Fix libjpeg_turbo svn r64 libjpeg6b compat issue
Make the fast path Huffman decoder fallback to the slow decoding path if
the Huffman decoding bit sentinel > 16, this to match libjpeg6b decoding
by reproducing the exact behavior of jpeg_huff_decode().
When this sentinel check is missing (see bug), libjpeg_turbo can produce
two (or more) different decoded images for the same input data depending
on how transport systems (eg., networks) packetize the data for delivery
to end-systems, web browsers for example.
Note: libjpeg6b produces the same decoded image, irrespective of how the
input data is placed in network packets. This fix makes libjpeg_turbo do
the same for compat with libjpeg6b.
Review URL:
git-svn-id: 4ff67af0-8c30-449e-8e8b-ad334ec8d88c
4 files changed