Structured concurrency implementation:
  * Introducing async, launch, produce, actor and broadcast extensions on CoroutineScope
  * Deprecate top-level coroutine builders
  * Introducing currentScope and coroutineScope for manipulation with CoroutineScope interface
  * Introducing CoroutineScope factories
  * Introducing extension CoroutineScope.isActive

Fixes #410
diff --git a/binary-compatibility-validator/test/PublicApiTest.kt b/binary-compatibility-validator/test/PublicApiTest.kt
index 0384bf7..ae2cb67 100644
--- a/binary-compatibility-validator/test/PublicApiTest.kt
+++ b/binary-compatibility-validator/test/PublicApiTest.kt
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 import java.util.jar.*
 import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
 class PublicApiTest(
     private val rootDir: String,
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/AbstractCoroutine.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/AbstractCoroutine.kt
index 6d7874b..d88f23b 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/AbstractCoroutine.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/AbstractCoroutine.kt
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
     public final override val context: CoroutineContext = parentContext + this
     @Deprecated("Replaced with context", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("context"))
-    public final override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = context
+    public override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = context
+    override val isActive: Boolean get() = super<JobSupport>.isActive
      * Initializes parent job from the `parentContext` of this coroutine that was passed to it during construction.
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Builders.common.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Builders.common.kt
index e5745b9..0ba7341 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Builders.common.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Builders.common.kt
@@ -18,17 +18,13 @@
  * Launches new coroutine without blocking current thread and returns a reference to the coroutine as a [Job].
  * The coroutine is cancelled when the resulting job is [cancelled][Job.cancel].
- * The [context] for the new coroutine can be explicitly specified.
- * See [CoroutineDispatcher] for the standard context implementations that are provided by `kotlinx.coroutines`.
- * The [coroutineContext](
- * of the parent coroutine may be used,
- * in which case the [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine.
- * The parent job may be also explicitly specified using [parent] parameter.
- *
+ * Coroutine context is inherited from a [CoroutineScope], additional context elements can be specified with [context] argument.
  * If the context does not have any dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor], then [DefaultDispatcher] is used.
+ * The parent job is inherited from a [CoroutineScope] as well, but it can also be overridden
+ * with corresponding [coroutineContext] element.
  * By default, the coroutine is immediately scheduled for execution.
- * Other options can be specified via `start` parameter. See [CoroutineStart] for details.
+ * Other start options can be specified via `start` parameter. See [CoroutineStart] for details.
  * An optional [start] parameter can be set to [CoroutineStart.LAZY] to start coroutine _lazily_. In this case,
  * the coroutine [Job] is created in _new_ state. It can be explicitly started with [start][Job.start] function
  * and will be started implicitly on the first invocation of [join][Job.join].
@@ -39,20 +35,18 @@
  * See [newCoroutineContext] for a description of debugging facilities that are available for newly created coroutine.
- * @param context context of the coroutine. The default value is [DefaultDispatcher].
+ * @param context additional to [CoroutineScope.coroutineContext] context of the coroutine
  * @param start coroutine start option. The default value is [CoroutineStart.DEFAULT].
- * @param parent explicitly specifies the parent job, overrides job from the [context] (if any).
  * @param onCompletion optional completion handler for the coroutine (see [Job.invokeOnCompletion]).
- * @param block the coroutine code.
- */
-public fun launch(
-    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+ * @param block the coroutine code which will be invoked in the context of the provided scope
+ **/
+public fun CoroutineScope.launch(
+    context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
-    parent: Job? = null,
     onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
     block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
 ): Job {
-    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
+    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context)
     val coroutine = if (start.isLazy)
         LazyStandaloneCoroutine(newContext, block) else
         StandaloneCoroutine(newContext, active = true)
@@ -60,6 +54,40 @@
     coroutine.start(start, coroutine, block)
     return coroutine
+ * Launches new coroutine without blocking current thread and returns a reference to the coroutine as a [Job].
+ * @suppress **Deprecated** Use [CoroutineScope.launch] instead.
+ */
+    message = "Standalone coroutine builders are deprecated, use extensions on CoroutineScope instead",
+    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("GlobalScope.launch(context, start, onCompletion, block)", imports = ["kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*"])
+public fun launch(
+    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
+    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
+): Job =
+    GlobalScope.launch(context, start, onCompletion, block)
+ * Launches new coroutine without blocking current thread and returns a reference to the coroutine as a [Job].
+ * @suppress **Deprecated** Use [CoroutineScope.launch] instead.
+ */
+    message = "Standalone coroutine builders are deprecated, use extensions on CoroutineScope instead. This API will be hidden in the next release",
+    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("GlobalScope.launch(context + parent, start, onCompletion, block)", imports = ["kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*"])
+public fun launch(
+    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    parent: Job? = null, // nullable for binary compatibility
+    onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
+    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
+): Job =
+    GlobalScope.launch(context + (parent ?: EmptyCoroutineContext), start, onCompletion, block)
 /** @suppress **Deprecated**: Binary compatibility */
 @Deprecated(message = "Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
 public fun launch(
@@ -67,7 +95,8 @@
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
     parent: Job? = null,
     block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
-): Job = launch(context, start, parent, block = block)
+): Job =
+    GlobalScope.launch(context + (parent ?: EmptyCoroutineContext), start, block = block)
 /** @suppress **Deprecated**: Binary compatibility */
 @Deprecated(message = "Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
@@ -84,7 +113,7 @@
 @Deprecated(message = "Use `start = CoroutineStart.XXX` parameter",
     replaceWith = ReplaceWith("launch(context, if (start) CoroutineStart.DEFAULT else CoroutineStart.LAZY, block)"))
 public fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, start: Boolean, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job =
-    launch(context, if (start) CoroutineStart.DEFAULT else CoroutineStart.LAZY, block = block)
+    GlobalScope.launch(context, if (start) CoroutineStart.DEFAULT else CoroutineStart.LAZY, block = block)
  * Calls the specified suspending block with a given coroutine context, suspends until it completes, and returns
@@ -105,6 +134,19 @@
 public suspend fun <T> withContext(
     context: CoroutineContext,
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
+): T =
+    // todo: optimize fast-path to work without allocation (when there is a already a coroutine implementing scope)
+    withContextImpl(context, start) {
+        currentScope {
+            block()
+        }
+    }
+// todo: optimize it to reduce allocations
+private suspend fun <T> withContextImpl(
+    context: CoroutineContext,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
     block: suspend () -> T
 ): T = suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn sc@ { uCont ->
     val oldContext = uCont.context
@@ -137,6 +179,16 @@
+/** @suppress **Deprecated**: Binary compatibility */
+@Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Binary compatibility")
+public suspend fun <T> withContext0(
+    context: CoroutineContext,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    block: suspend () -> T
+): T =
+    withContextImpl(context, start, block)
 /** @suppress **Deprecated**: Renamed to [withContext]. */
 @Deprecated(message = "Renamed to `withContext`", level=DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
     replaceWith = ReplaceWith("withContext(context, start, block)"))
@@ -145,12 +197,12 @@
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
     block: suspend () -> T
 ): T =
-    withContext(context, start, block)
+    withContextImpl(context, start, block)
 /** @suppress **Deprecated** */
 @Deprecated(message = "It is here for binary compatibility only", level=DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
 public suspend fun <T> run(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> T): T =
-    withContext(context, start = CoroutineStart.ATOMIC, block = block)
+    withContextImpl(context, start = CoroutineStart.ATOMIC, block = block)
 // --------------- implementation ---------------
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/CoroutineScope.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/CoroutineScope.kt
index 1f84a0f..1057236 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/CoroutineScope.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/CoroutineScope.kt
@@ -4,12 +4,51 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.*
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
-import kotlin.internal.*
- * Receiver interface for generic coroutine builders, so that the code inside coroutine has a convenient
- * and fast access to its own cancellation status via [isActive].
+ * Defines a scope for new coroutines. Every coroutine builder
+ * is an extension on [CoroutineScope] and inherits its [coroutineContext][CoroutineScope.coroutineContext]
+ * to automatically propagate both context elements and cancellation.
