[automerger skipped] Merge pie-platform-release to aosp-master - DO NOT MERGE
am: bd1bc6aef1  -s ours

Change-Id: I32ec412a3399996e3e16db537ca47a66451831a3
tree: 5c9005a3092a9bcf6b83cfa236b8d292a62e9c09
  1. .github/
  2. .travis/
  3. jacoco/
  4. jacoco-maven-plugin/
  5. jacoco-maven-plugin.test/
  6. org.jacoco.agent/
  7. org.jacoco.agent.rt/
  8. org.jacoco.agent.rt.test/
  9. org.jacoco.agent.test/
  10. org.jacoco.ant/
  11. org.jacoco.ant.test/
  12. org.jacoco.build/
  13. org.jacoco.cli/
  14. org.jacoco.cli.test/
  15. org.jacoco.core/
  16. org.jacoco.core.test/
  17. org.jacoco.doc/
  18. org.jacoco.examples/
  19. org.jacoco.examples.test/
  20. org.jacoco.report/
  21. org.jacoco.report.test/
  22. org.jacoco.tests/
  23. .appveyor.yml
  24. .gitignore
  25. .travis.sh
  26. .travis.yml
  27. Android.bp
  28. Android.mk
  29. config.mk
  30. LICENSE.md
  33. NOTICE
  34. pom.xml
  35. README.android
  36. README.md
  37. README.version

JaCoCo Java Code Coverage Library

Build Status Build status Maven Central

JaCoCo is a free Java code coverage library distributed under the Eclipse Public License. Check the project homepage for downloads, documentation and feedback.

Please use our mailing list for questions regarding JaCoCo which are not already covered by the extensive documentation.

Note: We do not answer general questions in the project's issue tracker. Please use our mailing list for this.