Roll src/third_party/googletest/src/ 0062e4869..7a2563a51 (65 commits)

This is a less ambitions reland of which was
reverted because it broke net_unittests on Windows Debug builds A full roll is blocked on solving a complex
issue documented in the attached bug. In the meantime, this roll reduces
the gap between Chrome and upstream.

$ git log 0062e4869..7a2563a51 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-01-24 misterg revert, lets get this compiled
2018-01-23 misterg Many code merge/upstream changes
2018-01-23 misterg Merging, upstream http://cl/182836545
2018-01-22 misterg more code merge
2018-01-22 misterg merges, cl/155419551 and other
2018-01-22 misterg more merging
2018-01-22 misterg merging
2018-01-22 misterg code merge
2018-01-18 misterg Adding python tests to Bazel build file.
2018-01-18 ftrushkin Use fully qualified  in examples
2018-01-18 ftrushkin Document ScopedTrace utility
2018-01-11 pcc Check whether _MSC_VER is defined when detecting presence of cxxabi.h under libc++.
2018-01-17 ftrushkin Expose ScopedTrace utility in public interface
2018-01-15 misterg Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
2018-01-15 misterg Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
2018-01-15 misterg Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
2018-01-15 misterg Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
2018-01-15 misterg Test files for corresponding changes
2018-01-15 misterg Test files for corresponding changes
2018-01-15 misterg Test files for corresponding changes
2018-01-15 misterg Test files for corresponding changes
2018-01-15 misterg More code merges
2018-01-15 misterg Code merging
2017-08-14 gaspard.petit Added support for WINAPI_PARTITION_TV_TITLE which is defined on XboxOne
2017-08-14 gaspard.petit Added support for WINAPI_PARTITION_TV_TITLE which is defined on XboxOne
2018-01-11 misterg continue upstream/merge, etc
2018-01-11 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-01-11 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-01-11 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-01-11 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-01-11 misterg Trying to fix travis
2018-01-11 misterg Upstream cl 103120214
2018-01-10 misterg More merge, cleanup
2018-01-10 misterg More merge, cleanup
2018-01-10 misterg Code merge, upstreaming accumulated changes, cleanup
2018-01-10 misterg revert
2018-01-10 misterg code merges, cleanup
2018-01-10 misterg revert googletest/test/
2018-01-10 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-01-09 misterg code merge, cleanups
2018-01-09 misterg Upstream of cl 129104714
2018-01-09 misterg Revert one file
2018-01-09 misterg wip, cleanups/merge
2018-01-09 misterg cleanup, merge
2018-01-07 loorongjie [Bazel] Detect Windows with cpu value x64_windows and x64_windows_msvc
2018-01-08 misterg Small cleanups, merge
2018-01-05 coryan Use correct name for build event types.
2018-01-05 misterg Revert one file for now
2018-01-05 coryan Fixed test for pull request.
2018-01-05 coryan Fixed output and test for 'enabled_on_pr'
2018-01-04 misterg code cleanup in preparation for merges, cl 180857299
2018-01-04 coryan Optimize build matrix (#1)
2018-01-03 gennadiycivil upstreaming cl 124976692
2018-01-03 davidben Also define GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_ in clang-cl.
2017-02-10 davidben Pass the -Wmissing-declarations warning.
2018-01-02 misterg OSS Sync, cl 163329677
2018-01-02 davidben Fix testing::Combine on MSVC 2017.
2017-05-06 davidben Avoid warning C4619 in MSVC 2017.
2017-12-24 coryan Build both googletest and googlemock.
2017-12-24 coryan Create a autotools-based build for Travis.
2016-05-18 gregory.pakosz Re-enable MSVC++ C4389 warning in CmdHelperEq()
2017-12-03 coryan Run autoconf from top-level directory.
2017-12-02 romain.geissler Fix double free when building Gtest/GMock in shared libraries and linking a test executable with both.
2017-08-14 gaspard.petit Added support for WINAPI_PARTITION_TV_TITLE which is defined on XboxOne
2017-01-20 davidben Pass MSVC's C4826 warning.

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/googletest/src

Bug: 813219
Change-Id: Id9ff41aa6a1a099749e2a36f07ca93385796b9d0
Reviewed-by: Nico Weber <>
Commit-Queue: Victor Costan <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#537837}

CrOS-Libchrome-Original-Commit: b289091fd7db8690ed830b8e076fe60e1d9b9f0f
1 file changed
tree: 4a7f90b936e7553f4279321702893eaf605b5df9
  1. base/
  2. build/
  3. components/
  4. dbus/
  5. device/
  6. ipc/
  7. mojo/
  8. testing/
  9. third_party/
  10. ui/