+ *
+ * [CoroutineScope] should be implemented on entities with well-defined lifecycle that are responsible
+ * for launching children coroutines. Example of such entity on Android is Activity.
+ * Usage of this interface may look like this:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CoroutineScope {
+ *
+ *     override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
+ *         get() = job + UI
+ *
+ *     override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
+ *         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
+ *         job = Job()
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     override fun onDestroy() {
+ *         super.onDestroy()
+ *         job.cancel() // Cancel job on activity destroy. After destroy all children jobs will be cancelled automatically
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     /*
+ *      * Note how coroutine builders are scoped: if activity is destroyed or any of the launched coroutines
+ *      * in this method throws an exception, then all nested coroutines will be cancelled.
+ *      */
+ *     fun loadDataFromUI() = launch { // <- extension on current activity, launched in CommonPool
+ *        val ioData = async(IO) { // <- extension on launch scope, launched in IO dispatcher
+ *          // long computation
+ *        }
+ *
+ *        withContext(UI) {
+ *            val data = ioData.await()
+ *            draw(data)
+ *        }
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ * ```
 public interface CoroutineScope {
@@ -26,18 +65,140 @@
      * [CoroutineScope] is available.
      * See [coroutineContext][kotlin.coroutines.experimental.coroutineContext],
      * [isActive][kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.isActive] and [Job.isActive].
+     *
+     * @suppress **Deprecated**: Deprecated in favor of top-level extension property
+    @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Deprecated in favor of top-level extension property")
     public val isActive: Boolean
+        get() = coroutineContext[Job]?.isActive ?: true
-     * Returns the context of this coroutine.
-     *
-     * @suppress: **Deprecated**: Replaced with top-level [kotlin.coroutines.experimental.coroutineContext].
+     * Returns the context of this scope.
-    @Deprecated("Replace with top-level coroutineContext",
-        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("coroutineContext",
-            imports = ["kotlin.coroutines.experimental.coroutineContext"]))
-    @LowPriorityInOverloadResolution
     public val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
\ No newline at end of file
+ * Adds the specified coroutine context to this scope, overriding existing elements in the current
+ * scope's context with the corresponding keys.
+ *
+ * This is a shorthand for `CoroutineScope(thisScope + context)`.
+ */
+public operator fun CoroutineContext): CoroutineScope =
+    CoroutineScope(context + context)
+ * Returns `true` when current [Job] is still active (has not completed and was not cancelled yet).
+ *
+ * Check this property in long-running computation loops to support cancellation:
+ * ```
+ * while (_isActive) {
+ *     // do some computation
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * This property is a shortcut for `coroutineContext.isActive` in the scope when
+ * [CoroutineScope] is available.
+ * See [coroutineContext][kotlin.coroutines.experimental.coroutineContext],
+ * [isActive][kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.isActive] and [Job.isActive].
+ */
+public val CoroutineScope.isActive: Boolean
+    get() = coroutineContext[Job]?.isActive ?: true
+ * A global [CoroutineScope] not bound to any job.
+ *
+ * Global scope is used to launch top-level coroutines which are operating on the whole application lifetime
+ * and are not cancelled prematurely.
+ * Another use of the global scope is [Unconfined] operators, which don't have any job associated with them.
+ *
+ * Application code usually should use application-defined [CoroutineScope], using [async] or [launch]
+ * on the instance of [GlobalScope] is highly discouraged.
+ *
+ * Usage of this interface may look like this:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * fun ReceiveChannel<Int>.sqrt(): ReceiveChannel<Double> = GlobalScope.produce(Unconfined) {
+ *     for (number in this) {
+ *         send(Math.sqrt(number))
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ * ```
+ */
+object GlobalScope : CoroutineScope {
+    /**
+     * @suppress **Deprecated**: Deprecated in favor of top-level extension property
+     */
+    @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Deprecated in favor of top-level extension property")
+    override val isActive: Boolean
+        get() = true
+    /**
+     * Returns [EmptyCoroutineContext].
+     */
+    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
+        get() = EmptyCoroutineContext
+ * Creates new [CoroutineScope] and calls the specified suspend block with this scope.
+ * The provided scope inherits its [coroutineContext][CoroutineScope.coroutineContext] from the outer scope, but overrides
+ * context's [Job].
+ *
+ * This methods returns as soon as given block and all launched from within the scope children coroutines are completed.
+ * Example of the scope usages looks like this:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * suspend fun loadDataForUI() = coroutineScope {
+ *
+ *   val data = async { // <- extension on current scope
+ *      ... load some UI data ...
+ *   }
+ *
+ *   withContext(UI) {
+ *     doSomeWork()
+ *     val result = data.await()
+ *     display(result)
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Semantics of the scope in this example:
+ * 1) `loadDataForUI` returns as soon as data is loaded and UI is updated.
+ * 2) If `doSomeWork` throws an exception, then `async` task is cancelled and `loadDataForUI` rethrows that exception.
+ * 3) If outer scope of `loadDataForUI` is cancelled, both started `async` and `withContext` are cancelled.
+ *
+ * Method may throw [JobCancellationException] if the current job was cancelled externally
+ * or may throw the corresponding unhandled [Throwable] if there is any unhandled exception in this scope
+ * (for example, from a crashed coroutine that was started with [launch] in this scope).
+ */
+public suspend fun <R> coroutineScope(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> R): R {
+    // todo: optimize implementation to a single allocated object
+    val owner = ScopeOwnerCoroutine<R>(coroutineContext)
+    owner.start(CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED, owner, block)
+    owner.join()
+    if (owner.isCancelled) {
+        throw owner.getCancellationException().let { it.cause ?: it }
+    }
+    val state = owner.state
+    if (state is CompletedExceptionally) {
+        throw state.cause
+    }
+    @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+    return state as R
+ * Provides [CoroutineScope] that is already present in the current [coroutineContext] to the given [block].
+ * Note, this method doesn't wait for all launched children to complete (as opposed to [coroutineContext]).
+ */
+public suspend inline fun <R> currentScope(block: CoroutineScope.() -> R): R =
+    CoroutineScope(coroutineContext).block()
+ * Creates [CoroutineScope] that wraps the given [coroutineContext].
+ */
+public fun CoroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineScope = ContextScope(context)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Deferred.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Deferred.kt
index 4fe58a9..200fda8 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Deferred.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/Deferred.kt
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.*
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
@@ -125,16 +126,13 @@
  * Creates new coroutine and returns its future result as an implementation of [Deferred].
- * The running coroutine is cancelled when the resulting object is [cancelled][Job.cancel].
+ * The running coroutine is cancelled when the resulting deferred is [cancelled][Job.cancel].
+ * Parent of the created coroutine is inherited from the provided [CoroutineScope].
- * The [context] for the new coroutine can be explicitly specified.
- * See [CoroutineDispatcher] for the standard context implementations that are provided by `kotlinx.coroutines`.
- * The [coroutineContext](
- * of the parent coroutine may be used,
- * in which case the [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine.
- * The parent job may be also explicitly specified using [parent] parameter.
- *
+ * Coroutine context is inherited from a [CoroutineScope], additional context elements can be specified with [context] argument.
  * If the context does not have any dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor], then [DefaultDispatcher] is used.
+ * The parent job is inherited from a [CoroutineScope] as well, but it can also be overridden
+ * with corresponding [coroutineContext] element.
  * By default, the coroutine is immediately scheduled for execution.
  * Other options can be specified via `start` parameter. See [CoroutineStart] for details.
@@ -142,20 +140,18 @@
  * the resulting [Deferred] is created in _new_ state. It can be explicitly started with [start][Job.start]
  * function and will be started implicitly on the first invocation of [join][Job.join], [await][Deferred.await] or [awaitAll].
- * @param context context of the coroutine. The default value is [DefaultDispatcher].
+ * @param context additional to [CoroutineScope.coroutineContext] context of the coroutine
  * @param start coroutine start option. The default value is [CoroutineStart.DEFAULT].
- * @param parent explicitly specifies the parent job, overrides job from the [context] (if any).
  * @param onCompletion optional completion handler for the coroutine (see [Job.invokeOnCompletion]).
  * @param block the coroutine code.
