Remove some non-essential StringPiece->std::string conversion in base/

StringValue already accepts StringPiece as constructor.

Get/SetWithoutPathExpansion readily takes StringPiece, so don't
covert StringPiece -> std::string then back to StringPiece for these.

Searching token can be done within StringPieces, without needing
to create temporary strings.

Test=None, internal change.

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#422620}

CrOS-Libchrome-Original-Commit: 1cbc7b45b59471142424f8a64c0ef40daa8be0e5
2 files changed
tree: 09f09055ed986efda7ff43b32ef8e47d0c19e812
  1. base/
  2. build/
  3. components/
  4. dbus/
  5. device/
  6. ipc/
  7. mojo/
  8. testing/
  9. third_party/
  10. ui/