
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+utrans_setFilter(UTransliterator* trans,
+                 const UChar* filterPattern,
+                 int32_t filterPatternLen,
+                 UErrorCode* status);
+ * Return the number of system transliterators.
+ * It is recommended to use utrans_openIDs() instead.
+ *
+ * @return the number of system transliterators.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ * Return a UEnumeration for the available transliterators.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode Pointer to the UErrorCode in/out parameter.
+ * @return UEnumeration for the available transliterators.
+ *         Close with uenum_close().
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.8
+ */
+U_STABLE UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
+utrans_openIDs(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Transliteration API
+ ********************************************************************/
+ * Transliterate a segment of a UReplaceable string.  The string is
+ * passed in as a UReplaceable pointer rep and a UReplaceableCallbacks
+ * function pointer struct repFunc.  Functions in the repFunc struct
+ * will be called in order to modify the rep string.
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator
+ * @param rep a pointer to the string.  This will be passed to the
+ * repFunc functions.
+ * @param repFunc a set of function pointers that will be used to
+ * modify the string pointed to by rep.
+ * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start <=
+ * limit</code>.
+ * @param limit pointer to the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <=
+ * limit <= repFunc->length(rep)</code>.  Upon return, *limit will
+ * contain the new limit index.  The text previously occupying
+ * <code>[start, limit)</code> has been transliterated, possibly to a
+ * string of a different length, at <code>[start,
+ * </code><em>new-limit</em><code>)</code>, where <em>new-limit</em>
+ * is the return value.
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+utrans_trans(const UTransliterator* trans,
+             UReplaceable* rep,
+             const UReplaceableCallbacks* repFunc,
+             int32_t start,
+             int32_t* limit,
+             UErrorCode* status);
+ * Transliterate the portion of the UReplaceable text buffer that can
+ * be transliterated unambiguously.  This method is typically called
+ * after new text has been inserted, e.g. as a result of a keyboard
+ * event.  The transliterator will try to transliterate characters of
+ * <code>rep</code> between <code>index.cursor</code> and
+ * <code>index.limit</code>.  Characters before
+ * <code>index.cursor</code> will not be changed.
+ *
+ * <p>Upon return, values in <code>index</code> will be updated.
+ * <code>index.start</code> will be advanced to the first
+ * character that future calls to this method will read.
+ * <code>index.cursor</code> and <code>index.limit</code> will
+ * be adjusted to delimit the range of text that future calls to
+ * this method may change.
+ *
+ * <p>Typical usage of this method begins with an initial call
+ * with <code>index.start</code> and <code>index.limit</code>
+ * set to indicate the portion of <code>text</code> to be
+ * transliterated, and <code>index.cursor == index.start</code>.
+ * Thereafter, <code>index</code> can be used without
+ * modification in future calls, provided that all changes to
+ * <code>text</code> are made via this method.
+ *
+ * <p>This method assumes that future calls may be made that will
+ * insert new text into the buffer.  As a result, it only performs
+ * unambiguous transliterations.  After the last call to this method,
+ * there may be untransliterated text that is waiting for more input
+ * to resolve an ambiguity.  In order to perform these pending
+ * transliterations, clients should call utrans_trans() with a start
+ * of index.start and a limit of index.end after the last call to this
+ * method has been made.
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator
+ * @param rep a pointer to the string.  This will be passed to the
+ * repFunc functions.
+ * @param repFunc a set of function pointers that will be used to
+ * modify the string pointed to by rep.
+ * @param pos a struct containing the start and limit indices of the
+ * text to be read and the text to be transliterated
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+utrans_transIncremental(const UTransliterator* trans,
+                        UReplaceable* rep,
+                        const UReplaceableCallbacks* repFunc,
+                        UTransPosition* pos,
+                        UErrorCode* status);
+ * Transliterate a segment of a UChar* string.  The string is passed
+ * in in a UChar* buffer.  The string is modified in place.  If the
+ * result is longer than textCapacity, it is truncated.  The actual
+ * length of the result is returned in *textLength, if textLength is
+ * non-NULL. *textLength may be greater than textCapacity, but only
+ * textCapacity UChars will be written to *text, including the zero
+ * terminator.
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator
+ * @param text a pointer to a buffer containing the text to be
+ * transliterated on input and the result text on output.
+ * @param textLength a pointer to the length of the string in text.
+ * If the length is -1 then the string is assumed to be
+ * zero-terminated.  Upon return, the new length is stored in
+ * *textLength.  If textLength is NULL then the string is assumed to
+ * be zero-terminated.
+ * @param textCapacity the length of the text buffer
+ * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start <=
+ * limit</code>.
+ * @param limit pointer to the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <=
+ * limit <= repFunc->length(rep)</code>.  Upon return, *limit will
+ * contain the new limit index.  The text previously occupying
+ * <code>[start, limit)</code> has been transliterated, possibly to a
+ * string of a different length, at <code>[start,
+ * </code><em>new-limit</em><code>)</code>, where <em>new-limit</em>
+ * is the return value.
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+utrans_transUChars(const UTransliterator* trans,
+                   UChar* text,
+                   int32_t* textLength,
+                   int32_t textCapacity,
+                   int32_t start,
+                   int32_t* limit,
+                   UErrorCode* status);
+ * Transliterate the portion of the UChar* text buffer that can be
+ * transliterated unambiguously.  See utrans_transIncremental().  The
+ * string is passed in in a UChar* buffer.  The string is modified in
+ * place.  If the result is longer than textCapacity, it is truncated.
+ * The actual length of the result is returned in *textLength, if
+ * textLength is non-NULL. *textLength may be greater than
+ * textCapacity, but only textCapacity UChars will be written to
+ * *text, including the zero terminator.  See utrans_transIncremental()
+ * for usage details.
+ *
+ * @param trans the transliterator
+ * @param text a pointer to a buffer containing the text to be
+ * transliterated on input and the result text on output.
+ * @param textLength a pointer to the length of the string in text.
+ * If the length is -1 then the string is assumed to be
+ * zero-terminated.  Upon return, the new length is stored in
+ * *textLength.  If textLength is NULL then the string is assumed to
+ * be zero-terminated.
+ * @param textCapacity the length of the text buffer
+ * @param pos a struct containing the start and limit indices of the
+ * text to be read and the text to be transliterated
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @see utrans_transIncremental
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+utrans_transIncrementalUChars(const UTransliterator* trans,
+                              UChar* text,
+                              int32_t* textLength,
+                              int32_t textCapacity,
+                              UTransPosition* pos,
+                              UErrorCode* status);
+ * Create a rule string that can be passed to utrans_openU to recreate this
+ * transliterator.
+ *
+ * @param trans     The transliterator
+ * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable characters to their
+ *                  hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or \\Uxxxxxxxx.
+ *                  Unprintable characters are those other than
+ *                  U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
+ * @param result    A pointer to a buffer to receive the rules.
+ * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
+ * @param status    A pointer to the UErrorCode. In case of error status, the
+ *                  contents of result are undefined.
+ * @return int32_t   The length of the rule string (may be greater than resultLength,
+ *                  in which case an error is returned).
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+utrans_toRules(     const UTransliterator* trans,
+                    UBool escapeUnprintable,
+                    UChar* result, int32_t resultLength,
+                    UErrorCode* status);
+ * Returns the set of all characters that may be modified in the input text by
+ * this UTransliterator, optionally ignoring the transliterator's current filter.
+ * @param trans     The transliterator.
+ * @param ignoreFilter If FALSE, the returned set incorporates the
+ *                  UTransliterator's current filter; if the filter is changed,
+ *                  the return value of this function will change. If TRUE, the
+ *                  returned set ignores the effect of the UTransliterator's
+ *                  current filter.
+ * @param fillIn    Pointer to a USet object to receive the modifiable characters
+ *                  set. Previous contents of fillIn are lost. <em>If fillIn is
+ *                  NULL, then a new USet is created and returned. The caller
+ *                  owns the result and must dispose of it by calling uset_close.</em>
+ * @param status    A pointer to the UErrorCode.
+ * @return USet*    Either fillIn, or if fillIn is NULL, a pointer to a
+ *                  newly-allocated USet that the user must close. In case of
+ *                  error, NULL is returned.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+utrans_getSourceSet(const UTransliterator* trans,
+                    UBool ignoreFilter,
+                    USet* fillIn,
+                    UErrorCode* status);
+/* deprecated API ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* see utrans.h documentation for why these functions are deprecated */
+ * Deprecated, use utrans_openU() instead.
+ * Open a custom transliterator, given a custom rules string 
+ * OR 
+ * a system transliterator, given its ID.  
+ * Any non-NULL result from this function should later be closed with
+ * utrans_close().
+ *
+ * @param id a valid ID, as returned by utrans_getAvailableID()
+ * @param dir the desired direction
+ * @param rules the transliterator rules.  See the C++ header rbt.h
+ * for rules syntax. If NULL then a system transliterator matching 
+ * the ID is returned.
+ * @param rulesLength the length of the rules, or -1 if the rules
+ * are zero-terminated.
+ * @param parseError a pointer to a UParseError struct to receive the
+ * details of any parsing errors. This parameter may be NULL if no
+ * parsing error details are desired.
+ * @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
+ * @return a transliterator pointer that may be passed to other
+ * utrans_xxx() functions, or NULL if the open call fails.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use utrans_openU() instead, see utrans.h
+ */
+U_DEPRECATED UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2 
+utrans_open(const char* id,
+            UTransDirection dir,
+            const UChar* rules,         /* may be Null */
+            int32_t rulesLength,        /* -1 if null-terminated */ 
+            UParseError* parseError,    /* may be Null */
+            UErrorCode* status);
+ * Deprecated, use utrans_getUnicodeID() instead.
+ * Return the programmatic identifier for this transliterator.
+ * If this identifier is passed to utrans_open(), it will open
+ * a transliterator equivalent to this one, if the ID has been
+ * registered.
+ * @param trans the transliterator to return the ID of.
+ * @param buf the buffer in which to receive the ID.  This may be
+ * NULL, in which case no characters are copied.
+ * @param bufCapacity the capacity of the buffer.  Ignored if buf is
+ * NULL.
+ * @return the actual length of the ID, not including
+ * zero-termination.  This may be greater than bufCapacity.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use utrans_getUnicodeID() instead, see utrans.h
+ */
+utrans_getID(const UTransliterator* trans,
+             char* buf,
+             int32_t bufCapacity);
+ * Deprecated, use utrans_unregisterID() instead.
+ * Unregister a transliterator from the system.  After this call the
+ * system will no longer recognize the given ID when passed to
+ * utrans_open().  If the id is invalid then nothing is done.
+ *
+ * @param id a zero-terminated ID
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use utrans_unregisterID() instead, see utrans.h
+ */
+utrans_unregister(const char* id);
+ * Deprecated, use utrans_openIDs() instead.
+ * Return the ID of the index-th system transliterator.  The result
+ * is placed in the given buffer.  If the given buffer is too small,
+ * the initial substring is copied to buf.  The result in buf is
+ * always zero-terminated.
+ *
+ * @param index the number of the transliterator to return.  Must
+ * satisfy 0 <= index < utrans_countAvailableIDs().  If index is out
+ * of range then it is treated as if it were 0.
+ * @param buf the buffer in which to receive the ID.  This may be
+ * NULL, in which case no characters are copied.
+ * @param bufCapacity the capacity of the buffer.  Ignored if buf is
+ * NULL.
+ * @return the actual length of the index-th ID, not including
+ * zero-termination.  This may be greater than bufCapacity.
+ * @deprecated ICU 2.8 Use utrans_openIDs() instead, see utrans.h
+ */
+utrans_getAvailableID(int32_t index,
+                      char* buf,
+                      int32_t bufCapacity);
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utypes.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d8f547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/utypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*  FILE NAME : UTYPES.H (formerly ptypes.h)
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   12/11/96    helena      Creation.
+*   02/27/97    aliu        Added typedefs for UClassID, int8, int16, int32,
+*                           uint8, uint16, and uint32.
+*   04/01/97    aliu        Added XP_CPLUSPLUS and modified to work under C as
+*                            well as C++.
+*                           Modified to use memcpy() for uprv_arrayCopy() fns.
+*   04/14/97    aliu        Added TPlatformUtilities.
+*   05/07/97    aliu        Added import/export specifiers (replacing the old
+*                           broken EXT_CLASS).  Added version number for our
+*                           code.  Cleaned up header.
+*    6/20/97    helena      Java class name change.
+*   08/11/98    stephen     UErrorCode changed from typedef to enum
+*   08/12/98    erm         Changed T_ANALYTIC_PACKAGE_VERSION to 3
+*   08/14/98    stephen     Added uprv_arrayCopy() for int8_t, int16_t, int32_t
+*   12/09/98    jfitz       Added BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR (bug 1100066)
+*   04/20/99    stephen     Cleaned up & reworked for autoconf.
+*                           Renamed to utypes.h.
+*   05/05/99    stephen     Changed to use <inttypes.h>
+*   12/07/99    helena      Moved copyright notice string from ucnv_bld.h here.
+#ifndef UTYPES_H
+#define UTYPES_H
+#include "unicode/umachine.h"
+#include "unicode/uversion.h"
+#include "unicode/uconfig.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#   include "unicode/utf.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs
+ *
+ * This file defines basic types, constants, and enumerations directly or
+ * indirectly by including other header files, especially utf.h for the
+ * basic character and string definitions and umachine.h for consistent
+ * integer and other types.
+ */
+ * @internal
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#       define U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API 1
+#   endif
+#   define U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API 0
+/** @{ API visibility control */
+ * Define this to 1 to request that draft API be "hidden"
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * Define this to 1 to request that internal API be "hidden"
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U_HIDE_DRAFT_API 1
+/** @} */
+/* ICUDATA naming scheme                                                     */
+ *
+ * This is a platform-dependent string containing one letter:
+ * - b for big-endian, ASCII-family platforms
+ * - l for little-endian, ASCII-family platforms
+ * - e for big-endian, EBCDIC-family platforms
+ * This letter is part of the common data file name.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * The non-string form of U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+   /* EBCDIC - should always be BE */
+#     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "e"
+#   else
+#     error "Don't know what to do with little endian EBCDIC!"
+#     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "x"
+#   endif
+      /* Big-endian ASCII */
+#     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "b"
+#   else
+      /* Little-endian ASCII */
+#     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "l"
+#   endif
+ * A single string literal containing the icudata stub name. i.e. 'icudt18e' for
+ * ICU 1.8.x on EBCDIC, etc..
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#define U_USRDATA_NAME    "usrdt" U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER  /**< @internal */
+#define U_USE_USRDATA     0  /**< @internal */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ *  U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT is the name of the DLL entry point to the ICU data library.
+ *    Defined as a literal, not a string.
+ *    Tricky Preprocessor use - ## operator replaces macro parameters with the literal string
+ *                              from the corresponding macro invocation, _before_ other macro substitutions.
+ *                              Need a nested \#defines to get the actual version numbers rather than
+ *                              the literal text U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM into the name.
+ *                              The net result will be something of the form
+ *                                  \#define U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT icudt19_dat
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * Do not use. Note that it's OK for the 2nd argument to be undefined (literal).
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define U_DEF2_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major,suff) U_DEF_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major,suff)
+ * Do not use.
+ * @internal
+ */
+/* affected by symbol renaming. See platform.h */
+#define U_DEF_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major, suff) icudt##major##_dat
+#define U_DEF_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major, suff) icudt##suff ## major##_dat
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * \def NULL
+ * Define NULL if necessary, to nullptr for C++ and to ((void *)0) for C.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#ifndef NULL
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define NULL    nullptr
+#define NULL    ((void *)0)
+/* Calendar/TimeZone data types                                              */
+ * Date and Time data type.
+ * This is a primitive data type that holds the date and time
+ * as the number of milliseconds since 1970-jan-01, 00:00 UTC.
+ * UTC leap seconds are ignored.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef double UDate;
+/** The number of milliseconds per second @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND        (1000)
+/** The number of milliseconds per minute @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE       (60000)
+/** The number of milliseconds per hour @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR       (3600000)
+/** The number of milliseconds per day @stable ICU 2.0 */
+#define U_MILLIS_PER_DAY       (86400000)
+ * Maximum UDate value 
+ * @stable ICU 4.8 
+ */ 
+ * Minimum UDate value 
+ * @stable ICU 4.8 
+ */ 
+/* Shared library/DLL import-export API control                              */
+ * Control of symbol import/export.
+ * ICU is separated into three libraries.
+ */
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the ICU library
+ * when all of ICU is in a single library.
+ * This can be set as a compiler option while building ICU, and it
+ * needs to be the first one tested to override U_COMMON_API, U_I18N_API, etc.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * \def U_DATA_API
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the stubdata library,
+ * and to import them from outside.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ * \def U_COMMON_API
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the common library,
+ * and to import them from outside.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * \def U_I18N_API
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the i18n library,
+ * and to import them from outside.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * \def U_LAYOUT_API
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the layout engine library,
+ * and to import them from outside.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the layout extensions library,
+ * and to import them from outside.
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ * \def U_IO_API
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the ustdio library,
+ * and to import them from outside.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+ * Set to export library symbols from inside the toolutil library,
+ * and to import them from outside.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+#ifdef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+// This definition is required when generating the API docs.
+#define U_DATA_API     U_EXPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_EXPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_EXPORT
+#define U_DATA_API
+#define U_COMMON_API
+#define U_I18N_API
+#define U_LAYOUT_API
+#define U_IO_API
+#define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
+#elif defined(U_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION)
+#define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_EXPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
+#define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
+#define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
+#elif defined(U_IO_IMPLEMENTATION)
+#define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_EXPORT
+#define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
+#define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
+#define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
+ * Control of C++ Namespace
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE        ::
+/* UErrorCode */
+ * Standard ICU4C error code type, a substitute for exceptions.
+ *
+ * Initialize the UErrorCode with U_ZERO_ERROR, and check for success or
+ * failure using U_SUCCESS() or U_FAILURE():
+ *
+ *     UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     // call ICU API that needs an error code parameter.
+ *     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+ *         // An error occurred. Handle it here.
+ *     }
+ *
+ * C++ code should use icu::ErrorCode, available in unicode/errorcode.h, or a
+ * suitable subclass.
+ *
+ * For more information, see:
+ *
+ *
+ * Note: By convention, ICU functions that take a reference (C++) or a pointer
+ * (C) to a UErrorCode first test:
+ *
+ *     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return immediately; }
+ *
+ * so that in a chain of such functions the first one that sets an error code
+ * causes the following ones to not perform any operations.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+typedef enum UErrorCode {
+    /* The ordering of U_ERROR_INFO_START Vs U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING looks weird
+     * and is that way because VC++ debugger displays first encountered constant,
+     * which is not the what the code is used for
+     */
+    U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING  = -128,   /**< A resource bundle lookup returned a fallback result (not an error) */
+    U_ERROR_WARNING_START     = -128,   /**< Start of information results (semantically successful) */
+    U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING   = -127,   /**< A resource bundle lookup returned a result from the root locale (not an error) */
+    U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_WARNING = -126, /**< A SafeClone operation required allocating memory (informational only) */
+    U_STATE_OLD_WARNING       = -125,   /**< ICU has to use compatibility layer to construct the service. Expect performance/memory usage degradation. Consider upgrading */
+    U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING = -124,/**< An output string could not be NUL-terminated because output length==destCapacity. */
+    U_SORT_KEY_TOO_SHORT_WARNING = -123, /**< Number of levels requested in getBound is higher than the number of levels in the sort key */
+    U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING = -122,   /**< This converter alias can go to different converter implementations */
+    U_DIFFERENT_UCA_VERSION = -121,     /**< ucol_open encountered a mismatch between UCA version and collator image version, so the collator was constructed from rules. No impact to further function */
+    U_PLUGIN_CHANGED_LEVEL_WARNING = -120, /**< A plugin caused a level change. May not be an error, but later plugins may not load. */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal UErrorCode warning value.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_ZERO_ERROR              =  0,     /**< No error, no warning. */
+    U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR  =  1,     /**< Start of codes indicating failure */
+    U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR  =  2,     /**< The requested resource cannot be found */
+    U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR    =  3,     /**< Data format is not what is expected */
+    U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR       =  4,     /**< The requested file cannot be found */
+    U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR  =  5,     /**< Indicates a bug in the library code */
+    U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR     =  6,     /**< Unable to parse a message (message format) */
+    U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR =  7,     /**< Memory allocation error */
+    U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR =  8,     /**< Trying to access the index that is out of bounds */
+    U_PARSE_ERROR             =  9,     /**< Equivalent to Java ParseException */
+    U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND      = 10,     /**< Character conversion: Unmappable input sequence. In other APIs: Invalid character. */
+    U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND    = 11,     /**< Character conversion: Incomplete input sequence. */
+    U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND      = 12,     /**< Character conversion: Illegal input sequence/combination of input units. */
+    U_INVALID_TABLE_FORMAT    = 13,     /**< Conversion table file found, but corrupted */
+    U_INVALID_TABLE_FILE      = 14,     /**< Conversion table file not found */
+    U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR   = 15,     /**< A result would not fit in the supplied buffer */
+    U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR       = 16,     /**< Requested operation not supported in current context */
+    U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH  = 17,     /**< an operation is requested over a resource that does not support it */
+    U_ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 18,     /**< ISO-2022 illegal escape sequence */
+    U_UNSUPPORTED_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 19, /**< ISO-2022 unsupported escape sequence */
+    U_NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE      = 20,     /**< No space available for in-buffer expansion for Arabic shaping */
+    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR      = 21,     /**< Currently used only while setting variable top, but can be used generally */
+    U_PRIMARY_TOO_LONG_ERROR  = 22,     /**< User tried to set variable top to a primary that is longer than two bytes */
+    U_STATE_TOO_OLD_ERROR     = 23,     /**< ICU cannot construct a service from this state, as it is no longer supported */
+    U_TOO_MANY_ALIASES_ERROR  = 24,     /**< There are too many aliases in the path to the requested resource.
+                                             It is very possible that a circular alias definition has occurred */
+    U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR  = 25,     /**< UEnumeration out of sync with underlying collection */
+    U_INVARIANT_CONVERSION_ERROR = 26,  /**< Unable to convert a UChar* string to char* with the invariant converter. */
+    U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR     = 27,     /**< Requested operation can not be completed with ICU in its current state */
+    U_COLLATOR_VERSION_MISMATCH = 28,   /**< Collator version is not compatible with the base version */
+    U_USELESS_COLLATOR_ERROR  = 29,     /**< Collator is options only and no base is specified */
+    U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION     = 30,     /**< Attempt to modify read-only or constant data. */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest standard error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /*
+     * Error codes in the range 0x10000 0x10100 are reserved for Transliterator.
+     */
+    U_BAD_VARIABLE_DEFINITION=0x10000,/**< Missing '$' or duplicate variable name */
+    U_PARSE_ERROR_START = 0x10000,    /**< Start of Transliterator errors */
+    U_MALFORMED_RULE,                 /**< Elements of a rule are misplaced */
+    U_MALFORMED_SET,                  /**< A UnicodeSet pattern is invalid*/
+    U_MALFORMED_UNICODE_ESCAPE,       /**< A Unicode escape pattern is invalid*/
+    U_MALFORMED_VARIABLE_DEFINITION,  /**< A variable definition is invalid */
+    U_MALFORMED_VARIABLE_REFERENCE,   /**< A variable reference is invalid */
+    U_MISPLACED_ANCHOR_START,         /**< A start anchor appears at an illegal position */
+    U_MISPLACED_CURSOR_OFFSET,        /**< A cursor offset occurs at an illegal position */
+    U_MISPLACED_QUANTIFIER,           /**< A quantifier appears after a segment close delimiter */
+    U_MISSING_OPERATOR,               /**< A rule contains no operator */
+    U_MISSING_SEGMENT_CLOSE,          /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
+    U_MULTIPLE_ANTE_CONTEXTS,         /**< More than one ante context */
+    U_MULTIPLE_CURSORS,               /**< More than one cursor */
+    U_MULTIPLE_POST_CONTEXTS,         /**< More than one post context */
+    U_TRAILING_BACKSLASH,             /**< A dangling backslash */
+    U_UNDEFINED_SEGMENT_REFERENCE,    /**< A segment reference does not correspond to a defined segment */
+    U_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE,             /**< A variable reference does not correspond to a defined variable */
+    U_UNQUOTED_SPECIAL,               /**< A special character was not quoted or escaped */
+    U_UNTERMINATED_QUOTE,             /**< A closing single quote is missing */
+    U_RULE_MASK_ERROR,                /**< A rule is hidden by an earlier more general rule */
+    U_MISPLACED_COMPOUND_FILTER,      /**< A compound filter is in an invalid location */
+    U_MULTIPLE_COMPOUND_FILTERS,      /**< More than one compound filter */
+    U_INVALID_RBT_SYNTAX,             /**< A "::id" rule was passed to the RuleBasedTransliterator parser */
+    U_INVALID_PROPERTY_PATTERN,       /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
+    U_MALFORMED_PRAGMA,               /**< A 'use' pragma is invalid */
+    U_UNCLOSED_SEGMENT,               /**< A closing ')' is missing */
+    U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_IN_SEGMENT,        /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
+    U_VARIABLE_RANGE_EXHAUSTED,       /**< Too many stand-ins generated for the given variable range */
+    U_VARIABLE_RANGE_OVERLAP,         /**< The variable range overlaps characters used in rules */
+    U_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,              /**< A special character is outside its allowed context */
+    U_INTERNAL_TRANSLITERATOR_ERROR,  /**< Internal transliterator system error */
+    U_INVALID_ID,                     /**< A "::id" rule specifies an unknown transliterator */
+    U_INVALID_FUNCTION,               /**< A "&fn()" rule specifies an unknown transliterator */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal Transliterator error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /*
+     * Error codes in the range 0x10100 0x10200 are reserved for the formatting API.
+     */
+    U_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN=0x10100,       /**< Syntax error in format pattern */
+    U_FMT_PARSE_ERROR_START=0x10100,  /**< Start of format library errors */
+    U_MULTIPLE_DECIMAL_SEPARATORS,    /**< More than one decimal separator in number pattern */
+    U_MULTIPLE_EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOLS,   /**< More than one exponent symbol in number pattern */
+    U_MALFORMED_EXPONENTIAL_PATTERN,  /**< Grouping symbol in exponent pattern */
+    U_MULTIPLE_PERCENT_SYMBOLS,       /**< More than one percent symbol in number pattern */
+    U_MULTIPLE_PERMILL_SYMBOLS,       /**< More than one permill symbol in number pattern */
+    U_MULTIPLE_PAD_SPECIFIERS,        /**< More than one pad symbol in number pattern */
+    U_PATTERN_SYNTAX_ERROR,           /**< Syntax error in format pattern */
+    U_ILLEGAL_PAD_POSITION,           /**< Pad symbol misplaced in number pattern */
+    U_UNMATCHED_BRACES,               /**< Braces do not match in message pattern */
+    U_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY,           /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
+    U_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE,          /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
+    U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH,         /**< Argument name and argument index mismatch in MessageFormat functions */
+    U_DUPLICATE_KEYWORD,              /**< Duplicate keyword in PluralFormat */
+    U_UNDEFINED_KEYWORD,              /**< Undefined Plural keyword */
+    U_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_MISSING,        /**< Missing DEFAULT rule in plural rules */
+    U_DECIMAL_NUMBER_SYNTAX_ERROR,    /**< Decimal number syntax error */
+    U_FORMAT_INEXACT_ERROR,           /**< Cannot format a number exactly and rounding mode is ROUND_UNNECESSARY @stable ICU 4.8 */
+    U_NUMBER_ARG_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR,   /**< The argument to a NumberFormatter helper method was out of bounds; the bounds are usually 0 to 999. @stable ICU 61 */
+    U_NUMBER_SKELETON_SYNTAX_ERROR,   /**< The number skeleton passed to C++ NumberFormatter or C UNumberFormatter was invalid or contained a syntax error. @stable ICU 62 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal formatting API error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    U_FMT_PARSE_ERROR_LIMIT = 0x10114,
+    /*
+     * Error codes in the range 0x10200 0x102ff are reserved for BreakIterator.
+     */
+    U_BRK_INTERNAL_ERROR=0x10200,          /**< An internal error (bug) was detected.             */
+    U_BRK_ERROR_START=0x10200,             /**< Start of codes indicating Break Iterator failures */
+    U_BRK_HEX_DIGITS_EXPECTED,             /**< Hex digits expected as part of a escaped char in a rule. */
+    U_BRK_SEMICOLON_EXPECTED,              /**< Missing ';' at the end of a RBBI rule.            */
+    U_BRK_RULE_SYNTAX,                     /**< Syntax error in RBBI rule.                        */
+    U_BRK_UNCLOSED_SET,                    /**< UnicodeSet writing an RBBI rule missing a closing ']'. */
+    U_BRK_ASSIGN_ERROR,                    /**< Syntax error in RBBI rule assignment statement.   */
+    U_BRK_VARIABLE_REDFINITION,            /**< RBBI rule $Variable redefined.                    */
+    U_BRK_MISMATCHED_PAREN,                /**< Mis-matched parentheses in an RBBI rule.          */
+    U_BRK_NEW_LINE_IN_QUOTED_STRING,       /**< Missing closing quote in an RBBI rule.            */
+    U_BRK_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE,              /**< Use of an undefined $Variable in an RBBI rule.    */
+    U_BRK_INIT_ERROR,                      /**< Initialization failure.  Probable missing ICU Data. */
+    U_BRK_RULE_EMPTY_SET,                  /**< Rule contains an empty Unicode Set.               */
+    U_BRK_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION,             /**< !!option in RBBI rules not recognized.            */
+    U_BRK_MALFORMED_RULE_TAG,              /**< The {nnn} tag on a rule is malformed              */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal BreakIterator error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /*
+     * Error codes in the range 0x10300-0x103ff are reserved for regular expression related errors.
+     */
+    U_REGEX_INTERNAL_ERROR=0x10300,       /**< An internal error (bug) was detected.              */
+    U_REGEX_ERROR_START=0x10300,          /**< Start of codes indicating Regexp failures          */
+    U_REGEX_RULE_SYNTAX,                  /**< Syntax error in regexp pattern.                    */
+    U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE,                /**< RegexMatcher in invalid state for requested operation */
+    U_REGEX_BAD_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE,          /**< Unrecognized backslash escape sequence in pattern  */
+    U_REGEX_PROPERTY_SYNTAX,              /**< Incorrect Unicode property                         */
+    U_REGEX_UNIMPLEMENTED,                /**< Use of regexp feature that is not yet implemented. */
+    U_REGEX_MISMATCHED_PAREN,             /**< Incorrectly nested parentheses in regexp pattern.  */
+    U_REGEX_NUMBER_TOO_BIG,               /**< Decimal number is too large.                       */
+    U_REGEX_BAD_INTERVAL,                 /**< Error in {min,max} interval                        */
+    U_REGEX_MAX_LT_MIN,                   /**< In {min,max}, max is less than min.                */
+    U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF,             /**< Back-reference to a non-existent capture group.    */
+    U_REGEX_INVALID_FLAG,                 /**< Invalid value for match mode flags.                */
+    U_REGEX_LOOK_BEHIND_LIMIT,            /**< Look-Behind pattern matches must have a bounded maximum length.    */
+    U_REGEX_SET_CONTAINS_STRING,          /**< Regexps cannot have UnicodeSets containing strings.*/
+    U_REGEX_OCTAL_TOO_BIG,                /**< Octal character constants must be <= 0377. @deprecated ICU 54. This error cannot occur. */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
+    U_REGEX_MISSING_CLOSE_BRACKET=U_REGEX_SET_CONTAINS_STRING+2, /**< Missing closing bracket on a bracket expression. */
+    U_REGEX_INVALID_RANGE,                /**< In a character range [x-y], x is greater than y.   */
+    U_REGEX_STACK_OVERFLOW,               /**< Regular expression backtrack stack overflow.       */
+    U_REGEX_TIME_OUT,                     /**< Maximum allowed match time exceeded                */
+    U_REGEX_STOPPED_BY_CALLER,            /**< Matching operation aborted by user callback fn.    */
+    U_REGEX_PATTERN_TOO_BIG,              /**< Pattern exceeds limits on size or complexity. @stable ICU 55 */
+    U_REGEX_INVALID_CAPTURE_GROUP_NAME,   /**< Invalid capture group name. @stable ICU 55 */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal regular expression error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /*
+     * Error codes in the range 0x10400-0x104ff are reserved for IDNA related error codes.
+     */
+    U_IDNA_ERROR_START=0x10400,
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal IDNA error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /*
+     * Aliases for StringPrep
+     */
+    /*
+     * Error codes in the range 0x10500-0x105ff are reserved for Plugin related error codes.
+     */
+    U_PLUGIN_ERROR_START=0x10500,         /**< Start of codes indicating plugin failures */
+    U_PLUGIN_TOO_HIGH=0x10500,            /**< The plugin's level is too high to be loaded right now. */
+    U_PLUGIN_DIDNT_SET_LEVEL,             /**< The plugin didn't call uplug_setPlugLevel in response to a QUERY */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal plug-in error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+    /**
+     * One more than the highest normal error code.
+     * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+     */
+} UErrorCode;
+/* Use the following to determine if an UErrorCode represents */
+/* operational success or failure. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    /**
+     * Does the error code indicate success?
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static
+    inline UBool U_SUCCESS(UErrorCode code) { return (UBool)(code<=U_ZERO_ERROR); }
+    /**
+     * Does the error code indicate a failure?
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+    static
+    inline UBool U_FAILURE(UErrorCode code) { return (UBool)(code>U_ZERO_ERROR); }
+    /**
+     * Does the error code indicate success?
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+#   define U_SUCCESS(x) ((x)<=U_ZERO_ERROR)
+    /**
+     * Does the error code indicate a failure?
+     * @stable ICU 2.0
+     */
+#   define U_FAILURE(x) ((x)>U_ZERO_ERROR)
+ * Return a string for a UErrorCode value.
+ * The string will be the same as the name of the error code constant
+ * in the UErrorCode enum above.
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
+u_errorName(UErrorCode code);
+#endif /* _UTYPES */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uvernum.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uvernum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5d6497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uvernum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2000-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uvernum.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   Created by: Vladimir Weinstein
+*   Updated by: Steven R. Loomis
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: definitions of ICU version numbers
+ *
+ * This file is included by uversion.h and other files. This file contains only
+ * macros and definitions. The actual version numbers are defined here.
+ */
+ /*
+  * IMPORTANT: When updating version, the following things need to be done:
+  * source/common/unicode/uvernum.h - this file: update major, minor,
+  *        patchlevel, suffix, version, short version constants, namespace,
+  *                    renaming macro, and copyright
+  *
+  * The following files need to be updated as well, which can be done
+  *  by running the UNIX makefile target 'update-windows-makefiles' in icu/source.
+  *
+  *
+  * source/common/common_uwp.vcxproj
+  * source/common/common.vcxproj - update 'Output file name' on the link tab so
+  *                   that it contains the new major/minor combination
+  * source/i18n/i18n.vcxproj - same as for the common.vcxproj
+  * source/i18n/i18n_uwp.vcxproj - same as for the common_uwp.vcxproj
+  * source/layoutex/layoutex.vcproj - same
+  * source/stubdata/stubdata.vcproj - same as for the common.vcxproj
+  * source/io/io.vcproj - same as for the common.vcxproj
+  * source/data/makedata.mak - change U_ICUDATA_NAME so that it contains
+  *                            the new major/minor combination and the Unicode version.
+  */
+#ifndef UVERNUM_H
+#define UVERNUM_H
+/** The standard copyright notice that gets compiled into each library.
+ *  This value will change in the subsequent releases of ICU
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+  " Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: "
+/** The current ICU major version as an integer.
+ *  This value will change in the subsequent releases of ICU
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+/** The current ICU minor version as an integer.
+ *  This value will change in the subsequent releases of ICU
+ *  @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+/** The current ICU patchlevel version as an integer.
+ *  This value will change in the subsequent releases of ICU
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+/** The current ICU build level version as an integer.
+ *  This value is for use by ICU clients. It defaults to 0.
+ *  @stable ICU 4.0
+ */
+/** Glued version suffix for renamers
+ *  This value will change in the subsequent releases of ICU
+ *  @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+ * @internal
+ */
+ * @internal
+ */
+/** Glued version suffix function for renamers
+ *  This value will change in the subsequent releases of ICU.
+ *  If a custom suffix (such as matching library suffixes) is desired, this can be modified.
+ *  Note that if present, platform.h may contain an earlier definition of this macro.
+ *  @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+ * Disable the version suffix. Use the custom suffix if exists.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#       define U_DEF_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(x,y,z) x ## y ##  z
+#   else
+#       define U_DEF_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(x,y) x ## y
+#   endif
+#       define U_DEF_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(x,y) x ## y
+#   else
+#       define U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(x)    x
+#   endif
+/** The current ICU library version as a dotted-decimal string. The patchlevel
+ *  only appears in this string if it non-zero.
+ *  This value will change in the subsequent releases of ICU
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#define U_ICU_VERSION "66.1"
+ * The current ICU library major version number as a string, for library name suffixes.
+ * This value will change in subsequent releases of ICU.
+ *
+ * Until ICU 4.8, this was the combination of the single-digit major and minor ICU version numbers
+ * into one string without dots ("48").
+ * Since ICU 49, it is the double-digit major ICU version number.
+ * See
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.6
+ */
+#define U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT "66"
+/** Data version in ICU4C.
+ * @internal ICU 4.4 Internal Use Only
+ **/
+#define U_ICU_DATA_VERSION "66.1"
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ * ICU collation framework version information
+ * Version info that can be obtained from a collator is affected by these
+ * numbers in a secret and magic way. Please use collator version as whole
+ *===========================================================================
+ */
+ * Collation runtime version (sort key generator, strcoll).
+ * If the version is different, sort keys for the same string could be different.
+ * This value may change in subsequent releases of ICU.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * Collation builder code version.
+ * When this is different, the same tailoring might result
+ * in assigning different collation elements to code points.
+ * This value may change in subsequent releases of ICU.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * Constant 1.
+ * This was intended to be the version of collation tailorings,
+ * but instead the tailoring data carries a version number.
+ * @deprecated ICU 54
+ */
+#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uversion.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uversion.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5700f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/uversion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2000-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uversion.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   Created by: Vladimir Weinstein
+*  Gets included by utypes.h and Windows .rc files
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: API for accessing ICU version numbers. 
+ */
+/* Main ICU version information                                              */
+#ifndef UVERSION_H
+#define UVERSION_H
+#include "unicode/umachine.h"
+/* Actual version info lives in uvernum.h */
+#include "unicode/uvernum.h"
+/** Maximum length of the copyright string.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+/** An ICU version consists of up to 4 numbers from 0..255.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+/** In a string, ICU version fields are delimited by dots.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+/** The maximum length of an ICU version string.
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+/** The binary form of a version on ICU APIs is an array of 4 uint8_t.
+ *  To compare two versions, use memcmp(v1,v2,sizeof(UVersionInfo)).
+ *  @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+typedef uint8_t UVersionInfo[U_MAX_VERSION_LENGTH];
+/* C++ namespace if supported. Versioned unless versioning is disabled.      */
+/* Define C++ namespace symbols. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ * This is used to begin a declaration of a public ICU C++ API within
+ * versioned-ICU-namespace block.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This is used to end a declaration of a public ICU C++ API.
+ * It ends the versioned-ICU-namespace block begun by U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN.
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This is used to specify that the rest of the code uses the
+ * public ICU C++ API namespace.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+ * This is used to qualify that a function or class is part of
+ * the public ICU C++ API namespace.
+ *
+ * This macro is unnecessary since ICU 49 requires namespace support.
