Throw idiomatic unchecked exceptions from the Java classes and JNI wrapper if there is an unrecoverable error caused by incorrect API usage (such as illegal arguments, etc.), and throw Errors if there is an unrecoverable error at the C level (such as a failed malloc() call.)

Change the behavior of the bailif0() macro in the JNI wrapper so that it doesn't throw an exception for an unexpected NULL condition.  In fact, in all cases, the underlying JNI API function (such as GetFieldID(), etc.) will throw an Error on its own whenever it returns NULL, so our custom exceptions were never being thrown in that case anyhow.  All we need to do is just detect the error and bail out of the C code.

This also corrects a couple of formatting issues (semicolons aren't needed at the end of class definitions, and @Override should be specified for the methods we're overriding from super-classes, so the compiler can sanity-check that we're actually overriding a method and not declaring a new one.)

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 632fc199-4ca6-4c93-a231-07263d6284db
diff --git a/turbojpeg-jni.c b/turbojpeg-jni.c
index 04e2dc3..0d0b80c 100644
--- a/turbojpeg-jni.c
+++ b/turbojpeg-jni.c
@@ -39,30 +39,29 @@
 #define PAD(v, p) ((v+(p)-1)&(~((p)-1)))
-#define _throw(msg) {  \
-	jclass _exccls=(*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/Exception");  \
-	if(!_exccls) goto bailout;  \
+#define _throw(msg, exceptionClass) {  \
+	jclass _exccls=(*env)->FindClass(env, exceptionClass);  \
+	if(!_exccls || (*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto bailout;  \
 	(*env)->ThrowNew(env, _exccls, msg);  \
 	goto bailout;  \
-#define _throwio(msg) {  \
-	jclass _exccls=(*env)->FindClass(env, "java/io/IOException");  \
-	if(!_exccls) goto bailout;  \
-	(*env)->ThrowNew(env, _exccls, msg);  \
-	goto bailout;  \
+#define _throwio(msg) _throw(msg, "java/io/IOException")
-#define bailif0(f) {if(!(f)) {  \
-	char temps[80];  \
-	snprintf(temps, 80, "Unexpected NULL condition in line %d", __LINE__);  \
-	_throw(temps);  \
+#define _throwtj() _throw(tjGetErrorStr(), "java/lang/Exception")
+#define _throwarg(msg) _throw(msg, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException")
+#define _throwmem() _throw("Memory allocation failure", "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError");
+#define bailif0(f) {if(!(f) || (*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {  \
+	goto bailout;  \
 #define gethandle()  \
 	jclass _cls=(*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj);  \
 	jfieldID _fid;  \
-	if(!_cls) goto bailout;  \
+	if(!_cls || (*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto bailout;  \
 	bailif0(_fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, _cls, "handle", "J"));  \
 	handle=(tjhandle)(size_t)(*env)->GetLongField(env, obj, _fid);  \
@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@
 	(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint width, jint height, jint jpegSubsamp)
 	jint retval=(jint)tjBufSize(width, height, jpegSubsamp);
-	if(retval==-1) _throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	if(retval==-1) _throwtj();
 	return retval;
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@
 	(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint width, jint pad, jint height, jint subsamp)
 	jint retval=(jint)tjBufSizeYUV2(width, pad, height, subsamp);
-	if(retval==-1) _throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	if(retval==-1) _throwtj();
 	return retval;
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@
 	jint retval=(jint)tjPlaneSizeYUV(componentID, width, stride, height,
-	if(retval==-1) _throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	if(retval==-1) _throwtj();
 	return retval;
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@
 	(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint componentID, jint width, jint subsamp)
 	jint retval=(jint)tjPlaneWidth(componentID, width, subsamp);
-	if(retval==-1) _throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	if(retval==-1) _throwtj();
 	return retval;
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@
 	(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint componentID, jint height, jint subsamp)
 	jint retval=(jint)tjPlaneHeight(componentID, height, subsamp);
-	if(retval==-1) _throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	if(retval==-1) _throwtj();
 	return retval;
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@
 	tjhandle handle;
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	bailif0(cls=(*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj));
 	bailif0(fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "handle", "J"));
@@ -201,17 +200,17 @@
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF || width<1 || height<1
 		|| pitch<0)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in compress()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in compress()");
-		_throw("Mismatch between Java and C API");
+		_throwarg("Mismatch between Java and C API");
 	actualPitch=(pitch==0)? width*tjPixelSize[pf]:pitch;
 	arraySize=(y+height-1)*actualPitch + (x+width)*tjPixelSize[pf];
