blob: ba7d7906d7955d511a42838e00b612887168f91a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <chrono>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <kms++/kms++.h>
#include <kms++/modedb.h>
#include <kms++/mode_cvt.h>
#include <kms++util/kms++util.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace kms;
struct PlaneInfo
Plane* plane;
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
unsigned w;
unsigned h;
unsigned view_x;
unsigned view_y;
unsigned view_w;
unsigned view_h;
vector<MappedFramebuffer*> fbs;
struct OutputInfo
Connector* connector;
Crtc* crtc;
Plane* primary_plane;
Videomode mode;
bool user_set_crtc;
vector<MappedFramebuffer*> fbs;
vector<PlaneInfo> planes;
static bool s_use_dmt;
static bool s_use_cea;
static unsigned s_num_buffers = 1;
static bool s_flip_mode;
static bool s_flip_sync;
static bool s_cvt;
static bool s_cvt_v2;
static bool s_cvt_vid_opt;
static unsigned s_max_flips;
static set<Crtc*> s_used_crtcs;
static set<Plane*> s_used_planes;
__attribute__ ((unused))
static void print_regex_match(smatch sm)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sm.size(); ++i) {
string str = sm[i].str();
printf("%u: %s\n", i, str.c_str());
static void get_connector(ResourceManager& resman, OutputInfo& output, const string& str = "")
Connector* conn = resman.reserve_connector(str);
if (!conn)
EXIT("No connector '%s'", str.c_str());
if (!conn->connected())
EXIT("Connector '%s' not connected", conn->fullname().c_str());
output.connector = conn;
output.mode = output.connector->get_default_mode();
static void get_default_crtc(Card& card, OutputInfo& output)
Crtc* crtc = output.connector->get_current_crtc();
if (crtc && s_used_crtcs.find(crtc) == s_used_crtcs.end()) {
output.crtc = crtc;
for (const auto& possible : output.connector->get_possible_crtcs()) {
if (s_used_crtcs.find(possible) == s_used_crtcs.end()) {
output.crtc = possible;
EXIT("Could not find available crtc");
static void parse_crtc(Card& card, const string& crtc_str, OutputInfo& output)
// @12:1920x1200i@60
// @12:33000000,800/210/30/16/-,480/22/13/10/-,i
const regex modename_re("(?:(@?)(\\d+):)?" // @12:
"(?:(\\d+)x(\\d+)(i)?)" // 1920x1200i
"(?:@([\\d\\.]+))?"); // @60
const regex modeline_re("(?:(@?)(\\d+):)?" // @12:
"(\\d+)," // 33000000,
"(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)/([+-])," // 800/210/30/16/-,
"(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)/([+-])" // 480/22/13/10/-
"(?:,([i]+))?" // ,i
smatch sm;
if (regex_match(crtc_str, sm, modename_re)) {
if (sm[2].matched) {
bool use_id = sm[1].length() == 1;
unsigned num = stoul(sm[2].str());
if (use_id) {
Crtc* c = card.get_crtc(num);
if (!c)
EXIT("Bad crtc id '%u'", num);
output.crtc = c;
} else {
auto crtcs = card.get_crtcs();
if (num >= crtcs.size())
EXIT("Bad crtc number '%u'", num);
output.crtc = crtcs[num];
} else {
output.crtc = output.connector->get_current_crtc();
unsigned w = stoul(sm[3]);
unsigned h = stoul(sm[4]);
bool ilace = sm[5].matched ? true : false;
float refresh = sm[6].matched ? stof(sm[6]) : 0;
if (s_cvt) {
output.mode = videomode_from_cvt(w, h, refresh, ilace, s_cvt_v2, s_cvt_vid_opt);
} else if (s_use_dmt) {
try {