+ * You can just use "icu::" instead.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+#       define U_ICU_NAMESPACE icu
+        namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE { }
+#   else
+        namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE { }
+        namespace icu = U_ICU_NAMESPACE;
+#   endif
+#   define U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE {
+#   define U_NAMESPACE_END }
+#   define U_NAMESPACE_USE using namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE;
+                defined(U_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION) || defined(U_IO_IMPLEMENTATION) || \
+#           define U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE 0
+#       else
+#           define U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE 0
+#       endif
+#   endif
+#   endif
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* General version helper functions. Definitions in putil.c                  */
+ * Parse a string with dotted-decimal version information and
+ * fill in a UVersionInfo structure with the result.
+ * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
+ *
+ * @param versionArray The destination structure for the version information.
+ * @param versionString A string with dotted-decimal version information,
+ *                      with up to four non-negative number fields with
+ *                      values of up to 255 each.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+u_versionFromString(UVersionInfo versionArray, const char *versionString);
+ * Parse a Unicode string with dotted-decimal version information and
+ * fill in a UVersionInfo structure with the result.
+ * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
+ *
+ * @param versionArray The destination structure for the version information.
+ * @param versionString A Unicode string with dotted-decimal version
+ *                      information, with up to four non-negative number
+ *                      fields with values of up to 255 each.
+ * @stable ICU 4.2
+ */
+u_versionFromUString(UVersionInfo versionArray, const UChar *versionString);
+ * Write a string with dotted-decimal version information according
+ * to the input UVersionInfo.
+ * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
+ *
+ * @param versionArray The version information to be written as a string.
+ * @param versionString A string buffer that will be filled in with
+ *                      a string corresponding to the numeric version
+ *                      information in versionArray.
+ *                      The buffer size must be at least U_MAX_VERSION_STRING_LENGTH.
+ * @stable ICU 2.4
+ */
+u_versionToString(const UVersionInfo versionArray, char *versionString);
+ * Gets the ICU release version.  The version array stores the version information
+ * for ICU.  For example, release "" is then represented as 0x01031F02.
+ * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
+ *
+ * @param versionArray the version # information, the result will be filled in
+ * @stable ICU 2.0
+ */
+u_getVersion(UVersionInfo versionArray);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/vtzone.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/vtzone.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2743b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unicode/vtzone.h
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef VTZONE_H
+#define VTZONE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: RFC2445 VTIMEZONE support
+ */
+#include "unicode/basictz.h"
+class VTZWriter;
+class VTZReader;
+class UVector;
+ * <code>VTimeZone</code> is a class implementing RFC2445 VTIMEZONE.  You can create a
+ * <code>VTimeZone</code> instance from a time zone ID supported by <code>TimeZone</code>.
+ * With the <code>VTimeZone</code> instance created from the ID, you can write out the rule
+ * in RFC2445 VTIMEZONE format.  Also, you can create a <code>VTimeZone</code> instance
+ * from RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data stream, which allows you to calculate time
+ * zone offset by the rules defined by the data. Or, you can create a
+ * <code>VTimeZone</code> from any other ICU <code>BasicTimeZone</code>.
+ * <br><br>
+ * Note: The consumer of this class reading or writing VTIMEZONE data is responsible to
+ * decode or encode Non-ASCII text.  Methods reading/writing VTIMEZONE data in this class
+ * do nothing with MIME encoding.
+ * @stable ICU 3.8
+ */
+class U_I18N_API VTimeZone : public BasicTimeZone {
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     * @param source    The <code>VTimeZone</code> object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    VTimeZone(const VTimeZone& source);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual ~VTimeZone();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     * @param right The object to be copied.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    VTimeZone& operator=(const VTimeZone& right);
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+     * semantically equal. Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+      *semantically equal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZone& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Return true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+     * semantically unequal. Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
+     * @param that  The object to be compared with.
+     * @return  true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> objects are
+     * semantically unequal.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool operator!=(const TimeZone& that) const;
+    /**
+     * Create a <code>VTimeZone</code> instance by the time zone ID.
+     * @param ID The time zone ID, such as America/New_York
+     * @return A <code>VTimeZone</code> object initialized by the time zone ID,
+     * or NULL when the ID is unknown.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static VTimeZone* createVTimeZoneByID(const UnicodeString& ID);
+    /**
+     * Create a <code>VTimeZone</code> instance using a basic time zone.
+     * @param basicTZ The basic time zone instance
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return A <code>VTimeZone</code> object initialized by the basic time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 4.6
+     */
+    static VTimeZone* createVTimeZoneFromBasicTimeZone(const BasicTimeZone& basicTZ,
+                                                       UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Create a <code>VTimeZone</code> instance by RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data
+     * 
+     * @param vtzdata The string including VTIMEZONE data block
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return A <code>VTimeZone</code> initialized by the VTIMEZONE data or
+     * NULL if failed to load the rule from the VTIMEZONE data.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static VTimeZone* createVTimeZone(const UnicodeString& vtzdata, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Gets the RFC2445 TZURL property value.  When a <code>VTimeZone</code> instance was
+     * created from VTIMEZONE data, the initial value is set by the TZURL property value
+     * in the data.  Otherwise, the initial value is not set.
+     * @param url Receives the RFC2445 TZURL property value.
+     * @return TRUE if TZURL attribute is available and value is set.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool getTZURL(UnicodeString& url) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the RFC2445 TZURL property value.
+     * @param url The TZURL property value.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setTZURL(const UnicodeString& url);
+    /**
+     * Gets the RFC2445 LAST-MODIFIED property value.  When a <code>VTimeZone</code> instance
+     * was created from VTIMEZONE data, the initial value is set by the LAST-MODIFIED property
+     * value in the data.  Otherwise, the initial value is not set.
+     * @param lastModified Receives the last modified date.
+     * @return TRUE if lastModified attribute is available and value is set.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    UBool getLastModified(UDate& lastModified) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the RFC2445 LAST-MODIFIED property value.
+     * @param lastModified The LAST-MODIFIED date.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void setLastModified(UDate lastModified);
+    /**
+     * Writes RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data for this time zone
+     * @param result Output param to filled in with the VTIMEZONE data.
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void write(UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Writes RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data for this time zone applicalbe
+     * for dates after the specified start time.
+     * @param start The start date.
+     * @param result Output param to filled in with the VTIMEZONE data.
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void write(UDate start, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Writes RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data applicalbe for the specified date.
+     * Some common iCalendar implementations can only handle a single time
+     * zone property or a pair of standard and daylight time properties using
+     * BYDAY rule with day of week (such as BYDAY=1SUN).  This method produce
+     * the VTIMEZONE data which can be handled these implementations.  The rules
+     * produced by this method can be used only for calculating time zone offset
+     * around the specified date.
+     * @param time The date used for rule extraction.
+     * @param result Output param to filled in with the VTIMEZONE data.
+     * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    void writeSimple(UDate time, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Clones TimeZone objects polymorphically. Clients are responsible for deleting
+     * the TimeZone object cloned.
+     * @return   A new copy of this TimeZone object.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual VTimeZone* clone() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's adjusted GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time in this time zone, taking daylight savings time into
+     * account) as of a particular reference date.  The reference date is used to determine
+     * whether daylight savings time is in effect and needs to be figured into the offset
+     * that is returned (in other words, what is the adjusted GMT offset in this time zone
+     * at this particular date and time?).  For the time zones produced by createTimeZone(),
+     * the reference data is specified according to the Gregorian calendar, and the date
+     * and time fields are local standard time.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+     * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+     * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param era        The reference date's era
+     * @param year       The reference date's year
+     * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+     * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+     * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+     * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, local standard time
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                              uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
+     * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
+     *
+     * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+     * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+     * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param era        The reference date's era
+     * @param year       The reference date's year
+     * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+     * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+     * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+     * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, local standard time
+     * @param monthLength The length of the given month in days.
+     * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+     * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                           uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis,
+                           int32_t monthLength, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment
+     * in time.  Upon return, local-millis = GMT-millis + rawOffset +
+     * dstOffset.  All computations are performed in the proleptic
+     * Gregorian calendar.  The default implementation in the TimeZone
+     * class delegates to the 8-argument getOffset().
+     *
+     * @param date moment in time for which to return offsets, in
+     * units of milliseconds from January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT, either GMT
+     * time or local wall time, depending on `local'.
+     * @param local if true, `date' is local wall time; otherwise it
+     * is in GMT time.
+     * @param rawOffset output parameter to receive the raw offset, that
+     * is, the offset not including DST adjustments
+     * @param dstOffset output parameter to receive the DST offset,
+     * that is, the offset to be added to `rawOffset' to obtain the
+     * total offset between local and GMT time. If DST is not in
+     * effect, this value is zero; otherwise it is a positive value,
+     * typically one hour.
+     * @param ec input-output error code
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
+                           int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @param offsetMillis  The new raw GMT offset for this time zone.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void setRawOffset(int32_t offsetMillis);
+    /**
+     * Returns the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+     * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+     *
+     * @return   The TimeZone's raw GMT offset.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t getRawOffset(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.
+     * @return true if this time zone uses daylight savings time,
+     * false, otherwise.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool useDaylightTime(void) const;
+    /**
+     * Queries if the given date is in daylight savings time in
+     * this time zone.
+     * This method is wasteful since it creates a new GregorianCalendar and
+     * deletes it each time it is called. This is a deprecated method
+     * and provided only for Java compatibility.
+     *
+     * @param date the given UDate.
+     * @param status Output param filled in with success/error code.
+     * @return true if the given date is in daylight savings time,
+     * false, otherwise.
+     * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
+     */
+    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.
+     * That is, if this zone differs only in ID, if at all.
+     * @param other the <code>TimeZone</code> object to be compared with
+     * @return true if the given zone is the same as this one,
+     * with the possible exception of the ID
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the first time zone transition after the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the first transition after the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the most recent time zone transition before the base time.
+     * @param base      The base time.
+     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+     * @param result    Receives the most recent transition before the base time.
+     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UBool getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s which represents time transitions,
+     * for this time zone, that is, all <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s for this time zone except
+     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The return value range is 0 or any positive value.
+     * @param status    Receives error status code.
+     * @return The number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s representing time transitions.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual int32_t countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and the set of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * which represent time transitions for this time zone.  On successful return,
+     * the argument initial points to non-NULL <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and
+     * the array trsrules is filled with 0 or multiple <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
+     * instances up to the size specified by trscount.  The results are referencing the
+     * rule instance held by this time zone instance.  Therefore, after this time zone
+     * is destructed, they are no longer available.
+     * @param initial       Receives the initial timezone rule
+     * @param trsrules      Receives the timezone transition rules
+     * @param trscount      On input, specify the size of the array 'transitions' receiving
+     *                      the timezone transition rules.  On output, actual number of
+     *                      rules filled in the array will be set.
+     * @param status        Receives error status code.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual void getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
+        const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[], int32_t& trscount, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    enum { DEFAULT_VTIMEZONE_LINES = 100 };
+    /**
+     * Default constructor.
+     */
+    VTimeZone();
+    static VTimeZone* createVTimeZone(VTZReader* reader);
+    void write(VTZWriter& writer, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void write(UDate start, VTZWriter& writer, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeSimple(UDate time, VTZWriter& writer, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void load(VTZReader& reader, UErrorCode& status);
+    void parse(UErrorCode& status);
+    void writeZone(VTZWriter& w, BasicTimeZone& basictz, UVector* customProps,
+        UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeHeaders(VTZWriter& w, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeFooter(VTZWriter& writer, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeZonePropsByTime(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, const UnicodeString& zonename,
+                              int32_t fromOffset, int32_t toOffset, UDate time, UBool withRDATE,
+                              UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeZonePropsByDOM(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, const UnicodeString& zonename,
+                             int32_t fromOffset, int32_t toOffset,
+                             int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, UDate startTime, UDate untilTime,
+                             UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeZonePropsByDOW(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, const UnicodeString& zonename,
+                             int32_t fromOffset, int32_t toOffset,
+                             int32_t month, int32_t weekInMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                             UDate startTime, UDate untilTime, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeZonePropsByDOW_GEQ_DOM(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, const UnicodeString& zonename,
+                                     int32_t fromOffset, int32_t toOffset,
+                                     int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                                     UDate startTime, UDate untilTime, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeZonePropsByDOW_GEQ_DOM_sub(VTZWriter& writer, int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth,
+                                         int32_t dayOfWeek, int32_t numDays,
+                                         UDate untilTime, int32_t fromOffset, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeZonePropsByDOW_LEQ_DOM(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, const UnicodeString& zonename,
+                                     int32_t fromOffset, int32_t toOffset,
+                                     int32_t month, int32_t dayOfMonth, int32_t dayOfWeek,
+                                     UDate startTime, UDate untilTime, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void writeFinalRule(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, const AnnualTimeZoneRule* rule,
+                        int32_t fromRawOffset, int32_t fromDSTSavings,
+                        UDate startTime, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void beginZoneProps(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, const UnicodeString& zonename,
+                        int32_t fromOffset, int32_t toOffset, UDate startTime, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void endZoneProps(VTZWriter& writer, UBool isDst, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void beginRRULE(VTZWriter& writer, int32_t month, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void appendUNTIL(VTZWriter& writer, const UnicodeString& until, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    BasicTimeZone   *tz;
+    UVector         *vtzlines;
+    UnicodeString   tzurl;
+    UDate           lastmod;
+    UnicodeString   olsonzid;
+    UnicodeString   icutzver;
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     * @stable ICU 3.8
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
+#endif // VTZONE_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unifiedcache.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unifiedcache.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c9945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unifiedcache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File UNIFIEDCACHE.H - The ICU Unified cache.
+#ifndef __UNIFIED_CACHE_H__
+#define __UNIFIED_CACHE_H__
+#include "utypeinfo.h"  // for 'typeid' to work
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "sharedobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include "ustr_imp.h"
+struct UHashtable;
+struct UHashElement;
+class UnifiedCache;
+ * A base class for all cache keys.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API CacheKeyBase : public UObject {
+ public:
+   CacheKeyBase() : fCreationStatus(U_ZERO_ERROR), fIsMaster(FALSE) {}
+   /**
+    * Copy constructor. Needed to support cloning.
+    */
+   CacheKeyBase(const CacheKeyBase &other) 
+           : UObject(other), fCreationStatus(other.fCreationStatus), fIsMaster(FALSE) { }
+   virtual ~CacheKeyBase();
+   /**
+    * Returns the hash code for this object.
+    */
+   virtual int32_t hashCode() const = 0;
+   /**
+    * Clones this object polymorphically. Caller owns returned value.
+    */
+   virtual CacheKeyBase *clone() const = 0;
+   /**
+    * Equality operator.
+    */
+   virtual UBool operator == (const CacheKeyBase &other) const = 0;
+   /**
+    * Create a new object for this key. Called by cache on cache miss.
+    * createObject must add a reference to the object it returns. Note
+    * that getting an object from the cache and returning it without calling
+    * removeRef on it satisfies this requirement. It can also return NULL
+    * and set status to an error.
+    *
+    * @param creationContext the context in which the object is being
+    *                        created. May be NULL.
+    * @param status          Implementations can return a failure here.
+    *                        In addition, implementations may return a
+    *                        non NULL object and set a warning status.
+    */
+   virtual const SharedObject *createObject(
+           const void *creationContext, UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
+   /**
+    * Writes a description of this key to buffer and returns buffer. Written
+    * description is NULL terminated.
+    */
+   virtual char *writeDescription(char *buffer, int32_t bufSize) const = 0;
+   /**
+    * Inequality operator.
+    */
+   UBool operator != (const CacheKeyBase &other) const {
+       return !(*this == other);
+   }
+ private:
+   mutable UErrorCode fCreationStatus;
+   mutable UBool fIsMaster;
+   friend class UnifiedCache;
+ * Templated version of CacheKeyBase. 
+ * A key of type LocaleCacheKey<T> maps to a value of type T.
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class CacheKey : public CacheKeyBase {
+ public:
+   virtual ~CacheKey() { }
+   /**
+    * The template parameter, T, determines the hash code returned.
+    */
+   virtual int32_t hashCode() const {
+       const char *s = typeid(T).name();
+       return ustr_hashCharsN(s, static_cast<int32_t>(uprv_strlen(s)));
+   }
+   /**
+    * Use the value type, T,  as the description.
+    */
+   virtual char *writeDescription(char *buffer, int32_t bufLen) const {
+       const char *s = typeid(T).name();
+       uprv_strncpy(buffer, s, bufLen);
+       buffer[bufLen - 1] = 0;
+       return buffer;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Two objects are equal if they are of the same type.
+    */
+   virtual UBool operator == (const CacheKeyBase &other) const {
+       return typeid(*this) == typeid(other);
+   }
+ * Cache key based on locale.
+ * A key of type LocaleCacheKey<T> maps to a value of type T.
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class LocaleCacheKey : public CacheKey<T> {
+ protected:
+   Locale   fLoc;
+ public:
+   LocaleCacheKey(const Locale &loc) : fLoc(loc) {}
+   LocaleCacheKey(const LocaleCacheKey<T> &other)
+           : CacheKey<T>(other), fLoc(other.fLoc) { }
+   virtual ~LocaleCacheKey() { }
+   virtual int32_t hashCode() const {
+       return (int32_t)(37u * (uint32_t)CacheKey<T>::hashCode() + (uint32_t)fLoc.hashCode());
+   }
+   virtual UBool operator == (const CacheKeyBase &other) const {
+       // reflexive
+       if (this == &other) {
+           return TRUE;
+       }
+       if (!CacheKey<T>::operator == (other)) {
+           return FALSE;
+       }
+       // We know this and other are of same class because operator== on
+       // CacheKey returned true.
+       const LocaleCacheKey<T> *fOther =
+               static_cast<const LocaleCacheKey<T> *>(&other);
+       return fLoc == fOther->fLoc;
+   }
+   virtual CacheKeyBase *clone() const {
+       return new LocaleCacheKey<T>(*this);
+   }
+   virtual const T *createObject(
+           const void *creationContext, UErrorCode &status) const;
+   /**
+    * Use the locale id as the description.
+    */
+   virtual char *writeDescription(char *buffer, int32_t bufLen) const {
+       const char *s = fLoc.getName();
+       uprv_strncpy(buffer, s, bufLen);
+       buffer[bufLen - 1] = 0;
+       return buffer;
+   }
+ * The unified cache. A singleton type.
+ * Design doc here:
+ *
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UnifiedCache : public UnifiedCacheBase {
+ public:
+   /**
+    * @internal
+    * Do not call directly. Instead use UnifiedCache::getInstance() as
+    * there should be only one UnifiedCache in an application.
+    */
+   UnifiedCache(UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    * Return a pointer to the global cache instance.
+    */
+   static UnifiedCache *getInstance(UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    * Fetches a value from the cache by key. Equivalent to
+    * get(key, NULL, ptr, status);
+    */
+   template<typename T>
+   void get(
+           const CacheKey<T>& key,
+           const T *&ptr,
+           UErrorCode &status) const {
+       get(key, NULL, ptr, status);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Fetches value from the cache by key.
+    *
+    * @param key             the cache key.
+    * @param creationContext passed verbatim to createObject method of key
+    * @param ptr             On entry, ptr must be NULL or be included if
+    *                        the reference count of the object it points
+    *                        to. On exit, ptr points to the fetched object
+    *                        from the cache or is left unchanged on
+    *                        failure. Caller must call removeRef on ptr
+    *                        if set to a non NULL value.
+    * @param status          Any error returned here. May be set to a
+    *                        warning value even if ptr is set.
+    */
+   template<typename T>
+   void get(
+           const CacheKey<T>& key,
+           const void *creationContext,
+           const T *&ptr,
+           UErrorCode &status) const {
+       if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+           return;
+       }
+       UErrorCode creationStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+       const SharedObject *value = NULL;
+       _get(key, value, creationContext, creationStatus);
+       const T *tvalue = (const T *) value;
+       if (U_SUCCESS(creationStatus)) {
+           SharedObject::copyPtr(tvalue, ptr);
+       }
+       SharedObject::clearPtr(tvalue);
+       // Take care not to overwrite a warning status passed in with
+       // another warning or U_ZERO_ERROR.
+       if (status == U_ZERO_ERROR || U_FAILURE(creationStatus)) {
+           status = creationStatus;
+       }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Dumps the contents of this cache to standard error. Used for testing of
+    * cache only.
+    */
+   void dumpContents() const;
+   /**
+    * Convenience method to get a value of type T from cache for a
+    * particular locale with creationContext == NULL.
+    * @param loc    the locale
+    * @param ptr    On entry, must be NULL or included in the ref count
+    *               of the object to which it points.
+    *               On exit, fetched value stored here or is left
+    *               unchanged on failure. Caller must call removeRef on
+    *               ptr if set to a non NULL value.
+    * @param status Any error returned here. May be set to a
+    *               warning value even if ptr is set.
+    */
+   template<typename T>
+   static void getByLocale(
+           const Locale &loc, const T *&ptr, UErrorCode &status) {
+       const UnifiedCache *cache = getInstance(status);
+       if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+           return;
+       }
+       cache->get(LocaleCacheKey<T>(loc), ptr, status);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Dumps the cache contents to stderr. For testing only.
+    */
+   static void dump();
+   /**
+    * Returns the number of keys in this cache. For testing only.
+    */
+   int32_t keyCount() const;
+   /**
+    * Removes any values from cache that are not referenced outside
+    * the cache.
+    */
+   void flush() const;
+   /**
+    * Configures at what point evcition of unused entries will begin.
+    * Eviction is triggered whenever the number of evictable keys exeeds
+    * BOTH count AND (number of in-use items) * (percentageOfInUseItems / 100).
+    * Once the number of unused entries drops below one of these,
+    * eviction ceases. Because eviction happens incrementally,
+    * the actual unused entry count may exceed both these numbers
+    * from time to time.
+    *
+    * A cache entry is defined as unused if it is not essential to guarantee
+    * that for a given key X, the cache returns the same reference to the
+    * same value as long as the client already holds a reference to that
+    * value.
+    *
+    * If this method is never called, the default settings are 1000 and 100%.
+    *
+    * Although this method is thread-safe, it is designed to be called at
+    * application startup. If it is called in the middle of execution, it
+    * will have no immediate effect on the cache. However over time, the
+    * cache will perform eviction slices in an attempt to honor the new
+    * settings.
+    *
+    * If a client already holds references to many different unique values
+    * in the cache such that the number of those unique values far exeeds
+    * "count" then the cache may not be able to maintain this maximum.
+    * However, if this happens, the cache still guarantees that the number of
+    * unused entries will remain only a small percentage of the total cache
+    * size.
+    *
+    * If the parameters passed are negative, setEvctionPolicy sets status to
+    */
+   void setEvictionPolicy(
+           int32_t count, int32_t percentageOfInUseItems, UErrorCode &status);
+   /**
+    * Returns how many entries have been auto evicted during the lifetime
+    * of this cache. This only includes auto evicted entries, not
+    * entries evicted because of a call to flush().
+    */
+   int64_t autoEvictedCount() const;
+   /**
+    * Returns the unused entry count in this cache. For testing only,
+    * Regular clients will not need this.
+    */
+   int32_t unusedCount() const;
+   virtual void handleUnreferencedObject() const;
+   virtual ~UnifiedCache();
+ private:
+   UHashtable *fHashtable;
+   mutable int32_t fEvictPos;
+   mutable int32_t fNumValuesTotal;
+   mutable int32_t fNumValuesInUse;
+   int32_t fMaxUnused;
+   int32_t fMaxPercentageOfInUse;
+   mutable int64_t fAutoEvictedCount;
+   SharedObject *fNoValue;
+   UnifiedCache(const UnifiedCache &other);
+   UnifiedCache &operator=(const UnifiedCache &other);
+   /**
+    * Flushes the contents of the cache. If cache values hold references to other
+    * cache values then _flush should be called in a loop until it returns FALSE.
+    * 
+    * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+    * On exit, those values with are evictable are flushed.
+    * 
+    *  @param all if false flush evictable items only, which are those with no external
+    *                    references, plus those that can be safely recreated.<br>
+    *            if true, flush all elements. Any values (sharedObjects) with remaining
+    *                     hard (external) references are not deleted, but are detached from
+    *                     the cache, so that a subsequent removeRefs can delete them.
+    *                     _flush is not thread safe when all is true.
+    *   @return TRUE if any value in cache was flushed or FALSE otherwise.
+    */
+   UBool _flush(UBool all) const;
+   /**
+    * Gets value out of cache.
+    * On entry. gCacheMutex must not be held. value must be NULL. status
+    * must be U_ZERO_ERROR.
+    * On exit. value and status set to what is in cache at key or on cache
+    * miss the key's createObject() is called and value and status are set to
+    * the result of that. In this latter case, best effort is made to add the
+    * value and status to the cache. If createObject() fails to create a value,
+    * fNoValue is stored in cache, and value is set to NULL. Caller must call
+    * removeRef on value if non NULL.
+    */
+   void _get(
+           const CacheKeyBase &key,
+           const SharedObject *&value,
+           const void *creationContext,
+           UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Attempts to fetch value and status for key from cache.
+     * On entry, gCacheMutex must not be held value must be NULL and status must
+     * be U_ZERO_ERROR.
+     * On exit, either returns FALSE (In this
+     * case caller should try to create the object) or returns TRUE with value
+     * pointing to the fetched value and status set to fetched status. When
+     * FALSE is returned status may be set to failure if an in progress hash
+     * entry could not be made but value will remain unchanged. When TRUE is
+     * returned, caller must call removeRef() on value.
+     */
+    UBool _poll(
+            const CacheKeyBase &key,
+            const SharedObject *&value,
+            UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Places a new value and creationStatus in the cache for the given key.
+     * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. key must not exist in the cache. 
+     * On exit, value and creation status placed under key. Soft reference added
+     * to value on successful add. On error sets status.
+     */
+    void _putNew(
+        const CacheKeyBase &key,
+        const SharedObject *value,
+        const UErrorCode creationStatus,
+        UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Places value and status at key if there is no value at key or if cache
+     * entry for key is in progress. Otherwise, it leaves the current value and
+     * status there.
+     * 
+     * On entry. gCacheMutex must not be held. Value must be
+     * included in the reference count of the object to which it points.
+     * 
+     * On exit, value and status are changed to what was already in the cache if
+     * something was there and not in progress. Otherwise, value and status are left
+     * unchanged in which case they are placed in the cache on a best-effort basis.
+     * Caller must call removeRef() on value.
+     */
+   void _putIfAbsentAndGet(
+           const CacheKeyBase &key,
+           const SharedObject *&value,
+           UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the next element in the cache round robin style.
+     * Returns nullptr if the cache is empty.
+     * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+     */
+    const UHashElement *_nextElement() const;
+   /**
+    * Return the number of cache items that would need to be evicted
+    * to bring usage into conformance with eviction policy.
+    * 
+    * An item corresponds to an entry in the hash table, a hash table element.
+    * 
+    * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+    */
+   int32_t _computeCountOfItemsToEvict() const;
+   /**
+    * Run an eviction slice.
+    * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+    * _runEvictionSlice runs a slice of the evict pipeline by examining the next
+    * 10 entries in the cache round robin style evicting them if they are eligible.
+    */
+   void _runEvictionSlice() const;
+   /**
+    * Register a master cache entry. A master key is the first key to create
+    * a given  SharedObject value. Subsequent keys whose create function
+    * produce referneces to an already existing SharedObject are not masters -
+    * they can be evicted and subsequently recreated.
+    * 
+    * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+    * On exit, items in use count incremented, entry is marked as a master
+    * entry, and value registered with cache so that subsequent calls to
+    * addRef() and removeRef() on it correctly interact with the cache.
+    */
+   void _registerMaster(const CacheKeyBase *theKey, const SharedObject *value) const;
+   /**
+    * Store a value and creation error status in given hash entry.
+    * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. Hash entry element must be in progress.
+    * value must be non NULL.
+    * On Exit, soft reference added to value. value and status stored in hash
+    * entry. Soft reference removed from previous stored value. Waiting
+    * threads notified.
+    */
+   void _put(
+           const UHashElement *element,
+           const SharedObject *value,
+           const UErrorCode status) const;
+    /**
+     * Remove a soft reference, and delete the SharedObject if no references remain.
+     * To be used from within the UnifiedCache implementation only.
+     * gCacheMutex must be held by caller.
+     * @param value the SharedObject to be acted on.
+     */
+   void removeSoftRef(const SharedObject *value) const;
+   /**
+    * Increment the hard reference count of the given SharedObject.
+    * gCacheMutex must be held by the caller.
+    * Update numValuesEvictable on transitions between zero and one reference.
+    * 
+    * @param value The SharedObject to be referenced.
+    * @return the hard reference count after the addition.
+    */
+   int32_t addHardRef(const SharedObject *value) const;
+  /**
+    * Decrement the hard reference count of the given SharedObject.
+    * gCacheMutex must be held by the caller.
+    * Update numValuesEvictable on transitions between one and zero reference.
+    * 
+    * @param value The SharedObject to be referenced.
+    * @return the hard reference count after the removal.
+    */
+   int32_t removeHardRef(const SharedObject *value) const;
+   void _dumpContents() const;
+   /**
+    *  Fetch value and error code from a particular hash entry.
+    *  On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. value must be either NULL or must be
+    *  included in the ref count of the object to which it points.
+    *  On exit, value and status set to what is in the hash entry. Caller must
+    *  eventually call removeRef on value.
+    *  If hash entry is in progress, value will be set to gNoValue and status will
+    *  be set to U_ZERO_ERROR.
+    */
+   void _fetch(const UHashElement *element, const SharedObject *&value,
+                       UErrorCode &status) const;
+    /**
+     * Determine if given hash entry is in progress.
+     * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+     */
+   UBool _inProgress(const UHashElement *element) const;
+   /**
+    * Determine if given hash entry is in progress.
+    * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+    */
+   UBool _inProgress(const SharedObject *theValue, UErrorCode creationStatus) const;
+   /**
+    * Determine if given hash entry is eligible for eviction.
+    * On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
+    */
+   UBool _isEvictable(const UHashElement *element) const;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unisetspan.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unisetspan.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e78ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unisetspan.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  unisetspan.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2007mar01
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UNISETSPAN_H__
+#define __UNISETSPAN_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+ * Implement span() etc. for a set with strings.
+ * Avoid recursion because of its exponential complexity.
+ * Instead, try multiple paths at once and track them with an IndexList.
+ */
+class UnicodeSetStringSpan : public UMemory {
+    /*
+     * Which span() variant will be used?
+     * The object is either built for one variant and used once,
+     * or built for all and may be used many times.
+     */
+    enum {
+        FWD             = 0x20,
+        BACK            = 0x10,
+        UTF16           = 8,
+        UTF8            = 4,
+        CONTAINED       = 2,
+        NOT_CONTAINED   = 1,
+        ALL             = 0x3f,
+        FWD_UTF16_CONTAINED     = FWD  | UTF16 |     CONTAINED,
+        FWD_UTF8_CONTAINED      = FWD  | UTF8  |     CONTAINED,
+        BACK_UTF16_CONTAINED    = BACK | UTF16 |     CONTAINED,
+        BACK_UTF8_CONTAINED     = BACK | UTF8  |     CONTAINED,
+    };
+    UnicodeSetStringSpan(const UnicodeSet &set, const UVector &setStrings, uint32_t which);
+    // Copy constructor. Assumes which==ALL for a frozen set.
+    UnicodeSetStringSpan(const UnicodeSetStringSpan &otherStringSpan, const UVector &newParentSetStrings);
+    ~UnicodeSetStringSpan();
+    /*
+     * Do the strings need to be checked in span() etc.?
+     * @return TRUE if strings need to be checked (call span() here),
+     *         FALSE if not (use a BMPSet for best performance).
+     */
+    inline UBool needsStringSpanUTF16();
+    inline UBool needsStringSpanUTF8();
+    // For fast UnicodeSet::contains(c).
+    inline UBool contains(UChar32 c) const;
+    int32_t span(const UChar *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    int32_t spanBack(const UChar *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    int32_t spanUTF8(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    int32_t spanBackUTF8(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length, USetSpanCondition spanCondition) const;
+    // Special spanLength byte values.
+    enum {
+        // The spanLength is >=0xfe.
+        LONG_SPAN=0xfe,
+        // All code points in the string are contained in the parent set.
+        ALL_CP_CONTAINED=0xff
+    };
+    // Add a starting or ending string character to the spanNotSet
+    // so that a character span ends before any string.
+    void addToSpanNotSet(UChar32 c);
+    int32_t spanNot(const UChar *s, int32_t length) const;
+    int32_t spanNotBack(const UChar *s, int32_t length) const;
+    int32_t spanNotUTF8(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length) const;
+    int32_t spanNotBackUTF8(const uint8_t *s, int32_t length) const;
+    // Set for span(). Same as parent but without strings.
+    UnicodeSet spanSet;
+    // Set for span(not contained).
+    // Same as spanSet, plus characters that start or end strings.
+    UnicodeSet *pSpanNotSet;
+    // The strings of the parent set.
+    const UVector &strings;
+    // Pointer to the UTF-8 string lengths.
+    // Also pointer to further allocated storage for meta data and
+    // UTF-8 string contents as necessary.
+    int32_t *utf8Lengths;
+    // Pointer to the part of the (utf8Lengths) memory block that stores
+    // the lengths of span(), spanBack() etc. for each string.
+    uint8_t *spanLengths;
+    // Pointer to the part of the (utf8Lengths) memory block that stores
+    // the UTF-8 versions of the parent set's strings.
+    uint8_t *utf8;
+    // Number of bytes for all UTF-8 versions of strings together.
+    int32_t utf8Length;
+    // Maximum lengths of relevant strings.
+    int32_t maxLength16;
+    int32_t maxLength8;
+    // Set up for all variants of span()?
+    UBool all;
+    // Memory for small numbers and lengths of strings.
+    // For example, for 8 strings:
+    // 8 UTF-8 lengths, 8*4 bytes span lengths, 8*2 3-byte UTF-8 characters
+    // = 112 bytes = int32_t[28].
+    int32_t staticLengths[32];
+UBool UnicodeSetStringSpan::needsStringSpanUTF16() {
+    return (UBool)(maxLength16!=0);
+UBool UnicodeSetStringSpan::needsStringSpanUTF8() {
+    return (UBool)(maxLength8!=0);
+UBool UnicodeSetStringSpan::contains(UChar32 c) const {
+    return spanSet.contains(c);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unistrappender.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unistrappender.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75fcb9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unistrappender.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File unistrappender.h
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+ * An optimization for the slowness of calling UnicodeString::append()
+ * one character at a time in a loop. It stores appends in a buffer while
+ * never actually calling append on the unicode string unless the buffer
+ * fills up or is flushed.
+ * 
+ * proper usage:
+ * {
+ *     UnicodeStringAppender appender(astring);
+ *     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ *        appender.append((UChar) i);
+ *     }
+ *     // appender flushed automatically when it goes out of scope.
+ * }
+ */
+class UnicodeStringAppender : public UMemory {
+    /**
+     * dest is the UnicodeString being appended to. It must always
+     * exist while this instance exists.
+     */
+    UnicodeStringAppender(UnicodeString &dest) : fDest(&dest), fIdx(0) { }
+    inline void append(UChar x) {
+        if (fIdx == UPRV_LENGTHOF(fBuffer)) {
+            fDest->append(fBuffer, 0, fIdx);
+            fIdx = 0;
+        }
+        fBuffer[fIdx++] = x;
+    }
+    inline void append(UChar32 x) {
+        if (fIdx >= UPRV_LENGTHOF(fBuffer) - 1) {
+            fDest->append(fBuffer, 0, fIdx);
+            fIdx = 0;
+        }
+        U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(fBuffer, fIdx, x);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Ensures that all appended characters have been written out to dest.
+     */
+    inline void flush() {
+        if (fIdx) {
+            fDest->append(fBuffer, 0, fIdx);
+        }
+        fIdx = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * flush the buffer when we go out of scope.
+     */
+    ~UnicodeStringAppender() {
+        flush();
+    }
+    UnicodeString *fDest;
+    int32_t fIdx;
+    UChar fBuffer[32];
+    UnicodeStringAppender(const UnicodeStringAppender &other);
+    UnicodeStringAppender &operator=(const UnicodeStringAppender &other);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/unormimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/unormimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88c7975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/unormimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  unormimp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001may25
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UNORMIMP_H__
+#define __UNORMIMP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+ * The 2001-2010 implementation of the normalization code loads its data from
+ *, which is generated with the gennorm tool.
+ * The format of that file is described at the end of this file.
+ */
+/* norm32 value constants */
+enum {
+    /* quick check flags 0..3 set mean "no" for their forms */
+    _NORM_QC_NFC=0x11,          /* no|maybe */
+    _NORM_QC_NFKC=0x22,         /* no|maybe */
+    _NORM_QC_NFD=4,             /* no */
+    _NORM_QC_NFKD=8,            /* no */
+    _NORM_QC_ANY_NO=0xf,
+    /* quick check flags 4..5 mean "maybe" for their forms; test flags>=_NORM_QC_MAYBE */
+    _NORM_QC_MAYBE=0x10,
+    _NORM_QC_ANY_MAYBE=0x30,
+    _NORM_QC_MASK=0x3f,
+    _NORM_CC_SHIFT=8,           /* UnicodeData.txt combining class in bits 15..8 */
+    _NORM_CC_MASK=0xff00,
+    _NORM_EXTRA_SHIFT=16,               /* 16 bits for the index to UChars and other extra data */
+    _NORM_EXTRA_INDEX_TOP=0xfc00,       /* start of surrogate specials after shift */
+    _NORM_EXTRA_SURROGATE_TOP=0x3f0,    /* hangul etc. */
+/* norm32 value constants using >16 bits */
+#define _NORM_MIN_SPECIAL       0xfc000000
+#define _NORM_SURROGATES_TOP    0xfff00000
+#define _NORM_MIN_HANGUL        0xfff00000
+#define _NORM_MIN_JAMO_V        0xfff20000
+#define _NORM_JAMO_V_TOP        0xfff30000
+/* value constants for auxTrie */
+enum {
+#define _NORM_AUX_MAX_FNC           ((int32_t)1<<_NORM_AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT)
+#define _NORM_AUX_FNC_MASK          (uint32_t)(_NORM_AUX_MAX_FNC-1)
+#define _NORM_AUX_COMP_EX_MASK      ((uint32_t)1<<_NORM_AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT)
+#define _NORM_AUX_UNSAFE_MASK       ((uint32_t)1<<_NORM_AUX_UNSAFE_SHIFT)
+/* canonStartSets[0..31] contains indexes for what is in the array */
+enum {
+    _NORM_SET_INDEX_CANON_SETS_LENGTH,      /* number of uint16_t in canonical starter sets */
+    _NORM_SET_INDEX_CANON_BMP_TABLE_LENGTH, /* number of uint16_t in the BMP search table (contains pairs) */
+    _NORM_SET_INDEX_CANON_SUPP_TABLE_LENGTH,/* number of uint16_t in the supplementary search table (contains triplets) */
+    /* from formatVersion 2.3: */
+    _NORM_SET_INDEX_NX_CJK_COMPAT_OFFSET,   /* uint16_t offset from canonStartSets[0] to the
+                                               exclusion set for CJK compatibility characters */
+    _NORM_SET_INDEX_NX_UNICODE32_OFFSET,    /* uint16_t offset from canonStartSets[0] to the
+                                               exclusion set for Unicode 3.2 characters */
+    _NORM_SET_INDEX_NX_RESERVED_OFFSET,     /* uint16_t offset from canonStartSets[0] to the
+                                               end of the previous exclusion set */
+    _NORM_SET_INDEX_TOP=32                  /* changing this requires a new formatVersion */
+/* more constants for canonical starter sets */
+/* 14 bit indexes to canonical USerializedSets */
+#define _NORM_MAX_CANON_SETS            0x4000
+/* single-code point BMP sets are encoded directly in the search table except if result=0x4000..0x7fff */
+#define _NORM_CANON_SET_BMP_MASK        0xc000
+#define _NORM_CANON_SET_BMP_IS_INDEX    0x4000
+/* indexes[] value names */
+enum {
+    _NORM_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE,              /* number of bytes in normalization trie */
+    _NORM_INDEX_UCHAR_COUNT,            /* number of UChars in extra data */
+    _NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT,     /* number of uint16_t words for combining data */
+    _NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_FWD_COUNT,      /* number of code points that combine forward */
+    _NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BOTH_COUNT,     /* number of code points that combine forward and backward */
+    _NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BACK_COUNT,     /* number of code points that combine backward */
+    _NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFC_NO_MAYBE,       /* first code point with quick check NFC NO/MAYBE */
+    _NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFKC_NO_MAYBE,      /* first code point with quick check NFKC NO/MAYBE */
+    _NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE,       /* first code point with quick check NFD NO/MAYBE */
+    _NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE,      /* first code point with quick check NFKD NO/MAYBE */
+    _NORM_INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE,          /* number of bytes in FCD trie */
+    _NORM_INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE,          /* number of bytes in the auxiliary trie */
+    _NORM_INDEX_CANON_SET_COUNT,        /* number of uint16_t in the array of serialized USet */
+    _NORM_INDEX_TOP=32                  /* changing this requires a new formatVersion */
+enum {
+    /* FCD check: everything below this code point is known to have a 0 lead combining class */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * Bit 7 of the length byte for a decomposition string in extra data is
+     * a flag indicating whether the decomposition string is
+     * preceded by a 16-bit word with the leading and trailing cc
+     * of the decomposition (like for A-umlaut);
+     * if not, then both cc's are zero (like for compatibility ideographs).