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, src)*srcElementSize<arraySize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	jpegSize=tjBufSize(width, height, jpegSubsamp);
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dst)<(jsize)jpegSize)
-		_throw("Destination buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Destination buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(srcBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, 0));
 	bailif0(jpegBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, 0));
@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@
 	if(tjCompress2(handle, &srcBuf[y*actualPitch + x*tjPixelSize[pf]], width,
 		pitch, height, pf, &jpegBuf, &jpegSize, jpegSubsamp, jpegQual,
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(jpegBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, jpegBuf, 0);
@@ -256,9 +255,9 @@
 		jint jpegQual, jint flags)
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in compress()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in compress()");
-		_throw("Pixel format must be 32-bit when compressing from an integer buffer.");
+		_throwarg("Pixel format must be 32-bit when compressing from an integer buffer.");
 	return TJCompressor_compress(env, obj, src, sizeof(jint), x, y, width,
 		stride*sizeof(jint), height, pf, dst, jpegSubsamp, jpegQual, flags);
@@ -274,9 +273,9 @@
 		jint flags)
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in compress()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in compress()");
-		_throw("Pixel format must be 32-bit when compressing from an integer buffer.");
+		_throwarg("Pixel format must be 32-bit when compressing from an integer buffer.");
 	return TJCompressor_compress(env, obj, src, sizeof(jint), 0, 0, width,
 		stride*sizeof(jint), height, pf, dst, jpegSubsamp, jpegQual, flags);
@@ -301,20 +300,20 @@
 	if(subsamp<0 || subsamp>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMSAMP)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in compressFromYUV()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in compressFromYUV()");
-		_throw("Mismatch between Java and C API");
+		_throwarg("Mismatch between Java and C API");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, srcobjs)<nc)
-		_throw("Planes array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Planes array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jSrcOffsets)<nc)
-		_throw("Offsets array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Offsets array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jSrcStrides)<nc)
-		_throw("Strides array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Strides array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	jpegSize=tjBufSize(width, height, subsamp);
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dst)<(jsize)jpegSize)
-		_throw("Destination buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Destination buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(srcOffsets=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jSrcOffsets, 0));
 	bailif0(srcStrides=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jSrcStrides, 0));
@@ -324,16 +323,16 @@
 		int pw=tjPlaneWidth(i, width, subsamp);
 		if(planeSize<0 || pw<0)
-			_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+			_throwtj();
-			_throw("Invalid argument in compressFromYUV()");
+			_throwarg("Invalid argument in compressFromYUV()");
 		if(srcStrides[i]<0 && srcOffsets[i]-planeSize+pw<0)
-			_throw("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
+			_throwarg("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
 		bailif0(jSrcPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, srcobjs, i));
 		if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jSrcPlanes[i])<srcOffsets[i]+planeSize)
-			_throw("Source plane is not large enough");
+			_throwarg("Source plane is not large enough");
 		bailif0(srcPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jSrcPlanes[i],
@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@
 	if(tjCompressFromYUVPlanes(handle, srcPlanes, width, srcStrides, height,
 		subsamp, &jpegBuf, &jpegSize, jpegQual, flags|TJFLAG_NOREALLOC)==-1)
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(jpegBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, jpegBuf, 0);
@@ -378,22 +377,22 @@
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF || width<1 || height<1
 		|| pitch<0 || subsamp<0 || subsamp>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMSAMP)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
 		|| org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMSAMP!=TJ_NUMSAMP)
-		_throw("Mismatch between Java and C API");
+		_throwarg("Mismatch between Java and C API");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dstobjs)<nc)
-		_throw("Planes array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Planes array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jDstOffsets)<nc)
-		_throw("Offsets array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Offsets array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jDstStrides)<nc)