-public fun <T> async(
-    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+public fun <T> CoroutineScope.async(
+    context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
-    parent: Job? = null,
     onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
     block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
 ): Deferred<T> {
-    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
+    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context)
     val coroutine = if (start.isLazy)
         LazyDeferredCoroutine(newContext, block) else
         DeferredCoroutine<T>(newContext, active = true)
@@ -164,6 +160,39 @@
     return coroutine
+ * Creates new coroutine and returns its future result as an implementation of [Deferred].
+ * @suppress **Deprecated**. Use [CoroutineScope.async] instead.
+ */
+    message = "Standalone coroutine builders are deprecated, use extensions on CoroutineScope instead",
+    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("GlobalScope.async(context, start, onCompletion, block)", imports = ["kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*"])
+public fun <T> async(
+    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
+    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
+): Deferred<T> =
+    GlobalScope.async(context, start, onCompletion, block)
+ * Creates new coroutine and returns its future result as an implementation of [Deferred].
+ * @suppress **Deprecated**. Use [CoroutineScope.async] instead.
+ */
+    message = "Standalone coroutine builders are deprecated, use extensions on CoroutineScope instead",
+    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("GlobalScope.async(context + parent, start, onCompletion, block)", imports = ["kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*"])
+public fun <T> async(
+    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    parent: Job? = null,
+    onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
+    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
+): Deferred<T> =
+    GlobalScope.async(context + (parent ?: EmptyCoroutineContext), start, onCompletion, block)
 /** @suppress **Deprecated**: Binary compatibility */
 @Deprecated(message = "Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
 public fun <T> async(
@@ -171,7 +200,8 @@
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
     parent: Job? = null,
     block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
-): Deferred<T> = async(context, start, parent, block = block)
+): Deferred<T> =
+    GlobalScope.async(context + (parent ?: EmptyCoroutineContext), start, block = block)
 /** @suppress **Deprecated**: Binary compatibility */
 @Deprecated(message = "Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
@@ -180,7 +210,7 @@
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
     block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
 ): Deferred<T> =
-    async(context, start, block = block)
+    GlobalScope.async(context, start, block = block)
  * @suppress **Deprecated**: Use `start = CoroutineStart.XXX` parameter
@@ -188,7 +218,7 @@
 @Deprecated(message = "Use `start = CoroutineStart.XXX` parameter",
     replaceWith = ReplaceWith("async(context, if (start) CoroutineStart.DEFAULT else CoroutineStart.LAZY, block)"))
 public fun <T> async(context: CoroutineContext, start: Boolean, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Deferred<T> =
-    async(context, if (start) CoroutineStart.DEFAULT else CoroutineStart.LAZY, block = block)
+    GlobalScope.async(context, if (start) CoroutineStart.DEFAULT else CoroutineStart.LAZY, block = block)
  * @suppress **Deprecated**: `defer` was renamed to `async`.
@@ -196,7 +226,7 @@
 @Deprecated(message = "`defer` was renamed to `async`", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
     replaceWith = ReplaceWith("async(context, block = block)"))
 public fun <T> defer(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Deferred<T> =
-    async(context, block = block)
+    GlobalScope.async(context, block = block)
 private open class DeferredCoroutine<T>(
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/JobSupport.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/JobSupport.kt
index ea024ed..4c8945d 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/JobSupport.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/JobSupport.kt
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
-    public final override val isActive: Boolean get() {
+    public override val isActive: Boolean get() {
         val state = this.state
         return state is Incomplete && state.isActive
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Broadcast.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Broadcast.kt
index f55b521..0f6b418 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Broadcast.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Broadcast.kt
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.Channel.Factory.CONFLATED
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.Channel.Factory.UNLIMITED
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.*
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
@@ -27,6 +28,29 @@
+ * Launches new coroutine to produce a stream of values by sending them to a broadcast channel.
+ * Deprecated, use [CoroutineScope.broadcast] instead.
+ */
+@Deprecated(message = "Standalone coroutine builders are deprecated, use extensions on CoroutineScope instead. This API will be hidden in the next release")
+public fun <E> broadcast(
+    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+    capacity: Int = 1,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.LAZY,
+    parent: Job? = null,
+    onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
+    block: suspend ProducerScope<E>.() -> Unit
+): BroadcastChannel<E> {
+    val channel = BroadcastChannel<E>(capacity)
+    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
+    val coroutine = if (start.isLazy)
+        LazyBroadcastCoroutine(newContext, channel, block) else
+        BroadcastCoroutine(newContext, channel, active = true)
+    if (onCompletion != null) coroutine.invokeOnCompletion(handler = onCompletion)
+    coroutine.start(start, coroutine, block)
+    return coroutine
  * Launches new coroutine to produce a stream of values by sending them to a broadcast channel
  * and returns a reference to the coroutine as a [BroadcastChannel]. The resulting
  * object can be used to [subscribe][BroadcastChannel.openSubscription] to elements produced by this coroutine.
@@ -36,13 +60,10 @@
  * [send][SendChannel.send] directly. The channel is [closed][SendChannel.close]
  * when the coroutine completes.
- * The [context] for the new coroutine can be explicitly specified.
- * See [CoroutineDispatcher] for the standard context implementations that are provided by `kotlinx.coroutines`.
- * The [coroutineContext] of the parent coroutine may be used,
- * in which case the [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine.
- * The parent job may be also explicitly specified using [parent] parameter.
- *
+ * Coroutine context is inherited from a [CoroutineScope], additional context elements can be specified with [context] argument.
  * If the context does not have any dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor], then [DefaultDispatcher] is used.
+ * The parent job is inherited from a [CoroutineScope] as well, but it can also be overridden
+ * with corresponding [coroutineContext] element.
  * Uncaught exceptions in this coroutine close the channel with this exception as a cause and
  * the resulting channel becomes _failed_, so that any attempt to receive from such a channel throws exception.
@@ -62,20 +83,18 @@
  * @param context context of the coroutine. The default value is [DefaultDispatcher].
  * @param capacity capacity of the channel's buffer (1 by default).
  * @param start coroutine start option. The default value is [CoroutineStart.LAZY].
- * @param parent explicitly specifies the parent job, overrides job from the [context] (if any).*
  * @param onCompletion optional completion handler for the producer coroutine (see [Job.invokeOnCompletion]).
  * @param block the coroutine code.
-public fun <E> broadcast(
-    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+public fun <E> CoroutineScope.broadcast(
+    context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
     capacity: Int = 1,
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.LAZY,
-    parent: Job? = null,
     onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
     block: suspend ProducerScope<E>.() -> Unit
 ): BroadcastChannel<E> {
+    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context)
     val channel = BroadcastChannel<E>(capacity)
-    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
     val coroutine = if (start.isLazy)
         LazyBroadcastCoroutine(newContext, channel, block) else
         BroadcastCoroutine(newContext, channel, active = true)
@@ -89,6 +108,9 @@
     protected val _channel: BroadcastChannel<E>,
     active: Boolean
 ) : AbstractCoroutine<Unit>(parentContext, active), ProducerScope<E>, BroadcastChannel<E> by _channel {
+    override val isActive: Boolean get() = super<AbstractCoroutine>.isActive
     override val channel: SendChannel<E>
         get() = this
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Channels.common.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Channels.common.kt
index 3ad8f8e..be51b29 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Channels.common.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Channels.common.kt
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  * Returns a channel to read all element of the [Iterable].
 public fun <E> Iterable<E>.asReceiveChannel(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context) {
         for (element in this@asReceiveChannel)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
  * Returns a channel to read all element of the [Sequence].
 public fun <E> Sequence<E>.asReceiveChannel(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context) {
         for (element in this@asReceiveChannel)
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
  * This function [consumes][ReceiveChannel.consume] all elements of the original [ReceiveChannel].
 public fun <E> ReceiveChannel<E>.drop(n: Int, context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
         var remaining: Int = n
         if (remaining > 0)
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
 // todo: mark predicate with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E> ReceiveChannel<E>.dropWhile(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, predicate: suspend (E) -> Boolean): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         for (e in this@dropWhile) {
             if (!predicate(e)) {
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
 // todo: mark predicate with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E> ReceiveChannel<E>.filter(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, predicate: suspend (E) -> Boolean): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         for (e in this@filter) {
             if (predicate(e)) send(e)
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
 // todo: mark predicate with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E> ReceiveChannel<E>.filterIndexed(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, predicate: suspend (index: Int, E) -> Boolean): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         var index = 0
         for (e in this@filterIndexed) {
             if (predicate(index++, e)) send(e)
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
  * This function [consumes][ReceiveChannel.consume] all elements of the original [ReceiveChannel].
