Update libpng to version 1.6.3

(cherry picked from commit ca2bf81b02c99afa2e76b3b2c6eb232c239221e0)

Change-Id: I313493fa630be9812e503ae24820b2923ed717f3
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
index 77b6308..decf0f5 100755
--- a/autogen.sh
+++ b/autogen.sh
@@ -1,25 +1,219 @@
 #! /bin/sh
-# a quick hack script to generate necessary files from 
-# auto* tools.
-# WARNING: if you run this you will change the versions
-# of the tools which are used and, maybe, required!
-        touch Makefile.am configure.ac
-	echo "running libtoolize" >&2
-	libtoolize --force --copy --automake
-} && {
-	echo "running aclocal" >&2
-	aclocal
-} && {
-	echo "running autoheader [ignore the warnings]" >&2
-	autoheader
-} && {
-	echo "running automake" >&2
-	automake --force-missing --foreign -a -c
-} && {
-	echo "running autoconf" >&2
-	autoconf
-} &&
-	echo "autogen complete" >&2 ||
-	echo "ERROR: autogen.sh failed, autogen is incomplete" >&2
+# Run 'autoreconf' to build 'configure', 'Makefile.in' and other configure
+# control files.
+# The first time this is run on a GIT checkout the only files that exist are
+# configure.ac and Makefile.am; all of the autotools support scripts are
+# missing.  They are instantiated with autoreconf --force --install.
+# For regular ("tarball") distributions all the files should exist.  We do not
+# want them to be updated *under any circumstances*.  It should never be
+# necessary to rune autogen.sh because ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode says
+# what to do if Makeile.am or configure.ac are changed.
+# It is *probably* OK to update the files on a GIT checkout, because they have
+# come from the local tools, but leave that to the user who is assumed to know
+# whether it is ok or required.
+# This script is intended to work without arguments, there are, however, hidden
+# arguments for (a) use while testing the script and (b) to fix up systems that
+# have been broken.  If (b) is required the script prompts for the correct
+# options.  For this reason the options are *NOT* documented in the help; this
+# is deliberate; UTSL.
+while test $# -gt 0
+   case "$1" in
+      --maintainer)
+         maintainer=1;;
+      --clean)
+         clean=1;;
+      *)
+         exec >&2
+         echo "$0: usage: ./autogen.sh"
+         if test -d .git
+         then
+            echo "  ./autogen.sh generates the configure script and"
+            echo "  Makefile.in, or refreshes them after changes to Makefile.am"
+            echo "  or configure.ac.  You may prefer to just run autoreconf."
+         elif test -z "$maintainer"
+         then
+            echo "  DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT."
+            echo "  If you need to change Makefile.am or configure.ac then you"
+            echo "  also need to run ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode and"
+            echo "  use the appropriate autotools, *NOT* this script, to update"
+            echo "  everything, please check the documentation of autoreconf."
+            echo "  WARNING: libpng is intentionally generated with a known,"
+            echo "  fixed, set of autotools.  It is known *NOT* to work with"
+            echo "  the collection of autotools distributed on highly reputable"
+            echo "  operating systems."
+            echo "  Remember: autotools is GNU software, you are expected to"
+            echo "  pay for support."
+         else
+            echo "  You have run autogen.sh with --maintainer enabled and you"
+            echo "  are not using a GIT distribution, then you have given an"
+            echo "  unrecognized argument.  This is not good. --maintainer"
+            echo "  switches off any assumptions that you might not know what"
+            echo "  you are doing."
+         fi
+         exit 1;;
+   esac
+   shift
+# First check for a set of the autotools files; if absent then this is assumed
+# to be a GIT version and the local autotools must be used.  If present this
+# is a tarball distribution and the script should not be used.  If partially
+# present bad things are happening.
+# The autotools generated files:
+libpng_autotools_files="Makefile.in aclocal.m4 config.guess config.h.in\
+   config.sub configure depcomp install-sh ltmain.sh missing test-driver"
+# These are separate because 'maintainer-clean' does not remove them.