+     */
+    /**
+     * Bits 6..0 of the length byte contain the actual length.
+     */
+/** Constants for options flags for normalization. */
+enum {
+    /** Options bit 0, do not decompose Hangul syllables. */
+    /** Options bit 1, do not decompose CJK compatibility characters. */
+ * Description of the format of version 2.3.
+ *
+ * Main change from version 1 to version 2:
+ * Use of new, common UTrie instead of normalization-specific tries.
+ * Change to version 2.1: add third/auxiliary trie with associated data.
+ * Change to version 2.2: add skippable (f) flag data (_NORM_AUX_NFC_SKIP_F_MASK).
+ * Change to version 2.3: add serialized sets for normalization exclusions
+ *                        stored inside canonStartSets[]
+ *
+ * For more details of how to use the data structures see the code
+ * in unorm.cpp (runtime normalization code) and
+ * in gennorm.c and gennorm/store.c (build-time data generation).
+ *
+ * For the serialized format of UTrie see utrie.c/UTrieHeader.
+ *
+ * - Overall partition
+ *
+ * unorm.dat customarily begins with a UDataInfo structure, see udata.h and .c.
+ * After that there are the following structures:
+ *
+ * int32_t indexes[_NORM_INDEX_TOP];            -- _NORM_INDEX_TOP=32, see enum in this file
+ *
+ * UTrie normTrie;                              -- size in bytes=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE]
+ * 
+ * uint16_t extraData[extraDataTop];            -- extraDataTop=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_UCHAR_COUNT]
+ *                                                 extraData[0] contains the number of units for
+ *                                                 FC_NFKC_Closure (formatVersion>=2.1)
+ *
+ * uint16_t combiningTable[combiningTableTop];  -- combiningTableTop=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT]
+ *                                                 combiningTableTop may include one 16-bit padding unit
+ *                                                 to make sure that fcdTrie is 32-bit-aligned
+ *
+ * UTrie fcdTrie;                               -- size in bytes=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE]
+ *
+ * UTrie auxTrie;                               -- size in bytes=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE]
+ *
+ * uint16_t canonStartSets[canonStartSetsTop]   -- canonStartSetsTop=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_CANON_SET_COUNT]
+ *                                                 serialized USets and binary search tables, see below
+ *
+ *
+ * The indexes array contains lengths and sizes of the following arrays and structures
+ * as well as the following values:
+ *  indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_FWD_COUNT]=combineFwdTop
+ *      -- one more than the highest combining index computed for forward-only-combining characters
+ *  indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BOTH_COUNT]=combineBothTop-combineFwdTop
+ *      -- number of combining indexes computed for both-ways-combining characters
+ *  indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BACK_COUNT]=combineBackTop-combineBothTop
+ *      -- number of combining indexes computed for backward-only-combining characters
+ *
+ *  indexes[_NORM_INDEX_MIN_NF*_NO_MAYBE] (where *={ C, D, KC, KD })
+ *      -- first code point with a quick check NF* value of NO/MAYBE
+ *
+ *
+ * - Tries
+ *
+ * The main structures are two UTrie tables ("compact arrays"),
+ * each with one index array and one data array.
+ * See utrie.h and utrie.c.
+ *
+ *
+ * - Tries in unorm.dat
+ *
+ * The first trie (normTrie above)
+ * provides data for the NF* quick checks and normalization.
+ * The second trie (fcdTrie above) provides data just for FCD checks.
+ *
+ *
+ * - norm32 data words from the first trie
+ *
+ * The norm32Table contains one 32-bit word "norm32" per code point.
+ * It contains the following bit fields:
+ * 31..16   extra data index, _NORM_EXTRA_SHIFT is used to shift this field down
+ *          if this index is <_NORM_EXTRA_INDEX_TOP then it is an index into
+ *              extraData[] where variable-length normalization data for this
+ *              code point is found
+ *          if this index is <_NORM_EXTRA_INDEX_TOP+_NORM_EXTRA_SURROGATE_TOP
+ *              then this is a norm32 for a leading surrogate, and the index
+ *              value is used together with the following trailing surrogate
+ *              code unit in the second trie access
+ *          if this index is >=_NORM_EXTRA_INDEX_TOP+_NORM_EXTRA_SURROGATE_TOP
+ *              then this is a norm32 for a "special" character,
+ *              i.e., the character is a Hangul syllable or a Jamo
+ *              see _NORM_EXTRA_HANGUL etc.
+ *          generally, instead of extracting this index from the norm32 and
+ *              comparing it with the above constants,
+ *              the normalization code compares the entire norm32 value
+ *
+ * 15..8    combining class (cc) according to UnicodeData.txt
+ *
+ *  7..6    _NORM_COMBINES_ANY flags, used in composition to see if a character
+ *              combines with any following or preceding character(s)
+ *              at all
+ *     7    _NORM_COMBINES_BACK
+ *     6    _NORM_COMBINES_FWD
+ *
+ *  5..0    quick check flags, set for "no" or "maybe", with separate flags for
+ *              each normalization form
+ *              the higher bits are "maybe" flags; for NF*D there are no such flags
+ *              the lower bits are "no" flags for all forms, in the same order
+ *              as the "maybe" flags,
+ *              which is (MSB to LSB): NFKD NFD NFKC NFC
+ *  5..4    _NORM_QC_ANY_MAYBE
+ *  3..0    _NORM_QC_ANY_NO
+ *              see further related constants
+ *
+ *
+ * - Extra data per code point
+ *
+ * "Extra data" is referenced by the index in norm32.
+ * It is variable-length data. It is only present, and only those parts
+ * of it are, as needed for a given character.
+ * The norm32 extra data index is added to the beginning of extraData[]
+ * to get to a vector of 16-bit words with data at the following offsets:
+ *
+ * [-1]     Combining index for composition.
+ *              Stored only if norm32&_NORM_COMBINES_ANY .
+ * [0]      Lengths of the canonical and compatibility decomposition strings.
+ *              Stored only if there are decompositions, i.e.,
+ *              if norm32&(_NORM_QC_NFD|_NORM_QC_NFKD)
+ *          High byte: length of NFKD, or 0 if none
+ *          Low byte: length of NFD, or 0 if none
+ *          Each length byte also has another flag:
+ *              Bit 7 of a length byte is set if there are non-zero
+ *              combining classes (cc's) associated with the respective
+ *              decomposition. If this flag is set, then the decomposition
+ *              is preceded by a 16-bit word that contains the
+ *              leading and trailing cc's.
+ *              Bits 6..0 of a length byte are the length of the
+ *              decomposition string, not counting the cc word.
+ * [1..n]   NFD
+ * [n+1..]  NFKD
+ *
+ * Each of the two decompositions consists of up to two parts:
+ * - The 16-bit words with the leading and trailing cc's.
+ *   This is only stored if bit 7 of the corresponding length byte
+ *   is set. In this case, at least one of the cc's is not zero.
+ *   High byte: leading cc==cc of the first code point in the decomposition string
+ *   Low byte: trailing cc==cc of the last code point in the decomposition string
+ * - The decomposition string in UTF-16, with length code units.
+ *
+ *
+ * - Combining indexes and combiningTable[]
+ *
+ * Combining indexes are stored at the [-1] offset of the extra data
+ * if the character combines forward or backward with any other characters.
+ * They are used for (re)composition in NF*C.
+ * Values of combining indexes are arranged according to whether a character
+ * combines forward, backward, or both ways:
+ *    forward-only < both ways < backward-only
+ *
+ * The index values for forward-only and both-ways combining characters
+ * are indexes into the combiningTable[].
+ * The index values for backward-only combining characters are simply
+ * incremented from the preceding index values to be unique.
+ *
+ * In the combiningTable[], a variable-length list
+ * of variable-length (back-index, code point) pair entries is stored
+ * for each forward-combining character.
+ *
+ * These back-indexes are the combining indexes of both-ways or backward-only
+ * combining characters that the forward-combining character combines with.
+ *
+ * Each list is sorted in ascending order of back-indexes.
+ * Each list is terminated with the last back-index having bit 15 set.
+ *
+ * Each pair (back-index, code point) takes up either 2 or 3
+ * 16-bit words.
+ * The first word of a list entry is the back-index, with its bit 15 set if
+ * this is the last pair in the list.
+ *
+ * The second word contains flags in bits 15..13 that determine
+ * if there is a third word and how the combined character is encoded:
+ * 15   set if there is a third word in this list entry
+ * 14   set if the result is a supplementary character
+ * 13   set if the result itself combines forward
+ *
+ * According to these bits 15..14 of the second word,
+ * the result character is encoded as follows:
+ * 00 or 01 The result is <=0x1fff and stored in bits 12..0 of
+ *          the second word.
+ * 10       The result is 0x2000..0xffff and stored in the third word.
+ *          Bits 12..0 of the second word are not used.
+ * 11       The result is a supplementary character.
+ *          Bits 9..0 of the leading surrogate are in bits 9..0 of
+ *          the second word.
+ *          Add 0xd800 to these bits to get the complete surrogate.
+ *          Bits 12..10 of the second word are not used.
+ *          The trailing surrogate is stored in the third word.
+ *
+ *
+ * - FCD trie
+ *
+ * The FCD trie is very simple.
+ * It is a folded trie with 16-bit data words.
+ * In each word, the high byte contains the leading cc of the character,
+ * and the low byte contains the trailing cc of the character.
+ * These cc's are the cc's of the first and last code points in the
+ * canonical decomposition of the character.
+ *
+ * Since all 16 bits are used for cc's, lead surrogates must be tested
+ * by checking the code unit instead of the trie data.
+ * This is done only if the 16-bit data word is not zero.
+ * If the code unit is a leading surrogate and the data word is not zero,
+ * then instead of cc's it contains the offset for the second trie lookup.
+ *
+ *
+ * - Auxiliary trie and data
+ *
+ * The auxiliary 16-bit trie contains data for additional properties.
+ * Bits
+ * 15..13   reserved
+ *     12   not NFC_Skippable (f) (formatVersion>=2.2)
+ *     11   flag: not a safe starter for canonical closure
+ *     10   composition exclusion
+ *  9.. 0   index into extraData[] to FC_NFKC_Closure string
+ *          (not for lead surrogate),
+ *          or lead surrogate offset (for lead surrogate, if 9..0 not zero)
+ *
+ * - FC_NFKC_Closure strings in extraData[]
+ *
+ * Strings are either stored as a single code unit or as the length
+ * followed by that many units.
+ *   const UChar *s=extraData+(index from auxTrie data bits 9..0);
+ *   int32_t length;
+ *   if(*s<0xff00) {
+ *     // s points to the single-unit string
+ *     length=1;
+ *   } else {
+ *     length=*s&0xff;
+ *     ++s;
+ *   }
+ *
+ * Conditions for "NF* Skippable" from Mark Davis'
+ * (used in NormalizerTransliterator)
+ *
+ * A skippable character is
+ * a) unassigned, or ALL of the following:
+ * b) of combining class 0.
+ * c) not decomposed by this normalization form.
+ * AND if NFC or NFKC,
+ * d) can never compose with a previous character.
+ * e) can never compose with a following character.
+ * f) can never change if another character is added.
+ *    Example: a-breve might satisfy all but f, but if you
+ *    add an ogonek it changes to a-ogonek + breve
+ *
+ * a)..e) must be tested from norm32.
+ * Since f) is more complicated, the (not-)NFC_Skippable flag (f) is built
+ * into the auxiliary trie.
+ * The same bit is used for NFC and NFKC; (c) differs for them.
+ * As usual, we build the "not skippable" flags so that unassigned
+ * code points get a 0 bit.
+ * This bit is only valid after (a)..(e) test FALSE; test NFD_NO before (f) as well.
+ * Test Hangul LV syllables entirely in code.
+ *
+ *
+ * - structure inside canonStartSets[]
+ *
+ * This array maps from code points c to sets of code points (USerializedSet).
+ * The result sets are the code points whose canonical decompositions start
+ * with c.
+ *
+ * canonStartSets[] contains the following sub-arrays:
+ *
+ * indexes[_NORM_SET_INDEX_TOP]
+ *   - contains lengths of sub-arrays etc.
+ *
+ *   - contains serialized sets (USerializedSet) of canonical starters for
+ *     enumerating canonically equivalent strings
+ *     for details about the structure see uset.c
+ *
+ *   - a sorted search table for BMP code points whose results are
+ *     either indexes to USerializedSets or single code points for
+ *     single-code point sets;
+ *     each entry is a pair of { code point, result } with result=(binary) yy xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
+ *     if yy==01 then there is a USerializedSet at canonStartSets+x
+ *     else build a USerializedSet with result as the single code point
+ *
+ *   - a sorted search table for supplementary code points whose results are
+ *     either indexes to USerializedSets or single code points for
+ *     single-code point sets;
+ *     each entry is a triplet of { high16(cp), low16(cp), result }
+ *     each code point's high-word may contain extra data in bits 15..5:
+ *     if the high word has bit 15 set, then build a set with a single code point
+ *     which is (((high16(cp)&0x1f00)<<8)|result;
+ *     else there is a USerializedSet at canonStartSets+result
+ *
+ * FormatVersion 2.3 adds 2 serialized sets for normalization exclusions.
+ * They are stored in the data file so that the runtime normalization code need
+ * not depend on other properties and their data and implementation files.
+ * The _NORM_SET_INDEX_NX_..._OFFSET offsets in the canonStartSets index table
+ * give the location for each set.
+ * There is no set stored for UNORM_NX_HANGUL because it's trivial to create
+ * without using properties.
+ *
+ * Set contents:
+ *
+ *     [[:Ideographic:]&[:NFD_QC=No:]]
+ *     =[CJK Ideographs]&[has canonical decomposition]
+ *
+ *     [:^Age=3.2:]
+ *     =set with all code points that were not designated by the specified Unicode version
+ *
+ *     This is an offset that points to where the next, future set would start.
+ *     Currently it indicates where the previous set ends, and thus its length.
+ *     The name for this enum constant may in the future be applied to different
+ *     index slots. In order to get the limit of a set, use its index slot and
+ *     the immediately following one regardless of that one's enum name.
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uposixdefs.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uposixdefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45ca123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uposixdefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2011-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uposixdefs.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2011jul25
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Common definitions for implementation files working with POSIX functions.
+*   *Important*: #include this file before any other header files!
+#ifndef __UPOSIXDEFS_H__
+#define __UPOSIXDEFS_H__
+ * Define _XOPEN_SOURCE for access to POSIX functions.
+ *
+ * We cannot use U_PLATFORM from platform.h/utypes.h because
+ * "The Open Group Base Specifications"
+ * chapter "2.2 The Compilation Environment" says:
+ * "In the compilation of an application that #defines a feature test macro
+ * specified by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,
+ * no header defined by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 shall be included prior to
+ * the definition of the feature test macro."
+ */
+    /* Use the predefined value. */
+    /*
+     * Version 6.0:
+     * The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 (IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition)
+     * also known as
+     * SUSv3 = Open Group Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 (UNIX03)
+     *
+     * Note: This definition used to be in C source code (e.g., putil.c)
+     * and define _XOPEN_SOURCE to different values depending on __STDC_VERSION__.
+     * In C++ source code (e.g., putil.cpp), __STDC_VERSION__ is not defined at all.
+     */
+#   define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+ * Make sure things like readlink and such functions work.
+ * Poorly upgraded Solaris machines can't have this defined.
+ * Cleanly installed Solaris can use this #define.
+ *
+ * z/OS needs this definition for timeval and to get usleep.
+ */
+#if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED) && defined(__TOS_MVS__)
+ * Solaris says:
+ *   " is invalid to compile an XPG6 or a POSIX.1-2001 application with anything other
+ *   than a c99 or later compiler."
+ * Apparently C++11 is not "or later". Work around this.
+ */
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && (defined(sun) || defined(__sun)) && !defined (_STDC_C99)
+#   define _STDC_C99
+#endif  /* __UPOSIXDEFS_H__ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uprops.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uprops.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf9299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uprops.h
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uprops.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2002feb24
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Constants for mostly non-core Unicode character properties
+*   stored in
+#ifndef __UPROPS_H__
+#define __UPROPS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+#include "uset_imp.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+/* indexes[] entries */
+enum {
+    /* size of the data file (number of 32-bit units after the header) */
+    /* maximum values for code values in vector word 0 */
+    /* maximum values for code values in vector word 2 */
+/* definitions for the main properties words */
+enum {
+    /* general category shift==0                                0 (5 bits) */
+    /* reserved                                                 5 (1 bit) */
+    UPROPS_NUMERIC_TYPE_VALUE_SHIFT=6                       /*  6 (10 bits) */
+#define GET_CATEGORY(props) ((props)&0x1f)
+#define CAT_MASK(props) U_MASK(GET_CATEGORY(props))
+/* constants for the storage form of numeric types and values */
+enum {
+    /** No numeric value. */
+    /** Decimal digits: nv=0..9 */
+    /** Other digits: nv=0..9 */
+    /** Small integers: nv=0..154 */
+    /** Fractions: ((ntv>>4)-12) / ((ntv&0xf)+1) = -1..17 / 1..16 */
+    /**
+     * Large integers:
+     * ((ntv>>5)-14) * 10^((ntv&0x1f)+2) = (1..9)*(10^2..10^33)
+     * (only one significant decimal digit)
+     */
+    /**
+     * Sexagesimal numbers:
+     * ((ntv>>2)-0xbf) * 60^((ntv&3)+1) = (1..9)*(60^1..60^4)
+     */
+    /**
+     * Fraction-20 values:
+     * frac20 = ntv-0x324 = 0..0x17 -> 1|3|5|7 / 20|40|80|160|320|640
+     * numerator: num = 2*(frac20&3)+1
+     * denominator: den = 20<<(frac20>>2)
+     */
+    UPROPS_NTV_FRACTION20_START=UPROPS_NTV_BASE60_START+36,  // 0x300+9*4=0x324
+    /**
+     * Fraction-32 values:
+     * frac32 = ntv-0x34c = 0..15 -> 1|3|5|7 / 32|64|128|256
+     * numerator: num = 2*(frac32&3)+1
+     * denominator: den = 32<<(frac32>>2)
+     */
+    /** No numeric value (yet). */
+#define UPROPS_NTV_GET_TYPE(ntv) \
+    ((ntv==UPROPS_NTV_NONE) ? U_NT_NONE : \
+/* number of properties vector words */
+#define UPROPS_VECTOR_WORDS     3
+ * Properties in vector word 0
+ * Bits
+ * 31..24   DerivedAge version major/minor one nibble each
+ * 23..22   3..1: Bits 21..20 & 7..0 = Script_Extensions index
+ *             3: Script value from Script_Extensions
+ *             2: Script=Inherited
+ *             1: Script=Common
+ *             0: Script=bits 21..20 & 7..0
+ * 21..20   Bits 9..8 of the UScriptCode, or index to Script_Extensions
+ * 19..17   East Asian Width
+ * 16.. 8   UBlockCode
+ *  7.. 0   UScriptCode, or index to Script_Extensions
+ */
+/* derived age: one nibble each for major and minor version numbers */
+#define UPROPS_AGE_MASK         0xff000000
+#define UPROPS_AGE_SHIFT        24
+/* Script_Extensions: mask includes Script */
+#define UPROPS_SCRIPT_X_MASK    0x00f000ff
+// The UScriptCode or Script_Extensions index is split across two bit fields.
+// (Starting with Unicode 13/ICU 66/2019 due to more varied Script_Extensions.)
+// Shift the high bits right by 12 to assemble the full value.
+#define UPROPS_SCRIPT_HIGH_MASK    0x00300000
+#define UPROPS_MAX_SCRIPT          0x3ff
+#define UPROPS_EA_MASK          0x000e0000
+#define UPROPS_EA_SHIFT         17
+#define UPROPS_BLOCK_MASK       0x0001ff00
+#define UPROPS_BLOCK_SHIFT      8
+#define UPROPS_SCRIPT_LOW_MASK  0x000000ff
+/* UPROPS_SCRIPT_X_WITH_COMMON must be the lowest value that involves Script_Extensions. */
+#define UPROPS_SCRIPT_X_WITH_COMMON     0x400000
+#define UPROPS_SCRIPT_X_WITH_OTHER      0xc00000
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+namespace {
+inline uint32_t uprops_mergeScriptCodeOrIndex(uint32_t scriptX) {
+    return
+        (scriptX & UPROPS_SCRIPT_LOW_MASK);
+}  // namespace
+#endif  // __cplusplus
+ * Properties in vector word 1
+ * Each bit encodes one binary property.
+ * The following constants represent the bit number, use 1<<UPROPS_XYZ.
+ *
+ * Keep this list of property enums in sync with
+ * propListNames[] in icu/source/tools/genprops/props2.c!
+ *
+ * ICU 2.6/uprops format version 3.2 stores full properties instead of "Other_".
+ */
+enum {
+    UPROPS_ID_START,                            /* ICU 2.6, uprops format version 3.2 */
+    UPROPS_S_TERM,                              /* new in ICU 3.0 and Unicode 4.0.1 */
+    UPROPS_PATTERN_SYNTAX,                      /* new in ICU 3.4 and Unicode 4.1 */
+    UPROPS_PREPENDED_CONCATENATION_MARK,        // new in ICU 60 and Unicode 10
+    UPROPS_BINARY_1_TOP                         /* ==32 - full! */
+ * Properties in vector word 2
+ * Bits
+ * 31..26
+ * 25..20   Line Break
+ * 19..15   Sentence Break
+ * 14..10   Word Break
+ *  9.. 5   Grapheme Cluster Break
+ *  4.. 0   Decomposition Type
+ */
+enum {
+#define UPROPS_LB_MASK          0x03f00000
+#define UPROPS_LB_SHIFT         20
+#define UPROPS_SB_MASK          0x000f8000
+#define UPROPS_SB_SHIFT         15
+#define UPROPS_WB_MASK          0x00007c00
+#define UPROPS_WB_SHIFT         10
+#define UPROPS_GCB_MASK         0x000003e0
+#define UPROPS_GCB_SHIFT        5
+#define UPROPS_DT_MASK          0x0000001f
+ * Gets the main properties value for a code point.
+ * Implemented in uchar.c for uprops.cpp.
+ */
+U_CFUNC uint32_t
+u_getMainProperties(UChar32 c);
+ * Get a properties vector word for a code point.
+ * Implemented in uchar.c for uprops.cpp.
+ * @return 0 if no data or illegal argument
+ */
+U_CFUNC uint32_t
+u_getUnicodeProperties(UChar32 c, int32_t column);
+ * Get the the maximum values for some enum/int properties.
+ * Use the same column numbers as for u_getUnicodeProperties().
+ * The returned value will contain maximum values stored in the same bit fields
+ * as where the enum values are stored in the u_getUnicodeProperties()
+ * return values for the same columns.
+ *
+ * Valid columns are those for properties words that contain enumerated values.
+ * (ICU 2.6: columns 0 and 2)
+ * For other column numbers, this function will return 0.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t
+uprv_getMaxValues(int32_t column);
+ * Checks if c is alphabetic, or a decimal digit; implements UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM.
+ * @internal
+ */
+u_isalnumPOSIX(UChar32 c);
+ * Checks if c is in
+ * [^\p{space}\p{gc=Control}\p{gc=Surrogate}\p{gc=Unassigned}]
+ * with space=\p{Whitespace} and Control=Cc.
+ * Implements UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH.
+ * @internal
+ */
+u_isgraphPOSIX(UChar32 c);
+ * Checks if c is in \p{graph}\p{blank} - \p{cntrl}.
+ * Implements UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT.
+ * @internal
+ */
+u_isprintPOSIX(UChar32 c);
+/** Turn a bit index into a bit flag. @internal */
+#define FLAG(n) ((uint32_t)1<<(n))
+/** Flags for general categories in the order of UCharCategory. @internal */
+#define _Lm     FLAG(U_MODIFIER_LETTER)
+/* #define _Lo     FLAG(U_OTHER_LETTER) -- conflicts with MS Visual Studio 9.0 xiosbase */
+#define _Mn     FLAG(U_NON_SPACING_MARK)
+#define _Me     FLAG(U_ENCLOSING_MARK)
+#define _Nl     FLAG(U_LETTER_NUMBER)
+#define _No     FLAG(U_OTHER_NUMBER)
+#define _Zs     FLAG(U_SPACE_SEPARATOR)
+#define _Zl     FLAG(U_LINE_SEPARATOR)
+#define _Cc     FLAG(U_CONTROL_CHAR)
+#define _Cf     FLAG(U_FORMAT_CHAR)
+#define _Co     FLAG(U_PRIVATE_USE_CHAR)
+#define _Cs     FLAG(U_SURROGATE)
+/* #define _Pe     FLAG(U_END_PUNCTUATION) -- conflicts with MS Visual Studio 9.0 xlocnum */
+/* #define _Pc     FLAG(U_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION) -- conflicts with MS Visual Studio 9.0 streambuf */
+#define _Sm     FLAG(U_MATH_SYMBOL)
+#define _Sc     FLAG(U_CURRENCY_SYMBOL)
+#define _Sk     FLAG(U_MODIFIER_SYMBOL)
+#define _So     FLAG(U_OTHER_SYMBOL)
+/* #define _Pf     FLAG(U_FINAL_PUNCTUATION) -- conflicts with MS Visual Studio 9.0 streambuf */
+/** Some code points. @internal */
+enum {
+    TAB     =0x0009,
+    LF      =0x000a,
+    FF      =0x000c,
+    CR      =0x000d,
+    U_A     =0x0041,
+    U_F     =0x0046,
+    U_Z     =0x005a,
+    U_a     =0x0061,
+    U_f     =0x0066,
+    U_z     =0x007a,
+    DEL     =0x007f,
+    NL      =0x0085,
+    NBSP    =0x00a0,
+    CGJ     =0x034f,
+    FIGURESP=0x2007,
+    HAIRSP  =0x200a,
+    ZWNJ    =0x200c,
+    ZWJ     =0x200d,
+    RLM     =0x200f,
+    NNBSP   =0x202f,
+    WJ      =0x2060,
+    INHSWAP =0x206a,
+    NOMDIG  =0x206f,
+    U_FW_A  =0xff21,
+    U_FW_F  =0xff26,
+    U_FW_Z  =0xff3a,
+    U_FW_a  =0xff41,
+    U_FW_f  =0xff46,
+    U_FW_z  =0xff5a,
+    ZWNBSP  =0xfeff
+ * Get the maximum length of a (regular/1.0/extended) character name.
+ * @return 0 if no character names available.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ * Fills set with characters that are used in Unicode character names.
+ * Includes all characters that are used in regular/Unicode 1.0/extended names.
+ * Just empties the set if no character names are available.
+ * @param sa USetAdder to receive characters.
+ */
+uprv_getCharNameCharacters(const USetAdder *sa);
+ * Constants for which data and implementation files provide which properties.
+ * Used by UnicodeSet for service-specific property enumeration.
+ * @internal
+ */
+enum UPropertySource {
+    /** No source, not a supported property. */
+    /** From uchar.c/ main trie */
+    /** From uchar.c/ properties vectors trie */
+    /** From unames.c/ */
+    /** From ucase.c/ */
+    /** From ubidi_props.c/ */
+    /** From uchar.c/ main trie as well as properties vectors trie */
+    /** From ucase.c/ as well as unorm.cpp/ */
+    /** From normalizer2impl.cpp/nfc.nrm */
+    /** From normalizer2impl.cpp/nfkc.nrm */
+    /** From normalizer2impl.cpp/nfkc_cf.nrm */
+    /** From normalizer2impl.cpp/nfc.nrm canonical iterator data */
+    // Text layout properties.
+    /** One more than the highest UPropertySource (UPROPS_SRC_) constant. */
+typedef enum UPropertySource UPropertySource;
+ * @see UPropertySource
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CFUNC UPropertySource U_EXPORT2
+uprops_getSource(UProperty which);
+ * Enumerate's main data trie and add the
+ * start of each range of same properties to the set.
+ * @internal
+ */
+uchar_addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Enumerate's properties vectors trie and add the
+ * start of each range of same properties to the set.
+ * @internal
+ */
+upropsvec_addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+uprops_addPropertyStarts(UPropertySource src, const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return a set of characters for property enumeration.
+ * For each two consecutive characters (start, limit) in the set,
+ * all of the properties for start..limit-1 are all the same.
+ *
+ * @param sa USetAdder to receive result. Existing contents are lost.
+ * @internal
+ */
+uprv_getInclusions(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swap the ICU Unicode character names file. See uchar.c.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uchar_swapNames(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+                const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+class UnicodeSet;
+class CharacterProperties {
+    CharacterProperties() = delete;
+    static const UnicodeSet *getInclusionsForProperty(UProperty prop, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+// implemented in uniset_props.cpp
+U_CFUNC UnicodeSet *
+uniset_getUnicode32Instance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uresdata.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uresdata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1b67ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uresdata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+*                Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uresdata.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 1999dec08
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   06/24/02    weiv        Added support for resource sharing
+#ifndef __RESDATA_H__
+#define __RESDATA_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+ * Numeric constants for internal-only types of resource items.
+ * These must use different numeric values than UResType constants
+ * because they are used together.
+ * Internal types are never returned by ures_getType().
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    /** Include a negative value so that the compiler uses the same int type as for UResType. */
+    /** Resource type constant for tables with 32-bit count, key offsets and values. */
+    URES_TABLE32=4,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for tables with 16-bit count, key offsets and values.
+     * All values are URES_STRING_V2 strings.
+     */
+    URES_TABLE16=5,
+    /** Resource type constant for 16-bit Unicode strings in formatVersion 2. */
+    URES_STRING_V2=6,
+    /**
+     * Resource type constant for arrays with 16-bit count and values.
+     * All values are URES_STRING_V2 strings.
+     */
+    URES_ARRAY16=9
+    /* Resource type 15 is not defined but effectively used by RES_BOGUS=0xffffffff. */
+} UResInternalType;
+ * A Resource is a 32-bit value that has 2 bit fields:
+ * 31..28   4-bit type, see enum below
+ * 27..0    28-bit four-byte-offset or value according to the type
+ */
+typedef uint32_t Resource;
+#define RES_BOGUS 0xffffffff
+#define RES_MAX_OFFSET 0x0fffffff
+#define RES_GET_TYPE(res) ((int32_t)((res)>>28UL))
+#define RES_GET_OFFSET(res) ((res)&0x0fffffff)
+#define RES_GET_POINTER(pRoot, res) ((pRoot)+RES_GET_OFFSET(res))
+/* get signed and unsigned integer values directly from the Resource handle
+ * NOTE: For proper logging, please use the res_getInt() constexpr
+ */
+#   define RES_GET_INT_NO_TRACE(res) (((int32_t)((res)<<4L))>>4L)
+#   define RES_GET_INT_NO_TRACE(res) (int32_t)(((res)&0x08000000) ? (res)|0xf0000000 : (res)&0x07ffffff)
+#define RES_GET_UINT_NO_TRACE(res) ((res)&0x0fffffff)
+#define URES_IS_ARRAY(type) ((int32_t)(type)==URES_ARRAY || (int32_t)(type)==URES_ARRAY16)
+#define URES_IS_TABLE(type) ((int32_t)(type)==URES_TABLE || (int32_t)(type)==URES_TABLE16 || (int32_t)(type)==URES_TABLE32)
+#define URES_IS_CONTAINER(type) (URES_IS_TABLE(type) || URES_IS_ARRAY(type))
+#define URES_MAKE_RESOURCE(type, offset) (((Resource)(type)<<28)|(Resource)(offset))
+#define URES_MAKE_EMPTY_RESOURCE(type) ((Resource)(type)<<28)
+/* indexes[] value names; indexes are generally 32-bit (Resource) indexes */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * [0] contains the length of indexes[]
+     * which is at most URES_INDEX_TOP of the latest format version
+     *
+     * formatVersion==1: all bits contain the length of indexes[]
+     *   but the length is much less than 0xff;
+     * formatVersion>1:
+     *   only bits  7..0 contain the length of indexes[],
+     *        bits 31..8 are reserved and set to 0
+     * formatVersion>=3:
+     *        bits 31..8 poolStringIndexLimit bits 23..0
+     */
+    /**
+     * [1] contains the top of the key strings,
+     *     same as the bottom of resources or UTF-16 strings, rounded up
+     */
+    /** [2] contains the top of all resources */
+    /**
+     * [3] contains the top of the bundle,
+     *     in case it were ever different from [2]
+     */
+    /** [4] max. length of any table */
+    /**
+     * [5] attributes bit set, see URES_ATT_* (new in formatVersion 1.2)
+     *
+     * formatVersion>=3:
+     *   bits 31..16 poolStringIndex16Limit
+     *   bits 15..12 poolStringIndexLimit bits 27..24
+     */
+    /**
+     * [6] top of the 16-bit units (UTF-16 string v2 UChars, URES_TABLE16, URES_ARRAY16),
+     *     rounded up (new in formatVersion 2.0, ICU 4.4)
+     */
+    /** [7] checksum of the pool bundle (new in formatVersion 2.0, ICU 4.4) */
+ * Nofallback attribute, attribute bit 0 in indexes[URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES].
+ * New in formatVersion 1.2 (ICU 3.6).
+ *
+ * If set, then this resource bundle is a standalone bundle.
+ * If not set, then the bundle participates in locale fallback, eventually
+ * all the way to the root bundle.
+ * If indexes[] is missing or too short, then the attribute cannot be determined
+ * reliably. Dependency checking should ignore such bundles, and loading should
+ * use fallbacks.
+ */
+ * Attributes for bundles that are, or use, a pool bundle.
+ * A pool bundle provides key strings that are shared among several other bundles
+ * to reduce their total size.
+ * New in formatVersion 2 (ICU 4.4).
+ */
+ * File format for .res resource bundle files
+ *
+ * ICU 56: New in formatVersion 3 compared with 2: -------------
+ *
+ * Resource bundles can optionally use shared string-v2 values
+ * stored in the pool bundle.
+ * If so, then the indexes[] contain two new values
+ * in previously-unused bits of existing indexes[] slots:
+ * - poolStringIndexLimit:
+ *     String-v2 offsets (in 32-bit Resource words) below this limit
+ *     point to pool bundle string-v2 values.
+ * - poolStringIndex16Limit:
+ *     Resource16 string-v2 offsets below this limit
+ *     point to pool bundle string-v2 values.
+ * Guarantee: poolStringIndex16Limit <= poolStringIndexLimit
+ *
+ * The local bundle's poolStringIndexLimit is greater than
+ * any pool bundle string index used in the local bundle.
+ * The poolStringIndexLimit should not be greater than
+ * the maximum possible pool bundle string index.
+ *
+ * The maximum possible pool bundle string index is the index to the last non-NUL
+ * pool string character, due to suffix sharing.
+ *
+ * In the pool bundle, there is no structure that lists the strings.
+ * (The root resource is an empty Table.)
+ * If the strings need to be enumerated (as genrb --usePoolBundle does),
+ * then iterate through the pool bundle's 16-bit-units array from the beginning.
+ * Stop at the end of the array, or when an explicit or implicit string length
+ * would lead beyond the end of the array,
+ * or when an apparent string is not NUL-terminated.
+ * (Future genrb version might terminate the strings with
+ * what looks like a large explicit string length.)
+ *
+ * ICU 4.4: New in formatVersion 2 compared with 1.3: -------------
+ *
+ * Three new resource types -- String-v2, Table16 and Array16 -- have their
+ * values stored in a new array of 16-bit units between the table key strings
+ * and the start of the other resources.
+ *
+ * genrb eliminates duplicates among Unicode string-v2 values.
+ * Multiple Unicode strings may use the same offset and string data,
+ * or a short string may point to the suffix of a longer string. ("Suffix sharing")
+ * For example, one string "abc" may be reused for another string "bc" by pointing
+ * to the second character. (Short strings-v2 are NUL-terminated
+ * and not preceded by an explicit length value.)
+ *
+ * It is allowed for all resource types to share values.
+ * The swapper code (ures_swap()) has been modified so that it swaps each item
+ * exactly once.
+ *
+ * A resource bundle may use a special pool bundle. Some or all of the table key strings
+ * of the using-bundle are omitted, and the key string offsets for such key strings refer
+ * to offsets in the pool bundle.
+ * The using-bundle's and the pool-bundle's indexes[URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM] values
+ * must match.
+ * Two bits in indexes[URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES] indicate whether a resource bundle
+ * is or uses a pool bundle.
+ *
+ * Table key strings must be compared in ASCII order, even if they are not
+ * stored in ASCII.
+ *
+ * New in formatVersion 1.3 compared with 1.2: -------------
+ *
+ * genrb eliminates duplicates among key strings.
+ * Multiple table items may share one key string, or one item may point
+ * to the suffix of another's key string. ("Suffix sharing")
+ * For example, one key "abc" may be reused for another key "bc" by pointing
+ * to the second character. (Key strings are NUL-terminated.)
+ *
+ * -------------
+ *
+ * An ICU4C resource bundle file (.res) is a binary, memory-mappable file
+ * with nested, hierarchical data structures.
+ * It physically contains the following:
+ *
+ *   Resource root; -- 32-bit Resource item, root item for this bundle's tree;
+ *                     currently, the root item must be a table or table32 resource item
+ *   int32_t indexes[indexes[0]]; -- array of indexes for friendly
+ *                                   reading and swapping; see URES_INDEX_* above
+ *                                   new in formatVersion 1.1 (ICU 2.8)
+ *   char keys[]; -- characters for key strings
+ *                   (formatVersion 1.0: up to 65k of characters; 1.1: <2G)
+ *                   (minus the space for root and indexes[]),
+ *                   which consist of invariant characters (ASCII/EBCDIC) and are NUL-terminated;
+ *                   padded to multiple of 4 bytes for 4-alignment of the following data
+ *   uint16_t 16BitUnits[]; -- resources that are stored entirely as sequences of 16-bit units
+ *                             (new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
+ *                             data is indexed by the offset values in 16-bit resource types,
+ *                             with offset 0 pointing to the beginning of this array;
+ *                             there is a 0 at offset 0, for empty resources;
+ *                             padded to multiple of 4 bytes for 4-alignment of the following data
+ *   data; -- data directly and indirectly indexed by the root item;
+ *            the structure is determined by walking the tree
+ *
+ * Each resource bundle item has a 32-bit Resource handle (see typedef above)
+ * which contains the item type number in its upper 4 bits (31..28) and either
+ * an offset or a direct value in its lower 28 bits (27..0).
