Fixes a bug in the handling of the first packet after DTX

We were using the last frame's DTX decision at the beginning
of the encoding
diff --git a/src_FLP/SKP_Silk_encode_frame_FLP.c b/src_FLP/SKP_Silk_encode_frame_FLP.c
index 8a6d3b4..c80bcbe 100644
--- a/src_FLP/SKP_Silk_encode_frame_FLP.c
+++ b/src_FLP/SKP_Silk_encode_frame_FLP.c
@@ -47,24 +47,6 @@



-    if( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesAnalyzed == 0 && !psEnc->sCmn.prefillFlag && !( psEnc->sCmn.useDTX && psEnc->sCmn.inDTX ) ) {

-        /* Create space at start of payload for VAD and FEC flags */

-        SKP_uint8 iCDF[ 2 ] = { 0, 0 };

-        iCDF[ 0 ] = 256 - SKP_RSHIFT( 256, psEnc->sCmn.nFramesPerPacket + 1 );

-        ec_enc_icdf( psRangeEnc, 0, iCDF, 8 );


-        /* Encode any LBRR data from previous packet */

-        SKP_Silk_LBRR_embed( &psEnc->sCmn, psRangeEnc );


-        /* Reduce coding SNR depending on how many bits used by LBRR */

-        nBits = ec_tell( psRangeEnc );

-        psEnc->inBandFEC_SNR_comp = ( 6.0f * nBits ) / 

-            ( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesPerPacket * psEnc->sCmn.frame_length );


-        /* Reset LBRR flags */

-        SKP_memset( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags, 0, sizeof( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags ) );

-    }


     psEnc->sCmn.indices.Seed = psEnc->sCmn.frameCounter++ & 3;



@@ -102,6 +84,25 @@
         psEnc->sCmn.VAD_flags[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesAnalyzed ] = 1;



+    if( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesAnalyzed == 0 && !psEnc->sCmn.prefillFlag && !( psEnc->sCmn.useDTX && psEnc->sCmn.inDTX ) ) {

+        /* Create space at start of payload for VAD and FEC flags */

+        SKP_uint8 iCDF[ 2 ] = { 0, 0 };

+        iCDF[ 0 ] = 256 - SKP_RSHIFT( 256, psEnc->sCmn.nFramesPerPacket + 1 );

+        ec_enc_icdf( psRangeEnc, 0, iCDF, 8 );


+        /* Encode any LBRR data from previous packet */

+        SKP_Silk_LBRR_embed( &psEnc->sCmn, psRangeEnc );


+        /* Reduce coding SNR depending on how many bits used by LBRR */

+        nBits = ec_tell( psRangeEnc );

+        psEnc->inBandFEC_SNR_comp = ( 6.0f * nBits ) /

+                ( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesPerPacket * psEnc->sCmn.frame_length );


+        /* Reset LBRR flags */

+        SKP_memset( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags, 0, sizeof( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags ) );

+    }




     /* High-pass filtering of the input signal */