 public fun <E> ReceiveChannel<E>.take(n: Int, context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         if (n == 0) return@produce
         require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
         var remaining: Int = n
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
 // todo: mark predicate with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E> ReceiveChannel<E>.takeWhile(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, predicate: suspend (E) -> Boolean): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         for (e in this@takeWhile) {
             if (!predicate(e)) return@produce
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@
 // todo: mark predicate with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E, R> ReceiveChannel<E>.flatMap(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, transform: suspend (E) -> ReceiveChannel<R>): ReceiveChannel<R> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         for (e in this@flatMap) {
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@
 // todo: mark transform with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E, R> ReceiveChannel<E>.map(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, transform: suspend (E) -> R): ReceiveChannel<R> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         consumeEach {
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
 // todo: mark predicate with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E, R> ReceiveChannel<E>.mapIndexed(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, transform: suspend (index: Int, E) -> R): ReceiveChannel<R> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         var index = 0
         for (e in this@mapIndexed) {
             send(transform(index++, e))
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@
  * This function [consumes][ReceiveChannel.consume] all elements of the original [ReceiveChannel].
 public fun <E> ReceiveChannel<E>.withIndex(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined): ReceiveChannel<IndexedValue<E>> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         var index = 0
         for (e in this@withIndex) {
             send(IndexedValue(index++, e))
@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@
 // todo: mark predicate with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E, K> ReceiveChannel<E>.distinctBy(context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, selector: suspend (E) -> K): ReceiveChannel<E> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumes()) {
         val keys = HashSet<K>()
         for (e in this@distinctBy) {
             val k = selector(e)
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@
 // todo: mark transform with crossinline modifier when it is supported:
 public fun <E, R, V> ReceiveChannel<E>.zip(other: ReceiveChannel<R>, context: CoroutineContext = Unconfined, transform: (a: E, b: R) -> V): ReceiveChannel<V> =
-    produce(context, onCompletion = consumesAll(this, other)) {
+    GlobalScope.produce(context, onCompletion = consumesAll(this, other)) {
         val otherIterator = other.iterator()
         this@zip.consumeEach { element1 ->
             if (!otherIterator.hasNext()) return@consumeEach
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Produce.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Produce.kt
index 4e9510c..8d4e550 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Produce.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/channels/Produce.kt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.Channel.Factory.UNLIMITED
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.*
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
@@ -34,6 +35,27 @@
  * Launches new coroutine to produce a stream of values by sending them to a channel
+ * and returns a reference to the coroutine as a [ReceiveChannel].
+ * Deprecated, use [CoroutineScope.produce]
+ */
+@Deprecated(message = "Standalone coroutine builders are deprecated, use extensions on CoroutineScope instead. This API will be hidden in the next release")
+public fun <E> produce(
+    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+    capacity: Int = 0,
+    parent: Job? = null,
+    onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
+    block: suspend ProducerScope<E>.() -> Unit
+): ReceiveChannel<E> {
+    val channel = Channel<E>(capacity)
+    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
+    val coroutine = ProducerCoroutine(newContext, channel)
+    if (onCompletion != null) coroutine.invokeOnCompletion(handler = onCompletion)
+    coroutine.start(CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, coroutine, block)
+    return coroutine
+ * Launches new coroutine to produce a stream of values by sending them to a channel
  * and returns a reference to the coroutine as a [ReceiveChannel]. This resulting
  * object can be used to [receive][ReceiveChannel.receive] elements produced by this coroutine.
@@ -43,13 +65,10 @@
  * when the coroutine completes.
  * The running coroutine is cancelled when its receive channel is [cancelled][ReceiveChannel.cancel].
- * The [context] for the new coroutine can be explicitly specified.
- * See [CoroutineDispatcher] for the standard context implementations that are provided by `kotlinx.coroutines`.
- * The [coroutineContext] of the parent coroutine may be used,
- * in which case the [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine.
- * The parent job may be also explicitly specified using [parent] parameter.
- *
+ * Coroutine context is inherited from a [CoroutineScope], additional context elements can be specified with [context] argument.
  * If the context does not have any dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor], then [DefaultDispatcher] is used.
+ * The parent job is inherited from a [CoroutineScope] as well, but it can also be overridden
+ * with corresponding [coroutineContext] element.
  * Uncaught exceptions in this coroutine close the channel with this exception as a cause and
  * the resulting channel becomes _failed_, so that any attempt to receive from such a channel throws exception.
@@ -65,19 +84,17 @@
  * @param context context of the coroutine. The default value is [DefaultDispatcher].
  * @param capacity capacity of the channel's buffer (no buffer by default).
- * @param parent explicitly specifies the parent job, overrides job from the [context] (if any).*
  * @param onCompletion optional completion handler for the producer coroutine (see [Job.invokeOnCompletion]).
  * @param block the coroutine code.
-public fun <E> produce(
-    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+public fun <E> CoroutineScope.produce(
+    context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
     capacity: Int = 0,
-    parent: Job? = null,
     onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
     block: suspend ProducerScope<E>.() -> Unit
 ): ReceiveChannel<E> {
     val channel = Channel<E>(capacity)
-    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
+    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context)
     val coroutine = ProducerCoroutine(newContext, channel)
     if (onCompletion != null) coroutine.invokeOnCompletion(handler = onCompletion)
     coroutine.start(CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, coroutine, block)
@@ -116,6 +133,10 @@
 private class ProducerCoroutine<E>(
     parentContext: CoroutineContext, channel: Channel<E>
 ) : ChannelCoroutine<E>(parentContext, channel, active = true), ProducerScope<E>, ProducerJob<E> {
+    override val isActive: Boolean
+        get() = super<ChannelCoroutine>.isActive
     override fun onCancellationInternal(exceptionally: CompletedExceptionally?) {
         val cause = exceptionally?.cause
         val processed = when (exceptionally) {
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/internal/Scopes.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/internal/Scopes.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee51615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/src/internal/Scopes.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
+ */
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
+import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
+internal class ScopeOwnerCoroutine<R>(
+    parentContext: CoroutineContext
+) : AbstractCoroutine<R>(parentContext, true), CoroutineScope {
+    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = parentContext + this
+    /*
+     * Always return true, so final exception is in the scope before its completion.
