tree: 7fc3fc6be84f48f4ded767b69ff1a09daa8c5db8 [path history] [tgz]
  1. abstract/
  2. core/
  3. core-net/
  4. drivers/
  5. event-libs/
  6. jose/
  7. misc/
  8. plat/
  9. roles/
  10. secure-streams/
  11. system/
  12. tls/
  13. CMakeLists.txt

Library sources layout

Code that goes in the libwebsockets library itself lives down ./lib

lib/coreCore lws code related to generic fd and wsi servicing and management
lib/core-netCore lws code that applies only if networking enabled
lib/event-libsCode containing optional event-lib specific adaptations
lib/joseJOSE / JWS / JWK / JWE implementations
lib/miscCode for various mostly optional miscellaneous features
lib/platPlatform-specific adaptation code
lib/rolesCode for specific optional wsi roles, eg, http/1, h2, ws, raw, etc
lib/systemCode for system-level features, eg, dhcpclient
lib/tlsCode supporting the various TLS libraries