Upgrade to JUnit 4.12

The license has changed from Common Public License v1.0 to
Eclipse Public License v1.0.

This will not compile as it is because it is intended to be
built against Hamcrest 1.3 or later but it is being built
against Hamcrest 1.1.

A follow on patch will fix the compilation errors so that it
builds against Hamcrest 1.1. That allows Hamcrest to be upgraded
separately. The patch can be reverted once Hamcrest has been

There are also some Android specific issues that will also be
fixed in follow on patches.

Bug: 33613916
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Ic2c983a030399e3ace1a14927cb143fbd8307b4f
200 files changed
tree: b316db7dee11d1aeee3510562e036fd41705b8b5
  1. src/
  2. .classpath
  3. .gitignore
  4. .project
  5. Android.mk
  6. build.gradle
  7. CleanSpec.mk
  8. epl-v10.html
  9. LICENSE-junit.txt
  11. NOTICE.txt
  12. README.md
  13. README.version
  14. version

JUnit 4

JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

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