+     */
+    override fun cancel(cause: Throwable?): Boolean {
+        super.cancel(cause)
+        return true
+    }
+internal class ContextScope(context: CoroutineContext) : CoroutineScope {
+    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = context
+internal fun CoroutineScope.newCoroutineContext(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext =
+    newCoroutineContext(coroutineContext + context, parent = null)
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/AsyncTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/AsyncTest.kt
index de7e004..0496904 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/AsyncTest.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/AsyncTest.kt
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
 class AsyncTest : TestBase() {
@@ -221,5 +220,22 @@
+    @Test
+    fun testOverriddenParent() = runTest {
+        val parent = Job()
+        val deferred = async(parent, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
+            expect(2)
+            delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
+        }
+        parent.cancel()
+        try {
+            expect(1)
+            deferred.await()
+        } catch (e: JobCancellationException) {
+            finish(3)
+        }
+    }
     private class TestException : Exception()
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CoroutineScopeTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CoroutineScopeTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22652f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CoroutineScopeTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
+ */
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.test.*
+class CoroutineScopeTest : TestBase() {
+    @Test
+    fun testScope() = runTest {
+        suspend fun callJobScoped() = coroutineScope {
+            expect(2)
+            launch {
+                expect(4)
+            }
+            launch {
+                expect(5)
+                launch {
+                    expect(7)
+                }
+                expect(6)
+            }
+            expect(3)
+            42
+        }
+        expect(1)
+        val result = callJobScoped()
+        assertEquals(42, result)
+        yield() // Check we're not cancelled
+        finish(8)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun testScopeCancelledFromWithin() = runTest {
+        expect(1)
+        suspend fun callJobScoped() = coroutineScope {
+            launch {
+                expect(2)
+                delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
+            }
+            launch {
+                expect(3)
+                throw IllegalArgumentException()
+            }
+        }
+        try {
+            callJobScoped()
+            expectUnreached()
+        } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
+            expect(4)
+        }
+        yield() // Check we're not cancelled
+        finish(5)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun testScopeBlockThrows() = runTest {
+        expect(1)
+        suspend fun callJobScoped(): Unit = coroutineScope {
+            launch {
+                expect(2)
+                delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
+            }
+            yield() // let launch sleep
+            throw NotImplementedError()
+        }
+        try {
+            callJobScoped()
+            expectUnreached()
+        } catch (e: NotImplementedError) {
+            expect(3)
+        }
+        yield() // Check we're not cancelled
+        finish(4)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun testOuterJobIsCancelled() = runTest {
+        suspend fun callJobScoped() = coroutineScope {
+            launch {
+                expect(3)
+                try {
+                    delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
+                } finally {
+                    expect(4)
+                }
+            }
+            expect(2)
+            delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
+            42
+        }
+        val outerJob = launch(coroutineContext.minusKey(Job)) {
+            expect(1)
+            try {
+                callJobScoped()
+                expectUnreached()
+            } catch (e: JobCancellationException) {
+                expect(5)
+                assertNull(e.cause)
+            }
+        }
+        repeat(3) { yield() } // let everything to start properly
+        outerJob.cancel()
+        outerJob.join()
+        finish(6)
+    }
+    @Test
+    @Suppress("UNREACHABLE_CODE")
+    fun testDocumentationExample() = runTest {
+        suspend fun loadData() = coroutineScope {
+            expect(1)
+            val data = async {
+                try {
+                    delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
+                } finally {
+                    expect(3)
+                }
+            }
+            yield()
+            // UI updater
+            withContext(coroutineContext) {
+                expect(2)
+                throw AssertionError()
+                data.await() // Actually unreached
+                expectUnreached()
+            }
+        }
+        try {
+            loadData()
+            expectUnreached()
+        } catch (e: AssertionError) {
+            finish(4)
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CoroutinesTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CoroutinesTest.kt
index 70d89ca..283a6d4 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CoroutinesTest.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CoroutinesTest.kt
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
 class CoroutinesTest : TestBase() {
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CurrentScopeTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CurrentScopeTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db17064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/CurrentScopeTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
+ */
+@file:Suppress("NAMED_ARGUMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED") // KT-21913
+package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
+import kotlin.test.*
+class CurrentScopeTest : TestBase() {
+    @Test
+    fun testScope() = runTest {
+        suspend fun callJobScoped() = currentScope {
+            launch {
+                finish(3)
+            }
+        }
+        expect(1)
+        callJobScoped()
+        expect(2)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun testNestedScope() = runTest {
+        suspend fun callJobScoped() = currentScope {
+            launch {
+                expect(2)
+            }
+        }
+        expect(1)
+        coroutineScope {
+            callJobScoped()
+        }
+        finish(3)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun testThrowException() = runTest(expected = { it is IndexOutOfBoundsException }) {
+        suspend fun callJobScoped() = currentScope {
+            launch {
+                finish(3)
+                throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
+            }
+        }
+        expect(1)
+        callJobScoped()
+        expect(2)
+    }
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/JobTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/JobTest.kt
index 1beccb8..f83a893 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/JobTest.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/JobTest.kt
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
 class JobTest : TestBase() {
@@ -175,4 +174,18 @@
+    @Test
+    fun testOverriddenParent() = runTest {
+        val parent = Job()
+        val deferred = launch(parent, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
+            expect(2)
+            delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
+        }
+        parent.cancel()
+        expect(1)
+        deferred.join()
+        finish(3)
+    }
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/WithContextTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/WithContextTest.kt
index 9e40c1b..bed85d9 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/WithContextTest.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/WithContextTest.kt
@@ -145,8 +145,7 @@
         try {
             withContext(job + wrapperDispatcher(coroutineContext), CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
-                require(isActive)
-                // but start atomically
+                require(!isActive) // but it had still started, because atomically
                 yield() // but will cancel here
@@ -165,7 +164,7 @@
         val job = Job()
         job.cancel() // try to cancel before it has a chance to run
         withContext(job + wrapperDispatcher(coroutineContext), CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) { // but start atomically
-            require(isActive)
+            require(!isActive) // but it had still started, because undispatched
             yield() // but will cancel here
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/BroadcastTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/BroadcastTest.kt
index 0f0d059..74bdb44 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/BroadcastTest.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/BroadcastTest.kt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     fun testBroadcastBasic() = runTest {
-        val b = broadcast(coroutineContext) {
+        val b = broadcast {
             send(1) // goes to receiver
diff --git a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/ProduceTest.kt b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/ProduceTest.kt
index 70252a7..40b4e5b 100644
--- a/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/ProduceTest.kt
+++ b/common/kotlinx-coroutines-core-common/test/channels/ProduceTest.kt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     fun testBasic() = runTest {
-        val c = produce(coroutineContext) {
+        val c = produce {
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     fun testCancelWithoutCause() = runTest {
-        val c = produce(coroutineContext) {
+        val c = produce {
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
     fun testCancelWithCause() = runTest {
-        val c = produce(coroutineContext) {
+        val c = produce {
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
-    private suspend fun cancelOnCompletion(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) {
+    private suspend fun cancelOnCompletion(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) = currentScope {
         val source = Channel<Int>()
         val produced = produce<Int>(coroutineContext, onCompletion = source.consumes()) {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/Actor.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/Actor.kt
index 2139469..43b4a35 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/Actor.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/Actor.kt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.Channel.Factory.UNLIMITED
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.*
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
@@ -35,6 +36,22 @@
  * Launches new coroutine that is receiving messages from its mailbox channel
+ * and returns a reference to its mailbox channel as a [SendChannel].
+ * Deprecated, use [] instead.
+ */
+@Deprecated(message = "Standalone coroutine builders are deprecated, use extensions on CoroutineScope instead. This API will be hidden in the next release")
+public fun <E> actor(
+    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+    capacity: Int = 0,
+    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
+    parent: Job? = null,
+    onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
+    block: suspend ActorScope<E>.() -> Unit
+): SendChannel<E> =
+    CoroutineScope(context).actor(parent ?: EmptyCoroutineContext, capacity, start, onCompletion, block)
+ * Launches new coroutine that is receiving messages from its mailbox channel
  * and returns a reference to its mailbox channel as a [SendChannel]. The resulting
  * object can be used to [send][SendChannel.send] messages to this coroutine.
@@ -43,13 +60,10 @@
  * [receive][ReceiveChannel.receive] directly. The channel is [closed][SendChannel.close]
  * when the coroutine completes.
- * The [context] for the new coroutine can be explicitly specified.
- * See [CoroutineDispatcher] for the standard context implementations that are provided by `kotlinx.coroutines`.
- * The [coroutineContext] of the parent coroutine may be used,
- * in which case the [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine.
- * The parent job may be also explicitly specified using [parent] parameter.
- *
+ * Coroutine context is inherited from a [CoroutineScope], additional context elements can be specified with [context] argument.
  * If the context does not have any dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor], then [DefaultDispatcher] is used.
+ * The parent job is inherited from a [CoroutineScope] as well, but it can also be overridden
+ * with corresponding [coroutineContext] element.
  * By default, the coroutine is immediately scheduled for execution.
  * Other options can be specified via `start` parameter. See [CoroutineStart] for details.
@@ -98,7 +112,7 @@
  * ```
  * val job = Job()
- * val c = actor(parent = job) {  ... }
+ * val c = actor(context = job) {  ... }
  * ...
  * // abort the actor
  * job.cancel()
@@ -108,22 +122,20 @@
  * "`for (msg in channel)`" and other cancellable suspending functions throw [CancellationException] and actor
  * completes without processing remaining messages.
- * @param context context of the coroutine. The default value is [DefaultDispatcher].
+ * @param context additional to [CoroutineScope.coroutineContext] context of the coroutine
  * @param capacity capacity of the channel's buffer (no buffer by default).