output.mode = find_dmt(w, h, refresh, ilace);
} catch (exception& e) {
EXIT("Mode not found from DMT tables\n");
} else if (s_use_cea) {
try {
output.mode = find_cea(w, h, refresh, ilace);
} catch (exception& e) {
EXIT("Mode not found from CEA tables\n");
} else {
try {
output.mode = output.connector->get_mode(w, h, refresh, ilace);
} catch (exception& e) {
EXIT("Mode not found from the connector\n");
} else if (regex_match(crtc_str, sm, modeline_re)) {
if (sm[2].matched) {
bool use_id = sm[1].length() == 1;
unsigned num = stoul(sm[2].str());
if (use_id) {
Crtc* c = card.get_crtc(num);
if (!c)
EXIT("Bad crtc id '%u'", num);
output.crtc = c;
} else {
auto crtcs = card.get_crtcs();
if (num >= crtcs.size())
EXIT("Bad crtc number '%u'", num);
output.crtc = crtcs[num];
} else {
output.crtc = output.connector->get_current_crtc();
unsigned clock = stoul(sm[3]);
unsigned hact = stoul(sm[4]);
unsigned hfp = stoul(sm[5]);
unsigned hsw = stoul(sm[6]);
unsigned hbp = stoul(sm[7]);
bool h_pos_sync = sm[8] == "+" ? true : false;
unsigned vact = stoul(sm[9]);
unsigned vfp = stoul(sm[10]);
unsigned vsw = stoul(sm[11]);
unsigned vbp = stoul(sm[12]);
bool v_pos_sync = sm[13] == "+" ? true : false;
output.mode = videomode_from_timings(clock / 1000, hact, hfp, hsw, hbp, vact, vfp, vsw, vbp);
output.mode.set_hsync(h_pos_sync ? SyncPolarity::Positive : SyncPolarity::Negative);
output.mode.set_vsync(v_pos_sync ? SyncPolarity::Positive : SyncPolarity::Negative);
if (sm[14].matched) {
for (int i = 0; i < sm[14].length(); ++i) {
char f = string(sm[14])[i];
switch (f) {
case 'i':
EXIT("Bad mode flag %c", f);
} else {
EXIT("Failed to parse crtc option '%s'", crtc_str.c_str());
static void parse_plane(Card& card, const string& plane_str, const OutputInfo& output, PlaneInfo& pinfo)
// 3:400,400-400x400
const regex plane_re("(?:(@?)(\\d+):)?" // 3:
"(?:(\\d+),(\\d+)-)?" // 400,400-
"(\\d+)x(\\d+)"); // 400x400
smatch sm;
if (!regex_match(plane_str, sm, plane_re))
EXIT("Failed to parse plane option '%s'", plane_str.c_str());
if (sm[2].matched) {
bool use_id = sm[1].length() == 1;
unsigned num = stoul(sm[2].str());
if (use_id) {
Plane* p = card.get_plane(num);
if (!p)
EXIT("Bad plane id '%u'", num);
pinfo.plane = p;
} else {
auto planes = card.get_planes();
if (num >= planes.size())
EXIT("Bad plane number '%u'", num);
pinfo.plane = planes[num];
} else {
for (Plane* p : output.crtc->get_possible_planes()) {
if (s_used_planes.find(p) != s_used_planes.end())
if (p->plane_type() != PlaneType::Overlay)
pinfo.plane = p;
if (!pinfo.plane)
EXIT("Failed to find available plane");
pinfo.w = stoul(sm[5]);
pinfo.h = stoul(sm[6]);
if (sm[3].matched)
pinfo.x = stoul(sm[3]);
pinfo.x = output.mode.hdisplay / 2 - pinfo.w / 2;
if (sm[4].matched)
pinfo.y = stoul(sm[4]);
pinfo.y = output.mode.vdisplay / 2 - pinfo.h / 2;
static vector<MappedFramebuffer*> get_default_fb(Card& card, unsigned width, unsigned height)
vector<MappedFramebuffer*> v;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_num_buffers; ++i)
v.push_back(new DumbFramebuffer(card, width, height, PixelFormat::XRGB8888));
return v;
static vector<MappedFramebuffer*> parse_fb(Card& card, const string& fb_str, unsigned def_w, unsigned def_h)
