More clean up
7 files changed
tree: b9b7fb49220579b2db8d17a87e247ac86bf37556
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. pom.xml


This project contains shared core abstraction of Jackson Data Processor, including default JSON implementation of handler types (parser, generator).

Project contains versions 2.0 and above: source code for earlier (1.x) versions is available from Codehaus SVN repository

The only commonly shared part that is not included are annotations; these are found from jackson-annotations project.

Note that the main differences compared to 1.0 core jar are:

  • Maven build instead of Ant
  • Annotations carved out to a separate package (that this package depends on)
  • Java package is now com.fasterxml.jackson.core (instead of org.codehaus.jackson)

Further reading