+ * The order of items is undefined and only determined by walking the tree.
+ * Leaves of the tree may be stored first or last or anywhere in between,
+ * and it is in theory possible to have unreferenced holes in the file.
+ *
+ * 16-bit-unit values:
+ * Starting with formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4, some resources are stored in a special
+ * array of 16-bit units. Each resource value is a sequence of 16-bit units,
+ * with no per-resource padding to a 4-byte boundary.
+ * 16-bit container types (Table16 and Array16) contain Resource16 values
+ * which are offsets to String-v2 resources in the same 16-bit-units array.
+ *
+ * Direct values:
+ * - Empty Unicode strings have an offset value of 0 in the Resource handle itself.
+ * - Starting with formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4, an offset value of 0 for
+ *   _any_ resource type indicates an empty value.
+ * - Integer values are 28-bit values stored in the Resource handle itself;
+ *   the interpretation of unsigned vs. signed integers is up to the application.
+ *
+ * All other types and values use 28-bit offsets to point to the item's data.
+ * The offset is an index to the first 32-bit word of the value, relative to the
+ * start of the resource data (i.e., the root item handle is at offset 0).
+ * To get byte offsets, the offset is multiplied by 4 (or shifted left by 2 bits).
+ * All resource item values are 4-aligned.
+ *
+ * New in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4: Some types use offsets into the 16-bit-units array,
+ * indexing 16-bit units in that array.
+ *
+ * The structures (memory layouts) for the values for each item type are listed
+ * in the table below.
+ *
+ * Nested, hierarchical structures: -------------
+ *
+ * Table items contain key-value pairs where the keys are offsets to char * key strings.
+ * The values of these pairs are either Resource handles or
+ * offsets into the 16-bit-units array, depending on the table type.
+ *
+ * Array items are simple vectors of Resource handles,
+ * or of offsets into the 16-bit-units array, depending on the array type.
+ *
+ * Table key string offsets: -------
+ *
+ * Key string offsets are relative to the start of the resource data (of the root handle),
+ * i.e., the first string has an offset of 4+sizeof(indexes).
+ * (After the 4-byte root handle and after the indexes array.)
+ *
+ * If the resource bundle uses a pool bundle, then some key strings are stored
+ * in the pool bundle rather than in the local bundle itself.
+ * - In a Table or Table16, the 16-bit key string offset is local if it is
+ *   less than indexes[URES_INDEX_KEYS_TOP]<<2.
+ *   Otherwise, subtract indexes[URES_INDEX_KEYS_TOP]<<2 to get the offset into
+ *   the pool bundle key strings.
+ * - In a Table32, the 32-bit key string offset is local if it is non-negative.
+ *   Otherwise, reset bit 31 to get the pool key string offset.
+ *
+ * Unlike the local offset, the pool key offset is relative to
+ * the start of the key strings, not to the start of the bundle.
+ *
+ * An alias item is special (and new in ICU 2.4): --------------
+ *
+ * Its memory layout is just like for a UnicodeString, but at runtime it resolves to
+ * another resource bundle's item according to the path in the string.
+ * This is used to share items across bundles that are in different lookup/fallback
+ * chains (e.g., large collation data among zh_TW and zh_HK).
+ * This saves space (for large items) and maintenance effort (less duplication of data).
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Resource types:
+ *
+ * Most resources have their values stored at four-byte offsets from the start
+ * of the resource data. These values are at least 4-aligned.
+ * Some resource values are stored directly in the offset field of the Resource itself.
+ * See UResType in unicode/ures.h for enumeration constants for Resource types.
+ *
+ * Some resources have their values stored as sequences of 16-bit units,
+ * at 2-byte offsets from the start of a contiguous 16-bit-unit array between
+ * the table key strings and the other resources. (new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
+ * At offset 0 of that array is a 16-bit zero value for empty 16-bit resources.
+ *
+ * Resource16 values in Table16 and Array16 are 16-bit offsets to String-v2
+ * resources, with the offsets relative to the start of the 16-bit-units array.
+ * Starting with formatVersion 3/ICU 56, if offset<poolStringIndex16Limit
+ * then use the pool bundle's 16-bit-units array,
+ * otherwise subtract that limit and use the local 16-bit-units array.
+ *
+ * Type Name            Memory layout of values
+ *                      (in parentheses: scalar, non-offset values)
+ *
+ * 0  Unicode String:   int32_t length, UChar[length], (UChar)0, (padding)
+ *                  or  (empty string ("") if offset==0)
+ * 1  Binary:           int32_t length, uint8_t[length], (padding)
+ *                      - the start of the bytes is 16-aligned -
+ * 2  Table:            uint16_t count, uint16_t keyStringOffsets[count], (uint16_t padding), Resource[count]
+ * 3  Alias:            (physically same value layout as string, new in ICU 2.4)
+ * 4  Table32:          int32_t count, int32_t keyStringOffsets[count], Resource[count]
+ *                      (new in formatVersion 1.1/ICU 2.8)
+ * 5  Table16:          uint16_t count, uint16_t keyStringOffsets[count], Resource16[count]
+ *                      (stored in the 16-bit-units array; new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
+ * 6  Unicode String-v2:UChar[length], (UChar)0; length determined by the first UChar:
+ *                      - if first is not a trail surrogate, then the length is implicit
+ *                        and u_strlen() needs to be called
+ *                      - if first<0xdfef then length=first&0x3ff (and skip first)
+ *                      - if first<0xdfff then length=((first-0xdfef)<<16) | second UChar
+ *                      - if first==0xdfff then length=((second UChar)<<16) | third UChar
+ *                      (stored in the 16-bit-units array; new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
+ *
+ *                      Starting with formatVersion 3/ICU 56, if offset<poolStringIndexLimit
+ *                      then use the pool bundle's 16-bit-units array,
+ *                      otherwise subtract that limit and use the local 16-bit-units array.
+ *                      (Note different limits for Resource16 vs. Resource.)
+ *
+ * 7  Integer:          (28-bit offset is integer value)
+ * 8  Array:            int32_t count, Resource[count]
+ * 9  Array16:          uint16_t count, Resource16[count]
+ *                      (stored in the 16-bit-units array; new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
+ * 14 Integer Vector:   int32_t length, int32_t[length]
+ * 15 Reserved:         This value denotes special purpose resources and is for internal use.
+ *
+ * Note that there are 3 types with data vector values:
+ * - Vectors of 8-bit bytes stored as type Binary.
+ * - Vectors of 16-bit words stored as type Unicode String or Unicode String-v2
+ *                     (no value restrictions, all values 0..ffff allowed!).
+ * - Vectors of 32-bit words stored as type Integer Vector.
+ */
+ * Structure for a single, memory-mapped ResourceBundle.
+ */
+typedef struct ResourceData {
+    UDataMemory *data;
+    const int32_t *pRoot;
+    const uint16_t *p16BitUnits;
+    const char *poolBundleKeys;
+    Resource rootRes;
+    int32_t localKeyLimit;
+    const uint16_t *poolBundleStrings;
+    int32_t poolStringIndexLimit;
+    int32_t poolStringIndex16Limit;
+    UBool noFallback; /* see URES_ATT_NO_FALLBACK */
+    UBool isPoolBundle;
+    UBool usesPoolBundle;
+    UBool useNativeStrcmp;
+} ResourceData;
+ * Read a resource bundle from memory.
+ */
+res_read(ResourceData *pResData,
+         const UDataInfo *pInfo, const void *inBytes, int32_t length,
+         UErrorCode *errorCode);
+ * Load a resource bundle file.
+ * The ResourceData structure must be allocated externally.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+res_load(ResourceData *pResData,
+         const char *path, const char *name, UErrorCode *errorCode);
+ * Release a resource bundle file.
+ * This does not release the ResourceData structure itself.
+ */
+U_CFUNC void
+res_unload(ResourceData *pResData);
+res_getPublicType(Resource res);
+// To enable tracing, use the inline versions of the res_get* functions. //
+ * Return a pointer to a zero-terminated, const UChar* string
+ * and set its length in *pLength.
+ * Returns NULL if not found.
+ */
+res_getStringNoTrace(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
+U_INTERNAL const uint8_t * U_EXPORT2
+res_getBinaryNoTrace(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
+U_INTERNAL const int32_t * U_EXPORT2
+res_getIntVectorNoTrace(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
+res_getAlias(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
+res_getResource(const ResourceData *pResData, const char *key);
+res_countArrayItems(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res);
+res_getArrayItem(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource array, int32_t indexS);
+res_getTableItemByIndex(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource table, int32_t indexS, const char ** key);
+res_getTableItemByKey(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource table, int32_t *indexS, const char* * key);
+ * Iterates over the path and stops when a scalar resource is found.
+ * Follows aliases.
+ * Modifies the contents of *path (replacing separators with NULs),
+ * and also moves *path forward while it finds items.
+ *
+ * @param path input: "CollationElements/Sequence" or "zoneStrings/3/2" etc.;
+ *             output: points to the part that has not yet been processed
+ */
+U_CFUNC Resource res_findResource(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource r,
+                                  char** path, const char** key);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "restrace.h"
+inline const UChar* res_getString(const ResourceTracer& traceInfo,
+        const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength) {
+    traceInfo.trace("string");
+    return res_getStringNoTrace(pResData, res, pLength);
+inline const uint8_t* res_getBinary(const ResourceTracer& traceInfo,
+        const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength) {
+    traceInfo.trace("binary");
+    return res_getBinaryNoTrace(pResData, res, pLength);
+inline const int32_t* res_getIntVector(const ResourceTracer& traceInfo,
+        const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength) {
+    traceInfo.trace("intvector");
+    return res_getIntVectorNoTrace(pResData, res, pLength);
+inline int32_t res_getInt(const ResourceTracer& traceInfo, Resource res) {
+    traceInfo.trace("int");
+    return RES_GET_INT_NO_TRACE(res);
+inline uint32_t res_getUInt(const ResourceTracer& traceInfo, Resource res) {
+    traceInfo.trace("uint");
+    return RES_GET_UINT_NO_TRACE(res);
+class ResourceDataValue : public ResourceValue {
+    ResourceDataValue() :
+        res(static_cast<Resource>(URES_NONE)),
+        fTraceInfo() {}
+    virtual ~ResourceDataValue();
+    void setData(const ResourceData *data) {
+        resData = *data;
+    }
+    void setResource(Resource r, ResourceTracer&& traceInfo) {
+        res = r;
+        fTraceInfo = traceInfo;
+    }
+    const ResourceData &getData() const { return resData; }
+    virtual UResType getType() const;
+    virtual const UChar *getString(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual const UChar *getAliasString(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual int32_t getInt(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual uint32_t getUInt(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual const int32_t *getIntVector(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual const uint8_t *getBinary(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual ResourceArray getArray(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual ResourceTable getTable(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual UBool isNoInheritanceMarker() const;
+    virtual int32_t getStringArray(UnicodeString *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                                   UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual int32_t getStringArrayOrStringAsArray(UnicodeString *dest, int32_t capacity,
+                                                  UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    virtual UnicodeString getStringOrFirstOfArray(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+    // TODO(ICU-20769): If UResourceBundle.fResData becomes a pointer,
+    // then remove this value field again and just store a pResData pointer.
+    ResourceData resData;
+    Resource res;
+    ResourceTracer fTraceInfo;
+#endif  /* __cplusplus */
+ * Swap an ICU resource bundle. See udataswp.h.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ures_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+          const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uresimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uresimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f453ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uresimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2000-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef URESIMP_H
+#define URESIMP_H
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "uresdata.h"
+#define kRootLocaleName         "root"
+#define kPoolBundleName         "pool"
+ The default minor version and the version separator must be exactly one
+ character long.
+#define kDefaultMinorVersion    "0"
+#define kVersionSeparator       "."
+#define kVersionTag             "Version"
+#define MAGIC1 19700503
+#define MAGIC2 19641227
+#define EMPTY_SET 0x2205
+struct UResourceDataEntry;
+typedef struct UResourceDataEntry UResourceDataEntry;
+ * Note: If we wanted to make this structure smaller, then we could try
+ * to use one UResourceDataEntry pointer for fAlias and fPool, with a separate
+ * flag to distinguish whether this struct is for a real bundle with a pool,
+ * or for an alias entry for which we won't use the pool after loading.
+ */
+struct UResourceDataEntry {
+    char *fName; /* name of the locale for bundle - still to decide whether it is original or fallback */
+    char *fPath; /* path to bundle - used for distinguishing between resources with the same name */
+    UResourceDataEntry *fParent; /*next resource in fallback chain*/
+    UResourceDataEntry *fAlias;
+    UResourceDataEntry *fPool;
+    ResourceData fData; /* data for low level access */
+    char fNameBuffer[3]; /* A small buffer of free space for fName. The free space is due to struct padding. */
+    uint32_t fCountExisting; /* how much is this resource used */
+    UErrorCode fBogus;
+    /* int32_t fHashKey;*/ /* for faster access in the hashtable */
+#define RES_BUFSIZE 64
+#define RES_PATH_SEPARATOR   '/'
+#define RES_PATH_SEPARATOR_S   "/"
+struct UResourceBundle {
+    const char *fKey; /*tag*/
+    UResourceDataEntry *fData; /*for low-level access*/
+    char *fVersion;
+    UResourceDataEntry *fTopLevelData; /* for getting the valid locale */
+    char *fResPath; /* full path to the resource: "zh_TW/CollationElements/Sequence" */
+    // TODO(ICU-20769): Try to change the by-value fResData into a pointer,
+    // with the struct in only one place for each bundle.
+    // Also replace class ResourceDataValue.resData with a pResData pointer again.
+    ResourceData fResData;
+    char fResBuf[RES_BUFSIZE];
+    int32_t fResPathLen;
+    Resource fRes;
+    UBool fHasFallback;
+    UBool fIsTopLevel;
+    uint32_t fMagic1;   /* For determining if it's a stack object */
+    uint32_t fMagic2;   /* For determining if it's a stack object */
+    int32_t fIndex;
+    int32_t fSize;
+    /*const UResourceBundle *fParentRes;*/ /* needed to get the actual locale for a child resource */
+U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ures_initStackObject(UResourceBundle* resB);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ * \class StackUResourceBundle
+ * "Smart pointer" like class, closes a UResourceBundle via ures_close().
+ *
+ * This code:
+ *
+ *   StackUResourceBundle bundle;
+ *   foo(bundle.getAlias());
+ *
+ * Is equivalent to this code:
+ *
+ *   UResourceBundle bundle;
+ *   ures_initStackObject(&bundle);
+ *   foo(&bundle);
+ *   ures_close(&bundle);
+ *
+ * @see LocalUResourceBundlePointer
+ * @internal
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API StackUResourceBundle {
+    // No heap allocation. Use only on the stack.
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new[](size_t) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    static void* U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t, void*) U_NOEXCEPT = delete;
+    StackUResourceBundle();
+    ~StackUResourceBundle();
+    UResourceBundle* getAlias() { return &bundle; }
+    UResourceBundle& ref() { return bundle; }
+    const UResourceBundle& ref() const { return bundle; }
+    StackUResourceBundle(const StackUResourceBundle&) = delete;
+    StackUResourceBundle& operator=(const StackUResourceBundle&) = delete;
+    StackUResourceBundle(StackUResourceBundle&&) = delete;
+    StackUResourceBundle& operator=(StackUResourceBundle&&) = delete;
+    UResourceBundle bundle;
+#endif  /* __cplusplus */
+ * Opens a resource bundle for the locale;
+ * if there is not even a base language bundle, then loads the root bundle;
+ * never falls back to the default locale.
+ *
+ * This is used for algorithms that have good pan-Unicode default behavior,
+ * such as case mappings, collation, and segmentation (BreakIterator).
+ */
+U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_openNoDefault(const char* path, const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status);
+/* Some getters used by the copy constructor */
+U_CFUNC const char* ures_getName(const UResourceBundle* resB);
+#ifdef URES_DEBUG
+U_CFUNC const char* ures_getPath(const UResourceBundle* resB);
+ * If anything was in the RB cache, dump it to the screen.
+ * @return TRUE if there was anything into the cache
+ */
+U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 ures_dumpCacheContents(void);
+/*U_CFUNC void ures_appendResPath(UResourceBundle *resB, const char* toAdd, int32_t lenToAdd);*/
+/*U_CFUNC void ures_setResPath(UResourceBundle *resB, const char* toAdd);*/
+/*U_CFUNC void ures_freeResPath(UResourceBundle *resB);*/
+/* Candidates for export */
+U_CFUNC UResourceBundle *ures_copyResb(UResourceBundle *r, const UResourceBundle *original, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a resource that can be located using the pathToResource argument. One needs optional package, locale
+ * and path inside the locale, for example: "/myData/en/zoneStrings/3". Keys and indexes are supported. Keys
+ * need to reference data in named structures, while indexes can reference both named and anonymous resources.
+ * Features a fill-in parameter. 
+ * 
+ * Note, this function does NOT have a syntax for specifying items within a tree.  May want to consider a
+ * syntax that delineates between package/tree and resource.  
+ *
+ * @param pathToResource    a path that will lead to the requested resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be deleted by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ */
+U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_findResource(const char* pathToResource, 
+                  UResourceBundle *fillIn, UErrorCode *status); 
+ * Returns a sub resource that can be located using the pathToResource argument. One needs a path inside 
+ * the supplied resource, for example, if you have "en_US" resource bundle opened, you might ask for
+ * "zoneStrings/3". Keys and indexes are supported. Keys
+ * need to reference data in named structures, while indexes can reference both 
+ * named and anonymous resources.
+ * Features a fill-in parameter. 
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle    a resource
+ * @param pathToResource    a path that will lead to the requested resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be deleted by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status            fills in the outgoing error code.
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ */
+U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
+ures_findSubResource(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                     char* pathToResource, 
+                     UResourceBundle *fillIn, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Returns a functionally equivalent locale (considering keywords) for the specified keyword.
+ * @param result fillin for the equivalent locale
+ * @param resultCapacity capacity of the fillin buffer
+ * @param path path to the tree, or NULL for ICU data
+ * @param resName top level resource. Example: "collations"
+ * @param keyword locale keyword. Example: "collation"
+ * @param locid The requested locale
+ * @param isAvailable If non-null, pointer to fillin parameter that indicates whether the 
+ * requested locale was available. The locale is defined as 'available' if it physically 
+ * exists within the specified tree.
+ * @param omitDefault if TRUE, omit keyword and value if default. 'de_DE\@collation=standard' -> 'de_DE'
+ * @param status error code
+ * @return  the actual buffer size needed for the full locale.  If it's greater 
+ * than resultCapacity, the returned full name will be truncated and an error code will be returned.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ures_getFunctionalEquivalent(char *result, int32_t resultCapacity, 
+                             const char *path, const char *resName, const char *keyword, const char *locid,
+                             UBool *isAvailable, UBool omitDefault, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Given a tree path and keyword, return a string enumeration of all possible values for that keyword.
+ * @param path path to the tree, or NULL for ICU data
+ * @param keyword a particular keyword to consider, must match a top level resource name 
+ * within the tree.
+ * @param status error code
+ */
+U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
+ures_getKeywordValues(const char *path, const char *keyword, UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get a resource with multi-level fallback. Normally only the top level resources will
+ * fallback to its parent. This performs fallback on subresources. For example, when a table
+ * is defined in a resource bundle and a parent resource bundle, normally no fallback occurs
+ * on the sub-resources because the table is defined in the current resource bundle, but this
+ * function can perform fallback on the sub-resources of the table.
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param inKey             a key associated with the requested resource
+ * @param fillIn            if NULL a new UResourceBundle struct is allocated and must be deleted by the caller.
+ *                          Alternatively, you can supply a struct to be filled by this function.
+ * @param status: fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ */
+U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getByKeyWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                          const char* inKey, 
+                          UResourceBundle *fillIn, 
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+ * Get a String with multi-level fallback. Normally only the top level resources will
+ * fallback to its parent. This performs fallback on subresources. For example, when a table
+ * is defined in a resource bundle and a parent resource bundle, normally no fallback occurs
+ * on the sub-resources because the table is defined in the current resource bundle, but this
+ * function can perform fallback on the sub-resources of the table.
+ * @param resB              a resource
+ * @param inKey             a key associated with the requested resource
+ * @param status: fills in the outgoing error code
+ *                could be <TT>U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</TT> if the key is not found
+ *                could be a non-failing error 
+ * @return                  a pointer to a UResourceBundle struct. If fill in param was NULL, caller must delete it
+ */
+U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
+                          const char* inKey,  
+                          int32_t* len,
+                          UErrorCode *status);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ures_getValueWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *bundle, const char *path,
+                          UResourceBundle *tempFillIn,
+                          icu::ResourceDataValue &value, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ures_getAllItemsWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *bundle, const char *path,
+                             icu::ResourceSink &sink, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+#endif  /* __cplusplus */
+ * Get a version number by key
+ * @param resB bundle containing version number
+ * @param key the key for the version number
+ * @param ver fillin for the version number
+ * @param status error code
+ */
+ures_getVersionByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB,
+                     const char *key,
+                     UVersionInfo ver,
+                     UErrorCode *status);
+ * Internal function.
+ * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as a string.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle The resource bundle for which the version is checked.
+ * @return  A version number string as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
+ *          The caller does not own this string.
+ * @see ures_getVersion
+ */
+U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getVersionNumberInternal(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle);
+ * Return the name of the Locale associated with this ResourceBundle. This API allows
+ * you to query for the real locale of the resource. For example, if you requested 
+ * "en_US_CALIFORNIA" and only "en_US" bundle exists, "en_US" will be returned. 
+ * For subresources, the locale where this resource comes from will be returned.
+ * If fallback has occured, getLocale will reflect this.
+ *
+ * This internal version avoids deprecated-warnings in ICU code.
+ *
+ * @param resourceBundle resource bundle in question
+ * @param status just for catching illegal arguments
+ * @return  A Locale name
+ */
+U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 
+ures_getLocaleInternal(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
+               UErrorCode* status);
+ * Same as ures_openDirect() but uses the fill-in parameter instead of allocating a new bundle.
+ * 
+ * @param r The existing UResourceBundle to fill in. If NULL then status will be
+ *          set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * @param packageName   The packageName and locale together point to an ICU udata object,
+ *                      as defined by <code> udata_open( packageName, "res", locale, err) </code>
+ *                      or equivalent.  Typically, packageName will refer to a (.dat) file, or to
+ *                      a package registered with udata_setAppData(). Using a full file or directory
+ *                      pathname for packageName is deprecated. If NULL, ICU data will be used.
+ * @param locale  specifies the locale for which we want to open the resource
+ *                if NULL, the default locale will be used. If strlen(locale) == 0
+ *                root locale will be used.
+ * @param status The error code.
+ * @see ures_openDirect
+ * @internal
+ */
+ures_openDirectFillIn(UResourceBundle *r,
+                      const char *packageName,
+                      const char *locale,
+                      UErrorCode *status);
+#endif /*URESIMP_H*/
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ureslocs.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ureslocs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c3344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ureslocs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2009-2014 International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __URESLOCS_H__
+#define __URESLOCS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/usc_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/usc_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4489964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/usc_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File USC_IMPL.H
+* Modification History:
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   07/08/2002  Eric Mader  Creation.
+#ifndef USC_IMPL_H
+#define USC_IMPL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+ * <code>UScriptRun</code> is used to find runs of characters in
+ * the same script. It implements a simple iterator over an array
+ * of characters. The iterator will resolve script-neutral characters
+ * like punctuation into the script of the surrounding characters.
+ *
+ * The iterator will try to match paired punctuation. If it sees an
+ * opening punctuation character, it will remember the script that
+ * was assigned to that character, and assign the same script to the
+ * matching closing punctuation.
+ *
+ * Scripts are chosen based on the <code>UScriptCode</code> enumeration.
+ * No attempt is made to combine related scripts into a single run. In
+ * particular, Hiragana, Katakana, and Han characters will appear in seperate
+ * runs.
+ * Here is an example of how to iterate over script runs:
+ * <pre>
+ * \code
+ * void printScriptRuns(const UChar *text, int32_t length)
+ * {
+ *     UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ *     UScriptRun *scriptRun = uscript_openRun(text, testLength, &error);
+ *     int32_t start = 0, limit = 0;
+ *     UScriptCode code = USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE;
+ *
+ *     while (uscript_nextRun(&start, &limit, &code)) {
+ *         printf("Script '%s' from %d to %d.\n", uscript_getName(code), start, limit);
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     uscript_closeRun(scriptRun);
+ *  }
+ * </pre>
+ */
+struct UScriptRun;
+typedef struct UScriptRun UScriptRun;
+ * Create a <code>UScriptRun</code> object for iterating over the given text. This object must
+ * be freed using <code>uscript_closeRun()</code>. Note that this object does not copy the source text,
+ * only the pointer to it. You must make sure that the pointer remains valid until you call
+ * <code>uscript_closeRun()</code> or <code>uscript_setRunText()</code>.
+ *
+ * @param src is the address of the array of characters over which to iterate.
+ *        if <code>src == NULL</code> and <code>length == 0</code>,
+ *        an empty <code>UScriptRun</code> object will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param length is the number of characters over which to iterate.
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode is a pointer to a valid <code>UErrorCode</code> value. If this value
+ *        indicates a failure on entry, the function will immediately return.
+ *        On exit the value will indicate the success of the operation.
+ *
+ * @return the address of <code>UScriptRun</code> object which will iterate over the text,
+ *         or <code>NULL</code> if the operation failed.
+ */
+U_CAPI UScriptRun * U_EXPORT2
+uscript_openRun(const UChar *src, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Frees the given <code>UScriptRun</code> object and any storage associated with it.
+ * On return, scriptRun no longer points to a valid <code>UScriptRun</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param scriptRun is the <code>UScriptRun</code> object which will be freed.
+ */
+uscript_closeRun(UScriptRun *scriptRun);
+ * Reset the <code>UScriptRun</code> object so that it will start iterating from
+ * the beginning.
+ *
+ * @param scriptRun is the address of the <code>UScriptRun</code> object to be reset.
+ */
+uscript_resetRun(UScriptRun *scriptRun);
+ * Change the text over which the given <code>UScriptRun</code> object iterates.
+ *
+ * @param scriptRun is the <code>UScriptRun</code> object which will be changed.
+ *
+ * @param src is the address of the new array of characters over which to iterate.
+ *        If <code>src == NULL</code> and <code>length == 0</code>,
+ *        the <code>UScriptRun</code> object will become empty.
+ *
+ * @param length is the new number of characters over which to iterate
+ *
+ * @param pErrorCode is a pointer to a valid <code>UErrorCode</code> value. If this value
+ *        indicates a failure on entry, the function will immediately return.
+ *        On exit the value will indicate the success of the operation.
+ */
+uscript_setRunText(UScriptRun *scriptRun, const UChar *src, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Advance the <code>UScriptRun</code> object to the next script run, return the start and limit
+ * offsets, and the script of the run.
+ *
+ * @param scriptRun is the address of the <code>UScriptRun</code> object.
+ *
+ * @param pRunStart is a pointer to the variable to receive the starting offset of the next run.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if the value is not needed.
+ *
+ * @param pRunLimit is a pointer to the variable to receive the limit offset of the next run.
+ *        This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if the value is not needed.
+ *
+ * @param pRunScript is a pointer to the variable to receive the UScriptCode for the
+ *        script of the current run. This pointer can be <code>NULL</code> if the value is not needed.
+ *
+ * @return true if there was another script run.
+ */
+uscript_nextRun(UScriptRun *scriptRun, int32_t *pRunStart, int32_t *pRunLimit, UScriptCode *pRunScript);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uset_imp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uset_imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7233b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uset_imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2004-2007, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uset_imp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2004sep07
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Internal USet definitions.
+#ifndef __USET_IMP_H__
+#define __USET_IMP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uset.h"
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+USetAdd(USet *set, UChar32 c);
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+USetAddRange(USet *set, UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+USetAddString(USet *set, const UChar *str, int32_t length);
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+USetRemove(USet *set, UChar32 c);
+typedef void U_CALLCONV
+USetRemoveRange(USet *set, UChar32 start, UChar32 end);
+ * Interface for adding items to a USet, to keep low-level code from
+ * statically depending on the USet implementation.
+ * Calls will look like sa->add(sa->set, c);
+ */
+struct USetAdder {
+    USet *set;
+    USetAdd *add;
+    USetAddRange *addRange;
+    USetAddString *addString;
+    USetRemove *remove;
+    USetRemoveRange *removeRange;
+typedef struct USetAdder USetAdder;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uspoof_conf.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uspoof_conf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfa80e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uspoof_conf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2008-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  uspoof_conf.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2009Jan05
+*   created by: Andy Heninger
+*   Internal classes for compiling confusable data into its binary (runtime) form.
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uregex.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "uspoof_impl.h"
+// SPUString
+//              Holds a string that is the result of one of the mappings defined
+//              by the confusable mapping data (confusables.txt from
+//              Instances of SPUString exist during the compilation process only.
+struct SPUString : public UMemory {
+    UnicodeString  *fStr;             // The actual string.
+    int32_t         fCharOrStrTableIndex;   // Index into the final runtime data for this
+                                      // string (or, for length 1, the single string char
+                                      // itself, there being no string table entry for it.)
+    SPUString(UnicodeString *s);
+    ~SPUString();
+//  String Pool   A utility class for holding the strings that are the result of
+//                the spoof mappings.  These strings will utimately end up in the
+//                run-time String Table.
+//                This is sort of like a sorted set of strings, except that ICU's anemic
+//                built-in collections don't support those, so it is implemented with a
+//                combination of a uhash and a UVector.
+class SPUStringPool : public UMemory {
+  public:
+    SPUStringPool(UErrorCode &status);
+    ~SPUStringPool();
+    // Add a string. Return the string from the table.
+    // If the input parameter string is already in the table, delete the
+    //  input parameter and return the existing string.
+    SPUString *addString(UnicodeString *src, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Get the n-th string in the collection.
+    SPUString *getByIndex(int32_t i);
+    // Sort the contents; affects the ordering of getByIndex().
+    void sort(UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t size();
+  private:
+    UVector     *fVec;    // Elements are SPUString *
+    UHashtable  *fHash;   // Key: UnicodeString  Value: SPUString
+// class ConfusabledataBuilder
+//     An instance of this class exists while the confusable data is being built from source.
+//     It encapsulates the intermediate data structures that are used for building.
+//     It exports one static function, to do a confusable data build.
+class ConfusabledataBuilder : public UMemory {
+  private:
+    SpoofImpl  *fSpoofImpl;
+    UChar      *fInput;
+    UHashtable *fTable;
+    UnicodeSet *fKeySet;     // A set of all keys (UChar32s) that go into the four mapping tables.
+    // The binary data is first assembled into the following four collections, then
+    //   copied to its final raw-memory destination.
+    UVector            *fKeyVec;
+    UVector            *fValueVec;
+    UnicodeString      *fStringTable;
+    SPUStringPool      *stringPool;
+    URegularExpression *fParseLine;
+    URegularExpression *fParseHexNum;
+    int32_t             fLineNum;
+    ConfusabledataBuilder(SpoofImpl *spImpl, UErrorCode &status);
+    ~ConfusabledataBuilder();
+    void build(const char * confusables, int32_t confusablesLen, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Add an entry to the key and value tables being built
+    //   input:  data from SLTable, MATable, etc.
+    //   outut:  entry added to fKeyVec and fValueVec
+    void addKeyEntry(UChar32     keyChar,     // The key character
+                     UHashtable *table,       // The table, one of SATable, MATable, etc.
+                     int32_t     tableFlag,   // One of USPOOF_SA_TABLE_FLAG, etc.
+                     UErrorCode &status);
+    // From an index into fKeyVec & fValueVec
+    //   get a UnicodeString with the corresponding mapping.
+    UnicodeString getMapping(int32_t index);
+    // Populate the final binary output data array with the compiled data.
+    void outputData(UErrorCode &status);
+  public:
+    static void buildConfusableData(SpoofImpl *spImpl, const char * confusables,
+        int32_t confusablesLen, int32_t *errorType, UParseError *pe, UErrorCode &status);
+#endif  // __USPOOF_BUILDCONF_H__
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uspoof_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uspoof_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b111d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uspoof_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+*  uspoof_impl.h
+*    Implemenation header for spoof detection
+#ifndef USPOOFIM_H
+#define USPOOFIM_H
+#include "uassert.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uspoof.h"
+#include "unicode/uscript.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "capi_helper.h"
+// The maximium length (in UTF-16 UChars) of the skeleton replacement string resulting from
+//   a single input code point.  This is function of the data.
+// The default stack buffer size for copies or conversions or normalizations
+// of input strings being checked.  (Used in multiple places.)
+// Magic number for sanity checking spoof data.
+#define USPOOF_MAGIC 0x3845fdef
+// Magic number for sanity checking spoof checkers.
+#define USPOOF_CHECK_MAGIC 0x2734ecde
+class ScriptSet;
+class SpoofData;
+struct SpoofDataHeader;
+class ConfusableDataUtils;
+  *  Class SpoofImpl corresponds directly to the plain C API opaque type
+  *  USpoofChecker.  One can be cast to the other.
+  */
+class SpoofImpl : public UObject,
+        public IcuCApiHelper<USpoofChecker, SpoofImpl, USPOOF_MAGIC> {
+    SpoofImpl(SpoofData *data, UErrorCode& status);
+    SpoofImpl(UErrorCode& status);
+    SpoofImpl();
+    void construct(UErrorCode& status);
+    virtual ~SpoofImpl();
+    /** Copy constructor, used by the user level uspoof_clone() function.
+     */
+    SpoofImpl(const SpoofImpl &src, UErrorCode &status);
+    USpoofChecker *asUSpoofChecker();
+    static SpoofImpl *validateThis(USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode &status);
+    static const SpoofImpl *validateThis(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode &status);
+    /** Set and Get AllowedLocales, implementations of the corresponding API */
+    void setAllowedLocales(const char *localesList, UErrorCode &status);
+    const char * getAllowedLocales(UErrorCode &status);
+    // Add (union) to the UnicodeSet all of the characters for the scripts used for
+    // the specified locale.  Part of the implementation of setAllowedLocales.
+    void addScriptChars(const char *locale, UnicodeSet *allowedChars, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Functions implementing the features of UTS 39 section 5.
+    static void getAugmentedScriptSet(UChar32 codePoint, ScriptSet& result, UErrorCode& status);
+    void getResolvedScriptSet(const UnicodeString& input, ScriptSet& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void getResolvedScriptSetWithout(const UnicodeString& input, UScriptCode script, ScriptSet& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    void getNumerics(const UnicodeString& input, UnicodeSet& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    URestrictionLevel getRestrictionLevel(const UnicodeString& input, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    int32_t findHiddenOverlay(const UnicodeString& input, UErrorCode& status) const;
+    bool isIllegalCombiningDotLeadCharacter(UChar32 cp) const;
+    /** parse a hex number.  Untility used by the builders.   */
+    static UChar32 ScanHex(const UChar *s, int32_t start, int32_t limit, UErrorCode &status);
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    //
+    // Data Members
+    //
+    int32_t           fChecks;            // Bit vector of checks to perform.
+    SpoofData        *fSpoofData;
+    const UnicodeSet *fAllowedCharsSet;   // The UnicodeSet of allowed characters.
+                                          //   for this Spoof Checker.  Defaults to all chars.
+    const char       *fAllowedLocales;    // The list of allowed locales.
+    URestrictionLevel fRestrictionLevel;  // The maximum restriction level for an acceptable identifier.
+ *  Class CheckResult corresponds directly to the plain C API opaque type
+ *  USpoofCheckResult.  One can be cast to the other.
+ */
+class CheckResult : public UObject,
+        public IcuCApiHelper<USpoofCheckResult, CheckResult, USPOOF_CHECK_MAGIC> {
+    CheckResult();
+    virtual ~CheckResult();
+    USpoofCheckResult *asUSpoofCheckResult();
+    static CheckResult *validateThis(USpoofCheckResult *ptr, UErrorCode &status);
+    static const CheckResult *validateThis(const USpoofCheckResult *ptr, UErrorCode &status);
+    void clear();
+    // Used to convert this CheckResult to the older int32_t return value API
+    int32_t toCombinedBitmask(int32_t expectedChecks);
+    // Data Members
+    int32_t fChecks;                       // Bit vector of checks that were failed.
+    UnicodeSet fNumerics;                  // Set of numerics found in the string.
+    URestrictionLevel fRestrictionLevel;   // The restriction level of the string.
+//  Confusable Mappings Data Structures, version 2.0
+//    For the confusable data, we are essentially implementing a map,
+//       key:    a code point
+//       value:  a string.  Most commonly one char in length, but can be more.
+//    The keys are stored as a sorted array of 32 bit ints.
+//             bits 0-23    a code point value
+//             bits 24-31   length of value string, in UChars (between 1 and 256 UChars).
+//        The key table is sorted in ascending code point order.  (not on the
+//        32 bit int value, the flag bits do not participate in the sorting.)
+//        Lookup is done by means of a binary search in the key table.
+//    The corresponding values are kept in a parallel array of 16 bit ints.
+//        If the value string is of length 1, it is literally in the value array.
+//        For longer strings, the value array contains an index into the strings table.
+//    String Table:
+//       The strings table contains all of the value strings (those of length two or greater)
+//       concatentated together into one long UChar (UTF-16) array.
+//       There is no nul character or other mark between adjacent strings.
+//  Changes from format version 1 to format version 2:
+//      1) Removal of the whole-script confusable data tables.
+//      2) Removal of the SL/SA/ML/MA and multi-table flags in the key bitmask.
+//      3) Expansion of string length value in the key bitmask from 2 bits to 8 bits.
+//      4) Removal of the string lengths table since 8 bits is sufficient for the
+//         lengths of all entries in confusables.txt.
+// Internal functions for manipulating confusable data table keys
+class ConfusableDataUtils {
+    inline static UChar32 keyToCodePoint(int32_t key) {
+        return key & 0x00ffffff;
+    }
+    inline static int32_t keyToLength(int32_t key) {
+        return ((key & 0xff000000) >> 24) + 1;
+    }
+    inline static int32_t codePointAndLengthToKey(UChar32 codePoint, int32_t length) {
+        U_ASSERT((codePoint & 0x00ffffff) == codePoint);
+        U_ASSERT(length <= 256);
+        return codePoint | ((length - 1) << 24);
+    }
+//  SpoofData
+//    A small class that wraps the raw (usually memory mapped) spoof data.
+//    Serves two primary functions:
+//      1.  Convenience.  Contains real pointers to the data, to avoid dealing with
+//          the offsets in the raw data.
+//      2.  Reference counting.  When a spoof checker is cloned, the raw data is shared
+//          and must be retained until all checkers using the data are closed.
+//    Nothing in this struct includes state that is specific to any particular
+//    USpoofDetector object.
+class SpoofData: public UMemory {
+  public:
+    static SpoofData* getDefault(UErrorCode &status);   // Get standard ICU spoof data.
+    static void releaseDefault();   // Cleanup reference to default spoof data.
+    SpoofData(UErrorCode &status);   // Create new spoof data wrapper.
+                                     // Only used when building new data from rules.
+    // Constructor for use when creating from prebuilt default data.
+    //   A UDataMemory is what the ICU internal data loading functions provide.
