update: update docs for the new WebHelp engine (#2393)

* update: update cancellation-and-timeouts.md
* update: update channels.md
* update: update composing-suspending-functions.md
* update: update coroutine-context-and-dispatchers.md
* update: update coroutines-guide.md
* update: update exception-handling.md
* update: update select-expression.md
* update: update shared-mutable-state-and-concurrency.md
* update: update basics.md
* update: update flow.md
* update: update flow.md
* update: update _nav.yml
* update: add _nav.tree
* update: update links
* update: fixes after review
* update: get rid of divs
* update: add new lines for WebHelp parser
* update: add new lines for WebHelp parser
* fix: fix knit errors
* removed _nav.yml;
* renamed _nav.tree to kc.tree.
*  removed coroutines overview from the list; a title for a hands-on tutorial
* update: Made kc.tree as valid XML
* update: added a configuration file project.ihp
* update: added a configuration file buildprofiles.xml
* update: moved coroutines overview from the main repository
* update: update cancellation-and-timeouts.md
* update: update channels.md
* update: update composing-suspending-functions.md
* update: update coroutine-context-and-dispatchers.md
* update: update coroutines-guide.md
* update: update exception-handling.md
* update: update select-expression.md
* update: update shared-mutable-state-and-concurrency.md
* update: update basics.md
* update: update flow.md
* update: update flow.md
* update: update _nav.yml
* update: add _nav.tree
* update: update links
* update: fixes after review
* update: get rid of divs
* removed _nav.yml;
* renamed _nav.tree to kc.tree.
* removed coroutines overview from the list; a title for a hands-on tutorial
* update: Made kc.tree as valid XML
* update: added a configuration file project.ihp
* update: added a configuration file buildprofiles.xml
* update: moved coroutines overview from the main repository
* update: move debug tutorials to coroutines repository
* update: update after knit
* update: move all docs files to topics/
* update: corrected the xml version of project.ihp
* update: move old jvm tutorial coroutines-basic-jvm.md
* update: moved knit.properties to resolve relative path correctly
* update: add stubs for moved pages
* update: update README.md

Co-authored-by: Ekaterina.Volodko <ekaterina.volodko@jetbrains.com>
50 files changed
tree: 429f091e5ce95d7d9ee29f60f0b9a2499ac1ac93
  1. .idea/
  2. benchmarks/
  3. buildSrc/
  4. docs/
  5. gradle/
  6. integration/
  7. integration-testing/
  8. js/
  9. kotlinx-coroutines-bom/
  10. kotlinx-coroutines-core/
  11. kotlinx-coroutines-debug/
  12. kotlinx-coroutines-test/
  13. license/
  14. reactive/
  15. site/
  16. stdlib-stubs/
  17. ui/
  18. .gitignore
  19. build.gradle
  20. bump-version.sh
  21. CHANGES.md
  24. coroutines-guide.md
  25. gradle.properties
  26. gradlew
  27. gradlew.bat
  28. knit.properties
  29. LICENSE.txt
  30. README.md
  31. RELEASE.md
  32. settings.gradle


official JetBrains project GitHub license Download Kotlin Slack channel

Library support for Kotlin coroutines with multiplatform support. This is a companion version for Kotlin 1.4.0 release.

suspend fun main() = coroutineScope {
    launch { 
       println("Kotlin Coroutines World!") 

Play with coroutines online here



Using in your projects

The libraries are published to kotlinx bintray repository, linked to JCenter and pushed to Maven Central.


Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):


And make sure that you use the latest Kotlin version:



Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.4.2'

And make sure that you use the latest Kotlin version:

buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.4.0'

Make sure that you have either jcenter() or mavenCentral() in the list of repositories:

repository {

Gradle Kotlin DSL

Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

dependencies {

And make sure that you use the latest Kotlin version:

plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.4.0"

Make sure that you have either jcenter() or mavenCentral() in the list of repositories.


Core modules of kotlinx.coroutines are also available for Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/Native. In common code that should get compiled for different platforms, you can add dependency to kotlinx-coroutines-core right to the commonMain source set:

commonMain {
    dependencies {


Add kotlinx-coroutines-android module as dependency when using kotlinx.coroutines on Android:

implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.4.2'

This gives you access to Android Dispatchers.Main coroutine dispatcher and also makes sure that in case of crashed coroutine with unhandled exception this exception is logged before crashing Android application, similarly to the way uncaught exceptions in threads are handled by Android runtime.

R8 and ProGuard

R8 and ProGuard rules are bundled into the kotlinx-coroutines-android module. For more details see "Optimization" section for Android.

Avoiding including the debug infrastructure in the resulting APK

The kotlinx-coroutines-core artifact contains a resource file that is not required for the coroutines to operate normally and is only used by the debugger. To exclude it at no loss of functionality, add the following snippet to the android block in your gradle file for the application subproject:

packagingOptions {
  exclude "DebugProbesKt.bin"


Kotlin/JS version of kotlinx.coroutines is published as kotlinx-coroutines-core-js (follow the link to get the dependency declaration snippet).

You can also use kotlinx-coroutines-core package via NPM.


Kotlin/Native version of kotlinx.coroutines is published as kotlinx-coroutines-core-native (follow the link to get the dependency declaration snippet).

Only single-threaded code (JS-style) on Kotlin/Native is currently supported. Kotlin/Native supports only Gradle version 4.10 and you need to enable Gradle metadata in your settings.gradle file:


Since Kotlin/Native does not generally provide binary compatibility between versions, you should use the same version of Kotlin/Native compiler as was used to build kotlinx.coroutines.

Building and Contributing

See Contributing Guidelines.