Blink: do not generate blink variant for public_typemaps

Public typemaps may use non-wtf types, since they are consumed by embedder.
Generating blink variant for them fails. One example would be a manifest
typemap which currently resides in content, but will be moved to blink.

Those typemaps which can be used inside blink (and are used already)
are added to blink_typemaps instead. These are usually enum typemaps
and can be shared verbatim between variants.

Bug: none
Change-Id: Ifd969c6de92e6e0507b40b2426e0b33119ea599b
Reviewed-by: Daniel Cheng <>
Reviewed-by: Ken Rockot <>
Reviewed-by: Kinuko Yasuda <>
Commit-Queue: Dmitry Gozman <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#552844}

CrOS-Libchrome-Original-Commit: 361b9434d115e69d2d2bb22aebe65867638c4373
1 file changed
tree: d035045e4cf995dd62a4b37e049189f9c710cec2
  1. base/
  2. build/
  3. components/
  4. dbus/
  5. device/
  6. ipc/
  7. mojo/
  8. testing/
  9. third_party/
  10. ui/