Further enhancements/fixes to the packaging system:
-- The Mac and Cygwin packages will now be created with the directory structure defined by the configure variables "prefix", "bindir", "libdir", etc., with the exception that the docs are always installed under /usr/share/doc/{package_name}-{version} on Cygwin and /Library/Documentation/{package_name} on Mac.
-- Fixed a duplicate filename warning when generating RPMs with the default prefix of /opt/libjpeg-turbo.
-- Moved the TurboJPEG libraries out of the system directory on Windows and Mac.  It is no longer necessary to put them there, since we are not trying to be backward compatible with TurboJPEG/IPP anymore.
-- Fixed an issue whereby building the "installer" target on Windows would not build the Java JAR file, thus causing an error if the JAR had not been previously built.
-- Building the "install" target on Windows will now install libjpeg-turbo into c:\libjpeg-turbo[-gcc][64] (the same directories used by the installers.)  This can be overridden by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
-- The Java classes on all platforms will now look for the JNI library in the directory under which the build/packaging system installs it.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/libjpeg-turbo/code/trunk@946 632fc199-4ca6-4c93-a231-07263d6284db
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 832b172..ade5034 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -358,31 +358,45 @@
 pkgscripts/makedpkg: pkgscripts/makedpkg.tmpl
 	cat pkgscripts/makedpkg.tmpl | sed s@%{__prefix}@$(prefix)@g | \
-		sed s@%{__bindir}@$(bindir)@g | sed s@%{__datadir}@$(datadir)@g | \
-		sed s@%{__docdir}@$(docdir)@g | sed s@%{__includedir}@$(includedir)@g | \
-		sed s@%{__libdir}@$(libdir)@g | sed s@%{__mandir}@$(mandir)@g \
+		sed s@%{__docdir}@$(docdir)@g | sed s@%{__libdir}@$(libdir)@g \
 		> pkgscripts/makedpkg
 deb: all pkgscripts/makedpkg
 	sh pkgscripts/makedpkg
+pkgscripts/uninstall: pkgscripts/uninstall.tmpl
+	cat pkgscripts/uninstall.tmpl | sed s@%{__prefix}@$(prefix)@g | \
+		sed s@%{__bindir}@$(bindir)@g | sed s@%{__datadir}@$(datadir)@g | \
+		sed s@%{__includedir}@$(includedir)@g | sed s@%{__libdir}@$(libdir)@g | \
+		sed s@%{__mandir}@$(mandir)@g > pkgscripts/uninstall
+pkgscripts/makemacpkg: pkgscripts/makemacpkg.tmpl
+	cat pkgscripts/makemacpkg.tmpl | sed s@%{__prefix}@$(prefix)@g | \
+		sed s@%{__bindir}@$(bindir)@g | sed s@%{__docdir}@$(docdir)@g | \
+		sed s@%{__libdir}@$(libdir)@g > pkgscripts/makemacpkg
 if X86_64
-udmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg
+udmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg pkgscripts/uninstall
 	sh pkgscripts/makemacpkg -build32 ${BUILDDIR32}
-iosdmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg
+iosdmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg pkgscripts/uninstall
 	sh pkgscripts/makemacpkg -build32 ${BUILDDIR32} -buildarmv6 ${BUILDDIRARMV6} -buildarmv7 ${BUILDDIRARMV7} -buildarmv7s ${BUILDDIRARMV7S}
-iosdmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg
+iosdmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg pkgscripts/uninstall
 	sh pkgscripts/makemacpkg -buildarmv6 ${BUILDDIRARMV6} -buildarmv7 ${BUILDDIRARMV7} -buildarmv7s ${BUILDDIRARMV7S}
-dmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg
+dmg: all pkgscripts/makemacpkg pkgscripts/uninstall
 	sh pkgscripts/makemacpkg
+pkgscripts/makecygwinpkg: pkgscripts/makecygwinpkg.tmpl
+	cat pkgscripts/makecygwinpkg.tmpl | sed s@%{__prefix}@$(prefix)@g | \
+		sed s@%{__docdir}@$(docdir)@g | sed s@%{__libdir}@$(libdir)@g \
+		> pkgscripts/makecygwinpkg
 cygwinpkg: all pkgscripts/makecygwinpkg
 	sh pkgscripts/makecygwinpkg