Add libevent-2.0.22-stable code

Existing NOTICE and MODULE_LICENSE_BSD_LIKE files describe this code.
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Bug: 22229743
Change-Id: I1f32e0e7467edaa3c5ea5991b5bbec2db50762ff
diff --git a/include/event2/bufferevent.h b/include/event2/bufferevent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc6cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/event2/bufferevent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ *    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+   @file event2/bufferevent.h
+  Functions for buffering data for network sending or receiving.  Bufferevents
+  are higher level than evbuffers: each has an underlying evbuffer for reading
+  and one for writing, and callbacks that are invoked under certain
+  circumstances.
+  A bufferevent provides input and output buffers that get filled and
+  drained automatically.  The user of a bufferevent no longer deals
+  directly with the I/O, but instead is reading from input and writing
+  to output buffers.
+  Once initialized, the bufferevent structure can be used repeatedly
+  with bufferevent_enable() and bufferevent_disable().
+  When reading is enabled, the bufferevent will try to read from the
+  file descriptor onto its input buffer, and call the read callback.
+  When writing is enabled, the bufferevent will try to write data onto its
+  file descriptor when the output buffer has enough data, and call the write
+  callback when the output buffer is sufficiently drained.
+  Bufferevents come in several flavors, including:
+  <dl>
+    <dt>Socket-based bufferevents</dt>
+      <dd>A bufferevent that reads and writes data onto a network
+          socket. Created with bufferevent_socket_new().</dd>
+    <dt>Paired bufferevents</dt>
+      <dd>A pair of bufferevents that send and receive data to one
+          another without touching the network.  Created with
+          bufferevent_pair_new().</dd>
+    <dt>Filtering bufferevents</dt>
+       <dd>A bufferevent that transforms data, and sends or receives it
+          over another underlying bufferevent.  Created with
+          bufferevent_filter_new().</dd>
+    <dt>SSL-backed bufferevents</dt>
+      <dd>A bufferevent that uses the openssl library to send and
+          receive data over an encrypted connection. Created with
+	  bufferevent_openssl_socket_new() or
+	  bufferevent_openssl_filter_new().</dd>
+  </dl>
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <event2/event-config.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+/* For int types. */
+#include <event2/util.h>
+/** @name Bufferevent event codes
+    These flags are passed as arguments to a bufferevent's event callback.
+    @{
+#define BEV_EVENT_READING	0x01	/**< error encountered while reading */
+#define BEV_EVENT_WRITING	0x02	/**< error encountered while writing */
+#define BEV_EVENT_EOF		0x10	/**< eof file reached */
+#define BEV_EVENT_ERROR		0x20	/**< unrecoverable error encountered */
+#define BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT	0x40	/**< user-specified timeout reached */
+#define BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED	0x80	/**< connect operation finished. */
+   An opaque type for handling buffered IO
+   @see event2/bufferevent.h
+ */
+struct bufferevent
+struct event_base;
+struct evbuffer;
+struct sockaddr;
+   A read or write callback for a bufferevent.
+   The read callback is triggered when new data arrives in the input
+   buffer and the amount of readable data exceed the low watermark
+   which is 0 by default.
+   The write callback is triggered if the write buffer has been
+   exhausted or fell below its low watermark.
+   @param bev the bufferevent that triggered the callback
+   @param ctx the user-specified context for this bufferevent
+ */
+typedef void (*bufferevent_data_cb)(struct bufferevent *bev, void *ctx);
+   An event/error callback for a bufferevent.
+   The event callback is triggered if either an EOF condition or another
+   unrecoverable error was encountered.
