import of version 0.1

git-svn-id: 327403b1-1117-474d-bef2-5cb71233fd97
diff --git a/linkhash.c b/linkhash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b67eee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linkhash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ * $Id: linkhash.c,v 1.2 2004/07/21 01:24:33 mclark Exp $
+ *
+ * Copyright Metaparadigm Pte. Ltd. 2004.
+ * Michael Clark <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public (LGPL)
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details:
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "linkhash.h"
+void lh_abort(const char *msg, ...)
+	va_list ap;
+	va_start(ap, msg);
+	vprintf(msg, ap);
+	exit(1);
+unsigned long lh_ptr_hash(void *k)
+	return ((long)k * LH_PRIME) >> 4;
+int lh_ptr_equal(void *k1, void *k2)
+	return (k1 == k2);
+unsigned long lh_char_hash(void *k)
+	unsigned int h = 0;
+	const char* data = k;
+	while( *data!=0 ) h = h*129 + (unsigned int)(*data++) + LH_PRIME;
+	return h;
+int lh_char_equal(void *k1, void *k2)
+	return (strcmp((char*)k1, (char*)k2) == 0);
+struct lh_table* lh_table_new(int size, char *name,
+			      lh_entry_free_fn *free_fn,
+			      lh_hash_fn *hash_fn,
+			      lh_equal_fn *equal_fn)
+	int i;
+	struct lh_table *t;
+	t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lh_table));
+	if(!t) lh_abort("lh_table_new: calloc failed\n");
+	t->count = 0;
+	t->size = size;
+	t->name = name;
+	t->table = calloc(size, sizeof(struct lh_entry));
+	if(!t->table) lh_abort("lh_table_new: calloc failed\n");
+	t->free_fn = free_fn;
+	t->hash_fn = hash_fn;
+	t->equal_fn = equal_fn;
+	for(i = 0; i < size; i++) t->table[i].k = LH_EMPTY;
+	return t;
+struct lh_table* lh_kchar_table_new(int size, char *name,
+				    lh_entry_free_fn *free_fn)
+	return lh_table_new(size, name, free_fn, lh_char_hash, lh_char_equal);
+struct lh_table* lh_kptr_table_new(int size, char *name,
+				   lh_entry_free_fn *free_fn)
+	return lh_table_new(size, name, free_fn, lh_ptr_hash, lh_ptr_equal);
+void lh_table_resize(struct lh_table *t, int new_size)
+	struct lh_table *new_t;
+	struct lh_entry *ent;
+	new_t = lh_table_new(new_size, t->name, NULL, t->hash_fn, t->equal_fn);
+	ent = t->head;
+	while(ent) {
+		lh_table_insert(new_t, ent->k, ent->v);
+		ent = ent->next;
+	}
+	free(t->table);
+	t->table = new_t->table;
+	t->size = new_size;
+	t->head = new_t->head;
+	t->tail = new_t->tail;
+	t->resizes++;
+	free(new_t);
+void lh_table_free(struct lh_table *t)
+	struct lh_entry *c;
+	for(c = t->head; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
+		if(t->free_fn) {
+			t->free_fn(c);
+		}
+	}
+	free(t->table);
+	free(t);
+int lh_table_insert(struct lh_table *t, void *k, void *v)
+	unsigned long h, n;
+	t->inserts++;
+	if(t->count > t->size * 0.66) lh_table_resize(t, t->size * 2);
+	h = t->hash_fn(k);
+	n = h % t->size;
+	while( 1 ) {
+		if(t->table[n].k == LH_EMPTY || t->table[n].k == LH_FREED) break;
+		t->collisions++;
+		if(++n == t->size) n = 0;
+	}
+	t->table[n].k = k;
+	t->table[n].v = v;
+	t->count++;
+	if(t->head == NULL) {
+		t->head = t->tail = &t->table[n];
+		t->table[n].next = t->table[n].prev = NULL;
+	} else {
+		t->tail->next = &t->table[n];
+		t->table[n].prev = t->tail;
+		t->table[n].next = NULL;
+		t->tail = &t->table[n];
+	}
+	return 0;
+struct lh_entry* lh_table_lookup_entry(struct lh_table *t, void *k)
+	unsigned long h = t->hash_fn(k);
+	unsigned long n = h % t->size;
+	t->lookups++;
+	while( 1 ) {
+		if(t->table[n].k == LH_EMPTY) return NULL;
+		if(t->table[n].k != LH_FREED &&
+		   t->equal_fn(t->table[n].k, k)) return &t->table[n];
+		if(++n == t->size) n = 0;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+void* lh_table_lookup(struct lh_table *t, void *k)
+	struct lh_entry *e = lh_table_lookup_entry(t, k);
+	if(e) return e->v;
+	return NULL;
+int lh_table_delete_entry(struct lh_table *t, struct lh_entry *e)
+	int n = e - t->table;
+	if(t->table[n].k == LH_EMPTY || t->table[n].k == LH_FREED) return -1;
+	t->count--;
+	if(t->free_fn) t->free_fn(e);
+	t->table[n].v = NULL;
+	t->table[n].k = LH_FREED;
+	if(t->tail == &t->table[n] && t->head == &t->table[n]) {
+		t->head = t->tail = NULL;
+	} else if (t->head == &t->table[n]) {
+		t->head->next->prev = NULL;
+		t->head = t->head->next;
+	} else if (t->tail == &t->table[n]) {
+		t->tail->prev->next = NULL;
+		t->tail = t->tail->prev;
+	} else {
+		t->table[n].prev->next = t->table[n].next;
+		t->table[n].next->prev = t->table[n].prev;
+	}
+	t->table[n].next = t->table[n].prev = NULL;
+	return 0;
+int lh_table_delete(struct lh_table *t, void *k)
+	struct lh_entry *e = lh_table_lookup_entry(t, k);
+	if(!e) return -1;
+	return lh_table_delete_entry(t, e);