New implementation for 1.1-Beta
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Builders.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Builders.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Builders.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport
+import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+import kotlin.coroutines.startCoroutine
+import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine
+// --------------- basic coroutine builders ---------------
+ * Launches new coroutine without blocking current thread and returns a reference to the coroutine as a [Job].
+ * The [context] for the new coroutine must be explicitly specified and must include [CoroutineDispatcher] element.
+ * The specified context is added to the context of the parent running coroutine (if any) inside which this function
+ * is invoked. The [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine (if any).
+ *
+ * Uncaught exceptions in this coroutine cancel parent job in the context by default
+ * (unless [CoroutineExceptionHandler] is explicitly specified), which means that when `launch` is used from another
+ * coroutine, any uncaught exception leads to the cancellation of parent coroutine.
+ *
+ * See [newCoroutineContext] for a description of debugging facilities that are available for newly created coroutine.
+ */
+fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> Unit): Job =
+    StandaloneCoroutine(newCoroutineContext(context)).also { block.startCoroutine(it) }
+ * Calls the specified suspending block with a given coroutine context, suspends until it completes, and returns
+ * the result. It immediately applies dispatcher from the new context, shifting execution of the block into the
+ * different thread inside the block, and back when it completes.
+ * The specified [context] is merged onto the current coroutine context.
+ */
+public suspend fun <T> run(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> T): T =
+    suspendCoroutine { cont ->
+        block.startCoroutine(object : Continuation<T> by cont {
+            override val context: CoroutineContext = cont.context + context
+        })
+    }
+ * Runs new coroutine and *blocks* current thread *interruptibly* until its completion.
+ * This function should not be used from coroutine. It is designed to bridge regular code blocking code
+ * to libraries that are written in suspending style.
+ * The [context] for the new coroutine must be explicitly specified and must include [CoroutineDispatcher] element.
+ * The specified context is added to the context of the parent running coroutine (if any) inside which this function
+ * is invoked. The [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine (if any).
+ *
+ * If this blocked thread is interrupted (see [Thread.interrupt]), then the coroutine job is cancelled and
+ * this `runBlocking` invocation throws [InterruptedException].
+ *
+ * See [newCoroutineContext] for a description of debugging facilities that are available for newly created coroutine.
+ */
+public fun <T> runBlocking(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> T): T =
+    BlockingCoroutine<T>(newCoroutineContext(context)).also { block.startCoroutine(it) }.joinBlocking()
+// --------------- implementation ---------------
+private class StandaloneCoroutine(
+    val parentContext: CoroutineContext
+) : JobContinuation<Unit>(parentContext) {
+    override fun afterCompletion(state: Any?, closeException: Throwable?) {
+        if (closeException != null) handleCoroutineException(context, closeException)
+        // note the use of the parent context below!
+        if (state is CompletedExceptionally) handleCoroutineException(parentContext, state.exception)
+    }
+private class BlockingCoroutine<T>(parentContext: CoroutineContext) : JobContinuation<T>(parentContext) {
+    val blockedThread: Thread = Thread.currentThread()
+    override fun afterCompletion(state: Any?, closeException: Throwable?) {
+        if (closeException != null) handleCoroutineException(context, closeException)
+        LockSupport.unpark(blockedThread)
+    }
+    @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+    fun joinBlocking(): T {
+        while (isActive) {
+            if (Thread.interrupted()) throw InterruptedException().also { cancel(it) }
+            LockSupport.park(this)
+        }
+        val state = getState()
+        (state as? CompletedExceptionally)?.let { throw it.exception }
+        return state as T
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CancellableContinuation.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CancellableContinuation.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CancellableContinuation.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
+import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.SUSPENDED_MARKER
+import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.suspendCoroutineOrReturn
+import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine
+// --------------- cancellable continuations ---------------
+ * Cancellable continuation. Its job is completed when it is resumed or cancelled.
+ * When [cancel] function is explicitly invoked, this continuation resumes with [CancellationException].
+ * If the cancel reason was not a [CancellationException], then the original exception is added as cause of the
+ * [CancellationException] that this continuation resumes with.
+ */
+public interface CancellableContinuation<in T> : Continuation<T>, Job
+ * Suspend coroutine similar to [suspendCoroutine], but provide an implementation of [CancellableContinuation] to
+ * the [block].
+ */
+public inline suspend fun <T> suspendCancellableCoroutine(crossinline block: (CancellableContinuation<T>) -> Unit): T =
+    suspendCoroutineOrReturn { c ->
+        val safe = SafeCancellableContinuation(c)
+        block(safe)
+        safe.getResult()
+    }
+// --------------- implementation details ---------------
+internal class SafeCancellableContinuation<in T>(
+    private val delegate: Continuation<T>
+) : JobContinuation<T>(delegate.context), CancellableContinuation<T> {
+    // only updated from the thread that invoked suspendCancellableCoroutine
+    private var suspendedThread: Thread? = Thread.currentThread()
+    fun getResult(): Any? {
+        if (suspendedThread != null) {
+            suspendedThread = null
+            return SUSPENDED_MARKER
+        }
+        val state = getState()
+        if (state is CompletedExceptionally) throw state.exception
+        return state
+    }
+    @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+    override fun afterCompletion(state: Any?, closeException: Throwable?) {
+        if (closeException != null) handleCoroutineException(context, closeException)
+        if (suspendedThread === Thread.currentThread()) {
+            // cancelled during suspendCancellableCoroutine in its thread
+            suspendedThread = null
+        } else {
+            // cancelled later or in other thread
+            if (state is CompletedExceptionally)
+                delegate.resumeWithException(state.exception)
+            else
+                delegate.resume(state as T)
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CommonPool.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CommonPool.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CommonPool.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors
+import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+ * Represents common pool of threads as coroutine dispatcher for compute-intensive tasks.
