diff --git a/README b/README
index b6008a0..603a1c1 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,72 +1,41 @@
+libdrm - userspace library for drm
-There are two main parts to this package: the DRM client library/interface
-(libdrm.so) and kernel/hardware-specific device modules (such as radeon.ko).
-The kernel device modules are not shipped with libdrm releases and should only
-be built from the git tree by developers and bleeding-edge testers of
-non-Intel hardware.  The Intel kernel modules are developed in the Linux
-kernel tree.
+This  is libdrm,  a userspace  library for  accessing the  DRM, direct
+rendering  manager, on  Linux,  BSD and  other  operating systes  that
+support the  ioctl interface.  The library  provides wrapper functions
+for the  ioctls to avoid  exposing the kernel interface  directly, and
+for chipsets with drm memory manager, support for tracking relocations
+and  buffers.   libdrm  is  a  low-level library,  typically  used  by
+graphics drivers  such as the Mesa  DRI drivers, the  X drivers, libva
+and  similar projects.  New  functionality in  the kernel  DRM drivers
+typically requires  a new  libdrm, but a  new libdrm will  always work
+with an older kernel.
-By default, libdrm and the DRM header files will install into /usr/local/.
-If you want to install this DRM to replace your system copy, say:
+libdrm  is  a  standard  autotools  packages and  follows  the  normal
+configure, build  and install steps.   The first step is  to configure
+the package, which is done by running the configure shell script:
-	./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/
+	./configure
+By default, libdrm  will install into the /usr/local/  prefix.  If you
+want  to  install   this  DRM  to  replace  your   system  copy,  pass
+--prefix=/usr and  --exec-prefix=/ to configure.  If  you are building
+libdrm  from a  git checkout,  you first  need to  run  the autogen.sh
+script.  You can  pass any options to autogen.sh  that you would other
+wise  pass to configure,  or you  can just  re-run configure  with the
+options you need once autogen.sh finishes.
+Next step is to build libdrm:
+	make
+and once make finishes successfully, install the package using
 	make install
-To build the device-specific kernel modules from the git tree:
-	cd linux-core/
-	make
-	cp *.ko /lib/modules/VERSION/kernel/drivers/char/drm/
-	   (where VERSION is your kernel version: uname -f)
-	cd bsd-core/
-	make
-	copy the kernel modules to the appropriate place
-Tips & Trouble-shooting
-1. You'll need kernel sources.  If using Fedora Core 5, for example, you may
-   need to install RPMs such as:
-	kernel-smp-devel-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.i686.rpm
-	kernel-devel-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.i686.rpm
-	etc.
-2. You may need to make a symlink from /lib/modules/VERSION/build to your
-   kernel sources in /usr/src/kernels/VERSION (where version is `uname -r`):
-	cd /lib/modules/VERSION
-	ln -s /usr/src/kernels/VERSION build
-3. If you've build the kernel modules but they won't load because of an
-   error like this:
-	$ /sbin/modprobe drm
-	FATAL: Error inserting drm (/lib/modules/2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp/kernel/drivers/char/drm/drm.ko): Invalid module format
-   And 'dmesg|tail' says:
-	drm: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module 
-   Try recompiling your drm modules without the Module.symvers file.
-   That is rm the /usr/src/kernels/2.6.15-1.2054_FC5-smp-i686/Module.symvers
-   file (or rename it).  Then do a 'make clean' before rebuilding your drm
-   modules.
+If you are install into a system location, you will need to be root to
+perform the install step.