Surround: Better LFE handling

Forces CELT-only mode for LFE (despite the rate) and "locks" most of the
CELT analysis:
- No transient or TF
- Band boost on first band
- Only first two bands get PVQ bits
- Forced energy decay after the first two bands
diff --git a/celt/quant_bands.h b/celt/quant_bands.h
index b3187fa..0490bca 100644
--- a/celt/quant_bands.h
+++ b/celt/quant_bands.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
       const opus_val16 *eBands, opus_val16 *oldEBands, opus_uint32 budget,
       opus_val16 *error, ec_enc *enc, int C, int LM,
       int nbAvailableBytes, int force_intra, opus_val32 *delayedIntra,
-      int two_pass, int loss_rate);
+      int two_pass, int loss_rate, int lfe);
 void quant_fine_energy(const CELTMode *m, int start, int end, opus_val16 *oldEBands, opus_val16 *error, int *fine_quant, ec_enc *enc, int C);