Android: Restrict data directory for both Chrome and WebView

Context.getDir() creates Chrome's data directory, app_chrome/, with
rwxrwx--x. ChromeMainDelegateAndroid::RunProcess() then limits this to
rwx------. RunProcess() goes out of its way to avoid granting any user
permissions that weren't already present, but this seems like a mistake;
it shouldn't be possible for app_chrome/ to have fewer permissions than
rwx------. So RunProcess is simplified to set the permissions to exactly
rwx------. Also don't print data_path in the error message because if
PathService::Get() failed, data_path is empty.

Also restrict WebView's directory, app_webview/, using Os.chown(). Doing
this in PathUtils covers both Chrome and WebView. However, Os.chown()
requires API >= 21, which is the case for WebView but not Chrome, so
Chrome's RunProcess() code must stay for now.

Rehabilitate //chrome/test:chrome_app_unittests to run on Android (crbug
609855 says it was broken but it seems to work now) and add a unit test
for the simplified native code.

internal bug b/19993402

Change-Id: I1bcfe72940ddc1fb23f2b0bef50775853843ea76
Commit-Queue: Paul Miller <>
Reviewed-by: Tao Bai <>
Reviewed-by: Richard Coles <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#551795}

CrOS-Libchrome-Original-Commit: 5e34d9d20536109581eabd0fe61f8b92ac51497a
1 file changed
tree: aacac3e945fdd76a1b411fcc4330c281483c7b64
  1. base/
  2. build/
  3. components/
  4. dbus/
  5. device/
  6. ipc/
  7. mojo/
  8. testing/
  9. third_party/
  10. ui/