Avoid a possibility of dangling encoding handler

For https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=711149

In Function:
int xmlCharEncCloseFunc(xmlCharEncodingHandler *handler)

If the freed handler is any one of handlers[i] list, then it will make that
hanldlers[i] as dangling. This may lead to crash issues at places where
handlers is read.
1 file changed
tree: 8b41620d7a7c3f7e92ecd34db60b5843fc38efdf
  1. bakefile/
  2. doc/
  3. example/
  4. include/
  5. macos/
  6. optim/
  7. python/
  8. result/
  9. test/
  10. vms/
  11. VxWorks/
  12. win32/
  13. xstc/
  14. .gitignore
  15. acinclude.m4
  17. autogen.sh
  18. buf.c
  19. buf.h
  20. build_glob.py
  21. c14n.c
  22. catalog.c
  23. ChangeLog
  24. check-relaxng-test-suite.py
  25. check-relaxng-test-suite2.py
  26. check-xinclude-test-suite.py
  27. check-xml-test-suite.py
  28. check-xsddata-test-suite.py
  29. chvalid.c
  30. chvalid.def
  31. configure.in
  32. Copyright
  33. dbgen.pl
  34. dbgenattr.pl
  35. debugXML.c
  36. dict.c
  37. DOCBparser.c
  38. elfgcchack.h
  39. enc.h
  40. encoding.c
  41. entities.c
  42. error.c
  43. genChRanges.py
  44. gentest.py
  45. genUnicode.py
  46. global.data
  47. globals.c
  49. hash.c
  50. HTMLparser.c
  51. HTMLtree.c
  52. INSTALL.libxml2
  53. legacy.c
  54. libxml-2.0-uninstalled.pc.in
  55. libxml-2.0.pc.in
  56. libxml.3
  57. libxml.h
  58. libxml.m4
  59. libxml.spec.in
  60. libxml2.doap
  61. libxml2.syms
  62. list.c
  64. Makefile.am
  65. Makefile.tests
  66. Makefile.win
  67. nanoftp.c
  68. nanohttp.c
  69. NEWS
  70. parser.c
  71. parserInternals.c
  72. pattern.c
  73. README
  74. README.cvs-commits
  75. README.tests
  76. regressions.py
  77. regressions.xml
  78. relaxng.c
  79. rngparser.c
  80. runsuite.c
  81. runtest.c
  82. runxmlconf.c
  83. save.h
  84. SAX.c
  85. SAX2.c
  86. schematron.c
  87. testapi.c
  88. testAutomata.c
  89. testC14N.c
  90. testchar.c
  91. testdict.c
  92. testdso.c
  93. testHTML.c
  94. testlimits.c
  95. testModule.c
  96. testOOM.c
  97. testOOMlib.c
  98. testOOMlib.h
  99. testReader.c
  100. testrecurse.c
  101. testRegexp.c
  102. testRelax.c
  103. testSAX.c
  104. testSchemas.c
  105. testThreads.c
  106. testThreadsWin32.c
  107. testURI.c
  108. testXPath.c
  109. threads.c
  110. timsort.h
  111. TODO
  113. tree.c
  114. trio.c
  115. trio.h
  116. triodef.h
  117. trionan.c
  118. trionan.h
  119. triop.h
  120. triostr.c
  121. triostr.h
  122. uri.c
  123. valid.c
  124. xinclude.c
  125. xlink.c
  126. xml2-config.1
  127. xml2-config.in
  128. xml2Conf.sh.in
  129. xmlcatalog.c
  130. xmlIO.c
  131. xmllint.c
  132. xmlmemory.c
  133. xmlmodule.c
  134. xmlreader.c
  135. xmlregexp.c
  136. xmlsave.c
  137. xmlschemas.c
  138. xmlschemastypes.c
  139. xmlstring.c
  140. xmlunicode.c
  141. xmlwriter.c
  142. xpath.c
  143. xpointer.c
  144. xzlib.c
  145. xzlib.h