+    //   The udm is adopted by the SpoofData.
+    SpoofData(UDataMemory *udm, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Constructor for use when creating from serialized data.
+    //
+    SpoofData(const void *serializedData, int32_t length, UErrorCode &status);
+    //  Check raw Spoof Data Version compatibility.
+    //  Return TRUE it looks good.
+    UBool validateDataVersion(UErrorCode &status) const;
+    ~SpoofData();                    // Destructor not normally used.
+                                     // Use removeReference() instead.
+    // Reference Counting functions.
+    //    Clone of a user-level spoof detector increments the ref count on the data.
+    //    Close of a user-level spoof detector decrements the ref count.
+    //    If the data is owned by us, it will be deleted when count goes to zero.
+    SpoofData *addReference(); 
+    void removeReference();
+    // Reset all fields to an initial state.
+    // Called from the top of all constructors.
+    void reset();
+    // Copy this instance's raw data buffer to the specified address.
+    int32_t serialize(void *buf, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    // Get the total number of bytes of data backed by this SpoofData.
+    // Not to be confused with length, which returns the number of confusable entries.
+    int32_t size() const;
+    // Get the confusable skeleton transform for a single code point.
+    // The result is a string with a length between 1 and 18 as of Unicode 9.
+    // This is the main public endpoint for this class.
+    // @return   The length in UTF-16 code units of the substition string.
+    int32_t confusableLookup(UChar32 inChar, UnicodeString &dest) const;
+    // Get the number of confusable entries in this SpoofData.
+    int32_t length() const;
+    // Get the code point (key) at the specified index.
+    UChar32 codePointAt(int32_t index) const;
+    // Get the confusable skeleton (value) at the specified index.
+    // Append it to the specified UnicodeString&.
+    // @return   The length in UTF-16 code units of the skeleton string.
+    int32_t appendValueTo(int32_t index, UnicodeString& dest) const;
+  private:
+    // Reserve space in the raw data.  For use by builder when putting together a
+    //   new set of data.  Init the new storage to zero, to prevent inconsistent
+    //   results if it is not all otherwise set by the requester.
+    //  Return:
+    //    pointer to the new space that was added by this function.
+    void *reserveSpace(int32_t numBytes, UErrorCode &status);
+    // initialize the pointers from this object to the raw data.
+    void initPtrs(UErrorCode &status);
+    SpoofDataHeader             *fRawData;          // Ptr to the raw memory-mapped data
+    UBool                       fDataOwned;         // True if the raw data is owned, and needs
+                                                    //  to be deleted when refcount goes to zero.
+    UDataMemory                 *fUDM;              // If not NULL, our data came from a
+                                                    //   UDataMemory, which we must close when
+                                                    //   we are done.
+    uint32_t                    fMemLimit;          // Limit of available raw data space
+    u_atomic_int32_t            fRefCount;
+    // Confusable data
+    int32_t                     *fCFUKeys;
+    uint16_t                    *fCFUValues;
+    UChar                       *fCFUStrings;
+    friend class ConfusabledataBuilder;
+//  Raw Binary Data Formats, as loaded from the ICU data file,
+//    or as built by the builder.
+struct SpoofDataHeader {
+    int32_t       fMagic;                // (0x3845fdef)
+    uint8_t       fFormatVersion[4];     // Data Format. Same as the value in struct UDataInfo
+                                         //   if there is one associated with this data.
+    int32_t       fLength;               // Total lenght in bytes of this spoof data,
+                                         //   including all sections, not just the header.
+    // The following four sections refer to data representing the confusable data
+    //   from the data from "confusables.txt"
+    int32_t       fCFUKeys;               // byte offset to Keys table (from SpoofDataHeader *)
+    int32_t       fCFUKeysSize;           // number of entries in keys table  (32 bits each)
+    // TODO: change name to fCFUValues, for consistency.
+    int32_t       fCFUStringIndex;        // byte offset to String Indexes table
+    int32_t       fCFUStringIndexSize;    // number of entries in String Indexes table (16 bits each)
+                                          //     (number of entries must be same as in Keys table
+    int32_t       fCFUStringTable;        // byte offset of String table
+    int32_t       fCFUStringTableLen;     // length of string table (in 16 bit UChars)
+    // The following sections are for data from xidmodifications.txt
+    int32_t       unused[15];              // Padding, Room for Expansion
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+  * Endianness swap function for binary spoof data.
+  * @internal
+  */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uspoof_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds, const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+            UErrorCode *status);
+#endif  /* USPOOFIM_H */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/usrchimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/usrchimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b2e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/usrchimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2015 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*  08/13/2001   synwee      Creation.
+#ifndef USRCHIMP_H
+#define USRCHIMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
+#include "unicode/ucol.h"
+#include "unicode/ucoleitr.h"
+#include "unicode/ubrk.h"
+/* mask off anything but primary order */
+#define UCOL_PRIMARYORDERMASK 0xffff0000
+/* mask off anything but secondary order */
+/* mask off anything but tertiary order */
+#define UCOL_TERTIARYORDERMASK 0x000000ff
+/* primary order shift */
+/* secondary order shift */
+/* get weights from a CE */
+#define UCOL_PRIMARYORDER(order) (((order) >> 16) & 0xffff)
+ * This indicates an error has occured during processing or there are no more CEs 
+ * to be returned.
+ */
+#define UCOL_PROCESSED_NULLORDER        ((int64_t)U_INT64_MAX)
+class CollationElementIterator;
+class Collator;
+struct PCEI
+    uint64_t ce;
+    int32_t  low;
+    int32_t  high;
+struct PCEBuffer
+    PCEI    defaultBuffer[16];
+    PCEI   *buffer;
+    int32_t bufferIndex;
+    int32_t bufferSize;
+    PCEBuffer();
+    ~PCEBuffer();
+    void  reset();
+    UBool isEmpty() const;
+    void  put(uint64_t ce, int32_t ixLow, int32_t ixHigh, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const PCEI *get();
+class UCollationPCE : public UMemory {
+    PCEBuffer          pceBuffer;
+    CollationElementIterator *cei;
+    UCollationStrength strength;
+    UBool              toShift;
+    UBool              isShifted;
+    uint32_t           variableTop;
+    UCollationPCE(UCollationElements *elems);
+    UCollationPCE(CollationElementIterator *iter);
+    ~UCollationPCE();
+    void init(UCollationElements *elems);
+    void init(CollationElementIterator *iter);
+    /**
+     * Get the processed ordering priority of the next collation element in the text.
+     * A single character may contain more than one collation element.
+     *
+     * @param ixLow a pointer to an int32_t to receive the iterator index before fetching the CE.
+     * @param ixHigh a pointer to an int32_t to receive the iterator index after fetching the CE.
+     * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+     * @return The next collation elements ordering, otherwise returns UCOL_PROCESSED_NULLORDER 
+     *         if an error has occured or if the end of string has been reached
+     */
+    int64_t nextProcessed(int32_t *ixLow, int32_t *ixHigh, UErrorCode *status);
+    /**
+     * Get the processed ordering priority of the previous collation element in the text.
+     * A single character may contain more than one collation element.
+     *
+     * @param ixLow A pointer to an int32_t to receive the iterator index after fetching the CE
+     * @param ixHigh A pointer to an int32_t to receiver the iterator index before fetching the CE
+     * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors. Noteably 
+     *               a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is returned if the internal stack
+     *               buffer has been exhausted.
+     * @return The previous collation elements ordering, otherwise returns 
+     *         UCOL_PROCESSED_NULLORDER if an error has occured or if the start of
+     *         string has been reached.
+     */
+    int64_t previousProcessed(int32_t *ixLow, int32_t *ixHigh, UErrorCode *status);
+    void init(const Collator &coll);
+    uint64_t processCE(uint32_t ce);
+#define INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_       256
+#define MAX_TABLE_SIZE_           257
+struct USearch {
+    // required since collation element iterator does not have a getText API
+    const UChar              *text;
+          int32_t             textLength; // exact length
+          UBool               isOverlap;
+          UBool               isCanonicalMatch;
+          int16_t             elementComparisonType;
+          UBreakIterator     *internalBreakIter;  //internal character breakiterator
+          UBreakIterator     *breakIter;
+    // value USEARCH_DONE is the default value
+    // if we are not at the start of the text or the end of the text, 
+    // depending on the iteration direction and matchedIndex is USEARCH_DONE 
+    // it means that we can't find any more matches in that particular direction
+          int32_t             matchedIndex; 
+          int32_t             matchedLength;
+          UBool               isForwardSearching;
+          UBool               reset;
+struct UPattern {
+    const UChar              *text;
+          int32_t             textLength; // exact length
+          // length required for backwards ce comparison
+          int32_t             cesLength;
+          int32_t            *ces;
+          int32_t             cesBuffer[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_];
+          int32_t             pcesLength;
+          int64_t            *pces;
+          int64_t             pcesBuffer[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_];
+          UBool               hasPrefixAccents;
+          UBool               hasSuffixAccents;
+          int16_t             defaultShiftSize;
+          int16_t             shift[MAX_TABLE_SIZE_];
+          int16_t             backShift[MAX_TABLE_SIZE_];
+struct UStringSearch {
+    struct USearch            *search;
+    struct UPattern            pattern;
+    const  UCollator          *collator;
+    const  icu::Normalizer2   *nfd;
+    // positions within the collation element iterator is used to determine
+    // if we are at the start of the text.
+           UCollationElements *textIter;
+           icu::UCollationPCE *textProcessedIter;
+    // utility collation element, used throughout program for temporary 
+    // iteration.
+           UCollationElements *utilIter;
+           UBool               ownCollator;
+           UCollationStrength  strength;
+           uint32_t            ceMask;
+           uint32_t            variableTop;
+           UBool               toShift;
+           UChar               canonicalPrefixAccents[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_];
+           UChar               canonicalSuffixAccents[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_];
+* Exact matches without checking for the ends for extra accents.
+* The match after the position within the collation element iterator is to be
+* found. 
+* After a match is found the offset in the collation element iterator will be
+* shifted to the start of the match.
+* Implementation note: 
+* For tertiary we can't use the collator->tertiaryMask, that is a 
+* preprocessed mask that takes into account case options. since we are only 
+* concerned with exact matches, we don't need that.
+* Alternate handling - since only the 16 most significant digits is only used, 
+* we can safely do a compare without masking if the ce is a variable, we mask 
+* and get only the primary values no shifting to quartenary is required since 
+* all primary values less than variabletop will need to be masked off anyway.
+* If the end character is composite and the pattern ce does not match the text 
+* ce, we skip it until we find a match in the end composite character or when 
+* it has passed the character. This is so that we can match pattern "a" with
+* the text "\u00e6" 
+* @param strsrch string search data
+* @param status error status if any
+* @return TRUE if an exact match is found, FALSE otherwise
+UBool usearch_handleNextExact(UStringSearch *strsrch, UErrorCode *status);
+* Canonical matches.
+* According to the definition, matches found here will include the whole span 
+* of beginning and ending accents if it overlaps that region.
+* @param strsrch string search data
+* @param status error status if any
+* @return TRUE if a canonical match is found, FALSE otherwise
+UBool usearch_handleNextCanonical(UStringSearch *strsrch, UErrorCode *status);
+* Gets the previous match.
+* Comments follows from handleNextExact
+* @param strsrch string search data
+* @param status error status if any
+* @return True if a exact math is found, FALSE otherwise.
+UBool usearch_handlePreviousExact(UStringSearch *strsrch, UErrorCode *status);
+* Canonical matches.
+* According to the definition, matches found here will include the whole span 
+* of beginning and ending accents if it overlaps that region.
+* @param strsrch string search data
+* @param status error status if any
+* @return TRUE if a canonical match is found, FALSE otherwise
+UBool usearch_handlePreviousCanonical(UStringSearch *strsrch, 
+                                      UErrorCode    *status);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ustr_cnv.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ustr_cnv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..861e3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ustr_cnv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2010, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ustr_cnv.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2004Aug27
+*   created by: George Rhoten
+#ifndef USTR_CNV_IMP_H
+#define USTR_CNV_IMP_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+ * Get the default converter. This is a commonly used converter
+ * that is used for the ustring and UnicodeString API.
+ * Remember to use the u_releaseDefaultConverter when you are done.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI UConverter* U_EXPORT2
+u_getDefaultConverter(UErrorCode *status);
+ * Release the default converter to the converter cache.
+ * @internal
+ */
+u_releaseDefaultConverter(UConverter *converter);
+ * Flush the default converter, if cached. 
+ * @internal
+ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ustr_imp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ustr_imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c555ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ustr_imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  ustr_imp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001jan30
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __USTR_IMP_H__
+#define __USTR_IMP_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/utf8.h"
+ * Internal option for unorm_cmpEquivFold() for strncmp style.
+ * If set, checks for both string length and terminating NUL.
+ */
+#define _STRNCMP_STYLE 0x1000
+ * Compare two strings in code point order or code unit order.
+ * Works in strcmp style (both lengths -1),
+ * strncmp style (lengths equal and >=0, flag TRUE),
+ * and memcmp/UnicodeString style (at least one length >=0).
+ */
+U_CFUNC int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_strCompare(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
+                const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
+                UBool strncmpStyle, UBool codePointOrder);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ustr_hashUCharsN(const UChar *str, int32_t length);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 
+ustr_hashCharsN(const char *str, int32_t length);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+ustr_hashICharsN(const char *str, int32_t length);
+ * NUL-terminate a UChar * string if possible.
+ * If length  < destCapacity then NUL-terminate.
+ * If length == destCapacity then do not terminate but set U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING.
+ * If length  > destCapacity then do not terminate but set U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
+ *
+ * @param dest Destination buffer, can be NULL if destCapacity==0.
+ * @param destCapacity Number of UChars available at dest.
+ * @param length Number of UChars that were (to be) written to dest.
+ * @param pErrorCode ICU error code.
+ * @return length
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+u_terminateUChars(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * NUL-terminate a char * string if possible.
+ * Same as u_terminateUChars() but for a different string type.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+u_terminateChars(char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * NUL-terminate a UChar32 * string if possible.
+ * Same as u_terminateUChars() but for a different string type.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+u_terminateUChar32s(UChar32 *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * NUL-terminate a wchar_t * string if possible.
+ * Same as u_terminateUChars() but for a different string type.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+u_terminateWChars(wchar_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Counts the bytes of any whole valid sequence for a UTF-8 lead byte.
+ * Returns 1 for ASCII 0..0x7f.
+ * Returns 0 for 0x80..0xc1 as well as for 0xf5..0xff.
+ * leadByte might be evaluated multiple times.
+ *
+ * @param leadByte The first byte of a UTF-8 sequence. Must be 0..0xff.
+ * @return 0..4
+ */
+#define U8_COUNT_BYTES(leadByte) \
+    (U8_IS_SINGLE(leadByte) ? 1 : U8_COUNT_BYTES_NON_ASCII(leadByte))
+ * Counts the bytes of any whole valid sequence for a UTF-8 lead byte.
+ * Returns 0 for 0x00..0xc1 as well as for 0xf5..0xff.
+ * leadByte might be evaluated multiple times.
+ *
+ * @param leadByte The first byte of a UTF-8 sequence. Must be 0..0xff.
+ * @return 0 or 2..4
+ */
+#define U8_COUNT_BYTES_NON_ASCII(leadByte) \
+    (U8_IS_LEAD(leadByte) ? ((uint8_t)(leadByte)>=0xe0)+((uint8_t)(leadByte)>=0xf0)+2 : 0)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+class UTF8 {
+    UTF8() = delete;  // all static
+    /**
+     * Is t a valid UTF-8 trail byte?
+     *
+     * @param prev Must be the preceding lead byte if i==1 and length>=3;
+     *             otherwise ignored.
+     * @param t The i-th byte following the lead byte.
+     * @param i The index (1..3) of byte t in the byte sequence. 0<i<length
+     * @param length The length (2..4) of the byte sequence according to the lead byte.
+     * @return TRUE if t is a valid trail byte in this context.
+     */
+    static inline UBool isValidTrail(int32_t prev, uint8_t t, int32_t i, int32_t length) {
+        // The first trail byte after a 3- or 4-byte lead byte
+        // needs to be validated together with its lead byte.
+        if (length <= 2 || i > 1) {
+            return U8_IS_TRAIL(t);
+        } else if (length == 3) {
+            return U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1(prev, t);
+        } else {  // length == 4
+            return U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1(prev, t);
+        }
+    }
+#endif  // __cplusplus
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ustrenum.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ustrenum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a82162e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ustrenum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: November 11 2002
+* Since: ICU 2.4
+#ifndef _USTRENUM_H_
+#define _USTRENUM_H_
+#include "unicode/uenum.h"
+#include "unicode/strenum.h"
+ * A wrapper to make a UEnumeration into a StringEnumeration.  The
+ * wrapper adopts the UEnumeration is wraps.
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UStringEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
+    /**
+     * Constructor.  This constructor adopts its UEnumeration
+     * argument.
+     * @param uenum a UEnumeration object.  This object takes
+     * ownership of 'uenum' and will close it in its destructor.  The
+     * caller must not call uenum_close on 'uenum' after calling this
+     * constructor.
+     */
+    UStringEnumeration(UEnumeration* uenum);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.  This closes the UEnumeration passed in to the
+     * constructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~UStringEnumeration();
+    /**
+     * Return the number of elements that the iterator traverses.
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @return number of elements in the iterator.
+     */
+    virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const;
+    virtual const char* next(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Returns the next element a UnicodeString*.  If there are no
+     * more elements, returns NULL.
+     * @param status the error code.
+     * @return a pointer to the string, or NULL.
+     */
+    virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Resets the iterator.
+     * @param status the error code.
+     */
+    virtual void reset(UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * ICU4C "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual ICU class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    /**
+     * ICU4C "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this ICU class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    static UStringEnumeration * U_EXPORT2 fromUEnumeration(
+            UEnumeration *enumToAdopt, UErrorCode &status);
+    UEnumeration *uenum; // owned
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ustrfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ustrfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53eb055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ustrfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2006, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef USTRFMT_H
+#define USTRFMT_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uprv_itou (UChar * buffer, int32_t capacity, uint32_t i, uint32_t radix, int32_t minwidth);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/utf16collationiterator.h b/libicu/cts_headers/utf16collationiterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd3a05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/utf16collationiterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* utf16collationiterator.h
+* created on: 2010oct27
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "collationdata.h"
+#include "collationiterator.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
+ * UTF-16 collation element and character iterator.
+ * Handles normalized UTF-16 text inline, with length or NUL-terminated.
+ * Unnormalized text is handled by a subclass.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API UTF16CollationIterator : public CollationIterator {
+    UTF16CollationIterator(const CollationData *d, UBool numeric,
+                           const UChar *s, const UChar *p, const UChar *lim)
+            : CollationIterator(d, numeric),
+              start(s), pos(p), limit(lim) {}
+    UTF16CollationIterator(const UTF16CollationIterator &other, const UChar *newText);
+    virtual ~UTF16CollationIterator();
+    virtual UBool operator==(const CollationIterator &other) const;
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset);
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const;
+    void setText(const UChar *s, const UChar *lim) {
+        reset();
+        start = pos = s;
+        limit = lim;
+    }
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Copy constructor only for subclasses which set the pointers.
+    UTF16CollationIterator(const UTF16CollationIterator &other)
+            : CollationIterator(other),
+              start(NULL), pos(NULL), limit(NULL) {}
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar handleGetTrailSurrogate();
+    virtual UBool foundNULTerminator();
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // UTF-16 string pointers.
+    // limit can be NULL for NUL-terminated strings.
+    const UChar *start, *pos, *limit;
+ * Incrementally checks the input text for FCD and normalizes where necessary.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FCDUTF16CollationIterator : public UTF16CollationIterator {
+    FCDUTF16CollationIterator(const CollationData *data, UBool numeric,
+                              const UChar *s, const UChar *p, const UChar *lim)
+            : UTF16CollationIterator(data, numeric, s, p, lim),
+              rawStart(s), segmentStart(p), segmentLimit(NULL), rawLimit(lim),
+              nfcImpl(data->nfcImpl),
+              checkDir(1) {}
+    FCDUTF16CollationIterator(const FCDUTF16CollationIterator &other, const UChar *newText);
+    virtual ~FCDUTF16CollationIterator();
+    virtual UBool operator==(const CollationIterator &other) const;
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset);
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const;
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UBool foundNULTerminator();
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Switches to forward checking if possible.
+     * To be called when checkDir < 0 || (checkDir == 0 && pos == limit).
+     * Returns with checkDir > 0 || (checkDir == 0 && pos != limit).
+     */
+    void switchToForward();
+    /**
+     * Extend the FCD text segment forward or normalize around pos.
+     * To be called when checkDir > 0 && pos != limit.
+     * @return TRUE if success, checkDir == 0 and pos != limit
+     */
+    UBool nextSegment(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Switches to backward checking.
+     * To be called when checkDir > 0 || (checkDir == 0 && pos == start).
+     * Returns with checkDir < 0 || (checkDir == 0 && pos != start).
+     */
+    void switchToBackward();
+    /**
+     * Extend the FCD text segment backward or normalize around pos.
+     * To be called when checkDir < 0 && pos != start.
+     * @return TRUE if success, checkDir == 0 and pos != start
+     */
+    UBool previousSegment(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool normalize(const UChar *from, const UChar *to, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Text pointers: The input text is [rawStart, rawLimit[
+    // where rawLimit can be NULL for NUL-terminated text.
+    //
+    // checkDir > 0:
+    //
+    // The input text [segmentStart..pos[ passes the FCD check.
+    // Moving forward checks incrementally.
+    // segmentLimit is undefined. limit == rawLimit.
+    //
+    // checkDir < 0:
+    // The input text [pos..segmentLimit[ passes the FCD check.
+    // Moving backward checks incrementally.
+    // segmentStart is undefined, start == rawStart.
+    //
+    // checkDir == 0:
+    //
+    // The input text [segmentStart..segmentLimit[ is being processed.
+    // These pointers are at FCD boundaries.
+    // Either this text segment already passes the FCD check
+    // and segmentStart==start<=pos<=limit==segmentLimit,
+    // or the current segment had to be normalized so that
+    // [segmentStart..segmentLimit[ turned into the normalized string,
+    // corresponding to normalized.getBuffer()==start<=pos<=limit==start+normalized.length().
+    const UChar *rawStart;
+    const UChar *segmentStart;
+    const UChar *segmentLimit;
+    // rawLimit==NULL for a NUL-terminated string.
+    const UChar *rawLimit;
+    const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
+    UnicodeString normalized;
+    // Direction of incremental FCD check. See comments before rawStart.
+    int8_t checkDir;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/utf8collationiterator.h b/libicu/cts_headers/utf8collationiterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a3ec45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/utf8collationiterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* utf8collationiterator.h
+* created on: 2012nov12 (from utf16collationiterator.h & uitercollationiterator.h)
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "collationdata.h"
+#include "collationiterator.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
+ * UTF-8 collation element and character iterator.
+ * Handles normalized UTF-8 text inline, with length or NUL-terminated.
+ * Unnormalized text is handled by a subclass.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API UTF8CollationIterator : public CollationIterator {
+    UTF8CollationIterator(const CollationData *d, UBool numeric,
+                          const uint8_t *s, int32_t p, int32_t len)
+            : CollationIterator(d, numeric),
+              u8(s), pos(p), length(len) {}
+    virtual ~UTF8CollationIterator();
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset);
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const;
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * For byte sequences that are illegal in UTF-8, an error value may be returned
+     * together with a bogus code point. The caller will ignore that code point.
+     *
+     * Special values may be returned for surrogate code points, which are also illegal in UTF-8,
+     * but the caller will treat them like U+FFFD because forbidSurrogateCodePoints() returns TRUE.
+     *
+     * Valid lead surrogates are returned from inside a normalized text segment,
+     * where handleGetTrailSurrogate() will return the matching trail surrogate.
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UBool foundNULTerminator();
+    virtual UBool forbidSurrogateCodePoints() const;
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    const uint8_t *u8;
+    int32_t pos;
+    int32_t length;  // <0 for NUL-terminated strings
+ * Incrementally checks the input text for FCD and normalizes where necessary.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FCDUTF8CollationIterator : public UTF8CollationIterator {
+    FCDUTF8CollationIterator(const CollationData *data, UBool numeric,
+                             const uint8_t *s, int32_t p, int32_t len)
+            : UTF8CollationIterator(data, numeric, s, p, len),
+              state(CHECK_FWD), start(p),
+              nfcImpl(data->nfcImpl) {}
+    virtual ~FCDUTF8CollationIterator();
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset);
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const;
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual UChar handleGetTrailSurrogate();
+    virtual UBool foundNULTerminator();
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool nextHasLccc() const;
+    UBool previousHasTccc() const;
+    /**
+     * Switches to forward checking if possible.
+     */
+    void switchToForward();
+    /**
+     * Extends the FCD text segment forward or normalizes around pos.
+     * @return TRUE if success
+     */
+    UBool nextSegment(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Switches to backward checking.
+     */
+    void switchToBackward();
+    /**
+     * Extends the FCD text segment backward or normalizes around pos.
+     * @return TRUE if success
+     */
+    UBool previousSegment(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UBool normalize(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    enum State {
+        /**
+         * The input text [start..pos[ passes the FCD check.
+         * Moving forward checks incrementally.
+         * limit is undefined.
+         */
+        CHECK_FWD,
+        /**
+         * The input text [pos..limit[ passes the FCD check.
+         * Moving backward checks incrementally.
+         * start is undefined.
+         */
+        CHECK_BWD,
+        /**
+         * The input text [start..limit[ passes the FCD check.
+         * pos tracks the current text index.
+         */
+        IN_FCD_SEGMENT,
+        /**
+         * The input text [start..limit[ failed the FCD check and was normalized.
+         * pos tracks the current index in the normalized string.
+         */
+    };
+    State state;
+    int32_t start;
+    int32_t limit;
+    const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
+    UnicodeString normalized;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/util.h b/libicu/cts_headers/util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3f71dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Copyright (c) 2001-2011, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+ **********************************************************************
+ *   Date        Name        Description
+ *   11/19/2001  aliu        Creation.
+ **********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef ICU_UTIL_H
+#define ICU_UTIL_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+// class ICU_Utility
+// i18n utility functions, scoped into the class ICU_Utility.
+class UnicodeMatcher;
+class U_COMMON_API ICU_Utility /* not : public UObject because all methods are static */ {
+ public:
+    /**
+     * Append a number to the given UnicodeString in the given radix.
+     * Standard digits '0'-'9' are used and letters 'A'-'Z' for
+     * radices 11 through 36.
+     * @param result the digits of the number are appended here
+     * @param n the number to be converted to digits; may be negative.
+     * If negative, a '-' is prepended to the digits.
+     * @param radix a radix from 2 to 36 inclusive.
+     * @param minDigits the minimum number of digits, not including
+     * any '-', to produce.  Values less than 2 have no effect.  One
+     * digit is always emitted regardless of this parameter.
+     * @return a reference to result
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& appendNumber(UnicodeString& result, int32_t n,
+                                       int32_t radix = 10,
+                                       int32_t minDigits = 1);
+    /** Returns a bogus UnicodeString by value. */
+    static inline UnicodeString makeBogusString() {
+        UnicodeString result;
+        result.setToBogus();
+        return result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return true if the character is NOT printable ASCII.
+     *
+     * This method should really be in UnicodeString (or similar).  For
+     * now, we implement it here and share it with friend classes.
+     */
+    static UBool isUnprintable(UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Escape unprintable characters using \uxxxx notation for U+0000 to
+     * U+FFFF and \Uxxxxxxxx for U+10000 and above.  If the character is
+     * printable ASCII, then do nothing and return FALSE.  Otherwise,
+     * append the escaped notation and return TRUE.
+     */
+    static UBool escapeUnprintable(UnicodeString& result, UChar32 c);
+    /**
+     * Returns the index of a character, ignoring quoted text.
+     * For example, in the string "abc'hide'h", the 'h' in "hide" will not be
+     * found by a search for 'h'.
+     * @param text text to be searched
+     * @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start
+     * <= limit</code>.
+     * @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit
+     * <= text.length()</code>.
+     * @param c character to search for
+     * @return Offset of the first instance of c, or -1 if not found.
+     */
+//?FOR FUTURE USE.  DISABLE FOR NOW for coverage reasons.
+//    static int32_t quotedIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
+//                                 int32_t start, int32_t limit,
+//                                 UChar c);
+    /**
+     * Skip over a sequence of zero or more white space characters at pos.
+     * @param advance if true, advance pos to the first non-white-space
+     * character at or after pos, or str.length(), if there is none.
+     * Otherwise leave pos unchanged.
+     * @return the index of the first non-white-space character at or
+     * after pos, or str.length(), if there is none.
+     */
+    static int32_t skipWhitespace(const UnicodeString& str, int32_t& pos,
+                                  UBool advance = FALSE);
+    /**
+     * Skip over Pattern_White_Space in a Replaceable.
+     * Skipping may be done in the forward or
+     * reverse direction.  In either case, the leftmost index will be
+     * inclusive, and the rightmost index will be exclusive.  That is,
+     * given a range defined as [start, limit), the call
+     * skipWhitespace(text, start, limit) will advance start past leading
+     * whitespace, whereas the call skipWhitespace(text, limit, start),
+     * will back up limit past trailing whitespace.
+     * @param text the text to be analyzed
+     * @param pos either the start or limit of a range of 'text', to skip
+     * leading or trailing whitespace, respectively
+     * @param stop either the limit or start of a range of 'text', to skip
+     * leading or trailing whitespace, respectively
+     * @return the new start or limit, depending on what was passed in to
+     * 'pos'
+     */
+//?FOR FUTURE USE.  DISABLE FOR NOW for coverage reasons.
+//?    static int32_t skipWhitespace(const Replaceable& text,
+//?                                  int32_t pos, int32_t stop);
+    /**
+     * Parse a single non-whitespace character 'ch', optionally
+     * preceded by whitespace.
+     * @param id the string to be parsed
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, pos[0] is the
+     * offset of the first character to be parsed.  On output, pos[0]
+     * is the index after the last parsed character.  If the parse
+     * fails, pos[0] will be unchanged.
+     * @param ch the non-whitespace character to be parsed.
+     * @return true if 'ch' is seen preceded by zero or more
+     * whitespace characters.
+     */
+    static UBool parseChar(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& pos, UChar ch);
+    /**
+     * Parse a pattern string starting at offset pos.  Keywords are
+     * matched case-insensitively.  Spaces may be skipped and may be
+     * optional or required.  Integer values may be parsed, and if
+     * they are, they will be returned in the given array.  If
+     * successful, the offset of the next non-space character is
+     * returned.  On failure, -1 is returned.
+     * @param pattern must only contain lowercase characters, which
+     * will match their uppercase equivalents as well.  A space
+     * character matches one or more required spaces.  A '~' character
+     * matches zero or more optional spaces.  A '#' character matches
+     * an integer and stores it in parsedInts, which the caller must
+     * ensure has enough capacity.
+     * @param parsedInts array to receive parsed integers.  Caller
+     * must ensure that parsedInts.length is >= the number of '#'
+     * signs in 'pattern'.
+     * @return the position after the last character parsed, or -1 if
+     * the parse failed
+     */
+    static int32_t parsePattern(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t pos, int32_t limit,
+                                const UnicodeString& pattern, int32_t* parsedInts);
+    /**
+     * Parse a pattern string within the given Replaceable and a parsing
+     * pattern.  Characters are matched literally and case-sensitively
+     * except for the following special characters:
+     *
+     * ~  zero or more Pattern_White_Space chars
+     *
+     * If end of pattern is reached with all matches along the way,
+     * pos is advanced to the first unparsed index and returned.
+     * Otherwise -1 is returned.
+     * @param pat pattern that controls parsing
+     * @param text text to be parsed, starting at index
+     * @param index offset to first character to parse
+     * @param limit offset after last character to parse
+     * @return index after last parsed character, or -1 on parse failure.
+     */
+    static int32_t parsePattern(const UnicodeString& pat,
+                                const Replaceable& text,
+                                int32_t index,
+                                int32_t limit);
+    /**
+     * Parse an integer at pos, either of the form \d+ or of the form
+     * 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ or 0[0-7]+, that is, in standard decimal, hex,
+     * or octal format.
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, the index of the first
+     * character to parse.  On output, the index of the character after the
+     * last parsed character.
+     */
+    static int32_t parseInteger(const UnicodeString& rule, int32_t& pos, int32_t limit);
+    /**
+     * Parse an integer at pos using only ASCII digits.
+     * Base 10 only.
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, the index of the first
+     * character to parse.  On output, the index of the character after the
+     * last parsed character.
+     */
+    static int32_t parseAsciiInteger(const UnicodeString& str, int32_t& pos);
+    /**
+     * Parse a Unicode identifier from the given string at the given
+     * position.  Return the identifier, or an empty string if there
+     * is no identifier.
+     * @param str the string to parse
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUPUT parameter.  On INPUT, pos is the
+     * first character to examine.  It must be less than str.length(),
+     * and it must not point to a whitespace character.  That is, must
+     * have pos < str.length() and
+     * !UCharacter::isWhitespace(str.char32At(pos)).  On
+     * OUTPUT, the position after the last parsed character.
+     * @return the Unicode identifier, or an empty string if there is
+     * no valid identifier at pos.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString parseUnicodeIdentifier(const UnicodeString& str, int32_t& pos);
+    /**
+     * Parse an unsigned 31-bit integer at the given offset.  Use
+     * UCharacter.digit() to parse individual characters into digits.
+     * @param text the text to be parsed
+     * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On entry, pos is the
+     * offset within text at which to start parsing; it should point
+     * to a valid digit.  On exit, pos is the offset after the last
+     * parsed character.  If the parse failed, it will be unchanged on
+     * exit.  Must be >= 0 on entry.
+     * @param radix the radix in which to parse; must be >= 2 and <=
+     * 36.
+     * @return a non-negative parsed number, or -1 upon parse failure.
+     * Parse fails if there are no digits, that is, if pos does not
+     * point to a valid digit on entry, or if the number to be parsed
+     * does not fit into a 31-bit unsigned integer.
+     */
+    static int32_t parseNumber(const UnicodeString& text,
+                               int32_t& pos, int8_t radix);
+    static void appendToRule(UnicodeString& rule,
+                             UChar32 c,
+                             UBool isLiteral,
+                             UBool escapeUnprintable,
+                             UnicodeString& quoteBuf);
+    static void appendToRule(UnicodeString& rule,
+                             const UnicodeString& text,
+                             UBool isLiteral,
+                             UBool escapeUnprintable,
+                             UnicodeString& quoteBuf);
+    static void appendToRule(UnicodeString& rule,
+                             const UnicodeMatcher* matcher,
+                             UBool escapeUnprintable,
+                             UnicodeString& quoteBuf);
+    // do not instantiate
+    ICU_Utility();
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/utracimp.h b/libicu/cts_headers/utracimp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f32fe1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/utracimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2003-2009, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utracimp.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2003aug06
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Internal header for ICU tracing/logging.
+*   Various notes:
+*   - using a trace level variable to only call trace functions
+*     when the level is sufficient
+*   - using the same variable for tracing on/off to never make a function
+*     call when off
+*   - the function number is put into a local variable by the entry macro
+*     and used implicitly to avoid copy&paste/typing mistakes by the developer
+*   - the application must call utrace_setFunctions() and pass in
+*     implementations for the trace functions
+*   - ICU trace macros call ICU functions that route through the function
+*     pointers if they have been set;
+*     this avoids an indirection at the call site
+*     (which would cost more code for another check and for the indirection)
+*   ### TODO Issues:
+*   - Verify that va_list is portable among compilers for the same platform.
+*     va_list should be portable because printf() would fail otherwise!
+*   - Should enum values like UTraceLevel be passed into int32_t-type arguments,
+*     or should enum types be used?
+#ifndef __UTRACIMP_H__
+#define __UTRACIMP_H__
+#include "unicode/utrace.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+ *   Traced Function Exit return types.  
+ *   Flags indicating the number and types of varargs included in a call
+ *   to a UTraceExit function.
+ *   Bits 0-3:  The function return type.  First variable param.
+ *   Bit    4:  Flag for presence of U_ErrorCode status param.
+ *   @internal
+ */
+typedef enum UTraceExitVal {
+    /** The traced function returns no value  @internal */
+    /** The traced function returns an int32_t, or compatible, type.  @internal */
+    UTRACE_EXITV_I32    = 1,
+    /** The traced function returns a pointer  @internal */
+    UTRACE_EXITV_PTR    = 2,
+    /** The traced function returns a UBool  @internal */
+    /** Mask to extract the return type values from a UTraceExitVal  @internal */
+    UTRACE_EXITV_MASK   = 0xf,
+    /** Bit indicating that the traced function includes a UErrorCode parameter  @internal */
+} UTraceExitVal;
+ * Trace function for the entry point of a function.
+ * Do not use directly, use UTRACE_ENTRY instead.
+ * @param fnNumber The UTraceFunctionNumber for the current function.
+ * @internal
+ */
+utrace_entry(int32_t fnNumber);
+ * Trace function for each exit point of a function.
+ * Do not use directly, use UTRACE_EXIT* instead.
+ * @param fnNumber The UTraceFunctionNumber for the current function.
+ * @param returnType The type of the value returned by the function.
+ * @param errorCode The UErrorCode value at function exit. See UTRACE_EXIT.
+ * @internal
+ */
+utrace_exit(int32_t fnNumber, int32_t returnType, ...);
+ * Trace function used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Do not use directly, use UTRACE_DATAX() macros instead.
+ *
+ * @param utraceFnNumber The number of the current function, from the local
+ *        variable of the same name.
+ * @param level The trace level for this message.
+ * @param fmt The trace format string.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+utrace_data(int32_t utraceFnNumber, int32_t level, const char *fmt, ...);
+ * Boolean expression to see if ICU tracing is turned on
+ * to at least the specified level.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_LEVEL(level) (utrace_getLevel()>=(level))
+  *  Flag bit in utraceFnNumber, the local variable added to each function 
+  *  with tracing code to contains the function number.
+  *
+  *  Set the flag if the function's entry is traced, which will cause the
+  *  function's exit to also be traced.  utraceFnNumber is uncoditionally 
+  *  set at entry, whether or not the entry is traced, so that it will
+  *  always be available for error trace output.
+  *  @internal
+  */            
+#define UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY 0x80000000
+ * Trace statement for the entry point of a function.
+ * Stores the function number in a local variable.
+ * In C code, must be placed immediately after the last variable declaration.
+ * Must be matched with UTRACE_EXIT() at all function exit points.
+ *
+ * Tracing should start with UTRACE_ENTRY after checking for
+ * U_FAILURE at function entry, so that if a function returns immediately
+ * because of a pre-existing error condition, it does not show up in the trace,
+ * consistent with ICU's error handling model.
+ *
+ * @param fnNumber The UTraceFunctionNumber for the current function.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_ENTRY(fnNumber) \
+    int32_t utraceFnNumber=(fnNumber); \
+    if(utrace_getLevel()>=UTRACE_INFO) { \
+        utrace_entry(fnNumber); \
+        utraceFnNumber |= UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY; \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement for the entry point of open and close functions.
+ * Produces trace output at a less verbose setting than plain UTRACE_ENTRY
+ * Stores the function number in a local variable.
+ * In C code, must be placed immediately after the last variable declaration.
+ * Must be matched with UTRACE_EXIT() at all function exit points.
+ *
+ * @param fnNumber The UTraceFunctionNumber for the current function.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_ENTRY_OC(fnNumber) \
+    int32_t utraceFnNumber=(fnNumber); \
+    if(utrace_getLevel()>=UTRACE_OPEN_CLOSE) { \
+        utrace_entry(fnNumber); \
+        utraceFnNumber |= UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY; \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement for each exit point of a function that has a UTRACE_ENTRY()
+ * statement.