-		_throw("Strides array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Strides array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	actualPitch=(pitch==0)? width*tjPixelSize[pf]:pitch;
 	arraySize=(y+height-1)*actualPitch + (x+width)*tjPixelSize[pf];
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, src)*srcElementSize<arraySize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(dstOffsets=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jDstOffsets, 0));
 	bailif0(dstStrides=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jDstStrides, 0));
@@ -403,16 +402,16 @@
 		int pw=tjPlaneWidth(i, width, subsamp);
 		if(planeSize<0 || pw<0)
-			_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+			_throwtj();
-			_throw("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
+			_throwarg("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
 		if(dstStrides[i]<0 && dstOffsets[i]-planeSize+pw<0)
-			_throw("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
+			_throwarg("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
 		bailif0(jDstPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, dstobjs, i));
 		if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jDstPlanes[i])<dstOffsets[i]+planeSize)
-			_throw("Destination plane is not large enough");
+			_throwarg("Destination plane is not large enough");
 		bailif0(dstPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jDstPlanes[i],
@@ -422,7 +421,7 @@
 	if(tjEncodeYUVPlanes(handle, &srcBuf[y*actualPitch + x*tjPixelSize[pf]],
 		width, pitch, height, pf, dstPlanes, dstStrides, subsamp, flags)==-1)
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(srcBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, srcBuf, 0);
@@ -456,9 +455,9 @@
 		jintArray jDstOffsets, jintArray jDstStrides, jint subsamp, jint flags)
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
-		_throw("Pixel format must be 32-bit when encoding from an integer buffer.");
+		_throwarg("Pixel format must be 32-bit when encoding from an integer buffer.");
 	TJCompressor_encodeYUV(env, obj, src, sizeof(jint), x, y, width,
 		stride*sizeof(jint), height, pf, dstobjs, jDstOffsets, jDstStrides,
@@ -480,23 +479,23 @@
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF || width<1 || height<1
 		|| pitch<0)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
-		_throw("Mismatch between Java and C API");
+		_throwarg("Mismatch between Java and C API");
 	arraySize=(pitch==0)? width*tjPixelSize[pf]*height:pitch*height;
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, src)*srcElementSize<arraySize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dst)
 		<(jsize)tjBufSizeYUV(width, height, subsamp))
-		_throw("Destination buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Destination buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(srcBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, 0));
 	bailif0(dstBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, 0));
 	if(tjEncodeYUV2(handle, srcBuf, width, pitch, height, pf, dstBuf, subsamp,
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(dstBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstBuf, 0);
@@ -519,9 +518,9 @@
 		jint height, jint pf, jbyteArray dst, jint subsamp, jint flags)
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in encodeYUV()");
-		_throw("Pixel format must be 32-bit when encoding from an integer buffer.");
+		_throwarg("Pixel format must be 32-bit when encoding from an integer buffer.");
 	TJCompressor_encodeYUV_12(env, obj, src, sizeof(jint), width,
 		stride*sizeof(jint), height, pf, dst, subsamp, flags);
@@ -553,7 +552,7 @@
 	jfieldID fid;
 	tjhandle handle;
-	if((handle=tjInitDecompress())==NULL) _throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	if((handle=tjInitDecompress())==NULL) _throwtj();
 	bailif0(cls=(*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj));
 	bailif0(fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "handle", "J"));
@@ -573,7 +572,7 @@
 	jobjectArray sfjava=NULL;
 	if((sf=tjGetScalingFactors(&n))==NULL || n==0)
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	bailif0(sfcls=(*env)->FindClass(env, "org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/TJScalingFactor"));
 	bailif0(sfjava=(jobjectArray)(*env)->NewObjectArray(env, n, sfcls, 0));
@@ -603,13 +602,13 @@
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, src)<jpegSize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(jpegBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, 0));
 	if(tjDecompressHeader3(handle, jpegBuf, (unsigned long)jpegSize,
 		&width, &height, &jpegSubsamp, &jpegColorspace)==-1)
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, jpegBuf, 0);  jpegBuf=NULL;
@@ -641,16 +640,16 @@
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in decompress()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in decompress()");
-		_throw("Mismatch between Java and C API");
+		_throwarg("Mismatch between Java and C API");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, src)<jpegSize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	actualPitch=(pitch==0)? width*tjPixelSize[pf]:pitch;
 	arraySize=(y+height-1)*actualPitch + (x+width)*tjPixelSize[pf];