+   @param bev the bufferevent for which the error condition was reached
+   @param what a conjunction of flags: BEV_EVENT_READING or BEV_EVENT_WRITING
+	  to indicate if the error was encountered on the read or write path,
+	  and one of the following flags: BEV_EVENT_EOF, BEV_EVENT_ERROR,
+   @param ctx the user-specified context for this bufferevent
+typedef void (*bufferevent_event_cb)(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *ctx);
+/** Options that can be specified when creating a bufferevent */
+enum bufferevent_options {
+	/** If set, we close the underlying file
+	 * descriptor/bufferevent/whatever when this bufferevent is freed. */
+	/** If set, and threading is enabled, operations on this bufferevent
+	 * are protected by a lock */
+	/** If set, callbacks are run deferred in the event loop. */
+	/** If set, callbacks are executed without locks being held on the
+	* bufferevent.  This option currently requires that
+	* BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS also be set; a future version of Libevent
+	* might remove the requirement.*/
+  Create a new socket bufferevent over an existing socket.
+  @param base the event base to associate with the new bufferevent.
+  @param fd the file descriptor from which data is read and written to.
+	    This file descriptor is not allowed to be a pipe(2).
+	    It is safe to set the fd to -1, so long as you later
+	    set it with bufferevent_setfd or bufferevent_socket_connect().
+  @param options Zero or more BEV_OPT_* flags
+  @return a pointer to a newly allocated bufferevent struct, or NULL if an
+	  error occurred
+  @see bufferevent_free()
+  */
+struct bufferevent *bufferevent_socket_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, int options);
+   Launch a connect() attempt with a socket-based bufferevent.
+   When the connect succeeds, the eventcb will be invoked with
+   If the bufferevent does not already have a socket set, we allocate a new
+   socket here and make it nonblocking before we begin.
+   If no address is provided, we assume that the socket is already connecting,
+   and configure the bufferevent so that a BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED event will be
+   yielded when it is done connecting.
+   @param bufev an existing bufferevent allocated with
+       bufferevent_socket_new().
+   @param addr the address we should connect to
+   @param socklen The length of the address
+   @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_socket_connect(struct bufferevent *, struct sockaddr *, int);
+struct evdns_base;
+   Resolve the hostname 'hostname' and connect to it as with
+   bufferevent_socket_connect().
+   @param bufev An existing bufferevent allocated with bufferevent_socket_new()
+   @param evdns_base Optionally, an evdns_base to use for resolving hostnames
+      asynchronously. May be set to NULL for a blocking resolve.
+   @param family A preferred address family to resolve addresses to, or
+      AF_UNSPEC for no preference.  Only AF_INET, AF_INET6, and AF_UNSPEC are
+      supported.
+   @param hostname The hostname to resolve; see below for notes on recognized
+      formats
+   @param port The port to connect to on the resolved address.
+   @return 0 if successful, -1 on failure.
+   Recognized hostname formats are:
+	(hostname)
+		(ipv4address)
+       ::1		(ipv6address)
+       [::1]		([ipv6address])
+   Performance note: If you do not provide an evdns_base, this function
+   may block while it waits for a DNS response.	 This is probably not
+   what you want.
+ */
+int bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname(struct bufferevent *,
+    struct evdns_base *, int, const char *, int);
+   Return the error code for the last failed DNS lookup attempt made by
+   bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname().
+   @param bev The bufferevent object.
+   @return DNS error code.
+   @see evutil_gai_strerror()
+int bufferevent_socket_get_dns_error(struct bufferevent *bev);
+  Assign a bufferevent to a specific event_base.
+  NOTE that only socket bufferevents support this function.
+  @param base an event_base returned by event_init()
+  @param bufev a bufferevent struct returned by bufferevent_new()
+     or bufferevent_socket_new()
+  @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+  @see bufferevent_new()
+ */
+int bufferevent_base_set(struct event_base *base, struct bufferevent *bufev);
+   Return the event_base used by a bufferevent
+struct event_base *bufferevent_get_base(struct bufferevent *bev);
+  Assign a priority to a bufferevent.
+  Only supported for socket bufferevents.
+  @param bufev a bufferevent struct
+  @param pri the priority to be assigned
+  @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+  */
+int bufferevent_priority_set(struct bufferevent *bufev, int pri);
+  Deallocate the storage associated with a bufferevent structure.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent structure to be freed.
