reorganized tree after kernel merge
diff --git a/extensions/libipt_tcp.c b/extensions/libipt_tcp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94285a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/libipt_tcp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+/* Shared library add-on to iptables to add TCP support. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <iptables.h>
+#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+/* Function which prints out usage message. */
+static void
+	printf(
+"TCP v%s options:\n"
+" --tcp-flags [!] mask comp	match when TCP flags & mask == comp\n"
+"[!] --syn			match when only SYN flag set\n"
+"				(equivalent to --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN)\n"
+" --source-port [!] port[:port]\n"
+" --sport ...\n"
+"				match source port(s)\n"
+" --destination-port [!] port[:port]\n"
+" --dport ...\n"
+"				match destination port(s)\n"
+" --tcp-option [!] number       match if TCP option set\n\n",
+static struct option opts[] = {
+	{ "source-port", 1, 0, '1' },
+	{ "sport", 1, 0, '1' }, /* synonym */
+	{ "destination-port", 1, 0, '2' },
+	{ "dport", 1, 0, '2' }, /* synonym */
+	{ "syn", 0, 0, '3' },
+	{ "tcp-flags", 1, 0, '4' },
+	{ "tcp-option", 1, 0, '5' },
+	{0}
+static int
+service_to_port(const char *name)
+	struct servent *service;
+	if ((service = getservbyname(name, "tcp")) != NULL)
+		return ntohs((unsigned short) service->s_port);
+	return -1;
+static u_int16_t
+parse_tcp_port(const char *port)
+	int portnum;
+	if ((portnum = string_to_number(port, 0, 65535)) != -1 ||
+	    (portnum = service_to_port(port)) != -1)
+		return (u_int16_t)portnum;
+		   "invalid TCP port/service `%s' specified", port);
+static void
+parse_tcp_ports(const char *portstring, u_int16_t *ports)
+	char *buffer;
+	char *cp;
+	buffer = strdup(portstring);
+	if ((cp = strchr(buffer, ':')) == NULL)
+		ports[0] = ports[1] = parse_tcp_port(buffer);
+	else {
+		*cp = '\0';
+		cp++;
+		ports[0] = buffer[0] ? parse_tcp_port(buffer) : 0;
+		ports[1] = cp[0] ? parse_tcp_port(cp) : 0xFFFF;
+	}
+	free(buffer);
+struct tcp_flag_names {
+	const char *name;
+	unsigned int flag;
+static struct tcp_flag_names tcp_flag_names[]
+= { { "FIN", 0x01 },
+    { "SYN", 0x02 },
+    { "RST", 0x04 },
+    { "PSH", 0x08 },
+    { "ACK", 0x10 },
+    { "URG", 0x20 },
+    { "ALL", 0x3F },
+    { "NONE", 0 },
+static unsigned int
+parse_tcp_flag(const char *flags)
+	unsigned int ret = 0;
+	char *ptr;
+	char *buffer;
+	buffer = strdup(flags);
+	for (ptr = strtok(buffer, ","); ptr; ptr = strtok(NULL, ",")) {
+		unsigned int i;
+		for (i = 0;
+		     i < sizeof(tcp_flag_names)/sizeof(struct tcp_flag_names);
+		     i++) {
+			if (strcasecmp(tcp_flag_names[i].name, ptr) == 0) {
+				ret |= tcp_flag_names[i].flag;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (i == sizeof(tcp_flag_names)/sizeof(struct tcp_flag_names))
+			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				   "Unknown TCP flag `%s'", buffer);
+		}
+	free(buffer);
+	return ret;
+static void
+parse_tcp_flags(struct ipt_tcp *tcpinfo,
+		const char *mask,
+		const char *cmp,
+		int invert)
+	tcpinfo->flg_mask = parse_tcp_flag(mask);
+	tcpinfo->flg_cmp = parse_tcp_flag(cmp);
+	if (invert)
+		tcpinfo->invflags |= IPT_TCP_INV_FLAGS;
+static void
+parse_tcp_option(const char *option, u_int8_t *result)
+	int ret;
+	ret = string_to_number(option, 1, 255);
+	if (ret == -1)
+		exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Bad TCP option `%s'", option);
