run function is cancellable by default and accepts optional CoroutineStart
diff --git a/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/future/Future.kt b/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/future/Future.kt
index 56726ac..5293be1 100644
--- a/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/future/Future.kt
+++ b/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/future/Future.kt
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
     replaceWith = ReplaceWith("asCompletableFuture()"))
 public fun <T> Deferred<T>.toCompletableFuture(): CompletableFuture<T> = asCompletableFuture()
+/** @suppress **Deprecated** */
 @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith") // todo: the warning is incorrectly shown, see KT-17917
 @Deprecated("Use the other version. This one is for binary compatibility only.", level=DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
 public fun <T> future(
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Builders.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Builders.kt
index 6b8ca8b..3528af6 100644
--- a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Builders.kt
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/Builders.kt
@@ -77,31 +77,52 @@
  * This function immediately applies dispatcher from the new context, shifting execution of the block into the
  * different thread inside the block, and back when it completes.
  * The specified [context] is added onto the current coroutine context for the execution of the block.
+ *
+ * An optional `start` parameter is used only if the specified `context` uses a different [CoroutineDispatcher] than
+ * a current one, otherwise it is ignored.
+ * By default, the coroutine is immediately scheduled for execution and can be cancelled
+ * while it is waiting to be executed and it can be cancelled while the result is scheduled
+ * to be be processed by the invoker context.
+ * Other options can be specified via `start` parameter. See [CoroutineStart] for details.
+ * A value of [CoroutineStart.LAZY] is not supported and produces [IllegalArgumentException].
-public suspend fun <T> run(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> T): T =
-    suspendCoroutineOrReturn sc@ { cont ->
-        val oldContext = cont.context
-        // fast path #1 if there is no change in the actual context:
-        if (context === oldContext || context is CoroutineContext.Element && oldContext[context.key] === context)
-            return@sc block.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(cont)
-        // compute new context
-        val newContext = oldContext + context
-        // fast path #2 if the result is actually the same
-        if (newContext === oldContext)
-            return@sc block.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(cont)
-        // fast path #3 if the new dispatcher is the same as the old one.
-        // `equals` is used by design (see equals implementation is wrapper context like ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher)
-        if (newContext[ContinuationInterceptor] == oldContext[ContinuationInterceptor]) {
-            val newContinuation = RunContinuationDirect(newContext, cont)
-            return@sc block.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(newContinuation)
-        }
-        // slowest path otherwise -- use new interceptor, sync to its result via a
-        // full-blown instance of CancellableContinuation
-        val newContinuation = RunContinuationCoroutine(newContext, cont)
-        newContinuation.initCancellability()
-        block.startCoroutine(newContinuation)
-        newContinuation.getResult()
+public suspend fun <T> run(
+    context: CoroutineContext,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    block: suspend () -> T
+): T = suspendCoroutineOrReturn sc@ { cont ->
+    val oldContext = cont.context
+    // fast path #1 if there is no change in the actual context:
+    if (context === oldContext || context is CoroutineContext.Element && oldContext[context.key] === context)
+        return@sc block.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(cont)
+    // compute new context
+    val newContext = oldContext + context
+    // fast path #2 if the result is actually the same
+    if (newContext === oldContext)
+        return@sc block.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(cont)
+    // fast path #3 if the new dispatcher is the same as the old one.
+    // `equals` is used by design (see equals implementation is wrapper context like ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher)
+    if (newContext[ContinuationInterceptor] == oldContext[ContinuationInterceptor]) {
+        val newContinuation = RunContinuationDirect(newContext, cont)
+        return@sc block.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(newContinuation)
+    // slowest path otherwise -- use new interceptor, sync to its result via a
+    // full-blown instance of CancellableContinuation
+    require(!start.isLazy) { "$start start is not supported" }
+    val newContinuation = RunContinuationCoroutine(
+        parentContext = newContext,
+        resumeMode = if (start == CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) MODE_ATOMIC_DEFAULT else MODE_CANCELLABLE,
+        continuation = cont)
+    newContinuation.initCancellability() // attach to parent job
+    start(block, newContinuation)
+    newContinuation.getResult()
+/** @suppress **Deprecated** */
+@Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith") // todo: the warning is incorrectly shown, see KT-17917
+@Deprecated(message = "It is here for binary compatibility only", level=DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
+public suspend fun <T> run(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> T): T =
+    run(context, start = CoroutineStart.ATOMIC, block = block)
  * Runs new coroutine and **blocks** current thread _interruptibly_ until its completion.