+  */
+void bufferevent_free(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+  Changes the callbacks for a bufferevent.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent object for which to change callbacks
+  @param readcb callback to invoke when there is data to be read, or NULL if
+	 no callback is desired
+  @param writecb callback to invoke when the file descriptor is ready for
+	 writing, or NULL if no callback is desired
+  @param eventcb callback to invoke when there is an event on the file
+	 descriptor
+  @param cbarg an argument that will be supplied to each of the callbacks
+	 (readcb, writecb, and errorcb)
+  @see bufferevent_new()
+  */
+void bufferevent_setcb(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+    bufferevent_data_cb readcb, bufferevent_data_cb writecb,
+    bufferevent_event_cb eventcb, void *cbarg);
+  Changes the file descriptor on which the bufferevent operates.
+  Not supported for all bufferevent types.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent object for which to change the file descriptor
+  @param fd the file descriptor to operate on
+int bufferevent_setfd(struct bufferevent *bufev, evutil_socket_t fd);
+   Returns the file descriptor associated with a bufferevent, or -1 if
+   no file descriptor is associated with the bufferevent.
+ */
+evutil_socket_t bufferevent_getfd(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+   Returns the underlying bufferevent associated with a bufferevent (if
+   the bufferevent is a wrapper), or NULL if there is no underlying bufferevent.
+ */
+struct bufferevent *bufferevent_get_underlying(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+  Write data to a bufferevent buffer.
+  The bufferevent_write() function can be used to write data to the file
+  descriptor.  The data is appended to the output buffer and written to the
+  descriptor automatically as it becomes available for writing.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be written to
+  @param data a pointer to the data to be written
+  @param size the length of the data, in bytes
+  @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+  @see bufferevent_write_buffer()
+  */
+int bufferevent_write(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+    const void *data, size_t size);
+  Write data from an evbuffer to a bufferevent buffer.	The evbuffer is
+  being drained as a result.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be written to
+  @param buf the evbuffer to be written
+  @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+  @see bufferevent_write()
+ */
+int bufferevent_write_buffer(struct bufferevent *bufev, struct evbuffer *buf);
+  Read data from a bufferevent buffer.
+  The bufferevent_read() function is used to read data from the input buffer.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be read from
+  @param data pointer to a buffer that will store the data
+  @param size the size of the data buffer, in bytes
+  @return the amount of data read, in bytes.
+ */
+size_t bufferevent_read(struct bufferevent *bufev, void *data, size_t size);
+  Read data from a bufferevent buffer into an evbuffer.	 This avoids
+  memory copies.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be read from
+  @param buf the evbuffer to which to add data
+  @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred.
+ */
+int bufferevent_read_buffer(struct bufferevent *bufev, struct evbuffer *buf);
+   Returns the input buffer.
+   The user MUST NOT set the callback on this buffer.
+   @param bufev the bufferevent from which to get the evbuffer
+   @return the evbuffer object for the input buffer
+ */
+struct evbuffer *bufferevent_get_input(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+   Returns the output buffer.
+   The user MUST NOT set the callback on this buffer.
+   When filters are being used, the filters need to be manually
+   triggered if the output buffer was manipulated.
+   @param bufev the bufferevent from which to get the evbuffer
+   @return the evbuffer object for the output buffer
+ */
+struct evbuffer *bufferevent_get_output(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+  Enable a bufferevent.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be enabled
+  @param event any combination of EV_READ | EV_WRITE.
+  @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+  @see bufferevent_disable()
+ */
+int bufferevent_enable(struct bufferevent *bufev, short event);
+  Disable a bufferevent.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be disabled
+  @param event any combination of EV_READ | EV_WRITE.
+  @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
+  @see bufferevent_enable()
+ */
+int bufferevent_disable(struct bufferevent *bufev, short event);
+   Return the events that are enabled on a given bufferevent.
+   @param bufev the bufferevent to inspect
+   @return A combination of EV_READ | EV_WRITE
+ */
+short bufferevent_get_enabled(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+  Set the read and write timeout for a bufferevent.
+  A bufferevent's timeout will fire the first time that the indicated
+  amount of time has elapsed since a successful read or write operation,
+  during which the bufferevent was trying to read or write.
