iptables: use C99 lists for struct options
diff --git a/iptables.c b/iptables.c
index 7cc2448..0300027 100644
--- a/iptables.c
+++ b/iptables.c
@@ -99,38 +99,38 @@
 = { 'n', 's', 'd', 'p', 'j', 'v', 'x', 'i', 'o', 'f', '0', 'c'};
 static struct option original_opts[] = {
-	{ "append", 1, NULL, 'A' },
-	{ "delete", 1, NULL,  'D' },
-	{ "insert", 1, NULL,  'I' },
-	{ "replace", 1, NULL,  'R' },
-	{ "list", 2, NULL,  'L' },
-	{ "flush", 2, NULL,  'F' },
-	{ "zero", 2, NULL,  'Z' },
-	{ "new-chain", 1, NULL,  'N' },
-	{ "delete-chain", 2, NULL,  'X' },
-	{ "rename-chain", 1, NULL,  'E' },
-	{ "policy", 1, NULL,  'P' },
-	{ "source", 1, NULL, 's' },
-	{ "destination", 1, NULL,  'd' },
-	{ "src", 1, NULL,  's' }, /* synonym */
-	{ "dst", 1, NULL,  'd' }, /* synonym */
-	{ "protocol", 1, NULL,  'p' },
-	{ "in-interface", 1, NULL, 'i' },
-	{ "jump", 1, NULL, 'j' },
-	{ "table", 1, NULL, 't' },
-	{ "match", 1, NULL, 'm' },
-	{ "numeric", 0, NULL, 'n' },
-	{ "out-interface", 1, NULL, 'o' },
-	{ "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' },
-	{ "exact", 0, NULL, 'x' },
-	{ "fragments", 0, NULL, 'f' },
-	{ "version", 0, NULL, 'V' },
-	{ "help", 2, NULL, 'h' },
-	{ "line-numbers", 0, NULL, '0' },
-	{ "modprobe", 1, NULL, 'M' },
-	{ "set-counters", 1, NULL, 'c' },
-	{ "goto", 1, NULL, 'g' },
-	{ }
+	{.name = "append",        .has_arg = 1, .val = 'A'},
+	{.name = "delete",        .has_arg = 1, .val = 'D'},
+	{.name = "insert",        .has_arg = 1, .val = 'I'},
+	{.name = "replace",       .has_arg = 1, .val = 'R'},
+	{.name = "list",          .has_arg = 2, .val = 'L'},
+	{.name = "flush",         .has_arg = 2, .val = 'F'},
+	{.name = "zero",          .has_arg = 2, .val = 'Z'},
+	{.name = "new-chain",     .has_arg = 1, .val = 'N'},
+	{.name = "delete-chain",  .has_arg = 2, .val = 'X'},
+	{.name = "rename-chain",  .has_arg = 1, .val = 'E'},
+	{.name = "policy",        .has_arg = 1, .val = 'P'},
+	{.name = "source",        .has_arg = 1, .val = 's'},
+	{.name = "destination",   .has_arg = 1, .val = 'd'},
+	{.name = "src",           .has_arg = 1, .val = 's'}, /* synonym */
+	{.name = "dst",           .has_arg = 1, .val = 'd'}, /* synonym */
+	{.name = "protocol",      .has_arg = 1, .val = 'p'},
+	{.name = "in-interface",  .has_arg = 1, .val = 'i'},
+	{.name = "jump",          .has_arg = 1, .val = 'j'},
+	{.name = "table",         .has_arg = 1, .val = 't'},
+	{.name = "match",         .has_arg = 1, .val = 'm'},
+	{.name = "numeric",       .has_arg = 0, .val = 'n'},
+	{.name = "out-interface", .has_arg = 1, .val = 'o'},
+	{.name = "verbose",       .has_arg = 0, .val = 'v'},
+	{.name = "exact",         .has_arg = 0, .val = 'x'},
+	{.name = "fragments",     .has_arg = 0, .val = 'f'},
+	{.name = "version",       .has_arg = 0, .val = 'V'},
+	{.name = "help",          .has_arg = 2, .val = 'h'},
+	{.name = "line-numbers",  .has_arg = 0, .val = '0'},
+	{.name = "modprobe",      .has_arg = 1, .val = 'M'},
+	{.name = "set-counters",  .has_arg = 1, .val = 'c'},
+	{.name = "goto",          .has_arg = 1, .val = 'g'},
+	{NULL},
 /* we need this for iptables-restore.  iptables-restore.c sets line to the