Initial import from ToT git.

Bug: 9469682
Change-Id: I6fc32550557dc5e94e9ecbbb57b0ec30a844adb4
Upstream: git://
Commit: 608419a7804caf36a359875d2fdae0b3eb181387
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ec4f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+SGMLFILES=$(shell echo *.sgml)
+HTMLFILES=$(subst .sgml,.html,$(SGMLFILES)) index.html
+MANFILES=$(subst .sgml,.8,$(SGMLFILES))
+all: html
+html: $(HTMLFILES) iputils.html
+man: $(MANFILES)
+# docbook scripts are incredibly dirty in the sense that they leak
+# lots of some strange temporary junk directories and files.
+# So, scope it to a temporary dir and clean all after each run.
+$(HTMLFILES): index.db
+	@-rm -rf tmp.db2html
+	@mkdir tmp.db2html
+	@set -e; cd tmp.db2html; docbook2html ../$< ; mv *.html ..
+	@-rm -rf tmp.db2html
+iputils.html: iputils.db
+	@-rm -rf tmp.db2html
+	@mkdir tmp.db2html
+	@set -e; cd tmp.db2html; docbook2html -u -o html ../$< ; mv html/$@ ..
+	@-rm -rf tmp.db2html
+# docbook2man produces utterly ugly output and I did not find
+# any way to customize this but hacking backend perl script a little.
+# Well, hence...
+$(MANFILES): index.db
+	@-mkdir tmp.db2man
+	@set -e; cd tmp.db2man; nsgmls ../$< | sgmlspl ../ ;	mv $@ ..
+	@-rm -rf tmp.db2man
+	@rm -rf $(MANFILES) $(HTMLFILES) iputils.html tmp.db2html tmp.db2man
+	@date "+%y%m%d" > snapshot.db