unsigned w = def_w;
unsigned h = def_h;
PixelFormat format = PixelFormat::XRGB8888;
if (!fb_str.empty()) {
// XXX the regexp is not quite correct
// 400x400-NV12
const regex fb_re("(?:(\\d+)x(\\d+))?" // 400x400
"(?:-)?" // -
"(\\w\\w\\w\\w)?"); // NV12
smatch sm;
if (!regex_match(fb_str, sm, fb_re))
EXIT("Failed to parse fb option '%s'", fb_str.c_str());
if (sm[1].matched)
w = stoul(sm[1]);
if (sm[2].matched)
h = stoul(sm[2]);
if (sm[3].matched)
format = FourCCToPixelFormat(sm[3]);
vector<MappedFramebuffer*> v;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_num_buffers; ++i)
v.push_back(new DumbFramebuffer(card, w, h, format));
return v;
static void parse_view(const string& view_str, PlaneInfo& pinfo)
const regex view_re("(\\d+),(\\d+)-(\\d+)x(\\d+)"); // 400,400-400x400
smatch sm;
if (!regex_match(view_str, sm, view_re))
EXIT("Failed to parse view option '%s'", view_str.c_str());
pinfo.view_x = stoul(sm[1]);
pinfo.view_y = stoul(sm[2]);
pinfo.view_w = stoul(sm[3]);
pinfo.view_h = stoul(sm[4]);
static const char* usage_str =
"Usage: kmstest [OPTION]...\n\n"
"Show a test pattern on a display or plane\n\n"
" --device=DEVICE DEVICE is the path to DRM card to open\n"
" -c, --connector=CONN CONN is <connector>\n"
" -r, --crtc=CRTC CRTC is [<crtc>:]<w>x<h>[@<Hz>]\n"
" or\n"
" [<crtc>:]<pclk>,<hact>/<hfp>/<hsw>/<hbp>/<hsp>,<vact>/<vfp>/<vsw>/<vbp>/<vsp>[,i]\n"
" -p, --plane=PLANE PLANE is [<plane>:][<x>,<y>-]<w>x<h>\n"
" -f, --fb=FB FB is [<w>x<h>][-][<4cc>]\n"
" -v, --view=VIEW VIEW is <x>,<y>-<w>x<h>\n"
" --dmt Search for the given mode from DMT tables\n"
" --cea Search for the given mode from CEA tables\n"
" --cvt=CVT Create videomode with CVT. CVT is 'v1', 'v2' or 'v2o'\n"
" --flip[=max] Do page flipping for each output with an optional maximum flips count\n"
" --sync Synchronize page flipping\n"
"<connector>, <crtc> and <plane> can be given by index (<idx>) or id (@<id>).\n"
"<connector> can also be given by name.\n"
"Options can be given multiple times to set up multiple displays or planes.\n"
"Options may apply to previous options, e.g. a plane will be set on a crtc set in\n"
"an earlier option.\n"
"If you omit parameters, kmstest tries to guess what you mean\n"
"Set eDP-1 mode to 1920x1080@60, show XR24 framebuffer on the crtc, and a 400x400 XB24 plane:\n"
" kmstest -c eDP-1 -r 1920x1080@60 -f XR24 -p 400x400 -f XB24\n\n"
"XR24 framebuffer on first connected connector in the default mode:\n"
" kmstest -f XR24\n\n"
"XR24 framebuffer on a 400x400 plane on the first connected connector in the default mode:\n"
" kmstest -p 400x400 -f XR24\n\n"
"Test pattern on the second connector with default mode:\n"
" kmstest -c 1\n"
"Environmental variables:\n"
" KMSXX_DISABLE_UNIVERSAL_PLANES Don't enable universal planes even if available\n"
" KMSXX_DISABLE_ATOMIC Don't enable atomic modesetting even if available\n"
static void usage()
enum class ObjectType
struct Arg
ObjectType type;
string arg;
static string s_device_path = "/dev/dri/card0";
static vector<Arg> parse_cmdline(int argc, char **argv)
vector<Arg> args;
OptionSet optionset = {
[&](string s)
s_device_path = s;
