Upgrade to libphonenumber-7.7.0 which is nano proto free

Bug: 31608797
Test: Rebuilt and ran android.telephony.cts.PhoneNumberUtilsTest
Change-Id: Ia5beb5c0ff189577c3eb76cc4f2c4e5d243ae97d
diff --git a/release_notes.txt b/release_notes.txt
index 2e89ec2..25195c3 100644
--- a/release_notes.txt
+++ b/release_notes.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,174 @@
+Sep 19, 2016: libphonenumber-7.7.0
+Code changes:
+ - Removed the dependency on protobuf (protobuf-javanano) from the Java library,
+   resurrecting
+   java/libphonenumber/src/com/google/i18n/phonenumbers/Phonemetadata.java
+   which was present until libphonenumber-7.1.1.
+   Does not affect the C++ or JavaScript libraries.
+Sep 07, 2016: libphonenumber-7.6.1
+Code changes:
+ - Phonemetadata.java has two more fields to represent possible lengths of phone
+   numbers. Changed BuildMetadataFromXml (and the resultant jar) to alter the way
+   that metadata about possible-lengths information is consumed when constructing
+   metadata to populate these.
+   Discussion list email:
+   https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/libphonenumber-discuss/75TOpTFVi08
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
+   AG, AM, AX, BY, CD, FI, IN, KR, MA, NA, NL, PK, SY
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): BR, GB, NL, NZ
+ - New geocoding data for country calling code(s):
+   82 (pl, pt, ro, ru, sl, sr, uk, vi)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   27 (en), 91 (en), 243 (en), 963 (en)
+Aug 24, 2016: libphonenumber-7.6.0
+Code changes:
+ - Refactored metadata loading and closed all streams after loading.
+ - Made isNumberGeographical public, and changed the geocoder to
+   use this when checking whether to give a detailed answer or country-level
+   only.
+Build changes:
+ - Use protobuf-javanano 3.0.0-alpha-7 from Maven Central.
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): EH, ET, JM, MA, SK, SN, SY, ZM
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): ZA
+ - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 212 (en)
+ - New carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   86 (zh, zh_Hant), 852 (zh, zh_Hant), 963 (en)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   86 (en), 212 (en), 251 (en), 421 (en)
+ - Deleted unsupported SingleFilePhoneNumberMetadataProto
+Aug 10, 2016: libphonenumber-7.5.2
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): CO, IN, ME
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): IN
+ - New carrier data for country calling code(s): 382 (en)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 91 (en)
+Jul 27, 2016: libphonenumber-7.5.1
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 595
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): BD, BG, CI, IN, PY, TJ
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): IN
+ - New geocoding data for country calling code(s):
+   82 (bg, ca, el, es, fi, hi, hu, iw, ja, tr)
+ - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 44 (en)
+ - New carrier data for country calling code(s): 374 (ru)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   91 (en), 374 (en), 992 (en)
+Jul 22, 2016: libphonenumber-7.5.0
+Code changes:
+ - Simplify concurrent metadata loading in MultiFileMetadataSourceImpl and
+   reduce points of contention.
+Jul 14, 2016: libphonenumber-7.4.5
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): CN, HN, IN, KW, LV, TC
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): AE, BR, GB, ZA
+ - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 93 (fa), 992 (en)
+ - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
+   91 (en), 98 (en, fa), 371 (en), 504 (en), 1 (en)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 91 (en)
+Jun 29, 2016: libphonenumber-7.4.4
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): AZ, BH, HN, IN, US
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): BR, IN, SK
+ - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 994 (en),
+ - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 504 (en), 1 (en)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   91 (en), 973 (en), 994 (en)
+Jun 15, 2016: libphonenumber-7.4.3
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
+   HK, HN, IN, KN, KW, SK, SN, TH, TZ
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): AR, NO
+ - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 93 (en), 504 (en)
+ - New carrier data for country calling code(s): 93 (fa), 98 (fa)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   66 (en), 91 (en), 255 (en), 421 (en)
+Jun 01, 2016: libphonenumber-7.4.2
+Code changes:
+ - Make C++ code forward compatible with an upcoming RE2 change.
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): AE, BZ, GU, IN, KR
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): BR
+ - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 501 (en)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   91 (en), 971 (en), 1671 (en)
+May 18, 2016: libphonenumber-7.4.1
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): FR, IL, KR
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 972 (en)
+May 11, 2016: libphonenumber-7.4.0
+Maven changes:
+ - Repackage protobuf runtime dependency to prevent conflicts with clients'
+   protobuf dependencies. Backwards-compatible, so no changes needed for clients
+   who could use the previous release, but enables those with their own protobuf
+   dependencies to use this and future releases without workarounds.
+May 03, 2016: libphonenumber-7.3.2
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
+   AU, BR, ET, IN, KH, ML, NO, SB, TJ, US
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): CA, ML, US
+ - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 223 (en)
+ - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
+   27 (en), 55 (en, pt), 1 (en)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   61 (en), 91 (en), 223 (en), 251 (en), 677 (en), 992 (en)
+Apr 20, 2016: libphonenumber-7.3.1
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): DE, DJ, IL, IN, KH
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): BR
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   91 (en), 855 (en), 972 (en)
+Apr 05, 2016: libphonenumber-7.3.0
+Code changes:
+ - Added java/pending_code_changes.txt for contributors to track code changes
+   between releases.
+ - Reduced minimum required version of cmake to 2.8.
+ - Added cmake installation instructions for Mac.
+ - Added getExampleNumberForType that doesn't take in a region, and
+   getInvalidExampleNumber
+ - Improvements to javadoc for parse method
+ - Update isNumberGeographical to return true for geographical mobile numbers.
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
+   BJ, BZ, CI, ET, GQ, KE, KW, ML, NO, OM, VN
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): KE
+ - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
+   84 (en), 251 (en), 254 (en)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   84 (en), 225 (en), 229 (en), 254 (en), 968 (en)
+Mar 21, 2016: libphonenumber-7.2.8
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): CL, CN, FO, KE, SE, SO
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): FO
+ - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 86 (en, zh)
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+   86 (en), 252 (en), 254 (en)
+Mar 09, 2016: libphonenumber-7.2.7
+Code changes:
+ - Update nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting documentation.
+Metadata changes:
+ - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): CN, IN, MO, TK
+ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): FR
+ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 853 (en)
+ - Updated / refreshed time zone meta data.
 Feb 25, 2016: libphonenumber-7.2.6
 Metadata changes:
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): DJ, MA, NA, US