
Library support for Kotlin coroutines. This is a companion version for Kotlin 1.1.0-beta-22 release.

Modules and features

  • kotlinx-coroutines-core module with core primitives to work with coroutines. It is designed to work on any JDK6+ and Android and contains the following main pieces:

    • launch(context) {...} to start a coroutine in the given context and get reference to its Job.
    • run(context) {...} to switch to a different context inside a coroutine.
    • runBlocking {...} to use asynchronous Kotlin APIs from a thread-blocking code.
    • defer(context) {...} and lazyDefer(context) {...} to get a deferred result of coroutine execution in a non-blocking way via a light-weight future interface called Deferred.
    • delay(...) for a non-blocking sleep in coroutines and yield to release a thread in single-threaded dispatchers.
    • withTimeout(timeout) {...} scope function to easily set coroutine time-limit (deadline), and NonCancellable context to avoid it when needed.
    • CommonPool and Here contexts, access to context of a parent coroutine in its CoroutineScope.
    • newSingleThreadContext(...) and newFixedThreadPoolContext(...) functions, Executor.toCoroutineDispatcher() extension.
    • Cancellation support with Job interface and suspendCancellableCoroutine helper function.
    • Debugging facilities for coroutines (run JVM with -ea or -Dkotlinx.coroutines.debug options) and newCoroutineContext(context) function to write user-defined coroutine builders that work with these debugging facilities.
  • kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 module with additional libraries for JDK8 (or Android API level 24).

    • future { ... } coroutine builder that returns CompletableFuture and works in CommonPool context by default.
    • .await() suspending function for CompletableFuture.
  • kotlinx-coroutines-nio module with extensions for asynchronous IO on JDK7+.

  • kotlinx-coroutines-swing module with Swing context for Swing UI applications.

  • kotlinx-coroutines-javafx module with JavaFx context for JavaFX UI applications.

  • kotlinx-coroutines-rx module with utilities to build Observable objects from RxJava with imperative coroutines and consume their values from inside coroutines. It is in very basic form now (example-only, not even close to production use)

References and documentation

Using in your projects

Note that these libraries are experimental and are subject to change.

The libraries are published to kotlin-eap-1.1 bintray repository.

These libraries require kotlin compiler version to be at least 1.1-Beta and require kotlin runtime of the same version as a dependency, which can be obtained from the same repository.


Add the bintray repository to <repositories> section (and also add pluginRepository to <pluginRepositories>, if you're willing to get kotlin-maven-plugin from there):


Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):


And make sure that you use the right Kotlin version:



Add the bintray repository (and also add it to buildScript section, if you're willing to get kotlin-gradle-plugin from there):

repositories {
    maven {
        url "http://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlin-eap-1.1"

Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

compile 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:0.5-beta'

And make sure that you use the right Kotlin version:

buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.0-beta-22'