[&](string s)
args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Connector, s });
Option("r|crtc=", [&](string s)
args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Crtc, s });
Option("p|plane=", [&](string s)
args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Plane, s });
Option("f|fb=", [&](string s)
args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Framebuffer, s });
Option("v|view=", [&](string s)
args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::View, s });
Option("|dmt", []()
s_use_dmt = true;
Option("|cea", []()
s_use_cea = true;
Option("|flip?", [&](string s)
s_flip_mode = true;
s_num_buffers = 2;
if (!s.empty())
s_max_flips = stoi(s);
Option("|sync", []()
s_flip_sync = true;
Option("|cvt=", [&](string s)
if (s == "v1")
s_cvt = true;
else if (s == "v2")
s_cvt = s_cvt_v2 = true;
else if (s == "v2o")
s_cvt = s_cvt_v2 = s_cvt_vid_opt = true;
else {
Option("h|help", [&]()
optionset.parse(argc, argv);
if (optionset.params().size() > 0) {
return args;
static vector<OutputInfo> setups_to_outputs(Card& card, ResourceManager& resman, const vector<Arg>& output_args)
vector<OutputInfo> outputs;
if (output_args.size() == 0) {
// no output args, show a pattern on all screens
for (Connector* conn : card.get_connectors()) {
if (!conn->connected())
OutputInfo output = { };
output.connector = resman.reserve_connector(conn);
EXIT_IF(!output.connector, "Failed to reserve connector %s", conn->fullname().c_str());
output.crtc = resman.reserve_crtc(conn);
EXIT_IF(!output.crtc, "Failed to reserve crtc for %s", conn->fullname().c_str());
output.mode = output.connector->get_default_mode();
output.fbs = get_default_fb(card, output.mode.hdisplay, output.mode.vdisplay);
return outputs;
OutputInfo* current_output = 0;
PlaneInfo* current_plane = 0;
for (auto& arg : output_args) {
switch (arg.type) {
case ObjectType::Connector:
outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { });
current_output = &outputs.back();
get_connector(resman, *current_output, arg.arg);
current_plane = 0;
case ObjectType::Crtc:
if (!current_output) {
outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { });
current_output = &outputs.back();
if (!current_output->connector)
get_connector(resman, *current_output);
parse_crtc(card, arg.arg, *current_output);
current_output->user_set_crtc = true;
current_plane = 0;
case ObjectType::Plane:
if (!current_output) {
outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { });
current_output = &outputs.back();
if (!current_output->connector)
get_connector(resman, *current_output);
if (!current_output->crtc)
get_default_crtc(card, *current_output);
current_output->planes.push_back(PlaneInfo { });
current_plane = &current_output->planes.back();
parse_plane(card, arg.arg, *current_output, *current_plane);
case ObjectType::Framebuffer:
if (!current_output) {
outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { });
current_output = &outputs.back();
if (!current_output->connector)
get_connector(resman, *current_output);
if (!current_output->crtc)
get_default_crtc(card, *current_output);
int def_w, def_h;
if (current_plane) {
def_w = current_plane->w;
def_h = current_plane->h;
