Make the floating point regression tests optional.  It has been known for quite some time that these tests do not always generate the same results unless there is full SIMD coverage of the floating point algorithms in libjpeg-turbo.  Further research reveals that there are basically three expected results:  the results from our SSE SIMD extensions (which are slightly more accurate than the C code), results from the C code when running on a 32-bit FPU (or when using SSE instructions on an x86-64 CPU, which is the default with GCC), and results from the C code when running on a 64-bit FPU (which presumably uses double-precision arithmetic by default.)  There is basically no way to determine which type of math will be used prior to run time, so it's best to just let the developers specify which result they expect on their particular system.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 632fc199-4ca6-4c93-a231-07263d6284db
3 files changed