Decoder: Fix in the case of error in the first MB in frame.

In case of error in first MB in a frame, ps_dec->i4_submb_ofst
was decremented to result in negative offsets.

Bug: 33351708
diff --git a/decoder/ih264d_parse_pslice.c b/decoder/ih264d_parse_pslice.c
index 75b1010..ba72fcf 100644
--- a/decoder/ih264d_parse_pslice.c
+++ b/decoder/ih264d_parse_pslice.c
@@ -1608,13 +1608,13 @@
             ps_dec->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity =
-            // Going back 1 mb
-            ps_dec->pv_parse_tu_coeff_data = ps_dec->pv_prev_mb_parse_tu_coeff_data;
-            ps_dec->u2_cur_mb_addr--;
-            ps_dec->i4_submb_ofst -= SUB_BLK_SIZE;
+                // Going back 1 mb
+                ps_dec->pv_parse_tu_coeff_data = ps_dec->pv_prev_mb_parse_tu_coeff_data;
+                ps_dec->u2_cur_mb_addr--;
+                ps_dec->i4_submb_ofst -= SUB_BLK_SIZE;
                 // Parse/decode N-MB left unparsed
                 if (ps_dec->u1_pr_sl_type == P_SLICE
                         || ps_dec->u1_pr_sl_type == B_SLICE)