iptables: print negation extrapositioned

This patch combines the two referenced ones by Peter. I did a quick
extra audit to spot and fix the missing ip6tables parts. (People like
to forget ip6tables it seems.) Extension modules were, to the best of
my knowledge, already audited in v1.4.3-rc1-10-gcea9f71.

Reported-by: Yar Odin <yarodin@gmail.com>
References: http://bugs.gentoo.org/264089
Reported-by: Peter Volkov <pva@gentoo.org>
References: http://marc.info/?l=netfilter-devel&m=123883867907935&w=2
References: http://marc.info/?l=netfilter-devel&m=123883992508943&w=2
Signed-off-by: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@medozas.de>
2 files changed