Automated IWYU fix for TaskRunner includes.

Pre-requisite to suppress message_loop.h from run_loop.h (issue 703346).

A similar include fix for message_loop.h was done in r471412 but some
targets are the removal as it looks like they properly didn't need
message_loop.h but were relying on it to get task runner includes...

The reasoning for this is the same as was once done in
(it was then done only on targets that failed to compile instead of via script):
scoped_refptr<Foo> requires full type of Foo to be defined not just fwd-declared.

Script used:

def Fix(file_path):
  content = refactor_lib.ReadFile(file_path)

  if not 'TaskRunner' in content:
    return False

  # Assume fwd-decls are correct in first pass.
  if 'class TaskRunner;' in content:
    return False
  if 'class SequencedTaskRunner;' in content:
    return False
  if 'class SingleThreadTaskRunner;' in content:
    return False

  # Using base:: prefix ensures we don't match fwd-decls and other things.
  # Will require a few fixups for missing includes in //base proper.
  # Complex prefix in regex attempts to skip comments.
  matches = re.compile(r'(private:|protected:|public:)|(\n *[^/\n][^/\n][^/\n]*base::(Sequenced|SingleThread)TaskRunner\b(>&|\*)?)', re.DOTALL).findall(content)

  if not matches:
    return False

  # Ignore instances in private sections (probably members or worst case methods
  # only used by impl which must include header already).
  in_private_section = False

  found_task_runner = False
  found_sequenced_task_runner = False
  found_single_thread_task_runner = False
  for match in matches:
    if match[0] == 'private:':
      in_private_section = True
    if match[0] == 'protected:':
      in_private_section = False
    if match[0] == 'public:':
      in_private_section = False

    # Otherwise match[0] was empty and we have a match[1] for the main thing.
    assert not match[0]

    # Only want to add the include if we don't have a match[3] (which indicates
    # this match is for a ref or a pointer).
    if match[3]:

    # Not a ref nor a pointer, count it if not in a private section, match[2]
    # tells which TaskRunner type it is.
    if not in_private_section:
      if not match[2]:
        found_task_runner = True
      elif match[2] == 'Sequenced':
        found_sequenced_task_runner = True
      elif match[2] == 'SingleThread':
        found_single_thread_task_runner = True
        assert False

  updated_content = content

  if found_task_runner:
    updated_content = refactor_lib.AddInclude(file_path, content, "base/task_runner.h")
  if found_sequenced_task_runner:
    updated_content = refactor_lib.AddInclude(file_path, content, "base/sequenced_task_runner.h")
  if found_single_thread_task_runner:
    updated_content = refactor_lib.AddInclude(file_path, content, "base/single_thread_task_runner.h")

  if updated_content == content:
    return False

  # Write updated file
  refactor_lib.WriteFile(file_path, updated_content)

  return True

Review-Url: .
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#472157}

CrOS-Libchrome-Original-Commit: 5ff87ceb5f871cfd111b0d057eaf04d25ccb17ec
4 files changed
tree: 6d9fcc3b2d1bff38239ae8ebe114dbf2a20129af
  1. base/
  2. build/
  3. components/
  4. dbus/
  5. device/
  6. ipc/
  7. mojo/
  8. testing/
  9. third_party/
  10. ui/