+ * It uses [ForkJoinPool] when available, which implements efficient work-stealing algorithm for its queues, so every
+ * coroutine resumption is dispatched as a separate task even when it already executes inside the pool.
+ * When available, it wraps `ForkJoinPool.commonPool()` and provides a similar shared pool where not.
+ */
+object CommonPool : CoroutineDispatcher() {
+    private val pool: Executor = findPool()
+    private inline fun <T> Try(block: () -> T) = try { block() } catch (e: Throwable) { null }
+    private fun findPool(): Executor {
+        val fjpClass = Try { Class.forName("java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool") }
+            ?: return createPlainPool()
+        Try { fjpClass.getMethod("commonPool")?.invoke(null) as? Executor }
+            ?. let { return it }
+        Try { fjpClass.getConstructor( as? Executor }
+            ?. let { return it }
+        return createPlainPool()
+    }
+    private fun createPlainPool(): Executor {
+        val threadId = AtomicInteger()
+        return Executors.newFixedThreadPool(defaultParallelism()) {
+            Thread(it, "CommonPool-worker-${threadId.incrementAndGet()}").apply { isDaemon = true }
+        }
+    }
+    private fun defaultParallelism() = (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1).coerceAtLeast(1)
+    override fun isDispatchNeeded(): Boolean = true
+    override fun dispatch(block: Runnable) = pool.execute(block)
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineDispatcher.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineDispatcher.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineDispatcher.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
+import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
+import kotlin.coroutines.ContinuationInterceptor
+ * Base class that shall be extended by all coroutine dispatcher implementations so that that [newCoroutineContext] is
+ * correctly transferred to a new thread.
+ */
+public abstract class CoroutineDispatcher :
+        AbstractCoroutineContextElement(ContinuationInterceptor), ContinuationInterceptor {
+    /**
+     * Return `true` if execution shall be dispatched onto another thread.
+     */
+    public abstract fun isDispatchNeeded(): Boolean
+    /**
+     * Dispatches execution of a runnable [block] onto another thread.
+     */
+    public abstract fun dispatch(block: Runnable)
+    override fun <T> interceptContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>): Continuation<T> =
+            DispatchedContinuation<T>(this, continuation)
+private class DispatchedContinuation<T>(
+        val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
+        val continuation: Continuation<T>
+): Continuation<T> by continuation {
+    override fun resume(value: T) {
+        if (dispatcher.isDispatchNeeded())
+            dispatcher.dispatch(Runnable {
+                withDefaultCoroutineContext(continuation.context) {
+                    continuation.resume(value)
+                }
+            })
+        else
+            withDefaultCoroutineContext(continuation.context) {
+                continuation.resume(value)
+            }
+    }
+    override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) {
+        if (dispatcher.isDispatchNeeded())
+            dispatcher.dispatch(Runnable {
+                withDefaultCoroutineContext(continuation.context) {
+                    continuation.resumeWithException(exception)
+                }
+            })
+        else
+            withDefaultCoroutineContext(continuation.context) {
+                continuation.resumeWithException(exception)
+            }
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineExceptionHandler.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineExceptionHandler.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineExceptionHandler.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+ * Helper function for coroutine builder implementations to handle uncaught exception in coroutines.
+ * It tries to handle uncaught exception in the following way:
+ * * If there is [CoroutineExceptionHandler] in the context, then it is used.
+ * * Otherwise, if there is a [Job] in the context, then [Job.cancel] is invoked and if it
+ *   returns `true` (it was still active), then the exception is considered to be handled.
+ * * Otherwise, if exception is [CancellationException] then it is ignored.
+ * * Otherwise, current thread's [Thread.uncaughtExceptionHandler] is used.
+ */
+fun handleCoroutineException(context: CoroutineContext, exception: Throwable) {
+    context[CoroutineExceptionHandler]?.let {
+        it.handleException(context, exception)
+        return
+    }
+    // quit if successfully pushed exception as cancellation cancelReason
+    if (context[Job]?.cancel(exception) ?: false) return
+    // ignore CancellationException (they are normal means to terminate a coroutine)
+    if (exception is CancellationException) return
+    // otherwise just use thread's handler
+    val currentThread = Thread.currentThread()
+    currentThread.uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(currentThread, exception)
+ * An optional element on the coroutine context to handler uncaught exceptions.
+ * See [handleCoroutineException].
+ */
+public interface CoroutineExceptionHandler : CoroutineContext.Element {
+    companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<CoroutineExceptionHandler>
+    public fun handleException(context: CoroutineContext, exception: Throwable)
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineName.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineName.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineName.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+ * User-specified name of coroutine. This name is used in debugging mode.