+ *
+ * @param errorCode The function's ICU UErrorCode value at function exit,
+ *                  or U_ZERO_ERROR if the function does not use a UErrorCode.
+ *                  0==U_ZERO_ERROR indicates success,
+ *                  positive values an error (see u_errorName()),
+ *                  negative values an informational status.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+    if(utraceFnNumber & UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY) { \
+        utrace_exit(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, UTRACE_EXITV_NONE); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement for each exit point of a function that has a UTRACE_ENTRY()
+ * statement, and that returns a value.
+ *
+ * @param val       The function's return value, int32_t or comatible type.
+ *
+ * @internal 
+ */
+    if(utraceFnNumber & UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY) { \
+        utrace_exit(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, UTRACE_EXITV_I32, val); \
+    } \
+    if(utraceFnNumber & UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY) { \
+        utrace_exit(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, UTRACE_EXITV_STATUS, status); \
+    } \
+    if(utraceFnNumber & UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY) { \
+        utrace_exit(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (UTRACE_EXITV_I32 | UTRACE_EXITV_STATUS), val, status); \
+    } \
+    if(utraceFnNumber & UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY) { \
+        utrace_exit(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (UTRACE_EXITV_PTR | UTRACE_EXITV_STATUS), ptr, status); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes no data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA0(level, fmt) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes one data argument.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA1(level, fmt, a) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY , (level), (fmt), (a)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes two data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA2(level, fmt, a, b) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY , (level), (fmt), (a), (b)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes three data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA3(level, fmt, a, b, c) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt), (a), (b), (c)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes four data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA4(level, fmt, a, b, c, d) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt), (a), (b), (c), (d)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes five data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA5(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes six data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA6(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes seven data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA7(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes eight data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA8(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h)); \
+    } \
+ * Trace statement used inside functions that have a UTRACE_ENTRY() statement.
+ * Takes nine data arguments.
+ * The number of arguments for this macro must match the number of inserts
+ * in the format string. Vector inserts count as two arguments.
+ * Calls utrace_data() if the level is high enough.
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define UTRACE_DATA9(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if(UTRACE_LEVEL(level)) { \
+        utrace_data(utraceFnNumber & ~UTRACE_TRACED_ENTRY, (level), (fmt), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i)); \
+    } \
+ * When tracing is disabled, the following macros become empty
+ */
+#define UTRACE_LEVEL(level) 0
+#define UTRACE_ENTRY(fnNumber)
+#define UTRACE_ENTRY_OC(fnNumber)
+#define UTRACE_EXIT()
+#define UTRACE_EXIT_VALUE(val)
+#define UTRACE_EXIT_STATUS(status)
+#define UTRACE_EXIT_VALUE_STATUS(val, status)
+#define UTRACE_EXIT_PTR_STATUS(ptr, status)
+#define UTRACE_DATA0(level, fmt)
+#define UTRACE_DATA1(level, fmt, a)
+#define UTRACE_DATA2(level, fmt, a, b)
+#define UTRACE_DATA3(level, fmt, a, b, c)
+#define UTRACE_DATA4(level, fmt, a, b, c, d)
+#define UTRACE_DATA5(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e)
+#define UTRACE_DATA6(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f)
+#define UTRACE_DATA7(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
+#define UTRACE_DATA8(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
+#define UTRACE_DATA9(level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/utrie.h b/libicu/cts_headers/utrie.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..532ba77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/utrie.h
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utrie.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2001nov08
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UTRIE_H__
+#define __UTRIE_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+ * \file
+ *
+ * This is a common implementation of a "folded" trie.
+ * It is a kind of compressed, serializable table of 16- or 32-bit values associated with
+ * Unicode code points (0..0x10ffff).
+ *
+ * This implementation is optimized for getting values while walking forward
+ * through a UTF-16 string.
+ * Therefore, the simplest and fastest access macros are the
+ * _FROM_LEAD() and _FROM_OFFSET_TRAIL() macros.
+ *
+ * The _FROM_BMP() macros are a little more complicated; they get values
+ * even for lead surrogate code _points_, while the _FROM_LEAD() macros
+ * get special "folded" values for lead surrogate code _units_ if
+ * there is relevant data associated with them.
+ * From such a folded value, an offset needs to be extracted to supply
+ * to the _FROM_OFFSET_TRAIL() macros.
+ *
+ * Most of the more complex (and more convenient) functions/macros call a callback function
+ * to get that offset from the folded value for a lead surrogate unit.
+ */
+ * Trie constants, defining shift widths, index array lengths, etc.
+ */
+enum {
+    /** Shift size for shifting right the input index. 1..9 */
+    /** Number of data values in a stage 2 (data array) block. 2, 4, 8, .., 0x200 */
+    /** Mask for getting the lower bits from the input index. */
+    /**
+     * Lead surrogate code points' index displacement in the index array.
+     * 0x10000-0xd800=0x2800
+     */
+    /**
+     * Shift size for shifting left the index array values.
+     * Increases possible data size with 16-bit index values at the cost
+     * of compactability.
+     * This requires blocks of stage 2 data to be aligned by UTRIE_DATA_GRANULARITY.
+     * 0..UTRIE_SHIFT
+     */
+    /** The alignment size of a stage 2 data block. Also the granularity for compaction. */
+    /** Number of bits of a trail surrogate that are used in index table lookups. */
+    /**
+     * Number of index (stage 1) entries per lead surrogate.
+     * Same as number of index entries for 1024 trail surrogates,
+     * ==0x400>>UTRIE_SHIFT
+     */
+    /** Length of the BMP portion of the index (stage 1) array. */
+ * Length of the index (stage 1) array before folding.
+ * Maximum number of Unicode code points (0x110000) shifted right by UTRIE_SHIFT.
+ */
+ * Maximum length of the runtime data (stage 2) array.
+ * Limited by 16-bit index values that are left-shifted by UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT.
+ */
+ * Maximum length of the build-time data (stage 2) array.
+ * The maximum length is 0x110000+UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH+0x400.
+ * (Number of Unicode code points + one all-initial-value block +
+ *  possible duplicate entries for 1024 lead surrogates.)
+ */
+ * Number of bytes for a dummy trie.
+ * A dummy trie is an empty runtime trie, used when a real data trie cannot
+ * be loaded.
+ * The number of bytes works for Latin-1-linear tries with 32-bit data
+ * (worst case).
+ *
+ * Calculation:
+ *   BMP index + 1 index block for lead surrogate code points +
+ *   Latin-1-linear array + 1 data block for lead surrogate code points
+ *
+ * Latin-1: if(UTRIE_SHIFT<=8) { 256 } else { included in first data block }
+ *
+ * @see utrie_unserializeDummy
+ */
+ * Runtime UTrie callback function.
+ * Extract from a lead surrogate's data the
+ * index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param data data value for a surrogate from the trie, including the folding offset
+ * @return offset>=UTRIE_BMP_INDEX_LENGTH, or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate
+ */
+typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
+UTrieGetFoldingOffset(uint32_t data);
+ * Run-time Trie structure.
+ *
+ * Either the data table is 16 bits wide and accessed via the index
+ * pointer, with each index item increased by indexLength;
+ * in this case, data32==NULL.
+ *
+ * Or the data table is 32 bits wide and accessed via the data32 pointer.
+ */
+struct UTrie {
+    const uint16_t *index;
+    const uint32_t *data32; /* NULL if 16b data is used via index */
+    /**
+     * This function is not used in _FROM_LEAD, _FROM_BMP, and _FROM_OFFSET_TRAIL macros.
+     * If convenience macros like _GET16 or _NEXT32 are used, this function must be set.
+     *
+     * utrie_unserialize() sets a default function which simply returns
+     * the lead surrogate's value itself - which is the inverse of the default
+     * folding function used by utrie_serialize().
+     *
+     * @see UTrieGetFoldingOffset
+     */
+    UTrieGetFoldingOffset *getFoldingOffset;
+    int32_t indexLength, dataLength;
+    uint32_t initialValue;
+    UBool isLatin1Linear;
+#ifndef __UTRIE2_H__
+typedef struct UTrie UTrie;
+/** Internal trie getter from an offset (0 if c16 is a BMP/lead units) and a 16-bit unit */
+#define _UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, data, offset, c16) \
+    (trie)->data[ \
+        ((int32_t)((trie)->index[(offset)+((c16)>>UTRIE_SHIFT)])<<UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT)+ \
+        ((c16)&UTRIE_MASK) \
+    ]
+/** Internal trie getter from a pair of surrogates */
+#define _UTRIE_GET_FROM_PAIR(trie, data, c, c2, result, resultType) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    int32_t __offset; \
+    /* get data for lead surrogate */ \
+    (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW((trie), data, 0, (c)); \
+    __offset=(trie)->getFoldingOffset(result); \
+    /* get the real data from the folded lead/trail units */ \
+    if(__offset>0) { \
+        (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW((trie), data, __offset, (c2)&0x3ff); \
+    } else { \
+        (result)=(resultType)((trie)->initialValue); \
+    } \
+/** Internal trie getter from a BMP code point, treating a lead surrogate as a normal code point */
+#define _UTRIE_GET_FROM_BMP(trie, data, c16) \
+    _UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, data, 0xd800<=(c16) && (c16)<=0xdbff ? UTRIE_LEAD_INDEX_DISP : 0, c16)
+ * Internal trie getter from a code point.
+ * Could be faster(?) but longer with
+ *   if((c32)<=0xd7ff) { (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, data, 0, c32); }
+ */
+#define _UTRIE_GET(trie, data, c32, result, resultType) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    if((uint32_t)(c32)<=0xffff) { \
+        /* BMP code points */ \
+        (result)=_UTRIE_GET_FROM_BMP(trie, data, c32); \
+    } else if((uint32_t)(c32)<=0x10ffff) { \
+        /* supplementary code point */ \
+        UChar __lead16=U16_LEAD(c32); \
+        _UTRIE_GET_FROM_PAIR(trie, data, __lead16, c32, result, resultType); \
+    } else { \
+        /* out of range */ \
+        (result)=(resultType)((trie)->initialValue); \
+    } \
+/** Internal next-post-increment: get the next code point (c, c2) and its data */
+#define _UTRIE_NEXT(trie, data, src, limit, c, c2, result, resultType) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=*(src)++; \
+    if(!U16_IS_LEAD(c)) { \
+        (c2)=0; \
+        (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW((trie), data, 0, (c)); \
+    } else if((src)!=(limit) && U16_IS_TRAIL((c2)=*(src))) { \
+        ++(src); \
+        _UTRIE_GET_FROM_PAIR((trie), data, (c), (c2), (result), resultType); \
+    } else { \
+        /* unpaired lead surrogate code point */ \
+        (c2)=0; \
+        (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW((trie), data, UTRIE_LEAD_INDEX_DISP, (c)); \
+    } \
+/** Internal previous: get the previous code point (c, c2) and its data */
+#define _UTRIE_PREVIOUS(trie, data, start, src, c, c2, result, resultType) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    (c)=*--(src); \
+    if(!U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) { \
+        (c2)=0; \
+        (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW((trie), data, 0, (c)); \
+    } else if(!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c)) { \
+        /* trail surrogate */ \
+        if((start)!=(src) && U16_IS_LEAD((c2)=*((src)-1))) { \
+            --(src); \
+            (result)=(c); (c)=(c2); (c2)=(UChar)(result); /* swap c, c2 */ \
+            _UTRIE_GET_FROM_PAIR((trie), data, (c), (c2), (result), resultType); \
+        } else { \
+            /* unpaired trail surrogate code point */ \
+            (c2)=0; \
+            (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW((trie), data, 0, (c)); \
+        } \
+    } else { \
+        /* unpaired lead surrogate code point */ \
+        (c2)=0; \
+        (result)=_UTRIE_GET_RAW((trie), data, UTRIE_LEAD_INDEX_DISP, (c)); \
+    } \
+/* Public UTrie API ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * Get a pointer to the contiguous part of the data array
+ * for the Latin-1 range (U+0000..U+00ff).
+ * Must be used only if the Latin-1 range is in fact linear
+ * (trie->isLatin1Linear).
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @return (const uint16_t *) pointer to values for Latin-1 code points
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET16_LATIN1(trie) ((trie)->index+(trie)->indexLength+UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH)
+ * Get a pointer to the contiguous part of the data array
+ * for the Latin-1 range (U+0000..U+00ff).
+ * Must be used only if the Latin-1 range is in fact linear
+ * (trie->isLatin1Linear).
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @return (const uint32_t *) pointer to values for Latin-1 code points
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET32_LATIN1(trie) ((trie)->data32+UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH)
+ * Get a 16-bit trie value from a BMP code point (UChar, <=U+ffff).
+ * c16 may be a lead surrogate, which may have a value including a folding offset.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c16 (UChar, in) the input BMP code point
+ * @return (uint16_t) trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET16_FROM_LEAD(trie, c16) _UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, index, 0, c16)
+ * Get a 32-bit trie value from a BMP code point (UChar, <=U+ffff).
+ * c16 may be a lead surrogate, which may have a value including a folding offset.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c16 (UChar, in) the input BMP code point
+ * @return (uint32_t) trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET32_FROM_LEAD(trie, c16) _UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, data32, 0, c16)
+ * Get a 16-bit trie value from a BMP code point (UChar, <=U+ffff).
+ * Even lead surrogate code points are treated as normal code points,
+ * with unfolded values that may differ from _FROM_LEAD() macro results for them.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c16 (UChar, in) the input BMP code point
+ * @return (uint16_t) trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET16_FROM_BMP(trie, c16) _UTRIE_GET_FROM_BMP(trie, index, c16)
+ * Get a 32-bit trie value from a BMP code point (UChar, <=U+ffff).
+ * Even lead surrogate code points are treated as normal code points,
+ * with unfolded values that may differ from _FROM_LEAD() macro results for them.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c16 (UChar, in) the input BMP code point
+ * @return (uint32_t) trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET32_FROM_BMP(trie, c16) _UTRIE_GET_FROM_BMP(trie, data32, c16)
+ * Get a 16-bit trie value from a code point.
+ * Even lead surrogate code points are treated as normal code points,
+ * with unfolded values that may differ from _FROM_LEAD() macro results for them.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c32 (UChar32, in) the input code point
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET16(trie, c32, result) _UTRIE_GET(trie, index, c32, result, uint16_t)
+ * Get a 32-bit trie value from a code point.
+ * Even lead surrogate code points are treated as normal code points,
+ * with unfolded values that may differ from _FROM_LEAD() macro results for them.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c32 (UChar32, in) the input code point
+ * @param result (uint32_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET32(trie, c32, result) _UTRIE_GET(trie, data32, c32, result, uint32_t)
+ * Get the next code point (c, c2), post-increment src,
+ * and get a 16-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const UChar *, in) the limit pointer for the text, or NULL
+ * @param c (UChar, out) variable for the BMP or lead code unit
+ * @param c2 (UChar, out) variable for 0 or the trail code unit
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_NEXT16(trie, src, limit, c, c2, result) _UTRIE_NEXT(trie, index, src, limit, c, c2, result, uint16_t)
+ * Get the next code point (c, c2), post-increment src,
+ * and get a 32-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const UChar *, in) the limit pointer for the text, or NULL
+ * @param c (UChar, out) variable for the BMP or lead code unit
+ * @param c2 (UChar, out) variable for 0 or the trail code unit
+ * @param result (uint32_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_NEXT32(trie, src, limit, c, c2, result) _UTRIE_NEXT(trie, data32, src, limit, c, c2, result, uint32_t)
+ * Get the previous code point (c, c2), pre-decrement src,
+ * and get a 16-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param start (const UChar *, in) the start pointer for the text, or NULL
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param c (UChar, out) variable for the BMP or lead code unit
+ * @param c2 (UChar, out) variable for 0 or the trail code unit
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_PREVIOUS16(trie, start, src, c, c2, result) _UTRIE_PREVIOUS(trie, index, start, src, c, c2, result, uint16_t)
+ * Get the previous code point (c, c2), pre-decrement src,
+ * and get a 32-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param start (const UChar *, in) the start pointer for the text, or NULL
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param c (UChar, out) variable for the BMP or lead code unit
+ * @param c2 (UChar, out) variable for 0 or the trail code unit
+ * @param result (uint32_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_PREVIOUS32(trie, start, src, c, c2, result) _UTRIE_PREVIOUS(trie, data32, start, src, c, c2, result, uint32_t)
+ * Get a 16-bit trie value from a pair of surrogates.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c (UChar, in) a lead surrogate
+ * @param c2 (UChar, in) a trail surrogate
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET16_FROM_PAIR(trie, c, c2, result) _UTRIE_GET_FROM_PAIR(trie, index, c, c2, result, uint16_t)
+ * Get a 32-bit trie value from a pair of surrogates.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param c (UChar, in) a lead surrogate
+ * @param c2 (UChar, in) a trail surrogate
+ * @param result (uint32_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET32_FROM_PAIR(trie, c, c2, result) _UTRIE_GET_FROM_PAIR(trie, data32, c, c2, result, uint32_t)
+ * Get a 16-bit trie value from a folding offset (from the value of a lead surrogate)
+ * and a trail surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param offset (int32_t, in) the folding offset from the value of a lead surrogate
+ * @param c2 (UChar, in) a trail surrogate (only the 10 low bits are significant)
+ * @return (uint16_t) trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET16_FROM_OFFSET_TRAIL(trie, offset, c2) _UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, index, offset, (c2)&0x3ff)
+ * Get a 32-bit trie value from a folding offset (from the value of a lead surrogate)
+ * and a trail surrogate.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie *, in) a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param offset (int32_t, in) the folding offset from the value of a lead surrogate
+ * @param c2 (UChar, in) a trail surrogate (only the 10 low bits are significant)
+ * @return (uint32_t) trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE_GET32_FROM_OFFSET_TRAIL(trie, offset, c2) _UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, data32, offset, (c2)&0x3ff)
+/* enumeration callback types */
+ * Callback from utrie_enum(), extracts a uint32_t value from a
+ * trie value. This value will be passed on to the UTrieEnumRange function.
+ *
+ * @param context an opaque pointer, as passed into utrie_enum()
+ * @param value a value from the trie
+ * @return the value that is to be passed on to the UTrieEnumRange function
+ */
+typedef uint32_t U_CALLCONV
+UTrieEnumValue(const void *context, uint32_t value);
+ * Callback from utrie_enum(), is called for each contiguous range
+ * of code points with the same value as retrieved from the trie and
+ * transformed by the UTrieEnumValue function.
+ *
+ * The callback function can stop the enumeration by returning FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param context an opaque pointer, as passed into utrie_enum()
+ * @param start the first code point in a contiguous range with value
+ * @param limit one past the last code point in a contiguous range with value
+ * @param value the value that is set for all code points in [start..limit[
+ * @return FALSE to stop the enumeration
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
+UTrieEnumRange(const void *context, UChar32 start, UChar32 limit, uint32_t value);
+ * Enumerate efficiently all values in a trie.
+ * For each entry in the trie, the value to be delivered is passed through
+ * the UTrieEnumValue function.
+ * The value is unchanged if that function pointer is NULL.
+ *
+ * For each contiguous range of code points with a given value,
+ * the UTrieEnumRange function is called.
+ *
+ * @param trie a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param enumValue a pointer to a function that may transform the trie entry value,
+ *                  or NULL if the values from the trie are to be used directly
+ * @param enumRange a pointer to a function that is called for each contiguous range
+ *                  of code points with the same value
+ * @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the callback functions
+ */
+utrie_enum(const UTrie *trie,
+           UTrieEnumValue *enumValue, UTrieEnumRange *enumRange, const void *context);
+ * Unserialize a trie from 32-bit-aligned memory.
+ * Inverse of utrie_serialize().
+ * Fills the UTrie runtime trie structure with the settings for the trie data.
+ *
+ * @param trie a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory containing trie data
+ * @param length the number of bytes available at data
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the number of bytes at data taken up by the trie data
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_unserialize(UTrie *trie, const void *data, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * "Unserialize" a dummy trie.
+ * A dummy trie is an empty runtime trie, used when a real data trie cannot
+ * be loaded.
+ *
+ * The input memory is filled so that the trie always returns the initialValue,
+ * or the leadUnitValue for lead surrogate code points.
+ * The Latin-1 part is always set up to be linear.
+ *
+ * @param trie a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the dummy trie data
+ * @param length the number of bytes available at data (recommended to use UTRIE_DUMMY_SIZE)
+ * @param initialValue the initial value that is set for all code points
+ * @param leadUnitValue the value for lead surrogate code _units_ that do not
+ *                      have associated supplementary data
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ *
+ * @see utrie_open
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_unserializeDummy(UTrie *trie,
+                       void *data, int32_t length,
+                       uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t leadUnitValue,
+                       UBool make16BitTrie,
+                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Default implementation for UTrie.getFoldingOffset, set automatically by
+ * utrie_unserialize().
+ * Simply returns the lead surrogate's value itself - which is the inverse
+ * of the default folding function used by utrie_serialize().
+ * Exported for static const UTrie structures.
+ *
+ * @see UTrieGetFoldingOffset
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_defaultGetFoldingOffset(uint32_t data);
+/* Building a trie ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * Build-time trie structure.
+ * Opaque definition, here only to make fillIn parameters possible
+ * for utrie_open() and utrie_clone().
+ */
+struct UNewTrie {
+    /**
+     * Index values at build-time are 32 bits wide for easier processing.
+     * Bit 31 is set if the data block is used by multiple index values (from utrie_setRange()).
+     */
+    uint32_t *data;
+    uint32_t leadUnitValue;
+    int32_t indexLength, dataCapacity, dataLength;
+    UBool isAllocated, isDataAllocated;
+    UBool isLatin1Linear, isCompacted;
+    /**
+     * Map of adjusted indexes, used in utrie_compact().
+     * Maps from original indexes to new ones.
+     */
+typedef struct UNewTrie UNewTrie;
+ * Build-time trie callback function, used with utrie_serialize().
+ * This function calculates a lead surrogate's value including a folding offset
+ * from the 1024 supplementary code points [start..start+1024[ .
+ * It is U+10000 <= start <= U+10fc00 and (start&0x3ff)==0.
+ *
+ * The folding offset is provided by the caller.
+ * Instead of the offset itself, n can be stored in 10 bits -
+ * or fewer if it can be assumed that few lead surrogates have associated data.
+ *
+ * The returned value must be
+ * - not zero if and only if there is relevant data
+ *   for the corresponding 1024 supplementary code points
+ * - such that UTrie.getFoldingOffset(UNewTrieGetFoldedValue(..., offset))==offset
+ *
+ * @return a folded value, or 0 if there is no relevant data for the lead surrogate.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t U_CALLCONV
+UNewTrieGetFoldedValue(UNewTrie *trie, UChar32 start, int32_t offset);
+ * Open a build-time trie structure.
+ * The size of the build-time data array is specified to avoid allocating a large
+ * array in all cases. The array itself can also be passed in.
+ *
+ * Although the trie is never fully expanded to a linear array, especially when
+ * utrie_setRange32() is used, the data array could be large during build time.
+ * The maximum length is
+ * (Number of Unicode code points + one all-initial-value block +
+ *  possible duplicate entries for 1024 lead surrogates.)
+ * (UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH<=0x200 in all cases.)
+ *
+ * @param fillIn a pointer to a UNewTrie structure to be initialized (will not be released), or
+ *               NULL if one is to be allocated
+ * @param aliasData a pointer to a data array to be used (will not be released), or
+ *                  NULL if one is to be allocated
+ * @param maxDataLength the capacity of aliasData (if not NULL) or
+ *                      the length of the data array to be allocated
+ * @param initialValue the initial value that is set for all code points
+ * @param leadUnitValue the value for lead surrogate code _units_ that do not
+ *                      have associated supplementary data
+ * @param latin1Linear a flag indicating whether the Latin-1 range is to be allocated and
+ *                     kept in a linear, contiguous part of the data array
+ * @return a pointer to the initialized fillIn or the allocated and initialized new UNewTrie
+ */
+utrie_open(UNewTrie *fillIn,
+           uint32_t *aliasData, int32_t maxDataLength,
+           uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t leadUnitValue,
+           UBool latin1Linear);
+ * Clone a build-time trie structure with all entries.
+ *
+ * @param fillIn like in utrie_open()
+ * @param other the build-time trie structure to clone
+ * @param aliasData like in utrie_open(),
+ *                  used if aliasDataLength>=(capacity of other's data array)
+ * @param aliasDataLength the length of aliasData
+ * @return a pointer to the initialized fillIn or the allocated and initialized new UNewTrie
+ */
+utrie_clone(UNewTrie *fillIn, const UNewTrie *other, uint32_t *aliasData, int32_t aliasDataLength);
+ * Close a build-time trie structure, and release memory
+ * that was allocated by utrie_open() or utrie_clone().
+ *
+ * @param trie the build-time trie
+ */
+utrie_close(UNewTrie *trie);
+ * Get the data array of a build-time trie.
+ * The data may be modified, but entries that are equal before
+ * must still be equal after modification.
+ *
+ * @param trie the build-time trie
+ * @param pLength (out) a pointer to a variable that receives the number
+ *                of entries in the data array
+ * @return the data array
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t * U_EXPORT2
+utrie_getData(UNewTrie *trie, int32_t *pLength);
+ * Set a value for a code point.
+ *
+ * @param trie the build-time trie
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @param value the value
+ * @return FALSE if a failure occurred (illegal argument or data array overrun)
+ */
+utrie_set32(UNewTrie *trie, UChar32 c, uint32_t value);
+ * Get a value from a code point as stored in the build-time trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie the build-time trie
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @param pInBlockZero if not NULL, then *pInBlockZero is set to TRUE
+ *                     iff the value is retrieved from block 0;
+ *                     block 0 is the all-initial-value initial block
+ * @return the value
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_get32(UNewTrie *trie, UChar32 c, UBool *pInBlockZero);
+ * Set a value in a range of code points [start..limit[.
+ * All code points c with start<=c<limit will get the value if
+ * overwrite is TRUE or if the old value is 0.
+ *
+ * @param trie the build-time trie
+ * @param start the first code point to get the value
+ * @param limit one past the last code point to get the value
+ * @param value the value
+ * @param overwrite flag for whether old non-initial values are to be overwritten
+ * @return FALSE if a failure occurred (illegal argument or data array overrun)
+ */
+utrie_setRange32(UNewTrie *trie, UChar32 start, UChar32 limit, uint32_t value, UBool overwrite);
+ * Compact the build-time trie after all values are set, and then
+ * serialize it into 32-bit aligned memory.
+ *
+ * After this, the trie can only be serizalized again and/or closed;
+ * no further values can be added.
+ *
+ * @see utrie_unserialize()
+ *
+ * @param trie the build-time trie
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory for the trie data
+ * @param capacity the number of bytes available at data
+ * @param getFoldedValue a callback function that calculates the value for
+ *                       a lead surrogate from all of its supplementary code points
+ *                       and the folding offset;
+ *                       if NULL, then a default function is used which returns just
+ *                       the input offset when there are any non-initial-value entries
+ * @param reduceTo16Bits flag for whether the values are to be reduced to a
+ *                       width of 16 bits for serialization and runtime
+ * @param pErrorCode a UErrorCode argument; among other possible error codes:
+ * - U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the data storage block is too small for serialization
+ * - U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR if the trie data array is too small
+ * - U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if the index or data arrays are too long after compaction for serialization
+ *
+ * @return the number of bytes written for the trie
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_serialize(UNewTrie *trie, void *data, int32_t capacity,
+                UNewTrieGetFoldedValue *getFoldedValue,
+                UBool reduceTo16Bits,
+                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* serialization ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+// UTrie signature values, in platform endianness and opposite endianness.
+// The UTrie signature ASCII byte values spell "Trie".
+#define UTRIE_SIG       0x54726965
+#define UTRIE_OE_SIG    0x65697254
+ * Trie data structure in serialized form:
+ *
+ * UTrieHeader header;
+ * uint16_t index[header.indexLength];
+ * uint16_t data[header.dataLength];
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef struct UTrieHeader {
+    /** "Trie" in big-endian US-ASCII (0x54726965) */
+    uint32_t signature;
+    /**
+     * options bit field:
+     *     9    1=Latin-1 data is stored linearly at data+UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH
+     *     8    0=16-bit data, 1=32-bit data
+     *  7..4    UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT   // 0..UTRIE_SHIFT
+     *  3..0    UTRIE_SHIFT         // 1..9
+     */
+    uint32_t options;
+    /** indexLength is a multiple of UTRIE_SURROGATE_BLOCK_COUNT */
+    int32_t indexLength;
+    /** dataLength>=UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH */
+    int32_t dataLength;
+} UTrieHeader;
+ * Constants for use with UTrieHeader.options.
+ * @internal
+ */
+enum {
+    /** Mask to get the UTRIE_SHIFT value from options. */
+    /** Shift options right this much to get the UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT value. */
+    /** If set, then the data (stage 2) array is 32 bits wide. */
+    /**
+     * If set, then Latin-1 data (for U+0000..U+00ff) is stored in the data (stage 2) array
+     * as a simple, linear array at data+UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH.
+     */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/utrie2.h b/libicu/cts_headers/utrie2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..671f44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/utrie2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utrie2.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2008aug16 (starting from a copy of utrie.h)
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#ifndef __UTRIE2_H__
+#define __UTRIE2_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/utf8.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+struct UTrie;  /* forward declaration */
+#ifndef __UTRIE_H__
+typedef struct UTrie UTrie;
+ * \file
+ *
+ * This is a common implementation of a Unicode trie.
+ * It is a kind of compressed, serializable table of 16- or 32-bit values associated with
+ * Unicode code points (0..0x10ffff). (A map from code points to integers.)
+ *
+ * This is the second common version of a Unicode trie (hence the name UTrie2).
+ * Compared with UTrie version 1:
+ * - Still splitting BMP code points 11:5 bits for index and data table lookups.
+ * - Still separate data for lead surrogate code _units_ vs. code _points_,
+ *   but the lead surrogate code unit values are not required any more
+ *   for data lookup for supplementary code points.
+ * - The "folding" mechanism is removed. In UTrie version 1, this somewhat
+ *   hard-to-explain mechanism was meant to be used for optimized UTF-16
+ *   processing, with application-specific encoding of indexing bits
+ *   in the lead surrogate data for the associated supplementary code points.
+ * - For the last single-value code point range (ending with U+10ffff),
+ *   the starting code point ("highStart") and the value are stored.
+ * - For supplementary code points U+10000..highStart-1 a three-table lookup
+ *   (two index tables and one data table) is used. The first index
+ *   is truncated, omitting both the BMP portion and the high range.
+ * - There is a special small index for 2-byte UTF-8, and the initial data
+ *   entries are designed for fast 1/2-byte UTF-8 lookup.
+ *   Starting with ICU 60, C0 and C1 are not recognized as UTF-8 lead bytes any more at all,
+ *   and the associated 2-byte indexes are unused.
+ */
+ * Trie structure.
+ * Use only with public API macros and functions.
+ */
+struct UTrie2;
+typedef struct UTrie2 UTrie2;
+/* Public UTrie2 API functions: read-only access ---------------------------- */
+ * Selectors for the width of a UTrie2 data value.
+ */
+enum UTrie2ValueBits {
+    /** 16 bits per UTrie2 data value. */
+    /** 32 bits per UTrie2 data value. */
+    /** Number of selectors for the width of UTrie2 data values. */
+typedef enum UTrie2ValueBits UTrie2ValueBits;
+ * Open a frozen trie from its serialized from, stored in 32-bit-aligned memory.
+ * Inverse of utrie2_serialize().
+ * The memory must remain valid and unchanged as long as the trie is used.
+ * You must utrie2_close() the trie once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param valueBits selects the data entry size; results in an
+ *                  U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR if it does not match the serialized form
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory containing the serialized form of a UTrie2
+ * @param length the number of bytes available at data;
+ *               can be more than necessary
+ * @param pActualLength receives the actual number of bytes at data taken up by the trie data;
+ *                      can be NULL
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the unserialized trie
+ *
+ * @see utrie2_open
+ * @see utrie2_serialize
+ */
+utrie2_openFromSerialized(UTrie2ValueBits valueBits,
+                          const void *data, int32_t length, int32_t *pActualLength,
+                          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Open a frozen, empty "dummy" trie.
+ * A dummy trie is an empty trie, used when a real data trie cannot
+ * be loaded. Equivalent to calling utrie2_open() and utrie2_freeze(),
+ * but without internally creating and compacting/serializing the
+ * builder data structure.
+ *
+ * The trie always returns the initialValue,
+ * or the errorValue for out-of-range code points and illegal UTF-8.
+ *
+ * You must utrie2_close() the trie once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param valueBits selects the data entry size
+ * @param initialValue the initial value that is set for all code points
+ * @param errorValue the value for out-of-range code points and illegal UTF-8
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return the dummy trie
+ *
+ * @see utrie2_openFromSerialized
+ * @see utrie2_open
+ */
+utrie2_openDummy(UTrie2ValueBits valueBits,
+                 uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t errorValue,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Get a value from a code point as stored in the trie.
+ * Easier to use than UTRIE2_GET16() and UTRIE2_GET32() but slower.
+ * Easier to use because, unlike the macros, this function works on all UTrie2
+ * objects, frozen or not, holding 16-bit or 32-bit data values.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @return the value
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie2_get32(const UTrie2 *trie, UChar32 c);
+/* enumeration callback types */
+ * Callback from utrie2_enum(), extracts a uint32_t value from a
+ * trie value. This value will be passed on to the UTrie2EnumRange function.
+ *
+ * @param context an opaque pointer, as passed into utrie2_enum()
+ * @param value a value from the trie
+ * @return the value that is to be passed on to the UTrie2EnumRange function
+ */
+typedef uint32_t U_CALLCONV
+UTrie2EnumValue(const void *context, uint32_t value);
+ * Callback from utrie2_enum(), is called for each contiguous range
+ * of code points with the same value as retrieved from the trie and
+ * transformed by the UTrie2EnumValue function.
+ *
+ * The callback function can stop the enumeration by returning FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param context an opaque pointer, as passed into utrie2_enum()
+ * @param start the first code point in a contiguous range with value
+ * @param end the last code point in a contiguous range with value (inclusive)
+ * @param value the value that is set for all code points in [start..end]
+ * @return FALSE to stop the enumeration
+ */
+typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
+UTrie2EnumRange(const void *context, UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t value);
+ * Enumerate efficiently all values in a trie.
+ * Do not modify the trie during the enumeration.
+ *
+ * For each entry in the trie, the value to be delivered is passed through
+ * the UTrie2EnumValue function.
+ * The value is unchanged if that function pointer is NULL.
+ *
+ * For each contiguous range of code points with a given (transformed) value,
+ * the UTrie2EnumRange function is called.
+ *
+ * @param trie a pointer to the trie
+ * @param enumValue a pointer to a function that may transform the trie entry value,
+ *                  or NULL if the values from the trie are to be used directly
+ * @param enumRange a pointer to a function that is called for each contiguous range
+ *                  of code points with the same (transformed) value
+ * @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the callback functions
+ */
+utrie2_enum(const UTrie2 *trie,
+            UTrie2EnumValue *enumValue, UTrie2EnumRange *enumRange, const void *context);
+/* Building a trie ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Open an empty, writable trie. At build time, 32-bit data values are used.
+ * utrie2_freeze() takes a valueBits parameter
+ * which determines the data value width in the serialized and frozen forms.
+ * You must utrie2_close() the trie once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param initialValue the initial value that is set for all code points
+ * @param errorValue the value for out-of-range code points and illegal UTF-8
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return a pointer to the allocated and initialized new trie
+ */
+utrie2_open(uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t errorValue, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Clone a trie.
+ * You must utrie2_close() the clone once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param other the trie to clone
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return a pointer to the new trie clone
+ */
+utrie2_clone(const UTrie2 *other, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Clone a trie. The clone will be mutable/writable even if the other trie
+ * is frozen. (See utrie2_freeze().)
+ * You must utrie2_close() the clone once you are done using it.
+ *
+ * @param other the trie to clone
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return a pointer to the new trie clone
+ */
+utrie2_cloneAsThawed(const UTrie2 *other, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Close a trie and release associated memory.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ */
+utrie2_close(UTrie2 *trie);
+ * Set a value for a code point.
+ *
+ * @param trie the unfrozen trie
+ * @param c the code point
+ * @param value the value
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode; among other possible error codes:
+ * - U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION if the trie is frozen
+ */
+utrie2_set32(UTrie2 *trie, UChar32 c, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Set a value in a range of code points [start..end].
+ * All code points c with start<=c<=end will get the value if
+ * overwrite is TRUE or if the old value is the initial value.
+ *
+ * @param trie the unfrozen trie
+ * @param start the first code point to get the value
+ * @param end the last code point to get the value (inclusive)
+ * @param value the value
+ * @param overwrite flag for whether old non-initial values are to be overwritten
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode; among other possible error codes:
+ * - U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION if the trie is frozen
+ */
+utrie2_setRange32(UTrie2 *trie,
+                  UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
+                  uint32_t value, UBool overwrite,
+                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Freeze a trie. Make it immutable (read-only) and compact it,
+ * ready for serialization and for use with fast macros.
+ * Functions to set values will fail after serializing.
+ *
+ * A trie can be frozen only once. If this function is called again with different
+ * valueBits then it will set a U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param valueBits selects the data entry size; if smaller than 32 bits, then
+ *                  the values stored in the trie will be truncated
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode; among other possible error codes:
+ * - U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if the compacted index or data arrays are too long
+ *                             for serialization
+ *                             (the trie will be immutable and usable,
+ *                             but not frozen and not usable with the fast macros)
+ *
+ * @see utrie2_cloneAsThawed
+ */
+utrie2_freeze(UTrie2 *trie, UTrie2ValueBits valueBits, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Test if the trie is frozen. (See utrie2_freeze().)
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @return TRUE if the trie is frozen, that is, immutable, ready for serialization
+ *         and for use with fast macros
+ */
+utrie2_isFrozen(const UTrie2 *trie);
+ * Serialize a frozen trie into 32-bit aligned memory.
+ * If the trie is not frozen, then the function returns with a U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
+ * A trie can be serialized multiple times.
+ *
+ * @param trie the frozen trie
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the trie data,
+ *             can be NULL if capacity==0
+ * @param capacity the number of bytes available at data,
+ *                 or 0 for preflighting
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode; among other possible error codes:
+ * - U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the data storage block is too small for serialization
+ * - U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the trie is not frozen or the data and capacity
+ *                            parameters are bad
+ * @return the number of bytes written or needed for the trie
+ *
+ * @see utrie2_openFromSerialized()
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie2_serialize(const UTrie2 *trie,
+                 void *data, int32_t capacity,
+                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* Public UTrie2 API: miscellaneous functions ------------------------------- */
+ * Build a UTrie2 (version 2) from a UTrie (version 1).
+ * Enumerates all values in the UTrie and builds a UTrie2 with the same values.
+ * The resulting UTrie2 will be frozen.
+ *
+ * @param trie1 the runtime UTrie structure to be enumerated
+ * @param errorValue the value for out-of-range code points and illegal UTF-8
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ * @return The frozen UTrie2 with the same values as the UTrie.
+ */
+utrie2_fromUTrie(const UTrie *trie1, uint32_t errorValue, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* Public UTrie2 API macros ------------------------------------------------- */
+ * These macros provide fast data lookup from a frozen trie.
+ * They will crash when used on an unfrozen trie.
+ */
+ * Return a 16-bit trie value from a code point, with range checking.
+ * Returns trie->errorValue if c is not in the range 0..U+10ffff.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point
+ * @return (uint16_t) The code point's trie value.