  * @param start coroutine start option. The default value is [CoroutineStart.DEFAULT].
- * @param parent explicitly specifies the parent job, overrides job from the [context] (if any).*
  * @param onCompletion optional completion handler for the actor coroutine (see [Job.invokeOnCompletion]).
  * @param block the coroutine code.
-public fun <E> actor(
-    context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
+public fun <E>
+    context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
     capacity: Int = 0,
     start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
-    parent: Job? = null,
     onCompletion: CompletionHandler? = null,
     block: suspend ActorScope<E>.() -> Unit
 ): SendChannel<E> {
-    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
+    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context)
     val channel = Channel<E>(capacity)
     val coroutine = if (start.isLazy)
         LazyActorCoroutine(newContext, channel, block) else
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/TickerChannels.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/TickerChannels.kt
index e8b9d26..a402c4e 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/TickerChannels.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/src/channels/TickerChannels.kt
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
 ): ReceiveChannel<Unit> {
     require(delay >= 0) { "Expected non-negative delay, but has $delay" }
     require(initialDelay >= 0) { "Expected non-negative initial delay, but has $initialDelay" }
-    return produce(Unconfined + context, capacity = 0) {
-        when(mode) {
+    return GlobalScope.produce(Unconfined + context, capacity = 0) {
+        when (mode) {
             TickerMode.FIXED_PERIOD -> fixedPeriodTicker(delay, unit, initialDelay, channel)
             TickerMode.FIXED_DELAY -> fixedDelayTicker(delay, unit, initialDelay, channel)
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/AsyncJvmTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/AsyncJvmTest.kt
index 6315da8..7de2ff7 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/AsyncJvmTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/AsyncJvmTest.kt
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
 class AsyncJvmTest : TestBase() {
     // This must be a common test but it fails on JS because of KT-21961
     fun testAsyncWithFinally() = runTest {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/CoroutinesJvmTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/CoroutinesJvmTest.kt
index 1b2f023..80731d8 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/CoroutinesJvmTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/CoroutinesJvmTest.kt
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
 package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
 class CoroutinesJvmTest : TestBase() {
-    fun testNotCancellableCodeWithExceptionCancelled() = runTest {
+    fun testNotCancellableCodeWithExceptionCancelled() = runTest(expected = {e -> e is TestException}) {
         // CoroutineStart.ATOMIC makes sure it will not get cancelled for it starts executing
         val job = launch(start = CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
@@ -37,5 +36,5 @@
     private fun throwTestException(): Unit = throw TestException()
-    private class TestException() : Exception()
+    private class TestException : Exception()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadContextElementTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadContextElementTest.kt
index a8b17d2..47a2cf2 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadContextElementTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadContextElementTest.kt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 import kotlin.test.*
 class ThreadContextElementTest : TestBase() {
     fun testExample() = runTest {
         val exceptionHandler = coroutineContext[CoroutineExceptionHandler]!!
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@
         val data = MyData()
         val element = MyElement(data)
-        val job = launch(element + exceptionHandler) {
+        val job = GlobalScope.launch(element + exceptionHandler) {
             assertTrue(mainThread != Thread.currentThread())
             assertSame(element, coroutineContext[MyElement])
             assertSame(data, myThreadLocal.get())
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
         val exceptionHandler = coroutineContext[CoroutineExceptionHandler]!!
         val data = MyData()
         val element = MyElement(data)
-        val job = launch(
+        val job = GlobalScope.launch(
             context = DefaultDispatcher + exceptionHandler + element,
             start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED
         ) {
@@ -59,12 +60,12 @@
         newSingleThreadContext("withContext").use {
             val data = MyData()
-            async(CommonPool + MyElement(data)) {
+            GlobalScope.async(CommonPool + MyElement(data)) {
                 assertSame(data, myThreadLocal.get())
                 val newData = MyData()
-                async(it + MyElement(newData)) {
+                GlobalScope.async(it + MyElement(newData)) {
                     assertSame(newData, myThreadLocal.get())
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
-                async(it) {
+                GlobalScope.async(it) {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadLocalTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadLocalTest.kt
index f3a6c40..b535a62 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadLocalTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/ThreadLocalTest.kt
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import org.junit.*
 import org.junit.Test
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
@@ -79,8 +78,7 @@
     fun testConflictingThreadLocals() = runTest {
-        val deferred = async(CommonPool
-                + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(1)) {
+        val deferred = GlobalScope.async(intThreadLocal.asContextElement(1)) {
             assertEquals(1, intThreadLocal.get())
             withContext(executor + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(42)) {
@@ -89,14 +87,14 @@
             assertEquals(1, intThreadLocal.get())
-            val deferred = async(coroutineContext + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(53)) {
+            val deferred = GlobalScope.async(coroutineContext + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(53)) {
                 assertEquals(53, intThreadLocal.get())
             assertEquals(1, intThreadLocal.get())
-            val deferred2 = async(executor) {
+            val deferred2 = GlobalScope.async(executor) {
@@ -173,12 +171,12 @@
         newSingleThreadContext("withContext").use {
             val data = 42
-            async(CommonPool + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(42)) {
+            GlobalScope.async(CommonPool + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(42)) {
                 assertSame(data, intThreadLocal.get())
-                async(it + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(31)) {
+                GlobalScope.async(it + intThreadLocal.asContextElement(31)) {
                     assertEquals(31, intThreadLocal.get())
@@ -188,7 +186,7 @@
-                async(it) {
+                GlobalScope.async(it) {
@@ -199,4 +197,19 @@
+    @Test
+    fun testScope() = runTest {
+        intThreadLocal.set(42)
+        val mainThread = Thread.currentThread()
+        GlobalScope.async {
+          assertNull(intThreadLocal.get())
+            assertNotSame(mainThread, Thread.currentThread())
+        }.await()
+        GlobalScope.async(intThreadLocal.asContextElement()) {
+            assertEquals(42, intThreadLocal.get())
+            assertNotSame(mainThread, Thread.currentThread())
+        }.await()
+    }
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorLazyTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorLazyTest.kt
index c1aa708..6152cf0 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorLazyTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorLazyTest.kt
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
 import org.hamcrest.core.*
 import org.junit.*
 import org.junit.Assert.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 class ActorLazyTest : TestBase() {
-    fun testEmptyStart() = runBlocking<Unit> {
+    fun testEmptyStart() = runBlocking {
-        val actor = actor<String>(coroutineContext, start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
+        val actor = actor<String>(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
         actor as Job // type assertion
@@ -38,9 +37,9 @@
-    fun testOne() = runBlocking<Unit> {
+    fun testOne() = runBlocking {
-        val actor = actor<String>(coroutineContext, start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
+        val actor = actor<String>(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
             assertThat(receive(), IsEqual("OK"))
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorTest.kt
index 9546fc3..1132858 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ActorTest.kt
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 import org.junit.runner.*
 import org.junit.runners.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 class ActorTest(private val capacity: Int) : TestBase() {
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@
     fun testEmpty() = runBlocking {
-        val actor = actor<String>(coroutineContext, capacity) {
+        val actor = actor<String>(capacity = capacity) {
         actor as Job // type assertion
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
     fun testOne() = runBlocking {
-        val actor = actor<String>(coroutineContext, capacity) {
+        val actor = actor<String>(capacity = capacity) {
             assertThat(receive(), IsEqual("OK"))
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
     fun testCloseWithoutCause() = runTest {
-        val actor = actor<Int>(coroutineContext, capacity) {
+        val actor = actor<Int>(capacity = capacity) {
             val element = channel.receiveOrNull()
             assertEquals(42, element)
@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@
     fun testCloseWithCause() = runTest {
-        val actor = actor<Int>(coroutineContext, capacity) {
+        val actor = actor<Int>(capacity = capacity) {
             val element = channel.receiveOrNull()
             require(element!! == 42)
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@
     fun testCancelEnclosingJob() = runTest {
-        val job = async(coroutineContext) {
+        val job = async {
             actor<Int>(coroutineContext, capacity) {
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@
     fun testThrowingActor() = runTest(unhandled = listOf({e -> e is IllegalArgumentException})) {
         val parent = Job()
-        val actor = actor<Int>(context = coroutineContext, parent = parent) {
+        val actor = actor<Int>(parent) {
             channel.consumeEach {
                 throw IllegalArgumentException()
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@
     fun testChildJob() = runTest {
         val parent = Job()
-        actor<Int>(context = coroutineContext, parent = parent) {
+        actor<Int>(parent) {
             launch(coroutineContext) {
                 try {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ChannelsConsumeTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ChannelsConsumeTest.kt
index d2c2e73..1ec9846 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ChannelsConsumeTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/ChannelsConsumeTest.kt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     private val sourceList = (1..10).toList()