+ * See [newCoroutineContext] for the description of coroutine debugging facilities.
+ */
+public data class CoroutineName(val name: String) : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(CoroutineName) {
+    public companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<CoroutineName>
+    override fun toString(): String = "CoroutineName($name)"
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CurrentCoroutineContext.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CurrentCoroutineContext.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CurrentCoroutineContext.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
+import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
+import kotlin.coroutines.ContinuationInterceptor
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
+private const val DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME = "kotlinx.coroutines.debug"
+private val DEBUG = || System.getProperty(DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME) != null
+private val COROUTINE_ID = AtomicLong()
+internal val CURRENT_CONTEXT = ThreadLocal<CoroutineContext>()
+ * A coroutine dispatcher that executes initial continuation of the coroutine _right here_ in the current call-frame
+ * and let the coroutine resume in whatever thread that is used by the corresponding suspending function, without
+ * mandating any specific threading policy.
+ */
+public object Here : CoroutineDispatcher() {
+    override fun isDispatchNeeded(): Boolean = false
+    override fun dispatch(block: Runnable) { throw UnsupportedOperationException() }
+ * Creates context for the new coroutine with user-specified overrides from [context] parameter.
+ * The [context] for the new coroutine must be explicitly specified and must include [CoroutineDispatcher] element.
+ * This function shall be used to start new coroutines.
+ *
+ * **Debugging facilities:** When assertions are enabled or when "kotlinx.coroutines.debug" system property
+ * is set, every coroutine is assigned a unique consecutive identifier. Every thread that executes
+ * a coroutine has its name modified to include the name and identifier of the currently currently running coroutine.
+ *
+ * When one coroutine is suspended and resumes another coroutine in the same thread and a [CoroutineDispatcher]
+ * is not explicitly or dispatcher executes continuation in the same thread, then the thread name displays
+ * the whole stack of coroutine descriptions that are being executed on this thread.
+ *
+ * Coroutine name can be explicitly assigned using [CoroutineName] context element.
+ * The string "coroutine" is used as a default name.
+ */
+public fun newCoroutineContext(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext {
+    validateContext(context)
+    return ((CURRENT_CONTEXT.get() ?: EmptyCoroutineContext) + context).let {
+        if (DEBUG) it + CoroutineId(COROUTINE_ID.incrementAndGet()) else it
+    }
+ * Executes a block using a given default coroutine context.
+ * This context affects all new coroutines that are started withing the block.
+ * The specified [context] is merged onto the current coroutine context (if any).
+ */
+internal inline fun <T> withDefaultCoroutineContext(context: CoroutineContext, block: () -> T): T {
+    val oldContext = CURRENT_CONTEXT.get()
+    val oldName = updateContext(oldContext, context)
+    try {
+        return block()
+    } finally {
+        restoreContext(oldContext, oldName)
+    }
+private fun validateContext(context: CoroutineContext) {
+    check(context[ContinuationInterceptor] is CoroutineDispatcher) {
+        "Context of new coroutine must include CoroutineDispatcher"
+    }
+internal fun updateContext(oldContext: CoroutineContext?, newContext: CoroutineContext): String? {
+    if (newContext === oldContext) return null
+    CURRENT_CONTEXT.set(newContext)
+    if (!DEBUG) return null
+    val newId = newContext[CoroutineId] ?: return null
+    val oldId = oldContext?.get(CoroutineId)
+    if (newId === oldId) return null
+    val currentThread = Thread.currentThread()
+    val oldName =
+    val coroutineName = newContext[CoroutineName]?.name ?: "coroutine"
+ = buildString(oldName.length + coroutineName.length + 10) {
+        append(oldName)
+        append(" @")
+        append(coroutineName)
+        append('#')
+        append(
+    }
+    return oldName
+internal fun restoreContext(oldContext: CoroutineContext?, oldName: String?) {
+    if (oldName != null) Thread.currentThread().name = oldName
+    CURRENT_CONTEXT.set(oldContext)
+private class CoroutineId(val id: Long) : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(CoroutineId) {
+    companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<CoroutineId>
+    override fun toString(): String = "CoroutineId($id)"
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Deferred.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Deferred.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Deferred.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+import kotlin.coroutines.startCoroutine
+ * Deferred value is conceptually a non-blocking cancellable future.
+ * It is created with [defer] coroutine builder.
+ */
+public interface Deferred<out T> : Job {
+    /**
+     * Awaits for completion of this value without blocking a thread and resumes when deferred computation is complete.
+     * This suspending function is cancellable.
+     * If the [Job] of the current coroutine is completed while this suspending function is waiting, this function
+     * immediately resumes with [CancellationException] .
+     */
+    public suspend fun await(): T
+ * Starts new coroutine and returns its result as an implementation of [Deferred].
+ * The running coroutine is cancelled when the resulting job is cancelled.
+ * The [context] for the new coroutine must be explicitly specified and must include [CoroutineDispatcher] element.
+ * The specified context is added to the context of the parent running coroutine (if any) inside which this function
+ * is invoked. The [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine (if any).