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dst)*dstElementSize<arraySize)
-		_throw("Destination buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Destination buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(jpegBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, 0));
 	bailif0(dstBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, 0));
@@ -658,7 +657,7 @@
 	if(tjDecompress2(handle, jpegBuf, (unsigned long)jpegSize,
 		&dstBuf[y*actualPitch + x*tjPixelSize[pf]], width, pitch, height, pf,
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(dstBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstBuf, 0);
@@ -690,9 +689,9 @@
 		jint x, jint y, jint width, jint stride, jint height, jint pf, jint flags)
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in decompress()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in decompress()");
-		_throw("Pixel format must be 32-bit when decompressing to an integer buffer.");
+		_throwarg("Pixel format must be 32-bit when decompressing to an integer buffer.");
 	TJDecompressor_decompress(env, obj, src, jpegSize, dst, sizeof(jint), x, y,
 		width, stride*sizeof(jint), height, pf, flags);
@@ -707,9 +706,9 @@
 		jint width, jint stride, jint height, jint pf, jint flags)
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in decompress()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in decompress()");
-		_throw("Pixel format must be 32-bit when decompressing to an integer buffer.");
+		_throwarg("Pixel format must be 32-bit when decompressing to an integer buffer.");
 	TJDecompressor_decompress(env, obj, src, jpegSize, dst, sizeof(jint), 0, 0,
 		width, stride*sizeof(jint), height, pf, flags);
@@ -737,7 +736,7 @@
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, src)<jpegSize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(_fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, _cls, "jpegSubsamp", "I"));
 	jpegSubsamp=(int)(*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, _fid);
 	bailif0(_fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, _cls, "jpegWidth", "I"));
@@ -752,7 +751,7 @@
 	if(height==0) height=jpegHeight;
 	if(!sf || nsf<1)
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	for(i=0; i<nsf; i++)
 		scaledWidth=TJSCALED(jpegWidth, sf[i]);
@@ -770,16 +769,16 @@
 		int pw=tjPlaneWidth(i, scaledWidth, jpegSubsamp);
 		if(planeSize<0 || pw<0)
-			_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+			_throwtj();
-			_throw("Invalid argument in decompressToYUV()");
+			_throwarg("Invalid argument in decompressToYUV()");
 		if(dstStrides[i]<0 && dstOffsets[i]-planeSize+pw<0)
-			_throw("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
+			_throwarg("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
 		bailif0(jDstPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, dstobjs, i));
 		if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jDstPlanes[i])<dstOffsets[i]+planeSize)
-			_throw("Destination plane is not large enough");
+			_throwarg("Destination plane is not large enough");
 		bailif0(dstPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jDstPlanes[i],
@@ -789,7 +788,7 @@
 	if(tjDecompressToYUVPlanes(handle, jpegBuf, (unsigned long)jpegSize,
 		dstPlanes, desiredWidth, dstStrides, desiredHeight, flags)==-1)
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(jpegBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, jpegBuf, 0);
@@ -818,7 +817,7 @@
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, src)<jpegSize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(_fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, _cls, "jpegSubsamp", "I"));
 	jpegSubsamp=(int)(*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, _fid);
 	bailif0(_fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, _cls, "jpegWidth", "I"));
@@ -827,14 +826,14 @@
 	jpegHeight=(int)(*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, _fid);
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dst)
 		<(jsize)tjBufSizeYUV(jpegWidth, jpegHeight, jpegSubsamp))
-		_throw("Destination buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Destination buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(jpegBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, src, 0));
 	bailif0(dstBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, 0));
 	if(tjDecompressToYUV(handle, jpegBuf, (unsigned long)jpegSize, dstBuf,
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(dstBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstBuf, 0);
@@ -858,22 +857,22 @@
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF || subsamp<0
 		|| subsamp>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMSAMP)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in decodeYUV()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in decodeYUV()");
 		|| org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMSAMP!=TJ_NUMSAMP)
-		_throw("Mismatch between Java and C API");
+		_throwarg("Mismatch between Java and C API");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, srcobjs)<nc)