     // test source with numbers 1..10
-    private fun testSource(context: CoroutineContext) = produce(context) {
+    private fun testSource(context: CoroutineContext) = CoroutineScope(context).produce {
         for (i in sourceList) {
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
     fun testFlatMap() {
         checkTransform(sourceList.flatMap { listOf("A$it", "B$it") }) { ctx ->
             flatMap(ctx) {
-                produce {
+                GlobalScope.produce {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/TickerChannelCommonTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/TickerChannelCommonTest.kt
index c5833e0..b413097 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/TickerChannelCommonTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/channels/TickerChannelCommonTest.kt
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     fun testComplexOperator() = withVirtualTimeSource {
         runTest {
-            val producer = produce {
+            val producer = GlobalScope.produce {
                 for (i in 1..7) {
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
-    private fun ReceiveChannel<Int>.averageInTimeWindow(timespan: Long) = produce {
+    private fun ReceiveChannel<Int>.averageInTimeWindow(timespan: Long) = GlobalScope.produce {
         val delayChannel = channelFactory(delay = timespan, initialDelay = timespan)
         var sum = 0
         var n = 0
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobExceptionsStressTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobExceptionsStressTest.kt
index e4c09a5..f47cd13 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobExceptionsStressTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobExceptionsStressTest.kt
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 import org.junit.Test
 import java.util.concurrent.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
 class JobExceptionsStressTest : TestBase() {
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
         repeat(1000 * stressTestMultiplier) {
             val exception = runBlock(executor) {
                 val barrier = CyclicBarrier(4)
-                val job = launch(coroutineContext.minusKey(Job)) {
+                val job = GlobalScope.launch(coroutineContext.minusKey(Job)) {
                     launch(coroutineContext) {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobNestedExceptionsTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobNestedExceptionsTest.kt
index ea66dd0..1bed8cc 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobNestedExceptionsTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/JobNestedExceptionsTest.kt
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 import org.junit.Test
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
 class JobNestedExceptionsTest : TestBase() {
@@ -69,10 +68,10 @@
     fun testNestedAtomicThrow() {
         val exception = runBlock {
-            val job = launch(coroutineContext.minusKey(Job), CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
+            val job = GlobalScope.launch(coroutineContext.minusKey(Job), CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
-                launch(coroutineContext, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
+                GlobalScope.launch(coroutineContext, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
                     throw IOException()
@@ -92,12 +91,12 @@
     fun testChildThrowsDuringCompletion() {
         val exceptions = runBlockForMultipleExceptions {
-            val job = launch(coroutineContext.minusKey(Job), CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
+            val job = GlobalScope.launch(coroutineContext.minusKey(Job), CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
-                launch(coroutineContext, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
+                GlobalScope.launch(coroutineContext, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
-                    launch(coroutineContext, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
+                    GlobalScope.launch(coroutineContext, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
                         // This child attaches to the parent and throws after parent completion
                         throw NullPointerException()
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/CancellableContinuationExceptionHandlingTest.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/WithContextExceptionHandlingTest.kt
similarity index 80%
rename from core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/CancellableContinuationExceptionHandlingTest.kt
rename to core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/WithContextExceptionHandlingTest.kt
index 73522c0..ecdfde8 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/CancellableContinuationExceptionHandlingTest.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/exceptions/WithContextExceptionHandlingTest.kt
@@ -7,12 +7,10 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 import org.junit.Test
-import java.nio.channels.*
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlin.test.*
-class CancellableContinuationExceptionHandlingTest : TestBase() {
+class WithContextExceptionHandlingTest : TestBase() {
     fun testCancellation() = runTest {
@@ -20,7 +18,7 @@
          * Continuation itself throws ISE
          * Result: ISE with suppressed CancellationException
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, null, IllegalStateException()) { e ->
+        runCancellation(null, IllegalStateException()) { e ->
             val suppressed = e.suppressed()
             assertTrue(suppressed.size == 1)
@@ -39,7 +37,7 @@
          * Result: ISE with suppressed CancellationException(IOE)
         val cancellationCause = IOException()
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, IllegalStateException()) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, IllegalStateException()) { e ->
             val suppressed = e.suppressed()
             assertTrue(suppressed.size == 1)
@@ -58,7 +56,7 @@
          * Result: ISE
         val cancellationCause = IllegalStateException()
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, cancellationCause) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, cancellationCause) { e ->
             val suppressed = e.suppressed()
@@ -73,7 +71,7 @@
          * Result: CE
         val cancellationCause = CancellationException()
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, cancellationCause) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, cancellationCause) { e ->
             assertSame(e, cancellationCause)
             val suppressed = e.suppressed()
@@ -91,7 +89,7 @@
         val cancellationCause = CancellationException()
         val exception = IOException()
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, exception) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, exception) { e ->
             assertSame(exception, e)
@@ -108,7 +106,7 @@
         val cancellationCause = IllegalStateException()
         val thrown = CancellationException()
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
             assertSame(thrown, e)
             assertEquals(1, thrown.suppressed().size)
@@ -127,7 +125,7 @@
         val cancellationCause = IllegalStateException()
         val thrown = CancellationException()
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
             assertSame(thrown, e)
             assertEquals(1, thrown.suppressed().size)
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@
         val cancellationCause = CancellationException()
         val thrown = CancellationException()
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
             assertSame(thrown, e)
@@ -164,7 +162,7 @@
          * Result: CE(ISE)
-        runCancellation(coroutineContext, cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
+        runCancellation(cancellationCause, thrown) { e ->
             assertSame(thrown, e)
             assertSame(cancellationCause, e.cause)
             assertEquals(0, thrown.suppressed().size)
@@ -175,7 +173,7 @@
     fun testThrowingCancellation() = runTest {
         val thrown = CancellationException()
-        runThrowingContinuation(coroutineContext, thrown) { e ->
+        runThrowing(thrown) { e ->
             assertSame(thrown, e)
@@ -184,14 +182,14 @@
     fun testThrowingCancellationWithCause() = runTest {
         val thrown = CancellationException()
-        runThrowingContinuation(coroutineContext, thrown) { e ->
+        runThrowing(thrown) { e ->
             assertSame(thrown, e)
     fun testCancel() = runTest {
-        runOnlyCancellation(coroutineContext, null) { e ->
+        runOnlyCancellation(null) { e ->
@@ -200,7 +198,7 @@
     fun testCancelWithCause() = runTest {
         val cause = IOException()
-        runOnlyCancellation(coroutineContext, cause) { e ->
+        runOnlyCancellation(cause) { e ->
             assertSame(cause, e.cause)
@@ -209,7 +207,7 @@
     fun testCancelWithCancellationException() = runTest {
         val cause = CancellationException()
-        runThrowingContinuation(coroutineContext, cause) { e ->
+        runThrowing(cause) { e ->
             assertSame(cause, e)
@@ -225,19 +223,17 @@
-    private suspend inline fun <reified T : Exception> CoroutineScope.runCancellation(
-        coroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
+    private suspend inline fun <reified T : Exception> runCancellation(
         cancellationCause: Exception?,
-        thrownException: T, exceptionChecker: (T) -> Unit
+        thrownException: T,
+        exceptionChecker: (T) -> Unit
     ) {
         val job = Job()
         try {
             withContext(wrapperDispatcher(coroutineContext) + job, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
-                require(isActive)
+                require(!isActive) // already cancelled
                 throw thrownException
@@ -247,15 +243,13 @@
-    private suspend inline fun <reified T : Exception> CoroutineScope.runThrowingContinuation(
-        coroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
-        thrownException: T, exceptionChecker: (T) -> Unit
+    private suspend inline fun <reified T : Exception> runThrowing(
+        thrownException: T,
+        exceptionChecker: (T) -> Unit
     ) {
         try {
             withContext(wrapperDispatcher(coroutineContext), CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
@@ -269,21 +263,19 @@
-    private suspend inline fun CoroutineScope.runOnlyCancellation(
-        coroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
-        cancellationCause: Exception?, exceptionChecker: (CancellationException) -> Unit
+    private suspend inline fun runOnlyCancellation(
+        cancellationCause: Exception?,
+        exceptionChecker: (CancellationException) -> Unit
     ) {
         val job = Job()
         try {
             withContext(wrapperDispatcher(coroutineContext) + job, CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
-                require(isActive)
+                require(!isActive) // is already cancelled
         } catch (e: Exception) {
@@ -292,7 +284,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-basic-06.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-basic-06.kt
index 8245772..13bdf39 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-basic-06.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-basic-06.kt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
-    launch {
+    GlobalScope.launch {
         repeat(1000) { i ->
             println("I'm sleeping $i ...")