@@ -157,8 +178,9 @@
 private class RunContinuationCoroutine<in T>(
     override val parentContext: CoroutineContext,
+    resumeMode: Int,
     continuation: Continuation<T>
-) : CancellableContinuationImpl<T>(continuation, defaultResumeMode = MODE_CANCELLABLE, active = true)
+) : CancellableContinuationImpl<T>(continuation, defaultResumeMode = resumeMode, active = true)
 private class BlockingCoroutine<T>(
     override val parentContext: CoroutineContext,
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineStart.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineStart.kt
index 1563fa0..b824964 100644
--- a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineStart.kt
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/CoroutineStart.kt
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.CoroutineStart.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.startCoroutineUndispatched
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.Continuation
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.startCoroutine
@@ -74,10 +75,32 @@
      * Immediately executes coroutine until its first suspension point _in the current thread_ as if it the
      * coroutine was started using [Unconfined] dispatcher. However, when coroutine is resumed from suspension
      * it is dispatched according to the [CoroutineDispatcher] in its context.
+     *
+     * This is similar to [ATOMIC] in the sense that coroutine starts executing even if it was already cancelled,
+     * but the difference is that it start executing in the same thread.
+     *
+     * Cancellability of coroutine at suspension points depends on the particular implementation details of
+     * suspending functions as in [DEFAULT].
+     * Starts the corresponding block as a coroutine with this coroutine start strategy.
+     *
+     * * [DEFAULT] uses [startCoroutineCancellable].
+     * * [ATOMIC] uses [startCoroutine].
+     * * [UNDISPATCHED] uses [startCoroutineUndispatched].
+     * * [LAZY] does nothing.
+     */
+    public operator fun <T> invoke(block: suspend () -> T, completion: Continuation<T>) =
+        when (this) {
+            CoroutineStart.DEFAULT -> block.startCoroutineCancellable(completion)
+            CoroutineStart.ATOMIC -> block.startCoroutine(completion)
+            CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED -> block.startCoroutineUndispatched(completion)
+            CoroutineStart.LAZY -> Unit // will start lazily
+        }
+    /**
      * Starts the corresponding block with receiver as a coroutine with this coroutine start strategy.
      * * [DEFAULT] uses [startCoroutineCancellable].
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/test/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/RunTest.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/test/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/RunTest.kt
index 31a388d..5a6faff 100644
--- a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/test/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/RunTest.kt
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/test/kotlin/kotlinx/coroutines/experimental/RunTest.kt
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
 import org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual
 import org.junit.Test
+import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.ContinuationInterceptor
+import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.CoroutineContext
 class RunTest : TestBase() {
@@ -124,4 +126,46 @@
         assertThat(result, IsEqual("OK"))
+    @Test(expected = CancellationException::class)
+    fun testRunCancellableDefault() = runBlocking<Unit> {
+        val job = Job()
+        job.cancel() // cancel before it has a chance to run
+        run(job + wrapperDispatcher(context)) {
+            expectUnreached() // will get cancelled
+        }
+    }
+    @Test(expected = CancellationException::class)
+    fun testRunAtomicTryCancel() = runBlocking<Unit> {
+        expect(1)
+        val job = Job()
+        job.cancel() // try to cancel before it has a chance to run
+        run(job + wrapperDispatcher(context), CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) { // but start atomically
+            finish(2)
+            yield() // but will cancel here
+            expectUnreached()
+        }
+    }
+    @Test(expected = CancellationException::class)
+    fun testRunUndispatchedTryCancel() = runBlocking<Unit> {
+        expect(1)
+        val job = Job()
+        job.cancel() // try to cancel before it has a chance to run
+        run(job + wrapperDispatcher(context), CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) { // but start atomically
+            finish(2)
+            yield() // but will cancel here
+            expectUnreached()
+        }
+    }
+    private fun wrapperDispatcher(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext {
+        val dispatcher = context[ContinuationInterceptor] as CoroutineDispatcher
+        return object : CoroutineDispatcher() {
+            override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
+                dispatcher.dispatch(context, block)
+            }
+        }
+    }
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