+ */
+public fun <T> defer(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> T) : Deferred<T> =
+    DeferredCoroutine<T>(newCoroutineContext(context)).also { block.startCoroutine(it) }
+private class DeferredCoroutine<T>(
+        parentContext: CoroutineContext
+) : JobContinuation<T>(parentContext), Deferred<T> {
+    @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+    suspend override fun await(): T {
+        // quick check if already complete (avoid extra object creation)
+        val state = getState()
+        if (state !is Active) {
+            if (state is CompletedExceptionally) throw state.exception
+            return state as T
+        }
+        // Note: await is cancellable itself!
+        return awaitGetValue()
+    }
+    @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+    private suspend fun awaitGetValue(): T = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
+        cont.unregisterOnCompletion(onCompletion {
+            val state = getState()
+            check(state !is Active)
+            if (state is CompletedExceptionally)
+                cont.resumeWithException(state.exception)
+            else
+                cont.resume(state as T)
+        })
+    }
+    override fun afterCompletion(state: Any?, closeException: Throwable?) {
+        if (closeException != null) handleCoroutineException(context, closeException)
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Delay.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Delay.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Delay.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import kotlin.coroutines.ContinuationInterceptor
+ * Implemented by [CoroutineDispatcher] implementations that natively support non-blocking [delay] function.
+ */
+public interface Delay {
+    /**
+     * Delays coroutine for a given time without blocking a thread and resumes it after a specified time.
+     * This suspending function is cancellable.
+     * If the [Job] of the current coroutine is completed while this suspending function is suspended, this function
+     * immediately resumes with [CancellationException].
+     */
+    suspend fun delay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
+        require(time >= 0) { "Delay time $time cannot be negative" }
+        if (time <= 0) return // don't delay
+        return suspendCancellableCoroutine { resumeAfterDelay(time, unit, it) }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resumes a specified continuation after a specified delay.
+     */
+    fun resumeAfterDelay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>)
+ * Delays coroutine for a given time without blocking a thread and resumes it after a specified time.
+ * This suspending function is cancellable.
+ * If the [Job] of the current coroutine is completed while this suspending function is suspended, this function
+ * immediately resumes with [CancellationException].
+ *
+ * This function delegates to [Delay] implementation of the context [CoroutineDispatcher] if possible,
+ * otherwise it resumes using a built-in single-threaded scheduled executor service.
+ */
+suspend fun delay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
+    require(time >= 0) { "Delay time $time cannot be negative" }
+    if (time <= 0) return // don't delay
+    return suspendCancellableCoroutine sc@ { cont: CancellableContinuation<Unit> ->
+        (cont.context[ContinuationInterceptor] as? Delay)?.apply {
+            resumeAfterDelay(time, unit, cont)
+            return@sc
+        }
+        val timeout = scheduledExecutor.schedule({ cont.resume(Unit) }, time, unit)
+        cont.cancelFutureOnCompletion(timeout)
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Job.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Job.kt
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+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Job.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.util.LockFreeLinkedListHead
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.util.LockFreeLinkedListNode
+import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
+import java.util.concurrent.Future
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater
+import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
+import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+// --------------- core job interfaces ---------------
+ * A background job. It has two states: _active_ (initial state) and _completed_ (final state).
+ * It can be _cancelled_ at any time with [cancel] function that forces it to become completed immediately.
+ * A job in the coroutine context represents the coroutine itself.
+ * A job is active while the coroutine is working and job's cancellation aborts the coroutine when
+ * the coroutine is suspended on a _cancellable_ suspension point by throwing [CancellationException]
+ * inside the coroutine.
+ *
+ * Jobs can have a _parent_. A job with a parent is cancelled when its parent completes.
+ *
+ * All functions on this interface are thread-safe.
+ */
+public interface Job : CoroutineContext.Element {
+    public companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<Job> {
+        /**
+         * Creates new job object. It is optionally a child of a [parent] job.
+         */
+        public operator fun invoke(parent: Job? = null): Job = JobSupport(parent)
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns `true` when job is still active.
+     */
+    public val isActive: Boolean
+    /**
+     * Registers completion handler. The action depends on the state of this job.
+     * When job is cancelled with [cancel], then the handler is immediately invoked
+     * with a cancellation reason. Otherwise, handler will be invoked once when this
+     * job is complete (cancellation also is a form of completion).
+     * The resulting [Registration] can be used to [Registration.unregister] if this
+     * registration is no longer needed. There is no need to unregister after completion.
+     */
+    public fun onCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): Registration
+    /**
+     * Cancel this activity with an optional cancellation [reason]. The result is `true` if this job was
+     * cancelled as a result of this invocation and `false` otherwise (if it was already cancelled).
+     * When cancellation has a clear reason in the code, an instance of [CancellationException] should be created
+     * at the corresponding original cancellation site and passed into this method to aid in debugging by providing
+     * both the context of cancellation and text description of the reason.
+     */
+    public fun cancel(reason: Throwable? = null): Boolean
+    /**
+     * Registration object for [onCompletion]. It can be used to [unregister] if needed.
+     * There is no need to unregister after completion.
+     */
+    public interface Registration {
+        /**
+         * Unregisters completion handler.
+         */
+        public fun unregister()
+    }
+typealias CompletionHandler = (Throwable?) -> Unit
+typealias CancellationException = CancellationException
+ * Unregisters a specified [registration] when this job is complete.