+	*result = (u_int8_t)ret;
+/* Initialize the match. */
+static void
+init(struct ipt_entry_match *m, unsigned int *nfcache)
+	struct ipt_tcp *tcpinfo = (struct ipt_tcp *)m->data;
+	tcpinfo->spts[1] = tcpinfo->dpts[1] = 0xFFFF;
+#define TCP_SRC_PORTS 0x01
+#define TCP_DST_PORTS 0x02
+#define TCP_FLAGS 0x04
+#define TCP_OPTION	0x08
+/* Function which parses command options; returns true if it
+   ate an option. */
+static int
+parse(int c, char **argv, int invert, unsigned int *flags,
+      const struct ipt_entry *entry,
+      unsigned int *nfcache,
+      struct ipt_entry_match **match)
+	struct ipt_tcp *tcpinfo = (struct ipt_tcp *)(*match)->data;
+	switch (c) {
+	case '1':
+		if (*flags & TCP_SRC_PORTS)
+			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				   "Only one `--source-port' allowed");
+		if (check_inverse(optarg, &invert))
+			optind++;
+		parse_tcp_ports(argv[optind-1], tcpinfo->spts);
+		if (invert)
+			tcpinfo->invflags |= IPT_TCP_INV_SRCPT;
+		*flags |= TCP_SRC_PORTS;
+		*nfcache |= NFC_IP_SRC_PT;
+		break;
+	case '2':
+		if (*flags & TCP_DST_PORTS)
+			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				   "Only one `--destination-port' allowed");
+		if (check_inverse(optarg, &invert))
+			optind++;
+		parse_tcp_ports(argv[optind-1], tcpinfo->dpts);
+		if (invert)
+			tcpinfo->invflags |= IPT_TCP_INV_DSTPT;
+		*flags |= TCP_DST_PORTS;
+		*nfcache |= NFC_IP_DST_PT;
+		break;
+	case '3':
+		if (*flags & TCP_FLAGS)
+			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				   "Only one of `--syn' or `--tcp-flags' "
+				   " allowed");
+		parse_tcp_flags(tcpinfo, "SYN,RST,ACK", "SYN", invert);
+		*flags |= TCP_FLAGS;
+		*nfcache |= NFC_IP_TCPFLAGS;
+		break;
+	case '4':
+		if (*flags & TCP_FLAGS)
+			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				   "Only one of `--syn' or `--tcp-flags' "
+				   " allowed");
+		if (check_inverse(optarg, &invert))
+			optind++;
+		if (!argv[optind]
+		    || argv[optind][0] == '-' || argv[optind][0] == '!')
+			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				   "--tcp-flags requires two args.");
+		parse_tcp_flags(tcpinfo, optarg, argv[optind++], invert);
+		*flags |= TCP_FLAGS;
+		*nfcache |= NFC_IP_TCPFLAGS;
+		break;
+	case '5':
+		if (*flags & TCP_OPTION)
+			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				   "Only one `--tcp-option' allowed");
+		if (check_inverse(optarg, &invert))
+			optind++;
+		parse_tcp_option(argv[optind-1], &tcpinfo->option);
+		if (invert)
+			tcpinfo->invflags |= IPT_TCP_INV_OPTION;
+		*flags |= TCP_OPTION;
+		*nfcache |= NFC_IP_PROTO_UNKNOWN;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/* Final check; we don't care. */
+static void
+final_check(unsigned int flags)
+static char *
+port_to_service(int port)
+	struct servent *service;
+	if ((service = getservbyport(htons(port), "tcp")))
+		return service->s_name;
+	return NULL;
+static void
+print_port(u_int16_t port, int numeric)
+	char *service;
+	if (numeric || (service = port_to_service(port)) == NULL)
+		printf("%u", port);
+	else
+		printf("%s", service);
+static void
+print_ports(const char *name, u_int16_t min, u_int16_t max,
+	    int invert, int numeric)
+	const char *inv = invert ? "!" : "";
+	if (min != 0 || max != 0xFFFF || invert) {
+		printf("%s", name);
+		if (min == max) {
+			printf(":%s", inv);
+			print_port(min, numeric);
+		} else {
+			printf("s:%s", inv);
+			print_port(min, numeric);