} else {
def_w = current_output->mode.hdisplay;
def_h = current_output->mode.vdisplay;
auto fbs = parse_fb(card, arg.arg, def_w, def_h);
if (current_plane)
current_plane->fbs = fbs;
current_output->fbs = fbs;
case ObjectType::View:
if (!current_plane || current_plane->fbs.empty())
EXIT("'view' parameter requires a plane and a fb");
parse_view(arg.arg, *current_plane);
// create default framebuffers if needed
for (OutputInfo& o : outputs) {
if (!o.crtc) {
get_default_crtc(card, o);
o.user_set_crtc = true;
if (o.fbs.empty() && o.user_set_crtc)
o.fbs = get_default_fb(card, o.mode.hdisplay, o.mode.vdisplay);
for (PlaneInfo &p : o.planes) {
if (p.fbs.empty())
p.fbs = get_default_fb(card, p.w, p.h);
return outputs;
static std::string videomode_to_string(const Videomode& m)
string h = sformat("%u/%u/%u/%u", m.hdisplay, m.hfp(), m.hsw(), m.hbp());
string v = sformat("%u/%u/%u/%u", m.vdisplay, m.vfp(), m.vsw(), m.vbp());
return sformat("%s %.3f %s %s %u (%.2f) %#x %#x",,
m.clock / 1000.0,
h.c_str(), v.c_str(),
m.vrefresh, m.calculated_vrefresh(),
static void print_outputs(const vector<OutputInfo>& outputs)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
const OutputInfo& o = outputs[i];
printf("Connector %u/@%u: %s\n", o.connector->idx(), o.connector->id(),
printf(" Crtc %u/@%u", o.crtc->idx(), o.crtc->id());
if (o.primary_plane)
printf(" (plane %u/@%u)", o.primary_plane->idx(), o.primary_plane->id());
printf(": %s\n", videomode_to_string(o.mode).c_str());
if (!o.fbs.empty()) {
auto fb = o.fbs[0];
printf(" Fb %u %ux%u-%s\n", fb->id(), fb->width(), fb->height(),
for (unsigned j = 0; j < o.planes.size(); ++j) {
const PlaneInfo& p = o.planes[j];
auto fb = p.fbs[0];
printf(" Plane %u/@%u: %u,%u-%ux%u\n", p.plane->idx(), p.plane->id(),
p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h);
printf(" Fb %u %ux%u-%s\n", fb->id(), fb->width(), fb->height(),
static void draw_test_patterns(const vector<OutputInfo>& outputs)
for (const OutputInfo& o : outputs) {
for (auto fb : o.fbs)
for (const PlaneInfo& p : o.planes)
for (auto fb : p.fbs)
static void set_crtcs_n_planes_legacy(Card& card, const vector<OutputInfo>& outputs)
// Disable unused crtcs
for (Crtc* crtc : card.get_crtcs()) {
if (find_if(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), [crtc](const OutputInfo& o) { return o.crtc == crtc; }) != outputs.end())
for (const OutputInfo& o : outputs) {
auto conn = o.connector;
auto crtc = o.crtc;
if (!o.fbs.empty()) {
auto fb = o.fbs[0];
int r = crtc->set_mode(conn, *fb, o.mode);
if (r)
printf("crtc->set_mode() failed for crtc %u: %s\n",
crtc->id(), strerror(-r));
for (const PlaneInfo& p : o.planes) {
auto fb = p.fbs[0];
int r = crtc->set_plane(p.plane, *fb,
p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h,
0, 0, fb->width(), fb->height());
if (r)
printf("crtc->set_plane() failed for plane %u: %s\n",
p.plane->id(), strerror(-r));
static void set_crtcs_n_planes_atomic(Card& card, const vector<OutputInfo>& outputs)
int r;
// XXX DRM framework doesn't allow moving an active plane from one crtc to another.
// See drm_atomic.c::plane_switching_crtc().
// For the time being, disable all crtcs and planes here.