+ * This is a shortcut for the following code with slightly more efficient implementation (one fewer object created).
+ * ```
+ * onCompletion { registration.unregister() }
+ * ```
+ */
+public fun Job.unregisterOnCompletion(registration: Job.Registration): Job.Registration =
+    onCompletion(UnregisterOnCompletion(this, registration))
+ * Cancels a specified [future] when this job is complete.
+ * This is a shortcut for the following code with slightly more efficient implementation (one fewer object created).
+ * ```
+ * onCompletion { future.cancel(true) }
+ * ```
+ */
+public fun Job.cancelFutureOnCompletion(future: Future<*>): Job.Registration =
+    onCompletion(CancelFutureOnCompletion(this, future))
+ * Suspends coroutine until this job is complete. This invocation resumes normally (without exception)
+ * when the job is complete for any reason.
+ *
+ * This suspending function is cancellable. If the [Job] of the invoking coroutine is completed while this
+ * suspending function is suspended, this function immediately resumes with [CancellationException].
+ */
+public suspend fun Job.join() {
+    if (!isActive) return // fast path
+    return suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
+        cont.unregisterOnCompletion(onCompletion(ResumeOnCompletion(this, cont)))
+    }
+// --------------- utility classes to simplify job implementation
+ * A concrete implementation of [Job]. It is optionally a child to a parent job.
+ * This job is cancelled when the parent is complete, but not vise-versa.
+ *
+ * This is an open class designed for extension by more specific classes that might augment the
+ * state and mare store addition state information for completed jobs, like their result values.
+ */
+public open class JobSupport(
+    parent: Job? = null
+) : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(Job), Job {
+    // keeps a stack of cancel listeners or a special CANCELLED, other values denote completed scope
+    @Volatile
+    private var state: Any? = Active() // will drop the list on cancel
+    // directly pass HandlerNode to parent scope to optimize one closure object (see makeNode)
+    private val registration: Job.Registration? = parent?.onCompletion(CancelOnCompletion(parent, this))
+    protected companion object {
+        @JvmStatic
+        private val STATE: AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<JobSupport, Any?> =
+            AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(,, "state")
+    }
+    protected fun getState(): Any? = state
+    protected fun updateState(expect: Any, update: Any?): Boolean {
+        expect as Active // assert type
+        require(update !is Active) // only active -> inactive transition is allowed
+        if (!STATE.compareAndSet(this, expect, update)) return false
+        // #1. Unregister from parent job
+        registration?.unregister()
+        // #2 Invoke completion handlers
+        var closeException: Throwable? = null
+        val reason = when (update) {
+            is Cancelled -> update.cancelReason
+            is CompletedExceptionally -> update.exception
+            else -> null
+        }
+        expect.forEach<JobNode> { node ->
+            try {
+                node.invoke(reason)
+            } catch (ex: Throwable) {
+                if (closeException == null) closeException = ex else closeException!!.addSuppressed(ex)
+            }
+        }
+        // #3 Do other (overridable) processing
+        afterCompletion(update, closeException)
+        return true
+    }
+    public override val isActive: Boolean get() = state is Active
+    public override fun onCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): Job.Registration {
+        var nodeCache: JobNode? = null
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
+            val state = this.state
+            if (state !is Active) {
+                handler((state as? Cancelled)?.cancelReason)
+                return EmptyRegistration
+            }
+            val node = nodeCache ?: makeNode(handler).apply { nodeCache = this }
+            if (state.addLastIf(node) { this.state == state }) return node
+        }
+    }
+    public override fun cancel(reason: Throwable?): Boolean {
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
+            val state = this.state as? Active ?: return false // quit if not active anymore
+            if (updateState(state, Cancelled(reason))) return true
+        }
+    }
+    protected open fun afterCompletion(state: Any?, closeException: Throwable?) {
+        if (closeException != null) throw closeException
+    }
+    private fun makeNode(handler: CompletionHandler): JobNode =
+            (handler as? JobNode)?.also { require(it.job === this) }
+                    ?: InvokeOnCompletion(this, handler)
+    protected class Active : LockFreeLinkedListHead()
+    protected abstract class CompletedExceptionally {
+        abstract val cancelReason: Throwable?
+        abstract val exception: Throwable
+    }
+    protected class Cancelled(override val cancelReason: Throwable?) : CompletedExceptionally() {
+        @Volatile
+        private var _exception: Throwable? = null // convert reason to CancellationException on first need
+        override val exception: Throwable get() =
+            _exception ?: // atomic read volatile var or else
+                run {
+                    val result = cancelReason as? CancellationException ?:
+                        CancellationException().apply { if (cancelReason != null) initCause(cancelReason) }
+                    _exception = result
+                    result
+                }
+    }
+    protected class Failed(override val exception: Throwable) : CompletedExceptionally() {
+        override val cancelReason: Throwable
+            get() = exception
+    }
+internal abstract class JobNode(
+    val job: Job
+) : LockFreeLinkedListNode(), Job.Registration, CompletionHandler {
+    override fun unregister() {
+        // this is an object-allocation optimization -- do not remove if job is not active anymore
+        if (job.isActive) remove()
+    }
+    override abstract fun invoke(reason: Throwable?)