+			printf(":");
+			print_port(max, numeric);
+		}
+		printf(" ");
+	}
+static void
+print_option(u_int8_t option, int invert, int numeric)
+	if (option || invert)
+		printf("option=%s%u ", invert ? "!" : "", option);
+static void
+print_tcpf(u_int8_t flags)
+	int sole_flag = 1;
+	do {
+		unsigned int i;
+		/* Terminates because last flag is 0 */
+		for (i = 0; !(flags & tcp_flag_names[i].flag); i++);
+		if (!sole_flag)
+			printf(",");
+		printf("%s", tcp_flag_names[i].name);
+		sole_flag = 0;
+		flags &= ~tcp_flag_names[i].flag;
+	} while (flags);
+static void
+print_flags(u_int8_t mask, u_int8_t cmp, int invert, int numeric)
+	if (mask || invert) {
+		printf("flags:%s", invert ? "!" : "");
+		if (numeric)
+			printf("0x02%X/0x02%X ", mask, cmp);
+		else {
+			print_tcpf(cmp);
+			printf("/");
+			print_tcpf(mask);
+			printf(" ");
+		}
+	}
+/* Prints out the union ipt_matchinfo. */
+static void
+print(const struct ipt_ip *ip,
+      const struct ipt_entry_match *match, int numeric)
+	const struct ipt_tcp *tcp = (struct ipt_tcp *)match->data;
+	printf("tcp ");
+	print_ports("spt", tcp->spts[0], tcp->spts[1],
+		    tcp->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_SRCPT,
+		    numeric);
+	print_ports("dpt", tcp->dpts[0], tcp->dpts[1],
+		    tcp->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_DSTPT,
+		    numeric);
+	print_option(tcp->option,
+		     tcp->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_OPTION,
+		     numeric);
+	print_flags(tcp->flg_mask, tcp->flg_cmp,
+		    tcp->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_FLAGS,
+		    numeric);
+	if (tcp->invflags & ~IPT_TCP_INV_MASK)
+		printf("Unknown invflags: 0x%X ",
+		       tcp->invflags & ~IPT_TCP_INV_MASK);
+/* Saves the union ipt_matchinfo in parsable form to stdout. */
+static void save(const struct ipt_ip *ip, const struct ipt_entry_match *match)
+	const struct ipt_tcp *tcpinfo = (struct ipt_tcp *)match->data;
+	if (tcpinfo->spts[0] != 0
+	    && tcpinfo->spts[1] != 0xFFFF) {
+		if (tcpinfo->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_SRCPT)
+			printf("! ");
+		if (tcpinfo->spts[0]
+		    != tcpinfo->spts[1])
+			printf("--sport %u-%u ",
+			       ntohs(tcpinfo->spts[0]),
+			       ntohs(tcpinfo->spts[1]));
+		else
+			printf("--sport %u ",
+			       ntohs(tcpinfo->spts[0]));
+	}
+	if (tcpinfo->dpts[0] != 0
+	    && tcpinfo->dpts[1] != 0xFFFF) {
+		if (tcpinfo->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_DSTPT)
+			printf("! ");
+		if (tcpinfo->dpts[0]
+		    != tcpinfo->dpts[1])
+			printf("--dport %u-%u ",
+			       ntohs(tcpinfo->dpts[0]),
+			       ntohs(tcpinfo->dpts[1]));
+		else
+			printf("--dport %u ",
+			       ntohs(tcpinfo->dpts[0]));
+	}
+	if (tcpinfo->option
+	    || (tcpinfo->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_OPTION)) {
+		if (tcpinfo->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_OPTION)
+			printf("! ");
+		printf("--tcp-option %u ", tcpinfo->option);
+	}
+	if (tcpinfo->flg_mask
+	    || (tcpinfo->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_FLAGS)) {
+		if (tcpinfo->invflags & IPT_TCP_INV_FLAGS)
+			printf("! ");
+		print_tcpf(tcpinfo->flg_cmp);
+		if (tcpinfo->flg_mask != 0xFF) {
+			printf("/");
+			print_tcpf(tcpinfo->flg_mask);
+		}
+	}
+struct iptables_match tcp
+= { NULL,
+    "tcp",
+    sizeof(struct ipt_tcp),
+    &help,
+    &init,
+    &parse,
+    &final_check,
+    &print,
+    &save,
+    opts };
+	register_match(&tcp);