-		_throw("Planes array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Planes array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jSrcOffsets)<nc)
-		_throw("Offsets array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Offsets array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jSrcStrides)<nc)
-		_throw("Strides array is too small for the subsampling type");
+		_throwarg("Strides array is too small for the subsampling type");
 	actualPitch=(pitch==0)? width*tjPixelSize[pf]:pitch;
 	arraySize=(y+height-1)*actualPitch + (x+width)*tjPixelSize[pf];
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dst)*dstElementSize<arraySize)
-		_throw("Destination buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Destination buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(srcOffsets=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jSrcOffsets, 0));
 	bailif0(srcStrides=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jSrcStrides, 0));
@@ -883,16 +882,16 @@
 		int pw=tjPlaneWidth(i, width, subsamp);
 		if(planeSize<0 || pw<0)
-			_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+			_throwtj();
-			_throw("Invalid argument in decodeYUV()");
+			_throwarg("Invalid argument in decodeYUV()");
 		if(srcStrides[i]<0 && srcOffsets[i]-planeSize+pw<0)
-			_throw("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
+			_throwarg("Negative plane stride would cause memory to be accessed below plane boundary");
 		bailif0(jSrcPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, srcobjs, i));
 		if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jSrcPlanes[i])<srcOffsets[i]+planeSize)
-			_throw("Source plane is not large enough");
+			_throwarg("Source plane is not large enough");
 		bailif0(srcPlanes[i]=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jSrcPlanes[i],
@@ -903,7 +902,7 @@
 	if(tjDecodeYUVPlanes(handle, srcPlanes, srcStrides, subsamp,
 		&dstBuf[y*actualPitch + x*tjPixelSize[pf]], width, pitch, height, pf,
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	if(dstBuf) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, dst, dstBuf, 0);
@@ -937,9 +936,9 @@
 		jint width, jint stride, jint height, jint pf, jint flags)
 	if(pf<0 || pf>=org_libjpegturbo_turbojpeg_TJ_NUMPF)
-		_throw("Invalid argument in decodeYUV()");
+		_throwarg("Invalid argument in decodeYUV()");
-		_throw("Pixel format must be 32-bit when decoding to an integer buffer.");
+		_throwarg("Pixel format must be 32-bit when decoding to an integer buffer.");
 	TJDecompressor_decodeYUV(env, obj, srcobjs, jSrcOffsets, jSrcStrides,
 		subsamp, dst, sizeof(jint), x, y, width, stride*sizeof(jint), height, pf,
@@ -957,7 +956,7 @@
 	jfieldID fid;
 	tjhandle handle;
-	if((handle=tjInitTransform())==NULL) _throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+	if((handle=tjInitTransform())==NULL) _throwtj();
 	bailif0(cls=(*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj));
 	bailif0(fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "handle", "J"));
@@ -1047,7 +1046,7 @@
 	if((*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jsrcBuf)<jpegSize)
-		_throw("Source buffer is not large enough");
+		_throwarg("Source buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(_fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, _cls, "jpegWidth", "I"));
 	jpegWidth=(int)(*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, _fid);
 	bailif0(_fid=(*env)->GetFieldID(env, _cls, "jpegHeight", "I"));
@@ -1057,19 +1056,19 @@
 	n=(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, dstobjs);
 	if(n!=(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, tobjs))
-		_throw("Mismatch between size of transforms array and destination buffers array");
+		_throwarg("Mismatch between size of transforms array and destination buffers array");
 	if((dstBufs=(unsigned char **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *)*n))==NULL)
-		_throw("Memory allocation failure");
+		_throwmem();
 	if((jdstBufs=(jbyteArray *)malloc(sizeof(jbyteArray)*n))==NULL)
-		_throw("Memory allocation failure");
+		_throwmem();
 	if((dstSizes=(unsigned long *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned long)*n))==NULL)
-		_throw("Memory allocation failure");
+		_throwmem();
 	if((t=(tjtransform *)malloc(sizeof(tjtransform)*n))==NULL)
-		_throw("Memory allocation failure");
+		_throwmem();
 	if((params=(JNICustomFilterParams *)malloc(sizeof(JNICustomFilterParams)*n))
-		_throw("Memory allocation failure");
+		_throwmem();
 	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
 		dstBufs[i]=NULL;  jdstBufs[i]=NULL;  dstSizes[i]=0;
@@ -1117,7 +1116,7 @@
 		bailif0(jdstBufs[i]=(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, dstobjs, i));
 		if((unsigned long)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jdstBufs[i])
 			<tjBufSize(w, h, jpegSubsamp))
-			_throw("Destination buffer is not large enough");
+			_throwarg("Destination buffer is not large enough");
 	bailif0(jpegBuf=(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jsrcBuf, 0));
 	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
@@ -1125,7 +1124,7 @@
 	if(tjTransform(handle, jpegBuf, jpegSize, n, dstBufs, dstSizes, t,
-		_throw(tjGetErrorStr());
+		_throwtj();
 	for(i=0; i<n; i++)