+  (In other words, if reading or writing is disabled, or if the
+  bufferevent's read or write operation has been suspended because
+  there's no data to write, or not enough banwidth, or so on, the
+  timeout isn't active.  The timeout only becomes active when we we're
+  willing to actually read or write.)
+  Calling bufferevent_enable or setting a timeout for a bufferevent
+  whose timeout is already pending resets its timeout.
+  If the timeout elapses, the corresponding operation (EV_READ or
+  EV_WRITE) becomes disabled until you re-enable it again.  The
+  bufferevent's event callback is called with the
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be modified
+  @param timeout_read the read timeout, or NULL
+  @param timeout_write the write timeout, or NULL
+ */
+int bufferevent_set_timeouts(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+    const struct timeval *timeout_read, const struct timeval *timeout_write);
+  Sets the watermarks for read and write events.
+  On input, a bufferevent does not invoke the user read callback unless
+  there is at least low watermark data in the buffer.	If the read buffer
+  is beyond the high watermark, the bufferevent stops reading from the network.
+  On output, the user write callback is invoked whenever the buffered data
+  falls below the low watermark.  Filters that write to this bufev will try
+  not to write more bytes to this buffer than the high watermark would allow,
+  except when flushing.
+  @param bufev the bufferevent to be modified
+  @param events EV_READ, EV_WRITE or both
+  @param lowmark the lower watermark to set
+  @param highmark the high watermark to set
+void bufferevent_setwatermark(struct bufferevent *bufev, short events,
+    size_t lowmark, size_t highmark);
+   Acquire the lock on a bufferevent.  Has no effect if locking was not
+   enabled with BEV_OPT_THREADSAFE.
+ */
+void bufferevent_lock(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+   Release the lock on a bufferevent.  Has no effect if locking was not
+   enabled with BEV_OPT_THREADSAFE.
+ */
+void bufferevent_unlock(struct bufferevent *bufev);
+   Flags that can be passed into filters to let them know how to
+   deal with the incoming data.
+enum bufferevent_flush_mode {
+	/** usually set when processing data */
+	/** want to checkpoint all data sent. */
+	BEV_FLUSH = 1,
+	/** encountered EOF on read or done sending data */
+   Triggers the bufferevent to produce more data if possible.
+   @param bufev the bufferevent object
+   @param iotype either EV_READ or EV_WRITE or both.
+   @param mode either BEV_NORMAL or BEV_FLUSH or BEV_FINISHED
+   @return -1 on failure, 0 if no data was produces, 1 if data was produced
+ */
+int bufferevent_flush(struct bufferevent *bufev,
+    short iotype,
+    enum bufferevent_flush_mode mode);
+   @name Filtering support
+   @{
+   Values that filters can return.
+ */
+enum bufferevent_filter_result {
+	/** everything is okay */
+	BEV_OK = 0,
+	/** the filter needs to read more data before output */
+	/** the filter encountered a critical error, no further data
+	    can be processed. */
+/** A callback function to implement a filter for a bufferevent.
+    @param src An evbuffer to drain data from.
+    @param dst An evbuffer to add data to.
+    @param limit A suggested upper bound of bytes to write to dst.
+       The filter may ignore this value, but doing so means that
+       it will overflow the high-water mark associated with dst.
+       -1 means "no limit".
+    @param mode Whether we should write data as may be convenient
+       (BEV_NORMAL), or flush as much data as we can (BEV_FLUSH),
+       or flush as much as we can, possibly including an end-of-stream
+       marker (BEV_FINISH).
+    @param ctx A user-supplied pointer.
+    @return BEV_OK if we wrote some data; BEV_NEED_MORE if we can't
+       produce any more output until we get some input; and BEV_ERROR
+       on an error.
+ */
+typedef enum bufferevent_filter_result (*bufferevent_filter_cb)(
+    struct evbuffer *src, struct evbuffer *dst, ev_ssize_t dst_limit,
+    enum bufferevent_flush_mode mode, void *ctx);
+   Allocate a new filtering bufferevent on top of an existing bufferevent.
+   @param underlying the underlying bufferevent.
