applied syntax patch from Rick Jones and rebuilt the web site. Daniel

* doc/xml.html doc/*.html: applied syntax patch from Rick Jones
  and rebuilt the web site.
diff --git a/doc/contribs.html b/doc/contribs.html
index 9e0e7b7..37f2d13 100644
--- a/doc/contribs.html
+++ b/doc/contribs.html
@@ -91,41 +91,41 @@
 <li>Bjorn Reese, William Brack and Thomas Broyer have provided a number of
     patches, Gary Pennington worked on the validation API, threading support
     and Solaris port.</li>
-<li>John Fleck helps maintaining the documentation and man pages.</li>
+  <li>John Fleck helps maintaining the documentation and man pages.</li>
+  <li>
 <a href="">Igor  Zlatkovic</a> is now
     the maintainer of the Windows port, <a href="">he
     provides binaries</a>
+  <li>
 <a href="">Gary Pennington</a> provides
     <a href="">Solaris binaries</a>
+  <li>
 <a href="">Matt
     Sergeant</a> developed <a href="">XML::LibXSLT</a>, a Perl wrapper for
     libxml2/libxslt as part of the <a href="">AxKit XML
     application server</a>
+  <li>
 <a href="">Felix Natter</a> and <a href="">Geert Kloosterman</a> provide <a href="libxml-doc.el">an emacs module</a> to lookup libxml(2) functions
+  <li>
 <a href="">Ziying Sherwin</a> provided <a href="">man pages</a>
-<li>there is a module for <a href="">libxml/libxslt support
+  <li>there is a module for <a href="">libxml/libxslt support
     in OpenNSD/AOLServer</a>
+  <li>
 <a href="">Dave Kuhlman</a> provided the
     first version of libxml/libxslt <a href="">wrappers for Python</a>
-<li>Petr Kozelka provides <a href="">Pascal units to glue
+  <li>Petr Kozelka provides <a href="">Pascal units to glue
     libxml2</a> with Kylix and Delphi and other Pascal compilers</li>
+  <li>
 <a href="">Aleksey Sanin</a> implemented the
     <a href="">XML Canonicalization and XML
-    Digital Signature</a><a href="">implementations for libxml2</a>
+    Digital Signature</a> <a href="">implementations for libxml2</a>