+private class InvokeOnCompletion(
+    job: Job,
+    val handler: CompletionHandler
+) : JobNode(job)  {
+    override fun invoke(reason: Throwable?) = handler.invoke(reason)
+    override fun toString() = "InvokeOnCompletion[${}@${Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(handler))}]"
+private class ResumeOnCompletion(
+    job: Job,
+    val continuation: Continuation<Unit>
+) : JobNode(job)  {
+    override fun invoke(reason: Throwable?) = continuation.resume(Unit)
+    override fun toString() = "ResumeOnCompletion[$continuation]"
+private class UnregisterOnCompletion(
+    job: Job,
+    val registration: Job.Registration
+) : JobNode(job) {
+    override fun invoke(reason: Throwable?) = registration.unregister()
+    override fun toString(): String = "UnregisterOnCompletion[$registration]"
+private class CancelOnCompletion(
+    parentJob: Job,
+    val subordinateJob: Job
+) : JobNode(parentJob) {
+    override fun invoke(reason: Throwable?) { subordinateJob.cancel(reason) }
+    override fun toString(): String = "CancelOnCompletion[$subordinateJob]"
+private object EmptyRegistration : Job.Registration {
+    override fun unregister() {}
+    override fun toString(): String = "EmptyRegistration"
+private class CancelFutureOnCompletion(
+    job: Job,
+    val future: Future<*>
+) : JobNode(job)  {
+    override fun invoke(reason: Throwable?) { future.cancel(true) }
+    override fun toString() = "CancelFutureOnCompletion[$future]"
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/JobContinuation.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/JobContinuation.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..497de91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/JobContinuation.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+// internal helper class for various primitives that combines Job and Continuation implementations
+internal open class JobContinuation<in T>(
+    parentContext: CoroutineContext
+) : JobSupport(parentContext[Job]), Continuation<T> {
+    override val context: CoroutineContext = parentContext + this // mixes this job into this context
+    override fun resume(value: T) {
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
+            val state = getState() // atomic read
+            when (state) {
+                is Active -> if (updateState(state, value)) return
+                is Cancelled -> return // ignore resumes on cancelled continuation
+                else -> throw IllegalStateException("Already resumed, but got value $value")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) {
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
+            val state = getState() // atomic read
+            when (state) {
+                is Active -> if (updateState(state, Failed(exception))) return
+                is Cancelled -> {
+                    // ignore resumes on cancelled continuation, but handle exception if a different one is here
+                    if (exception != state.exception) handleCoroutineException(context, exception)
+                    return
+                }
+                else -> throw IllegalStateException("Already resumed, but got exception $exception", exception)
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Scheduled.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Scheduled.kt
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index 0000000..73445d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Scheduled.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors
+import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import kotlin.coroutines.startCoroutine
+internal val scheduledExecutor by lazy<ScheduledExecutorService> {
+    Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1) { r ->
+        Thread(r, "kotlinx.coroutines.ScheduledExecutor").apply { isDaemon = true }
+    }
+ * Runs a given suspending block of code inside a coroutine with a specified timeout and throws
+ * [CancellationException] if timeout was exceeded.
+ */
+suspend fun <T> withTimeout(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, block: suspend () -> T): T {
+    require(time >= 0) { "Timeout time $time cannot be negative" }
+    if (time <= 0L) throw CancellationException("Timed out immediately")
+    return suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont: CancellableContinuation<T> ->
+        // schedule cancellation of this continuation on time
+        val timeout = scheduledExecutor.schedule({
+            // create an exception with a specific text
+            cont.cancel(CancellationException("Timed out waiting for $time $unit"))
+        }, time, unit)
+        cont.cancelFutureOnCompletion(timeout)
+        // restart block in a separate coroutine using cancellable context of this continuation,
+        block.startCoroutine(cont)
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/ThreadPoolDispatcher.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/ThreadPoolDispatcher.kt
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index 0000000..cf6d430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/ThreadPoolDispatcher.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors
+import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+import kotlin.concurrent.thread
+import kotlin.coroutines.ContinuationInterceptor
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+ * Creates new coroutine execution context with the a single thread and built-in [delay] support.
+ * All continuations are dispatched immediately when invoked inside the thread of this context.
+ * Resources of this pool (its thread) are reclaimed when job of this context is cancelled.
+ * The specified [name] defines the name of the new thread.
+ * An optional [parent] job may be specified upon creation.
+ */
+fun newSingleThreadContext(name: String, parent: Job? = null): CoroutineContext =
+    newFixedThreadPoolContext(1, name, parent)
+ * Creates new coroutine execution context with the fixed-size thread-pool and built-in [delay] support.
+ * All continuations are dispatched immediately when invoked inside the threads of this context.
+ * Resources of this pool (its threads) are reclaimed when job of this context is cancelled.
+ * The specified [name] defines the names of the threads.
+ * An optional [parent] job may be specified upon creation.
