Implement #61 (was included in preceding commit, updating release notes)
diff --git a/release-notes/VERSION b/release-notes/VERSION
index dd6938d..c9692e2 100644
--- a/release-notes/VERSION
+++ b/release-notes/VERSION
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #58: Add new properties for `@JsonIgnoreProperties`, "allowGetters", "allowSetters" 
 #60: Add new value type, `OptBoolean`, for "optional booleans", to support proper handling
   and usage of default values, not just explicit true/false.
+#61: dd new property, `@JsonProperty.access` (and matching enum) to support read-only/write-only properties
 - Add `JsonInclude.Include.NON_ABSENT` value, for excluding "absent" Optional values.
 2.5.0 (01-Jan-2015)