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_GET16(trie, c) _UTRIE2_GET((trie), index, (trie)->indexLength, (c))
+ * Return a 32-bit trie value from a code point, with range checking.
+ * Returns trie->errorValue if c is not in the range 0..U+10ffff.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point
+ * @return (uint32_t) The code point's trie value.
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_GET32(trie, c) _UTRIE2_GET((trie), data32, 0, (c))
+ * UTF-16: Get the next code point (UChar32 c, out), post-increment src,
+ * and get a 16-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const UChar *, in) the limit pointer for the text, or NULL if NUL-terminated
+ * @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U16_NEXT16(trie, src, limit, c, result) _UTRIE2_U16_NEXT(trie, index, src, limit, c, result)
+ * UTF-16: Get the next code point (UChar32 c, out), post-increment src,
+ * and get a 32-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const UChar *, in) the limit pointer for the text, or NULL if NUL-terminated
+ * @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
+ * @param result (uint32_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U16_NEXT32(trie, src, limit, c, result) _UTRIE2_U16_NEXT(trie, data32, src, limit, c, result)
+ * UTF-16: Get the previous code point (UChar32 c, out), pre-decrement src,
+ * and get a 16-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param start (const UChar *, in) the start pointer for the text
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U16_PREV16(trie, start, src, c, result) _UTRIE2_U16_PREV(trie, index, start, src, c, result)
+ * UTF-16: Get the previous code point (UChar32 c, out), pre-decrement src,
+ * and get a 32-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param start (const UChar *, in) the start pointer for the text
+ * @param src (const UChar *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param c (UChar32, out) variable for the code point
+ * @param result (uint32_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U16_PREV32(trie, start, src, c, result) _UTRIE2_U16_PREV(trie, data32, start, src, c, result)
+ * UTF-8: Post-increment src and get a 16-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const char *, in) the limit pointer for the text (must not be NULL)
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U8_NEXT16(trie, src, limit, result)\
+    _UTRIE2_U8_NEXT(trie, data16, index, src, limit, result)
+ * UTF-8: Post-increment src and get a 32-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param limit (const char *, in) the limit pointer for the text (must not be NULL)
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U8_NEXT32(trie, src, limit, result) \
+    _UTRIE2_U8_NEXT(trie, data32, data32, src, limit, result)
+ * UTF-8: Pre-decrement src and get a 16-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param start (const char *, in) the start pointer for the text
+ * @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint16_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U8_PREV16(trie, start, src, result) \
+    _UTRIE2_U8_PREV(trie, data16, index, start, src, result)
+ * UTF-8: Pre-decrement src and get a 32-bit value from the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param start (const char *, in) the start pointer for the text
+ * @param src (const char *, in/out) the source text pointer
+ * @param result (uint16_t, out) uint32_t variable for the trie lookup result
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_U8_PREV32(trie, start, src, result) \
+    _UTRIE2_U8_PREV(trie, data32, data32, start, src, result)
+/* Public UTrie2 API: optimized UTF-16 access ------------------------------- */
+ * The following functions and macros are used for highly optimized UTF-16
+ * text processing. The UTRIE2_U16_NEXTxy() macros do not depend on these.
+ *
+ * A UTrie2 stores separate values for lead surrogate code _units_ vs. code _points_.
+ * UTF-16 text processing can be optimized by detecting surrogate pairs and
+ * assembling supplementary code points only when there is non-trivial data
+ * available.
+ *
+ * At build-time, use utrie2_enumForLeadSurrogate() to see if there
+ * is non-trivial (non-initialValue) data for any of the supplementary
+ * code points associated with a lead surrogate.
+ * If so, then set a special (application-specific) value for the
+ * lead surrogate code _unit_, with utrie2_set32ForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit().
+ *
+ * At runtime, use UTRIE2_GET16_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD() or
+ * UTRIE2_GET32_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD() per code unit. If there is non-trivial
+ * data and the code unit is a lead surrogate, then check if a trail surrogate
+ * follows. If so, assemble the supplementary code point with
+ * U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY() and look up its value with UTRIE2_GET16_FROM_SUPP()
+ * or UTRIE2_GET32_FROM_SUPP(); otherwise reset the lead
+ * surrogate's value or do a code point lookup for it.
+ *
+ * If there is only trivial data for lead and trail surrogates, then processing
+ * can often skip them. For example, in normalization or case mapping
+ * all characters that do not have any mappings are simply copied as is.
+ */
+ * Get a value from a lead surrogate code unit as stored in the trie.
+ *
+ * @param trie the trie
+ * @param c the code unit (U+D800..U+DBFF)
+ * @return the value
+ */
+U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie2_get32FromLeadSurrogateCodeUnit(const UTrie2 *trie, UChar32 c);
+ * Enumerate the trie values for the 1024=0x400 code points
+ * corresponding to a given lead surrogate.
+ * For example, for the lead surrogate U+D87E it will enumerate the values
+ * for [U+2F800..U+2FC00[.
+ * Used by data builder code that sets special lead surrogate code unit values
+ * for optimized UTF-16 string processing.
+ *
+ * Do not modify the trie during the enumeration.
+ *
+ * Except for the limited code point range, this functions just like utrie2_enum():
+ * For each entry in the trie, the value to be delivered is passed through
+ * the UTrie2EnumValue function.
+ * The value is unchanged if that function pointer is NULL.
+ *
+ * For each contiguous range of code points with a given (transformed) value,
+ * the UTrie2EnumRange function is called.
+ *
+ * @param trie a pointer to the trie
+ * @param enumValue a pointer to a function that may transform the trie entry value,
+ *                  or NULL if the values from the trie are to be used directly
+ * @param enumRange a pointer to a function that is called for each contiguous range
+ *                  of code points with the same (transformed) value
+ * @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the callback functions
+ */
+utrie2_enumForLeadSurrogate(const UTrie2 *trie, UChar32 lead,
+                            UTrie2EnumValue *enumValue, UTrie2EnumRange *enumRange,
+                            const void *context);
+ * Set a value for a lead surrogate code unit.
+ *
+ * @param trie the unfrozen trie
+ * @param lead the lead surrogate code unit (U+D800..U+DBFF)
+ * @param value the value
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode; among other possible error codes:
+ * - U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION if the trie is frozen
+ */
+utrie2_set32ForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit(UTrie2 *trie,
+                                     UChar32 lead, uint32_t value,
+                                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Return a 16-bit trie value from a UTF-16 single/lead code unit (<=U+ffff).
+ * Same as UTRIE2_GET16() if c is a BMP code point except for lead surrogates,
+ * but smaller and faster.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code unit, must be 0<=c<=U+ffff
+ * @return (uint16_t) The code unit's trie value.
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_GET16_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD(trie, c) _UTRIE2_GET_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD((trie), index, c)
+ * Return a 32-bit trie value from a UTF-16 single/lead code unit (<=U+ffff).
+ * Same as UTRIE2_GET32() if c is a BMP code point except for lead surrogates,
+ * but smaller and faster.
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code unit, must be 0<=c<=U+ffff
+ * @return (uint32_t) The code unit's trie value.
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_GET32_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD(trie, c) _UTRIE2_GET_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD((trie), data32, c)
+ * Return a 16-bit trie value from a supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10ffff).
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point, must be U+10000<=c<=U+10ffff
+ * @return (uint16_t) The code point's trie value.
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_GET16_FROM_SUPP(trie, c) _UTRIE2_GET_FROM_SUPP((trie), index, c)
+ * Return a 32-bit trie value from a supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10ffff).
+ *
+ * @param trie (const UTrie2 *, in) a frozen trie
+ * @param c (UChar32, in) the input code point, must be U+10000<=c<=U+10ffff
+ * @return (uint32_t) The code point's trie value.
+ */
+#define UTRIE2_GET32_FROM_SUPP(trie, c) _UTRIE2_GET_FROM_SUPP((trie), data32, c)
+/* C++ convenience wrappers ------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "unicode/utf.h"
+#include "mutex.h"
+// Use the Forward/Backward subclasses below.
+class UTrie2StringIterator : public UMemory {
+    UTrie2StringIterator(const UTrie2 *t, const UChar *p) :
+        trie(t), codePointStart(p), codePointLimit(p), codePoint(U_SENTINEL) {}
+    const UTrie2 *trie;
+    const UChar *codePointStart, *codePointLimit;
+    UChar32 codePoint;
+class BackwardUTrie2StringIterator : public UTrie2StringIterator {
+    BackwardUTrie2StringIterator(const UTrie2 *t, const UChar *s, const UChar *p) :
+        UTrie2StringIterator(t, p), start(s) {}
+    uint16_t previous16();
+    const UChar *start;
+class ForwardUTrie2StringIterator : public UTrie2StringIterator {
+    // Iteration limit l can be NULL.
+    // In that case, the caller must detect c==0 and stop.
+    ForwardUTrie2StringIterator(const UTrie2 *t, const UChar *p, const UChar *l) :
+        UTrie2StringIterator(t, p), limit(l) {}
+    uint16_t next16();
+    const UChar *limit;
+/* Internal definitions ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/** Build-time trie structure. */
+struct UNewTrie2;
+typedef struct UNewTrie2 UNewTrie2;
+ * Trie structure definition.
+ *
+ * Either the data table is 16 bits wide and accessed via the index
+ * pointer, with each index item increased by indexLength;
+ * in this case, data32==NULL, and data16 is used for direct ASCII access.
+ *
+ * Or the data table is 32 bits wide and accessed via the data32 pointer.
+ */
+struct UTrie2 {
+    /* protected: used by macros and functions for reading values */
+    const uint16_t *index;
+    const uint16_t *data16;     /* for fast UTF-8 ASCII access, if 16b data */
+    const uint32_t *data32;     /* NULL if 16b data is used via index */
+    int32_t indexLength, dataLength;
+    uint16_t index2NullOffset;  /* 0xffff if there is no dedicated index-2 null block */
+    uint16_t dataNullOffset;
+    uint32_t initialValue;
+    /** Value returned for out-of-range code points and illegal UTF-8. */
+    uint32_t errorValue;
+    /* Start of the last range which ends at U+10ffff, and its value. */
+    UChar32 highStart;
+    int32_t highValueIndex;
+    /* private: used by builder and unserialization functions */
+    void *memory;           /* serialized bytes; NULL if not frozen yet */
+    int32_t length;         /* number of serialized bytes at memory; 0 if not frozen yet */
+    UBool isMemoryOwned;    /* TRUE if the trie owns the memory */
+    UBool padding1;
+    int16_t padding2;
+    UNewTrie2 *newTrie;     /* builder object; NULL when frozen */
+#ifdef UTRIE2_DEBUG
+    const char *name;
+ * Trie constants, defining shift widths, index array lengths, etc.
+ *
+ * These are needed for the runtime macros but users can treat these as
+ * implementation details and skip to the actual public API further below.
+ */
+enum {
+    /** Shift size for getting the index-1 table offset. */
+    UTRIE2_SHIFT_1=6+5,
+    /** Shift size for getting the index-2 table offset. */
+    UTRIE2_SHIFT_2=5,
+    /**
+     * Difference between the two shift sizes,
+     * for getting an index-1 offset from an index-2 offset. 6=11-5
+     */
+    /**
+     * Number of index-1 entries for the BMP. 32=0x20
+     * This part of the index-1 table is omitted from the serialized form.
+     */
+    /** Number of code points per index-1 table entry. 2048=0x800 */
+    /** Number of entries in an index-2 block. 64=0x40 */
+    /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-2-block offset. */
+    /** Number of entries in a data block. 32=0x20 */
+    /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-data-block offset. */
+    /**
+     * Shift size for shifting left the index array values.
+     * Increases possible data size with 16-bit index values at the cost
+     * of compactability.
+     * This requires data blocks to be aligned by UTRIE2_DATA_GRANULARITY.
+     */
+    /** The alignment size of a data block. Also the granularity for compaction. */
+    /* Fixed layout of the first part of the index array. ------------------- */
+    /**
+     * The BMP part of the index-2 table is fixed and linear and starts at offset 0.
+     * Length=2048=0x800=0x10000>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2.
+     */
+    /**
+     * The part of the index-2 table for U+D800..U+DBFF stores values for
+     * lead surrogate code _units_ not code _points_.
+     * Values for lead surrogate code _points_ are indexed with this portion of the table.
+     * Length=32=0x20=0x400>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2. (There are 1024=0x400 lead surrogates.)
+     */
+    /** Count the lengths of both BMP pieces. 2080=0x820 */
+    /**
+     * The 2-byte UTF-8 version of the index-2 table follows at offset 2080=0x820.
+     * Length 32=0x20 for lead bytes C0..DF, regardless of UTRIE2_SHIFT_2.
+     */
+    UTRIE2_UTF8_2B_INDEX_2_LENGTH=0x800>>6,  /* U+0800 is the first code point after 2-byte UTF-8 */
+    /**
+     * The index-1 table, only used for supplementary code points, at offset 2112=0x840.
+     * Variable length, for code points up to highStart, where the last single-value range starts.
+     * Maximum length 512=0x200=0x100000>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_1.
+     * (For 0x100000 supplementary code points U+10000..U+10ffff.)
+     *
+     * The part of the index-2 table for supplementary code points starts
+     * after this index-1 table.
+     *
+     * Both the index-1 table and the following part of the index-2 table
+     * are omitted completely if there is only BMP data.
+     */
+    /*
+     * Fixed layout of the first part of the data array. -----------------------
+     * Starts with 4 blocks (128=0x80 entries) for ASCII.
+     */
+    /**
+     * The illegal-UTF-8 data block follows the ASCII block, at offset 128=0x80.
+     * Used with linear access for single bytes 0..0xbf for simple error handling.
+     * Length 64=0x40, not UTRIE2_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH.
+     */
+    /** The start of non-linear-ASCII data blocks, at offset 192=0xc0. */
+/* Internal functions and macros -------------------------------------------- */
+ * Internal function for part of the UTRIE2_U8_NEXTxx() macro implementations.
+ * Do not call directly.
+ * @internal
+ */
+utrie2_internalU8NextIndex(const UTrie2 *trie, UChar32 c,
+                           const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *limit);
+ * Internal function for part of the UTRIE2_U8_PREVxx() macro implementations.
+ * Do not call directly.
+ * @internal
+ */
+utrie2_internalU8PrevIndex(const UTrie2 *trie, UChar32 c,
+                           const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *src);
+/** Internal low-level trie getter. Returns a data index. */
+#define _UTRIE2_INDEX_RAW(offset, trieIndex, c) \
+    (((int32_t)((trieIndex)[(offset)+((c)>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2)]) \
+    ((c)&UTRIE2_DATA_MASK))
+/** Internal trie getter from a UTF-16 single/lead code unit. Returns the data index. */
+#define _UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD(trieIndex, c) _UTRIE2_INDEX_RAW(0, trieIndex, c)
+/** Internal trie getter from a lead surrogate code point (D800..DBFF). Returns the data index. */
+#define _UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_LSCP(trieIndex, c) \
+    _UTRIE2_INDEX_RAW(UTRIE2_LSCP_INDEX_2_OFFSET-(0xd800>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2), trieIndex, c)
+/** Internal trie getter from a BMP code point. Returns the data index. */
+#define _UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_BMP(trieIndex, c) \
+                      trieIndex, c)
+/** Internal trie getter from a supplementary code point below highStart. Returns the data index. */
+#define _UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_SUPP(trieIndex, c) \
+    (((int32_t)((trieIndex)[ \
+                      ((c)>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_1)]+ \
+        (((c)>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2)&UTRIE2_INDEX_2_MASK)]) \
+    ((c)&UTRIE2_DATA_MASK))
+ * Internal trie getter from a code point, with checking that c is in 0..10FFFF.
+ * Returns the data index.
+ */
+#define _UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_CP(trie, asciiOffset, c) \
+    ((uint32_t)(c)<0xd800 ? \
+        _UTRIE2_INDEX_RAW(0, (trie)->index, c) : \
+        (uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff ? \
+            _UTRIE2_INDEX_RAW( \
+                (c)<=0xdbff ? UTRIE2_LSCP_INDEX_2_OFFSET-(0xd800>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2) : 0, \
+                (trie)->index, c) : \
+            (uint32_t)(c)>0x10ffff ? \
+                (asciiOffset)+UTRIE2_BAD_UTF8_DATA_OFFSET : \
+                (c)>=(trie)->highStart ? \
+                    (trie)->highValueIndex : \
+                    _UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_SUPP((trie)->index, c))
+/** Internal trie getter from a UTF-16 single/lead code unit. Returns the data. */
+#define _UTRIE2_GET_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD(trie, data, c) \
+    (trie)->data[_UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD((trie)->index, c)]
+/** Internal trie getter from a supplementary code point. Returns the data. */
+#define _UTRIE2_GET_FROM_SUPP(trie, data, c) \
+    (trie)->data[(c)>=(trie)->highStart ? (trie)->highValueIndex : \
+                 _UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_SUPP((trie)->index, c)]
+ * Internal trie getter from a code point, with checking that c is in 0..10FFFF.
+ * Returns the data.
+ */
+#define _UTRIE2_GET(trie, data, asciiOffset, c) \
+    (trie)->data[_UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_CP(trie, asciiOffset, c)]
+/** Internal next-post-increment: get the next code point (c) and its data. */
+#define _UTRIE2_U16_NEXT(trie, data, src, limit, c, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        (c)=*(src)++; \
+        if(!U16_IS_LEAD(c)) { \
+            (result)=_UTRIE2_GET_FROM_U16_SINGLE_LEAD(trie, data, c); \
+        } else if((src)==(limit) || !U16_IS_TRAIL(__c2=*(src))) { \
+            (result)=(trie)->data[_UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_LSCP((trie)->index, c)]; \
+        } else { \
+            ++(src); \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY((c), __c2); \
+            (result)=_UTRIE2_GET_FROM_SUPP((trie), data, (c)); \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** Internal pre-decrement-previous: get the previous code point (c) and its data */
+#define _UTRIE2_U16_PREV(trie, data, start, src, c, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    { \
+        uint16_t __c2; \
+        (c)=*--(src); \
+        if(!U16_IS_TRAIL(c) || (src)==(start) || !U16_IS_LEAD(__c2=*((src)-1))) { \
+            (result)=(trie)->data[_UTRIE2_INDEX_FROM_BMP((trie)->index, c)]; \
+        } else { \
+            --(src); \
+            (c)=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(__c2, (c)); \
+            (result)=_UTRIE2_GET_FROM_SUPP((trie), data, (c)); \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** Internal UTF-8 next-post-increment: get the next code point's data. */
+#define _UTRIE2_U8_NEXT(trie, ascii, data, src, limit, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    uint8_t __lead=(uint8_t)*(src)++; \
+    if(U8_IS_SINGLE(__lead)) { \
+        (result)=(trie)->ascii[__lead]; \
+    } else { \
+        uint8_t __t1, __t2; \
+        if( /* handle U+0800..U+FFFF inline */ \
+            0xe0<=__lead && __lead<0xf0 && ((src)+1)<(limit) && \
+            U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1(__lead, __t1=(uint8_t)*(src)) && \
+            (__t2=(uint8_t)(*((src)+1)-0x80))<= 0x3f \
+        ) { \
+            (src)+=2; \
+            (result)=(trie)->data[ \
+                ((int32_t)((trie)->index[((__lead-0xe0)<<(12-UTRIE2_SHIFT_2))+ \
+                                         ((__t1&0x3f)<<(6-UTRIE2_SHIFT_2))+(__t2>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2)]) \
+                <<UTRIE2_INDEX_SHIFT)+ \
+                (__t2&UTRIE2_DATA_MASK)]; \
+        } else if( /* handle U+0080..U+07FF inline */ \
+            __lead<0xe0 && __lead>=0xc2 && (src)<(limit) && \
+            (__t1=(uint8_t)(*(src)-0x80))<=0x3f \
+        ) { \
+            ++(src); \
+            (result)=(trie)->data[ \
+                (trie)->index[(UTRIE2_UTF8_2B_INDEX_2_OFFSET-0xc0)+__lead]+ \
+                __t1]; \
+        } else { \
+            int32_t __index=utrie2_internalU8NextIndex((trie), __lead, (const uint8_t *)(src), \
+                                                                       (const uint8_t *)(limit)); \
+            (src)+=__index&7; \
+            (result)=(trie)->data[__index>>3]; \
+        } \
+    } \
+/** Internal UTF-8 pre-decrement-previous: get the previous code point's data. */
+#define _UTRIE2_U8_PREV(trie, ascii, data, start, src, result) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \
+    uint8_t __b=(uint8_t)*--(src); \
+    if(U8_IS_SINGLE(__b)) { \
+        (result)=(trie)->ascii[__b]; \
+    } else { \
+        int32_t __index=utrie2_internalU8PrevIndex((trie), __b, (const uint8_t *)(start), \
+                                                                (const uint8_t *)(src)); \
+        (src)-=__index&7; \
+        (result)=(trie)->data[__index>>3]; \
+    } \
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/utrie2_impl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/utrie2_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a14db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/utrie2_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2001-2008, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   file name:  utrie2_impl.h
+*   encoding:   UTF-8
+*   tab size:   8 (not used)
+*   indentation:4
+*   created on: 2008sep26 (split off from utrie2.c)
+*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
+*   Definitions needed for both runtime and builder code for UTrie2,
+*   used by utrie2.c and utrie2_builder.c.
+#ifndef __UTRIE2_IMPL_H__
+#define __UTRIE2_IMPL_H__
+#include "unicode/umutablecptrie.h"
+#include "utrie2.h"
+/* Public UTrie2 API implementation ----------------------------------------- */
+ * These definitions are mostly needed by utrie2.cpp,
+ * but also by utrie2_serialize() and utrie2_swap().
+ */
+// UTrie2 signature values, in platform endianness and opposite endianness.
+// The UTrie2 signature ASCII byte values spell "Tri2".
+#define UTRIE2_SIG      0x54726932
+#define UTRIE2_OE_SIG   0x32697254
+ * Trie data structure in serialized form:
+ *
+ * UTrie2Header header;
+ * uint16_t index[header.index2Length];
+ * uint16_t data[header.shiftedDataLength<<2];  -- or uint32_t data[...]
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef struct UTrie2Header {
+    /** "Tri2" in big-endian US-ASCII (0x54726932) */
+    uint32_t signature;
+    /**
+     * options bit field:
+     * 15.. 4   reserved (0)
+     *  3.. 0   UTrie2ValueBits valueBits
+     */
+    uint16_t options;
+    uint16_t indexLength;
+    uint16_t shiftedDataLength;
+    /** Null index and data blocks, not shifted. */
+    uint16_t index2NullOffset, dataNullOffset;
+    /**
+     * First code point of the single-value range ending with U+10ffff,
+     * rounded up and then shifted right by UTRIE2_SHIFT_1.
+     */
+    uint16_t shiftedHighStart;
+} UTrie2Header;
+ * Constants for use with UTrie2Header.options.
+ * @internal
+ */
+enum {
+    /** Mask to get the UTrie2ValueBits valueBits from options. */
+/* Building a trie ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * These definitions are mostly needed by utrie2_builder.c, but also by
+ * utrie2_get32() and utrie2_enum().
+ */
+enum {
+    /**
+     * At build time, leave a gap in the index-2 table,
+     * at least as long as the maximum lengths of the 2-byte UTF-8 index-2 table
+     * and the supplementary index-1 table.
+     * Round up to UTRIE2_INDEX_2_BLOCK_LENGTH for proper compacting.
+     */
+        ~UTRIE2_INDEX_2_MASK,
+    /**
+     * Maximum length of the build-time index-2 array.
+     * Maximum number of Unicode code points (0x110000) shifted right by UTRIE2_SHIFT_2,
+     * plus the part of the index-2 table for lead surrogate code points,
+     * plus the build-time index gap,
+     * plus the null index-2 block.
+     */
+        (0x110000>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2)+
+ * Maximum length of the build-time data array.
+ * One entry per 0x110000 code points, plus the illegal-UTF-8 block and the null block,
+ * plus values for the 0x400 surrogate code units.
+ */
+#define UNEWTRIE2_MAX_DATA_LENGTH (0x110000+0x40+0x40+0x400)
+ * Build-time trie structure.
+ *
+ * Just using a boolean flag for "repeat use" could lead to data array overflow
+ * because we would not be able to detect when a data block becomes unused.
+ * It also leads to orphan data blocks that are kept through serialization.
+ *
+ * Need to use reference counting for data blocks,
+ * and allocDataBlock() needs to look for a free block before increasing dataLength.
+ *
+ * This scheme seems like overkill for index-2 blocks since the whole index array is
+ * preallocated anyway (unlike the growable data array).
+ * Just allocating multiple index-2 blocks as needed.
+ */
+struct UNewTrie2 {
+    int32_t index1[UNEWTRIE2_INDEX_1_LENGTH];
+    int32_t index2[UNEWTRIE2_MAX_INDEX_2_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t *data;
+    UMutableCPTrie *t3;
+    uint32_t initialValue, errorValue;
+    int32_t index2Length, dataCapacity, dataLength;
+    int32_t firstFreeBlock;
+    int32_t index2NullOffset, dataNullOffset;
+    UChar32 highStart;
+    UBool isCompacted;
+    /**
+     * Multi-purpose per-data-block table.
+     *
+     * Before compacting:
+     *
+     * Per-data-block reference counters/free-block list.
+     *  0: unused
+     * >0: reference counter (number of index-2 entries pointing here)
+     * <0: next free data block in free-block list
+     *
+     * While compacting:
+     *
+     * Map of adjusted indexes, used in compactData() and compactIndex2().
+     * Maps from original indexes to new ones.
+     */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/utypeinfo.h b/libicu/cts_headers/utypeinfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c666373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/utypeinfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2012-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __UTYPEINFO_H__
+#define __UTYPEINFO_H__
+// Windows header <typeinfo> does not define 'exception' in 'std' namespace.
+// Therefore, a project using ICU cannot be compiled with _HAS_EXCEPTIONS
+// set to 0 on Windows with Visual Studio. To work around that, we have to
+// include <exception> explicitly and add using statement below.
+// Whenever 'typeid' is used, this header has to be included
+// instead of <typeinfo>.
+// Visual Studio 10 emits warning 4275 with this change. If you compile
+// with exception disabled, you have to suppress warning 4275.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _HAS_EXCEPTIONS == 0
+#include <exception>
+using std::exception;
+#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
+namespace std { class type_info; } // WORKAROUND:
+#include <typeinfo>  // for 'typeid' to work
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uvector.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uvector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98318d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uvector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+*   Date        Name        Description
+*   10/22/99    alan        Creation.  This is an internal header.
+*                           It should not be exported.
+#ifndef UVECTOR_H
+#define UVECTOR_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "uarrsort.h"
+#include "uelement.h"
+ * <p>Ultralightweight C++ implementation of a <tt>void*</tt> vector
+ * that is (mostly) compatible with java.util.Vector.
+ *
+ * <p>This is a very simple implementation, written to satisfy an
+ * immediate porting need.  As such, it is not completely fleshed out,
+ * and it aims for simplicity and conformity.  Nonetheless, it serves
+ * its purpose (porting code from java that uses java.util.Vector)
+ * well, and it could be easily made into a more robust vector class.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Design notes</b>
+ *
+ * <p>There is index bounds checking, but little is done about it.  If
+ * indices are out of bounds, either nothing happens, or zero is
+ * returned.  We <em>do</em> avoid indexing off into the weeds.
+ *
+ * <p>There is detection of out of memory, but the handling is very
+ * coarse-grained -- similar to UnicodeString's protocol, but even
+ * coarser.  The class contains <em>one static flag</em> that is set
+ * when any call to <tt>new</tt> returns zero.  This allows the caller
+ * to use several vectors and make just one check at the end to see if
+ * a memory failure occurred.  This is more efficient than making a
+ * check after each call on each vector when doing many operations on
+ * multiple vectors.  The single static flag works best when memory
+ * failures are infrequent, and when recovery options are limited or
+ * nonexistent.
+ *
+ * <p>Since we don't have garbage collection, UVector was given the
+ * option to <em>own</em>its contents.  To employ this, set a deleter
+ * function.  The deleter is called on a void* pointer when that
+ * pointer is released by the vector, either when the vector itself is
+ * destructed, or when a call to setElementAt() overwrites an element,
+ * or when a call to remove() or one of its variants explicitly
+ * removes an element.  If no deleter is set, or the deleter is set to
+ * zero, then it is assumed that the caller will delete elements as
+ * needed.
+ *
+ * <p>In order to implement methods such as contains() and indexOf(),
+ * UVector needs a way to compare objects for equality.  To do so, it
+ * uses a comparison function, or "comparer."  If the comparer is not
+ * set, or is set to zero, then all such methods will act as if the
+ * vector contains no element.  That is, indexOf() will always return
+ * -1, contains() will always return FALSE, etc.
+ *
+ * <p><b>To do</b>
+ *
+ * <p>Improve the handling of index out of bounds errors.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UVector : public UObject {
+    // NOTE: UVector uses the UHashKey (union of void* and int32_t) as
+    // its basic storage type.  It uses UElementsAreEqual as its
+    // comparison function.  It uses UObjectDeleter as its deleter
+    // function.  These are named for hashtables, but used here as-is
+    // rather than duplicating the type.  This allows sharing of
+    // support functions.
+    int32_t count;
+    int32_t capacity;
+    UElement* elements;
+    UObjectDeleter *deleter;
+    UElementsAreEqual *comparer;
+    UVector(UErrorCode &status);
+    UVector(int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    UVector(UObjectDeleter *d, UElementsAreEqual *c, UErrorCode &status);
+    UVector(UObjectDeleter *d, UElementsAreEqual *c, int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual ~UVector();
+    /**
+     * Assign this object to another (make this a copy of 'other').
+     * Use the 'assign' function to assign each element.
+     */
+    void assign(const UVector& other, UElementAssigner *assign, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Compare this vector with another.  They will be considered
+     * equal if they are of the same size and all elements are equal,
+     * as compared using this object's comparer.
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const UVector& other);
+    /**
+     * Equivalent to !operator==()
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const UVector& other);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    // java.util.Vector API
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    void addElement(void* obj, UErrorCode &status);
+    void addElement(int32_t elem, UErrorCode &status);
+    void setElementAt(void* obj, int32_t index);
+    void setElementAt(int32_t elem, int32_t index);
+    void insertElementAt(void* obj, int32_t index, UErrorCode &status);
+    void insertElementAt(int32_t elem, int32_t index, UErrorCode &status);
+    void* elementAt(int32_t index) const;
+    int32_t elementAti(int32_t index) const;
+    UBool equals(const UVector &other) const;
+    inline void* firstElement(void) const;
+    inline void* lastElement(void) const;
+    inline int32_t lastElementi(void) const;
+    int32_t indexOf(void* obj, int32_t startIndex = 0) const;
+    int32_t indexOf(int32_t obj, int32_t startIndex = 0) const;
+    inline UBool contains(void* obj) const;
+    inline UBool contains(int32_t obj) const;
+    UBool containsAll(const UVector& other) const;
+    UBool removeAll(const UVector& other);
+    UBool retainAll(const UVector& other);
+    void removeElementAt(int32_t index);
+    UBool removeElement(void* obj);
+    void removeAllElements();
+    inline int32_t size(void) const;
+    inline UBool isEmpty(void) const;
+    UBool ensureCapacity(int32_t minimumCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Change the size of this vector as follows: If newSize is
+     * smaller, then truncate the array, possibly deleting held
+     * elements for i >= newSize.  If newSize is larger, grow the
+     * array, filling in new slots with NULL.
+     */
+    void setSize(int32_t newSize, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Fill in the given array with all elements of this vector.
+     */
+    void** toArray(void** result) const;
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    // New API
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    UObjectDeleter *setDeleter(UObjectDeleter *d);
+    UElementsAreEqual *setComparer(UElementsAreEqual *c);
+    inline void* operator[](int32_t index) const;
+    /**
+     * Removes the element at the given index from this vector and
+     * transfer ownership of it to the caller.  After this call, the
+     * caller owns the result and must delete it and the vector entry
+     * at 'index' is removed, shifting all subsequent entries back by
+     * one index and shortening the size of the vector by one.  If the
+     * index is out of range or if there is no item at the given index
+     * then 0 is returned and the vector is unchanged.
+     */
+    void* orphanElementAt(int32_t index);
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this vector contains none of the elements
+     * of the given vector.
+     * @param other vector to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     */
+    UBool containsNone(const UVector& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Insert the given object into this vector at its sorted position
+     * as defined by 'compare'.  The current elements are assumed to
+     * be sorted already.
+     */
+    void sortedInsert(void* obj, UElementComparator *compare, UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Insert the given integer into this vector at its sorted position
+     * as defined by 'compare'.  The current elements are assumed to
+     * be sorted already.
+     */
+    void sortedInsert(int32_t obj, UElementComparator *compare, UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Sort the contents of the vector, assuming that the contents of the
+     * vector are of type int32_t.
+     */
+    void sorti(UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+      * Sort the contents of this vector, using a caller-supplied function
+      * to do the comparisons.  (It's confusing that
+      *  UVector's UElementComparator function is different from the
+      *  UComparator function type defined in uarrsort.h)
+      */
+    void sort(UElementComparator *compare, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Stable sort the contents of this vector using a caller-supplied function
+     * of type UComparator to do the comparison.  Provides more flexibility
+     * than UVector::sort() because an additional user parameter can be passed to
+     * the comparison function.
+     */
+    void sortWithUComparator(UComparator *compare, const void *context, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    void _init(int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    int32_t indexOf(UElement key, int32_t startIndex = 0, int8_t hint = 0) const;
+    void sortedInsert(UElement e, UElementComparator *compare, UErrorCode& ec);
+    // Disallow
+    UVector(const UVector&);
+    // Disallow
+    UVector& operator=(const UVector&);
+ * <p>Ultralightweight C++ implementation of a <tt>void*</tt> stack
+ * that is (mostly) compatible with java.util.Stack.  As in java, this
+ * is merely a paper thin layer around UVector.  See the UVector
+ * documentation for further information.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Design notes</b>
+ *
+ * <p>The element at index <tt>n-1</tt> is (of course) the top of the
+ * stack.
+ *
+ * <p>The poorly named <tt>empty()</tt> method doesn't empty the
+ * stack; it determines if the stack is empty.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UStack : public UVector {
+    UStack(UErrorCode &status);
+    UStack(int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    UStack(UObjectDeleter *d, UElementsAreEqual *c, UErrorCode &status);
+    UStack(UObjectDeleter *d, UElementsAreEqual *c, int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual ~UStack();
+    // It's okay not to have a virtual destructor (in UVector)
+    // because UStack has no special cleanup to do.
+    inline UBool empty(void) const;
+    inline void* peek(void) const;
+    inline int32_t peeki(void) const;
+    void* pop(void);
+    int32_t popi(void);
+    inline void* push(void* obj, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline int32_t push(int32_t i, UErrorCode &status);
+    /*
+    If the object o occurs as an item in this stack,
+    this method returns the 1-based distance from the top of the stack.
+    */
+    int32_t search(void* obj) const;
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    // Disallow
+    UStack(const UStack&);
+    // Disallow
+    UStack& operator=(const UStack&);
+// UVector inlines
+inline int32_t UVector::size(void) const {
+    return count;
+inline UBool UVector::isEmpty(void) const {
+    return count == 0;
+inline UBool UVector::contains(void* obj) const {
+    return indexOf(obj) >= 0;
+inline UBool UVector::contains(int32_t obj) const {
+    return indexOf(obj) >= 0;
+inline void* UVector::firstElement(void) const {
+    return elementAt(0);
+inline void* UVector::lastElement(void) const {
+    return elementAt(count-1);
+inline int32_t UVector::lastElementi(void) const {
+    return elementAti(count-1);
+inline void* UVector::operator[](int32_t index) const {
+    return elementAt(index);
+inline UBool UVector::operator!=(const UVector& other) {
+    return !operator==(other);
+// UStack inlines
+inline UBool UStack::empty(void) const {
+    return isEmpty();
+inline void* UStack::peek(void) const {
+    return lastElement();
+inline int32_t UStack::peeki(void) const {
+    return lastElementi();
+inline void* UStack::push(void* obj, UErrorCode &status) {
+    addElement(obj, status);
+    return obj;
+inline int32_t UStack::push(int32_t i, UErrorCode &status) {
+    addElement(i, status);
+    return i;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uvectr32.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uvectr32.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba47daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uvectr32.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+//  UVector32 is a class implementing a vector of 32 bit integers.
+//            It is similar to UVector, but holds int32_t values rather than pointers.
+//            Most of the code is unchanged from UVector.
+#ifndef UVECTOR32_H
+#define UVECTOR32_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+ * <p>Ultralightweight C++ implementation of a <tt>void*</tt> vector
+ * that is (mostly) compatible with java.util.Vector.
+ *
+ * <p>This is a very simple implementation, written to satisfy an
+ * immediate porting need.  As such, it is not completely fleshed out,
+ * and it aims for simplicity and conformity.  Nonetheless, it serves
+ * its purpose (porting code from java that uses java.util.Vector)
+ * well, and it could be easily made into a more robust vector class.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Design notes</b>
+ *
+ * <p>There is index bounds checking, but little is done about it.  If
+ * indices are out of bounds, either nothing happens, or zero is
+ * returned.  We <em>do</em> avoid indexing off into the weeds.
+ *
+ * <p>There is detection of out of memory, but the handling is very
+ * coarse-grained -- similar to UnicodeString's protocol, but even
+ * coarser.  The class contains <em>one static flag</em> that is set
+ * when any call to <tt>new</tt> returns zero.  This allows the caller
+ * to use several vectors and make just one check at the end to see if
+ * a memory failure occurred.  This is more efficient than making a
+ * check after each call on each vector when doing many operations on
+ * multiple vectors.  The single static flag works best when memory
+ * failures are infrequent, and when recovery options are limited or
+ * nonexistent.
+ *
+ * <p><b>To do</b>
+ *
+ * <p>Improve the handling of index out of bounds errors.
+ *
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UVector32 : public UObject {
+    int32_t   count;
+    int32_t   capacity;
+    int32_t   maxCapacity;   // Limit beyond which capacity is not permitted to grow.
+    int32_t*  elements;
+    UVector32(UErrorCode &status);
+    UVector32(int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual ~UVector32();
+    /**
+     * Assign this object to another (make this a copy of 'other').
+     * Use the 'assign' function to assign each element.
+     */
+    void assign(const UVector32& other, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Compare this vector with another.  They will be considered
+     * equal if they are of the same size and all elements are equal,
+     * as compared using this object's comparer.
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const UVector32& other);
+    /**
+     * Equivalent to !operator==()
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const UVector32& other);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    // java.util.Vector API
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    inline void addElement(int32_t elem, UErrorCode &status);
+    void setElementAt(int32_t elem, int32_t index);
+    void insertElementAt(int32_t elem, int32_t index, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline int32_t elementAti(int32_t index) const;
+    UBool equals(const UVector32 &other) const;
+    inline int32_t lastElementi(void) const;
+    int32_t indexOf(int32_t elem, int32_t startIndex = 0) const;
+    inline UBool contains(int32_t elem) const;
+    UBool containsAll(const UVector32& other) const;
+    UBool removeAll(const UVector32& other);
+    UBool retainAll(const UVector32& other);
+    void removeElementAt(int32_t index);
+    void removeAllElements();
+    inline int32_t size(void) const;
+    inline UBool isEmpty(void) const;
+    // Inline.  Use this one for speedy size check.
+    inline UBool ensureCapacity(int32_t minimumCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Out-of-line, handles actual growth.  Called by ensureCapacity() when necessary.
+    UBool expandCapacity(int32_t minimumCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Change the size of this vector as follows: If newSize is
+     * smaller, then truncate the array, possibly deleting held
+     * elements for i >= newSize.  If newSize is larger, grow the
+     * array, filling in new slows with zero.
