Decoder: Fix in returning incomplete frame error

In case a slice start code is found and picture decode is not complete
and a non slice NAL is encountered, then mark the current pic as incomplete

Bug: 33250932
Bug: 33139050

Change-Id: I9db4446338b307310805dba90c60c8cbdeee0739
diff --git a/decoder/ih264d_parse_headers.c b/decoder/ih264d_parse_headers.c
index 3f1dcad..7b0bdcb 100644
--- a/decoder/ih264d_parse_headers.c
+++ b/decoder/ih264d_parse_headers.c
@@ -1113,7 +1113,9 @@
             u1_nal_unit_type = NAL_UNIT_TYPE(u1_first_byte);
             // if any other nal unit other than slice nal is encountered in between a
             // frame break out of loop without consuming header
-            if((ps_dec->u2_total_mbs_coded != 0) && (u1_nal_unit_type > IDR_SLICE_NAL))
+            if ((ps_dec->u4_slice_start_code_found == 1)
+                    && (ps_dec->u1_pic_decode_done != 1)
+                    && (u1_nal_unit_type > IDR_SLICE_NAL))
                 return ERROR_INCOMPLETE_FRAME;