Change log for kotlinx.coroutines

Version 0.6-beta

Version 0.5-beta

  • Switched to Kotlin version 1.1.0-beta-22 (republished version).
  • Removed currentCoroutineContext and related thread-locals without replacement. Explicitly pass coroutine context around if needed.
  • lazyDefer(context) {...} coroutine builder and LazyDeferred interface are introduced.
  • The default behaviour of all coroutine dispatchers is changed to always schedule execution of new coroutine for later in this thread or thread pool. Correspondingly, CoroutineDispatcher.isDispatchNeeded function has a default implementation that returns true.
  • NonCancellable context is introduced.
  • Performance optimizations for cancellable continuations (fewer objects created).
  • A guide on coroutines is added.

Version 0.4-beta

  • Switched to Kotlin version 1.1.0-beta-18 (republished version).
  • CoroutineDispatcher methods now have context parameter.
  • Introduced CancellableContinuation.isCancelled
  • Introduced EventLoop dispatcher and made it a default for runBlocking { ... }
  • Introduced CoroutineScope interface with isActive and context properties; standard coroutine builders include it as receiver for convenience.
  • Introduced Executor.toCoroutineDispatcher() extension.
  • Delay scheduler thread is not daemon anymore, but times out automatically.
  • Debugging facilities in newCoroutineContext can be explicitly disabled with -Dkotlinx.coroutines.debug=off.
  • xxx-test files are renamed to xxx-example for clarity.
  • Fixed NPE in Job implementation when starting coroutine with already cancelled parent job.
  • Support cancellation in kotlinx-coroutines-nio module