Imported from libpng-1.4.0beta13.tar
diff --git a/pngset.c b/pngset.c
index 58c83a9..1cd233f 100644
--- a/pngset.c
+++ b/pngset.c
@@ -952,6 +952,13 @@
 void PNGAPI
 png_set_sPLT(png_structp png_ptr,
              png_infop info_ptr, png_sPLT_tp entries, int nentries)
+ *  entries        - array of png_sPLT_t structures
+ *                   to be added to the list of palettes
+ *                   in the info structure.
+ *  nentries       - number of palette structures to be
+ *                   added.
+ */
     png_sPLT_tp np;
     int i;
@@ -981,10 +988,10 @@
         /* TODO: use png_malloc_warn */
         png_strcpy(to->name, from->name);
         to->entries = (png_sPLT_entryp)png_malloc(png_ptr,
-            from->nentries * sizeof(png_sPLT_t));
+            from->nentries * sizeof(png_sPLT_entry));
         /* TODO: use png_malloc_warn */
         png_memcpy(to->entries, from->entries,
-            from->nentries * sizeof(png_sPLT_t));
+            from->nentries * sizeof(png_sPLT_entry));
         to->nentries = from->nentries;
         to->depth = from->depth;