+   @param input_filter The filter to apply to data we read from the underlying
+     bufferevent
+   @param output_filter The filer to apply to data we write to the underlying
+     bufferevent
+   @param options A bitfield of bufferevent options.
+   @param free_context A function to use to free the filter context when
+     this bufferevent is freed.
+   @param ctx A context pointer to pass to the filter functions.
+ */
+struct bufferevent *
+bufferevent_filter_new(struct bufferevent *underlying,
+		       bufferevent_filter_cb input_filter,
+		       bufferevent_filter_cb output_filter,
+		       int options,
+		       void (*free_context)(void *),
+		       void *ctx);
+   Allocate a pair of linked bufferevents.  The bufferevents behave as would
+   two bufferevent_sock instances connected to opposite ends of a
+   socketpair(), except that no internal socketpair is allocated.
+   @param base The event base to associate with the socketpair.
+   @param options A set of options for this bufferevent
+   @param pair A pointer to an array to hold the two new bufferevent objects.
+   @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_pair_new(struct event_base *base, int options,
+    struct bufferevent *pair[2]);
+   Given one bufferevent returned by bufferevent_pair_new(), returns the
+   other one if it still exists.  Otherwise returns NULL.
+ */
+struct bufferevent *bufferevent_pair_get_partner(struct bufferevent *bev);
+   Abstract type used to configure rate-limiting on a bufferevent or a group
+   of bufferevents.
+ */
+struct ev_token_bucket_cfg;
+   A group of bufferevents which are configured to respect the same rate
+   limit.
+struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group;
+/** Maximum configurable rate- or burst-limit. */
+   Initialize and return a new object to configure the rate-limiting behavior
+   of bufferevents.
+   @param read_rate The maximum number of bytes to read per tick on
+     average.
+   @param read_burst The maximum number of bytes to read in any single tick.
+   @param write_rate The maximum number of bytes to write per tick on
+     average.
+   @param write_burst The maximum number of bytes to write in any single tick.
+   @param tick_len The length of a single tick.	 Defaults to one second.
+     Any fractions of a millisecond are ignored.
+   Note that all rate-limits hare are currently best-effort: future versions
+   of Libevent may implement them more tightly.
+ */
+struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *ev_token_bucket_cfg_new(
+	size_t read_rate, size_t read_burst,
+	size_t write_rate, size_t write_burst,
+	const struct timeval *tick_len);
+/** Free all storage held in 'cfg'.
+    Note: 'cfg' is not currently reference-counted; it is not safe to free it
+    until no bufferevent is using it.
+ */
+void ev_token_bucket_cfg_free(struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *cfg);
+   Set the rate-limit of a the bufferevent 'bev' to the one specified in
+   'cfg'.  If 'cfg' is NULL, disable any per-bufferevent rate-limiting on
+   'bev'.
+   Note that only some bufferevent types currently respect rate-limiting.
+   They are: socket-based bufferevents (normal and IOCP-based), and SSL-based
+   bufferevents.
+   Return 0 on sucess, -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_set_rate_limit(struct bufferevent *bev,
+    struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *cfg);
+   Create a new rate-limit group for bufferevents.  A rate-limit group
+   constrains the maximum number of bytes sent and received, in toto,
+   by all of its bufferevents.
+   @param base An event_base to run any necessary timeouts for the group.
+      Note that all bufferevents in the group do not necessarily need to share
+      this event_base.
+   @param cfg The rate-limit for this group.
+   Note that all rate-limits hare are currently best-effort: future versions
+   of Libevent may implement them more tightly.
+   Note also that only some bufferevent types currently respect rate-limiting.
+   They are: socket-based bufferevents (normal and IOCP-based), and SSL-based
+   bufferevents.
+ */
+struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *bufferevent_rate_limit_group_new(
+	struct event_base *base,
+	const struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *cfg);
+   Change the rate-limiting settings for a given rate-limiting group.
+   Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_set_cfg(
+	struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *,
+	const struct ev_token_bucket_cfg *);
+   Change the smallest quantum we're willing to allocate to any single
+   bufferevent in a group for reading or writing at a time.
