Catch libjpeg errors in tjDecompressToYUV2()

Even though tjDecompressToYUV2() is mostly just a wrapper for
tjDecompressToYUVPlanes(), tjDecompressToYUV2() still calls
jpeg_read_header(), so it needs to properly set up the libjpeg error
handler prior to making this call.  Otherwise, under very esoteric (and
arguably incorrect) use cases, a program can call tjDecompressToYUV2()
without first checking the JPEG header using tjDecompressHeader3(), and
if the header is corrupt, tjDecompressToYUV2() will abort without
triggering an error.

Fixes #72
diff --git a/turbojpeg.c b/turbojpeg.c
index f51df78..421b5f8 100644
--- a/turbojpeg.c
+++ b/turbojpeg.c
@@ -1892,6 +1892,12 @@
 		|| !isPow2(pad) || height<0)
 		_throw("tjDecompressToYUV2(): Invalid argument");
+	if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer))
+	{
+		/* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */
+		return -1;
+	}
 	jpeg_mem_src_tj(dinfo, jpegBuf, jpegSize);
 	jpeg_read_header(dinfo, TRUE);