Support for compressing from/decompressing to a BufferedImage in the Java wrapper

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 632fc199-4ca6-4c93-a231-07263d6284db
diff --git a/turbojpeg-jni.c b/turbojpeg-jni.c
index f2f34ee..b9bd429 100644
--- a/turbojpeg-jni.c
+++ b/turbojpeg-jni.c
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
-JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJCompressor_compress
+JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJCompressor_compress___3BIIII_3BIII
 	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray src, jint width, jint pitch,
 		jint height, jint pixelsize, jbyteArray dst, jint jpegsubsamp,
 		jint jpegqual, jint flags)
@@ -114,6 +114,33 @@
 	return (jint)size;
+JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJCompressor_compress___3IIII_3BIII
+	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray src, jint width, jint pitch,
+		jint height, jbyteArray dst, jint jpegsubsamp, jint jpegqual, jint flags)
+	tjhandle handle=0;
+	unsigned long size=0;
+	unsigned char *srcbuf=NULL, *dstbuf=NULL;
+	gethandle();
+	bailif0(srcbuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, 0));
+	bailif0(dstbuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, 0));
+	if(tjCompress(handle, srcbuf, width, pitch*sizeof(jint), height,
+		sizeof(jint),	dstbuf, &size, jpegsubsamp, jpegqual, flags)==-1)
+	{
+		(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstbuf, 0);
+		(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, srcbuf, 0);
+		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	}
+	bailout:
+	if(dstbuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstbuf, 0);
+	if(srcbuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, srcbuf, 0);
+	return (jint)size;
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJCompressor_destroy
 	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
@@ -199,7 +226,7 @@
-JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJDecompressor_decompress
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJDecompressor_decompress___3BI_3BIIIII
 	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray src, jint size, jbyteArray dst,
 		jint width, jint pitch, jint height, jint pixelsize, jint flags)
@@ -225,6 +252,33 @@
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJDecompressor_decompress___3BI_3IIIII
+	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray src, jint size, jintArray dst,
+		jint width, jint pitch, jint height, jint flags)
+	tjhandle handle=0;
+	unsigned char *srcbuf=NULL, *dstbuf=NULL;
+	gethandle();
+	bailif0(srcbuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, 0));
+	bailif0(dstbuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, 0));
+	if(tjDecompress(handle, srcbuf, (unsigned long)size, dstbuf, width,
+    pitch*sizeof(jint), height, sizeof(jint), flags)==-1)
+	{
+		(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstbuf, 0);
+		(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, srcbuf, 0);
+		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	}
+	bailout:
+	if(dstbuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstbuf, 0);
+	if(srcbuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, srcbuf, 0);
+	return;
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJDecompressor_destroy
 	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)