+libpng_libtool_files="scripts/libtool.m4 scripts/ltoptions.m4\
+   scripts/ltsugar.m4 scripts/ltversion.m4 scripts/lt~obsolete.m4"
+libpng_autotools_dirs="autom4te.cache" # not required
+# The configure generated files:
+libpng_configure_files="Makefile config.h config.log config.status\
+   libpng-config libpng.pc libtool stamp-h1"
+# We must remove the configure generated files as well as the autotools
+# generated files if autotools are regenerated because otherwise if configure
+# has been run without "--enable-maintainer-mode" make can do a partial update
+# of Makefile.  These functions do the two bits of cleaning.
+   rm -rf $libpng_autotools_files $libpng_libtool_files $libpng_autotools_dirs
+   rm -rf $libpng_configure_files $libpng_configure_dirs
+# Clean: remove everything (this is to help with testing)
+if test -n "$clean"
+   clean_configure
+   if test -n "$maintainer"
+   then
+      clean_autotools
+   fi
+   exit 0
+# Validate the distribution.
+for file in $libpng_autotools_files
+   if test -f  "$file"
+   then
+      libpng_autotools_file_found=1
+   else
+      libpng_autotools_file_missing=1
+   fi
+# Presence of one of these does not *invalidate* missing, but absence
+# invalidates found.
+for file in $libpng_libtool_files
+   if test ! -f "$file"
+   then
+      libpng_autotools_file_missing=1
+   fi
+# The cache directory doesn't matter - it will be regenerated and does not exist
+# anyway in a tarball.
+# Either everything is missing or everything is there, the --maintainer option
+# just changes this so that the mode is set to generate all the files.
+if test -z "$libpng_autotools_file_found" -o -n "$maintainer"
+   mode="autoreconf"
+   if test -n "$libpng_autotools_file_missing"
+   then
+      mode="broken"
+   else
+      mode="configure"
+   fi
+# So:
+case "$mode" in
+   autoreconf)
+      # Clean in case configure files exist
+      clean_configure
+      clean_autotools
+      # Everything must be initialized, so use --force
+      if autoreconf --warnings=all --force --install
+      then
+         missing=
+         for file in $libpng_autotools_files
+         do
+            test -f "$file" || missing=1
+         done
+         # ignore the cache directory
+         test -z "$missing" || {
+            exec >&2
+            echo "autoreconf was run, but did not produce all the expected"
+            echo "files.  It is likely that your autotools installation is"
+            echo "not compatible with that expected by libpng."
+            exit 1
+         }
+      else
+         exec >&2
+         echo "autoreconf failed: your version of autotools is incompatible"
+         echo "with this libpng version.  Please use a distributed archive"
+         echo "(which includes the autotools generated files) and run configure"
+         echo "instead."
+         exit 1
+      fi;;
+   configure)
+      if test -d .git
+      then
+         exec >&2
+         echo "ERROR: running autoreconf on an initialized sytem"
+         echo "  This is not necessary; it is only necessary to remake the"
+         echo "  autotools generated files if Makefile.am or configure.ac"
+         echo "  change and make does the right thing with:"
+         echo
+         echo "     ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode."
+         echo
+         echo "  You can run autoreconf yourself if you don't like maintainer"
+         echo "  mode and you can also just run autoreconf -f -i to initialize"
+         echo "  everything in the first place; this script is only for"
+         echo "  compatiblity with prior releases."
+         exit 1
+      else
+         exec >&2
+         echo "autogen.sh is intended only to generate 'configure' on systems"
+         echo "that do not have it.  You have a complete 'configure', if you"
+         echo "need to change Makefile.am or configure.ac you also need to"
+         echo "run configure with the --enable-maintainer-mode option."
+         exit 1
+      fi;;
+   broken)
+      exec >&2
+      echo "Your system has a partial set of autotools generated files."
+      echo "autogen.sh is unable to proceed.  The full set of files is"
+      echo "contained in the libpng 'tar' distribution archive and you do"
+      echo "not need to run autogen.sh if you use it."
+      exit 1;;