+ */
+fun newFixedThreadPoolContext(nThreads: Int, name: String, parent: Job? = null): CoroutineContext {
+    require(nThreads >= 1) { "Expected at least one thread, but $nThreads specified" }
+    val lifetime = Job(parent)
+    return lifetime + ThreadPoolDispatcher(nThreads, name, lifetime)
+private val thisThreadContext = ThreadLocal<ThreadPoolDispatcher>()
+private class ThreadPoolDispatcher(
+        nThreads: Int,
+        name: String,
+        val job: Job
+) : CoroutineDispatcher(), ContinuationInterceptor, Delay {
+    val threadNo = AtomicInteger()
+    val executor: ScheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(nThreads) { target ->
+        thread(start = false, isDaemon = true,
+                name = if (nThreads == 1) name else name + "-" + threadNo.incrementAndGet()) {
+            thisThreadContext.set(this@ThreadPoolDispatcher)
+        }
+    }
+    init {
+        job.onCompletion { executor.shutdown() }
+    }
+    override fun isDispatchNeeded(): Boolean = thisThreadContext.get() != this
+    override fun dispatch(block: Runnable) = executor.execute(block)
+    override fun resumeAfterDelay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>) {
+        val timeout = executor.schedule({ continuation.resume(Unit) }, time, unit)
+        continuation.cancelFutureOnCompletion(timeout)
+    }
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/intrinsics/Intrinsics.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/intrinsics/Intrinsics.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75405ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/intrinsics/Intrinsics.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics
+import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
+import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.SUSPENDED_MARKER
+ * Starts coroutine without receiver and with result type [T].
+ * This function creates and start a new, fresh instance of suspendable computation every time it is invoked.
+ * If the coroutine never suspends, then its result is returned directly,
+ * otherwise it returns [SUSPENDED_MARKER] and the [completion] continuation is invoked when coroutine completes.
+ */
+public fun <T> (suspend  () -> T).startCoroutineOrReturn(completion: Continuation<T>): Any? =
+    (this as kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<Continuation<T>, Any?>).invoke(completion)
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/util/LockFreeLinkedList.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/util/LockFreeLinkedList.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb8e531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/util/LockFreeLinkedList.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.util
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater
+private typealias Node = LockFreeLinkedListNode
+ * Doubly-linked concurrent list node with remove support.
+ * Based on paper
+ * ["Lock-Free and Practical Doubly Linked List-Based Deques Using Single-Word Compare-and-Swap"](
+ * by Sundell and Tsigas.
+ * The instance of this class serves both as list head/tail sentinel and as the list item.
+ * Sentinel node should be never removed.
+ */
+public open class LockFreeLinkedListNode {
+    @Volatile
+    private var _next: Any = this // DoubleLinkedNode | Removed | CondAdd
+    @Volatile
+    private var prev: Any = this // DoubleLinkedNode | Removed
+    private companion object {
+        @JvmStatic
+        val NEXT: AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<Node, Any> =
+                AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(,, "_next")
+        @JvmStatic
+        val PREV: AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<Node, Any> =
+                AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(,, "prev")
+    }
+    private class Removed(val ref: Node) {
+        override fun toString(): String = "Removed[$ref]"
+    }
+    @PublishedApi
+    internal abstract class CondAdd {
+        internal lateinit var newNode: Node
+        internal lateinit var oldNext: Node
+        @Volatile
+        private var consensus: Int = UNDECIDED // status of operation
+        abstract fun isCondition(): Boolean
+        private companion object {
+            @JvmStatic
+            val CONSENSUS: AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<CondAdd> =
+                AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(, "consensus")
+            const val UNDECIDED = 0
+            const val SUCCESS = 1
+            const val FAILURE = 2
+        }
+        fun completeAdd(node: Node): Boolean {
+            // make decision on status
+            var consensus: Int
+            while (true) {
+                consensus = this.consensus
+                if (consensus != UNDECIDED) break
+                val proposal = if (isCondition()) SUCCESS else FAILURE
+                if (CONSENSUS.compareAndSet(this, UNDECIDED, proposal)) {
+                    consensus = proposal
+                    break
+                }
+            }
+            val success = consensus == SUCCESS
+            if (NEXT.compareAndSet(node, this, if (success) newNode else oldNext)) {
+                // only the thread the makes this update actually finishes add operation
+                if (success) newNode.finishAdd(oldNext)
+            }
+            return success
+        }
+    }
+    public val isRemoved: Boolean get() = _next is Removed
+    private val isFresh: Boolean get() = _next === this && prev === this
+    private val next: Any get() {
+        while (true) { // helper loop on _next
+            val next = this._next
+            if (next !is CondAdd) return next
+            next.completeAdd(this)
+        }
+    }
+    @PublishedApi
+    internal fun next(): Node = next.unwrap()
+    @PublishedApi
+    internal fun addFirstCC(node: Node, condAdd: CondAdd?): Boolean {
+        require(node.isFresh)
+        condAdd?.newNode = node
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on next
+            val next = as Node // this sentinel node is never removed
+            PREV.lazySet(node, this)
+            NEXT.lazySet(node, next)
+            condAdd?.oldNext = next
+            if (NEXT.compareAndSet(this, next, condAdd ?: node)) {
+                // added successfully (linearized add) -- fixup the list
+                return condAdd?.completeAdd(this) ?: run { node.finishAdd(next); true }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @PublishedApi
+    internal fun addLastCC(node: Node, condAdd: CondAdd?): Boolean {
+        require(node.isFresh)
+        condAdd?.newNode = node
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on
+            val prev = this.prev as Node // this sentinel node is never removed
+            if ( !== this) {
+                helpInsert(prev)
+                continue
+            }
+            PREV.lazySet(node, prev)
+            NEXT.lazySet(node, this)
+            condAdd?.oldNext = this
+            if (NEXT.compareAndSet(prev, this, condAdd ?: node)) {
+                // added successfully (linearized add) -- fixup the list
+                return condAdd?.completeAdd(prev) ?: run { node.finishAdd(this); true }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private fun finishAdd(next: Node) {
+        while (true) {
+            val nextPrev = next.prev
+            if (nextPrev is Removed || !== next) return // next was removed, remover fixes up links
+            if (PREV.compareAndSet(next, nextPrev, this)) {
+                if ( is Removed) {
+                    // already removed
+                    next.helpInsert(nextPrev as Node)
+                }
+                return
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes this node from the list.