AtomicReq disable_req(card);
// Disable unused crtcs
for (Crtc* crtc : card.get_crtcs()) {
//if (find_if(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), [crtc](const OutputInfo& o) { return o.crtc == crtc; }) != outputs.end())
// continue;
disable_req.add(crtc, {
{ "ACTIVE", 0 },
// Disable unused planes
for (Plane* plane : card.get_planes()) {
//if (find_if(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), [plane](const OutputInfo& o) { return o.primary_plane == plane; }) != outputs.end())
// continue;
disable_req.add(plane, {
{ "FB_ID", 0 },
{ "CRTC_ID", 0 },
r = disable_req.commit_sync(true);
if (r)
EXIT("Atomic commit failed when disabling: %d\n", r);
// Keep blobs here so that we keep ref to them until we have committed the req
vector<unique_ptr<Blob>> blobs;
AtomicReq req(card);
for (const OutputInfo& o : outputs) {
auto conn = o.connector;
auto crtc = o.crtc;
Blob* mode_blob = blobs.back().get();
req.add(conn, {
{ "CRTC_ID", crtc->id() },
req.add(crtc, {
{ "ACTIVE", 1 },
{ "MODE_ID", mode_blob->id() },
if (!o.fbs.empty()) {
auto fb = o.fbs[0];
req.add(o.primary_plane, {
{ "FB_ID", fb->id() },
{ "CRTC_ID", crtc->id() },
{ "SRC_X", 0 << 16 },
{ "SRC_Y", 0 << 16 },
{ "SRC_W", fb->width() << 16 },
{ "SRC_H", fb->height() << 16 },
{ "CRTC_X", 0 },
{ "CRTC_Y", 0 },
{ "CRTC_W", fb->width() },
{ "CRTC_H", fb->height() },
for (const PlaneInfo& p : o.planes) {
auto fb = p.fbs[0];
req.add(p.plane, {
{ "FB_ID", fb->id() },
{ "CRTC_ID", crtc->id() },
{ "SRC_X", (p.view_x ?: 0) << 16 },
{ "SRC_Y", (p.view_y ?: 0) << 16 },
{ "SRC_W", (p.view_w ?: fb->width()) << 16 },
{ "SRC_H", (p.view_h ?: fb->height()) << 16 },
{ "CRTC_X", p.x },
{ "CRTC_Y", p.y },
{ "CRTC_W", p.w },
{ "CRTC_H", p.h },
r = req.test(true);
if (r)
EXIT("Atomic test failed: %d\n", r);
r = req.commit_sync(true);
if (r)
EXIT("Atomic commit failed: %d\n", r);
static void set_crtcs_n_planes(Card& card, const vector<OutputInfo>& outputs)
if (card.has_atomic())
set_crtcs_n_planes_atomic(card, outputs);
set_crtcs_n_planes_legacy(card, outputs);
static bool max_flips_reached;
class FlipState : private PageFlipHandlerBase
FlipState(Card& card, const string& name, vector<const OutputInfo*> outputs)
: m_card(card), m_name(name), m_outputs(outputs)
void start_flipping()
m_prev_frame = m_prev_print = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_slowest_frame = std::chrono::duration<float>::min();
m_frame_num = 0;
void handle_page_flip(uint32_t frame, double time)
* We get flip event for each crtc in this flipstate. We can commit the next frames
* only after we've gotten the flip event for all crtcs
if (++m_flip_count < m_outputs.size())
if (s_max_flips && m_frame_num >= s_max_flips)
max_flips_reached = true;
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<float> diff = now - m_prev_frame;
if (diff > m_slowest_frame)
m_slowest_frame = diff;
if (m_frame_num % 100 == 0) {
std::chrono::duration<float> fsec = now - m_prev_print;
printf("Connector %s: fps %f, slowest %.2f ms\n",
100.0 / fsec.count(),
m_slowest_frame.count() * 1000);
m_prev_print = now;
m_slowest_frame = std::chrono::duration<float>::min();
m_prev_frame = now;
static unsigned get_bar_pos(MappedFramebuffer* fb, unsigned frame_num)
return (frame_num * bar_speed) % (fb->width() - bar_width + 1);
static void draw_bar(MappedFramebuffer* fb, unsigned frame_num)
