The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software v6
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+Advanced usage instructions for the Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software
+This file describes cjpeg's "switches for wizards".
+The "wizard" switches are intended for experimentation with JPEG by persons
+who are reasonably knowledgeable about the JPEG standard.  If you don't know
+what you are doing, DON'T USE THESE SWITCHES.  You'll likely produce files
+with worse image quality and/or poorer compression than you'd get from the
+default settings.  Furthermore, these switches must be used with caution
+when making files intended for general use, because not all JPEG decoders
+will support unusual JPEG parameter settings.
+Quantization Table Adjustment
+Ordinarily, cjpeg starts with a default set of tables (the same ones given
+as examples in the JPEG standard) and scales them up or down according to
+the -quality setting.  The details of the scaling algorithm can be found in
+jcparam.c.  At very low quality settings, some quantization table entries
+can get scaled up to values exceeding 255.  Although 2-byte quantization
+values are supported by the IJG software, this feature is not in baseline
+JPEG and is not supported by all implementations.  If you need to ensure
+wide compatibility of low-quality files, you can constrain the scaled
+quantization values to no more than 255 by giving the -baseline switch.
+Note that use of -baseline will result in poorer quality for the same file
+size, since more bits than necessary are expended on higher AC coefficients.
+You can substitute a different set of quantization values by using the
+-qtables switch:
+	-qtables file	Use the quantization tables given in the named file.
+The specified file should be a text file containing decimal quantization
+values.  The file should contain one to four tables, each of 64 elements.
+The tables are implicitly numbered 0,1,etc. in order of appearance.  Table
+entries appear in normal array order (NOT in the zigzag order in which they
+will be stored in the JPEG file).
+Quantization table files are free format, in that arbitrary whitespace can
+appear between numbers.  Also, comments can be included: a comment starts
+with '#' and extends to the end of the line.  Here is an example file that
+duplicates the default quantization tables:
+	# Quantization tables given in JPEG spec, section K.1
+	# This is table 0 (the luminance table):
+	  16  11  10  16  24  40  51  61
+	  12  12  14  19  26  58  60  55
+	  14  13  16  24  40  57  69  56
+	  14  17  22  29  51  87  80  62
+	  18  22  37  56  68 109 103  77
+	  24  35  55  64  81 104 113  92
+	  49  64  78  87 103 121 120 101
+	  72  92  95  98 112 100 103  99
+	# This is table 1 (the chrominance table):
+	  17  18  24  47  99  99  99  99
+	  18  21  26  66  99  99  99  99
+	  24  26  56  99  99  99  99  99
+	  47  66  99  99  99  99  99  99
+	  99  99  99  99  99  99  99  99
+	  99  99  99  99  99  99  99  99
+	  99  99  99  99  99  99  99  99
+	  99  99  99  99  99  99  99  99
+If the -qtables switch is used without -quality, then the specified tables
+are used exactly as-is.  If both -qtables and -quality are used, then the
+tables taken from the file are scaled in the same fashion that the default
+tables would be scaled for that quality setting.  If -baseline appears, then
+the quantization values are constrained to the range 1-255.
+By default, cjpeg will use quantization table 0 for luminance components and
+table 1 for chrominance components.  To override this choice, use the -qslots
+	-qslots N[,...]		Select which quantization table to use for
+				each color component.
+The -qslots switch specifies a quantization table number for each color
+component, in the order in which the components appear in the JPEG SOF marker.
+For example, to create a separate table for each of Y,Cb,Cr, you could
+provide a -qtables file that defines three quantization tables and say
+"-qslots 0,1,2".  If -qslots gives fewer table numbers than there are color
+components, then the last table number is repeated as necessary.
+Sampling Factor Adjustment
+By default, cjpeg uses 2:1 horizontal and vertical downsampling when
+compressing YCbCr data, and no downsampling for all other color spaces.
+You can override this default with the -sample switch:
+	-sample HxV[,...]	Set JPEG sampling factors for each color
+				component.
+The -sample switch specifies the JPEG sampling factors for each color
+component, in the order in which they appear in the JPEG SOF marker.
+If you specify fewer HxV pairs than there are components, the remaining
+components are set to 1x1 sampling.  For example, the default YCbCr setting
+is equivalent to "-sample 2x2,1x1,1x1", which can be abbreviated to
+"-sample 2x2".
+There are still some JPEG decoders in existence that support only 2x1
+sampling (also called 4:2:2 sampling).  Compatibility with such decoders can
+be achieved by specifying "-sample 2x1".  This is not recommended unless
+really necessary, since it increases file size and encoding/decoding time
+with very little quality gain.
