Kotlin 1.1 introduced coroutines, a new way of writing asynchronous, non-blocking code (and much more). In this tutorial you will go through some basics of using Kotlin coroutines with the help of the kotlinx.coroutines library, which is a collection of helpers and wrappers for existing Java libraries.

Set up a project


In IntelliJ IDEA go to File | New | Project.:

Create a new project

Then follow the wizard steps. You'll have a build.gradle file created with Kotlin configured according to this document. Make sure it's configured for Kotlin 1.3 or higher.

Since we'll be using the kotlinx.coroutines, let's add its recent version to our dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:%coroutinesVersion%'
dependencies {

This library is published to Bintray Maven Central repository, so add the following:

repositories {

That's it, we are good to go and write code under src/main/kotlin.


In IntelliJ IDEA go to File | New | Project and check the Create from archetype box:

Create a new project

Then follow the wizard steps. You'll have a pom.xml file created with Kotlin configured according to this document. Make sure it's configured for Kotlin 1.3 or higher.


Since we'll be using the kotlinx.coroutines, let's add its recent version to our dependencies:


That's it, we are good to go and write code under src/main/kotlin.

My first coroutine

One can think of a coroutine as a light-weight thread. Like threads, coroutines can run in parallel, wait for each other and communicate. The biggest difference is that coroutines are very cheap, almost free: we can create thousands of them, and pay very little in terms of performance. True threads, on the other hand, are expensive to start and keep around. A thousand threads can be a serious challenge for a modern machine.

So, how do we start a coroutine? Let's use the launch {} function:

launch {

This starts a new coroutine. By default, coroutines are run on a shared pool of threads. Threads still exist in a program based on coroutines, but one thread can run many coroutines, so there's no need for too many threads.

Let's look at a full program that uses launch:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    // Start a coroutine
    GlobalScope.launch {

    Thread.sleep(2000) // wait for 2 seconds

{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}

Here we start a coroutine that waits for 1 second and prints Hello.

We are using the delay() function that's like Thread.sleep(), but better: it doesn't block a thread, but only suspends the coroutine itself. The thread is returned to the pool while the coroutine is waiting, and when the waiting is done, the coroutine resumes on a free thread in the pool.

The main thread (that runs the main() function) must wait until our coroutine completes, otherwise the program ends before Hello is printed.

Exercise: try removing the sleep() from the program above and see the result.

If we try to use the same non-blocking delay() function directly inside main(), we'll get a compiler error:

Suspend functions are only allowed to be called from a coroutine or another suspend function.


This is because we are not inside any coroutine. We can use delay if we wrap it into runBlocking {} that starts a coroutine and waits until it's done:

runBlocking {

So, first the resulting program prints Start, then it runs a coroutine through launch {}, then it runs another one through runBlocking {} and blocks until it's done, then prints Stop. Meanwhile the first coroutine completes and prints Hello. Just like threads, we told you :)

Let's run a lot of them

Now, let's make sure that coroutines are really cheaper than threads. How about starting a million of them? Let's try starting a million threads first:

val c = AtomicLong()

for (i in 1..1_000_000L)
    thread(start = true) {


This runs a 1'000'000 threads each of which adds to a common counter. My patience runs out before this program completes on my machine (definitely over a minute).

Let's try the same with coroutines:

val c = AtomicLong()

for (i in 1..1_000_000L)
    GlobalScope.launch {


This example completes in less than a second for me, but it prints some arbitrary number, because some coroutines don't finish before main() prints the result. Let's fix that.

We could use the same means of synchronization that are applicable to threads (a CountDownLatch is what crosses my mind in this case), but let's take a safer and cleaner path.

Async: returning a value from a coroutine

Another way of starting a coroutine is async {}. It is like launch {}, but returns an instance of Deferred<T>, which has an await() function that returns the result of the coroutine. Deferred<T> is a very basic future (fully-fledged JDK futures are also supported, but here we'll confine ourselves to Deferred for now).

Let's create a million coroutines again, keeping their Deferred objects. Now there's no need in the atomic counter, as we can just return the numbers to be added from our coroutines:

val deferred = (1..1_000_000).map { n ->
    GlobalScope.async {

All these have already started, all we need is collect the results:

val sum = deferred.sumOf { it.await().toLong() }

We simply take every coroutine and await its result here, then all results are added together by the standard library function sumOf(). But the compiler rightfully complains:

Suspend functions are only allowed to be called from a coroutine or another suspend function.


await() can not be called outside a coroutine, because it needs to suspend until the computation finishes, and only coroutines can suspend in a non-blocking way. So, let's put this inside a coroutine:

runBlocking {
    val sum = deferred.sumOf { it.await().toLong() }
    println("Sum: $sum")

Now it prints something sensible: 500000500000, because all coroutines complete.

Let's also make sure that our coroutines actually run in parallel. If we add a 1-second delay() to each of the async's, the resulting program won't run for 1'000'000 seconds (over 11,5 days):

val deferred = (1..1_000_000).map { n ->
    GlobalScope.async {

This takes about 10 seconds on my machine, so yes, coroutines do run in parallel.

Suspending functions

Now, let's say we want to extract our workload (which is "wait 1 second and return a number") into a separate function:

fun workload(n: Int): Int {
    return n

A familiar error pops up:

Suspend functions are only allowed to be called from a coroutine or another suspend function.


Let's dig a little into what it means. The biggest merit of coroutines is that they can suspend without blocking a thread. The compiler has to emit some special code to make this possible, so we have to mark functions that may suspend explicitly in the code. We use the suspend modifier for it:

suspend fun workload(n: Int): Int {
    return n

Now when we call workload() from a coroutine, the compiler knows that it may suspend and will prepare accordingly:

GlobalScope.async {

Our workload() function can be called from a coroutine (or another suspending function), but cannot be called from outside a coroutine. Naturally, delay() and await() that we used above are themselves declared as suspend, and this is why we had to put them inside runBlocking {}, launch {} or async {}.