int old_xpos = frame_num < s_num_buffers ? -1 : get_bar_pos(fb, frame_num - s_num_buffers);
int new_xpos = get_bar_pos(fb, frame_num);
draw_color_bar(*fb, old_xpos, new_xpos, bar_width);
draw_text(*fb, fb->width() / 2, 0, to_string(frame_num), RGB(255, 255, 255));
static void do_flip_output(AtomicReq& req, unsigned frame_num, const OutputInfo& o)
unsigned cur = frame_num % s_num_buffers;
if (!o.fbs.empty()) {
auto fb = o.fbs[cur];
draw_bar(fb, frame_num);
req.add(o.primary_plane, {
{ "FB_ID", fb->id() },
for (const PlaneInfo& p : o.planes) {
auto fb = p.fbs[cur];
draw_bar(fb, frame_num);
req.add(p.plane, {
{ "FB_ID", fb->id() },
void do_flip_output_legacy(unsigned frame_num, const OutputInfo& o)
unsigned cur = frame_num % s_num_buffers;
if (!o.fbs.empty()) {
auto fb = o.fbs[cur];
draw_bar(fb, frame_num);
int r = o.crtc->page_flip(*fb, this);
ASSERT(r == 0);
for (const PlaneInfo& p : o.planes) {
auto fb = p.fbs[cur];
draw_bar(fb, frame_num);
int r = o.crtc->set_plane(p.plane, *fb,
p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h,
0, 0, fb->width(), fb->height());
ASSERT(r == 0);
void queue_next()
m_flip_count = 0;
if (m_card.has_atomic()) {
AtomicReq req(m_card);
for (auto o : m_outputs)
do_flip_output(req, m_frame_num, *o);
int r = req.commit(this);
if (r)
EXIT("Flip commit failed: %d\n", r);
} else {
ASSERT(m_outputs.size() == 1);
do_flip_output_legacy(m_frame_num, *m_outputs[0]);
Card& m_card;
string m_name;
vector<const OutputInfo*> m_outputs;
unsigned m_frame_num;
unsigned m_flip_count;
chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_prev_print;
chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_prev_frame;
chrono::duration<float> m_slowest_frame;
static const unsigned bar_width = 20;
static const unsigned bar_speed = 8;
static void main_flip(Card& card, const vector<OutputInfo>& outputs)
fd_set fds;
int fd = card.fd();
vector<unique_ptr<FlipState>> flipstates;
if (!s_flip_sync) {
for (const OutputInfo& o : outputs) {
auto fs = unique_ptr<FlipState>(new FlipState(card, to_string(o.connector->idx()), { &o }));
} else {
vector<const OutputInfo*> ois;
string name;
for (const OutputInfo& o : outputs) {
name += to_string(o.connector->idx()) + ",";
auto fs = unique_ptr<FlipState>(new FlipState(card, name, ois));
for (unique_ptr<FlipState>& fs : flipstates)
while (!max_flips_reached) {
int r;
FD_SET(0, &fds);
FD_SET(fd, &fds);
r = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (r < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "select() failed with %d: %m\n", errno);
} else if (FD_ISSET(0, &fds)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Exit due to user-input\n");
} else if (FD_ISSET(fd, &fds)) {
int main(int argc, char **argv)
vector<Arg> output_args = parse_cmdline(argc, argv);
Card card(s_device_path);
if (!card.has_atomic() && s_flip_sync)
EXIT("Synchronized flipping requires atomic modesetting");
ResourceManager resman(card);
vector<OutputInfo> outputs = setups_to_outputs(card, resman, output_args);
if (card.has_atomic()) {
for (OutputInfo& o : outputs) {
if (o.fbs.empty())
o.primary_plane = resman.reserve_primary_plane(o.crtc);
if (!o.primary_plane)
EXIT("Could not get primary plane for crtc '%u'", o.crtc->id());
if (!s_flip_mode)
set_crtcs_n_planes(card, outputs);
printf("press enter to exit\n");
if (s_flip_mode)
main_flip(card, outputs);