+Multiple Scan / Progression Control
+By default, cjpeg emits a single-scan sequential JPEG file.  The
+-progressive switch generates a progressive JPEG file using a default series
+of progression parameters.  You can create multiple-scan sequential JPEG
+files or progressive JPEG files with custom progression parameters by using
+the -scans switch:
+	-scans file	Use the scan sequence given in the named file.
+The specified file should be a text file containing a "scan script".
+The script specifies the contents and ordering of the scans to be emitted.
+Each entry in the script defines one scan.  A scan definition specifies
+the components to be included in the scan, and for progressive JPEG it also
+specifies the progression parameters Ss,Se,Ah,Al for the scan.  Scan
+definitions are separated by semicolons (';').  A semicolon after the last
+scan definition is optional.
+Each scan definition contains one to four component indexes, optionally
+followed by a colon (':') and the four progressive-JPEG parameters.  The
+component indexes denote which color component(s) are to be transmitted in
+the scan.  Components are numbered in the order in which they appear in the
+JPEG SOF marker, with the first component being numbered 0.  (Note that these
+indexes are not the "component ID" codes assigned to the components, just
+positional indexes.)
+If the progression parameters Ss,Se,Ah,Al are omitted, the values 0,63,0,0
+are used, producing a sequential JPEG file.  cjpeg automatically determines
+whether the script represents a progressive or sequential file, by observing
+whether Ss and Se values other than 0 and 63 appear.  (The -progressive
+switch is unnecessary and is ignored when -scans appears.)  When specifying
+progression parameters, the user must follow the JPEG restrictions on
+progression parameters.  (cjpeg checks that the spec's requirements are
+Scan script files are free format, in that arbitrary whitespace can appear
+between numbers and around punctuation.  Also, comments can be included: a
+comment starts with '#' and extends to the end of the line.  For additional
+legibility, commas or dashes can be placed between values.  (Actually, any
+single punctuation character other than ':' or ';' can be inserted.)  For
+example, the following two scan definitions are equivalent:
+	0 1 2: 0 63 0 0;
+	0,1,2 : 0-63, 0,0 ;
+Here is an example of a scan script that generates a partially interleaved
+sequential JPEG file:
+	0;			# Y only in first scan
+	1 2;			# Cb and Cr in second scan
+Here is an example of a progressive scan script using only spectral selection
+(no successive approximation):
+	# Interleaved DC scan for Y,Cb,Cr:
+	0,1,2: 0-0,   0, 0 ;
+	# AC scans:
+	0:     1-2,   0, 0 ;	# First two Y AC coefficients
+	0:     3-5,   0, 0 ;	# Three more
+	1:     1-63,  0, 0 ;	# All AC coefficients for Cb
+	2:     1-63,  0, 0 ;	# All AC coefficients for Cr
+	0:     6-9,   0, 0 ;	# More Y coefficients
+	0:     10-63, 0, 0 ;	# Remaining Y coefficients
+Here is an example of a successive-approximation script.  This is equivalent
+to the default script used by "cjpeg -progressive" for YCbCr images:
+	# Initial DC scan for Y,Cb,Cr (lowest bit not sent)
+	0,1,2: 0-0,   0, 1 ;
+	# First AC scan: send first 5 Y AC coefficients, minus 2 lowest bits:
+	0:     1-5,   0, 2 ;
+	# Send all Cr,Cb AC coefficients, minus lowest bit:
+	# (chroma data is usually too small to be worth subdividing further;
+	#  but note we send Cr first since eye is least sensitive to Cb)
+	2:     1-63,  0, 1 ;
+	1:     1-63,  0, 1 ;
+	# Send remaining Y AC coefficients, minus 2 lowest bits:
+	0:     6-63,  0, 2 ;
+	# Send next-to-lowest bit of all Y AC coefficients:
+	0:     1-63,  2, 1 ;
+	# At this point we've sent all but the lowest bit of all coefficients.
+	# Send lowest bit of DC coefficients
+	0,1,2: 0-0,   1, 0 ;
+	# Send lowest bit of AC coefficients
+	2:     1-63,  1, 0 ;
+	1:     1-63,  1, 0 ;
+	# Y AC lowest bit scan is last; it's usually the largest scan
+	0:     1-63,  1, 0 ;
+It may be worth pointing out that this script is tuned for quality settings
+of around 50 to 75.  For lower quality settings, you'd probably want to use
+a script with fewer stages of successive approximation (otherwise the
+initial scans will be really bad).  For higher quality settings, you might
+want to use more stages of successive approximation (so that the initial
+scans are not too large).