Update readme to add syntax highlighting
diff --git a/README.markdown b/README.markdown
index ade1ab9..bf479db 100644
--- a/README.markdown
+++ b/README.markdown
@@ -5,26 +5,30 @@
 Here is a quick example:
-    public class JCommanderTest {
-      @Parameter
-      public List<String> parameters = Lists.newArrayList();
-      @Parameter(names = { "-log", "-verbose" }, description = "Level of verbosity")
-      public Integer verbose = 1;
-      @Parameter(names = "-groups", description = "Comma-separated list of group names to be run")
-      public String groups;
-      @Parameter(names = "-debug", description = "Debug mode")
-      public boolean debug = false;
-    }
+public class JCommanderTest {
+    @Parameter
+    public List<String> parameters = Lists.newArrayList();
+    @Parameter(names = { "-log", "-verbose" }, description = "Level of verbosity")
+    public Integer verbose = 1;
+    @Parameter(names = "-groups", description = "Comma-separated list of group names to be run")
+    public String groups;
+    @Parameter(names = "-debug", description = "Debug mode")
+    public boolean debug = false;
 and how you use it:
-    JCommanderTest jct = new JCommanderTest();
-    String[] argv = { "-log", "2", "-groups", "unit", "a", "b", "c" };
-    new JCommander(jct, argv);
+CommanderTest jct = new JCommanderTest();
+String[] argv = { "-log", "2", "-groups", "unit", "a", "b", "c" };
+new JCommander(jct, argv);
-    Assert.assertEquals(jct.verbose.intValue(), 2);
+Assert.assertEquals(jct.verbose.intValue(), 2);
 The full doc is available at http://beust.com/jcommander