+   The rationale is that, because of TCP/IP protocol overheads and kernel
+   behavior, if a rate-limiting group is so tight on bandwidth that you're
+   only willing to send 1 byte per tick per bufferevent, you might instead
+   want to batch up the reads and writes so that you send N bytes per
+   1/N of the bufferevents (chosen at random) each tick, so you still wind
+   up send 1 byte per tick per bufferevent on average, but you don't send
+   so many tiny packets.
+   The default min-share is currently 64 bytes.
+   Returns 0 on success, -1 on faulre.
+ */
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_set_min_share(
+	struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *, size_t);
+   Free a rate-limiting group.  The group must have no members when
+   this function is called.
+void bufferevent_rate_limit_group_free(struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *);
+   Add 'bev' to the list of bufferevents whose aggregate reading and writing
+   is restricted by 'g'.  If 'g' is NULL, remove 'bev' from its current group.
+   A bufferevent may belong to no more than one rate-limit group at a time.
+   If 'bev' is already a member of a group, it will be removed from its old
+   group before being added to 'g'.
+   Return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
+ */
+int bufferevent_add_to_rate_limit_group(struct bufferevent *bev,
+    struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *g);
+/** Remove 'bev' from its current rate-limit group (if any). */
+int bufferevent_remove_from_rate_limit_group(struct bufferevent *bev);
+   @name Rate limit inspection
+   Return the current read or write bucket size for a bufferevent.
+   If it is not configured with a per-bufferevent ratelimit, return
+   EV_SSIZE_MAX.  This function does not inspect the group limit, if any.
+   Note that it can return a negative value if the bufferevent has been
+   made to read or write more than its limit.
+   @{
+ */
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_read_limit(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_write_limit(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_max_to_read(struct bufferevent *bev);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_get_max_to_write(struct bufferevent *bev);
+   @name Group Rate limit inspection
+   Return the read or write bucket size for a bufferevent rate limit
+   group.  Note that it can return a negative value if bufferevents in
+   the group have been made to read or write more than their limits.
+   @{
+ */
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_rate_limit_group_get_read_limit(
+	struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *);
+ev_ssize_t bufferevent_rate_limit_group_get_write_limit(
+	struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *);
+   @name Rate limit manipulation
+   Subtract a number of bytes from a bufferevent's read or write bucket.
+   The decrement value can be negative, if you want to manually refill
+   the bucket.	If the change puts the bucket above or below zero, the
+   bufferevent will resume or suspend reading writing as appropriate.
+   These functions make no change in the buckets for the bufferevent's
+   group, if any.
+   Returns 0 on success, -1 on internal error.
+   @{
+ */
+int bufferevent_decrement_read_limit(struct bufferevent *bev, ev_ssize_t decr);
+int bufferevent_decrement_write_limit(struct bufferevent *bev, ev_ssize_t decr);
+   @name Group rate limit manipulation
+   Subtract a number of bytes from a bufferevent rate-limiting group's
+   read or write bucket.  The decrement value can be negative, if you
+   want to manually refill the bucket.	If the change puts the bucket
+   above or below zero, the bufferevents in the group will resume or
+   suspend reading writing as appropriate.
+   Returns 0 on success, -1 on internal error.
+   @{
+ */
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_decrement_read(
+	struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *, ev_ssize_t);
+int bufferevent_rate_limit_group_decrement_write(
+	struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *, ev_ssize_t);
+ * Inspect the total bytes read/written on a group.
+ *
+ * Set the variable pointed to by total_read_out to the total number of bytes
+ * ever read on grp, and the variable pointed to by total_written_out to the
+ * total number of bytes ever written on grp. */
+void bufferevent_rate_limit_group_get_totals(
+    struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *grp,
+    ev_uint64_t *total_read_out, ev_uint64_t *total_written_out);
+ * Reset the total bytes read/written on a group.
+ *
+ * Reset the number of bytes read or written on grp as given by
+ * bufferevent_rate_limit_group_reset_totals(). */
+	struct bufferevent_rate_limit_group *grp);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _EVENT2_BUFFEREVENT_H_ */