+     */
+    public open fun remove() {
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on next
+            val next =
+            if (next is Removed) return // was already removed -- don't try to help (original thread will take care)
+            if (NEXT.compareAndSet(this, next, Removed(next as Node))) {
+                // was removed successfully (linearized remove) -- fixup the list
+                helpDelete()
+                next.helpInsert(prev.unwrap())
+                return
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private fun markPrev(): Node {
+        while (true) { // lock-free loop on prev
+            val prev = this.prev
+            if (prev is Removed) return prev.ref
+            if (PREV.compareAndSet(this, prev, Removed(prev as Node))) return prev
+        }
+    }
+    // fixes next links to the left of this node
+    private fun helpDelete() {
+        var last: Node? = null // will set to the node left of prev when found
+        var prev: Node = markPrev()
+        var next: Node = (this._next as Removed).ref
+        while (true) {
+            // move to the right until first non-removed node
+            val nextNext =
+            if (nextNext is Removed) {
+                next.markPrev()
+                next = nextNext.ref
+                continue
+            }
+            // move the the left until first non-removed node
+            val prevNext =
+            if (prevNext is Removed) {
+                if (last != null) {
+                    prev.markPrev()
+                    NEXT.compareAndSet(last, prev, prevNext.ref)
+                    prev = last
+                    last = null
+                } else {
+                    prev = prev.prev.unwrap()
+                }
+                continue
+            }
+            if (prevNext !== this) {
+                // skipped over some removed nodes to the left -- setup to fixup the next links
+                last = prev
+                prev = prevNext as Node
+                if (prev === next) return // already done!!!
+                continue
+            }
+            // Now prev & next are Ok
+            if (NEXT.compareAndSet(prev, this, next)) return // success!
+        }
+    }
+    // fixes prev links from this node
+    private fun helpInsert(_prev: Node) {
+        var prev: Node = _prev
+        var last: Node? = null // will be set so that === prev
+        while (true) {
+            // move the the left until first non-removed node
+            val prevNext =
+            if (prevNext is Removed) {
+                if (last !== null) {
+                    prev.markPrev()
+                    NEXT.compareAndSet(last, prev, prevNext.ref)
+                    prev = last
+                    last = null
+                } else {
+                    prev = prev.prev.unwrap()
+                }
+                continue
+            }
+            val oldPrev = this.prev
+            if (oldPrev is Removed) return // this node was removed, too -- its remover will take care
+            if (prevNext !== this) {
+                // need to fixup next
+                last = prev
+                prev = prevNext as Node
+                continue
+            }
+            if (oldPrev === prev) return // it is already linked as needed
+            if (PREV.compareAndSet(this, oldPrev, prev)) {
+                if (prev.prev !is Removed) return // finish only if prev was not concurrently removed
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private fun Any.unwrap(): Node = if (this is Removed) ref else this as Node
+    internal fun validateNode(prev: Node, next: Node) {
+        check(prev === this.prev)
+        check(next ===
+    }
+public open class LockFreeLinkedListHead : LockFreeLinkedListNode() {
+    /**
+     * Iterates over all elements in this list of a specified type.
+     */
+    public inline fun <reified T : Node> forEach(block: (T) -> Unit) {
+        var cur: Node = next()
+        while (cur != this) {
+            if (cur is T) block(cur)
+            cur =
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds first item to this list.
+     */
+    public fun addFirst(node: Node) { addFirstCC(node, null) }
+    /**
+     * Adds first item to this list atomically if the [condition] is true.
+     */
+    public inline fun addFirstIf(node: Node, crossinline condition: () -> Boolean): Boolean =
+        addFirstCC(node, object : CondAdd() {
+            override fun isCondition(): Boolean = condition()
+        })
+    /**
+     * Adds last item to this list.
+     */
+    public fun addLast(node: Node) { addLastCC(node, null) }
+    /**
+     * Adds last item to this list atomically if the [condition] is true.
+     */
+    public inline fun addLastIf(node: Node, crossinline condition: () -> Boolean): Boolean =
+        addLastCC(node, object : CondAdd() {
+            override fun isCondition(): Boolean = condition()
+        })
+    public override fun remove() = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
+    internal fun validate() {
+        var prev: Node = this
+        var cur: Node = next()
+        while (cur != this) {
+            val next =
+            cur.validateNode(prev, next)
+            prev = cur
+            cur = next
+        }
+        validateNode(prev, next())
+    }