+     */
+    void setSize(int32_t newSize);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    // New API
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this vector contains none of the elements
+     * of the given vector.
+     * @param other vector to be checked for containment
+     * @return true if the test condition is met
+     */
+    UBool containsNone(const UVector32& other) const;
+    /**
+     * Insert the given integer into this vector at its sorted position.
+     * The current elements are assumed to be sorted already.
+     */
+    void sortedInsert(int32_t elem, UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to the internal array holding the vector.
+     */
+    inline int32_t *getBuffer() const;
+    /**
+     * Set the maximum allowed buffer capacity for this vector/stack.
+     * Default with no limit set is unlimited, go until malloc() fails.
+     * A Limit of zero means unlimited capacity.
+     * Units are vector elements (32 bits each), not bytes.
+     */
+    void setMaxCapacity(int32_t limit);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    void _init(int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Disallow
+    UVector32(const UVector32&);
+    // Disallow
+    UVector32& operator=(const UVector32&);
+    //  API Functions for Stack operations.
+    //  In the original UVector, these were in a separate derived class, UStack.
+    //  Here in UVector32, they are all together.
+    inline UBool empty(void) const;   // TODO:  redundant, same as empty().  Remove it?
+    inline int32_t peeki(void) const;
+    inline int32_t popi(void);
+    inline int32_t push(int32_t i, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline int32_t *reserveBlock(int32_t size, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline int32_t *popFrame(int32_t size);
+// UVector32 inlines
+inline UBool UVector32::ensureCapacity(int32_t minimumCapacity, UErrorCode &status) {
+    if ((minimumCapacity >= 0) && (capacity >= minimumCapacity)) {
+        return TRUE;
+    } else {
+        return expandCapacity(minimumCapacity, status);
+    }
+inline int32_t UVector32::elementAti(int32_t index) const {
+    return (index >= 0 && count > 0 && count - index > 0) ? elements[index] : 0;
+inline void UVector32::addElement(int32_t elem, UErrorCode &status) {
+    if (ensureCapacity(count + 1, status)) {
+        elements[count] = elem;
+        count++;
+    }
+inline int32_t *UVector32::reserveBlock(int32_t size, UErrorCode &status) {
+    if (ensureCapacity(count+size, status) == FALSE) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int32_t  *rp = elements+count;
+    count += size;
+    return rp;
+inline int32_t *UVector32::popFrame(int32_t size) {
+    U_ASSERT(count >= size);
+    count -= size;
+    if (count < 0) {
+        count = 0;
+    }
+    return elements+count-size;
+inline int32_t UVector32::size(void) const {
+    return count;
+inline UBool UVector32::isEmpty(void) const {
+    return count == 0;
+inline UBool UVector32::contains(int32_t obj) const {
+    return indexOf(obj) >= 0;
+inline int32_t UVector32::lastElementi(void) const {
+    return elementAti(count-1);
+inline UBool UVector32::operator!=(const UVector32& other) {
+    return !operator==(other);
+inline int32_t *UVector32::getBuffer() const {
+    return elements;
+// UStack inlines
+inline UBool UVector32::empty(void) const {
+    return isEmpty();
+inline int32_t UVector32::peeki(void) const {
+    return lastElementi();
+inline int32_t UVector32::push(int32_t i, UErrorCode &status) {
+    addElement(i, status);
+    return i;
+inline int32_t UVector32::popi(void) {
+    int32_t result = 0;
+    if (count > 0) {
+        count--;
+        result = elements[count];
+    }
+    return result;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/uvectr64.h b/libicu/cts_headers/uvectr64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cc9a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/uvectr64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 1999-2014, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+//  UVector64 is a class implementing a vector of 64 bit integers.
+//            It is similar to UVector32, but holds int64_t values rather than int32_t.
+//            Most of the code is unchanged from UVector.
+#ifndef UVECTOR64_H
+#define UVECTOR64_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+ * <p>Ultralightweight C++ implementation of an <tt>int64_t</tt> vector
+ * that has a subset of methods from UVector32
+ *
+ * <p>This is a very simple implementation, written to satisfy an
+ * immediate porting need.  As such, it is not completely fleshed out,
+ * and it aims for simplicity and conformity.  Nonetheless, it serves
+ * its purpose (porting code from java that uses java.util.Vector)
+ * well, and it could be easily made into a more robust vector class.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Design notes</b>
+ *
+ * <p>There is index bounds checking, but little is done about it.  If
+ * indices are out of bounds, either nothing happens, or zero is
+ * returned.  We <em>do</em> avoid indexing off into the weeds.
+ *
+ * <p>There is detection of out of memory, but the handling is very
+ * coarse-grained -- similar to UnicodeString's protocol, but even
+ * coarser.  The class contains <em>one static flag</em> that is set
+ * when any call to <tt>new</tt> returns zero.  This allows the caller
+ * to use several vectors and make just one check at the end to see if
+ * a memory failure occurred.  This is more efficient than making a
+ * check after each call on each vector when doing many operations on
+ * multiple vectors.  The single static flag works best when memory
+ * failures are infrequent, and when recovery options are limited or
+ * nonexistent.
+ *
+ * <p><b>To do</b>
+ *
+ * <p>Improve the handling of index out of bounds errors.
+ *
+ */
+class U_COMMON_API UVector64 : public UObject {
+    int32_t   count;
+    int32_t   capacity;
+    int32_t   maxCapacity;   // Limit beyond which capacity is not permitted to grow.
+    int64_t*  elements;
+    UVector64(UErrorCode &status);
+    UVector64(int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    virtual ~UVector64();
+    /**
+     * Assign this object to another (make this a copy of 'other').
+     * Use the 'assign' function to assign each element.
+     */
+    void assign(const UVector64& other, UErrorCode &ec);
+    /**
+     * Compare this vector with another.  They will be considered
+     * equal if they are of the same size and all elements are equal,
+     * as compared using this object's comparer.
+     */
+    UBool operator==(const UVector64& other);
+    /**
+     * Equivalent to !operator==()
+     */
+    inline UBool operator!=(const UVector64& other);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    // subset of java.util.Vector API
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    inline void addElement(int64_t elem, UErrorCode &status);
+    void setElementAt(int64_t elem, int32_t index);
+    void insertElementAt(int64_t elem, int32_t index, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline int64_t elementAti(int32_t index) const;
+    //UBool equals(const UVector64 &other) const;
+    inline int64_t lastElementi(void) const;
+    //int32_t indexOf(int64_t elem, int32_t startIndex = 0) const;
+    //UBool contains(int64_t elem) const;
+    //UBool containsAll(const UVector64& other) const;
+    //UBool removeAll(const UVector64& other);
+    //UBool retainAll(const UVector64& other);
+    //void removeElementAt(int32_t index);
+    void removeAllElements();
+    inline int32_t size(void) const;
+    inline UBool isEmpty(void) const { return count == 0; }
+    // Inline.  Use this one for speedy size check.
+    inline UBool ensureCapacity(int32_t minimumCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Out-of-line, handles actual growth.  Called by ensureCapacity() when necessary.
+    UBool expandCapacity(int32_t minimumCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Change the size of this vector as follows: If newSize is
+     * smaller, then truncate the array, possibly deleting held
+     * elements for i >= newSize.  If newSize is larger, grow the
+     * array, filling in new slows with zero.
+     */
+    void setSize(int32_t newSize);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    // New API
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    //UBool containsNone(const UVector64& other) const;
+    //void sortedInsert(int64_t elem, UErrorCode& ec);
+    /**
+     * Returns a pointer to the internal array holding the vector.
+     */
+    inline int64_t *getBuffer() const;
+    /**
+     * Set the maximum allowed buffer capacity for this vector/stack.
+     * Default with no limit set is unlimited, go until malloc() fails.
+     * A Limit of zero means unlimited capacity.
+     * Units are vector elements (64 bits each), not bytes.
+     */
+    void setMaxCapacity(int32_t limit);
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
+     */
+    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
+    /**
+     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
+    void _init(int32_t initialCapacity, UErrorCode &status);
+    // Disallow
+    UVector64(const UVector64&);
+    // Disallow
+    UVector64& operator=(const UVector64&);
+    //  API Functions for Stack operations.
+    //  In the original UVector, these were in a separate derived class, UStack.
+    //  Here in UVector64, they are all together.
+    //UBool empty(void) const;   // TODO:  redundant, same as empty().  Remove it?
+    //int64_t peeki(void) const;
+    inline int64_t popi(void);
+    inline int64_t push(int64_t i, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline int64_t *reserveBlock(int32_t size, UErrorCode &status);
+    inline int64_t *popFrame(int32_t size);
+// UVector64 inlines
+inline UBool UVector64::ensureCapacity(int32_t minimumCapacity, UErrorCode &status) {
+    if ((minimumCapacity >= 0) && (capacity >= minimumCapacity)) {
+        return TRUE;
+    } else {
+        return expandCapacity(minimumCapacity, status);
+    }
+inline int64_t UVector64::elementAti(int32_t index) const {
+    return (0 <= index && index < count) ? elements[index] : 0;
+inline void UVector64::addElement(int64_t elem, UErrorCode &status) {
+    if (ensureCapacity(count + 1, status)) {
+        elements[count] = elem;
+        count++;
+    }
+inline int64_t *UVector64::reserveBlock(int32_t size, UErrorCode &status) {
+    if (ensureCapacity(count+size, status) == FALSE) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int64_t  *rp = elements+count;
+    count += size;
+    return rp;
+inline int64_t *UVector64::popFrame(int32_t size) {
+    U_ASSERT(count >= size);
+    count -= size;
+    if (count < 0) {
+        count = 0;
+    }
+    return elements+count-size;
+inline int32_t UVector64::size(void) const {
+    return count;
+inline int64_t UVector64::lastElementi(void) const {
+    return elementAti(count-1);
+inline UBool UVector64::operator!=(const UVector64& other) {
+    return !operator==(other);
+inline int64_t *UVector64::getBuffer() const {
+    return elements;
+// UStack inlines
+inline int64_t UVector64::push(int64_t i, UErrorCode &status) {
+    addElement(i, status);
+    return i;
+inline int64_t UVector64::popi(void) {
+    int64_t result = 0;
+    if (count > 0) {
+        count--;
+        result = elements[count];
+    }
+    return result;
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/vzone.h b/libicu/cts_headers/vzone.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17df92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/vzone.h
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+* \file
+* \brief C API: RFC2445 VTIMEZONE support
+* <p>This is a C wrapper around the C++ VTimeZone class.</p>
+#ifndef __VZONE_H
+#define __VZONE_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "ztrans.h"
+#ifndef UCNV_H
+struct VZone;
+ * A UnicodeSet.  Use the vzone_* API to manipulate.  Create with
+ * vzone_open*, and destroy with vzone_close.
+ */
+typedef struct VZone VZone;
+ * VZone API
+ *********************************************************************/
+ * Creates a vzone from the given time zone ID.
+ * @param ID The time zone ID, such as America/New_York
+ * @param idLength, length of the ID parameter
+ * @return A vzone object initialized by the time zone ID,
+ * or NULL when the ID is unknown.
+ */
+vzone_openID(const UChar* ID, int32_t idLength);
+ * Create a vzone instance by RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data
+ * @param vtzdata The string including VTIMEZONE data block
+ * @param vtzdataLength, length of the vtzdata
+ * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+ * @return A vzone initialized by the VTIMEZONE data or
+ * NULL if failed to load the rule from the VTIMEZONE data.
+ */
+vzone_openData(const UChar* vtzdata, int32_t vtzdataLength, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Disposes of the storage used by a VZone object.  This function should
+ * be called exactly once for objects returned by vzone_open*.
+ * @param set the object to dispose of
+ */
+vzone_close(VZone* zone);
+ * Returns a copy of this object.
+ * @param zone the original vzone
+ * @return the newly allocated copy of the vzone
+ */
+vzone_clone(const VZone *zone);
+ * Returns true if zone1 is identical to zone2
+ * and vis versa.
+ * @param zone1 to be checked for containment
+ * @param zone2 to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ */
+vzone_equals(const VZone* zone1, const VZone* zone2);
+ * Gets the RFC2445 TZURL property value.  When a vzone instance was
+ * created from VTIMEZONE data, the initial value is set by the TZURL 
+ * property value in the data.  Otherwise, the initial value is not set.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param url Receives the RFC2445 TZURL property value.
+ * @param urlLength, length of the url
+ * @return TRUE if TZURL attribute is available and value is set.
+ */
+vzone_getTZURL(VZone* zone, UChar* & url, int32_t & urlLength);
+ * Sets the RFC2445 TZURL property value.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param url The TZURL property value.
+ * @param urlLength, length of the url
+ */
+vzone_setTZURL(VZone* zone, UChar* url, int32_t urlLength);
+ * Gets the RFC2445 LAST-MODIFIED property value.  When a vzone instance
+ * was created from VTIMEZONE data, the initial value is set by the 
+ * LAST-MODIFIED property value in the data.  Otherwise, the initial value 
+ * is not set.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param lastModified Receives the last modified date.
+ * @return TRUE if lastModified attribute is available and value is set.
+ */
+vzone_getLastModified(VZone* zone, UDate& lastModified);
+ * Sets the RFC2445 LAST-MODIFIED property value.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param lastModified The LAST-MODIFIED date.
+ */
+vzone_setLastModified(VZone* zone, UDate lastModified);
+ * Writes RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data for this time zone
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param result Output param to filled in with the VTIMEZONE data.
+ * @param resultLength, length of the result output
+ * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+ */
+vzone_write(VZone* zone, UChar* & result, int32_t & resultLength, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Writes RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data for this time zone applicalbe
+ * for dates after the specified start time.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param start The start date.
+ * @param result Output param to filled in with the VTIMEZONE data.
+ * @param resultLength, length of the result output
+ * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+ */
+vzone_writeFromStart(VZone* zone, UDate start, UChar* & result, int32_t & resultLength, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Writes RFC2445 VTIMEZONE data applicalbe for the specified date.
+ * Some common iCalendar implementations can only handle a single time
+ * zone property or a pair of standard and daylight time properties using
+ * BYDAY rule with day of week (such as BYDAY=1SUN).  This method produce
+ * the VTIMEZONE data which can be handled these implementations.  The rules
+ * produced by this method can be used only for calculating time zone offset
+ * around the specified date.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param time The date used for rule extraction.
+ * @param result Output param to filled in with the VTIMEZONE data.
+ * @param status Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+ */
+vzone_writeSimple(VZone* zone, UDate time, UChar* & result, int32_t & resultLength, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Returns the TimeZone's adjusted GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+ * to GMT to get local time in this time zone, taking daylight savings time into
+ * account) as of a particular reference date.  The reference date is used to determine
+ * whether daylight savings time is in effect and needs to be figured into the offset
+ * that is returned (in other words, what is the adjusted GMT offset in this time zone
+ * at this particular date and time?).  For the time zones produced by createTimeZone(),
+ * the reference data is specified according to the Gregorian calendar, and the date
+ * and time fields are local standard time.
+ *
+ * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+ * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+ * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+ *
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param era        The reference date's era
+ * @param year       The reference date's year
+ * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+ * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+ * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+ * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, local standard time
+ * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+ * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+vzone_getOffset(VZone* zone, uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
+ * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
+ *
+ * <p>Note: Don't call this method. Instead, call the getOffset(UDate...) overload,
+ * which returns both the raw and the DST offset for a given time. This method
+ * is retained only for backward compatibility.
+ *
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param era        The reference date's era
+ * @param year       The reference date's year
+ * @param month      The reference date's month (0-based; 0 is January)
+ * @param day        The reference date's day-in-month (1-based)
+ * @param dayOfWeek  The reference date's day-of-week (1-based; 1 is Sunday)
+ * @param millis     The reference date's milliseconds in day, local standard time
+ * @param monthLength The length of the given month in days.
+ * @param status     Output param to filled in with a success or an error.
+ * @return           The offset in milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+vzone_getOffset2(VZone* zone, uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
+                uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis,
+                int32_t monthLength, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Returns the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment
+ * in time.  Upon return, local-millis = GMT-millis + rawOffset +
+ * dstOffset.  All computations are performed in the proleptic
+ * Gregorian calendar.  The default implementation in the TimeZone
+ * class delegates to the 8-argument getOffset().
+ *
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param date moment in time for which to return offsets, in
+ * units of milliseconds from January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT, either GMT
+ * time or local wall time, depending on `local'.
+ * @param local if true, `date' is local wall time; otherwise it
+ * is in GMT time.
+ * @param rawOffset output parameter to receive the raw offset, that
+ * is, the offset not including DST adjustments
+ * @param dstOffset output parameter to receive the DST offset,
+ * that is, the offset to be added to `rawOffset' to obtain the
+ * total offset between local and GMT time. If DST is not in
+ * effect, this value is zero; otherwise it is a positive value,
+ * typically one hour.
+ * @param ec input-output error code
+ */
+vzone_getOffset3(VZone* zone, UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
+                int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec);
+ * Sets the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+ * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+ *
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param offsetMillis  The new raw GMT offset for this time zone.
+ */
+vzone_setRawOffset(VZone* zone, int32_t offsetMillis);
+ * Returns the TimeZone's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add
+ * to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
+ *
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @return   The TimeZone's raw GMT offset.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+vzone_getRawOffset(VZone* zone);
+ * Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @return true if this time zone uses daylight savings time,
+ * false, otherwise.
+ */
+vzone_useDaylightTime(VZone* zone);
+ * Queries if the given date is in daylight savings time in
+ * this time zone.
+ * This method is wasteful since it creates a new GregorianCalendar and
+ * deletes it each time it is called. This is a deprecated method
+ * and provided only for Java compatibility.
+ *
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param date the given UDate.
+ * @param status Output param filled in with success/error code.
+ * @return true if the given date is in daylight savings time,
+ * false, otherwise.
+ */
+vzone_inDaylightTime(VZone* zone, UDate date, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.
+ * That is, if this zone differs only in ID, if at all.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param other the <code>TimeZone</code> object to be compared with
+ * @return true if the given zone is the same as this one,
+ * with the possible exception of the ID
+ */
+vzone_hasSameRules(VZone* zone, const VZone* other);
+ * Gets the first time zone transition after the base time.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param base      The base time.
+ * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+ * @param result    Receives the first transition after the base time.
+ * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+ */
+vzone_getNextTransition(VZone* zone, UDate base, UBool inclusive, ZTrans* result);
+ * Gets the most recent time zone transition before the base time.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @param base      The base time.
+ * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+ * @param result    Receives the most recent transition before the base time.
+ * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
+ */
+vzone_getPreviousTransition(VZone* zone, UDate base, UBool inclusive, ZTrans* result);
+ * Returns the number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s which represents time transitions,
+ * for this time zone, that is, all <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s for this time zone except
+ * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The return value range is 0 or any positive value.
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use     
+ * @param status    Receives error status code.
+ * @return The number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s representing time transitions.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+vzone_countTransitionRules(VZone* zone, UErrorCode& status);
+ * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+ * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+ * <pre>
+ * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+ * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+ * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+ * </pre>
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+ */
+vzone_getStaticClassID(VZone* zone);
+ * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+ * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+ * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+ * methods call this method.
+ *
+ * @param zone, the vzone to use
+ * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+ *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+ *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+ */
+vzone_getDynamicClassID(VZone* zone);
+#endif // __VZONE_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/windtfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/windtfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe7f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/windtfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2005-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __WINDTFMT
+#define __WINDTFMT
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/datefmt.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Format dates using Windows API.
+ */
+// Forward declarations for Windows types...
+class Win32DateFormat : public DateFormat
+    Win32DateFormat(DateFormat::EStyle timeStyle, DateFormat::EStyle dateStyle, const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+    Win32DateFormat(const Win32DateFormat &other);
+    virtual ~Win32DateFormat();
+    virtual Win32DateFormat *clone() const;
+    Win32DateFormat &operator=(const Win32DateFormat &other);
+    UnicodeString &format(Calendar &cal, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos) const;
+    using DateFormat::format;
+    void parse(const UnicodeString& text, Calendar& cal, ParsePosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the calendar to be used by this date format. Initially, the default
+     * calendar for the specified or default locale is used.  The caller should
+     * not delete the Calendar object after it is adopted by this call.
+     *
+     * @param calendarToAdopt    Calendar object to be adopted.
+     */
+    virtual void adoptCalendar(Calendar* calendarToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Set the calendar to be used by this date format. Initially, the default
+     * calendar for the specified or default locale is used.
+     *
+     * @param newCalendar Calendar object to be set.
+     */
+    virtual void setCalendar(const Calendar& newCalendar);
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone for the calendar of this DateFormat object. The caller
+     * no longer owns the TimeZone object and should not delete it after this call.
+     *
+     * @param zoneToAdopt the TimeZone to be adopted.
+     */
+    virtual void adoptTimeZone(TimeZone* zoneToAdopt);
+    /**
+     * Sets the time zone for the calendar of this DateFormat object.
+     * @param zone the new time zone.
+     */
+    virtual void setTimeZone(const TimeZone& zone);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    void formatDate(const SYSTEMTIME *st, UnicodeString &appendTo) const;
+    void formatTime(const SYSTEMTIME *st, UnicodeString &appendTo) const;
+    UnicodeString setTimeZoneInfo(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *tzi, const TimeZone &zone) const;
+    UnicodeString* getTimeDateFormat(const Calendar *cal, const Locale *locale, UErrorCode &status) const;
+    UnicodeString *fDateTimeMsg;
+    DateFormat::EStyle fTimeStyle;
+    DateFormat::EStyle fDateStyle;
+    Locale fLocale;
+    UnicodeString fZoneID;
+    UnicodeString* fWindowsLocaleName; // Stores the equivalent Windows locale name.
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // __WINDTFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/winnmfmt.h b/libicu/cts_headers/winnmfmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99571d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/winnmfmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2005-2015, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __WINNMFMT
+#define __WINNMFMT
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/datefmt.h"
+#include "unicode/calendar.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C++ API: Format numbers using Windows API.
+ */
+union FormatInfo;
+class Win32NumberFormat : public NumberFormat
+    Win32NumberFormat(const Locale &locale, UBool currency, UErrorCode &status);
+    Win32NumberFormat(const Win32NumberFormat &other);
+    virtual ~Win32NumberFormat();
+    virtual Win32NumberFormat *clone() const;
+    Win32NumberFormat &operator=(const Win32NumberFormat &other);
+    /**
+     * Format a double number. Concrete subclasses must implement
+     * these pure virtual methods.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+     */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Format a long number. Concrete subclasses must implement
+     * these pure virtual methods.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int32_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    /**
+     * Format an int64 number.
+     *
+     * @param number    The value to be formatted.
+     * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
+     *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
+     * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
+     *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
+     * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
+    */
+    virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
+                                  UnicodeString& appendTo,
+                                  FieldPosition& pos) const;
+    using NumberFormat::format;
+// Use the default behavior for the following.
+//    virtual UnicodeString &format(double number, UnicodeString &appendTo) const;
+//    virtual UnicodeString &format(int32_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo) const;
+//    virtual UnicodeString &format(int64_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo) const;
+    virtual void parse(const UnicodeString& text, Formattable& result, ParsePosition& parsePosition) const;
+    /**
+     * Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number. maximumFractionDigits must be >= minimumFractionDigits.  If the
+     * new value for maximumFractionDigits is less than the current value
+     * of minimumFractionDigits, then minimumFractionDigits will also be set to
+     * the new value.
+     * @param newValue    the new value to be set.
+     * @see getMaximumFractionDigits
+     */
+    virtual void setMaximumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
+     * number. minimumFractionDigits must be &lt;= maximumFractionDigits.   If the
+     * new value for minimumFractionDigits exceeds the current value
+     * of maximumFractionDigits, then maximumIntegerDigits will also be set to
+     * the new value
+     * @param newValue    the new value to be set.
+     * @see getMinimumFractionDigits
+     */
+    virtual void setMinimumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue);
+    /**
+     * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+     * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+     * <pre>
+     * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+     * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+     * .       derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+     * </pre>
+     * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+     */
+    U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+    /**
+     * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+     * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+     * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+     * methods call this method.
+     *
+     * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+     *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+     *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+     */
+    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+    UnicodeString &format(int32_t numDigits, UnicodeString &appendTo, const wchar_t *format, ...) const;
+    UBool fCurrency;
+    Locale fLocale;
+    int32_t fLCID;
+    FormatInfo *fFormatInfo;
+    UBool fFractionDigitsSet;
+    UnicodeString* fWindowsLocaleName; // Stores the equivalent Windows locale name.
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // __WINNMFMT
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/wintz.h b/libicu/cts_headers/wintz.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd8565e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/wintz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2005-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* File WINTZ.H
+#ifndef __WINTZ
+#define __WINTZ
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Utilities for dealing w/ Windows time zones.
+ */
+/* Forward declarations for Windows types... */
+U_INTERNAL const char* U_EXPORT2
+#endif /* __WINTZ */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/wintzimpl.h b/libicu/cts_headers/wintzimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..772ea95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/wintzimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+*   Copyright (C) 2008-2011, International Business Machines
+*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __WINTZIMPL
+#define __WINTZIMPL
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Utilities for dealing w/ Windows time zones.
+ */
+/* Forward declarations for Windows types... */
+ * This method was moved over from common/wintz.h to allow for access to i18n functions
+ * needed to get the Windows time zone information without using static tables.
+ */
+uprv_getWindowsTimeZoneInfo(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *zoneInfo, const UChar *icuid, int32_t length);
+#endif /* __WINTZIMPL */
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/zonemeta.h b/libicu/cts_headers/zonemeta.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dbcc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/zonemeta.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
+* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
+#ifndef ZONEMETA_H
+#define ZONEMETA_H
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+typedef struct OlsonToMetaMappingEntry {
+    const UChar *mzid; // const because it's a reference to a resource bundle string.
+    UDate from;
+    UDate to;
+} OlsonToMetaMappingEntry;
+class UVector;
+class TimeZone;
+class U_I18N_API ZoneMeta {
+    /**
+     * Return the canonical id for this tzid defined by CLDR, which might be the id itself.
+     * If the given system tzid is not known, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is set in the status.
+     *
+     * Note: this internal API supports all known system IDs and "Etc/Unknown" (which is
+     * NOT a system ID).
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalCLDRID(const UnicodeString &tzid, UnicodeString &systemID, UErrorCode& status);
+    /**
+     * Return the canonical id for this tzid defined by CLDR, which might be the id itself.
+     * This overload method returns a persistent const UChar*, which is guranteed to persist
+     * (a pointer to a resource). If the given system tzid is not known, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR
+     * is set in the status.
+     * @param tzid Zone ID
+     * @param status Receives the status
+     * @return The canonical ID for the input time zone ID
+     */
+    static const UChar* U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalCLDRID(const UnicodeString &tzid, UErrorCode& status);
+    /*
+     * Conveninent method returning CLDR canonical ID for the given time zone
+     */
+    static const UChar* U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalCLDRID(const TimeZone& tz);
+    /**
+     * Return the canonical country code for this tzid.  If we have none, or if the time zone
+     * is not associated with a country, return bogus string.
+     * @param tzid Zone ID
+     * @param country [output] Country code
+     * @param isPrimary [output] TRUE if the zone is the primary zone for the country
+     * @return A reference to the result country
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalCountry(const UnicodeString &tzid, UnicodeString &country, UBool *isPrimary = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Returns a CLDR metazone ID for the given Olson tzid and time.
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getMetazoneID(const UnicodeString &tzid, UDate date, UnicodeString &result);
+    /**
+     * Returns an Olson ID for the ginve metazone and region
+     */
+    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getZoneIdByMetazone(const UnicodeString &mzid, const UnicodeString &region, UnicodeString &result);
+    static const UVector* U_EXPORT2 getMetazoneMappings(const UnicodeString &tzid);
+    static const UVector* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableMetazoneIDs();
+    /**
+     * Returns the pointer to the persistent time zone ID string, or NULL if the given tzid is not in the
+     * tz database. This method is useful when you maintain persistent zone IDs without duplication.
+     */
+    static const UChar* U_EXPORT2 findTimeZoneID(const UnicodeString& tzid);
+    /**
+     * Returns the pointer to the persistent meta zone ID string, or NULL if the given mzid is not available.
+     * This method is useful when you maintain persistent meta zone IDs without duplication.
+     */
+    static const UChar* U_EXPORT2 findMetaZoneID(const UnicodeString& mzid);
+    /**
+     * Creates a custom zone for the offset
+     * @param offset GMT offset in milliseconds
+     * @return A custom TimeZone for the offset with normalized time zone id
+     */
+    static TimeZone* createCustomTimeZone(int32_t offset);
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone's short ID (null terminated) for the zone.
+     * For example, "uslax" for zone "America/Los_Angeles".
+     * @param tz the time zone
+     * @return the short ID of the time zone, or null if the short ID is not available.
+     */
+    static const UChar* U_EXPORT2 getShortID(const TimeZone& tz);
+    /**
+     * Returns the time zone's short ID (null terminated) for the zone ID.
+     * For example, "uslax" for zone ID "America/Los_Angeles".
+     * @param tz the time zone ID
+     * @return the short ID of the time zone ID, or null if the short ID is not available.
+     */
+    static const UChar* U_EXPORT2 getShortID(const UnicodeString& id);
+    ZoneMeta(); // Prevent construction.
+    static UVector* createMetazoneMappings(const UnicodeString &tzid);
+    static UnicodeString& formatCustomID(uint8_t hour, uint8_t min, uint8_t sec, UBool negative, UnicodeString& id);
+    static const UChar* getShortIDFromCanonical(const UChar* canonicalID);
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
+#endif // ZONEMETA_H
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/zrule.h b/libicu/cts_headers/zrule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f395ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/zrule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __ZRULE_H
+#define __ZRULE_H
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Time zone rule classes
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#ifndef UCNV_H
+ * A TimeZoneRule.  Use the zrule_* API to manipulate.  Create with
+ * zrule_open*, and destroy with zrule_close.
+ */
+struct ZRule;
+typedef struct ZRule ZRule;
+ * An InitialTimeZoneRule.  Use the izrule_* API to manipulate.  Create with
+ * izrule_open*, and destroy with izrule_close.
+ */
+struct IZRule;
+typedef struct IZRule IZRule;
+ * An AnnualTimeZoneRule.  Use the azrule_* API to manipulate.  Create with
+ * azrule_open*, and destroy with azrule_close.
+ */
+struct AZRule;
+typedef struct AZRule AZRule;
+ * ZRule API
+ *********************************************************************/
+ * Disposes of the storage used by a ZRule object.  This function should
+ * be called exactly once for objects returned by zrule_open*.
+ * @param set the object to dispose of
+ */
+zrule_close(ZRule* rule);
+ * Returns true if rule1 is identical to rule2
+ * and vis versa.
+ * @param rule1 to be checked for containment
+ * @param rule2 to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ */
+zrule_equals(const ZRule* rule1, const ZRule* rule2);
+ * Fills in "name" with the name of this time zone.
+ * @param rule, the Zrule to use
+ * @param name  Receives the name of this time zone.
+ * @param nameLength, length of the returned name
+ */
+zrule_getName(ZRule* rule, UChar* name, int32_t nameLength);
+ * Gets the standard time offset.
+ * @param rule, the Zrule to use
+ * @return  The standard time offset from UTC in milliseconds.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+zrule_getRawOffset(ZRule* rule);
+ * Gets the amount of daylight saving delta time from the standard time.
+ * @param rule, the Zrule to use
+ * @return  The amount of daylight saving offset used by this rule
+ *          in milliseconds.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+zrule_getDSTSavings(ZRule* rule);
+ * Returns if this rule represents the same rule and offsets as another.
+ * When two ZRule objects differ only its names, this method
+ * returns true.
+ * @param rule1 to be checked for containment
+ * @param rule2 to be checked for containment
+ * @return  true if the other <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is the same as this one.
+ */
+zrule_isEquivalentTo(ZRule* rule1,  ZRule* rule2);
+ * IZRule API
+ *********************************************************************/
+ * Constructs an IZRule with the name, the GMT offset of its
+ * standard time and the amount of daylight saving offset adjustment.
+ * @param name          The time zone name.
+ * @param nameLength    The length of the time zone name.
+ * @param rawOffset     The UTC offset of its standard time in milliseconds.
+ * @param dstSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset adjustment in milliseconds.
+ *                      If this ia a rule for standard time, the value of this argument is 0.
+ */
+izrule_open(const UChar* name, int32_t nameLength, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings);
+ * Disposes of the storage used by a IZRule object.  This function should
+ * be called exactly once for objects returned by izrule_open*.
+ * @param set the object to dispose of
+ */
+izrule_close(IZRule* rule);
+ * Returns a copy of this object.
+ * @param rule the original IZRule
+ * @return the newly allocated copy of the IZRule
+ */
+izrule_clone(IZRule *rule);
+ * Returns true if rule1 is identical to rule2
+ * and vis versa.
+ * @param rule1 to be checked for containment
+ * @param rule2 to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ */
+izrule_equals(const IZRule* rule1, const IZRule* rule2);
+ * Fills in "name" with the name of this time zone.
+ * @param rule, the IZrule to use
+ * @param name  Receives the name of this time zone.
+ * @param nameLength, length of the returned name
+ */
+izrule_getName(IZRule* rule, UChar* & name, int32_t & nameLength);
+ * Gets the standard time offset.
+ * @param rule, the IZrule to use
+ * @return  The standard time offset from UTC in milliseconds.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+izrule_getRawOffset(IZRule* rule);
+ * Gets the amount of daylight saving delta time from the standard time.
+ * @param rule, the IZrule to use
+ * @return  The amount of daylight saving offset used by this rule
+ *          in milliseconds.
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+izrule_getDSTSavings(IZRule* rule);
+ * Returns if this rule represents the same rule and offsets as another.
+ * When two IZRule objects differ only its names, this method
+ * returns true.
+ * @param rule1 to be checked for containment
+ * @param rule2 to be checked for containment
+ * @return  true if the other <code>TimeZoneRule</code> is the same as this one.
+ */
+izrule_isEquivalentTo(IZRule* rule1,  IZRule* rule2);
+ * Gets the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+ * @param rule              The IZrule to use
+ * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+ *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+ * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+ *                          standard time.
+ * @param result            Receives the very first time when this rule takes effect.
+ * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+ *          "result" is unchanged.
+ */
+izrule_getFirstStart(IZRule* rule, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, 
+                    UDate& result);
+ * Gets the final time when this rule takes effect.
+ * @param rule              The IZrule to use     
+ * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+ *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+ * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+ *                          standard time.
+ * @param result            Receives the final time when this rule takes effect.
+ * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+ *          "result" is unchanged.
+ */
+izrule_getFinalStart(IZRule* rule, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, 
+                    UDate& result);
+ * Gets the first time when this rule takes effect after the specified time.
+ * @param rule              The IZrule to use
+ * @param base              The first start time after this base time will be returned.
+ * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+ *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+ * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+ *                          standard time.
+ * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+ * @param result            Receives The first time when this rule takes effect after
+ *                          the specified base time.
+ * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+ *          "result" is unchanged.
+ */
+izrule_getNextStart(IZRule* rule, UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, 
+                   int32_t prevDSTSavings, UBool inclusive, UDate& result);
+ * Gets the most recent time when this rule takes effect before the specified time.
+ * @param rule              The IZrule to use
+ * @param base              The most recent time before this base time will be returned.
+ * @param prevRawOffset     The standard time offset from UTC before this rule
+ *                          takes effect in milliseconds.
+ * @param prevDSTSavings    The amount of daylight saving offset from the
+ *                          standard time.
+ * @param inclusive         Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
+ * @param result            Receives The most recent time when this rule takes effect before
+ *                          the specified base time.
+ * @return  true if the start time is available.  When false is returned, output parameter
+ *          "result" is unchanged.
+ */
+izrule_getPreviousStart(IZRule* rule, UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, 
+                       int32_t prevDSTSavings, UBool inclusive, UDate& result);
+ * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+ * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+ * <pre>
+ * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+ * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+ * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+ * </pre>
+ * @param rule              The IZrule to use
+ * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+ */
+izrule_getStaticClassID(IZRule* rule);
+ * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+ * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+ * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+ * methods call this method.
+ *
+ * @param rule              The IZrule to use
+ * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+ *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+ *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+ */
+izrule_getDynamicClassID(IZRule* rule);
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/ztrans.h b/libicu/cts_headers/ztrans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23bb4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/ztrans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* others. All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __ZTRANS_H
+#define __ZTRANS_H
+ * \file 
+ * \brief C API: Time zone transition classes
+ */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#ifndef UCNV_H
+ * A TimeZoneTransition.  Use the ztrans_* API to manipulate.  Create with
+ * ztrans_open*, and destroy with ztrans_close.
+ */
+struct ZTrans;
+typedef struct ZTrans ZTrans;
+ * Constructs a time zone transition with the time and the rules before/after
+ * the transition.
+ * 
+ * @param time  The time of transition in milliseconds since the base time.
+ * @param from  The time zone rule used before the transition.
+ * @param to    The time zone rule used after the transition.
+ */
+ztrans_open(UDate time, const void* from, const void* to);
+ * Constructs an empty <code>TimeZoneTransition</code>
+ */
+ * Disposes of the storage used by a ZTrans object.  This function should
+ * be called exactly once for objects returned by ztrans_open*.
+ * @param trans the object to dispose of
+ */
+ztrans_close(ZTrans *trans);
+ * Returns a copy of this object.
+ * @param rule the original ZRule
+ * @return the newly allocated copy of the ZRule
+ */
+ztrans_clone(ZTrans *trans);
+ * Returns true if trans1 is identical to trans2
+ * and vis versa.
+ * @param trans1 to be checked for containment
+ * @param trans2 to be checked for containment
+ * @return true if the test condition is met
+ */
+ztrans_equals(const ZTrans* trans1, const ZTrans* trans2);
+ * Returns the time of transition in milliseconds.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @return The time of the transition in milliseconds since the 1970 Jan 1 epoch time.
+ */
+ztrans_getTime(ZTrans* trans);
+ * Sets the time of transition in milliseconds.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @param time The time of the transition in milliseconds since the 1970 Jan 1 epoch time.
+ */
+ztrans_setTime(ZTrans* trans, UDate time);
+ * Returns the rule used before the transition.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @return The time zone rule used after the transition.
+ */
+ztrans_getFrom(ZTrans* & trans);
+ * Sets the rule used before the transition.  The caller remains
+ * responsible for deleting the TimeZoneRule object.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @param from The time zone rule used before the transition.
+ */
+ztrans_setFrom(ZTrans* trans, const void* from);
+ * Adopts the rule used before the transition.  The caller must
+ * not delete the TimeZoneRule object passed in.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @param from The time zone rule used before the transition.
+ */
+ztrans_adoptFrom(ZTrans* trans, void* from);
+ * Returns the rule used after the transition.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @return The time zone rule used after the transition.
+ */
+ztrans_getTo(ZTrans* trans);
+ * Sets the rule used after the transition.  The caller remains
+ * responsible for deleting the TimeZoneRule object.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @param to The time zone rule used after the transition.
+ */
+ztrans_setTo(ZTrans* trans, const void* to);
+ * Adopts the rule used after the transition.  The caller must
+ * not delete the TimeZoneRule object passed in.
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @param to The time zone rule used after the transition.
+ */
+ztrans_adoptTo(ZTrans* trans, void* to);
+ * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+ * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+ * <pre>
+ * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+ * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+ * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+ * </pre>
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
+ */
+ztrans_getStaticClassID(ZTrans* trans);
+ * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+ * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+ * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+ * methods call this method.
+ *
+ * param trans, the transition to use
+ * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+ *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
+ *                  other classes have different class IDs.
+ */
+ztrans_getDynamicClassID(ZTrans* trans);