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-02.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-02.kt
index 720e36f..f558abe 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-02.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-02.kt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
     val startTime = timeSource.currentTimeMillis()
-    val job = launch {
+    val job = launch(DefaultDispatcher) {
         var nextPrintTime = startTime
         var i = 0
         while (i < 5) { // computation loop, just wastes CPU
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-03.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-03.kt
index 91a6326..fe05d70 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-03.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-cancel-03.kt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
     val startTime = timeSource.currentTimeMillis()
-    val job = launch {
+    val job = launch(DefaultDispatcher) {
         var nextPrintTime = startTime
         var i = 0
         while (isActive) { // cancellable computation loop
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-06.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-06.kt
index beaf8f0..a97741e 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-06.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-06.kt
@@ -6,13 +6,12 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
     // launch a coroutine to process some kind of incoming request
-    val request = launch {
+    val request = GlobalScope.launch {
         // it spawns two other jobs, one with its separate context
-        val job1 = launch {
+        val job1 = GlobalScope.launch {
             println("job1: I have my own context and execute independently!")
             println("job1: I am not affected by cancellation of the request")
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-09.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-09.kt
index 1620dc2..0c16a3b 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-09.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-context-09.kt
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking(CoroutineName("main")) {
     log("Started main coroutine")
     // run two background value computations
-    val v1 = async(CoroutineName("v1coroutine")) {
+    val v1 = async(CoroutineName("v1coroutine") + DefaultDispatcher) {
         log("Computing v1")
-    val v2 = async(CoroutineName("v2coroutine")) {
+    val v2 = async(CoroutineName("v2coroutine") + DefaultDispatcher) {
         log("Computing v2")
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-01.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-01.kt
index 81bf496..d0822a0 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-01.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-01.kt
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {
-    val job = launch {
+    val job = GlobalScope.launch {
         println("Throwing exception from launch")
         throw IndexOutOfBoundsException() // Will be printed to the console by Thread.defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
     println("Joined failed job")
-    val deferred = async {
+    val deferred = GlobalScope.async {
         println("Throwing exception from async")
         throw ArithmeticException() // Nothing is printed, relying on user to call await
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-02.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-02.kt
index acd1b92..90a97db 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-02.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-02.kt
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
     val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception -> 
         println("Caught $exception") 
-    val job = launch(handler) {
+    val job = GlobalScope.launch(handler) {
         throw AssertionError()
-    val deferred = async(handler) {
+    val deferred = GlobalScope.async(handler) {
         throw ArithmeticException() // Nothing will be printed, relying on user to call deferred.await()
     joinAll(job, deferred)
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-04.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-04.kt
index 02277e2..16faec7 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-04.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-04.kt
@@ -6,13 +6,12 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {
     val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception -> 
         println("Caught $exception") 
-    val job = launch(handler) {
+    val job = GlobalScope.launch(handler) {
         val child1 = launch(coroutineContext, start = CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
             try {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-06.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-06.kt
index e70443b..0cbcd34 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-06.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-exceptions-06.kt
@@ -6,14 +6,13 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {
     val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
         println("Caught original $exception")
-    val job = launch(handler) {
+    val job = GlobalScope.launch(handler) {
         val inner = launch(coroutineContext) {
             launch(coroutineContext) {
                 launch(coroutineContext) {
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-select-05.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-select-05.kt
index fa7ae7a..b62c567 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-select-05.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-select-05.kt
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.*
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 fun switchMapDeferreds(input: ReceiveChannel<Deferred<String>>) = produce<String> {
     var current = input.receive() // start with first received deferred value
diff --git a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-sync-04.kt b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-sync-04.kt
index 5193773..39d2284 100644
--- a/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-sync-04.kt
+++ b/core/kotlinx-coroutines-core/test/guide/example-sync-04.kt
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
-import kotlin.system.*
 import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
+import kotlin.system.*
 suspend fun massiveRun(context: CoroutineContext, action: suspend () -> Unit) {
     val n = 1000 // number of coroutines to launch
     val k = 1000 // times an action is repeated by each coroutine
     val time = measureTimeMillis {
         val jobs = List(n) {
-            launch(context) {
+             launch(context) {
                 repeat(k) { action() }
diff --git a/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-slf4j/test/MDCContextTest.kt b/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-slf4j/test/MDCContextTest.kt
index 9838871..9073625 100644
--- a/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-slf4j/test/MDCContextTest.kt
+++ b/integration/kotlinx-coroutines-slf4j/test/MDCContextTest.kt
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     fun testContextIsNotPassedByDefaultBetweenCoroutines() = runTest {
         MDC.put("myKey", "myValue")
-        launch {
+        GlobalScope.launch {
             assertEquals(null, MDC.get("myKey"))
diff --git a/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-reactor/test/ConvertTest.kt b/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-reactor/test/ConvertTest.kt
index fa03d75..c6803e5 100644
--- a/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-reactor/test/ConvertTest.kt
+++ b/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-reactor/test/ConvertTest.kt
@@ -9,15 +9,14 @@
 import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.reactive.*
 import org.junit.*
 import org.junit.Assert.*
-import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
 class ConvertTest : TestBase() {
     class TestException(s: String): RuntimeException(s)
-    fun testJobToMonoSuccess() = runBlocking<Unit> {
+    fun testJobToMonoSuccess() = runBlocking {
-        val job = launch(coroutineContext) {
+        val job = launch {
         val mono = job.asMono(coroutineContext)
@@ -30,9 +29,9 @@
-    fun testJobToMonoFail() = runBlocking<Unit> {
+    fun testJobToMonoFail() = runBlocking {
-        val job = async(coroutineContext + NonCancellable) { // don't kill parent on exception
+        val job = async(NonCancellable) { // don't kill parent on exception
             throw RuntimeException("OK")
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@
     fun testDeferredToMonoFail() {
-        val d = async {
+        val d = GlobalScope.async {
             throw TestException("OK")
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@
     fun testToFlux() {
-        val c = produce(DefaultDispatcher) {
+        val c = GlobalScope.produce {
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@
     fun testToFluxFail() {
-        val c = produce(DefaultDispatcher) {
+        val c = GlobalScope.produce {
diff --git a/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-rx2/test/guide/example-reactive-basic-07.kt b/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-rx2/test/guide/example-reactive-basic-07.kt
index 63e392b..6dfae53 100644
--- a/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-rx2/test/guide/example-reactive-basic-07.kt
+++ b/reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-rx2/test/guide/example-reactive-basic-07.kt
@@ -5,18 +5,16 @@
 // This file was automatically generated from by Knit tool. Do not edit.
-import io.reactivex.subjects.BehaviorSubject
-import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.Unconfined
-import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.launch
-import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.runBlocking
-import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.rx2.consumeEach
+import io.reactivex.subjects.*
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
+import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.rx2.*
 fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
     val subject = BehaviorSubject.create<String>()
     // now launch a coroutine to print everything
-    launch(Unconfined) { // launch coroutine in unconfined context
+    GlobalScope.launch(Unconfined) { // launch coroutine in unconfined context
         subject.consumeEach { println(it) }