Set up background memory light tracing field trials

This CL introduces a BENCHMARK_MEMORY_LIGHT mode for background field
trials to enable memory-infra category in BACKGROUND mode. The
background tracing controller disables the periodic memory dumps and
takes a single memory snapshot when a light preset is passed.
Since the BACKGROUND mode in memory-infra is restricted only to
whitelisted dump providers (currently empty), this tracing mode causes
very low overhead (currently none) on the user experience.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#397910}

CrOS-Libchrome-Original-Commit: 8ed45166343233d13a8f3517a0b8b33d9907248f
2 files changed
tree: 3e6325202e3f9e0d7754930aac66aa3175a58f0d
  1. base/
  2. build/
  3. components/
  4. dbus/
  5. device/
  6. ipc/
  7. mojo/
  8. testing/
  9. third_party/
  10. ui/