Copy ICU4J 55 RC from to aosp/icu55.

These files were exported from the ICU Subversion repository by running
the following command:

svn export \ icu4j

Only the subdirectory "main" and the files in the root directory were
added in this commit. The other subdirectories only contain files that
are not relevant (demos, tools, etc.) when using ICU4J in Android.

Change-Id: I85c57ab803e9e6d4775a1bff6edc5efa2b26f66d
diff --git a/icu4j/build.xml b/icu4j/build.xml
index 9dd2fb3..dc9eb2f 100644
--- a/icu4j/build.xml
+++ b/icu4j/build.xml
@@ -420,6 +420,35 @@
     <!-- release targets -->
+    <target name="_check_config_for_release">
+        <condition property="">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="java5.bootclasspath"/>
+                <isset property="java6.bootclasspath"/>
+                <isset property="jcite.libs"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="_verify_config_for_release" depends="_check_config_for_release" unless="">
+        <condition property="disp.java5.bootclasspath" value="${java5.bootclasspath}" else="Not Defined!">
+            <isset property="java5.bootclasspath"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="disp.java6.bootclasspath" value="${java5.bootclasspath}" else="Not Defined!">
+            <isset property="java6.bootclasspath"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="disp.jcite.libs" value="${jcite.libs}" else="Not Defined!">
+            <isset property="jcite.libs"/>
+        </condition>
+        <echo message="################################################################"/>
+        <echo message="[WARNING] Insufficient Build Configuration for ICU4J Release"/>
+        <echo message="JRE 5 System Library Path:      ${disp.java5.bootclasspath}"/>
+        <echo message="JRE 6 System Library Path:      ${disp.java6.bootclasspath}"/>
+        <echo message="JCite Library Path:             ${disp.jcite.libs}"/>
+        <echo message="################################################################"/>
+    </target>
     <target name="releaseVer" depends="info, releaseBinaries, releaseSrcJars, releaseDocs, releaseSourceArchiveTgz"
             description="Build all ICU4J release files for distribution with versioned file names">
         <!-- binaries -->
@@ -455,6 +484,8 @@
                 <fixcrlf eol="lf"/>
+        <antcall target="_verify_config_for_release"/>
     <target name="release" depends="info, releaseBinaries, releaseSrcJars, releaseDocs, releaseSourceArchiveTgz" description="Build all ICU4J release files for distribution">
@@ -474,6 +505,8 @@
                 <fixcrlf eol="lf"/>
+        <antcall target="_verify_config_for_release"/>
     <target name="releaseBinaries" depends="icu4jJar, charset, localespi" description="Build ICU4J binary files for distribution">
@@ -1992,6 +2025,8 @@
             <attach file="${maven.release.dir}/${maven.icu4jdocs.jar.file}" classifier="javadoc"/>
             <attach file="${maven.release.dir}/${maven.icu4jdocs.jar.file}.asc" classifier="javadoc" type="jar.asc"/>
+        <antcall target="_verify_config_for_release"/>