Trac #115: Move to Eclipse 3.6.
diff --git a/org.jacoco.agent/README.TXT b/org.jacoco.agent/README.TXT
index 9d211de..ee13652 100644
--- a/org.jacoco.agent/README.TXT
+++ b/org.jacoco.agent/README.TXT
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 agent JAR is created as part of the build process and therefore not available in

 the source tree. Which means this bundle is incomplete when directly used in the

 Eclise IDE. If you want to use the bundle org.jacoco.agent within the IDE,

-please perform the following steps:

+please run the local build (see documentation) first.


-  1) Run the local build (see documentation)

-  2) In the Eclipse preferences under "Linked Resources" define a path variable

-     BUILD_JACOCOAGENT_JAR pointing to the agent JAR created by the build:


-         <workspacedir>/
\ No newline at end of file
+The jacocoagent.jar file is created by the build at 


+  /


+and linked by this project.