Fixes linearizability of Channel.close in advanced receive+send case

We cannot resume closed receives until all receivers are removed from the list.
Consider channel state: head -> [receive_1] -> [receive_2] -> head
 - T1 called receive_2, and will call send() when it's receive call resumes
 - T2 calls close()

Now if T2's close resumes T1's receive_2 then it's receive gets
"closed for receive" exception, but its subsequent attempt to send
successfully rendezvous with receive_1, producing non-linearizable
diff --git a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/common/src/channels/AbstractChannel.kt b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/common/src/channels/AbstractChannel.kt
index a3be3ba..b5dfd95 100644
--- a/kotlinx-coroutines-core/common/src/channels/AbstractChannel.kt
+++ b/kotlinx-coroutines-core/common/src/channels/AbstractChannel.kt
@@ -287,33 +287,49 @@
     private fun helpClose(closed: Closed<*>) {
          * It's important to traverse list from right to left to avoid races with sender.
-         * Consider channel state
-         * head sentinel -> [receiver 1] -> [receiver 2] -> head sentinel
-         * T1 invokes receive()
-         * T2 invokes close()
-         * T3 invokes close() + send(value)
+         * Consider channel state: head -> [receive_1] -> [receive_2] -> head
+         * - T1 calls receive()
+         * - T2 calls close()
+         * - T3 calls close() + send(value)
          * If both will traverse list from left to right, following non-linearizable history is possible:
          * [close -> false], [send -> transferred 'value' to receiver]
+         *
+         * Another problem with linearizability of close is that we cannot resume closed receives until all
+         * receivers are removed from the list.
+         * Consider channel state: head -> [receive_1] -> [receive_2] -> head
+         * - T1 called receive_2, and will call send() when it's receive call resumes
+         * - T2 calls close()
+         *
+         * Now if T2's close resumes T1's receive_2 then it's receive gets "closed for receive" exception, but
+         * its subsequent attempt to send successfully rendezvous with receive_1, producing non-linearizable execution.
+        var closedNode: Receive<E>? = null // used when one node was closed to avoid extra memory allocation
+        var closedList: ArrayList<Receive<E>>? = null // used when more nodes were closed
         while (true) {
-            val previous = closed.prevNode
-            // Channel is empty or has no receivers
-            if (previous is LockFreeLinkedListHead || previous !is Receive<*>) {
-                break
-            }
+            // Break when channel is empty or has no receivers
+            @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+            val previous = closed.prevNode as? Receive<E> ?: break
             if (!previous.remove()) {
                 // failed to remove the node (due to race) -- retry finding non-removed prevNode
                 // NOTE: remove() DOES NOT help pending remove operation (that marked next pointer)
                 previous.helpRemove() // make sure remove is complete before continuing
-            @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
-            previous as Receive<E> // type assertion
-            previous.resumeReceiveClosed(closed)
+            // add removed nodes to a separate list 
+            if (closedNode == null) {
+                closedNode = previous
+            } else {
+                val list = closedList ?: ArrayList<Receive<E>>().also { closedList = it }
+                list += previous
+            }
+        // now notify all removed nodes that the channel was closed
+        if (closedNode != null) {
+            closedNode.resumeReceiveClosed(closed)
+            closedList?.forEach { it.resumeReceiveClosed(closed) }
+        }
+        // and do other post-processing